update_url: 'https://raw.github.com/commenthol/ua-parser2/master/regexes.yaml' # replacement pattern pattern: __VERSION__: '(\d{1,10})(?:\.(\d{1,10})|)(?:\.([a-z\d]{1,20})|)' __VERSION_2_DIGITS__: '(\d{1,10})\.(\d{1,10})(?:\.(\d{1,10})|)' __VERSION_3_DIGITS__: '(\d{1,10})\.(\d{1,10})\.(\d{1,10})' __VERSION_DIGITS__: '(\d{1,10})(?:\.(\d{1,10})|)(?:\.(\d{1,10})|)' __VERSION_DIGITS_UNDERSCORE__: '(\d{1,10})(?:[._](\d{1,10})|)(?:[._](\d{1,10})|)' __VERSION_MOZILLA__: '(\d{1,10})(?:\.(\d{1,10})|)(?:\.?([a-z\d]{1,111})|)' __VERSION_OS__: '(\d{1,10})(?:\.(\d{1,10})|)(?:\.(\d{1,10})|)(?:\.(\d{1,10})|)' __VERSION_OS_UNDERSCORE__: '(\d{1,10})(?:[._](\d{1,10})|)(?:[._](\d{1,10})|)' __BUILD__: '(?: Build|[;)])' __LOCALE__: '[A-Za-z]{2}[_\-][A-Za-z]{0,2}' #### Browser #### user_agent_parsers: ### iOS / OSX Applications - regex: '\b(CFNetwork|CaptiveNetworkSupport)' group: - regex: '^((?:(?! CFNetwork|/).){1,111})(?:/(\d{1,10})(?:\.([a-z\d]{1,111})|)(?:\.([a-z\d]{1,111})|)(?:.{1,300}|)|) CFNetwork/' type: 'app' - regex: '(CFNetwork)(?:/__VERSION__|.|$)' type: 'app' - regex: '(CaptiveNetworkSupport)-(\d{1,10})' type: 'app' #### Bots #### - regex: "(\ ^FDM|\ ^insomnia|\ ^integrity|\ @|\ Acoon|\ ai-agent|\ adbeat|\ AHC|\ aggregator|\ analyzer|\ anonymous|\ ApacheBench|\ Arachmo|\ archiver|\ aws-|\ [a-z]{3,30}\\.com|\ Azureus|\ BDFetch|\ BingWeb|\ BingPreview|\ blog|\ BlogBridge|\ \\bNG\\b|\ bot|\ boost|\ catalog|\ insomnia|\ Cerberian Drtrs|\ charlotte|\ check|\ checker|\ Clarsentia|\ cloud|\ crawl|\ Datanyze|\ diagnostic|\ \\bdig\\b|\ discovery|\ Download Demon|\ Evidon|\ ExaleadCloudview|\ explorer|\ extract|\ facebookexternalhit|\ faviconGenieo|\ FavOrg|\ GigablastOpenSource|\ gomezagent|\ google|\ GTmetrix|\ HatenaScreenshot|\ health|\ history|\ http[^:]{0,2}?://|\ httpunit|\ indexer|\ inspect|\ InternetSeer\\.com|\ intraVnews|\ ips-agent|\ JetBrains|\ JetS3t|\ Jigsaw|\ JNLP|\ KHTE|\ KTXN|\ larbin|\ link|\ LinkAlarm|\ lycos|\ Mail\\.Ru|\ marketing|\ MetaURI API|\ Microsoft URL Control|\ monitor|\ Moozilla|\ MovableType|\ netcraft|\ Neustar WPM|\ NING|\ \\boBot|\ PAN GlobalProtect|\ PayPal|\ Photon|\ Pingdom|\ Pinterest|\ pompos|\ Powermarks|\ probe|\ proxy|\ PRTG|\ PTST|\ QQDownload|\ Reaper|\ NewRelicPinger|\ Retreiver|\ Rival IQ|\ Robozilla|\ s3fs|\ scan|\ Scooter|\ scope|\ scrap|\ screenshot|\ search|\ seek|\ Shelob|\ site|\ sitecon|\ slurp|\ snap|\ Snoopy|\ SpaceBison|\ spider|\ Squrl Java|\ StackRambler|\ StatusCake|\ StumbleUpon|\ survey|\ synthetic|\ Tableau|\ teoma|\ TLSProber|\ Tumblr|\ validator|\ vortex|\ voyager|\ web-capture.net|\ WebMon|\ Webster Pro|\ WhatsApp/|\ WhatWeb|\ WinHTTP|\ WordPress|\ www[.-]|\ Xenu|\ zyborg\ )" regex_flag: 'i' group: # Pingdom - regex: '(Pingdom\.com_bot_version_)(\d{1,10})\.(\d{1,10})' family: 'PingdomBot' type: 'bot' # Google Plus - regex: 'Google.{0,300}/\+/web/snippet' family: 'GooglePlusBot' type: 'bot' # Pinterestbot - regex: '(Pinterest(?:bot|))\/(\d{1,10})(?:\.(\d{1,10})|[^\.]).{0,300}https?:\/\/' type: 'bot' # Add loadbalancer, monitoring, health-checks - regex: '(ELB-HealthChecker|SiteScope)(?:[/ ]__VERSION__|.|$)' regex_flag: 'i' type: 'bot::healthcheck' - regex: "(\ PRTG Network Monitor|\ PAN GlobalProtect|\ PingdomTMS\ )(?:[/ ]__VERSION__|.|$)" regex_flag: 'i' type: 'bot::monitor' # AWS S3 Clients - regex: '\b(Boto3?|JetS3t|aws-(?:cli|sdk-(?:cpp|go|java|nodejs|ruby2?|dotnet-(?:\d{1,2}|core)))|s3fs)/(?:__VERSION__|)' type: 'bot' - regex: '(PTST)[/ ]__VERSION__' family: 'SpeedCurve WebPage Test' type: 'bot' - regex: '(NAVER)\(inapp; search(?:; \d{1,10}|)(?:; __VERSION_DIGITS__|)[;)]' type: 'app' - regex: '^(PHP) ' type: 'bot' - regex: 'aggregator:(\\w{1,111})' type: 'bot' - regex: '/(Nutch)-__VERSION_2_DIGITS__' type: 'bot' # sort by length # BAD REGEX - regex: "(\ Ask ?Jeeves/Teoma|\ ^teoma|\ (?:[a-z]{1,20}-|)Googlebot(?:-[a-z]{1,20}|)|\ Microsoft Windows Network Diagnostics|\ Microsoft [A-Za-z ]{6,50} Discovery|\ BoardReader Favicon Fetcher\\s{0,5}|\ BoardReader Blog Indexer|\ baidu[a-z]{0,20}(?:spider|Mobaider)|\ Netcraft (?:Web|SSL) Server Survey|\ Sogou \\w{1,20} (?:Robot|Spider)|\ AdsBot-Google(?:-[a-z]{1,20}|)|\ Automattic Analytics Crawler|\ Google Page Speed Insights|\ SynapticSearch/AI Crawler|\ msnbot(?:-media\\s{0,5}|)|\ IlTrovatore(?:-Setaccio|)|\ XaxisSemanticsClassifier|\ www\\.WebSearch.com\\.au|\ HubSpot Marketing Grader|\ Google-Site-Verification|\ \\bYeti(?:-[a-z]{0,20}|)|\ Advanced Email Extractor|\ Xenu(?:.s|) Link Sleuth|\ Google-HTTP-Java-Client|\ Daumoa(?:-feedfetcher|)|\ collection@infegy\\.com|\ Yahoo[a-z]{0,20}Seeker|\ Slackbot-LinkExpanding|\ NetShelter ContentScan|\ Free ScreenShotService|\ SEARCHALOT(?:\\.COM|)|\ SafariBookmarkChecker|\ Peeplo Screenshot Bot|\ Microsoft URL Control|\ Google Search Console|\ FlipboardBrowserProxy|\ Flamingo_SearchEngine|\ \\b\\w{0,33}favicon\\w{0,33}\\b|\ BrokenLinkCheck\\.com|\ Y!J(?:-[A-Z]{1,30}|)|\ Windows Phone Search|\ websitepulse checker|\ TrialPay URL checker|\ Rackspace Monitoring|\ Mediapartners-Google|\ Google-SearchByImage|\ archive.{0,30}\\.org_bot|\ ZeBot_www\\.ze\\.bz|\ Yahoo! SearchMonkey|\ www\\.alertra\\.com|\ RetrevoPageAnalyzer|\ NetcraftSurveyAgent|\ GigablastOpenSource|\ facebookexternalhit|\ Catchpoint(?: bot|)|\ CloudEndure Scanner|\ shrinktheweb\\.com|\ Shoppimon Analyzer|\ PlantyNet_WebRobot|\ NetLyzer FastProbe|\ mixed-content-scan|\ Mail\\.RU(?:_Bot|)|\ Innovazion Crawler|\ ichiro(?:/mobile|)|\ Google Web Preview|\ Comodo SSL Checker|\ 1470\\.net crawler|\ WEB\\.DE MailCheck|\ Siteimprove\\.com|\ seoscanners\\.net|\ semanticdiscovery|\ notifyninja\\.com|\ Microsoft .{0,30} Bot|\ IP2[a-z]{1,20}Bot|\ CostaCider Search|\ SeznamEmailProxy|\ sureseeker\\.com|\ Offline Explorer|\ ^Nutch[^/]{0,30}|\ Newneon BlogBorg|\ InternetSeer.com|\ HatenaScreenshot|\ GoogleImageProxy|\ ExaleadCloudview|\ AppEngine-Google|\ web-capture.net|\ Thumbshots\\.ru|\ SiteTruth\\.com|\ searchuk.comBot|\ panscient\\.com|\ Minstrel-Browse|\ JemmaTheTourist|\ InternetArchive|\ Google SketchUp|\ Ghost Inspector|\ Feed Seeker Bot|\ fast-webcrawler|\ Cerberian Drtrs|\ agentslug\\.com|\ Adsense-Snapshot-Google|\ Accoona-AI-Agent|\ Amazon CloudFront|\ 8bo Crawler Bot|\ WorldWideWeb-X|\ trendictionbot|\ Slack-ImgProxy|\ SearchIt\\.Bot|\ RuxitSynthetic|\ PaxleFramework|\ PagesInventory|\ NewsGator[^/]{0,33}|\ FollowSite Bot|\ FlipboardProxy|\ Download Demon|\ dataparksearch|\ ConveraCrawler|\ Buscaplus Robi|\ NewRelicPinger|\ WWW-Mechanize|\ YottaaMonitor|\ WDG_Validator|\ voila(?:bot|)|\ ThumbShotsBot|\ socbot search|\ ObjectsSearch|\ http%20client|\ GoogleToolbar|\ Bot-TailTrend|\ boitho.com-dc|\ BlogPulseLive|\ YFSJ crawler|\ Yahoo! Slurp|\ WeSEE:Search|\ WASALive.Bot|\ TheUsefulbot|\ StackRambler|\ search:robot|\ Read%20Later|\ masidani_bot|\ Isara-Search|\ HistoryHound|\ BilgiBetaBot|\ adbeat\\.com|\ Webster Pro|\ StumbleUpon|\ Websearch4u|\ Taringa UGC|\ searchsight|\ SearchByUsa|\ robotgenius|\ Neustar WPM|\ netresearch|\ MSIECrawler|\ MovableType|\ MnoGoSearch|\ MetaURI API|\ LinkedInBot|\ Linkchecker|\ Linguee Bot|\ HttpMonitor|\ BoardReader|\ BingPreview|\ ApacheBench|\ Add Catalog|\ LinkWalker|\ Powermarks|\ Yandex\\w{1,111}|\ YahooYSMcm|\ TwitterBot|\ StatusCake|\ Squrl Java|\ SpaceBison|\ QQDownload|\ PayPal IPN|\ PagePeeker|\ KiwiStatus|\ ^integrity|\ intraVnews|\ GuzzleHttp|\ GomezAgent|\ Discordbot|\ Clarsentia|\ Checklinks|\ BlogBridge|\ \\bKTXN\\b|\ \\bKHTE\\b|\ ^anonymous|\ A6-Indexer|\ WordPress|\ Votay bot|\ TLSProber|\ Site-Shot|\ Robozilla|\ RMSnapKit|\ Retreiver|\ RedCarpet|\ Popdexter|\ NG-Search|\ LinkAlarm|\ LesnikBot|\ JetBrains|\ ^insomnia|\ i?seekbot|\ ips-agent|\ findlinks|\ DareBoost|\ charlotte|\ Butterfly|\ BuiltWith|\ Altresium|\ altavista|\ Datanyze|\ WebThumb|\ ^voyager|\ ShopWiki|\ ScoutJet|\ Rival IQ|\ Qwantify|\ OSSProxy|\ Netvibes|\ NerdyBot|\ MuckRack|\ Moozilla|\ mogimogi|\ Lite Bot|\ IQSearch|\ InfuzApp|\ IconSurf|\ Icarus6j|\ httpunit|\ HooWWWer|\ heritrix|\ GTmetrix|\ clumboot|\ \\bNG\\b|\ blitzbot|\ archiver|\ adidxbot|\ AcoonBot|\ Tableau|\ ZooShot|\ WinHTTP|\ WhatWeb|\ ^vortex|\ URL2PNG|\ Spinn3r|\ SiteCon|\ Semager|\ scrubby|\ scooter|\ Riddler|\ polybot|\ Plukkie|\ ^Photon|\ Orbiter|\ openbot|\ NetSurf|\ masscan|\ Lsearch|\ jbot\\b|\ ^INGRID|\ gigabot|\ furlbot|\ Filangy|\ BotSeer|\ \\boBot|\ BingWeb|\ bingbot|\ BDFetch|\ Azureus|\ Arachmo|\ 50\\.nu|\ ZyBorg|\ zimeno|\ Wotbox|\ WebMon|\ ^Tumblr|\ speedy|\ Snoopy|\ snappy|\ Shelob|\ Scrapy|\ Reaper|\ pompos|\ ^Oblio|\ msrbot|\ mozDex|\ m65bot|\ larbin|\ Kurzor|\ Kraken|\ Jigsaw|\ holmes|\ GomezA|\ Genieo|\ FavOrg|\ Evidon|\ EasyDL|\ \\b008|\ Slurp|\ Nutch|\ ^NING|\ lycos|\ Llaut|\ htdig|\ Giant|\ Evaal|\ ^ECCP|\ DeuSu|\ Argus|\ Acoon|\ ^zao|\ Yepi|\ WIRE|\ JNLP|\ ^FDM|\ ^AHC\ )(?:[ /-]__VERSION__|)" regex_flag: 'i' type: 'bot' - regex: '^(bot)[^a-z](?:__VERSION__|)' regex_flag: 'i' type: 'bot' - regex: "^.{0,200}?(\ (?:[a-z][a-z. _-]{0,50}|)\ (?:\ crawler|crawl|scraper|spider|indexer|webbot|analyzer|whatsapp|robot\\b|\ (?:(?!cubot)[\\w-]{2})bot\\b|\ [\\w.]{1,10} bot\\b| bot(?=@)\\b\ )\ )(?:[ /-]__VERSION__|)" regex_flag: 'i' type: 'bot' - regex: "; (Daum)/__VERSION__" type: 'bot' - regex: 'MSIE \d{1,10}\..{0,100}?https?://((?:[\w\d-]{1,111}\.|)[\w\d-]{1,111}\.\w{1,111})' type: 'bot' ### iOS / OSX Applications - regex: '\b(iPhone|iPad|iPod)' group: - regex: '^([^/]{1,111})/__VERSION__ \((?:iPhone|iPad|iPod); iOS [0-9\.]{1,111}; Scale/[0-9\.]{1,111}\)' type: 'app' - regex: '^([^/]{1,111})/__VERSION__ iOS/[0-9\.]{1,111} model/(?:iPhone|iPad|iPod)' type: 'app' ### Mail - regex: "(\ [Mm]ail|\ Barca|\ \\bBat|\ DAV|\ ownCloud|\ Nextcloud|\ Exchange|\ Eudora|\ Evolution|\ Framabird|\ Icedove|\ Lightning|\ Lotus-Notes|\ MSOffice|\ Microsoft Office|\ Outlook|\ Shredder|\ Sparrow|\ Spicebird|\ Superhuman|\ Thunderbird|\ YahooMailProxy|\ YahooMobileMail|\ (?:Macintosh.{0,300} AppleWebKit|MailBar|Postbox|HipChat)\ )" group: # Outlook 2007 - regex: 'Microsoft Office Outlook 12\.\d{1,10}\.\d{1,10}|MSOffice 12' family: 'Outlook' v1: '2007' type: 'mail' # Outlook 2010 - regex: 'Microsoft Outlook 14\.\d{1,10}\.\d{1,10}|MSOffice 14' family: 'Outlook' v1: '2010' type: 'mail' # Outlook 2013 - regex: 'Microsoft Outlook 15\.\d{1,10}\.\d{1,10}' family: 'Outlook' v1: '2013' type: 'mail' # Outlook 2016 - regex: 'Microsoft Outlook (?:Mail |)16\.\d{1,10}\.\d{1,10}|MSOffice 16' family: 'Outlook' v1: '2016' type: 'mail' # Windows Live Mail - regex: 'Outlook-Express\/7\.0.{0,300}' family: 'Windows Live Mail' type: 'mail' # Mail Agents with version - regex: "(\ Evolution\ )/__VERSION__" type: 'mail' # Other Mail Agents - regex: "(\ Barca(?:Pro|)|\ Eudora|\ ExchangeServicesClient|\ ExchangeWebServices|\ Framabird|\ FossaMail|\ HipChat|\ kmail2|\ Lotus-Notes|\ MacOutlook|\ MailBar|\ Mail Free|\ Microsoft Outlook|\ Outlook-Express|\ Outlook-iOS-Android|\ Pocomail|\ Postbox|\ Slack_SSB|\ Sparrow|\ Superhuman|\ The Bat!(?: Voyager|)|\ YahooMailProxy|\ YahooMobileMail\ )(?:[/ ]__VERSION__|)" type: 'mail' # Apple Air Mail - regex: '(Airmail) __VERSION__' type: 'mail' - regex: '(Shredder|Spicebird)/__VERSION__' type: 'mail' # Apple Mail - regex: '^Mozilla\/5\.0 \(.{0,300} Mac OS X.{0,300}\(KHTML, like Gecko\)(?: Mobile\/[\S]{0,33}|)$' family: 'Apple Mail' type: 'mail' # Lightning (for Thunderbird) http://www.mozilla.org/projects/calendar/lightning/ - regex: 'Gecko/\d{1,10} (Lightning)/__VERSION_MOZILLA__' type: 'mail' # Thunderbird - regex: '(Thunderbird|Icedove)/__VERSION_MOZILLA__' family: 'Thunderbird' type: 'mail' - regex: '(mobmail) android __VERSION__' type: 'mail' # DAV - regex: '(mirall)/__VERSION__.{0,300}Nextcloud' family: 'Nextcloud' type: 'app::webdav' - regex: '(WEBDAV Client)' type: 'app::webdav' - regex: "\\b(\ RCM CardDAV plugin|\ DAVdroid|\ ownCloud-android|\ Microsoft-WebDAV-MiniRedir\ )/__VERSION__" type: 'app::webdav' - regex: '(Microsoft Office) \(Word\) (2014)' family: 'Microsoft Office Word' type: 'app' # Feedreader - regex: "\\b(\ AideRSS|\ Akregator|\ Apple-PubSub|\ Bloglovin|\ CITA RSS Aggregator|\ Custom-Feed Reader|\ Digg Feed Fetcher|\ Feedbin |\ FeedBlitz|\ FeedDa?emon|\ Feeddler|\ FeedForAll|\ Feedreader|\ JetBrains Omea Reader|\ Liferea|\ NetNewsWire|\ Mtps Feed Aggregation System|\ newsbeuter|\ newspaper|\ NewsBlur|\ Pulp|\ ReadKit|\ ReederForMac|\ RssBar|\ RSS Junkie|\ RSS Menu|\ RSSOwl|\ (?:RSS|Rss)Bandit|\ SimplePie|\ SimpleRSS|\ Stringer|\ Tiny Tiny RSS|\ UniversalFeedParser|\ Windows-RSS-Platform|\ Wizz RSS News Reader\ )(?:[ /]__VERSION__|)" type: 'feedreader' # podcast - regex: "(AppleCoreMedia)/__VERSION__" type: 'app' - regex: "\\b(\ AntennaPod|\ BashPodder|\ BeyondPod|\ bPod|\ DoggCatcher|\ Doppler|\ Downcast|\ ESPN Radio|\ Fancy Cloud Music|\ FancyMusic|\ gPodder|\ GoldenPod|\ iPodder|\ jPodder|\ Juice|\ MediaGo|\ Overcast|\ Peapod|\ philpodder|\ Player FM|\ PodCruncher|\ PocketTunes|\ Podcasts|\ Podkicker(?: Classic| Pro|)|\ podracer|\ RSS_?Radio\ )\\b(?:(?: v ?|[ /])__VERSION__|)" type: 'podcast' # mediaplayers - regex: "\\b( AlexaMediaPlayer|\ Banshee|\ Clementine|\ ExoPlayerLib|\ FlyCast|\ foobar2000|\ HTC Streaming Player|\ Instacast|\ iTunes(?:-iP\\w{1,111}(?:-\\w{1,111}|)|)|\ Kodi|\ LG Player|\ MediaMonkey|\ Nightingale|\ NSPlayer|\ RebelMouse|\ Songbird|\ spmc|\ Spotify|\ SubStream|\ vlc|\ VLC|\ amarok|\ VOX Music Player|\ Windows-Media-Player(?:-\\w{1,111}|)|\ WMPlayer|\ XBMC|\ Zune\ )\\b(?:[ /](\\d{1,10})(?:\\.(\\d{1,10})(?:\\.(\\d{1,10})|)(-[A-Z\\d]{1,111}|)|)|)" v3: '$4$5' type: 'mediaplayer' - regex: '(Lavf|Miro)/?__VERSION__' type: 'mediaplayer' - regex: '(QuickTime)(?:(?:(?:.{1,300}qtver=)|(?:(?: E-|)[\./]))__VERSION__|)' type: 'mediaplayer' # social networks - regex: 'Pinterest|\[FB' group: # Facebook - regex: '\[FB[^/]{1,5}?/(Groups|Messenger|FBPageAdmin)[^;]{0,10}?;FBAV/__VERSION__' regex_flag: 'i' family: 'Facebook $1' type: 'app' - regex: '\[FB.{0,300};(FB(?:AV|Version))/__VERSION__' family: 'Facebook' type: 'app' - regex: '\[FB.{0,300}/FB' family: 'Facebook' type: 'app' # Pinterest - regex: '\[(Pinterest)/[^\]]{1,10}\]' type: 'app' - regex: '(Pinterest)(?: for Android(?: Tablet|)|)/__VERSION__' type: 'app' # Apps - regex: '\b(MicroMessenger)/__VERSION__' family: 'WeChat' type: 'app' - regex: "\\b(\ ^Dalvik|\ 1Password|\ AdobeAIR|\ Alltop|\ baiduboxapp|\ BacaBerita App|\ Box|\ BoxNotes|\ Box Sync|\ Coursera-Mobile|\ CreativeCloud|\ Crowsnest|\ Cyberdog|\ Cyberduck|\ DDG-Android|\ Deezer|\ Dreamweaver|\ DuckDuckGo|\ Instagram|\ iWeb|\ kioclient|\ Kurio|\ Line|\ Microsoft Office|\ Microsoft Office Excel|\ Microsoft Office Mobile|\ Microsoft Office OneNote|\ Microsoft Office PowerPoint|\ Microsoft Office SyncProc|\ Microsoft Office Upload Center|\ Microsoft Office Visio|\ Microsoft Office Word|\ Microsoft Office Word|\ Mobicip|\ MS ?FrontPage|\ NewsArticle|\ NewsFire|\ OpenOffice|\ PowerPoint|\ Prince|\ RedFlagDealsApp|\ RobloxStudio|\ Sandvox|\ Snapchat|\ SohuNews|\ SoundCloud-Android|\ WebClip|\ Windows-Update-Agent|\ WindowsPowerShell\ )[ /-]__VERSION__" type: 'app' # Apps wo Version - regex: "\\b(\ AndroidDownloadManager|\ bingipadclient|\ Coda|\ David Client|\ Evernote|\ iBooks|\ LibreOffice|\ NewsFire|\ Raptr|\ Reddit|\ Sandvox|\ TubeTV|\ wkhtmltoimage|\ YJApp-ANDROID|\ wkhtmltopdf\ )\\b" type: 'app' # Weibo - regex: '_(weibo)_{1,2}__VERSION__' family: 'Weibo' type: 'app' #### SPECIAL CASES TOP #### # Gecko group - regex: 'Gecko|Treco|FxiOS|Cheshire' group: # Old Opera hides as Firefox - regex: '(Opera) __VERSION__' # Browsers using Gecko; must go before Firefox - regex: "Mozilla.{0,300}\\b(\ Beonex|\ Camino|\ Cheshire|\ Chimera|\ CometBird|\ Firebird(?: Browser|)|\ Fireweb Navigator|\ Flock|\ IceDragon|\ K-Ninja|\ KMLite|\ Light|\ lolifox|\ MultiZilla|\ Navigator|\ [Pp]rism|\ SailfishBrowser|\ SeaMonkey|\ Vonkeror\ )/__VERSION_MOZILLA__" - regex: '(MultiZilla) v__VERSION_MOZILLA__' # Firefox - regex: '(Fennec)/__VERSION_MOZILLA__' family: 'Firefox Mobile' - regex: '(?:Mobile[:;]|Tablet;).{0,300}(Firefox)/__VERSION_MOZILLA__' family: 'Firefox Mobile' - regex: '\b(BonEcho|GranParadiso|Lorentz|Minefield|Namoroka|Pale[Mm]oon|Shiretoko)/__VERSION_MOZILLA__' - regex: '(Firefox).{0,300}Tablet browser __VERSION_MOZILLA__' family: 'MicroB' - regex: '(MozillaDeveloperPreview)/__VERSION_MOZILLA__' - regex: '(FxiOS)/__VERSION_MOZILLA__' family: 'Firefox iOS' # Swiftfox - regex: '(Firefox)/__VERSION__ \(Swiftfox\)' family: 'Swiftfox' # Waterfox - regex: '(Waterfox)/__VERSION__' - regex: '(Firefox)/__VERSION_MOZILLA__ (Classilla)' family: '$5' - regex: '(Firefox)/__VERSION_MOZILLA__' - regex: '(MyIBrow)/__VERSION__' family: 'My Internet Browser' # UC Browser (needs to be checked before Opera Mini) - regex: '(UC? ?Browser|UCWEB|\bU3)[ /]?(\d{1,10})\.(\d{1,10})\.(\d{1,10})' family: 'UC Browser' # Opera group - regex: 'Opera|OPR|OPiOS|Coast| MMS/' group: # Opera will stop at 9.80 and hide the real version in the Version string. # see: http://dev.opera.com/articles/view/opera-ua-string-changes/ - regex: '(Opera Tablet).{0,300}Version/__VERSION_DIGITS__' - regex: '(Opera Mini)(?:/att|)/__VERSION_DIGITS__' - regex: '(Opera Mini)' - regex: '(Opera)/.{1,100}Opera Mobi.{1,100}Version/__VERSION_DIGITS__' family: 'Opera Mobile' - regex: '(Opera)/__VERSION__.{1,100}Opera Mobi' family: 'Opera Mobile' - regex: 'Opera Mobi.{1,100}(Opera)(?:\/|\s{1,2})__VERSION_DIGITS__' family: 'Opera Mobile' - regex: 'Opera Mobi' family: 'Opera Mobile' - regex: '(Opera)/9\.80.{0,300}Version/__VERSION_DIGITS__' # Opera 14 for Android uses a WebKit render engine. - regex: '(?:Mobile Safari).{1,300}( OPR)/__VERSION__' family: 'Opera Mobile' - regex: '(?:Android).{1,300}( OPR)/__VERSION__' family: 'Opera Mobile' # Opera 15 for Desktop is similar to Chrome but includes an "OPR" Version string. - regex: '(?:Safari|Chrome).{1,300}( OPR)/__VERSION__' family: 'Opera' # Opera Neon - regex: 'Chrome/.{1,300}( MMS)/__VERSION__' family: 'Opera Neon' # Opera Coast - regex: '(Coast)/__VERSION__' family: 'Opera Coast' # Opera Mini for iOS (from version 8.0.0) - regex: '(OPiOS)/__VERSION__' family: 'Opera Mini' # Palm WebOS looks a lot like Safari. - regex: '(hpw|web)OS/__VERSION__' family: 'webOS Browser' # LuaKit has no version info. # ref: http://luakit.org/projects/luakit/ - regex: '(luakit)' family: 'LuaKit' # Rekonq - regex: '(rekonq)(?:/__VERSION__ Safari|)' family: 'Rekonq' # Conkeror lowercase/uppercase # ref: http://conkeror.org/ - regex: '([Cc]onkeror)/__VERSION__' family: 'Conkeror' # catches lower case konqueror - regex: '([Kk]onqueror)/__VERSION__' family: 'Konqueror' - regex: '(WeTab)-Browser' - regex: '(Comodo[ _]Dragon)/__VERSION__' family: 'Comodo Dragon' - regex: '(Symphony) (\d{1,10})\.(\d{1,10})' # Yandex Browser - regex: '(YaBrowser)/__VERSION__' family: 'Yandex Browser' - regex: '(2345Explorer|2345chrome)(?:[ /]| v)__VERSION__' family: 2345Explorer - regex: '(NetFront NX) __VERSION__' family: 'NetFront NX' - regex: '(Nintendo Switch.{1,300}? NF)(?:/__VERSION__|)' family: 'NetFront NF' # PlayStation Vita should go before Amazon Silk - regex: '(PLAYSTATION 3.{1,300}WebKit|Nintendo 3DS|PlayStation Vita|AppleWebKit.{1,300} NX)(?:/__VERSION__|)' family: 'NetFront NX' - regex: '(PlayStation 4) __VERSION__' family: 'PlayStation Browser' # Amazon Silk, should go before Chrome Mobile and Safari - regex: '(Silk)/(\d{1,10})\.(\d{1,10})(?:\.([0-9\-]{1,111})|)' family: 'Amazon Silk' # Coc Coc browser, based on Chrome (used in Vietnam) - regex: '(coc_coc_browser|CoRom)/(\d{1,10})\.(\d{1,10})(?:\.(\d{1,10})|)' family: 'Coc Coc' # Edge Mobile - regex: 'Windows Phone .{0,200}(Edge)/(\d{1,10})\.(\d{1,10})' family: 'Edge Mobile' - regex: '\b(GSA|Listia|Flipboard)/__VERSION__' type: 'app' # HbbTV Group - regex: 'HbbTV' group: - regex: '(Web0S); Linux/SmartTV' family: 'LG Browser' - regex: '(Samsung;SmartTV)__VERSION__' family: 'Samsung SmartTV' - regex: '(Panasonic;VIERA )__VERSION__' family: 'SmartViera' - regex: 'Panasonic;(DIGA WebKit) M__VERSION__' - regex: '(Skykid)/__VERSION__' # QQ Browsers - regex: 'QQBrowser' group: - regex: '(MQQBrowser/Mini)(?:__VERSION__|)' family: 'QQ Browser Mini' - regex: '(MQQBrowser)(?:/__VERSION__|)' family: 'QQ Browser Mobile' - regex: '(QQBrowser)(?:/__VERSION__|)' family: 'QQ Browser' # Edge - regex: '\b(EdgA|EdgiOS)/__VERSION__' family: 'Edge' # Partly Chrome Based Browsers - regex: '\b(baidubrowser|BaiduHD|Focus|OculusBrowser|SamsungBrowser)/__VERSION__' - regex: '\bbd(browser_i18n|browserhd_i18n|browser_mini)/__VERSION__' family: 'baidu$1' - regex: '(MAXTHON|Maxthon|MxBrowser)[ /]__VERSION__' family: 'Maxthon' - regex: '(ACHEETAHI)[ /]__VERSION__' family: 'CM Browser' # Seznam.cz browser (based on WebKit) - regex: '(SznProhlizec)/__VERSION__' family: 'Seznam.cz' # Chrome Mobile - Chrome based - regex: 'CrMo|CriOS|Chrom|chromeframe' group: - regex: '\b(MiuiBrowser|Mint Browser)/__VERSION__' # Headless Chrome # https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/src/{1,111}/lkgr/headless/README.md - regex: '(HeadlessChrome)(?:/(\d{1,10})\.(\d{1,10})\.?(\d{1,10}|)|)' type: 'headless' - regex: ' (Nichrome)/self/(\d{1,10})' # Chrome Based Browsers - regex: "\\b(\ AlohaBrowser|\ Beamrise|\ BlueBrowser|\ Chedot|\ Chromium|\ Crosswalk|\ Diglo|\ Maxthon|\ Mb2345Browser|\ MobileIron|\ MxNitro|\ OverwolfClient|\ Polarity|\ Puffin|\ Qiyu|\ SamsungBrowser/CrossApp|\ SogouMobileBrowser|\ Superbird|\ SurfBrowser|\ Tenta|\ Whale|\ WhiteHat Aviator\ )/__VERSION__" # IE Mobile - strange MS ua contains Chrome - regex: '(IEMobile)/__VERSION__' family: 'IE Mobile' - regex: '(CrMo)/__VERSION__' family: 'Chrome Mobile' - regex: '(CriOS)/__VERSION__' family: 'Chrome Mobile iOS' - regex: '; wv\).{1,300}(Chrome)/__VERSION__.{1,300}\bMobile\b' family: 'Chrome Mobile Webview' - regex: '\b(Chrome)/__VERSION__.{1,300}\bMobile\b' family: 'Chrome Mobile' - regex: '\bMobile\b.{1,300}(Chrome)/__VERSION__' family: 'Chrome Mobile' # Chrome Frame must come before MSIE. - regex: '(chromeframe)/__VERSION__' family: 'Chrome Frame' # Mail.ru Amigo/Internet Browser (Chromium-based) - regex: '(Chrome)/__VERSION__.{0,100} MRCHROME' family: 'Mail.ru Chromium Browser' # Iron Browser ~since version 50 - regex: '(Chrome)/__VERSION__[\d.]{0,100} Iron[^/]' family: 'Iron' # Chrome based - regex: '\b(Chrome)\/__VERSION__.{0,100}\b(JuziBrowser|Salam Browser)\b' family: '$5' - regex: '\b(Chedot)\b.{0,100}\bChrome\/__VERSION__' family: '$1' # Tizen Browser (second case included in browser/major.minor regex) - regex: '(Tizen|SLP) Browser/__VERSION__' family: 'Tizen Browser' # Sogou Explorer 2.X - regex: '(SE 2\.X) MetaSr __VERSION__' family: 'Sogou Explorer' # Baidu Browsers (desktop spoofs chrome & IE, explorer is mobile) - regex: '(FlyFlow)/__VERSION__' family: 'Baidu Explorer' # Baidu Spark - regex: '((?:BD|)Spark|BIDUBrowser)[ /]__VERSION__' family: 'Baidu Spark' # AOL Browser - regex: '(AOL)[/ ](\d{1,10})\.(\d{1,10});? AOL(?:Build|BUILD)[ /]\d{1,10}' - regex: '(ADM)/' family: 'AOL' # OmniWeb - regex: '(OmniWeb)/v?__VERSION__' # Netscape - regex: '\b(Navigator|Netscape6)/(\d{1,10})(?:\.(\d{1,10})(?:\.?([ab]?\d{1,10}[a-z]{0,33})|)|)' family: 'Netscape' # Windows 10 IE version uses "Edge" and "Chrome" - regex: '\b(Edge)/(\d{1,10})(?:\.(\d{1,10})|)' family: 'Edge' # iOS Versions of Browsers - regex: '(Mercury|Puffin)/(\d{3,5})' # no version - regex: '\b(JuziBrowser)\b' # Browser/major_version.minor_version(.beta_version) # @note: Phoenix needs separate regex as conflicts with device "Fly Phoenix 2" - regex: '(Phoenix)/__VERSION__' # @note ArcGis - regex: 'ArcGIS|QGIS|JOSM|GeoEvent Server|FME' group: # ESRI Server products - regex: '(GeoEvent Server) (\d{1,111})(?:\.(\d{1,111})(?:\.(\d{1,111})|)|)' # ESRI ArcGIS Desktop Products - regex: '(ArcGIS Pro)(?: (\d{1,111})\.(\d{1,111})\.([^ ]{1,111})|)' - regex: 'ArcGIS Client Using WinInet' family: 'ArcMap' - regex: '(OperationsDashboard)-(?:Windows)-__VERSION_3_DIGITS__' family: 'Operations Dashboard for ArcGIS' - regex: '(arcgisearth)/__VERSION_2_DIGITS__' family: 'ArcGIS Earth' - regex: 'com.esri.(earth).phone/__VERSION_2_DIGITS__' family: 'ArcGIS Earth' # ESRI ArcGIS Mobile Products - regex: '(arcgis-explorer)/__VERSION_3_DIGITS__' family: 'Explorer for ArcGIS' - regex: 'arcgis-(collector|aurora)/__VERSION_3_DIGITS__' family: 'Collector for ArcGIS' - regex: '(arcgis-workforce)/__VERSION_3_DIGITS__' family: 'Workforce for ArcGIS' - regex: '(Collector|Explorer|Workforce)-(?:Android|iOS)-__VERSION_2_DIGITS__' family: '$1 for ArcGIS' # ESRI ArcGIS Runtimes - regex: 'ArcGISRuntime-(Android|iOS|NET|Qt)/__VERSION_2_DIGITS__' family: 'ArcGIS Runtime SDK for $1' - regex: 'ArcGIS\.?(iOS|Android|NET|Qt)(?:-|\.)__VERSION_2_DIGITS__' family: 'ArcGIS Runtime SDK for $1' - regex: 'ArcGIS\.Runtime\.(Qt)\.__VERSION_2_DIGITS__' family: 'ArcGIS Runtime SDK for $1' # SAFE FME - regex: '(FME)\/(\d{1,111}\.\d{1,111})\.(\d{1,111})\.(\d{1,111})' # QGIS - regex: '(QGIS)\/(\d)\.?0?(\d{1,2})\.?0?(\d{1,2})' # JOSM - regex: '(JOSM)/(\d{1,111})\.(\d{1,111})' # Other browsers - regex: "(\ 115Browser|\ 1stBrowser|\ 7Star|\ Abrowser|\ amaya|\ Amiga-AWeb|\ AmigaVoyager|\ ANTFresco|\ ANTGalio|\ Arora|\ AviraScout|\ BlackHawk|\ Bolt|\ BOLT|\ brave|\ Bunjalloo|\ Cent|\ Chedot|\ ChromePlus|\ Contiki|\ CoolNovo|\ Crazy Browser|\ Demeter|\ Dillo|\ Dolfin|\ Dolphin http client|\ Dorado WAP-Browser|\ Dragon|\ Electron|\ Epiphany|\ Espial|\ EspialTVBrowser|\ Fennec|\ FireWeb|\ Fluid|\ Fresco|\ Galeon|\ Google Earth(?: EC|)|\ hdplusinteraktiv|\ HotJava|\ IBrowse|\ iCab|\ Iceape|\ ICE Browser|\ IceCat|\ Ice[Ww]easel|\ iRider|\ Iris|\ Iron|\ Jasmine|\ Kapiko|\ Kazehakase|\ Kindle|\ Kinza|\ K-Meleon|\ Kuaiso|\ LG Browser|\ Lobo|\ Lunascape|\ Lynx|\ MacAppStore|\ Maemo Browser|\ mDolphin|\ Mercury|\ Midori|\ MiniBrowserMobile|\ Minimo|\ MiuiBrowser|\ MobileIron|\ mogimogi|\ Net[Ff]ront|\ NetFrontLifeBrowser|\ NetPositive|\ Netscape|\ NetSurf|\ NTENTBrowser|\ OmniWeb|\ OneBrowser|\ Opera|\ Opera Mini|\ Orca|\ Otter|\ PaleMoon|\ Planetweb|\ Polaris|\ Puffin|\ PyAMF|\ QtWebkit|\ Qt|\ QuickLook|\ QupZilla|\ qutebrowser|\ Raven for Mac|\ Roccat|\ RockMelt|\ SailfishBrowser|\ SalesforceMobileSDK|\ SeaMonkey|\ SecondLife|\ Seznam\\.cz|\ Shiira|\ Shrook|\ SkipStone|\ Skyfire|\ Sleipnir|\ Slimjet|\ Snowshoe|\ SogouMobileBrowser|\ Space Bison|\ SputnikBrowser|\ Stainless|\ Sunrise|\ SunriseBrowser|\ ThunderBrowse|\ TinyBrowser|\ TizenBrowser|\ ToshibaTP|\ TungstenBrowser|\ UP\\.Browser|\ Valve (?:Client|Steam \\w{1,111})|\ Vienna|\ Viera|\ Vivaldi|\ WebPilot|\ WebPirate|\ WebPositive|\ Whale|\ YoloBrowser|\ Xiino|\ zdesktop\ )[/ ]__VERSION_DIGITS__" # VmWare Airwatch - regex: '(AirWatch Browser) v__VERSION__' # Browser without version - regex: '(QIHU 360[SE]E|Sunrise|DiigoBrowser)' # Chrome needs to come after as it hides a lot of browsers from previous regex - regex: '(Chrome)[/ ]__VERSION__' - regex: '(Galeon|UP\.Browser)(?:[ /]__VERSION__|)' - regex: '(Openwave)(?:/__VERSION__|)' family: 'UP.Browser' # Dolphin Browser # @ref: http://www.dolphin.com - regex: '\b(Dolphin)(?: |/|HDCN/|/INT\-)__VERSION__' # @note: NexPlayer needs to come after "Dolfin" as part of Samsung Bada UAs - regex: '\b(stagefright)/__VERSION_DIGITS__' type: 'mediaplayer' - regex: '\b(NexPlayer)(?:[ /]?__VERSION__|)' type: 'mediaplayer' # IE Xbox # @ref: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ie/jj883727%28v=vs.85%29.aspx - regex: '(MSIE) __VERSION__.{0,100}Xbox[^\-]' family: 'IE Xbox' # IE Mobile - regex: '(IEMobile)[ /]__VERSION__' family: 'IE Mobile' # desktop mode # http://www.anandtech.com/show/3982/windows-phone-7-review - regex: '(MSIE) __VERSION__.{0,100}XBLWP7' family: 'IE Large Screen' #### END MAIN CASES #### #### SPECIAL CASES #### - regex: '(Obigo|OBIGO|Teleca)(?:InternetBrowser|\-?Browser|)(?:[^\d]{0,33}0{0,33}(\d{1,10})(?:.(\d{1,10})|)|)' family: 'Obigo' - regex: '(Maxthon|MyIE2|Uzbl|Shiira)' v1: '0' - regex: '(PLAYSTATION 3|PlayStation Portable)' family: 'NetFront' - regex: '(XBMC)/(\d{1,10})\.(\d{1,10})[-\w\s]{1,111}(r\d{1,10})' - regex: '(ABrowse) (\d{1,10})(?:\.(\d{1,10})|)' - regex: '(Acoo Browser)(?: __VERSION__|)' - regex: '(BrowseX) \(__VERSION__' - regex: '(NCSA[ _]Mosaic)(?:/(\d{1,10})[.-](\d{1,10})(?:[.-]?([a-z]?\d{1,10})|)|)' family: 'NCSA Mosaic' # Polaris/d.d is above - regex: '(POLARIS|Embider)/(\d{1,10})\.(\d{1,10})' family: 'Polaris' - regex: '(AvantGo) (\d{1,10})\.(\d{1,10})' - regex: '(Avant)' v1: '1' # This is the Tesla Model S (see similar entry in device parsers) - regex: '(QtCarBrowser)' v1: '1' - regex: 'ibrowse|iRAPP' regex_flag: 'i' group: - regex: '^(iBrowser/Mini)(\d{1,10})\.(\d{1,10})' family: 'iBrowser Mini' - regex: '^(iBrowser|iRAPP)/(\d{1,10})\.(\d{1,10})' - regex: '\b(IBrowse)(?:[ /](\d{1,10})\.(\d{1,10})|)' # nokia browsers # based on: http://www.developer.nokia.com/Community/Wiki/User-Agent_headers_for_Nokia_devices - regex: 'Series\d|Nokia|OviBrowser|BrowserNG' group: - regex: '(NokiaBrowser|BrowserNG)/(\d{1,10})\.__VERSION__' family: 'Nokia Browser' - regex: 'Symbian.{0,300}(Series60)/5\.0' family: 'Nokia Browser' v1: '7' v2: '0' - regex: '(S40OviBrowser)/__VERSION__(?:\.(\d{1,10})|)' family: 'Ovi Browser' - regex: '(Series60)/(\d{1,10})\.(\d{1,10}).{0,300}AppleWebKit' family: 'Nokia OSS Browser' - regex: '(Series60)/(\d{1,10})\.(\d{1,10})' family: 'Nokia Services (WAP) Browser' - regex: '^(Nokia)' family: 'Nokia Services (WAP) Browser' - regex: '(Series80|Series90)/(\d)\.(\d)' family: 'Nokia $1 Browser' # BlackBerry devices - regex: '(PlayBook).{1,300}RIM Tablet OS __VERSION__' family: 'BlackBerry WebKit' - regex: '(Black[bB]erry|BB10).{1,300}Version/__VERSION__' family: 'BlackBerry WebKit' - regex: '(Black[bB]erry)\s?(\d{1,10})' family: 'BlackBerry' # Palm - regex: 'Palm.{0,300}\b(Pre|Blazer|WebPro)\b(?:[ /](\d{1,10})(?:\.(\d{1,10})(?:\.(\d{1,10}[a-z]{0,33})|)|)|)' family: 'Palm $1' # Links/ Elinks - regex: '\b(E?[Ll]inks)(?: \(|\/)__VERSION__' - regex: '(QtWeb) Internet Browser/(\d{1,10})\.(\d{1,10})' # Phantomjs, should go before Safari - regex: '(PhantomJS|CocoonJS)/__VERSION__' type: 'headless' # AppleWebKit / WebKit Nightly - regex: '(AppleWebKit)/(\d{1,10})\.?(\d{1,10}|)\+ .{0,100} Safari' family: 'AppleWebKit' - regex: '(Callpod Keeper) for Android __VERSION__' type: 'app' # Browser major_version.minor_version (space instead of slash) - regex: '(Android) __VERSION__' - regex: '(Odyssey Web Browser); rv:__VERSION__' # iOS - regex: '(iPod|iPhone|iPad|watchOS)' group: # @ref http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2143763/ - regex: '\b(GSA)/__VERSION__' family: 'Google App' - regex: '\b(bline|DaumApps)/__VERSION__' family: '$1' type: 'app' - regex: '(?:iPod|iPhone|iPad).{1,200}Version/.{1,200}(MXiOS)/__VERSION__' family: 'Maxthon Mobile Safari' - regex: '(iPod|iPhone|iPad).{1,200}Version/__VERSION_2_DIGITS__.{0,200}[ +]Safari' family: 'Mobile Safari' - regex: '(?:iPod|iPhone|iPad).{1,200}?\b(AppleNews|News).{1,200}?Version/__VERSION_2_DIGITS__' family: 'AppleNews' type: 'app' - regex: '(?:iPod|iPhone|iPad).{1,200}?\b(Mobicip).{1,200}?Version/__VERSION_2_DIGITS__' family: 'AppleNews' type: 'app' - regex: '(iPod|iPhone|iPad).{1,200}Version/__VERSION_2_DIGITS__' family: 'Mobile Safari UI/WKWebView' type: 'app' - regex: '(iPod|iPhone|iPad);.{0,30}CPU.{0,30}OS[ +]__VERSION_DIGITS_UNDERSCORE__.{0,200}Mobile.{0,30}[ +]Safari' family: 'Mobile Safari' - regex: '(iPod|iPhone|iPad);.{0,30}CPU.{0,30}OS[ +]__VERSION_DIGITS_UNDERSCORE__.{0,200}Mobile' family: 'Mobile Safari UI/WKWebView' type: 'app' - regex: '(iPod|iPhone|iPad).{0,300}[ +]Safari' family: 'Mobile Safari' - regex: '(iPod|iPhone|iPad)' family: 'Mobile Safari UI/WKWebView' type: 'app' - regex: 'watchOS.{0,300}(Watch)(\d{1,10}),(\d{1,10})' family: 'Apple $1 App' type: 'app' # Safari - regex: '(Version)/__VERSION__.{0,100}Safari/' family: 'Safari' # Safari didn't provide "Version/d.d.d" prior to 3.0 - regex: '(Safari)/\d{1,10}' - regex: '(OLPC)/Update(\d{1,10})\.(\d{1,10})' - regex: '(OLPC)/Update()\.(\d{1,10})' v1: '0' - regex: '(SEMC\-Browser)/(?:__VERSION__|)' - regex: 'Trident(.{0,300})rv:(\d{1,10})\.(\d{1,10})' family: 'IE' # AFTER THE EDGE CASES ABOVE! # AFTER IE11 # BEFORE all other IE - regex: 'rv: ?(\d{1,10})\.(\d{1,10})\).{0,300}(Firefox)/[A-F0-9]{4}' family: '$3' v1: '$1' v2: '$2' v3: '' - regex: '(Firefox)/(\d{1,10})(?:\.(\d{1,10})(?:\.?(pre|[ab]?\d{1,10}[a-z]{0,33})|)|)' # Internet Explorer - regex: '(TeomaBar) (\d{1,10})\.0?(\d{1,10})' - regex: '(?:MS|)(IE)[ /](\d{1,10})\.(\d{1,10})' # AppleWebKit / WebKit Nightly - regex: '(AppleWebKit)/__VERSION__' family: 'AppleWebKit' # ViaFree streaming app https://www.viafree.{dk|se|no} - regex: '^(ViaFree|Viafree)-(?:tvOS-|)[A-Z]{2}/__VERSION_DIGITS__' family: 'ViaFree' type: app - regex: '(OC)/__VERSION__\.\d{1,10} \(Skype for Business\)' family: 'Skype' # headless agents - regex: '(Phantom)/V(\d{1,10})\.(\d{1,10})' family: 'Phantom Browser' type: 'headless' - regex: '(?:^|^Mozilla/\d{1,10}\.\d{1,10} (?:\([^\)]{1,111}\) |))(Java)[ /]?__VERSION__' type: 'headless' - regex: "\\b(\ akka-http|\ axios|\ aiohttp|\ Apache-Http(?:Async|)Client|\ BitTorrent|\ curl|\ fetch libfetch|\ Ghost|\ got|\ Go-http-client|\ HTMLParser|\ HTTrack|\ Jakarta Commons-HttpClient|\ jupdate|\ libcurl-agent|\ libwww-perl|\ lua-resty-http|\ lwp-trivial|\ Microsoft-CryptoAPI|\ Microsoft SkyDriveSync|\ node-superagent|\ okhttp|\ OpenBSD ftp|\ PHP|\ [Pp]ython-[^/]{1,111}|\ PycURL|\ restify|\ SophosAgent|\ SophosUpdateManager|\ urlgrabber|\ unirest-(?:java|python|ruby|nodejs|php|net)|\ (?:\\w{1,111}) APT-HTTP|\ Wget|\ Zend_Http_Client\ )\\b(?:[ /]__VERSION__|)" type: 'headless' # Storage Clients - regex: "\\b(\ ibm-cos-sdk-(?:core|java|js|python)|\ S3 Browser|\ S3Gof3r|\ rusoto|\ rclone\ )\\b(?:[ /]__VERSION__|)" type: 'storage' # Proxy - regex: '\b(Hatena-Mobile-Gateway|Privoxy)/__VERSION__' type: 'proxy' - regex: '\b(Synapse)' type: 'proxy' # generic catcher for bots - regex: '(binlar|lbot|visionutils|WebThumb)[_/]__VERSION__' type: 'bot' - regex: 'https?://((?:[\w\d-]{1,111}\.|)[\w\d-]{1,111}\.\w{1,111})' type: 'bot' - regex: 'Mozilla/[45]\.0 \(compatible;?\)' family: compatible type: 'bot' #### Engine #### engine_parsers: # MSIE compatibility modes - regex: 'Trident' group: # MSIE 8 !== Trident/4 - regex: 'MSIE ([^8])\.\d.{0,300} (Trident)[ /](4)\.(\d{1,10})(?:\.(\d{1,10})|)' family: '$2' v1: '$3' v2: '$4' v3: '$5' type: 'mode::MSIE $1' # MSIE 9 !== Trident/5 - regex: 'MSIE ([^9])\.\d.{0,300} (Trident)[ /](5)\.(\d{1,10})(?:\.(\d{1,10})|)' family: '$2' v1: '$3' v2: '$4' v3: '$5' type: 'mode::MSIE $1' # MSIE 10 !== Trident/6 - regex: 'MSIE ((?:(?!10)\d){1,111})\.\d.{0,300} (Trident)[ /](6)\.(\d{1,10})(?:\.(\d{1,10})|)' family: '$2' v1: '$3' v2: '$4' v3: '$5' type: 'mode::MSIE $1' # MSIE 11 !== Trident/7 - regex: 'MSIE ((?:(?!11)\d){1,111})\.\d.{0,300} (Trident)[ /](7)\.(\d{1,10})(?:\.(\d{1,10})|)' family: '$2' v1: '$3' v2: '$4' v3: '$5' type: 'mode::MSIE $1' - regex: '(Trident|Presto)[ /]__VERSION__' - regex: 'Opera' family: 'Presto' # Windows 10 IE version uses "Edge" and "Chrome" - regex: '\b(Edge)/(\d{1,10})(?:\.(\d{1,10})|)' family: 'EdgeHTML' # Edge for Android / iOS - regex: '\b(EdgA|EdgiOS)/__VERSION__' family: 'EdgeHTML' - regex: 'QtWebEngine/__VERSION__' family: 'Blink' type: 'QtWebEngine' - regex: '(Chrome)[/](\d{1,10})\.__VERSION__.{0,300}OPR/\d{1,10}' family: 'Blink' type: 'Opera' - regex: 'SamsungBrowser[/].{0,300}(Chrome)[/]__VERSION__' family: 'Blink' type: 'Samsung' - regex: 'Silk[/].{0,300}(Chrome)[/]__VERSION__' family: 'Blink' type: 'Silk' # https://developer.chrome.com/multidevice/user-agent - regex: '(?:; wv\) |)AppleWeb[Kk]it/.{0,300}Version/.{0,300}(Chrome)[/]__VERSION__' family: 'Blink' type: 'WebView' - regex: '(Chrome)[/]__VERSION__' family: 'Blink' - regex: '(HeadlessChrome)' family: 'Blink' - regex: '(TDEHTML)/__VERSION__' family: 'TDEHTML' - regex: '(KHTML|Konqueror)/__VERSION__' family: 'KHTML' # http://docs.aws.amazon.com/silk/latest/developerguide/user-agent.html - regex: '(Silk)/__VERSION__' family: 'Webkit' type: 'Silk' - regex: 'Web[Kk]it.{0,300}(NokiaBrowser|BrowserNG)/__VERSION__' family: 'Webkit' type: 'Nokia' - regex: '^Mozilla.{0,300}Android\b.{0,300}SAMSUNG.{0,300}(AppleWeb[Kk]it)/?__VERSION__' family: 'Webkit' type: 'Samsung' - regex: 'Android\b.{0,300}(AppleWeb[Kk]it)/?__VERSION__' family: 'Webkit' type: 'Android' - regex: 'DirectFB\b.{0,300}(AppleWeb[Kk]it)/?__VERSION__' family: 'Webkit' type: 'LG' - regex: '(AppleWeb[Kk]it)/?__VERSION__.{0,300}\b(NetCast|LG Browser)' family: 'Webkit' type: 'LG' - regex: 'Smart-?TV\b.{0,300}(AppleWeb[Kk]it)/?__VERSION__' family: 'Webkit' type: 'Samsung' - regex: '(Goanna)/.{0,300}PaleMoon/__VERSION__' - regex: '(rv:)(\d{1,10})\.(\d{1,10}[ab]?)\.?([ab]?\d{1,10}[a-z]{0,5}|)\.?(\d{1,10}[a-z]{0,5}|)[;\)].{0,300} Gecko(?:[ /]|$)' family: 'Gecko' - regex: '(Gecko)/20\d{6}' - regex: '(AppleWeb[Kk]it)(?:/__VERSION__|[ ,]|$)' family: 'Webkit' type: 'Apple' - regex: '(Web[Kk]it)(?:/__VERSION__|[ ,]|$)' family: 'Webkit' - regex: '(Net[Ff]ront)[ /]?__VERSION__' family: 'Netfront' - regex: '(UCBrowser)/__VERSION__' #### OS #### os_parsers: - regex: 'UCWEB|JUC' group: # UCWEB - regex: '^UCWEB.{0,300}; (Adr) (\d{1,10})\.(\d{1,10})(?:[.\-]([a-z0-9]{1,50})|);' family: 'Android' - regex: '^UCWEB.{0,300}; (iPa?d|iPh) OS __VERSION_OS_UNDERSCORE__;' family: 'iOS' - regex: '^UCWEB.{0,300}; (wds) __VERSION__;' family: 'Windows Phone' # JUC - regex: '^(JUC).{0,300}; ?U; ?(?:Android|)(\d{1,10})\.(\d{1,10})(?:[\.\-]([a-z0-9]{1,50})|)' family: 'Android' ########## # Chrome OS # if version 0.0.0, probably this stuff: # http://code.google.com/p/chromium-os/issues/detail?id=11573 # http://code.google.com/p/chromium-os/issues/detail?id=13790 ########## - regex: 'CrOS|CitrixChromeApp' group: - regex: '(CrOS) [a-z0-9_]{1,50} __VERSION__' family: 'Chrome OS' # Citrix Chrome App on Chrome OS - regex: '(x86_64|aarch64) __VERSION_DIGITS__.{0,100}Chrome.{0,100}(?:CitrixChromeApp)$' family: 'Chrome OS' ########## # Windows # http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Windows_NT#Releases # possibility of false positive when different marketing names share same NT kernel # e.g. windows server 2003 and windows xp # lots of ua strings have Windows NT 4.1 !?!?!?!? !?!? !? !????!?! !!! ??? !?!?! ? # (very) roughly ordered in terms of frequency of occurence of regex (win xp currently most frequent, etc) ########## - regex: 'Win|CYGWIN' group: # @note: Xbox also spoofs NT 6.1/Windows Phone (see http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ie/jj883728(v=vs.85).aspx) # @note: Xbox spoofs "Xbox LIVE/2.5.1704 CFNetwork/672.0.8 /14.0.0" iPhone App - regex: '\b(Xbox)\b(?:(?!Darwin).){0,100}$' # ie mobile desktop mode # spoofs nt 6.1. must come before windows 7 - regex: '(XBLWP7)' family: 'Windows Phone' # @note: These need to come before Windows NT 6.1 - regex: '(Windows Phone) (?:OS[ /]|)(\d{1,10})\.(\d{1,10})' - regex: '(Windows ?Mobile)' family: 'Windows Mobile' - regex: '(Windows ?CE)' family: 'Windows CE' - regex: '(Windows NT 6\.4)' family: 'Windows 10' - regex: '(Windows NT 10\.0|Windows 10\.0)' family: 'Windows 10' - regex: '(Windows NT 6\.3; ARM;)' family: 'Windows RT 8.1' - regex: '(Windows NT 6\.3|CYGWIN_NT-6\.3|Windows 8\.1)' family: 'Windows 8.1' - regex: '(Windows NT 6\.2; ARM;)' family: 'Windows RT' - regex: '(Windows NT 6\.2|CYGWIN_NT-6\.2|Windows 8)' family: 'Windows 8' - regex: '(Windows NT 6\.1|CYGWIN_NT-6\.1|Windows 7)' family: 'Windows 7' - regex: '(Windows NT 6\.0|CYGWIN_NT-6\.0|Windows Vista)' family: 'Windows Vista' - regex: '(Windows NT 5\.2|CYGWIN_NT-5\.2|Windows Server 2003)' family: 'Windows Server 2003' - regex: '(Windows NT 5\.1|CYGWIN_NT-5\.1|Windows XP)' family: 'Windows XP' - regex: '(Windows NT 5\.0|CYGWIN_NT-5\.0|Win ?2000|Windows 2000)' family: 'Windows 2000' - regex: '(Windows NT 4\.0|CYGWIN_NT-4\.0|Win ?NT|Windows NT)' family: 'Windows NT' - regex: '(Win 9x 4\.90|CYGWIN_ME-4\.90|Win ?ME|Windows ME)' family: 'Windows ME' - regex: '(Win ?98|CYGWIN_98-4\.10|Windows 98)' family: 'Windows 98' - regex: '(Win32|Win ?95|CYGWIN_95-4\.0|Windows[ _]95)' family: 'Windows 95' - regex: '(Win16|Win ?3\.1|Windows 3\.1)' family: 'Windows 3.1' - regex: '(Windows) (10)' - regex: '(Windows)(?:(?!CFNetwork).){0,300}$' - regex: '(?:Ali|)(YunOS|RemixOS)' regex_flag: 'i' group: # YunOS spoofs Android - regex: '(Android) __VERSION_OS__.{0,300}(?:Ali|)(YunOS)-' regex_flag: 'i' family: 'YunOS' - regex: '(?:Ali|)(YunOS)[ /\-]__VERSION_OS__' regex_flag: 'i' family: 'YunOS' - regex: '(RemixOS) __VERSION_OS__' - regex: Outlook-iOS-Android group: # Again a MS-special one - regex: '(CPU[ +]OS|[iI]Phone[ +]OS|CPU[ +]iPhone)[ +]{1,100}(\d{1,10})[_\.](\d{1,10})(?:[_\.](\d{1,10})|).{0,100}Outlook-iOS-Android' family: 'iOS' - regex: '^Outlook-iOS-Android' family: '' ########## # Android ########## - regex: '[Aa]ndroid|Build|Linux' group: - regex: '(Sailfish);' - regex: '(Android)[ \-/](\d{1,10})(?:\.(\d{1,10})|)(?:[.\-]([a-z0-9]{1,100})|)' - regex: '\((Linux); U; (\d{1,10})\.(\d{1,10})(?:[\.-](\d{1,10}|update1)|);' family: 'Android' - regex: '(Android) Donut' v1: '1' v2: '6' - regex: '(Android) Eclair' v1: '2' v2: '1' - regex: '(Android) Froyo' v1: '2' v2: '2' - regex: '(Android) Gingerbread' v1: '2' v2: '3' - regex: '(Android) Honeycomb' v1: '3' # https://source.android.com/source/build-numbers.html - regex: 'Build/(LRX22G)' family: 'Android' v1: '5' v2: '0' v3: '2' - regex: 'Build/(LRX22C)' family: 'Android' v1: '5' v2: '0' v3: '1' - regex: 'Build/(LRX21)' family: 'Android' v1: '5' v2: '0' v3: '0' - regex: 'Build/(KTU84Q|KTU84P)' family: 'Android' v1: '4' v2: '4' v3: '4' - regex: 'Build/(KTU84)' family: 'Android' v1: '4' v2: '4' v3: '3' - regex: 'Build/(KVT49L|KOT49H)' family: 'Android' v1: '4' v2: '4' v3: '2' - regex: 'Build/(KOT49)' family: 'Android' v1: '4' v2: '4' v3: '1' - regex: 'Build/(KRT16)' family: 'Android' v1: '4' v2: '4' - regex: 'Build/(JLS36I)' family: 'Android' v1: '4' v2: '3' v3: '1' - regex: 'Build/(JLS36|JSS15|JSR78|JWR66)' family: 'Android' v1: '4' v2: '3' - regex: 'Build/(JDQ39)' family: 'Android' v1: '4' v2: '2' v3: '2' - regex: 'Build/(JOP40)' family: 'Android' v1: '4' v2: '2' v3: '1' - regex: 'Build/(JZO54)' family: 'Android' v1: '4' v2: '1' v3: '2' - regex: 'Build/(JRO03)' family: 'Android' v1: '4' v2: '1' v3: '1' - regex: 'Build/(IMM76)' family: 'Android' v1: '4' v2: '0' v3: '4' - regex: 'Build/(IML77|IML74)' family: 'Android' v1: '4' v2: '0' v3: '3' - regex: 'Build/(ICL53)' family: 'Android' v1: '4' v2: '0' v3: '2' - regex: 'Build/(ITL41)' family: 'Android' v1: '4' v2: '0' v3: '1' - regex: 'Build/(HTK55|HTK75)' family: 'Android' v1: '3' v2: '2' v3: '1' - regex: 'Build/(GWK74|GRWK74)' family: 'Android' v1: '2' v2: '3' v3: '7' - regex: 'Build/(GINGERBREAD|GRK39)' family: 'Android' v1: '2' v2: '3' v3: '6' - regex: 'Build/(GRJ90)' family: 'Android' v1: '2' v2: '3' v3: '5' - regex: 'Build/(GRJ22|GRJ06D)' family: 'Android' v1: '2' v2: '3' v3: '4' - regex: 'Build/(GRJ22|GRJ06D)' family: 'Android' v1: '2' v2: '3' v3: '3' - regex: 'Build/(GRI54|GRI40)' family: 'Android' v1: '2' v2: '3' v3: '2' - regex: 'Build/(GRH78C)' family: 'Android' v1: '2' v2: '3' v3: '1' - regex: 'Build/(GRH78)' family: 'Android' v1: '2' v2: '3' v3: '1' - regex: 'Build/(GRH55)' family: 'Android' v1: '2' v2: '3' - regex: 'Build/(FRK76C|FRK76)' family: 'Android' v1: '2' v2: '2' v3: '3' - regex: 'Build/(FRG83G)' family: 'Android' v1: '2' v2: '2' v3: '2' - regex: 'Build/(FRG83)' family: 'Android' v1: '2' v2: '2' v3: '1' - regex: 'Build/(FROYO|FRG22D|FRG01B|FRF91|FRF85B)' family: 'Android' v1: '2' v2: '2' - regex: 'Build/(ECLAIR|EPF|ESE|EPE|ERE|ERD|ESD)' family: 'Android' v1: '2' v2: '1' - regex: 'Build/(CUPCAKE)' family: 'Android' v1: '1' v2: '5' - regex: '(android)\s(?:mobile\/)(\d{1,10})(?:\.?(\d{1,10})|)(?:\.?(\d{1,10})|)' family: 'Android' # Raspbian - regex: '(Raspbian)[ \-/](\d{1,10})\.(\d{1,10})(?:[.-]([a-z0-9]{1,50})|)' ########## # Kindle Android ########## - regex: '(Silk-Accelerated=[a-z]{4,5})' family: 'Android' # AmigaOS - regex: '(AmigaO[Ss]|AmigaVoyager|Amiga-AWeb)(?: ?__VERSION__|)' family: 'AmigaOS' ########## # Tizen OS from Samsung ########## - regex: '\b(Tizen)(?:[ /]__VERSION__|)' ########## # webOS # @note needs to come before ########## - regex: 'hpwOS|webOS|Web0S' group: # web0s LG TV - regex: '(webOS\.TV)-2016' family: 'webOS TV' v1: '3' - regex: '(Web0S).{0,300}WEBOS__VERSION__|Web0S' family: 'webOS TV' # Palm webOS - regex: '(hpw|web)OS[ /]__VERSION__' family: 'webOS' - regex: '(webOS)' ########## # Mac OS # @ref: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mac_OS_X#Versions # @ref: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MacOS_Sierra # @ref: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Darwin_(operating_system)#Release_history # @ref: https://github.com/PureDarwin/PureDarwin/wiki/Versions # @ref: http://user-agents.me/cfnetwork-version-list ########## - regex: 'Mac|Darwin|CFNetwork' group: - regex: '((?:Mac[ +]?|; )OS[ +]X)[ /+](?:Version |)(?:__VERSION_OS_UNDERSCORE__|Mach-O)' family: 'Mac OS X' # macOS high Sierra https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MacOS_High_Sierra - regex: 'CFNetwork/8.{0,100} Darwin/17\.4\.\d{1,10}.{0,100}\(x86_64\)' family: 'macOS' v1: '10' v2: '13' v3: '3' - regex: 'CFNetwork/8.{0,100} Darwin/17\.3\.\d{1,10}.{0,100}\(x86_64\)' family: 'macOS' v1: '10' v2: '13' v3: '2' - regex: 'CFNetwork/8.{0,100} Darwin/17\.2\.\d{1,10}.{0,100}\(x86_64\)' family: 'macOS' v1: '10' v2: '13' v3: '1' - regex: 'CFNetwork/8.{0,100} Darwin/17\.\d.{0,100}\(x86_64\)' family: 'macOS' v1: '10' v2: '13' # macOS Sierra https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MacOS_Sierra - regex: 'CFNetwork/8.{0,100} Darwin/16\.7\.\d{1,10}.{0,100}\(x86_64\)' family: 'macOS' v1: '10' v2: '12' v3: '6' - regex: 'CFNetwork/8.{0,100} Darwin/16\.6\.\d{1,10}.{0,100}\(x86_64\)' family: 'macOS' v1: '10' v2: '12' v3: '5' - regex: 'CFNetwork/8.{0,100} Darwin/16\.5\.\d{1,10}.{0,100}\(x86_64\)' family: 'macOS' v1: '10' v2: '12' v3: '4' - regex: 'CFNetwork/8.{0,100} Darwin/16\.4\.\d{1,10}.{0,100}\(x86_64\)' family: 'macOS' v1: '10' v2: '12' v3: '3' - regex: 'CFNetwork/8.{0,100} Darwin/16\.3\.\d{1,10}.{0,100}\(x86_64\)' family: 'macOS' v1: '10' v2: '12' v3: '2' - regex: 'CFNetwork/8.{0,100} Darwin/16\.1\.\d{1,10}.{0,100}\(x86_64\)' family: 'macOS' v1: '10' v2: '12' v3: '1' - regex: 'CFNetwork/8.{0,100} Darwin/16\.\d.{0,100}\(x86_64\)' family: 'macOS' v1: '10' v2: '12' # El Capitan - regex: 'CFNetwork/760\.\d.{0,100} Darwin/15\.(\d)' family: 'Mac OS X' v1: '10' v2: '11' v3: '$1' - regex: 'CFNetwork/760\.(\d)' family: 'Mac OS X' v1: '10' v2: '11' v3: '$1' - regex: ' Darwin/15\..{0,100}\(x86_64\)' family: 'Mac OS X' v1: '10' v2: '11' # Yosemite - regex: 'CFNetwork/720\.(\d).{0,100} Darwin/14\.\d{1,10}' family: 'Mac OS X' v1: '10' v2: '10' v3: '$1' - regex: ' Darwin/14\.0\.0.{0,100}\((?:i386|x86_64)\)' family: 'Mac OS X' v1: '10' v2: '10' - regex: ' Darwin/14\.1\.0.{0,100}\((?:i386|x86_64)\)' family: 'Mac OS X' v1: '10' v2: '10' v3: '2' - regex: ' Darwin/14\.(\d)\.0.{0,100}\((?:i386|x86_64)\)' family: 'Mac OS X' v1: '10' v2: '10' v3: '$1' # Mavericks - regex: ' (Dar)(win)/(13)\.0\.2.{0,100}\((?:i386|x86_64)\)' family: 'Mac OS X' v1: '10' v2: '9' v3: '1' - regex: ' (Dar)(win)/(13)\.1\.0.{0,100}\((?:i386|x86_64)\)' family: 'Mac OS X' v1: '10' v2: '9' v3: '2' - regex: ' (Dar)(win)/(13)\.2\.0.{0,100}\((?:i386|x86_64)\)' family: 'Mac OS X' v1: '10' v2: '9' v3: '3' - regex: ' (Dar)(win)/(13)\.3\.0.{0,100}\((?:i386|x86_64)\)' family: 'Mac OS X' v1: '10' v2: '9' v3: '4' - regex: ' (Dar)(win)/(13).(\d{1,10}).{0,100}\((?:i386|x86_64)\)' family: 'Mac OS X' v1: '10' v2: '9' # Mountain Lion - regex: 'CFNetwork/596\.(\d).{0,100} Darwin/12' family: 'Mac OS X' v1: '10' v2: '8' v3: '$1' - regex: ' (Dar)(win)/(12).(\d{1,10}).{0,100}\((?:i386|x86_64)\)' family: 'Mac OS X' v1: '10' v2: '8' # Lion - regex: 'CFNetwork/520\.(\d).{0,100} Darwin/11' family: 'Mac OS X' v1: '10' v2: '7' v3: '$1' - regex: ' (Dar)(win)/(11).(\d{1,10}).{0,100}\((?:i386|x86_64)\)' family: 'Mac OS X' v1: '10' v2: '7' # Snow Leopard - regex: ' (Dar)(win)/(10).(\d{1,10}).{0,100}\((?:i386|x86_64)\)' family: 'Mac OS X' v1: '10' v2: '6' # Leopard - regex: ' (Dar)(win)/(9).(\d{1,10}).{0,100}\((?:i386|x86_64|Power Macintosh)\)' family: 'Mac OS X' v1: '10' v2: '5' # builds before tiger don't seem to specify version? # ios devices spoof (mac os x), so including intel/ppc prefixes - regex: '(?:PPC|Intel) (Mac OS X)' # IE on Mac doesn't specify version number - regex: 'Mac_PowerPC' family: 'Mac OS' - regex: '(Macintosh|Mac_68K)' family: 'Mac OS' ########## # iOS # http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IOS_version_history ########## - regex: 'CPU OS|iPhone|iPad|iPod|iOS|Apple\s?TV|CFNetwork|tvOS|Darwin|watchOS' group: # Apple TV - regex: '(Apple\s?TV).{0,300} CPU OS (\d{1,10})[_\.](\d{1,10})(?:[_\.](\d{1,10})|)' family: 'ATV OS X' - regex: '(Apple\s?TV)[\d,]{0,33}(?:/__VERSION__|)' family: 'ATV OS X' # General iOS - regex: '(CPU[ +]OS|[iI]Phone[ +]OS|CPU[ +]iPhone)[ +]{1,111}(\d{1,10})[_\.](\d{1,10})(?:[_\.](\d{1,10})|)' family: 'iOS' # Special Cases - CPU iPhone OS 811 - regex: '(CPU[ ]OS|[iI]Phone[ ]OS|CPU[ ]iPhone)[ ]{1,111}(\d)\d(\d{1,10})' family: 'iOS' # remaining cases are mostly only opera uas, so catch opera as to not catch iphone spoofs - regex: '(iPhone|iPad|iPod); Opera' family: 'iOS' # few more stragglers - regex: '(iPhone|iPad|iPod).{0,100}Mac OS X.{0,100}Version/__VERSION__' family: 'iOS' # Apple Watch - regex: '(watchOS)/__VERSION_OS__' family: 'watchOS' ########## # CFNetwork/Darwin - The specific CFNetwork or Darwin version determines whether the os maps to Mac OS, or iOS, or just Darwin. # @ref: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Darwin_(operating_system)#Release_history # @ref: http://user-agents.me/cfnetwork-version-list ########## - regex: 'CFNetwork/9.{0,100} Darwin/18\.0\.\d{1,10}' family: 'iOS' v1: '12' v2: '0' - regex: 'CFNetwork/9.{0,100} Darwin/(18)\.\d{1,10}' family: 'iOS' v1: '12' - regex: 'CFNetwork/9.{0,100} Darwin/17\.7\.\d{1,10}' family: 'iOS' v1: '11' v2: '4' v3: '1' - regex: 'CFNetwork/9.{0,100} Darwin/17\.6\.\d{1,10}' family: 'iOS' v1: '11' v2: '4' - regex: 'CFNetwork/8.{0,100} Darwin/17\.5\.\d{1,10}' family: 'iOS' v1: '11' v2: '3' - regex: 'CFNetwork/8.{0,100} Darwin/17\.4\.\d{1,10}' family: 'iOS' v1: '11' v2: '2' v3: '6' - regex: 'CFNetwork/8.{0,100} Darwin/17\.3\.\d{1,10}' family: 'iOS' v1: '11' v2: '2' - regex: 'CFNetwork/8.{0,100} Darwin/17\.2\.\d{1,10}' family: 'iOS' v1: '11' v2: '1' - regex: 'CFNetwork/8.{0,100} Darwin/17\.0\.\d{1,10}' family: 'iOS' v1: '11' v2: '0' - regex: 'CFNetwork/8.{0,100} Darwin/17\.(\d)' family: 'iOS' v1: '11' - regex: 'CFNetwork/8.{0,100} Darwin/16\.7\.\d{1,10}' family: 'iOS' v1: '10' v2: '3' v3: '3' - regex: 'CFNetwork/8.{0,100} Darwin/16\.6\.\d{1,10}' family: 'iOS' v1: '10' v2: '3' v3: '2' - regex: 'CFNetwork/8.{0,100} Darwin/16\.5\.\d{1,10}' family: 'iOS' v1: '10' v2: '3' - regex: 'CFNetwork/8.{0,100} Darwin/16\.' family: 'iOS' v1: '10' v2: '3' - regex: 'CFNetwork/808\.3 Darwin/16\.3\.\d{1,10}' family: 'iOS' v1: '10' v2: '2' v3: '1' - regex: 'CFNetwork/(?:790\.\d).{0,100} Darwin/16\.' family: 'iOS' v1: '10' v2: '0' - regex: 'CFNetwork/7.{0,100} Darwin/15\.6\.\d{1,10}' family: 'iOS' v1: '9' v2: '3' v3: '5' - regex: 'CFNetwork/7.{0,100} Darwin/15\.5\.\d{1,10}' family: 'iOS' v1: '9' v2: '3' v3: '2' - regex: 'CFNetwork/7.{0,100} Darwin/15\.4\.\d{1,10}' family: 'iOS' v1: '9' v2: '3' v3: '1' - regex: 'CFNetwork/758\.(\d)' family: 'iOS' v1: '9' v2: '$1' - regex: 'CFNetwork/711\.(\d).{0,100} Darwin/14\.' family: 'iOS' v1: '8' v2: '$1' - regex: '(CFNetwork)/709\.1' family: 'iOS' v1: '8' v2: '0.b5' - regex: '(CFNetwork)/6(7)2\.(0)\.(?:2|8)' family: 'iOS' - regex: '(CF)(Network)/6(7)(2)\.1\.15' family: 'iOS' v1: '7' v2: '1' - regex: '(CFNetwork)/6(7)2\.(1)\.(1)4' family: 'iOS' - regex: '(CFNetwork)/6(7)2\.(1)\.13' family: 'iOS' - regex: '(CFNetwork)/(6)09\.(1)\.4' family: 'iOS' - regex: '(CFNetwork)/(6)(0)9' family: 'iOS' - regex: '(CFNetwork)/(5)48\.(0)\.4' family: 'iOS' v3: '1' - regex: '(CFNetwork)/(5)48\.(\d)' family: 'iOS' - regex: '(CFNetwork)/(4)85\.1(3)\.9' family: 'iOS' - regex: 'CFNetwork/7.{0,100} Darwin/(15)\.\d{1,10}' family: 'iOS' vi: '9' - regex: 'CFNetwork/7.{0,100} Darwin/(14)\.\d{1,10}' family: 'iOS' v1: '8' - regex: 'CFNetwork/6.{0,100} Darwin/(14)\.\d{1,10}' family: 'iOS' v1: '7' - regex: 'CFNetwork/.{0,100} Darwin/(13)\.\d{1,10}' family: 'iOS' v1: '6' - regex: 'CFNetwork/.{0,100} Darwin/(11)\.\d{1,10}' family: 'iOS' v1: '5' - regex: 'CFNetwork/.{0,100} Darwin/(10)\.\d{1,10}' family: 'iOS' v1: '4' - regex: 'CFNetwork/.{0,100} Darwin/(9)\.\d{1,10}' family: 'iOS' v1: '1' # iOS Apps - regex: '\b(iOS[ /]|iOS; |iPhone(?:/| v|[ _]OS[/,]|; | OS : |\d,\d/|\d,\d; )|iPad/)(\d{1,2})[_\.](\d{1,2})(?:[_\.](\d{1,10})|)' family: 'iOS' - regex: '\((iPad|iPod|iPhone); ' family: 'iOS' - regex: '\((iOS); ' ########## # Apple TV ########## - regex: '(tvOS)[/ ]__VERSION__' family: 'tvOS' - regex: '(Darwin)/__VERSION__' - regex: '(Mac OS X)' - regex: '(CrKey)(?:[/]__VERSION__|)' family: 'Chromecast' ########## # Symbian {1,111} Symbian OS # http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_Symbian ########## - regex: 'Symbian|Series|MeeGo|S60' group: - regex: '(Symbian[Oo][Ss])[/ ]__VERSION__' family: 'Symbian OS' - regex: '(Symbian/3).{1,300}NokiaBrowser/7\.3' family: 'Symbian^3 Anna' - regex: '(Symbian/3).{1,300}NokiaBrowser/7\.4' family: 'Symbian^3 Belle' - regex: '(Symbian/3)' family: 'Symbian^3' - regex: '\b(Series 60|Series60|SymbOS|S60Version|S60V\d|S60\b)' family: 'Symbian OS' - regex: '(MeeGo)' - regex: 'Symbian [Oo][Ss]' family: 'Symbian OS' - regex: 'Series40[;/]' family: 'Nokia Series 40' - regex: 'Series30Plus;' family: 'Nokia Series 30 Plus' ########## # BlackBerry devices ########## - regex: 'BB10|BlackBerry|Rim' regex_flag: 'i' group: - regex: '(BB10);.{1,300}Version/__VERSION__' family: 'BlackBerry OS' - regex: '(Black[Bb]erry)[0-9a-z]{1,50}/__VERSION_OS__' family: 'BlackBerry OS' - regex: 'Opera.{0,300}(Black[Bb]erry)' family: 'BlackBerry OS' - regex: '(Black[Bb]erry).{1,300}Version/__VERSION_OS__' family: 'BlackBerry OS' - regex: '(RIM Tablet OS) __VERSION__' family: 'BlackBerry Tablet OS' - regex: '(Play[Bb]ook)' family: 'BlackBerry Tablet OS' - regex: '(Black[Bb]erry|\(BB10;)' family: 'BlackBerry OS' ########## # Firefox OS/ KaiOS # https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Gecko_user_agent_string_reference ########## - regex: '(\((Mobile|Tablet);.{1,300}Firefox|KaiOS\/|Kai\/)' regex_flag: 'i' group: - regex: '\((?:Mobile|Tablet);.{1,200}Gecko/18\.0 Firefox/\d{1,10}\.\d{1,10}' family: 'Firefox OS' v1: '1' v2: '0' v3: '1' - regex: '\((?:Mobile|Tablet);.{1,200}Gecko/18\.1 Firefox/\d{1,10}\.\d{1,10}' family: 'Firefox OS' v1: '1' v2: '1' - regex: '\((?:Mobile|Tablet);.{1,200}Gecko/26\.0 Firefox/\d{1,10}\.\d{1,10}' family: 'Firefox OS' v1: '1' v2: '2' - regex: '\((?:Mobile|Tablet);.{1,200}Gecko/28\.0 Firefox/\d{1,10}\.\d{1,10}' family: 'Firefox OS' v1: '1' v2: '3' - regex: '\((?:Mobile|Tablet);.{1,200}Gecko/30\.0 Firefox/\d{1,10}\.\d{1,10}' family: 'Firefox OS' v1: '1' v2: '4' - regex: '\((?:Mobile|Tablet);.{1,200}Gecko/32\.0 Firefox/\d{1,10}\.\d{1,10}' family: 'Firefox OS' v1: '2' v2: '0' - regex: '\((?:Mobile|Tablet);.{1,200}Gecko/34\.0 Firefox/\d{1,10}\.\d{1,10}' family: 'Firefox OS' v1: '2' v2: '1' # KaiOS - regex: '(Kai|KaiOS|KAIOS)/__VERSION_2_DIGITS__' family: 'KaiOS' # general matcher - regex: '\((Mobile|Tablet);.{1,300}Firefox/\d{1,10}\.\d{1,10}' family: 'Firefox OS' ########## # BREW # yes, Brew is lower-cased for Brew MP ########## - regex: 'BREW|BMP|Brew' group: - regex: '\b(BREW|Brew)[ /]__VERSION__' - regex: '(BREW);' - regex: '(Brew MP|BMP)[ /]__VERSION__' family: 'Brew MP' - regex: 'BMP;' family: 'Brew MP' ########## # Google TV ########## - regex: '(GoogleTV)(?: __VERSION__|/[\da-z]{1,50})' - regex: '(WebTV)/(\d{1,10})\.(\d{1,10})' ########## # Misc mobile ########## - regex: '(Palm ?OS)' family: 'PalmOS' - regex: 'Xiino(?:.{0,300}v\. (\d{1,10}[\.\d]{1,111})|)' family: 'PalmOS' - regex: '(VRE);' ########## # HbbTV vendors ########## - regex: 'HbbTV' group: - regex: '^(?:.{0,200}|)HbbTV/\d{1,10}\.\d{1,10}\.\d{1,10} \( ;(LG)E ;NetCast 4\.0' v1: '2013' - regex: '^(?:.{0,200}|)HbbTV/\d{1,10}\.\d{1,10}\.\d{1,10} \( ;(LG)E ;NetCast 3\.0' v1: '2012' - regex: '^(?:.{0,200}|)HbbTV/1\.1\.1 \(;;;;;\) Maple_2011' family: 'Samsung' v1: '2011' - regex: '^(?:.{0,200}|)HbbTV/\d{1,10}\.\d{1,10}\.\d{1,10} \(;(Samsung);SmartTV([0-9]{4});.{0,300}FXPDEUC' v2: 'UE40F7000' - regex: '^(?:.{0,200}|)HbbTV/\d{1,10}\.\d{1,10}\.\d{1,10} \(;(Samsung);SmartTV([0-9]{4});.{0,300}MST12DEUC' v2: 'UE32F4500' - regex: '^(?:.{0,200}|)HbbTV/1\.1\.1 \(; (Philips);.{0,300}NETTV/4' v1: '2013' - regex: '^(?:.{0,200}|)HbbTV/1\.1\.1 \(; (Philips);.{0,300}NETTV/3' v1: '2012' - regex: '^(?:.{0,200}|)HbbTV/1\.1\.1 \(; (Philips);.{0,300}NETTV/2' v1: '2011' # the HbbTV emulator developers use HbbTV/1.1.1 (;;;;;) firetv-firefox-plugin 1.1.20 - regex: '^(?:.{0,200}|)HbbTV/\d{1,10}\.\d{1,10}\.\d{1,10}.{0,100}(firetv)-firefox-plugin (\d{1,10})\.(\d{1,10})\.(\d{1,10})' family: 'FireHbbTV' # generic HbbTV, hoping to catch manufacturer name (always after 2nd comma) and the first string that looks like a 2011-2019 year - regex: '^(?:.{0,200}|)HbbTV/\d{1,10}\.\d{1,10}\.\d{1,10} \(.{0,100}; ?([a-zA-Z]{1,111}) ?;.{0,100}(201[1-9]).{0,30}\)' # web0s LG TV - regex: '(webOS\.TV)-(\d{1,10})' family: 'webOS TV' - regex: '(Web0S)' family: 'webOS TV' # Other OS - regex: '\b(Sailfish|Haiku|BeOS)\b' # RISC OS - regex: '(RISC OS)(?:-NC|)(?:[ /]__VERSION__|)' # Gaming Console - regex: '(Nintendo Wii)' - regex: '(Xbox|KIN\.(?:One|Two))' name: 'Xbox' v1: '360' - regex: 'PlayStation (\d{1,10})' regex_flag: 'i' family: 'Playstation $1' # Mobile Gaming Console - regex: '(Nitro|Nintendo) ([3]?DS[i]?|Switch)' family: 'Nintendo Mobile' - regex: 'PlayStation (Portable|Vita)' family: 'PlayStation $1' ########## # Linux distros and others ########## - regex: '(Fedora|Ubuntu|Red Hat|(?:Free|Open|Net|\b)BSD|[KLX]?ubuntu|Arch ?Linux|Bada|CentOS|Debian|Fedora|Gentoo|HopenOS|Kindle|Knoppix|Mageia|Mandriva|Mint|openSUSE|PCLinuxOS|Puppy|Sabayon|Slackware|SUSE|BackTrack|SunOS|Solaris|AIX|HP-UX|DragonFly|Syllable|IRIX)\b(?:(?: Enterprise|) Linux|)(?:[ /\-]__VERSION_OS__|)' - regex: 'OSF1(?:[/ ]?v?__VERSION__|)' family: 'OSF1' # just os - regex: '(Windows|Android|WeTab|Maemo|\bOS/2\b|WinGogi|GOGI)' # Gentoo Linux {1,111} Kernel Version - regex: '(Linux)[ /]__VERSION__.{0,300}gentoo' family: 'Gentoo' # Linux {1,111} Kernel Version - regex: '(Linux)(?:[ /]__VERSION__|)' - regex: 'redhat-linux-gnu' family: 'Red Hat' - regex: '(X11;|linux-gnu)' family: 'Linux' #### Device #### device_parsers: ###################################################################### # Android parsers # # @ref: https://support.google.com/googleplay/answer/1727131?hl=en ###################################################################### - regex: '[Aa]ndroid| Build| Adr |JUC|\bHTC|Linux|Archos' group: - regex: ' Safari' preset: true type: 'tablet' - regex: ' Mobile Safari' preset: true type: 'smartphone' ######### # WebBrowser for SmartWatch # @ref: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=se.vaggan.webbrowser&hl=en ######### - regex: '\bSmartWatch {0,2}\( {0,2}([^;]{1,100}) {0,2}; {0,2}([^;]{1,100}) {0,2};' device: '$1 $2' brand: '$1' model: '$2' type: 'watch' # Android Application - regex: 'Android Application' group: - regex: 'Android Application[^\-]{1,111} - (Sony) ?(Ericsson|) (.{1,100}) \w{1,20} - ' device: '$1 $2' brand: '$1$2' model: '$3' - regex: 'Android Application[^\-]{1,111} - (?:HTC|HUAWEI|LGE|LENOVO|MEDION|TCT) (HTC|HUAWEI|LG|LENOVO|MEDION|ALCATEL)[ _\-](.{1,100}) \w{1,20} - ' regex_flag: 'i' device: '$1 $2' brand: '$1' model: '$2' - regex: 'Android Application[^\-]{1,111} - ([^ ]{1,111}) (.{1,100}) \w{1,20} - ' device: '$1 $2' brand: '$1' model: '$2' ######### # Huawei # @ref: http://www.huaweidevice.com # @note: Needs to be before HTC due to Desire HD Build on U8815 ######### - regex: 'huawei|[uc]\d{4}|ideos|ascend|honor|m8\d{2}|s7|H60-L' regex_flag: 'i' group: - regex: '; {0,2}(HONOR |)([^;]{1,50}) Build/(Honor|HONOR)' device: '$1$2' brand: 'Huawei' model: '$2' - regex: '; {0,2}(HUAWEI |Huawei-|)([UY][^;/]{1,111}) Build/(?:Huawei|HUAWEI)([UY][^\);]{1,111})\)' device: '$1$2' brand: 'Huawei' model: '$2' - regex: '; {0,2}([^;/]{1,50}) Build[/ ]Huawei(MT1-U06|[A-Z]{1,50}\d{1,10}[^\);]{1,50})[^\);]{0,50}\)' device: '$1' brand: 'Huawei' model: '$2' - regex: '; {0,2}(S7|M860|H60-L\d{1,10}|Honor|Honor .{1,300}?) Build[ /]' device: '$1' brand: 'Huawei' model: '$1' - regex: '; {0,2}((?:HUAWEI|Huawei)[ \-]?)(MediaPad) Build' device: '$1$2' brand: 'Huawei' model: '$2' - regex: '; {0,2}((?:HUAWEI[ _]?|Huawei[ _]|)Ascend[ _])([^;/]{1,111}) Build' device: '$1$2' brand: 'Huawei' model: '$2' - regex: '; {0,2}((?:HUAWEI|Huawei)[ _\-]?)((?:G700-|MT-)[^;/]{1,111}) Build' device: '$1$2' brand: 'Huawei' model: '$2' - regex: '; {0,2}((?:HUAWEI|Huawei)[ _\-]?)(.{1,300}?)(?: Build|[;)])' device: '$1$2' brand: 'Huawei' model: '$2' - regex: '; {0,2}(MediaPad[^;]{1,111}|SpringBoard) Build/Huawei' device: '$1' brand: 'Huawei' model: '$1' - regex: '; {0,2}([^;]{1,111});? Build/(?:Huawei|HUAWEI)' device: '$1' brand: 'Huawei' model: '$1' - regex: '; {0,2}([Uu])([89]\d{3}) Build' device: '$1$2' brand: 'Huawei' model: 'U$2' - regex: '; {0,2}(Ideos|IDEOS|HONOR) ([^;/]{1,111}\s{0,33}|\s{0,33})Build' device: 'Huawei $1 $2' brand: 'Huawei' model: '$1 $2' - regex: '; {0,2}(?:[^;]{1,50}) Build/(Orange[^\s\)]{1,111})' device: 'Huawei $1' brand: 'Huawei' model: '$1' - regex: '; {0,2}(Orange Daytona|Pulse|Pulse Mini|Vodafone 858|C8500|C8600|C8650|C8660|MEDIA PAD|NEM-L51|Nexus 6P|CHC-U03|RBM2|H30-U10|P8)(?: Build|[;)])' device: 'Huawei $1' brand: 'Huawei' model: '$1' ######### # Samsung Android Devices # @ref: http://www.samsung.com/us/mobile/cell-phones/all-products ######### - regex: 'samsung|behold|ek-|galaxy|gt-|nexus|sch-|scl|sgh-|shv-|shw-|sm-|sph-|yp-' regex_flag: 'i' group: - regex: '; {0,2}(SAMSUNG |Samsung |)((?:Galaxy (?:Note II|S\d)|GT-I9082|GT-I9205|GT-N7\d{3}|SM-N9005)[^;/]{0,33})\/?[^;/]{0,33} Build/' device: '$1$2' brand: 'Samsung' model: '$2' - regex: '; {0,2}(Google |)(Nexus [Ss](?: 4G|)) Build/' device: '$1$2' brand: 'Samsung' model: '$2' - regex: '; {0,2}(SAMSUNG |Samsung )([^\/]{0,50})\/[^ ]{0,50} Build/' device: '$1$2' brand: 'Samsung' model: '$2' - regex: '; {0,2}(Galaxy(?: Ace| Nexus| ACE| S ?II{1,111}|Nexus S| with MCR 1\.2| Mini Plus 4G|)) Build/' device: '$1' brand: 'Samsung' model: '$1' - regex: '; {0,2}(?:SAMSUNG |)(?:SAMSUNG |)(?:SAMSUNG[ _\-]|)(SAMSUNG[ _\-])([^;/]{1,111}) Build' device: '$1$2' brand: 'Samsung' model: '$2' - regex: '; {0,2}(SAMSUNG-|)(GT\-[BINPS]\d{4}[^\/]{0,33})(\/[^ ]{0,33}) Build' device: '$1$2$3' brand: 'Samsung' model: '$2' - regex: '(?:; {0,2}|^)((?:GT\-[BIiNPS]\d{4}|I9\d{2}0[A-Za-z\+]?\b)[^;/\)]{0,33}?)(?:Build|Linux|MIUI|[;/\)])' device: '$1' brand: 'Samsung' model: '$1' - regex: '; (SAMSUNG-)([A-Za-z0-9\-]{1,111}).{0,300} Build/' device: '$1$2' brand: 'Samsung' model: '$2' - regex: '; {0,2}((?:SCH|SGH|SHV|SHW|SPH|SC|SM)\-[A-Za-z0-9 ]{1,111})(/?[^ ]{0,33}|) Build' device: '$1' brand: 'Samsung' model: '$1' - regex: ' ((?:SCH)\-[A-Za-z0-9 ]{1,111})(/?[^ ]{0,33}|) Build' device: '$1' brand: 'Samsung' model: '$1' - regex: '; {0,2}(Behold ?(?:2|II)|YP\-G[^;/]{1,111}|SCL21|I9300) Build' device: 'Samsung $1' brand: 'Samsung' model: '$1' - regex: '; {0,2}(EK-GC\d{3}) Build' device: 'Samsung $1' brand: 'Samsung' model: '$1' type: 'camera' ######### # 3Q # @ref: http://www.3q-int.com/ # @models: xl65 , s-4 ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(AC07\d{2}[A-Z]|BC9710AM|EL72B|ER71B|LC(?:07|08|09|10)\d{2}[A-Z]?|MT(?:07|08|09|10|78)\d{2}[A-Z]?|OC1020A|QS(?:07|08|10|97)\d{2}[A-Z]|RC(?:07|08|10|13|78|97)\d{2}[A-Z]|TS(?:08|10)\d{2}[A-Z]|VM(?:07|10)\d{2}[A-Z]) {1,111}Build/' device: '3Q $1' brand: '3Q' model: '$1' - regex: '; {0,2}(?:3Q_)([^;/]{1,111}) {1,111}Build' device: '3Q $1' brand: '3Q' model: '$1' ######### # 4Good # @ref: http://www.?? ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(Light_AT200|T700i_3G) {1,111}Build' device: '4Good $1' brand: '4Good' model: '$1' type: 'tablet' ######### # Acer # @ref: http://us.acer.com/ac/en/US/content/group/tablets ######### - regex: 'acer|[abesvwz]\d{2,3}|a1-|b1-|liquid|slider' regex_flag: 'i' group: - regex: 'Android [34].{0,300}; {0,2}(A100|A101|A110|A200|A210|A211|A500|A501|A510|A511|A700(?: Lite| 3G|)|A701|B1-A71|A1-\d{3}(?:F?HD|)|A3-A\d{2}(?:F?HD|)|[bB]1-\d{3}(?:F?HD|)) Build' device: '$1' brand: 'Acer' model: '$1' type: 'tablet' - regex: '; {0,2}([A-Z]\d{3}) Build.{0,300}Acer' device: '$1' brand: 'Acer' model: '$1' - regex: 'Android [34].{0,300}; {0,2}(V360|V370|W500|W500P|W501|W501P|W510|W511|W700|Slider SL101|DA22[^;/]{1,111}) Build' device: '$1' brand: 'Acer' model: '$1' - regex: '(Acer)(?:[ _-]|\/acer; |)([^;\)]{1,111})(?: Build|;)' device: '$1 $2' brand: 'Acer' model: '$2' - regex: '; {0,2}Acer (Iconia Tab) ([^;/]{1,111}) Build' device: '$2' brand: 'Acer' model: '$2' type: 'tablet' - regex: '; {0,2}(DA241HL|Z1[123456]0|Z200|Z410|Z500|Z82[0-9]|E3[28]0[^;/]{0,33}?|E39|S5[012]0|S5[56]|Iconia A\d{1,10})__BUILD__' device: '$1' brand: 'Acer' model: '$1' - regex: '; {0,2}(Liquid[^;/]{0,33}?) Build/' device: '$1' brand: 'Acer' model: '$1' - regex: '; {0,2}(Acer |ACER )([^;/]{1,111}) Build' device: '$1$2' brand: 'Acer' model: '$2' ######### # Accent # @ref ######### - regex: '(TOUAREG8_3G)(?: Build|\))' device: '$1' brand: 'Accent' model: '$1' ######### # Adspec # @ref ######### - regex: '(AdTab 7 Lite)(?: Build|\))' device: '$1' brand: 'Adspec' model: '$1' ######### # Advan # @ref: http://www.advandigital.com/ ######### - regex: '(ADVAN)[ _]([^\s\)_]{1,111})' device: '$1$2' brand: 'Advan' model: '$2' - regex: '(T1X Plus)(?: Build|\))' device: '$1' brand: 'Advan' model: '$1' ######### # Advent # @ref: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Advent_Vega # @note: VegaBean and VegaComb (names derived from jellybean, honeycomb) are # custom ROM builds for Vega ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(Advent |)(Vega(?:Bean|Comb|)).{0,300} Build' device: '$1$2' brand: 'Advent' model: '$2' ######### # Ainol # @ref: http://www.ainol.com/plugin.php?identifier=ainol&module=product ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(Ainol |)((?:NOVO|[Nn]ovo)[^;/]{1,111}) Build' device: '$1$2' brand: 'Ainol' model: '$2' - regex: '(Numy[ _].{0,300}?|Aurora-II)(?: Build|\))' device: '$1' brand: 'Ainol' model: '$1' ######### # Airis # @ref: http://airis.es/Tienda/Default.aspx?idG=001 ######### - regex: '; {0,2}AIRIS[ _\-]?([^/;\)]{1,111}) {0,2}(?:;|\)|Build)' regex_flag: 'i' device: '$1' brand: 'Airis' model: '$1' - regex: '; {0,2}(OnePAD[^;/]{1,111}) Build' regex_flag: 'i' device: '$1' brand: 'Airis' model: '$1' ######### # Airpad # @ref: ?? ######### - regex: '; {0,2}Airpad[ \-]([^;/]{1,111}) Build' device: 'Airpad $1' brand: 'Airpad' model: '$1' ######### # Alcatel - TCT # @ref: http://www.alcatelonetouch.com/global-en/products/smartphones.html ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(one ?touch) (EVO7|T10|T20) Build' device: 'Alcatel One Touch $2' brand: 'Alcatel' model: 'One Touch $2' - regex: '; {0,2}(?:USCC[_\-]ALCATEL[_\-]|alcatel[ _]|)(?:(?:one[ _\-]?touch[ _\-])|ot[ _\-])([^;/]{1,111});?(?: Build|\))' regex_flag: 'i' device: 'Alcatel One Touch $1' brand: 'Alcatel' model: 'One Touch $1' - regex: '; {0,2}([456]\d{3}[A-Z]) Build' regex_flag: 'i' device: 'Alcatel One Touch $1' brand: 'Alcatel' model: 'One Touch $1' - regex: '; {0,2}(TCL|Alcatel)[ _]([^;/]{1,111}) Build' regex_flag: 'i' device: '$1 $2' brand: '$1' model: '$2' # operator specific models - regex: '; {0,2}(Vodafone[ _]Smart[ _]II|Optimus_Madrid|Orange (?:Infinity 8008X|Hiro|Yomi)|Telenor[_ ](?:Smart|One_?Touch)([_ ].{0,300}?|)|move 2|BS471|I213|Mobile Sosh|MTC975|smart_a17|7040[NRT]|9005X|A621BL|A571VL) Build' device: 'Alcatel $1' brand: 'Alcatel' model: '$1' - regex: '; {0,2}BASE_Lutea_3 Build' device: 'Alcatel One Touch 998' brand: 'Alcatel' model: 'One Touch 998' - regex: '; {0,2}BASE_Varia Build' device: 'Alcatel One Touch 918D' brand: 'Alcatel' model: 'One Touch 918D' ######### # Alcor # @ref ######### - regex: '(Alcor )(.{0,300}?)(?: Build|\))' device: '$1$2' brand: 'Alcor' model: '$2' ######### # Allfine # @ref: http://www.myallfine.com/Products.asp ######### - regex: '; {0,2}((?:FINE|Fine)\d[^;/]{1,111}) Build' device: '$1' brand: 'Allfine' model: '$1' ######### # Allview # @ref: http://www.allview.ro/produse/droseries/lista-tablete-pc/ ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(ALLVIEW[ _]?|Allview[ _]?)((?:Speed|SPEED).{0,300}) Build/' device: '$1$2' brand: 'Allview' model: '$2' - regex: '; {0,2}(ALLVIEW[ _]?|Allview[ _]?|)(A4DUO|A5_Quad|AX1_Shine|AX2_Frenzy|AX4Nano|X\d_Soul|X\d_mini_Soul|X2_Twin|V\d_Viper[^;/]|E2_Living|A5Smiley|P5|P5_Quad|P6_Quad|P6Life) Build' device: '$1$2' brand: 'Allview' model: '$2' - regex: '; {0,2}(ALLVIEW[ _]?|Allview[ _]?)([^;/]{0,33}) Build' device: '$1$2' brand: 'Allview' model: '$2' ######### # Allwinner # @ref: http://www.allwinner.com/ # @models: A31 (13.3"),A20,A10, ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(A13-MID|Q8H) Build' device: '$1' brand: 'Allwinner' model: '$1' - regex: '; {0,2}(Allwinner)[ _\-]?([^;/]{1,111}) Build' device: '$1 $2' brand: 'Allwinner' model: '$1' ######### # Alps # @ref: ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(baoxue|worldphone 4|Xenoon|XLD)(?: Build/|\))' device: '$1' brand: 'Alps' model: '$1' ######### # Amaway # @ref: http://www.amaway.cn/ ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(A651|A701B?|A702|A703|A705|A706|A707|A711|A712|A713|A717|A722|A785|A801|A802|A803|A901|A902|A1002|A1003|A1006|A1007|A9701|A9703|Q710|Q80) Build' device: '$1' brand: 'Amaway' model: '$1' ######### # Amoi # @ref: http://www.amoi.com/en/prd/prd_index.jspx ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(?:AMOI|Amoi)[ _]([^;/]{1,111}) Build' device: 'Amoi $1' brand: 'Amoi' model: '$1' - regex: '^(?:AMOI|Amoi)[ _]([^;/]{1,111}) Linux' device: 'Amoi $1' brand: 'Amoi' model: '$1' - regex: '; {0,2}(A\d{3}W) Build' device: 'Amoi $1' brand: 'Amoi' model: '$1' ######### # Andoer # @ref ######### - regex: '(gxt_dongle_3188)(?: Build|\))' device: '$1' brand: 'Andoer' model: '$1' ######### # Anka # @ref ######### - regex: '(ANKA-)(.{0,300}?)(?: Build|\))' device: '$1$2' brand: 'Anka' model: '$2' ######### # Aoc # @ref: http://latin.aoc.com/media_tablet ######### - regex: '; {0,2}((?:MW(?:0[789]|10).{1,300}?)|AOC U702|M601)(?: Build|\))' device: '$1' brand: 'Aoc' model: '$1' ######### # Aoson # @ref: http://www.luckystar.com.cn/en/mid.aspx?page=1 # @ref: http://www.luckystar.com.cn/en/mobiletel.aspx?page=1 # @note: brand owned by luckystar ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(G7|M1013|M1015G|M11[CG]?|M-?12[B]?|M15|M19[G]?|M30[ACQ]?|M31[GQ]|M32|M33[GQ]|M36|M37|M38|M701T|M710|M712B|M713|M715G|M716G|M71(?:G|GS|T|)|M72[T]?|M73[T]?|M75[GT]?|M77G|M79T|M7L|M7LN|M81|M810|M81T|M82|M92|M92KS|M92S|M717G|M721|M722G|M723|M725G|M739|M785|M791|M92SK|M93D)(?: Build|\))' device: 'Aoson $1' brand: 'Aoson' model: '$1' - regex: '; {0,2}Aoson ([^;/]{1,111}) Build' regex_flag: 'i' device: 'Aoson $1' brand: 'Aoson' model: '$1' ######### # Apanda # @ref: http://www.apanda.com.cn/ ######### - regex: '; {0,2}[Aa]panda[ _\-]([^;/]{1,111}) Build' device: 'Apanda $1' brand: 'Apanda' model: '$1' ######### # Archos # @ref: http://www.archos.com/de/products/tablets.html # @ref: http://www.archos.com/de/products/smartphones/index.html ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(?:ARCHOS|Archos) ?(GAMEPAD.{0,300}?)(?: Build|[;/\(\)\-])' device: 'Archos $1' brand: 'Archos' model: '$1' type: 'console' - regex: 'ARCHOS; GOGI; ([^;]{1,111});' device: 'Archos $1' brand: 'Archos' model: '$1' - regex: '(?:ARCHOS|Archos)[ _;]?(.{0,300}?)(?: Build|[;/\(\)\-]|$)' device: 'Archos $1' brand: 'Archos' model: '$1' - regex: '; {0,2}(A28|A32|A43|A70(?:BHT|CHT|HB|S|X)|A101(?:B|C|IT)|A7EB|A7EB-WK|101G9|80G9) Build' device: 'Archos $1' brand: 'Archos' model: '$1' ######### # Artel # @ref: ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(Adi)[ _](.{0,300}?)__BUILD__' device: '$1 $2' brand: 'Artel' model: '$1 $2' ######### # A-rival # @ref: http://www.a-rival.de/de/ ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(PAD-FMD[^;/]{1,111}) Build' device: '$1' brand: 'Arival' model: '$1' - regex: '; {0,2}(BioniQ) ?([^;/]{1,111}) Build' device: '$1 $2' brand: 'Arival' model: '$1 $2' ######### # ARK # @ref ######### - regex: '(ARK[ _])(.{1,300}?)(?: Build|\))' device: '$1$2' brand: 'ARK' model: '$2' ######### # Arnova # @ref: http://arnovatech.com/ ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(AN(?:7|8|9|10|13)[A-Z0-9]{1,4}) Build' device: 'Arnova $1' brand: 'Arnova' model: '$1' - regex: '; {0,2}(AN\d[^;/]{1,111}|ARCHM\d{1,10}) Build' device: 'Arnova $1' brand: 'Arnova' model: '$1' - regex: '; {0,2}(?:ARNOVA|Arnova) ?([^;/]{1,111}) Build' device: 'Arnova $1' brand: 'Arnova' model: '$1' ######### # Assistant # @ref: http://www.assistant.ua ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(?:ASSISTANT |)(AP)-?([1789]\d{2}[A-Z]{0,2}|80104) Build' device: 'Assistant $1-$2' brand: 'Assistant' model: '$1-$2' ######### # Asus # @ref: http://www.asus.com/uk/Tablets_Mobile/ ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(A500CG|AST21|ME(?:[13]\d{2})[^;/]{1,111}|K0[01][A-Z0-9]|Nexus 10|Nexus 7(?: 2013| LTE|)|Nexus HDX 7|PadFone[^;/]{0,33}|P01T_1|Transformer[^;/]{0,33}|TF\d{3}[^;/]{0,33}|TX201LA|eeepc|TouchPad|Nexus Player) Build' device: 'Asus $1' brand: 'Asus' model: '$1' - regex: '; {0,2}ASUS[ _]{0,33}([^;/]{1,111}) Build' device: 'Asus $1' brand: 'Asus' model: '$1' ######### # Aveo # @ref ######### - regex: '(AVEO[ ])(.{1,300}?)(?: Build|\))' device: '$1$2' brand: 'Aveo' model: '$2' ######### # Avvio # @ref: http://www.avviomobile.com ######### - regex: '(Avvio)[ _\-]?(pad[a-z0-9\-\.]{0,33})' regex_flag: 'i' brand: 'Avvio' model: '$2' type: 'tablet' - regex: '(Avvio)[ _\-]?([a-z0-9\-\.]{1,111})' regex_flag: 'i' brand: 'Avvio' model: '$2' type: 'smartphone' ######### # Axgio # @ref: ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(Neon-N1|WING-W2)(?: Build/|\))' device: '$1' brand: 'Axgio' model: '$1' ######### # Garmin-Asus ######### - regex: '; {0,2}Garmin-Asus ([^;/]{1,111}) Build' device: 'Garmin-Asus $1' brand: 'Garmin-Asus' model: '$1' - regex: '; {0,2}(Garminfone) Build' device: 'Garmin $1' brand: 'Garmin-Asus' model: '$1' ######### # Attab # @ref: http://www.theattab.com/ ######### - regex: '; (@TAB-[^;/]{1,111}) Build' device: '$1' brand: 'Attab' model: '$1' ######### # Audiosonic # @ref: ?? # @note: Take care with Docomo T-01 Toshiba ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(T-(?:07|[^0]\d)[^;/]{1,111}) Build' device: '$1' brand: 'Audiosonic' model: '$1' ######### # Avus # @ref: http://www.avus.cc/ ######### - regex: '; AVUS ([^;/]{1,111}) Build' device: '$1' brand: 'Avus' model: '$1' ######### # Axioo # @ref: http://www.axiooworld.com/ww/index.php ######### - regex: ' (?:Axioo[ _\-]([^;/]{1,111})|(pico(?:pad|phone))[ _\-]([^;/]{1,111})) ?(?:Build|;|\))' regex_flag: 'i' device: 'Axioo $1$2 $3' brand: 'Axioo' model: '$1$2 $3' ######### # Azend # @ref: http://azendcorp.com/index.php/products/portable-electronics ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(V(?:100|700|800)[^;/]{0,33}) Build' device: '$1' brand: 'Azend' model: '$1' ######### # Azumi # @ref: http://azumi-mobile.com/ ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(Azumi)[ _]([^;/]{1,111}) Build' regex_flag: 'i' device: '$1 $2' brand: 'Azumi' model: '$2' - regex: '; {0,2}(A35S) Build' regex_flag: 'i' device: '$1' brand: 'Azumi' model: '$1' ######### # Bak # @ref: http://www.bakinternational.com/produtos.php?cat=80 ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(IBAK\-[^;/]{0,33}) Build' regex_flag: 'i' device: '$1' brand: 'Bak' model: '$1' ######### # Bangho # @ref: http://www.bangho.com.ar ######### - regex: '; (AERO J\d{1,10}|Aero1021)[\s/].{0,300}Build' brand: 'Bangho' model: '$1' ######### # Bedove # @ref: http://www.bedove.com/product.html # @models: HY6501|HY5001|X12|X21|I5 ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(HY5001|HY6501|X12|X21|I5) Build' device: 'Bedove $1' brand: 'Bedove' model: '$1' ######### # Benss # @ref: http://www.benss.net/ ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(JC-[^;/]{0,33}) Build' device: 'Benss $1' brand: 'Benss' model: '$1' ######### # Bephone # @ref ######### - regex: '(UN020)(?: Build|\))' device: '$1' brand: 'Bephone' model: '$1' ######### # Blackberry # @ref: http://uk.blackberry.com/ # @note: Android Apps seams to be used here ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(BB) ([^;/]{1,111}) Build' device: '$1 $2' brand: 'Blackberry' model: '$2' - regex: '(STV100-1)(?: Build|\))' device: '$1' brand: 'Blackberry' model: '$1' ######### # Blackbird # @ref: http://iblackbird.co.kr ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(BlackBird)[ _](I8.{0,300}) Build' device: '$1 $2' brand: '$1' model: '$2' - regex: '; {0,2}(BlackBird)[ _](.{0,300}) Build' device: '$1 $2' brand: '$1' model: '$2' ######### # Blackview # @ref: ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(Crown) Build' device: 'Blackview $1' brand: 'Blackview' model: '$1' ######### # Blaupunkt # @ref: http://www.blaupunkt.com ######### # Endeavour - regex: '; {0,2}([0-9]{1,111}BP[EM][^;/]{0,33}|Endeavour[^;/]{1,111}) Build' device: 'Blaupunkt $1' brand: 'Blaupunkt' model: '$1' ######### # Bliss # @ref ######### - regex: '(Bliss[ ])(.{1,300}?)(?: Build|\))' device: '$1$2' brand: 'Bliss' model: '$2' ######### # Blu # @ref: http://bluproducts.com ######### - regex: '; {0,2}((?:BLU|Blu)[ _\-])([^;/]{1,111}) Build' device: '$1$2' brand: 'Blu' model: '$2' # BMOBILE = operator branded device - regex: '; {0,2}(?:BMOBILE |)(Blu|(?:DASH|ADVANCE|VIVO|TANK) \d\.\d[^;/]{0,33}?) Build' regex_flag: 'i' device: '$1' brand: 'Blu' model: '$1' - regex: '; {0,2}(STUDIO[^;/)]{1,111}|Studio [^;/)]{1,111}|LIFE PLAY|R1 HD|VIVO IV)(?: Build|\))' device: '$1' brand: 'Blu' model: '$1' ######### # Blusens # @ref: http://www.blusens.com/es/?sg=1&sv=al&roc=1 ######### # tablet - regex: '; {0,2}(TOUCH\d[^;/]{1,111}) Build' device: '$1' brand: 'Blusens' model: '$1' ######### # Bmobile # @ref: http://bmobile.eu.com/?categoria=smartphones-2 # @note: Might collide with Maxx as AX is used also there. ######### # smartphone - regex: '; {0,2}(?:Bmobile[ _]{1,111}|)(AX[56]\d{2}|AX[78][^0]\d) Build' device: 'Bmobile $1' brand: 'Bmobile' model: '$1' type: 'smartphone' ######### # bq # @ref: http://bqreaders.com ######### - regex: '; {0,2}([Bb]q|) ?(Aquaris[^;/]{0,33});? Build' device: '$1 $2' brand: 'bq' model: '$2' type: 'smartphone' - regex: '; {0,2}([Bb]q) ([^;/]{1,111});? Build' device: '$1 $2' brand: 'bq' model: '$2' type: 'tablet' - regex: '; {0,2}(BQ \d{1,10}[A-Z]?|BQS-\d{1,10}.{0,300}?)(?: Build|\))' device: '$1' brand: 'bq' model: '$1' - regex: '; {0,2}(Maxwell [^;/]{1,111}) Build' device: '$1' brand: 'bq' model: '$1' type: 'tablet' ######### # Braun Phototechnik # @ref: http://www.braun-phototechnik.de/en/products/list/~pcat.250/Tablet-PC.html ######### - regex: '; {0,2}((?:B-Tab|B-TAB) ?\d[^;/]{1,111}) Build' device: '$1' brand: 'Braun' model: '$1' ######### # Bravis # @ref ######### - regex: '(BRAVIS[ ])(.{1,300}?)(?: Build|\))' device: '$1$2' brand: 'Bravis' model: '$2' ######### # Broncho # @ref: http://www.broncho.cn/ ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(Broncho) ([^;/]{1,111}) Build' device: '$1 $2' brand: '$1' model: '$2' ######### # Brondi # @ref: https://www.brondi.it/smartphone.html ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(Caesar|CENTURION(?:[ -]\d|)|CENTVRION2|GLADIATOR(?:[ -]\d|)|GLORY(?:[ -]\d|)|LUXURY(?:[ -]\d|)|SENSUELLE|VICTORY) Build' regex_flag: 'i' device: 'Brondi $1' brand: 'Brondi' model: '$1' ######### # Cambridge Sciences # @ref ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(Starpad)(?: Build|\))' device: '$1' brand: 'Cambridge Sciences' model: '$1' ######### # Captiva # @ref: http://www.captiva-power.de ######### - regex: '; {0,2}CAPTIVA ([^;/]{1,111}) Build' device: 'Captiva $1' brand: 'Captiva' model: '$1' ######### # Casio # @ref: http://www.casiogzone.com/ ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(C771|CAL21|IS11CA) Build' device: '$1' brand: 'Casio' model: '$1' ######### # Cat # @ref: http://www.cat-sound.com ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(?:Cat|CAT) ([^;/]{1,111}) Build' device: 'Cat $1' brand: 'Cat' model: '$1' - regex: '; {0,2}(B15Q?) Build' device: 'Cat $1' brand: 'Cat' model: '$1' - regex: '; {0,2}(?:Cat)(Nova.{0,300}) Build' device: 'Cat $1' brand: 'Cat' model: '$1' - regex: '; {0,2}(INM8002KP|ADM8000KP_[AB]) Build' device: '$1' brand: 'Cat' model: 'Tablet PHOENIX 8.1J0' ######### # Celkon # @ref: http://www.celkonmobiles.com/?_a=products # @models: A10, A19Q, A101, A105, A107, A107\+, A112, A118, A119, A119Q, A15, A19, A20, A200, A220, A225, A22 Race, A27, A58, A59, A60, A62, A63, A64, A66, A67, A69, A75, A77, A79, A8\+, A83, A85, A86, A87, A89 Ultima, A9\+, A90, A900, A95, A97i, A98, AR 40, AR 45, AR 50, ML5 ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(?:[Cc]elkon[ _\*]|CELKON[ _\*])([^;/\)]{1,111}) ?(?:Build|;|\))' device: '$1' brand: 'Celkon' model: '$1' - regex: 'Build/(?:[Cc]elkon){1,111}_?([^;/_\)]{1,111})' device: '$1' brand: 'Celkon' model: '$1' - regex: '; {0,2}(CT)-?(\d{1,10}) Build' device: '$1$2' brand: 'Celkon' model: '$1$2' # smartphones - regex: '; {0,2}(A19|A19Q|A105|A107[^;/\)]{0,33}|A354C|A400) ?(?:Build|;|\))' device: '$1' brand: 'Celkon' model: '$1' ######### # Cello # @ref ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(T1144)(?: Build|\))' device: '$1' brand: 'Cello' model: '$1' ######### # ChangJia # @ref: http://www.cjshowroom.com/eproducts.aspx?classcode=004001001 # @brief: China manufacturer makes tablets for different small brands # (eg. http://www.zeepad.net/index.html) ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(TPC[0-9]{4,5}) Build' device: '$1' brand: 'ChangJia' model: '$1' ######### # China Phone # @ref ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(L925\(L1020\))(?: Build|\))' device: '$1' brand: 'China Phone' model: '$1' ######### # Cloudfone # @ref: http://www.cloudfonemobile.com/ ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(Cloudfone)[ _](Excite)([^ ][^;/]{1,111}) Build' device: '$1 $2 $3' brand: 'Cloudfone' model: '$1 $2 $3' - regex: '; {0,2}(Excite|ICE)[ _](\d{1,10}[^;/]{1,111}) Build' device: 'Cloudfone $1 $2' brand: 'Cloudfone' model: 'Cloudfone $1 $2' - regex: '; {0,2}(Cloudfone|CloudPad)[ _]([^;/]{1,111}) Build' device: '$1 $2' brand: 'Cloudfone' model: '$1 $2' ######### # Cmx # @ref: http://cmx.at/de/ ######### - regex: '; {0,2}((?:Aquila|Clanga|Rapax)[^;/]{1,111}) Build' regex_flag: 'i' device: '$1' brand: 'Cmx' model: '$1' ######### # CobyKyros # @ref: http://cobykyros.com # @note: Be careful with MID\d{3} from MpMan or Manta ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(?:CFW-|Kyros |)(MID[0-9]{4}(?:[ABC]|SR|TV|))(\(3G\)-4G| GB 8K| 3G| 8K| GB|) {0,2}(?:Build|[;\)])' device: 'CobyKyros $1$2' brand: 'CobyKyros' model: '$1$2' ######### # Condor # @ref ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(TRA-901G|CTAB785R16-3G)(?: Build|\))' device: '$1' brand: 'Condor' model: '$1' ######### # Coolpad # @ref: ?? ######### - regex: '; {0,2}([^;/]{0,33})Coolpad[ _]?([^;/]{1,111}) Build' device: '$1$2' brand: 'Coolpad' model: '$1$2' - regex: '; {0,2}(801E[MS]?|CP8676_I02|CP8298_I00) Build' device: '$1' brand: 'Coolpad' model: '$1' ######### # Cube # @ref: http://www.cube-tablet.com/buy-products.html ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(CUBE[ _]|)([KU][0-9]{1,111} ?GT.{0,300}|A5300|Mytab-U55GT) Build' regex_flag: 'i' device: '$1$2' brand: 'Cube' model: '$2' type: 'tablet' ######### # Cubot # @ref: http://www.cubotmall.com/ ######### - regex: '; {0,2}CUBOT[ _]([^;/]{1,111}) Build' regex_flag: 'i' device: '$1' brand: 'Cubot' model: '$1' - regex: '; {0,2}(BOBBY|GT[89]\d|P6|P7|P9|P10|S108|S168|S200|S208|S222|S308|s350|T9|X6|X9)(?: Build|\))' regex_flag: 'i' device: '$1' brand: 'Cubot' model: '$1' ######### # Danew # @ref: http://www.danew.com/produits-tablette.php ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(Dslide ?[^;/]{1,111}) Build' device: '$1' brand: 'Danew' model: '$1' type: 'tablet' ######### # Dell # @ref: http://www.dell.com # @ref: http://www.softbank.jp/mobile/support/product/101dl/ # @ref: http://www.softbank.jp/mobile/support/product/001dl/ # @ref: http://developer.emnet.ne.jp/android.html # @ref: http://www.dell.com/in/p/mobile-xcd28/pd # @ref: http://www.dell.com/in/p/mobile-xcd35/pd ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(XCD)[ _]?(28|35) Build' device: 'Dell $1$2' brand: 'Dell' model: '$1$2' - regex: '; {0,2}(Venue.{0,300}?) Build' device: 'Dell $1' brand: 'Dell' model: '$1' - regex: '; {0,2}(001DL) Build' device: 'Dell $1' brand: 'Dell' model: 'Streak' - regex: '; {0,2}(?:Dell|DELL) (Streak) Build' device: 'Dell $1' brand: 'Dell' model: 'Streak' - regex: '; {0,2}(101DL|GS01|Streak Pro[^;/]{0,33}) Build' device: 'Dell $1' brand: 'Dell' model: 'Streak Pro' - regex: '; {0,2}([Ss]treak ?7) Build' device: 'Dell $1' brand: 'Dell' model: 'Streak 7' - regex: '; {0,2}(Mini-3iX) Build' device: 'Dell $1' brand: 'Dell' model: '$1' - regex: '; {0,2}(?:Dell|DELL)[ _](Aero|Venue|Thunder|Mini.{0,300}|Streak[ _]Pro) Build' device: 'Dell $1' brand: 'Dell' model: '$1' - regex: '; {0,2}Dell[ _]([^;/]{1,111}) Build' device: 'Dell $1' brand: 'Dell' model: '$1' - regex: '; {0,2}Dell ([^;/]{1,111}) Build' device: 'Dell $1' brand: 'Dell' model: '$1' ######### # Denver # @ref: http://www.denver-electronics.com/tablets1/ ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(?:PO#\d{4} |)(TA[CDQ]-\d{1,10}[^;/]{0,33}) Build' device: '$1' brand: 'Denver' model: '$1' type: 'tablet' ######### # Dex # @ref: http://dex.ua/ ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(iP[789]\d{2}(?:-3G|)|IP10\d{2}(?:-8GB|)) Build' device: '$1' brand: 'Dex' model: '$1' ######### # DEXP # @ref ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(DEXP[ ])(.{1,300}?)(?: Build|[;)])' device: '$1$2' brand: 'DEXP' model: '$2' ######### # Dialog # @ref: ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(Tab_2)(?: Build|[;)])' device: '$1' brand: 'Dialog' model: '$1' ######### # Digma # @ref: ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(?:Digma |DIGMA |)(Optima .{0,300}?|Plane .{0,300}?|HIT .{0,300}?|iD[jnsx]D\d{1,10}.{0,300}?|TT7022MG.{0,300}?|LINX 6\.0 PS604M)(?: Build|[;)])' device: '$1' brand: 'Digma' model: '$1' ######### # DNS AirTab # @ref: http://www.dns-shop.ru/ ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(?:DNS |)(AirTab)[ _\-]([^;/]{1,111})(?: Build|[;)])' device: '$1 $2' brand: 'DNS' model: '$1 $2' - regex: '; DNS[ _](.{4,6})(?: Build|[;)])' device: '$1$2' brand: 'DNS' model: '$1$2' - regex: '; {0,2}(S400\d|[sS]450\d|S470\d)([A-Z]?)(?: Build|[;)])' device: '$1$2' brand: 'DNS' model: '$1$2' - regex: '; (ES9701|MB40II1)(?: Build|[;)])' device: '$1' brand: 'DNS' ######### # Docomo (Operator Branded Device) # @ref: http://www.ipentec.com/document/document.aspx?page=android-useragent ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(F\-\d[^;/]{1,111}) Build' device: '$1' brand: 'Fujitsu' model: '$1' - regex: '; {0,2}(HT-03A) Build' device: '$1' brand: 'HTC' model: 'Magic' - regex: '; {0,2}(HT\-\d[^;/]{1,111}) Build' device: '$1' brand: 'HTC' model: '$1' - regex: '; {0,2}(L\-\d[^;/]{1,111}) Build' device: '$1' brand: 'LG' model: '$1' - regex: '; {0,2}(N\-\d[^;/]{1,111}) Build' device: '$1' brand: 'Nec' model: '$1' - regex: '; {0,2}(P\-\d[^;/]{1,111}) Build' device: '$1' brand: 'Panasonic' model: '$1' - regex: '; {0,2}(SC\-\d[^;/]{1,111}) Build' device: '$1' brand: 'Samsung' model: '$1' - regex: '; {0,2}(SH\-\d[^;/]{1,111}) Build' device: '$1' brand: 'Sharp' model: '$1' - regex: '; {0,2}(SO\-\d[^;/]{1,111}) Build' device: '$1' brand: 'SonyEricsson' model: '$1' - regex: '; {0,2}(T\-0[12][^;/]{1,111}) Build' device: '$1' brand: 'Toshiba' model: '$1' ######### # Doogee # @ref: http://www.doogeemobile.com/ ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(?:DOOGEE[ -]([^;/]{1,111})|([^;/]{1,111}[ -]DG\d{3,4}[A-Z]?)|(DG800));? {1,111}Build' device: '$1$2$3' brand: 'Doogee' model: '$1$2$3' ######### # Doro # @ref: http://doro.com ######### - regex: '; {0,2}Doro (.{0,300}?) Build' device: '$1' brand: 'Doro' model: '$1' ######### # DOOV # @ref: http://www.doov.com.cn/ ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(DOOV)[ _]([^;/]{1,111}) Build' device: '$1 $2' brand: 'DOOV' model: '$2' ######### # eFOX # @ref ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(SMART-E5)(?: Build|[;)])' device: '$1' brand: 'eFOX' model: '$1' ######### # Elephone # @ref: http://www.elephone.hk/ ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(Elephone)[ -]?([^;/]{1,111}) Build' device: '$1' brand: 'Elephone' model: '$2$3' - regex: '; {0,2}(P3000)(?: Build|[;)])' device: '$1' brand: 'Elephone' model: '$1' ######### # Enot # @ref: http://www.enot.ua/ ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(Enot|ENOT)[ -]?([^;/]{1,111}) Build' device: '$1 $2' brand: 'Enot' model: '$2' ######### # Etuline # @ref ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(T880G)(?: Build|[;)])' device: '$1' brand: 'Etuline' model: '$1' ######### # Evercoss # @ref: http://evercoss.com/android/ ######### - regex: '; {0,2}[^;/]{1,111} Build/(?:CROSS|Cross){1,111}[ _\-]([^\)]{1,111})' device: 'CROSS $1' brand: 'Evercoss' model: 'Cross $1' - regex: '; {0,2}(CROSS|Cross)[ _\-]([^;/]{1,111}) Build' device: '$1 $2' brand: 'Evercoss' model: 'Cross $2' - regex: '; {0,2}(A7[STV].?|A10Q|A26[BC]|A28[BMS]|A33A|A5C|A5[ST]|A65A|A66[AB]|A7E|A80A|AT1[ACG]\*?) Build' device: '$1' brand: 'Evercoss' model: '$1' ######### # Explay # @ref: http://explay.ru/ ######### - regex: '; {0,2}Explay[_ ](.{1,300}?)(?:[\)]| Build)' device: '$1' brand: 'Explay' model: '$1' - regex: '; {0,2}(Art 3G|CinemaTV[ _]3G|Infinityll|informer 921|M1_Plus|sQuad 7\.82 3G|Surfer 8\.31 3G|X-tremer)__BUILD__' device: '$1' brand: 'Explay' model: '$1' ######### # Fairphone # @ref: https://www.fairphone.com/ ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(FP1|FP1U) Build' device: '$1' brand: 'Fairphone' model: '$1' ######### # FiGO # @ref ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(EPIC F50G)(?: Build|[;)])' device: '$1' brand: 'FiGO' model: '$1' ######### # Fly # @ref: http://www.fly-phone.com/ ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(IQ.{0,300}?|Flylife Connect.{0,300}?|Phoenix 2)(?: Build|[;)])' device: '$1' brand: 'Fly' model: '$1' - regex: '; {0,2}(Fly|FLY)[ _](IQ[^;]{1,111}|F[34]\d{1,10}[^;]{0,33}|Phoenix 2);? Build' device: '$1 $2' brand: 'Fly' model: '$2' ######### # Flying # @ref: ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(F600)(?: Build|[;)])' device: '$1' brand: 'Flying' model: '$1' ######### # Fujitsu # @ref: http://www.fujitsu.com/global/ ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(M532|Q572|FJL21) Build/' device: '$1' brand: 'Fujitsu' model: '$1' ######### # Galapad # @ref: http://www.galapad.net/product.html ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(G1) Build' device: '$1' brand: 'Galapad' model: '$1' ######### # Geeksphone # @ref: http://www.geeksphone.com/ ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(Geeksphone) ([^;/]{1,111}) Build' device: '$1 $2' brand: '$1' model: '$2' ######### # General Mobile # @ref: ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(General Mobile[ ])(.{1,300}?)(?: Build|[;)])' device: '$1$2' brand: 'General Mobile' model: '$2' ######### # Gfive # @ref: http://www.gfivemobile.com/en ######### #- regex: '; {0,2}(G\'?FIVE) ([^;/]{1,111}) Build' # there is a problem with python yaml parser here - regex: '; {0,2}(G[^F]?FIVE) ([^;/]{1,111}) Build' device: '$1 $2' brand: 'Gfive' model: '$2' - regex: '; {0,2}(A5\(GOL\)) Build' device: '$1' brand: 'Gfive' model: '$1' ######### # Gionee # @ref: http://www.gionee.com/ ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(Gionee)[ _\-]([^;/]{1,111})(?:/[^;/]{1,111}|) Build' regex_flag: 'i' device: '$1 $2' brand: 'Gionee' model: '$2' - regex: '\sGIONEE[-\s_](\w{0,33})' regex_flag: 'i' device: 'Gionee $1' brand: 'Gionee' model: '$1' - regex: '; {0,2}(GN\d{1,10}[A-Z]?|INFINITY_PASSION|Ctrl_V1|Pioneer_P[123]S?|P4S?|S5\.[15]|F103 Pro)(?: Build|[;)])' device: 'Gionee $1' brand: 'Gionee' model: '$1' - regex: '; {0,2}(E3|E7) Build/J' device: 'Gionee $1' brand: 'Gionee' model: '$1' ######### # Globex # @ref: ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(GU730C)(?: Build|[;)])' device: '$1' brand: 'Globex' model: '$1' ######### # GoClever # @ref: http://www.goclever.com ######### - regex: '; {0,2}((?:FONE|QUANTUM|INSIGNIA|ARIES)[ _]\d{1,10}.{0,300}?|PLAYTAB|TQ700|ORION7o)(?: Build|[;)])' device: 'GoClever $1 $2' brand: 'GoClever' model: '$1 $2' - regex: '; {0,2}GOCLEVER ([^;/]{1,111}) Build' device: 'GoClever $1' brand: 'GoClever' model: '$1' ######### # Google # @ref: http://www.google.de/glass/start/ ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(Glass \d{1,10}) Build' device: '$1' brand: 'Google' model: '$1' type: 'glasses' - regex: '; {0,2}(Pixel C)__BUILD__' device: '$1' brand: 'Google' model: '$1' type: 'tablet' - regex: '; {0,2}(Pixel|Pixel XL|Pixel 2|Pixel 2 XL)__BUILD__' device: '$1' brand: 'Google' model: '$1' ######### # Gigabyte # @ref: http://gsmart.gigabytecm.com/en/ ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(GSmart)[ -_](.{1,300}?)__BUILD__' device: '$1 $2' brand: 'Gigabyte' model: '$1 $2' - regex: '; {0,2}(Rio R1)(?: Build|[;)])' device: '$1' brand: 'Gigabyte' model: '$1' ######### # Gigaset # @ref: http://www.gigaset.com/ ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(Gigaset)[ ]([^/]{1,111}) Build' device: '$1 $2' brand: '$1' model: '$2' - regex: '; {0,2}(SL930[^/]{0,33}) Build' device: 'Gigaset $1' brand: 'Gigaset' model: '$1' ######### # G-Tide # @ref: http://www.g-tidemobile.com ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(G-TiDE)[ ]([^/]{1,111}) Build' regex_flag: i device: 'G-Tide $2' brand: 'G-Tide' model: '$2' ######### # Freescale development boards # @ref: http://www.freescale.com/webapp/sps/site/prod_summary.jsp?code=IMX53QSB ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(imx5[13]_[^/]{1,111}) Build' device: 'Freescale $1' brand: 'Freescale' model: '$1' ######### # Haier # @ref: http://www.haier.com/ # @ref: http://www.haier.com/de/produkte/tablet/ ######### - regex: '; {0,2}Haier[ _\-]([^/]{1,111}) Build' device: 'Haier $1' brand: 'Haier' model: '$1' - regex: '; {0,2}(HW-.{1,300}?|W867)(?: Build|[;)])' device: 'Haier $1' brand: 'Haier' model: '$1' type: 'smartphone' - regex: '; {0,2}(PAD1016)(?: Build|[;)])' device: 'Haier $1' brand: 'Haier' model: '$1' type: 'tablet' ######### # Haipad # @ref: http://www.haipad.net/ # @models: V7P|M7SM7S|M9XM9X|M7XM7X|M9|M8|M7-M|M1002|M7|M701 ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(M701|M7|M8|M9) Build' device: 'Haipad $1' brand: 'Haipad' model: '$1' ######### # Haipai # @ref: ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(Haipai_Noble_I9220|i9377)(?: Build|[;)])' device: '$1' brand: 'Haipai' model: '$1' ######### # Hannspree # @ref: http://www.hannspree.eu/ ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(SN\d{1,10}T[^;\)/]{0,33}|HSG12\d{1,10})(?: Build|[;\)])' device: 'Hannspree $1' brand: 'Hannspree' model: '$1' ######### # HCLme # @ref: http://www.hclmetablet.com/india/ ######### - regex: 'Build/HCL ME Tablet ([^;\)]{1,3})[\);]' device: 'HCLme $1' brand: 'HCLme' model: '$1' - regex: '; {0,2}([^;\/]{1,111}) Build/HCL' device: 'HCLme $1' brand: 'HCLme' model: '$1' ######### # Hena # @ref: http://www.henadigital.com/en/product/index.asp?id=6 ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(MID-?\d{4}C[EM]) Build' device: 'Hena $1' brand: 'Hena' model: '$1' ######### # Highscreen # @ref: ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(Alpha GTR?|Boost IIse|Explosion|Ice2|Prime S|Prime Mini SE|Zera[ _]F)(?: Build|\))' device: '$1' brand: 'Highscreen' model: '$1' ######### # Hisense # @ref: http://www.hisense.com/ ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(EG\d{2,}|HS-.{1,300}?|MIRA.{1,300}?|AD683G)(?: Build|[;)])' device: 'Hisense $1' brand: 'Hisense' model: '$1' - regex: '; {0,2}(andromax.{1,300}?|Smartfren Andromax.{0,300}?)(?: Build|[;)])' regex_flag: 'i' device: 'Hisense $1' brand: 'Hisense' model: '$1' ######### # hitech # @ref: http://www.hitech-mobiles.com/ ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(?:AMAZE[ _](S\d{1,10})|(S\d{1,10})[ _]AMAZE) Build' device: 'AMAZE $1$2' brand: 'hitech' model: 'AMAZE $1$2' ######### # Honlin # @ref: ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(HL-PC\d{3,4})(?: Build|[;)])' device: '$1' brand: 'Honlin' model: '$1' ######### # HOTWAV # @ref: ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(IP7) Build' device: 'HOTWAV $1' brand: 'HOTWAV' model: '$1' ######### # HP # @ref: http://www.hp.com/ ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(PlayBook|Slate \d{1,10}(?: Pro|)) Build' device: 'HP $1' brand: 'HP' model: '$1' - regex: '; {0,2}HP ([^/]{1,111}) Build' device: 'HP $1' brand: 'HP' model: '$1' - regex: '; {0,2}([a-z]{1,3}_tenderloin|Touchpad)(?: Build|[;)])' device: 'HP TouchPad' brand: 'HP' model: 'TouchPad' ######### # HTC # @ref: http://www.htc.com/www/products/ # @ref: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_HTC_phones ######### - regex: 'USCCHTC(\d{1,10})' brand: 'HTC' model: '$1' - regex: 'USCC(ADR\d{1,10})' brand: 'HTC' model: '$1' # Android HTC with Version Number matcher # ; HTC_0P3Z11/ Build # ;HTC_A3335 V2.38.841.1 Build - regex: '; {0,2}(?:HTC)(?:[ _/]((?:(?![ _/;\(\)]|Build|MIUI).){1,30}))(?:[ _/]((?:(?![ _/;\(\)]|HTC|Build|MIUI).){1,30})|)(?:[ _/]((?:(?![ _/;\(\)]|Build|MIUI).){1,30})|)(?:[ _/]((?:(?![/;\)]|Build|MIUI).){1,30})|)(?:[/\\]1\.0 | V|/| {1,111})\d{1,10}\.\d[\d\.]{1,111}' device: 'HTC $1 $2 $3 $4' brand: 'HTC' model: '$1 $2 $3 $4' # Android HTC without Version Number matcher - regex: '; {0,2}(?:HTC[ ;]|)(?:HTC(?:_blocked){0,33})(?:(?:[ _/]|; {0,2})((?:(?![ _/;\(\)\\]|USCCHTC|HTC|Build|MIUI).){1,30}))(?:[ _/]((?:(?![ _/;\(\)\\]|Build|MIUI|1\.0).){1,30})|)(?:[ _/]((?:(?![ _/;\(\)\\]|Build|MIUI|1\.0).){1,30})|)(?:[ _/]((?:(?![/;\)]|Build|MIUI|1\.0).){1,30})|)' regex_flag: 'i' device: 'HTC $1 $2 $3 $4' brand: 'HTC' model: '$1 $2 $3 $4' # HTC Streaming Player - regex: 'HTC Streaming Player [^\/]{0,30}/[^\/]{0,10}/ htc_([^/]{1,10}) /' device: 'HTC $1' brand: 'HTC' model: '$1' # general matcher for anything else - regex: '(?:[;,] {0,2}|^)(?:htccn_chs-|)HTC[ _-]?([^;]{1,111}?)(?: {0,2}Build|clay|Android|-?Mozilla| Opera| Profile| UNTRUSTED|[;/\(\)]|$)' regex_flag: 'i' device: 'HTC $1' brand: 'HTC' model: '$1' # Android matchers without HTC - regex: '; {0,2}(0PAJ5|0PCV1|0PJA2|0PM92|2PQ93|2PS64|2PYB2|831C|pcdadr6350|A320a|Z520m|HTL22|801a|A6277|ADR6200|ADR63[03]0[A-Z]{0,33}|ADR6350|ADR64[01]0[A-Z]{0,33}|ADR6425[A-Z]{0,33}|APX515CKT|Desire[^_ ]{0,33}|Dream|EndeavorU|Eris|Evo|Flyer|HD2|Hero|HERO200|Hero CDMA|HTL21|Incredible|Inspire[A-Z0-9]{0,33}|Legend|Liberty|Nexus ?(?:One|HD2)|Nexus 9|One|One S C2|One[ _]?(?:M|S|V|X\+?)\w{0,33}|PC36100|PG06100|PG86100|PJ83100|PM63100|S31HT|Sensation|Wildfire)(?: Build|[/;()])' regex_flag: 'i' device: 'HTC $1' brand: 'HTC' model: '$1' - regex: '; {0,2}(ADR6200|ADR6400L|ADR64(?:10|25|)LVW|Amaze|DesireS?|EndeavorU|Eris|EVO|Evo\d[A-Z]{1,111}|HD2|IncredibleS?|Inspire[A-Z0-9]{0,33}|Inspire[A-Z0-9]{0,33}|Sensation[A-Z0-9]{0,33}|Wildfire)[ _-](.{1,300}?)(?:[/;\)]|Build|MIUI|1\.0)' regex_flag: 'i' device: 'HTC $1 $2 $3 $4' brand: 'HTC' model: '$1 $2 $3 $4' ######### # Hummer # @ref: ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(H1\+)(?: Build|[;)])' device: '$1' brand: 'Hummer' model: '$1' ######### # Hyundai # @ref: http://www.hyundaitechnologies.com ######### - regex: '; {0,2}HYUNDAI (T\d[^/]{0,10}) Build' device: 'Hyundai $1' brand: 'Hyundai' model: '$1' - regex: '; {0,2}HYUNDAI ([^;/]{1,10}) Build' device: 'Hyundai $1' brand: 'Hyundai' model: '$1' # X900? http://www.amazon.com/Hyundai-X900-Retina-Android-Bluetooth/dp/B00AO07H3O - regex: '; {0,2}(X700|Hold X|MB-6900) Build' device: 'Hyundai $1' brand: 'Hyundai' model: '$1' ######### # iBall # @ref: http://www.iball.co.in/Category/Mobiles/22 ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(?:iBall[ _\-]|)(Andi)[ _]?([^;/]{0,33}|Uddaan)__BUILD__' regex_flag: 'i' device: '$1 $2' brand: 'iBall' model: '$1 $2' - regex: '; {0,2}(IBall)(?:[ _]([^;/]{1,111})|) Build' regex_flag: 'i' device: '$1 $2' brand: 'iBall' model: '$2' - regex: '; {0,2} (3G 7271-HD70) Build' device: '$1' brand: 'iBall' model: '$1' ######### # IconBIT # @ref: http://www.iconbit.com/catalog/tablets/ ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(NT-\d{1,10}[^ ;/]{0,33}|Net[Tt]AB [^;/]{1,111}|Mercury [A-Z]{1,111}|iconBIT)(?: S/N:[^;/]{1,111}|) Build' device: '$1' brand: 'IconBIT' model: '$1' ######### # IMO # @ref: http://www.ponselimo.com/ ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(IMO)[ _]([^;/]{1,111}) Build' regex_flag: 'i' device: '$1 $2' brand: 'IMO' model: '$2' ######### # i-mobile # @ref: http://www.i-mobilephone.com/ ######### - regex: '; {0,2}i-?mobile[ _](.{1,300}?)(?: Build|[;()])' regex_flag: 'i' device: 'i-mobile $1' brand: 'imobile' model: '$1' - regex: '; {0,2}(i-(?:style|note)[^/]{0,10}) Build/' regex_flag: 'i' device: 'i-mobile $1' brand: 'imobile' model: '$1' ######### # Impression # @ref: http://impression.ua/planshetnye-kompyutery ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(ImPAD|ImSmart) ?(\d{1,10}(?:.){0,33}) Build' device: '$1 $2' brand: 'Impression' model: '$1 $2' ######### # iNew # @ref: http://www.infinixmobility.com/index.html ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(i4000S|V3)(?: Build|\))' device: '$1' brand: 'iNew' model: '$1' ######### # Infinix # @ref: http://www.infinixmobility.com/index.html ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(Infinix)[ _](.{0,300}?)__BUILD__' device: '$1 $2' brand: 'Infinix' model: '$2' ######### # InFocus # @ref: ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(InFocus)[ _](.{0,300}?)__BUILD__' device: '$1 $2' brand: 'InFocus' model: '$2' ######### # Informer # @ref: ?? ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(Informer)[ \-]([^;/]{1,111}) Build' device: '$1 $2' brand: 'Informer' model: '$2' ######### # Innos # @ref: ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(innos[ ])(.{1,300}?)__BUILD__' device: '$1$2' brand: 'Innos' model: '$2' ######### # Intenso # @ref: http://www.intenso.de # @models: 7":TAB 714,TAB 724;8":TAB 814,TAB 824;10":TAB 1004 ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(TAB) ?([78][12]4) Build' device: 'Intenso $1' brand: 'Intenso' model: '$1 $2' ######### # Intex # @ref: http://intexmobile.in/index.aspx # @note: Zync also offers a "Cloud Z5" device ######### # smartphones - regex: '; {0,2}(?:Intex[ _]|)(AQUA|Aqua)([ _\.\-])([^;/]{1,111}) {0,2}(?:Build|;)' device: '$1$2$3' brand: 'Intex' model: '$1 $3' - regex: '; {0,2}(Auqa Xtreme) {0,2}(?: Build|;)' device: '$1$2$3' brand: 'Intex' model: '$1 $3' # matches "INTEX CLOUD X1" - regex: '; {0,2}(?:INTEX|Intex)(?:[_ ]([^\ _;/]{1,111}))(?:[_ ]([^\ _;/]{1,111})|) {0,2}(?:Build|;)' device: '$1 $2' brand: 'Intex' model: '$1 $2' # tablets - regex: '; {0,2}([iI]Buddy)[ _]?(Connect)(?:_|\?_| |)([^;/]{0,33}) {0,2}(?:Build|;)' device: '$1 $2 $3' brand: 'Intex' model: 'iBuddy $2 $3' - regex: '; {0,2}(I-Buddy)[ _]([^;/]{1,111}) {0,2}(?:Build|;)' device: '$1 $2' brand: 'Intex' model: 'iBuddy $2' ######### # iOCEAN # @ref: http://www.iocean.cc/ ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(iOCEAN) ([^/]{1,111}) Build' regex_flag: 'i' device: '$1 $2' brand: 'iOCEAN' model: '$2' ######### # i.onik # @ref: http://www.i-onik.de/ ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(TP\d{1,10}(?:\.\d{1,10}|)\-\d[^;/]{1,111}|TU-\d{4}A) Build' device: 'ionik $1' brand: 'ionik' model: '$1' type: 'tablet' ######### # Irbis # @ref: ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(TG97|TX08|TX17|TX18|TX22|TX68|TX97|TZ43|TZ709|TZ857)(?: Build|[;)])' device: '$1' brand: 'Irbis' model: '$1' ######### # IRU.ru # @ref: http://www.iru.ru/catalog/soho/planetable/ ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(M702pro|M5301|M5302|M1003G)(?: Build|[;)])' device: '$1' brand: 'Iru' model: '$1' ######### # iRULU # @ref: ######### - regex: '; {0,2}([Ii]RULU[ ])(.{1,300}?)(?: Build|[;)])' device: '$1$2' brand: 'iRULU' model: '$2' ######### # Itel # @ref: ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(itel[ _])(.{1,300}?)(?: Build|[;)])' device: '$1$2' brand: 'Itel' model: '$2' ######### # Ivio # @ref: http://www.ivio.com/mobile.php # @models: DG80,DG20,DE38,DE88,MD70 ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(DE88Plus|MD70) Build' device: '$1' brand: 'Ivio' model: '$1' - regex: '; {0,2}IVIO[_\-]([^;/]{1,111}) Build' device: '$1' brand: 'Ivio' model: '$1' ######### # Jaytech # @ref: http://www.jay-tech.de/jaytech/servlet/frontend/ ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(TPC[-_](?:PA|PX|)[\d\.]{1,111}[A-Z]?|JAY-TECH) Build' device: '$1' brand: 'Jaytech' model: '$1' ######### # Jiake # @ref: ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(JK11)(?: Build|[;)])' device: '$1' brand: 'Jiake' model: '$1' ######### # Jiayu # @ref: http://www.ejiayu.com/en/Product.html ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(JY-.{1,300}?|JIAYU-.{1,300}?|G[234]S?)(?: Build|[;)])' device: '$1' brand: 'JiaYu' model: '$1' ######### # Jinga # @ref: http://www.ejiayu.com/en/Product.html ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(JINGA[ _])(.{1,300}?)(?: Build|[;)])' device: '$1$2' brand: 'Jinga' model: '$2' ######### # JXD # @ref: http://www.jxd.hk/ ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(JXD)[ _\-](.{1,300}?)__BUILD__' device: '$1 $2' brand: 'JXD' model: '$2' - regex: '; {0,2}(P200S)__BUILD__' device: '$1' brand: 'JXD' model: '$1' ######### # Karbonn # @ref: http://www.karbonnmobiles.com/products_tablet.php ######### - regex: '; {0,2}Karbonn[ _]?([^;/]{1,111}) {0,2}(?:Build|;)' regex_flag: 'i' device: '$1' brand: 'Karbonn' model: '$1' - regex: '; {0,2}([^;]{1,50}) Build/Karbonn' device: '$1' brand: 'Karbonn' model: '$1' - regex: '; {0,2}(A\d{1,2}(?:\+| Plus)|A[13679]|A1\d|A5 Turbo|A6 Turbo|A7\*|A34|A37|A39|A99[\*i]|S20|ST8|ST10|ST7|Smart Tab3|Smart Tab2|Sparkle V|Titanium S\d{1,10}[^;/]{0,33}|Titanium Octane[^;/]{0,33}) {1,111}Build(?:(?!QMobile).){0,300}$' device: '$1' brand: 'Karbonn' model: '$1' ######### # Kazam # @ref: https://www.kazam.mobi/ ######### - regex: '; {0,2}Kazam ([^;/]{1,111}) {0,2}(?:Build|;)' regex_flag: 'i' device: '$1' brand: 'Kazam' model: '$1' - regex: '; {0,2}(Tornado|Tornado \d{1,10}|Trooper[^;/]{1,111}) {0,2}(?:Build|;)' regex_flag: 'i' device: '$1' brand: 'Kazam' model: '$1' ######### # Keneksi # @ref: ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(Keneksi|KENEKSI)([-_])(.{1,300}?)(?: Build|[;)])' device: '$1$2$3' brand: 'Keneksi' model: '$3' ######### # KDDI (Operator Branded Device) # @ref: http://www.ipentec.com/document/document.aspx?page=android-useragent ######### - regex: 'ISW?\d|INFOBAR' group: - regex: '; {0,2}(IS01|IS03|IS05|IS\d{2}SH) Build' device: '$1' brand: 'Sharp' model: '$1' - regex: '; {0,2}(IS04) Build' device: '$1' brand: 'Regza' model: '$1' - regex: '; {0,2}(IS06|IS\d{2}PT) Build' device: '$1' brand: 'Pantech' model: '$1' - regex: '; {0,2}(IS11S) Build' device: '$1' brand: 'SonyEricsson' model: 'Xperia Acro' - regex: '; {0,2}(IS11CA) Build' device: '$1' brand: 'Casio' model: 'GzOne $1' - regex: '; {0,2}(IS11LG) Build' device: '$1' brand: 'LG' model: 'Optimus X' - regex: '; {0,2}(IS11N) Build' device: '$1' brand: 'Medias' model: '$1' - regex: '; {0,2}(IS11PT) Build' device: '$1' brand: 'Pantech' model: 'MIRACH' - regex: '; {0,2}(IS12F) Build' device: '$1' brand: 'Fujitsu' model: 'Arrows ES' # @ref: https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/IS12M - regex: '; {0,2}(IS12M) Build' device: '$1' brand: 'Motorola' model: 'XT909' - regex: '; {0,2}(IS12S) Build' device: '$1' brand: 'SonyEricsson' model: 'Xperia Acro HD' - regex: '; {0,2}(ISW11F) Build' device: '$1' brand: 'Fujitsu' model: 'Arrowz Z' - regex: '; {0,2}(ISW11HT) Build' device: '$1' brand: 'HTC' model: 'EVO' - regex: '; {0,2}(ISW11K) Build' device: '$1' brand: 'Kyocera' model: 'DIGNO' - regex: '; {0,2}(ISW11M) Build' device: '$1' brand: 'Motorola' model: 'Photon' - regex: '; {0,2}(ISW11SC) Build' device: '$1' brand: 'Samsung' model: 'GALAXY S II WiMAX' - regex: '; {0,2}(ISW12HT) Build' device: '$1' brand: 'HTC' model: 'EVO 3D' - regex: '; {0,2}(ISW13HT) Build' device: '$1' brand: 'HTC' model: 'J' - regex: '; {0,2}(ISW?[0-9]{2}[A-Z]{0,2}) Build' device: '$1' brand: 'KDDI' model: '$1' - regex: '; {0,2}(INFOBAR [^;/]{1,111}) Build' device: '$1' brand: 'KDDI' model: '$1' ######### # Kiano # @ref: http://elegance.kiano.pl/en/ ######### - regex: '; {0,2}Kiano ?([^;/]{1,111}) Build/' regex_flag: 'i' device: '$1' brand: 'Kiano' model: '$1' ######### # Kingcom # @ref: http://www.e-kingcom.com ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(JOYPAD|Joypad)[ _]([^;/]{1,111}) Build/' device: '$1 $2' brand: 'Kingcom' model: '$1 $2' ######### # KingTop # @ref: ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(KT07)__BUILD__' device: '$1' brand: 'KingTop' model: '$1' ######### # Kobo # @ref: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kobo_Inc. # @ref: http://www.kobo.com/devices#tablets ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(Vox|VOX|Arc|arc 7|K080) Build/' regex_flag: 'i' device: '$1' brand: 'Kobo' model: '$1' - regex: '\b(Kobo Touch)\b' device: '$1' brand: 'Kobo' model: '$1' ######### # Kurio # @ref: http://www.kurioworld.com/ ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(Kurio.{0,300}?) Build/' device: '$1' brand: 'Kurio' model: '$1' ######### # K-Touch # @ref: ?? ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(K-Touch)[ _]([^;/]{1,111}) Build' regex_flag: 'i' device: '$1 $2' brand: 'Ktouch' model: '$2' ######### # KT Tech # @ref: http://www.kttech.co.kr ######### - regex: '; {0,2}((?:EV|KM)-S\d{1,10}[A-Z]?) Build' regex_flag: 'i' device: '$1' brand: 'KTtech' model: '$1' ######### # Kyocera # @ref: http://www.android.com/devices/?country=all&m=kyocera ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(Zio|Hydro|Torque|Event|EVENT|Echo|Milano|Rise|URBANO PROGRESSO|WX04K|WX06K|WX10K|KYL21|[12]0[12]K|302KC|C5[12]\d{2}|C6730|C6743|E6782|DM015K|C6740N)__BUILD__' device: '$1' brand: 'Kyocera' model: '$1' - regex: '; {0,2}KYOCERA-([^ ]{1,111}) Build/' device: '$1' brand: 'Kyocera' model: '$1' ######### # Lafone # @ref: ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(Lafone[ ])(.{1,300}?)__BUILD__' device: '$1$2' brand: 'Lafone' model: '$2' ######### # Landvo # @ref: http://www.kimovil.com/en/landvo-smartphones-prices ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(L\d{3}[A-Z]?) {0,2}(?:;|\)|Build)' device: '$1' brand: 'Landvo' model: '$1' ######### # Lanix # @ref: ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(Lanix[ ])(.{1,300}?)__BUILD__' device: '$1$2' brand: 'Lanix' model: '$2' ######### # Lava # @ref: http://www.lavamobiles.com/ ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(?:LAVA[ _]|)IRIS[ _\-]?([^/;\)]{1,111}) {0,2}(?:;|\)|Build)' regex_flag: 'i' device: 'Iris $1' brand: 'Lava' model: 'Iris $1' - regex: '; {0,2}LAVA[ _]([^;/]{1,111}) Build' device: '$1' brand: 'Lava' model: '$1' - regex: '; {0,2}(X604|504Q\+|E-TAB IVORY|Pixel V2\+)__BUILD__' device: '$1' brand: 'Lava' model: '$1' ######### # Leagoo # @ref: http://www.leagoo.cc/cs-mobile.html ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(Lead .{1,300}?|shark1)__BUILD__' regex_flag: 'i' device: 'Leagoo $1' brand: 'Leagoo' model: '$1' ######### # Lemon # @ref: http://www.lemonmobiles.com/products.php?type=1 ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(?:(Aspire A1)|(?:LEMON|Lemon)[ _]([^;/]{1,111}))_? Build' device: 'Lemon $1$2' brand: 'Lemon' model: '$1$2' ######### # Lenco # @ref: http://www.lenco.com/c/tablets/ ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(TAB-1012) Build/' device: 'Lenco $1' brand: 'Lenco' model: '$1' - regex: '; Lenco ([^;/]{1,111}) Build/' device: 'Lenco $1' brand: 'Lenco' model: '$1' ######### # Lenovo # @ref: http://support.lenovo.com/en_GB/downloads/default.page?# ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(A1_07|A2107A-H|S2005A-H|S1-37AH0) Build' device: '$1' brand: 'Lenovo' model: '$1' - regex: '; {0,2}(Idea(?:Tab|[Pp]ad)|YOGA)[ _]?([^;/]{1,111})[;]? Build' device: 'Lenovo $1 $2' brand: 'Lenovo' model: '$1 $2' type: 'tablet' - regex: '; {0,2}(ThinkPad) ?(Tablet) Build/' device: 'Lenovo $1 $2' brand: 'Lenovo' model: '$1 $2' type: 'tablet' - regex: '; {0,2}(?:LNV-|)(?:Lenovo Lenovo |=?[Ll]enovo[ _\-]?|LENOVO[ _])(.{1,300}?)(?:Build|[;/\)])' device: 'Lenovo $1' brand: 'Lenovo' model: '$1' - regex: '[;,] (?:Vodafone |)(SmartTab) ?(II) ?(\d{1,10}) Build/' device: 'Lenovo $1 $2 $3' brand: 'Lenovo' model: '$1 $2 $3' type: 'tablet' - regex: '; {0,2}(3GC101|3GW10[01]|A390|A3000|A680|A808|A850|A880|AT1010-T|K1|S6000D)__BUILD__' device: '$1' brand: 'Lenovo' model: '$1' - regex: '\b(?:Lenovo|LENOVO){1,111}[ _\-]?([^,;:/ ]{1,111})' device: 'Lenovo $1' brand: 'Lenovo' model: '$1' ######### # Lexibook # @ref: http://www.lexibook.com/fr ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(MFC\d{1,10})[A-Z]{2}([^;,/]{0,33}),? Build' device: '$1$2' brand: 'Lexibook' model: '$1$2' ######### # LG # @ref: http://www.lg.com/uk/mobile ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(Ally|AS\d{3}(?: 4G|)|E[34][0-9]{2}|GS-500|LS[6-8][0-9]{2}|VK810 4G|VS[6-9][0-9]{1,111}[^;/]{1,111}|VS425PP|Nexus [45]|Nexus 5X|GT540f?|TI320-DU|Optimus (?:2X|G|4X HD)|OptimusX4HD) {0,2}(?:Build|;)' device: '$1' brand: 'LG' model: '$1' - regex: '[;:] {0,2}(L-\d{1,10}[A-Z]|LGL\d{1,10}[A-Z]?)(?:/V\d{1,10}|) {0,2}(?:Build|[;\)])' device: '$1' brand: 'LG' model: '$1' - regex: '; {0,2}(LG-)([A-Z]{1,2}\d{2,}[^,;/\)\(]{0,33}?)(?:Build| V\d{1,10}|[,;/\)\(]|$)' device: '$1$2' brand: 'LG' model: '$2' - regex: '; {0,2}(LG[ \-]|LG)([^;/]{1,111})[;/]? Build' device: '$1$2' brand: 'LG' model: '$2' - regex: '^(LG)-([^;/]{1,111})/ Mozilla/.{0,300}; Android' device: '$1 $2' brand: 'LG' model: '$2' ######### # Lovme # @ref: ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(Lovme[-])(.{1,300}?)__BUILD__' device: '$1$2' brand: 'Lovme' model: '$2' ######### # Lyf # @ref: ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(LS-4005|LS-4503|LS-4505)__BUILD__' device: '$1' brand: 'Lyf' model: '$1' ######### # M-way # @ref: ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(MD948G)__BUILD__' device: '$1' brand: 'M-way' model: '$1' ######### # Magic # @ref: ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(Magic[ ])(.{1,300}?)__BUILD__' device: '$1$2' brand: 'Magic' model: '$2' ######### # Malata # @ref: http://www.malata.com/en/products.aspx?classid=680 ######### - regex: '; {0,2}((?:SMB|smb)[^;/]{1,111}) Build/' device: '$1' brand: 'Malata' model: '$1' - regex: '; {0,2}(?:Malata|MALATA) ([^;/]{1,111}) Build/' device: '$1' brand: 'Malata' model: '$1' ######### # Manta # @ref: http://www.manta.com.pl/en ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(MS[45][0-9]{3}|MID0[568][NS]?|MID[1-9]|MID[78]0[1-9]|MID970[1-9]|MID100[1-9]) Build/' device: '$1' brand: 'Manta' model: '$1' ######### # Marshal # @ref: ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(ME-701)__BUILD__' device: '$1' brand: 'Marshal' model: '$1' ######### # Match # @ref: http://www.match.net.cn/products.asp ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(M1052|M806|M9000|M9100|M9701|MID100|MID120|MID125|MID130|MID135|MID140|MID701|MID710|MID713|MID727|MID728|MID731|MID732|MID733|MID735|MID736|MID737|MID760|MID800|MID810|MID820|MID830|MID833|MID835|MID860|MID900|MID930|MID933|MID960|MID980) Build/' device: '$1' brand: 'Match' model: '$1' ######### # Maxx # @ref: http://www.maxxmobile.in/ # @models: Maxx MSD7-Play, Maxx MX245{1,111} Trance, Maxx AX8 Race, Maxx MSD7 3G- AX50, Maxx Genx Droid 7 - AX40, Maxx AX5 Duo, # Maxx AX3 Duo, Maxx AX3, Maxx AX8 Note II (Note 2), Maxx AX8 Note I, Maxx AX8, Maxx AX5 Plus, Maxx MSD7 Smarty, # Maxx AX9Z Race, # Maxx MT150, Maxx MQ601, Maxx M2020, Maxx Sleek MX463neo, Maxx MX525, Maxx MX192-Tune, Maxx Genx Droid 7 AX353, # @note: Need more User-Agents!!! ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(GenxDroid7|MSD7.{0,300}|AX\d{1,2}(?:[A-Z][A-z]{0,33}|)|Tab 701|Tab 722) Build/' device: 'Maxx $1' brand: 'Maxx' model: '$1' ######### # Mediacom # @ref: http://www.mediacomeurope.it/ ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(M-PP[^;/]{1,111}|PhonePad ?\d{2,}[^;/]{1,111}) Build' device: 'Mediacom $1' brand: 'Mediacom' model: '$1' - regex: '; {0,2}(M-MP[^;/]{1,111}|SmartPad ?\d{2,}[^;/]{1,111}) Build' device: 'Mediacom $1' brand: 'Mediacom' model: '$1' ######### # Medion # @ref: http://www.medion.com/en/ ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(?:MD_|)LIFETAB[ _]([^;/]{1,111}) Build' regex_flag: 'i' device: 'Medion Lifetab $1' brand: 'Medion' model: 'Lifetab $1' - regex: '; {0,2}MEDION ([^;/]{1,111}) Build' device: 'Medion $1' brand: 'Medion' model: '$1' - regex: '; {0,2}(E4001|E4004|P4501)__BUILD__' device: 'Medion $1' brand: 'Medion' model: '$1' ######### # MegaFon # @ref: ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(?:(MegaFon[ _])(.{1,300}?)|(MS3A))__BUILD__' device: '$1$2$3' brand: 'MegaFon' model: '$2$3' ######### # Meizu # @ref: http://www.meizu.com ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(M030|M031|M035|M040|M065|m9|M3s|MZ-MX5)__BUILD__' device: 'Meizu $1' brand: 'Meizu' model: '$1' - regex: '; {0,2}(?:meizu_|MEIZU )(.{1,300}?) {0,2}(?:Build|[;\)])' device: 'Meizu $1' brand: 'Meizu' model: '$1' ######### # Micromax # @ref: http://www.micromaxinfo.com ######### - regex: '\b(?:Micromax[ _\-]?)(P[A-Za-z0-9]{1,111})' regex_flag: 'i' device: 'Micromax $1' brand: 'Micromax' model: '$1' - regex: '\b(?:Micromax[ _\-]){1,111}([A-Za-z0-9]{1,111})' regex_flag: 'i' device: 'Micromax $1' brand: 'Micromax' model: '$1' # be carefull here with Acer e.g. A500 - regex: '; {0,2}(A[02-9]\d|A[12]\d{2}|A90S|A110Q|X505|A068|A47)__BUILD__(?:(?!QMobile).){0,300}$' regex_flag: 'i' device: 'Micromax $1' brand: 'Micromax' model: '$1' - regex: '; {0,2}(P\d{3}|P\d{3})(?:\(Funbook\)|) Build' regex_flag: 'i' device: 'Micromax $1' brand: 'Micromax' model: '$1' ######### # Mito # @ref: http://new.mitomobile.com/ ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(MITO)[ _\-]?([^;/]{1,111}) Build' regex_flag: 'i' device: '$1 $2' brand: 'Mito' model: '$2' ######### # Mobistel # @ref: http://www.mobistel.com/ ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(Cynus)[ _](F5|T\d|.{1,300}?) {0,2}(?:Build|[;/\)])' regex_flag: 'i' device: '$1 $2' brand: 'Mobistel' model: '$1 $2' ######### # Mobiwire # @ref: http://mobiwire.com/ ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(Ahiga|Auriga[^;]{0,33}|Pegasus) {0,2}(?:Build|[;/\)])' device: '$1' brand: 'Mobiwire' model: '$1' ######### # Modecom # @ref: http://www.modecom.eu/tablets/portal/ ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(MODECOM |)(FreeTab) ?([^;/]{1,111}) Build' regex_flag: 'i' device: '$1$2 $3' brand: 'Modecom' model: '$2 $3' - regex: '; {0,2}(MODECOM )([^;/]{1,111}) Build' regex_flag: 'i' device: '$1 $2' brand: 'Modecom' model: '$2' ######### # Motorola # @ref: http://www.motorola.com/us/shop-all-mobile-phones/ ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(MZ\d{3}\+?|MZ\d{3} 4G|Xoom[^;/]{0,33}|XOOM[^;/]{0,33}|RAZR HD) Build' device: 'Motorola $1' brand: 'Motorola' model: '$1' - regex: '; {0,2}(Milestone )(XT[^;/]{0,33}) Build' device: 'Motorola $1$2' brand: 'Motorola' model: '$2' - regex: '; {0,2}(Motoroi ?x|Droid X|DROIDX) Build' regex_flag: 'i' device: 'Motorola $1' brand: 'Motorola' model: 'DROID X' - regex: '; {0,2}(Droid[^;/]{0,33}|DROID[^;/]{0,33}|Milestone[^;/]{0,33}|Photon|Triumph|Devour|Titanium) Build' device: 'Motorola $1' brand: 'Motorola' model: '$1' - regex: '; {0,2}(A555|A85[34].{0,300}?|A95[356]|ME[58]\d{2}\+?|ME600|ME632|ME722|MB\d{3}\+?|MT680|MT710|MT870|MT887|MT917|WX435|WX453|WX44[25]|XT\d{3,4}[A-Z\+]{0,33}|XT\d{3,4}-\d{2}|CL[iI]Q|CL[iI]Q XT|Nexus 6)(?: Build|\))' device: 'Motorola $1' brand: 'Motorola' model: '$1' - regex: '; {0,2}(Motorola MOT-|Motorola[ _\-]|MOT\-?)([^;/]{1,111}) Build' device: 'Motorola $1$2' brand: 'Motorola' model: '$2' - regex: '; {0,2}(Moto[_ ]?|MOT\-)([^;/]{1,111}) Build' device: 'Motorola $1$2' brand: 'Motorola' model: '$2' ######### # MpMan # @ref: http://www.mpmaneurope.com ######### - regex: '; {0,2}((?:MP[DQ]C|MPG\d{1,4}|MP\d{3,4}|MID(?:(?:10[234]|114|43|7[247]|8[24]|7)C|8[01]1))[^;/]{0,33}) Build' device: '$1' brand: 'Mpman' model: '$1' ######### # MSI # @ref: http://www.msi.com/product/windpad/ ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(?:MSI[ _]|)(Primo\d{1,10}|Enjoy[ _\-][^;/]{1,111}) Build' regex_flag: 'i' device: '$1' brand: 'Msi' model: '$1' ######### # MTC # @ref: ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(MTC[ ])(.{1,300}?)__BUILD__' device: '$1$2' brand: 'MTC' model: '$2' ######### # Multilaser # http://www.multilaser.com.br/listagem_produtos.php?cat=5 ######### - regex: '; {0,2}Multilaser[ _]([^;/]{1,111}) Build' device: '$1' brand: 'Multilaser' model: '$1' ######### # MyPhone # @ref: http://myphone.com.ph/ ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(My)[_]?(Pad)[ _]([^;/]{1,111}) Build' device: '$1$2 $3' brand: 'MyPhone' model: '$1$2 $3' - regex: '; {0,2}My\|?Phone[ _]([^;/]{1,111})(?: {0,2}Build|;)' regex_flag: 'i' device: 'MyPhone $1' brand: 'MyPhone' model: '$1' - regex: '; {0,2}(?:(A\d{1,10}|A818i)[ _](Duo)|(A919i?)) Build' regex_flag: 'i' device: '$1 $2$3' brand: 'MyPhone' model: '$1 $2$3' ######### # Mytab # @ref: http://www.mytab.eu/en/category/mytab-products/ ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(my(?:Tab|TAB)[^;/]{0,33}) Build' device: '$1' brand: 'Mytab' model: '$1' ######### # Mysaga # @ref: http://www.sagaphones.com ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(?:MY ?SAGA|MySAGA)[ -]([^;/]{1,111}) Build' device: 'Mysaga $1' brand: 'Mysaga' model: '$1' ######### # Mystery # @ref: ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(MID-721)__BUILD__' device: '$1' brand: 'Mystery' model: '$1' ######### # Nabi # @ref: https://www.nabitablet.com ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(NABI2?-)([^;/]{1,111}) Build/' device: '$1$2' brand: 'Nabi' model: '$2' ######### # Nec Medias # @ref: http://www.n-keitai.com/ ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(N-\d{1,10}[CDE]|101N) Build/' device: '$1' brand: 'Nec' model: '$1' - regex: '; ?(NEC-)(.{0,300}) Build/' device: '$1$2' brand: 'Nec' model: '$2' - regex: '; {0,2}(LT-NA7) Build/' device: '$1' brand: 'Nec' model: 'Lifetouch Note' ######### # NEO # @ref: ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(1080P-N003|N003)__BUILD__' device: '$1' brand: 'NEO' model: '$1' ######### # Nextbook # @ref: http://nextbookusa.com ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(NXM\d{1,10}[A-z0-9_]{0,33}|Next\d[A-z0-9_ \-]{0,33}|NEXT\d[A-z0-9_ \-]{0,33}|Nextbook [A-z0-9_ ]{0,33}|DATAM803HC|M805)(?: Build|[\);])' device: '$1' brand: 'Nextbook' model: '$1' ######### # Nextway # @ref: ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(F10X)__BUILD__' device: '$1' brand: 'Nextway' model: '$1' ######### # Neken # @ref: http://www.neken.cn/ ######### - regex: '; {0,2}neken ([^;/]{0,33}) Build/' device: 'Neken $1' brand: 'Neken' ######### # Newman # @ref: ? ######### - regex: '; {0,2}Newman ?([^;/]{0,33}) Build/' regex_flag: 'i' device: 'Newman $1' brand: 'Newman' model: '$1' ######### # NGM Mobile # @ref: http://www.ngm-mobile.com/ ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(Dynamic_(?:Fun|Maxi|Milo)|Enspert_Miracle|Forward_(?:Art|Escape|Prime|Run|Young)|Stylo) Build/' device: 'NGM $1' brand: 'NGM' model: '$1' - regex: '; {0,2}NGM[ _](Dynamic Star|Miracle|P0laris|Wilco) Build/' device: 'NGM $1' brand: 'NGM' model: '$1' ######### # Nikon # @ref: http://imaging.nikon.com/lineup/coolpix/s/s800c/ ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(COOLPIX S800c) Build/' device: '$1' brand: 'Nikon' type: 'camera' ######### # Nokia # @ref: http://www.nokia.com ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(Nokia)([ _\-]{0,33})([^;/]{0,33}) Build' regex_flag: 'i' device: '$1$2$3' brand: 'Nokia' model: '$3' - regex: '; {0,5}(genm14|TA-10\d{2})__BUILD__' device: '$1' brand: 'Nokia' model: '$1' ######### # Nomi # @ref: ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(C07000)__BUILD__' device: '$1' brand: 'Nomi' model: '$1' ######### # Nook # @ref: # TODO nook browser/1.0 ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(Nook ?|Barnes & Noble Nook |BN )([^;/]{1,111}) Build' device: '$1$2' brand: 'Nook' model: '$2' - regex: '; {0,2}(NOOK |)(BN[TR]V\d{1,10}A?|LogicPD Zoom2) Build' device: '$1$2' brand: 'Nook' model: '$2' - regex: '; Build/(Nook)' device: '$1' brand: 'Nook' model: 'Tablet' ######### # NTT System # @ref: ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(NTT[ ])(.{1,300}?)__BUILD__' device: '$1$2' brand: 'NTT System' model: '$2' ######### # Nuqleo # @ref: ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(Nuqleo;[ ])(.{1,300}?)__BUILD__' device: '$1$2' brand: 'Nuqleo' model: '$2' ######### # NYX # @ref: http://www.nyxmobilemexico.com/ ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(NYX)_([^;/_]{1,111})(?:_([^;/_]{1,111})|) Build' device: '$1 $2 $3' brand: 'NYX' model: '$2 $3' ######### # oblio # @ref: ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(TE_7512)__BUILD__' device: '$1' brand: 'oblio' model: '$1' ######### # Olivetti # @ref: http://www.olivetti.de/EN/Page/t02/view_html?idp=348 ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(OP110|OliPad[^;/]{1,111}) Build' device: 'Olivetti $1' brand: 'Olivetti' model: '$1' ######### # Omega # @ref: http://omega-technology.eu/en/produkty/346/tablets # @note: MID tablets might get matched by CobyKyros first # @models: (T107|MID(?:700[2-5]|7031|7108|7132|750[02]|8001|8500|9001|971[12]) ######### - regex: '; {0,2}OMEGA[ _\-](MID[^;/]{1,111}) Build' device: 'Omega $1' brand: 'Omega' model: '$1' - regex: '^(MID7500|MID\d{1,10}) Mozilla/5\.0 \(iPad;' device: 'Omega $1' brand: 'Omega' model: '$1' ######### # Oneplus # @ref: https://oneplus.net/de ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(?:(?:One |)A0001|ONEPLUS One) Build' device: 'Oneplus One' brand: 'Oneplus' model: 'One' ######### # ONDA # @ref: ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(ONDA[ ])(.{1,300}?)__BUILD__' device: '$1$2' brand: 'ONDA' model: '$2' ######### # OpenPeak # @ref: https://support.google.com/googleplay/answer/1727131?hl=en ######### - regex: '; {0,2}((?:CIUS|cius)[^;/]{0,33}) Build' device: 'Openpeak $1' brand: 'Openpeak' model: '$1' ######### # Oppo # @ref: http://en.oppo.com/products/ ######### - regex: "; {0,5}(\ 1107|\ A1601|\ A33[fw]|\ A51[fw]|\ CPH2035|\ F1[fsw]|\ Find ?(?:5|7a)|\ PADM00|\ PCAM10|\ R7[ks]f|\ R8[012]\\d{1,2}|\ R831|\ RMX1811|\ T703\\d{0,1}|\ U70\\d{1,2}T?|\ X90\\d{1,2}|\ x909\ )__BUILD__" device: 'Oppo $1' brand: 'Oppo' model: '$1' - regex: '; {0,2}OPPO ?([^;/]{1,30})__BUILD__' device: 'Oppo $1' brand: 'Oppo' model: '$1' ######### # Overmax # @ref: ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(OV-)(.{1,300}?)__BUILD__' device: '$1$2' brand: 'Overmax' model: '$2' ######### # Odys # @ref: http://odys.de ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(?:Odys\-|ODYS\-|ODYS )([^;/]{1,111}) Build' device: 'Odys $1' brand: 'Odys' model: '$1' - regex: '; {0,2}(SELECT) ?(7) Build' device: 'Odys $1 $2' brand: 'Odys' model: '$1 $2' - regex: '; {0,2}(PEDI)_(PLUS)_(W) Build' device: 'Odys $1 $2 $3' brand: 'Odys' model: '$1 $2 $3' # Weltbild - Tablet PC 4 = Cat Phoenix = Odys Tablet PC 4? - regex: '; {0,2}(AEON|ARIA|AVIATOR|BRAVIO|CONNECT7PRO|CONNECT8PLUS|EOS10|FUSION|FUSION2IN1|Genio|GATE|IEOS.{0,300}?|IRON|INTELLITAB7|JUNIORTAB|Loox|LOOX|LOOX Plus|MIRON|Motion|NEO_QUAD10|NERON|NOON|NOON970|NOON_PRO|NEXT|OPOS|PEDI.{0,300}?|PRIME.{0,300}?|PRO_Q8|SKYPLUS3G|STUDYTAB|TABLO|Tablet-PC-4|UNO_X8|UNO_X10|VISIO|XELIO.{0,300}?|Xelio ?\d{1,10} ?[Pp]ro|XelioPT2Pro|XENO10|XPRESS PRO)__BUILD__' device: 'Odys $1' brand: 'Odys' model: '$1' ######### # OnePlus # @ref https://oneplus.net/ ######### - regex: '; (ONE [a-zA-Z]\d{1,10}) Build/' device: 'OnePlus $1' brand: 'OnePlus' model: '$1' - regex: '; (ONEPLUS [a-zA-Z]\d{1,10}) Build/' device: 'OnePlus $1' brand: 'OnePlus' model: '$1' ######### # Orion # @ref: http://www.orion.ua/en/products/computer-products/tablet-pcs.html ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(TP-\d{1,10}) Build/' device: 'Orion $1' brand: 'Orion' model: '$1' ######### # Oysters # @ref: ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(Oysters|OYSTERS)[ _](.{0,300}?)__BUILD__' device: '$1 $2' brand: 'Oysters' model: '$2' - regex: '; {0,2}(T\d{1,2}[A-Z]{1,2}_?3G|PacificVS)__BUILD__' device: '$1' brand: 'Oysters' model: '$1' ######### # PackardBell # @ref: http://www.packardbell.com/pb/en/AE/content/productgroup/tablets ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(G100W?) Build/' device: 'PackardBell $1' brand: 'PackardBell' model: '$1' ######### # Panasonic # @ref: http://panasonic.jp/mobile/ # @models: T11, T21, T31, P11, P51, Eluga Power, Eluga DL1 # @models: (tab) Toughpad FZ-A1, Toughpad JT-B1 ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(Panasonic)[_ ]([^;/]{1,111}) Build' device: '$1 $2' brand: '$1' model: '$2' # Toughpad - regex: '; {0,2}(FZ-A1B|JT-B1|Eluga_Arc_2)__BUILD__' device: 'Panasonic $1' brand: 'Panasonic' model: '$1' # Eluga Power - regex: '; {0,2}(dL1|DL1) Build' device: 'Panasonic $1' brand: 'Panasonic' model: '$1' ######### # Pantech # @href: http://www.pantech.co.kr/en/prod/prodList.do?gbrand=PANTECH # @href: http://www.pantech.co.kr/en/prod/prodList.do?gbrand=VEGA # @models: ADR8995, ADR910L, ADR930VW, C790, CDM8992, CDM8999, IS06, IS11PT, P2000, P2020, P2030, P4100, P5000, P6010, P6020, P6030, P7000, P7040, P8000, P8010, P9020, P9050, P9060, P9070, P9090, PT001, PT002, PT003, TXT8040, TXT8045, VEGA PTL21 ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(SKY[ _]|)(IM\-[AT]\d{3}[^;/]{1,111}).{0,300} Build/' device: 'Pantech $1$2' brand: 'Pantech' model: '$1$2' - regex: '; {0,2}((?:ADR8995|ADR910L|ADR930L|ADR930VW|PTL21|P8000)(?: 4G|)) Build/' device: '$1' brand: 'Pantech' model: '$1' - regex: '; {0,2}Pantech([^;/]{1,111}).{0,300} Build/' device: 'Pantech $1' brand: 'Pantech' model: '$1' ######### # Papayre # @ref: http://grammata.es/ ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(papyre)[ _\-]([^;/]{1,111}) Build/' regex_flag: 'i' device: '$1 $2' brand: 'Papyre' model: '$2' ######### # Pearl # @ref: http://www.pearl.de/c-1540.shtml ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(?:Touchlet |)(X10\.[^;/]{1,111}) Build/' device: 'Pearl $1' brand: 'Pearl' model: '$1' ######### # Pegatron # @ref: ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(chagall)__BUILD__' device: '$1' brand: 'Pegatron' model: '$1' ######### # Pentagram # @ref: ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(Pentagram)(.{1,300}?)__BUILD__' device: '$1' brand: 'Pentagram' model: '$1' ######### # Perfeo # @ref: ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(PATG7506HD|9103W)__BUILD__' device: '$1' brand: 'Perfeo' model: '$1' ######### # Phicomm # @ref: http://www.phicomm.com.cn/ # @ref: http://www.phicommasia.com/ ######### - regex: '; PHICOMM (i800) Build/' device: 'Phicomm $1' brand: 'Phicomm' model: '$1' - regex: '; PHICOMM ([^;/]{1,111}) Build/' device: 'Phicomm $1' brand: 'Phicomm' model: '$1' - regex: '; {0,2}(FWS\d{3}[^;/]{1,111}|i600|i813w) Build/' device: 'Phicomm $1' brand: 'Phicomm' model: '$1' ######### # Philips # @ref: http://www.support.philips.com/support/catalog/products.jsp?_dyncharset=UTF-8&country=&categoryid=MOBILE_PHONES_SMART_SU_CN_CARE&userLanguage=en&navCount=2&groupId=PC_PRODUCTS_AND_PHONES_GR_CN_CARE&catalogType=&navAction=push&userCountry=cn&title=Smartphones&cateId=MOBILE_PHONES_CA_CN_CARE # @TODO: Philips Tablets User-Agents missing! # @ref: http://www.support.philips.com/support/catalog/products.jsp?_dyncharset=UTF-8&country=&categoryid=ENTERTAINMENT_TABLETS_SU_CN_CARE&userLanguage=en&navCount=0&groupId=&catalogType=&navAction=push&userCountry=cn&title=Entertainment{1,111}Tablets&cateId=TABLETS_CA_CN_CARE ######### # @note: this a best guess according to available philips models. Need more User-Agents - regex: '; {0,2}(D633|D822|D833|T539|PI3210G|T939|V726|W335|W336|W337|W3568|W536|W5510|W626|W632|W6350|W6360|W6500|W732|W736|W737|W7376|W820|W832|W8355|W8500|W8510|W930)__BUILD__' device: '$1' brand: 'Philips' model: '$1' - regex: '; {0,2}(?:Philips|PHILIPS)[ _-](.{1,300}?)__BUILD__' device: 'Philips $1' brand: 'Philips' model: '$1' ######### # Pipo # @ref: http://www.pipo.cn/En/ ######### - regex: 'Android 4\..{0,300}; {0,2}(M[12356789]|U[12368]|S[123])\ ?(pro|) Build' device: 'Pipo $1$2' brand: 'Pipo' model: '$1$2' - regex: '; {0,2}(M7T|P93G|i75|M83g)__BUILD__' device: '$1' brand: 'Pipo' model: '$1' ######### # PMedia # @ref: ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(PMSmart450)__BUILD__' device: '$1' brand: 'PMedia' model: '$1' ######### # Ployer # @ref: http://en.ployer.cn/ ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(MOMO[^;/]{1,111}) Build' device: '$1' brand: 'Ployer' model: '$1' ######### # Polaroid/ Acho # @ref: http://polaroidstore.com/store/start.asp?category_id=382&category_id2=0&order=title&filter1=&filter2=&filter3=&view=all ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(?:Polaroid[ _]|)((?:MIDC\d{3,}|PMID\d{2,}|PTAB\d{3,})[^;/]{0,33})(\/[^;/]{0,33}|) Build/' device: '$1' brand: 'Polaroid' model: '$1' - regex: '; {0,2}(?:Polaroid )(Tablet) Build/' device: '$1' brand: 'Polaroid' model: '$1' ######### # Pomp # @ref: http://pompmobileshop.com/ ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(POMP)[ _\-](.{1,300}?) {0,2}(?:Build|[;/\)])' device: '$1 $2' brand: 'Pomp' model: '$2' ######### # Positivo # @ref: http://www.positivoinformatica.com.br/www/pessoal/tablet-ypy/ ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(TB07STA|TB10STA|TB07FTA|TB10FTA) Build/' device: '$1' brand: 'Positivo' model: '$1' - regex: '; {0,2}(?:Positivo |)((?:YPY|Ypy)[^;/]{1,111}) Build/' device: '$1' brand: 'Positivo' model: '$1' ######### # POV # @ref: http://www.pointofview-online.com/default2.php # @TODO: Smartphone Models MOB-3515, MOB-5045-B missing ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(MOB-[^;/]{1,111}) Build/' device: '$1' brand: 'POV' model: '$1' - regex: '; {0,2}POV[ _\-]([^;/]{1,111}) Build/' device: 'POV $1' brand: 'POV' model: '$1' - regex: '; {0,2}((?:TAB-PLAYTAB|TAB-PROTAB|PROTAB|PlayTabPro|Mobii[ _\-]|TAB-P)[^;/]{0,33}) Build/' device: 'POV $1' brand: 'POV' model: '$1' ######### # Prestigio # @ref: http://www.prestigio.com/catalogue/MultiPhones # @ref: http://www.prestigio.com/catalogue/MultiPads ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(?:Prestigio |)((?:PAP|PSP|PMP|PMT)\d.{0,300}?)__BUILD__' device: 'Prestigio $1' brand: 'Prestigio' model: '$1' ######### # Proscan # @ref: http://www.proscanvideo.com/products-search.asp?itemClass=TABLET&itemnmbr= ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(PLT[0-9]{4}.{0,300}) Build/' device: '$1' brand: 'Proscan' model: '$1' ######### # QMobile # @ref: http://www.qmobile.com.pk/ ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(A2|A5|A8i?|A900i?|A950)_?(Classic|) Build' device: '$1 $2' brand: 'Qmobile' model: '$1 $2' - regex: '; {0,2}(A\d{1,10}) Build.{0,300}QMobile' device: '$1' brand: 'Qmobile' model: '$1 $2' - regex: '; {0,2}(Q[Mm]obile)_([^_]{1,111})_([^_;/\)]{1,111})(?: Build|\)|;)' device: 'Qmobile $2 $3' brand: 'Qmobile' model: '$2 $3' - regex: '; {0,2}(Q[Mm]obile)[_ ]([^;/\)]{1,111})(?: Build|\)|;)' device: 'Qmobile $2' brand: 'Qmobile' model: '$2' ######### # Qmobilevn # @ref: http://qmobile.vn/san-pham.html ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(Q\-Smart)[ _]([^;/]{1,111}) Build/' device: '$1 $2' brand: 'Qmobilevn' model: '$2' - regex: '; {0,2}(Q\-?[Mm]obile)[ _\-](S[^;/]{1,111}) Build/' device: '$1 $2' brand: 'Qmobilevn' model: '$2' ######### # Quanta # @ref: ? ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(TA1013|QMV7A|QTAQZ3) Build' device: '$1' brand: 'Quanta' model: '$1' ######### # Ramos # @ref: http://www.ramos-tablet.com/ ######### - regex: '; {0,2}Ramos ?([^;/]{1,111}) Build/' device: 'Ramos $1' brand: 'Ramos' model: '$1' type: 'tablet' ######### # RCA # @ref: http://rcamobilephone.com/ ######### - regex: '; (RCT\w{1,111}) Build/' device: '$1' brand: 'RCA' model: '$1' ######### # Ritmix # @ref: ######### - regex: '; (RMD-\d{1,10})(?: Build|[;)])' device: '$1' brand: 'Ritmix' model: '$1' ######### # Rockchip # @ref: http://www.rock-chips.com/a/cn/product/index.html # @note: manufacturer sells chipsets - I assume that these UAs are dev-boards ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(RK\d{1,10}),? Build/' device: '$1' brand: 'Rockchip' model: '$1' - regex: ' Build/(RK\d{1,10})' device: '$1' brand: 'Rockchip' model: '$1' ######### # Runbo # @ref: http://www.runbodirect.co.uk/ ######### - regex: '; {0,2}Runbo([^;/]{1,111}) Build/' device: 'Runbo $1' brand: 'Runbo' model: '$1' ######### # Sharp # @ref: http://www.sharp-phone.com/en/index.html # @ref: http://www.android.com/devices/?country=all&m=sharp ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(SH\-?\d\d[^;/]{1,111}|SBM\d[^;/]{1,111}|SH[LTV]\d{2}|[34]0\dSH) Build' device: 'Sharp $1' brand: 'Sharp' model: '$1' - regex: '; {0,2}(SHARP[ -])([^;/]{1,111}) Build' device: '$1$2' brand: 'Sharp' model: '$2' ######### # Simvalley # @ref: http://www.simvalley-mobile.de/ ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(SPX[_\-]\d[^;/]{0,33}) Build/' device: '$1' brand: 'Simvalley' model: '$1' - regex: '; {0,2}(SX7\-PEARL\.GmbH) Build/' device: '$1' brand: 'Simvalley' model: '$1' - regex: '; {0,2}(SP[T]?\-\d{2}[^;/]{0,33}) Build/' device: '$1' brand: 'Simvalley' model: '$1' ######### # Shenzhen Kingzone # @ref: ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(K1 turbo)__BUILD__' device: '$1' brand: 'Shenzhen Kingzone' model: '$1' ######### # SK Telesys # @ref: http://www.sk-w.com/phone/phone_list.jsp # @ref: http://www.android.com/devices/?country=all&m=sk-telesys ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(SK\-.{0,300}) Build/' device: '$1' brand: 'SKtelesys' model: '$1' ######### # Skytex # @ref: http://skytex.com/android ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(?:SKYTEX|SX)-([^;/]{1,111}) Build' device: '$1' brand: 'Skytex' model: '$1' - regex: '; {0,2}(IMAGINE [^;/]{1,111}) Build' device: '$1' brand: 'Skytex' model: '$1' ######### # SmartQ # @ref: http://en.smartdevices.com.cn/Products/ # @models: Z8, X7, U7H, U7, T30, T20, Ten3, V5-II, T7-3G, SmartQ5, K7, S7, Q8, T19, Ten2, Ten, R10, T7, R7, V5, V7, SmartQ7 ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(SmartQ) ?([^;/]{1,111}) Build/' device: '$1 $2' brand: '$1' model: '$2' ######### # Smartbitt # @ref: http://www.smartbitt.com/ # @missing: SBT Useragents ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(WF7C|WF10C|SBT[^;/]{1,111}) Build' device: '$1' brand: 'Smartbitt' model: '$1' ######### # Softbank (Operator Branded Devices) # @ref: http://www.ipentec.com/document/document.aspx?page=android-useragent ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(SBM(?:003SH|005SH|006SH|007SH|102SH)) Build' device: '$1' brand: 'Sharp' model: '$1' - regex: '; {0,2}(003P|101P|101P11C|102P) Build' device: '$1' brand: 'Panasonic' model: '$1' - regex: '; {0,2}(00\dZ) Build/' device: '$1' brand: 'ZTE' model: '$1' - regex: '; HTC(X06HT) Build' device: '$1' brand: 'HTC' model: '$1' - regex: '; {0,2}(001HT|X06HT) Build' device: '$1' brand: 'HTC' model: '$1' - regex: '; {0,2}(201M) Build' device: '$1' brand: 'Motorola' model: 'XT902' - regex: '; {0,2}([123]0\dF) Build' device: '$1' brand: 'Fujitsu' model: '$1' ######### # Trekstor # @ref: http://www.trekstor.co.uk/surftabs-en.html # @note: Must come before SonyEricsson ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(ST\d{4}.{0,300})Build/ST' device: 'Trekstor $1' brand: 'Trekstor' model: '$1' - regex: '; {0,2}(?:TrekStor |)(ST\d{4}.{0,300}?|VT10416-\d|SurfTab ST\d{4}.{0,300}?|SurfTab (?:breeze|xiron) .{1,300}?|SurfTab_7\.0|breeze .{1,300}?|Xintroni.{1,300}?)__BUILD__' device: 'Trekstor $1' brand: 'Trekstor' model: '$1' ######### # Smartbook # @ref: http://www.smartbook.de/ ######### - regex: '; {0,2}Smartbook[^ ]? ([^;/]{1,111}) Build' regex_flag: 'i' device: 'Smartbook $1' brand: 'Smartbook' model: '$1' ######### # SonyEricsson # @note: Must come before nokia since they also use symbian # @ref: http://www.android.com/devices/?country=all&m=sony-ericssons # @TODO: type! ######### # android matchers - regex: '; {0,2}(Sony ?Ericsson ?)([^;/]{1,111}) Build' device: '$1$2' brand: 'SonyEricsson' model: '$2' - regex: '; {0,2}((?:SK|ST|LT|MK|MT|WT)\d{2}[a-z0-9]{0,33}(?:-o|)|E\d{2,3}[a-z]?|R800[ai]|U20i|X(?:10|15)(?:[a-z]?|mini|minipro)) Build' device: '$1' brand: 'SonyEricsson' model: '$1' # TODO X\d{1,10} is wrong - regex: '; {0,2}(Xperia (?:A8|Arc|Acro|Active|Live with Walkman|Mini|Neo|Play|Pro|Ray|X\d{1,10})[^;/]{0,33}) Build' regex_flag: 'i' device: '$1' brand: 'SonyEricsson' model: '$1' ######### # Sony # @ref: http://www.sonymobile.co.jp/index.html # @ref: http://www.sonymobile.com/global-en/products/phones/ # @ref: http://www.sony.jp/tablet/ ######### - regex: '; Sony (Tablet[^;/]{1,111}) Build' device: 'Sony $1' brand: 'Sony' model: '$1' - regex: '; Sony (.{1,300}?)__BUILD__' device: 'Sony $1' brand: 'Sony' model: '$1' - regex: '; {0,2}(Sony)([A-Za-z0-9\-]{1,111}) Build' device: '$1$2' brand: '$1' model: '$2' - regex: '; {0,2}(Xperia [^;/]{1,111}) Build' device: '$1' brand: 'Sony' model: '$1' - regex: '; {0,2}(A5000|C(?:1[5-9]|2[1-9]|53|55|6[0-9])[0-9]{2}|C200[1-9]|D[25]\d{3}|D6[567]\d{2}|E200[1-9]|E2[^0]\d{2}|E20[345]3|E5[356]\d{2}|E5823|E6[568]\d{2});?__BUILD__' device: '$1' brand: 'Sony' model: '$1' - regex: '; {0,2}(SGP\d{3}|SGPT\d{2}|S39h) Build' device: '$1' brand: 'Sony' model: '$1' - regex: '; {0,2}(NW-Z1000Series) Build' device: '$1' brand: 'Sony' model: '$1' ######### # Spice # @ref: http://www.spicemobilephones.co.in/ ######### - regex: '; {0,2}((?:CSL_Spice|Spice|SPICE|CSL)[ _\-]?|)([Mm][Ii])([ _\-]|)(\d{3}[^;/]{0,33}) Build/' device: '$1$2$3$4' brand: 'Spice' model: 'Mi$4' ######### # Sprint (Operator Branded Devices) # @ref: ######### - regex: 'Sprint (ATP.{0,300}) Build' brand: 'HTC' type: 'tablet' model: '$1' - regex: 'Sprint (APA.{0,300}) Build' brand: 'HTC' model: '$1' type: 'smartphone' - regex: '; {0,2}(Sprint )(.{1,300}?) {0,2}(?:Build|[;/])' device: '$1$2' brand: 'Sprint' model: '$2' ######### # Starway # @ref: ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(STARWAY[ ])(.{1,300}?)__BUILD__' device: '$1' brand: 'Starway' model: '$2' ######### # Sunstech # @ref: ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(TAB785DUAL|TAB917QC-16GB|TAB917QC-8GB)__BUILD__' device: '$1' brand: 'Sunstech' model: '$1' ######### # Sunup # @ref: ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(OK999)__BUILD__' device: '$1' brand: 'Sunup' model: '$1' ######### # Supra # @ref: ######### - regex: '(SUPRA)[ _](.{0,300}?)(?: Build|[;)])' device: '$1 $2' brand: 'Supra' model: '$2' ######### # Switel # @ref: http://www.switelmobile.com ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(DRAGON S5000D|JAZZ S47D|S40D MAGIC|S50D SKY|S57D SAMBA|S4500D ROCK) Build/' device: '$1' brand: 'Switel' model: '$1' ######### # Symphony # @ref: http://symphony-mobile.com/ ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(Symphony)[ _](.{1,300}?)(?: Build|[;\)/])' device: '$1 $2' brand: '$1' model: '$2' - regex: '; {0,2}([^;/]{1,111}) Build/(Symphony)' device: '$2 $1' brand: '$2' model: '$1' ######### # Tagi # @ref: ?? ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(TAGI[ ]?)(MID) ?([^;/]{1,111}) Build/' device: '$1$2$3' brand: 'Tagi' model: '$2$3' ######### # Tecmobile # @ref: http://www.tecmobile.com/ ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(Oyster500|Opal 800)__BUILD__' device: 'Tecmobile $1' brand: 'Tecmobile' model: '$1' ######### # TechniSat # @ref: ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(TechniPad[ _])(.{1,300}?)__BUILD__' device: '$1$2' brand: 'TechniSat' model: '$1$2' ######### # Tecno # @ref: www.tecno-mobile.com/‎ ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(TECNO[ _])([^;/]{1,111}) Build/' device: '$1$2' brand: 'Tecno' model: '$2' ######### # Telechips, Techvision evaluation boards # @ref: ######### - regex: '; {0,2}Android for (Telechips|Techvision) ([^ ]{1,111}) ' regex_flag: 'i' device: '$1 $2' brand: '$1' model: '$2' ######### # Telefunken # @ref: ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(TF-)(SP4502|.{1,300}?)__BUILD__' device: '$1$2' brand: 'Telefunken' model: '$1$2' ######### # Telstra # @ref: http://www.telstra.com.au/home-phone/thub-2/ # @ref: https://support.google.com/googleplay/answer/1727131?hl=en ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(T-Hub2) Build/' device: '$1' brand: 'Telstra' model: '$1' ######### # Terra # @ref: http://www.wortmann.de/ ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(PAD) ?(100[12]) Build/' device: 'Terra $1$2' brand: 'Terra' model: '$1$2' ######### # Texet # @ref: http://www.texet.ru/tablet/ ######### - regex: '; {0,2}((?:NaviPad |)T[BM]-\d{3}.{0,300}?|X-pad .{0,300}?|X Point)(?: Build/|\))' device: '$1' brand: 'Texet' model: '$1' - regex: '; {0,2}teXet[ _](.{0,300}?)(?: Build/|\))' device: '$1' brand: 'Texet' model: '$1' ######### # TiPhone # @ref: ?? ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(TiPhone)[ \-]([^;/]{1,111}) Build/' device: '$1 $2' brand: 'TiPhone' model: '$2' type: 'smartphone' ######### # Thalia # @ref: http://www.thalia.de/shop/tolino-shine-ereader/show/ ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(tolino [^;/]{1,111}) Build' device: '$1' brand: 'Thalia' model: '$1' - regex: '; {0,2}Build/.{0,300} (TOLINO_BROWSER)' device: '$1' brand: 'Thalia' model: 'Tolino Shine' ######### # Thl # @ref: http://en.thl.com.cn/Mobile # @ref: http://thlmobilestore.com ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(?:CJ[ -]|)(ThL|THL|thl)[ _\-]{1,2}([^;/]{1,111}) Build/' device: '$1 $2' brand: 'Thl' model: '$2' - regex: '; {0,2}(T100|T200C?|T5|W100|W200|W8s|W8_beyond)__BUILD__' device: '$1' brand: 'Thl' model: '$1' ######### # T-Mobile (Operator Branded Devices) ######### # @ref: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HTC_Hero - regex: '; {0,2}(T-Mobile[ _]G2[ _]Touch) Build' device: '$1' brand: 'HTC' model: 'Hero' # @ref: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HTC_Desire_Z - regex: '; {0,2}(T-Mobile[ _]G2) Build' device: '$1' brand: 'HTC' model: 'Desire Z' - regex: '; {0,2}(T-Mobile myTouch Q) Build' device: '$1' brand: 'Huawei' model: 'U8730' - regex: '; {0,2}(T-Mobile myTouch) Build' device: '$1' brand: 'Huawei' model: 'U8680' - regex: '; {0,2}(T-Mobile_Espresso) Build' device: '$1' brand: 'HTC' model: 'Espresso' - regex: '; {0,2}(T-Mobile G1) Build' device: '$1' brand: 'HTC' model: 'Dream' - regex: '\b(T-Mobile ?|)(myTouch)[ _]?([34]G)[ _]?([^\/]{0,33}) (?:Mozilla|Build)' device: '$1$2 $3 $4' brand: 'HTC' model: '$2 $3 $4' - regex: '\b(T-Mobile)_([^_]{1,111})_(.{0,300}) Build' device: '$1 $2 $3' brand: 'Tmobile' model: '$2 $3' - regex: '\b(T-Mobile)[_ ]?(.{0,300}?)Build' device: '$1 $2' brand: 'Tmobile' model: '$2' ######### # Tomtec # @ref: http://www.tom-tec.eu/pages/tablets.php ######### - regex: ' (ATP[0-9]{4}) Build' device: '$1' brand: 'Tomtec' model: '$1' ######### # Tooky # @ref: http://www.tookymobile.com/ ######### - regex: ' {0,2}(TOOKY)[ _\-]([^;/]{1,111}) ?(?:Build|;)' regex_flag: 'i' device: '$1 $2' brand: 'Tooky' model: '$2' ######### # Toshiba # @ref: http://www.toshiba.co.jp/ # @missing: LT170, Thrive 7, TOSHIBA STB10 ######### - regex: '\b(TOSHIBA_AC_AND_AZ|TOSHIBA_FOLIO_AND_A|FOLIO_AND_A)' device: '$1' brand: 'Toshiba' model: 'Folio 100' - regex: '; {0,2}([Ff]olio ?100) Build/' device: '$1' brand: 'Toshiba' model: 'Folio 100' - regex: '; {0,2}(AT[0-9]{2,3}(?:\-A|LE\-A|PE\-A|SE|a|)|AT7-[ABC]|AT1S0|Hikari-iFrame/WDPF-[^;/]{1,111}|THRiVE|Thrive) Build/' device: 'Toshiba $1' brand: 'Toshiba' model: '$1' ######### # Touchmate # @ref: http://touchmatepc.com/new/ ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(TM-MID\d{1,10}[^;/]{1,111}|TOUCHMATE|MID-750) Build' device: '$1' brand: 'Touchmate' model: '$1' # @todo: needs verification user-agents missing - regex: '; {0,2}(TM-SM\d{1,10}[^;/]{1,111}) Build' device: '$1' brand: 'Touchmate' model: '$1' ######### # Treq # @ref: http://www.treq.co.id/product ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(A10 [Bb]asic2?) Build/' device: '$1' brand: 'Treq' model: '$1' - regex: '; {0,2}(TREQ[ _\-])([^;/]{1,111}) Build' regex_flag: 'i' device: '$1$2' brand: 'Treq' model: '$2' ######### # TWM # @ref: http://www.taiwanmobile.com ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(Amazing [^;/]{1,111}) Build' device: '$1' brand: 'TWM' model: '$1' ######### # Umeox # @ref: http://umeox.com/ # @models: A936|A603|X-5|X-3 ######### # @todo: guessed markers - regex: '; {0,2}(X-?5|X-?3) Build/' device: '$1' brand: 'Umeox' model: '$1' # @todo: guessed markers - regex: '; {0,2}(A502\+?|A936|A603|X1|X2) Build/' device: '$1' brand: 'Umeox' model: '$1' ######### # Umi # @ref: http://www.91umi.com/ ######### - regex: '; (UMI)[ _](.{1,300}?) Build/' device: '$1 $2' brand: 'Umi' model: '$2' ######### # Verico # @ref: ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(KM-UQM11A|RP-UDM0[12]A|UQ785-M1BGV)(?: Build|\))' device: '$1' brand: 'Verico' model: '$1' ######### # TurboPad # @ref: ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(Turbo ?Pad.{0,300}?|Turbo X6)(?: Build|\))' device: '$1$2' brand: 'TurboPad' model: '$1$2' ######### # Versus # @ref: http://versusuk.com/support.html ######### - regex: '(?:CnM)[ \-](.{1,300}?) Build/' regex_flag: 'i' device: 'CnM $1' brand: 'CnM' model: '$1' type: 'tablet' - regex: '(?:VS|Versus)[ \-](.{1,300}?) Build/' regex_flag: 'i' device: 'Versus $1' brand: 'Versus' model: '$1' type: 'tablet' ######### # Vertu # @ref: http://www.vertu.com/ ######### - regex: '(VERTU) ([^;/]{1,111}) Build/' device: '$1 $2' brand: 'Vertu' model: '$2' ######### # Videocon # @ref: http://www.videoconmobiles.com ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(Videocon)[ _\-]([^;/]{1,111}) {0,2}(?:Build|;)' device: '$1 $2' brand: 'Videocon' model: '$2' - regex: ' (VT\d{2}[A-Za-z]{0,33}|A55q?HD) Build' device: '$1' brand: 'Videocon' model: '$1' ######### # Viewsonic # @ref: http://viewsonic.com ######### - regex: '; {0,2}((?:ViewPad|ViewPhone|VSD).{1,300}?|N1010)__BUILD__' device: '$1' brand: 'Viewsonic' model: '$1' - regex: '; {0,2}(ViewSonic-)([^;/]{1,111}) Build/' device: '$1$2' brand: 'Viewsonic' model: '$2' - regex: '; {0,2}(GTablet.{0,300}) Build/' device: '$1' brand: 'Viewsonic' model: '$1' ######### # vivo (BBK COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY CO.LTD) # @ref: http://www.vivo.com.cn/ ######### - regex: '; {0,2}([Vv]ivo)[ _]([^;/]{1,111}) Build' device: '$1 $2' brand: 'vivo' model: '$2' ######### # Vodafone (Operator Branded Devices) # @ref: ?? ######### - regex: '(Vodafone) (.{0,300}) Build/' device: '$1 $2' brand: '$1' model: '$2' ######### # Vonino # @ref: http://www.vonino.eu/ # TODO Vonino ######### - regex: '; ((?:JAX|Xylo|Oxxo|Ego|Gyga)[ _](?:QS|S|Mini)).{0,300} Build' type: 'smartphone' device: '$1' brand: 'Vonino' model: '$1' - regex: '; (Argus[ _](QS|S)|Epic[ _]E7|Emerald[ _]78E|Diamond[ _]79HD|JetStar(?:[ _][^;/]{1,111}|)|Luna[ _]70C|Magnet_M9|(?:Onyx|Orin|Otis)[ _](?:QS|XS|S|Z|HD)|Primus (?:94HD.{0,300}|QS)|Sirius_(?:QS|Evo_QS)|SpeedStar S Pro|Spirit (QS|S)|Vario.{0,300}) Build' type: 'tablet' device: '$1' brand: 'Vonino' model: '$1' ######### # Walton # @ref: http://www.waltonbd.com/ ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(?:Walton[ _\-]|)(Primo[ _\-][^;/]{1,111}) Build' regex_flag: 'i' device: 'Walton $1' brand: 'Walton' model: '$1' ######### # Wiko # @ref: http://fr.wikomobile.com/collection.php?s=Smartphones ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(?:WIKO[ \-]|)(CINK\+?|CINK [^;/]{1,111}|BARRY|BIRDY|BLOOM|DARKFULL|DARKMOON|DARKNIGHT|DARKSIDE|FIZZ|GETAWAY|GOA|HIGHWAY(?: PURE| SIGNS| STAR|)|IGGY|JIMMY|KITE|LENNY(?:2|)|OZZY|RAINBOW(?: JAM| LITE| UP|)|RIDGE(?: FAB|)|SLIDE|STAIRWAY|SUBLIM|SUNSET(?:2|)|WAX)( 4G|) Build/' regex_flag: 'i' device: 'Wiko $1$2' brand: 'Wiko' model: '$1$2' ######### # WellcoM # @ref: ?? ######### - regex: '; {0,2}WellcoM-([^;/]{1,111}) Build' device: 'Wellcom $1' brand: 'Wellcom' model: '$1' ########## # WeTab # @ref: http://wetab.mobi/ ########## - regex: '; ([Ww]e[Tt]ab[^;/]{0,33}?) {0,2}Build' device: '$1' brand: 'WeTab' model: '$1' ########## # Wexler # @ref: ########## - regex: '; (TAB A742|TAB7iD)__BUILD__' device: '$1' brand: 'Wexler' model: '$1' - regex: '; (WEXLER-)(.{0,300}?)__BUILD__' device: '$1$2' brand: 'Wexler' model: '$2' ######### # Wolfgang # @ref: http://wolfgangmobile.com/ ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(AT-AS[^;/]{1,111}) Build' device: 'Wolfgang $1' brand: 'Wolfgang' model: '$1' ######### # Woxter # @ref: http://www.woxter.es/es-es/categories/index ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(?:Woxter|Wxt) ([^;/]{1,111}) Build' device: 'Woxter $1' brand: 'Woxter' model: '$1' ######### # Yarvik Zania # @ref: http://yarvik.com ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(?:Xenta |Luna |)(TAB[234][0-9]{2}|TAB0[78]-\d{3}|TAB0?9-\d{3}|TAB1[03]-\d{3}|SMP\d{2}-\d{3}) Build/' device: 'Yarvik $1' brand: 'Yarvik' model: '$1' ######### # Yifang # @note: Needs to be at the very last as manufacturer builds for other brands. # @ref: http://www.yifangdigital.com/ # @models: M1010, M1011, M1007, M1008, M1005, M899, M899LP, M909, M8000, # M8001, M8002, M8003, M849, M815, M816, M819, M805, M878, M780LPW, # M778, M7000, M7000AD, M7000NBD, M7001, M7002, M7002KBD, M777, M767, # M789, M799, M769, M757, M755, M753, M752, M739, M729, M723, M712, M727 ######### - regex: '; {0,2}([A-Z]{2,4})(M\d{3,}[A-Z]{2})([^;\)\/]{0,33})(?: Build|[;\)])' device: 'Yifang $1$2$3' brand: 'Yifang' model: '$2' ######### # Yota Devices # @ref: ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(YD\d{1,10})(?: Build/|\))' device: '$1' brand: 'Yota' model: '$1' ######### # XiaoMi # @ref: http://www.xiaomi.com/event/buyphone # @ref: http://www.mi.com/en ######### - regex: '; {0,2}((?:Mi|MI|MI2|Mi|HM|MI-ONE|MiPad|Redmi|2013022|HM_1SW)[ _][^;/]{0,33})(?:Build|MIUI|[;)])' device: 'XiaoMi $1' brand: 'XiaoMi' model: '$1' ######### # Xolo # @ref: http://www.xolo.in/ ######### - regex: '; {0,2}XOLO[ _]([^;/]{0,33}tab.{0,300}) Build' regex_flag: 'i' device: 'Xolo $1' brand: 'Xolo' model: '$1' - regex: '; {0,2}XOLO[ _]([^;/]{1,111}) Build' regex_flag: 'i' device: 'Xolo $1' brand: 'Xolo' model: '$1' - regex: '; {0,2}(q\d0{2,3}[a-z]?|8x-1000|A(?:500|550|1000)s(?:[ _]Lite|[ _]IPS|)|A500 Club|A500L|A600) Build' regex_flag: 'i' device: 'Xolo $1' brand: 'Xolo' model: '$1' ######### # Xoro # @ref: http://www.xoro.de/produkte/ ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(PAD ?[79]\d{1,10}[^;/]{0,33}|TelePAD\d{1,10}[^;/]) Build' device: 'Xoro $1' brand: 'Xoro' model: '$1' - regex: '; {0,2}(?:XORO|Xoro) (PAD ?\d{1,10}[^;/]{0,33}|KIDS\d{1,10}|TelePAD\d{1,10}[^;/]) Build' device: 'Xoro $1' brand: 'Xoro' model: '$1' ######### # Xtouch # @ref: http://xtouch.pk/ ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(?:Xtouch[ _]([^;/]{1,111})|(X401|X403|X405|X406|X506[s]?|X507[QSsT]?|X508|X509|X601)) Build' device: 'Xtouch $1$2' brand: 'Xtouch' model: '$1$2' ######### # Yezz # @ref: ######### - regex: '\b(Andy|yezz(?:[ -]andy|))[ _-]([^;/]{1,111}) Build' regex_flag: 'i' device: 'Yezz Andy $2' brand: 'Yezz' model: 'Andy $2' ######### # Zifro # @ref: ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(ZS-\d{1,10})(?: Build|\))' device: '$1' brand: 'Zifro' model: '$1' ######### # Zopo # @ref: http://www.zopomobiles.com/products.html ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(?:(?:ZOPO|Zopo)[ _]([^;/]{1,111})|(ZP ?(?:\d{2}[^;/]{1,111}|C2))|(C[2379])) Build' device: '$1$2$3' brand: 'Zopo' model: '$1$2$3' ######### # ZiiLabs # @ref: http://www.ziilabs.com/products/platforms/androidreferencetablets.php ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(ZiiLABS) (Zii[^;/]{0,33}) Build' device: '$1 $2' brand: 'ZiiLabs' model: '$2' - regex: '; {0,2}(Zii)_([^;/]{0,33}) Build' device: '$1 $2' brand: 'ZiiLabs' model: '$2' ######### # ZTE # @ref: http://www.ztedevices.com/ ######### - regex: '; {0,2}(ARIZONA|(?:ATLAS|Atlas)[ _]W|D930|Grand (?:[SX].{0,300}?|Era|Memo.{0,300}?)|JOE|(?:Kis|KIS)\b.{0,300}?|Libra|Light.{0,300}?|N8[056][01]|N850L|N8000|N909|N9[15]\d{2}|N918St|N9810|NX402|NX501|Z818L|Z716BL|Optik|(?:Vip )Racer.{0,300}?|RacerII|RACERII|San Francisco.{0,300}?|V9[AC]|V55|V881|Z[679][0-9]{2}[A-z]?|Z81[0-9]|ZTE_BLADE_III)(?: Build|\))' device: '$1' brand: 'ZTE' model: '$1' - regex: '; {0,2}([A-Z]\d{1,10})_USA_[^;]{0,33} Build' device: '$1' brand: 'ZTE' model: '$1' - regex: '; {0,2}(SmartTab\d{1,10})[^;]{0,33} Build' device: '$1' brand: 'ZTE' model: '$1' - regex: '; {0,2}(?:Blade|BLADE|ZTE-BLADE)([^;/]{0,33}) Build' device: 'ZTE Blade$1' brand: 'ZTE' model: 'Blade$1' - regex: '; {0,2}(?:Skate|SKATE|ZTE-SKATE)([^;/]{0,33}) Build' device: 'ZTE Skate$1' brand: 'ZTE' model: 'Skate$1' - regex: '; {0,2}(Orange|Optimus)[ _](Boston|Monte Carlo|San Francisco) Build' device: '$1 $2' brand: 'ZTE' model: '$1 $2' - regex: '; {0,2}(?:ZXY-ZTE_|ZTE-U |ZTE[-_ ]|ZTE-C[_ ])(.{0,300}?)(?: Build|\))' device: 'ZTE $1' brand: 'ZTE' model: '$1' - regex: '; {0,2}(Beeline \w{1,111})(?: Build|\))' device: '$1' brand: 'ZTE' model: '$1' # operator specific - regex: '; (BASE) (lutea|Lutea 2|Tab[^;]{0,33}) Build' device: '$1 $2' brand: 'ZTE' model: '$1 $2' - regex: '; (Avea inTouch \d[^;/]{0,33}|soft stone|tmn smart a7|Movistar[ _]Link|KPN Smart 300|Orange Reyo|meo smart a12|MEO Smart A75|DIGICEL DL800|tmn smart a18|Turkcell Maxi Plus 5|TURKCELL T50|RACER III mini) Build' regex_flag: 'i' device: '$1' brand: 'ZTE' model: '$1' - regex: '; {0,2}(vp9plus)\)' device: '$1' brand: 'ZTE' model: '$1' ########## # Zync # @ref: http://www.zync.in/index.php/our-products/tablet-phablets ########## - regex: '; ?(Cloud[ _]Z5|z1000|Z99 2G|z99|z930|z999|z990|z909|Z919|z900) Build/' device: '$1' brand: 'Zync' model: '$1' ########## # Kindle # @note: Needs to be after Sony Playstation Vita as this UA contains Silk/3.2 # @ref: https://developer.amazon.com/appsandservices/solutions/devices/kindle-fire/specifications/01-device-and-feature-specifications # @ref: http://amazonsilk.wordpress.com/useful-bits/silk-user-agent/ ########## - regex: '; ?(Kindle Fire) Build\b' device: 'Kindle Fire' brand: 'Amazon' model: 'Kindle Fire' - regex: '; ?(KFOT|KFOTE|Amazon Kindle Fire2) Build\b' device: 'Kindle Fire 2' brand: 'Amazon' model: 'Kindle Fire 2' - regex: '; ?(KFTT|Kindle Fire HD 7) Build\b' device: 'Kindle Fire HD' brand: 'Amazon' model: 'Kindle Fire HD 7"' - regex: '; ?(KFSAWA) Build\b' brand: 'Amazon' model: 'Fire HDX 8.9 (4th Gen) Wan' device: 'Fire HDX 8.9 (4th Gen) Wan' - regex: '; ?(KFSAWI) Build\b' brand: 'Amazon' model: 'Fire HDX 8.9 (4th Gen)' device: 'Fire HDX 8.9 (4th Gen)' - regex: '; ?(KFASWI) Build\b' brand: 'Amazon' model: 'Fire HD 7 (4th Gen)' device: 'Fire HD 7 (4th Gen)' - regex: '; ?(KFARWI) Build\b' brand: 'Amazon' model: 'Fire HD 6 (4th Gen)' device: 'Fire HD 6 (4th Gen)' - regex: '; ?(KFTHWA) Build\b' brand: 'Amazon' model: 'Kindle Fire HDX 7" (3rd Gen) Wan' device: 'Kindle Fire HDX 7" (3rd Gen) Wan' - regex: '; ?(KFTHWI) Build\b' brand: 'Amazon' model: 'Kindle Fire HDX 7" (3rd Gen)' device: 'Kindle Fire HDX 7" (3rd Gen)' - regex: '; ?(KFAPWA) Build\b' brand: 'Amazon' model: 'Kindle Fire HDX 8.9" (3rd Gen) Wan' device: 'Kindle Fire HDX 8.9" (3rd Gen) Wan' - regex: '; ?(KFAPWI) Build\b' brand: 'Amazon' model: 'Kindle Fire HDX 8.9" (3rd Gen)' device: 'Kindle Fire HDX 8.9" (3rd Gen)' - regex: '; ?(KFSOWI) Build\b' brand: 'Amazon' model: 'Kindle Fire HD 7" (3rd Gen)' device: 'Kindle Fire HD 7" (3rd Gen)' - regex: '; ?(KFTHWI) Build\b' brand: 'Amazon' model: 'Kindle Fire HDX 7"' device: 'Kindle Fire HDX 7"' - regex: '; ?(KFTHWA) Build\b' brand: 'Amazon' model: 'Kindle Fire HDX 7" Wan' device: 'Kindle Fire HDX 7" Wan' - regex: '; ?(KFJWA) Build\b' brand: 'Amazon' model: 'Kindle Fire HD 8.9" (2nd Gen) Wan' device: 'Kindle Fire HD 8.9" (2nd Gen) Wan' - regex: '; ?(KFJWI) Build\b' brand: 'Amazon' model: 'Kindle Fire HD 8.9" (2nd Gen)' device: 'Kindle Fire HD 8.9" (2nd Gen)' - regex: '; ?(SD4930UR) Build\b' device: 'Fire Phone' brand: 'Amazon' model: 'Fire Phone' - regex: '; ?Amazon ([^;/]{1,111}) Build\b' device: '$1' brand: 'Amazon' model: '$1' - regex: '; ?(Kindle) Build\b' device: 'Kindle' brand: 'Amazon' model: 'Kindle' - regex: '; ?(Silk)/(\d{1,10})\.(\d{1,10})(?:\.([0-9\-]{1,111})|) Build\b' device: 'Kindle Fire' brand: 'Amazon' model: 'Kindle Fire$2' - regex: ' (Kindle)/(\d{1,10}\.\d{1,10})' device: 'Kindle' brand: 'Amazon' model: '$1 $2' - regex: ' (Silk|Kindle)/(\d{1,10})\.' device: 'Kindle' brand: 'Amazon' model: 'Kindle' - regex: '; (AFT[BM]) Build' device: '$1' brand: 'Amazon' model: '$1' - regex: '; (KF[A-Z]{1,2}W[AI]) Build' device: '$1' brand: 'Amazon' model: '$1' ######### # Devices from chinese manufacturer(s) # @note: identified by x-wap-profile{0,300} ######### - regex: '(sprd)\-([^/]{1,111})/' device: '$1 $2' brand: '$1' model: '$2' - regex: '(GT-A7100)__BUILD__' device: '$1' brand: 'sprd' model: '$1' # @ref: http://eshinechina.en.alibaba.com/ - regex: '; {0,2}(H\d{2}00\+?) Build' device: '$1' brand: 'Hero' model: '$1' - regex: '; {0,2}(iphone|iPhone5) Build/' device: 'Xianghe $1' brand: 'Xianghe' model: '$1' - regex: '; {0,2}([^;/]{1,111}(?:v\d{2}_[a-z]{2,4}|_jbla?))[^;/]{1,111} Build/' device: 'Xianghe $1' brand: 'Xianghe' model: '$1' ######### # Cellular # @ref: # @note: Operator branded devices ######### - regex: '\bUSCCHTC[_\-]?([^ ;/\)]{1,111})' device: '$1' brand: 'HTC' model: '$1' - regex: '\bUSCC[_\-]?([^ ;/\)]{1,111})' device: '$1' brand: 'Cellular' model: '$1' ###################################################################### # Windows Phone Parsers ###################################################################### - regex: 'Windows Phone|WPDesktop' group: ######### # Alcatel Windows Phones ######### - regex: 'Windows Phone [^;]{1,30}; .{0,100}?IEMobile/[^;\)]{1,111}[;\)] ?(?:ARM; ?Touch; ?|Touch; ?|)(?:ALCATEL)[^;]{0,33}; {0,2}([^;,\)]{1,111})' device: 'Alcatel $1' brand: 'Alcatel' model: '$1' type: 'smartphone' ######### # Asus Windows Phones ######### - regex: 'Windows Phone [^;]{1,30}; .{0,100}?IEMobile/[^;\)]{1,111}[;\)] ?(?:ARM; ?Touch; ?|Touch; ?|WpsLondonTest; ?|)(?:ASUS|Asus)[^;]{0,33}; {0,2}([^;,\)]{1,111})' device: 'Asus $1' brand: 'Asus' model: '$1' type: 'smartphone' ######### # Dell Windows Phones ######### - regex: 'Windows Phone [^;]{1,30}; .{0,100}?IEMobile/[^;\)]{1,111}[;\)] ?(?:ARM; ?Touch; ?|Touch; ?|)(?:DELL|Dell)[^;]{0,33}; {0,2}([^;,\)]{1,111})' device: 'Dell $1' brand: 'Dell' model: '$1' type: 'smartphone' ######### # HTC Windows Phones ######### - regex: 'Windows Phone [^;]{1,30}; .{0,100}?IEMobile/[^;\)]{1,111}[;\)] ?(?:ARM; ?Touch; ?|Touch; ?|WpsLondonTest; ?|)(?:HTC|Htc|HTC_blocked[^;]{0,33})[^;]{0,33}; {0,2}(?:HTC|)([^;,\)]{1,111})' device: 'HTC $1' brand: 'HTC' model: '$1' type: 'smartphone' - regex: 'WPDesktop; (Windows Phone 8[SX] by HTC)' device: 'HTC $1' brand: 'HTC' model: '$1' type: 'smartphone' - regex: '(LEO70)' device: 'HTC $1' brand: 'HTC' model: '$1' type: 'smartphone' ######### # Huawei Windows Phones ######### - regex: 'Windows Phone [^;]{1,30}; .{0,100}?IEMobile/[^;\)]{1,111}[;\)] ?(?:ARM; ?Touch; ?|Touch; ?|)(?:HUAWEI)[^;]{0,33}; {0,2}(?:HUAWEI |)([^;,\)]{1,111})' device: 'Huawei $1' brand: 'Huawei' model: '$1' type: 'smartphone' - regex: 'WPDesktop; (W1-U00)' device: 'Huawei $1' brand: 'Huawei' model: '$1' type: 'smartphone' ######### # LG Windows Phones ######### - regex: 'Windows Phone [^;]{1,30}; .{0,100}?IEMobile/[^;\)]{1,111}[;\)] ?(?:ARM; ?Touch; ?|Touch; ?|)(?:LG|Lg)[^;]{0,33}; {0,2}(?:LG[ \-]|)([^;,\)]{1,111})' device: 'LG $1' brand: 'LG' model: '$1' type: 'smartphone' ######### # Noka Windows Phones ######### - regex: 'Lumia; (2520)' device: 'Lumia $1' brand: 'Nokia' model: 'Lumia $1' type: 'tablet' - regex: 'Windows Phone [^;]{1,30}; .{0,100}?IEMobile/[^;\)]{1,111}[;\)] ?(?:ARM; ?Touch; ?|Touch; ?|)(?:NOKIA|Nokia)[^;]{0,33}; {0,2}(?:NOKIA Lumia ?|NOKIA ?|Nokia ?|LUMIA ?|[Ll]umia ?|)(\d{3,10}[^;\)]{0,33})' device: 'Lumia $1' brand: 'Nokia' model: 'Lumia $1' type: 'smartphone' - regex: 'Windows Phone [^;]{1,30}; .{0,100}?IEMobile/[^;\)]{1,111}[;\)] ?(?:ARM; ?Touch; ?|Touch; ?|)(?:NOKIA|Nokia)[^;]{0,33}; {0,2}(RM-\d{3,})' device: 'Nokia $1' brand: 'Nokia' model: '$1' type: 'smartphone' - regex: '(?:Windows Phone Search.{0,300}|WPDesktop;) {0,2}(?:NOKIA|Nokia); {0,2}(Lumia[^;\)]{1,111})' device: 'Nokia $1' brand: 'Nokia' model: '$1' type: 'smartphone' - regex: 'WPDesktop;(?: NOKIA; Nokia| NOKIA;| Nokia|) (\d{1,10}[^;\)]{1,111})' device: 'Nokia Lumia $1' brand: 'Nokia' model: 'Lumia $1' type: 'smartphone' - regex: 'Windows Phone Search.{0,300}NOKIA;(?:Nokia |)(\d{1,10}[^;\)]{1,111})' device: 'Nokia Lumia $1' brand: 'Nokia' model: 'Lumia $1' type: 'smartphone' ######### # Microsoft Windows Phones ######### - regex: 'Windows Phone [^;]{1,30}; .{0,100}?IEMobile/[^;\)]{1,111}[;\)] ?(?:ARM; ?Touch; ?|Touch; ?|)(?:Microsoft(?: Corporation|))[^;]{0,33}; {0,2}([^;,\)]{1,111})' device: 'Microsoft $1' brand: 'Microsoft' model: '$1' - regex: '(?:Windows Phone [^;]{1,30}; .{0,100}?IEMobile/[^;\)]{1,111}[;\)]|WPDesktop;) ?(?:ARM; ?Touch; ?|Touch; ?|) {0,2}((?:LUMIA ?|[Ll]umia ?)[^;\)]{1,111})' device: 'Microsoft $1' brand: 'Microsoft' model: '$1' ######### # Prestigio Windows Phones ######### - regex: 'WPDesktop; {0,2}(?:PRESTIGIO;|) (PSP[^;\)]{1,111})' device: 'Prestigio $1' brand: 'Prestigio' model: '$1' ######### # Samsung Windows Phones ######### - regex: 'Windows Phone [^;]{1,30}; .{0,100}?IEMobile/[^;\)]{1,111}[;\)] ?(?:ARM; ?Touch; ?|Touch; ?|WpsLondonTest; ?|)(?:SAMSUNG)[^;]{0,33}; {0,2}(?:SAMSUNG |)([^;,\.\)]{1,111})' device: 'Samsung $1' brand: 'Samsung' model: '$1' - regex: 'WPDesktop; {0,2}(?:SAMSUNG;|) ((?:GT-|SGH-)[^;\)]{1,111})' device: 'Samsung $1' brand: 'Samsung' model: '$1' ######### # Toshiba Windows Phones ######### - regex: 'Windows Phone [^;]{1,30}; .{0,100}?IEMobile/[^;\)]{1,111}[;\)] ?(?:ARM; ?Touch; ?|Touch; ?|WpsLondonTest; ?|)(?:TOSHIBA|FujitsuToshibaMobileCommun)[^;]{0,33}; {0,2}([^;,\)]{1,111})' device: 'Toshiba $1' brand: 'Toshiba' model: '$1' ######### # Generic Windows Phones ######### ## - regex: '\(compatible; MSIE [^;]{1,111}; Windows Phone [^;]{1,30}; Trident/[^;]{1,111}; ?(?:ARM; Touch; ?|)IEMobile/[^;]{1,111}; ?(?:ARM; ?Touch; ?|Touch; ?|WpsLondonTest; ?|)([^;]{1,111}); {0,2}([^;,\)]{1,111})' - regex: 'Windows Phone [^;]{1,30}; .{0,100}?IEMobile/[^;\)]{1,111}[;\)] ?(?:ARM; ?Touch; ?(?:rv:\d{1,10}; |)|Touch; ?|WpsLondonTest; ?|)([^;]{1,111}); {0,2}([^;,\)]{1,111})' device: '$1 $2' brand: '$1' model: '$2' - regex: 'WPDesktop; ([^;]{1,111}); {0,2}([^;,\)]{1,111})' device: '$1 $2' brand: '$1' model: '$2' - regex: 'Windows Phone Search \(Windows Phone OS [^;]{1,111};([^;]{1,111});([^;]{1,111});' device: '$1 $2' brand: '$1' model: '$2' ###################################################################### # Other Devices Parser ###################################################################### ######### # Samsung Bada Phones ######### - regex: '(?:^|; )SAMSUNG\-([A-Za-z0-9\-]{1,100}).{0,100} Bada/' device: 'Samsung $1' brand: 'Samsung' model: '$1' type: 'smartphone' ######### # Firefox OS ######### - regex: Firefox group: - regex: '\(Mobile; ALCATEL ?(One|ONE) ?(Touch|TOUCH) ?([^;/]{1,111})(?:/[^;]{1,111}|); rv:[^\)]{1,111}\) Gecko/[^\/]{1,111} Firefox/' device: 'Alcatel $1 $2 $3' brand: 'Alcatel' model: 'One Touch $3' type: 'smartphone' - regex: '\(Mobile; (?:ZTE([^;]{1,111})|(Open[C2])|(Open) (C)); rv:[^\)]{1,111}\) Gecko/[^\/]{1,111} Firefox/' regex_flag: 'i' device: 'ZTE $1$2$3$4' brand: 'ZTE' model: '$1$2$3$4' type: 'smartphone' ######### # Jolla # @ref: ######### - regex: '\b(Jolla);' brand: '$1' model: '$1' device: '$1' ######### # Vertu # @ref: http://www.vertu.com/ ######### - regex: '(Vertu)([A-Za-z]{1,111})/' device: '$1 $2' brand: 'Vertu' model: '$2' ########## # NOKIA # @note: NokiaN8-00 comes before iphone. Sometimes spoofs iphone ########## - regex: 'nokia|symbian|lumia' regex_flag: 'i' group: - regex: 'Nokia(N[0-9]{1,111})([A-z_\-][A-z0-9_\-]{0,33})' device: 'Nokia $1' brand: 'Nokia' model: '$1$2' - regex: '(?:Lumia|NOKIA; Nokia) ([A-Za-z0-9\-]{1,111})' device: 'Lumia $1' brand: 'Nokia' model: 'Lumia $1' - regex: '(?:NOKIA|[Nn]okia){1,111}(?:\-| {0,2}|; {0,2})(?:([A-Za-z0-9]{1,111})\-[0-9a-f]{32}|([A-Za-z0-9\-]{1,111})(?:UCBrowser)|([A-Za-z0-9\-]{1,111}))' device: 'Nokia $1$2$3' brand: 'Nokia' model: '$1$2$3' # UCWEB Browser on Symbian - regex: '\(Symbian; U; S60 V5; [A-z]{2}\-[A-z]{2}; (SonyEricsson|Samsung|Nokia|LG)([^;/]{1,111})\)' device: '$1 $2' brand: '$1' model: '$2' # Nokia Symbian - regex: '\(Symbian(?:/3|); U; ([^;]{1,111});' device: 'Nokia $1' brand: 'Nokia' model: '$1' ########## # BlackBerry # @ref: http://www.useragentstring.com/pages/BlackBerry/ ########## - regex: 'blackberry|rim|bb10;' regex_flag: 'i' group: - regex: 'BB10; ([A-Za-z0-9\- ]{1,111})\)' device: 'BlackBerry $1' brand: 'BlackBerry' model: '$1' type: 'smartphone' - regex: 'Play[Bb]ook.{1,300}RIM Tablet OS' device: 'BlackBerry Playbook' brand: 'BlackBerry' model: 'Playbook' type: 'tablet' - regex: 'Black[Bb]erry {0,2}?([a-z0-9]{1,111})' device: 'BlackBerry $1' brand: 'BlackBerry' model: '$1' - regex: 'Black[Bb]erry' device: 'BlackBerry $1' brand: 'BlackBerry' model: '$1' ########## # PALM / HP # @note: some palm devices must come before iphone. sometimes spoofs iphone in ua ########## - regex: '\b(Pre|Pixi|webOS|hpwOS|Palm|iPAQ|Treo|Tungsten|TouchPad|Xiino)' group: - regex: '(Pre|Pixi)/\d{1,10}\.\d{1,10}' device: 'Palm $1' brand: 'Palm' model: '$1' type: 'smartphone' - regex: 'Palm([0-9]{1,111})' device: 'Palm $1' brand: 'Palm' model: '$1' - regex: '\b(Tungsten)\b' device: 'Palm $1' brand: 'Palm' - regex: '(Xiino)' device: 'Palm' brand: 'Palm' model: ' ' - regex: 'Treo([A-Za-z0-9]{1,111})' device: 'Palm Treo $1' brand: 'Palm' model: 'Treo $1' - regex: 'webOS.{0,300}(P160U(?:NA|))/(\d{1,10}).(\d{1,10})' device: 'HP Veer' brand: 'HP' model: 'Veer' type: 'tablet' - regex: '(Touch[Pp]ad)/\d{1,10}\.\d{1,10}' device: 'HP TouchPad' brand: 'HP' model: 'TouchPad' type: 'tablet' - regex: 'HPiPAQ([A-Za-z0-9]{1,111})/\d{1,10}\.\d{1,10}' device: 'HP iPAQ $1' brand: 'HP' model: 'iPAQ $1' - regex: 'PDA; (PalmOS)/sony/model ([a-z]{1,111})/Revision' device: '$1' brand: 'Sony' model: '$1 $2' ########## # AppleTV # No built in browser that I can tell # Stack Overflow indicated iTunes-AppleTV/4.1 as a known UA for app available and I'm seeing it in live traffic ########## - regex: 'Apple\s?TV(\d,\d|)(?:.{0,300} \((\d)[;\)]|)' device: 'AppleTV' brand: 'Apple' model: 'AppleTV$1$2' type: 'tv' ######### # Tesla Model S ######### - regex: '(QtCarBrowser)' device: 'Tesla Model S' brand: 'Tesla' model: 'Model S' type: 'car' ########## # iSTUFF # @note: complete but probably catches spoofs # ipad and ipod must be parsed before iphone # cannot determine specific device type from ua string. (3g, 3gs, 4, etc) ########## - regex: 'iPhone|iPad|iPod|CFNetwork||iPh|iPd|watchOS' group: # @note: iPad needs to be before iPhone - regex: '(iPad)(\d{1,10},\d{1,10})|(iPad)(?:;| Simulator;)' device: '$1$3' brand: 'Apple' model: '$1$2$3' type: 'tablet' - regex: '(iPd)(\d{1,10},\d{1,10})' device: 'iPod' brand: 'Apple' model: 'iPod$2' type: 'player' - regex: '(Apple Watch)(?:;| Simulator;)' device: '$1' brand: 'Apple' model: '$1' type: 'watch' - regex: '(HomePod)(?:;| Simulator;)' device: '$1' brand: 'Apple' model: '$1' type: 'smartspeaker' - regex: '(iPod)(\d{1,10},\d{1,10}).{0,300}(iPod touch)' device: '$3' brand: 'Apple' model: '$1$2' type: 'player' - regex: '(iPod)(\d{1,10},\d{1,10})|(iPod|iPod touch)(?:;| Simulator;)' device: '$1$3' brand: 'Apple' model: '$1$2$3' type: 'player' - regex: '(iPh)(\d{1,10},\d{1,10})' device: 'iPhone' brand: 'Apple' model: 'iPhone$2' type: 'smartphone' - regex: '(iPhone)(\d{1,10},\d{1,10})|(iPhone)(?:;| Simulator;)' device: '$1$3' brand: 'Apple' model: '$1$2$3' type: 'smartphone' - regex: '(watchOS).{0,300}model/(Watch)(\d{1,10},\d{1,10})' device: '$2$3' brand: 'Apple' model: '$1 $2$3' type: 'watch' # @note: desktop applications show device info - regex: 'CFNetwork/.{0,100} Darwin/\d.{0,100}\(((?:Mac|iMac|PowerMac|PowerBook)[^\d]{0,100})(\d{1,10})(?:,|%2C)(\d{1,10})' device: '$1$2,$3' brand: 'Apple' model: '$1$2,$3' # @note: OSx applications do not show device info - regex: 'CFNetwork/.{0,100} Darwin/\d.{0,100}\((?:i386|x86_64)\)' device: 'iOS-Device' brand: 'Apple' model: 'Mac OS X-Device' # @note: iOS applications do not show device info - regex: 'CFNetwork/.{0,100} Darwin/\d' device: 'iOS-Device' brand: 'Apple' model: 'iOS-Device' ########## # Acer ########## - regex: 'acer_([A-Za-z0-9]{1,111})_' device: 'Acer $1' brand: 'Acer' model: '$1' type: 'phone' ########## # Alcatel ########## - regex: 'alcatel' regex_flag: i group: - regex: '(?:alcatel[ _\-])(?:(?:one[ _\-]?touch[ _\-]|ot[ \-]))((?:(?!UNTRUSTED|Linux|Firmware|AppleWebKit|Build|UCWEB|[;/\(\)_\-]).){1,111})' regex_flag: 'i' device: 'Alcatel One Touch $1' brand: 'Alcatel' model: 'One Touch $1' - regex: '(?:ALCATEL|Alcatel)-([A-Za-z0-9\-]{1,111})' device: 'Alcatel $1' brand: 'Alcatel' model: '$1' ########## # Amoi ########## - regex: '(?:Amoisonic|Amoi)[_\- /]?([a-z0-9]{1,111})' regex_flag: 'i' device: 'Amoi $1' brand: 'Amoi' model: '$1' ######### # Garmin-Asus ######### - regex: 'garmin-asus-([^/]{1,111})' regex_flag: 'i' device: 'Garmin $1' brand: 'Garmin-Asus' model: '$1' ########## # Asus ########## - regex: 'asus|transformer|padfone|nexus' regex_flag: i group: - regex: '(?:; |\/|^)((?:Transformer (?:Pad|Prime) |Transformer |PadFone[ _]?)[A-Za-z0-9]{0,33})' device: 'Asus $1' brand: 'Asus' model: '$1' - regex: '(?:asus.{0,300}?ASUS|Asus|ASUS|asus)[\- ;]{0,33}((?:Transformer (?:Pad|Prime) |Transformer |Padfone |Nexus[ _]|)[A-Za-z0-9]{1,111})' device: 'Asus $1' brand: 'Asus' model: '$1' ########## # Bird ########## - regex: '\bBIRD[ \-\.]([A-Za-z0-9]{1,111})' device: 'Bird $1' brand: 'Bird' model: '$1' ########## # Commodore ########## - regex: '(Amiga)OS' device: 'Commodore $1' brand: 'Commodore' model: '$1' ########## # Dell ########## - regex: '\bDell ([A-Za-z0-9]{1,111})' device: 'Dell $1' brand: 'Dell' model: '$1' ########## # D-Link ########## - regex: '\b(Boxee)/' device: 'D-Link $1' brand: 'D-Link' model: '$1' ########## # DoCoMo ########## - regex: 'DoCoMo|FOMA' group: - regex: 'DoCoMo/2\.0 ([A-Za-z0-9]{1,111})' device: 'DoCoMo $1' brand: 'DoCoMo' model: '$1' - regex: '([A-Za-z0-9]{1,30})_W\;FOMA' device: 'DoCoMo $1' brand: 'DoCoMo' model: '$1' - regex: '([A-Za-z0-9]{1,30})\;FOMA' device: 'DoCoMo $1' brand: 'DoCoMo' model: '$1' ########## # Enseo # @ref http://www.enseo.com/ ########## - regex: '(Enseo)/([A-Za-z0-9]{1,111})' device: '$1' brand: '$1' model: '$2' type: 'tv' ########## # FREE SAS ########## - regex: '(Freebox); Linux i686' device: 'FREE SAS $1' brand: 'FREE SAS' model: '$1' ######### # Google ######### - regex: 'CrKey armv7l' device: 'Google Chromecast' brand: 'Google' model: 'Chromecast' ########## # htc ########## - regex: '\b(?:HTC/|HTC/[a-z0-9]{1,20}/|)HTC[ _\-;]? {0,2}(.{0,200}?)(?:-?Mozilla|fingerPrint|[;/\(\)]|$)' regex_flag: 'i' device: 'HTC $1' brand: 'HTC' model: '$1' ########## # Huawei ########## - regex: 'huawei|vodafone' regex_flag: 'i' group: - regex: 'Huawei([A-Za-z0-9]{1,111})' device: 'Huawei $1' brand: 'Huawei' model: '$1' - regex: 'HUAWEI-([A-Za-z0-9]{1,111})' device: 'Huawei $1' brand: 'Huawei' model: '$1' - regex: 'vodafone([A-Za-z0-9]{1,111})' device: 'Huawei Vodafone $1' brand: 'Huawei' model: 'Vodafone $1' ########## # i-mate ########## - regex: 'i\-mate ([A-Za-z0-9]{1,111})' device: 'i-mate $1' brand: 'i-mate' model: '$1' ########## # kyocera ########## - regex: 'Kyocera|KWC' group: - regex: 'Kyocera\-([A-Za-z0-9]{1,111})' device: 'Kyocera $1' brand: 'Kyocera' model: '$1' - regex: 'KWC\-([A-Za-z0-9]{1,111})' device: 'Kyocera $1' brand: 'Kyocera' model: '$1' ########## # lenovo ########## - regex: '\b(?:[Ll]enovo|LENOVO){1,111}[ _\-]?([^,;:/ \)]{1,111})' device: 'Lenovo $1' brand: 'Lenovo' model: '$1' ########## # HbbTV (European and Australian standard) # written before the LG regexes, as LG is making HbbTV too ########## - regex: 'HbbTV' group: - regex: '(HbbTV)/\d{1,10}\.\d{1,10}\.\d{1,10} \([^;]{0,30}; {0,2}(LG)E {0,2}; {0,2}([^;]{0,30}) {0,2};[^;]{0,30};[^;]{0,30};\)' device: '$1' brand: '$2' model: '$3' type: 'tv' - regex: '(HbbTV)/1\.1\.1.{0,30}CE-HTML/1\.\d;Vendor/([^;]{1,30});(?:.{0,30}SW-Version/.{0,30}(LF[^;]{1,30});|)' device: '$1' brand: '$2' model: '$3' type: 'tv' - regex: '(HbbTV)(?:/1\.1\.1|)(?: ?\(;;;;;\)|); {0,2}CE-HTML(?:/1\.\d|); {0,2}([^ ]{1,30}) ([^;]{1,30});' device: '$1' brand: '$2' model: '$3' type: 'tv' - regex: '(HbbTV)/1\.1\.1 \(;;;;;\) Maple_2011' device: '$1' brand: 'Samsung' type: 'tv' - regex: '(HbbTV)/\d{1,10}\.\d{1,10}\.\d{1,10} \([^;]{0,30}; {0,2}(?:CUS:([^;]{0,30})|([^;]{1,30})) {0,2}; {0,2}([^;]{0,30}) {0,2};.{0,30};' device: '$1' brand: '$2$3' model: '$4' type: 'tv' - regex: '(HbbTV)/[0-9]{1,111}\.[0-9]{1,111}\.[0-9]{1,111}' device: '$1' type: 'tv' ########## # LGE NetCast TV ########## - regex: 'NetCast' group: - regex: 'LGE; (?:Media\/|)([^;]{0,33});[^;]{0,33};[^;]{0,33};?\); "?LG NetCast(\.TV|\.Media|)-\d{1,10}' device: 'NetCast$2' brand: 'LG' model: '$1' type: 'tv' - regex: 'LGE; ([^;]{1,111}).{0,300}LG NetCast\.TV-.{0,300}' device: 'NetCast.TV' brand: 'LG' model: '$1' type: 'tv' - regex: 'LG NetCast\.TV' device: 'NetCast.TV' brand: 'LG' type: 'tv' ########## # InettvBrowser, DirectFB, SmartTV ########## - regex: 'InettvBrowser|TSBNetTV|NETTV|HBBTV|DirectFB|SmartTV|SMART-TV' group: - regex: 'InettvBrowser/[0-9]{1,30}\.[0-9A-Z]{1,30} \([^;]{0,10};(Sony)([^;]{0,10});[^;]{0,10};[^\)]{0,10}\)' device: 'Inettv' brand: '$1' model: '$2' type: 'tv' - regex: 'InettvBrowser/[0-9]{1,30}\.[0-9A-Z]{1,30} \([^;]{0,10};([^;]{0,10});[^;]{0,10};[^\)]{0,10}\)' device: 'Inettv' brand: 'Generic_Inettv' model: '$1' type: 'tv' - regex: '(SMART-TV|SmartTV)' brand: 'Samsung' type: 'tv' - regex: '(InettvBrowser|TSBNetTV|NETTV|HBBTV|DirectFB)' device: 'Inettv' brand: 'Generic_Inettv' type: 'tv' ########## # lg ########## # LG Symbian Phones - regex: '\bLG' regex_flag: 'i' group: - regex: 'Series60/\d\.\d (LG)[\-]?([A-Za-z0-9 \-]{1,111})' device: '$1 $2' brand: '$1' model: '$2' # other LG phones - regex: '; {0,2}(LG-)([A-Z]{1,2}\d{2,}[^,;/\)\(]{0,33}?)(?:Build| V\d{1,10}|[,;/\)\(]|$)' device: '$1$2' brand: 'LG' model: '$2' - regex: '\b(?:LGE[ \-]LG\-(?:AX|)|LGE |LGE?-LG|LGE?[ \-]|LG[ /\-]|lg[\-])([A-Za-z0-9]{1,111})\b' device: 'LG $1' brand: 'LG' model: '$1' - regex: '(?:^LG[\-]?|^LGE[\-/]?)([A-Za-z]{1,111}[0-9]{1,111}[A-Za-z]{0,33})' device: 'LG $1' brand: 'LG' model: '$1' - regex: '^LG([0-9]{1,111}[A-Za-z]{0,33})' device: 'LG $1' brand: 'LG' model: '$1' ########## # microsoft ########## - regex: 'KIN\.|Xbox|Trident|Zune' group: - regex: '(KIN\.[^ ]{1,111}) (\d{1,10})\.(\d{1,10})' device: 'Microsoft $1' brand: 'Microsoft' model: '$1' - regex: '\b(Xbox One)\b' device: '$1' brand: 'Microsoft' model: '$1' - regex: '(?:MSIE|XBMC).{0,300}\b(Xbox)\b' device: '$1' brand: 'Microsoft' model: '$1' - regex: '; ARM; Trident/6\.0; Touch[\);]' device: 'Microsoft Surface RT' brand: 'Microsoft' model: 'Surface RT' - regex: '(Zune)\/' device: '$1' brand: 'Microsoft' model: '$1' type: 'player' ########## # motorola ########## - regex: 'mot[o-]' regex_flag: 'i' group: - regex: '[Mm]otorola[- ]([A-Za-z0-9]{1,111})' device: 'Motorola $1' brand: 'Motorola' model: '$1' - regex: 'MOTO\-([A-Za-z0-9]{1,111})' device: 'Motorola $1' brand: 'Motorola' model: '$1' - regex: 'MOT\-([A-z0-9][A-z0-9\-]{0,33})' device: 'Motorola $1' brand: 'Motorola' model: '$1' ########## # nintendo ########## - regex: 'Nintendo' group: - regex: 'Nintendo WiiU' device: 'Nintendo Wii U' brand: 'Nintendo' model: 'Wii U' - regex: 'Nintendo (DS|3DS|DSi|Wii|Switch)' device: 'Nintendo $1' brand: 'Nintendo' model: '$1' ########## # pantech ########## - regex: '(?:Pantech|PANTECH)[ _-]?([A-Za-z0-9\-]{1,111})' device: 'Pantech $1' brand: 'Pantech' model: '$1' ########## # philips ########## - regex: '(Philips) ?([A-Za-z0-9]{1,111})' device: '$1 $2' brand: '$1' model: '$2' ######### # Sprint (Operator Branded Devices) # @ref:http://www.sprint.com ######### - regex: '\b(Sprint)[: ]([^;,/ ]{1,111})' device: '$1$2' brand: 'Sprint' model: '$2' ########## # Samsung ########## - regex: 'samsung' regex_flag: 'i' group: # Samsung Symbian Devices - regex: 'SymbianOS/9\.\d.{0,300} Samsung[/\-]([A-Za-z0-9 \-]{1,111})' device: 'Samsung $1' brand: 'Samsung' model: '$1' - regex: '(Samsung)(SGH)(i[0-9]{1,111})' device: '$1 $2$3' brand: '$1' model: '$2-$3' - regex: 'SAMSUNG-ANDROID-MMS/([^;/]{1,111})' device: '$1' brand: 'Samsung' model: '$1' # Other Samsung #- regex: 'SAMSUNG(?:; |-)([A-Za-z0-9\-]{1,111})' - regex: 'SAMSUNG(?:; |[ -/])([A-Za-z0-9\-]{1,111})' regex_flag: 'i' device: 'Samsung $1' brand: 'Samsung' model: '$1' ########## # Sega ########## - regex: '(Dreamcast)' device: 'Sega $1' brand: 'Sega' model: '$1' ########## # Siemens mobile ########## - regex: '^SIE-([A-Za-z0-9]{1,111})' device: 'Siemens $1' brand: 'Siemens' model: '$1' ########## # snom ########## - regex: 'snom( m\d{1,10}|\d{1,10}-SIP)' device: 'snom $1' brand: 'snom' model: '$1' ########## # Softbank ########## - regex: 'Softbank/[12]\.0/([A-Za-z0-9]{1,111})' device: 'Softbank $1' brand: 'Softbank' model: '$1' ########## # SonyEricsson ########## - regex: 'SonyEricsson([A-Za-z0-9]{1,111})/' device: 'Ericsson $1' brand: 'SonyEricsson' model: '$1' ########## # Sony PlayStation # @ref: http://playstation.com # The Vita spoofs the Kindle ########## - regex: 'PlayStation|\bPS[34]\b' regex_flag: 'i' group: - regex: '\bPS([34])\b' device: 'PlayStation $1' brand: 'Sony' model: 'PlayStation $1' type: 'tv' - regex: 'PlayStation (\d{1,10})' regex_flag: 'i' device: 'PlayStation $1' brand: 'Sony' model: 'PlayStation $1' type: 'tv' - regex: '(PlayStation (?:Portable|Vita))' device: '$1' brand: 'Sony' model: '$1' type: 'console' ########## # Sony ########## - regex: 'Sony([^ ]{1,111}) ' device: 'Sony $1' brand: 'Sony' model: '$1' ########## # Amazon ########## - regex: 'Kindle|Silk' group: - regex: ' (Kindle)/(\d{1,10}\.\d{1,10})' device: 'Kindle' brand: 'Amazon' model: '$1 $2' - regex: ' (Kindle|Silk)/(\d{1,10})\.' device: 'Kindle' brand: 'Amazon' model: 'Kindle' ########## # WeTab # @ref: http://wetab.mobi/ ########## - regex: '(WeTab)-Browser' device: '$1' brand: 'WeTab' model: '$1' ######### # Puffin Browser Device detect # A=Android, I=iOS, P=Phone, T=Tablet # AT=Android{1,111}Tablet ######### - regex: 'Puffin' group: - regex: 'Puffin/[\d\.]{1,111}IT' device: 'iPad' brand: 'Apple' model: 'iPad' - regex: 'Puffin/[\d\.]{1,111}IP' device: 'iPhone' brand: 'Apple' model: 'iPhone' - regex: 'Puffin/[\d\.]{1,111}AT' device: 'Generic Tablet' brand: 'Generic' model: 'Tablet' - regex: 'Puffin/[\d\.]{1,111}AP' device: 'Generic Smartphone' brand: 'Generic' model: 'Smartphone' ######### # Android General Device Matching (far from perfect) ######### - regex: 'Android| Adr ' group: - regex: 'Mozilla/5.0 \(Linux; Android [\d.]{1,10}; ([^)]{1,30})\) AppleWebKit/' brand: 'Generic_Android' model: '$1' - regex: 'Mozilla/5.0 \(Linux; Android [\d.]{1,10}; (.{1,30}) Build' brand: 'Generic_Android' model: '$1' - regex: 'Android[\- ]\d{1,111}\.\d{1,111}; [A-Za-z]{2}\-[A-Za-z]{0,2}; WOWMobile (.{1,300}?) Build[ /]' brand: 'Generic_Android' model: '$1' - regex: 'Android[\- ]\d{1,111}\.\d{1,111}\-update1; [A-Za-z]{2}\-[A-Za-z]{0,2} {0,2}; {0,2}(.{1,300}?) Build[ /]' brand: 'Generic_Android' model: '$1' - regex: 'Android[\- ]\d{1,111}(?:\.\d{1,111})(?:\.\d{1,111}|); {0,2}[A-Za-z]{2}[_\-][A-Za-z]{0,2}\-? {0,2}; {0,2}(.{1,300}?) Build[ /]' brand: 'Generic_Android' model: '$1' - regex: 'Android[\- ]\d{1,111}(?:\.\d{1,111})(?:\.\d{1,111}|); {0,2}[A-Za-z]{0,2}\- {0,2}; {0,2}(.{1,300}?) Build[ /]' brand: 'Generic_Android' model: '$1' # No build info at all - "Build" follows locale immediately - regex: 'Android[\- ]\d{1,111}(?:\.\d{1,111})(?:\.\d{1,111}|); {0,2}__LOCALE__;?([)]| Build[ /]).{0,300} Mobile' device: 'Generic Smartphone' brand: 'Generic_Android' model: 'Smartphone' - regex: 'Android[\- ]\d{1,111}(?:\.\d{1,111})(?:\.\d{1,111}|); {0,2}__LOCALE__;?([)]| Build[ /])' device: 'Generic Tablet' brand: 'Generic_Android' model: 'Tablet' - regex: 'Android[\- ]\d{1,111}(?:\.\d{1,111})(?:\.\d{1,111}|); {0,2}\-?[A-Za-z]{2}; {0,2}(.{1,300}?) Build[ /]' brand: 'Generic_Android' model: '$1' - regex: 'Android[\- ][\d.]{1,10}; ?(?:.{1,50}?)Build[ /][^;]{1,10}; ?(.{1,300}?) Build[ /]' brand: 'Generic_Android' model: '$1' - regex: 'Android[\- ][\d.]{1,10}; ?(.{1,300}?) Build[ /]' brand: 'Generic_Android' model: '$1' - regex: '; Adr \d{1,10}\.\d{1,10}\.\d{1,10}; [^;]{0,33}?; ([^)]{0,33}?)\)' brand: 'Generic_Android' model: '$1' - regex: '(Opera Mobi|Mobile;)' brand: 'Generic_Android' model: 'Smartphone' device: 'Generic Smartphone' - regex: '(Opera Tablet|Tablet;|Android.{0,200}(?:Tab|Pad))' regex_flag: 'i' brand: 'Generic_Android' model: 'Tablet' device: 'Generic Tablet' type: 'tablet' - regex: 'Android[\- ]__VERSION_OS__; {0,2}__LOCALE__; {0,2}([^;]{1,111}); Android.{0,300}Mobile' brand: 'Generic_Android' model: '$5' device: 'Generic Smartphone' - regex: 'Android[\- ]__VERSION_OS__; {0,2}__LOCALE__; {0,2}([^;]{1,111}); Android' brand: 'Generic_Android' model: '$5' device: 'Generic Tablet' - regex: 'Android[\- ]\d{1,111}(?:\.\d{1,111})(?:\.\d{1,111}|)(?:;.{0,300}|); {0,2}([^)]{1,111})' brand: 'Generic_Android' model: '$1' ########## # Google TV ########## - regex: '(GoogleTV)' brand: 'Generic_Inettv' model: '$1' type: 'tv' ########## # WebTV ########## - regex: '(WebTV)/\d{1,10}\.\d{1,10}' brand: 'Generic_Inettv' model: '$1' type: 'tv' - regex: '\b(iPad)\b' brand: 'Apple' model: '$1' device: '$1' type: 'tablet' - regex: '\b(iPod)\b' brand: 'Apple' model: '$1' device: '$1' type: 'player' - regex: '\b(iPhone)\b' brand: 'Apple' model: '$1' device: '$1' type: 'smartphone' - regex: '\b(iOS)\b' brand: 'Apple' model: 'iOS-Device' device: 'iOS-Device' - regex: '\b(tvOS)\b' brand: 'Apple' model: 'tvOS-Device' device: 'tvOS-Device' type: tv - regex: '(Mac OS X)' brand: 'Apple' model: 'Mac OS X-Device' device: 'Mac OS X-Device' - regex: '(Macintosh|Mac_PowerPC)' brand: 'Apple' model: 'Macintosh' device: 'Macintosh' ########## # Generic Tablet ########## - regex: '(Android 3\.\d|Opera Tablet|Tablet; .{1,200}Firefox/|Android.{0,200}(?:Tab|Pad))' regex_flag: 'i' device: 'Generic Tablet' brand: 'Generic' model: 'Tablet' type: 'tablet' ########## # Generic Smart Phone ########## - regex: '(Symbian|\bS60(Version|V\d)|\bS60\b|\((Series 60|Windows Mobile|Palm OS|Bada); Opera Mini|Windows CE|Opera Mobi|BREW|Brew|Mobile; .{1,300}Firefox/|iPhone OS|Android|MobileSafari|Windows {0,2}Phone|\(webOS/|PalmOS)' device: 'Generic Smartphone' brand: 'Generic' model: 'Smartphone' - regex: '(hiptop|avantgo|plucker|xiino|blazer|elaine)' regex_flag: 'i' device: 'Generic Smartphone' brand: 'Generic' model: 'Smartphone' ########## # Spiders (this is a hack...) # Sort by length ########## - regex: '(bot|insomia|zao|borg|khte|ktht|ktxn|oegp|silk|xenu|zeal|^ning|lycos|nutch|htdig|crawl|cibra|slurp|sogou|teoma|voila|yahoo|daumoa|genieo|ichiro|holmes|^jnlp/|^java/|larbin|pompos|reaper|scrapy|snappy|speedy|spider|vortex|favicon|monitor|riddler|scooter|scraper|scrubby|whatweb|winhttp|indexer|zooshot|archiver|^voyager|heritrix|icarus6j|mogimogi|netvibes|qwantify|retreiver|newsgator|findlinks|altavista|charlotte|synthetic|tlsprober|wordpress|wsr-agent|blogbridge|catchpoint|classifier|pagepeeker|gomezagent|squrl java|statuscake|bingpreview|netresearch|searchsight|webthumbnail|http%20client|python-urllib|dataparksearch|screaming frog|internetarchive|appengine-google|semanticdiscovery|google web preview|facebookexternalhit|iltrovatore-setaccio|google-http-java-client|google.{0,300}/\+/web/snippet|yeti|daum)' regex_flag: 'i' device: 'Spider' brand: 'Spider' model: 'Desktop' type: 'bot' ########## # Generic Feature Phone # take care to do case insensitive matching ########## - regex: '^(1207|3gso|4thp|501i|502i|503i|504i|505i|506i|6310|6590|770s|802s|a wa|acer|acs\-|airn|alav|asus|attw|au\-m|aur |aus |abac|acoo|aiko|alco|alca|amoi|anex|anny|anyw|aptu|arch|argo|bmobile|bell|bird|bw\-n|bw\-u|beck|benq|bilb|blac|c55/|cdm\-|chtm|capi|comp|cond|dall|dbte|dc\-s|dica|ds\-d|ds12|dait|devi|dmob|doco|dopo|dorado|el(?:38|39|48|49|50|55|58|68)|el[3456]\d{2}dual|erk0|esl8|ex300|ez40|ez60|ez70|ezos|ezze|elai|emul|eric|ezwa|fake|fly\-|fly_|g\-mo|g1 u|g560|gf\-5|grun|gene|go\.w|good|grad|hcit|hd\-m|hd\-p|hd\-t|hei\-|hp i|hpip|hs\-c|htc |htc\-|htca|htcg|htcp|htcs|htct|htc_|haie|hita|huaw|hutc|i\-20|i\-go|i\-ma|i\-mobile|i230|iac|iac\-|iac/|ig01|im1k|inno|iris|jata|kddi|kgt|kgt/|kpt |kwc\-|klon|lexi|lg g|lg\-a|lg\-b|lg\-c|lg\-d|lg\-f|lg\-g|lg\-k|lg\-l|lg\-m|lg\-o|lg\-p|lg\-s|lg\-t|lg\-u|lg\-w|lg/k|lg/l|lg/u|lg50|lg54|lge\-|lge/|leno|m1\-w|m3ga|m50/|maui|mc01|mc21|mcca|medi|meri|mio8|mioa|mo01|mo02|mode|modo|mot |mot\-|mt50|mtp1|mtv |mate|maxo|merc|mits|mobi|motv|mozz|n100|n101|n102|n202|n203|n300|n302|n500|n502|n505|n700|n701|n710|nec\-|nem\-|newg|neon|netf|noki|nzph|o2 x|o2\-x|opwv|owg1|opti|oran|ot\-s|p800|pand|pg\-1|pg\-2|pg\-3|pg\-6|pg\-8|pg\-c|pg13|phil|pn\-2|pt\-g|palm|pana|pire|pock|pose|psio|qa\-a|qc\-2|qc\-3|qc\-5|qc\-7|qc07|qc12|qc21|qc32|qc60|qci\-|qwap|qtek|r380|r600|raks|rim9|rove|s55/|sage|sams|sc01|sch\-|scp\-|sdk/|se47|sec\-|sec0|sec1|semc|sgh\-|shar|sie\-|sk\-0|sl45|slid|smb3|smt5|sp01|sph\-|spv |spv\-|sy01|samm|sany|sava|scoo|send|siem|smar|smit|soft|sony|t\-mo|t218|t250|t600|t610|t618|tcl\-|tdg\-|telm|tim\-|ts70|tsm\-|tsm3|tsm5|tx\-9|tagt|talk|teli|topl|tosh|up\.b|upg1|utst|v400|v750|veri|vk\-v|vk40|vk50|vk52|vk53|vm40|vx98|virg|vertu|vite|voda|vulc|w3c |w3c\-|wapj|wapp|wapu|wapm|wig |wapi|wapr|wapv|wapy|wapa|waps|wapt|winc|winw|wonu|x700|xda2|xdag|yas\-|your|zte\-|zeto|aste|audi|avan|blaz|brew|brvw|bumb|ccwa|cell|cldc|cmd\-|dang|eml2|fetc|hipt|http|ibro|idea|ikom|ipaq|jbro|jemu|jigs|keji|kyoc|kyok|m\-cr|midp|mmef|moto|mwbp|mywa|newt|nok6|o2im|pant|pdxg|play|pluc|port|prox|rozo|sama|seri|smal|symb|treo|upsi|vx52|vx53|vx60|vx61|vx70|vx80|vx81|vx83|vx85|wap\-|webc|whit|wmlb|xda\-|xda_)' regex_flag: 'i' device: 'Generic Feature Phone' brand: 'Generic' model: 'Feature Phone' type: 'phone' - regex: '^(Ice)$' device: 'Generic Feature Phone' brand: 'Generic' model: 'Feature Phone' type: 'phone' - regex: '(wap[\-\ ]browser|maui|netfront|obigo|teleca|up\.browser|midp)' regex_flag: 'i' device: 'Generic Feature Phone' brand: 'Generic' model: 'Feature Phone' type: 'phone'