import SwiftyToolz public typealias HashableValuesGraph = Graph public typealias IdentifiableValuesGraph = Graph extension Graph: Sendable where NodeID: Sendable, NodeValue: Sendable, EdgeWeight: Sendable {} extension Graph: Equatable where NodeValue: Equatable {} extension Graph: Codable where NodeID: Codable, NodeValue: Codable, EdgeWeight: Codable {} /** Holds `Value`s in unique ``GraphNode``s which can be connected through ``GraphEdge``s The `Graph` creates `GraphNode`s when you insert `NodeValue`s into it, whereby the `Graph` determines the node IDs for new values according to the closure passed to- or implied by its initializer, see ``Graph/init(nodes:determineNodeIDForNewValue:)`` and other initializers. A `Graph` is Equatable if its `NodeValue` is. Equatability excludes the `determineNodeIDForNewValue` closure mentioned above. */ public struct Graph { // MARK: - Initialize /** Create a `Graph` that determines ``GraphNode/id``s for new `NodeValue`s via the given closure */ public init(valuesByID: Dictionary, edges: some Sequence) { // create nodes with their neighbour caches let idNodePairs = { ($0.0 , Node(id: $0.0, value: $0.1)) } var nodesByIDTemporary = [NodeID: Node](uniqueKeysWithValues: idNodePairs) edges.forEach { nodesByIDTemporary[$0.originID]?.descendantIDs.insert($0.destinationID) nodesByIDTemporary[$0.destinationID]?.ancestorIDs.insert($0.originID) } // set nodes and edges nodesByID = nodesByIDTemporary edgesByID = .init(values: edges) } public init() { nodesByID = .init() edgesByID = .init() } // MARK: - Edges /** All ``GraphEdge``s of the `Graph` hashable by their ``GraphEdge/`` */ public internal(set) var edgesByID: [Edge.ID: Edge] /** Shorthand for `Set` */ public typealias EdgeIDs = Set /** Shorthand for the full generic type name `GraphEdge` */ public typealias Edge = GraphEdge // MARK: - Nodes /** All ``GraphNode``s of the `Graph` hashable by their ``GraphNode/id``s */ public internal(set) var nodesByID = [NodeID: Node]() /** Shorthand for the `Graph`'s full generic node type `GraphNode` */ public typealias Node = GraphNode /** Shorthand for `Set` */ public typealias NodeIDs = Set }