// ==UserScript== // @name Tumblr Savior for Greasemonkey // @version // @namespace codeman38 // @description Saves you from ever having to see another post about certain things ever again. Forked by codeman38 from the most recent Chrome extension to be more immediately usable with Greasemonkey and to add support for logical 'and' operations. // @include /^https?://www\.tumblr\.com// // @exclude /^https?://www\.tumblr\.com/blog// // @exclude /^https?://www\.tumblr\.com/upload// // @exclude /^https?://www\.tumblr\.com/inbox// // @exclude /^https?://www\.tumblr\.com/inbox$/ // ==/UserScript== var settings = { 'listBlack': ['survey', 'george wendt&beans'], 'listWhite': ['animaniacs', 'pinky&brain'], 'hide_source': false, 'show_notice': true, 'logical_and': true, 'hide_own_posts': false, 'show_words': true, 'match_words': false, 'promoted_tags': false, 'promoted_posts': false, 'white_notice': false, 'black_notice': false, 'hide_pinned': false, 'auto_unpin': false, 'show_tags': false, 'hide_premium': true }; var invalidTumblrURLs = [ 'http://www.tumblr.com/upload/*', 'http://www.tumblr.com/inbox', 'http://www.tumblr.com/blog/*', 'http://www.tumblr.com/inbox/*' ]; // Don't run tumblr savior on these pages. var gotSettings = false; var manuallyShown = {}; var isTumblrSaviorRunning = false; var inProgress = {}; var icon = "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"; var whiteListed = {}; var blackListed = {}; var hiddenPosts = {}; function needstobesaved(theStr) { var blackList, whiteList, rO, i, filterRegex, re; blackList = settings.listBlack; whiteList = settings.listWhite; rO = {}; //returnObject rO.bL = []; //returnObject.blackListed rO.wL = []; //returnObject.whiteListed theStr = theStr.toLowerCase(); if (settings.match_words) { for (i = 0; i < whiteList.length; i++) { spl = splitAnd(whiteList[i], settings.logical_and); matched = true; for (j = 0; j < spl.length; j++) { filterRegex = '(^|\\W)(' + spl[j].toLowerCase().replace(/\?/g, "\\?").replace(/\)/g, "\\)").replace(/\(/g, "\\(").replace(/\[/g, "\\[").replace(/\x2a/g, "(\\w*?)") + ')(\\W|$)'; re = new RegExp(filterRegex); if (!theStr.match(re)) { matched = false; } } if (matched) { rO.wL.push(whiteList[i]); } } for (i = 0; i < blackList.length; i++) { spl = splitAnd(blackList[i], settings.logical_and); matched = true; for (j = 0; j < spl.length; j++) { filterRegex = '(^|\\W)(' + spl[j].toLowerCase().replace(/\?/g, "\\?").replace(/\)/g, "\\)").replace(/\(/g, "\\(").replace(/\[/g, "\\[").replace(/\x2a/g, "(\\w*?)") + ')(\\W|$)'; re = new RegExp(filterRegex); if (!theStr.match(re)) { matched = false; } } if (matched) { rO.bL.push(blackList[i]); } } } else { for (i = 0; i < whiteList.length; i++) { spl = splitAnd(whiteList[i], settings.logical_and); matched = true; for (j = 0; j < spl.length; j++) { if (theStr.indexOf(spl[j].toLowerCase()) < 0) { matched = false; } } if (matched) { rO.wL.push(whiteList[i]); } } for (i = 0; i < blackList.length; i++) { spl = splitAnd(blackList[i], settings.logical_and); matched = true; for (j = 0; j < spl.length; j++) { if (theStr.indexOf(spl[j].toLowerCase()) < 0) { matched = false; } } if (matched) { rO.bL.push(blackList[i]); } } } return rO; } function splitAnd(item, doSplit) { if (doSplit) return item.split("&"); else return new Array(item); } function addGlobalStyle(styleID, newRules) { var cStyle, elmStyle, elmHead, newRule; cStyle = document.getElementById(styleID); elmHead = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0]; if (elmHead === undefined) { return false; } if (cStyle === undefined || cStyle === null) { elmStyle = document.createElement('style'); elmStyle.type = 'text/css'; elmStyle.id = styleID; while (newRules.length > 0) { newRule = newRules.pop(); if (elmStyle.sheet !== undefined && elmStyle.sheet !== null && elmStyle.sheet.cssRules[0] !== null) { elmStyle.sheet.insertRule(newRule, 0); } else { elmStyle.appendChild(document.createTextNode(newRule)); } } elmHead.appendChild(elmStyle); } else { while (cStyle.sheet.cssRules.length > 0) { cStyle.sheet.deleteRule(0); } while (newRules.length > 0) { newRule = newRules.pop(); if (cStyle.sheet !== undefined && cStyle.sheet.cssRules[0] !== null) { cStyle.sheet.insertRule(newRule, 0); } else { cStyle.appendChild(document.createTextNode(newRule)); } } } return true; } function show_tags() { var cssRules = []; cssRules[0] = ".tumblr_savior a.tag {"; cssRules[0] += "font-weight: normal !important;"; cssRules[0] += "}"; addGlobalStyle("notice_tags_css", cssRules); } function hide_tags() { var cssRules = []; cssRules[0] = ".tumblr_savior a.tag {}"; addGlobalStyle("notice_tags_css", cssRules); } function show_white_notice() { var cssRules = []; cssRules[0] = ".whitelisted {"; cssRules[0] += "background: #57b787;"; if (settings.black_notice) { cssRules[0] += "top: 50px;"; } else { cssRules[0] += "top: 20px;"; } cssRules[0] += "}"; addGlobalStyle("white_notice_style", cssRules); } function show_black_notice() { var cssRules = []; cssRules[0] = ".blacklisted {"; cssRules[0] += "background: #d93023;"; cssRules[0] += "top: 20px;"; cssRules[0] += "}"; addGlobalStyle("black_notice_style", cssRules); } function hide_white_notice() { var cssRules = []; cssRules[0] = ".whitelisted {"; cssRules[0] += "display: none;"; cssRules[0] += "}"; addGlobalStyle("white_notice_style", cssRules); } function hide_black_notice() { var cssRules = []; cssRules[0] = ".blacklisted {"; cssRules[0] += "display: none;"; cssRules[0] += "}"; addGlobalStyle("black_notice_style", cssRules); } function hide_premium() { var cssRules = []; cssRules[0] = "#tumblr_radar.premium {"; cssRules[0] += "display: none;"; cssRules[0] += "}"; addGlobalStyle("premium_style", cssRules); } function show_premium() { var cssRules = []; cssRules[0] = "#tumblr_radar.premium {}"; addGlobalStyle("premium_style", cssRules); } function hide_pinned() { var cssRules = []; cssRules[0] = ".promotion_pinned {"; cssRules[0] += "display: none;"; cssRules[0] += "}"; addGlobalStyle("pinned_style", cssRules); } function show_pinned() { var cssRules = []; cssRules[0] = ".promotion_pinned {}"; addGlobalStyle("pinned_style", cssRules); } function hide_ratings() { var cssRules = []; cssRules[0] = ".savior_rating {"; cssRules[0] += "display: none;"; cssRules[0] += "}"; addGlobalStyle("savior_rating_style", cssRules); } function show_ratings() { var cssRules = []; cssRules[0] = ".savior_rating {"; cssRules[0] += "position: absolute;"; cssRules[0] += "left: 532px;"; cssRules[0] += "width: 20px;"; cssRules[0] += "height: 20px;"; cssRules[0] += "-webkit-border-radius: 4px;"; cssRules[0] += "-webkit-box-shadow: 0 1px 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, .46);"; cssRules[0] += "border-radius: 4px;"; cssRules[0] += "}"; cssRules[1] = ".savior_rating:hover {"; cssRules[1] += "overflow: hidden;"; cssRules[1] += "white-space: nowrap;"; cssRules[1] += "width: 200px;"; cssRules[1] += "}"; cssRules[2] = ".savior_rating:hover span{"; cssRules[2] += "display: inline;"; cssRules[2] += "}"; cssRules[3] = ".savior_rating img {"; cssRules[3] += "margin: 2px 0px 0px 2px;"; cssRules[3] += "}"; cssRules[4] = ".savior_rating span{"; cssRules[4] += "display: none;"; cssRules[4] += "line-height:20px;"; cssRules[4] += "margin-left:2px;"; cssRules[4] += "vertical-align: top;"; cssRules[4] += "}"; addGlobalStyle("savior_rating_style", cssRules); } function hide_source() { var cssRules = []; cssRules[0] = 'div.post_source {display:none!important;}'; addGlobalStyle("source_url_style", cssRules); } function show_source() { var cssRules = []; cssRules[0] = 'div.post_source {}'; addGlobalStyle("source_url_style", cssRules); } function unpin(thepost) { var clickUnpin, pins, pin; clickUnpin = document.createEvent("MouseEvents"); clickUnpin.initMouseEvent("click", true, true, window, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, false, false, 0, null); pins = thepost.getElementsByClassName("pin"); pin = pins[0]; if (pin !== undefined) { pin.dispatchEvent(clickUnpin); } } function applySettings() { if (settings.hide_source) { hide_source(); } else { show_source(); } if (settings.white_notice || settings.black_notice) { show_ratings(); } else { hide_ratings(); } if (settings.black_notice) { show_black_notice(); } else { hide_black_notice(); } if (settings.white_notice) { show_white_notice(); } else { hide_white_notice(); } if (settings.hide_pinned) { hide_pinned(); } else { show_pinned(); } if (settings.show_tags) { show_tags(); } else { hide_tags(); } if (settings.hide_premium) { hide_premium(); } else { show_premium(); } } function parseSettings(savedSettings) { var parsedSettings = {}; if (savedSettings === undefined || savedSettings === null || savedSettings === '' || savedSettings === '{}') { parsedSettings = defaultSettings; } else { try { parsedSettings = JSON.parse(savedSettings); } catch (err) { parsedSettings = defaultSettings; } } return parsedSettings; } function getAuthor(post) { var author = { name: post.dataset.tumblelogName }; var avatar = document.getElementById(post.id.replace('_', '_avatar_')); if (avatar) { author.avatar = avatar.getAttribute("style").replace('background-image:url(\'', '').replace('_64.', '_40.').replace('\')', ''); } return author; } function handleReveal(e) { var searchUp; e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); searchUp = e.target; while (searchUp.tagName !== "LI") { searchUp = searchUp.parentNode; } postId = searchUp.id.replace('notification_',''); theList = searchUp.parentNode; theList.insertBefore(hiddenPosts[postId], searchUp); theList.removeChild(searchUp); manuallyShown[postId] = true; } function checkPost(post) { var olPosts, liPost, bln, wln, liRemove, n, savedfrom, author, li_notice, a_avatar, img_avatar, nipple_border, nipple, a_author, txtPosted, txtContents, j, br, a_reveal, i_reveal, span_notice_tags, span_tags, divRating, imgRating, spanWhitelisted, spanBlacklisted, anchors, a, remove, ribbon_right, ribbon_left; if (post.className.indexOf('not_mine') < 0 && !settings.hide_own_posts) { return; } if (manuallyShown[post.id]) { return; } if (settings.auto_unpin && post.className.indexOf('promotion_pinned') >= 0) { unpin(post); } olPosts = document.getElementById('posts'); if (post.tagName === 'DIV') { liPost = post.parentNode; } else { liPost = post; } bln = post.getElementsByClassName("blacklisted"); wln = post.getElementsByClassName("whitelisted"); liRemove = document.getElementById('notification_' + post.id); if (liRemove) { liRemove.parentNode.removeChild(liRemove); } if (bln.length) { for (n = 0; n < bln.length; n++) { if (bln[n].parentNode) { bln[n].parentNode.removeChild(bln[n]); } } } if (wln.length) { for (n = 0; n < wln.length; n++) { if (wln[n].parentNode) { wln[n].parentNode.removeChild(wln[n]); } } } savedfrom = needstobesaved(post.innerHTML); if (savedfrom.bL.length && savedfrom.wL.length === 0) { if (settings.show_notice) { author = getAuthor(post); li_notice = document.createElement('li'); li_notice.id = 'notification_' + post.id; li_notice.className = 'notification single_notification tumblr_savior'; div_inner = document.createElement('DIV'); div_inner.className = "notification_inner clearfix"; div_sentence = document.createElement('DIV'); div_sentence.className = "notification_sentence"; div_inner.appendChild(div_sentence); li_notice.appendChild(div_inner); a_avatar = document.createElement('a'); a_avatar.href = "http://" + author.name + ".tumblr.com/"; a_avatar.className = "avatar_frame"; a_avatar.title = author.name; img_avatar = document.createElement('img'); img_avatar.src = author.avatar; img_avatar.className = "avatar"; img_avatar.title = author.name; a_author = document.createElement('a'); a_author.href = "http://" + author.name + ".tumblr.com/"; a_author.className = "username"; a_author.textContent = author.name; a_avatar.appendChild(img_avatar); li_notice.appendChild(a_avatar); div_sentence.appendChild(a_author); txtPosted = document.createTextNode(" made a post containing"); div_sentence.appendChild(txtPosted); if (settings.show_words) { txtContents = ":"; for (j = 0; j < savedfrom.bL.length; j++) { if (savedfrom.bL.length > 2 && j !== 0 && j < savedfrom.bL.length - 1) { txtContents += ','; } if (savedfrom.bL.length > 1 && j === savedfrom.bL.length - 1) { txtContents += ' and'; } txtContents += ' \'' + savedfrom.bL[j] + '\''; } div_sentence.appendChild(document.createTextNode(txtContents)); } else { div_sentence.appendChild(document.createTextNode(' something from your blacklist.')); } a_reveal = document.createElement("a"); a_reveal.href = "#"; i_reveal = document.createElement("i"); i_reveal.appendChild(document.createTextNode(" -- click to show.")); li_notice.addEventListener("click", handleReveal, false); a_reveal.appendChild(i_reveal); // List items still aren't keyboard-focusable. This should help with that. a_reveal.addEventListener("click", handleReveal, false); div_sentence.appendChild(a_reveal); if (settings.show_tags) { span_tags = post.getElementsByClassName('post_tags'); if (span_tags.length) { div_sentence.appendChild(document.createElement("br")); div_sentence.appendChild(document.createElement("br")); span_notice_tags = document.createElement("span"); span_notice_tags.appendChild(document.createTextNode("Tags: ")); span_notice_tags.appendChild(document.createTextNode(span_tags[0].textContent)); div_sentence.appendChild(span_notice_tags); } } if (liPost.nextSibling) { olPosts.insertBefore(li_notice, liPost.nextSibling); } else { olPosts.appendChild(li_notice); } } hiddenPosts[post.id] = liPost; olPosts.removeChild(liPost); } else if (liPost.style.display === 'none' && liPost.className.indexOf('tumblr_hate') < 0) { liPost.style.display = 'list-item'; if (settings.show_notice) { liRemove = document.getElementById('notification_' + post.id); if (liRemove) { olPosts.removeChild(liRemove); } } } divRating = document.getElementById('white_rating_' + post.id); if (divRating) { divRating.parentNode.removeChild(divRating); } if (savedfrom.wL.length > 0 && settings.white_notice) { whiteListed[post.id] = []; while (savedfrom.wL.length > 0) { whiteListed[post.id].push(savedfrom.wL.pop()); } divRating = document.createElement('div'); divRating.id = 'white_rating_' + post.id; divRating.className = 'savior_rating whitelisted'; imgRating = document.createElement('img'); imgRating.src = 'data:image/png;base64,' + icon; imgRating.title = whiteListed[post.id].join(", "); divRating.appendChild(imgRating); spanWhitelisted = document.createElement('span'); spanWhitelisted.textContent = whiteListed[post.id].join(", "); divRating.appendChild(spanWhitelisted); post.appendChild(divRating); } divRating = document.getElementById('black_rating_' + post.id); if (divRating) { divRating.parentNode.removeChild(divRating); } if (savedfrom.bL.length > 0 && settings.black_notice) { blackListed[post.id] = []; while (savedfrom.bL.length > 0) { blackListed[post.id].push(savedfrom.bL.pop()); } divRating = document.createElement('div'); divRating.id = 'black_rating_' + post.id; divRating.className = 'savior_rating blacklisted'; imgRating = document.createElement('img'); imgRating.src = 'data:image/png;base64,' + icon; imgRating.title = blackListed[post.id].join(", "); divRating.appendChild(imgRating); spanBlacklisted = document.createElement('span'); spanBlacklisted.textContent = blackListed[post.id].join(", "); divRating.appendChild(spanBlacklisted); post.appendChild(divRating); } anchors = post.getElementsByTagName('a'); if (settings.promoted_tags) { for (a = 0; a < anchors.length; a++) { if (anchors[a].outerHTML && anchors[a].outerHTML.indexOf('blingy blue') >= 0) { anchors[a].outerHTML = anchors[a].outerHTML.replace(/blingy blue/gm, " "); } } } if (settings.promoted_posts) { if (post.outerHTML.indexOf("promotion_highlighted") >= 0) { remove = post.id; document.getElementById(remove).className = document.getElementById(remove).className.replace(/promotion_highlighted/gm, ""); ribbon_right = document.getElementById("highlight_ribbon_right_" + remove.replace("post_", "")); ribbon_left = document.getElementById("highlight_ribbon_left_" + remove.replace("post_", "")); ribbon_right.parentNode.removeChild(ribbon_right); ribbon_left.parentNode.removeChild(ribbon_left); } } } function handlePostInserted(argPost) { var post = argPost.target; if (!post.id || post.id.indexOf('post_') !== 0) { return; } if (inProgress[post.id]) { return; } if (!gotSettings) { return inProgress[post.id] = true; } checkPost(post); } function wireupnodes() { document.addEventListener('animationstart', handlePostInserted, false); document.addEventListener('MSAnimationStart', handlePostInserted, false); document.addEventListener('webkitAnimationStart', handlePostInserted, false); document.addEventListener('OAnimationStart', handlePostInserted, false); var cssRules = []; cssRules[0] = "@keyframes nodeInserted {"; cssRules[0] += " from { clip: rect(1px, auto, auto, auto); }"; cssRules[0] += " to { clip: rect(0px, auto, auto, auto); }"; cssRules[0] += "}"; cssRules[1] = "@-moz-keyframes nodeInserted {"; cssRules[1] += " from { clip: rect(1px, auto, auto, auto); }"; cssRules[1] += " to { clip: rect(0px, auto, auto, auto); }"; cssRules[1] += "}"; cssRules[2] = "@-webkit-keyframes nodeInserted {"; cssRules[2] += " from { clip: rect(1px, auto, auto, auto); }"; cssRules[2] += " to { clip: rect(0px, auto, auto, auto); }"; cssRules[2] += "}"; cssRules[3] = "@-ms-keyframes nodeInserted {"; cssRules[3] += " from { clip: rect(1px, auto, auto, auto); }"; cssRules[3] += " to { clip: rect(0px, auto, auto, auto); }"; cssRules[3] += "}"; cssRules[4] = "@-o-keyframes nodeInserted {"; cssRules[4] += " from { clip: rect(1px, auto, auto, auto); }"; cssRules[4] += " to { clip: rect(0px, auto, auto, auto); }"; cssRules[4] += "}"; cssRules[5] = "li.post_container div.post, li.post {"; cssRules[5] += " animation-duration: 1ms;"; cssRules[5] += " -o-animation-duration: 1ms;"; cssRules[5] += " -ms-animation-duration: 1ms;"; cssRules[5] += " -moz-animation-duration: 1ms;"; cssRules[5] += " -webkit-animation-duration: 1ms;"; cssRules[5] += " animation-name: nodeInserted;"; cssRules[5] += " -o-animation-name: nodeInserted;"; cssRules[5] += " -ms-animation-name: nodeInserted;"; cssRules[5] += " -moz-animation-name: nodeInserted;"; cssRules[5] += " -webkit-animation-name: nodeInserted;"; cssRules[5] += "}"; addGlobalStyle("wires", cssRules); } function checkPosts() { for (var postId in inProgress) { checkPost(document.getElementById(postId)); delete inProgress[postId]; } } function diaper() { var posts = document.getElementsByClassName('post'); for (var i = 0; i < posts.length; i += 1) { var post = posts[i]; if (post.id && post.id.indexOf("post") === 0) { inProgress[post.id] = true; } } checkPosts(); } function waitForPosts() { var olPosts; gotSettings = true; olPosts = document.getElementById('posts'); if (olPosts === null && !isTumblrSaviorRunning) { setTimeout(waitForPosts, 10); } else if (!isTumblrSaviorRunning) { wireupnodes(); isTumblrSaviorRunning = true; setTimeout(diaper, 200); } else { diaper(); } } function checkurl(url, filter) { var filterRegex, re, f; for (f = 0; f < filter.length; f++) { filterRegex = filter[f].replace(/\x2a/g, "(.*?)"); re = new RegExp(filterRegex); if (url.match(re)) { return true; } } return false; } if (!checkurl(window.location.href, invalidTumblrURLs)) { waitForPosts(); }