CTK XML schema for command line modules. false false The XML schema for the XML description of command line module parameters. The root element for each module XML description. It must contain at least one "parameters" element. Classifies the module (e.g. Filtering, Segmentation). The value can be a dot separated string to create category hierarchies. A human-readable name for the module. A detailed description of the modules purpose. The modules version number. A suggested format is: <p> major.minor.patch.build.status </p><p> where status is one of <ul> <li>vc: version controlled (pre-alpha), build can be a serial revision number, if any (like svn might have).</li> <li>a: alpha</li> <li>b: beta</li> <li>rc: release candidate</li> <li>fcs: first customer ship</li> </ul> </p> A URL pointing to a documentation or home page of the module. The type of license or a URL containing the license. The author(s) of the command line module. Acknowledgements for funding agency, employer, colleague, etc. Starts a group of parameters. Starts a group of parameters. A short string used as the label for this group. A description of this parameter group. This value is usually used in GUI generators to decide if the parameters belonging to this group should be initially hidden to the user or not. This type specifies elements common to all parameter types. The unique name (within this module) of the parameter. This is only used internally. You must either specify "flag" or "longflag" (or both) or "index". An integer starting at 0, that specifies a module argument that has no flags. The index value 1000 is reserved as a marker for output parameters (see the "channel" element) to indicate that this parameter is used to return results during the execution of this module and does not need to be set. A brief description of the parameter. A label for parameter. A default value for the parameter. The default must be a type that is compatible with the parameter type. The vector parameters are specified as comma separated values of the atomic parameter type. Specifies whether the parameter is an input or output parameter. Output parameters can for example specify file paths where to write output data (e.g. using the "image" element) or they can represent "simple return parameters", indicated by providing an "index" of 1000. The current values of suche simple return parameters are not passed to the module during its execution. Rather, the module itself reports these parameter values during execution. This type represents vectors of integers, floats, and doubles and can contain constraints on the domain of valid values for the vector elements. Parameters of this type are allowed to be passed multiple times with different values to the module if the attribute "multiple" is set to true. Note that if such a parameter has no flags, its values must be passed as the last arguments to the module. Allows this parameter to occur multiple times. This type represents integers, floats, and doubles and can contain constraints on the domain of valid values. Restricts the valid parameter value to one and only one element out of a specified discrete set of values. Defines one possible enumeration value. Specifies the coordinate system. If unspecified, the executing module is free to interpret the coordinates in the most appropriate way. For more information about the different systems, see <a href="http://www.slicer.org/slicerWiki/index.php/Coordinate_systems">Coordinate Systems</a>. <ul> <li><b>ras</b> (Right, Anterior, Superior) coordinate system.</li> <li><b>ijk</b> image coordinate system.</li> <li><b>lps</b> (Left, Posterior, Superior) coordinate system.</li> </ul> A parameter describing a point or region in 3D with a specified coordinate system. Optionally specifies the allowed geometry type. Optionally specifies the allowed image type. A single character flag (e.g. "s", "W", etc.). Not required if "longFlag" is specified. A comma separated list of aliases. Can be used to provide different flags for the same parameter. A comma separated list of deprecated aliases. When invoking a module with one of these aliases, the callee will be notified about the new preferred flag name. A multi-character flag (e.g. "spacing", "Watcher", etc.). Not required if "flag" is specified. A comma separated list of aliases. Can be used to provide different long flags for the same parameter. A comma separated list of deprecated aliases. When invoking a module with one of these aliases, the callee will be notified about the new preferred long flag name. Constraints on the allowed parameter value for scalar types and their vector variants. The minimum allowed value for the parameter. If not specified, the minimum is the smallest possible value for the parameter type. The maximum allowed value for the parameter. If not specified, the maximum is the largest possible value for the parameter type. The increment for the parameter.