<?php /** * SUMMARY: * This script runs a series of tests to ensure that your MODX Revolution website is configured * correctly. It was developed to test for the most common errors (mostly typos) that crop up * when installing or moving a site. * * USAGE: * 1. Upload this script to the Revo website, e.g. to the web root. * 2. Edit the $path_to_core if you put this script somewhere other than * alongside the MODX index.php file or if you've customized the name of your core dir. * 3. Run the script, e.g. by visiting it in a browser: http://yoursite.com/test_config.php * and use any reported error messages to help you clean up your site's configuration. * 4. After you have cleaned up any configuration errors, delete this script from the site. * * * AUTHOR: * Everett Griffiths (everett@craftsmancoding.com) * http://craftsmancoding.com/ * * LAST UPDATED: * 2013-03-10 MODX 2.2.6 */ //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // CONFIG //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Path from this script's location to the MODX core, ends in trailing slash, // e.g. '../core/' or '/home/user/public_html/core/' // Leave as 'core/' if this script is in the web root and you don't have a custom // directory name for core. $path_to_core = 'core/'; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // DO NOT EDIT BELOW THIS LINE //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ define('MODX_API_MODE', true); function print_errors($e) { $error_list = implode('<br/>',$e); print '<div style="margin:10px; padding:20px; border:1px solid red; background-color:pink; border-radius: 5px; width:500px;"> <span style="color:red; font-weight:bold;">Error</span><br /> <p>The following errors were detected:</p>'.$error_list.'</div>'; } function print_success() { print '<div style="margin:10px; padding:20px; border:1px solid green; background-color:#00CC66; border-radius: 5px; width:500px;"> <span style="color:green; font-weight:bold;">Success!</span> <p>Your MODX installation appears to be set up correctly. This is <em>not</em> a guarantee that your site is running correctly! It means that your site is free from the bigger errors and misconfigurations.</p> </div>'; } // Is this really the CORE_PATH? // @return boolean true on sucess function test_core($path) { //global $errors; // Should be folders for: cache, components, config, docs, error, export, import, lexicon, model, packages, xpdo $folders = array('cache', 'components', 'config', 'docs', 'error', 'export', 'import', 'lexicon', 'model', 'packages', 'xpdo'); foreach ($folders as $f) { if(!file_exists($path.$f)) { //$errors[] = $path.$f.' folder does not exist!'; return false; } } return true; } if (!file_exists($path_to_core.'config/config.inc.php')) { $errors[] = 'Incorrect path to core!'; } if (!empty($errors)) { print_errors($errors); exit; } require_once($path_to_core.'config/config.inc.php'); $errors = array(); // Test $database_dsn. $what_dsn_should_be = "$database_type:host=$database_server;dbname=$dbase;charset=$database_connection_charset"; if($what_dsn_should_be != $database_dsn) { $errors[] = '$database_dsn is not set correctly. It should read: '.$what_dsn_should_be; } // Test the constants if(!defined('MODX_CORE_PATH')) { $errors[] = 'MODX_CORE_PATH not defined!'; } if(!defined('MODX_PROCESSORS_PATH')) { $errors[] = 'MODX_PROCESSORS_PATH not defined!'; } if(!defined('MODX_CONNECTORS_PATH')) { $errors[] = 'MODX_CONNECTORS_PATH not defined!'; } if(!defined('MODX_MANAGER_PATH')) { $errors[] = 'MODX_MANAGER_PATH not defined!'; } if(!defined('MODX_MANAGER_URL')) { $errors[] = 'MODX_MANAGER_URL not defined!'; } if(!defined('MODX_BASE_PATH')) { $errors[] = 'MODX_BASE_PATH not defined!'; } if(!defined('MODX_URL_SCHEME')) { $errors[] = 'MODX_URL_SCHEME not defined!'; } if(!defined('MODX_HTTP_HOST')) { $errors[] = 'MODX_HTTP_HOST not defined!'; } if(!defined('MODX_SITE_URL')) { $errors[] = 'MODX_SITE_URL not defined!'; } if(!defined('MODX_ASSETS_PATH')) { $errors[] = 'MODX_ASSETS_PATH not defined!'; } if(!defined('MODX_ASSETS_URL')) { $errors[] = 'MODX_ASSETS_URL not defined!'; } if(!defined('MODX_CACHE_DISABLED')) { $errors[] = 'MODX_CACHE_DISABLED not defined!'; } // Stage 1 if (!empty($errors)) { print_errors($errors); exit; } // Check before we require if (!file_exists(MODX_CORE_PATH . 'model/modx/modx.class.php')) { $errors[] = 'modX class not found! The modX class file should be located at '.MODX_CORE_PATH . 'model/modx/modx.class.php'; print_errors($errors); exit; } require_once( MODX_CORE_PATH . 'model/modx/modx.class.php'); // Classes? : modX if (!class_exists('modX')) { $errors[] = 'modX class not found! The modX class file should be located at '.MODX_CORE_PATH . 'model/modx/modx.class.php'; print_errors($errors); exit; } // Test MODX_CORE_PATH // Is this really the CORE_PATH? // Should be folders for: cache, components, config, docs, error, export, import, lexicon, model, packages, xpdo /* $folders = array('cache', 'components', 'config', 'docs', 'error', 'export', 'import', 'lexicon', 'model', 'packages', 'xpdo'); foreach ($folders as $f) { if(!file_exists(MODX_CORE_PATH.$f)) { $errors[] = MODX_CORE_PATH.$f.' folder does not exist!'; } } */ if (!test_core(MODX_CORE_PATH)) { $errors[] = 'Your core/config/config.inc.php file has defined an incorrect <code>MODX_CORE_PATH</code>'; } // Test MODX_PROCESSORS_PATH // Should be folders for 'browser', 'context', 'element', 'resource', 'security', 'source', 'system', 'workspace' $folders = array('browser', 'context', 'element', 'resource', 'security', 'source', 'system', 'workspace'); foreach ($folders as $f) { if(!file_exists(MODX_PROCESSORS_PATH.$f)) { $errors[] = MODX_PROCESSORS_PATH.$f.' folder does not exist!'; } } // Test MODX_CONNECTORS_PATH // Should be folders for browser, context, element, layout, resource, security, source, system, workspace $folders = array('browser', 'context', 'element', 'layout', 'resource', 'security', 'source', 'system', 'workspace'); foreach ($folders as $f) { if(!file_exists(MODX_CONNECTORS_PATH.$f)) { $errors[] = MODX_CONNECTORS_PATH.$f.' folder does not exist!'; } } // Test MODX_MANAGER_PATH // Folders for assets, controllers, min, templates $folders = array('assets', 'controllers', 'min', 'templates'); foreach ($folders as $f) { if(!file_exists(MODX_MANAGER_PATH.$f)) { $errors[] = MODX_MANAGER_PATH.$f.' folder does not exist!'; } } if (!empty($errors)) { print_errors($errors); exit; } // Test config.core.php files // 1. root // 2. manager // 3. connectors if (!file_exists(MODX_BASE_PATH.'config.core.php')) { $errors[] = 'Missing configuration file at '.MODX_BASE_PATH.'config.core.php'; } if (!file_exists(MODX_MANAGER_PATH.'config.core.php')) { $errors[] = 'Missing configuration file at '.MODX_MANAGER_PATH.'config.core.php'; } if (!file_exists(MODX_CONNECTORS_PATH.'config.core.php')) { $errors[] = 'Missing configuration file at '.MODX_CONNECTORS_PATH.'config.core.php'; } $config_files = array(); $config_files[] = array( 'file' => MODX_BASE_PATH.'config.core.php', 'contents' => file_get_contents(MODX_BASE_PATH.'config.core.php') ); $config_files[] = array( 'file' => MODX_MANAGER_PATH.'config.core.php', 'contents' => file_get_contents(MODX_MANAGER_PATH.'config.core.php') ); $config_files[] = array( 'file' => MODX_CONNECTORS_PATH.'config.core.php', 'contents' => file_get_contents(MODX_CONNECTORS_PATH.'config.core.php') ); // Config files should define a path in one of the following ways: // define('MODX_CORE_PATH', dirname(__FILE__) . '/core/'); // define('MODX_CORE_PATH', dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/core/'); // define('MODX_CORE_PATH', '/path/to/core/'); foreach ($config_files as $c) { preg_match('#'. preg_quote("define('MODX_CORE_PATH',") .'(.*)\);#', $c['contents'], $matches); if (isset($matches[1])) { $path = trim($matches[1]); $path = preg_replace("/^'/", '', $path); $path = preg_replace("/'$/", '', $path); $path = preg_replace('/^"/', '', $path); $path = preg_replace('/"$/', '', $path); $path = preg_replace('/\s/', '', $path); // does this file use dirname(__FILE__)? if (preg_match('#'.preg_quote('dirname(dirname(__FILE__))').'#',$path)) { $path = preg_replace('#'.preg_quote("dirname(dirname(__FILE__)).'",'/').'#', dirname(dirname($c['file'])), $path); } elseif (preg_match('#'.preg_quote('dirname(__FILE__)').'#',$path)) { $path = preg_replace('#'.preg_quote("dirname(__FILE__).'",'/').'#', dirname($c['file']), $path); } if (!test_core($path)) { $errors[] = 'Your '.$c['file'].' file has defined an incorrect <code>MODX_CORE_PATH</code>'; } } else { $errors[] = $c['file'] . ' did not define the <code>MODX_CORE_PATH</code> constant!'; } } // Test to make sure these files are pointing to the correct spot $modx = new modx(); if (!is_object($modx)) { $errors[] = 'Unable to instantiate modX object.'; print_errors($errors); exit; } // Test Database foreach($modx->query("SELECT NOW() as now") as $row) { if (!isset($row['now']) || empty($row['now'])) { $errors[] = 'Unable to issue database query.'; } break; } // Check database: workspace $Workspace = $modx->getObject('modWorkspace',1); if (!is_object($Workspace)) { $errors[] = 'Error reading workspaces table.'; } else { $path = $Workspace->get('path'); if ($path != '{core_path}' && $path != MODX_CORE_PATH) { $errors[] = 'Workspace path does not match MODX_CORE_PATH'; } } // Permissions if (!is_writable(MODX_CORE_PATH.'cache')) { $errors[] = MODX_CORE_PATH.'cache directory is not writable!'; } if (!is_writable(MODX_ASSETS_PATH.'components')) { $errors[] = MODX_ASSETS_PATH.'components directory is not writable!'; } // Summary if (!empty($errors)) { print_errors($errors); exit; } else { print_success(); } /*EOF*/