from mrjob.job import MRJob class MRFriendAffiliations(MRJob): def mapper(self, _, line): # Tokenize line. tokens = line.split(',') tokens = [t.strip() for t in tokens] # First token is the person's name. # Second token is their favorite team. # Remaining tokens are their friends' names. name, team, friends = (tokens[0], tokens[1], tokens[2:]) # Emit (key, value) pairs with friends names as the keys and # (this_name, this_team) as the value (same value for all). for friend in friends: yield friend, (name, team) # Special case: emit a similar (key, value) pair for this person. yield name, (name, team) def reducer(self, name, friends): # Count the number of Red Sox and Cardinals fans who are friends # with this person. team = None red_sox_count = 0 cardinals_count = 0 for friend in friends: # Keep an eye out of the special case where the friends name # and this persons name are the same -- that tells us which # team this person cheers for. if friend[0] == name: this_team = friend[1] else: if friend[1] == "Red Sox": red_sox_count += 1 elif friend[1] == "Cardinals": cardinals_count += 1 else: print "ERROR: Unknown team \"{0}\"".format(friend[1]) # Yield results. yield name, (this_team, red_sox_count, cardinals_count) if __name__ == '__main__':