from twisted.internet.task import LoopingCall from pyspades.constants import * from math import sqrt, cos, acos, pi, tan from commands import add, admin, get_player from twisted.internet import reactor import re DISABLED, KICK, BAN, WARN_ADMIN = xrange(4) # This is an option for data collection. Data is outputted to aimbot2log.txt DATA_COLLECTION = False # This controls which detection methods are enabled. If a player is detected # using one of these methods, the player is kicked. HEADSHOT_SNAP = WARN_ADMIN HIT_PERCENT = WARN_ADMIN KILLS_IN_TIME = WARN_ADMIN MULTIPLE_BULLETS = WARN_ADMIN DETECT_DAMAGE_HACK = True # Minimum amount of time that must pass between admin warnings that are # triggered by the same detection method. Time is in seconds. WARN_INTERVAL_MINIMUM = 300 # These controls are only used if banning is enabled # Time is given in minutes. Set to 0 for a permaban HEADSHOT_SNAP_BAN_DURATION = 1400 HIT_PERCENT_BAN_DURATION = 1440 KILLS_IN_TIME_BAN_DURATION = 2880 MULTIPLE_BULLETS_BAN_DURATION = 10080 # If more than or equal to this number of weapon hit packets are recieved # from the client in half the weapon delay time, then an aimbot is detected. # This method of detection should have 100% detection and no false positives # with the current aimbot. # Note that the current aimbot does not modify the number of bullets # of the shotgun, so this method will not work if the player uses a shotgun. # These values may need to be changed if an update to the aimbot is released. RIFLE_MULTIPLE_BULLETS_MAX = 8 SMG_MULTIPLE_BULLETS_MAX = 8 # The minimum number of near misses + hits that are fired before kicking, # banning, or warning an admin about someone using the hit percentage check RIFLE_KICK_MINIMUM = 45 SMG_KICK_MINIMUM = 90 SHOTGUN_KICK_MINIMUM = 45 # Kick, ban, or warn when the above minimum is met and the # bullet hit percentage is greater than or equal to this amount RIFLE_KICK_PERC = 0.90 SMG_KICK_PERC = 0.80 SHOTGUN_KICK_PERC = 0.90 # If a player gets more kills than the KILL_THRESHOLD in the given # KILL_TIME, kick, ban, or warn. This check is performed every # time somebody kills someone with a gun KILL_TIME = 20.0 KILL_THRESHOLD = 15 # If the number of headshot snaps exceeds the HEADSHOT_SNAP_THRESHOLD in the # given HEADSHOT_SNAP_TIME, kick, ban, or warn. This check is performed every # time somebody performs a headshot snap HEADSHOT_SNAP_TIME = 20.0 HEADSHOT_SNAP_THRESHOLD = 6 # When the user's orientation angle (degrees) changes more than this amount, # check if the user snapped to an enemy's head. If it is aligned with a head, # record this as a headshot snap HEADSHOT_SNAP_ANGLE = 90.0 # A near miss occurs when the player is NEAR_MISS_ANGLE degrees or less off # of an enemy NEAR_MISS_ANGLE = 10.0 # Valid damage values for each gun RIFLE_DAMAGE = (33, 49, 100) SMG_DAMAGE = (18, 29, 75) SHOTGUN_DAMAGE = (16, 27, 37) # Approximate size of player's heads in blocks HEAD_RADIUS = 0.7 # 128 is the approximate fog distance, but bump it up a little # just in case FOG_DISTANCE = 135.0 # Don't touch any of this stuff FOG_DISTANCE2 = FOG_DISTANCE**2 NEAR_MISS_COS = cos(NEAR_MISS_ANGLE * (pi/180.0)) HEADSHOT_SNAP_ANGLE_COS = cos(HEADSHOT_SNAP_ANGLE * (pi/180.0)) aimbot_pattern = re.compile(".*(aim|bot|ha(ck|x)|cheat).*", re.IGNORECASE) def aimbot_match(msg): return (not aimbot_pattern.match(msg) is None) def point_distance2(c1, c2): if c1.world_object is not None and c2.world_object is not None: p1 = c1.world_object.position p2 = c2.world_object.position return (p1.x - p2.x)**2 + (p1.y - p2.y)**2 + (p1.z - p2.z)**2 def dot3d(v1, v2): return v1[0] * v2[0] + v1[1] * v2[1] + v1[2] * v2[2] def magnitude(v): return sqrt(v[0]**2 + v[1]**2 + v[2]**2) def scale(v, scale): return (v[0]*scale, v[1]*scale, v[2]*scale) def subtract(v1, v2): return (v1[0]-v2[0], v1[1]-v2[1], v1[2]-v2[2]) def accuracy(connection, name = None): if name is None: player = connection else: player = get_player(connection.protocol, name) return accuracy_player(player) def accuracy_player(player, name_info = True): if player.rifle_count != 0: rifle_percent = str(int(100.0 * (float(player.rifle_hits)/float(player.rifle_count)))) + '%' else: rifle_percent = 'None' if player.smg_count != 0: smg_percent = str(int(100.0 * (float(player.smg_hits)/float(player.smg_count)))) + '%' else: smg_percent = 'None' if player.shotgun_count != 0: shotgun_percent = str(int(100.0 * (float(player.shotgun_hits)/float(player.shotgun_count)))) + '%' else: shotgun_percent = 'None' s = '' if name_info: s += + ' has an accuracy of: ' s += 'Rifle: %s SMG: %s Shotgun: %s.' % (rifle_percent, smg_percent, shotgun_percent) return s add(accuracy) @admin def hackinfo(connection, name): player = get_player(connection.protocol, name) return hackinfo_player(player) def hackinfo_player(player): info = "%s #%s (%s) has an accuracy of: " % (, player.player_id, player.address[0]) info += accuracy_player(player, False) ratio = player.ratio_kills/float(max(1,player.ratio_deaths)) info += " Kill-death ratio of %.2f (%s kills, %s deaths)." % (ratio, player.ratio_kills, player.ratio_deaths) info += " %i kills in the last %i seconds." % (player.get_kill_count(), KILL_TIME) info += " %i headshot snaps in the last %i seconds." % (player.get_headshot_snap_count(), HEADSHOT_SNAP_TIME) return info add(hackinfo) def apply_script(protocol, connection, config): class Aimbot2Protocol(protocol): def start_votekick(self, payload): if aimbot_match(payload.reason):'Hack related votekick.') return protocol.start_votekick(self, payload) class Aimbot2Connection(connection): def __init__(self, *arg, **kw): connection.__init__(self, *arg, **kw) self.rifle_hits = self.smg_hits = self.shotgun_hits = 0 self.rifle_count = self.smg_count = self.shotgun_count = 0 self.last_target = None self.first_orientation = True self.kill_times = [] self.headshot_snap_times = [] self.bullet_loop = LoopingCall(self.on_bullet_fire) self.shot_time = 0.0 self.multiple_bullets_count = 0 self.headshot_snap_warn_time = self.hit_percent_warn_time = 0.0 self.kills_in_time_warn_time = self.multiple_bullets_warn_time = 0.0 def warn_admin(self, prefix = 'Possible aimbot detected.'): prefix += ' ' message = hackinfo_player(self) for player in self.protocol.players.values(): if player.admin: player.send_chat(prefix + message) irc_relay = self.protocol.irc_relay if irc_relay: if and prefix = '\x0304' + prefix + '\x0f' irc_relay.send(prefix + message) def on_spawn(self, pos): self.first_orientation = True return connection.on_spawn(self, pos) def bullet_loop_start(self, interval): if not self.bullet_loop.running: self.bullet_loop.start(interval) def bullet_loop_stop(self): if self.bullet_loop.running: self.bullet_loop.stop() def get_headshot_snap_count(self): pop_count = 0 headshot_snap_count = 0 current_time = reactor.seconds() for old_time in self.headshot_snap_times: if current_time - old_time <= HEADSHOT_SNAP_TIME: headshot_snap_count += 1 else: pop_count += 1 for i in xrange(0, pop_count): self.headshot_snap_times.pop(0) return headshot_snap_count def on_orientation_update(self, x, y, z): if not self.first_orientation and self.world_object is not None: orient = self.world_object.orientation old_orient_v = (orient.x, orient.y, orient.z) new_orient_v = (x, y, z) theta = dot3d(old_orient_v, new_orient_v) if theta <= HEADSHOT_SNAP_ANGLE_COS: self_pos = self.world_object.position for enemy in enemy_pos = enemy.world_object.position position_v = (enemy_pos.x - self_pos.x, enemy_pos.y - self_pos.y, enemy_pos.z - self_pos.z) c = scale(new_orient_v, dot3d(new_orient_v, position_v)) h = magnitude(subtract(position_v, c)) if h <= HEAD_RADIUS: current_time = reactor.seconds() self.headshot_snap_times.append(current_time) if self.get_headshot_snap_count() >= HEADSHOT_SNAP_THRESHOLD: if HEADSHOT_SNAP == BAN: self.ban('Aimbot detected - headshot snap', HEADSHOT_SNAP_BAN_DURATION) return elif HEADSHOT_SNAP == KICK: self.kick('Aimbot detected - headshot snap') return elif HEADSHOT_SNAP == WARN_ADMIN: if (current_time - self.headshot_snap_warn_time) > WARN_INTERVAL_MINIMUM: self.headshot_snap_warn_time = current_time self.warn_admin() else: self.first_orientation = False return connection.on_orientation_update(self, x, y, z) def on_shoot_set(self, shoot): if self.tool == WEAPON_TOOL: if shoot and not self.bullet_loop.running: self.possible_targets = [] for enemy in if point_distance2(self, enemy) <= FOG_DISTANCE2: self.possible_targets.append(enemy) self.bullet_loop_start(self.weapon_object.delay) elif not shoot: self.bullet_loop_stop() return connection.on_shoot_set(self, shoot) def get_kill_count(self): current_time = reactor.seconds() kill_count = 0 pop_count = 0 for old_time in self.kill_times: if current_time - old_time <= KILL_TIME: kill_count += 1 else: pop_count += 1 for i in xrange(0, pop_count): self.kill_times.pop(0) return kill_count def on_kill(self, by, type, grenade): if by is not None and by is not self: if type == WEAPON_KILL or type == HEADSHOT_KILL: by.kill_times.append(reactor.seconds()) if by.get_kill_count() >= KILL_THRESHOLD: if KILLS_IN_TIME == BAN: by.ban('Aimbot detected - kills in time window', KILLS_IN_TIME_BAN_DURATION) return elif KILLS_IN_TIME == KICK: by.kick('Aimbot detected - kills in time window') return elif KILLS_IN_TIME == WARN_ADMIN: current_time = reactor.seconds() if (current_time - by.kills_in_time_warn_time) > WARN_INTERVAL_MINIMUM: by.kills_in_time_warn_time = current_time by.warn_admin() return connection.on_kill(self, by, type, grenade) def multiple_bullets_eject(self): if MULTIPLE_BULLETS == BAN: self.ban('Aimbot detected - multiple bullets', MULTIPLE_BULLETS_BAN_DURATION) elif MULTIPLE_BULLETS == KICK: self.kick('Aimbot detected - multiple bullets') elif MULTIPLE_BULLETS == WARN_ADMIN: current_time = reactor.seconds() if (current_time - self.multiple_bullets_warn_time) > WARN_INTERVAL_MINIMUM: self.multiple_bullets_warn_time = current_time self.warn_admin() def on_hit(self, hit_amount, hit_player, type, grenade): if is not if type == WEAPON_KILL or type == HEADSHOT_KILL: current_time = reactor.seconds() shotgun_use = False if current_time - self.shot_time > (0.5 * hit_player.weapon_object.delay): shotgun_use = True self.multiple_bullets_count = 0 self.shot_time = current_time if type == HEADSHOT_KILL: self.multiple_bullets_count += 1 if self.weapon == RIFLE_WEAPON: if (not (hit_amount in RIFLE_DAMAGE)) and DETECT_DAMAGE_HACK: return False else: self.rifle_hits += 1 if self.multiple_bullets_count >= RIFLE_MULTIPLE_BULLETS_MAX: self.multiple_bullets_eject() return False elif self.weapon == SMG_WEAPON: if (not (hit_amount in SMG_DAMAGE)) and DETECT_DAMAGE_HACK: return False else: self.smg_hits += 1 if self.multiple_bullets_count >= SMG_MULTIPLE_BULLETS_MAX: self.multiple_bullets_eject() return False elif self.weapon == SHOTGUN_WEAPON: if (not (hit_amount in SHOTGUN_DAMAGE)) and DETECT_DAMAGE_HACK: return False elif shotgun_use: self.shotgun_hits += 1 return connection.on_hit(self, hit_amount, hit_player, type, grenade) def hit_percent_eject(self, accuracy): message = 'Aimbot detected - %i%% %s hit accuracy' %\ (100.0 * accuracy, if HIT_PERCENT == BAN: self.ban(message, HIT_PERCENT_BAN_DURATION) elif HIT_PERCENT == KICK: self.kick(message) elif HIT_PERCENT == WARN_ADMIN: current_time = reactor.seconds() if (current_time - self.hit_percent_warn_time) > WARN_INTERVAL_MINIMUM: self.hit_percent_warn_time = current_time self.warn_admin() def check_percent(self): if self.weapon == RIFLE_WEAPON: rifle_perc = float(self.rifle_hits)/float(self.rifle_count) if self.rifle_count >= RIFLE_KICK_MINIMUM: if rifle_perc >= RIFLE_KICK_PERC: self.hit_percent_eject(rifle_perc) elif self.weapon == SMG_WEAPON: smg_perc = float(self.smg_hits)/float(self.smg_count) if self.smg_count >= SMG_KICK_MINIMUM: if smg_perc >= SMG_KICK_PERC: self.hit_percent_eject(smg_perc) elif self.weapon == SHOTGUN_WEAPON: shotgun_perc = float(self.shotgun_hits)/float(self.shotgun_count) if self.shotgun_count >= SHOTGUN_KICK_MINIMUM: if shotgun_perc >= SHOTGUN_KICK_PERC: self.hit_percent_eject(shotgun_perc) def on_bullet_fire(self): # Remembering the past offers a performance boost, particularly with the SMG if self.last_target is not None: if self.last_target.hp is not None: if self.check_near_miss(self.last_target): self.check_percent() return for enemy in self.possible_targets: if enemy.hp is not None and enemy is not self.last_target: if self.check_near_miss(enemy): self.last_target = enemy self.check_percent() return def check_near_miss(self, target): if self.world_object is not None and target.world_object is not None: p_self = self.world_object.position p_targ = target.world_object.position position_v = (p_targ.x - p_self.x, p_targ.y - p_self.y, p_targ.z - p_self.z) orient = self.world_object.orientation orient_v = (orient.x, orient.y, orient.z) position_v_mag = magnitude(position_v) if position_v_mag != 0 and (dot3d(orient_v, position_v)/position_v_mag) >= NEAR_MISS_COS: if self.weapon == RIFLE_WEAPON: self.rifle_count += 1 elif self.weapon == SMG_WEAPON: self.smg_count += 1 elif self.weapon == SHOTGUN_WEAPON: self.shotgun_count += 1 return True return False # Data collection stuff def on_disconnect(self): self.bullet_loop_stop() if DATA_COLLECTION: if != None: with open('aimbot2log.txt','a') as myfile: output ='ascii','ignore').replace(',','') + ',' output += str(self.rifle_hits) + ',' + str(self.rifle_count) + ',' output += str(self.smg_hits) + ',' + str(self.smg_count) + ',' output += str(self.shotgun_hits) + ',' + str(self.shotgun_count) + '\n' myfile.write(output) myfile.close() return connection.on_disconnect(self) return Aimbot2Protocol, Aimbot2Connection