## Changelog * v1.0.0-alpha.1 * Swift 3.0 (use 0.8.1 if you still need Swift 2.x) * v0.8.1 * Improved README * v0.8 * Added documentation * Integration with Swift built in Pattern Matching (aka `switch/case`) * v0.7 * Support of Swift 3.0 preview 1 * Regex options support (like case sensetivity) * Breaking change (Swift 3.0ish syntax) * Renamed module in Pod from `CrossroadRegex` to `Regex` * v0.6 * Swift 3.0 support * v0.5.1 * Minor linux build related fixes * v0.5 * package manager support * full linux support 🐧 * v0.4.1 * support for optionally present groups * v0.4 * iOS, tvOS and watchOS support * Pod supports watchOS * automated pod deployment * v0.3 * Split * Matches * CocoaPod * Syntactic sugar operators (`=~` and `!~`) * v0.2 * Replace functions * Carthage support * v0.1 * basic find functions for OS X and iOS