The control number assigned by the organization creating, using, or distributing the record. The MARC code for the organization is contained in field 003 (Control Number Identifier).The MARC code for the organization whose control number is contained in field 001 (Control Number).Sixteen characters that indicate the date and time of the latest record transaction and serve as a version identifier for the record. They are recorded according to Representation of Dates and Times (ISO 8601). The date requires 8 numeric characters in the pattern yyyymmdd. The time requires 8 numeric characters in the pattern hhmmss.f, expressed in terms of the 24-hour (00-23) clock.This field contains 18 character positions (00-17) that provide for coding information about special aspects of the item being cataloged that cannot be coded in field 008 (Fixed-Length Data Elements). It is used in cases when an item has multiple characteristics. It is also used to record the coded serial aspects of nontextual continuing resources.This field contains special information about the physical characteristics in a coded form. The information may represent the whole item or parts of an item such as accompanying material.This field contains 40 character positions (00-39) that provide coded information about the record as a whole and about special bibliographic aspects of the item being cataloged. These coded data elements are potentially useful for retrieval and data management purposes.A unique number assigned to a MARC record by the Library of Congress. Valid MARC prefixes for LC control numbers are published in MARC 21 Format for Bibliographic Data.LC control number NUCMC control number Canceled/invalid LC control number Field link and sequence number See Control SubfieldsInformation used to control patent documents. In addition to information about patents, this field may contain information relating to inventors' certificates, utility certificates, utility models, patents or certificates of addition, inventors' certificates of addition, utility certificates of addition, and published applications for any of these.Number Country Code from: MARC Code List for CountriesType of number A designation of the type of patent document identifierDate The date a patent or certificate was granted, or the date of acceptance of an application. The date requires 8 numeric characters in the pattern yyyymmdd (4 for the year, 2 for the month, and 2 for the day).Status Text that explains or clarifies the status of the patent document identified by the number in the field.Party to document Information that identifies the country or agency that is party to the document. The source of country codes is the MARC Code List for Countries .See Organization Code Sources for a listing of sources used in MARC 21 records.Linkage See Control SubfieldsField link and sequence number See Control SubfieldsThe bibliography entry number for cataloging information that is derived from a national bibliography.National bibliography number Source Code from: MARC Code Lists for Relators, Sources, Description ConventionsLinkage See Control SubfieldsField link and sequence number See Control SubfieldsUnique numbers that have been assigned to a record by a national bibliographic agency other than the Library of Congress. The control number may also appear in field 001 (Control Number) in records distributed by the same national agency. This number is a record control number used in a national bibliographic agency system, rather than a number used for an entry in a national bibliographic, field 015 (National Bibliography Number).Source specified in subfield $2Used when the source of the control number is indicated by a code in subfield $2.See Organization Code Sources for a listing of sources used in MARC 21 records.Record control number Canceled or invalid record control number Source Field link and sequence number See Control SubfieldsThe copyright registration or legal deposit number for an item that was acquired by copyright or legal deposit.No display constant generatedA unique identification code for a component part of a monograph or a continuing resource.The ISBN assigned to a monographic publication by designated agencies in each country participating in the program. The field may include terms of availability and canceled or invalid ISBNs. It may be repeated for multiple numbers associated with the item (e.g., ISBNs for the hard bound and paperback manifestations; ISBNs for a set as a whole and for the individual parts in the set).International Standard Book Number The valid ISBN and any parenthetical qualifying information. ISBN and the embedded hyphens may be generated for display.Terms of availability The price or a brief statement of availability and any parenthetical information qualifying the information.Canceled/invalid ISBN A canceled or invalid ISBN and any parenthetical qualifying information. ISBN (invalid) and the embedded hyphens may be generated for display.Linkage See Control SubfieldsField link and sequence number See Control SubfieldsThe ISSN, a unique identification number assigned to a continuing resource.Continuing resource of international interestContinuing resource not of international interestInternational Standard Serial Number The valid ISSN for the continuing resource. ISSN may be generated for display.Incorrect ISSN ISSN (incorrect) may be generated for display.Canceled ISSN ISSN (canceled) may be generated for display.Source Code from: ISSN National Centres code list.Linkage See Control SubfieldsField link and sequence number See Control SubfieldsA standard number or code published on an item which cannot be accommodated in another field (e.g., field 020 (International Standard Book Number), 022 (International Standard Serial Number) , and 027 (Standard Technical Report Number)). The type of standard number or code is identified in the first indicator position or in subfield $2 (Source of number or code).International Standard Recording Code (ISRC)Number Standard: ISO 3901: International Standard Recording Code (Maintenance Agency )For display, hyphens (-) may be generated to separate subelements of the number, e.g., NL-C01-84-13261Universal Product Code (UPC)International Standard Music Number (ISMN)Number Standard: ISO 10957: International Standard Music Number (Maintenance Agency )For display, hyphens (-) or spaces may be generated to separate subelements of the number.International Article Number (EAN)Serial Item and Contribution Identifier (SICI)Number Standard: ANSI/NISO Z39.56: Serial Item and Contribution IdentifierFor display, hyphens (-) may be generated to separate subelements of the number, e.g., 8756-2324(198603/04)65:2L.4:QTP:1-PSource specified in subfield $2Unspecified type of standard number or codeNo differenceDifferenceStandard number or code Terms of availability Additional codes following the standard number or code Canceled/invalid standard number or code Source of number or code Code from: MARC Code Lists for Relators, Sources, Description ConventionsLinkage See Control SubfieldsField link and sequence number See Control SubfieldsA number assigned by the Library of Congress to an item that was acquired through one of its overseas acquisition programs.Used to assist in the identification of antiquarian books by recording information comprising groups of characters taken from specified positions on specified pages of the book, in accordance with the principles laid down in various published guidelines.The STRN assigned to a technical report. The assignment of STRNs is coordinated by the National Technical Information Service (NTIS), which also maintains an assignment registry.Standard technical report number Canceled/invalid number Linkage See Control SubfieldsField link and sequence number See Control SubfieldsThe formatted number used for sound recordings, printed music, and videorecordings. Publisher's numbers that are given in an unformatted form are recorded in field 500 (General Note). A print constant identifying the kind of publisher number may be generated based on the value in the first indicator position.Issue numberAssigned by the publisher to identify the issue or continuing resource designation.Matrix numberIdentifies the master from which the recording was pressed.Plate numberAssigned by a publisher to a printed music publication.Other music numberVideorecording numberOther publisher numberNo note, no added entryNote, added entryNote, no added entryNo note, added entryPublisher number Source Linkage See Control SubfieldsField link and sequence number See Control SubfieldsThe CODEN designation for a bibliographic title. (The CODEN is assigned by the International CODEN Section of Chemical Abstracts Service.)CODEN The valid CODEN for the title.Canceled/invalid CODEN Linkage See Control SubfieldsField link and sequence number See Control SubfieldsCoded data representing the musical incipit for music using established notation schemes that employ ordinary ASCII symbols. It is primarily used to identify music manuscripts, but can be applied to any material containing music.Number of movement Number of excerpt Caption or heading Role Clef Voice/instrument Key signature Time signature Musical notation General note Key or mode Coded validity note Text incipit Uniform Resource Identifier Link text Public note System code Linkage See Control SubfieldsField link and sequence number See Control SubfieldsThe number assigned to a publication for which the specified postal service permits the use of a special mailing class privilege.Postal registration number The six numeric characters are right justified and each unused position contains a zero. The hyphen that may appear between the third and fourth digits on printed sources is not carried in the MARC record; it may be generated.Source (agency assigning number) Linkage See Control SubfieldsField link and sequence number See Control SubfieldsFormatted date/time and/or coded place of creation, capture, or broadcast associated with an event or the finding of a naturally occurring object. This information in textual form is contained in field 518 (Date/Time and Place of an Event Note).Single dateMultiple single datesThis value is also used for two consecutive dates.Range of datesThe creation, capture, or finding dates span more than two consecutive days and the individual dates are unknown or are too numerous to be specified.CaptureThe recording of sound, the filming of visual images, the making or producing of an item, including the creation of an item not involving recording or filming.BroadcastThe broadcasting or re-broadcasting of sound or visual images.FindingThe finding of a naturally occurring object.Formatted date/time Seventeen characters, recorded in the pattern yyyymmddhhmm+-hmm, that indicate the actual or approximate date (yyyymmdd)/time (hhmm) of capture, finding, or broadcast and Time Differential Factor (+-hhmm) information. A hyphen (-) is used for unknown digits in the year/month/day segment. Within each segment, the data is right justified and any unused position contains a zero.Geographic classification area code A four to six character numeric code for the main geographic area associated with the item. The source of the code is Library of Congress Classification Class G (dropping the letter G) that is maintained by the Library of Congress.Geographic classification subarea code An alphanumeric Cutter number, derived from Class G or expanded Cutter lists, that represents a subarea of the geographic area coded in subfield $b. Cutter numbers for places in the U.S. are published in Geographic Cutters. Class G, Geographic Cutters, and the expanded Cutter lists are maintained by the Library of Congress.Materials specified Linkage See Control SubfieldsField link and sequence number See Control SubfieldsThe coded form of the mathematical data contained in field 255 (Mathematical Data Area) of the bibliographic record.Scale indeterminable/No scale recordedNo representative fraction is given in field 255.Single scaleRange of scalesOuter ringExclusion ringCategory of scale A one-character code that indicates the type of scale of the item.a - Linear scaleConstant ratio linear horizontal scale The denominator of the representative fraction for the horizontal scale.Constant ratio linear vertical scale The denominator of the representative fraction for the vertical scale of relief models and other three-dimensional items.Coordinates--westernmost longitude Coordinates--easternmost longitude Coordinates--northernmost latitude Coordinates--southernmost latitude Subfields $d, $e, $f, and $g always appear together. The coordinates may be recorded in the pattern hdddmmss, however, other forms are also allowed, such as decimal degrees. The subelements are each right justified and each unused position contains a zero.Angular scale The scale for celestial charts.Declination--northern limit Declination--southern limit Subfields $j and $k are each eight characters in length and consist of the hemisphere, degree, minutes, and seconds of the declination of a celestial chart, recorded in the pattern hdddmmss. The degree, minute, and second subelements are each right justified with and each unused position contains a zero.Right ascension--eastern limit Right ascension--western limit Subfields $m and $n are each six characters in length and consist of the right ascension of a celestial chart, recorded in the pattern hhmmss. Each subelement is right justified and each unused position contains a zero.Equinox The year or year and month of a celestial chart recorded in the pattern from earth G-ring latitude G-ring longitude Beginning date Ending date Name of extraterrestrial body Source Code from: MARC Code Lists for Relators, Sources and Description ConventionsLinkage See Control SubfieldsField link and sequence number See Control SubfieldsA control number of a system other than the one whose control number is contained in field 001 (Control Number), field 010 (Library of Congress Control Number) or field 016 (National Bibliographic Agency Control Number).System control number The MARC code (enclosed in parentheses) of the organization originating the system control number, followed immediately by the number.See Organization Code Sources for a listing of sources used in MARC 21 records.Canceled/invalid control number Linkage See Control SubfieldsField link and sequence number See Control SubfieldsThe original study number assigned by the producer of the computer file. The introductory phrase Original study: may be generated based on the field tag.Original study number Source (agency assigning number) Linkage See Control SubfieldsField link and sequence number See Control SubfieldsInformation needed to order the item or its reproduction.Stock number Numbers such as distributor and publisher numbers are also recorded in this subfield.Source of stock number/acquisition Terms of availability Form of issue Additional format characteristics Note Linkage See Control SubfieldsField link and sequence number See Control SubfieldsContains the MARC code of the organization that licenses the intellectual property rights to the data contained in the record, such as with contractual arrangements.Record content licensor Linkage See Control SubfieldsField link and sequence number See Control SubfieldsThe MARC code for or the name of the organization(s) that created the original bibliographic record, assigned MARC content designation and transcribed the record into machine-readable form, or modified (except for the addition of holdings symbols) an existing MARC record. These data and the code in 008/39 (Cataloging source) specify the parties responsible for the bibliographic record.Original cataloging agency Language of cataloging A MARC code for the language used in the textual portions of the record.Code from: MARC Code Lists for LanguagesTranscribing agency Modifying agency Description conventions The MARC code for or the title of the description rules used in creating the record when more information than is provided by the code in Leader/18 (Descriptive cataloging form) is needed.Code from: MARC Code Lists for Relators, Sources, Description ConventionsLinkage See Control SubfieldsField link and sequence number See Control SubfieldsCodes for languages associated with an item when the language code in field 008/35-37 of the record is insufficient to convey full information. This includes records for multilingual items, items that involve translation, and items where the medium of communication is a sign language. The sources of the codes are: MARC Code List for Languages or other code lists such as ISO 639-1 (Codes for the representation of names of languages - Part 1 : alpha-2 code).Item not a translation/does not include a translationItem is or includes a translationSource specified in subfield $2Language code of text/sound track or separate title The first language code in subfield $a is also contained in field 008/35-37 (Language), unless character positions 35-37 contain blanks (###) or the code "zxx."Language code for summary, abstract, or subtitles The language of summaries, abstracts, subtitles or captions when the language is other than that of the text.Language code of sung or spoken text The language of the sung or spoken content of a sound recording. The language code in the first occurrence of subfield $d, if there is no subfield $a, may also be recorded in field 008/35-37.Language code of librettos The language of the printed text of the vocal/textual content of the work.Language code of table of contents The language of the table of contents that differs from the language of the text.Language code of accompanying material other than librettos The language of significant accompanying material other than summaries (subfield $b) or librettos (subfield $e).Language code of original and/or intermediate translations of text Codes for intermediate translations precede those for original languages.Source of code Code from: MARC Code Lists for Relators, Sources, and Description Conventions.Linkage See Control SubfieldsField link and sequence number See Control SubfieldsOne or more codes that indicate an authentication center has reviewed a national database record. The codes are associated with specifically designated authentication agencies.Geographic area codes associated with an item. The source of the code in subfield $a is the MARC Code List for Geographic Areas . The source of a local code in subfield $b is indicated in subfield $2. The source of codes in subfield $c is ISO 3166, Codes for the representation of names of countries and their subdivisions - Part 1 : Country codes or Part 2 : Country subdivision codes.Codes for the country of producer when the code in field 008/15-17 (Place of publication, production, or execution) of the record is insufficient to convey full information for an item produced in more than one country. The source of the code is subfield $a is MARC Code List for Countries . Subfield $c may be used to include country and subentity codes from ISO 3166, Codes for the representation of names of countries and their subdivisions - Part 1 : Country codes or Part 2 : Country subdivision codes.A time period code (subfield $a) and/or a formatted time period (subfield $b and/or $c) associated with an item.Single date/timeMultiple single dates/timesMultiple $b and/or $c subfields are present; each contains a formatted date/time.Range of dates/timesTwo $b and/or $c subfields are present and together express a range of dates and/or times.Time period code A four-character alphanumeric code derived from the "Time Period Code Table" for B.C. and A.D. time periods. The Table is found in MARC 21 Format for Bibliographic Data under the description of field 045.Formatted 9999 B.C. through C.E. time period A time period recorded in the pattern yyyymmddhh and preceded by a code for the era ( c for B.C.; d for C.E.).Formatted pre-9999 B.C. time period A time period that consists of as many numeric characters as are needed to represent the number of pre-9999 years B.C.Linkage See Control SubfieldsField link and sequence number See Control SubfieldsThe date of item information that cannot be recorded in 008/06-14 (Type of date/Publication status, Date 1, Date 2) because such information involves one or more Before Common Era (B.C.) dates, incorrect dates, dates when resources have been modified or created, and date spans when resources are valid. When field 046 is used for B.C. dates, 008/06 is set to code b (No date given; B.C. date involved) and field 008/07-10 and 008/11-14 contain blanks (####). When field 046 is used for incorrect dates, field 008/06 is coded for the type of corrected data and field 008/07-10 and 008/11-14 contain correct dates.Type of date code i - Inclusive dates of collectionDate 1 (B.C. date) Date 1 (C.E. date) Date 2 (B.C. date) The field must also contain a subfield $b.Date 2 (C.E. date) The field must also contain a subfield $c.Date resource modified Beginning or single date created Ending date created Beginning of date valid End of date valid Source of date Code from: MARC Code Lists for Relators, Sources, Description ConventionsLinkage See Control SubfieldsField link and sequence number See Control SubfieldsCodes that indicate the form of musical composition of printed and manuscript music and musical sound recordings when character positions 18 and 19 (Form of composition) of field 008 (Fixed-Length Data Elements) for music contains the code mu for multiple forms or for non-MARC codes. MARC codes are listed under field 008 Music, /18-19 (Form of composition).Source specified in subfield $2Form of musical composition code The two-character, alphabetic codes are listed under field 008 Music, /18-19 (Form of composition).Source of code Code from: MARC Code Lists for Relators, Sources, and Description ConventionsField link and sequence number See Control SubfieldsA two-character code that indicates the medium of performance for a musical group. Each code may be followed by a two-digit number (01-99) that indicates the number of parts or performers (e.g., va02, a two-part composition for Voices - Soprano). The number of parts may be omitted if not applicable.Source specified in subfield $2Performer or ensemble A two-character code for a performer or ensemble (from the list below) and, if applicable, a two-digit number specifying the number of parts.Soloist A two-character alphabetic code for a soloist (from the list below) and, if applicable, a two-digit number specifying the number of parts.Source of code Code from: MARC Code List for Relators, Sources, Description Conventions.Field link and sequence number See Control SubfieldsA classification or call number that is taken from Library of Congress Classification or LC Classification Additions and Changes. The brackets that customarily surround alternate class/call numbers are not carried in the MARC record; they may be generated based on the presence of repeated $a subfields.Item is in LCMay be used by organizations transcribing from LC copy on which the call number is neither enclosed within brackets nor preceded by a Maltese cross.Item is not in LCMay be used by organizations transcribing from LC copy on which the call number is enclosed within brackets or is preceded by a Maltese cross. The brackets that customarily surround call numbers for items not in LC are not carried in the MARC record; they may be generated for display.Assigned by LCMay be used by organizations transcribing from LC copy.Assigned by agency other than LCClassification number Item number Organizations that use the Cutter-Sanborn Three-Figure Author Table may conform to LC item number practice by applying Subject Cataloging Manual: Shelflisting procedures.Materials specified Linkage See Control SubfieldsField link and sequence number See Control SubfieldsInformation added to a bibliographic record by LC that relates to copies, issues, and/or offprints of the described item that are in its collections.Classification number Item number Copy information Field link and sequence number See Control SubfieldsA code for the main geographic area and any applicable subareas associated with the item.U.S. Dept. of Defense ClassificationSource specified in subfield $2Geographic classification area code A four- to six-character numeric code for the main geographic area associated with the item. The code is derived from the LC class G schedule by dropping the letter G.Geographic classification subarea code An alphanumeric code, assigned from expanded Cutter lists, that represents a subarea of the geographic area coded in subfield $a. Cutter numbers for places in the U.S. are published in Geographic Cutters that is maintained by the Library of Congress.Populated place name May contain the name of the geographic areaCode source Linkage See Control SubfieldsField link and sequence number See Control SubfieldsA classification or call number that is assigned by the Library and Archives Canada or a contributing Canadian library.Work held by LACWork not held by LACLC-based call number assigned by LACComplete LC class number assigned by LACIncomplete LC class number assigned by LACLC-based call number assigned by the contributing libraryComplete LC class number assigned by the contributing libraryIncomplete LC class number assigned by the contributing libraryOther call number assigned by LACOther class number assigned by LACOther call number assigned by the contributing libraryOther class number assigned by the contributing libraryClassification number Item number Source of call/class number A MARC code that identifies the classification scheme used to assign the call/class number when the second indicator position contains value 6, 7, 8, or 9. Code from: MARC Code Lists for Relators, Sources, Description Conventions .Linkage See Control SubfieldsField link and sequence number See Control SubfieldsA classification or call number that is taken from National Library of Medicine Classification schedules QS-QZ and W or from Library of Congress Classification schedules as used by NLM for peripheral and related topics.Item is in NLMItem is not in NLMAssigned by NLMAssigned by agency other than NLMClassification number Item number NLM uses the Cutter-Sanborn Three-Figure Author Table and a special numbering scheme in classes W1 and W3 to create item numbers.Field link and sequence number See Control SubfieldsInformation added to a bibliographic record by NLM that relates to second copies or sets of the described item that are in its collections.Classification number Item number Copy information Field link and sequence number See Control SubfieldsInformation that indicates that the character set present in a record is other than ISO 10646 (or Unicode). A detailed description of the standard escape sequences used in MARC records is provided in MARC 21 Specifications for Record Structure, Character Sets, and Exchange Media .Primary G0 character set The Intermediate and Final characters of the escape sequence that designates and invokes the default G0 character set.Primary G1 character set The Intermediate and Final characters of the escape sequence that designates and invokes the default G1 character set.Alternate G0 or G1 character set The Intermediate and Final characters of each escape sequence that designates an alternate G0 or G1 character set used in a record.A classification or call number that is assigned by the National Agricultural Library.Item is in NALItem is not in NALClassification number Item number Field link and sequence number See Control SubfieldsInformation added to a bibliographic record by NAL that relates to second copies or sets of the described item that are in its collections.Classification number Item number Copy information Field link and sequence number See Control SubfieldsA code for the subject category that is associated with the described item.NAL subject category code listThe subject category code is taken from AGRIS: Subject Categories that is maintained by NAL.Source specified in subfield $2Subject category code The code for the broad subject associated with the item.Subject category code subdivision The level of specificity within the broader subject coded in subfield $a.Source A MARC code that identifies the thesaurus used to assign the subject category code when the second indicator position contains value 7. Code from: MARC Code Lists for Relators, Sources, Description Conventions .Linkage See Control SubfieldsField link and sequence number See Control SubfieldsA number assigned by the U.S. Government Printing Office to publications to manage their distribution within its Depository Library System.GPO item number The number is assigned from List of Classes of United States Government Publications Available for Selection by Depository Libraries that is maintained by GPO. GPO Item No. : may be generated for display.Canceled/invalid GPO item number Field link and sequence number See Control SubfieldsA number taken from the Universal Decimal Classification scheme.The classification number is taken from Dewey Decimal Classification and Relative Index, the Abridged Dewey Decimal Classification and Relative Index, and electronic updates to either edition. Through 1997, updates where issued in DC&: Dewey Decimal Classification Additions, Notes and Decisions.Full editionAbridged editionAssigned by LCMay be used by organizations transcribing from LC copy.Assigned by agency other than LCClassification number Item number Edition number Linkage See Control SubfieldsField link and sequence number See Control SubfieldsA classification number from a scheme not covered by one of the other number fields. The field should not be used for classification numbers assigned from a source for which a subfield $2 source of number code would not be assigned.Classification number Item number Source of number Code from: MARC Code Lists for Relators, Sources, Description ConventionsLinkage See Control SubfieldsField link and sequence number See Control SubfieldsThe classification number assigned to documents by designated agencies in countries that have a government documents classification program.Superintendent of Documents Classification SystemAssigned by the U.S Government Printing Office. Supt. of Docs. no.: may be generated for display.Government of Canada Publications: Outline of ClassificationClassification number Canceled/invalid classification number Number source A MARC code that identifies the government document classification scheme used to assign the number when the first indicator position contains value #. The code may be used to generate a display constant to identify the source of the classification number. Code from: MARC Code Lists for Relators, Sources, Description Conventions .Linkage See Control SubfieldsField link and sequence number See Control SubfieldsA report number that is not a Standard Technical Report Number (field 027)Report number Canceled/invalid report number Linkage See Control SubfieldsField link and sequence number See Control SubfieldsA personal name used as a main entry in a bibliographic record.ForenameThe name is a forename or is a name consisting of words, initials, letters, etc., that are formatted in direct order.SurnameThe name is a single or multiple surname formatted in inverted order or a single name without forenames that is known to be a surname.Family nameThe name represents a family, clan, dynasty, house, or other such group and may be formatted in direct or inverted order.Personal name A surname and/or forename; letters, initials, abbreviations, phrases, or numbers used in place of a name; or a family name.Numeration A roman numeral or a roman numeral and a subsequent part of a forename when the first indicator value is 0.Titles and other words associated with a name Dates associated with a name Dates of birth, death, or flourishing, or any other date associated with a name.Relator term Describes the relationship between a name and a work.Date of a work A date of publication used with a title of a work in a name/title field.Miscellaneous information A data element not more appropriately contained in another defined subfield.Attribution qualifier Attribution information for names when the responsibility is unknown, uncertain, fictitious or pseudonymous.Form subheading Language of a work The name of a language(s) used with a title of a work in a name/title field.Number of part/section of a work A number designation for a part or section of a work used with a title in a name/title field.Name of part/section of a work A name designation of a part or section of a work used with a title in a name/title field.Fuller form of name A more complete form of the name contained in subfield $a.Title of a work A uniform title, a title page title of a work, or a series title used in a name/title field.Affiliation An affiliation or address of the name.Relator code A MARC code for the relationship between a name and a work. Code from: MARC Code Lists for Relators, Sources, Description ConventionsLinkage See Control SubfieldsField link and sequence number See Control SubfieldsA corporate name used as a main entry in a bibliographic record.Inverted nameThe corporate name begins with a personal name in inverted order.Jurisdiction nameThe entry element is a name of a jurisdiction that is also an ecclesiastical entity or is a jurisdiction name under which a corporate name or a title of a work is entered.Name in direct orderCorporate name or jurisdiction name as entry element A name of a corporate body or the first entity when subordinate units are present; a jurisdiction name under which a corporate body, city section, or a title of a work is entered; or a jurisdiction name that is also an ecclesiastical entity.Subordinate unit A name of a subordinate corporate unit, a name of a city section, or a name of a meeting entered under a corporate or jurisdiction name.Location of meeting A place name or a name of an institution where a meeting was held.Date of meeting or treaty signing The date a meeting was held or, in a name/title field, the date a treaty was signed.Relator term Describes the relationship between a name and a work.Date of a work A date of publication used with a title of a work in a name/title field.Miscellaneous information The name of the other party to a treaty in a name/title field; a subelement that is not more appropriately contained in subfield $c, $d, or $n in a meeting entered under a corporate name; or a data element that is not more appropriately contained in another defined subfield in any other type of corporate name field.Form subheading Language of a work A name designation of a part or section of a work used with a title in a name/title field.Number of part/section/meeting A number designation for a meeting entered under a corporate name or for a part or section of a work used with a title in a name/title field.Name of part/section of a work A name designation of a part or section of a work used with a title in a name/title field.Title of a work A uniform title, a title page title of a work, or a series title used in a name/title field.Affiliation An affiliation or address of the name.Relator code A MARC code for the relationship between a name and a work. Code from: MARC Code Lists for Relators, Sources, Description ConventionsLinkage See Control SubfieldsField link and sequence number See Control SubfieldsA meeting name used as a main entry in a bibliographic record.Inverted nameThe meeting name begins with a personal name in inverted order.Jurisdiction nameThe entry element is a jurisdiction name under which a meeting name is entered.Name in direct orderMeeting name or jurisdiction name as entry element A name of a meeting, or the first entity when subordinate units are present; or a jurisdiction name under which a meeting name is entered.Location of meeting A place name or a name of an institution where a meeting was held.Date of meeting Subordinate unit The name of a subordinate unit entered under a meeting name.Date of a work A date of publication used with a title of a work in a name/title field.Miscellaneous information A data element not more appropriately contained in another defined subfield.Relator term Form subheading Language of a work The name of a language(s) used with a title of a work in a name/title field.Number of part/section/meeting A number of a meeting or a number designation for a part or section of a work.Name of part/section of a work A name designation of a part or section of a work used with a title in a name/title field.Name of meeting following jurisdiction name entry element The name of a meeting that is entered under a jurisdiction name contained in subfield $a.Title of a work A uniform title, a title page of a work, or a series title used in a name/title field.Affiliation An affiliation or address of the name.Relator code A MARC code for the relationship between a name and a work. Code from: MARC Code Lists for Relators, Sources, Description ConventionsLinkage See Control SubfieldsField link and sequence number See Control SubfieldsA uniform title used as a main entry in a bibliographic record.Number of nonfiling charactersUniform title Date of treaty signing Date of a work A date of publication used with a title of a work in a name/title field.Miscellaneous information Medium A media qualifier.Form subheading Language of a work Medium of performance for music Number of part/section of a work Arranged statement for music Name of part/section of a work Key for music Version Title of a work A title-page title of an item.Linkage See Control SubfieldsField link and sequence number See Control SubfieldsContains title as abbreviated for indexing or identification. An abbreviated key title is supplied by ISSN centers, based on the Key Title (Field 222). Other abbreviated titles are supplied by cataloging agencies, including abstracting and indexing services.No added entryAdded entryOther abbreviated titleAbbreviated title Qualifying information Abbreviated form of the parenthetical qualifying information contained in the key title (field 222).Source Code from: MARC Code Lists for Relators, Sources, Description ConventionsLinkage See Control SubfieldsField link and sequence number See Control SubfieldsA unique title for a continuing resource that is assigned in conjunction with an ISSN recorded in field 022 by national centers under the auspices of the ISSN Network.Number of nonfiling charactersKey title Qualifying information Parenthetical information that makes a title unique.Linkage See Control SubfieldsField link and sequence number See Control SubfieldsThe uniform title for an item when the bibliographic description is entered under a main entry field that contains a personal (field 100), corporate (110), or meeting (111) name.Not printed or displayedPrinted or displayedNumber of nonfiling charactersUniform title Date of treaty signing Date of a work Miscellaneous information A data element not more appropriately contained in another defined subfield.Medium A media qualifier.Form subheading Language of a work Medium of performance for music Number of part/section of a work Arranged statement for music Name of part/section of a work Key for music Version Linkage See Control SubfieldsField link and sequence number See Control SubfieldsA translation of the title proper that is made by the cataloger when the translated title does not appear as a parallel title on the item. For a note, the introductory phrase Title translated: may be generated based on the field tag for display.No added entryAdded entryA value that indicates whether an added entry for the title is to be generated.Number of nonfiling charactersTitle The title proper, exclusive of the designation of number or name of part and any alternative title.Remainder of title Includes parallel, alternative, and other title information.Statement of responsibility, etc. The statement of responsibility and/or any remaining title statement data that are not more appropriately contained in one of the other subfields.Medium Number of part/section of a work Name of part/section of a work Language code of translated title Code from: MARC Code List for LanguagesLinkage See Control SubfieldsField link and sequence number See Control SubfieldsA generic title that is constructed by the cataloger to collect works by a prolific author. The brackets that customarily enclose a collective uniform title are not carried in the MARC record. They may be generated based on the field tag.Not printed or displayedPrinted or displayedNumber of nonfiling charactersUniform title Date of treaty signing Date of a work Miscellaneous information Medium Form subheading Language of a work Medium of performance for music Number of part/section of a work Arranged statement for music Name of part/section of a work Key for music Version Linkage See Control SubfieldsField link and sequence number See Control SubfieldsThe title and statement of responsibility area of the bibliographic description of a work.No added entryNo title added entry is made either because no title added entry is desired or because the title added entry is not traced the same as the title in field 245.Added entryThe desired title added entry is the same as the title in field 245.Number of nonfiling charactersTitle Remainder of title Statement of responsibility, etc. Inclusive dates The time period during which the entire content of the described materials was created.Bulk dates The time period during which the bulk of the content of the described materials was created.Medium Form A term that is descriptive of the form of the described materials, determined by an examination of their physical character, the subject of their intellectual content, or the order of information within them.Number of part/section of a work Name of part/section of a work Version The name, code, or description of a copy of the described materials that was generated at different times or for different audiences.Linkage See Control SubfieldsField link and sequence number See Control SubfieldsA form of the title appearing on different parts of an item or a portion of the title proper, or an alternative form of the title when the form differs significantly from the title contained in field 245.Note, no added entryNote, added entryNo note, no title added entryNo note, added entryPortion of titleAn added entry may be generated by first indicator value 1. No note is generated.Parallel titleThe parallel title that is contained in subfield $b of field 245. No note is generated.Distinctive titleA special title that appears in addition to the regular title on individual issues of an item and by which the issue may be known. Distinctive title: may be generated with the note for display.Other titleA title that appears on the piece that is not more appropriately indicated by one of the other values. Other title: may be generated with the note for display.Cover titleA title that is printed on the original cover of a publication or lettered or stamped on the publisher's binding and which is used when the cover is not the chief source of the bibliographic description. Cover title: may be generated with the note for display.Added title page titleA title in another language found on a title page that is not used as the chief source of the bibliographic description. Added title page title: may be generated with the note for display.Caption titleA title printed at the head of the first page of text. Caption title: may be generated with the note for display.Running titleA title printed at the top or bottom margin of each page of a publication. Running title: may be generated with the note for display.Spine titleA publisher's title found on the spine of a publication. Spine title: may be generated with the note for display.Title proper/short title Remainder of title Date or sequential designation A date or a volume/issue number that relates the variant title to the bibliographic description when a note is generated from the field.Miscellaneous information Medium Display text Number of part/section of a work Name of part/section of a work Institution to which field applies See Control SubfieldsLinkage See Control SubfieldsField link and sequence number See Control SubfieldsA former title proper when one cataloging record represents several titles associated with an entity.No added entryAdded entryDisplay noteTitle varies: may be generated with the note for display.Do not display noteA textual note is contained in field 547 (Former Title Complexity Note).Title Remainder of title Date or sequential designation Dates or volume/issue numbers of the continuing resource that bore the former title.Miscellaneous information Medium Number of part/section of a work Name of part/section of a work International Standard Serial Number Linkage See Control SubfieldsField link and sequence number See Control SubfieldsInformation relating to the edition of a work as determined by applicable cataloging rules.Edition statement Remainder of edition statement Usually, a statement of personal or corporate responsibility and/or a parallel edition statement.Linkage See Control SubfieldsField link and sequence number See Control SubfieldsA description of the format of an edition of a work of printed or manuscript music that may differ from the format of another edition of the same work.Musical presentation statement Linkage See Control SubfieldsField link and sequence number See Control SubfieldsMathematical data that is associated with map material, including celestial charts. This data may also be coded in field 034 (Coded Mathematical Data).Statement of scale Includes any equivalency statements, vertical scales or vertical exaggeration statements for relief models and other three-dimensional items.Statement of projection Statement of coordinates Statement of zone Used for celestial charts.Statement of equinox Outer G-ring coordinate pairs Exclusion G-ring coordinate pairs Linkage See Control SubfieldsField link and sequence number See Control SubfieldsCharacteristics of a computer file, such as the type of file, the number of records or statements.Computer file characteristics Linkage See Control SubfieldsField link and sequence number See Control SubfieldsThe name or abbreviation of the name of the country where the principal offices of the producing entity of a moving image work are located.Country of producing entity May contain the abbreviation [S.l.] when the country is unknown.Linkage See Control SubfieldsField link and sequence number See Control SubfieldsStamps, postal stationery and all other documents created and/or used to signify pre-payment or payment due for postal services; stamps or other labels resembling the material described above, but which have no postal value; cancellations or other marks created and/or used by a postal administration to show evidence of postal usage; material bearing one or more of the items described above.Issuing jurisdiction Denomination Linkage See Control SubfieldsField link and sequence number See Control SubfieldsInformation relating to the publication, printing, distribution, issue, release, or production of a work.Intervening publisherCurrent/latest publisherPlace of publication, distribution, etc. May contain the abbreviation [S.l.] when the place is unknown.Name of publisher, distributor, etc. May contain the abbreviation [s.n.] when the name is unknown.Date of publication, distribution, etc. May contain multiple dates (e.g., dates of publication and copyright).Place of manufacture Manufacturer May contain the abbreviation [s.n.] when the name is unknown.Date of manufacture Materials specified Linkage See Control SubfieldsField link and sequence number See Control SubfieldsThe projected date of publication used in bibliographic records for works that have not yet been published.Contains an address (as well as electronic access data such as telephone, fax, TTY, etc. numbers) associated with a bibliographic item. Multiple addresses, such as mailing addresses and addresses corresponding to the physical location of an item or facilities, are recorded in separate occurrences of field 270.PrimarySecondaryMailingType specified in subfield $iAddress City State or province Country Postal code Terms preceding attention name Attention name Attention position Type of address Specialized telephone number Telephone number Fax number Electronic mail address TDD or TTY number Contact person Title of contact person Hours Public note Relator code Linkage See Control SubfieldsField link and sequence number See Control SubfieldsA physical description of the described item, including its extent, dimensions, and such other physical details as a description of any accompanying materials and unit type and size.Extent The number of pages, volumes, cassettes, total playing time, etc., of the described item.Other physical details Physical characteristics such as illustrative matter, coloration, playing speed, groove characteristics, presence and kind of sound, number of channels, and motion picture presentation format.Dimensions Expressed in centimeters, millimeters, or inches; may include a parenthetical qualifier giving the format of the item (e.g., (fol.), (8vo)).Accompanying material May include a parenthetical physical description of the accompanying material.Type of unit Terms such as page, volumes, boxes, cu. ft., linear ft., etc. that identify the configuration of the material and how it is stored.Size of unit The size of the unit contained in subfield $f. Subfield $g is repeatable when additional forms of extent data are given.Materials specified The part of the described materials to which the field applies.Linkage See Control SubfieldsField link and sequence number See Control SubfieldsSix numeric characters, in the pattern hhmmss, that represent the playing time for a sound recording or the stated duration of performance of printed or manuscript music. If the playing time is less than 1 hour, the hour (hh) is recorded as two zeroes; if less than a minute, the minute (mm) is also recorded as two zeroes.Chronological information identifying the days and/or times an item is available or accessible. It is used primarily in records for electronic resources.No display constant generatedHours Additional information Linkage See Control SubfieldsField link and sequence number See Control SubfieldsThe current stated publication frequency of either an item or an update to an item. Dates are included when the beginning date of the current frequency is not the same as the beginning date of publication. These data are related to coded data in field 008/18 (Frequency) and 008/19 (Regularity).Current publication frequency Date of current publication frequency The date is different from the beginning date of the publication and a former frequency is contained in field 321.Linkage See Control SubfieldsField link and sequence number See Control SubfieldsThe former frequency of either an item or an update to an item when a current frequency is contained in field 310.Former publication frequency Dates of former publication frequency Linkage See Control SubfieldsField link and sequence number See Control SubfieldsPhysical description information for an item that requires technical equipment for its use or an item that has special conservation or storage needs.Material base and configuration The physical substance (e.g., acetate, clay, vellum, wood) and configuration (e.g., cartridge, chip, videotape) on which the information is recorded.Dimensions The measurements of the material configuration.Materials applied to surface The physical substance applied to the material base (e.g., ink, paint, albumen).Information recording technique The technique used to record the data in or on the material base (e.g., punched, molded, x-ray).Support The physical material on or in which records are mounted, bound, or otherwise supported.Production rate/ratio The normal rate or ratio at which the material must be used for the information to be meaningful (e.g., revolutions per minute for recordings).Location within medium The location of the described materials within the material base and configuration (e.g., baud, frame number).Technical specifications of medium The access requirements of technical equipment.Materials specified The part of the described materials to which the field applies.Linkage See Control SubfieldsField link and sequence number See Control SubfieldsA description of the frame of reference for the coordinates in a data set. To work with a data set a user must be able to identify how location accuracy has been affected through the application of a geospatial reference method, thus enabling the user to manipulate the data set to recover location accuracy.Horizontal coordinate systemVertical coordinate systemGeographicMap projectionGrid coordinate systemLocal planarLocalGeodetic modelAltitudeMethod specified in $2DepthName Coordinate or distance units Latitude resolution Longitude resolution Standard parallel or oblique line latitude Oblique line longitude Longitude of central meridian or projection center Latitude of projection origin or projection center False easting False northing Scale factor Height of perspective point above surface Azimuthal angle Azimuth measure point longitude or straight vertical longitude from pole Landsat number and path number Zone identifier Ellipsoid name Semi-major axis Denominator of flattening ratio Vertical resolution Vertical encoding method Local planar, local, or other projection or grid description Local planar or local georeference information Reference method used Linkage See Control SubfieldsField link and sequence number See Control SubfieldsInformation about the coordinate system developed on a planar surface. The information is provided to allow the user of a geospatial data set to identify the quantities of distances, or distances and angles. These define the position of a point on a reference plane onto which the surface of the Earth has been projected.Planar coordinate encoding method Planar distance units Abscissa resolution Ordinate resolution Distance resolution Bearing resolution Bearing units Bearing reference direction Bearing reference meridian Linkage See Control SubfieldsField link and sequence number See Control SubfieldsDescribes the organization and arrangement of a collection of items.Organization The manner in which the described materials are subdivided into smaller units, information about the file structure of computer files or the name of the computer software or system.Arrangement The pattern of arrangement of materials within a unit (e.g., alphabetical, by country).Hierarchical level The hierarchical position of the described materials relative to other records from the same source.Materials specified The part of the described materials to which the field applies.Linkage See Control SubfieldsField link and sequence number See Control SubfieldsA description of the method of referencing and the mechanism used to represent graphic information in a data set. This information consists of the type of storage technique used, the number of items in the data set, and the format in which the data is stored.Direct reference method Object type Object count Row count Column count Vertical count VPF topology level Indirect reference description Format of the digital image Linkage See Control SubfieldsField link and sequence number See Control SubfieldsSpecifics pertaining to the security classification associated with the document, title, abstract, contents note, and/or the author. In addition, it can contain handling instructions and external dissemination information pertaining to the dissemination of the document, title, abstract, contents note, and author. The field may also contain downgrading or declassification data, the name of the classification system, and a country of origin code. Code from: MARC Code List for CountriesDocumentTitleAbstractContents noteAuthorRecordOther elementSecurity classification A term that specifies a security classification (e.g., Unclassified, Secret, Confidential associated with the document, title, abstract, contents note, or author.Handling instructions Handling instructions, e.g., who may handle or see the document, title, abstract, contents not, or author's name.External dissemination information Downgrading or declassification event Data about the security classification, often a phrase pertaining to downgrading or declassification, e.g. OADR (which stands for "Original Agency Determination Required"). Dates relating to the downgrading or declassification event are recorded in subfields $g or $h.Classification system The name of a classification system, not necessarily from a controlled list.Country of origin code A two- or three-character alphabetic MARC code indicating the country of origin of the classification. Code from: MARC Code List for CountriesDowngrading date A date pertaining to the downgrading of the document, title, abstract, contents note, or author information. Downgrading involves changes to security classification, from higher level to a lower level of classification.Declassification date A date pertaining to the declassification of the document, title, abstract, contents note, or author information. Declassification involves the removal of any security classification on and item.Authorization Information that identifies by whose authority a change in security classification was made. The subfield contains a MARC organization code.See Organization Code Sources for a listing of sources used in MARC 21 records.Linkage See Control SubfieldsField link and sequence number See Control SubfieldsSpecifics pertaining to originator (i.e., author, producer) control of dissemination of the material in hand. Subfield $a contains a specific term denoting that the originator has control over the material.Contains the beginning/ending date(s) of an item and/or the sequential designations used on each part. Dates to be used in this field are chronological designations that identify individual issues of the continuing resource. The sequential designations are usually numeric but can be alphabetic as well. The information may be formatted or unformatted. If the date information has been obtained from a source other than the first and/or last issue of the item published, the information is given in an unformatted note and the source of the information is usually cited.Formatted styleUnformatted noteDates of publication and/or sequential designation When both a sequential designation and a chronological designation are given, the chronological one is enclosed in parentheses.Source of information Citation of the source of information contained in subfield $a; used with unformatted notes.Linkage See Control SubfieldsField link and sequence number See Control SubfieldsContains the current price of an item or records the special export price of an item in any currency.Price type code Price amount Currency code Unit of pricing Price note Price effective from Price effective until Tax rate 1 Tax rate 2 ISO country code Code from: ISO 3166-1, Codes for the Representation of Names of Countries.MARC country code Code from: MARC Code List for CountriesIdentification of pricing entity Source of price type code Code from: MARC Code Lists for Relators, Sources, Description ConventionsLinkage See Control SubfieldsField link and sequence number See Control SubfieldsContains detailed information relating to the availability of items from publishers.Publishers' compressed title identification Detailed date of publication Availability status code Expected next availability date Note Publishers' discount category Date made out of print ISO country code Code from: ISO 3166-1, Codes for the Representation of Names of Countries.MARC country code Code from: MARC Code List for CountriesIdentification of agency Source of availability status code Code from: MARC Code Lists for Relators, Sources, Description ConventionsLinkage See Control SubfieldsField link and sequence number See Control SubfieldsA series statement consisting of a series title alone.Number of nonfiling charactersTitle Number of part/section of a work A number designation of a part/section of a series.Name of part/section of a work A name designation of a part/section of a series.Volume number/sequential designation International Standard Serial Number Linkage See Control SubfieldsField link and sequence number See Control SubfieldsA series statement for which no series added entry is traced or for which the added entry is traced in one of the 800-830 fields in a form different from the form contained in field 490.Series not tracedSeries traced differentlySeries statement A series title that may also contain a statement of responsibility, other title information, dates, or volume numbers preceding or appearing as part of the title.Library of Congress call number An LC series call number that is used for a continuing resource that has been issued as part of the series.Volume number/sequential designation International Standard Serial Number Linkage See Control SubfieldsField link and sequence number See Control SubfieldsGeneral information for which a specialized 5XX note field has not been defined.General note Materials specified Institution to which field applies See Control SubfieldsLinkage See Control SubfieldsField link and sequence number See Control SubfieldsA note that is used when more than one bibliographic work is contained in a physical item at the time of publishing, release, issue, or execution. The works usually have distinctive titles and lack a collective title.With note Includes a relevant introductory phrase (e.g., With:, On reel with:).Institution to which field applies See Control SubfieldsLinkage See Control SubfieldsField link and sequence number See Control SubfieldsThe designation of an academic dissertation or thesis and the institution to which it was presented. (A note that describes the relationship of a work to a dissertation or thesis is recorded in field 500).Dissertation note Linkage See Control SubfieldsField link and sequence number See Control SubfieldsInformation on the presence of one or more bibliographies, discographies, filmographies, and/or other bibliographic references in a described item or in accompanying material.Bibliography, etc. note Number of references Used to indicate the significance of a bibliography.Linkage See Control SubfieldsField link and sequence number See Control SubfieldsThe titles of separate works or parts of an item or the table of contents. The field may also contain statements of responsibility and volume numbers or other sequential designations.ContentsIncomplete contentsAll parts of a multipart item are not listed because they were not available for analysis. Incomplete contents: may be generated for display.Partial contentsAll parts were available for analysis but only selected parts are listed. Partial contents: may be generated for display.No display constant generatedEnhancedFormatted contents note The format of the note is determined by the relevant cataloging rules.Miscellaneous information Statement of responsibility Title Uniform Resource Identifier The Uniform Resource Identifier (URI), for example a URL or URN, which provides electronic access data in a standard syntax. This data can be used for automated access to an electronic item using one of the Internet protocols.Linkage See Control SubfieldsField link and sequence number See Control SubfieldsInformation on the restrictions that govern access to or the limited distribution of the described materials.No restrictionsRestrictions applyTerms governing access Legal, physical, or procedural restrictions imposed on individuals wishing to see the described materials.Jurisdiction The name of a person, an institution, or a position or function within the institution, by whom or which the terms governing access are imposed and to whom the restriction may be appealed.Physical access provisions Arrangements required for physical access.Authorized users A class of users or specific individuals to whom the restrictions in subfield $a do not apply.Authorization The source of authority for the restriction.Standardized terminology for access restriction Uniform Resource Identifier The Uniform Resource Identifier (URI), for example a URL or URN, which provides electronic access data in a standard syntax. This data can be used for automated access to an electronic item using one of the Internet protocols.Source of term Code from: MARC 21 Code Lists for Relators, Sources, Description ConventionsMaterials specified Institution to which field applies See Control SubfieldsLinkage See Control SubfieldsField link and sequence number See Control SubfieldsFor visual materials, this field contains the scale of architectural drawings or three-dimensional artifacts. For maps, the scale of an item is contained in this field only in pre-AACR 2 cataloging records. Scale information is contained in field 255 (Mathematical Data Area) in AACR 2 formulated records.Representative fraction of scale note Remainder of scale note Linkage See Control SubfieldsField link and sequence number See Control SubfieldsThe names of the persons (other than members of the cast) or organizations who participated in the artistic or technical production of the work. The introductory term Credits: that customarily precedes the names is not carried in the MARC record. It may be generated based on the field tag.Creation/production credits note Linkage See Control SubfieldsField link and sequence number See Control SubfieldsCitations or references to published bibliographic descriptions, reviews, abstracts, or indexes of the content of the described item.Coverage unknownThe abstracting and indexing coverage is not specified. Indexed by: may be generated for display.Coverage completeThe abstracting and indexing coverage includes references to all articles in a journal and/or all issues within each volume. Indexed in its entirety by: may be generated for display.Coverage is selectiveThe abstracting and indexing coverage is selective. Indexed selectively by: may be generated for display.Location in source not givenReferences: may be generated for display.Location in source givenReferences: may be generated for display.Name of source Coverage of source The dates of the continuing resource with which the abstracting and indexing coverage began and ended.Location within source International Standard Serial Number Materials specified Linkage See Control SubfieldsField link and sequence number See Control SubfieldsThe names of the participants, players, narrators, presenters, or performers.No display constant generatedCastCast: may be generated for display.Participant or performer note Linkage See Control SubfieldsField link and sequence number See Control SubfieldsInformation on the type of report and the period covered by the report.Type of report Period covered Linkage See Control SubfieldsField link and sequence number See Control SubfieldsProvides a general assessment of the quality of the data set constituting the item.Attribute accuracy report Attribute accuracy value Attribute accuracy explanation Logical consistency report Completeness report Horizontal position accuracy report Horizontal position accuracy value Horizontal position accuracy explanation Vertical positional accuracy report Vertical positional accuracy value Vertical positional accuracy explanation Cloud cover Uniform Resource Identifier The Uniform Resource Identifier (URI), for example a URL or URN, which provides electronic access data in a standard syntax. This data can be used for automated access to an electronic item using one of the Internet protocols.Display note Introduces the data in the field, when needed.Linkage See Control SubfieldsField link and sequence number See Control SubfieldsAn unformatted description of irregularities and peculiarities in numbering or publishing patterns, report year coverage, revised editions, and/or issuance in parts.Numbering peculiarities note Linkage See Control SubfieldsField link and sequence number See Control SubfieldsA general descriptor that characterizes a file (e.g., text, computer program, numeric). Specific information such as the form or genre of textual material (e.g., biography, indexes) also may be included. The general type of file is coded in field 008/26 (Type of computer file).No display constant generatedType of computer file or data note Linkage See Control SubfieldsField link and sequence number See Control SubfieldsTextual information on the date/time and/or place of creation, capture, or broadcast associated with an event or the finding of a naturally occurring object. This information in coded form is contained in field 033 (Date/Time and Place of an Event).Date/time and place of an event note Materials specified Linkage See Control SubfieldsField link and sequence number See Control SubfieldsUnformatted information that describes the scope and general contents of the materials. This could be a summary, abstract, annotation, review, or only a phrase describing the material.SubjectReviewScope and contentAbstractNo display constant generatedSummary, etc. note Expansion of summary note Uniform Resource Identifier The Uniform Resource Identifier (URI), for example a URL or URN, which provides electronic access data in a standard syntax. This data can be used for automated access to an electronic item using one of the Internet protocols.Materials specified Linkage See Control SubfieldsField link and sequence number See Control SubfieldsInformation that identifies the specific audience or intellectual level for which the content of the described item is considered appropriate.Reading grade levelInterest age levelInterest grade levelSpecial audience characteristicsMotivation interest levelNo display constant generatedTarget audience note Source The organization that determined the target audience of the item.Materials specified Linkage See Control SubfieldsField link and sequence number See Control SubfieldsInformation on the geographic coverage of the described material (usually survey material). This information in coded form may be contained in field 052 (Geographic Classification Code).No display constant generatedGeographic coverage note Linkage See Control SubfieldsField link and sequence number See Control SubfieldsThe format of the citation of the described materials that is preferred by the custodian.No display constant generatedPreferred citation of described materials note Source of schema used Materials specified Linkage See Control SubfieldsField link and sequence number See Control SubfieldsInformation on the existence of supplements or special issues (usually unnamed) that are neither cataloged as separate records nor recorded in field 770 (Supplement/Special Issue Entry).Supplement note Linkage See Control SubfieldsField link and sequence number See Control SubfieldsA note giving the name of a study program which uses the title described in the record. Details about the study program data elements are also contained in the field. Field 526 is generally used for formal curriculum-based study or reading programs.Reading programNo display constant generatedProgram name Interest level Reading level Title point value Display text Nonpublic note Public note Institution to which field applies See Control SubfieldsLinkage See Control SubfieldsField link and sequence number See Control SubfieldsAvailability information concerning a different physical format in which the described item is available.Additional physical form available note For continuing resources, availability source, availability conditions, and order number information are included in subfield $a.Availability source The organizational unit or vendor from which the additional physical form may be acquired.Availability conditions The terms under which the additional physical form is available.Order number Uniform Resource Identifier The Uniform Resource Identifier (URI), for example a URL or URN, which provides electronic access data in a standard syntax. This data can be used for automated access to an electronic item using one of the Internet protocols.Materials specified Linkage See Control SubfieldsField link and sequence number See Control SubfieldsDescriptive data for a reproduction of an original item when the main portion of the bibliographic record describes the original item and the data differ.Type of reproduction An introductory phrase that identifies the type of reproduction being described.Place of reproduction Agency responsible for reproduction Date of reproduction Physical description of reproduction Series statement of reproduction Dates and/or sequential designation of issues reproduced Note about reproduction Materials specified Linkage See Control SubfieldsFixed-length data elements of reproduction Fifteen fixed-position character positions (designated as $7/0, $7/1- 4, etc.) that provide coded information about the reproduction. The codes used are counterparts to those defined for field 008 (Fixed-Length Data Elements), character positions /06-17 (All Formats), /18-19 (Continuing resources), and /23 (Books). Subfield $7 is the last subfield in the field. Each character position contains either a defined code or a fill character ( | )./0 - Type of date/Publication statusA one-character code that indicates the type of dates given in subfield $7/1-4 (Date 1) and /5-8 (Date 2/).See field 008/06 (Type of date/publication status) All Formats. Any code except code r (Reprint/reissue date and original date) may be used.Field link and sequence number See Control SubfieldsDescriptive data for an original item when the main portion of the bibliographic record describes a reproduction of that item and the data differ. Details relevant to the original are given in field 534.Main entry of original Edition statement of original Publication, distribution, etc. of original Physical description, etc. of original Series statement of original Key title of original Location of original Material specific details Note about original Introductory phrase A introductory phrase that introduces the citation of the original version.Title statement of original International Standard Serial Number International Standard Book Number Linkage See Control SubfieldsField link and sequence number See Control SubfieldsThe name and address of the repository that has custody of the original or a duplicate copy of the described material when either is housed in a repository different from that of the material being described.Holder of originalsHolder of duplicatesCustodian Postal address Country Telecommunications address Repository location code A MARC code for the country of the repository. Code from: MARC Code List for CountriesMaterials specified Linkage See Control SubfieldsField link and sequence number See Control SubfieldsContract, grant, and/or project numbers when the described material is the result of a funded project. Information concerning the sponsor or funding agency also may be included.Text of note Information concerning the sponsor or funding agency.Contract number Grant number Undifferentiated number An undifferentiated number associated with the material that identifies a project, task, or work unit number.Program element number Project number Task number Work unit number Linkage See Control SubfieldsField link and sequence number See Control SubfieldsTechnical information about an item, such as the presence or absence of certain kinds of codes; or the physical characteristics of a computer file, such as recording densities, parity, blocking factors, mode of access, software programming language, computer requirements, peripheral requirements, trade name or recording systems, number of lines of resolution, and modulation frequency. For sound and videorecordings, information about the trade name or recording system(s) (e.g., VHS), modulation frequency and number of lines of resolution may be included.System details note Display text Uniform Resource Identifier Materials specified Linkage See Control SubfieldsField link and sequence number See Control SubfieldsTerms governing the use of the described materials (e.g., copyrights, film rights, trade rights) after access has been provided.Terms governing use and reproduction Usually, the text of a legal or official statement of restrictions.Jurisdiction The name of a person, an institution, or a position or function within the institution, by whom or which the terms governing access are imposed and to whom the restriction may be appealed.Authorization The source of authority for the restriction.Authorized users A class of users or specific individuals to whom the restrictions in subfield $a do not apply.Uniform Resource Identifier The Uniform Resource Identifier (URI), for example a URL or URN, which provides electronic access data in a standard syntax. This data can be used for automated access to an electronic item using one of the Internet protocols.Materials specified Institution to which field applies See Control SubfieldsLinkage See Control SubfieldsField link and sequence number See Control SubfieldsInformation on the immediate source of acquisition of the described materials. The field is used primarily for original or historical items or other archival collections.PrivateNot privateSource of acquisition The name of the person or organization that is the source of the material.Address Method of acquisition The terms under which a transfer of physical custody occurs, e.g., by gift, loan, purchase.Date of acquisition Accession number The identification code assigned to materials acquired in a single and separate transfer of custody.Owner The individual or organization with legal custody over the described materials.Purchase price Extent The number of items acquired.Type of unit The name of the unit of measurement, e.g., cartons.Materials specified Institution to which field applies See Control SubfieldsLinkage See Control SubfieldsField link and sequence number See Control SubfieldsThe name and address of the custodian of materials that, at a previous time, have been part of the same collection or record group as the described materials.Associated materialsIndicates that the other materials identified in the note have the same provenance but reside in a different repository.Related materialsIndicates that the other materials identified in the note share the sphere of activity, reside in the same repository, but have different provenance.Custodian Address Country Title Provenance The history of custody of the described materials since their creation, including any changes that successive custodians have made to them.Note The entire text of the note that describes the other materials. It may be used instead of the specific subfields for title of materials, custodian, and provenance.Materials specified Linkage See Control SubfieldsField link and sequence number See Control SubfieldsBiographical information about an individual or historical information about an institution or an event used as the main entry of the bibliographic record for the described materials. When a distinction between levels of detail is required, a brief summary is given in subfield $a and a fuller annotation is given in subfield $b.Biographical sketchAdministrative historyBiographical or historical note Expansion Uniform Resource Identifier The Uniform Resource Identifier (URI), for example a URL or URN, which provides electronic access data in a standard syntax. This data can be used for automated access to an electronic item using one of the Internet protocols.Linkage See Control SubfieldsField link and sequence number See Control SubfieldsTextual information on the language of the described materials. A description of the alphabet, script, or other symbol system (e.g., arabic alphabet, ASCII, musical notation system, bar code, logarithmic graphing) may also be included. Coded language information is contained in fields 008/35-37 (Language) and/or 041 (Language code).Language note Information code or alphabet The name of the alphabet, script, or information code that is used to record the language.Materials specified Linkage See Control SubfieldsField link and sequence number See Control SubfieldsA description of the complex relationship between former titles proper whenever an intelligible note cannot be generated from the data in field 247 (Former Title).Former title complexity note Linkage See Control SubfieldsField link and sequence number See Control SubfieldsInformation about the current and former issuing bodies of a continuing resource.Issuing body note Linkage See Control SubfieldsField link and sequence number See Control SubfieldsA description of the information content of the data set, including the entity types, their attributes, and the domains from which attribute values may be assigned.Entity type labelEntity type definition and sourceAttribute labelAttribute definition and source Enumerated domain value Enumerated domain value definition and sourceRange domain minimum and maximumCodeset name and sourceUnrepresentable domainAttribute units of measurement and resolutionBeginning date and ending date of attribute valuesAttribute value accuracyAttribute value accuracy explanation Attribute measurement frequency Entity and attribute overview Entity and attribute detail citation Uniform Resource Identifier Display noteA note that introduces the data in the field when needed.Linkage See Control SubfieldsField link and sequence number See Control SubfieldsInformation on the availability of cumulative indexes for continuing resources or finding aids and similar control materials for archival and manuscripts control and visual materials.Finding aidsFinding aids: may be generated for display.No display constant generatedCumulative index/finding aids note Availability source The organizational unit or vendor from which finding aids or other documentation may be obtained.Degree of control The extent of administrative, bibliographic, or physical control available over the described materials.Bibliographic reference A citation to a published or unpublished index or finding aid when it is not cataloged with the described item.Uniform Resource Identifier The Uniform Resource Identifier (URI), for example a URL or URN, which provides electronic access data in a standard syntax. This data can be used for automated access to an electronic item using one of the Internet protocols.Materials specified Linkage See Control SubfieldsField link and sequence number See Control SubfieldsInformation about the documentation of a file, e.g., codebooks that explain the content and use of the file.No display constant generatedInformation about documentation note International Standard Book Number Linkage See Control SubfieldsField link and sequence number See Control SubfieldsA copy-specific field that contains information concerning the ownership and custodial history of the described materials from the time of their creation to the time of their accessioning, including the time at which individual items or group of items were first brought together in their current arrangement or collation.PrivateNot privateHistory Materials specified Institution to which field applies See Control SubfieldsLinkage See Control SubfieldsField link and sequence number See Control SubfieldsInformation that distinguishes the copy or version of materials held by an archive or manuscript repository when more than one copy or version exists or could exist.Identifying markings Markings on the support or imbedded in the medium that can be used to identify the copy of the described materials.Copy identification Information that distinguishes one copy of the described materials from other copies.Version identification Information that identifies a version that differs in content but is related across time to another version, e.g., an edition.Presentation format The format in which the material was intended to be used, seen, or heard.Number of copies Materials specified Institution to which field applies See Control SubfieldsLinkage See Control SubfieldsField link and sequence number See Control SubfieldsIntended primarily for use with antiquarian materials, rare books and other special collections.Binding note Uniform Resource Identifier The Uniform Resource Identifier (URI), for example, a URL or URN, which provides electronic access data in a standard syntax. This data can be used for automated access to an electronic item using one of the Internet protocols.Materials specified Institution to which field applies See Control SubfieldsLinkage See Control SubfieldsField link and sequence number See Control SubfieldsInformation on the content, characteristics, and/or the number of cases or variables making up a case file or a database.Case file characteristicsNo display constant generatedNumber of cases/variables The number of cases or variables in a single case within a repetitive case file series.Name of variable Unit of analysis The subject to which variables in case files or databases refer, e.g., workers in personnel records.Universe of data The scope of the data collection effort and the specifications of the sample represented in the described materials.Filing scheme or code Information that places the described materials in the context of a scheme or intellectual arrangement.Materials specified Linkage See Control SubfieldsField link and sequence number See Control SubfieldsInformation on significant methodological characteristics of the material, such as the algorithm, sampling procedures, or validation characteristics.No display constant generatedMethodology note Linkage See Control SubfieldsField link and sequence number See Control SubfieldsA description of the complex relationship between the described item and other items when an intelligible note cannot be generated from data in the linking entry fields 760-787.Linking entry complexity note The catalog entry for the related title and a statement describing the relationship.Linkage See Control SubfieldsField link and sequence number See Control SubfieldsA citation to or information about a publication that is a study or analysis of the described materials.No display constant generatedPublications about described materials note International Standard Book Number Materials specified Linkage See Control SubfieldsField link and sequence number See Control SubfieldsContains information about processing, reference, and preservation actions.PrivateNot privateAction Standardized terminology descriptive of the action.Action identification A code or designation that identifies a specific action or identifies it in conjunction with the time of action in subfield $c.Time/date of action The concrete time or date of a future or past action.Action interval A time period that cannot be expressed as a concrete time.Contingency for action A time or time period expressed in terms of an unpredictable event, e.g., upon receipt.Authorization The text of, or citation to, a statute, action order, report, rationale, or rule governing a particular action.Jurisdiction The name of a person, an institution, or a position or function within the institution, in whom or which responsibility for an action is vested.Method of action The means or technique by which an action is performed.Site of action Includes the site at which the described materials are consulted by users.Action agent The person or organization performing the action.Status The condition or state of the described materials.Extent The number of items involved.Type of unit The name of the unit of measurement.Uniform Resource Identifier The Uniform Resource Identifier (URI), for example, a URL or URN, which provides electronic access data in a standard syntax. This data can be used for automated access to an electronic item using one of the Internet protocols.Nonpublic note Public note Source of term A MARC code that identifies the source of the term used to record the action information. Code from: MARC Code Lists for Relators, Sources, Description ConventionsMaterials specified Institution to which field applies See Control SubfieldsLinkage See Control SubfieldsField link and sequence number See Control SubfieldsInformation on the rates of accumulation (for continuing, open-ended accessions) and/or the rate of reference use of the described materials.Accumulation The rate of accumulation expressed as a ratio of volume to time period.Frequency of use A measure of reference activity, usually expressed as a ratio of number of retrievals to time period.Materials specified Institution to which field applies See Control SubfieldsLinkage See Control SubfieldsField link and sequence number See Control SubfieldsA copy-specific field that contains a citation to an exhibition where the described materials have been shown.Exhibitions note Materials specified Institution to which field applies See Control SubfieldsLinkage See Control SubfieldsField link and sequence number See Control SubfieldsInformation on awards associated with the described item.No display constant generatedAwards note Materials specified Linkage See Control SubfieldsField link and sequence number See Control SubfieldsA subject added entry in which the entry element is a personal name.ForenameSurnameFamily nameLibrary of Congress Subject HeadingsThe subject added entry conforms to and is appropriate for use in the Library of Congress Subject Headings (LCSH) and the Name authority files.LC subject headings for children's literatureThe subject added entry conforms to the "AC Subject Headings" section of the LCSH and is appropriate for use in the LC Annotated Card Program.Medical Subject HeadingsThe subject added entry conforms to the NLM authority files.National Agricultural Library subject authority fileThe subject added entry conforms to the NAL subject authority file.Source not specifiedThe subject added entry conforms to a controlled list that cannot be identified by another defined value or by a code in subfield $2.Canadian Subject HeadingsThe subject added entry conforms to and is appropriate for use in the Canadian Subject Headings and the LAC authority files.Répertoire de vedettes-matièreThe subject added entry conforms to and is appropriate for use in the Répertoire de vedettes-matière and the LAC authority fieldsSource specified in subfield $2Personal name Numeration Titles and other words associated with a name Dates associated with a name Relator term Date of a work Miscellaneous information Medium A media qualifier.Attribution qualifierAttribution information for names when the responsibility is unknown, uncertain, fictitious, or pseudonymous.Form subheading Language of a work Medium of performance for music Number of part/section of a work Arranged statement for music Name of part/section of a work Fuller form of name Key for music Version Title of a work Affiliation Form subdivision General subdivision Chronological subdivision Geographic subdivision Source of heading or term Code from: MARC Code Lists for Relators, Sources, Description ConventionsMaterials specified Relator code Linkage See Control SubfieldsField link and sequence number See Control SubfieldsSee the descriptions of subfields $a, $b, $d, $e, $f, $g, $l, $n, $p, $q, $t, $u, and $4 under field 100 .A subject added entry in which the entry element is a corporate name.Inverted nameJurisdiction nameName in direct orderLibrary of Congress Subject HeadingsThe subject added entry conforms to and is appropriate for use in the Library of Congress Subject Headings (LCSH) and the Name authority files.LC subject headings for children's literatureThe subject added entry conforms to the "AC Subject Headings" section of the LCSH and is appropriate for use in the LC Annotated Card Program.Medical Subject HeadingsThe subject added entry conforms to the NLM authority files.National Agricultural Library subject authority fileThe subject added entry conforms to the NAL subject authority file.Source not specifiedThe subject added entry conforms to a controlled list that cannot be identified by another defined value or by a code in subfield $2.Canadian Subject HeadingsThe subject added entry conforms to and is appropriate for use in the Canadian Subject Headings and the LAC authority files.Répertoire de vedettes-matièreThe subject added entry conforms to and is appropriate for use in the Répertoire de vedettes-matière and the LAC authority fieldsSource specified in subfield $2Corporate name or jurisdiction name as entry element Subordinate unit Location of meeting Date of meeting or treaty signing Relator term Date of a work Miscellaneous information Medium A media qualifier.Form subheading Language of a work Medium of performance for music Number of part/section/meeting Arranged statement for music Name of part/section of a work Key for music Version Title of a work Affiliation Form subdivision General subdivision Chronological subdivision Geographic subdivision Source of heading or term Code from: MARC Code Lists for Relators, Sources, Description ConventionsMaterials specified Relator code Linkage See Control SubfieldsField link and sequence number See Control SubfieldsSee the descriptions of subfields $e, $f, $l, $p, $t, $u and $4 under field 100 and subfields $a, $b, $c, $d, $g, and $n under field 110 .A subject added entry in which the entry element is a meeting name.Inverted nameJurisdiction nameName in direct orderLibrary of Congress Subject HeadingsThe subject added entry conforms to and is appropriate for use in the Library of Congress Subject Headings (LCSH) and the Name authority files.LC subject headings for children's literatureThe subject added entry conforms to the "AC Subject Headings" section of the LCSH and is appropriate for use in the LC Annotated Card Program.Medical Subject HeadingsThe subject added entry conforms to the NLM authority files.National Agricultural Library subject authority fileThe subject added entry conforms to the NAL subject authority file.Source not specifiedThe subject added entry conforms to a controlled list that cannot be identified by another defined value or by a code in subfield $2.Canadian Subject HeadingsThe subject added entry conforms to and is appropriate for use in the Canadian Subject Headings and the LAC authority files.Répertoire de vedettes-matièreThe subject added entry conforms to and is appropriate for use in the Répertoire de vedettes-matière and the LAC authority fieldsSource specified in subfield $2Meeting name or jurisdiction name as entry element Location of meeting Date of meeting Subordinate unit Date of a work Miscellaneous information Medium A media qualifier.Relator term Form subheading Language of a work Number of part/section/meeting Name of part/section of a work Name of meeting following jurisdiction name entry element Version Title of a work Affiliation Form subdivision General subdivision Chronological subdivision Geographic subdivision Source of heading or term Code from: MARC Code Lists for Relators, Sources, Description ConventionsMaterials specified Relator code Linkage See Control SubfieldsField link and sequence number See Control SubfieldsSee the descriptions of subfields $f, $g, $l, $p, $t, $u, and $4 under field 100 ; subfields $c and $n under field 110 and subfields $a, $e, and $q under field 111 .A subject added entry in which the entry element is a uniform title.Number of nonfiling charactersA value that indicates the number of character positions associated with an initial definite or indefinite article at the beginning of a uniform title field that are to be disregarded in sorting and filing processes.Library of Congress Subject HeadingsThe subject added entry conforms to and is appropriate for use in the Library of Congress Subject Headings (LCSH) and the Name authority files.LC subject headings for children's literatureThe subject added entry conforms to the "AC Subject Headings" section of the LCSH and is appropriate for use in the LC Annotated Card Program.Medical Subject HeadingsThe subject added entry conforms to the NLM authority files.National Agricultural Library subject authority fileThe subject added entry conforms to the NAL subject authority file.Source not specifiedThe subject added entry conforms to a controlled list that cannot be identified by another defined value or by a code in subfield $2.Canadian Subject HeadingsThe subject added entry conforms to and is appropriate for use in the Canadian Subject Headings and the LAC authority files.Répertoire de vedettes-matièreThe subject added entry conforms to and is appropriate for use in the Répertoire de vedettes-matière and the LAC authority fieldsSource specified in subfield $2Uniform title Date of treaty signing Relator term Date of a work Miscellaneous information Medium A media qualifier.Form subheading Language of a work Medium of performance for music Number of part/section of a work Arranged statement for music Name of part/section of a work Key for music Version Title of a work The title-page title of an item.Form subdivision General subdivision Chronological subdivision Geographic subdivision Source of heading or term Code from: MARC Code Lists for Relators, Sources, Description ConventionsMaterials specified Relator code Linkage See Control SubfieldsField link and sequence number See Control SubfieldsSee the descriptions of subfields $f, $g, $l, $n, and $p under field 100 .A subject added entry in which the entry element is a chronological term.Library of Congress Subject HeadingsThe subject added entry conforms to and is appropriate for use in the Library of Congress Subject Headings (LCSH) and the Name authority files.LC subject headings for children's literatureThe subject added entry conforms to the "AC Subject Headings" section of the LCSH and is appropriate for use in the LC Annotated Card Program.Medical Subject HeadingsThe subject added entry conforms to the NLM authority files.National Agricultural Library subject authority fileThe subject added entry conforms to the NAL subject authority file.Source not specifiedThe subject added entry conforms to a controlled list that cannot be identified by another defined value or by a code in subfield $2.Canadian Subject HeadingsThe subject added entry conforms to and is appropriate for use in the Canadian Subject Headings and the LAC authority files.Répertoire de vedettes-matièreThe subject added entry conforms to and is appropriate for use in the Répertoire de vedettes-matière and the LAC authority fieldsSource specified in subfield $2Chronological term Form subdivision General subdivision Chronological subdivision Geographic subdivision Source of heading or term Code from: MARC Code Lists for Relators, Sources, Description ConventionsMaterials specified Linkage See Control SubfieldsField link and sequence number See Control SubfieldsA subject added entry in which the entry element is a topical term.No level specifiedThe level of the term could be determined but is not specified.PrimaryThe term describes the main focus or subject content of the material.SecondaryThe subject term describes a less important aspect of the content of the material.Library of Congress Subject HeadingsThe subject added entry conforms to and is appropriate for use in the Library of Congress Subject Headings (LCSH) and the Name authority files.LC subject headings for children's literatureThe subject added entry conforms to the "AC Subject Headings" section of the LCSH and is appropriate for use in the LC Annotated Card Program.Medical Subject HeadingsThe subject added entry conforms to the NLM authority files.National Agricultural Library subject authority fileThe subject added entry conforms to the NAL subject authority file.Source not specifiedThe subject added entry conforms to a controlled list that cannot be identified by another defined value or by a code in subfield $2.Canadian Subject HeadingsThe subject added entry conforms to and is appropriate for use in the Canadian Subject Headings and the LAC authority files.Répertoire de vedettes-matièreThe subject added entry conforms to and is appropriate for use in the Répertoire de vedettes-matière and the LAC authority fieldsSource specified in subfield $2Topical term or geographic name entry element Topical term following geographic name entry element Location of event Active dates The time period during which an event occurred.Relator term A term that describes the relationship between the topical heading and the described materials, e.g., depicted.Form subdivision General subdivision Chronological subdivision Geographic subdivision Source of heading or term Code from: MARC Code Lists for Relators, Sources, Description ConventionsMaterials specified Relator code Linkage See Control SubfieldsField link and sequence number See Control SubfieldsA subject added entry in which the entry element is a geographic name.Library of Congress Subject HeadingsThe subject added entry conforms to and is appropriate for use in the Library of Congress Subject Headings (LCSH) and the Name authority files.LC subject headings for children's literatureThe subject added entry conforms to the "AC Subject Headings" section of the LCSH and is appropriate for use in the LC Annotated Card Program.Medical Subject HeadingsThe subject added entry conforms to the NLM authority files.National Agricultural Library subject authority fileThe subject added entry conforms to the NAL subject authority file.Source not specifiedThe subject added entry conforms to a controlled list that cannot be identified by another defined value or by a code in subfield $2.Canadian Subject HeadingsThe subject added entry conforms to and is appropriate for use in the Canadian Subject Headings and the LAC authority files.Répertoire de vedettes-matièreThe subject added entry conforms to and is appropriate for use in the Répertoire de vedettes-matière and the LAC authority fieldsSource specified in subfield $2Geographic name Relator term Form subdivision General subdivision Chronological subdivision Geographic subdivision Source of heading or term Code from: MARC Code Lists for Relators, Sources, Description ConventionsMaterials specified Relator code Linkage See Control SubfieldsField link and sequence number See Control SubfieldsAn index term added entry that is not constructed by standard subject heading/thesaurus-building conventions.No level specifiedThe level of the term could be determined but is not specified.PrimaryThe term describes the main focus or subject content of the material.SecondaryThe subject term describes a less important aspect of the content of the material.Uncontrolled term Linkage See Control SubfieldsField link and sequence number See Control SubfieldsA topical subject constructed from a faceted vocabulary.No level specifiedThe level of the term could be determined but is not specified.PrimaryThe term describes the main focus or subject content of the material.SecondaryThe subject term describes a less important aspect of the content of the material.Focus term Non-focus term A term other than that considered the focus.Facet/hierarchy designation The designation used by the thesaurus specified by the MARC code contained in subfield $2 to identify the facet/hierarchy for each term contained in subfields $a and $b.Relator term Form subdivision Chronological subdivision Geographic subdivision Source of heading or term Code from: MARC Code Lists for Relators, Sources, Description ConventionsMaterials specified Relator code Linkage See Control SubfieldsField link and sequence number See Control SubfieldsTerms indicating the genre, form, and/or physical characteristics of the materials being described. A genre term designates the style or technique of the intellectual content of textual materials or, for graphic materials, aspects such as vantage point, intended purpose, or method of representation. A form term designates historically and functionally specific kinds of materials distinguished by their physical character, the subject of their intellectual content, or the order of information within them. Physical characteristic terms designate historically and functionally specific kinds of materials as distinguished by an examination of their physical character, subject of their intellectual content, or the order of information with them.FacetedLibrary of Congress Subject HeadingsThe subject index term conforms to and is appropriate for use in the Library of Congress Subject Headings (LCSH).LC subject headings for children's literatureThe subject index term conforms to the "AC Subject Headings" section of the LCSH and is appropriate for use in the LC Annotated Card Program.Medical Subject HeadingsThe subject index term conforms to the NLM subject authority file.National Agricultural Library subject authority fileThe subject added entry conforms to the NAL subject authority file.Source not specifiedThe subject index term conforms to a controlled list that cannot be identified by another defined value or by a code in subfield $2.Canadian Subject HeadingsThe subject index term conforms to and is appropriate for use in the Canadian Subject Headings that is maintained by the National Library of Canada.Répertoire de vedettes-matièreThe subject index term conforms to and is appropriate for use in the Répertoire de vedettes-matière.Source specified in subfield $2Genre/form data or focus term Non-focus term Facet/hierarchy designation Form subdivision General subdivision Chronological subdivision Geographic subdivision Source of term Code from: MARC Code Lists for Relators, Sources, Description ConventionsMaterials specified Institution to which field applies See Control SubfieldsLinkage See Control SubfieldsField link and sequence number See Control SubfieldsAn index term that is descriptive of the occupation reflected in the contents of the described materials.Source specified in subfield $2Occupation Form Form subdivision General subdivision Chronological subdivision Geographic subdivision Source of term Code from: MARC Code Lists for Relators, Sources, Description ConventionsMaterials specified Linkage See Control SubfieldsField link and sequence number See Control SubfieldsAn index term that is descriptive of the activity or function that generated the described materials.Source specified in subfield $2Function Form subdivision General subdivision Chronological subdivision Geographic subdivision Source of term Code from: MARC Code Lists for Relators, Sources, Description ConventionsMaterials specified Linkage See Control SubfieldsField link and sequence number See Control SubfieldsIndex terms denoting curriculum or course-of-study objectives applicable to the content of the described materials. The field may also contain correlation factors indicating the degree to which the described materials meet an objective. Codes assigned to specific objectives in published lists are also recorded in this field.Main curriculum objective Subordinate curriculum objective Curriculum code A coded representation of the curriculum objective recorded in subfield $a.Correlation factor A statement that identifies the degree to which the described materials correlate to the curriculum objective recorded in the field.Source of term or code Code from: MARC Code Lists for Relators, Sources, Description ConventionsLinkage See Control SubfieldsField link and sequence number See Control SubfieldsContains a hierarchical form of a geographic name used as a subject added entry.Country or larger entity First-order political jurisdiction Intermediate political jurisdiction City Relator term City subsection Other nonjurisdictional geographic region and feature Extraterrestrial area Source of heading or term Code from: MARC Code Lists for Relators, Sources, Description ConventionsRelator code Linkage See Control SubfieldsField link and sequence number See Control SubfieldsAn added entry in which the entry element is a personal name.ForenameSurnameFamily nameAnalytical entryThe item represented by the added entry is contained in the item described by the bibliographic record.Personal name Numeration Titles and other words associated with a name Dates associated with a name Relator term Date of a work Miscellaneous information Medium A media qualifier.Attribution qualifier Attribution information for names when the responsibility is unknown, uncertain, fictitious or pseudonymous.Form subheading Language of a work Medium of performance for music Number of part/section of a work Arranged statement for music Name of part/section of a work Fuller form of name Key for music Version Title of a work Affiliation International Standard Serial Number The initialism ISSN is not carried in the MARC record; it may be generated for display.Materials specified Relator code Institution to which field applies See Control SubfieldsLinkage See Control SubfieldsField link and sequence number See Control SubfieldsSee the descriptions of subfields $a, $b, $d, $e, $f, $g, $l, $n, $p, $q, $t, $u, and $4 under field 100 .An added entry in which the entry element is a corporate name.Inverted nameJurisdiction nameName in direct orderAnalytical entryThe item represented by the added entry is contained in the item described by the bibliographic record.Corporate name or jurisdiction name as entry element Subordinate unit Location of meeting Date of meeting or treaty signing Relator term Date of a work Miscellaneous information Medium A media qualifier.Form subheading Language of a work Medium of performance for music Number of part/section/meeting Arranged statement for music Name of part/section of a work Key for music Version Title of a work Affiliation International Standard Serial Number The initialism ISSN is not carried in the MARC record; it may be generated for display.Materials specified Relator code Institution to which field applies See Control SubfieldsLinkage See Control SubfieldsField link and sequence number See Control SubfieldsSee the descriptions of subfields $e, $f, $l, $p, $t, $u, and $4 under field 100 and subfields $a, $b, $c, $d, $g, and $n under field 110 .An added entry in which the entry element is a meeting name.Inverted nameJurisdiction nameName in direct orderAnalytical entryThe item represented by the added entry is contained in the item described by the bibliographic record.Meeting name or jurisdiction name as entry element Location of meeting Date of meeting Subordinate unit Date of a work Miscellaneous information Medium A media qualifier.Relator term Form subheading Language of a work Number of part/section/meeting Name of part/section of a work Name of meeting following jurisdiction name entry element Version Title of a work Affiliation International Standard Serial Number The initialism ISSN is not carried in the MARC record; it may be generated for display.Materials specified Relator code Institution to which field applies See Control SubfieldsLinkage See Control SubfieldsField link and sequence number See Control SubfieldsSee the descriptions of subfields $g, $l, $p, $t, $u and $4 under field 100 ; subfields $c and $n under field 110 and subfields $a, $e, and $q under field 111 .An added entry in which the name is not controlled in an authority file or list. It is also used for names that have not been formulated according to cataloging rules. Names may be of any type (e.g., personal, corporate, meeting).PersonalOtherName Relator term A term that describes the relationship between a name and a work.Relator code Linkage See Control SubfieldsField link and sequence number See Control SubfieldsContains a related or an analytical title that is controlled by an authority file or list.Number of nonfiling charactersAnalytical entryThe item represented by the added entry is contained in the item described by the bibliographic record.Uniform title Date of treaty signing Date of a work Miscellaneous information Medium A media qualifier.Form subheading Language of a work Medium of performance for music Number of part/section of a work Arranged statement for music Name of part/section of a work Key for music Version Title of a work International Standard Serial Number The initialism ISSN is not carried in the MARC record; it may be generated for display.Materials specified Institution to which field applies See Control SubfieldsLinkage See Control SubfieldsField link and sequence number See Control SubfieldsSee the descriptions of subfields $f, $g, $l, $n, and $p under field 100 .Contains related or analytical titles that are not controlled through an authority file or list. (If related or analytical titles are controlled by an authority file, use field 730 (Added entry - uniform title)).Number of nonfiling charactersAnalytical entryThe item represented by the added entry is contained in the item described by the bibliographic record.Uncontrolled related/analytical title Medium A media qualifier.Number of part/section of a work A number designation for a part or section of a work used with a title in a name/title field.Name of part/section of a work A name designation of a part or section of a work used with a title in a name/title field.Institution to which field applies See Control SubfieldsLinkage See Control SubfieldsField link and sequence number See Control SubfieldsAn added entry in which the entry element is a hierarchical form of place name that is related to a particular attribute of the described item, e.g., the place of publication for a rare book. For display, a dash (--) may be generated to separate the subelements of the place name, e.g., Canada -- British Columbia -- Vancouver.Country or larger entity First-order political jurisdiction Intermediate political jurisdiction City City subsection Other nonjurisdictional geographic region and feature Extraterrestrial area Source of heading or term Code from: MARC Code Lists for Relators, Sources, Description ConventionsLinkage See Control SubfieldsField link and sequence number See Control SubfieldsInformation on the technical aspects of a computer file and any accompanying material that may be used to select and arrange the record with other records in a printed index.Make and model of machine Programming language Operating system Linkage See Control SubfieldsField link and sequence number See Control SubfieldsAn added entry in which the entry element is the taxonomic name or category associated with the described item.Taxonomic name Taxonomic category Common or alternative name Non-public note Public note Source of taxonomic identification Code from: MARC Code Lists for Relators, Sources, Description ConventionsLinkage See Control SubfieldsField link and sequence number See Control SubfieldsInformation concerning the related main series when the target item is a subseries (vertical relationship). When a note is generated from this field, the introductory phrase Main series: or Subseries of: may be generated based on the field tag for display.Display noteDo not display noteA textual note is contained in field 580 (Linking Entry Complexity Note).No display constant generatedMain entry heading The main entry heading from the 100 (Main Entry Personal Name), 110 (Main Entry Corporate Name) or 111 (Main Entry Meeting Name) field of the related record.Edition The name of the edition from field 250 (Edition Statement) of the related record.Qualifying information The parenthetical qualifying information from subfield $b (Qualifying information) of field 222 (Key Title) or other data needed to distinguish between two titles.Place, publisher, and date of publication Publication information from subfields $a, $b, and/or $c of field 260 (Publication, Distribution, etc. (Imprint)) of the related record.Relationship information Data that indicates the specific piece or pieces of the related item that are involved in the relationship with the target item, such as dates and volumes. The relationship information includes the location of a component part in a target item.Physical description Display text Material-specific details Note Other item identifier Uniform title The title from field 240 (Uniform Title) or field 243 (Collective Uniform Title) of the related record.Title The title from subfields $a, $n, and $p of field 245 (Title Statement) or subfield $a of field 130 (Main Entry Uniform Title) or field 222 (Key Title) of the related record.Record control number The system control number of the related record preceded by the MARC code, enclosed in parentheses, for the agency to which the control number applies.See Organization Code Sources for a listing of sources used in MARC 21 records.International Standard Serial Number The ISSN for a serial title from field 022 (International Standard Serial Number) in the related record. The initialism ISSN may be generated for display.CODEN designation The CODEN designation from field 030 (CODEN Designation) in the related record. The acronym CODEN may be generated for display.Linkage See Control SubfieldsField link and sequence number See Control SubfieldsInformation concerning a related subseries when the target item is a main series or a parent subseries (vertical relationship). When a note is generated from this field, the introductory phrase Has subseries: may be generated based on the field tag for display.Display noteDo not display noteA textual note is contained in field 580 (Linking Entry Complexity Note).No display constant generatedEdition Qualifying information Place, publisher, and date of publication Relationship information Physical description Display text Material-specific details Note Other item identifier Uniform title Title Record control number International Standard Serial Number CODEN designation Linkage See Control SubfieldsControl subfield See the description of subfield $7 under field 760./0 - Type of main entry headingField link and sequence number See Control SubfieldsInformation concerning the publication in its original language when the target item is a translation (horizontal relationship). When a note is generated from this field, the introductory phrase Translation of: may be generated based on the field tag for display.Display noteDo not display noteA textual note is contained in field 580 (Linking Entry Complexity Note).No display constant generatedEdition Qualifying information Place, publisher, and date of publication Relationship information Physical description Display text Series data for related item The series entry from the 4XX (Series Statement) or 8XX (Series Added Entry) of the related record.Material-specific details Note Other item identifier Report number The report number from field 088 (Report Number) of the related record.Uniform title Title Standard Technical Report Number The STRN from field 027 (Standard Technical Report Number) of the related record. The initialism STRN: may be generated for display.Record control number International Standard Serial Number CODEN designation International Standard Book Number Linkage See Control SubfieldsControl subfield See the description of subfield $7 under field 760./0 - Type of main entry headingField link and sequence number See Control SubfieldsInformation concerning the publication in some other language other than the original when the target item is in the original language or is another translation (horizontal relationship). When a note is generated from this field, the introductory phrase Translated as: may be generated based on the field tag for display.Display noteDo not display noteA textual note is contained in field 580 (Linking Entry Complexity Note).No display constant generatedEdition Qualifying information Place, publisher, and date of publication Relationship information Physical description Display text Series data for related item The series entry from the 4XX (Series Statement) or 8XX (Series Added Entry) of the related record.Material-specific details Note Other item identifier Report number The report number from field 088 (Report Number) of related record.Uniform title Title Standard Technical Report Number The STRN from field 027 (Standard Technical Report Number) of the related record. The initialism ISBN may be generated for display.Record control number International Standard Serial Number CODEN designation International Standard Book Number Linkage See Control SubfieldsControl subfield See the description of subfield $7 under field 760./0 - Type of main entry headingField link and sequence number See Control SubfieldsInformation concerning the supplement or special issue associated with the target item but cataloged and/or input as a separate record (vertical relationship). When a note is generated from this field, the introductory phrase Has supplement: may be generated based on the field tag for display.Display noteDo not display noteA textual note is contained in field 580 (Linking Entry Complexity Note).No display constant generatedEdition Qualifying information Place, publisher, and date of publication Relationship information Physical description Display text Series data for related item The series entry from the 4XX (Series Statement) or 8XX (Series Added Entry) of the related record.Material-specific details Note Other item identifier Report number Uniform title Title Standard Technical Report Number Record control number International Standard Serial Number CODEN designation International Standard Book Number Linkage See Control SubfieldsControl subfield See the description of subfield $7 under field 760./0 - Type of main entry headingField link and sequence number See Control SubfieldsInformation concerning the related parent record when the target item is a single issue, supplement or special issue (vertical relationship) of the parent item. When a note is generated from this field, the introductory phrase Supplement to: may be generated based on the field tag for display.Display noteDo not display noteA textual note is contained in field 580 (Linking Entry Complexity Note).ParentNo display constant generatedEdition Qualifying information Place, publisher, and date of publication Relationship information Physical description Display text Series data for related item The series entry from the 4XX (Series Statement) or 8XX (Series Added Entry) of the related record.Material-specific details Note Other item identifier Report number Uniform title Title Standard Technical Report Number Record control number International Standard Serial Number CODEN designation International Standard Book Number Linkage See Control SubfieldsControl subfield See the description of subfield $7 under field 760./0 - Type of main entry headingField link and sequence number See Control SubfieldsInformation concerning the host item for the constituent unit described in the record (vertical relationship). In the case of host items that are serial or multi-volume in nature, information in subfields $g and $q is necessary to point to the exact location of the component part within the bibliographic item.Display noteDo not display noteA textual note is contained in field 580 (Linking Entry Complexity Note).No display constant generatedEdition Place, publisher, and date of publication Relationship information Physical description Display text Series data for related item The series entry from the 4XX (Series Statement) or 8XX (Series Added Entry) of the related record.Material-specific details Note Other item identifier Abbreviated title The abbreviated title from field 210 (Abbreviated Title) of the related record.Enumeration and first page Report number Uniform title Title Standard Technical Report Number Record control number International Standard Serial Number CODEN designation International Standard Book Number Materials specified Linkage See Control SubfieldsControl subfield See the description of subfield $7 under field 760./0 - Type of main entry headingField link and sequence number See Control SubfieldsInformation concerning a constituent unit associated with a larger bibliographic unit (vertical relationship). When a note is generated from this field, the introductory term Constituent unit: may be generated based on the field tag for display.Display noteDo not display noteA textual note is contained in field 580 (Linking Entry Complexity Note).No display constant generatedEdition Qualifying information Place, publisher, and date of publication Relationship information Physical description Display text Series data for related item The series entry from the 4XX (Series Statement) or 8XX (Series Added Entry) of the related record.Material-specific details Note Other item identifier Report number Uniform title Title Standard Technical Report Number Record control number International Standard Serial Number CODEN designation International Standard Book Number Linkage See Control SubfieldsControl subfield See the description of subfield $7 under field 760./0 - Type of main entry headingField link and sequence number See Control SubfieldsThe entry for another available edition of the target item (horizontal relationship). When a note is generated from this field, the introductory phrase Other editions available: may be generated based on the field tag for display.Display noteDo not display noteA textual note is contained in field 580 (Linking Entry Complexity Note).No display constant generatedEdition Qualifying information Place, publisher, and date of publication Language code The language code from field 008/35-37 (Language) of the related record.Country code The country code from field 008/15-17 (Place of publication, production, or execution) of the related record.Relationship information Physical description Display text Series data for related item The series entry from the 4XX (Series Statement) or 8XX (Series Added Entry) of the related record.Material-specific details Note Other item identifier Report number Uniform title Title Standard Technical Report Number Record control number International Standard Serial Number CODEN designation International Standard Book Number Linkage See Control SubfieldsControl subfield See the description of subfield $7 under field 760./0 - Type of main entry headingField link and sequence number See Control SubfieldsInformation concerning another available physical form of the target item (horizontal relationship). When a note is generated from this field, the introductory phrase Available in other form: may be generated based on the field tag for display.Display noteDo not display noteA textual note is contained in field 580 (Linking Entry Complexity Note).No display constant generatedEdition Qualifying information Place, publisher, and date of publication Relationship information Physical description Display text Series data for related item The series entry from the 4XX (Series Statement) or 8XX (Series Added Entry) of the related record.Material-specific details Note Other item identifier Report number Uniform title Title Standard Technical Report Number Record control number International Standard Serial Number CODEN designation International Standard Book Number Linkage See Control SubfieldsControl subfield See the description of subfield $7 under field 760./0 - Type of main entry headingField link and sequence number See Control SubfieldsInformation concerning the publication that is separately cataloged but that is issued with or included in the target item (horizontal relationship). When a note is generated from this field, the introductory phrase Issued with: may be generated based on the field tag for display.Display noteDo not display noteA textual note is contained in field 580 (Linking Entry Complexity Note).No display constant generatedEdition Qualifying information Place, publisher, and date of publication Relationship information Physical description Display text Series data for related item The series entry from the 4XX (Series Statement) or 8XX (Series Added Entry) of the related record.Material-specific details Note Other item identifier Uniform title Title Record control number International Standard Serial Number CODEN designation Linkage See Control SubfieldsControl subfield See the description of subfield $7 under field 760./0 - Type of main entry headingField link and sequence number See Control SubfieldsInformation concerning the immediate predecessor of the target item (chronological relationship). When a note is generated from this field, the introductory term or phrase may be generated based on the value in the second indicator position for display.Display noteDo not display noteA textual note is contained in field 580 (Linking Entry Complexity Note).ContinuesContinues: may be generated for display.Continues in partContinues in part: may be generated for display.SupersedesSupersedes: may be generated for display.Supersedes in partSupersedes in part: may be generated for display.Formed by the union of... and ...Formed by the union:... and ... may be generated for display.AbsorbedAbsorbed: may be generated for display.Absorbed in partAbsorbed in part: may be generated for display.Separated fromSeparated from: may be generated for display.Edition Qualifying information Place, publisher, and date of publication Relationship information Physical description Display text Series data for related item The series entry from the 4XX (Series Statement) or 8XX (Series Added Entry) of the related record.Material-specific details Note Other item identifier Report number Uniform title Title Standard Technical Report Number Record control number International Standard Serial Number CODEN designation International Standard Book Number Linkage See Control SubfieldsControl subfield See the description of subfield $7 under field 760./0 - Type of main entry headingField link and sequence number See Control SubfieldsInformation concerning the immediate successor to the target item (chronological relationship). When a note is generated from this field, the introductory phrase may be generated based on the value in the second indicator position for display.Display noteDo not display noteA textual note is contained in field 580 (Linking Entry Complexity Note).Continued byContinued by: may be generated for display.Continued in part byContinued in part by: may be generated for display.Superseded bySuperseded by: may be generated for display.Superseded in part bySuperseded in part by: may be generated for display.Absorbed byAbsorbed by: may be generated for display.Absorbed in part byAbsorbed in part by: may be generated for display.Split into... and...Split into:... and... may be generated for display.Merged with... to form ...Merged with:... to form... may be generated for display.Changed back toChanged back to: may be generated for display.Edition Qualifying information Place, publisher, and date of publication Relationship information Physical description Display text Series data for related item The series entry from the 4XX (Series Statement) or 8XX (Series Added Entry) of the related record.Material-specific details Note Other item identifier Report number Uniform title Title Standard Technical Report Number Record control number International Standard Serial Number CODEN designation International Standard Book Number Linkage See Control SubfieldsControl subfield See the description of subfield $7 under field 760./0 - Type of main entry headingField link and sequence number See Control SubfieldsInformation pertaining to a data source to which the described item is related. It may contain information about other files, printed sources, or collection procedures.Display noteDo not display noteA textual note is contained in field 580 (Linking Entry Complexity Note).No display constant generatedEdition Qualifying information Place, publisher, and date of publication Relationship information Physical description Display text Period of content The beginning, and if appropriate, the ending date(s) of the related item. The information is recorded according to Representation of Dates and Times (ISO 8601)Series data for related item The series entry from the 4XX (Series Statement) or 8XX (Series Added Entry) of the related record.Material-specific details Note Other item identifier Abbreviated title The abbreviated title from field 210 (Abbreviated Title) of the related record.Report number Uniform title Title Standard Technical Report Number Source Contribution Record control number International Standard Serial Number CODEN designation International Standard Book Number Linkage See Control SubfieldsControl subfield See the description of subfield $7 under field 760./0 - Type of main entry headingField link and sequence number See Control SubfieldsInformation concerning the work related to the target item when the relationship does not fit any of those defined in fields 760-785.Display noteDo not display noteA textual note is contained in field 580 (Linking Entry Complexity Note).No display constant generatedEdition Qualifying information Place, publisher, and date of publication Relationship information Physical description Display text Series data for related item The series entry from the 4XX (Series Statement) or 8XX (Series Added Entry) of the related record.Material-specific details Note Other item identifier Report number Uniform title Title Standard Technical Report Number Record control number International Standard Serial Number CODEN designation International Standard Book Number Linkage See Control SubfieldsControl subfield See the description of subfield $7 under field 760./0 - Type of main entry headingField link and sequence number See Control SubfieldsAn author/title series added entry in which the author portion is a personal name.ForenameSurnameFamily namePersonal name Numeration Titles and other words associated with a name Dates associated with a name Relator term Date of a work Miscellaneous information Medium A media qualifier.Attribution qualifier Attribution information for names when the responsibility is unknown, uncertain, fictitious, or pseudonymous.Form subheading Language of a work Medium of performance for music Number of part/section of a work Arranged statement for music Name of part/section of a work Fuller form of name Key for music Version Title of a work Affiliation Volume/sequential designation Relator code Linkage See Control SubfieldsField link and sequence number See Control SubfieldsSee the descriptions of subfields $a, $b, $d, $e, $f, $g, $l, $n, $p, $t, $u, and $4 under field 100 .An author/title series added entry in which the author portion is a corporate name.Inverted nameJurisdiction nameName in direct orderCorporate name or jurisdiction name as entry element Subordinate unit Location of meeting Date of meeting or treaty signing Relator term Date of a work Miscellaneous information Medium A media qualifier.Form subheading Language of a work Medium of performance for music Number of part/section/meeting Arranged statement for music Name of part/section of a work Key for music Version Title of a work Affiliation Volume/sequential designation Relator code Linkage See Control SubfieldsField link and sequence number See Control SubfieldsSee the descriptions of subfields $e, $f, $l, $p, $t, $u, and $4 under field 100 and subfields $a, $b, $c, $d, $g, and $n under field 110 .An author/title series added entry in which the author portion is a meeting name.Inverted nameJurisdiction nameName in direct orderMeeting name or jurisdiction name as entry element Location of meeting Date of meeting Subordinate unit Date of a work Miscellaneous information Medium A media qualifier.Relator term Form subheading Language of a work Number of part/section/meeting Name of part/section of a work Name of meeting following jurisdiction name entry element Version Title of a work Affiliation Volume/sequential designation Relator code Linkage See Control SubfieldsField link and sequence number See Control SubfieldsSee the descriptions of subfields $f, $g, $l, $p, $t, $u, and $4 under field 100 ; subfields $c and $n under field 110 and subfields $a, $e, and $q under field 111 .A series added entry consisting of a series title alone.Number of nonfiling charactersUniform title Date of treaty signing Date of a work Miscellaneous information Medium A media qualifier.Form subheading Language of a work Medium of performance for music Number of part/section of a work Arranged statement for music Name of part/section of a work Key for music Version Title of a work A title-page title of a work.Volume/sequential designation Linkage See Control SubfieldsField link and sequence number See Control SubfieldsSee the descriptions of subfields $f, $g, $l, $n, and $p under field 100 .[Described in full under field 841 in the MARC 21 Concise Format for Holdings Data.][Described in full under field 842 in the MARC 21 Concise Format for Holdings Data.][Described in full under field 843 in the MARC 21 Concise Format for Holdings Data.][Described in full under field 844 in the MARC 21 Concise Format for Holdings Data.][Described in full under field 845 in the MARC 21 Concise Format for Holdings Data.]Information concerning holdings of the described item by the specified institution.Holding institution The MARC code of the organization that holds a copy of the item.See Organization Code Sources for a listing of sources used in MARC 21 records.Field link and sequence number See Control SubfieldsIdentifies the organization holding the item or from which it is available. May also contain detailed information about how to locate the item in a collection.Library of Congress classificationDewey Decimal classificationNational Library of Medicine classificationSuperintendent of Documents classificationShelving control numberTitleIndicates that the item is shelved by a title. If necessary, this title is contained in subfield $l (Shelving form of title).Shelved separatelySource specified in subfield $2Other schemeNot enumerationPrimary enumerationThis value is also used when only one numbering scheme is applicable.Alternative enumerationItem carries two numbering schemes and is shelved by the secondary scheme.Location The institution or person holding the item or from which access is given. Contains a MARC code for the organization or the name of the institution or person holding the item.See Organization Code Sources for a listing of sources used in MARC 21 records.Sublocation or collection The specific department, library, collection, etc., within the holding organization in which the item is located or from which it is available.Shelving location Address Street address, city, state, zip code, and country information for the current physical location of the item.Coded location qualifier A two- or three-character code that identifies the specific issues of the item that are located apart from the main holdings of the same item. Subfield $f immediately follows the subfield $a, $b, or $c being qualified.Qualifier typeNon-coded location qualifier Free text that is used when the codes in subfield $f are inadequate for describing the unit that is located apart from the main holdings of the same item. Subfield $g immediately follows the subfield $a, $b, or $c being qualified.Classification part Item part Shelving control number Call number prefix Shelving form of title The shelving title of an unclassified item that is shelved by title.Call number suffix Country code A two- or three-character MARC code for the principal location contained in subfield $a. Code from: MARC Code List for CountriesPiece designation An identification of a single piece when the holdings information does not contain a field 863-865 (Enumeration and Chronology) or 876-878 (Item Information) that contains a subfield $p (Piece designation).Piece physical condition A description of any unusual characteristic of the physical condition of the piece when the information does not contain a field 863-865 (Enumeration and Chronology) or 876-878 (Item Information) that contains a subfield $q (Piece physical condition).Copyright article-fee code Copy number A copy number or a range of numbers for copies that have the same location and call number when the holdings information does not contain an 863-865 Enumeration and Chronology field that contains subfield $t (Copy number).Uniform Resource Identifier Uniform Resource Identifier (URI), for example a URL or URN, which provides electronic access data in a standard syntax.The URI links to the repository that holds the item (regardless of whether the item is analog or digital). This information may also be recorded as an organization code or text in subfield $a (Location) and (if applicable) subfield $b (Sublocation).Nonpublic note Public note Source of classification or shelving scheme Code from: MARC Code Lists for Relators, Sources, Description ConventionsMaterials specified Linkage See Control SubfieldsSequence number To sequence related holdings records, see field 852, subfield $8 in the MARC 21 Format for Holdings Data[Described in full under field 853 in the MARC 21 Concise Format for Holdings Data.][Described in full under field 854 in the MARC 21 Concise Format for Holdings Data.][Described in full under field 855 in the MARC 21 Concise Format for Holdings Data.]The information needed to locate and access an electronic resource. The field may be used in a bibliographic record for a resource when that resource or a subset of it is available electronically. In addition, it may be used to locate and access an electronic version of a non-electronic resource described in the bibliographic record or a related electronic resource.EmailAccess to the electronic resource is through electronic mail (email).FTPRemote login (Telnet)Dial-upIndicates that access to the electronic resource is through a conventional telephone line.HTTPIndicates that access to the electronic resource is through the Hypertext Transfer Protocol.Method specified in subfield $2ResourceIndicates that the electronic location in field 856 is for the same resource described by the record as a whole. In this case, the item represented by the bibliographic record is an electronic resource. If the data in field 856 relates to a constituent unit of the resource represented by the record, subfield $3 is used to specify the portion(s) to which the field applies.Version of resourceIndicates that the location in field 856 is for an electronic version of the resource described by the record. In this case, the item represented by the bibliographic record is not electronic but an electronic version is available. If the data in field 856 relates to a constituent unit of the resource represented by the record, subfield $3 is used to specify the portion(s) to which the field applies.Related resourceIndicates that the location in field 856 is for an electronic resource that is related to the item described by the record. In this case, the item represented by the bibliographic record is not the electronic resource itself. Subfield $3 can be used to further characterize the relationship between the electronic item identified in field 856 and the item represented by the bibliographic record as a whole.No display constant generatedHost name The fully qualified domain (host name) of the electronic location. It contains a network address which is repeated if there is more than one address for the same host.Access number The access number associated with a host. It can contain the Internet Protocol (IP) numeric address if the item is an Internet resource, or a telephone number if dial-up access is provided through a telephone line. This data may change frequently and may be generated by the system, rather than statically stored.Compression information Information about the compression of a file, in particular, whether a specific program is required to decompress the file.Path Electronic name Processor of request The username, or processor of the request; generally the data which precedes the "@" in the host address.Instruction An instruction needed for the remote host to process a request.Bits per second Password Logon Characters needed to connect (i.e., logon, login, etc.) to an electronic resource or FTP site. This subfield is used to record general-use logon strings which do not require special security.Contact for access assistance Name of location of host The full name of the location of the host in subfield $a, including its geographical location.Operating system Port The portion of the address that identifies the process or service in the host.Electronic format type An identification of the electronic format type, which is the data representation of the resource, such as text/HTML, ASCII, Postscript file, executable application, or JPEG image. Electronic format type may be taken from enumerated lists such as registered Internet Media Types (MIME types).Settings File size Terminal emulation Uniform Resource Identifier The URI, which provides standard syntax for locating an object using existing Internet protocols. Field 856 is structured to allow for the creation of a URL from the concatenation of other separate 856 subfields. Subfield $u may be used instead of those separate subfields or in addition to them.Subfield $u may be repeated only if both a URN or a URL or more than one URN are recorded.Hours access method available Record control number Nonpublic note Link text Public note Access method The access method when the first indicator position contains value 7.Materials specified Linkage See Control SubfieldsField link and sequence number See Control Subfields[Described in full under field 863 in the MARC 21 Concise Format for Holdings Data.][Described in full under field 864 in the MARC 21 Concise Format for Holdings Data.][Described in full under field 865 in the MARC 21 Concise Format for Holdings Data.][Described in full under field 866 in the MARC 21 Concise Format for Holdings Data.][Described in full under field 867 in the MARC 21 Concise Format for Holdings Data.][Described in full under field 868 in the MARC 21 Concise Format for Holdings Data.][Described in full under field 876 in the MARC 21 Concise Format for Holdings Data.][Described in full under field 877 in the MARC 21 Concise Format for Holdings Data.][Described in full under field 878 in the MARC 21 Concise Format for Holdings Data.]The fully content-designated representation, in a different script, of another field in the same record. Field 880 is linked to the associated regular field by subfield $6 (Linkage). The first and second indicator positions in field 880 have the same definition and values as the indicators in the associated field. The subfield codes in field 880 are the same as those defined in the associated field except for subfield $6. The data in field 880 may be in more than one script.Linkage See Control SubfieldsUsed when converting foreign MARC records into the MARC format. Contains data from a foreign MARC record for which there is no corresponding MARC field.LeaderVariable control fields (002-009)Variable data fields (010-999)Tag of the foreign MARC field Subfield $a is not present when the first indicator value is 0 (Leader). When it is present, subfield $a is the second subfield in the field.Content of the foreign MARC field Source of data Contains the MARC code for the foreign MARC format from which the record is converted. Must be first subfield in the field. Code from: MARC Code Lists for Relators, Sources, Description ConventionsContains data from non-MARC records for which there are no corresponding MARC 21 fields. Used when converting non-MARC records into the MARC 21 format.Content of non-MARC field Source of data Contains the source of the data, either a schema or DTD reference. Code from: MARC Code Lists for Relators, Sources, Description ConventionsWorldCat Record Use Policy Link (R) -- Field 996 contains the link to the WorldCat Record Use Policy. Field 996 is system generated.Function identifier -- Contains the text OCLCWCRUP, which indicates that field 996 contains the link to the WorldCat Record Use Policy. Display text -- Contains the text: Use and transfer of this record is governed by the OCLC Policy for Use and Transfer of WorldCat RecordsUniform Resource Identifier -- Contains the URI for the WorldCat Record Use Policy: