/* * jQuery dform plugin * Copyright (C) 2012 David Luecke , [http://daffl.github.com/jquery.dform] * * Licensed under the MIT license */ (function ($) { var _subscriptions = {}, _types = {}, each = $.each, addToObject = function (obj) { var result = function (data, fn, condition) { if (typeof data === 'object') { $.each(data, function (name, val) { result(name, val, condition); }); } else if (condition === undefined || condition === true) { if (!obj[data]) { obj[data] = []; } obj[data].push(fn); } } return result; }, isArray = $.isArray, /** * Returns an array of keys (properties) contained in the given object. * * @param {Object} object The object to use * @return {Array} An array containing all properties in the object */ keyset = function (object) { return $.map(object, function (val, key) { return key; }); }, /** * Returns an object that contains all values from the given * object that have a key which is also in the array keys. * * @param {Object} object The object to traverse * @param {Array} keys The keys the new object should contain * @return {Object} A new object containing only the properties * with names given in keys */ withKeys = function (object, keys) { var result = {}; each(keys, function (index, value) { if (object[value]) { result[value] = object[value]; } }); return result; }, /** * Returns an object that contains all value from the given * object that do not have a key which is also in the array keys. * * @param {Object} object The object to traverse * @param {Array} keys A list of keys that should not be contained in the new object * @return {Object} A new object with all properties of the given object, except * for the ones given in the list of keys */ withoutKeys = function (object, keys) { var result = {}; each(object, function (index, value) { if (!~$.inArray(index, keys)) { result[index] = value; } }); return result; }, /** * Run all subscriptions with the given name and options * on an element. * * @param {String} name The name of the subscriber function * @param {Object} options ptions for the function * @param {String} type The type of the current element as in the registered types * @return {Object} The jQuery object */ runSubscription = function (name, options, type) { if ($.dform.hasSubscription(name)) { this.each(function () { var element = $(this); each(_subscriptions[name], function (i, sfn) { // run subscriber function with options sfn.call(element, options, type); }); }); } return this; }, /** * Run all subscription functions with given options. * * @param {Object} options The options to use * @return {Object} The jQuery element this function has been called on */ runAll = function (options) { var type = options.type, self = this; // Run preprocessing subscribers this.dform('run', '[pre]', options, type); each(options, function (name, sopts) { self.dform('run', name, sopts, type); }); // Run post processing subscribers this.dform('run', '[post]', options, type); return this; }; /** * Globals added directly to the jQuery object */ $.extend($, { keyset : keyset, withKeys : withKeys, withoutKeys : withoutKeys, dform : { /** * Default options the plugin is initialized with: * * ## prefix * * The Default prefix used for element classnames generated by the dform plugin. * Defaults to _ui-dform-_ * E.g. an element with type text will have the class ui-dform-text * */ options : { prefix : "ui-dform-" }, /** * A function that is called, when no registered type has been found. * The default behaviour returns an HTML element with the tag * as specified in type and the HTML attributes given in options * (without subscriber options). * * @param {Object} options * @return {Object} The created object */ defaultType : function (options) { return $("<" + options.type + ">").dform('attr', options); }, /** * Return all types. * * @params {String} name (optional) If passed return * all type generators for a given name. * @return {Object} Mapping from type name to * an array of generator functions. */ types : function (name) { return name ? _types[name ] : _types; }, /** * Register an element type function. * * @param {String|Array} data Can either be the name of the type * function or an object that contains name : type function pairs * @param {Function} fn The function that creates a new type element */ addType : addToObject(_types), /** * Returns all subscribers or all subscribers for a given name. * * @params {String} name (optional) If passed return all * subscribers for a given name * @return {Object} Mapping from subscriber names * to an array of subscriber functions. */ subscribers : function (name) { return name ? _subscriptions[name] : _subscriptions; }, /** * Register a subscriber function. * * @param {String|Object} data Can either be the name of the subscriber * function or an object that contains name : subscriber function pairs * @param {Function} fn The function to subscribe or nothing if an object is passed for data * @param {Array} deps An optional list of dependencies */ subscribe : addToObject(_subscriptions), /** * Returns if a subscriber function with the given name * has been registered. * * @param {String} name The subscriber name * @return {Boolean} True if the given name has at least one subscriber registered, * false otherwise */ hasSubscription : function (name) { return _subscriptions[name] ? true : false; }, /** * Create a new element. * * @param {Object} options - The options to use * @return {Object} The element as created by the builder function specified * or returned by the defaultType function. */ createElement : function (options) { if (!options.type) { throw "No element type given! Must always exist."; } var type = options.type, element = null, // We don't need the type key in the options opts = $.withoutKeys(options, ["type"]); if (_types[type]) { // Run all type element builder functions called typename each(_types[type], function (i, sfn) { element = sfn.call(element, opts); }); } else { // Call defaultType function if no type was found element = $.dform.defaultType(options); } return $(element); }, methods : { /** * Run all subscriptions with the given name and options * on an element. * * @param {String} name The name of the subscriber function * @param {Object} options ptions for the function * @param {String} type The type of the current element as in the registered types * @return {Object} The jQuery object */ run : function (name, options, type) { if (typeof name !== 'string') { return runAll.call(this, name); } return runSubscription.call(this, name, options, type); }, /** * Creates a form element on an element with given options * * @param {Object} options The options to use * @return {Object} The jQuery element this function has been called on */ append : function (options, converter) { if (converter && $.dform.converters && $.isFunction($.dform.converters[converter])) { options = $.dform.converters[converter](options); } // Create element (run builder function for type) var element = $.dform.createElement(options); this.append(element); // Run all subscriptions element.dform('run', options); }, /** * Adds HTML attributes to the current element from the given options. * Any subscriber will be omitted so that the attributes will contain any * key value pair where the key is not the name of a subscriber function * and is not in the string array excludes. * * @param {Object} object The attribute object * @param {Array} excludes A list of keys that should also be excluded * @return {Object} The jQuery object of the this reference */ attr : function (object, excludes) { // Ignore any subscriber name and the objects given in excludes var ignores = $.keyset(_subscriptions); isArray(excludes) && $.merge(ignores, excludes); this.attr($.withoutKeys(object, ignores)); }, /** * * * @param params * @param success * @param error */ ajax : function (params, success, error) { var options = { error : error, url : params }, self = this; if (typeof params !== 'string') { $.extend(options, params); } options.success = function (data) { var callback = success || params.success; self.dform(data); if(callback) { callback.call(self, data); } } $.ajax(options); }, /** * * * @param options */ init : function (options, converter) { var opts = options.type ? options : $.extend({ "type" : "form" }, options); if (converter && $.dform.converters && $.isFunction($.dform.converters[converter])) { opts = $.dform.converters[converter](opts); } if (this.is(opts.type)) { this.dform('attr', opts); this.dform('run', opts); } else { this.dform('append', opts); } } } } }); /** * The jQuery plugin function * * @param options The form options * @param {String} converter The name of the converter in $.dform.converters * that will be used to convert the options */ $.fn.dform = function (options, converter, error) { var self = $(this); if ($.dform.methods[options]) { $.dform.methods[options].apply(self, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1)); } else { if (typeof options === 'string') { $.dform.methods.ajax.call(self, { url : options, dataType : 'json' }, converter, error); } else { $.dform.methods.init.apply(self, arguments); } } return this; } })(jQuery); /* * jQuery dform plugin * Copyright (C) 2012 David Luecke , [http://daffl.github.com/jquery.dform] * * Licensed under the MIT license */ (function ($) { var each = $.each, _element = function (tag, excludes) { return function (ops) { return $(tag).dform('attr', ops, excludes); }; }, _html = function (options, type) { var self = this; if ($.isPlainObject(options)) { self.dform('append', options); } else if ($.isArray(options)) { each(options, function (index, nested) { self.dform('append', nested); }); } else { self.html(options); } }; $.dform.addType({ container : _element("
"), text : _element(''), password : _element(''), submit : _element(''), reset : _element(''), hidden : _element(''), radio : _element(''), checkbox : _element(''), file : _element(''), number : _element(''), url : _element(''), tel : _element(''), email : _element(''), checkboxes : _element("
", ["name"]), radiobuttons : _element("
", ["name"]) }); $.dform.subscribe({ /** * Adds a class to the current element. * Ovverrides the default behaviour which would be replacing the class attribute. * * @param options A list of whitespace separated classnames * @param type The type of the *this* element */ "class" : function (options, type) { this.addClass(options); }, /** * Sets html content of the current element * * @param options The html content to set as a string * @param type The type of the *this* element */ "html" : _html, /** * Recursively appends subelements to the current form element. * * @param options Either an object with key value pairs * where the key is the element name and the value the * subelement options or an array of objects where each object * is the options for a subelement * @param type The type of the *this* element */ "elements" : _html, /** * Sets the value of the current element. * * @param options The value to set * @param type The type of the *this* element */ "value" : function (options) { this.val(options); }, /** * Set CSS styles for the current element * * @param options The Styles to set * @param type The type of the *this* element */ "css" : function (options) { this.css(options); }, /** * Adds options to select type elements or radio and checkbox list elements. * * @param options A key value pair where the key is the * option value and the value the options text or the settings for the element. * @param type The type of the *this* element */ "options" : function (options, type) { var self = this; // Options for select elements if ((type === "select" || type === "optgroup") && typeof options !== 'string') { each(options, function (value, content) { var option = { type : 'option', value : value }; if (typeof (content) === "string") { option.html = content; } if (typeof (content) === "object") { option = $.extend(option, content); } self.dform('append', option); }); } else if (type === "checkboxes" || type === "radiobuttons") { // Options for checkbox and radiobutton lists each(options, function (value, content) { var boxoptions = ((type === "radiobuttons") ? { "type" : "radio" } : { "type" : "checkbox" }); if (typeof(content) === "string") { boxoptions["caption"] = content; } else { $.extend(boxoptions, content); } boxoptions["value"] = value; self.dform('append', boxoptions); }); } }, /** * Adds caption to elements. * * Depending on the element type the following elements will * be used: * - A legend for
elements * - A