# ***** BEGIN GPL LICENSE BLOCK ***** # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. # # ***** END GPL LICENSE BLOCK ***** # <pep8-80 compliant> bl_info = { "name": "Enhanced 3D Cursor", "description": "Cursor history and bookmarks; drag/snap cursor.", "author": "dairin0d", "version": (3, 0, 8), "blender": (2, 7, 7), "location": "View3D > Action mouse; F10; Properties panel", "warning": "", "wiki_url": "https://wiki.blender.org/index.php/Extensions:2.6/Py/" "Scripts/3D_interaction/Enhanced_3D_Cursor", "tracker_url": "https://github.com/dairin0d/enhanced-3d-cursor/issues", "category": "3D View"} """ Breakdown: Addon registration Keymap utils Various utils (e.g. find_region) OpenGL; drawing utils Non-undoable data storage Cursor utils Stick-object Cursor monitor Addon's GUI Addon's properties Addon's operators ID Block emulator Mesh cache Snap utils View3D utils Transform orientation / coordinate system utils Generic transform utils Main operator ... . First step is to re-make the cursor addon (make something usable first). CAD tools should be done without the hassle. TODO: Make 3D/2D/header visualizations independent from CursorMonitor (right now, disabling the monitor also disables visualization) strip trailing space? (one of campbellbarton's commits did that) IDEAS: - implement 'GIMBAL' orientation (euler axes) - mini-Z-buffer in the vicinity of mouse coords (using raycasts) - an orientation that points towards cursor (from current selection to cursor) - user coordinate systems (using e.g. empties to store different systems; when user switches to such UCS, origin will be set to "cursor", cursor will be sticked to the empty, and a custom transform orientation will be aligned with the empty) - "Stick" transform orientation that is always aligned with the object cursor is "sticked" to? - make 'NORMAL' system also work for bones? - user preferences? (stored in a file) - create spline/edge_mesh from history? - API to access history/bookmarks/operators from other scripts? - Snap selection to bookmark? - Optimize - Clean up code, move to several files? LATER: ISSUES: Limitations: - I need to emulate in Python some things that Blender doesn't currently expose through API: - obtaining matrix of predefined transform orientation - obtaining position of pivot For some kinds of information (e.g. active vertex/edge, selected meta-elements), there is simply no workaround. - Snapping to vertices/edges works differently than in Blender. First of all, iteration over all vertices/edges of all objects along the ray is likely to be very slow. Second, it's more human-friendly to snap to visible elements (or at least with approximately known position). - In editmode I have to exit-and-enter it to get relevant information about current selection. Thus any operator would automatically get applied when you click on 3D View. Mites: QUESTIONS: ============================================================================== Borrowed code/logic: - space_view3d_panel_measure.py (Buerbaum Martin "Pontiac"): - OpenGL state storing/restoring; working with projection matrices. """ import bpy import bgl import blf import bmesh from mathutils import Vector, Matrix, Quaternion, Euler from mathutils.geometry import (intersect_line_sphere, intersect_ray_tri, barycentric_transform, tessellate_polygon, intersect_line_line, intersect_line_plane, ) from bpy_extras.view3d_utils import (region_2d_to_location_3d, location_3d_to_region_2d, ) import math import time # ====== MODULE GLOBALS / CONSTANTS ====== # tmp_name = chr(0x10ffff) # maximal Unicode value epsilon = 0.000001 # ====== SET CURSOR OPERATOR ====== # class EnhancedSetCursor(bpy.types.Operator): """Cursor history and bookmarks; drag/snap cursor.""" bl_idname = "view3d.cursor3d_enhanced" bl_label = "Enhanced Set Cursor" key_char_map = { 'PERIOD':".", 'NUMPAD_PERIOD':".", 'MINUS':"-", 'NUMPAD_MINUS':"-", 'EQUAL':"+", 'NUMPAD_PLUS':"+", #'E':"e", # such big/small numbers aren't useful 'ONE':"1", 'NUMPAD_1':"1", 'TWO':"2", 'NUMPAD_2':"2", 'THREE':"3", 'NUMPAD_3':"3", 'FOUR':"4", 'NUMPAD_4':"4", 'FIVE':"5", 'NUMPAD_5':"5", 'SIX':"6", 'NUMPAD_6':"6", 'SEVEN':"7", 'NUMPAD_7':"7", 'EIGHT':"8", 'NUMPAD_8':"8", 'NINE':"9", 'NUMPAD_9':"9", 'ZERO':"0", 'NUMPAD_0':"0", 'SPACE':" ", 'SLASH':"/", 'NUMPAD_SLASH':"/", 'NUMPAD_ASTERIX':"*", } key_coordsys_map = { 'LEFT_BRACKET':-1, 'RIGHT_BRACKET':1, ':':-1, # Instead of [ for French keyboards '!':1, # Instead of ] for French keyboards 'J':'VIEW', 'K':"Surface", 'L':'LOCAL', 'B':'GLOBAL', 'N':'NORMAL', 'M':"Scaled", } key_pivot_map = { 'H':'ACTIVE', 'U':'CURSOR', 'I':'INDIVIDUAL', 'O':'CENTER', 'P':'MEDIAN', } key_snap_map = { 'C':'INCREMENT', 'V':'VERTEX', 'E':'EDGE', 'F':'FACE', } key_tfm_mode_map = { 'G':'MOVE', 'R':'ROTATE', 'S':'SCALE', } key_map = { "confirm":{'ACTIONMOUSE'}, # also 'RET' ? "cancel":{'SELECTMOUSE', 'ESC'}, "free_mouse":{'F10'}, "make_normal_snapshot":{'W'}, "make_tangential_snapshot":{'Q'}, "use_absolute_coords":{'A'}, "snap_to_raw_mesh":{'D'}, "use_object_centers":{'T'}, "precision_up":{'PAGE_UP'}, "precision_down":{'PAGE_DOWN'}, "move_caret_prev":{'LEFT_ARROW'}, "move_caret_next":{'RIGHT_ARROW'}, "move_caret_home":{'HOME'}, "move_caret_end":{'END'}, "change_current_axis":{'TAB', 'RET', 'NUMPAD_ENTER'}, "prev_axis":{'UP_ARROW'}, "next_axis":{'DOWN_ARROW'}, "remove_next_character":{'DEL'}, "remove_last_character":{'BACK_SPACE'}, "copy_axes":{'C'}, "paste_axes":{'V'}, "cut_axes":{'X'}, } gizmo_factor = 0.15 click_period = 0.25 @staticmethod def angle_grid_step(flags): s = (1.0 if flags[0] else 5.0) return s * (0.1 if flags[1] else 1.0) @staticmethod def trackball_grid_step(flags): s = (0.1 if flags[0] else 0.5) return s * (0.1 if flags[1] else 1.0) @staticmethod def scale_grid_step(flags): s = (0.01 if flags[0] else 0.1) return s * (0.1 if flags[1] else 1.0) # ====== OPERATOR METHOD OVERLOADS ====== # @classmethod def poll(cls, context): area_types = {'VIEW_3D',} # also: IMAGE_EDITOR ? return ((context.area.type in area_types) and (context.region.type == "WINDOW") and (not find_settings().cursor_lock)) def modal(self, context, event): context.area.tag_redraw() return self.try_process_input(context, event) def invoke(self, context, event): # Attempt to launch the monitor if bpy.ops.view3d.cursor3d_monitor.poll(): bpy.ops.view3d.cursor3d_monitor() # Don't interfere with these modes when only mouse is pressed if ('SCULPT' in context.mode) or ('PAINT' in context.mode): if "MOUSE" in event.type: return {'CANCELLED'} CursorDynamicSettings.active_transform_operator = self tool_settings = context.tool_settings settings = find_settings() tfm_opts = settings.transform_options settings_scene = context.scene.cursor_3d_tools_settings self.setup_keymaps(context, event) # Coordinate System Utility self.particles, self.csu = gather_particles(context=context) self.particles = [View3D_Cursor(context)] self.csu.source_pos = self.particles[0].get_location() self.csu.source_rot = self.particles[0].get_rotation() self.csu.source_scale = self.particles[0].get_scale() # View3D Utility self.vu = ViewUtility(context.region, context.space_data, context.region_data) # Snap Utility self.su = SnapUtility(context) # turn off view locking for the duration of the operator self.view_pos = self.vu.get_position(True) self.vu.set_position(self.vu.get_position(), True) self.view_locks = self.vu.get_locks() self.vu.set_locks({}) # Initialize runtime states self.initiated_by_mouse = ("MOUSE" in event.type) self.free_mouse = not self.initiated_by_mouse self.use_object_centers = False self.axes_values = ["", "", ""] self.axes_coords = [None, None, None] self.axes_eval_success = [True, True, True] self.allowed_axes = [True, True, True] self.current_axis = 0 self.caret_pos = 0 self.coord_format = "{:." + str(settings.free_coord_precision) + "f}" self.transform_mode = 'MOVE' self.init_xy_angle_distance(context, event) self.click_start = time.time() if not self.initiated_by_mouse: self.click_start -= self.click_period self.stick_obj_name = settings_scene.stick_obj_name self.stick_obj_pos = settings_scene.stick_obj_pos # Initial run self.try_process_input(context, event, True) context.window_manager.modal_handler_add(self) return {'RUNNING_MODAL'} def cancel(self, context): for particle in self.particles: particle.revert() set_stick_obj(context.scene, self.stick_obj_name, self.stick_obj_pos) self.finalize(context) # ====== CLEANUP/FINALIZE ====== # def finalize(self, context): # restore view locking self.vu.set_locks(self.view_locks) self.vu.set_position(self.view_pos, True) self.cleanup(context) # This is to avoid "blinking" of # between-history-positions line settings = find_settings() history = settings.history # make sure the most recent history entry is displayed history.curr_id = 0 history.last_id = 0 # Ensure there are no leftovers from draw_callback context.area.tag_redraw() return {'FINISHED'} def cleanup(self, context): self.particles = None self.csu = None self.vu = None if self.su is not None: self.su.dispose() self.su = None CursorDynamicSettings.active_transform_operator = None # ====== USER INPUT PROCESSING ====== # def setup_keymaps(self, context, event=None): self.key_map = self.key_map.copy() # There is no such event as 'ACTIONMOUSE', # it's always 'LEFTMOUSE' or 'RIGHTMOUSE' if event: if event.type == 'LEFTMOUSE': self.key_map["confirm"] = {'LEFTMOUSE'} self.key_map["cancel"] = {'RIGHTMOUSE', 'ESC'} elif event.type == 'RIGHTMOUSE': self.key_map["confirm"] = {'RIGHTMOUSE'} self.key_map["cancel"] = {'LEFTMOUSE', 'ESC'} else: event = None if event is None: select_mouse = context.user_preferences.inputs.select_mouse if select_mouse == 'RIGHT': self.key_map["confirm"] = {'LEFTMOUSE'} self.key_map["cancel"] = {'RIGHTMOUSE', 'ESC'} else: self.key_map["confirm"] = {'RIGHTMOUSE'} self.key_map["cancel"] = {'LEFTMOUSE', 'ESC'} # Use user-defined "free mouse" key, if it exists wm = context.window_manager if '3D View' in wm.keyconfigs.user.keymaps: km = wm.keyconfigs.user.keymaps['3D View'] for kmi in KeyMapItemSearch(EnhancedSetCursor.bl_idname, km): if kmi.map_type == 'KEYBOARD': self.key_map["free_mouse"] = {kmi.type,} break def try_process_input(self, context, event, initial_run=False): try: return self.process_input(context, event, initial_run) except: # If anything fails, at least dispose the resources self.cleanup(context) raise def process_input(self, context, event, initial_run=False): wm = context.window_manager v3d = context.space_data if event.type in self.key_map["confirm"]: if self.free_mouse: finished = (event.value == 'PRESS') else: finished = (event.value == 'RELEASE') if finished: return self.finalize(context) if event.type in self.key_map["cancel"]: self.cancel(context) return {'CANCELLED'} tool_settings = context.tool_settings settings = find_settings() tfm_opts = settings.transform_options make_snapshot = False tangential_snapshot = False if event.value == 'PRESS': if event.type in self.key_map["free_mouse"]: if self.free_mouse and not initial_run: # confirm if pressed second time return self.finalize(context) else: self.free_mouse = True if event.type in self.key_tfm_mode_map: new_mode = self.key_tfm_mode_map[event.type] if self.transform_mode != new_mode: # snap cursor to its initial state if new_mode != 'MOVE': for particle in self.particles: initial_matrix = particle.get_initial_matrix() particle.set_matrix(initial_matrix) # reset intial mouse position self.init_xy_angle_distance(context, event) self.transform_mode = new_mode if event.type in self.key_map["make_normal_snapshot"]: make_snapshot = True tangential_snapshot = False if event.type in self.key_map["make_tangential_snapshot"]: make_snapshot = True tangential_snapshot = True if event.type in self.key_map["snap_to_raw_mesh"]: tool_settings.use_snap_self = \ not tool_settings.use_snap_self if (not event.alt) and (event.type in {'X', 'Y', 'Z'}): axis_lock = [(event.type == 'X') != event.shift, (event.type == 'Y') != event.shift, (event.type == 'Z') != event.shift] if self.allowed_axes != axis_lock: self.allowed_axes = axis_lock else: self.allowed_axes = [True, True, True] if event.type in self.key_map["use_absolute_coords"]: tfm_opts.use_relative_coords = \ not tfm_opts.use_relative_coords self.update_origin_projection(context) incr = 0 if event.type in self.key_map["change_current_axis"]: incr = (-1 if event.shift else 1) elif event.type in self.key_map["next_axis"]: incr = 1 elif event.type in self.key_map["prev_axis"]: incr = -1 if incr != 0: self.current_axis = (self.current_axis + incr) % 3 self.caret_pos = len(self.axes_values[self.current_axis]) incr = 0 if event.type in self.key_map["precision_up"]: incr = 1 elif event.type in self.key_map["precision_down"]: incr = -1 if incr != 0: settings.free_coord_precision += incr self.coord_format = "{:." + \ str(settings.free_coord_precision) + "f}" new_orient1 = self.key_coordsys_map.get(event.type, None) new_orient2 = self.key_coordsys_map.get(event.unicode, None) new_orientation = (new_orient1 or new_orient2) if new_orientation: self.csu.set_orientation(new_orientation) self.update_origin_projection(context) if event.ctrl: self.snap_to_system_origin() if (event.type == 'ZERO') and event.ctrl: self.snap_to_system_origin() elif new_orientation is None: # avoid conflicting shortcuts self.process_axis_input(event) if event.alt: jc = (", " if tfm_opts.use_comma_separator else "\t") if event.type in self.key_map["copy_axes"]: wm.clipboard = jc.join(self.get_axes_text(True)) elif event.type in self.key_map["cut_axes"]: wm.clipboard = jc.join(self.get_axes_text(True)) self.set_axes_text("\t\t\t") elif event.type in self.key_map["paste_axes"]: if jc == "\t": self.set_axes_text(wm.clipboard, True) else: jc = jc.strip() ttext = "" brackets = 0 for c in wm.clipboard: if c in "[{(": brackets += 1 elif c in "]})": brackets -= 1 if (brackets == 0) and (c == jc): c = "\t" ttext += c self.set_axes_text(ttext, True) if event.type in self.key_map["use_object_centers"]: v3d.use_pivot_point_align = not v3d.use_pivot_point_align if event.type in self.key_pivot_map: self.csu.set_pivot(self.key_pivot_map[event.type]) self.update_origin_projection(context) if event.ctrl: self.snap_to_system_origin(force_pivot=True) if (not event.alt) and (event.type in self.key_snap_map): snap_element = self.key_snap_map[event.type] if tool_settings.snap_element == snap_element: if snap_element == 'VERTEX': snap_element = 'VOLUME' elif snap_element == 'VOLUME': snap_element = 'VERTEX' tool_settings.snap_element = snap_element # end if use_snap = (tool_settings.use_snap != event.ctrl) if use_snap: snap_type = tool_settings.snap_element else: userprefs_view = context.user_preferences.view if userprefs_view.use_mouse_depth_cursor: # Suggested by Lissanro in the forum use_snap = True snap_type = 'FACE' else: snap_type = None axes_coords = [None, None, None] if self.transform_mode == 'MOVE': for i in range(3): if self.axes_coords[i] is not None: axes_coords[i] = self.axes_coords[i] elif not self.allowed_axes[i]: axes_coords[i] = 0.0 self.su.set_modes( interpolation=tfm_opts.snap_interpolate_normals_mode, use_relative_coords=tfm_opts.use_relative_coords, editmode=tool_settings.use_snap_self, snap_type=snap_type, snap_align=tool_settings.use_snap_align_rotation, axes_coords=axes_coords, ) self.do_raycast = ("MOUSE" in event.type) self.grid_substep = (event.shift, event.alt) self.modify_surface_orientation = (len(self.particles) == 1) self.xy = Vector((event.mouse_region_x, event.mouse_region_y)) self.use_object_centers = v3d.use_pivot_point_align if event.type == 'MOUSEMOVE': self.update_transform_mousemove() if self.transform_mode == 'MOVE': transform_func = self.transform_move elif self.transform_mode == 'ROTATE': transform_func = self.transform_rotate elif self.transform_mode == 'SCALE': transform_func = self.transform_scale for particle in self.particles: transform_func(particle) if make_snapshot: self.make_normal_snapshot(context.scene, tangential_snapshot) return {'RUNNING_MODAL'} def update_origin_projection(self, context): r = context.region rv3d = context.region_data origin = self.csu.get_origin() # prehaps not projection, but intersection with plane? self.origin_xy = location_3d_to_region_2d(r, rv3d, origin) if self.origin_xy is None: self.origin_xy = Vector((r.width / 2, r.height / 2)) self.delta_xy = (self.start_xy - self.origin_xy).to_3d() self.prev_delta_xy = self.delta_xy def init_xy_angle_distance(self, context, event): self.start_xy = Vector((event.mouse_region_x, event.mouse_region_y)) self.update_origin_projection(context) # Distinction between angles has to be made because # angles can go beyond 360 degrees (we cannot snap # to increment the original ones). self.raw_angles = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] self.angles = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] self.scales = [1.0, 1.0, 1.0] def update_transform_mousemove(self): delta_xy = (self.xy - self.origin_xy).to_3d() n_axes = sum(int(v) for v in self.allowed_axes) if n_axes == 1: # rotate using angle as value rd = self.prev_delta_xy.rotation_difference(delta_xy) offset = -rd.angle * round(rd.axis[2]) sys_matrix = self.csu.get_matrix() i_allowed = 0 for i in range(3): if self.allowed_axes[i]: i_allowed = i view_dir = self.vu.get_direction() if view_dir.dot(sys_matrix[i_allowed][:3]) < 0: offset = -offset for i in range(3): if self.allowed_axes[i]: self.raw_angles[i] += offset elif n_axes == 2: # rotate using XY coords as two values offset = (delta_xy - self.prev_delta_xy) * (math.pi / 180.0) offset *= self.trackball_grid_step(self.grid_substep) j = 0 for i in range(3): if self.allowed_axes[i]: self.raw_angles[i] += offset[1 - j] j += 1 elif n_axes == 3: # rotate around view direction rd = self.prev_delta_xy.rotation_difference(delta_xy) offset = -rd.angle * round(rd.axis[2]) view_dir = self.vu.get_direction() sys_matrix = self.csu.get_matrix() try: view_dir = sys_matrix.inverted().to_3x3() * view_dir except: # this is some degenerate system pass view_dir.normalize() rot = Matrix.Rotation(offset, 3, view_dir) matrix = Euler(self.raw_angles, 'XYZ').to_matrix() matrix.rotate(rot) euler = matrix.to_euler('XYZ') self.raw_angles[0] += clamp_angle(euler.x - self.raw_angles[0]) self.raw_angles[1] += clamp_angle(euler.y - self.raw_angles[1]) self.raw_angles[2] += clamp_angle(euler.z - self.raw_angles[2]) scale = delta_xy.length / self.delta_xy.length if self.delta_xy.dot(delta_xy) < 0: scale *= -1 for i in range(3): if self.allowed_axes[i]: self.scales[i] = scale self.prev_delta_xy = delta_xy def transform_move(self, particle): global set_cursor_location__reset_stick src_matrix = particle.get_matrix() initial_matrix = particle.get_initial_matrix() matrix = self.su.snap( self.xy, src_matrix, initial_matrix, self.do_raycast, self.grid_substep, self.vu, self.csu, self.modify_surface_orientation, self.use_object_centers) set_cursor_location__reset_stick = False particle.set_matrix(matrix) set_cursor_location__reset_stick = True def rotate_matrix(self, matrix): sys_matrix = self.csu.get_matrix() try: matrix = sys_matrix.inverted() * matrix except: # this is some degenerate system pass # Blender's order of rotation [in local axes] rotation_order = [2, 1, 0] # Seems that 4x4 matrix cannot be rotated using rotate() ? sys_matrix3 = sys_matrix.to_3x3() for i in range(3): j = rotation_order[i] axis = sys_matrix3[j] angle = self.angles[j] rot = angle_axis_to_quat(angle, axis) # this seems to be buggy too #rot = Matrix.Rotation(angle, 3, axis) sys_matrix3 = rot.to_matrix() * sys_matrix3 # sys_matrix3.rotate has a bug? or I don't understand how it works? #sys_matrix3.rotate(rot) for i in range(3): sys_matrix[i][:3] = sys_matrix3[i] matrix = sys_matrix * matrix return matrix def transform_rotate(self, particle): grid_step = self.angle_grid_step(self.grid_substep) grid_step *= (math.pi / 180.0) for i in range(3): if self.axes_values[i] and self.axes_eval_success[i]: self.raw_angles[i] = self.axes_coords[i] * (math.pi / 180.0) self.angles[i] = self.raw_angles[i] if self.su.implementation.snap_type == 'INCREMENT': for i in range(3): self.angles[i] = round_step(self.angles[i], grid_step) initial_matrix = particle.get_initial_matrix() matrix = self.rotate_matrix(initial_matrix) particle.set_matrix(matrix) def scale_matrix(self, matrix): sys_matrix = self.csu.get_matrix() try: matrix = sys_matrix.inverted() * matrix except: # this is some degenerate system pass for i in range(3): sys_matrix[i] *= self.scales[i] matrix = sys_matrix * matrix return matrix def transform_scale(self, particle): grid_step = self.scale_grid_step(self.grid_substep) for i in range(3): if self.axes_values[i] and self.axes_eval_success[i]: self.scales[i] = self.axes_coords[i] if self.su.implementation.snap_type == 'INCREMENT': for i in range(3): self.scales[i] = round_step(self.scales[i], grid_step) initial_matrix = particle.get_initial_matrix() matrix = self.scale_matrix(initial_matrix) particle.set_matrix(matrix) def set_axis_input(self, axis_id, axis_val): if axis_val == self.axes_values[axis_id]: return self.axes_values[axis_id] = axis_val if len(axis_val) == 0: self.axes_coords[axis_id] = None self.axes_eval_success[axis_id] = True else: try: #self.axes_coords[axis_id] = float(eval(axis_val, {}, {})) self.axes_coords[axis_id] = \ float(eval(axis_val, math.__dict__)) self.axes_eval_success[axis_id] = True except: self.axes_eval_success[axis_id] = False def snap_to_system_origin(self, force_pivot=False): if self.transform_mode == 'MOVE': pivot = self.csu.get_pivot_name(raw=force_pivot) p = self.csu.get_origin(relative=False, pivot=pivot) m = self.csu.get_matrix() try: p = m.inverted() * p except: # this is some degenerate system pass for i in range(3): self.set_axis_input(i, str(p[i])) elif self.transform_mode == 'ROTATE': for i in range(3): self.set_axis_input(i, "0") elif self.transform_mode == 'SCALE': for i in range(3): self.set_axis_input(i, "1") def get_axes_values(self, as_string=False): if self.transform_mode == 'MOVE': localmat = CursorDynamicSettings.local_matrix raw_axes = localmat.translation elif self.transform_mode == 'ROTATE': raw_axes = Vector(self.angles) * (180.0 / math.pi) elif self.transform_mode == 'SCALE': raw_axes = Vector(self.scales) axes_values = [] for i in range(3): if as_string and self.axes_values[i]: value = self.axes_values[i] elif self.axes_eval_success[i] and \ (self.axes_coords[i] is not None): value = self.axes_coords[i] else: value = raw_axes[i] if as_string: value = self.coord_format.format(value) axes_values.append(value) return axes_values def get_axes_text(self, offset=False): axes_values = self.get_axes_values(as_string=True) axes_text = [] for i in range(3): j = i if offset: j = (i + self.current_axis) % 3 axes_text.append(axes_values[j]) return axes_text def set_axes_text(self, text, offset=False): if "\n" in text: text = text.replace("\r", "") else: text = text.replace("\r", "\n") text = text.replace("\n", "\t") #text = text.replace(",", ".") # ??? axes_text = text.split("\t") for i in range(min(len(axes_text), 3)): j = i if offset: j = (i + self.current_axis) % 3 self.set_axis_input(j, axes_text[i]) def process_axis_input(self, event): axis_id = self.current_axis axis_val = self.axes_values[axis_id] if event.type in self.key_map["remove_next_character"]: if event.ctrl: # clear all for i in range(3): self.set_axis_input(i, "") self.caret_pos = 0 return else: axis_val = axis_val[0:self.caret_pos] + \ axis_val[self.caret_pos + 1:len(axis_val)] elif event.type in self.key_map["remove_last_character"]: if event.ctrl: # clear current axis_val = "" else: axis_val = axis_val[0:self.caret_pos - 1] + \ axis_val[self.caret_pos:len(axis_val)] self.caret_pos -= 1 elif event.type in self.key_map["move_caret_next"]: self.caret_pos += 1 if event.ctrl: snap_chars = ".-+*/%()" i = self.caret_pos while axis_val[i:i + 1] not in snap_chars: i += 1 self.caret_pos = i elif event.type in self.key_map["move_caret_prev"]: self.caret_pos -= 1 if event.ctrl: snap_chars = ".-+*/%()" i = self.caret_pos while axis_val[i - 1:i] not in snap_chars: i -= 1 self.caret_pos = i elif event.type in self.key_map["move_caret_home"]: self.caret_pos = 0 elif event.type in self.key_map["move_caret_end"]: self.caret_pos = len(axis_val) elif event.type in self.key_char_map: # Currently accessing event.ascii seems to crash Blender c = self.key_char_map[event.type] if event.shift: if c == "8": c = "*" elif c == "5": c = "%" elif c == "9": c = "(" elif c == "0": c = ")" axis_val = axis_val[0:self.caret_pos] + c + \ axis_val[self.caret_pos:len(axis_val)] self.caret_pos += 1 self.caret_pos = min(max(self.caret_pos, 0), len(axis_val)) self.set_axis_input(axis_id, axis_val) # ====== DRAWING ====== # def gizmo_distance(self, pos): rv3d = self.vu.region_data if rv3d.view_perspective == 'ORTHO': dist = rv3d.view_distance else: view_pos = self.vu.get_viewpoint() view_dir = self.vu.get_direction() dist = (pos - view_pos).dot(view_dir) return dist def gizmo_scale(self, pos): return self.gizmo_distance(pos) * self.gizmo_factor def check_v3d_local(self, context): csu_v3d = self.csu.space_data v3d = context.space_data if csu_v3d.local_view: return csu_v3d != v3d return v3d.local_view def draw_3d(self, context): if self.check_v3d_local(context): return if time.time() < (self.click_start + self.click_period): return settings = find_settings() tfm_opts = settings.transform_options initial_matrix = self.particles[0].get_initial_matrix() sys_matrix = self.csu.get_matrix() if tfm_opts.use_relative_coords: sys_matrix.translation = initial_matrix.translation.copy() sys_origin = sys_matrix.to_translation() dest_point = self.particles[0].get_location() if self.is_normal_visible(): p0, x, y, z, _x, _z = \ self.get_normal_params(tfm_opts, dest_point) # use theme colors? #ThemeView3D.normal #ThemeView3D.vertex_normal bgl.glDisable(bgl.GL_LINE_STIPPLE) if settings.draw_N: bgl.glColor4f(0, 1, 1, 1) draw_arrow(p0, _x, y, z) # Z (normal) if settings.draw_T1: bgl.glColor4f(1, 0, 1, 1) draw_arrow(p0, y, _z, x) # X (1st tangential) if settings.draw_T2: bgl.glColor4f(1, 1, 0, 1) draw_arrow(p0, _z, x, y) # Y (2nd tangential) bgl.glEnable(bgl.GL_BLEND) bgl.glDisable(bgl.GL_DEPTH_TEST) if settings.draw_N: bgl.glColor4f(0, 1, 1, 0.25) draw_arrow(p0, _x, y, z) # Z (normal) if settings.draw_T1: bgl.glColor4f(1, 0, 1, 0.25) draw_arrow(p0, y, _z, x) # X (1st tangential) if settings.draw_T2: bgl.glColor4f(1, 1, 0, 0.25) draw_arrow(p0, _z, x, y) # Y (2nd tangential) if settings.draw_guides: p0 = dest_point try: p00 = sys_matrix.inverted() * p0 except: # this is some degenerate system p00 = p0.copy() axes_line_params = [ (Vector((0, p00.y, p00.z)), (1, 0, 0)), (Vector((p00.x, 0, p00.z)), (0, 1, 0)), (Vector((p00.x, p00.y, 0)), (0, 0, 1)), ] for i in range(3): p1, color = axes_line_params[i] p1 = sys_matrix * p1 constrained = (self.axes_coords[i] is not None) or \ (not self.allowed_axes[i]) alpha = (0.25 if constrained else 1.0) draw_line_hidden_depth(p0, p1, color, \ alpha, alpha, False, True) # line from origin to cursor p0 = sys_origin p1 = dest_point bgl.glEnable(bgl.GL_LINE_STIPPLE) bgl.glColor4f(1, 1, 0, 1) draw_line_hidden_depth(p0, p1, (1, 1, 0), 1.0, 0.5, True, True) if settings.draw_snap_elements: sui = self.su.implementation if sui.potential_snap_elements and (sui.snap_type == 'EDGE'): bgl.glDisable(bgl.GL_LINE_STIPPLE) bgl.glEnable(bgl.GL_BLEND) bgl.glDisable(bgl.GL_DEPTH_TEST) bgl.glLineWidth(2) bgl.glColor4f(0, 0, 1, 0.5) bgl.glBegin(bgl.GL_LINE_LOOP) for p in sui.potential_snap_elements: bgl.glVertex3f(p[0], p[1], p[2]) bgl.glEnd() elif sui.potential_snap_elements and (sui.snap_type == 'FACE'): bgl.glEnable(bgl.GL_BLEND) bgl.glDisable(bgl.GL_DEPTH_TEST) bgl.glColor4f(0, 1, 0, 0.5) co = sui.potential_snap_elements tris = tessellate_polygon([co]) bgl.glBegin(bgl.GL_TRIANGLES) for tri in tris: for vi in tri: p = co[vi] bgl.glVertex3f(p[0], p[1], p[2]) bgl.glEnd() def draw_2d(self, context): if self.check_v3d_local(context): return r = context.region rv3d = context.region_data settings = find_settings() if settings.draw_snap_elements: sui = self.su.implementation snap_points = [] if sui.potential_snap_elements and \ (sui.snap_type in {'VERTEX', 'VOLUME'}): snap_points.extend(sui.potential_snap_elements) if sui.extra_snap_points: snap_points.extend(sui.extra_snap_points) if snap_points: bgl.glEnable(bgl.GL_BLEND) bgl.glPointSize(5) bgl.glColor4f(1, 0, 0, 0.5) bgl.glBegin(bgl.GL_POINTS) for p in snap_points: p = location_3d_to_region_2d(r, rv3d, p) if p is not None: bgl.glVertex2f(p[0], p[1]) bgl.glEnd() bgl.glPointSize(1) if self.transform_mode == 'MOVE': return bgl.glEnable(bgl.GL_LINE_STIPPLE) bgl.glLineWidth(1) bgl.glColor4f(0, 0, 0, 1) draw_line_2d(self.origin_xy, self.xy) bgl.glDisable(bgl.GL_LINE_STIPPLE) line_width = 3 bgl.glLineWidth(line_width) L = 12.0 arrow_len = 6.0 arrow_width = 8.0 arrow_space = 5.0 Lmax = arrow_space * 2 + L * 2 + line_width pos = self.xy.to_2d() normal = self.prev_delta_xy.to_2d().normalized() dist = self.prev_delta_xy.length tangential = Vector((-normal[1], normal[0])) if self.transform_mode == 'ROTATE': n_axes = sum(int(v) for v in self.allowed_axes) if n_axes == 2: bgl.glColor4f(0.4, 0.15, 0.15, 1) for sgn in (-1, 1): n = sgn * Vector((0, 1)) p0 = pos + arrow_space * n draw_arrow_2d(p0, n, L, arrow_len, arrow_width) bgl.glColor4f(0.11, 0.51, 0.11, 1) for sgn in (-1, 1): n = sgn * Vector((1, 0)) p0 = pos + arrow_space * n draw_arrow_2d(p0, n, L, arrow_len, arrow_width) else: bgl.glColor4f(0, 0, 0, 1) for sgn in (-1, 1): n = sgn * tangential if dist < Lmax: n *= dist / Lmax p0 = pos + arrow_space * n draw_arrow_2d(p0, n, L, arrow_len, arrow_width) elif self.transform_mode == 'SCALE': bgl.glColor4f(0, 0, 0, 1) for sgn in (-1, 1): n = sgn * normal p0 = pos + arrow_space * n draw_arrow_2d(p0, n, L, arrow_len, arrow_width) bgl.glLineWidth(1) def draw_axes_coords(self, context, header_size): if self.check_v3d_local(context): return if time.time() < (self.click_start + self.click_period): return v3d = context.space_data userprefs_view = context.user_preferences.view tool_settings = context.tool_settings settings = find_settings() tfm_opts = settings.transform_options localmat = CursorDynamicSettings.local_matrix font_id = 0 # default font font_size = 11 blf.size(font_id, font_size, 72) # font, point size, dpi tet = context.user_preferences.themes[0].text_editor # Prepare the table... if self.transform_mode == 'MOVE': axis_prefix = ("D" if tfm_opts.use_relative_coords else "") elif self.transform_mode == 'SCALE': axis_prefix = "S" else: axis_prefix = "R" axis_names = ["X", "Y", "Z"] axis_cells = [] coord_cells = [] #caret_cell = TextCell("_", tet.cursor) caret_cell = TextCell("|", tet.cursor) try: axes_text = self.get_axes_text() for i in range(3): color = tet.space.text alpha = (1.0 if self.allowed_axes[i] else 0.5) text = axis_prefix + axis_names[i] + " : " axis_cells.append(TextCell(text, color, alpha)) if self.axes_values[i]: if self.axes_eval_success[i]: color = tet.syntax_numbers else: color = tet.syntax_string else: color = tet.space.text text = axes_text[i] coord_cells.append(TextCell(text, color)) except Exception as e: print(repr(e)) mode_cells = [] try: snap_type = self.su.implementation.snap_type if snap_type is None: color = tet.space.text elif (not self.use_object_centers) or \ (snap_type == 'INCREMENT'): color = tet.syntax_numbers else: color = tet.syntax_special text = snap_type or tool_settings.snap_element if text == 'VOLUME': text = "BBOX" mode_cells.append(TextCell(text, color)) if self.csu.tou.is_custom: color = tet.space.text else: color = tet.syntax_builtin text = self.csu.tou.get_title() mode_cells.append(TextCell(text, color)) color = tet.space.text text = self.csu.get_pivot_name(raw=True) if self.use_object_centers: color = tet.syntax_special mode_cells.append(TextCell(text, color)) except Exception as e: print(repr(e)) hdr_w, hdr_h = header_size try: xyz_x_start_min = 12 xyz_x_start = xyz_x_start_min mode_x_start = 6 mode_margin = 4 xyz_margin = 16 blend_margin = 32 color = tet.space.back bgl.glColor4f(color[0], color[1], color[2], 1.0) draw_rect(0, 0, hdr_w, hdr_h) if tool_settings.use_snap_self: x = hdr_w - mode_x_start y = hdr_h / 2 cell = mode_cells[0] x -= cell.w y -= cell.h * 0.5 bgl.glColor4f(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0) draw_rect(x, y, cell.w, cell.h, 1, True) x = hdr_w - mode_x_start y = hdr_h / 2 for cell in mode_cells: cell.draw(x, y, (1, 0.5)) x -= (cell.w + mode_margin) curr_axis_x_start = 0 curr_axis_x_end = 0 caret_x = 0 xyz_width = 0 for i in range(3): if i == self.current_axis: curr_axis_x_start = xyz_width xyz_width += axis_cells[i].w if i == self.current_axis: char_offset = 0 if self.axes_values[i]: char_offset = blf.dimensions(font_id, coord_cells[i].text[:self.caret_pos])[0] caret_x = xyz_width + char_offset xyz_width += coord_cells[i].w if i == self.current_axis: curr_axis_x_end = xyz_width xyz_width += xyz_margin xyz_width = int(xyz_width) xyz_width_ext = xyz_width + blend_margin offset = (xyz_x_start + curr_axis_x_end) - hdr_w if offset > 0: xyz_x_start -= offset offset = xyz_x_start_min - (xyz_x_start + curr_axis_x_start) if offset > 0: xyz_x_start += offset offset = (xyz_x_start + caret_x) - hdr_w if offset > 0: xyz_x_start -= offset # somewhy GL_BLEND should be set right here # to actually draw the box with blending %) # (perhaps due to text draw happened before) bgl.glEnable(bgl.GL_BLEND) bgl.glShadeModel(bgl.GL_SMOOTH) gl_enable(bgl.GL_SMOOTH, True) color = tet.space.back bgl.glBegin(bgl.GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP) bgl.glColor4f(color[0], color[1], color[2], 1.0) bgl.glVertex2i(0, 0) bgl.glVertex2i(0, hdr_h) bgl.glVertex2i(xyz_width, 0) bgl.glVertex2i(xyz_width, hdr_h) bgl.glColor4f(color[0], color[1], color[2], 0.0) bgl.glVertex2i(xyz_width_ext, 0) bgl.glVertex2i(xyz_width_ext, hdr_h) bgl.glEnd() x = xyz_x_start y = hdr_h / 2 for i in range(3): cell = axis_cells[i] cell.draw(x, y, (0, 0.5)) x += cell.w cell = coord_cells[i] cell.draw(x, y, (0, 0.5)) x += (cell.w + xyz_margin) caret_x -= blf.dimensions(font_id, caret_cell.text)[0] * 0.5 caret_cell.draw(xyz_x_start + caret_x, y, (0, 0.5)) bgl.glEnable(bgl.GL_BLEND) bgl.glShadeModel(bgl.GL_SMOOTH) gl_enable(bgl.GL_SMOOTH, True) color = tet.space.back bgl.glBegin(bgl.GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP) bgl.glColor4f(color[0], color[1], color[2], 1.0) bgl.glVertex2i(0, 0) bgl.glVertex2i(0, hdr_h) bgl.glVertex2i(xyz_x_start_min, 0) bgl.glColor4f(color[0], color[1], color[2], 0.0) bgl.glVertex2i(xyz_x_start_min, hdr_h) bgl.glEnd() except Exception as e: print(repr(e)) return # ====== NORMAL SNAPSHOT ====== # def is_normal_visible(self): if self.csu.tou.get() == "Surface": return True if self.use_object_centers: return False return self.su.implementation.snap_type \ not in {None, 'INCREMENT', 'VOLUME'} def get_normal_params(self, tfm_opts, dest_point): surf_matrix = self.csu.get_matrix("Surface") if tfm_opts.use_relative_coords: surf_origin = dest_point else: surf_origin = surf_matrix.to_translation() m3 = surf_matrix.to_3x3() p0 = surf_origin scl = self.gizmo_scale(p0) # Normal and tangential are not always orthogonal # (e.g. when normal is interpolated) x = (m3 * Vector((1, 0, 0))).normalized() y = (m3 * Vector((0, 1, 0))).normalized() z = (m3 * Vector((0, 0, 1))).normalized() _x = z.cross(y) _z = y.cross(x) return p0, x * scl, y * scl, z * scl, _x * scl, _z * scl def make_normal_snapshot(self, scene, tangential=False): settings = find_settings() tfm_opts = settings.transform_options dest_point = self.particles[0].get_location() if self.is_normal_visible(): p0, x, y, z, _x, _z = \ self.get_normal_params(tfm_opts, dest_point) snapshot = bpy.data.objects.new("normal_snapshot", None) if tangential: m = MatrixCompose(_z, y, x, p0) else: m = MatrixCompose(_x, y, z, p0) snapshot.matrix_world = m snapshot.empty_draw_type = 'SINGLE_ARROW' #snapshot.empty_draw_type = 'ARROWS' #snapshot.layers = [True] * 20 # ? scene.objects.link(snapshot) #============================================================================# class Particle: pass class View3D_Cursor(Particle): def __init__(self, context): assert context.space_data.type == 'VIEW_3D' self.v3d = context.space_data self.initial_pos = self.get_location() self.initial_matrix = Matrix.Translation(self.initial_pos) def revert(self): self.set_location(self.initial_pos) def get_location(self): return get_cursor_location(v3d=self.v3d) def set_location(self, value): set_cursor_location(Vector(value), v3d=self.v3d) def get_rotation(self): return Quaternion() def set_rotation(self, value): pass def get_scale(self): return Vector((1.0, 1.0, 1.0)) def set_scale(self, value): pass def get_matrix(self): return Matrix.Translation(self.get_location()) def set_matrix(self, value): self.set_location(value.to_translation()) def get_initial_matrix(self): return self.initial_matrix class View3D_Object(Particle): def __init__(self, obj): self.obj = obj def get_location(self): # obj.location seems to be in parent's system... # or even maybe not bounded by constraints %) return self.obj.matrix_world.to_translation() class View3D_EditMesh_Vertex(Particle): pass class View3D_EditMesh_Edge(Particle): pass class View3D_EditMesh_Face(Particle): pass class View3D_EditSpline_Point(Particle): pass class View3D_EditSpline_BezierPoint(Particle): pass class View3D_EditSpline_BezierHandle(Particle): pass class View3D_EditMeta_Element(Particle): pass class View3D_EditBone_Bone(Particle): pass class View3D_EditBone_HeadTail(Particle): pass class View3D_PoseBone(Particle): pass class UV_Cursor(Particle): pass class UV_Vertex(Particle): pass class UV_Edge(Particle): pass class UV_Face(Particle): pass # Other types: # NLA / Dopesheet / Graph editor ... # Particles are used in the following situations: # - as subjects of transformation # - as reference point(s) for cursor transformation # Note: particles 'dragged' by Proportional Editing # are a separate issue (they can come and go). def gather_particles(**kwargs): context = kwargs.get("context", bpy.context) area_type = kwargs.get("area_type", context.area.type) scene = kwargs.get("scene", context.scene) space_data = kwargs.get("space_data", context.space_data) region_data = kwargs.get("region_data", context.region_data) particles = [] pivots = {} normal_system = None active_element = None cursor_pos = None median = None if area_type == 'VIEW_3D': context_mode = kwargs.get("context_mode", context.mode) selected_objects = kwargs.get("selected_objects", context.selected_objects) active_object = kwargs.get("active_object", context.active_object) if context_mode == 'OBJECT': for obj in selected_objects: particle = View3D_Object(obj) particles.append(particle) if active_object: active_element = active_object.\ matrix_world.to_translation() # On Undo/Redo scene hash value is changed -> # -> the monitor tries to update the CSU -> # -> object.mode_set seem to somehow conflict # with Undo/Redo mechanisms. elif active_object and active_object.data and \ (context_mode in { 'EDIT_MESH', 'EDIT_METABALL', 'EDIT_CURVE', 'EDIT_SURFACE', 'EDIT_ARMATURE', 'POSE'}): m = active_object.matrix_world positions = [] normal = Vector((0, 0, 0)) if context_mode == 'EDIT_MESH': bm = bmesh.from_edit_mesh(active_object.data) if bm.select_history: elem = bm.select_history[-1] if isinstance(elem, bmesh.types.BMVert): active_element = elem.co.copy() else: active_element = Vector() for v in elem.verts: active_element += v.co active_element *= 1.0 / len(elem.verts) for v in bm.verts: if v.select: positions.append(v.co) normal += v.normal # mimic Blender's behavior (as of now, # order of selection is ignored) if len(positions) == 2: normal = positions[1] - positions[0] elif len(positions) == 3: a = positions[0] - positions[1] b = positions[2] - positions[1] normal = a.cross(b) elif context_mode == 'EDIT_METABALL': active_elem = active_object.data.elements.active if active_elem: active_element = active_elem.co.copy() active_element = active_object.\ matrix_world * active_element # Currently there is no API for element.select #for element in active_object.data.elements: # if element.select: # positions.append(element.co) elif context_mode == 'EDIT_ARMATURE': # active bone seems to have the same pivot # as median of the selection ''' active_bone = active_object.data.edit_bones.active if active_bone: active_element = active_bone.head + \ active_bone.tail active_element = active_object.\ matrix_world * active_element ''' for bone in active_object.data.edit_bones: if bone.select_head: positions.append(bone.head) if bone.select_tail: positions.append(bone.tail) elif context_mode == 'POSE': active_bone = active_object.data.bones.active if active_bone: active_element = active_bone.\ matrix_local.translation.to_3d() active_element = active_object.\ matrix_world * active_element # consider only topmost parents bones = set() for bone in active_object.data.bones: if bone.select: bones.add(bone) parents = set() for bone in bones: if not set(bone.parent_recursive).intersection(bones): parents.add(bone) for bone in parents: positions.append(bone.matrix_local.translation.to_3d()) else: for spline in active_object.data.splines: for point in spline.bezier_points: if point.select_control_point: positions.append(point.co) else: if point.select_left_handle: positions.append(point.handle_left) if point.select_right_handle: positions.append(point.handle_right) n = None nL = point.co - point.handle_left nR = point.co - point.handle_right #nL = point.handle_left.copy() #nR = point.handle_right.copy() if point.select_control_point: n = nL + nR elif point.select_left_handle or \ point.select_right_handle: n = nL + nR else: if point.select_left_handle: n = -nL if point.select_right_handle: n = nR if n is not None: if n.length_squared < epsilon: n = -nL normal += n.normalized() for point in spline.points: if point.select: positions.append(point.co) if len(positions) != 0: if normal.length_squared < epsilon: normal = Vector((0, 0, 1)) normal.rotate(m) normal.normalize() if (1.0 - abs(normal.z)) < epsilon: t1 = Vector((1, 0, 0)) else: t1 = Vector((0, 0, 1)).cross(normal) t2 = t1.cross(normal) normal_system = MatrixCompose(t1, t2, normal) median, bbox_center = calc_median_bbox_pivots(positions) median = m * median bbox_center = m * bbox_center # Currently I don't know how to get active mesh element if active_element is None: if context_mode == 'EDIT_ARMATURE': # Somewhy EDIT_ARMATURE has such behavior active_element = bbox_center else: active_element = median else: if active_element is None: active_element = active_object.\ matrix_world.to_translation() median = active_element bbox_center = active_element normal_system = active_object.matrix_world.to_3x3() normal_system.col[0].normalize() normal_system.col[1].normalize() normal_system.col[2].normalize() else: # paint/sculpt, etc.? particle = View3D_Object(active_object) particles.append(particle) if active_object: active_element = active_object.\ matrix_world.to_translation() cursor_pos = get_cursor_location(v3d=space_data) #elif area_type == 'IMAGE_EDITOR': # currently there is no way to get UV editor's # offset (and maybe some other parameters # required to implement these operators) #cursor_pos = space_data.uv_editor.cursor_location #elif area_type == 'EMPTY': #elif area_type == 'GRAPH_EDITOR': #elif area_type == 'OUTLINER': #elif area_type == 'PROPERTIES': #elif area_type == 'FILE_BROWSER': #elif area_type == 'INFO': #elif area_type == 'SEQUENCE_EDITOR': #elif area_type == 'TEXT_EDITOR': #elif area_type == 'AUDIO_WINDOW': #elif area_type == 'DOPESHEET_EDITOR': #elif area_type == 'NLA_EDITOR': #elif area_type == 'SCRIPTS_WINDOW': #elif area_type == 'TIMELINE': #elif area_type == 'NODE_EDITOR': #elif area_type == 'LOGIC_EDITOR': #elif area_type == 'CONSOLE': #elif area_type == 'USER_PREFERENCES': else: print("gather_particles() not implemented for '{}'".\ format(area_type)) return None, None # 'INDIVIDUAL_ORIGINS' is not handled here if cursor_pos: pivots['CURSOR'] = cursor_pos.copy() if active_element: # in v3d: ACTIVE_ELEMENT pivots['ACTIVE'] = active_element.copy() if (len(particles) != 0) and (median is None): positions = (p.get_location() for p in particles) median, bbox_center = calc_median_bbox_pivots(positions) if median: # in v3d: MEDIAN_POINT, in UV editor: MEDIAN pivots['MEDIAN'] = median.copy() # in v3d: BOUNDING_BOX_CENTER, in UV editor: CENTER pivots['CENTER'] = bbox_center.copy() csu = CoordinateSystemUtility(scene, space_data, region_data, \ pivots, normal_system) return particles, csu def calc_median_bbox_pivots(positions): median = None # pos can be 3D or 2D bbox = [None, None] n = 0 for pos in positions: extend_bbox(bbox, pos) try: median += pos except: median = pos.copy() n += 1 median = median / n bbox_center = (Vector(bbox[0]) + Vector(bbox[1])) * 0.5 return median, bbox_center def extend_bbox(bbox, pos): try: bbox[0] = tuple(min(e0, e1) for e0, e1 in zip(bbox[0], pos)) bbox[1] = tuple(max(e0, e1) for e0, e1 in zip(bbox[1], pos)) except: bbox[0] = tuple(pos) bbox[1] = tuple(pos) # ====== COORDINATE SYSTEM UTILITY ====== # class CoordinateSystemUtility: pivot_name_map = { 'CENTER':'CENTER', 'BOUNDING_BOX_CENTER':'CENTER', 'MEDIAN':'MEDIAN', 'MEDIAN_POINT':'MEDIAN', 'CURSOR':'CURSOR', 'INDIVIDUAL_ORIGINS':'INDIVIDUAL', 'ACTIVE_ELEMENT':'ACTIVE', 'WORLD':'WORLD', 'SURFACE':'SURFACE', # ? 'BOOKMARK':'BOOKMARK', } pivot_v3d_map = { 'CENTER':'BOUNDING_BOX_CENTER', 'MEDIAN':'MEDIAN_POINT', 'CURSOR':'CURSOR', 'INDIVIDUAL':'INDIVIDUAL_ORIGINS', 'ACTIVE':'ACTIVE_ELEMENT', } def __init__(self, scene, space_data, region_data, \ pivots, normal_system): self.space_data = space_data self.region_data = region_data if space_data.type == 'VIEW_3D': self.pivot_map_inv = self.pivot_v3d_map self.tou = TransformOrientationUtility( scene, space_data, region_data) self.tou.normal_system = normal_system self.pivots = pivots # Assigned by caller (for cursor or selection) self.source_pos = None self.source_rot = None self.source_scale = None def set_orientation(self, name): self.tou.set(name) def set_pivot(self, pivot): self.space_data.pivot_point = self.pivot_map_inv[pivot] def get_pivot_name(self, name=None, relative=None, raw=False): pivot = self.pivot_name_map[self.space_data.pivot_point] if raw: return pivot if not name: name = self.tou.get() if relative is None: settings = find_settings() tfm_opts = settings.transform_options relative = tfm_opts.use_relative_coords if relative: pivot = "RELATIVE" elif (name == 'GLOBAL') or (pivot == 'WORLD'): pivot = 'WORLD' elif (name == "Surface") or (pivot == 'SURFACE'): pivot = "SURFACE" return pivot def get_origin(self, name=None, relative=None, pivot=None): if not pivot: pivot = self.get_pivot_name(name, relative) if relative or (pivot == "RELATIVE"): # "relative" parameter overrides "pivot" return self.source_pos elif pivot == 'WORLD': return Vector() elif pivot == "SURFACE": runtime_settings = find_runtime_settings() return Vector(runtime_settings.surface_pos) else: if pivot == 'INDIVIDUAL': pivot = 'MEDIAN' #if pivot == 'ACTIVE': # print(self.pivots) try: return self.pivots[pivot] except: return Vector() def get_matrix(self, name=None, relative=None, pivot=None): if not name: name = self.tou.get() matrix = self.tou.get_matrix(name) if isinstance(pivot, Vector): pos = pivot else: pos = self.get_origin(name, relative, pivot) return to_matrix4x4(matrix, pos) # ====== TRANSFORM ORIENTATION UTILITIES ====== # class TransformOrientationUtility: special_systems = {"Surface", "Scaled"} predefined_systems = { 'GLOBAL', 'LOCAL', 'VIEW', 'NORMAL', 'GIMBAL', "Scaled", "Surface", } def __init__(self, scene, v3d, rv3d): self.scene = scene self.v3d = v3d self.rv3d = rv3d self.custom_systems = [item for item in scene.orientations \ if item.name not in self.special_systems] self.is_custom = False self.custom_id = -1 # This is calculated elsewhere self.normal_system = None self.set(v3d.transform_orientation) def get(self): return self.transform_orientation def get_title(self): if self.is_custom: return self.transform_orientation name = self.transform_orientation return name[:1].upper() + name[1:].lower() def set(self, name, set_v3d=True): if isinstance(name, int): n = len(self.custom_systems) if n == 0: # No custom systems, do nothing return increment = name if self.is_custom: # If already custom, switch to next custom system self.custom_id = (self.custom_id + increment) % n self.is_custom = True name = self.custom_systems[self.custom_id].name else: self.is_custom = name not in self.predefined_systems if self.is_custom: self.custom_id = next((i for i, v in \ enumerate(self.custom_systems) if v.name == name), -1) if name in self.special_systems: # Ensure such system exists self.get_custom(name) self.transform_orientation = name if set_v3d: self.v3d.transform_orientation = name def get_matrix(self, name=None): active_obj = self.scene.objects.active if not name: name = self.transform_orientation if self.is_custom: matrix = self.custom_systems[self.custom_id].matrix.copy() else: if (name == 'VIEW') and self.rv3d: matrix = self.rv3d.view_rotation.to_matrix() elif name == "Surface": matrix = self.get_custom(name).matrix.copy() elif (name == 'GLOBAL') or (not active_obj): matrix = Matrix().to_3x3() elif (name == 'NORMAL') and self.normal_system: matrix = self.normal_system.copy() else: matrix = active_obj.matrix_world.to_3x3() if name == "Scaled": self.get_custom(name).matrix = matrix else: # 'LOCAL', 'GIMBAL', ['NORMAL'] for now matrix[0].normalize() matrix[1].normalize() matrix[2].normalize() return matrix def get_custom(self, name): try: return self.scene.orientations[name] except: return create_transform_orientation( self.scene, name, Matrix()) # Is there a less cumbersome way to create transform orientation? def create_transform_orientation(scene, name=None, matrix=None): active_obj = scene.objects.active prev_mode = None if active_obj: prev_mode = active_obj.mode bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='OBJECT') else: bpy.ops.object.add() # ATTENTION! This uses context's scene bpy.ops.transform.create_orientation() tfm_orient = scene.orientations[-1] if name is not None: basename = name i = 1 while name in scene.orientations: name = "%s.%03i" % (basename, i) i += 1 tfm_orient.name = name if matrix: tfm_orient.matrix = matrix.to_3x3() if active_obj: bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode=prev_mode) else: bpy.ops.object.delete() return tfm_orient # ====== VIEW UTILITY CLASS ====== # class ViewUtility: methods = dict( get_locks = lambda: {}, set_locks = lambda locks: None, get_position = lambda: Vector(), set_position = lambda: None, get_rotation = lambda: Quaternion(), get_direction = lambda: Vector((0, 0, 1)), get_viewpoint = lambda: Vector(), get_matrix = lambda: Matrix(), get_point = lambda xy, pos: \ Vector((xy[0], xy[1], 0)), get_ray = lambda xy: tuple( Vector((xy[0], xy[1], 0)), Vector((xy[0], xy[1], 1)), False), ) def __init__(self, region, space_data, region_data): self.region = region self.space_data = space_data self.region_data = region_data if space_data.type == 'VIEW_3D': self.implementation = View3DUtility( region, space_data, region_data) else: self.implementation = None if self.implementation: for name in self.methods: setattr(self, name, getattr(self.implementation, name)) else: for name, value in self.methods.items(): setattr(self, name, value) class View3DUtility: lock_types = {"lock_cursor": False, "lock_object": None, "lock_bone": ""} # ====== INITIALIZATION / CLEANUP ====== # def __init__(self, region, space_data, region_data): self.region = region self.space_data = space_data self.region_data = region_data # ====== GET VIEW MATRIX AND ITS COMPONENTS ====== # def get_locks(self): v3d = self.space_data return {k:getattr(v3d, k) for k in self.lock_types} def set_locks(self, locks): v3d = self.space_data for k in self.lock_types: setattr(v3d, k, locks.get(k, self.lock_types[k])) def _get_lock_obj_bone(self): v3d = self.space_data obj = v3d.lock_object if not obj: return None, None if v3d.lock_bone: try: # this is not tested! if obj.mode == 'EDIT': bone = obj.data.edit_bones[v3d.lock_bone] else: bone = obj.data.bones[v3d.lock_bone] except: bone = None else: bone = None return obj, bone # TODO: learn how to get these values from # rv3d.perspective_matrix and rv3d.view_matrix ? def get_position(self, no_locks=False): v3d = self.space_data rv3d = self.region_data if no_locks: return rv3d.view_location.copy() # rv3d.perspective_matrix and rv3d.view_matrix # seem to have some weird translation components %) if rv3d.view_perspective == 'CAMERA': p = v3d.camera.matrix_world.to_translation() d = self.get_direction() return p + d * rv3d.view_distance else: if v3d.lock_object: obj, bone = self._get_lock_obj_bone() if bone: return (obj.matrix_world * bone.matrix).to_translation() else: return obj.matrix_world.to_translation() elif v3d.lock_cursor: return get_cursor_location(v3d=v3d) else: return rv3d.view_location.copy() def set_position(self, pos, no_locks=False): v3d = self.space_data rv3d = self.region_data pos = pos.copy() if no_locks: rv3d.view_location = pos return if rv3d.view_perspective == 'CAMERA': d = self.get_direction() v3d.camera.matrix_world.translation = pos - d * rv3d.view_distance else: if v3d.lock_object: obj, bone = self._get_lock_obj_bone() if bone: try: bone.matrix.translation = \ obj.matrix_world.inverted() * pos except: # this is some degenerate object bone.matrix.translation = pos else: obj.matrix_world.translation = pos elif v3d.lock_cursor: set_cursor_location(pos, v3d=v3d) else: rv3d.view_location = pos def get_rotation(self): v3d = self.space_data rv3d = self.region_data if rv3d.view_perspective == 'CAMERA': return v3d.camera.matrix_world.to_quaternion() else: return rv3d.view_rotation def get_direction(self): # Camera (as well as viewport) looks in the direction of -Z; # Y is up, X is left d = self.get_rotation() * Vector((0, 0, -1)) d.normalize() return d def get_viewpoint(self): v3d = self.space_data rv3d = self.region_data if rv3d.view_perspective == 'CAMERA': return v3d.camera.matrix_world.to_translation() else: p = self.get_position() d = self.get_direction() return p - d * rv3d.view_distance def get_matrix(self): m = self.get_rotation().to_matrix() m.resize_4x4() m.translation = self.get_viewpoint() return m def get_point(self, xy, pos): region = self.region rv3d = self.region_data return region_2d_to_location_3d(region, rv3d, xy, pos) def get_ray(self, xy): region = self.region v3d = self.space_data rv3d = self.region_data viewPos = self.get_viewpoint() viewDir = self.get_direction() near = viewPos + viewDir * v3d.clip_start far = viewPos + viewDir * v3d.clip_end a = region_2d_to_location_3d(region, rv3d, xy, near) b = region_2d_to_location_3d(region, rv3d, xy, far) # When viewed from in-scene camera, near and far # planes clip geometry even in orthographic mode. clip = rv3d.is_perspective or (rv3d.view_perspective == 'CAMERA') return a, b, clip # ====== SNAP UTILITY CLASS ====== # class SnapUtility: def __init__(self, context): if context.area.type == 'VIEW_3D': v3d = context.space_data shade = v3d.viewport_shade self.implementation = Snap3DUtility(context.scene, shade) self.implementation.update_targets( context.visible_objects, []) def dispose(self): self.implementation.dispose() def update_targets(self, to_include, to_exclude): self.implementation.update_targets(to_include, to_exclude) def set_modes(self, **kwargs): return self.implementation.set_modes(**kwargs) def snap(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.implementation.snap(*args, **kwargs) class SnapUtilityBase: def __init__(self): self.targets = set() # TODO: set to current blend settings? self.interpolation = 'NEVER' self.editmode = False self.snap_type = None self.projection = [None, None, None] self.potential_snap_elements = None self.extra_snap_points = None def update_targets(self, to_include, to_exclude): self.targets.update(to_include) self.targets.difference_update(to_exclude) def set_modes(self, **kwargs): if "use_relative_coords" in kwargs: self.use_relative_coords = kwargs["use_relative_coords"] if "interpolation" in kwargs: # NEVER, ALWAYS, SMOOTH self.interpolation = kwargs["interpolation"] if "editmode" in kwargs: self.editmode = kwargs["editmode"] if "snap_align" in kwargs: self.snap_align = kwargs["snap_align"] if "snap_type" in kwargs: # 'INCREMENT', 'VERTEX', 'EDGE', 'FACE', 'VOLUME' self.snap_type = kwargs["snap_type"] if "axes_coords" in kwargs: # none, point, line, plane self.axes_coords = kwargs["axes_coords"] # ====== CURSOR REPOSITIONING ====== # def snap(self, xy, src_matrix, initial_matrix, do_raycast, \ alt_snap, vu, csu, modify_Surface, use_object_centers): v3d = csu.space_data grid_step = self.grid_step(alt_snap, v3d) su = self use_relative_coords = su.use_relative_coords snap_align = su.snap_align axes_coords = su.axes_coords snap_type = su.snap_type runtime_settings = find_runtime_settings() matrix = src_matrix.to_3x3() pos = src_matrix.to_translation().copy() sys_matrix = csu.get_matrix() if use_relative_coords: sys_matrix.translation = initial_matrix.translation.copy() # Axes of freedom and line/plane parameters start = Vector(((0 if v is None else v) for v in axes_coords)) direction = Vector(((v is not None) for v in axes_coords)) axes_of_freedom = 3 - int(sum(direction)) # do_raycast is False when mouse is not moving if do_raycast: su.hide_bbox(True) self.potential_snap_elements = None self.extra_snap_points = None set_stick_obj(csu.tou.scene, None) raycast = None snap_to_obj = (snap_type != 'INCREMENT') #or use_object_centers snap_to_obj = snap_to_obj and (snap_type is not None) if snap_to_obj: a, b, clip = vu.get_ray(xy) view_dir = vu.get_direction() raycast = su.snap_raycast(a, b, clip, view_dir, csu, alt_snap) if raycast: surf_matrix, face_id, obj, orig_obj = raycast if not use_object_centers: self.potential_snap_elements = [ (obj.matrix_world * obj.data.vertices[vi].co) for vi in obj.data.polygons[face_id].vertices ] if use_object_centers: self.extra_snap_points = \ [obj.matrix_world.to_translation()] elif alt_snap: pse = self.potential_snap_elements n = len(pse) if self.snap_type == 'EDGE': self.extra_snap_points = [] for i in range(n): v0 = pse[i] v1 = pse[(i + 1) % n] self.extra_snap_points.append((v0 + v1) / 2) elif self.snap_type == 'FACE': self.extra_snap_points = [] v0 = Vector() for v1 in pse: v0 += v1 self.extra_snap_points.append(v0 / n) if snap_align: matrix = surf_matrix.to_3x3() if not use_object_centers: pos = surf_matrix.to_translation() else: pos = orig_obj.matrix_world.to_translation() try: local_pos = orig_obj.matrix_world.inverted() * pos except: # this is some degenerate object local_pos = pos set_stick_obj(csu.tou.scene, orig_obj.name, local_pos) modify_Surface = modify_Surface and \ (snap_type != 'VOLUME') and (not use_object_centers) # === Update "Surface" orientation === # if modify_Surface: # Use raycast[0], not matrix! If snap_align == False, # matrix will be src_matrix! coordsys = csu.tou.get_custom("Surface") coordsys.matrix = surf_matrix.to_3x3() runtime_settings.surface_pos = pos if csu.tou.get() == "Surface": sys_matrix = to_matrix4x4(matrix, pos) else: if axes_of_freedom == 0: # Constrained in all axes, can't move. pass elif axes_of_freedom == 3: # Not constrained, move in view plane. pos = vu.get_point(xy, pos) else: a, b, clip = vu.get_ray(xy) view_dir = vu.get_direction() start = sys_matrix * start if axes_of_freedom == 1: direction = Vector((1, 1, 1)) - direction direction.rotate(sys_matrix) if axes_of_freedom == 2: # Constrained in one axis. # Find intersection with plane. i_p = intersect_line_plane(a, b, start, direction) if i_p is not None: pos = i_p elif axes_of_freedom == 1: # Constrained in two axes. # Find nearest point to line. i_p = intersect_line_line(a, b, start, start + direction) if i_p is not None: pos = i_p[1] #end if do_raycast try: sys_matrix_inv = sys_matrix.inverted() except: # this is some degenerate system sys_matrix_inv = Matrix() _pos = sys_matrix_inv * pos # don't snap when mouse hasn't moved if (snap_type == 'INCREMENT') and do_raycast: for i in range(3): _pos[i] = round_step(_pos[i], grid_step) for i in range(3): if axes_coords[i] is not None: _pos[i] = axes_coords[i] if (snap_type == 'INCREMENT') or (axes_of_freedom != 3): pos = sys_matrix * _pos res_matrix = to_matrix4x4(matrix, pos) CursorDynamicSettings.local_matrix = \ sys_matrix_inv * res_matrix return res_matrix class Snap3DUtility(SnapUtilityBase): @staticmethod def grid_step(flags, v3d): f = 1.0 / v3d.grid_subdivisions s = v3d.grid_scale if flags[0]: s *= f if flags[1]: s *= f*f return s cube_verts = [Vector((i, j, k)) for i in (-1, 1) for j in (-1, 1) for k in (-1, 1)] def __init__(self, scene, shade): SnapUtilityBase.__init__(self) convert_types = {'MESH', 'CURVE', 'SURFACE', 'FONT', 'META'} self.cache = MeshCache(scene, convert_types) # ? seems that dict is enough self.bbox_cache = {}#collections.OrderedDict() self.sys_matrix_key = [0.0] * 9 bm = prepare_gridbox_mesh(subdiv=2) mesh = bpy.data.meshes.new(tmp_name) bm.to_mesh(mesh) mesh.update(calc_tessface=True) #mesh.calc_tessface() self.bbox_obj = self.cache._make_obj(mesh, None) self.bbox_obj.hide = True self.bbox_obj.draw_type = 'WIRE' self.bbox_obj.name = "BoundBoxSnap" self.shade_bbox = (shade == 'BOUNDBOX') def update_targets(self, to_include, to_exclude): settings = find_settings() tfm_opts = settings.transform_options only_solid = tfm_opts.snap_only_to_solid # Ensure this is a set and not some other # type of collection to_exclude = set(to_exclude) for target in to_include: if only_solid and ((target.draw_type == 'BOUNDS') \ or (target.draw_type == 'WIRE')): to_exclude.add(target) SnapUtilityBase.update_targets(self, to_include, to_exclude) def dispose(self): self.hide_bbox(True) mesh = self.bbox_obj.data bpy.data.objects.remove(self.bbox_obj) bpy.data.meshes.remove(mesh) self.cache.clear() def hide_bbox(self, hide): if self.bbox_obj.hide == hide: return self.bbox_obj.hide = hide # We need to unlink bbox until required to show it, # because otherwise outliner will blink each # time cursor is clicked if hide: self.cache.scene.objects.unlink(self.bbox_obj) else: self.cache.scene.objects.link(self.bbox_obj) def get_bbox_obj(self, obj, sys_matrix, sys_matrix_inv, is_local): if is_local: bbox = None else: bbox = self.bbox_cache.get(obj, None) if bbox is None: m = obj.matrix_world if is_local: sys_matrix = m.copy() try: sys_matrix_inv = sys_matrix.inverted() except Exception: # this is some degenerate system sys_matrix_inv = Matrix() m_combined = sys_matrix_inv * m bbox = [None, None] variant = ('RAW' if (self.editmode and (obj.type == 'MESH') and (obj.mode == 'EDIT')) else 'PREVIEW') mesh_obj = self.cache.get(obj, variant, reuse=False) if (mesh_obj is None) or self.shade_bbox or \ (obj.draw_type == 'BOUNDS'): if is_local: bbox = [(-1, -1, -1), (1, 1, 1)] else: for p in self.cube_verts: extend_bbox(bbox, m_combined * p.copy()) elif is_local: bbox = [mesh_obj.bound_box[0], mesh_obj.bound_box[6]] else: for v in mesh_obj.data.vertices: extend_bbox(bbox, m_combined * v.co.copy()) bbox = (Vector(bbox[0]), Vector(bbox[1])) if not is_local: self.bbox_cache[obj] = bbox half = (bbox[1] - bbox[0]) * 0.5 m = MatrixCompose(half[0], half[1], half[2]) m = sys_matrix.to_3x3() * m m.resize_4x4() m.translation = sys_matrix * (bbox[0] + half) self.bbox_obj.matrix_world = m return self.bbox_obj # TODO: ? # - Sort snap targets according to raycasted distance? # - Ignore targets if their bounding sphere is further # than already picked position? # Perhaps these "optimizations" aren't worth the overhead. def raycast(self, a, b, clip, view_dir, is_bbox, \ sys_matrix, sys_matrix_inv, is_local, x_ray): # If we need to interpolate normals or snap to # vertices/edges, we must convert mesh. #force = (self.interpolation != 'NEVER') or \ # (self.snap_type in {'VERTEX', 'EDGE'}) # Actually, we have to always convert, since # we need to get face at least to find tangential. force = True edit = self.editmode res = None L = None for obj in self.targets: orig_obj = obj if obj.name == self.bbox_obj.name: # is there a better check? # ("a is b" doesn't work here) continue if obj.show_x_ray != x_ray: continue if is_bbox: obj = self.get_bbox_obj(obj, \ sys_matrix, sys_matrix_inv, is_local) elif obj.draw_type == 'BOUNDS': # Outside of BBox, there is no meaningful visual snapping # for such display mode continue m = obj.matrix_world.copy() try: mi = m.inverted() except: # this is some degenerate object continue la = mi * a lb = mi * b # Bounding sphere check (to avoid unnecesary conversions # and to make ray 'infinite') bb_min = Vector(obj.bound_box[0]) bb_max = Vector(obj.bound_box[6]) c = (bb_min + bb_max) * 0.5 r = (bb_max - bb_min).length * 0.5 sec = intersect_line_sphere(la, lb, c, r, False) if sec[0] is None: continue # no intersection with the bounding sphere if not is_bbox: # Ensure we work with raycastable object. variant = ('RAW' if (edit and (obj.type == 'MESH') and (obj.mode == 'EDIT')) else 'PREVIEW') obj = self.cache.get(obj, variant, reuse=(not force)) if (obj is None) or (not obj.data.polygons): continue # the object has no raycastable geometry # If ray must be infinite, ensure that # endpoints are outside of bounding volume if not clip: # Seems that intersect_line_sphere() # returns points in flipped order lb, la = sec def ray_cast(obj, la, lb): if bpy.app.version < (2, 77, 0): # Object.ray_cast(start, end) # returns (location, normal, index) res = obj.ray_cast(la, lb) return ((res[-1] >= 0), res[0], res[1], res[2]) else: # Object.ray_cast(origin, direction, [distance]) # returns (result, location, normal, index) ld = lb - la return obj.ray_cast(la, ld, ld.magnitude) # Does ray actually intersect something? try: success, lp, ln, face_id = ray_cast(obj, la, lb) except Exception as e: # Somewhy this seems to happen when snapping cursor # in Local View mode at least since r55223: # <<Object "\U0010ffff" has no mesh data to be used # for raycasting>> despite obj.data.polygons # being non-empty. try: # Work-around: in Local View at least the object # in focus permits raycasting (modifiers are # applied in 'PREVIEW' mode) success, lp, ln, face_id = ray_cast(orig_obj, la, lb) except Exception as e: # However, in Edit mode in Local View we have # no luck -- during the edit mode, mesh is # inaccessible (thus no mesh data for raycasting). #print(repr(e)) success = False if not success: continue # transform position to global space p = m * lp # This works both for prespective and ortho l = p.dot(view_dir) if (L is None) or (l < L): res = (lp, ln, face_id, obj, p, m, la, lb, orig_obj) L = l #end for return res # Returns: # Matrix(X -- tangential, # Y -- 2nd tangential, # Z -- normal, # T -- raycasted/snapped position) # Face ID (-1 if not applicable) # Object (None if not applicable) def snap_raycast(self, a, b, clip, view_dir, csu, alt_snap): settings = find_settings() tfm_opts = settings.transform_options if self.shade_bbox and tfm_opts.snap_only_to_solid: return None # Since introduction of "use object centers", # this check is useless (use_object_centers overrides # even INCREMENT snapping) #if self.snap_type not in {'VERTEX', 'EDGE', 'FACE', 'VOLUME'}: # return None # key shouldn't depend on system origin; # for bbox calculation origin is always zero #if csu.tou.get() != "Surface": # sys_matrix = csu.get_matrix().to_3x3() #else: # sys_matrix = csu.get_matrix('LOCAL').to_3x3() sys_matrix = csu.get_matrix().to_3x3() sys_matrix_key = list(c for v in sys_matrix for c in v) sys_matrix_key.append(self.editmode) sys_matrix = sys_matrix.to_4x4() try: sys_matrix_inv = sys_matrix.inverted() except: # this is some degenerate system return None if self.sys_matrix_key != sys_matrix_key: self.bbox_cache.clear() self.sys_matrix_key = sys_matrix_key # In this context, Volume represents BBox :P is_bbox = (self.snap_type == 'VOLUME') is_local = (csu.tou.get() in {'LOCAL', "Scaled"}) res = self.raycast(a, b, clip, view_dir, \ is_bbox, sys_matrix, sys_matrix_inv, is_local, True) if res is None: res = self.raycast(a, b, clip, view_dir, \ is_bbox, sys_matrix, sys_matrix_inv, is_local, False) # Occlusion-based edge/vertex snapping will be # too inefficient in Python (well, even without # the occlusion, iterating over all edges/vertices # of each object is inefficient too) if not res: return None lp, ln, face_id, obj, p, m, la, lb, orig_obj = res if is_bbox: self.bbox_obj.matrix_world = m.copy() self.bbox_obj.show_x_ray = orig_obj.show_x_ray self.hide_bbox(False) _ln = ln.copy() face = obj.data.polygons[face_id] L = None t1 = None if self.snap_type == 'VERTEX' or self.snap_type == 'VOLUME': for v0 in face.vertices: v = obj.data.vertices[v0] p0 = v.co l = (lp - p0).length_squared if (L is None) or (l < L): p = p0 ln = v.normal.copy() #t1 = ln.cross(_ln) L = l _ln = ln.copy() ''' if t1.length < epsilon: if (1.0 - abs(ln.z)) < epsilon: t1 = Vector((1, 0, 0)) else: t1 = Vector((0, 0, 1)).cross(_ln) ''' p = m * p elif self.snap_type == 'EDGE': use_smooth = face.use_smooth if self.interpolation == 'NEVER': use_smooth = False elif self.interpolation == 'ALWAYS': use_smooth = True for v0, v1 in face.edge_keys: p0 = obj.data.vertices[v0].co p1 = obj.data.vertices[v1].co dp = p1 - p0 q = dp.dot(lp - p0) / dp.length_squared if (q >= 0.0) and (q <= 1.0): ep = p0 + dp * q l = (lp - ep).length_squared if (L is None) or (l < L): if alt_snap: p = (p0 + p1) * 0.5 q = 0.5 else: p = ep if not use_smooth: q = 0.5 ln = obj.data.vertices[v1].normal * q + \ obj.data.vertices[v0].normal * (1.0 - q) t1 = dp L = l p = m * p else: if alt_snap: lp = face.center p = m * lp if self.interpolation != 'NEVER': ln = self.interpolate_normal( obj, face_id, lp, la, lb - la) # Comment this to make 1st tangential # always lie in the face's plane _ln = ln.copy() ''' for v0, v1 in face.edge_keys: p0 = obj.data.vertices[v0].co p1 = obj.data.vertices[v1].co dp = p1 - p0 q = dp.dot(lp - p0) / dp.length_squared if (q >= 0.0) and (q <= 1.0): ep = p0 + dp * q l = (lp - ep).length_squared if (L is None) or (l < L): t1 = dp L = l ''' n = ln.copy() n.rotate(m) n.normalize() if t1 is None: _ln.rotate(m) _ln.normalize() if (1.0 - abs(_ln.z)) < epsilon: t1 = Vector((1, 0, 0)) else: t1 = Vector((0, 0, 1)).cross(_ln) t1.normalize() else: t1.rotate(m) t1.normalize() t2 = t1.cross(n) t2.normalize() matrix = MatrixCompose(t1, t2, n, p) return (matrix, face_id, obj, orig_obj) def interpolate_normal(self, obj, face_id, p, orig, ray): face = obj.data.polygons[face_id] use_smooth = face.use_smooth if self.interpolation == 'NEVER': use_smooth = False elif self.interpolation == 'ALWAYS': use_smooth = True if not use_smooth: return face.normal.copy() # edge.use_edge_sharp affects smoothness only if # mesh has EdgeSplit modifier # ATTENTION! Coords/Normals MUST be copied # (a bug in barycentric_transform implementation ?) # Somewhat strangely, the problem also disappears # if values passed to barycentric_transform # are print()ed beforehand. co = [obj.data.vertices[vi].co.copy() for vi in face.vertices] normals = [obj.data.vertices[vi].normal.copy() for vi in face.vertices] if len(face.vertices) != 3: tris = tessellate_polygon([co]) for tri in tris: i0, i1, i2 = tri if intersect_ray_tri(co[i0], co[i1], co[i2], ray, orig): break else: i0, i1, i2 = 0, 1, 2 n = barycentric_transform(p, co[i0], co[i1], co[i2], normals[i0], normals[i1], normals[i2]) n.normalize() return n # ====== CONVERTED-TO-MESH OBJECTS CACHE ====== # #============================================================================# class ToggleObjectMode: def __init__(self, mode='OBJECT'): if not isinstance(mode, str): mode = ('OBJECT' if mode else None) self.mode = mode def __enter__(self): if self.mode: edit_preferences = bpy.context.user_preferences.edit self.global_undo = edit_preferences.use_global_undo self.prev_mode = bpy.context.object.mode if self.prev_mode != self.mode: edit_preferences.use_global_undo = False bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode=self.mode) return self def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback): if self.mode: edit_preferences = bpy.context.user_preferences.edit if self.prev_mode != self.mode: bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode=self.prev_mode) edit_preferences.use_global_undo = self.global_undo class MeshCacheItem: def __init__(self): self.variants = {} def __getitem__(self, variant): return self.variants[variant][0] def __setitem__(self, variant, conversion): mesh = conversion[0].data #mesh.update(calc_tessface=True) #mesh.calc_tessface() mesh.calc_normals() self.variants[variant] = conversion def __contains__(self, variant): return variant in self.variants def dispose(self): for obj, converted in self.variants.values(): if converted: mesh = obj.data bpy.data.objects.remove(obj) bpy.data.meshes.remove(mesh) self.variants = None class MeshCache: """ Keeps a cache of mesh equivalents of requested objects. It is assumed that object's data does not change while the cache is in use. """ variants_enum = {'RAW', 'PREVIEW', 'RENDER'} variants_normalization = { 'MESH':{}, 'CURVE':{}, 'SURFACE':{}, 'FONT':{}, 'META':{'RAW':'PREVIEW'}, 'ARMATURE':{'RAW':'PREVIEW', 'RENDER':'PREVIEW'}, 'LATTICE':{'RAW':'PREVIEW', 'RENDER':'PREVIEW'}, 'EMPTY':{'RAW':'PREVIEW', 'RENDER':'PREVIEW'}, 'CAMERA':{'RAW':'PREVIEW', 'RENDER':'PREVIEW'}, 'LAMP':{'RAW':'PREVIEW', 'RENDER':'PREVIEW'}, 'SPEAKER':{'RAW':'PREVIEW', 'RENDER':'PREVIEW'}, } conversible_types = {'MESH', 'CURVE', 'SURFACE', 'FONT', 'META', 'ARMATURE', 'LATTICE'} convert_types = conversible_types def __init__(self, scene, convert_types=None): self.scene = scene if convert_types: self.convert_types = convert_types self.cached = {} def __del__(self): self.clear() def clear(self, expect_zero_users=False): for cache_item in self.cached.values(): if cache_item: try: cache_item.dispose() except RuntimeError: if expect_zero_users: raise self.cached.clear() def __delitem__(self, obj): cache_item = self.cached.pop(obj, None) if cache_item: cache_item.dispose() def __contains__(self, obj): return obj in self.cached def __getitem__(self, obj): if isinstance(obj, tuple): return self.get(*obj) return self.get(obj) def get(self, obj, variant='PREVIEW', reuse=True): if variant not in self.variants_enum: raise ValueError("Mesh variant must be one of %s" % self.variants_enum) # Make sure the variant is proper for this type of object variant = (self.variants_normalization[obj.type]. get(variant, variant)) if obj in self.cached: cache_item = self.cached[obj] try: # cache_item is None if object isn't conversible to mesh return (None if (cache_item is None) else cache_item[variant]) except KeyError: pass else: cache_item = None if obj.type not in self.conversible_types: self.cached[obj] = None return None if not cache_item: cache_item = MeshCacheItem() self.cached[obj] = cache_item conversion = self._convert(obj, variant, reuse) cache_item[variant] = conversion return conversion[0] def _convert(self, obj, variant, reuse=True): obj_type = obj.type obj_mode = obj.mode data = obj.data if obj_type == 'MESH': if reuse and ((variant == 'RAW') or (len(obj.modifiers) == 0)): return (obj, False) else: force_objectmode = (obj_mode in {'EDIT', 'SCULPT'}) return (self._to_mesh(obj, variant, force_objectmode), True) elif obj_type in {'CURVE', 'SURFACE', 'FONT'}: if variant == 'RAW': bm = bmesh.new() for spline in data.splines: for point in spline.bezier_points: bm.verts.new(point.co) bm.verts.new(point.handle_left) bm.verts.new(point.handle_right) for point in spline.points: bm.verts.new(point.co[:3]) return (self._make_obj(bm, obj), True) else: if variant == 'RENDER': resolution_u = data.resolution_u resolution_v = data.resolution_v if data.render_resolution_u != 0: data.resolution_u = data.render_resolution_u if data.render_resolution_v != 0: data.resolution_v = data.render_resolution_v result = (self._to_mesh(obj, variant), True) if variant == 'RENDER': data.resolution_u = resolution_u data.resolution_v = resolution_v return result elif obj_type == 'META': if variant == 'RAW': # To avoid the hassle of snapping metaelements # to themselves, we just create an empty mesh bm = bmesh.new() return (self._make_obj(bm, obj), True) else: if variant == 'RENDER': resolution = data.resolution data.resolution = data.render_resolution result = (self._to_mesh(obj, variant), True) if variant == 'RENDER': data.resolution = resolution return result elif obj_type == 'ARMATURE': bm = bmesh.new() if obj_mode == 'EDIT': for bone in data.edit_bones: head = bm.verts.new(bone.head) tail = bm.verts.new(bone.tail) bm.edges.new((head, tail)) elif obj_mode == 'POSE': for bone in obj.pose.bones: head = bm.verts.new(bone.head) tail = bm.verts.new(bone.tail) bm.edges.new((head, tail)) else: for bone in data.bones: head = bm.verts.new(bone.head_local) tail = bm.verts.new(bone.tail_local) bm.edges.new((head, tail)) return (self._make_obj(bm, obj), True) elif obj_type == 'LATTICE': bm = bmesh.new() for point in data.points: bm.verts.new(point.co_deform) return (self._make_obj(bm, obj), True) def _to_mesh(self, obj, variant, force_objectmode=False): tmp_name = chr(0x10ffff) # maximal Unicode value with ToggleObjectMode(force_objectmode): if variant == 'RAW': mesh = obj.to_mesh(self.scene, False, 'PREVIEW') else: mesh = obj.to_mesh(self.scene, True, variant) mesh.name = tmp_name return self._make_obj(mesh, obj) def _make_obj(self, mesh, src_obj): tmp_name = chr(0x10ffff) # maximal Unicode value if isinstance(mesh, bmesh.types.BMesh): bm = mesh mesh = bpy.data.meshes.new(tmp_name) bm.to_mesh(mesh) tmp_obj = bpy.data.objects.new(tmp_name, mesh) if src_obj: tmp_obj.matrix_world = src_obj.matrix_world # This is necessary for correct bbox display # TODO # (though it'd be better to change the logic in the raycasting) tmp_obj.show_x_ray = src_obj.show_x_ray tmp_obj.dupli_faces_scale = src_obj.dupli_faces_scale tmp_obj.dupli_frames_end = src_obj.dupli_frames_end tmp_obj.dupli_frames_off = src_obj.dupli_frames_off tmp_obj.dupli_frames_on = src_obj.dupli_frames_on tmp_obj.dupli_frames_start = src_obj.dupli_frames_start tmp_obj.dupli_group = src_obj.dupli_group #tmp_obj.dupli_list = src_obj.dupli_list tmp_obj.dupli_type = src_obj.dupli_type # Make Blender recognize object as having geometry # (is there a simpler way to do this?) self.scene.objects.link(tmp_obj) self.scene.update() # We don't need this object in scene self.scene.objects.unlink(tmp_obj) return tmp_obj #============================================================================# # A base class for emulating ID-datablock behavior class PseudoIDBlockBase(bpy.types.PropertyGroup): # TODO: use normal metaprogramming? @staticmethod def create_props(type, name, options={'ANIMATABLE'}): def active_update(self, context): # necessary to avoid recursive calls if self._self_update[0]: return if self._dont_rename[0]: return if len(self.collection) == 0: return # prepare data for renaming... old_key = (self.enum if self.enum else self.collection[0].name) new_key = (self.active if self.active else "Untitled") if old_key == new_key: return old_item = None new_item = None existing_names = [] for item in self.collection: if (item.name == old_key) and (not new_item): new_item = item elif (item.name == new_key) and (not old_item): old_item = item else: existing_names.append(item.name) existing_names.append(new_key) # rename current item new_item.name = new_key if old_item: # rename other item if it has that name name = new_key i = 1 while name in existing_names: name = "{}.{:0>3}".format(new_key, i) i += 1 old_item.name = name # update the enum self._self_update[0] += 1 self.update_enum() self._self_update[0] -= 1 # end def def enum_update(self, context): # necessary to avoid recursive calls if self._self_update[0]: return self._dont_rename[0] = True self.active = self.enum self._dont_rename[0] = False self.on_item_select() # end def collection = bpy.props.CollectionProperty( type=type) active = bpy.props.StringProperty( name="Name", description="Name of the active {}".format(name), options=options, update=active_update) enum = bpy.props.EnumProperty( items=[], name="Choose", description="Choose {}".format(name), default=set(), options={'ENUM_FLAG'}, update=enum_update) return collection, active, enum # end def def add(self, name="", **kwargs): if not name: name = 'Untitled' _name = name existing_names = [item.name for item in self.collection] i = 1 while name in existing_names: name = "{}.{:0>3}".format(_name, i) i += 1 instance = self.collection.add() instance.name = name for key, value in kwargs.items(): setattr(instance, key, value) self._self_update[0] += 1 self.active = name self.update_enum() self._self_update[0] -= 1 return instance def remove(self, key): if isinstance(key, int): i = key else: i = self.indexof(key) # Currently remove() ignores non-existing indices... # In the case this behavior changes, we have the try block. try: self.collection.remove(i) except: pass self._self_update[0] += 1 if len(self.collection) != 0: i = min(i, len(self.collection) - 1) self.active = self.collection[i].name else: self.active = "" self.update_enum() self._self_update[0] -= 1 def get_item(self, key=None): if key is None: i = self.indexof(self.active) elif isinstance(key, int): i = key else: i = self.indexof(key) try: return self.collection[i] except: return None def indexof(self, key): return next((i for i, v in enumerate(self.collection) \ if v.name == key), -1) # Which is more Pythonic? #for i, item in enumerate(self.collection): # if item.name == key: # return i #return -1 # non-existing index def update_enum(self): names = [] items = [] for item in self.collection: names.append(item.name) items.append((item.name, item.name, "")) prop_class, prop_params = type(self).enum prop_params["items"] = items if len(items) == 0: prop_params["default"] = set() prop_params["options"] = {'ENUM_FLAG'} else: # Somewhy active may be left from previous times, # I don't want to dig now why that happens. if self.active not in names: self.active = items[0][0] prop_params["default"] = self.active prop_params["options"] = set() # Can this cause problems? In the near future, shouldn't... type(self).enum = (prop_class, prop_params) #type(self).enum = bpy.props.EnumProperty(**prop_params) if len(items) != 0: self.enum = self.active def on_item_select(self): pass data_name = "" op_new = "" op_delete = "" icon = 'DOT' def draw(self, context, layout): if len(self.collection) == 0: if self.op_new: layout.operator(self.op_new, icon=self.icon) else: layout.label( text="({})".format(self.data_name), icon=self.icon) return row = layout.row(align=True) row.prop_menu_enum(self, "enum", text="", icon=self.icon) row.prop(self, "active", text="") if self.op_new: row.operator(self.op_new, text="", icon='ZOOMIN') if self.op_delete: row.operator(self.op_delete, text="", icon='X') # end class #============================================================================# # ===== PROPERTY DEFINITIONS ===== # # ===== TRANSFORM EXTRA OPTIONS ===== # class TransformExtraOptionsProp(bpy.types.PropertyGroup): use_relative_coords = bpy.props.BoolProperty( name="Relative coordinates", description="Consider existing transformation as the starting point", default=True) snap_interpolate_normals_mode = bpy.props.EnumProperty( items=[('NEVER', "Never", "Don't interpolate normals"), ('ALWAYS', "Always", "Always interpolate normals"), ('SMOOTH', "Smoothness-based", "Interpolate normals only "\ "for faces with smooth shading"),], name="Normal interpolation", description="Normal interpolation mode for snapping", default='SMOOTH') snap_only_to_solid = bpy.props.BoolProperty( name="Snap only to solid", description="Ignore wireframe/non-solid objects during snapping", default=False) snap_element_screen_size = bpy.props.IntProperty( name="Snap distance", description="Radius in pixels for snapping to edges/vertices", default=8, min=2, max=64) use_comma_separator = bpy.props.BoolProperty( name="Use comma separator", description="Use comma separator when copying/pasting"\ "coordinate values (instead of Tab character)", default=True, options={'HIDDEN'}) # ===== 3D VECTOR LOCATION ===== # class LocationProp(bpy.types.PropertyGroup): pos = bpy.props.FloatVectorProperty( name="xyz", description="xyz coords", options={'HIDDEN'}, subtype='XYZ') # ===== HISTORY ===== # def update_history_max_size(self, context): settings = find_settings() history = settings.history prop_class, prop_params = type(history).current_id old_max = prop_params["max"] size = history.max_size try: int_size = int(size) int_size = max(int_size, 0) int_size = min(int_size, history.max_size_limit) except: int_size = old_max if old_max != int_size: prop_params["max"] = int_size type(history).current_id = (prop_class, prop_params) # also: clear immediately? for i in range(len(history.entries) - 1, int_size, -1): history.entries.remove(i) if str(int_size) != size: # update history.max_size if it's not inside the limits history.max_size = str(int_size) def update_history_id(self, context): scene = bpy.context.scene settings = find_settings() history = settings.history pos = history.get_pos() if pos is not None: # History doesn't depend on view (?) cursor_pos = get_cursor_location(scene=scene) if CursorHistoryProp.update_cursor_on_id_change: # Set cursor position anyway (we're changing v3d's # cursor, which may be separate from scene's) # This, however, should be done cautiously # from scripts, since, e.g., CursorMonitor # can supply wrong context -> cursor will be set # in a different view than required set_cursor_location(pos, v3d=context.space_data) if pos != cursor_pos: if (history.current_id == 0) and (history.last_id <= 1): history.last_id = 1 else: history.last_id = history.curr_id history.curr_id = history.current_id class CursorHistoryBackward(bpy.types.Operator): bl_idname = "scene.cursor_3d_history_backward" bl_label = "Cursor History Backward" bl_description = "Jump to previous position in cursor history" def execute(self, context): settings = find_settings() history = settings.history history.current_id += 1 # max is oldest return {'FINISHED'} class CursorHistoryForward(bpy.types.Operator): bl_idname = "scene.cursor_3d_history_forward" bl_label = "Cursor History Forward" bl_description = "Jump to next position in cursor history" def execute(self, context): settings = find_settings() history = settings.history history.current_id -= 1 # 0 is newest return {'FINISHED'} class CursorHistoryProp(bpy.types.PropertyGroup): max_size_limit = 500 update_cursor_on_id_change = True show_trace = bpy.props.BoolProperty( name="Trace", description="Show history trace", default=False) max_size = bpy.props.StringProperty( name="Size", description="History max size", default=str(50), update=update_history_max_size) current_id = bpy.props.IntProperty( name="Index", description="Current position in cursor location history", default=50, min=0, max=50, update=update_history_id) entries = bpy.props.CollectionProperty( type=LocationProp) curr_id = bpy.props.IntProperty(options={'HIDDEN'}) last_id = bpy.props.IntProperty(options={'HIDDEN'}) def get_pos(self, id = None): if id is None: id = self.current_id id = min(max(id, 0), len(self.entries) - 1) if id < 0: # history is empty return None return self.entries[id].pos # for updating the upper bound on file load def update_max_size(self): prop_class, prop_params = type(self).current_id # self.max_size expected to be always a correct integer prop_params["max"] = int(self.max_size) type(self).current_id = (prop_class, prop_params) def draw_trace(self, context): bgl.glColor4f(0.75, 1.0, 0.75, 1.0) bgl.glBegin(bgl.GL_LINE_STRIP) for entry in self.entries: p = entry.pos bgl.glVertex3f(p[0], p[1], p[2]) bgl.glEnd() def draw_offset(self, context): bgl.glShadeModel(bgl.GL_SMOOTH) tfm_operator = CursorDynamicSettings.active_transform_operator bgl.glBegin(bgl.GL_LINE_STRIP) if tfm_operator: p = tfm_operator.particles[0]. \ get_initial_matrix().to_translation() else: p = self.get_pos(self.last_id) bgl.glColor4f(1.0, 0.75, 0.5, 1.0) bgl.glVertex3f(p[0], p[1], p[2]) p = get_cursor_location(v3d=context.space_data) bgl.glColor4f(1.0, 1.0, 0.25, 1.0) bgl.glVertex3f(p[0], p[1], p[2]) bgl.glEnd() # ===== BOOKMARK ===== # class BookmarkProp(bpy.types.PropertyGroup): name = bpy.props.StringProperty( name="name", description="bookmark name", options={'HIDDEN'}) pos = bpy.props.FloatVectorProperty( name="xyz", description="xyz coords", options={'HIDDEN'}, subtype='XYZ') class BookmarkIDBlock(PseudoIDBlockBase): # Somewhy instance members aren't seen in update() # callbacks... but class members are. _self_update = [0] _dont_rename = [False] data_name = "Bookmark" op_new = "scene.cursor_3d_new_bookmark" op_delete = "scene.cursor_3d_delete_bookmark" icon = 'CURSOR' collection, active, enum = PseudoIDBlockBase.create_props( BookmarkProp, "Bookmark") class NewCursor3DBookmark(bpy.types.Operator): bl_idname = "scene.cursor_3d_new_bookmark" bl_label = "New Bookmark" bl_description = "Add a new bookmark" name = bpy.props.StringProperty( name="Name", description="Name of the new bookmark", default="Mark") @classmethod def poll(cls, context): return context.area.type == 'VIEW_3D' def execute(self, context): settings = find_settings() library = settings.libraries.get_item() if not library: return {'CANCELLED'} bookmark = library.bookmarks.add(name=self.name) cusor_pos = get_cursor_location(v3d=context.space_data) try: bookmark.pos = library.convert_from_abs(context.space_data, cusor_pos, True) except Exception as exc: self.report({'ERROR_INVALID_CONTEXT'}, exc.args[0]) return {'CANCELLED'} return {'FINISHED'} class DeleteCursor3DBookmark(bpy.types.Operator): bl_idname = "scene.cursor_3d_delete_bookmark" bl_label = "Delete Bookmark" bl_description = "Delete active bookmark" def execute(self, context): settings = find_settings() library = settings.libraries.get_item() if not library: return {'CANCELLED'} name = library.bookmarks.active library.bookmarks.remove(key=name) return {'FINISHED'} class OverwriteCursor3DBookmark(bpy.types.Operator): bl_idname = "scene.cursor_3d_overwrite_bookmark" bl_label = "Overwrite" bl_description = "Overwrite active bookmark "\ "with the current cursor location" @classmethod def poll(cls, context): return context.area.type == 'VIEW_3D' def execute(self, context): settings = find_settings() library = settings.libraries.get_item() if not library: return {'CANCELLED'} bookmark = library.bookmarks.get_item() if not bookmark: return {'CANCELLED'} cusor_pos = get_cursor_location(v3d=context.space_data) try: bookmark.pos = library.convert_from_abs(context.space_data, cusor_pos, True) except Exception as exc: self.report({'ERROR_INVALID_CONTEXT'}, exc.args[0]) return {'CANCELLED'} CursorDynamicSettings.recalc_csu(context, 'PRESS') return {'FINISHED'} class RecallCursor3DBookmark(bpy.types.Operator): bl_idname = "scene.cursor_3d_recall_bookmark" bl_label = "Recall" bl_description = "Move cursor to the active bookmark" @classmethod def poll(cls, context): return context.area.type == 'VIEW_3D' def execute(self, context): settings = find_settings() library = settings.libraries.get_item() if not library: return {'CANCELLED'} bookmark = library.bookmarks.get_item() if not bookmark: return {'CANCELLED'} try: bookmark_pos = library.convert_to_abs(context.space_data, bookmark.pos, True) set_cursor_location(bookmark_pos, v3d=context.space_data) except Exception as exc: self.report({'ERROR_INVALID_CONTEXT'}, exc.args[0]) return {'CANCELLED'} CursorDynamicSettings.recalc_csu(context) return {'FINISHED'} class SwapCursor3DBookmark(bpy.types.Operator): bl_idname = "scene.cursor_3d_swap_bookmark" bl_label = "Swap" bl_description = "Swap cursor position with the active bookmark" @classmethod def poll(cls, context): return context.area.type == 'VIEW_3D' def execute(self, context): settings = find_settings() library = settings.libraries.get_item() if not library: return {'CANCELLED'} bookmark = library.bookmarks.get_item() if not bookmark: return {'CANCELLED'} cusor_pos = get_cursor_location(v3d=context.space_data) try: bookmark_pos = library.convert_to_abs(context.space_data, bookmark.pos, True) set_cursor_location(bookmark_pos, v3d=context.space_data) bookmark.pos = library.convert_from_abs(context.space_data, cusor_pos, True, use_history=False) except Exception as exc: self.report({'ERROR_INVALID_CONTEXT'}, exc.args[0]) return {'CANCELLED'} CursorDynamicSettings.recalc_csu(context) return {'FINISHED'} # Will this be used? class SnapSelectionToCursor3DBookmark(bpy.types.Operator): bl_idname = "scene.cursor_3d_snap_selection_to_bookmark" bl_label = "Snap Selection" bl_description = "Snap selection to the active bookmark" # Will this be used? class AddEmptyAtCursor3DBookmark(bpy.types.Operator): bl_idname = "scene.cursor_3d_add_empty_at_bookmark" bl_label = "Add Empty" bl_description = "Add new Empty at the active bookmark" @classmethod def poll(cls, context): return context.area.type == 'VIEW_3D' def execute(self, context): settings = find_settings() library = settings.libraries.get_item() if not library: return {'CANCELLED'} bookmark = library.bookmarks.get_item() if not bookmark: return {'CANCELLED'} try: matrix = library.get_matrix(use_history=False, v3d=context.space_data, warn=True) bookmark_pos = matrix * bookmark.pos except Exception as exc: self.report({'ERROR_INVALID_CONTEXT'}, exc.args[0]) return {'CANCELLED'} name = "{}.{}".format(library.name, bookmark.name) obj = bpy.data.objects.new(name, None) obj.matrix_world = to_matrix4x4(matrix, bookmark_pos) context.scene.objects.link(obj) """ for sel_obj in list(context.selected_objects): sel_obj.select = False obj.select = True context.scene.objects.active = obj # We need this to update bookmark position if # library's system is local/scaled/normal/etc. CursorDynamicSettings.recalc_csu(context, "PRESS") """ # TODO: exit from editmode? It has separate history! # If we just link object to scene, it will not trigger # addition of new entry to Undo history bpy.ops.ed.undo_push(message="Add Object") return {'FINISHED'} # ===== BOOKMARK LIBRARY ===== # class BookmarkLibraryProp(bpy.types.PropertyGroup): name = bpy.props.StringProperty( name="Name", description="Name of the bookmark library", options={'HIDDEN'}) bookmarks = bpy.props.PointerProperty( type=BookmarkIDBlock, options={'HIDDEN'}) system = bpy.props.EnumProperty( items=[ ('GLOBAL', "Global", "Global (absolute) coordinates"), ('LOCAL', "Local", "Local coordinate system, "\ "relative to the active object"), ('SCALED', "Scaled", "Scaled local coordinate system, "\ "relative to the active object"), ('NORMAL', "Normal", "Normal coordinate system, "\ "relative to the selected elements"), ('CONTEXT', "Context", "Current transform orientation; "\ "origin depends on selection"), ], default="GLOBAL", name="System", description="Coordinate system in which to store/recall "\ "cursor locations", options={'HIDDEN'}) offset = bpy.props.BoolProperty( name="Offset", description="Store/recall relative to the last cursor position", default=False, options={'HIDDEN'}) # Returned None means "operation is not aplicable" def get_matrix(self, use_history, v3d, warn=True, **kwargs): #particles, csu = gather_particles(**kwargs) # Ensure we have relevant CSU (Blender will crash # if we use the old one after Undo/Redo) CursorDynamicSettings.recalc_csu(bpy.context) csu = CursorDynamicSettings.csu if self.offset: # history? or keep separate for each scene? if not use_history: csu.source_pos = get_cursor_location(v3d=v3d) else: settings = find_settings() history = settings.history csu.source_pos = history.get_pos(history.last_id) else: csu.source_pos = Vector() active_obj = csu.tou.scene.objects.active if self.system == 'GLOBAL': sys_name = 'GLOBAL' pivot = 'WORLD' elif self.system == 'LOCAL': if not active_obj: if warn: raise Exception("There is no active object") return None sys_name = 'LOCAL' pivot = 'ACTIVE' elif self.system == 'SCALED': if not active_obj: if warn: raise Exception("There is no active object") return None sys_name = 'Scaled' pivot = 'ACTIVE' elif self.system == 'NORMAL': if not active_obj or active_obj.mode != 'EDIT': if warn: raise Exception("Active object must be in Edit mode") return None sys_name = 'NORMAL' pivot = 'MEDIAN' # ? elif self.system == 'CONTEXT': sys_name = None # use current orientation pivot = None if active_obj and (active_obj.mode != 'OBJECT'): if len(particles) == 0: pivot = active_obj.matrix_world.to_translation() return csu.get_matrix(sys_name, self.offset, pivot) def convert_to_abs(self, v3d, pos, warn=False, **kwargs): kwargs.pop("use_history", None) matrix = self.get_matrix(False, v3d, warn, **kwargs) if not matrix: return None return matrix * pos def convert_from_abs(self, v3d, pos, warn=False, **kwargs): use_history = kwargs.pop("use_history", True) matrix = self.get_matrix(use_history, v3d, warn, **kwargs) if not matrix: return None try: return matrix.inverted() * pos except: # this is some degenerate object return Vector() def draw_bookmark(self, context): r = context.region rv3d = context.region_data bookmark = self.bookmarks.get_item() if not bookmark: return pos = self.convert_to_abs(context.space_data, bookmark.pos) if pos is None: return projected = location_3d_to_region_2d(r, rv3d, pos) if projected: # Store previous OpenGL settings smooth_prev = gl_get(bgl.GL_SMOOTH) pixelsize = 1 dpi = context.user_preferences.system.dpi widget_unit = (pixelsize * dpi * 20.0 + 36.0) / 72.0 bgl.glShadeModel(bgl.GL_SMOOTH) bgl.glLineWidth(2) bgl.glColor4f(0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0) bgl.glBegin(bgl.GL_LINE_STRIP) radius = widget_unit * 0.3 #6 n = 8 da = 2 * math.pi / n x, y = projected x, y = int(x), int(y) for i in range(n + 1): a = i * da dx = math.sin(a) * radius dy = math.cos(a) * radius if (i % 2) == 0: bgl.glColor4f(0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0) else: bgl.glColor4f(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0) bgl.glVertex2i(x + int(dx), y + int(dy)) bgl.glEnd() # Restore previous OpenGL settings gl_enable(bgl.GL_SMOOTH, smooth_prev) class BookmarkLibraryIDBlock(PseudoIDBlockBase): # Somewhy instance members aren't seen in update() # callbacks... but class members are. _self_update = [0] _dont_rename = [False] data_name = "Bookmark Library" op_new = "scene.cursor_3d_new_bookmark_library" op_delete = "scene.cursor_3d_delete_bookmark_library" icon = 'BOOKMARKS' collection, active, enum = PseudoIDBlockBase.create_props( BookmarkLibraryProp, "Bookmark Library") def on_item_select(self): library = self.get_item() library.bookmarks.update_enum() class NewCursor3DBookmarkLibrary(bpy.types.Operator): bl_idname = "scene.cursor_3d_new_bookmark_library" bl_label = "New Library" bl_description = "Add a new bookmark library" name = bpy.props.StringProperty( name="Name", description="Name of the new library", default="Lib") def execute(self, context): settings = find_settings() settings.libraries.add(name=self.name) return {'FINISHED'} class DeleteCursor3DBookmarkLibrary(bpy.types.Operator): bl_idname = "scene.cursor_3d_delete_bookmark_library" bl_label = "Delete Library" bl_description = "Delete active bookmark library" def execute(self, context): settings = find_settings() name = settings.libraries.active settings.libraries.remove(key=name) return {'FINISHED'} # ===== MAIN PROPERTIES ===== # # TODO: ~a bug? Somewhy tooltip shows "Cursor3DToolsSettings.foo" # instead of "bpy.types.Screen.cursor_3d_tools_settings.foo" class Cursor3DToolsSettings(bpy.types.PropertyGroup): transform_options = bpy.props.PointerProperty( type=TransformExtraOptionsProp, options={'HIDDEN'}) cursor_visible = bpy.props.BoolProperty( name="Cursor visibility", description="Show/hide cursor. When hidden, "\ "Blender continuously redraws itself (eats CPU like crazy, "\ "and becomes the less responsive the more complex scene you have)!", default=True) cursor_lock = bpy.props.BoolProperty( name="Lock cursor location", description="Prevent accidental cursor movement", default=False) draw_guides = bpy.props.BoolProperty( name="Guides", description="Display guides", default=True) draw_snap_elements = bpy.props.BoolProperty( name="Snap elements", description="Display snap elements", default=True) draw_N = bpy.props.BoolProperty( name="Surface normal", description="Display surface normal", default=True) draw_T1 = bpy.props.BoolProperty( name="Surface 1st tangential", description="Display 1st surface tangential", default=True) draw_T2 = bpy.props.BoolProperty( name="Surface 2nd tangential", description="Display 2nd surface tangential", default=True) stick_to_obj = bpy.props.BoolProperty( name="Stick to objects", description="Move cursor along with object it was snapped to", default=True) # HISTORY-RELATED history = bpy.props.PointerProperty( type=CursorHistoryProp, options={'HIDDEN'}) # BOOKMARK-RELATED libraries = bpy.props.PointerProperty( type=BookmarkLibraryIDBlock, options={'HIDDEN'}) show_bookmarks = bpy.props.BoolProperty( name="Show bookmarks", description="Show active bookmark in 3D view", default=True, options={'HIDDEN'}) free_coord_precision = bpy.props.IntProperty( name="Coord precision", description="Numer of digits afer comma "\ "for displayed coordinate values", default=4, min=0, max=10, options={'HIDDEN'}) auto_register_keymaps = bpy.props.BoolProperty( name="Auto Register Keymaps", default=True) class Cursor3DToolsSceneSettings(bpy.types.PropertyGroup): stick_obj_name = bpy.props.StringProperty( name="Stick-to-object name", description="Name of the object to stick cursor to", options={'HIDDEN'}) stick_obj_pos = bpy.props.FloatVectorProperty( default=(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), options={'HIDDEN'}, subtype='XYZ') # ===== CURSOR RUNTIME PROPERTIES ===== # class CursorRuntimeSettings(bpy.types.PropertyGroup): current_monitor_id = bpy.props.IntProperty( default=0, options={'HIDDEN'}) surface_pos = bpy.props.FloatVectorProperty( default=(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), options={'HIDDEN'}, subtype='XYZ') use_cursor_monitor = bpy.props.BoolProperty( name="Enable Cursor Monitor", description="Record 3D cursor history "\ "(uses a background modal operator)", default=True) class CursorDynamicSettings: local_matrix = Matrix() active_transform_operator = None csu = None active_scene_hash = 0 @classmethod def recalc_csu(cls, context, event_value=None): scene_hash_changed = (cls.active_scene_hash != hash(context.scene)) cls.active_scene_hash = hash(context.scene) # Don't recalc if mouse is over some UI panel! # (otherwise, this may lead to applying operator # (e.g. Subdivide) in Edit Mode, even if user # just wants to change some operator setting) clicked = (event_value in {'PRESS', 'RELEASE'}) and \ (context.region.type == 'WINDOW') if clicked or scene_hash_changed: particles, cls.csu = gather_particles() #============================================================================# # ===== PANELS AND DIALOGS ===== # class TransformExtraOptions(bpy.types.Panel): bl_label = "Transform Extra Options" bl_idname = "OBJECT_PT_transform_extra_options" bl_space_type = "VIEW_3D" bl_region_type = "UI" #bl_context = "object" bl_options = {'DEFAULT_CLOSED'} def draw(self, context): layout = self.layout settings = find_settings() tfm_opts = settings.transform_options layout.prop(tfm_opts, "use_relative_coords") layout.prop(tfm_opts, "snap_only_to_solid") layout.prop(tfm_opts, "snap_interpolate_normals_mode", text="") layout.prop(tfm_opts, "use_comma_separator") #layout.prop(tfm_opts, "snap_element_screen_size") class Cursor3DTools(bpy.types.Panel): bl_label = "3D Cursor Tools" bl_idname = "OBJECT_PT_cursor_3d_tools" bl_space_type = "VIEW_3D" bl_region_type = "UI" bl_options = {'DEFAULT_CLOSED'} def draw(self, context): layout = self.layout # Attempt to launch the monitor if bpy.ops.view3d.cursor3d_monitor.poll(): bpy.ops.view3d.cursor3d_monitor() #=============================================# wm = context.window_manager settings = find_settings() row = layout.split(0.5) #row = layout.row() row.operator("view3d.set_cursor3d_dialog", "Set", 'CURSOR') row = row.split(1 / 3, align=True) #row = row.row(align=True) row.prop(settings, "draw_guides", text="", icon='MANIPUL', toggle=True) row.prop(settings, "draw_snap_elements", text="", icon='EDITMODE_HLT', toggle=True) row.prop(settings, "stick_to_obj", text="", icon='SNAP_ON', toggle=True) row.active = wm.cursor_3d_runtime_settings.use_cursor_monitor row = layout.split(0.5) subrow = row.split(0.5) subrow.prop(settings, "cursor_lock", text="", toggle=True, icon=('LOCKED' if settings.cursor_lock else 'UNLOCKED')) subrow = subrow.split(1) subrow.alert = True subrow.prop(settings, "cursor_visible", text="", toggle=True, icon=('RESTRICT_VIEW_OFF' if settings.cursor_visible else 'RESTRICT_VIEW_ON')) subrow.active = wm.cursor_3d_runtime_settings.use_cursor_monitor row = row.split(1 / 3, align=True) row.prop(settings, "draw_N", text="N", toggle=True, index=0) row.prop(settings, "draw_T1", text="T1", toggle=True, index=1) row.prop(settings, "draw_T2", text="T2", toggle=True, index=2) row.active = wm.cursor_3d_runtime_settings.use_cursor_monitor # === HISTORY === # history = settings.history row = layout.row(align=True) row.prop(wm.cursor_3d_runtime_settings, "use_cursor_monitor", text="", toggle=True, icon='REC') subrow = row.row(align=True) subrow.prop(history, "show_trace", text="", icon='SORTTIME') subrow.active = wm.cursor_3d_runtime_settings.use_cursor_monitor row = row.split(0.35, True) row.prop(history, "max_size", text="") row.prop(history, "current_id", text="") row.active = wm.cursor_3d_runtime_settings.use_cursor_monitor # === BOOKMARK LIBRARIES === # settings.libraries.draw(context, layout) library = settings.libraries.get_item() if library is None: return row = layout.row() row.prop(settings, "show_bookmarks", text="", icon='RESTRICT_VIEW_OFF') row = row.row(align=True) row.prop(library, "system", text="") row.prop(library, "offset", text="", icon='ARROW_LEFTRIGHT') # === BOOKMARKS === # library.bookmarks.draw(context, layout) if len(library.bookmarks.collection) == 0: return row = layout.row() row = row.split(align=True) # PASTEDOWN # COPYDOWN row.operator("scene.cursor_3d_overwrite_bookmark", text="", icon='REC') row.operator("scene.cursor_3d_swap_bookmark", text="", icon='FILE_REFRESH') row.operator("scene.cursor_3d_recall_bookmark", text="", icon='FILE_TICK') row.operator("scene.cursor_3d_add_empty_at_bookmark", text="", icon='EMPTY_DATA') # Not implemented (and maybe shouldn't) #row.operator("scene.cursor_3d_snap_selection_to_bookmark", # text="", icon='SNAP_ON') class SetCursorDialog(bpy.types.Operator): bl_idname = "view3d.set_cursor3d_dialog" bl_label = "Set 3D Cursor" bl_description = "Set 3D Cursor XYZ values" pos = bpy.props.FloatVectorProperty( name="Location", description="3D Cursor location in current coordinate system", subtype='XYZ', ) @classmethod def poll(cls, context): return context.area.type == 'VIEW_3D' def execute(self, context): scene = context.scene # "current system" / "relative" could have changed self.matrix = self.csu.get_matrix() pos = self.matrix * self.pos set_cursor_location(pos, v3d=context.space_data) return {'FINISHED'} def invoke(self, context, event): scene = context.scene cursor_pos = get_cursor_location(v3d=context.space_data) particles, self.csu = gather_particles(context=context) self.csu.source_pos = cursor_pos self.matrix = self.csu.get_matrix() try: self.pos = self.matrix.inverted() * cursor_pos except: # this is some degenerate system self.pos = Vector() wm = context.window_manager return wm.invoke_props_dialog(self, width=160) def draw(self, context): layout = self.layout settings = find_settings() tfm_opts = settings.transform_options v3d = context.space_data col = layout.column() col.prop(self, "pos", text="") row = layout.row() row.prop(tfm_opts, "use_relative_coords", text="Relative") row.prop(v3d, "transform_orientation", text="") # Adapted from Chromoly's lock_cursor3d def selection_global_positions(context): if context.mode == 'EDIT_MESH': ob = context.active_object mat = ob.matrix_world bm = bmesh.from_edit_mesh(ob.data) verts = [v for v in bm.verts if v.select] return [mat * v.co for v in verts] elif context.mode == 'OBJECT': return [ob.matrix_world.to_translation() for ob in context.selected_objects] # Adapted from Chromoly's lock_cursor3d def center_of_circumscribed_circle(vecs): if len(vecs) == 1: return vecs[0] elif len(vecs) == 2: return (vecs[0] + vecs[1]) / 2 elif len(vecs) == 3: v1, v2, v3 = vecs if v1 != v2 and v2 != v3 and v3 != v1: v12 = v2 - v1 v13 = v3 - v1 med12 = (v1 + v2) / 2 med13 = (v1 + v3) / 2 per12 = v13 - v13.project(v12) per13 = v12 - v12.project(v13) inter = intersect_line_line(med12, med12 + per12, med13, med13 + per13) if inter: return (inter[0] + inter[1]) / 2 return (v1 + v2 + v3) / 3 return None def center_of_inscribed_circle(vecs): if len(vecs) == 1: return vecs[0] elif len(vecs) == 2: return (vecs[0] + vecs[1]) / 2 elif len(vecs) == 3: v1, v2, v3 = vecs L1 = (v3 - v2).magnitude L2 = (v3 - v1).magnitude L3 = (v2 - v1).magnitude return (L1*v1 + L2*v2 + L3*v3) / (L1 + L2 + L3) return None # Adapted from Chromoly's lock_cursor3d class SnapCursor_Circumscribed(bpy.types.Operator): bl_idname = "view3d.snap_cursor_to_circumscribed" bl_label = "Cursor to Circumscribed" bl_description = "Snap cursor to the center of the circumscribed circle" def execute(self, context): vecs = selection_global_positions(context) if vecs is None: self.report({'WARNING'}, 'Not implemented \ for %s mode' % context.mode) return {'CANCELLED'} pos = center_of_circumscribed_circle(vecs) if pos is None: self.report({'WARNING'}, 'Select 3 objects/elements') return {'CANCELLED'} set_cursor_location(pos, v3d=context.space_data) return {'FINISHED'} class SnapCursor_Inscribed(bpy.types.Operator): bl_idname = "view3d.snap_cursor_to_inscribed" bl_label = "Cursor to Inscribed" bl_description = "Snap cursor to the center of the inscribed circle" def execute(self, context): vecs = selection_global_positions(context) if vecs is None: self.report({'WARNING'}, 'Not implemented \ for %s mode' % context.mode) return {'CANCELLED'} pos = center_of_inscribed_circle(vecs) if pos is None: self.report({'WARNING'}, 'Select 3 objects/elements') return {'CANCELLED'} set_cursor_location(pos, v3d=context.space_data) return {'FINISHED'} class AlignOrientationProperties(bpy.types.PropertyGroup): axes_items = [ ('X', 'X', 'X axis'), ('Y', 'Y', 'Y axis'), ('Z', 'Z', 'Z axis'), ('-X', '-X', '-X axis'), ('-Y', '-Y', '-Y axis'), ('-Z', '-Z', '-Z axis'), ] axes_items_ = [ ('X', 'X', 'X axis'), ('Y', 'Y', 'Y axis'), ('Z', 'Z', 'Z axis'), (' ', ' ', 'Same as source axis'), ] def get_orients(self, context): orients = [] orients.append(('GLOBAL', "Global", "")) orients.append(('LOCAL', "Local", "")) orients.append(('GIMBAL', "Gimbal", "")) orients.append(('NORMAL', "Normal", "")) orients.append(('VIEW', "View", "")) if context is not None: for orientation in context.scene.orientations: name = orientation.name orients.append((name, name, "")) return orients src_axis = bpy.props.EnumProperty(default='Z', items=axes_items, name="Initial axis") #src_orient = bpy.props.EnumProperty(default='GLOBAL', items=get_orients) dest_axis = bpy.props.EnumProperty(default=' ', items=axes_items_, name="Final axis") dest_orient = bpy.props.EnumProperty(items=get_orients, name="Final orientation") class AlignOrientation(bpy.types.Operator): bl_idname = "view3d.align_orientation" bl_label = "Align Orientation" bl_description = "Rotates active object to match axis of current "\ "orientation to axis of another orientation" bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'} axes_items = [ ('X', 'X', 'X axis'), ('Y', 'Y', 'Y axis'), ('Z', 'Z', 'Z axis'), ('-X', '-X', '-X axis'), ('-Y', '-Y', '-Y axis'), ('-Z', '-Z', '-Z axis'), ] axes_items_ = [ ('X', 'X', 'X axis'), ('Y', 'Y', 'Y axis'), ('Z', 'Z', 'Z axis'), (' ', ' ', 'Same as source axis'), ] axes_ids = {'X':0, 'Y':1, 'Z':2} def get_orients(self, context): orients = [] orients.append(('GLOBAL', "Global", "")) orients.append(('LOCAL', "Local", "")) orients.append(('GIMBAL', "Gimbal", "")) orients.append(('NORMAL', "Normal", "")) orients.append(('VIEW', "View", "")) if context is not None: for orientation in context.scene.orientations: name = orientation.name orients.append((name, name, "")) return orients src_axis = bpy.props.EnumProperty(default='Z', items=axes_items, name="Initial axis") #src_orient = bpy.props.EnumProperty(default='GLOBAL', items=get_orients) dest_axis = bpy.props.EnumProperty(default=' ', items=axes_items_, name="Final axis") dest_orient = bpy.props.EnumProperty(items=get_orients, name="Final orientation") @classmethod def poll(cls, context): return (context.area.type == 'VIEW_3D') and context.object def execute(self, context): wm = context.window_manager obj = context.object scene = context.scene v3d = context.space_data rv3d = context.region_data particles, csu = gather_particles(context=context) tou = csu.tou #tou = TransformOrientationUtility(scene, v3d, rv3d) aop = wm.align_orientation_properties # self src_matrix = tou.get_matrix() src_axes = MatrixDecompose(src_matrix) src_axis_name = aop.src_axis if src_axis_name.startswith("-"): src_axis_name = src_axis_name[1:] src_axis = -src_axes[self.axes_ids[src_axis_name]] else: src_axis = src_axes[self.axes_ids[src_axis_name]] tou.set(aop.dest_orient, False) dest_matrix = tou.get_matrix() dest_axes = MatrixDecompose(dest_matrix) if self.dest_axis != ' ': dest_axis_name = aop.dest_axis else: dest_axis_name = src_axis_name dest_axis = dest_axes[self.axes_ids[dest_axis_name]] q = src_axis.rotation_difference(dest_axis) m = obj.matrix_world.to_3x3() m.rotate(q) m.resize_4x4() m.translation = obj.matrix_world.translation.copy() obj.matrix_world = m #bpy.ops.ed.undo_push(message="Align Orientation") return {'FINISHED'} # ATTENTION! # This _must_ be a dialog, because with 'UNDO' option # the last selected orientation may revert to the previous state def invoke(self, context, event): wm = context.window_manager return wm.invoke_props_dialog(self, width=200) def draw(self, context): layout = self.layout wm = context.window_manager aop = wm.align_orientation_properties # self layout.prop(aop, "src_axis") layout.prop(aop, "dest_axis") layout.prop(aop, "dest_orient") class CopyOrientation(bpy.types.Operator): bl_idname = "view3d.copy_orientation" bl_label = "Copy Orientation" bl_description = "Makes a copy of current orientation" def execute(self, context): scene = context.scene v3d = context.space_data rv3d = context.region_data particles, csu = gather_particles(context=context) tou = csu.tou #tou = TransformOrientationUtility(scene, v3d, rv3d) orient = create_transform_orientation(scene, name=tou.get()+".copy", matrix=tou.get_matrix()) tou.set(orient.name) return {'FINISHED'} def transform_orientations_panel_extension(self, context): row = self.layout.row() row.operator("view3d.align_orientation", text="Align") row.operator("view3d.copy_orientation", text="Copy") # ===== CURSOR MONITOR ===== # class CursorMonitor(bpy.types.Operator): """Monitor changes in cursor location and write to history""" bl_idname = "view3d.cursor3d_monitor" bl_label = "Cursor Monitor" # A class-level variable (it must be accessed from poll()) is_running = False storage = {} _handle_view = None _handle_px = None _handle_header_px = None script_reload_kmis = [] @staticmethod def handle_add(self, context): CursorMonitor._handle_view = bpy.types.SpaceView3D.draw_handler_add( draw_callback_view, (self, context), 'WINDOW', 'POST_VIEW') CursorMonitor._handle_px = bpy.types.SpaceView3D.draw_handler_add( draw_callback_px, (self, context), 'WINDOW', 'POST_PIXEL') CursorMonitor._handle_header_px = bpy.types.SpaceView3D.draw_handler_add( draw_callback_header_px, (self, context), 'HEADER', 'POST_PIXEL') @staticmethod def handle_remove(context): if CursorMonitor._handle_view is not None: bpy.types.SpaceView3D.draw_handler_remove(CursorMonitor._handle_view, 'WINDOW') if CursorMonitor._handle_px is not None: bpy.types.SpaceView3D.draw_handler_remove(CursorMonitor._handle_px, 'WINDOW') if CursorMonitor._handle_header_px is not None: bpy.types.SpaceView3D.draw_handler_remove(CursorMonitor._handle_header_px, 'HEADER') CursorMonitor._handle_view = None CursorMonitor._handle_px = None CursorMonitor._handle_header_px = None @classmethod def poll(cls, context): try: wm = context.window_manager if not wm.cursor_3d_runtime_settings.use_cursor_monitor: return False runtime_settings = find_runtime_settings() if not runtime_settings: return False # When addon is enabled by default and # user started another new scene, is_running # would still be True return (not CursorMonitor.is_running) or \ (runtime_settings.current_monitor_id == 0) except Exception as e: print("Cursor monitor exeption in poll:\n" + repr(e)) return False def modal(self, context, event): wm = context.window_manager if not wm.cursor_3d_runtime_settings.use_cursor_monitor: self.cancel(context) return {'CANCELLED'} # Scripts cannot be reloaded while modal operators are running # Intercept the corresponding event and shut down CursorMonitor # (it would be relaunched automatically afterwards) for kmi in CursorMonitor.script_reload_kmis: if IsKeyMapItemEvent(kmi, event): self.cancel(context) return {'CANCELLED'} try: return self._modal(context, event) except Exception as e: print("Cursor monitor exeption in modal:\n" + repr(e)) # Remove callbacks at any cost self.cancel(context) #raise return {'CANCELLED'} def _modal(self, context, event): runtime_settings = find_runtime_settings() # ATTENTION: will this work correctly when another # blend is loaded? (it should, since all scripts # seem to be reloaded in such case) if (runtime_settings is None) or \ (self.id != runtime_settings.current_monitor_id): # Another (newer) monitor was launched; # this one should stop. # (OR addon was disabled) self.cancel(context) return {'CANCELLED'} # Somewhy after addon re-registration # this permanently becomes False CursorMonitor.is_running = True if self.update_storage(runtime_settings): # hmm... can this cause flickering of menus? context.area.tag_redraw() settings = find_settings() propagate_settings_to_all_screens(settings) # ================== # # Update bookmark enums when addon is initialized. # Since CursorMonitor operator can be called from draw(), # we have to postpone all re-registration-related tasks # (such as redefining the enums). if self.just_initialized: # update the relevant enums, bounds and other options # (is_running becomes False once another scene is loaded, # so this operator gets restarted) settings.history.update_max_size() settings.libraries.update_enum() library = settings.libraries.get_item() if library: library.bookmarks.update_enum() self.just_initialized = False # ================== # # Seems like recalc_csu() in this place causes trouble # if space type is switched from 3D to e.g. UV ''' tfm_operator = CursorDynamicSettings.active_transform_operator if tfm_operator: CursorDynamicSettings.csu = tfm_operator.csu else: CursorDynamicSettings.recalc_csu(context, event.value) ''' return {'PASS_THROUGH'} def update_storage(self, runtime_settings): if CursorDynamicSettings.active_transform_operator: # Don't add to history while operator is running return False new_pos = None last_locations = {} for scene in bpy.data.scenes: # History doesn't depend on view (?) curr_pos = get_cursor_location(scene=scene) last_locations[scene.name] = curr_pos # Ignore newly-created or some renamed scenes if scene.name in self.last_locations: if curr_pos != self.last_locations[scene.name]: new_pos = curr_pos elif runtime_settings.current_monitor_id == 0: # startup location should be added new_pos = curr_pos # Seems like scene.cursor_location is fast enough here # -> no need to resort to v3d.cursor_location. """ screen = bpy.context.screen scene = screen.scene v3d = None for area in screen.areas: for space in area.spaces: if space.type == 'VIEW_3D': v3d = space break if v3d is not None: curr_pos = get_cursor_location(v3d=v3d) last_locations[scene.name] = curr_pos # Ignore newly-created or some renamed scenes if scene.name in self.last_locations: if curr_pos != self.last_locations[scene.name]: new_pos = curr_pos """ self.last_locations = last_locations if new_pos is not None: settings = find_settings() history = settings.history pos = history.get_pos() if (pos is not None):# and (history.current_id != 0): # ? if pos == new_pos: return False # self.just_initialized ? entry = history.entries.add() entry.pos = new_pos last_id = len(history.entries) - 1 history.entries.move(last_id, 0) if last_id > int(history.max_size): history.entries.remove(last_id) # make sure the most recent history entry is displayed CursorHistoryProp.update_cursor_on_id_change = False history.current_id = 0 CursorHistoryProp.update_cursor_on_id_change = True history.curr_id = history.current_id history.last_id = 1 return True return False # self.just_initialized ? def execute(self, context): print("Cursor monitor: launched") CursorMonitor.script_reload_kmis = list(KeyMapItemSearch('script.reload')) runtime_settings = find_runtime_settings() self.just_initialized = True self.id = 0 self.last_locations = {} # Important! Call update_storage() before assigning # current_monitor_id (used to add startup cursor location) self.update_storage(runtime_settings) # Indicate that this is the most recent monitor. # All others should shut down. self.id = runtime_settings.current_monitor_id + 1 runtime_settings.current_monitor_id = self.id CursorMonitor.is_running = True CursorDynamicSettings.recalc_csu(context, 'PRESS') # I suppose that cursor position would change # only with user interaction. #self._timer = context.window_manager. \ # event_timer_add(0.1, context.window) CursorMonitor.handle_add(self, context) # Here we cannot return 'PASS_THROUGH', # or Blender will crash! # Currently there seems to be only one window context.window_manager.modal_handler_add(self) return {'RUNNING_MODAL'} def cancel(self, context): CursorMonitor.is_running = False #type(self).is_running = False # Unregister callbacks... CursorMonitor.handle_remove(context) # ===== MATH / GEOMETRY UTILITIES ===== # def to_matrix4x4(orient, pos): if not isinstance(orient, Matrix): orient = orient.to_matrix() m = orient.to_4x4() m.translation = pos.to_3d() return m def MatrixCompose(*args): size = len(args) m = Matrix.Identity(size) axes = m.col # m.row if size == 2: for i in (0, 1): c = args[i] if isinstance(c, Vector): axes[i] = c.to_2d() elif hasattr(c, "__iter__"): axes[i] = Vector(c).to_2d() else: axes[i][i] = c else: for i in (0, 1, 2): c = args[i] if isinstance(c, Vector): axes[i][:3] = c.to_3d() elif hasattr(c, "__iter__"): axes[i][:3] = Vector(c).to_3d() else: axes[i][i] = c if size == 4: c = args[3] if isinstance(c, Vector): m.translation = c.to_3d() elif hasattr(c, "__iter__"): m.translation = Vector(c).to_3d() return m def MatrixDecompose(m, res_size=None): size = len(m) axes = m.col # m.row if res_size is None: res_size = size if res_size == 2: return (axes[0].to_2d(), axes[1].to_2d()) else: x = axes[0].to_3d() y = axes[1].to_3d() z = (axes[2].to_3d() if size > 2 else Vector()) if res_size == 3: return (x, y, z) t = (m.translation.to_3d() if size == 4 else Vector()) if res_size == 4: return (x, y, z, t) def angle_axis_to_quat(angle, axis): w = math.cos(angle / 2.0) xyz = axis.normalized() * math.sin(angle / 2.0) return Quaternion((w, xyz.x, xyz.y, xyz.z)) def round_step(x, s=1.0): #return math.floor(x * s + 0.5) / s return math.floor(x / s + 0.5) * s twoPi = 2.0 * math.pi def clamp_angle(ang): # Attention! In Python the behaviour is: # -359.0 % 180.0 == 1.0 # -359.0 % -180.0 == -179.0 ang = (ang % twoPi) return ((ang - twoPi) if (ang > math.pi) else ang) def prepare_grid_mesh(bm, nx=1, ny=1, sx=1.0, sy=1.0, z=0.0, xyz_indices=(0,1,2)): vertices = [] for i in range(nx + 1): x = 2 * (i / nx) - 1 x *= sx for j in range(ny + 1): y = 2 * (j / ny) - 1 y *= sy pos = (x, y, z) vert = bm.verts.new((pos[xyz_indices[0]], pos[xyz_indices[1]], pos[xyz_indices[2]])) vertices.append(vert) nxmax = nx + 1 for i in range(nx): i1 = i + 1 for j in range(ny): j1 = j + 1 verts = [vertices[j + i * nxmax], vertices[j1 + i * nxmax], vertices[j1 + i1 * nxmax], vertices[j + i1 * nxmax]] bm.faces.new(verts) #return def prepare_gridbox_mesh(subdiv=1): bm = bmesh.new() sides = [ (-1, (0,1,2)), # -Z (1, (1,0,2)), # +Z (-1, (1,2,0)), # -Y (1, (0,2,1)), # +Y (-1, (2,0,1)), # -X (1, (2,1,0)), # +X ] for side in sides: prepare_grid_mesh(bm, nx=subdiv, ny=subdiv, z=side[0], xyz_indices=side[1]) return bm # ===== DRAWING UTILITIES ===== # class GfxCell: def __init__(self, w, h, color=None, alpha=None, draw=None): self.w = w self.h = h self.color = (0, 0, 0, 1) self.set_color(color, alpha) if draw: self.draw = draw def set_color(self, color=None, alpha=None): if color is None: color = self.color if alpha is None: alpha = (color[3] if len(color) > 3 else self.color[3]) self.color = Vector((color[0], color[1], color[2], alpha)) def prepare_draw(self, x, y, align=(0, 0)): if self.color[3] <= 0.0: return None if (align[0] != 0) or (align[1] != 0): x -= self.w * align[0] y -= self.h * align[1] x = int(math.floor(x + 0.5)) y = int(math.floor(y + 0.5)) bgl.glColor4f(*self.color) return x, y def draw(self, x, y, align=(0, 0)): xy = self.prepare_draw(x, y, align) if not xy: return draw_rect(xy[0], xy[1], w, h) class TextCell(GfxCell): font_id = 0 def __init__(self, text="", color=None, alpha=None, font_id=None): if font_id is None: font_id = TextCell.font_id self.font_id = font_id self.set_text(text) self.color = (0, 0, 0, 1) self.set_color(color, alpha) def set_text(self, text): self.text = str(text) dims = blf.dimensions(self.font_id, self.text) self.w = dims[0] dims = blf.dimensions(self.font_id, "dp") # fontheight self.h = dims[1] def draw(self, x, y, align=(0, 0)): xy = self.prepare_draw(x, y, align) if not xy: return blf.position(self.font_id, xy[0], xy[1], 0) blf.draw(self.font_id, self.text) def draw_text(x, y, value, font_id=0, align=(0, 0), font_height=None): value = str(value) if (align[0] != 0) or (align[1] != 0): dims = blf.dimensions(font_id, value) if font_height is not None: dims = (dims[0], font_height) x -= dims[0] * align[0] y -= dims[1] * align[1] x = int(math.floor(x + 0.5)) y = int(math.floor(y + 0.5)) blf.position(font_id, x, y, 0) blf.draw(font_id, value) def draw_rect(x, y, w, h, margin=0, outline=False): if w < 0: x += w w = abs(w) if h < 0: y += h h = abs(h) x = int(x) y = int(y) w = int(w) h = int(h) margin = int(margin) if outline: bgl.glBegin(bgl.GL_LINE_LOOP) else: bgl.glBegin(bgl.GL_TRIANGLE_FAN) bgl.glVertex2i(x - margin, y - margin) bgl.glVertex2i(x + w + margin, y - margin) bgl.glVertex2i(x + w + margin, y + h + margin) bgl.glVertex2i(x - margin, y + h + margin) bgl.glEnd() def append_round_rect(verts, x, y, w, h, rw, rh=None): if rh is None: rh = rw if w < 0: x += w w = abs(w) if h < 0: y += h h = abs(h) if rw < 0: rw = min(abs(rw), w * 0.5) x += rw w -= rw * 2 if rh < 0: rh = min(abs(rh), h * 0.5) y += rh h -= rh * 2 n = int(max(rw, rh) * math.pi / 2.0) a0 = 0.0 a1 = math.pi / 2.0 append_oval_segment(verts, x + w, y + h, rw, rh, a0, a1, n) a0 = math.pi / 2.0 a1 = math.pi append_oval_segment(verts, x + w, y, rw, rh, a0, a1, n) a0 = math.pi a1 = 3.0 * math.pi / 2.0 append_oval_segment(verts, x, y, rw, rh, a0, a1, n) a0 = 3.0 * math.pi / 2.0 a1 = math.pi * 2.0 append_oval_segment(verts, x, y + h, rw, rh, a0, a1, n) def append_oval_segment(verts, x, y, rw, rh, a0, a1, n, skip_last=False): nmax = n - 1 da = a1 - a0 for i in range(n - int(skip_last)): a = a0 + da * (i / nmax) dx = math.sin(a) * rw dy = math.cos(a) * rh verts.append((x + int(dx), y + int(dy))) def draw_line(p0, p1, c=None): if c is not None: bgl.glColor4f(c[0], c[1], c[2], \ (c[3] if len(c) > 3 else 1.0)) bgl.glBegin(bgl.GL_LINE_STRIP) bgl.glVertex3f(p0[0], p0[1], p0[2]) bgl.glVertex3f(p1[0], p1[1], p1[2]) bgl.glEnd() def draw_line_2d(p0, p1, c=None): if c is not None: bgl.glColor4f(c[0], c[1], c[2], \ (c[3] if len(c) > 3 else 1.0)) bgl.glBegin(bgl.GL_LINE_STRIP) bgl.glVertex2f(p0[0], p0[1]) bgl.glVertex2f(p1[0], p1[1]) bgl.glEnd() def draw_line_hidden_depth(p0, p1, c, a0=1.0, a1=0.5, s0=None, s1=None): bgl.glEnable(bgl.GL_DEPTH_TEST) bgl.glColor4f(c[0], c[1], c[2], a0) if s0 is not None: gl_enable(bgl.GL_LINE_STIPPLE, int(bool(s0))) draw_line(p0, p1) bgl.glDisable(bgl.GL_DEPTH_TEST) if (a1 == a0) and (s1 == s0): return bgl.glColor4f(c[0], c[1], c[2], a1) if s1 is not None: gl_enable(bgl.GL_LINE_STIPPLE, int(bool(s1))) draw_line(p0, p1) def draw_arrow(p0, x, y, z, n_scl=0.2, ort_scl=0.035): p1 = p0 + z bgl.glBegin(bgl.GL_LINE_STRIP) bgl.glVertex3f(p0[0], p0[1], p0[2]) bgl.glVertex3f(p1[0], p1[1], p1[2]) bgl.glEnd() p2 = p1 - z * n_scl bgl.glBegin(bgl.GL_TRIANGLE_FAN) bgl.glVertex3f(p1[0], p1[1], p1[2]) p3 = p2 + (x + y) * ort_scl bgl.glVertex3f(p3[0], p3[1], p3[2]) p3 = p2 + (-x + y) * ort_scl bgl.glVertex3f(p3[0], p3[1], p3[2]) p3 = p2 + (-x - y) * ort_scl bgl.glVertex3f(p3[0], p3[1], p3[2]) p3 = p2 + (x - y) * ort_scl bgl.glVertex3f(p3[0], p3[1], p3[2]) p3 = p2 + (x + y) * ort_scl bgl.glVertex3f(p3[0], p3[1], p3[2]) bgl.glEnd() def draw_arrow_2d(p0, n, L, arrow_len, arrow_width): p1 = p0 + n * L t = Vector((-n[1], n[0])) pA = p1 - n * arrow_len + t * arrow_width pB = p1 - n * arrow_len - t * arrow_width bgl.glBegin(bgl.GL_LINES) bgl.glVertex2f(p0[0], p0[1]) bgl.glVertex2f(p1[0], p1[1]) bgl.glVertex2f(p1[0], p1[1]) bgl.glVertex2f(pA[0], pA[1]) bgl.glVertex2f(p1[0], p1[1]) bgl.glVertex2f(pB[0], pB[1]) bgl.glEnd() # Store/restore OpenGL settings and working with # projection matrices -- inspired by space_view3d_panel_measure # of Buerbaum Martin (Pontiac). # OpenGl helper functions/data gl_state_info = { bgl.GL_MATRIX_MODE:(bgl.GL_INT, 1), bgl.GL_PROJECTION_MATRIX:(bgl.GL_DOUBLE, 16), bgl.GL_LINE_WIDTH:(bgl.GL_FLOAT, 1), bgl.GL_BLEND:(bgl.GL_BYTE, 1), bgl.GL_LINE_STIPPLE:(bgl.GL_BYTE, 1), bgl.GL_COLOR:(bgl.GL_FLOAT, 4), bgl.GL_SMOOTH:(bgl.GL_BYTE, 1), bgl.GL_DEPTH_TEST:(bgl.GL_BYTE, 1), bgl.GL_DEPTH_WRITEMASK:(bgl.GL_BYTE, 1), } gl_type_getters = { bgl.GL_INT:bgl.glGetIntegerv, bgl.GL_DOUBLE:bgl.glGetFloatv, # ? bgl.GL_FLOAT:bgl.glGetFloatv, #bgl.GL_BYTE:bgl.glGetFloatv, # Why GetFloat for getting byte??? bgl.GL_BYTE:bgl.glGetBooleanv, # maybe like that? } def gl_get(state_id): type, size = gl_state_info[state_id] buf = bgl.Buffer(type, [size]) gl_type_getters[type](state_id, buf) return (buf if (len(buf) != 1) else buf[0]) def gl_enable(state_id, enable): if enable: bgl.glEnable(state_id) else: bgl.glDisable(state_id) def gl_matrix_to_buffer(m): tempMat = [m[i][j] for i in range(4) for j in range(4)] return bgl.Buffer(bgl.GL_FLOAT, 16, tempMat) # ===== DRAWING CALLBACKS ===== # cursor_save_location = Vector() def draw_callback_view(self, context): global cursor_save_location settings = find_settings() if settings is None: return update_stick_to_obj(context) if "EDIT" not in context.mode: # It's nice to have bookmark position update interactively # However, this still can be slow if there are many # selected objects # ATTENTION!!! # This eats a lot of processor time! #CursorDynamicSettings.recalc_csu(context, 'PRESS') pass history = settings.history tfm_operator = CursorDynamicSettings.active_transform_operator is_drawing = history.show_trace or tfm_operator if is_drawing: # Store previous OpenGL settings MatrixMode_prev = gl_get(bgl.GL_MATRIX_MODE) ProjMatrix_prev = gl_get(bgl.GL_PROJECTION_MATRIX) lineWidth_prev = gl_get(bgl.GL_LINE_WIDTH) blend_prev = gl_get(bgl.GL_BLEND) line_stipple_prev = gl_get(bgl.GL_LINE_STIPPLE) color_prev = gl_get(bgl.GL_COLOR) smooth_prev = gl_get(bgl.GL_SMOOTH) depth_test_prev = gl_get(bgl.GL_DEPTH_TEST) depth_mask_prev = gl_get(bgl.GL_DEPTH_WRITEMASK) if history.show_trace: bgl.glDepthRange(0.0, 0.9999) history.draw_trace(context) library = settings.libraries.get_item() if library and library.offset: history.draw_offset(context) bgl.glDepthRange(0.0, 1.0) if tfm_operator: tfm_operator.draw_3d(context) if is_drawing: # Restore previous OpenGL settings bgl.glLineWidth(lineWidth_prev) gl_enable(bgl.GL_BLEND, blend_prev) gl_enable(bgl.GL_LINE_STIPPLE, line_stipple_prev) gl_enable(bgl.GL_SMOOTH, smooth_prev) gl_enable(bgl.GL_DEPTH_TEST, depth_test_prev) bgl.glDepthMask(depth_mask_prev) bgl.glColor4f(color_prev[0], color_prev[1], color_prev[2], color_prev[3]) cursor_save_location = Vector(context.space_data.cursor_location) if not settings.cursor_visible: # This is causing problems! See <https://developer.blender.org/T33197> #bpy.context.space_data.cursor_location = Vector([float('nan')] * 3) region = context.region v3d = context.space_data rv3d = context.region_data pixelsize = 1 dpi = context.user_preferences.system.dpi widget_unit = (pixelsize * dpi * 20.0 + 36.0) / 72.0 cursor_w = widget_unit*2 cursor_h = widget_unit*2 viewinv = rv3d.view_matrix.inverted() persinv = rv3d.perspective_matrix.inverted() origin_start = viewinv.translation view_direction = viewinv.col[2].xyz#.normalized() depth_location = origin_start - view_direction coord = (-cursor_w, -cursor_h) dx = (2.0 * coord[0] / region.width) - 1.0 dy = (2.0 * coord[1] / region.height) - 1.0 p = ((persinv.col[0].xyz * dx) + (persinv.col[1].xyz * dy) + depth_location) context.space_data.cursor_location = p def draw_callback_header_px(self, context): r = context.region tfm_operator = CursorDynamicSettings.active_transform_operator if not tfm_operator: return smooth_prev = gl_get(bgl.GL_SMOOTH) tfm_operator.draw_axes_coords(context, (r.width, r.height)) gl_enable(bgl.GL_SMOOTH, smooth_prev) bgl.glDisable(bgl.GL_BLEND) bgl.glColor4f(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0) def draw_callback_px(self, context): global cursor_save_location settings = find_settings() if settings is None: return library = settings.libraries.get_item() if not settings.cursor_visible: context.space_data.cursor_location = cursor_save_location tfm_operator = CursorDynamicSettings.active_transform_operator if settings.show_bookmarks and library: library.draw_bookmark(context) if tfm_operator: tfm_operator.draw_2d(context) # restore opengl defaults bgl.glLineWidth(1) bgl.glDisable(bgl.GL_BLEND) bgl.glColor4f(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0) # ===== UTILITY FUNCTIONS ===== # cursor_stick_pos_cache = None def update_stick_to_obj(context): global cursor_stick_pos_cache settings = find_settings() if not settings.stick_to_obj: cursor_stick_pos_cache = None return scene = context.scene settings_scene = scene.cursor_3d_tools_settings name = settings_scene.stick_obj_name if (not name) or (name not in scene.objects): cursor_stick_pos_cache = None return obj = scene.objects[name] pos = settings_scene.stick_obj_pos pos = obj.matrix_world * pos if pos != cursor_stick_pos_cache: cursor_stick_pos_cache = pos # THIS IS AN EXPENSIVE OPERATION! # (eats 50% of my CPU if called each frame) context.space_data.cursor_location = pos def get_cursor_location(v3d=None, scene=None): if v3d: pos = v3d.cursor_location elif scene: pos = scene.cursor_location return pos.copy() set_cursor_location__reset_stick = True def set_cursor_location(pos, v3d=None, scene=None): pos = pos.to_3d().copy() if v3d: scene = bpy.context.scene # Accessing scene.cursor_location is SLOW # (well, at least assigning to it). # Accessing v3d.cursor_location is fast. v3d.cursor_location = pos elif scene: scene.cursor_location = pos if set_cursor_location__reset_stick: set_stick_obj(scene, None) def set_stick_obj(scene, name=None, pos=None): settings_scene = scene.cursor_3d_tools_settings if name: settings_scene.stick_obj_name = name else: settings_scene.stick_obj_name = "" if pos is not None: settings_scene.stick_obj_pos = Vector(pos).to_3d() # WHERE TO STORE SETTINGS: # Currently there are two types of ID blocks # which properties don't change on Undo/Redo. # - WindowManager seems to be unique (at least # for majority of situations). However, the # properties stored in it are not saved # with the blend. # - Screen. Properties are saved with blend, # but there is some probability that any of # the pre-chosen screen names may not exist # in the user's blend. def propagate_settings_to_all_screens(settings): # At least the most vital "user preferences" stuff for screen in bpy.data.screens: _settings = screen.cursor_3d_tools_settings _settings.auto_register_keymaps = settings.auto_register_keymaps _settings.free_coord_precision = settings.free_coord_precision def find_settings(): #wm = bpy.data.window_managers[0] #settings = wm.cursor_3d_tools_settings try: screen = bpy.data.screens.get("Default", bpy.data.screens[0]) except: # find_settings() was called from register()/unregister() screen = bpy.context.window_manager.windows[0].screen try: settings = screen.cursor_3d_tools_settings except: # addon was unregistered settings = None return settings def find_runtime_settings(): wm = bpy.data.window_managers[0] try: runtime_settings = wm.cursor_3d_runtime_settings except: # addon was unregistered runtime_settings = None return runtime_settings def KeyMapItemSearch(idname, place=None): if isinstance(place, bpy.types.KeyMap): for kmi in place.keymap_items: if kmi.idname == idname: yield kmi elif isinstance(place, bpy.types.KeyConfig): for keymap in place.keymaps: for kmi in KeyMapItemSearch(idname, keymap): yield kmi else: wm = bpy.context.window_manager for keyconfig in wm.keyconfigs: for kmi in KeyMapItemSearch(idname, keyconfig): yield kmi def IsKeyMapItemEvent(kmi, event): event_any = (event.shift or event.ctrl or event.alt or event.oskey) event_key_modifier = 'NONE' # no such info in event return ((kmi.type == event.type) and (kmi.value == event.value) and (kmi.shift == event.shift) and (kmi.ctrl == event.ctrl) and (kmi.alt == event.alt) and (kmi.oskey == event.oskey) and (kmi.any == event_any) and (kmi.key_modifier == event_key_modifier)) # ===== REGISTRATION ===== # def update_keymap(activate): enh_idname = EnhancedSetCursor.bl_idname cur_idname = 'view3d.cursor3d' wm = bpy.context.window_manager userprefs = bpy.context.user_preferences settings = find_settings() auto_register_keymaps = settings.auto_register_keymaps # add a check for Templates switching introduced in 2.78.x/2.79 if __name__ in userprefs.addons.keys(): addon_prefs = userprefs.addons[__name__].preferences wm.cursor_3d_runtime_settings.use_cursor_monitor = \ addon_prefs.use_cursor_monitor auto_register_keymaps &= addon_prefs.auto_register_keymaps if not auto_register_keymaps: return try: km = wm.keyconfigs.user.keymaps['3D View'] except: # wm.keyconfigs.user is empty on Blender startup! return # We need for the enhanced operator to take precedence over # the default cursor3d, but not over the manipulator. # If we add the operator to "addon" keymaps, it will # take precedence over both. If we add it to "user" # keymaps, the default will take precedence. # However, we may just simply turn it off or remove # (depending on what saves with blend). items = list(KeyMapItemSearch(enh_idname, km)) if activate and (len(items) == 0): kmi = km.keymap_items.new(enh_idname, 'ACTIONMOUSE', 'PRESS') for key in EnhancedSetCursor.key_map["free_mouse"]: kmi = km.keymap_items.new(enh_idname, key, 'PRESS') else: for kmi in items: if activate: kmi.active = activate else: km.keymap_items.remove(kmi) for kmi in KeyMapItemSearch(cur_idname): kmi.active = not activate @bpy.app.handlers.persistent def scene_update_post_kmreg(scene): bpy.app.handlers.scene_update_post.remove(scene_update_post_kmreg) update_keymap(True) @bpy.app.handlers.persistent def scene_load_post(*args): wm = bpy.context.window_manager userprefs = bpy.context.user_preferences addon_prefs = userprefs.addons[__name__].preferences wm.cursor_3d_runtime_settings.use_cursor_monitor = \ addon_prefs.use_cursor_monitor class ThisAddonPreferences(bpy.types.AddonPreferences): # this must match the addon name, use '__package__' # when defining this in a submodule of a python package. bl_idname = __name__ auto_register_keymaps = bpy.props.BoolProperty( name="Auto Register Keymaps", default=True) use_cursor_monitor = bpy.props.BoolProperty( name="Enable Cursor Monitor", description="Cursor monitor is a background modal operator "\ "that records 3D cursor history", default=True) def draw(self, context): layout = self.layout settings = find_settings() row = layout.row() row.prop(self, "auto_register_keymaps", text="") row.prop(settings, "auto_register_keymaps") row.prop(settings, "free_coord_precision") row.prop(self, "use_cursor_monitor") def extra_snap_menu_draw(self, context): layout = self.layout layout.operator("view3d.snap_cursor_to_circumscribed") layout.operator("view3d.snap_cursor_to_inscribed") def register(): bpy.utils.register_module(__name__) bpy.types.Scene.cursor_3d_tools_settings = \ bpy.props.PointerProperty(type=Cursor3DToolsSceneSettings) bpy.types.Screen.cursor_3d_tools_settings = \ bpy.props.PointerProperty(type=Cursor3DToolsSettings) bpy.types.WindowManager.align_orientation_properties = \ bpy.props.PointerProperty(type=AlignOrientationProperties) bpy.types.WindowManager.cursor_3d_runtime_settings = \ bpy.props.PointerProperty(type=CursorRuntimeSettings) bpy.types.VIEW3D_PT_transform_orientations.append( transform_orientations_panel_extension) # View properties panel is already long. Appending something # to it would make it too inconvenient #bpy.types.VIEW3D_PT_view3d_properties.append(draw_cursor_tools) bpy.types.VIEW3D_MT_snap.append(extra_snap_menu_draw) bpy.app.handlers.scene_update_post.append(scene_update_post_kmreg) bpy.app.handlers.load_post.append(scene_load_post) def unregister(): # In case they are enabled/active CursorMonitor.handle_remove(bpy.context) # Manually set this to False on unregister CursorMonitor.is_running = False update_keymap(False) bpy.utils.unregister_module(__name__) if hasattr(bpy.types.Scene, "cursor_3d_tools_settings"): del bpy.types.Scene.cursor_3d_tools_settings if hasattr(bpy.types.Screen, "cursor_3d_tools_settings"): del bpy.types.Screen.cursor_3d_tools_settings if hasattr(bpy.types.WindowManager, "align_orientation_properties"): del bpy.types.WindowManager.align_orientation_properties if hasattr(bpy.types.WindowManager, "cursor_3d_runtime_settings"): del bpy.types.WindowManager.cursor_3d_runtime_settings bpy.types.VIEW3D_PT_transform_orientations.remove( transform_orientations_panel_extension) #bpy.types.VIEW3D_PT_view3d_properties.remove(draw_cursor_tools) bpy.types.VIEW3D_MT_snap.remove(extra_snap_menu_draw) bpy.app.handlers.load_post.remove(scene_load_post) if __name__ == "__main__": # launched from the Blender text editor try: register() except Exception as e: print(repr(e)) raise