" __ __ _ _____ _________ " \ \ | |_| V __/ __| " \ \| | | | | | | | [__ " [_] \___|_|_|_|_|_| \____| " Execute the following command to bring the full power: " " :call VimrcSetUp() " Encoding {{{ set encoding=utf-8 scriptencoding utf-8 " }}} " Environment {{{ function! VimrcEnvironment() let env = {} let env.is_mac = has('mac') let env.is_win = has('win32') let user_dir = env.is_win \ ? expand('$VIM/vimfiles') \ : expand('~/.vim') let env.path = { \ 'user': user_dir, \ 'plugins': user_dir . '/plugins', \ 'plug_preset': user_dir . '/plug-preset.vim', \ 'data': user_dir . '/data', \ 'local_vimrc': user_dir . '/.vimrc_local', \ 'tmp': user_dir . '/tmp', \ 'undo': user_dir . '/data/undo', \ 'vim_plug': user_dir . '/vim-plug', \ } return env endfunction let s:env = VimrcEnvironment() " }}} " Required plugins {{{ let s:plugins = [ \ 'AndrewRadev/linediff.vim', \ 'Shougo/vimproc', \ 'Vimjas/vim-python-pep8-indent', \ 'andymass/vim-matchup', \ 'cespare/vim-toml', \ 'chaoren/vim-wordmotion', \ 'cocopon/colorswatch.vim', \ 'cocopon/iceberg.vim', \ 'cocopon/inspecthi.vim', \ 'cocopon/ntdcoco.vim', \ 'cocopon/pgmnt.vim', \ 'cocopon/shadeline.vim', \ 'cocopon/snapbuffer.vim', \ 'cocopon/vaffle.vim', \ 'ctrlpvim/ctrlp.vim', \ 'delphinus/vim-auto-cursorline', \ 'editorconfig/editorconfig-vim', \ 'flowtype/vim-flow', \ 'iberianpig/tig-explorer.vim', \ 'itchyny/thumbnail.vim', \ 'jparise/vim-graphql', \ 'junegunn/vim-easy-align', \ 'kana/vim-textobj-indent', \ 'kana/vim-textobj-user', \ 'lambdalisue/gina.vim', \ 'leafgarland/typescript-vim', \ 'mattn/emmet-vim', \ 'mattn/sonictemplate-vim', \ 'mattn/vim-lsp-settings', \ 'morhetz/gruvbox', \ 'mxw/vim-jsx', \ 'neovimhaskell/haskell-vim', \ 'pangloss/vim-javascript', \ 'prabirshrestha/asyncomplete-buffer.vim', \ 'prabirshrestha/asyncomplete-file.vim', \ 'prabirshrestha/asyncomplete-lsp.vim', \ 'prabirshrestha/asyncomplete.vim', \ 'prabirshrestha/vim-lsp', \ 'prettier/vim-prettier', \ 'previm/previm', \ 'rking/ag.vim', \ 'sophacles/vim-processing', \ 'stephpy/vim-yaml', \ 'thinca/vim-qfreplace', \ 'thinca/vim-quickrun', \ 'thinca/vim-ref', \ 'thinca/vim-themis', \ 'thinca/vim-zenspace', \ 'tikhomirov/vim-glsl', \ 'tomtom/tcomment_vim', \ 'tpope/vim-markdown', \ 'tpope/vim-surround', \ 'tweekmonster/helpful.vim', \ 'tyru/open-browser.vim', \ 'w0ng/vim-hybrid', \ 'w0rp/ale', \ ] let s:colorscheme = 'iceberg' " }}} " Setup {{{ function! VimrcSetUp() call s:install_plugin_manager() endfunction " }}} " Installation {{{ function! s:mkdir_if_needed(dir) if isdirectory(a:dir) return 0 endif call mkdir(a:dir, 'p') return 1 endfunction function! s:install_plugins() call s:mkdir_if_needed(s:env.path.plugins) if exists(':PlugInstall') PlugInstall return 1 endif return 0 endfunction function! s:clone_repository(url, local_path) if isdirectory(a:local_path) return endif execute printf('!git clone %s %s', a:url, a:local_path) endfunction function! s:install_plugin_manager() call s:mkdir_if_needed(s:env.path.user) call s:mkdir_if_needed(s:env.path.data) call s:clone_repository( \ 'https://github.com/junegunn/vim-plug', \ s:env.path.vim_plug . '/autoload') call s:clone_repository( \ 'https://github.com/cocopon/plug-preset.vim', \ s:env.path.plug_preset) if !s:activate_plugin_manager() return 0 endif if !s:install_plugins() return 0 endif echo 'Restart vim to finish the installation.' return 1 endfunction " }}} " Activation {{{ function! s:load_plugin(path) try execute 'set runtimepath+=' . a:path return 1 catch /:E117:/ " E117: Unknown function return 0 endtry endfunction function! s:activate_plugins() if !exists(':Plug') " Plugin manager is not installed yet return 0 endif let command = exists(':PresetPlug') \ ? 'PresetPlug' \ : 'Plug' for plugin in s:plugins execute printf("%s '%s'", command, plugin) endfor return 1 endfunction function! s:activate_plugin_manager_internal() " Activate plugin manager if !exists(':Plug') execute 'set runtimepath+=' . s:env.path.vim_plug endif call plug#begin(s:env.path.plugins) try " Activate PresetPlug if !exists(':PresetPlug') execute 'set runtimepath+=' . s:env.path.plug_preset endif call plug_preset#init() " Activate plugins return s:activate_plugins() finally call plug#end() filetype indent on filetype plugin on endtry endfunction function! s:activate_plugin_manager() try return s:activate_plugin_manager_internal() catch /:E117:/ " E117: Unknown function " Plugin manager is not installed yet return 0 endtry endfunction " }}} " Initialization {{{ call s:mkdir_if_needed(s:env.path.tmp) call s:mkdir_if_needed(s:env.path.undo) let s:plugins_activated = s:activate_plugin_manager() " }}} " Mappings {{{ " Turn off the IME when escaping from Insert mode inoremap :set iminsert=0 " Intuitive cursor movement in wrapped line noremap j gj noremap k gk " Switch active window nnoremap h nnoremap j nnoremap k nnoremap l " Emacs-like keybind cnoremap cnoremap cnoremap cnoremap cnoremap cnoremap cnoremap e getcmdpos() == 1 ? '' : getcmdline()[:getcmdpos() - 2] inoremap inoremap inoremap inoremap inoremap inoremap inoremap D inoremap inoremap " Refer to history in command-line mode cnoremap cnoremap cnoremap cnoremap " Open the parent directory, or the current directory if empty nnoremap :call vaffle#init(expand('%')) " Insert escaped '/' while inputting a search pattern cnoremap / getcmdtype() == '/' ? '\/' : '/' " For JIS keyboard inoremap " For US keyboard noremap ; : " Clear hlsearch nnoremap :set nopaste:nohlsearch:diffoff! " Misc nnoremap Y y$ nnoremap K " }}} " File types {{{ augroup vimrc_filetype autocmd! autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead *.as setlocal filetype=javascript autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead *.gradle setlocal filetype=groovy autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead *.pde setlocal filetype=processing autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead *.podspec setlocal filetype=ruby autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead Podfile setlocal filetype=ruby autocmd FileType gitcommit setlocal nocursorline spell spelllang=cjk,en autocmd FileType text setlocal textwidth=0 autocmd FileType vim setlocal foldmethod=marker augroup END " }}} " Terminal {{{ tnoremap if exists('&termwinkey') set termwinkey= endif " }}} " Misc {{{ set completeopt=menu,menuone,noinsert,noselect set display=lastline set grepprg=grep\ -nH set mouse=a set nrformats-=octal set shortmess=acTI set splitright set virtualedit=block set wildmenu " Appearance set ambiwidth=double set background=dark set cmdheight=2 set cursorline set laststatus=2 set list set listchars=eol:¬,tab:▸\ set number set numberwidth=5 set showcmd set showmatch set wrap " Backup set nobackup set noswapfile let &undodir = s:env.path.undo set undofile " IME set iminsert=0 set imsearch=-1 set noimcmdline set noimdisable " Indent set autoindent if exists('&breakindent') set breakindent endif set noexpandtab set nosmartindent set shiftround set shiftwidth=4 set tabstop=4 " Scroll set scrolloff=8 set sidescroll=1 set sidescrolloff=16 " Search set hlsearch set ignorecase set incsearch set smartcase set wrapscan " }}} " Plugins {{{ " netrw {{{ let g:netrw_altv = 1 let g:netrw_preview = 1 " }}} if s:plugins_activated " ag {{{ let g:ag_prg = 'ag --vimgrep --smart-case' " }}} " ale {{{ let g:ale_linters = { \ 'javascript': ['eslint', 'flow'], \ 'typescript': ['tsserver'], \ } let g:ale_open_list = 1 let g:ale_set_loclist = 0 let g:ale_set_quickfix = 0 let g:ale_virtualtext_cursor = 1 " }}} " asyncomplete.vim {{{ call asyncomplete#register_source(asyncomplete#sources#buffer#get_source_options({ \ 'name': 'buffer', \ 'allowlist': ['*'], \ 'blocklist': ['go'], \ 'completor': function('asyncomplete#sources#buffer#completor'), \ })) if !has('nvim') autocmd User lsp_float_opened \ call popup_setoptions(lsp#ui#vim#output#getpreviewwinid(), { \ 'border': [0, 0, 0, 0], \ 'padding': [0, 1, 0, 1], \ }) end " }}} " ctrlp {{{ let g:ctrlp_cache_dir = s:env.path.data . '/ctrlp' let g:ctrlp_clear_cache_on_exit = 0 let g:ctrlp_custom_ignore = { \ 'dir': '\v[\/](node_modules|\.git)$', \ } let g:ctrlp_map = '' let g:ctrlp_match_window = 'bottom,order:ttb' let g:ctrlp_prompt_mappings = { \ 'PrtBS()': ['', ''], \ 'PrtClear()': [''], \ 'PrtCurLeft()': ['', ''], \ 'PrtCurRight()': ['', ''], \ 'PrtDelete()': ['', ''], \ 'PrtHistory(-1)': [], \ 'PrtHistory(1)': [], \ 'PrtSelectMove("j")': ['', ''], \ 'PrtSelectMove("k")': ['', ''], \ 'ToggleByFname()': [], \ 'ToggleType(-1)': [''], \ 'ToggleType(1)': [''], \ } let g:ctrlp_tilde_homedir = 1 nnoremap :CtrlPMixed " }}} " flow {{ let g:flow#enable = 0 let g:flow#omnifunc = 0 " }} " gina {{{ let g:gina#command#blame#use_default_mappings = 0 " }}} " go {{{ let g:go_version_warning = 0 " }}} " javascript {{{ let g:javascript_plugin_flow = 1 " }}} " linediff {{{ let g:linediff_first_buffer_command = 'new' let g:linediff_further_buffer_command = 'vertical new' " }}} " matchup {{{ let g:matchup_matchparen_offscreen = { \ 'method': 'popup', \ } " }}} " ntdcoco {{{ nmap (ntdcoco-toggle-cursor) " }}} " open-browser {{{ nmap gW (openbrowser-open) " }}} " pgmnt {{{ let g:pgmnt_auto_source = 1 " }}} " prettier " {{{ let g:prettier#exec_cmd_async = 1 let g:prettier#quickfix_enabled = 0 " }}} " quickrun {{{ let g:quickrun_config = {} let g:quickrun_config['_'] = { \ 'runner': 'vimproc', \ 'runner/vimproc/updatetime': 40, \ } let g:quickrun_config['processing'] = { \ 'command': 'processing-java', \ 'exec': '%c --sketch=%s:p:h/ --output=' . s:env.path.tmp . '/processing --force --run', \ } " }}} " ref {{{ let g:ref_cache_dir = s:env.path.data . '/ref' " }}} " shadeline {{{ let g:shadeline = {} let g:shadeline.active = { \ 'left': [ \ 'fname', \ 'flags', \ 'ShadelineItemGitBranch', \ ], \ 'right': [ \ '<', \ ['ff', 'fenc', 'ft'], \ 'ruler', \ ], \ } let g:shadeline.inactive = { \ 'left': [ \ 'fname', \ 'flags', \ ], \ } function! ShadelineItemGitBranch() try let name = gina#component#repo#branch() return empty(name) ? '' : printf('(%s)', name) catch /:E117:/ " E117: Unknown function return '' endtry endfunction " }}} " sonictemplate {{{ let g:sonictemplate_vim_template_dir = s:env.path.plugins . '/sonictemplate-templates/template' " }}} " vaffle {{{ let g:vaffle_auto_cd = 1 " }}} endif " Disable unused plugins let g:loaded_matchit = 1 let g:loaded_gzip = 1 let g:loaded_tar = 1 let g:loaded_tarPlugin = 1 let g:loaded_zip = 1 let g:loaded_zipPlugin = 1 " Disable unused kaoriya plugins let g:plugin_dicwin_disable = 1 " }}} " Local settings {{{ if filereadable(s:env.path.local_vimrc) execute 'source ' . s:env.path.local_vimrc endif " }}} " Color scheme {{{ if s:plugins_activated if !has('gui_running') syntax enable execute printf('colorscheme %s', s:colorscheme) else augroup vimrc_colorscheme autocmd! execute printf('autocmd GUIEnter * colorscheme %s', s:colorscheme) augroup END endif if $COLORTERM ==# 'truecolor' || $COLORTERM ==# '24bit' set termguicolors endif endif " }}}