fastlane documentation ================ # Installation Make sure you have the latest version of the Xcode command line tools installed: ``` xcode-select --install ``` Install _fastlane_ using ``` [sudo] gem install fastlane -NV ``` or alternatively using `brew install fastlane` # Available Actions ## iOS ### ios test ``` fastlane ios test ``` Run unit tests and upload code coverage ### ios lint ``` fastlane ios lint ``` Lint sources using swiftlint and check the license headers ### ios lint_headers ``` fastlane ios lint_headers ``` Check license headers ### ios prepare_release ``` fastlane ios prepare_release ``` Prepare release #### Options * **`version`** (required): The new version of the framework * **`api_token`** (required): Github API token ### ios prepare_snapshot ``` fastlane ios prepare_snapshot ``` Prepare snapshot ### ios build_utils ``` fastlane ios build_utils ``` Build xcframework for distribution ### ios build_xcframework ``` fastlane ios build_xcframework ``` Build any project xcframework ### ios create_github_draft ``` fastlane ios create_github_draft ``` Upload to a github release draft ### ios update_plist_versions ``` fastlane ios update_plist_versions ``` Update version number in project plists ### ios update_readme_versions ``` fastlane ios update_readme_versions ``` Update version numbers in README.adoc ### ios update_badge ``` fastlane ios update_badge ``` Update readme badge ---- This is auto-generated and will be re-generated every time [_fastlane_]( is run. More information about fastlane can be found on []( The documentation of fastlane can be found on [](