# ColorPicker A bar item that provides a system-defined color picker. ## Example ```swift @objc dynamic var pickerColor: NSColor = .white … DSFTouchBar.ColorPicker(DSFTouchBar.LeafIdentifier("character-color-selector")) .customizationLabel("Character Color") .showAlpha(true) .bindSelectedColor(to: self, withKeyPath: #keyPath(pickerColor)) ``` [Sample Code](../Demos/DSFTouchBar%20Demo/DSFTouchBar%20Demo/views/demo/ColorViewController.swift) ## Properties | Property | Type (default) | Description | |----------|-------------|------| | `showAlpha` | `Bool` | Should the color picker allow changing alpha? | ## Actions | Method | Type | Description | |:--------------------|:---------------------|:----------------------------------| | `action` | `(NSColor) -> Void` | A block which gets called when the user selects a color | ## Bindings | Method | Type | Description | |:---------------------|:---------------|:----------------------------------------------------------------| | `bindSelectedColor` | `NSColor` | Create a two-way binding for the color to the specified keyPath | | `bindIsEnabled` | `Bool` | Bind the enabled state to a keypath |