# SharingService Display a button which can be used to share data via a share sheet. ## Example ```swift @objc dynamic var sharingAvailable = false var selectedText = "some text" ... DSFTouchBar.SharingServicePicker(DSFTouchBar.LeafIdentifier("sharey"), title: "Share") .bindIsEnabled(to: self, withKeyPath: \MyViewController.sharingAvailable) .provideItems { [weak self] in guard let `self` = self else { return [] } return [self.selectedText] } ``` [Sample Code](../Demos/DSFTouchBar%20Demo/DSFTouchBar%20Demo/views/demo/SharingViewController.swift) ## Properties [Core propertes](core.md) | Property | Type (default) | Description | |----------|-------------|------| | `title` | `String` | The title used for the share button | `image` | `NSImage` | The image to use on the button | ## Actions [Core actions](core.md) | Action | Description | |-----------|---------------------| | `provideItems` | This block is called when the button is pressed to retrieve the array of items that are to be shared | ## Bindings [Core bindings](core.md) | Binding | Type (default) | Description | |----------|-------------|------| | `bindIsEnabled` | `Bool` | Bind the enabled state of the share button to a key path