import SwiftyToolz public extension Graph { /** Removes the corresponding ``GraphEdge``, see ``Graph/removeEdge(with:)`` */ @discardableResult mutating func removeEdge(from originID: NodeID, to destinationID: NodeID) -> Edge? { removeEdge(with: .init(originID, destinationID)) } /** Removes the ``GraphEdge`` with the given ID, also removing it from node neighbour caches */ @discardableResult mutating func removeEdge(with id: Edge.ID) -> Edge? { // remove from node caches nodesByID[id.originID]?.descendantIDs -= id.destinationID nodesByID[id.destinationID]?.ancestorIDs -= id.originID // remove edge itself return edgesByID.removeValue(forKey: id) } /** Add weight to the existing edge or create the edge with that weight - Returns: The new weight of the edge with the given ID */ @discardableResult mutating func add(_ weight: EdgeWeight, toEdgeFrom originID: NodeID, to destinationID: NodeID) -> EdgeWeight { add(weight, toEdgeWith: .init(originID, destinationID)) } /** Add weight to the existing edge or create the edge with that weight - Returns: The new weight of the edge with the given ID */ @discardableResult mutating func add(_ weight: EdgeWeight, toEdgeWith id: Edge.ID) -> EdgeWeight { if let existingWeight = edgesByID[id]?.weight { edgesByID[id]?.weight += weight return existingWeight + weight } else { insertEdge(from: id.originID, to: id.destinationID, weight: weight) return weight } } @discardableResult mutating func insertEdge(from originID: NodeID, to destinationID: NodeID, weight: EdgeWeight = 1) -> Edge { let edge = Edge(from: originID, to: destinationID, weight: weight) insert(edge) return edge } mutating func insert(_ edge: Edge) { if !contains( { // update node caches because edge does not exist yet nodesByID[edge.originID]?.descendantIDs += edge.destinationID nodesByID[edge.destinationID]?.ancestorIDs += edge.originID } edgesByID.insert(edge) } /** The ``GraphEdge`` between the corresponding nodes if it exists, otherwise `nil` */ func edge(from originID: NodeID, to destinationID: NodeID) -> Edge? { edge(with: .init(originID, destinationID)) } /** The ``GraphEdge`` with the given ID if the edge exists, otherwise `nil` */ func edge(with id: Edge.ID) -> Edge? { edgesByID[id] } func containsEdge(from originID: NodeID, to destinationID: NodeID) -> Bool { contains(.init(originID, destinationID)) } /** Whether the `Graph` contains a ``GraphEdge`` with the given ``GraphEdge/`` */ func contains(_ edgeID: Edge.ID) -> Bool { edgesByID.keys.contains(edgeID) } /** All ``GraphEdge``s of the `Graph` */ var edges: some Collection { edgesByID.values } /** All ``GraphEdge/``s of the ``GraphEdge``s of the `Graph` */ var edgeIDs: some Collection { edgesByID.keys } }