# Item A standard toolbar item type. If you supply an action for an item object then it will be enabled by default. You can override this behaviour by providing either a `shouldEnable` block or a `bindEnabled()` to enable or disable an item when required. ## Properties [Core properties](core.md) | Property | Type (default) | Description | |----------|-------------|------| | `image` | `NSImage` | the image to display on the toolbar item | ## Actions [Core actions](core.md) | Action | Description | |-----------|---------------------| | `action` | The block to call when the toolbar item is activated (eg. clicked) | | `shouldEnable` | Supply a callback block to be called to determine the enabled state of the item | ## Bindings [Core bindings](core.md) # Example ```swift DSFToolbar.Item(NSToolbarItem.Identifier("toolbar-watermelon")) .label("Watermelon") .image(ProjectAssets.ImageSet.toolbar_watermelon.image) .shouldEnable { [weak self] in self?.isWatermelonEnabled() ?? false } .action { _ in Swift.print("Got grouped watermelon!") } ``` [Sample Code](../Demos/DSFToolbar%20Demo/DSFToolbar%20Demo/panes/ImagesViewController.swift)