# Label A touchbar item representing a text label. ## Example ```swift @objc dynamic var userName: String = "Name" … DSFTouchBar.Text(DSFTouchBar.LeafIdentifier("userid"), label: "Id") DSFTouchBar.Text(DSFTouchBar.LeafIdentifier("username")) .bindLabel(to: self, withKeyPath: #keyPath(userName)) DSFTouchBar.Text(DSFTouchBar.LeafIdentifier("usercity")) .label("City") ``` [Sample Code](../Demos/DSFTouchBar%20Demo/DSFTouchBar%20Demo/views/demo/TextViewController.swift) ## Properties | Property | Type (default) | Description | |:--------------------|:---------------------|:----------------------------------| | `label` | `String` | The plain text displayed | | `attributedLabel` | `NSAttributedString` | The attributed text displayed | | `customizationLabel`| `String` | The label to display when customizing the touch bar | ## Bindings | Method | Type | Description | |:----------------------|:-----------------------|:--------------------------------------------| | `bindLabel` | `String` | Create a binding for the label to the specified keyPath | | `bindAttributedLabel` | `NSAttributedString` | Create a binding for the attributedString to the specified keyPath |