[config] jenkins-url = https://my-jenkins-url.com/github-webhook/ [team:contributors] permission = push members = MarcWeber honza garbas repos = snipmate-snippets [hook:my-jenkins] name = jenkins #JSON object as per schema @ https://api.github.com/hooks #Can use Buildout-style variable substitution config = {"jenkins_hook_url": "${config:jenkins-url}"} events = push active = true [hook:my-web] name = web #JSON object as per schema @ https://api.github.com/hooks #Boolean objects should be represented as string "1" or "0" as this is #what GitHub stores. #Can use Buildout-style variable substitution. ${repo:variable} refers #specifically to properties against a repo. my-url = http://my-web-hook-url.com/redmine/?identifier=${repo:redmine-id} config = {"url": "${:my-url}", "insecure_ssl": "1" } events = push active = true [repo:vim-snipmate] fork = garbas/vim-snipmate owners = garbas MarcWeber teams = contributors [repo:snipmate-snippets] fork = honza/snipmate-snippets owners = honza [repo:demo] owners = davidjb teams = contributors hooks = my-jenkins my-web description = My awesome repo homepage = http://plone.org has_issues = false has_wiki = false has_downloads = false #Will only work if you have quota private = true # this will create # - 4 teams: # [{'name': '--auto-contributors', # 'permission': 'push', # 'members': ['MarcWeber', 'garbas', 'honza'], # 'repos': ['vim-snipmate', 'snipmate-snippets'] # }, # {'name': '--auto-snipmate-owners', # 'permission': 'push', # 'members': ['MarcWeber', 'garbas'], # 'repos': ['vim-snipmate'] # }, # {'name': '--auto-snipmate-snippets-owners', # 'permission': 'push', # 'members': ['MarcWeber', 'garbas'], # 'repos': ['snipmate-snippets'] # } # {'name': '--auto-demo', # 'permission': 'push', # 'members': ['davidjb'], # 'repos': ['demo'] # } # ] # - 3 repos: # [{'name': 'vim-snipmate'}, # {'name': 'snipmate-snippets'} # {'name': 'demo', 'hooks': ['web', 'web']} # ]