forceStandalone = isset($options['force_standalone']) && $options['force_standalone']; $clientOptions->connectRetries = isset($options['connect_retries']) ? (int) $options['connect_retries'] : self::DEFAULT_CONNECT_RETRIES; $clientOptions->readTimeout = isset($options['read_timeout']) ? (float) $options['read_timeout'] : null; $clientOptions->password = $options['password'] ?? null; $clientOptions->username = $options['username'] ?? null; $clientOptions->database = isset($options['database']) ? (int) $options['database'] : 0; $clientOptions->persistent = $options['persistent'] ?? ''; $clientOptions->timeout = $options['timeout'] ?? self::DEFAULT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT; return $clientOptions; } /** * Construct Zend_Cache Redis backend * @param array $options * @throws Zend_Cache_Exception * @throws CredisException * @noinspection PhpMissingParentConstructorInspection */ public function __construct($options = array()) { if (empty($options['server']) && empty($options['cluster'])) { Zend_Cache::throwException('Redis \'server\' not specified.'); } $this->_clientOptions = $this->getClientOptions($options); // If 'sentinel_master' is specified then server is actually sentinel and master address should be fetched from server. $sentinelMaster = empty($options['sentinel_master']) ? null : $options['sentinel_master']; if ($sentinelMaster) { $sentinelClientOptions = isset($options['sentinel']) && is_array($options['sentinel']) ? $this->getClientOptions($options['sentinel'] + $options) : $this->_clientOptions; $servers = preg_split('/\s*,\s*/', trim($options['server']), -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY); $sentinel = null; $exception = null; for ($i = 0; $i <= $sentinelClientOptions->connectRetries; $i++) { // Try each sentinel in round-robin fashion foreach ($servers as $server) { try { $sentinelClient = new Credis_Client($server, null, $sentinelClientOptions->timeout, $sentinelClientOptions->persistent); $sentinelClient->forceStandalone(); $sentinelClient->setMaxConnectRetries(0); if ($sentinelClientOptions->readTimeout) { $sentinelClient->setReadTimeout($sentinelClientOptions->readTimeout); } if ($sentinelClientOptions->password) { $sentinelClient->auth($sentinelClientOptions->password) or Zend_Cache::throwException('Unable to authenticate with the redis sentinel.'); } $sentinel = new Credis_Sentinel($sentinelClient); $sentinel ->setClientTimeout($this->_clientOptions->timeout) ->setClientPersistent($this->_clientOptions->persistent); $redisMaster = $sentinel->getMasterClient($sentinelMaster); $this->_applyClientOptions($redisMaster); // Verify connected server is actually master as per Sentinel client spec if (! empty($options['sentinel_master_verify'])) { $roleData = $redisMaster->role(); if (! $roleData || $roleData[0] != 'master') { usleep(100000); // Sleep 100ms and try again $redisMaster = $sentinel->getMasterClient($sentinelMaster); $this->_applyClientOptions($redisMaster); $roleData = $redisMaster->role(); if (! $roleData || $roleData[0] != 'master') { Zend_Cache::throwException('Unable to determine master redis server.'); } } } $this->_redis = $redisMaster; break 2; } catch (Exception $e) { unset($sentinelClient); $exception = $e; } } } if (! $this->_redis) { Zend_Cache::throwException('Unable to connect to a redis sentinel: '.$exception->getMessage(), $exception); } // Optionally use read slaves - will only be used for 'load' operation if (! empty($options['load_from_slaves'])) { $slaves = $sentinel->getSlaveClients($sentinelMaster); if ($slaves) { if ($options['load_from_slaves'] == 2) { $slaves[] = $this->_redis; // Also send reads to the master } $slaveSelect = isset($options['slave_select_callable']) && is_callable($options['slave_select_callable']) ? $options['slave_select_callable'] : null; if ($slaveSelect) { $slave = $slaveSelect($slaves, $this->_redis); } else { $slaveKey = array_rand($slaves); $slave = $slaves[$slaveKey]; /* @var $slave Credis_Client */ } if ($slave instanceof Credis_Client && $slave !== $this->_redis) { try { $this->_applyClientOptions($slave, true); $this->_slave = $slave; } catch (Exception $e) { // If there is a problem with first slave then skip 'load_from_slaves' option } } } } unset($sentinel); } // Instantiate Credis_Cluster // DEPRECATED elseif (! empty($options['cluster'])) { $this->_setupReadWriteCluster($options); } // Direct connection to single Redis server and optional slaves else { $port = $options['port'] ?? 6379; $this->_redis = new Credis_Client($options['server'], $port, $this->_clientOptions->timeout, $this->_clientOptions->persistent); $this->_applyClientOptions($this->_redis); // Support loading from a replication slave if (isset($options['load_from_slave'])) { if (is_array($options['load_from_slave'])) { if (isset($options['load_from_slave']['server'])) { // Single slave $server = $options['load_from_slave']['server']; $port = $options['load_from_slave']['port']; $clientOptions = $this->getClientOptions($options['load_from_slave'] + $options); $totalServers = 2; } else { // Multiple slaves $slaveKey = array_rand($options['load_from_slave']); $slave = $options['load_from_slave'][$slaveKey]; $server = $slave['server']; $port = $slave['port']; $clientOptions = $this->getClientOptions($slave + $options); $totalServers = count($options['load_from_slave']) + 1; } } else { // String $server = $options['load_from_slave']; $port = 6379; $clientOptions = $this->_clientOptions; // If multiple addresses are given, split and choose a random one if (strpos($server, ',') !== false) { $slaves = preg_split('/\s*,\s*/', $server, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY); $slaveKey = array_rand($slaves); $server = $slaves[$slaveKey]; $port = null; $totalServers = count($slaves) + 1; } else { $totalServers = 2; } } // Skip setting up slave if master is not write only, and it is randomly chosen to be the read server $masterWriteOnly = isset($options['master_write_only']) ? (int) $options['master_write_only'] : false; if (is_string($server) && $server && ! (!$masterWriteOnly && rand(1, $totalServers) === 1)) { try { $slave = new Credis_Client($server, $port, $clientOptions->timeout, $clientOptions->persistent); $this->_applyClientOptions($slave, true, $clientOptions); $this->_slave = $slave; } catch (Exception $e) { // Slave will not be used } } } } if (isset($options['notMatchingTags'])) { $this->_notMatchingTags = (bool) $options['notMatchingTags']; } if (isset($options['compress_tags'])) { $this->_compressTags = (int) $options['compress_tags']; } if (isset($options['compress_data'])) { $this->_compressData = (int) $options['compress_data']; } if (isset($options['lifetimelimit'])) { $this->_lifetimelimit = (int) min($options['lifetimelimit'], self::MAX_LIFETIME); } if (isset($options['compress_threshold'])) { $this->_compressThreshold = (int) $options['compress_threshold']; if ($this->_compressThreshold < 1) { $this->_compressThreshold = 1; } } if (isset($options['automatic_cleaning_factor'])) { $this->_options['automatic_cleaning_factor'] = (int) $options['automatic_cleaning_factor']; } else { $this->_options['automatic_cleaning_factor'] = 0; } if (isset($options['compression_lib'])) { $this->_compressionLib = (string) $options['compression_lib']; } elseif (function_exists('snappy_compress')) { $this->_compressionLib = 'snappy'; } elseif (function_exists('lz4_compress')) { $version = phpversion("lz4"); if (version_compare($version, "0.3.0") < 0) { $this->_compressTags = $this->_compressTags > 1; $this->_compressData = $this->_compressData > 1; } $this->_compressionLib = 'l4z'; } elseif (function_exists('zstd_compress')) { $version = phpversion("zstd"); if (version_compare($version, "0.4.13") < 0) { $this->_compressTags = $this->_compressTags > 1; $this->_compressData = $this->_compressData > 1; } $this->_compressionLib = 'zstd'; } elseif (function_exists('lzf_compress')) { $this->_compressionLib = 'lzf'; } else { $this->_compressionLib = 'gzip'; } $this->_compressPrefix = substr($this->_compressionLib, 0, 2).self::COMPRESS_PREFIX; if (isset($options['sunion_chunk_size']) && $options['sunion_chunk_size'] > 0) { $this->_sunionChunkSize = (int) $options['sunion_chunk_size']; } if (isset($options['remove_chunk_size']) && $options['remove_chunk_size'] > 0) { $this->_removeChunkSize = (int) $options['remove_chunk_size']; } if (isset($options['use_lua'])) { $this->_useLua = (bool) $options['use_lua']; } if (isset($options['lua_max_c_stack'])) { $this->_luaMaxCStack = (int) $options['lua_max_c_stack']; } if (isset($options['retry_reads_on_master'])) { $this->_retryReadsOnMaster = (bool) $options['retry_reads_on_master']; } if (isset($options['auto_expire_lifetime'])) { $this->_autoExpireLifetime = (int) $options['auto_expire_lifetime']; } if (isset($options['auto_expire_pattern'])) { $this->_autoExpirePattern = (string) $options['auto_expire_pattern']; } if (isset($options['auto_expire_refresh_on_load'])) { $this->_autoExpireRefreshOnLoad = (bool) $options['auto_expire_refresh_on_load']; } } /** * Apply common configuration to client instances. * * @param Credis_Client $client * @param bool $forceSelect * @param null|stdClass $clientOptions * @throws CredisException * @throws Zend_Cache_Exception */ protected function _applyClientOptions(Credis_Client $client, $forceSelect = false, $clientOptions = null) { if ($clientOptions === null) { $clientOptions = $this->_clientOptions; } if ($clientOptions->forceStandalone) { $client->forceStandalone(); } $client->setMaxConnectRetries($clientOptions->connectRetries); if ($clientOptions->readTimeout) { $client->setReadTimeout($clientOptions->readTimeout); } if ($clientOptions->password) { if ($clientOptions->username) { $client->auth($clientOptions->password, $clientOptions->username) or Zend_Cache::throwException('Unable to authenticate with the redis server.'); } else { $client->auth($clientOptions->password) or Zend_Cache::throwException('Unable to authenticate with the redis server.'); } } // Always select database when persistent is used in case connection is re-used by other clients if ($forceSelect || $clientOptions->database || $client->getPersistence()) { $client->select($clientOptions->database) or Zend_Cache::throwException('The redis database could not be selected.'); } } /** * @param $options * @throws CredisException * @throws Zend_Cache_Exception * @deprecated - Previously this setup an instance of Credis_Cluster but this class was not complete or flawed */ protected function _setupReadWriteCluster($options) { if (!empty($options['cluster']['master'])) { foreach ($options['cluster']['master'] as $masterNode) { if (empty($masterNode['server']) || empty($masterNode['port'])) { continue; } $this->_redis = new Credis_Client( $masterNode['host'], $masterNode['port'], $masterNode['timeout'] ?? 2.5, $masterNode['persistent'] ?? '' ); $this->_applyClientOptions($this->_redis); break; } } if (!empty($options['cluster']['slave'])) { $slaveKey = array_rand($options['cluster']['slave']); $slave = $options['cluster']['slave'][$slaveKey]; $this->_slave = new Credis_Client( $slave['host'], $slave['port'], $slave['timeout'] ?? 2.5, $slave['persistent'] ?? '' ); $this->_applyClientOptions($this->_redis, true); } } /** * Load value with given id from cache * * @param string $id Cache id * @param boolean $doNotTestCacheValidity If set to true, the cache validity won't be tested * @return bool|string * @throws CredisException */ public function load($id, $doNotTestCacheValidity = false) { if ($this->_slave) { try { $data = $this->_slave->hGet(self::PREFIX_KEY.$id, self::FIELD_DATA); // Prevent compounded effect of cache flood on asynchronously replicating master/slave setup if ($this->_retryReadsOnMaster && $data === false) { $data = $this->_redis->hGet(self::PREFIX_KEY.$id, self::FIELD_DATA); } } catch (CredisException $e) { // Always retry reads on master when dataset is loading on slave if ($e->getMessage() === 'LOADING Redis is loading the dataset in memory') { $data = $this->_redis->hGet(self::PREFIX_KEY.$id, self::FIELD_DATA); } else { throw $e; } } } else { try { $data = $this->_redis->hGet(self::PREFIX_KEY.$id, self::FIELD_DATA); } catch (CredisException $e) { // Retry once after 1 second when dataset is loading if ($e->getMessage() === 'LOADING Redis is loading the dataset in memory') { sleep(1); $data = $this->_redis->hGet(self::PREFIX_KEY.$id, self::FIELD_DATA); } else { throw $e; } } } if ($data === null || $data === false || is_object($data)) { return false; } $decoded = $this->_decodeData($data); if ($this->_autoExpireLifetime === 0 || !$this->_autoExpireRefreshOnLoad) { return $decoded; } $matches = $this->_matchesAutoExpiringPattern($id); if (!$matches) { return $decoded; } $this->_redis->expire(self::PREFIX_KEY.$id, min($this->_autoExpireLifetime, self::MAX_LIFETIME)); return $decoded; } /** * Test if a cache is available or not (for the given id) * * @param string $id Cache id * @return bool|int False if record is not available or "last modified" timestamp of the available cache record */ public function test($id) { // Don't use slave for this since `test` is usually used for locking $mtime = $this->_redis->hGet(self::PREFIX_KEY.$id, self::FIELD_MTIME); return ($mtime ? (int)$mtime : false); } /** * Get the lifetime * * if $specificLifetime is not false, the given specific lifetime is used * else, the global lifetime is used * * @param int $specificLifetime * @return int Cache lifetime */ public function getLifetime($specificLifetime) { // Lifetimes set via Layout XMLs get parsed as string so bool(false) becomes string("false") if ($specificLifetime === 'false') { $specificLifetime = false; } return parent::getLifetime($specificLifetime); } /** * Save some string datas into a cache record * * Note : $data is always "string" (serialization is done by the * core not by the backend) * * @param string $data Datas to cache * @param string $id Cache id * @param array $tags Array of strings, the cache record will be tagged by each string entry * @param bool|int $specificLifetime If != false, set a specific lifetime for this cache record (null => infinite lifetime) * @throws CredisException * @return boolean True if no problem */ public function save($data, $id, $tags = array(), $specificLifetime = false) { if (!is_array($tags)) { $tags = $tags ? array($tags) : array(); } else { $tags = array_flip(array_flip($tags)); } $lifetime = $this->_getAutoExpiringLifetime($this->getLifetime($specificLifetime), $id); $lifetime = $lifetime === null ? $lifetime : (int) $lifetime; if ($this->_useLua) { $sArgs = array( self::PREFIX_KEY, self::FIELD_DATA, self::FIELD_TAGS, self::FIELD_MTIME, self::FIELD_INF, self::SET_TAGS, self::PREFIX_TAG_IDS, self::SET_IDS, $id, $this->_encodeData($data, $this->_compressData), $this->_encodeData(implode(',', $tags), $this->_compressTags), time(), $lifetime ? 0 : 1, min($lifetime, self::MAX_LIFETIME), $this->_notMatchingTags ? 1 : 0 ); $res = $this->_redis->evalSha(self::LUA_SAVE_SH1, $tags, $sArgs); if (is_null($res)) { $script = "local oldTags ='HGET', ARGV[1]..ARGV[9], ARGV[3]) ". "'HMSET', ARGV[1]..ARGV[9], ARGV[2], ARGV[10], ARGV[3], ARGV[11], ARGV[4], ARGV[12], ARGV[5], ARGV[13]) ". "if (ARGV[13] == '0') then ". "'EXPIRE', ARGV[1]..ARGV[9], ARGV[14]) ". "end ". "if next(KEYS) ~= nil then ". "'SADD', ARGV[6], unpack(KEYS)) ". "for _, tagname in ipairs(KEYS) do ". "'SADD', ARGV[7]..tagname, ARGV[9]) ". "end ". "end ". "if (ARGV[15] == '1') then ". "'SADD', ARGV[8], ARGV[9]) ". "end ". "if (oldTags ~= false) then ". "return oldTags ". "else ". "return '' ". "end"; $res = $this->_redis->eval($script, $tags, $sArgs); } // Process removed tags if cache entry already existed if ($res) { $oldTags = explode(',', $this->_decodeData($res)); if ($remTags = ($oldTags ? array_diff($oldTags, $tags) : false)) { // Update the id list for each tag foreach ($remTags as $tag) { $this->_redis->sRem(self::PREFIX_TAG_IDS . $tag, $id); } } } return true; } // Get list of tags previously assigned $oldTags = $this->_decodeData($this->_redis->hGet(self::PREFIX_KEY.$id, self::FIELD_TAGS)); $oldTags = $oldTags ? explode(',', $oldTags) : array(); $this->_redis->pipeline()->multi(); // Set the data $result = $this->_redis->hMSet(self::PREFIX_KEY.$id, array( self::FIELD_DATA => $this->_encodeData($data, $this->_compressData), self::FIELD_TAGS => $this->_encodeData(implode(',', $tags), $this->_compressTags), self::FIELD_MTIME => time(), self::FIELD_INF => is_null($lifetime) ? 1 : 0, )); if (! $result) { throw new CredisException("Could not set cache key $id"); } // Set expiration if specified if ($lifetime !== false && !is_null($lifetime)) { $this->_redis->expire(self::PREFIX_KEY.$id, min($lifetime, self::MAX_LIFETIME)); } // Process added tags if ($tags) { // Update the list with all the tags $this->_redis->sAdd(self::SET_TAGS, $tags); // Update the id list for each tag foreach ($tags as $tag) { $this->_redis->sAdd(self::PREFIX_TAG_IDS . $tag, $id); } } // Process removed tags if ($remTags = ($oldTags ? array_diff($oldTags, $tags) : false)) { // Update the id list for each tag foreach ($remTags as $tag) { $this->_redis->sRem(self::PREFIX_TAG_IDS . $tag, $id); } } // Update the list with all the ids if ($this->_notMatchingTags) { $this->_redis->sAdd(self::SET_IDS, $id); } $this->_redis->exec(); return true; } /** * Remove a cache record * * @param string $id Cache id * @return boolean True if no problem */ public function remove($id) { // Get list of tags for this id $tags = explode(',', $this->_decodeData($this->_redis->hGet(self::PREFIX_KEY.$id, self::FIELD_TAGS))); $this->_redis->pipeline()->multi(); // Remove data $this->_redis->unlink(self::PREFIX_KEY.$id); // Remove id from list of all ids if ($this->_notMatchingTags) { $this->_redis->sRem(self::SET_IDS, $id); } // Update the id list for each tag foreach ($tags as $tag) { $this->_redis->sRem(self::PREFIX_TAG_IDS . $tag, $id); } $result = $this->_redis->exec(); return isset($result[0]) && (bool)$result[0]; } /** * @param array $tags * @throws Zend_Cache_Exception */ protected function _removeByNotMatchingTags($tags) { $ids = $this->getIdsNotMatchingTags($tags); $this->_removeByIds($ids); } /** * @param array $tags */ protected function _removeByMatchingTags($tags) { $ids = $this->getIdsMatchingTags($tags); $this->_removeByIds($ids); } /** * @param array $ids */ protected function _removeByIds($ids) { if ($ids) { $ids = array_chunk($ids, $this->_removeChunkSize); foreach ($ids as $idsChunk) { $this->_redis->pipeline()->multi(); // Remove data $this->_redis->unlink($this->_preprocessIds($idsChunk)); // Remove ids from list of all ids if ($this->_notMatchingTags) { $this->_redis->sRem(self::SET_IDS, $idsChunk); } $this->_redis->exec(); } } } /** * @param array $tags */ protected function _removeByMatchingAnyTags($tags) { if ($this->_useLua) { $tags = array_chunk($tags, $this->_sunionChunkSize); foreach ($tags as $chunk) { $args = array(self::PREFIX_TAG_IDS, self::PREFIX_KEY, self::SET_TAGS, self::SET_IDS, ($this->_notMatchingTags ? 1 : 0), (int) $this->_luaMaxCStack); if (! $this->_redis->evalSha(self::LUA_CLEAN_SH1, $chunk, $args)) { $script = "for i = 1, #KEYS, ARGV[6] do " . "local prefixedTags = {} " . "for x, tag in ipairs(KEYS) do " . "prefixedTags[x] = ARGV[1]..tag " . "end " . "local keysToDel ='SUNION', unpack(prefixedTags, i, math.min(#prefixedTags, i + ARGV[6] - 1))) " . "for _, keyname in ipairs(keysToDel) do " . "'UNLINK', ARGV[2]..keyname) " . "if (ARGV[5] == '1') then " . "'SREM', ARGV[4], keyname) " . "end " . "end " . "'UNLINK', unpack(prefixedTags, i, math.min(#prefixedTags, i + ARGV[6] - 1))) " . "'SREM', ARGV[3], unpack(KEYS, i, math.min(#KEYS, i + ARGV[6] - 1))) " . "end " . "return true"; $this->_redis->eval($script, $chunk, $args); } } return; } $ids = $this->getIdsMatchingAnyTags($tags); $this->_redis->pipeline()->multi(); if ($ids) { $ids = array_chunk($ids, $this->_removeChunkSize); foreach ($ids as $idsChunk) { // Remove data $this->_redis->unlink($this->_preprocessIds($idsChunk)); // Remove ids from list of all ids if ($this->_notMatchingTags) { $this->_redis->sRem(self::SET_IDS, $idsChunk); } // Commit each chunk in a separate transaction if (count($ids) > 1) { $this->_redis->pipeline()->exec(); $this->_redis->pipeline()->multi(); } } } // Remove tag id lists $this->_redis->unlink($this->_preprocessTagIds($tags)); // Remove tags from list of tags $this->_redis->sRem(self::SET_TAGS, $tags); $this->_redis->exec(); } /** * Clean up tag id lists since as keys expire the ids remain in the tag id lists */ protected function _collectGarbage() { // Clean up expired keys from tag id set and global id set if ($this->_useLua) { $sArgs = array(self::PREFIX_KEY, self::SET_TAGS, self::SET_IDS, self::PREFIX_TAG_IDS, ($this->_notMatchingTags ? 1 : 0)); $allTags = (array) $this->_redis->sMembers(self::SET_TAGS); $tagsCount = count($allTags); $counter = 0; $tagsBatch = array(); foreach ($allTags as $tag) { $tagsBatch[] = $tag; $counter++; if (count($tagsBatch) == 10 || $counter == $tagsCount) { if (! $this->_redis->evalSha(self::LUA_GC_SH1, $tagsBatch, $sArgs)) { $script = "local tagKeys = {} ". "local expired = {} ". "local expiredCount = 0 ". "local notExpiredCount = 0 ". "for _, tagName in ipairs(KEYS) do ". "tagKeys ='SMEMBERS', ARGV[4]..tagName) ". "for __, keyName in ipairs(tagKeys) do ". "if ('EXISTS', ARGV[1]..keyName) == 0) then ". "expiredCount = expiredCount + 1 ". "expired[expiredCount] = keyName ". /* Redis Lua scripts have a hard limit of 8000 parameters per command */ "if (expiredCount == 7990) then ". "'SREM', ARGV[4]..tagName, unpack(expired)) ". "if (ARGV[5] == '1') then ". "'SREM', ARGV[3], unpack(expired)) ". "end ". "expiredCount = 0 ". "expired = {} ". "end ". "else ". "notExpiredCount = notExpiredCount + 1 ". "end ". "end ". "if (expiredCount > 0) then ". "'SREM', ARGV[4]..tagName, unpack(expired)) ". "if (ARGV[5] == '1') then ". "'SREM', ARGV[3], unpack(expired)) ". "end ". "end ". "if (notExpiredCount == 0) then ". " ('UNLINK', ARGV[4]..tagName) ". " ('SREM', ARGV[2], tagName) ". "end ". "expired = {} ". "expiredCount = 0 ". "notExpiredCount = 0 ". "end ". "return true"; $this->_redis->eval($script, $tagsBatch, $sArgs); } $tagsBatch = array(); /* Give Redis some time to handle other requests */ usleep(20000); } } return; } $exists = array(); $tags = (array) $this->_redis->sMembers(self::SET_TAGS); foreach ($tags as $tag) { // Get list of expired ids for each tag $tagMembers = $this->_redis->sMembers(self::PREFIX_TAG_IDS . $tag); $numTagMembers = count($tagMembers); $expired = array(); $numExpired = $numNotExpired = 0; if ($numTagMembers) { while ($id = array_pop($tagMembers)) { if (! isset($exists[$id])) { $exists[$id] = $this->_redis->exists(self::PREFIX_KEY.$id); } if ($exists[$id]) { $numNotExpired++; } else { $numExpired++; $expired[] = $id; // Remove incrementally to reduce memory usage if (count($expired) % 100 == 0 && $numNotExpired > 0) { $this->_redis->sRem(self::PREFIX_TAG_IDS . $tag, $expired); if ($this->_notMatchingTags) { // Clean up expired ids from ids set $this->_redis->sRem(self::SET_IDS, $expired); } $expired = array(); } } } if (! count($expired)) { continue; } } // Remove empty tags or completely expired tags if ($numExpired == $numTagMembers) { $this->_redis->unlink(self::PREFIX_TAG_IDS . $tag); $this->_redis->sRem(self::SET_TAGS, $tag); } // Clean up expired ids from tag ids set elseif (count($expired)) { $this->_redis->sRem(self::PREFIX_TAG_IDS . $tag, $expired); if ($this->_notMatchingTags) { // Clean up expired ids from ids set $this->_redis->sRem(self::SET_IDS, $expired); } } unset($expired); } // TODO // Clean up global list of ids for ids with no tag // if ($this->_notMatchingTags) { // } } /** * Clean some cache records * * Available modes are : * 'all' (default) => remove all cache entries ($tags is not used) * 'old' => runs _collectGarbage() * 'matchingTag' => supported * 'notMatchingTag' => supported * 'matchingAnyTag' => supported * * @param string $mode Clean mode * @param array $tags Array of tags * @throws Zend_Cache_Exception * @return boolean True if no problem */ public function clean($mode = Zend_Cache::CLEANING_MODE_ALL, $tags = array()) { if ($tags && ! is_array($tags)) { $tags = array($tags); } try { if ($mode == Zend_Cache::CLEANING_MODE_ALL) { return $this->_redis->flushDb(); } if ($mode == Zend_Cache::CLEANING_MODE_OLD) { $this->_collectGarbage(); return true; } if (! count($tags)) { return true; } switch ($mode) { case Zend_Cache::CLEANING_MODE_MATCHING_TAG: $this->_removeByMatchingTags($tags); break; case Zend_Cache::CLEANING_MODE_NOT_MATCHING_TAG: $this->_removeByNotMatchingTags($tags); break; case Zend_Cache::CLEANING_MODE_MATCHING_ANY_TAG: $this->_removeByMatchingAnyTags($tags); break; default: Zend_Cache::throwException('Invalid mode for clean() method: '.$mode); } } catch (CredisException $e) { Zend_Cache::throwException('Error cleaning cache by mode '.$mode.': '.$e->getMessage(), $e); } return true; } /** * Return true if the automatic cleaning is available for the backend * * @return boolean */ public function isAutomaticCleaningAvailable() { return true; } /** * Set the frontend directives * * @param array $directives Assoc of directives * @throws Zend_Cache_Exception * @return void */ public function setDirectives($directives) { parent::setDirectives($directives); $lifetime = $this->getLifetime(false); if ($lifetime > self::MAX_LIFETIME) { Zend_Cache::throwException('Redis backend has a limit of 30 days (2592000 seconds) for the lifetime'); } } /** * Get the auto expiring lifetime. * * Mainly a workaround for the issues that arise due to the fact that * Magento's Enterprise_PageCache module doesn't set any expiry. * * @param int $lifetime * @param string $id * @return int Cache lifetime */ protected function _getAutoExpiringLifetime($lifetime, $id) { if ($lifetime || !$this->_autoExpireLifetime) { // If it's already truthy, or there's no auto expire go with it. return $lifetime; } $matches = $this->_matchesAutoExpiringPattern($id); if (!$matches) { // Only apply auto expire for keys that match the pattern return $lifetime; } if ($this->_autoExpireLifetime > 0) { // Return the auto expire lifetime if set return $this->_autoExpireLifetime; } // Return whatever it was set to. return $lifetime; } protected function _matchesAutoExpiringPattern($id) { $matches = array(); preg_match($this->_autoExpirePattern, $id, $matches); return !empty($matches); } /** * Return an array of stored cache ids * * @return array array of stored cache ids (string) */ public function getIds() { if ($this->_notMatchingTags) { return (array) $this->_redis->sMembers(self::SET_IDS); } else { $keys = $this->_redis->keys(self::PREFIX_KEY . '*'); $prefixLen = strlen(self::PREFIX_KEY); foreach ($keys as $index => $key) { $keys[$index] = substr($key, $prefixLen); } return $keys; } } /** * Return an array of stored tags * * @return array array of stored tags (string) */ public function getTags() { return (array) $this->_redis->sMembers(self::SET_TAGS); } /** * Return an array of stored cache ids which match given tags * * In case of multiple tags, a logical AND is made between tags * * @param array $tags array of tags * @return array array of matching cache ids (string) */ public function getIdsMatchingTags($tags = array()) { if ($tags) { return (array) $this->_redis->sInter($this->_preprocessTagIds($tags)); } return array(); } /** * Return an array of stored cache ids which don't match given tags * * In case of multiple tags, a negated logical AND is made between tags * * @param array $tags array of tags * @return array array of not matching cache ids (string) * @throws Zend_Cache_Exception */ public function getIdsNotMatchingTags($tags = array()) { if (! $this->_notMatchingTags) { Zend_Cache::throwException("notMatchingTags is currently disabled."); } if ($tags) { return (array) $this->_redis->sDiff(self::SET_IDS, $this->_preprocessTagIds($tags)); } return (array) $this->_redis->sMembers(self::SET_IDS); } /** * Return an array of stored cache ids which match any given tags * * In case of multiple tags, a logical OR is made between tags * * @param array $tags array of tags * @return array array of any matching cache ids (string) */ public function getIdsMatchingAnyTags($tags = array()) { $result = array(); if ($tags) { $chunks = array_chunk($tags, $this->_sunionChunkSize); foreach ($chunks as $chunk) { $result = array_merge($result, (array) $this->_redis->sUnion($this->_preprocessTagIds($chunk))); } if (count($chunks) > 1) { $result = array_unique($result); // since we are chunking requests, we must de-duplicate member names } } return $result; } /** * Return redis server info and stats * * @return array */ public function getInfo() { return $this->_redis->info(); } /** * Return the filling percentage of the backend storage * * @throws Zend_Cache_Exception * @return int integer between 0 and 100 */ public function getFillingPercentage() { try { $maxMem = $this->_redis->config('GET', 'maxmemory'); } catch (CredisException $e) { throw new Zend_Cache_Exception($e->getMessage(), 0, $e); } if (0 == (int) $maxMem['maxmemory']) { return 1; } $info = $this->_redis->info(); return (int) round( ($info['used_memory']/$maxMem['maxmemory']*100) ); } /** * Return the keyspace hit/miss percentage of the backend storage * * @throws Zend_Cache_Exception * @return int integer between 0 and 100 */ public function getHitMissPercentage() { try { $info = $this->_redis->info(); } catch (CredisException $e) { throw new Zend_Cache_Exception($e->getMessage(), 0, $e); } $hits = $info['keyspace_hits']; $misses = $info['keyspace_misses']; $total = $misses+$hits; $percentage = 0; if ($total > 0) { $percentage = round($hits*100/$total); } return $percentage; } /** * Return an array of metadatas for the given cache id * * The array must include these keys : * - expire : the expire timestamp * - tags : a string array of tags * - mtime : timestamp of last modification time * * @param string $id cache id * @return array|bool array of metadatas (false if the cache id is not found) */ public function getMetadatas($id) { list($tags, $mtime, $inf) = array_values( $this->_redis->hMGet(self::PREFIX_KEY.$id, array(self::FIELD_TAGS, self::FIELD_MTIME, self::FIELD_INF)) ); if (! $mtime) { return false; } $tags = explode(',', $this->_decodeData($tags)); $expire = $inf === '1' ? false : time() + $this->_redis->ttl(self::PREFIX_KEY.$id); return array( 'expire' => $expire, 'tags' => $tags, 'mtime' => $mtime, ); } /** * Give (if possible) an extra lifetime to the given cache id * * @param string $id cache id * @param int $extraLifetime * @return boolean true if ok */ public function touch($id, $extraLifetime) { $inf = $this->_redis->hGet(self::PREFIX_KEY.$id, self::FIELD_INF); if ($inf === '0') { $expireAt = time() + $this->_redis->ttl(self::PREFIX_KEY.$id) + $extraLifetime; return (bool) $this->_redis->expireAt(self::PREFIX_KEY.$id, $expireAt); } return false; } /** * Return an associative array of capabilities (booleans) of the backend * * The array must include these keys : * - automatic_cleaning (is automating cleaning necessary) * - tags (are tags supported) * - expired_read (is it possible to read expired cache records * (for doNotTestCacheValidity option for example)) * - priority does the backend deal with priority when saving * - infinite_lifetime (is infinite lifetime can work with this backend) * - get_list (is it possible to get the list of cache ids and the complete list of tags) * * @return array associative of with capabilities */ public function getCapabilities() { return array( 'automatic_cleaning' => ($this->_options['automatic_cleaning_factor'] > 0), 'tags' => true, 'expired_read' => false, 'priority' => false, 'infinite_lifetime' => true, 'get_list' => true, ); } /** * @param string $data * @param int $level * @throws CredisException * @return string */ protected function _encodeData($data, $level) { if ($this->_compressionLib && $level !== 0 && strlen($data) >= $this->_compressThreshold) { switch($this->_compressionLib) { case 'snappy': $data = snappy_compress($data); break; case 'lzf': $data = lzf_compress($data); break; case 'l4z': $data = lz4_compress($data, $level); break; case 'zstd': $data = zstd_compress($data, $level); break; case 'gzip': $data = gzcompress($data, $level); break; default: throw new CredisException("Unrecognized 'compression_lib'."); } if (! $data) { throw new CredisException("Could not compress cache data."); } return $this->_compressPrefix.$data; } return $data; } /** * @param bool|string $data * @return string */ protected function _decodeData($data) { try { if (substr($data, 2, 3) == self::COMPRESS_PREFIX) { switch(substr($data, 0, 2)) { case 'sn': return snappy_uncompress(substr($data, 5)); case 'lz': return lzf_decompress(substr($data, 5)); case 'l4': return lz4_uncompress(substr($data, 5)); case 'zs': return zstd_uncompress(substr($data, 5)); case 'gz': case 'zc': return gzuncompress(substr($data, 5)); } } } catch(Exception $e) { // Some applications will capture the php error that these functions can sometimes generate and throw it as an Exception $data = false; } return $data; } /** * @param $item * @param $index * @param $prefix */ protected function _preprocess(&$item, $index, $prefix) { $item = $prefix . $item; } /** * @param $ids * @return array */ protected function _preprocessIds($ids) { array_walk($ids, array($this, '_preprocess'), self::PREFIX_KEY); return $ids; } /** * @param $tags * @return array */ protected function _preprocessTagIds($tags) { array_walk($tags, array($this, '_preprocess'), self::PREFIX_TAG_IDS); return $tags; } /** * Required to pass unit tests * * @param string $id * @return void */ public function ___expire($id) { $this->_redis->unlink(self::PREFIX_KEY.$id); } /** * Only for unit tests */ public function ___scriptFlush() { $this->_redis->script('flush'); } /** * @return array */ public function ___checkScriptsExist() { $scripts = []; $result = $this->_redis->script('exists', self::LUA_SAVE_SH1, self::LUA_CLEAN_SH1, self::LUA_GC_SH1); if ($result[0] ?? false) { $scripts[] = 'save'; } if ($result[1] ?? false) { $scripts[] = 'clean'; } if ($result[2] ?? false) { $scripts[] = 'garbage'; } return $scripts; } }