#!/usr/bin/python # # Copyright 2011 PaperCut Software Int. Pty. Ltd. http://www.papercut.com/ # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # ############################################################################ # # RETALIATION - A Jenkins "Extreme Feedback" Contraption # # Lava Lamps are for pussies! Retaliate to a broken build with a barrage # of foam missiles. # # Steps to use: # # 1. Mount your Dream Cheeky Thunder USB missile launcher in a central and # fixed location. # # 2. Copy this script onto the system connected to your missile lanucher. # # 3. Modify your `COMMAND_SETS` in the `retaliation.py` script to define # your targeting commands for each one of your build-braking coders # (their user ID as listed in Jenkins). A command set is an array of # move and fire commands. It is recommend to start each command set # with a "zero" command. This parks the launcher in a known position # (bottom-left). You can then use "up" and "right" followed by a # time (in milliseconds) to position your fire. # # You can test a set by calling retaliation.py with the target name. # e.g.: # # retaliation.py "[developer's user name]" # # Trial and error is the best approch. Consider doing this secretly # after hours for best results! # # 4. Setup the Jenkins "notification" plugin. Define a UDP endpoint # on port 22222 pointing to the system hosting this script. # Tip: Make sure your firewall is not blocking UDP on this port. # # 5. Start listening for failed build events by running the command: # retaliation.py stalk # (Consider setting this up as a boot/startup script. On Windows # start with pythonw.exe to keep it running hidden in the # background.) # # 6. Wait for DEFCON 1 - Let the war games begin! # # # Requirements: # * A Dream Cheeky Thunder USB Missile Launcher # * Python 2.6+ # * Python PyUSB Support and its dependencies # http://sourceforge.net/apps/trac/pyusb/ # (on Mac use brew to "brew install libusb") # * Should work on Windows, Mac and Linux # # Author: Chris Dance # Version: 1.0 : 2011-08-15 # ############################################################################ import sys import platform import time import socket import re import json import urllib2 import base64 import usb.core import usb.util ########################## CONFIG ######################### # # Define a dictionary of "command sets" that map usernames to a sequence # of commands to target the user (e.g their desk/workstation). It's # suggested that each set start and end with a "zero" command so it's # always parked in a known reference location. The timing on move commands # is milli-seconds. The number after "fire" denotes the number of rockets # to shoot. # COMMAND_SETS = { "will" : ( ("zero", 0), # Zero/Park to know point (bottom-left) ("led", 1), # Turn the LED on ("right", 3250), ("up", 540), ("fire", 4), # Fire a full barrage of 4 missiles ("led", 0), # Turn the LED back off ("zero", 0), # Park after use for next time ), "tom" : ( ("zero", 0), ("right", 4400), ("up", 200), ("fire", 4), ("zero", 0), ), "chris" : ( # That's me - just dance around and missfire! ("zero", 0), ("right", 5200), ("up", 500), ("pause", 5000), ("left", 2200), ("down", 500), ("fire", 1), ("zero", 0), ), } # # The UDP port to listen to Jenkins events on (events are generated/supplied # by Jenkins "notification" plugin) # JENKINS_NOTIFICATION_UDP_PORT = 22222 # # The URL of your Jenkins server - used to callback to determine who broke # the build. # JENKINS_SERVER = "" # # If you're Jenkins server is secured by HTTP basic auth, sent the # username and password here. Else leave this blank. HTTPAUTH_USER = "" HTTPAUTH_PASS = "" ########################## ENG CONFIG ######################### # The code... # Protocol command bytes DOWN = 0x01 UP = 0x02 LEFT = 0x04 RIGHT = 0x08 FIRE = 0x10 STOP = 0x20 DEVICE = None DEVICE_TYPE = None def usage(): print "Usage: retaliation.py [command] [value]" print "" print " commands:" print " stalk - sit around waiting for a Jenkins CI failed build" print " notification, then attack the perpetrator!" print "" print " up - move up milliseconds" print " down - move down milliseconds" print " right - move right milliseconds" print " left - move left milliseconds" print " fire - fire times (between 1-4)" print " zero - park at zero position (bottom-left)" print " pause - pause milliseconds" print " led - turn the led on or of (1 or 0)" print "" print " - run/test a defined COMMAND_SET" print " e.g. run:" print " retaliation.py 'chris'" print " to test targeting of chris as defined in your command set." print "" def setup_usb(): # Tested only with the Cheeky Dream Thunder # and original USB Launcher global DEVICE global DEVICE_TYPE DEVICE = usb.core.find(idVendor=0x2123, idProduct=0x1010) if DEVICE is None: DEVICE = usb.core.find(idVendor=0x0a81, idProduct=0x0701) if DEVICE is None: raise ValueError('Missile device not found') else: DEVICE_TYPE = "Original" else: DEVICE_TYPE = "Thunder" # On Linux we need to detach usb HID first if "Linux" == platform.system(): try: DEVICE.detach_kernel_driver(0) except Exception, e: pass # already unregistered DEVICE.set_configuration() def send_cmd(cmd): if "Thunder" == DEVICE_TYPE: DEVICE.ctrl_transfer(0x21, 0x09, 0, 0, [0x02, cmd, 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00]) elif "Original" == DEVICE_TYPE: DEVICE.ctrl_transfer(0x21, 0x09, 0x0200, 0, [cmd]) def led(cmd): if "Thunder" == DEVICE_TYPE: DEVICE.ctrl_transfer(0x21, 0x09, 0, 0, [0x03, cmd, 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00]) elif "Original" == DEVICE_TYPE: print("There is no LED on this device") def send_move(cmd, duration_ms): send_cmd(cmd) time.sleep(duration_ms / 1000.0) send_cmd(STOP) def run_command(command, value): command = command.lower() if command == "right": send_move(RIGHT, value) elif command == "left": send_move(LEFT, value) elif command == "up": send_move(UP, value) elif command == "down": send_move(DOWN, value) elif command == "zero" or command == "park" or command == "reset": # Move to bottom-left send_move(DOWN, 2000) send_move(LEFT, 8000) elif command == "pause" or command == "sleep": time.sleep(value / 1000.0) elif command == "led": if value == 0: led(0x00) else: led(0x01) elif command == "fire" or command == "shoot": if value < 1 or value > 4: value = 1 # Stabilize prior to the shot, then allow for reload time after. time.sleep(0.5) for i in range(value): send_cmd(FIRE) time.sleep(4.5) else: print "Error: Unknown command: '%s'" % command def run_command_set(commands): for cmd, value in commands: run_command(cmd, value) def jenkins_target_user(user): match = False # Not efficient but our user list is probably less than 1k. # Do a case insenstive search for convenience. for key in COMMAND_SETS: if key.lower() == user.lower(): # We have a command set that targets our user so got for it! run_command_set(COMMAND_SETS[key]) match = True break if not match: print "WARNING: No target command set defined for user %s" % user def read_url(url): request = urllib2.Request(url) if HTTPAUTH_USER and HTTPAUTH_PASS: authstring = base64.encodestring('%s:%s' % (HTTPAUTH_USER, HTTPAUTH_PASS)) authstring = authstring.replace('\n', '') request.add_header("Authorization", "Basic %s" % authstring) return urllib2.urlopen(request).read() def jenkins_get_responsible_user(job_name): # Call back to Jenkins and determin who broke the build. (Hacky) # We do this by crudly parsing the changes on the last failed build changes_url = JENKINS_SERVER + "/job/" + job_name + "/lastFailedBuild/changes" changedata = read_url(changes_url) # Look for the /user/[name] link m = re.compile('/user/([^/"]+)').search(changedata) if m: return m.group(1) else: return None def jenkins_wait_for_event(): # Data in the format: # {"name":"Project", "url":"JobUrl", "build":{"number":1, "phase":"STARTED", "status":"FAILURE" }} sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) sock.bind(('', JENKINS_NOTIFICATION_UDP_PORT)) while True: data, addr = sock.recvfrom(8 * 1024) try: notification_data = json.loads(data) status = notification_data["build"]["status"].upper() phase = notification_data["build"]["phase"].upper() if phase == "FINISHED" and status.startswith("FAIL"): target = jenkins_get_responsible_user(notification_data["name"]) if target == None: print "WARNING: Could not identify the user who broke the build!" continue print "Build Failed! Targeting user: " + target jenkins_target_user(target) except: pass def main(args): if len(args) < 2: usage() sys.exit(1) setup_usb() if args[1] == "stalk": print "Listening and waiting for Jenkins failed build events..." jenkins_wait_for_event() # Will never return return # Process any passed commands or command_sets command = args[1] value = 0 if len(args) > 2: value = int(args[2]) if command in COMMAND_SETS: run_command_set(COMMAND_SETS[command]) else: run_command(command, value) if __name__ == '__main__': main(sys.argv)