/* DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",1)~ */ /* Initialize SoA Dialogs */ BEGIN C-ARAN /* Initialize SoA Dialogs : pre-joining SoA */ BEGIN C-ARANJ /* Initialize SoA Dialogs : joined SoA */ BEGIN C-ARANB /* Initialize SoA Dialogs : banter SoA */ BEGIN C-ARANP /* Initialize SoA Dialogs : post-joined SoA */ BEGIN C-ARNVMP /* Initialize SoA Dialogs : dialog file when turned into a vampire */ BEGIN C-AW01EP /* Initialize SoA Dialogs : area C-AW01 Entry Point - Bouncer on Promenade */ BEGIN C-AW01P1 /* Initialize SoA Dialogs : area C-AW01 patron 1 */ BEGIN C-AW01P2 /* Initialize SoA Dialogs : area C-AW01 patron 2 */ BEGIN C-AW01P3 /* Initialize SoA Dialogs : area C-AW01 patron 3 */ BEGIN C-AW01TK /* Initialize SoA Dialogs : area C-AW01 Tavern Keeper Orrin */ BEGIN C-AW01W1 /* Initialize SoA Dialogs : area C-AW01 server 1 - Erika */ BEGIN C-AW01TL /* Initialize SoA Dialogs : area C-AW01 Merc Recruiter Teldra */ BEGIN C-TORAN /* Initialize SoA Dialogs : area C-AW01 Merc for hire - bar"fight" via PID */ BEGIN RUMCAW01 /* Initialize SoA Dialogs : area C-AW01 rumors for c-awtav1 || c-awtav2 RUMCAW01.DLG */ BEGIN C-AWSAGE /* Initialize SoA Dialogs : Teldra's Contact: Sage */ BEGIN C-MALCER /* Initialize SoA Dialogs : bar fight npc Malcer */ BEGIN C-TAMAN /* Initialize SoA Dialogs : bar fight npc Taman */ BEGIN C-OSKUT /* Initialize SoA Dialogs : bar fight npc Oskut */ /* SoA Interjections */ /* SoA Interjections: Salvanas Reactions : replies at bottom of C-ARANJ */ /* 24 ~It saddens me, but if it must be so, I shall worship my goddess from afar! Farewell, my goddess!~ */ ALTER_TRANS SALVANAS // file name BEGIN 24 END // state number (can be more than one) BEGIN 0 END // transition number (can be more than one) BEGIN // list of changes, see below for flags "TRIGGER" ~OR(4) Global("c-aransalvanas","LOCALS",1) !InParty("c-aran") !InMyArea("c-aran") StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ END EXTEND_BOTTOM SALVANAS 24 IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aransalvanas","GLOBAL",0)~ THEN EXTERN C-ARANJ a4362 END /* 25 ~Prepare...? Really? You...um...want to get a room, here? Well, I...I...I think I hear my captain calling! Yes, my captain! COMING, CAPTAIN!!~ */ ALTER_TRANS SALVANAS // file name BEGIN 25 END // state number (can be more than one) BEGIN 0 END // transition number (can be more than one) BEGIN // list of changes, see below for flags "TRIGGER" ~OR(4) Global("c-aransalvanas","GLOBAL",1) !InParty("c-aran") !InMyArea("c-aran") StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ END EXTEND_BOTTOM SALVANAS 25 IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aransalvanas","GLOBAL",0)~ THEN EXTERN C-ARANJ a4363 END /* 19 ~Hmm...? Ah, my apologies. I was distracted by the posterior of a most lovely woman over yonder.~ */ ALTER_TRANS SALVANAS // file name BEGIN 19 END // state number (can be more than one) BEGIN 0 END // transition number (can be more than one) BEGIN // list of changes, see below for flags "TRIGGER" ~OR(4) Global("c-aransalvanas","GLOBAL",1) !InParty("c-aran") !InMyArea("c-aran") StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ END EXTEND_BOTTOM SALVANAS 19 IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aransalvanas","GLOBAL",0)~ THEN EXTERN C-ARANJ a4364 END /* 26 ~Err... yes. Hello. My name be Salvanas... you would not have any sensuously beautiful female companions I might become familiar with, hmmm?~ */ ALTER_TRANS SALVANAS // file name BEGIN 26 END // state number (can be more than one) BEGIN 0 END // transition number (can be more than one) BEGIN // list of changes, see below for flags "TRIGGER" ~OR(4) Global("c-aransalvanas","GLOBAL",1) !InParty("c-aran") !InMyArea("c-aran") StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ END EXTEND_BOTTOM SALVANAS 26 IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aransalvanas","GLOBAL",0)~ THEN EXTERN C-ARANJ a4365 END /* 27 ~I am Salvanas, conqueror of women and reknown around Faerun for my skill at love... but, obviously, you and I have nothing further to say to one another, I am sure.~ */ ALTER_TRANS SALVANAS // file name BEGIN 27 END // state number (can be more than one) BEGIN 0 END // transition number (can be more than one) BEGIN // list of changes, see below for flags "TRIGGER" ~OR(4) Global("c-aransalvanas","GLOBAL",1) !InParty("c-aran") !InMyArea("c-aran") StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ END EXTEND_BOTTOM SALVANAS 27 IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aransalvanas","GLOBAL",0)~ THEN EXTERN C-ARANJ a4366 END /* SoA Interjections : Nalia Quest Interjection: Old Bat Blabbers */ ADD_TRANS_ACTION DELCIA BEGIN 16 END BEGIN END ~SetGlobal("c-aranoldbat","GLOBAL",1)~ /* SoA Interjections : Gratuitous Stupidity Comments 1 */ I_C_T SAHKNG01 1 c-aransahgng011 /* ~It seems most... most strange! They have no scales! Look how small and puny their teeth are!~ */ == C-ARANJ IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-silencearan","GLOBAL",0)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Small! Naught about me could rightly be called small! You should see th' size o' my... err... yep. Teeth. Sorry. Shuttin' up an' soldierin'.~ END /* SoA Interjections : Gratuitous Stupidity Comments 2 */ I_C_T2 PIRMUR01 2 c-aranpirmur012 /* ~Hmmm, so we do. Who are you, ? Where are my useless guards?~ */ == C-ARANJ IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Now, to be fair, they were a mite bit useful. Watchin' 'em bumble around an' fall over themselves, it were as entertainin' as one o' them plays or follies, or such.~ END /* SoA Interjections : Sided Bodhi Final Task */ I_C_T2 BODHI 72 c-aranbodhi72 /* ~You must invade their lair for one last time. You must kill Aran Linvail, the Shadow Master. Do this for me and our arrangement wil be fulfilled.~ */ == C-ARANJ IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Blighted... Look. I kept my bloody mouth shut up to now. But this be war on more than a minor guildmember. An' we still pay? Bane's Blighted Bones, , we are bein' used hard, wi' naught in th' way o' a decent reward... only a blighted "discount". I for one don't like th' feelin' o' a club being shoved up my arse an' twisted hard.~ END /* SoA Interjections : Slavery Comments */ I_C_T COPGREET 1 c-arancopgreet1 /* ~Better than that! Here we have the very best in live entertainment! Actual combat between man and beast, presented for your viewing pleasure!~ */ == C-ARANJ IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] So, when you get in th' pit, which side do you fight on? Or do you be considered in th' category wi' th' otyughs?~ == COPGREET IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[COPGREET] I do not quite understand you, my lord. I do not get in the pits.~ END I_C_T COPGREET 7 c-arancopgreet7 /* ~Slavery is such a harsh word, my . Here, we think of them as purchased employees...and an excellent source of entertainment! Go on in and witness it for yourself!~ */ == C-ARANJ IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Cyric's Black Bowed Balls o' Blighted...~ == COPGREET IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[COPGREET] Please, sir, such language! This is a place of entertainment. Gratuitous violence and carnal pleasures are encouraged. But foul language? That is simply barbaric!~ END I_C_T HENDAK 1 c-aranhendak1 /* ~I beg of you, please free us! I have never begged before, and yet I do it now so I might wreak vengeance on Lehtinan and end his sick and twisted enterprise!~ */ == C-ARANJ IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] You want a weapon? I'd be glad to give you mine own, as long as there be a fair sight o' blood on it when you give it back.~ == HENDAK IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[HENDAK] I need no weapon. I will kill him with my own hands.~ END I_C_T HENDAK 19 c-aranhendak19 /* ~I know nothing of the defenses of the place inside, however. My stay there was brief and very long ago.~ */ == C-ARANJ IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] By Tymora's Bright Coin, let's be gettin' on wi' th' job. Sometimes th' best way o' takin' a place is by sheer suprise, an' right now, we have that advantage. A few more minutes, an' some bastard will let th' cat out o' th' bag, eh?~ == HENDAK IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[HENDAK] Speed is of importance.~ END I_C_T HAEGAN 0 c-aranhaegan0 /* ~You! How dare you! We were doin' good business in this town before you took out my partner, Lehtinan at the Copper Coronet! Why are you out to ruin me?~ */ == C-ARANJ IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Oh, we just dropped by to get rid o' th' vermin. An' when you turned out to be such a Cyric-kissed piece of shite, we just figured it were th' right thing to do. Good for th' neighborhood, an' all. You first, then th' piece o' crud you call 'Lehtinan'. Got any other names you want to drop, while we be all cosy an' chatty?~ END I_C_T HAEGAN 4 c-aranhaegan4 /* ~Who in the Nine Hells are you? Why have you barged in here with drawn weapons and attacked my men? If you want to be buying some slaves from me you're going about it the wrong way.~ */ == C-ARANJ IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Sure thing. We be here to get us some slaves. You, him, an' that pretty boy over in th' corner wearin' th' low-cut robe, well, I think you'd make right fine Calimshan pleasure slaves. Once we take off th' unnecessary bits, o' course.~ END /* SoA Interjections : Kahlah And What He Was Promised Comments - remember to add crossmod for the UB restoration of Kalah's Quest */ I_C_T KALAH2 7 c-arankalah27 /* ~Indifference killed those fools from the circus. I treat them in death as they were to me in life. A gnome gets no respect...I just wanted people to look up...to me. All that I have done...~ */ == C-ARANJ IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-silencearan","GLOBAL",0)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Blighted hells. All this because you don't know th' difference between bein' small on th' outside, versus bein' small in th' inside.~ == KALAH2 IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-silencearan","GLOBAL",0)~ THEN ~[KALAH] You have no right to judge me.~ END I_C_T KALAH2 8 c-arankalah28 /* ~You don't understand, do you? You take my life, but worse, you take my dignity. I just wanted...I wanted to be the king instead of...instead of...~ */ == C-ARANJ IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-silencearan","GLOBAL",0)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Blighted hells. All this because you don't know th' difference between bein' small on th' outside, versus bein' small in th' inside.~ == KALAH2 IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-silencearan","GLOBAL",0)~ THEN ~[KALAH] You have no right to judge me.~ END I_C_T KALAH2 9 c-arankalah29 /* ~You don't know...denied respect my entire life. A clown, a fool...it does not matter...I die as I...as I...~ */ == C-ARANJ IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-silencearan","GLOBAL",0)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Blighted hells. All this because you don't know th' difference between bein' small on th' outside, versus bein' small in th' inside.~ == KALAH2 IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-silencearan","GLOBAL",0)~ THEN ~[KALAH] You have no right to judge me.~ END /* SoA Interjections: Scarles and the Artistic Temperment */ I_C_T SCSARLES 11 c-aranscsarles11 == C-ARANJ IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-silencearan","GLOBAL",0)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Now *that* be a mercenary. Makes a lad proud, you know.~ == SCSARLES IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-silencearan","GLOBAL",0)~ THEN ~[SCSARLES] Go on! Shoo!~ END /* SoA Interjections : Gaelen Bale, lesser of two evils */ I_C_T GAELAN 66 c-arangael66 /* ~Remember, it's northwest in the Docks district. As unlikely as it seems, the Shadow Thieves will prove to be the least of all evils you will encounter.~ */ == C-ARANJ IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Somehow, that don't rightly seem comfortin'. Kind o' like sayin' "Here, eat this. It be better than dirt".~ == GAELAN IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[GAELAN] The evil you know is the one you can understand.~ END /* SoA Interjections : Good enough For Gov'ment work (4) */ I_C_T WORKER02 0 c-arangov0 /* ~'Tis a fine job working for the government. The overseer doesn't bother us...sleeps and drinks, mostly.~ */ == C-ARANJ IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Bloody hells... where does a lad like me get a job like that, eh?~ == WORKER02 IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[WORKER02] No luck for you, boyo. My uncle isn't hiring this tenday.~ END I_C_T WORKER02 1 c-arangov1 /* ~We've been starting on this building project for the council for 63 days, now, and we've yet to start digging. Perfect job, isn't it?~ */ == C-ARANJ IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Come on, now, help a lad out, eh? Little work, good coin. How do I sign up?~ == ~WORKER02~ IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[WORKER02] That depends on who you sleep with. I got a raw deal, though... I had to marry her afterward.~ END I_C_T WORKER02 2 c-arangov2 /* ~We're a team...a team, that's what we are...and as long as we stick together, nobody can make us work!~ */ == C-ARANJ IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] That looks like th' best retirement job a lad can get.~ == WORKER02 IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[WORKER02] Well, are you in the Union of Athlakan Sanitation Workers? 5 gold, and you can help us stick it to the noble classes. Join the Union, brother!~ END I_C_T WORKER02 3 c-arangov3 /* ~If you have a problem, talk to the overseer. No, I don't know where he went...probably sleepin' somewhere.~ */ == C-ARANJ IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] I want his job.~ == WORKER02 IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[WORKER02] Bugger off. I got seniority, and I think he is looking at retiring. That supervisor position is mine, all mine.~ END /* SoA Interjections : Mithrest Inn (6) */ I_C_T WWENCH 0 c-aranmithrest /* ~Welcome to the Mithrest, . Please see Pugney if you wish to partake of the lavish splendors of the Inn.~ */ == C-ARANJ IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",2)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Any chance o' a mite to drink? All this wanderin' about savin' th' world is thirsty work.~ == WWENCH IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",2)~ THEN ~[WWENCH] Show me your coin, and I am sure we can get you something.~ END I_C_T WWENCH 0 c-aranmithrest /* ~Welcome to the Mithrest, . Please see Pugney if you wish to partake of the lavish splendors of the Inn.~ */ == C-ARANJ IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) !Global("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",2)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Well, now, lass - do you be on th' menu?~ == WWENCH IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) !Global("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",2)~ THEN ~[WWENCH] I am far too expensive for your tastes, boyo. I expect a ring and a nice house, first.~ END I_C_T WWENCH 1 c-aranmithrest1 /* ~Please enjoy your stay here, .~ */ == C-ARANJ IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) !Global("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",2)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Do you want to come up an' help tuck me in?~ == WWENCH IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) !Global("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",2)~ THEN ~[WWENCH] I prefer real men, not boys who need to be mothered. But I will have the kitchen send up some warm milk and cookies.~ END I_C_T WWENCH 1 c-aranmithrest1 /* 1 ~Please enjoy your stay here, .~ */ == C-ARANJ IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) !Global("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",2)~ THEN ~[ARAN] I'd enjoy myself a mite more if that Firewine made it over my direction...~ == WWENCH IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) !Global("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",2)~ THEN ~[WWENCH] Show me some coin, and I could make sure some came your way, sirrah.~ END I_C_T WWENCH 2 c-aranmithrest2 /* ~I must not dally, . I shall be fired if Pugney catches me shirking.~ */ == C-ARANJ IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",2)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Now then, I can handle Pugney right fine. Stop an' chat a moment, eh?~ == WWENCH IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",2)~ THEN ~[WWENCH] You are welcome to handle him any way you want. But I have to keep on about my work.~ END I_C_T WWENCH 2 c-aranmithrest2 /* ~I must not dally, . I shall be fired if Pugney catches me shirking.~ */ == C-ARANJ IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) !Global("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",2)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Why not handle me, instead o' him? I have a good bit to handle, you know.~ == WWENCH IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) !Global("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",2)~ THEN ~[WWENCH] I will tell you what I tell him - you do not have a handle big enough to do the job correctly.~ END /* SoA Interjections : Soldier at Gate */ I_C_T AESOLD 6 c-aranaesold /* There are many dangers, though if you are alert you should be quite safe. Wild beasts are always a concern. */ == C-ARANJ IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Wild beasts, meanin' four legged, two legged, an' th' occasional mercenary out for a brawl, eh?~ END /* SoA Interjections : Madman Warning of Guild War */ I_C_T VVMADMAN 1 c-aranmadvv /* Step in shadow, left a husk, killed in moments after dusk. Step in shadow you are prey, pray you live to see the day. */ == C-ARANJ IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Bloody hells - I don't have a quill sharpened. If this be havin' some meanin', someone remember this, eh? I can write it down later.~ END /* SoA Interjections : Vampire Whining */ I_C_T VVDEL 0 c-aranvvdel /* Pretty pretty cattle, you cannot run. Ahh, you have found some helpers to aid in your chase. I wonder if your saviors will prove as useful as you hope. */ == C-ARANJ IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Xvim's Spit, if there be anythin' more ugly than bein' called cattle by a bloodsucker, I don't rightly know what it is. Someone get me a stake.~ END /* SoA Interjections : Bodhi wants him dead, and he throws the guards to the wolves... */ I_C_T VULOVA 7 c-aranvulov1 /* Thank you ever so much! You won't regret this! You won't! */ == C-ARANJ IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Well, now, for a minute there, I was a mite worried. I thought we was about to...~ END /* SoA Interjections : Retired Thief (2) */ I_C_T YARIN 0 c-aranyarin /* I be a retired adventurer, my friend. Nothing sadder than one who has left the Way behind him. */ == C-ARANJ IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Bloody well kill me before I get to that point, eh? I don't want to retire like that. I'd be right happy to go out in combat instead o' whitherin' away.~ == YARIN IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[YARIN] You are an arrogant bastard, young feller.~ END I_C_T YARIN 2 c-aranyarin2 /* The young thieves these days, they not be knowin' what they're doin'. All vicious and murderin'...in my day we were respected. None was as smooth as me. */ == C-ARANJ IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Aye, back in th' olden days, you'd smile an' bow while slittin' their throats, eh?.~ == YARIN IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[YARIN] We did things right, back then. Smooth as silk.~ END /* SoA Interjections : Lathanderites, Seeing Eye Quest starting (2) */ I_C_T BHARVAL 3 c-aranueq /* There you are. I knew you would come. You have the look of a servant of what is right, a of good faith and charity. */ == C-ARANJ IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] scrubs up well, that be for sure. Even pays taxes an' tithes, gods help .~ == BHARVAL IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[LATHANDERITE] Would that more of the world followed the path of Light, as you do.~ END I_C_T BHARVAL 4 c-aranueq /* I had worried you would not come. Your reputation is far from clear. Despite this, you have the look of a servant of light, a of charity. */ == C-ARANJ IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Looks can be deceivin', eh? But can get what needs doin' done right.~ == BHARVAL IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[LATHANDERITE] Would that more of the world followed the path of Light, but sometimes Lathander works in mysterious ways.~ END /* SoA Interjections : Talosites, Seeing Eye Quest starting (2) */ I_C_T BHNALLA 13 c-arnbhna13 /* You must wade through the filth of the sewers and find these fools. They are certainly not nestled amidst the pipes, so there must be a passage to them. */ == C-ARANJ IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] So, you mean for us to show them th' sharp edge o' the sword, an' make sure they are not about to get revived, eh?~ == BHNALLA IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[TALOSITE] The Wrath of Talos must be rendered, of course.~ END /* SoA Interjections : Helmites, Seeing Eye Quest starting */ I_C_T BHOISIG 17 c-arnbhoi17 /* You must suffer the filth of the sewers to find the filth of the cult. They are not hiding amidst the pipes, so there must be a passage leading further away. */ == C-ARANJ IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] An' by 'find', you mean show them th' sharp edge o' the sword, eh?~ == BHOISIG IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[HELMITE] See that justice is done, whatever form that may take. Helm sees all.~ END /* SoA Interjections : Our Favorite Villianess, the Anti-Buffy (4) */ I_C_T BODHI 5 c-aranbd2 /* You work for the Shadow Thieves, on the pretense they will help locate your missing companion, Imoen. Yes, they are Shadow Thieves, and yes, they are as nefarious as you have probably heard. */ == C-ARANJ IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] You know, th' only problem wi' mercenary work is that sometimes you end up bein' th' sharp end for a right set o' bastards, eh? It ends up bein' a matter o' who's coin be th' best deal.~ == BODHI IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[BODHI] Then you will be interested in my proposition.~ END I_C_T BODHI2 15 c-aranbd2 /* You may have done both were circumstances different, but now I am afraid there is only one possible end to this discussion. */ == C-ARANJ IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] An' you say I talk too much. What say we just kill this arrogant bloodsucker an' be done wi' it?~ END I_C_T BODHI2 16 c-aranbd2 /* I was there because I chose to be, the duty of any good 'sister'. Of course you are not familiar with such virtues, since those around you fail at them so terribly. */ == C-ARANJ IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] An' you say I talk too much. What say we just kill this arrogant bloodsucker an' be done wi' it?~ END I_C_T BODHI2 17 c-aranbd2 /* Perhaps you are asking the wrong person these questions. It is irrelevant now, of course, as you will not be leaving here alive. */ == C-ARANJ IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] An' you say I talk too much. What say we just kill this arrogant bloodsucker an' be done wi' it?~ END /* SoA Interjections : Firkraag Trap Set (3) */ I_C_T FIRKRA01 6 c-aranfirtrap /* It is a small price for safety. It is not as though I am without funds. I merely believe in paying for quality. You will be wealthy in my service, rest assured. */ == C-ARANJ IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] That be a huge sum o' coin, for a simple contract, . I'd put some funds aside for resurrection an' restoration. I never did see a high priced contract where the client told the whole story.~ == FIRKRA01 IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[FIRKRAG] Indeed, my offer is generous to a fault. I merely wish to pay for the best, and have the job done correctly the first time.~ END I_C_T FIRKRA01 7 c-aranfirtrap /* Ah, but you would not lump yourself together with common mercenaries, would you? No, I require someone with finesse and skill, as well as strength. You are ideal. */ == C-ARANJ IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] That be a huge sum o' coin, for a simple contract, . I'd put some funds aside for resurrection an' restoration. I never did see a high priced contract where the client told the whole story.~ == FIRKRA01 IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[FIRKRAG] Indeed, my offer is generous to a fault. I merely wish to pay for the best, and have the job done correctly the first time.~ END I_C_T FIRKRA01 8 c-aranfirtrap /* Good. There really was no other choice to make. I will direct you to the place you are to go. Do not tarry too long. There are people's lives at stake. */ == C-ARANJ IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] That be a huge sum o' coin, for a simple contract, . I'd put some funds aside for resurrection an' restoration. I never did see a high priced contract where the client told the whole story.~ == FIRKRA01 IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[FIRKRAG] Indeed, my offer is generous to a fault. I merely wish to pay for the best, and have the job done correctly the first time.~ END /* SoA Interjections : Firkraag Fight */ I_C_T3 FIRKRA02 0 c-aranfirkfight /* Welcome. You have come as I wanted. It has been an interesting game, but to tell the truth, I tire of it. */ == C-ARANJ IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aranfirtrap","GLOBAL",0)~ THEN ~[ARAN] That is the biggest damned thing I have ever seen. Are we goin' to fight *him*?~ == C-ARANJ IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aranfirtrap","GLOBAL",1)~ THEN ~[ARAN] I told you that were too much coin for a simple contract. That's the biggest damned thing I have ever seen. We are goin' to fight *him*?~ == KELDORJ IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) InParty("keldorn") InMyArea("keldorn") !StateCheck("keldorn",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) OR(3) !InParty("korgan") !InMyArea("korgan") StateCheck("korgan",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) OR(3) !InParty("valygar") !InMyArea("valygar") StateCheck("valygar",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) OR(3) !InParty("cernd") !InMyArea("cernd") StateCheck("cernd",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[KELDORN] Ten feet. That is very tall. Do you know how tall that really is?~ == KORGANJ IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) InParty("korgan") InMyArea("korgan") !StateCheck("korgan",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) OR(3) !InParty("keldorn") !InMyArea("keldorn") StateCheck("keldorn",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) OR(3) !InParty("valygar") !InMyArea("valygar") StateCheck("valygar",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) OR(3) !InParty("cernd") !InMyArea("cernd") StateCheck("cernd",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[KORGAN] Ten feet. Very tall. Very, very tall.~ == VALYGARJ IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) InParty("valygar") InMyArea("valygar") !StateCheck("valygar",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) OR(3) !InParty("korgan") !InMyArea("korgan") StateCheck("korgan",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) OR(3) !InParty("keldorn") !InMyArea("keldorn") StateCheck("keldorn",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) OR(3) !InParty("cernd") !InMyArea("cernd") StateCheck("cernd",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[VALYGAR] Ten feet. That is very tall. Do you know how tall that really is?~ == BCERND IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) InParty("cernd") InMyArea("cernd") !StateCheck("cernd",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) OR(3) !InParty("korgan") !InMyArea("korgan") StateCheck("korgan",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) OR(3) !InParty("valygar") !InMyArea("valygar") StateCheck("valygar",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) OR(3) !InParty("keldorn") !InMyArea("keldorn") StateCheck("keldorn",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[CERND] Ten feet. That is very tall. Do you know how tall that really is?~ == BKELDOR IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) InParty("keldorn") InMyArea("keldorn") !StateCheck("keldorn",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) InParty("korgan") InMyArea("korgan") !StateCheck("korgan",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) InParty("valygar") InMyArea("valygar") !StateCheck("valygar",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) InParty("korgan") InMyArea("korgan") !StateCheck("korgan",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[KELDORN] Ten feet. That is very tall. Do you know how tall that really is?~ == C-ARANJ IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Tiamat's Twisting Tentacles, it's bloody well ten feet.~ == BJAHEIR IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) InParty("jaheira") InMyArea("jaheira") !StateCheck("jaheira",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) OR(3) !InParty("edwin") !InMyArea("edwin") StateCheck("edwin",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[JAHEIRA] He is actually 10 feet 9 inches.~ == BEDWIN IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) InParty("edwin") InMyArea("edwin") !StateCheck("edwin",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) OR(3) !InParty("jaheira") !InMyArea("jaheira") StateCheck("jaheira",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[EDWIN] He is actually 10 feet 9 inches. (Rube. We are engaging a dragon, and he jests about size.)~ == C-ARANJ IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] But it's those last 9 inches that'll kill you.~ == BAERIE IF ~InParty("aerie") InMyArea("aerie") !StateCheck("aerie",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[AERIE] He - He's huge... he is three elves high.~ == BVICONI IF ~InParty("viconia") InMyArea("viconia") !StateCheck("viconia",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[VICONIA] He is easily three Drow high - a magnificent specimen, and a fitting sacrifice.~ == BKELDOR IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) InParty("keldorn") InMyArea("keldorn") !StateCheck("keldorn",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) OR(3) !InParty("korgan") !InMyArea("korgan") StateCheck("korgan",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) OR(3) !InParty("valygar") !InMyArea("valygar") StateCheck("valygar",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) OR(3) !InParty("cernd") !InMyArea("cernd") StateCheck("cernd",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[KELDORN] He sounds more impressive at 10 feet 9 inches.~ == BKORGAN IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) InParty("korgan") InMyArea("korgan") !StateCheck("korgan",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) OR(3) !InParty("keldorn") !InMyArea("keldorn") StateCheck("keldorn",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) OR(3) !InParty("valygar") !InMyArea("valygar") StateCheck("valygar",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) OR(3) !InParty("cernd") !InMyArea("cernd") StateCheck("cernd",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[KORGAN] 10 feet 9 inches sounds more fancy.~ == BVALYGA IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) InParty("valygar") InMyArea("valygar") !StateCheck("valygar",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) OR(3) !InParty("korgan") !InMyArea("korgan") StateCheck("korgan",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) OR(3) !InParty("keldorn") !InMyArea("keldorn") StateCheck("keldorn",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) OR(3) !InParty("cernd") !InMyArea("cernd") StateCheck("cernd",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[VALYGAR] He sounds more impressive at 10 feet 9 inches.~ == BCERND IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) InParty("cernd") InMyArea("cernd") !StateCheck("cernd",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) OR(3) !InParty("korgan") !InMyArea("korgan") StateCheck("korgan",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) OR(3) !InParty("valygar") !InMyArea("valygar") StateCheck("valygar",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) OR(3) !InParty("keldorn") !InMyArea("keldorn") StateCheck("keldorn",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[CERND] He sounds more impressive at 10 feet 9 inches.~ == BKELDOR IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) InParty("keldorn") InMyArea("keldorn") !StateCheck("keldorn",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) InParty("korgan") InMyArea("korgan") !StateCheck("korgan",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) InParty("valygar") InMyArea("valygar") !StateCheck("valygar",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) InParty("korgan") InMyArea("korgan") !StateCheck("korgan",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[KELDORN] He sounds more impressive at 10 feet 9 inches.~ == BMINSC IF ~InParty("minsc") InMyArea("minsc") !StateCheck("minsc",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[MINSC] That is a big but-kicking task. My boot may not be large enough.~ == BMINSC IF ~InParty("minsc") InMyArea("minsc") !StateCheck("minsc",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[BOO] *squeak*~ [GAM_48] == BMINSC IF ~InParty("minsc") InMyArea("minsc") !StateCheck("minsc",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[MINSC] Boo thinks I should use my sword, not my boot.~ == C-ARANJ IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] All right, I'm stickin' wi' 10 feet 9 inches, includin' those fangs. Now, how many of what kind o' thing would we have to line up end to end to get a practice run at this?~ == FIRKRA02 IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[FIRKAAG] Very amusing. Perhaps I shall tell your spirits exactly how many of your crisping bodies I had to stack up to match my height.~ END /* SoA Interjections : Aran in Hell: Irenicus 7, 8, 9, 10. */ I_C_T3 HELLJON 7 c-araninhell /* We shall see, . We shall see! */ == C-ARANJ IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] This is the part where you stop talkin', an' we smile, an' then you smile, an' then you get chopped up into liiitle teensy-teensy pieces and served wi' a dry Chianti FR 1276. Preferably chilled.~ == IMOEN2J IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) InParty("imoen2") InMyArea("imoen2") !StateCheck("imoen2",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[IMOEN] Hey, Aran, when did you get all fancy, with yer 'Chianti FR 1276' an' all?~ == C-ARANJ IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) InParty("imoen2") InMyArea("imoen2") !StateCheck("imoen2",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Well, you see a fancy-pants mage, and you get all wordy. Goes with the territory, I guess.~ == KORGANJ IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) InParty("korgan") InMyArea("korgan") !StateCheck("korgan",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[KORGAN] Bugger the wine. But you be owin' me a keg o' Traskan Ale when I kill him first.~ == C-ARANJ IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) InParty("korgan") InMyArea("korgan") !StateCheck("korgan",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Make it a bet, then. Two bottles FR 1276 if I kill the Cyric-buggerin' bastard, a keg to you if you get in there first.~ == KELDORJ IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) InParty("keldorn") InMyArea("keldorn") !StateCheck("keldorn",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[KELDORN] Well and finely stated, my friend. But let us not waste more breath. We shall need it to destroy this foul creature.~ == C-ARANJ IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) InParty("keldorn") InMyArea("keldorn") !StateCheck("keldorn",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Sounds like a plan to me. You take th' high road, an' I'll take th' low road, an' I'll be in th' cen-ter, a-fore ye!~ == C-ARANJ IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) InParty("minsc") InMyArea("minsc") !StateCheck("minsc",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Minsc, my friend, you want t' wager which one o' us clobbers him first?~ == MINSCJ IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) InParty("minsc") InMyArea("minsc") !StateCheck("minsc",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[MINSC] Boo says that we should wager afterward, with dice made from his tail-bone. Then every time we kick the dice, we will be BUTT-KICKING FOR GOODNESS!~ == AERIEJ IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) InParty("aerie") InMyArea("aerie") !StateCheck("aerie",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[AERIE] That is disgusting, Aran. Kill him and eat him? How can you say such horrible things. I - I thought I knew you.~ == C-ARANJ IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) InParty("aerie") InMyArea("aerie") !StateCheck("aerie",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Aerie, m'dear, it were a joke. Gallows humor, an' all that. We are just going to kill him, not gnaw on his bones, or anythin'. Just tryin' to rattle him a little. Understand?~ == AERIEJ IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) InParty("aerie") InMyArea("aerie") !StateCheck("aerie",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[AERIE] Oh, I understand. Irenicus, you will fall before us, and we shall... we shall... nibble your bum!~ == C-ARANJ IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) InParty("aerie") InMyArea("aerie") !StateCheck("aerie",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Closer, anyways, Aerie. Though I think we were goin' more for the 'fearsome foe' than the 'perilous rabid bunny rabbit' approach. But let's go wi' it.~ == C-ARANJ IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) InParty("jaheira") InMyArea("jaheira") !StateCheck("jaheira",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Jaheira, do you want in on th' action? A little side bet on who takes fancy-pants over there an' tears him a new arsehole?~ == JAHEIRAJ IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) InParty("jaheira") InMyArea("jaheira") !StateCheck("jaheira",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[JAHEIRA] I think not. I have spent so much time watching you talk, that I have decided to see if it really works.~ == C-ARANJ IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) InParty("jaheira") InMyArea("jaheira") !StateCheck("jaheira",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] See if what really works?~ == JAHEIRAJ IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) InParty("jaheira") InMyArea("jaheira") !StateCheck("jaheira",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[JAHEIRA] I am attempting to determine if you can actually succeed in talking him to death.~ == HELLJON IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[IRENICUS] I think I shall enjoy this, if only to SHUT YOU IMBECILES UP!~ END I_C_T3 HELLJON 8 c-araninhell /* Your soul was never truly yours, Bhaal child! You should let me put it to better use! */ == C-ARANJ IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] This is the part where you stop talkin', an' we smile, an' then you smile, an' then you get chopped up into liiitle teensy-teensy pieces and served wi' a dry Chianti FR 1276. Preferably chilled.~ == IMOEN2J IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) InParty("imoen2") InMyArea("imoen2") !StateCheck("imoen2",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[IMOEN] Hey, Aran, when did you get all fancy, with yer 'Chianti FR 1276' an' all?~ == C-ARANJ IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) InParty("imoen2") InMyArea("imoen2") !StateCheck("imoen2",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Well, you see a fancy-pants mage, and you get all wordy. Goes with the territory, I guess.~ == KORGANJ IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) InParty("korgan") InMyArea("korgan") !StateCheck("korgan",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[KORGAN] Bugger the wine. But you be owin' me a keg o' Traskan Ale when I kill him first.~ == C-ARANJ IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) InParty("korgan") InMyArea("korgan") !StateCheck("korgan",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Make it a bet, then. Two bottles FR 1276 if I kill the Cyric-buggerin' bastard, a keg to you if you get in there first.~ == KELDORJ IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) InParty("keldorn") InMyArea("keldorn") !StateCheck("keldorn",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[KELDORN] Well and finely stated, my friend. But let us not waste more breath. We shall need it to destroy this foul creature.~ == C-ARANJ IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) InParty("keldorn") InMyArea("keldorn") !StateCheck("keldorn",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Sounds like a plan to me. You take th' high road, an' I'll take th' low road, an' I'll be in th' cen-ter, a-fore ye!~ == C-ARANJ IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) InParty("minsc") InMyArea("minsc") !StateCheck("minsc",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Minsc, my friend, you want t' wager which one o' us clobbers him first?~ == MINSCJ IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) InParty("minsc") InMyArea("minsc") !StateCheck("minsc",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[MINSC] Boo says that we should wager afterward, with dice made from his tail-bone. Then every time we kick the dice, we will be BUTT-KICKING FOR GOODNESS!~ == AERIEJ IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) InParty("aerie") InMyArea("aerie") !StateCheck("aerie",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[AERIE] That is disgusting, Aran. Kill him and eat him? How can you say such horrible things. I - I thought I knew you.~ == C-ARANJ IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) InParty("aerie") InMyArea("aerie") !StateCheck("aerie",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Aerie, m'dear, it were a joke. Gallows humor, an' all that. We are just going to kill him, not gnaw on his bones, or anythin'. Just tryin' to rattle him a little. Understand?~ == AERIEJ IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) InParty("aerie") InMyArea("aerie") !StateCheck("aerie",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[AERIE] Oh, I understand. Irenicus, you will fall before us, and we shall... we shall... nibble your bum!~ == C-ARANJ IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) InParty("aerie") InMyArea("aerie") !StateCheck("aerie",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Closer, anyways, Aerie. Though I think we were goin' more for the 'fearsome foe' than the 'perilous rabid bunny rabbit' approach. But let's go wi' it.~ == C-ARANJ IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) InParty("jaheira") InMyArea("jaheira") !StateCheck("jaheira",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Jaheira, do you want in on th' action? A little side bet on who takes fancy-pants over there an' tears him a new arsehole?~ == JAHEIRAJ IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) InParty("jaheira") InMyArea("jaheira") !StateCheck("jaheira",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[JAHEIRA] I think not. I have spent so much time watching you talk, that I have decided to see if it really works.~ == C-ARANJ IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) InParty("jaheira") InMyArea("jaheira") !StateCheck("jaheira",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] See if what really works?~ == JAHEIRAJ IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) InParty("jaheira") InMyArea("jaheira") !StateCheck("jaheira",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[JAHEIRA] I am attempting to determine if you can actually succeed in talking him to death.~ == HELLJON IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[IRENICUS] I think I shall enjoy this, if only to SHUT YOU IMBECILES UP!~ END I_C_T3 HELLJON 9 c-araninhell /* An odd situation, but I have no doubt about the outcome! */ == C-ARANJ IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] This is the part where you stop talkin', an' we smile, an' then you smile, an' then you get chopped up into liiitle teensy-teensy pieces and served wi' a dry Chianti FR 1276. Preferably chilled.~ == IMOEN2J IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) InParty("imoen2") InMyArea("imoen2") !StateCheck("imoen2",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[IMOEN] Hey, Aran, when did you get all fancy, with yer 'Chianti FR 1276' an' all?~ == C-ARANJ IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) InParty("imoen2") InMyArea("imoen2") !StateCheck("imoen2",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Well, you see a fancy-pants mage, and you get all wordy. Goes with the territory, I guess.~ == KORGANJ IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) InParty("korgan") InMyArea("korgan") !StateCheck("korgan",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[KORGAN] Bugger the wine. But you be owin' me a keg o' Traskan Ale when I kill him first.~ == C-ARANJ IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) InParty("korgan") InMyArea("korgan") !StateCheck("korgan",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Make it a bet, then. Two bottles FR 1276 if I kill the Cyric-buggerin' bastard, a keg to you if you get in there first.~ == KELDORJ IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) InParty("keldorn") InMyArea("keldorn") !StateCheck("keldorn",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[KELDORN] Well and finely stated, my friend. But let us not waste more breath. We shall need it to destroy this foul creature.~ == C-ARANJ IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) InParty("keldorn") InMyArea("keldorn") !StateCheck("keldorn",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Sounds like a plan to me. You take th' high road, an' I'll take th' low road, an' I'll be in th' cen-ter, a-fore ye!~ == C-ARANJ IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) InParty("minsc") InMyArea("minsc") !StateCheck("minsc",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Minsc, my friend, you want t' wager which one o' us clobbers him first?~ == MINSCJ IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) InParty("minsc") InMyArea("minsc") !StateCheck("minsc",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[MINSC] Boo says that we should wager afterward, with dice made from his tail-bone. Then every time we kick the dice, we will be BUTT-KICKING FOR GOODNESS!~ == AERIEJ IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) InParty("aerie") InMyArea("aerie") !StateCheck("aerie",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[AERIE] That is disgusting, Aran. Kill him and eat him? How can you say such horrible things. I - I thought I knew you.~ == C-ARANJ IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) InParty("aerie") InMyArea("aerie") !StateCheck("aerie",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Aerie, m'dear, it were a joke. Gallows humor, an' all that. We are just going to kill him, not gnaw on his bones, or anythin'. Just tryin' to rattle him a little. Understand?~ == AERIEJ IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) InParty("aerie") InMyArea("aerie") !StateCheck("aerie",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[AERIE] Oh, I understand. Irenicus, you will fall before us, and we shall... we shall... nibble your bum!~ == C-ARANJ IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) InParty("aerie") InMyArea("aerie") !StateCheck("aerie",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Closer, anyways, Aerie. Though I think we were goin' more for the 'fearsome foe' than the 'perilous rabid bunny rabbit' approach. But let's go wi' it.~ == C-ARANJ IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) InParty("jaheira") InMyArea("jaheira") !StateCheck("jaheira",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Jaheira, do you want in on th' action? A little side bet on who takes fancy-pants over there an' tears him a new arsehole?~ == JAHEIRAJ IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) InParty("jaheira") InMyArea("jaheira") !StateCheck("jaheira",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[JAHEIRA] I think not. I have spent so much time watching you talk, that I have decided to see if it really works.~ == C-ARANJ IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) InParty("jaheira") InMyArea("jaheira") !StateCheck("jaheira",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] See if what really works?~ == JAHEIRAJ IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) InParty("jaheira") InMyArea("jaheira") !StateCheck("jaheira",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[JAHEIRA] I am attempting to determine if you can actually succeed in talking him to death.~ == HELLJON IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[IRENICUS] I think I shall enjoy this, if only to SHUT YOU IMBECILES UP!~ END I_C_T3 HELLJON 10 c-araninhell /* You will not be so calm when I doom you to non-existence! */ == C-ARANJ IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] This is the part where you stop talkin', an' we smile, an' then you smile, an' then you get chopped up into liiitle teensy-teensy pieces and served wi' a dry Chianti FR 1276. Preferably chilled.~ == IMOEN2J IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) InParty("imoen2") InMyArea("imoen2") !StateCheck("imoen2",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[IMOEN] Hey, Aran, when did you get all fancy, with yer 'Chianti FR 1276' an' all?~ == C-ARANJ IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) InParty("imoen2") InMyArea("imoen2") !StateCheck("imoen2",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Well, you see a fancy-pants mage, and you get all wordy. Goes with the territory, I guess.~ == KORGANJ IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) InParty("korgan") InMyArea("korgan") !StateCheck("korgan",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[KORGAN] Bugger the wine. But you be owin' me a keg o' Traskan Ale when I kill him first.~ == C-ARANJ IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) InParty("korgan") InMyArea("korgan") !StateCheck("korgan",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Make it a bet, then. Two bottles FR 1276 if I kill the Cyric-buggerin' bastard, a keg to you if you get in there first.~ == KELDORJ IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) InParty("keldorn") InMyArea("keldorn") !StateCheck("keldorn",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[KELDORN] Well and finely stated, my friend. But let us not waste more breath. We shall need it to destroy this foul creature.~ == C-ARANJ IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) InParty("keldorn") InMyArea("keldorn") !StateCheck("keldorn",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Sounds like a plan to me. You take th' high road, an' I'll take th' low road, an' I'll be in th' cen-ter, a-fore ye!~ == C-ARANJ IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) InParty("minsc") InMyArea("minsc") !StateCheck("minsc",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Minsc, my friend, you want t' wager which one o' us clobbers him first?~ == MINSCJ IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) InParty("minsc") InMyArea("minsc") !StateCheck("minsc",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[MINSC] Boo says that we should wager afterward, with dice made from his tail-bone. Then every time we kick the dice, we will be BUTT-KICKING FOR GOODNESS!~ == AERIEJ IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) InParty("aerie") InMyArea("aerie") !StateCheck("aerie",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[AERIE] That is disgusting, Aran. Kill him and eat him? How can you say such horrible things. I - I thought I knew you.~ == C-ARANJ IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) InParty("aerie") InMyArea("aerie") !StateCheck("aerie",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Aerie, m'dear, it were a joke. Gallows humor, an' all that. We are just going to kill him, not gnaw on his bones, or anythin'. Just tryin' to rattle him a little. Understand?~ == AERIEJ IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) InParty("aerie") InMyArea("aerie") !StateCheck("aerie",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[AERIE] Oh, I understand. Irenicus, you will fall before us, and we shall... we shall... nibble your bum!~ == C-ARANJ IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) InParty("aerie") InMyArea("aerie") !StateCheck("aerie",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Closer, anyways, Aerie. Though I think we were goin' more for the 'fearsome foe' than the 'perilous rabid bunny rabbit' approach. But let's go wi' it.~ == C-ARANJ IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) InParty("jaheira") InMyArea("jaheira") !StateCheck("jaheira",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Jaheira, do you want in on th' action? A little side bet on who takes fancy-pants over there an' tears him a new arsehole?~ == JAHEIRAJ IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) InParty("jaheira") InMyArea("jaheira") !StateCheck("jaheira",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[JAHEIRA] I think not. I have spent so much time watching you talk, that I have decided to see if it really works.~ == C-ARANJ IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) InParty("jaheira") InMyArea("jaheira") !StateCheck("jaheira",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] See if what really works?~ == JAHEIRAJ IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) InParty("jaheira") InMyArea("jaheira") !StateCheck("jaheira",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[JAHEIRA] I am attempting to determine if you can actually succeed in talking him to death.~ == HELLJON IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[IRENICUS] I think I shall enjoy this, if only to SHUT YOU IMBECILES UP!~ END /* SoA Interjections : Aerie (7) */ I_C_T AERIE 0 c-aranae0 /* You...you have the key! Or, rather...the sword! Please...please give it to me and I can be rid of this illusionary form at last! */ == C-ARANJ IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Nice voice. The rest o' th' package, not so nice, eh?~ END I_C_T AERIE 3 c-aranae3 /* My... My hands...my skin, it's real again! Thank Baervar! Oh, we must find Quayle...and stop Kalah before he does any more harm! */ == C-ARANJ IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Gender(Player1,MALE)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Sune's Left Br... err... hey, come on over here, lass, an' I will protect you right fine.~ END I_C_T AERIE 3 c-aranae3 /* My... My hands...my skin, it's real again! Thank Baervar! Oh, we must find Quayle...and stop Kalah before he does any more harm! */ == C-ARANJ IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Gender(Player1,FEMALE)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Sune's Left Br... err... sorry. Big change. Hey, give us a spin, eh, so we can check you are all in one piece an' ok?~ END I_C_T AERIEJ 46 c-aranar46 /* Why? What's wrong with milk baths? */ == C-ARANJ IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Sune's Breath... I just got me a mental picture I should keep to myself, eh?~ END I_C_T AERIEJ 112 c-aranar112 /* A... a drow? Here?! What could she have been up to, I wonder? And what did she do to these people that they would... burn her. N-not that anyone would need a reason, I suppose. */ == C-ARANJ IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Centuries o' history be reason enough.~ END I_C_T AERIEJ 218 c-aranar218 /* You... you're Haer'Dalis? Raelis sent us... to free you. */ == C-ARANJ IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) !Global("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",2)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Bloody hells, girl. That look could melt mithral. Turn that gaze my way some time, eh?~ END I_C_T AERIEJ 218 c-aranar218 /* You... you're Haer'Dalis? Raelis sent us... to free you. */ == C-ARANJ IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",2)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Bloody hells, girl. That look could melt mithral. Looks like someone's libido just woke up, eh? They hit puberty so fast these days...~ END /* SoA Interjections : Valygar (1) */ I_C_T VALYGAR 8 c-aranvalygar8 /* ~I have no desire to meet my ancestor, and even less desire to help the Cowled Wizards, who believe my body is the only key to enter the sphere... alive or no.~ */ == C-ARANJ IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-silencearan","GLOBAL",0)~ THEN ~[ARAN] I suppose this be a bad time to joke about every-body needs some-body, eh?~ == VALYGAR IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-silencearan","GLOBAL",0)~ THEN ~[VALYGAR] Yes.~ END /* SoA Interjections : Viconia (1) */ I_C_T VICONI 10 c-aranvic10 /* Please, , I beg of you! Save me from these madmen!! */ == C-ARANJ IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Drow. Enough said. Let's move on, eh? I am gettin' a mite hungry.~ END /* SoA Interjections : Nalia (3) */ I_C_T NALIA 52 c-arannaljm52 /* Should I travel with you? I've spent a few weeks slumming, and I am quite capable of opening the odd lock. I had to pick three just to get out of the main keep. */ == C-ARANJ IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Gender(Player1,MALE)~ THEN ~[ARAN] I say she comes along right proper. Tell you what, she can walk right in front o' me, an' then I'd be there to keep an eye on her bu... err... keep an eye on her, eh?~ END I_C_T NALIA 52 c-arannaljf52 /* Should I travel with you? I've spent a few weeks slumming, and I am quite capable of opening the odd lock. I had to pick three just to get out of the main keep. */ == C-ARANJ IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Gender(Player1,FEMALE)~ THEN ~[ARAN] I say she comes along right proper. It never did hurt to have a friend on th' inside, eh? Beats stormin' a castle with no map an' gettin' slaughtered through th' murder holes.~ END I_C_T NALIAJ 147 c-arannal147 /* I almost hate to ask this...what, exactly, is wrong with milk baths? */ == C-ARANJ IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Sune's Breath... I just got me a mental picture I should keep to myself, eh?~ END /* SoA Interjections : YOSHP (2) */ I_C_T YOSHP 1 c-aranyoshp1 /* That is gratifying. Let us go then, and see what waits down the road. */ == C-ARANJ IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Bloody good to see you, Yoshimo, though my purse be a bit fuller when there be less o' your dice in use, eh?~ == YOSHP IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[YOSHIMO] I shall be happy to help you find a lighter path again, my friend.~ END I_C_T YOSHP 1 c-aranyoshp2 /* That is gratifying. Let us go then, and see what waits down the road. */ == C-ARANJ IF ~Global("c-aranyoshp1","GLOBAL",1) InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Talos' Fickle Breath, be droppin' you in an' out o' th' party a good bit. Is this stay permanent, or is just messin' wi' you?~ == YOSHP IF ~Global("c-yoshrejoin1","GLOBAL",1) InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[YOSHIMO] I will leave that to 's discretion, my friend.~ END /* SoA Interjections : YOSHJ (6) */ I_C_T YOSHJ 19 c-aranyosh19 /* You wound me, sir. I am but a simple citizen up to simple citizenry-sort activities. Nothing to interest you, I am most sure. */ == C-ARANJ IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] (snort) (cough)~ == YOSHJ IF ~Global("c-yoshrejoin1","GLOBAL",1) InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[YOSHIMO] You are not helping, my friend.~ END I_C_T YOSHJ 29 c-aranyosh29 /* Oh, yes...these are the guards I remember. Blind as a bat once a few coins get placed over their eyes. Tsk. */ == C-ARANJ IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Useful as all hells when a brawl breaks out, but you'd think that th' bastards would draw a line someplace. A friendly brawl or a little magic use be a sight less harm than drugs, slavery, an' such.~ == YOSHJ IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[YOSHIMO] Coin rules much of the world, my friend. It is the way of all things.~ END I_C_T YOSHJ 40 c-aranyosh40 /* How interesting. I would have thought you'd feel right at home in this slime, Viconia. */ == C-ARANJ IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Shar's Spit, Yoshimo, there be no need to insult all this slime like that. It' be ashamed to be close to a Drowess.~ END I_C_T YOSHJ 86 c-aranyosh86 /* You'd barely see the difference. He still cries all the time, speaks nonsense and burps after every meal. Fortunately, the toilet training has come along nicely. */ == C-ARANJ IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] HAH! Yoshimo, you wag! Good 'un.~ END I_C_T YOSHJ 92 c-aranyosh92 /* We had to make the best of it. I, myself, managed to win a fair amount of coin from your crew... they seemed to think they were the only ones who knew how to play cards, oddly. */ == C-ARANJ IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Yeah, well, my purse be a mite lighter, too. You have a way wi' th' cards, you do, Yoshimo.~ END I_C_T YOSHJ 130 c-aranyosh130 /* This is Shadow Thief territory... which I have had a couple of run-ins with over the past few months. They don't tend to appreciate independent operators like myself. */ == C-ARANJ IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] (snort.) You got a gift for a mite bit o' understatement, eh? Last poor bastard I done heard about got delivered back to th' lovin' embrace o' his family, slow-like. First a finger, then a toe, then an eye...~ END /* SoA Interjections : Yoshimo Geas, YOSHIMOX 0, 5 */ I_C_T YOSHIMOX 2 c-aranyoshx /* There you are, I see. Why do you continue? You are dead inside already. Irenicus has seen to it. I am left to finish your physical shell. */ == C-ARANJ IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Bloody traitor - Ilmater's mercy be not for th' likes o' you.~ == YOSHIMOX IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[YOSHIMO] I have less choice then you think.~ END I_C_T YOSHIMOX 5 c-aranyoshx5 /* Do you... do you know what happens when you try to defy a Geas? It hurts... It hurts and then you die. His spells are powerful, , so powerful. */ == C-ARANJ IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] A geas - you know better than to take that kind of contract. Now you are foresworn on two fronts. Bastard.~ == YOSHIMOX IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[YOSHIMO] Sometimes there is no choice.~ END /* SoA Interjections : Anomen + Romance Conflict addendum (17) */ I_C_T ANOMENJ 3 c-aanocon3 /* Faithless fool! You do not understand the import of this event. Innocents were slain by our hand and we are now cursed as forever dishonorable. */ == C-ARANJ IF ~Global("c-aanoconflict","GLOBAL",0) InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] If that be th' case, every blighted soldier what ever walked Toril is in a right bit o' trouble. Dead be dead, an' we didn't know better. Only one thing left to do - go through their pockets an' look for spare coin. An' mayhap find a clue as to what adversary done did this to us.~ == ANOMENJ IF ~Global("c-aanoconflict","GLOBAL",0) InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ANOMEN] I expected no better from you. You have no concept of honor. This is a conversation for your betters, sellsword.~ END I_C_T ANOMENJ 120 c-aanocon120 /* I'll not submit to your foul charms, slattern. By Helm, the rot in this city fills me with bile! */ == C-ARANJ IF ~Global("c-aanoconflict","GLOBAL",0) InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Talos' Treacherous Tongue, you do go on about bile an' such. For a chivalrous man, you throw words like 'slattern' an' 'trollop' an' such. I though chivalry was supposed to be better than that.~ == ANOMENJ IF ~Global("c-aanoconflict","GLOBAL",0) InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ANOMEN] Any creature that has thrown away the gifts of the gods and allows themselves to sink to such depravity should be cleansed from Toril, not given the respect reserved for a true lady.~ == C-ARANJ IF ~Global("c-aanoconflict","GLOBAL",0) InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Shiny metal armor, shiny metal heart, eh? I'll stick to my on beliefs on that one, I think.~ == ANOMENJ IF ~Global("c-aanoconflict","GLOBAL",0) InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ANOMEN] You do not think, Whitehand. And as for your beliefs, I pray to Torm and Helm that you find some.~ END I_C_T ANOMENJ 121 c-aanocon121 /* Of course not! Cheating is the vilest breach of basic trust and humanity. It would be punished most severely! */ == C-ARANJ IF ~Global("c-aanoconflict","GLOBAL",0) InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Errr.. crap. An' here I thought it were just survival in a cold, cruel world. See what comes o' not havin' a righteous upbringin'? I get all my values all confused, like. I've just been waitin' for some wet-behind-th' ears follower o' Torm to come along an' tell th' whole world what be right an' what be wrong, an' set us all straight.~ END I_C_T ANOMENJ 139 c-aanocon139 /* If that's what you believe, fool, then you believe in nothing. Sin is not washed from the soul with a coin, it is purged with temperance and atonement! */ == C-ARANJ IF ~Global("c-aanoconflict","GLOBAL",0) InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] I be fine wi' the whole atonement thing, but temperance? I think I'd find me a more forgivin' god, eh?~ == ANOMENJ IF ~Global("c-aanoconflict","GLOBAL",0) InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ANOMEN] I was not speaking to you, Whitehand. Go drown your sorrows in drink, and perhaps you will drown mine there as well.~ END I_C_T ANOMENJ 148 c-aanocon148 /* I fight for my holy order only. If you wish to join the military and throw your life away in the service of a greedy nation of merchants, you may certainly do so. */ == C-ARANJ IF ~Global("c-aanoconflict","GLOBAL",0) InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] That be what I did. Worked out fine, too. On account o' most military folks be right reasonable sorts, an' good at th' card games an' drinkin'. Holy orders, well, they fight fine, but not so much on th' drinkin' an' card games, eh?~ END I_C_T ANOMENJ 158 c-aanocon158 /* Wealth is wasted on such. It will be spent in a moment and forgotten. If nothing else is done to help such barren souls, giving them coin is not a preferable alternative. */ == C-ARANJ IF ~Global("c-aanoconflict","GLOBAL",0) InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Too true. I think we should give 'em a good drink, an' perhaps instruct them on how to fight a bit. Give 'em good, clean, respectable livin', fightin' th' good fight for us.~ == ANOMENJ IF ~Global("c-aanoconflict","GLOBAL",0) InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ANOMEN] Perhaps as an inducement to service, a drink. And perhaps train them to be productive member of society.~ == C-ARANJ IF ~Global("c-aanoconflict","GLOBAL",0) InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Right. I bet we could get a bunch o' them together, an' with th' right trainin', they might be able to be a decent fightin' force. Then, we could go around an' kick seedy bastards o' nobles who think they are better than everyone else, an' their crap don't stink, an' teach 'em manners.~ == ANOMENJ IF ~Global("c-aanoconflict","GLOBAL",0) InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ANOMEN] I... I am not sure I follow...~ == C-ARANJ IF ~Global("c-aanoconflict","GLOBAL",0) InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] No, Anomen, you don't follow, you lead! You can be th' glorious leader, an' show those nobles what for! Show 'em th' common man can trash th' effete pansies what keep 'em poor an' destitute in an imbalanced caste system! Long Live th' Revolution!~ == ANOMENJ IF ~Global("c-aanoconflict","GLOBAL",0) InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ANOMEN] By Torm, I believe the man has gone mad.~ END /* Always plays */ I_C_T ANOMENJ 168 c-aanocon168 /* No, she is not! Away with you, foul temptress and purveyor of flesh! You will not corrupt the lady with your filthy business! */ == C-ARANJ IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Damned straight, by Sune's Rambunctious Rump. That be *my* job!~ END I_C_T ANOMENJ 186 c-aanocon186 /* Hah! A liar exposed for the fraud that he is! To use such an excuse as an ill mother only to be revealed...it sickens my stomach to witness such base cunning. */ == C-ARANJ IF ~Global("c-aanoconflict","GLOBAL",0) InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Aye, that be th' truth. Except for th' stomach sickenin'. I probably put a might too much in th' way o' spices in last nights dinner, eh?.~ END I_C_T ANOMENJ 191 c-aanocon191 /* Perhaps it is a result of your blasphemy that the gods deny you prosperity! Get yourself to a temple, commoner, and pray for forgiveness for your vile mouth!! */ == C-ARANJ IF ~Global("c-aanoconflict","GLOBAL",0) InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] That was a mite bit harsh. I blaspheme every day, an' naught bad happens.~ == ANOMENJ IF ~Global("c-aanoconflict","GLOBAL",0) InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ANOMEN] Your penalty will come, Aran. It will come, surely.~ == C-ARANJ IF ~Global("c-aanoconflict","GLOBAL",0) InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Who be 'Shirley', an' is she right pretty?~ END I_C_T ANOMENJ 194 c-aanocon194 /* Do you speak to ME?! Begone, harlot! I'll hear none of that vile poison that spills from your tongue! Begone! */ == C-ARANJ IF ~Global("c-aanoconflict","GLOBAL",0) InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Nice language wi' th ' ladies, there, Delryn. Where be your precious 'chivalry', eh?~ == ANOMENJ IF ~Global("c-aanoconflict","GLOBAL",0) InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ANOMEN] Such creatures as that are not ladies, Whitehand. Though you certainly appear not to know the difference.~ END I_C_T ANOMENJ 208 c-aanocon208 /* Or we have mistakenly wandered amidst the dirty and reprehensible. */ == C-ARANJ IF ~Global("c-aanoconflict","GLOBAL",0) InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Do you be talkin' to him, or me?~ == ANOMENJ IF ~Global("c-aanoconflict","GLOBAL",0) InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ANOMEN] Both.~ END I_C_T ANOMENJ 212 c-aanocon212 /* More thieves? Am I to be steeped in such unpious activity throughout my association with you, ? I certainly hope not, as this is all beginning to wear my patience. */ == C-ARANJ IF ~Global("c-aanoconflict","GLOBAL",0) InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] You have patience?~ == ANOMENJ IF ~Global("c-aanoconflict","GLOBAL",0) InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ANOMEN] You still stand. That should tell you that I have both patience and respect for .~ == C-ARANJ IF ~Global("c-aanoconflict","GLOBAL",0) InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Riiiight. Got it. Come talk to me sometime, an' we'll have a bit o' a spar, you an' me, an' we'll see whether that tongue of yours has anythin' backin' it up other than a pile dung what you call brains.~ == ANOMENJ IF ~Global("c-aanoconflict","GLOBAL",0) InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ANOMEN] I will instruct you presently, sellsword. Perhaps when no longer needs your dubious 'services'.~ END I_C_T ANOMENJ 224 c-aanocon224 /* Are there not more important adventures we could be undertaking? This manner of... of aid seems quite tedious. This is a task for the garrison, . */ == C-ARANJ ~[ARAN] Torm's Left Testicle, there you go again, lad. What in th' nine hells is wrong wi' you? That there 'garrison' be flesh an' blood, not some toys o' yours to be pushed about. We have power, an' we can use it better'n the poor lads what might get ground up doin' these 'trivial duties'.~ == ANOMENJ IF ~Global("c-aanoconflict","GLOBAL",0) InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ANOMEN] I merely thought...~ == C-ARANJ IF ~Global("c-aanoconflict","GLOBAL",0) InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Oh, stick it up your arse, you soddin' bastard. You think only o' 'honor', 'duty', an' your own image. I'm shut o' talkin' to you. Someday mayhap you will grow up.~ == ANOMENJ IF ~Global("c-aanoconflict","GLOBAL",0) InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ANOMEN] Keep a civil tongue, Whitehand, or I shall cut it out for you.~ END I_C_T ANOMENJ 232 c-aanocon232 /* I know of Sir Keldorn. I do not doubt that he looks into this cult on his own. He is a veteran paladin of the Order, a fine warrior... if somewhat arrogant and over-pious. */ == C-ARANJ IF ~Global("c-aanoconflict","GLOBAL",0) InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Heh. Pot, kettle.~ == ANOMENJ IF ~Global("c-aanoconflict","GLOBAL",0) InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ANOMEN] Did you speak, Whitehand?~ == C-ARANJ IF ~Global("c-aanoconflict","GLOBAL",0) InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] No, naught. Just mutterin' to myself.~ == ANOMENJ IF ~Global("c-aanoconflict","GLOBAL",0) InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ANOMEN] I see.~ END /* always plays */ I_C_T ANOMENJ 272 c-aanocon272 /* Hmph. I have never heard of this drow, and after our experience in the Underdark, I would be surprised to encounter any dark elf who wasn't worth sending directly to Hell. */ == C-ARANJ IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] For once, Anomen be right.~ == ANOMENJ IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ANOMEN] You agree with me? Are you ill, Whitehand?~ == C-ARANJ IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] No. I doubt it will happen again. But I done lived my whole life wi' th' motto "Th' Only Good Drow be a Dead Drow". I have seen naught to contradict that position.~ END /* always plays */ I_C_T ANOMENJ 287 c-aanocon287 /* A commendable spirit, to help others... although with maturity, girl, you will come to realize that not all are worthy of such attention. */ == C-ARANJ IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Aye, pay no attention to th' ba... th' kind gentleman, m'girl. He only opens his mouth when he wants to be changin' feet.~ END I_C_T ANOMENJ 288 c-aanocon288 /* A commendable spirit, to help others... although with maturity, girl, you will come to realize that not all are worthy of such attention. */ == C-ARANJ IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Aye, pay no attention to th' ba... th' kind gentleman, m'girl. He only opens his mouth when he wants to be changin' feet.~ END /* SoA Interjections : Anomen : Berelinde's idea: Give a few chances to refuse Anomen because she's committed to Aran (6) */ EXTEND_BOTTOM BANOMEN 347 /* Will you allow this poor, fallen knight to lay his rose at your feet, my lady? Allow me one kiss on your petal lips and I shall be to heaven bound... */ + ~OR(2) Global("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",1) Global("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] You could lay a rose at my feet, but you had better do it quickly. Aran seems to have his eye on me as well...~ + a1644 END EXTEND_BOTTOM BANOMEN 358 /* While the others retire to their sacks, might I persuade you to come with me somewhere away from their ears? My words are for yours alone. */ + ~Global("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] Anomen, I can speak with you, if you wish. But even though you are not a knight, are you so un-chivalrous that you would draw me away from Aran, when you know I am committed to him?~ + a1645 END EXTEND_BOTTOM BANOMEN 425 /* Might I be able to draw you away from the others for a while as they prepare to sleep? I have something to speak to you of, and 'tis for your ears only. */ + ~Global("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] Why, sir knight. I had thought you more observant. Anything you need to say can be said in front of Aran.~ + a1645 END EXTEND_BOTTOM BANOMEN 458 /* That we shall not abandon each other. If I continue to remain with you, my love...I could not bear our parting. If...you cannot see that for us...please...tell me now... */ + ~Global("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] Anomen... Aran has already indicated his interest...~ + a1644 END EXTEND_BOTTOM BANOMEN 458 /* That we shall not abandon each other. If I continue to remain with you, my love...I could not bear our parting. If...you cannot see that for us...please...tell me now... */ + ~Global("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] Anomen, if you were not committed to Helm, we might be able to work something out. But your faith would destroy any relationships I might want to make. Aran would be more forgiving. And I intend to live life to the fullest.~ + a1644 END EXTEND_BOTTOM BANOMEN 458 /* That we shall not abandon each other. If I continue to remain with you, my love...I could not bear our parting. If...you cannot see that for us...please...tell me now... */ + ~Global("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] I will never choose to abandon our friendship. But my heart is already set on Aran, even if he is a bit rough around the edges. The heart is blind that way, sometimes.~ + a1645 END APPEND BANOMEN IF ~~ a1644 SAY ~[ANOMEN] Indeed, I have seen the way his eyes devour you. My lady, I would gladly teach the cur his place among us, if you would let me be your Champion.~ ++ ~[PC] Do you respect me so little that you would question my judgment? I have already chosen, and it is not you.~ + a1646 + ~GlobalGT("c-aransex","GLOBAL",1)~ + ~[PC] I need no knight, Anomen, and I am afraid I have given Aran a good deal more than a token or favor. I am sorry, but I cannot return your affection. We should just be friends.~ + a1646 + ~GlobalLT("c-aransex","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] I need no knight, Anomen, and I am afraid I have fallen for Aran. I am sorry, but I cannot return your affection. We should just be friends.~ + a1646 ++ ~[PC] You flatter me with your attentions, Anomen. But I love someone else. Could you not see this as a gesture of Courtly Love, and serve me chastely, loving from afar?~ + a1646 END IF ~~ a1645 SAY ~[ANOMEN] The sellsword is not worthy of you. I would gladly serve you as Champion and Protector, sworn to your side. May I hope that you might change your mind?~ ++ ~[PC] Do you respect me so little that you would question my judgment? I have already chosen, and it is not you.~ + a1646 + ~GlobalGT("c-aransex","GLOBAL",1)~ + ~[PC] I need no knight, Anomen, and I am afraid I have given Aran a good deal more than a token or favor. I am sorry, but I cannot return your affection. We should just be friends.~ + a1646 + ~GlobalLT("c-aransex","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] I need no knight, Anomen, and I am afraid I have fallen for Aran. I am sorry, but I cannot return your affection. We should just be friends.~ + a1646 ++ ~[PC] You flatter me with your attentions, Anomen. But I love someone else. Could you not see this as a gesture of Courtly Love, and serve me chastely, loving from afar?~ + a1646 END IF ~~ a1646 SAY ~[ANOMEN] My heart breaks with this news. I... I love you, , and it afflicts me to see you in another man's arms. But I will serve in what way you will allow. It is better to bear the pain now then to fight a hopeless cause.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("AnomenRomanceActive","GLOBAL",3) RestParty()~ EXIT END END /* SoA Interjections: Infiltrate the Blackguards */ I_C_T KAYL2 12 c-kayl2aran == C-ARANJ IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-silencearan","GLOBAL",0)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Somehow, I think th' joinin' part will be simple enough. Resolvin' this without blodd bein' spilled, though, that be a mite bit more ticklish.~ END /* SoA Interjections: Mazzy Fenton and Gorf the Squisher */ I_C_T MAZZYJ 41 c-gorfmazzy1 /* ~I can stand by and take your insults to myself but now you have struck an innocent merely to dishonor me. I demand satisfaction, brutish fool!~ */ == C-ARANJ IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Helm's Fist, Mazzy, let me take care o' this bastard for you. No call you mussin' yor hair none for th' likes o' him.~ == MAZZYJ IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[MAZZY] I do not interfere in your business, Aran. I will not be denied. You, churlish oaf, answer me.~ END /* SoA Interjections: NPC Gypsy Fortunetelling */ EXTEND_BOTTOM TRGYP02 2 IF ~!InPartySlot(LastTalkedToBy,0) Name("c-aran",LastTalkedToBy)~ THEN EXTERN TRGYP02 a4311 END APPEND TRGYP02 IF ~~ a4311 SAY ~[TRGYP02] Your loyalty is your friend, your foe; your death, your life... it will bring you great happiness and great pain. Your sword swings wide of its mark, but your worth lies in the swing not the connection. There is little you will accomplish alone, yet you have the path of greatness open before you.~ IF ~OR(2) Global("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",1) Global("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",2)~ THEN EXTERN C-ARANJ a4312 IF ~!Global("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",1) !Global("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",2)~ THEN EXTERN C-ARANJ a4313 END /* GOTO Fun with songs! replies */ END /* Madam Nin Dialog : Playing Aran */ APPEND MADAM IF WEIGHT #-1 ~Name("c-aran",LastTalkedToBy) Global("c-aranmadam","GLOBAL",0)~ THEN BEGIN a4308 SAY ~[MADAM] Greetings, my . I am Madame Nin, and I am here to ensure you are pleasantly accompanied. Are you interested in companionship, my ?~ + ~OR(2) Global("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",1) Global("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[ARAN] Now, if I didn't already have my eye on a certain someone, I might be a bit interested, an' that be th' truth. But I was actually hopin' you might have one o' those Calshite bathin' places around here. Any luck on that?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranmadam","GLOBAL",1)~ + a4309 + ~!Global("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",1) !Global("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[ARAN] No, I think I won't rightly need anyone to help in that direction. I saw a lass up th' street what looked more like my type. You know, young... beautiful... unattainable... th' usual ego-smashin' fun a lad likes to subject himself to, eh?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranmadam","GLOBAL",1)~ EXTERN MADAM 2 END /* GOTO Madam Nin Dialog : Playing Aran replies */ IF ~~ a4309 SAY ~[MADAM] I am sorry, my . We do not have a large enough establishment to offer such delights.~ IF ~~ THEN EXTERN C-ARANJ a4310 END END /* Crazy Celvan Encounter : by cmorgan */ CHAIN IF WEIGHT #-1 ~InParty("c-aran") See("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-arancelvan","AR0300",0) RandomNum(3,1)~ THEN CELVAN c_celvanreaction1 ~"There once was a scribe, so I'm told, whose cooking was warm, humor old. In combat a lion, in bed not half tryin', But never a word less than bold!"~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arancelvan","AR0300",1)~ == C-ARANJ ~[ARAN] Helm's Heavy Hand, that lad knows more than be good for his health, eh? Mayhap listenin' at one too many keyholes.~ END CELVAN 1 /* Crazy Celvan Encounter : by Autumn Bard */ CHAIN IF WEIGHT #-1 ~InParty("c-aran") See("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-arancelvan","AR0300",0) RandomNum(3,2)~ THEN CELVAN c_celvanreaction2 ~"There once was a scribe from a coster, Made curry so spicy it accost' her. In combat a lion, A' courtin' hard tryin', Maidens a' swoon at his auster."~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arancelvan","AR0300",1)~ == C-ARANJ ~[ARAN] Helm's Heavy Hand, that lad knows more than be good for his health, eh? Mayhap listenin' at one too many keyholes.~ END CELVAN 1 /* Bubbles' Boyz */ I_C_T CARBOS 2 c-aranbubblesboyz /* ~Fight over her? What an excellent idea! Yes, we shall fight over our beloved Bubbles!~ */ == C-ARANJ IF ~Global("c-silencearan","GLOBAL",0) InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Helm's Hard Horn, that there be a damn fool idea. Mayhap we had better wander on, an' not get too involved. No sence stickin' our d... err... No sense gettin' in th' way o' two fools who can't settle things peaceable.~ END /* SoA Interjections : Wellyn's Teddy Bear in the Graveyard */ I_C_T WELLYN 3 c-aranWellynBear /* ~It's my favorite bear, Littleman...the bad man who came into our house...he, he hurt me and he took Littleman with everything else... (sob!) I can never go to sleep without Littleman!~ */ == C-ARANJ IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Cyric's Blazing Bum. Now I have seen it all. A ghostly apparition lookin' for his teddy bear. What's next, a demi-lich missing his baby rattle?~ == WELLYN IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[WELLYN] (sob!) I want my bear.~ END /* SoA Interjections: HaerD'alis search: started */ I_C_T RAELIS 53 c-aranraelistrickier /* ~Fly, then...fetch our brother away from his captor however you might, and return to us soon. My prayers go with you, my good .~ */ == C-ARANJ IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Aye, we are in for an adventure, for sure. Bards are trickier than illusionists. Mostly more entertaining, though.~ == RAELIS IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[RAELIS] Why, thank you, sweet boy. That sounds like a high compliment.~ END /* SoA Interjections: HaerD'alis search: reaction */ I_C_T RAELIS 52 c-aranaelisdragon /* ~(sigh) It is as I feared. If you change your mind, child, please do return... I have a feeling Haer'Dalis will not return soon to our side, otherwise.~ */ == C-ARANJ IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Your call, o' course, . Sounds like a good thing to do. Then again, most bards could talk a dragon into givin' up a scale or two , an' sell it back to him.~ == RAELIS IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[RAELIS] Ah! Someone in the Company has been telling that old tale again... ~ END /* SoA Interjections: Aran Linvale Reactions: state 4 */ I_C_T ARAN 4 c-aranvlinvailcontract /* ~Good hunting. Report to me if anything happens. Oh, and the bonus we talked of... Take these items. You will find them useful, I am sure.~ */ == C-ARANJ IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] You are playin' a dangerous game, , pickin' up work here. There won't be a contract to scribe on this one, I think.~ == ARAN IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[LINVALE] What a charming young man. What a quaint concept... a written contract for work outside of the traditional guild structure. It almost amuses me.~ END /* SoA Interjections: Aran Linvale Reactions: state 20 */ I_C_T ARAN 20 c-aranvLinvailCareful /* ~They may prove unreasonable, so prepare yourself for hostility. Return when you have the information we need.~ */ == C-ARANJ IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] I don't hold much by off th' books work wi' a Thieves' Guildmaster. But you are leader, . I'd be careful, is all. Most knives play both ends against the middle. And they play permanent-like.~ == ARAN IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[LINVALE] , you simply must let this man visit more often. I am sure that we can find suitable acommodations for him.~ END /* SoA Interjections: Aran Linvale Reactions: state 49 */ I_C_T ~ARAN~ 49 c-aranvlinvalehonor /* ~I apologize if you feel you have been done wrong. I assure you, all that you have paid is being put to good use.~ */ == C-ARANJ IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] That was not part o' the agreement. I know there wasn't a contract scribed, but this stinks. Honor among theives, my bloody arse.~ == ARAN IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[LINVALE] I am sure a healer can help you with that condition. If you are quite finished playing lawyer, I shall continue.~ END /* SoA Interjections: Aran Linvale Reactions: state 51 */ I_C_T ARAN 51 c-aranvlinvalecreative /* ~First and foremost, you will be compensated for the gold you have paid. I will give you several magical items; they are yours to keep regardless of what comes.~ */ == C-ARANJ IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Gifts, eh? Looks like downpayment for a contract extension to me. Fighter's Guild wouldn't do this, nor Merchant's Guild.~ == ARAN IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[LINVALE] Those guilds are slightly less... creative in their conduct, shall we say? Perhaps you would consider being silent. I could quote something about 'as the grave' , but we are all friends here.~ END /* Arriving in Brynnlaw */ I_C_T PPSAEM 14 c-aranBrynnlaw == C-ARANJ IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Teos' Breath. These bast... err, I mean I am glad to be leavin' this fine crew far behind. I've lost more coin on their dice then I want to admit. And all my gear smells worse than the bilgewater.~ == PPSAEM IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[HAVAREAN] So sorry about that, friend Aran. We were a bit cramped for space, and since your gear already was less than pleasant smelling, I thought you really wouldn't mind. We stored it in the bilge.~ == C-ARANJ IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Thanks ever so much. I'll be cleaning it for a week.~ == PPSAEM IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[HAVAREAN] Don't worry. A small bit of time on this island, and you will think of bilge as sweet perfume.~ END I_C_T PPSAEM 53 c-aranBrynnlaw == C-ARANJ IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Teos' Breath. These bast... err, I mean I am glad to be leavin' this fine crew far behind. I've lost more coin on their dice then I want to admit. And all my gear smells worse than the bilgewater.~ == PPSAEM IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[HAVAREAN] So sorry about that, friend Aran. We were a bit cramped for space, and since your gear already was less than pleasant smelling, I thought you really wouldn't mind. We stored it in the bilge.~ == C-ARANJ IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Thanks ever so much. I'll be cleaning it for a week.~ == PPSAEM IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[HAVAREAN] Don't worry. A small bit of time on this island, and you will think of bilge as sweet perfume.~ END /* S. Havarian, Traitor */ I_C_T PPSAEM 59 c-aranSaemonTraitor == C-ARANJ IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] If this be no joke, I'll split you open like a rotten melon, you Cyric-buggerin' bastard. A contract's a contract.~ == PPSAEM IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[HAVAREAN] I had no contract directly with you, my friend. Besides, sometimes the gods send us things that simply cannot be avoided.~ END /* Keeping Up (Drow) Appearances */ I_C_T3 UDSILVER 37 c-aranDrowAppearance == C-ARANJ IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Well, never thought I'd be hidin' behind this kind o' visage. Luckily, I make almost everything look good.~ == IMOEN2J IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) InParty("imoen2") InMyArea("imoen2") !StateCheck("imoen2",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[IMOEN] And yer modest, too.~ == VICONJ IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) InParty("viconia") InMyArea("viconia") !StateCheck("viconia",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[VICONIA] Shar's Breath, the jalup should be whipped. Remember your place, male. Do not speak unles spoken to, or no amount of illusion will save us from detection.~ == C-ARANJ IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) InParty("viconia") InMyArea("viconia") !StateCheck("viconia",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) !Global("c-aranRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ THEN ~[ARAN] You have to admit, Viconia. I do look good even as a stinking drow. Come on, you know you want me.~ == C-ARANJ IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) InParty("viconia") InMyArea("viconia") !StateCheck("viconia",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aranRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ THEN ~[ARAN] You have to admit, Viconia. I do look good even as a stinking drow. Pity I am all into , or you would be all over me in a flash.~ == VICONJ IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) InParty("viconia") InMyArea("viconia") !StateCheck("viconia",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[VICONIA] Silence this male, . Or I shall have his kidneys served as breakfast.~ END /* Ployhar and Yoshimo and Aran */ I_C_T3 JAHEIRAJ 34 c-aranjaheiraployer == C-ARANJ IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Poison or curse or disease, it's just not right. Fight in the open, or ambush, that's fair. But all that rotting away from hiding is just wrong.~ == YOSHJ IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) InParty("Yoshimo") InMyArea("Yoshimo") !StateCheck("Yoshimo",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[YOSHIMO] A worthy adversary knows his options, Aran. Perhaps Jaheira is too powerful an adversary, and he seeks to regain balance.~ == C-ARANJ IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) InParty("Yoshimo") InMyArea("Yoshimo") !StateCheck("Yoshimo",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Cyric's Left Wrist, you would do this?~ == YOSHJ IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) InParty("Yoshimo") InMyArea("Yoshimo") !StateCheck("Yoshimo",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[YOSHIMO] No. I may capture or detain, but there is never profit in such ventures. This smells of pointless vendetta. That calls for an assassin, not a bounty hunter.~ == C-ARANJ IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) InParty("Yoshimo") InMyArea("Yoshimo") !StateCheck("Yoshimo",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Is there a bloody difference?~ == YOSHJ IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) InParty("Yoshimo") InMyArea("Yoshimo") !StateCheck("Yoshimo",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[YOSHIMO] Yes. You speak truly. 'Bloody' is the correct difference.~ == JAHEIRAJ IF ~InParty("Jaheira") InMyArea("Jaheira") !StateCheck("Jaheira",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) InParty("Yoshimo") InMyArea("Yoshimo") !StateCheck("Yoshimo",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[JAHEIRA] Yoshimo, Aran, if you are both finished sidetracking this conversation, could we get back to the point... ~ == JAHEIRAJ IF ~InParty("Jaheira") InMyArea("Jaheira") !StateCheck("Jaheira",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[JAHEIRA] There is no serving of anything save vendetta here. A slaver would of course use such tactics. ~ END /* Watcher's Keep, SoA Version */ /* Watcher's Keep, SoA Version : FSDRAGON */ I_C_T FSDRAGON 0 c-arn25dra0 /* I am the fearsome death that awaits those that would break the seal. */ == C-ARANJ IF ~Global("c-silencearan","GLOBAL",0) GlobalLT("Chapter","GLOBAL",8) InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Helm's Hard Horn, that there be truth in advertisin', eh? Where do they spawn all these bastards, is what I want to know. On account' o' I never, never want to go there.~ == FSDRAGON IF ~Global("c-silencearan","GLOBAL",0) GlobalLT("Chapter","GLOBAL",8) InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[FSDRAGON] Turn back now.~ END /* Watcher's Keep, SoA Version : FSSPIR2 */ I_C_T FSSPIR2 1 c-arn25spi1 /* I am the Keeper of the Key, the One Left Behind. Duty compels me to remain, to stand guard over one of the keys to the final seal. */ == C-ARANJ IF ~Global("c-silencearan","GLOBAL",0) GlobalLT("Chapter","GLOBAL",8) InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Whatever Guild you belong to, I'd be havin' a talk wi' your representative, eh? You done got th' worst assignment I can think of, short o' cleanin' up ogre pens in a circus.~ == FSSPIR2 IF ~Global("c-silencearan","GLOBAL",0) GlobalLT("Chapter","GLOBAL",8) InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[GHOST] Helm is Duty. I serve Helm.~ END /* Watcher's Keep, SoA Version : GORAPP1 */ I_C_T GORAPP1 6 c-arn25ap6 /* Odren intended it be thee to sacrifice thy life, rather than make his own sacrifice willingly. He also failed to tell thee the scope of the evil that lies within...the Imprisoned One is Demogorgon, Prince of Demons. */ == C-ARANJ IF ~Global("c-silencearan","GLOBAL",0) GlobalLT("Chapter","GLOBAL",8) InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Mielikki's Mithral Mane, that slippery bastard has us walkin' into a trap?~ == GORAPP1 IF ~Global("c-silencearan","GLOBAL",0) GlobalLT("Chapter","GLOBAL",8) InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[GORAPP1] Yes.~ END /* Watcher's Keep, SoA Version : GORDEMO */ I_C_T GORDEMO 1 c-arn25pod1 /* You do not see anything physical within the chamber...but you feel its presence all around you. A phantasmal hand brushes your cheek, a curious gesture that startles you and is gone just as quickly. */ == C-ARANJ IF ~Global("c-silencearan","GLOBAL",0) GlobalLT("Chapter","GLOBAL",8) InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Bloody hells... what was that? Felt like someone just walked on my grave.~ END /* Watcher's Keep, SoA Version : GORMAD (2) */ I_C_T GORMAD1 1 c-arn25yak1 /* Yakman talk talk talk all the time, he was told... Talkative Yakman! Once came with party, all looking for treasure, Yakman talk talk talk all the time. Now they are all dead and only Yakman left, lost lost. Lonely Yakman! */ == C-ARANJ IF ~Global("c-silencearan","GLOBAL",0) GlobalLT("Chapter","GLOBAL",8) InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Riiiiight. Now I know what you mean when you say I talk too blighted much, eh?~ == GORMAD1 IF ~Global("c-silencearan","GLOBAL",0) GlobalLT("Chapter","GLOBAL",8) InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[GORMAD1] Talk, talk, talk, talk, talk!~ END I_C_T GORMAD1 34 c-arn25tm34 /* 'Yakman'? That...that was that ridiculous nickname that atrocious little halfling kept calling me. My name is Tamorlin. Wh...where is my party? Where am I? */ == C-ARANJ IF ~Global("c-silencearan","GLOBAL",0) GlobalLT("Chapter","GLOBAL",8) InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Well, by my reckonin', about a tenday's walk from th' left armpit o' th' universe.~ == GORMAD1 IF ~Global("c-silencearan","GLOBAL",0) GlobalLT("Chapter","GLOBAL",8) InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[GORMAD1] What do you mean?~ END /* Watcher's Keep, SoA Version : GORODR1 (5) */ I_C_T GORODR1 2 c-arn25od2 /* norom - Greetings to you, my friend. I believe I have heard of you...you are , one of the companions of the Child of Bhaal. Please, I must speak to ! */ == C-ARANJ IF ~Global("c-silencearan","GLOBAL",0) GlobalLT("Chapter","GLOBAL",8) !Global("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",2) InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Hey - I be almost famous!~ == GORODR1 IF ~Global("c-silencearan","GLOBAL",0) GlobalLT("Chapter","GLOBAL",8) !Global("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",2) InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[GORODR1] Could you introduce me to ? I have pressing business with the Child of Bhaal.~ END I_C_T GORODR1 2 c-arn25od2 /* rom - Greetings to you, my friend. I believe I have heard of you...you are , one of the companions of the Child of Bhaal. Please, I must speak to ! */ == C-ARANJ IF ~Global("c-silencearan","GLOBAL",0) GlobalLT("Chapter","GLOBAL",8) Global("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",2) InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Hey, I be th' almost famous companion o' ! Well, I guess it be better than 'you there - the disposable bedwarmer'.~ == GORODR1 IF ~Global("c-silencearan","GLOBAL",0) GlobalLT("Chapter","GLOBAL",8) Global("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",2) InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[GORODR1] Could you introduce me to ? I have pressing business with the Child of Bhaal.~ END I_C_T GORODR1 10 c-arn25od10 /* The old prison would not hold this great evil for long, He said. Our order would have to maintain a vigil, to watch for the day when the evil would begin to break the great seals and escape. */ == C-ARANJ IF ~Global("c-silencearan","GLOBAL",0) GlobalLT("Chapter","GLOBAL",8) InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] I done heard an officer once say that evil always wins, unless good be very, very careful.~ == GORODR1 IF ~Global("c-silencearan","GLOBAL",0) GlobalLT("Chapter","GLOBAL",8) InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[GORODR1] The Vigilant One agrees with this assessment.~ END I_C_T GORODR1 50 c-arn25od50 /* You knew not what you did, , so your foolishness can be forgiven, I am sure. Farewell to you. */ == C-ARANJ IF ~Global("c-silencearan","GLOBAL",0) GlobalLT("Chapter","GLOBAL",8) InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Hey, Odren - stick it up your arse, an' twist.~ == GORODR1 IF ~Global("c-silencearan","GLOBAL",0) GlobalLT("Chapter","GLOBAL",8) InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[GORODR1] May Helm grant you wisdom. Or may He at least grant us your silence.~ END I_C_T GORODR1 53 c-arn25od53 /* The Imprisoned One is none other than Demogorgon, Prince of Demons. We did not think he could... be defeated... and so we sought someone else to take our place and seal the demon within the Keep. */ == C-ARANJ IF ~Global("c-silencearan","GLOBAL",0) GlobalLT("Chapter","GLOBAL",8) InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Th' Prince o'... hey, Odren, you ever think o' workin' for th' Zhents? I would swear that level o' manipulation smacked o' th' Black Tower.~ END /* Watcher's Keep, SoA Version : GORPRI1 */ I_C_T GORPRI1 2 c-arn25pipe /* (needs passback) I apologize for my... undeserved reaction. I will take my slippers and let you finish your work here. Look through the sarcophagus if you wish. */ == C-ARANJ IF ~Global("c-silencearan","GLOBAL",0) GlobalLT("Chapter","GLOBAL",8) InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] I done thought bein' undead might be a rough contract, what with all th' long downtime an' all. But with slippers, a pipe, a nice fire, an' mayhap a dog to fetch an' carry, it sounds pretty decent, eh? If you can get over th' whole bein' dead thing.~ == GORPRI1 IF ~Global("c-silencearan","GLOBAL",0) GlobalLT("Chapter","GLOBAL",8) InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[GORPRI1] It has its own rewards, that is true.~ END /* Watcher's Keep, SoA Version : GORSUC01 */ I_C_T GORSUC01 0 c-arn25suc0 /* Ahhh, look here, dear ladies. Yet another hapless wanderer, drifting through these endless portals. Is it lost, do you think? Shall we ask it? */ == C-ARANJ IF ~Global("c-silencearan","GLOBAL",0) GlobalLT("Chapter","GLOBAL",8) InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] ... eyes up front, not on th' curves - eyes up front, not on th' curves - ...~ == GORSUC01 IF ~Global("c-silencearan","GLOBAL",0) GlobalLT("Chapter","GLOBAL",8) InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[GORSUC01] We should definitely ask it.~ END /* Plot Talks: SoA: Tree of Life Extension, Part A */ /* Add the extension to the bottom of the stack */ EXTEND_BOTTOM PLAYER1 33 IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-arantreelife","GLOBAL",0)~ EXTERN PLAYER1 a469 END /* Plot Talks: SoA: Tree of Life Extension, Part B : Add the initiating state GOTO append of player1, bottom of file */ /* Plot Talks: SoA: Vampire Abduction, Part A : Buffy the Vampire Slayer Meets FR Referent */ /* Add trigger shutdown */ ADD_TRANS_TRIGGER BODHIAMB 5 ~OR(2) !InParty("c-aran") !Global("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",2)~ /* Now we borrow from Amber, et al, and avoid INTERJECT. The idea here is we don't want to COPY_TRANS and be forgiving - we don't want accidental multiple Vampiric abductions! But EXTEND_BOTTOM will do nicely to hijack the encounter without bashing the door down and knocking heads together. */ EXTEND_BOTTOM BODHIAMB 5 IF ~InPartyAllowDead("c-aran") Global("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",2) Global("c-aranmatch","GLOBAL",1)~ THEN EXTERN BODHIAMB a489 END /* Which allows us to do this */ CHAIN BODHIAMB a489 ~[BODHI] You follow in the hopes of retrieving something dear to you. I say that the farther that you continue, the more that you will lose.~ == BKORGAN IF ~InParty("Korgan") InMyArea("Korgan") !StateCheck("Korgan",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[KORGAN] Why do they always talk so much? Gimme an axe.~ == C-ARANJ IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Stick it up your Bane-Blasted, Shar-Kissed stinkhole of a Lolth-Pissed arse, you Xvim-Buggerin' piece o' undead crap.~ == BODHIAMB IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[BODHI] How interesting. A toy that squeaks! And with such emotion, too.~ == BMINSC IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) InParty("Minsc") InMyArea("Minsc") !StateCheck("Minsc",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[MINSC] Cover your ears, Boo. I do not understand everything Aran is saying, but you are too young to hear such language.~ == BVICONI IF ~InParty("Viconia") InMyArea("Viconia") !StateCheck("Viconia",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[VICONIA] Kill this creature now, and show your power, . Both she and the sellsword waste too much of our time.~ END IF ~OR(2) !InPartyAllowDead("c-aran") Dead("c-aran")~ THEN EXTERN BODHIAMB 13 /* The dudely equivalent of state 6 */ IF ~InPartyAllowDead("c-aran") !Dead("c-aran")~ THEN EXTERN BODHIAMB a490 CHAIN BODHIAMB a490 ~[BODHI] Consider your little pet sellsword, Aran. Wouldn't it be... unfortunate... if something happened to one of you?~ == C-ARANJ ~[ARAN] Now, look what we be seein' here. A sentimental bloodsucker. There's naught you can do to . An' I done told you exactly what I think o' you.~ == BODHIAMB ~[BODHI] But I wonder, does fear your loss? Follow me further and you will lose more than you can imagine. That is a promise, not a threat.~ END IF ~~ THEN DO ~ClearAllActions() StartCutSceneMode() StartCutScene("C-ABVAMP")~ UNSOLVED_JOURNAL ~The Final Battle with Bodhi. Bodhi appeared in an ambush shortly before I reached her haven, warning me that she was aware of my pursuit and stealing Aran from my side. Before she vanished and unleashed more of her undead creations upon me, Bodhi warned that if I continue I will lose even more than I thought possible. I cannot give up on the Rhynn Lanthorn... but now the life and immortal soul of Aran is at stake, as well!~ EXIT /* Plot Talks: Catching Up With The Anti-Slayer (gratuitous Buffy reference intended) */ /* Make sure nothing untoward happens, closing up existing transitions */ ADD_TRANS_TRIGGER C6BODHI 21 ~!Global("c-aranvamped","GLOBAL",2)~ /* Extend the responses */ EXTEND_BOTTOM C6BODHI 21 IF ~Global("c-aranvamped","GLOBAL",2)~ THEN EXTERN C6BODHI 23 END /* Plot Talks: What the hell - let's play a little teeny bit with the standard options. Just a splash of bitters, and wave the vermouth in its general direction... */ EXTEND_BOTTOM C6BODHI 23 + ~Global("c-aranvamped","GLOBAL",2) Alignment(Player1,MASK_GOOD)~ + ~[PC] You have taken too much already! You will return both Imoen's soul and Aran!~ EXTERN C6BODHI a491 + ~Global("c-aranvamped","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] And you have delivered on that promise. Return Aran and perhaps I will be merciful.~ EXTERN C6BODHI a491 + ~Global("c-aranvamped","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] I would have hunted you for your theft of Aran alone. He is very important to me.~ EXTERN C6BODHI a491 + ~Global("c-aranvamped","GLOBAL",2) !Alignment(Player1,MASK_EVIL) !Alignment(Player1,MASK_GOOD)~ + ~[PC] You place too much confidence in sentiment. The theft of Aran will not save you.~ EXTERN C6BODHI a492 + ~Global("c-aranvamped","GLOBAL",2) Alignment(Player1,MASK_EVIL)~ + ~[PC] Well, we could have come to a simple agreement. But now you have been playing with too many of my toys, and I shall simply have to spank you.~ EXTERN C6BODHI a493 + ~Global("c-aranvamped","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] Have you noticed that so far everyone who challenges me loses?~ EXTERN C6BODHI a493 END APPEND C6BODHI IF ~~ THEN BEGIN a491 SAY ~[BODHI] He is lost to you, . Aran was quite unreceptive to my discipline at first, but in the end he came along like a good little soldier. You could not have been that fond of him after all.All his resistance fell away with a bite and a gaze. Isn't that right, my little pet?~ IF ~~ THEN UNSOLVED_JOURNAL ~The Final Battle with Bodhi. Bodhi has turned Aran into a vampire! Or... or very nearly. The process may not have been completed in the short time Bodhi has had him. Hopefully something can be done or I will have lost him. Perhaps the elven war sage might know some way of restoration... or Elhan...~ EXTERN C-ARNVMP a494 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN a492 SAY ~[BODHI] An interesting ploy, though I am sure his fate will still serve as an example, whether you wish him back or not.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a491 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN a493 SAY ~[BODHI] Now, dear, you should understand your proper role. Here I am the adult, and you the child.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a491 END END /* Plot Talks: Vamped Aran State */ CHAIN C-ARNVMP a494 ~[ARAN] Aye, mistress.~ == C6BODHI ~[C6BODHI] Don't you see, ? He is not even fully turned and he has betrayed you. Such a pretty little broken toy. A shame, after all he has done for you.~ EXTERN C6BODHI 28 /* Plot Talks: In Quest Of Answers. Where is Giles when you need him? */ EXTEND_BOTTOM C6ELHAN2 70 + ~PartyHasItem("C-ARNBDY")~ + ~[PC] Elhan! I've the half-vampire body of Aran here because of you! You'll tell me now!~ GOTO 76 END EXTEND_BOTTOM DOGHMA 0 #5 + ~Global("RevealUmar","GLOBAL",1) PartyHasItem("C-ARNBDY")~ + ~[PC] A friend is afflicted by vampirism. An old book suggested that followers of Oghma might know something about that.~ GOTO 10 END EXTEND_BOTTOM DOGHMA 3 7 9 #4 + ~Global("RevealUmar","GLOBAL",1) PartyHasItem("C-ARNBDY")~ + ~[PC] A friend is afflicted by vampirism. An old book suggested that followers of Oghma might know something about that.~ GOTO 10 END EXTEND_BOTTOM IMNBOOK1 0 + ~Global("RevealUmar","GLOBAL",1) OR(2) Global("c-aranvamped","GLOBAL",2) PartyHasItem("C-ARNBDY")~ + ~[PC] I'm looking for information about a tome that details the curing of Vampirism.~ GOTO 4 END ADD_STATE_TRIGGER OGHMONK1 0 ~!PartyHasItem("C-ARNBDY") !Global("c-aranvamped","GLOBAL",2)~ 1 2 3 APPEND OGHMONK1 IF WEIGHT #-1 ~Global("RevealUmar","GLOBAL",1) OR(2) Global("c-aranvamped","GLOBAL",2) PartyHasItem("C-ARNBDY")~ THEN BEGIN a1807 SAY ~[MONK] Have you come seeking wisdom from the Binder of What is Known? The Wise God stands ready.~ ++ ~[PC] No, thank you, I have no need of help at the moment.~ GOTO 5 ++ ~[PC] A friend is afflicted by vampirism. An old book suggested that followers of Oghma might know something about that.~ GOTO 6 ++ ~[PC] I need your help. Do you know anything about vampirism? An old book hinted that you might.~ GOTO 6 END END EXTEND_BOTTOM SUDEMIN 2 + ~PartyHasItem("C-ARNBDY")~ + ~[PC] I lost a companion in a battle with his sister, Bodhi. I seek a means of curing him.~ GOTO 3 END EXTEND_BOTTOM WARSAGE 0 + ~!Dead("c6bodhi") Global("c-aranvamped","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] A companion was taken by a vampire. What can I expect when I find them?~ GOTO 6 END EXTEND_BOTTOM WARSAGE 0 + ~PartyHasItem("C-ARNBDY")~ + ~[PC] Someone I care about has fallen to a vampire. Is there any way to save them?~ GOTO 5 END /* Plot Talks: Slayer Transformation Talks, 3, canonical, third class. With frosting. */ EXTEND_BOTTOM PLAYER1 3 IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) OR(2) Global("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",1) Global("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",2)~ EXTERN C-ARANJ a495 END EXTEND_BOTTOM PLAYER1 7 IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) OR(2) Global("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",1) Global("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",2)~ EXTERN C-ARANJ a496 END EXTEND_BOTTOM PLAYER1 10 IF ~Global("c-aranslayerchange1","GLOBAL",1) !Detect("c-aran")~ DO ~SetGlobal("DrowTalk","GLOBAL",5)~ GOTO 12 /* this one is the "written in the blood of those you care about" */ IF ~Global("c-aranslayerchange1","GLOBAL",1) Detect("c-aran")~ DO ~SetGlobal("DrowTalk","GLOBAL",5)~ EXTERN C-ARANJ a497 END /* Scenery Talks: Townsfolk : DMTOWN1 */ APPEND DMTOWN1 IF ~See("c-aran") InParty("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) RandomNum(2,1) Global("dmtown1aran","AR0500",0)~ THEN BEGIN a1774 SAY ~By Helm... yer outfitted for battle. I'd give my right arm for some o' that gear.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("dmtown1aran","AR0500",1)~ EXTERN C-ARANJ a1771 /* chain */ END END /* Scenery Talks: Townsfolk : DMTOWN2 */ APPEND DMTOWN2 IF ~See("c-aran") InParty("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) RandomNum(2,1) Global("dmtown1aran","AR0500",0)~ THEN BEGIN a1773 SAY ~Ay, now... you looks like a sword for hire, you does. You lookin' for some work?~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("dmtown2aran","AR0500",1)~ EXTERN C-ARANJ a1772 /* chain */ END END /* Scenery Talks: Townsfolk : GMTOWN01 */ APPEND GMTOWN01 IF ~See("c-aran") InParty("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) RandomNum(2,1) Global("gmtown01aran","GLOBAL",0)~ THEN BEGIN a1775 SAY ~Is that spitting really necessary? This is not the slums, you know.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("gmtown01aran","GLOBAL",1)~ EXTERN C-ARANJ a1779 /* append */ END IF ~See("c-aran") InParty("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) RandomNum(2,1) Global("gmtown01aran","GLOBAL",1)~ THEN BEGIN a1776 SAY ~Mmm...I haven't been to one of the spa tubs in ages. It's the only luxury we, here, in the city really have.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("gmtown01aran","GLOBAL",2)~ EXTERN C-ARANJ a1780 /* chain */ END END /* Scenery Talks: Townsfolk : GMTOWN02 */ APPEND GMTOWN02 IF ~See("c-aran") InParty("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) RandomNum(2,1) Global("gmtown02aran","GLOBAL",0)~ THEN BEGIN a1777 SAY ~You, there! You look like the fighting type! Are you in the army? Can I join through you?~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("gmtown02aran","GLOBAL",1)~ EXTERN C-ARANJ a1781 END IF ~See("c-aran") InParty("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) RandomNum(2,1) Global("gmtown02aran","GLOBAL",1)~ THEN BEGIN a1778 SAY ~I am here to join the glorious army of Amn! There are victories to be had and both coin and women to earn!~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("gmtown02aran","GLOBAL",2)~ EXTERN C-ARANJ a1782 END END /* Scenery Talks: C-AR01 : add rumor dialog for custom area tavernkeep/fence, c-awtav1 || c-awtav2 RUMCAW01.DLG */ APPEND ~RUMCAW01~ /* standard conditioned rumors */ IF ~RandomNum(10,1) Dead("lassal")~ THEN BEGIN a2350 SAY #33948 IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~RandomNum(10,2) Dead("lassal")~ THEN BEGIN a2351 SAY #33950 IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~RandomNum(10,3) Dead("lassal")~ THEN BEGIN a2352 SAY #33951 IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~RandomNum(10,4) Dead("lassal")~ THEN BEGIN a2353 SAY #33952 IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~RandomNum(10,5) Dead("lassal")~ THEN BEGIN a2354 SAY #33953 IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~RandomNum(10,1) Dead("aran")~ THEN BEGIN a2355 SAY #33954 IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~RandomNum(10,2) Dead("aran")~ THEN BEGIN a2356 SAY #33955 IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~RandomNum(10,3) Dead("aran")~ THEN BEGIN a2357 SAY #33956 IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~RandomNum(10,4) Dead("aran")~ THEN BEGIN a2358 SAY #33957 IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~RandomNum(10,5) Dead("aran")~ THEN BEGIN a2359 SAY #33958 IF ~~ THEN EXIT END /* standard non-conditioned rumors, Athalka (some of them) */ IF ~RandomNum(20,1)~ THEN BEGIN a2360 SAY #33918 IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~RandomNum(20,3)~ THEN BEGIN a2361 SAY #33919 IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~RandomNum(20,5)~ THEN BEGIN a2362 SAY #33921 IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~RandomNum(20,7)~ THEN BEGIN a2363 SAY #33926 IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~RandomNum(20,9)~ THEN BEGIN a2364 SAY #32080 IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~RandomNum(20,11)~ THEN BEGIN a2365 SAY #33929 IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~RandomNum(20,13)~ THEN BEGIN a2366 SAY #33931 IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~RandomNum(20,15)~ THEN BEGIN a2367 SAY #33934 IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~RandomNum(20,17)~ THEN BEGIN a2368 SAY #33939 IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~RandomNum(20,19)~ THEN BEGIN a2369 SAY #33940 IF ~~ THEN EXIT END /* new mercenary specific rumors */ IF ~RandomNum(20,2)~ THEN BEGIN a2370 SAY ~[RUMOR]Bromthar Helmbrind has been recruiting this season. He seems to be concentrating the role of the Red Shields on trade route protection, rather than regular battle readiness. If you can ride a horse, the Red Shields might be able to use your services.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~RandomNum(20,4)~ THEN BEGIN a2371 SAY ~[RUMOR]Some idiot in Nashkel is trying to revive the Red Ravens. The darned fool must not know that Ryanna the Rose disbanded years and years ago. No decent sellsword would use that name, unless they were from Cormyr.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~RandomNum(20,6)~ THEN BEGIN a2372 SAY ~[RUMOR]If you head down to Arrabar, I hear the Order of the Sapphire Crescent is hiring. For followers of Waukeen, they sure do skimp on coin, though.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~RandomNum(20,8)~ THEN BEGIN a2373 SAY ~[RUMOR]The Blacktalons are always hiring, if you can stomach the work. They tend to play both sides of the fence, so you might guard a caravan one day, and raid it the next. They pay well, though.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~RandomNum(20,10)~ THEN BEGIN a2374 SAY ~[RUMOR]I heard that a platoon of Soft Claws was accompanying a caravan through the city. It must be an important cargo, if the Neverwinter company is this far south.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~RandomNum(20,12)~ THEN BEGIN a2375 SAY ~[RUMOR]A recruiter from Daggerdale was down from the Dale Lands last week, trying to get recruits. Teldra kicked him out, but he gave her the contract to raise a few recruits for an expedition to Teshendale. Not many are willing to get killed by the Zhents for so little coin, though.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~RandomNum(20,14)~ THEN BEGIN a2376 SAY ~[RUMOR]If you really want to make coin with little risk of death, try the trading carracks here or at Waterdeep. Those ships are floating castles, and the pay is good.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~RandomNum(20,16)~ THEN BEGIN a2377 SAY ~[RUMOR]The barmaid, Erika, has a new beau. Apparently, she has set her sights on the young apprentice blacksmith over at the wagonry. He blushes redder than his iron every time he sees her.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~RandomNum(20,18)~ THEN BEGIN a2378 SAY ~[RUMOR]If you want steady work, you could always head to Tethyr. The Queen-Monarch is expanding the regular army. Not much adventure, but regular pay, three meals a day, a full set of equipment, and a good opportunity for advancement.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~RandomNum(20,20)~ THEN BEGIN a2379 SAY ~[RUMOR]I hear that there are more mercenary companies hiring in Crimmor, because it is the starting point for so many expeditions headed north.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END END /* SoA: Banters */ /* SoA Banters: Anomen > Aran */ CHAIN IF ~CombatCounter(0) !Detect([ENEMY]) Global("c-anomenaran","GLOBAL",0) InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) InParty(Myself) !StateCheck(Myself,CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN BANOMEN c-anomenaranbanter ~[ANOMEN] Your language is offensive, Whitehand. You should think before speaking. Stubbing your toe like that does not warrant dispensing such calls to the gods.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-anomenaran","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-arananomensilly","GLOBAL",20)~ == C-ARANB ~[ARAN] Bugger off, tin-can.~ == BANOMEN ~[ANOMEN] I will not be treated with such disrespect. Your language offends me and is not appropriate for our company. Apologize at once, or I shall teach you your manners.~ == C-ARANB ~[ARAN] Look, Delryn. How many wars have you served in? How many battles?~ == BANOMEN ~[ANOMEN] That has no bearing on this discussion.~ == C-ARANB ~[ARAN] If you ever sat down with your troops, laddie, you'd know that swearin' be a natural thing. And the tighter the spot, the tougher the language.~ == BANOMEN ~[ANOMEN] There is no excuse for such offensive language in any situation.~ == C-ARANB ~[ARAN] (sigh.) Look, laddie. I'm not goin' to make a capital case o' this. I'm not one o' your troops. I'm not one o' your lords or such. An' I am not likely to curb my tongue. I served under an officer once who thought he'd clean us all up and make us gentleman.~ == BANOMEN ~[ANOMEN] He obviously failed.~ == C-ARANB ~[ARAN] To be fair, it was a mite bit difficult for him to try. We caught him in an Inn in Baldur's Gate, beat th' crap out of him, and tossed him bound an' gagged in the bilge o' a long-haul galley sailing for Calimport. By the time he got back, the Flaming Fist had decided he wasn't good combat material and made him a staff officer. Supply, I believe.~ EXIT /* SoA Banters: Aran > Anomen */ CHAIN IF ~CombatCounter(0) !Detect([ENEMY]) Global("c-arananomen","GLOBAL",0) InParty("Anomen") InMyArea("Anomen") !StateCheck("Anomen",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) InParty(Myself) !StateCheck(Myself,CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN C-ARANB c-arananomenbanter ~[ARAN] Oghma's Truth, Delryn, don't you ever stop?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arananomen","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-arananomensilly","GLOBAL",20)~ == BANOMEN ~[ANOMEN] Good hygiene is just as important on the trail as a clean and sharpened weapon, Whitehand. I comb through my hair as often as I polish my armor, for precisely the same reason. You could use some cleaning up yourself.~ == C-ARANB ~[ARAN] What you call cleanin' I call preenin'.~ == BANOMEN ~[ANOMEN] Our enemies should understand that they face a true and righteous foe, clean in mind, body, and spirit.~ == C-ARANB ~[ARAN] By the Nine Brothers o' Hell, you have been on parade too long. Don't you know that all you're doing is settin' yourself up as a big shiny target, screaming 'kill me first, I'm too pretty to live'? For Torm's sake, at least put a cloak over that mirror polish.~ == BANOMEN ~[ANOMEN] I do not expect you to understand.~ == C-ARANB ~[ARAN] Ilmater's Blood, I do not expect you to survive.~ EXIT /* SoA Banters: Aerie > Aran */ CHAIN IF ~CombatCounter(0) !Detect([ENEMY]) Global("c-aeriearan","GLOBAL",0) InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) InParty(Myself) !StateCheck(Myself,CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN BAERIE c-aeriearanbanter ~[AERIE] Why are you looking at me, Aran?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aeriearan","GLOBAL",1)~ == C-ARANB ~[ARAN] Sorry. I meant no harm. I haven't seen many Avariel. I just was interested, is all. How you move, an' such.~ == BAERIE ~[AERIE] Y- you should not look at me that way, Aran. It reminds me of awful horrible times. To be gaped at and looked at like an exhibit. It is ugly, and mean.~ == C-ARANB ~[ARAN] Kelemvor's Scales, Aerie, I didn't mean that at all. I... look. I have a bit o' a rovin' eye, and I appreciate th' female form. You are really beautiful. I didn't mean to offend. I was lookin' where I shouldn't, and I'll try not to look again. I just have not seen such a beautiful lass in a long time, beggin' your pardon.~ == BAERIE ~[AERIE] Me? I am not beautiful. You were... you were looking at things you shouldn't?~ == C-ARANB ~[ARAN] Well, see, the hem o' your robe was slippin' a bit under the backpack strap, and there's a little bit o'...~ == BAERIE ~[AERIE] ARAN!~ == C-ARANB ~[ARAN] See, me an' my big mouth. Now you've gone and covered up. And you blush bright, too. Sorry, didn't mean no harm.~ == BAERIE ~[AERIE] You could have warned me.~ == C-ARANB ~[ARAN] I am sorry, Aerie. I'll try to be more gentlemanly next time. I promise, I really will.~ EXIT /* SoA Banters: Aran > Aerie */ CHAIN IF ~CombatCounter(0) !Detect([ENEMY]) Global("c-aranaerie","GLOBAL",0) InParty("Aerie") InMyArea("Aerie") !StateCheck("Aerie",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) InParty(Myself) !StateCheck(Myself,CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN C-ARANB c-aranaeriebanter ~[ARAN] Aerie, do you want a hand practicin' a bit?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranaerie","GLOBAL",1)~ == BAERIE ~[AERIE] Practicing?~ == C-ARANB ~[ARAN] Practicin' combat moves. Sometimes magic isn't enough, you know. Sometimes you have to get a bit o' the rough an' tumble.~ == BAERIE ~[AERIE] Well, if you think it is a good idea...~ == C-ARANB ~[ARAN] Sure. Here, hold this branch. No, girl, hold it like it was a dagger. Yes. Now, push it forward, and...~ == BAERIE ~[AERIE] EEEEK!~ == C-ARANB ~[ARAN] See, that wraparound, an' you have your attacker pinned in your arms.~ == BAERIE ~[AERIE] Oh, I see. But Aran, your hands are... I mean, I wouldn't feel comfortable with my hands like that on someone I don't know.~ == C-ARANB ~[ARAN] Oh. Sorry about that. Just a little high, I think. No, you'd want to be a bit lower. Ok, you try.~ == BAERIE ~[AERIE] All right. So you lunge like this, and I twist like this, and swing, and...~ == C-ARANB ~[ARAN] *urk*~ == BAERIE ~[AERIE] Oh, Aran, I am so sorry! I have a healing spell, I think; I didn't mean to hit so low! Can you straighten up at all?~ == C-ARANB ~[ARAN] Nay, there, girl - you did right. Your attacker wouldn't be thinkin' much of anythin' for awhile. But let me alone just a bit, will you? Placing a healing touch down there is a mite more personal than I think you'd be wantin' between us.~ EXIT /* SoA Banters: Cernd > Aran */ CHAIN IF WEIGHT #-1 ~CombatCounter(0) !Detect([ENEMY]) Global("c-cerndaran","GLOBAL",0) InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) InParty(Myself) !StateCheck(Myself,CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN BCERND c-cerndaranbanter ~[CERND] At times you seem like the staunch oak of the northern hardwood forests, Aran. But you also appear as flexible as the willows growing by the soft midland rivers. Have you thought of serving the cause of balance and nature?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-cerndaran","GLOBAL",1)~ == C-ARANB ~[ARAN] You talk like a bard, my friend, not a druid.~ == BCERND ~[CERND] Thank you. But you have not answered my question. Your skills and flexibility would serve the Great Balance well.~ == C-ARANB ~[ARAN] Look, I appreciate th' compliment you intend, but Nature's a right harsh mistress.~ == BCERND ~[CERND] You appear worthy of the challenge. You seem to swear by many gods, so I think you have no true calling. That risks your soul and your place on the Great Wheel.~ == C-ARANB ~[ARAN] I think Tymora enjoys my takin' chances with the other gods. She guides my fortunes well enough. But I appreciate the compliment.~ EXIT /* SoA Banters: Aran > Cernd */ CHAIN IF ~CombatCounter(0) !Detect([ENEMY]) Global("c-arancernd","GLOBAL",0) InParty("Cernd") InMyArea("Cernd") !StateCheck("Cernd",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) InParty(Myself) !StateCheck(Myself,CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN C-ARANB c-arancerndbanter ~[ARAN] Would you stop that?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arancernd","GLOBAL",1)~ == BCERND ~[CERND] Stop what, Aran?~ == C-ARANB ~[ARAN] You be breakin' your stride, and hopping back an' forth. I can't watch for trouble with all that movin' about distractin' me.~ == BCERND ~[CERND] I was merely avoiding the ants. Like small armies, they gather their food. They need no destruction to befall them from my stride through their habitat.~ == C-ARANB ~[ARAN] You be playin' with me, aren't you.~ == BCERND ~[CERND] No.~ == C-ARANB ~[ARAN] Cyric's Flamin' Arse.~ EXIT /* SoA Banters: Edwin > Aran */ CHAIN IF ~CombatCounter(0) !Detect([ENEMY]) Global("c-edwinaran","GLOBAL",0) InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) InParty(Myself) !StateCheck(Myself,CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN BEDWIN c-edwinaranbanter ~[EDWIN] Hold this, sellsword. I must adjust my pack. You are not intelligent enough to do it correctly.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-edwinaran","GLOBAL",1)~ == C-ARANB ~[ARAN] Hold it yourself, red wizard. I'm no Gond-blighted mechanical servant for your pleasure. Lean against me, if you aren't balanced.~ == BEDWIN ~[EDWIN] If you were my servant, I would have you bound and whipped for daring to speak to me. Stop wriggling, ape. I still need to tighten the bottom strap.~ == C-ARANB ~[ARAN] Hold on, I have an itch myself...~ == BEDWIN ~[EDWIN] FOOL! Your idiotic gyrations have cast me into the mire! I will run hot lead in the marrow of your bones!~ == C-ARANB IF ~InParty("HaerDalis") InMyArea("HaerDalis") !StateCheck("HaerDalis",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Great. The laughter is not helpin' matters, Haer'Dalis. Lend a hand, eh?~ == BHAERDA IF ~InParty("HaerDalis") InMyArea("HaerDalis") !StateCheck("HaerDalis",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[HAERDALIS] Why, my eagle, should I give you my hand? Do I not need it myself? How should I draw a weapon or gesture grandly? Besides, our fair wizard looks quite put out...~ == C-ARANB ~[ARAN] All right, Keep your temper, spellslinger. I have a waterskin for cleanup right here... oops.~ == BEDWIN ~[EDWIN] (pffttt.) Run, simian. Mere incompetence does not explain dropping me into the mire then pouring water over my head. Your death will be slow, and painful.~ == BKORGAN IF ~InParty("Korgan") InMyArea("Korgan") !StateCheck("Korgan",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[KORGAN] Damn yer foul hide, Whitehand, I've not laughed so much since I don't know when. Here's yer gold. Next time I'll watch me bettin' with you more careful.~ == C-ARANB IF ~InParty("Korgan") InMyArea("Korgan") !StateCheck("Korgan",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Shut the nine hells up, you sorry dwarven bastard - now I ain't got no place to hide.~ == C-ARANB ~[ARAN] Hey, sorry, Edwin, it was an honest mistake. I am just a stupid sellsword!~ == C-ARANB IF ~InParty("Korgan") InMyArea("Korgan") !StateCheck("Korgan",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Five gold to stop your laughin', Korgan. You're makin' him madder!~ == C-ARANB IF ~InParty("Imoen2") InMyArea("Imoen2") !StateCheck("Imoen2",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] 'Shoulda known better than to listen to you, Imoen. Now he's all pissed, an' I'm in trouble.~ == C-ARANB IF ~InParty("Aerie") InMyArea("Aerie") !StateCheck("Aerie",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Aerie, darlin', stop the giggling, will you. He's mad enough to spit fire. It's my life you be playin' with...~ == C-ARANB ~[ARAN] Someone grab somethin' to help dry him off, will you? I am gettin' out of range right quick.~ EXIT /* SoA Banters: Aran > Edwin */ CHAIN IF WEIGHT #-1 ~CombatCounter(0) !Detect([ENEMY]) Global("c-aranedwin","GLOBAL",0) InParty("edwin") InMyArea("edwin") !StateCheck("edwin",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) InParty(Myself) !StateCheck(Myself,CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN C-ARANB c-aranedwinbanter ~[ARAN] Hey, wizard. Why don't you just whip us up some magical transport, an' give us all a rest. My feet are killin' me.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranedwin","GLOBAL",1)~ == BEDWIN ~[EDWIN] (If that truly were the case, I would ally myself with your feet, you overgrown chimp.) I could create such a transport. But a more intelligent being would recognize it as a broadcasting of both our power and our position.~ == C-ARANB ~[ARAN] Well, with the gear we've got, every magic user within a mile should be able to see us blazin' like a torch, shouldn't they?~ == BEDWIN ~[EDWIN] Leave the arcane discussions to your betters. Or even beings with some semblance of intelligence. You come ill-equipped for such conversation.~ == C-ARANB ~[ARAN] Just tryin' to better myself. I can read an' read, but when push comes to shove, there be times when I need guidance. Figured you bein' smart and all, you could help out a bit.~ == BEDWIN ~[EDWIN] My intelligence is more than adequate to bring your feeble strivings progress. I will assist you first by sending you on a quest for the definitions of 'can not' and 'will not'.~ == C-ARANB ~[ARAN] So you are saying that you can help, but you won't.~ == BEDWIN ~[EDWIN] Congratulations, sellsword. You have graduated from mindless slug to birdbrain.~ EXIT /* SoA Banters: HaerDalis > Aran */ CHAIN IF ~CombatCounter(0) !Detect([ENEMY]) Global("c-haerdalisaran","GLOBAL",0) InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) InParty(Myself) !StateCheck(Myself,CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN BHAERDA c-haerdalisaranbanter ~[HAERDALIS] Come, my brown eagle. Let us pass the time, and tell stories of valor and of victory, of love lost and found. Anything but the tedium of the endless march.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-haerdalisaran","GLOBAL",1)~ == C-ARANB ~[ARAN] I'd trade fair an' square with you, Haer'Dalis, but I've only got simple stories.~ == BHAERDA ~[HAERDALIS] Ah, but the simplest are often the best. Come, tell me a tale. Entertain this poor sparrow, before he begins tearing at the nest in boredom and ennui!~ == C-ARANB ~[ARAN] Well, I did hear tell of a bard who got bored one day. So he turns to his friend, and says, 'Fred, tell us a story.'~ == C-ARANB ~[ARAN] So Fred, he gets up and he says, 'Well, I did here tell of a bard who go bored one day. So he turns to his friend, and says, 'Fred, tell us a story.''~ == C-ARANB ~[ARAN] So Fred, he gets up and he says, 'Well, I did here tell of a bard who go bored one day. So he turns to his friend, and says, 'Fred, tell us a story.''~ == BHAERDA ~[HAERDALIS] Aran.~ == C-ARANB ~[ARAN] So Fred, he gets up and he says, 'Well, I did here tell of a bard who go bored one day. So he turns to his friend, and says, 'Fred, tell us a story.''~ == BHAERDA ~[HAERDALIS] ARAN.~ == C-ARANB ~[ARAN] Yes, my friend?~ == BHAERDA ~[HAERDALIS] I do believe that I understand the story. Perhaps we should explore song, instead, my eagle.~ == C-ARANB ~[ARAN] Sure thing! Many's the time th' trail has been lightened by simple song. How about 'Ninety-nine bottles o' Ale on th' Wall, Ninety-nine bottles o' Ale, Take one down an' pass it around; Ninety-eight bottles o' Ale on the Wall. Ninety-eight bottles o' Ale on the Wall, Ninety-eight bottles o' Ale, Take one down...~ == BHAERDA ~[HAERDALIS] May the gods have mercy on our ears.~ EXIT /* SoA Banters: Aran > HaerDalis */ CHAIN IF ~CombatCounter(0) !Detect([ENEMY]) Global("c-aranhaerdalis","GLOBAL",0) InParty("HaerDalis") InMyArea("HaerDalis") !StateCheck("HaerDalis",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) InParty(Myself) !StateCheck(Myself,CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN C-ARANB c-aranhaerdalisbanter ~[ARAN] Hey, bard, my boyo... lend me a hand, will you?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranhaerdalis","GLOBAL",1)~ == BHAERDA ~[HAERDALIS] I revel in the change and cadence of your speech, my eagle. You blend the accents of a dozen cultures in one sentence. What is it you wish?~ == C-ARANB ~[ARAN] I can read this stuff here, but I can't remember it. I keep trying, but I just can't get it memorized. You seem to remember everything, an' your lifespan's a mite longer than mine. How do you do it?~ == BHAERDA ~[HAERDALIS] Mnemonics. The occult study of memorization by association. For instance, I think of Artless Aran. That brings a mental picture of you, and assists my recall of all sorts of interesting things. Here, by fledgeling, try it yourself. Look at a person, and think of a description mirroring the name. It will serve you well.~ == C-ARANB ~[ARAN] OK, let me give it a shot. How about 'Happy Haer'Dalis'?~ == BHAERDA ~[HAERDALIS] While this poor sparrow is not always happy, I think you have the idea, Aran. A huge generalization that acts as an index to memory. But keep your voice low, my friend. Not everyone is amused by playing such games with their names.~ == C-ARANB IF ~InParty("Jaheira")~ THEN ~[ARAN] Jabbing Jaheira. Pokes everyone all day with those elbows an' that tongue. Means well enough, though.~ == C-ARANB IF ~InParty("Aerie")~ THEN ~[ARAN] Angelic Aerie. Beautiful, needs protection, damaged... but she'll take your heart with her eyes while you run from her constant complainin'.~ == C-ARANB IF ~InParty("Jan")~ THEN ~[ARAN] Jawin' Jan. He never shuts his trap. Nice, but just can't stop jawin'.~ == C-ARANB IF ~InParty("Keldorn")~ THEN ~[ARAN] Knightly Keldorn. Ok, that is fair enough.~ == C-ARANB IF ~InParty("Korgan")~ THEN ~[ARAN] Killer Korgan. Aye, that works.~ == C-ARANB IF ~InParty("Mazzy")~ THEN ~[ARAN] Merciful Mazzy. She is a stout heart, an' true.~ == C-ARANB IF ~InParty("Minsc")~ THEN ~[ARAN] Mad Minsc. That's not quite right, though. Make it Magnificent. I'd take him 'side me on a shield wall any day o' the week, 'giant space hamster' an' all.~ == C-ARANB IF ~InParty("Nalia")~ THEN ~[ARAN] Neophyte Nalia. It's a book word, but 'spoiled and clueless with a body to make a man blush' doesn't fit the pattern, I guess.~ == C-ARANB IF ~InParty("Valygar")~ THEN ~[ARAN] Vehement Valygar. All business an' no real pleasure. Someone's got to get that man a pint an' a good tumble wi' a fine wench, and soon. Too tightly wound, that one.~ == C-ARANB IF ~InParty("Anomen")~ THEN ~[ARAN] Arseholic Anomen. Stuck up prig.~ == C-ARANB IF ~InParty("Viconia")~ THEN ~[ARAN] Vicious Viconia. Brings new meanin' to the phrase 'the only good drow is a dead drow'. Pity she's so useful. More pity I can't help her find her god. Preferably in small pieces ready for reassembly.~ == C-ARANB IF ~InParty("Yoshimo")~ THEN ~[ARAN] Yoshimo. Hmmm. There's a challenge. How about Useful Yoshimo?~ == BHAERDA IF ~InParty("Yoshimo")~ THEN ~[HAERDALIS] Not quite the letter of the game, all puns intended, but certainly within the spirit. Go on...~ == C-ARANB IF ~InParty("Imoen2")~ THEN ~[ARAN] Irrepressible Imoen. She gets dragged around, tortured, near to killed, an' she bounces back up an' keeps moving. There's a real woman, an' a fine companion.~ == C-ARANB IF ~InParty("ADANGEL")~ THEN ~[ARAN] Adventurous Angelo. Good enough; he's seen a mite bit o' adventure on both sides o' this conflict, I think.~ == C-ARANB IF ~InParty("Anishai")~ THEN ~[ARAN] Attractive Anishai. Sune's Slender Wrists, that one will drive a man to drink, she will.~ == C-ARANB IF ~InParty("Azure")~ THEN ~[ARAN] Aloof Azure. Not quite right, but close enough, on account o' her built in chaperon. Sharo's got one eye on me most o' th' time.~ == C-ARANB IF ~InParty("B!Gavin2")~ THEN ~[ARAN] Gallant Gavin. I'd have gone for Gregarious, on account o' he gets along wi' most folks, but he's a plain spoken lad, he is.~ == C-ARANB IF ~InParty("b!haldamir")~ THEN ~[ARAN] Haldamir. Now, then, whet rhymes wi' 'H' what means 'keeps to himself at all times'? I done got it - I'll use an elven word for an elf. Helkaer Haldamir. Means 'icy one' in lammen Tel Quessir, that does.~ == C-ARANB IF ~InParty("BIDDE")~ THEN ~[ARAN] Bright Bouncin' Biddlekorak, on account o' he be followin' Lathander, an' he be short an' round like one o' them bouncin' ball children's toys.~ == C-ARANB IF ~InParty("Britt")~ THEN ~[ARAN] Bemused Britt. O' course, if you be readin' this line, you done CLUAConsoled a character what's not supposed to be in-party, and JCompton will be comin' around right smart to kick your sorry arse, he will.~ == C-ARANB IF ~InParty("BWTOUCHX")~ THEN ~[ARAN] Twiggy Touchstone. That reminds me. I need to get th' boy a bath, an' right quick. There's bein' part o' nature, sure, but once in awhile it might be a good idea to wash some o' it off.~ == C-ARANB IF ~InParty("CALLISTO")~ THEN ~[ARAN] Crazed Callisto. You don't rightly want to be around when she gets enraged, eh? There's no tellin' where her weapons get pointed.~ == C-ARANB IF ~InParty("CHLOE")~ THEN ~[ARAN] Chaotic Chloe. I'm not sayin' no more.~ == C-ARANB IF ~OR(2) InParty("CMALORA") InParty("7XAlora")~ THEN ~[ARAN] Affable Alora. Tymora's Smile, that halflin' lass is th' sprightliest an' happiest bein' I know!~ == C-ARANB IF ~InParty("CMGMIRIAM")~ THEN ~[ARAN] Malevolent Miriam. Damned bloodsucker. I need to get me a now holy symbol an' some more garlic.~ == C-ARANB IF ~InParty("CMNIKITA")~ THEN ~[ARAN] Nimble Nikitalleria. Lathander's Light, what that girl can do wi' her fingers...~ == C-ARANB IF ~InParty("CMNINAF")~ THEN ~[ARAN] Naughty Ninafer. Well, she's not, really, but a lad can hope for change, can't he? Pity she looks right through me, as if I'm not there.~ == C-ARANB IF ~InParty("CORAN")~ THEN ~[ARAN] Cunning Coran. The boy's got charm, an' he's sharp, he is. But not much else goin' on, I think.~ == C-ARANB IF ~InParty("D#Silver")~ THEN ~[ARAN] Senseless SilverStar. I would run wi' 'sychotic', but it's not rightly spelled that way, now, eh?~ == C-ARANB IF ~InParty("D0Alassa")~ THEN ~[ARAN] Amoral Alassa. Now I know amoral an' evil aren't rightly th' same thing, but it be close enough for me.~ == C-ARANB IF ~OR(2) InParty("DL#BWN") InParty("7XBRAN")~ THEN ~[ARAN] Beautiful Branwen. That Tempus-lovin' girl is a sight for sore eyes, she is.~ == C-ARANB IF ~InParty("DYNAHEIR")~ THEN ~[ARAN] Delicate Dynaheir. I don't rightly know no 'd' words for aristocratic, an' she's not dainty. In fact, she's not rightly delicate. Let's change that, eh? Make it Determined Dynaheir.~ == C-ARANB IF ~InParty("E3Fade")~ THEN ~[ARAN] Forceful Fade. She be th' kind what sees what she wants, an' gets it.~ == C-ARANB IF ~InParty("FHLAND")~ THEN ~[ARAN] Artless Andrei. It don't rightly fit completely, on account o' him bein' a smart lad, just a raw recruit. A bit sheltered. But close enough.~ == C-ARANB IF ~InParty("FHLSEB")~ THEN ~[ARAN] Slippery Sebastian. I 'm not rightly sure I have gotten a straight answer out o' that one. Nine times out o' ten, I think he knows more than he lets on, eh?~ == C-ARANB IF ~InParty("FINIREN")~ THEN ~[ARAN] Insane Irenicus. Bloody mad, an' evil. But I guess can handle him.~ == C-ARANB IF ~InParty("FWGhareth")~ THEN ~[ARAN] Good-natured Ghareth. He tells some nice stories, he does. Good lad.~ == C-ARANB IF ~InParty("G#CASS")~ THEN ~[ARAN] Chatty Cassius. Mask's Left Hand, the skald never shuts up, eh? Hey, don't be lookin' at me like that, Haer'Dalis! I shut up. Occasionally. When th' wind is right.~ == C-ARANB IF ~InParty("GOZALOTH")~ THEN ~[ARAN] Goey Gozaloth. That floatin' eyeball never did say what all that goo was. And I'm not rightly sure I wan to know, anyways.~ == C-ARANB IF ~InParty("Horace")~ THEN ~[ARAN] Harrowing Horace. I still get th' shakes just lookin' at him reachin for a weapon, straight through his own bony ribcage.~ == C-ARANB IF ~InParty("Hubelpot")~ THEN ~[ARAN] Hungry Hubelpot. Corellon's Blade, he knows his food, he does. It's a right fine pleasure to watch him cook!~ == C-ARANB IF ~InParty("IYLOS")~ THEN ~[ARAN] Insolent Iylos. I suppose that be his job. But th' backtalk, well, he could be a mite more respectful. 's been a force for a long time, an' here comes th' big bad investigator.~ == C-ARANB IF ~InParty("J#Kelsey")~ THEN ~[ARAN] Kindred Kelsey. He knows merchant, he knows some fightin' ways - an' I do think he's a right fine party member.~ == C-ARANB IF ~InParty("JCBruce")~ THEN ~[ARAN] Barroom Bruce. On account o' I keep havin' to drag his sorry arse past, around, or out o' every single one we venture on.~ == C-ARANB IF ~InParty("K#Auren")~ THEN ~[ARAN] Arresting Auren. You look her direction, an' your eyes get stopped in their tracks, they do. In a good way, o' course.~ == C-ARANB IF ~InParty("K#Sarah")~ THEN ~[ARAN] Shy Sarah, lass-o-me-heart. She is a right fine friend, she is. No extra garbage, quiet, straight to the point, an' a might shy.~ == C-ARANB IF ~InParty("K#SHEENA")~ THEN ~[ARAN] Scary Sheena. I keep expectin' to wake up as th' main course for her when she goes all firedrake random-like.~ == C-ARANB IF ~InParty("KACHIKO")~ THEN ~[ARAN] Keen Kachiko. Keen mind, keen sword, keen tongue. Best to keep out o' all three's way.~ == C-ARANB IF ~InParty("Kari")~ THEN ~[ARAN] Kind Kari. Nice enough furrball, an' she's developin' some skills. Still scared o' her own shadow, though.~ == C-ARANB IF ~InParty("Keto")~ THEN ~[ARAN] Charismatic Keto. I know that's cheatin', but hey, it be my game - an' that lass is a right fine storyteller. She can drink me under th' table, sing like an angel, an' she's as smart as a whip. What's not to love?~ == C-ARANB IF ~InParty("KIARA")~ THEN ~[ARAN] Kissable Kiara. Not that IO tried, or anythin'. I suspect she can kill me wi' her little finger. Them monks know things, they do.~ == C-ARANB IF ~InParty("KINDREK")~ THEN ~[ARAN] Killer Kindrek. Bloody evil Cyric Buggerin' Bastard. Gotta keep both eyes open while I sleep, I do.~ == C-ARANB IF ~InParty("Kiyone")~ THEN ~[ARAN] Kind Kiyone. She's nice enough, in her own way.~ == C-ARANB IF ~InParty("Kova")~ THEN ~[ARAN] Keep - An - Eye - On Kova. Hard to trust him, no matter what we find out.~ == C-ARANB IF ~InParty("LRIRENIC")~ THEN ~[ARAN] Insane Irenicus. Bloody mad, an' evil. But I guess can handle him.~ == C-ARANB IF ~InParty("M#AMBER")~ THEN ~[ARAN] Auric Amber. She's cost a pretty coin or two to get sprung, but she does th' job an' brings in more coin to th' coffers, too.~ == C-ARANB IF ~InParty("MTS#Shy")~ THEN ~[ARAN] Smashin' Shy. Literally. Chende don't rightly know th' word 'subtle'.~ == C-ARANB IF ~InParty("MWAriena")~ THEN ~[ARAN] Artful Ariena. She'd make a right fine picture, she would. We would have to negotiate on how many clothes to leave on while posin', eh?~ == C-ARANB IF ~InParty("MWKido")~ THEN ~[ARAN] Killer Kido. Bloody evil Cyric Lovin' naysayer.~ == C-ARANB IF ~InParty("NATH")~ THEN ~[ARAN] Friendly 'Fletcher. Good lad. An' it be a mite easier to find 'f' words what rhyme.~ == C-ARANB IF ~InParty("Ninde")~ THEN ~[ARAN] Naughty Ninde. Or Necrophiliac Ninde; but for a spook-lover, she's right lively. I do enjoy watchin' her... err... back?~ == C-ARANB IF ~OR(2) InParty("O#TIAX") InParty("7XTIAX")~ THEN ~[ARAN] Troublesome Tiax. Terrible Tiax's Troubles Tried Tempers Twice Today, Together T'will Tip Tiax' Top Toward Total Torture. There, I got me a blighted tongue twister.~ == C-ARANB IF ~OR(2) InParty("O#XAN") InParty("7XXAN")~ THEN ~[ARAN] Xenophobic Xan, on account o' him bein' a Moonblade wielder an' all? No, it don't rightly fit. What's another 'X' word. Xysterous, like them healer's tools? No. Ok, how about wigglin' th' rules, an' goin' wi' Zealous Xan? He talks all doom an' gloom, but he doesn't back off from no fights.~ == C-ARANB IF ~InParty("P#DEHER")~ THEN ~[ARAN] Dutiful Deheriana. She stayed true to Kivan right past th' changes on th' great wheel. But that was love, not duty. How about Deep, on account o' her deep love? Have to keep on thinkin' on that one.~ == C-ARANB IF ~OR(2) InParty("P#KIVAN") InParty("7XKIVA")~ THEN ~[ARAN] Keen-Eyed Kivan. He can put an arrow on target when I can't rightly see th' target, or th' horse th' target's ridin' or even th' stretch o' road th' target's movin' along.~ == C-ARANB IF ~InParty("R#ALLIS")~ THEN ~[ARAN] Animal Allison, on account o' her love for all them furry little creatures. An' the not so furry ones, too.~ == C-ARANB IF ~InParty("R#Kitanya")~ THEN ~[ARAN] Kiirar Kitanya's right out, o' course, as I am th' Chronicler, so to speak. Let's find another elven word what describes her. How about Koron en' naur Kitanya? She's a fireball, all right.~ == C-ARANB IF ~InParty("Rylorn")~ THEN ~[ARAN] Ravaging Rylorn. He'd love to see all Toril run wi' blood.~ == C-ARANB IF ~InParty("SAERILETH")~ THEN ~[ARAN] Sexy Saerileth's not right on a couple o' levels, an' I don't want to offend no one. So how about Serious Saerileth? She is solid fixed on her purpose, she is.~ == C-ARANB IF ~InParty("SDNPC")~ THEN ~[ARAN] Youthful Yikari. She moves like th' wind in th' trees, an' she has that great accent.~ == C-ARANB IF ~InParty("SIME")~ THEN ~[ARAN] Silent Sime. She makes little enough sound when she's after a mark, eh?~ == C-ARANB IF ~InParty("SK#NEHT")~ THEN ~[ARAN] Knowledgeable Neh'Taniel. Yeah, I am cheatin', I am. But th' man talks deep, an' on a bunch o' subjects. It's like goin' back to tutorin' all over again.~ == C-ARANB IF ~InParty("SOLAUFEIN")~ THEN ~[ARAN] Sorrowful Solaufein. He don't rightly smile so much. O' course, I'd not trust him if he did, so I guess that is fine by me.~ == C-ARANB IF ~InParty("SUBRU")~ THEN ~[ARAN] Barroom Bruce. On account o' I keep havin' to drag his sorry arse past, around, or out o' every single one we venture on.~ == C-ARANB IF ~InParty("SUHESSA")~ THEN ~[ARAN] Handy Hessa. Shes a right good advance scout.~ == C-ARANB IF ~InParty("t#dace")~ THEN ~[ARAN] Lucky Linton. That woman can win a game o' cards, drink a keg o' ale, an' hold her own in th' brawl what results. Hardly ever loses, too.~ == C-ARANB IF ~InParty("TASHIA")~ THEN ~[ARAN] Thoughtful Tashia. She has great riddles, she does.~ == C-ARANB IF ~InParty("TSUJATH")~ THEN ~[ARAN] Tremblin' Tsujatha. Only he don't. I don't rightly like th' necromantic bastard, but he don't back down. I'll have to think on him, eh?~ == C-ARANB IF ~InParty("Valen")~ THEN ~[ARAN] Vivisecting Valen. I suppose it don't rightly be vivisection when she sucks all their blood out an' chunks up th' still-twitchin' corpse, but that be close enough for me.~ == C-ARANB IF ~InParty("WILLYB")~ THEN ~[ARAN] Barroom Bruce. On account o' I keep havin' to drag his sorry arse past, around, or out o' every single one we venture on.~ == C-ARANB IF ~InParty("WLBRAN")~ THEN ~[ARAN] Beautiful Branwen. That Tempus-lovin' girl is a sight for sore eyes, she is.~ == C-ARANB IF ~InParty("WxJon")~ THEN ~[ARAN] Jumpin' Jonathan, on account he just hops right into battle wi' out sayin naught.~ == C-ARANB IF ~InParty("xulaye")~ THEN ~[ARAN] Xenophobic Xulaye. Blighted drow bitch would kill us all if we weren't o' use to her.~ == C-ARANB IF ~InParty("YASRAENA")~ THEN ~[ARAN] Yasraena. Nothin'. I got naught. I'll have to come back to her another day, eh~ == C-ARANB IF ~InParty("ZAIYA")~ THEN ~[ARAN] Zaiya. You gotta be jokin', right? This one's a mite harder than most. Zany don't quite do th' job. Nope, I got nothin'. Wait a second... Zealous Zaiya. I think I might be gettin' the hang o' this.~ == C-ARANB IF ~InParty("Z_MODDY")~ THEN ~[ARAN] Now then, miss foxy lass, Moddy. How about Munchin' Moddie, on account o' her love for nice things what's to eat. No, I think it might be Vivacious Vixen, as she sure does keep close to her animal instincts.~ == C-ARANB IF ~OR(2) InParty("7XAJAN") InParty("C#Ajantis")~ THEN ~[ARAN] Able Ajantis. That don't catch th' whole honor an' knighly side o' things, but th' buy can swing a sword right fine, he can.~ == C-ARANB IF ~InParty("7XELDOT")~ THEN ~[ARAN] Eggregious Eldoth. Do that be a word, 'eggregious'? I'd say 'slimy twisted bastard Eldoth', but it don't rightly rhyme, now, do it.~ == C-ARANB IF ~InParty("7XGAR")~ THEN ~[ARAN] Garrulous Garrick. That boy just don't rightly know when to shut up an' listen, eh? Why, Th' other day, we were just tryin' to get a good set o words in, an'... ~ == BHAERDA IF ~InParty("7XGAR")~ THEN ~[HAERDALIS] The falcon is circling far from the nest...~ == C-ARANB IF ~InParty("7XGAR")~ THEN ~[ARAN] Right, sorry - got a bit sidetracked, eh? Let's see...~ == C-ARANB IF ~InParty("7Xkaga")~ THEN ~[ARAN] Coarse Kagain. Now, I know that be more alliteration than th' spellin' o' it, but it fits right fine, it does!~ == C-ARANB IF ~InParty("7XMONT")~ THEN ~[ARAN] Mumblin' Montaron. He goes about all over th' place speakin' to himself in hushed tones. At least, I hope it be that an' not a spell he be about to put on me, eh?~ == C-ARANB IF ~InParty("7XQUAY")~ THEN ~[ARAN] Quayle. Mystra's Mantle, Haer'Dalis, you make things a bit hard for a lad, eh? ~ == C-ARANB IF ~InParty("7XSafa")~ THEN ~[ARAN] Silvery Safana. She likes th' jewelry, she does, an' she can talk you out o' or into just about anythin', so that silvery goes for th' tongue, too.~ == C-ARANB IF ~InParty("7Xshar")~ THEN ~[ARAN] Stern Shar-Teel. Aye, that works. She don't so much stare, really, as smack you between th' eyes wi' a glare.~ == C-ARANB IF ~InParty("7XSKI")~ THEN ~[ARAN] Sweet Skie, on account o' she be a right fine lady, an' easy on th' eyes. Mayhap a bit high maintainence, but sometimes that be a turn on, eh?~ == C-ARANB IF ~InParty("7XXZAR")~ THEN ~[ARAN] Xzar. Hmmm. Nope. Naught in th' way o' help there. Mayhap I can come up wi' somethin in another language, but I be stumped on him.~ == C-ARANB IF ~InParty("7XYES")~ THEN ~[ARAN] Mayhap 'Yarn-spinnin' Yeslick', on account o' all those stories he be spinnin' out.~ == C-ARANB IF ~InParty("Arath") !InParty("ADANGEL")~ THEN ~[ARAN] Adventurous Arath, mayhap? It fits his wanderin' ways. I wish I had th' knowledge to tie in 'animal', on account o' his other wanderin' ways, or mayhap becasue he watches out for 'em.~ == C-ARANB IF ~InParty("Arath") InParty("ADANGEL")~ THEN ~[ARAN] Adevnturous Arath, mayhap? No, I done used that for Angelo. Mayhap we swap Arse-kickin' on Angelo's, an' keep this for Arath. It fits his wanderin' ways. I wish I had th' knowledge to tie in 'animal', on account o' his other wanderin' ways, or mayhap becasue he watches out for 'em.~ == BHAERDA ~[HAERDALIS] This is more entertaining than I thought it might be.~ == C-ARANB ~[ARAN] . Hmm. Not so sure I can guide on so easily.~ == BHAERDA ~[HAERDALIS] Ah, my fine friend, there are exceptions to every rule. You need not create a mnemonic for . In case, is quite unforgettable.~ EXIT /* SoA Banters: Jaheira > Aran */ CHAIN IF ~CombatCounter(0) !Detect([ENEMY]) Global("c-jaheiraaran","GLOBAL",0) InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) InParty(Myself) !StateCheck(Myself,CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN BJAHEIR c-jaheiraaranbanter ~[JAHEIRA] Aran. Come here. You have not secured your wineskin. Stop moving...~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-jaheiraaran","GLOBAL",1)~ == C-ARANB ~[ARAN] Leave it alone, now. I'm appreciative an' all, but you are not my mother.~ == BJAHEIR ~[JAHEIRA] Nonsense. If you would stop charging about swatting at things before thinking, I would not have to treat you as a child.~ == C-ARANB ~[ARAN] You don't look old enough to be my mother.~ == BJAHEIR ~[JAHEIRA] Nature demands age be shown in different manners to different races. That belt is too tight. Loosen it at once.~ == C-ARANB ~[ARAN] You look way too shapely to be anyone's mother. In fact, your eyes, they OUCH!~ == BJAHEIR ~[JAHEIRA] Stop squirming. Flattery will not get you out of proper equipment discipline. And next time we pass a stream, avail yourself of Nature's bounty, and wash behind you ears.~ == C-ARANB ~[ARAN] Tymora's Golden...~ == BJAHEIR ~[JAHEIRA] What did you say?~ == C-ARANB ~[ARAN] Nothin'.~ EXIT /* SoA Banters: Aran > Jaheira */ CHAIN IF ~CombatCounter(0) !Detect([ENEMY]) Global("c-aranjaheira","GLOBAL",0) InParty("Jaheira") InMyArea("Jaheira") !StateCheck("Jaheira",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) InParty(Myself) !StateCheck(Myself,CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN C-ARANB c-aranjaheirabanter ~[ARAN] Next time we cook, can you lend me a hand with th' spices?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranjaheira","GLOBAL",1)~ == BJAHEIR ~[JAHEIRA] I thought you kept your own stock from Calimport. No one has complained so far, at least in public. Why do you need my help? ~ == C-ARANB ~[ARAN] Well, my curries be fine, even given the strange ingredients we have to work with. An' my roasts are fine, too. But that last dish you cooked, it had good crunchy spiced things o' some sort, an' I want to learn how to make that.~ == BJAHEIR ~[JAHEIRA] Oh. The grubs.~ == C-ARANB ~[ARAN] grubs...~ == BJAHEIR ~[JAHEIRA] Yes, yes... I am sure I have gone over this before, somewhere. Nutritious, simple, solid sources of nutrients, easily integrated into many recepies...~ == BJAHEIR ~[JAHEIRA] Aran?~ == BJAHEIR ~[JAHEIRA] No, please avoid being sick in that particular area. There are several important species living there that do not tolerate stomach acid well.~ EXIT /* SoA Banters: Jan > Aran */ CHAIN IF ~CombatCounter(0) !Detect([ENEMY]) Global("c-janaran","GLOBAL",0) InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) InParty(Myself) !StateCheck(Myself,CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN BJAN c-janaranbanter ~[JAN] This reminds me of when my Great Uncle on my mother's side Maurice decided to...~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-janaran","GLOBAL",1)~ == C-ARANB ~[ARAN] Jan, I didn't say anythin'.~ == BJAN ~[JAN] I know. That was precisely why I though of Great Uncle Maurice, who...~ == C-ARANB ~[ARAN] I didn't say anythin', and I didn't do anythin'.~ == BJAN ~[JAN] Exactly. Maurice never did, either. It was years and years before anyone noticed it, and...~ == C-ARANB ~[ARAN] I didn't say anythin', I didn't do anythin', and you still are blatherin' on about a Shar-kissed family story. You don't take a hint, do you.~ == BJAN ~[JAN] The same applied to Uncle Maurice, I am afraid. We finally found out he had died in the Great Turnip Blight of '72, during one of our famous Family Storytelling Competitions. He was just too bored to move on to the next part of the Great Wheel.~ == C-ARANB ~[ARAN] I know how he feels.~ EXIT /* SoA Banters: Aran > Jan */ CHAIN IF ~CombatCounter(0) !Detect([ENEMY]) Global("c-aranjan","GLOBAL",0) InParty("Jan") InMyArea("Jan") !StateCheck("Jan",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) InParty(Myself) !StateCheck(Myself,CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN C-ARANB c-aranjanbanter ~[ARAN] Hey Jan, come here. take a look at this.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranjan","GLOBAL",1)~ == BJAN ~[JAN] All I see is a small... oh. Now that is very cunning. A good snare, even if it is old, tripped, and exposed. It seems designed to capture small animals alive and unharmed, rather than the usual crippling or noose-like hunter's snare.~ == C-ARANB ~[ARAN] Yes, but look here. There's a case made o' leather, with small loops inside that are still dry. Torn beyond repair now, but th' idea's sound. A vial for some kind of liquid, an' some loops for darts.~ == BJAN ~[JAN] The snare is much more interesting. Quaint craftsmanship, but still a sound design.~ == C-ARANB ~[ARAN] Do you think you could make me somethin' like this to hold my quills an' paper?~ == BJAN ~[JAN] Oh, that would be child's play. I could do it in an hour. No special exploding traps, nothing but a simple watertight case.~ == C-ARANB ~[ARAN] How much would it cost me?~ == BJAN ~[JAN] Five nights of you cooking Turnip Curry.~ == C-ARANB ~[ARAN] Two nights.~ == BJAN ~[JAN] Four nights. With Turnip flatbread.~ == C-ARANB ~[ARAN] Three nights, th' flatbread, an' I'll take your cleanup chores for th' week.~ == BJAN ~[JAN] Done. Pleasure doing business with you.~ == C-ARANB ~[ARAN] Likewise.~ EXIT /* SoA Banters: Keldorn > Aran */ CHAIN IF ~CombatCounter(0) !Detect([ENEMY]) Global("c-keldornaran","GLOBAL",0) InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) InParty(Myself) !StateCheck(Myself,CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN BKELDOR c-keldornaranbanter ~[KELDORN] You have a gap on your right side.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-keldornaran","GLOBAL",1)~ == C-ARANB ~[ARAN] Pardon?~ == BKELDOR ~[KELDORN] When you swing, you have an opening in your defenses on your right side.~ == C-ARANB ~[ARAN] (sigh) I thought I'd fixed that. It's the lower right, exposin' the knee?~ == BKELDOR ~[KELDORN] Yes. It is a common mistake for those trained as shield infantry. Flaming Fist?~ == C-ARANB ~[ARAN] One campaign, Regulars. After three with th' Moonshae Axes, it were a bit o' a change. But there I wasn't on the wall. I got moved to subaltern.~ == BKELDOR ~[KELDORN] The Iron Throne fiasco?~ == C-ARANB ~[ARAN] Guilty as charged. Lots of men and women well past revivification when that mess were over. Battle of Cloakwood. Manticore's Point.~ == BKELDOR ~[KELDORN] Ninety percent losses. You took both dragonstrike and a complete failure of gryphon support.~ == C-ARANB ~[ARAN] Could have been worse. Could have been in th' Third Division. They saved our arses, at a terrible cost. Not enough scrolls o' Stone to Flesh in the whole bloody Sword Coast, an' then the Cyric-buggerin' Throne bastards started tossing boulders among the petrified, just out o' spite. Can't revivify someone who's been pulverized. Where were you?~ == BKELDOR ~[KELDORN] Commanding the Third Division.~ == C-ARANB ~[ARAN] Next inn, I am buyin'. An' you want me to do anythin', anythin' at all, my sword is yours.~ EXIT /* SoA Banters: Aran > Keldorn */ CHAIN IF ~CombatCounter(0) !Detect([ENEMY]) Global("c-arankeldorn","GLOBAL",0) InParty("Keldorn") InMyArea("Keldorn") !StateCheck("Keldorn",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) InParty(Myself) !StateCheck(Myself,CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN C-ARANB c-arankeldornbanter ~[ARAN] This work's a mite bit different from Merchant's Guild or even mercenary work. Very different from th' army.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arankeldorn","GLOBAL",1)~ == BKELDOR ~[KELDORN] It relies more on small unit tactics and magic use, but the fundamentals are the same.~ == C-ARANB ~[ARAN] How so?~ == BKELDOR ~[KELDORN] It requires close attention to your comrades, a carefully thought out plan, flexibility after contact with the enemy, and faith that we shall prevail.~ == C-ARANB ~[ARAN] I just figure there be only so much we can do with so few against so many.~ == BKELDOR ~[KELDORN] Aran, you forget. *We* are the few. That makes a tremendous difference.~ EXIT /* SoA Banters: Korgan > Aran */ CHAIN IF ~CombatCounter(0) !Detect([ENEMY]) Global("c-korganaran","GLOBAL",0) InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) InParty(Myself) !StateCheck(Myself,CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN BKORGAN c-korganaranbanter ~[KORGAN] Get out o' me way, ye great lunkin' arse. I can't see.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-korganaran","GLOBAL",1)~ == C-ARANB ~[ARAN] There's naught to see, Korgan. No available females to leer at.~ == C-ARANB IF ~InParty("Jaheira") InMyArea("Jaheira") !StateCheck("Jaheira",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Unless you count Jaheira's legs...~ == C-ARANB IF ~InParty("Mazzy") InMyArea("Mazzy") !StateCheck("Mazzy",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Or are you lookin' at Mazzy again?~ == C-ARANB IF ~InParty("Aerie") InMyArea("Aerie") !StateCheck("Aerie",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Aerie complained to last time you tried to look up under her robes.~ == C-ARANB IF ~InParty("Nalia") InMyArea("Nalia") !StateCheck("Nalia",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Nalia is not your type, anyways.~ == C-ARANB IF ~InParty("Viconia") InMyArea("Viconia") !StateCheck("Viconia",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] You can't be lookin' at the Drowess. Even you don't have that much a death wish.~ == C-ARANB IF ~InParty("Imoen2") InMyArea("Imoen2") !StateCheck("Imoen2",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] And if you are lookin' at Imoen, she's not lookin' so happy. I'd steer clear of her for awhile.~ == BKORGAN ~[KORGAN] If you are all finished with yer blather, shaddup. Ye look down from th' top, I look up from th' bottom, an' neither gets naught but a glimpse o' flesh. Besides, better t' pay good coin fer a wench ye know will do th' job and then move on. No ties, no partners, an' ye get ter trade up when ye get more coin. Never th' same twice, if ye know what I be sayin'.~ == C-ARANB ~[ARAN] Sounds lonelier than a half-orc trader in the Ten Towns. You don't want to feel like somethin' special, an' be the only one for her?~ == BKORGAN ~[KORGAN] What, are ye deaf an' stupid, or just a woman? You been listenin' t' all that pansy elf-talk 'bout true love. All that mush slows a man down. I got places ter go, people ter kill, an' a fortune ter build. A weak woman will slow me down, an' a strong one will speed me up an' make me share th' profits. Damn 'em all, weak an' strong, ter the Ninth Ring o' Hades.~ == C-ARANB ~[ARAN] Nope, I can't agree with that. I have enough trouble holdin' their attention when they be on *this* plane.~ EXIT /* SoA Banters: Aran > Korgan */ CHAIN IF ~CombatCounter(0) !Detect([ENEMY]) Global("c-arankorgan","GLOBAL",0) InParty("Korgan") InMyArea("Korgan") !StateCheck("Korgan",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) InParty(Myself) !StateCheck(Myself,CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN C-ARANB c-arankorganbanter ~[ARAN] Ho, shortaxe, you dropped somethin'.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arankorgan","GLOBAL",1)~ == BKORGAN ~[KORGAN] Did not. Shut yer mouth, boyo.~ == C-ARANB ~[ARAN] I'm serious. Here. You dropped it.~ == BKORGAN ~[KORGAN] Lemme see.~ == BKORGAN ~[KORGAN] That's mine. You take it?~ == C-ARANB ~[ARAN] Cyric's Blighted Arse, I just picked it up on account o' you dropped it.~ == BKORGAN ~[KORGAN] What's your take?~ == C-ARANB ~[ARAN] I don't want naught from you.~ == BKORGAN ~[KORGAN] What's the catch?~ == C-ARANB ~[ARAN] By Torm's Left Hand, no catch.~ == BKORGAN ~[KORGAN] I'm a watchin' ye, boyo. Wi' both eyes.~ == C-ARANB ~[ARAN] No good deed goes unpunished.~ == BKORGAN ~[KORGAN] Shaddup. An' walk in front o' me.~ EXIT /* SoA Banters: Mazzy > Aran */ CHAIN IF ~CombatCounter(0) !Detect([ENEMY]) Global("c-mazzyaran","GLOBAL",0) InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) InParty(Myself) !StateCheck(Myself,CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN BMAZZY c-mazzyaranbanter ~[MAZZY] Lift me up, please, Aran.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-mazzyaran","GLOBAL",1)~ == C-ARANB ~[ARAN] Sure. What do you be needin'?~ == BMAZZY ~[MAZZY] There are many advantages to being small. Unfortunately, getting a vantage point to see ahead is not one of them.~ == C-ARANB ~[ARAN] I don't mind you ridin' on my shoulder for a bit.~ == BMAZZY ~[MAZZY] No thank you. Just a quick look.~ == C-ARANB ~[ARAN] Didn't mean to offend, or anythin'. You be no child, to protect. I'd lock shields with you on th' wall any day.~ == BMAZZY ~[MAZZY] No offense taken. Lock shields? That doesn't seem like a good idea given our relative sizes. And I prefer my bow.~ == C-ARANB ~[ARAN] No, sorry. It means I be right glad to watch your back, knowin' you will honorably watch mine.~ == BMAZZY ~[MAZZY] Oh. Well then, thanks. Tell you what. You watch my head, I'll watch your ankles, and between the two of us we will square them off top and bottom.~ == C-ARANB ~[ARAN] Sounds like a great plan.~ EXIT /* SoA Banters: Aran > Mazzy */ CHAIN IF ~CombatCounter(0) !Detect([ENEMY]) Global("c-aranmazzy","GLOBAL",0) InParty("Mazzy") InMyArea("Mazzy") !StateCheck("Mazzy",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) InParty(Myself) !StateCheck(Myself,CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN C-ARANB c-aranmazzybanter ~[ARAN] Mazzy, you pull a mean bow. You ever served in th' military?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranmazzy","GLOBAL",1)~ == BMAZZY ~[MAZZY] We Hin do not really have a military to serve in, Aran. Just the TrueSwords. We defend when called.~ == C-ARANB ~[ARAN] But I have seen mercenary companies of halfling folk. Some units of irregulars, slingers, mostly. An' I have heard of a whole company of your folk who ride mounted war pigs into battle, which sounds right funny. Except the man who told o' it spoke with respect, an' a whole orc tribal warparty confused, corralled, and massacred without loss.~ == BMAZZY ~[MAZZY] We are an independent and self-reliant people. There are those who seek more adventure, and go beyond our communities. I have fought alongside companies similar to what you describe.~ == C-ARANB ~[ARAN] Just not in 'em?~ == BMAZZY ~[MAZZY] Aran, would it offend you if I said that being a sellsword is not particularly honorable among my people?~ == C-ARANB ~[ARAN] No. 'Tis the same among many folks of many races. I'm no prize to bring home to mother, nor one to bring into polite company, even if I try not to swear too much. It doesn't offend me none.~ == BMAZZY ~[MAZZY] Well, in my eyes, you are not a sellsword. You are a strong friend. I would be honored to bring you home to meet my family. On the understanding that you are a friend, of course.~ EXIT /* SoA Banters: Minsc > Aran */ CHAIN IF ~CombatCounter(0) !Detect([ENEMY]) Global("c-minscaran","GLOBAL",0) InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) InParty(Myself) !StateCheck(Myself,CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN BMINSC c-minscaranbanter ~[MINSC] Look at this, Aran! Is this not a great weapon with which to smite evil?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-minscaran","GLOBAL",1)~ == C-ARANB ~[ARAN] Aye, it be a right fine weapon. But I can tell you, th' weapon is not as important as th' wielder, Minsc.~ == BMINSC ~[MINSC] I do not understand. Do we not need weapons to buttkick for goodness?~ == C-ARANB ~[ARAN] Well, I had a friend in the Moonshae Shield Company, see. She was a good fighter, out o' Ten Towns, followin' the ways of Tempus. We were in a tight spot, overrun, and the shield wall broke. Literally, in fact. That Gond-blighted crap they called 'iron' burst to shards in half o' our hands, so we had about half of us without weapons.~ == C-ARANB ~[ARAN] Charis, she gets this funny look in her eye, just like you do sometimes, Minsc. An' she steps up in front o' the shield wall, and begins to chant. They charged us again, an' it looked dark, but Charis just grabbed hold o' one of the Throne lackeys. She took him an' used him as a huge mace, batterin' them down left, right, an' front, 'till there weren't much left of the charge, or of the Throne mercenaries either.~ == BMINSC ~[MINSC] This woman sounds like a valiant hero, Aran! I should like to meet her!~ == C-ARANB ~[ARAN] I be in no hurry to make the introduction, my friend. Second campaign, she got caught by a wand o' paralysis, an' couldn't avoid a fire giant boulder hit. She's in Tempus' halls now, singin' and fightin'.~ EXIT /* SoA Banters: Aran > Minsc */ CHAIN IF ~CombatCounter(0) !Detect([ENEMY]) Global("c-aranminsc","GLOBAL",0) Global("MinscWitch","GLOBAL",1) InParty("Minsc") InMyArea("Minsc") !StateCheck("Minsc",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) InParty(Myself) !StateCheck(Myself,CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN C-ARANB c-aranminscbanter ~[ARAN] Minsc, you are a good man. You protect Aerie right well.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranminsc","GLOBAL",1)~ == BMINSC ~[MINSC] She is my witch.~ == C-ARANB ~[ARAN] Well, look here, this be a mite bit delicate... but Aerie is a fine lookin' lass, and powerful. Haven't you ever thought, well...~ == BMINSC ~[MINSC] Boo helps me with thinking things, Aran, but even he cannot tell what you are asking. Thought what?~ == C-ARANB ~[ARAN] She is a beautiful girl. You are a powerful man. She is dedicated to goodness. You are dedicated to goodness. She needs protection. You provide protection. Is any o' this makin' any sense?~ == BMINSC ~[MINSC] Of course, my friend. I do not need Boo to help me with this. She is my witch.~ == C-ARANB ~[ARAN] (sigh) Minsc. Have you ever thought of askin' Aerie if she would be more than your witch?~ == BMINSC ~[MINSC] Aran, you are a funny man. What more could she be than my witch?~ == C-ARANB ~[ARAN] Never you mind. But next time we are in town, I think you an' me, we are gonna go visit some public houses. Sounds like someone forgot to give you some basic education.~ EXIT /* SoA Banters: Nalia > Aran */ CHAIN IF ~CombatCounter(0) !Detect([ENEMY]) Global("c-naliaaran","GLOBAL",0) InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) InParty(Myself) !StateCheck(Myself,CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN BNALIA c-naliaaranbanter ~[NALIA] Why are you avoiding me, Aran? I enjoy talking with people like you.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-naliaaran","GLOBAL",1)~ == C-ARANB ~[ARAN] People like me.~ == BNALIA ~[NALIA] Yes. I have helped many of your kind, and I try so hard to make sure that people of my class treat you people with respect.~ == C-ARANB ~[ARAN] Look, Nalia. You are right good lookin', and I don't mind the chatter, but let's not talk about this any more.~ == BNALIA ~[NALIA] See, there you go again. Why are you avoiding me?~ == C-ARANB ~[ARAN] Well, let's just say that I have had my fill of 'your people' using 'my people' as pawns in a live chess game. When battle starts, 'your people' are the ones in armor protected by magic, shielded an' away from the fray. 'My people' are the ones dying permanent-like, crushed and mangled by magic and siege engines.~ == BNALIA ~[NALIA] My father often said that is just the way the rules of war set things up, Aran.~ == C-ARANB ~[ARAN] No offense to your father, Nalia, but there's the problem. In war, there are no rules, except one. Win.~ EXIT /* SoA Banters: Aran > Nalia */ CHAIN IF ~CombatCounter(0) !Detect([ENEMY]) Global("c-arannalia","GLOBAL",0) InParty("Nalia") InMyArea("Nalia") !StateCheck("Nalia",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) InParty(Myself) !StateCheck(Myself,CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN C-ARANB c-arannaliabanter ~[ARAN] So, Nalia, you ever been dancin'?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arannalia","GLOBAL",1)~ == BNALIA ~[NALIA] Of course. The Midwinter Festival, the regular series of social functions, and many lessons. I have even learned a few of your people's steps, those quaint country dances.~ == C-ARANB ~[ARAN] Think you could teach me some steps next inn we stay at?~ == BNALIA ~[NALIA] That depends. Would you be trying to dance like you were at our last stay?~ == C-ARANB ~[ARAN] She was right sprightly, wasn't she. I were thinkin'...~ == BNALIA ~[NALIA] I think we had better not, Aran. You two were spirited, but there are some things that a lady just doesn't do in public.~ == C-ARANB ~[ARAN] Well, we could move into somewhere more private, you know.~ == BNALIA ~[NALIA] I don't know everything, Aran, but I think I can recognize a pass when I hear one. What would say?~ == C-ARANB IF ~GlobalLT("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",2)~ THEN~[ARAN] I was just jokin' wi' you, is all, Nalia. I wanted to see if you'd blush.~ == C-ARANB IF ~GlobalGT("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",1)~ THEN ~[ARAN] I don't rightly know. Let's ask her.~ == BNALIA ~[NALIA] I'm not interested, Aran. You will have to find someone else to seduce.~ EXIT /* SoA Banters: Valygar > Aran */ CHAIN IF WEIGHT #-1 ~CombatCounter(0) !Detect([ENEMY]) Global("c-valygararan","GLOBAL",0) InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) InParty(Myself) !StateCheck(Myself,CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN BVALYGA c-valygararanbanter ~[VALYGAR] So, Whitehand, who are you?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-valygararan","GLOBAL",1)~ == C-ARANB ~[ARAN] Let's just say... I'm a friend.~ == BVALYGA ~[VALYGAR] That is not very enlightening.~ == C-ARANB ~[ARAN] Look, did I say I was *your* friend?~ == BVALYGA ~[VALYGAR] You did not. Perhaps I should rephrase my question. What do you do in this party, what is your purpose for existence, and why should I trust you with my life?~ == C-ARANB ~[ARAN] I see things, an' I kill them. Once in awhile, they try to kill me.~ == BVALYGA ~[VALYGAR] Ah. A kindred spirit.~ == C-ARANB ~[ARAN] Why, do you kill things, too?~ == BVALYGA ~[VALYGAR] Occasionally. Though lately, it appears that there are more things trying to kill me.~ == C-ARANB ~[ARAN] Hey, the tryin', that's no problem. It only gets tricky if they manage to do it.~ EXIT /* SoA Banters: Aran > Valygar */ CHAIN IF ~CombatCounter(0) !Detect([ENEMY]) Global("c-aranvalygar","GLOBAL",0) InParty("Valygar") InMyArea("Valygar") !StateCheck("Valygar",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) InParty(Myself) !StateCheck(Myself,CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN C-ARANB c-aranvalygarbanter ~[ARAN] Come on, Valygar, it's a great day, and we haven't been killed yet. There's probably a nice set o' monstrous creatures right over the next hill, waitin' to rip us into bloody chunks and serve us wi' a nice side dish, but right now, things are lookin' up!~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranvalygar","GLOBAL",1)~ == BVALYGA ~[VALYGAR] You just do not seem to understand, Aran. There will *always* be creatures bent on our destruction.~ == C-ARANB ~[ARAN] Now that you mention it, we keep seein' more and more adversaries. We kill a few, an' then we move on, only to find more have taken their place.~ == BVALYGA ~[VALYGAR] It is a vicious circle.~ == C-ARANB ~[ARAN] Yep. Just keeps goin' around and around.~ == BVALYGA ~[VALYGAR] It never stops.~ == C-ARANB ~[ARAN] That's what makes it vicious.~ == BVALYGA ~[VALYGAR] And a circle.~ == C-ARANB ~[ARAN] You sure can depress a guy, boyo.~ EXIT /* SoA Banters: Viconia > Aran */ CHAIN IF ~CombatCounter(0) !Detect([ENEMY]) Global("c-viconiaaran","GLOBAL",0) InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) InParty(Myself) !StateCheck(Myself,CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN BVICONI c-viconiaaranbanter ~[VICONIA] Stop staring at me, iblith. I have not summoned your attention to please me. Where I come from, there are consequences for males with eyes too bold.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-viconiaaran","GLOBAL",1)~ == C-ARANB ~[ARAN] You flatter yourself, drowess. I'd as soon spawn wi' a spider.~ == BVICONI ~[VICONIA] Keep your eyes and your thoughts away, surface scum, or I shall make your meager existence painful.~ == C-ARANB ~[ARAN] I'm no paladin of the Cryin' God, Drowess. I know what you represent, and what your kind do. You flinch once, an' I will be there, watchin' for my chance.~ == BVICONI ~[VICONIA] You are smarter than I thought, iblith. But your paranoia is wasted. Much greater forces than you have died waiting for that opportunity.~ EXIT /* SoA Banters: Aran > Viconia */ CHAIN IF ~CombatCounter(0) !Detect([ENEMY]) Global("c-aranviconia","GLOBAL",0) InParty("viconia") InMyArea("viconia") !StateCheck("viconia",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) InParty(Myself) !StateCheck(Myself,CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN C-ARANB c-aranviconiabanter ~[ARAN] Move away from me, Drowess.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranviconia","GLOBAL",1)~ == BVICONI ~[VICONIA] I stand where I please, surfacer.~ == C-ARANB ~[ARAN] Your stench gets on my nerves. An' I don't want you movin' behind me all the time in combat.~ == BVICONI ~[VICONIA] The only reason you remain alive, filth, is your meager utility as a meat-shield.~ == C-ARANB ~[ARAN] Bad thinkin', Drowess. Now I know that, I might just stop, drop, an' roll next time the arrows head my way.~ == BVICONI ~[VICONIA] Your cowardice will be just as useful. While you are down there, you can lick my boots, as befits your station.~ EXIT /* SoA Banters: Yoshimo > Aran */ CHAIN IF ~CombatCounter(0) !Detect([ENEMY]) Global("c-yoshimoaran","GLOBAL",0) InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) InParty(Myself) !StateCheck(Myself,CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN BYOSHIM c-yoshimoaranbanter ~[YOSHIMO] So, my fine friend. Do you think our leader knows exactly what is doing?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-yoshimoaran","GLOBAL",1)~ == C-ARANB ~[ARAN] Why are you askin', Yoshimo? You don't usually hold much wi' small talk.~ == BYOSHIM ~[YOSHIMO] I am interested in discovering the subtleties of common language. Your usage is most... interesting. I usually work alone. Perhaps you have an opinion I might find of use.~ == C-ARANB ~[ARAN] Who knows, with ? One day 's up, another day 's down. The 's nuttier than a berrygobbler's cheeks in autumn. The point is... 's standin' right behind me, right?~ == BYOSHIM ~[YOSHIMO] Behind you, two feet to the left.~ == C-ARANB ~[ARAN] Bugger.~ EXIT /* SoA Banters: Aran > Yoshimo */ CHAIN IF ~CombatCounter(0) !Detect([ENEMY]) Global("c-aranyoshimo","GLOBAL",0) InParty("Yoshimo") InMyArea("Yoshimo") !StateCheck("Yoshimo",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) InParty(Myself) !StateCheck(Myself,CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN C-ARANB c-aranyoshimobanter ~[ARAN] So, you hunt folks for fun an' profit, eh?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranyoshimo","GLOBAL",1)~ == BYOSHIM ~[YOSHIMO] An interesting vocation, I know. And lucrative at times.~ == C-ARANB ~[ARAN] I don't rightly know if I'd like that.~ == BYOSHIM ~[YOSHIMO] Friend Aran, when did the gods decree that we should enjoy our purposes in life?~ == C-ARANB ~[ARAN] You've got a point there.~ == BYOSHIM ~[YOSHIMO] It is not as distasteful as it might seem. There are benefits to remaining on the open road, living the life of a hunter.~ == C-ARANB ~[ARAN] What happens when it's time to stop an' retire?~ == BYOSHIM ~[YOSHIMO] There is planning, and then there is chancing the wrath of the gods. I will think of that when I am unable to lift myself from my bedroll.~ EXIT /* SoA Banters: Imoen2 > Aran */ CHAIN IF ~CombatCounter(0) !Detect([ENEMY]) Global("c-imoenaran","GLOBAL",0) InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) InParty(Myself) !StateCheck(Myself,CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN BIMOEN2 c-imoenaranbanter ~[IMOEN] Aran, you've gotta keep your eyes to yourself more.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-imoenaran","GLOBAL",1)~ == C-ARANB ~[ARAN] Hey, what did I do?~ == BIMOEN2 ~[IMOEN] Well, you keep lettin' yer eyes drift south, so to speak. Every time you're talkin' to a girl.~ == C-ARANB ~[ARAN] Cyric's black... oh, hells. Yep. I'm doin' it again, right?~ == BIMOEN2 ~[IMOEN] Some girls might like that. But most don't want the unwanted attention, unless they're tellin' you they're interested.~ == C-ARANB ~[ARAN] Are you tellin' me you're interested?~ == BIMOEN2 ~[IMOEN] (whack)~ == C-ARANB ~[ARAN] Ouch. Damn. Sorry. Not good to kid a friend what's tryin' to help out wi' the whole 'not tick women off' thing, eh?~ == BIMOEN2 ~[IMOEN] Hey, no problem. That's what friends are for.~ EXIT /* SoA Banters: Aran > Imoen2 */ CHAIN IF ~CombatCounter(0) !Detect([ENEMY]) Global("c-aranimoen","GLOBAL",0) InParty("Imoen2") InMyArea("Imoen2") !StateCheck("Imoen2",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) InParty(Myself) !StateCheck(Myself,CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN C-ARANB c-aranimoenbanter ~[ARAN] Hey, Imoen, you ok? ~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranimoen","GLOBAL",1)~ == BIMOEN2 ~[IMOEN] I'm fine, Aran.~ == C-ARANB ~[ARAN] You don't look fine. You look a mite sick, an' green about the gills. Plus, none o' your usual fire in the eyes. So, I gotta ask again: you ok?~ == BIMOEN2 ~[IMOEN] Memories.~ == C-ARANB ~[ARAN] Oh.~ == BIMOEN2 ~[IMOEN] They don't go away, do they.~ == C-ARANB ~[ARAN] Well, I've seen an' done some raw things in my time, for sure. An' there's times when the ones that hurt, you gotta go out an' bury them. Grab a willing lass for entertainment, get royally drunk, get thrown in jail, the whole rabble-rousing carousing crap.~ == BIMOEN2 ~[IMOEN] Does that help?~ == C-ARANB ~[ARAN] Hells, no. You wake up hung over, missin' your purse an' all your coin, an' no better off than when you left. But you forgot while it was happenin', see?~ == BIMOEN2 ~[IMOEN] I don't think that will help me.~ == C-ARANB ~[ARAN] Well, what if...~ == BIMOEN2 ~[IMOEN] Aran, thanks, but quit trying to help. Some things a woman just has to learn to live through herself.~ == C-ARANB ~[ARAN] Right enough. All I can say is, I wish there was somethin' I could do to help. Want to fix things, somehow, you know. Anyways, right. I'll be right over there, if I get needed or somethin'.~ EXIT /* Plot Talks: Edwin's R E S P E C T - back as a man. */ CHAIN IF WEIGHT #-1 ~CombatCounter(0) !Detect([ENEMY]) Dead("C6Bodhi") Global("c-aranmissedw","GLOBAL",0) GlobalGT("TalkedDegardan","GLOBAL",3) InParty(Myself) !StateCheck(Myself,CD_STATE_NOTVALID) InParty("Edwin") !StateCheck("Edwin",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Gender("Edwin",MALE)~ THEN C-ARANB a2929 ~[ARAN] You know, you looked a blighted sight better as a woman. Th' legs, in particular, was a right nice sight.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranmissedw","GLOBAL",2)~ == BEDWIN ~[EDWIN] I will not have a lesser servant ogling my body, even in hindsight.~ == C-ARANB~[ARAN] Now, I didn't say nothin' about your rear end, not one word!~ == BEDWIN ~[EDWIN] You dare to play wordgames with me, given your obvious lack of intellect?~ == C-ARANB ~[ARAN] I guess th' whole sex-change curse didn't do anythin' for your personality. Once a bitch, always a bitch,eh?~ == BEDWIN ~[EDWIN] Each insult is an extra torment for you, sellsword, when you finally leave 's shadow.~ END ++ ~[PC] Both of you, cut it out.~ EXTERN BEDWIN a2903 ++ ~[PC] Is there some reason why we are being forced to listen to you two bicker?~ EXTERN C-ARANB a2904 ++ ~[PC] Children, children... do you both need a time out?~ EXTERN C-ARANB a2904 ++ ~[PC] Aran, stop it.~ EXTERN BEDWIN a2905 ++ ~[PC] Edwin, shut up.~ EXTERN BEDWIN a2906 APPEND BEDWIN IF ~~ a2903 SAY ~[EDWIN] His heart, or his tongue?~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a2905 SAY ~[EDWIN] At last. I would have been forced to turn that moronic baboon into offal. That would have been an insult to offal.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a2906 SAY ~[EDWIN] Do not test my patience by siding with this moronic baboon. I have had enough of his eyes undressing my superior physical form, and I do not wish to be the subject of his puerile dreams.~ IF ~~ THEN EXTERN C-ARANB c_edwinsobjection END END /* SoA Scenery Talks : Embarrassing Things Aran > PC Ideas from Petals And Thorns Folks: "I always wondered why no PC ever really embarrassed themselves with their love interest... with all the packing they must do, it's amazing no PC has accidentally left something private or incriminating out which was then found by another party member" */ APPEND C-ARANB IF ~GlobalTimerExpired("c-aranblush","GLOBAL") CombatCounter(0) !Detect([ENEMY]) Global("c-aranpanties","LOCALS",0) InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) InParty(Player1) !StateCheck(Player1,CD_STATE_NOTVALID) OR(6) Gender(Player1,FEMALE) Gender(Player2,FEMALE) Gender(Player3,FEMALE) Gender(Player4,FEMALE) Gender(Player5,FEMALE) Gender(Player6,FEMALE)~ THEN BEGIN a1612 SAY ~[ARAN] Now, I don't rightly think that this be mine, eh?~ [c-aws045] + ~Gender(Player1,FEMALE)~ + ~[PC] ARAN! Put that away before someone sees you!~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranpanties","LOCALS",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranblush","GLOBAL",TEN_DAYS)~ + a1604 + ~Gender(Player1,FEMALE)~ + ~[PC] No, I think those are mine. Where did you find them?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranpanties","LOCALS",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranblush","GLOBAL",TEN_DAYS)~ + a1605 + ~Gender(Player1,FEMALE)~ + ~[PC] No, they are not mine. Do you want to explain why you have another woman's undergarment in your pack?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranpanties","LOCALS",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranblush","GLOBAL",TEN_DAYS)~ + a1606 + ~Gender(Player1,FEMALE)~ + ~[PC] I did not realize you liked women's clothes so much. We should put you in some of the 'armor' they make available to us, and see how you like having a chainmail bikini to hide your most intimate parts.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranpanties","LOCALS",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranblush","GLOBAL",TEN_DAYS)~ + a1607 + ~Gender(Player1,MALE)~ + ~[PC] ARAN! Put that away before someone sees you! Where in the nine hells did you come up with those?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranpanties","LOCALS",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranblush","GLOBAL",TEN_DAYS)~ + a1605 + ~Gender(Player1,MALE)~ + ~[PC] No, I think those are neither yours nor mine. Generally speaking, I do not wear women's underthings. Where did you find them?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranpanties","LOCALS",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranblush","GLOBAL",TEN_DAYS)~ + a1605 + ~Gender(Player1,MALE)~ + ~[PC] Do you want to explain why you have a woman's undergarment in your pack?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranpanties","LOCALS",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranblush","GLOBAL",TEN_DAYS)~ + a1606 + ~Gender(Player1,MALE)~ + ~[PC] I did not realize you liked women's clothes so much. We should put you in some of the 'armor' they make for them. On second thought, seeing you in a chainmail bikini is not something I would really like to experience.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranpanties","LOCALS",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranblush","GLOBAL",TEN_DAYS)~ + a1607 IF ~NumInParty(2) Gender(Player1,FEMALE) Gender(Player2,MALE)~ THEN GOTO a4325 IF ~NumInParty(3) Gender(Player1,FEMALE) Gender(Player2,MALE) Gender(Player3,MALE)~ THEN GOTO a4325 IF ~NumInParty(4) Gender(Player1,FEMALE) Gender(Player2,MALE) Gender(Player3,MALE) Gender(Player4,MALE)~ THEN GOTO a4325 IF ~NumInParty(5) Gender(Player1,FEMALE) Gender(Player2,MALE) Gender(Player3,MALE) Gender(Player4,MALE) Gender(Player5,MALE)~ THEN GOTO a4325 IF ~NumInParty(6) Gender(Player1,FEMALE) Gender(Player2,MALE) Gender(Player3,MALE) Gender(Player4,MALE) Gender(Player5,MALE) Gender(Player6,MALE)~ THEN GOTO a4325 END IF ~~ a4325 SAY ~[ARAN] Since you be th' only female in this company, they must be yours.~ ++ ~[PC] ARAN! Put that away before someone sees you!~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranpanties","LOCALS",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranblush","GLOBAL",TEN_DAYS)~ + a1604 ++ ~[PC] I think those are mine. Where did you find them?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranpanties","LOCALS",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranblush","GLOBAL",TEN_DAYS)~ + a1605 ++ ~[PC] No, they are not mine. Do you want to explain why you have another woman's undergarment in your pack? Or perhaps how this occurred?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranpanties","LOCALS",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranblush","GLOBAL",TEN_DAYS)~ + a4326 ++ ~[PC] I did not realize you liked women's clothes so much. We should put you in some of the 'armor' they make available to us, and see how you like having a chainmail bikini to hide your most intimate parts.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranpanties","LOCALS",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranblush","GLOBAL",TEN_DAYS)~ + a1607 END IF ~~ a4326 SAY ~[ARAN] Now, hold on a moment! There be only one time here... wait...~ = ~[ARAN] Oh, Sune's Sweet Secrets. I done thought she were jokin'. If these are not yours, then they must o' come from that nice young lass at th' laundry. She seemed right interested, she did. I guess it might be some way o' catchin' my eye.~ IF ~Race(Player1,HUMAN)~ THEN GOTO a4327 IF ~Race(Player1,ELF)~ THEN GOTO a4328 IF ~Race(Player1,HALF_ELF)~ THEN GOTO a4329 IF ~Race(Player1,DWARF)~ THEN GOTO a4330 IF ~Race(Player1,HALFLING)~ THEN GOTO a4331 IF ~Race(Player1,GNOME)~ THEN GOTO a4332 IF ~Race(Player1,HALFORC)~ THEN GOTO a4334 END IF ~~ a4327 SAY ~[ARAN] Now, I should have figured they were naught in th' way o' your property, on account o' th' size.~ ++ ~[PC] Why did I know you were going to make a comment like that?~ + a4335 ++ ~[PC] If that comment is about the size of my rear, you just signed your own death warrant.~ + a4335 + ~GlobalLT("c-aransex","GLOBAL",3)~ + ~[PC] And how exactly would you know what size my undergarments are?~ + a4335 + ~GlobalGT("c-aransex","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] I am not suprised you know exactly what would fit my figure. Your hands seem unable to stop re-mapping me.~ + a4335 ++ ~[PC] You of all people should know that it isn't the size that counts... it is what you can do with it.~ + a4335 ++ ~[PC] Are you sure she gave them to you, and you didn't take them so you could return them... perhaps some evening?~ + a4335 ++ ~[PC] Oh. I... Well. I guess some women might find you interesting.~ + a4335 ++ ~[PC] I think I have heard enough from you. Put those away, and get moving.~ + a4335 END IF ~~ a4328 SAY ~[ARAN] I should have known they were naught o' your own by th' size alone, eh? I don't rightly think it be elven in make, niether.~ ++ ~[PC] Why did I know you were going to make a comment like that?~ + a4335 ++ ~[PC] If that comment is about the size of my rear, you just signed your own death warrant.~ + a4335 + ~GlobalLT("c-aransex","GLOBAL",3)~ + ~[PC] And how exactly would you know what size my undergarments are?~ + a4335 + ~GlobalGT("c-aransex","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] I am not suprised you know exactly what would fit my figure. Your hands seem unable to stop re-mapping me.~ + a4335 ++ ~[PC] You of all people should know that it isn't the size that counts... it is what you can do with it.~ + a4335 ++ ~[PC] Are you sure she gave them to you, and you didn't take them so you could return them... perhaps some evening?~ + a4335 ++ ~[PC] Oh. I... Well. I guess some women might find you interesting.~ + a4335 ++ ~[PC] I think I have heard enough from you. Put those away, and get moving.~ + a4335 END IF ~~ a4329 SAY ~[ARAN] I should have known they were naught o' your own by th' size alone, eh? They might be a bit big... no, actually, they seem like th' right size after all.~ ++ ~[PC] Why did I know you were going to make a comment like that?~ + a4335 ++ ~[PC] If that comment is about the size of my rear, you just signed your own death warrant.~ + a4335 + ~GlobalLT("c-aransex","GLOBAL",3)~ + ~[PC] And how exactly would you know what size my undergarments should be?~ + a4335 + ~GlobalGT("c-aransex","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] I am not suprised you know exactly what would fit my figure. Your hands seem unable to stop re-mapping me.~ + a4335 ++ ~[PC] You of all people should know that it isn't the size that counts... it is what you can do with it.~ + a4335 ++ ~[PC] Are you sure she gave them to you, and you didn't take them so you could return them... perhaps some evening?~ + a4335 ++ ~[PC] Oh. I... Well. I guess some women might find you interesting.~ + a4335 ++ ~[PC] I think I have heard enough from you. Put those away, and get moving.~ + a4335 END IF ~~ a4330 SAY ~[ARAN] I should have known they were naught o' your own by th' size alone, eh? This be too narrow an' flimsy for a dwarven lass like you.~ ++ ~[PC] Why did I know you were going to make a comment like that?~ + a4335 ++ ~[PC] If that comment is about the size of my rear, you just signed your own death warrant.~ + a4335 + ~GlobalLT("c-aransex","GLOBAL",3)~ + ~[PC] And how exactly would you know what size my undergarments are?~ + a4335 + ~GlobalGT("c-aransex","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] I am not suprised you know exactly what would fit my figure. Your hands seem unable to stop re-mapping me.~ + a4335 ++ ~[PC] You of all people should know that it isn't the size that counts... it is what you can do with it.~ + a4335 ++ ~[PC] Are you sure she gave them to you, and you didn't take them so you could return them... perhaps some evening?~ + a4335 ++ ~[PC] Oh. I... Well. I guess some women might find you interesting.~ + a4335 ++ ~[PC] I think I have heard enough from you. Put those away, and get moving.~ + a4335 END IF ~~ a4331 SAY ~[ARAN] I should have known they were naught o' your own by th' size alone, eh? Why, a Han lass like you could make this into a right fine slip, all on its own. Well, a pretty scanty slip, anyways.~ ++ ~[PC] Why did I know you were going to make a comment like that?~ + a4335 ++ ~[PC] If that comment is about the size of my rear, you just signed your own death warrant.~ + a4335 + ~GlobalLT("c-aransex","GLOBAL",3)~ + ~[PC] And how exactly would you know what size my undergarments are?~ + a4335 + ~GlobalGT("c-aransex","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] I am not suprised you know exactly what would fit my figure. Your hands seem unable to stop re-mapping me.~ + a4335 ++ ~[PC] You of all people should know that it isn't the size that counts... it is what you can do with it.~ + a4335 ++ ~[PC] Are you sure she gave them to you, and you didn't take them so you could return them... perhaps some evening?~ + a4335 ++ ~[PC] Oh. I... Well. I guess some women might find you interesting.~ + a4335 ++ ~[PC] I think I have heard enough from you. Put those away, and get moving.~ + a4335 END IF ~~ a4332 SAY ~[ARAN] I should have known they were naught o' your own by th' size alone. This looks more like a half elf or human underthing, I imagine, not somethin' fit for a cute little gnomish lass like you. Though I guess you could make it work, eh?~ ++ ~[PC] Why did I know you were going to make a comment like that?~ + a4335 ++ ~[PC] If that comment is about the size of my rear, you just signed your own death warrant.~ + a4335 + ~GlobalLT("c-aransex","GLOBAL",3)~ + ~[PC] And how exactly would you know what size my undergarments should be?~ + a4335 + ~GlobalGT("c-aransex","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] I am not suprised you know exactly what would fit my figure. Your hands seem unable to stop re-mapping me.~ + a4335 ++ ~[PC] You of all people should know that it isn't the size that counts... it is what you can do with it.~ + a4335 ++ ~[PC] Are you sure she gave them to you, and you didn't take them so you could return them... perhaps some evening?~ + a4335 ++ ~[PC] Oh. I... Well. I guess some women might find you interesting.~ + a4335 ++ ~[PC] I think I have heard enough from you. Put those away, and get moving.~ + a4335 END IF ~~ a4334 SAY ~[ARAN] I should have known they were naught o' your own by th' size alone, eh? These would be a mite bit snug on you, at that.~ ++ ~[PC] Why did I know you were going to make a comment like that?~ + a4335 ++ ~[PC] If that comment is about the size of my rear, you just signed your own death warrant.~ + a4335 + ~GlobalLT("c-aransex","GLOBAL",3)~ + ~[PC] And how exactly would you know what size my undergarments should be?~ + a4335 + ~GlobalGT("c-aransex","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] I am not suprised you know exactly what would fit my figure. Your hands seem unable to stop re-mapping me.~ + a4335 ++ ~[PC] You of all people should know that it isn't the size that counts... it is what you can do with it.~ + a4335 ++ ~[PC] Are you sure she gave them to you, and you didn't take them so you could return them... perhaps some evening?~ + a4335 ++ ~[PC] Oh. I... Well. I guess some women might find you interesting.~ + a4335 ++ ~[PC] I think I have heard enough from you. Put those away, and get moving.~ + a4335 END IF ~~ a4335 SAY ~[ARAN] I... err... you...~ = ~[ARAN] Oh, Grumbar's Hardened Hide, I just put both feet right in my mouth, an' now naught I say can tell you what I meant wi' out makin' you more insulted. I'm callin' this a loss, an' shuttin' th' hells up.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1604 SAY ~[ARAN] What I be tryin' to figure is why all th' fuss over a scrap o' linen. Although I suspect it has a mite to do wi' exactly what that scrap be coverin'. How about next time we do some clothes washin', you check where things be stored? People might get th' wrong idea.~ IF ~!Global("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",2)~ THEN EXIT IF ~Global("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",2)~ THEN GOTO a1609 END IF ~~ a1605 SAY ~[ARAN] Mixed up in thy' socks an' such in my pack. Last time I did th' party chores, I must o' not sorted so well. Sorry about that. No harm done, eh?~ + ~Gender(Player1,FEMALE)~ + ~[PC] Those are some of my most private possessions! Give them to me right now.~ + a1608 + ~Gender(Player1,FEMALE)~ + ~[PC] From now on, I will do my own washing. You stick to things that you are less likely to mess up.~ + a1608 + ~Gender(Player1,FEMALE) !Global("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] Well... I guess you could keep them...~ + a1610 + ~Gender(Player1,FEMALE) Global("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] Well... I guess you could keep them...~ + a1611 END IF ~~ a1606 SAY ~[ARAN] Well, Sune's Sweet Stomach, if they be not yours, then...~ IF ~InParty("c-aran")~ THEN GOTO a1621 + ~InParty(Player2) Gender(Player2,FEMALE) !Name("c-aran",Player2)~ + ~[PC] ...probably 's... are you keeping them as some sort of souvenir?~ + a1607 + ~InParty(Player3) Gender(Player3,FEMALE) !Name("c-aran",Player3)~ + ~[PC] ...probably 's... are you keeping them as some sort of souvenir?~ + a1607 + ~InParty(Player4) Gender(Player4,FEMALE) !Name("c-aran",Player4)~ + ~[PC] ...probably 's... are you keeping them as some sort of souvenir?~ + a1607 + ~InParty(Player5) Gender(Player5,FEMALE) !Name("c-aran",Player5)~ + ~[PC] ...probably 's... are you keeping them as some sort of souvenir?~ + a1607 + ~InParty(Player6) Gender(Player6,FEMALE) !Name("c-aran",Player6)~ + ~[PC] ...probably 's... are you keeping them as some sort of souvenir?~ + a1607 IF ~InParty("nalia") InMyArea("nalia") !StateCheck("nalia",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN EXTERN NALIAJ a1614 IF ~InParty("jaheira") InMyArea("jaheira") !StateCheck("jaheira",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN EXTERN JAHEIRAJ a1616 IF ~InParty("viconia") InMyArea("viconia") !StateCheck("viconia",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN EXTERN VICONIJ a1617 IF ~InParty("imoen2") InMyArea("imoen2") !StateCheck("imoen2",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN EXTERN IMOEN2J a1618 IF ~InParty("aerie") InMyArea("aerie") !StateCheck("aerie",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN EXTERN AERIEJ a1613 IF ~InParty("edwin") InMyArea("edwin") !StateCheck("edwin",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Gender("edwin",FEMALE)~ THEN EXTERN BEDWINWO a1615 END IF ~~ a1607 SAY ~[ARAN] Just th' thought o' that hurts in places not mentionable in polite company, eh? But no, I don't find no excitement in these kinds o' clothin' unless th' owner be showin' em off to me with 'em on. You be sure they are not yours?~ + ~Gender(Player1,FEMALE)~ + ~[PC] Hey! Those are some of my most private possessions! Give them to me right now.~ + a1608 + ~Gender(Player1,FEMALE) !Global("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] They are mine. But... I guess you could keep them...~ + a1610 + ~Gender(Player1,FEMALE) Global("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] They are mine. But... I guess you could keep them...~ + a1611 ++ ~[PC] Not mine, oh great washer of clothing. But by all means, keep holding a woman's private undergarments up and waving them about like a flag. It makes you look so masculine.~ + a1606 + ~Gender(Player1,MALE)~ + ~[PC] I gave up on collecting women's underclothing back in Candlekeep. It never did appeal to me much, anyways. Now, peeking in on the baths, that was much more fun.~ + a2901 + ~Gender(Player1,MALE)~ + ~[PC] Why collect women's undergarments when what they conceal is so much more interesting?~ + a2901 + ~Gender(Player1,MALE)~ + ~[PC] Look, grow up. They are clothes. Just figure out who's they are, and get it sorted out. What are you, twelve?~ + a2895 END IF ~~ a2895 SAY ~[ARAN] Hells, I know better ways o' attractin' th' attention o' th' opposite sex.~ IF ~InParty("c-aran")~ THEN GOTO a1621 IF ~InParty(Player2) Gender(Player2,FEMALE) !Name("c-aran",Player2)~ THEN GOTO a2896 IF ~InParty(Player3) Gender(Player3,FEMALE) !Name("c-aran",Player3)~ THEN GOTO a2897 IF ~InParty(Player4) Gender(Player4,FEMALE) !Name("c-aran",Player4)~ THEN GOTO a2898 IF ~InParty(Player5) Gender(Player5,FEMALE) !Name("c-aran",Player5)~ THEN GOTO a2899 IF ~InParty(Player6) Gender(Player6,FEMALE) !Name("c-aran",Player6)~ THEN GOTO a2900 END IF ~~ a2901 SAY ~[ARAN] Blighted hells, you are givin' me way too much information, boyo. Your particular matin' habits be none o' my concern, unless we both be after th' same game, eh? Unless you have a few juicy stories to pass th' time, that is.~ IF ~InParty("c-aran")~ THEN GOTO a1621 IF ~InParty(Player2) Gender(Player2,FEMALE) !Name("c-aran",Player2)~ THEN GOTO a2896 IF ~InParty(Player3) Gender(Player3,FEMALE) !Name("c-aran",Player3)~ THEN GOTO a2897 IF ~InParty(Player4) Gender(Player4,FEMALE) !Name("c-aran",Player4)~ THEN GOTO a2898 IF ~InParty(Player5) Gender(Player5,FEMALE) !Name("c-aran",Player5)~ THEN GOTO a2899 IF ~InParty(Player6) Gender(Player6,FEMALE) !Name("c-aran",Player6)~ THEN GOTO a2900 END IF ~~ a2896 SAY ~[ARAN] Mayhap I had better be slippin' these into 's pack. An' next washday, I think I will have naught in th' way o' lettin' others do it, an' save myself th' possibilities o' her gettin' th' wrong idea.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a2897 SAY ~[ARAN] Mayhap I had better be slippin' these into 's pack. An' next washday, I think I will have naught in th' way o' lettin' others do it, an' save myself th' possibilities o' her gettin' th' wrong idea.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a2898 SAY ~[ARAN] Mayhap I had better be slippin' these into 's pack. An' next washday, I think I will have naught in th' way o' lettin' others do it, an' save myself th' possibilities o' her gettin' th' wrong idea.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a2899 SAY ~[ARAN] Mayhap I had better be slippin' these into 's pack. An' next washday, I think I will have naught in th' way o' lettin' others do it, an' save myself th' possibilities o' her gettin' th' wrong idea.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a2900 SAY ~[ARAN] Mayhap I had better be slippin' these into 's pack. An' next washday, I think I will have naught in th' way o' lettin' others do it, an' save myself th' possibilities o' her gettin' th' wrong idea.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1608 SAY ~[ARAN] All that fuss over a little scrap o' clothin' no bigger than a good-sized handkerchief. But here you go. Don't want no one to think I be keepin' your panties as no souvenir or naught like that. Bad for morale, eh?~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1609 SAY ~[ARAN] Or worse, they might get the right idea.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1610 SAY ~[ARAN] No why would I want to be doin' that? It seems a right strange thing to use as a token or favor, an' I be no knightly jouster. All that fuss over a little scrap o' clothin' no bigger than a good-sized handkerchief. Here you go. Otherwise, it might be bad for morale, eh?~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1611 SAY ~[ARAN] Now why would I want to be doin' that? Me, I'm a right simple soul. I'd much rather get rid o' such nonsense an' see you th' way th' gods created you. All that fuss over a little scrap o' clothin' no bigger than a good-sized handkerchief. Here you go. I'll be a mite more careful sortin' next laundry day.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1619 SAY ~[ARAN] Bane's Blood, she be blushin' worse than a beet at fall harvest. She damned near glows! I guess I will not be volunteerin' to do no more o' th' group laundry anytime soon.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1620 SAY ~[ARAN] Itishia's Icy Iris, that were one cold glance she just gave me. Gave me th' chills, it did. I guess I will not be volunteerin' to do no more o' th' group laundry anytime soon.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1621 SAY ~[ARAN] Bane's Blood, I don't rightly know whose this be. But someone be missin' some right private clothin'. I guess I will not be volunteerin' to do no more o' th' group laundry anytime soon.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END /* SoA Scenery Talks : Embarrassing Things PC > Aran : The Letter Drop, Overused Tropes and Idioms in Plot Development, 101 */ IF ~CombatCounter(0) GlobalTimerExpired("c-aranblush","GLOBAL") !Detect([ENEMY]) Global("c-aranscrap","LOCALS",0) InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) InParty(Player1) !StateCheck(Player1,CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN a1622 SAY ~[ARAN] Hey! Put that down! That don't rightly belong to you!~ [c-aws046] ++ ~[PC] This little scrap of paper? Here, I did not realize that it was yours.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranscrap","LOCALS",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranblush","GLOBAL",TEN_DAYS)~ + a1623 ++ ~[PC] Anything left out in public is mine. Why? What is on it?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranscrap","LOCALS",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranblush","GLOBAL",TEN_DAYS)~ + a1624 ++ ~[PC] A random scrap of parchment lying around has no owner. I think I shall read it aloud, though, since you seem so worried about me picking it up...~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranscrap","LOCALS",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranblush","GLOBAL",TEN_DAYS)~ + a1625 ++ ~[PC] You should keep a closer eye on your belongings. Your punishment for carelessness is that I shall read it aloud.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranscrap","LOCALS",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranblush","GLOBAL",TEN_DAYS)~ + a1625 END IF ~~ a1623 SAY ~[ARAN] Thank you right kindly. You didn't read it, now, did you?~ ++ ~[PC] Unfortunately, yes. The imagery was quite... detailed. one might even say explicit.~ + a1628 ++ ~[PC] Not yet. But anything left out in public is mine. Why? What is on it?~ + a1624 ++ ~[PC] A random scrap of parchment lying around has no owner. I think I shall read it aloud, though, since you seem so worried about me picking it up...~ + a1625 ++ ~[PC] You should keep a closer eye on your belongings. Your punishment for carelessness is that I shall read it aloud.~ + a1625 ++ ~[PC] Of course not. Though if it is private, I think you should be more careful about how you dispose of things like this in the future.~ + a1625 END IF ~~ a1624 SAY ~[ARAN] Nothin' much. Just some scrapped practice writin'. Nothin' there, no , nothin' to see.~ ++ ~[PC] Unfortunately, I just lied to you. I read it. The imagery was quite... graphic. One might even say explicit. And apparently, you are very creative in your approach to spelling.~ + a1628 ++ ~[PC] A random scrap of parchment lying around has no owner. I think I shall read it aloud, though, since you seem so worried about me picking it up...~ + a1625 ++ ~[PC] You should keep a closer eye on your belongings. Your punishment for carelessness is that I shall read it aloud.~ + a1625 ++ ~[PC] Of course not. Though if it is private, I think you should be more careful about how you dispose of things like this in the future.~ + a1628 END IF ~~ a1625 SAY ~[ARAN] Come on, ... be a good , a credit to all what call themselves ''. It were a rough draft, and a bad one at that. Just give me th' blasted thing an' forget you ever saw it, eh?~ ++ ~[PC] "My Dearest Love, how can I count the ways that you excite me, how you arouse my innermost passions and lusts." Hey, Aran, you misspelled 'excite', unless Chondathan somehow borrowed several Rashemite alphabet characters while I was not paying attention. "The way that your..." not going to read that word... nor that one... "move, bouncing like twin horses tethered in tandem, two terrific trepidatious terrific..." No, you spelled that wrong, too... err... I have never heard that body part described quite that way. Hmmm. So, you are a leg man, too? No, you seem to go on and on about wondrous caves of passion, and something about spelunking, and here you have split an infinitive... 'to boldly go where no man has gone before?' Quite colorful. I think you should go into comedy writing with Volo.~ + a1626 ++ ~[PC] Of course I will give it to you. Though if it is private, I think you should be more careful about how you dispose of things like this in the future.~ + a1626 ++ ~[PC] Of course I will give it to you. Though I did get a glimpse at the salutation. 'My Dearest Love'? Who were you writing to?~ + a1627 END IF ~~ a1626 SAY ~[ARAN] , for th' love o' th' gods, stop readin' that an' give it back, eh?~ ++ ~[PC] Oh, no. I intend to keep this and read it at our next inn. It should be good for a laugh and a free round of drinks. You couldn't get a professional Bard to write some of this stuff!~ + a1628 ++ ~[PC] Only one question... who was this draft intended for? What gracious woman were you intending to reduce to a puddle of laughter with this missive of misplaced words and awkward imagery?~ + a1627 ++ ~[PC] I had no idea you were so colorful in your writing, Aran. I thought you might parse a love letter "If the party in the fore-said paragraph, to be henceforth referred to as 'The Lover', does agree to a private meeting the time of which is to consist of not less than one-half (1/2) hour, as determined by the established Dalereckoning Sundial, then aforesaid party shall indicate acceptance by..."~ + a1628 END IF ~~ a1627 SAY ~[ARAN] Wild horses couldn't get that answer out o' me, no way, no how. Oh, Bane's Blood, go on then. Laugh away. I'll be on about my business.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1628 SAY ~[ARAN] Banes Broken Bones. I should take to eatin' my trial versions just to make sure they don't fall into th' wrong hands.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END /* Edwina's Objections */ IF ~~ c_edwinsobjection SAY ~[ARAN] Hey, I never said my dreams be pure... wait... somehow, I don't think I understood th' objection.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a2904 SAY ~[ARAN] Well, he blighted well started it...~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END END /* of append to C-ARANB */ APPEND AERIEJ IF ~~ a1613 SAY ~[AERIE] ARAN! Th... those are mine.~ IF ~~ THEN EXTERN C-ARANB a1619 END END APPEND NALIAJ IF ~~ a1614 SAY ~[NALIA] That is personal property, and finding quality silk and lacework around here is difficult. Give them to me, please.~ IF ~~ THEN EXTERN C-ARANB a1619 END END APPEND ~BEDWINWO~ IF ~~ a1615 SAY ~[EDWINA] You foul creature! Unhand my undergarments, you moronic baboon. And keep your lusts to yourself. I may be a magnificent looking woman, but I am still Edwin Odesseiron, Red Wizard. Indignities will be met with swift and horrific punishment!~ IF ~~ THEN EXTERN C-ARANB a1619 END END APPEND JAHEIRAJ IF ~~ a1616 SAY ~[JAHEIRA] Underclothing is functional protection provided for the comfort of the wearer. I will reclaim mine now, Aran.~ IF ~~ THEN EXTERN C-ARANB a1620 END END APPEND VICONIJ IF ~~ a1617 SAY ~[VICONIA] Spidersilk is expensive, rivvil. If a single strand is damaged, I shall carve temporary patches out of your skin.~ IF ~~ THEN EXTERN C-ARANB a1620 END END APPEND IMOEN2J IF ~~ a1618 SAY ~[IMOEN] Hey! That's mine! Give 'em here!~ IF ~~ THEN EXTERN C-ARANB a1620 END END /* Going to Hell in a Handbasket */ INTERJECT PLAYER1 25 c-arandraggedhell == ~C-ARANJ~ IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Honest to th' gods, I didn't touch anythin', or bust anythin', or even look crossways at naught! None o' this be my doin'!~ END IF ~~ THEN EXTERN C-ARANJ a4374 /* SoA Commentary/Reactions, called from .bcs */ APPEND C-ARANJ /* SoA Commentary/Reactions, called from .bcs : Top of file - Charmed talk */ /* Charmed Dialog - must be top of the J file stack - Easter Egg if Aran is talked to while charmed. Will not play unless Ascension64's .exe tweak is installed. */ /* Rules: must be blunt, over-the-top, and absolutely no filter. Hopefully humorous. */ IF ~StateCheck(Myself,STATE_CHARMED)~ THEN BEGIN a3238 SAY ~[ARAN] Look at all th' pretty colors. Real nice, eh?~ [c-aws047] + ~RandomNum(4,4)~ + ~[PC] Hey, Aran, repeat after me.... "We must all think for ourselves"...~ + a1567 + ~RandomNum(4,3)~ + ~[PC] Drink this cup of mud. It will make you feel better.~ + a1568 + ~RandomNum(4,2)~ + ~[PC] Hey you have a fly on your nose. Swat it, quick!~ + a1569 + ~RandomNum(4,1)~ + ~[PC] You owe me money, boyo. Come on, 20 gold, right now.~ + a1570 + ~RandomNum(4,4)~ + ~[PC] Now I have you where I want you. Kiss my bottom, sellsword.~ + a1571 + ~RandomNum(4,3)~ + ~[PC] Go to sleep, Aran, and dream of large women.~ + a1572 + ~RandomNum(4,2)~ + ~[PC] Hey, Aran, stand on your head.~ + a1573 + ~RandomNum(4,1)~ + ~[PC] Hey, Aran, stick a dagger where the sun doesn't shine.~ + a1574 ++ ~[PC] Are you all right? It looks like you have been charmed or something.~ + a1575 + ~InParty(Player2) Gender(Player2,FEMALE) !Name("c-aran",Player2)~ + ~[PC] So, what do you really think of ?~ + a1576 + ~InParty(Player3) Gender(Player3,FEMALE) !Name("c-aran",Player3)~ + ~[PC] So, what do you really think of ?~ + a1577 + ~InParty(Player4) Gender(Player4,FEMALE) !Name("c-aran",Player4)~ + ~[PC] So, what do you really think of ?~ + a1578 + ~InParty(Player5) Gender(Player5,FEMALE) !Name("c-aran",Player5)~ + ~[PC] So, what do you really think of ?~ + a1579 + ~InParty(Player6) Gender(Player6,FEMALE) !Name("c-aran",Player6)~ + ~[PC] So, what do you really think of ?~ + a1580 + ~InParty(Player2) Gender(Player2,MALE) !Name("c-aran",Player2)~ + ~[PC] So, what do you really think of ?~ + a1581 + ~InParty(Player3) Gender(Player3,MALE) !Name("c-aran",Player3)~ + ~[PC] So, what do you really think of ?~ + a1582 + ~InParty(Player4) Gender(Player4,MALE) !Name("c-aran",Player4)~ + ~[PC] So, what do you really think of ?~ + a1583 + ~InParty(Player5) Gender(Player5,MALE) !Name("c-aran",Player5)~ + ~[PC] So, what do you really think of ?~ + a1584 + ~InParty(Player6) Gender(Player6,MALE) !Name("c-aran",Player6)~ + ~[PC] So, what do you really think of ?~ + a1585 + ~Gender(Player1,FEMALE)~ + ~[PC] So, what do you really think of me?~ + a1586 + ~Gender(Player1,MALE)~ + ~[PC] So, what do you really think of me?~ + a1587 IF ~HasItemEquiped("LEAT21",Player1) Global("c-arskinarm","LOCALS",0)~ THEN GOTO a1799 IF ~HasItemEquiped("LEAT21",Player1) Global("c-arskinarm","LOCALS",1) GlobalTimerExpired("c-aranskin","GLOBAL")~ THEN GOTO a1798 IF ~HasItemEquiped("LEAT21",Player1) Global("c-arskinarm","LOCALS",2) GlobalTimerExpired("c-aranskin","GLOBAL")~ THEN GOTO a1797 END /* GOTO Charmed Dialog Replies */ /* SoA Commentary/Reactions, called from .bcs : Drunk Talk 1 - This is fun - Let's paint the town red! */ IF ~Global("c-arandrunk","GLOBAL",1)~ THEN BEGIN a1512 SAY ~[ARAN] Now, tha... that last round, it packed one hell o' a... hell o' a wallop. Hey, stop weavin' about so much, .~ [c-aws048] + ~Gender(Player1,FEMALE)~ + ~[PC] You seem to have had too much to drink. Perhaps we should get you to bed.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arandrunk","GLOBAL",2) SetGlobalTimer("c-aransmalltalk","GLOBAL",300) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranisdrunk","GLOBAL",TWO_DAYS)~ + a1513 + ~Gender(Player1,MALE)~ + ~[PC] You seem to have had too much to drink. Perhaps we should get you to bed.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arandrunk","GLOBAL",2) SetGlobalTimer("c-aransmalltalk","GLOBAL",300) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranisdrunk","GLOBAL",TWO_DAYS)~ + a1514 + ~Gender(Player1,FEMALE)~ + ~[PC] Oh, come on. You haven't had that much to drink. I bet I can drink you under the table.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arandrunk","GLOBAL",2) SetGlobalTimer("c-aransmalltalk","GLOBAL",300) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranisdrunk","GLOBAL",TWO_DAYS)~ + a1515 + ~Gender(Player1,MALE)~ + ~[PC] Oh, come on. You haven't had that much to drink. I bet I can drink you under the table.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arandrunk","GLOBAL",2) SetGlobalTimer("c-aransmalltalk","GLOBAL",300) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranisdrunk","GLOBAL",TWO_DAYS)~ + a1516 + ~Gender(Player1,FEMALE)~ + ~[PC] Hey, keep your voice down. You are starting to attract attention.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arandrunk","GLOBAL",2) SetGlobalTimer("c-aransmalltalk","GLOBAL",300) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranisdrunk","GLOBAL",TWO_DAYS)~ + a1517 + ~Gender(Player1,MALE)~ + ~[PC] Hey, keep your voice down. You are starting to attract attention.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arandrunk","GLOBAL",2) SetGlobalTimer("c-aransmalltalk","GLOBAL",300) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranisdrunk","GLOBAL",TWO_DAYS)~ + a1518 END /* GOTO Drunk1 Dialog Replies */ /* SoA Commentary/Reactions, called from .bcs : Drunk Talk 2 - the second time, the player can try a new pathway, or there is a new choice for male PCs and a new choice for Female PCs. Since it is an Easter Egg, that gives a few more fun extra bits without a month of rewriting. */ IF ~Global("c-arandrunk","GLOBAL",3)~ THEN BEGIN a1588 SAY ~[ARAN] Now, tha... that last round, it packed one hell o' a... hell o' a wallop. This room be spinnin' somethin' fierce.~ [c-aws049] + ~Gender(Player1,FEMALE)~ + ~[PC] You seem to have had too much to drink. Perhaps we should get you to bed.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arandrunk","GLOBAL",4) SetGlobalTimer("c-aransmalltalk","GLOBAL",300) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranisdrunk","GLOBAL",TWO_DAYS)~ + a1513 + ~Gender(Player1,MALE)~ + ~[PC] You seem to have had too much to drink. Perhaps we should get you to bed.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arandrunk","GLOBAL",4) SetGlobalTimer("c-aransmalltalk","GLOBAL",300) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranisdrunk","GLOBAL",TWO_DAYS)~ + a1514 + ~Gender(Player1,FEMALE)~ + ~[PC] Oh, come on. You haven't had that much to drink. I bet I can drink you under the table.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arandrunk","GLOBAL",4) SetGlobalTimer("c-aransmalltalk","GLOBAL",300) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranisdrunk","GLOBAL",TWO_DAYS)~ + a1515 + ~Gender(Player1,MALE)~ + ~[PC] Oh, come on. You haven't had that much to drink. I bet I can drink you under the table.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arandrunk","GLOBAL",4) SetGlobalTimer("c-aransmalltalk","GLOBAL",300) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranisdrunk","GLOBAL",TWO_DAYS)~ + a1516 + ~Gender(Player1,FEMALE)~ + ~[PC] Hey, keep your voice down. You are starting to attract attention.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arandrunk","GLOBAL",4) SetGlobalTimer("c-aransmalltalk","GLOBAL",300) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranisdrunk","GLOBAL",TWO_DAYS)~ + a1517 + ~Gender(Player1,MALE)~ + ~[PC] Hey, keep your voice down. You are starting to attract attention.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arandrunk","GLOBAL",4) SetGlobalTimer("c-aransmalltalk","GLOBAL",300) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranisdrunk","GLOBAL",TWO_DAYS)~ + a1518 ++ ~[PC] Hey, didn't we already have this conversation?~ + a1589 + ~Gender(Player1,FEMALE)~ + ~[PC] I think the young redhead at the end of the bar is looking at you, Aran.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arandrunk","GLOBAL",4) SetGlobalTimer("c-aransmalltalk","GLOBAL",300) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranisdrunk","GLOBAL",TWO_DAYS)~ + a1590 + ~Gender(Player1,MALE) RandomNum(2,1)~ + ~[PC] I think the young redhead at the end of the bar is looking at you, Aran.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arandrunk","GLOBAL",4) SetGlobalTimer("c-aransmalltalk","GLOBAL",300) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranisdrunk","GLOBAL",TWO_DAYS)~ + a1647 + ~Gender(Player1,MALE) RandomNum(2,2)~ + ~[PC] I think the young redhead at the end of the bar is looking at you, Aran.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arandrunk","GLOBAL",4) SetGlobalTimer("c-aransmalltalk","GLOBAL",300) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranisdrunk","GLOBAL",TWO_DAYS)~ + a1591 END /* GOTO Drunk2 Dialog Replies */ /* SoA Commentary/Reactions, called from .bcs : Liches Are Scary */ IF ~Global("c-aranlich","LOCALS",1)~ THEN BEGIN a794 SAY ~[ARAN] Jergal's Moldy Wrappings, that bastard could take a hit, he could. I guess th' whole 'live forever' thing didn't' rightly work out for him, though. He should have remembered that sometimes th' gods are right bastards, an' grant you exactly what you think you want, eh?~ [c-aws050] IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranlich","LOCALS",2) SetGlobalTimer("c-aransmalltalk","GLOBAL",300)~ EXIT END /* SoA Commentary/Reactions, called from .bcs : Shade Lord (Darious) */ IF ~Global("c-aranshadelord","LOCALS",1)~ THEN BEGIN a795 SAY ~[ARAN] Ah, light! Lathander's Luminated Lamp, that's a right fine thing to see. I was beginnin' to think we'd never see naught but shadow, darkness, an' death. Does a body good to see some sun shine down on this place.~ [c-aws051] IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranshadelord","LOCALS",2) SetGlobalTimer("c-aransmalltalk","GLOBAL",300)~ EXIT END /* SoA Commentary/Reactions, called from .bcs : Gavin Raised */ IF ~Global("c-argavinraised","GLOBAL",1)~ THEN BEGIN a1656 SAY ~[ARAN] Lathander's Bright Buttocks, it be right fine to see you alive an' well, Gavin m'lad. Though, I do have to say, you look like hell. Strike that... I seen a bit o' hell, an' you look worse.~ [c-aws070] IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-argavinraised","GLOBAL",2)~ EXIT END /* SoA Commentary/Reactions, called from .bcs : Slums Slavers (Darios, extended) */ IF ~Global("c-aranslaver","LOCALS",1)~ THEN BEGIN a740 SAY ~[ARAN] Jergal's Moldy Wrappings, that stinks. Usually, I'm all for 'when in Calimport, act as a Calimshan'. But slavery's just wrong, no matter where an' when.~ [c-aws063] IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranslaver","LOCALS",2) SetGlobalTimer("c-aransmalltalk","GLOBAL",300)~ EXIT END /* SoA Commentary/Reactions, called from .bcs : Setting Aran as Leader (Darios) */ IF ~Global("c-aranleader","LOCALS",1)~ THEN BEGIN a741 SAY ~[ARAN] Well, now, that be right kind o' you to put me as leader. I'll take point if you want me to, but you still be callin' th' shots, eh? On account o' I don't rightly trust my own judgment at times. I'm likely to go pokin' my nose into somethin' you don't want to disturb.~ [c-aws064] IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranleader","LOCALS",2) SetGlobalTimer("c-aransmalltalk","GLOBAL",300)~ EXIT END /* SoA Commentary/Reactions, called from .bcs : You look dead on your feet */ IF ~Global("c-aranpctired","LOCALS",1)~ THEN BEGIN a742 SAY ~[ARAN] Umberlee's Fickle Breath, you look tired, . We had better find some place t' rest a bit, eh? Some nice tea, a bit to eat, sleep... does a body good, you know.~ [c-aws065] IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranpctired","LOCALS",2) SetGlobalTimer("c-aransmalltalk","GLOBAL",300)~ EXIT END /* SoA Commentary/Reactions, called from .bcs : Basilisk Baiting */ IF ~Global("c-aranbasilisk","LOCALS",1)~ THEN BEGIN a716 SAY ~[ARAN] Whoever done said 'if looks could kill' must not o' run into one o' those buggers, eh? I wonder what two o' them sparkin' must be like. 'Honey, do I look nice to you?' 'Why, yes, darlin' - oops. Well, so much for a first date. I wonder if she has a sister what's blind?'~ [c-aws053] IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbasilisk","LOCALS",2) SetGlobalTimer("c-aransmalltalk","GLOBAL",300)~ EXIT END /* SoA Commentary/Reactions, called from .bcs : Poisonous Cloakwood Ettercaps */ IF ~Global("c-aranettercap","LOCALS",1)~ THEN BEGIN a717 SAY ~[ARAN] An' here I thought I was shut o' those poison-spittin' etter-crappers. Cloakwood had its fair share o' them, plus some wyverns an' a spider or two, too. I think I prefer undead. At least they don't be all sticky. Well, mostly.~ [c-aws054] IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranettercap","LOCALS",2) SetGlobalTimer("c-aransmalltalk","GLOBAL",300)~ EXIT END /* SoA Commentary/Reactions, called from .bcs : Golems are Big Boys */ IF ~Global("c-arangolem","LOCALS",1)~ THEN BEGIN a718 SAY ~[ARAN] By Grumbar's Clay Fist, golems are a pain in the arse. But th' bigger they are, th' harder they fall, eh? Just as long as you are out o' th' way when it happens, things work out fine.~ [c-aws055] IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-arangolem","LOCALS",2) SetGlobalTimer("c-aransmalltalk","GLOBAL",300)~ EXIT END /* SoA Commentary/Reactions, called from .bcs : Zombies: Looks Like Me After A Night On The Town */ IF ~Global("c-aranzombie","LOCALS",1)~ THEN BEGIN a719 SAY ~[ARAN] Beshaba's Breath, that last zombie done give me th' shivers. It was like lookin' in a mirror after a night playin' Fox an' Hounds across th' docks district in Neverwinter. Actually, that's not rightly fair. Th' zombie looked a mite better than I did.~ [c-aws056] IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranzombie","LOCALS",2) SetGlobalTimer("c-aransmalltalk","GLOBAL",300)~ EXIT END /* SoA Commentary/Reactions, called from .bcs : Real Great Employer, buddy. Someone pass me the Daystar. */ IF ~Global("c-aranworkbod","LOCALS",1)~ THEN BEGIN a720 SAY ~[ARAN] Look, I be a decent sort o' sellsword, an' I don't question orders most times. In fact, I'm not rightly questionin' them now. All I be sayin' is, wi' an employer like her, we had best keep our eyes open day an' night. Most especially night.~[c-aws057] IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranworkbod","LOCALS",2) SetGlobalTimer("c-aransmalltalk","GLOBAL",300)~ EXIT END /* SoA Commentary/Reactions, called from .bcs : Real Great Employer, buddy. But at least he's not undead. I think. */ IF ~Global("c-aranworkaran","LOCALS",1)~ THEN BEGIN a721 SAY ~[ARAN] Shadow Thieves. Bloodscalp. Linvale. You know, that's one serious kettle o' stew to jump in. Not that you can't handle it, ... I just be thinkin' I need to start sleepin' in my armor, on account o' th' 'friends' we be gatherin'.~ [c-aws058] IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranworkaran","LOCALS",2) SetGlobalTimer("c-aransmalltalk","GLOBAL",300)~ EXIT END /* SoA Commentary/Reactions, called from .bcs : Trolls Stink */ IF ~Global("c-arantroll","LOCALS",1)~ THEN BEGIN a722 SAY ~[ARAN] Bane's Bronzed Bones, I should have checked th' curry... oh. That be troll stench. Sorry, though it was dinner kickin' up a bit.~ [c-aws059] IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-arantroll","LOCALS",2) SetGlobalTimer("c-aransmalltalk","GLOBAL",300)~ EXIT END /* SoA Commentary/Reactions, called from .bcs : Whoa - bloodsuckers! */ IF ~Global("c-aranseevamp","LOCALS",1)~ THEN BEGIN a723 SAY ~[ARAN] Bloodsuckers. Great. An' I don't mean th' normal kind, you know, what you meet in guildhalls an' government houses - these be th' ones what beat death *an'* taxes combined.~ [c-aws060] IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranseevamp","LOCALS",2) SetGlobalTimer("c-aransmalltalk","GLOBAL",300)~ EXIT END /* SoA Commentary/Reactions, called from .bcs : Shadows in Shadows */ IF ~Global("c-aranshadow","LOCALS",1)~ THEN BEGIN a724 SAY ~[ARAN] I'd be a mite happier if I could see what I'm supposed to be hittin'.~ [c-aws061] IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranshadow","LOCALS",2) SetGlobalTimer("c-aransmalltalk","GLOBAL",300)~ EXIT END /* SoA Commentary/Reactions, called from .bcs : Aran Dragon-Slayer (Darios) */ IF ~Global("c-arandragon","LOCALS",1)~ THEN BEGIN a709 SAY ~[ARAN] I don't believe it.~ [c-aws052] IF ~RandomNum(4,1)~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-arandragon","LOCALS",2) SetGlobalTimer("c-aransmalltalk","GLOBAL",300)~ GOTO a710 IF ~RandomNum(4,2)~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-arandragon","LOCALS",2) SetGlobalTimer("c-aransmalltalk","GLOBAL",300)~ GOTO a711 IF ~RandomNum(4,3)~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-arandragon","LOCALS",2) SetGlobalTimer("c-aransmalltalk","GLOBAL",300)~ GOTO a712 IF ~RandomNum(4,4)~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-arandragon","LOCALS",2) SetGlobalTimer("c-aransmalltalk","GLOBAL",300)~ GOTO a713 END /* GOTO Aran Dragon-Slayer Replies */ /* SoA Commentary/Reactions, called from .bcs : Phaere is a hawt chick (male PC); is no good for you (female PC); better not have touched you (Romance) */ IF ~Global("c-aranphaere","LOCALS",1)~ THEN BEGIN a725 SAY ~[ARAN] Well, now there be a sight you do not rightly see every day. A Drowess takin' an interest in a human what doesn't involve flayin' skin off o' said human.~ [c-aws062] IF ~Gender(Player1,FEMALE)~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranphaere","LOCALS",2) SetGlobalTimer("c-aransmalltalk","GLOBAL",300)~ GOTO a726 IF ~Gender(Player1,MALE)~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranphaere","LOCALS",2) SetGlobalTimer("c-aransmalltalk","GLOBAL",300)~ GOTO a727 END /* GOTO Phaere Commentary Replies */ /* Temple Comments */ /* SoA Commentary/Reactions, called from .bcs : Oghma Temple */ IF ~Global("c-aranoghma","LOCALS",1)~ THEN BEGIN a743 SAY ~[ARAN] Greetin's, oh Great an' Wise Oghma, Keeper of Lore an' Flame o' Knowledge - how's my girl doin' eh? Nice to see that there's still a ton o' things to read, an' visitin' the old girl's haunts is always a right fine experience. I'll be over here, browsin' through th' stacks.~ [c-aws066] IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranoghma","LOCALS",2) SetGlobalTimer("c-aransmalltalk","GLOBAL",300)~ EXIT END /* SoA Commentary/Reactions, called from .bcs : Ilmater Temple */ IF ~Global("c-aranilmater","LOCALS",1)~ THEN BEGIN a744 SAY ~[ARAN] Home o' th' Cryin' God, an' any poor soul what's washed up here. Not that I'm judgin', mind you. A follower or two o' his has pulled me out o' more than one tight spot, an' not always after a battle. I'd better make a donation.~ [c-aws067] IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranilmater","LOCALS",2) SetGlobalTimer("c-aransmalltalk","GLOBAL",300)~ EXIT END /* SoA Commentary/Reactions, called from .bcs : Helm Temple */ IF ~Global("c-aranhelm","LOCALS",1)~ THEN BEGIN a745 SAY ~[ARAN] Hey, someone kick me if I open my mouth in here, eh? Somehow, I don't rightly think th' Just One looks kindly on my playin' fast an' loose wi' his name.~ [c-aws068] IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranhelm","LOCALS",2) SetGlobalTimer("c-aransmalltalk","GLOBAL",300)~ EXIT END /* SoA Commentary/Reactions, called from .bcs : Lathander Temple */ IF ~Global("c-aranlath","LOCALS",1)~ THEN BEGIN a746 SAY ~[ARAN] Ah, bright an' shinin' glory for the Sun Lord, eh? You got to love a god what lets you turn over a new leaf every day. Speakin' o' which, excuse me a second - there be a right fine lookin' young Lathanderite over there, an' I think she's lookin' favorable at me.~ [c-aws069] ++ ~[PC] Move one inch toward her, Aran, and I will have you thrown out of here on your ear.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranlath","LOCALS",2) SetGlobalTimer("c-aransmalltalk","GLOBAL",300)~ + a747 ++ ~[PC] Hey, put in a word for me with her redheaded friend, will you?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranlath","LOCALS",2) SetGlobalTimer("c-aransmalltalk","GLOBAL",300)~ + a748 ++ ~[PC] Do you ever think of anything but swearing, drinking, eating, sex, and fighting?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranlath","LOCALS",2) SetGlobalTimer("c-aransmalltalk","GLOBAL",300)~ + a749 ++ ~[PC] Can someone hit Aran for me? I am not able to reach him from here.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranlath","LOCALS",2) SetGlobalTimer("c-aransmalltalk","GLOBAL",300)~ + a747 END /* GOTO Lathander Temple Comments */ /* SoA Commentary/Reactions, called from .bcs : Talos Temple - skipped because of possible quest interruptions */ /* SoA Commentary/Reactions, called from .bcs : Umberlee Temple */ IF ~Global("c-aranumberlee","LOCALS",1)~ THEN BEGIN a750 SAY ~[ARAN] By th' Queen-Bi... err... mayhap I just shut my mouth. She might just decide to grant me an audience I'm not ready to have. Mayhap I should wait outside, or stuff somethin' in my mouth, or somethin'.~ [c-aws071] IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranumberlee","LOCALS",2) SetGlobalTimer("c-aransmalltalk","GLOBAL",300)~ EXIT END /* SoA Commentary/Reactions, called from .bcs : Waukeen Temple */ IF ~Global("c-aranwaukeen","LOCALS",1)~ THEN BEGIN a751 SAY ~[ARAN] Now here's a goddess worth lookin' to. She be no Tymora, bless her Golden Coin, but between Tymora's Luck, Waukeen's Bounty, an' Ilmater's Mercy, there's naught a man can do but prosper, eh?~ [c-aws072] IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranwaukeen","LOCALS",2) SetGlobalTimer("c-aransmalltalk","GLOBAL",300)~ EXIT END /* SoA Commentary/Reactions, called from .bcs : Shadow Dragon clobbered c-arshaddrag */ IF ~Global("c-arshaddrag","GLOBAL",1)~ THEN BEGIN a3304 SAY ~[ARAN] Well, now. I thought I had seen everythin' possible in th' way o' dragons. Never did see one what was like that. Wasn't even sure how to kill th' Cyric-blighted thing.~ ++ ~[PC] You really, really don't like dragons, do you.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arshaddrag","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3305 ++ ~[PC] So, you have seen lots of different dragons?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arshaddrag","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3306 ++ ~[PC] You are never sure of anything.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arshaddrag","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3307 ++ ~[PC] Let me guess. You had friends headed for Cormyr to deal with those dragons going rogue and terrorizing the countryside.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arshaddrag","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3309 ++ ~[PC] Oh, come on. That was not the worst we could have faced. I have heard stories of how the great ones fought their deaths: Aerihykloarara, Agoshyrvor, Agyrtclughwaur, Angkarasce...~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arshaddrag","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3308 ++ ~[PC] You have to get over this dragon thing, Aran. It is really getting tiresome.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arshaddrag","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3316 END /* GOTO Shadow Dragon Clobbered Replies */ /* SoA Commentary/Reactions, called from .bcs : Auntie Is a PITA */ IF ~Global("c-aranoldbat","GLOBAL",1)~ THEN BEGIN a752 SAY ~[ARAN] By the nine planes o' hell, that be one horrible old biddy. Th' Keep's been taken, and she be talkin' to the rescue party like that. Reminds me of my mother, only wi' out the charm and panache.~ [c-aws073] = ~[ARAN] Clangedden's Beard. I don't know whether to laugh at that old bat, or send her up front in th' next battle to scare the trolls. No wonder Nalia is so... err... shuttin' up now.~ ++ ~That would be a good idea, Aran. It saves me telling you to take your foot out of your mouth.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranoldbat","GLOBAL",2) SetGlobalTimer("c-aransmalltalk","GLOBAL",300)~ + a1922 /* c-aranshutup16 */ ++ ~I agree, Aran. But that isn't quite the most diplomatic thing to say, is it?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranoldbat","GLOBAL",2) SetGlobalTimer("c-aransmalltalk","GLOBAL",300)~ + a753 + ~RandomNum(3,1)~ + ~If I wanted your opinion, I would have asked for it.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranoldbat","GLOBAL",2) SetGlobalTimer("c-aransmalltalk","GLOBAL",300)~ + a1923 /* c-aranshutup17 */ + ~RandomNum(3,2)~ + ~If I wanted your opinion, I would have asked for it.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranoldbat","GLOBAL",2) SetGlobalTimer("c-aransmalltalk","GLOBAL",300)~ + a1933 /* c-aranshutup27 */ + ~RandomNum(3,3)~ + ~If I wanted your opinion, I would have asked for it.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranoldbat","GLOBAL",2) SetGlobalTimer("c-aransmalltalk","GLOBAL",300)~ + a1924 /* c-aranshutup18 */ + ~InParty("Nalia")~ + ~Do you have a problem with Nalia?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranoldbat","GLOBAL",2) SetGlobalTimer("c-aransmalltalk","GLOBAL",300)~ + a753 ++ ~Hey, leave her alone. She has been through a horrible ordeal.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranoldbat","GLOBAL",2) SetGlobalTimer("c-aransmalltalk","GLOBAL",300)~ + a754 END /* GOTO Auntie Is a PITA replies */ /* Scenery Talks : Graveyard : Day */ IF ~Global("c-arangravecomment","LOCALS",1) TimeOfDay(DAY)~ THEN BEGIN a4353 SAY ~[ARAN] You know, I thought it might be right fine to pay respects to th' dead, an' wander among th' headstones. Thought it might be peaceful, an' not spooky at all.~ = ~[ARAN] Then again, mother always did say I were a proper idiot.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-arangravecomment","LOCALS",2) SetGlobalTimer("c-aransmalltalk","GLOBAL",300) ~ EXIT END /* Scenery Talks : Graveyard : Night */ IF ~Global("c-arangravecomment","LOCALS",1) !TimeOfDay(DAY)~ THEN BEGIN a4354 SAY ~[ARAN] Somehow, it seems th' type o' folks you meet in a boneyard just don't always seem to have th' best interest o' me an' mine held proper. Mayhap we stop all this grave-grubbin', at least until after daylight. This place be a mite less than cheerful, eh?~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-arangravecomment","LOCALS",2) SetGlobalTimer("c-aransmalltalk","GLOBAL",300)~ EXIT END /* Scenery Talks : On waking banter, after Underdark : Day */ IF ~Global("c-aranwakeup","LOCALS",1) OR(2) TimeOfDay(DAY) TimeOfDay(MORNING)~ THEN BEGIN a4355 SAY ~[ARAN] Birds. Daylight. Sunrise. Blighted hells, it be nice to stretch out after a real sleep, an' see th' sky...~ [c-aws110] IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranwakeup","LOCALS",2) SetGlobalTimer("c-aransmalltalk","GLOBAL",300) ~ GOTO a1806 END /* GOTO After Underdark replies */ /* Scenery Talks : On waking banter, after Underdark : Night */ IF ~Global("c-aranwakeup","LOCALS",1) !TimeOfDay(DAY) !TimeOfDay(MORNING)~ THEN BEGIN a4358 SAY ~[ARAN] Stars. Breezes. Selune Herself, shinin' down. Blighted hells, it be nice to stretch out after a real sleep, an' see th' sky...~ [c-aws111] IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranwakeup","LOCALS",2) SetGlobalTimer("c-aransmalltalk","GLOBAL",300) ~ GOTO a1806 END /* GOTO After Underdark replies */ /* SoA UnderDark FriendTalks */ /* SoA UnderDark FriendTalk 1 : Nightmares on Elm Street */ IF ~Global("c-aranfriendud","GLOBAL",1)~ THEN BEGIN a1689 SAY ~[ARAN] Do you think we could move this along a little? This place be my idea o' a nightmare wrapped up in one o' those tales told to scare children.~ [c-aws074] ++ ~[PC] We are moving along as best we can. Calm down, take a big breath, and get yourself under control. The Underdark may be legendary, but then again, so are we.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendud","GLOBAL",2) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a2040 ++ ~[PC] Oh, shut up. What a big baby. You talk about being a tough military man, yet go all weak-kneed at a little fungus and some Drow?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendud","GLOBAL",2) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a2041 ++ ~[PC] It is bothering me, too, Aran. But complaining about it will not get us any further.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendud","GLOBAL",2) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a2042 + ~RandomNum(3,1)~ + ~[PC] It is not a great time to talk right now, Aran. If you want this over with quickly, stop wasting time with smalltalk.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendud","GLOBAL",2) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a1907 /* c-aranshutup1 */ + ~RandomNum(3,2)~ + ~[PC] It is not a great time to talk right now, Aran. If you want this over with quickly, stop wasting time with smalltalk.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendud","GLOBAL",2) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a1909 /* c-aranshutup3 */ + ~RandomNum(3,3)~ + ~[PC] It is not a great time to talk right now, Aran. If you want this over with quickly, stop wasting time with smalltalk.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendud","GLOBAL",2) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a1911 /* c-aranshutup5 */ + ~InParty("aerie") InMyArea("aerie") Global("c-aranaerieud","LOCALS",0)~ + ~[PC] You sound like Aerie.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendud","GLOBAL",2) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a1687 + ~!Class("c-aran",BARD_ALL)~ + ~[PC] Well, take your mind off of it. Tell me a story to distract from all this oppressive darkness.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendud","GLOBAL",2) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a1672 + ~Class("c-aran",BARD_ALL)~ + ~[PC] Well, take your mind off of it. Tell me a story to distract from all this oppressive darkness.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendud","GLOBAL",2) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a1671 + ~OR(8) Global("c-arangogstory","LOCALS",1) Global("c-arankravitchstory","LOCALS",1) Global("c-arancarbonara","LOCALS",1) Global("c-arancalimport","LOCALS",1) Global("c-arangerris","LOCALS",1) Global("c-arandadtrade","LOCALS",1) Global("c-aranfistfight","LOCALS",1) GlobalGT("c-aranmoonfight","LOCALS",0)~ + ~[PC] Hey, Aran, I remember you telling a story... can you tell it to me again?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendud","GLOBAL",2) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a1673 + ~InParty("ADANGEL") InMyArea("ADANGEL") !StateCheck("ADANGEL",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2103","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Angelo seems to be handling this better than you are.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendud","GLOBAL",2) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a2103 + ~InParty("Anishai") InMyArea("Anishai") !StateCheck("Anishai",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2104","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Anishai seems to be handling this better than you are.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendud","GLOBAL",2) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a2104 + ~InParty("Azure") InMyArea("Azure") !StateCheck("Azure",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2105","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Azure seems to be handling this better than you are.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendud","GLOBAL",2) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a2105 + ~InParty("B!Gavin2") InMyArea("B!Gavin2") !StateCheck("B!Gavin2",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2106","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Gavin seems to be handling this better than you are.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendud","GLOBAL",2) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a2106 + ~InParty("b!haldamir") InMyArea("b!haldamir") !StateCheck("b!haldamir",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2107","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Haldamir seems to be handling this better than you are.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendud","GLOBAL",2) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a2107 IF ~HasItemEquiped("LEAT21",Player1) Global("c-arskinarm","LOCALS",0)~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendud","GLOBAL",2) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ GOTO a1788 IF ~HasItemEquiped("LEAT21",Player1) Global("c-arskinarm","LOCALS",1) GlobalTimerExpired("c-aranskin","GLOBAL")~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendud","GLOBAL",2) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ GOTO a1789 IF ~HasItemEquiped("LEAT21",Player1) Global("c-arskinarm","LOCALS",2) GlobalTimerExpired("c-aranskin","GLOBAL")~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendud","GLOBAL",2) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ GOTO a1790 END /* GOTO SoA UnderDark FriendTalks Replies */ /* SoA UnderDark FriendTalk 2 : Moving Bowels */ IF ~Global("c-aranfriendud","GLOBAL",3)~ THEN BEGIN a1690 SAY ~[ARAN] This place be like a great huge weight on me, pushin' down. I done heard o' bein' in th' bowels o' th' earth, but I never did think to be there myself.~ [c-aws076] ++ ~[PC] Why do I think you are about to make some horrible childish intestine joke?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendud","GLOBAL",4) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a2043 + ~RandomNum(3,1)~ + ~[PC] It is not a great time to talk right now, Aran. In fact, it is a lousy time, so shut up.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendud","GLOBAL",4) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a1907 /* c-aranshutup1 */ + ~RandomNum(3,2)~ + ~[PC] It is not a great time to talk right now, Aran. In fact, it is a lousy time, so shut up.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendud","GLOBAL",4) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a1909 /* c-aranshutup3 */ + ~RandomNum(3,3)~ + ~[PC] It is not a great time to talk right now, Aran. In fact, it is a lousy time, so shut up.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendud","GLOBAL",4) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a1911 /* c-aranshutup5 */ ++ ~[PC] I was wondering what that smell was. I just assumed it was you.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendud","GLOBAL",4) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a2044 + ~InParty("aerie") InMyArea("aerie") Global("c-aranaerieud","LOCALS",0)~ + ~[PC] You keep that depressing talk up, and we will have to do something to calm Aerie down.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendud","GLOBAL",4) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a1687 + ~!Class("c-aran",BARD_ALL)~ + ~[PC] Well, take your mind off of it. Tell me a story to distract from all this oppressive darkness.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendud","GLOBAL",4) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a1672 + ~Class("c-aran",BARD_ALL)~ + ~[PC] Well, take your mind off of it. Tell me a story to distract from all this oppressive darkness.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendud","GLOBAL",4) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a1671 + ~OR(8) Global("c-arangogstory","LOCALS",1) Global("c-arankravitchstory","LOCALS",1) Global("c-arancarbonara","LOCALS",1) Global("c-arancalimport","LOCALS",1) Global("c-arangerris","LOCALS",1) Global("c-arandadtrade","LOCALS",1) Global("c-aranfistfight","LOCALS",1) GlobalGT("c-aranmoonfight","LOCALS",0)~ + ~[PC] Hey, Aran, I remember you telling a story... can you tell it to me again?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendud","GLOBAL",4) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a1673 + ~InParty("WxJon") InMyArea("WxJon") !StateCheck("WxJon",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2113","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Jonathan seems to be handling this better than you are.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendud","GLOBAL",4) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a2113 + ~InParty("CHLOE") InMyArea("CHLOE") !StateCheck("CHLOE",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2114","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Chloe seems to be handling this better than you are.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendud","GLOBAL",4) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a2114 + ~InParty("RCHLOE") InMyArea("RCHLOE") !StateCheck("RCHLOE",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2115","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Chloe seems to be handling this better than you are.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendud","GLOBAL",4) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a2115 + ~InParty("CMALORA") InMyArea("CMALORA") !StateCheck("CMALORA",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2116","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Alora seems to be handling this better than you are.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendud","GLOBAL",4) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a2116 + ~InParty("CMGMIRIAM") InMyArea("CMGMIRIAM") !StateCheck("CMGMIRIAM",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2117","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Miriam seems to be handling this better than you are.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendud","GLOBAL",4) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a2117 END /* GOTO SoA UnderDark FriendTalks Replies */ /* SoA UnderDark FriendTalk 3 : Don't Look Now, but your Isaiah 2:19 is showing... */ IF ~Global("c-aranfriendud","GLOBAL",5)~ THEN BEGIN a1691 SAY ~[ARAN] So, you doin' anythin' fun tonight? I figure we could use some distraction from all this grimness an' darkness.~ [c-aws077] ++ ~[PC] Err... Aran... look around. Do you really think this is a place with a nice corner pub we can go visit?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendud","GLOBAL",6) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a2045 ++ ~[PC] Actually, I thought I would go for a nice walk. Do you want to come along?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendud","GLOBAL",6) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a2046 ++ ~[PC] Oh, no you don't. I am not falling for that again. Last time, we ended up in a dice game that cost me dearly.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendud","GLOBAL",6) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a2047 ++ ~[PC] I think a cooking contest is in order. The secret ingredient will be... fungus!~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendud","GLOBAL",6) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a2048 + ~RandomNum(3,1)~ + ~[PC] Do I look like I am in the mood for talk of any kind?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendud","GLOBAL",6) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a1907 /* c-aranshutup1 */ + ~RandomNum(3,2)~ + ~[PC] Do I look like I am in the mood for talk of any kind?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendud","GLOBAL",6) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a1943 /* c-aranshutup37 */ + ~RandomNum(3,3)~ + ~[PC] Do I look like I am in the mood for talk of any kind?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendud","GLOBAL",6) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a1911 /* c-aranshutup5 */ + ~InParty("aerie") InMyArea("aerie") Global("c-aranaerieud","LOCALS",0)~ + ~[PC] We should do something to perk up Aerie. She seems to be very upset about being down here.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendud","GLOBAL",6) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a1687 + ~!Class("c-aran",BARD_ALL)~ + ~[PC] Well, take your mind off of it. Tell me a story to distract from all this oppressive darkness.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendud","GLOBAL",6) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a1672 + ~Class("c-aran",BARD_ALL)~ + ~[PC] Well, take your mind off of it. Tell me a story to distract from all this oppressive darkness.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendud","GLOBAL",6) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a1671 + ~OR(8) Global("c-arangogstory","LOCALS",1) Global("c-arankravitchstory","LOCALS",1) Global("c-arancarbonara","LOCALS",1) Global("c-arancalimport","LOCALS",1) Global("c-arangerris","LOCALS",1) Global("c-arandadtrade","LOCALS",1) Global("c-aranfistfight","LOCALS",1) GlobalGT("c-aranmoonfight","LOCALS",0)~ + ~[PC] Hey, Aran, I remember you telling a story... can you tell it to me again?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendud","GLOBAL",6) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a1673 + ~InParty("CMNIKITA") InMyArea("CMNIKITA") !StateCheck("CMNIKITA",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2118","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Nikita seems to be handling this better than you are.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendud","GLOBAL",6) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a2118 + ~InParty("CMNINAF") InMyArea("CMNINAF") !StateCheck("CMNINAF",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2119","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Ninafer seems to be handling this better than you are.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendud","GLOBAL",6) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a2119 + ~InParty("CORAN") InMyArea("CORAN") !StateCheck("CORAN",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2120","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Coran seems to be handling this better than you are.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendud","GLOBAL",6) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a2120 + ~InParty("D#Silver") InMyArea("D#Silver") !StateCheck("D#Silver",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2121","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] SilverStar seems to be handling this better than you are.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendud","GLOBAL",6) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a2121 + ~InParty("D0Alassa") InMyArea("D0Alassa") !StateCheck("D0Alassa",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2122","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Alassa seems to be handling this better than you are.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendud","GLOBAL",6) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a2122 + ~InParty("Rylorn") InMyArea("Rylorn") !StateCheck("Rylorn",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2168","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Rylorn seems to be handling this better than you are.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendud","GLOBAL",6) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a2168 + ~InParty("SAERILETH") InMyArea("SAERILETH") !StateCheck("SAERILETH",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2169","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Saerileth seems to be handling this better than you are.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendud","GLOBAL",6) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a2169 + ~InParty("SIME") InMyArea("SIME") !StateCheck("SIME",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2171","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Sime seems to be handling this better than you are.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendud","GLOBAL",6) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a2171 + ~InParty("SUBRU") InMyArea("SUBRU") !StateCheck("SUBRU",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2170","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Bruce seems to be handling this better than you are.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendud","GLOBAL",6) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a2170 + ~InParty("SK#NEHT") InMyArea("SK#NEHT") !StateCheck("SK#NEHT",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2172","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Neh'Taniel seems to be handling this better than you are.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendud","GLOBAL",6) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a2172 IF ~HasItemEquiped("LEAT21",Player1) Global("c-arskinarm","LOCALS",0)~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendud","GLOBAL",6) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ GOTO a1783 IF ~HasItemEquiped("LEAT21",Player1) Global("c-arskinarm","LOCALS",1) GlobalTimerExpired("c-aranskin","GLOBAL")~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendud","GLOBAL",6) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ GOTO a1784 IF ~HasItemEquiped("LEAT21",Player1) Global("c-arskinarm","LOCALS",2) GlobalTimerExpired("c-aranskin","GLOBAL")~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendud","GLOBAL",6) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ GOTO a1785 END /* GOTO SoA UnderDark FriendTalks Replies */ /* SoA UnderDark FriendTalk 4 : Weather forecast for tonight... dark. (George Carlin) */ IF ~Global("c-aranfriendud","GLOBAL",7)~ THEN BEGIN a1692 SAY ~[ARAN] Do you think it be sunny up topside today, or cloudy?~ [c-aws078] ++ ~[PC] I don't care. I never bothered much with the weather anyways. I always was more of a city than a country mouse.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendud","GLOBAL",8) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a2049 ++ ~[PC] It doesn't matter much, does it. I wonder if this place ever ends?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendud","GLOBAL",8) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a2050 + ~RandomNum(3,1)~ + ~[PC] It is not a great time to talk right now, Aran.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendud","GLOBAL",8) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a1907 /* c-aranshutup1 */ + ~RandomNum(3,2)~ + ~[PC] It is not a great time to talk right now, Aran.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendud","GLOBAL",8) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a1909 /* c-aranshutup3 */ + ~RandomNum(3,3)~ + ~[PC] It is not a great time to talk right now, Aran.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendud","GLOBAL",8) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a1911 /* c-aranshutup5 */ + ~InParty("aerie") InMyArea("aerie") Global("c-aranaerieud","LOCALS",0)~ + ~[PC] Sunny, I bet. Hey, we should do something to perk up Aerie. She seems to be very upset about being down here.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendud","GLOBAL",8) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a1687 + ~InParty("WxJon") InMyArea("WxJon") !StateCheck("WxJon",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2113","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Jonathan seems to be handling this better than you are.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendud","GLOBAL",8) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a2113 + ~InParty("CHLOE") InMyArea("CHLOE") !StateCheck("CHLOE",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2114","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Chloe seems to be handling this better than you are.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendud","GLOBAL",8) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a2114 + ~InParty("RCHLOE") InMyArea("RCHLOE") !StateCheck("RCHLOE",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2115","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Chloe seems to be handling this better than you are.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendud","GLOBAL",8) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a2115 + ~InParty("CMALORA") InMyArea("CMALORA") !StateCheck("CMALORA",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2116","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Alora seems to be handling this better than you are.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendud","GLOBAL",8) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a2116 + ~InParty("CMGMIRIAM") InMyArea("CMGMIRIAM") !StateCheck("CMGMIRIAM",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2117","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Miriam seems to be handling this better than you are.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendud","GLOBAL",8) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a2117 + ~!Class("c-aran",BARD_ALL)~ + ~[PC] Thinking about the sky is not going to help you down here. Take your mind off of it. Tell me a story to distract us from all this oppressive darkness.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendud","GLOBAL",8) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a1672 + ~Class("c-aran",BARD_ALL)~ + ~[PC]Thinking about the sky is not going to help you down here. Take your mind off of it. Tell me a story to distract us from all this oppressive darkness.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendud","GLOBAL",8) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a1671 + ~OR(7) Global("c-arankravitchstory","LOCALS",1) Global("c-arancarbonara","LOCALS",1) Global("c-arancalimport","LOCALS",1) Global("c-arangerris","LOCALS",1) Global("c-arandadtrade","LOCALS",1) Global("c-aranfistfight","LOCALS",1) GlobalGT("c-aranmoonfight","LOCALS",0)~ + ~[PC] I really don't want to follow that thought. It is too depressing. Hey, Aran, I remember you telling a story... can you tell it to me again?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendud","GLOBAL",8) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a1673 ++ ~[PC] I don't care. I never bothered much with the weather anyways. I always was more of a city than a country mouse.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendud","GLOBAL",8) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a2049 ++ ~[PC] It doesn't matter much, does it. I wonder if this place ever ends?.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendud","GLOBAL",8) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a2050 END /* GOTO SoA UnderDark FriendTalks Replies */ /* SoA UnderDark FriendTalk 5 : "I believe that forgiving them is God's function. Our job is to arrange the meeting." ("Stormin'" Norman Schwarzkopf)*/ IF ~Global("c-aranfriendud","GLOBAL",9)~ THEN BEGIN a1693 SAY ~[ARAN] Mayhap... well, mayhap there be some use in all this evil fungus-lovin' dark creepy ugliness. But me, I just don't rightly see why it don't all be put to th' torch, an' wiped out.~ [c-aws079] + ~!Class("c-aran",BARD_ALL)~ + ~[PC] I am so sick of discussing deep thoughts. Come on, tell me a story.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendud","GLOBAL",10) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a1672 + ~Class("c-aran",BARD_ALL)~ + ~[PC] I am so sick of discussing deep thoughts. Come on, tell me a story.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendud","GLOBAL",10) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a1671 + ~OR(7) Global("c-arankravitchstory","LOCALS",1) Global("c-arancarbonara","LOCALS",1) Global("c-arancalimport","LOCALS",1) Global("c-arangerris","LOCALS",1) Global("c-arandadtrade","LOCALS",1) Global("c-aranfistfight","LOCALS",1) GlobalGT("c-aranmoonfight","LOCALS",0)~ + ~[PC] I really don't want to follow that thought. It is too depressing. Hey, Aran, I remember you telling a story... can you tell it to me again?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendud","GLOBAL",10) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a1673 + ~InParty("CMNIKITA") InMyArea("CMNIKITA") !StateCheck("CMNIKITA",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2118","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Nikita seems to be handling this better than you are.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendud","GLOBAL",10) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a2118 + ~InParty("CMNINAF") InMyArea("CMNINAF") !StateCheck("CMNINAF",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2119","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Ninafer seems to be handling this better than you are.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendud","GLOBAL",10) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a2119 + ~InParty("CORAN") InMyArea("CORAN") !StateCheck("CORAN",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2120","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Coran seems to be handling this better than you are.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendud","GLOBAL",10) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a2120 + ~InParty("D#Silver") InMyArea("D#Silver") !StateCheck("D#Silver",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2121","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] SilverStar seems to be handling this better than you are.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendud","GLOBAL",10) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a2121 + ~InParty("D0Alassa") InMyArea("D0Alassa") !StateCheck("D0Alassa",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2122","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Alassa seems to be handling this better than you are.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendud","GLOBAL",10) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a2122 ++ ~[PC] There has to be something besides death and destruction to talk about. Come up with something else, please.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendud","GLOBAL",10) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a2051 ++ ~[PC] Now I did not expect you to say something like that. Wipe out all of Underdark, without pausing to see if some of the beings are simply trapped here? That doesn't sound like you.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendud","GLOBAL",10) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a2191 END /* GOTO SoA UnderDark FriendTalks Replies */ /* BG2 Friendship Talks Replies */ /* BG2 FriendTalk 1 c-aranfriendbg2 = 1 : Not Just Another Quasi-Invincible Band Of Protagonists */ IF ~Global("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",1)~ THEN BEGIN a43 SAY ~[ARAN] Aye, that be strange.~ [c-aws086] ++ ~[PC] What?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",2) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a44 ++ ~[PC] You do know you are murdering common tongue, right? Do you mean "That sword is strange", or "That rock looks strange", or something like that?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",2) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a45 + ~Class(Player1,CLERIC_ALL)~ + ~[PC] Do you find my choice of god strange, Aran, or are you just randomly commenting on our scenery?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",2) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a45 + ~Class(Player1,MAGE_ALL)~ + ~[PC] Are you concerned about one of my spell components? Is something spilling out, or are you just randomly commenting on our scenery?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",2) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a45 + ~Class(Player1,FIGHTER_ALL)~ + ~[PC] What, is my weapons gear slipping? What is catching your eye?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",2) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a45 + ~Class(Player1,SORCERER)~ + ~[PC] I am used to be called "strange", Aran, but not usually to my face. Or are you just randomly commenting on our scenery?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",2) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a45 + ~Class(Player1,MONK)~ + ~[PC] There is infinite strangeness in all things, Aran. Are we discussing something particular, or are you just randomly commenting on our scenery?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",2) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a45 + ~Class(Player1,THIEF_ALL)~ + ~[PC] What is strange? I have been watching the whole area... or are you just randomly commenting on the universe?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",2) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a45 + ~InParty("minsc")~ + ~[PC] Let me guess. You have noticed that the big guy with the rodent talks to himself once in awhile. Get over it, please - Minsc is a useful companion, despite his eccentricities.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",2) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a45 + ~RandomNum(3,1)~ + ~[PC] It is not a great time to talk right now, Aran.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",2) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a1907 /* c-aranshutup1 */ + ~RandomNum(3,2)~ + ~[PC] It is not a great time to talk right now, Aran.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",2) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a1909 /* c-aranshutup3 */ + ~RandomNum(3,3)~ + ~[PC] It is not a great time to talk right now, Aran.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",2) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a1911 /* c-aranshutup5 */ ++ ~[PC] I will take that as a compliment. You were talking about me, right?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",2) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a45 END /* GOTO BG2 FriendTalk 1 c-aranfriendbg2 = 1 : Not Just Another Quasi-Invincible Band Of Protagonists : Replies */ /* BG2 FriendTalk 2 c-aranfriendbg2 = 3 : "My Pal the Shield Wall", or, merits of Heavy Metal (Whitesnake) vs Alternative (Feist) */ IF ~Global("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",3)~ THEN BEGIN a61 SAY ~[ARAN] Perhaps we should hire on a few more swords, an' make sure we have a bit more force up front, so to speak.~ [c-aws087] ++ ~[PC] We seem to be holding our own. Why should we burden the party with more fighters?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",4) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a62 + ~RandomNum(5,1)~ + ~[PC] Look, no talking. We are in a rush.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",4) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a1908 /* c-aranshutup2 */ + ~RandomNum(5,2)~ + ~[PC] Look, no talking. We are in a rush.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",4) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a1910 /* c-aranshutup4 */ + ~RandomNum(5,3)~ + ~[PC] Look, no talking. We are in a rush.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",4) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a1912 /* c-aranshutup6 */ + ~RandomNum(5,4)~ + ~[PC] Look, no talking. We are in a rush.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",4) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a1914 /* c-aranshutup8 */ + ~RandomNum(5,5)~ + ~[PC] Look, no talking. We are in a rush.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",4) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a1916 /* c-aranshutup10 */ + ~Class(Player1,MAGE_ALL)~ + ~[PC] I may weave spells instead of swords, but we are doing well enough. What changes would you have me make?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",4) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a62 + ~Class(Player1,FIGHTER_ALL)~ + ~[PC] Are you saying I am not enough of a fighter?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",4) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a62 ++ ~[PC] You may have a point. Things do not seem to be going well in combat. What would you suggest we do differently?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",4) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a62 ++ ~[PC] And here I thought you were a fighter, not a thinker. This might be amusing. Go on, then, oh great leader of combat, inform your betters as to combat tactics.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",4) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a62 END /* GOTO BG2 FriendTalk 2 c-aranfriendbg2 = 3 : "My Pal the Shield Wall", or, merits of Heavy Metal (Whitesnake) vs Alternative (Feist) : Replies */ /* BG2 FriendTalk 3 c-aranfriendbg2 = 5 : "The Price of Fame", or, Whoa - *that* ? Sux to be you, pal. */ IF ~Global("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",5)~ THEN BEGIN a76 SAY ~[ARAN] You know, when I was servin' in th' Flaming Fist just outside o' Cloakwood, we had a few rumors spread around about someone named . Never did hear what happened completely, but apparently 's adventurin' group took the head right off the Iron Throne, an' made our work considerably easier.~ [c-aws088] ++ ~[PC] That would be me.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",6) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a77 + ~CheckStatGT(Player1,15,CHR)~ + ~[PC] You don't say. That sounds like a fascinating person to meet. Did the rumors mention how stunning looked?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",6) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a78 + ~CheckStatGT(Player1,15,STR)~ + ~[PC] That is interesting. Did anyone say how strong was?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",6) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a79 + ~CheckStatGT(Player1,15,DEX)~ + ~[PC] Hmmm. Did those rumors say anything about how nimble and quick was?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",6) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a80 + ~CheckStatGT(Player1,15,CON)~ + ~[PC] Hmmm. Did those rumors say anything about how hardy and resistant was?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",6) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a81 ++ ~[PC] Never heard of .~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",6) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a82 + ~CheckStatGT(Player1,15,INT)~ + ~[PC] Rumors. A bunch of hot air. But just out of idle curiosity, was there any mention of how brilliantly smart was?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",6) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a83 + ~CheckStatGT(Player1,15,WIS)~ + ~[PC] I would not put much stoke in rumors. They throw more shadow than light.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",6) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a84 ++ ~[PC] Amazing how rumors start. Why just the other day, I heard something about how Aran Whitehand had a big fat mouth, and used it too often...~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",6) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a85 END /* GOTO BG2 FriendTalk 3 c-aranfriendbg2 = 5 : "The Price of Fame", or, Whoa - *that* ? Sux to be you, pal. : Replies */ /* BG2 FriendTalk 4 c-aranfriendbg2 = 7 : Mongo But Pawn In Great Chess Game of Life? */ IF ~Global("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",7)~ THEN BEGIN a3317 SAY ~[ARAN] I know there be some disadvantages to bein' th' offspring o' a dead god, but there might just be a few advantages too, eh? I mean, you won't have to wait for no table at even th' finest establishments. An' those special powers come in right handy. There must be some reason Tymora flipped your coin this way. I mean, of all th' places on Toril, why did you be endin' up here?~ ++ ~[PC] I don't pray to Tymora, and I doubt that there is a religious reason for me to be here, unless you count a worship of raw power.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",8) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a3352 ++ ~[PC] Magic. I suddenly appeared to the natives, and of course they recognized my Divine spirit immediately.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",8) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a3349 ++ ~[PC] I was kidnapped and taken here against my will. They... no, he... Irenicus took my closest companion, and dispensed with most of my gear. On top of all that, I have to wander around in a gods-blighted country that has a serious problem with magic. So far, I don't see the positive in this.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",8) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a3348 ++ ~[PC] I don't see how any of this is your business.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",8) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a3347 ++ ~[PC] Tymora didn't flip my coin, Aran. She flipped yours. Why else would you be allowed the opportunity to be part of my adventures?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",8) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a3346 ++ ~[PC] I don't really know which question I should answer. I think there were three in there.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",8) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a3345 ++ ~[PC] Look, I don't want to talk about this right now. Actually, I think I never want to talk about this.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",8) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a3344 END /* GOTO BG2 FriendTalk 4 c-aranfriendbg2 = 7 : Mongo But Pawn In Great Chess Game of Life? : Replies */ /* BG2 FriendTalk 5 c-aranfriendbg2 = 9 : "Irresistible Forces and Immovable Objects", or, is the pen really mightier than the sword, or does he just have a better PR firm? */ IF ~Global("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",9)~ THEN BEGIN a99 SAY ~[ARAN] Hey, , how about a few extra coins on some right fine parchment next time we see someplace to get a mite o' supplies?~ [c-aws089] ++ ~[PC] That depends. What is in it for me?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",10) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a100 ++ ~[PC] You already spend way too much time scribbling and muttering with a pen in your mouth when you should be resting, Aran.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",10) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a104 ++ ~[PC] Why do you waste your time puttering on that parchment every night, instead of working on your weapons skills?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",10) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a105 ++ ~[PC] Absolutely. Do you mind me asking what you want it for?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",10) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a106 + ~RandomNum(3,3)~ + ~[PC] No. And stop talking to me.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",10) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a1923 /* c-aranshutup17 */ + ~RandomNum(3,2)~ + ~[PC] No. And stop talking to me.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",10) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a1924 /* c-aranshutup18 */ + ~RandomNum(3,1)~ + ~[PC] No. And stop talking to me.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",10) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a1925 /* c-aranshutup19 */ END /* GOTO BG2 FriendTalk 5 c-aranfriendbg2 = 9 : "Irresistible Forces and Immovable Objects", or, is the pen really mightier than the sword, or does he just have a better PR firm? : Replies */ /* BG2 FriendTalk 6 c-aranfriendbg2 = 11 : "Creative Culinary Conundrums", or, Whaddaya like to eat, 'cause I make this mean curry... */ IF ~Global("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",11)~ THEN BEGIN a4361 SAY ~[ARAN] Wait up a second an' ket a lad get a breather, eh? I think this be a good time for me to take stock o' th' situation, so to speak.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a119 END /* GOTO BG2 FriendTalk 6 c-aranfriendbg2 = 11 : "Creative Culinary Conundrums", or, Whaddaya like to eat, 'cause I make this mean curry... : Replies */ /* BG2 FriendTalk 7 c-aranfriendbg2 = 13 : "Alternate Paths to Sun Tsu", or, tactics are fun, but sometimes you just gotta whack 'em. */ IF ~Global("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",13)~ THEN BEGIN a152 SAY ~[ARAN] Hey, You ever study tactics an' such?~ [c-aws090] ++ ~[PC] Yes, I have. Is there something wrong with what I am doing in combat?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",14) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a153 ++ ~[PC] No, I have never studied tactics. I am learning as I go along.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",14) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a154 + ~RandomNum(3,1)~ + ~[PC] Aran... to borrow one of your colorful phrases, "Cyric's Black Heart, shut the nine hells up".~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",14) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a1919 /* c-aranshutup13 */ + ~RandomNum(3,2)~ + ~[PC] Aran... to borrow one of your colorful phrases, "Cyric's Black Heart, shut the nine hells up".~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",14) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a1920 /* c-aranshutup14 */ + ~RandomNum(3,3)~ + ~[PC] Aran... to borrow one of your colorful phrases, "Cyric's Black Heart, shut the nine hells up".~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",14) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a1921 /* c-aranshutup15 */ ++ ~[PC] Why study, when I have you to stand in front of me and act as a meat shield?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",14) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a155 ++ ~[PC] Tactics and strategy, planning and plotting... all useless. I just dive into each fight and see if we survive.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",14) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a154 END /* GOTO BG2 FriendTalk 7 c-aranfriendbg2 = 13 : "Alternate Paths to Sun Tsu", or, tactics are fun, but sometimes you just gotta whack 'em. : Replies */ /* BG2 FriendTalk 8 c-aranfriendbg2 is 15 : "Warning - Objects Are Closer Than They Appear", or, why you want to check carefully behind your target area before firing that arrow. */ IF ~Global("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",15)~ THEN BEGIN a161 SAY ~[ARAN] There be a mite o' difference between chasin' around Faerun in pursuit o' treasure, fame, an' such, an' chasin' around Faerun close on th' tail o' adversaries what can call on th' powers this 'Irenicus' bastard can.~ [c-aws091] ++ ~[PC] Are you in this for fame, fortune, and riches beyond your wildest imagination?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",16) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a162 + ~RandomNum(3,1)~ + ~[PC] You talk too much.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",16) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a1922 /* c-aranshutup16 */ + ~RandomNum(3,2)~ + ~[PC] You talk too much.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",16) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a1923 /* c-aranshutup17 */ + ~RandomNum(3,3)~ + ~[PC] You talk too much.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",16) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a1924 /* c-aranshutup18 */ ++ ~[PC] Irenicus is a means to an end. To be more precise and borrow your quaint speech patterns, I means to end him.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",16) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a163 ++ ~[PC] I do not have much choice in the matter.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",16) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a164 + ~Global("c-heartwarder","GLOBAL",1)~ + ~[PC] Sune abhors ugliness. I think that in this case, my personal needs and my goddess's' needs are one and the same.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",16) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a163 END /* GOTO BG2 FriendTalk 8 c-aranfriendbg2 is 15 : "Warning - Objects Are Closer Than They Appear", or, why you want to check carefully behind your target area before firing that arrow. : Replies */ /* inn dancing/drinking sequence, 4, identical for level 1, 2, and 3 flirts */ /* inn dancing/drinking sequence : male in an inn, 4 talks, cyclical */ IF ~Gender(Player1,MALE) !RealGlobalTimerNotExpired("c-aranbrotimer","GLOBAL") Global("c-innbro","GLOBAL",0) OR(13) AreaCheck("C-AR01") AreaCheck("AR0313") AreaCheck("AR0406") AreaCheck("AR0509") AreaCheck("AR0522") AreaCheck("AR0704") AreaCheck("AR1105") AreaCheck("AR1602") AreaCheck("AR2010") AreaCheck("AR0709") AreaCheck("AR0513") AreaCheck("AR0021") AreaCheck("AR1602")~ THEN BEGIN a758 SAY ~[PC] (The musicians have struck up a lively dance tune, and Aran is sitting at the bar.)~ ++ ~[PC] (You go over to him.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbro","GLOBAL",1) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranbrotimer","GLOBAL",600)~ + a768 ++ ~[PC] (You decide you have had enough him for right now, and carry on about your business.)~ DO ~RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranbrotimer","GLOBAL",600)~ EXIT ++ ~[PC] (You decide you really never will have time for private chats with Aran in a bar. Ever.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-innbro","GLOBAL",15)~ EXIT ++ ~[PC] (You take the opportunity to check through his belongings.)~ + a2913 END /* GOTO Rummage in The Pack */ IF ~Gender(Player1,MALE) RealGlobalTimerExpired("c-aranbrotimer","GLOBAL") Global("c-innbro","GLOBAL",1) OR(13) AreaCheck("C-AR01") AreaCheck("AR0313") AreaCheck("AR0406") AreaCheck("AR0509") AreaCheck("AR0522") AreaCheck("AR0704") AreaCheck("AR1105") AreaCheck("AR1602") AreaCheck("AR2010") AreaCheck("AR0709") AreaCheck("AR0513") AreaCheck("AR0021") AreaCheck("AR1602")~ THEN BEGIN a759 SAY ~[PC] (The musicians have struck up a lively dance tune, and Aran is sitting at the bar.)~ ++ ~[PC] (You go over to him.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbro","GLOBAL",2) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranbrotimer","GLOBAL",600)~ + a769 ++ ~[PC] (You decide you have had enough him for right now, and carry on about your business.)~ DO ~RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranbrotimer","GLOBAL",600)~ EXIT ++ ~[PC] (You decide you really never will have time for private chats with Aran in a bar.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-innbro","GLOBAL",15)~ EXIT ++ ~[PC] (You take the opportunity to check through his belongings.)~ + a2913 END /* GOTO Rummage in The Pack */ IF ~Gender(Player1,MALE) RealGlobalTimerExpired("c-aranbrotimer","GLOBAL") Global("c-innbro","GLOBAL",2) OR(13) AreaCheck("C-AR01") AreaCheck("AR0313") AreaCheck("AR0406") AreaCheck("AR0509") AreaCheck("AR0522") AreaCheck("AR0704") AreaCheck("AR1105") AreaCheck("AR1602") AreaCheck("AR2010") AreaCheck("AR0709") AreaCheck("AR0513") AreaCheck("AR0021") AreaCheck("AR1602")~ THEN BEGIN a760 SAY ~[PC] (The musicians have struck up a lively dance tune, and Aran is sitting at the bar.)~ ++ ~[PC] (You go over to him.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbro","GLOBAL",3) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranbrotimer","GLOBAL",600)~ + a770 ++ ~[PC] (You decide you have had enough him for right now, and carry on about your business.)~ DO ~RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranbrotimer","GLOBAL",600)~ EXIT ++ ~[PC] (You decide you really never will have time for private chats with Aran in a bar.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-innbro","GLOBAL",15)~ EXIT ++ ~[PC] (You take the opportunity to check through his belongings.)~ + a2913 END /* GOTO Rummage in The Pack */ IF ~Gender(Player1,MALE) RealGlobalTimerExpired("c-aranbrotimer","GLOBAL") Global("c-innbro","GLOBAL",3) OR(13) AreaCheck("C-AR01") AreaCheck("AR0313") AreaCheck("AR0406") AreaCheck("AR0509") AreaCheck("AR0522") AreaCheck("AR0704") AreaCheck("AR1105") AreaCheck("AR1602") AreaCheck("AR2010") AreaCheck("AR0709") AreaCheck("AR0513") AreaCheck("AR0021") AreaCheck("AR1602")~ THEN BEGIN a761 SAY ~[PC] (The musicians have struck up a lively dance tune, and Aran is sitting at the bar.)~ ++ ~[PC] (You go over to him.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbro","GLOBAL",0) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranbrotimer","GLOBAL",600)~ + a788 ++ ~[PC] (You decide you have had enough him for right now, and carry on about your business.)~ DO ~RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranbrotimer","GLOBAL",600)~ EXIT ++ ~[PC] (You decide you really never will have time for private chats with Aran in a bar.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-innbro","GLOBAL",15)~ EXIT ++ ~[PC] (You take the opportunity to check through his belongings.)~ + a2913 END /* GOTO Rummage in The Pack */ /* inn dancing/drinking sequence : female in an inn, cyclical */ IF ~Gender(Player1,FEMALE) !GlobalTimerNotExpired("c-araninnflirttimer","GLOBAL") Global("c-innflirts","GLOBAL",0) OR(13) AreaCheck("C-AR01") AreaCheck("AR0313") AreaCheck("AR0406") AreaCheck("AR0509") AreaCheck("AR0522") AreaCheck("AR0704") AreaCheck("AR1105") AreaCheck("AR1602") AreaCheck("AR2010") AreaCheck("AR0709") AreaCheck("AR0513") AreaCheck("AR0021") AreaCheck("AR1602")~ THEN BEGIN a762 SAY ~[PC] (The musicians have struck up a lively dance tune, and Aran is sitting at the bar.)~ ++ ~[PC] (You go over to him.)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-innflirts","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranlightflirt","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobal("c-aranheavyflirt","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobalTimer("c-aransmalltalk","GLOBAL",300) SetGlobalTimer("c-araninnflirttimer","GLOBAL",ONE_DAY)~ + a796 ++ ~[PC] (You decide you have had enough him for right now, and carry on about your business.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranlightflirt","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobal("c-aranheavyflirt","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobalTimer("c-aransmalltalk","GLOBAL",300) SetGlobalTimer("c-araninnflirttimer","GLOBAL",ONE_DAY)~ EXIT ++ ~[PC] (You take the opportunity to check through his belongings.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranlightflirt","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobal("c-aranheavyflirt","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobalTimer("c-aransmalltalk","GLOBAL",300) SetGlobalTimer("c-araninnflirttimer","GLOBAL",ONE_DAY)~ + a2913 ++ ~[PC] (You sit quietly, observing him, but not making eye contact.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranlightflirt","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobal("c-aranheavyflirt","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobalTimer("c-aransmalltalk","GLOBAL",300) SetGlobalTimer("c-araninnflirttimer","GLOBAL",ONE_DAY)~ + a2340 ++ ~[PC] (You flirt shamelessly with several patrons, occasionally glancing over at him.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranlightflirt","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobal("c-aranheavyflirt","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobalTimer("c-aransmalltalk","GLOBAL",300) SetGlobalTimer("c-araninnflirttimer","GLOBAL",ONE_DAY)~ + a2907 END /* GOTO Rummage in The Pack */ IF ~Gender(Player1,FEMALE) GlobalTimerExpired("c-araninnflirttimer","GLOBAL") Global("c-innflirts","GLOBAL",1) OR(13) AreaCheck("C-AR01") AreaCheck("AR0313") AreaCheck("AR0406") AreaCheck("AR0509") AreaCheck("AR0522") AreaCheck("AR0704") AreaCheck("AR1105") AreaCheck("AR1602") AreaCheck("AR2010") AreaCheck("AR0709") AreaCheck("AR0513") AreaCheck("AR0021") AreaCheck("AR1602")~ THEN BEGIN a763 SAY ~[PC] (The musicians have struck up a lively dance tune, and Aran is sitting at the bar.)~ ++ ~[PC] (You go over to him.)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-innflirts","GLOBAL",2) SetGlobal("c-aranlightflirt","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobal("c-aranheavyflirt","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobalTimer("c-aransmalltalk","GLOBAL",300) SetGlobalTimer("c-araninnflirttimer","GLOBAL",ONE_DAY)~ + a818 ++ ~[PC] (You decide you have had enough him for right now, and carry on about your business.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranlightflirt","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobal("c-aranheavyflirt","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobalTimer("c-aransmalltalk","GLOBAL",300) SetGlobalTimer("c-araninnflirttimer","GLOBAL",ONE_DAY)~ EXIT ++ ~[PC] (You take the opportunity to check through his belongings.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranlightflirt","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobal("c-aranheavyflirt","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobalTimer("c-aransmalltalk","GLOBAL",300) SetGlobalTimer("c-araninnflirttimer","GLOBAL",ONE_DAY)~ + a2913 ++ ~[PC] (You sit quietly, observing him, but not making eye contact.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranlightflirt","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobal("c-aranheavyflirt","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobalTimer("c-aransmalltalk","GLOBAL",300) SetGlobalTimer("c-araninnflirttimer","GLOBAL",ONE_DAY)~ + a2341 ++ ~[PC] (You flirt shamelessly with several patrons, occasionally glancing over at him.)~ + a2907 END /* GOTO Rummage in The Pack */ IF ~Gender(Player1,FEMALE) GlobalTimerExpired("c-araninnflirttimer","GLOBAL") Global("c-innflirts","GLOBAL",2) OR(13) AreaCheck("C-AR01") AreaCheck("AR0313") AreaCheck("AR0406") AreaCheck("AR0509") AreaCheck("AR0522") AreaCheck("AR0704") AreaCheck("AR1105") AreaCheck("AR1602") AreaCheck("AR2010") AreaCheck("AR0709") AreaCheck("AR0513") AreaCheck("AR0021") AreaCheck("AR1602")~ THEN BEGIN a764 SAY ~[PC] (The musicians have struck up a lively dance tune, and Aran is sitting at the bar.)~ ++ ~[PC] (You go over to him.)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-innflirts","GLOBAL",3) SetGlobal("c-aranlightflirt","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobal("c-aranheavyflirt","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobalTimer("c-aransmalltalk","GLOBAL",300) SetGlobalTimer("c-araninnflirttimer","GLOBAL",ONE_DAY)~ + a2575 ++ ~[PC] (You decide you have had enough him for right now, and carry on about your business.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranlightflirt","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobal("c-aranheavyflirt","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobalTimer("c-aransmalltalk","GLOBAL",300) SetGlobalTimer("c-araninnflirttimer","GLOBAL",ONE_DAY)~ EXIT ++ ~[PC] (You sit quietly, observing him, but not making eye contact.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranlightflirt","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobal("c-aranheavyflirt","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobalTimer("c-aransmalltalk","GLOBAL",300) SetGlobalTimer("c-araninnflirttimer","GLOBAL",ONE_DAY)~ + a2342 ++ ~[PC] (You flirt shamelessly with several patrons, occasionally glancing over at him.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranlightflirt","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobal("c-aranheavyflirt","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobalTimer("c-aransmalltalk","GLOBAL",300) SetGlobalTimer("c-araninnflirttimer","GLOBAL",ONE_DAY)~ + a2907 ++ ~[PC] (You take the opportunity to check through his belongings.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranlightflirt","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobal("c-aranheavyflirt","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobalTimer("c-aransmalltalk","GLOBAL",300) SetGlobalTimer("c-araninnflirttimer","GLOBAL",ONE_DAY)~ + a2913 END /* GOTO Rummage in The Pack */ IF ~Gender(Player1,FEMALE) GlobalTimerExpired("c-araninnflirttimer","GLOBAL") Global("c-innflirts","GLOBAL",3) OR(13) AreaCheck("C-AR01") AreaCheck("AR0313") AreaCheck("AR0406") AreaCheck("AR0509") AreaCheck("AR0522") AreaCheck("AR0704") AreaCheck("AR1105") AreaCheck("AR1602") AreaCheck("AR2010") AreaCheck("AR0709") AreaCheck("AR0513") AreaCheck("AR0021") AreaCheck("AR1602")~ THEN BEGIN a765 SAY ~[PC] (The musicians have struck up a lively dance tune, and Aran is sitting at the bar.)~ ++ ~[PC] (You take the opportunity to check through his belongings.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranlightflirt","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobal("c-aranheavyflirt","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobalTimer("c-aransmalltalk","GLOBAL",300) SetGlobalTimer("c-araninnflirttimer","GLOBAL",ONE_DAY) SetGlobalTimer("c-rummagetimer","GLOBAL",FIVE_DAYS)~ + a2913 ++ ~[PC] (You go over to him.)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-innflirts","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobal("c-aranlightflirt","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobal("c-aranheavyflirt","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobalTimer("c-aransmalltalk","GLOBAL",300) SetGlobalTimer("c-araninnflirttimer","GLOBAL",ONE_DAY)~ + a3005 ++ ~[PC] (You decide you have had enough him for right now, and carry on about your business.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranlightflirt","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobal("c-aranheavyflirt","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobalTimer("c-aransmalltalk","GLOBAL",300) SetGlobalTimer("c-araninnflirttimer","GLOBAL",ONE_DAY)~ EXIT ++ ~[PC] (You sit quietly, observing him, but not making eye contact.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranlightflirt","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobal("c-aranheavyflirt","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobalTimer("c-aransmalltalk","GLOBAL",300) SetGlobalTimer("c-araninnflirttimer","GLOBAL",ONE_DAY)~ + a2343 ++ ~[PC] (You flirt shamelessly with several patrons, occasionally glancing over at him.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranlightflirt","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobal("c-aranheavyflirt","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobalTimer("c-aransmalltalk","GLOBAL",300) SetGlobalTimer("c-araninnflirttimer","GLOBAL",ONE_DAY)~ + a2907 END /* GOTO Rummage in The Pack */ /* stream bonding 1 of 2, cycles, (male) or flirt possibility (female), identical for level 1, 2, and 3 level flirts */ IF ~RealGlobalTimerExpired("c-aranflirttimer","GLOBAL") Global("c-arstreamtalk","GLOBAL",0) OR(3) AreaCheck("AR1100") AreaCheck("AR1200") AreaCheck("AR1700")~ THEN a766 SAY ~[PC] (You look around for Aran, but he is not to be seen. It looks like he has headed for nearby water.)~ + ~Gender(Player1,FEMALE)~ + ~[PC] (You decide to follow him.)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-arstreamtalk","GLOBAL",1) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranflirttimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FLIRT)~ + a790 + ~Gender(Player1,MALE)~ + ~[PC] (You decide to follow him.)~ DO ~RealSetGlobalTimer("c-arstreambrotimer","GLOBAL",500)~ + a791 + ~Gender(Player1,FEMALE)~ + ~[PC] (You decide you have had enough him for right now, and carry on about your business.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranlightflirt","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobal("c-aranheavyflirt","GLOBAL",0) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranflirttimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FLIRT)~ EXIT + ~Gender(Player1,FEMALE)~ + ~[PC] (You decide you would never intrude on his privacy by following him down to the water.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arstreamtalk","GLOBAL",3) SetGlobal("c-aranlightflirt","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobal("c-aranheavyflirt","GLOBAL",0) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranflirttimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FLIRT)~ EXIT + ~Gender(Player1,MALE)~ + ~[PC] (You decide you have had enough him for right now, and carry on about your business.)~ EXIT + ~Gender(Player1,MALE)~ + ~[PC] (You decide you would never intrude on his privacy by following him down to the water.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arstreamtalk","GLOBAL",12)~ EXIT ++ ~[PC] (You take advantage of the opportunity to rummage through his pack.)~ + a2913 END /* GOTO Rummage in The Pack */ /* stream bonding 2 of 2, cycles, (male) or flirt possibility (female), identical for level 1, 2, and 3 level flirts */ IF ~RealGlobalTimerExpired("c-aranflirttimer","GLOBAL") Global("c-arstreamtalk","GLOBAL",1) OR(3) AreaCheck("AR1100") AreaCheck("AR1200") AreaCheck("AR1700")~ THEN a767 SAY ~[PC] (You look around for Aran, but he is not to be seen. It looks like he has headed for nearby water.)~ + ~Gender(Player1,FEMALE)~ + ~[PC] (You decide to follow him.)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-arstreamtalk","GLOBAL",0) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranflirttimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FLIRT)~ + a792 + ~Gender(Player1,MALE)~ + ~[PC] (You decide to follow him.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arstreamtalk","GLOBAL",0) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-arstreambrotimer","GLOBAL",500)~ + a793 ++ ~[PC] (You decide you have had enough him for right now, and carry on about your business.)~ EXIT ++ ~[PC] (You decide you would never intrude on his privacy by following him down to the water.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arstreamtalk","GLOBAL",2)~ EXIT ++ ~[PC] (You take advantage of the opportunity to rummage through his pack.)~ + a2913 END /* GOTO Rummage in The Pack */ /* Scenery Dialog : Inked or Stolen Letters 1 */ IF ~Global("c-arannosecrets","GLOBAL",2)~ THEN BEGIN a2908 SAY ~[ARAN] Hey, there, I got a question for you. Do you mind if I rummage about in your undergarments a bit, an' poke through your stuff? Mayhap I can ink up some o' your gear, random like?~ [c-aws107] ++ ~[PC] I meant no harm. You scribble and scrawl all the time, and I was just curious. I want to know what is going on.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arannosecrets","GLOBAL",3)~ + a2909 ++ ~[PC] I want to know if any member of this party is discussing anything with the outside world. Even little things.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arannosecrets","GLOBAL",3)~ + a2909 ++ ~[PC] Don't keep any secrets from me. I will not be happy if you hide anything, anything at all.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arannosecrets","GLOBAL",3)~ + a2909 ++ ~[PC] Well, perhaps I went a little overboard. But I don't like to be kept in the dark, and it seems like you are writing things I should know about.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arannosecrets","GLOBAL",3)~ + a2909 ++ ~[PC] I hold the coin for the party. I want to know how you are using it, and to what purpose.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arannosecrets","GLOBAL",3)~ + a2909 END /* GOTO Inked Or Stolen Letters Replies */ /* Scenery Dialog : Inked or Stolen Letters 2 */ IF ~Global("c-arlettertaken","GLOBAL",2)~ THEN BEGIN a2910 SAY ~[ARAN] Hey, there, I got a question for you. Do you know who has been messin' about in my pack, smudgin' up my writin' space?~ [c-aws108] ++ ~[PC] Yes, I do. I did. What are these letters you keep writing all about?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arlettertaken","GLOBAL",3)~ + a4337 ++ ~[PC] No, I don't.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arlettertaken","GLOBAL",3)~ + a4338 ++ ~[PC] You must be mistaken. I did not leave a single smudge or telltale sign of my browsing.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arlettertaken","GLOBAL",3)~ + a2909 ++ ~[PC] Search me.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arlettertaken","GLOBAL",3)~ + a2911 END /* GOTO Inked Or Stolen Letters Replies */ /* Reply states for scenery/commentary/reactions */ /* NPC Communication : Standard Exit Blocks */ IF ~~ a1907 /* c-aranshutup1 */ SAY ~[ARAN] Aye, then. Shuttin' up.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1908 /* c-aranshutup2 */ SAY ~[ARAN] By the Cryin' God's tears, you are in a mood.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1909 /* c-aranshutup3 */ SAY ~[ARAN] Sure.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1910 /* c-aranshutup4 */ SAY ~[ARAN] Fine. I'll be over there.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1911 /* c-aranshutup5 */ SAY ~[ARAN] Sune's Lusty Lips, you can sure kill a conversation.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1912 /* c-aranshutup6 */ SAY ~[ARAN] Corellon's Bowhand, you have an attitude today.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1913 /* c-aranshutup7 */ SAY ~[ARAN] Shar's Arsehole, shut me down, will ya? Fine.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1914 /* c-aranshutup8 */ SAY ~[ARAN] By the Cryin' God's Tears - I was just makin' conversation.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1915 /* c-aranshutup9 */ SAY ~[ARAN] Well, I'll just bugger off, then. This is me, see, mindin' my own business.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1916 /* c-aranshutup10 */ SAY ~[ARAN] Cyric's Twisted Tongue. Just wanted to talk, y'know.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1917 /* c-aranshutup11 */ SAY ~[ARAN] Grumbar's Clay Fist. I'm shuttin' up, already.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1918 /* c-aranshutup12 */ SAY ~[ARAN] Sure. Kossuth's Burning Bones, I thought we were just passin' time conversin'.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1919 /* c-aranshutup13 */ SAY ~[ARAN] Lolth's Cruel Fingernails, you can cut a man down. Sure. Shuttin' up.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1920 /* c-aranshutup14 */ SAY ~[ARAN] Umberlee's Fickle Breath, I'll shut my blighted mouth, then.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1921 /* c-aranshutup15 */ SAY ~[ARAN] Malar's Sharp Teeth. Shuttin' up an' soldierin'.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1922 /* c-aranshutup16 */ SAY ~[ARAN] Tiamat's Grasping Hands. You don't want to talk, fine by me.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1923 /* c-aranshutup17 */ SAY ~[ARAN] Talona's Pestilence - is my breath that bad?~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1924 /* c-aranshutup18 */ SAY ~[ARAN] Jergal's Moldy Wrappings... this conversation's dead.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1925 /* c-aranshutup19 */ SAY ~[ARAN] Shaundakul's Mighty Breath, I guess I was yammerin' on again.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1926 /* c-aranshutup20 */ SAY ~[ARAN] Well, that was colder than Auril's Tits in th' Ten Towns. Shuttin' up.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1927 /* c-aranshutup21 */ SAY ~[ARAN] Kelemvor's Scythe - you cut me off quick, there, .~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1928 /* c-aranshutup22 */ SAY ~[ARAN] Bane's Broken Bones, but you are in a mood.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1929 /* c-aranshutup23 */ SAY ~[ARAN] Waukeen's Avarice, you want all th' conversation to yourself?~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1930 /* c-aranshutup24 */ SAY ~[ARAN] Lathander's Shining Buttocks, I'll just shut my mouth an' keep to myself, then.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1931 /* c-aranshutup25 */ SAY ~[ARAN] Talos's Hideous Strength, I wasn't tryin' to butt in. Just wanted to talk, you know.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1932 /* c-aranshutup26 */ SAY ~[ARAN] Shar's Blackened Bodice, all's I wanted was to talk a mite. I know, I know - 'shut up an' soldier, soldier'.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1933 /* c-aranshutup27 */ SAY ~[ARAN] Aye, then. Kelemvor's Dry Breath, but conversations get judged quick around here, eh? An' found wantin', apparently.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1934 /* c-aranshutup28 */ SAY ~[ARAN] Bugger all. Bane's Bones, . Just makin' conversation.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1935 /* c-aranshutup29 */ SAY ~[ARAN] Sweet merciful patience... by Mystra's Pale Cheeks, all I was sayin' was... never mind.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1936 /* c-aranshutup30 */ SAY ~[ARAN] Torm's Mailed Fist, you slammed that conversation shut solid.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1937 /* c-aranshutup31 */ SAY ~[ARAN] Sons of the Seldarine, you know how to close up a conversation right quick.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1938 /* c-aranshutup32 */ SAY ~[ARAN] Daughters of the Seldarine, I'll just shut my mouth tight, then.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1939 /* c-aranshutup33 */ SAY ~[ARAN] Larethian's Sharp Sword, you got a bad case o' attitude, eh?~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1940 /* c-aranshutup34 */ SAY ~[ARAN] Larethian's Mighty Bow, you be in a sharp mood. Fine, shuttin' up.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1941 /* c-aranshutup35 */ SAY ~[ARAN] Corellon's Bent Bow. Th' next thing you will be sayin' is to stick my conversation where the sun don't shine.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1942 /* c-aranshutup36 */ SAY ~[ARAN] Corellon's Silvery Sword, didn't anyone ever tell you conversation unburdens th' soul, an' opens new horizons?~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1943 /* c-aranshutup37 */ SAY ~[ARAN] Avoreen's Bowhand, I'll just be a good little boy an' go play wi' myself, then.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1944 /* c-aranshutup38 */ SAY ~[ARAN] Avoreen's Sling, you'd think I were interruptin' some deep important thoughts or somethin'.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1945 /* c-aranshutup39 */ SAY ~[ARAN] Clanggedin's Hammer. Fine. Be that way.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1946 /* c-aranshutup40 */ SAY ~[ARAN] Brightaxe's Brilliant Beard, you know how to tell a guy to shut it.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1947 /* c-aranshutup41 */ SAY ~[ARAN] Kelemvor's Cold Cathedral, I 'd get better conversation out o' that there pile o' rocks.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1948 /* c-aranshutup42 */ SAY ~[ARAN] Kelemvor's Sharp Scythe, you have a keen wit. Make sure you don't cut yourself while tellin' poor little old me to shut up for the twenty-thousandth time. I got feelin's, you know.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1949 /* c-aranshutup43 */ SAY ~[ARAN] Lathander's Lively Lusts, I can think o' several things other than talkin' I'd rather be doin', too. But you be th' boss. No more talkin', I guess.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1950 /* c-aranshutup44 */ SAY ~[ARAN] Lathander's Leaping Legs, screw you anyways. I was just makin' conversation.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1951 /* c-aranshutup45 */ SAY ~[ARAN] Lathander's Luminous Lips, there be better ways o' tellin' a lad he talks too much.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1952 /* c-aranshutup46 */ SAY ~[ARAN] Lathander's Golden Poop, are you goin' to lighten up soon, or do I need to get you some kind o' shroud? Sounds like you'd rather just go stick yourself in th' ground than talk to me, eh?~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1953 /* c-aranshutup47 */ SAY ~[ARAN] Lathander's Lusty Light, I do believe you just told me to shut my fat ugly mouth. I'd be offended, if I gave a rat's arse.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1954 /* c-aranshutup48 */ SAY ~[ARAN] Sune's Sweet Smile, you have such a lovely disposition today. Such refinement an' politeness as you tell me to sod off an' shut my bloody mouth.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1955 /* c-aranshutup49 */ SAY ~[ARAN] By th' Black Hand of Tyranny, I done been put in my place. Fine. Conversation done. I'll go find someone else what to talk with.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1956 /* c-aranshutup50 */ SAY ~[ARAN] Talos' Storms, you got a short temper.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1957 /* c-aranshutup51 */ SAY ~[ARAN] Tempus' Shield. I'll shut my flappin' jaw, then.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1958 /* c-aranshutup52 */ SAY ~[ARAN] Torm's Blood, you shut this down cold. I must have touched some nerve there, eh?~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1959 /* c-aranshutup53 */ SAY ~[ARAN] Tyr's Torn Tonsure just makin' conversation.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1960 /* c-aranshutup54 */ SAY ~[ARAN] Ubtao's Great Beginning, I thought we had a mite to talk about. I guess I be wrong.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1961 /* c-aranshutup55 */ SAY ~[ARAN] Auril's Icy Aura, that chilled things right quick, it did.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1962 /* c-aranshutup56 */ SAY ~[ARAN] Tymora's Fickle fortune, an' here I thought we had a good conversation goin'.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1963 /* c-aranshutup57 */ SAY ~[ARAN] Umberlee's Undulations, you cut me off quick. Fine. I can take a hint.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1964 /* c-aranshutup58 */ SAY ~[ARAN] Umberlee's Dark Depths, That were cold. Fine. No more on this talk, I be guessin'.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1965 /* c-aranshutup59 */ SAY ~[ARAN] Waukeen's Wanderin' Worshipers, I was just makin' conversation.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1966 /* c-aranshutup60 */ SAY ~[ARAN] Azuth's Mysterious Mages. Shuttin' up right quick, I am.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1967 /* c-aranshutup61 */ SAY ~[ARAN] Deneir's Sharp Quill, you cut that conversation right short.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1968 /* c-aranshutup62 */ SAY ~[ARAN] Deneir's Everlasting Parchment, I do believe you don't want to talk no more, eh? Fine by me.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1969 /* c-aranshutup63 */ SAY ~[ARAN] Deneir's Indelible Ink. You would think I'd know not to bother you by now. But I be a slow learner, I guess.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1970 /* c-aranshutup64 */ SAY ~[ARAN] Eldath's Sweet Song, I was hopin'... well, never mind.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1971 /* c-aranshutup65 */ SAY ~[ARAN] Lliira's Joyful Lips, I can take a hint. Especially when it be no hint, but a bald-faced "Shut your stinkin' mouth, sellsword".~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1972 /* c-aranshutup66 */ SAY ~[ARAN] Malar's Beastial Breath, I am shuttin' up.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1973 /* c-aranshutup67 */ SAY ~[ARAN] Milil's Robust Voice. You don't have to cut me down that harsh. A mild "shut your stinkin' hole you stupid sellsword" would have got your point across right fine.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1974 /* c-aranshutup68 */ SAY ~[ARAN] Shaundakul's Wandering Ways, I didn't mean to... fine. Shuttin' my mouth an' soldierin'.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1975 /* c-aranshutup69 */ SAY ~[ARAN] Talona's Mericless Poisons, I be shuttin' up.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1976 /* c-aranshutup70 */ SAY ~[ARAN] Garagos' Mighty Halberd, I wasn't tryin' to tick you off.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1977 /* c-aranshutup71 */ SAY ~[ARAN] Hoar's Swift Justice, you shot that down right quick.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1978 /* c-aranshutup72 */ SAY ~[ARAN] The Red Knight's Rump, I think I be makin' a tactical withdrawal. In layman's terms, that be "run away! run away!"~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1979 /* c-aranshutup73 */ SAY ~[ARAN] Savras' Foresight, I should have known you didn't want none o' that talk.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1980 /* c-aranshutup74 */ SAY ~[ARAN] Sharess' Sensual Caress, I was not expectin' to be cut off at th' knees like that.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1981 /* c-aranshutup75 */ SAY ~[ARAN] Velsharoon's Vicious Vampires, you done sucked th' blood out o' that whole talk.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END /* Auntie Is a PITA replies */ IF ~~ a753 SAY ~[ARAN] No, no. I have no problem wi' Nalia, and no problem wi' her aunt. I just pity the poor fool what ends up wi' that old bat as a mother-in-law, is all. Given th' choice between the trolls an' her, I am not sure which be th' better.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a754 SAY ~[ARAN] Hey, I was just commentin', is all. I don't rightly hold with assassination. Besides, she's a tough old bird. She might come back an' haunt me.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END /* SoA Story Pool : Multiple References */ IF ~~ a1665 SAY ~[ARAN] I never mentioned no lost love. Not to you, not to anyone, as far as I be knowin'. Do you be askin' after a story, or do you just want to avoid this whole conversation, so are misdirectin' it?~ ++ ~[PC] Misdirecting it. I guess that was not so subtle, was it.~ + a1666 ++ ~[PC] Oh, come on. You must have a lost love. You keep talking about women as if you have had experience with them.~ + a1667 ++ ~[PC] Forget I asked anything.~ + a1669 END IF ~~ a1385 SAY ~[ARAN] Now there be no call to harp on th' stupidity o' me in my youth, eh? How was I to know those bastards reproduced through violence?~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1666 SAY ~[ARAN] Hmmm. Well, you could call it subtle, if you consider screamin' "Hey, change th' blighted conversation now or I will cram my fist down your throat" at th' top o' your lungs a gentle admonition.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1669 SAY ~[ARAN] By Grumbar's Crumbly Arse, you bet I will.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1670 SAY ~[ARAN] No, I don't think it be a good story to tell. I don't see how bringin' up past pain will help none. Life goes on, and we meet new people. Come on, let's get movin'.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1668 SAY ~[ARAN] No, I don't think it be a good story to tell. This place already be wearin' a big dark patch in my soul. I don't see how bringin' up past pain will help none. Come on, let's get movin'.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END /* SoA Story Pool : this one is a fun little construction - you get 2 top responses in underdark, followed by one of two for Clerics in underdark, then two that always play, then the mirror of the first four for not in underdark. It appeals to my sense of harmonious order :) */ IF ~~ a1667 SAY ~[ARAN] Sure thing. I be just dyin' to pour my guts out about some woman what I fell for but lost, tearin' out my heart. Yep, I just love th' whole idea o' draggin' up th' pain, rubbin' it around, rollin' in th' grief, an' sobbin' over losin' a chunk o' my soul for your entertainment. Hells, I can eat ground glass an' pour acid over my head while I am at it, eh?~ + ~Global("c-drow","GLOBAL",1)~ + ~[PC] That was graphic. Whoever she was, she really hurt you, didn't she. It might help to talk about it...~ + a1668 + ~Global("c-drow","GLOBAL",1)~ + ~[PC] You are a fool. You should never let anyone get that close to you. You had better tell me, so I can show you where you made your mistakes.~ + a1668 + ~Global("c-drow","GLOBAL",1) Class(Player1,CLERIC_ALL) Alignment(Player1,MASK_GOOD)~ + ~[PC] The gods test us in many ways. I sometimes wish that our spells could mend broken hearts as well as they mend broken heads. But you should unburden your soul so you can learn from the experience.~ + a1668 + ~Global("c-drow","GLOBAL",1) Class(Player1,CLERIC_ALL) !Alignment(Player1,MASK_GOOD)~ + ~[PC] The gods test us in many ways. It sounds like you did not pass the test, because you let her get to you. But you should unburden your soul so you can learn from the experience.~ + a1668 ++ ~[PC] Hey, sorry I brought it up. No need to get all bent out of shape. Forget the whole thing.~ + a1669 ++ ~[PC] Absolutely. It would be even more entertaining if you would shut up and get moving before I decide you are too much of a jackass to allow in this party.~ + a1669 + ~!Global("c-drow","GLOBAL",1) Class(Player1,CLERIC_ALL) !Alignment(Player1,MASK_GOOD)~ + ~[PC] The gods test us in many ways. It sounds like you did not pass the test, because you let her get to you. But you should unburden your soul so you can learn from the experience.~ + a1670 + ~!Global("c-drow","GLOBAL",1) Class(Player1,CLERIC_ALL) Alignment(Player1,MASK_GOOD)~ + ~[PC] The gods test us in many ways. I sometimes wish that our spells could mend broken hearts as well as they mend broken heads. But you should unburden your soul so you can learn from the experience.~ + a1670 + ~!Global("c-drow","GLOBAL",1)~ + ~[PC] You are a fool. You should never let anyone get that close to you. You had better tell me, so I can show you where you made your mistakes.~ + a1670 + ~!Global("c-drow","GLOBAL",1)~ + ~[PC] That was graphic. Whoever she was, she really hurt you, didn't she. It might help to talk about it...~ + a1670 END IF ~~ a1671 SAY ~[ARAN] I can do that. Just remember, my bardic days be relatively new, so I don't have them all embellished an' prettified, wi' proper pronunciation an' projection. Sorry about that spittle, there. Somethin' about 'p' words, eh?~ = ~[ARAN] Let me see...~ IF ~Global("c-arancarbonara","LOCALS",0)~ GOTO a1433 IF ~Global("c-arancalimport","LOCALS",0)~ GOTO a1432 IF ~Global("c-arangerris","LOCALS",0)~ GOTO a1674 IF ~Global("c-arandadtrade","LOCALS",0)~ GOTO a1675 IF ~Global("c-aranfistfight","LOCALS",0)~ GOTO a1676 IF ~Global("c-aranmoonfight","LOCALS",0)~ GOTO a1678 IF ~Global("c-arankravitchstory","LOCALS",0)~ GOTO a1677 IF ~Global("c-arangogstory","LOCALS",0)~ GOTO a2587 IF ~Global("c-arangogstory","LOCALS",1) Global("c-arankravitchstory","LOCALS",1) Global("c-arancarbonara","LOCALS",1) Global("c-arancalimport","LOCALS",1) Global("c-arangerris","LOCALS",1) Global("c-arandadtrade","LOCALS",1) Global("c-aranfistfight","LOCALS",1) Global("c-aranmoonfight","LOCALS",3)~ GOTO a1685 END IF ~~ a1672 SAY ~[ARAN] I can do that, though I be no bard. Let me see...~ IF ~Global("c-arancarbonara","LOCALS",0)~ GOTO a1433 IF ~Global("c-arancalimport","LOCALS",0)~ GOTO a1432 IF ~Global("c-arangerris","LOCALS",0)~ GOTO a1674 IF ~Global("c-arandadtrade","LOCALS",0)~ GOTO a1675 IF ~Global("c-aranfistfight","LOCALS",0)~ GOTO a1676 IF ~Global("c-aranmoonfight","LOCALS",0)~ GOTO a1678 IF ~Global("c-arankravitchstory","LOCALS",0)~ GOTO a1677 IF ~Global("c-arangogstory","LOCALS",0)~ GOTO a2587 IF ~Global("c-arangogstory","LOCALS",1) Global("c-arankravitchstory","LOCALS",1) Global("c-arancarbonara","LOCALS",1) Global("c-arancalimport","LOCALS",1) Global("c-arangerris","LOCALS",1) Global("c-arandadtrade","LOCALS",1) Global("c-aranfistfight","LOCALS",1) Global("c-aranmoonfight","LOCALS",1)~ GOTO a1685 END /* a1673 is a chain */ /* SoA Story Pool : Gerris the Strange, or Fun With Cantrips */ IF ~~ a1674 SAY ~[ARAN] Gerris were a right fine companion, way back at th' start o' th' Moonshae Isles work I did, an' right before th' Iron Throne got busy makin' life miserable for honest folk. He trained wi' the Old Order, though sometimes he acted more Sun Soul than anythin' else... an' I be right sorry his daughter an' I , we made things right complicated. Happy, though, on account o' it put me in your path, eh?~ = ~[ARAN] But a long time ago Gerris an' I were workin' across to th' Moonshae Isles on one o' them short-haul galleys what ply that route out o' Neverwinter. Gerris, he trained me right proper, too, an th' cookin' front. He had to be right creative, on account o' most o' th' crew were Luskan fisherfolk, an' thought a good meal were dried fish an' small beer. Well, one o' th' older oarsmen, he took a dislike to Gerris right off. There was naught Gerris could do to please th' bastard. He tried cookin' just what th' oarsman wanted, an' makin' it as special as he could, on account o' a trade galley be a small place, an' a little bad feelin' gets magnified right large.~ = ~[ARAN] The bugger would have naught in th' way o' reconciliation, though, and kept gettin' into Gerris' face. Finally, Gerris told him that if he didn't shape up, Gerris would put a curse on him. O' course, th' oarsman laughed it off, an' punched Gerris right proper. Gerris didn't say naught, just took the punch, then made some sort o' gesture. Th' two stalked off, an' everyone gave 'em both as wide a berth as possible. Well, two days later, th' oarsman came runnin' up from th' head... that be th' latrine, on a boat - a privy, right? Well, he came up just hollerin' bloody murder, ran past us, an' dove over th' side. We looked down on him, an' lo an' behold, that bastard was passin' flame instead o' gas!~ = ~[ARAN] We fished him out proper, an' soon he was as right as rain, but Gerris, he just shook his head an' sighed, askin' after th' man's health. He made a few passes wi' his hands in th' air, an' from then on, no one messed wi' him nor wi' me.~ = ~[ARAN] Now, I don't rightly think there were no magic in Gerris' hands, him followin' monks ways so short a time. So when I saw him back wi' his wife an' daughter when I got to Amn a few years later, I got him right drunk an' asked him how he did it. An' that's how I learned that a small amount o' fireberries be a great spice... but you put too many in a man's portion, you'd best be gettin' a new set o' clothes lined up right quick, an' some healin' salves on hand.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-arangerris","LOCALS",1)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a1675 SAY ~[ARAN] Well, there were a few times what amounted to good stories when I was plyin' back an' forth on th' family Coster wagon. There was this one time when my father got trapped into a trade contract wi' some shady characters, an' he managed to turn th' tables on 'em.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a465 END /* SoA Story Pool : Boy, I have been playing a little Mount & Blade, I think... */ IF ~~ a1676 SAY ~[ARAN] Well, I had just come off o' th' Moonshae Isles, about as down as a lad can be. My ladylove dead, th' Moonshae companies disbandin' on account o' we thrashed th' Iron Throne bastards... well, more like you thrashed Sarevok an' wiped out their command structure, but th' fightin' in the field was still fierce for a bit afterward. Sometimes it takes awhile for an army to realize that th' war be over. Anyways, I was wanderin' around Nashkel, when th' Guildmaster calls me in an' gives me some work punchin' north on th' Trade way. Small caravan, just a full fist, not anythin' big. A tag along, really, as there were a load o' more powerful costers what had hired th' Flamin' Fist to protect some serious tradin' wagons headed up Neverwinter way, an' we were just really for show more than anythin'. But it was work, so I was not goin' to be turnin' it down, eh? We headed out mid-winter, tryin' our luck.~ = ~[ARAN] Well, we made it up into th' hills north o' Nashkel, an' were just south o' Beregost when we ran into a snow squall in th' middle o' a clear day. Me an' Kalavi... she were th' Stave, th' cleric, right? But she fought better than most, as she had just recently taken up wi' Ilmater and had been a seasoned fighter same as me... we knew there was more to this than just some freak weather, on account o' no snow squall we ever saw had lightnin' accompanyin' it.~ = ~[ARAN] We spurred up ahead straight into th' storm, keepin' our eyes open, her wi' a big staff an' me wi' my trusty sword ready. Th' wind was somethin' fierce, an' we were about to turn back out when we broke clear into a bubble o' protection o' some sort. We found ourselves suddenly in th' open, at full gallop across a field o' icy cobblestones, runnin' right up th' arse o' two ice trolls an' a whole mess o' orcs.~ = ~[ARAN] Lucky for us Tymora's Coin was spinnin' our direction. They was too busy payin' attention to th' 'Fist in field plate whackin' at 'em, an' th mage what was holdin' off that magical storm wi' some kind o' big bubble shield. Good thing, too, on account o' we couldn't have stopped short nohow, not at that speed an' wi' all that ice. Kalavi, she started sayin' somethin', some spell I suppose, but thought better o' it fast enough - tryin' to hold a spell while on horseback is way above what most seasoned clerics can do, an' she had no more than four or five spells total granted by her Cryin' God. Me, I don't fight cavalry-style, but beggars can't rightly be choosers, so I leaned forward an' swung wide, hopin' I wasn't about to kill my own mount leavin' me on th' wrong side o' th' shield wall, so to speak. Kalavi came in fast an' brought her staff up like some kind o' fancy lance, an' I'll be damned if it didn't do th' trick. She hit at full gallop, nailin' one o' th' ice trolls in th' head an' knockin' it unconscious wi' one hit, an' then her mount leaped clean over th' shield wall, where she could join in on th' fun proper. Took out one o' th' strongest adversaries, did a nice trick, an' it were a pretty sight. Me, on th' other hand...~ = ~[ARAN] ...well, I hadn't ever fought no ice Trolls before. So I lopped it's head off beautifully, nice clean arc, before I slipped too far forward an' ended up takin' a right fast rollin' tumble off my horse. So there I was, all th' wind knocked out o' me, actin' as a bowlin' ball in among the orcs. Well, I scared th' crap out o' some o' them, an' they took to their heels... so I thought I was all in th' clear. I rolled right up to my feet, dusted myself off, an' started walkin' forward to th' line. All those Fist an' Kalavi started whoopin' an' hollerin', and so I just sort o' took a bow, thinkin' they was cheerin' me for scatterin' th' whole mob. Just as I did, I feel a whiff o' ice cold air on th' back o' my neck, an' tripped forward flat on my face.~ = ~[ARAN] Well, long story short, I didn't know that ice trolls just grow back if there be no fire nor acid scattered. My lucky little bow an' trip saved me my sorry hide, as there was now two Ice trolls clawin' at me. Th' Fist an' Kalavi clobbered 'em both pincushionin' them wi' arrows an' sling stones spelled wi' fire, savin' my sorry arse. But th' officer in charge o' th' Fist didn't realize it were my own clumsiness an' a twist o' Tymora's Coin what did the trick. She thought I clobbered th' troll, bowled over th' orcs, took a casual bow in front o' th' two trolls, an cool as a cucumber stopped dropped, an' rolled to allow th' rest o' th' unit to take 'em out. She hired us both on th' spot, an' we never told naught about it.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfistfight","LOCALS",1)~ EXIT END /* SoA Story Pool : Kravich and the Joys of Blind Double-Dates */ IF ~~ a1677 SAY ~[ARAN] Now, me an' Kravich, we had been workin' our way north half a tenday out o' Beregost, wi' this pair o' monks, see. They kept to themselves, though we thought it was a mite bit odd that they did not seem to pray none, an' th' smaller one giggled a bit much for a monk, but then again we both had seen stranger things than laughin' monks on the Trade Way...~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-arankravitchstory","LOCALS",1)~ GOTO a467 END /* SoA Story Pool : aranmoonfight1 - the story, the first time */ IF ~~ a1678 SAY ~[ARAN] Servin' early on wi' Moonshae was a right treat, it was. Th' regiment fought hard, played hard, an' it drank like there were to be no tomorrow. Lots of followers o' Tempus, big on makin' impossible boasts an' then followin' up an' actually makin' good on 'em.~ = ~[ARAN] Well, I was a mite green, an' I didn't look like much. They was mostly copper haired an' sharp faced, an' here I looked like a soft version o' th Northmen. So the hazin' began right quick. One o' th' sergeants, he got a little bothered that I were pokin' my nose in around a fair lass, so when it be time for th' first skirmish, I got assigned to scout. He sent me in, declarin' I was no better than a piece o' straw, an' if I had any guts at all I'd go take a piss in th' Northmen's camp.~ = ~[ARAN] Now, I should say, I was right eager to prove myself, an' I were green to th' isles. I should o' asked what he meant, but I figured it were part o' th' hazin' ritual, so I slapped my chest in salute an' headed off right quick, sneakin' into th' camp. Now, th' sergeant had told me to go take a piss in th' camp, but how was I to know that meant scout around close to th' fire, then come back an' report? So I found myself some furs, stood up right tall, an' walked straight up to their campfire.~ = ~[ARAN] I don't know if it were on account o' my features, my hair, my stolen furs, or just Tymora's Coin, though I suspect it were more like 'what th' nine hells does this bastard think he is doin', walkin' up to our campfire'? One o' them said somethin' to me, but me not knowin' th' language, I just let out a huge belch, got ready, an' let fly right into th' campfire.~ = ~[ARAN] Needless to say, that were a right heavy insult, an' they proceeded to get right vehement about expressin' their anger. The expression came in th' form of a solid beatin'. But it were a right fine distraction, an' the rest o' th' Company descended on th' camp takin' 'em completely by surprise. Th' sergeant, he pull me out o' th' pile o' Northmen what were surrenderin', a mite worse for th' wear, an' laughs fit to die. "Next time", he says, "ask what I mean. I meant scout 'em out, you Axe!". An' that's how I got in wi' them, seein' as they called th' regulars Axe.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranmoonfight","LOCALS",1)~ EXIT END /* SoA Story Pool : aranmoonfight2 - slightly embroidered on the second pass */ IF ~~ a1679 SAY ~[ARAN] When I first got to serve, up in th' Moonshaes, I got myself signed up wi' th' loudest, craziest, most boastful set o' followers o' Tempus that walked the Isles. Those men an' women, they would boast o' doin' fool impossible things one night, an' then get 'em done before midday next.~ = ~[ARAN] My first time, I didn't know too much more than a recruit, especially as I had never trained wi' no axe, let alone a battleaxe. So I looked a right fool in front o' them. That were a mite bit o' a problem, as they didn't want no outsider endangerin' 'em. Plus, th' sergeant had his eyes on a right fine lass, who were lookin' eyes at me. So we get to th' first battle he says "Go on, you little straw-colored bastard, go take a piss in th' Northmen's camp".~ = ~[ARAN] I were green, as I said, an' just assumed that were part o' th' provin', or part o' th' hazin'. I didn't ask proper what he meant - I took him at his word. So off I go, brazen as brass, pokin' about th' Northmen's camp, lookin' for a way to do what he said. I found me a few furs, put 'em on, an' walked right up to where some big mean lookin' lads were sittin' around their campfire. They looked up at me, I looked down at them, an' one o' them said somethin' in th' way o' a question. Me, I didn't wait... I let out a big belch, grinned a big grin, an' let fly wi' my business, doin' my best to put out that fire.~ = ~[ARAN] Now, that were a heavy insult, an' th' ten o' them grabbed me right quick an' started to beat th' crap out o' me, whoopin' an' hollerin' an' makin' a ruckus. O' course, that got about every Northman's attention focused inwards, to see what all th' fuss be, an' soon it were hard to tell how many o' those bastards were pilin' on top o' me lookin' to get a shot in.~ = ~[ARAN] But it were a right fine distraction, an' soon the rest o' th' Company descended on th' camp takin' 'em completely by surprise. Just at th' point where I was expectin' to see Tymora Herself leadin' me away from my body, th' sergeant an' a few of th' Axes pulled me out o' th' pile o' Northmen', a mite worse for th' wear. He dusts me off a bit, laughin' fit to die. "Next time", he says, "ask what I mean. I meant scout 'em out, you Axe, not really take a piss on 'em!". An' that's how I got to be a bona-fide regular in th' Moonshae Axes.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranmoonfight","LOCALS",2)~ EXIT END /* SoA Story Pool : aranmoonfight3 - The Truth, I swear it... it was 10 feet tall! on the third pass */ IF ~~ a1680 SAY ~[ARAN] Now, th' first time I done served in a mercenary company, it were a lucky break. I got myself put into th' loudest, craziest bunch o' men an' women, all followers o' Tempus. They were right fine companions, an' fiercer than any other sellswords on th' face o' Faerun - they would boast about doin' impossible things, like runnin' in and loppin' off some Northman Shaman's head under cover o' darkness, an' then they would go do three o' those impossible things before breakfast, just to make a point.~ = ~[ARAN] Th' first assignment I had, I were greener than spit an' twice as dumb. I couldn't even hold up one o' their axes, an' to make it worse, the sergeant's lass was makin' eyes at me an' smilin' somethin' fierce, which were like to tick him off right proper. They was all red-haired sharp-nosed berserkers, an' here I was just a lick-spittle from th' 'Coast, puttin' on like I were somethin'. So the sergeant, he pulled me up at th' start o' my first battle, an' he says "Go on in there, you little straw-colored bastard, prove you are worth somethin'. Go take a piss in th' Northmen's camp."~ = ~[ARAN] Now I were as green as grass, an' twice as stupid. What be worse, I was out to prove myself to them. So I didn't even blink, or think to ask what he meant. I slapped my chest in salute, turned on my heel, an' marched right into that Northmen's camp bold as brass an' twice as shiny. I grabbed me a set o' furs, an' covered up a mite, an' grunted at a few sentries as I passed, an' soon enough I were at th' Chief's campfire. The Chief, he says somethin' to me questionin' like, but as I didn't know th' language, I just let a big belch rip, gave him a big ol' grin, an' then proceeded to try to put out their campfire usin' only th' equipment th' gods blessed me with an' th' several rounds o' drink what had fortified my resolve before battle.~ = ~[ARAN] Since that be a right solid insult to a Northman, it be a mite of an understatement to say that my pissin' made them right pissed in return. I don't how many tackled me at once, but it felt like th' whole camp were tryin' to tear me apart wi' their bare hands. It got so bad wi' th' beatin' that I thought I saw Tymora Herself beckonin' to me, helpin' me along to th' next part o' th' journey. But my little adventure had turned into one fine distraction, an' soon enough th' Northmen were takin' to their heels or surrenderin', on account o' th' Axes done overrun their camp while they was beatin' me.~ = ~[ARAN] Now th' sergeant, he an' a few o' th' Axes pull me out o' th' pile, an' dust me off proper, though they was all laughin' their arses off. The sergeant, he says to me, he says 'Boyo, next time you don't understand, ask me. I meant scout 'em out, you Axe, not actually take a piss on 'em!" An' that be how I got to be a regular in th' Moonshae axes.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranmoonfight","LOCALS",3)~ EXIT END /* SoA Story Pool : delay talking about ex-gf */ IF ~~ a1681 SAY ~[ARAN] Look, that be a might sorry set o' feelin's to be messin with. Let's be talkin' about somethin else, eh?~ ++ ~[PC] I know it might be difficult to talk about, but I find it interesting. Just tell me why you two are not together now.~ + a1655 + ~!Class("c-aran",BARD_ALL) OR(6) Global("c-arancarbonara","LOCALS",0) Global("c-arancalimport","LOCALS",0) Global("c-arangerris","LOCALS",0) Global("c-arandadtrade","LOCALS",0) Global("c-aranfistfight","LOCALS",0) Global("c-aranmoonfight","LOCALS",0)~ + ~[PC] Well, I guess that is not such a nice story to hear. Tell me something new, then.~ + a1671 + ~Class("c-aran",BARD_ALL) OR(6) Global("c-arancarbonara","LOCALS",0) Global("c-arancalimport","LOCALS",0) Global("c-arangerris","LOCALS",0) Global("c-arandadtrade","LOCALS",0) Global("c-aranfistfight","LOCALS",0) Global("c-aranmoonfight","LOCALS",0)~ + ~[PC] Well, I guess that is not such a nice story to hear. Tell me something new, then.~ + a1672 + ~Global("c-drow","GLOBAL",1)~ + ~[PC] Oh, come on. That was a long time ago. You should be able to tell me about her again.~ + a1668 + ~!Global("c-drow","GLOBAL",1)~ + ~[PC] Oh, come on. That was a long time ago. You should be able to tell me about her again.~ + a1670 ++ ~[PC] Come on, Aran. It will amuse me.~ + a1667 ++ ~[PC] Fine. Be that way. I didn't want to hear your pointless long-winded rambling anyhow.~ + a1684 END /* SoA Story Pool : delay talking about ex-gf again */ IF ~~ a1682 SAY ~[ARAN] Hey, why bring up this particular bit o' th' past? I done moved on, eh? You should know that better than most.~ ++ ~[PC] I know it hurts you, but I don't remember what happened. And everything that has happened or will happen to you is very important to me.~ + a1655 + ~!Class("c-aran",BARD_ALL)~ + ~[PC] Well, I guess that is not such a nice story to hear. Tell me something new, then.~ + a1671 + ~Class("c-aran",BARD_ALL)~ + ~[PC] Well, I guess that is not such a nice story to hear. Tell me something new, then.~ + a1672 + ~Global("c-drow","GLOBAL",1)~ + ~[PC] Oh, come on. That was a long time ago. You should be able to tell me about her again.~ + a1668 + ~!Global("c-drow","GLOBAL",1)~ + ~[PC] Oh, come on. That was a long time ago. You should be able to tell me about her again.~ + a1670 ++ ~[PC] Come on, Aran. It will amuse me.~ + a1667 ++ ~[PC] Fine. Be that way. I didn't want to hear your pointless long-winded rambling anyhow.~ + a1684 END /* SoA Story Pool : writing his own story */ IF ~~ a1683 SAY ~[ARAN] To tell th' truth, I am not rightly sure how it be goin' yet myself. I try to write, but it all comes out purple prose, like "her alabaster skin, scented with the clean fresh delicacy of saffron, gleams in the moonlight. Her scented breath paints hot circles of lust on his soft, supple skin". Or worse, it comes out all action, like "I watched. You hid. He thrust. She screamed in ecstasy. We heard the answering groan echoing in the darkened chamber. You could have heard a pin drop in the silence afterwards. They rolled about, hidden under the privacy of darkness and the enspelled silence that protected them".~ = ~[ARAN] I might have to abandon th' whole romantic fiction idea, an' go for a Heroic Epic. Unless... well, I could sweet-talk some willin' female into doin' some contextual research, eh? Mayhap some willin' lass might let me experiment...~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranwritesstory","LOCALS",2)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a1684 SAY ~[ARAN] Mystra's Mouth, I do ramble on, eh? Well, I suppose we should get rollin' anyhow.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END /* SoA Story Pool : can't think of one not told */ IF ~~ a1685 SAY ~[ARAN] I can think o' naught that I haven't told you already. Mayhap I can tell you one o' them again?~ + ~Global("c-drow","GLOBAL",1)~ + ~[PC] No thanks. If you are out of stories, then I hope you come up with some riddles or something, or this will be a very long trip through the Underdark.~ + a1684 ++ ~[PC] That sounds like fun. Go ahead, tell me something you have already told. Your stories are always interesting.~ + a1673 ++ ~[PC] I think we have had enough talk. Let's move on.~ + a1684 ++ ~[PC] Thank the gods you have run out. You stink at telling stories anyways. I was getting tired of humoring you~ + a1981 /* c-aranshutup75 */ ++ ~[PC] Never mind. I was joking, anyways. I'd rather cut my own throat than hear you blather on about things.~ + a1980 /* c-aranshutup74 */ + ~!Global("c-drow","GLOBAL",1)~ + ~[PC] No thanks. If you are out of stories, then perhaps it is time to go make some ourselves.~ + a1684 END /* SoA UnderDark FriendTalks Replies */ IF ~~ a2040 SAY ~[ARAN] Aye, I be a legend in my own mind, eh?~ + ~RandomNum(3,1)~ + ~[PC] It is not a great time to talk right now, Aran. If you want this over with quickly, stop wasting time with smalltalk.~ + a1907 /* c-aranshutup1 */ + ~RandomNum(3,2)~ + ~[PC] It is not a great time to talk right now, Aran. If you want this over with quickly, stop wasting time with smalltalk.~ + a1909 /* c-aranshutup3 */ + ~RandomNum(3,3)~ + ~[PC] It is not a great time to talk right now, Aran. If you want this over with quickly, stop wasting time with smalltalk.~ + a1911 /* c-aranshutup5 */ + ~InParty("BIDDE") InMyArea("BIDDE") !StateCheck("BIDDE",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2108","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Biddekorak seems to be handling this better than you are.~ + a2108 + ~InParty("BWTOUCHX") InMyArea("BWTOUCHX") !StateCheck("BWTOUCHX",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2109","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Touchstone seems to be handling this better than you are.~ + a2109 + ~InParty("CALLISTO") InMyArea("CALLISTO") !StateCheck("CALLISTO",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2110","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Callisto seems to be handling this better than you are.~ + a2110 + ~InParty("WILLYB") InMyArea("WILLYB") !StateCheck("WILLYB",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2111","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Bruce seems to be handling this better than you are.~ + a2111 + ~InParty("WLBRAN") InMyArea("WLBRAN") !StateCheck("WLBRAN",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2112","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Bruce seems to be handling this better than you are.~ + a2112 + ~InParty("Skooter") InMyArea("Skooter") !StateCheck("Skooter",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2173","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Skooter seems to be handling this better than you are.~ + a2173 + ~InParty("SOLAUFEIN") InMyArea("SOLAUFEIN") !StateCheck("SOLAUFEIN",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2174","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Solaufein seems to be handling this better than you are.~ + a2174 + ~InParty("xulaye") InMyArea("xulaye") !StateCheck("xulaye",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2175","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Xulaye seems to be handling this better than you are.~ + a2175 + ~!Class("c-aran",BARD_ALL)~ + ~[PC] Well, take your mind off of it. Tell me a story to distract from all this oppressive darkness.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendud","GLOBAL",2) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a1672 + ~Class("c-aran",BARD_ALL)~ + ~[PC] Well, take your mind off of it. Tell me a story to distract from all this oppressive darkness.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendud","GLOBAL",2) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a1671 + ~OR(8) Global("c-arangogstory","LOCALS",1) Global("c-arankravitchstory","LOCALS",1) Global("c-arancarbonara","LOCALS",1) Global("c-arancalimport","LOCALS",1) Global("c-arangerris","LOCALS",1) Global("c-arandadtrade","LOCALS",1) Global("c-aranfistfight","LOCALS",1) GlobalGT("c-aranmoonfight","LOCALS",0)~ + ~[PC] Hey, Aran, I remember you telling a story... can you tell it to me again?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendud","GLOBAL",2) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a1673 ++ ~[PC] You know you are interrupting our travels with random comments, right?~ + a2052 ++ ~[PC] Oh, more than one person thinks you are legendary. There are probably entire books on the famous Inedible Whitehand Curry.~ + a2053 ++ ~[PC] Stop worrying, Aran. You are letting things get to you.~ + a2054 ++ ~[PC] You could help move things along down here if you would actually hit something once in awhile. I thought you were a soldier, not a recruit.~ + a2055 ++ ~[PC] Hey, we can spice things up. Why don't we go find something really disgusting, and slowly torture it to death, just to hear it scream!~ + a2056 END IF ~~ a2041 SAY ~[ARAN] I do be reservin' th' right to be scared out o' my skin, on account o we be wanderin' th' worst collection o' fungus, mold, slime, an' evil anywhere. It's not th' hordes o' Drow that get me, though. It be th' creepin' fungus what covers everythin'. I keep wakin' up expectin' to find I have been half digested.~ + ~InParty("Minsc") InMyArea("Minsc") !StateCheck("Minsc",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2176","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Minsc seems to be handling this better than you are.~ + a2176 + ~InParty("Korgan") InMyArea("Korgan") !StateCheck("Korgan",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2177","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Korgan seems to be handling this better than you are.~ + a2177 + ~InParty("Keldorn") InMyArea("Keldorn") !StateCheck("Keldorn",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2178","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Keldorn seems to be handling this better than you are.~ + a2178 + ~InParty("Valygar") InMyArea("Valygar") !StateCheck("Valygar",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2179","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Valygar seems to be handling this better than you are.~ + a2179 + ~InParty("Viconia") InMyArea("Viconia") !StateCheck("Viconia",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2180","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Viconia seems to be handling this better than you are.~ + a2180 + ~InParty("Nalia") InMyArea("Nalia") !StateCheck("Nalia",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2181","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Nalia seems to be handling this better than you are.~ + a2181 + ~InParty("Mazzy") InMyArea("Mazzy") !StateCheck("Mazzy",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2182","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Mazzy seems to be handling this better than you are.~ + a2182 + ~InParty("Jaheira") InMyArea("Jaheira") !StateCheck("Jaheira",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2183","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Jaheira seems to be handling this better than you are.~ + a2183 + ~InParty("Jan") InMyArea("Jan") !StateCheck("Jan",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2184","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Jan seems to be handling this better than you are.~ + a2184 + ~InParty("Imoen2") InMyArea("Imoen2") !StateCheck("Imoen2",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2185","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Imoen seems to be handling this better than you are.~ + a2185 + ~InParty("HaerDalis") InMyArea("HaerDalis") !StateCheck("HaerDalis",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2186","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] HaerDalis seems to be handling this better than you are.~ + a2186 + ~InParty("Edwin") InMyArea("Edwin") !StateCheck("Edwin",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2187","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Edwin seems to be handling this better than you are.~ + a2187 + ~InParty("Anomen") InMyArea("Anomen") !StateCheck("Anomen",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2188","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Anomen seems to be handling this better than you are.~ + a2188 + ~InParty("Cernd") InMyArea("Cernd") !StateCheck("Cernd",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2189","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Cernd seems to be handling this better than you are.~ + a2189 + ~InParty("Yoshimo") InMyArea("Yoshimo") !StateCheck("Yoshimo",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2190","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Yoshimo seems to be handling this better than you are.~ + a2190 ++ ~[PC] We should be keeping our eyes open and not wasting time with all of this talk, you know.~ + a2052 ++ ~[PC] And here I thought it would be more uncomfortable to wake up and find yourself fully digested.~ + a2053 ++ ~[PC] You should stop worrying so much about everything, and concentrate on your duties.~ + a2054 ++ ~[PC] You could help move things along down here if you would actually hit something once in awhile. I thought you were a soldier, not a recruit.~ + a2055 ++ ~[PC] Hey, we can spice things up. Why don't we go find something really disgusting, and slowly torture it to death, just to hear it scream!~ + a2056 END IF ~~ a2042 SAY ~[ARAN] Mayhap not. But it be a soldier's right to complain, an' it sure beats runnin' around screamin' "We're all goin' to die! We're all goin' to die!"~ + ~InParty("Minsc") InMyArea("Minsc") !StateCheck("Minsc",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2176","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Minsc seems to be handling this better than you are.~ + a2176 + ~InParty("Korgan") InMyArea("Korgan") !StateCheck("Korgan",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2177","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Korgan seems to be handling this better than you are.~ + a2177 + ~InParty("Keldorn") InMyArea("Keldorn") !StateCheck("Keldorn",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2178","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Keldorn seems to be handling this better than you are.~ + a2178 + ~InParty("Valygar") InMyArea("Valygar") !StateCheck("Valygar",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2179","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Valygar seems to be handling this better than you are.~ + a2179 + ~InParty("Viconia") InMyArea("Viconia") !StateCheck("Viconia",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2180","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Viconia seems to be handling this better than you are.~ + a2180 + ~InParty("Nalia") InMyArea("Nalia") !StateCheck("Nalia",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2181","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Nalia seems to be handling this better than you are.~ + a2181 + ~InParty("Mazzy") InMyArea("Mazzy") !StateCheck("Mazzy",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2182","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Mazzy seems to be handling this better than you are.~ + a2182 + ~InParty("Jaheira") InMyArea("Jaheira") !StateCheck("Jaheira",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2183","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Jaheira seems to be handling this better than you are.~ + a2183 + ~InParty("Jan") InMyArea("Jan") !StateCheck("Jan",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2184","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Jan seems to be handling this better than you are.~ + a2184 + ~InParty("Imoen2") InMyArea("Imoen2") !StateCheck("Imoen2",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2185","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Imoen seems to be handling this better than you are.~ + a2185 + ~InParty("HaerDalis") InMyArea("HaerDalis") !StateCheck("HaerDalis",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2186","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] HaerDalis seems to be handling this better than you are.~ + a2186 + ~InParty("Edwin") InMyArea("Edwin") !StateCheck("Edwin",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2187","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Edwin seems to be handling this better than you are.~ + a2187 + ~InParty("Anomen") InMyArea("Anomen") !StateCheck("Anomen",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2188","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Anomen seems to be handling this better than you are.~ + a2188 + ~InParty("Cernd") InMyArea("Cernd") !StateCheck("Cernd",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2189","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Cernd seems to be handling this better than you are.~ + a2189 + ~InParty("Yoshimo") InMyArea("Yoshimo") !StateCheck("Yoshimo",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2190","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Yoshimo seems to be handling this better than you are.~ + a2190 ++ ~[PC] We should be keeping our eyes open and not wasting time with all of this talk, you know.~ + a2052 ++ ~[PC] Now that I would pay to see. I'll even give you a skirt to wear while doing it.~ + a2053 ++ ~[PC] You should stop worrying so much about everything, and concentrate on your duties.~ + a2054 ++ ~[PC] You could help move things along down here if you would actually hit something once in awhile. I thought you were a soldier, not a recruit.~ + a2055 ++ ~[PC] Hey, we can spice things up. Why don't we go find something really disgusting, and slowly torture it to death, just to hear it scream!~ + a2056 END IF ~~ a1788 SAY ~[ARAN] Hey, your armor be all wrong. I know you be th' scourge o' Faerun, but you don't have to wear your heart on your sleeve, eh? In this case, someone else's, by th' look. Not a great morale boostin' thing, by my account.~ [c-aws075] IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-arskinarm","LOCALS",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranskin","GLOBAL",FOUR_DAYS)~ GOTO a1791 END IF ~~ a1791 SAY ~[ARAN] But there be more botherin' me than that bundle o' leathered human skin you be wearin'. Do you think we could move this along a little? This whole Underdark be my idea o' a nightmare wrapped up in one o' those tales told to scare children.~ ++ ~[PC] We are moving along as best we can. Calm down, take a big breath, and get yourself under control. The Underdark may be legendary, but then again, so are we.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendud","GLOBAL",2) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a2040 ++ ~[PC] Oh, shut up. What a big baby. You talk about being a tough military man, yet go all weak-kneed at a little fungus and some Drow?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendud","GLOBAL",2) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a2041 ++ ~[PC] It is bothering me, too, Aran. But complaining about it will not get us any further.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendud","GLOBAL",2) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a2042 + ~RandomNum(3,1)~ + ~[PC] It is not a great time to talk right now, Aran. If you want this over with quickly, stop wasting time with smalltalk.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendud","GLOBAL",2) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a1907 /* c-aranshutup1 */ + ~RandomNum(3,2)~ + ~[PC] It is not a great time to talk right now, Aran. If you want this over with quickly, stop wasting time with smalltalk.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendud","GLOBAL",2) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a1909 /* c-aranshutup3 */ + ~RandomNum(3,3)~ + ~[PC] It is not a great time to talk right now, Aran. If you want this over with quickly, stop wasting time with smalltalk.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendud","GLOBAL",2) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a1911 /* c-aranshutup5 */ + ~InParty("aerie") InMyArea("aerie") Global("c-aranaerieud","LOCALS",0)~ + ~[PC] You sound like Aerie.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendud","GLOBAL",2) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a1687 + ~!Class("c-aran",BARD_ALL)~ + ~[PC] Well, take your mind off of it. Tell me a story to distract from all this oppressive darkness.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendud","GLOBAL",2) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a1672 + ~Class("c-aran",BARD_ALL)~ + ~[PC] Well, take your mind off of it. Tell me a story to distract from all this oppressive darkness.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendud","GLOBAL",2) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a1671 + ~OR(8) Global("c-arangogstory","LOCALS",1) Global("c-arankravitchstory","LOCALS",1) Global("c-arancarbonara","LOCALS",1) Global("c-arancalimport","LOCALS",1) Global("c-arangerris","LOCALS",1) Global("c-arandadtrade","LOCALS",1) Global("c-aranfistfight","LOCALS",1) GlobalGT("c-aranmoonfight","LOCALS",0)~ + ~[PC] Hey, Aran, I remember you telling a story... can you tell it to me again?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendud","GLOBAL",2) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a1673 END IF ~~ a1789 SAY ~[ARAN] You still be wearin' that Grumbar-lovin' Cyric-blighted armor? Gives me th' chills, it does.~ [c-aws134] ++ ~[PC] If it bothers you that much, I will take it off.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arskinarm","LOCALS",2) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranskin","GLOBAL",FOUR_DAYS)~ + a1791 ++ ~[PC] I think it has a great effect on our opponents' morale. You are just going to have to get used to it.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arskinarm","LOCALS",2) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranskin","GLOBAL",FOUR_DAYS)~ + a1791 ++ ~[PC] If I wanted you opinion, I would have asked.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arskinarm","LOCALS",2) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranskin","GLOBAL",FOUR_DAYS)~ + a1791 ++ ~[PC] Shut up, or your ears will add decoration to it.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arskinarm","LOCALS",2) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranskin","GLOBAL",FOUR_DAYS)~ + a1791 END IF ~~ a1790 SAY ~[ARAN] Look, I do a good bit around here, an' I know you be th' leader. I'm just sayin', that armor makes it blighted hard for me to do my job. Th' smell be only part o' it. Shar's Kiss, get rid o' it, eh?~ [c-aws135] ++ ~[PC] Or you will run crying like a weakling child, break your contract, and leave?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arskinarm","LOCALS",3)~ + a1793 ++ ~[PC] Shut up, Aran. I heard you the first two times. I will use what tools I see fit to advance my goals.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arskinarm","LOCALS",3)~ + a1793 ++ ~[PC] Are you volunteering to add more skin to this armor? Speak again, and I will ~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arskinarm","LOCALS",3)~ + a1793 ++ ~[PC] I may very well take it off. You are useful. But then again, I might put it back on. You will have to get used to it, or leave.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arskinarm","LOCALS",3)~ + a1793 ++ ~[PC] You do very little, and I am tired of your whining. That is the last warning you will get.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arskinarm","LOCALS",3)~ + a1793 END IF ~~ a1793 SAY ~[ARAN] Hey, I don't go around second guessin' you. So if I be sayin' it, you know there be one hells of a lot more people who have noticed. Might fit your ideas, but it be bad tactics to give away your position that way.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a1791 END IF ~~ a1794 SAY ~[ARAN] Cyric's Black Heart, I don't run out on contracts. But you smell worse than a charnelhouse. If I throw up, you will be knowin' why.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a1791 END IF ~~ a2043 SAY ~[ARAN] You know me so well, oh great leader. Unfortunately, there be little enough to joke about when th' smell down here be worse than anythin' I ever did smell.~ + ~InParty("DL#BWN") InMyArea("DL#BWN") !StateCheck("DL#BWN",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2123","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Branwen seems to be handling this better than you are.~ + a2123 + ~InParty("DYNAHEIR") InMyArea("DYNAHEIR") !StateCheck("DYNAHEIR",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2124","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Dynaheir seems to be handling this better than you are.~ + a2124 + ~InParty("E3Fade") InMyArea("E3Fade") !StateCheck("E3Fade",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2125","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Fade seems to be handling this better than you are.~ + a2125 + ~InParty("FHLAND") InMyArea("FHLAND") !StateCheck("FHLAND",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2126","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Andrei seems to be handling this better than you are.~ + a2126 + ~InParty("FHLSEB") InMyArea("FHLSEB") !StateCheck("FHLSEB",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2127","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Sebastian seems to be handling this better than you are.~ + a2127 + ~InParty("Minsc") InMyArea("Minsc") !StateCheck("Minsc",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2176","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Minsc seems to be handling this better than you are.~ + a2176 + ~InParty("Korgan") InMyArea("Korgan") !StateCheck("Korgan",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2177","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Korgan seems to be handling this better than you are.~ + a2177 + ~InParty("Keldorn") InMyArea("Keldorn") !StateCheck("Keldorn",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2178","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Keldorn seems to be handling this better than you are.~ + a2178 + ~InParty("Valygar") InMyArea("Valygar") !StateCheck("Valygar",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2179","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Valygar seems to be handling this better than you are.~ + a2179 + ~InParty("Viconia") InMyArea("Viconia") !StateCheck("Viconia",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2180","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Viconia seems to be handling this better than you are.~ + a2180 + ~InParty("Nalia") InMyArea("Nalia") !StateCheck("Nalia",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2181","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Nalia seems to be handling this better than you are.~ + a2181 + ~InParty("Mazzy") InMyArea("Mazzy") !StateCheck("Mazzy",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2182","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Mazzy seems to be handling this better than you are.~ + a2182 + ~InParty("Jaheira") InMyArea("Jaheira") !StateCheck("Jaheira",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2183","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Jaheira seems to be handling this better than you are.~ + a2183 + ~InParty("Jan") InMyArea("Jan") !StateCheck("Jan",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2184","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Jan seems to be handling this better than you are.~ + a2184 + ~InParty("Imoen2") InMyArea("Imoen2") !StateCheck("Imoen2",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2185","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Imoen seems to be handling this better than you are.~ + a2185 + ~InParty("HaerDalis") InMyArea("HaerDalis") !StateCheck("HaerDalis",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2186","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] HaerDalis seems to be handling this better than you are.~ + a2186 + ~InParty("Edwin") InMyArea("Edwin") !StateCheck("Edwin",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2187","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Edwin seems to be handling this better than you are.~ + a2187 + ~InParty("Anomen") InMyArea("Anomen") !StateCheck("Anomen",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2188","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Anomen seems to be handling this better than you are.~ + a2188 + ~InParty("Cernd") InMyArea("Cernd") !StateCheck("Cernd",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2189","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Cernd seems to be handling this better than you are.~ + a2189 + ~InParty("Yoshimo") InMyArea("Yoshimo") !StateCheck("Yoshimo",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2190","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Yoshimo seems to be handling this better than you are.~ + a2190 ++ ~[PC] We should be keeping our eyes open and not wasting time with all of this talk, you know.~ + a2052 ++ ~[PC] And here I thought you had experienced everything worth experiencing, oh teller of tall tales. Just think of the stories you will be able to tell your children. If any woman can get past the permanent stench, that is.~ + a2053 ++ ~[PC] You should stop worrying so much about everything, and concentrate on your duties.~ + a2054 ++ ~[PC] You could help move things along down here if you would actually hit something once in awhile. I thought you were a soldier, not a recruit.~ + a2055 ++ ~[PC] Hey, we can spice things up. Why don't we go find something really disgusting, and slowly torture it to death, just to hear it scream!~ + a2056 END IF ~~ a2044 SAY ~[ARAN] Now there be no call for that kind o' talk. I don't smell that bad, not on my worst day ever! An' it never lets up. At least topside you can get a breeze an' some relief.~ + ~InParty("FINIREN") InMyArea("FINIREN") !StateCheck("FINIREN",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2128","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Irenicus seems to be handling this better than you are.~ + a2128 + ~InParty("FWGhareth") InMyArea("FWGhareth") !StateCheck("FWGhareth",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2129","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Ghareth seems to be handling this better than you are.~ + a2129 + ~InParty("GOZALOTH") InMyArea("GOZALOTH") !StateCheck("GOZALOTH",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2130","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Goo seems to be handling this better than you are.~ + a2130 + ~InParty("Horace") InMyArea("Horace") !StateCheck("Horace",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2131","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Horace seems to be handling this better than you are.~ + a2131 + ~InParty("Hubelpot") InMyArea("Hubelpot") !StateCheck("Hubelpot",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2132","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Hubelpot seems to be handling this better than you are.~ + a2132 + ~InParty("Minsc") InMyArea("Minsc") !StateCheck("Minsc",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2176","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Minsc seems to be handling this better than you are.~ + a2176 + ~InParty("Korgan") InMyArea("Korgan") !StateCheck("Korgan",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2177","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Korgan seems to be handling this better than you are.~ + a2177 + ~InParty("Keldorn") InMyArea("Keldorn") !StateCheck("Keldorn",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2178","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Keldorn seems to be handling this better than you are.~ + a2178 + ~InParty("Valygar") InMyArea("Valygar") !StateCheck("Valygar",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2179","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Valygar seems to be handling this better than you are.~ + a2179 + ~InParty("Viconia") InMyArea("Viconia") !StateCheck("Viconia",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2180","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Viconia seems to be handling this better than you are.~ + a2180 + ~InParty("Nalia") InMyArea("Nalia") !StateCheck("Nalia",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2181","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Nalia seems to be handling this better than you are.~ + a2181 + ~InParty("Mazzy") InMyArea("Mazzy") !StateCheck("Mazzy",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2182","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Mazzy seems to be handling this better than you are.~ + a2182 + ~InParty("Jaheira") InMyArea("Jaheira") !StateCheck("Jaheira",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2183","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Jaheira seems to be handling this better than you are.~ + a2183 + ~InParty("Jan") InMyArea("Jan") !StateCheck("Jan",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2184","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Jan seems to be handling this better than you are.~ + a2184 + ~InParty("Imoen2") InMyArea("Imoen2") !StateCheck("Imoen2",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2185","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Imoen seems to be handling this better than you are.~ + a2185 + ~InParty("HaerDalis") InMyArea("HaerDalis") !StateCheck("HaerDalis",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2186","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] HaerDalis seems to be handling this better than you are.~ + a2186 + ~InParty("Edwin") InMyArea("Edwin") !StateCheck("Edwin",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2187","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Edwin seems to be handling this better than you are.~ + a2187 + ~InParty("Anomen") InMyArea("Anomen") !StateCheck("Anomen",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2188","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Anomen seems to be handling this better than you are.~ + a2188 + ~InParty("Cernd") InMyArea("Cernd") !StateCheck("Cernd",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2189","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Cernd seems to be handling this better than you are.~ + a2189 + ~InParty("Yoshimo") InMyArea("Yoshimo") !StateCheck("Yoshimo",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2190","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Yoshimo seems to be handling this better than you are.~ + a2190 ++ ~[PC] We should be keeping our eyes open and not wasting time with all of this talk, you know.~ + a2052 ++ ~[PC] Unless, of course, you are downwind of a certain Aran Whitehand... at which point the stream of gas is almost constant.~ + a2053 ++ ~[PC] You should stop worrying so much about everything, and concentrate on your duties.~ + a2054 ++ ~[PC] You could help move things along down here if you would actually hit something once in awhile. I thought you were a soldier, not a recruit.~ + a2055 ++ ~[PC] Hey, we can spice things up. Why don't we go find something really disgusting, and slowly torture it to death, just to hear it scream!~ + a2056 END IF ~~ a1687 SAY ~[ARAN] Aye, I be a mite worried about that girl. Girl? Woman? Don't rightly know which to call her, nohow. On th' one hand, she can blow th' crap out o' a fight wi' a well placed spell, but on th' other hand she seems right innocent for a circus follower. This whole underground warren o' evil be th' wrong place for her, for sure.~ ++ ~[PC] You seem to be spending a good deal of time looking over at her.~ + a1695 ++ ~[PC] You let me worry about Aerie. I think you have enough trouble just keeping up with your own problems.~ + a1704 END IF ~~ a1695 SAY ~[ARAN] Look, I'm not about to lie to you. Aerie, she tugs at my heartstrings, an' a bit at my loins too. I'd not be a man if I didn't see her as a might bit attractive.~ IF ~Gender(Player1,MALE)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranaerieud","LOCALS",1)~ GOTO a1696 IF ~Gender(Player1,FEMALE) !Global("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",2)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranaerieud","LOCALS",1)~ GOTO a1697 IF ~Gender(Player1,FEMALE) Global("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",2)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranaerieud","LOCALS",1)~ GOTO a1698 END IF ~~ a1697 SAY ~[ARAN] Friend to friend, though, an' no offense intended, but she's a might too high maintenance for me. I'd not kick her out o' my bedroll if she came callin' lookin' for comfort, but I'm not lookin' to tie myself down for a long term contract. An' I think she probably won't be up for anythin' short of a lifetime commitment.~ ++ ~[PC] Is that what you say about me behind my back, too?~ + a1699 + ~GlobalGT("c-aransex","GLOBAL",1)~ + ~[PC] That didn't stop you from having some fun with me, if I recall correctly.~ + a1700 END IF ~~ a1699 SAY ~[ARAN] No way, no how, naught. I know to keep my mouth shut on that subject. Though I do think I probably wouldn't kick you out o' my bedroll if you came a-callin', either.~ ++ ~[PC] Why do I get the feeling that very few women would ever be refused your "comfort"?~ + a1702 ++ ~[PC] How does a rough, ill-mannered, uppity, vagabond sellsword like yourself get away with being so free in his manner with women?~ + a1702 ++ ~[PC] You just don't know where friendly joking ends and rude pushy stupidity begins, do you.~ + a1701 + ~GlobalGT("c-aransex","GLOBAL",3)~ + ~[PC] You are so.... so... Why did I ever let you sleep with me?~ + a1700 + ~GlobalGT("c-aransex","GLOBAL",0) GlobalLT("c-aransex","GLOBAL",4)~ + ~[PC] You are so.... so... Why did I ever let you kiss me?~ + a1700 END IF ~~ a1700 SAY ~[ARAN] Well, now, if I do be recallin' correctly in return, that was mutual attraction. Plus a mite bit o' stress. An' a good deal o' "Oh, gods, Aran, gods...", which do a man's ego a huge boost, it does.~ = ~[ARAN] But wi' you, there is a big difference. Even when you don't know your own mind, you have a presence, a way o' bein' there that be right different than Aerie. Or mayhap... mayhap I think o' you in a completely different way, eh?~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1696 SAY ~[ARAN] Man to man, though, an' no offense intended, but she's way too high maintenance for me. I'd not bed her, for fear o' hurtin' her. She don't need no romp. She needs someone what can give her th' support, patience, an' true love what will heal her. Me, I'm not rightly that man. You might be, though...~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1698 SAY ~[ARAN] But , no offense intended... I am not sure why you think I'd prefer her over you. You are beautiful, special, an' make me feel... well, you make me feel. Why would I go throw that away on a high maintenance Avariel what needs protectin', comfortin', an' hand-holdin' just to get out o' bed in th' morning? I think I have been pretty clear on what I want. An' that be you.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1701 SAY ~[ARAN] You mean to say there be a line between th' two? Heh. That explains why so many women seem to think my cheeks make good slappin' targets.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1702 SAY ~[ARAN] Well, my mother done taught me right. If a lady needs somethin', don't talk back - just do what she be askin'. Saves a heap o' trouble, it does. Except that time when I done what th' lady asked, only to find out there should have been a mite bit more communication with her husband...~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1703 SAY ~[ARAN] Well, when you put it that way, I suspect you be right.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1704 SAY ~[ARAN] An' what, pray tell, be my problems?~ ++ ~[PC] Besides always smelling like a badly burned pot of beans or decomposing swamp gas about an hour after eating curry?~ + a1703 ++ ~[PC] You mean in addition to never being able to shut up?~ + a1703 + ~Gender(Player1,FEMALE)~ + ~[PC] Do I have to mention the whole "oh, I just accidentally walked around the bushes and saw you with no clothes on, , don't mind me" incident?~ + a1703 + ~Gender(Player2,FEMALE) !Name("c-aran",Player2)~ + ~[PC] Do I have to mention the whole "oh, sorry, , don't mind me. I am just checking to see if your bust will fit into this here Drow armor" incident?~ + a1703 + ~Gender(Player3,FEMALE) !Name("c-aran",Player3)~ + ~[PC] Do I have to mention the whole "oh, I just accidentally tripped and grabbed your buttocks, , don't mind me" incident?~ + a1703 + ~Gender(Player4,FEMALE) !Name("c-aran",Player4)~ + ~[PC] Do I have to mention the whole " might need some help stuffing her bottom into that Drow outfit" incident?~ + a1703 + ~Gender(Player5,FEMALE) !Name("c-aran",Player5)~ + ~[PC] Do I have to mention the whole ", just let me tighten that strap for you" incident?~ + a1703 + ~Gender(Player6,FEMALE) !Name("c-aran",Player6) !Name("viconia",Player6)~ + ~[PC] Do I have to mention the whole ", you have something on your chest, let me brush it off" incident?~ + a1703 ++ ~[PC] Oh, you don't *have* problems. You just *cause* problems.~ + a1703 ++ ~[PC] Let me see... Swearing at every opportunity, check. Being crude, check. Being offensive, check. Being drunk... check, check, check, and check. Hardly ever picking up the check, check.~ + a1703 ++ ~[PC] Forget I said anything. You probably would take offense at my analysis.~ + a1703 END IF ~~ a1783 SAY ~[ARAN] Hey, your armor be all wrong. I know you be th' scourge o' Faerun, but you don't have to wear your heart on your sleeve, eh? In this case, someone else's, by th' look. Not a great morale boostin' thing, by my account.~ [c-aws075] IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-arskinarm","LOCALS",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranskin","GLOBAL",FOUR_DAYS)~ GOTO a1792 END IF ~~ a1792 SAY ~[ARAN] But there be more botherin' me than that bundle o' leathered human skin you be wearin'. There has to be somethin' fun around here to do. I figure we could use some distraction from all this grimness an' darkness.~ ++ ~[PC] Err... Aran... look around. Do you really think this is a place with a nice corner pub we can go visit?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendud","GLOBAL",6) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a2045 ++ ~[PC] Actually, I thought I would go for a nice walk. Do you want to come along?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendud","GLOBAL",6) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a2046 ++ ~[PC] Oh, no you don't. I am not falling for that again. Last time, we ended up in a dice game that cost me dearly.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendud","GLOBAL",6) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a2047 ++ ~[PC] I think a cooking contest is in order. The secret ingredient will be... fungus!~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendud","GLOBAL",6) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a2048 + ~RandomNum(3,1)~ + ~[PC] Do I look like I am in the mood for talk of any kind?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendud","GLOBAL",6) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a1907 /* c-aranshutup1 */ + ~RandomNum(3,2)~ + ~[PC] Do I look like I am in the mood for talk of any kind?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendud","GLOBAL",6) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a1943 /* c-aranshutup37 */ + ~RandomNum(3,3)~ + ~[PC] Do I look like I am in the mood for talk of any kind?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendud","GLOBAL",6) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a1911 /* c-aranshutup5 */ + ~InParty("aerie") InMyArea("aerie") Global("c-aranaerieud","LOCALS",0)~ + ~[PC] We should do something to perk up Aerie. She seems to be very upset about being down here.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendud","GLOBAL",6) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a1687 + ~!Class("c-aran",BARD_ALL)~ + ~[PC] Well, take your mind off of it. Tell me a story to distract from all this oppressive darkness.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendud","GLOBAL",6) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a1672 + ~Class("c-aran",BARD_ALL)~ + ~[PC] Well, take your mind off of it. Tell me a story to distract from all this oppressive darkness.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendud","GLOBAL",6) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a1671 + ~OR(8) Global("c-arangogstory","LOCALS",1) Global("c-arankravitchstory","LOCALS",1) Global("c-arancarbonara","LOCALS",1) Global("c-arancalimport","LOCALS",1) Global("c-arangerris","LOCALS",1) Global("c-arandadtrade","LOCALS",1) Global("c-aranfistfight","LOCALS",1) GlobalGT("c-aranmoonfight","LOCALS",0)~ + ~[PC] Hey, Aran, I remember you telling a story... can you tell it to me again?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendud","GLOBAL",6) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a1673 END IF ~~ a1784 SAY ~[ARAN] You still be wearin' that Grumbar-lovin' Cyric-blighted armor? Gives me th' chills, it does.~ [c-aws134] ++ ~[PC] If it bothers you that much, I will take it off.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arskinarm","LOCALS",2) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranskin","GLOBAL",FOUR_DAYS)~ + a1786 ++ ~[PC] I think it has a great effect on our opponents' morale. You are just going to have to get used to it.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arskinarm","LOCALS",2) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranskin","GLOBAL",FOUR_DAYS)~ + a1786 ++ ~[PC] If I wanted you opinion, I would have asked.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arskinarm","LOCALS",2) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranskin","GLOBAL",FOUR_DAYS)~ + a1786 ++ ~[PC] Shut up, or your ears will add decoration to it.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arskinarm","LOCALS",2) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranskin","GLOBAL",FOUR_DAYS)~ + a1786 END IF ~~ a1785 SAY ~[ARAN] Look, I do a good bit around here, an' I know you be th' leader. I'm just sayin', that armor makes it blighted hard for me to do my job. Th' smell be only part o' it. Shar's Kiss, get rid o' it, eh?~ [c-aws135] ++ ~[PC] Or you will run crying like a weakling child, break your contract, and leave?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arskinarm","LOCALS",3)~ + a1787 ++ ~[PC] Shut up, Aran. I heard you the first two times. I will use what tools I see fit to advance my goals.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arskinarm","LOCALS",3)~ + a1787 ++ ~[PC] Are you volunteering to add more skin to this armor? Speak again, and I will consider you have volunteered.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arskinarm","LOCALS",3)~ + a1787 ++ ~[PC] I may very well take it off. You are useful. But then again, I might put it back on. You will have to get used to it, or leave.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arskinarm","LOCALS",3)~ + a1787 ++ ~[PC] You do very little, and I am tired of your whining. That is the last warning you will get.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arskinarm","LOCALS",3)~ + a1787 END IF ~~ a1786 SAY ~[ARAN] Hey, I don't go around second guessin' you. So if I be sayin' it, you know there be one hells of a lot more people who have noticed. Might fit your ideas, but it be bad tactics to give away your position that way.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a1792 END IF ~~ a1787 SAY ~[ARAN] Cyric's Black Heart, I don't run out on contracts. But you smell worse than a charnelhouse. If I throw up, you will be knowin' why.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a1792 END IF ~~ a2045 SAY ~[ARAN] You have a good point there. Th' only pub I might find around here probably serves our blood up as an appetizer, an' our fingers an' toes as side dishes.~ + ~InParty("IYLOS") InMyArea("IYLOS") !StateCheck("IYLOS",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2133","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Iylos seems to be handling this better than you are.~ + a2133 + ~InParty("xulaye") InMyArea("xulaye") !StateCheck("xulaye",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2134","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Xulaye seems to be handling this better than you are.~ + a2134 + ~InParty("YASRAENA") InMyArea("YASRAENA") !StateCheck("YASRAENA",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2135","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Yasraena seems to be handling this better than you are.~ + a2135 + ~InParty("ZAIYA") InMyArea("ZAIYA") !StateCheck("ZAIYA",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2136","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Zaiya seems to be handling this better than you are.~ + a2136 + ~InParty("J#Kelsey") InMyArea("J#Kelsey") !StateCheck("J#Kelsey",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2137","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Kelsey seems to be handling this better than you are.~ + a2137 + ~InParty("O#XAN") InMyArea("O#XAN") !StateCheck("O#XAN",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2163","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Xan seems to be handling this better than you are.~ + a2163 + ~InParty("P#DEHER") InMyArea("P#DEHER") !StateCheck("P#DEHER",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2164","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Xan seems to be handling this better than you are.~ + a2164 + ~InParty("P#KIVAN") InMyArea("P#KIVAN") !StateCheck("P#KIVAN",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2165","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Kivan seems to be handling this better than you are.~ + a2165 + ~InParty("R#ALLIS") InMyArea("R#ALLIS") !StateCheck("R#ALLIS",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2166","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Allison seems to be handling this better than you are.~ + a2166 + ~InParty("R#Kitanya") InMyArea("R#Kitanya") !StateCheck("R#Kitanya",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2167","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Kitanya seems to be handling this better than you are.~ + a2167 + ~InParty("Minsc") InMyArea("Minsc") !StateCheck("Minsc",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2176","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Minsc seems to be handling this better than you are.~ + a2176 + ~InParty("Korgan") InMyArea("Korgan") !StateCheck("Korgan",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2177","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Korgan seems to be handling this better than you are.~ + a2177 + ~InParty("Keldorn") InMyArea("Keldorn") !StateCheck("Keldorn",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2178","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Keldorn seems to be handling this better than you are.~ + a2178 + ~InParty("Valygar") InMyArea("Valygar") !StateCheck("Valygar",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2179","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Valygar seems to be handling this better than you are.~ + a2179 + ~InParty("Viconia") InMyArea("Viconia") !StateCheck("Viconia",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2180","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Viconia seems to be handling this better than you are.~ + a2180 + ~InParty("Nalia") InMyArea("Nalia") !StateCheck("Nalia",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2181","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Nalia seems to be handling this better than you are.~ + a2181 + ~InParty("Mazzy") InMyArea("Mazzy") !StateCheck("Mazzy",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2182","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Mazzy seems to be handling this better than you are.~ + a2182 + ~InParty("Jaheira") InMyArea("Jaheira") !StateCheck("Jaheira",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2183","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Jaheira seems to be handling this better than you are.~ + a2183 + ~InParty("Jan") InMyArea("Jan") !StateCheck("Jan",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2184","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Jan seems to be handling this better than you are.~ + a2184 + ~InParty("Imoen2") InMyArea("Imoen2") !StateCheck("Imoen2",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2185","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Imoen seems to be handling this better than you are.~ + a2185 + ~InParty("HaerDalis") InMyArea("HaerDalis") !StateCheck("HaerDalis",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2186","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] HaerDalis seems to be handling this better than you are.~ + a2186 + ~InParty("Edwin") InMyArea("Edwin") !StateCheck("Edwin",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2187","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Edwin seems to be handling this better than you are.~ + a2187 + ~InParty("Anomen") InMyArea("Anomen") !StateCheck("Anomen",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2188","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Anomen seems to be handling this better than you are.~ + a2188 + ~InParty("Cernd") InMyArea("Cernd") !StateCheck("Cernd",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2189","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Cernd seems to be handling this better than you are.~ + a2189 + ~InParty("Yoshimo") InMyArea("Yoshimo") !StateCheck("Yoshimo",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2190","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Yoshimo seems to be handling this better than you are.~ + a2190 ++ ~[PC] We should be keeping our eyes open and not wasting time with all of this talk, you know.~ + a2052 ++ ~[PC] I'll take a side order of Aran Toes, but go light on the fungus.~ + a2053 ++ ~[PC] I think you are doing well, Aran. You should stop worrying so much.~ + a2054 ++ ~[PC] You could help move things along down here if you would actually hit something once in awhile. I thought you were a soldier, not a recruit.~ + a2055 ++ ~[PC] Hey, we can spice things up. Why don't we go fid something really disgusting, and slowly torture it to death, just to hear it scream!~ + a2056 END IF ~~ a2046 SAY ~[ARAN] Why, sure. Let me get my best dancin' shoes, an' we can tiptoe through th' unspeakable dangers, screamin' "hey, look at us, we aren't from around here".~ + ~InParty("JCBruce") InMyArea("JCBruce") !StateCheck("JCBruce",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2138","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Bruce seems to be handling this better than you are.~ + a2138 + ~InParty("K#Auren") InMyArea("K#Auren") !StateCheck("K#Auren",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2139","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Auren seems to be handling this better than you are.~ + a2139 + ~InParty("K#Bana") InMyArea("K#Bana") !StateCheck("K#Bana",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2140","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Banana seems to be handling this better than you are.~ + a2140 + ~InParty("K#Sarah") InMyArea("K#Sarah") !StateCheck("K#Sarah",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2141","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Sarah seems to be handling this better than you are.~ + a2141 + ~InParty("K#SHEENA") InMyArea("K#SHEENA") !StateCheck("K#SHEENA",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2142","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Sheena seems to be handling this better than you are.~ + a2142 ++ ~[PC] You know this is distracting, right? Interrupting me with trivial talk?~ + a2052 ++ ~[PC] I don't know. I bet you dance like a drunken Drow, so only half of Underdark will pay any attention at all.~ + a2053 ++ ~[PC] I said walk, not dance. I was figuring you wanted to try to clear your head, and the closest we can come to is changing a little bit of the scenery.~ + a2054 ++ ~[PC] You could distract yourself by practicing, since your combat skills lately have been abysmal.~ + a2055 ++ ~[PC] I have an even better idea. We can strip naked and run through the Underdark shouting random curses, and see if it wakes up a really big nasty evil creature bent on our destruction!~ + a2056 END IF ~~ a2047 SAY ~[ARAN] Now, I remember that game a mite bit differently. But I do get your meanin'. Plus,I think I need all my luck centered on survivin' this place, so I'd best not waste it on games, eh?~ + ~InParty("KACHIKO") InMyArea("KACHIKO") !StateCheck("KACHIKO",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2143","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Kachiko seems to be handling this better than you are.~ + a2143 + ~InParty("Kari") InMyArea("Kari") !StateCheck("Kari",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2144","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Kari seems to be handling this better than you are.~ + a2144 + ~InParty("Keto") InMyArea("Keto") !StateCheck("Keto",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2145","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Keto seems to be handling this better than you are.~ + a2145 + ~InParty("TSUJATH") InMyArea("TSUJATH") !StateCheck("TSUJATH",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2146","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Tsujatha seems to be handling this better than you are.~ + a2146 + ~InParty("Valen") InMyArea("Valen") !StateCheck("Valen",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2147","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Valen seems to be handling this better than you are.~ + a2147 + ~InParty("Minsc") InMyArea("Minsc") !StateCheck("Minsc",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2176","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Minsc seems to be handling this better than you are.~ + a2176 + ~InParty("Korgan") InMyArea("Korgan") !StateCheck("Korgan",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2177","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Korgan seems to be handling this better than you are.~ + a2177 + ~InParty("Keldorn") InMyArea("Keldorn") !StateCheck("Keldorn",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2178","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Keldorn seems to be handling this better than you are.~ + a2178 + ~InParty("Valygar") InMyArea("Valygar") !StateCheck("Valygar",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2179","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Valygar seems to be handling this better than you are.~ + a2179 + ~InParty("Viconia") InMyArea("Viconia") !StateCheck("Viconia",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2180","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Viconia seems to be handling this better than you are.~ + a2180 + ~InParty("Nalia") InMyArea("Nalia") !StateCheck("Nalia",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2181","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Nalia seems to be handling this better than you are.~ + a2181 + ~InParty("Mazzy") InMyArea("Mazzy") !StateCheck("Mazzy",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2182","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Mazzy seems to be handling this better than you are.~ + a2182 + ~InParty("Jaheira") InMyArea("Jaheira") !StateCheck("Jaheira",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2183","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Jaheira seems to be handling this better than you are.~ + a2183 + ~InParty("Jan") InMyArea("Jan") !StateCheck("Jan",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2184","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Jan seems to be handling this better than you are.~ + a2184 + ~InParty("Imoen2") InMyArea("Imoen2") !StateCheck("Imoen2",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2185","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Imoen seems to be handling this better than you are.~ + a2185 + ~InParty("HaerDalis") InMyArea("HaerDalis") !StateCheck("HaerDalis",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2186","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] HaerDalis seems to be handling this better than you are.~ + a2186 + ~InParty("Edwin") InMyArea("Edwin") !StateCheck("Edwin",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2187","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Edwin seems to be handling this better than you are.~ + a2187 + ~InParty("Anomen") InMyArea("Anomen") !StateCheck("Anomen",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2188","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Anomen seems to be handling this better than you are.~ + a2188 + ~InParty("Cernd") InMyArea("Cernd") !StateCheck("Cernd",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2189","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Cernd seems to be handling this better than you are.~ + a2189 + ~InParty("Yoshimo") InMyArea("Yoshimo") !StateCheck("Yoshimo",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2190","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Yoshimo seems to be handling this better than you are.~ + a2190 ++ ~[PC] You know this is distracting, right? Interrupting me with trivial talk?~ + a2052 ++ ~[PC] With your luck, I think I would use it all up gambling, Aran. That way you might get through all the bad luck and discover some good.~ + a2053 ++ ~[PC] Why don't you relax a little by remembering some good games, and positive memories. That might help you stay focused.~ + a2054 ++ ~[PC] I think you should practice hitting things. You seem to be unable to keep decent concentration lately.~ + a2055 ++ ~[PC] We could gamble using the heads and hands of our next few enemies. Better yet, we could collect their teeth to use as markers.~ + a2056 END IF ~~ a2048 SAY ~[ARAN] Laugh away, laugh away. You will be singin' a new tune when you realize next to nothin' around here is even remotely edible, an' th' stuff that is tastes like dung.~ + ~InParty("Z_MODDY") InMyArea("Z_MODDY") !StateCheck("Z_MODDY",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2148","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Moddy seems to be handling this better than you are.~ + a2148 + ~InParty("KIARA") InMyArea("KIARA") !StateCheck("KIARA",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2149","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Kiara seems to be handling this better than you are.~ + a2149 + ~InParty("KINDREK") InMyArea("KINDREK") !StateCheck("KINDREK",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2150","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Kindrek seems to be handling this better than you are.~ + a2150 + ~InParty("Kiyone") InMyArea("Kiyone") !StateCheck("Kiyone",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2151","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Kiyone seems to be handling this better than you are.~ + a2151 + ~InParty("Kova") InMyArea("Kova") !StateCheck("Kova",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2152","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Kova seems to be handling this better than you are.~ + a2152 ++ ~[PC] Oooh. Dung! So an improvement on your regular cooking, right?~ + a2053 ++ ~[PC] You do well enough when it is your turn to cook. I am even beginning to like your versions of curry.~ + a2054 ++ ~[PC] I think you should stop worrying about food and practice hitting things. You seem to be unable to keep decent concentration lately.~ + a2055 ++ ~[PC] I think you should just give up and serve the dung directly. It saves time and probably won't make much difference in the long run.~ + a2056 END IF ~~ a2049 SAY ~[ARAN] Me, I was neither city nor country, but th' weather has such an impact on travel o' all sorts that I watch it constantly. Now, this place don't rightly have what you call weather. An' it is beginnin' to bother me.~ + ~InParty("LRIRENIC") InMyArea("LRIRENIC") !StateCheck("LRIRENIC",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2153","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Irenicus seems to be handling this better than you are.~ + a2153 + ~InParty("M#AMBER") InMyArea("M#AMBER") !StateCheck("M#AMBER",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2154","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Amber seems to be handling this better than you are.~ + a2154 + ~InParty("MWAriena") InMyArea("MWAriena") !StateCheck("MWAriena",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2155","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Ariena seems to be handling this better than you are.~ + a2155 + ~InParty("MWKido") InMyArea("MWKido") !StateCheck("MWKido",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2156","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Kido seems to be handling this better than you are.~ + a2156 + ~InParty("SUHESSA") InMyArea("SUHESSA") !StateCheck("SUHESSA",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2157","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Hessa seems to be handling this better than you are.~ + a2157 + ~InParty("Minsc") InMyArea("Minsc") !StateCheck("Minsc",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2176","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Minsc seems to be handling this better than you are.~ + a2176 + ~InParty("Korgan") InMyArea("Korgan") !StateCheck("Korgan",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2177","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Korgan seems to be handling this better than you are.~ + a2177 + ~InParty("Keldorn") InMyArea("Keldorn") !StateCheck("Keldorn",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2178","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Keldorn seems to be handling this better than you are.~ + a2178 + ~InParty("Valygar") InMyArea("Valygar") !StateCheck("Valygar",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2179","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Valygar seems to be handling this better than you are.~ + a2179 + ~InParty("Viconia") InMyArea("Viconia") !StateCheck("Viconia",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2180","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Viconia seems to be handling this better than you are.~ + a2180 + ~InParty("Nalia") InMyArea("Nalia") !StateCheck("Nalia",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2181","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Nalia seems to be handling this better than you are.~ + a2181 + ~InParty("Mazzy") InMyArea("Mazzy") !StateCheck("Mazzy",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2182","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Mazzy seems to be handling this better than you are.~ + a2182 + ~InParty("Jaheira") InMyArea("Jaheira") !StateCheck("Jaheira",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2183","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Jaheira seems to be handling this better than you are.~ + a2183 + ~InParty("Jan") InMyArea("Jan") !StateCheck("Jan",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2184","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Jan seems to be handling this better than you are.~ + a2184 + ~InParty("Imoen2") InMyArea("Imoen2") !StateCheck("Imoen2",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2185","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Imoen seems to be handling this better than you are.~ + a2185 + ~InParty("HaerDalis") InMyArea("HaerDalis") !StateCheck("HaerDalis",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2186","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] HaerDalis seems to be handling this better than you are.~ + a2186 + ~InParty("Edwin") InMyArea("Edwin") !StateCheck("Edwin",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2187","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Edwin seems to be handling this better than you are.~ + a2187 + ~InParty("Anomen") InMyArea("Anomen") !StateCheck("Anomen",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2188","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Anomen seems to be handling this better than you are.~ + a2188 + ~InParty("Cernd") InMyArea("Cernd") !StateCheck("Cernd",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2189","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Cernd seems to be handling this better than you are.~ + a2189 + ~InParty("Yoshimo") InMyArea("Yoshimo") !StateCheck("Yoshimo",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2190","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Yoshimo seems to be handling this better than you are.~ + a2190 ++ ~[PC] You know you keep rambling on about things that have nothing to do with our mission, our goals, or our challenges, right?~ + a2052 ++ ~[PC] Well, Farmer Aran, we have a good weather discussion going. Do you want to discuss the crop yield next? Or perhaps moan about unfair taxation and how it sours the milk?~ + a2053 ++ ~[PC] You have handled far worse than this. Just relax and keep moving forward.~ + a2054 ++ ~[PC] I think you should stop thinking about things you can't change and practice hitting things instead. You seem to be unable to keep decent concentration lately.~ + a2055 ++ ~[PC] We could gather some spellcasting power and create some decent weather for you. Some lightning, a few hailstorms, high winds, and lots of destruction... think of the number of enemies who would come running to investigate!~ + a2056 END IF ~~ a2050 SAY ~[ARAN] Somehow I think th' end, if there is one, might be a bit worse than th' rest o' all this combined. I figure if you are diggin' your way down through ugliness, th' thing what lives at th' end must be somethin' special.~ + ~InParty("t#dace") InMyArea("t#dace") !StateCheck("t#dace",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2158","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Dace seems to be handling this better than you are.~ + a2158 + ~InParty("TASHIA") InMyArea("TASHIA") !StateCheck("TASHIA",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2159","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Tashia seems to be handling this better than you are.~ + a2159 + ~InParty("NATH") InMyArea("NATH") !StateCheck("NATH",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2160","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Nathaniel seems to be handling this better than you are.~ + a2160 + ~InParty("Ninde") InMyArea("Ninde") !StateCheck("Ninde",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2161","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Ninde seems to be handling this better than you are.~ + a2161 + ~InParty("O#TIAX") InMyArea("O#TIAX") !StateCheck("O#TIAX",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2162","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Tiax seems to be handling this better than you are.~ + a2162 + ~InParty("Minsc") InMyArea("Minsc") !StateCheck("Minsc",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2176","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Minsc seems to be handling this better than you are.~ + a2176 + ~InParty("Korgan") InMyArea("Korgan") !StateCheck("Korgan",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2177","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Korgan seems to be handling this better than you are.~ + a2177 + ~InParty("Keldorn") InMyArea("Keldorn") !StateCheck("Keldorn",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2178","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Keldorn seems to be handling this better than you are.~ + a2178 + ~InParty("Valygar") InMyArea("Valygar") !StateCheck("Valygar",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2179","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Valygar seems to be handling this better than you are.~ + a2179 + ~InParty("Viconia") InMyArea("Viconia") !StateCheck("Viconia",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2180","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Viconia seems to be handling this better than you are.~ + a2180 + ~InParty("Nalia") InMyArea("Nalia") !StateCheck("Nalia",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2181","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Nalia seems to be handling this better than you are.~ + a2181 + ~InParty("Mazzy") InMyArea("Mazzy") !StateCheck("Mazzy",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2182","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Mazzy seems to be handling this better than you are.~ + a2182 + ~InParty("Jaheira") InMyArea("Jaheira") !StateCheck("Jaheira",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2183","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Jaheira seems to be handling this better than you are.~ + a2183 + ~InParty("Jan") InMyArea("Jan") !StateCheck("Jan",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2184","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Jan seems to be handling this better than you are.~ + a2184 + ~InParty("Imoen2") InMyArea("Imoen2") !StateCheck("Imoen2",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2185","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Imoen seems to be handling this better than you are.~ + a2185 + ~InParty("HaerDalis") InMyArea("HaerDalis") !StateCheck("HaerDalis",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2186","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] HaerDalis seems to be handling this better than you are.~ + a2186 + ~InParty("Edwin") InMyArea("Edwin") !StateCheck("Edwin",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2187","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Edwin seems to be handling this better than you are.~ + a2187 + ~InParty("Anomen") InMyArea("Anomen") !StateCheck("Anomen",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2188","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Anomen seems to be handling this better than you are.~ + a2188 + ~InParty("Cernd") InMyArea("Cernd") !StateCheck("Cernd",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2189","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Cernd seems to be handling this better than you are.~ + a2189 + ~InParty("Yoshimo") InMyArea("Yoshimo") !StateCheck("Yoshimo",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2190","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Yoshimo seems to be handling this better than you are.~ + a2190 ++ ~[PC] You know you keep rambling on about nothing, right?~ + a2052 ++ ~[PC] Hey, on the bright side, you could always remember that the farther down you go, the more dirt ends up on top of your burial site... less work for the gravediggers.~ + a2053 ++ ~[PC] You have handled far worse than anything the Underdark can cook up for us. Just relax and keep moving forward.~ + a2054 ++ ~[PC] I think you should stop thinking about things you can't change and practice hitting things instead. You seem to be unable to keep decent concentration lately.~ + a2055 ++ ~[PC] I agree. I bet it is a huge creature, or perhaps several. Perhaps they use dragons as pets, or bedwarmers. Perhaps there are even demi-gods or gods to battle! Think of the glory when we kill them all!~ + a2056 END IF ~~ a2051 SAY ~[ARAN] I don't rightly feel like doin' that right now. I don't know why I started talkin', anyways. In fact, I feel like doin' nothin' but headin' skyward, right this second.~ + ~InParty("t#dace") InMyArea("t#dace") !StateCheck("t#dace",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2158","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Dace seems to be handling this better than you are.~ + a2158 + ~InParty("TASHIA") InMyArea("TASHIA") !StateCheck("TASHIA",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2159","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Tashia seems to be handling this better than you are.~ + a2159 + ~InParty("NATH") InMyArea("NATH") !StateCheck("NATH",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2160","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Nathaniel seems to be handling this better than you are.~ + a2160 + ~InParty("Ninde") InMyArea("Ninde") !StateCheck("Ninde",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2161","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Ninde seems to be handling this better than you are.~ + a2161 + ~InParty("O#TIAX") InMyArea("O#TIAX") !StateCheck("O#TIAX",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2162","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Tiax seems to be handling this better than you are.~ + a2162 + ~InParty("Minsc") InMyArea("Minsc") !StateCheck("Minsc",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2176","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Minsc seems to be handling this better than you are.~ + a2176 + ~InParty("Korgan") InMyArea("Korgan") !StateCheck("Korgan",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2177","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Korgan seems to be handling this better than you are.~ + a2177 + ~InParty("Keldorn") InMyArea("Keldorn") !StateCheck("Keldorn",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2178","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Keldorn seems to be handling this better than you are.~ + a2178 + ~InParty("Valygar") InMyArea("Valygar") !StateCheck("Valygar",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2179","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Valygar seems to be handling this better than you are.~ + a2179 + ~InParty("Viconia") InMyArea("Viconia") !StateCheck("Viconia",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2180","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Viconia seems to be handling this better than you are.~ + a2180 + ~InParty("Nalia") InMyArea("Nalia") !StateCheck("Nalia",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2181","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Nalia seems to be handling this better than you are.~ + a2181 + ~InParty("Mazzy") InMyArea("Mazzy") !StateCheck("Mazzy",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2182","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Mazzy seems to be handling this better than you are.~ + a2182 + ~InParty("Jaheira") InMyArea("Jaheira") !StateCheck("Jaheira",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2183","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Jaheira seems to be handling this better than you are.~ + a2183 + ~InParty("Jan") InMyArea("Jan") !StateCheck("Jan",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2184","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Jan seems to be handling this better than you are.~ + a2184 + ~InParty("Imoen2") InMyArea("Imoen2") !StateCheck("Imoen2",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2185","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Imoen seems to be handling this better than you are.~ + a2185 + ~InParty("HaerDalis") InMyArea("HaerDalis") !StateCheck("HaerDalis",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2186","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] HaerDalis seems to be handling this better than you are.~ + a2186 + ~InParty("Edwin") InMyArea("Edwin") !StateCheck("Edwin",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2187","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Edwin seems to be handling this better than you are.~ + a2187 + ~InParty("Anomen") InMyArea("Anomen") !StateCheck("Anomen",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2188","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Anomen seems to be handling this better than you are.~ + a2188 + ~InParty("Cernd") InMyArea("Cernd") !StateCheck("Cernd",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2189","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Cernd seems to be handling this better than you are.~ + a2189 + ~InParty("Yoshimo") InMyArea("Yoshimo") !StateCheck("Yoshimo",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-aran2190","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Yoshimo seems to be handling this better than you are.~ + a2190 ++ ~[PC] You know this is the fifth pointless conversation you have started down here with me, right?~ + a2192 ++ ~[PC] Well, don't let me stop you.~ + a2053 ++ ~[PC] You have handled far worse than anything the Underdark can cook up for us. Just relax and keep moving forward.~ + a2054 ++ ~[PC] I think you should stop thinking about things you can't change and practice hitting things instead. Your combat skills are slipping~ + a2055 END IF ~~ a2052 SAY ~[ARAN] I do know. I just need to break up th' oppressive feelin', so I be reachin' out a bit, is all.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a2053 SAY ~[ARAN] Right. You are gettin' flip, on account o' you know that just makes me feel so comfortable, eh? Thanks for nothin'.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a2054 SAY ~[ARAN] I guess I was lookin' for a bit o' a pep talk, at that. Thanks.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a2055 SAY ~[ARAN] Hey, now, that be a mite bit unfair. I hold my own, I do. Hells, I was just makin' conversation, not askin' for a blighted kick in th' arse.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a2056 SAY ~[ARAN] You really, truly scare me sometimes. I hope you avoided eatin' any o' th' wild red an' green mushrooms, or drinkin' from random pools o' water. Better yet, I hope you have, as that would explain th' feral light in your eyes.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END /* UD comparison with other friend talks except aerie */ IF ~~ a2103 SAY ~[ARAN] Great way to make me feel better, eh? Angelo has a mite more experience walkin' th' dark side than I do. An' he don't look too settled, neither.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aran2103","GLOBAL",1)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a2104 SAY ~[ARAN] Great way to make me feel better, eh? Anishai only has two things on her mind... larceny, an' sex. so she don't pay no attention to much else.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aran2104","GLOBAL",1)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a2105 SAY ~[ARAN] Great way to make me feel better, eh? Azure is a better woman than I am. Which turns out not to be so hard, on account o' I be male.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aran2105","GLOBAL",1)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a2106 SAY ~[ARAN] Great way to make me feel better, eh? That be a load o' horse dung. Gavin jumps at very shadow, an' with good cause. What do you expect from a lad what don't like spiders, visitin' a place where they grow bigger than horses an' smarter than your average human? ~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aran2106","GLOBAL",1)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a2107 SAY ~[ARAN] Great way to make me feel better, eh? Haldamir don't say enough for me to guess why he's takin' this better. mayhap he has special elf-trainin' what makes th' difference. Me, I'm just downright bloody scared.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aran2107","GLOBAL",1)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a2108 SAY ~[ARAN] Great way to make me feel better, eh? Biddekorak be a mite too busy tryin' to convert everyone to worry about a little thing called "th' worst collection o' evil on earth" by Volo himself.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aran2108","GLOBAL",1)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a2109 SAY ~[ARAN] Great way to make me feel better, eh? Touchstone? You comparin' us? You have one hells o' a bad sense o' humor, is all I can say.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aran2109","GLOBAL",1)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a2110 SAY ~[ARAN] Great way to make me feel better, eh? Callisto fears nothin'. Me, I prefer a healthy dose o' fear to keep me on my toes an' alive.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aran2110","GLOBAL",1)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a2111 SAY ~[ARAN] Great way to make me feel better, eh? Bruce be too drunk to be scared. I saw him tryin' to make out wi' a slimepod. Luckily, seems like his breath killed off any residual spores.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aran2111","GLOBAL",1)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a2112 SAY ~[ARAN] Great way to make me feel better, eh? Bruce be too drunk to be scared. I saw him tryin' to make out wi' a slimepod. Luckily, seems like his breath killed off any residual spores.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aran2112","GLOBAL",1)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a2113 SAY ~[ARAN] Great way to make me feel better, eh? Jonathan? You comparin' us? You have one hells o' a bad sense o' humor, is all I can say.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aran2113","GLOBAL",1)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a2114 SAY ~[ARAN] Great way to make me feel better, eh? Chloe be more than mortal. Me, not so much.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aran2114","GLOBAL",1)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a2115 SAY ~[ARAN] Great way to make me feel better, eh? Chloe be more than mortal. Me, not so much.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aran2115","GLOBAL",1)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a2116 SAY ~[ARAN] Great way to make me feel better, eh? Alora be an unfair comparison. She'd likely walk into Xvim's crypt an' say "This just needs a little sprucing up, some new curtains, a little fresh air..." ~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aran2116","GLOBAL",1)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a2117 SAY ~[ARAN] Great way to make me feel better, eh? Miriam's only fear down here be that th' only available food source guaranteed o' bein' clean consists o' this party.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aran2117","GLOBAL",1)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a2118 SAY ~[ARAN] Great way to make me feel better, eh? I don't rightly see how we can be compared, nohow.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aran2118","GLOBAL",1)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a2119 SAY ~[ARAN] Great way to make me feel better, eh? Ninafer may be a sight for sore eyes, but this whole place gives eyes that are more "rottin' out o' their sockets" than sore.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aran2119","GLOBAL",1)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a2120 SAY ~[ARAN] Great way to make me feel better, eh? Coran seems to live for this sort o' strangeness. All that chaos, all at once... gives him plenty o' interestin' battles, too. Me, I prefer a mite bit less excitement.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aran2120","GLOBAL",1)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a2121 SAY ~[ARAN] Great way to make me feel better, eh? SilverStar an I have yet to have a decent conversation, so I leave you to th' comparin'. Me, I will stick with th' worryin'.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aran2121","GLOBAL",1)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a2122 SAY ~[ARAN] Great way to make me feel better, eh? Alassa has a better handle on her mouth than I do. But I bet she is not runnin' round thinkin' "oooh, goodie... fungus and slimy death! Whooppeeee!".~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aran2122","GLOBAL",1)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a2123 SAY ~[ARAN] Great way to make me feel better, eh? Branwen can fall back on Tempus to guide her. Me, I am startin' to wonder if Tymora makes distinctions between fortune favorin' th' bold, an' fortune favorin' th' foolhardy. This might even count as less foolhardy an' more suicidal.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aran2123","GLOBAL",1)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a2124 SAY ~[ARAN] Great way to make me feel better, eh? Dynaheir can cover it up well enough, but she's a mite bit too smart not to see how dangerous all this be.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aran2124","GLOBAL",1)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a2125 SAY ~[ARAN] Great way to make me feel better, eh? Fade an' I as a comparison don''t have much similarity, when you get right down to th' basics. But I guess I can't rightly complain about you complainin' that I be complainin'. Did that make sense? ~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aran2125","GLOBAL",1)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a2126 SAY ~[ARAN] Great way to make me feel better, eh? Andrei an' I as a comparison don''t have much similarity, when you get right down to th' basics. But I guess I can't rightly complain about you complainin' that I be complainin'. Did that make sense? ~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aran2126","GLOBAL",1)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a2127 SAY ~[ARAN] Great way to make me feel better, eh? Sebastian is not as talkative when it comes to complainin' about this place, that be for sure. I guess this be th' part where you say "shut up an' soldier, soldier".~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aran2127","GLOBAL",1)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a2128 SAY ~[ARAN] Great way to make me feel better, eh? Irenicus has more to fear from us than from th' Underdark. I just wish he'd cover up all those scars, on account o' it be unsettlin'.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aran2128","GLOBAL",1)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a2129 SAY ~[ARAN] Great way to make me feel better, eh? Ghareth an' I don't work as a comparison on complainin'. I win, hands down.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aran2129","GLOBAL",1)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a2130 SAY ~[ARAN] Great way to make me feel better, eh? Who really knows what that slobberin' eyeball really things, anyways. Goo. You compared me to Goo. Hells, you got one blighted sense o' humor.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aran2130","GLOBAL",1)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a2131 SAY ~[ARAN] Great way to make me feel better, eh? Horace don't have as much to lose. That ol' bag o' bones can take a shot between th' ribs an' grin. Well, actually, he never stops grinnin', eh? ~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aran2131","GLOBAL",1)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a2132 SAY ~[ARAN] Great way to make me feel better, eh? Hubelpot has more on his mind than I do. He actually thinks an' plans those meals ahead, an' spends time organizin' everythin'. Me, I be more improvisatory.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aran2132","GLOBAL",1)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a2133 SAY ~[ARAN] Great way to make me feel better, eh? Iylos an' me, as a comparison? Did you take a blow to th' head, or mayhap swallow one o' th' glowin' mushrooms? Xvim's Spiteful Spit. That monk don't show no emotions at all.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aran2133","GLOBAL",1)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a2134 SAY ~[ARAN] Great way to make me feel better, eh? Xulaye be Drow. Next question?~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aran2134","GLOBAL",1)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a2135 SAY ~[ARAN] Great way to make me feel better, eh? Yasraena. Me. As a comparison? Really. Take a good look at her, then a good look at me. I bet two iron crescents you can find naught in th' way o' similarities.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aran2135","GLOBAL",1)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a2136 SAY ~[ARAN] Great way to make me feel better, eh? No need for th' comparison, anyways, unless you are tryin' to get me distracted. I'd rather you found us a good place to rest an' got a card game goin'. Mayhap even just call th' whole thing off an' head for th' surface.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aran2136","GLOBAL",1)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a2137 SAY ~[ARAN] Great way to make me feel better, eh? Kelsey be a smart lad, an' he has just as much fear in him as me. Mayhap he don't show it as much right this moment, but it be there.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aran2137","GLOBAL",1)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a2138 SAY ~[ARAN] Great way to make me feel better, eh? Bruce be too drunk to be scared. I saw him tryin' to make out wi' a slimepod. Luckily, seems like his breath killed off any residual spores.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aran2138","GLOBAL",1)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a2139 SAY ~[ARAN] Great way to make me feel better, eh? Auren just don't show as much as I do.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aran2139","GLOBAL",1)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a2140 SAY ~[ARAN] Great way to make me feel better, eh? Banana thinks most things are "a'peelin'". Heh! I made a joke! O'course, no one will see it, on account o' Banana be a joke mod, but hells - in for a penny, in for a pound.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aran2140","GLOBAL",1)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a2141 SAY ~[ARAN] Great way to make me feel better, eh? Sarah has a right good head on her shoulders. She may not show it, but she must be as scared as th' rest o' us what actually think, instead o' blindly follow.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aran2141","GLOBAL",1)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a2142 SAY ~[ARAN] Great way to make me feel better, eh? Sheena makes a quick change, an' her worriers be over. Our worries, on th' other hand, get worse.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aran2142","GLOBAL",1)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a2143 SAY ~[ARAN] Great way to make me feel better, eh? Kachiko might not show as much emotion as I do, but there be no call to slight me on that account.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aran2143","GLOBAL",1)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a2144 SAY ~[ARAN] Great way to make me feel better, eh? Kari has cowered nonstop, surface or under, any time anyone said more than two words to her. You got one sick sense o' humor, .~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aran2144","GLOBAL",1)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a2145 SAY ~[ARAN] Great way to make me feel better, eh? Keto has been a mite jumpy, too, so don't go layin' no guilt trip on me.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aran2145","GLOBAL",1)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a2146 SAY ~[ARAN] Great way to make me feel better, eh? Tsujatha can kiss my arse. Necromancers love this crap. It provides plenty o' opportunity to study death, up close an' personal.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aran2146","GLOBAL",1)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a2147 SAY ~[ARAN] Great way to make me feel better, eh? Valen's only fear down here be that th' only available foodsource guaranteed o' bein' clean consists o' this party.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aran2147","GLOBAL",1)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a2148 SAY ~[ARAN] Great way to make me feel better, eh? Moddy don't rightly show fear th' same way we do, anyhow.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aran2148","GLOBAL",1)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a2149 SAY ~[ARAN] Great way to make me feel better, eh? Kiara just don't show as much as I do. Better card player, too. Mayhap that be what I need... a good distraction.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aran2149","GLOBAL",1)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a2150 SAY ~[ARAN] Great way to make me feel better, eh? Kindrek an' me, as a comparison? Did you take a blow to th' head, or mayhap swallow one o' th' glowin' mushrooms? Xvim's Spiteful Spit.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aran2150","GLOBAL",1)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a2151 SAY ~[ARAN] Great way to make me feel better, eh? Kiyone is too driven to worry about much beyond th' mission. Me, I think way, way too much.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aran2151","GLOBAL",1)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a2152 SAY ~[ARAN] Great way to make me feel better, eh? Kova has bigger things to worry about than a few Drow an' such. Hey, that does make me feel a bit better, eh? At least I can concentrate on th' here an' now.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aran2152","GLOBAL",1)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a2153 SAY ~[ARAN] Great way to make me feel better, eh? Irenicus has more to fear from us than from th' Underdark. I just wish he'd cover up all those scars, on account o' it be unsettlin'.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aran2153","GLOBAL",1)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a2154 SAY ~[ARAN] Great way to make me feel better, eh? Amber be a tieflin'. Those o' her persuasion might not find this so bad, compared to where mommy or daddy be hangin' out.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aran2154","GLOBAL",1)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a2155 SAY ~[ARAN] Great way to make me feel better, eh? Ariena has just th' right level o' unconcern. I bet it be a good actin' job. Go ahead, sneak up behind her, an' see what happens. I'll be here to clean up th' mess.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aran2155","GLOBAL",1)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a2156 SAY ~[ARAN] Great way to make me feel better, eh? Stupid thing for you to be sayin', anyhow. Kido likes all this crap. Th' only thing he might like better is if there were more screamin' an' dyin' an' less skulkin' about.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aran2156","GLOBAL",1)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a2157 SAY ~[ARAN] Great way to make me feel better, eh? I could open up a cut an' let you rub lemon juice in it, too, just so I hurt a bit more. Hessa takin' it better. Bullcrap.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aran2157","GLOBAL",1)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a2158 SAY ~[ARAN] Great way to make me feel better, eh? Dace don't seem to be sayin' this is all just Ducky so often, so I bet she has some o' th' same troubles I do.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aran2158","GLOBAL",1)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a2159 SAY ~[ARAN] Great way to make me feel better, eh? Tashia is not doin' better than I am. She just has a way o' perkin' things up wi' those jokes o' hers, so it is not so obvious that she wants to run screamin' for th' surface.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aran2159","GLOBAL",1)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a2160 SAY ~[ARAN] Great way to make me feel better, eh? Nathaniel seems a better man than me, I will say. But somehow I think he might be havin' th' same thoughts, just hidin' 'em better. No soldier stays alive if he isn't afraid o' death.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aran2160","GLOBAL",1)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a2161 SAY ~[ARAN] Great way to make me feel better, eh? Ninde seems right comfortable wi' death, decay, an' th' darker side o' things. Me, I tend to like th' open air an' vibrant life, not so much on th' necromantic research.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aran2161","GLOBAL",1)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a2162 SAY ~[ARAN] Great way to make me feel better, eh? Besides, Tiax don't rightly know where he is or what he be sayin'. Which reminds me that I want to stay back o' that crazy bastard next combat. I think he has it in for me.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aran2162","GLOBAL",1)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a2163 SAY ~[ARAN] Great way to make me feel better, eh? Besides, Xan seems like he might enjoy all this, in a way. At least now when he prattles on about doom, gloom, an' imminent destruction, he's not talkin' existential angst an' worryin' too much. He's just pointin' out th' obvious.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aran2163","GLOBAL",1)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a2164 SAY ~[ARAN] Great way to make me feel better, eh? Besides, Xan seems like he might enjoy all this, in a way. At least now when he prattles on about doom, gloom, an' imminent destruction, he's not talkin' existential angst an' worryin' too much. He's just pointin' out th' obvious.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aran2164","GLOBAL",1)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a2165 SAY ~[ARAN] Great way to make me feel better, eh? Corellon's Sword, do you really be comparin' me to Kivan? He has done more livin' an' more yin' than seven generations o' Whitehands combined.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aran2165","GLOBAL",1)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a2166 SAY ~[ARAN] Great way to make me feel better, eh? Allison has most o' th' same issues I have, only she has a mite more grace under pressure. Me, I just like to take that pressure an' complain bitterly about it, until somethin' walks by that has to be killed. I think they call it 'occupational therapy'.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aran2166","GLOBAL",1)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a2167 SAY ~[ARAN] Great way to make me feel better, eh? Now why bring Kitanya into this? I be my own bundle o' problems, concerns, an' issues, thank you very much. Though mayhap you have a point. I could concentrate on her buttocks, an' they might provide a powerful distraction...~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aran2167","GLOBAL",1)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a2168 SAY ~[ARAN] Great way to make me feel better, eh? Rylorn doesn't worry so much about th' long term, as far as I can tell. Me, I keep seein' shadows, an' expectin' they are filled wi' death, dismemberment, an' a long sow painful torture... not rightly in that order, neither.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aran2168","GLOBAL",1)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a2169 SAY ~[ARAN] Great way to make me feel better, eh? Now you have been doin' a powerful lot o' cheatin', there. Saerileth refuses to enter Underdark.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aran2169","GLOBAL",1)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a2170 SAY ~[ARAN] Great way to make me feel better, eh? Bruce is too drunk to be scared. I saw him tryin' to make out wi' a slimepod. Luckily, seems like his breath killed off any residual spores.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aran2170","GLOBAL",1)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a2171 SAY ~[ARAN] Great way to make me feel better, eh? Sime has a way o' cuttin' right through distractions. Me, not so much.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aran2171","GLOBAL",1)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a2172 SAY ~[ARAN] Great way to make me feel better, eh? Neh'Taniel seems to be a bit beyond worryin', eh? Me, I have some flesh in th' game, an' I just don't like seein' how close we keep comin' to watchin' our feet dissolve.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aran2172","GLOBAL",1)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a2173 SAY ~[ARAN] Great way to make me feel better, eh? Skooter shouldn't be playin' around down here, unless you conjured up a new familiar. Just don't let that dog eat anythin', on account o' everythin' around here be poisonous.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aran2173","GLOBAL",1)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a2174 SAY ~[ARAN] Great way to make me feel better, eh? Solaufein be Drow. Next question?~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aran2174","GLOBAL",1)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a2175 SAY ~[ARAN] Great way to make me feel better, eh? Xulaye be Drow. Next question?~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aran2175","GLOBAL",1)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a2176 SAY ~[ARAN] Great way to make me feel better, eh? Minsc has a great attitude, he does. Me, I keep thinkin' too much, an' that leads to rememberin' journal entries an' depictions o' footrot, slow dissolution by slime, vivisection, an' exactly how long th' Underdark has been a haven for th' most despicable evil.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aran2176","GLOBAL",1)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a2177 SAY ~[ARAN] Great way to make me feel better, eh? Korgan don't fear much. He just looks around an' sees what be in it for him, a' how he can turn it into profit or advantage. Me, I get all existential an' angsty when th' entire environment is lookin' at me as lunch.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aran2177","GLOBAL",1)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a2178 SAY ~[ARAN] Great way to make me feel better, eh? Keldorn is a right fine knight, an' a seasoned campaigner. He knows showin' fear reduces troop morale, but he's lived long enough to know fear saves you from death. Show me a fearless soldier, an' I will show you a lad what gets mowed down first while th' smarted soldiers lay down some coverin' fire an' stay concealed.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aran2178","GLOBAL",1)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a2179 SAY ~[ARAN] Great way to make me feel better, eh? Valygar don't fear th' afterlife th' way many do, an' he has a right interestin' view on what makes th' world tick. But I bet down deep, he is just as scared as I be.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aran2179","GLOBAL",1)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a2180 SAY ~[ARAN] Great way to make me feel better, eh? That bitch Viconia be Drow. Next question?~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aran2180","GLOBAL",1)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a2181 SAY ~[ARAN] Great way to make me feel better, eh? Nalia is twice as scared as me, an' nowheres near prepared for all o' this. But it must be all that trainin' for nobility crap payin' off, on account o' she is not showin' as much fear as I be.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aran2181","GLOBAL",1)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a2182 SAY ~[ARAN] Great way to make me feel better, eh? Mazzy may be short, but she be fearless an' true. I feel a good bit better when I am close by her, that be for sure.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aran2182","GLOBAL",1)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a2183 SAY ~[ARAN] Great way to make me feel better, eh? Jaheira might not be so unafraid as you think. She hasn't stopped motherin' me since we first got down here. You would think that would distract me, but it just makes me itch worse than a Calishite stable boy.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aran2183","GLOBAL",1)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a2184 SAY ~[ARAN] Great way to make me feel better, eh? Jan has an immunity to fear, on account o' he can't take th' time away from thinkin' which story he be about to relate to th' current situation.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aran2184","GLOBAL",1)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a2185 SAY ~[ARAN] Great way to make me feel better, eh? Besides, Imoen don't look so calm an' collected to me.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aran2185","GLOBAL",1)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a2186 SAY ~[ARAN] Great way to make me feel better, eh? HaerDalis has seen worse things than th' Underdark, I wager. I heard he had a role in a play in Westhoff called "Deep Desires And Passions". Th' reviews on that say he already lived through at least two o' th' nine planes o' hells.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aran2186","GLOBAL",1)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a2187 SAY ~[ARAN] Great way to make me feel better, eh? Edwin's overweenin' pride wouldn't let him admit he was scared, nohow. At least, not where I could hear it.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aran2187","GLOBAL",1)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a2188 SAY ~[ARAN] Great way to make me feel better, eh? Anomen is just too stupid to be scared. Besides, all that cleanin' his armor every five minutes kind o' distracts him from th' bigger picture.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aran2188","GLOBAL",1)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a2189 SAY ~[ARAN] Great way to make me feel better, eh? Cernd sees all this as a balancing act. Me, I prefer th' scales tipped in my direction, thank you very much.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aran2189","GLOBAL",1)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a2190 SAY ~[ARAN] Great way to make me feel better, eh? Yoshimo as done some scary things in his life, mayhap worse than I ever heard tell. Me, I am just hopin' this is a really bad dream spawned by eatin' too much curry.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aran2190","GLOBAL",1)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a2191 SAY ~[ARAN] I don't know why I started talkin' anyways. Look, don't mind me. I just need a change of pace. An' we need to GET TH' NINE HELLS OUT O' THIS BLIGHTED PLACE.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a2192 SAY ~[ARAN] I wasn't blighted well keepin' tally, eh?~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a2191 END IF ~~ a2928 SAY ~[ARAN] Aye, then.~ /* add to some states - checks for players who are not ok */ IF ~!StateCheck(Player2,STATE_DEAD) !StateCheck(Player3,STATE_DEAD) !StateCheck(Player4,STATE_DEAD) !StateCheck(Player5,STATE_DEAD) !StateCheck(Player6,STATE_DEAD)~ THEN EXIT IF ~NumInPartyGT(2) InParty(Player2) StateCheck(Player2,STATE_DEAD)~ THEN GOTO a2923 IF ~NumInPartyGT(2) InParty(Player3) StateCheck(Player3,STATE_DEAD)~ THEN GOTO a2924 IF ~NumInPartyGT(2) InParty(Player4) StateCheck(Player4,STATE_DEAD)~ THEN GOTO a2925 IF ~NumInPartyGT(2) InParty(Player5) StateCheck(Player5,STATE_DEAD)~ THEN GOTO a2926 IF ~NumInPartyGT(2) InParty(Player6) StateCheck(Player6,STATE_DEAD)~ THEN GOTO a2927 END /* joined file kicked out and attacked */ IF ~~ a1728 SAY ~[ARAN] Hey! Cyric's Buttocks, you traitorous wench...~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Left for Waterdeep I sent Aran Whitehand away permanently. He decided to head north to Waterdeep to pursue his own goals. I think that is for the best.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Sent to the Gods I destroyed Aran Whitehand. It is good to know that I have the power of life and death at my fingertips, and the will to use that power for my own ends.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands. Hopefully, he will find a good place to wait, and be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, bothering the patrons of The Broken Sword. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, singing sea chanties and holding drinking contests in The Sea's Bounty. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, wandering around and getting into trouble at The Copper Coronet. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, staring at actresses in The Five Flagons. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, grimacing at the bills and sharpening his quill in my stronghold at the Five Flagons. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, eyeing the cook's larder at The Mithrest Inn. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, perusing the wares at the Imnesvale Inn in the Umar Hills. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, drinking swill at The Vulgar Monkey. Hopefully, he will be there when I return. Even more hopefully, he will have avoided behaving like the inn's namesake.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, listening to the bards at Vyatri's Pub in Trademeet. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, making smalltalk with the staff of The Den of the Seven Vales. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, gambling with anyone who will play at Calbor's Inn in the Bridge District. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, drinking the second-rate stock at The Crooked Crane. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, singing bawdy songs with the patrons of the only inn in Brynnlaw. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%)~ GOTO a1755 END IF ~~ a1755 SAY ~[ARAN] I'll not go wi' out a fight! ~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfight","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobal("c-aranflirtstop","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",3) SetGlobal("KickedOut","LOCALS",1) ActionOverride("c-aran",SetLeavePartyDialogFile()) ActionOverride("c-aran",ChangeAIScript("",DEFAULT)) ActionOverride("c-aran",LeaveParty()) ActionOverride("c-aran",Enemy())~ EXIT END /* BG2 Friendship Talks Replies */ /* BG2 FriendTalk 1 c-aranfriendbg2 = 1 : Not Just Another Quasi-Invincible Band Of Protagonists : Replies */ /* a44 is a chain */ IF ~~ a45 SAY ~[ARAN] No, no, nothin' like that. I was just observin' is all. I did notice, though...~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a44 END IF ~~ a46 SAY ~[ARAN] Sorry. Trade-speak. What do you want to know?~ ++ ~[PC] What is a 'sword', the way you used the word?~ + a49 ++ ~[PC] What is a 'knife', the way you used the word?~ + a50 ++ ~[PC] What is a 'stave', the way you used the word?~ + a51 ++ ~[PC] What is a 'wand' the way you used the word?~ + a52 ++ ~[PC] What is a 'pen', the way you used the word?~ + a53 ++ ~[PC] What is a 'fist', the way you used the word?~ + a54 ++ ~[PC] Well, what do you call Bards and entertainers? 'Harps'?~ + a55 ++ ~[PC] You know, I don't think I want to talk on and on about this. I'll figure it out as we go.~ + a56 ++ ~[PC] Got it. I have enough information to figure out what you are saying.~ + a56 END IF ~~ a47 SAY ~[ARAN] Well, I never did have no trouble before. 'Cept one time. I don't rightly hold with slavery. That one's a deal-breaker. Just thought I oughta let you know.~ ++ ~[PC] I didn't quite get all the terms you just used. I want to ask about... what was it? Pen? Sword, Knife? Something like that?~ + a46 + ~Gender(Player1,MALE)~ + ~[PC] I prefer less talk and more action, Aran.~ + a58 + ~Gender(Player1,MALE)~ + ~[PC] Do you always start conversations this way? I would think that you were more of the tall, dark, handsome, and silent type.~ + a58 + ~Gender(Player1,FEMALE)~ + ~[PC] I prefer less talk and more action, Aran.~ + a59 + ~Gender(Player1,FEMALE)~ + ~[PC] Do you always start conversations this way? I would think that you were more of the tall, dark, handsome, and silent type.~ + a59 ++ ~[PC] It is all right. A little trail talk is fine with me. We need to do something besides slaughter monsters, after all.~ EXIT END IF ~~ a2325 SAY ~[ARAN] Th' whole trade talk thing changes a bit if you head south or north o' th 'Coast, but from Waterdeep to th' border o' Amn, most people use th' same basic terms.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a48 END IF ~~ a2326 SAY ~[ARAN] I know I speak right strange. I write much better than I speak, though. Otherwise, there'd be naught in th' way o' work for me, eh?.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a48 END IF ~~ a2327 SAY ~[ARAN] O' course, there be crazier ways o' talkin' than this. I done heard two Rashemi merchants babble on for an hour, an' didn't understand more than one word.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a48 END IF ~~ a2328 SAY ~[ARAN] I tried awhile back to get my speech cleaned up right proper. I even took lessons. But somehow, th' lessons... well, let's just say I had a right pretty teacher. My mind didn't stay on th' lessons long.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a48 END IF ~~ a2329 SAY ~[ARAN] Now, listen to me, all babblin' like a drunken Luscan. Well, it passes th' time, they say.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a48 END IF ~~ a2330 SAY ~[ARAN] O' course, if I be talkin' too much, you can always tell me to shut up, eh?~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a48 END IF ~~ a2331 SAY ~[ARAN] I wonder what they use for trade-speak in Moonshae. I did get some right strange looks when I was out there.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a48 END IF ~~ a2332 SAY ~[ARAN] I spent a little time in Calimport, an' they got their own names for all of these things. I can't rightly pronounce any o' them, though, on account o' they sound more like garglin' sand than real talk.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a48 END IF ~~ a2333 SAY ~[ARAN] Th' Flamin' Fist uses some o' this on account o' havin' so many local recruits. But mostly, they just use straight Common. You don't get too far yellin' "Staves Forward!" when most people have to ask what that means.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a48 END IF ~~ a2334 SAY ~[ARAN] Mayhap there be easier ways o' sayin' this, but th' more I travel, th' more ways o' sayin' th same thing seem to show up.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a48 END IF ~~ a2335 SAY ~[ARAN] There be lots o' wild things in Thieves Cant, but there be little overlap. Not that I'd know much about th' Cant, mind you.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a48 END IF ~~ a2336 SAY ~[ARAN] I had me a mite bit o' trouble first time I got to th' Dale lands. They use a bit different trade-speak, an' some o' th' words we use are considered an insult. A word to th' wise... don't be callin' a Dale wizard a 'wand'. They get downright testy.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a48 END IF ~~ a2337 SAY ~[ARAN] Sometimes I think all this would be a bit easier if everyone used th' same words for th' same things. But then again, a decent inn by th' docks in any given town might have a hundred languages among only fifty patrons, so it just goes to show how we like to make life complicated, eh?~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a48 END IF ~~ a2338 SAY ~[ARAN] You should hear some o' this talk among th' new hires. They start usin' it wi' everyone, to sow they are part o' th' team. O' course, that backfires a bit, usually. Marks 'em as green.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a48 END IF ~~ a2339 SAY ~[ARAN] Now I don't say yea or nay to that, on account o' loose lips might get me in a mite bit o' trouble. No sense gettin' anyone upset, even accidentally.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a48 END IF ~~ a48 SAY ~[ARAN] Anythin' else you want to clear up? Gotta know the folks you are fightin' along side, to be safe.~ ++ ~[PC] Yes. I still don't quite get all the terms you just used. I want to ask about another one.~ + a57 + ~Gender(Player1,MALE)~ + ~[PC] Do you always start conversations this way? I would think that you were more of the tall, dark, handsome, and silent type.~ + a58 + ~Gender(Player1,FEMALE)~ + ~[PC] Do you always start conversations this way? I would think that you were more of the tall, dark, handsome, and silent type.~ + a59 ++ ~[PC] No, I think I have the basics. I think we need to move on.~ EXIT ++ ~[PC] It seems like you talk a lot.~ + a56 + ~Global("c-heartwarder","GLOBAL",1)~ + ~[PC] We could get some things straight about what my being a Heartwarder of Sune means.~ + a983 END IF ~~ a983 /* replaced with real values in "Aran Aware" component */ SAY ~[ARAN] I thought that meant you might decide on some alternate sleepin' arrangements, mayhap get right friendly, eh?~ + ~!Global("c-aranheartwarder","GLOBAL",1)~ + ~[PC] (Sigh) Yes, yes... all of Sune's followers are very easy, just like every follower of Torm beats things with a mailed fist evenly on all sides, and all halflings steal... you have much to learn about Sune, Aran.~ + a984 + ~!Global("c-aranheartwarder","GLOBAL",1)~ + ~[PC] Well, good thing we can clear this up, then. Following Sune means I choose whom, when, where, and under what conditions. I do not pay for your services by sleeping with you.~ + a984 + ~!Global("c-aranheartwarder","GLOBAL",1)~ + ~[PC] Perhaps. If it pleases me, and pleases Sune. Until then, keep to your job, and keep your hands to yourself.~ + a984 + ~!Global("c-aranheartwarder","GLOBAL",1)~ + ~[PC] Ignorance like that will get you killed, sellsword.~ + a984 + ~Global("c-aranheartwarder","GLOBAL",1)~ + ~[PC] (Sigh) Yes, yes... all of Sune's followers are very easy, just like every follower of Torm beats things with a mailed fist evenly on all sides, and all halflings steal... you have much to learn about Sune, Aran.~ + a985 + ~Global("c-aranheartwarder","GLOBAL",1)~ + ~[PC] Well good thing we can clear this up, then. Following Sune means I choose whom, when, where, and under what conditions. I do not pay for your services by sleeping with you.~ + a985 + ~Global("c-aranheartwarder","GLOBAL",1)~ + ~[PC] Perhaps. If it pleases me, and pleases Sune. Until then, keep to your job, and keep your hands to yourself.~ + a985 + ~Global("c-aranheartwarder","GLOBAL",1)~ + ~[PC] Ignorance like that will get you killed, sellsword.~ + a985 END IF ~~ a984 SAY ~[ARAN] Right, sorry about that. Rough trade, not much in th' way o' education on Sune here. I do rightly apologize.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a48 END IF ~~ a985 SAY ~[ARAN] Now, you know I be jokin'! I would have naught in th' way o' spellcraft if I really meant any o' it. Sune grants where beauty be appreciated, not where ignorance an' lust be appreciated. Shar's Spit, I'm no sensate.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a48 END IF ~~ a49 SAY ~[ARAN] Fighters, muscle, shield wall, th' whole physical group. What I do. Look for new things, meet 'em, an' usually kill 'em.~ ++ ~[PC] You know, I don't think I want to talk on and on about this. I'll figure it out as we go.~ + a56 ++ ~[PC] I understand. That is a colorful way of putting it.~ + a2325 + ~!Class(Player1,FIGHTER_ALL)~ + ~[PC] Ah. The spear and gear carriers. I understand.~ + a2326 + ~Class(Player1,THIEF)~ + ~[PC] Ah. I prefer stealth and subtlety. But fighters can be important, at least as a distraction.~ + a2327 + ~Class(Player1,BARD)~ + ~[PC] Ah. I prefer performance art of a less physical nature, myself.~ + a2328 + ~Class(Player1,FIGHTER_ALL)~ + ~[PC] Ah. I might just fit into that category myself.~ + a2329 END IF ~~ a50 SAY ~[ARAN] Someone to look for traps an' scout ahead. You have to watch Knives, though. Most o' the ones I know are Guild, an' they won't steal from you while on the trail. But in town, a mark's a mark.~ ++ ~[PC] You know, I don't think I want to talk on and on about this. I'll figure it out as we go.~ + a56 ++ ~[PC] I understand. That is a colorful way of putting it.~ + a2330 + ~!Class(Player1,THIEF_ALL)~ + ~[PC] Ah. The sticky fingered kleptomaniacal maniacs who keep trying to steal my purse every time I get a drink. I call them bureaucrats.~ + a2331 + ~Class(Player1,THIEF_ALL)~ + ~[PC] Interesting observation.~ + a2332 + ~Class(Player1,THIEF_ALL)~ + ~[PC] Ah. I might just fit into that category myself.~ + a2333 END IF ~~ a51 SAY ~[ARAN] Clerics, healers, do-gooders or sometimes do-badders that can back you up an' heal your wounds. I've known some right good ones in my time, for sure.~ ++ ~[PC] You know, I don't think I want to talk on and on about this. I'll figure it out as we go.~ + a56 ++ ~[PC] I understand.~ + a2334 + ~!Class(Player1,CLERIC_ALL)~ + ~[PC] Ah. I understand. Useful to have around, I agree.~ + a2335 + ~!Class(Player1,CLERIC_ALL)~ + ~[PC] I prefer not to have religious zealots around if I can help it. That is why healing potions were invented.~ + a2336 + ~Class(Player1,CLERIC_ALL)~ + ~[PC] Ah. I might just fit into that category myself.~ + a2337 END IF ~~ a52 SAY ~[ARAN] Spellslingers, casters, magicians, illusionists. The ones Swords have to protect first, last, an' foremost.~ ++ ~[PC] You know, I don't think I want to talk on and on about this. I'll figure it out as we go.~ + a56 ++ ~[PC] I understand. This is as awkward as Thieves Cant, or so I have heard... not that I know it myself, or anything.~ + a2339 + ~!Class(Player1,MAGE_ALL)~ + ~[PC] I prefer to let them become arrow holders, myself. It keeps them from complaining and buying expensive spell components.~ + a2338 + ~!Class(Player1,MAGE_ALL)~ + ~[PC] Very useful to have a few of those around, I agree.~ + a2325 + ~Class(Player1,MAGE_ALL)~ + ~[PC] Ah. I might just fit into that category myself.~ + a2326 END IF ~~ a53 SAY ~[ARAN] Scribes, to write up the contracts, do the accounts, run the numbers, keep track o' things. I do that, too. Makes me useful, as I cover two positions on the Coster expeditions; three if you count wagon driver.~ ++ ~[PC] You know, I don't think I want to talk on and on about this. I'll figure it out as we go.~ + a56 + ~OR(3) Class(Player1,BARD_ALL) Class(Player1,MAGE_ALL) Class(Player1,CLERIC_ALL)~ + ~[PC] I have some experience with scribing, myself.~ + a2327 + ~OR(3) Class(Player1,BARD_ALL) Class(Player1,MAGE_ALL) Class(Player1,CLERIC_ALL)~ + ~[PC] Hmmm. Perhaps I will talk to you later about scroll creation. You might be handy after all.~ + a2328 + ~!Class(Player1,BARD_ALL) !Class(Player1,MAGE_ALL) !Class(Player1,CLERIC_ALL)~ + ~[PC] Oh. I have seen them before. Usually they stick to the backs of shops and avoid eye contact.~ + a2329 + ~!Class(Player1,BARD_ALL) !Class(Player1,MAGE_ALL) !Class(Player1,CLERIC_ALL)~ + ~[PC] I never bothered with all that inky mess.~ + a2330 END IF ~~ a54 SAY ~[ARAN] Well, now, a Fist is what you want when you be "punchin' to Calimport" . You know, travelin' to your next tradin' destination. You want to have all your bases covered, right, on account o' not knowin' what Faerun is goin' to throw at you, or what th' gods are goin' to send your way. So you get all set up wi' all your needs filled - Sword, Knife, Stave, Wand, an' Pen. You miss a finger, an' your Fist is likely as not to end up in a mite bit o' trouble.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a2331 END IF ~~ a55 SAY ~[ARAN] We don't rightly call bards nothin'. We pray to the gods that there is one headed our way, an' ask politely if they will join us travellin'. Bard's a rare thing, brings in business, an' makes long travel bearable. I heard of some what hire on as Pen, but that don't work so well - they can write beautifully, but trade contract's not rightly meant to be pretty, just tight and tough to wriggle out of.~ = ~[ARAN] Profit always has cost, though... never knew a Bard what wasn't half Knife an' half Wand. An' when they move on, you got to look careful at the inventory, so as to chalk up what vanishes. But it be worth the price every single time. The power o' song seems to beat sword, pen, staff, wand, an' knife all together.~ ++ ~[PC] You know, I don't think I want to talk on and on about this. I'll figure it out as we go.~ + a56 + ~Class(Player1,BARD)~ + ~[PC] Well, that is nice to hear... I think.~ + a2332 + ~Class(Player1,BARD)~ + ~[PC] You do know I am a bard, right?~ + a60 ++ ~[PC] I understand. Colorful turns of phrase.~ + a2333 ++ ~[PC] Well, I call bards a waste of a good thief. They talk too much, drink too much, and always seem to be getting themselves and everyone around them into trouble.~ + a2339 END IF ~~ a56 SAY ~[ARAN] Got it. I've a bit o' a habit o' ramblin' on an' on, you know. Sorry. Fills th' time, it does.~ + ~Gender(Player1,MALE)~ + ~[PC] I prefer less talk and more action, Aran.~ + a58 + ~Gender(Player1,MALE)~ + ~[PC] Do you always start conversations this way? I would think that you were more of the tall, dark, handsome, and silent type.~ + a58 + ~Gender(Player1,FEMALE)~ + ~[PC] I prefer less talk and more action, Aran.~ + a59 + ~Gender(Player1,FEMALE)~ + ~[PC] Do you always start conversations this way? I would think that you were more of the tall, dark, handsome, and silent type.~ + a59 ++ ~[PC] I still don't quite get all the terms you just used. I want to ask about one.~ + a57 ++ ~[PC] It is all right. A little trail talk is fine with me. We need to do something besides slaughter monsters, after all.~ + a2324 END IF ~~ a57 SAY ~[ARAN] Aye, I do speak a mite bit strange, at times. What do you want to know?~ ++ ~[PC] What is a 'sword', the way you used the word?~ + a49 ++ ~[PC] What is a 'knife', the way you used the word?~ + a50 ++ ~[PC] What is a 'stave', the way you used the word?~ + a51 ++ ~[PC] What is a 'wand' the way you used the word?~ + a52 ++ ~[PC] What is a 'pen', the way you used the word?~ + a53 ++ ~[PC] What is a 'fist', the way you used the word?~ + a54 ++ ~[PC] Well, what do you call Bards and entertainers? 'Harps'?~ + a55 ++ ~[PC] You know, I don't think I want to talk on and on about this. I'll figure it out as we go.~ + a56 ++ ~[PC] Got it. I have enough information to figure out what you are saying.~ + a56 END IF ~~ a58 SAY ~[ARAN] Well, I like to break up the boredom a bit. But I'm no bard. An' just so's we are on the same page, , you are right good lookin', but I prefer the ladies.~ ++ ~[PC] Well, perhaps I can change your mind about that.~ + a2324 ++ ~[PC] Fair enough. So the 'look but don't touch' rule applies.~ + a2324 ++ ~[PC] You used some terms back there I didn't get. Some definitions? Because I really didn't understand you.~ + a57 ++ ~[PC] A pity. But then again, it really isn't a choice type of thing, is it. At least we can hit the bars together and not be poaching each other's territory.~ + a2324 ++ ~[PC] You are a bit full of yourself, aren't you?~ + a1925 /* c-aranshutup19 */ ++ ~[PC] Watch it, sellsword - you made a big assumption there.~ + a1926 /* c-aranshutup20 */ END IF ~~ a59 SAY ~[ARAN] Most times, I keep to myself. And you are not so bad yourself, . Kinda easy on the eyes.~ ++ ~[PC] Let's keep the eyes on the road, and the hands away from me, boyo. Don't get ahead of yourself.~ + a60 ++ ~[PC] You used some terms back there I didn't get. Some definitions? Because I really didn't understand you.~ + a57 ++ ~[PC] I'm flattered. I think.~ + a60 ++ ~[PC] You are no so bad yourself.~ + a60 ++ ~[PC] You are a bit full of yourself, aren't you?~ + a60 ++ ~[PC] Keep it professional, Aran. I didn't hire you as eye-candy. And if that was an attempt at flirting, you are on dangerous ground.~ + a60 ++ ~[PC] Watch it, sellsword. I have killed men for saying less.~ + a1926 /* c-aranshutup20 */ END IF ~~ a60 SAY ~[ARAN] (Flushes burgundy) Aye, then. Didn't mean to be so forward. Shuttin' up.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a2324 SAY ~[ARAN] Time to get movin' again, eh? Don't you be worryin'. I may talk a good bit, but I fight well enough to make up for it. I hope.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END /* BG2 FriendTalk 2 c-aranfriendbg2 = 3 : "My Pal the Shield Wall", or, merits of Heavy Metal (Whitesnake) vs Alternative (Feist) : Replies */ IF ~~ a62 SAY ~[ARAN] Well, now. Whether we are doin' well or naught but fallin' apart, there is always good reason to have a Shield Wall up front.~ ++ ~[PC] What is a shield wall?~ + a63 ++ ~[PC] I'm familiar with the concept. That's why I have you as a meat-shield.~ + a64 ++ ~[PC] We really do not have the coin to spare for things like that.~ + a65 ++ ~[PC] You might be right.~ + a70 ++ ~[PC] Are you sure you want more competition? I mean, all those extra swords about might make you less useful to me.~ + a66_new + ~Global("c-aranmatch","GLOBAL",1) GlobalGT("c-aransex","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Are you sure you want more competition? I mean, all those extra choices... I might be tempted.~ + a66 END /* a63 in chains */ IF ~~ a64 SAY ~[ARAN] Aye, true enough. The whole concept works best on foes what swarm, like gibberlings, orcs, an' the like. But it does work just the same when the wall is strong, an' lucky... it sops up spells an' keeps th' archers an' spellcasters safe for their big attacks. But it be true that bein' on the wall's a mite dangerous.~ ++ ~[PC] I see no reason to spend more coin for living shields, but thank you for the input.~ + a75 ++ ~[PC] That 'shield wall' is a good idea, Aran. I'll see what I can do.~ + a75 ++ ~[PC] Dense, thick, slow, distracting, catches spells, first up to die... I have a 'shield wall'. Just make sure you know your place in combat, sellsword.~ + a75 + ~OR(2) CheckStatGT(Player1,15,INT) CheckStatGT(Player1,15,WIS)~ + ~[PC] I suspect it works better with big mercenary companies in pitched battle. We don't have that kind of fighting here.~ + a75 + ~Gender(Player1,FEMALE)~ + ~[PC] I have big strong you to protect me, Aran. You are enough.~ + a75 + ~Gender(Player1,FEMALE)~ + ~[PC] When did I give you the idea I wanted more protection?~ + a75 END /* a65 in chains */ IF ~~ a66 SAY ~[ARAN] If I can't hold my own against the rest, , I don't deserve you nohow. But I am thinkin' how best to protect you, anyways. Shield walls work great for holdin' back the opposition.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a63 END IF ~~ a66_new SAY ~[ARAN] If I can't hold my own against the rest, , I don't deserve th' space in th' party. I say bring 'em on, an' I'll take all comers.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a63 END IF ~~ a67 SAY ~[ARAN] Aye, , it does cause a man to think. An' evaluate, too. But that's naught here nor there, really. I'd be standin' on th' wall whether I was cleric or cook. But it can come in right handy to have a god watchin' your back, you know.~ ++ ~[PC] You may have a point. Things do not seem to be going well in combat. What would you suggest we do differently?~ + a62 ++ ~[PC] And here I thought you were a fighter, not a thinker. This might be amusing. Go on, then, oh great leader of combat, inform your betters as to combat tactics.~ + a62 ++ ~[PC] We are doing well enough. I don't think we need to continue this discussion.~ + a75 END IF ~~ a68 SAY ~[ARAN] Sure enough. Like what, exactly?~ ++ ~[PC] A wall must take a huge hit from any spellcasters around. It sounds like it makes a big target.~ + a69 + ~Class(Player1,FIGHTER_ALL)~ + ~[PC] You are relying on weight and numbers to hold back the enemy. What happens when I charge a shield wall with magical weaponry that cleaves through shields like a hot knife through butter?~ + a70 + ~Class(Player1,MAGE_ALL)~ + ~[PC] A well placed fireball, or perhaps some lightning, or simply a gaseous cloud... there are lots of ways I could break up that wall, Aran.~ + a65 + ~OR(2) Class(Player1,DRUID) Class(Player1,RANGER)~ + ~[PC] Outdoors, a druid must eat shield walls as a light snack. I might call lightning, if I could, and fry them all. Or entangle them and allow archery to finish them.~ + a65 + ~Class(Player1,THIEF_ALL)~ + ~[PC] I would probably sneak around back, and take them out one by one. Or simply avoid the whole wall, make your way past them, and get rid of the spellcasters.~ + a70 + ~Class(Player1,BARD)~ + ~[PC] A full audience, drawn up into a line, just for me? If I can't beguile them or terrorize them with my music, I would have to reevaluate my bardic skills.~ + a70 + ~OR(2) Class(Player1,MONK) Class(Player1,CLERIC_ALL)~ + ~[PC] There are many ways, both spiritually and physically, to influence such a formation. Perhaps you would enlighten me as to the weaknesses you have seen yourself?~ + a70 ++ ~[PC] Well, you are supposed to be the tactics expert. Consider it a test of your knowledge. You tell me.~ + a74 END IF ~~ a69 SAY ~[ARAN] I did see one time a Wall fail miserably, as an illusionist got workin' so the swords thought their friends was enemies. An' I did see one time where someone cast a spell what made most o' the Wall flee in terror. But then again, most o' the time, I've seen it work right smart against some pretty tough foes.~ ++ ~[PC] Any other weaknesses?~ + a70 ++ ~[PC] That is enough analysis.~ + a64 END /* a70, a71, a72, a73, a74 in chains */ IF ~~ a75 SAY ~[ARAN] Just a suggestion, you know. Tymora's Fickle Fingers, it'd be nice to have some more help, is all.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END /* BG2 FriendTalk 3 c-aranfriendbg2 = 5 : "The Price of Fame", or, Whoa - *that* ? Sux to be you, pal. : Replies */ IF ~~ a77 SAY ~[ARAN] No, really? That was you? Well, go figure. I wanted to get in on a bit of action, and I had to pick you of all people.~ ++ ~[PC] That sounds a bit offensive. Me of all people?~ + a88 ++ ~[PC] The less said about the past, the brighter your future will be. And longer, too.~ + a89 ++ ~[PC] We did well by defeating Sarevok and his machinations. I am proud of what we accomplished.~ + a86 + ~RandomNum(3,1)~ + ~[PC] I have had enough of this discussion. No more talking.~ + a1934 /* c-aranshutup28 */ + ~RandomNum(3,2)~ + ~[PC] I have had enough of this discussion. No more talking.~ + a1935 /* c-aranshutup29 */ + ~RandomNum(3,3)~ + ~[PC] I have had enough of this discussion. No more talking.~ + a1936 /* c-aranshutup30 */ + ~Global("c-leavefist","LOCALS",0)~ + ~[PC] So, why did you decide to leave the Fist? It seems like it would be a good job.~ + a643 END IF ~~ a78 SAY ~[ARAN] Well now. Last I heard, the they were talkin' about had a smile what could melt the Spine o' the World. So it can't be you, nohow.~ ++ ~[PC] Hey, watch it, sellsword - that was me!~ + a86 ++ ~[PC] We did well by defeating Sarevok and his machinations. I am proud of what we accomplished.~ + a86 + ~Global("c-leavefist","LOCALS",0)~ + ~[PC] It is none of your business, anyways. Hey, you have not told me about deciding to leave the Fist. Why did you leave?~ + a643 + ~RandomNum(3,1)~ + ~[PC] I have had enough of this discussion. No more talking.~ + a1910 /* c-aranshutup4 */ + ~RandomNum(3,2)~ + ~[PC] I have had enough of this discussion. No more talking.~ + a1911 /* c-aranshutup5 */ + ~RandomNum(3,3)~ + ~[PC] I have had enough of this discussion. No more talking.~ + a1912 /* c-aranshutup6 */ END IF ~~ a79 SAY ~[ARAN] Well now. Last I heard, the they were talkin' about could lift a catapult in one hand, an' a house in the other. So it can't be you, nohow.~ ++ ~[PC] Hey, watch it, sellsword - that was me!~ + a86 + ~Global("c-leavefist","LOCALS",0)~ + ~[PC] It is none of your business, anyways. Hey, you have not told me about deciding to leave the Fist. Why did you leave?~ + a643 ++ ~[PC] Defeating Sarevok and his machinations helped alot of people. It was not all brute strength, you know.~ + a86 + ~RandomNum(3,1)~ + ~[PC] I have had enough of this discussion. No more talking.~ + a1922 /* c-aranshutup16 */ + ~RandomNum(3,2)~ + ~[PC] I have had enough of this discussion. No more talking.~ + a1923 /* c-aranshutup17 */ + ~RandomNum(3,3)~ + ~[PC] I have had enough of this discussion. No more talking.~ + a1924 /* c-aranshutup18 */ END IF ~~ a80 SAY ~[ARAN] Well now. Last I heard, the they were talkin' about could pick a fruitfly out o' the air an' tie his legs in a knot, while balancin' on one foot. So it can't be you, nohow.~ ++ ~[PC] Hey, watch it, sellsword - that was me!~ + a86 ++ ~[PC] Defeating Sarevok and his machinations helped alot of people. It was not all speed and dexterous action, you know.~ + a86 + ~RandomNum(3,1)~ + ~[PC] I have had enough of this discussion. No more talking.~ + a1916 /* c-aranshutup10 */ + ~RandomNum(3,2)~ + ~[PC] I have had enough of this discussion. No more talking.~ + a1917 /* c-aranshutup11 */ + ~RandomNum(3,3)~ + ~[PC] I have had enough of this discussion. No more talking.~ + a1918 /* c-aranshutup12 */ IF ~CheckStatGT(Player1,50,PICKPOCKET)~ THEN GOTO a87 END IF ~~ a81 SAY ~[ARAN] Well now. Last I heard, the they were talkin' about shrugged off dragonfire while drinkin' acid, with no ill effects. So it can't be you, nohow.~ ++ ~[PC] Hey, watch it, sellsword - that was me!~ + a86 ++ ~[PC] Defeating Sarevok and his machinations helped alot of people. It was not all inner strength and toughness, you know.~ + a86 + ~RandomNum(3,1)~ + ~[PC] I have had enough of this discussion. No more talking.~ + a1913 /* c-aranshutup7 */ + ~RandomNum(3,2)~ + ~[PC] I have had enough of this discussion. No more talking.~ + a1914 /* c-aranshutup8 */ + ~RandomNum(3,3)~ + ~[PC] I have had enough of this discussion. No more talking.~ + a1915 /* c-aranshutup9 */ END IF ~~ a82 SAY ~[ARAN] Riiiiight. Couldn't have been you. You were never there. Mum's the word, an' all. Still, that stinks.~ ++ ~[PC] Watch it, Aran. What stinks?~ + a88 + ~Global("c-leavefist","LOCALS",0)~ + ~[PC] It is none of your business, anyways. Hey, you have not told me about deciding to leave the Fist. Why did you leave?~ + a643 ++ ~[PC] is a common enough name.~ + a89 ++ ~[PC] The less said about the past, the brighter your future will be. And longer, too.~ + a89 ++ ~[PC] Defeating Sarevok and his machinations was important. I am proud of what was accomplished.~ + a86 + ~Global("c-leavefist","LOCALS",0)~ + ~[PC] It is none of your business, anyways. Hey, you have not told me about deciding to leave the Fist. Why did you leave?~ + a643 END IF ~~ a83 SAY ~[ARAN] Well now. Last I heard, the they were talkin' about could philosophize with Elminster while playing chess with a Red Wizard. So it can't be you, nohow.~ ++ ~[PC] Hey, watch it, sellsword - that was me!~ + a86 + ~Global("c-leavefist","LOCALS",0)~ + ~[PC] It is none of your business, anyways. Hey, you have not told me about deciding to leave the Fist. Why did you leave?~ + a643 ++ ~[PC] We did well by defeating Sarevok and his machinations. It was partly luck, but being smart and careful made it possible to defeat him.~ + a86 + ~RandomNum(3,1)~ + ~[PC] I have had enough of this discussion. No more talking.~ + a1907 /* c-aranshutup1 */ + ~RandomNum(3,2)~ + ~[PC] I have had enough of this discussion. No more talking.~ + a1908 /* c-aranshutup2 */ + ~RandomNum(3,3)~ + ~[PC] I have had enough of this discussion. No more talking.~ + a1909 /* c-aranshutup3 */ END IF ~~ a84 SAY ~[ARAN] Well now. That is just the kind o' thing I heard the they were talkin' about might say. Wise beyond years. But you let me along this adventure, which don't speak so well o' your wisdom. So it can't be you, nohow.~ ++ ~[PC] Hey, watch it, sellsword - that was me!~ + a86 + ~Global("c-leavefist","LOCALS",0)~ + ~[PC] It is none of your business, anyways. Hey, you have not told me about deciding to leave the Fist. Why did you leave?~ + a643 ++ ~[PC] Defeating Sarevok and his machinations helped alot of people. It was not the most wise choice, standing against such powerful forces. It was simply necessary.~ + a86 + ~RandomNum(3,1)~ + ~[PC] I have had enough of this discussion. No more talking.~ + a1910 /* c-aranshutup4 */ + ~RandomNum(3,2)~ + ~[PC] I have had enough of this discussion. No more talking.~ + a1911 /* c-aranshutup5 */ + ~RandomNum(3,3)~ + ~[PC] I have had enough of this discussion. No more talking.~ + a1912 /* c-aranshutup6 */ END IF ~~ a85 SAY ~[ARAN] Point taken. Sorry. You don't like people to know how you operate, eh? Well, I suppose that's fair enough. But Mask's Left Hand, I had to pick you of all people.~ ++ ~[PC] Me of all people?~ + a88 ++ ~[PC] is a common enough name.~ + a89 ++ ~[PC] The less said about the past, the brighter your future will be. And longer, too.~ + a89 ++ ~[PC] We did well by defeating Sarevok and his machinations. I am proud of what we accomplished.~ + a86 END IF ~~ a86 SAY ~[ARAN] Hey, I was just teasin' ye. You did right effective work takin' those bastards down. It made it possible for the Fist an' Moonshae and all to field forces against the rest of those bandits. Selune's Fair Bottom, though, I had to pick you of all people to join up with.~ ++ ~[PC] That sounds a bit offensive. Me of all people?~ + a88 ++ ~[PC] The less said about the past, the brighter your future will be. And longer, too.~ + a89 ++ ~[PC] Well, you asked to join up, if I remember correctly...~ + a88 END IF ~~ a87 SAY ~[ARAN] I heard a darker rumor, too, where that particular could pick a man's pocket from ten paces in broad daylight, an' there'd be a whole crowd what couldn't tell 'til after was two days gone.~ ++ ~[PC] Hey, watch it, sellsword - passing along those tales is bad for business!~ + a86 + ~Global("c-leavefist","LOCALS",0)~ + ~[PC] It is none of your business, anyways. Hey, you have not told me about deciding to leave the Fist. Why did you leave?~ + a643 ++ ~[PC] Defeating Sarevok and his machinations helped alot of people. You can't make an omelet without breaking eggs.~ + a86 + ~RandomNum(3,1)~ + ~[PC] I have had enough of this discussion. No more talking.~ + a1919 /* c-aranshutup13 */ + ~RandomNum(3,2)~ + ~[PC] I have had enough of this discussion. No more talking.~ + a1920 /* c-aranshutup14 */ + ~RandomNum(3,3)~ + ~[PC] I have had enough of this discussion. No more talking.~ + a1921 /* c-aranshutup15 */ END IF ~~ a88 SAY ~[ARAN] Hey, look, no offense, but fame is not always good for the folks followin', if you know what I mean. Every great general is built on a pile o' dead footsoldiers. And once rumors get rollin' the opposition starts to take notice. Fame an' fortune are great ideas, but they come with some heavy baggage. Heavier for the folks what back you up.~ ++ ~[PC] You don't know the half of it. Have I mentioned that I am the child of a god?~ + a90 + ~Gender(Player1,FEMALE)~ + ~Hey, you signed on. What were you expecting, comfortable inns and dancing girls?~ + a91 + ~Gender(Player1,MALE)~ + ~Hey, you signed on. What were you expecting, comfortable inns and dancing girls?~ + a92 ++ ~[PC] Don't worry. I take care of my friends, Aran.~ + a93 ++ ~[PC] Hey, we are a team, remember? We take care of each other.~ + a93 ++ ~[PC] I reward those who serve me as greatly as I punish my enemies. Any further questions?~ + a94 END IF ~~ a89 SAY ~[ARAN] If you say so. I just don't like not knowin' the odds. Makes me less useful an' all.~ ++ ~[PC] I'll tell you what you need to know, Whitehand. Until then, shut up and soldier.~ + a94 ++ ~[PC] Look, there are some things best kept very, very quiet. But off the record, that was me. Just don't mention it again.~ + a94 + ~Global("c-leavefist","LOCALS",0)~ + ~[PC] It is none of your business, anyways. Hey, you have not told me about deciding to leave the Fist. Why did you leave?~ + a643 ++ ~[PC] The odds are high that you will prove useful, Aran. As long as you keep your rumors to yourself.~ + a94 ++ ~[PC] (sigh) Alright, Aran. Yes, it was me.~ + a77 END IF ~~ a90 SAY ~[ARAN] Ha! That's a good one! Or are you serious... hey, I never put any stock in *those* rumors. You really are a Child of Murder?~ ++ ~[PC] We godlings prefer the term 'Bhaalspawn', I believe.~ + a95 ++ ~[PC] No, I was just teasing you.~ + a96 ++ ~[PC] Yes. Father is a big guy, evil, lots of kids, murder, death, blood, the whole works. Do you want to meet him?~ + a95 ++ ~[PC] My father was Bhaal. We do not get along well.~ + a95 ++ ~[PC] Did you know that the word 'gullible' has four of the letter 'L'?~ + a96 END IF ~~ a91 SAY ~[ARAN] Well, now that you mention it, the occasional inn is right fine, but I wasn't expectin' it to be a regular occurrence. About that dancin' girls part, that depends... are you offerin' to dance?~ ++ ~[PC] Let's keep this professional, Aran.~ + a97 ++ ~[PC] You couldn't keep up with me, boyo. I wouldn't want to give you a heart attack, or anything.~ + a98 ++ ~[PC] You play a dangerous game, Whitehand. Did I somehow give you the idea that you could talk with me this way?~ + a97 ++ ~[PC] No.~ + a97 ++ ~[PC] Yes.~ + a98 + ~Global("c-heartwarder","GLOBAL",1)~ + ~[PC] We Heartwarders appreciate things of beauty, Aran. Though your language is far from beautiful, I can see a time where Sune might decide you need special attention...~ + a98 END IF ~~ a92 SAY ~[ARAN] Well, now that you mention it, the occasional inn is right fine, but I wasn't expectin' it to be a regular occurrence. About that dancin' girls part... well, I suspect the whole fame thing works for me as for you. You let me know next time you go wenching, an' I'll be right happy to buy the first round.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a94 END IF ~~ a95 SAY ~[ARAN] Well, knock me over with Clangedden's Hammer. A Bhaalspawn. Well, that explains some things, I guess. I think I might be right glad I am on your side. If even half of the stories are half true, I wouldn't want to be against you, that's for sure.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a94 END IF ~~ a96 SAY ~[ARAN] Heh. You had me goin' for a minute there.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a94 END IF ~~ a97 SAY ~[ARAN] Hey, I'm sorry, there. Didn't mean no harm.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a94 END IF ~~ a98 SAY ~[ARAN] Well, err... I... Never mind, then. Got to go see a man about a horse, an' all.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a94 END IF ~~ a93 SAY ~[ARAN] Well, I guess that is the best that can be hoped for. I mean, I appreciate th' compliment, about friends, an' team, an' all. It makes it easier to do the job when you know your compatriots be watchin' your back.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a94 SAY ~[ARAN] Right then. I'll go sharpen somethin', or just poke about a bit. Make myself useful, an' all.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END /* BG2 FriendTalk 4 c-aranfriendbg2 = 7 : Mongo But Pawn In Great Chess Game of Life? : Replies */ IF ~~ a3318 SAY ~[ARAN] You be about as funny as a horde o' gibberlings tryin' to light a fire.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a3319 SAY ~[ARAN] Now that I have naught in th' way o' toleration for. I may have a bit o' Trade-speak accent, an' mayhap those dwarven bastards what I fought wi' sprinkled some oddities in here an' there, but my writin' an' scribin' be top notch. Mayhap I will go on about my business, now, on account o' you keep findin' fault wi' me.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a3320 SAY ~[ARAN] Aye, , sure enough. I talk a mite bit more than I should anyhow. Bad habit, I guess.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a3321 SAY ~[ARAN] Mayhap I need to start thinkin' more like an adventurer an' less like a mercenary, if I'm to be right helpful, . Old habits die hard, though. I just keep wishin' we had a few cavalry out on th' wings, an' mayhap a ballista or two creakin' along. Takin' on th' world be a dauntin' task.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a3322 SAY ~[ARAN] Second, third, fourth, an' fifth ones. But then again, if I ever paid passin' attention to my thoughts, I would never have become a mercenary, eh?~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a3323 SAY ~[ARAN] Cyric's Blighted Balls. Perhaps I should just write it all down an' hand it to you, eh?~ ++ ~[PC] Perhaps we should take this up another time, before both of our patience runs out.~ + a3320 + ~RandomNum(5,1)~ + ~[PC] Perhaps you should just shut up and soldier, soldier. I think the pain of learning new things is making your nose bleed.~ + a1968 + ~RandomNum(5,2)~ + ~[PC] Perhaps you should just shut up and soldier, soldier. I think the pain of learning new things is making your nose bleed.~ + a1969 + ~RandomNum(5,3)~ + ~[PC] Perhaps you should just shut up and soldier, soldier. I think the pain of learning new things is making your nose bleed.~ + a1970 + ~RandomNum(5,4)~ + ~[PC] Perhaps you should just shut up and soldier, soldier. I think the pain of learning new things is making your nose bleed.~ + a1971 + ~RandomNum(5,5)~ + ~[PC] Perhaps you should just shut up and soldier, soldier. I think the pain of learning new things is making your nose bleed.~ + a1972 ++ ~[PC] Having second thoughts about all this?~ + a3322 ++ ~[PC] That would be fine. Of course, then we would need to correct your writing.~ + a3319 ++ ~[PC] Don't get all snippy just because I making fun of you. After all, isn't your primary job to entertain me?~ + a3318 END IF ~~ a3324 SAY ~[ARAN] Takin' a mage's power, especially one what can blow huge holes in th' Promenade, that sounds like one hells of a goal.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a3321 END IF ~~ a3325 SAY ~[ARAN] Well, gettin' a powerful mage what can blow huge holes in th' Promenade off your back be less o' a job for footsoldiers an' more for trained specialists, which be what we be, I guess.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a3321 END IF ~~ a3326 SAY ~[ARAN] Right, then... Perhaps I needs be... ~ ++ ~[PC] 'Perhaps I need to...' ~ + a3323 ++ ~[PC] Having second thoughts about all this?~ + a3322 END IF ~~ a3327 SAY ~[ARAN] When you be puttin' it that way, it almost sounds reasonable.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a3321 END IF ~~ a3328 SAY ~[ARAN] Chauntea's Golden Wheat, I get th' idea. Mayhap I needs be havin' some work on th' whole language thing.~ ++ ~[PC] 'Perhaps I need to work on my language skills'...~ + a3326 ++ ~[PC] Look, all joking aside, I need to oppose Irenicus, and stop him from persecuting me.~ + a3325 ++ ~[PC] To get back to your question, I need to oppose Irenicus, and gain his power.~ + a3324 + ~Global("c-aranmatch","GLOBAL",1)~ + ~[PC] I wouldn't change a thing. It is kind of cute, actually.~ + a3323 ++ ~[PC] You had better work hard on that. I don't need you distracted when it comes time to strip Irenicus' dead body and steal his power.~ + a3324 ++ ~[PC] This conversation is getting too personal. We should move on.~ + a3320 END IF ~~ a3329 SAY ~[ARAN] Oh, I get th' whole 'epic quest' thing, an' servin' th greater good. I just am used to doin' that wi' much more in th' way o' numbers an' support.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a3321 END IF ~~ a3330 SAY ~[ARAN] Now that sentiment I have heard an' seen durin' many a campaign. Good or evil, on th' side o' law or in th' throes o' chaos, it usually be about makin' sure th' winner wins both th' battle, an' makes sure th' opposition knows it won't rightly pay to keep up th' whole war.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a3321 END IF ~~ a3331 SAY ~[ARAN] It always does seem to come down to power, eh? A friendly card game, th' small barfights, th' minor scuffles between guilds, or armies o' whole nations, it seems to be all about who gets th' last word.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a3321 END IF ~~ a3332 SAY ~[ARAN] Well, no one else be steppin' up to lend a hand. So I guess there be naught but you. Well, an' me, an' those who you get to help us.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a3321 END IF ~~ a3333 SAY ~[ARAN] Well, yes. It sure as Helm's Horny Hands beats sittin' around tryin' to make time wi' Erika, an' havin' old Orrin look for new ways to squeeze coin I don't have out o' my purse.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a3321 END IF ~~ a3334 SAY ~[ARAN] Bloody right on th' fear thing. A little fear sharpens th' sellsword. Coward? Hells no. I know th' kind o' fool you be talkin about... th' sellsword what cares more for sword-pay than for sword-play, so to speak. I have died more than a few time in service, an' expect I will again. Hurts more than bein' dipped in acid. Th' difference between a brave man an' a coward is th' brave one will crap his leggin's standin' his ground, while th' coward will do it runnin' away.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a3337 END IF ~~ a3335 SAY ~[ARAN] I can see that might pose a bit o' a problem. Time an' resources be tight. Mayhap a small group can do what a large one can't... but it sure would make things a mite more comfortable wi' a solid backup force for a flankin' maneuver, all th' same.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a3321 END IF ~~ a3336 SAY ~[ARAN] I be havin' first, second, third, an' twentieth thoughts. But then again, I tend not to do my thinkin' wi' my head.~ ++ ~[PC] At least not the one on your shoulders, right...~ + a3337 ++ ~[PC] What else would you think with? Oh...~ + a3337 ++ ~[PC] You are improving! Why, just yesterday, I said to myself, 'Self, Aran doesn't think at all, does he'?~ + a3337 ++ ~[PC] You are selling yourself short. I think you hide your thinking, because you don't want a leadership role. It is probably more comfortable for you to follow rather than be responsible for the risks.~ + a3337 ++ ~[PC] And on that note, can we stop this conversation? We are getting distracted from the tasks at hand.~ + a3320 END IF ~~ a3337 SAY ~[ARAN] I hold contracts right solid, I do. But I always be likin' to know why we fight. It gives me somethin' to believe in, you know?.~ ++ ~[PC] Irenicus gives just about everyone enough reason. Those who wish to take his power, those who wish to shield others from his power, and those who seek to retain a balance of power... he seems like the kind of guy who doesn't make friends easily.~ + a3332 ++ ~[PC] I want Irenicus to pay for what he has done. It can be in blood, in teeth, in broken bones, or just crisping in the middle of a dozen fireballs... but he has to pay.~ + a3341 + ~Alignment(Player1,MASK_LCNEUTRAL)~ + ~[PC] We fight because we have to fight. There is both great good and great evil in the world, and we need to balance those forces.~ + a3333 + ~Alignment(Player1,MASK_GOOD)~ + ~[PC] We fight because we have to fight. There is great evil in the world, and those of us with power should protect those who cannot protect themselves.~ + a3333 + ~Alignment(Player1,MASK_EVIL)~ + ~[PC] It isn't about the fight, Aran. It is about taking power, and using that power to force my agenda. The fight is just a by-product of someone not realizing that they should be listening to me.~ + a3327 ++ ~[PC] You do not need to believe in anything except your contract. I think, you kill. What more do you really need to know?~ + a3344 END IF ~~ a3338 SAY ~[ARAN] Hey! That be rightly... hells. You must be pullin' my leg clean off. I speak well enough.~ ++ ~[PC] Perhaps if you said 'My language skills are sufficient. I do not need your assistance.'...~ + a3328 ++ ~[PC] You speak. In fact, you speak and speak. Then you speak, speak some more, and speak, and speak, and...~ + a3328 ++ ~[PC] Look, asking questions like why am I here and what are my goals is really a waste of time. I am here, and I can do some good for many, many people.~ + a3329 ++ ~[PC] I am here. You are here. Together, we can accomplish lots of things.~ + a3321 ++ ~[PC] It doesn't really matter. Actions are what is important, not words. That's why this whole conversation is kind of pointless. If I have a task, I just do it, and try not to think about any long-term plans.~ + a3321 END IF ~~ a3339 SAY ~[ARAN] True enough. But we seem to be talkin' cross-purpose here.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a3337 END IF ~~ a3340 SAY ~[ARAN] Chasin' your soul will be one hells of a blighted tough thing to do, you know. My usual fare be more in th' way o' chasin' down a few missin' coins, or mayhap some inventory what be taken on th' five-finger discount. Or chasin' down an' akin' care o' makin' sure th' opposition has no body left for th' soul to inhabit. How are we goin' to chase somethin' so slippery?~ ++ ~[PC] Look, all of this is really my business, not yours.~ + a3320 ++ ~[PC] We find Irenicus, we find my soul. Look, this is about doing what is right, and what is good. Opposing raw abuse of power is our real goal.~ + a3332 ++ ~[PC] We find Irenicus, we find my soul. Irenicus has power, and he may be able to show me how to control my own.~ + a3331 ++ ~[PC] Getting my soul back is just the start. If I am to truly wield power, those who oppose me need to know that the cost of doing so is not worth paying.~ + a3330 ++ ~[PC] Wait a minute... you don't know how to corral enigmatic mages and force them to see the error of their ways? I thought you could just bind him up in paperwork and torture him with your improper grammatical constructs!~ + a3318 ++ ~[PC] To tell you the truth, I am not sure. But all I can do is search for an answer, and prepare as best I can for that eventual confrontation.~ + a3321 END IF ~~ a3341 SAY ~[ARAN] Now, that sounds like a straightforward goal. Find th' bastard, beat th' garbage out o' him, an' get a good solid revenge.~ + ~GlobalLT("Chapter","GLOBAL",4)~ + ~[PC] Not quite. If I find him, I find my friend Imoen. .~ + a3342 ++ ~[PC] When you put it like that, it sounds so petty. This is about doing what is right, and what is good. Opposing raw abuse of power is our real goal.~ + a3332 ++ ~[PC] Among other things. Irenicus has power, and he may be able to show me how to control my own.~ + a3331 ++ ~[PC] Revenge is just the start. If I am to truly wield power, those who oppose me need to know that the cost of doing so is not worth paying.~ + a3330 ++ ~[PC] Look, all of this is really my business, not yours.~ + a3320 END IF ~~ a3342 SAY ~[ARAN] I think we might get a decent contract wi' th' Mindgulph, then. Takin' on th' Cowlies be a right fine idea, if we be half drunk an' just wastin' hot air, but that bunch o' arcane bastards be a right powerful force. We may need a bit o' backup.~ ++ ~[PC] I thought you wanted a life of adventure and risk, far from the boredom and ennui of pub-crawling, caravan-guarding ways. Are you having second thoughts?~ + a3336 ++ ~[PC] We have neither the resources nor the time to add a mercenary company to our roster.~ + a3335 ++ ~[PC] Do I detect a little bit of fear? Are you a coward?~ + a3334 ++ ~[PC] I was not thinking of taking on all of the Cowled wizards. Only the ones holding Imoen captive.~ + a3333 ++ ~[PC] I guess it is only natural that having such worthy and powerful adversaries would cause you to have second thoughts.~ + a3336 + ~RandomNum(5,1)~ + ~[PC] I have had enough of your useless chatter. If you have to continually question my choices, do it with a pair of old socks stuffed in your mouth.~ + a1978 + ~RandomNum(5,2)~ + ~[PC] I have had enough of your useless chatter. If you have to continually question my choices, do it with a pair of old socks stuffed in your mouth.~ + a1979 + ~RandomNum(5,3)~ + ~[PC] I have had enough of your useless chatter. If you have to continually question my choices, do it with a pair of old socks stuffed in your mouth.~ + a1980 + ~RandomNum(5,4)~ + ~[PC] I have had enough of your useless chatter. If you have to continually question my choices, do it with a pair of old socks stuffed in your mouth.~ + a1981 + ~RandomNum(5,5)~ + ~[PC] I have had enough of your useless chatter. If you have to continually question my choices, do it with a pair of old socks stuffed in your mouth.~ + a1907 END IF ~~ a3343 SAY ~[ARAN] Mayhap I ask this, then. What be your long term goals, now that you be here?~ + ~GlobalLT("Chapter","GLOBAL",4)~ + ~[PC] Rescuing Imoen is my first priority. I will think about my long term goals after that has been accomplished.~ + a3342 + ~GlobalLT("Chapter","GLOBAL",4)~ + ~[PC] Irenicus. I want to see him smashed into the ground in front of me, pleading for his miserable life to end the torment. Turnabout is fair play.~ + a3341 + ~GlobalLT("Chapter","GLOBAL",4)~ + ~[PC] Irenicus. He needs to be held accountable for his actions.~ + a3341 + ~GlobalGT("Chapter","GLOBAL",5)~ + ~[PC] Step one, get my soul back. Step two... well, I will think about that when I have accomplished step one.~ + a3340 + ~GlobalGT("Chapter","GLOBAL",5) Gender(Player1,MALE)~ + ~[PC] Step one, gather as much loot as I can find. Step two, find a bunch of very cute young women to help me celebrate spending said loot. Step three... I suppose I should go get my soul back, or something like that.~ + a3340 + ~GlobalGT("Chapter","GLOBAL",5) Gender(Player1,FEMALE)~ + ~[PC] Step one, gather as much loot as I can find. Step two, find a bunch of very strong young men to help me celebrate spending said loot. Step three... I suppose I should go get my soul back, or something like that.~ + a3340 ++ ~[PC] There are plenty of quests to do, and plenty of traveling before us.~ + a3339 ++ ~[PC] Well, I thought that I might take up tutoring you in Common. Actually, I can't think of a better use of my time. With a great deal of patience, we might even get you to erase 'rightly' from your vocabulary.~ + a3338 ++ ~[PC] It is difficult to formulate a master plan when so much keeps changing all the time. I do know that I need to gather as much strength as I can, because at some point or another I will have to face a very powerful adversary. I need to be ready.~ + a3337 ++ ~[PC] Getting you to understand when your babbling is not welcome.~ + a3320 + ~RandomNum(5,1)~ + ~[PC] Shut up and soldier, soldier.~ + a1968 + ~RandomNum(5,2)~ + ~[PC] Shut up and soldier, soldier.~ + a1969 + ~RandomNum(5,3)~ + ~[PC] Shut up and soldier, soldier.~ + a1970 + ~RandomNum(5,4)~ + ~[PC] Shut up and soldier, soldier.~ + a1971 + ~RandomNum(5,5)~ + ~[PC] Shut up and soldier, soldier.~ + a1972 END IF ~~ a3344 SAY ~[ARAN] Now there be no reason not to discuss it. You must have some opinion on it, eh?~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a3343 END IF ~~ a3345 SAY ~[ARAN] Right. True enough. Choose one, then, eh?~ ++ ~[PC] Disadvantages to being a Bhaalspawn? Many. Odd powers, nightmares, constant anxiety, depression, assassination attempts, limited love-life, constant uncomfortable travel...~ + a3343 ++ ~[PC] Advantages to being a Bhaalspawn? Powers that appear out of nowhere, travel, excitement, adventure, treasure, a full test and use of my skills...~ + a3343 ++ ~[PC] Why am I here? To meet you, of course. That could be seen as an advantage or a disadvantage.~ + a3343 ++ ~[PC] Advantages like being able to shape and change events. Disadvantages like being forced into conflict without enough time to create a master plan.~ + a3343 ++ ~[PC] I don't know which one to choose. I really don't think of things in the way you seem to.~ + a3343 + ~RandomNum(5,1)~ + ~[PC] No.~ + a1958 + ~RandomNum(5,2)~ + ~[PC] No.~ + a1959 + ~RandomNum(5,3)~ + ~[PC] No.~ + a1960 + ~RandomNum(5,4)~ + ~[PC] No.~ + a1961 + ~RandomNum(5,5)~ + ~[PC] No.~ + a1962 END IF ~~ a3346 SAY ~[ARAN] Well, mayhap you have a point there, at that. So th' whole divine intervention theory might not hold so much water.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a3343 END IF ~~ a3347 SAY ~[ARAN] Well, I can just follow orders, I guess. Or, I could be a mite bit more useful to you, if I was to know what you be really after.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a3343 END IF ~~ a3348 SAY ~[ARAN] No, no... blighted hells, I was talkin' about th' bigger picture, eh? Strategy, not logistics. Mayhap I can ask a different way...~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a3343 END IF ~~ a3349 SAY ~[ARAN] Tiamat's Twisted Tongue, that be th' largest load o' horse dung I ever did here! You waltzed right in an just... oh. You do be a kidder, eh? Heh. Well...~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a3343 END IF ~~ a3350 SAY ~[ARAN] I guess I done heard that expressed. But to deny th' gods... it be a hard thing to have no belief. It sounds like you be more about th' here an' now than th' hereafter an' forever kind o' thoughts.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a3343 END IF ~~ a3351 SAY ~[ARAN] I... ~ = ~[ARAN] ...~ = ~[ARAN] Well, stuff a tree up my arse. I don't have naught in th' way o' talk on that one. Not believin' in th' gods.... it just don't seem right.~ ++ ~[PC] There may be right and wrong, but those are concepts we all create together. We don't need gods to have morals.~ + a3350 ++ ~[PC] And on that note, can we stop this conversation? We are getting distracted from the tasks at hand.~ + a3320 ++ ~[PC] Oh, can't you tell when I am joking? Of course I believe in the gods. One of them became my father. Perhaps not the one I would have chosen, but then again, none of us get to choose our parentage.~ + a3343 ++ ~[PC] Oh, can't you tell when I am joking? One of the most powerful, feared, and hated gods ever to exist became my father.~ + a3343 + ~RandomNum(5,1)~ + ~[PC] If I had wanted your opinion... wait. When would I ever want your opinion? This discussion is over.~ + a1913 + ~RandomNum(5,2)~ + ~[PC] If I had wanted your opinion... wait. When would I ever want your opinion? This discussion is over.~ + a1914 + ~RandomNum(5,3)~ + ~[PC] If I had wanted your opinion... wait. When would I ever want your opinion? This discussion is over.~ + a1915 + ~RandomNum(5,4)~ + ~[PC] If I had wanted your opinion... wait. When would I ever want your opinion? This discussion is over.~ + a1916 + ~RandomNum(5,5)~ + ~[PC] If I had wanted your opinion... wait. When would I ever want your opinion? This discussion is over.~ + a1917 END IF ~~ a3352 SAY ~[ARAN] Come, now, there be naught in Faerun what doesn't have some sort o' god's hand in, unless it be th' Faithless. You... you do believe in th' gods, right?~ ++ ~[PC] Of course I do. I may even become one some day.~ + a3343 ++ ~[PC] I believe in them. I just can't believe that they let you get away with that foul mouth of yours.~ + a3343 ++ ~[PC] I believe in them, if only because only a god could twist your language into the sorry state it finds itself.~ + a3343 + ~!Class(Player1,CLERIC_ALL) !Class(Player1,CLERIC_RANGER)~ + ~[PC] Actually, I am Faithless. I think those powerful beings masquerading as gods are no different that you or I. There is no need to place faith in them.~ + a3351 + ~RandomNum(5,1)~ + ~[PC] My faith or lack thereof is none of your business. Get moving, and stop trying to discuss matters that might burn what little brain you have out of your body.~ + a1973 + ~RandomNum(5,2)~ + ~[PC] My faith or lack thereof is none of your business. Get moving, and stop trying to discuss matters that might burn what little brain you have out of your body.~ + a1974 + ~RandomNum(5,3)~ + ~[PC] My faith or lack thereof is none of your business. Get moving, and stop trying to discuss matters that might burn what little brain you have out of your body.~ + a1975 + ~RandomNum(5,4)~ + ~[PC] My faith or lack thereof is none of your business. Get moving, and stop trying to discuss matters that might burn what little brain you have out of your body.~ + a1976 + ~RandomNum(5,5)~ + ~[PC] My faith or lack thereof is none of your business. Get moving, and stop trying to discuss matters that might burn what little brain you have out of your body.~ + a1977 END /* BG2 FriendTalk 5 c-aranfriendbg2 = 9 : "Irresistible Forces and Immovable Objects", or, is the pen really mightier than the sword, or does he just have a better PR firm? : Replies */ IF ~~ a100 SAY ~[ARAN] How about th' nice warm feelin' you get when you support an' identify wi' th' people what's watchin' your back?~ ++ ~[PC] When you put it that way, sure. But I would appreciate knowing what it is for.~ + a102 ++ ~[PC] You must be mistaking me for someone who cares. If you want something, prove it is necessary.~ + a101 ++ ~[PC] Nice try. No.~ + a101 ++ ~[PC] We need to conserve our coin. Is this something you really need, or is it something you want?~ + a101 END IF ~~ a101 SAY ~[ARAN] Hey, now, I don't go askin' for naught I don't rightly need. Come on, , it won't be more than 200gp or so.~ ++ ~[PC] For 200gp, I expect to know exactly what you expect to do with the purchase.~ + a106 ++ ~[PC] I will give you 10gp and you can go chew your own twigs and make your own paper.~ + a102 + ~OR(2) Class(Player1,MAGE_ALL) Class(Player1,CLERIC_ALL)~ + ~[PC] That is a good deal of money for paper. My scroll vellum costs about that.~ + a103 + ~!Class(Player1,MAGE_ALL) !Class(Player1,CLERIC_ALL)~ + ~[PC] What kind of paper costs so much coin?~ + a102 END IF ~~ a102 SAY ~[ARAN] Well, you might not know this, but all that scroll preparation, it takes strong materials an' strong concentration. In fact, I'm just about th' only one I know what can do it while travellin' in the first place. So, about that purchase...~ ++ ~[PC] I think we should invest in better equipment instead. A few words on some parchment will have little long term effect.~ + a104 ++ ~[PC] Scribing scrolls is useful, but not necessary. I think we need to save our coin.~ + a107 ++ ~[PC] Convince me it is worth it, Aran.~ + a107 ++ ~[PC] I understand. I will provide you the supplies as soon as I am able.~ + a104 ++ ~[PC] I guess I know where you fall on the 'pen versus sword' debate, then.~ + a108 END IF ~~ a103 SAY ~[ARAN] Exactly. I have enough trouble concentratin' on buildin' scrolls an' preparin' em for spells while we be on th' trail. I need right good supplies, I do. In fact, I'm just about th' only one I know what can do it in the first place. So, about that purchase...~ ++ ~[PC] I think we should invest in better equipment instead. A few words on some parchment will have little long term effect.~ + a104 ++ ~[PC] Scribing scrolls is useful, but not necessary. I think we need to save our coin.~ + a107 ++ ~[PC] Convince me it is worth it, Aran. Why should I spend good coin on single-use flimsy parchment, when there are magic weapons to invest in?~ + a107 ++ ~[PC] I understand. I will provide you the supplies as soon as I am able.~ + a104 ++ ~[PC] I guess I know where you fall on the 'pen versus sword' debate, then.~ + a108 END IF ~~ a104 SAY ~[ARAN] Just doin' my part, is all. Th' pen's a bit stronger than th' sword, an' I am makin' sure you have that power available to you, eh?~ ++ ~[PC] So you believe the pen is mightier than the sword?~ + a109 ++ ~[PC] Hey, that is a silly notion.~ + a109 ++ ~[PC] I did not expect philosophy debates from a sellsword, but go on...~ + a109 ++ ~[PC] I will get you those materials. But I am tired of talking right now. It is time to move on.~ EXIT ++ ~[PC] Swords, pens, magic, might... I know my own choices on their relative power.~ + a108 END IF ~~ a105 SAY ~[ARAN] Well, if you must know, I be scribin' a scroll. That takes a fair amount o' work. I can practice spar an' keep myself limber on th' rail, but I can't rightly work on scribin' while walkin', eh?~ ++ ~[PC] That seems like a waste of time to me.~ + a104 ++ ~[PC] Can you actually do that while we travel?~ + a102 END IF ~~ a106 SAY ~[ARAN] I have no problems wi' tellin' you. I be scribin' scrolls, the magical kind. That takes a fair amount o' work. I can practice spar an' keep myself limber on th' trail, but I can't rightly work on scribin' while walkin', eh?~ ++ ~[PC] That seems like a waste of time to me.~ + a104 ++ ~[PC] Can you actually do that while we travel?~ + a102 END /* a107 is a chain */ IF ~~ a108 SAY ~[ARAN] Well, now, I know my own mind, but I be right interested in what you think.~ ++ ~[PC] I say the pen is a force greater than a million swords. One bounty notice in Candlekeep, and I end up changing the entire Sword Coast.~ EXIT ++ ~[PC] I say the sword is a force greater than a million pens. One bounty notice in Candlekeep just triggered off the inevitable. I would have ended up changing the entire Sword Coast even without Sarevok and all of his machinations.~ EXIT ++ ~[PC] I say the sword rules all. Try taking on a horde of orcs with an inkbottle, and see what happens. I prefer something blunt to bash heads, or something sharp to remove them completely.~ EXIT ++ ~[PC] I say the question is silly. It is not force that wins the day, and it is not power from writing or communication. It is planning, preparation, and education on how to apply what power you have, and having the force of arms to back it up.~ EXIT ++ ~[PC] I say the question is too tightly focused. It is the faith behind the sword, and the faith behind the words, written or spoken, that provides the true power.~ EXIT ++ ~[PC] I say that questions like these are best left to the sages, and that the best we can do is hope they come up with an answer we can live with.~ EXIT END IF ~~ a109 SAY ~[ARAN] See, this little feather I'm usin' here can do some pretty powerful things.~ + ~Gender(Player1,FEMALE) Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Would you like to see a few better uses for that feather?~ + a109_chaste + ~Gender(Player1,FEMALE) OR(2) Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",1) Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] Would you like to see a few better uses for that feather?~ + a109_fun + ~Gender(Player1,FEMALE) GlobalGT("c-aransex","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] Would you like to see a few better uses for that feather?~ + a109_wild + ~!Gender(Player1,FEMALE)~ + ~[PC] Would you like to see a few better uses for that feather?~ + a109_boyo ++ ~[PC] Ah, trail talk about philosophy. The 'might versus write' debate. I think I would rather be boiled in oil or served raw to a pack of gibberlings.~ + a110 ++ ~[PC] You are smarter than you appear, Aran.~ + a107 ++ ~[PC] A feather. A sharpened feather, dipped in ink. Are you joking?~ + a107 + ~OR(3) !InParty("Korgan") !InMyArea("Korgan") StateCheck("Korgan",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ + ~[PC] (Lean forward and cut Aran's quill in half.) ~ + a111 IF ~InParty("Korgan") InMyArea("Korgan") !StateCheck("Korgan",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ EXTERN KORGANJ a112 END IF ~~ a109_chaste SAY ~[ARAN] You know, I'd swear you were havin' me on, an'... ~ = ~[ARAN] No. You wouldn't be makin' no joke like what I heard in my head. My mind goes right to th' sparkin' side o' life, it does. Anyways...~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a107 END IF ~~ a109_fun SAY ~[ARAN] Start makin' suggestions like that, an' what's a lad to do but take you up on it? Only I got more than... err.... hrmpf. What were I sayin'? Oh, yes..~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a107 END IF ~~ a109_wild SAY ~[ARAN] Gettin' bored wi' me already, eh? Now, th' next thing you know, you will be makin' jokes about quills, an' dippin' in th' inkpot, an' all sorts o' talk what makes a lad blush crimson. Anyways...~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a107 END IF ~~ a109_boyo SAY ~[ARAN] I don't need naught in th' way o' bedroom instruction from you, m'boyo. This be about th' power o' symbolic representation an' transmission o' information, not some bedroom farce. That be for later, when I can get some red-haired green-eyed half-dryad woodnymph what wants to have her evil ways wi' my poor quill, eh? Anyways...~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a107 END IF ~~ a110 SAY ~[ARAN] Sorry, point taken. I get a bit deep on th' trail. It be all that readin' an' tryin' to expand my mind.~ ++ ~[PC] Well, I am not one to stop someone from expanding their mind. I have my own beliefs.~ + a108 ++ ~[PC] Too much thoughtful conversation for me. I prefer to philosophize while drunk.~ + a117 ++ ~[PC] How about less of the expanding of your mind, and more of the expanding of our purse. Time to move on.~ EXIT ++ ~[PC] How can you possibly expand anything inside of that thick skull of yours? I would think it would squeeze out of those flapping ears you use to shade the sides of your head.~ EXIT END IF ~~ a111 SAY ~[ARAN] Aye, that's real funny, that is. A perfectly good quill ruined. You could have just said you didn't agree.~ ++ ~[PC] Philosophy is not my strong point. I would rather save this for a deep discussion in an inn.~ + a110 ++ ~[PC] Actually, that was funny, but I think I get your point. You are talking about power.~ + a107 ++ ~[PC] Look, I do not want to talk about this any more.~ + a110 ++ ~[PC] I thought the point was made well. Actions speak louder than words.~ + a107 ++ ~[PC] I would debate philosophy with you, but I am afraid I would be taking advantage of your feebleness of intellect.~ + a107 END /* a112 is a chain */ IF ~~ a113 SAY ~[ARAN] I guess I can see th' 'might is all' argument. Short term, sword takes pen. You don't see me grubbin' about for quill an' parchment right afore combat, now, do you? But I don't rightly agree long term.~ ++ ~[PC] If you have a good bunch of swords or any weapon, wielded well, you can take what you want by force. Set yourself up a stronghold, raid, do what you want. So sword takes pen, and the game is finished.~ + a114 ++ ~[PC] Just for the sake of argument, pretend I have the most powerful charm spell written down, and I speak it... and it fails. That would seem to me to indicate that a sharp blade would win the day.~ + a114 ++ ~[PC] I have my own beliefs on this.~ + a108 ++ ~[PC] My head hurts.~ + a110 END IF ~~ a114 SAY ~[ARAN] Really, now. That sounds right simple. I'm no sage, but tell me this... why do we end up takin' orders an' rules from folks what's less powerful than we are?~ ++ ~[PC] They have more swords. They can call on more forces.~ + a115 ++ ~[PC] I think I know where you are heading. You are about to say that the trade contract is the basis of civilization, aren't you.~ + a116 ++ ~[PC] I do not think about such things. And I try not to pay much attention to rules, orders, and governments that fall outside of what I think is right.~ + a116 ++ ~[PC] I do not.~ + a116 ++ ~[PC] They have governments, laws... oh. OK, point taken. Written laws.~ + a116 END IF ~~ a115 SAY ~[ARAN] An' how do they do that?~ ++ ~[PC] They have governments, laws... oh. OK, point taken. Written laws.~ + a116 ++ ~[PC] They do not. Look, I get the whole civilization and magic and transfer of power thing. But I take what I want, when I want, and from whom I want. No piece of paper, scribed spell, or silly rule is going to stop me.~ + a118 ++ ~[PC] You are looking at the debate too narrowly, Aran. The words on the paper are not what provides the power.~ + a108 END IF ~~ a116 SAY ~[ARAN] You have to hold what you take, , an' you can't be everywhere. So to do that you have laws, contracts, bounty notices, accounts receivable... Gond's Bladder, th' whole communicatin' long distance thing what sticks whole countries an' civilizations together, let's 'em trade. All paper, an silly little quills dipped in ink.~ ++ ~[PC] None of that fancy writing makes any difference if you don't back it up with force.~ + a118 ++ ~[PC] Point conceded. I would mention that all it takes to set civilization back a thousand years is one warrior with a torch, but I think the words would be lost on you. If I grabbed this weapon and put it at your throat, though, you might agree with me.~ + a118 ++ ~[PC] You have not convinced me. Nothing can resist force of arms. Even beliefs can be changed, or the believers destroyed.~ + a118 ++ ~[PC] Too much thoughtful conversation for me. I prefer to philosophize while drunk.~ + a117 ++ ~[PC] Well, I have my own beliefs.~ + a108 END IF ~~ a117 SAY ~[ARAN] Aye, now that be a right fine idea. tell you what, you but me those supplies, an' I'll buy th' first two rounds, next inn we get to.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a118 SAY ~[ARAN] I say the pen's a force greater than a million swords. One bounty notice in Candlekeep, an' you change the entire Sword Coast politics, social order, an' ends up settlin' a battle most of my friends didn't walk away from whole. Which is a damned fine thing, 'cause we wasn't expectin' any of us to survive.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END /* BG2 FriendTalk 6 c-aranfriendbg2 = 11 : "Creative Culinary Conundrums", or, Whaddaya like to eat, 'cause I make this mean curry... : Replies */ /* a119 is a chain */ IF ~~ a120 SAY ~[ARAN] So, m' spellweaver, what be next?~ ++ ~[PC] Speak that disrespectfully to me again, and you will find I have polymorphed you into a frog. Or perhaps just parts of you into a frog.~ + a134 + ~RandomNum(3,3)~ + ~[PC] We really do not have time for all this talk right now.~ + a1927 /* c-aranshutup21 */ + ~RandomNum(3,2)~ + ~[PC] We really do not have time for all this talk right now.~ + a1929 /* c-aranshutup23 */ + ~RandomNum(3,1)~ + ~[PC] We really do not have time for all this talk right now.~ + a1931 /* c-aranshutup25 */ ++ ~[PC] Are you asking what task is next, or are you asking what we should do about our current situation?~ + a129 ++ ~[PC] Such a deep analysis, Aran. Perhaps I should teach you some minor cantrips after all.~ + a136 ++ ~[PC] Dinner. I think I have a recipe or two tucked away somewhere... no, that's a scroll... no, that's old research... never mind me, go on. It may take a while to find them.~ + a130 END IF ~~ a121 SAY ~[ARAN] So, m' stronghandin' enemy-whackin' weapons, what's next?~ ++ ~[PC] Do you have a death wish? It sounded like you just spoke to me with disrespect.~ + a134 ++ ~[PC] Are you asking what task is next, or are you asking what we should do about our current situation?~ + a129 + ~RandomNum(3,3)~ + ~[PC] We really do not have time for all this talk right now.~ + a1928 /* c-aranshutup22 */ + ~RandomNum(3,2)~ + ~[PC] We really do not have time for all this talk right now.~ + a1930 /* c-aranshutup24 */ + ~RandomNum(3,1)~ + ~[PC] We really do not have time for all this talk right now.~ + a1932 /* c-aranshutup26 */ ++ ~[PC] Dinner at Haversons of Waterdeep, of course. Carrying all this weaponry, I would fit right in among the elite.~ + a130 ++ ~[PC] Well, what about a bet. I kill something, you cook it. You win if it tastes great, I win if it doesn't.~ + a131 END IF ~~ a122 SAY ~[ARAN] So, m' liturgy-preachin' god-followin' wonder, what's next?~ ++ ~[PC] I find your irreverence toward my faith disturbing, Aran. Perhaps you wish an early audience with my god?~ + a134 ++ ~[PC] Are you interested in what is next in the metaphysical sense, about our place on the Great Wheel?~ + a129 ++ ~[PC] The gods will provide. Well, actually, the gods will provide the opportunity. We provide action. Unfortunately, right now they are not providing the food.~ + a130 + ~RandomNum(3,3)~ + ~[PC] We really do not have time for all this talk right now.~ + a1933 /* c-aranshutup27 */ + ~RandomNum(3,2)~ + ~[PC] We really do not have time for all this talk right now.~ + a1935 /* c-aranshutup29 */ + ~RandomNum(3,1)~ + ~[PC] We really do not have time for all this talk right now.~ + a1936 /* c-aranshutup30 */ ++ ~[PC] I might have an idea or two. But perhaps dinner would be a good place to start.~ + a130 END IF ~~ a123 SAY ~[ARAN] So, m' sticky-fingered quick-handed re-appropriator, what's next?~ ++ ~[PC] The last person who alluded to my interests with such disrespect had an accident.~ + a133 ++ ~[PC] Are you asking what task is next, or are you asking what we should do about our current situation?~ + a129 ++ ~[PC] Why, my hide-bound, slow-witted stableboy, I think the next item on the agenda is dinner.~ + a130 + ~RandomNum(3,3)~ + ~[PC] We really do not have time for all this talk right now.~ + a1927 /* c-aranshutup21 */ + ~RandomNum(3,2)~ + ~[PC] We really do not have time for all this talk right now.~ + a1928 /* c-aranshutup22 */ + ~RandomNum(3,1)~ + ~[PC] We really do not have time for all this talk right now.~ + a1929 /* c-aranshutup23 */ END IF ~~ a124 SAY ~[ARAN] So, m' smooth talkin' music-spoutin' entertainer, what's next?~ ++ ~[PC] I am not sure that I enjoy your words and tone, Aran. Bards and Bardesses prefer to be known as such. The title 'entertainer' often carries connotations that are not favorable in polite company.~ + a134 ++ ~[PC] Well now, my rough-talking, weapon-swinging, slow-to-think friend, are you asking about what adventure we should tackle next, or is your stomach growling again?~ + a125 ++ ~[PC] Are you asking what task is next, or are you asking what we should do about our current situation?~ + a129 ++ ~[PC] Why, my hide-bound, slow-witted stableboy, I think the next item on the agenda is dinner.~ + a130 + ~RandomNum(3,3)~ + ~[PC] We really do not have time for all this talk right now.~ + a1907 /* c-aranshutup1 */ + ~RandomNum(3,2)~ + ~[PC] We really do not have time for all this talk right now.~ + a1943 /* c-aranshutup37 */ + ~RandomNum(3,1)~ + ~[PC] We really do not have time for all this talk right now.~ + a1911 /* c-aranshutup5 */ END IF ~~ a125 SAY ~[ARAN] That wasn't my stomach growlin', I swear - an' judging by th' smell, I think last night's dinner did some harm to one o' us.~ ++ ~[PC] Hey, keep downwind of me!~ + a137 ++ ~[PC] Didn't you cook last night?~ + a137 ++ ~[PC] Guilty as charged. Iron rations seem to disagree with me lately.~ + a137 END IF ~~ a126 SAY ~[ARAN] So, m' Exemplar o' Strength, Tower o' Virtue, what's next?~ ++ ~[PC] I am not sure you are speaking to me appropriately, Aran. I think that I have earned the right to be treated with respect.~ + a134 ++ ~[PC] Are you asking what task is next, or are you asking what we should do about our current situation?~ + a129 + ~RandomNum(3,3)~ + ~[PC] We really do not have time for all this talk right now.~ + a1908 /* c-aranshutup2 */ + ~RandomNum(3,2)~ + ~[PC] We really do not have time for all this talk right now.~ + a1910 /* c-aranshutup4 */ + ~RandomNum(3,1)~ + ~[PC] We really do not have time for all this talk right now.~ + a1912 /* c-aranshutup6 */ END IF ~~ a127 SAY ~[ARAN] So, m' back-to-the-basics naturalist, what's next?~ ++ ~[PC] Perhaps I have been treating you too kindly, and you have sought to re-balance our relationship with inappropriate disrespect?~ + a134 ++ ~[PC] Are you asking what task is next, or are you asking what we should do about our current situation?~ + a129 ++ ~[PC] I don't know. Let me confer with a game animal or two, and get back to you. Shall we bet that they would prefer you chose plant over animal for consumption?~ + a135 + ~RandomNum(3,3)~ + ~[PC] We really do not have time for all this talk right now.~ + a1909 /* c-aranshutup3 */ + ~RandomNum(3,2)~ + ~[PC] We really do not have time for all this talk right now.~ + a1911 /* c-aranshutup5 */ + ~RandomNum(3,1)~ + ~[PC] We really do not have time for all this talk right now.~ + a1913 /* c-aranshutup7 */ END IF ~~ a128 SAY ~[ARAN] So, m' hunter, what's next?~ ++ ~[PC] I am not accustomed to being spoken to with such disrespect. Guarding the wilds is a position I take seriously.~ + a134 ++ ~[PC] Are you asking what task is next, or are you asking what we should do about our current situation?~ + a129 ++ ~[PC] I think I have just the challenge for you. Zhentian owlbear!~ + a132 + ~RandomNum(3,3)~ + ~[PC] We really do not have time for all this talk right now.~ + a1910 /* c-aranshutup4 */ + ~RandomNum(3,2)~ + ~[PC] We really do not have time for all this talk right now.~ + a1912 /* c-aranshutup6 */ + ~RandomNum(3,1)~ + ~[PC] We really do not have time for all this talk right now.~ + a1914 /* c-aranshutup8 */ END IF ~~ a129 SAY ~[ARAN] No, nothin' so grand. Just what are we doin' about dinner.~ ++ ~[PC] You have got to be joking. You gave an analysis of our situation to help decide what to cook for dinner?~ + a137 ++ ~[PC] Actually, I was thinking of having some food, too. What do you suggest?~ + a137 ++ ~[PC] Actually, dinner is always a good subject for conversation.~ + a137 ++ ~[PC] Having heard that summary of our situation, I don't think I am feeling very hungry. But I suppose we have to eat.~ + a137 ++ ~[PC] I don't care. Prepare something, and I'll eat it.~ + a137 + ~Global("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] I was thinking more about what might be on the menu after dinner.~ + a138 END IF ~~ a130 SAY ~[ARAN] Aye, you are a of my own heart. I was just thinkin' about dinner myself.~ ++ ~[PC] You have got to be joking. You gave an analysis of our situation to help decide what to cook for dinner?~ + a137 ++ ~[PC] Actually, I was thinking of having some food, too. What do you suggest?~ + a137 ++ ~[PC] Having heard that summary of our situation, I don't think I am feeling very hungry. But I suppose we have to eat.~ + a137 ++ ~[PC] I don't care. Prepare something, and I'll eat it.~ + a137 + ~Global("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] I was thinking more about what might be on the menu after dinner.~ + a138 END IF ~~ a131 SAY ~[ARAN] What did you have in mind?~ ++ ~[PC] Perhaps some nice venison...~ + a137 ++ ~[PC] Oh, I 'll find something. A brace of hares, a bird, a vampire or two... who knows?~ + a137 ++ ~[PC] Actually, last time I bet with you, it turned out to be a big mistake. Why don't you give me some ideas.~ + a137 END IF ~~ a132 SAY ~[ARAN] Hold on, now - I heard they was poisonous.~ ++ ~[PC] A minor inconvenience. I wager you could still make it taste wonderful.~ + a137 ++ ~[PC] Why, yes, they are. There is a two out of five chance we would nick a poison sac during preparation, and not know it until we had finished our meal.~ + a137 ++ ~[PC] All rumors, vicious rumors. I think. They might not be poisonous at all.~ + a137 END IF ~~ a133 SAY ~[ARAN] You are playin' wi' me again, .~ ++ ~[PC] It was an accident. A minor inconvenience. He 'accidentally' fell out of a second story window. Twice. While tied to a chair. It was most distressing.~ + a134 ++ ~[PC] No, really. He had an accident. Some things you just don't tempt fate with, Aran, and one of those is talking about my work.~ + a134 ++ ~[PC] It was no accident. I stole his purse just after he had agreed to pay for a round of drinks for a group of Chondathan mercenary lads. I think he survived the beating.~ + a134 ++ ~[PC] Of course I was. But you probably should watch what you call me in public. It tends to make people suspicious.~ + a134 END IF ~~ a134 SAY ~[ARAN] Aye, point taken. No disrespect intended. It's just that I was thinkin' o' dinner.~ ++ ~[PC] You have got to be joking. You gave an analysis of our situation to help decide what to cook for dinner?~ + a137 ++ ~[PC] Actually, I was thinking of having some food, too. What do you suggest?~ + a137 ++ ~[PC] Having heard that summary of our situation, I don't think I am feeling very hungry. But I suppose we have to eat.~ + a137 ++ ~[PC] I don't care. Prepare something, and I'll eat it.~ + a137 + ~Global("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] I was thinking more about what might be on the menu after dinner.~ + a138 END IF ~~ a135 SAY ~[ARAN] You're pullin' my leg clean off my body, there.~ ++ ~[PC] You have got to be joking. You gave an analysis of our situation to help decide what to cook for dinner?~ + a137 ++ ~[PC] Actually, I was thinking of having some food, too. What do you suggest?~ + a137 ++ ~[PC] Having heard that summary of our situation, I don't think I am feeling very hungry. But I suppose we have to eat.~ + a137 ++ ~[PC] I don't care. Prepare something, and I'll eat it.~ + a137 + ~Global("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] I was thinking more about what might be on the menu after dinner.~ + a138 END IF ~~ a136 SAY ~[ARAN] Perhaps later, eh, on account o' my stomach be growlin' somethin' fierce. I was thinkin' more about plannin' for dinner.~ ++ ~[PC] You have got to be joking. You gave an analysis of our situation to help decide what to cook for dinner?~ + a137 ++ ~[PC] Actually, I was thinking of having some food, too. What do you suggest?~ + a137 ++ ~[PC] Having heard that summary of our situation, I don't think I am feeling very hungry. But I suppose we have to eat.~ + a137 ++ ~[PC] I don't care. Prepare something, and I'll eat it.~ + a137 + ~Global("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] I was thinking more about what might be on the menu after dinner.~ + a138 END /* a137 is a chain */ IF ~~ a138 SAY ~[ARAN] We don't have much in th' way of sweets an' such, I think... wait a sec. You weren't talkin' about food, were you.~ ++ ~[PC] Yes, of course I was. I was talking about desert.~ + a139 ++ ~[PC] No, Aran. I was thinking more of burning off some extra energy.~ + a140 END IF ~~ a139 SAY ~[ARAN] I was kinda hopin'... no matter. I'll see what I have available for desert.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a137 END IF ~~ a140 SAY ~[ARAN] Right, then. You sure you want to wait until after dinner?~ + ~NumInParty(2)~ + ~[PC] Yes. But you can think of ways to make my meal end very pleasurably.~ + a141 + ~NumInParty(2)~ + ~[PC] No, I think I would rather not wait all that time.~ + a141 + ~NumInPartyGT(2)~ + ~[PC] Yes. But you can think of ways to make my meal end very pleasurably, especially if you can figure out how to get some time for the two of us to be alone.~ + a141 + ~NumInPartyGT(2)~ + ~[PC] No, I think I would rather not wait all that time. But there is the little problem of privacy...~ + a141 END IF ~~ a141 SAY ~[ARAN] I'll keep somethin' in mind what to sweeten your evenin', . Tell you what. Maybe we find some quiet place to prep th' meal, so to speak. I could use your help wi' the real plannin', though, on account o' me bein' distracted by the way your lips curve just so... an' your collarbone just so... *ahem*.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a137 END IF ~~ a142 SAY ~[ARAN] So how are you goin' to help, oh mighty spellweaver? Start a fire wi' your fingers, or just create it out of thin air?~ ++ ~[PC] I am good at cleaning up. I usually have to clean up after you regularly anyway.~ + a150 ++ ~[PC] One simple Burning hands spell, and your coals will be ready. Or would you rather I use lightning? A fireball spell?~ + a150 ++ ~[PC] I shall drink Shadowdark ale and enjoy the fire while you serve me.~ + a150 END IF ~~ a143 SAY ~[ARAN] So how are you goin' to help, strongarm - gatherin' firewood, or cleanin' up?~ ++ ~[PC] I shall drink Shadowdark ale and enjoy the fire while you serve me.~ + a150 ++ ~[PC] I am good at cleaning up. I usually have to clean up after you regularly anyway.~ + a150 ++ ~[PC] Of course I will help with cutting up the ingredients.~ + a151 END IF ~~ a144 SAY ~[ARAN] So how are you goin' to help, oh Speaker o' the Gods - cleanin' up, or buildin' th' fire?~ ++ ~[PC] I think my contribution will be providing an audience for your work. After all, the true work of eating is done by the taster, is it not?~ + a150 ++ ~[PC] I am good at cleaning up. I usually have to clean up after you regularly anyway.~ + a150 ++ ~[PC] Of course I will help with cutting up the ingredients.~ + a151 END IF ~~ a145 SAY ~[ARAN] So how are you goin' to help, oh agile one - cuttin' th' ingredients, or just disappearin' into the shadows the way you sometimes do?~ ++ ~[PC] Of course I will help with cutting up the ingredients.~ + a151 ++ ~[PC] I shall scout the area, I think. You cook, and I will keep one eye on you, and one on our surroundings.~ + a151 ++ ~[PC] I am good at cleaning up. I usually have to clean up after you regularly anyway.~ + a150 END IF ~~ a146 SAY ~[ARAN] So how are you goin' to help, oh entert... I mean, oh Great Beguiler? Sing our supper to the right temperature?~ ++ ~[PC] I shall drink Shadowdark ale and enjoy the fire while you serve me.~ + a150 ++ ~[PC] I am good at cleaning up. I usually have to clean up after you regularly anyway.~ + a150 ++ ~[PC] I shall entertain you in grand style, while you prepare a feast for the ages. Of course, in less flowery phrases, that means you cook while I sit and practice.~ + a150 ++ ~[PC] Of course I will help with cutting up the ingredients.~ + a151 END IF ~~ a147 SAY ~[ARAN] So how are you goin' to help, oh Great Light o' the World? Just don't do no extra layin' on o' hands - I don't like cookin' things alive.~ ++ ~[PC] Of course I will help with cutting up the ingredients.~ + a151 ++ ~[PC] I think my contribution will be providing an audience for your work. After all, the true work of eating is done by the taster, is it not?~ + a150 ++ ~[PC] I am good at cleaning up. A clean mind, a clean body, and... well, never mind. I am not sure you would completely understand.~ + a150 END IF ~~ a148 SAY ~[ARAN] So how are you goin' to help, oh Protector of the Balance? An' if you start in about how tasty grubs an' twigs are, I'm not lettin' you near th' cookin' pots.~ ++ ~[PC] Of course I will help with cutting up the ingredients.~ + a151 ++ ~[PC] I shall scout the area, I think. You cook, and I will keep one eye on you, and one on our surroundings.~ + a151 ++ ~[PC] I am good at cleaning up. I usually have to clean up after you regularly anyway.~ + a150 END IF ~~ a149 SAY ~[ARAN] So how are you goin' to help, oh woodland warrior? Huntin' down supplies, or cuttin' up ingredients?~ ++ ~[PC] I shall drink Shadowdark ale and enjoy the fire while you serve me.~ + a150 ++ ~[PC] Of course I will help with cutting up the ingredients.~ + a151 ++ ~[PC] I shall scout the area, I think. You cook, and I will keep one eye on you, and one on our surroundings.~ + a151 ++ ~[PC] I am good at cleaning up. I usually have to clean up after you regularly anyway.~ + a150 END IF ~~ a150 SAY ~[ARAN] Hanali Celanil's Bouncing Bosom, I don't know when you be teasin' me, an' when you are not. But suit yourself.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a151 SAY ~[ARAN] Aye, that would be right kind o' you to help.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END /* BG2 FriendTalk 7 c-aranfriendbg2 = 13 : "Alternate Paths to Sun Tsu", or, tactics are fun, but sometimes you just gotta whack 'em. : Replies */ IF ~~ a153 SAY ~[ARAN] Why, no, not that I have seen. It's just interestin' to ask, is all. I have done a mite o' readin' myself. An' then there's always battle orders to scribe. Those teach a thing or two, sometimes by example, an' sometimes as one o' those "how to get everyone killed" examples.~ ++ ~[PC] You plan before a fight?~ + a156 ++ ~[PC] I do not find it easy to plan before combat.~ + a157 ++ ~[PC] So you have studied all of this?~ + a158 ++ ~[PC] I plan carefully, but even the best plan needs flexibility.~ + a157 ++ ~[PC] No plan survives contact with the enemy.~ + a158 END IF ~~ a154 SAY ~[ARAN] Well, to each own, I suppose. But me, I prefer some kind o' plan.~ ++ ~[PC] You plan before a fight?~ + a156 ++ ~[PC] I do not find it easy to plan before combat.~ + a157 ++ ~[PC] So you have studied all of this?~ + a158 ++ ~[PC] I plan carefully, but even the best plan needs flexibility.~ + a157 ++ ~[PC] No plan survives contact with the enemy.~ + a158 END IF ~~ a155 SAY ~[ARAN] Sure thing. I stand in as a shield, you do whatever it is you do, an' the opponent falls afore us. I'd like to think I was more'n a livin' shield, though.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a157 END IF ~~ a156 SAY ~[ARAN] I do a full check o' gear, an' then I lay down a quick set o' ideas in my head. I used to follow a real solid order, you know, back when I was just a sellsword. I'd check th' other fighters, an' guess their style. Then I'd go through th' priority order...~ = ~[ARAN] Block attacks on the magic types, Check. Protect the healers, Check. Follow th' most disciplined warrior's lead and orders, Check. Relax my arms, Check. Keep silent, Check. Kill things... Well, then I'd just wait for th' "check".~ ++ ~[PC] That sounds a little too predictable.~ + a157 ++ ~[PC] So you have studied all of this?~ + a158 ++ ~[PC] I plan carefully, but even the best plan needs flexibility.~ + a157 ++ ~[PC] No plan survives contact with the enemy.~ + a158 END /* a157, a158 are chains */ IF ~~ a159 SAY ~[ARAN] Bugger tactics, get in close, an' just whack th' bastards 'til they stop movin'.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a160 SAY ~[ARAN] Suit yourself. An' I had a good punchline, an' all. I talk a mite more'n I should, anyhow.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END /* BG2 FriendTalk 8 c-aranfriendbg2 is 15 : "Warning - Objects Are Closer Than They Appear", or, why you want to check carefully behind your target area before firing that arrow. : Replies */ IF ~~ a162 SAY ~[ARAN] I don't rightly know. I can imagine a pretty big amount o' treasure.~ ++ ~[PC] Do you want me to accept your answer at face value and pretend that amuses me, or do you want me to explain why that makes you shallow and ugly?~ + a165 ++ ~[PC] I have no problems with you chasing fame and fortune, but I am not doing all this for such rewards.~ + a166 ++ ~[PC] Nothing compared to what I can imagine. Do not worry, Aran. When I rule the known world, I will make sure to name a small hamlet or village in your honor.~ + a167 ++ ~[PC] Somehow I think your idea of treasure and mine differ. Your definition might include fine parchment, young redheaded half-elven girls, massive storehouses of alcohol, and warm baths.~ + a176 END IF ~~ a163 SAY ~[ARAN] Well, it seems like you be pretty serious about all that. I just think you ought to check your target right careful, an' see what's behind it.~ ++ ~[PC] I do not understand. Why would I want to do that, when my focus should be centered on Irenicus?~ + a169 ++ ~[PC] Serious? If I were serious, I would have told you about three miles back that your codpiece is not tied correctly, and you have been showing off the family jewels to all and sundry.~ + a168 ++ ~[PC] You seem to be saying we should slow down, and wait for Irenicus, allowing him to prepare defenses and even send agents after us. That seems like you have a sincere wish for death.~ + a175 END IF ~~ a164 SAY ~[ARAN] Bollux. That be a right heavy load o' crap. You are a powerful individual, . You could drop this whole thing, an' head somewhere else. Perhaps even set yourself up a stronghold someplace nice. I could even get together some lads an' lasses what can fight right proper, an' we could carve out a safe refuge from th' world.~ ++ ~[PC] Using a sharp tongue with me does not mean you have a keen mind, Aran. What happens if you leave a powerful adversary unchallenged?~ + a171 ++ ~[PC] What a good idea! Aran, you are a genius. I have an even better idea. Why don't we go ask Irenicus if he would like to drop by for tea, and mend our differences over a nice set of sandwiches. Then he could reform and be on our side, and we could go knit sweaters for destitute halfling children in Neverwinter together!~ + a168 ++ ~[PC] That would be expedient, not right.~ + a170 ++ ~[PC] I know what I am doing. You should trust me, and stop talking about things you do not understand.~ + a1915 /* c-aranshutup9 */ END IF ~~ a165 SAY ~[ARAN] Hey, now, that is a mite bit sharp! I was jokin', . To be right honest, danger attracts to you like bees to honey, eh? That be excitin'. Gives me a sense o' bein' part o' somethin' big.~ ++ ~[PC] At least you did not say 'attracts danger like flies to manure'.~ + a171 ++ ~[PC] I did not ask for this, but I intend to finish it.~ + a169 ++ ~[PC] I was joking, too. Although if you play your cards right, there could be some fame and fortune to be had. You could be the first person to have a stretch Calimport sewer named after you!~ + a168 ++ ~[PC] I may not know exactly what I am doing, but you should trust me.~ + a1915 /* c-aranshutup9 */ ++ ~[PC] Great. A sellsword with a death wish. Just what I wanted.~ + a175 END IF ~~ a166 SAY ~[ARAN] I was jokin', . To be right honest, danger attracts to you like bees to honey, eh? That be excitin'. Gives me a sense o' bein' part o' somethin' big.~ ++ ~[PC] At least you did not say 'attracts danger like flies to manure'.~ + a171 ++ ~[PC] Then you are a fool. The only things that count in this life are power, wealth, and freedom to do as one wishes. Fame comes when you have enough of the other two.~ + a174 ++ ~[PC] I did not ask for this, but I intend to finish it.~ + a169 ++ ~[PC] I was joking, too. Although if you play your cards right, there could be some fame and fortune to be had. You could be the first person to have a stretch Calimport sewer named after you!~ + a168 ++ ~[PC] I may not know exactly what I am doing, but you should trust me.~ + a1915 /* c-aranshutup9 */ END IF ~~ a167 SAY ~[ARAN] Well now, that be right kind o' you. I will be keepin' my eyes open for a village o' redheaded young lasses to retire to, an' you can name it after me. But to be fair, I was jokin', . Danger attracts to you like bees to honey, eh? That be excitin'. Gives me a sense o' bein' part o' somethin' big.~ ++ ~[PC] At least you did not say 'attracts danger like flies to manure'.~ + a171 ++ ~[PC] I did not ask for any of this, Aran. But I intend to finish it.~ + a169 ++ ~[PC] Then you are a fool. The only things that count in this life are power, wealth, and freedom to do as one wishes. Fame comes when you have enough of the other two.~ + a174 ++ ~[PC] I was joking, too. Although if you play your cards right, there could be some fame and fortune to be had. You could be the first person to have a stretch Calimport sewer named after you!~ + a168 END IF ~~ a169 SAY ~[ARAN] When you pick a target as nasty as that slippery bastard, you might get an edge up if you look at th' whole target, not just what you are aimin' at, an' try to get ahead o' his game. Chasin' him around so he can lead you where he wants you be poor strategy.~ ++ ~[PC] I know what I am doing. You should trust me, and stop talking about things you do not understand.~ + a1915 /* c-aranshutup9 */ ++ ~[PC] You have a point. But for now, I do not see any alternatives. We are forced to play his game under his rules.~ + a172 ++ ~[PC] You have a point. Do you have some specific suggestions?~ + a173 ++ ~[PC] I may not know exactly what I am doing, but you should trust me.~ + a1915 /* c-aranshutup9 */ END IF ~~ a170 SAY ~[ARAN] An' you be bound an' determined to do what be right, come dragons or demons, eh? I figured as much. I think when you be pickin' a target as nasty as that slippery bastard, you might get an edge up if you look at th' whole target, not just what you are aimin' at, an' try to get ahead o' his game. Chasin' him around so he can lead you where he wants you be poor strategy.~ ++ ~[PC] You think?~ + a168 ++ ~[PC] I know what I am doing. You should trust me, and stop talking about things you do not understand.~ + a1915 /* c-aranshutup9 */ ++ ~[PC] I may not know exactly what I am doing, but you should trust me.~ + a1915 /* c-aranshutup9 */ ++ ~[PC] You have a point. But for now, I do not see any alternatives. We are forced to play his game under his rules.~ + a172 ++ ~[PC] You have a point. Do you have some specific suggestions?~ + a173 END IF ~~ a171 SAY ~[ARAN] I thought about it, but somethin' told me you might not see that as rightly funny, eh? When you pick a target as nasty as that slippery bastard, you might get an edge up if you look at th' whole target, not just what you are aimin' at, an' try to get ahead o' his game. Chasin' him around so he can lead you where he wants you be poor strategy.~ ++ ~[PC] Hey, I would find it funny. Just as long as I do not end up buried in manure, in over my head.~ EXIT ++ ~[PC] Good choice.~ EXIT ++ ~[PC] You have a point. But for now, I do not see any alternatives. We are forced to play his game under his rules.~ + a172 ++ ~[PC] You have a point. Do you have some specific suggestions?~ + a173 END IF ~~ a168 SAY ~[ARAN] Funny. Right funny, there. You should look into gettin' a job tellin' jokes at th' Low Lantern. I bet you could make it work, if you stripped down to almost bare nekkid.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a172 SAY ~[ARAN] Last time I got myself into a game like that, me an' Grisa had to toss th' table over, an' fight our way out o' th' inn. We done almost made it, too. Good to be friends wi' a lass with orcish blood at times. If they had stuck to ten to one odds, no worries, but they got smart an' called in th' watch. Cost me over 300gp to clean up that mess.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a173 SAY ~[ARAN] Sune's Rambunctious Rump, , I wish I did. I should have been studyin' strategy instead o' tactics. Next time we see a LoreKeeper, I think I will have a mite o' a word on what tomes to study. Tactics you can learn piecemeal, but strategy, that be a tougher game.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a174 SAY ~[ARAN] Grumbar's Clay Fist, , you do have an odd way o' lookin' at things. I wish I saw things as clear as you do. I just keep runnin' into some problems in my own head. Some fool cleric or other said it was on account o' havin' somethin' called a 'conscience'. But you been callin' the plays well enough, an' I should shut up an' soldier.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a175 SAY ~[ARAN] Now, I didn't rightly say that, now, did I. I be after th' 'near death' experience, an' th' excitement, but I don't rightly want to move on to the next level. There be a big world out there, and I have seen only a small part o' it.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a176 SAY ~[ARAN] Now, that sounds right beautiful! Riches beyond my wildest ideas, all summed up right proper! What more could I want, eh?~ ++ ~[PC] You are incorrigible.~ EXIT ++ ~[PC] Mine would probably include getting you a speech tutor.~ + a168 ++ ~[PC] Gold, platinum, gems, magic items, and wealth... and you chose wine, women, and writing. Amazing.~ EXIT ++ ~[PC] It is a good thing you are so easy to please, Aran. It will keep you alive and useful to me, because we just do not want the same things.~ EXIT END /* BG2 FriendTalk 9 c-aranfriendbg2 = 17 : "Bhaalspawn, Shmalspawn. Meh.", or, Gods and Monsters. */ IF ~Global("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",17)~ THEN BEGIN a4373 SAY ~[ARAN] Tempus' Toasty Toes, that tears it.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",18) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ GOTO a177 END /* GOTO Cut Rate Leatherwork Replies */ /* a177, a178 are chains */ IF ~~ a179 SAY ~[ARAN] I know you are faithful to your god, ... but I figure a few words in the air won't hurt anythin'.~ ++ ~[PC] Don't you ever worry about the gods hearing your talk? Don't you ever expect help or advice or something to come of your call?~ + a187 ++ ~[PC] Haphazardly calling random gods is dangerous to your soul. If you do not call on one god, who will claim you from Kelemvor's judgment?~ + a187 ++ ~[PC] Without faith, you are nothing. Literally. As in abandoned from the Great Wheel. If you would like, we can pray together, and perhaps it will help you decide.~ + a187 ++ ~[PC] I didn't intend that to be a request. I don't want the attention drawn to us.~ + a187 END IF ~~ a180 SAY ~[ARAN] Helm is a tough god, ... a fine soldierin' one at that. But there's times where he doesn't quite cover it. I figure a few words in the air won't hurt anythin'.~ ++ ~[PC] You should worry about the gods hearing your talk. Do you not expect help or advice or something to come of your call?~ + a187 ++ ~[PC] Haphazardly calling random gods is dangerous to your soul. If you do not call a just and fair god like Helm, who will claim you from Kelemvor's judgment?~ + a187 ++ ~[PC] Without faith, you are nothing. Literally. As in abandoned from the Great Wheel. If you would like, we can pray together, and perhaps Helm with bear you up on his shield.~ + a187 ++ ~[PC] I didn't intend that to be a request, Aran. I don't want the attention drawn to us.~ + a187 END IF ~~ a181 SAY ~[ARAN] Lathander is a gentle god, ... a fine one for new beginnings. An' th' gods know I need some new beginnings. But there's times where he doesn't quite cover it. I figure a few words in the air won't hurt anythin'.~ ++ ~[PC] Don't you ever worry about the gods hearing your talk? Don't you ever expect help or advice or something to come of your call?~ + a187 ++ ~[PC] Haphazardly calling random gods is dangerous to your soul. If you do not call a gentle and strong god like Lathander, who will claim you from Kelemvor's judgment?~ + a187 ++ ~[PC] Without faith, you are nothing. Literally. As in abandoned from the Great Wheel. If you would like, we can pray together, and perhaps Lathander will grant you a new beginning.~ + a187 ++ ~[PC] I didn't intend that to be a request, Aran. I don't want the attention drawn to us.~ + a187 END IF ~~ a182 SAY ~[ARAN] Talos is a wild god, ... one for power an' strength. Good to call on in battle. I figure a few words in the air won't hurt anythin'.~ ++ ~[PC] You are a fool to chatter on so. The gods will hear your talk.~ + a187 ++ ~[PC] Haphazardly calling random gods is dangerous to your soul. If you do not call a powerful god like Talos, no god will claim you from Kelemvor's judgment.~ + a187 ++ ~[PC] Without faith, you are nothing. Literally. As in abandoned from the Great Wheel. Pray to Talos with me, sellsword. Perhaps you will weather this storm we call 'life.'~ + a187 ++ ~[PC] I didn't intend that to be a request, sellsword. I don't want the attention drawn to us.~ + a187 END IF ~~ a183 SAY ~[ARAN] All you tree huggers do is talk about the balance and such. But you are good folks to watch a friend's back in battle that's for sure. I figure a few words in the air won't hurt the great balance, or whatever.~ ++ ~[PC] Tree hugger, eh? Thanks a lot. Don't you ever worry about the gods hearing your talk? Don't you ever expect help or advice or something to come of your call?~ + a187 ++ ~[PC] True balance requires choice, Aran. Haphazardly calling random gods is dangerous to your soul.~ + a187 ++ ~[PC] Without faith in Nature and her balance, you are nothing. Literally. As in abandoned from the Great Wheel. If you would like, we can meditate together, and perhaps you will find some peace.~ + a187 ++ ~[PC] I didn't intend that to be a request, sellsword. I don't want the attention drawn to us.~ + a187 END IF ~~ a184 SAY ~[ARAN] Clerics get all th' attention, far as I can see. Plus, I favor Tymora the most. I figure she would like the gamble.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a197 END IF ~~ a185 SAY ~[ARAN] Look, I don't mean nothin'. No offense to you, but I favor Tymora the most, an' I figure she likes the gamble. She sends me down some powers, so she can't be that angry about it. It's a soldier's prerogative to swear, and I may take advantage a bit, but I don't mean you no harm. By the way, you ever considered followin' Tymora?~ + ~ReputationLT(Player1,11)~ + ~I might be interested. What does Tymora offer me?~ + a188 + ~ReputationGT(Player1,10) ReputationLT(Player1,15)~ + ~I might be interested. What does Tymora offer me?~ + a189 + ~ReputationGT(Player1,14)~ + ~I might be interested. What does Tymora offer me?~ + a190 ++ ~[PC] Hey, that is getting a little personal. Do not try to sway my soul from its destined path, Aran.~ + a191 ++ ~[PC] I serve my chosen deity for now. My faith in myself will be enough, and perhaps someday I will become a god myself.~ + a192 ++ ~[PC] I am not sure if you are ready to hear about my faith.~ + a193 END IF ~~ a186 SAY ~[ARAN] Either you be jokin', or you be th' scariest I ever did meet, . Messin' with those forces is like stickin' your head down a firedrake's throat an' ticklin' him.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a187 SAY ~[ARAN] Look, I don't mean nothin'. I have faith in the gods. No offense, but I favor Tymora the most, an' I figure she would like the gamble. It's a soldier's prerogative to swear, and I may take advantage a bit, but I don't mean you no harm. But I have to ask, why do you choose service your god? Seems like all they do is play with us mortals like toys.~ ++ ~[PC] I serve my chosen deity as I have always done. My faith grants me the ability to help others see the true path...~ + a194 ++ ~[PC] I serve my chosen deity as I have always done. My faith grants me discipline and control over myself.~ + a195 ++ ~[PC] I serve my chosen deity as I have always done. My faith grants me dominion over others and glories in my eventual rise to master of all.~ + a192 ++ ~[PC] I serve my chosen deity as I have always done. My faith grants me great power.~ + a196 ++ ~[PC] I serve my chosen deity for now. My faith in myself will be enough someday, and perhaps I will become a god.~ + a192 ++ ~[PC] I am not sure if you are ready to hear about my faith.~ + a193 END IF ~~ a188 SAY ~[ARAN] You are playin' wi' me now, . Tymora might offer somethin', but she judges by actions. Right now, looks like you don't give decent odds on her investment. You'd have to clean up the way you are goin' and move more toward bright gold rather than deep shadow. But, if you ever do move in that direction, I'm right here to help out a bit.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a197 END IF ~~ a189 SAY ~[ARAN] Well, she can offer some decent odds on fair gambles, . IF you are really interested, then it might be a good move for you. She don't hold with extremes, except for takin' risks. You seem like th' sort to take a risk now an' then. Hey, you brought me along - that counts double!~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a197 END IF ~~ a190 SAY ~[ARAN] Well now, Tymora does like a good bet, an' you have the 'good' part down, at least as far as your actions are speakin'. She don't hold with extremes, though, except for takin' risks. So, come talk sometime.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a197 END IF ~~ a191 SAY ~[ARAN] Aye, I did jump too quick now, didn't I. I guess I have a bit to learn about the whole preachin' thing. I didn't mean nothin'.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a197 END IF ~~ a192 SAY ~[ARAN] Tymora's Coin, and I thought *I* was the one with th' loose lacing.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a197 END IF ~~ a193 SAY ~[ARAN] Fair enough. There's always other times to speak on this kind o' thing.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a197 END IF ~~ a194 SAY ~[ARAN] Tymora's Coin, that is a fine idea. I like helpin' folks. Just I get the idea most clerics think that involves changin' gods.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a197 END IF ~~ a195 SAY ~[ARAN] Tymora's Coin, that is a strange proposition. I prefer to let things hang out a bit. More fun that way.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a197 END IF ~~ a196 SAY ~[ARAN] Tymora's Coin, you better be careful. Seems to me gods have a tendency to give folks power and just to see if they have the sense not to use it.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a197 END IF ~~ a197 SAY ~[ARAN] Besides, I am all done up. Give me a hand up, eh? We better get movin'.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END /* BG2 FriendTalk 10 c-aranfriendbg2 = 19 : "Weapons Practice for Fun and Profit", or, never bet with a Sicilian when death is on the line. */ /* Setup for evening sparring, 1 version for (non-hitting on) males: c-aranspar 4 -> 5 -> 6, one for (hitting on) females: c-aranspar 1 -> 2 -> 3 */ IF ~Global("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",19) Class(Player1,MAGE)~ THEN BEGIN a198 SAY ~[ARAN] We have a moment, . You want to take a bit o' time an' spar here? I could use some limberin' up. Not everythin' can be dealt with wi' a wave o' magic, so it might help you, too.~ ++ ~[PC] I am not sure I want to do that, Aran. My best combat is done through casting spells.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",20) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a199 ++ ~[PC] That sounds like a great idea. Let's do it.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",20) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a220 ++ ~[PC] Waving pointy things at each other randomly during the middle of an adventure... what could possibly go wrong?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",20) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a220 ++ ~[PC] Well... I suppose...~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",20) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a220 ++ ~[PC] I am not sure this is the time or place, Aran. Perhaps we should and find somewhere more protected.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",20) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a219 + ~RandomNum(5,1)~ + ~[PC] No. And stop talking to me.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",20) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a1909 /* c-aranshutup3 */ + ~RandomNum(5,2)~ + ~[PC] I prefer you when you are the silent type. Right now, obviously, this is a problem, because you keep opening your mouth and letting wind come out.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",20) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a1911 /* c-aranshutup5 */ + ~RandomNum(5,3)~ + ~[PC] Please, keep talking. I always yawn when I am interested. Just in case you did not notice, this is called 'sarcasm'.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",20) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a1913 /* c-aranshutup7 */ + ~RandomNum(5,4)~ + ~[PC] Silence. That is spelled 's i l e n c e'. You are a scribe - write it down, and post it somewhere where you can read it.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",20) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a1915 /* c-aranshutup9 */ + ~RandomNum(5,5)~ + ~[PC] I don't mind you talking so much, as long as you don't mind me not listening.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",20) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a1917 /* c-aranshutup11 */ END IF ~Global("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",19) Class(Player1,FIGHTER)~ THEN BEGIN a2305 SAY ~[ARAN] We have a moment, . You want to take a bit o' time an' spar here? I could use some limberin' up. You have a few moves what might be good to learn, too. I can always use another fighter's perspective, eh?~ ++ ~[PC] That sounds like a good idea to me. Where do you want to set up? Do you favor Waterdeep Twin swords style, or Moonshae Axes? I have been wanting to try some new combinations.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",20) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a200 ++ ~[PC] That sounds like a great idea. Let's do it.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",20) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a220 ++ ~[PC] Waving pointy things at each other randomly during the middle of an adventure... what could possibly go wrong?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",20) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a220 ++ ~[PC] Well... I suppose...~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",20) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a220 ++ ~[PC] I am not sure this is the time or place, Aran. Perhaps we should and find somewhere more protected.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",20) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a219 + ~RandomNum(5,1)~ + ~[PC] No. And stop talking to me.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",20) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a1909 /* c-aranshutup3 */ + ~RandomNum(5,2)~ + ~[PC] I prefer you when you are the silent type. Right now, obviously, this is a problem, because you keep opening your mouth and letting wind come out.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",20) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a1911 /* c-aranshutup5 */ + ~RandomNum(5,3)~ + ~[PC] Please, keep talking. I always yawn when I am interested. Just in case you did not notice, this is called 'sarcasm'.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",20) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a1913 /* c-aranshutup7 */ + ~RandomNum(5,4)~ + ~[PC] Silence. That is spelled 's i l e n c e'. You are a scribe - write it down, and post it somewhere where you can read it.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",20) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a1915 /* c-aranshutup9 */ + ~RandomNum(5,5)~ + ~[PC] I don't mind you talking so much, as long as you don't mind me not listening.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",20) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a1917 /* c-aranshutup11 */ END IF ~Global("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",19) Class(Player1,CLERIC)~ THEN BEGIN a2306 SAY ~[ARAN] We have a moment, . You want to take a bit o' time an' spar here? I could use some limberin' up. Not everythin' can be dealt with wi' a prayer an' a spell, so it might help you, too.~ ++ ~[PC] I could use some weapons practice. I will even say a prayer for you, Aran, for when you find yourself on the losing end of the skirmish.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",20) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a201 ++ ~[PC] That sounds like a great idea. Let's do it.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",20) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a220 ++ ~[PC] Waving pointy things at each other randomly during the middle of an adventure... what could possibly go wrong?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",20) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a220 ++ ~[PC] Well... I suppose...~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",20) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a220 ++ ~[PC] I am not sure this is the time or place, Aran. Perhaps we should and find somewhere more protected.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",20) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a219 + ~RandomNum(5,1)~ + ~[PC] No. And stop talking to me.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",20) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a1909 /* c-aranshutup3 */ + ~RandomNum(5,2)~ + ~[PC] I prefer you when you are the silent type. Right now, obviously, this is a problem, because you keep opening your mouth and letting wind come out.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",20) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a1911 /* c-aranshutup5 */ + ~RandomNum(5,3)~ + ~[PC] Please, keep talking. I always yawn when I am interested. Just in case you did not notice, this is called 'sarcasm'.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",20) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a1913 /* c-aranshutup7 */ + ~RandomNum(5,4)~ + ~[PC] Silence. That is spelled 's i l e n c e'. You are a scribe - write it down, and post it somewhere where you can read it.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",20) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a1915 /* c-aranshutup9 */ + ~RandomNum(5,5)~ + ~[PC] I don't mind you talking so much, as long as you don't mind me not listening.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",20) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a1917 /* c-aranshutup11 */ END IF ~Global("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",19) Class(Player1,THIEF)~ THEN BEGIN a2307 SAY ~[ARAN] We have a moment, . You want to take a bit o' time an' spar here? I could use some limberin' up. Not everythin' can be hid from or taken down at range, so it might help you, too.~ ++ ~[PC] Would you like to use your dagger? Because I just lifted it off of you, so you would have to ask for it back.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",20) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a202 ++ ~[PC] That sounds like a great idea. Let's do it.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",20) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a220 ++ ~[PC] Waving pointy things at each other randomly during the middle of an adventure... what could possibly go wrong?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",20) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a220 ++ ~[PC] Well... I suppose...~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",20) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a220 ++ ~[PC] I am not sure this is the time or place, Aran. Perhaps we should and find somewhere more protected.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",20) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a219 + ~RandomNum(5,1)~ + ~[PC] No. And stop talking to me.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",20) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a1909 /* c-aranshutup3 */ + ~RandomNum(5,2)~ + ~[PC] I prefer you when you are the silent type. Right now, obviously, this is a problem, because you keep opening your mouth and letting wind come out.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",20) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a1911 /* c-aranshutup5 */ + ~RandomNum(5,3)~ + ~[PC] Please, keep talking. I always yawn when I am interested. Just in case you did not notice, this is called 'sarcasm'.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",20) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a1913 /* c-aranshutup7 */ + ~RandomNum(5,4)~ + ~[PC] Silence. That is spelled 's i l e n c e'. You are a scribe - write it down, and post it somewhere where you can read it.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",20) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a1915 /* c-aranshutup9 */ + ~RandomNum(5,5)~ + ~[PC] I don't mind you talking so much, as long as you don't mind me not listening.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",20) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a1917 /* c-aranshutup11 */ END IF ~Global("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",19) Class(Player1,BARD)~ THEN BEGIN a2308 SAY ~[ARAN] We have a moment, . You want to take a bit o' time an' spar here? I could use some limberin' up. Music may sooth savage beasts, but some o' them might just decide they are happy enough to take a chunk out o' us, so it might help you, too.~ ++ ~[PC] I would prefer a duel of wits, or perhaps song and poem. But if you would like to try a skirmish, I can oblige you.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",20) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a203 ++ ~[PC] That sounds like a great idea. Let's do it.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",20) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a220 ++ ~[PC] Waving pointy things at each other randomly during the middle of an adventure... what could possibly go wrong?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",20) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a220 ++ ~[PC] Well... I suppose...~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",20) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a220 ++ ~[PC] I am not sure this is the time or place, Aran. Perhaps we should and find somewhere more protected.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",20) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a219 + ~RandomNum(5,1)~ + ~[PC] No. And stop talking to me.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",20) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a1909 /* c-aranshutup3 */ + ~RandomNum(5,2)~ + ~[PC] I prefer you when you are the silent type. Right now, obviously, this is a problem, because you keep opening your mouth and letting wind come out.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",20) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a1911 /* c-aranshutup5 */ + ~RandomNum(5,3)~ + ~[PC] Please, keep talking. I always yawn when I am interested. Just in case you did not notice, this is called 'sarcasm'.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",20) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a1913 /* c-aranshutup7 */ + ~RandomNum(5,4)~ + ~[PC] Silence. That is spelled 's i l e n c e'. You are a scribe - write it down, and post it somewhere where you can read it.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",20) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a1915 /* c-aranshutup9 */ + ~RandomNum(5,5)~ + ~[PC] I don't mind you talking so much, as long as you don't mind me not listening.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",20) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a1917 /* c-aranshutup11 */ END IF ~Global("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",19) Class(Player1,PALADIN)~ THEN BEGIN a2309 SAY ~[ARAN] We have a moment, . You want to take a bit o' time an' spar here? I could use some limberin' up. You fight fair too many times, an' I don't, so it might help you, too.~ ++ ~[PC] A noble thought. It would be good practice. Where would you like to set up this session?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",20) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a204 ++ ~[PC] That sounds like a great idea. Let's do it.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",20) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a220 ++ ~[PC] Waving pointy things at each other randomly during the middle of an adventure... what could possibly go wrong?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",20) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a220 ++ ~[PC] Well... I suppose...~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",20) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a220 ++ ~[PC] I am not sure this is the time or place, Aran. Perhaps we should and find somewhere more protected.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",20) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a219 + ~RandomNum(5,1)~ + ~[PC] No. And stop talking to me.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",20) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a1909 /* c-aranshutup3 */ + ~RandomNum(5,2)~ + ~[PC] I prefer you when you are the silent type. Right now, obviously, this is a problem, because you keep opening your mouth and letting wind come out.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",20) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a1911 /* c-aranshutup5 */ + ~RandomNum(5,3)~ + ~[PC] Please, keep talking. I always yawn when I am interested. Just in case you did not notice, this is called 'sarcasm'.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",20) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a1913 /* c-aranshutup7 */ + ~RandomNum(5,4)~ + ~[PC] Silence. That is spelled 's i l e n c e'. You are a scribe - write it down, and post it somewhere where you can read it.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",20) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a1915 /* c-aranshutup9 */ + ~RandomNum(5,5)~ + ~[PC] I don't mind you talking so much, as long as you don't mind me not listening.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",20) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a1917 /* c-aranshutup11 */ END IF ~Global("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",19) Class(Player1,FIGHTER_MAGE)~ THEN BEGIN a2310 SAY ~[ARAN] We have a moment, . You want to take a bit o' time an' spar here? I could use some limberin' up. You have to split your time between th' magic study an' th' weapons practice, so it might help you, too.~ ++ ~[PC] I suppose I need to stay with the weapons side of things, and not cast any spells, right? Oh, if it will make you better at your job, sure.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",20) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a205 ++ ~[PC] That sounds like a great idea. Let's do it.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",20) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a220 ++ ~[PC] Waving pointy things at each other randomly during the middle of an adventure... what could possibly go wrong?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",20) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a220 ++ ~[PC] Well... I suppose...~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",20) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a220 ++ ~[PC] I am not sure this is the time or place, Aran. Perhaps we should and find somewhere more protected.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",20) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a219 + ~RandomNum(5,1)~ + ~[PC] No. And stop talking to me.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",20) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a1909 /* c-aranshutup3 */ + ~RandomNum(5,2)~ + ~[PC] I prefer you when you are the silent type. Right now, obviously, this is a problem, because you keep opening your mouth and letting wind come out.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",20) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a1911 /* c-aranshutup5 */ + ~RandomNum(5,3)~ + ~[PC] Please, keep talking. I always yawn when I am interested. Just in case you did not notice, this is called 'sarcasm'.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",20) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a1913 /* c-aranshutup7 */ + ~RandomNum(5,4)~ + ~[PC] Silence. That is spelled 's i l e n c e'. You are a scribe - write it down, and post it somewhere where you can read it.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",20) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a1915 /* c-aranshutup9 */ + ~RandomNum(5,5)~ + ~[PC] I don't mind you talking so much, as long as you don't mind me not listening.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",20) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a1917 /* c-aranshutup11 */ END IF ~Global("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",19) Class(Player1,FIGHTER_CLERIC)~ THEN BEGIN a2311 SAY ~[ARAN] We have a moment, . You want to take a bit o' time an' spar here? I could use some limberin' up. Fightin' an' prayin' at th' same time takes a good bit o' concentration, I bet, so it might help you, too.~ ++ ~[PC] My fighting skills are sharp, as is my faith, Aran. But if you need some practice, I will help you.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",20) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a206 ++ ~[PC] That sounds like a great idea. Let's do it.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",20) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a220 ++ ~[PC] Waving pointy things at each other randomly during the middle of an adventure... what could possibly go wrong?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",20) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a220 ++ ~[PC] Well... I suppose...~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",20) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a220 ++ ~[PC] I am not sure this is the time or place, Aran. Perhaps we should and find somewhere more protected.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",20) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a219 + ~RandomNum(5,1)~ + ~[PC] No. And stop talking to me.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",20) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a1909 /* c-aranshutup3 */ + ~RandomNum(5,2)~ + ~[PC] I prefer you when you are the silent type. Right now, obviously, this is a problem, because you keep opening your mouth and letting wind come out.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",20) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a1911 /* c-aranshutup5 */ + ~RandomNum(5,3)~ + ~[PC] Please, keep talking. I always yawn when I am interested. Just in case you did not notice, this is called 'sarcasm'.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",20) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a1913 /* c-aranshutup7 */ + ~RandomNum(5,4)~ + ~[PC] Silence. That is spelled 's i l e n c e'. You are a scribe - write it down, and post it somewhere where you can read it.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",20) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a1915 /* c-aranshutup9 */ + ~RandomNum(5,5)~ + ~[PC] I don't mind you talking so much, as long as you don't mind me not listening.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",20) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a1917 /* c-aranshutup11 */ END IF ~Global("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",19) Class(Player1,FIGHTER_THIEF)~ THEN BEGIN a2312 SAY ~[ARAN] We have a moment, . You want to take a bit o' time an' spar here? I could use some limberin' up. A straightforward fight, too, not all that fancy slippery dexterous crap you usually pull. I be a fighter, not an acrobat, by Sune's Smile.~ ++ ~[PC] My fighting skills are sharp enough, Aran, but sure. I will even wager this purse that I will win.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",20) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a207 ++ ~[PC] That sounds like a great idea. Let's do it.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",20) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a220 ++ ~[PC] Waving pointy things at each other randomly during the middle of an adventure... what could possibly go wrong?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",20) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a220 ++ ~[PC] Well... I suppose...~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",20) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a220 ++ ~[PC] I am not sure this is the time or place, Aran. Perhaps we should and find somewhere more protected.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",20) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a219 + ~RandomNum(5,1)~ + ~[PC] No. And stop talking to me.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",20) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a1909 /* c-aranshutup3 */ + ~RandomNum(5,2)~ + ~[PC] I prefer you when you are the silent type. Right now, obviously, this is a problem, because you keep opening your mouth and letting wind come out.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",20) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a1911 /* c-aranshutup5 */ + ~RandomNum(5,3)~ + ~[PC] Please, keep talking. I always yawn when I am interested. Just in case you did not notice, this is called 'sarcasm'.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",20) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a1913 /* c-aranshutup7 */ + ~RandomNum(5,4)~ + ~[PC] Silence. That is spelled 's i l e n c e'. You are a scribe - write it down, and post it somewhere where you can read it.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",20) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a1915 /* c-aranshutup9 */ + ~RandomNum(5,5)~ + ~[PC] I don't mind you talking so much, as long as you don't mind me not listening.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",20) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a1917 /* c-aranshutup11 */ END IF ~Global("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",19) Class(Player1,FIGHTER_MAGE_THIEF)~ THEN BEGIN a2313 SAY ~[ARAN] We have a moment, . You want to take a bit o' time an' spar here? I could use some limberin' up. You split your skills up to a large extent, so it might help you drill down some o' your fightin' moves.~ ++ ~[PC] Well, I could use a little practice. Between practicing picking locks, casting spells, and weapons cleaning there is never enough time for a good skirmish.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",20) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a208 ++ ~[PC] That sounds like a great idea. Let's do it.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",20) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a220 ++ ~[PC] Waving pointy things at each other randomly during the middle of an adventure... what could possibly go wrong?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",20) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a220 ++ ~[PC] Well... I suppose...~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",20) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a220 ++ ~[PC] I am not sure this is the time or place, Aran. Perhaps we should and find somewhere more protected.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",20) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a219 + ~RandomNum(5,1)~ + ~[PC] No. And stop talking to me.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",20) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a1909 /* c-aranshutup3 */ + ~RandomNum(5,2)~ + ~[PC] I prefer you when you are the silent type. Right now, obviously, this is a problem, because you keep opening your mouth and letting wind come out.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",20) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a1911 /* c-aranshutup5 */ + ~RandomNum(5,3)~ + ~[PC] Please, keep talking. I always yawn when I am interested. Just in case you did not notice, this is called 'sarcasm'.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",20) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a1913 /* c-aranshutup7 */ + ~RandomNum(5,4)~ + ~[PC] Silence. That is spelled 's i l e n c e'. You are a scribe - write it down, and post it somewhere where you can read it.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",20) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a1915 /* c-aranshutup9 */ + ~RandomNum(5,5)~ + ~[PC] I don't mind you talking so much, as long as you don't mind me not listening.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",20) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a1917 /* c-aranshutup11 */ END IF ~Global("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",19) Class(Player1,DRUID)~ THEN BEGIN a2314 SAY ~[ARAN] We have a moment, . You want to take a bit o' time an' spar here? I could use some limberin' up. But go on th' magic or callin' any woodland allies, or any o' that shapeshiftin', eh? Just a good clean spar.~ ++ ~[PC] It is part of nature's beauty that the animal form should be trained and used as efficiently as possible. Perhaps we should schedule several training sessions together.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",20) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a209 ++ ~[PC] That sounds like a great idea. Let's do it.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",20) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a220 ++ ~[PC] Waving pointy things at each other randomly during the middle of an adventure... what could possibly go wrong?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",20) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a220 ++ ~[PC] Well... I suppose...~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",20) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a220 ++ ~[PC] I am not sure this is the time or place, Aran. Perhaps we should and find somewhere more protected.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",20) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a219 + ~RandomNum(5,1)~ + ~[PC] No. And stop talking to me.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",20) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a1909 /* c-aranshutup3 */ + ~RandomNum(5,2)~ + ~[PC] I prefer you when you are the silent type. Right now, obviously, this is a problem, because you keep opening your mouth and letting wind come out.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",20) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a1911 /* c-aranshutup5 */ + ~RandomNum(5,3)~ + ~[PC] Please, keep talking. I always yawn when I am interested. Just in case you did not notice, this is called 'sarcasm'.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",20) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a1913 /* c-aranshutup7 */ + ~RandomNum(5,4)~ + ~[PC] Silence. That is spelled 's i l e n c e'. You are a scribe - write it down, and post it somewhere where you can read it.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",20) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a1915 /* c-aranshutup9 */ + ~RandomNum(5,5)~ + ~[PC] I don't mind you talking so much, as long as you don't mind me not listening.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",20) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a1917 /* c-aranshutup11 */ END IF ~Global("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",19) Class(Player1,RANGER)~ THEN BEGIN a2315 SAY ~[ARAN] We have a moment, . You want to take a bit o' time an' spar here? I could use some limberin' up. Not everythin' can be dealt with at range, so it might help you, too. Though I'd best be on my guard. You rangers all seem trained up in usin' more than one weapon at a time.~ ++ ~[PC] We could spar. I think I should teach you a bit more about tracking, though.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",20) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a210 ++ ~[PC] That sounds like a great idea. Let's do it.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",20) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a220 ++ ~[PC] Waving pointy things at each other randomly during the middle of an adventure... what could possibly go wrong?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",20) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a220 ++ ~[PC] Well... I suppose...~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",20) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a220 ++ ~[PC] I am not sure this is the time or place, Aran. Perhaps we should and find somewhere more protected.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",20) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a219 + ~RandomNum(5,1)~ + ~[PC] No. And stop talking to me.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",20) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a1909 /* c-aranshutup3 */ + ~RandomNum(5,2)~ + ~[PC] I prefer you when you are the silent type. Right now, obviously, this is a problem, because you keep opening your mouth and letting wind come out.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",20) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a1911 /* c-aranshutup5 */ + ~RandomNum(5,3)~ + ~[PC] Please, keep talking. I always yawn when I am interested. Just in case you did not notice, this is called 'sarcasm'.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",20) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a1913 /* c-aranshutup7 */ + ~RandomNum(5,4)~ + ~[PC] Silence. That is spelled 's i l e n c e'. You are a scribe - write it down, and post it somewhere where you can read it.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",20) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a1915 /* c-aranshutup9 */ + ~RandomNum(5,5)~ + ~[PC] I don't mind you talking so much, as long as you don't mind me not listening.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",20) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a1917 /* c-aranshutup11 */ END IF ~Global("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",19) Class(Player1,MAGE_THIEF)~ THEN BEGIN a2316 SAY ~[ARAN] We have a moment, . You want to take a bit o' time an' spar here? I could use some limberin' up. Wi' all that magic, an' th' careful work on locks an' such, I figure you might need a mite bit o' practice on combat.~ ++ ~[PC] Well, since I just pick-pocketed your dagger and made it invisible, why not make the first challenge you finding your dagger?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",20) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a211 ++ ~[PC] That sounds like a great idea. Let's do it.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",20) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a220 ++ ~[PC] Waving pointy things at each other randomly during the middle of an adventure... what could possibly go wrong?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",20) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a220 ++ ~[PC] Well... I suppose...~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",20) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a220 ++ ~[PC] I am not sure this is the time or place, Aran. Perhaps we should and find somewhere more protected.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",20) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a219 + ~RandomNum(5,1)~ + ~[PC] No. And stop talking to me.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",20) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a1909 /* c-aranshutup3 */ + ~RandomNum(5,2)~ + ~[PC] I prefer you when you are the silent type. Right now, obviously, this is a problem, because you keep opening your mouth and letting wind come out.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",20) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a1911 /* c-aranshutup5 */ + ~RandomNum(5,3)~ + ~[PC] Please, keep talking. I always yawn when I am interested. Just in case you did not notice, this is called 'sarcasm'.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",20) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a1913 /* c-aranshutup7 */ + ~RandomNum(5,4)~ + ~[PC] Silence. That is spelled 's i l e n c e'. You are a scribe - write it down, and post it somewhere where you can read it.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",20) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a1915 /* c-aranshutup9 */ + ~RandomNum(5,5)~ + ~[PC] I don't mind you talking so much, as long as you don't mind me not listening.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",20) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a1917 /* c-aranshutup11 */ END IF ~Global("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",19) Class(Player1,CLERIC_MAGE)~ THEN BEGIN a2317 SAY ~[ARAN] We have a moment, . You want to take a bit o' time an' spar here? I could use some limberin' up. Come on, it will be a right fine change o' pace for you.~ ++ ~[PC] I could pray to the gods to help you, or cast a healing spell. Or we could try a small training exercise. But magic is really my strong point, Aran.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",20) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a212 ++ ~[PC] That sounds like a great idea. Let's do it.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",20) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a220 ++ ~[PC] Waving pointy things at each other randomly during the middle of an adventure... what could possibly go wrong?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",20) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a220 ++ ~[PC] Well... I suppose...~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",20) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a220 ++ ~[PC] I am not sure this is the time or place, Aran. Perhaps we should and find somewhere more protected.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",20) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a219 + ~RandomNum(5,1)~ + ~[PC] No. And stop talking to me.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",20) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a1909 /* c-aranshutup3 */ + ~RandomNum(5,2)~ + ~[PC] I prefer you when you are the silent type. Right now, obviously, this is a problem, because you keep opening your mouth and letting wind come out.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",20) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a1911 /* c-aranshutup5 */ + ~RandomNum(5,3)~ + ~[PC] Please, keep talking. I always yawn when I am interested. Just in case you did not notice, this is called 'sarcasm'.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",20) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a1913 /* c-aranshutup7 */ + ~RandomNum(5,4)~ + ~[PC] Silence. That is spelled 's i l e n c e'. You are a scribe - write it down, and post it somewhere where you can read it.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",20) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a1915 /* c-aranshutup9 */ + ~RandomNum(5,5)~ + ~[PC] I don't mind you talking so much, as long as you don't mind me not listening.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",20) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a1917 /* c-aranshutup11 */ END IF ~Global("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",19) Class(Player1,CLERIC_THIEF)~ THEN BEGIN a2318 SAY ~[ARAN] We have a moment, . You want to take a bit o' time an' spar here? I could use some limberin' up. No prayers for help from beyond, an' no slippery tricks... just a straight fight.~ ++ ~[PC] We could, but my faith has allowed me a unique opportunity. My prayers have been answered, and voila... is this your dagger?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",20) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a213 ++ ~[PC] That sounds like a great idea. Let's do it.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",20) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a220 ++ ~[PC] Waving pointy things at each other randomly during the middle of an adventure... what could possibly go wrong?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",20) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a220 ++ ~[PC] Well... I suppose...~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",20) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a220 ++ ~[PC] I am not sure this is the time or place, Aran. Perhaps we should and find somewhere more protected.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",20) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a219 + ~RandomNum(5,1)~ + ~[PC] No. And stop talking to me.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",20) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a1909 /* c-aranshutup3 */ + ~RandomNum(5,2)~ + ~[PC] I prefer you when you are the silent type. Right now, obviously, this is a problem, because you keep opening your mouth and letting wind come out.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",20) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a1911 /* c-aranshutup5 */ + ~RandomNum(5,3)~ + ~[PC] Please, keep talking. I always yawn when I am interested. Just in case you did not notice, this is called 'sarcasm'.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",20) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a1913 /* c-aranshutup7 */ + ~RandomNum(5,4)~ + ~[PC] Silence. That is spelled 's i l e n c e'. You are a scribe - write it down, and post it somewhere where you can read it.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",20) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a1915 /* c-aranshutup9 */ + ~RandomNum(5,5)~ + ~[PC] I don't mind you talking so much, as long as you don't mind me not listening.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",20) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a1917 /* c-aranshutup11 */ END IF ~Global("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",19) Class(Player1,FIGHTER_DRUID)~ THEN BEGIN a2319 SAY ~[ARAN] We have a moment, . You want to take a bit o' time an' spar here? I could use some limberin' up. No callin' in any extra help, though. Let's stick to th' standard fightin' work we both need brushin' up on.~ ++ ~[PC] A good warmup helps everyone. But I should really teach you more about tracking.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",20) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a214 ++ ~[PC] That sounds like a great idea. Let's do it.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",20) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a220 ++ ~[PC] Waving pointy things at each other randomly during the middle of an adventure... what could possibly go wrong?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",20) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a220 ++ ~[PC] Well... I suppose...~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",20) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a220 ++ ~[PC] I am not sure this is the time or place, Aran. Perhaps we should and find somewhere more protected.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",20) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a219 + ~RandomNum(5,1)~ + ~[PC] No. And stop talking to me.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",20) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a1909 /* c-aranshutup3 */ + ~RandomNum(5,2)~ + ~[PC] I prefer you when you are the silent type. Right now, obviously, this is a problem, because you keep opening your mouth and letting wind come out.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",20) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a1911 /* c-aranshutup5 */ + ~RandomNum(5,3)~ + ~[PC] Please, keep talking. I always yawn when I am interested. Just in case you did not notice, this is called 'sarcasm'.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",20) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a1913 /* c-aranshutup7 */ + ~RandomNum(5,4)~ + ~[PC] Silence. That is spelled 's i l e n c e'. You are a scribe - write it down, and post it somewhere where you can read it.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",20) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a1915 /* c-aranshutup9 */ + ~RandomNum(5,5)~ + ~[PC] I don't mind you talking so much, as long as you don't mind me not listening.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",20) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a1917 /* c-aranshutup11 */ END IF ~Global("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",19) Class(Player1,FIGHTER_MAGE_CLERIC)~ THEN BEGIN a2890 SAY ~[ARAN] We have a moment, . You want to take a bit o' time an' spar here? I could use some limberin' up. You need it. Too much divided attention, eh? Let's postulate you done ran out o' divine an' arcane spells, an' just need to whack th' crap out o' th' enemy.~ ++ ~[PC] My skills are divided between arcane, spiritual, and physical pursuits, Aran. But I suppose that I have time to indulge in one of the three.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",20) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a215 ++ ~[PC] That sounds like a great idea. Let's do it.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",20) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a220 ++ ~[PC] Waving pointy things at each other randomly during the middle of an adventure... what could possibly go wrong?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",20) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a220 ++ ~[PC] Well... I suppose...~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",20) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a220 ++ ~[PC] I am not sure this is the time or place, Aran. Perhaps we should and find somewhere more protected.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",20) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a219 + ~RandomNum(5,1)~ + ~[PC] No. And stop talking to me.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",20) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a1909 /* c-aranshutup3 */ + ~RandomNum(5,2)~ + ~[PC] I prefer you when you are the silent type. Right now, obviously, this is a problem, because you keep opening your mouth and letting wind come out.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",20) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a1911 /* c-aranshutup5 */ + ~RandomNum(5,3)~ + ~[PC] Please, keep talking. I always yawn when I am interested. Just in case you did not notice, this is called 'sarcasm'.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",20) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a1913 /* c-aranshutup7 */ + ~RandomNum(5,4)~ + ~[PC] Silence. That is spelled 's i l e n c e'. You are a scribe - write it down, and post it somewhere where you can read it.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",20) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a1915 /* c-aranshutup9 */ + ~RandomNum(5,5)~ + ~[PC] I don't mind you talking so much, as long as you don't mind me not listening.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",20) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a1917 /* c-aranshutup11 */ END IF ~Global("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",19) Class(Player1,CLERIC_RANGER)~ THEN BEGIN a2891 SAY ~[ARAN] We have a moment, . You want to take a bit o' time an' spar here? I could use some limberin' up. You might learn somethin' from doin' things other than talkin' to gods an' animals an' trees an' whatnot.~ ++ ~[PC] The gods help those who help themselves, Aran, so I would be happy to practice with you. I should teach you some tracking skills, though.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",20) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a216 ++ ~[PC] That sounds like a great idea. Let's do it.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",20) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a220 ++ ~[PC] Waving pointy things at each other randomly during the middle of an adventure... what could possibly go wrong?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",20) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a220 ++ ~[PC] Well... I suppose...~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",20) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a220 ++ ~[PC] I am not sure this is the time or place, Aran. Perhaps we should and find somewhere more protected.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",20) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a219 + ~RandomNum(5,1)~ + ~[PC] No. And stop talking to me.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",20) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a1909 /* c-aranshutup3 */ + ~RandomNum(5,2)~ + ~[PC] I prefer you when you are the silent type. Right now, obviously, this is a problem, because you keep opening your mouth and letting wind come out.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",20) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a1911 /* c-aranshutup5 */ + ~RandomNum(5,3)~ + ~[PC] Please, keep talking. I always yawn when I am interested. Just in case you did not notice, this is called 'sarcasm'.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",20) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a1913 /* c-aranshutup7 */ + ~RandomNum(5,4)~ + ~[PC] Silence. That is spelled 's i l e n c e'. You are a scribe - write it down, and post it somewhere where you can read it.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",20) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a1915 /* c-aranshutup9 */ + ~RandomNum(5,5)~ + ~[PC] I don't mind you talking so much, as long as you don't mind me not listening.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",20) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a1917 /* c-aranshutup11 */ END IF ~Global("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",19) Class(Player1,SORCERER)~ THEN BEGIN a2892 SAY ~[ARAN] We have a moment, . You want to take a bit o' time an' spar here? I could use some limberin' up. Not everythin' can be dealt with wi' a wave o' magic, so it might help you, too. Think o' it as backup for when th' magical energies just don't rightly want to flow for you, eh?~ ++ ~[PC] Well, I do not practice the way you do, Aran. But some minor skirmishing might sharpen us. I will just have to be careful and not accidentally turn you into a cinder.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",20) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a217 ++ ~[PC] That sounds like a great idea. Let's do it.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",20) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a220 ++ ~[PC] Waving pointy things at each other randomly during the middle of an adventure... what could possibly go wrong?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",20) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a220 ++ ~[PC] Well... I suppose...~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",20) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a220 ++ ~[PC] I am not sure this is the time or place, Aran. Perhaps we should and find somewhere more protected.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",20) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a219 + ~RandomNum(5,1)~ + ~[PC] No. And stop talking to me.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",20) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a1909 /* c-aranshutup3 */ + ~RandomNum(5,2)~ + ~[PC] I prefer you when you are the silent type. Right now, obviously, this is a problem, because you keep opening your mouth and letting wind come out.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",20) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a1911 /* c-aranshutup5 */ + ~RandomNum(5,3)~ + ~[PC] Please, keep talking. I always yawn when I am interested. Just in case you did not notice, this is called 'sarcasm'.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",20) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a1913 /* c-aranshutup7 */ + ~RandomNum(5,4)~ + ~[PC] Silence. That is spelled 's i l e n c e'. You are a scribe - write it down, and post it somewhere where you can read it.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",20) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a1915 /* c-aranshutup9 */ + ~RandomNum(5,5)~ + ~[PC] I don't mind you talking so much, as long as you don't mind me not listening.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",20) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a1917 /* c-aranshutup11 */ END IF ~Global("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",19) Class(Player1,MONK)~ THEN BEGIN a2893 SAY ~[ARAN] We have a moment, . You want to take a bit o' time an' spar here? I could use some limberin' up. Besides, I be right fascinated. I done heard some o' you monks can catch a man's blade out o' the air wi' your bare hands.~ ++ ~[PC] A good idea. No weapons, though.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",20) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a218 ++ ~[PC] That sounds like a great idea. Let's do it.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",20) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a220 ++ ~[PC] Waving pointy things at each other randomly during the middle of an adventure... what could possibly go wrong?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",20) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a220 ++ ~[PC] Well... I suppose...~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",20) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a220 ++ ~[PC] I am not sure this is the time or place, Aran. Perhaps we should and find somewhere more protected.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",20) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a219 + ~RandomNum(5,1)~ + ~[PC] No. And stop talking to me.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",20) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a1909 /* c-aranshutup3 */ + ~RandomNum(5,2)~ + ~[PC] I prefer you when you are the silent type. Right now, obviously, this is a problem, because you keep opening your mouth and letting wind come out.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",20) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a1911 /* c-aranshutup5 */ + ~RandomNum(5,3)~ + ~[PC] Please, keep talking. I always yawn when I am interested. Just in case you did not notice, this is called 'sarcasm'.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",20) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a1913 /* c-aranshutup7 */ + ~RandomNum(5,4)~ + ~[PC] Silence. That is spelled 's i l e n c e'. You are a scribe - write it down, and post it somewhere where you can read it.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",20) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a1915 /* c-aranshutup9 */ + ~RandomNum(5,5)~ + ~[PC] I don't mind you talking so much, as long as you don't mind me not listening.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",20) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a1917 /* c-aranshutup11 */ END /* "catch-all" for potential breakage and forward-fixing when GemRB allows new classes to be defined... */ IF ~Global("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",19) !Class(Player1,MAGE) !Class(Player1,FIGHTER) !Class(Player1,CLERIC) !Class(Player1,THIEF) !Class(Player1,BARD) !Class(Player1,PALADIN) !Class(Player1,FIGHTER_MAGE) !Class(Player1,FIGHTER_CLERIC) !Class(Player1,FIGHTER_THIEF) !Class(Player1,FIGHTER_MAGE_THIEF) !Class(Player1,DRUID) !Class(Player1,RANGER) !Class(Player1,MAGE_THIEF) !Class(Player1,CLERIC_MAGE) !Class(Player1,CLERIC_THIEF) !Class(Player1,FIGHTER_DRUID) !Class(Player1,FIGHTER_MAGE_CLERIC) !Class(Player1,CLERIC_RANGER) !Class(Player1,SORCERER) !Class(Player1,MONK)~ THEN BEGIN a2894 SAY ~[ARAN] We have a moment, . You want to take a bit o' time an' spar here? I could use some limberin' up. Come on, it will be a right fine change o' pace for you.~ ++ ~[PC] Fighting you might be a change of pace. Being better than you, well, that is a habit.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",20) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a218 ++ ~[PC] That sounds like a great idea. Let's do it.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",20) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a220 ++ ~[PC] Waving pointy things at each other randomly during the middle of an adventure... what could possibly go wrong?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",20) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a220 ++ ~[PC] Well... I suppose...~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",20) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a220 ++ ~[PC] I am not sure this is the time or place, Aran. Perhaps we should and find somewhere more protected.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",20) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a219 + ~RandomNum(5,1)~ + ~[PC] No. And stop talking to me.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",20) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a1909 /* c-aranshutup3 */ + ~RandomNum(5,2)~ + ~[PC] I prefer you when you are the silent type. Right now, obviously, this is a problem, because you keep opening your mouth and letting wind come out.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",20) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a1911 /* c-aranshutup5 */ + ~RandomNum(5,3)~ + ~[PC] Please, keep talking. I always yawn when I am interested. Just in case you did not notice, this is called 'sarcasm'.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",20) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a1913 /* c-aranshutup7 */ + ~RandomNum(5,4)~ + ~[PC] Silence. That is spelled 's i l e n c e'. You are a scribe - write it down, and post it somewhere where you can read it.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",20) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a1915 /* c-aranshutup9 */ + ~RandomNum(5,5)~ + ~[PC] I don't mind you talking so much, as long as you don't mind me not listening.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",20) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a1917 /* c-aranshutup11 */ END IF ~~ a199 SAY ~[ARAN] All the more reason to take a swing or two, when there be no enemies about, eh?~ ++ ~[PC] Well, if you insist, sure. But we should use practice weapons to make sure we don't have any accidents.~ + a220 ++ ~[PC] I suppose it might be a good idea. I prefer to rely on magic, but when one is out of spells, brute force is sometimes necessary.~ + a220 + ~Class("c-aran",MAGE)~ + ~[PC] I guess it would be more fun than trying out a traditional duel between mages. All right, let's spar.~ + a220 ++ ~[PC] I do not think it would be a good idea, Aran.~ + a221 ++ ~[PC] No. Physical combat bores me, and I only put up with it when I have to.~ + a221 END IF ~~ a200 SAY ~[ARAN] Twin Swords style, Moonshae Axes, Calimshan Dual Scimitars, mayhap even simple quarterstaves if you like. You have to know your enemy an' what he uses, eh?~ ++ ~[PC] Well, if you insist, sure. But we should use practice weapons to make sure we don't have any accidents. I have seen too many good fighters injured when using magical gear.~ + a220 ++ ~[PC] I suppose it might be a good idea. Even if I do not need the practice, it would make sure you can watch my back effectively.~ + a220 + ~Class("c-aran",FIGHTER_ALL)~ + ~[PC] And here I thought you had been distracted by all that ink and study. Good to see a fellow fighter remembering what really matters.~ + a220 ++ ~[PC] I do not think it would be a good idea, Aran. I am not sure your ego could handle the trouncing I would give you. It might be best not to spar.~ + a221 ++ ~[PC] I am not going to waste my time this way. You practice without me. I am getting enough of a workout just keeping up with our daily routine of find things, talk to them, and then kill them.~ + a221 END IF ~~ a201 SAY ~[ARAN] Big words, cleric . Do you want to wager a prayer will be no help against my mighty skills?~ ++ ~[PC] Well, if you insist, sure. I will wager a trade bar or two. But we should use practice weapons to make sure we don't have any accidents.~ + a220 ++ ~[PC] No coin, Aran. But perhaps you will wager some few moments of time to listen to me about my god's plan for you. Where shall we spar?~ + a220 + ~Class("c-aran",CLERIC_ALL)~ + ~[PC] And here I thought you had been distracted by all that ink and study. Good to see a fellow cleric remembering that faith does not preclude keeping other skills active and useful in service to the gods.~ + a220 ++ ~[PC] I do not thing either a wager or a sparring session will help me accomplish my goals, Aran. Perhaps you should find another partner.~ + a221 ++ ~[PC] No, I am not interested in sparring.~ + a221 END IF ~~ a202 SAY ~[ARAN] Why you slippery little o' a b... right. Give that bloody well back to me. Now, are we goin' to spar, or are you goin' to rob me blind?~ ++ ~[PC] Well, if you insist, sure. But we should use practice weapons to make sure we don't have any accidents.~ + a220 ++ ~[PC] Can't I do both?~ + a220 + ~Class("c-aran",FIGHTER_ALL)~ + ~[PC] And here I thought you had been distracted by all that ink and study. Good to see a fighter remembering what really matters to you meatshields... a good headbashing.~ + a220 ++ ~[PC] No thank you. You are just too slow, Aran. It would not be fair. And you seem to think that things should be fair.~ + a221 ++ ~[PC] No thank you to both. You do not have anything worth taking, and I do not find sparring very entertaining... or useful.~ + a221 END IF ~~ a203 SAY ~[ARAN] You done heard me sing a tavern song or two, so you know that would be no sparrin', just plain slaughter. On th' wits thing, I do not know if I could come up with enough to entertain you. But combat, I got me a knack for that.~ ++ ~[PC] Well, if you insist, sure. But we should use practice weapons to make sure we don't have any accidents.~ + a220 ++ ~[PC] Lead on, oh wielder of weapons and shield of strength. Your instruction shall provide merriment, and my merriment shall provide instruction.~ + a220 + ~Class("c-aran",FIGHTER_ALL)~ + ~[PC] And here I thought you had been distracted by all that ink and study. Good to see a fellow remembering his roots.~ + a220 ++ ~[PC] No, Aran, I would rather not spar now, or ever, for that matter. I think I have had enough physical combat with our daily routine of finding things, talking to them, and then killing them.~ + a221 ++ ~[PC] A wordsmith, songsmith, or poet needs no instruction in crude belligerence, Aran. I would not find it much fun. I think I would rather not.~ + a221 END IF ~~ a204 SAY ~[ARAN] See, there you go again, all noble an' correct. I needs be showin' you a bit about fightin' dirty, an' combattin' those what do not follow your paladiny ways.~ ++ ~[PC] Well, if you insist, it is always wise to study the ways of adversaries who refuse to act with chivalry. But we should use practice weapons to make sure we don't have any accidents.~ + a220 ++ ~[PC] There is no need to stoop to that level, Aran. Come, we should spar, and I will show you that winning the fight within the bounds of chivalry is much more satisfying, and much more effective.~ + a220 + ~Class("c-aran",PALADIN_ALL)~ + ~[PC] And here I thought you had been distracted by all that ink and study. Good to see a fellow paladin remembering the thrill of single combat.~ + a220 ++ ~[PC] I do not think sparring like that will help me, Aran. I need to maintain my focus. Besides, you might get hurt, or I might get hurt, and we have important goals to achieve together.~ + a221 ++ ~[PC] On second thought, Aran, I think sparring would be a bad idea. I would not enjoy sullying the true combat forms with unchivalrous garbage.~ + a221 END IF ~~ a205 SAY ~[ARAN] We might stick just to your fightin' side this time, eh? I know you blend magic wi' fightin', but there be times when it pays to focus on one or the other, instead o' doin' both.~ ++ ~[PC] Well, if you insist, sure. But we should use practice weapons to make sure we don't have any accidents.~ + a220 ++ ~[PC] I disagree, but if you want to stick to sparring on the physical level, I understand.~ + a220 + ~Class("c-aran",FIGHTER_ALL)~ + ~[PC] And here I thought you had been distracted by all that ink and study. Good to see a fellow remembering what really matters.~ + a220 ++ ~[PC] Without magic use, fighting is really not that much fun. Perhaps we should do something else, like play cards.~ + a221 ++ ~[PC] I am not sure I would learn anything new, Aran. Besides, I think I have had enough physical combat with our daily routine of finding things, talking to them, and then killing them.~ + a221 END IF ~~ a206 SAY ~[ARAN] So you say, , but I think you be spendin' more time prayin' an' not enough time preyin', if you catch my meanin'. It might do you good to get th' fighter side limbered up, so as to get that whole cleric side protected, eh?~ ++ ~[PC] Well, if you insist, sure. But we should use practice weapons to make sure we don't have any accidents.~ + a220 ++ ~[PC] My faith and my weaponry are interlinked, Aran. But perhaps I could help instruct you in both. Some people need to have the words of the gods drummed into their heads... literally.~ + a220 + ~Class("c-aran",FIGHTER_ALL)~ + ~[PC] And here I thought you had been distracted by all that ink and study. Good to see a fellow remembering what really matters.~ + a220 ++ ~[PC] My faith shields me well enough that I do not need to be spending all sorts of time sparring, Aran. Perhaps you should find another partner.~ + a221 ++ ~[PC] I am not sure I would learn anything new, Aran. Besides, I think I have had enough physical combat with our daily routine of finding things, talking to them, and then killing them.~ + a221 END IF ~~ a207 SAY ~[ARAN] I would take that wager, exceptin' that be *my* purse you be wagerin', you slippery o' a b... here, give me that. You needs be winnin' it fair an' square, not liftin' it off my belt all quiet-like.~ ++ ~[PC] Well, if you insist, sure. But we should use practice weapons to make sure we don't have any accidents.~ + a220 ++ ~[PC] If you what to be embarrassed by my quick dexterity and sharp skills, then so be it. I will spar with you.~ + a220 + ~Class("c-aran",FIGHTER_ALL)~ + ~[PC] And here I thought you had been distracted by all that ink and study. Good to see a fellow remembering what really matters.~ + a220 ++ ~[PC] I think you should find someone else to spar with. You are not going to be a challenge to my skills if you cannot detect a quick pickpocketing.~ + a221 ++ ~[PC] I am not sure I would learn anything new, Aran. Besides, I think I have had enough physical combat with our daily routine of finding things, talking to them, and then killing them.~ + a221 END IF ~~ a208 SAY ~[ARAN] Aye, a triple threat is a tough set o' skills to keep sharp, eh? You keep th' light fingers an' the arcane spell chantin' in your back pocket on this one, an' we can concentrate just on the weapons skills.~ ++ ~[PC] Well, if you insist, sure. But we should use practice weapons to make sure we don't have any accidents.~ + a220 ++ ~[PC] I might be more interested in trading ideas on scribing scrolls, but perhaps you are right. A good spar would clear my head.~ + a220 + ~Class("c-aran",FIGHTER_ALL)~ + ~[PC] And here I thought you had been distracted by all that ink and study. Good to see a fellow remembering what really matters.~ + a220 ++ ~[PC] I think you may not be the right sparring partner for me, Aran. Perhaps you should find someone closer to your skill level.~ + a221 ++ ~[PC] I am not sure I would learn anything new, Aran. Besides, I think I have had enough physical combat with our daily routine of finding things, talking to them, and then killing them.~ + a221 END IF ~~ a209 SAY ~[ARAN] If you think this here 'form' o' mine is goin' to get all beautiful while workin' up a sweat, well, you got some strange ideas on what be beautiful, eh? But we can give it a shot. I want to see you fight fair an' square, without all that nature chantin' an' spellcraft.~ ++ ~[PC] Well, if you insist, sure. But we should use practice weapons to make sure we don't have any accidents.~ + a220 ++ ~[PC] It would be very enjoyable. I promise that if you lose, I shall balance it cleanly with my win, thus preserving the natural order of our relationship.~ + a220 + ~Class("c-aran",FIGHTER_ALL)~ + ~[PC] And here I thought you had been distracted by all that ink and study. Good to see a fellow remembering what really matters.~ + a220 ++ ~[PC] If you are going to insult my bond with nature, perhaps you should find a new partner. I did not suggest sparring. You did.~ + a221 ++ ~[PC] I am not sure I would learn anything new, Aran. Besides, I think I have had enough physical combat with our daily routine of finding things, talking to them, and then killing them.~ + a221 END IF ~~ a210 SAY ~[ARAN] Rangers be all alike. They think that anyone can learn th' skill, an' the ranger speakin' claims to be able to track a fly travellin' between Calimport an' The Dale Lands, at night, blindfolded, an' stuffed in a sack o' grain.~ ++ ~[PC] Well, if you insist on sparring, sure. But we should use practice weapons to make sure we don't have any accidents.~ + a220 ++ ~[PC] What, no swearing? Come on, Aran, you are slipping! We shall help you track your missing blasphemy by whacking you repeatedly, eliciting many and various oaths and grimaces!~ + a220 + ~Class("c-aran",RANGER)~ + ~[PC] I could say 'it takes one to know one', or 'speak for yourself, ranger', but it will be much more fun trouncing you in a sparring match!~ + a220 ++ ~[PC] Well, if you want to focus on the crude weaponsplay of the fighter, instead of he subtle and refined approach of the true woods, perhaps you should find another sparring partner.~ + a221 ++ ~[PC] I am not sure I would learn anything new, Aran. Besides, I think I have had enough physical combat with our daily routine of finding things, talking to them, and then killing them.~ + a221 END IF ~~ a211 SAY ~[ARAN] Mask's Malicious Smile, you done pickpocketed me an' magicked my dagger... perhaps we need to have a mite bit o' a lesson on what be mine, and what be yours! A sparrin' match is just th' ticket to teach you the error o' your ways.~ ++ ~[PC] Well, if you insist, sure. But we should use practice weapons to make sure we don't have any accidents.~ + a220 ++ ~[PC] I think I just taught you the lesson, Aran - what is mine is mine, and what you cannot hold on to is mine, and... oh, everything is mine anyways. But if it makes you feel better, I will have a spar with you.~ + a220 + ~Class("c-aran",FIGHTER_ALL)~ + ~[PC] And here I thought you had been distracted by all that ink and study. Good to see a fellow remembering what really matters.~ + a220 ++ ~[PC] Why would I need to work on those skills? My magic can protect me, and nothing withstands a well timed backstab from invisibility. Perhaps you should find another sparring partner.~ + a221 ++ ~[PC] I am not sure I would learn anything new, Aran. Besides, I think I have had enough physical combat with our daily routine of finding things, talking to them, and then killing them.~ + a221 END IF ~~ a212 SAY ~[ARAN] I trust you be smart enough to know that spells run out, an' wise enough to know that th' gods help when they can, but sometimes it all comes down to what you can do with a big stick an' a firm grip. Try a spar wi' me, eh? It will help us both out.~ ++ ~[PC] Well, if you insist, sure. But we should use practice weapons to make sure we don't have any accidents.~ + a220 ++ ~[PC] It is against my better judgment, but if you think it will help, then I will spar with you.~ + a220 + ~!Class("c-aran",FIGHTER_ALL)~ + ~[PC] And here I thought you had been distracted by all that ink and study. Good to see you remembering the distant past, before you began concentrating on what really matters.~ + a220 ++ ~[PC] I think my studies and my faith will serve me well enough. I do not see much point in sparring. Perhaps you should find someone else to spar with.~ + a221 ++ ~[PC] I am not sure I would learn anything new, Aran. Besides, I think I have had enough physical combat with our daily routine of finding things, talking to them, and then killing them.~ + a221 END IF ~~ a213 SAY ~[ARAN] Bugger all... an' you done took my purse, too! That god o' yours, an' those fingers, they be headed for a pack o' trouble some day. See, what you need is a right smart sparrin' match to get some sense beat into you!~ ++ ~[PC] Well, if you insist on embarrassing yourself, sure. But we should use practice weapons to make sure we don't have any accidents.~ + a220 ++ ~[PC] There is nothing that says a faithful follower with agility and style cannot teach a fighter how to fight. I would enjoy teaching you, Aran.~ + a220 + ~Class("c-aran",CLERIC_ALL)~ + ~[PC] And here I thought you had been distracted by all that ink and study. Good to see you remembering what really matters is faith and focus. I suspect we will not set our respective gods at each other's throats with a friendly sparring match.~ + a220 ++ ~[PC] Why should I bother? I an pray for assistance, and then attack from a position of advantage. Go find a fighter who likes long drawn out engagements to spar with, Aran.~ + a221 ++ ~[PC] I am not sure I would learn anything new, Aran. Besides, I think I have had enough physical combat with our daily routine of finding things, talking to them, and then killing them.~ + a221 END IF ~~ a214 SAY ~[ARAN] Well, your fightin' ways have been slowed down a mite on account o' all that work on stealth an' trackin', an' all that spellswork. This be th' perfect time to catch up a bit, eh?~ ++ ~[PC] Well, if you insist, sure. But we should use practice weapons to make sure we don't have any accidents.~ + a220 ++ ~[PC] I suspect that a good spar is more useful for you then it is for me, but I will indulge you.~ + a220 + ~Class("c-aran",FIGHTER_DRUID)~ + ~[PC] And here I thought you had been distracted by all that ink and study. Good to see a fellow druid remembering that what really matters is Nature's balance.~ + a220 ++ ~[PC] You probably would be better served sparring with someone else, then. Go find someone willing to waste their time swatting at you with play weapons.~ + a221 ++ ~[PC] I am not sure I would learn anything new, Aran. Besides, I think I have had enough physical combat with our daily routine of finding things, talking to them, and then killing them.~ + a221 END IF ~~ a215 SAY ~[ARAN] Just hold off on th' spell protections, eh? What with a Bless and an Iron Skin or two, you wouldn't rightly feel when I made a touch, an' that wouldn't be fair.~ ++ ~[PC] Well, if you insist, sure. But we should use practice weapons to make sure we don't have any accidents.~ + a220 ++ ~[PC] Do not worry. I will not put up the protective spells. I will even heal your head when I drub it, and boost your ego with a spell or two when you find yourself sprawled across the ground like a sack of grain.~ + a220 + ~Class("c-aran",FIGHTER_MAGE_CLERIC)~ + ~[PC] And here I thought you had been distracted by all that ink and study. Good to see a fellow jack of all trades remembering that balance between our three disciplines really matters.~ + a220 ++ ~[PC] You might find it better to spar with someone else, Aran. Without my faith or magic engaged, combat is just a boring routine of thrust and counterthrust. No artistry involved.~ + a221 ++ ~[PC] I am not sure I would learn anything new, Aran. Besides, I think I have had enough physical combat with our daily routine of finding things, talking to them, and then killing them.~ + a221 END IF ~~ a216 SAY ~[ARAN] See, you have been spendin' way too much time prayin', and then you go wanderin' off through the woods an' trees all stealthy-like. You need to get a leg up on good, old-fashioned physical combat, you do.~ ++ ~[PC] Well, if you insist, sure. But we should use practice weapons to make sure we don't have any accidents.~ + a220 ++ ~[PC] Perhaps you are right. Besides, teaching you to track is probably wasted; you would stop to write in that journal of yours and be completely lost. We can spar, if you like.~ + a220 + ~Class("c-aran",CLERIC_RANGER)~ + ~[PC] And here I thought you had been distracted by all that ink and study. Good to see you remembering your roots.~ + a220 ++ ~[PC] You might choose another sparring partner, then. My faith and my love of nature are not subjects for banter, Aran.~ + a221 ++ ~[PC] I am not sure I would learn anything new, Aran. Besides, I think I have had enough physical combat with our daily routine of finding things, talking to them, and then killing them.~ + a221 END IF ~~ a217 SAY ~[ARAN] I'd be right happy if you would avoid that, yes. I know you ken to things right easy an' natural, but sometimes you run out o' focus, an' then you be needin' a way to keep yourself alive until you get a chance to get all bound up in your 'weave', or whatever it be you do to get that magic rollin'. Come spar, eh?~ ++ ~[PC] Well, if you insist, sure. But we should use practice weapons to make sure we don't have any accidents.~ + a220 ++ ~[PC] If you can teach me some defensive combinations, I would enjoy that. It might be useful.~ + a220 + ~Class("c-aran",SORCERER)~ + ~[PC] And here I thought you had been distracted by all that ink and study, along with your newly discovered powers with the weave. Stop playing coy. If it means that much to you, I agree.~ + a220 ++ ~[PC] I am really not very interested in physical combat, Aran. I have you to handle that for me. I concentrate on blowing things up and melting things, deciphering arcane materials, you know... important stuff. You should find someone else to spar with.~ + a221 ++ ~[PC] I think I have had enough physical combat with our daily routine of finding things, talking to them, and then killing them.~ + a221 END IF ~~ a218 SAY ~[ARAN] Hey, now, none o' that monk stuff here. I know you can clobber a man barehanded, on account o' I seen you do it. You pick up a weapon, fair an' square, an' fight me to man, th' way civilized folk do!~ ++ ~[PC] Well, if you insist. But we should use practice weapons to make sure we don't have any accidents.~ + a220 ++ ~[PC] It will do no harm to indulge you, aran. If it will help you find your center, then I shall assist you. Where shall we spar?~ + a220 + ~Class("c-aran",MONK)~ + ~[PC] I thought that you had given up weaponry when you became a monk, Aran. But I guess it will do no harm to indulge in some memories for you.~ + a220 ++ ~[PC] My beliefs will not allow that sort of weapons practice even in mock combat, Aran. perhaps you should find someone else to take as a sparring partner.~ + a221 ++ ~[PC] I think I have had enough physical combat with our daily routine of finding things, talking to them, and then killing them.~ + a221 END IF ~~ a219 SAY ~[ARAN] Chauntea's Rosy Cheeks, where do you think be a safe an' protected place anywhere on th' face o' Toril? Here be just as good as anywhere when your adversaries include the pack o' powerful beings what like to mess wi' you. Come on, a spar won't hurt none. Well, it might just sting a mite bit.~ ++ ~[PC] If you insist, sure. But we should use practice weapons to make sure we don't have any accidents.~ + a220 ++ ~[PC] I think you will be eating those words for dinner, boyo. I will spar with you, and it is you who will be stinging.~ + a220 ++ ~[PC] And here I thought you had been distracted by all that ink and study. Good to see a fighter remembering what really matters.~ + a220 ++ ~[PC] I said it was not the right time or place. Perhaps you should find someone else to bother about this, Aran.~ + a221 ++ ~[PC] I am not sure I would learn anything new, Aran. Besides, I think I have had enough physical combat with our daily routine of finding things, talking to them, and then killing them.~ + a221 END IF ~~ a220 SAY ~[ARAN] Right then. Let's be gettin'... ~ = ~[ARAN] Oh, Corellon's Uncertain Chastity, this be a bad idea right now. We are makin' progress, an' here I go interruptin' again. Plus, all my sparrin' gear be packed at the bottom o' things, on account o' we need other things ready at hand more. Look, how about when we settle into camp for a rest? Next time we be outside someplace we can move about freely? Some evenin', when we be campin'.~ + ~Gender(Player1,MALE)~ + ~[PC] That sounds fine to me.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranspar","GLOBAL",4)~ EXIT + ~Gender(Player1,FEMALE)~ + ~[PC] That sounds fine to me.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranspar","GLOBAL",1)~ EXIT + ~Gender(Player1,MALE)~ + ~[PC] You are not going to let this go until we spar, are you. Fine. Next time we set up camp outside in the evening, I will look for you.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranspar","GLOBAL",4)~ EXIT + ~Gender(Player1,FEMALE)~ + ~[PC] You are not going to let this go until we spar, are you. Fine. Next time we camp outside in the evening, I will look for you.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranspar","GLOBAL",1)~ EXIT ++ ~[PC] No, thank you. I think it would be a waste of my time.~ + a224 + ~Gender(Player1,FEMALE) OR(2) Global("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",1) Global("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] Are you sure that you want to spar, or do you have romance in mind?~ + a223 ++ ~[PC] Chicken. You are worse than Melicamp. At least he had an excuse.~ + a222 END IF ~~ a221 SAY ~[ARAN] Well, that puts a damper on things. How about the first time we settle into camp for a rest, we take this up again? We should make it outside, too, on account o' havin' enough space. Some evenin', when we be campin'. Come on, it might be a mite bit o' fun!~ + ~Gender(Player1,MALE)~ + ~[PC] That sounds fine to me.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranspar","GLOBAL",4)~ EXIT + ~Gender(Player1,FEMALE)~ + ~[PC] That sounds fine to me.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranspar","GLOBAL",1)~ EXIT + ~Gender(Player1,MALE)~ + ~[PC] You are not going to let this go until we spar, are you. Fine. Next time we camp outside, I will look for you.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranspar","GLOBAL",4)~ EXIT + ~Gender(Player1,FEMALE)~ + ~[PC] You are not going to let this go until we spar, are you. Fine. Next time we camp outside, I will look for you.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranspar","GLOBAL",1)~ EXIT ++ ~[PC] No, thank you. I think it would be a waste of my time.~ + a224 + ~Gender(Player1,FEMALE) OR(2) Global("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",1) Global("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] Are you sure that you want to spar, or do you have romance in mind?~ + a223 ++ ~[PC] Chicken. You are delaying this because you do not want to lose to me. You are worse than Melicamp. At least he had an excuse.~ + a222 END IF ~~ a222 SAY ~[ARAN] Meli-who? I don't rightly know who you be talkin' about.~ + ~Gender(Player1,MALE)~ + ~[PC] Short fellow, feathers, clucked alot, stole some bracers... oh. Right. You weren't there. Never mind. Sure, I will find you for a sparring session.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranspar","GLOBAL",4)~ EXIT + ~Gender(Player1,MALE)~ + ~[PC] Neither do I. I just liked the sound of the name. I think it was a pet chicken Imoen kept back at Candlekeep. I will find you some evening and spar, Aran.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranspar","GLOBAL",4)~ EXIT + ~Gender(Player1,MALE)~ + ~[PC] Heh. Bwak bwawk cluck cluck... you just do not want to lose to me right here and now. I will wander out some evening and see what you can do, boyo.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranspar","GLOBAL",4)~ EXIT + ~Gender(Player1,FEMALE)~ + ~[PC] Short fellow, feathers, clucked alot, stole some bracers... oh. Right. You weren't there. Never mind. Sure, I will find you for a sparring session.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranspar","GLOBAL",1)~ EXIT + ~Gender(Player1,FEMALE)~ + ~[PC] Neither do I. I just liked the sound of the name. I think it was a pet chicken Imoen kept back at Candlekeep. I will find you some evening and spar, Aran.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranspar","GLOBAL",1)~ EXIT + ~Gender(Player1,FEMALE)~ + ~[PC] Heh. Bwak bwawk cluck cluck... you just do not want to lose to me right here and now. I will wander out some evening and see what you can do, boyo.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranspar","GLOBAL",1)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a223 SAY ~[ARAN] Why, perish the thought. I'm a right golden good boy, I am. My mother done said so once, I think. O' course, she might have been yellin' somethin' else, but it be hard to hear clear-like when you are bouncin' along in a Coster wagon.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranspar","GLOBAL",1)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a224 SAY ~[ARAN] Well, I made the offer, eh? I guess that just has naught for interest for you. Fine by me. Mayhap someone else will give it a shot.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranspar","GLOBAL",10)~ EXIT END /* FT 9 sets up the bromance/romance swordfighting talk if the PC agrees, run out of the DreamScript to engage on resting (the closest we can script for camping). */ /* On a setting of c-aranspar = 5, the 'bromance' straight swordfight and chat, on c-aranspar = 2, the romantic swordfight. */ /* Player options can control the scene for the ladies, but this is a slippery slope - much like RL, if the moment is right */ /* and the wrong things are said, a lady PC can find herself getting carried away. Luckily, the options to get out are numerous, */ /* and the after-sex talk is already designed to cover a romantically committed PC who has a one-night stand, so we should be good. */ /* On the 'bromance' side, this is the FR equivalent of shooting hoops with a friend at night under the lights in an outdoor park. */ /* SoA Scenery Talk : FT 9 Follow-Up - Males - Shooting Hoops, FR Style */ IF ~Global("c-aranspar","GLOBAL",5)~ THEN BEGIN a225 SAY ~[ARAN] You be a mite late, there, . I was just about to turn in, eh?~ [c-aws093] ++ ~[PC] I think the bet was 5 gold that you would lose, 10 gold that you would trip on something during the match, and no takers on how many times you would swear.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranspar","GLOBAL",6)~ + a226 ++ ~[PC] You look like you have been working hard already. Do you want to postpone this? I do not want to take advantage of your fatigue.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranspar","GLOBAL",6)~ + a227 ++ ~[PC] Think of it as early for tomorrow. The moon is still up, so there is plenty of light, and I am here now.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranspar","GLOBAL",6)~ + a228 ++ ~[PC] I think I would rather not spar tonight, Aran. I am going to turn in.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranspar","GLOBAL",6)~ + a229 ++ ~[PC] Look, if you were an attractive young female, I would have been here hours ago. Consider yourself lucky I showed up at all.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranspar","GLOBAL",6)~ + a230 END /* Shooting Hoops Replies */ IF ~~ a226 SAY ~[ARAN] Whoa, there, big boy, watch th' mouth! Don't you be talkin' too big for your abilities, eh? I can hold my own, you know. No Candlekeep weepin' willow is goin' to beat a Whitehand in a sparrin' match!~ ++ ~[PC] Sure, sure... the famous Whitehands of the Great Dragon Army, chased by every random kobold and gibberling from here to Luskan. Are you going to talk or are you going to spar?~ + a231 ++ ~[PC] 'Weeping willow'? Come on, Aran, you have to come up with better trash talk than that. You are supposed to get me all off balance by insulting me.~ + a231 ++ ~[PC] I am talking well within my abilities, boyo. Put up swords or pay up. I have plans for that money.~ + a231 ++ ~[PC] You can hold your own, but you are talking to the Master of Disaster. This should be over quickly.~ + a232 ++ ~[PC] Hey, we are joking around, right? You are not getting the idea I do not appreciate your work...~ + a233 ++ ~[PC] War is never the answer.~ + a755 END IF ~~ a755 SAY ~[ARAN] Now there be a silly thought. There's not much what can't be adjusted wi' a suitable application o' a great big pile o' hurt, eh?~ ++ ~[PC] I'm serious, Aran. We should save our aggression for our enemies.~ + a757 ++ ~[PC] True enough. Well, show me what you have, oh you of the big mouth and small mind.~ + a756 ++ ~[PC] Spoken like a true sellsword, Aran. I would debate the point and duel wits with you, but I would have to find some for you to borrow, and that takes too much energy!~ + a756 ++ ~[PC] Hey, I thought we were going to use weapons, not practice talking. Am I correct?~ + a228 ++ ~[PC] I think I would rather not spar tonight, Aran. I am going to turn in.~ + a229 END IF ~~ a756 SAY ~[ARAN] Funny, boyo, real funny. I bet you practiced that in front o' a mirror.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a1688 END IF ~~ a757 SAY ~[ARAN] I think th' aggression for th' enemies part be fine. But I was thinkin' it be smarter to practice in safety, together. On account o' it means it be more unlikely that one o' us needs a Raise Dead spell, or somethin'.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a1688 END IF ~~ a227 SAY ~[ARAN] No, no... I was stretchin' out, is all. But I be interested in a spar on dexterity, on account o' bein' a mite tired from the past few days.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a1688 END IF ~~ a1688 SAY ~[ARAN] What do you think o' tryin' a fencin' match with foils?~ ++ ~[PC] Do you think I am frail and passive, unable to handle the big weapons? What am I, one of your bundles of dried, ink-covered sheepskin?~ + a234 ++ ~[PC] Name the weapon, and I am ready. If I do not know how to wield it, I will ask how.~ + a235 ++ ~[PC] It is your funeral. Show me you can fight.~ + a231 ++ ~[PC] It is your funeral. (Punch him hard in the gut.)~ + a236 + ~Class(Player1,MAGE_ALL)~ + ~[PC] That sounds good to me. I do not do well with brute force weapons anyways. And I promise not to throw any spells your way.~ + a235 + ~Class(Player1,FIGHTER_ALL)~ + ~[PC] I had my heart set on some good solid Moonshae Hammers and Axes, but a fencing match is fine. Good warriors can turn a rock or a piece of wood into a decent enough weapon.~ + a235 + ~Class(Player1,THIEF_ALL)~ + ~[PC] Hey, if you want to set yourself up for an embarrassing loss, it is your funeral. You do remember I live by my agility, don't you?~ + a235 + ~Class(Player1,CLERIC_ALL) Alignment(Player1,MASK_GOOD)~ + ~[PC] Clerics usually work with blunt weapons, Aran, but a practice foil is blunt. You do not even have to spot me a touch or two in points.~ + a235 + ~Class(Player1,CLERIC_ALL) Alignment(Player1,MASK_EVIL)~ + ~[PC] Clerics usually work with blunt weapons, Aran, but a practice foil is blunt. I would not be true to my god if I did not insist that you spot me a touch or two in points.~ + a235 + ~Class(Player1,CLERIC_ALL) !Alignment(Player1,MASK_GOOD) !Alignment(Player1,MASK_EVIL)~ + ~[PC] Clerics usually work with blunt weapons, Aran, but a practice foil is blunt. It is a fair balance, with my lack of familiarity and your fatigue.~ + a235 + ~Class(Player1,PALADIN_ALL) !Class("c-aran",PALADIN_ALL)~ + ~[PC] I am surprised, Aran. Gentleman's weapons? I am impressed. A good spar to clear the head and focus the mind. Come, now, Aran, let us have a clean fight.~ + a235 + ~Class(Player1,PALADIN_ALL) Class("c-aran",PALADIN_ALL)~ + ~[PC] Gentleman's weapons? Good choice, befitting our calling. A good spar to clear the head and focus the mind. Come, now, Aran, let us have a clean fight.~ + a235 + ~Class(Player1,SORCERER)~ + ~[PC] Somehow I think it might be fun to try a good old-fashioned swordfight. I will try to avoid melting your blade, or setting your trousers on fire.~ + a235 + ~Class(Player1,MONK)~ + ~[PC] Hand to hand is more my forte, but perhaps this will be interesting. I will spar with you.~ + a235 + ~Class(Player1,BARD_ALL)~ + ~[PC] I should be asking to spar musically, or perhaps with poetry, Aran, but I am afraid I have heard your singing. I think you should stop talking and start fighting.~ + a235 ++ ~[PC] I think I would rather not spar tonight, Aran. I am going to turn in.~ + a229 END IF ~~ a228 SAY ~[ARAN] That you be. Hey, I be interested in a spar on dexterity, on account o' bein' a mite tired from the last few days. I got me an idea, an' since I don't rightly have many good ones, why not try this one.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a1688 END IF ~~ a229 SAY ~[ARAN] Aye, then, that be fine. Do you want anythin' else?~ ++ ~[PC] Now what might I want when I am headed for my bedroll?~ + a242 ++ ~[PC] No, I am fine. Have a good night, Aran.~ + a238 ++ ~[PC] Well, there are still some cooking pots you have not cleaned, and there is firewood to gather. You should get right on that.~ + a268 ++ ~[PC] A smart young blond with loose morals and a short memory.~ + a237 END IF ~~ a230 SAY ~[ARAN] If I had been a cute young female, I would have known better than to show up here alone an' all unprotected, wi' th' likes o' you runnin' the show. But seein' as there be a severe shortage o' amorous dryads an' such around these parts, what say we do a little fencin'? ~ ++ ~[PC] I just thought of you as a female, and the whole idea turns me off completely. I think I will just go to bed.~ + a229 ++ ~[PC] Do you think I am frail and passive, unable to handle the big weapons? What am I, one of your bundles of dried, ink-covered sheepskin?~ + a234 ++ ~[PC] Name the weapon, and I am ready. If I do not know how to wield it, I will ask how.~ + a235 ++ ~[PC] It is your funeral. Show me you can fight.~ + a231 ++ ~[PC] It is your funeral. (Punch him hard in the gut.)~ + a236 ++ ~[PC] That sounds like a good idea.~ + a235 END IF ~~ a231 SAY ~[ARAN] I don't rightly have th' practice equipment for Waterdeep Twin Swords style, just two straight practice foils for duellin' wi' out harm. Wi' a bit o' luck, we shall see who gets a few extra coins to toss around next inn we be stayin' at.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a235 END IF ~~ a232 SAY ~[ARAN] Lathander's Luminous Legs, , you need a mite bit o' sunshine poured into that addled pate o' yours, you do. An' I am just th' man to do it.~ ++ ~[PC] Talk is cheap, and my time is valuable. Throw me a foil.~ + a235 ++ ~[PC] Actually, I think it would be a good time to quit while I am ahead. I seem to have won the verbal sparring, so I am off to bed.~ + a229 ++ ~[PC] Shall we spar?~ + a231 ++ ~[PC] Hey, all trash-talk aside, are you going to teach me how to spar?~ + a244 ++ ~[PC] You say 'man', but I see 'boy who throws a ton of wind'. Show me what you have, caravan-boy...~ + a235 ++ ~[PC] Look, can we skip the whole sparring thing, and just talk?~ + a262 END IF ~~ a233 SAY ~[ARAN] Torm's Blighted Balls, do you be jokin'? I thought we be talkin' trash to each other, an' gettin' into th' spirit, is all. Where have you been, a monastery all your life?~ ++ ~[PC] Let's just say that I have spent most of my life being very, very serious.~ + a235 ++ ~[PC] Good. Toss me a weapon, and let's see how this all works out.~ + a235 ++ ~[PC] Yes. (Punch him hard in the gut.)~ + a236 ++ ~[PC] Look, can we skip the whole sparring thing, and just talk?~ + a262 ++ ~[PC] This is taking too long. I think I will head for bed.~ + a229 END IF ~~ a234 SAY ~[ARAN] Bugger that. If I wanted to insult you, I'd be sayin' you smell like th' inside o' a Luskan Cathouse, or look like one o' them Calimshan eunuchs. Bundle o' dried sheepskin, my arse.~ ++ ~[PC] Why, thank you, sir. And I would respond that your breath is as stunning as an otyugh, but luckily for the otyugh it has the benefit of some redeeming qualities...~ + a240 ++ ~[PC] You can save the feeble attempts at insults. Throw me a foil, and let's spar.~ + a235 ++ ~[PC] Aran, you have so much to learn about talking to your betters. Perhaps a sound thrashing will help.~ + a235 ++ ~[PC] Actually, could you show me how to hold a foil? I never really learned...~ + a244 ++ ~[PC] Look, can we skip the whole sparring thing, and just talk?~ + a262 END IF ~~ a235 SAY ~[ARAN] Aye, then. Here, catch.~ ++ ~[PC] (Catch the rapier by the hilt and place it to your lips, saluting him.)~ + a247 ++ ~[PC] (Catch the rapier and extend it away and to your left, ready to fight.)~ + a247 ++ ~[PC] (Catch the rapier and instantly lunge forward with a direct thrust.)~ + a248 ++ ~[PC] (Clumsily catch the rapier and grip it like a club.)~ + a247 END IF ~~ a236 SAY ~[ARAN] *gasp* What in th' nine hells was that?~ ++ ~[PC] Weakness. You let your guard down, Aran, and I was right there to take advantage. Are we going to spar?~ + a235 ++ ~[PC] Fun. Here, let me do it again...~ + a241 ++ ~[PC] A warning. I came here to fight, not talk.~ + a235 ++ ~[PC] A sucker-punch. Where have you been living all your life, a monastery? Throw me a foil.~ + a235 END IF ~~ a237 SAY ~[ARAN] Now, that I could get behind, or in front of. Or in bed with, if I could find one like that. I'll be keepin' my eyes open, eh?~ ++ ~[PC] Hey, on second thought, I am going back to an empty bedroll and another night of troubled sleep. Throw me a foil.~ + a235 ++ ~[PC] You do that. Have a good night, Aran.~ + a238 ++ ~[PC] No need, Aran. I think I can handle getting my own women. You concentrate on yourself. Have a good night.~ + a238 ++ ~[PC] No need, Aran. I already have someone I am interested in romantically.~ + a239 END IF ~~ a238 SAY ~[ARAN] Aye, then, same to you. I think I am goin' to go get some energy worked out o' my system, eh? I will see you back at camp.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~RestParty()~ EXIT END IF ~~ a239 SAY ~[ARAN] A man never lived what has too many girlfriends, as long as he be careful to keep them separate. Wives, it might be that just one be too many, but girlfriends, that be a different story. I think I am goin' to go get some energy worked out o' my system, eh? I will see you back at camp.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~RestParty()~ EXIT END IF ~~ a240 SAY ~[ARAN] Big talk, big talk! With a bit o' luck, we shall see who gets a few extra coins to toss around next inn we be stayin' at.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a235 END IF ~~ a241 SAY ~[ARAN] Not on your life... I'm done wi' getting my gut punched on account o' you gotta let off some steam. You got anythin' else you want me to do for you? Mayhap somethin' that don't rightly hurt so much?~ ++ ~[PC] No, I am fine. Have a good night, Aran.~ + a238 ++ ~[PC] Well, there are still some cooking pots you have not cleaned, and there is firewood to gather. You should go do that, instead.~ + a268 ++ ~[PC] Look, can we skip the whole sparring thing, and just talk?~ + a262 END IF ~~ a242 SAY ~[ARAN] A smart young blond with loose morals and a short memory?~ ++ ~[PC] Sign me up. Do you happen to have her in your pack?~ + a243 ++ ~[PC] I think I have all I can handle with women right now, thanks. Have a good night, Aran.~ + a238 ++ ~[PC] Sounds more like your type than mine. Have a good night.~ + a238 ++ ~[PC] Like you could get one to pay attention to you, let alone me. Dream on!~ + a243 ++ ~[PC] I am sure I can come up with one of those on my own, should I want one. You, on the other hand... perhaps not.~ + a243 END IF ~~ a243 SAY ~[ARAN] No, I don't rightly think I can pull a blond out o' my pack right now, smart, loose, or even female. No brunettes, redheads, or even one o' them sparkley-headed Gensai, neither. Mayhap next inn, if there be a good bit o' alcohol an' some dancin', but not right here an' right now!~ = ~[ARAN] I think I am goin' to go get some energy worked out o' my system, eh? I will see you back at camp.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~RestParty()~ EXIT END IF ~~ a244 SAY ~[ARAN] Aye, sure. This can be a mite bit strange for someone who has naught for trainin', but th' basics is pretend you are facin' an armored opponent wi' a long sword. Slashin' won't be gettin' you anywhere. You need to look for opportunities to pierce wi' the point, see? Here, hold it like this... an' then try to stick me any place below th' neck.~ ++ ~[PC] Just like this? (swish the blade side to side, and then whip it across his left leg.)~ + a245 ++ ~[PC] Just like this? (lunge forward and push the tip of the foil toward his left shoulder.)~ + a245 ++ ~[PC] Just like this? (feint left, then drive the foil directly for his right eye.)~ + a246 ++ ~[PC] This is not really that interesting. I think I would rather not spar tonight, Aran. I am going to turn in.~ + a229 ++ ~[PC] Look, can we skip the whole sparring thing, and just talk?~ + a262 END IF ~~ a245 SAY ~[ARAN] Blighted bones, that hurt! But aye. Only you need to hold your wrist like this... an' turn your body in so as to give th' smallest target possible, or I'll be rammin' my blade where th' sun don't shine first time I get behind you.~ ++ ~[PC] That will do. I can take it from here - let's spar.~ + a235 ++ ~[PC] Look, I learned how to do this back in Candlekeep. You are a bit gullible, aren't you. Let's fence.~ + a235 ++ ~[PC] This is not really that interesting. I think I would rather not spar tonight, Aran. I am going to turn in.~ + a229 ++ ~[PC] Look, can we skip the whole sparring thing, and just talk?~ + a262 END IF ~~ a246 SAY ~[ARAN] (Blades clash as Aran blocks the thrust.) Not unless you be expectin' one o' us to die tonight. This be friendly sparrin', not pop 'Aran's eyeball an' clip his brain'. Looks like you can handle yourself right fine. Do you be ready?.~ ++ ~[PC] That will do. I can take it from here - let's spar.~ + a235 ++ ~[PC] Look, I learned how to do this back in Candlekeep. Let's fence.~ + a235 ++ ~[PC] This is not really that interesting. I think I would rather not spar tonight, Aran. I am going to turn in.~ + a229 ++ ~[PC] The eyeball might pop, but there is no brain in there to hurt. If you want all this fancy fighting, go do it yourself. I am more of the 'beat them senseless and then vivisect their parts for the necromancer' kind. Have as good a night as you can. I am headed for my bedroll.~ + a238 END IF ~~ a247 SAY ~[ARAN] Here, let's get goin', eh - en garde!~ ++ ~[PC] (Circle around to his left.)~ + a252 ++ ~[PC] (Feint right, then slash toward his legs.)~ + a248 ++ ~[PC] (Wait patiently, watching him closely.)~ + a253 ++ ~[PC] (Stand very still, motionless in the moonlight.)~ + a253 ++ ~[PC] (Thrust savagely at him.)~ + a248 END /* Let's change up things a little if the state gets repeated a few times... trash talk in sequence if taken. */ IF ~~ a248 SAY ~[ARAN] (A spark strikes as his blade parries. He thrusts quickly forward.)~ + ~RandomNum(3,1)~ + ~[PC] (Guard closely, on the defensive, parrying each of his thrusts)~ + a2754 + ~RandomNum(3,2)~ + ~[PC] (Guard closely, on the defensive, parrying each of his thrusts)~ + a2755 + ~RandomNum(3,3)~ + ~[PC] (Guard closely, on the defensive, parrying each of his thrusts)~ + a2756 + ~RandomNum(3,3)~ + ~[PC] (Step back quickly, then advance with a flurry of quick strokes)~ + a249 + ~RandomNum(3,2)~ + ~[PC] (Step back quickly, then advance with a flurry of quick strokes)~ + a250 + ~RandomNum(3,1)~ + ~[PC] (Step back quickly, then advance with a flurry of quick strokes)~ + a251 + ~RandomNum(3,3)~ + ~[PC] (Twist your wrist, deflecting his riposte and flicking your blade toward his throat)~ + a249 + ~RandomNum(3,2)~ + ~[PC] (Twist your wrist, deflecting his riposte and flicking your blade toward his throat)~ + a2719 + ~RandomNum(3,1)~ + ~[PC] (Twist your wrist, deflecting his riposte and flicking your blade toward his throat)~ + a2720 + ~Global("c-aransp1","LOCALS",0)~ + ~[PC] Your bootlace is coming untied...~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aransp1","LOCALS",1)~ + a254 + ~Global("c-aransp1","LOCALS",1)~ + ~[PC] Didn't we do this already? You have to learn to be more creative, Aran.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aransp1","LOCALS",2)~ + a255 + ~Global("c-aransp1","LOCALS",2)~ + ~[PC] Had enough, oh feeble wielder of swords? I can thrust and parry all night, you know. It does not look like you have the stamina.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aransp1","LOCALS",3)~ + a256 + ~Global("c-aransp1","LOCALS",3)~ + ~[PC] Come on, just a few more exchanges, and I will have thoroughly humiliated you...~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aransp1","LOCALS",4)~ + a257 + ~Global("c-aransp1","LOCALS",4)~ + ~[PC] Hey, I am not bad at this. But then again, I always thought that negotiation was the art of saying "let's talk!" till I can find a rock.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aransp1","LOCALS",5)~ + a258 + ~Global("c-aransp1","LOCALS",5)~ + ~[PC] Slow, slow, slow - you are slower than honey running uphill on the Spine of the World.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aransp1","LOCALS",6)~ + a259 END IF ~~ a249 SAY ~[ARAN] (He falls back, his riposte clashing against your blade with jarring force.)~ + ~RandomNum(2,1)~ + ~[PC] (Guard closely, on the defensive, parrying each of his thrusts)~ + a2757 + ~RandomNum(2,2)~ + ~[PC] (Guard closely, on the defensive, parrying each of his thrusts)~ + a2758 + ~RandomNum(3,3)~ + ~[PC] (Advance with a flurry of quick strokes, pushing hard to make him move back)~ + a248 + ~RandomNum(3,2)~ + ~[PC] (Advance with a flurry of quick strokes, pushing hard to make him move back)~ + a2719 + ~RandomNum(3,1)~ + ~[PC] (Advance with a flurry of quick strokes, pushing hard to make him move back)~ + a251 + ~RandomNum(3,3)~ + ~[PC] (Deflect his riposte, moonlight flashing along the blade as it drives toward his throat)~ + a248 + ~RandomNum(3,2)~ + ~[PC] (Deflect his riposte, moonlight flashing along the blade as it drives toward his throat)~ + a250 + ~RandomNum(3,1)~ + ~[PC] (Deflect his riposte, moonlight flashing along the blade as it drives toward his throat)~ + a2720 + ~RandomNum(3,1)~ + ~[PC] (Guard closely, on the defensive, parrying each of his thrusts)~ + a2754 + ~RandomNum(3,2)~ + ~[PC] (Guard closely, on the defensive, parrying each of his thrusts)~ + a2756 + ~RandomNum(3,3)~ + ~[PC] (Guard closely, on the defensive, parrying each of his thrusts)~ + a2758 + ~Global("c-aransp1","LOCALS",0)~ + ~[PC] Your bootlace is coming untied...~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aransp1","LOCALS",1)~ + a254 + ~Global("c-aransp1","LOCALS",1)~ + ~[PC] Didn't we do this already? You have to learn to be more creative, Aran.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aransp1","LOCALS",2)~ + a255 + ~Global("c-aransp1","LOCALS",2)~ + ~[PC] Had enough, oh feeble wielder of swords? I can thrust and parry all night, you know. It does not look like you have the stamina.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aransp1","LOCALS",3)~ + a256 + ~Global("c-aransp1","LOCALS",3)~ + ~[PC] Come on, just a few more exchanges, and I will have thoroughly humiliated you...~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aransp1","LOCALS",4)~ + a257 + ~Global("c-aransp1","LOCALS",4)~ + ~[PC] Hey, I am not bad at this. But then again, I always thought that negotiation was the art of saying "let's talk!" till I can find a rock.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aransp1","LOCALS",5)~ + a258 + ~Global("c-aransp1","LOCALS",5)~ + ~[PC] Slow, slow, slow - you are slower than honey running uphill on the Spine of the World.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aransp1","LOCALS",6)~ + a259 END IF ~~ a250 SAY ~[ARAN] (His blade parries, but yours finds its mark... Aran falls back and his riposte hisses through the air past your ear.)~ IF ~Global("c-aransp2","LOCALS",0)~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aransp2","LOCALS",1)~ GOTO a2737 IF ~Global("c-aransp2","LOCALS",1)~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aransp2","LOCALS",2)~ GOTO a2738 IF ~Global("c-aransp2","LOCALS",2)~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aransp2","LOCALS",3)~ GOTO a2739 IF ~OR(2) GlobalGT("c-aransp2","LOCALS",2) GlobalGT("c-aransp3","LOCALS",2)~ GOTO a2725 END IF ~~ a2719 SAY ~[ARAN] (Your blade finds its mark, and Aran falls back, wiping the sweat from his brow.)~ IF ~Global("c-aransp2","LOCALS",0)~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aransp2","LOCALS",1)~ GOTO a2737 IF ~Global("c-aransp2","LOCALS",1)~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aransp2","LOCALS",2)~ GOTO a2738 IF ~Global("c-aransp2","LOCALS",2)~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aransp2","LOCALS",3)~ GOTO a2739 IF ~OR(2) GlobalGT("c-aransp2","LOCALS",2) GlobalGT("c-aransp3","LOCALS",2)~ GOTO a2725 END IF ~~ a251 SAY ~[ARAN] (His blade parries quickly, and the point of his foil dances forward to tap your shoulder.)~ IF ~Global("c-aransp3","LOCALS",0)~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aransp3","LOCALS",1)~ GOTO a2740 IF ~Global("c-aransp3","LOCALS",1)~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aransp3","LOCALS",2)~ GOTO a2741 IF ~Global("c-aransp3","LOCALS",2)~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aransp3","LOCALS",3)~ GOTO a2742 IF ~OR(2) GlobalGT("c-aransp2","LOCALS",2) GlobalGT("c-aransp3","LOCALS",2)~ GOTO a2725 END IF ~~ a2720 SAY ~[ARAN] (You feel the point of his foil tap quickly on your chest, then on your throat, his body overbalancing as he spins past you.)~ IF ~Global("c-aransp3","LOCALS",0)~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aransp3","LOCALS",1)~ GOTO a2740 IF ~Global("c-aransp3","LOCALS",1)~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aransp3","LOCALS",2)~ GOTO a2741 IF ~Global("c-aransp3","LOCALS",2)~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aransp3","LOCALS",3)~ GOTO a2742 IF ~OR(2) GlobalGT("c-aransp2","LOCALS",2) GlobalGT("c-aransp3","LOCALS",2)~ GOTO a2725 END IF ~~ a2740 SAY ~[ARAN] A point to me, there. Not bad for a sellsword, eh? Just don't be usin' none o' those fancy powers o' yours to make up th' difference.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a2743 END IF ~~ a2741 SAY ~[ARAN] Ilmater's Blood, another point to me, there. I must be gettin' good, or somethin'.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a2743 END IF ~~ a2742 SAY ~[ARAN] That be three points to me, eh? I do believe I be schoolin' you proper, boyo.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a2743 END IF ~~ a2737 SAY ~[ARAN] A point to you, there. A lucky shot? Or do you be just gettin' warmed up?~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a2744 END IF ~~ a2738 SAY ~[ARAN] Bane's Bones, another point to you. You be right close to winnin' this, I think. I had best be steppin' up my game.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a2744 END IF ~~ a2739 SAY ~[ARAN] A point to you, there. Sune's Sweet Caress, you done got me, I think.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a2744 END IF ~~ a2744 SAY ~[ARAN] (He backs away, whipping his foil through the night air, muttering something under his breath.)~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a2745 END IF ~~ a2743 SAY ~[ARAN] (He backs away, whipping his foil through the night air.)~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a2746 END IF ~~ a2746 SAY ~[ARAN] Aye, feels good to get a point. I like winnin'.~ IF ~Global("c-aransp3","LOCALS",0)~ GOTO a2747 IF ~Global("c-aransp3","LOCALS",1)~ GOTO a2748 IF ~Global("c-aransp3","LOCALS",2)~ GOTO a2749 IF ~GlobalGT("c-aransp3","LOCALS",2)~ GOTO a261 END IF ~~ a2745 SAY ~[ARAN] Cyric's Cruel Laugh, I needs get myself movin'. I hate losin'.~ IF ~Global("c-aransp2","LOCALS",0)~ GOTO a2747 IF ~Global("c-aransp2","LOCALS",1)~ GOTO a2750 IF ~Global("c-aransp2","LOCALS",2)~ GOTO a2751 IF ~GlobalGT("c-aransp2","LOCALS",2)~ GOTO a260 END IF ~~ a2748 SAY ~[ARAN] All right, I be ready to roll again. Make it count, eh? No fun if there be no sweatin'.~ + ~RandomNum(2,1)~ + ~[PC] En Garde...~ + a252 + ~RandomNum(2,2)~ + ~[PC] En Garde...~ + a253 + ~RandomNum(4,4)~ + ~[PC] (Step back, blade pointing directly at his eye, then advance with a flurry of quick strokes)~ + a248 + ~RandomNum(4,3)~ + ~[PC] (Step back, blade pointing directly at his eye, then advance with a flurry of quick strokes)~ + a249 + ~RandomNum(4,2)~ + ~[PC] (Step back, blade pointing directly at his eye, then advance with a flurry of quick strokes)~ + a250 + ~RandomNum(4,1)~ + ~[PC] (Step back, blade pointing directly at his eye, then advance with a flurry of quick strokes)~ + a251 + ~RandomNum(4,4)~ + ~[PC] (Feint suddenly, then cut upward, flicking your blade toward his throat)~ + a249 + ~RandomNum(4,3)~ + ~[PC] (Feint suddenly, then cut upward, flicking your blade toward his throat)~ + a249 + ~RandomNum(4,2)~ + ~[PC] (Feint suddenly, then cut upward, flicking your blade toward his throat)~ + a2719 + ~RandomNum(4,1)~ + ~[PC] (Feint suddenly, then cut upward, flicking your blade toward his throat)~ + a2720 + ~RandomNum(3,1)~ + ~[PC] (Guard closely, on the defensive, parrying each of his thrusts)~ + a2755 + ~RandomNum(3,2)~ + ~[PC] (Guard closely, on the defensive, parrying each of his thrusts)~ + a2757 + ~RandomNum(3,3)~ + ~[PC] (Guard closely, on the defensive, parrying each of his thrusts)~ + a2758 + ~Global("c-aransp1","LOCALS",0)~ + ~[PC] Your bootlace is coming untied...~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aransp1","LOCALS",1)~ + a254 + ~Global("c-aransp1","LOCALS",1)~ + ~[PC] You have to learn to be more creative, Aran. You could have thrown something, or kicked, or something. You are making this too easy.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aransp1","LOCALS",2)~ + a255 + ~Global("c-aransp1","LOCALS",2)~ + ~[PC] Had enough, oh feeble wielder of swords? I can thrust and parry all night, you know. It does not look like you have the stamina.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aransp1","LOCALS",3)~ + a256 + ~Global("c-aransp1","LOCALS",3)~ + ~[PC] Come on, just a few more exchanges, and I will have thoroughly humiliated you...~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aransp1","LOCALS",4)~ + a257 + ~Global("c-aransp1","LOCALS",4)~ + ~[PC] Hey, I am not bad at this. But then again, I always thought that negotiation was the art of saying "let's talk!" till I can find a rock.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aransp1","LOCALS",5)~ + a258 + ~Global("c-aransp1","LOCALS",5)~ + ~[PC] Slow, slow, slow - you are slower than honey running uphill on the Spine of the World.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aransp1","LOCALS",6)~ + a259 ++ ~[PC] I have had enough of this. I call truce!~ + a267 END IF ~~ a2749 SAY ~[ARAN] Mielikki's Quiver, that stings. I should o' checked on th' tips, on account o' I got a little scratch back there I didn't feel until now.~ + ~RandomNum(2,1)~ + ~[PC] Excuses, excuses. En Garde...~ + a252 + ~RandomNum(2,2)~ + ~[PC] Excuses, excuses. En Garde...~ + a253 + ~RandomNum(4,4)~ + ~[PC] (Step back, blade pointing low, then advance with a flurry of quick strokes)~ + a248 + ~RandomNum(4,3)~ + ~[PC] (Step back, blade pointing low, then advance with a flurry of quick strokes)~ + a249 + ~RandomNum(4,2)~ + ~[PC] (Step back, blade pointing low, then advance with a flurry of quick strokes)~ + a250 + ~RandomNum(4,1)~ + ~[PC] (Step back, blade pointing low, then advance with a flurry of quick strokes)~ + a251 + ~RandomNum(4,4)~ + ~[PC] (Feint suddenly, then cut upward, flicking your blade toward his throat)~ + a248 + ~RandomNum(4,3)~ + ~[PC] (Feint suddenly, then cut upward, flicking your blade toward his throat)~ + a249 + ~RandomNum(4,2)~ + ~[PC] (Feint suddenly, then cut upward, flicking your blade toward his throat)~ + a250 + ~RandomNum(4,1)~ + ~[PC] (Feint suddenly, then cut upward, flicking your blade toward his throat)~ + a2720 + ~Global("c-aransp1","LOCALS",0)~ + ~[PC] Your bootlace is coming untied...~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aransp1","LOCALS",1)~ + a254 + ~Global("c-aransp1","LOCALS",1)~ + ~[PC] You have to learn to be more creative, Aran. You could have thrown something, or kicked, or something. You are making this too easy.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aransp1","LOCALS",2)~ + a255 + ~Global("c-aransp1","LOCALS",2)~ + ~[PC] Had enough, oh feeble wielder of swords? I can thrust and parry all night, you know. It does not look like you have the stamina.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aransp1","LOCALS",3)~ + a256 + ~Global("c-aransp1","LOCALS",3)~ + ~[PC] Come on, just a few more exchanges, and I will have thoroughly humiliated you...~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aransp1","LOCALS",4)~ + a257 + ~Global("c-aransp1","LOCALS",4)~ + ~[PC] Hey, I am not bad at this. But then again, I always thought that negotiation was the art of saying "let's talk!" till I can find a rock.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aransp1","LOCALS",5)~ + a258 + ~Global("c-aransp1","LOCALS",5)~ + ~[PC] Slow, slow, slow - you are slower than honey running uphill on the Spine of the World.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aransp1","LOCALS",6)~ + a259 ++ ~[PC] I have had enough of this. I call truce!~ + a267 END IF ~~ a2750 SAY ~[ARAN] Well, we be gettin' some exercise, I do believe. Though you be pantin' somethin' fierce. I should never have cooked that turnip curry tonight... *phew*!~ + ~RandomNum(2,1)~ + ~[PC] Hey, my breath is nothing compared to the gaseous cloud you have been laying. And here I thought you had to use spellcraft to make a place uninhabitable.~ + a252 + ~RandomNum(2,2)~ + ~[PC] Hey, my breath is nothing compared to the gaseous cloud you have been laying. And here I thought you had to use spellcraft to make a place uninhabitable.~ + a253 + ~RandomNum(4,4)~ + ~[PC] (Step back, blade pointing low, then advance with rapid, precise strokes)~ + a248 + ~RandomNum(4,3)~ + ~[PC] (Step back, blade pointing low, then advance with rapid, precise strokes)~ + a249 + ~RandomNum(4,2)~ + ~[PC] (Step back, blade pointing low, then advance with rapid, precise strokes)~ + a2719 + ~RandomNum(4,1)~ + ~[PC] (Step back, blade pointing low, then advance with rapid, precise strokes)~ + a251 + ~RandomNum(4,4)~ + ~[PC] (Feint suddenly, then cut sideways, flicking your blade toward his throat)~ + a248 + ~RandomNum(4,3)~ + ~[PC] (Feint suddenly, then cut sideways, flicking your blade toward his throat)~ + a249 + ~RandomNum(4,2)~ + ~[PC] (Feint suddenly, then cut sideways, flicking your blade toward his throat)~ + a250 + ~RandomNum(4,1)~ + ~[PC] (Feint suddenly, then cut sideways, flicking your blade toward his throat)~ + a2720 + ~Global("c-aransp1","LOCALS",0)~ + ~[PC] Your bootlace is coming untied...~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aransp1","LOCALS",1)~ + a254 + ~Global("c-aransp1","LOCALS",1)~ + ~[PC] You have to learn to be more creative, Aran. You could have thrown something, or kicked, or something. You are making this too easy.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aransp1","LOCALS",2)~ + a255 + ~Global("c-aransp1","LOCALS",2)~ + ~[PC] Had enough, oh feeble wielder of swords? I can thrust and parry all night, you know. It does not look like you have the stamina.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aransp1","LOCALS",3)~ + a256 + ~Global("c-aransp1","LOCALS",3)~ + ~[PC] Come on, just a few more exchanges, and I will have thoroughly humiliated you...~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aransp1","LOCALS",4)~ + a257 + ~Global("c-aransp1","LOCALS",4)~ + ~[PC] Hey, I am not bad at this. But then again, I always thought that negotiation was the art of saying "let's talk!" till I can find a rock.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aransp1","LOCALS",5)~ + a258 + ~Global("c-aransp1","LOCALS",5)~ + ~[PC] Slow, slow, slow - you are slower than honey running uphill on the Spine of the World.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aransp1","LOCALS",6)~ + a259 ++ ~[PC] I have had enough of this. I call truce!~ + a267 END IF ~~ a2751 SAY ~[ARAN] Do it be me, or do it be gettin' right hot around here?~ + ~RandomNum(2,1)~ + ~[PC] I think it is you, Aran, feeling the pressure of my superior skills and better looks.~ + a252 + ~RandomNum(2,2)~ + ~[PC] I think it is you, Aran, feeling the pressure of my superior skills and better looks.~ + a253 + ~RandomNum(4,4)~ + ~[PC] (Step back, blade pointing low, then advance with rapid, precise strokes)~ + a248 + ~RandomNum(4,3)~ + ~[PC] (Step back, blade pointing low, then advance with rapid, precise strokes)~ + a249 + ~RandomNum(4,2)~ + ~[PC] (Step back, blade pointing low, then advance with rapid, precise strokes)~ + a2719 + ~RandomNum(4,1)~ + ~[PC] (Step back, blade pointing low, then advance with rapid, precise strokes)~ + a251 + ~RandomNum(3,1)~ + ~[PC] (Guard closely, on the defensive, watching for each of his motions and countering)~ + a2754 + ~RandomNum(3,2)~ + ~[PC] (Guard closely, on the defensive, watching for each of his motions and countering)~ + a2755 + ~RandomNum(3,3)~ + ~[PC] (Guard closely, on the defensive, watching for each of his motions and countering)~ + a2756 + ~RandomNum(4,4)~ + ~[PC] (Feint suddenly, then cut sideways, flicking your blade toward his throat)~ + a248 + ~RandomNum(4,3)~ + ~[PC] (Feint suddenly, then cut sideways, flicking your blade toward his throat)~ + a249 + ~RandomNum(4,2)~ + ~[PC] (Feint suddenly, then cut sideways, flicking your blade toward his throat)~ + a250 + ~RandomNum(4,1)~ + ~[PC] (Feint suddenly, then cut sideways, flicking your blade toward his throat)~ + a2720 + ~Global("c-aransp1","LOCALS",0)~ + ~[PC] Your bootlace is coming untied...~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aransp1","LOCALS",1)~ + a254 + ~Global("c-aransp1","LOCALS",1)~ + ~[PC] You have to learn to be more creative, Aran. You could have thrown something, or kicked, or something. You are making this too easy.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aransp1","LOCALS",2)~ + a255 + ~Global("c-aransp1","LOCALS",2)~ + ~[PC] Had enough, oh feeble wielder of swords? I can thrust and parry all night, you know. It does not look like you have the stamina.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aransp1","LOCALS",3)~ + a256 + ~Global("c-aransp1","LOCALS",3)~ + ~[PC] Come on, just a few more exchanges, and I will have thoroughly humiliated you...~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aransp1","LOCALS",4)~ + a257 + ~Global("c-aransp1","LOCALS",4)~ + ~[PC] Hey, I am not bad at this. But then again, I always thought that negotiation was the art of saying "let's talk!" until I can find a rock.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aransp1","LOCALS",5)~ + a258 + ~Global("c-aransp1","LOCALS",5)~ + ~[PC] Slow, slow, slow - you are slower than honey running uphill on the Spine of the World.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aransp1","LOCALS",6)~ + a259 ++ ~[PC] I have had enough of this. I call truce!~ + a267 END IF ~~ a252 SAY ~[ARAN] (His rapier dances forward, boring toward your shoulder.)~ + ~RandomNum(2,1)~ + ~[PC] (Guard closely, on the defensive, parrying each of his thrusts)~ + a2759 + ~RandomNum(2,2)~ + ~[PC] (Guard closely, on the defensive, parrying each of his thrusts)~ + a2760 + ~RandomNum(3,3)~ + ~[PC] (Step back quickly, then advance with a flurry of quick strokes)~ + a249 + ~RandomNum(3,2)~ + ~[PC] (Spin lightly, ducking under his whispering blade and coming up with a thrust from underneath)~ + a2719 + ~RandomNum(3,1)~ + ~[PC] (Step back quickly, then advance with a flurry of quick strokes)~ + a251 + ~RandomNum(4,1)~ + ~[PC] (Twist your wrist, deflecting his riposte and flicking your blade toward his throat)~ + a249 + ~RandomNum(4,2)~ + ~[PC] (Thrust savagely past his guard.)~ + a250 + ~RandomNum(4,3)~ + ~[PC] (Parry, and lunge forward to the right.)~ + a2720 + ~RandomNum(4,4)~ + ~[PC] (Press forward as fast as you can, in a whirlwind of slashes)~ + a248 + ~Global("c-aransp1","LOCALS",0)~ + ~[PC] Your bootlace is coming untied...~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aransp1","LOCALS",1)~ + a254 + ~Global("c-aransp1","LOCALS",1)~ + ~[PC] Didn't we do this already? You have to learn to be more creative, Aran.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aransp1","LOCALS",2)~ + a255 + ~Global("c-aransp1","LOCALS",2)~ + ~[PC] Had enough, oh feeble wielder of swords? I can thrust and parry all night, you know. It does not look like you have the stamina.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aransp1","LOCALS",3)~ + a256 + ~Global("c-aransp1","LOCALS",3)~ + ~[PC] Come on, just a few more exchanges, and I will have thoroughly humiliated you...~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aransp1","LOCALS",4)~ + a257 + ~Global("c-aransp1","LOCALS",4)~ + ~[PC] Hey, I am not bad at this. But then again, I always thought that negotiation was the art of saying "let's talk!" till I can find a rock.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aransp1","LOCALS",5)~ + a258 + ~Global("c-aransp1","LOCALS",5)~ + ~[PC] Slow, slow, slow - you are slower than honey running uphill on the Spine of the World.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aransp1","LOCALS",6)~ + a259 ++ ~[PC] I have had enough of this. I call truce!~ + a267 END IF ~~ a2754 SAY ~[ARAN] You can start fightin' any time you want, now, eh? Or are you holdin' back on account o' I'm so feeble?~ IF ~RandomNum(2,1)~ THEN GOTO a252 IF ~RandomNum(2,2)~ THEN GOTO a2761 END IF ~~ a2755 SAY ~[ARAN] Defense never won no swordfight. Battles, mayhap. Unless you be tryin' to tire me out...~ IF ~RandomNum(2,1)~ THEN GOTO a253 IF ~RandomNum(2,2)~ THEN GOTO a2761 END IF ~~ a2756 SAY ~[ARAN] Dancin' about like that will be gettin' you tired, eh? You goin' to take this serious, or do I have to do all th' work?~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a253 END IF ~~ a2759 SAY ~[ARAN] Nice dancin'. I think I done seen that footwork in th' Angry Turnip Public House.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a252 END IF ~~ a2760 SAY ~[ARAN] Nice dancin' footwork, there. Not th' way to win, but it sure do look pretty for th' crowd...~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a253 END IF ~~ a2757 SAY ~[ARAN] (Blades spark in the cold light of the moon as you circle, the shadows dancing around you.)~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a253 END IF ~~ a2758 SAY ~[ARAN] (You circle under the stars, feinting occasionally, the harsh clash of metal skittering along metal an erratic music in your ears.)~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a252 END IF ~~ a2761 SAY ~[ARAN] (Aran steps back slightly, arms outstretched, opening his chest for an attack. His grin gleams bright as he bows to you, but his ruse is made apparent when he charges directly at you)~ + ~RandomNum(3,3)~ + ~[PC] (Advance to meet him, striking first toward his extended knee, then toward his shoulder)~ + a249 + ~RandomNum(3,2)~ + ~[PC] (Crouch quickly, thrusting up from underneath his blade)~ + a2719 + ~RandomNum(3,1)~ + ~[PC] (Sidestep and slash hard at him)~ + a251 + ~RandomNum(5,1)~ + ~[PC] (Guard closely, on the defensive, deflecting both his blade and his charge)~ + a2754 + ~RandomNum(5,2)~ + ~[PC] (Guard closely, on the defensive, deflecting both his blade and his charge)~ + a2755 + ~RandomNum(5,3)~ + ~[PC] (Guard closely, on the defensive, deflecting both his blade and his charge)~ + a2756 + ~RandomNum(5,4)~ + ~[PC] (Guard closely, on the defensive, deflecting both his blade and his charge)~ + a2757 + ~RandomNum(5,5)~ + ~[PC] (Guard closely, on the defensive, deflecting both his blade and his charge)~ + a2758 ++ ~[PC] (Charge him, foil arcing to slash at his body)~ + a249 ++ ~[PC] I have had enough of this. I call truce!~ + a267 END IF ~~ a253 SAY ~[ARAN] (His rapier dances forward, boring toward your chest.)~ + ~RandomNum(3,3)~ + ~[PC] (Advance with a flurry of quick strokes, first toward his extended knee, then toward his shoulder)~ + a249 + ~RandomNum(3,2)~ + ~[PC] (Crouch quickly, thrusting up from underneath his blade)~ + a2719 + ~RandomNum(3,1)~ + ~[PC] (Sidestep and slash hard at him, advancing with a flurry of quick strokes)~ + a251 + ~RandomNum(5,1)~ + ~[PC] (Guard closely, on the defensive, parrying each of his thrusts)~ + a2754 + ~RandomNum(5,2)~ + ~[PC] (Guard closely, on the defensive, parrying each of his thrusts)~ + a2755 + ~RandomNum(5,3)~ + ~[PC] (Guard closely, on the defensive, parrying each of his thrusts)~ + a2756 + ~RandomNum(5,4)~ + ~[PC] (Guard closely, on the defensive, parrying each of his thrusts)~ + a2757 + ~RandomNum(5,5)~ + ~[PC] (Guard closely, on the defensive, parrying each of his thrusts)~ + a2758 + ~RandomNum(3,3)~ + ~[PC] (Deflecting his riposte, flicking your blade toward his throat)~ + a249 + ~RandomNum(3,2)~ + ~[PC] (Slam straight down toward his head with both hands, then quickly thrust toward his shoulder)~ + a250 + ~RandomNum(3,1)~ + ~[PC] (Duck under his whispering blade and lunge forward to the right.)~ + a251 + ~Global("c-aransp1","LOCALS",0)~ + ~[PC] Your bootlace is coming untied...~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aransp1","LOCALS",1)~ + a254 + ~Global("c-aransp1","LOCALS",1)~ + ~[PC] Didn't we do this already? You have to learn to be more creative, Aran.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aransp1","LOCALS",2)~ + a255 + ~Global("c-aransp1","LOCALS",2)~ + ~[PC] Had enough, oh feeble wielder of swords? I can thrust and parry all night, you know. It does not look like you have the stamina.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aransp1","LOCALS",3)~ + a256 + ~Global("c-aransp1","LOCALS",3)~ + ~[PC] Come on, just a few more exchanges, and I will have thoroughly humiliated you...~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aransp1","LOCALS",4)~ + a257 + ~Global("c-aransp1","LOCALS",4)~ + ~[PC] Hey, I am not bad at this. But then again, I always thought that negotiation was the art of saying "let's talk!" till I can find a rock.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aransp1","LOCALS",5)~ + a258 + ~Global("c-aransp1","LOCALS",5)~ + ~[PC] Slow, slow, slow - you are slower than honey running uphill on the Spine of the World.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aransp1","LOCALS",6)~ + a259 ++ ~[PC] I have had enough of this. I call truce!~ + a267 END IF ~~ a254 SAY ~[ARAN] I'm not bloody well fallin' for that old trick, boyo...~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a252 END IF ~~ a255 SAY ~[ARAN] Big talk from th' Bhaalspawn. You tryin' to spar, or kill me wi' your fetid breath?~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a253 END IF ~~ a256 SAY ~[ARAN] I got testimony from a couple o' tavern wenches what beg to differ... on both counts!~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a252 END IF ~~ a257 SAY ~[ARAN] I been in worse humiliations than this, eh? Just bein' seen wi' you might count as one!~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a253 END IF ~~ a258 SAY ~[ARAN] Now that be a truth.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a252 END IF ~~ a259 SAY ~[ARAN] But th' ladies find me plenty sweet, eh? I was tryin' to play nice, an' not be remindin' you that you smell like a dungheap, an' swing like a gibberling.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a253 END IF ~~ a260 SAY ~[ARAN] Hey, wait a second, now... one, two, three points... by my count, you just won, fair an' square.~ ++ ~[PC] Look, now that we have that out of our system, can we just talk?~ + a263 ++ ~[PC] You know, I am going to turn in. I need some sleep.~ + a229 ++ ~[PC] Another match?~ + a266 END IF ~~ a261 SAY ~[ARAN] Now, wait a moment, eh? one, two, three points... by my count I won, fair an' square.~ ++ ~[PC] Look, now that we have that out of our system, can we just talk?~ + a263 ++ ~[PC] You know, I am going to turn in. I need some sleep.~ + a229 ++ ~[PC] I demand a rematch!~ + a266 END /* Talk Before Spar*/ IF ~~ a262 SAY ~[ARAN] Aye. What be on your mind?~ ++ ~[PC] Oh, nothing much. You know, I need to sort out my own problems. Let's spar.~ + a235 + ~Gender(Player2,FEMALE) !Name("c-aran",Player2)~ + ~[PC] I do not understand women. Mostly, I do not understand .~ + a264 + ~Gender(Player3,FEMALE) !Name("c-aran",Player3)~ + ~[PC] I do not understand women. Mostly, I do not understand .~ + a264 + ~Gender(Player4,FEMALE) !Name("c-aran",Player4)~ + ~[PC] I do not understand women. Mostly, I do not understand .~ + a264 + ~Gender(Player5,FEMALE) !Name("c-aran",Player5)~ + ~[PC] I do not understand women. Mostly, I do not understand .~ + a264 + ~Gender(Player6,FEMALE) !Name("c-aran",Player6)~ + ~[PC] I do not understand women. Mostly, I do not understand .~ + a264 ++ ~[PC] Why are you doing all this following me around, anyways? I would think you would have struck off on your own by now.~ + a265 ++ ~[PC] Never mind. I think I would rather not spar tonight, Aran, verbally or physically. I am going to turn in.~ + a229 END /* Talk After Spar */ IF ~~ a263 SAY ~[ARAN] Aye. What be on your mind?~ ++ ~[PC] Oh, nothing much. You know, I need to sort out my own problems.~ + a229 + ~Gender(Player2,FEMALE) !Name("c-aran",Player2)~ + ~[PC] I do not understand women. Mostly, I do not understand .~ + a264 + ~Gender(Player3,FEMALE) !Name("c-aran",Player3)~ + ~[PC] I do not understand women. Mostly, I do not understand .~ + a264 + ~Gender(Player4,FEMALE) !Name("c-aran",Player4)~ + ~[PC] I do not understand women. Mostly, I do not understand .~ + a264 + ~Gender(Player5,FEMALE) !Name("c-aran",Player5)~ + ~[PC] I do not understand women. Mostly, I do not understand .~ + a264 + ~Gender(Player6,FEMALE) !Name("c-aran",Player6)~ + ~[PC] I do not understand women. Mostly, I do not understand .~ + a264 ++ ~[PC] Why are you doing all this following me around, anyways? I would think you would have struck off on your own by now.~ + a265 ++ ~[PC] I don't know. You know, I am going to turn in. I need some sleep.~ + a229 END IF ~~ a264 SAY ~[ARAN] Oh no you don't, laddie. I got my own woman troubles, an' you don't rightly want no advice from th' likes o' me.~ = ~[ARAN] Come on, you sorry bastard... enough wi' the chit-chat. We got places what to go, things what to see, an' creatures what to kill. An' a good night's sleep be just th' right way to get started.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~RestParty()~ EXIT END IF ~~ a265 SAY ~[ARAN] I don't rightly know. But I back a friend, no matter what. Even if they don't always be actin' friendly themselves, eh? It just be th' way things are.~ = ~[ARAN] Come on, you sorry bastard... enough wi' the chit-chat. We done got places to go, things what to see, an' creatures what to kill. An' a good night's sleep be just th' right way to get started.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~RestParty()~ EXIT END IF ~~ a266 SAY ~[ARAN] Oh no you don't, laddie. You will be naught but trouble for me if I don't get enough rest. I'm out, eh?~ = ~[ARAN] We got places what to go, things what to see, an' creatures what to kill. An' a good night's sleep be just th' right way to get started.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~RestParty()~ EXIT END /* Truce breakout to talking. Can cycle back because it can't be approached from before or after the fight. */ IF ~~ a267 SAY ~[ARAN] Right then.. what be th' problem? You gettin' tired?~ ++ ~[PC] I just needed a breath of fresh air. You are starting to send out a powerful stench. Come on, let's spar!~ + a252 ++ ~[PC] Just tired of your big mouth. Come on, let's spar!~ + a252 ++ ~[PC] I don't know. You know, I am going to turn in. I need some sleep. I am not having much fun doing this.~ + a229 ++ ~[PC] Look, now that we have that out of our system, can we just talk?~ + a263 END IF ~~ a268 SAY ~[ARAN] Mielikki's Quick temper, I done just.. just.. oh, hells. Fine. Go to bed. I be gettin' on wi' th' chores, like a blighted good little boy.~ ++ ~[PC] Good night, Aran.~ DO ~RestParty()~ EXIT ++ ~[PC] Good to see you follow orders so well.~ DO ~RestParty()~ EXIT ++ ~[PC] I was joking, Aran. Come on, we should head back to camp. Unless you feel like running a few miles, just to get ready for sleep?~ + a266 END /* SoA Scenery Talk : female PC Friend or Romance interlude: Sparring Challenge - StoryTelling through Interactive Text Adventure */ /* Things get complicated in the fight - should be a different experience every time. Pity next to no one will ever see it all. */ IF ~Global("c-aranspar","GLOBAL",2)~ THEN BEGIN a269 SAY ~[ARAN] You be a mite late, there, . I was just about to turn in, eh?~ [c-aws093] ++ ~[PC] Do you always spar with your shirt off?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranspar","GLOBAL",3)~ + a270 ++ ~[PC] Judging from the sheen of sweat on your chest, it looks like you have been working hard. Do you want to postpone this?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranspar","GLOBAL",3)~ + a271 ++ ~[PC] Think of it as early for tomorrow. The moon is still up, and I am here now.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranspar","GLOBAL",3)~ + a272 ++ ~[PC] I think I would rather not spar tonight, Aran. I am going to turn in.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranspar","GLOBAL",3)~ + a273 ++ ~[PC] You are a little slow, aren't you. When I said 'spar', I was thinking of more amorous pursuits.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranspar","GLOBAL",3)~ + a274 END IF ~~ a270 SAY ~[ARAN] Well, now, sometimes I do, sometimes no. But I don't think I'll be askin' you to do the same. That blouse looks right pretty, it does. Especially as I can see right through it in this moonlight.~ ++ ~[PC] (Quickly pull your jerkin closer around you.) Are you going to gawk, or are you going to fight?~ + a277 ++ ~[PC] (Cross over in front of him.) All part of my plan to distract you and win, of course.~ + a277 ++ ~[PC] (Loosen your blouse, allowing the silk to billow gently in the night breeze.) I simply need the freedom to move. A gentleman would not look so closely.~ + a277 ++ ~[PC] You are being silly again, Aran. Stop joking around. You can see very well that I am still in my armor.~ + a301 ++ ~[PC] (blush) Aran, I... I...~ + a278 END IF ~~ a271 SAY ~[ARAN] No, no... I was stretchin' out, is all. I don't rightly suppose I should ask you to match me, eh? Well, no matter...~ + ~Class(Player1,MAGE_ALL)~ + ~[PC] Any decent mage will tell you that a good, well tailored robe is the first line of defense. I think you should stop talking and start sparring, Aran.~ + a309 + ~Class(Player1,FIGHTER_ALL)~ + ~[PC] Warcries, distracting sounds, blabbering on about my beauty, all valid combat tactics, Aran. But really, aren't we both a little to seasoned for such distractions? Put your sword to use instead of your tongue.~ + a309 + ~Class(Player1,THIEF_ALL)~ + ~[PC] In my profession, it is important to learn when to hide one's assets, and when to display them. Less talk and much more action, please.~ + a309 + ~Class(Player1,CLERIC_ALL) Alignment(Player1,MASK_GOOD)~ + ~[PC] I think you should stop talking and start fighting, Aran. Good intentions pale in comparison with actions.~ + a309 + ~Class(Player1,CLERIC_ALL) Alignment(Player1,MASK_EVIL)~ + ~[PC] I think you should stop talking and start fighting, Aran. The gods prefer actions over platitudes. Besides, you need to be taught your place.~ + a309 + ~Class(Player1,CLERIC_ALL) !Alignment(Player1,MASK_GOOD) !Alignment(Player1,MASK_EVIL)~ + ~[PC] I think you should stop talking and start fighting, Aran. I shall endeavor to show you the essence of spiritual focus, or at least give you a good drubbing.~ + a309 + ~Class(Player1,PALADIN_ALL)~ + ~[PC] A good spar to clear the head and focus the mind. Come, now, Aran. Let us have a clean fight.~ + a309 + ~Class(Player1,SORCERER)~ + ~[PC] Somehow I think it might be fun to try a good old-fashioned swordfight. I will try to avoid melting your blade, or setting your trousers on fire.~ + a309 + ~Class(Player1,MONK)~ + ~[PC] Hand to hand is more my forte, but perhaps this will be interesting. I will spar with you.~ + a309 + ~Class(Player1,BARD_ALL)~ + ~[PC] I should be asking to spar musically, or perhaps with poetry, Aran, but I am afraid I have heard your singing. I think you should stop talking and start fighting.~ + a309 ++ ~[PC] I think I will keep my top on, thank you.~ + a309 ++ ~[PC] I think I would rather not spar tonight, Aran. I am going to turn in.~ + a273 ++ ~[PC] You could ask. But my answer would be no. Besides, that is a highly unromantic suggestion.~ + a274 ++ ~[PC] (Bare your torso, stripping to the waist to match him.)~ + a275 END IF ~~ a272 SAY ~[ARAN] That you be. An' in th' moonlight, I don't know what be prettier... you, or a full contract tight-bound.~ ++ ~[PC] Are you comparing me to a bundle of dried, ink-covered sheepskin?~ + a279 ++ ~[PC] Me. I am prettier. See? (Spin slowly, raising your arms).~ + a280 ++ ~[PC] Laugh all you want, monkey boy. I have come to show you your inadequacies!~ + a309 /* 4th wall, Buckaroo Bonsai - but it fits too well not to use */ ++ ~[PC] Talk is cheap. Show me you can fight.~ + a309 ++ ~[PC] Talk is cheap. (Punch him hard in the gut.)~ + a281 ++ ~[PC] You do not seem to get the idea. I am interested in friendship, nothing more. Are we going to spar, or talk?~ + a309 END IF ~~ a273 SAY ~[ARAN] Aye, then, that be fine. Do you want anythin' else?~ ++ ~[PC] Now what might I want when I am headed for my bedroll?~ + a282 ++ ~[PC] No, I am fine. Have a good night, Aran.~ + a297 ++ ~[PC] Yes. Sex. With you. Right here. Right now.~ + a274 ++ ~[PC] Well, there are still some cooking pots you have not cleaned, and there is firewood to gather.~ + a283 ++ ~[PC] I want... I... I do not know what I want.~ + a282 END IF ~~ a274 SAY ~[ARAN] Now, what could be more amorous than to be swordfightin' in th' moonlight? Where be your sense o' romance, o' foreplay, o' gettin' all hot an' bothered?~ ++ ~[PC] The whole idea turns me off completely. I think I will just go to bed.~ + a283 ++ ~[PC] No, I am fine with avoiding complications. Have a good night, Aran.~ + a297 ++ ~[PC] You do not seem to get the idea. I am interested in friendship, nothing more. Are we going to spar, or talk?~ + a309 ++ ~[PC] I guess that actions are louder than words. (Wrap your arms around him, kissing him, and slipping your hands someplace very warm.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",1)~ + a354 ++ ~[PC] You have a point. But I think I am ready for that match, now.~ + a309 ++ ~[PC] I can think of many more romantic notions, Aran. Do you think fighting is the way into my heart?~ + a276 END IF ~~ a275 SAY ~[ARAN] I... I...~ ++ ~[PC] The great Whitehand, Pride of the Sword Coast, laid speechless by the sight of a partially naked woman. I think I will just go to bed.~ + a283 ++ ~[PC] Oh, my... I seem to have had a minor wardrobe malfunction. No matter... I will cover up again, just to be fair.~ + a279 ++ ~[PC] Look all you want - it will not change the fact that we are never sleeping together. I am interested in friendship, nothing more. Are we going to spar, or talk?~ + a309 ++ ~[PC] I do not know why I did that. (Cover yourself).~ + a277 ++ ~[PC] I can think of many more romantic notions than stripping in the moonlight, only to spoil it with weapons.~ + a274 END /* Point, counterpoint, chocolate, and flowers */ IF ~~ a276 SAY ~[ARAN] Look, I am not rightly sure how to try to romance you, . There be so many ways you are not quite th' normal... err... Helm's Beard, that came out wrong...~ ++ ~[PC] So you think calling me abnormal is the way to get me interested. Fascinating.~ + a279 ++ ~[PC] You do no have to try so hard, you know. You could just kiss me.~ + a287 ++ ~[PC] Aran, I keep telling you we are just friends. If you are here to spar, then let's spar. With foils, not with words, please.~ + a309 ++ ~[PC] You could try flowers, or chocolate, or just listening to me, you know.~ + a284 ++ ~[PC] I think I am ready for that sparring match, now.~ + a309 END IF ~~ a277 SAY ~[ARAN] Now then, I don't rightly have th' practice equipment for Waterdeep Twin Swords style, just starlight... err. Just *straight* practice foils for duellin' wi' out harm.~ ++ ~[PC] 'starlight'?~ + a288 ++ ~[PC] That will do just fine.~ + a309 ++ ~[PC] Cut the clumsy attempts at seduction, sellsword. Save it for your tavern slatterns.~ + a288 ++ ~[PC] Wait a minute. You have not finished all your chores. There are still some cooking pots you have not cleaned, and there is firewood to gather.~ + a283 ++ ~[PC] Too much talk, not enough action. You missed your opportunity, Aran. I am going to bed.~ + a297 END IF ~~ a278 SAY ~[ARAN] Sune's Delight, , I be right sorry. Here, have a jerkin to cover up. I didn't mean to upset you. You just can tear a man's heart right out wi' your beauty, is all.~ ++ ~[PC] I am not beautiful.~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arpclowimage","LOCALS",1)~ + a289 ++ ~[PC] I know.~ + a309 ++ ~[PC] Shall we spar?~ + a309 ++ ~[PC] Are you going to teach me how to spar?~ + a302 ++ ~[PC] You say such strange things sometimes.~ + a309 END IF ~~ a279 SAY ~[ARAN] Hey, now, that came out all wrong, that did! Though your skin be as beautiful as a blank sheet o' vellum, ready for new scribin'.~ ++ ~[PC] Why, thank you. And your compliments are as smooth as a crumpled dishrag.~ + a309 ++ ~[PC] You can save the feeble attempts at compliments. Throw me a foil, and let's spar.~ + a309 ++ ~[PC] My dearest Aran, you have so much to learn about women. Perhaps a sound thrashing will help.~ + a309 ++ ~[PC] I am not beautiful.~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arpclowimage","LOCALS",1)~ + a289 ++ ~[PC] Actually, could you show me how to hold a foil? I never really learned...~ + a302 ++ ~[PC] You keep talking like I am interested in you. I am interested in friendship, nothing more. Are we going to spar, or talk?~ + a309 END IF ~~ a280 SAY ~[ARAN] I do believe you, there. No contest - you look right pretty, you do. An' there's somethin' about moonlight or starlight what sets you off right dangerously, it does.~ ++ ~[PC] Laugh all you want, monkey boy. I have come to show you your inadequacies!~ + a309 ++ ~[PC] Talk is cheap. Show me you can fight.~ + a309 ++ ~[PC] Talk is cheap. (Punch him hard in the gut.)~ + a281 ++ ~[PC] That is quite poetic, Sir Aran. When did you begin studying courtship and chivalry?~ + a2752 ++ ~[PC] Actually, Aran, I have never fenced before. Do you think you could teach me?~ + a302 END IF ~~ a281 SAY ~[ARAN] *gasp* What in th' nine hells was that for?~ ++ ~[PC] Weakness. You let your guard down, Aran, and I was right there to take advantage. Are we going to spar?~ + a309 + ~RandomNum(3,3)~ + ~[PC] Fun. Here, let me do it again...~ + a290 + ~RandomNum(3,2)~ + ~[PC] Fun. Here, let me do it again...~ + a339 + ~RandomNum(3,1)~ + ~[PC] Fun. Here, let me do it again...~ + a339 ++ ~[PC] A warning. I came here to fight, not talk.~ + a309 ++ ~[PC] I do not know. You confuse me so much that sometimes, I just feel like I have to hit you or I will explode. Throw me a foil.~ + a309 END IF ~~ a282 SAY ~[ARAN] Mayhap a bit o' company?~ ++ ~[PC] No, no thank you. Look, this was a mistake. I am headed back to camp. Have a good night, Aran.~ + a297 ++ ~[PC] On second thought, I think I might need some energy worked off. Why don't we spar.~ + a309 ++ ~[PC] My, you just push your luck at every opportunity, don't you?~ + a283 ++ ~[PC] No, thank you. But I do think there are some things you can do for me. Let's see... there are still some cooking pots you have not cleaned, and there is firewood to gather.~ + a283 END IF ~~ a283 SAY ~[ARAN] Mielikki's Quick temper, I done just.. just.. oh, hells. Fine. Go to bed. I be gettin' on wi' th' chores, like a good little blighted boy. (Damn females, anyways. Th' bloody creatures never did have no sense, an' they are a right pain in th' left buttock, they are).~ ++ ~[PC] Good night, Aran.~ + a297 ++ ~[PC] Did you say something?~ + a293 ++ ~[PC] (Damned males, anyways... they never clean up after themselves, and never have the good sense to kiss a girl goodnight when she is practically throwing herself at them).~ + a299 END /* Weak arguments against flowers and chocolate. Hey, we are making him too human - next he will say "I didn't see any at the 7-11", or "I got some for your cute friend, but forgot some for you..." */ IF ~~ a284 SAY ~[ARAN] Aye, I could do that. But flowers, they don't speak to your strength. They seem all scawy when compared to you, too. An' chocolate be nice, but it seems soft an' usual, which... oh, by th' nine blighted hells, I'm walkin' my feet right into my mouth, aren't I.~ ++ ~[PC] But I like chocolate. And I like flowers.~ + a285 ++ ~[PC] I do not think 'scawy' is a word.~ + a285 ++ ~[PC] I was joking, Aran. Flowers are a waste of time, and chocolate is overrated. I value actions and deeds over useless gestures.~ + a285 ++ ~[PC] Do not worry, Aran. You were born with both feet planted firmly in your mouth. I will simply have to teach you how to avoid that.~ + a285 ++ ~[PC] I get what you mean, Aran. But I think you will do better by just tossing me a foil and starting the practice. If I let you ramble on about me, soon I will be an unusual thorny flower with non-chocolate petals with a nice bottom. And you will be spending the next three tendays apologizing. We should just practice fighting!~ + a309 END IF ~~ a285 SAY ~[ARAN] Look, this is comin' out all confused-like. An' there's somethin' about moonlight or starlight what sets you off right dangerously, it does.~ ++ ~[PC] Laugh all you want, monkey boy. I have come to show you your inadequacies!~ + a309 ++ ~[PC] Talk is cheap. Show me you can fight.~ + a309 ++ ~[PC] Talk is cheap. (Punch him hard in the gut.)~ + a281 ++ ~[PC] That is quite poetic, Sir Aran. When did you begin studying courtship and chivalry?~ + a2752 ++ ~[PC] Actually, Aran, I have never fenced before. Do you think you could teach me?~ + a302 ++ ~[PC] Well then, why not see exactly how dangerous I can be. Why don't we spar.~ + a309 END IF ~~ a2752 SAY ~[ARAN] I'm not rightly sure I know what you mean. I take my time writin', but I figure if a lad is gettin' fancy in his speech, he is just hidin' behind a shield. Better to be up front an' honest, as th' lady in question will find out th' true man soon enough.~ ++ ~[PC] Well, I don't enjoy wasting my time with someone with that attitude. Clear the wax out of your ears, and listen to what I was hinting. I prefer sophisticated gentlemen. Good night.~ DO ~RestParty()~ EXIT ++ ~[PC] This is getting a little personal. Look, just put up your sword and fight, ok?~ + a309 ++ ~[PC] I guess that actions are clearer than words. (Wrap your arms around him, kissing him, and tucking your hands someplace very warm.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",1)~ + a354 ++ ~[PC] You know, Aran, I have never fenced before. Do you think you could teach me?~ + a302 ++ ~[PC] My, you just push your luck at every opportunity, don't you?~ + a283 END IF ~~ a286 SAY ~[ARAN] Good gods, woman, you are a study in contradictions, you are. You twist my words around right proper, an' now you talk about wantin' me?~ ++ ~[PC] I did not say I wanted you. Clear the wax out of your ears. Good night.~ DO ~RestParty()~ EXIT ++ ~[PC] I think we both are a little confused, by now. Look, just put up your sword and fight, ok?~ + a309 ++ ~[PC] I guess that actions are clearer than words. (Wrap your arms around him, kissing him, and tucking your hands someplace very warm.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",1)~ + a354 ++ ~[PC] Actually, Aran, I have never fenced before. Do you think you could teach me?~ + a302 ++ ~[PC] My, you just push your luck at every opportunity, don't you?~ + a283 END IF ~~ a287 SAY ~[ARAN] That I could, I guess. It be a might forward, but then again, mayhap you want me to be a bit overbearin', eh?~ ++ ~[PC] It spoils all the fun if you have to be coached. Just do what you know you want to do, Aran. Quickly, fiercely, and thoroughly.~ + a355 ++ ~[PC] Sorry, you missed your opportunity. Let's spar!~ + a309 ++ ~[PC] Well, we have established you are not aggressive enough in romance. Show me that at least you can fight.~ + a309 ++ ~[PC] What, are you some kind of weakling? (Punch him hard in the gut.)~ + a281 END IF ~~ a288 SAY ~[ARAN] Must be somethin' wrong wi' me. Sorry. Caught sight o' your eyes, an' got distracted. Won't happen again. Here, let's get goin', eh?~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a309 END IF ~~ a289 SAY ~[ARAN] (Aran catches your chin quickly, turning your face to his) To me, you are right beautiful. Hanali Celanil an' Sune are but pale comparisons, .~ ++ ~[PC] (Kiss him.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",1)~ + a296 ++ ~[PC] (Break away quickly.) Are we going to spar, or talk?~ + a309 ++ ~[PC] (Look him directly in the eyes.) Big words. But a real man would not talk. He would take what he wants.~ + a294 ++ ~[PC] (Look him directly in the eyes, and slam your fist into his gut.)~ + a281 ++ ~[PC] And you, sir, are nearly as cute as you think you are. Nearly.~ + a292 END /* Hit me once, shame on me. Hit me twice, and I will avoid it. */ IF ~~ a290 SAY ~[ARAN] Not on your life, girl... I'm done wi' getting my nose broke on account o' you gotta let off some steam. You got anythin' else you want me to do for you? Mayhap somethin' that don't rightly hurt so much?~ ++ ~[PC] No, I am fine. Have a good night, Aran.~ + a297 ++ ~[PC] Well, there are still some cooking pots you have not cleaned, and there is firewood to gather. You should go do that, instead. I doubt you could please me any other way.~ + a283 ++ ~[PC] I want... I... I do not know what I want.~ + a282 ++ ~[PC] But lovemaking is supposed to hurt a little, don't you think?~ + a354 ++ ~[PC] I came out here because you are a friend, Aran. And I need all of those I can get right now.~ + a291 END IF ~~ a291 SAY ~[ARAN] Funny thing is, , you got strange ways o' showin' it, but I do believe you.~ = ~[ARAN] Look, sometimes we be seein' different things in th' way o' how life is supposed to be, I guess. But whether I like your actions or no, an' whether you be god, bad, or indifferent, there be somethin' about you I like right fine.~ = ~[ARAN] You might use that against me later on, I wager, but hells... I done flipped your coin to Tymora early on, an' it came back heads. I'll call you friend long after you've forgotten I exist. Let's get you back to camp, an' get somethin' nice an' warm in your stomach.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~RestParty()~ EXIT END IF ~~ a292 SAY ~[ARAN] Well, I do thank you, I think. Now, do you want to spar, or not, eh?~ ++ ~[PC] No, I am fine. Have a good night, Aran.~ + a297 ++ ~[PC] We spar.~ + a309 ++ ~[PC] Well, there are still some cooking pots you have not cleaned, and there is firewood to gather.~ + a283 ++ ~[PC] I want.. I ... I do not know what I want.~ + a282 ++ ~[PC] Are you going to teach me how to spar?~ + a302 END IF ~~ a293 SAY ~[ARAN] No, naught. I was just mutterin' to myself.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~RestParty()~ EXIT END IF ~~ a294 SAY ~[ARAN] I thought you might say that. Problem is, I don't rightly believin forcin' that sort o' thing.~ ++ ~[PC] You are so weak. I have exactly what I want - proof you do not have the strength to overpower me and take what you want. Have a nice night, Aran. And thank you for the practice session.~ DO ~RestParty()~ EXIT ++ ~[PC] What if I was play-acting the whole resistance thing... (Draw one sharp fingernail lightly down his chest, following it with your gaze.)~ + a355 ++ ~[PC] Well, there are still some cooking pots you have not cleaned, and there is firewood to gather. You should go do that, instead. I doubt you could please me any other way.~ + a283 ++ ~[PC] I, on the other hand, have absolutely no compunction about taking exactly when I want, how I want it.~ + a356 ++ ~[PC] Well, enough fun. I think this enough sparring for one night, in any area. Have a good night, Aran.~ + a297 ++ ~[PC] (Begin unfastening your clothes.) If you need instruction, then I have sadly misjudged you, Aran. Do what comes naturally, of course.~ + a356 END /* Hmmm... simulating that pause - speak - pause - overlap confusion, when you both are not quite sure what to say, and waiting for someone to take the next big step? Let's give it a shot... */ IF ~~ a295 SAY ~[ARAN] I think you might be...~ ++ ~[PC] ...a little unsure of myself? Hardly. Just hold me, Aran. Make me feel alive. Just be a good friend and hold me.~ + a298 ++ ~[PC] ...a little confusing to you? I am confused, too. Look, let's just get a few rounds of swordfighting in, and be done with it.~ + a309 ++ ~[PC] This was a bad idea. I think I will just go to bed. Alone.~ + a283 ++ ~[PC] (Kiss him again and move deeper into his arms.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",1)~ + a355 END IF ~~ a296 SAY ~[ARAN] Hey, What are you after, ? You be not quite into th' sparrin', I think. Why did you come out here, anyways?~ ++ ~[PC] I... I do not know. I was bored, and wanted amusement?~ + a300 ++ ~[PC] I... I do not know. I thought I wanted to have someone want me, desire me. But now I really just feel like that will make things worse. I think I should go now.~ + a358 ++ ~[PC] I came here to be made love to, silly. So shut up and get to it!~ + a354 ++ ~[PC] I came out here because you are a friend, Aran. And I need all of those I can get right now.~ + a358 ++ ~[PC] (Kiss his neck and move deeper into his arms.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",1)~ + a295 END IF ~~ a297 SAY ~[ARAN] Aye, then. I think I am goin' to go get some energy worked out o' my system, eh? I will see you back at camp.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~RestParty()~ EXIT END IF ~~ a4248 SAY ~[ARAN] , I can do that, I can. I can hold your hand right proper. An' I value your friendship above any treasure what's been thought of.~ = ~[ARAN] (You stand together for a time holding hands, watching the stars and the moonlight, before returning to camp.)~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~RestParty()~ EXIT END IF ~~ a298 SAY ~[ARAN] , I can do that, I can. I can hold you right proper. An' I value your friendship above any treasure what's been thought of.~ = ~[ARAN] (You stand together for a time in the moonlight holding each other, before returning to camp.)~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~RestParty()~ EXIT END /* A page from RL - everyone walks away muttering sometimes, and sometimes the partner challenges them on it... */ IF ~~ a299 SAY ~[ARAN] Did you say somethin', ?~ ++ ~[PC] No, not a thing. Good night, Aran.~ DO ~RestParty()~ EXIT ++ ~[PC] I said, 'damned males, anyways... they never clean up after themselves, and never have the good sense to kiss a girl goodnight when she is practically throwing herself at them'.~ + a289 ++ ~[PC] I said, 'If Aran does not kiss me right this minute, I will make his life a living hell for all eternity'.~ + a289 END IF ~~ a300 SAY ~[ARAN] That makes sense, but you be phrasin' that as a question. Are you sure there be no other ways I could entertain you?~ ++ ~[PC] No, I am fine. Have a good night, Aran.~ + a297 ++ ~[PC] Well, there are still some cooking pots you have not cleaned, and there is firewood to gather. You should go do that, instead. I doubt you could please me any other way.~ + a283 ++ ~[PC] Look, I am going about this all wrong. Just put up your sword and fight me, ok?~ + a309 ++ ~[PC] Yes, there are. but I am not in the mood tonight. I bet that will give you some interesting dreams...~ + a297 ++ ~[PC] You could hold my hand for a minute. I just need to feel like... I just need to feel supported.~ + a4248 END IF ~~ a301 SAY ~[ARAN] Well, a man can have imagination, can't he? I was just hopin' to get you out of all that armor, is all.~ ++ ~[PC] (Unstrap your armor, dropping it where it falls, advancing toward him.) If you insist. We will see if your swordplay matches your bold words.~ + a277 ++ ~[PC] Less talk, boyo. Toss me a weapon, and let's see how this all works out.~ + a277 ++ ~[PC] Nice try. I shall retain my modesty, thank you. And stop flexing your chest like that, it is distracting.~ + a277 ++ ~[PC] Stop thinking with the wrong sword. I believe the phrase is 'en garde'?~ + a309 ++ ~[PC] You do not seem to get the idea. I am interested in friendship, nothing more. Are we going to spar, or talk?~ + a309 ++ ~[PC] Stop, please... you are embarrassing me...~ + a279 END IF ~~ a302 SAY ~[ARAN] Aye, it would be a pleasure to teach you. Here, hold it like this...~ ++ ~[PC] Just like this? (Move into his arms, awkwardly holding the foil at arms length.)~ + a303 ++ ~[PC] Just like this? (Move into his arms, nestling back into his chest.)~ + a303 ++ ~[PC] Just like this? (Nervously stand in front of him, holding the foil down.)~ + a305 ++ ~[PC] Just like this? (Smile sweetly at him, and punch him hard in the gut.)~ + a281 ++ ~[PC] HEY. Hands off, Aran. I am interested in friendship, nothing more. Are we going to spar, or are you going to keep making passes at me?~ + a309 END IF ~~ a303 SAY ~[ARAN] Aye. Only you need to hold your wrist like this... an' your waist, it be better here... sorry, didn't rightly mean to touch you there... now gentle-like, lean in like this...~ ++ ~[PC] (Rest your head back on his shoulder, falling into a slow dance of movements.)~ + a296 ++ ~[PC] That will do. I can take it from here - let's spar.~ + a309 ++ ~[PC] It would be very nice, except your hands keep wandering. I am interested in friendship, nothing more. Are we going to spar, or talk?~ + a309 ++ ~[PC] (Rest your head back on his shoulder, nuzzling his neck.)~ + a296 ++ ~[PC] I think I would rather not spar tonight, Aran. I am going to turn in.~ + a273 END IF ~~ a304 SAY ~[ARAN] There you go. Nothin' to it. You dance right fine, an' duelin's just like dancin', only with a point, eh? I mean, a point system. I guess there be a point to dancin', too.~ ++ ~[PC] (Lean your head back onto his shoulder and offer your lips to him.)~ + a296 ++ ~[PC] That will do. I can take it from here - let's spar.~ + a309 ++ ~[PC] Enough. Interesting approach, but I have had enough of it. But I do think there are some things you can do for me. Let's see... there are still some cooking pots you have not cleaned, and there is firewood to gather.~ + a283 END IF ~~ a305 SAY ~[ARAN] Well, no. You don't have no shield, so you want to get a good profile, an' make as small a target as possible.~ ++ ~[PC] Is that what you are staring at? My 'profile'?~ + a306 ++ ~[PC] I think I am ready to try this out.~ + a308 ++ ~[PC] Show me what you have, boyo. Is your blade as fast as your tongue?~ + a307 END IF ~~ a306 SAY ~[ARAN] That be my story, an' I'm stickin' to it. Here, try this. Knees slightly bent, side toward me, an' blade down toward my knee. This be a dancer's weapon, not for use on th' shield wall.~ ++ ~[PC] I tire of this. I want a different kind of thrust and parry. (Drop your foil and fling yourself hard into his arms.)~ + a326 ++ ~[PC] I am ready to fight. I do not need more instruction.~ + a308 ++ ~[PC] I have been playing with you, Aran. Hull taught me well, back in Candlekeep. I will try not to hurt you too badly.~ + a308 END IF ~~ a307 SAY ~[ARAN] Well now, if you be interested in that, I think that we be doin' th' wrong kind o' sparrin', eh? But let's stick to th' business at hand.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a308 END /* fight sequence */ /* entry point with foil in hand */ IF ~~ a308 SAY ~[ARAN] Here, let's get goin', eh - en garde!~ ++ ~[PC] (Circle around to his left.)~ + a310 ++ ~[PC] (Wait patiently, watching him closely.)~ + a311 ++ ~[PC] (Stand very still, motionless in the moonlight.)~ + a312 ++ ~[PC] (Thrust savagely directly at his chest.)~ + a313 ++ ~[PC] (Kick hard toward his knee.)~ + a314 END /* entry point without foil in hand */ IF ~~ a309 SAY ~[ARAN] Aye, then. Here, catch.~ ++ ~[PC] (Catch the rapier by the hilt and place it to your lips, saluting him.)~ + a308 ++ ~[PC] (Catch the rapier and extend it away and to your left, ready to fight.)~ + a308 ++ ~[PC] (Catch the rapier and instantly lunge forward with a direct thrust.)~ + a313 ++ ~[PC] (Barely catch the rapier, fumbling with it.) How do you work this thing, anyways?~ + a302 ++ ~[PC] (Clumsily catch the rapier, gouging your finger on part of the hilt.) Oh!~ + a328 END IF ~~ a310 SAY ~[ARAN] (His rapier dances forward, boring toward your left shoulder.)~ ++ ~[PC] (Guard closely, on the defensive, parrying each of his thrusts.)~ + a316 ++ ~[PC] (Guard closely, on the defensive, parrying each of his thrusts.)~ + a316 ++ ~[PC] (Twist your wrist, deflecting his blow and flicking your blade toward his throat.)~ + a324 ++ ~[PC] (Spin lightly, ducking under his whispering blade and coming up with a thrust from underneath.)~ + a320 + ~Global("c-aransp1","LOCALS",0)~ + ~[PC] Is that a rabbit in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aransp1","LOCALS",1)~ + a336 + ~Global("c-aransp1","LOCALS",1)~ + ~[PC] So, do you give up? (Thrust savagely toward his right shoulder.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aransp1","LOCALS",2)~ + a319 + ~Global("c-aransp1","LOCALS",2)~ + ~[PC] Your bootlace is coming untied...~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aransp1","LOCALS",3)~ + a2736 + ~Global("c-aransp1","LOCALS",3)~ + ~[PC] Come on, you know you want to surrender to me... or do I want to surrender myself tp you? (Slash your foil toward his throat.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aransp1","LOCALS",4)~ + a320 + ~Global("c-aransp1","LOCALS",4)~ + ~[PC] I seem to be doing quite well. But your face is turning a little red, Aran (Thrust savagely toward his right shoulder.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aransp1","LOCALS",5)~ + a317 + ~Global("c-aransp1","LOCALS",5)~ + ~[PC] This fight feels like it has gone on for hours... (Twist quickly, ducking under his blade.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aransp1","LOCALS",6)~ + a350 + ~Global("c-aransp1","LOCALS",6)~ + ~[PC] Didn't we do this already? You have to learn to be more creative, Aran.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aransp1","LOCALS",7)~ + a350 ++ ~[PC] (Thrust savagely past his guard.)~ + a318 END /* Let's approximate circling each other until someone moves... */ IF ~~ a311 SAY ~[ARAN] (Soft moonlight falls across his face as he circles to the right, swordpoint toward you)~ + ~RandomNum(3,3)~ + ~[PC] (Wait patiently, watching him closely.)~ + a315 + ~RandomNum(3,2)~ + ~[PC] (Wait patiently, watching him closely.)~ + a312 + ~RandomNum(3,1)~ + ~[PC] (Wait patiently, watching him closely.)~ + a316 ++ ~[PC] (Thrust savagely toward his left knee.)~ + a313 ++ ~[PC] (Stand very still, motionless in the moonlight.)~ + a312 + ~Global("c-aransp315","LOCALS",0)~ + ~[PC] I thought that you were a fighter, Aran. What is the matter, are you afraid I am too delicate a flower to fight?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aransp315","LOCALS",1)~ + a312 ++ ~[PC] I do not know about this, Aran. You look... you... I want to...~ + a316 ++ ~[PC] (Feint left, but duck quickly under his guard and slap him solidly across the face)~ + a339 END IF ~~ a312 SAY ~[ARAN] Well, now, do you need some instruction? I thought we was sparrin', not passin' th' time. Not that you don't make th' perfect picture, I must admit.~ ++ ~[PC] (Thrust savagely toward his right shoulder.)~ + a335 ++ ~[PC] (Kick hard toward his knee.)~ + a314 ++ ~[PC] (Step back quickly, then advance with a flurry of quick strokes.)~ + a318 ++ ~[PC] I tire of this. I want a different kind of thrust and parry. (Drop your foil and fling yourself hard into his arms)~ + a326 ++ ~[PC] The perfect picture of your demise, you mean?~ + a314 END IF ~~ a313 SAY ~[ARAN] (a spark strikes as his counterstroke sends your swordpoint off to the left)~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a2592 END IF ~~ a2590 SAY ~[ARAN] (A spark strikes as his blade parries. He thrusts quickly forward.)~ + ~RandomNum(3,1)~ + ~[PC] (Guard closely, on the defensive, parrying each of his thrusts)~ + a2729 + ~RandomNum(3,2)~ + ~[PC] (Guard closely, on the defensive, parrying each of his thrusts)~ + a2730 + ~RandomNum(3,3)~ + ~[PC] (Guard closely, on the defensive, parrying each of his thrusts)~ + a320 + ~RandomNum(3,3)~ + ~[PC] (Step back quickly, then advance with a flurry of quick strokes)~ + a2591 + ~RandomNum(3,2)~ + ~[PC] (Step back quickly, then advance with a flurry of quick strokes)~ + a2389 + ~RandomNum(3,1)~ + ~[PC] (Step back quickly, then advance with a flurry of quick strokes)~ + a2391 + ~RandomNum(3,3)~ + ~[PC] (Twist your wrist, deflecting his riposte and flicking your blade toward his throat)~ + a324 + ~RandomNum(3,2)~ + ~[PC] (Twist your wrist, deflecting his riposte and flicking your blade toward his throat)~ + a2390 + ~RandomNum(3,1)~ + ~[PC] (Twist your wrist, deflecting his riposte and flicking your blade toward his throat)~ + a2392 + ~Global("c-aransp315","LOCALS",0)~ + ~[PC] I thought that you were a fighter, Aran. What is the matter, are you afraid I am too delicate a flower to fight?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aransp315","LOCALS",1)~ + a312 ++ ~[PC] (Duck past him, slamming the pommel of the foil against the back of his head as you pass)~ + a339 END IF ~~ a2591 SAY ~[ARAN] (He falls back, his riposte clashing against your blade with jarring force.)~ + ~RandomNum(3,3)~ + ~[PC] (Advance with a flurry of quick strokes, pushing hard to make him move back)~ + a2591 + ~RandomNum(3,2)~ + ~[PC] (Advance with a flurry of quick strokes, pushing hard to make him move back)~ + a2390 + ~RandomNum(3,1)~ + ~[PC] (Advance with a flurry of quick strokes, pushing hard to make him move back)~ + a2391 ++ ~[PC] (Close quickly, ducking inside of his swinging arc and slamming your fist into his ribs)~ + a339 + ~RandomNum(3,3)~ + ~[PC] (Deflect his riposte, moonlight flashing along the blade as it drives toward his throat)~ + a2590 + ~RandomNum(3,2)~ + ~[PC] (Deflect his riposte, moonlight flashing along the blade as it drives toward his throat)~ + a2389 + ~RandomNum(3,1)~ + ~[PC] (Deflect his riposte, moonlight flashing along the blade as it drives toward his throat)~ + a2392 + ~RandomNum(2,1)~ + ~[PC] (Guard closely, on the defensive, parrying each of his thrusts)~ + a2757 + ~RandomNum(2,2)~ + ~[PC] (Guard closely, on the defensive, parrying each of his thrusts)~ + a2758 + ~RandomNum(3,1)~ + ~[PC] (Parry each of his thrusts, circling, seeking a gap in his defenses)~ + a2729 + ~RandomNum(3,2)~ + ~[PC] (Parry each of his thrusts, circling, seeking a gap in his defenses)~ + a2730 + ~RandomNum(3,3)~ + ~[PC] (Parry each of his thrusts, circling, seeking a gap in his defenses)~ + a320 + ~Global("c-aransp315","LOCALS",0)~ + ~[PC] I thought that you were a fighter, Aran. What is the matter, are you afraid I am too delicate a flower to fight?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aransp315","LOCALS",1)~ + a312 END IF ~~ a2389 SAY ~[ARAN] (His blade parries, but yours finds its mark... Aran falls back and his riposte hisses through the air past your ear.)~ IF ~Global("c-aransp2","LOCALS",0)~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aransp2","LOCALS",1)~ GOTO a2723 IF ~Global("c-aransp2","LOCALS",1)~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aransp2","LOCALS",2)~ GOTO a350 IF ~OR(2) GlobalGT("c-aransp2","LOCALS",1) GlobalGT("c-aransp3","LOCALS",1)~ GOTO a2725 END IF ~~ a2390 SAY ~[ARAN] (Your blade finds its mark, and Aran falls back, wiping the sweat from his brow.)~ IF ~Global("c-aransp2","LOCALS",0)~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aransp2","LOCALS",1)~ GOTO a2723 IF ~Global("c-aransp2","LOCALS",1)~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aransp2","LOCALS",2)~ GOTO a350 IF ~OR(2) GlobalGT("c-aransp2","LOCALS",1) GlobalGT("c-aransp3","LOCALS",1)~ GOTO a2725 END IF ~~ a2391 SAY ~[ARAN] (His blade parries quickly, and the point of his foil dances forward to tap your shoulder.)~ IF ~Global("c-aransp3","LOCALS",0)~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aransp3","LOCALS",1)~ GOTO a2722 IF ~Global("c-aransp3","LOCALS",1)~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aransp3","LOCALS",2)~ GOTO a350 IF ~OR(2) GlobalGT("c-aransp2","LOCALS",1) GlobalGT("c-aransp3","LOCALS",1)~ GOTO a2725 END IF ~~ a2392 SAY ~[ARAN] (You feel the point of his foil tap quickly on your chest, then on your throat, his body overbalancing as he spins past you.)~ IF ~Global("c-aransp3","LOCALS",0)~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aransp3","LOCALS",1)~ GOTO a2722 IF ~Global("c-aransp3","LOCALS",1)~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aransp3","LOCALS",2)~ GOTO a350 IF ~OR(2) GlobalGT("c-aransp2","LOCALS",1) GlobalGT("c-aransp3","LOCALS",1)~ GOTO a2725 END IF ~~ a2722 SAY ~[ARAN] Now, m' lady sword-swinger, that would have been a point to me. Not bad for a sellsword, eh? Just don't be usin' none o' those fancy powers o' yours to make up th' difference.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a2721 END IF ~~ a2723 SAY ~[ARAN] A point to you, there, if we had been keepin' score. A lucky shot? Or do you be just gettin' warmed up?~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a2724 END IF ~~ a2724 SAY ~[ARAN] (He backs away, whipping his foil through the night air, muttering something under his breath.)~ + ~RandomNum(6,1)~ + ~[PC] (Wait patiently, watching him closely.)~ + a2726 + ~RandomNum(6,2)~ + ~[PC] (Wait patiently, watching him closely.)~ + a2727 + ~RandomNum(6,3)~ + ~[PC] (Wait patiently, watching him closely.)~ + a2728 + ~RandomNum(6,4)~ + ~[PC] (Wait patiently, watching him closely.)~ + a311 + ~RandomNum(6,5)~ + ~[PC] (Wait patiently, watching him closely.)~ + a312 + ~RandomNum(6,6)~ + ~[PC] (Wait patiently, watching him closely.)~ + a316 ++ ~[PC] (Thrust savagely toward his left knee.)~ + a313 ++ ~[PC] (Stand very still, motionless in the moonlight.)~ + a312 + ~Global("c-aransp315","LOCALS",0)~ + ~[PC] I thought that you were a fighter, Aran. What is the matter, are you afraid I am too delicate a flower to fight?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aransp315","LOCALS",1)~ + a312 ++ ~[PC] I do not know about this, Aran. You look... you... I want to...~ + a316 ++ ~[PC] Oh, ouch! I just cut myself.~ + a325 END IF ~~ a2721 SAY ~[ARAN] (He backs away, whipping his foil through the night air.)~ + ~RandomNum(6,1)~ + ~[PC] (Wait patiently, watching him closely.)~ + a2726 + ~RandomNum(6,2)~ + ~[PC] (Wait patiently, watching him closely.)~ + a2727 + ~RandomNum(6,3)~ + ~[PC] (Wait patiently, watching him closely.)~ + a2728 + ~RandomNum(6,4)~ + ~[PC] (Wait patiently, watching him closely.)~ + a311 + ~RandomNum(6,5)~ + ~[PC] (Wait patiently, watching him closely.)~ + a312 + ~RandomNum(6,6)~ + ~[PC] (Wait patiently, watching him closely.)~ + a316 ++ ~[PC] (Thrust savagely toward his left knee.)~ + a313 ++ ~[PC] (Stand very still, motionless in the moonlight.)~ + a312 + ~Global("c-aransp315","LOCALS",0)~ + ~[PC] I thought that you were a fighter, Aran. What is the matter, are you afraid I am too delicate a flower to fight?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aransp315","LOCALS",1)~ + a312 ++ ~[PC] I do not know about this, Aran. You look... you... I want to...~ + a316 ++ ~[PC] I have had enough of this. The only swordplay I want right now has nothing to do with foils. (Throw your foil on the ground in front of him.)~ + a332 END IF ~~ a2726 SAY ~[ARAN] Now, where were we... oh, we were gettin' you all hot an' bothered....~ + ~RandomNum(2,1)~ + ~[PC] En Garde...~ + a2592 + ~RandomNum(2,2)~ + ~[PC] En Garde...~ + a2735 + ~RandomNum(4,4)~ + ~[PC] (Step back, blade pointing directly at his eye, then advance with a flurry of quick strokes)~ + a2591 + ~RandomNum(4,3)~ + ~[PC] (Step back, blade pointing directly at his eye, then advance with a flurry of quick strokes)~ + a2591 + ~RandomNum(4,2)~ + ~[PC] (Step back, blade pointing directly at his eye, then advance with a flurry of quick strokes)~ + a2389 + ~RandomNum(4,1)~ + ~[PC] (Step back, blade pointing directly at his eye, then advance with a flurry of quick strokes)~ + a2392 + ~RandomNum(4,4)~ + ~[PC] (Feint suddenly, then cut upward, flicking your blade toward his throat)~ + a320 + ~RandomNum(4,3)~ + ~[PC] (Feint suddenly, then cut upward, flicking your blade toward his throat)~ + a2590 + ~RandomNum(4,2)~ + ~[PC] (Feint suddenly, then cut upward, flicking your blade toward his throat)~ + a2390 + ~RandomNum(4,1)~ + ~[PC] (Feint suddenly, then cut upward, flicking your blade toward his throat)~ + a2392 + ~RandomNum(3,1)~ + ~[PC] (Guard closely, on the defensive, parrying each of his thrusts)~ + a2730 + ~RandomNum(3,2)~ + ~[PC] (Guard closely, on the defensive, parrying each of his thrusts)~ + a2731 + ~RandomNum(3,3)~ + ~[PC] (Guard closely, on the defensive, parrying each of his thrusts)~ + a2733 + ~Global("c-aransp1","LOCALS",0)~ + ~[PC] Is that a rabbit in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aransp1","LOCALS",1)~ + a336 + ~Global("c-aransp1","LOCALS",1)~ + ~[PC] So, do you give up? (Thrust savagely toward his right shoulder.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aransp1","LOCALS",2)~ + a319 + ~Global("c-aransp1","LOCALS",2)~ + ~[PC] Your bootlace is coming untied...~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aransp1","LOCALS",3)~ + a2736 + ~Global("c-aransp1","LOCALS",3)~ + ~[PC] Come on, you know you want to surrender to me... (Slash your foil toward his throat.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aransp1","LOCALS",4)~ + a320 + ~Global("c-aransp1","LOCALS",4)~ + ~[PC] I seem to be doing quite well. But your face is turning a little red, Aran (Thrust savagely toward his right shoulder.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aransp1","LOCALS",5)~ + a317 + ~Global("c-aransp1","LOCALS",5)~ + ~[PC] This fight feels like it has gone on for hours... (Twist quickly, ducking under his blade.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aransp1","LOCALS",6)~ + a350 + ~Global("c-aransp1","LOCALS",6)~ + ~[PC] Didn't we do this already? You have to learn to be more creative, Aran.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aransp1","LOCALS",7)~ + a350 ++ ~[PC] I have had enough of this. I call truce!~ + a337 END IF ~~ a2727 SAY ~[ARAN] Mielikki's Quiver, that stings. I should o' checked on th' tips, on account o' I got a little scratch back there I didn't feel until now.~ + ~RandomNum(2,1)~ + ~[PC] Excuses, excuses. En Garde...~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arnswdfilter2","LOCALS",1)~ + a2592 + ~RandomNum(2,2)~ + ~[PC] Excuses, excuses. En Garde...~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arnswdfilter2","LOCALS",1)~ + a2735 + ~RandomNum(4,4)~ + ~[PC] (Step back, blade pointing low, then advance with a flurry of quick strokes)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arnswdfilter2","LOCALS",1)~ + a2591 + ~RandomNum(4,3)~ + ~[PC] (Step back, blade pointing low, then advance with a flurry of quick strokes)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arnswdfilter2","LOCALS",1)~ + a2591 + ~RandomNum(4,2)~ + ~[PC] (Step back, blade pointing low, then advance with a flurry of quick strokes)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arnswdfilter2","LOCALS",1)~ + a2389 + ~RandomNum(4,1)~ + ~[PC] (Step back, blade pointing low, then advance with a flurry of quick strokes)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arnswdfilter2","LOCALS",1)~ + a2392 + ~RandomNum(4,4)~ + ~[PC] (Feint suddenly, then cut upward, flicking your blade toward his throat)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arnswdfilter2","LOCALS",1)~ + a2591 + ~RandomNum(4,3)~ + ~[PC] (Feint suddenly, then cut upward, flicking your blade toward his throat)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arnswdfilter2","LOCALS",1)~ + a320 + ~RandomNum(4,2)~ + ~[PC] (Feint suddenly, then cut upward, flicking your blade toward his throat)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arnswdfilter2","LOCALS",1)~ + a320 + ~RandomNum(4,1)~ + ~[PC] (Feint suddenly, then cut upward, flicking your blade toward his throat)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arnswdfilter2","LOCALS",1)~ + a2720 ++ ~[PC] I have had enough of this. I call truce!~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arnswdfilter2","LOCALS",1)~ + a337 + ~Global("c-aransp1","LOCALS",0)~ + ~[PC] Hey, is that a rabbit in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arnswdfilter2","LOCALS",1) SetGlobal("c-aransp1","LOCALS",1)~ + a336 + ~Global("c-aransp1","LOCALS",1)~ + ~[PC] So, do you give up? (Thrust savagely toward his right shoulder.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arnswdfilter2","LOCALS",1) SetGlobal("c-aransp1","LOCALS",2)~ + a319 + ~Global("c-aransp1","LOCALS",2)~ + ~[PC] Your bootlace is coming untied...~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arnswdfilter2","LOCALS",1) SetGlobal("c-aransp1","LOCALS",3)~ + a2736 + ~Global("c-aransp1","LOCALS",3)~ + ~[PC] Come on, you know you want to surrender to me... (Slash your foil toward his throat.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arnswdfilter2","LOCALS",1) SetGlobal("c-aransp1","LOCALS",4)~ + a320 + ~Global("c-aransp1","LOCALS",4)~ + ~[PC] I seem to be doing quite well. But your face is turning a little red, Aran (Thrust savagely toward his right shoulder.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arnswdfilter2","LOCALS",1) SetGlobal("c-aransp1","LOCALS",5)~ + a317 + ~Global("c-aransp1","LOCALS",5)~ + ~[PC] This fight feels like it has gone on for hours... (Twist quickly, ducking under his blade.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arnswdfilter2","LOCALS",1) SetGlobal("c-aransp1","LOCALS",6)~ + a350 + ~Global("c-aransp1","LOCALS",6)~ + ~[PC] Didn't we do this already? You have to learn to be more creative, Aran.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arnswdfilter2","LOCALS",1) SetGlobal("c-aransp1","LOCALS",7)~ + a350 END IF ~~ a2728 SAY ~[ARAN] Well, we be gettin' some exercise, I do believe. Though you be pantin' somethin' fierce. It does right nice things to your profile, from what I be seein'...~ + ~RandomNum(2,1)~ + ~[PC] Enjoy the show while you can. It will make my revenge far sweeter!~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arnswdfilter3","LOCALS",1)~ + a2592 + ~RandomNum(2,2)~ + ~[PC] Enjoy the show while you can. It will make my revenge far sweeter!~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arnswdfilter3","LOCALS",1)~ + a2735 ++ ~[PC] I have had enough of this. I call truce!~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arnswdfilter3","LOCALS",1)~ + a337 + ~RandomNum(4,4)~ + ~[PC] (Step back, blade pointing low, then advance with rapid, precise strokes)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arnswdfilter3","LOCALS",1)~ + a2591 + ~RandomNum(4,3)~ + ~[PC] (Step back, blade pointing low, then advance with rapid, precise strokes)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arnswdfilter3","LOCALS",1)~ + a324 + ~RandomNum(4,2)~ + ~[PC] (Step back, blade pointing low, then advance with rapid, precise strokes)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arnswdfilter3","LOCALS",1)~ + a2390 + ~RandomNum(4,1)~ + ~[PC] (Step back, blade pointing low, then advance with rapid, precise strokes)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arnswdfilter3","LOCALS",1)~ + a2392 + ~RandomNum(4,4)~ + ~[PC] (Feint suddenly, then cut sideways, flicking your blade toward his throat)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arnswdfilter3","LOCALS",1)~ + a2591 + ~RandomNum(4,3)~ + ~[PC] (Feint suddenly, then cut sideways, flicking your blade toward his throat)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arnswdfilter3","LOCALS",1)~ + a2590 + ~RandomNum(4,2)~ + ~[PC] (Feint suddenly, then cut sideways, flicking your blade toward his throat)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arnswdfilter3","LOCALS",1)~ + a2389 + ~RandomNum(4,1)~ + ~[PC] (Feint suddenly, then cut sideways, flicking your blade toward his throat)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arnswdfilter3","LOCALS",1)~ + a2720 + ~RandomNum(4,1)~ + ~[PC] (Kick hard toward his groin, following up with a stab toward his heart.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arnswdfilter3","LOCALS",1)~ + a314 + ~RandomNum(4,2)~ + ~[PC] Is that all you have? (kick hard toward his knee.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arnswdfilter3","LOCALS",1)~ + a314 + ~RandomNum(4,3)~ + ~[PC] Wait a second... hold on, I have to do something... (adjust your clothing to show off your leg to mid-thigh, and then instantly launch an attack when he is distracted)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arnswdfilter3","LOCALS",1)~ + a314 + ~RandomNum(4,4)~ + ~[PC] Oh, ouch! I just cut myself.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arnswdfilter3","LOCALS",1)~ + a325 END IF ~~ a2762 SAY ~[ARAN] Do it be me, or do it be gettin' right hot around here?~ + ~RandomNum(2,1)~ + ~[PC] I think it is you, Aran, feeling the pressure of my superior skills. Either that, or the way I move is just a little too distracting for you...~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arnswdfilter4","LOCALS",1)~ + a2592 + ~RandomNum(2,2)~ + ~[PC] I think it is you, Aran, feeling the pressure of my superior skills. Either that, or the way I move is just a little too distracting for you...~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arnswdfilter4","LOCALS",1)~ + a315 + ~RandomNum(4,4)~ + ~[PC] (Step back, blade pointing low, then advance with rapid, precise strokes)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arnswdfilter4","LOCALS",1)~ + a2591 + ~RandomNum(4,3)~ + ~[PC] (Step back, blade pointing low, then advance with rapid, precise strokes)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arnswdfilter4","LOCALS",1)~ + a320 + ~RandomNum(4,2)~ + ~[PC] (Step back, blade pointing low, then advance with rapid, precise strokes)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arnswdfilter4","LOCALS",1)~ + a2390 + ~RandomNum(4,1)~ + ~[PC] (Step back, blade pointing low, then advance with rapid, precise strokes)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arnswdfilter4","LOCALS",1)~ + a2391 + ~Global("c-aransp321","LOCALS",1) Global("c-aransp323","LOCALS",0)~ + ~[PC] (Guard closely, on the defensive, watching for each of his motions and countering)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aransp321","LOCALS",1) SetGlobal("c-arnswdfilter4","LOCALS",1)~ + a321 + ~Global("c-aransp321","LOCALS",1) Global("c-aransp323","LOCALS",1)~ + ~[PC] (Guard closely, on the defensive, watching for each of his motions and countering)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arnswdfilter4","LOCALS",1)~ + a2730 + ~Global("c-aransp321","LOCALS",0) Global("c-aransp323","LOCALS",1)~ + ~[PC] (Guard closely, on the defensive, watching for each of his motions and countering)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aransp323","LOCALS",1) SetGlobal("c-arnswdfilter4","LOCALS",1)~ + a323 + ~Global("c-aransp321","LOCALS",0) Global("c-aransp323","LOCALS",0)~ + ~[PC] (Guard closely, on the defensive, watching for each of his motions and countering)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arnswdfilter4","LOCALS",1)~ + a2391 + ~RandomNum(4,4)~ + ~[PC] (Feint suddenly, then cut sideways, flicking your blade toward his throat)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arnswdfilter4","LOCALS",1)~ + a2591 + ~RandomNum(4,3)~ + ~[PC] (Feint suddenly, then cut sideways, flicking your blade toward his throat)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arnswdfilter4","LOCALS",1)~ + a324 + ~RandomNum(4,2)~ + ~[PC] (Feint suddenly, then cut sideways, flicking your blade toward his throat)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arnswdfilter4","LOCALS",1)~ + a2389 + ~RandomNum(4,1)~ + ~[PC] (Feint suddenly, then cut sideways, flicking your blade toward his throat)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arnswdfilter4","LOCALS",1)~ + a2392 + ~RandomNum(4,1)~ + ~[PC] (Kick hard toward his groin, following up with a stab toward his heart.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arnswdfilter4","LOCALS",1)~ + a350 + ~RandomNum(4,2)~ + ~[PC] Is that all you have? (kick hard toward his knee.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arnswdfilter4","LOCALS",1)~ + a314 + ~RandomNum(4,3)~ + ~[PC] Wait a second... hold on, I have to do something... (adjust your clothing to show off your leg to mid-thigh, and then instantly launch an attack when he is distracted)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arnswdfilter4","LOCALS",1)~ + a314 + ~RandomNum(4,4)~ + ~[PC] Oh, ouch! I just cut myself.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arnswdfilter4","LOCALS",1)~ + a325 ++ ~[PC] I have had enough of this. I call truce!~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arnswdfilter4","LOCALS",1)~ + a337 END IF ~~ a2592 SAY ~[ARAN] (His rapier dances forward, boring toward your shoulder.)~ + ~RandomNum(2,1)~ + ~[PC] (Guard closely, on the defensive, parrying each of his thrusts)~ + a322 + ~RandomNum(2,2)~ + ~[PC] (Guard closely, on the defensive, parrying each of his thrusts)~ + a321 + ~RandomNum(3,3)~ + ~[PC] (Step back quickly, then advance with a flurry of quick strokes)~ + a2590 + ~RandomNum(3,2)~ + ~[PC] (Spin lightly, ducking under his whispering blade and coming up with a thrust from underneath)~ + a2390 + ~RandomNum(3,1)~ + ~[PC] (Step back quickly, then advance with a flurry of quick strokes)~ + a2392 ++ ~[PC] I have had enough of this. I call truce!~ + a337 + ~RandomNum(4,1)~ + ~[PC] (Twist your wrist, deflecting his riposte and flicking your blade toward his throat)~ + a320 + ~RandomNum(4,2)~ + ~[PC] (Thrust savagely past his guard.)~ + a2389 + ~RandomNum(4,3)~ + ~[PC] (Parry, and lunge forward to the right.)~ + a2392 + ~RandomNum(4,4)~ + ~[PC] (Press forward as fast as you can, in a whirlwind of slashes)~ + a2591 + ~RandomNum(3,1)~ + ~[PC] (Kick hard toward his groin, following up with a stab toward his heart.)~ + a314 + ~RandomNum(3,2)~ + ~[PC] Is that all you have? (kick hard toward his knee.)~ + a314 + ~RandomNum(3,3)~ + ~[PC] Wait a second... hold on, I have to do something... (adjust your clothing to show off your leg to mid-thigh, and then instantly launch an attack when he is distracted)~ + a314 ++ ~[PC] Oh, ouch! I just cut myself.~ + a325 END IF ~~ a2729 SAY ~[ARAN] You can start fightin' any time you want, now, eh? Or are you holdin' back on account o' I'm so feeble?~ IF ~RandomNum(2,1)~ THEN GOTO a2732 IF ~RandomNum(2,2)~ THEN GOTO a2592 END IF ~~ a2730 SAY ~[ARAN] Defense never won no swordfight. Battles, mayhap. Unless you be tryin' to tire me out...~ IF ~RandomNum(2,1)~ THEN GOTO a2732 IF ~RandomNum(2,2)~ THEN GOTO a324 END IF ~~ a2731 SAY ~[ARAN] (Blades spark in the cold light of the moon as you circle, the shadows dancing around you.)~ IF ~RandomNum(2,1)~ THEN GOTO a2732 IF ~RandomNum(2,2)~ THEN GOTO a2735 END IF ~~ a2733 SAY ~[ARAN] (You circle under the stars, feinting occasionally, the harsh clash of metal skittering along metal an erratic music in your ears.)~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a2732 IF ~Global("c-arnswdfilter1","LOCALS",0)~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-arnswdfilter1","LOCALS",1)~ GOTO a2734 END IF ~~ a324 SAY ~[ARAN] (He dances back, then counters, rapier hissing in low and straight.)~ + ~RandomNum(3,3)~ + ~[PC] (Advance with a flurry of quick strokes, first toward his extended knee, then toward his shoulder)~ + a320 + ~RandomNum(3,2)~ + ~[PC] (Crouch quickly, thrusting up from underneath his blade)~ + a2390 + ~RandomNum(3,1)~ + ~[PC] (Sidestep and slash hard at him, advancing with a flurry of quick strokes)~ + a2391 + ~RandomNum(5,1)~ + ~[PC] (Guard closely, on the defensive, parrying each of his thrusts)~ + a2729 + ~RandomNum(5,2)~ + ~[PC] (Guard closely, on the defensive, parrying each of his thrusts)~ + a2730 + ~RandomNum(5,3)~ + ~[PC] (Guard closely, on the defensive, parrying each of his thrusts)~ + a322 + ~RandomNum(5,4)~ + ~[PC] (Guard closely, on the defensive, parrying each of his thrusts)~ + a2731 + ~RandomNum(5,5)~ + ~[PC] (Guard closely, on the defensive, parrying each of his thrusts)~ + a2733 + ~RandomNum(3,3)~ + ~[PC] (Deflecting his riposte, flicking your blade toward his throat)~ + a324 + ~RandomNum(3,2)~ + ~[PC] (Slam straight down toward his head with both hands, then quickly thrust toward his shoulder)~ + a320 + ~RandomNum(3,1)~ + ~[PC] (Duck under his whispering blade and lunge forward to the right.)~ + a2392 + ~RandomNum(3,1)~ + ~[PC] (Duck under his whispering blade and lunge forward to the right.)~ + a316 END IF ~~ a2734 SAY ~[ARAN] (Aran steps back slightly, arms outstretched, opening his chest for an attack. His grin gleams bright as he bows to you, but his ruse is made apparent when he charges directly at you)~ + ~RandomNum(3,3)~ + ~[PC] (Advance to meet him, striking first toward his extended knee, then toward his shoulder)~ + a2590 + ~RandomNum(3,2)~ + ~[PC] (Crouch quickly, thrusting up from underneath his blade)~ + a2390 + ~RandomNum(3,1)~ + ~[PC] (Sidestep and slash hard at him)~ + a2392 + ~RandomNum(5,1)~ + ~[PC] (Guard closely, on the defensive, deflecting both his blade and his charge)~ + a2729 + ~RandomNum(5,2)~ + ~[PC] (Guard closely, on the defensive, deflecting both his blade and his charge)~ + a2730 + ~RandomNum(5,3)~ + ~[PC] (Guard closely, on the defensive, deflecting both his blade and his charge)~ + a323 + ~RandomNum(5,4)~ + ~[PC] (Guard closely, on the defensive, deflecting both his blade and his charge)~ + a2731 + ~RandomNum(5,5)~ + ~[PC] (Guard closely, on the defensive, deflecting both his blade and his charge)~ + a2733 ++ ~[PC] (Drop your rapier and tuck yourself into a ball, flinging yourself hard into his arms as he desperately windmills trying to avoid piercing you)~ + a326 ++ ~[PC] (Charge him, foil arcing to slash at his body)~ + a321 ++ ~[PC] I have had enough of this. I call truce!~ + a337 END IF ~~ a2735 SAY ~[ARAN] (His rapier dances forward, boring toward your chest.)~ ++ ~[PC] (Thrust savagely toward his right shoulder.)~ + a335 ++ ~[PC] (Twist away quickly, then advance with a flurry of quick strokes.)~ + a320 + ~RandomNum(3,3)~ + ~[PC] (Advance with a flurry of quick strokes, first toward his extended knee, then toward his shoulder)~ + a324 + ~RandomNum(3,2)~ + ~[PC] (Crouch quickly, thrusting up from underneath his blade)~ + a2390 + ~RandomNum(3,1)~ + ~[PC] (Sidestep and slash hard at him, advancing with a flurry of quick strokes)~ + a2391 + ~RandomNum(5,1)~ + ~[PC] (Guard closely, on the defensive, parrying each of his thrusts)~ + a2729 + ~RandomNum(5,2)~ + ~[PC] (Guard closely, on the defensive, parrying each of his thrusts)~ + a2730 + ~RandomNum(5,3)~ + ~[PC] (Guard closely, on the defensive, parrying each of his thrusts)~ + a322 + ~RandomNum(5,4)~ + ~[PC] (Guard closely, on the defensive, parrying each of his thrusts)~ + a2731 + ~RandomNum(5,5)~ + ~[PC] (Guard closely, on the defensive, parrying each of his thrusts)~ + a2733 + ~RandomNum(3,3)~ + ~[PC] (Deflect his foil, flicking your blade toward his throat)~ + a324 + ~RandomNum(3,2)~ + ~[PC] (Slam straight down toward his head with both hands, then quickly thrust toward his shoulder)~ + a320 + ~RandomNum(3,1)~ + ~[PC] (Duck under his whispering blade and lunge forward to the right.)~ + a2391 + ~Global("c-aransp1","LOCALS",0)~ + ~[PC] Is that a rabbit in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aransp1","LOCALS",1)~ + a336 + ~Global("c-aransp1","LOCALS",1)~ + ~[PC] So, do you give up? (Thrust savagely toward his right shoulder.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aransp1","LOCALS",2)~ + a319 + ~Global("c-aransp1","LOCALS",2)~ + ~[PC] Your bootlace is coming untied...~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aransp1","LOCALS",3)~ + a2736 + ~Global("c-aransp1","LOCALS",3)~ + ~[PC] Come on, you know you want to surrender to me... (Slash your foil toward his throat.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aransp1","LOCALS",4)~ + a320 + ~Global("c-aransp1","LOCALS",4)~ + ~[PC] I seem to be doing quite well. But your face is turning a little red, Aran (Thrust savagely toward his right shoulder.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aransp1","LOCALS",5)~ + a317 + ~Global("c-aransp1","LOCALS",5)~ + ~[PC] This fight feels like it has gone on for hours... (Twist quickly, ducking under his blade.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aransp1","LOCALS",6)~ + a350 + ~Global("c-aransp1","LOCALS",6)~ + ~[PC] Didn't we do this already? You have to learn to be more creative, Aran.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aransp1","LOCALS",7)~ + a350 ++ ~[PC] I have had enough of this. I call truce!~ + a337 END IF ~~ a2736 SAY ~[ARAN] I'm not bloody well fallin' for that old trick, but I'd like to see some other things untied, eh?~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a315 END /* Don't forget dudettes may be getting sick of things and want out... */ IF ~~ a314 SAY ~[ARAN] (Hard muscle blocks your path, and the riposte stabs toward your right side)~ ++ ~[PC] (Step back quickly, then advance with a flurry of quick strokes)~ + a318 ++ ~[PC] (Spin lightly, ducking under his whispering blade and coming up with a thrust from underneath)~ + a2591 ++ ~[PC] (Circle around to his left)~ + a310 ++ ~[PC] Enough! I do not want to do this any more.~ + a337 END IF ~~ a315 SAY ~[ARAN] (Soft moonlight falls across his face as he circles you, swordpoint extended)~ ++ ~[PC] (Thrust savagely toward his left knee.)~ + a313 ++ ~[PC] (Stand very still, motionless in the moonlight.)~ + a312 + ~Global("c-aransp315","LOCALS",0)~ + ~[PC] I thought that you were a fighter, Aran. What is the matter, are you afraid I am too delicate a flower to fight?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aransp315","LOCALS",1)~ + a312 ++ ~[PC] I do not know about this, Aran. You look... you... I want to...~ + a316 + ~RandomNum(6,1)~ + ~[PC] (Wait patiently, watching him closely.)~ + a2726 + ~RandomNum(6,2)~ + ~[PC] (Wait patiently, watching him closely.)~ + a2727 + ~RandomNum(6,3)~ + ~[PC] (Wait patiently, watching him closely.)~ + a2728 + ~RandomNum(6,4)~ + ~[PC] (Wait patiently, watching him closely.)~ + a311 + ~RandomNum(6,5)~ + ~[PC] (Wait patiently, watching him closely.)~ + a312 + ~RandomNum(6,6)~ + ~[PC] (Wait patiently, watching him closely.)~ + a316 END IF ~~ a316 SAY ~[ARAN] (The point of his blade whistles close past your guard, seeking your left inner thigh.)~ ++ ~[PC] (Guard closely, on the defensive, parrying each of his thrusts.)~ + a2733 ++ ~[PC] (Step back quickly, then advance with a flurry of quick strokes.)~ + a318 ++ ~[PC] (Step inside of his thrust, then dance out of the way, circling around to his left.)~ + a310 ++ ~[PC] Stop. I do not want to spar. I want you.~ + a353 ++ ~[PC] (Spin lightly, ducking under his whispering blade and coming up with a thrust from underneath.)~ + a320 END IF ~~ a317 SAY ~[ARAN] Hah. Now do you be talkin' swordplay, or playin' wi' words? Not that it rightly matters - I can tire you out either way you intended, you know.~ + ~Global("c-aransp317","LOCALS",0)~ + ~[PC] Promises, promises... (Kick hard toward his knee.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aransp317","LOCALS",1)~ + a314 + ~Global("c-aransp317","LOCALS",1)~ + ~[PC] Yes, yes... you said that before.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aransp317","LOCALS",2)~ + a314 ++ ~[PC] (Drop your rapier and fling yourself hard into his arms.)~ + a326 + ~RandomNum(2,2)~ + ~[PC] (Spin lightly, ducking under his whispering blade and coming up with a thrust from underneath.)~ + a333 + ~RandomNum(2,1)~ + ~[PC] (Spin lightly, ducking under his whispering blade and coming up with a thrust from underneath.)~ + a320 ++ ~[PC] (Thrust savagely toward his right shoulder.)~ + a335 ++ ~[PC] Hang you and your paternalistic crap! (Send a spinning kick toward his head.)~ + a314 END /* Gratuitous sexual references are fun, too... */ IF ~~ a318 SAY ~[ARAN] (He falls back, blade countering blade, teeth bared savagely in the moonlight)~ ++ ~[PC] (Thrust savagely toward his right shoulder.)~ + a335 ++ ~[PC] (Twist away quickly, then advance with a flurry of quick strokes.)~ + a320 + ~Global("c-aransp1","LOCALS",0)~ + ~[PC] Is that a rabbit in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aransp1","LOCALS",1)~ + a336 + ~Global("c-aransp1","LOCALS",1)~ + ~[PC] So, do you give up? (Thrust savagely toward his right shoulder.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aransp1","LOCALS",2)~ + a319 + ~Global("c-aransp1","LOCALS",2)~ + ~[PC] Your bootlace is coming untied...~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aransp1","LOCALS",3)~ + a2736 + ~Global("c-aransp1","LOCALS",3)~ + ~[PC] Come on, you know you want to surrender to me... (Slash your foil toward his throat.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aransp1","LOCALS",4)~ + a320 + ~Global("c-aransp1","LOCALS",4)~ + ~[PC] I seem to be doing quite well. But your face is turning a little red, Aran (Thrust savagely toward his right shoulder.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aransp1","LOCALS",5)~ + a317 + ~Global("c-aransp1","LOCALS",5)~ + ~[PC] This fight feels like it has gone on for hours... (Twist quickly, ducking under his blade.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aransp1","LOCALS",6)~ + a350 + ~Global("c-aransp1","LOCALS",6)~ + ~[PC] Didn't we do this already? You have to learn to be more creative, Aran.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aransp1","LOCALS",7)~ + a350 ++ ~[PC] (Drop your rapier and fling yourself hard into his arms.)~ + a326 ++ ~[PC] I have had enough of this. The only swordplay I want right now has nothing to do with foils. (Throw your foil on the ground in front of him.)~ + a332 END IF ~~ a319 SAY ~[ARAN] Well, we be sparrin'... no score, just for th' practice. It ends when you say it ends, or when one o' us calls quarter.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a320 END IF ~~ a2732 SAY ~[ARAN] (Blades clash, sparks bright in the shadows.)~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a350 IF ~Global("c-arnswdfilter1","LOCALS",0)~ THEN GOTO a2734 IF ~Global("c-arnswdfilter2","LOCALS",0)~ THEN GOTO a2727 IF ~Global("c-arnswdfilter3","LOCALS",0)~ THEN GOTO a2728 IF ~Global("c-aransp333","LOCALS",0)~ THEN GOTO a333 IF ~Global("c-aransp321","LOCALS",0)~ THEN GOTO a321 IF ~Global("c-aransp322","LOCALS",0)~ THEN GOTO a322 END IF ~~ a320 SAY ~[ARAN] (Blades clash, ringing in your ears.)~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a350 IF ~Global("c-arnswdfilter1","LOCALS",0)~ THEN GOTO a2734 IF ~Global("c-arnswdfilter2","LOCALS",0)~ THEN GOTO a2727 IF ~Global("c-arnswdfilter3","LOCALS",0)~ THEN GOTO a2728 IF ~Global("c-arnswdfilter4","LOCALS",0)~ THEN GOTO a2762 IF ~Global("c-aransp321","LOCALS",0)~ THEN GOTO a321 IF ~Global("c-aransp323","LOCALS",0)~ THEN GOTO a323 END /* Words or Swords? Boo would be confused... */ IF ~~ a321 SAY ~[ARAN] Aye, you are gettin' th' hang o' this, eh?~ ++ ~[PC] Hang you and your paternalistic crap! (Send a spinning kick toward his head.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aransp321","LOCALS",1)~ + a314 ++ ~[PC] Oh, I am getting the hang of this. But I heard that you have troubles... you are not so well hung as you claim? (Lunge forward to pink his right shoulder)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aransp321","LOCALS",1)~ + a318 ++ ~[PC] I... I am not so sure... (Guard closely, on the defensive, parrying each of his thrusts)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aransp321","LOCALS",1)~ + a316 ++ ~[PC] No, not at all. But you seem to be having troubles winning, yourself. (Drop your rapier and fling yourself hard into his arms.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aransp321","LOCALS",1)~ + a326 ++ ~[PC] Child's play. A fitting moniker, seeing as I am sparring with you. (Spin lightly, then check yourself and lunge forward, foil tip to the right leg)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aransp321","LOCALS",1)~ + a333 ++ ~[PC] Stop for a bit. Truce!~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aransp322","LOCALS",1)~ + a337 END /* Nothing says romance like commenting on the sweatiness of a ladies' workout clothes. By the way, judging by my wife's reaction, the appropriate response would be "shut up and get out, idiot." But this is fantasy, so we turn the tables. */ IF ~~ a322 SAY ~[ARAN] You know, I do believe there be nothin' prettier than a lass what be sweatin' so fierce.~ ++ ~[PC] We 'lasses' do not sweat. We glow. We 'Mist'. (Send a spinning kick toward his head.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aransp322","LOCALS",1)~ + a314 // ADD RESPONSE AYE, YOU DID! ++ ~[PC] That is nice to hear. You look pretty, too. Tired yet? (Lunge forward to pink his right shoulder.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aransp322","LOCALS",1)~ + a318 ++ ~[PC] I can think of prettier things... like figuring out what your next line of attack will be... (Guard closely, on the defensive, parrying each of his thrusts)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aransp322","LOCALS",1)~ + a316 ++ ~[PC] Nice picture. Pity you stink like a mule when you sweat. (Fling yourself hard into his arms, attempting to knock him down.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aransp322","LOCALS",1)~ + a326 ++ ~[PC] Didn't your mother ever teach you to keep your mouth closed when you need to concentrate? (Spin lightly, then check yourself and lunge forward, foil tip to the right leg.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aransp322","LOCALS",1)~ + a2389 ++ ~[PC] Stop for a bit. Truce!~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aransp322","LOCALS",1)~ + a337 END IF ~~ a323 SAY ~[ARAN] I do believe you blighted well nicked me!~ ++ ~[PC] Quick, shall we call a healer for your little boo boo? (Send a spinning kick toward his head)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aransp323","LOCALS",1)~ + a314 ++ ~[PC] I'm so terribly sorry. That was the point, right? (Lunge forward to pink his right shoulder)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aransp323","LOCALS",1)~ + a318 ++ ~[PC] Stop for a bit. Truce!~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aransp323","LOCALS",1)~ + a337 ++ ~[PC] I'm sorry... do you want to stop? (Guard closely, on the defensive, parrying each of his thrusts)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aransp323","LOCALS",1)~ + a316 ++ ~[PC] Oh, Aran! (Drop your rapier and fling yourself hard into his arms)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aransp323","LOCALS",1)~ + a326 ++ ~[PC] Well, when you play with me, you play with fire. Or ice. Or lightning. In fact, you could cut to the chase and just say you are running with scissors. (Spin lightly, then check yourself and lunge forward, foil tip to the right leg.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aransp333","LOCALS",1) SetGlobal("c-aransp323","LOCALS",1)~ + a333 END /* Remember the tricksters... */ IF ~~ a325 SAY ~[ARAN] Celanil's Sweet Lips, let me see.... are you hurt?~ ++ ~[PC] HAH! (as he moves forward dropping his guard, place the tip of your foil at the base of his throat.)~ + a353 ++ ~[PC] It is just a little cut. But I think you should kiss it better.~ + a351 ++ ~[PC] It is nothing. Besides, you have a scratch or two, too. But I think I have had enough for one night. Have a good rest, Aran.~ + a297 ++ ~[PC] There will be blood tonight! (Advance with a ferocious whirlwind of quick strokes.)~ + a320 END /* There is no crying in baseball... keep focus on a PC strong enough to want to spar, because one who is just into flirting won't have followed this line at all */ IF ~~ a326 SAY ~[ARAN] (Aran staggers, surprised, arms enfolding you.)~ = ~[ARAN] What in Bane's... ?~ ++ ~[PC] *whisper* I do not want to spar. I just want you.~ + a353 ++ ~[PC] HAH! (Spin out of his arms, duck down, grab the foil, and flick it toward Aran's throat.)~ + a334 ++ ~[PC] I call truce!~ + a337 ++ ~[PC] I think I just got cut...~ + a327 ++ ~[PC] I am tired. Tired of everything. Look, Aran, just hold me. As a friend? Just hold me.~ + a298 END IF ~~ a327 SAY ~[ARAN] Bane's Blood, did I hurt you? Here, let me see that...~ ++ ~[PC] (Punch him hard in the gut.)~ + a281 ++ ~[PC] Ow! You just broke one of my nails. I spent a long time getting them just the right length. And that is not easy while adventuring!~ + a328 ++ ~[PC] That hurt. Perhaps giving you a sound thrashing will help ease the pain.~ + a308 ++ ~[PC] Look, obviously I am not that proficient with this weapon. Perhaps you would teach me how to hold it?~ + a302 END IF ~~ a328 SAY ~[ARAN] Well, I'm right sorry, I am. I didn't mean to hurt you none. Is there somethin' I can do to make up for it?~ ++ ~[PC] Kiss it better. (Hold your hand out to him imperiously.)~ + a329 ++ ~[PC] Look, obviously I am not that proficient with this weapon. Perhaps you would teach me how to hold it?~ + a302 ++ ~[PC] Well, there are still some cooking pots you have not cleaned, and there is firewood to gather. I don't want to do any silly old sparring anyways. I'm going to bed.~ + a283 ++ ~[PC] No, no... a minor annoyance. Prepare to be defeated.~ + a308 ++ ~[PC] I think I have had enough excitement. I call this a draw. We will have to do this again sometime.~ + a352 END IF ~~ a329 SAY ~[ARAN] (He gently takes you hand, and kisses each fingertip.)~ = ~[ARAN] Is that better?~ ++ ~[PC] Perhaps. But it hurts a little higher up.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",1)~ + a330 ++ ~[PC] I think I have had enough excitement. I call this a draw. We will have to do this again sometime.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",1)~ + a352 ++ ~[PC] No, no... it is fine now. A minor annoyance. Prepare to be defeated.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",1)~ + a308 ++ ~[PC] I bet you do that to everyone's fingers.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",1)~ + a346 ++ ~Yes, it is fine. Let's spar now!~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",1)~ + a308 END IF ~~ a330 SAY ~[ARAN] (He gently kisses the inside of your palm and carefully kisses each wrist.)~ = ~[ARAN] Is that better?~ ++ ~[PC] Perhaps. But it hurts a little higher up.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",1)~ + a331 ++ ~[PC] No, no... it is fine now. A minor annoyance. Prepare to be defeated.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",1)~ + a308 ++ ~[PC] Perhaps. But it now aches a little lower down...~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",1)~ + a332 ++ ~[PC] I think I have had enough excitement. I call this a draw. We will have to do this again sometime.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",1)~ + a352 END IF ~~ a331 SAY ~[ARAN] (He gently kisses his way up to your mouth, leaning in and savoring your lips.)~ = ~[ARAN] Is that better?~ ++ ~[PC] (Punch him hard in the gut.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",1)~ + a281 ++ ~[PC] Well, there are still some cooking pots you have not cleaned, and there is firewood to gather. I don't want to do any silly old sparring anyways. I'm going to bed.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",1)~ + a283 ++ ~Yes, it is fine. Let's spar now!~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",1)~ + a308 ++ ~Yes, it is fine. But I think I want you to teach me how to hold this thing.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",1)~ + a302 ++ ~[PC] Perhaps. But it now aches a little lower down...~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",1)~ + a332 END IF ~~ a332 SAY ~[ARAN] Aye, now you be after sparrin' o' a different kind, I see. For that, I'd have to get rid o' some o' these obstacles...~ ++ ~[PC] (Open the front of your clothing carefully, avoiding eye contact.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a354 ++ ~[PC] (Tear your clothing from your shoulders, baring yourself in the moonlight.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a354 ++ ~[PC] I will not yield to you. But I will take what I want from you, right this moment.~ + a354 ++ ~[PC] I think I have had enough excitement. I call this a draw. We will have to do this again sometime.~ + a352 ++ ~[PC] But I think I am ready for more fencing, now. We shall see if you can concentrate on the task at hand.~ + a308 END IF ~~ a333 SAY ~[ARAN] (One strong hand reaches out to grab your shoulder as his foil batters yours down)~ ++ ~[PC] (Drop your rapier and fling yourself hard into his arms.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aransp333","LOCALS",1)~ + a326 ++ ~[PC] (Twist away quickly, then advance with a flurry of quick strokes.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aransp333","LOCALS",1)~ + a318 ++ ~[PC] Ah ah ah... no touchie-feely the girl, now.... (Counter quickly, and slice inward toward his side.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aransp333","LOCALS",1)~ + a318 ++ ~[PC] So, what were you thinking of fixing for dinner tomorrow? Aran-ke-bobs? Because I almost skewered you there.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aransp333","LOCALS",1)~ + a320 ++ ~[PC] This is... a good bit... harder than it... looks.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aransp333","LOCALS",1)~ + a320 + ~Global("c-aransp1","LOCALS",0)~ + ~[PC] Is that a rabbit in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aransp333","LOCALS",1) SetGlobal("c-aransp1","LOCALS",1)~ + a336 + ~Global("c-aransp1","LOCALS",1)~ + ~[PC] So, do you give up? (Thrust savagely toward his right shoulder.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aransp333","LOCALS",1) SetGlobal("c-aransp1","LOCALS",2)~ + a319 + ~Global("c-aransp1","LOCALS",2)~ + ~[PC] Your bootlace is coming untied...~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aransp333","LOCALS",1) SetGlobal("c-aransp1","LOCALS",3)~ + a2736 + ~Global("c-aransp1","LOCALS",3)~ + ~[PC] Come on, you know you want to surrender to me... (Slash your foil toward his throat.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aransp333","LOCALS",1) SetGlobal("c-aransp1","LOCALS",4)~ + a320 + ~Global("c-aransp1","LOCALS",4)~ + ~[PC] I seem to be doing quite well. But your face is turning a little red, Aran (Thrust savagely toward his right shoulder.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aransp333","LOCALS",1) SetGlobal("c-aransp1","LOCALS",5)~ + a317 + ~Global("c-aransp1","LOCALS",5)~ + ~[PC] This fight feels like it has gone on for hours... (Twist quickly, ducking under his blade.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aransp333","LOCALS",1) SetGlobal("c-aransp1","LOCALS",6)~ + a350 + ~Global("c-aransp1","LOCALS",6)~ + ~[PC] Didn't we do this already? You have to learn to be more creative, Aran.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aransp333","LOCALS",1) SetGlobal("c-aransp1","LOCALS",7)~ + a350 END IF ~~ a334 SAY ~[ARAN] (He springs forward, blade countering blade, pushing you back.)~ + ~Global("c-aransp333","LOCALS",0)~ + ~[PC] (Spin lightly, ducking under his whispering blade and coming up with a thrust from underneath.)~ + a333 ++ ~[PC] (Kick hard toward his knee.)~ + a314 ++ ~[PC] (Guard closely, on the defensive, parrying each of his thrusts.)~ + a316 ++ ~[PC] Stop for a bit. Truce!~ + a337 ++ ~[PC] (Duck down quickly and slam yourself hard against his legs, attempting to knock him off his feet.)~ + a339 ++ ~[PC] (Twist frantically to avoid his blade, moving back.)~ + a2735 END IF ~~ a335 SAY ~[ARAN] (The clash of steel rings as his counterstroke sends your swordpoint off to the right)~ ++ ~[PC] (Send a spinning kick toward his head.)~ + a314 ++ ~[PC] (Lunge forward to pink his right shoulder.)~ + a318 ++ ~[PC] (Guard closely, on the defensive, parrying each of his thrusts.)~ + a316 ++ ~[PC] (Drop your rapier and fling yourself hard into his arms.)~ + a326 + ~Global("c-aransp333","LOCALS",0)~ + ~[PC] (Spin lightly, then check yourself and lunge forward, foil tip to the right leg.)~ + a333 ++ ~[PC] (Step back quickly, then advance with a flurry of quick strokes.)~ + a318 END IF ~~ a336 SAY ~[ARAN] No rabbit, but now I know where you are lookin', I can use that to my advantage...~ ++ ~[PC] (Slash toward his head.)~ + a314 ++ ~[PC] (Lunge forward to pink his right shoulder.)~ + a318 ++ ~[PC] (Guard closely, on the defensive, parrying each of his thrusts.)~ + a316 ++ ~[PC] Oh, Aran - why look when I can feel! (Drop your rapier and fling yourself hard into his arms.)~ + a326 + ~Global("c-aransp333","LOCALS",0)~ + ~[PC] Just be careful. I am not sure we want the makings of rabbit stew. (Spin lightly, then check yourself and lunge forward, foil tip to the right leg.)~ + a333 ++ ~[PC] Stop for a bit. Truce!~ + a337 END IF ~~ a337 SAY ~[ARAN] Right, we can take a break. What are you after, anyways, ? You be not quite into th' sparrin', I think. Why did you come out here?~ ++ ~[PC] I just needed a moment to regroup. (Flick your foil point toward his throat.)~ + a334 ++ ~[PC] I... I do not know. I was bored, and wanted amusement?~ + a300 ++ ~[PC] I... I do not know. I thought I wanted to have someone want me, desire me. But now I really just feel like that will make things worse. I think I should go now.~ + a358 ++ ~[PC] I came here to be made love to, silly. So shut up and get to it!~ + a354 ++ ~[PC] I came out here because you are a friend, Aran. And I need all of those I can get right now.~ + a358 END IF ~~ a338 SAY ~[ARAN] OUCH! Ilmater's Sufferin', that bloody well hurt! What in th' nine hells are you after, ?~ ++ ~[PC] I am taking advantage of your weakness. You let your guard down, Aran, and I was right there to take advantage. Are we going to spar? I think you need to be taught more.~ + a324 + ~RandomNum(3,3)~ + ~[PC] Fun. Here, let me do it again...~ + a290 + ~RandomNum(3,2)~ + ~[PC] Fun. Here, let me do it again...~ + a339 + ~RandomNum(3,1)~ + ~[PC] Fun. Here, let me do it again...~ + a339 ++ ~[PC] I do not know. But back away, and let's get fighting again.~ + a324 ++ ~[PC] I... I do not know. I was bored, and wanted amusement?~ + a300 ++ ~[PC] I... I do not know. I thought I wanted to have someone want me, desire me. But now I really just feel like that will make things worse. I think I should go now.~ + a358 ++ ~[PC] I came here to be made love to, silly. So shut up and get to it!~ + a354 ++ ~[PC] I came out here because you are a friend, Aran. And I need all of those I can get right now.~ + a358 END /* Foreplay, WWE style. */ IF ~~ a339 SAY ~[ARAN] Well, if you want to play that way... (His arm catches you solidly across the chest, knocking you over.)~ ++ ~[PC] Well, now that I am down here, do you want to come and join me?~ + a340 ++ ~[PC] (Roll over onto your back and stretch, beginning to daintily removing anything that would hide your body from his eyes). You win. Come and take your spoils of war.~ + a344 ++ ~[PC] Oooohh... just the way I like them. Rough, stupid, and easily provoked... (sweep his legs, slamming him to the ground.)~ + a341 ++ ~[PC] Ouch! Gods, Aran, I was only joking.~ + a327 ++ ~[PC] Stop for a bit. Truce!~ + a337 END IF ~~ a340 SAY ~[ARAN] I do believe you blighted well tricked me! That hurt, it did. What do you want, anyways? It don't rightly look like you want to spar.~ ++ ~[PC] Well, when you play with me, you play with fire. Or ice. Or lightning. In fact, you could cut to the chase and just say you are running with scissors.~ + a342 ++ ~[PC] (Begin unfastening your clothes.) If you need instruction, then I have sadly misjudged you, Aran. Do what comes naturally, of course.~ + a356 ++ ~[PC] *whisper* I do not want to spar. I just want you.~ + a353 ++ ~[PC] I think I have had enough excitement. I call this a draw. We will have to do this again sometime.~ + a352 END IF ~~ a341 SAY ~[ARAN] (Aran staggers, surprised, slamming to the ground next to you.)~ = ~[ARAN] What in Bane's... ?~ ++ ~[PC] *whisper* I do not want to spar. I just want you.~ + a353 ++ ~[PC] HAH! (Spin out of his arms, roll, grab the foil, and point it at Aran.)~ + a296 ++ ~[PC] Well, when you play with me, you play with fire. Or ice. Or lightning. In fact, you could cut to the chase and just say you are running with scissors.~ + a342 ++ ~[PC] (Begin unfastening your clothes.) If you need instruction, then I have sadly misjudged you, Aran. Do what comes naturally, of course.~ + a356 ++ ~[PC] I think I have had enough excitement. I call this a draw. We will have to do this again sometime.~ + a352 END IF ~~ a342 SAY ~[ARAN] True enough. Well, you done got me here. Mayhap I can make th' most o' my opportunity...~ = ~[ARAN] (With a sudden twist he is on top of you, crushing you, his arms holding yours hard above your head.) Surrender, or do I take my winnin's right now?~ ++ ~[PC] Get off me, idiot. Game over. If you value your life, that is.~ + a343 ++ ~[PC] I... (roll over, pinning him) ...will do exactly... (bury your face in his neck) ... as I please.~ + a356 ++ ~[PC] Take what you will.~ + a356 ++ ~[PC] I think I have had enough excitement. I call this a draw. We will have to do this again sometime.~ + a352 END IF ~~ a343 SAY ~[ARAN] (He rolls away, coming to his knees before you.)~ = ~[ARAN] I surrender. An' what will you do wi' th spoils, ?~ ++ ~[PC] Absolutely nothing. I have exactly what I want. Have a nice night, Aran. And thank you for the practice session.~ EXIT ++ ~[PC] I was thinking of an armistice. (Roll over and kneel with him, drawing one sharp fingernail lightly down his chest, following it with your gaze.)~ + a355 ++ ~[PC] Well, there are still some cooking pots you have not cleaned, and there is firewood to gather. You should go do that, instead. I doubt you could please me any other way.~ + a283 ++ ~[PC] I... (roll up, grab the back of his head and tug him back down to you fiercely) ...will do exactly... (bury your face in his neck) ...as I please.~ + a356 ++ ~[PC] Practice a completely different form of combat.~ + a356 ++ ~[PC] (Begin unfastening your clothes.) If you need instruction, then I have sadly misjudged you, Aran. Do what comes naturally, of course.~ + a356 END IF ~~ a344 SAY ~[ARAN] Hey, if you keep goin' on like that, there will be a mite bit o' different kind o' sparrin' goin' on tonight...~ ++ ~[PC] And the light dawns... gods, man, I am literally sprawled at your feet, here for the taking. Are you slow, or do you need instruction?~ + a342 ++ ~[PC] Well, we do not want to have any of that, now, do we. This is boring anyways. Look, let's just get a few rounds of swordfighting in, and be done with it. But I might leave some of these clothes off... it could provide a good distraction.~ + a309 ++ ~[PC] On second thought, the whole idea turns me off completely. I think I will just go to bed.~ + a352 ++ ~[PC] That is not fair! You can't touch a lady there! You are tickling me! (Swat at Aran with your hands.)~ + a345 END IF ~~ a345 SAY ~[ARAN] All be fair in love an' war - an' what we got goin' on now counts as both, in my book! Come on, there, get up an' fight, eh?~ ++ ~[PC] The only love I have for you is the love of watching you lose, big boy. Hold on while I get up, and then let's see if you can survive.~ + a350 ++ ~[PC] Well in that case, expect no quarter from me! En garde. I will make you wish you had settled for a tickle-fight!~ + a350 ++ ~[PC] On second thought, the whole idea turns me off completely. I think I will just go to bed.~ + a352 ++ ~[PC] Look, do not get the wrong idea. I just want to be friends. But I would not mind sampling a few benefits... but if you want to fight, then we will spar.~ + a350 ++ ~[PC] You are no fun at all. But you will be, when you take me seriously. I mean that. Take me. Seriously.~ + a2763 END IF ~~ a2763 SAY ~[ARAN] I do take you right serious... oh. Oh. You mean... well, now, it would be rude o' me not to oblige. If you wouldn't mind liftin' those delicious hips o' yours up a little, we could get some o' these silly clothes out o' your way...~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a356 END IF ~~ a346 SAY ~[ARAN] As opposed to just your fingers, or as opposed to me kissin' somethin' else?~ ++ ~[PC] Spare me the talk of your many boisterous adventurers, Aran. They are all probably made up, anyways.~ + a347 ++ ~[PC] Enough talk, just teach me to spar.~ + a302 ++ ~[PC] Put your blade up, and we will see who can fight, who can talk, and who can do both at the same time.~ + a309 END /* Let's let PC take him for a ride... */ IF ~~ a347 SAY ~[ARAN] I do tell some tall tales. But for you, there be nothin' but truth. I have had my share o' lovers, but you are in a class by yourself.~ ++ ~[PC] So I am stupid, held out with need of a personal tutor?~ + a348 ++ ~[PC] I do not care about the truth. I want you.~ + a354 ++ ~[PC] I do not want the truth, and I most certainly do not want you.~ + a286 ++ ~[PC] Gods, Aran, all this talk, talk, talk... you are confusing me so much. I think I need to go, now. Good night.~ + a297 ++ ~[PC] So you have had me? I was unaware of that. Was I an acceptable lover?~ + a348 ++ ~[PC] This conversation is over. Do not speak another word.~ DO ~RestParty()~ EXIT END /* And drop him off a cliff... */ IF ~~ a348 SAY ~[ARAN] Now, I didn't mean...~ ++ ~[PC] You did not mean, or you did not think?~ + a349 ++ ~[PC] Surrender while you are behind, because I do not think you will get out of this one. Perhaps I will be merciful.~ + a353 ++ ~[PC] Oh, another thing you do with all the girls - stammer and stutter. So you have no spine at all, and any pretty face and sharp tongue can slay you in an instant?~ + a349 END /* Onto the rocks... */ IF ~~ a349 SAY ~[ARAN] I...~ ++ ~[PC] Come on, Aran, if you want to keep up with me, keep up.... did you mean to tell me I was stupid and a poor lover in need of special instruction only you could give me?~ + a283 ++ ~[PC] I think you have annoyed me enough for one night. Good night.~ DO ~RestParty()~ EXIT ++ ~[PC] It hurts when you talk like that. I do not like all this fencing with words. I can play the game, but I hate it. If you like me, kiss me. If you do not, walk away now.~ + a354 END /* summative state for fight */ IF ~~ a350 SAY ~[ARAN] (White moonlight flashes along swiftly moving blades as they meet point and counterpoint, weaving their harsh music. Staccato clashes of metal upon metal, ostinato breaths becoming shorter and labored, no thought but the weave of body with body... until suddenly you find yourself locked chest to chest, leg to leg, straining against each other.)~ = ~[ARAN] Do you want to be beggin' quarter?~ ++ ~[PC] Not likely. Look down, Aran. I think you will find I have everything in hand...~ + a359 ++ ~[PC] Never!~ + a351 ++ ~[PC] I will not yield. But I will take what I want.~ + a353 ++ ~[PC] I think I have had enough excitement. I call this a draw. We will have to do this again sometime.~ + a352 ++ ~[PC] Do you?~ + a353 END IF ~~ a351 SAY ~[ARAN] Now, then, you be a mite winded, there - I can see right down your front, you know. You move right beautifully when you pant like that.~ ++ ~[PC] (Lean hard into him, kissing him ferociously)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",1)~ + a353 ++ ~[PC] (Butt your head forward hard toward his nose)~ + a338 ++ ~[PC] I yield to you, Aran. In every way.~ + a354 ++ ~[PC] I have you right where I want you. Surrender now, and I will be merciful.~ + a353 ++ ~[PC] I thought this was a friendly sparring practice.~ + a352 END /* Teasing Aran is ok, but he has his breaking point... */ IF ~~ a352 SAY ~[ARAN] I... hey, I... Sune's Sweet Skin, , do you be jokin' wi' me? You drive me to a frenzy, an' now I desire you more than any man ought. What do you want o' me?~ ++ ~[PC] Absolutely nothing. I have exactly what I want. Have a nice night, Aran. And thank you for the practice session.~ DO ~RestParty()~ EXIT ++ ~[PC] What do you think, Aran? Am I teasing? (Slowly begin to disrobe)~ + a354 ++ ~[PC] I... I do not know what I want. There are so many reasons that I cannot do this...~ + a357 ++ ~[PC] Somehow, it always comes down to sex with you. I said I wanted to be friends, but you keep interpreting everything as an invitation to move into my bedroll. Let me spell it out for you - N O T I N T E R E S T E D.~ + a1907 /* c-aranshutup1 */ END IF ~~ a353 SAY ~[ARAN] (He steps away, dropping his sword, falling to his knees before you.)~ = ~[ARAN] I surrender. An' what will you do wi' th spoils, ?~ ++ ~[PC] Absolutely nothing. I have exactly what I want. Have a nice night, Aran. And thank you for the practice session.~ DO ~RestParty()~ EXIT ++ ~[PC] I was thinking of an armistice. (Kneel with him, drawing one gentle finger lightly down his chest, following it with your gaze.)~ + a355 ++ ~[PC] I... (grab the back of his head and tug back fiercely) ...will do exactly... (bury his face close to your heart) ... as I please.~ + a356 ++ ~[PC] I... I think I will surrender in return...~ + a356 ++ ~[PC] Practice a completely different form of physical combat.~ + a356 END /* Getting to the romantic action */ IF ~~ a354 SAY ~[ARAN] ...~ = ~[ARAN] (His face is a mask of desire, and his lips burn hot on your cheeks and lips.)~ ++ ~[PC] Hold on. I need to clear my head. I cannot do this!~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",1)~ + a357 ++ ~[PC] (Lean your head forward and fold both hands against his chest.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",1)~ + a356 ++ ~[PC] (Loop one leg around his, and twist quickly, bringing yourself under him as you fall to the ground.)~ + a356 ++ ~[PC] (Loop one leg around his, and twist quickly, bringing yourself on top of him as you fall to the ground.)~ + a356 ++ ~[PC] (Bite his lips fiercely, tasting warm blood as your teeth clash together in mounting desire.)~ + a356 END IF ~~ a355 SAY ~[ARAN] ...~ = ~[ARAN] (His face is a mask of desire, and his lips burn hot on your cheeks and lips)~ ++ ~[PC] Hold on. I need to clear my head. I cannot do this!~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",1)~ + a357 ++ ~[PC] (Drop everything and fold both hands against his chest.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",1)~ + a356 ++ ~[PC] (Loop your arms around his neck and twist quickly, bringing yourself under him.)~ + a356 ++ ~[PC] (Loop your arms around his neck and twist quickly, bringing yourself on top of him.)~ + a356 ++ ~[PC] (Bite his lips fiercely, tasting warm blood as your teeth clash together in mounting desire.)~ + a356 END /* The "PG - 13" Romantic Encounter Ending 47b, Female Romancing Male, No Nudity Or Graphic Depiction Of Naughty Stuff. Reclassified from 1275a, Classic Romance Tricks, "Fade To Black". */ IF ~~ a356 SAY ~[ARAN] (Clothes fly into tangles of twisted cloth, and modesty is thrown to the wind and the stars.)~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranspar","GLOBAL",7) ClearAllActions() StartCutSceneMode() StartCutScene("c-restco")~ EXIT END /* Damn, girl, you are teasing him way hard, then dropping the whole "but I am not sure," thing - put the poor bugger out if his misery, already ! */ IF ~~ a357 SAY ~[ARAN] (His face hardens, breath coming in short fierce bursts) Aye. You can, if you want to. But you don't want to, so I needs be controllin' myself. This sparrin' be over, I think.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~RestParty()~ EXIT END IF ~~ a358 SAY ~[ARAN] Well, my friendship be not rightly for sale, , an' I prize it a mite higher than most do, I wager. But I already done given you th' whole contract on it, no strings attached. I must be somethin' right stupid in my actions not to have shown that by now.~ = ~[ARAN] Let's get you back to camp, an' get somethin' nice an' warm in your stomach. I bet we could find a mite bit o' Firewine to warm up th' tea, an' lighten your mood. You go on ahead. I'll clear this gear away right proper.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~RestParty()~ EXIT END IF ~~ a359 SAY ~[ARAN] Aye, that you do. I think this be a good time for me to surrender, eh?~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a353 END /* SoA Scenery Talk : Sparring: The Morning After Extra-Curricular Activity */ IF ~Global("c-aranspar","GLOBAL",8)~ THEN BEGIN a360 SAY ~[ARAN] Hey, there, sleepyhead... wake up, eh?~ ++ ~[PC] *yawn* Wh... What...~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranspar","GLOBAL",9)~ + a361 + ~Gender(Player2,MALE) !Name("c-aran",Player2)~ + ~[PC] Not now, . Just a few more minutes...~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranspar","GLOBAL",9)~ + a362 + ~Gender(Player3,MALE) !Name("c-aran",Player3)~ + ~[PC] Not now, . Just a few more minutes...~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranspar","GLOBAL",9)~ + a363 + ~Gender(Player4,MALE) !Name("c-aran",Player4)~ + ~[PC] Not now, . Just a few more minutes...~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranspar","GLOBAL",9)~ + a364 + ~Gender(Player5,MALE) !Name("c-aran",Player5)~ + ~[PC] Not now, . Just a few more minutes...~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranspar","GLOBAL",9)~ + a365 + ~Gender(Player6,MALE) !Name("c-aran",Player6)~ + ~[PC] Not now, . Just a few more minutes...~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranspar","GLOBAL",9)~ + a366 ++ ~[PC] Hey, stop that. You tired me out. Let me get some more sleep. Just a few more minutes...~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranspar","GLOBAL",9)~ + a361 ++ ~[PC] I am awake. And from the feel of things, so are you.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranspar","GLOBAL",9)~ + a367 ++ ~[PC] Oh gods... get up. Fast. And get dressed. Where are my clothes? Quickly... hand me that, will you?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranspar","GLOBAL",9)~ + a368 END IF ~~ a361 SAY ~[ARAN] Well, m'lady , we done took sparrin' to a whole new level.~ ++ ~[PC] What exactly... happened last night?~ + a2261 ++ ~[PC] Oh. Well, I am awake, I guess. And from the feel of things, so are you.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",4)~ + a367 ++ ~[PC] Oh gods... get up. Fast. And get dressed. Where are my clothes? Quickly... hand me that, will you?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",4)~ + a368 ++ ~[PC] Hmmmmm. Warm. I can still feel you. Come back here.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",4)~ + a370 ++ ~[PC] Levels. Sparring. (Sit bolt upright suddenly, clutching the blanket close to your chin) We made love.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",4)~ + a368 + ~Global("c-heartwarder","GLOBAL",1) !Global("c-aranheartwarder","GLOBAL",1)~ + ~[PC] I think that particular... prayer... was quite fervent.~ + a986 + ~Global("c-heartwarder","GLOBAL",1) Global("c-aranheartwarder","GLOBAL",1)~ + ~[PC] I think that particular... prayer... was quite fervent.~ + a987 END IF ~~ a2261 SAY ~[ARAN] Well, what do you think happened, eh?~ ++ ~[PC] Oh gods... get up. Fast. And get dressed. Where are my clothes? Quickly... hand me that, will you? I can't believe we made love.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",4)~ + a368 ++ ~[PC] I remember lots of kissing, and wrestling about... and then I think you slowed down and just held me.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",1)~ + a2262 ++ ~[PC] Well, I remember lots of things. My lips feel a little swollen from all the kissing. Your dragon tattoo is interesting. And your hands explored a great deal, and my hands... I think it would have been even better if we had removed more clothing.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a2262 ++ ~[PC] That dragon tattoo was very interesting. Tracing it with my lips produced some very positive results. But when you began tracing the inside of my thigh with your tongue...~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",3)~ + a2262 ++ ~[PC] Well, I remember lots of things. Your dragon tattoo, for instance. And that curious expression that crossed your face as you moved within me...~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",4)~ + a2262 ++ ~[PC] (Blush) A Lady never tells.~ + a2262 END IF ~~ a2262 SAY ~[ARAN] Aye. I think you had a mite bit o' fun, an' I know I did. But I suppose it isn't somethin' ladies an' gentlemen talk about indiscreetly, at that. Good thing I be practicin' to be a gentleman.~ ++ ~[PC] You could shout it to the world, and I would not mind a bit.~ + a2263 ++ ~[PC] Gods, I think I will not move for a few days... everything hurts.~ + a375 ++ ~[PC] Yes. And I do not need to hurry, do I. (Stretch lazily, barely catching the blanket in time to preserve your modesty.)~ + a374 ++ ~[PC] I did not plan on this. This may... complicate things. Aran, promise me you will not talk about this with anyone, please?~ + a376 ++ ~[PC] Well, you tired me out. But I am quite disappointed. You need to be taught some things, Aran. I don't think you know how to please me very well.~ + a372 END IF ~~ a2263 SAY ~[ARAN] Now, that be a dangerous thing to say to me, eh? Mayhap I will just stand up an' shout it to th' whole o' Faerun...~ ++ ~[PC] What are you... ARAN! You are naked! (Hide your head under the blankets.)~ + a2265 ++ ~[PC] Nice show. You could turn around, so I could see the whole... oh my.~ + a2264 ++ ~[PC] Go on. Shout it. You don't have the guts.~ + a2264 ++ ~[PC] Get your bare tight little bottom back under these blankets! You are going to catch a chill.~ + a2264 ++ ~[PC] Don't you dare. No shouting. Breakfast, instead.~ + a385 END IF ~~ a2264 SAY ~[ARAN] I'd blighted well shout it to th' world if I could get a good lungfull o' air, but that look in your eye tells me it might be th' last thing I ever do!~ ++ ~[PC] Quite right. Breakfast.~ + a385 ++ ~[PC] Coward. Time for breakfast.~ + a385 ++ ~[PC] ARAN WHITEHAND IS HAVING HIS WILD WAYS WITH ME!~ + a2266 ++ ~[PC] Oh, gods... No time. We have to hurry. We left the campsite unguarded... we had better get up and get dressed quickly.~ + a380 END IF ~~ a2265 SAY ~[ARAN] Right, then, pop that head o' your out o' covers, an' let's be gettin' back to business, eh? I just wanted to see you blush, an' I can't see that when you be all covered over.~ ++ ~[PC] (Throw back the covers, hiding your face in your hands, but showing him exactly how far your blush has made it down your body.)~ + a2267 ++ ~[PC] (Speak from under the covers) You owe me a breakfast.~ + a385 ++ ~[PC] (Throw back the covers, showing him exactly how far your blush has made it down your body.) I... I want more.~ + a370 ++ ~[PC] There is no one here. I am a figment of your imagination.~ + a2268 ++ ~[PC] I'll take my head out from under here when you are decent.~ + a2269 END IF ~~ a2266 SAY ~[ARAN] Blighted hells, keep your voice down, an' quit all that gigglin'! Out, go on, out o' bed, an' let's get back to business before there be naught in th' way o' any privacy at all left a poor lad, eh?~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a2267 SAY ~[ARAN] Sune's Splendor, cover that beautiful sight up before you catch chill an' have to explain yourself gettin' all sick! Besides, you can kill a lad outright wi' erotic glory, an' I want to live to love another day, eh? You wrap up in th' blanket, an' I'll make a run for th' clothes. Ready, set... go!~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a2268 SAY ~[ARAN] For you bein' a figment o' my imagination, these love bites be a little too real!~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a2269 SAY ~[ARAN] Right, then. You will have to wait several lifetimes, eh, on account o' I have it on good authority that I am far from decent even on my best days!~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a986 SAY ~[ARAN] Aye, but... I'd be right disappointed if you were just thinkin' o' servin' your goddess, an' not o' me.~ ++ ~[PC] Hmmmmm. Too much talk. Warm. Come back here.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",4)~ + a370 ++ ~[PC] What exactly... happened last night?~ + a2261 ++ ~[PC] I worship through creating things of beauty, not through lovemaking. But sometimes, lovemaking becomes much more than just physical interaction.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",4)~ + a380 ++ ~[PC] I can have both, you know. And it seems my attentions have a very strong effect on you...~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",4)~ + a380 ++ ~[PC] ...and there goes the mood. You know, you can be a completely ignorant idiot. You think I was just doing a temple duty?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",4)~ + a988 END IF ~~ a987 SAY ~[ARAN] Aye, true enough. There be many ways to worship Sune, an' I do think this beats paintin', poetry, singin'... wait a minute. I think we done added almost all that in last night, too!~ ++ ~[PC] I did not plan on this. This may... complicate things. Aran, promise me you will not talk about this with anyone, please?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",4)~ + a376 ++ ~[PC] No time... we have to hurry. We had better get up and get dressed.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",4)~ + a380 ++ ~[PC] What exactly... happened last night?~ + a2261 ++ ~[PC] I do not ordinarily worship in that way, Aran, but you are right. In fact, I think that we need... another try?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",4)~ + a370 ++ ~[PC] Well, the singing was certainly not polished, and right now, my entire body aches from overexertion. For your penance, fix me breakfast? I could make it worth your while...~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",4)~ + a378 ++ ~[PC] My performance was exemplary, but you have a great deal to learn about pleasing a woman.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",4)~ + a372 END IF ~~ a988 SAY ~[ARAN] Cyric's Black Heart. I done messed it up again. Look, I didn't mean that th' way it sounded.~ ++ ~[PC] I did not plan on this. This may... complicate things. Aran, promise me you will not talk about this with anyone, please?~ + a376 ++ ~[PC] No time... we have to hurry. I should not need to explain myself or my faith to you. Obviously, you spent too much time on my exterior, and not enough learning who I really am. Get moving, right now!~ + a373 ++ ~[PC] What is done is done. I did not explain my faith clearly enough to you. I do not regret last night, but we need to be discreet.~ + a376 ++ ~[PC] What exactly... happened last night?~ + a2261 ++ ~[PC] On second thought, I think I overreacted. Perhaps I need to make it more clear to you about my passion. In fact, I think that we need... another try?~ + a370 ++ ~[PC] Apology accepted. For your penance, fix me breakfast? I could make it worth your while...~ + a378 ++ ~[PC] Well, in that case, I think I want to trace that tattoo again. Perhaps this time just with my fingers...~ + a382 END IF ~~ a362 SAY ~[ARAN] Bloody hells, woman. Get your body off o' me. Bugger that Shar-kissed bastard, anyways. You dreamin' o' when I was wi' you. That be just wrong.~ ++ ~[PC] Hey, hey, I was just joking... some men have no sense of humor. Hand me some clothes, because we need to get back to camp!~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",4) SetGlobal("c-aranfight","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranismad","GLOBAL",ONE_DAY)~ + a369 ++ ~[PC] Levels. Sparring. (Sit bolt upright suddenly, clutching the blanket close to your chin) We made love.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",4)~ + a368 ++ ~[PC] What exactly... happened last night?~ + a2261 ++ ~[PC] Oh gods... it is you. Aran, get up. Fast. And get dressed. Where are my clothes? Quickly... hand me that, will you?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",4)~ + a368 ++ ~[PC] If you cannot handle the fact that I might be dreaming of more than one man, then you really do not understand me, Aran.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",4) SetGlobal("c-aranfight","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranismad","GLOBAL",ONE_DAY)~ + a369 ++ ~[PC] Oh, Aran. I was awake already, and just did that to get a rise out of you. By the feel of things, it seems to have worked... Hmmmmm. Warm. Come back here.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",4)~ + a370 END IF ~~ a363 SAY ~[ARAN] Bloody hells, woman. Get your body off o' me. Bugger that Shar-kissed bastard, anyways. You dreamin' o' when I was wi' you. That be just wrong.~ ++ ~[PC] Hey, hey, I was just joking... some men have no sense of humor. Hand me some clothes, because we need to get back to camp!~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",4) SetGlobal("c-aranfight","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranismad","GLOBAL",ONE_DAY)~ + a369 ++ ~[PC] Levels. Sparring. (Sit bolt upright suddenly, clutching the blanket close to your chin) We made love.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",4)~ + a368 ++ ~[PC] What exactly... happened last night?~ + a2261 ++ ~[PC] Oh gods... it is you. Aran, get up. Fast. And get dressed. Where are my clothes? Quickly... hand me that, will you?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",4)~ + a368 ++ ~[PC] If you cannot handle the fact that I might be dreaming of more than one man, then you really do not understand me, Aran.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",4) SetGlobal("c-aranfight","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranismad","GLOBAL",ONE_DAY)~ + a369 ++ ~[PC] Oh, Aran. I was awake already, and just did that to get a rise out of you. By the feel of things, it seems to have worked... Hmmmmm. Warm. Come back here.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",4)~ + a370 END IF ~~ a364 SAY ~[ARAN] Bloody hells, woman. Get your body off o' me. Bugger that Shar-kissed bastard, anyways. You dreamin' o' when I was wi' you. That be just wrong.~ ++ ~[PC] Hey, hey, I was just joking... some men have no sense of humor. Hand me some clothes, because we need to get back to camp!~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",4) SetGlobal("c-aranfight","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranismad","GLOBAL",ONE_DAY)~ + a369 ++ ~[PC] Levels. Sparring. (Sit bolt upright suddenly, clutching the blanket close to your chin) We made love.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",4)~ + a368 ++ ~[PC] What exactly... happened last night?~ + a2261 ++ ~[PC] Oh gods... it is you. Aran, get up. Fast. And get dressed. Where are my clothes? Quickly... hand me that, will you?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",4)~ + a368 ++ ~[PC] If you cannot handle the fact that I might be dreaming of more than one man, then you really do not understand me, Aran.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",4) SetGlobal("c-aranfight","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranismad","GLOBAL",ONE_DAY)~ + a369 ++ ~[PC] Oh, Aran. I was awake already, and just did that to get a rise out of you. By the feel of things, it seems to have worked... Hmmmmm. Warm. Come back here.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",4)~ + a370 END IF ~~ a365 SAY ~[ARAN] Bloody hells, woman. Get your body off o' me. Bugger that Shar-kissed bastard, anyways. You dreamin' o' when I was wi' you. That be just wrong.~ ++ ~[PC] Hey, hey, I was just joking... some men have no sense of humor. Hand me some clothes, because we need to get back to camp!~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfight","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranismad","GLOBAL",ONE_DAY)~ + a369 ++ ~[PC] Levels. Sparring. (Sit bolt upright suddenly, clutching the blanket close to your chin) We made love.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",4)~ + a368 ++ ~[PC] What exactly... happened last night?~ + a2261 ++ ~[PC] Oh gods... it is you. Aran, get up. Fast. And get dressed. Where are my clothes? Quickly... hand me that, will you?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",4)~ + a368 ++ ~[PC] If you cannot handle the fact that I might be dreaming of more than one man, then you really do not understand me, Aran.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",4) SetGlobal("c-aranfight","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranismad","GLOBAL",ONE_DAY)~ + a369 ++ ~[PC] Oh, Aran. I was awake already, and just did that to get a rise out of you. By the feel of things, it seems to have worked... Hmmmmm. Warm. Come back here.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",4)~ + a370 END IF ~~ a366 SAY ~[ARAN] Bloody hells, woman. Get your body off o' me. Bugger that Shar-kissed bastard, anyways. You dreamin' o' when I was wi' you. That be just wrong!~ ++ ~[PC] Hey, hey, I was just joking... some men have no sense of humor. Hand me some clothes, because we need to get back to camp!~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",4) SetGlobal("c-aranfight","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranismad","GLOBAL",ONE_DAY)~ + a369 ++ ~[PC] Levels. Sparring. (Sit bolt upright suddenly, clutching the blanket close to your chin) We made love.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",4)~ + a368 ++ ~[PC] What exactly... happened last night?~ + a2261 ++ ~[PC] Oh gods... it is you. Aran, get up. Fast. And get dressed. Where are my clothes? Quickly... hand me that, will you?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",4)~ + a368 ++ ~[PC] If you cannot handle the fact that I might be dreaming of more than one man, then you really do not understand me, Aran.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",4) SetGlobal("c-aranfight","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranismad","GLOBAL",ONE_DAY)~ + a369 ++ ~[PC] Oh, Aran. I was awake already, and just did that to get a rise out of you. By the feel of things, it seems to have worked... Hmmmmm. Warm. Come back here.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",4)~ + a370 END IF ~~ a367 SAY ~[ARAN] Cold hands, cold hands... easy there! We seem to have taken sparrin' to a whole new level.~ ++ ~[PC] Oh gods... get up. Fast. And get dressed. Where are my clothes? Quickly.. hand me that, will you?~ + a368 /* intimate registers in a368 */ ++ ~[PC] What exactly... happened last night?~ + a2261 ++ ~[PC] I think it was several levels. I lost count.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",4)~ + a371 ++ ~[PC] That, Aran, was not sparring. That was serious lovemaking. And I think with a little more practice, we may redefine the genre.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",4)~ + a371 ++ ~[PC] Well, you tired me out. But I am quite disappointed. You need to be taught some things, Aran.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",4)~ + a372 ++ ~[PC] It was nice enough for an evenings' entertainment. Tell anyone it happened, and I will destroy you.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",4)~ + a373 + ~Global("c-heartwarder","GLOBAL",1) !Global("c-aranheartwarder","GLOBAL",1)~ + ~[PC] I think that particular... prayer... was quite fervent.~ + a986 + ~Global("c-heartwarder","GLOBAL",1) Global("c-aranheartwarder","GLOBAL",1)~ + ~[PC] I think that particular... prayer... was quite fervent.~ + a987 END IF ~~ a368 SAY ~[ARAN] Here they be... easy, there! We are grown, consentin' adults. In fact, there was a whole lot o' 'yes' bein' thrown about by both o' us last night, if I remember correctly.~ ++ ~[PC] This was a mistake.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",4)~ + a372 ++ ~[PC] What exactly... happened last night?~ + a2261 ++ ~[PC] Yes. And I do not need to hurry, do I. (Stretch lazily, barely catching the blanket in time to preserve your modesty.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",4)~ + a374 ++ ~[PC] Gods, I think I will not move for a few days... everything hurts.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",4)~ + a375 ++ ~[PC] I did not plan on this. This may... complicate things. Aran, promise me you will not talk about this with anyone, please?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",4)~ + a376 ++ ~[PC] No time... we have to hurry. I do not need to explain my self to anyone, and I do not want to repeat my orders. Get moving, right now!~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",4)~ + a373 END IF ~~ a369 SAY ~[ARAN] Bugger that. That be makin' me into th' joke. I can handle bein' one o' many, but not if you don't give me naught for respect. Next time you want tendin' to, look to some other poor bastard to torture.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a370 SAY ~[ARAN] Well, when you be puttin' it that way... HEY! Easy there, that's a tender spot! Perhaps there be a mite o' time more we can spend together...~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a371 SAY ~[ARAN] Hey, that tickles. Get your tousled head off o' my chest, eh? We had best be movin' along right quick. Spendin' this much time might have been a mistake.~ ++ ~[PC] Perhaps you are right. Hand me my clothes, and let's get back to business.~ + a376 ++ ~[PC] It was not a mistake. It was a serious miscalculation on your part. You took advantage of me, and if you come close to me again, I shall make you pay.~ + a377 ++ ~[PC] This - *kiss* - was not - *kiss* - a mistake.~ + a370 ++ ~[PC] I do not want to get out of bed. Fix me breakfast? I could make it worth your while...~ + a378 END IF ~~ a372 SAY ~[ARAN] That's not th' impression I got last night. But you are th' expert, I guess. I know how to keep my mouth shut, when it counts. An' I am trainable, to an extent. Next time, let me know what you want, an' I might just be able to supply it.~ ++ ~[PC] There will be no next time. Get dressed, and get a move on.~ EXIT ++ ~[PC] '...you are th' expert...' - just what are you implying, Aran?~ + a379 ++ ~[PC] Look, I am sorry - I didn't mean it that way. But we have to keep our distance from each other. This kind of thing can really interfere with what we are trying to accomplish.~ + a380 ++ ~[PC] Aran, you know I have feelings for another. I should never have allowed myself to risk damaging that relationship. Promise me you will be discreet... swear it on your life!~ + a376 ++ ~[PC] Come here, silly. I was playing with you. I want some more of that fiery passion!~ + a371 END IF ~~ a373 SAY ~[ARAN] Right, understood. Only... can you be movin' over about a foot? On account o' my trousers be somewhere under you, an' I might be needin' them...~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a374 SAY ~[ARAN] No hurry, but no dawdlin', neither, on account o' we don't have no one guardin' this position an' on th' lookout, eh?~ ++ ~[PC] Hand me the rest of my clothes, please... yes, that too. No, the strap goes there, not there... OUCH!~ + a381 ++ ~[PC] What is done is done. But we need to be discreet.~ + a376 ++ ~[PC] On second thought, I think that we need another practice session. In fact, I think that we need one right... oooh... now... hmmm... see?~ + a370 ++ ~[PC] I do not want to get out of bed. Fix me breakfast? I could make it worth your while...~ + a378 ++ ~[PC] Well, in that case, I think I want to trace that tattoo again. Perhaps this time just with my fingers...~ + a382 END IF ~~ a375 SAY ~[ARAN] I'm right sorry, I am. I think we got a mite carried away, eh? I didn't know... well, I don't regret a moment wi' you, but I never wanted to cause no pain to you.~ ++ ~[PC] You are sweet, but if I remember correctly it was me who insisted on receiving the full treatment.~ + a380 ++ ~[PC] It was not a mistake. You took advantage of me, and if you come close to me again, I shall make you pay.~ + a377 ++ ~[PC] This - *kiss* - was not - *kiss* - a mistake.~ + a370 ++ ~[PC] Here, rub here, will you, please? Gently...~ + a383 END IF ~~ a376 SAY ~[ARAN] That I can do, .~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a378 SAY ~[ARAN] Your wish be my command, m'lady. One warm breakfast, comin' up. Be a mite bit o' time, but you stay here an' I'll be back wi' somethin' good.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a377 SAY ~[ARAN] Bloody hells, woman. Get your body off o' me. Bugger that Shar-kissed mouth o' yours, anyways. I didn't do naught you didn't want me to do. If I did, then I'll hand you th' dagger myself, an' I'll explain it to Kelemvor.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfight","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranismad","GLOBAL",ONE_DAY)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a379 SAY ~[ARAN] That came out all wrong...~ ++ ~[PC] You bet it did. Get your clothes on, and get out of here. NOW.~ EXIT ++ ~[PC] You are right, I am the expert on my own body, and I am telling you to step up your game. Do you have a problem with that?~ + a384 ++ ~[PC] Look, this is going all wrong. Let's just get dressed and get back to our travels.~ + a380 END IF ~~ a380 SAY ~[ARAN] Aye, true enough. We had better get movin' quickly, on account o' we don't have no one guardin' this position an' on th' lookout, eh?~ ++ ~[PC] Hand me the rest of my clothes, please... yes, that too. No, the strap goes there, not there... OUCH!~ + a381 ++ ~[PC] What is done is done. But we need to be discreet.~ + a376 ++ ~[PC] On second thought, I think that we need another practice session. In fact, I think that we need one right... (oooh) now... (hmmm) see?~ + a370 ++ ~[PC] I do not want to get out of bed. Fix me breakfast? I could make it worth your while...~ + a378 END IF ~~ a381 SAY ~[ARAN] Sorry. That be a mite fun, though.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a382 SAY ~[ARAN] Ye Gods an' Solars, you be an assassin what's been sent to kill me! Right then, off wi' that blanket...~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a383 SAY ~[ARAN] Here?~ ++ ~[PC] A little lower... lower... hmmmm...~ + a370 ++ ~[PC] Yes, just gently. So, what would you like to have for breakfast?~ + a385 ++ ~[PC] Here, let me show you. Follow my finger...~ + a370 END IF ~~ a384 SAY ~[ARAN] No, there be no problems. No ma'am. Gettin' up an' fallin' back in line, like a good soldier. Thanks for takin' th' time to 'instruct' me, oh great leader. I be right humbled by your massive level o' knowledge, an' I'll be sure to pay attention right proper. Now, I got breakfast to cook. By your leave, m'lady Sune.~ ++ ~[PC] (Throw a boot hard at Aran)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfight","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranismad","GLOBAL",ONE_DAY)~ EXIT ++ ~[PC] A smart man would shut his flapping jaw and open his huge ears and pay attention, thus pleasing his partner. But you are particularly stupid, as males go, aren't you.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfight","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranismad","GLOBAL",ONE_DAY)~ EXIT ++ ~[PC] I have killed people for less insolent behavior than this. Get out.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfight","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranismad","GLOBAL",ONE_DAY)~ EXIT ++ ~[PC] M'lady Sune? Hmm, I like the sound of that. Why not come over here and kiss my feet for all that 'instruction' I blessed you with? I expect daily displays of your devotion to your goddess, you know.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfight","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranismad","GLOBAL",ONE_DAY)~ EXIT ++ ~[PC] (Get up and leave in silence)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfight","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranismad","GLOBAL",ONE_DAY)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a385 SAY ~[ARAN] You be offerin' to cook for me?~ ++ ~[PC] Absolutely. Anything you desire.~ + a386 ++ ~[PC] Silly man! Of course not. We can do it together.~ + a387 ++ ~[PC] I do not want to get out of bed. Fix me breakfast? I could make it worth your while...~ + a378 END IF ~~ a386 SAY ~[ARAN] Anythin' I desire, eh? In that case, breakfast be served. Hey, move that knee out o' th' way, an' quit that gigglin', girl... I can't rightly help my whiskers aren't shaved yet!~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a387 SAY ~[ARAN] Your wish be my command, m'lady. One warm breakfast, done right proper an' together. Here, let me help you wi' that... right. You keep th' blanket, an' I'll make a run for th' clothes. Ready, set... go!~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END /* BG2 FriendTalk 11 c-aranfriendbg2 = 21 : "Optimists, Pessimists, and Realists, Oh My.", or, the glass is half full, half empty, who cares - as long as it is a glass of good scotch! */ IF ~Global("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",21)~ THEN a388 SAY ~[ARAN] We keep runnin' around, battling' various foes, an' collectin' artifacts, treasures, an' knowledge. Cyric's Dark Heart, do you think we are ever goin' to slow down? Or ever just claim victory?~ [c-aws095] ++ ~I think that we shall prevail. After all, we have made it this far. Things should be getting better any day now.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",22) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a389 ++ ~I do not think we shall survive this. Fighting against so many foes, for so long, how can the outcome be anything but death and destruction?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",22) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a390 ++ ~Perhaps we shall win. Perhaps we shall lose. But really, we don't have much of a choice in the matter. The fates decide our destiny.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",22) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a391 ++ ~We are here. We have not lost yet. Speculating on the future just wastes our time and energy.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",22) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a392 ++ ~That depends. Are you worried that you're running out of oaths?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",22) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a392 + ~RandomNum(3,1)~ + ~Now is not a good time to talk, Aran.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",22) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a1907 /* c-aranshutup1 */ + ~RandomNum(3,2)~ + ~Can we move along?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",22) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a1908 /* c-aranshutup2 */ + ~RandomNum(3,3)~ + ~Silence is golden. Pay yourself.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",22) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a1909 /* c-aranshutup3 */ END IF ~~ a389 SAY ~[ARAN] That sounds right good. Solid, positive outlook there. Come, play a bit o' words with me.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a393 END IF ~~ a390 SAY ~[ARAN] Aye, that's my take, too. We'd best be careful, or we all will end up facin' Kelemvor right quick. That is right depressin', that is. Hey, let's lighten the mood a bit. Play a bit o' words with me.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a393 END IF ~~ a391 SAY ~[ARAN] Now, then, I don't rightly agree. The fates, they can be moved, or Tymora's coin is naught but wind. Come, now. Play a bit o' words with me.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a393 END IF ~~ a392 SAY ~[ARAN] Aye, true enough. No fun in not speculatin', though, just to pass th' time. Come, now. Play a bit o' words with me.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a393 END /* a393 is a chain */ IF ~~ a394 SAY ~[ARAN] Aye, you be a after me own heart, and no mistake. Cheers.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a395 SAY ~[ARAN] Well, you be entitled to your opinion, o'course. But if you ask me, the real question be what kind o' alcohol is in th' glass?~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END /* BG2 FriendTalk 12 c-aranfriendbg2 = 23 : "What's under all that Armor, Anyways?", or, take it all off, baby - take it all off. Emotionally, dude[ette] - jeeze, get a life. */ IF ~Global("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",23)~ THEN BEGIN a396 SAY ~[ARAN] Hey, I been thinkin'.~ [c-aws096] + ~RandomNum(3,1)~ + ~[PC] Not a good time, Aran. No more talking.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",24) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a1918 /* c-aranshutup12 */ + ~RandomNum(3,2)~ + ~[PC] Cut the chatter, Aran. We need to move along.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",24) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a1919 /* c-aranshutup13 */ + ~RandomNum(3,3)~ + ~[PC] And I have been thinking, too. Mostly about how to get you to stop talking.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",24) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a1920 /* c-aranshutup14 */ ++ ~[PC] What is on your mind, Aran?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",24) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a397 + ~Class(Player1,CLERIC_ALL) !Kit(Player1,GODTALOS) !Kit(Player1,GODHELM) !Kit(Player1,GODLATHANDER)~ + ~[PC] Praise be to the gods. I am finally getting you to use the gifts the gods granted you!~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",24) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a398 + ~Class(Player1,CLERIC_ALL) Kit(Player1,GODTALOS)~ + ~[PC] Praise be to Talos. I am finally getting you to use the gifts the Storms can bring you!~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",24) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a398 + ~Class(Player1,CLERIC_ALL) Kit(Player1,GODHELM)~ + ~[PC] Helm has granted my deepest prayers on your behalf. May His Shield guard your new endeavors!~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",24) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a398 + ~Class(Player1,CLERIC_ALL) Kit(Player1,GODLATHANDER)~ + ~[PC] The God of new beginnings is very kind. A new day dawns for you, Aran!~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",24) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a398 + ~Class(Player1,MAGE_ALL)~ + ~[PC] Moving in on my territory? I thought you were better suited to action, rather than thought.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",24) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a398 + ~Class(Player1,THIEF_ALL)~ + ~[PC] Are you sure that is wise? So far, I have been the one casing the joint and making the plans. What is all this about 'thinking'?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",24) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a398 + ~Class(Player1,BARD_ALL)~ + ~[PC] I knew you had it in you, Aran. Now we just need to work on your singing voice, and you may have the beginnings of true bardship.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",24) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a398 ++ ~[PC] I thought that was just the remnants of last night's dinner lingering in the air.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",24) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a398 END IF ~~ a397 SAY ~[ARAN] Well, for starters, I got some questions on what is goin' on wi' you, inside, I mean.~ IF ~InParty("Imoen2")~ THEN GOTO a399 IF ~!InParty("Imoen2")~ THEN GOTO a400 END IF ~~ a398 SAY ~[ARAN] Right funny, . See me? This is me, laughin'.~ IF ~InParty("Imoen2")~ THEN GOTO a399 IF ~!InParty("Imoen2")~ THEN GOTO a400 END IF ~~ a399 SAY ~[ARAN] I know I'm pushin' you, an' it might rightly be a sore subject, but I don't see m'self askin' Imoen about it. She seems to have had a mite more trouble adjustin' than you.~ IF ~!Class("c-aran",MAGE_ALL) !Class("c-aran",THIEF_ALL) !Class("c-aran",BARD_ALL) !Class("c-aran",CLERIC_ALL) !Class("c-aran",PALADIN_ALL)~ THEN GOTO a405 IF ~Class("c-aran",MAGE_ALL)~ THEN GOTO a401 IF ~Class("c-aran",THIEF_ALL)~ THEN GOTO a402 IF ~Class("c-aran",BARD_ALL)~ THEN GOTO a403 IF ~OR(2) Class("c-aran",CLERIC_ALL) Class("c-aran",PALADIN_ALL)~ THEN GOTO a404 END IF ~~ a400 SAY ~[ARAN] I know I'm pushin' you, an' it might rightly be a sore subject, but I don't know no other person what's been in your situation.~ IF ~!Class("c-aran",MAGE_ALL) !Class("c-aran",THIEF_ALL) !Class("c-aran",BARD_ALL) !Class("c-aran",CLERIC_ALL) !Class("c-aran",PALADIN_ALL)~ THEN GOTO a405 IF ~Class("c-aran",MAGE_ALL)~ THEN GOTO a401 IF ~Class("c-aran",THIEF_ALL)~ THEN GOTO a402 IF ~Class("c-aran",BARD_ALL)~ THEN GOTO a403 IF ~OR(2) Class("c-aran",CLERIC_ALL) Class("c-aran",PALADIN_ALL)~ THEN GOTO a404 END IF ~~ a401 SAY ~[ARAN] I studied everythin' I could find on short notice, but there's naught I could find to shed light on this havin' no soul business. Is it a good thing, or a bad thing? I mean, it might come in handy. I seen some things on a battlefield what deaden your insides right proper. Might be a kind o' freedom, in combat, not havin' to worry about nothin'.~ ++ ~[PC] I really do not want to talk about this. Go away, Aran.~ + a406 ++ ~[PC] You are joking, right? I do not see the deadness I feel inside as any sort of freedom.~ + a407 + ~Gender(Player1,MALE)~ + ~[PC] I feel nothing. That would not change my approach to combat, whether I had my soul or not.~ + a408 + ~Gender(Player1,FEMALE)~ + ~[PC] I feel nothing. That would not change my approach to combat, whether I had my soul or not.~ + a409 ++ ~[PC] What have you have seen on the battlefield that might be similar to what I have gone through?~ + a410 END IF ~~ a402 SAY ~[ARAN] If I could steal th' answer, I would. I'm curious, as I have seen thieves what seem to lose heart, but not their soul. Havin' no soul. Is it a good thing, or a bad thing? I mean, it might come in handy. I seen some things on a battlefield what deaden your insides right proper. Might be a kind o' freedom, in combat, not havin' to worry about nothin'.~ ++ ~[PC] I really do not want to talk about this. Go away, Aran.~ + a406 ++ ~[PC] You are joking, right? I do not see the deadness I feel inside as any sort of freedom.~ + a407 + ~Gender(Player1,MALE)~ + ~[PC] I feel nothing. That would not change my approach to combat, whether I had my soul or not.~ + a408 + ~Gender(Player1,FEMALE)~ + ~[PC] I feel nothing. That would not change my approach to combat, whether I had my soul or not.~ + a409 ++ ~[PC] What have you have seen on the battlefield that might be similar to what I have gone through?~ + a410 END IF ~~ a403 SAY ~[ARAN] I am new to all this bardic stuff, anyways. I should have read more on th' subject, but there's not much in common song or story what's coverin' this particular topic. Havin' no soul. Is it a good thing, or a bad thing? I mean, it might come in handy. I seen some things on a battlefield what deaden your insides right proper. Might be a kind o' freedom, in combat, not havin' to worry about nothin'.~ ++ ~[PC] I really do not want to talk about this. Go away, Aran.~ + a406 ++ ~[PC] You are joking, right? I do not see the deadness I feel inside as any sort of freedom.~ + a407 + ~Gender(Player1,MALE)~ + ~[PC] I feel nothing. That would not change my approach to combat, whether I had my soul or not.~ + a408 + ~Gender(Player1,FEMALE)~ + ~[PC] I feel nothing. That would not change my approach to combat, whether I had my soul or not.~ + a409 ++ ~[PC] What have you have seen on the battlefield that might be similar to what I have gone through?~ + a410 END IF ~~ a404 SAY ~[ARAN] I've been prayin' for an answer, but I must not be high enough in my god's graces to get an answer what makes sense. Havin' no soul, that is. Do it be a good thing, or a bad thing? I mean, it might come in handy. I done seen some things on a battlefield what deaden your insides right proper. Might be a kind o' freedom, in combat, not havin' to worry about nothin'.~ ++ ~[PC] I really do not want to talk about this. Go away, Aran.~ + a406 ++ ~[PC] You are joking, right? I do not see the deadness I feel inside as any sort of freedom.~ + a407 + ~Gender(Player1,MALE)~ + ~[PC] I feel nothing. That would not change my approach to combat, whether I had my soul or not.~ + a408 + ~Gender(Player1,FEMALE)~ + ~[PC] I feel nothing. That would not change my approach to combat, whether I had my soul or not.~ + a409 ++ ~[PC] What have you have seen on the battlefield that might be similar to what I have gone through?~ + a410 END IF ~~ a405 SAY ~[ARAN] This 'havin' no soul', that is. Do it be a good thing, or a bad thing? I mean, it might come in handy. I done seen some things on a battlefield what deaden your insides right proper. Might be a kind o' freedom, in combat, not havin' to worry about nothin'.~ ++ ~[PC] I really do not want to talk about this. Go away, Aran.~ + a406 ++ ~[PC] You are joking, right? I do not see the deadness I feel inside as any sort of freedom.~ + a407 + ~Gender(Player1,MALE)~ + ~[PC] I feel nothing. That would not change my approach to combat, whether I had my soul or not.~ + a408 + ~Gender(Player1,FEMALE)~ + ~[PC] I feel nothing. That would not change my approach to combat, whether I had my soul or not.~ + a409 ++ ~[PC] What have you have seen on the battlefield that might be similar to what I have gone through?~ + a410 ++ ~[PC] So, Aran, tell me about this lost love of yours. Was she pretty?~ + a1665 END IF ~~ a406 SAY ~[ARAN] Right, then. I'll get goin'. Plenty to think on by myself, I guess.~ ++ ~[PC] Good. Do that.~ EXIT ++ ~[PC] As long as you shut up, that will suffice.~ EXIT ++ ~[PC] Look, I guess this is awkward. I did not mean to snap at you. What are you getting at?~ + a412 ++ ~[PC] Suit yourself. I would rather you thought about cooking a nice meal, but if you need to ponder existential arguments to deal with all of this, knock yourself out.~ EXIT + ~Global("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] Look, how about you come an take a walk with me. I just don't want the talk. I did not mean to snap at you.~ + a412 END IF ~~ a407 SAY ~[ARAN] I guess I used th' wrong words. I mean, I've seen soldiers stop feelin'. The catapult or fireball smashes some non-combatant into oblivion, an' they don't wince. A whole group o' children get to pick an existence out o' burned an' pillaged village ruins, workin' over the remains after th' orcs have had their way wi' the place. The kind o' gallows humor what springs up when you take bets on whether that villager died afore th' Chill started cookin' her, or just after.~ ++ ~[PC] The strong will survive, and others will perish. It is the way of all things.~ + a412 ++ ~[PC] I wish that there were a way of stopping such horrors from happening. Right now, though, I want the empty feeling I have inside to go away.~ + a412 ++ ~[PC] Sometimes the gods ways are not understandable. But if I get a chance to do something about others avoiding feeling what I feel right now, I will.~ + a412 + ~Gender(Player1,FEMALE)~ + ~[PC] There is no profit in wholesale destruction and degradation, unless it serves a specific purpose. Using the most brutally efficient forces often results in someone suffering. I believe experts in warfare call that 'collateral damage'.~ + a409 + ~Gender(Player1,MALE)~ + ~[PC] There is no profit in wholesale destruction and degradation, unless it serves a specific purpose. Using the most brutally efficient forces often results in someone suffering. I believe experts in warfare call that 'collateral damage'.~ + a408 ++ ~[PC] I think I feel something of what you describe, Aran. But I am not sure if I feel more like the soldier observing, the fireball exploding, or the villager you describe.~ + a412 + ~Gender(Player1,FEMALE)~ + ~[PC] We shape destiny, and if someone gets hurt, so what? You cannot have a good breakfast without smashing a few eggs and frying up lesser creatures.~ + a409 + ~Gender(Player1,MALE)~ + ~[PC] We shape destiny, and if someone gets hurt, so what? You cannot have a good breakfast without smashing a few eggs and frying up lesser creatures.~ + a408 END IF ~~ a408 SAY ~[ARAN] Y'know, sometimes you are one mean son o' a bitch, a' you don't hold naught back in pursuit of your goals, but you tell me there be no difference when you have a soul an' when you don't?~ ++ ~[PC] No difference.~ + a412 ++ ~[PC] Of course there is a difference. I want to feel something, feel anything but this emptiness.~ + a412 ++ ~[PC] I leave those distinctions in the back of my mind, Aran. Right now, someone has something that belongs to me. I intend to get it back.~ + a412 ++ ~[PC] You have no right to ask these questions.~ + a411 ++ ~[PC] You have it wrong, Aran. If I were really that cold, you would not have started this discussion.~ + a406 END IF ~~ a409 SAY ~[ARAN] Y'know, sometimes you are one hellishly icy bitch, an' you don't hold naught back in pursuit of your goals, but you tell me there be no difference when you have a soul an' when you don't?~ ++ ~[PC] No difference.~ + a412 ++ ~[PC] Of course there is a difference. I want to feel something, feel anything but this emptiness.~ + a412 ++ ~[PC] I leave those distinctions in the back of my mind, Aran. Right now, someone has something that belongs to me. I intend to get it back.~ + a412 ++ ~[PC] You have no right to ask these questions.~ + a411 END IF ~~ a410 SAY ~[ARAN] I've seen a mite too much. There was a patch o' time wi' Moonshae, where we picked up th' remains o' outlyin' villages after an invasion an' saw things what would curdle your blood. But th' worst was against th' Throne, up north.~ = ~[ARAN] It scares a man to his marrow when you see some child standin' in the remains o' their village, holdin' a bloodsoaked doll in one hand an' the remains o' her older sister in th' other. The Chill liked to play wi' their captives in some ugly ways. It was worse when they left some o' th' young ones alive after they was finished.~ ++ ~[PC] The strong will survive, and the weak will perish. It is the way of all things.~ + a412 ++ ~[PC] I wish that there were a way of stopping such horrors from happening. Right now, though, I want the empty feeling I have inside to go away.~ + a412 ++ ~[PC] Sometimes the gods ways are not understandable. But if I get a chance to do something about others avoiding feeling what I feel right now, I will.~ + a412 + ~Gender(Player1,FEMALE)~ + ~[PC] There is no profit in wholesale destruction and degradation, unless it serves a specific purpose. Using the most brutally efficient forces often results in someone suffering. I believe experts in warfare call that 'collateral damage'.~ + a409 + ~Gender(Player1,MALE)~ + ~[PC] There is no profit in wholesale destruction and degradation, unless it serves a specific purpose. Using the most brutally efficient forces often results in someone suffering. I believe experts in warfare call that 'collateral damage'.~ + a408 ++ ~[PC] I think I feel something of what you describe, Aran. But I am not sure if I feel more like the soldier observing, the fireball exploding, or the girl you describe.~ + a412 END IF ~~ a411 SAY ~[ARAN] Right, then. I'll get goin'. Plenty to think on by myself, I guess.~ ++ ~[PC] Good. Do that.~ EXIT ++ ~[PC] As long as you shut up, that will suffice.~ EXIT ++ ~[PC] Look, I guess this is awkward. I did not mean to snap at you. I just do not want to talk about this right now.~ EXIT ++ ~[PC] Suit yourself. I would rather you thought about cooking a nice meal, but if you need to ponder existential arguments to deal with all of this, knock yourself out.~ EXIT END /* Idea from Darious & Meira's "Amber" and Fiulle/Sakaki's "The Luxley Family" - commentary on romance in progress with another. Multi-romancers will get up to 5 of these [there can only be 5 others in the party so the InParty check pares these down], which is crazy, but most folks will have 1 or 2 - 3 if Solaufein, Aran, and any one of these in party. */ IF ~~ a412 SAY ~[ARAN] I would think that havin' naught for a soul might change how you feel about th' whole 'fallin' in love' business. Mayhap keep you from makin' attachments to that special someone, eh? But it might not stop you judgin' by your actions...~ /* Refuse to admit it, female NPC romanceables */ + ~OR(3) InParty("aerie") InParty("Viconia") InParty("Jaheira") OR(3) Global("AerieRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2) Global("JaheiraRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2) Global("ViconiaRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] I really do not know what you are talking about. Some of us have traveled together for a long time.~ + a414 + ~InParty("M#AMBER") Global("M#AmberRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2) !Global("M#AmberMatch","GLOBAL",3)~ + ~[PC] I really do not know what you are talking about. Amber and I are just friends.~ + a414 + ~InParty("Imoen") OR(2) Global("ImoenRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2) Global("FWImoenRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] I really do not know what you are talking about. Imoen has always been a close friend.~ + a414 + ~InParty("nalia") OR(2) Global("PGNaliaRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2) Global("NaliaRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] I really do not know what you are talking about. Nalia is just a friend.~ + a414 + ~OR(9) InParty("Dace") InParty("R#Kitanya") InParty("KIARA") InParty("Ninde") InParty("E3Fade") InParty("TASHIA") InParty("SAERILETH") InParty("K#Sarah") InParty("SIME") OR(9) Global("T#DaceRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2) Global("R#KitanyaRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2) Global("KiaraRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2) Global("LK#NindeRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2) Global("E3FadeRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2) Global("TashiaRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2) Global("SaerilethRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2) Global("SarahRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2) Global("SimeRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] I really do not know what you are talking about.~ + a414 + ~InParty("YASRAENA") Global("YasraenaRA","GLOBAL",1) !Global("YasraenaRA","GLOBAL",3)~ + ~[PC] I really do not know what you are talking about.~ + a414 /* Refuse to admit it, male NPC romances */ + ~OR(6) InParty("ADANGEL") InParty("Anomen") InParty("Edwin") InParty("B!Gavin2") InParty("J#Kelsey") InParty("SK#NEHT") OR(6) Global("ADAngelRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2) Global("AnomenRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2) Global("EdwinRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2) Global("B!Gavin2RomanceActive","GLOBAL",2) Global("J#KelseyRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2) Global("SK#NehtRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] I really do not know what you are talking about.~ + a415 + ~InParty("P#KIVAN") OR(2) Global("P#KivanRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2) Global("P#KivanRomanceActive","GLOBAL",1)~ + ~[PC] I really do not know what you are talking about. Kivan just trust me more than he trusts others.~ + a415 + ~InParty("NATH") OR(3) Global("NathRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2) Global("NathRomanceActive","GLOBAL",4) Global("NathRomanceActive","GLOBAL",5)~ + ~[PC] I really do not know what you are talking about. Nathaniel just trust me more than he trusts others.~ + a415 + ~OR(2) InParty("SOLAUFEIN") InParty("SOLA") GlobalGT("SolaTalk","GLOBAL",12)~ + ~[PC] I really do not know what you are talking about. Solaufein just trusts me more than he trusts others.~ + a415 + ~InParty("TSUJATH") Global("TsujathaRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] I really do not know what you are talking about. Tsujatha just has different ways.~ + a415 + ~InParty("Valygar") OR(3) Global("H#ValygarRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2) Global("ValygarRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2) GlobalGT("RE_ValygarRomance","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] I really do not know what you are talking about. Valygar just likes to talk with me.~ + a415 + ~InParty("O#XAN") Global("O#XanRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] I really do not know what you are talking about. Xan just talks to me more than to others.~ + a415 /* G3 Aran "c-aran" */ + ~InParty("c-aran") Global("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] I think we do pretty well together, don't you, Aran? We are having some fun. Nothing more.~ + a421 + ~InParty("c-aran") Global("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] Do I have to spell it out for you, Aran? I thought I was dropping enough hints.~ + a422 + ~InParty("c-aran") Global("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] I really do not know what you are talking about. I just keep you around because you are somewhat useful at times.~ + a423 + ~InParty("c-aran") Global("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] You know very well that I love you, Aran.~ + a424 /* BioWare(tm) Aerie "aerie" */ + ~InParty("aerie") Global("AerieRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] I think you are reading too much into things. I am just having some fun with Aerie.~ + a419 + ~InParty("aerie") Global("AerieRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] So you noticed I have some feelings for Aerie.~ + a413 /* G3 Amber "M#AMBER" */ + ~InParty("M#AMBER") Global("M#AmberRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2) !Global("M#AmberMatch","GLOBAL",3)~ + ~[PC] I think you are reading too much into things. I am just having some fun with Amber.~ + a419 + ~InParty("M#AMBER") Global("M#AmberRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2) !Global("M#AmberMatch","GLOBAL",3)~ + ~[PC] So you noticed I have some feelings for Amber.~ + a413 /* G3 Angelo "ADANGEL" */ + ~InParty("ADANGEL") Global("ADAngelRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] I think you are reading too much into things. I am just having some fun with Angelo.~ + a419 + ~InParty("ADANGEL") Global("ADAngelRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] So you noticed I have some feelings for Angelo.~ + a413 /* BioWare(tm) Anomen "Anomen" */ + ~InParty("Anomen") Global("AnomenRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] I think you are reading too much into things. I am just having some fun with Anomen.~ + a419 + ~InParty("Anomen") Global("AnomenRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] So you noticed I have some feelings for Anomen.~ + a413 /* Chloe "CHLOE" */ + ~InParty("CHLOE") Global("ChloeRomanceActiveCR","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] I think you are reading too much into things. I am just having some fun with Chloe.~ + a419 + ~InParty("CHLOE") Global("ChloeRomanceActiveCR","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] So you noticed I have some feelings for Chloe.~ + a413 /* SHS Dace Linton */ + ~InParty("Dace") Global("T#DaceRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] I think you are reading too much into things. I am just having some fun with Dace.~ + a419 + ~InParty("Dace") Global("T#DaceRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] So you noticed I have some feelings for Dace.~ + a413 /* SHS Edwin "Edwin" */ + ~InParty("Edwin") Global("EdwinRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] I think you are reading too much into things. I am just having some fun with Edwin.~ + a419 + ~InParty("> */ + ~InParty("SK#NEHT") Global("SK#NehtRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] I think you are reading too much into things. I am just having some fun with Neh'Taniel.~ + a419 + ~InParty("SK#NEHT") Global("SK#NehtRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] So you noticed I might be developing some feelings for Neh'Taniel.~ + a413 /* SHS Ninde "Ninde" */ + ~InParty("Ninde") Global("LK#NindeRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] I think you are reading too much into things. I am just having some fun with Ninde.~ + a419 + ~InParty("Ninde") Global("LK#NindeRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] So you noticed I have some feelings for Ninde.~ + a413 /* CoM Saerileth "SAERILETH" */ + ~InParty("SAERILETH") Global("SaerilethRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] I think you are reading too much into things. I am just having some fun with Saerileth.~ + a419 + ~InParty("SAERILETH") Global("SaerilethRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] So you noticed I have some feelings for Saerileth.~ + a413 /* G3 Sarah "K#Sarah" */ + ~InParty("K#Sarah") Global("SarahRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] I think you are reading too much into things. I am just having some fun with Sarah.~ + a419 + ~InParty("K#Sarah") Global("SarahRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] So you noticed I have some feelings for Sarah.~ + a413 /* TS Sime (SHS/BWL) "SIME" */ + ~InParty("SIME") Global("SimeRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] I think you are reading too much into things. I am just having some fun with Sime.~ + a419 + ~InParty("SIME") Global("SimeRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] So you noticed I have some feelings for Sime.~ + a413 /* WeiDU.org Solaufein "SOLA" or "SOLAUFEIN" */ + ~OR(2) InParty("SOLAUFEIN") InParty("SOLA") GlobalGT("SolaTalk","GLOBAL",12)~ + ~[PC] I think you are reading too much into things. I am just having some fun with Solaufein.~ + a419 + ~OR(2) InParty("SOLAUFEIN") InParty("SOLA") GlobalGT("SolaTalk","GLOBAL",12)~ + ~[PC] So you noticed I have some feelings for Solaufein.~ + a413 /* SHS Tashia "TASHIA" */ + ~InParty("TASHIA") Global("TashiaRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] I think you are reading too much into things. I am just having some fun with Tashia.~ + a419 + ~InParty("TASHIA") Global("TashiaRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] So you noticed I have some feelings for Tashia.~ + a413 /* CoM Tsujatha "TSUJATH" */ + ~InParty("TSUJATH") Global("TsujathaRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] I think you are reading too much into things. I am just having some fun with Tsujatha.~ + a419 + ~InParty("TSUJATH") Global("TsujathaRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] So you noticed I have some feelings for Tsujatha.~ + a413 /* Valygar from C.Romantique (unhosted) "Valygar" | SHS/BWL TS Valygar "Valygar" | G3 RE Valygar "valygar" */ + ~InParty("Valygar") OR(3) Global("H#ValygarRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2) Global("ValygarRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2) GlobalGT("RE_ValygarRomance","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] I think you are reading too much into things. I am just having some fun with Valygar.~ + a419 + ~InParty("Valygar") OR(3) Global("H#ValygarRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2) Global("ValygarRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2) GlobalGT("RE_ValygarRomance","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] So you noticed I have some feelings for Valygar.~ + a413 /* BioWare(tm) Viconia "Viconia" */ + ~InParty("Viconia") Global("ViconiaRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] I think you are reading too much into things. I am just having some fun with Viconia.~ + a419 + ~InParty("Viconia") Global("ViconiaRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] So you noticed I have some feelings for Viconia.~ + a413 /* PPG Xan "O#XAN" */ + ~InParty("O#XAN") Global("O#XanRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] I think you are reading too much into things. I am just having some fun with Xan.~ + a419 + ~InParty("O#XAN") Global("O#XanRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] So you noticed I have some feelings for Xan.~ + a413 /* CoM Yasraena "YASRAENA" Cannot be romanced, but player can physically flirt with her, so conditions for "noticeably interested" are: */ + ~InParty("YASRAENA") Global("YasraenaRA","GLOBAL",1) !Global("YasraenaRA","GLOBAL",3)~ + ~[PC] I think you are reading too much into things. I am just having some fun with Yasraena.~ + a419 + ~InParty("YASRAENA") Global("YasraenaRA","GLOBAL",1) !Global("YasraenaRA","GLOBAL",3)~ + ~[PC] So you noticed I might be developing some feelings for Yasraena.~ + a413 ++ ~[PC] Now you have advice on my love life, as well? I thought you could understand the difference between physical contact and love.~ + a416 ++ ~[PC] I thought you of all people should understand the need to feel, to fill that hollow void in the center of your being.~ + a416 END IF ~~ a413 SAY ~[ARAN] It be hard not to notice. But I figure you got th' right to whatever happiness you can rip out o' this strangeness. There be more what happens to you in a day than most folks be havin' happen in several lifetimes. So I got not right to judge.~ + ~Global("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",2) Gender(Player1,FEMALE)~ + ~[PC] So you are not jealous?~ + a418 + ~Global("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",2) Gender(Player1,MALE)~ + ~[PC] So you are not jealous?~ + a417 + ~!Global("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] So you are not jealous?~ + a425 ++ ~[PC] Now you have advice on my love life, as well? I thought you could understand the difference between physical contact and love.~ + a416 ++ ~[PC] I thought you of all people should understand the need to feel, to fill that hollow void in the center of your being.~ + a416 ++ ~[PC] You should stay away from deep thoughts, Aran. Especially when it comes to my choice of companion.~ + a411 END IF ~~ a414 SAY ~[ARAN] Well, if you don't, then I guess you don't. But you sure spend alot of time wi' a certain lady 'friend', eh? I'm not always th' sharpest tack in th' barrel, but it seems like you have need o' some companionship. Guess that means there be somethin' inside even after your soul gets torn out. You must be stronger than Corellon's Bowhand.~ + ~Global("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",2) Gender(Player1,FEMALE)~ + ~[PC] So you are not jealous?~ + a418 + ~Global("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",2) Gender(Player1,MALE)~ + ~[PC] So you are not jealous?~ + a417 + ~!Global("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] So you are not jealous?~ + a425 ++ ~[PC] Now you have advice on my love life, as well? I thought you could understand the difference between physical contact and love.~ + a416 ++ ~[PC] I thought you of all people should understand the need to feel, to fill that hollow void in the center of your being.~ + a416 ++ ~[PC] You should stay away from deep thoughts, Aran. Especially when it comes to my choice of companion.~ + a411 END IF ~~ a415 SAY ~[ARAN] Well, if you don't, then I guess you don't. But you sure spend alot of time wi' a certain gentleman 'friend', eh? I'm not always th' sharpest tack in th' barrel, but it seems like you have need o' some companionship. Guess that means there be somethin' inside even after your soul gets torn out. You must be stronger than Corellon's Bowhand.~ + ~Global("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",2) Gender(Player1,FEMALE)~ + ~[PC] So you are not jealous?~ + a418 + ~Global("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",2) Gender(Player1,MALE)~ + ~[PC] So you are not jealous?~ + a417 + ~!Global("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] So you are not jealous?~ + a425 ++ ~[PC] Now you have advice on my love life, as well? I thought you could understand the difference between physical contact and love.~ + a416 ++ ~[PC] I thought you of all people should understand the need to feel, to fill that hollow void in the center of your being.~ + a416 ++ ~[PC] You should stay away from deep thoughts, Aran. Especially when it comes to my choice of companion.~ + a411 END IF ~~ a416 SAY ~[ARAN] Aye, I can tell. I guess I was just interested in decipherin' whether you still could, too.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END /* should never play, but then again, who knows :) */ IF ~~ a417 SAY ~[ARAN] Hells yes, I be jealous. But then, I am still a mite confused as to how in Mielikki's Quiver we got ourselves a romance, on account o' I am seriously interested in womenfolk, not menfolk. I guess you be a mite unique, so I guess you got your reasons. If I was not able to handle it, I'd have already cut th' contract. That must be why I keep callin' you 'my lady' an' all.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a418 SAY ~[ARAN] Hells yes, I be jealous. But then, you be a mite unique, so I guess you got your reasons. If I was not able to handle it, I'd have already cut th' contract.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a419 SAY ~[ARAN] You play dangerous games, there, . I hope you know what you be doin'. Even th' most callous an' evil creatures have souls what to hurt, you know. Pretty dangerous to be messin' about wi' anyone in your state.~ + ~Global("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",2) Gender(Player1,FEMALE)~ + ~[PC] Do I hear a little jealousy?~ + a418 + ~Global("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",2) Gender(Player1,MALE)~ + ~[PC] Do I hear a little jealousy?~ + a417 ++ ~[PC] Do not worry about it, Aran. Even if it were your business, I know what I am doing.~ EXIT ++ ~[PC] You know me better than that. If someone is weak enough to fall under my control, it is natural that I should take advantage of that power.~ + a423 ++ ~[PC] I know it is dangerous. But some things... some people are worth the risk.~ EXIT + ~!Global("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",2) Gender(Player1,FEMALE)~ + ~[PC] I suppose you are about to say you are the only one tough enough to handle the emotional baggage...~ + a420 END IF ~~ a420 SAY ~[ARAN] See, you catch on quick. I knew it were a long shot, but naught ventured, naught gained, eh?~ = ~[ARAN] I know, I know... 'Aran, shut up and soldier'. You can't blame a lad for an occasional random attempt to get you in th' sack.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a421 SAY ~[ARAN] Aye, I can tell we work right fine together. But sometimes I don't rightly want to share you.~ + ~Global("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",2) Gender(Player1,FEMALE)~ + ~[PC] Do I hear a little jealousy?~ + a418 + ~Global("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",2) Gender(Player1,MALE)~ + ~[PC] Do I hear a little jealousy?~ + a417 ++ ~[PC] Well, there is always a way you could make sure of that. It is a little round thing, usually jeweled, indicates something that begins with 'm'...~ + a424 ++ ~[PC] You know me better than that. If someone is weak enough to fall under my control, it is natural that I should take advantage of that power. Yourself included.~ + a423 ++ ~[PC] I know it is dangerous. But some things... some people are worth the risk. You know I want you in my life. That should be enough for you.~ + a424 + ~!Global("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",2) Gender(Player1,FEMALE)~ + ~[PC] I suppose you are about to say you are the only one tough enough to handle the emotional baggage... you would have no problem sharing me with another.~ + a420 END IF ~~ a422 SAY ~[ARAN] Huh?~ ++ ~[PC] Never mind. Sometimes you are so... stupid. That's it. Stupid.~ EXIT ++ ~[PC] Watch my mouth, Aran. Better yet, I will draw it on your chest with my finger... 'I'... 'L'... 'O'... 'V'...~ + a424 ++ ~[PC] Look, if you cannot take a hint, then you will just have to be ordered. That's it, big boy. Trousers. Drop 'em. Now.~ + a424 ++ ~[PC] Ask me again, later. I will explain it to you in great detail. I might even do a short session of 'show and tell'.~ EXIT END IF ~~ a423 SAY ~[ARAN] Aye. An' I keep hangin' around on account o' when I walk behind you, your cute bottom sways fit to... OUCH!~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a424 SAY ~[ARAN] Hey, now, whoa back, there! We started in on a friendly talk askin' on souls, an' existential meanderin's to pass the time, an' suddenly we are talkin' deep romance. Go easy on a poor lad, eh? You might trigger my deep fear o' commitment an' lack o' touch wi' my inner self, an' then where'd we be?~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a425 SAY ~[ARAN] Now that would be right silly, now, eh? It just goes to show, there be a person for every other person, no matter how strange they be.~ = ~[ARAN] Hey, stop lookin' at me like that - I meant it well, I tell you! Grumbar's Claws, try to give a compliment, end up gettin' a good friend all ticked off an' bothered. I need to get me some o' them lessons in diplomacy or somethin'.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END /* Punching the 4th Wall Hard: The concept of 4th wall has come up before; in general, a little goes a long way. But there are some in-game fun stuff, from Sir Kalthorine's cool appearance in ToB back in the day, when he was a rabid fan so helpful and active on the boards that BioWare made reference to him in-game, all the way to the use of Garrick in a gentle rip-off of Cyrano De Bergerac (some of you know it as the Steve Martin movie "Roxanne" or any of a dozen other re-tellings, but us Intellectual Purist Snobs(tm) know it as Edmund Rostund's cool play about a dude with a long nose...). Basically, too much of Ferris Beuhler's turning to the audience and addressing them, or cans of Coke turning up on Star Trek, or any other odd breakage of the "willing suspension of disbelief" required for fun roleplaying, and the element of farce breaks up the game for the player. So, a fun little challenge - let's play with first lines from classics, which breaks 4th wall, but "FR-ize" them. Can we have some fun reinterpreting classics enough to make those heavy readers among us laugh, while allowing the participants to remain firmly entrenched behind their Wall of impenetrable Canonical Knowledge Of The Way Things Are In Faerun? Let's see... */ /* BG2 FriendTalk 13 c-aranfriendbg2 = 25 : "So once there were three men, sitting around a fire. And one of them got up and said..." TrailTalk, FR style */ IF ~Global("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",25)~ THEN BEGIN a426 SAY ~[ARAN] Hey, . Tell me a story, eh? Somethin' to take th' edge off all o' this blood an' death an' such.~ [c-aws097] ++ ~[PC] I do not have any stories to tell. How about you tell me one.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",26) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a427 + ~RandomNum(7,1)~ + ~[PC] Not a good time, Aran. No more talking.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",26) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a1913 /* c-aranshutup7 */ + ~RandomNum(7,2)~ + ~[PC] Cut the chatter, Aran. We need to move along.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",26) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a1907 /* c-aranshutup1 */ + ~RandomNum(7,3)~ + ~[PC] And I have been thinking, too. Mostly about how to get you to stop talking.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",26) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a1908 /* c-aranshutup2 */ + ~RandomNum(7,4)~ + ~[PC] I prefer you when you are the silent type. Right now, obviously, this is a problem, because you keep opening your mouth and letting wind come out.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",26) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a1943 /* c-aranshutup37 */ + ~RandomNum(7,5)~ + ~[PC] Please, keep talking. I always yawn when I am interested. Just in case you did not notice, this is called 'sarcasm'.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",26) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a1910 /* c-aranshutup4 */ + ~RandomNum(7,6)~ + ~[PC] Silence. That is spelled 's i l e n c e'. You are a scribe - write it down, and post it somewhere where you can read it.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",26) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a1911 /* c-aranshutup5 */ + ~RandomNum(7,7)~ + ~[PC] I don't mind you talking so much, as long as you don't mind me not listening.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",26) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a1912 /* c-aranshutup6 */ + ~Class(Player1,BARD_ALL)~ + ~[PC] Do I look like a bard? Wait a minute... yes, I do. Sure, I will tell you a story. What kind of story do you want to hear?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",26) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a428 + ~!Class(Player1,BARD_ALL)~ + ~[PC] Do I look like a bard?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",26) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a429 ++ ~[PC] I would be glad to tell you a story. Do you want a true story, or an invented one?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",26) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a428 ++ ~[PC] Aren't you supposed to be talking to me seriously about the nature of existence, or giving me some deep advice about surviving all this?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",26) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a439 ++ ~[PC] I do not know, Aran. All I seem to be able to think about is doom and gloom.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",26) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a430 END IF ~~ a427 SAY ~[ARAN] Aye, I could do that. I guess you get tired o' naught but questions an' concerns about you.~ ++ ~[PC] Why, what have you heard? Is my breath bad? Do I have something in my teeth?~ + a442 ++ ~[PC] I never get tired of hearing about me.~ + a450 ++ ~[PC] Yes. Tell me something fun, and make sure it does not involve death, destruction, or the disposition of souls.~ + a450 ++ ~[PC] Tell me something absolutely true about you.~ + a452 END IF ~~ a428 SAY ~[ARAN] Well, it does not rightly matter, as long as it is somethin' besides death an' doom, eh?~ ++ ~[PC] Perhaps you have a better story to tell me.~ + a450 /* Cervantes */ + ~InParty("anomen") !InParty("c#ajantis") !InParty("7XAJAN")~ + ~[PC] 'Somewhere in the Dale Lands, in a place whose name I do not care to remember, a gentleman lived not long ago, one of those who has a lance and ancient shield on a shelf and keeps a skinny nag and a greyhound for racing...'~ + a434 + ~!InParty("anomen") OR(2) InParty("c#ajantis") InParty("7XAJAN")~ + ~[PC] 'Somewhere in the Dale Lands, in a place whose name I do not care to remember, a gentleman lived not long ago, one of those who has a lance and ancient shield on a shelf and keeps a skinny nag and a greyhound for racing...'~ + a435 + ~!InParty("anomen") !InParty("c#ajantis") !InParty("7XAJAN")~ + ~[PC] 'Somewhere in the Dale Lands, in a place whose name I do not care to remember, a gentleman lived not long ago, one of those who has a lance and ancient shield on a shelf and keeps a skinny nag and a greyhound for racing...'~ + a436 ++ ~[PC] Why are you wasting my time with all this lighthearted banter? Surely there are more important things to be talking about. Even advice to share.~ + a440 /* Scott - I can't stand the book, get tangled up in his prose, but the line is great - */ ++ ~[PC] Try this story on for size - 'Oh! young Lochinvar is come out of the west, Through all the wide Border his steed was the best; And save his good broadsword he weapons had none. He rode all unarmed and he rode all alone.'~ + a444 /* Dick Francis */ ++ ~[PC] How about this one... 'I could think of three good reasons for not going to Neverwinter, one of which was twenty-six, blond, and upstairs unpacking the luggage...'~ + a433 /* Traditional joke */ ++ ~[PC] Perhaps this will amuse you. 'Once there were three men, sitting around a fire. So one of them got up and said...'~ + a437 /* Tennison */ ++ ~[PC] 'Half a league, half a league, half a league onward, all in the valley of death rode the six hundred.'~ + a443 END IF ~~ a429 SAY ~[ARAN] No, not quite a bard, but you done been at th' center o' a storm your whole life. There has to be somethin' interestin' you can tell me. I be a right fine audience. Plus, there be no competition around, too.~ ++ ~[PC] Why are you wasting my time with all this lighthearted banter? Surely there are more important things to be talking about.~ + a438 /* Lytton */ ++ ~[PC] How about this one. 'It was a dark and stormy night...'~ + a431 /* Dickens */ ++ ~[PC] Perhaps this one... 'It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity...'~ + a432 ++ ~[PC] I have enough to worry about in real life. I do not need to indulge in stories, true or made up.~ + a448 /* Orson Scott Card, Ender's Game - read it. It is worth it, big time. */ ++ ~[PC] What about 'I've watched through his eyes, I've listened through his ears, and I tell you he's the one.'~ + a478 ++ ~[PC] I do not know, Aran. All I seem to be able to think about is doom and gloom.~ + a430 END IF ~~ a430 SAY ~[ARAN] Well, then, by all th' gods, don't be tellin' me a story. We are practically livin' in one right now, an' I am still worried about what th' last chapter has in store for us. Well, more specific, what it has for me, eh?~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a431 SAY ~[ARAN] Talos's Terrible Talons. I get it - some long-winded tale about one o' th' StormLord's warriors, all bent on destruction. Hey, unless he gets a pole shoved up his arse by some Han girl, forget it!~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a432 SAY ~[ARAN] Leira's Lamentation, no way you needs be tellin' that tale. Blighted bard what wrote that won't settle on an answer, eh? Too deep for my blood. Tell me somethin' that has a great mercenary scribe, some attractive young lass, an' about four children to spice it up. An' leave out any reference to dragons!!~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a433 SAY ~[ARAN] Milil's Golden Voice, now you be talkin' th' right kind o' story! You keep on, an' I'll just listen. Just be sure you be leavin' out any reference to dragons!~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a434 SAY ~[ARAN] Loviatar's Lash, I am in no mood to hear no story about Anomen. It be bad enough I got to hear what he calls stories from th' bloody windbag now. You go on an' tell your story. I'll be somewhere dumpin' th' contents o' my stomach.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a435 SAY ~[ARAN] Eldath's Elevated Eyebrows, now you be talkin' th' right kind o' story! Hey Ajantis, listen up, boyo! 's about to tell a story on what your life will be later on!~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a436 SAY ~[ARAN] Waukeen's Silver Tongue, now you be talkin' th' right kind o' story! You keep on, an' I'll just listen. Just be sure you be leavin' out any reference to dragons, unless th' paladin wins!~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a437 SAY ~[ARAN] 'Anders, tell us a story. So Anders got up an' said, Once there were three men, sittin' around a fire, an' one o them got up an' said, Anders, tell us a story, so...'~ = ~[ARAN] Shaundakul's Mighty Breath, I done heard that an' told that a million times. How about we just start singin' 'Ninety-Nine Tankards O' Beer On Th' Bar' instead? It has more point, an' better subject matter!~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a438 SAY ~[ARAN] All work an' no play makes a dull . Bast's Babbling Tongue, sorry. Now I sound like on o' them old biddys what chatter on wi' their truisms. Forget it. I'd rather just think up some stories myself, anyways. Let me see... so a handsome, modest sellsword meets this really cute lass...~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a439 SAY ~[ARAN] Did you hit your head right hard that last combat? On account o' you think I got some advice on life? Hells, , I need someone to help strap on my armor in th' mornin'. Go find a sage for the rest o' that stuff!~ ++ ~[PC] Seriously, do you have any advice for me? Everyone else seems to have no problems telling me or warning me about my future.~ + a440 ++ ~[PC] Never mind. As far as stories go, I have enough to worry about right now in real life. I do not need to indulge in stories, true or made up.~ + a448 /* The Obligatory Austen */ ++ ~[PC] Fine. I will tell you a story. How about 'Emma Woodhouse, handsome, clever, and rich, with a comfortable home and happy disposition, seemed to unite some of the best blessings of existence; and had lived nearly twenty-one years in the world with very little to distress or vex her.'~ + a445 + ~Global("c-leavefist","LOCALS",0)~ + ~[PC] You are right. Hey, you never told me about deciding to leave the Fist. Why did you leave?~ + a643 END IF ~~ a440 SAY ~[ARAN] Sure thing. Keep your eyes on th' big picture, don't be takin' no wooden tradebars, an' try not to get a god or gods mad at you. O' course, it be too late for number three there, which is why it be fun travelin' wi' you. Dangerous, but fun.~ ++ ~[PC] Come on, Aran. I am serious. Give me some advice.~ + a441 /* Kafka. Don't bother. Class assignment, Back In The Day(tm). Not my cup of tea. Bleh. Might as well settle in with Neitsche and a nice glass of ground up rock powder with a poison chaser... */ ++ ~[PC] If you insist, how about I tell you this one - 'As Gregor Samsa awoke one morning from uneasy dreams he found himself transformed in his bed into a gigantic insect.'~ + a446 /* Brust. He Rocks. */ ++ ~[PC] I have a story for you. It starts like this - 'There is a similarity, if I may be permitted an excursion into tenuous metaphor, between the feel of a chilly breeze and the feel of a knife's blade, as either is laid across the back of the neck. I can call up memories of both, if I work at it. The chilly breeze is invariably going to be the more pleasant memory.'~ + a447 ++ ~[PC] I think you should tell me a story, and entertain me.~ + a450 ++ ~[PC] I have enough to worry about in real life. I do not need to indulge in stories, true or made up.~ + a448 END IF ~~ a442 SAY ~[ARAN] No, nothin' in your teeth, an' your breath be no worse than expected. Right then, a story. So me an' Kravich was on guard duty up on th' Trade Way, an'...~ ++ ~[PC] Do all your stories involve Kravich? ~ + a461 ++ ~[PC] Heard it. You and Kravich found out the monks that you were guarding were actually cute young female thieves in hiding, and you helped them expand the definition of 'undercover work'. Try another one.~ + a460 ++ ~[PC] You keep telling the story, Aran. I am going to keep my eyes on our surroundings, so if it looks like I am not paying attention, you just keep talking.~ + a459 ++ ~[PC] No, wait... tell me a story about your family.~ + a464 ++ ~[PC] Hey, what was that? Over there, behind you, I thought I saw something moving... does anyone else smell sulphur?~ + a463 END IF ~~ a441 SAY ~[ARAN] I be bloody well serious on this one - listen to yourself. If you be screamin' rage an' fear inside, that be fine. I am watchin' your back, an' I will be there to help out. But if you be screamin' rage an' hate an' power, let me know, on account o' I want to be out o' target range when you decide to smash th' world into rivers o' blood.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a443 SAY ~[ARAN] Torm's Stalwart Fist, now you be talkin' th' right kind o' story! You keep on, an' I'll just listen. I just hope it be havin' a happy endin', like they be elves smitin' th' crap out o' a whole pile o' Drow bastards...~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a444 SAY ~[ARAN] Torm's Tangled Banner,that lad be in for a mite bit o' hurt. An' it don't rightly make sense, neither. Did he take his broadsword, or was he all unarmed, eh? or is it one o' those symbolic stories... oh, hells, I'll be just shuttin' up an' listenin'. You go on.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a446 SAY ~[ARAN] Bloody hells, no! I want naught to do wi' horror or some mad wizard experimentin' on poor unsuspectin' souls wi' polymorph spells! Forget it. I'd rather just think up some stories myself, anyways. Let me see... so a handsome, modest sellsword meets this really cute lass...~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a447 SAY ~[ARAN] Bloody hells, no! I want naught to do wi' horror or some cold knife bein' tossed about! Forget it. I'd rather just think up some stories myself, anyways. Let me see... so a handsome, modest sellsword meets this really cute lass...~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a448 SAY ~[ARAN] Aye, I suppose we should be thinkin' deep thoughts, an' worryin' about what be next. But hells, , There be power in distractin' yourself, an' enjoyin' life. Come on, now, tell a story, eh? Just a little one, what be funny an' happy?~ ++ ~[PC] No. But you tell me one.~ + a450 ++ ~[PC] Forget it, Aran. We should get back to business, and focus on what needs to be done.~ + a1910 /* c-aranshutup4 */ ++ ~[PC] Perhaps another time. Right now, you should pay more attention to what you are doing. Or that your codpiece has come loose...~ + a449 ++ ~[PC] No, I do not have a story ready. But you could tell me a story about your family.~ + a464 /* Crane, TRBoC - that and Starship Troopers top my list of really great stories. */ ++ ~[PC] Perhaps this one will be amusing... 'The cold passed reluctantly from the earth, and the retiring fogs revealed an army stretched out on the hills, resting.'~ + a468 END IF ~~ a450 SAY ~[ARAN] Well, let me see. Some story what gets your mind off o' things. I know... how about a joke, instead. How do you be tellin' if a Shadow Thief be dead?~ ++ ~[PC] They crossed me?~ + a451 ++ ~[PC] I have no idea.~ + a451 ++ ~[PC] Don't we have spells for that sort of thing?~ + a451 ++ ~[PC] Well, first step on their wrists, then kick the weapon they were wielding away from them, then cut off their head...~ + a451 ++ ~[PC] What fool kills a Shadow Thief? Oh, you mean when there are no witnesses...~ + a451 ++ ~[PC] Hey, some of my best friends are Shadow Thieves.~ + a451 END IF ~~ a451 SAY ~[ARAN] Hold a piece o' gold out in front o' them an' see if they grab for it. O' course, you do have to be careful, on account o' there might be a slight twitch in their fingers even hours after death, eh?~ + ~!Class("c-aran",BARD_ALL)~ + ~[PC] Very funny. You can tell, by the fact that I am not laughing. Come on, Aran, liven things up a bit. Tell me a story.~ + a1672 + ~Class("c-aran",BARD_ALL)~ + ~[PC] Very funny. You can tell, by the fact that I am not laughing. Tell me a story.~ + a1671 + ~OR(8) Global("c-arangogstory","LOCALS",1) Global("c-arankravitchstory","LOCALS",1) Global("c-arancarbonara","LOCALS",1) Global("c-arancalimport","LOCALS",1) Global("c-arangerris","LOCALS",1) Global("c-arandadtrade","LOCALS",1) Global("c-aranfistfight","LOCALS",1) GlobalGT("c-aranmoonfight","LOCALS",0)~ + ~[PC] Hey, Aran, I remember you telling a story... can you tell it to me again?~ + a1673 ++ ~[PC] Stick to your day job. At least there, you won't accidentally bore someone to death.~ + a1979 /* c-aranshutup73 */ END /* Theater of the Absurd */ IF ~~ a452 SAY ~[ARAN] I like eggs.~ ++ ~[PC] Well, that was short and pointless. How about telling me a story?~ + a450 ++ ~[PC] Is that it??~ + a453 ++ ~[PC] You can do better than that. Tell me about your sister.~ + a453 + ~!Class("c-aran",BARD_ALL)~ + ~[PC] Very funny. You can tell, by the fact that I am not laughing. Come on, Aran, liven things up a bit. Tell me a story.~ + a1672 + ~Class("c-aran",BARD_ALL)~ + ~[PC] Very funny. You can tell, by the fact that I am not laughing. Tell me a story.~ + a1671 + ~OR(8) Global("c-arangogstory","LOCALS",1) Global("c-arankravitchstory","LOCALS",1) Global("c-arancarbonara","LOCALS",1) Global("c-arancalimport","LOCALS",1) Global("c-arangerris","LOCALS",1) Global("c-arandadtrade","LOCALS",1) Global("c-aranfistfight","LOCALS",1) GlobalGT("c-aranmoonfight","LOCALS",0)~ + ~[PC] Hey, Aran, I remember you telling a story... can you tell it to me again?~ + a1673 ++ ~[PC] Judging by the smells that occasionally issue from your general direction, they seem to not like you...~ + a466 END IF ~~ a453 SAY ~[ARAN] I like eggs when they be scrambled, wi' a little rasher of bacon on th' side.~ + ~!Class("c-aran",BARD_ALL)~ + ~[PC] Well, that was short and pointless. How about telling me a real story?~ + a1672 + ~Class("c-aran",BARD_ALL)~ + ~[PC] Well, that was short and pointless. How about telling me a real story?~ + a1671 + ~OR(8) Global("c-arangogstory","LOCALS",1) Global("c-arankravitchstory","LOCALS",1) Global("c-arancarbonara","LOCALS",1) Global("c-arancalimport","LOCALS",1) Global("c-arangerris","LOCALS",1) Global("c-arandadtrade","LOCALS",1) Global("c-aranfistfight","LOCALS",1) GlobalGT("c-aranmoonfight","LOCALS",0)~ + ~[PC] Hey, Aran, I remember you telling a real story... can you tell it to me again?~ + a1673 ++ ~[PC] Fine. I will tell you something true. You are wasting my time trying to be funny.~ + a455 ++ ~[PC] You can do better than that. Tell me about your sister.~ + a456 ++ ~[PC] (sigh) It really is true. All you can think about is food.~ + a454 END IF ~~ a456 SAY ~[ARAN] Well, Elanil is doin' right fine, last I heard. She spends all her time doin' apprentice stuff in Waterdeep, cleanin' th' mask o' her patron, an' generally learnin' all that a mage ought to know. Not much to tell, right now. We have not been travellin' where I can get much in th' way o' letters goin' back an' forth. Why do you ask?~ ++ ~[PC] Just passing the time, really. I am not big on family stories, for obvious reasons.~ + a457 ++ ~[PC] No particular reason. I know she means alot to you.~ + a457 + ~Gender(Player1,MALE)~ + ~[PC] Is it a crime to ask about a pretty girl?~ + a458 + ~Gender(Player1,FEMALE)~ + ~[PC] Is it a crime to ask about your sister?~ + a462 END IF ~~ a449 SAY ~[ARAN] Bloody hells. That might have been a bit embarrassin', or even a mite painful, eh? Go on, then. I'll be back in a second or two, once I got all my gear settled proper.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a454 SAY ~[ARAN] That be a downright exaggeration. Sometimes, I think about romancin', too.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a455 SAY ~[ARAN] Some people don't rightly have no sense o' humor. None at all.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a457 SAY ~[ARAN] Right, then. Got you to talk about somethin' unrelated to where we be right now, so mission accomplished. I' m goin' to go see what trouble I can stir up to make this place a mite bit more excitin'.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a458 SAY ~[ARAN] In your case, it might just be a capital offense!~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END /* I am not so sure about finishing the whole story - the effect is there, and the idea is that the story would be a long one. There might be an opportunity to recycle some of the flirt stories here if playtesters find out they wanted more. */ IF ~~ a459 SAY ~[ARAN] Sure thing, . Now, me an' Kravich, we had been workin' our way north half a tenday wi' this pair o' monks, see. They kept to themselves, though we thought it was a mite bit odd that they did not seem to pray none, an' th' smaller one giggled a bit much for a monk, but then again we both had seen stranger things than laughin' monks on the Trade Way...~ ++ ~[PC] (Listen to the story intently)~ + a467 ++ ~[PC] (Let the story fade into the background, listening to the friendly sound of his voice)~ EXIT ++ ~[PC] (Pretend to listen, letting Aran ramble on until he finishes and moves off cheerfully)~ EXIT END /* SoA Story Pool : Kravich and the Wooden Spooned Gibberlings */ IF ~~ a460 SAY ~[ARAN] Taiamat's Tentacles, my tongue twisted twice, eh? Well, what about the time Kravich an' me, we went huntin' gibberlings wi' naught but a couple o' wooden spoons an' in our undergarments...~ ++ ~[PC] Forget it, Aran. We should get back to business, and focus on what needs to be done.~ + a1910 /* c-aranshutup4 */ ++ ~[PC] They do. All your stories seem to involve Kravich.~ + a461 ++ ~[PC] You know, all of your stories involve battles, chasing women, and drinking. I want to hear something else. Something completely different.~ + a450 + ~!Class("c-aran",BARD_ALL)~ + ~[PC] No, I don't want to hear you stumble through some tall tale. How about telling me a real story?~ + a1672 + ~Class("c-aran",BARD_ALL)~ + ~[PC] No, I don't want to hear you stumble through some tall tale. How about telling me a real story?~ + a1671 + ~OR(8) Global("c-arangogstory","LOCALS",1) Global("c-arankravitchstory","LOCALS",1) Global("c-arancarbonara","LOCALS",1) Global("c-arancalimport","LOCALS",1) Global("c-arangerris","LOCALS",1) Global("c-arandadtrade","LOCALS",1) Global("c-aranfistfight","LOCALS",1) GlobalGT("c-aranmoonfight","LOCALS",0)~ + ~[PC] Hey, Aran, I remember you telling a real story... can you tell it to me again?~ + a1673 END IF ~~ a461 SAY ~[ARAN] Sune's Lickable Lips, am I tellin' th' story, or are you goin' to bloody well interrupt every five buggerin' seconds?~ ++ ~[PC] Forget it, Aran. We should get back to business, and focus on what needs to be done.~ + a1911 /* c-aranshutup5 */ ++ ~[PC] You are telling it. Go on, I will not interrupt again. Is that better?~ + a459 ++ ~[PC] You look so cute when you go all red in the face like that.~ + a457 ++ ~[PC] Hmmmm. That depends on how much you pay me to keep listening. Or is expecting fair coin for wasting my time a crime?~ + a458 END IF ~~ a462 SAY ~[ARAN] No, no crime there. But you have a knack for changin' th' conversation. If that were to be made a crime, in your case, it might just be a capital offense!~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a463 SAY ~[ARAN] WHERE! What be... Oh, funny, funny . Shar's Blackened Bodice, you have a knack for changin' th' conversation. Right, then. I'll be keepin' my story to myself.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END /* SoA Story Pool : Father and the Table of Terror */ IF ~~ a464 SAY ~[ARAN] Well, there be naught in th' way o' grand stories locked away in my brain. Although there was one time when my father got trapped into a trade contract wi' some shady characters, an' he managed to turn th' tables on 'em.~ ++ ~[PC] How did he do that?~ + a465 ++ ~[PC] Forget it, Aran. We should get back to business, and focus on what needs to be done.~ + a1912 /* c-aranshutup6 */ ++ ~[PC] You can do better than that. Tell me about your sister.~ + a456 END IF ~~ a465 SAY ~[ARAN] I meant it literal, eh? He had a payoff in Easthaven of a ring what animated objects. It only had one charge left, but it were enough to do th' job. We picked up a quick run off th' beaten path to a Cyric-blighted place called Dougan's Hole, not knowin' th' goods was suspect. We delivered th' goods fine, no questions asked, but th' shady characters wanted to walk leavin' no payment save some cold steel between th' ribs, so to speak.~ = ~[ARAN] Now, my father, he sizes things up right quick, an' he sends me out to gather th' coster an' get set while he keeps 'em entertained. He was a great talker, an' still is to this day. When th' boyos decided to come after him an' finish up quick, he had th' table hug 'em real tight, holdin' 'em in place, an' made a run for it.~ = ~[ARAN] It worked right fine, too, but o' course it meant that we were not likely to want to go back past Dougan's Hole any time after. We stuck to th' Eastway between Easthaven an' Bryn Shander when up in those icy blighted lands from then on.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-arandadtrade","LOCALS",1)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a467 SAY ~[ARAN] We thought nothin' o' th' strangeness, but it were a mite hard to keep focused on th' tasks wi' all th' flirtin' goin' on. Then it happened that a band o' brigands jumped us right proper. Th' small one, she dropped th' charade right quick, an' it seemed like she spat funny little sharp objects from every part o' her body, while th' larger one seemed to fade away in front o' our eyes only to reappear holdin' a dagger in th' back o' one o' th' ones who jumped us.~ = ~[ARAN] Unfortunately, Kravich an' I were busy wi' four others, an' missed how it happened, but one o' th' 'monks' took a right solid thrust through th' right lung. By th' time we finished 'em off, she'd passed on. Her friend were right angry, but ready to move on, when Kravich steps up an' says anyone who can make steel dance like that deserves another bit o' time on this plane, eh?~ = ~[ARAN] So to make a long story short, we got to a temple an' brought her back. Both o' th' ladies was right appreciative, too. Now *that* were a fine tenday! The carousin', it cost us both dear, an' they left us naught in th' way o' gear or coin at th' end, but it were a fine, fine tenday.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a466 SAY ~[ARAN] Oh, funny, funny . Shar's Blackened Bodice, you have a knack for changin' th' conversation. Right, then. I'll be keepin' my story to myself.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a468 SAY ~[ARAN] Torm's Tangled Banner, th' blasted wizards done forgot to refresh th' spells, an' everyone got exposed at once? It must o' been a bloodbath! Easy targetin' on all sides, eh? I'd be grabbin' any bit o' cover I could, on account o' a shield wall exposed like that be ripe for a fireball up the arse... oh, hells, I'll be just shuttin' up an' listenin'. You go on.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END /* BG2 FriendTalk 14 c-aranfriendbg2 = 27 : Bonus Round - Simple Word States, Maximum Effect: The Teacher's Workroom. */ IF ~Global("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",27)~ THEN BEGIN a2876 SAY ~[ARAN] Somethin' wrong?~ ++ ~[PC] Nothing.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",28) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a2877 ++ ~[PC] Everything.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",28) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a2877 ++ ~[PC] Something.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",28) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a2877 ++ ~[PC] Shut up.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",28) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a2877 ++ ~[PC] Go away.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",28) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a2877 END IF ~~ a2877 SAY ~[ARAN] Need help?~ ++ ~[PC] No.~ + a2878 ++ ~[PC] Yes.~ + a2878 ++ ~[PC] Perhaps.~ + a2878 ++ ~[PC] Shut up.~ + a2878 ++ ~[PC] Go away.~ + a2878 END IF ~~ a2878 SAY ~[ARAN] What can I do?~ ++ ~[PC] Nothing.~ + a2879 ++ ~[PC] Everything.~ + a2879 ++ ~[PC] Something.~ + a2879 ++ ~[PC] Shut up.~ + a2879 ++ ~[PC] Go away.~ + a2879 END IF ~~ a2879 SAY ~[ARAN] Lost me...~ ++ ~[PC] Not here.~ + a2880 ++ ~[PC] Forget it.~ + a2880 + ~Gender(Player1,FEMALE) OR(2) Global("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",1) Global("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] Kiss me?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",1)~ + a2882 ++ ~[PC] Got my back?~ + a2881 ++ ~[PC] Later.~ + a2880 ++ ~[PC] SHUT UP.~ + a2880 + ~Gender(Player1,MALE)~ + ~[PC] Screw you.~ + a2883 + ~Gender(Player1,FEMALE)~ + ~[PC] Screw you.~ + a2884 END IF ~~ a2880 SAY ~[ARAN] Understood.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a2881 SAY ~[ARAN] Always.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a2882 SAY ~[ARAN] Yes ma'am!~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a2883 SAY ~[ARAN] No thanks.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a2884 SAY ~[ARAN] When an' where?~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END /* Plot Talks: The Tree of Life Talk */ /* a469 is in Player1 extend bottom materials, line 425 */ /* a470 is a chain */ IF ~~ a471 SAY ~[ARAN] Bugger that. You bloody well know I'm not goin' nowhere if I get a say.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a477 END IF ~~ a472 SAY ~[ARAN] Sune's... You are right. We are facin' more than anyone should.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a477 END IF ~~ a473 SAY ~[ARAN] I have backed your play for a good time now, an' I think you know where I stand.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a477 END IF ~~ a474 SAY ~[ARAN] Unwinnable? My heart's unwinnable, but you have it solid an' for keeps. There ain't nothin' unwinnable. It's just a matter o' what you are willin' to pay.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a477 END IF ~~ a475 SAY ~[ARAN] Unwinnable? There ain't nothin' unwinnable. It's just a matter o' what you are willin' to pay.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a477 END IF ~~ a476 SAY ~[ARAN] Aye.~ = ~[ARAN] (His arms encircle you in a crushing grip, and your body is pressed deeply into his.)~ = ~[ARAN] (He pulls away suddenly, holding you at arms length, eyes ablaze with inner fire, his voice whispering huskily in your ears.)~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a477 END /* a477, a478 are chains... hmmm, not 477 */ /* a479, a480, a481, a842, a483, a484, a485 are at top of p-file */ /* a486, a487, a488, a489 are at top of joined file */ /* a489 - 494 bodhi abduction stuff at top of joined file */ /* Plot Talks: Slayer Change Talks */ IF ~~ a495 SAY ~[ARAN] There be somethin' wrong here. You look more than a mite fatigued. In fact, you look... Bane's Broken Bones, what in the blighted hells is wrong with you, girl? You be paler than most o' th' vellum I scrape.~ [c-aws098] ++ ~[PC] I don't know, Aran. But I will be fine. I just feel a little dizzy.~ DO ~SetGlobal("SelfTalk","GLOBAL",2)~ + a498 ++ ~[PC] I felt... I definitely felt ill. It was as if I was fading away a little.~ DO ~SetGlobal("SelfTalk","GLOBAL",2)~ + a500 ++ ~[PC] Just leave me alone, Aran. I am fine!~ DO ~SetGlobal("SelfTalk","GLOBAL",2)~ + a498 ++ ~[PC] Shut up, Aran. Prop me up, and make it look like there is nothing wrong. Showing weakness is not acceptable.~ DO ~SetGlobal("SelfTalk","GLOBAL",2)~ + a501 ++ ~[PC] You worry too much. We need to move along.~ + a499 END IF ~~ a496 SAY ~[ARAN] Right, you don't look all there, . Somethin' is hittin' you hard an' fast. Are you about to be sick?~ ++ ~[PC] No... I... need... to... control! Losing...~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranslayerchange1","GLOBAL",1)~ + a502 ++ ~[PC] I am changing again! The Slayer! I am...~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranslayerchange1","GLOBAL",1)~ + a502 ++ ~[PC] Run, if you value your life!~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranslayerchange1","GLOBAL",1)~ + a502 END IF ~~ a497 SAY ~[ARAN] What in all th' gods names was that?~ ++ ~[PC] I think I am following my father's curse.~ + a503 ++ ~[PC] I think I am following my father's blessing.~ + a504 ++ ~[PC] I do not know precisely. But I intend to find out.~ EXIT END IF ~~ a498 SAY ~[ARAN] You don't rightly sound fine, . Selune herself would envy goin' that white. Actually, more Kelemvor, eh... on death's door. But I know, I'm to shut up an' soldier.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a499 SAY ~[ARAN] Hot soup, an' a good solid night o' sleep, that be my prescription. There's no shame in leanin' on me a bit, if you want to.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a500 SAY ~[ARAN] That sounds like one hell o' a hangover. But you have had naught to drink. Here, get a bit o' water an' jerky in you, an' let's get out o' this place. Loviatar's Lash, this place would get to anyone.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a501 SAY ~[ARAN] Bugger your image - get your blighted arse awake, . You are Bane's Own Blood, an' stronger than anythin' what opposes you, even aspects o' th' gods. Stand on your own two bloody feet, an' command me, girl, as is your right. An' th' first command better be to get you some hot soup an' a place to rest.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a502 SAY ~[ARAN] Your lips be movin' , but that's not rightly any language I know... hey... Lolth's Cruel Fingernails, you be growin' claws!~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~ActionOverride(Player1,ReallyForceSpell(Myself,SLAYER_CHANGE))~ EXIT END IF ~~ a503 SAY ~[ARAN] We need to find you a cure for that, an' right quick. I'm right fond o' you, , but I can't hold you down in that change wi' out bein' torn limb from limb.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a504 SAY ~[ARAN] Blessin'? Well, it be powerful. But your power has always been you, not somethin' else possessin' you. If you can control it, well, it will be a fearsome power, it will. But if you can't, it won't rightly be a pretty endin', eh?~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END /* BG2 Love Talk 1 : Mary Chapin Carpenter - I Take My Chances : c-aranbg2rom = 1 > 2 c-aranromtimer, ARAN_LTT */ IF ~Global("c-aranbg2rom","GLOBAL",1)~ THEN BEGIN a505 SAY ~[ARAN] Do you be needin' somethin', ?~ [c-aws099] ++ ~[PC] No. Why do you ask?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbg2rom","GLOBAL",2) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranromtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_LTT)~ + a506 ++ ~[PC] I was about to ask you the same question.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbg2rom","GLOBAL",2) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranromtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_LTT)~ + a507 ++ ~[PC] Yes. After I box your ears. Touch me again without my permission, and I will do far worse.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbg2rom","GLOBAL",2) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranromtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_LTT)~ + a508 ++ ~[PC] Yes, I do. I need you to watch our surroundings, and stop watching me.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbg2rom","GLOBAL",2) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranromtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_LTT)~ + a509 ++ ~[PC] You flatter yourself, boyo.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbg2rom","GLOBAL",2) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranromtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_LTT)~ + a510 + ~RandomNum(3,1)~ + ~Now is not a good time to talk, Aran.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbg2rom","GLOBAL",2) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranromtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_LTT)~ + a1934 /* c-aranshutup28 */ + ~RandomNum(3,2)~ + ~Can we move along? Each time we get close to accomplishing something, some idiot begins interrupting my concentration on killing things...~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbg2rom","GLOBAL",2) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranromtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_LTT)~ + a1935 /* c-aranshutup29 */ + ~RandomNum(3,3)~ + ~Silence is golden. Pay yourself.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbg2rom","GLOBAL",2) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranromtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_LTT)~ + a1936 /* c-aranshutup30 */ END IF ~~ a506 SAY ~[ARAN] Well, you keep strayin' your eyes my way, is all. An' I do believe I was a mite forward, back there, with my hands. You should box my ears but good. Sune knows I deserve it. Or was you goin' to tell me that I have permission to be a scoundrel?~ ++ ~[PC] You have my permission, Aran. If you are man enough for the task.~ + a513 ++ ~[PC] Scoundrel. Aran, you surprise me. You actually know a word longer than 'aye'.~ + a514 ++ ~[PC] Again with the romance. Some men don't take a hint. Look, drop it, Aran. And touch me again and you will be very sorry.~ + a516 ++ ~[PC] You flatter yourself, boyo.~ + a510 + ~RandomNum(3,1)~ + ~[PC] Now is not a good time to talk, Aran.~ + a1934 /* c-aranshutup28 */ + ~RandomNum(3,2)~ + ~[PC] Can we move along? Each time we get close to accomplishing something, some idiot begins interrupting my concentration on killing things...~ + a1981 /* c-aranshutup75 */ + ~RandomNum(3,3)~ + ~[PC] Silence is golden. Pay yourself.~ + a1936 /* c-aranshutup30 */ END IF ~~ a507 SAY ~[ARAN] Well, I hinted back there, is all. My eyes be strayin' your way too, I guess. An' you didn't box my ears back there when my hand kinda wandered a bit.~ ++ ~[PC] Touch my rear again without my permission, and I will do far worse.~ + a508 ++ ~[PC] You have my permission, Aran. If you are man enough for the task.~ + a513 ++ ~[PC] You flatter yourself, boyo.~ + a510 + ~RandomNum(3,1)~ + ~[PC] Now is not a good time to talk, Aran.~ + a1933 /* c-aranshutup27 */ + ~RandomNum(3,2)~ + ~[PC] Can we move along? Each time we get close to accomplishing something, some idiot begins interrupting my concentration on killing things...~ + a1980 /* c-aranshutup74 */ + ~RandomNum(3,3)~ + ~[PC] Silence is golden. Pay yourself.~ + a1979 /* c-aranshutup73 */ ++ ~[PC] Scoundrel. Aran, you surprise me. You actually know a word longer than 'aye'.~ + a514 END IF ~~ a508 SAY ~[ARAN] Aye, I do believe I was a mite forward. You should box 'em but good. Sune knows I deserve it. Or was you goin' to tell me that I have permission to be a scoundrel?~ ++ ~[PC] Scoundrel. Aran, you surprise me. You actually know a word longer than 'aye'.~ + a514 ++ ~[PC] Forward is good. But there is a time and place.~ + a512 ++ ~[PC] *whack*~ + a515 ++ ~[PC] You flatter yourself, boyo.~ + a510 + ~RandomNum(3,1)~ + ~[PC] Now is not a good time to talk, Aran.~ + a1934 /* c-aranshutup28 */ + ~RandomNum(3,2)~ + ~[PC] Can we move along? Each time we get close to accomplishing something, some idiot begins interrupting my concentration on killing things...~ + a1935 /* c-aranshutup29 */ + ~RandomNum(3,3)~ + ~[PC] Silence is golden. Pay yourself.~ + a1936 /* c-aranshutup30 */ END IF ~~ a509 SAY ~[ARAN] Well, I do admit you are a sight to be watched, . But I can watch you an' keep lookout too.~ ++ ~[PC] You misunderstand me. If you think I am watching because you are attractive, you flatter yourself, boyo. I just can't trust you to keep your mind on the job.~ + a510 ++ ~[PC] I don't mind the glances, Aran. But there is a time and place.~ + a512 ++ ~[PC] Oh, Aran, my dearest love, come and we shall frolic freely among the stars, and be one together for all eternity...~ + a511 + ~RandomNum(3,1)~ + ~[PC] I think I have had enough of both glances and talking. Keep your mouth shut and your eyes on the job.~ + a1921 /* c-aranshutup15 */ + ~RandomNum(3,2)~ + ~[PC] No more talk. Just do the job at hand.~ + a1922 /* c-aranshutup16 */ + ~RandomNum(3,3)~ + ~[PC] This conversation is over.~ + a1923 /* c-aranshutup17 */ END IF ~~ a511 SAY ~[ARAN] Aye, that's right. Make fun o' the poor lad what just was flirtin' with you. Go on wi' ye.~ ++ ~[PC] Well, stop with all the love stuff and let's just stick to business, shall we?~ + a518 ++ ~[PC] No, no, it's true. You are my destiny, Aran. That, or I am supposed to be the doing something about prophecies, or something. We can't just leave all that to chance, can we?~ + a518 ++ ~[PC] What is sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander, Aran. You have been teasing me with all this looking and touching.~ + a518 ++ ~[PC] You have a good deal to learn about women, Aran.~ + a518 + ~Global("c-leavefist","LOCALS",0)~ + ~[PC] I take what I can get. Hey, you never told me about deciding to leave the Fist. Why did you leave?~ + a643 END IF ~~ a510 SAY ~[ARAN] Well, not to flatter myself, exactly. I just believe in takin' some chances, is all.~ ++ ~[PC] Chance is fine when it comes to some things. But you are treading on dangerous ground here.~ + a518 ++ ~[PC] Chance is something to be avoided at all costs. There is an order to all things, Aran.~ + a512 ++ ~[PC] So you believe that taking your life into your hands and accosting me is worth the risk?~ + a518 ++ ~[PC] If you want a chance with me, you had better behave.~ + a518 ++ ~[PC] No chance here, Aran. I have my attentions placed elsewhere. Stop bothering me.~ + a518 END IF ~~ a513 SAY ~[ARAN] Oh, I be man enough. Just not sure where the rules an' regulations put us. Then again, I do believe in takin' chances.~ ++ ~[PC] Chance is fine when it comes to some things. But you are treading on dangerous ground here.~ + a518 ++ ~[PC] Chance is something to be avoided at all costs. There is an order to all things, Aran.~ + a518 ++ ~[PC] So you believe that taking your life into your hands and accosting me is worth the risk?~ + a518 ++ ~[PC] If you want a chance with me, you had better behave.~ + a518 ++ ~[PC] Some things I leave to chance, Aran. But I like the odds better when the person is much better educated.~ + a514 END IF ~~ a514 SAY ~[ARAN] Oh, you know how to hurt a lad, you do. I didn't do all this scribin' blind. There be some words I can't pronounce, but I can even do a bit of Dwarven an' Luskan script. 'Scoundrel' has been used about me before, too. Sometimes for good, sometimes meanin' bad... an' always meanin' trouble.~ ++ ~[PC] Your mother must be so proud.~ + a517 ++ ~[PC] And you chose to use this extensive vocabulary on me because...~ + a510 ++ ~[PC] Good, bad, or indifferent, you are welcome to try sparring with me, Aran. But aren't you taking a big chance, here?~ + a518 ++ ~[PC] Somehow this conversation has gotten sidetracked. Keep your eyes and hands to yourself, sellsword. I won't give many second chances.~ + a518 ++ ~[PC] Somehow, that sounds very familiar. I seem to get the same kind of attention wherever I go. It hardly seems worth the gamble when everything I do ends up in a battle.~ + a518 END IF ~~ a512 SAY ~[ARAN] Now, I don't rightly believe that. There is naught but little time to spend on Faerun, an' it don't serve the time we have to play it so safe.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a518 END IF ~~ a515 SAY ~[ARAN] SUNE'S RUMP! That bloody well hurt!~ ++ ~[PC] Forward is good. But there is a time and place. Learn it, and yours.~ + a512 ++ ~[PC] Keep your eyes and hands to yourself, sellsword. I won't give many second chances.~ + a518 ++ ~[PC] Shall I kiss it and make it better, Aran?~ + a517 ++ ~[PC] I mean what I say. Stop flirting with me, or risk my wrath.~ + a518 ++ ~[PC] (Burst into tears and move away quickly, hiding your face and avoiding him.)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranapology","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranapologytime","GLOBAL",ONE_DAY)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a516 SAY ~[ARAN] I already bloody well am sorry I brought anythin' up. You need to lighten up, , an' take some chances.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a518 END IF ~~ a517 SAY ~[ARAN] Selune's Sweet Breath, you are mockin' me! Well, now, can't say as I blame you. I did come on a bit strong.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a518 END IF ~~ a518 SAY ~[ARAN] Look, most times it is better to dive in, an' try, no matter what. An' if there be some problem, the folks you want to be around forgive you freely, an' the folks you want naught to do with try to extract some price. When Tymora lets fly a coin, I jump right in an' wager high. I take my chances every chance I get.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END /* BG2 Love Talk 2 : Dixie Chicks, Ready To Run : c-aranbg2rom = 3 > 4 c-aranromtimer, ARAN_LTT */ IF ~Global("c-aranbg2rom","GLOBAL",3)~ THEN BEGIN a519 SAY ~[ARAN] You just don't blighted stop, do you.~ [c-aws100] ++ ~[PC] What are you talking about?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbg2rom","GLOBAL",4) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranromtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_LTT)~ + a520 ++ ~[PC] Why do I get the feeling you are about to start a discussion...~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbg2rom","GLOBAL",4) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranromtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_LTT)~ + a520 ++ ~[PC] No, I don't stop. Can we talk while we walk?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbg2rom","GLOBAL",4) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranromtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_LTT)~ + a520 + ~RandomNum(3,1)~ + ~[PC] I do not have time for discussion now.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbg2rom","GLOBAL",4) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranromtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_LTT)~ + a521 + ~RandomNum(3,2)~ + ~[PC] I do not have time for discussion now.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbg2rom","GLOBAL",4) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranromtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_LTT)~ + a522 + ~RandomNum(3,3)~ + ~[PC] I do not have time for discussion now.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbg2rom","GLOBAL",4) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranromtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_LTT)~ + a523 END IF ~~ a520 SAY ~[ARAN] I kind of like it, y'know. Admire it. There be some drawbacks what come up, though. I don't see anyone really capturin' your attention right now.~ + ~RandomNum(3,1)~ + ~[PC] Enough talk. Let's move on.~ + a521 + ~RandomNum(3,2)~ + ~[PC] Enough talk. Let's move on.~ + a522 + ~RandomNum(3,3)~ + ~[PC] Enough talk. Let's move on.~ + a523 ++ ~[PC] If you are talking about this lifestyle, then you are right. I don't like to stay in one place long.~ + a524 ++ ~[PC] I capture all the attention I want, and more.~ + a525 ++ ~[PC] Just what kind of attention are you talking about, Aran?~ + a526 ++ ~[PC] I don't want romantic entanglements right now. I have a job to do.~ + a527 ++ ~[PC] My attention is pretty well captured, I think.~ + a528 END IF ~~ a524 SAY ~[ARAN] Well now, it be more than th' lifestyle.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a539 END IF ~~ a525 SAY ~[ARAN] Oh, didn't realize. You get too much attention from the menfolk?~ ++ ~[PC] Yes. Especially from sellswords who should have their minds on their job, not on my cleavage.~ + a538 ++ ~[PC] No. I get just the right amount of attention. All of it.~ + a528 + ~RandomNum(3,1)~ + ~[PC] I think this conversation is over.~ + a521 + ~RandomNum(3,2)~ + ~[PC] I think this conversation is over.~ + a522 + ~RandomNum(3,3)~ + ~[PC] I think this conversation is over.~ + a523 ++ ~[PC] Well, I have noticed a few looks here and there. I even have a returned a few glances.~ + a540 ++ ~[PC] I have already fallen for someone, Aran, and it isn't you. Do you think we can just be friends?~ + a536 ++ ~[PC] I wouldn't mind a little more attention. At least from certain people.~ + a535 END IF ~~ a526 SAY ~[ARAN] Aye, I should be more straight wi' the talk. I'm talkin' about romance an' the single adventurer, so to speak. It's just that travellin' is fine, but a man wants more than an occasional frolic in a hayloft.~ ++ ~[PC] You must have a very different impression of 'men', Aran. I thought that is all they ever want.~ + a529 ++ ~[PC] So this is about romance. Look, Aran, I don't think we have anything to talk about here. You might make a good friend, but that is all.~ + a536 ++ ~[PC] Well, women adventurers are no different than men adventurers. It comes with the job.~ + a527 + ~RandomNum(3,1)~ + ~[PC] Too much information from you, Aran...~ + a521 + ~RandomNum(3,2)~ + ~[PC] Too much information from you, Aran...~ + a522 + ~RandomNum(3,3)~ + ~[PC] Too much information from you, Aran...~ + a523 ++ ~[PC] I know exactly what you mean. I have not had much time to think about romance myself.~ + a535 END IF ~~ a527 SAY ~[ARAN] I do know what you're sayin'. Soldier, guard, adventurer, or travelin' merchant, the job's always first. But there be times when I think I might be ready for more, y'know?~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a539 END IF ~~ a528 SAY ~[ARAN] You could have fooled me. You don't seem to be makin' eyes at no one in particular.~ ++ ~[PC] You just don't know what to look for, Aran. A lady doesn't advertise.~ + a539 ++ ~[PC] Sometimes men are so dense.~ + a537 ++ ~[PC] I think I have made my feelings pretty well known, Aran.~ + a526 ++ ~[PC] Why should I flirt with one, when there are so many to choose from?~ + a525 ++ ~[PC] This doesn't sound like you, Aran. Is there something on your mind?~ + a539 + ~Global("c-leavefist","LOCALS",0)~ + ~[PC] It is none of your business, anyways. Hey, you never told me about deciding to leave the Fist. Why did you leave?~ + a643 END IF ~~ a529 SAY ~[ARAN] Well, now, I won't lie. Most times, given the choice between a frolic in a hayloft and anythin' else, well, that's no choice. That's a certainty. But after a few years down that road, when all the boy wears off an' a man looks around an' don't see no partner to share with, it wears kinda thin.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a541 END IF ~~ a530 SAY ~[ARAN] So you prefer no strings, an' quick action, an' no regrets?~ ++ ~[PC] Yes. Perfect.~ + a532 ++ ~[PC] Sometimes there are just needs to fulfill, and that is the way of things. There will be time later to settle down.~ + a533 ++ ~[PC] I was joking, Aran. Of course not.~ + a531 ++ ~[PC] I don't see much choice, given what life is sending my way.~ + a534 ++ ~[PC] Look, I may talk a good game, but the truth is I simply avoid romance like the plague. There are too many unknowns.~ + a534 END IF ~~ a531 SAY ~[ARAN] Pullin' my leg, eh? Well now, that's right funny. But I am bein' kinda serious.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a533 END IF ~~ a532 SAY ~[ARAN] I used to think the same m'self. But I don't know any more.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a533 END IF ~~ a533 SAY ~[ARAN] I may be gettin' older, but I haven't seen more than twenty five summers. I can hold my own in a bar, be it drink or song. An' I can do a mite better than that if there be fightin'. No, it might be that I just haven't found the right woman.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a541 END IF ~~ a534 SAY ~[ARAN] I know a mite about sacrifice, but there's got to be more to this pass 'round The Wheel. Tymora's Bright Coin, fortune favors the bold, an' so does she.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a533 END IF ~~ a535 SAY ~[ARAN] Oh, I think about it about every five seconds, an' make no mistake, it be pleasant thoughts! It is just I never did realize 'til now that there's a big difference between a roll in a bed an' a real romantic time. Or mayhap I just never took the time to look hard at what I was doin'.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a541 END IF ~~ a536 SAY ~[ARAN] The story of my life. I be hearin' you, . Don't quite understand, but I do hear the words.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a541 END IF ~~ a537 SAY ~[ARAN] That they can be. I've seen it m'self. The fool boy goes on blatherin' and blathering, completely ignorant o' the blushes, glances, an' even attempts at flirtin'. Either that, or they dive right in an' ignore the warnin' signs.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a539 END IF ~~ a539 SAY ~[ARAN] I been on th' road now nigh on eight years, by one count, an' my whole life by another. An' it is fun for awhile. But sometimes leavin' a pretty lass behind after a few weeks just feels all empty, somehow.~ ++ ~[PC] That sounds like you have a bit of a problem. Luckily, I don't share it.~ + a530 ++ ~[PC] Are you developing a conscience, just have not found the right woman, or are you just getting old?~ + a533 ++ ~[PC] There really is not much choice for an adventurer. The freedom to explore requires some sacrifices.~ + a534 ++ ~[PC] I know exactly what you mean. I have not had much time to think about romance myself.~ + a535 ++ ~[PC] You need to embrace the moment, and enjoy life fully. Life is too short to be wasted on permanent arrangements.~ + a541 END IF ~~ a540 SAY ~[ARAN] As for me, I don't rightly know what I'm doin'. I can glance an' spark, an' get myself into lots o' trouble, but I can't never seem to find a good balance.~ ++ ~[PC] I thought that all men ever want is a good tumble with no strings attached.~ + a529 ++ ~[PC] Well, women adventurers are no different than men adventurers. It comes with the job.~ + a527 ++ ~[PC] That sounds like you have a bit of a problem. Luckily, I don't share it.~ + a530 ++ ~[PC] I know exactly what you mean. I have not had much time to think about romance myself.~ + a535 ++ ~[PC] You need to embrace the moment, and enjoy life fully. Life is too short to be wasted on permanent arrangements.~ + a541 END IF ~~ a521 SAY ~[ARAN] Arvoreen's Silver Sword, you know how to cut a man down. Fine, I'll shut up up.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a522 SAY ~[ARAN] Kossuth's Fiery Kiss, you burned me bad, there. Shuttin' up an' soldierin'.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a523 SAY ~[ARAN] Talos' Tempestuous Temper, you be in a mood.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a538 SAY ~[ARAN] (blushes) Well, now, I didn't mean nothin'. An' it is right fine cleavage, too. But I get your point. Less talk, more walk. An' eyes front o' the formation.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a541 SAY ~[ARAN] All I know is, I'm lookin' out for a change. Next time I see some lass wi' that look in her eye, or some fine woman who can give as good as she gets, I'm gonna be ready. For what, I don't rightly know. But more than a tumble.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END /* BG2 Love Talk 3 : Queen - Somebody To Love, A No-Talk Lovetalk - or an extended Aran-Initiated Flirting Opportunity. c-aranbg2rom 5 to 6 c-aranromtimer ARAN_LTT */ IF ~Global("c-aranbg2rom","GLOBAL",5)~ THEN BEGIN a542 SAY ~[ARAN] (Aran is walking close to you, silent except for the occasional slap of leather against metal from his gear. He appears lost in thought.)~ = ~[ARAN] (Suddenly, he pauses, hiking up his pack.)~ ++ ~[PC] (You stand beside him, eyeing him critically, cross your arms across your body, and send a stern glance his way.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbg2rom","GLOBAL",6) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranromtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_LTT)~ + a543 ++ ~[PC] (You pause beside him but ignore him, carefully studying your left hand and fingernails.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbg2rom","GLOBAL",6) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranromtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_LTT)~ + a544 ++ ~[PC] (You move beside him, stepping close to his left shoulder, and help him adjust the strap.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbg2rom","GLOBAL",6) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranromtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_LTT)~ + a545 ++ ~[PC] (You walk on past him, flashing him a smile.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbg2rom","GLOBAL",6) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranromtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_LTT)~ + a546 ++ ~[PC] (You walk on past him with an icy glare, ignoring him completely.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbg2rom","GLOBAL",6) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranromtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_LTT)~ + a4359 END IF ~~ a4359 SAY ~[ARAN] (He quickly adjusts his gear, and falls back into line without a word. His gaze seems to be following your figure as it moves ahead, though.)~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a543 SAY ~[ARAN] (Aran grins uncertainly at you, but does not make eye contact. He unbelts the pack, and sets it down. He twists this way and that, then flexes his back in a languid arc, showing long, lean, sharply defined muscles. He reaches up to rub the back of his neck.)~ ++ ~[PC] (You glance at him him, sigh, and begin studying your fingernails.)~ + a547 ++ ~[PC] (You step close to him, and run gentle hands under sections of his armor, attempting to ease the pressure on his neck and back.)~ + a548 ++ ~[PC] (You step close to him, gently brushing his hair back and running your fingers along his jawline.)~ + a549 ++ ~[PC] (You grab the pack and swing it toward him, pushing it into his chest.)~ + a550 ++ ~[PC] (You raise your eyebrows and point forward toward your destination.)~ + a551 ++ ~[PC] (You walk on past him with an icy glare, ignoring him completely.)~ + a4359 END IF ~~ a544 SAY ~[ARAN] (Aran swings his pack down close to your feet, and begins stretching his back. His eyes seem to be locked on your fingertips.)~ ++ ~[PC] (You blow a gentle breath on your nails and then bring them close to your chest, polishing them lightly.)~ + a552 ++ ~[PC] (You grab the pack and swing it toward him, pushing it into his chest.)~ + a550 ++ ~[PC] (You stretch yourself, arching your back like a cat, and running both hands through the hair at the nape of your neck.)~ + a552 ++ ~[PC] (You frown at your fingernails, and bite at one corner of a cuticle.)~ + a547 ++ ~[PC] (You make a rude hand gesture in his direction, and walk away.)~ + a4359 END IF ~~ a545 SAY ~[ARAN] (Aran coughs slightly, and a quiet smile creases his weatherbeaten face. He raises his eyes to yours.)~ ++ ~[PC] (You return his smile, and your eyes meet his.)~ + a553 ++ ~[PC] (You frown in his direction, and shake your head slightly, then nod for him to move on.)~ + a547 ++ ~[PC] (You step close to him, gently brushing his hair back and running your fingers along his jawline.)~ + a549 ++ ~[PC] (You turn your face from his, pretending to pay attention to your gear, but watch his face from beneath lowered eyelashes.)~ + a547 ++ ~[PC] (You cup his face gently with your palm.)~ + a554 ++ ~[PC] (You walk on past him with an icy glare, ignoring him completely.)~ + a4359 END IF ~~ a546 SAY ~[ARAN] (He smiles brightly at you, and his eyes follow your form closely as you pass.)~ ++ ~[PC] (You turn and walk backward, facing him, and gesturing for him to follow along.)~ + a555 ++ ~[PC] (You purposely slow your stride and put a bit more sultriness into your walk.)~ + a556 ++ ~[PC] (You pretend to stumble, and reach an arm out toward him.)~ + a561 ++ ~[PC] (You lift your chin, sniff disdainfully, and continue past him.)~ + a556 ++ ~[PC] (You make a rude hand gesture in his direction, spit at his feet, and walk away.)~ + a4359 END IF ~~ a547 SAY ~[ARAN] (Aran resets his pack on his back, and makes a show of stretching and flexing his arms.)~ ++ ~[PC] (You glance at him from under your eyelashes, and smile.)~ + a557 ++ ~[PC] (You step close to him, gently brushing his hair back and running your fingers along his jawline.)~ + a549 ++ ~[PC] (You sigh, and brush past him.)~ + a557 ++ ~[PC] (You point firmly toward your destination, and brush past him.)~ + a557 ++ ~[PC] (You walk on past him with an icy glare, ignoring him completely.)~ + a4359 END IF ~~ a548 SAY ~[ARAN] (The muscles in his back and neck move under your touch, and he sighs. His shrug traps your hand for a moment, then releases it, and he turns to face you.)~ ++ ~[PC] (You slap his shoulder gently, and spin quickly and playfully away from him.)~ + a551 ++ ~[PC] (You brush the hair away from his eyes, letting your fingers play in his curls, finally sliding your palm down to cup his rough cheek.)~ + a554 ++ ~[PC] (You lean forward as if to kiss him, but as he leans forward you duck under his embrace and cross your arms, wagging one finger at him and gesturing for him to walk on ahead.)~ + a558 ++ ~[PC] (You cinch the armor with a fierce tug, firmly slap his rear, and walk on ahead of him.)~ + a556 ++ ~[PC] (You point firmly toward your destination, and brush past him.)~ + a557 ++ ~[PC] (You walk on past him with an icy glare, ignoring him completely.)~ + a4359 END IF ~~ a549 SAY ~[ARAN] (His gaze holds yours for a time, and he moves closer to you, until there are but a few inches between your face and his. His smile becomes more intimate, and his fingers gently stroke your hair.)~ ++ ~[PC] (You slap his hand away, and spin quickly and playfully away from him.)~ + a551 ++ ~[PC] (You mirror his gestures, and play with a lock of his hair, finally sliding your palm down to cup his rough cheek.)~ + a554 ++ ~[PC] (You lean forward as if to kiss him, but as he leans forward you duck under his embrace and cross your arms, wagging one finger at him and gesturing for him to walk on ahead.)~ + a558 ++ ~[PC] (You catch his hand, place it firmly on his belt, and walk on ahead of him.)~ + a556 ++ ~[PC] (You walk on past him with an icy glare, ignoring him completely.)~ + a4359 END IF ~~ a550 SAY ~[ARAN] (He grabs your wrists as the pack slams into his chest, and smiles widely as his fingers trace along your wrists and fingers until he has regained control of it. With a smooth, supple motion he resets his pack, his arching back bringing you both very close together.)~ ++ ~[PC] (You raise your eyebrows and point forward toward your destination.)~ + a551 ++ ~[PC] (You lean suddenly into him, very, very close - but not touching.)~ + a559 ++ ~[PC] (You step back, and stick your tongue out at him.)~ + a551 ++ ~[PC] (You make a quick cutting gesture across your throat, and brush past him.)~ + a560 ++ ~[PC] (You make a rude hand gesture at him, and walk away.)~ + a4359 END IF ~~ a551 SAY ~[ARAN] (Aran's eyebrows lift in mock surprise, and he flashes you a wide grin. He bows low at the waist, gesturing to you as if to nobility, and readjusts his gear with an exaggerated puffing of his chest. He gestures for you to lead on with an expansive sweep of his arm.)~ ++ ~[PC] (You grin in return, and your gesture indicates he should lead the way.)~ + a558 ++ ~[PC] (You smile, raise your nose in the air, sniff grandly, curtsy with exaggerated motions, and brush past him leading the way.)~ + a560 ++ ~[PC] (You send an exasperated glare his way, and motion for him to get moving.)~ + a574 ++ ~[PC] (You sniff disdainfully and walk on past him.)~ + a560 ++ ~[PC] (You glare at him, and gesture that he should lead the way.)~ + a558 END IF ~~ a552 SAY ~[ARAN] (His eyes follow the motion, and follow down your form, pausing at every appreciable place. Suddenly, his eyes sweep up to meet yours, and he blushes a dusky red.)~ ++ ~[PC] (You smile and loosen the front of your clothing slightly, brushing your hand through your hair.)~ + a557 ++ ~[PC] (You cup his face gently with your palm.)~ + a554 ++ ~[PC] (You pretend to stumble, and throw your arm out toward him for 'support'.)~ + a561 ++ ~[PC] (You catch his collar and pull him firmly to face you, then make a show of brushing his hair back from his face and generally straightening him up.)~ + a554 ++ ~[PC] (You point at your bottom, make a kissing sound, and walk away.)~ + a4359 END IF ~~ a553 SAY ~[ARAN] (His gaze holds yours for a time, and he moves closer to you, until there are but a few inches between your face and his. His smile becomes more intimate, and his fingers gently stroke your hair.)~ ++ ~[PC] (You slap his hand away, and spin quickly and playfully away from him.)~ + a551 ++ ~[PC] (You mirror his gestures, and play with a lock of his hair, finally sliding your palm down to cup his rough cheek.)~ + a554 ++ ~[PC] (You lean forward as if to kiss him, but as he leans forward you duck under his embrace and cross your arms, wagging one finger at him and gesturing for him to walk on ahead.)~ + a558 ++ ~[PC] (You catch his hand, place it firmly on his belt, and walk on ahead of him.)~ + a556 ++ ~[PC] (You walk on past him with an icy glare, ignoring him completely.)~ + a4359 END IF ~~ a554 SAY ~[ARAN] (A quick hand catches yours, and you feel the sudden warmth and softness of a kiss replacing the sandpapery grit of his close-shaven cheek.)~ ++ ~[PC] (You jerk your hand away quickly and frown at him, pointing for him to get moving again.)~ + a551 ++ ~[PC] (You turn your palm over in his hand, presenting your knuckles to him in a courtly manner.)~ + a551 ++ ~[PC] (You catch his other hand in yours, gently unfolding his fingers, and kiss his palm.)~ + a562 ++ ~[PC] (You slap him.)~ + a573 ++ ~[PC] (You wrest your had away and walk on past him with an icy glare, ignoring him completely.)~ + a4359 END IF ~~ a555 SAY ~[ARAN] (Aran's eyes are tracing your every curve, and his grin widens. He works his shoulders under his pack, and quickens his pace.)~ ++ ~[PC] (You continue to walk backward, and watch his long, lean stride as he moves toward you.)~ + a563 ++ ~[PC] (You smile sweetly at him and turn away, letting the sway of your hips tell him all he needs to know about the direction you plan to travel.)~ + a556 ++ ~[PC] (You frown at him, place one finger across your lips to silence him, and blow him a kiss.)~ + a564 ++ ~[PC] (You turn back to the front, sure he is maintaining the pace.)~ + a556 ++ ~[PC] (You stop and motion for him to continue past you.)~ + a558 END IF ~~ a556 SAY ~[ARAN] (You cannot see him behind you, but you hear his footsteps catch and falter, and his muttered oath as he stumbles. Obviously, his attention has been captured.)~ ++ ~[PC] (You giggle quietly to yourself, and move on.)~ EXIT ++ ~[PC] (You smile to yourself, and move on.)~ EXIT ++ ~[PC] (You sigh, mutter something about men and their short attention spans and one-track minds, and move on.)~ EXIT ++ ~[PC] (You turn around again, continue to walk backward, and see if he has recovered himself.)~ + a563 ++ ~[PC] (You pat your bottom, make a kissing sound, and walk on.)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a557 SAY ~[ARAN] (Aran's eyes lock on yours as he lifts his pack and resettles it on his back. His smile is easy and promising, and his eyes have a hunger hidden in their depths.)~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a558 END IF ~~ a558 SAY ~[ARAN] (He brushes past you with the smell of cured leather, strong soap, evergreen, and sweat. The view from the rear is just as trim and muscular as the view from the front, though he appears oblivious to your gaze.)~ ++ ~[PC] (You grab the back of his pack and tug gently.)~ + a567 ++ ~[PC] (You grab the back of his pack and haul back hard on it.)~ + a572 ++ ~[PC] (You run your gaze over broad shoulders and narrow waist, and begin to envision the sight without quite as many garments in the way.)~ EXIT ++ ~[PC] (You see a small corner of parchment sticking out of a pocket of his pack, and tuck it back in.)~ + a565 ++ ~[PC] (You see a small corner of parchment sticking out of a pocket of his pack, and gently pluck it out.)~ DO ~GiveItemCreate("c-alttr3",Player1,0,0,0) SetGlobal("c-arlettertaken","GLOBAL",1)~ + a566 END IF ~~ a559 SAY ~[ARAN] (Aran meets your gaze until a blush begins spreading across his face, and he drops his eyes with a wry grin. He brushes past you with the smell of cured leather, strong soap, evergreen, and sweat.)~ ++ ~[PC] (You shake your head silently and move on.)~ EXIT ++ ~[PC] (You run your gaze over broad shoulders and narrow waist, and begin to envision the sight without quite as many garments in the way.)~ EXIT ++ ~[PC] (You see a small corner of parchment sticking out of a pocket of his pack, and tuck it back in.)~ + a565 ++ ~[PC] (You see a small corner of parchment sticking out of a pocket of his pack, and gently pluck it out.)~ DO ~GiveItemCreate("c-alttr3",Player1,0,0,0) SetGlobal("c-arlettertaken","GLOBAL",1)~ + a566 ++ ~[PC] (You scowl at his receding form, but move on.)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a560 SAY ~[ARAN] (As you brush past him, you smell cured leather, strong soap, evergreen, and sweat. His step is quick behind you.)~ ++ ~[PC] (You turn and walk backward, facing him, and gesturing for him to follow along more rapidly.)~ + a555 ++ ~[PC] (You giggle quietly to yourself, and move on.)~ EXIT ++ ~[PC] (You smile to yourself, and move on.)~ EXIT ++ ~[PC] (You sigh, mutter something about men and their short attention spans and one-track minds, and move on.)~ EXIT ++ ~[PC] (You pat your bottom, make a kissing sound, and walk on.)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a561 SAY ~[ARAN] (His arm is firm as it cradles you around the waist, and his shoulder catches under your outstretched arm. Quite suddenly, you appear to be waltzing a courtly dance as you move together. He gently steadies you on your feet.)~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a551 END IF ~~ a562 SAY ~[ARAN] (He pulls his hand away quickly, staring at you with surprise. You can feel his pulse pounding in his throat as your hand traces his outline lightly, and he steps away quickly, turning away slightly and readjusting his belt.)~ ++ ~[PC] (You smile, tilt your head to one side inquiringly, arch your eyebrows, and motion for him to continue in front of you.)~ + a558 ++ ~[PC] (You grin widely, glance downward at his 'adjustments', and motion for him to continue in front of you.)~ + a558 ++ ~[PC] (You smile demurely and look down at the ground, arching your neck and avoiding eye contact, and walk on ahead of him.)~ + a560 ++ ~[PC] (You grab his shoulder roughly, give him a quick shake, and stride in front of him.)~ + a560 ++ ~[PC] (You raise your eyebrows and point forward toward your destination.)~ + a551 END IF ~~ a563 SAY ~[ARAN] (Aran is blushing burgundy but has obviously recovered himself. His eyes match yours, and widen in sudden surprise as you catch a heel and have to twist your body around to avoid falling flat on your behind. His laughter is quick and friendly, and it is your turn to feel your face go warm.)~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a564 SAY ~[ARAN] (His quick fingers mime catching the kiss and placing it in his pouch. He brushes past you with the smell of cured leather, strong soap, evergreen, and sweat.)~ ++ ~[PC] (You shake your head silently and move on.)~ EXIT ++ ~[PC] (You run your gaze over broad shoulders and narrow waist, and begin to envision the sight without quite as many garments in the way.)~ EXIT ++ ~[PC] (You see a small corner of parchment sticking out of a pocket of his pack, and tuck it back in.)~ + a565 ++ ~[PC] (You see a small corner of parchment sticking out of a pocket of his pack, and gently pluck it out.)~ DO ~GiveItemCreate("c-alttr3",Player1,0,0,0) SetGlobal("c-arlettertaken","GLOBAL",1)~ + a566 ++ ~[PC] (You scowl at his receding form, but move on.)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a565 SAY ~[ARAN] (Aran glances back at the slight tug, and grins at you as he moves on.)~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a566 SAY ~[ARAN] (Aran glances back at the slight tug, but does not see that you have the parchment. He grins at you as he moves on.)~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END /* Hey, fun with DM-ing!!!! No chance for an opposed roll, which doesn't even exist in 2E rules, but heck, this is cool to play around with... */ IF ~~ a567 SAY ~[ARAN] (Aran stumbles slightly, glances back over his shoulder - and stops suddenly directly in front of you.)~ /* DM'ed reaction, so only one choice out of all these shows up) */ /* Low Dexterity */ + ~CheckStatLT(Player1,8,DEX) RandomNum(5,5)~ + ~[PC] (You frantically attempt to stop, but your well known lack of dexterity proves itself again - with a solid *thump* you run into the back of his pack and are knocked off of your feet.)~ + a571 + ~CheckStatLT(Player1,8,DEX) RandomNum(5,4)~ + ~[PC] (You frantically attempt to stop, but your well known lack of dexterity proves itself again - with a solid *thump* you run into the back of his pack and are knocked off of your feet.)~ + a571 + ~CheckStatLT(Player1,8,DEX) RandomNum(5,3)~ + ~[PC] (You frantically attempt to stop, but your well known lack of dexterity proves itself again - with a solid *thump* you run into the back of his pack and are knocked off of your feet.)~ + a571 + ~CheckStatLT(Player1,8,DEX) RandomNum(5,2)~ + ~[PC] (You frantically attempt to stop, and to your astonishment you actually succeed in avoiding him. Unfortunately, you fail to avoid a slippery spot, and find yourself tumbling onto the ground.)~ + a571 + ~CheckStatLT(Player1,8,DEX) RandomNum(5,1)~ + ~[PC] (You narrowly avoid running into him, and brush against him hard as you continue on past him.)~ EXIT /* Normal Dexterity */ + ~CheckStatGT(Player1,7,DEX) CheckStatLT(Player1,13,DEX) RandomNum(3,3)~ + ~[PC] (You frantically attempt to stop, but your dexterity fails you - with a solid *thump* you run into the back of his pack and are knocked off of your feet.)~ + a571 + ~CheckStatGT(Player1,7,DEX) CheckStatLT(Player1,13,DEX) RandomNum(3,2)~ + ~[PC] (You narrowly avoid running into him, and brush against him hard as you continue on past him.)~ EXIT + ~CheckStatGT(Player1,7,DEX) CheckStatLT(Player1,13,DEX) RandomNum(3,1)~ + ~[PC] (You slip past him with ease, and you continue on your way.)~ EXIT /* High Dexterity */ + ~CheckStatGT(Player1,13,DEX) RandomNum(5,5)~ + ~[PC] (You slip past him with ease, but in spite of your normally very strong agility a slippery spot surprises you and you reach out to catch his arm.)~ + a570 + ~CheckStatGT(Player1,13,DEX) RandomNum(5,4)~ + ~[PC] (Your usual nimble agility allows you to duck quickly past him, and you quicken your pace.)~ + a568 + ~CheckStatGT(Player1,13,DEX) RandomNum(5,3)~ + ~[PC] (Your usual nimble agility allows you to duck quickly past him, and you quicken your pace.)~ + a568 + ~CheckStatGT(Player1,13,DEX) RandomNum(5,2)~ + ~[PC] (Your usual nimble agility allows you to duck quickly past him, and you quicken your pace.)~ + a568 + ~CheckStatGT(Player1,13,DEX) RandomNum(5,1)~ + ~[PC] (Your usual nimble agility allows you to duck quickly past him, and you quicken your pace.)~ + a568 END IF ~~ a568 SAY ~[ARAN] (You can hear his gentle stifled cough of amusement behind you.)~ ++ ~[PC] (You turn and walk backward, facing him, and gesturing for him to follow along.)~ + a555 ++ ~[PC] (You purposely slow your stride and put a bit more sultriness into your walk.)~ + a556 ++ ~[PC] (You sniff disdainfully and move on, ignoring him.)~ EXIT ++ ~[PC] (You make a rude hand gesture in his general direction, and walk on.)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a569 SAY ~[ARAN] (Aran frowns in concern as he rubs his elbow, peering anxiously at your chin to make sure there is no real damage done. His relief that only pride is bruised is mirrored in his grin.)~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a570 SAY ~[ARAN] (His shoulder is steady under your grip, and his face threatens to split in half if his grin gets any wider. You steady yourself and continue on your way.)~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a571 SAY ~[ARAN] (Aran grabs clumsily at you, but manages to catch your arm and haul you upright. His face threatens to split in half if his grin gets any wider. You steady yourself and continue on your way.)~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a572 SAY ~[ARAN] (Aran stumbles heavily, and swings his arms wildly as he attempts to stabilize himself.)~ /* DM'ed reaction, so only one choice out of all these shows up) */ /* Low Dexterity */ + ~CheckStatLT(Player1,8,DEX) RandomNum(5,5)~ + ~[PC] (You frantically attempt to avoid the oncoming arm, but your well known lack of dexterity proves itself again - with a solid *thump* you get an elbow on the chin.)~ + a569 + ~CheckStatLT(Player1,8,DEX) RandomNum(5,4)~ + ~[PC] (You frantically attempt to avoid the oncoming arm, but your well known lack of dexterity proves itself again - with a solid *thump* you get an elbow on the chin.)~ + a569 + ~CheckStatLT(Player1,8,DEX) RandomNum(5,3)~ + ~[PC] (You frantically attempt to avoid the oncoming arm, but your well known lack of dexterity proves itself again - with a solid *thump* you get an elbow on the chin.)~ + a569 + ~CheckStatLT(Player1,8,DEX) RandomNum(5,2)~ + ~[PC] (You frantically attempt to avoid the oncoming arm, and to your astonishment you actually succeed in avoiding it. Unfortunately, as you twist away, you fail to avoid a slippery spot and find yourself tumbling onto the ground.)~ + a571 + ~CheckStatLT(Player1,8,DEX) RandomNum(5,1)~ + ~[PC] (You narrowly avoid his arm, and brush against him hard as you continue on past him.)~ EXIT /* Medium Dexterity */ + ~CheckStatGT(Player1,7,DEX) CheckStatLT(Player1,13,DEX) RandomNum(3,3)~ + ~[PC] (You frantically attempt to avoid the oncoming arm, but your well known lack of dexterity proves itself again - with a solid *thump* you get an elbow on the chin.)~ + a569 + ~CheckStatGT(Player1,7,DEX) CheckStatLT(Player1,13,DEX) RandomNum(3,2)~ + ~[PC] (You duck under the oncoming arm, but as you twist away, you fail to avoid a slippery spot and find yourself tumbling onto the ground.)~ + a571 + ~CheckStatGT(Player1,7,DEX) CheckStatLT(Player1,13,DEX) RandomNum(3,1)~ + ~[PC] (You slip past him with ease, and you continue on your way.)~ EXIT /* High Dexterity */ + ~CheckStatGT(Player1,13,DEX) RandomNum(5,5)~ + ~[PC] (You slip past him with ease, but in spite of your normally very strong agility a slippery spot surprises you and you reach out to catch his arm.)~ + a570 + ~CheckStatGT(Player1,13,DEX) RandomNum(5,4)~ + ~[PC] (Your usual nimble agility allows you to duck quickly past him, and you quicken your pace.)~ EXIT + ~CheckStatGT(Player1,13,DEX) RandomNum(5,3)~ + ~[PC] (Your usual nimble agility allows you to duck quickly past him, and you quicken your pace.)~ EXIT + ~CheckStatGT(Player1,13,DEX) RandomNum(5,2)~ + ~[PC] (Your usual nimble agility allows you to duck quickly past him, and you quicken your pace.)~ EXIT + ~CheckStatGT(Player1,13,DEX) RandomNum(5,1)~ + ~[PC] (Your usual nimble agility allows you to duck quickly past him, and you quicken your pace.)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a573 SAY ~[ARAN] (Aran grabs his jaw, rubbing away the sting of the slap, and raises both eyebrows in surprise.)~ ++ ~[PC] (You smile, tilt your head to one side inquiringly, arch your eyebrows, and motion for him to continue in front of you.)~ + a558 ++ ~[PC] (You grin a wide grin and motion for him to continue in front of you.)~ + a558 ++ ~[PC] (You smile demurely and look down at the ground, arching your neck and avoiding eye contact, and walk on ahead of him.)~ + a560 ++ ~[PC] (You grab his shoulder roughly, give him a quick shake, and stride in front of him.)~ + a560 ++ ~[PC] (You raise your eyebrows, point at the pack, point at him, and point forward toward your destination.)~ + a551 END IF ~~ a574 SAY ~[ARAN] (Aran smiles easily and ignores your icy stare. He tugs a waterskin from his gear, and offers it to you.)~ ++ ~[PC] (You send him an even more icy glance and walk on past him.)~ + a560 ++ ~[PC] (You frown severely, shake your head at him, and gesture that he should lead the way.)~ + a558 ++ ~[PC] (You grab his shoulder roughly, give him a quick shake, and stride in front of him.)~ + a560 ++ ~[PC] (You take his offer, and enjoy a long swig, your back arching as you lift the waterskin.)~ + a545 ++ ~[PC] (You make a rude hand gesture in his general direction, and walk on.)~ EXIT END /* BG2 Love Talk 4 : ABBA - Name of the Game : c-aranbg2rom = 7 > 8 c-aranromtimer,ARAN_LTT */ IF ~Global("c-aranbg2rom","GLOBAL",7)~ THEN BEGIN a575 SAY ~[ARAN] I wouldn't ordinarily mix business wi' pleasure, but it might not hurt to poke about a bit. What's an interestin' girl like you do for fun, anyways?~ [c-aws101] ++ ~[PC] Oh, many things. I like to sew, do bead work, craft little booties for my future children, sit in a rocking chair, and wait for my true prince to come and save me.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbg2rom","GLOBAL",8) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranromtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_LTT)~ + a576 ++ ~[PC] I like to play games with rude sellsword's emotions until they are driven insane with desire, and then dump them.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbg2rom","GLOBAL",8) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranromtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_LTT)~ + a577 ++ ~[PC] I find many things pleasurable. But I have not had any time to do much beyond survive, lately.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbg2rom","GLOBAL",8) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranromtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_LTT)~ + a578 + ~GlobalLT("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",12)~ + ~[PC] A quiet, warm, calm place, a good book, and something nice to drink.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbg2rom","GLOBAL",8) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranromtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_LTT)~ + a579 + ~GlobalGT("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",11)~ + ~[PC] A quiet, warm, calm place, a good book, and something nice to drink.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbg2rom","GLOBAL",8) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranromtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_LTT)~ + a579_flirt + ~GlobalLT("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",12)~ + ~[PC] Oh, you know, the usual. Wine, song, feasts, a little more wine...~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbg2rom","GLOBAL",8) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranromtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_LTT)~ + a580 + ~GlobalGT("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",11)~ + ~[PC] Oh, you know, the usual. Wine, song, feasts, a little more wine...~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbg2rom","GLOBAL",8) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranromtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_LTT)~ + a580_flirt ++ ~[PC] I think that is my own business, not yours.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbg2rom","GLOBAL",8) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranromtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_LTT)~ + a581 END IF ~~ a576 SAY ~[ARAN] They do say sarcasm be th' spice o' romance. You laid that one on a bit thick, though, eh?~ ++ ~[PC] Why, whatever do you mean, oh comely prince? Are you here to save me, carry me off, make hordes of children, and live happily ever after?~ + a590 ++ ~[PC] Ask a silly question, get a sarcastic answer.~ + a581 ++ ~[PC] You do not take hints easily, do you?~ + a581 ++ ~[PC] Well, I guess I just thought that was too obvious a pick-up line.~ + a581 ++ ~[PC] If I were wearing a flower, Aran, it would be in the other ear. You are definitely barking up the wrong tree.~ + a592 END IF ~~ a577 SAY ~[ARAN] Oh, so you play th' courtin' game for fun, instead o' for profit.~ ++ ~[PC] If you mean do I enjoy flirting, absolutely. And if you mean am I hard to get into bed, extremely.~ + a587 ++ ~[PC] If you mean do I enjoy flirting, absolutely. And if you mean am I hard to get into bed, you haven't seen the looks I have been giving you.~ + a587 ++ ~[PC] Courting is a serious business, not a game. If I intend to find the right person to share my life, it demands care and consideration. Is that what you mean by 'profit'?~ + a583 ++ ~[PC] I think both sides of that coin are available. The game is both fun and serious.~ + a587 ++ ~[PC] I think you are being a little slow, Aran. I have already set my heart on someone, and it is not you.~ + a594 + ~RandomNum(3,1)~ + ~[PC] The question and answer session is over. Move along, nothing to talk about here.~ + a1925 /* c-aranshutup19 */ + ~RandomNum(3,2)~ + ~[PC] The question and answer session is over. Move along, nothing to talk about here.~ + a1926 /* c-aranshutup20 */ + ~RandomNum(3,3)~ + ~[PC] The question and answer session is over. Move along, nothing to talk about here.~ + a1927 /* c-aranshutup21 */ END IF ~~ a578 SAY ~[ARAN] Fair enough. But have you ever thought o' lightenin' up a little, an' having some fun, tryin' th' courtin' game?~ ++ ~[PC] I have not given it much thought.~ + a587 + ~RandomNum(3,1)~ + ~[PC] My idea of a really good time would be to have you stop speaking, and let me continue in silence.~ + a1928 /* c-aranshutup22 */ + ~RandomNum(3,2)~ + ~[PC] My idea of a really good time would be to have you stop speaking, and let me continue in silence.~ + a1929 /* c-aranshutup23 */ + ~RandomNum(3,3)~ + ~[PC] My idea of a really good time would be to have you stop speaking, and let me continue in silence.~ + a1930 /* c-aranshutup24 */ ++ ~[PC] I think you are being a little slow, Aran. I have already set my heart on someone, and it is not you.~ + a594 ++ ~[PC] So you think love is a game. Interesting.~ + a587 ++ ~[PC] I play games to win. I do not waste my time with what you call 'fun'.~ + a583 END IF ~~ a579 SAY ~[ARAN] That sounds right nice, it does. I like sittin' down in an older section o' a library, an' huntin' through as many illustrated manuscripts as time will allow me. Unfortunately, it sounds absolutely nothin' like what we are doin' here, trekkin' about an' fightin' over an' over again. But riddle me this - you ever think about sparkin'? Courtin'?~ ++ ~[PC] I have not given it much thought.~ + a587 + ~RandomNum(3,1)~ + ~[PC] I think you are getting too personal. Get your mind back on the job, Aran.~ + a1931 /* c-aranshutup25 */ + ~RandomNum(3,2)~ + ~[PC] I think you are getting too personal. Get your mind back on the job, Aran.~ + a1932 /* c-aranshutup26 */ + ~RandomNum(3,3)~ + ~[PC] I think you are getting too personal. Get your mind back on the job, Aran.~ + a1933 /* c-aranshutup27 */ ++ ~[PC] I think you are being a little slow, Aran. I have already set my heart on someone, and it is not you.~ + a594 ++ ~[PC] So you think love is a game. Interesting.~ + a587 ++ ~[PC] I play games to win. I do not waste my time with what you call 'fun'.~ + a583 ++ ~[PC] I have courted, loved, and lost. That part of my life is over, at least for now.~ + a582 END IF ~~ a579_flirt SAY ~[ARAN] That sounds right nice, it does. I like sittin' down in an older section o' a library, an' huntin' through as many illustrated manuscripts as time will allow me. Unfortunately, it sounds absolutely nothin' like what we are doin' here, trekkin' about an' fightin' over an' over again. An' you have an eye for a mite bit o' fun, on account o' we have had a flirt or two pass between us. But riddle me this - you ever think about sparkin' more serious-like? Courtin'?~ ++ ~[PC] I have not given it much thought.~ + a587 + ~RandomNum(3,1)~ + ~[PC] I think you are getting too personal. Get your mind back on the job, Aran.~ + a1931 /* c-aranshutup25 */ + ~RandomNum(3,2)~ + ~[PC] I think you are getting too personal. Get your mind back on the job, Aran.~ + a1932 /* c-aranshutup26 */ + ~RandomNum(3,3)~ + ~[PC] I think you are getting too personal. Get your mind back on the job, Aran.~ + a1933 /* c-aranshutup27 */ ++ ~[PC] I think you are being a little slow, Aran. I have already set my heart on someone, and it is not you.~ + a594 ++ ~[PC] So you think love is a game. Interesting.~ + a587 ++ ~[PC] I play games to win. I do not waste my time with what you call 'fun'.~ + a583 ++ ~[PC] I have courted, loved, and lost. That part of my life is over, at least for now.~ + a582 END IF ~~ a580 SAY ~[ARAN] That sounds right nice, it does. I like a good solid meal, both th' preparin' an' th' sharin'. There's few drinks I met I didn't like, too. Unfortunately, it sounds absolutely nothin' like what we are doin' here, trekkin' about an' fightin' over an' over again. But riddle me this - you ever think about sparkin'? Courtin'?~ ++ ~[PC] I have not given it much thought.~ + a587 + ~RandomNum(3,1)~ + ~[PC] I think you are getting too personal. Get your mind back on the job, Aran.~ + a1934 /* c-aranshutup28 */ + ~RandomNum(3,2)~ + ~[PC] I think you are getting too personal. Get your mind back on the job, Aran.~ + a1935 /* c-aranshutup29 */ + ~RandomNum(3,3)~ + ~[PC] I think you are getting too personal. Get your mind back on the job, Aran.~ + a1936 /* c-aranshutup30 */ ++ ~[PC] I have courted, loved, and lost. That part of my life is over, at least for now.~ + a582 ++ ~[PC] I think you are being a little slow, Aran. I have already set my heart on someone, and it is not you.~ + a594 ++ ~[PC] So you think love is a game. Interesting.~ + a587 ++ ~[PC] I play games to win. I do not waste my time with what you call 'fun'.~ + a583 END IF ~~ a580_flirt SAY ~[ARAN] That sounds right nice, it does. I like a good solid meal, both th' preparin' an' th' sharin'. There's few drinks I met I didn't like, too. Unfortunately, it sounds absolutely nothin' like what we are doin' here, trekkin' about an' fightin' over an' over again. An' you have an eye for a mite bit o' fun, on account o' we have had a flirt or two pass between us. But riddle me this - you ever think about sparkin' more serious-like? Courtin'?~ ++ ~[PC] I have not given it much thought.~ + a587 + ~RandomNum(3,1)~ + ~[PC] I think you are getting too personal. Get your mind back on the job, Aran.~ + a1934 /* c-aranshutup28 */ + ~RandomNum(3,2)~ + ~[PC] I think you are getting too personal. Get your mind back on the job, Aran.~ + a1935 /* c-aranshutup29 */ + ~RandomNum(3,3)~ + ~[PC] I think you are getting too personal. Get your mind back on the job, Aran.~ + a1936 /* c-aranshutup30 */ ++ ~[PC] I have courted, loved, and lost. That part of my life is over, at least for now.~ + a582 ++ ~[PC] I think you are being a little slow, Aran. I have already set my heart on someone, and it is not you.~ + a594 ++ ~[PC] So you think love is a game. Interesting.~ + a587 ++ ~[PC] I play games to win. I do not waste my time with what you call 'fun'.~ + a583 END IF ~~ a581 SAY ~[ARAN] Now, , come on wi' ye. Just humor me, eh? A little harmless fun, that's all I'm askin'. What do you like to do, when you don't have no crowd o' monsters tryin' to dog your every step?~ + ~RandomNum(3,1)~ + ~[PC] Apparently, your definition of 'monster dogging my step' is more restrictive than mine. For me, impertinent personal questions fall into 'dogging', and someone who cannot take a hint qualifies under 'monster'.~ + a1940 /* c-aranshutup34 */ + ~RandomNum(3,2)~ + ~[PC] Apparently, your definition of 'monster dogging my step' is more restrictive than mine. For me, impertinent personal questions fall into 'dogging', and someone who cannot take a hint qualifies under 'monster'.~ + a1941 /* c-aranshutup35 */ + ~RandomNum(3,3)~ + ~[PC] Apparently, your definition of 'monster dogging my step' is more restrictive than mine. For me, impertinent personal questions fall into 'dogging', and someone who cannot take a hint qualifies under 'monster'.~ + a1942 /* c-aranshutup36 */ ++ ~[PC] Life so far has left me little time or inclination for courting.~ + a578 ++ ~[PC] I have courted, loved, and lost. That part of my life is over, at least for now.~ + a582 + ~GlobalLT("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",12)~ + ~[PC] A quiet, warm, calm place, a good book, and something nice to drink.~ + a579 + ~GlobalGT("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",11)~ + ~[PC] A quiet, warm, calm place, a good book, and something nice to drink.~ + a579_flirt + ~GlobalLT("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",12)~ + ~[PC] Oh, you know, the usual. Wine, song, feasts, a little more wine...~ + a580 + ~GlobalGT("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",11)~ + ~[PC] Oh, you know, the usual. Wine, song, feasts, a little more wine...~ + a580_flirt ++ ~[PC] I like romance, Aran. Do you like courting?~ + a587 ++ ~[PC] I think you are being a little slow, Aran. I have already set my heart on someone, and it is not you.~ + a594 END IF ~~ a582 SAY ~[ARAN] I'm right sorry, I am. You ever feel like talkin' about it, I'm your man for listenin'. You are lucky, though.~ ++ ~[PC] Lucky is not the word I would chose.~ + a586 ++ ~[PC] You do not know how wrong you are. Cease talking while you are ahead, Aran. This is too painful to talk about.~ + a594 ++ ~[PC] Yes, I am lucky. I have found my soulmate, and nothing will keep us permanently separated. There is no room in my life for you, Aran.~ + a594 END IF ~~ a583 SAY ~[ARAN] I wasn't gettin' that serious, but since you brought it up, that sounds about right. The profit would be findin' someone what completes you, or makes life a bit more interestin' an' enjoyable.~ ++ ~[PC] I have courted, loved, and lost.~ + a582 ++ ~[PC] I think you are being a little slow, Aran. I have already set my heart on someone, and it is not you.~ + a594 ++ ~[PC] You will find someone someday, I am sure.~ + a594 ++ ~[PC] So, you think you might be a profitable outcome? Or are you just seeing if I am up for a good time?~ + a589 ++ ~[PC] Have you ever found that 'profit'?~ + a584 END IF ~~ a584 SAY ~[ARAN] I keep findin' lots o' possible winnin' hands, but there's always a mite o' a problem here or there what throws th' game. I guess I just haven't found th' right partner yet.~ ++ ~[PC] I have courted, loved, and lost.~ + a582 ++ ~[PC] That sounds like a story, or stories. Come on, tell me a story, Aran.~ + a585 ++ ~[PC] You will find someone someday, I am sure.~ + a594 ++ ~[PC] I think I can help you with your problem. When you seem to be interested in a woman, I see you do lots of talking, but absolutely no action...~ + a591 END IF ~~ a585 SAY ~[ARAN] That's for another time, I suspect. I don't rightly think I am goin' to get you sparkin' wi' sad tales o' lost loves. You'd need a real accomplished bard for that.~ ++ ~[PC] I think is is just the right thing to spark my interest in you, Aran. I think you should tell me a story about your lost loves.~ + a590 ++ ~[PC] Perhaps, perhaps not... but somehow, I think if I actually expressed a serious interest in settling down with you, you might just run for the hills.~ + a593 ++ ~[PC] Well, if you are anything at all, 'accomplished bard' does not spring to mind. But you started this, so go on - tell me a story of your lost loves.~ + a612 /* c-aranostories */ END IF ~~ a586 SAY ~[ARAN] I have been pokin' about an' playin' th' game for a mite bit o' time now, an' it seems like each time there's lots o' glitter, but no real payoff. You got someone who could be part o' you. I never did find my special someone.~ ++ ~[PC] You do not want to.~ + a594 + ~RandomNum(3,1)~ + ~[PC] By all means find her, and have her rip out your soul as she moves beyond your reach. Then you will grow empty inside, and be able to concentrate on the things that matter, like power, or riches.~ + a1933 /* c-aranshutup27 */ + ~RandomNum(3,2)~ + ~[PC] By all means find her, and have her rip out your soul as she moves beyond your reach. Then you will grow empty inside, and be able to concentrate on the things that matter, like power, or riches.~ + a1934 /* c-aranshutup28 */ + ~RandomNum(3,3)~ + ~[PC] By all means find her, and have her rip out your soul as she moves beyond your reach. Then you will grow empty inside, and be able to concentrate on the things that matter, like power, or riches.~ + a1935 /* c-aranshutup29 */ ++ ~[PC] Well do not look here for such 'luck', Aran.~ + a594 ++ ~[PC] You will find someone someday, I am sure.~ + a594 ++ ~[PC] Are you really a man of action, or do you just talk?~ + a591 ++ ~[PC] If I were wearing a flower, Aran, it would be in the other ear. You are definitely barking up the wrong tree.~ + a592 END IF ~~ a587 SAY ~[ARAN] Aye, well, I do like th' game. I know there's a mite o' trouble to be had, even when the person in question is displayin' a flower behind her ear. I never quite get which ear for which likin', either, which leads to some discomfort when th' lady in question prefers ladies. But it be a grand game, wi' nice stakes, good payoff, an' once in awhile there be a chance for somethin' pretty special.~ ++ ~[PC] Aran, I don't know why you have not picked up on this before, but... I prefer women.~ + a592 ++ ~[PC] I don't think I am good at any of these 'games'. I don't know why anyone would want to play them with me.~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arpclowimage","LOCALS",1)~ + a589 ++ ~[PC] I have no desire to put myself under the thumb of any man.~ + a588 ++ ~[PC] Well I do not like 'the game', as you call it. I expect people to treat me as more than a prize to be won.~ + a589 ++ ~[PC] I play about, and I play hard. The question is, can you survive the game?~ + a590 ++ ~[PC] If you are going to talk about romance, go have the conversation with someone else. I suspect you only want to annoy me.~ + a595 ++ ~[PC] Are you a man of action, or do you just talk your quarry into submission?~ + a591 END IF ~~ a588 SAY ~[ARAN] Well, it weren't exactly a thumb I was thinkin' about...~ ++ ~[PC] If that was a suggestion, you may find yourself very much in trouble, very quickly.~ + a594 ++ ~[PC] Stop it. You know what I meant. My entire life has been spent being manipulated, first by my foster father, then by my brother, always by a dead god, and now we find by an insane kidnapper. I am trying to build myself some freedom, and nothing could ever taste sweeter than that.~ + a594 ++ ~[PC] I see a good bit of talking, and absolutely no action...~ + a591 ++ ~[PC] Do tell. I would love for you to explain exactly what you mean by that comment.~ + a589 ++ ~[PC] I prefer being on top of the situation, so to speak.~ + a593 ++ ~[PC] If I were wearing a flower, Aran, it would be in the other ear. You are definitely barking up the wrong tree.~ + a592 END IF ~~ a589 SAY ~[ARAN] Hey, I wasn't meanin' no harm. I was just wonderin' if you liked to play about a bit in th' courtin' game, or if you took th' game serious, is all.~ ++ ~[PC] Stop it. You know what I meant. My entire life has been spent being manipulated, first by my foster father, then by my brother, always by a dead god, and now we find by an insane kidnapper. I am trying to build myself some freedom, and nothing could ever taste sweeter than that.~ + a594 ++ ~[PC] I play about, and I play hard. The question is, can you survive the game?~ + a590 ++ ~[PC] If I were wearing a flower, Aran, it would be in the other ear. You are definitely barking up the wrong tree.~ + a592 ++ ~[PC] I take the game seriously.~ + a590 ++ ~[PC] I take the game seriously enough, Aran, though it is fun to play a bit, too. It is just *you* I do not take seriously.~ + a594 ++ ~[PC] (Look down at your hands.) You don't seem to understand. No one really has invited me to play a real game before. Not one that matters.~ + a594 END IF ~~ a590 SAY ~[ARAN] That sounds a mite like a challenge.~ ++ ~[PC] Take it any way you want. Or don't take it at all.~ + a594 ++ ~[PC] Let me guess - you are about to say you live for challenges.~ + a593 ++ ~[PC] Let me ask you a question. Does using lines like "What's an interestin' girl like you do for fun, anyways" on pretty barmaids get you better service?~ + a595 ++ ~[PC] Oh, you just do not realize exactly how challenging I can be. Yet.~ + a594 END IF ~~ a591 SAY ~[ARAN] Oh, I get enough action. I'd show you, but I'm still not sure you're really interested, or just teasin' me.~ ++ ~[PC] What do I have to do to say I'm interested... open my blouse and say 'let's go, big boy?'~ + a595 ++ ~[PC] Well this conversation has been fun, but you have gotten the wrong impression completely. I am really not interested in you that way, Aran.~ + a594 ++ ~[PC] Just teasing. I prefer real men.~ + a593 ++ ~[PC] Are you always this forward when you know very well there is absolutely no opportunity for privacy, thus no possibility of having to back up your bold words?~ + a593 ++ ~[PC] Just teasing. I prefer women.~ + a592 END IF ~~ a592 SAY ~[ARAN] Well, Sune's Lusty Lips, why didn't you say somethin' before? Here I go all pesterin' you an' buggin' you, and you let me ramble on like a fool! Sorry, , I didn't mean no harm. I'll quit pesterin' you, an' stick to bein' friends.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranflirtstop","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",3)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a593 SAY ~[ARAN] (His face flushes crimson behind his smile) Seen right through me, eh? Well, true enough, I guess. Got carried away a bit, I did. Didn't mean no harm, there, just a little casual sparkin'.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a594 SAY ~[ARAN] If you say so, . But I think I'll keep on tryin' to spark a little wi' you, mayhap a bit slow-like. You are somethin' right special, you are, an' I'm not one to back down from a real challenge.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a595 SAY ~[ARAN] (His eyes linger a bit below your chin, and a grin splits his face)~ = ~[ARAN] Among other things...~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a612 /* c-aranostories */ SAY ~[ARAN] Now, there, , I done been travelin' wi' enough women to know that none o' you seem to want to hear about ex-girlfriends, eh?~ ++ ~[PC] So, because you have traveled with other women, you think you know what I want, and what I feel? I did not know that all of 'us women' were so alike.~ + a593 ++ ~[PC] Humor me.~ + a1649 /* c-arancaecal */ ++ ~[PC] I will tell you about my girlfriends if you tell me about your girlfriends...~ + a593 ++ ~[PC] Well, that assumes that I am your girlfriend. In fact, it assumes that all women are your girlfriends. I think a large part of the population of Faerun might be a little surprised at that...~ + a593 ++ ~[PC] I am not 'most women'. Come on, tell me a tragic love story. I want to hear one.~ + a1649 /* c-arancaecal */ END /* SoA Story Pool : I gave my Love a Cherry, that had no stone... */ IF ~~ a1649 /* c-arancaecal */ SAY ~[ARAN] Well, I did have a love up in Caer Callidyrr, on Alaron. She was somethin' very special, she was. We started in for a lark, but somehow, we just kept sparkin', an' we got right serious. She worked as seamstress, but her real love was fencin'. Didn't rightly matter if it were fencin' words, fencin' swords, or... well, she was right physical, she was. An' when she laughed...~ ++ ~[PC] Are you crying?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranCaerCall","LOCALS",1)~ + a1650 /* c-arancaecalcry */ ++ ~[PC] So, why are you two not together?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranCaerCall","LOCALS",1)~ + a599 ++ ~[PC] Fascinating. You remember something besides lacing your boots. Perhaps, with training, you will remember your job, and only come when you are called.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranCaerCall","LOCALS",1)~ + a1918 /* c-aranshutup12 */ ++ ~[PC] She sounds like she was very special to you.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranCaerCall","LOCALS",1)~ + a599 ++ ~[PC] Physical. So you and she were very serious. Serious enough to settle down and start a family?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranCaerCall","LOCALS",1)~ + a599 END IF ~~ a1650 /* c-arancaecalcry */ SAY ~[ARAN] Hells, no. It were a bit o' grit what caught my eye, is all.~ ++ ~[PC] So, why are you two not together?~ + a1655 + ~RandomNum(3,1)~ + ~[PC] Fascinating. You remember something besides lacing your boots. Perhaps, with training, you will remember your job, and only come when you are called.~ + a1944 /* c-aranshutup38 */ + ~RandomNum(3,2)~ + ~[PC] Fascinating. You remember something besides lacing your boots. Perhaps, with training, you will remember your job, and only come when you are called.~ + a1945 /* c-aranshutup39 */ + ~RandomNum(3,3)~ + ~[PC] Fascinating. You remember something besides lacing your boots. Perhaps, with training, you will remember your job, and only come when you are called.~ + a1946 /* c-aranshutup40 */ ++ ~[PC] She sounds like she was very special to you.~ + a1655 ++ ~[PC] I can out-think, out-run, and out-drink any red-haired Moonshae hussy in my sleep, with both hands tied behind my back.~ + a590 ++ ~[PC] I suppose she must have been very lovely.~ + a1655 END /* cliche, but if a player really wants to push into storytelling, why not have a tragic end to a competitor... with no loose ends */ IF ~~ a1655 SAY ~[ARAN] Talona's Tattoos, it were not meant to be. We were rightly happy, but th' Northmen raiders were not in on th' arrangement, so they done cut in. Kendrick had th' Axes marshaled for a raid on a firbolg clan what had decided to come callin', an' one o' th' longships decided they was goin' to take a risk an' raid in spite o' th' treaty. Probably though th' troop movements were an attempt to take back some land. An' me, I was with th' Axes, so Gwyneth came north to be a bit closer.~ = ~[ARAN] She went down fightin' in th' raid, from all accounts. She didn't believe in spendin' spells to get back from death, sayin' that th' Earth Mother would keep her right close to her roots. I wish I had been on th' detachment what smashed th' raiders back. But a friend o' mine was, an' there were no Northmen bodies left unburned afterwards. It took th' heart right out o' me, though, for a while. I finished th' contract an' left th' place for good.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END /* BG2 Love Talk 5 : Billy Joel - You may be Right/We Didn't Start The Fire mixology : c-aranrombg2 = 9 > 10 c-aranromtimer,ARAN_LTT */ IF ~Global("c-aranbg2rom","GLOBAL",9)~ THEN BEGIN a596 SAY ~[ARAN] Well, now, this is a mite bit more comfortable a campaign than th' last one, I think.~ [c-aws102] IF ~NumInPartyGT(4)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbg2rom","GLOBAL",10) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranromtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_LTT)~ GOTO a597 IF ~NumInPartyLT(5) NumInPartyGT(2)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbg2rom","GLOBAL",10) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranromtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_LTT)~ GOTO a598 IF ~NumInParty(2)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbg2rom","GLOBAL",10) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranromtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_LTT)~ GOTO a599 END IF ~~ a597 SAY ~[ARAN] Wi' five or six o' us, it seems right small a group to tackle th' task. But somehow, I be more comfortable here then when th' whole battalion o' Moonshae Axes were settin' out together.~ ++ ~[PC] Hmmm. I guess that means that you are planning to stick around for awhile? I thought you had a woman in every town on the Sword Coast, waiting for your return.~ + a600 + ~GlobalLT("Chapter","GLOBAL",4)~ + ~[PC] Do not get complacent, Aran. I only need you until we rescue Imoen. After that, you will have to prove your worth.~ + a601 + ~GlobalGT("Chapter","GLOBAL",3)~ + ~[PC] Wait a minute... you are still here? I thought we were supposed to reevaluate the whole contract once we handled Imoen's situation.~ + a602 ++ ~[PC] You are very useful. I suspect you can even be trained to be entertaining.~ + a603 ++ ~[PC] I am pretty comfortable with having you around, too.~ + a604 ++ ~[PC] Perhaps I can make you even more comfortable with traveling with me.~ + a605 + ~Global("BodhiAppear","GLOBAL",1) GlobalLT("WorkingForAran","GLOBAL",1) GlobalLT("WorkingForBodhi","GLOBAL",1)~ + ~[PC] That makes one of us who is comfortable. Especially since it appears I need to trust either thieves or a shadowy figure who frequents graveyards...~ + a606 END IF ~~ a598 SAY ~[ARAN] We have only a few o' us, not even a full compliment o' five or six, which seems right small a group to tackle th' task. But somehow, I be more comfortable here then when th' whole battalion o' Moonshae Axes were settin' out together.~ ++ ~[PC] Hmmm. I guess that means that you are planning to stick around for awhile? I thought you had a woman in every town on the Sword Coast, waiting for your return.~ + a600 + ~GlobalLT("Chapter","GLOBAL",4)~ + ~[PC] Do not get complacent. I only need you until we rescue Imoen. After that, you will have to prove your worth.~ + a601 + ~GlobalGT("Chapter","GLOBAL",3)~ + ~[PC] Wait a minute... you are still here? I thought we were supposed to reevaluate the whole contract once we handled Imoen's situation.~ + a602 ++ ~[PC] You are very useful. I suspect you can even be trained to be entertaining.~ + a603 ++ ~[PC] I am pretty comfortable with having you around, too.~ + a604 ++ ~[PC] Perhaps I can make you even more comfortable with traveling with me.~ + a605 + ~Global("BodhiAppear","GLOBAL",1) GlobalLT("WorkingForAran","GLOBAL",1) GlobalLT("WorkingForBodhi","GLOBAL",1)~ + ~[PC] That makes one of us who is feeling comfortable about anything. Especially since it appears I need to trust either thieves or a shadowy figure who frequents graveyards.~ + a605 END IF ~~ a599 SAY ~[ARAN] Only th' two o' us, against what seems like th' whole of Faerun. But somehow, I be more comfortable here then when th' whole battalion o' Moonshae Axes were settin' out together.~ ++ ~[PC] Hmmm. I guess that means that you are planning to stick around for awhile? I thought you had a woman in every town on the Sword Coast, waiting for your return.~ + a600 + ~GlobalLT("Chapter","GLOBAL",4)~ + ~[PC] Do not get complacent. I only need you until we rescue Imoen. After that, you will have to prove your worth.~ + a601 + ~GlobalGT("Chapter","GLOBAL",3)~ + ~[PC] Wait a minute... you are still here? I thought we were supposed to reevaluate the whole contract once we handled Imoen's situation.~ + a602 ++ ~[PC] You are very useful. I suspect you can even be trained to be entertaining.~ + a603 ++ ~[PC] I am pretty comfortable with having you around, too.~ + a604 ++ ~[PC] Perhaps I can make you even more comfortable with traveling with me.~ + a604 + ~Global("BodhiAppear","GLOBAL",1) GlobalLT("WorkingForAran","GLOBAL",1) GlobalLT("WorkingForBodhi","GLOBAL",1)~ + ~[PC] That makes one of us who is feeling comfortable about anything. Especially since it appears I need to trust either thieves or a shadowy figure who frequents graveyards.~ + a605 END IF ~~ a600 SAY ~[ARAN] Well, now, that be a mite bit o' exaggeration, eh? Besides, I done found th' woman what interests me greatly, an' she is right close by.~ ++ ~[PC] You are very useful, Aran. I suspect you can even be trained to be entertaining.~ + a603 ++ ~[PC] I think... well, that is flattering, but...~ + a613 ++ ~[PC] Wearing your heart on your sleeve? Who is the lucky woman?~ + a613 ++ ~[PC] Introduce me, so that I can destroy *cough* err... study my competition.~ + a613 ++ ~[PC] Is that enough? I mean, is a potential for love enough to keep both of us from falling apart, when so much around us is going wrong? How can we actually get close to each other?~ + a606 END IF ~~ a601 SAY ~[ARAN] I would be right happy to prove my worth, , if I have not already.~ ++ ~[PC] You are very useful, Aran. I suspect you can even be trained to be entertaining.~ + a603 ++ ~[PC] What would you say if I told you that you were a burden, Aran? If I told you that your attentions bore me?~ + a603 ++ ~[PC] Well, then, prove it. (Fling your arms around his neck and kiss his lips.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",1)~ + a614 ++ ~[PC] I know you want me, Aran. But the thought of a relationship is frightening. How can we actually get close to each other, when so much is going wrong around us?~ + a606 + ~OR(2) Class(Player1,CLERIC_ALL) Class(Player1,PALADIN_ALL)~ + ~[PC] No matter what I may like to do with my personal life, my first love will always be my god.~ + a609 END IF ~~ a602 SAY ~[ARAN] Sure enough. I did a right solid tactical evaluation for you right after we cleared that mess up, an' decided you can't rightly live wi' me not around.~ ++ ~[PC] You are very useful, Aran. I suspect you can even be trained to be entertaining.~ + a603 ++ ~[PC] That was very kind of you.~ + a613 ++ ~[PC] Perhaps that had less to do with the tactics of the situation, and more to do with your desires.~ + a613 ++ ~[PC] Tactics, my bottom. Actually, I think you are hanging around to get more glances at the second part of that phrase.~ + a613 ++ ~[PC] I know you want me, Aran. But the thought of a relationship is frightening. How can we actually get close to each other, when so much is going wrong around us?~ + a606 END IF ~~ a603 SAY ~[ARAN] I would be naught but happy to prove entertainin', . After all, it be right kind o' you to keep me on, when there be so many others what could be assistin' you in all this.~ ++ ~[PC] You do a good job of amusing me. It does not have to include a formal romance.~ + a611 ++ ~[PC] That is what is confusing me. I am not sure about all of this. Please do not make me choose only one person, or one plan. There is too much going on right now.~ + a610 ++ ~[PC] Well, then, prove it. (Fling your arms around his neck and kiss his lips.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",1)~ + a614 ++ ~[PC] You do not really amuse me. But I suppose it does no harm to have you worship me. Now, go carry my gear.~ + a394 /* yes, a394 is correct - "Aye, you be a woman after my own heart. Cheers." Inference is a rude gesture, but people can read it how they like for the characters involved, of course. */ END IF ~~ a604 SAY ~[ARAN] Enough to give some thought to some spoonin'?~ ++ ~[PC] 'Spooning'? What is that?~ + a606 ++ ~[PC] No.~ + a603 ++ ~[PC] What I think is that you cannot take a hint. I do not want this attention, Aran. I have my love, and he has me. Stop talking to me like this.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranflirtstop","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",3)~ + a603 ++ ~[PC] Comfortable enough to know that you are too good a friend to risk romantic attachments.~ + a611 ++ ~[PC] (Fling your arms around his neck and kiss his lips.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",1)~ + a614 END IF ~~ a605 SAY ~[ARAN] Well, that be no matter. Just don't trust 'em. There be few employers what can be trusted, on account o' they have their own agendas, not yours, eh? I be right surprised that you trust me.~ ++ ~[PC] You are very useful, Aran. I suspect you can even be trained to be entertaining.~ + a603 ++ ~[PC] I trust you enough to know that you are too good a friend to risk romantic attachments.~ + a611 ++ ~[PC] I am not sure I can trust myself, let alone you. Please do not make me choose only one person, or one plan. There is too much going on right now.~ + a610 ++ ~[PC] You really, really talk too much. (Fling your arms around his neck and kiss his lips.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",1)~ + a614 + ~Gender(Player2,MALE) !Name("c-aran",Player2)~ + ~[PC] Oh, I trust you. At least I do when is close at hand, anyways...~ + a613 + ~Gender(Player3,MALE) !Name("c-aran",Player3)~ + ~[PC] Oh, I trust you. At least I do when is close at hand, anyways...~ + a613 + ~Gender(Player4,MALE) !Name("c-aran",Player4)~ + ~[PC] Oh, I trust you. At least I do when is close at hand, anyways...~ + a613 + ~Gender(Player5,MALE) !Name("c-aran",Player5)~ + ~[PC] Oh, I trust you. At least I do when is close at hand, anyways...~ + a613 + ~Gender(Player6,MALE) !Name("c-aran",Player6)~ + ~[PC] Oh, I trust you. At least I do when is close at hand, anyways...~ + a613 END IF ~~ a606 SAY ~[ARAN] Well, two spoons in a drawer, they nestle up close, an' then...~ ++ ~[PC] Stop right there. No 'spooning' on the job, Aran. In fact, none on or off the job.~ + a603 ++ ~[PC] Stop right there. No 'spooning' on the job, Aran. Now, perhaps later you could show me how that all works, when we settle in for the night.~ + a603 ++ ~[PC] Like this? How does my back pressing into your chest and my head falling on your shoulder make you feel?~ + a616 + ~InParty("ADANGEL") Global("ADAngelRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] You had better watch out for Angelo, Aran. He might see your advances as an insult.~ + a608 /* G3 Angelo "ADANGEL" */ + ~InParty("Anomen") Global("AnomenRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] You had better watch out for Anomen, Aran. He might see your advances as an insult.~ + a608 /* BioWare(tm) Anomen "Anomen" */ + ~InParty("Edwin") Global("EdwinRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] You had better watch out for Edwin, Aran. He might see your advances as an insult.~ + a608 /* SHS Edwin "Edwin" */ + ~InParty("B!Gavin2") OR(2) Global("B!GavRA","GLOBAL",1) Global("B!GavRA","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] You had better watch out for Gavin, Aran. He might see your advances as an insult.~ + a607 /* G3 Gavin in the Future Tense "B!Gavin2" */ + ~InParty("J#Kelsey") Global("J#KelseyRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] You had better watch out for Kelsey, Aran. He might see your advances as an insult.~ + a607 /* PPG Kelsey "J#Kelsey" */ + ~InParty("P#KIVAN") OR(2) Global("P#KivanRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2) Global("P#KivanRomanceActive","GLOBAL",1)~ + ~[PC] You had better watch out for Kivan, Aran. He might see your advances as an insult.~ + a607 /* G3 Kivan "P#KIVAN" */ + ~OR(2) InParty("SOLAUFEIN") InParty("SOLA") GlobalGT("SolaTalk","GLOBAL",12)~ + ~[PC] You had better watch out for Solaufein, Aran. He might see your advances as an insult.~ + a608 /* WeiDU.org Solaufein "SOLA" or "SOLAUFEIN" */ + ~InParty("TSUJATH") Global("TsujathaRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] You had better watch out for Tsujatha, Aran. He might see your advances as an insult.~ + a608 /* CoM Tsujatha "TSUJATH" */ + ~InParty("Valygar") OR(3) Global("H#ValygarRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2) Global("ValygarRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2) GlobalGT("RE_ValygarRomance","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] You had better watch out for Valygar, Aran. He might see your advances as an insult.~ + a607 /* Valygar from C.Romantique (unhosted) "Valygar" | SHS/BWL TS Valygar "Valygar" | G3 RE Valygar "valygar" */ + ~InParty("O#XAN") Global("O#XanRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] You had better watch out for Xan, Aran. He might see your advances as an insult.~ + a607 /* PPG Xan "O#XAN" */ + ~InParty("FHFaren") Global("FHFarenRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] You had better watch out for Faren, Aran. He might see your advances as an insult.~ + a607 + ~InParty("C#Ajantis") Global("C#AjantisRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] You had better watch out for Ajantis, Aran. He might see your advances as an insult.~ + a607 /* RosenRanken Ajantis */ END IF ~~ a607 SAY ~[ARAN] I don't rightly care what he thinks, though he can be a good companion. All I care about is what you think. An' how you make me feel.~ ++ ~[PC] How do I make you feel?~ + a616 ++ ~[PC] Well, in that case, how does me nestling up in your arms like this make you feel?~ + a616 ++ ~[PC] What I think is that you are easy to manipulate. I can have you, or drop you, at my whim. It has been fun, but I do not want you any more. Get on with your job, sellsword.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranflirtstop","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",3)~ + a1947 /* c-aranshutup41 */ ++ ~[PC] Talk is a waste of energy. How does this make you feel? (Draw his lips down to yours and kiss him.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",1)~ + a616 ++ ~[PC] I am not sure about all of this. I like you, and I like him. Please do not make me choose between you.~ + a610 ++ ~[PC] You both are useful, in your own way. I will not choose between you. I deserve more attention than one person can give.~ + a610 END IF ~~ a608 SAY ~[ARAN] I don't give a rat's arse for what that soddin' bastard thinks, right good companion or not. All I care about is what you think. An' how you make me feel.~ ++ ~[PC] How do I make you feel?~ + a616 ++ ~[PC] Well, in that case, how does me nestling up in your arms like this make you feel?~ + a616 ++ ~[PC] What I think is that you cannot take a hint. I do not want this attention, Aran. Stop talking to me like this.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranflirtstop","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",3)~ + a1948 /* c-aranshutup42 */ ++ ~[PC] Talk is a waste of energy. How does this make you feel? (Draw his lips down to yours and kiss him.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",1)~ + a616 ++ ~[PC] I am not sure about all of this. I like you, and I like him. Please do not make me choose between you.~ + a610 ++ ~[PC] You both are useful, in your own way. I will not choose between you. I deserve more attention than one person can give.~ + a610 END IF ~~ a609 SAY ~[ARAN] I know, an' I an mot likely to be much in th' way o comparison to a deity. But there be no vows o' chastity given by most gods, to most followers. All I care about is what you think. An' how you make me feel.~ ++ ~[PC] How do I make you feel?~ + a616 ++ ~[PC] Well, in that case, how does me nestling up in your arms like this make you feel?~ + a616 ++ ~[PC] What I think is that you are easy to manipulate. I can have you, or drop you, at my whim. It has been fun playing with you, but I do not want you any more. Get on with your job, sellsword.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranflirtstop","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",3)~ + a1907 /* c-aranshutup1 */ ++ ~[PC] Talk is a waste of energy. How does this make you feel? (Draw his lips down to yours and kiss him.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",1)~ + a616 ++ ~[PC] I am not sure about all of this. I like you, and I like another - not a god, another man. Please do not make me choose between you.~ + a610 ++ ~[PC] I am afraid my vows are for chastity, and I will not waver. I am sorry, Aran, but it was never meant to be.Please speak no more on the subject.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranflirtstop","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",3)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a610 SAY ~[ARAN] There be no need to choose, on my account. I do not hold you slave, though I suspect my heart be enslaved right proper.~ ++ ~[PC] How would you feel if I said 'I choose you'?~ + a616 ++ ~[PC] How would you feel if I said 'I am not ready for a committed relationship with you'?~ + a611 ++ ~[PC] What would you do if I said 'I do not want to have you pursue me any more'?~ + a615 + ~InParty("ADANGEL") Global("ADAngelRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] How would you feel if I said I prefer Angelo?~ + a615 /* G3 Angelo "ADANGEL" */ + ~InParty("Anomen") Global("AnomenRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] How would you feel if I said I prefer Anomen?~ + a615 /* BioWare(tm) Anomen "Anomen" */ + ~InParty("Edwin") Global("EdwinRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] How would you feel if I said I prefer Edwin?~ + a615 /* SHS Edwin "Edwin" */ + ~InParty("B!Gavin2") OR(2) Global("B!GavRA","GLOBAL",1) Global("B!GavRA","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] How would you feel if I said I prefer Gavin?~ + a615 /* G3 Gavin in the Future Tense "B!Gavin2" */ + ~InParty("J#Kelsey") Global("J#KelseyRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] How would you feel if I said I prefer Kelsey?~ + a615 /* PPG Kelsey "J#Kelsey" */ + ~InParty("P#KIVAN") OR(2) Global("P#KivanRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2) Global("P#KivanRomanceActive","GLOBAL",1)~ + ~[PC] How would you feel if I said I prefer Kivan?~ + a615 /* G3 Kivan "P#KIVAN" */ + ~OR(2) InParty("SOLAUFEIN") InParty("SOLA") GlobalGT("SolaTalk","GLOBAL",12)~ + ~[PC] How would you feel if I said I prefer Solaufein?~ + a615 /* WeiDU.org Solaufein "SOLA" or "SOLAUFEIN" */ + ~InParty("TSUJATH") Global("TsujathaRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] How would you feel if I said I prefer Tsujatha?~ + a615 /* CoM Tsujatha "TSUJATH" */ + ~InParty("Valygar") OR(3) Global("H#ValygarRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2) Global("ValygarRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2) GlobalGT("RE_ValygarRomance","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] How would you feel if I said I prefer Valygar?~ + a615 /* Valygar from C.Romantique (unhosted) "Valygar" | SHS/BWL TS Valygar "Valygar" | G3 RE Valygar "valygar" */ + ~InParty("O#XAN") Global("O#XanRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] How would you feel if I said I prefer Xan?~ + a615 /* PPG Xan "O#XAN" */ + ~InParty("FHFaren") Global("FHFarenRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] How would you feel if I said I prefer Faren?~ + a615 /* SHS Faren FHFarenRomanceActive=2 */ + ~InParty("C#Ajantis") Global("C#AjantisRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] How would you feel if I said I prefer Ajantis?~ + a615 /* RosenRanken Ajantis */ ++ ~[PC] Aran, I just want to have fun. This is getting too serious, too fast.~ + a611 END IF ~~ a611 SAY ~[ARAN] I understand that right clear. No deep commitments. But what about wild kissin', me tearin' th' clothes from your body, an' havin' a long tumble? No strings, no contract, just two close companions explorin' each other?~ ++ ~[PC] What I think is that you cannot take a hint. I do not want this attention, Aran. Stop talking to me like this.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranflirtstop","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",3)~ + a1907 /* c-aranshutup1 */ ++ ~[PC] How would you feel if I said 'yes'?~ + a616 ++ ~[PC] What would you do if I said 'no'?~ + a615 + ~InParty("ADANGEL") Global("ADAngelRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] How would you feel if I said I prefer Angelo?~ + a615 /* G3 Angelo "ADANGEL" */ + ~InParty("Anomen") Global("AnomenRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] How would you feel if I said I prefer Anomen?~ + a615 /* BioWare(tm) Anomen "Anomen" */ + ~InParty("Edwin") Global("EdwinRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] How would you feel if I said I prefer Edwin?~ + a615 /* SHS Edwin "Edwin" */ + ~InParty("B!Gavin2") GlobalGT("B!GavRA","GLOBAL",1)~ + ~[PC] How would you feel if I said I prefer Gavin?~ + a615 /* G3 Gavin in the Future Tense "B!Gavin2" */ + ~InParty("J#Kelsey") Global("J#KelseyRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] How would you feel if I said I prefer Kelsey?~ + a615 /* PPG Kelsey "J#Kelsey" */ + ~InParty("P#KIVAN") OR(2) Global("P#KivanRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2) Global("P#KivanRomanceActive","GLOBAL",1)~ + ~[PC] How would you feel if I said I prefer Kivan?~ + a615 /* G3 Kivan "P#KIVAN" */ + ~OR(2) InParty("SOLAUFEIN") InParty("SOLA") GlobalGT("SolaTalk","GLOBAL",12)~ + ~[PC] How would you feel if I said I prefer Solaufein?~ + a615 /* WeiDU.org Solaufein "SOLA" or "SOLAUFEIN" */ + ~InParty("TSUJATH") Global("TsujathaRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] How would you feel if I said I prefer Tsujatha?~ + a615 /* CoM Tsujatha "TSUJATH" */ + ~InParty("Valygar") OR(3) Global("H#ValygarRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2) Global("ValygarRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2) GlobalGT("RE_ValygarRomance","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] How would you feel if I said I prefer Valygar?~ + a615 /* Valygar from C.Romantique (unhosted) "Valygar" | SHS/BWL TS Valygar "Valygar" | G3 RE Valygar "valygar" */ + ~InParty("O#XAN") Global("O#XanRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] How would you feel if I said I prefer Xan?~ + a615 /* PPG Xan "O#XAN" */ + ~InParty("FHFaren") Global("FHFarenRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] How would you feel if I said I prefer Faren?~ + a615 /* SHS Faren FHFarenRomanceActive=2 */ + ~InParty("C#Ajantis") Global("C#AjantisRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] How would you feel if I said I prefer Ajantis?~ + a615 /* RosenRanken Ajantis */ ++ ~[PC] Big talk. Do it. (Fling your arms around his neck and kiss him.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",1)~ + a614 END IF ~~ a613 SAY ~[ARAN] You hold th' contract, I know. But it be right kind o' you to keep me on, when there be so many others what could be assistin' you in all this.~ ++ ~[PC] I know you want me, Aran. But the thought of a relationship is frightening. How can we actually get close to each other, when so much is going wrong around us?~ + a606 + ~RandomNum(3,1)~ + ~[PC] What I think is that you cannot take a hint. Stop talking to me like this. The only contract I have is for your sword. The metal one.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranflirtstop","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",3)~ + a1947 /* c-aranshutup41 */ + ~RandomNum(3,2)~ + ~[PC] What I think is that you cannot take a hint. Stop talking to me like this. The only contract I have is for your sword. The metal one.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranflirtstop","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",3)~ + a1948 /* c-aranshutup42 */ + ~RandomNum(3,3)~ + ~[PC] What I think is that you cannot take a hint. Stop talking to me like this. The only contract I have is for your sword. The metal one.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranflirtstop","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",3)~ + a1949 /* c-aranshutup43 */ ++ ~[PC] I do not want any others. I want you.~ + a604 ++ ~[PC] I want you to want me, Aran. But events seems unwilling to leave me alone. How can I choose between love and destiny?~ + a610 ++ ~[PC] Well, you are here, and they are not. How does that make you feel?~ + a616 ++ ~[PC] What would you do if I said 'I do not want to have you pursue me any more'?~ + a615 END IF ~~ a614 SAY ~[ARAN] (His arms encircle you, lips crushed to yours, hot and soft.)~ ++ ~[PC] Much better. What would you do if I said 'I do not want to have you pursue me any more'?~ + a615 ++ ~[PC] What would you do if I said 'no', but did this... (begin unfastening his clothing, allowing your fingers to brush here and there, exploring.)~ + a617 + ~InParty("ADANGEL") Global("ADAngelRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] If you tell Angelo, there will be trouble.~ + a607 /* G3 Angelo "ADANGEL" */ + ~InParty("Anomen") Global("AnomenRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] If you tell Anomen, there will be trouble.~ + a608 /* BioWare(tm) Anomen "Anomen" */ + ~InParty("Edwin") Global("EdwinRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] If you tell Edwin, there will be trouble.~ + a608 /* SHS Edwin "Edwin" */ + ~InParty("B!Gavin2") OR(2) Global("B!GavRA","GLOBAL",1) OR(2) Global("B!GavRA","GLOBAL",1) Global("B!GavRA","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] If you tell Gavin, there will be trouble.~ + a607 /* G3 Gavin in the Future Tense "B!Gavin2" */ + ~InParty("J#Kelsey") Global("J#KelseyRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] If you tell Kelsey, there will be trouble.~ + a607 /* PPG Kelsey "J#Kelsey" */ + ~InParty("P#KIVAN") OR(2) Global("P#KivanRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2) Global("P#KivanRomanceActive","GLOBAL",1)~ + ~[PC] If you tell Kivan, there will be trouble.~ + a607 /* G3 Kivan "P#KIVAN" */ + ~OR(2) InParty("SOLAUFEIN") InParty("SOLA") GlobalGT("SolaTalk","GLOBAL",12)~ + ~[PC] If you tell Solaufein, there will be trouble.~ + a608 /* WeiDU.org Solaufein "SOLA" or "SOLAUFEIN" */ + ~InParty("TSUJATH") Global("TsujathaRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] If you tell Tsujatha, there will be trouble.~ + a608 /* CoM Tsujatha "TSUJATH" */ + ~InParty("Valygar") OR(3) Global("H#ValygarRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2) Global("ValygarRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2) GlobalGT("RE_ValygarRomance","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] If you tell Valygar, there will be trouble.~ + a607 /* Valygar from C.Romantique (unhosted) "Valygar" | SHS/BWL TS Valygar "Valygar" | G3 RE Valygar "valygar" */ + ~InParty("O#XAN") Global("O#XanRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] If you tell Xan, there will be trouble.~ + a607 /* PPG Xan "O#XAN" */ + ~InParty("FHFaren") Global("FHFarenRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] If you tell Faren, there will be trouble.~ + a607 /* SHS Faren FHFarenRomanceActive=2 */ + ~InParty("C#Ajantis") Global("C#AjantisRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] If you tell Ajantis, there will be trouble.~ + a607 /* RosenRanken Ajantis */ ++ ~[PC] Now, what if I told you that I want you to make love to me? How would that make you feel?~ + a616 ++ ~[PC] Now, what if I told you that I want you to marry me, and stay with me forever and all eternity, until the stars fall from the sky?~ + a617 ++ ~[PC] What would you do if I said 'no', but did this... (Lean forward provocatively, allowing a decidedly intimate view.)~ + a617 END IF ~~ a615 SAY ~[ARAN] I would be right sorry, an' respect that you feel that way right now. But I am not known to be anythin' but stubborn, an' I know my own interests. I will be right here, on your shield arm, hopin' you change your mind.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a616 SAY ~[ARAN] Alive.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a617 SAY ~[ARAN] I would say by th' gods an' goddesses, you vixen, you be teasin' me somethin' fierce.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END /* BG2 Love Talk 6 : ABBA - Take A Chance On Me : c-aranrombg2 = 11 > 12 c-aranromtimer,ARAN_LTT */ IF ~Global("c-aranbg2rom","GLOBAL",11)~ THEN BEGIN a618 SAY ~[ARAN] So, , what was it like growin' up in a place where books ruled all?~ [c-aws103] ++ ~[PC] Books did not rule Candlekeep. People did.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbg2rom","GLOBAL",12) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranromtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_LTT)~ + a619 ++ ~[PC] Boring.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbg2rom","GLOBAL",12) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranromtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_LTT)~ + a619 ++ ~[PC] It was nice enough.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbg2rom","GLOBAL",12) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranromtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_LTT)~ + a619 + ~RandomNum(3,1)~ + ~[PC] The best thing you could do for me right now is to focus on what you are doing, and stop talking.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbg2rom","GLOBAL",12) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranromtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_LTT)~ + a1950 /* c-aranshutup44 */ + ~RandomNum(3,2)~ + ~[PC] How can we get anything accomplished when you keep interrupting our travels with meaningless talk?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbg2rom","GLOBAL",12) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranromtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_LTT)~ + a1951 /* c-aranshutup45 */ + ~RandomNum(3,3)~ + ~[PC] Aran, if you say another word, I will have your head removed from your shoulders. Not that it would change things much for you.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbg2rom","GLOBAL",12) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranromtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_LTT)~ + a1952 /* c-aranshutup46 */ ++ ~[PC] Why does everyone ask me for my life's story?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbg2rom","GLOBAL",12) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranromtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_LTT)~ + a620 ++ ~[PC] I suspect you already know, but I know only a little of your life. Tell me something about how you grew up.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbg2rom","GLOBAL",12) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranromtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_LTT)~ + a640 END IF ~~ a619 SAY ~[ARAN] Right, then. My mistake for bein' so short on th' question. I should have asked it better. I was just thinkin' you must have been quite somethin', even way back then.~ ++ ~[PC] Are you implying that I am old?~ + a627 ++ ~[PC] I was nothing special.~ + a633 ++ ~[PC] I was treated as if I were special.~ + a635 ++ ~[PC] There was never any doubt that I was destined for greatness.~ + a635 ++ ~[PC] Why are you asking about my past? You are smart enough to have done some research, and kept your ears open. You should know a great deal about my past by now.~ + a620 ++ ~[PC] You sound awfully bitter. Do you have some dark lost love who is making you moody and depressed?~ + a1665 END IF ~~ a620 SAY ~[ARAN] To get closer to you, I wager. You are a mite bit interestin', you know. But I will admit, I was askin' out o' a different motivation.~ ++ ~[PC] You do really not care about my childhood?~ + a623 ++ ~[PC] Do you think that sharing stories of my childhood will bring us closer together?~ + a621 ++ ~[PC] I really do not care what your motivations are, as long as we get to do this... (Kiss him gently on the lips.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",1)~ + a636 ++ ~[PC] I really do not care what your motivations are, as long as we get to do this... (Grab him by the collar, slam your body against his chest, and attack him with a kiss.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",1)~ + a636 ++ ~[PC] I do not want most people to get closer to me.~ + a635 END IF ~~ a621 SAY ~[ARAN] Well, that rightly depends on whether we be talkin' to talk together, an' share, or if we be analyzin' the responses to gather information an' judge. Which do we be doin'?~ ++ ~[PC] I think that actions are much more important than words. Why talk, when you can act?~ + a622 ++ ~[PC] Judging. You seem to like me, and I might be interested in you, but information is the way to tell if things will work out.~ + a623 ++ ~[PC] Sharing, of course. A friendship is sharing. And if we were to want anything more, it is very important.~ + a640 ++ ~[PC] Neither. We are just passing the time, Aran. You know I cannot be tied into a deep relationship right now.~ + a622 ++ ~[PC] I do not want to have a deep discussion right now. Let's talk about this another time, and get back to work.~ + a1953 /* c-aranshutup47 */ END IF ~~ a622 SAY ~[ARAN] Hey, there, I am all in favor o' more sparkin'! I just... well, you are not like any other woman I have been attracted to, is all.~ ++ ~[PC] Perhaps that is because I like to skip all the talking and just do this... (Kiss him gently on the lips.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",1)~ + a636 ++ ~[PC] Perhaps that is because I like to skip all the talking and just do this... (Grab him by the collar, slam your body against his chest, and attack him with a kiss.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",1)~ + a636 ++ ~[PC] Perhaps it is because you know I already have found someone else, and you can never truly have all of me. Perhaps having a meaningless physical fling excites you.~ + a594 ++ ~[PC] There is no other way to put this, Aran... we are not going to be sparking any time soon. I have found someone else.~ + a594 ++ ~[PC] You are not quite like any other man I have seen, either. Why do you want to talk? ~ + a637 END IF ~~ a623 SAY ~[ARAN] Let me ask you a question. Did Gorion abuse you an' hurt you?~ ++ ~[PC] Yes.~ + a624 ++ ~[PC] No.~ + a624 ++ ~[PC] Of course not.~ + a624 ++ ~[PC] He was never strong enough.~ + a624 ++ ~[PC] That is none of your business.~ + a624 END IF ~~ a624 SAY ~[ARAN] Did you always study hard an' do as you were told?~ ++ ~[PC] Yes.~ + a625 ++ ~[PC] No.~ + a625 ++ ~[PC] Of course not.~ + a625 ++ ~[PC] He was never strong enough to make me.~ + a625 ++ ~[PC] That is none of your business. You are starting to annoy me.~ + a625 END IF ~~ a625 SAY ~[ARAN] Did you have many friends what comforted an' surrounded you?~ ++ ~[PC] Yes. Is there a point to these questions?~ + a626 ++ ~[PC] No. Get to the point.~ + a626 ++ ~[PC] Of course not. Get to the point.~ + a626 ++ ~[PC] I was powerful enough to make them follow me. Get to the point.~ + a626 ++ ~[PC] That is none of your business, and I am done answering any more of these questions.~ + a626 END IF ~~ a626 SAY ~[ARAN] Now, I done asked you a bunch o' questions about your past. But those questions, they tell naught o' the woman what I am travelin' with now. People change, an' things change. We grow up, we face life on our own terms, an' we move on, eh?~ ++ ~[PC] So this was a long way of saying that you were wasting my time?~ + a658 ++ ~[PC] I do not agree. I want to know about your family, to judge what matters to you. Perhaps even see how you might treat me in the future. People do not change as much as you think.~ + a659 ++ ~[PC] By your logic, my past is not part of the present. So why think about it at all? You started this conversation, not me.~ + a660 ++ ~[PC] The gods do not allow things to change for me. I have been haunted, hunted, and harried ever since Candlekeep.~ + a661 END IF ~~ a627 SAY ~[ARAN] Sune's Lusty Lips, no! You done misinterpreted that right proper! You are young, an' vibrant, an' beautiful...~ ++ ~[PC] I am not beautiful. I certainly do not feel beautiful.~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arpclowimage","LOCALS",1)~ + a629 ++ ~[PC] Much better. Go on... you were saying young, vibrant, beautiful...~ + a630 ++ ~[PC] Right. Great line for the bar. Use your eyes. I am filthy, scarred, exhausted, have big dark shadows under my eyes, smell like the remains of several dead things, and I think I just broke a fingernail.~ + a628 ++ ~[PC] You are so silly. I was teasing you.~ + a628 ++ ~[PC] And you are handsome, winsome, strong, and you even cook. Together, we make a perfect pair.~ + a628 END IF ~~ a628 SAY ~[ARAN] Well, you can take it from me. I done traveled from Caer Callidyrr to Calimport, from th' Spine o' th' World to close to th' edge o' Rasheman. I keep an eye out for th' ladies, too, an' I never saw no one as beautiful as you.~ ++ ~[PC] (Blush) Now you are being silly. (Look at the ground and scuff one foot.)~ + a630 ++ ~[PC] Now you are being silly. By any objective measure, I am not beautiful.~ + a631 ++ ~[PC] You have good taste, and a honeyed tongue. But flattery will get you nowhere. I prefer actions to words.~ + a622 ++ ~[PC] Flattery will get you everywhere.~ + a622 + ~Global("c-aranCaerCall","LOCALS",1)~ + ~[PC] I thought you said you once had a true love in Caer Callidyrr. Was she as beautiful as I am?~ + a629 ++ ~[PC] Of course. Many have noticed my superior beauty. Few have dared to move beyond words and into actions.~ + a622 END IF ~~ a629 SAY ~[ARAN] There be beauty, an' then there be beauty. I have had a fair number o' encounters wi' people who look right fine on th' inside, but not out. More that look easy on th' eyes, but be as ugly as Talos' Talons on th' inside.~ ++ ~[PC] Beautiful or ugly is a meaningless distinction. The only meaningful contrast is useful and not useful.~ + a657 ++ ~[PC] What makes me beautiful?~ + a632 ++ ~[PC] You have certainly spent enough time looking at my outsides, and unfortunately we have had enough combat to show you my insides. If you want to call me beautiful, though, you should be more specific.~ + a632 ++ ~[PC] Inside or outside, beautiful or not beautiful, none of that matters. But I am glad you like me.~ EXIT ++ ~[PC] None of this matters. What is important is that you realize that I am the most important thing in your life.~ EXIT + ~Global("c-aranCaerCall","LOCALS",1)~ + ~[PC] You are ducking the question. Was she as beautiful as I am?~ + a663 END IF ~~ a630 SAY ~[ARAN] An' you be so modest, too. But Prism himself could not be capturin' all o' your effect. O' course, sculptors like him, they only work wi' the outer shell.~ ++ ~[PC] I thought Prism was dead.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranprism","LOCALS",1)~ + a634 ++ ~[PC] Who is Prism?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranprism","LOCALS",1)~ + a634 ++ ~[PC] I met that sculptor once.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranprism","LOCALS",1)~ + a634 END IF ~~ a631 SAY ~[ARAN] What in th' nine hells is this 'objective measure', eh? In Calimport, wearin' veils an' gettin' plump marks beauty. In th' Isles, long curly red hair an' slim ankles marks it. An' I suspect there be a place on Toril where havin' both ears stretched out long an' pokin' up over your head marks th' finest looks. So I stick wi' the simple choice, an' decide it for myself.~ ++ ~[PC] So what makes me beautiful to you, Aran?~ + a632 ++ ~[PC] Talk all you want. I know a load of garbage when I hear it. Nice garbage, but garbage nonetheless.~ EXIT ++ ~[PC] I think you are beautiful too, Aran. I just do not see what attracts you to me.~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arpclowimage","LOCALS",1)~ + a632 /* Idea - track low self esteem answers for an independent talk? Hmmm. */ ++ ~[PC] Are you purposely trying to annoy me, Aran?~ + a658 ++ ~[PC] Ah-ha! I have found the best way of attracting your many attentions. I shall get a potion of polymorph, and become a bunny rabbit!~ + a661 END IF ~~ a632 SAY ~[ARAN] Well, if I was to choose one thing, it would be your eyes. Sometimes they be right bright, an' sharp. Sometimes they be deep an' far away. Sometimes they be as warm as th' sun, sometimes as cool an' misty as Selune shinin' through the night. But when you look at me, they always make me feel somethin' deep inside.~ ++ ~[PC] I think that feeling is your last batch of curry, working its revenge.~ EXIT ++ ~[PC] I do not like my eyes. I see too many horrible things with them.~ + a2323 ++ ~[PC] I like my eyes. But I like some of my other attributes as well. Don't you? (Spin slowly, showing your legs and body to advantage.)~ + a662 ++ ~[PC] Are you purposely trying to annoy me, Aran?~ + a658 ++ ~[PC] That is sweet, Aran. What are my eyes saying now?~ + a664 END IF ~~ a633 SAY ~[ARAN] Bollux. We all be ugly ducklin's when just startin' out, but you have somethin' what sets you apart. I do not rightly see how you could avoid showin' it.~ ++ ~[PC] I became very good at hiding.~ + a637 ++ ~[PC] I was strong enough to keep most unwanted attention away.~ + a660 ++ ~[PC] Gorion was the only one who saw anything special in me. And perhaps Imoen.~ + a660 ++ ~[PC] I was hideous then, and things have not gotten much better. Why do you pretend that I am anything but a monster?~ + a660 ++ ~[PC] I managed. But how did you cope with all the changes growing up?~ + a654 END IF ~~ a634 SAY ~[ARAN] He might have been dead awhile ago, but he got better. Saw him workin' a commission in Trademeet nigh on half a season ago. Th' wonders o' havin' an agent, eh? They say th' sly bastard who ran his gallery stuck a clause in th' contract what never indicated a termination time, so th' agent just raised Prism an' set him back to work. That's why I always toss a stipulation what says contracts terminate on death, an' don't rightly hold effect even if th' contractee raises the contractor. Got that idea from one o' them slick Trademeet Costers. O' course, I had to learn it th' hard way.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a629 END IF ~~ a635 SAY ~[ARAN] Somehow, I can believe that. We all be ugly ducklin's when just startin' out, but you have somethin' that sets you apart. I do not rightly see how you could avoid it showin'.~ ++ ~[PC] I became very good at hiding from any but the closest of friends.~ + a637 ++ ~[PC] I was strong enough to keep most unwanted attention away.~ + a660 ++ ~[PC] Gorion was the only one who saw anything truly special in me. And perhaps Imoen.~ + a660 ++ ~[PC] All of that was a mistake. I was hideous then, and things have not gotten much better. Why do you pretend that I am anything but a monster?~ + a660 ++ ~[PC] I managed to avoid being spoiled. But how did you cope with all the changes growing up?~ + a654 ++ ~[PC] I was never an ugly duckling. Are you trying to annoy me?~ + a658 END IF ~~ a636 SAY ~[ARAN] (His strong hands grip your waist and pull you tightly to him.) Tempus' Tribute, you cut right to th' chase, don't you. So you want none o' th' talk? I thought you might want to share some stories, an' get right close an' all. Emotionally, I mean.~ ++ ~[PC] I only want one thing from you, Whitehand, and it is most definitely south of your mouth. Though I have some ideas about that mouth, too...~ EXIT ++ ~[PC] Of course I do. But I want you to talk with your body, not words.~ EXIT ++ ~[PC] Perhaps later. Or perhaps never. Or perhaps in a few minutes. But right now, just shut up and kiss me.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",1)~ EXIT ++ ~[PC] Well, I guess we can talk. But when did you decide to get in touch with your emotional side?~ + a638 ++ ~[PC] Are you purposely trying to annoy me, Aran?~ + a658 END IF ~~ a637 SAY ~[ARAN] I thought you might want to share some stories, an' get right close an' all. Emotionally, I mean.~ ++ ~[PC] I only want one thing from you, Whitehand, and it is most definitely south of your mouth. Though I have some ideas about that mouth, too...~ EXIT ++ ~[PC] Of course I do. But I want you to talk with your body, not words.~ EXIT ++ ~[PC] Perhaps later. Or perhaps never. Or perhaps in a few minutes. But right now, just shut up and kiss me.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",1)~ EXIT ++ ~[PC] Well, I guess we can talk. But when did you decide to get in touch with your emotional side?~ + a638 ++ ~[PC] Are you purposely trying to annoy me, Aran?~ + a658 END IF ~~ a638 SAY ~[ARAN] I am not quite sure. It has not come up often in my life, an' that be a fact. Might be I am doin' a bit o' changin'.~ ++ ~[PC] I only want one thing from you, Whitehand, and it is most definitely south of your mouth. Though I have some ideas about that mouth, too...~ EXIT ++ ~[PC] Well, do not change too much. I kind of like you the way you are.~ EXIT ++ ~[PC] Change is good. We should start with getting you a decent grammar tutor, and perhaps a vocal coach.~ EXIT + ~Global("c-aranCaerCall","LOCALS",1)~ + ~[PC] It has come up at least once before, hasn't it? I thought you said you once had a true love in Caer Callidyrr.~ + a639 ++ ~[PC] Are you purposely trying to annoy me, Aran? Some things never change. You know that.~ + a658 + ~Global("c-leavefist","LOCALS",1)~ + ~[PC] It would not be the first time you made big changes. You told me about deciding that the Fist was the wrong path for you.~ + a641 END IF ~~ a2323 SAY ~[ARAN] Now you be confusin' inner perception wi' outer recognition. No sense blamin' th' tool for what it be perceivin', eh? A paintbrush has no responsibility for what it paints, an' your eyes just be paintbrushes on your mind.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a639 SAY ~[ARAN] Aye, , I did. But Gwyneth, she... well, it was a different time, an' a whole different relationship. Mayhap we were too young. Mayhap we had all th' fire, but not a real reserve o' fuel, eh? I never rightly considered that th' whole love thing might be a bit o' work. It never says that in bard's tales an' such. Mayhap there is no livin' happily after, without a mite bit o' change.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a640 SAY ~[ARAN] That sounds fine wi' me. An' we got plenty to share, on account o' we had such different ways growin' up. I mean, you bein' stuck in Candlekeep an' me bein' always on th' road from market to market.~ ++ ~[PC] I was not completely shut off from the world. I could read some of the most detailed writings ever written about places too far away for even the most seasoned traveler to reach.~ + a641 ++ ~[PC] So you did not stay in any one place for long?~ + a642 ++ ~[PC] Sometimes I wish I could go back and be 'stuck' in Candlekeep. It would be nice to turn back time.~ + a655 END IF ~~ a641 SAY ~[ARAN] Well, while I was bumpin' along tryin' to learn to read an' figure up accounts, you had th' world at your fingertips, so to speak.~ ++ ~[PC] Reading does not replace experiencing things for yourself. But it did mean I had time to train. Did you ever stay in one place?~ + a642 ++ ~[PC] Reading is a safe replacement for experiencing things for yourself. It also gave me time to train. Did you ever stay in one place?~ + a642 ++ ~[PC] Sometimes I wish I could go back, reading about the world instead of having it constantly try to smash me flat. It would be nice to turn back time.~ + a655 + ~Global("c-leavefist","LOCALS",0)~ + ~[PC] I do not want to talk about Candlekeep. Hey, you never told me about deciding to leave the Fist. Why did you leave?~ + a643 + ~Global("c-leavefist","LOCALS",1)~ + ~[PC] You have already told me about deciding to leave the Fist. All of your work seems to be short term contracts. Do you think that will ever change?~ + a656 END IF ~~ a642 SAY ~[ARAN] No time to stay long anywhere. A Coster wagon, especially an independent one, goes where the market leads. An' when I struck out on my own, well, there has not been much in th' way o' things to keep me in one place long.~ ++ ~[PC] I was not completely shut off from the world. I could read some of the most detailed writings ever written about places too far away for even the most seasoned traveler to reach.~ + a641 ++ ~[PC] How did you learn to cope with all of the changes?~ + a654 ++ ~[PC] Sometimes I wish I could go back and be 'stuck' in Candlekeep. It would be nice to turn back time.~ + a655 + ~Global("c-leavefist","LOCALS",0)~ + ~[PC] You never told me about deciding to leave the Fist. Why did you leave?~ + a643 + ~Global("c-leavefist","LOCALS",1)~ + ~[PC] You have already told me about deciding to leave the Fist. All of your work seems to be short term contracts. Do you think that will ever change?~ + a656 END /* a643 is a chain, drafted into duty as general backstory and linked to friend and love talks. */ IF ~~ a644 SAY ~[ARAN] We ended up down in Nashkel, guardin' some mines what had been restored. Only one thing more borin' than guardin' a successful mine - watchin' grass grow. Rather than go stark ravin' mad, I mustered out an' headed south again.~ ++ ~[PC] What was driving you mad?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-leavefist","LOCALS",1)~ + a645 ++ ~[PC] So you prefer to move on rather than settle down.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-leavefist","LOCALS",1)~ + a648 + ~GlobalLT("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",11)~ + ~[PC] Do you always answer everything this completely?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-leavefist","LOCALS",1)~ + a646 + ~GlobalGT("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",10)~ + ~[PC] Do you always answer everything this completely?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-leavefist","LOCALS",1)~ + a647 END /* SoA Story Pool : Why Leave the 'Fist for the wonders of being dragged across the face of Faerun - Moonshae Service SetGlobal("c-leavefist","LOCALS",1) from a643 */ IF ~~ a648 SAY ~[ARAN] I served th' Moonshae Axes for three campaigns, an' before that for years an' years in th' family Coster. When I find the right group o' companions, I stick solid.~ + ~ReputationGT(Player1,16)~ + ~[PC] So have you found the right group here?~ + a650 + ~ReputationLT(Player1,17) ReputationGT(Player1,11)~ + ~[PC] So have you found the right group here?~ + a651 + ~ReputationLT(Player1,12) ReputationGT(Player1,8)~ + ~[PC] So have you found the right group here?~ + a652 + ~ReputationLT(Player1,9)~ + ~[PC] So have you found the right group here?~ + a653 IF ~OR(2) Global("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",1) Global("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",1)~ GOTO a649 END IF ~~ a656 SAY ~[ARAN] Things might change. Th' gods an' goddesses cast wide nets an' tweak th' course o' events, for sure. An' Fate, she be a right harsh mistress. But th' only things in life what can't be changed are death an' taxes.~ = ~[ARAN] Hold on... we got ourselves right fine spells for th' death thing, an' if you keep movin' they may never catch up wi' you to make you pay, so that means there be nothin' what can't be changed at least a little!~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a658 SAY ~[ARAN] Sort of. If I annoy you just a little, your eyes flash, an' send a quick sparkle what makes my heart jump. Plus, I was really askin' on account o' I just want to hear your voice.~ ++ ~[PC] Men.~ EXIT ++ ~[PC] Boys.~ EXIT ++ ~[PC] That is otyugh feed. Our past shapes us and guides us. An oak tree does not become a maple tree. Information is power.~ + a659 ++ ~[PC] Well, listen carefully to my voice, Aran. Next time, do not ask me about my past. Instead, tell me how you will be a part of my future.~ EXIT ++ ~[PC] Remind me to randomly accost you with general questions about your upbringing in order to waste your time and annoy you.~ EXIT END IF ~~ a660 SAY ~[ARAN] Well, now, I just can not get rid o' my mind's picture image o' a cute little you, all shiny-haired an' starry-eyed, laughin' an' runnin' around all innocent an' free outside th' Library. It seems a right fine picture.~ ++ ~[PC] Men.~ EXIT ++ ~[PC] Boys.~ EXIT ++ ~[PC] I would tell you it was just like that, but I would be lying through my teeth.~ EXIT ++ ~[PC] Add a few romps in the hayloft with a playmate or two, some minor thievery, and perhaps a few practical jokes, and you just described Imoen.~ EXIT ++ ~[PC] I think your last curry has won the battle, and addled your brain, you silly goof.~ EXIT ++ ~[PC] I will have to see about getting you more focused in reality, Aran. You will be useless to me if these kind of tiresome thoughts keep intruding.~ EXIT END IF ~~ a663 SAY ~[ARAN] I guess you done caught me. That is a mite bit tough a question to ask, you know. Can I talk about somethin' less dangerous?~ ++ ~[PC] Are you purposely trying to annoy me, Aran?~ + a658 ++ ~[PC] No. I thought you said you loved her. Do I have the same attributes as she did, Aran?~ + a662 ++ ~[PC] I think you are still in love with her, even though she is beyond your reach. Is that why you want to flirt but do not ever commit to any one woman?~ + a656 ++ ~[PC] I have had my share of lovers, too, Aran. Fate has not put either of us in a position to think beyond immediate comfort.~ + a656 END IF ~~ a645 SAY ~[ARAN] Well, for one thing, th' cook was jealous o' his job, an' unfortunately was about as skilled as a brace o' gibberlings. You can tolerate boredom, but boredom an' indigestion?~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a646 SAY ~[ARAN] That depends on how much someone be willin' to pay to make me shut up!~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a647 SAY ~[ARAN] You bloody well know I do, !~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a649 SAY ~[ARAN] In this case, I think you be most o' th' attraction, eh?~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a650 SAY ~[ARAN] Corellon's Bow, I could not be happier. Except we do not rightly get enough time carousin'. O' course, do there ever be enough carousin'?~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a651 SAY ~[ARAN] Selune's Sword, aye. I be backin' you, right? How can I go wrong?~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a652 SAY ~[ARAN] Well, it be a right tough group. Not th' nicest, but then again, I be takin' 'effective' over 'nice' any tenday.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a653 SAY ~[ARAN] Well, not always, that be sure. But I figure I am in for th' duration wi' you. I want to avoid bein' on th' wrong side o' your campaign, eh? Folks what are not on your side turn up dead right quick. Or worse, slow an' painful.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a654 SAY ~[ARAN] I learned right quick, I did. Coster, Company, or colleagues; rowin' short haul on a galley or workin' outrider on a caravan; Calimport or Targus. It has naught to do wi' where you are, only who you are with, eh?~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a655 SAY ~[ARAN] Perhaps. But then when time rolled on forward, it might not take exactly th' same path, an' I might never get no chance what to meet you. Now that would be a cryin' shame, that would.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a657 SAY ~[ARAN] Well, there be some truth there. On th' other hand, is there naught of usefulness in bein' beautiful? It seems to work right well for you.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a659 SAY ~[ARAN] , I'd think careful on that. In tree terms, you went from bein' a cute little maple tree to bein' a dangerous thunderstorm. In Faerun, there be no end to the possibilities for change, eh? There might even be a chance for me to settle down. Stranger things have happened. In fact, stranger things have happened to us within the last tenday.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a661 SAY ~[ARAN] Well, now, just make sure you include a mite bit o' that there rabbit-like sex drive, an' I will see right past those ears, eh?~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a662 SAY ~[ARAN] 'Attributes', eh? Is that what they be callin' 'em these days? I always thought they called 'em breasts.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a664 SAY ~[ARAN] I have no idea, but I think somethin' behind me just caught fire!~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END /* BG2 Love Talk 7 : I want you - do you want me? : c-aranrombg2 = 13 > 14 c-aranromtimer,ARAN_LTT */ IF ~Global("c-aranbg2rom","GLOBAL",13)~ THEN BEGIN a665 SAY ~[ARAN] (Aran looks carefully at his hands, then glances at you.)~ = ~[ARAN] (He drops his head to one side, his eyes searching anywhere except where you are standing.)~ = ~[ARAN] ... Have you ever... have you thought perhaps o' settlin' down, or lettin' someone watch out for you a bit?~ ++ ~[PC] No, I don't really have time to think about that.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbg2rom","GLOBAL",14) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranromtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_LTT)~ + a668 ++ ~[PC] I think about that all the time, Aran.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbg2rom","GLOBAL",14) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranromtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_LTT)~ + a666 ++ ~[PC] It is a nice dream, isn't it.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbg2rom","GLOBAL",14) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranromtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_LTT)~ + a666 ++ ~[PC] The settling down, yes. The watching out for me, no.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbg2rom","GLOBAL",14) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranromtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_LTT)~ + a667 + ~RandomNum(3,1)~ + ~[PC] Yes, I have. Just not you. We should not talk about this right now.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbg2rom","GLOBAL",14) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranromtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_LTT)~ + a1954 /* c-aranshutup48 */ + ~RandomNum(3,2)~ + ~[PC] Yes, I have. Just not you. We should not talk about this right now.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbg2rom","GLOBAL",14) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranromtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_LTT)~ + a1955 /* c-aranshutup49 */ + ~RandomNum(3,3)~ + ~[PC] Yes, I have. Just not you. We should not talk about this right now.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbg2rom","GLOBAL",14) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranromtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_LTT)~ + a1956 /* c-aranshutup50 */ + ~GlobalGT("SelfTalk","GLOBAL",1)~ + ~[PC] Who would want me? The monster I can become makes that an impossibility.~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arpclowimage","LOCALS",1) SetGlobal("c-aranbg2rom","GLOBAL",14) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranromtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_LTT)~ + a680 + ~GlobalLT("SelfTalk","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] Who would want me? Sometimes I feel as if I am a walking shadow of a dead god.~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arpclowimage","LOCALS",1) SetGlobal("c-aranbg2rom","GLOBAL",14) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranromtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_LTT)~ + a681 END IF ~~ a666 SAY ~[ARAN] Aye, then - but who am I kiddin'? Settlin' down is what normal women have. Women who have time to think about fine silk dresses and dancin'. Adventurers think about other things. Usually about stayin' alive.~ ++ ~[PC] You know what I think about? Tactical positioning. Efficient blocking of spellcasters. Not quite the stuff of dreams.~ + a668 ++ ~[PC] I think about settling down, Aran. Perhaps when things are not quite so 'impending doom' and 'rescue friends before the enemy hurts them'.~ + a668 ++ ~[PC] I don't know about settling down, but sometimes it would be nice to have someone just hold me for a while.~ + a668 ++ ~[PC] Who are you kidding? Does that mean you have been thinking about eventually settling down with me?~ + a677 + ~Global("c-aranCaerCall","LOCALS",1)~ + ~[PC] I only have one reminder for you... Caer Callidyrr.~ + a678 + ~Alignment(Player1,MASK_EVIL)~ + ~[PC] I would not describe myself as 'normal', but I do have wants and needs.~ + a673 + ~!Alignment(Player1,MASK_EVIL)~ + ~[PC] I would not describe myself as 'normal', but I do have wants and needs.~ + a674 END IF ~~ a667 SAY ~[ARAN] You haven't thought there might be somethin' to havin' someone take care o' you?~ ++ ~[PC] I take what I want from whom I want, when I want, Aran. Why would I need one special person dedicated to what everyone can provide?~ + a677 + ~GlobalGT("c-aransex","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] I like you, Aran. And your friendship comes with certain... benefits. But I am in love with another person. Does that mean you will stop being my special friend?~ + a677 + ~GlobalLT("c-aransex","GLOBAL",3) !Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] I like you, Aran. And your friendship is special to me. I know you want more than a few kisses and flirtations, but I am in love with another person. Does that mean you will stop being my special friend?~ + a677 + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] I like you, Aran. And your friendship is special to me. I know you want more than... I know you want a physical relationship that I am not ready to provide. Does that mean you will stop pursuing me?~ + a677 ++ ~[PC] I like you, Aran. But I am confused. I am not sure I know what I really want. Perhaps we should not be having this discussion.~ + a677 ++ ~[PC] I... I think about it. But I am not really worth all that attention.~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arpclowimage","LOCALS",1)~ + a672 ++ ~[PC] I can usually look out for myself. Besides, there is something to be said for being able to look out for someone else, you know. Perhaps I want to protect and defend a certain person, instead of them protecting me.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",2)~ + a668 ++ ~[PC] Are you offering to take care of me?~ + a4509 ++ ~[PC] I can take care of myself. I just allow you to make yourself feel useful. Did you have anything else you wanted to discuss?~ + a668 ++ ~[PC] Of course I think about it.~ + a668 END IF ~~ a4509 SAY ~[ARAN] Now, I might just be gettin' a little ahead o' myself, here... I mean, what you be sayin' could be taken more than one way, you know.~ + ~GlobalGT("c-aransex","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] I like you, Aran. And your friendship comes with certain... benefits. But I am in love with another person. Does that mean you will stop being my special friend?~ + a677 + ~GlobalLT("c-aransex","GLOBAL",3) !Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] I like you, Aran. And your friendship is special to me. I know you want more than a few kisses and flirtations, but I am in love with another person. Does that mean you will stop being my special friend?~ + a677 + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] I like you, Aran. And your friendship is special to me. I know you want more than... I know you want a physical relationship that I am not ready to provide. Does that mean you will stop pursuing me?~ + a677 ++ ~[PC] Which ever way you want to take it... Of course I think about it.~ + a668 ++ ~[PC] I can take care of myself. I just allow you to make yourself feel useful. Did you have anything else you wanted to discuss?~ + a668 + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Perhaps you mean that you want to take care of any physical... needs... I might have?~ + a677 + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",1)~ + ~[PC] Perhaps you mean that you want to take care of any physical... needs... I might have?~ + a4510 + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] Perhaps you mean that you want to take care of any physical... needs... I might have?~ + a4511 + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",3)~ + ~[PC] Perhaps you mean that you want to take care of any physical... needs... I might have?~ + a4512 + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",4)~ + ~[PC] Perhaps you mean that you want to take care of any physical... needs... I might have?~ + a4513 ++ ~[PC] I... I might like being taken care of. I mean, by you. But I am a little scared of the idea, with so much going on right now.~ + a668 END IF ~~ a4510 SAY ~[ARAN] I will be right happy volunteerin' to kiss you, any time you want. But, truth be told, I were thinkin' a mite less about physical, an' more along... oh, hells. Forget I said naught.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a4511 SAY ~[ARAN] I think th' kissin' an' touchin' be right fine additions to our relationship, believe you me. But, truth be told, I were thinkin' a mite less about physical, an' more along... oh, hells. Forget I said naught.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a4512 SAY ~[ARAN] That depends. I have taken care o' most o' th' needs what be needed, I think, though if you have pointers I can experiment a bit. Truth be told, I were thinkin' a mite less about physical, an' more along... oh, hells. Forget I said naught.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a4513 SAY ~[ARAN] No complaints in that department, judgin' on what happens when we be bein'... intimate. Truth be told, I were thinkin' a mite less about physical, an' more along... oh, hells. Forget I said naught.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a668 SAY ~[ARAN] I think about it sometimes, is all. It is hard to dream wi' out nightmares, sometimes. And there is somethin' to havin' a strong partner to help face the world.~ ++ ~[PC] You know, it isn't that hard to do. Arms go around the back, hands at the waist, lean forward a little - a relatively simple maneuver for a man trained in combat.~ + a677 ++ ~[PC] And you think perhaps I would be interested in that kind of contract?~ + a669 ++ ~[PC] Look, Aran. You are useful to have around, but forget the long term ideas. Life is too short for contracts~ + a669 ++ ~[PC] I know you like me, but are you suggesting that we become something more permanent?~ + a677 + ~Alignment(Player1,MASK_EVIL)~ + ~[PC] I would not describe myself as 'normal', but even I have wants and needs.~ + a673 + ~!Alignment(Player1,MASK_EVIL)~ + ~[PC] I would not describe myself as 'normal', but even I have wants and needs.~ + a674 END IF ~~ a669 SAY ~[ARAN] I wasn't... Sune's Sweet Breath, I swear I wasn't talkin' contract, here. I was just passing th' time, speculatin'.~ ++ ~[PC] No contracts, but I do take recommendations, and I even sample wares.~ + a670 ++ ~[PC] Am I so horrible? Don't you want to cuddle up to me?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",2)~ + a670 ++ ~[PC] It is a nice dream Aran, but right now is not a great time for talking about this.~ + a677 + ~RandomNum(2,1)~ + ~[PC] Aran, I will not be doing anything without a contract. Anything.~ + a677 + ~RandomNum(2,2)~ + ~[PC] Aran, I will not be doing anything without a contract. Anything.~ + a679 ++ ~[PC] You know, it isn't that hard to do. Arms go around the back, hands at the waist, lean forward a little - a relatively simple maneuver for a man trained in combat.~ + a670 END IF ~~ a670 SAY ~[ARAN] (Aran's face goes as still and careful as if aiming an arrow.)~ ++ ~[PC] (Lean into him and kiss him.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",1)~ + a671 ++ ~[PC] (Look into his eyes, then release his jaw and step away.)~ + a672 ++ ~[PC] Aran, don't you want to do something?~ + a672 ++ ~[PC] I... Aran... I want you to kiss me, please.~ + a671 ++ ~[PC] I am getting tired of the hints. I am a simple woman. I expect you to take what you want, by force if necessary. All this talk is wasting my time. Are you going to act, or are you going to dance around avoiding the whole concept of 'us'?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",2)~ + a677 ++ ~[PC] Look at me any way you want, Aran. When you have grown up and decided what really matters, come by and we can have another little chat.~ EXIT END IF ~~ a671 SAY ~[ARAN] (Slowly, reluctantly, large rough hands grip around your waist as Aran leans forward into the kiss, tipping your head back.)~ = ~[ARAN] (Suddenly they grip harder, and he pulls away, his chest rising and falling rapidly.)~ ++ ~[PC] That was not so bad, now, was it? Or were you looking for more, right here and now?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",2)~ + a677 ++ ~[PC] Why did you stop? Did I do something wrong?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",2)~ + a677 + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",4)~ + ~[PC] Hey, we have already had wild sex. Why are you backing away from me now?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",2)~ + a675 + ~GlobalGT("c-aransex","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] You know I am not a prude, Aran. I have had my share of affairs and flirtations. Why are you backing away?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",2)~ + a675 ++ ~[PC] (Smile at him, turn, and walk away.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",2)~ EXIT ++ ~[PC] Just a downpayment on tonight's entertainment. Or perhaps not. I will leave you to your thoughts.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",2)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a672 SAY ~[ARAN] (Aran's shoulders tense as if he were about to embrace you, but he steps gently away instead.)~ ++ ~[PC] Are you afraid you might be falling for me?~ + a677 ++ ~[PC] Am I so unattractive to you that you will not be close to me?~ + a675 ++ ~[PC] Coward. Run back to your mother's skirts. Perhaps when you are grown up, you can come play with a real woman.~ + a677 ++ ~[PC] (Turn away, covering your face.)~ + a676 ++ ~[PC] You tease me with ideas about settling down, and then will not follow up with a simple kiss. Are you trying to make my life miserable?~ + a676 END IF ~~ a673 SAY ~[ARAN] Let me guess... world domination, control o' th' most power you can get, an' perhaps a few small treasuries?~ ++ ~[PC] That is a stupid guess. I want all of that, and much, much more.~ + a670 ++ ~[PC] I think that 'small' should not enter the conversation whenever the conversation is about what I want.~ + a670 ++ ~[PC] No, of course not. World peace, kittens and puppies playing together happily, and everyone glowing with goodness and light, so that my eventual domination with be so much sweeter.~ + a670 ++ ~[PC] I want to drop this subject, and move on. Or are you trying to make my life miserable?~ + a676 ++ ~[PC] Exactly. What more could a girl possibly want? Well, perhaps the dismembered heads of my enemies...~ + a670 END IF ~~ a674 SAY ~[ARAN] I do not know what that would be, . You confuse me a might, you do. Befuddle my mind. What do you want, anyways?~ ++ ~[PC] I do not know what I want in the big sense, but I know what I want right now. I want to be loved.~ + a670 ++ ~[PC] I want you to stop talking and start acting.~ + a670 ++ ~[PC] I wish that this were a bard's story, so that the words were already there, and I could just say them, and you would know.~ + a670 ++ ~[PC] I want... oh, never mind. I don't understand men at all.~ + a670 ++ ~[PC] I want to drop this subject, and move on. Or are you trying to make my life miserable?~ + a676 END IF ~~ a675 SAY ~[ARAN] No, Istishia's Ivory Globes, I want you, right now, an' that's what scares me. You don't rightly know exactly what you want. But I might just be feelin' more than a passin' fancy. And that bloody well scares th' crap out o' me.~ ++ ~[PC] I do not know what I want in the big sense, but I know what I want right now. I want to be loved.~ + a670 ++ ~[PC] I want you to stop talking and start acting.~ + a670 ++ ~[PC] I wish that this were a bard's story, so that the words were already there, and I could just say them, and you would know.~ + a670 ++ ~[PC] I want... oh, never mind. I don't understand men at all.~ + a670 END IF ~~ a676 SAY ~[ARAN] Milil's Golden Voice, I am right sorry. I want... I don't rightly know what I want, or even what I have right now. But I am backin' you, by your side, no matter what, until you tell me otherwise. An' that be a contract that needs no parchment.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",2)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a677 SAY ~[ARAN] (A dark blush creeps up Aran's neck, painting his cheeks.)~ = ~[ARAN] Nay, It was a thought, nothin' more. I was just wonderin'.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",2)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a678 SAY ~[ARAN] Umberlee's Fickle Breath, you know how to hit below th' belt. I was askin' naught o' you but a simple question. Do you enjoy twistin' a sword in my gut, an' makin' me sick wi' pain?~ ++ ~[PC] I do not care what hurts you, Aran. I do not even know what I want, and I already am feeling way too much pain and confusion myself. But I do know I want to be loved.~ + a670 ++ ~[PC] So you are not over your love for her. That means you do not really love me.~ + a670 ++ ~[PC] There are no simple questions, and no simple answers. But I will ask anyways - do you love me?~ + a670 ++ ~[PC] I want... oh, never mind. I don't understand men at all.~ + a670 END /* Extend to CHAIN for potential encounters? Lots of work for a throwaway line - might revisit and extend. */ IF ~~ a679 SAY ~[ARAN] Well, now, that be naught like what I heard... in fact, I think you be teasin' me!~ = ~[ARAN] But nay, a thought, nothin' more. I was just wonderin'.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a680 SAY ~[ARAN] The whole claw-growin' thing be a mite awkward, but I have heard o' Dragon-kin an' humans what fall in love wi' each other. That includes claws, a tail, an' some ferociously bad breath, it does. An' the scales seem a mite dangerous, dependin' on the activity.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a668 END IF ~~ a681 SAY ~[ARAN] Well, now, there be worse things. I done heard o' a man who died o' love for a statue. An' since I can pinch your rear, though not wi' out takin' my life in my hands, you be no shadow.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a668 END /* BG2 Love Talk 8 : Police - Every Little Thing She Does Is Magic : c-aranrombg2 = 15 > 16 c-aranromtimer,ARAN_LTT */ IF ~Global("c-aranbg2rom","GLOBAL",15)~ THEN BEGIN a682 SAY ~[ARAN] You know, it does a man right good just to watch you, . It brings a right quick spring to his step, an' a song to his heart.~ [c-aws104] ++ ~[PC] All right. Give me your waterskin, Aran. I have told you before about drinking on the job. The idea is to use water, not alcohol.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbg2rom","GLOBAL",16) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranromtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_LTT)~ + a683 ++ ~[PC] Given our current situation, I think you probably need to spend more time watching for trouble and less watching me.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbg2rom","GLOBAL",16) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranromtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_LTT)~ + a684 ++ ~[PC] You are hopelessly head over heels in love with me, aren't you?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbg2rom","GLOBAL",16) SetGlobal("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",2) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranromtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_LTT)~ + a685 + ~RandomNum(4,1)~ + ~[PC] Thank you for the compliment, but I do not want to talk right now. We need to move on.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbg2rom","GLOBAL",16) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranromtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_LTT)~ + a1957 /* c-aranshutup51 */ + ~RandomNum(4,2)~ + ~[PC] Less focus on my rear end, more focus on our rear guard. And no more talking right now.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbg2rom","GLOBAL",16) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranromtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_LTT)~ + a1958 /* c-aranshutup52 */ + ~RandomNum(4,3)~ + ~[PC] Flattery will get you everywhere, Aran, but for now, shut your mouth and attend your job.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbg2rom","GLOBAL",16) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranromtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_LTT)~ + a1959 /* c-aranshutup53 */ + ~RandomNum(4,4)~ + ~[PC] I put up with you because you are useful, but I do not have to listen to you mooning over me like a lovesick calf. Shut up and soldier, soldier.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbg2rom","GLOBAL",16) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranromtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_LTT)~ + a1960 /* c-aranshutup54 */ ++ ~[PC] I am not beautiful, and I move like a gawky apprentice. I think you are making fun of me.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbg2rom","GLOBAL",16) IncrementGlobal("c-arpclowimage","LOCALS",1) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranromtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_LTT) ~ + a687 ++ ~[PC] I think the feeling is mutual. Did you know that you have a very muscular bottom?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbg2rom","GLOBAL",16) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranromtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_LTT)~ + a686 ++ ~[PC] It is nice to be admired.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbg2rom","GLOBAL",16) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranromtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_LTT)~ + a684 END IF ~~ a683 SAY ~[ARAN] I be drunk right proper, but not from alcohol. There be somethin' magical in th' way you move, like everythin' you do could be somethin' special. It be fascinatin'.~ ++ ~[PC] I suspect your urges are running away with your common sense, and taking what is left of your reason with them.~ + a687 ++ ~[PC] I think you mean 'There is something magical in the way that you move, as if anything you do could be something special'.~ + a688 ++ ~[PC] I watch you, too. I watch you to see if you are able to handle your job, or if I am too much of a distraction for you.~ + a702 ++ ~[PC] So when I move my body like this...~ + a700 ++ ~[PC] Why do you insist on falling for me?~ + a705 END IF ~~ a684 SAY ~[ARAN] I think o' naught but you, anyways, so where my eyes land be o' no account. There be somethin' magical in th' way you move, like everythin' you do could be somethin' special. It be fascinatin'.~ ++ ~[PC] You know, I like your speech just the way it is. No fancy shell game of words. Just you, plain and simple.~ + a698 ++ ~[PC] I think you mean 'I think of nothing but you, so where my gaze wanders is of little consequence'.~ + a688 ++ ~[PC] I think you are distracted, Aran. Can you handle yourself? Can you handle me?~ + a703 ++ ~[PC] Why do you love me?~ + a705 ++ ~[PC] Why do you think so physically? I do not trust a love that only looks at my outside appearance. Appearances can change in the blink of an eye.~ + a693 ++ ~[PC] That's... nice.~ + a708 END IF ~~ a685 SAY ~[ARAN] Aye, as lovesick as a boy what's done found his first love. There be somethin' magical in th' way you move, like everythin' you do could be somethin' special. It be fascinatin'.~ ++ ~[PC] I think you mean 'As lovesick as a boy who has found its first love'.~ + a688 ++ ~[PC] Why do you insist on falling for me? Why do you love me?~ + a705 ++ ~[PC] You know, I like your speech just the way it is. No fancy shell game of words, just you, plain and simple.~ + a698 ++ ~[PC] I am worried. You seem very distracted. Can you handle yourself? Can you handle me?~ + a703 ++ ~[PC] I think you have come to the conclusion that falling in love with me is not as scary as you thought.~ + a708 END IF ~~ a686 SAY ~[ARAN] Why, , I think you done told me that th' last time you ran your hands over me, eh?~ ++ ~[PC] You wish. I am a lady, and ladies do not say such things to gentlemen. At least, not while the gentleman in question is clothed.~ + a707 ++ ~[PC] So, it sounds like you have come to the conclusion that falling in love with me is not as scary as you once thought.~ + a708 ++ ~[PC] Why do you insist on falling for me? Why do you love me?~ + a705 ++ ~[PC] I think there are two questions, Aran. Can you handle yourself? Can you handle me?~ + a703 ++ ~[PC] I thought you understood me. I want actions, not words. No more words, no more promises. Act.~ + a707 END IF ~~ a687 SAY ~[ARAN] I be serious, . You move, an' it pulls at my heart like to tear it open.~ ++ ~[PC] I think you mean 'I am serious, . When you move it feels like my heart will tear open'.~ + a688 ++ ~[PC] So, it sounds like you have come to the conclusion that falling in love with me is not as scary as you once thought.~ + a708 ++ ~[PC] Why? Why do you love me?~ + a705 ++ ~[PC] That sounds more like your last meal causing you trouble.~ + a691 ++ ~[PC] I do not want to have that effect on you. I just want you to love me, and watch out for me.~ + a692 END IF ~~ a688 SAY ~[ARAN] I think I done said that, eh?~ ++ ~[PC] You are so poorly educated. It would not hurt to try some grammar and perhaps some attention to your sentence structure.~ + a689 ++ ~[PC] Well, actually, you tried to say it, but it came out all scrambled up. It usually does, you know. You can be hard to follow.~ + a701 ++ ~[PC] What you need, Aran, are some elocution lessons. Come on, give it a try... I can make it worth your while...~ + a704 ++ ~[PC] Never mind. I have better things for your lips to do anyways. Get that cute little rump of yours over here, and we can try some breathing exercises.~ + a704 ++ ~[PC] I think you are madly in love with me, and I know I am madly in love with you. But if you keep torturing Common like that, I am going to go crazy.~ + a689 ++ ~[PC] Well, no matter what you say or how you say it, I think you have come to the conclusion that falling in love with me is not as scary as you thought.~ + a708 END IF ~~ a689 SAY ~[ARAN] (cough.) Alas, my lady, it does my heart great pain to hear such harsh words from such fair lips. Indeed, my poor speech is but a meager transport for the raging fires of love; an emotion pressed from my soul like fine wine from the ripest of grapes. Would that my quaint mannerisms could impress the depth of my ardor, but alas, no mere mortal breath can express such elysian ideals. No manner of speech can convey the fierce animal instincts which your presence engenders within my heart.~ ++ ~[PC] (Stare at him in shock.)~ + a690 ++ ~[PC] Now, verily my love hath the tongue of angels. Such fine speech requires sweet reward, perchance the gentle kiss of love's lips.~ + a690 ++ ~[PC] Sune's Sweet Breath, shut up and kiss me!~ + a690 ++ ~[PC] Gods, the man is possessed. Someone hand me a vial of Holy Water and a book of poetry, so I can beat him over the head with both!~ + a690 ++ ~[PC] Well, that was a little better, but overblown and stilted. How about using simple grammatical construction, common verb usage, and avoiding colloquialisms, slang, and contractions?~ + a690 ++ ~[PC] Why do you love me?~ + a705 END IF ~~ a690 SAY ~[ARAN] There be plenty o' fancy words to use, an' I can roll 'em out right quick for you if I practice scribin' 'em an' rehearsin' 'em like a play. But I be a plain spoken man. All that talk is just pretty clothin', all o' which amounts to 'I love you, I want you, be mine own.'~ ++ ~[PC] But it sounds so much prettier when you speak with such elegance...~ + a697 ++ ~[PC] I will tell you what. You and I work together on cleaning up your speech, and I will let you explore my body, very slowly.~ + a704 ++ ~[PC] Why do you insist on falling for me? I pick on your choice of words, I have all sorts of faults... why do you want to be with me?~ + a705 ++ ~[PC] I do not need the fancy words all the time, but it is so nice to hear you can learn. Especially when it is just so you can please me.~ + a702 ++ ~[PC] On second thought, we can divide and conquer. I will do the talking, and you will do the loving. I will even let you name one or two of our children.~ + a706 ++ ~[PC] You know, I like your speech just the way it is. No fancy shell game of words. Just you, plain and simple.~ + a698 END IF ~~ a691 SAY ~[ARAN] I know th' difference between a mite bit o' heartburn an' the pangs o' love. Trust me, I know.~ ++ ~[PC] Then tell me - why do you love me?~ + a705 ++ ~[PC] If you keep torturing language like that, I am going to go crazy.~ + a689 ++ ~[PC] I think you mean 'I know the difference between heartburn and the pains of love'.~ + a688 ++ ~[PC] You are so sweet. I will tell you a little secret - perhaps someday, I will even let you name one or two of our children.~ + a706 ++ ~[PC] Love, lust, or whatever emotion you want to have, Aran - just make sure you do not hurt me.~ + a708 END IF ~~ a692 SAY ~[ARAN] I can do both, you know. Besides, there is naught in th' way o' escapin' the way you make me feel.~ ++ ~[PC] Then tell me - why do you love me?~ + a705 ++ ~[PC] I think you mean 'There is no escape from the way that you make me feel'.~ + a688 ++ ~[PC] If you keep torturing language like that, I am going to go crazy.~ + a689 ++ ~[PC] You are so sweet. I will tell you a little secret - perhaps someday, I will even let you name one or two of our children.~ + a706 ++ ~[PC] I am fine with whatever you need to do or feel, Aran - just make sure you do not hurt me.~ + a708 END IF ~~ a693 SAY ~[ARAN] True enough. An' I know some o' what I feel is a bit farther below th' heart. But you make me feel different, somehow.~ ++ ~[PC] Then tell me - why do you love me?~ + a705 + ~Global("c-aranCaerCall","LOCALS",1)~ + ~[PC] Different from Gwyneth, that lost love in Moonshae?~ + a694 + ~!Global("c-CaerCallidyrr","LOCALS",1)~ + ~[PC] Different from what you have felt for anyone else?~ + a695 ++ ~[PC] I think you mean 'I know that some of what I feel is lust rather than love'.~ + a688 ++ ~[PC] If you keep torturing language like that, I am going to go crazy.~ + a689 ++ ~[PC] You might just have your way with me, Aran. Perhaps even win my heart. But what would we name the children?~ + a706 ++ ~[PC] Love, lust, or whatever emotion you want to have, Aran - just make sure you do not hurt me.~ + a708 END IF ~~ a694 SAY ~[ARAN] Different from Gwyneth. Different from everybody. Stronger.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a708 END IF ~~ a695 SAY ~[ARAN] Different from everybody. Stronger. Sharper.~ ++ ~[PC] Then tell me - why do you love me?~ + a705 END IF ~~ a696 SAY ~[ARAN] There be little or no difference between th' two, in th' first stages. But in terms o' th' words...~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a688 END IF ~~ a697 SAY ~[ARAN] Then this will be naught but a bucket o' cold water on you, eh - ~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a700 END IF ~~ a698 SAY ~[ARAN] Well, now. Plain, simple, an' direct I can do, eh?~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a700 END IF ~~ a699 SAY ~[ARAN] Hmmmm. Attractive lady, comes wi' her own gear, divine bloodline, legs what to die for... I think I will choose you, eh?~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a700 END IF ~~ a700 SAY ~[ARAN] Get your pretty arse over here, woman, on account o' I either kiss you right this minute or explode o' confined lust!~ ++ ~[PC] Cad. For that, I will limit you to a dozen or so kisses. No, not there. Oh. Well, perhaps there. Ummmm...~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",1)~ EXIT ++ ~[PC] Explode all you want, boyo. Just nowhere near me!~ EXIT ++ ~[PC] Hush, darling. Not in front of the children.~ + a706 ++ ~[PC] MY 'pretty arse'? You can kiss my... HEY! I did not mean that literally!~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",1)~ EXIT ++ ~[PC] Take a good, long look as I walk away. Next time, remember that I do not take kindly to crass language and you ordering me about like a serving wench.~ EXIT ++ ~[PC] Someday, my Prince will come. But right now, you will do just fine.~ EXIT END IF ~~ a701 SAY ~[ARAN] I am right easy to follow. But it be a nicer view when you be ahead o' me, an' I get a goodly gander.~ ++ ~[PC] Cad. For that, I will limit you to a dozen or so kisses. No, not there. Oh. Well, perhaps there. Ummmm...~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",1)~ EXIT ++ ~[PC] Hush, darling. Not in front of the children.~ + a706 ++ ~[PC] If you keep torturing Common like that, I am going to go crazy.~ + a689 ++ ~[PC] I think there are two questions, Aran. Can you handle yourself? Can you handle me?~ + a703 END IF ~~ a702 SAY ~[ARAN] That be downright unfair, . I can handle my job an' watchin' you. I do not rightly want you hurt, so it makes me right fine at doin' my job.~ ++ ~[PC] I think there are two questions, Aran. Can you handle yourself? Can you handle me?~ + a703 ++ ~[PC] I think you mean 'I do not want to see you hurt, so I am better focused on your defense'.~ + a688 ++ ~[PC] If you keep torturing language like that, I am going to go crazy.~ + a689 END IF ~~ a703 SAY ~[ARAN] I done spent way too much time handlin' myself. An' handlin' you, that would be a pleasure. My bedroll or yours?~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a704 SAY ~[ARAN] Well, if there be exercises involvin' lips an' tongue, count me in. I might even be able to control my lusts, eh? Not that I am promisin' anythin', mind you...~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a705 SAY ~[ARAN] If I had a thousand words, I still could not rightly describe why. You scare me, an' fill me wi' wonder. You excite me. You move a wrist, an' I am driven mad wi' desire.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a708 END IF ~~ a706 SAY ~[ARAN] Children?! Where be... ooh, you minx. That were a bucket o' cold water right there, an' it hit th' target right proper!~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a707 SAY ~[ARAN] I can rectify that right quick, I can. Do you see anyplace around here where lad can have a quick roll in th' hay wi' a pretty lass?~ ++ ~[PC] Hush, darling. Not in front of the children.~ + a706 ++ ~[PC] Are you sure you can handle me? After all, when I walk it seems to tie you up in knots and drive you mad with desire.~ + a708 ++ ~[PC] Right over there. But where in the world are you going to find a pretty lass to romp with around here?~ + a699 END IF ~~ a708 SAY ~[ARAN] I am still bloody well scared o' fallin' for you, . But tryin' to stop fallin' in love wi' you is like tryin' to stop breathin'. I get all dizzy, turn funny colors, an' fall over - an' then I take another breath.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END /* Shadow Dragon Clobbered Replies */ IF ~~ a3305 SAY ~[ARAN] I suppose there might be some out there what be o' a good sort. But no, on balance, I respect 'em. But I don't like 'em.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a3310 END IF ~~ a3306 SAY ~[ARAN] Before I met you? Aye. One or two. But not to speak to, or call on socially. Usually it were th' type o' meetin' where you feel th' chill in th' air, see th' shadow as she swoops close to th' lines, an' then everyone finds cover before they become casualties.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a3310 END IF ~~ a3307 SAY ~[ARAN] I be right sure o' not likin' takin' on great blighted huge things what can kill a man a tenday from Uktar.~ /* seven ways from Sunday converted into FR... may not work. */ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a3310 END IF ~~ a3308 SAY ~[ARAN] Mielikki's Mercy, don't speak out those names! Th' common denominator in all those deaths be th' great losses they inflicted before expirin'.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a3310 END IF ~~ a3309 SAY ~[ARAN] Tymora's Fickle Fingersnaps, no. There be naught o' my friends what would sign up for that kind o' adventure. None o' my crowd frequent Th' Moon an' Stars, hobnobbin' wi' Volo an' Zhents an' faerie an' such.~ ++ ~[PC] And yet here you are, chasing Irenicus with me across most of Amn. I would think dragons would be safer.~ + a3310 ++ ~[PC] You might not be admitted, but by now I would. Well, either that or I would blow the doors down and take the place by storm, though that seems overkill for a good meal.~ + a3310 ++ ~[PC] I keep forgetting that you have friends that are smarter than you are. Then again, some trees are smarter than you are, so...~ + a3310 ++ ~[PC] You have smart friends.~ + a3310 ++ ~[PC] You have to get over this dragon thing, Aran. It is really getting tiresome.~ + a3316 END IF ~~ a3310 SAY ~[ARAN] Mayhap next time we decide to go pokin' about we get Elminster's Bestiary along an' contemplate what we might be facin'.~ ++ ~[PC] I thought you once said that sometimes the best tactic is to just get a big sword and whack until it is dead.~ + a3311 ++ ~[PC] I thought you carried a copy around in all those scrolls and papers you keep shuffling about.~ + a3312 ++ ~[PC] Perhaps we should invest in a copy.~ + a3313 ++ ~[PC] Do you really think we would have any chance of guessing which entries to look up in advance?~ + a3314 ++ ~[PC] You have to get over this dragon thing, Aran. It is really getting tiresome.~ + a3316 END IF ~~ a3311 SAY ~[ARAN] Well, I did. An' I do. But when th' blighted things seem to be immune to anythin' reasonable, it makes generally whackin' a bit like kissin' a cousin, eh? It be all fun an' games, but it won't get you where you want to go.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a3315 END IF ~~ a3312 SAY ~[ARAN] Me? Hells, no. I done read a copy or two, pokin' about in th' Temples o' Oghma, but I never did get a personal copy.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a3315 END IF ~~ a3313 SAY ~[ARAN] Mayhap two, on account o' th' number o' opponents what blast lightnin', acid, flame, an' slime all over everythin'. Hard to read a charred, mangled, dissolvin' copy, eh?~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a3315 END IF ~~ a3314 SAY ~[ARAN] Well, it wouldn't rightly hurt to try, would it?~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a3315 END IF ~~ a3315 SAY ~[ARAN] Though if point comes to point, th' way we be goin', by th' time we look up what we be facin', we'll be doin' it from th' inside o' th' creature, I guess. Blighted hells. At times, it be makin' me wish I'd decided to keep accounts in one o' those steady, safe jobs, like Risin' Sun Coster in Baldur's Gate.~ = ~[ARAN] Come to think o' it, then I'd o' had a bunch o' ravin' mad doppelgangers runnin' about tryin' to kill me, if th' stories be true. Guess we just can't escape danger.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a3316 SAY ~[ARAN] Fine. Mayhap I will find somethin' that bothers you. Like great hairy poison spittin' spiders. Or tax collectors.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END /* Rummage in The Pack */ IF ~~ a2913 SAY ~[ARAN] (The normal clutter of tools and gear, neatly rolled and folded clothing in oilskins, and the occasional odd trinket catch your eye, but there is little of interest you have not already seen. The scraps of parchment, though, show signs of use.)~ + ~Global("c-pcletter","LOCALS",0) GlobalGT("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",5)~ + ~[PC] (You examine his writings.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-pcletter","LOCALS",1)~ + a3231 + ~Global("c-pcletter","LOCALS",1) GlobalGT("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",9)~ + ~[PC] (You examine his writings.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-pcletter","LOCALS",2)~ + a3232 + ~Global("c-pcletter","LOCALS",2) GlobalGT("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",13)~ + ~[PC] (You examine his writings.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-pcletter","LOCALS",3)~ + a3233 + ~Gender(Player1,FEMALE) GlobalGT("c-aranbg2rom","GLOBAL",5) CheckStatGT(Player1,12,INT) Global("c-pcletter","LOCALS",3)~ + ~[PC] (You take advantage of the opportunity to rummage in search of interesting things to read.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-pcletter","LOCALS",4)~ + a3234 + ~Gender(Player1,FEMALE) GlobalGT("c-aranbg2rom","GLOBAL",7) CheckStatGT(Player1,12,INT) Global("c-pcletter","LOCALS",4)~ + ~[PC] (You take advantage of the opportunity to rummage in search of interesting things to read.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-pcletter","LOCALS",5)~ + a3235 + ~Gender(Player1,FEMALE) GlobalGT("c-aranbg2rom","GLOBAL",9) CheckStatGT(Player1,12,INT) Global("c-pcletter","LOCALS",5)~ + ~[PC] (You take advantage of the opportunity to rummage in search of interesting things to read.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-pcletter","LOCALS",6)~ + a3236 + ~Gender(Player1,FEMALE) GlobalGT("c-aranbg2rom","GLOBAL",11) CheckStatGT(Player1,12,INT) Global("c-pcletter","LOCALS",6)~ + ~[PC] (You take advantage of the opportunity to rummage in search of interesting things to read.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-pcletter","LOCALS",7)~ + a3237 + ~Gender(Player1,FEMALE) GlobalGT("c-aranbg2rom","GLOBAL",5) CheckStatLT(Player1,13,INT) Global("c-pcletter","LOCALS",3)~ + ~[PC] (You take advantage of the opportunity to rummage in search of interesting things to read.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-pcletter","LOCALS",4)~ + a3230 + ~Gender(Player1,FEMALE) GlobalGT("c-aranbg2rom","GLOBAL",7) CheckStatLT(Player1,13,INT) Global("c-pcletter","LOCALS",4)~ + ~[PC] (You take advantage of the opportunity to rummage in search of interesting things to read.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-pcletter","LOCALS",5)~ + a3230 + ~Gender(Player1,FEMALE) GlobalGT("c-aranbg2rom","GLOBAL",9) CheckStatLT(Player1,13,INT) Global("c-pcletter","LOCALS",5)~ + ~[PC] (You take advantage of the opportunity to rummage in search of interesting things to read.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-pcletter","LOCALS",6)~ + a3230 + ~Gender(Player1,FEMALE) GlobalGT("c-aranbg2rom","GLOBAL",11) CheckStatLT(Player1,13,INT) Global("c-pcletter","LOCALS",6)~ + ~[PC] (You take advantage of the opportunity to rummage in search of interesting things to read.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-pcletter","LOCALS",7)~ + a3230 + ~Gender(Player1,MALE) GlobalGT("c-pcletter","LOCALS",2)~ + ~[PC] (You take advantage of the opportunity to rummage through his pack. There are any number of odd scraps of writing and sketches to shuffle through.)~ + a3224 IF ~Gender(Player1,FEMALE) !GlobalGT("c-aranbg2rom","GLOBAL",5) Global("c-pcletter","LOCALS",3)~ THEN GOTO a3224 IF ~Gender(Player1,FEMALE) !GlobalGT("c-aranbg2rom","GLOBAL",7) Global("c-pcletter","LOCALS",4)~ THEN GOTO a3224 IF ~Gender(Player1,FEMALE) !GlobalGT("c-aranbg2rom","GLOBAL",9) Global("c-pcletter","LOCALS",5)~ THEN GOTO a3224 IF ~Gender(Player1,FEMALE) !GlobalGT("c-aranbg2rom","GLOBAL",11) Global("c-pcletter","LOCALS",6)~ THEN GOTO a3224 IF ~Gender(Player1,FEMALE) GlobalGT("c-pcletter","LOCALS",6)~ THEN GOTO a3224 IF ~Global("c-pcletter","LOCALS",2) !GlobalGT("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",13)~ THEN GOTO a3224 IF ~Global("c-pcletter","LOCALS",1) !GlobalGT("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",9)~ THEN GOTO a3224 IF ~Global("c-pcletter","LOCALS",0) !GlobalGT("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",5)~ THEN GOTO a3224 END IF ~~ a3224 SAY ~[ARAN] (The scraps contain notes and ideas for a story of sorts, but not one that would be given a place at a family gathering. They read...)~ IF ~RandomNum(5,5)~ THEN GOTO a3225 IF ~RandomNum(5,4)~ THEN GOTO a3226 IF ~RandomNum(5,3)~ THEN GOTO a3227 IF ~RandomNum(5,2)~ THEN GOTO a3228 IF ~RandomNum(5,1)~ THEN GOTO a3229 END IF ~~ a3225 SAY ~[ARAN] 'Deborah sighed gustily as she looked out across the valley. She could not forget the sight of his chest, bronzed and muscular, glistening with sweat as he worked the forge. She knew it was wrong to have such feelings for a commoner of the Dales, but she could not help herself. The blush of wanton desire spread across her cheeks as she imagined him working her, rather than the forge, his hammer rising and falling to the beat of her pulse and the racing of her heart.'~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a3226 SAY ~[ARAN] "No, no!" Deborah's broken pleas slipped from her lips, even as they pressed themselves to him. "I can not! I have never..." His strong hands held her poised above him, ready to go where no man had gone before. His desire was palpable.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a3227 SAY ~[ARAN] 'There were no words as Deborah created... crafted... crufted... crinfalled... There were no sonunds... There were... blighted hells. Note: look for good descriptors that can translate to Dwarven without taking on the wrong meanings. Pradeep of Westhaven might buy this thing if I can just get the writing open for gnomish and dwarven translation. Second Note: remember that dwarves find beards appealing on both women and men. May have to rewrite. Third note, get a good proofreader before I send anything.'~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a3228 SAY ~[ARAN] 'She flung herself in front of him, begging to be taken, begging to be his. Buck sat stone-faced, unmoving. "Do you think that a commoner has no feelings? I share everything with you, and you sleep with him. My forge may take on many projects, but only one heart commands it. Who's heart commands your forge, Deborah?'~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a3229 SAY ~[ARAN] 'Buck's bronzed form glistened in the lamplight, his dark beard covering everything. Deborah could not help herself. Her eyes dropped lower, lower. Her face burned in the darkness, a beacon in the stone cave. "It is glowing", she whispered. "It is." he answered.'~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END /* SoA Scenery Talks: Letter Responses */ IF ~~ a3231 /* aran letter #1 (everyone, c-alttr8.itm) */ SAY ~[ARAN] (The rough parchment crinkles under your fingertips as you read through the carefully shaped lines of writing...)~ = ~[ARAN] Mae Govannen Mae govannen. An lema? Amin naa lle nai. I'narr en gothrim glinuva nuin I'anor. Ohtar hanwa edan yesta sii'lle vakha. Amin tengwa Naug, i'lambe tel' Eldalie. Dwarven, Elven, and Common Trade Language spoken and written, contracts translated, copywork accepted. Experienced Caravan Guard and Scrivner. Reasonable rates. Inquire at Ten Veils Public House for Whitehand. Have Sword, Will Travel. No Job Too Small. No Dragons. Experienced Caravan Guard, Scrivner, OutRider, Oarsman. Trade Contracts and Copywork Drawn. Reasonable Rates. Inquire at Public House for Whitehand.~ ++ ~[PC] (You carefully slip the letter back where you found it.)~ EXIT ++ ~[PC] (You take the letter.)~ DO ~GiveItemCreate("c-alttr1",Player1,0,0,0) SetGlobal("c-arlettertaken","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranlettertalk","GLOBAL",ONE_DAY)~ EXIT /* c-alttr2.itm */ ++ ~[PC] (You hunt through his writing kit and find his quill, and print 'No Secrets' in Common across the top of his letter. Then you slip the letter back into his pack.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arannosecrets","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranlettertalk","GLOBAL",ONE_DAY)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a3232 /* aran letter #2 (everyone, c-alttr2.itm) */ SAY ~[ARAN] (The rough parchment crinkles under your fingertips as you read through the carefully shaped lines of writing...)~ = ~[ARAN] My Dearest Elena, I read your message with great happiness. Congratulations on your being advanced to choice! By the time you read this there will only be a few more months and you will be in your final year of apprenticeship. And Mystra is a good Goddess to serve, I hear. I always thought you would lean toward The Wise One, Oghma, and go with the Estelmer family nobility as benefactors, but you know your own heart. If your calling is to Mystra, then I guess you couldn't do any better than to Eltorchul family. There are some stories about a few of them, but they generally get written about as good people, for nobles and wands. Good but not lockstep; some of them are pretty wild, if trail stories and news broadsides talk about the same family. The Thunderstaffs follow Mystra, but from my end - plenty of warmages from that family, that is for sure! I was pretty sure you wouldn't end up following them, anyways. I am really glad your benefactor was happy, too. I thought it was like a trade apprenticeship, and you would be with The Lady Mage all the way. I guess I didn't understand about the schools, and how you work your way up. I love the emerald, and I will figure out what you mean about saying the inscriptions in private once we are on the trail. I hope this isn't one of your practical jokes, though. That is too fine a gem just to put a joke on. And the colors were beautiful. It lasted a full thirty seconds before dissolving into smoke, and it was a deep, shiny green with gold and silver and sky blue. Plus, it only erased a little bit of the parchment, so I got to read most of the message. That is so much better than the one where you tried the acid-flowers, and it burned through the whole letter. I know you want to have each message destroy itself, though I do not understand why all mages seem to need such secrecy. I do have some news. I have started working with a new group. There is not much to say yet, but it is not a regular mercenary group. , the one who leads, is different. I will have more to say later, I am sure. In the meantime, keep up your studies, and I will try to send you some of the spell components you asked about as best I can. Judging by the look of things, I may be able to get some very rare components for you just by keeping my eyes open and wits sharp. Yours Faithfully, Aran~ ++ ~[PC] (You carefully slip the letter back where you found it.)~ EXIT ++ ~[PC] (You take the letter.)~ DO ~GiveItemCreate("c-alttr2",Player1,0,0,0) SetGlobal("c-arlettertaken","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranlettertalk","GLOBAL",ONE_DAY)~ EXIT ++ ~[PC] (You hunt through his writing kit and find his quill, and print 'No Secrets' in Common across the top of his letter. Then you slip the letter back into his pack.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arannosecrets","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranlettertalk","GLOBAL",ONE_DAY)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a3233 /* aran letter #3 (everyone, c-alttr3.itm) */ SAY ~[ARAN] (The rough parchment crinkles under your fingertips as you read through the carefully shaped lines of writing...)~ = ~[ARAN] My Dearest Elena, I am writing from the trail, so please excuse the occasional blot or crease staining the writing. There is so much to report, but most of it is not to be trusted to letters. When I next see you, remind me to tell you about . Things are working out well enough on so far. Well as well as can be expected given our challenges. I have not had as much combat in so short a timeframe since the pitched battles back near Baldur's Gate. Even in the Axes, there were months with no combat, and now it seems to happen every day. I am glad to hear that your roommate is not making your life easy. I know that sounds unsupportive, and I am sure you don't appreciate it, but from my standpoint it means you are telling me things and not hiding the challenges and problems. You are smart enough to get past this. Just don't do what you did to Kimili when she called you those names. I bet now that you have some real training, it would not be a few curls set on fire... you might accidentally incinerate her head. I did hear from Nathan the other day, and his letter asked after you. I told him you were away in the Dale lands, rather than the truth. I know you think that he is cute, but I know him. He is not a nice person. I may sound overprotective, but he has done some things you just do not want to know about. Well, I must close, as I am out of room, and low on supplies. Time to mix up some more ink, too. As always. Yours Faithfully, Aran~ ++ ~[PC] (You carefully slip the letter back where you found it.)~ EXIT ++ ~[PC] (You take the letter.)~ DO ~GiveItemCreate("c-alttr3",Player1,0,0,0) SetGlobal("c-arlettertaken","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranlettertalk","GLOBAL",ONE_DAY)~ EXIT ++ ~[PC] (You hunt through his writing kit and find his quill, and print 'No Secrets' in Common across the top of his letter. Then you slip the letter back into his pack.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arannosecrets","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranlettertalk","GLOBAL",ONE_DAY)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a3234 /* aran letter #4 (rom, c-alttr4.itm) */ SAY ~[ARAN] (The rough parchment crinkles under your fingertips as you read through the carefully shaped lines of writing, but it takes awhile to figure out his cipher. He has started using a quaint childlike encoding.)~ = ~[ARAN] My Dearest Elena, I hope that all is well with you. For me, I am sorely in need of your guidance. I know we have written about this several times, but I need to clear my head and think and you are always good at helping me do that. I cannot stop thinking about her. I cannot stop watching her. It has me off balance, even worse than when I fell for that half-elven bard you warned me against. I simply do not understand how I could be pulled so far under her spell in such a short time. I know I am not an apprentice, but I certainly feel like one. I know I wrote to you of my feelings, and I know we joked about the difficulties of falling for one's employer, but now I am serious. I do not know if you would like her, or not. But do not believe the stories that must be floating around about what we are doing. All I can say is that she has captivated my attention in a way no other woman has. Yes, even more than SilverEyes. I just have difficulties seeing what I can offer her in return. I have no wealth or title, no real prospects, and I do not even know if she truly would have me. But that is how serious my situation seems to have become. For Sune's Blessing and for the love of your brother, help me. I need to know what a woman of power really wants. Yours faithfully, Aran~ ++ ~[PC] (You carefully slip the letter back where you found it.)~ EXIT ++ ~[PC] (You take the letter.)~ DO ~GiveItemCreate("c-alttr4",Player1,0,0,0) SetGlobal("c-arlettertaken","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranlettertalk","GLOBAL",ONE_DAY)~ EXIT ++ ~[PC] (You hunt through his writing kit and find his quill, and print 'No Secrets' in Common across the top of his letter. Then you slip the letter back into his pack.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arannosecrets","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranlettertalk","GLOBAL",ONE_DAY)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a3235 /* aran letter #5 (rom, c-alttr5.itm) */ SAY ~[ARAN] (The rough parchment crinkles under your fingertips as you read through the carefully shaped lines of writing, but it takes awhile to figure out his cipher. He has started using a quaint childlike encoding.)~ = ~[ARAN] My Dearest Elena, I hope that all is well with you, and with your pet lizard (yes, I know he is a pseudodragon, but someone has to put her in her place!). I am happy your work in runescribing is coming along, but please remember about spell duration. Half of your last message burned through your last three letters to me, and nearly turned my pack into a bonfire. I know you prefer secrecy, but surely I can keep one or two of your missives? There are many things going on right now, and I am not at liberty to write much about them. Our goals are being met, though the victories seem very costly. Perhaps it is more that I have made a stronger commitment to this quest than I have before. Your advice was appreciated. I am happy you see me that way, but I am pretty sure that you did not really mean "just kiss her and keep kissing her until she either kills you or professes her love". I understand what you are saying about power being of many kinds, and that sometimes just being yourself is what she might need. I do not know the best way to proceed right now, but I will take your advice under advisement and continue as best I can. In the meantime, I will be enclosing a small packet of wildspeare flowers for your component pouch when I get a chance to send this. I hope that it helps your studies. Please try not to turn Jill into a flowerpot again. I know that the polymorph spell usually results in squirrels, berrygobblers, or chipmunks rather than inanimate objects, so study hard and next time it might go better. Yours faithfully, Aran.~ ++ ~[PC] (You carefully slip the letter back where you found it.)~ EXIT ++ ~[PC] (You take the letter.)~ DO ~GiveItemCreate("c-alttr5",Player1,0,0,0) SetGlobal("c-arlettertaken","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranlettertalk","GLOBAL",ONE_DAY)~ EXIT ++ ~[PC] (You hunt through his writing kit and find his quill, and print 'No Secrets' in Common across the top of his letter. Then you slip the letter back into his pack.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arannosecrets","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranlettertalk","GLOBAL",ONE_DAY)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a3236 /* aran letter #6 (rom, c-alttr6.itm) */ SAY ~[ARAN] (The rough parchment crinkles under your fingertips as you read through the carefully shaped lines of writing, but it takes awhile to figure out his cipher. He has started using a quaint childlike encoding.)~ = ~[ARAN] My Dearest Elena, Congratulations on winning your competition! I had no idea that things were so competitive at the academy, and I am very glad that the Priests of Ilmater were there when that boy got caught in the fireball. I am so happy you won, and you even gave me ideas for a new set of tactics to use. I doubt I will often be able to spread oil or grease before a battle, but the use of multiple layers of magic is not something I have studied very much. The way things are going around here, we may need all the tactical advantages I can come up with. As for your inquiries, she is holding her own against the power of her blood. I do not have any real answers for you as to whether she sees me as someone who she could be with forever, or just someone she can use temporarily. I hear her words, and I see her responses, but I often am not quite sure where she really is coming from. She may be shouting her truth at me all the time, for all I know, but I am simply not sure if I am hearing reality or something I have constructed all in my head. You know as well as I do that I have done that before, and the results have been less than positive. There will be time enough to write more later. I will be enclosing a few odds and ends gleaned from our last few combats, but I am unsure as to how to stop them from breaking when transported to you. If the letter you are holding is a bright black on one corner, then I would seek out the Priests for healing immediately. I am never sure why you want me to send you these things, as my training has been in writing, not herbalism, but you know that I would do anything for you. Yours faithfully, Aran~ ++ ~[PC] (You carefully slip the letter back where you found it.)~ EXIT ++ ~[PC] (You take the letter.)~ DO ~GiveItemCreate("c-alttr6",Player1,0,0,0) SetGlobal("c-arlettertaken","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranlettertalk","GLOBAL",ONE_DAY)~ EXIT ++ ~[PC] (You hunt through his writing kit and find his quill, and print 'No Secrets' in Common across the top of his letter. Then you slip the letter back into his pack.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arannosecrets","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranlettertalk","GLOBAL",ONE_DAY)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a3237 /* aran letter #7 (rom, c-alttr7.itm) */ SAY ~[ARAN] (The rough parchment crinkles under your fingertips as you read through the carefully shaped lines of writing, but it takes awhile to figure out his cipher. He has started using a quaint childlike encoding.)~ = ~[ARAN] My Dearest Elena, I hope my letter finds you in good health and spirits. I will get straight to the point and remind you that you are too special and to smart to fall into any traps. Be careful. I do not know anything about Court and have never really seen a Masked Lord or even an un-masked one, but I have been around long enough to be suspicious of anyone who makes bold passes at you. I wish I were there, so that he would know that you have a protector. I know you can take care of yourself, but it still worries me. If you need proof, remember how I have acted around Giselle and Rani, and how you had to send a spark at me to stop me from behaving badly with your friends. Yes, I know I have a double standard, but I have always been very interested in all of this romantic sparking, while you have avoided it like the plague. And our situations are not as similar as you made it sound. is more complicated than what we are talking about. If it were just for fun, that would be one thing, but I seem to have developed some attachments that make things more painful for me if I do things that she might not like. I always try to fit what she seems to want, but it is hard sometimes. In fact, it seems almost impossible at times. But I trust in Tymora, and She will make the coin toss. What is meant to be, is meant to be. In your case, though, your benefactor might not take kindly to that particular young man. Do not take this the wrong way, but you have to ask yourself if he is really interested in you, or if he wants information. I trust you to make the right choice for you, of course. I would send for you to join us for a little bit, so you could get away and think, but I am afraid things here have gotten very difficult. Our adversaries are the stiff of legends and folktales, only they turn out to be real. Usually, they also turn out to be able to crush me into goo. No matter what is going on there, things are worse here. Do not worry for me, though. I have always had an eye out for trouble, and I think I enjoy feeling part of something that will make a difference. Yours faithfully, Aran~ ++ ~[PC] (You carefully slip the letter back where you found it.)~ EXIT ++ ~[PC] (You take the letter.)~ DO ~GiveItemCreate("c-alttr7",Player1,0,0,0) SetGlobal("c-arlettertaken","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranlettertalk","GLOBAL",ONE_DAY)~ EXIT ++ ~[PC] (You hunt through his writing kit and find his quill, and print 'No Secrets' in Common across the top of his letter. Then you slip the letter back into his pack.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arannosecrets","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranlettertalk","GLOBAL",ONE_DAY)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a3230 SAY ~[ARAN] (The rough parchment crinkles under your fingertips as you read through the carefully shaped lines of writing...)~ = ~[ARAN] (Unfortunately, Aran has begun writing in a language or cipher you cannot understand. You will have to ask him to read the letter to you.)~ ++ ~[PC] (You carefully slip the letter back where you found it.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranletterblocked","LOCALS",1)~ EXIT ++ ~[PC] (You take the letter.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arlettertaken","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranlettertalk","GLOBAL",ONE_DAY)~ EXIT ++ ~[PC] (You hunt through his writing kit and find his quill, and print 'No Secrets' in Common across the top of his letter. Then you slip the letter back into his pack.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arannosecrets","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranlettertalk","GLOBAL",ONE_DAY)~ EXIT END /* Inked Or Stolen Letters Replies */ IF ~~ a2909 SAY ~[ARAN] Right, then. I blighted well thought a letter to my sister were naught buy my own business. You want somethin' translated, I'll do it. I don't give a rat's arse if you want to poke an' pry, but th' inference be that you don't trust me. Lovitar's Lash, that hurts a lad.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a2911 SAY ~[ARAN] I would, but other than rufflin' my feathers, there be no real harm done. There be precious little what be private in a group like this. If you want to know what I be writin' to my sister, you don't have to poke about. You could just ask, eh?~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a4337 SAY ~[ARAN] I thought my gear would be offerin' some privacy, but then again there be naught in th' way o' that in a group like this. If you want to know what I be writin' to my sister, you don't have to poke about. You could just ask, eh?~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a4338 SAY ~[ARAN] I would get right snippy wi' whomever were messin' about, but other than rufflin' my feathers, there be no real harm done. There be precious little what be private in a group like this. If anyone wants to know what I be writin' to my sister, they don't have to poke about. They could just ask, eh?~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END /* flirting with other patrons */ IF ~~ a2907 SAY ~[ARAN] (His face turns toward you, then away.)~ IF ~Global("c-aranpcflirter","LOCALS",0)~ THEN GOTO a867 IF ~Global("c-aranpcflirter","LOCALS",1)~ THEN GOTO a868 IF ~Global("c-aranpcflirter","LOCALS",2)~ THEN GOTO a869 IF ~Global("c-aranpcflirter","LOCALS",3)~ THEN GOTO a2584 IF ~Global("c-aranpcflirter","LOCALS",4)~ THEN GOTO a2585 IF ~Global("c-aranpcflirter","LOCALS",5)~ THEN GOTO a2586 END IF ~~ a2584 SAY ~[ARAN] (His attention settles quickly on a young barmaid. She seems fascinated by his stories, leaning closer to him with each drink she serves, and resting a familiar hand on his muscled arm. Her giggles are strong enough to be heard from your vantage point.)~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranpcflirter","LOCALS",4)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a2585 SAY ~[ARAN] (His face turns toward yours again, and he lifts his glass in your direction.)~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranpcflirter","LOCALS",5)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a2586 SAY ~[ARAN] He tosses coins across the table to the server, and leaves.)~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranpcflirter","LOCALS",0) RestParty()~ EXIT END /* Bro-time 1 */ IF ~~ a768 SAY ~[ARAN] Aye, you look a mite worse for th' wear, eh? Here let me buy you a drink.~ ++ ~[PC] No thank you. I prefer women.~ + a771 ++ ~[PC] If this is a prelude to getting me to sleep with you...~ + a775 ++ ~[PC] I will stand this round, you take the next.~ + a776 ++ ~[PC] I don't drink.~ + a779 ++ ~[PC] Sure. I'll have what you are having.~ + a781 END /* Bro-time 2 */ IF ~~ a769 SAY ~[ARAN] Cards? Or a game o' chess? There be a game to keep a man occupied an' not distracted by the ladies.~ ++ ~[PC] Why would you not want the distraction of a pretty woman to take your mind off of things?~ + a786 ++ ~[PC] Sure, I think a game of cards would be good. How much do you have in your pockets? ~ + a787 ++ ~[PC] Chess. But are you sure? I might be taking advantage of you. Gorion always said it was bad form to have a duel of wits with an unarmed man.~ + a782 ++ ~[PC] Drink. Then drink. Then more drink. And when that is done, drink again.~ + a780 ++ ~[PC] Sorry. I have my eye on the young lady at the end of the bar.~ + a783 ++ ~[PC] Sorry. I have other things to do. Just be ready for tomorrow, Aran... and try not to lose all of your money in one sitting.~ + a2912 END IF ~~ a2912 SAY ~[ARAN] Aye. That be right good advice.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END /* Bro-time 3 */ IF ~~ a770 SAY ~[ARAN] Somethin' on your mind?~ ++ ~[PC] You. You do not seem to be holding up your end of combat.~ + a774 ++ ~[PC] Women. But then again, they are always on my mind.~ + a777 ++ ~[PC] Drinking, and how to do more of it. Saving the world from itself is thirsty work.~ + a776 ++ ~[PC] Drink. Then drink. Then more drink. And when that is done, drink again.~ + a778 ++ ~[PC] Pudding.~ + a780 ++ ~[PC] Sorry. I have other things to do. Just be ready for tomorrow, Aran... and try not to lose all of your money in one sitting.~ + a772 END IF ~~ a771 SAY ~[ARAN] Well, so do I. But since when did that have anythin' to do wi' a good drink between companions, eh?~ ++ ~[PC] If you are buying, I am drinking.~ + a773 ++ ~[PC] Sorry - I do not drink.~ + a779 ++ ~[PC] Sorry - I do not drink with the hired help.~ + a774 ++ ~[PC] Nothing. Unless that companion happens to be you, in which case you should sod off.~ + a772 END IF ~~ a783 SAY ~[ARAN] Which one, th' brunette, th' blond, or th' one what has shaved her... err... no, that be a follower o' the Shinin' Path. That be a heap o' trouble you don't rightly want, friend.~ ++ ~[PC] I live for trouble like that.~ + a784 ++ ~[PC] Trouble is my middle name, and I expect she will be singing it at the top of her lungs, tonight.~ + a784 ++ ~[PC] On second thought, you might be right. Perhaps a drink is in order.~ + a785 ++ ~[PC] I was thinking both the blond and the brunette.~ + a784 ++ ~[PC] I will take the brunette, and you take the blond.~ + a785 ++ ~[PC] You go on. I was just joking.~ + a786 END /* Bro-time 4 */ IF ~~ a788 SAY ~[ARAN] An' here I was, thinkin' I was the sorriest lookin' bastard what ever walked Faerun. Good on you to cheer me up - you look worse than me, eh?~ ++ ~[PC] Shut up and drink, you sorry excuse for a sellsword. And buy me a drink. I need one.~ + a776 ++ ~[PC] I don't drink. And seeing how you look, I think that my decision has been reinforced.~ + a779 ++ ~[PC] Sure. I'll have what you are having.~ + a781 ++ ~[PC] And you look like crap that has been stepped on. How about a game of cards? How much coin do you have in your pockets? ~ + a787 ++ ~[PC] I feel like it, too. I think it is time to drink. Then drink. Then more drink. And when that is done, drink again.~ + a780 ++ ~[PC] What do you mean? This is the best I have ever looked.~ + a789 ++ ~[PC] Sorry. I have other things to do. Just be ready for tomorrow, Aran... and try not to lose all of your money in one sitting.~ + a2058 END IF ~~ a772 SAY ~[ARAN] Xvim's Spit, you are one moody bastard. Suit yourself.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a773 SAY ~[ARAN] Right, then. One round on me, eh? I think I can swing a tab, an' then mayhap we might be on to th' next adventure before we have to settle up.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a774 SAY ~[ARAN] Well, bugger off then, you moody bastard. If you don't want to be friendly, then go kiss Cyric's flamin' arse for all I care. Me, I intend to get that redhead over there to show me th' facts o' life.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a775 SAY ~[ARAN] Now, there, slow down, boyo. I be handsome an' all, but I wear th' flower in th' other ear, so to speak. Just a friendly drink, eh? Me, I intend to get that brunette over there to show me th' facts o' life.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a776 SAY ~[ARAN] Then I will be right proud to raise a glass wi' you to old comrades, dead, livin', or stuck somewhere in between.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a777 SAY ~[ARAN] Well, boyo, then you be doin' it all wrong. When I be thinkin' o' women bein' on me, it ends up a mite farther south, eh? Though, come to think on it, there was this one lass in Calimport what taught me somethin' like what you be describin'...~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a778 SAY ~[ARAN] Well, now, I'll drink to that. O' course, we need to hire some poor lad to wheel us 'round in a cart when th' legs go all wobbly, but if we time it right we can get thrown out just before we have to pay, eh?~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a779 SAY ~[ARAN] Well, now, I'll drink to that. You can wheel me 'round in a cart when my legs go all wobbly, an' wi' any luck I can erase th' sound that last beast we fought made when it died.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a780 SAY ~[ARAN] I take it you done started wi' out me. Bartender, two for me, an' one more for my friend here. Only make his water, on account o' he don't rightly hold his liquor so well.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a781 SAY ~[ARAN] You be sure about that? This garbage tastes like someone filtered it through one o' your old shoes, an' then stirred in a bit o' horse sweat for good measure. Me, I'd drink somethin' else, if I were you.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a782 SAY ~[ARAN] Funny. Do you be sure he was talkin' to you? On account o' you are not th' sharpest straw in th' bale, you know. After all, you be drinkin' wi' me.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a784 SAY ~[ARAN] Hey, far be it from me to stand in th' path o' true love. You go suggest th' arrangements, an' I will go get some coin together for your resurrection at th' local Temple.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a785 SAY ~[ARAN] Good on you. You order a drink or two, an' I will go chat up th' blond. Cheers!~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a786 SAY ~[ARAN] Well, I do think I will stay wi' you an' get a drink, an ' avoid th' ladies tonight. Th' last time I went solo on a sparkin' run, I woke up hung over, broke, an' hopelessly lost.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a787 SAY ~[ARAN] Th' question be, how much are you willin' to lose to me, eh?~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a789 SAY ~[ARAN] Now that be th' saddest thing I ever did hear. Have a drink, lad, an' things will be lookin' up. Or, at least we will be lookin' up when we fall over.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END /* stream 1 female replies */ IF ~~ a1596 SAY ~[ARAN] Well, wi' the way that cloth clings right tight in th' bodice, I can tell that, now, can't I. Just be glad you were wearin' naught in th' way o' armor, or you might have had some problems gettin' out o' trouble.~ ++ ~[PC] Hey! Keep your eyes up here! This isn't some seedy brothel. Show some respect!~ + a1601 ++ ~[PC] C.. c.. cold...~ + a1600 ++ ~[PC] You are a monster. I will make my own way back to camp, and you can go to the nine hells.~ + a2973 ++ ~[PC] Less talk, and more 'pull the freezing woman out of the icy water before she goes numb'.~ + a2973 END IF ~~ a2973 SAY ~[ARAN] I suppose now be not th' right time to say that th' vision o' you comin' out o' th' water be a right fine work o' erotic art, eh?~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a2974 SAY ~[ARAN] Oh, blighted hells, I am about to catch it right powerful for this, eh? I'd best get some potions o' healin' ready for when you be finished tearin' me up.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1597 SAY ~[ARAN] Big words, big words. Now, how do you intend to thrash me, eh?~ ++ ~[PC] Oh, I can think of something.~ + a2973 ++ ~[PC] Oh, my poor clothing... ruined... all muddy... I...~ + a2973 ++ ~[PC] I don't know. But stop grinning like that, and help me out of here, please.~ + a2974 ++ ~[PC] You take too many liberties. I will make my own way back to camp, and you can go to the nine hells.~ + a2973 END IF ~~ a1598 SAY ~[ARAN] Hey, , are you there? Do you be in any trouble?~ ++ ~[PC] (Swim deeper, and remain silent)~ + a1603 ++ ~[PC] (Surface gracefully, and swim for toward land)~ + a4375 ++ ~[PC] (Surface quickly splashing water and mud over him).~ + a1602 END IF ~~ a4375 SAY ~[ARAN] Right then. That be th' silent treatment. I done been on th' wrong side o' that before. I'll just get cleaned up an' back to business, right quick, I will.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1599 SAY ~[ARAN] Hey, you had me a mite worried, there. Do you be in once piece?~ ++ ~[PC] (Throw the clod of mud at Aran.)~ + a1602 ++ ~[PC] (Glare at him from the surface of the water.)~ + a4375 ++ ~[PC] PLACEHOLDER~ + c-placeholder /* PLACEHOLDER */ END IF ~~ a1600 SAY ~[ARAN] Here, now, I'm right sorry there. I didn't mean no harm. Here, let me warm you up mite.~ + ~RandomNum(3,1)~ + ~[PC] No, thank you. You have 'helped' me enough for one day. You go on about your business, and I will go on about mine.~ + a1961 /* c-aranshutup55 */ + ~RandomNum(3,2)~ + ~[PC] No, thank you. You have 'helped' me enough for one day. You go on about your business, and I will go on about mine.~ + a1962 /* c-aranshutup56 */ + ~RandomNum(3,3)~ + ~[PC] No, thank you. You have 'helped' me enough for one day. You go on about your business, and I will go on about mine.~ + a1963 /* c-aranshutup57 */ ++ ~[PC] (Press your body back into his chest, letting his arms encircle you.)~ + a3748 /* ROM_TWO_1a */ + ~RandomNum(5,1)~ + ~[PC] I... I wanted to... I have changed my mind. (Move away and cover yourself, pushing him away.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3514 /* SOLID_STOP1 */ + ~RandomNum(5,2)~ + ~[PC] I... I wanted to... I have changed my mind. (Move away and cover yourself, pushing him away.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3515 /* SOLID_STOP2 */ + ~RandomNum(5,3)~ + ~[PC] I... I wanted to... I have changed my mind. (Move away and cover yourself, pushing him away.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3516 /* SOLID_STOP3 */ + ~RandomNum(5,4)~ + ~[PC] I... I wanted to... I have changed my mind. (Move away and cover yourself, pushing him away.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3517 /* ROM_TWO_HARD_TO_STOP_GENTLEMAN */ + ~RandomNum(5,5)~ + ~[PC] I... I wanted to... I have changed my mind. (Move away and cover yourself, pushing him away.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3518 /* FIGHT_START */ ++ ~[PC] Aran... just kisses. I only want kisses.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3696 /* QUICK_END_FADEOUT */ END IF ~~ a1601 SAY ~[ARAN] I can tell you right now, I be right respectful. I do appreciate great works o' art, I do. Here, let me help you brush some o' that mud off...~ + ~RandomNum(3,1)~ + ~[PC] Get your paws off of me. And walk downstream around the bend before you start washing yourself off. I have had enough of your 'humor'.~ + a1964 /* c-aranshutup58 */ + ~RandomNum(3,2)~ + ~[PC] Get your paws off of me. And walk downstream around the bend before you start washing yourself off. I have had enough of your 'humor'.~ + a1965 /* c-aranshutup59 */ + ~RandomNum(3,3)~ + ~[PC] Get your paws off of me. And walk downstream around the bend before you start washing yourself off. I have had enough of your 'humor'.~ + a1966 /* c-aranshutup60 */ + ~RandomNum(3,1)~ + ~[PC] No, thank you. You have 'helped' me enough for one day. You go on about your business, and I will go on about mine.~ + a1961 /* c-aranshutup55 */ + ~RandomNum(3,2)~ + ~[PC] No, thank you. You have 'helped' me enough for one day. You go on about your business, and I will go on about mine.~ + a1962 /* c-aranshutup56 */ + ~RandomNum(3,3)~ + ~[PC] No, thank you. You have 'helped' me enough for one day. You go on about your business, and I will go on about mine.~ + a1963 /* c-aranshutup57 */ ++ ~[PC] (Press your body back into his chest, letting his arms encircle you.)~ + a3748 /* ROM_TWO_1a */ + ~RandomNum(5,1)~ + ~[PC] I... I wanted to... I have changed my mind. (Move away and cover yourself, pushing him away.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3514 /* SOLID_STOP1 */ + ~RandomNum(5,2)~ + ~[PC] I... I wanted to... I have changed my mind. (Move away and cover yourself, pushing him away.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3515 /* SOLID_STOP2 */ + ~RandomNum(5,3)~ + ~[PC] I... I wanted to... I have changed my mind. (Move away and cover yourself, pushing him away.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3516 /* SOLID_STOP3 */ + ~RandomNum(5,4)~ + ~[PC] I... I wanted to... I have changed my mind. (Move away and cover yourself, pushing him away.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3517 /* ROM_TWO_HARD_TO_STOP_GENTLEMAN */ + ~RandomNum(5,5)~ + ~[PC] I... I wanted to... I have changed my mind. (Move away and cover yourself, pushing him away.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3518 /* FIGHT_START */ ++ ~[PC] Aran... just kisses. I only want kisses.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3696 /* QUICK_END_FADEOUT */ END IF ~~ a1602 SAY ~[ARAN] HEY! Now, that be war, eh?~ ++ ~[PC] Aran. Put down that mud, Aran. Put it down right NOW. ARAN! Yuch. Now I really do need to get cleaned up.~ EXIT ++ ~[PC] PLACEHOLDER~ EXIT /* PLACEHOLDER */ ++ ~[PC] PLACEHOLDER~ EXIT /* PLACEHOLDER */ END IF ~~ a1603 SAY ~[ARAN] (There is a tremendous splash as Aran dives in close to you. His strong hands grip your your torso painfully as he rapidly lifts you out of the water.)~ ++ ~[PC] (Spit a long stream of water into his face, and grin.)~ + a1602 ++ ~[PC] (Slap him.)~ + c-placeholder /* PLACEHOLDER */ ++ ~[PC] PLACEHOLDER~ EXIT /* PLACEHOLDER */ ++ ~[PC] PLACEHOLDER~ EXIT /* PLACEHOLDER */ END IF ~~ a2902 SAY ~[ARAN] Now that be a right solid shame. I done seen sewers in Calimport what were better kept. O' course, they used th' beggars there as street cleaners. Useful, too, as most o' th' refuse there consisted o' their bodies.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END /* stream 1 male replies */ IF ~~ a791 SAY ~[ARAN] Well, now, there be a right fine stretch o' water, here. I figure there be enough time what to relax a bit, eh? ~ + ~Global("c-arstreambro","LOCALS",0)~ + ~[PC] How about a bath? That water looks pretty inviting.~ + a2555 + ~Global("c-arstreambro","LOCALS",1)~ + ~[PC] Swimming might be fun.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arstreambro","LOCALS",2)~ + a2561 + ~Global("c-arstreambro","LOCALS",2)~ + ~[PC] Go on, you take a swim. You stood guard last time while I swam, so fair is fair.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arstreambro","LOCALS",3)~ + a2562 ++ ~[PC] My relaxation involves a bit of card playing, a little dice rolling, and perhaps a few coins changing hands, not standing around getting wet and muddy.~ + a2573 + ~Global("c-arstreambro","LOCALS",0)~ + ~[PC] Do me a favor, and avoid going all moody and pensive. There is enough of that going around already.~ + a2237 + ~Global("c-arstreambro","LOCALS",1)~ + ~[PC] Swimming might be fun.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arstreambro","LOCALS",2)~ + a2561 + ~Global("c-arstreambro","LOCALS",2)~ + ~[PC] Go on, you take a swim. You stood guard last time while I swam, so fair is fair.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arstreambro","LOCALS",3)~ + a2562 ++ ~[PC] Staring at the water seems a poor substitute for getting roaring drunk.~ + a2568 ++ ~[PC] There is no time to relax. The challenges we face demand constant vigilance.~ + a2565 ++ ~[PC] I am not paying you to stand around 'thinking'. Get back on the job, now.~ + a2570 END IF ~~ a2555 SAY ~[ARAN] Well, now, if you were a right spritely little female, I might just go for it, eh? I mean, I be flattered, but when someone asks about th' whole bath thing, I suspect there be romantic intentions.~ = ~[ARAN] An' you be fine, for a fellow, but I wear th' flower over the other ear. No offense meant to you, eh?~ ++ ~[PC] Oh, get over yourself. You are not that attractive. I like smart, funny, strong men. And you just don't measure up.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arstreambro","LOCALS",1)~ + a2556 ++ ~[PC] So you think that if I ask you about hitting the sauna and sharing a talk, I prefer females for romance, but if I ask about bathing, I prefer males for romance?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arstreambro","LOCALS",1)~ + a2556 ++ ~[PC] Whoa, not my intention. Just asking, because you smell really, really bad. Forget I said anything.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arstreambro","LOCALS",1)~ + a2557 ++ ~[PC] Spritely little female? Nah. I prefer strong, independent women. I guess it is all about what excites you.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arstreambro","LOCALS",1)~ + a2557 ++ ~[PC] My choice exactly. A pair of sparkling eyes, lips that laugh and dance when she speaks, the soft smooth curve of her neck, the bewitching little ear peeking from behind her lustrous hair...~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arstreambro","LOCALS",1)~ + a2558 ++ ~[PC] Your joke is in poor taste. You should think before speaking, if that piece of rock you carry on your shoulders can actually process thought.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arstreambro","LOCALS",1)~ + a2560 END IF ~~ a2556 SAY ~[ARAN] Hey, not my business. You be a powerful an' adventurous leader, an' I think a right decent friend, even when we don't quite always be seein' eye to eye. But I done got this thing about women. They just make me all crazy-like.~ ++ ~[PC] I never realized you were so backwards and closed-minded. You look at gender, not personality? How silly.~ + a2559 ++ ~[PC] There is more to life than trivial distinctions about romantic partners, Aran. Pity you do not understand that.~ + a2558 ++ ~[PC] They drive me wild too. No harm done, just a little miscommunication, that is all.~ + a2558 ++ ~[PC] Brotherly love is dead. I guess splashing around when you are a boy is fun, but we get a little older, and all anyone thinks about is 'is this about sex?'.~ + a2557 ++ ~[PC] I wouldn't want you that way anyways. I prefer my men to be much more attractive. You are just too coarse and ugly.~ + a2559 ++ ~[PC] Since when are we this friendly? I suggested we get clean. I case you haven't figured this out, when I "suggest" something, it is an order.~ + a2560 END IF ~~ a2563 SAY ~[ARAN] I get a mite bit pensive from time to time. Th' problem with bein' tied to a life o' combat is that you get th' adrenaline rush, an' the focus on th' moment, but then when combat be over you get th' downside.~ ++ ~[PC] So you are a little depressed?~ + a2564 ++ ~[PC] That is easy to fix - just never stop fighting. Then you never lose that rush.~ + a2565 ++ ~[PC] I know what you mean. So you just find some water, and watch it?~ + a2566 ++ ~[PC] Gods, get ahold of yourself. If you can't take the pressure, I can find someone to take your place.~ + a2569 END IF ~~ a2564 SAY ~[ARAN] Aye. But it will pass. I can do th' job, an' I think I do it right well. But after a bit, it starts to make me wonder why we bother. Kill a few odd opponents, loot their cooling corpses, an' chalk up a victory. Seems like there should be more to it than that.~ ++ ~[PC] Of course there is. We are fighting for a purpose, and that purpose is worthy of the battles required to accomplish those goals.~ + a2567 ++ ~[PC] Why look for purpose? You see something that gets in your way, you kill it, you win. End of story.~ + a2567 ++ ~[PC] Let me think about the big picture. You worry about killing the opposition.~ + a2567 ++ ~[PC] We bother because we are alive. Chaos does not require anything more than our being willing to get in there and mix things up.~ + a2567 ++ ~[PC] You think too much.~ + a2567 ++ ~[PC] Are you having some kind of mid-career crisis? Should I get you to a god brothel and let you get it out of your system?~ + a2568 END IF ~~ a2569 SAY ~[ARAN] You know, you be a real arsehole, sometimes. I come down here lookin' for a mite bit o' time to reflect, an' you come down all high an' mighty an' tell me I can't handle th' job, an' threaten to replace me? Kelemvor's Scythe, you got a funny way of inspirin' th' troops.~ ++ ~[PC] Hey, the truth hurts. Get yourself together, or I will drop you and replace you with someone who actually has testicles.~ + a2570 ++ ~[PC] We are alone, so I will let that slide... once. Now shut up and soldier, soldier.~ + a2570 ++ ~[PC] Look, you can handle the job. Just stop worrying about the bigger picture. That's my job, not yours.~ + a2567 ++ ~[PC] Yes, I can be that way sometimes. I just don't understand why you get all bent out of shape over doing what you do best - killing things. I would think it would be something you want to do every single day.~ + a2565 END IF ~~ a2571 SAY ~[ARAN] Just tryin' to clear my head a mite. I like water - it be right peaceful to look at.~ ++ ~[PC] I agree. It is a nice change of pace to watch something that isn't trying to watch us back.~ + a2572 END IF ~~ a2557 SAY ~[ARAN] Right. No harm done, eh? You go get that bath. Me, I'm in an' out quick-like, to wash a mite o' th' grime off o' myself, an' then I be lookin' to make some time wi' a lass.~ = ~[ARAN] Hope those glances she was sendin' were on account o' lust, not on account o' the way I smell. Wish me luck!~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a2558 SAY ~[ARAN] Sune's Warded Heart! Boyo, you be in love! Or at least a mite bit o' lust. Easy there! You go get that bath. An' make sure the water is stone cold, or you will be havin' a right hard time lacin' everythin' in, if ye catch my meanin'!~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a2559 SAY ~[ARAN] If you say so, you got th' rights to your opinion. But for me, th' sight o' a gently curved neck, pert little bosom, or mayhap just a bit o' bare leg be enough to make me have to think about my business right smart, an' stay focused.~ = ~[ARAN] I see a right handsome fellow, all lean an' strong a' wi' a dashing eye, an' I think 'now that be a right good lad for a fight, but I needs get him hooked up proper, on account o' I don't want to be wingman while he gets all th' lasses'. A good handsome man, he just don't get me all hot an' bothered, like.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a2560 SAY ~[ARAN] Sir, yes sir. I'll get on that right away. Think before speakin', an' do what you say when you say it.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a2561 SAY ~[ARAN] Not for me, not right now. That water looks cold enough what to shrivel a man up somethin' fierce. But you go on ahead, an' I'll stand guard. You never know when some bushwhackin' bastard will take advantage o' th' opportunity to separate a man from his armor, then his head from his body, eh?~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a2562 SAY ~[ARAN] Now, that be right kind o' you. Just let me know if some enterprisin' young female comes 'round th' bend, so I can put on a good show, eh? Damn, but adventurin' makes a man smell like a mule what's been cooped up in a stable for a week.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a2565 SAY ~[ARAN] Nah... you get too tired doin' that. I had a campaign where we fought a skirmish for two weeks straight. Bloody orcs an' kobolds, playin' hide an' seek wi' an occasional fire arrow tucked up someone's arse. It felt like several years got loaded onto my shoulders.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a2566 SAY ~[ARAN] There be somethin' comfortin' in th' slow movement. Peaceful. It works for a time, 'til I find myself analyzin' exactly what could be comin' out of th' water, from what direction, an' what tactics might be needed for killin' it.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a2567 SAY ~[ARAN] You have a point. Th' part I like about not bein' a leader is that I get th' comfort o' some other poor sod makin' the tough calls an' focusin' on th' bigger picture. But sometimes it be good to clear my brain by just standin' here an' watchin' ripples an' waves, an' then th' big thoughts come crowdin' in. Sometimes I envy folks what have no brains at all.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a2568 SAY ~[ARAN] Well, if you be buyin', hells yes! But there be no real need. I just need a mite bit o' time starin' out at wind an' water, lettin' thoughts come an' go as they please.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a2570 SAY ~[ARAN] Right. Understood. Stop thinkin'. Just act. I done forgot I am a poor substitute for a Simalcrum spell, an' I should let you do all my thinkin' for me. My place be th' silent sellsword, an' I should be happy you bother to talk to me, oh great Child o' Bhaal. If your Worship will excuse me, I needs be sharpenin' my weapons.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a2572 SAY ~[ARAN] Aside from all th' elementals, gensai, nerids, fish, snails, poisonous snakes, an' whatever else be lurkin' just below th' surface, eh?~ = ~[ARAN] But I get your point. It be right peaceful.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a2573 SAY ~[ARAN] Well, hells... I'll be gettin' th' cards. You go get your coin. Never did see any point to worryin' when there were to be some good game to take th' mind off of what be botherin' it!~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END /* stream 2 female */ IF ~~ a792 SAY ~[ARAN] (The bank is slippery, with rocks strewn haphazardly about. There is little to see, until the sharp sound of singing draws your attention. Aran calls out to you as he treads water...~ = ~[ARAN] Hey, warn a lad, eh? I didn't rightly hear you.~ ++ ~[PC] Going for a swim?~ + a3261 ++ ~[PC] That looks very... inviting.~ + a3262 ++ ~[PC] That looks very... cold.~ + a3263 ++ ~[PC] Tactical error on your part, I think. This bundle of clothes seems to belong to you, yet you are all the way over there.~ + a3264 ++ ~[PC] You enjoy yourself. I'm headed back to camp. Don't catch cold.~ + a3278 ++ ~[PC] (Sit on the bank, watching him.)~ + a3265 END IF ~~ a3261 SAY ~[ARAN] Well, it surely do look that way, eh? You could join me, but I figure I ought to warn you I wasn't expectin' no company. So I didn't take naught in th' way o' precautions for modesty.~ ++ ~[PC] Modesty is overrated. (Strip off your clothing and dive into the water next to him.)~ + a3266 ++ ~[PC] I don't mind. (Strip down to your underthings and carefully wade out into the water.)~ + a3267 ++ ~[PC] Tactical error on your part, I think. This bundle of clothes seems to belong to you, yet you are all the way over there.~ + a3264 ++ ~[PC] (Sit on the bank, watching him.)~ + a3265 ++ ~[PC] That looks very... inviting.~ + a3268 ++ ~[PC] That looks very... cold.~ + a3268 END IF ~~ a3262 SAY ~[ARAN] Well, it is. Feels good to have a swim, it does. You could join me, but I figure I ought to warn you I wasn't expectin' no company. So I didn't take naught in th' way o' precautions for modesty.~ ++ ~[PC] Tactical error on your part, I think. This bundle of clothes seems to belong to you, yet you are all the way over there.~ + a3264 ++ ~[PC] (Sit on the bank, watching him.)~ + a3265 ++ ~[PC] It looks like it might be fun.~ + a3268 ++ ~[PC] That also looks very... cold.~ + a3268 ++ ~[PC] Modesty is overrated. (Strip off your clothing and dive into the water next to him.)~ + a3266 ++ ~[PC] I don't mind. (Strip down to your underthings and carefully wade out into the water.)~ + a3267 END IF ~~ a3263 SAY ~[ARAN] Oi, watch where you be directin' that gaze, eh? You could join me, but I figure I ought to warn you I wasn't expectin' no company. So I didn't take naught in th' way o' precautions for modesty.~ ++ ~[PC] Tactical error on your part, I think. This bundle of clothes seems to belong to you, yet you are all the way over there.~ + a3264 ++ ~[PC] (Sit on the bank, watching him.)~ + a3265 ++ ~[PC] That looks very... inviting.~ + a3268 ++ ~[PC] Very cold, I think.~ + a3268 ++ ~[PC] Modesty is overrated. (Strip off your clothing and dive into the water next to him.)~ + a3266 ++ ~[PC] I don't mind. (Strip down to your underthings and carefully wade out into the water.)~ + a3267 END IF ~~ a3264 SAY ~[ARAN] You wouldn't.~ ++ ~[PC] (Grin at him, and pick up the bundle of clothes.)~ + a3269 ++ ~[PC] Perhaps I might, perhaps I might not. But to assure you I am a woman of good conscience, I will leave some hostages as a token of my goodwill. (Strip slowly, carefully, putting your clothes next to his before wading in toward him.)~ + a3266 ++ ~[PC] I wouldn't do anything as rash as... ooops. Sorry. I think they fell in the water.~ + a3275 ++ ~[PC] (Strip off your clothing and dive into the water next to him.)~ + a3266 ++ ~[PC] No, I wouldn't. But you should have seen your face. (Sit on the bank, watching him.)~ + a3265 END IF ~~ a3265 /* pc on bank */ SAY ~[ARAN] (His grin is broad as he swims away from you, long lean arms flicking a fine spray of water droplets into the air.)~ = ~[ARAN] (He settles into a steady rhythm for awhile, powerful stokes speeding him along, occasionally exposing a brief flash of buttock as he turns. Eventually, he slows and treads water, studying you.)~ ++ ~[PC] What are you looking at?~ + a3272 ++ ~[PC] Come on, we should get going.~ + a3278 ++ ~[PC] You enjoy yourself. I'm headed back to camp. Don't catch cold.~ + a3278 ++ ~[PC] You call that swimming?~ + a3280 END IF ~~ a3266 SAY ~[ARAN] Now I don't know whether to be happy on account o' you have th' most beautiful breasts a man ever did see, or unhappy on account o' you just splashed me.~ ++ ~[PC] You know, that was a little forward. We are just having a swim.~ + a3267 ++ ~[PC] (Swim to him and snuggle close to his back.) There. Now you can't see anything. Modesty is preserved.~ EXIT /* ADULT_LAND PLACEHOLDER */ ++ ~[PC] (Swim to him and face him, wrapping your arms around his neck.) Are you sure they are beautiful?~ EXIT /* ADULT_LAND PLACEHOLDER */ ++ ~[PC] (Swim to him and wrap your arms around his neck.) ~ EXIT /* ADULT_LAND PLACEHOLDER */ ++ ~[PC] Oh, forget it. You always spoil things with your clumsy passes. I'm headed back to camp.~ + a3278 END IF ~~ a3267 /* pc in water */ SAY ~[ARAN] (His grin is broad as he swims away from you, long lean arms flicking a fine spray of water droplets into the air.)~ = ~[ARAN] (He settles into a steady rhythm for awhile, powerful stokes speeding him along, occasionally exposing a brief flash of buttock as he turns. Eventually, he slows and treads water, studying you.)~ ++ ~[PC] What are you looking at?~ + a3272 ++ ~[PC] Come on, we should get going.~ + a3278 ++ ~[PC] You enjoy yourself. I'm headed back to camp. Don't catch cold.~ + a3278 ++ ~[PC] Hey, I didn't say I would swim. You keep going. I'm just going to relax here.~ + a3277 END IF ~~ a3268 SAY ~[ARAN] Well, are you goin' to join me, or just be on th' look out?~ ++ ~[PC] (Strip off your clothing and dive into the water next to him.)~ + a3266 ++ ~[PC] (Strip down to your underthings and carefully wade out into the water.)~ + a3267 ++ ~[PC] You enjoy yourself. I'm headed back to camp. Don't catch cold.~ + a3278 ++ ~[PC] You go ahead and swim. I will just keep watch.~ + a3277 END IF ~~ a3269 SAY ~[ARAN] Now, wait a blighted second, here. You wouldn't be so mean as to make me come out an' get 'em, would you?~ ++ ~[PC] (Hide the clothes behind your back, and nod.)~ + a3270 ++ ~[PC] You wouldn't dare. You don't have any clothes on.~ + a3270 ++ ~[PC] Perhaps I might, perhaps I might not. But to assure you I am a woman of good conscience, I will leave some hostages as a token of my goodwill. (Strip slowly, carefully, putting your clothes next to his before wading in toward him.)~ + a3266 ++ ~[PC] No, I wouldn't. But you should have seen your face. (Sit on the bank, watching him.)~ + a3265 END IF ~~ a3270 SAY ~[ARAN] (His gaze is steady on your face as he swims to shore and begins to climb out. Rivulets of water cascade down his cheeks and chest, droplets leading lower and lower.) ~ ++ ~[PC] (Throw his clothes in his general direction and flee back to camp.)~ + a3276 ++ ~[PC] (Keep your eyes on his face as he walks toward you.)~ + a3271 ++ ~[PC] Come and get them. Wait... never mind, because they are out there! (Throw his clothes into the water.)~ + a3275 ++ ~[PC] (Watch his progress with interest.)~ EXIT /* ADULT_LAND PLACEHOLDER */ END IF ~~ a3271 SAY ~[ARAN] Now, then. These clothes might just be mine, eh? Hand 'em over.~ ++ ~[PC] (Throw his clothes in his general direction and flee back to camp.)~ + a3276 ++ ~[PC] Come and get them. Wait... never mind, because they are out there! (Throw his clothes into the water.)~ + a3275 ++ ~[PC] (Lean forward, bringing every possible bit of you into contact with him, and smile into his face.)~ EXIT /* ADULT_LAND PLACEHOLDER */ END IF ~~ a3272 SAY ~[ARAN] I don't rightly know. But then again, somehow I think you don't rightly know either.~ ++ ~[PC] What do you mean by that?~ + a3273 ++ ~[PC] You enjoy yourself. I'm headed back to camp. Don't catch cold.~ + a3278 ++ ~[PC] Leave the deep thoughts to others, Aran. I don't need the hassle.~ + a3278 ++ ~[PC] Aran Whitehand, soldier, sailor, scribe... you will break your own rhyming scheme if you add philosopher.~ + a3274 END IF ~~ a3273 SAY ~[ARAN] Nothin'. Just I don't think you know what you be wantin'.~ ++ ~[PC] I know what I want, and it isn't you.~ + a3277 ++ ~[PC] And you do?~ + a3279 ++ ~[PC] You enjoy yourself. I'm headed back to camp. Don't catch cold.~ + a3278 ++ ~[PC] Leave the deep thoughts to others, Aran. I don't need the hassle.~ + a3278 ++ ~[PC] I might know what I want, but just be hiding it. Perhaps I will tell you someday. Perhaps not.~ + a3277 END IF ~~ a3274 SAY ~[ARAN] No deep philosophy here. Just observational intelligence gatherin' an' a keen sense o' how I feel when you be unhappy.~ ++ ~[PC] What does my happiness have to do with you?~ + a3273 ++ ~[PC] You let me worry about my happiness. You concentrate on keeping me alive.~ + a3277 ++ ~[PC] Look, let's just get back to camp. This whole conversation is not really interesting me at all.~ + a3278 END IF ~~ a3275 SAY ~[ARAN] Sune's Sounds an' Scents! (His diving and crashing toward his clothes sends odd echoes bouncing everywhere.)~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a3276 SAY ~[ARAN] Coward!~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a3277 SAY ~[ARAN] Suit yourself. I won't be much longer.~ = ~[ARAN] (His lean form cuts back into the water like a dolphin, and he speeds his way away from you.)~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a3278 SAY ~[ARAN] I'll be along in a bit. I needs be gettin' dried off an' dressed, but I have a few laps to finish off first.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a3279 SAY ~[ARAN] Sometimes I do, an' sometimes I don't.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a3278 END IF ~~ a3280 SAY ~[ARAN] Yes, I do. What be botherin' you, eh?~ ++ ~[PC] Nothing. Except... Look, nothing. You swim. I'll just watch.~ + a3277 ++ ~[PC] I don't know. But it might be better if someone just holds me for awhile. No funny business, and you better wrap up well in that towel.~ + a3281 ++ ~[PC] Look, let's just get back to camp. This whole conversation is not really interesting me at all.~ + a3278 ++ ~[PC] I don't know how to ask for what I want.~ + a3282 END IF ~~ a3281 SAY ~[ARAN] (Aran swims to the bank and pulls his towel free of his clothing, wrapping himself as he comes out of the water. In a few quick strides he is beside you, his arms enfolding you in a comfortable embrace. You stand there together for a time, the world held at bay, with the occasional drip of water droplets falling against your cheek.)~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a3282 SAY ~[ARAN] What be wrong wi' just plain askin' it?~ ++ ~[PC] Nothing. Except... Look, nothing. You swim. I'll just watch.~ + a3277 ++ ~[PC] I don't know. But it might be better if someone just holds me for awhile. No funny business, and you better wrap up well in that towel.~ + a3281 ++ ~[PC] Look, let's just get back to camp. This whole conversation is not really interesting me at all.~ + a3278 ++ ~[PC] I... I want to feel loved.~ + a3283 ++ ~[PC] I want you to make love to me.~ + a3677 /* ROM_TWO_ACTION_HEAT_CLOSE_FACE */ END IF ~~ a3283 SAY ~[ARAN] Now, that be a fine thought, an' it takes courage to ask. But there be more than one way o' lovin'. Somethin' tells me you want someone to stay beside you an' let you know you be important.~ ++ ~[PC] You don't understand me at all. I enjoy the power of control and the respect fear brings. But right now, I just want someone to hold me and tell me that I am actually important to them.~ + a3281 ++ ~[PC] You don't understand. I want someone to make passionate love to me. I want to feel special. I want you to stop splashing about and pay attention to me.~ EXIT /* ADULT_LAND PLACEHOLDER */ ++ ~[PC] Is it too much to ask that you just come up here and kiss me?~ + a3285 ++ ~[PC] You don't understand. That figures. Look, I can't have this conversation. You stay here. I will see you back at camp.~ + a3284 END IF ~~ a3284 SAY ~[ARAN] Now, wait... ~ = ~[ARAN] Blighted hells. I just don't rightly understand women, naught one, not one bit.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a3285 SAY ~[ARAN] (Aran swims to the bank and pulls his towel free of his clothing, wrapping himself as he comes out of the water. In a few quick strides he is beside you, his arms enfolding you in a comfortable embrace. His lips meet yours, warmth contracting with the chilled water droplets that fall about you. You stand there together for a time, the world held at bay.)~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END /* stream 2 male */ IF ~~ a793 SAY ~[ARAN] I didn't see you down here. Sneakin' up on a lad, eh?~ + ~Global("c-arstreambro","LOCALS",0)~ + ~[PC] How about a bath? That water looks pretty inviting.~ + a2555 + ~Global("c-arstreambro","LOCALS",1)~ + ~[PC] Swimming might be fun.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arstreambro","LOCALS",2)~ + a2561 + ~Global("c-arstreambro","LOCALS",2)~ + ~[PC] Go on, you take a swim. You stood guard last time while I swam, so fair is fair.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arstreambro","LOCALS",3)~ + a2562 ++ ~[PC] I don't have to sneak up on you... you appear lost in contemplation. Or are you just trying to think?~ + a2563 ++ ~[PC] Just checking on you. Any particular reason you are wandering off alone?~ + a2571 ++ ~[PC] You would not have to relax if you stopped worrying and let me do the thinking.~ + a2574 + ~Global("c-arstreambro","LOCALS",0)~ + ~[PC] Here. Take a swig of this. I personally think it is the most horrible thing I have ever tasted, but it is guaranteed to punch you in the gut.~ + a2235 + ~Global("c-arstreambro","LOCALS",1)~ + ~[PC] What you really need is a willing woman and a night under the stars.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arstreambro","LOCALS",2)~ + a2236 + ~Global("c-arstreambro","LOCALS",2)~ + ~[PC] That water looks calm, cool, and very very still.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arstreambro","LOCALS",3)~ + a2238 ++ ~[PC] I am not paying you to stand around 'thinking'. Get back on the job.~ + a2574 END IF ~~ a2574 SAY ~[ARAN] You know, there be times when I be my own man, eh? Just leave me alone for a bit, an' I'll be back on task an' rarin' to go kill th' next band o' idiots what think they can take us on.~ = ~[ARAN] But just for a minute, I want no part o' drinkin', fightin', swearin', wanderin', or any other kin o' " 'in " th' gods can come up with. I just want to be alone wi' my thoughts.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a2235 SAY ~[ARAN] *cough* Bane's Brazen Bony Backside, that does hit th' spot. I may need somethin' else to stop it burnin' a hole in my stomach, though. What th' distiller put in there - ankheg spittle?~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a2236 SAY ~[ARAN] Sune's Tempestuous Tits, boyo, starlight be romantic, but you don't want a grassy field for that sort o' recreation. Th' grass tickles, th' ground be cold an' hard, an' I won't even start discussin' th' ants.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a2237 SAY ~[ARAN] Hells no. I like water, an I like th' way it calms me down, but you won't hear me complainin' to loudly an' whinin' on an' on. For one thing, I be alive to complain. That sure as all hells beats th' alternative, in my book.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a2238 SAY ~[ARAN] Aye, it do. I'd step back a bit. Usually that happens right before some unspeakably hideous creature lunges out o' th' depths lookin' for a snack.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END /* Inn #3 */ IF ~~ a2575 SAY ~[ARAN] (He is not looking in your direction as you approach.)~ IF ~Global("c-araninn3","LOCALS",0)~ THEN GOTO a1387 IF ~Global("c-araninn3","LOCALS",1)~ THEN GOTO a2989 IF ~Global("c-araninn3","LOCALS",2)~ THEN GOTO a2990 END IF ~~ a1387 SAY ~[ARAN] (As you move toward him, Aran abruptly rises, pushes his way aggressively into the back kitchen.)~ = ~[ARAN] (The chatter of patrons partially masks sharp voices and curses in several languages, and then a sharp clatter of pots signals silence. Aran's angry tones can be heard clearly over the resulting hush.)~ = ~[ARAN] Either make th' meal correct, wi' none o' that sawdust instead o' flour, or I'll have th' Watch on you. You cheat me an' mine own, an' you will wish you was never born. Understand?~ = ~[ARAN] I don't rightly mind eatin' rat on a stick for a copper or two, but th' least you could do is cook th' rat right proper, an' season it to taste.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-araninn3","LOCALS",1)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a2989 SAY ~[ARAN] (He turns toward you, looking up into your face, a curious smile playing about his lips.)~ ++ ~[PC] What are you grinning at?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-araninn3","LOCALS",2)~ + a2991 ++ ~[PC] Get me a drink.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-araninn3","LOCALS",2)~ + a2992 ++ ~[PC] (Smile back at him.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-araninn3","LOCALS",2)~ + a2993 ++ ~[PC] Now I know why the barmaids give you such service. When you smile, it lights up the room.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-araninn3","LOCALS",2)~ + a2994 ++ ~[PC] You won't be smiling after I tell you why I am here. You need to go clean up our gear. Leather doesn't keep itself supple without maintenance, you know.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-araninn3","LOCALS",2)~ + a2995 END IF ~~ a2990 SAY ~[ARAN] Now, to what do I owe th' honor o' your visit, m'lady?~ ++ ~[PC] I... I just wanted a little company. Can I sit here?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-araninn3","LOCALS",0)~ + a2996 ++ ~[PC] I'm no lady, and what little honor I had was gone long ago. But I'd like a drink, and you are sitting here, so I thought I would put one and one together and come up with two.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-araninn3","LOCALS",0)~ + a2997 ++ ~[PC] I would really like to just sit here a moment, and listen to everything going on.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-araninn3","LOCALS",0)~ + a2998 ++ ~[PC] I saw a handsome man, I saw an empty seat, and I thought 'why not join him'.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-araninn3","LOCALS",0)~ + a2999 ++ ~[PC] You need to go on a resupply run, right now. You have used up most of the best cooking supplies.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-araninn3","LOCALS",0)~ + a3000 END IF ~~ a2991 SAY ~[ARAN] Hey, when a lovely lass walks up to me, it be a hard thing not to smile, eh?~ ++ ~[PC] Flattery will get you everywhere.~ + a2999 ++ ~[PC] Flattery will get you nowhere.~ + a2999 ++ ~[PC] You think I look pretty? I always thought my lips were too small and my thighs were too big.~ + a3001 ++ ~[PC] Do you have to put your feet up on the table? People eat and drink here, you know.~ + a3002 ++ ~[PC] Get me a drink, you silly boy.~ + a2992 ++ ~[PC] Gods, when are you going to learn how to speak?~ + a3003 END IF ~~ a2992 SAY ~[ARAN] A drink, aye. Mayhap two. Or three. Hells, let's be gettin' a bottle, an' invitin' some o' th' other folks standin' around. Life be short, an' times be dreary. Might as well have a good party while we can, eh?~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a2993 SAY ~[ARAN] (He nods to a seat next to him, and pushes a drink toward you. He smiles over the rim of the mug as he silently raises it in your honor.)~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a2994 SAY ~[ARAN] When you be smilin', there be naught else in th' universe worth watchin'.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a2995 SAY ~[ARAN] Aye, don't that be th' truth. Aran Whitehand: scribin', swordplay, leatherwork, boots blacked, clothes mended, burial services, healin' services, pack mule... hells, I be a one-man Trade Guild. Mayhap I'd better ask for a raise in pay, eh?~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a2996 SAY ~[ARAN] It would be right kind o' you to do so. I was just passin' time, an' havin' a pretty woman sit near a lad makes him feel special, somehow.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a2997 SAY ~[ARAN] Math be one o' my strong points. I think I will duck now, on account o' you are about to box my ears, but I just got to be sayin' it... usually when it be a man an' a woman makin one plus one, th' equation results in a range o' one to eight, or seventeen if you be gnomish!~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a2998 SAY ~[ARAN] There be an art to people-watchin', which we both apparently share, eh? I like guessin' what they each do when they be normal instead o' tryin' to impress everyone. Small, local bars be much more interestin', as everyone already knows everyone, so any new person what walks in be a showstopper. Well, cheers to sittin' an' watchin', eh?~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a2999 SAY ~[ARAN] Now, flattery will get you everywhere you want to go, an' mayhap places you have never tried. But I know better than to press my luck right now. I 'd be right happy to spend a little time wi' you, just watchin' th' patrons make fools o' themselves.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a3000 SAY ~[ARAN] Well, I'll be a... Right. Understood. I was just finishin' up this here drink anyways. I be on it.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a3001 SAY ~[ARAN] Well, now, to correctly appreciate your view o' such things, you are goin' to have to let me explore both o' those areas right careful, so I can give you a right proper evaluation...~ = ~[ARAN] Right, right. Don't be lookin' at me like that, . I be right sorry on that choice o' words!~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a3002 SAY ~[ARAN] True enough. Luckily, th' alcohol kills anythin' what th' boots might bring in, an' th' food tastes like th' inside o' a shoe, so I be improvin' th' place, eh?~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a3003 SAY ~[ARAN] Mayhap never. You know, some might say this be my strong suit. I may sound like trade-speakin' riffraff, but that just puts people in th' mind that I be poor o' education an' thinkin' power. An' when they let their guard down, whammo - I twist 'em up right proper in their own contract's words, goin' 'Oh, me? I just be th' hired help, is all. I didn't rightly realize that it meant I get three bonus shares an' first call on your daughter if you done backed out!'.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END /* Top States For Baths */ /* Bath Panel */ IF ~~ a2270 /* BATH : Repeater */ SAY ~[ARAN] (The wooden doors to the baths are warped with moisture, but open readily enough.)~ /* No Actions Taken */ IF ~Global("c-aranbathing","LOCALS",0) Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",0)~ THEN GOTO a4580 IF ~Global("c-aranbathing","LOCALS",1) Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",0)~ THEN GOTO a4581 IF ~Global("c-aranbathing","LOCALS",2) Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",0)~ THEN GOTO a4582 /* Kissing */ IF ~Global("c-aranbathing","LOCALS",0) Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",1)~ THEN GOTO a4583 IF ~Global("c-aranbathing","LOCALS",1) Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",1)~ THEN GOTO a4584 IF ~Global("c-aranbathing","LOCALS",2) Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",1)~ THEN GOTO a4585 /* More Than Kissing */ IF ~Global("c-aranbathing","LOCALS",0) Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",2)~ THEN GOTO a4586 IF ~Global("c-aranbathing","LOCALS",1) Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",2)~ THEN GOTO a4587 IF ~Global("c-aranbathing","LOCALS",2) Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",2)~ THEN GOTO a4588 /* Much More Than Kissing But Not Everything */ IF ~Global("c-aranbathing","LOCALS",0) Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",3)~ THEN GOTO a4589 IF ~Global("c-aranbathing","LOCALS",1) Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",3)~ THEN GOTO a4590 IF ~Global("c-aranbathing","LOCALS",2) Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",3)~ THEN GOTO a4591 /* Serious Lovers */ IF ~Global("c-aranbathing","LOCALS",0) Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",4)~ THEN GOTO a4592 IF ~Global("c-aranbathing","LOCALS",1) Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",4)~ THEN GOTO a4593 IF ~Global("c-aranbathing","LOCALS",2) Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",4)~ THEN GOTO a4594 IF ~RandomNum(6,5)~ THEN GOTO a4523 IF ~RandomNum(6,6)~ THEN GOTO a4595 END /* Bath Entries From Flirts */ IF ~~ a2273 /* BATH #2: L0 BATH FLIRT */ SAY ~[ARAN] (A quick pair of iron tradebars to the attendant changes hands, and the man leaves quickly. Aran gestures grandly towards the waiting baths.)~ = ~[ARAN] After you, . Not that you be more dirty or anythin'. Just ladies first, eh? Only one thing, though - should I be watchin' th' door, or just standin' outside?~ ++ ~[PC] You wait outside and make sure no one comes in. I need some time alone.~ + a4601 ++ ~[PC] Watch the door, watch me, it makes no difference.~ + a4603 ++ ~[PC] I wanted to take a bath with you. After all, I need someone to scrub my back.~ + a4629 ++ ~[PC] I know this is moving very quickly for you, but a woman has needs. And right now, I need kissing.~ + a4607 ++ ~[PC] I... I think I have lost my nerve. I do not know why I asked you here.~ + a4617 ++ ~[PC] (Strip quickly and efficently, lowering yourself into the warm water of the bath.)~ + a4630 END IF ~~ a2274 /* BATH #2: L1 BATH FLIRT 2 */ SAY ~[ARAN] (A quick pair of iron tradebars to the attendant changes hands, and the man leaves quickly. Aran gestures grandly towards the waiting baths.)~ = ~[ARAN] After you, . Not that you be more dirty or anythin'. Just ladies first, eh? Only one thing, though - were you talkin' about bathin'? I could use a kiss from those lips o' yours.~ ++ ~[PC] I have already had a taste of what you call "steamy pursuits", Aran. I am not interested in repeating that experience right now.~ + a4616 ++ ~[PC] You wash my back, I wash yours - no touching, no 'slipping on the soap' - just a nice, quiet bath where I can trust that nothing and no one will disturb me. I cannot be alert all day and night forever, you know.~ + a4631 ++ ~[PC] You wait outside and make sure no one comes in. I need some time alone.~ + a4601 ++ ~[PC] I very much enjoyed our last time together, so I won't rule out anything just yet. We should just see what happens.~ + a4604 ++ ~[PC] Watch the door, watch me, it makes no difference.~ + a4603 ++ ~[PC] (Strip quickly and efficently, lowering yourself into the warm water of the bath.)~ + a4630 END IF ~~ a2275 /* BATH #2: L2 BATH FLIRT 3 */ SAY ~[ARAN] (A quick pair of iron tradebars to the attendant changes hands, and the man leaves quickly. Aran gestures grandly towards the waiting baths.)~ = ~[ARAN] After you, . I do want to be clear, though, on one thing - were you talkin' about bathin', or more steamy pursuits? I have been dreamin' o' th' feel o' you. Mayhap we could do more than just splash about.~ ++ ~[PC] (Strip quickly and efficently, lowering yourself into the warm water of the bath.)~ + a4630 ++ ~[PC] You wait outside and make sure no one comes in. I need some time alone.~ + a4601 ++ ~[PC] Hmmm... perhaps that water should be a little colder. I see you may need to calm down a little.~ + a4608 ++ ~[PC] You wash my back, I wash yours - no touching, no 'slipping on the soap' - just a nice, quiet bath where I can trust that nothing and no one will disturb me. I cannot be alert all day and night forever, you know.~ + a4631 ++ ~[PC] What do you think? (Slowly disrobe, taking care to fold your clothes, settle yourself gently into the bath, allow the soap bubbles to trail along your body...)~ + a4630 ++ ~[PC] I have already had a taste of what you call "steamy pursuits", Aran. I am not interested in repeating that experience right now.~ + a4616 END IF ~~ a2276 /* BATH #2: L3 BATH FLIRT 4 */ SAY ~[ARAN] (A quick pair of iron tradebars to the attendant changes hands, and the man leaves quickly. Aran gestures grandly towards the waiting baths.)~ = ~[ARAN] After you, . I do want to be clear, though. Mayhap we could do more than just splash about. But th' sight o' you an' th' intimacy o' th' bath, well... it will be right hard for me, no pun intended. I think I want more than what we have been doin'.~ ++ ~[PC] Aran... I... No. I want to be with you, but not... not do everything that we can do.~ + a4601 ++ ~[PC] I trust you. If we both want something more to happen, it will. If I feel like we are going too far, you can stop.~ + a4629 ++ ~[PC] I have already had a taste of what you call "steamy pursuits", Aran. I am not interested in repeating that experience right now.~ + a4616 ++ ~[PC] I knew this was a mistake. I am already involved with someone else, but you keep pushing. You will completely expose our affair if we do anything in here at all. Are you capable of being a good friend, or should you leave now?~ + a4601 ++ ~[PC] (Strip quickly and efficently, lowering yourself into the warm water of the bath.)~ + a4630 ++ ~[PC] (Slowly disrobe, folding your clothes carefully, leaning over to run your hands over each ankle and stretch langorously... Settle yourself gently into the bath, allow the soap bubbles to trail along your body...)~ + a4630 END IF ~~ a2277 /* BATH #2: L4 BATH FLIRT 5 */ SAY ~[ARAN] (A quick pair of iron tradebars to the attendant changes hands, and the man leaves quickly. Aran gestures grandly towards the waiting baths.)~ = ~[ARAN] Right, then, m'lady, do you be teasin' me, or do you want more than a splash o' water? Or do I be readin' everythin' wrong, an' do you really truly want a bath?~ ++ ~[PC] Hmmm... perhaps that water should be a little colder. I see you may need to calm down a little.~ + a4608 ++ ~[PC] (Strip quickly and efficently, lowering yourself into the warm water of the bath.)~ + a4630 ++ ~[PC] Aran... we are completely alone, and I want you as much as you want me.~ + a4613 ++ ~[PC] You wait outside and make sure no one comes in. I need some time alone.~ + a4616 ++ ~[PC] I knew this was a mistake. I am already involved with someone else, but you keep pushing. You will completely expose our affair if we do anything in here at all. Are you capable of being a good friend, or should you leave now?~ + a4601 END IF ~~ a4523 /* Alternate (Original) Bathing State, for more Variety */ SAY ~[ARAN] (The trip is a short one. He looks keenly about, seeing the baths deserted, and quickly loops his belt to seal the door behind you both.) Aye, then, . Only I am a mite particular about security an' all, this bein' so public.~ = ~[ARAN] (He keeps his eyes averted from you as he strips, his back toward you, then in a quick motion leaps over the side of the tub and into the steamy water...)~ = ~[ARAN] (...and laughs when the resulting wave splashes around your feet and scatters across the floor.)~ = ~(The tub is a small space for more than two, but there is sufficient room for you both to only occasionally brush each other in passing, and the dense steam preserves some modesty.)~ ++ ~[PC] What are you doing? Get out of the tub this instant. You were supposed to watch the door and protect me.~ + a1809 ++ ~[PC] (Remove your clothing slowly, and hesitate over a button.) Aran... I could use your help, here. I seem to be having some trouble disrobing.~ + a1810 ++ ~[PC] (Turn your back to him, but disrobe completely, slipping into the water carefully).~ + a1811 ++ ~[PC] You are absolutely no fun. (Drop your clothing where it falls, and step into the tub quickly, wrapping your arms around his neck and sliding your body down his chest).~ + a1812 ++ ~[PC] (Turn your back to him and strip down to your underclothing, slipping into the water carefully and discreetly).~ + a1813 END /* Escape State And Followup For Baths Not Available (Delayed Gratification) */ IF ~~ a4595 SAY ~[ARAN] (There is little enough space in the crowded room, and many other bathers turn when you enter. Aran stands uncertainly at the door.)~ = ~[ARAN] Well, this be a right unhappy occurrence. I were hopin'...~ ++ ~[PC] Too crowded. I think we might try this another time.~ + a4596 ++ ~[PC] It is just a bath, Aran. What, did you think we were going to strip down and make wild love in the middle of a public area?~ + a4597 ++ ~[PC] Don't tell me the rough and ready Aran Whitehand is a litle shy.~ + a4598 ++ ~[PC] Oh, come on. It will be fun. Just think of all those people, watching our every move. Isn't it... exciting?~ + a4599 ++ ~[PC] (Hesitate, then turn and walk away without another word.)~ + a4600 END IF ~~ a4596 SAY ~[ARAN] Blighted good idea. I think I will come back later on when things be a mite less crowded. If this were down south an' west a ways, mayhap it would be fine, but this crowd looks a little too interested in other people's business for my tastes, eh?~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a4597 SAY ~[ARAN] Mayhap I was a mite bit silly thinkin' so, but you can't harm a lad for havin' wild thoughts, eh? As for what I was really thinkin'...~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a4598 SAY ~[ARAN] Well, I won't rightly say it, then. I think I will come back later on when things be a mite less crowded. If this were down south an' west a ways, mayhap it would be fine, but this crowd looks a little too interested in other people's business for my tastes.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a4599 SAY ~[ARAN] Not really. Not for me, anyways. If you want to go on an' bathe, you go ahead. But me, I am goin' to stay out. If you do go in, I'll keep my eyes open an' watch out for your safety. Things get this crowded, some folks start thinkin' a stray hand can be gotten away wi', an' I won't rightly have that go unpunished.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a4600 SAY ~[ARAN] Aye, that be th' right idea. I be right behind you.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END /* Escape : Aran Leaving The Area */ IF ~~ a4601 SAY ~[ARAN] Right. I done misunderstood. I am sorry, I must o' misjudged. I will watch th' door from the other side, an' make sure no one disturbs you.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a4689 END IF ~~ a4602 SAY ~[ARAN] But I... you...~ = ~[ARAN] Aye. I understand. There be times when anyone needs a mite bit o' alone time. I'll be about my business, then.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a4689 END /* Getting To Know You - Or Not. */ IF ~~ a4580 SAY ~[ARAN] (The baths are steaming hot. With no one else in attendance, you have the entire place to yourselves.)~ = ~[ARAN] Now, that be a right fine sight. A tall tub, a pile o' soft towels, an' enough steam to soften th' skin right fine.~ ++ ~[PC] I... I think I have lost my nerve. I do not know why I asked you here.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbathing","LOCALS",1)~ + a4617 + ~RandomNum(3,1)~ + ~[PC] Go ahead. I will just sit here and keep lookout.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbathing","LOCALS",1)~ + a4621 + ~RandomNum(3,2)~ + ~[PC] Go ahead. I will just sit here and keep lookout.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbathing","LOCALS",1)~ + a4622 + ~RandomNum(3,3)~ + ~[PC] Go ahead. I will just sit here and keep lookout.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbathing","LOCALS",1)~ + a4623 ++ ~[PC] (Strip quickly and efficently, lowering yourself into the warm water of the bath.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbathing","LOCALS",1)~ + a4630 ++ ~[PC] You wait outside and make sure no one comes in. I need some time alone.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbathing","LOCALS",1)~ + a4601 ++ ~[PC] I want to take a bath with you. After all, I need someone to scrub my back. But nothing else, Aran.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbathing","LOCALS",1)~ + a4629 ++ ~[PC] You could.... you could help me undress. If you wanted to.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbathing","LOCALS",1)~ + a4606 ++ ~[PC] (Slowly remove your clothing, 'accidentally' showing enough of your charms to pique his interest.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbathing","LOCALS",1)~ + a4605 END IF ~~ a4581 SAY ~[ARAN] (The lantern light flickers in the steam from the water, casting a warm glow about the room. You are completely alone.)~ ++ ~[PC] You wait outside and make sure no one comes in. I need some time alone.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbathing","LOCALS",2)~ + a4601 ++ ~[PC] I want to take a bath with you. After all, I need someone to scrub my back. But nothing else, Aran.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbathing","LOCALS",2)~ + a4629 + ~RandomNum(5,1)~ + ~[PC] Go ahead, Aran. I think I will just sit here and keep lookout.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbathing","LOCALS",2)~ + a4621 + ~RandomNum(5,2)~ + ~[PC] Go ahead, Aran. I think I will just sit here and keep lookout.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbathing","LOCALS",2)~ + a4622 + ~RandomNum(5,3)~ + ~[PC] Go ahead, Aran. I think I will just sit here and keep lookout.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbathing","LOCALS",2)~ + a4623 + ~RandomNum(5,4)~ + ~[PC] Go ahead, Aran. I think I will just sit here and keep lookout.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbathing","LOCALS",2)~ + a4624 + ~RandomNum(5,5)~ + ~[PC] Go ahead, Aran. I think I will just sit here and keep lookout.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbathing","LOCALS",2)~ + a4625 + ~RandomNum(5,5)~ + ~[PC] I don't know if this is moving too quickly for you, but the bath was just a way to get you alone. A woman has needs. And right now, I need kissing.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbathing","LOCALS",2)~ + a4641 + ~RandomNum(5,4)~ + ~[PC] I don't know if this is moving too quickly for you, but the bath was just a way to get you alone. A woman has needs. And right now, I need kissing.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbathing","LOCALS",2)~ + a3569 /* KISS_TIP_CHIN */ + ~RandomNum(5,3)~ + ~[PC] I don't know if this is moving too quickly for you, but the bath was just a way to get you alone. A woman has needs. And right now, I need kissing.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbathing","LOCALS",2)~ + a3570 /* KISS_PRESS_SALTY */ + ~RandomNum(5,2)~ + ~[PC] I don't know if this is moving too quickly for you, but the bath was just a way to get you alone. A woman has needs. And right now, I need kissing.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbathing","LOCALS",2)~ + a3573 /* KISS_SILENCE_STRAIGHTEN */ + ~RandomNum(5,1)~ + ~[PC] I don't know if this is moving too quickly for you, but the bath was just a way to get you alone. A woman has needs. And right now, I need kissing.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbathing","LOCALS",2)~ + a3575 /* KISS_CATCH_HANDS */ ++ ~[PC] I... I think I have lost my nerve. I do not know why I asked you here.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbathing","LOCALS",2)~ + a4617 ++ ~[PC] (Strip quickly and efficently, lowering yourself into the warm water of the bath.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbathing","LOCALS",2)~ + a4630 END IF ~~ a4582 SAY ~[ARAN] (Your towels are rough but clean, piled high beside the waiting water. You have the entire place to yourselves.)~ = ~[ARAN] A good soak be just th' right thing to wash away th' cares o' th' world, eh?~ ++ ~[PC] I want to take a bath with you. After all, I need someone to scrub my back. But nothing else, Aran.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbathing","LOCALS",0)~ + a4629 ++ ~[PC] (Walk up to him and take his hands, guiding them to begin removing your clothing.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbathing","LOCALS",0)~ + a4606 ++ ~[PC] You wait outside and make sure no one comes in. I need some time alone.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbathing","LOCALS",0)~ + a4601 + ~RandomNum(5,5)~ + ~[PC] The bath was just a way to get you alone. A woman has needs. And right now, I need kissing.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbathing","LOCALS",0)~ + a4641 + ~RandomNum(5,4)~ + ~[PC] The bath was just a way to get you alone. A woman has needs. And right now, I need kissing.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbathing","LOCALS",0)~ + a3569 /* KISS_TIP_CHIN */ + ~RandomNum(5,3)~ + ~[PC] The bath was just a way to get you alone. A woman has needs. And right now, I need kissing.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbathing","LOCALS",0)~ + a3570 /* KISS_PRESS_SALTY */ + ~RandomNum(5,2)~ + ~[PC] The bath was just a way to get you alone. A woman has needs. And right now, I need kissing.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbathing","LOCALS",0)~ + a3573 /* KISS_SILENCE_STRAIGHTEN */ + ~RandomNum(5,1)~ + ~[PC] The bath was just a way to get you alone. A woman has needs. And right now, I need kissing.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbathing","LOCALS",0)~ + a3575 /* KISS_CATCH_HANDS */ + ~RandomNum(3,1)~ + ~[PC] Go ahead. I will just sit here and keep lookout.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbathing","LOCALS",0)~ + a4623 + ~RandomNum(3,2)~ + ~[PC] Go ahead. I will just sit here and keep lookout.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbathing","LOCALS",0)~ + a4624 + ~RandomNum(3,3)~ + ~[PC] Go ahead. I will just sit here and keep lookout.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbathing","LOCALS",0)~ + a4625 END /* Getting To Know You - a Little Bit. */ IF ~~ a4583 SAY ~[ARAN] (The baths are steaming hot. With no one else in attendance, you have the entire place to yourselves.)~ = ~[ARAN] Now, that be a right fine sight. A tall tub, a pile o' soft towels, an' enough steam to soften th' skin right fine.~ ++ ~[PC] I... I think I have lost my nerve. I do not know why I asked you here. I mean, you are... I am... oh, never mind.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbathing","LOCALS",1)~ + a4617 + ~RandomNum(3,1)~ + ~[PC] Go ahead. I will just sit here and keep lookout. I promise, I won't stare. Much.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbathing","LOCALS",1)~ + a4621 + ~RandomNum(3,2)~ + ~[PC] Go ahead. I will just sit here and keep lookout. I promise, I won't stare. Much.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbathing","LOCALS",1)~ + a4622 + ~RandomNum(3,3)~ + ~[PC] Go ahead. I will just sit here and keep lookout. I promise, I won't stare. Much.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbathing","LOCALS",1)~ + a4623 ++ ~[PC] (Strip quickly and efficently, lowering yourself into the warm water of the bath.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbathing","LOCALS",1)~ + a4630 ++ ~[PC] You wait outside and make sure no one comes in. I need some time alone.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbathing","LOCALS",1)~ + a4601 ++ ~[PC] I want to take a bath with you. After all, I need someone to scrub my back. But... nothing else, Aran. I like you. But I am not ready for more than a bath right now.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbathing","LOCALS",1)~ + a4629 ++ ~[PC] You could.... you could help me undress. If you wanted to.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbathing","LOCALS",1)~ + a4606 ++ ~[PC] (Slowly remove your clothing, 'accidentally' showing enough of your charms to pique his interest.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbathing","LOCALS",1)~ + a4605 END IF ~~ a4584 SAY ~[ARAN] (The lantern light flickers in the steam from the water, casting a warm glow about the room. You are completely alone.)~ ++ ~[PC] You wait outside and make sure no one comes in. I need some time alone.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbathing","LOCALS",2)~ + a4601 ++ ~[PC] I want to take a bath with you. After all, I need someone to scrub my back. But nothing else, Aran.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbathing","LOCALS",2)~ + a4629 + ~RandomNum(5,1)~ + ~[PC] Go ahead, Aran. I think I will just sit here and keep lookout.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbathing","LOCALS",2)~ + a4621 + ~RandomNum(5,2)~ + ~[PC] Go ahead, Aran. I think I will just sit here and keep lookout.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbathing","LOCALS",2)~ + a4622 + ~RandomNum(5,3)~ + ~[PC] Go ahead, Aran. I think I will just sit here and keep lookout.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbathing","LOCALS",2)~ + a4623 + ~RandomNum(5,4)~ + ~[PC] Go ahead, Aran. I think I will just sit here and keep lookout.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbathing","LOCALS",2)~ + a4624 + ~RandomNum(5,5)~ + ~[PC] Go ahead, Aran. I think I will just sit here and keep lookout.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbathing","LOCALS",2)~ + a4625 + ~RandomNum(5,5)~ + ~[PC] I don't know if this is moving too quickly for you, but the bath was just a way to get you alone. A woman has needs. And right now, I need kissing.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbathing","LOCALS",2)~ + a4641 + ~RandomNum(5,4)~ + ~[PC] I don't know if this is moving too quickly for you, but the bath was just a way to get you alone. A woman has needs. And right now, I need kissing.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbathing","LOCALS",2)~ + a3569 /* KISS_TIP_CHIN */ + ~RandomNum(5,3)~ + ~[PC] I don't know if this is moving too quickly for you, but the bath was just a way to get you alone. A woman has needs. And right now, I need kissing.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbathing","LOCALS",2)~ + a3570 /* KISS_PRESS_SALTY */ + ~RandomNum(5,2)~ + ~[PC] I don't know if this is moving too quickly for you, but the bath was just a way to get you alone. A woman has needs. And right now, I need kissing.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbathing","LOCALS",2)~ + a3573 /* KISS_SILENCE_STRAIGHTEN */ + ~RandomNum(5,1)~ + ~[PC] I don't know if this is moving too quickly for you, but the bath was just a way to get you alone. A woman has needs. And right now, I need kissing.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbathing","LOCALS",2)~ + a3575 /* KISS_CATCH_HANDS */ ++ ~[PC] I... I do not know why I asked you here. I think you are... interesting. But I don't want to do anything more than have a bath.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbathing","LOCALS",2)~ + a4617 ++ ~[PC] (Strip quickly and efficently, lowering yourself into the warm water of the bath.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbathing","LOCALS",2)~ + a4630 END IF ~~ a4585 SAY ~[ARAN] (Your towels are rough but clean, piled high beside the waiting water. You have the entire place to yourselves.)~ = ~[ARAN] A good soak be just th' right thing to wash away th' cares o' th' world, eh?~ ++ ~[PC] I want to take a bath with you. After all, I need someone to scrub my back. But nothing else, Aran. I like you. I am not denying the attraction. But I am not ready for more.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbathing","LOCALS",0)~ + a4629 ++ ~[PC] (Walk up to him and take his hands, guiding them to begin removing your clothing.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbathing","LOCALS",0)~ + a4606 ++ ~[PC] You wait outside and make sure no one comes in. I need some time alone.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbathing","LOCALS",0)~ + a4601 + ~RandomNum(5,5)~ + ~[PC] The bath was just a way to get you alone. A woman has needs. And right now, I need kissing.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbathing","LOCALS",0)~ + a4641 + ~RandomNum(5,4)~ + ~[PC] The bath was just a way to get you alone. A woman has needs. And right now, I need kissing.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbathing","LOCALS",0)~ + a3569 /* KISS_TIP_CHIN */ + ~RandomNum(5,3)~ + ~[PC] The bath was just a way to get you alone. A woman has needs. And right now, I need kissing.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbathing","LOCALS",0)~ + a3570 /* KISS_PRESS_SALTY */ + ~RandomNum(5,2)~ + ~[PC] The bath was just a way to get you alone. A woman has needs. And right now, I need kissing.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbathing","LOCALS",0)~ + a3573 /* KISS_SILENCE_STRAIGHTEN */ + ~RandomNum(5,1)~ + ~[PC] The bath was just a way to get you alone. A woman has needs. And right now, I need kissing.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbathing","LOCALS",0)~ + a3575 /* KISS_CATCH_HANDS */ + ~RandomNum(3,1)~ + ~[PC] Go ahead. I will just sit here and keep lookout.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbathing","LOCALS",0)~ + a4623 + ~RandomNum(3,2)~ + ~[PC] Go ahead. I will just sit here and keep lookout.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbathing","LOCALS",0)~ + a4624 + ~RandomNum(3,3)~ + ~[PC] Go ahead. I will just sit here and keep lookout.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbathing","LOCALS",0)~ + a4625 END /* Getting To Know You - A Little More. */ IF ~~ a4586 SAY ~[ARAN] (The baths are steaming hot. With no one else in attendance, you have the entire place to yourselves.)~ = ~[ARAN] Now, that be a right fine sight. A tall tub, a pile o' soft towels, an' enough steam to soften th' skin right fine.~ ++ ~[PC] I... I know that things are happening between us... but I do not know why I asked you here right now.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbathing","LOCALS",1)~ + a4617 + ~RandomNum(3,1)~ + ~[PC] Go ahead. I will just sit here and keep lookout. I hear the view might be good.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbathing","LOCALS",1)~ + a4621 + ~RandomNum(3,2)~ + ~[PC] Go ahead. I will just sit here and keep lookout. I hear the view might be good.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbathing","LOCALS",1)~ + a4622 + ~RandomNum(3,3)~ + ~[PC] Go ahead. I will just sit here and keep lookout. I hear the view might be good.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbathing","LOCALS",1)~ + a4623 ++ ~[PC] (Strip quickly and efficently, lowering yourself into the warm water of the bath.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbathing","LOCALS",1)~ + a4630 ++ ~[PC] You wait outside and make sure no one comes in. I need some time alone.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbathing","LOCALS",1)~ + a4601 ++ ~[PC] I want to take a bath with you. After all, I need someone to scrub my back. But nothing else, Aran. I know we have flirted, and kissed, but I am not ready for more right now.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbathing","LOCALS",1)~ + a4629 ++ ~[PC] You could.... you could help me undress. If you wanted to.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbathing","LOCALS",1)~ + a4606 ++ ~[PC] (Slowly remove your clothing, 'accidentally' showing enough of your charms to pique his interest.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbathing","LOCALS",1)~ + a4605 END IF ~~ a4587 SAY ~[ARAN] (The lantern light flickers in the steam from the water, casting a warm glow about the room. You are completely alone.)~ ++ ~[PC] You wait outside and make sure no one comes in. I need some time alone.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbathing","LOCALS",2)~ + a4601 ++ ~[PC] I want to take a bath with you. After all, I need someone to scrub my back. But nothing else, Aran. I don't know if I trust myself to stick to just kissing right now.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbathing","LOCALS",2)~ + a4629 + ~RandomNum(5,1)~ + ~[PC] Go ahead, Aran. I think I will just sit here and keep lookout. I always wanted to see what you look like when you aren't covered in grime and dust.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbathing","LOCALS",2)~ + a4621 + ~RandomNum(5,2)~ + ~[PC] Go ahead, Aran. I think I will just sit here and keep lookout. I always wanted to see what you look like when you aren't covered in grime and dust.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbathing","LOCALS",2)~ + a4622 + ~RandomNum(5,3)~ + ~[PC] Go ahead, Aran. I think I will just sit here and keep lookout. I always wanted to see what you look like when you aren't covered in grime and dust.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbathing","LOCALS",2)~ + a4623 + ~RandomNum(5,4)~ + ~[PC] Go ahead, Aran. I think I will just sit here and keep lookout. I always wanted to see what you look like when you aren't covered in grime and dust.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbathing","LOCALS",2)~ + a4624 + ~RandomNum(5,5)~ + ~[PC] Go ahead, Aran. I think I will just sit here and keep lookout. I always wanted to see what you look like when you aren't covered in grime and dust.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbathing","LOCALS",2)~ + a4625 + ~RandomNum(5,5)~ + ~[PC] Oh, silly.. the bath was just a way to get you alone. A woman has needs. And right now, I need kissing. And perhaps a liitle more.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbathing","LOCALS",2)~ + a4641 + ~RandomNum(5,4)~ + ~[PC] Oh, silly.. the bath was just a way to get you alone. A woman has needs. And right now, I need kissing. And perhaps a liitle more.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbathing","LOCALS",2)~ + a3569 /* KISS_TIP_CHIN */ + ~RandomNum(5,3)~ + ~[PC] Oh, silly.. the bath was just a way to get you alone. A woman has needs. And right now, I need kissing. And perhaps a liitle more.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbathing","LOCALS",2)~ + a3570 /* KISS_PRESS_SALTY */ + ~RandomNum(5,2)~ + ~[PC] Oh, silly.. the bath was just a way to get you alone. A woman has needs. And right now, I need kissing. And perhaps a liitle more.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbathing","LOCALS",2)~ + a3573 /* KISS_SILENCE_STRAIGHTEN */ + ~RandomNum(5,1)~ + ~[PC] Oh, silly.. the bath was just a way to get you alone. A woman has needs. And right now, I need kissing. And perhaps a liitle more.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbathing","LOCALS",2)~ + a3575 /* KISS_CATCH_HANDS */ ++ ~[PC] I... I think I have lost my nerve. I do not know why I asked you here. Actually, I do... but I don't trust either of us to keep from going too far.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbathing","LOCALS",2)~ + a4617 ++ ~[PC] (Strip quickly and efficently, lowering yourself into the warm water of the bath.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbathing","LOCALS",2)~ + a4630 END IF ~~ a4588 SAY ~[ARAN] (Your towels are rough but clean, piled high beside the waiting water. You have the entire place to yourselves.)~ = ~[ARAN] A good soak be just th' right thing to wash away th' cares o' th' world, eh?~ ++ ~[PC] I want to take a bath with you. After all, I need someone to scrub my back. But nothing else, Aran. Not right now.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbathing","LOCALS",0)~ + a4629 ++ ~[PC] (Walk up to him and take his hands, guiding them to begin removing your clothing.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbathing","LOCALS",0)~ + a4606 ++ ~[PC] You wait outside and make sure no one comes in. I need some time alone.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbathing","LOCALS",0)~ + a4601 + ~RandomNum(5,5)~ + ~[PC] Aran... The bath was just a way to get you alone. A woman has needs. And right now, I need kissing.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbathing","LOCALS",0)~ + a4641 + ~RandomNum(5,4)~ + ~[PC] Aran... The bath was just a way to get you alone. A woman has needs. And right now, I need kissing.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbathing","LOCALS",0)~ + a3569 /* KISS_TIP_CHIN */ + ~RandomNum(5,3)~ + ~[PC] Aran... The bath was just a way to get you alone. A woman has needs. And right now, I need kissing.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbathing","LOCALS",0)~ + a3570 /* KISS_PRESS_SALTY */ + ~RandomNum(5,2)~ + ~[PC] Aran... The bath was just a way to get you alone. A woman has needs. And right now, I need kissing.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbathing","LOCALS",0)~ + a3573 /* KISS_SILENCE_STRAIGHTEN */ + ~RandomNum(5,1)~ + ~[PC] Aran... The bath was just a way to get you alone. A woman has needs. And right now, I need kissing.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbathing","LOCALS",0)~ + a3575 /* KISS_CATCH_HANDS */ + ~RandomNum(3,1)~ + ~[PC] Go ahead. Take your clothes off, by all means. I will just sit here and keep lookout.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbathing","LOCALS",0)~ + a4623 + ~RandomNum(3,2)~ + ~[PC] Go ahead. Take your clothes off, by all means. I will just sit here and keep lookout.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbathing","LOCALS",0)~ + a4624 + ~RandomNum(3,3)~ + ~[PC] Go ahead. Take your clothes off, by all means. I will just sit here and keep lookout.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbathing","LOCALS",0)~ + a4625 END /* Getting To Know You - Much More. */ IF ~~ a4589 SAY ~[ARAN] (The baths are steaming hot. With no one else in attendance, you have the entire place to yourselves.)~ = ~[ARAN] Now, that be a right fine sight. A tall tub, a pile o' soft towels, an' enough steam to soften th' skin right fine.~ + ~RandomNum(3,1)~ + ~[PC] Go ahead. I will just sit here and keep lookout. You do have an interesting body, and it might be fun to explore with just my eyes for once.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbathing","LOCALS",1)~ + a4621 + ~RandomNum(3,2)~ + ~[PC] Go ahead. I will just sit here and keep lookout. You do have an interesting body, and it might be fun to explore with just my eyes for once.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbathing","LOCALS",1)~ + a4622 + ~RandomNum(3,3)~ + ~[PC] Go ahead. I will just sit here and keep lookout. You do have an interesting body, and it might be fun to explore with just my eyes for once.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbathing","LOCALS",1)~ + a4623 ++ ~[PC] (Strip quickly and efficently, lowering yourself into the warm water of the bath.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbathing","LOCALS",1)~ + a4630 ++ ~[PC] You wait outside and make sure no one comes in. I need some time alone.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbathing","LOCALS",1)~ + a4601 ++ ~[PC] I want to take a bath with you. After all, I need someone to scrub my back. But nothing else, Aran.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbathing","LOCALS",1)~ + a4629 ++ ~[PC] You could.... you could help me undress. If you wanted to.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbathing","LOCALS",1)~ + a4606 ++ ~[PC] (Slowly remove your clothing, 'accidentally' showing enough of your charms to pique his interest.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbathing","LOCALS",1)~ + a4605 END IF ~~ a4590 SAY ~[ARAN] (The lantern light flickers in the steam from the water, casting a warm glow about the room. You are completely alone.)~ ++ ~[PC] You wait outside and make sure no one comes in. I need some time alone.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbathing","LOCALS",2)~ + a4601 ++ ~[PC] I want to take a bath with you. After all, I need someone to scrub my back. But nothing else, Aran.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbathing","LOCALS",2)~ + a4629 + ~RandomNum(5,1)~ + ~[PC] Go ahead, Aran. I think I will just sit here and keep lookout. Sometimes it is fun just to watch you move, you know.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbathing","LOCALS",2)~ + a4621 + ~RandomNum(5,2)~ + ~[PC] Go ahead, Aran. I think I will just sit here and keep lookout. Sometimes it is fun just to watch you move, you know.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbathing","LOCALS",2)~ + a4622 + ~RandomNum(5,3)~ + ~[PC] Go ahead, Aran. I think I will just sit here and keep lookout. Sometimes it is fun just to watch you move, you know.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbathing","LOCALS",2)~ + a4623 + ~RandomNum(5,4)~ + ~[PC] Go ahead, Aran. I think I will just sit here and keep lookout. Sometimes it is fun just to watch you move, you know.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbathing","LOCALS",2)~ + a4624 + ~RandomNum(5,5)~ + ~[PC] Go ahead, Aran. I think I will just sit here and keep lookout. Sometimes it is fun just to watch you move, you know.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbathing","LOCALS",2)~ + a4625 + ~RandomNum(5,5)~ + ~[PC] What bath? Oh, that was a cunning ruse. A woman has needs. And right now, I need kissing. And perhaps to feel very, very needed.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbathing","LOCALS",2)~ + a4641 + ~RandomNum(5,4)~ + ~[PC] What bath? Oh, that was a cunning ruse. A woman has needs. And right now, I need kissing. And perhaps to feel very, very needed.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbathing","LOCALS",2)~ + a3569 /* KISS_TIP_CHIN */ + ~RandomNum(5,3)~ + ~[PC] What bath? Oh, that was a cunning ruse. A woman has needs. And right now, I need kissing. And perhaps to feel very, very needed.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbathing","LOCALS",2)~ + a3570 /* KISS_PRESS_SALTY */ + ~RandomNum(5,2)~ + ~[PC] What bath? Oh, that was a cunning ruse. A woman has needs. And right now, I need kissing. And perhaps to feel very, very needed.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbathing","LOCALS",2)~ + a3573 /* KISS_SILENCE_STRAIGHTEN */ + ~RandomNum(5,1)~ + ~[PC] What bath? Oh, that was a cunning ruse. A woman has needs. And right now, I need kissing. And perhaps to feel very, very needed.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbathing","LOCALS",2)~ + a3575 /* KISS_CATCH_HANDS */ ++ ~[PC] (Strip quickly and efficently, lowering yourself into the warm water of the bath.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbathing","LOCALS",2)~ + a4630 END IF ~~ a4591 SAY ~[ARAN] (Your towels are rough but clean, piled high beside the waiting water. You have the entire place to yourselves.)~ = ~[ARAN] A good soak be just th' right thing to wash away th' cares o' th' world, eh?~ ++ ~[PC] I want to take a bath with you. After all, I need someone to scrub my back. But nothing else, Aran.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbathing","LOCALS",0)~ + a4629 ++ ~[PC] (Walk up to him and take his hands, guiding them to begin removing your clothing.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbathing","LOCALS",0)~ + a4606 ++ ~[PC] You wait outside and make sure no one comes in. I need some time alone.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbathing","LOCALS",0)~ + a4601 + ~RandomNum(5,5)~ + ~[PC] The bath was just a way to get you alone. A woman has needs. And right now, I need kissing.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbathing","LOCALS",0)~ + a4641 + ~RandomNum(5,4)~ + ~[PC] The bath was just a way to get you alone. A woman has needs. And right now, I need kissing.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbathing","LOCALS",0)~ + a3569 /* KISS_TIP_CHIN */ + ~RandomNum(5,3)~ + ~[PC] The bath was just a way to get you alone. A woman has needs. And right now, I need kissing.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbathing","LOCALS",0)~ + a3570 /* KISS_PRESS_SALTY */ + ~RandomNum(5,2)~ + ~[PC] The bath was just a way to get you alone. A woman has needs. And right now, I need kissing.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbathing","LOCALS",0)~ + a3573 /* KISS_SILENCE_STRAIGHTEN */ + ~RandomNum(5,1)~ + ~[PC] The bath was just a way to get you alone. A woman has needs. And right now, I need kissing.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbathing","LOCALS",0)~ + a3575 /* KISS_CATCH_HANDS */ + ~RandomNum(3,1)~ + ~[PC] Go ahead. I will just sit here and keep lookout. I refuse to answer what I am looking at, though.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbathing","LOCALS",0)~ + a4623 + ~RandomNum(3,2)~ + ~[PC] Go ahead. I will just sit here and keep lookout. I refuse to answer what I am looking at, though.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbathing","LOCALS",0)~ + a4624 + ~RandomNum(3,3)~ + ~[PC] Go ahead. I will just sit here and keep lookout. I refuse to answer what I am looking at, though.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbathing","LOCALS",0)~ + a4625 END /* I Know You. Do You Want To "Know Me" biblically? If I am in the mood, that is... */ IF ~~ a4592 SAY ~[ARAN] (The baths are steaming hot. With no one else in attendance, you have the entire place to yourselves.)~ = ~[ARAN] Now, that be a right fine sight. A tall tub, a pile o' soft towels, an' enough steam to soften th' skin right fine.~ + ~RandomNum(3,1)~ + ~[PC] Go ahead. I will just sit here. Hey, be careful with that! I might want to play with it later!~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbathing","LOCALS",1)~ + a4621 + ~RandomNum(3,2)~ + ~[PC] Go ahead. I will just sit here. Hey, be careful with that! I might want to play with it later!~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbathing","LOCALS",1)~ + a4622 + ~RandomNum(3,3)~ + ~[PC] Go ahead. I will just sit here. Hey, be careful with that! I might want to play with it later!~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbathing","LOCALS",1)~ + a4623 ++ ~[PC] (Strip quickly and efficently, lowering yourself into the warm water of the bath.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbathing","LOCALS",1)~ + a4630 ++ ~[PC] You wait outside and make sure no one comes in. I need some time alone.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbathing","LOCALS",1)~ + a4601 ++ ~[PC] I want to take a bath with you. After all, I need someone to scrub my back. But I am not really in a romantic mood, Aran.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbathing","LOCALS",1)~ + a4629 ++ ~[PC] You could.... you could help me undress. If you wanted to. You know how, and th e way your fingers feel on me...~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbathing","LOCALS",1)~ + a4606 ++ ~[PC] (Slowly remove your clothing, 'accidentally' showing enough of your charms to pique his interest.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbathing","LOCALS",1)~ + a4605 END IF ~~ a4593 SAY ~[ARAN] (The lantern light flickers in the steam from the water, casting a warm glow about the room. You are completely alone.)~ ++ ~[PC] You wait outside and make sure no one comes in. I need some time alone.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbathing","LOCALS",2)~ + a4601 ++ ~[PC] I want to take a bath with you. After all, I need someone to scrub my back. But nothing else, Aran... I am not in the mood right now.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbathing","LOCALS",2)~ + a4629 + ~RandomNum(5,1)~ + ~[PC] Go ahead, Aran. I think I will just sit here. There is so much to see...~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbathing","LOCALS",2)~ + a4621 + ~RandomNum(5,2)~ + ~[PC] Go ahead, Aran. I think I will just sit here. There is so much to see...~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbathing","LOCALS",2)~ + a4622 + ~RandomNum(5,3)~ + ~[PC] Go ahead, Aran. I think I will just sit here. There is so much to see...~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbathing","LOCALS",2)~ + a4623 + ~RandomNum(5,4)~ + ~[PC] Go ahead, Aran. I think I will just sit here. There is so much to see...~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbathing","LOCALS",2)~ + a4624 + ~RandomNum(5,5)~ + ~[PC] Go ahead, Aran. I think I will just sit here. There is so much to see...~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbathing","LOCALS",2)~ + a4625 + ~RandomNum(5,5)~ + ~[PC] Forget the bath. A woman has needs, and I want to feel very, very loved.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbathing","LOCALS",2)~ + a4641 + ~RandomNum(5,4)~ + ~[PC] Forget the bath. A woman has needs, and I want to feel very, very loved.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbathing","LOCALS",2)~ + a3569 /* KISS_TIP_CHIN */ + ~RandomNum(5,3)~ + ~[PC] Forget the bath. A woman has needs, and I want to feel very, very loved.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbathing","LOCALS",2)~ + a3570 /* KISS_PRESS_SALTY */ + ~RandomNum(5,2)~ + ~[PC] Forget the bath. A woman has needs, and I want to feel very, very loved.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbathing","LOCALS",2)~ + a3573 /* KISS_SILENCE_STRAIGHTEN */ + ~RandomNum(5,1)~ + ~[PC] Forget the bath. A woman has needs, and I want to feel very, very loved.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbathing","LOCALS",2)~ + a3575 /* KISS_CATCH_HANDS */ ++ ~[PC] (Strip quickly and efficently, lowering yourself into the warm water of the bath.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbathing","LOCALS",2)~ + a4630 END IF ~~ a4594 SAY ~[ARAN] (Your towels are rough but clean, piled high beside the waiting water. You have the entire place to yourselves.)~ = ~[ARAN] A good soak be just th' right thing to wash away th' cares o' th' world, eh?~ ++ ~[PC] I want to take a bath with you. After all, I need someone to scrub my back. But nothing else, Aran. Not tonight.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbathing","LOCALS",0)~ + a4629 ++ ~[PC] (Walk up to him and take his hands, guiding them to begin removing your clothing.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbathing","LOCALS",0)~ + a4606 ++ ~[PC] You wait outside and make sure no one comes in. I need some time alone.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbathing","LOCALS",0)~ + a4601 + ~RandomNum(5,5)~ + ~[PC] The bath was just a way to get you alone. A woman has needs. And right now, I need kissing. And touching. And feeling.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbathing","LOCALS",0)~ + a4641 + ~RandomNum(5,4)~ + ~[PC] The bath was just a way to get you alone. A woman has needs. And right now, I need kissing. And touching. And feeling.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbathing","LOCALS",0)~ + a3569 /* KISS_TIP_CHIN */ + ~RandomNum(5,3)~ + ~[PC] The bath was just a way to get you alone. A woman has needs. And right now, I need kissing. And touching. And feeling.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbathing","LOCALS",0)~ + a3570 /* KISS_PRESS_SALTY */ + ~RandomNum(5,2)~ + ~[PC] The bath was just a way to get you alone. A woman has needs. And right now, I need kissing. And touching. And feeling.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbathing","LOCALS",0)~ + a3573 /* KISS_SILENCE_STRAIGHTEN */ + ~RandomNum(5,1)~ + ~[PC] The bath was just a way to get you alone. A woman has needs. And right now, I need kissing. And touching. And feeling.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbathing","LOCALS",0)~ + a3575 /* KISS_CATCH_HANDS */ + ~RandomNum(3,1)~ + ~[PC] Go ahead. I will just sit here and keep lookout. Turnabout is fair play. I think you have seen, touched or kissed almost all of my body. Well, almost all...~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbathing","LOCALS",0)~ + a4623 + ~RandomNum(3,2)~ + ~[PC] Go ahead. I will just sit here and keep lookout. Turnabout is fair play. I think you have seen, touched or kissed almost all of my body. Well, almost all...~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbathing","LOCALS",0)~ + a4624 + ~RandomNum(3,3)~ + ~[PC] Go ahead. I will just sit here and keep lookout. Turnabout is fair play. I think you have seen, touched or kissed almost all of my body. Well, almost all...~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbathing","LOCALS",0)~ + a4625 END /* Reactions, Delays... From Initiating States */ IF ~~ a4603 SAY ~[ARAN] It makes a fair bit o' difference to me, it does. But if there be any question o' permissions, I will take th' better part o' valor, an' just watch you.~ ++ ~[PC] Given that your gaze seems to have trouble rising above my neck, I take it the view pleases you?~ + a4604 ++ ~[PC] The way you are looking at me is making me uncomfortable. Perhaps you should go.~ + a4601 ++ ~[PC] (Blush and turn away from him, hiding your charms.)~ + a4601 ++ ~[PC] (Blush and lower your eyelashes... but step into the tub, making sure that he can view your body to its best advantage.)~ + a4630 ++ ~[PC] Oh, no you don't. I have taken most of my clothes off already, and this water feels great. If I am to be wet and naked in front of you, then turnablout is fair play. Off with the clothes, boyo.~ + a4630 END IF ~~ a4604 SAY ~[ARAN] I... err... W-what did you be sayin'?~ ++ ~[PC] I see the way you are looking at me, Aran. But I can't do anything to help you right now. I am spoken for, and I intend to be faithful.~ + a4601 ++ ~[PC] I want to take a bath with you. After all, I need someone to scrub my back. But nothing else, Aran.~ + a4629 ++ ~[PC] You wait outside and make sure no one comes in. I need some time alone.~ + a4601 ++ ~[PC] I said, 'don't you want to get more comfortable, and join me in this nice warm water?''~ + a4630 + ~RandomNum(5,1)~ + ~[PC] (Cover your shoulders with a towel, and find a place to sit down.) I said I think I will just sit here and keep lookout.~ + a4621 + ~RandomNum(5,2)~ + ~[PC] (Cover your shoulders with a towel, and find a place to sit down.) I said I think I will just sit here and keep lookout.~ + a4622 + ~RandomNum(5,3)~ + ~[PC] (Cover your shoulders with a towel, and find a place to sit down.) I said I think I will just sit here and keep lookout.~ + a4623 + ~RandomNum(5,4)~ + ~[PC] (Cover your shoulders with a towel, and find a place to sit down.) I said I think I will just sit here and keep lookout.~ + a4624 + ~RandomNum(5,5)~ + ~[PC] (Cover your shoulders with a towel, and find a place to sit down.) I said I think I will just sit here and keep lookout.~ + a4625 END IF ~~ a4605 SAY ~[ARAN] (Aran's face burns with a fiery blush, and he coughs and quickly turns away.)~ ++ ~[PC] (Slip into the water.)~ + a4630 + ~RandomNum(5,1)~ + ~[PC] (Cover yourself with a towel, and find a place to sit down.) Go ahead, Aran. I think I will just sit here and keep lookout.~ + a4621 + ~RandomNum(5,2)~ + ~[PC] (Cover yourself with a towel, and find a place to sit down.) Go ahead, Aran. I think I will just sit here and keep lookout.~ + a4622 + ~RandomNum(5,3)~ + ~[PC] (Cover yourself with a towel, and find a place to sit down.) Go ahead, Aran. I think I will just sit here and keep lookout.~ + a4623 + ~RandomNum(5,4)~ + ~[PC] (Cover yourself with a towel, and find a place to sit down.) Go ahead, Aran. I think I will just sit here and keep lookout.~ + a4624 + ~RandomNum(5,5)~ + ~[PC] (Cover yourself with a towel, and find a place to sit down.) Go ahead, Aran. I think I will just sit here and keep lookout.~ + a4625 ++ ~[PC] (Giggle and turn to face him, submerging yourself except fr your face, peering coyly out of the water at him.)~ + a4630 ++ ~[PC] I think your eyes are about to fall out of your head. Come on in, the water is fine.~ + a4630 END IF ~~ a4606 SAY ~[ARAN] (His roughened hands are gentle as they tug and pull, freeing your body from the protection of your clothing.)~ ++ ~[PC] (Smile at him and gently move away, entering the water.)~ + a4630 ++ ~[PC] (Slip into the water.)~ + a4630 ++ ~[PC] Just a bath, Aran. You can scrub my back.~ + a4630 ++ ~[PC] Out. Go away. Wait... Stay. No. Curse this whole situation...~ + a4617 ++ ~[PC] I... I just want to be kissed. Please?~ + a4607 ++ ~[PC] HAH! I knew you were a born servant. You next training will be to scrub my back. Hurry up, I'm already half in the water...~ + a4630 END IF ~~ a4607 SAY ~[ARAN] Now that be an idea that I can sign on to right proper, I think.~ IF ~RandomNum(4,4)~ THEN GOTO a3575 /* KISS_CATCH_HANDS */ IF ~RandomNum(4,3)~ THEN GOTO a3569 /* KISS_TIP_CHIN */ IF ~RandomNum(4,2)~ THEN GOTO a3570 /* KISS_PRESS_SALTY */ IF ~RandomNum(4,1)~ THEN GOTO a3573 /* KISS_SILENCE_STRAIGHTEN */ END IF ~~ a4608 SAY ~[ARAN] Hey, sorry, I done misunderstood, is all. I can control myself right fine. I have had some experience in that department.~ ++ ~[PC] Experience?~ + a4609 ++ ~[PC] Good. And all that talk has let me get into this bath relatively modestly. Get in here and get some of the grime off of yourself.~ + a4631 ++ ~[PC] It may take some control on my part, too, but it is for the best. We do not want to start anything we can't finish. Or worse, we don't want to finish things already started.~ + a4611 ++ ~[PC] Look, bathing in a public bathhouse, no matter how deserted, just does not always mix well with romance. It just does not appeal to me. Find some other way of courting me, Aran.~ + a4601 ++ ~[PC] I see the way you look at me, Aran. But I can't do anything to help you right now. I am spoken for, and I intend to be faithful.~ + a4601 END IF ~~ a4609 SAY ~[ARAN] Look, this wouldn't be th' first time a lad found his blood runnin' hot, an' th' lass in question were less than interested.~ ++ ~[PC] And you have found ways of controlling yourself? I find that hard to believe. You can't even control your swearing.~ + a4610 ++ ~[PC] I think I will take a bath without all the talking about your past confusions and failures, thank you.~ + a4616 ++ ~[PC] Oh, I don't know... sometimes I want to be pushed, just a little.~ + a4611 ++ ~[PC] So I... I get your blood running hot?~ + a4614 ++ ~[PC] Who said I was less than interested?~ + a4612 END IF ~~ a4610 SAY ~[ARAN] That be naught in th' way o' fair. Swearin' don't rightly hurt nobody. Touchin' when it is not wanted, that hurts everybody, most o' all th' relationship between th' two in question, eh?~ ++ ~[PC] Oh, I don't know... sometimes I want to be pushed, just a little.~ + a4611 ++ ~[PC] So I... I get your blood running hot?~ + a4614 + ~RandomNum(5,1)~ + ~[PC] I think... I think I should sit this one out. Go ahead, Aran. I think I will just sit here and keep lookout.~ + a4621 + ~RandomNum(5,2)~ + ~[PC] I think... I think I should sit this one out. Go ahead, Aran. I think I will just sit here and keep lookout.~ + a4622 + ~RandomNum(5,3)~ + ~[PC] I think... I think I should sit this one out. Go ahead, Aran. I think I will just sit here and keep lookout.~ + a4623 + ~RandomNum(5,4)~ + ~[PC] I think... I think I should sit this one out. Go ahead, Aran. I think I will just sit here and keep lookout.~ + a4624 + ~RandomNum(5,5)~ + ~[PC] I think... I think I should sit this one out. Go ahead, Aran. I think I will just sit here and keep lookout.~ + a4625 /* advance talking */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Forget the bath. Come with me... sit on the edge, here. Don't you think it is about time that you kiss me?~ + a3446 /* ARAN_LEAD_1_ACTION */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",1)~ + ~[PC] Forget the bath. Come with me... sit on the edge, here. I think we need more lip practice. You start.~ + a3446 /* ARAN_LEAD_1_ACTION */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] Forget the bath. Come with me... sit on the edge, here. I want to feel your body under my fingertips again. I know you do, too, judging by the way your hand seems to be creeping up my thigh.~ + a3446 /* ARAN_LEAD_1_ACTION */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",3)~ + ~[PC] Forget the bath. Come with me... sit on the edge, here. I think we both need to get a little pleasure... or lot of pleasure...~ + a3446 /* ARAN_LEAD_1_ACTION */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",4)~ + ~[PC] Forget the bath. Come with me... sit on the edge, here. I wish we could find a way to be completely together right this very minute.~ + a3446 /* ARAN_LEAD_1_ACTION */ ++ ~[PC] Who said I was fair? Sometimes a girl just wants to have fun. Or tease a sellsword until he goes crazy.~ + a4612 END IF ~~ a4611 SAY ~[ARAN] Now, I don't rightly play that way. I mean, if we both be havin' fun, I am not one to press th' issue about others bein' involved, but if there be a question o' you feelin' uncomfortable, or if it be a situation where I be takin' unwanted liberties, then I will back right off.~ ++ ~[PC] What if they were wanted liberties?~ + a4612 ++ ~[PC] (Strip quickly and efficently, lowering yourself into the warm water of the bath.)~ + a4630 ++ ~[PC] (Slowly remove most of your clothing until your modesty is barely preserved by your smallclothes, and slip into the bathwater.)~ + a4634 ++ ~[PC] Look, bathing in a public bathhouse, no matter how deserted, just does not always mix well with romance. It just does not appeal to me. Find some other way of courting me, Aran.~ + a4601 ++ ~[PC] I see the way you look at me, Aran. But I can't do anything to help you right now. I am spoken for, and I intend to be faithful.~ + a4601 END IF ~~ a4612 SAY ~[ARAN] Then I say get th' last o' those coverin's off, an' let's get in this water wi' me right now!~ ++ ~[PC] (Turn your back to Aran, coyly peeking back over your shoulder as you disrobe. Cover your chest with your arms as you lower yourself into the warm water.)~ + a4630 ++ ~[PC] (Strip quickly and efficently, lowering yourself into the warm water of the bath.)~ + a4630 ++ ~[PC] (Slowly remove most of your clothing until your modesty is barely preserved by your smallclothes, and slip into the bathwater.)~ + a4630 ++ ~[PC] Look, bathing in a public bathhouse, no matter how deserted, just does not always mix well with romance. It just does not appeal to me. Find some other way of courting me, Aran.~ + a4601 ++ ~[PC] I see the way you look at me, Aran. But I can't do anything to help you right now. I am spoken for, and I intend to be faithful.~ + a4601 END IF ~~ a4613 SAY ~[ARAN] Now, that be nice to hear. An' even if you still have your slip on, once you are in that water it leaves not much to th' imagination.~ ++ ~[PC] What do you want to do?~ + a4639 ++ ~[PC] What slip?~ + a4644 ++ ~[PC] What does your imagination see?~ + a4684 + ~GlobalGT("c-aransex","GLOBAL",1)~ + ~[PC] Your tunic and trousers dropping away like that leaves little for me to imagine, either, but then again, I have seen it before.~ + a4701 + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",1)~ + ~[PC] Your tunic dropping away like that leaves little for me to imagine. And your trousers... I really excite you, don't I?~ + a4701 + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] I know I said I want you, but I should have some self-control. I have someone else I have a relationship with, and I should be faithful.~ + a4616 ++ ~[PC] No, I can't do this. This is all wrong. You need to leave~ + a4601 END IF ~~ a4701 SAY ~[ARAN] You do have a gift o' understatement, eh?~ + ~RandomNum(5,1)~ + ~[PC] On second thought, you bathe. I will stand watch.~ + a4621 + ~RandomNum(5,2)~ + ~[PC] On second thought, you bathe. I will stand watch.~ + a4622 + ~RandomNum(5,3)~ + ~[PC] On second thought, you bathe. I will stand watch.~ + a4623 + ~RandomNum(5,4)~ + ~[PC] On second thought, you bathe. I will stand watch.~ + a4624 + ~RandomNum(5,5)~ + ~[PC] On second thought, you bathe. I will stand watch.~ + a4625 ++ ~[PC] What about me makes your blood run hot, Aran?~ + a4615 ++ ~[PC] Well, join me in the bath, then. I am already in here. Let's just see what happens.~ + a4640 ++ ~[PC] Aran... I... You wait outside and make sure no one comes in. I need some time alone.~ + a4601 END IF ~~ a4614 SAY ~[ARAN] Aye.~ ++ ~[PC] What about me makes your blood run hot, Aran?~ + a4615 ++ ~[PC] (Blush, and look down.)~ + a4626 ++ ~[PC] Well, join me in the bath, then. I am already in here. Let's just see what happens.~ + a4640 ++ ~[PC] Aran... I... You wait outside and make sure no one comes in. I need some time alone.~ + a4601 END IF ~~ a4615 SAY ~[ARAN] Dearest gods, what a blighted question! Right, then... it be everythin'. Th' way you move. Th' way th' side o' your mouth turns when you be concentratin'. The curve o' your... err...~ ++ ~[PC] That is nice, Aran. It is nice to be admired, physically. But let's stick to getting clean, and save any physical attraction for when I am feeling more like a person and less like a wring out dishrag.~ + a4616 ++ ~[PC] (Blush, and look down.)~ + a4626 ++ ~[PC] Well, join me in the bath, then. I am already in here. I trust you. Let's just see what happens.~ + a4640 ++ ~[PC] Aran... I... You wait outside and make sure no one comes in. I need some time alone.~ + a4601 END /* Confusion States and followup */ IF ~~ a4616 SAY ~[ARAN] Right. Not that I be thrilled by that news, but I understand. We slip into th' water, an' I watch the door, not you.~ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] No, you do not understand. You need to leave.~ + a4601 + ~GlobalGT("c-aransex","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] No, you do not understand. You need to leave.~ + a4602 ++ ~[PC] You are so easy to manipulate. Why don't you take a look at what I am doing, not what I am saying?~ + a4617 + ~RandomNum(5,1)~ + ~[PC] On second thought, you bathe. I will stand watch.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbathing","LOCALS",2)~ + a4621 + ~RandomNum(5,2)~ + ~[PC] On second thought, you bathe. I will stand watch.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbathing","LOCALS",2)~ + a4622 + ~RandomNum(5,3)~ + ~[PC] On second thought, you bathe. I will stand watch.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbathing","LOCALS",2)~ + a4623 + ~RandomNum(5,4)~ + ~[PC] On second thought, you bathe. I will stand watch.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbathing","LOCALS",2)~ + a4624 + ~RandomNum(5,5)~ + ~[PC] On second thought, you bathe. I will stand watch.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbathing","LOCALS",2)~ + a4625 + ~GlobalGT("c-aransex","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Can't take a joke? I very much enjoyed our last time together, so I won't rule out anything just yet. We should just see what happens.~ + a4640 + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] I think we are going to leave things exactly as they are. Getting physically involved would cause too many complications. Perhaps this is a bad idea.~ + a4617 ++ ~[PC] I... I think I have lost my nerve. I do not know why I asked you here.~ + a4617 ++ ~[PC] (Strip quickly and efficently, lowering yourself into the warm water of the bath.)~ + a4630 END IF ~~ a4617 SAY ~[ARAN] Now you done got me confused. Do you want me to stay, or do you want me to go?~ ++ ~[PC] Well, my arm pointing towards the door, the look on my face, and my trying to keep myself completely covered... any clues yet? Or are all men just completely dense?~ + a4601 ++ ~[PC] I say what I want, and I mean what I say, except when I mean something different. Gods, look at your face... you are so fun to tease! Oh, I will have mercy on you. Go on, guard the door.~ + a4601 ++ ~[PC] I see the way you look at me, Aran, and it flatters me. I guess I just need to feel wanted. But I am spoken for, and I intend to be faithful.~ + a4601 ++ ~[PC] Out. Now.~ + a4601 ++ ~[PC] Both. I want you, but I don't want you.~ + a4618 ++ ~[PC] (Slowly remove most of your clothing until your modesty is barely preserved by your smallclothes, and slip into the bathwater.)~ + a4634 ++ ~[PC] Gods! This water is way too hot. I think I have scalded my legs already, and I am not sure I should get all the way in. How can you stand it?~ + a4649 END IF ~~ a4618 SAY ~[ARAN] That don't help on th' whole clarifyin' thing, eh?~ ++ ~[PC] Perhaps you can gain a clue about what I want from the way am looking at you. Or perhaps the way that one little nipple is peeking at you from between my fingers, just daring you to kiss it...~ + a4700 ++ ~[PC] My hands brushing across those lean hard stomach muscles might give you a hint. Or the fact that they seem to drift south to find something much harder...~ + a4700 ++ ~[PC] It is hard to miss a woman holding her nude body pressed against yours, even though you seem to have troubles with subtlety like that.~ + a4619 ++ ~[PC] I think you should go away. Now.~ + a4601 END IF ~~ a4619 SAY ~[ARAN] True enough. I have some troubles wi' subtlety. For instance, I know th' feel o' you pressed up against me like this be a gift o' th' gods. But there be this bath, an' I still don't rightly know if th' bath be a ruse or jut for afterwards, eh?~ ++ ~[PC] (Smile at him and gently move away, entering the water.)~ + a4630 ++ ~[PC] Just a bath, Aran. Come on, I am halfway into the water already. You can scrub my back. That was fun. You have such interesting reactions to my body.~ + a4630 ++ ~[PC] Wait... I have changed my mind. I see the way you are looking at me, Aran. But I can't do anything to help you right now. I am spoken for, and I intend to be faithful.~ + a4601 + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",1)~ + ~[PC] Shall I be forward? I want you to forget all about the bath, and just kiss me.~ + a3446 /* ARAN_LEAD_1_ACTION */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",1)~ + ~[PC] Shall I be forward? I want you to forget all about the bath, and just kiss me. I think my flirting with you has given you some sort of permission, don't you?~ + a3446 /* ARAN_LEAD_1_ACTION */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] Forget the bath. There is a nice pile of towels over there. I want to feel your body under my fingertips again. I know you do, too, judging by the way your hand seems to be creeping up my thigh.~ + a3446 /* ARAN_LEAD_1_ACTION */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",3)~ + ~[PC] Forget the bath. There is a nice pile of towels over there. I think we both need to get a little pleasure... or lot of pleasure...~ + a3446 /* ARAN_LEAD_1_ACTION */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",4)~ + ~[PC] Forget the bath. There is a nice pile of towels over there. I wish we could find a way to be completely together right this very minute.~ + a3446 /* ARAN_LEAD_1_ACTION */ /* advance no talking */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] (Tilt your head, pouting your lips slightly, and tip your face towards his.)~ + a3446 /* ARAN_LEAD_1_ACTION */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",1)~ + ~[PC] (Smile at him, bringing your nose to touch his, eye to eye, lips almost touching.)~ + a3446 /* ARAN_LEAD_1_ACTION */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] (Press your lips towards his as a distraction, while your fingers trace small circles along his body until you find a way to feel his warm bare skin under your fingertips.)~ + a3446 /* ARAN_LEAD_1_ACTION */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",3)~ + ~[PC] (Proffer your lips to him, your hands moving where they can find his bare skin, pulling him into an intimate embrace.)~ + a3446 /* ARAN_LEAD_1_ACTION */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",4)~ + ~[PC] (Bite your lip and look down the entire length of his body, blushing... and then look directly into his eyes, promising all.)~ + a3446 /* ARAN_LEAD_1_ACTION */ ++ ~[PC] (Fling your arms arond his neck and kiss him vigorously.)~ + a4651 END IF ~~ a4620 SAY ~[ARAN] Sune's Kisses. I done read th' situation wrong again. Though to be fair, th' whole friend thing gets muddy when there be bathin' in th picture. Probably my dirty mind, which won't rightly clean wi' water.~ = ~[ARAN] I'll just finish up here an' then we will switch. I'm right sorry, I am.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a4688 END /* PC wants Aran to get in water */ IF ~~ a4621 SAY ~[ARAN] Aye then, suit yourself. I have a right solid urge to soak for as long as I can.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a4627 END IF ~~ a4622 SAY ~[ARAN] Do you be sure? Th' water looks right fine, it do. Mayhap do you some good.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a4627 END IF ~~ a4623 SAY ~[ARAN] Oh, to be sure. There always needs to be a lookout, eh, on account o' that devious towel-monster what creeps up on an unsuspectin' lad an' gets him. I'll be much safer wi' you on duty, eh?~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a4627 END IF ~~ a4624 SAY ~[ARAN] I'd think you were just lookin' for a show, but somehow I think you got better ways o' elicitin' that kind o' thing, an' finer men what to see. But suit yourself.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a4627 END IF ~~ a4625 SAY ~[ARAN] Now that do take some o' th' fun out o' it for me, but I guess that be th' point, mayhap.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a4627 END IF ~~ a4626 SAY ~[ARAN] An' th' way you blush, too. That sets me afire, it do. But you didn't ask for all this talk, now, did you. Shall we get that bath started?~ ++ ~[PC] I see the way you are looking at me, Aran. But I can't do anything to help you right now. I am spoken for, and I intend to be faithful.~ + a4628 ++ ~[PC] Grow up, Aran. I bathe, you bathe, we all keep our hands to ourselves. No peeking!~ + a1817 // modestly discreetly ++ ~[PC] I think... I think right now I will keep my smallclothes on, and concentrate on getting clean.~ + a1817 // modestly discreetly ++ ~[PC] (Disrobe carefully, and lower yourself into the water.)~ + a4638 ++ ~[PC] (Wince as you step into the water, casually tossing aside your clothing.) Gods! This water is way too hot. I think I have scalded my legs already, and I am not sure I should get all the way in. How can you stand it?~ + a4649 ++ ~[PC] I see you are already in the water. I'll join you, but just for a bath, please.~ + a4631 END /* Aran Gets In Water Alone */ IF ~~ a4627 SAY ~[ARAN] (There is a tremendous splashing as he throws himself into the water, his clothing strewn about haphazardly beside the pile of towels nearby.)~ ++ ~[PC] I see the way you are looking at me, Aran. But I can't do anything to help you right now. I am spoken for, and I intend to be faithful.~ + a4628 + ~RandomNum(3,1)~ + ~[PC] Good to see you happy and getting clean. You definitely needed the relaxation.~ + a4686 + ~RandomNum(3,2)~ + ~[PC] There is more water, but it would be easier if you just kept the contents of that bath from covering the entire floor, you know.~ + a4687 + ~RandomNum(3,3)~ + ~[PC] Well, that was quite an entrance.~ + a4688 + ~RandomNum(3,1)~ + ~[PC] (Watch him move in the water, idly picking at your nails and adjusting your hair.)~ + a4686 + ~RandomNum(3,2)~ + ~[PC] (Let your gaze wander about the room, occasionally glancing at his movements in the bath.)~ + a4687 + ~RandomNum(3,3)~ + ~[PC] (Study his form closely, watching him move in the water.)~ + a4688 ++ ~[PC] (Remove the rest of your clothing and move into the water beside him. Hand him soap and a cloth, gathering your hair off of your neck and turning your back to him.)~ + a4648 ++ ~[PC] Oh, fine. Here... I will take these things off and get in there too. It looks too inviting.~ + a4631 ++ ~[PC] (Slowly remove most of your clothing until your modesty is barely preserved by your smallclothes, and slip into the bathwater.)~ + a4634 END IF ~~ a4628 SAY ~[ARAN] Aye, I do understand. It just seems to be my overactive imagination, on account o' I think I see hunger in your eyes when you be lookin' at me. A lad can dream, I guess. But IO am behavin' right proper, I am. See, this be me, just takin' a bath.~ IF ~RandomNum(3,1)~ THEN GOTO a4686 IF ~RandomNum(3,2)~ THEN GOTO a4687 IF ~RandomNum(3,3)~ THEN GOTO a4688 END IF ~~ a4629 SAY ~[ARAN] Right then. First one in's a blighted kobold, eh?~ = ~[ARAN] (There is little finesse in the removal of clothing, and the splash resulting from his exuberant entrance threatens to swamp the floor.)~ ++ ~[PC] Grow up, Aran. I bathe, you bathe, we all keep our hands to ourselves. No peeking!~ + a1817 // modestly discreetly ++ ~[PC] (Disrobe carefully, and lower yourself into the water.)~ + a4638 ++ ~[PC] (Slowly remove most of your clothing until your modesty is barely preserved by your smallclothes, and slip into the bathwater.)~ + a4634 ++ ~[PC] Gods! This water is way too hot. I think I have scalded my legs already, and I am not sure I should get all the way in. How can you stand it?~ + a4649 END /* PC is in the water without Aran */ /* Aran Joins PC In Water */ IF ~~ a4630 SAY ~[ARAN] (There is a tremendous splashing as he joins you, his clothing strewn about haphazardly beside the pile of towels nearby.)~ ++ ~[PC] I see the way you are looking at me, Aran. But I can't do anything to help you right now. I am spoken for, and I intend to be faithful.~ + a4601 ++ ~[PC] (Hand him soap and a cloth, gathering your hair off of your neck and turning your back to him.)~ + a4648 ++ ~[PC] Here. You have a huge welt on your back. Let me clean that up a little.~ + a4632 ++ ~[PC] (Gently begin cleaning his face, your fingers turning his jaw from side to side.)~ + a4633 END /* PC and Aran Have A Bath */ IF ~~ a4631 SAY ~[ARAN] (The water streams from the washcloth as you share the space, though you notice Aran's attention tends to stray your way from time to time.)~ ++ ~[PC] (Hand him soap and a cloth, gathering your hair off of your neck and turning your back to him.)~ + a4648 ++ ~[PC] (Surreptitiously watch him from the corner of your eye, admiring the play of water on his body.)~ + a4637 ++ ~[PC] (Cup your hands together and fill them with water, splashing and smoothing your hair back from your face.)~ + a4638 END IF ~~ a4632 SAY ~[ARAN] (The warm water splashes gently as you work, his bronzed back moving slightly under your tender ministrations.)~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a1857 END IF ~~ a4633 SAY ~[ARAN] (The warm water splashes gently as you work, his bronzed back moving slightly under your tender ministrations.)~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a1857 END IF ~~ a4634 SAY ~[ARAN] Aye, well... I will try not to look, on account o' th' water be doin' some wonderful things to those smallclothes, eh?~ /* advance talking */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] I... I don't mind. If you look, I mean.~ + a4635 + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",1)~ + ~[PC] Well... things do seem to be exposed, don't they?~ + a4635 + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] Hey, I want to be admired for my mind, not my body. Well, at least both my mind and body.~ + a4635 + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",3)~ + ~[PC] You just want all of this wet cloth off so you can explore more of my body.~ + a4636 + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",4)~ + ~[PC] So you like the way i look? Should I do this more often?~ + a4636 /* advance no talking */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] (Blush and look down, hands moving to cover what the water has revealed.)~ + a4635 + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",1)~ + ~[PC] (Blush and look down, pulling your shift out a little, making little attempt to hide yourself.)~ + a4635 + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] (Smile at him, arching your back and stretching, wwriggling a little to resettle the wet cloth.)~ + a4636 + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",3)~ + ~[PC] (Smile at him, and make a show of removing the smallclothes, slowly and deliberately exposing yourself to his admiring gaze.)~ + a4636 + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",4)~ + ~[PC] (Smile sweetly at him, and toss the smallclothes at his head.)~ + a4636 /* advance talking */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Forget the bath. Come with me... sit on the edge, here. Don't you think it is about time that you kiss me?~ + a3446 /* ARAN_LEAD_1_ACTION */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",1)~ + ~[PC] Forget the bath. Come with me... sit on the edge, here. I think we need more lip practice. You start.~ + a3446 /* ARAN_LEAD_1_ACTION */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] Forget the bath. Come with me... sit on the edge, here. I want to feel your body under my fingertips again. I know you do, too, judging by the way your hand seems to be creeping up my thigh.~ + a3446 /* ARAN_LEAD_1_ACTION */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",3)~ + ~[PC] Forget the bath. Come with me... sit on the edge, here. I think we both need to get a little pleasure... or lot of pleasure...~ + a3446 /* ARAN_LEAD_1_ACTION */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",4)~ + ~[PC] Forget the bath. Come with me... sit on the edge, here. I wish we could find a way to be completely together right this very minute.~ + a3446 /* ARAN_LEAD_1_ACTION */ /* advance no talking */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] (Sit on the edge, holding your hands out to him. Tilt your head, pouting your lips slightly, and tip your face towards his.)~ + a3446 /* ARAN_LEAD_1_ACTION */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",1)~ + ~[PC] (Sit on the edge, holding your hands out to him. Smile at him, bringing your nose to touch his, eye to eye, lips almost touching.)~ + a3446 /* ARAN_LEAD_1_ACTION */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] (Sit on the edge, holding your hands out to him. Press your lips towards his as a distraction, while your fingers trace small circles along his body until you find a way to feel his warm bare skin under your fingertips.)~ + a3446 /* ARAN_LEAD_1_ACTION */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",3)~ + ~[PC] (Sit on the edge, holding your hands out to him. Proffer your lips to him, your hands moving where they can find his bare skin, pulling him into an intimate embrace.)~ + a3446 /* ARAN_LEAD_1_ACTION */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",4)~ + ~[PC] (Sit on the edge, holding your hands out to him. Bite your lip and look down the entire length of his body, blushing... and then look directly into his eyes, promising all.)~ + a3446 /* ARAN_LEAD_1_ACTION */ END /* smallclothes passthroughs */ IF ~~ a4635 SAY ~[ARAN] You do know you be havin' a strong effect on me, right? I am havin' troubles thinkin' o' bathin'.~ ++ ~[PC] Why don't you get into the water with me and we can get washed up? Here, I can help with those. And... oh. Now I am really blushing.~ + a4637 ++ ~[PC] You splashed lots of water over the side when you got in, you know. I think I want to... HEY. Careful of where those hands are!~ + a4638 ++ ~[PC] (Bite your lower lip, and stand up fully in the water, pulling you smallclothes up over your head.)~ + a4637 ++ ~[PC] Aran... shhh. I just want a bath. This is too much for me, too fast.~ + a1817 ++ ~[PC] Control yourself, and think only of bathing.~ + a1817 END IF ~~ a4636 SAY ~[ARAN] I think you were placed on Toril to drive me mad wi' lust.~ IF ~RandomNum(3,1)~ GOTO a4637 IF ~RandomNum(3,2)~ GOTO a4638 IF ~RandomNum(3,3)~ GOTO a4639 END /* Aran Makes A Pass */ IF ~~ a4637 /* FROM ENTRY */ SAY ~[ARAN] You look right beautiful, all that water cascadin' everywhere. Mayhap... look, can I be a mite forward, an' kiss you?~ ++ ~[PC] I wish you would.~ + a4651 ++ ~[PC] (Nod silently, looking down and blushing.)~ + a4652 ++ ~[PC] Out. Get out and watch the door. I wanted a bath, not flirtation.~ + a4601 /* advance talking */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Forget the bath. Come with me... sit on the edge, here. Don't you think it is about time that you kiss me?~ + a3446 /* ARAN_LEAD_1_ACTION */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",1)~ + ~[PC] Forget the bath. Come with me... sit on the edge, here. I think we need more lip practice. You start.~ + a3446 /* ARAN_LEAD_1_ACTION */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] Forget the bath. Come with me... sit on the edge, here. I want to feel your body under my fingertips again. I know you do, too, judging by the way your hand seems to be creeping up my thigh.~ + a3446 /* ARAN_LEAD_1_ACTION */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",3)~ + ~[PC] Forget the bath. Come with me... sit on the edge, here. I think we both need to get a little pleasure... or lot of pleasure...~ + a3446 /* ARAN_LEAD_1_ACTION */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",4)~ + ~[PC] Forget the bath. Come with me... sit on the edge, here. I wish we could find a way to be completely together right this very minute.~ + a3446 /* ARAN_LEAD_1_ACTION */ /* advance no talking */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] (Sit on the edge, holding your hands out to him. Tilt your head, pouting your lips slightly, and tip your face towards his.)~ + a3446 /* ARAN_LEAD_1_ACTION */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",1)~ + ~[PC] (Sit on the edge, holding your hands out to him. Smile at him, bringing your nose to touch his, eye to eye, lips almost touching.)~ + a3446 /* ARAN_LEAD_1_ACTION */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] (Sit on the edge, holding your hands out to him. Press your lips towards his as a distraction, while your fingers trace small circles along his body until you find a way to feel his warm bare skin under your fingertips.)~ + a3446 /* ARAN_LEAD_1_ACTION */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",3)~ + ~[PC] (Sit on the edge, holding your hands out to him. Proffer your lips to him, your hands moving where they can find his bare skin, pulling him into an intimate embrace.)~ + a3446 /* ARAN_LEAD_1_ACTION */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",4)~ + ~[PC] (Sit on the edge, holding your hands out to him. Bite your lip and look down the entire length of his body, blushing... and then look directly into his eyes, promising all.)~ + a3446 /* ARAN_LEAD_1_ACTION */ ++ ~[PC] (Fling your arms around his neck, dragging him to the side and pulling yourself free of the bath. Kiss him vigorously.)~ + a4651 ++ ~[PC] No. Hey, you seem to be getting the wrong idea. You bathe. I will stand watch.~ + a4620 ++ ~[PC] I bathe, you bathe, we all keep our hands to ourselves. No peeking!~ + a1817 // modestly discreetly END IF ~~ a4638 SAY ~[ARAN] Now, that be a sight for sober eyes. Th' way th' water clings to you, an' th' way you move... I think you need a mite bit o' kissin', you do.~ ++ ~[PC] I think I do.~ + a4651 ++ ~[PC] (Nod silently, looking down and blushing.)~ + a4652 ++ ~[PC] Out. Get out and watch the door. I wanted a bath, not flirtation.~ + a4601 /* advance talking */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Don't you think it is about time that you back that talk up with some action?~ + a3446 /* ARAN_LEAD_1_ACTION */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",1)~ + ~[PC] Yes. I think we need more lip practice. You start.~ + a3446 /* ARAN_LEAD_1_ACTION */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] We could start there. Then I want to feel your body under my fingertips again. I know you do, too, judging by the way your hand seems to be creeping up my thigh.~ + a3446 /* ARAN_LEAD_1_ACTION */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",3)~ + ~[PC] Forget the bath. I think we both need to get a little pleasure... or lot of pleasure...~ + a3446 /* ARAN_LEAD_1_ACTION */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",4)~ + ~[PC] Forget the bath. There is a nice pile of towels over there. I think we could find a way to be completely together right this very minute.~ + a3446 /* ARAN_LEAD_1_ACTION */ /* advance no talking */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] (Tilt your head, pouting your lips slightly, and tip your face towards his.)~ + a3446 /* ARAN_LEAD_1_ACTION */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",1)~ + ~[PC] (Smile at him, bringing your nose to touch his, eye to eye, lips almost touching.)~ + a3446 /* ARAN_LEAD_1_ACTION */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] (Press your lips towards his as a distraction, while your fingers trace small circles along his body until you find a way to feel his warm bare skin under your fingertips.)~ + a3446 /* ARAN_LEAD_1_ACTION */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",3)~ + ~[PC] (Proffer your lips to him, your hands moving where they can find his bare skin, pulling him into an intimate embrace.)~ + a3446 /* ARAN_LEAD_1_ACTION */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",4)~ + ~[PC] (Bite your lip and look down the entire length of his body, blushing... and then look directly into his eyes, promising all.)~ + a3446 /* ARAN_LEAD_1_ACTION */ ++ ~[PC] On second thought, I am getting out. You bathe. I will stand watch.~ + a4688 ++ ~[PC] I bathe, you bathe, we all keep our hands to ourselves. No peeking!~ + a1817 // modestly discreetly END IF ~~ a4639 SAY ~[ARAN] Well, my clothes aren't much in th' way anymore, seein' as I damned near ripped 'em apart gettin' in here wi' you. I think I want to kiss that curve o' your neck right there, like this... ~ ++ ~[PC] (Laugh) Hey, that tickles!~ + a4647 ++ ~[PC] That feels... good. What else to you want to kiss?~ + a4681 + ~GlobalGT("c-aransex","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Come on, I want more than kisses. Relieve my tension. You know I like it rough and energetic.~ + a4683 + ~GlobalGT("c-aransex","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Where is the romance? I think you know what I like. When did all this become so playful? Slow down, and let's enjoy this together.~ + a4681 ++ ~[PC] I want more than kisses. Slow down, though, and be gentle. Good things come to he who waits... pun intended.~ + a4681 ++ ~[PC] Come on, I want more than kisses. Push my boundaries. Make me yours.~ + a4676 ++ ~[PC] Hey, too fast! I asked you what you wanted, but I did not say act on it. What were you thinking?~ + a4602 END IF ~~ a4640 SAY ~[ARAN] Now, you know, you might be makin' a mistake, thinkin' we can just see what comes up. If you could see what I be thinkin', you might not feel so safe.~ ++ ~[PC] Then don't tell me. I have had a rough time, and all I want is a safe, friendly bath. I feel safer with you being on guard. I do not need to know about your various lusts - only that you can control them.~ + a4601 ++ ~[PC] What does your imagination see?~ + a4684 ++ ~[PC] I know what happens. In fact, I can see it happening right now. Don't you think you should sheath that dagger?~ + a4693 END /* Delayed Gratification/Teasing */ IF ~~ a4641 SAY ~[ARAN] An' ol' Aran here be just a plaything for your amusement, eh? What if I told you I didn't want to kiss you right now?~ ++ ~[PC] You would be lying.~ + a4642 ++ ~[PC] (Turn away, hiding your face.)~ + a4643 + ~InParty(Player2) Gender(Player2,MALE) !Name("c-aran",Player2)~ + ~[PC] Well, perhaps I should just ask ...~ + a4642 + ~InParty(Player3) Gender(Player3,MALE) !Name("c-aran",Player3)~ + ~[PC] Well, perhaps I should just ask ...~ + a4642 + ~InParty(Player4) Gender(Player4,MALE) !Name("c-aran",Player4)~ + ~[PC] Well, perhaps I should just ask ...~ + a4642 + ~InParty(Player5) Gender(Player5,MALE) !Name("c-aran",Player5)~ + ~[PC] Well, perhaps I should just ask ...~ + a4642 + ~InParty(Player6) Gender(Player6,MALE) !Name("c-aran",Player6)~ + ~[PC] Well, perhaps I should just ask ...~ + a4642 ++ ~[PC] I would go take a bath. Probably a cold one.~ + a4642 ++ ~[PC] I would insist that you do. Orders are orders, after all. We can't have dissention in the ranks, now, can we?~ + a4642 ++ ~[PC] I would go take a bath. Probably a nice warm one, where I could lather my body with soap, and stretch myself out langorously, leaning like this, and then like this...~ + a4642 ++ ~[PC] I would tell you to get out.~ + a4642 END IF ~~ a4642 SAY ~[ARAN] Heh! Called my bluff right proper, you did. Only a blighted fool would turn down th' opportunity, an' I may be many things, but I be no fool. At least, most o' th' time.~ IF ~RandomNum(4,4)~ THEN GOTO a3575 /* KISS_CATCH_HANDS */ IF ~RandomNum(4,3)~ THEN GOTO a3569 /* KISS_TIP_CHIN */ IF ~RandomNum(4,2)~ THEN GOTO a3570 /* KISS_PRESS_SALTY */ IF ~RandomNum(4,1)~ THEN GOTO a3573 /* KISS_SILENCE_STRAIGHTEN */ END IF ~~ a4643 SAY ~[ARAN] Now, no call to turn away. I am right sorry I tried to be funny. I would enjoy kissin' you, I would.~ IF ~RandomNum(4,4)~ THEN GOTO a3575 /* KISS_CATCH_HANDS */ IF ~RandomNum(4,3)~ THEN GOTO a3569 /* KISS_TIP_CHIN */ IF ~RandomNum(4,2)~ THEN GOTO a3570 /* KISS_PRESS_SALTY */ IF ~RandomNum(4,1)~ THEN GOTO a3573 /* KISS_SILENCE_STRAIGHTEN */ END /* PC is not bathing */ IF ~~ a4644 SAY ~[ARAN] Do you be sure you want that bath? On account o' that pile o' towels just seems right for some more interestin' reconnoiterin'. That be a big word for explorin'.~ ++ ~[PC] This set of towels? The one I am curled up in, waiting lke a cat, ready to pounce on her mouse?~ + a4700 ++ ~[PC] Oh, of course I want a bath. But perhaps I need to get a little dirty, first.~ + a4700 ++ ~[PC] I think these towels are warm, and well placed. And I think that you are advancing towards me with a very determined glint in your eye.~ + a4700 ++ ~[PC] Oooh, they are soft. And warm. They even tickle my front a little, and make my bottom wiggle. See?~ + a4700 ++ ~[PC] A bath. Look, I need to stop. I thought this would be fun, but it is making me very uncomfortable.~ + a4617 ++ ~[PC] Who taught you such a big word?~ + a4645 END IF ~~ a4700 /* passthrough */ SAY ~[ARAN] Now that be enough o' that, m'lady liar. You done got me here on false pretence, I think. But mayhap we should get that bath, an' then retire to someplace more comfortable, eh?~ + ~RandomNum(3,1)~ + ~[PC] I think I will just sit here. You go ahead.~ + a4686 + ~RandomNum(3,2)~ + ~[PC] I think I will just sit here. You go ahead.~ + a4687 + ~RandomNum(3,3)~ + ~[PC] I think I will just sit here. You go ahead.~ + a4688 ++ ~[PC] Who taught you to be so stubborn and single-minded?~ + a4645 /* advance talking */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Forget the bath. Come with me... sit on the edge, here. Don't you think it is about time that you kiss me?~ + a3446 /* ARAN_LEAD_1_ACTION */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",1)~ + ~[PC] Forget the bath. Come with me... sit on the edge, here. I think we need more lip practice. You start.~ + a3446 /* ARAN_LEAD_1_ACTION */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] Forget the bath. Come with me... sit on the edge, here. I want to feel your body under my fingertips again. I know you do, too, judging by the way your hand seems to be creeping up my thigh.~ + a3446 /* ARAN_LEAD_1_ACTION */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",3)~ + ~[PC] Forget the bath. Come with me... sit on the edge, here. I think we both need to get a little pleasure... or lot of pleasure...~ + a3446 /* ARAN_LEAD_1_ACTION */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",4)~ + ~[PC] Forget the bath. Come with me... sit on the edge, here. I wish we could find a way to be completely together right this very minute.~ + a3446 /* ARAN_LEAD_1_ACTION */ /* advance no talking */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] (Sit on the edge, holding your hands out to him. Tilt your head, pouting your lips slightly, and tip your face towards his.)~ + a3446 /* ARAN_LEAD_1_ACTION */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",1)~ + ~[PC] (Sit on the edge, holding your hands out to him. Smile at him, bringing your nose to touch his, eye to eye, lips almost touching.)~ + a3446 /* ARAN_LEAD_1_ACTION */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] (Sit on the edge, holding your hands out to him. Press your lips towards his as a distraction, while your fingers trace small circles along his body until you find a way to feel his warm bare skin under your fingertips.)~ + a3446 /* ARAN_LEAD_1_ACTION */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",3)~ + ~[PC] (Sit on the edge, holding your hands out to him. Proffer your lips to him, your hands moving where they can find his bare skin, pulling him into an intimate embrace.)~ + a3446 /* ARAN_LEAD_1_ACTION */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",4)~ + ~[PC] (Sit on the edge, holding your hands out to him. Bite your lip and look down the entire length of his body, blushing... and then look directly into his eyes, promising all.)~ + a3446 /* ARAN_LEAD_1_ACTION */ END IF ~~ a4645 SAY ~[ARAN] You did, I think. But that be niether here nor there. Now do you want to get a bath, or are you goin' to just sit there?~ + ~RandomNum(3,1)~ + ~[PC] I think I will just sit here. You go ahead.~ + a4686 + ~RandomNum(3,2)~ + ~[PC] I think I will just sit here. You go ahead.~ + a4687 + ~RandomNum(3,3)~ + ~[PC] I think I will just sit here. You go ahead.~ + a4688 /* advance talking */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Forget the bath. Come with me... sit on the edge, here. Don't you think it is about time that you kiss me?~ + a3446 /* ARAN_LEAD_1_ACTION */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",1)~ + ~[PC] Forget the bath. Come with me... sit on the edge, here. I think we need more lip practice. You start.~ + a3446 /* ARAN_LEAD_1_ACTION */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] Forget the bath. Come with me... sit on the edge, here. I want to feel your body under my fingertips again. I know you do, too, judging by the way your hand seems to be creeping up my thigh.~ + a3446 /* ARAN_LEAD_1_ACTION */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",3)~ + ~[PC] Forget the bath. Come with me... sit on the edge, here. I think we both need to get a little pleasure... or lot of pleasure...~ + a3446 /* ARAN_LEAD_1_ACTION */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",4)~ + ~[PC] Forget the bath. Come with me... sit on the edge, here. I wish we could find a way to be completely together right this very minute.~ + a3446 /* ARAN_LEAD_1_ACTION */ /* advance no talking */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] (Sit on the edge, holding your hands out to him. Tilt your head, pouting your lips slightly, and tip your face towards his.)~ + a3446 /* ARAN_LEAD_1_ACTION */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",1)~ + ~[PC] (Sit on the edge, holding your hands out to him. Smile at him, bringing your nose to touch his, eye to eye, lips almost touching.)~ + a3446 /* ARAN_LEAD_1_ACTION */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] (Sit on the edge, holding your hands out to him. Press your lips towards his as a distraction, while your fingers trace small circles along his body until you find a way to feel his warm bare skin under your fingertips.)~ + a3446 /* ARAN_LEAD_1_ACTION */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",3)~ + ~[PC] (Sit on the edge, holding your hands out to him. Proffer your lips to him, your hands moving where they can find his bare skin, pulling him into an intimate embrace.)~ + a3446 /* ARAN_LEAD_1_ACTION */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",4)~ + ~[PC] (Sit on the edge, holding your hands out to him. Bite your lip and look down the entire length of his body, blushing... and then look directly into his eyes, promising all.)~ + a3446 /* ARAN_LEAD_1_ACTION */ ++ ~[PC] ~ + a4647 ++ ~[PC] ~ + a4647 ++ ~[PC] Oh, fine. I am getting in right now. But I bathe, you bathe, and we all keep our hands to ourselves. No peeking!~ + a1817 // modestly discreetly END IF ~~ a4646 SAY ~[ARAN] Oh, not that, on account o' I like th' way a true partner looks, feels an' tastes when they be havin' some joyfulness.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a4693 END /* Bathing Together */ IF ~~ a4647 SAY ~[ARAN] Right, then. To work. Now, mind th' lather. It do tend to fly about when I be scrubbin' vigorous-like.~ ++ ~[PC] Whoa! Too rough! You will scrub right through my skin!~ + a4650 ++ ~[PC] Oh, scratch there... no, higher.... HIGHER. Almost got it...~ + a4650 ++ ~[PC] That feels very good. Too much adventuring, not enough creature comforts.~ + a4657 ++ ~[PC] It is nice to know you can just be friendly, without always pushing for more.~ + a4656 ++ ~[PC] (Sigh gently as the lather begins to build.)~ + a1857 END IF ~~ a4648 SAY ~[ARAN] (Strong hands scrub carefully at your neck and shoulders, the warm cloth slapping into the water and sending rivulets streaming down your body.)~ ++ ~[PC] (Relax under his ministrations, gradually lowering yourself until you are resting against him.)~ + a4637 ++ ~[PC] (Sigh gently as the lather begins to build.)~ + a1857 ++ ~[PC] It is nice to know you can just be friendly, without always pushing for more.~ + a4656 END IF ~~ a4649 SAY ~[ARAN] Th' key is to get in right quick, an' let th' stingin' subside a mite bit afterwards. Here...~ = ~[ARAN] (With a quick tug, you are dunked fully under the water.)~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a4650 END IF ~~ a4650 SAY ~[ARAN] Now, in Calimport, they done got people what study this. For a job, too. When they scrub, they blighted well peel th' skin o' you clean, an' make a lad feel right happy. I got no trainin', but if you tell me what works for you, I can give it a go, eh?~ ++ ~[PC] You take way too many liberties. I did not want to be manhandled and fussed over. I just wanted a bath.~ + a4661 ++ ~[PC] This water does feel good. You could work on my lower back now, if you wanted. Just be gentle.~ + a4657 ++ ~[PC] Heat, lather, and a vigorous rubdown. All I need is a massage, and everything would be right with the world.~ + a1816 ++ ~[PC] (Sigh gently as the lather begins to build.)~ + a1857 END IF ~~ a4651 SAY ~[ARAN] Aye, then. I do like a woman what knows her needs an' wants.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a4652 END IF ~~ a4652 SAY ~[ARAN] (Aran's kiss is warm and gentle on your lips.)~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a4653 END IF ~~ a4653 SAY ~[ARAN] Now, that were right nice. An' pay no attention to that hand o' mine what be takin' advantage o' th' situation...~ ++ ~[PC] (Gently guide his hand up and away from its explorations.)~ + a4654 ++ ~[PC] Be careful where you explore. Some places are not particularly designed for soap.~ + a4654 ++ ~[PC] (You let your hands wander across his smooth chest, soap bubbles trailing after your touches, exploring his body.)~ + a4655 ++ ~[PC] I'm not comfortable with that.~ + a4660 ++ ~[PC] Put that wandering hand to good use. Here, scrub my back.~ + a4647 ++ ~[PC] (Gently guide his hand across your body, gathering your pleasure with his fingertips.)~ + a4654 ++ ~[PC] I know we started something here, but I have changed my mind. Can you just hold me, and make me feel special?~ + a1860 // holding only END IF ~~ a4654 SAY ~[ARAN] Th' feel o' this curve, right... here. Now, th' feel o' this, it be heaven itself.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a4662 END IF ~~ a4655 SAY ~[ARAN] Hey, watch that.... it be a mite bit ticklish where you be tracin' those designs!~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a4662 END IF ~~ a4656 SAY ~[ARAN] Good thing you said that, on account o' I was about to try for a slip o' th' hand. But no worry on that account. Sometimes a right fine bath be as welcome as more amorous pursuits, an' just as relaxin'.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a4650 END IF ~~ a4657 SAY ~[ARAN] Well, I learn somethin' new about you every day. Never did figure you to be a creature o' comforts. Too much time wanderin' around th' face of Faerun swattin' at enemies for you to have th' real beauty treatments.~ ++ ~[PC] Don't stop scrubbing. It feels very, very good to finally get clean.~ + a4689 ++ ~[PC] Are you saying that I need beauty treatments?~ + a4659 ++ ~[PC] If I could find a way to have the comforts I never had in Candlekeep around me all the time, I would. There is just this pesky little problem of enemies... it is enough to make a girl quite piqued. Vexed, even.~ + a4658 END IF ~~ a4658 SAY ~[ARAN] Well, for a little bit o' time, I think I can take th' place o' a house servant, an' do a right fine job o' relaxin' you. No wild amorous things, just a good scrub an' some work on those lower calves o' yours.~ ++ ~[PC] You can do better than that. (Tilt your head, pouting your lips slightly, and tip your face towards his.)~ + a3446 /* ARAN_LEAD_1_ACTION */ ++ ~[PC] I really was hoping for a more... adventurous ending?~ + a3446 /* ARAN_LEAD_1_ACTION */ ++ ~[PC] I would enjoy that very much.~ + a4690 ++ ~[PC] (Smile at him, nod gently, and turn your back to him, piling your hair on the top of your head.)~ + a4690 ++ ~[PC] No, thank you. I can bathe myself. And I intend to, before this scalding hot water goes stone cold.~ + a4689 END IF ~~ a4659 SAY ~[ARAN] Sune's Smile, I didn't... I mean, that... hells. I done put my foot right in my mouth again, eh?~ ++ ~[PC] You should apologise. (Tilt your head, pouting your lips slightly, and tip your face towards his.)~ + a3446 /* ARAN_LEAD_1_ACTION */ ++ ~[PC] No matter. I think I would like to be pampered, though. I would enjoy being bathed, I think.~ + a4690 ++ ~[PC] Not really, but I think I have had enough talk. I can bathe myself. And I intend to, before this scalding hot water goes stone cold.~ + a4689 ++ ~[PC] Yes. You have. (Turn your back to him, and begin washing.)~ + a4689 ++ ~[PC] Well, I think you have had enough excitement for now.~ + a4660 END IF ~~ a4660 SAY ~[ARAN] I guess I just misunderstood what you be wantin', is all. I'll be outside, while you finish up. An' don't forget to scrub behind th' ears, eh?~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a4689 END IF ~~ a4661 SAY ~[ARAN] I guess I just misunderstood what you be wantin'. Here, I'll turn around, an' you scrub my back. An' don't forget to scrub behind th' ears, eh?~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a4689 END IF ~~ a4662 SAY ~[ARAN] One o' us or th' other will have to give in to our baser natures soon enough, you know.~ ++ ~[PC] What base nature? What if I just wrapped my fingers around the base of...this?~ + a4663 ++ ~[PC] (You offer no resistance as his hands beging exploring he more intimate parts of your body.)~ + a4664 ++ ~[PC] That is far enough, don't you think?~ + a4661 ++ ~[PC] I... I can't do this! I need to leave, right now!~ + a1861 // pc runs for it ++ ~[PC] No, I think you are too base for my nature. Go away, little boy. I am finished playing with you.~ + a1864 END IF ~~ a4663 SAY ~[ARAN] Now gettin' to th' root o' th' problem be right appreciated. Only be right careful, on account o' I hold that body part a bit dear to my heart. O'course, you're goin' to have to let me return th' favor.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a4665 END IF ~~ a4664 SAY ~[ARAN] Now, that be a fine silky feelin'. ~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a4666 END IF ~~ a4665 SAY ~[ARAN] (His hands are warm on your skin.)~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a4666 END IF ~~ a4666 SAY ~[ARAN] Things seem to be movin' along right quick. Somehow this bath turned out to be right interestin'. Just how interestin' do you want it to become, eh?~ ++ ~[PC] I have things well enough in hand. I think that with some careful application of... oooh! He jumped!~ + a4667 ++ ~[PC] This... this is enough for me. Just this touching. You can keep doing that, you know.~ + a4668 ++ ~[PC] Control yourself. If I wanted more, I would have said so.~ + a4691 ++ ~[PC] (Kiss him and lie back in the water, opening yourself fully to his advances.)~ + a4671 ++ ~[PC] We can pleasure each other well enough by just continuing this, you know.~ + a4669 ++ ~[PC] I... I can't do this! I need to leave, right now!~ + a1861 // pc runs for it END IF ~~ a4667 SAY ~[ARAN] I think I have th' idea. Especially as your hands seems to be takin' over th' movements right quick.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a4670 END IF ~~ a4668 SAY ~[ARAN] I think I have th' idea. Especially as your body seems to be matchin' my movements right quick.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a4670 END IF ~~ a4669 SAY ~[ARAN] When you said bath, I... had naught in th' way o'... ~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a4673 END IF ~~ a4670 SAY ~[ARAN] I think I am not goin' to be able to hold on much longer. If you want to stop, best be sayin' so now. Or mahap we could take things to th' next level?~ ++ ~[PC] I have no intention of stopping you. I think you should just relax, and let yourself go. I want to experience your pleasure.~ + a4673 ++ ~[PC] By the gods, don't stop now.~ + a4673 ++ ~[PC] (You remain silent, encouraging him to continue his motions with a kiss.)~ + a4674 ++ ~[PC] (Kiss him and lie back in the water, guiding him home and opening yourself fully to his advances.)~ + a4671 ++ ~[PC] Stop! This is too much!~ + a4691 END IF ~~ a4671 SAY ~[ARAN] (A moment of fumbling, and his fingers press against you. You feel the very tip of his manhood part your petals.... and then he slips in the soapy water and splashes water everywhere.)~ = ~[ARAN] Gods blighted... can't rightly get no grip wi' all th' soap about. Mayhap this be a bad idea.~ ++ ~[PC] Clumsy. Get out, and let me clean up. That spoilt the mood.~ + a4696 ++ ~[PC] I think I can find a better way... (Push gently on his chest until he is lying back in the water, and settle yourself onto his length.)~ + a4672 ++ ~[PC] Actually, I think we are moving too fast anyways. Here... just hold me. We can rest here together, and just relax.~ + a3707 END IF ~~ a4672 SAY ~[ARAN] (His eyes narrow in concentration as he studies your face, his hands guiding your hips into gentle circular motions as your warmth envelopes his strength.)~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a4674 END IF ~~ a4673 SAY ~[ARAN] Sune's... ~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a4674 END IF ~~ a4674 SAY ~[ARAN] (There is a sudden tension that runs through him, his face alight with desire, and a look of wonder crosses his face.)~ ++ ~[PC] (Look deeply into his eyes, smile, and begin moving your pelvis very rapidly.)~ + a4675 ++ ~[PC] I think you are about to... oh. You are getting even thicker.~ + a4675 ++ ~[PC] I think we have gone a little too far. From the feel of things, you might be about to lose control. No more of this. Let's just share the bath.~ + a1817 // modestly discreetly ++ ~[PC] (You shake your head at him, and move off of him quickly. You grasp his manhood in your palm, striving to bring him to completion.)~ + a3689 ++ ~[PC] (You rise quickly, climb out of the tub, and blow him a kiss as you begin to dry off.)~ + a4691 END IF ~~ a4675 SAY ~[ARAN] (He tries to hold back, to match what he feels inside of you, but his pleasure comes quickly. If yours follows, it is a match made by the gods.)~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a4692 END IF ~~ a4676 SAY ~[ARAN] Well, it would be rude not to, eh? Hey, stop squirmin' an' carrryin' on. I am just tossin' you on that pile o' towels. Any last words, afore I have my way wi' you?~ ++ ~[PC] Beast. Cad. Evil man. Taking advantage of a maiden with her face buried in towels, on her knees, vulnerable and exposed before you, ready like a mare in heat...~ + a4694 ++ ~[PC] Only one request. Position me a bit to the left, so I can count the ceiling tiles while you get on with it.~ + a4677 ++ ~[PC] You have no imagination. No biting, no whips, no leather, no chains, no name-calling... When did you take up paladinhood?~ + a4685 ++ ~[PC] I want you. But be gentle, please. The way your muscles are flexing, that look in your eyes, your movements... everything. It frightens me a little.~ + a4679 ++ ~[PC] Aran... wait. I have had enough for right now. You should leave.~ + a4601 ++ ~[PC] (A sudden flash of rage flies through you at his forwardness.) Put me down now or I swear I will kill you!~ + a1835 ++ ~[PC] How dare you manhandle me in such a fashion! Put me down or you will rue the day you were born!~ + a1835 END IF ~~ a4677 SAY ~[ARAN] Get on wi' it? Count ceilin' tiles? If I didn't think I see that giggle hidin' behind there, I'd be right pissed off, eh? What are you doin' to me, anyways?~ ++ ~[PC] Make me think of nothing but you, Aran. I don't want any boundaries between us.~ + a4685 ++ ~[PC] I was giggling at you. You are so easy to tease. So easy to manipulate. Here, I have you all hot and bothered, and I can get up and walk away. Now that is power.~ + a4678 ++ ~[PC] I was not joking. All this fuss about some simple biology, which means very little to me and seems to mean so much to you. Here, let me explain some of the basics to you...~ + a4685 ++ ~[PC] I'm sorry. Look, let's just have a bath. Here, scrub my back.~ + a4647 ++ ~[PC] And on that note, you had better get out. I don't mind leading you around by the nose, but right now I have no interest in leading you around by certain other appendages. Go watch the door.~ + a4602 END IF ~~ a4678 SAY ~[ARAN] Aye. An' I fell right into it. Right. Look, play mind games wi' someone else. This cat an' mouse game is too much for any man. Have fun on your own, . I'll pick up my dice, an' move on to another table.~ ++ ~[PC] Oh, come on. You know you want me. Just come back here, and lie with me a little.~ + a4695 ++ ~[PC] If you were worthy of bedding me, you would prove it by ignoring my words, and just taking what you want.~ + a4679 ++ ~[PC] Go on, then. Good riddance. I will find someone who is man enough to fulfill my desires.~ + a4699 ++ ~[PC] I'm sorry. Look, let's just have a bath. Here, scrub my back.~ + a4647 END IF ~~ a4679 SAY ~[ARAN] Well, if that be th' way you want it, how be this...~ ++ ~[PC] GODS. Are you about to... hey!~ + a4680 ++ ~[PC] Hey, what are you... Beast! I don't deserve to be thrown face first on a pile of towe... oh. Oh. Gods... I think I...~ + a4680 ++ ~[PC] It will have to do, I guess. HEY! That is much, much better... Go on. I am all yours, every inch of me, ev... ev... oh.~ + a4680 ++ ~[PC] I'm sorry... this isn't really what I want. Look, let's just have a bath. Here, the water is nice enough, and we can share. Just scrub my back, ok?~ + a4647 ++ ~[PC] Aran. Stop. I said you were scaring me. Just wash my back, please. Or i will get out right now and leave.~ + a4647 END IF ~~ a4680 SAY ~[ARAN] Now then, there be a little matter o' a push to be completely intimate. So do I go on, or shoud we just play about, like this... or this...~ ++ ~[PC] Too late. I seem to have started the action before you finished speaking... don't stop... don... d... d...~ + a4698 ++ ~[PC] (Look deeply into his eyes and gently work him into your most intimate place, moving to build your pleasure.)~ + a4698 ++ ~[PC] Shut up and kiss me. Everywhere. Especially where you seem to keep looking.~ + a4681 ++ ~[PC] Good to see you desire me. I like having that kind of power over you. Now, stop all this silliness immediately and go watch the door.~ + a4695 END IF ~~ a4681 SAY ~[ARAN] Well, judgin' by that little sound you just made, I chose th' right place to lick. I know they be a mite sensitive, but they taste like fine wine. Me, though, I think I might like to move along down here, an' down here...~ ++ ~[PC] Your lips... oh, now that is much, much more... can you even breathe?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",3)~ + a4682 ++ ~[PC] Did someone light a fire in here? My cheeks seem to be getting a bit warm. Among other... places.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",3)~ + a4693 ++ ~[PC] Hey. Stop that. That tickles!~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",3)~ + a4647 ++ ~[PC] You are a merciless tease. Take pity on me, and just have your way with my body, won't you?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",3)~ + a4693 END IF ~~ a4682 SAY ~[ARAN] That be my business. Don't be interuptin' a man on a mission, eh? Unless my shave be causin' you distress.~ ++ ~[PC] Careful... a little like sandpaper between my thighs, but nothing compared to the pleasure when you do what you are doing...~ + a4698 ++ ~[PC] OUCH. Yes. Too rough. That is better. Slow down...~ + a4698 ++ ~[PC] It is a nice kind of pain. Stop talking, though, it is distracting me.~ + a4698 ++ ~[PC] Please stop. Come up here, where we can be together.~ + a4696 ++ ~[PC] Please stop. I have already gone too far.~ + a4696 END IF ~~ a4683 SAY ~[ARAN] So short on th' foreplay? I thought that...~ ++ ~[PC] You talk to much. I want you deep inside me, right now. I need you, I want you, and I will have you.~ + a4693 ++ ~[PC] Thinking is overrated. Doing, on the other hand, suits me just fine.~ + a4693 ++ ~[PC] Oh, I thought... yes, slow down, please. I thought you wanted a quick lay, and you wouldn't be interested in making it more fun for me.~ + a4693 ++ ~[PC] Well, do you have any ideas?~ + a4684 ++ ~[PC] Look... this is nice, but let's have that bath.~ + a4690 END IF ~~ a4684 SAY ~[ARAN] Well, in my mind, I see you, in just a bit o' white silk runnin' from here... to here. An' I see me runnin' my hands over your body, gentle an' nice, pausin' to remove that bit o' silk, an' followin' every curve o' your body with kisses.~ ++ ~[PC] You don't see yourself tying that bit of silk as a blindfold, to cover my eyes?~ + a4646 ++ ~[PC] You don't see yourself binding my hands with that bit of silk and having your way with me unopposed?~ + a4646 ++ ~[PC] You have quite an imagination.~ + a4693 ++ ~[PC] Is that all you see?~ + a4693 ++ ~[PC] I see many things in my mind, Aran. Many, many more things. Things I... well, I can't do them. Not here, not now.~ + a4693 ++ ~[PC] I see many things in my mind, Aran. Many, many more things. Things I just can't do, and remain faithful.~ + a4693 END IF ~~ a4685 SAY ~[ARAN] This be far enough boundary-breakin' education for me. An' judging by your response, it might be just enough for you, too. Nothin' turns a man on like th' sounds o' pleasure. But this water be gettin' cold, an' we have time enough to play about in other venues, eh? What say we continue this another time, when there be less itchy bitter soap gettin' into places where it has no business bein'.~ ++ ~[PC] Kisses aren't boundary-breaking, are they? To leave me all excited, that seems downright evil.~ + a4694 ++ ~[PC] I... oh, actually, you are right. This is a little bit less comfortable than I thought it would be. You should never have allowed this to happen, you know.~ + a4694 ++ ~[PC] No pain, no gain. Well, in this case, uncomfortable rather than pain, but you get the idea. I didn't know you had such a mean streak in you, putting me in this position.~ + a4694 ++ ~[PC] Hey, who is in control here, anyways? I thought I called all the shots.~ + a4694 ++ ~[PC] Spoilsport. I wonder what you would look like in a tight black leather outfit, with a few properly positioned spikes... OUCH! Beast! You will pay for that!~ + a4694 END /* from: female PC request for a bath */ /* With thanks to berelinde! */ IF ~~ a1808 SAY ~[ARAN] Aye, I do believe we can find what you want.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a2270 END IF ~~ a1809 SAY ~[ARAN] Now where is the fun in that, I ask you. Well, suit yourself. (He climbs from the water, stretching to reach a towel, and settles himself at the door looking away from you.)~ = ~[ARAN] (The lantern light dances as you bathe, and Aran sits, carefully watching the door, wrapped in his towel.)~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a1859 END IF ~~ a1810 SAY ~[ARAN] (He stands in the water, reaching for your clothing. His callused fingers deftly pluck your clothes free, and he casts stray glances at his work, though he tries to hide it.)~ = ~[ARAN] Well, now, am I supposed to be watchin', or washin'? Though you are about the most beautiful sight I ever did see, I must admit.~ ++ ~[PC] (blush) Thank you. I think you have seen enough, though. Turn around, please, and I will do the same.~ + a1814 ++ ~[PC] Are you sure you have gotten every last thing undone, Aran? You may have to search a little closer. (Step into the tub and move into his embrace, your hands guiding his exactly where you want them.)~ + a1815 ++ ~[PC] Hey, eyes up here! I asked for some help, but you are taking in a little too much scenery! Just massage my back once I'm settled in the tub.~ + a1816 ++ ~[PC] This... this is a little too much. Turn your back, please. I'm going to get into the tub now... No peeking!... and then we'll just have a quick bath.~ + a1817 ++ ~[PC] This... this is important, Aran. This is just for fun, understand? I'm all for a little romp in the tub, but I already have something special with someone else, and if they find out, there will be complications.~ + a1818 END IF ~~ a1811 SAY ~[ARAN] Here, I'll get your back, eh?~ ++ ~[PC] No thank you. I am a grown woman. I can wash myself.~ + a1822 + ~!Race(Player1,HUMAN)~ + ~[PC] Well, what is a helpless little to do... I do think I shall just have to take you up on that offer.~ + a1830 + ~Race(Player1,HUMAN)~ + ~[PC] Well, what is a helpless young lady to do... I do think I shall just have to take you up on that offer.~ + a1830 ++ ~[PC] Aran... whatever we are doing, or not doing, or... Look. Fun is fun, but I already have something special with someone else, and if they find out...~ + a1818 ++ ~[PC] I just don't know what came over me. I am so sorry. I... I... (grab the towels and your clothes, and make a run for the door.)~ + a1861 ++ ~[PC] (As his hands begin to lather your spine, you shiver slightly, pressing back into his hard palms.)~ + a1820 ++ ~[PC] I would much rather you do my front...~ + a1821 END IF ~~ a1812 SAY ~[ARAN] (Soap bubbles froth up between you. Suddenly, you feel something quite hard resisting your downward progress.) OUCH! Bloody hells, , easy... I don't bend that way, eh? Hey, I thought this were a nice friendly bath...~ ++ ~[PC] Why, certainly. A nice, cosy bath, all snuggly and warm... and hard... and I think you will find I am *very* friendly...~ + a1830 ++ ~[PC] (Push away quickly) Of course! What else were you expecting? Here, do my back, please. The soap, over there. Yes, that is the one.~ + a1858 ++ ~[PC] (Push away gently, and begin scrubbing at him with the washcloth.) Sorry! I do not know why I did that. Just a friendly bath, right?~ + a1830 ++ ~[PC] Well, if you are not interested, I guess I can find someone else to have a little fun with.~ + a1816 ++ ~[PC] (Smile seductively) Oh, poor baby... Shall I kiss it and make it better?~ + a4529 ++ ~[PC] I just don't know what came over me. I am so sorry - I... I... (grab the towels and your clothes, and make a run for the door.)~ EXIT ++ ~[PC] This... this is important, Aran. This is just for fun, understand? I already have something special with someone else, and if they find out, there will be complications.~ + a1818 END IF ~~ a4529 SAY ~[ARAN] Now I would not be opposed to that action. In fact, just th' thought seems to have distracted me right proper. Th' thing is, I am never quite sure when you be jokin' an' when you be serious.~ ++ ~[PC] Here - you seem to need some guidance. Stand still, and I will help you wash up. After all, we are just here, two grown people, getting washed up together.~ + a1822 ++ ~[PC] Here - you seem to need some guidance. Stand still, and I will help you wash up. (Begin running the washcloth over his body, working your way below the bathwater.)~ + a1830 ++ ~[PC] This... this is a little too much. Let's just have a quick bath, and get clean.~ + a1817 ++ ~[PC] This is just for fun, Aran. I already have something special with someone else, and if they find out, there will be complications.~ + a1831 ++ ~[PC] How is this for an answer? (Pull yourself close to him, and begin kissing your way down his neck and chest.)~ + a1832 ++ ~[PC] I thought I wanted this, but I really shouldn't... I can't do this. We should just have a quick bath.~ + a1817 END IF ~~ a1813 SAY ~[ARAN] Now where be th' fun in that, I ask you. But I guess I am bein' a mite forward, at that.~ ++ ~[PC] Here - you seem to need some guidance. Stand still, and I will help you wash up. After all, we are just here, two grown people, getting washed up together.~ + a1822 ++ ~[PC] Here - you seem to need some guidance. Stand still, and I will help you wash up. (Begin running the washcloth over his body, working your way below the bathwater.)~ + a1830 ++ ~[PC] This... this is a little too much. Let's just have a quick bath, and get clean.~ + a1817 ++ ~[PC] This is just for fun, Aran. I already have something special with someone else, and if they find out, there will be complications.~ + a1831 ++ ~[PC] How is this for forward? (Pull yourself close to him, and begin kissing your way down his neck and chest.)~ + a1832 ++ ~[PC] I thought I wanted this, but I really shouldn't... I can't do this. We should just have a quick bath.~ + a1817 END IF ~~ a1814 SAY ~[ARAN] No, no, thank you right kindly. Here, I'll get your back, eh?~ ++ ~[PC] No thank you. I am a grown woman. I can wash myself.~ + a1813 + ~!Race(Player1,HUMAN)~ + ~[PC] Well, what is a helpless little to do... I do think I shall just have to take you up on that offer.~ + a1819 + ~Race(Player1,HUMAN)~ + ~[PC] Well, what is a helpless young lady to do... I do think I shall just have to take you up on that offer.~ + a1819 ++ ~[PC] (As his hands begin to lather your spine, you shiver slightly, pressing back into his hard palms.) You can start there.~ + a1820 ++ ~[PC] I would much rather you do my front....~ + a1821 ++ ~[PC] This... this is important, Aran. Whatever we are doing, or not doing. This is just for fun, understand? I already have something special with someone else, and if they find out, there will be complications.~ + a1818 END IF ~~ a1815 SAY ~[ARAN] Let me see, now... this feels undone... an' this feels undone... an' this... gods, this feels more than a might undone...~ ++ ~[PC] Hey, careful... I am not a toy!~ + a1822 ++ ~[PC] This... this is a little too much. Turn your back, please. Let's just have a quick bath.~ + a1823 ++ ~[PC] I am afraid... I am... coming a little... unDONE myself... OUCH! sharp fingernail!~ + a1824 ++ ~[PC] And I am undone. Slower, please, for the love of Sune... keep touching me like that.~ + a1825 ++ ~[PC] Stop... too far, too fast... STOP!~ + a1826 ++ ~[PC] Just friends, just friends... touching, but no more.~ + a1827 END IF ~~ a1816 SAY ~[ARAN] Well, now, I can't refuse a direct order, now can I. I can do th' job. (The lantern light dances as his hands gently follow your contours, trailing soap bubbles into all sorts of interesting places. Though his interest is manifest, the slow and gentle rhythm of caresses soon moves from sensual to relaxing.)~ = ~[ARAN] (As his attentions move to your calves and heels, you lay back in the water, and eventually sleep claims you.)~ = ~[ARAN] Aye then, did my job too well, eh? Right, you just relax. I'll bundle you up right proper an' carry you up. Get some rest. There'll be other times.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~RestParty()~ EXIT /* or rest cutscene */ END IF ~~ a1817 SAY ~[ARAN] Now where be th' fun in that, I ask you. Well, suit yourself. (The lantern light dances as you both share the bath, modestly, discreetly, and chastely. Calm and comfort follow.)~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a1859 END IF ~~ a1818 SAY ~[ARAN] I done held by a right firm 'ask naught, tell naught' policy forever. But you be goin' through a good bit right now... how do you want this to play out, eh?~ ++ ~[PC] I just wanted some protection, and now I want some respect as a friend. I am a grown woman. I can wash myself. You wash yourself, and watch the door.~ + a1817 + ~!Race(Player1,HUMAN)~ + ~[PC] Well, what is a helpless little to do... I do think I shall just have to surrender to your advances.~ + a1830 + ~Race(Player1,HUMAN)~ + ~[PC] Well, what is a helpless young lady to do... I do think I shall just have to surrender to your advances.~ + a1830 ++ ~[PC] (As his hands begin to lather your spine, you shiver slightly, pressing back into his hard palms.) You can start there.~ + a1820 ++ ~[PC] I play, you stand very, very still. Unless, of course, you think that this is too much for us to handle, being friends with benefits. We are friends, aren't we?~ + a1822 ++ ~[PC] I would much rather you stop asking questions, and do my front....~ + a1816 END IF ~~ a1819 SAY ~[ARAN] Here, I'll get your back, eh?~ ++ ~[PC] No thank you. I am a grown woman. I can wash myself.~ + a1822 + ~!Race(Player1,HUMAN)~ + ~[PC] Well, what is a helpless little to do... I do think I shall just have to take you up on that offer.~ + a1830 + ~Race(Player1,HUMAN)~ + ~[PC] Well, what is a helpless young lady to do... I do think I shall just have to take you up on that offer.~ + a1830 ++ ~[PC] Aran... whatever we are doing, or not doing, or... Look. Fun is fun, but I already have something special with someone else, and if they find out...~ + a1818 ++ ~[PC] I just don't know what came over me. I am so sorry. I... I... (grab the towels and your clothes, and make a run for the door.)~ + a1861 ++ ~[PC] (As his hands begin to lather your spine, you shiver slightly, pressing back into his hard palms.) You can start there.~ + a1820 ++ ~[PC] I would much rather you do my front...~ + a1821 END IF ~~ a1820 SAY ~[ARAN] (His body heat radiates into your back as you press closer together, his hands kneading and stretching your back and shoulder muscles. His arousal is no secret.)~ ++ ~[PC] (You nestle back, feeling his strength and warmth, adjusting yourself so that no more intimate touches can happen - accidental or otherwise.)~ + a1825 ++ ~[PC] (You nestle back and wiggle a little, feeling his strength, guiding his hands around to cup you gently. Draping your head on one of his shoulders, you let out a contented sigh.)~ + a1845 ++ ~[PC] (You turn slowly in his arms, and reward him with both a full view of your charms and a passionate kiss.)~ + a1821 ++ ~[PC] Now that feels wonderful. Here, wash my back, and then you can continue that massage.~ + a1856 ++ ~[PC] Hey. Control yourself. Stop poking me.~ + a1835 END IF ~~ a1821 SAY ~[ARAN] (His hands follow your contours, mapping you in detail. His lips begin to follow, with rising intensity and heat.)~ ++ ~[PC] (Kiss his lips softly, shyly coaxing him to greater boldness.)~ + a1845 ++ ~[PC] (Rest your head on his chest, feeling his heart beat.) This is all I want. Just this. For now.~ + a1849 ++ ~[PC] (Gently settle yourself onto him, knees tight to his waist, chin on the top of his head as he devours you.)~ + a1846 ++ ~[PC] I think you may have to help me a little. I want you to make love to me.~ + a1847 ++ ~[PC] Show some spirit. You say you want me? Prove it.~ + a1850 END IF ~~ a1822 SAY ~[ARAN] Well, now, that be a matter o' interpretation, eh? (His arms reach out to surround you.)~ ++ ~[PC] Cad. For that, you will have to be punished. (Grab his neck and force his head under the water.)~ + a1841 ++ ~[PC] (Shudder and pull yourself away from him, closing your eyes and resting back against the rough texture of the bath.)~ + a1840 ++ ~[PC] (Laugh and pull yourself away from him, granting him the freedom to explore your body.)~ + a1825 ++ ~[PC] (Return his attentions, reaching out to hold him under the water.)~ + a1830 ++ ~[PC] Are you implying that I am not a grown woman? Now, how do I convince you of the error of your ways... would I be a grown woman if I did this?~ + a1832 ++ ~[PC] So you think I am a toy? An object to be possessed and controlled?~ + a1842 END IF ~~ a1823 SAY ~[ARAN] Your wish be my command.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a1857 END IF ~~ a1824 SAY ~[ARAN] Sorry. Sune's Blood, I didn't mean for to hurt you. Should I kiss it better? Or just touch you right here... and here...~ ++ ~[PC] Why yes, I think you should kiss me better. But I don't know if it is a good idea for you to be so carefree with me, sir. After all, you appear to have a very funny way of talking - no clue if you know how to use your tongue correctly!~ + a1828 ++ ~[PC] I have other ideas. But you need to slow down, Aran, and go softly. Good things come to those who can bring pleasure gently... (Lean forward and brush your lips against his ear, guiding his hands to your thighs.)~ + a1825 ++ ~[PC] No. You spoiled the mood. Go watch the door. Or just stay here and have a bath, if you like, but no more touching, ogling, or comments.~ + a1817 ++ ~[PC] Let's have a little test. I run my hands over you, like so... and this.. and put this right... there...~ + a1829 ++ ~[PC] That's alright. We were getting a little carried away anyway. Friends, remember? This is farther than I ever intended to go. I think you should watch the door before something happens we both may regret.~ + a1809 END IF ~~ a1825 SAY ~[ARAN] (Gentle, soft caresses fill your senses as his hands move under the water. Warm fingers work their way slowly down your body, exploring your legs, and then hesitantly moving slightly higher...)~ ++ ~[PC] Cad. You have very, very naughty fingers. For that, you will have to be punished. (Duck his head under the water.)~ + a1841 ++ ~[PC] I want more, Aran. What are you waiting for, permission? The strong take what they want.~ + a1828 ++ ~[PC] Too much, too fast. Let's just have that bath, and save the other forms of entertainment for another time.~ + a1817 ++ ~[PC] My turn. I intend to explore every inch of your body. But Aran... just touching, nothing more.~ + a1827 END IF ~~ a1826 /* second thoughts, panic */ SAY ~[ARAN] (Aran wrests himself away, flinging himself apart from you, breathing heavily.) What? Sune's Lips, what!~ ++ ~[PC] Nothing, just a momentary panic. I thought I heard someone at the door. (Move within his arms, pulling him over you and gripping him tightly with your thighs.) Now, where were we... oh! There you are!~ + a1837 ++ ~[PC] Out. I have had what I wanted. You are on fire for me, just as you should be. That was fun. Now go watch the door while I bathe. No peeking.~ + a1864 ++ ~[PC] I got what release I wanted, and see no reason to give you anything. Don't forget to wash behind your ears.~ + a1861 ++ ~[PC] I... I am not sure this is the right thing, but gods, I cannot stop now. I am yours, all yours, at least for now.~ + a1837 ++ ~[PC] No. I need no self doubt. I deserve this. I want this. I want you.~ + a1837 ++ ~[PC] No. My... I want you, but I can't do this. I should be in someone else's arms. (You struggle free, pick up your clothes, and leave.)~ + a1861 ++ ~[PC] Listen to me. I want to be with you, but you are not allowed to force yourself on me. Either abide by that ground rule or it's over between us. Can you do that?~ + a4530 END IF ~~ a4530 SAY ~[ARAN] I don't want naught in th' way o' force between us. I... I thought I was followin' your lead right proper. Hells, , th' last thing I want to do be to force myself on you.~ = ~[ARAN] This be goin' all wrong. Somehow, I am not rightly readin' what you want. If it be you, or if it be me, there is naught in th' difference. I think I'd better leave.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1827 SAY ~[ARAN] I can keep my word, ... an' just play, not beddin' you. Though it might just kill me to do it.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a1862 END IF ~~ a1828 SAY ~[ARAN] (He growls low in his throat, a rumbling animal sound, and he spins you about in the bath as if you are dancing. Grinning, he catches you round your waist and lifts you out of the water, rivulets of bathwater running down his arms.)~ ++ ~[PC] (You laugh and flip your wet hair back from your brow.) Put me down, I insist!~ + a1849 ++ ~[PC] (With your bodies held apart by his supporting arms, you cradle his face, bringing your lips to his.) Put me down. I think I know what I want. In fact, I insist.~ + a1849 ++ ~[PC] About time you showed some spirit. You say you want me? Prove it.~ + a1850 ++ ~[PC] (Giggling) Oh, are we done with our bath so soon?~ + a4531 ++ ~[PC] I sleep with the strongest of arm, mind, or spirit, even if it is just a pleasurable fling to relieve tension. Are you strong? Do you have what it takes?~ + a1850 ++ ~[PC] (You scream in mock terror, clasping his head close to your chest, and begin kissing the top of his head.)~ + a1846 ++ ~[PC] (A sudden flash of rage flies through you at his forwardness.) Put me down now or I swear I will kill you!~ + a1835 ++ ~[PC] How dare you manhandle me in such a fashion! Put me down or you will rue the day you were born!~ + a1835 ++ ~[PC] NO! Put me down...NOW!~ + a1835 END IF ~~ a4531 SAY ~[ARAN] (He holds you apart from him for a moment, catching every sight possible of your charms.)~ = ~[ARAN] Now, that depends on what you be after, eh?~ ++ ~[PC] (You laugh and flip your wet hair back from your brow.) Put me down, I insist!~ + a1849 ++ ~[PC] (With your bodies held apart by his supporting arms, you cradle his face, bringing your lips to his.) Put me down. I think I know what I want. In fact, I insist.~ + a1849 ++ ~[PC] Too much, too fast. Let's just have that bath, and save the other forms of entertainment for another time.~ + a1817 ++ ~[PC] My turn. I intend to view every inch of your body. But Aran... just touching, nothing more.~ + a1827 ++ ~[PC] (Gently slide down his body until your arms are about his neck, his arms are encircling you, and your most intimate parts are just barely touching.)~ + a1830 END IF ~~ a1829 SAY ~[ARAN] Gods, ...~ ++ ~[PC] Less talk. Much, much more touching and kissing.~ + a1837 ++ ~[PC] I want more.~ + a1828 ++ ~[PC] I want more, Aran. What are you waiting for, permission? The strong take what they want.~ + a1828 ++ ~[PC] ... oh gods, Aran... no sex. Just this, all right?~ + a1827 ++ ~[PC] Aran... Aran. ARAN. We have to... we have to stop. Now.~ + a1826 ++ ~[PC] STOP!~ + a1826 END IF ~~ a1830 SAY ~[ARAN] Now, just how friendly did you want to get, eh? (His hands grip hard around your waist, holding you tightly.)~ ++ ~[PC] Oh, just two friends having a great deal of fun, I think... (wrap your legs around him, holding him tightly so that neither of you can move.)~ + a1821 ++ ~[PC] Very. (Move forward, thrusting yourself onto him, heels digging hard into his buttocks.)~ + a1853 ++ ~[PC] All talk and no action makes for no fun at all. Too late, I am no longer in the mood. But you can rub my back.~ + a1851 ++ ~[PC] You know, there are lots of ways of relieving tension. Things can get very friendly, without doing everything.~ + a1827 END IF ~~ a1831 SAY ~[ARAN] Mystra's Magic, th' way th' water trickles down your...~ ++ ~[PC] I am not taking anything more off, Aran. We can play about together, but I do not intend to go too far. Do you understand?~ + a1833 ++ ~[PC] (Pull the last of your undergarments off, turning slowly to entice him further.)~ + a1830 ++ ~[PC] So, now that you have me completely at your mercy, what do you intend to do with me?~ + a1834 ++ ~[PC] I don't know what to do next, Aran. But I think you can see what I want. Can you help me?~ + a1815 ++ ~[PC] Well, here I am, just a few thin scraps of cloth between you and what you want. What are you going to do about it?~ + a1834 ++ ~[PC] This... this is a little too much. I can't do this. We should just have a quick bath.~ + a1817 END IF ~~ a1832 SAY ~[ARAN] Ah... er...~ ++ ~[PC] Shall I do... this? (You brush your lips down his body to the waterline. As if guessing your intention, he leans back against the side of the tub, lifting his body to meet you.)~ + a1854 ++ ~[PC] Shall I do... this? (Stroke his smoothly muscled body down to the waterline and below, working gently.)~ + a1853 ++ ~[PC] Feels nice, doesn't it? Now... hands right there, on each side of my waist, thumbs digging in. That is it. The lower back muscles are always the worst. (Glance over your shoulder at him, with a sultry smile.)~ + a1851 ++ ~[PC] Gods, what am I doing? I just don't know what came over me. I am so sorry - I... I... (grab the towels and your clothes, and make a run for the door.)~ + a1861 END IF ~~ a1833 SAY ~[ARAN] I understand th' contract. No bedding, no matter what, just touchin'. An' I always keep a policy o' "naught asked, naught told, naught to worry noone". But gods, ... I want you so much right now I'd do anythin' to make love to you, right here an' now.~ ++ ~[PC] I think if we keep doing this, we might not be able to stop, and I am not ready for that. What you just said convinced me this will be too much temptation. You have to trust me and wait. Go on... watch the door.~ + a1809 ++ ~[PC] This is all I want. Just this closeness. For now. Just hold me.~ + a1860 ++ ~[PC] I am not sure, but it is a little late, seeing as I am already... you are already... oh, gods...~ + a1837 ++ ~[PC] I want you, and you want me. But there are other ways of pleasuring each other. Just touching, outside?~ + a1827 ++ ~[PC] I think I am... I... Wait. WAIT. I cannot do this. Aran, stop.~ + a1826 END IF ~~ a1834 SAY ~[ARAN] (His hands clasp behind the back of your neck, pulling you into a fierce kiss. They pull down across your shoulders, gripping the cloth of your undergarments tightly...~ = ~[ARAN] (...and his long, lean muscles harden under your touch. With a low growl, he tears your underclothing away, pressing his bare chest to yours.)~ ++ ~[PC] HEY! Those clothes cost me a good deal of coin! What do you think you are doing?~ + a1835 ++ ~[PC] Stop... too far, too fast... STOP!~ + a1826 ++ ~[PC] (Grabbing his manhood, you twist.) Don't you ever do anything like that again!~ + a1835 ++ ~[PC] (Push him away in disgust.) You have a lot of nerve! Stay away from me until you can treat me with respect!~ + a1835 ++ ~[PC] (Claw and tear at the remaining scraps of cloth, drawing your legs up around him and enfolding him in your arms.)~ + a1836 ++ ~[PC] This... this is important, Aran. This is just for fun, understand? I already have something special with someone else, and if they find out, there will be complications.~ + a1818 ++ ~[PC] (Kiss his lips, his neck, his chest, whispering his name.)~ + a1829 END IF ~~ a1835 SAY ~[ARAN] Bane's Bones, what did I do?~ ++ ~[PC] (Dart him an angry glare and leave.)~ + a1861 ++ ~[PC] I can't believe that you don't know what you did. You can bathe alone.~ + a1861 ++ ~[PC] Men! Gods, are all of you this dense? Don't bother...I already know the answer. Good night.~ EXIT ++ ~[PC] Next time... IF you are lucky enough to HAVE a next time... treat me with more respect. Here is your belt... (splash) and here are your clothes... (splash).~ + a1861 ++ ~[PC] I am not sure. I know you did not mean any harm, but I am most definitely not in the mood for being this close to you.~ + a1861 ++ ~[PC] I came within inches of destroying my relationship with my love, and you almost let me. I thought we were better friends than that.~ + a1861 ++ ~[PC] Nothing. You did nothing. I did nothing. This is just very, very confusing.~ + a1861 END IF ~~ a1836 SAY ~[ARAN] Now, who be th' aggressor, you or me? On account o' you move even a little, an' things will be where nature done intended...~ ++ ~[PC] Oh. OH. I... I seem to have already moved. And you are moving, too... don't stop!~ + a1837 ++ ~[PC] Gods, take me...~ + a1838 ++ ~[PC] How in the nine hells do you fit all that under your armor, anyways? Not that... I am... complaining... mind you...~ + a1838 ++ ~[PC] Wait. I cannot do this. Aran, stop. STOP.~ + a1826 ++ ~[PC] You take, I take, I give, you give... why are we talking? Gods, just press forward!~ + a1839 ++ ~[PC] (Take hold of his chin with one hand, guiding him so that your forehead rests on his and you are looking deeply into each other's eyes... and tighten your legs, driving him deep within you.)~ + a1837 END /* contemplative */ IF ~~ a1837 SAY ~[ARAN] (The sounds and cries of your lovemaking echo throughout the chamber, drowning out the faint wisps of music and laughter creeping under the door. For a time, the cares of adventuring drift away.)~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",4)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a1838 SAY ~[ARAN] (His eyes burn with lust as he pulls away for a moment, his body still pinning yours to the side of the tub, his manhood poised on your threshold.)~ = ~[ARAN] Th' gods will not be takin' you today, . But by all their names, I will.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a1837 END IF ~~ a1839 SAY ~[ARAN] (His eyes burn with lust as he pulls away for a moment, his body still pinning yours to the side of the tub, his manhood poised on your threshold.)~ = ~[ARAN] Th' gods will not be takin' you today, . But by all their names, I will.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a1863 END IF ~~ a1840 SAY ~[ARAN] Now, you be pullin' away from me. Do you want I should stop, or should I continue?~ ++ ~[PC] I think I have had enough of this right now. You bathe. I am going to rest.~ + a1857 ++ ~[PC] If I wanted you to stop, I would had said so. Just go gently, please. I like it when you touch me.~ + a1825 ++ ~[PC] Too much, too fast. Let's just have that bath, and save the other forms of entertainment for another time.~ + a1817 ++ ~[PC] My calves ache, and my heels. Do you think you could do something about that?~ + a1816 ++ ~[PC] You should get out and watch the door, while I finish bathing.~ + a1809 END IF ~~ a1841 SAY ~[ARAN] (Bubbles of air break the surface as you force his head under the water, suddenly tickling your bare flesh as he wrestles close to your torso. Warm lips tease you as he blows gently on the sensitive skin of your belly and breasts, then he surfaces with a spray of water that drenches your face completely.)~ ++ ~[PC] HEY! Stop that! That tickles! Get over here. I have better uses for those lips of yours.~ + a1829 ++ ~[PC] I want more, Aran. The strong take what they want.~ + a1828 ++ ~[PC] Well, that was fun. Hey grab the soap, and wash my back, will you?~ + a1851 ++ ~[PC] Playing about is for children. Do you want me, or are you just going to gawk at my body while I lie here, all vulnerable and available to you?~ + a1850 ++ ~[PC] You know, when I stop laughing, you are going to be in so much trouble...~ + a1840 ++ ~[PC] I like you, even when you are an insufferable flirt! Hold me, Aran. Nothing else. Just come over here, calm down, and hold me.~ + a1860 END IF ~~ a1842 SAY ~[ARAN] More like lusted after an' molested, eh?~ ++ ~[PC] You have such a beautiful bottom. Pity you use it to think, too. For that, you will have to be punished. (Grab his neck and force his head under the water.)~ + a1841 ++ ~[PC] If you're going to be doing any lusting, you're going to need a better view. You may have to move a little closer. Or deeper. (Move closer into his embrace, arms creeping around his neck.)~ + a1815 ++ ~[PC] Lust is good. Anything more serious, well, why don't we stick with lust for awhile and see how it goes.~ + a1830 ++ ~[PC] I am not an object, and I do not choose to be molested. You, on the other hand, are subject to my every whim. Just tell me 'no', and I will stop...~ + a1843 ++ ~[PC] If that was a joke, I am not amused. Get out of this tub, this instant.~ + a1835 + ~Gender(Player2,MALE) !Name("c-aran",Player2)~ + ~[PC] A joker, eh? Two can play that game. I have always wanted instead, but you will have to do...~ + a1844 + ~Gender(Player3,MALE) !Name("c-aran",Player2)~ + ~[PC] A joker, eh? Two can play that game. I have always wanted instead, but you will have to do...~ + a1844 + ~Gender(Player4,MALE) !Name("c-aran",Player2)~ + ~[PC] A joker, eh? Two can play that game. I have always wanted instead, but you will have to do...~ + a1844 + ~Gender(Player5,MALE) !Name("c-aran",Player2)~ + ~[PC] A joker, eh? Two can play that game. I have always wanted instead, but you will have to do...~ + a1844 + ~Gender(Player6,MALE) !Name("c-aran",Player2)~ + ~[PC] A joker, eh? Two can play that game. I have always wanted instead, but you will have to do...~ + a1844 END IF ~~ a1843 SAY ~[ARAN] (Aran's laughter echoes across the chamber, his voice darkened with lust.) Never saw myself in quite that way, but if th' lady insists, I'll be a toy. Question is, do you want me to follow through like a man, or are you just playin' wi' me?~ ++ ~[PC] Silly sellsword. It is I who shall do the playing. And the taking. And I intend for you to be very, very... gods... taken...~ + a1837 ++ ~[PC] Let's have a little test. I run my hands over you, like so... and this.. and you see if you can follow my next order. Ready? Get out now and watch the door.~ + a1826 ++ ~[PC] Perfect choice of words...~ + a1829 ++ ~[PC] Let's have a little test. I run my hands over you, like so... and this big thing goes right here, or at least he starts there... and you see if you can follow my next order. Ready? (Dig your heels into him as if riding a horse.)~ + a1837 ++ ~[PC] You... you are laughing at me? I cannot believe you are laughing at me, when I... get out. Get out of the water right now.~ + a1835 ++ ~[PC] I am playing with you, of course. Friends, remember? I know you want me, but this is as far as we can go. I think you should watch the door before something happens we both may regret.~ + a1864 ++ ~[PC] Oh, playing of course, my handsome friend. But, I play for keeps. (Move onto him, his breath roughening as he enters you.)~ + a1839 END IF ~~ a1844 SAY ~[ARAN] (Aran's laughter echoes across the chamber, his voice darkened with lust.) That may be, but right now it be just th' two o' us, alone. Question is, do you want me to follow through, or are you playin' wi' me?~ ++ ~[PC] Silly sellsword. It is I who shall do the taking. And I intend for you to be very, very... (Move onto him, his breath roughening as he enters you.) ...taken...~ + a1837 ++ ~[PC] Let's have a little test. I run my hands over you, like so... and this.. and you see if you can follow my next order. Ready? Get out now and watch the door.~ + a1826 ++ ~[PC] Perfect choice of words...~ + a1829 ++ ~[PC] Oh, playing of course, my handsome friend. But, I play for keeps. (Move onto him, his breath roughening as he enters you.)~ + a1839 ++ ~[PC] Let's have a little test. I run my hands over you, like so... and the tip of this big boy goes right here... and you see if you can follow my next order. Ready? (Dig your heels into him as if riding a horse).~ + a1837 ++ ~[PC] You... you are laughing at me? I cannot believe you are laughing at me, when I... get out. Get out of the water right now.~ + a1835 ++ ~[PC] I am playing with you, of course. Friends, remember? I know you want me, but this is as far as we can go. I think you should watch the door before something happens we both may regret.~ + a1864 END IF ~~ a1845 SAY ~[ARAN] I'd stay like this for hours, but I need to know. I am on fire for you, an' in a position to do somethin' about it. Literally. What do you be wantin' to do?~ ++ ~[PC] Nothing else. This is all I want. Just this. For now.~ + a1849 ++ ~[PC] I think you were about to ravish me, and I was about to start encouraging you...~ + a1848 ++ ~[PC] Oh, I don't know. Perhaps a game of chess? You seem to be moving that slowly...~ + a1828 ++ ~[PC] I am not sure. But I want you, and you want me. There are other ways of pleasuring each other, though. Just touching, outside?~ + a1827 END IF ~~ a1846 SAY ~[ARAN] (His face turns upward to yours, eyes bright.) I'd stay like this for hours, an' do a mite more than this, too. I am on fire for you, an' in a position to do somethin' about it. Literally. What do you be wantin' to do?~ ++ ~[PC] Nothing else. This is all I want. Just this. For now.~ + a1849 ++ ~[PC] I think you were about to ravish me, and I was about to start encouraging you...~ + a1848 ++ ~[PC] (Kiss him.) I want to feel you inside of me. Now, what do *you* be wantin' to do?~ + a1838 ++ ~[PC] Oh, I don't know. Perhaps you are not man enough to just do it.~ + a1848 ++ ~[PC] I am not sure. But I want you, and you want me. There are other ways of pleasuring each other, though. Just touching, outside?~ + a1827 END IF ~~ a1847 SAY ~[ARAN] Well, what are we doin' right now?~ ++ ~[PC] I... I don't know. Part of me wants to, but part of me... I think we are... I think I am going too far.~ + a1849 ++ ~[PC] My mind says we are getting too intimate, but my body says otherwise. If we were smart, we would stop.~ + a1849 + ~GlobalLT("c-aransex","GLOBAL",3)~ + ~[PC] We are about to change our relationship forever. I think I am ready for that.~ + a1849 + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",4)~ + ~[PC] We are about to have another really great time together. I think I am ready for that.~ + a1849 ++ ~[PC] I think you were about to ravish me, and I was about to start encouraging you...~ + a1848 ++ ~[PC] Oh, I don't know. Perhaps you are not man enough to just do it.~ + a1848 END IF ~~ a1848 SAY ~[ARAN] I need no encouragement. Mayhap actions will show stronger than words.~ ++ ~[PC] Oh. OH. I... just keep going, and never stop.~ + a1837 ++ ~[PC] Gods, take me...~ + a1838 ++ ~[PC] How in the nine hells do you fit all that under your armor, anyways? Not that... I am... complaining... mind you...~ + a1838 ++ ~[PC] Wait. WAIT. I cannot do this. Aran, stop.~ + a1826 ++ ~[PC] Stop right there, boyo. I think I have had enough fun. Now, hand me a towel, and get out of here.~ + a1864 END IF ~~ a1849 SAY ~[ARAN] Are you sure? I want you so much right now I'd do anythin' to make love to you, right here an' now.~ ++ ~[PC] I think if we keep doing this, we might not be able to stop, and I am not ready for that. You have to trust me and wait. Go on... watch the door.~ + a1809 ++ ~[PC] This is all I want. Just this closeness. For now. Just hold me.~ + a1860 ++ ~[PC] I am not sure, but it is a little late, seeing as I am already... you are already... oh, gods...~ + a1837 ++ ~[PC] I want you, and you want me. But there are other ways of pleasuring each other. Just touching, outside?~ + a1827 ++ ~[PC] I think I am... I... Wait. WAIT. I cannot do this. Aran, stop.~ + a1826 END IF ~~ a1850 SAY ~[ARAN] Malar's Sharp Teeth, I will have what I want. An' that be you.~ = ~[ARAN] (He pulls you down into his arms, towering over you. His rough cheek scrapes along your body. His hips twist your knees apart as you wrestle, lips locked in battle.)~ ++ ~[PC] Gods, take me...~ + a1839 ++ ~[PC] (You bite down hard on his lip, then push him away from you.) The hells, you will! If you ever try anything like that again, I swear I will kill you!~ + a1864 ++ ~[PC] (Growl fiercely, biting him and scratching him.)~ + a1863 ++ ~[PC] (Twist away suddenly.) Aran. ARAN. STOP.~ + a1826 ++ ~[PC] Well, you have the right idea, but I changed my mind. Good energy, but I want it applied properly, not like a beast in heat...~ + a1865 END IF ~~ a1851 SAY ~[ARAN] Teasin' me a mite, or are you really askin' for just a backrub an' a bit o' help wi' th' washin'?~ ++ ~[PC] I really want that backrub. Just dig those fingers in deep, and work the knots out, please.~ + a1856 ++ ~[PC] (Reach back and pull him close, nestling until his gasp of surprise matches your groan of delight.) What do you think?~ + a1852 ++ ~[PC] Maybe both. But right now, I can feel you beneath my fingertips, and you can feel me practically everywhere. But Aran... no sex. Just this, all right?~ + a1827 ++ ~[PC] I am teasing you, and teasing me. Put your hand right there. Can't you feel... this?~ + a1852 END IF ~~ a1852 SAY ~[ARAN] I think if you keep that up, one or more o' us will become very, very, happy, an' we will make a mite bit o' a mess.~ ++ ~[PC] (Lean back in his arms, his chin resting on your shoulder, and move your hips slowly back and forth to your mutual and increasing pleasure.) There. All comfy now?~ + a1854 ++ ~[PC] (Move carefully to him and sit back, eliciting another gasp from both of you.) There. I always believe a sword should be sheathed correctly.~ + a1855 ++ ~[PC] Now then, we can't have that. (Move away from him and turn in his arms, capturing his hips between your thighs.)~ + a1853 ++ ~[PC] Aran... We have to stop. Hey. Stop moving. I mean it. We have to stop now.~ + a1826 ++ ~[PC] Well, ooooh... OH. Ok, enough. I have had plenty of fun. Out of the tub. Move it, sellsword.~ + a1826 END IF ~~ a1853 SAY ~[ARAN] ...~ ++ ~[PC] Aran... ARAN. We have to stop.~ + a1826 ++ ~[PC] When you say my name like that, as if it were a prayer, how can I resist. Take me all the way, right now. I want you.~ + a1837 ++ ~[PC] I just don't know what came over me. I am so sorry. I... I... (grab the towels and your clothes, and make a run for the door.)~ + a1861 ++ ~[PC] (Move with him, letting your desire and excitement match his.)~ + a1837 ++ ~[PC] Hey, relax... touching only. I am not ready to go all of the way.~ + a1827 END IF ~~ a1854 SAY ~[ARAN] Oh gods...~ ++ ~[PC] Or mmmmph?~ + a1853 ++ ~[PC] Or this... (Brush the tips of your breasts down his skin, your body moving with his, your breath matching his.)~ + a1853 ++ ~[PC] ... oh gods, Aran... no sex. Just this, all right?~ + a1827 ++ ~[PC] Now that felt really, really good. OK, enough. Out of the tub. Move it.~ + a1826 END IF ~~ a1855 SAY ~[ARAN] I can feel every bit o' you. I don't want to stop, not now, not ever.~ ++ ~[PC] Then don't stop, for anything, for any reason.~ + a1837 ++ ~[PC] I can feel every bit of you, too. I know this will cause problems, but it feels so good...~ + a1837 ++ ~[PC] Oh, Aran, fill me completely. I am yours, and only yours.~ + a1837 ++ ~[PC] Harder. Faster. I want more. Gods, I want more.~ + a1863 ++ ~[PC] I... I don't want to stop, but I have to. We have to. Aran, stop. We have gone too far. ARAN.~ + a1826 ++ ~[PC] Get away from me. Now.~ + a1826 END IF ~~ a1865 SAY ~[ARAN] ... so warm, so close...~ ++ ~[PC] Aran... ARAN. We have to stop.~ + a1826 ++ ~[PC] Take me all the way, right now. I want you.~ + a1837 ++ ~[PC] (Move with him, letting your desire and excitement match his.)~ + a1837 ++ ~[PC] Whoa, slow down... There are other ways of pleasuring each other. Just touching, outside?~ + a1827 END /* passthroughs */ IF ~~ a1856 SAY ~[ARAN] Your wish be my command.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a1858 END IF ~~ a1857 SAY ~[ARAN] (The lantern light dances as you both share the bath, modestly and discreetly. The swishing of the soapy cloth on his back makes a soft counterpoint to the distant voices and snippets of music that creep under the door.)~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a1859 END IF ~~ a1858 SAY ~(The lantern light dances as you both share the bath, modestly and discreetly. After a while, the swishing of the soapy cloth on your back gives way to a gentle and thorough massage.)~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a1859 END /* Bathing Exits */ /* Aran bathes Alone Exits */ IF ~~ a4686 SAY ~[ARAN] (Long, lean muscles ripple as he moves about his ministrations, the occasional glimse of a black tattoo winking at you from time to time as he works the washcloth along his body. A quick duck under the surface, and he rises streaming with water and suds, shaking his head vigorously. He looks at you, and a huge grin spills across his face.)~ = ~[ARAN] If you be starin' at me like that, mayhap I should charge admission, m'girl. Either that, or turnabout be fair play!~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~StartCutSceneMode() StartCutScene("c-restco")~ EXIT END IF ~~ a4687 SAY ~[ARAN] (His back remains towards you for the most part, but there is plenty to see. He is not bashful, but suprisingly modest.)~ = ~[ARAN] (His glances your way do not stop his progress, and at last he is finished. He climbs out, water streaming onto the floor, and vigourously towels himself dry.)~ = ~[ARAN] Your turn, if you want it, eh?~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~StartCutSceneMode() StartCutScene("c-restco")~ EXIT END IF ~~ a4688 SAY ~[ARAN] Right, then. I won't wait for naught, on account o' water an' me, we have a right close relationship.~ = ~[ARAN] (His muscles ripple along his form as he moves in the water, an occasional stretch to reach his back causing a cascade of water to fly off around the room.)~ = ~[ARAN] (The cares of adventuring drift away for a time as quiet motion and soft sound wash over your senses.)~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~StartCutSceneMode() StartCutScene("c-restco")~ EXIT END /* Escape : PC Bathes Alone */ IF ~~ a4689 SAY ~[ARAN] (A quiet bath sweeps the grime of adventuring away, clearing your head and relaxing your body.)~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~StartCutSceneMode() StartCutScene("c-restco")~ EXIT END /* Bathing (*cough*) Together */ IF ~~ a4690 SAY ~[ARAN] Aye, then.~ = ~[ARAN] (Hot soapy cloth slapping hard against your back. The slow, casual cascade of suds running down your body, tickling but relaxing. Strong arms move you, lift you, comfort you. Gentle hands pull at your tight muscles, clearing strain and care.)~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~StartCutSceneMode() StartCutScene("c-restco")~ EXIT END IF ~~ a4691 SAY ~[ARAN] Malar's Sharp Teeth, I can tell when I'm not blighted wanted. I don't know what I did wrong, but it be a hells o' a thing to lead me on like this an' then just stop. I need to go find somewhere to relieve th' tension, I guess.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~StartCutSceneMode() StartCutScene("c-restco")~ EXIT END IF ~~ a4692 SAY ~[ARAN] Now, that were an experience to repeat. Mayhap you can settle into my arms, an' just rest a bit. I think we need a bath from havin' a bath, eh?~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~StartCutSceneMode() StartCutScene("c-restco")~ EXIT END IF ~~ a4693 SAY ~[ARAN] Sune's Delight, I think I'd better stop on this. Always leave 'em wantin' more, I always say. Now, I'm goin' to get that bath, an' you... hey... HEY! You can harm a lad doin' that, you know!~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~StartCutSceneMode() StartCutScene("c-restco")~ EXIT END IF ~~ a4694 SAY ~[ARAN] I am just one evil, evil man, takin' advantage o' you like this. Here, rinse that bit, right there...~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",3) StartCutSceneMode() StartCutScene("c-restco")~ EXIT END IF ~~ a4695 SAY ~[ARAN] No, I think I be done for th' night. There be towels over there. Th' door locks from th' inside, too. Have fun all by yourself.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",3) StartCutSceneMode() StartCutScene("c-restco")~ EXIT END IF ~~ a4696 SAY ~[ARAN] Your wish be my command. But some other time, I think we should finish what we started, eh?~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",3) StartCutSceneMode() StartCutScene("c-restco")~ EXIT END IF ~~ a4697 // unlinked SAY ~[ARAN] Your wish be my command.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",4) StartCutSceneMode() StartCutScene("c-restco")~ EXIT END IF ~~ a4698 SAY ~[ARAN] Well, I know I done my job proper, on account o' you have a right blissful look on your face. An' it be a mite dusky red, both there an' on your chest. That, an' your thighs are like to break me in half, an' there be a nice little moan from those perfect lips o' yours. Now, time for that bath, I do belive...~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",3) StartCutSceneMode() StartCutScene("c-restco")~ EXIT END IF ~~ a4699 SAY ~[ARAN] You know, for a mighty attractive woman, you be a right cold bitch. Screw you. Gods know I won't be, any time soon.~ IF ~~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfight","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranflirtstop","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranismad","GLOBAL",ONE_DAY)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a1859 SAY ~[ARAN] (The cares of adventuring drift away for a short time.)~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1860 /* holding only, no matter how frustrating */ SAY ~[ARAN] (You hold each other gently, relaxing in the water as the faint wisps of music and laughter creep under the door. For a time, the cares of adventuring drift away.)~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",1)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a1861 /* PC runs for it */ SAY ~[ARAN] (The door slams shut as your back slams against it. You drape your towel around your body and attempt to regain your composure. Muted cursing and splashing filters from behind you as you seek the privacy of your room to dry off.)~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1862 /* petting only */ SAY ~[ARAN] (The sounds and cries of your mutual pleasuring echo throughout the chamber, drowning out the faint wisps of music and laughter creeping under the door. For a time, the cares of adventuring drift away.)~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",3)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a1863 /* aggressive */ SAY ~[ARAN] (The harsh sounds and loud cries of your lovemaking echo throughout the chamber, drowning out the faint wisps of music and laughter creeping under the door. For a time, the cares of adventuring drift away.)~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",4)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a1864 SAY ~[ARAN] Bloody hells... Now where be th' fun in that, I ask you. I... You tease me half to... Well, suit yourself.~ = ~[ARAN] I have enough self control to know "no" means "no". But that be a cold, mean, calculatin' thing to do to a lad. You take your own bath, there. I think I done saw a right fine young lady back at th' bar, an' mayhap she will be more friendly.~ = ~[ARAN] (He climbs from the water, stretching to reach a towel, and leaves the chamber.)~ = ~[ARAN] (The lantern light dances as you bathe alone.)~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END /* end of new bathing section : last one is a4701 */ /* Inn Flirts: [PC] "Teach me to scribe something new" - Starts with PC and Aran on chair, PC on his lap */ IF ~~ a2057 SAY ~[ARAN] That would be a pleasure. Here, I can help better if you sit right here. I won't bite, unless ordered to, anyways. I'll show you some runes I found, an' you can trace 'em to test your skills.~ ++ ~[PC] (Sit on his lap, your quill firmly in hand, and begin tracing on the parchment he offers.)~ + a2059 ++ ~[PC] On your lap? I don't think so. Nice try. See you later, Aran.~ + a2058 ++ ~[PC] How do you hold this thing, anyways?~ + a2059 ++ ~[PC] Just keep your hands above the table. This looks like delicate work, based on the amount of time you spend on just one tracing.~ + a2059 END IF ~~ a2058 SAY ~[ARAN] Well, don't blame a lad for tryin', eh?~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a2059 /* Idea from Berelinde's Gavin BG2 - check for armor. Must make sure it can't e accessed from the PC responses where PC is showing off a dress, so needs some tidying before integration. */ SAY ~[ARAN] Aye, there be a bit more to it than first appears, eh? Here, let me help. Now, take th' quill, like this... dip it here. No, not that far down. We want naught in th' way o' splatter, just a fine line's worth. Good. Now, let me take your hand... an' then it be a circular motion, like this...~ = ~[ARAN] (His breath whispers warmth on your neck as he leans against your back, guiding your hand over the rough parchment.)~ IF ~OR(20) HasItemEquiped("chan01",Player1) HasItemEquiped("chan02",Player1) HasItemEquiped("chan03",Player1) HasItemEquiped("chan04",Player1) HasItemEquiped("chan05",Player1) HasItemEquiped("chan06",Player1) HasItemEquiped("chan07",Player1) HasItemEquiped("chan08",Player1) HasItemEquiped("chan09",Player1) HasItemEquiped("chan10",Player1) HasItemEquiped("chan11",Player1) HasItemEquiped("chan12",Player1) HasItemEquiped("chan13",Player1) HasItemEquiped("chan14",Player1) HasItemEquiped("chan15",Player1) HasItemEquiped("chan16",Player1) HasItemEquiped("chan17",Player1) HasItemEquiped("chan18",Player1) HasItemEquiped("dwchan01",Player1) HasItemEquiped("dwchan02",Player1) RandomNum(3,1)~ THEN GOTO a2060 IF ~OR(20) HasItemEquiped("chan01",Player1) HasItemEquiped("chan02",Player1) HasItemEquiped("chan03",Player1) HasItemEquiped("chan04",Player1) HasItemEquiped("chan05",Player1) HasItemEquiped("chan06",Player1) HasItemEquiped("chan07",Player1) HasItemEquiped("chan08",Player1) HasItemEquiped("chan09",Player1) HasItemEquiped("chan10",Player1) HasItemEquiped("chan11",Player1) HasItemEquiped("chan12",Player1) HasItemEquiped("chan13",Player1) HasItemEquiped("chan14",Player1) HasItemEquiped("chan15",Player1) HasItemEquiped("chan16",Player1) HasItemEquiped("chan17",Player1) HasItemEquiped("chan18",Player1) HasItemEquiped("dwchan01",Player1) HasItemEquiped("dwchan02",Player1) RandomNum(3,2)~ THEN GOTO a2061 IF ~OR(20) HasItemEquiped("chan01",Player1) HasItemEquiped("chan02",Player1) HasItemEquiped("chan03",Player1) HasItemEquiped("chan04",Player1) HasItemEquiped("chan05",Player1) HasItemEquiped("chan06",Player1) HasItemEquiped("chan07",Player1) HasItemEquiped("chan08",Player1) HasItemEquiped("chan09",Player1) HasItemEquiped("chan10",Player1) HasItemEquiped("chan11",Player1) HasItemEquiped("chan12",Player1) HasItemEquiped("chan13",Player1) HasItemEquiped("chan14",Player1) HasItemEquiped("chan15",Player1) HasItemEquiped("chan16",Player1) HasItemEquiped("chan17",Player1) HasItemEquiped("chan18",Player1) HasItemEquiped("dwchan01",Player1) HasItemEquiped("dwchan02",Player1) RandomNum(3,3)~ THEN GOTO a2062 IF ~!HasItemEquiped("chan01",Player1) !HasItemEquiped("chan02",Player1) !HasItemEquiped("chan03",Player1) !HasItemEquiped("chan04",Player1) !HasItemEquiped("chan05",Player1) !HasItemEquiped("chan06",Player1) !HasItemEquiped("chan07",Player1) !HasItemEquiped("chan08",Player1) !HasItemEquiped("chan09",Player1) !HasItemEquiped("chan10",Player1) !HasItemEquiped("chan11",Player1) !HasItemEquiped("chan12",Player1) !HasItemEquiped("chan13",Player1) !HasItemEquiped("chan14",Player1) !HasItemEquiped("chan15",Player1) !HasItemEquiped("chan16",Player1) !HasItemEquiped("chan17",Player1) !HasItemEquiped("chan18",Player1) !HasItemEquiped("dwchan01",Player1) !HasItemEquiped("dwchan02",Player1) RandomNum(3,1)~ THEN GOTO a2063 IF ~!HasItemEquiped("chan01",Player1) !HasItemEquiped("chan02",Player1) !HasItemEquiped("chan03",Player1) !HasItemEquiped("chan04",Player1) !HasItemEquiped("chan05",Player1) !HasItemEquiped("chan06",Player1) !HasItemEquiped("chan07",Player1) !HasItemEquiped("chan08",Player1) !HasItemEquiped("chan09",Player1) !HasItemEquiped("chan10",Player1) !HasItemEquiped("chan11",Player1) !HasItemEquiped("chan12",Player1) !HasItemEquiped("chan13",Player1) !HasItemEquiped("chan14",Player1) !HasItemEquiped("chan15",Player1) !HasItemEquiped("chan16",Player1) !HasItemEquiped("chan17",Player1) !HasItemEquiped("chan18",Player1) !HasItemEquiped("dwchan01",Player1) !HasItemEquiped("dwchan02",Player1) RandomNum(3,2)~ THEN GOTO a2064 IF ~!HasItemEquiped("chan01",Player1) !HasItemEquiped("chan02",Player1) !HasItemEquiped("chan03",Player1) !HasItemEquiped("chan04",Player1) !HasItemEquiped("chan05",Player1) !HasItemEquiped("chan06",Player1) !HasItemEquiped("chan07",Player1) !HasItemEquiped("chan08",Player1) !HasItemEquiped("chan09",Player1) !HasItemEquiped("chan10",Player1) !HasItemEquiped("chan11",Player1) !HasItemEquiped("chan12",Player1) !HasItemEquiped("chan13",Player1) !HasItemEquiped("chan14",Player1) !HasItemEquiped("chan15",Player1) !HasItemEquiped("chan16",Player1) !HasItemEquiped("chan17",Player1) !HasItemEquiped("chan18",Player1) !HasItemEquiped("dwchan01",Player1) !HasItemEquiped("dwchan02",Player1) RandomNum(3,3)~ THEN GOTO a2065 END IF ~~ a2063 SAY ~[ARAN] (His other hand seems much more interested in other pursuits, as it gently parts your robe higher than the knee, and begins exploring.)~ ++ ~[PC] (You lean your head back against his shoulder, moving the quill gently across the page as his fingertips trace a copy of your motions on your inner thigh.)~ + a2066 ++ ~[PC] (You firmly move his hand to your waist, and hold it there while the quill scratches along the parchment.)~ + a2090 ++ ~[PC] Aran. Your hand. Move it or lose it.~ + a2091 ++ ~[PC] (You shift slightly and cover his hand with yours, guiding his motions.)~ + a2077 ++ ~[PC] Hey, that tickles... and I think you should stop.~ + a2087 ++ ~[PC] (You casually adjust yourself forward, your hand hidden from view as you unlace his codpiece.)~ + a4514 + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Aran... I think I would like a tutoring session. Someplace a little more private. There are some things I want to learn from you that only you can teach me.~ + a2078 + ~GlobalGT("c-aransex","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Aran... I think I would like a tutoring session. Someplace a little more private.~ + a2079 END IF ~~ a2064 SAY ~[ARAN] (His other hand absently strokes your waist, running idle fingers up and down your hip.)~ ++ ~[PC] (You shift slightly on his lap, your robe parting to reveal most of your leg.)~ + a2066 ++ ~[PC] (You firmly move his hand to your waist, and hold it there while the quill scratches along the parchment.)~ + a2090 + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Aran... I think I would like a tutoring session. Someplace a little more private. There are some things I want to learn from you that only you can teach me.~ + a2078 + ~GlobalGT("c-aransex","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Aran... I think I would like a tutoring session. Someplace a little more private.~ + a2079 ++ ~[PC] Aran. Your hand. Move it or lose it.~ + a2091 ++ ~[PC] (You casually adjust yourself forward, your hand hidden from view as you unlace his codpiece.)~ + a4514 ++ ~[PC] (You shift slightly and cover his hand with yours, holding his arm close around you in a gentle hug.)~ + a2073 ++ ~[PC] Hey, that tickles... and I think you should stop.~ + a2087 END IF ~~ a2065 SAY ~[ARAN] (His other hand absently rests gently on your shoulder. By the warmth of his breath you can tell his eyes are not on the page, but very definitely looking down your front...)~ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Aran... I think I would like a tutoring session. Someplace a little more private. There are some things I want to learn from you that only you can teach me.~ + a2078 + ~GlobalGT("c-aransex","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Aran... I think I would like a tutoring session. Someplace a little more private.~ + a2079 ++ ~[PC] (You lean your head back against his shoulder, moving the quill gently across the page and nestling deeper into his lap.)~ + a2069 ++ ~[PC] (You firmly adjust your robe to preserve modesty, and hold it there while the quill scratches along the parchment.)~ + a2090 ++ ~[PC] Aran. Pay attention to the work, not the scenery.~ + a2100 ++ ~[PC] (You casually adjust yourself forward, your hand hidden from view as you unlace his codpiece.)~ + a4514 ++ ~[PC] (You shift slightly, and idly rub your hands along the outside of his leg, right below where your legs rest comfortably on him.)~ + a2072 ++ ~[PC] (You firmly adjust your position to preserve modesty, and sit up sharply.)~ + a2071 ++ ~[PC] Hey, that tickles... and I think you should stop.~ + a2087 END IF ~~ a2060 SAY ~[ARAN] (His other hand seems much more interested in other pursuits, as it gently begins exploring your thigh. Fortunately or unfortunately, the armor makes this more an exercise in futility on his part, and he begins idly toying with your belt.)~ ++ ~[PC] (You lean your head back against his shoulder, moving the quill gently across the page as his steady hand guides your scribing.)~ + a2100 ++ ~[PC] (You firmly move his free hand to your waist, while the quill scratches along the parchment. You sit comfortably wrapped in his arm.)~ + a2100 ++ ~[PC] Well, that was three minutes of my life wasted.~ + a2087 + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] You could get that belt off if we were all alone, you know. I mean...~ + a2078 + ~GlobalGT("c-aransex","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] You could get that belt off if we were all alone, you know.~ + a2079 + ~OR(3) Class(Player1,CLERIC_ALL) Class(Player1,MAGE_ALL) Class(Player1,SORCERER)~ + ~[PC] You do realize I lied, right? I can scribe very well all by myself.~ + a2089 ++ ~[PC] (You shift slightly, and idly rub your hands along the outside of his leg, right below where your legs rest comfortably on him.)~ + a2072 END IF ~~ a2061 SAY ~[ARAN] (Your armor protects you from the daring explorations of his other hand, but Aran's persistence pays off. Your belt loosens slightly under his ministrations.)~ ++ ~[PC] (You lean your head back against his shoulder, moving the quill gently across the page as his steady hand guides your scribing.)~ + a2100 ++ ~[PC] (You firmly move his free hand to your waist, while the quill scratches along the parchment. You sit comfortably wrapped in his arm.)~ + a2100 ++ ~[PC] Hey, back off, sellsword. If I wanted my armor loosened, I would have done it myself.~ + a2087 ++ ~[PC] (You shift slightly, and idly rub your hands along the outside of his leg, right below where your legs rest comfortably on him.)~ + a2072 + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Aran... I think I would like a tutoring session. Someplace a little more private. There are some things I want to learn from you that only you can teach me.~ + a2078 + ~GlobalGT("c-aransex","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Aran... I think I would like a tutoring session. Someplace a little more private.~ + a2079 + ~OR(3) Class(Player1,CLERIC_ALL) Class(Player1,MAGE_ALL) Class(Player1,SORCERER)~ + ~[PC] You do realize I lied, right? I can scribe very well all by myself.~ + a2089 END IF ~~ a2062 SAY ~[ARAN] (His free arm sneaks around your waist, holding you tightly. Your armor protects you from the pressure of his grip, but you can feel his intensity as your arm drops to cover his.)~ ++ ~[PC] (You lean your head back against his shoulder, moving the quill gently across the page as his steady hand guides your scribing.)~ + a2100 ++ ~[PC] Oh, I am smearing the ink. Perhaps we should go get a bath and wash it all off.~ + a2067 ++ ~[PC] Hey, back off, sellsword. If I wanted my armor loosened, I would have done it myself.~ + a2087 + ~OR(3) Class(Player1,CLERIC_ALL) Class(Player1,MAGE_ALL) Class(Player1,SORCERER)~ + ~[PC] You do realize I lied, right? I can scribe very well all by myself.~ + a2089 + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] This is nice. But I think I want us to have a little more privacy. Just the two of us, if... well, you know what I mean.~ + a2078 + ~GlobalGT("c-aransex","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] This is nice. But I think I want us to have a little more privacy.~ + a2079 END IF ~~ a2066 SAY ~[ARAN] You feel like velvet, you know. Only a mite bit warmer, an' just a little bit like th' feelin' when a lightnin' bolt arcs close by. Excitin'. I can hear your breath movin' faster, too.~ ++ ~[PC] It is a pity we have so many clothes in the way, or this could feel so much better...~ + a2278 ++ ~[PC] Stop talking. You are making me blush. You know how awkward I feel about all this. You could just touch me, and not talk about it.~ + a2089 ++ ~[PC] You know, the way your muscles jump under my fingertips... it feels good.~ + a2101 ++ ~[PC] Forward is good. Well, this far forward, and no more.~ + a2096 ++ ~[PC] Hey. I do what I want when I want, but you can't. I didn't say you could touch me like that. Cut it out. (Drive your fingernails sharply into the back of his hand.)~ + a2070 END IF ~~ a2067 SAY ~[ARAN] Aye, there is a right fine idea. Come on, I have just th' place...~ = ~[ARAN] (He guides you to your room, trading a few copper coins for a hot washbasin as he passes the innkeeper. A small lantern flares, sending highlights and shadow across the ink smears along your wrist and armor. He pauses amid preparations, looking up with a grin...)~ = ~[ARAN] I guess th' question be, do you want me to help wash this while all that armor be on, or off?~ ++ ~[PC] (The sound of metal hitting the floor echoes in your ears as you undo each lace and belt slowly, savoring his reaction.) Does this answer your question?~ EXIT /* hidden in Adult land: c_take_it_off PLACEHOLDER */ ++ ~[PC] Just wash the ink off of the armor, Aran. No amorous advances, thank you.~ + a2086 ++ ~[PC] You know, you talk too much, and you take way to many liberties. You should leave. Now.~ + a1963 /* c-aranshutup57 */ ++ ~[PC] Do you ever think about anything but sex?~ + a2068 END IF ~~ a2068 SAY ~[ARAN] Last time I checked, I was male. Does that answer th' question?~ ++ ~[PC] Yes. (The sound of metal hitting the floor echoes in your ears as you undo each lace and belt protecting you slowly, savoring his reaction.)~ EXIT /* hidden in Adult land: c_take_it_off PLACEHOLDER */ ++ ~[PC] Just wash the ink off of the armor, Aran. No amorous advances, thank you.~ + a2086 ++ ~[PC] You know, you talk too much, and you take way to many liberties. You should leave. Now.~ + a1962 /* c-aranshutup56 */ ++ ~[PC] Last time I checked, I was female. And we ladies appreciate a more refined approach, rather than having a dog sniff around constantly trying to bed us.~ + a2088 END IF ~~ a2069 SAY ~[ARAN] (His breath quickens against your skin, and his distraction wavers enough that the line you are drawing together begins to wander.)~ ++ ~[PC] So, do you like what you see?~ + a2100 + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] You could offer me a drink, you know. In my room. Upstairs. If... if you wanted to. (Blush)~ + a2078 + ~GlobalGT("c-aransex","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] You could offer me a drink, you know. In my room. Upstairs. If... if you wanted to.~ + a2079 + ~OR(3) Class(Player1,CLERIC_ALL) Class(Player1,MAGE_ALL) Class(Player1,SORCERER)~ + ~[PC] You do realize I lied, right? I can scribe very well all by myself.~ + a2089 ++ ~[PC] Hey, your breath. That tickles... and I think you should stop.~ + a2087 ++ ~[PC] I was being sarcastic. Keep your eyes on the page. This is not a show put on for your benefit.~ + a2087 ++ ~[PC] Cut it out. (Drive your fingernails sharply into the back of his hand.)~ + a2070 END IF ~~ a2070 SAY ~[ARAN] Cyric's Crutch! That blighted well hurt. Hey, are we goin' to work on your scribin', or are you goin' to sit on my lap an' find ways to cause me pain?~ ++ ~[PC] Keep your eyes and your hands where they belong, and I am happy to have a friendly lesson. Next time your eyes wander, I will use a dagger instead of my fingernails.~ + a2100 ++ ~[PC] Sorry, did that hurt? What about this?~ + a2071 + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] I say we cut through all of this silly pretending, and we find out exactly how much pain you can handle. In private.~ + a2078 + ~GlobalGT("c-aransex","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] I say we cut through all of this silly pretending, and we find out exactly how much pain you can handle. In private.~ + a2079 ++ ~[PC] Sorry... that was not quite what I intended to have happen.~ + a2094 ++ ~[PC] Now that is entertaining. Look at the poor little boy, all sullen and crying for his mommy. What is the matter, can't you take a little scratch?~ + a2084 END IF ~~ a2071 SAY ~[ARAN] BANE'S BLOOD! I think I bit my lip on that one... warn a lad when you be about to straighten up, eh? Up, off, get up, an' let me get somethin' to stop th' bleedin'.~ ++ ~[PC] It serves you right for being frisky when all I wanted was a friendly lesson.~ + a1933 /* c-aranshutup27 */ ++ ~[PC] Oh, you poor poor thing... let me kiss it better.~ + a2095 ++ ~[PC] Oh, you poor poor thing... let me make it all better. A good slap across the face will distract you, like this...~ + a2099 ++ ~[PC] (Giggle helplessly as he stands up, rolling you onto the floor.)~ + a2076 ++ ~[PC] Sorry... that was not quite what I intended to have happen.~ + a2094 END IF ~~ a4514 SAY ~[ARAN] (There is a tight moment where your fingers are twisted in the laces, but quite suddenly they give way, and your hand is moving along something very warm and very hard.)~ = ~[ARAN] Hey. Gods... what do you think you be doin'?~ ++ ~[PC] No one can see anything, Aran. Just relax and help me concentrate on the task at hand. Or should I say, in my hand?~ + a4515 ++ ~[PC] I thought I would try some other kind entertainment. (Adjust yourself so that the contents of the codpice are nestled between your thighs, with nothing between you to bar the touch.)~ + a4516 ++ ~[PC] (Adjust yourself so that the contents of the codpice are nestled between your thighs, with nothing between you to bar the touch.)~ + a4516 ++ ~[PC] Oh, nothing. Just exploring.~ + a2072 ++ ~[PC] I was trying to figure out what kept prodding my back. Now that I have found the culprit, I think I have better things to do. Have a good night, Aran. Sweet dreams.~ + a2098 ++ ~[PC] I was trying to figure out what kept prodding my back. I... I didn't really think this through. I should go, now.~ + a2098 END IF ~~ a4515 SAY ~[ARAN] (His hand falls between your thighs, tentatively touching your hand... then pulls it away from his manhood.)~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a2072 END IF ~~ a4516 SAY ~[ARAN] Hold on, there... you have things growin' a mite close together for public consumption, don't you think? Not that I be complainin' much.~ ++ ~[PC] I think that is enough, for now. I just wanted to get your attention.~ + a2092 + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] I... I am not sure this is what a good girl is supposed to do. But it feels very nice.~ + a4519 + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Then you certainly won't complain about where I put him next...~ + a4519 + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] (Gently close your thighs, holding him trapped, and lightly rock yourself to increasing pleasure.)~ + a4519 + ~OR(2) Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",1) Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] I know this is farther than we have gone before. It feels very nice. Just let me... look, don't take advantage of the situation.~ + a4517 + ~OR(2) Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",1) Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] Then you certainly won't complain about where I put him next...~ + a4519 + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",3)~ + ~[PC] (Gently close your thighs, holding him trapped, and lightly rock yourself to increasing pleasure.)~ + a4518 + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",3)~ + ~[PC] (Adjust his angle, and slowly open yourself with his manhood until he fills you completely.)~ + a4522 + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",3)~ + ~[PC] Then you certainly won't complain about where I put him next...~ + a4520 + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",3)~ + ~[PC] (Paint your pleasure with his very tip, teasing both of you with gentle touches.)~ + a4521 IF ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",4)~ THEN GOTO a4521 END IF ~~ a4517 SAY ~[ARAN] I think you have all th' control right now. Just, by th' god's hearts, don't do more than what you be doin', on account o' I may end up causin' a mess...~ ++ ~[PC] Well, we can't have that. We should just scribe, then. Show me how it all works.~ + a2087 ++ ~[PC] I suppose that would be bad.~ + a4520 ++ ~[PC] I suppose that would be... bad?~ + a4702 ++ ~[PC] Oh, you mean more mess? Don't worry. I'm sure we can find a way to clean you up.~ + a4702 ++ ~[PC] Oh. On second thought, just buy me a drink.~ + a4702 END IF ~~ a4518 SAY ~[ARAN] (His breath sighs past your ears, and the warm rod between your thighs becomes even warmer and harder.)~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a4702 END IF ~~ a4702 SAY ~[ARAN] You are just tryin' to kill me, you know. It would be a mite bit easier if you would just drive a dagger between m' ribs an' be done wi' it.~ = ~[ARAN] An' don't get smart wi' me, niether. I saw that look - no wordplay on daggers, an' drivin', an' any such thing. It be takin' all my self control just to be still an' not ravage you right here an' now.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END ////////////// FINDME IF ~~ a4519 SAY ~[ARAN] Wait a bit. Think this through. If we be likely to do somethin' here, I want to be able to enjoy it right proper, not all furtive an' in public.~ ++ ~[PC] But I wanted...~ + a4520 + ~GlobalLT("c-aransex","GLOBAL",3)~ + ~[PC] I have decided our first time will be right here, right now.~ + a4520 + ~GlobalLT("c-aransex","GLOBAL",3)~ + ~[PC] I have decided my first time will be right here, right now.~ + a4520 + ~GlobalGT("c-aransex","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] There are too many clothes in the way. We should take care of that.~ + a4520 + ~GlobalGT("c-aransex","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] I think I am having fun doing just what we are doing right now...~ + a4520 ++ ~[PC] I think that is enough, for now. I just wanted to get your attention.~ + a2092 END IF ~~ a4520 SAY ~[ARAN] I know it seems right fun, an' mayhap we can just play about an' tease. But trust me. Holdin' out for a right nice place to really be alone, that will make th' wait worth it, eh?~ = ~[ARAN] Now, just play about, an' I'll try not to yell an' you do th' same. That could be a fair sight enjoyable. An' it has th' advantage o' not callin' all sorts of attention in a place a mite bit too public.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a4521 SAY ~[ARAN] Then again, if you be thinkin' what I be thinkin', it has an added excitement, all public yet hidden... mayhap you should quit teasin' me an' sheathe th' sword, eh?~ ++ ~[PC] Oh, no you don't. This once, I am going to feel every bit of your pleasure while you feel every bit of mine. And be quiet, for the god's sake... we are trying to be discreet!~ + c-placeholder ++ ~[PC] I think I am enjoying this just enough. If we do as you suggest, I am going to cry out in a way that will make it very obvious to everyone exactly what we are doing. Just hold on for as long as you can...~ + c-placeholder ++ ~[PC] PLACEHOLDER~ + c-placeholder ++ ~[PC] I think that is enough, for now. I just wanted to get your attention.~ + a2092 END IF ~~ a4522 SAY ~[ARAN] Gods. What now! This be teasin' me somethin' fierce... see, he be leapin' an' jumpin' inside o' you.~ ++ ~[PC] Now we sit very, very still, and we see how long you can stay right where you are without moving or anything else.~ + a4526 ++ ~[PC] Just enjoy the sensations. Don't do anything rash, or lose control. Just enjoy.~ + a4524 ++ ~[PC] Now, we sneak away and we try this again, with as many variations as we can think of.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",3)~ + a2097 ++ ~[PC] (Begin rocking harder, letting the sensations play about, reveling in the feel of him.)~ + a4524 ++ ~[PC] I can't believe I just did this. I... look. Forget this ever happened. I'm serious. It never happened.~ + c-placeholder END IF ~~ a4524 SAY ~[ARAN] If you don't stop, I am goin' to fill you wi' everythin' I have. I won't be able t'... to stop.~ ++ ~[PC] (Stand up swiftly, hiding both of your activities, and leave the room.)~ EXIT ++ ~[PC] (Redouble your efforts, slamming the heels of both your hands onto the tabletop as you move on him.)~ + a4525 ++ ~[PC] (Relax as your own waves begin to rise, your pleasure blinding and passionate.)~ + a4525 ++ ~[PC] PLACEHOLDER~ + c-placeholder END IF ~~ a4525 SAY ~[ARAN] (He grips the table with fingers of steel, his body rigid under yours. Short gasps sound in your ears as he pulses within you once, twice, thrice... and slowly his tension ebbs as his breath sighs past your ears.~ ++ ~[PC] (Stand up swiftly, hiding both of your activities, and leave the room.)~ EXIT ++ ~[PC] PLACEHOLDER~ + c-placeholder END IF ~~ a4526 SAY ~[ARAN] Now, I can hold out as long as you can. Mayhap more. I think it would be right fun to see how many little gasps I can bring out while you be concentratin' on scribin'. Wi' any luck, we both will win.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",4) RestParty()~ EXIT END IF ~~ a2072 SAY ~[ARAN] Hey, now, this be a mite bit public, an' you seem to be interested in things o' a more personal nature.~ ++ ~[PC] No one can see anything, Aran. Just relax and help me concentrate on the task at hand.~ + a2073 ++ ~[PC] You know, the way your muscles jump under my fingertips... it feels good.~ + a2101 ++ ~[PC] I... hey. Friends can just cuddle, right? I mean.... there is no harm in just working together. I mean, petting your leg like this is no more than petting a dog, right?~ + a2074 + ~OR(3) Class(Player1,CLERIC_ALL) Class(Player1,MAGE_ALL) Class(Player1,SORCERER)~ + ~[PC] You do realize I lied, right? I can scribe very well all by myself.~ + a2089 ++ ~[PC] Hey. I do what I want, but you can't. I didn't say you could touch me like that. Cut it out. (Drive your fingernails sharply into the back of his hand.)~ + a2070 ++ ~[PC] Sorry. I will stop.~ + a2082 END IF ~~ a2073 SAY ~[ARAN] I'd blighted well be able to concentrate better if your hand weren't so warm. Somehow, this be less than relaxin'.~ ++ ~[PC] I... hey, friends can just cuddle, right? I mean.... there is no harm in just working together. I mean, petting your leg like this is no more than petting a dog, right?~ + a2093 ++ ~[PC] This is good. Well, this far is good, and no more.~ + a2096 ++ ~[PC] I am having trouble concentrating, too. But this is nice.~ + a2096 ++ ~[PC] You could kiss my neck. I wouldn't mind.~ + a2075 ++ ~[PC] I don't want you relaxed. I want you to be confused, bewildered, off-balance, and firmly under my spell.~ + a2092 END IF ~~ a2074 SAY ~[ARAN] Friends do a mite bit more than that at times, too. But somehow I get th' feelin' this is leadin' down a path you have some doubts on. That be my cue to stop, eh?~ ++ ~[PC] Why are you running away from me? I just am not sure I know what I want.~ + a2084 ++ ~[PC] You are such a coward. you could press the issue, and you might find I was interested in more than just sitting on your lap.~ + a2084 ++ ~[PC] I didn't say you could leave.~ + a2084 ++ ~[PC] You are right. You should stop. I should stop.~ + a2084 ++ ~[PC] Are you still here? Sorry. I was distracted by that handsome young thing over there. Get out of here, quickly, and I might just be able to convince him I am free for the evening.~ + a2084 END IF ~~ a2075 SAY ~[ARAN] I think I just did. An' there... yep, I did it again. I can feel your pulse race a mite bit, too. Or am I wrong?~ ++ ~[PC] Shut up and kiss me.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a2322 ++ ~[PC] Completely wrong. My pulse is not racing, and I am definitely not kissing your cheek right now. And the whole caressing your hands as they run along my body... not happening.~ + a2098 ++ ~[PC] Actually, it is kind of just... icky. Stop.~ + a2091 ++ ~[PC] The speeding up of my breath has more to do with me getting angry than excited. You are frustrating me, in so many ways. I think I have had enough of this.~ + a2084 + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Aran... do you want to go somewhere? Somewhere private?~ + a2078 + ~GlobalGT("c-aransex","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Aran... do you want to go somewhere? Somewhere private?~ + a2079 END IF ~~ a2322 SAY ~[ARAN] Now it would be right rude if I didn't do just that, right now.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a2076 SAY ~[ARAN] Here, have a hand up, eh? All that gigglin' makes th' pain a bit more worthwhile. Your eyes sparkle when you laugh, you know. You want somethin' from the bar?~ ++ ~[PC] Actually, I was hoping you would take me in your arms, lead me back over into that dark corner over there, and we could practice some scribing with our lips.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a2097 ++ ~[PC] I think I have had enough excitement for now. You go on, though. And put something cold on that lip, before it swells!~ + a2085 ++ ~[PC] No, I want you to be confused, bewildered, off-balance, and firmly under my spell.~ + a2092 ++ ~[PC] It might be nice if someone were to dance with me.~ + a2097 END IF ~~ a2077 SAY ~[ARAN] Mayhap I be a bit forward, but you smell right nice, all cuddlin' up wi' me. This feels good.~ ++ ~[PC] Yes, it does. It is a pity we have so many clothes in the way, or this could feel so much better...~ + a2278 + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Aran... do you want to go somewhere? Somewhere private?~ + a2078 + ~GlobalGT("c-aransex","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Aran... do you want to go somewhere? Somewhere private?~ + a2079 ++ ~[PC] It might be nice if someone were to take a little walk with me, and perhaps warm my lips up a little. They feel so cold right now.~ + a4339 ++ ~[PC] You know, the way your muscles jump under my fingertips... it feels good.~ + a2101 ++ ~[PC] Forward is good. Well, this far forward, and no more.~ + a2096 END IF ~~ a2278 SAY ~[ARAN] (His smile spreads across his face like sunrise on a mountaintop.)~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a3685 /* LIPS_PRESS_FINGERS_UNTANGLE_BODICE */ END IF ~~ a2078 SAY ~[ARAN] Now what be your meanin', here? What did you want?~ ++ ~[PC] I said I wanted a private tutoring session. I would love to play with your quill.~ + a2080 ++ ~[PC] I was hoping you would ask me to your room to see your sketches.~ + a2080 ++ ~[PC] I asked for help scribing, someplace where I could feel more comfortable.~ + a2081 ++ ~[PC] Err... I said I wanted a private tutoring session in penmanship?~ + a2081 ++ ~[PC] I asked you to teach me, not make eyes at me, or try to touch me, or anything else. But on second thought, I don't know if being alone with you is such a good idea. You might get the wrong idea. I should say, you will definitely get the wrong idea.~ + a2091 END IF ~~ a2079 SAY ~[ARAN] I know that look. You get that hungry look in your eyes right before... err... well, I know that look. If you be meanin' what I think you be meanin', I am ready an' willin'.~ ++ ~[PC] I said I wanted a private tutoring session. I would love to play with your quill.~ + a2080 ++ ~[PC] I was hoping you would ask me to your room to see your sketches.~ + a2080 ++ ~[PC] I was asking for help scribing, someplace where I could feel more comfortable.~ + a2081 ++ ~[PC] Err... I said I wanted a private tutoring session in penmanship? What look are you talking about?~ + a2081 ++ ~[PC] I asked you to teach me, not make eyes at me, or try to touch me, or anything else. But on second thought, I don't know if being alone with you is such a good idea. You might get the wrong idea. I should say, you will definitely get the wrong idea.~ + a2091 END IF ~~ a2080 SAY ~[ARAN] Now that be a pickup line if I ever did here one. I am only happy to oblige. Just tell me when an' where, an' I will do my best to please you.~ ++ ~[PC] Ooooh, goody. Meet me at the gates of hell, when it freezes solid.~ + a2084 ++ ~[PC] I could happen to leave my door unlatched tonight...~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arannightvisit","GLOBAL",1)~ + a2097 + ~!TimeofDay(DAY)~ + ~[PC] I was thinking of taking a walk outside this evening, in the moonlight. Perhaps we could walk together.~ + a4339 + ~TimeofDay(DAY)~ + ~[PC] I was thinking of taking a walk outside. Perhaps we could walk together.~ + a4339 ++ ~[PC] Right now. Right here. I can't wait.~ + a2083 ++ ~[PC] Oh, great. I forgot I was supposed to... I can't do this. I am sorry. I was about to make an excuse, but you deserve the truth. I just can't do this with you.~ + a2084 END IF ~~ a2081 SAY ~[ARAN] Now, I must o' heard somethin' wrong, or jumped to some conclusion or other, on account o' I thought you were givin' me th' go ahead to get right personal wi' you.~ ++ ~[PC] You heard wrong.~ + a2084 ++ ~[PC] You heard correctly, but I changed my mind.~ + a2084 ++ ~[PC] Look, I am not good at all of this. I just don't know what I want.~ + a2084 ++ ~[PC] Aran, I want romance, not someone who tries to jump me every chance he gets.~ + a2084 ++ ~[PC] You should stop listening to my words, and start watching my reactions. I think I lowered my head to one side, smiled, and batted my eyelashes at you. And my hand resting on your arm should tell you I am saying one thing and meaning another.~ + a1906 /* ENCOUNTER PLACEHOLDER - FINISH THIS */ END IF ~~ a1906 SAY ~[ARAN] I can do that, an' I'd be right happy too, but not right now. But you could always ask me again, someplace a bit more private. I think right now I am likely to be more entertainin' than I want to be for th' bartender, eh?~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a4246 SAY ~[ARAN] Hells no. I be more o' th' kind what leaps into bed first an' starts questionin' later. But I have to say I am afraid I am feelin' a mite bit under th' weather, an' I want to be able to pay all o' my attention on you. So for now, I'm off to nap for a bit.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~RestParty()~ EXIT END IF ~~ a2082 SAY ~[ARAN] Now, I didn't say that. I like it just fine. I was just wonderin' what your intentions be, an' all.~ ++ ~[PC] Why, are you committed to a 'no touching before I am married' rule?~ + a4246 ++ ~[PC] I don't intend anything. I am just sitting here with my good friend Aran. Friends do that, don't they?~ + a2074 ++ ~[PC] I intend you to be confused, bewildered, off-balance, and firmly under my spell.~ + a2092 END IF ~~ a2083 SAY ~[ARAN] I think th' public doesn't need that kind o' entertainment. But we can be upstairs in two seconds flat, an' by th' gods I will carry you if you slow down or falter one bit.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a3430 END IF ~~ a2084 SAY ~[ARAN] You know, you have some troubles wi' th' whole male an' female thing, I think. Gods know I do, too. But wi' you... if I make a mistake, in word or behavior, I don't rightly know if you will be fine wi' it, or if you will just smash me like a blighted eggshell. You don't realize just how powerful you are. Or how dangerous to my whole soul. You surely confuse me.~ = ~[ARAN] I think I needs best be gettin' a good drink. Or a solid splash o' ice-cold water. Or both. I will see you later, .~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a2085 SAY ~[ARAN] You have a right fine idea, there. Mayhap a bit o' somethin' from th' bar will ease my sufferin'!~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a2086 SAY ~[ARAN] Grumbar's Clay Fist, I have never had so much trouble readin' when it be business an' when it be pleasure. You got me thinkin' all sorts o' things, an' I can't rightly get my head on straight. Sorry about that. Just business, I get it. Mayhap someday I will figure you out. But I'm not rightly goin' to hold my breath on that one.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a2087 SAY ~[ARAN] Right. Hey, you be a mite bit heavy on my lap, an' mayhap I need a bit more to drink. Why don't I go get somethin' nice for both o' us, an' you keep practicin' here? I'll go get us somethin'.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a2088 SAY ~[ARAN] Shar's Kiss... well, I be right sorry I said anythin'. Here, let me help wi' some o' this washin' an' then I will clear out right quick.~ = ~[ARAN] There. All cleaned up, as much as can be done. No harm, no foul. Sorry I misread you. I'll head back downstairs.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~StartCutSceneMode() StartCutScene("c-restco")~ EXIT END IF ~~ a2089 SAY ~[ARAN] Aye, I do know. But where be th' fun in that. Workin' together, my chin on your shoulder, now that be a fine way to scribe.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a2096 END IF ~~ a2090 SAY ~[ARAN] Mayhap I be a bit too forward at times. Sorry. This does feel nice, though.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a2096 END IF ~~ a2091 SAY ~[ARAN] Ma'am, yes ma'am! Sorry, I done read you wrong again. I'll just concentrate on helpin' you scribe.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a2096 END IF ~~ a2092 SAY ~[ARAN] Well, m'Lady, mission accomplished. You can add happy, interested, aroused, an' thoroughly uncomfortable to that list if you want, too. But I'd best be helpin' you wi' scribin', on account o' we might be attractin' a few looks here an' there.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a2096 END IF ~~ a2093 SAY ~[ARAN] An' here I thought my wayward charm was workin' its magic, an' sparkin' wi' you. Serves me right. But I do say I'm right fine wi' this. I'd consider myself one hells of a lucky dog if you were just to sit wi' me like this for a bit.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a2096 END IF ~~ a2094 SAY ~[ARAN] Accidents do happen, they do. Right now, though, I think I might be a bit better off if you practice a bit. An' me, I... well, I think I needs best be gettin' a good drink. Or a solid splash o' ice-cold water. Or both.~ = ~[ARAN] See you tomorrow, eh?~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~StartCutSceneMode() StartCutScene("c-restco")~ EXIT END IF ~~ a2095 SAY ~[ARAN] Well, thank you right kindly. It were a mite bit small for so large a healin' touch, but I do appreciate it. I think I needs best be gettin' a good drink, or mayhap a bit o' cold water to slow th' swellin'. Hey, no gigglin'!~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a2096 SAY ~[ARAN] (You work together for a time, his strong hands guiding yours over copywork again and again, shaping and moving words and figures, until at last the ink is spent.)~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~RestParty()~ EXIT END IF ~~ a2097 SAY ~[ARAN] It would be rude not to oblige, m'lady. I think I can assist you wi' that.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a4339 SAY ~[ARAN] It would be rude not to oblige, m'lady. I think I can assist you wi' that.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a4508 END IF ~~ a2098 SAY ~[ARAN] I never did have so much fun doin' absolutely nothin'. Just be careful, eh? On account o' you are completely intoxicatin'.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~StartCutSceneMode() StartCutScene("c-restco")~ EXIT END IF ~~ a2099 SAY ~[ARAN] Shar's Spite an' Spit, you do like harmin' a lad, don't you. Fine. I got better things to be doin' than this.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfight","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranflirtstop","GLOBAL",1) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranflirttimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FLIRT) StartCutSceneMode() StartCutScene("c-restco")~ EXIT END IF ~~ a2100 SAY ~[ARAN] *cough* Oh, now, what did I be talkin' about? Right, I do remember. That line was just fine. Now you need to just practice a bit. An' me, I... well, I think I needs best be gettin' a good drink. Or a solid splash o' ice-cold water. Or both.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~StartCutSceneMode() StartCutScene("c-restco")~ EXIT END IF ~~ a2101 SAY ~[ARAN] A little too good, I think... but then again, who am I to be judgin' what be good and bad.~ ++ ~[PC] You could judge what feels good and what feels right. Do I feel good and right to you?~ + a2100 ++ ~[PC] I can judge. And from what I am feeling right now, it seems that scribing like this stiffens your quill.~ + a2100 ++ ~[PC] Do I have the right... stroke?~ + a2100 ++ ~[PC] Hey, watch the hands. Seriously. You are taking liberties I don't want.~ + a2100 ++ ~[PC] You really have no concentration at all. I should just drive a dagger into your knee, to remind you of who is in charge here.~ + a2100 ++ ~[PC] Enough. I am leaving. You can stay here and play with your toys. I will go find something much more interesting to do.~ + a2058 END IF ~~ a2102 SAY ~[ARAN] That would be a pleasure. Here, I can help better if you sit right here. I won't bite, unless ordered to, anyways. I'll show you some runes I found, an' you can trace 'em to test your skills.~ ++ ~[PC] (Pick up the proffered quill and begin tracing on the parchment he offers.)~ + a2059 ++ ~[PC] (Wiggle a bit on his lap, adjusting yourself and making a show of picking up the quill.)~ + a3257 ++ ~[PC] How do you hold this thing, anyways?~ + a2059 ++ ~[PC] Just keep your hands above the table. This looks like delicate work, based on the amount of time you spend on just one tracing.~ + a2059 ++ ~[PC] Ouch! (Jump up off of his lap, rubbing at your backside, blushing.)~ + a2979 END IF ~~ a4340 SAY ~[ARAN] That would be a pleasure. I'll show you some runes I found, an' you can trace 'em to test your skills.~ ++ ~[PC] (Pick up the proffered quill and begin tracing on the parchment he offers.)~ + a2059 ++ ~[PC] (Wiggle a bit on his lap, adjusting yourself and making a show of picking up the quill.)~ + a3257 ++ ~[PC] How do you hold this thing, anyways?~ + a2059 ++ ~[PC] Just keep your hands above the table. This looks like delicate work, based on the amount of time you spend on just one tracing.~ + a2059 END IF ~~ a2271 SAY ~[ARAN] Careful, now. Don't rightly just hurl yourself into a man's lap. You can harm a lad that way.~ ++ ~[PC] Come on, Aran. You are always poking about scrolls with that quill of yours. Teach me to scribe something interesting.~ + a4340 ++ ~[PC] That assumes you are a man. Somehow, I think you will come to no harm.~ + a2970 ++ ~[PC] Are you a 'lad'? I think I can feel something that seems more in the 'manly' category, very hard, right here...~ + a2979 ++ ~[PC] What happens if I wriggle up against you like this?~ + a3257 ++ ~[PC] Ouch! (Jump up, rubbing at your backside, blushing.)~ + a2979 END IF ~~ a3255 SAY ~[ARAN] All right, enough o' this. Hells, I am goin' to have a difficult time walkin', but I needs be doin' that right this instant.~ ++ ~[PC] What is the matter? Too much starch in your shorts?~ + a3256 ++ ~[PC] Oh, just when things were getting interesting. Are you sure you don't want to stay right here?~ + a3258 ++ ~[PC] I'm sorry. I wanted to have some harmless fun. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable.~ + a3259 END IF ~~ a3256 SAY ~[ARAN] Now, what can I say? You have a right strong effect on me, you do.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a3257 SAY ~[ARAN] Hey, now, that be doin' things to my libido what you might not intend, eh?~ ++ ~[PC] ARAN! (Jump up from his lap, giggling and blushing)~ + a3256 ++ ~[PC] ARAN! (Jump up from his lap, shocked and angry)~ + a3256 ++ ~[PC] (Continue to rock back and forth in his lap, teasing him.)~ + a3255 ++ ~[PC] I would think you would just relax and enjoy the feeling.~ + a3255 ++ ~[PC] Well, if you can't control yourself, I will head off for some fun elsewhere. I'll see you later. No, don't get up... you might have some troubles doing that anyways, from the feel of things.~ + a2880 END IF ~~ a3258 SAY ~[ARAN] Want to? Yes. Comfortable doin' so? Well, let's just be sayin' that I am a mite bit goal-oriented, an' right now that goal be to leave here before I get a mite bit too excited for my own good.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~StartCutSceneMode() StartCutScene("c-restco")~ EXIT END IF ~~ a3259 SAY ~[ARAN] I do appreciate that. You can do this any time you might want to, an' I would be right happy for th' experience. But right now I am feelin' a mite bit too good, an' a mite bit too interested for a public area.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~StartCutSceneMode() StartCutScene("c-restco")~ EXIT END IF ~~ a2279 SAY ~[ARAN] Aye, well... I suppose I can do that. But mayhap I just wanted to spend a mite bit o' social time wi' you.~ ++ ~[PC] You can have plenty of fun without me. I intend to avoid you for the entire time we are here.~ + a814 ++ ~[PC] Perhaps another night, Aran. Tonight I want to do something else.~ + a814 ++ ~[PC] I... you confuse me, you know. I don't think it would be a good idea tonight. I will see you later.~ + a814 ++ ~[PC] Well, when you put it that way, I could change my plans. What did you have in mind?~ + a3260 END IF ~~ a2280 SAY ~[ARAN] I can do that.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a4508 END IF ~~ a4508 SAY ~[ARAN] (It is a scant few steps before you are walking together outside.) ~ IF ~TimeOfDay(NIGHT)~ THEN GOTO a3466 /* PC_NIGHT_WATCH */ IF ~!TimeOfDay(NIGHT)~ THEN GOTO a3441 /* PC_OUTDOOR_PLACE */ END IF ~~ a2970 SAY ~[ARAN] You know, if that be your idea o' a joke, it surely don't find me laughin'. I be man enough to meet your needs, an' then some.~ ++ ~[PC] I Really? And what are my 'needs'?~ + a2971 ++ ~[PC] Oh, come on. Have a sense of humor. Aren't I cute enough for you to joke with?~ + a2980 ++ ~[PC] You know, you talk a great game, but you never seem to actually do half of what you say. I thought you were a big ladies' man.~ + a2982 ++ ~[PC] I'm not joking. If you were a real man, I would have been carried off in your arms a few minutes ago.~ + a2980 ++ ~[PC] Just order me a drink. I have had enough of your talk.~ + a376 END IF ~~ a2577 SAY ~[ARAN] No call to bother him at all, none at all. It would be my pleasure to accompany you. Mind if I walk a bit behind for a minute or two?~ ++ ~[PC] Why, so you can stare at my rear end and make inappropriate comments about "twin fauns moving together on a cloudy heath"?~ + a2578 ++ ~[PC] No, you go three paces ahead. I want you where I can see you.~ + a2281 ++ ~[PC] We can walk together.~ + a2281 ++ ~[PC] Yes. In fact, forget it. You can't just be a good friend and go for a walk without making it some sort of attempt at flirting, can you?~ + a2579 ++ ~[PC] (Blush deeply)~ + a2580 END IF ~~ a2578 SAY ~[ARAN] Since when was it a blighted capital offense to admire th' gods an' goddess' handiwork? Tymora an' Sune would both be right ticked if I didn't at least make th' effort.~ IF ~RandomNum(3,1)~ THEN GOTO a2581 IF ~RandomNum(3,2)~ THEN GOTO a2969 IF ~RandomNum(3,3)~ THEN GOTO a2272 END IF ~~ a3260 SAY ~[ARAN] Well, I hadn't rightly thought that far ahead. But we could sit together an' think up somethin'.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a2576 SAY ~[ARAN] To tell th' whole truth, it might be right fine for both o' you ladies to go off on a good walk. I think I needs be seein' about gettin' a nice nap, an' mayhap some sort o' massage. You two have a right good time, eh?~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a2971 SAY ~[ARAN] Well, one be that you need to get th' nine hells off my blighted lap an' let me clean up th' spill you just made all down my front.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a2979 SAY ~[ARAN] That be my dagger scabbard, . Look careful next time, eh?~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a2980 SAY ~[ARAN] Mayhap so. On th' other hand, doin' that might pose a bit o' a public display, an' somehow I think you might find havin' a night where th' whole universe actually lets you alone a bit very restful.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a2981 SAY ~[ARAN] That be my dagger scabbard, . Look careful next time, eh?~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a2982 SAY ~[ARAN] Until I done met you, I think I was. Now, well... there be other things what occupy my mind.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a2969 SAY ~[ARAN] Well, I could do a bit o' walkin' wi' you. Th' gear be safe enough on its own, I suspect.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a2272 END IF ~~ a2581 SAY ~[ARAN] You know, I might just give this time a miss, eh? My legs be tired enough as it is. You go on. I'm headed for some shut-eye.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a2582 SAY ~[ARAN] I understand that sentiment, I do. Mayhap another time, eh?~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END /* typical dude thing - turn the question back around */ IF ~~ a2579 SAY ~[ARAN] Since when did you turn everythin' I say into a pass at you? Blighted hells, if I wanted to look at your rear, I'd do it, an' not ask.~ IF ~RandomNum(3,1)~ THEN GOTO a2581 IF ~RandomNum(3,2)~ THEN GOTO a2969 IF ~RandomNum(3,3)~ THEN GOTO a2272 END IF ~~ a2580 SAY ~[ARAN] You do turn th' most captivatin' shades o' color. No worries, I was doin' naught in th' way o' oglin' you. I just had to lace this boot up a mite bit.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a2272 END IF ~~ a2583 SAY ~[ARAN] Now, I'd like that right fine. But there be a good bit o' mileage on these here legs o' mine. If you insist, I'll accompany you, I guess.~ ++ ~[PC] Never mind. Don't do me any favors. I am sure that someone with more charisma than you can walk with me... I wouldn't want to task those weak little legs of yours.~ + a1938 /* c-aranshutup32 */ + ~InParty(Player2) Gender(Player2,FEMALE) !Name("c-aran",Player2)~ + ~[PC] Perhaps I should just ask . You do not seem that interested in accompanying me.~ + a2576 + ~InParty(Player3) Gender(Player3,FEMALE) !Name("c-aran",Player3)~ + ~[PC] Perhaps I should just ask . You do not seem that interested in accompanying me.~ + a2576 + ~InParty(Player4) Gender(Player4,FEMALE) !Name("c-aran",Player4)~ + ~[PC] Perhaps I should just ask . You do not seem that interested in accompanying me.~ + a2576 + ~InParty(Player5) Gender(Player5,FEMALE) !Name("c-aran",Player5)~ + ~[PC] Perhaps I should just ask . You do not seem that interested in accompanying me.~ + a2576 + ~InParty(Player6) Gender(Player6,FEMALE) !Name("c-aran",Player6)~ + ~[PC] Perhaps I should just ask . You do not seem that interested in accompanying me.~ + a2576 + ~InParty(Player2) Gender(Player2,MALE) !Name("c-aran",Player2)~ + ~[PC] Perhaps I should just ask . You do not seem that interested in accompanying me.~ + a2577 + ~InParty(Player3) Gender(Player3,MALE) !Name("c-aran",Player3)~ + ~[PC] Perhaps I should just ask . You do not seem that interested in accompanying me.~ + a2577 + ~InParty(Player4) Gender(Player4,MALE) !Name("c-aran",Player4)~ + ~[PC] Perhaps I should just ask . You do not seem that interested in accompanying me.~ + a2577 + ~InParty(Player5) Gender(Player5,MALE) !Name("c-aran",Player5)~ + ~[PC] Perhaps I should just ask . You do not seem that interested in accompanying me.~ + a2577 + ~InParty(Player6) Gender(Player6,MALE) !Name("c-aran",Player6)~ + ~[PC] Perhaps I should just ask . You do not seem that interested in accompanying me.~ + a2577 ++ ~[PC] It is the thought that counts. I think I need to rest rather than walking, but I am glad you would go wandering about with me.~ + a2582 ++ ~[PC] I would like it. In fact, I insist.~ + a2272 END IF ~~ a2272 SAY ~[ARAN] (A step away, and you are walking together outside.)~ IF ~TimeOfDay(NIGHT)~ THEN GOTO a3466 /* PC_NIGHT_WATCH */ IF ~!TimeOfDay(NIGHT)~ THEN GOTO a3441 /* PC_OUTDOOR_PLACE */ END IF ~~ a2281 SAY ~[ARAN] (You walk together outside, Aran leading the way.)~ IF ~TimeOfDay(NIGHT)~ THEN GOTO a3466 /* PC_NIGHT_WATCH */ IF ~!TimeOfDay(NIGHT)~ THEN GOTO a3441 /* PC_OUTDOOR_PLACE */ END IF ~~ a2340 SAY ~[ARAN] (He sits quietly, eying the crowd over the edge of his drink.)~ IF ~Global("c-pcstalker","LOCALS",0)~ THEN GOTO a2344 IF ~Global("c-pcstalker","LOCALS",1)~ THEN GOTO a2345 IF ~Global("c-pcstalker","LOCALS",2)~ THEN GOTO a2346 IF ~Global("c-pcstalker","LOCALS",3)~ THEN GOTO a2347 IF ~Global("c-pcstalker","LOCALS",4)~ THEN GOTO a2348 IF ~Global("c-pcstalker","LOCALS",5)~ THEN GOTO a2349 IF ~Global("c-pcstalker","LOCALS",6)~ THEN GOTO a2341 END IF ~~ a2342 SAY ~[ARAN] (He is laughing and talking animatedly with a grizzled dwarf.)~ IF ~Global("c-pcstalker","LOCALS",0)~ THEN GOTO a2344 IF ~Global("c-pcstalker","LOCALS",1)~ THEN GOTO a2345 IF ~Global("c-pcstalker","LOCALS",2)~ THEN GOTO a2346 IF ~Global("c-pcstalker","LOCALS",3)~ THEN GOTO a2347 IF ~Global("c-pcstalker","LOCALS",4)~ THEN GOTO a2348 IF ~Global("c-pcstalker","LOCALS",5)~ THEN GOTO a2349 IF ~Global("c-pcstalker","LOCALS",6)~ THEN GOTO a2341 END IF ~~ a2343 SAY ~[ARAN] (He sits alone, tipping his chair back and staring up at the ceiling.)~ IF ~Global("c-pcstalker","LOCALS",0)~ THEN GOTO a2344 IF ~Global("c-pcstalker","LOCALS",1)~ THEN GOTO a2345 IF ~Global("c-pcstalker","LOCALS",2)~ THEN GOTO a2346 IF ~Global("c-pcstalker","LOCALS",3)~ THEN GOTO a2347 IF ~Global("c-pcstalker","LOCALS",4)~ THEN GOTO a2348 IF ~Global("c-pcstalker","LOCALS",5)~ THEN GOTO a2349 IF ~Global("c-pcstalker","LOCALS",6)~ THEN GOTO a2341 END IF ~~ a2344 SAY ~[ARAN] (With a grunt, he flips several coins onto the tabletop, and leaves without a word or glance.)~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-pcstalker","LOCALS",1) RestParty()~ EXIT END IF ~~ a2345 SAY ~[ARAN] (He pulls a rolled up piece of parchment out of his pouch, and begins studying it carefully, scratching his head from time to time.)~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-pcstalker","LOCALS",2)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a2346 SAY ~[ARAN] (His knife scribes small shavings out of the tabletop, idly carving practice runes. When he sees the scowl of the tavern owner, he sighs and puts his blade away.)~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-pcstalker","LOCALS",3)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a2347 SAY ~[ARAN] (He looks around quickly, and shrugs. A moment later, though, he looks at you, nods once, and goes back to drinking.)~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-pcstalker","LOCALS",4)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a2348 SAY ~[ARAN] (He looks up quickly and stares directly at you, making faces and waving wildly.)~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-pcstalker","LOCALS",5)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a2349 SAY ~[ARAN] Aye now, I hate to call across th' room, but you don't have to sit over there spyin' on me. Pull up a chair an' have a drink, eh?~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-pcstalker","LOCALS",6)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a2341 SAY ~[ARAN] (He sits quietly, drinking slowly, eyes far away. The bright flash of coin dances from his hand onto the bar as he rises, and he catches sight of you. With a half-smile and a wave in your direction, he heads for the doorway, leaving you alone with your thoughts.)~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-pcstalker","LOCALS",0) RestParty()~ EXIT END IF ~~ a1799 SAY ~[ARAN] Hey, by the way, your armor be all wrong. I know you be th' scourge o' Faerun, but you don't have to wear your heart on your sleeve, eh? In this case, someone else's, by th' look. Not a great morale boostin' thing, by my account.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-arskinarm","LOCALS",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranskin","GLOBAL",FOUR_DAYS)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a1798 SAY ~[ARAN] You still be wearin' that Grumbar-lovin' Cyric-blighted armor? Gives me th' chills, it does.~ [c-aws134] ++ ~[PC] If it bothers you that much, I will take it off.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arskinarm","LOCALS",2) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranskin","GLOBAL",FOUR_DAYS)~ + a1795 ++ ~[PC] I think it has a great effect on our opponents' morale. You are just going to have to get used to it.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arskinarm","LOCALS",2) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranskin","GLOBAL",FOUR_DAYS)~ + a1795 ++ ~[PC] If I wanted you opinion, I would have asked.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arskinarm","LOCALS",2) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranskin","GLOBAL",FOUR_DAYS)~ + a1795 ++ ~[PC] Shut up, or your ears will add decoration to it.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arskinarm","LOCALS",2) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranskin","GLOBAL",FOUR_DAYS)~ + a1795 END IF ~~ a1797 SAY ~[ARAN] Look, I do a good bit around here, an' I know you be th' leader. I'm just sayin', that armor makes it blighted hard for me to do my job. Th' smell be only part o' it. Shar's Kiss, get rid o' it, eh?~ [c-aws135] ++ ~[PC] Or you will run crying like a weakling child, break your contract, and leave?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arskinarm","LOCALS",3)~ + a1796 ++ ~[PC] Shut up, Aran. I heard you the first two times. I will use what tools I see fit to advance my goals.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arskinarm","LOCALS",3)~ + a1796 ++ ~[PC] Are you volunteering to add more skin to this armor? Speak again, and I will ~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arskinarm","LOCALS",3)~ + a1796 ++ ~[PC] I may very well take it off. You are useful. But then again, I might put it back on. You will have to get used to it, or leave.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arskinarm","LOCALS",3)~ + a1796 ++ ~[PC] You do very little, and I am tired of your whining. That is the last warning you will get.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arskinarm","LOCALS",3)~ + a1796 END IF ~~ a1795 SAY ~[ARAN] Hey, I don't go around second guessin' you. So if I be sayin' it, you know there be one hells of a lot more people who have noticed. Might fit your ideas, but it be bad tactics to give away your position that way.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END /* or whatever tie backs necessary */ IF ~~ a1796 SAY ~[ARAN] Cyric's Black Heart, I don't run out on contracts. But you smell worse than a charnelhouse. If I throw up, you will be knowin' why.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END /* Inn #1 */ IF ~~ a796 SAY ~[ARAN] Aye now, you be a sight for sore eyes.~ [c-aws109] ++ ~[PC] So you like this dress? I was getting a bit tired of wearing the same functional clothing all the time.~ + a797 ++ ~[PC] I should have known you would be here. I suppose you have already chosen your evening's entertainment?~ + a799 ++ ~[PC] Dance with me.~ + a807 ++ ~[PC] Like I care what you think.~ + a811 ++ ~[PC] (Walk over and grab his chin, kissing him solidly on the lips).~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",1)~ + a805 + ~RandomNum(4,1)~ + ~[PC] I want a bath. Do you know where they are?~ + a1808 + ~RandomNum(4,2)~ + ~[PC] Teach me to scribe something new.~ + a2057 + ~RandomNum(4,3) Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] I want a bath, and some time to relax. Come on, show me where they are around here.~ + a2273 + ~RandomNum(4,3) Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",1)~ + ~[PC] I want a bath, and some time to relax. Come on, show me where they are around here.~ + a2274 + ~RandomNum(4,3) Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] I want a bath, and some time to relax. Come on, show me where they are around here.~ + a2275 + ~RandomNum(4,3) Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",3)~ + ~[PC] I want a bath, and some time to relax. Come on, show me where they are around here.~ + a2276 + ~RandomNum(4,3) Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",4)~ + ~[PC] I want a bath, and some time to relax. Come on, show me where they are around here.~ + a2277 + ~RandomNum(4,4)~ + ~[PC] Teach me to scribe something new.~ + a2286 END IF ~~ a2286 SAY ~[ARAN] I'd like to do that, but I don't have th' right gear. You could come an' sit on my lap, though, an' mayhap see what comes up...~ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] ARAN!~ + a2282 + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",1)~ + ~[PC] I might just be interested in that. Just watch where you put your hands.~ + a2283 + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] Hmmm. You do make a nice pillow. Just... I thought you had an un-reinforced codpiece.~ + a2914 + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",3)~ + ~[PC] Hmmm. From the feel of things, I think you are remembering our last little experimentation.~ + a2287 + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",4)~ + ~[PC] I already know what will 'come up', and you are in all the wrong clothing for that to be very comfortable. Perhaps later, if you are a very good little boy.~ + a2288 ++ ~[PC] No, thank you.~ + a2288 ++ ~[PC] As a friend, I should tell you that your clumsy attempt at flirting is about as appealing as Luscan stew.~ + a2288 ++ ~[PC] If you had anything worth my time hidden under that codpiece, I might think about it.~ + a2288 ++ ~[PC] Forget it. I am tired, I ache, and I have had it with all this mess. Just get me a drink, please.~ + a2972 END IF ~~ a2914 SAY ~[ARAN] It has naught in th' way o' reinforcement... oh. Right. It might o' just got some. Perils o' havin' a ferociously fine female on a lad's lap, I guess.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a2287 SAY ~[ARAN] Remember? I do believe I will remember that well past th' end o' time. Mayhap I needs get myself a drink, an' calm down a mite.~ ++ ~[PC] Oh, don't do that on my account. I think it is quite fun. I like things that are hard. I mean, difficult.~ + a2972 ++ ~[PC] You need to calm down, and just be friendly. No, I don't mean put your hands on me. I mean just let me sit here and enjoy myself.~ + a2972 ++ ~[PC] Get me one, while you are at it. I will sit here and just daydream about what we did.~ + a2972 END IF ~~ a2288 SAY ~[ARAN] Well, it does naught in th' way o' harm for a lad to try. Unless o' course he be tryin' to spark wi' a lass what has several large brothers an' happens to be a mage herself. I won't be makin' that mistake again. Though it did take me three times for to learn that lesson.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a2282 SAY ~[ARAN] Do you be blushin', excited, or just angry at me? On account o' I am hopin' it be one o' th' first two.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a2972 SAY ~[ARAN] Sune's Sweet Song, if you be in that kind o' mood, I'd better get us th' whole bottle.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a2283 SAY ~[ARAN] Hands on th' table, I promise. Now, did we make any contract on whether or not I could let my lips do a mite bit o' exploration o' th' back o' your neck, or do that be against th' rules?.~ ++ ~[PC] I suppose it would do no harm...~ + a2284 ++ ~[PC] I will tell you what... if you don't flinch when I hit you, you can kiss my neck.~ + a2285 ++ ~[PC] No, thank you. I am happy enough with things just the way they are.~ + a150 ++ ~[PC] Just my neck? I would bet several silver that your hands would attempt to cover all sorts of territory, and your kisses...~ + a2915 ++ ~[PC] Forget it. I am tired, I ache, and I have had it with all this mess. Just get me a drink, please.~ + a2972 END IF ~~ a2915 SAY ~[ARAN] Aye, guilty as charged. But given how just one look at your profile drives any male an' even some females right mad wi' lust, you have to admit that only be natural.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a2284 SAY ~[ARAN] You know, th' last time I said that to myself, I done got chased out o' th' inn by several strappin' younger brothers an' a right angry mother. Mayhap I'd better just let you relax back on my shoulder, an' count myself lucky to have th' sight an' scent o' you, eh?~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a2285 SAY ~[ARAN] OUCH. Blighted hells, girl, that were not just clothin', there... be easy on a poor lad, eh?~ = ~[ARAN] On second thought, if I needs be doin' that just to get a kiss, I blighted well want naught in th' way o' what you would do to me so's I could put my hands where I want.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a797 SAY ~[ARAN] You look right fine to me any day, but that dress might just be outlawed in some places, eh? You thinkin' o' perhaps kickin' up your heels, or did you think you might have a drink wi' me? There's no one else around right now.~ ++ ~[PC] I would love to dance, but I think it might cause... problems.~ + a798 ++ ~[PC] Actually, I was looking for someone else. But I'll have a drink, if you are buying.~ + a809 ++ ~[PC] I shudder to think what you call 'dancing', and I am not sure I should trust you as a drinking partner.~ + a803 ++ ~[PC] How about we skip all of this small talk and I start stripping you, right here, right now?~ + a801 ++ ~[PC] You know, the dress is fun, but I think it shows that I need to get some of the grime off of my legs. Shall we go find the baths, and have a nice wash? ~ + a816 END IF ~~ a798 SAY ~[ARAN] There won't be no problems, . I know how to be discreet, an' if it's not in th' cards for a little romance right this minute, well then, I can handle a friendly dance.~ ++ ~[PC] I'm not interested in dancing. But I'll buy you a drink.~ + a809 ++ ~[PC] My feet still hurt from wandering all of Toril chasing personal demons. But you should buy me a drink.~ + a809 ++ ~[PC] I was just checking on how I looked, Aran. I'm off to catch my real quarry. Don't stay out too late.~ + a822 ++ ~[PC] Well, I think I would be more comfortable right here. (Sit down in his lap.)~ + a2271 END IF ~~ a799 SAY ~[ARAN] Well, now. That young lass over there, the one wi' the hair like flame. She looks right sparkley to me, she does. But to tell th' truth, you might be a right better dance partner than she could be. You want to go for a spin?~ ++ ~[PC] Why, no, Aran. I think she is just the right type for you. I will go see about some curing potions, for the various diseases she will give you. Good night.~ EXIT ++ ~[PC] You would settle for that child? Really?~ + a810 ++ ~[PC] Suit yourself. I wouldn't mind dancing, but there are plenty of others to dance with.~ + a807 ++ ~[PC] (Look down at your hands and begin to cry)~ + a804 ++ ~[PC] Actually, I came here to dance with you, Aran. Are you scared of me or something?~ + a800 END IF ~~ a800 SAY ~[ARAN] Well, to be right truthful, sometimes I am a mite scared o' you. Or o' me. Or somethin' like that. Hells, let's just go dance, or get a drink, or somethin', eh?~ ++ ~[PC] No, I think the mood is spoiled. Don't get too drunk, Aran. I think I will go do something else.~ + a822 ++ ~[PC] Is that why you keep staring at that little barmaid over there?~ + a810 ++ ~[PC] Just a friendly drink, then?~ + a809 ++ ~[PC] Just a friendly dance, then?~ + a807 ++ ~[PC] I am thinking more along the lines of something else. Like perhaps you could let your fingers wander through a few of my pages...~ + a802 END IF ~~ a801 SAY ~[ARAN] Sune's Shoulders, are you feelin' right fine? Oh... I get it. You be jokin' wi' me, eh? Don't tease a lad that way.~ ++ ~[PC] Well, that blush of yours has lit up the room sufficiently, and I think I shall go explore. Have a good night, Aran. We should be heading out of here early, so don't go far.~ + a2880 ++ ~[PC] I was serious.~ + a802 ++ ~[PC] Actually, I came here to dance with you, Aran.~ + a807 ++ ~[PC] I think a drink is in order, if you please. I will let you buy.~ + a809 ++ ~[PC] Who said I was teasing?~ + a802 END IF ~~ a802 SAY ~[ARAN] *ahem* Well, now, I... umm... hey, I think I'd best be gettin us some drinks, eh? Then I done got to call it a night. Big day tomorrow. Monsters to slay, an' them weapons don't rightly sharpen themselves.~ ++ ~[PC] You are so gullible. Have a good time, Aran. I am going off to explore the culinary delights all by myself. We should be heading out of here early, so don't go far.~ + a822 ++ ~[PC] Well, you simply don't know what you will be missing.~ + a822 ++ ~[PC] Just one drink. Or two. Or bring the bottle.~ + a809 ++ ~[PC] Actually, I came here to dance with you, Aran.~ + a807 END IF ~~ a803 SAY ~[ARAN] Now, then, you can trust me right proper. At least, I'm relatively predictable, eh?~ ++ ~[PC] Very. Have a great time, Aran. I think I will go look for something else to do.~ EXIT ++ ~[PC] If you move that hand any farther up my arm, you will not enjoy the consequences. But you can buy me a drink by way of apology.~ + a809 ++ ~[PC] Feet. Dancing. Now. Please?~ + a807 ++ ~[PC] You. Me. Dancing. Now. That is an order.~ + a807 END IF ~~ a804 SAY ~[ARAN] Oh, Selune's Silvery Hair, I done somethin' wrong. I'm right sorry, ... you want a drink? A dance? Mayhap somethin' by way o' an apology?~ ++ ~[PC] No, thank you. You have done enough already. Leave me alone.~ + a3251 ++ ~[PC] What is so wrong with me, that you will pay attention to a barmaid but not the person you are traveling with?~ + a812 ++ ~[PC] (Look up with a sorrowful expression) Why, I would love that jeweled dagger in the weapons shop...~ + a806 + ~RandomNum(2,1)~ + ~[PC] I want a bath. Do you know where they are?~ + a1808 + ~RandomNum(2,2)~ + ~[PC] Teach me to scribe something new.~ + a2057 END IF ~~ a805 SAY ~[ARAN] Now, what was that for? Not that I'm complainin', mind. See, this be me, not complainin'.~ ++ ~[PC] No particular reason. Now get me a drink, and then leave. Don't let me see your face here again tonight. You have guard duty, and I will not have you drunk on duty.~ + a1932 /* c-aranshutup26 */ ++ ~[PC] Just shut up and keep kissing.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",1)~ + a808 ++ ~[PC] (Slap him hard across the cheek)~ + a3247 ++ ~[PC] A moment of weakness, I guess. Don't worry, it probably won't happen again. Have a nice time, Aran. I'm off to explore.~ + a3247 ++ ~[PC] I see your hand has found something very interesting to play with.~ + a3246 END IF ~~ a3246 SAY ~[ARAN] Do you have any objections?~ ++ ~[PC] None whatsoever. It feels rather good. Just don't get any funny ideas about extending your range.~ + a3249 ++ ~[PC] Only if turnabout is fair play... hmmm. Silky smooth. Warm.~ + a3250 ++ ~[PC] Yes. Remove that hand or lose it.~ + a2880 ++ ~[PC] Aran... I... This is making me feel very uncomfortable.~ + a3251 ++ ~[PC] (Slap him hard across the cheek)~ + a3248 END IF ~~ a3247 SAY ~[ARAN] Now, that were not th' endin' I was hopin' for.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a3248 /* only once linked */ SAY ~[ARAN] Ouch! Blighted...~ IF ~RandomNum(3,1)~ THEN GOTO a1967 /* c-aranshutup61 */ IF ~RandomNum(3,2)~ THEN GOTO a1968 /* c-aranshutup62 */ IF ~RandomNum(3,3)~ THEN GOTO a1969 /* c-aranshutup63 */ END IF ~~ a3249 SAY ~[ARAN] Wouldn't dream o' it. Well, actually, that be a big fat lie. Mayhap I should say I'm happy enough wi' what you let me do.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a3250 SAY ~[ARAN] Good gods, woman... I am havin' a mite bit o' trouble keepin' all this hidden from view, eh? Not that I be complainin' so loudly, whisperin' close to you like this.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a3251 SAY ~[ARAN] Well, I'm right sorry, I am. I didn't mean to hurt you none. Is there somethin' I can do to make up for it?~ ++ ~[PC] You seem to have to apologize to me a great deal of the time.~ + a3253 ++ ~[PC] No. I think I have had enough of you for now.~ + a2880 ++ ~[PC] Just buy me a drink.~ + a3254 ++ ~[PC] Just sit with me, Aran. I could use a friend right now.~ + a3254 ++ ~[PC] I like emeralds. Rubies, too. Sometimes a diamond, or a rogue stone can really make an apology stick.~ + a3252 END IF ~~ a3252 SAY ~[ARAN] Now, you don't beat around th' bush, so to speak, do you? Right, then. I'll be on th' lookout for somethin' like that.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a3253 SAY ~[ARAN] What can I say? I always did be a slow learner.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a3254 SAY ~[ARAN] Aye, that I can do.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a806 SAY ~[ARAN] If that be what you want, , then by Malar's Sharp Teeth that's what you be gettin'. I'll see to it as soon as I be able.~ + ~RandomNum(3,1)~ + ~[PC] Well, alright. Now get me a drink, and don't let me see your face here again. It is your turn to guard, and I will not have you drunk on duty.~ + a1970 /* c-aranshutup64 */ + ~RandomNum(3,2)~ + ~[PC] Well, alright. Now get me a drink, and don't let me see your face here again. It is your turn to guard, and I will not have you drunk on duty.~ + a1971 /* c-aranshutup65 */ + ~RandomNum(3,3)~ + ~[PC] Well, alright. Now get me a drink, and don't let me see your face here again. It is your turn to guard, and I will not have you drunk on duty.~ + a1972 /* c-aranshutup66 */ ++ ~[PC] Now that you mention it, there are a few other things I would like. I will help you draw up a list. Go get your workdesk, scribe...~ EXIT ++ ~[PC] You don't really have to buy my friendship, Aran, or anything else. Forget the dagger. Just get me a drink.~ + a809 END IF ~~ a807 SAY ~[ARAN] Mielikki's Quickened Bowstring, I'd best watch both my feet, eh? I'll try to keep up wi' you right proper.~ = ~[ARAN] (Bright quick music lifts his feet, the clapping hands and the chatter of the surrounding crowd washing away all cares. For an evening, there is only the spritely step and twist of the dance.)~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~RestParty()~ EXIT END IF ~~ a808 SAY ~[ARAN] Well, now, it wouldn't rightly be gentlemanlmmmmmfff...~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~RestParty()~ EXIT END IF ~~ a809 SAY ~[ARAN] Your coin's no good here, nohow. I'll be right happy to step up. Here you go, then. One for you, one for me. Here's to our adventure. 'Success to th' Company, an' Confusion to our Enemies.' We'll settle in a bit, an' have a good comradely evenin', an' mayhap we get a few others to join us. Bottoms up...~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~RestParty()~ EXIT END IF ~~ a810 SAY ~[ARAN] Hey, now. No cause for to take offense. I was talkin' about dancin', not sparkin'. An' she obviously love to dance. Come on, no strings attached - just you an' me, eh? Come an' dance.~ ++ ~[PC] I am *so* sure that is what you meant. I wouldn't mind dancing, but there are plenty of others to dance with. Have fun, you are on your own.~ EXIT ++ ~[PC] (Look down at your hands and begin to cry)~ + a804 ++ ~[PC] I was just checking on how you are doing, Aran. I'm off to catch my real quarry. I would say not to do anything I wouldn't do, but I think you will anyways!~ EXIT ++ ~[PC] Look, just buy me a drink.~ + a809 ++ ~[PC] Look, let's just dance.~ + a807 END IF ~~ a811 SAY ~[ARAN] Now by Helm's Left Arm, what was that supposed to mean?~ ++ ~[PC] Nothing. Look, just buy me a drink.~ + a809 ++ ~[PC] Nothing. Look, let's just dance.~ + a807 ++ ~[PC] (Look down at your hands and begin to cry)~ + a804 ++ ~[PC] It means I am a little tired of seeing you everywhere I go, Aran. Go find somewhere else to plant yourself. I want some time alone.~ + a814 + ~RandomNum(2,1)~ + ~[PC] I want a bath. Do you know where they are?~ + a1808 + ~RandomNum(2,2)~ + ~[PC] Look, forget I said anything. Teach me to scribe something new.~ + a2057 END IF ~~ a812 SAY ~[ARAN] There's naught wrong... hey, for th' love o' Corellon, stop th' waterworks, lass... There be naught wrong wi' you at all, . I wasn't thinkin', not one bit.~ ++ ~[PC] You don't mean that. You would rather go toss that silly little redhead's skirts up around her ears than stay here with me.~ + a813 ++ ~[PC] I guess that I just am not pretty enough, or smart enough for you.~ + a813 + ~RandomNum(3,1)~ + ~[PC] (Grin maliciously at Aran) So, the big soft Aran can be swayed by a few crocodile tears. Useful information.~ + a1973 /* c-aranshutup67 */ + ~RandomNum(3,2)~ + ~[PC] (Grin maliciously at Aran) So, the big soft Aran can be swayed by a few crocodile tears. Useful information.~ + a1974 /* c-aranshutup68 */ + ~RandomNum(3,3)~ + ~[PC] (Grin maliciously at Aran) So, the big soft Aran can be swayed by a few crocodile tears. Useful information.~ + a1975 /* c-aranshutup69 */ END IF ~~ a813 SAY ~[ARAN] You be prettier to me than an Elven Queen's handmaiden. You are more woman than that little slip o' a child will ever be. Don't be comparin' no dandelion to a full blown rose, .~ ++ ~[PC] Go on...~ + a809 ++ ~[PC] I guess I just don't have much self confidence right now, Aran.~ + a815 + ~RandomNum(3,1)~ + ~[PC] Don't patronize me, you stupid sellsword. Get out of here, and take your overbearing patronage and jackass face with you.~ + a1976 /* c-aranshutup70 */ + ~RandomNum(3,2)~ + ~[PC] Don't patronize me, you stupid sellsword. Get out of here, and take your overbearing patronage and jackass face with you.~ + a1977 /* c-aranshutup71 */ + ~RandomNum(3,3)~ + ~[PC] Don't patronize me, you stupid sellsword. Get out of here, and take your overbearing patronage and jackass face with you.~ + a1978 /* c-aranshutup72 */ ++ ~[PC] Actually, I feel like heading back to the room. I will see you later, Aran.~ + a865 END IF ~~ a814 SAY ~[ARAN] Right, then, I'm off. I got to get some o' th' gear settled more careful anyways.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~RestParty()~ EXIT END IF ~~ a815 SAY ~[ARAN] With th' strain you been under, there be no wonder about that at all. Tell you what - no drinks, no dancin', an' I'll keep my fat mouth shut. Let's th' two o' us sit right here an' watch people go about their business. There be somethin' comfortable about knowin' that on spite o' all this craziness, there's someplace what's got business as usual.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~RestParty()~ EXIT END IF ~~ a816 SAY ~[ARAN] I do like a good bath, , but... well, there's no polite way to say this, but it looks like th' particular one here might have been used for some non-bathin' uses, if you catch my drift. Trust me... you don't want to be in there at all. Smells like a Calimshan pleasure palace.~ ++ ~[PC] Really? And how do you know what that smells like?~ + a817 ++ ~[PC] And here I had my heart set on a nice soak, with you attending to my every whim.~ + a817 ++ ~[PC] Isn't a nice bath a great way to get closer to a companion and fellow adventurer?~ + a817 ++ ~[PC] That was not a request. That was a command.~ + a817 END IF ~~ a817 SAY ~[ARAN] Errr... look, just trust me on this one. This set o' baths, well, they just aren't what you be lookin' for.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END /* Inn #2 */ IF ~~ a818 SAY ~[ARAN] ! Just th' lady I wanted to see. Bring your purse on over here, an' let's have a game o' chess, eh?~ ++ ~[PC] I think that would be a very nice distraction. Why do I need my purse?~ + a819 ++ ~[PC] I would rather dance. Leave that stuffy game, and let's see if the musicians can keep up with us!~ + a820 ++ ~[PC] I am just here for the scenery, Aran. You go find someone else to play with.~ + a2279 ++ ~[PC] I'm here with someone already, Aran. But don't mind me. Go have fun.~ + a2279 + ~TimeofDay(DAY)~ + ~[PC] This place is too stuffy an warm. I think that you should escort me on a moonlit walk.~ + a2280 + ~TimeofDay(NIGHT)~ + ~[PC] This place is too stuffy and closed up. I think that you should escort me on a nice quiet walk.~ + a2583 END IF ~~ a819 SAY ~[ARAN] On account o' th' money you'll lose to me, for each piece I take, o' course.~ ++ ~[PC] Oh, of course. What else. Whatever was I thinking.~ + a824 ++ ~[PC] On second thought, I would rather go dancing. Come on, just a few times around the floor...~ + a820 ++ ~[PC] I have a better idea. Why don't we try a different challenge.~ + a830 ++ ~[PC] Actually, I feel like heading back to the room. I will see you later, Aran.~ + a865 END IF ~~ a820 SAY ~[ARAN] Right then, dancin' it is. Lead on, m'lady.~ = ~[ARAN] (Bright breathless music leads you both a merry chase. A series of country dances passing in a blur of candlelight, quick movement, and activity. The tempo slows down to a stately waltz, and Aran looks at you questioningly.)~ ++ ~[PC] (Slip your arm around his waist and place your hand on his shoulder.)~ + a851 ++ ~[PC] (Slip both your arms around his waist and lean your head against him.)~ + a852 ++ ~[PC] (Nod gently to him, and leave the common room.)~ + a822 ++ ~[PC] Aran... don't you think we could be more comfortable upstairs?~ + a821 ++ ~[PC] Actually, I feel like heading back to the room. I will see you later, Aran.~ + a865 END IF ~~ a821 SAY ~[ARAN] I'm not sure I'm understandin', , but if you are sayin' what I think you are sayin', well, I'd be a fool not to want to. But I'd better not right now. There's complications what I got to think out, first.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a822 SAY ~[ARAN] (Aran looks wistfully at you as you leave, his gaze lingering for as long as he can see you.)~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~RestParty()~ EXIT END IF ~~ a823 SAY ~[ARAN] Aye, then, that I will. Have fun!~ = ~[ARAN] (Aran soon engages another to play chess, but you notice his constant glances are keeping close watch of what you are doing.)~ ++ ~[PC] (You flirt discreetly with a bar patron)~ + a869 ++ ~[PC] (You shamelessly and brazenly make out with a bar patron)~ + a868 ++ ~[PC] (You find a comfortable corner and settle into a good book, frowning over the pages intently.)~ + a866 ++ ~[PC] (You relax comfortably, letting time pass and your spirits recover.)~ + a867 END IF ~~ a824 SAY ~[ARAN] Now then, let's see what sort of player you are. Choose a fist, an' let's get playin'.~ ++ ~[PC] (You play carefully and calmly, sweeping the board of his pieces and trapping his king only after decimating the board.)~ + a862 ++ ~[PC] (You play poorly, allowing him to win, his grin increasing with each piece he takes. Eventually, your king is stripped of all companions, and you tip him over to indicate your loss.)~ + a854 ++ ~[PC] (You play carefully and calmly, but at every turn your moves are thwarted... and Aran wins the game.)~ + a854 ++ ~[PC] (You cheat mercilessly, leaning forward and exposing soft skin to him whenever possible until his distraction is complete - as is his loss.)~ + a862 ++ ~[PC] (You play with wild abandon, sacrificing pawns with no reason and generally causing chaos on the board, until no one is sure exactly what rules, if any, are in play. As it appears Aran is going to win, you clear the board with a broad sweep of your hands, covering the board with your body.)~ + a825 END IF ~~ a825 SAY ~[ARAN] Hey, that's not rightly fair, there, girl!~ ++ ~[PC] Who said I would play fair? I sure didn't.~ + a826 ++ ~[PC] Oh, stop whining, and perhaps I will let you lose again.~ + a827 ++ ~[PC] You didn't teach me the groundrules, Aran! How do you know I can even play chess?~ + a828 ++ ~[PC] Everything is fair in love and war.~ + a829 END IF ~~ a826 SAY ~[ARAN] Well, I do guess you be right. An' they say all's fair in love an' war, eh?~ ++ ~[PC] Do not get your hopes up, Aran. You might not want to risk either love or war with me. I'm not likely to take prisoners.~ EXIT ++ ~[PC] It is a game, silly. Now go get us a drink, and let's have some more fun.~ EXIT ++ ~[PC] Love, war, games of chance, wild romance... all might be a nice challenge at times. But right now, what I could really use is a drink.~ + a809 /* yes, recycled state from 1 ! Not a typo. */ ++ ~[PC] Actually, I feel like heading back to the room. I will see you later, Aran.~ + a865 END IF ~~ a827 SAY ~[ARAN] Well, now, that's not fair either, there. I'm not whinin', just complainin'! There be a difference, see. Whinin' is when there's naught you can do about it, a' complainin's when I can do this... (With a quick tug he pulls the board out from under you, and holds it aloft, grinning.) He who done controls th' board, wins! Go get me a drink, !~ ++ ~[PC] Hah. A feeble ploy taking advantage of my innocent state. Fine, I'll buy you a drink. Now let's go cause some trouble somewhere!~ EXIT ++ ~[PC] In your dreams, Aran. But I'll let you buy me two or three, and see if you can get me all giggly.~ EXIT ++ ~[PC] What a child. Go get yourself a drink, sellsword. I am off in search of more interesting entertainment.~ EXIT ++ ~[PC] Actually, I feel like heading back to the room. I will see you later, Aran.~ + a865 END IF ~~ a828 SAY ~[ARAN] You spent all o' that time in Candlekeep, an' you think you can pass yourself off as not knowin' chess? Don't be playin' cards wi' me, then, on account o' you can't bluff for crap!~ ++ ~[PC] How do you know I was taught chess, when there are so many games scholars like to play?~ + a826 ++ ~[PC] Assumes facts not in evidence, Aran. I never told you what I did for fun in Candlekeep.~ + a826 ++ ~[PC] Silly games, silly opponent, silly evening.... suddenly, I feel like doing something completely different. See you around, Aran.~ EXIT ++ ~[PC] Actually, I feel like heading back to the room. I will see you later, Aran.~ + a865 END IF ~~ a829 SAY ~[ARAN] An' here I thought we were plain' a game. Which one o' those are you holdin' me to, love, or war?~ ++ ~[PC] Why, Aran, I'm not holding you to anything. I'll let you figure out which one might be more fun...~ + a4321 ++ ~[PC] War, of course. I have plenty of love already, and it will be fun to see if I can twist your poor brain into knots.~ + a4322 ++ ~[PC] I'm holding you to another game, another day, and that is enough for me.~ + a4320 ++ ~[PC] I will see you later, Aran.~ + a865 END IF ~~ a4320 SAY ~[ARAN] Right. I suppose there be some good in just havin' a decent night's sleep. Or indecent, if a lad could find a partner, eh?~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~RestParty()~ EXIT END IF ~~ a4321 SAY ~[ARAN] Now I don't know whether I be comin' or goin'. You seem to have all th' pieces covered, eh?~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~RestParty()~ EXIT END IF ~~ a4322 SAY ~[ARAN] Well, on both counts, looks like you succeded. I might just have a drink or two an' then let my poor addled brain sleep in th' resultin' alcohol-induced hazy bliss, eh?~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~RestParty()~ EXIT END IF ~~ a4323 SAY ~[ARAN] (The evening passes in a warm, relaxed haze of comfort.)~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~RestParty()~ EXIT END IF ~~ a830 SAY ~[ARAN] Well, what did you have in mind, then?~ ++ ~[PC] How about a concentration contest. You hold this little book here, and don't move. I will see if I can make you move. The winner buys the drinks.~ + a831 ++ ~[PC] Oh, I don't know... how about a little game of hide and seek.~ + a839 ++ ~[PC] I think it is time you earned your keep. Give me a back rub.~ + a848 END IF ~~ a831 SAY ~[ARAN] Now, that be right simple. I'll be takin' your money right quick, I will.~ ++ ~[PC] (You walk around Aran as he holds the book out at arms length, watching the strain gather on his face.)~ + a832 ++ ~[PC] (You watch Aran hold for a time, but grow impatient. You slam your heel hard into his instep, smiling at him sweetly.)~ + a835 ++ ~[PC] (You stand at the corner of Aran's vision, and very slowly begin to loosen your clothing.)~ + a834 ++ ~[PC] Hey, Aran, where did I put that sales contract for the horses?~ + a833 END IF ~~ a832 SAY ~[ARAN] (In the kitchen, a mug clatters to the floor, and Aran instantly drops the book and grabs for his weapon. He straightens, smiling sheepishly, and hands you back the book.) Corellon's Fire, I thought I had you, . Right, then, two drinks, comin' right up.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a833 SAY ~[ARAN] (Aran cocks his head to one side, thinking for a second, then steps toward his writing desk rolled up on a nearby table.) Well, let me see. I do believe... Bane's Broken Bond, you got me! Stop that laughin' . I done been tricked into buyin' by an apprentice's prank!~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a834 SAY ~[ARAN] (Aran keeps trying to look in your direction, but never quite gets you in plain sight. Just when you are about to have to choose whether to break away or risk exposure, he starts laughing uncontrollably and drops the book.)~ = ~[ARAN] Well, you won, , but I think you'd better look at what your surroundin's are before playin' dangerous games like that. The poor busboy, he's turnin' bright red over there, an' the lad's not seen fourteen years!~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a835 SAY ~[ARAN] Mask's Mighty Menace, you blighted little weasel! I'll kick you a good one, I will! (Aran's threat would be more credible if he were not grabbing his foot and hopping about trying to keep his balance.)~ = ~[ARAN] (He mutters a bit, but goes and retrieves two drinks, setting them down on the table. He raises his glass and slams it back, grimacing at his foot.)~ ++ ~[PC] (Not to be outdone, you follow suit, throwing the drink down your throat.)~ + a836 ++ ~[PC] (You smile sweetly, and dump the drink over his head.)~ + a837 ++ ~[PC] (You pour the drink into his lap.)~ + a838 ++ ~[PC] (You get up and leave.)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a836 SAY ~[ARAN] (The resulting fire in your mouth and throat are excruciating.)~ = ~[ARAN] Aye, you might want a bit o' bread, . I figured if you liked your gamin' spicy, you might like a mite o' hot pepper oil mixed into your drink. I can play any game you can, darlin'. Might not win, but I'll give you a right good run for your money, I will.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~RestParty()~ EXIT END IF ~~ a837 SAY ~[ARAN] (He sputters and yelps, grabbing for his eyes. Foul curses fly from his mouth as he makes his way out of the room.)~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfight","GLOBAL",1) RestParty()~ EXIT END IF ~~ a838 SAY ~[ARAN] (He sputters his drink across the table and yelps. Foul curses fly from his mouth as he makes his way out of the room.)~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfight","GLOBAL",1) RestParty()~ EXIT END IF ~~ a839 SAY ~[ARAN] Well, that be a child's game.~ ++ ~[PC] Not the way I play it. I was going to hide something on me, and then let you try and find it.~ + a846 ++ ~[PC] Children don't play the way I do. You hide something on your body, and I will try to find it.~ + a840 ++ ~[PC] Let's be children, then, and relax a little. Come on, it will be fun!~ + a847 END IF ~~ a840 SAY ~[ARAN] Hmmm. Well, I guess I could give that a shot. An' I am supposed to say 'warmer' an' 'colder', right, on when you get closer or farther from th' object? Well, search away, girl, if you have th' guts. Find my Flamin' Fist musterin'-out medallion.~ ++ ~[PC] Hmmm. Is it here? (Run your hand gently along his belt and point to his belt pouch.)~ + a841 ++ ~[PC] Hmmm. Is it here? (Brush your fingers across his chest and point to his side under his shirt.)~ + a842 ++ ~[PC] Hmmm. Is it here? (Walk your fingers up his arm and point to the leather tie holding a locket out of sight under his shirt.)~ + a843 ++ ~[PC] Hmmm. Is it here? (Gently run your palm down to the center of his back, pressing close to him and looking up into his eyes.)~ + a844 ++ ~[PC] Hmmm. Is it here? (Gently tug at his belt, loosening it and slipping your fingers under his clothing.)~ + a845 ++ ~[PC] I think I will do better with a whole body search. (Turn around and look coyly over your shoulder at him, while nestling your back up against him and wiggling your hips.)~ + a845 END IF ~~ a841 SAY ~[ARAN] Right you are, in one! An' for winnin' I'll get you a right fine drink, an' we can sit an' chat a bit. Innkeeper, Rashemi Firewine, straight. None o' that watered crap, neither!~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~RestParty()~ EXIT END IF ~~ a842 SAY ~[ARAN] Well, a bit warm, there. But not quite right. Try again.~ ++ ~[PC] Hmmm. Is it here? (Run your hand gently along his belt and point to his belt pouch.)~ + a841 ++ ~[PC] Hmmm. Is it here? (Gently run your palm down to the center of his back, pressing close to him and looking up into his eyes.)~ + a844 ++ ~[PC] Hmmm. Is it here? (Gently tug at his belt, loosening it and slipping your fingers under his clothing.)~ + a845 ++ ~[PC] I think I will do better with a whole body search. (Turn around and look coyly over your shoulder at him while nestling your back up against him and wiggling your hips.)~ + a845 ++ ~[PC] Actually, I feel like heading back to the room. I will see you later, Aran.~ + a865 END IF ~~ a843 SAY ~[ARAN] Well, a bit cold, there. Try again.~ ++ ~[PC] Hmmm. Is it here? (Run your hand gently along his belt and point to his belt pouch.)~ + a841 ++ ~[PC] Hmmm. Is it here? (Gently run your palm down to the center of his back, pressing close to him and looking up into his eyes.)~ + a844 ++ ~[PC] Hmmm. Is it here? (Gently tug at his belt, loosening it and slipping your fingers under his clothing.)~ + a845 ++ ~[PC] I think I will do better with a whole body search. (Turn around and look coyly over your shoulder at him while nestling your back up against him and wiggling your hips.)~ + a845 END IF ~~ a844 SAY ~[ARAN] Now, I don't think you are playin' fair, there, . Try again, only for real this time, eh?~ ++ ~[PC] Hmmm. Is it here? (Run your hand gently along his belt and point to his belt pouch.)~ + a841 ++ ~[PC] Hmmm. Is it here? (Brush your fingers across his chest and point to his side under his shirt.)~ + a842 ++ ~[PC] Hmmm. Is it here? (Gently tug at his belt, loosening it and slipping your fingers under his clothing.)~ + a845 ++ ~[PC] I think I will do better with a whole body search. (Turn around and look coyly over your shoulder at him while nestling your back up against him and wiggling your hips.)~ + a845 ++ ~[PC] Actually, I feel like heading back to the room. I will see you later, Aran.~ + a865 END IF ~~ a845 SAY ~[ARAN] (Aran's voice is rough and close in your ear.) Bloody hells, girl, you are goin' to kill me, you are. How about I give you th' medal, an' we call it a game? This is teasin' me right proper.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~RestParty()~ EXIT END IF ~~ a846 SAY ~[ARAN] Oh, no you don't. I'm not playin' that game wi' you. I don't trust myself to stick to th' straight an' narrow, so to speak! I've got some business elsewhere, anyways. But have a drink on me before I head out.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~RestParty()~ EXIT END IF ~~ a847 SAY ~[ARAN] (Time falls away, with memories of the Candlekeep Library and childhood games with Imoen filling your senses. Darting around the stairways and rooms, startling guests, and generally acting like only ten summers have passed for each of you, the evening is a happy relaxation from your cares.)~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~RestParty()~ EXIT END /* teacher humor - Lortie (1975), "apprenticeship of observation" - conscious or unconscious skill development explaining why teachers teach following the patterns they observed their childhood teachers using */ IF ~~ a848 SAY ~[ARAN] I do have a mite bit o' experience. I did short-haul work on th' galleys tradin' into Calimport for a year or so, an' there were some right fine massages to be had in that city. I done had an "apprenticeship o' observation". Learned that phrase from a man named Lortie. Here, relax in this chair, eh?~ ++ ~[PC] (Your body begins to melt, your head moving in a gentle circular motion as his thumbs press and knead the back of your neck. Slowly, your cares begin to melt away.)~ EXIT ++ ~[PC] (His hands are strong and capable, but you want more.) Lower, Aran. And harder.~ + a1651 ++ ~[PC] On second thought, I have better uses for those hands. Come sit here.~ + a849 END IF ~~ a1651 SAY ~[ARAN] Now, if I press much harder, I'll be hurtin' you a bit, on account o' those knots I can feel under my thumbs. There... that be a mite better. You just relax an' let me get you back into shape, eh?~ ++ ~[PC] (Your body begins to relax. Slowly, your cares begin to melt away.)~ EXIT ++ ~[PC] And how much did you "observe"? I have heard that there are lots of ways to end a Calishite massage...~ + a850 ++ ~[PC] On second thought, I have better uses for those hands. Come sit here.~ + a849 END IF ~~ a849 SAY ~[ARAN] Well they do say Mask likes idle hands, but I best not be sittin' too close to you, or my hands won't rightly be doin' nothin...~ ++ ~[PC] Now, Aran. I have heard you have wonderful hands, and a reputation for using them in some very interesting ways...~ + a850 ++ ~[PC] You would not take advantage of a friend like that, now would you?~ + a850 END IF ~~ a850 SAY ~[ARAN] Why now, my . I wouldn't know nothin' about that. Not one bit. Not me, no . Right, then, stop that laughin'. I've been framed right proper, I have!~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a851 SAY ~[ARAN] (Aran's arms hold you firmly, carefully, a little gingerly. The music dissolves the surroundings into a melange of shadows and light, and for a time there is nothing but the two of you moving together.)~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a852 SAY ~[ARAN] (Aran's chest is warm and hard against your cheek, and his strong arms hold you close as the steps pull you along in the waltz. Suddenly, he pushes you away, holding you at arms length, ears burning while the two of you dance.)~ ++ ~[PC] Aran, what is wrong?~ + a853 ++ ~[PC] That is a natural reaction to being close together with a woman you desire, Aran. Relax, and come back here.~ + a853 ++ ~[PC] (Blush brightly.) I... I think it is better to dance this way, Aran. We should probably stop now anyways.~ + a853 ++ ~[PC] (Scowl at him.) Hey, get control of yourself. I was enjoying myself.~ + a853 END IF ~~ a853 SAY ~[ARAN] Sorry about that. You smell right nice, like a warm rain in th' spring. Sometimes, there be times when a man's a man, no matter what's right or wrong. I'll watch m'self. Let's just enjoy th' dancin', an' all.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a4323 END IF ~~ a854 SAY ~[ARAN] Now then, , I do believe I won. Hand it over, then!~ ++ ~[PC] (Lean forward on your arms, displaying a bit more cleavage and smiling up at him.) Would you really take my coin for such a game, Aran? Are you sure there is nothing else I can settle my debt with?~ + a855 ++ ~[PC] Here you go, Aran. Oh, wait a minute - I hold the party purse. And we are in an inn. And there is a bar right over there. I think for your own safety, I shall hold onto it for you!~ + a856 ++ ~[PC] I don't think I will, Aran. (Drop the coins down the front of your outfit.) I think you may have to come and get them.~ + a857 ++ ~[PC] You know me better than that. I don't like to lose, and I won't bother paying a debt to you.~ + a861 ++ ~[PC] Rematch?~ + a863 ++ ~[PC] You win. Here is your coin.~ + a865 END IF ~~ a855 SAY ~[ARAN] (Aran's gaze drops to where it is intended to go, and he flushes.) Now, then, that be fine. I don't hold no debt against you, nohow. It was a good game, an' I took my winnin's while we played. You missed a button or two there, an' I had a great show most o' th' night!~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~RestParty()~ EXIT END IF ~~ a856 SAY ~[ARAN] Why did I figure that was the way it was goin' to be? Let's see if I can rustle a mite o' food out o' that innkeeper, an' we'll discuss payday right proper.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~RestParty()~ EXIT END IF ~~ a857 SAY ~[ARAN] (Aran's hand flashes out toward your chest, almost taking you by surprise.)~ ++ ~[PC] (Remain still, your gaze daring him to touch you.)~ + a860 ++ ~[PC] (Pull your top open and lean forward, allowing him access.)~ + a859 ++ ~[PC] (Slam his hand down hard onto the table with your fist.) Naughty, naughty. You can't touch me - just the coins.~ + a858 ++ ~[PC] (Stand quickly.) My, my. Look at the time. I think I will go find some other entertainment.~ + a822 END IF ~~ a858 SAY ~[ARAN] (Aran's other hand catches your wrist, and yours catches his - stalemate. He pulls you closer to him across the table, but a slow smile spreads across his face as he casts his glance down your body.) Pity there's all this table in th' way, . There's a right fine view o' your charms from this angle. How about we settle this in another game?~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~RestParty()~ EXIT END IF ~~ a859 SAY ~[ARAN] (His eyes never leave yours as his hands meet your warm skin. He takes his time gently exploring, seeking coins and finding many other things along the way. Eventually, he sits back breathing heavily, with only a few coins to show for his efforts. His voice is husky...)~ = ~[ARAN] Aye, I bet you didn't think I had it in me, eh? I'd better stop there, , an' let you keep the rest o' that coin. I could do more explorin' but this is a mite public. Why don't you go grab us a drink or two. I don't think I should stand up right now.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~RestParty()~ EXIT END IF ~~ a860 SAY ~[ARAN] (His face pulls close to yours in a contest of wills, eye to eye, forehead to forehead. Suddenly, he laughs.) This round to you, m'lady teaser... I know better'n to go wanderin' about your body without no permission. I'll go get us a drink or two, an' we'll discuss another game.~ ++ ~[PC] Actually, I feel like heading back to the room. I will see you later, Aran.~ + a865 ++ ~[PC] (Stand quickly.) My, my. Look at the time. I think I will go find some other entertainment.~ + a822 END IF ~~ a861 SAY ~[ARAN] Well, it was right entertainin' just playin', anyways. I'll go get us somethin' to drink an' eat. You hold onto my winnin's and we'll see if I can charm 'em out o' you next time we run up against a good weaponsmith.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~RestParty()~ EXIT END IF ~~ a862 SAY ~[ARAN] Now then, , I do believe I lost. Problem is, I don't have no coin, not right now. Double or naught'?~ ++ ~[PC] Well, I think I can draw my winnings in other ways, Aran. (You reach a foot under the table and place it gently between his legs.)~ + a864 ++ ~[PC] I have no choice but to punish you, then. (You kick him hard under the table.)~ + a864 ++ ~[PC] It was a silly idea to wager on chess, Aran. But it was fun playing with you.~ + a863 END IF ~~ a863 SAY ~[ARAN] That be right kind o' you, . I promise, I'll pay my losses, I will. That was a good bit o' fun to play.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~RestParty()~ EXIT END IF ~~ a864 SAY ~[ARAN] (Aran's chair flies back as he jumps up with a startled oath.) That's a mite tender, there, , in spite o' those healin' potions! I promise, I'll pay my losses, I will.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~RestParty()~ EXIT END IF ~~ a865 SAY ~[ARAN] Aye, then, get some rest, . There's a mite more scribin' for me, an' then I'll turn in proper. Unless you want some company to chase th' bedbugs away, o' course.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~RestParty()~ EXIT END IF ~~ a866 SAY ~[ARAN] (Aran soon loses interest in the game, possibly because his tactics never quite make it to the level of strategy. Finally, he leaves the game to better players. With a heavy *thud*, he settles himself at a table near you. Spreading out a scroll and carefully arranging ink and quills, he begins scratching away in companionable silence. The lights go dim as you sit near each other, his occasional glances at you broken only by the occasional scrabble of quill to parchment.)~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~RestParty()~ EXIT END IF ~~ a867 SAY ~[ARAN] (Aran casts glances in your direction frequently, to the detriment of his game and his purse. Eventually, he stands up and stretches, grins at you, and heads upstairs.)~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranpcflirter","LOCALS",1) RestParty()~ EXIT END IF ~~ a868 SAY ~[ARAN] (Each glance in your direction turns Aran's face an angrier shade of red, and he rapidly loses his purse. Standing quickly, he strides out of the room muttering oaths under his breath.)~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranpcflirter","LOCALS",2) RestParty()~ EXIT END IF ~~ a869 SAY ~[ARAN] (Aran's ears turn red and his concentration wavers, resulting in a series of costly losses. Eventually, he pushes back from the table, grumpily heading to settle his gear.)~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranpcflirter","LOCALS",3) RestParty()~ EXIT END IF ~~ a3005 SAY ~[ARAN] Now, what be your pleasure, eh?~ + ~RandomNum(4,1)~ + ~[PC] I want a bath. Do you know where they are?~ + a1808 + ~RandomNum(4,2)~ + ~[PC] Teach me to scribe something new.~ + a2057 + ~RandomNum(4,3) OR(2) Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",0) GlobalGT("c-aransex","GLOBAL",4)~ + ~[PC] I want a bath, and some time to relax. Come on, show me where they are around here.~ + a2273 + ~RandomNum(4,3) Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",1)~ + ~[PC] I want a bath, and some time to relax. Come on, show me where they are around here.~ + a2274 + ~RandomNum(4,3) Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] I want a bath, and some time to relax. Come on, show me where they are around here.~ + a2275 + ~RandomNum(4,3) Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",3)~ + ~[PC] I want a bath, and some time to relax. Come on, show me where they are around here.~ + a2276 + ~RandomNum(4,3) Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",4)~ + ~[PC] I want a bath, and some time to relax. Come on, show me where they are around here.~ + a2277 + ~RandomNum(4,4)~ + ~[PC] Teach me to scribe something new.~ + a2286 + ~!TimeofDay(DAY)~ + ~[PC] This place is too stuffy and warm. I think that you should escort me on a moonlit walk.~ + a2280 + ~TimeofDay(DAY)~ + ~[PC] This place is too stuffy and closed up. I think that you should escort me on a nice quiet walk.~ + a2583 + ~InParty(Player2) Gender(Player2,FEMALE) !Name("c-aran",Player2)~ + ~[PC] Actually, I was looking for . Have you seen her?~ + a3006 + ~InParty(Player3) Gender(Player3,FEMALE) !Name("c-aran",Player3)~ + ~[PC] Actually, I was looking for . Have you seen her?~ + a3006 + ~InParty(Player4) Gender(Player4,FEMALE) !Name("c-aran",Player4)~ + ~[PC] Actually, I was looking for . Have you seen her?~ + a3006 + ~InParty(Player5) Gender(Player5,FEMALE) !Name("c-aran",Player5)~ + ~[PC] Actually, I was looking for . Have you seen her?~ + a3006 + ~InParty(Player6) Gender(Player6,FEMALE) !Name("c-aran",Player6)~ + ~[PC] Actually, I was looking for . Have you seen her?~ + a3006 + ~InParty(Player2) Gender(Player2,MALE) !Name("c-aran",Player2)~ + ~[PC] Actually, I was looking for . Have you seen him?~ + a3007 + ~InParty(Player3) Gender(Player3,MALE) !Name("c-aran",Player3)~ + ~[PC] Actually, I was looking for . Have you seen him?~ + a3007 + ~InParty(Player4) Gender(Player4,MALE) !Name("c-aran",Player4)~ + ~[PC] Actually, I was looking for . Have you seen him?~ + a3007 + ~InParty(Player5) Gender(Player5,MALE) !Name("c-aran",Player5)~ + ~[PC] Actually, I was looking for . Have you seen him?~ + a3007 + ~InParty(Player6) Gender(Player6,MALE) !Name("c-aran",Player6)~ + ~[PC] Actually, I was looking for . Have you seen him?~ + a3007 ++ ~[PC] Time for a language lesson.~ + a3008 END IF ~~ a3006 SAY ~[ARAN] Right over there, I do believe. But you could stay an' keep me company instead o' botherin' her, you know. I won't rightly bite, unless you tell me to. Wouldn't mind it a bit, come to think on it.~ ++ ~[PC] Why do you seem to always lead with an attempt at flirting?~ + a3009 ++ ~[PC] Well, in that case, you can bite me.~ + a3014 ++ ~[PC] I think I need to go over there. Have fun, but not too much fun.~ + a3015 ++ ~[PC] Well, I guess we could have a language lesson.~ + a3008 END IF ~~ a3007 SAY ~[ARAN] Right over there, I do believe. But you could stay an' keep me company instead o' botherin' him, you know. I won't rightly bite, unless you tell me to. Wouldn't mind it a bit, come to think on it.~ ++ ~[PC] Why do you seem to always lead with an attempt at flirting?~ + a3009 ++ ~[PC] Well, in that case, you can bite me.~ + a3014 ++ ~[PC] Well, I guess we could have a language lesson.~ + a3008 ++ ~[PC] I think I need to go over there. Have fun, but not too much fun.~ + a3015 END IF ~~ a3008 SAY ~[ARAN] Sure thing. What did you be wantin' to learn? I know a few.~ ++ ~[PC] That would be "Absolutely. What language are you interested in learning?"~ + a3010 ++ ~[PC] On second thought, forget I said anything. Have fun, but not too much fun.~ + a3015 ++ ~[PC] I meant that it is time for you to learn how to speak, and I will teach you.~ + a3016 ++ ~[PC] I was hoping for a lesson on the effect of geopolitical upheaval and mass migration on Trade-speak, operating from the etymological exploration of the word "blighted".~ + a3019 END IF ~~ a3009 SAY ~[ARAN] I don't seem to be able to stop tryin', when it comes to you.~ ++ ~[PC] If it were just me, it wouldn't be a problem. But you seem to want to flirt with anything female.~ + a3013 ++ ~[PC] On second thought, forget I said anything. Have fun, but not too much fun.~ + a3015 ++ ~[PC] Errr... "When it is in reference to you, I do not seem to be able to stop trying to flirt."~ + a3010 ++ ~[PC] Find a way.~ + a3014 END IF ~~ a3010 SAY ~[ARAN] That be what I said, eh?~ ++ ~[PC] "I think that is what I said".~ + a3011 ++ ~[PC] On second thought, forget I said anything. Have fun, but not too much fun.~ + a3015 ++ ~[PC] You are missing what I am saying. I am trying to teach you how to speak.~ + a3016 END IF ~~ a3011 SAY ~[ARAN] Aye, you said that, but before you said it I was th' one doin' th' sayin', an' I said that.~ ++ ~[PC] No, no... "Yes, you said that, but I said it before you did."~ + a3012 ++ ~[PC] On second thought, forget I said anything. Have fun, but not too much fun.~ + a3015 ++ ~[PC] You are missing what I am saying. I am trying to teach you how to speak.~ + a3016 END IF ~~ a3012 SAY ~[ARAN] Blighted... you know what, I do believe what we be havin' here be a failure to communicate. Mayhap I'd better just get us some drinks an' shut my mouth, on account o' we just don't seem to be talkin' th' same game.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~RestParty()~ EXIT END IF ~~ a3013 SAY ~[ARAN] Well, I do appreciate th' females, that be for sure. But I'd rather appreciate you, if I could get a chance to do so.~ ++ ~[PC] Now would be a good time.~ + a3017 ++ ~[PC] On second thought, forget I said anything. Have fun, but not too much fun.~ + a3015 ++ ~[PC] You will not get an opportunity if you cheapen it by sharing. If you were a little smarter, you would realize that I might want to be the center of your attention, not just a "first among equals". Or perhaps you have forgotten your basic combat tactics for conquest... focus your forces, concentrate on your objectives...~ + a3014 ++ ~[PC] What should I do? Throw myself onto your chest, flutter my eyelashes, glance shyly up into your face, and whisper how handsome you are?~ + a3018 END IF ~~ a3014 SAY ~[ARAN] I do guess I asked for that one.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a3015 SAY ~[ARAN] I'd say there be naught in th' way o' havin' "too much" fun, but I know better. It be all fun an' games until th' bouncer drops you on your face in th' muck an' mire.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a3016 SAY ~[ARAN] Now, that be right kind o' you, but my jaw works just fine. It don't rightly need healin'. An' if you mean correct my accent an' grammar, let's just get on wi' doin' somethin' easier, like mayhap seein' th' faces o' all th' Masked Lords o' Waterdeep, or gettin' Shar to share a romantic kiss wi' Corellon Latherian. ~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a3017 SAY ~[ARAN] I.... err...~ = ~[ARAN] Heh. I have a line a second ready when it be not called for, but when it matters, my quiver be empty. Tymora done thrown Her Coin against me today, an' that be a fact.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a3018 SAY ~[ARAN] That might just do th' trick.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a3019 SAY ~[ARAN] Well, now, that be a great debate. Do it resolve from th' Chondathan 'spellblight', multiple non-sourced derivations what come from gods destroyin' things when Ao were dividin' up sides, or mayhap th'...~ = ~[ARAN] Hells. You be laughin' at me. Fine. Be that way.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END END /* of append to c-aranj */ /* Friend Talk Chains */ CHAIN C-ARANJ a44 ~[ARAN] Now, this don't rightly be an ordinary Company, eh?~ == CERNDJ IF ~InParty("Cernd") InMyArea("Cernd") !StateCheck("Cernd",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[CERND] There are no ordinary Companies, only collections of different abilities. Like the snow falling from the sky, there are only individuals who move into random patterns.~ == EDWINJ IF ~InParty("Edwin") InMyArea("Edwin") !StateCheck("Edwin",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[EDWIN] The rest of these lackeys are ordinary. But you are correct. With my presence, this group becomes extraordinary. (With that imbecile along, perhaps I should say extraordinarily stupid.)~ == JAHEIRAJ IF ~InParty("Jaheira") InMyArea("Jaheira") !StateCheck("Jaheira",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[JAHEIRA] What do you think is 'ordinary'?~ == MINSCJ IF ~InParty("Minsc") InMyArea("Minsc") !StateCheck("Minsc",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[MINSC] We are not ordinary! We have Boo!~ == MINSCJ IF ~InParty("Minsc") InMyArea("Minsc") !StateCheck("Minsc",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[BOO] *squeak*!~ [GAM_48] == KORGANJ IF ~InParty("Korgan") InMyArea("Korgan") !StateCheck("Korgan",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[KORGAN] Ordinary enough ter shut yer yap, boyo. You ask too many questions.~ == VICONIJ IF ~InParty("Viconia") InMyArea("Viconia") !StateCheck("Viconia",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[VICONIA] If you have a difficulty with my presence, jaluk, spit it out.~ == C-ARANJ IF ~InParty("Viconia") InMyArea("Viconia") !StateCheck("Viconia",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Hey, Drowess, I was talkin' to . I can work with most anybody. Though this is the first time I have seen your kind on this side of the shield wall, so to speak.~ == YOSHJ IF ~InParty("Yoshimo") InMyArea("Yoshimo") !StateCheck("Yoshimo",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[YOSHIMO] Indeed, what do you consider ordinary, my friend?~ == C-ARANJ ~[ARAN] An 'ordinary' Adventurin' Company is close to a Merchant's Guild Fist. Sword, Knife, Stave, Wand, and Pen, all working together. And they don't usually carry such powerful gear.~ END ++ ~[PC] Well, that's colorful. Some definitions? Because I really didn't understand you.~ EXTERN C-ARANJ a46 ++ ~[PC] No, this is not an ordinary group. But you will fit in fine, I am sure.~ EXTERN C-ARANJ a47 ++ ~[PC] Curiosity killed the cat. Keep your comments to yourself, Aran.~ EXTERN C-ARANJ a1921 /* c-aranshutup15 */ ++ ~[PC] I see your mouth moving, and I hear sounds. But they make no sense.~ EXTERN C-ARANJ a46 ++ ~[PC] You will find your own way with us, if you are useful enough. You have already made it clear that you tend to talk while traveling.~ EXTERN C-ARANJ a48 CHAIN C-ARANJ a63 ~[ARAN] Them's what fight well an' be armored well enough concentrate on formin' a line, an' lock shields together to form a barrier. Then, th' enemy charges, an' they hit the wall. They get thrown back in confusion, an' the wall steps forward an' attacks, reforms, repeat until they be dead or runnin'.~ == KELDORJ IF ~InParty("Keldorn") InMyArea("Keldorn") !StateCheck("Keldorn",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[KELDORN] There are some strengths to having a shield wall in large combat, but I have seen the concept fail with smaller parties.~ == ANOMENJ IF ~InParty("Anomen") InMyArea("Anomen") !StateCheck("Anomen",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ANOMEN] It is a useful tactic. It preserves the more important forces and expends the weaker.~ == C-ARANJ IF ~InParty("Anomen") InMyArea("Anomen") !StateCheck("Anomen",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] You mean it preserves nobles, at th' cost of lesser classes lives.~ == ANOMENJ IF ~InParty("Anomen") InMyArea("Anomen") !StateCheck("Anomen",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ANOMEN] I believe that is what I said.~ == C-ARANJ IF ~InParty("Anomen") InMyArea("Anomen") !StateCheck("Anomen",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Typical tin-can crap. , done right, it be no class warfare - th' concept is that the wall protects th' spellcasters, an' the spellcaster protects th' wall - it's like creatin' our own turtle, so to speak.~ END ++ ~[PC] I can see some problems with that combat setup.~ EXTERN C-ARANJ a68 ++ ~[PC] What happens if the enemy doesn't charge?~ EXTERN C-ARANJ a71 + ~Class("c-aran",CLERIC_ALL)~ + ~[PC] You put your faith up front, then, Aran. I can see why you decided to become a cleric. Fighting in that line would force any being to reevaluate their place on the Great Wheel.~ EXTERN C-ARANJ a67 + ~Class("c-aran",THIEF_ALL)~ + ~[PC] So that is why you decided to add 'investigative skills' to your fighting? Safer to hide and seek than stand in harm's way?~ EXTERN C-ARANJ a73 + ~Class("c-aran",MAGE_ALL)~ + ~[PC] I knew there was a reason you began studying spellcraft. Not quite as much danger when you are not standing directly in harms way.~ EXTERN C-ARANJ a72 ++ ~[PC] Look, no more talking. We are in a rush, and you talk too much anyways.~ EXTERN C-ARANJ a1908 /* c-aranshutup2 */ CHAIN C-ARANJ a65 ~[ARAN] Lightnin', fireballs, an' acid fog take out large chunks of a Wall, but that's why you got spellcasters to fight that off. Plus, any time th' Wall is takin' heat, your spellcasters can go to work on their spellcasters right harsh.~ == VALYGARJ IF ~InParty("Valygar") InMyArea("Valygar") !StateCheck("Valygar",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[VALYGAR] Once again, the misuse of the Weave causes death and destruction. Is there no other way to work with the wall than to protect it with magic?~ == C-ARANJ IF ~InParty("Valygar") InMyArea("Valygar") !StateCheck("Valygar",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Not every group has spellcasters, so sure thing. I never did see a spellcaster get off a successful spell when he's got an arrow through his left eye. That's archery at work, or cavalry chargin' round the flank an' smashin' 'em but good.~ == VALYGARJ IF ~InParty("Valygar") InMyArea("Valygar") !StateCheck("Valygar",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[VALYGAR] A very satisfying thought.~ END IF ~~ THEN EXTERN C-ARANJ a70 CHAIN C-ARANJ a70 ~[ARAN] O' course, I didn't say it were a perfect solution. I just think it would help us out.~ == KORGANJ IF ~InParty("Korgan") InMyArea("Korgan") !StateCheck("Korgan",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-fightanalysis","GLOBAL",0)~ THEN ~[KORGAN] All this namby-pamby talk o' tactics makes me wanna hit something. Cut the blabber so we can get going.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-fightanalysis","GLOBAL",1)~ == C-ARANJ IF ~InParty("Korgan") InMyArea("Korgan") !StateCheck("Korgan",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-fightanalysis","GLOBAL",0)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Ho, shortaxe, got up on th' wrong side o' bed this century?~ == VICONIJ IF ~InParty("Viconia") InMyArea("Viconia") !StateCheck("Viconia",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-fightanalysis","GLOBAL",0)~ THEN ~[VICONIA] It is right that the weaker and lesser cattle should be expended as shields.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-fightanalysis","GLOBAL",1)~ == C-ARANJ IF ~InParty("Viconia") InMyArea("Viconia") !StateCheck("Viconia",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-fightanalysis","GLOBAL",0)~ THEN ~[ARAN] I wasn't talkin' to you, drowess... you can kiss my arse.~ END ++ ~[PC] I think that is enough analysis.~ EXTERN C-ARANJ a64 + ~Global("c-fightanalysis1","LOCALS",0)~ + ~[PC] A wall must take a huge hit from any spellcasters around. It sounds like it makes a big target.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-fightanalysis1","LOCALS",1)~ EXTERN C-ARANJ a69 + ~Class(Player1,FIGHTER_ALL) Global("c-fightanalysis2","LOCALS",0)~ + ~[PC] You are relying on weight and numbers to hold back the enemy. What happens when I charge a shield wall with magical weaponry that cleaves through shields like a hot knife through butter?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-fightanalysis2","LOCALS",1)~ EXTERN C-ARANJ a70 + ~Class(Player1,MAGE_ALL) Global("c-fightanalysis3","LOCALS",0)~ + ~[PC] A well placed fireball, or perhaps some lightning, or simply a gaseous cloud... there are lots of ways I could break up that wall, Aran.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-fightanalysis3","LOCALS",1)~ EXTERN C-ARANJ a65 + ~OR(2) Class(Player1,DRUID) Class(Player1,RANGER) Global("c-fightanalysis4","LOCALS",0)~ + ~[PC] Outdoors, a druid must eat shield walls as a light snack. I might call lightning, if I could, and fry them all. Or entangle them and allow archery to finish them.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-fightanalysis4","LOCALS",1)~ EXTERN C-ARANJ a65 + ~Class(Player1,THIEF_ALL) Global("c-fightanalysis5","LOCALS",0)~ + ~[PC] I would probably sneak around back, and take them out one by one. Or simply avoid the whole wall, make your way past them, and get rid of the spellcasters.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-fightanalysis5","LOCALS",1)~ EXTERN C-ARANJ a70 + ~Class(Player1,BARD) Global("c-fightanalysis6","LOCALS",0)~ + ~[PC] A full audience, drawn up into a line, just for me? If I can't beguile them or terrorize them with my music, I would have to reevaluate my bardic skills.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-fightanalysis6","LOCALS",1)~ EXTERN C-ARANJ a70 + ~OR(2) Class(Player1,MONK) Class(Player1,CLERIC_ALL) Global("c-fightanalysis7","LOCALS",0) ~ + ~[PC] There are many ways, both spiritually and physically, to influence such a formation. Perhaps you would enlighten me as to the weaknesses you have seen yourself?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-fightanalysis7","LOCALS",1)~ EXTERN C-ARANJ a70 CHAIN C-ARANJ a71 ~[ARAN] Well, then th' Shield Wall is protection for archers an' spellcasters. Acts like a livin' stone wall to hide behind, an' it can move forward an' take on all comers.~ == MAZZYJ IF ~InParty("Mazzy") InMyArea("Mazzy") !StateCheck("Mazzy",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[MAZZY] That comes at a price in lives, Aran.~ == C-ARANJ IF ~InParty("Mazzy") InMyArea("Mazzy") !StateCheck("Mazzy",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Sometimes. Then again, we ain't exactly playin' a simple card game, Mazzy. Folks hired for the Wall know their business, an' the risks.~ END IF ~~ THEN EXTERN C-ARANJ a70 CHAIN C-ARANJ a72 ~[ARAN] I'm not stupid, , just a mite slow to come to conclusions sometimes. Mages get th' big firepower, an' they get protected. 'Course, they also get targeted first, so really it was out o' the fryin' pan and into the fire, so to speak. But change can be good.~ == EDWINJ IF ~InParty("Edwin") InMyArea("Edwin") !StateCheck("Edwin",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[EDWIN] (The idiot thinks he can weave spells. Amusing.) By all means, waste coin on more fighters, . Having more targets in front of me will provide amusement when they inevitably die.~ END IF ~~ THEN EXTERN C-ARANJ a70 CHAIN C-ARANJ a73 ~[ARAN] Forewarned is fore-armed. I've been on the raw end o' enough deals to realize I want to know more about th' opposition before someone decides to put me on the wall.~ == ~JANJ~ IF ~InParty("Jan") InMyArea("Jan") !StateCheck("Jan",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[JAN] Forearmed? When did anatomy become part of this discussion? You sound like my Uncle Gertan, who kept talking about his body parts until finally one day it caught up to him.~ == C-ARANJ IF ~InParty("Jan") InMyArea("Jan") !StateCheck("Jan",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] I meant 'prepared', see... but somehow I figured this was more about your Uncle Gertan than what I was sayin'. OK, how'd it catch up to him?~ == ~JANJ~ IF ~InParty("Jan") InMyArea("Jan") !StateCheck("Jan",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[JAN] He mentioned his superior foot bones one too many times to Aunt Petunia, and she proceeded to show him how to put his superior foot bones between his superior mandibles, and took off with a follower of Denir. A nice gnomish lad from west aways. I hear they are very happy, preaching somewhere near the Border Kingdoms.~ END IF ~~ THEN EXTERN C-ARANJ a70 CHAIN C-ARANJ a74 ~[ARAN] I have seen th' Wall fail with petrification spells in small groups, as it's easy enough to go around a few swords what aren't move or are slowed. Big battles, with long stretches, that's not a problem.~ == KELDORJ IF ~InParty("Keldorn") InMyArea("Keldorn") !StateCheck("Keldorn",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[KELDORN] I have also seen the shield wall crumble from siege engine attacks, and from gryphon or dragon attack. Something as simple as a gnomish airship can cause enough distraction to stop a wall's chief strength, that of locked shields.~ == C-ARANJ IF ~InParty("Keldorn") InMyArea("Keldorn") !StateCheck("Keldorn",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] How'd you stop that kind o' problem?~ == KELDORJ IF ~InParty("Keldorn") InMyArea("Keldorn") !StateCheck("Keldorn",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[KELDORN] More rigorous training.~ == MAZZYJ IF ~InParty("Mazzy") InMyArea("Mazzy") !StateCheck("Mazzy",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[MAZZY] But what of the differences in size? If we were to lock shields, Aran, my shield would be at your kneecap. I doubt it would work as you describe.~ == C-ARANJ IF ~InParty("Mazzy") InMyArea("Mazzy") !StateCheck("Mazzy",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Aye, true enough, Mazzy. I never did see what happens when a group o' mismatched shields tried it. It might work, though. You'd be in a position to get up under their defense, I suspect.~ END IF ~~ THEN EXTERN C-ARANJ a70 CHAIN C-ARANJ a107 ~[ARAN] I guess th' central question boils down to th' basics - which be mightier, th' pen or th' sword?~ == EDWINJ IF ~InParty("Edwin") InMyArea("Edwin") !StateCheck("Edwin",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[EDWIN] Bah. It is not the tool. It is how one uses it. (Imbeciles. Let them prattle on about swords. My superior intellect shall shatter them in a heartbeat.) ~ == HAERDAJ IF ~InParty("HaerDalis") InMyArea("HaerDalis") !StateCheck("HaerDalis",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[HAERDALIS] A fine feather from a wise sparrow, my friend. Penned works last for centuries after the creatures who wrote them have turned to dust, for they immortalize the stories that we pass on. But I do not think I would place them in a duel together to decide the result.~ == JAHEIRAJ IF ~InParty("Jaheira") InMyArea("Jaheira") !StateCheck("Jaheira",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[JAHEIRA] Unless you are talking of the destruction of the forests for paper and the harvesting of sheepskin to produce vellum, I do not see how the pen can be mightier than the sword. Nature needs no written word to show her power.~ == KELDORJ IF ~InParty("Keldorn") InMyArea("Keldorn") !StateCheck("Keldorn",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[KELDORN] I think that I disagree with both points. Neither pen nor sword can sway a determined heart. Faith is stronger than both.~ == KORGANJ IF ~InParty("Korgan") InMyArea("Korgan") !StateCheck("Korgan",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[KORGAN] I'll take me axe, an' you take yer pansy little feather, an' I bet you your purse I'd beat th' crap outta ye.~ == MINSCJ IF ~InParty("Minsc") InMyArea("Minsc") !StateCheck("Minsc",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[MINSC] Swords, not words, Boo! That is my motto.~ == NALIAJ IF ~InParty("Nalia") InMyArea("Nalia") !StateCheck("Nalia",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) OR(3) !InParty("Aerie") !InMyArea("Aerie") StateCheck("Aerie",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[NALIA] I might scribe a scroll of lightning, and do the damage of a hundred swords. But I am not sure it is really the pen that does it.~ == AERIEJ IF ~InParty("Aerie") InMyArea("Aerie") !StateCheck("Aerie",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) OR(3) !InParty("Nalia") !InMyArea("Nalia") StateCheck("Nalia",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[AERIE] I... I might scribe a scroll of lightning, and do the damage of many swords. But I am not sure it is really the pen that does it.~ END IF ~~ THEN EXTERN C-ARANJ a113 CHAIN KORGANJ a112 ~[KORGAN] *whack*~ == AERIEJ IF ~InParty("Aerie") InMyArea("Aerie") !StateCheck("Aerie",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[AERIE] That was not very nice, Korgan. You cut his quill in half!~ END ++ ~[PC] Good one, Korgan. Ah, trail talk about philosophy. The 'might versus write' debate. I think I would rather be boiled in oil or served raw to a pack of gibberlings.~ EXTERN C-ARANJ a110 ++ ~[PC] A feather. A sharpened feather, dipped in ink. Versus weapons. I think Korgan just answered you, Aran.~ EXTERN C-ARANJ a111 ++ ~[PC] Cut straight to the point, didn't he?~ EXTERN C-ARANJ a111 CHAIN C-ARANJ a119 ~[ARAN] Well now, Let me be seein' if I done got all this straight...~ [c-aws105] DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",12) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ == C-ARANJ IF ~NumInParty(2)~ THEN ~[ARAN] , . All present an' accounted for. Well, mostly, anyways. Ain't no accountin' for some o' us, perhaps.~ == C-ARANJ IF ~NumInParty(3)~ THEN ~[ARAN] , , . All present an' accounted for. Well, mostly, anyways. Ain't no accountin' for some o' us, perhaps.~ == C-ARANJ IF ~NumInParty(4)~ THEN ~[ARAN] , , , . All present an' accounted for. Well, mostly, anyways. Ain't no accountin' for some o' us, perhaps.~ == C-ARANJ IF ~NumInParty(5)~ THEN ~[ARAN] , , , , . All present an' accounted for. Well, mostly, anyways. Ain't no accountin' for some o' us, perhaps.~ == C-ARANJ IF ~NumInParty(6)~ THEN ~[ARAN] , , , , , . All present an' accounted for. Well, mostly, anyways. Ain't no accountin' for some o' us, perhaps.~ == C-ARANJ IF ~PartyGoldGT(11999)~ THEN ~[ARAN] We are richer than Sune's temple coffers, that's for sure. We could buy us a whole army o' mercenaries. I hear the Windriders are available.~ == C-ARANJ IF ~PartyGoldGT(8000) PartyGoldLT(12000)~ THEN ~[ARAN] We have plenty o' coin, though not quite enough to start our own tradin' coster... Tymora's been right kind.~ == C-ARANJ IF ~PartyGoldLT(8001) PartyGoldGT(399)~ THEN ~[ARAN] We don't have much in the way o' coin, but we have some. Ilmater would be right proud o' us keepin' so close to the bone, but then I favor Tymora, so she might say we need to press our luck a little an' get us goin' a bit more lively, so to speak.~ == C-ARANJ IF ~PartyGoldLT(400)~ THEN ~[ARAN] We're flat out broke, as barren as Bane's Bones.~ == C-ARANJ IF ~ReputationGT(Player1,16)~ THEN ~[ARAN] We have a reputation for doin' good works, whether deserved or not. In fact, most folks think we're some kind o' paladins of some sort, goin' about fixin' th' world. We're so good, Lathander's Golden light shines out our... well, that's neither here nor there.~ == C-ARANJ IF ~ReputationLT(Player1,17) ReputationGT(Player1,11)~ THEN ~[ARAN] We 're known by most folks as reasonably decent to have around.~ == C-ARANJ IF ~ReputationLT(Player1,12) ReputationGT(Player1,8)~ THEN ~[ARAN] We don't exactly have the most 'goody two-shoes' reputation. More like "Goody. Give us those two shoes. Y'ain't gonna be needin' 'em nohow, on account o' we are about to break your legs."~ == C-ARANJ IF ~ReputationLT(Player1,9)~ THEN ~[ARAN] We are the meanest, nastiest, most self-servin' sons n' daughters o' bitches ever to walk Faerun. Or at least that's what folks say about us, when they scare their kids into goin' to bed at night.~ END IF ~Class(Player1,MAGE_ALL)~ GOTO a120 IF ~Class(Player1,FIGHTER_ALL)~ GOTO a121 IF ~Class(Player1,CLERIC_ALL)~ GOTO a122 IF ~Class(Player1,THIEF_ALL)~ GOTO a123 IF ~Class(Player1,BARD_ALL)~ GOTO a124 IF ~Class(Player1,PALADIN_ALL)~ GOTO a126 IF ~Class(Player1,DRUID_ALL)~ GOTO a127 IF ~Class(Player1,RANGER_ALL)~ GOTO a128 CHAIN C-ARANJ a137 ~[ARAN] Well, now. Comin' up with decent meals is more tricky than it appears. It helps to know what you have, an' what you might be doin' next. I mean, cookin' a light meal before fightin' a Great Wyrm is a good idea. Eatin' spicy food before explorin' a dark place that smells like a Calimport sewer, well, that is an invitation for disaster.~ == C-ARANJ IF ~NumInParty(2)~ THEN ~[ARAN] It's only the two of us, anyways. So it won't take much time.~ == C-ARANJ IF ~NumInParty(3)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Three to cook for, no problem. I'll set it up next time we rest.~ == C-ARANJ IF ~NumInPartyGT(3)~ THEN ~[ARAN] We will need to take a bit o' time to cook for so many, but it could be worth it.~ == C-ARANJ IF ~PartyGoldGT(12000)~ THEN ~[ARAN] I think a full roast, honey glazed an' served with a juniper berry reduction. We have some blackbread I picked up in Athalka, an' some Rashemi FireWine to round it out.~ == C-ARANJ IF ~PartyGoldGT(8000)~ THEN ~[ARAN] I cook a mean curry, fit to wake th' dead. Lamb an' peas, a few roots, an' a packet o' spices from Calimshaw. I even have a mite bit o' oil.~ == C-ARANJ IF ~PartyGoldLT(8001) PartyGoldGT(200)~ THEN ~[ARAN] I think a stone-cooked flatbread, some o' that dried venison stirred in wi' vegetables for a decent curry, an' we're in business. It uses some supplies what cost a mite, but we can't be eatin' iron rations every night.~ == C-ARANJ IF ~PartyGoldLT(201)~ THEN ~[ARAN] I think I can spit a few berrygobblers on a stick, nicely seasoned, an' give 'em a good roast. Otherwise, I'd be usin' supplies what cost coin, an' we don't have it to spare.~ == C-ARANJ IF ~ReputationGT(Player1,16)~ THEN ~[ARAN] I know, I know - we probably ought to give some o' it away for the less fortunate, an' all that. Well, not this time.~ == C-ARANJ IF ~ReputationLT(Player1,17) ReputationGT(Player1,7)~ THEN ~[ARAN] I think I can keep it mostly smokeless, an' bank th' coals well. We don't want to attract much attention.~ == C-ARANJ IF ~ReputationLT(Player1,8)~ THEN ~[ARAN] I'd joke about servin' up the stewed hearts o' our enemies, but I'm not sure that you'd see th' joke. So I'd better stick to what I know how to cook. Besides, some o' them might have been poisoned.~ END IF ~Class(Player1,FIGHTER_ALL)~ EXTERN C-ARANJ a143 IF ~Class(Player1,MAGE_ALL)~ EXTERN C-ARANJ a142 IF ~Class(Player1,CLERIC_ALL)~ EXTERN C-ARANJ a144 IF ~Class(Player1,THIEF_ALL)~ EXTERN C-ARANJ a145 IF ~Class(Player1,BARD_ALL)~ EXTERN C-ARANJ a146 IF ~Class(Player1,PALADIN_ALL)~ EXTERN C-ARANJ a147 IF ~Class(Player1,DRUID_ALL)~ EXTERN C-ARANJ a148 IF ~Class(Player1,RANGER_ALL)~ EXTERN C-ARANJ a149 CHAIN C-ARANJ a157 ~[ARAN] Look, combat be right easy to work through. You have to know your opponent, an' make plans quick, but it gets to be a habit. Say I'm workin' wi' an elven ranger, a wizard, an' a light-fingered halfling. The elven ranger can probably fight and cast, and she is likely used to working solo, so give her room to move. The wizard has spells what probably can hurt both friend an' foe alike, so get to a position to cover him from arrows but stay out from between him and whatever he is looking at, or you are serious toast, crisped to a fault, m'. The halfling rogue is goin' to play hide an' seek, so that side is uncovered - play along, an' don't protect that side, an' probably some fool will take th' bait an' open up to a quick backstab.~ == BAERIE IF ~InParty("Aerie") InMyArea("Aerie") !StateCheck("Aerie",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[AERIE] I had little enough time to study such things. Among the Avariel, the warriors handled protecting us all. And at the Circus, Uncle Quayle taught me how to survive, not how to plan a fight.~ == BANOMEN IF ~InParty("Anomen") InMyArea("Anomen") !StateCheck("Anomen",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ANOMEN] The studies of tactics are important to those seeking knighthood and service. I doubt many sellswords think beyond their next meal.~ == BCERND IF ~InParty("Cernd") InMyArea("Cernd") !StateCheck("Cernd",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[CERND] Nature provides both instinct and aggression for self protection, and often allows intellect for planning. Not for gibberlings and some other swarming creatures, but for much of nature.~ == BEDWIN IF ~InParty("Edwin") InMyArea("Edwin") !StateCheck("Edwin",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[EDWIN] The most efficient tactic is to place you between the enemy and the more intelligent members of the party. (The simian may need to be prompted to recognize my superior intellect. He shows little sign of independent thought.)~ == BJAHEIR IF ~InParty("Jaheira") InMyArea("Jaheira") !StateCheck("Jaheira",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[JAHEIRA] Sometimes habits of thought are useful. I find that messy thoughts end up in messy actions. Aran, straighten your legging, it is catching on the ground again.~ == BKELDOR IF ~InParty("Keldorn") InMyArea("Keldorn") !StateCheck("Keldorn",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[KELDORN] I am afraid that experience shows there is need for more flexibility. Having a plan is important, but how you react cannot become instinctive, or your enemy will use your own predictability against you.~ == BKORGAN IF ~InParty("Korgan") InMyArea("Korgan") !StateCheck("Korgan",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[KORGAN] You think too much.~ == BVALYGA IF ~InParty("Valygar") InMyArea("Valygar") !StateCheck("Valygar",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[VALYGAR] I prefer to observe first, then decide on the correct course of action.~ == BVICONI IF ~InParty("Viconia") InMyArea("Viconia") !StateCheck("Viconia",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[VICONIA] With such simplistic strategies, I am surprised you have survived so long, rivvil.~ == BYOSHIM IF ~InParty("Yoshimo") InMyArea("Yoshimo") !StateCheck("Yoshimo",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[YOSHIMO] There are many different ways of preparing, it seems. In my homeland, lightweight armor and well-crafted katanas blend with magic. Here the armor is often heavier, and I have even seen what you would call "twin swords" style put to use. Each require different methods for use.~ == C-ARANJ IF ~OR(3) Class("c-aran",CLERIC_ALL) Class("c-aran",MAGE_ALL) Class("c-aran",SORCERER) OR(3) Class(Player1,CLERIC_ALL) Class(Player1,MAGE_ALL) Class(Player1,SORCERER)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Now, , you an' I both know there's a mite o' help to be had wi' our spells, castin' wards an' blastin' things apart. But I did find one thing that trumps most o' that, taught in some o' the far reaches o' Faerun.~ == C-ARANJ IF ~!Class("c-aran",CLERIC_ALL) !Class("c-aran",MAGE_ALL) !Class("c-aran",SORCERER) !Class(Player1,CLERIC_ALL) !Class(Player1,MAGE_ALL) !Class(Player1,SORCERER)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Now, , you an' I both know there's a mite o' help to be had wi' support from mages an' clerics added to us, castin' wards an' blastin' things apart. But I did find one thing that trumps most o' that, taught in some o' the far reaches o' Faerun.~ == C-ARANJ IF ~!Class("c-aran",CLERIC_ALL) !Class("c-aran",MAGE_ALL) !Class("c-aran",SORCERER) OR(3) Class(Player1,CLERIC_ALL) Class(Player1,MAGE_ALL) Class(Player1,SORCERER)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Now, , you an' I both know there's a mite o' help to be had wi' support from spellcasters like you, castin' wards an' blastin' things apart. But I did find one thing that trumps most o' that, taught in some o' the far reaches o' Faerun.~ END ++ ~[PC] What is that?~ EXTERN C-ARANJ a159 ++ ~[PC] Go on.~ EXTERN C-ARANJ a159 ++ ~[PC] I don't think I want to know.~ EXTERN C-ARANJ a160 CHAIN C-ARANJ a158 ~[ARAN] Well there's all sorts o' fancy tactical writin's an' trainin' to be had, an' there's plenty o' different ideas on what counters what.~ == BAERIE IF ~InParty("Aerie") InMyArea("Aerie") !StateCheck("Aerie",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[AERIE] I had little enough time to study such things. Among the Avariel, the warriors handled protecting us all. And at the Circus, Uncle Quayle taught me how to survive, not how to plan a fight.~ == BANOMEN IF ~InParty("Anomen") InMyArea("Anomen") !StateCheck("Anomen",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ANOMEN] The studies of tactics are important to those seeking knighthood and service. I doubt many sellswords think beyond their next meal.~ == BCERND IF ~InParty("Cernd") InMyArea("Cernd") !StateCheck("Cernd",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[CERND] Nature provides both instinct and aggression for self protection, and often allows intellect for planning. Not for gibberlings and some other swarming creatures, but for much of nature.~ == BEDWIN IF ~InParty("Edwin") InMyArea("Edwin") !StateCheck("Edwin",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[EDWIN] The most efficient tactic is to place you between the enemy and the more intelligent members of the party. (The simian may need to be prompted to recognize my superior intellect. He shows little sign of independent thought.)~ == BJAHEIR IF ~InParty("Jaheira") InMyArea("Jaheira") !StateCheck("Jaheira",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[JAHEIRA] Sometimes habits of thought are useful. I find that messy thoughts end up in messy actions. Aran, straighten your legging, it is catching on the ground again.~ == BKELDOR IF ~InParty("Keldorn") InMyArea("Keldorn") !StateCheck("Keldorn",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[KELDORN] I am afraid that experience shows there is need for more flexibility. Having a plan is important, but how you react cannot become instinctive, or your enemy will use your own predictability against you.~ == BKORGAN IF ~InParty("Korgan") InMyArea("Korgan") !StateCheck("Korgan",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[KORGAN] You think too much.~ == BVALYGA IF ~InParty("Valygar") InMyArea("Valygar") !StateCheck("Valygar",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[VALYGAR] I prefer to observe first, then decide on the correct course of action.~ == BVICONI IF ~InParty("Viconia") InMyArea("Viconia") !StateCheck("Viconia",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[VICONIA] With such simplistic strategies, I am surprised you have survived so long, rivvil.~ == BYOSHIM IF ~InParty("Yoshimo") InMyArea("Yoshimo") !StateCheck("Yoshimo",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[YOSHIMO] There are many different ways of preparing, it seems. In my homeland, lightweight armor and well-crafted katanas blend with magic. Here the armor is often heavier, and I have even seen what you would call "twin swords" style put to use. Each require different methods for use.~ == C-ARANJ IF ~OR(3) Class("c-aran",CLERIC_ALL) Class("c-aran",MAGE_ALL) Class("c-aran",SORCERER) OR(3) Class(Player1,CLERIC_ALL) Class(Player1,MAGE_ALL) Class(Player1,SORCERER)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Now, , you an' I both know there's a mite o' help to be had wi' our spells, castin' wards an' blastin' things apart. But I did find one thing that trumps most o' that, taught in some o' the far reaches o' Faerun.~ == C-ARANJ IF ~!Class("c-aran",CLERIC_ALL) !Class("c-aran",MAGE_ALL) !Class("c-aran",SORCERER) !Class(Player1,CLERIC_ALL) !Class(Player1,MAGE_ALL) !Class(Player1,SORCERER)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Now, , you an' I both know there's a mite o' help to be had wi' support from mages an' clerics added to us, castin' wards an' blastin' things apart. But I did find one thing that trumps most o' that, taught in some o' the far reaches o' Faerun.~ END ++ ~[PC] What is that?~ EXTERN C-ARANJ a159 ++ ~[PC] Go on.~ EXTERN C-ARANJ a159 ++ ~[PC] I don't think I want to know.~ EXTERN C-ARANJ a160 /* Cut Rate Leatherwork Replies */ CHAIN C-ARANJ a177 ~[ARAN] That be the last time I get leatherwork done cut rate. This blighted bootlace is breakin'. Anyone got a spare?~ [c-aws106] == JAHEIRAJ IF ~InParty("Jaheira") InMyArea("Jaheira") !StateCheck("Jaheira",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[JAHEIRA] You should be better prepared. Think ahead next time, Aran.~ == AERIEJ IF ~InParty("Aerie") InMyArea("Aerie") !StateCheck("Aerie",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[AERIE] I - I'm sorry, I don't have anything extra.~ == KORGANJ IF ~InParty("Korgan") InMyArea("Korgan") !StateCheck("Korgan",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[KORGAN] It will cost you a trade bar.~ == EDWINJ IF ~InParty("Edwin") InMyArea("Edwin") !StateCheck("Edwin",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[EDWIN] (Idiot.) Perhaps we would move faster if you held still while I carved a new one from your hide.~ == MINSCJ IF ~InParty("Minsc") InMyArea("Minsc") !StateCheck("Minsc",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[MINSC] Here, Aran, I have a bootlace!~ == C-ARANJ IF ~InParty("Minsc") InMyArea("Minsc") !StateCheck("Minsc",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] By the fire giant's gods, whomever they are... Minsc, you are a big, big boy. Thanks. I'll take a third o' that length.~ == CERNDJ IF ~InParty("Cernd") InMyArea("Cernd") !StateCheck("Cernd",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[CERND] If you use leather to bind that, I would hope that you use the rest of the animal to good purpose. As Nature herself demonstrates, nothing should be wasted.~ == C-ARANJ IF ~InParty("Cernd") InMyArea("Cernd") !StateCheck("Cernd",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Mystra's Magnificent Mouth, Cernd... given the choice between my feet in battle an' the animal, I am considerin' the animal a distant second.~ END + ~!Class(Player1,CLERIC_ALL)~ + ~[PC] For the god's sake, slow down with the swearing, will you?~ EXTERN C-ARANJ a178 + ~OR(2) Class(Player1,PALADIN) Class(Player1,CLERIC_ALL) !Kit(Player1,GODTALOS) !Kit(Player1,GODHELM) !Kit(Player1,GODLATHANDER)~ + ~[PC] Why are you blaspheming over something so minor, Aran?~ EXTERN C-ARANJ a179 + ~Class(Player1,CLERIC_ALL) Kit(Player1,GODHELM)~ + ~[PC] Here. But why are you blaspheming over something so minor, Aran?~ EXTERN C-ARANJ a180 + ~Class(Player1,CLERIC_ALL) Kit(Player1,GODLATHANDER)~ + ~[PC] Here. But why are you blaspheming over something so minor, Aran?~ EXTERN C-ARANJ a181 + ~Class(Player1,CLERIC_ALL) Kit(Player1,GODTALOS)~ + ~[PC] Here. But why are you blaspheming over something so minor, Aran?~ EXTERN C-ARANJ a182 + ~OR(2) Class(Player1,RANGER) Class(Player1,DRUID)~ + ~[PC] Here. But why are you blaspheming over something so minor, Aran?~ EXTERN C-ARANJ a183 ++ ~[PC] You take every opportunity to swear, don't you, Aran.~ EXTERN C-ARANJ a178 ++ ~[PC] Alright, move along, everyone. The sellsword is having troubles again. Catch up fast, Aran.~ EXTERN C-ARANJ a1907 /* c-aranshutup1 */ CHAIN C-ARANJ a178 ~[ARAN] Three things you shouldn't take from a man, ... his swearin', his drink, and his weapon.~ == HAERDAJ IF ~InParty("HaerDalis") InMyArea("HaerDalis") !StateCheck("HaerDalis",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[HAERDALIS] Ah, fair fledgling, I think you should simply say 'his voice'. And of course, no man or woman should ever lose that.~ == KELDORJ IF ~InParty("Keldorn") InMyArea("Keldorn") !StateCheck("Keldorn",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[KELDORN] Invoking the gods is a natural stress release, Aran. But as you grow more powerful, the gods tend to listen more closely. They may take exception to having their name used so freely.~ == MAZZYJ IF ~InParty("Mazzy") InMyArea("Mazzy") !StateCheck("Mazzy",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[MAZZY] My mother often told me that swearing was not to be taken lightly, for it speaks to your soul as well as the gods.~ == NALIAJ IF ~InParty("Nalia") InMyArea("Nalia") !StateCheck("Nalia",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[NALIA] Swearing is both vulgar and common. A gentleman does not use such language.~ == C-ARANJ IF ~InParty("Nalia") InMyArea("Nalia") !StateCheck("Nalia",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] I thought you were into helpin' th' 'common man', there, Nalia. I never claimed to be no gentleman.~ == NALIAJ IF ~InParty("Nalia") InMyArea("Nalia") !StateCheck("Nalia",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[NALIA] Teaching the commoners respect for the gods goes along with teaching respect for themselves, Aran.~ == VICONIJ IF ~InParty("Viconia") InMyArea("Viconia") !StateCheck("Viconia",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[VICONIA] Speak your words loudly, sellsword. I want to see your face just before an Avatar destroys you.~ == ANOMENJ IF ~InParty("Anomen") InMyArea("Anomen") !StateCheck("Anomen",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ANOMEN] Your language offends me. Then again, your presence in general offends me.~ == C-ARANJ IF ~InParty("Anomen") InMyArea("Anomen") !StateCheck("Anomen",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Bugger off, jackass. Come talk wi' me when you got somethin' more than the foul smell o' breakin' wind from your mouth.~ == KORGANJ IF ~InParty("Korgan") InMyArea("Korgan") !StateCheck("Korgan",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[KORGAN] Let the sorry bastard say his piece.~ END ++ ~[PC] Don't you ever worry about the gods hearing your talk? Don't you ever expect help or advice or something to come of your call?~ EXTERN C-ARANJ a184 ++ ~[PC] Hey, it is your business if you go around haphazardly calling random gods. But when one answers, you had better be prepared for the surprise.~ EXTERN C-ARANJ a184 ++ ~[PC] Without faith, you are nothing.~ EXTERN C-ARANJ a184 + ~Class("c-aran",CLERIC_ALL)~ + ~[PC] I thought you were a cleric, Aran. That should mean you only swear by your own god.~ EXTERN C-ARANJ a185 ++ ~[PC] I didn't intend that to be a request. I don't want the attention drawn to us.~ EXTERN C-ARANJ a184 + ~!Class("c-aran",CLERIC_ALL)~ + ~[PC] I am not taking any of those, Aran. Just settle down and choose one god or goddess, will you?~ EXTERN C-ARANJ a184 ++ ~[PC] I was speaking of being less socially awkward. The theology does not interest me. There are no gods, just very powerful beings that demand worship and followers.~ EXTERN C-ARANJ a186 IF ~InParty("Valygar") InMyArea("Valygar") !StateCheck("Valygar",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN EXTERN VALYGARJ c-aranvalywall CHAIN VALYGARJ c-aranvalywall ~[VALYGAR] Why not risk the gods wrath? Their love or their displeasure amounts to the same thing.~ == C-ARANJ ~[ARAN] Aye, now, you can't rightly believe that, Valygar.~ == VALYGARJ ~[VALYGAR] I most certainly do. Praise them or curse them, praise by them and curse through them, it matters not.~ == C-ARANJ ~[ARAN] That is too far for my blood, friend. I claim Tymora as my favorite from time to time, an' swear usin' some other on other days, to be sure. But no faith in the gods is askin' for trouble I want no part of.~ == VALYGARJ ~[VALYGAR] I think it would be better to not discuss my feelings on the 'gods', and the damage done by believers everywhere.~ == C-ARANJ ~[ARAN] Aye, true enough. Didn't mean to offend you, now. It be right true that discussin' politics or religion is like standin' in the middle o' Athalka's Promenade an' practicin' magic without a license. Bound to attract trouble, eh?~ END ++ ~[PC] Don't you ever worry about the gods hearing your talk? Don't you ever expect help or advice or something to come of your call?~ EXTERN C-ARANJ a184 ++ ~[PC] Hey, it is your business if you go around haphazardly calling random gods. But when one answers, you had better be prepared for the surprise.~ EXTERN C-ARANJ a184 ++ ~[PC] Without faith, you are nothing.~ EXTERN C-ARANJ a184 + ~Class("c-aran",CLERIC_ALL)~ + ~[PC] I thought you were a cleric, Aran. That should mean you only swear by your own god.~ EXTERN C-ARANJ a185 ++ ~[PC] I didn't intend that to be a request. I don't want the attention drawn to us.~ EXTERN C-ARANJ a184 + ~!Class("c-aran",CLERIC_ALL)~ + ~[PC] I am not taking any of those, Aran. Just settle down and choose one god or goddess, will you?~ EXTERN C-ARANJ a184 ++ ~[PC] True enough, Valygar. There are no gods, just very powerful beings that demand worship and followers.~ EXTERN C-ARANJ a186 CHAIN C-ARANJ a393 ~[ARAN] Do you see the glass as half full or half empty? Be ye optimist, pessimist, or somethin' else?~ == YOSHJ IF ~InParty("Yoshimo") InMyArea("Yoshimo") !StateCheck("Yoshimo",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[YOSHIMO] Ah, the eternal question. The glass is half full, of course.~ == MINSCJ IF ~InParty("Minsc") InMyArea("Minsc") !StateCheck("Minsc",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[MINSC] I do not understand. You are holding no glass, Aran.~ == C-ARANJ IF ~InParty("Minsc") InMyArea("Minsc") !StateCheck("Minsc",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Aye, my large friend. It's a metaphor. Somethin' not real... hey. I'll explain it later.~ == KORGANJ IF ~InParty("Korgan") InMyArea("Korgan") !StateCheck("Korgan",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[KORGAN] Stupid questions. Who cares if it is half full, or half empty, as long as it is mine.~ == JAHEIRAJ IF ~InParty("Jaheira") InMyArea("Jaheira") !StateCheck("Jaheira",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[JAHEIRA] I am certain that the glass is neither half full nor half empty. Someone simply did not complete the task of filling the glass, and needs to be reminded.~ == EDWINJ IF ~InParty("Edwin") InMyArea("Edwin") !StateCheck("Edwin",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[EDWIN] (Mind games from children. How droll.) The glass is half empty. The more pertinent question is whom to punish for it.~ == KELDORJ IF ~InParty("Keldorn") InMyArea("Keldorn") !StateCheck("Keldorn",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[KELDORN] I once heard a learned sage change this question, speaking of a third option. The pessimist complains about the wind; the optimist expects it to change; the realist adjusts the sails.' I prefer to avoid the question by picking up the pitcher and filling the glass until it overflows.~ == VALYGARJ IF ~InParty("Valygar") InMyArea("Valygar") !StateCheck("Valygar",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[VALYGAR] I have heard a different interpretation. An optimist believes that this is the best of all possible worlds. A pessimist fears that the optimist is correct'. The glass, though, is half empty.~ == CERNDJ IF ~InParty("Cernd") InMyArea("Cernd") !StateCheck("Cernd",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[CERND] I find that there are only optimists. A pessimist is an optimist who has been wounded by disappointment, and a realist is one who cannot trust themselves to feel either extreme. And the glass is half full.~ END ++ ~The glass is half full, Aran.~ EXTERN C-ARANJ a395 ++ ~The glass is half empty, Aran.~ EXTERN C-ARANJ a395 ++ ~The glass simply exists, Aran. Pick it up and use it, and stop bothering with how much is in it.~ EXTERN C-ARANJ a395 ++ ~The glass simply exists, Aran. The fates will decide whether it is full or empty. We are simply required to drink.~ EXTERN C-ARANJ a395 ++ ~Who cares, as long as there's enough to drink?~ EXTERN C-ARANJ a394 CHAIN C-ARANJ a445 ~[ARAN] Now that be a right big shame. Pretty, rich, an' bored out o' her skull...~ == C-ARANJ IF ~!Global("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",2)~ THEN ~[ARAN] So she meets up wi' this handsome sellsword an' decides to try a life on th' road, right, rubbin' his back at night an'... oh, hells, sorry. It be your story. I'll be just shuttin' up an' listenin'. You go on.~ == C-ARANJ IF ~Global("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",2)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Now why would I want to hear about someone what be so borin'? I mean, you are plenty interestin', an' this wallflower 'Emma' don't rightly have no story what to speak of, an'... oh, hells, sorry. It be your story. I'll be just shuttin' up an' listenin'. You go on.~ EXIT CHAIN C-ARANJ a478 ~[ARAN] Hey, hey, no, naught wi' th' tales o' them Red Wizards takin' over peoples brains an' usin' them for their nefrar.. neffere... dammit, nefarious deeds!~ == EDWINJ IF ~InParty("Edwin") InMyArea("Edwin") !StateCheck("Edwin",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[EDWIN] (Buffoon. A true literary masterpiece, thrown as pearls before swine.) , silence this overgrown ape and continue.~ == C-ARANJ IF ~!Global("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",2)~ THEN ~[ARAN] No, none o' that. Tell me somethin' nice an' happy, wi' a sellsword what finds all th' riches he wants, an' a fair lass to bed, an' another to marry, an' mayhap a third what to dally with on occasion just to keep things spicy...~ == C-ARANJ IF ~Global("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",2)~ THEN ~[ARAN] No, none o' that. Tell me somethin' nice an' happy, wi' a sellsword what finds all th' riches he wants, an' wins away your heart, an' lives right happily ever after exceptin' when they go out together an' whup up on some bad-arsed giants just for fun...~ EXIT /* Plot Talks : Tree of Life Talk chains */ CHAIN C-ARANJ a470 ~[ARAN] So, what's th' word?~ == C-ARANJ IF ~!Global("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",2)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Things look a mite grim, don't they?~ == C-ARANJ IF ~Global("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",2)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Looks like we might not have time for sparkin'. I was hopin' more for a "happy ever after" endin', an' all.~ END ++ ~[PC] Aran, I have no right to throw your life into this battle. You have served well. It might be time for you to move on.~ EXTERN C-ARANJ a471 ++ ~[PC] Are you with me, Aran? This is bigger than anything we have ever faced before.~ EXTERN C-ARANJ a472 + ~!Global("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] Aran, it is time you left. There is nothing to be gained by throwing away your very existence.~ EXTERN C-ARANJ a473 + ~!Global("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] What is your evaluation, Aran. Is this unwinnable?~ EXTERN C-ARANJ a475 + ~Global("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] I love you, Aran. I need your counsel. Do you think this is unwinnable?~ EXTERN C-ARANJ a474 + ~Global("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] Just hold me for a moment.~ EXTERN C-ARANJ a476 ++ ~[PC] Where is all your faith, Aran?~ EXTERN C-ARANJ a477 ++ ~[PC] So, sellsword. Are you man enough to follow me to your doom?~ EXTERN C-ARANJ a473 /* Tie the talk back into the original dialog so other folks can play too */ CHAIN C-ARANJ a477 ~[ARAN] You know, I swear by plenty o' gods, . And make no mistake, I'm right scared.~ == C-ARANJ IF ~!Class("c-aran",CLERIC_ALL)~ THEN ~[ARAN] But I got more faith that you will prevail than in th' entire pantheon. If you leave it to me, I'll choose to be where I belong, backin' your play, no matter th' odds.~ == C-ARANJ IF ~Class("c-aran",CLERIC_ALL)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Besides my own god, I hold no other bein' before you. If it is all right wi' you, I'll stay where I belong - backin' your play, no matter th' odds.~ END COPY_TRANS PLAYER1 33 /* a643 is a chain, drafted into duty as general backstory and linked to friend and love talks. */ CHAIN C-ARANJ a643 ~[ARAN] I came out o' th' Moonshae Isles wi' a fair amount o' experience, an' a decent respect for th' mercenary life. I wanted shut o' th' Axes, anyways, an' a friend mentioned there were some right heavy troop deployments on the border wi' Amn. So, I went an' signed up for th' highest pay I could. Just in time for a series o' pitched battles against th' Chill an' them Iron Throne bastards, though we didn't rightly know who it was reinforcin' them at th' time. I served my battles, an' some police duty, an' I developed decent respect for th' Flamin' Fist.~ == C-ARANJ IF ~InParty("adangel")~ THEN ~[ARAN] But things got a mite bit awkward. You done talked to Dosan on this, I am right sure, an' from both your an' his perspectives it was a mite more than awkward, eh?~ == C-ARANJ IF ~!InParty("adangel")~ THEN ~[ARAN] But things got a mite bit awkward. Strange orders, an' stranger countermands, an' then a big reorganization up top somewhere.~ == C-ARANJ ~[ARAN] So a bunch o' us decided we needed a transfer south.~ EXTERN C-ARANJ a644 CHAIN C-ARANJ a1771 ~[ARAN] They say th' gear don't make th' man. But it do help, eh?~ == DMTOWN1 ~[DMTOWN1] Take it from one who spent a little time in Maztica. Good gear saves lives.~ == C-ARANJ ~[ARAN] Brother, I hear you. You spend a long time?~ == DMTOWN1 ~[DMTOWN1] Two years before I came to my senses and went back to civilian life. I'll take my chances with the dangerous nightlife around here. At least that I can predict.~ == C-ARANJ ~[ARAN] Well, good luck to you. I don't think I could take th' quiet life for too long, but it seems to have agreed wi' you.~ == DMTOWN1 ~[DMTOWN1] Good luck and a pearl to you.~ EXIT CHAIN C-ARANJ a1772 ~[ARAN] Why, do you know o' any?~ == DMTOWN2 ~[DMTOWN2] Well, there's always some hirin' o' watchmen, and sometimes they need a bouncer at some inns.~ == C-ARANJ ~[ARAN] So, long story short, you got nothin'.~ == DMTOWN2 ~[DMTOWN2] Hey, don't get touchy. We were just makin' conversation!~ == C-ARANJ ~[ARAN] Civilians. Can't live with 'em, can't live wi' out 'em. An' if you take 'em out back to beat some sense into 'em, you end up wi' a tenday in jail an' a stiff fine.~ EXIT CHAIN C-ARANJ a1781 ~[ARAN] Why, sure thing. I can help you out right quick. You ever heard o' th' Jerva's Jerkins? They be th' toughest, most fierce company Amn has to be offerin'. An' I can get you an introduction, for only 5 gold.~ == GMTOWN02 ~[GMTOWN02] I don't have that much. What will 3 gold get me?~ == C-ARANJ ~[ARAN] Well, I could hook you up wi' a lad what served in th' regulars in Maztica...~ == GMTOWN02 ~[GMTOWN02] I really don't have more than 3 copper pieces to spare. What will that get me?~ == C-ARANJ ~[ARAN] For 3 coppers, I can start your hazin' ritual right away, by takin' your coin an' tossin' both you an' your bloody coin in th' nearest latrine.~ EXIT CHAIN C-ARANJ a1780 ~[ARAN] Now that be true enough. Though I doubt there be anythin' around here like those in Calimport, eh?~ == GMTOWN01 ~We have a much more civilized approach to bathing here in Amn. Although it does not appear that you are familiar with the concept of bathing.~ == C-ARANJ ~[ARAN] Bane's... right. Don't suppose it would do us much good if I respond. Shuttin' up an' soldierin'.~ EXIT /* stream 1 female */ CHAIN C-ARANJ a790 ~[ARAN] Right behind me, eh? Right, then, I do be guessin' there's a mite bit o muck about me. I thought I'd be cleanin' some off, but company might be nice. Lead on, oh fearless leader.~ == C-ARANJ ~[ARAN] (The bank of the stream is muddy and slippery, but the water runs clear and deep. Before you can think of even partially disrobing, you feel yourself slipping down the bank... )~ == C-ARANJ IF ~CheckStatGT(Player1,15,DEX)~ THEN ~[ARAN] (... and your recovery would be perfect, as usual, one foot balanced delicately along a ready branch, were it not for rough hands gripping your waist and tossing you directly into the crystal water.)~ == C-ARANJ IF ~CheckStatGT(Player1,8,DEX) CheckStatLT(Player1,16,DEX) ~ THEN ~[ARAN] (... and your recovery might have been possible through the counterbalance of your wildly flailing arms, were it not for rough hands gripping your waist and tossing you directly into the crystal water.)~ == C-ARANJ IF ~CheckStatLT(Player1,9,DEX)~ THEN ~[ARAN] (... and you resign yourself to the inevitable clumsy sprawl in the mud. Surprisingly, you feel strong hands gripping your waist and tossing you farther out into the crystal water.)~ END ++ ~[PC] (Gather your dignity, standing up, water cascading from your body) Very funny, Aran. This water is cold!~ + a1596 ++ ~[PC] (Stand quickly, spitting water toward Aran) I think it is about time I thrashed you.~ + a1597 ++ ~[PC] (Swim deeper, holding your breath in the icy water)~ + a1598 ++ ~[PC] (Push up to the surface after grabbing a clod of mud in your hand)~ + a1599 ++ ~[PC] (Surface quickly, turning your back to Aran, fumbling at your wet clothing) C-c-cold... cold.. so cold...~ + a1600 /* GOTO stream 1 female replies */ APPEND C-ARANJ /* CONDITIONAL TALKS: THIRD FROM LAST */ IF ~Global("c-arandreamstar","LOCALS",1)~ THEN BEGIN a2193 SAY ~[ARAN] Now, that be a sight. Th' stars, all lightin' up in th' sky. I never tire o' lookin' at them.~ + ~Gender(Player1,MALE)~ + ~[PC] (Gaze silently up at the twinkling lights far above you.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arandreamstar","LOCALS",2)~ + a4341 + ~Gender(Player1,MALE)~ + ~[PC] There are lots more interesting things to look at than those far off lights.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arandreamstar","LOCALS",2)~ + a4342 + ~Gender(Player1,MALE)~ + ~[PC] Are you feeling all nostalgic and weepy again? Good god, man. You must be in love.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arandreamstar","LOCALS",2)~ + a4343 + ~Gender(Player1,MALE)~ + ~[PC] It kind of makes you think. What kind of powerful creatures can wander around those far-off tings at will?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arandreamstar","LOCALS",2)~ + a4344 + ~Gender(Player1,FEMALE)~ + ~[PC] (Gaze silently up at the twinkling lights far above you.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arandreamstar","LOCALS",2)~ + a4345 + ~Gender(Player1,FEMALE)~ + ~[PC] There are lots more interesting things to look at than those far off lights.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arandreamstar","LOCALS",2)~ + a4346 + ~Gender(Player1,FEMALE)~ + ~[PC] Is this another attempt to get me into your bedroll?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arandreamstar","LOCALS",2)~ + a4347 + ~Gender(Player1,FEMALE)~ + ~[PC] (Study his profile carefully, his face slightly glowing in reflected starlight.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arandreamstar","LOCALS",2)~ + a4345 ++ ~[PC] Right. This is a waste of time. I'm tired. Have fun staring vacantly at the sky.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arandreamstar","LOCALS",2)~ + a4348 END IF ~~ a4345 SAY ~[ARAN] (Aran's face turns towards yours, and he smiles.)~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a4352 END IF ~~ a4346 SAY ~[ARAN] (Aran's face turns towards yours, and he smiles.)~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a4347 END IF ~~ a4347 SAY ~[ARAN] Aye. Now that be a right powerful truth.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~RestParty()~ EXIT END IF ~~ a4352 SAY ~[ARAN] For a moment there, sound, thought, an' even time all seemed a might bit unimportant. Your face... well, it be more beautiful even than them there stars.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~RestParty()~ EXIT END IF ~~ a4341 SAY ~[ARAN] Well, that were a moment. Come to think of it, I get right tired o' lookin' at things outside o' my grasp. What I needs be doin' right now is tryin' to figure out how to get me a woman. Have a good night, eh?~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~RestParty()~ EXIT END IF ~~ a4342 SAY ~[ARAN] Mayhap you be right. For one thing, there was this barmaid in Calimport, one o' them young ladies what dance, see? She had jewels all over her most interestin' areas what sparkled like those stars. Th' diffrernce was, when you took off those stars, she were a sight more beautiful. Plus she were in arm's reach, so to speak.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~RestParty()~ EXIT END IF ~~ a4343 SAY ~[ARAN] Hells, no. Lust, mayhap, but that be a healthy thing for a young lad to be in, eh? Come to think of it, I should be writin' a nice letter to her right now, so's to warm her up for when I come callin'. Have a good night. I'll go find me a good light to work by.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~RestParty()~ EXIT END IF ~~ a4344 SAY ~[ARAN] Hells, man. Give us a few more years, an th' two o' us will be stridin' between 'em like two boys on a lark, an' gatherin' 'em up to hand over to adorin' admirers. After all, we done faced more powerful bein's than most folks know exist. An' on that happy thought, I'm off to bed. Your turn at watch, I think.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~RestParty()~ EXIT END IF ~~ a4348 SAY ~[ARAN] Hells, a man has to look up at th' sky just to tell him that there be more than th' dirt, eh? Way to spoil th' mood. An' on that happy thought, I'm off to bed. Your turn at watch, I think.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~RestParty()~ EXIT END /* After Underdark replies */ IF ~~ a1806 SAY ~[ARAN] For a while there, I thought we might never get topside again. I did not relish th' thought o' endin' up stuck down in th' Underdark permanent-like.~ + ~Gender(Player1,FEMALE)~ + ~[PC] Oh, it wasn't so bad. At least we knew almost everything we met was just waiting for a chance to kill us.~ + a1805 + ~Gender(Player1,MALE)~ + ~[PC] Oh, it wasn't so bad. At least we knew almost everything we met was just waiting for a chance to kill us.~ + a2234 ++ ~[PC] The classic Whitehand juxtaposition - say something nice, but add a swear word or two strong enough to blister the ears of young children.~ + a1804 ++ ~[PC] Good, you are up. Get some food going, fast. I am starving!~ + a1803 + ~Gender(Player1,FEMALE) Global("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",2) GlobalGT("c-aransex","GLOBAL",1)~ + ~[PC] Hey, I am not done with you yet. I still have some unattended romantic business to finish...~ + a1802 ++ ~[PC] Shhh. Not so loud. I am going back to sleep for awhile.~ + a1801 END IF ~~ a1805 SAY ~[ARAN] We don't have to be in Underdark for that to be true, eh? If danger be th' spice o' life, then I think you be cayenne, paprika, an' burnin' oil all rolled into one!~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a1801 END IF ~~ a1804 SAY ~[ARAN] Fervent feelin's fill foul phrases full, eh? I guess I should o' said "Mystra's Tears", or "Lathander's Smile", or some such.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a1801 END IF ~~ a1803 SAY ~[ARAN] Praise be to th' gods, we don't have to worry about no strange creatures showin' up in th' food, an' there be not a mushroom or fungus in sight. Real meal, an' open air.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a1801 END IF ~~ a1802 SAY ~[ARAN] Good gods, woman. You are like to kill me. We can always stop for a mite later, but we'd best be movin' on.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a1801 END IF ~~ a1801 SAY ~[ARAN] Now, pop right out o' that there bedroll, ... my cookin' muscles have been all cramped down underground. I can feel a first-class meal comin' on. An' I be in th' mood for a right fine o' travel an' adventure!~ IF ~!Global("c-arnudover","GLOBAL",1)~ THEN EXIT IF ~OR(2) Global("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",1) Global("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",2) Global("c-arnudover","GLOBAL",1)~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfight","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobal("c-aranflirtstop","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobal("c-arnudover","GLOBAL",2)~ EXIT /* restart flirts */ END IF ~~ a2234 SAY ~[ARAN] We don't have to be in Underdark for that to be true, eh? If danger be th' spice o' life, then I think we have had one hells of a strong curry, topped wi' hotsauce an' mayhap some liquid fire.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a1801 END /* Dream Talks : Stone Walls, Stone Hearts, Stone Heads : Dream Script, de'Arnise Keep (Stronghold) Dialog - Set from C-ARAND after keep is owned - Day */ IF ~Global("c-arandreamstone","GLOBAL",1) TimeOfDay(DAY)~ THEN BEGIN a2194 SAY ~[ARAN] There you are. I thought you might be off tryin' to get some sleep. Hells, there be a shortage o' candles in this place, eh? It be daylight outside, but in here it be gloomier than a one legged man at a dancin' contest. Anyways, I needed to bend your ear a mite.~ [c-aws112] IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-arandreamstone","GLOBAL",2)~ GOTO a2196 END /* Gaining Stronghold Responses : set from .bcs */ /* 1 possible if played without mods, 2 or 3 for multiclass PC's with mods, all of them if one of the multi-stronghold tweaks are installed */ IF ~Global("c-arants","LOCALS",1)~ THEN BEGIN a1502 SAY ~[ARAN] Well, , you done got yourself a nice little operation to run. Gamblin', prostitution, light theft, "protection", spyin', an' a cute little trainin' program to boot. Question is, what are you goin' to do with it.~ [c-aws123] ++ ~[PC] Anything I want.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arants","LOCALS",2) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranstrong","GLOBAL",180)~ + a1503 /* c-anythingiwant */ ++ ~[PC] Whatever serves the greater good.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arants","LOCALS",2) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranstrong","GLOBAL",180)~ + a1504 /* a1548everservesgood */ + ~Class("c-aran",THIEF_ALL)~ + ~[PC] Are you jealous? After all, you have some minor skills in gathering either information or whatever is not tied down. Strike that. Especially things that are tied down.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arants","LOCALS",2) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranstrong","GLOBAL",180)~ + a1505 /* c-tieddown */ + ~Class("c-aran",MAGE_ALL)~ + ~[PC] I am not sure you would understand, all wrapped up in your books and scribing. It takes coin to keep you in quills, parchment, and spell components.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arants","LOCALS",2) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranstrong","GLOBAL",180)~ + a1506 /* c-takescoin */ + ~Class("c-aran",CLERIC_ALL)~ + ~[PC] Say a prayer or two for me. I want this as a base of operations and an income stream, but I hear that there is only one way out of the Guild, and it involves me having a minor accident.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arants","LOCALS",2) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranstrong","GLOBAL",180)~ + a1507 /* c-minoraccident */ + ~Class("c-aran",FIGHTER_ALL)~ + ~[PC] Well, I have your sword arm to back me up. Sometimes, a little subtle action is useful. Other times, the situation calls for the trademark "Whitehand Technique"... kill anything that moves, and then resurrect anyone who we did not mean to kill.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arants","LOCALS",2) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranstrong","GLOBAL",180)~ + a1508 /* c-strongarmthem */ ++ ~[PC] I know this is not the most honest, upright way of doing things. But right now we need the resources, and shutting this all down puts people at risk of far worse owners.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arants","LOCALS",2) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranstrong","GLOBAL",180)~ + a1509 /* c-rightboss */ END IF ~Global("c-aranrs","LOCALS",1)~ THEN BEGIN a1470 SAY ~[ARAN] Well, you done got us a nice place to set up base camp. I don't rightly know what a Ranger territory means, though, really. Anythin' special we got to do?~ [c-aws124] ++ ~[PC] Just do what I tell you to, when I tell you to, and everything will be fine.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranrs","LOCALS",2) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranstrong","GLOBAL",180)~ + a1479 ++ ~[PC] Whatever serves the greatest good for the greatest number of our charges.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranrs","LOCALS",2) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranstrong","GLOBAL",180)~ + a1480 ++ ~[PC] It's good to know you are paying attention to our progress, Aran. Your scrivening will be useful handling all this. But stick to weaponry and contracts, and let me handle management.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranrs","LOCALS",2) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranstrong","GLOBAL",180)~ + a1481 + ~Class("c-aran",THIEF_ALL)~ + ~[PC] Well, you have some minor skills in gathering either information or whatever is not tied down. Strike that. Especially things that are tied down.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranrs","LOCALS",2) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranstrong","GLOBAL",180)~ + a1488 + ~Class("c-aran",MAGE_ALL)~ + ~[PC] I am not sure you would understand, all wrapped up in your books and scribing. It takes coin to keep you in quills, parchment, and spell components.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranrs","LOCALS",2) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranstrong","GLOBAL",180)~ + a1487 + ~Class("c-aran",CLERIC_ALL)~ + ~[PC] Say a prayer or two for me. I want this as a base of operations and an income stream, but I know that helping protect a wide territory is a great deal of work.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranrs","LOCALS",2) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranstrong","GLOBAL",180)~ + a1490 + ~Class("c-aran",FIGHTER_ALL)~ + ~[PC] Well, I have your sword arm to back me up. Sometimes, a little subtle action is useful. Other times, the situation calls for the trademark "Whitehand Technique"... kill anything that moves, and then resurrect anyone who we did not mean to kill.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranrs","LOCALS",2) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranstrong","GLOBAL",180)~ + a1491 + ~!Class(Player1,RANGER_ALL)~ + ~[PC] I know this is not really what I spent my life training for. But right now we need the resources, and these people need someone to look after them.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranrs","LOCALS",2) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranstrong","GLOBAL",180)~ + a1509 /* c-rightboss */ END IF ~Global("c-aranps","LOCALS",1)~ THEN BEGIN a1471 SAY ~[ARAN] Well, you done got us a nice place to set up a base. Th' Order's back room there be plain, but clean an' secure. I don't rightly know what they will do to me, on account o' my language bein' so rough, though. Any words o' advice?~ [c-aws125] ++ ~[PC] We do what the Order says, when it asks. Until then, we take advantage of the stability they offer.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranps","LOCALS",2) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranstrong","GLOBAL",180)~ + a1482 ++ ~[PC] Whatever serves the greatest good.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranps","LOCALS",2) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranstrong","GLOBAL",180)~ + a1483 ++ ~[PC] It's good to know you are paying attention to our progress, Aran. Your scrivening will be useful handling all this. But stick to weaponry and contracts, and let me handle management.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranps","LOCALS",2) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranstrong","GLOBAL",180)~ + a1481 + ~Class("c-aran",THIEF_ALL)~ + ~[PC] Well, you have some minor skills in gathering information. That might make a useful addition to the Order, and secure our relationship with them.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranps","LOCALS",2) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranstrong","GLOBAL",180)~ + a1488 + ~Class("c-aran",MAGE_ALL)~ + ~[PC] I am not sure you would understand, all wrapped up in your books and scribing. It takes coin to keep you in quills, parchment, and spell components.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranps","LOCALS",2) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranstrong","GLOBAL",180)~ + a1487 + ~Class("c-aran",CLERIC_ALL)~ + ~[PC] Say a prayer or two for me. I want this as a base of operations, but I know that helping the Order is a great deal of work and returns very little coin.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranps","LOCALS",2) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranstrong","GLOBAL",180)~ + a1490 + ~Class("c-aran",FIGHTER_ALL)~ + ~[PC] Well, I have your sword arm to back me up. Sometimes, a little subtle action is useful. Other times, the situation calls for the trademark "Whitehand Technique"... kill anything that moves, and then resurrect anyone who we did not mean to kill.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranps","LOCALS",2) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranstrong","GLOBAL",180)~ + a1491 + ~!Class(Player1,PALADIN_ALL)~ + ~[PC] I know this is not really what I spent my life training for. But right now we need the backup, and having the backing of the Order will allow us more freedom to operate.~ ~SetGlobal("c-aranps","LOCALS",2) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranstrong","GLOBAL",180)~ + a1509 /* c-rightboss */ END IF ~Global("c-aranms","LOCALS",1)~ THEN BEGIN a1472 SAY ~[ARAN] Well, you done got us an odd place to set up base camp. I don't rightly know if wanderin' 'round the Planes be a good idea. Seems like we got enough trouble right here on Faerun.~ [c-aws126] ++ ~[PC] We do whatever I want to do, and use the Sphere to accomplish those goals.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranms","LOCALS",2) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranstrong","GLOBAL",180)~ + a1484 ++ ~[PC] We will do whatever serves the greatest good for the most people.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranms","LOCALS",2) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranstrong","GLOBAL",180)~ + a1485 ++ ~[PC] It's good to know you are paying attention to our progress, Aran. Your scrivening will be useful handling all this. But stick to weaponry and contracts, and let me handle management.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranms","LOCALS",2) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranstrong","GLOBAL",180)~ + a1481 + ~Class("c-aran",THIEF_ALL)~ + ~[PC] Well, you have some minor skills in gathering either information or whatever is not tied down. Strike that. Especially things that are tied down.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranms","LOCALS",2) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranstrong","GLOBAL",180)~ + a1489 + ~Class("c-aran",MAGE_ALL)~ + ~[PC] I am not sure you would understand, all wrapped up in your books and scribing. It takes coin to keep you in quills, parchment, and spell components.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranms","LOCALS",2) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranstrong","GLOBAL",180)~ + a1498 + ~Class("c-aran",CLERIC_ALL)~ + ~[PC] Say a prayer or two for me. I want this as a base of operations, but I know that managing apprentices and dealing with the Sphere will be a great deal of work.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranms","LOCALS",2) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranstrong","GLOBAL",180)~ + a1490 + ~Class("c-aran",FIGHTER_ALL)~ + ~[PC] Well, I have your sword arm to back me up. Sometimes, a little subtle action is useful. Other times, the situation calls for the trademark "Whitehand Technique"... kill anything that moves, and then resurrect anyone who we did not mean to kill.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranms","LOCALS",2) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranstrong","GLOBAL",180)~ + a1491 + ~!Class(Player1,MAGE_ALL)~ + ~[PC] I know this is not really what I spent my life training for. But right now we need all the resources we can get, and this is too important an object to be left lying around unused.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranms","LOCALS",2) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranstrong","GLOBAL",180)~ + a1509 /* c-rightboss */ END IF ~Global("c-aranfs","LOCALS",1)~ THEN BEGIN a1473 SAY ~[ARAN] Well, you done got us a nice place to set up permanent. Bein' a landlord has some advantages, too, with that coin comin' in. I don't suppose we can call up an army as well as use th' Keep as a home, eh?~ ++ ~[PC] We will have to investigate that. At the very least, we might be able to gather some idiots who will be useful spell-fodder and distractions before they die.~ [c-aws127] DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfs","LOCALS",2) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranstrong","GLOBAL",180)~ + a1486 /* REMEMBER TO DELAY RESTING TALK ON THIS ONE */ ++ ~[PC] We will do whatever serves the greatest good for the most people who are tied to this Keep and its lands.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfs","LOCALS",2) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranstrong","GLOBAL",180)~ + a1480 ++ ~[PC] It's good to know you are paying attention to our progress, Aran. Your scrivening will be useful handling all this. But stick to weaponry and contracts, and let me handle management.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfs","LOCALS",2) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranstrong","GLOBAL",180)~ + a1481 + ~Class("c-aran",THIEF_ALL)~ + ~[PC] Well, you have some minor skills in gathering either information or whatever is not tied down. Strike that. Especially things that are tied down. You could investigate the books and see what might be possible.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfs","LOCALS",2) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranstrong","GLOBAL",180)~ + a1489 + ~Class("c-aran",MAGE_ALL)~ + ~[PC] No armies. I am not sure you would understand, all wrapped up in your books and scribing. It takes coin to keep you in quills, parchment, and spell components. It takes much, much more coin to build an army, even a conscripted one.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfs","LOCALS",2) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranstrong","GLOBAL",180)~ + a1487 + ~Class("c-aran",CLERIC_ALL)~ + ~[PC] Say a prayer or two for me. I want this as a base of operations and an income stream, but I know that helping protect a wide territory is a great deal of work.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfs","LOCALS",2) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranstrong","GLOBAL",180)~ + a1490 + ~Class("c-aran",FIGHTER_ALL)~ + ~[PC] Well, I have your sword arm to back me up. Sometimes, a little subtle action is useful. Other times, the situation calls for the trademark "Whitehand Technique"... kill anything that moves, and then resurrect anyone who we did not mean to kill.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfs","LOCALS",2) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranstrong","GLOBAL",180)~ + a1491 + ~!Class(Player1,FIGHTER_ALL)~ + ~[PC] I know this is not really what I spent my life training for. But right now we need the backup, and having a fortress and tenants allows us more freedom to operate.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfs","LOCALS",2) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranstrong","GLOBAL",180)~ + a1509 /* c-rightboss */ END IF ~Global("c-arands","LOCALS",1)~ THEN BEGIN a1474 SAY ~[ARAN] Well, you done got us a nice place to set up base camp. I don't rightly know what a Druid territory means, though, really. Anythin' special we got to do?~ [c-aws128] ++ ~[PC] I use it to further my goals. You use it however I choose to let you.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arands","LOCALS",2) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranstrong","GLOBAL",180)~ + a1484 ++ ~[PC] We do whatever serves the entire Grove's creatures best.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arands","LOCALS",2) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranstrong","GLOBAL",180)~ + a1489 ++ ~[PC] It's good to know you are paying attention to our progress, Aran. Your scrivening will be useful handling all this. But stick to weaponry and contracts, and let me handle management.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arands","LOCALS",2) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranstrong","GLOBAL",180)~ + a1481 + ~Class("c-aran",THIEF_ALL)~ + ~[PC] Well, you have some minor skills in gathering either information or whatever is not tied down. Strike that. Especially things that are tied down.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arands","LOCALS",2) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranstrong","GLOBAL",180)~ + a1489 + ~Class("c-aran",MAGE_ALL)~ + ~[PC] I am not sure you would understand, all wrapped up in your books and scribing. Nature is a harsh mistress, and protecting this place will take a great deal of focus and attention.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arands","LOCALS",2) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranstrong","GLOBAL",180)~ + a1487 + ~Class("c-aran",CLERIC_ALL)~ + ~[PC] Say a prayer or two for me. I want this as a base of operations, but I know that helping protect a wide territory is a great deal of work.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arands","LOCALS",2) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranstrong","GLOBAL",180)~ + a1490 + ~Class("c-aran",FIGHTER_ALL)~ + ~[PC] Well, I have your sword arm to back me up. Sometimes, a little subtle action is useful. Other times, the situation calls for the trademark "Whitehand Technique"... kill anything that moves, and then resurrect anyone who we did not mean to kill.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arands","LOCALS",2) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranstrong","GLOBAL",180)~ + a1491 + ~!Class(Player1,DRUID_ALL)~ + ~[PC] I know this is not really what I spent my life training for. But right now we need the backup, and having nature on our side could have huge advantages.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arands","LOCALS",2) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranstrong","GLOBAL",180)~ + a1509 /* c-rightboss */ END IF ~Global("c-arancs","LOCALS",1)~ THEN BEGIN a1475 SAY ~[ARAN] Well, you done got us a secure place to set up a base camp, complete wi' the protection o' a god. Anythin' special we got to do?~ [c-aws129] ++ ~[PC] Whatever we can get away with.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arancs","LOCALS",2) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranstrong","GLOBAL",180)~ + a1484 ++ ~[PC] Whatever serves the Temple.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arancs","LOCALS",2) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranstrong","GLOBAL",180)~ + a1480 ++ ~[PC] It's good to know you are paying attention to our progress, Aran. Your scrivening will be useful handling all this. But stick to weaponry and contracts, and let me handle management.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arancs","LOCALS",2) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranstrong","GLOBAL",180)~ + a1481 + ~Class("c-aran",THIEF_ALL)~ + ~[PC] Well, you have some minor skills in gathering either information or whatever is not tied down. Strike that. Especially things that are tied down.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arancs","LOCALS",2) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranstrong","GLOBAL",180)~ + a1488 + ~Class("c-aran",MAGE_ALL)~ + ~[PC] I am not sure you would understand, all wrapped up in your books and scribing. There is more here than ways to keep you in quills and parchment.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arancs","LOCALS",2) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranstrong","GLOBAL",180)~ + a1487 + ~Class("c-aran",CLERIC_ALL)~ + ~[PC] Say a prayer or two for me. I want this as a base of operations, but I know that being involved in a Temple is a great deal of work.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arancs","LOCALS",2) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranstrong","GLOBAL",180)~ + a1490 + ~Class("c-aran",FIGHTER_ALL)~ + ~[PC] Well, I have your sword arm to back me up. Sometimes, a little subtle action is useful. Other times, the situation calls for the trademark "Whitehand Technique"... kill anything that moves, and then resurrect anyone who we did not mean to kill.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arancs","LOCALS",2) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranstrong","GLOBAL",180)~ + a1491 + ~!Class(Player1,CLERIC_ALL)~ + ~[PC] I know this is not really what I spent my life training for. But right now we need the backup, and having the backing of the Temple will allow us more freedom to operate.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arancs","LOCALS",2) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranstrong","GLOBAL",180)~ + a1509 /* c-rightboss */ END IF ~Global("c-aranbs","LOCALS",1) Gender(Player1,MALE)~ THEN BEGIN a1476 SAY ~[ARAN] Well, you done got us a nice place to set up base camp. I don't rightly know much about playwritin', but you want help wi' the castin' couch, you just let me know.~ [c-aws130] ++ ~[PC] We do whatever it takes to increase my fame and fortune.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbs","LOCALS",2) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranstrong","GLOBAL",180)~ + a1492 ++ ~[PC] We do our best to keep these people employed and helping lift spirits. These are dangerous, horrible times for most people, and they need good entertainment.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbs","LOCALS",2) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranstrong","GLOBAL",180)~ + a1493 ++ ~[PC] It's good to know you are paying attention to our progress, Aran. Your scrivening will be useful handling all this. But stick to weaponry and contracts, and let me handle management.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbs","LOCALS",2) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranstrong","GLOBAL",180)~ + a1481 + ~Class("c-aran",THIEF_ALL)~ + ~[PC] Well, you have some minor skills in gathering either information or whatever is not tied down. Strike that. Especially things that are tied down.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbs","LOCALS",2) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranstrong","GLOBAL",180)~ + a1489 + ~Class("c-aran",MAGE_ALL)~ + ~[PC] I am not sure you would understand, all wrapped up in your books and scribing. It takes coin to keep you in quills, parchment, and spell components.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbs","LOCALS",2) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranstrong","GLOBAL",180)~ + a1487 + ~Class("c-aran",CLERIC_ALL)~ + ~[PC] Say a prayer or two for me. I want this as a base of operations and an income stream, but I know that managing a successful Theater is a great deal of work.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbs","LOCALS",2) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranstrong","GLOBAL",180)~ + a1490 + ~Class("c-aran",FIGHTER_ALL)~ + ~[PC] Well, I have your sword arm to back me up. Sometimes, a little subtle action is useful. Other times, the situation calls for the trademark "Whitehand Technique"... if something stands between you and your goal, whack it with something until it goes away.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbs","LOCALS",2)~ + a1491 + ~!Class(Player1,BARD_ALL)~ + ~[PC] I know this is not really what I spent my life training for. But right now we need resources, and having the Theater will allow us more freedom to operate.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbs","LOCALS",2) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranstrong","GLOBAL",180)~ + a1509 /* c-rightboss */ END IF ~Global("c-aranbs","LOCALS",1) Gender(Player1,FEMALE)~ THEN BEGIN a1477 SAY ~[ARAN] Well, you done got us a nice place to set up base camp. I don't rightly know much about playwritin', but I do decent copywork. I think I done told you that before. How can I help?~ [c-aws131] ++ ~[PC] This sudden offer to help would not be because some of the ingenues are pretty little redheads with wide, innocent eyes and low cut dresses, would it?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbs","LOCALS",2) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranstrong","GLOBAL",180)~ + a1494 ++ ~[PC] I think I can handle a theater company. After all of the dangerous beasts we have clobbered, how hard could handling a group of stage musicians, actors, and suppliers possibly be?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbs","LOCALS",2) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranstrong","GLOBAL",180)~ + a1495 ++ ~[PC] It's good to know you are paying attention to our progress, Aran. Your scrivening will be useful handling all this. But stick to weaponry and contracts, and let me handle management.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbs","LOCALS",2) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranstrong","GLOBAL",180)~ + a1481 + ~Class("c-aran",THIEF_ALL)~ + ~[PC] Well, you have some minor skills in gathering either information or whatever is not tied down. Strike that. Especially things that are tied down.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbs","LOCALS",2) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranstrong","GLOBAL",180)~ + a1489 + ~Class("c-aran",MAGE_ALL)~ + ~[PC] I am not sure you would understand, all wrapped up in your books and scribing. It takes coin to keep you in quills, parchment, and spell components.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbs","LOCALS",2) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranstrong","GLOBAL",180)~ + a1487 + ~Class("c-aran",CLERIC_ALL)~ + ~[PC] Say a prayer or two for me. I want this as a base of operations and an income stream, but I know that managing a successful Theater is a great deal of work.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbs","LOCALS",2) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranstrong","GLOBAL",180)~ + a1490 + ~Class("c-aran",FIGHTER_ALL)~ + ~[PC] Well, I have your sword arm to back me up. Sometimes, a little subtle action is useful. Other times, the situation calls for the trademark "Whitehand Technique"... if something stands between you and your goal, whack it with something until it goes away.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbs","LOCALS",2)~ + a1491 + ~!Class(Player1,BARD_ALL)~ + ~[PC] I know this is not really what I spent my life training for. But right now we need resources, and having the Theater will allow us more freedom to operate.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbs","LOCALS",2) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranstrong","GLOBAL",180)~ + a1509 /* c-rightboss */ END /* Easter Egg for Multi-stronghold folks who get all strongholds at once */ IF ~Global("c-aranas","LOCALS",1)~ THEN BEGIN a1478 SAY ~[ARAN] Denir's Dexterous Digits, I am goin' crazy. What wi' all o' these strongholds to maintain, there be so much paperwork that I be usin' potions o' healin' on th' paper cuts. An' some idiot decided it were unkind to kill animals an' trees to use for buildin' parchment an' vellum, so now I have that ranger cabin an' druid grove on verbal contract.~ [c-aws132] = ~[ARAN] That senchal at th' Keep be whinin' about taxes not addin' up, th' Thieves Guild dues we paid twice on account o' "clerical error", an' somehow those bloody apprentices wanted spell components similar to the temple's order so th' order components got cross-shipped. Don't rightly know how more messed up this can get.~ = ~[ARAN] Hey, find me somethin' to kill, eh? I am shut o' paperwork for a good while. Or mayhap get me a nice personal assistant, what can keep up with th' filin'.~ ++ ~[PC] You asked to help, remember? Don't come crying to me now.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranas","LOCALS",2) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranstrong","GLOBAL",180)~ + a1496 ++ ~[PC] You have done a good job, and you will get through this. Just clear your head, take a day or two off, and then focus on getting things back in order.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranas","LOCALS",2) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranstrong","GLOBAL",180)~ + a1497 ++ ~[PC] If you can't handle it, we will find someone else to do the job.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranas","LOCALS",2) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranstrong","GLOBAL",180)~ + a1510 END IF ~~ a1479 SAY ~[ARAN] Right, then. Note to self... don't mess wi' a ranger and territory, on account o' they will be right snippy about it. I will be goin' about my business, eh?~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1480 SAY ~[ARAN] Right nice o' you, all things considered. Me, I'd be wonderin' how to get someone extra hired on, makin' sure your wishes got done while you be runnin' about Faerun huntin' mad mages and miscellaneous mischievous maniacs. But that be me, always thinkin' an' talkin' way too much.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1481 SAY ~[ARAN] Look, it will turn out fine for you, no matter what. Just a bit o' occasional paperwork, some meetin's, an' mayhap some decisions to make later on, eh? We get a base o' operations, mayhap some coin, an' who knows what else. Worst comes to worst, we walk away clean and let fate take a hand.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1482 SAY ~[ARAN] Takin' advantage o' the Order o' the Radiant Heart sounds right smart. It be up there among th' top "smart" things to do, alongside rippin' the mask off a Lord o' Neverwinter, crossin' the Shadow Thieves, takin' a piss on a Dryad's oak, an' havin' wild sex wi' random dragons.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1483 SAY ~[ARAN] Sounds just like those wet-behind-the-ears recruit squires I seen cleanin' privys. The Order's goin' to like havin' us around right fine.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1484 SAY ~[ARAN] Was this th' part where we break into low evil chuckles, followed by increasin'ly disturbin' laughter, followed by a thunderclap an' some ominous music?~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1485 SAY ~[ARAN] Well, I surely don't know what wanderin' around in a glorified fishbowl randomly crushin' parts o ' towns will do for th' greater good, but it sure will be fun tryin' not to smash the thing up on th' landin's. At the very least, it ought to be good for a laugh or two.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1486 SAY ~[ARAN] Auril's Icy Aura, remind me not to piss you off, eh? I have heard o' cold, but th' last bastards what went for those tactics were Iron Throne.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1487 SAY ~[ARAN] Savras' Foresight, I understand right fine. An' I bet it will be a mite useful to have this place. Tell you what, you find somethin' I can do wi' my little quill, an' I will help out.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1488 SAY ~[ARAN] Well, I'll give it a shot. Somehow, I just hope they don't ask too many questions on how I get th' information or th' resources. Could be just a mite ticklish, eh?~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1489 SAY ~[ARAN] Savras' Foresight, forewarned be forearmed, or somethin' like that. Runnin' this place will take information, good record keepin' an' an eye for detail. I be just th' right man for th' job. Now, where do they keep th' strong drink around here? I'll be wantin' to take a right good inventory...~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1490 SAY ~[ARAN] I'm right on th' prayer angle, . But if you were afraid o' a little bit o' hard work, well... you'd be dead, an' some blighted arse would be makin' life hell for me by sendin' out waves o' murderin' bastards to set up bathtubs o' blood for a nice afternoon wash. So, all things considered, a little paperwork an' a few decisions be a small price to pay.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1491 SAY ~[ARAN] Hey, do I get royalties on that? On account o' I think most of the sly bastards we be fightin' seem to have th' same idea. Well, except for th' ones who give some long monologue about how they be the baddest arseholes around, an' we will be sorry we tangled wi' 'em. Poor sods.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1492 SAY ~[ARAN] Now, don't you be gettin' all star an' stage struck, . Next thing you know, you'll be dumpin' all your gold into a massive production of 'Lyra, the Masked Lady of Destiny; a Love Story In Three Acts', fendin' off demands from th' Actor's Guild an' th' Stage Workers Union. Worse, you might have to be dealin' with publicity agents.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1493 SAY ~[ARAN] Good entertainment? You be kiddin' me, right? The average person out there be more interested in watchin' th' drama o' whose daughter slept wi' whom, an' how many gibberlin's a man can be run over by in an hour. Hey... that's not bad. Mayhap we got a new show, cheap to produce. Sell tickets, then put a group o' commoners out in a field armed wi' butter knives, an' send in a wave o' gibberlin's. We could call it "Survivor: Athalka".~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1494 SAY ~[ARAN] Sharess' Sensual Caress, what ever put that fool idea into your head? Now, if you just send 'em over to me, I'll draw up a list o' measurements, an' such. Costumes don't rightly sew themselves into proper fit, you know. Busy, busy time. Knock before you enter th' wardrobe room, eh?~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1495 SAY ~[ARAN] Waukeen's Wanderin' Worshipers, you never did no community theater productions, I take it.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1496 SAY ~[ARAN] Sure, sure... kick a man when he be down. Right. I can fix it up. You go on conquerin' Faerun, an' I'll just be in th' back, sortin' out supply requisitions.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1497 SAY ~[ARAN] Right you are. Tymora's Bright Smile, I done had worse troubles to iron out, like that time th' 'Fist accidentally took a contract for both protectin' an' sackin' the same fiefdom. No worries. I will take a breather, an' get back on it as soon as my head clears.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1498 SAY ~[ARAN] Hey, I studied enough magic to know how important that blighted Gond-Meets-Mystrul-an'-Mystra construct be. I just don't rightly see how you are goin' to be able to leverage it against th' bastards we are fightin' right now. You can't hide in an' among th' Planes when your opponents have eyes everywhere, an' when we don't know where they are, we can't just drop in unannounced. But I guess you be right. It is a damned fine place to take a nap, at least.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END /* Dream Talks : Stone Walls, Stone Hearts, Stone Heads : Dream Script, de'Arnise Keep (Stronghold) Dialog - Set from C-ARAND after keep is owned - Night */ IF ~Global("c-arandreamstone","GLOBAL",1) TimeOfDay(NIGHT)~ THEN BEGIN a2195 SAY ~[ARAN] There you are. I thought you might be off tryin' to get some sleep. Hells, there be a shortage o' candles in this place, eh? It be night outside so you'd think they would run out some good lanterns or a spell or two an' brighten th' place up, but in here it be gloomier than a one legged man at a dancin' contest. Anyways, I needed to bend your ear a mite.~ [c-aws112] IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-arandreamstone","GLOBAL",2)~ GOTO a2196 END IF ~~ a2196 SAY ~[ARAN] Now that you have a solid defensible position, mayhap you want to gather an army, an' get settled a mite before takin' on th' rest of the world, eh? Not that you have to listen to me, tryin' to tell you what to do. I just keep these lips flappin' way too much.~ + ~Gender(Player1,FEMALE)~ + ~[PC] Actually, I had some other ideas for those lips of yours. I think I need a respite from all this heavy responsibility.~ + a2202 + ~Gender(Player1,FEMALE)~ + ~[PC] I agreed to help Nalia because it was in my best interests. We will wait for as long as it takes me to figure out how to best profit from all of this.~ + a2208 ++ ~[PC] We have to make sure that the Keep is secured, and things are settled. But we need to move on as quickly as we can, too. I am debating whether to take Nalia along, or leave her here to make sure things get reorganized.~ + a2214 ++ ~[PC] You have no idea what you are talking about, and even if you did, what makes you think I want to hear it from you?~ + a2199 ++ ~[PC] Aran. Shut up. Go away. Now.~ + a1945 /* c-aranshutup39 */ + ~!HPPercentLT(Player1,30)~ + ~[PC] I think we had better move on quickly. I do not think we can afford to wait.~ + a2200 + ~HPPercentLT(Player1,30)~ + ~[PC] I think we had better move on quickly. I do not think we can afford to wait.~ + a2201 + ~Gender(Player1,MALE)~ + ~[PC] I agreed to help Nalia because it was in my best interests. We will wait for as long as it takes me to figure out how to best profit from all of this.~ + a2209 + ~Gender(Player1,MALE) Global("RE_ChanelleFlirt","GLOBAL",1) !Global("RE_ChanelleSex","GLOBAL",1)~ + ~[PC] Actually, I was thinking of taking a bath. I think there is a set of washtubs in the master suite.~ + a2198 + ~Gender(Player1,MALE) !Global("RE_ChanelleFlirt","GLOBAL",1) Global("RE_ChanelleSex","GLOBAL",1)~ + ~[PC] Actually, I was thinking of taking a bath. I think there is a set of washtubs in the master suite.~ + a2198 + ~Gender(Player1,MALE) !Global("RE_ChanelleFlirt","GLOBAL",1) !Global("RE_ChanelleSex","GLOBAL",1)~ + ~[PC] Actually, I was thinking of taking a bath. I think there is a set of washtubs in the master suite.~ + a2197 END IF ~~ a2197 SAY ~[ARAN] That sounds like a right nice idea. Just so you know, though, one o' th' maids was askin' about you, for some odd chore or somethin'. I'd duck in an' out o' there right quick, so you don't get no more things to handle tonight. But about my questions, do you have some time, or not?~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a2205 END IF ~~ a2198 SAY ~[ARAN] Riiiight. A bath. Got it. Just be a mite bit more careful when you get in that water, eh? There were a powerful lot o' screamin' an' laughin' last time, an' I think some o' th' servants are beginnin' to talk. But before you go dippin' your various parts into various things, do you have that mite bit o' time?~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a2205 END IF ~~ a2199 /* 7 replies possible, down to 5 if non-edwin/minsc */ SAY ~[ARAN] What are you blighted well talkin' about? This be my forte, eh? I thought you'd be wantin' some help gettin' this place in order.~ ++ ~[PC] I can handle things myself. Just go get some sleep, and I'll give you orders in the morning.~ + a2217 + ~InParty("edwin") !InParty("minsc") !Global("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",1) !Global("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] If I wanted some unwashed idiot spouting orders about how to do things, I would have asked Edwin to run things for me. Even he would give better advice than you.~ + a2217 + ~!InParty("edwin") InParty("minsc") !Global("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",1) !Global("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] If I wanted some unwashed idiot spouting orders about how to do things, I would have asked Minsc to run things for me. Even he would give better advice than you.~ + a2217 + ~InParty("edwin") InParty("minsc") !Global("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",1) !Global("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] If I wanted some unwashed idiot spouting orders about how to do things, I would have asked Minsc or Edwin to run things for me. Both would give better advice than you.~ + a2217 ++ ~[PC] I appreciate the input, but I have too much on my hands right now. How about we have a good night's sleep, and then you draft up some plans on how you would go about defending this place. We can have a meeting some other time to go over it, ok?~ + a2225 + ~InParty("edwin") !InParty("minsc") OR(2) Global("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",1) Global("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] If I wanted some unwashed idiot spouting orders about how to do things, I would have asked Edwin to run things for me. Even he would give better advice than you.~ + a2218 + ~!InParty("edwin") InParty("minsc") OR(2) Global("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",1) Global("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] If I wanted some unwashed idiot spouting orders about how to do things, I would have asked Minsc to run things for me. Even he would give better advice than you.~ + a2218 + ~InParty("edwin") InParty("minsc") OR(2) Global("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",1) Global("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] If I wanted some unwashed idiot spouting orders about how to do things, I would have asked Minsc or Edwin to run things for me. Both would give better advice than you.~ + a2218 + ~Gender(Player1,FEMALE)~ + ~[PC] Hey, don't get upset. You get all cute and kissable when you are upset, and I might be too tired to resist your charms.~ + a2202 + ~Gender(Player1,MALE)~ + ~[PC] Hey, don't get upset. I am just too tired to think about this right now. We are all heroes, here - why don't you go relax by flirting with one of the cute chambermaids? They probably won't be able to resist your charms.~ + a2225 ++ ~[PC] Well, talk, then. But make it quick.~ + a2205 ++ ~[PC] I'm sorry. That was a little short. Blame it on the lack of sleep, and this whole "save the world every day" thing we seem to have going.~ + a2205 END IF ~~ a2200 SAY ~[ARAN] Well fine. But there be some good tactical thought behind stayin' put for awhile. These lands have had th' crap kicked out o' 'em, and mayhap seein' you around a couple more times will give them a morale boost. Plus, give us a mite bit o' a rest to build up some scrolls an' supplies before movin' on.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a2205 END IF ~~ a2201 SAY ~[ARAN] Bloody hells, ... look at you! There be half an inch o' you what hasn't been ripped, torn, or otherwise mauled. You need a good solid rest, some magical healin', an' mayhap an armorsmith to put th' party gear back in operation. An' there be some good tactical thought behind stayin' put for awhile. These lands have had th' crap kicked out o' 'em, and mayhap seein' you around a couple more times will give them a morale boost. Plus, give us a mite bit o' a rest to build up some scrolls an' supplies before movin' on.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a2205 END IF ~~ a2202 /* only attainable by Gender(Player1,FEMALE) */ SAY ~[ARAN] Now, hold on one second. Do you think I be so easy you can just have your way wi' me any time you want?~ ++ ~[PC] Well, seeing as you are not really complaining while I am currently wrapping my arms around your neck and brushing your cheek with my eyelashes, yes.~ + a2204 ++ ~[PC] Judging by how close you are holding me, and how your lips keep grazing my ear, yes.~ + a2204 ++ ~[PC] Look, all that grabbing at my waist with your hands is very much unwanted. Go find someone else, because I am just not interested.~ + a2205 ++ ~[PC] On second thought, I don't know if this is the time and place, Aran. I'm not even sure I want this kind of attention from you.~ + a2203 + ~Global("c-aranflirtstop","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] I let you flirt because it keeps you in line, but I am very much in love with someone else. I am not sure we should be sneaking around, even if it is fun.~ + a2203 + ~Global("c-aranflirtstop","GLOBAL",1)~ + ~[PC] You are so easy to tease. Forget it, Aran. I told you I did not want you to flirt with me. I just wanted to see what you would say.~ + a2203 ++ ~[PC] Yes.~ + a2203 END IF ~~ a2203 SAY ~[ARAN] Now, I'm not rightly goin' to argue wi' you. A little kissin' never hurt nobody, an' there be naught else we can do in just a stolen moment, eh? So do you want to kiss, or not?~ ++ ~[PC] Judging by how close you are holding me, and how your lips keep grazing my ear, yes.~ + a2204 ++ ~[PC] Well, seeing as you are not really complaining while I am currently wrapping my arms around your neck and brushing your cheek with my eyelashes, yes.~ + a2204 ++ ~[PC] Nope. Tactical distraction. Works every time. Now, why don't you say what it is you were trying to say?~ + a2205 ++ ~[PC] I was joking, Aran. The thought of kissing you actually is quite disgusting. What is it you are annoying me with now?~ + a2205 ++ ~[PC] You are easily misdirected with the mere offer of affection. That is a tactical weakness that I do so enjoy exploiting. One day, it will kill you.~ + a2205 END IF ~~ a2204 SAY ~[ARAN] Well, I did have me some ideas for th' security an' defense o' this place, but I have naught in th' way o' resistance to your womanly wiles, eh?~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a2215 END IF ~~ a2205 SAY ~[ARAN] I was just offerin' some help, is all. I done found some o' th' architectural drawin's, an' land levies for militia service. I wanted to get a word in wi' you on how to proceed.~ + ~HPPercentLT(Player1,40) Gender(Player1,MALE)~ + ~[PC] No time like the present, though I wish I could have rested first. I think I will drip blood all over this parchment. Let's see... yes. Go ahead and call up these militia for at least one tenday service, until we can get everything covered with professionals.~ + a2225 + ~HPPercentLT(Player1,40) Gender(Player1,MALE)~ + ~[PC] I think I will sit down for a minute, seeing as most of my body hurts. Let's see... yes. Go ahead and pull what you need from manpower and supplies to block off that section. Less to defend means more attention on rebuilding.~ + a2225 + ~!HPPercentLT(Player1,40)~ + ~[PC] Hmmm. Yes, this makes sense. Go ahead and pull what you need from manpower and supplies to block off that section. Less to defend means more attention on rebuilding.~ + a2225 + ~!HPPercentLT(Player1,40)~ + ~[PC] No time like the present, though I wish I could have rested first. Let's see... yes. Go ahead and call up these militia for at least one tenday service, until we can get everything covered with professionals.~ + a2225 + ~HPPercentLT(Player1,40) !Gender(Player1,MALE)~ + ~[PC] No time like the present, though I wish I could have rested first. I think I will drip blood all over this parchment. Let's see... yes. Go ahead and call up these militia for at least one tenday service, until we can get everything covered with professionals.~ + a2216 + ~HPPercentLT(Player1,40) !Gender(Player1,MALE)~ + ~[PC] I think I will sit down for a minute, seeing as most of my body hurts. Let's see... yes. Go ahead and pull what you need from manpower and supplies to block off that section. Less to defend means more attention on rebuilding.~ + a2216 ++ ~[PC] I will take a look at this information tomorrow, Aran. But if you are all fired up about working, you could go over the tax levies, and draw up a short list of those we could extort for more money.~ + a2206 ++ ~[PC] Why are you bothering me with all of this? I want your skills focused on finding how much there is left in the treasury, and how much we have to help with the rebuilding.~ + a2206 ++ ~[PC] Why are you bothering me with all of this? I want your skills focused on finding how much there is left in the treasury, and how much we can raise taxes.~ + a2206 + ~Class(Player1,FIGHTER_ALL)~ + ~[PC] I am well versed in fighting. All we need is the strength to hold this place for awhile. You are too interested in the details.~ + a2224 + ~Class(Player1,MAGE_ALL)~ + ~[PC] If you think it will help, go bother with all that petty detail. All I am really interested is wandering the library, and checking for spell components.~ + a2224 + ~OR(2) Class(Player1,CLERIC_ALL) Class(Player1,PALADIN_ALL)~ + ~[PC] I am sure you mean well, but I don't have time to concentrate on the details. What I really need is time to pray to my god and gather my strength.~ + a2224 + ~Class(Player1,THIEF_ALL)~ + ~[PC All we need is the illusion of strength to hold this place for awhile. Being pinned down to a fortress is not my idea of being subtle. Do I really need to be bothered with all these details?~ + a2224 + ~Class(Player1,BARD_ALL)~ + ~[PC] I am more interested in the stories, songs, and poetry that our conquest of this place will inspire. I need some time and space to sit down and concentrate. Do I really need to be bothered with all these details?~ + a2224 END IF ~~ a2206 SAY ~[ARAN] Sure thing. Inventory, check what be left o' th' raided treasury an' what can be built back up, check into th' land leases, th' whole audit.~ ++ ~[PC] And Aran... find every single way you can to get us more coin.~ + a2208 + ~Gender(Player1,FEMALE) Global("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~And Aran... don't you dare leave this room without kissing me.~ + a2207 ++ ~[PC] And Aran... send me some food up from the kitchen. No dogmeat. Just real food.~ + a2219 ++ ~[PC] You have your orders, so now will you please just let me go to sleep?~ + a2220 END IF ~~ a2207 SAY ~[ARAN] Now that be an order I can't rightly refuse. An' why would I want to, anyhow?~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a2215 END IF ~~ a2208 SAY ~[ARAN] Whoa, now, I misread you right solid, I did. If this be a hostile takeover, you'd better let me know right quick, so I can set up a second set o' books.~ + ~!Class("c-aran",PALADIN_ALL)~ + ~[PC] You would do that? Cheat these people?~ + a2210 + ~Class("c-aran",PALADIN_ALL)~ + ~[PC] You would do that? Cheat these people?~ + a2211 ++ ~[PC] That's right, make a joke about these poor people and what they have suffered through. Do you really think I want you to do that?~ + a2211 ++ ~[PC] Look, forget I said anything. I am tired and short-tempered. I just want to be left alone so I can go to sleep.~ + a2220 END IF ~~ a2209 SAY ~[ARAN] Whoa, now, I misread you right solid, I did. I thought you were givin' her a hand on account o' she be quite easy on th' eyes, an' everyone knows a hero has more of a chance with beddin' th' fair maid. If this be a hostile takeover, you'd better let me know right quick, so I can set up a second set o' books.~ + ~!Class("c-aran",PALADIN_ALL)~ + ~[PC] You would do that? Cheat these people?~ + a2210 + ~Class("c-aran",PALADIN_ALL)~ + ~[PC] You would do that? Cheat these people?~ + a2211 ++ ~[PC] That's right, make a joke about these poor people and what they have suffered through. Do you really think I want you to do that?~ + a2211 ++ ~[PC] Look, forget I said anything. I am tired and short-tempered. I just want to be left alone so I can go to sleep.~ + a2220 END IF ~~ a2211 SAY ~[ARAN] Me? Hells, no. Just wanted to see your face when I said it, eh? I guess it weren't that funny.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a2205 END IF ~~ a2210 SAY ~[ARAN] Me? Hells, no. I'd be out gettin' these people on th' road to recovery, an' mayhap makin' it less likely that they get cheated out o' their hard work. But I work for you. An' I have done things what would curdle th' blood in th' name o' "good". So it would be you doin' th' cheatin', not me.~ ++ ~[PC] You are spineless, aren't you.~ + a2212 ++ ~[PC] With that attitude, you will serve me very well.~ + a2213 ++ ~[PC] Perhaps one day I will have to test the limits of your loyalty. just how far would you go to serve me?~ + a2221 END IF ~~ a2212 SAY ~[ARAN] Not spineless. Just blighted flexible when it comes to absolute morality. You have a mission, an' when there be a priority mission, normal rules don't rightly apply. Neverwinter has some great readin' materials on this, if you ever visit up there. Sometimes th' ends justify th' means.~ ++ ~[PC] The ends never justify the means. There is an absolute good, and an absolute bad. So no more talk about cheating these people.~ + a2225 ++ ~[PC] Well said. The ends sometimes do justify the means. But in this case, I think we can afford to help these people.~ + a2225 ++ ~[PC] You almost had it right, Aran. My goals are attained by any means necessary. Go do whatever you have to do to get me coin.~ + a2222 END IF ~~ a2213 SAY ~[ARAN] Well, given th' powers you have, it be a matter o' percentages, eh? I'm not spineless, just blighted flexible when it comes to absolute morality. You have a mission, an' when there be a priority mission, normal rules don't rightly apply. Neverwinter has some great readin' materials on this, if you ever visit up there. Sometimes th' ends justify th' means.~ ++ ~[PC] The ends never justify the means. There is an absolute good, and an absolute bad. So no more talk about cheating these people.~ + a2225 ++ ~[PC] Well said. The ends sometimes do justify the means. But in this case, I think we can afford to help these people.~ + a2225 ++ ~[PC] You almost had it right, Aran. My goals are attained by any means necessary. Go do whatever you have to do to get me coin.~ + a2222 END IF ~~ a2214 SAY ~[ARAN] On that point, I know better than to give no opinion. She could be a right passable party member, but she were born wi' a silver spoon in her mouth. Might be trouble. I'm right glad you have to make that decision, not me. Now, do you have a bit o' time, or should I go make myself useful elsewhere?~ ++ ~[PC] Sure. What is it you want?~ + a2205 ++ ~[PC] All people do is wander up and talk to me all day and night. They prod me, poke me, question me... so no. Go away, and let me have a moment of peace and quiet all to myself.~ + a2220 END IF ~~ a2215 SAY ~[ARAN] (His kisses are ferocious, demanding yours with rising passion. His hands hold your face, cupping you to his lips like a man driven by desperate thirst.)~ = ~[ARAN] (Only the gentle knocking on the door reminds you that you have duties and appointments waiting before you can sleep, and you hastily compose yourself before Aran slips out of the door. The Captain of the Guard raises one eyebrow while requesting orders, but he is far too professional to inquire. When you catch a glimpse in the mirror, you see that your cheeks and lips are not quite as calm and composed as the Protector of the Keep might be expected to be.)~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",1) RealSetGlobalTimer("RE_DreamTimer","GLOBAL",100) RestParty()~ EXIT END IF ~~ a2216 SAY ~[ARAN] Now, that be a nice image, there. I can see why I know you will be a great leader. An' why I might just be fallin' for you, too.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~RealSetGlobalTimer("RE_DreamTimer","GLOBAL",100) RestParty()~ EXIT END IF ~~ a2217 /* males */ SAY ~[ARAN] By Th' Red Knight's Sword, you are a sorry pain in th' arse. I thought I know where I stood wi' you. I guess I was wrong. Apparently, I stand somewhere south o' th' dungheap out by th' Keep's privy.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~RestParty()~ EXIT END IF ~~ a2218 /* females */ SAY ~[ARAN] By Th' Red Knight's Sword, you are a sorry pain in th' arse. I thought I know where I stood wi' you. I guess I was wrong. Apparently, I stand somewhere south o' th' dungheap out by th' Keep's privy.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobalTimer("c-aranismad","GLOBAL",ONE_DAY) RealSetGlobalTimer("RE_DreamTimer","GLOBAL",100) RestParty()~ EXIT END IF ~~ a2219 SAY ~[ARAN] Aye, then. No curry... err... Right. I'll be sendin' somethin' up quick as a flash.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~RestParty()~ EXIT END IF ~~ a2220 SAY ~[ARAN] Right, then. I'll be leavin' you alone. Have a good night.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~RestParty()~ EXIT END IF ~~ a2221 SAY ~[ARAN] I don't rightly know. Slavery, now, that be a deal killer. But short o' that, I guess we just have to see.~ ++ ~[PC] And what will you do if I ever cross that unknown line?~ + a2223 ++ ~[PC] That is what I like about you. Always so vague and indecisive, and easy to manipulate.~ + a2220 ++ ~[PC] That is what I hate about you. You keep letting me push you around.~ + a2220 ++ ~[PC] Sorry. should not have asked that question. I am in a foul mood tonight. I had better get some rest.~ + a2220 END IF ~~ a2222 SAY ~[ARAN] Right. I'll let you get on wi' your work, an' mayhap I can come up wi' some extra coin somewhere. It might take a few days, mayhap even a tenday. I'll be lettin' you know.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranextort","LOCALS",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranextorttalk","GLOBAL",TEN_DAYS) RestParty()~ EXIT /* ten game days for research */ END IF ~~ a2223 SAY ~[ARAN] I don't rightly know. I never did run out on no contract. But I suppose we all have a breakin' point somewhere, eh? Probably just leave. Mayhap fight you, mayhap just kill you. Fair warnin', an' all. But I suspect you will know long before I do. No sense thinkin' about it until it happens, on account o' I'm not blighted well likely to survive th' experience, eh?~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~RestParty()~ EXIT END IF ~~ a2224 SAY ~[ARAN] Details matter. It be a labor o' love what creates a solid foundation, an' th' details be what shows you are doin' more than just th' work o' a hired sword. They be what shows you really care about th' people in your charge, an' provides 'em a sense o' your leadership. But I can see you be busy, so mayhap I will come bother you some other time.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~RestParty()~ EXIT END IF ~~ a2225 SAY ~[ARAN] Now, that be a nice idea, there. I can see why I think you will be a great leader, someday. Well, mayhap already.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~RealSetGlobalTimer("RE_DreamTimer","GLOBAL",100) RestParty()~ EXIT END /* from C-ARAN.BCS */ IF ~Global("c-aranextort","LOCALS",2)~ THEN BEGIN a2226 SAY ~[ARAN] Hey, I found some way o' gainin' a mite bit o' extra coin out o' that Keep, just like you asked. There be some options open. You just tell me which one to chose, an' I can get it done right quick.~ [c-aws113] = ~[ARAN] First off, there be some outstandin' debts on th' part o' th' Merchant's Guild, on account o' we provide some protection. We could force collection, makin' them pay for "protection" on a regular basis, instead o' just when they need it, an' get a tidy sum. But turnin' th Guild against you means some serious penalties... merchants talk to everyone, an' a little bad blood can get to be a problem right quick.~ = ~[ARAN] Second off, we could sell off some o' th' land what's able to be repossessed. It be a matter o' movin' families off farms they been workin' for generations, but th' law be th' law. Might piss people off a mite bit, though.~ = ~[ARAN] Third, we could cut a deal wi' th' Trade Guild. Right now, there be two representatives vyin' for th' rights. Th' sorry bastard what's tryin' to get th' concession be a right mean bastard, but he has coin to spend, an' he'll give us some to approve him as th' representative next season.~ = ~[ARAN] So, you want to collect on th' Guild, sell some land, or take a bribe for th' representative choice? Or none o' these?~ ++ ~[PC] I don't like any of these options.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranextort","GLOBAL",3)~ + a2227 ++ ~[PC] Do all three.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranextort","GLOBAL",3)~ + a2228 ++ ~[PC] Force the Guild, and take the bribe. Then our "representative" can clean things up for us over time.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranextort","GLOBAL",3)~ + a2231 ++ ~[PC] I don't want to mess with the Guild directly. There could be problems. So just kick those families off my land, and sell it.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranextort","GLOBAL",3)~ + a2232 ++ ~[PC] I don't want to mess with the Guild directly, and I don't need disgruntled tenants causing trouble. Just take the bribe. If the "representative" doesn't serve us well, then we can always make adjustments later.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranextort","GLOBAL",3)~ + a2232 ++ ~[PC] Force the Guild, and throw those people off of my land. But don't bother with taking the bribe. We can probably do better with an honest representative. They tend to actually follow rules, which puts them at a disadvantage.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranextort","GLOBAL",3)~ + a2231 END IF ~~ a2227 SAY ~[ARAN] Look, th' truth be there is naught in th' way o' new coin to be had just by squeezin' th' books. I don't rightly recommend doin' any o' these things, but if you want th' coin, that's what I was able to find. Personally, I say give th' whole blighted idea up, an' let's go find somethin' to kill an' loot. Except for dragons. No dragons. They are a pain in th' arse.~ = ~[ARAN] So, what be your orders?~ ++ ~[PC] Forget the whole thing. It is just not worth it.~ + a2233 ++ ~[PC] Do all three.~ + a2228 ++ ~[PC] Force the Guild, and take the bribe. Then our "representative" can clean things up for us over time.~ + a2231 ++ ~[PC] I don't want to mess with the Guild directly. There could be problems. So just kick those families off my land, and sell it.~ + a2232 ++ ~[PC] I don't want to mess with the Guild directly, and I don't need disgruntled tenants causing trouble. Just take the bribe. If the "representative" doesn't serve us well, then we can always make adjustments later.~ + a2232 END IF ~~ a2228 SAY ~[ARAN] Grumbar's Clay Fist, do you want a blighted revolt on your head? That might get us 3000 gold, but you would be askin' for a revolt. You sure you want to do that?~ ++ ~[PC] Yes. We need the money. And revolts can be put down. What are they going to do, talk me to death?~ + a2230 ++ ~[PC] No. Forget the whole idea.~ + a2233 ++ ~[PC] What are my options again?~ + a2227 ++ ~[PC] You are so unimaginative. What about falsifying documents and having people driven of their land so I can sell it? What about adding a tax for anyone who speaks Chondathan in public? I expected more out of you, Aran.~ + a2229 END IF ~~ a2229 SAY ~[ARAN] Cyric's Black Balls, there be limits. Corruption, kickin' out people on th' street, an' shakin' down th' guild for "protection" didn't go far enough for you? Forget it. I'm bloody well destroyin' this right now, an' to th' nine hells wi' you. Go find your own way o' dealin' wi' this. I got my limits.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a2230 SAY ~[ARAN] Xvim's Spit, you be... right. Just a job. Consider it done. An' me, I will go lookin' for somethin' to shield th' spittle that folks will send our direction every time they see us.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~GiveGoldForce(3000) IncrementGlobal("KPRevolt","GLOBAL",-4)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a2231 SAY ~[ARAN] That I can do. Not exactly th' nicest thing in th' world, but it works. It means there will be some disgruntled people, but you don't make no omelet wi' out breakin' eggs.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~GiveGoldForce(2000) IncrementGlobal("KPRevolt","GLOBAL",-2)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a2232 SAY ~[ARAN] That I can do. Not exactly th' nicest thing in th' world, but it works. It means there will be some disgruntled people, but you don't make no omelet wi' out breakin' eggs.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~GiveGoldForce(1000) IncrementGlobal("KPRevolt","GLOBAL",-1)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a2233 SAY ~[ARAN] Good idea. Sometimes, th' best thing to do is to let well enough alone, eh? We'll get th' gold some other way.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END /* In Watcher's Keep, SoA - both C-ARANJ and C-ARN25J triggered from Global("c-aranwatchkeep","GLOBAL",1) and closed to 2 in dlg */ /* NOT YET SET IN BCS */ IF ~Global("c-aranwatchkeep","GLOBAL",1)~ THEN BEGIN a963 SAY ~[ARAN] I don't rightly think this were a good idea, .~ [c-aws114] ++ ~[PC] Well, that is great to know, Aran. But I make the decisions.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranwatchkeep","GLOBAL",2)~ + a964 ++ ~[PC] What is the problem?.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranwatchkeep","GLOBAL",2)~ + a965 + ~Class("c-aran",THIEF_ALL)~ + ~[PC] Look, you are good at getting information. Rather than complaining about the task, why not go find out what traps await us?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranwatchkeep","GLOBAL",2)~ + a966 + ~Class("c-aran",MAGE_ALL)~ + ~[PC] You did memorize a divination spell or two, right? Rather than complaining about the task, why not get your magical energies flowing.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranwatchkeep","GLOBAL",2)~ + a967 + ~Class("c-aran",CLERIC_ALL)~ + ~[PC] A prayer or two, perhaps a Chant or Bless might be a good idea. I would rather have you helping than worrying.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranwatchkeep","GLOBAL",2)~ + a968 + ~Class("c-aran",FIGHTER_ALL)~ + ~[PC] There is nothing here your weapons will not take care of quickly, Aran. The troubles will be far deeper than the first level, I am sure.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranwatchkeep","GLOBAL",2)~ + a969 END /* FLIRTS: SECOND TO LAST IN WEIGHT */ /* Lots of Flirts means Player Wants Action: reply states */ /* Triggered in BCS by lots of flirts */ IF ~Global("c-aranbedflirt","GLOBAL",1)~ THEN BEGIN a1418 SAY ~[ARAN] Aye girl, but you be teasin' me somethin' terrible. Looks, glances, all this come-hither... I'm not so smart sometimes when it comes to womenfolk. I don't know if I'm bein' clear, here. I'm burnin' for to have you, here an' now.~ [c-aws115] ++ ~[PC] Do you really think this is the right time? We have no privacy, and we are in a good deal of trouble in general. This is not the time to deal with anything like this.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbedflirt","GLOBAL",2)~ + a1419 ++ ~[PC] You are very mistaken. Get your hands off of me, and never flirt with me again. I thought you were man enough to control your impulses.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbedflirt","GLOBAL",2)~ + a1420 ++ ~[PC] I want you now, Aran. But I have another in mind, someone who would not appreciate sharing me. If you can find a way to sneak into my bedroll, I would not turn you away.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbedflirt","GLOBAL",2)~ + a1421 ++ ~[PC] I'm sorry, Aran. I have committed myself to another, and I will not betray his trust. I think we should just be friends.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbedflirt","GLOBAL",2)~ + a1419 IF ~Global("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",2)~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranbedflirt","GLOBAL",2)~ GOTO a1664 END /* NPC Initiated Flirts */ IF ~Global("c-aranlightflirt","GLOBAL",1)~ THEN BEGIN a1314 SAY ~(Aran's weatherbeaten face turns toward you, and he moves close by your side.)~ /* NPC Initiated Flirts : Random Light Flirts */ IF ~RandomNum(32,1)~ THEN GOTO a1315 IF ~RandomNum(32,2)~ THEN GOTO a1316 IF ~RandomNum(32,3)~ THEN GOTO a1317 IF ~RandomNum(32,4)~ THEN GOTO a1318 IF ~RandomNum(32,5)~ THEN GOTO a1319 IF ~RandomNum(32,6)~ THEN GOTO a1320 IF ~RandomNum(32,7)~ THEN GOTO a1321 IF ~RandomNum(32,8)~ THEN GOTO a1323 IF ~RandomNum(32,9)~ THEN GOTO a1324 IF ~RandomNum(32,10)~ THEN GOTO a1325 IF ~RandomNum(32,11)~ THEN GOTO a1326 IF ~RandomNum(32,12)~ THEN GOTO a1327 IF ~RandomNum(32,13)~ THEN GOTO a1328 IF ~RandomNum(32,14)~ THEN GOTO a1329 IF ~RandomNum(32,15)~ THEN GOTO a1330 IF ~RandomNum(32,16)~ THEN GOTO a1331 IF ~RandomNum(32,17)~ THEN GOTO a1340 IF ~RandomNum(32,18)~ THEN GOTO a1341 IF ~RandomNum(32,19)~ THEN GOTO a1342 IF ~RandomNum(32,20)~ THEN GOTO a1349 IF ~RandomNum(32,21)~ THEN GOTO a1351 IF ~RandomNum(32,22)~ THEN GOTO a1352 IF ~RandomNum(32,23)~ THEN GOTO a1353 IF ~RandomNum(32,24)~ THEN GOTO a1354 IF ~RandomNum(32,25)~ THEN GOTO a1355 IF ~RandomNum(32,26)~ THEN GOTO a1356 IF ~RandomNum(32,27)~ THEN GOTO a1357 IF ~RandomNum(32,28)~ THEN GOTO a1358 IF ~RandomNum(32,29)~ THEN GOTO a1359 IF ~RandomNum(32,30)~ THEN GOTO a1360 IF ~RandomNum(32,31)~ THEN GOTO a1361 IF ~RandomNum(32,32)~ THEN GOTO a1362 /* NPC Initiated Flirts : Jewelry Light Flirt Additions: */ IF ~RandomNum(2,1) HasItemEquiped("AMUL04",Player1) Global("c-aljewel2","LOCALS",0)~ THEN GOTO a1444 /* Studded Necklace with Zios Gems */ IF ~RandomNum(2,1) HasItemEquiped("AMUL05",Player1) Global("c-aljewel2","LOCALS",0)~ THEN GOTO a1445 /* Bluestone Necklace */ IF ~RandomNum(2,1) HasItemEquiped("AMUL06",Player1) Global("c-aljewel2","LOCALS",0)~ THEN GOTO a1446 /* Agni Mani Necklace */ IF ~RandomNum(2,1) HasItemEquiped("AMUL07",Player1) Global("c-aljewel2","LOCALS",0)~ THEN GOTO a1447 /* Rainbow Obsidian Necklace */ IF ~RandomNum(2,1) HasItemEquiped("AMUL08",Player1) Global("c-aljewel2","LOCALS",0)~ THEN GOTO a1448 /* Tiger Cowrie Shell Necklace */ IF ~RandomNum(2,1) HasItemEquiped("AMUL09",Player1) Global("c-aljewel3","LOCALS",0)~ THEN GOTO a1449 /* Silver Necklace */ IF ~RandomNum(2,1) HasItemEquiped("AMUL10",Player1) Global("c-aljewel3","LOCALS",0)~ THEN GOTO a1450 /* Gold Necklace */ IF ~RandomNum(2,1) HasItemEquiped("AMUL11",Player1) Global("c-aljewel3","LOCALS",0)~ THEN GOTO a1451 /* Pearl Necklace */ IF ~RandomNum(2,1) HasItemEquiped("AMUL16",Player1) Global("c-aljewel1","LOCALS",0)~ THEN GOTO a1452 /* Amulet of Metaspell Influence (+1 2nd level spell) */ IF ~RandomNum(2,1) HasItemEquiped("AMUL18",Player1) Global("c-aljewel1","LOCALS",0)~ THEN GOTO a1453 /* Wolfsbane Charm +2 vs Lycanthropes */ IF ~RandomNum(2,1) HasItemEquiped("AMUL22",Player1) Global("c-aljewel1","LOCALS",0)~ THEN GOTO a1454 /* Periapt of Proof Against Poison */ IF ~RandomNum(2,1) HasItemEquiped("AMUL01",Player1) Global("c-aljewel1","LOCALS",0)~ THEN GOTO a1443 /* Necklace of Missiles */ IF ~RandomNum(2,1) HasItemEquiped("AMUL12",Player1) Global("c-aljewel1","LOCALS",0)~ THEN GOTO a1442 /* Laeral's Tear Necklace (3000 gp) */ IF ~RandomNum(2,1) HasItemEquiped("RE_valm",Player1) Global("c-aljewelv","LOCALS",0)~ THEN GOTO a1499 /* Romantic Encounters: Valygar item */ IF ~RandomNum(2,1) HPPercentLT(Player1,40)~ THEN GOTO a1343 END /* NPC Initiated Flirts : Random Heavy Flirts */ IF ~Global("c-aranheavyflirt","GLOBAL",1)~ THEN BEGIN a1350 SAY ~[ARAN] (He settles his belt with one thumb)~ IF ~RandomNum(36,36)~ THEN GOTO a1351 IF ~RandomNum(36,35)~ THEN GOTO a1352 IF ~RandomNum(36,34)~ THEN GOTO a1353 IF ~RandomNum(36,33)~ THEN GOTO a1354 IF ~RandomNum(36,32)~ THEN GOTO a1355 IF ~RandomNum(36,31)~ THEN GOTO a1356 IF ~RandomNum(36,30)~ THEN GOTO a1357 IF ~RandomNum(36,29)~ THEN GOTO a1358 IF ~RandomNum(36,28)~ THEN GOTO a1359 IF ~RandomNum(36,27)~ THEN GOTO a1360 IF ~RandomNum(36,26)~ THEN GOTO a1361 IF ~RandomNum(36,25)~ THEN GOTO a1362 IF ~RandomNum(36,24)~ THEN GOTO a1362 IF ~RandomNum(36,23)~ THEN GOTO a1362 IF ~RandomNum(36,22)~ THEN GOTO a1363 IF ~RandomNum(36,21)~ THEN GOTO a1364 IF ~RandomNum(36,20)~ THEN GOTO a1365 IF ~RandomNum(36,19)~ THEN GOTO a1366 IF ~RandomNum(36,18)~ THEN GOTO a1367 IF ~RandomNum(36,17)~ THEN GOTO a1368 IF ~RandomNum(36,16)~ THEN GOTO a1369 IF ~RandomNum(36,15)~ THEN GOTO a1373 IF ~RandomNum(36,14)~ THEN GOTO a1378 IF ~RandomNum(36,13)~ THEN GOTO a1403 IF ~RandomNum(36,12)~ THEN GOTO a1404 IF ~RandomNum(36,11)~ THEN GOTO a1405 IF ~RandomNum(36,10)~ THEN GOTO a1406 IF ~RandomNum(36,9)~ THEN GOTO a1407 IF ~RandomNum(36,8)~ THEN GOTO a1408 IF ~RandomNum(36,7)~ THEN GOTO a1409 IF ~RandomNum(36,6)~ THEN GOTO a1410 IF ~RandomNum(36,5)~ THEN GOTO a1411 IF ~RandomNum(36,4)~ THEN GOTO a1412 IF ~RandomNum(36,3)~ THEN GOTO a1413 IF ~RandomNum(36,2)~ THEN GOTO a1414 IF ~RandomNum(36,1)~ THEN GOTO a1415 IF ~AreaType(OUTDOOR) TimeOfDay(NIGHT) Global("c-aranstarflirt","GLOBAL",0)~ THEN GOTO a1423 /* c-aranstarflirt */ IF ~AreaType(CITY) Global("c-arancityflirt","GLOBAL",0)~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-arancityflirt","GLOBAL",1)~ GOTO a1424 /* c-arancityflirt */ IF ~AreaType(DUNGEON) Global("c-arandungeonflirt","GLOBAL",0)~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-arandungeonflirt","GLOBAL",1)~ GOTO a1427 /* c-arandungeonflirt */ /* Jewelry Light Flirt Additions: */ IF ~RandomNum(2,1) HasItemEquiped("AMUL04",Player1) Global("c-ahjewel2","LOCALS",0)~ THEN GOTO a1444 /* Studded Necklace with Zios Gems */ IF ~RandomNum(2,1) HasItemEquiped("AMUL05",Player1) Global("c-ahjewel2","LOCALS",0)~ THEN GOTO a1445 /* Bluestone Necklace */ IF ~RandomNum(2,1) HasItemEquiped("AMUL06",Player1) Global("c-ahjewel2","LOCALS",0)~ THEN GOTO a1446 /* Agni Mani Necklace */ IF ~RandomNum(2,1) HasItemEquiped("AMUL07",Player1) Global("c-ahjewel2","LOCALS",0)~ THEN GOTO a1447 /* Rainbow Obsidian Necklace */ IF ~RandomNum(2,1) HasItemEquiped("AMUL08",Player1) Global("c-ahjewel2","LOCALS",0)~ THEN GOTO a1448 /* Tiger Cowrie Shell Necklace */ IF ~RandomNum(2,1) HasItemEquiped("AMUL09",Player1) Global("c-ahjewel3","LOCALS",0)~ THEN GOTO a1449 /* Silver Necklace */ IF ~RandomNum(2,1) HasItemEquiped("AMUL10",Player1) Global("c-ahjewel3","LOCALS",0)~ THEN GOTO a1450 /* Gold Necklace */ IF ~RandomNum(2,1) HasItemEquiped("AMUL11",Player1) Global("c-ahjewel3","LOCALS",0)~ THEN GOTO a1451 /* Pearl Necklace */ IF ~RandomNum(2,1) HasItemEquiped("AMUL16",Player1) Global("c-ahjewel1","LOCALS",0)~ THEN GOTO a1452 /* Amulet of Metaspell Influence (+1 2nd level spell) */ IF ~RandomNum(2,1) HasItemEquiped("AMUL18",Player1) Global("c-ahjewel1","LOCALS",0)~ THEN GOTO a1453 /* Wolfsbane Charm +2 vs Lycanthropes */ IF ~RandomNum(2,1) HasItemEquiped("AMUL22",Player1) Global("c-ahjewel1","LOCALS",0)~ THEN GOTO a1454 /* Periapt of Proof Against Poison */ IF ~RandomNum(2,1) HasItemEquiped("AMUL01",Player1) Global("c-ahjewel1","LOCALS",0)~ THEN GOTO a1443 /* Necklace of Missiles */ IF ~RandomNum(2,1) HasItemEquiped("AMUL12",Player1) Global("c-ahjewel1","LOCALS",0)~ THEN GOTO a1442 /* Laeral's Tear Necklace (3000 gp) */ IF ~RandomNum(2,1) HasItemEquiped("RE_valm",Player1) Global("c-aljewelv","LOCALS",0)~ THEN GOTO a1499 /* Romantic Encounters: Valygar item */ IF ~HPPercentLT(Player1,40)~ THEN GOTO a1396 END /* APOLOGY: ARAN approaches PC after TIMEREXPIRED - Aran is seeking PC to give an apology */ /* Remember to remove the GTE to .BCS */ IF ~InParty("c-aran") Global("c-aranfight","GLOBAL",1) GlobalTimerExpired("c-aranismad","GLOBAL")~ THEN BEGIN a1706 SAY ~[ARAN] Hey... I am right sorry.~ [c-aws119] IF ~RandomNum(3,1)~ THEN GOTO a1707 IF ~RandomNum(3,2)~ THEN GOTO a1708 IF ~RandomNum(3,3)~ THEN GOTO a1709 END /* Adult - Land. Attempting to have some fun, Romantic Encounters-style. */ /* moved to PLAYER1D dreamscript eval : IF ~Global("c-arannightvisit","GLOBAL",2)~ THEN BEGIN a3799 START_ARAN_PC_BOOTY_CALL */ /* I. Player Teases with lots and lots of flirts - from .bcs */ /* moved to PLAYER1D dreamscript eval : IF ~Global("c-arangoaded","GLOBAL",2)~ THEN BEGIN a3353 TOO_MUCH_TEASING */ IF ~~ a4356 SAY ~[ARAN] Now, you have been teasin' me somethin' fierce, flirtin' away. Mayhap you want more than that, and mayhap not, but I do need to know. Do you want some company tonight, or should I go?~ + ~GlobalLT("c-aransex","GLOBAL",4)~ + ~[PC] I don't know... I love flirting with you. But this is a big step. I am not sure I am ready for this.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arangoaded","GLOBAL",3)~ + a3354 /* UNSURE_GOADED */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",4)~ + ~[PC] I don't know... we have made love before. But things have changed. I am not sure I want to do this.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arangoaded","GLOBAL",3)~ + a3354 /* UNSURE_GOADED */ ++ ~[PC] I try to train you, and this is the result? Aran, I have tried to let you know that I expect you to take, not ask. This is a battlefield, to be won or lost on strength.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arangoaded","GLOBAL",3)~ + a3355 /* PC_DEMANDS_STRENGTH */ ++ ~[PC] (Pull the blanket free of your body, and draw him closer to you.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arangoaded","GLOBAL",3)~ + a3356 /* SHARE_MY_BED */ ++ ~[PC] Yes, I do. Come share my bed.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arangoaded","GLOBAL",3)~ + a3356 /* SHARE_MY_BED */ ++ ~[PC] The only thing I could have done to make it more obvious was to strip down, tackle you, and start screaming "take me now, you over-endowed, pea-brained idiot" at the top of my lungs.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arangoaded","GLOBAL",3)~ + a3357 /* GET_YOUR_BUTT_IN_HERE_NOW */ ++ ~[PC] Go away, Aran. I like flirting, but I do not want to do anything else, tonight or any other night.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arangoaded","GLOBAL",3)~ + a3358 /* NO_WAY_THIS_OR_ANY_NIGHT */ ++ ~[PC] Well, your timing stinks. Can't you come back another night? I am really not in the mood.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arangoaded","GLOBAL",3)~ + a3359 /* TONIGHT_HAVE_HEADACHE */ ++ ~[PC] I have someone I care for very deeply, who would be hurt if this became known. But if you can keep your mouth shut, then join me.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arangoaded","GLOBAL",3)~ + a3360 /* PC_HAVING_AFFAIR */ END IF ~~ a3359 /* TONIGHT_HAVE_HEADACHE */ SAY ~[ARAN] Right, then. I can do that. Mayhap we get a chance again next tenday.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-arangoaded","GLOBAL",4) SetGlobalTimer("c-arangoadedtime","GLOBAL",TEN_DAYS)~ EXIT END /* II. Player Teases with lots and lots of flirts, but sent Aran away the first time - 1 FR tenday later - from .bcs */ IF ~~ a3361 /* TOO_MUCH_TEASING_RETRY */ SAY ~[ARAN] I done tried this awhile ago, but you sent me away. Now, mayhap you want more than lots o' flirtin', and mayhap not, but I do need to know. Do you want some company tonight, or should I go?~ + ~GlobalLT("c-aransex","GLOBAL",4)~ + ~[PC] I don't know... I love flirting with you. But this is a big step. I am not sure I am ready for this.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arangoaded","GLOBAL",6)~ + a3362 /* UNSURE_SECOND */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",4)~ + ~[PC] I don't know... we have made love before. But things have changed. I am not sure I want to do this.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arangoaded","GLOBAL",6)~ + a3362 /* UNSURE_SECOND */ ++ ~[PC] Yes, I do. Come share my bed.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arangoaded","GLOBAL",6)~ + a3356 /* SHARE_MY_BED */ ++ ~[PC] The only thing I could have done to make it more obvious was to strip down, tackle you, and start screaming "take me now, you idiot" at the top of my lungs.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arangoaded","GLOBAL",6)~ + a3357 /* GET_YOUR_BUTT_IN_HERE_NOW */ ++ ~[PC] I try to train you, and this is the result? Aran, I have tried to let you know that I expect you to take, not ask. This is a battlefield, to be won or lost on strength.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arangoaded","GLOBAL",6)~ + a3355 /* PC_DEMANDS_STRENGTH */ ++ ~[PC] Go away, Aran. I like flirting, but I do not want to do anything else, tonight or any other night.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arangoaded","GLOBAL",6)~ + a3358 /* NO_WAY_THIS_OR_ANY_NIGHT */ ++ ~[PC] (Take his hand, and place his palm across your lips, kissing gently... then slide it down your body.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arangoaded","GLOBAL",6)~ + a3356 /* SHARE_MY_BED */ ++ ~[PC] Well, your timing stinks. Can't you come back another night? I am really not in the mood.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arangoaded","GLOBAL",6)~ + a3363 /* ARAN_DECIDES_NO */ ++ ~[PC] I have someone I care for very deeply, who would be hurt if this became known. But if you can keep your mouth shut, then join me.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arangoaded","GLOBAL",6)~ + a3360 /* PC_HAVING_AFFAIR */ END IF ~~ a3354 /* UNSURE_GOADED */ SAY ~[ARAN] Fair enough. But I be my own man, eh? So I won't be comin' round until you be sure. This particular moment in time might not be happenin' again.~ ++ ~[PC] I... I do want you. Come share my bed.~ + a3356 /* SHARE_MY_BED */ ++ ~[PC] (Take his hand, and place his palm across your lips, kissing gently... then slide it down your body.)~ + a3356 /* SHARE_MY_BED */ ++ ~[PC] Well trying to pressure me just made up my mind. Go away, Aran. I like flirting, but I do not want to do anything else. Certainly not tonight.~ + a3358 /* NO_WAY_THIS_OR_ANY_NIGHT */ ++ ~[PC] Well, your timing stinks. Can't you come back another night? I am really not in the mood.~ + a3359 /* TONIGHT_HAVE_HEADACHE */ ++ ~[PC] I have someone I care for very deeply, who would be hurt if this became known. But if you can keep silent about it, then join me.~ + a3360 /* PC_HAVING_AFFAIR */ ++ ~[PC] Come here, but kisses are enough for me right now. Your lips, my lips... nothing else.~ + a3710 /* ARAN_MOON_SLEEP_2_EXIT */ END IF ~~ a3362 /* UNSURE_SECOND */ SAY ~[ARAN] Fair enough. But I be my own man, eh? So I won't be comin' round until you be sure. This particular moment in time might not be happenin' again.~ ++ ~[PC] I... I do want you. Come share my bed.~ + a3356 /* SHARE_MY_BED */ ++ ~[PC] (Take his hand, and place his palm across your lips, kissing gently... then slide it down your body.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3356 /* SHARE_MY_BED */ ++ ~[PC] Well, trying to pressure me just made up my mind. Go away, Aran. I like flirting, but I do not want to do anything else. Certainly not tonight.~ + a3358 /* NO_WAY_THIS_OR_ANY_NIGHT */ ++ ~[PC] Well, your timing stinks. Can't you come back another night? I am really not in the mood.~ + a3363 /* ARAN_DECIDES_NO */ ++ ~[PC] I have someone I care for very deeply, who would be hurt if this became known. But if you can keep silent about it, then join me.~ + a3360 /* PC_HAVING_AFFAIR */ ++ ~[PC] Come here, but kisses are enough for me right now. Your lips, my lips... nothing else.~ + a3710 /* ARAN_MOON_SLEEP_2_EXIT */ + ~RandomNum(2,1)~ + ~[PC] I think we should slow down. I like being friends with you, and perhaps a little bit more at times, but you should leave now.~ + a3622 /* ROM_FRIENDS_EXIT_TWO */ + ~RandomNum(2,2)~ + ~[PC] I think we should slow down. I like being friends with you, and perhaps a little bit more at times, but you should leave now.~ + a3621 /* ROM_FRIENDS_EXIT_THREE */ END IF ~~ a3357 /* GET_YOUR_BUTT_IN_HERE_NOW */ SAY ~[ARAN] I would pay good coin to see that, I would. Does wonders for a lad's ego to hear he be wanted.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a3356 /* SHARE_MY_BED */ END IF ~~ a3360 /* PC_HAVING_AFFAIR */ SAY ~[ARAN] I can live wi' that. I don't rightly like it, but you... you be worth any risk, any pain.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a3356 /* SHARE_MY_BED */ END IF ~~ a3355 /* PC_DEMANDS_STRENGTH */ SAY ~[ARAN] There be some things I won't never learn. I done seen th' pain caused when someone gets forced, an' it does nothin' for me. But rough, I try to do, if you be wantin' that.~ ++ ~[PC] No. You are too weak. Get out and stay out.~ + a3358 /* NO_WAY_THIS_OR_ANY_NIGHT */ ++ ~[PC] Rough is not enough. You should dominate me.~ + a3364 /* ALL_I_AM_TO_YOU */ ++ ~[PC] Strength and power excites me. Show me your pow...~ + a3365 /* PC_WANTS_ROUGHER */ ++ ~[PC] Well, I have been pushing you for a while now. I will show you some mercy. We can play it your way, and see if I like it.~ + a3356 /* SHARE_MY_BED */ ++ ~[PC] If you don't want to force me, then I am not interested. Get out.~ + a3366 /* GET_OUT_EXIT */ ++ ~[PC] Oh, just come here. Kisses are enough for me right now. Your lips, my lips... nothing else.~ + a3710 /* ARAN_MOON_SLEEP_2_EXIT */ END IF ~~ a3364 /* ALL_I_AM_TO_YOU */ SAY ~[ARAN] Now, wait a moment. Do that be all I am to you? I am supposed to treat you as somethin' to be conquered?~ ++ ~[PC] Yes. Any more questions, or are you going to take your conquest? I will fight you every step of the way. You show me you can handle it.~ + a3365 /* PC_WANTS_ROUGHER */ ++ ~[PC] Since when does a man care where he tries to plant his seed? ~ + a3367 /* DO_YOU_EVEN_KNOW_ME */ ++ ~[PC] You are so cute when you try to think. Look, Aran, I care for you. But I get more pleasure out of the excitement of risk, of being controlled. I trust you. Just do whatever you want with me, preferably a little roughly, and I will be a very happy woman.~ + a3368 /* FINE_IF_WANT_THAT_WAY */ ++ ~[PC] (Your hand flies toward his face, palm open for a resounding slap.)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3369 /* ROM_ONE_SLAP_AVOID */ ++ ~[PC] I... I thought that was what you wanted. What all men want. I was trying to please you.~ + a3370 /* PLEASING_YOU_PLEASES_ME */ ++ ~[PC] This is not working out. You should leave.~ + a3371 /* UNFULFILLED_TEASED_EXIT */ END IF ~~ a3356 /* SHARE_MY_BED */ SAY ~[ARAN] (His body warms yours as he moves beside you. His fingers play about your face, caressing and smoothing before pulling you into a gentle kiss.)~ + ~GlobalLT("c-aransex","GLOBAL",4) OR(4) Race(Player1,ELF) Race(Player1,HALF_ELF) Race(Player1,DWARF) Race(Player1,HALFLING)~ + ~[PC] You are glowing... your body is so hot that my vision... wait... you expect to fit all of that inside of me?~ + a3372 /* PC_IS_SMALL */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",4) OR(4) Race(Player1,ELF) Race(Player1,HALF_ELF) Race(Player1,DWARF) Race(Player1,HALFLING)~ + ~[PC] You are glowing... your body is so hot that my vision... ~ + a3372 /* PC_IS_SMALL */ ++ ~[PC] (Let your fingers drift down his chest, until your fingertips gently smooth along his growing erection.)~ + a3373 /* GET_MORE_THEN_YOU_EXPECT */ ++ ~[PC] (Take his hand, guiding his fingers down your body until they are trapped between your thighs, warm on your bare skin.)~ + a3374 /* SAUCE_FOR_GOOSE_GANDER */ ++ ~[PC] (Put your arms around his neck, kissing him deeply as he rolls you underneath him.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3375 /* PC_IS_ON_BACK */ ++ ~[PC] (Roll him onto his back, your body nestled to his chest.)~ + a3376 /* LINING_UP_NICELY */ ++ ~[PC] Your fingers... they keep touching my thighs, and then my... you are driving me wild. Don't stop!~ + a3699 /* FRONT_TO_ARAN_FINGERS */ ++ ~[PC] I can't do this. I am sorry. It just feels wrong.~ + a3358 /* NO_WAY_THIS_OR_ANY_NIGHT */ END IF ~~ a3372 /* PC_IS_SMALL */ SAY ~[ARAN] (His kiss is steady, his arms holding you close to his chest.)~ = ~[ARAN] There be times when I envy that sight o' yours. You can judge right straightforward how much I want you. But, we might just take things slow, eh?~ ++ ~[PC] (Let your fingers drift down his chest, until your fingertips gently smooth along his growing erection.)~ + a3373 /* GET_MORE_THEN_YOU_EXPECT */ ++ ~[PC] (Take his hand, guiding his fingers down your body until they are trapped between your thighs, nestled close to your warmth.)~ + a3374 /* SAUCE_FOR_GOOSE_GANDER */ ++ ~[PC] (Put your arms around his neck, kissing him deeply as he rolls you underneath him.)~ + a3375 /* PC_IS_ON_BACK */ ++ ~[PC] (Roll him onto his back, your body nestled to his chest.)~ + a3376 /* LINING_UP_NICELY */ ++ ~[PC] I think I don't want slow. I want to experience you, completely.~ + a3377 /* GO_GENTLY_PLEASE */ ++ ~[PC] I can't do this. I am sorry. It just feels wrong.~ + a3358 /* NO_WAY_THIS_OR_ANY_NIGHT */ END IF ~~ a3365 /* PC_WANTS_ROUGHER */ SAY ~[ARAN] (The force of his lips crushing yours cuts off your words, steals your breath. His legs hold yours together and captive. Your hands lock around his wrists, feeling his muscles bunch and strain until your nightclothes tear, revealing all of your treasures. You are captured, exposed and vulnerable beneath him... acutely aware that he is both ready and yet still straining to hold back.)~ ++ ~[PC] You call that rough? Perhaps I was not clear enough. What are you waiting for?~ + a3378 /* YOU_CALL_THAT_ROUGH */ ++ ~[PC] Gods, yes... make me yours!~ + a3378 /* YOU_CALL_THAT_ROUGH */ ++ ~[PC] (You burst into tears.)~ + a4527 + ~NumInPartyLT(3)~ + ~[PC] You are seriously trying to hurt me, aren't you? Get off of me! NOW!!~ + a1835 + ~NumInPartyGT(2)~ + ~[PC] You are seriously trying to hurt me, aren't you? Get off of me! NOW!! Or I will start screaming.~ + a1835 ++ ~[PC] Force me.~ + a3364 /* ALL_I_AM_TO_YOU */ ++ ~[PC] Slow down! You have my attention. I was just testing you. Go more gently, please...~ + a3377 /* GO_GENTLY_PLEASE */ ++ ~[PC] STOP. I have changed my mind. Get out of here, right now.~ + a3371 /* UNFULFILLED_TEASED_EXIT */ END IF ~~ a3379 /* WAIT_WE_WERE_LOVING */ SAY ~[ARAN] Wait a minute. We were all lovin', and suddenly you want somethin' else?~ ++ ~[PC] Oh, no. I have you trapped right where I want you. Don't you move a muscle. HEY. No fair, no flexing, either. At least, not until you can't stand a moment longer...~ + a3380 /* CANT_RESIST_MUST_RESIST */ ++ ~[PC] Look at me, Aran. Touch me, here. Do you not desire me? Do you not want to overpower me, mount me from behind, make me yours?~ + a3378 /* YOU_CALL_THAT_ROUGH */ ++ ~[PC] I don't have much experience in the bedchamber. I just thought you might think of something that pleases you more than this.~ + a3370 /* PLEASING_YOU_PLEASES_ME */ ++ ~[PC] I want to please you. I want you to do what you want to do.~ + a3370 /* PLEASING_YOU_PLEASES_ME */ ++ ~[PC] I don't know. I thought I wanted this, but it is not... it is nothing like what I want. You should go.~ + a3371 /* UNFULFILLED_TEASED_EXIT */ END IF ~~ a3378 /* YOU_CALL_THAT_ROUGH */ SAY ~[ARAN] (His gaze is insistent, intense with desire, exploring your body with fascination. With a low growl, he rolls you face down in the bedclothes, his hands running along your breasts and down to your waist. His hands grip tightly there, lifting you onto your knees, your body melding to his. For a moment your head is on his shoulder, your back tight to his chest, your arms enfolding his forearms as they hold you together, a rod of heat caught between your thighs...)~ ++ ~[PC] (Flip your weight hard against him, rolling away, teeth bared. Launch yourself onto him, pinning his shoulders back and settling yourself on his pelvis.)~ + a3381 /* PC_TURNS_TABLES */ ++ ~[PC] (Surrender yourself, spreading your legs and bracing yourself for his thrust.)~ + a3382 /* PC_FACE_DOWN_FINISH */ + ~RandomNum(2,2)~ + ~[PC] I love the feeling of you just barely in control of yourself. It is exciting. Now, for the real test... can you stop? Are you strong enough to walk away, right now?~ + a3383 /* IN_NINE_HELLS */ + ~RandomNum(2,1)~ + ~[PC] I love the feeling of you just barely in control of yourself. It is exciting. Now, for the real test... can you stop? Are you strong enough to walk away, right now?~ + a3384 /* PC_TAUNT_PERHAPS_NOT */ ++ ~[PC] Stop. I thought I wanted this, but it is not... it is nothing like what I want. You should go.~ + a3371 /* UNFULFILLED_TEASED_EXIT */ + ~RandomNum(2,2)~ + ~[PC] I think... I have changed my mind. I think I am not ready for this. Can we just cuddle?~ + a3385 /* ARAN_AGREES_ONE_CUDDLE */ + ~RandomNum(2,1)~ + ~[PC] I think... I have changed my mind. I think I am not ready for this. Can we just cuddle?~ + a3386 /* ARAN_AGREES_TWO_CUDDLE */ END IF ~~ a3384 /* PC_TAUNT_PERHAPS_NOT */ SAY ~[ARAN] (He growls deep in his chest, straining not to push forward, his arms tightening on you with bone-crushing strength. The heat of his tip rests on your threshold, but he does not move...)~ = ~[ARAN] (With a muttered curse he flings you forward onto your face. Standing, he walks silently away.)~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfight","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranflirtstop","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranismad","GLOBAL",ONE_DAY)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a3381 /* PC_TURNS_TABLES */ SAY ~[ARAN] (His laughter thunders in the air as his hands encircle your waist.)~ = ~[ARAN] Now, what does my little hell-cat want, eh?~ ++ ~[PC] (Rake your fingernails across his chest.)~ + a3387 /* PC_RAKES_CHEST */ ++ ~[PC] (Snarl at him, and wriggle your hips to fully seat the tip of his manhood upon your threshold.)~ + a3380 /* CANT_RESIST_MUST_RESIST */ ++ ~[PC] (Run your palms along his face and down his body, gently running yourself back and forth against his hardness.)~ + a3380 /* CANT_RESIST_MUST_RESIST */ ++ ~[PC] I. Want. More. Kissing.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3388 /* KISS_AND_TAKE */ ++ ~[PC] I do not want apprentice games and blushing novices. I want to be taken roughly, forced into submission, and used well.~ + a3379 /* WAIT_WE_WERE_LOVING */ ++ ~[PC] (Shift slightly, catching his tip in just the right place and gently pushing your body onto him, until he is nestled deep within you.)~ + a3380 /* CANT_RESIST_MUST_RESIST */ END IF ~~ a3377 /* GO_GENTLY_PLEASE */ SAY ~[ARAN] (His glare is intense, exploring your body with fascination. He moves his ankles between yours, then shifts to move his knees inside of yours, prying you open. For a moment his breath is hot gusts of desire above you, but suddenly they are in a much more intimate place. His lips and tongue quest for your pleasure, dancing and teasing at your petals but never quite granting you release.)~ = ~[ARAN] Well, now, turnabout be fair play. You done teased me, an' now I do think I have returned th' favor.~ ++ ~[PC] I will not beg for you. Take me, now!~ + a3389 /* ENDGAME_OF_TEASING */ ++ ~[PC] Let me up this instant. I am serious. This has gone far enough.~ + a3358 /* NO_WAY_THIS_OR_ANY_NIGHT */ ++ ~[PC] Please, make love to me...~ + a3389 /* ENDGAME_OF_TEASING */ ++ ~[PC] If we survive tonight, it will be a miracle. But for the god's sake, don't stop!~ + a3389 /* ENDGAME_OF_TEASING */ ++ ~[PC] Your fingers... I want your fingers where your kisses just were... you are driving me wild. Don't stop!~ + a3699 /* FRONT_TO_ARAN_FINGERS */ END IF ~~ a3376 /* LINING_UP_NICELY */ SAY ~[ARAN] Easy there. Things are linin' up nicely, but you might get more than you expect.~ ++ ~[PC] I don't know... I have high expectations. But from the sound you just made, I think we are on the way to meeting some of them.~ + a3390 /* LINING_NICELY_ENDING */ ++ ~[PC] (Giggle, and wriggle your hips to fully seat the tip of his manhood on your threshold.)~ + a3380 /* CANT_RESIST_MUST_RESIST */ ++ ~[PC] (Run your palms along his face and down his body, gently running yourself back and forth against his manhood.)~ + a3380 /* CANT_RESIST_MUST_RESIST */ ++ ~[PC] I do not want apprentice games and blushing novices. I want to be taken roughly, forced into submission, and used well.~ + a3379 /* WAIT_WE_WERE_LOVING */ ++ ~[PC] (Shift slightly, catching his tip in just the right place and gently pushing your body onto him, until he is nestled deep within you.)~ + a3380 /* CANT_RESIST_MUST_RESIST */ ++ ~[PC] I do not think I can do this. In fact, I know I can't. You should leave.~ + a3371 /* UNFULFILLED_TEASED_EXIT */ END IF ~~ a3390 /* LINING_NICELY_ENDING */ SAY ~[ARAN] You had better rightly tell me if I am about to be someplace I shouldn't, on account o' I may not be able to hold on much longer.~ ++ ~[PC] You are right where I want you, Aran. I can feel your entire length in my hand. Go on...~ + a3782 /* TRANSITION_TO_ARAN_RELEASE */ ++ ~[PC] You are right where I want you, Aran. I can feel you deep within me. Can't you feel it, too?~ + a3375 /* PC_IS_ON_BACK */ ++ ~[PC] I.. ouch. I think we... oh, hold still, please...~ + a3777 /* WAIT_PLEASE */ ++ ~[PC] Wait. I do not think I can do this. In fact, I know I can't. You should leave.~ + a3371 /* UNFULFILLED_TEASED_EXIT */ + ~RandomNum(2,2)~ + ~[PC] I think... I think I am not ready for this. Can we just cuddle?~ + a3385 /* ARAN_AGREES_ONE_CUDDLE */ + ~RandomNum(2,1)~ + ~[PC] I think... I think I am not ready for this. Can we just cuddle?~ + a3386 /* ARAN_AGREES_TWO_CUDDLE */ END IF ~~ a3777 /* WAIT_PLEASE */ SAY ~[ARAN] (He groans under the stimulation, his body a taught bowstring, but does not move.)~ ++ ~[PC] Oh well. What is done is done. I guess you can go ahead until you are satisfied.~ + a3367 /* DO_YOU_EVEN_KNOW_ME */ ++ ~[PC] I think... I think I am not ready for this. Can we just cuddle?~ + a3778 /* BARN_DOOR */ ++ ~[PC] I just needed a moment. You fill me, and it is a little uncomfortable, in a good sort of way. I just want to enjoy every second of being with you.~ + a3396 /* ARAN_ADMITS_VULNERABLE */ ++ ~[PC] I am scared.~ + a3780 /* IM_SCARED */ END IF ~~ a3778 /* BARN_DOOR */ SAY ~[ARAN] Well, it be like closin' th' barn door when all th' livestock be out already, on account o' I can feel th' heat o' you surroundin' me.~ ++ ~[PC] This is not what I wanted. You need to go, now. No words. Forget this ever happened.~ + a3779 /* WALK_AWAY */ ++ ~[PC] (Kiss him gently, locking your thighs around him and gently pressuring him into you.)~ + a3389 /* ENDGAME_OF_TEASING */ ++ ~[PC] Shhh. Stop talking. Just make love to me.~ + a3389 /* ENDGAME_OF_TEASING */ ++ ~[PC] I am scared.~ + a3780 /* IM_SCARED */ ++ ~[PC] I... I think you should go. I am not ready for all of this.~ + a3781 ++ ~[PC] I want you to make love to me. But not tonight. You should go.~ + a3781 END IF ~~ a3779 /* WALK_AWAY */ SAY ~[ARAN] (He stares deeply into your eyes for a minute, then pulls away. In a moment, he is gone.)~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a3780 /* IM_SCARED */ SAY ~[ARAN] I be a mite bit scared, too. But by Lady Firehair, I want you. An' we could face bein' scared together.~ + ~RandomNum(4,1)~ + ~[PC] I think I just want to be held, and to be kissed. That is enough for me right now.~ + a3562 + ~RandomNum(4,2)~ + ~[PC] I think I just want to be held, and to be kissed. That is enough for me right now.~ + a3563 + ~RandomNum(4,3)~ + ~[PC] I think I just want to be held, and to be kissed. That is enough for me right now.~ + a3564 + ~RandomNum(4,4)~ + ~[PC] I think I just want to be held, and to be kissed. That is enough for me right now.~ + a3565 ++ ~[PC] I think I would like you to make love to me, now. I am ready.~ + a3678 /* ROM_TWO_ACTION_GENTLE_TOUCH_FACE */ ++ ~[PC] Oh well. What is done is done. I guess you can go ahead until you are satisfied. I will just lie here.~ + a3367 /* DO_YOU_EVEN_KNOW_ME */ ++ ~[PC] (Kiss him gently, locking your thighs around him and gently pressuring him into you.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",4)~ + a3389 /* ENDGAME_OF_TEASING */ ++ ~[PC] I... I think you should go. I am not ready for all of this.~ + a3781 ++ ~[PC] I want you to make love to me. But not tonight. You should go.~ + a3781 END IF ~~ a3781 /* TRANSITION_TO_HOPE */ SAY ~[ARAN] (He stares deeply into your eyes for a minute, then pulls away. In a moment, he is gone.)~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a3619 /* ARAN_HOPE_SPRINGS_ETERNAL */ END IF ~~ a3782 /* TRANSITION_TO_ARAN_RELEASE */ SAY ~[ARAN] (His warmth leaps and strains in your hand, his breath coming in short bursts.)~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a3689 /* ARAN_RELEASE */ END IF ~~ a3380 /* CANT_RESIST_MUST_RESIST */ SAY ~[ARAN] (He groans under the stimulation, his body a taught bowstring, but does not move.)~ ++ ~[PC] Look at me, Aran. Touch me, here. Do you not desire me? Do you not want to overpower me, move within me, and make me yours?~ + a3391 /* SUNE_CELANIL_ANYONE */ ++ ~[PC] I don't have much experience in the bedchamber. In fact, I don't have any. Am I pleasing you?~ + a3370 /* PLEASING_YOU_PLEASES_ME */ ++ ~[PC] What would please you?~ + a3370 /* PLEASING_YOU_PLEASES_ME */ ++ ~[PC] (Rise gently along his length, then drop sharply onto him, letting him fill you completely.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",4)~ + a3392 /* KISSING_PC_ON_TOP */ ++ ~[PC] I... I want you on top of me, Aran. Or, at least... I want to be able to kiss you.~ + a3392 /* KISSING_PC_ON_TOP */ END IF ~~ a3391 /* SUNE_CELANIL_ANYONE */ SAY ~[ARAN] By th' Lady Firehair, by Celanil's Tresses, by any gods out there, what in th' nine hells am I supposed to do wi' such a woman as this?~ ++ ~[PC] No, that is the wrong answer. *This* (drive yourself onto his manhood until he is fully embedded within you) is the right answer.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",4)~ + a3392 /* KISSING_PC_ON_TOP */ ++ ~[PC] You can have mercy on me... I do not think I can do this. In fact, I know I can't. You should leave.~ + a3371 /* UNFULFILLED_TEASED_EXIT */ ++ ~[PC] Give me roses, chocolate, oh... and perhaps a serious lovemaking session?~ + a3392 /* KISSING_PC_ON_TOP */ ++ ~[PC] Wait. I do not think I can do this. In fact, I know I can't. You should leave.~ + a3371 /* UNFULFILLED_TEASED_EXIT */ ++ ~[PC] (Lean forward, cupping one breast to his lips.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3393 /* KISSING_PC_TOP_BREASTS */ ++ ~[PC] (Roll with him, until he is towering above you, just barely held captive at your threshold.)~ + a3394 /* FIRST_TIME */ END IF ~~ a3393 /* KISSING_PC_TOP_BREASTS */ SAY ~[ARAN] (His lips capture you, gently tasting and kissing.)~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a3610 /* PC_TOP_GO_ON_OR_NOT */ END IF ~~ a3392 /* KISSING_PC_ON_TOP */ SAY ~[ARAN] (Aran's hands run up your sides, caressing your breasts, and then up to the back of your neck. He pulls you down to his lips, kissing around your nipples and at the base of your throat. When your lips are close to his, he whispers...)~ = ~[ARAN] I do believe we can kiss from here just fine.~ = ~[ARAN] (As your lips meet, his body begins moving up into yours, continuing your rhythm, moving as a partner with you and guiding your rising pleasure.)~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a3389 /* ENDGAME_OF_TEASING */ END IF ~~ a3370 /* PLEASING_YOU_PLEASES_ME */ SAY ~[ARAN] Th' most any two people can do for each other be to please each other. So let's find out what you be likin', eh? Here, lie down beside me. I'll move over here... Gently, now. Just place me right there. Do I be crushin' you?~ ++ ~[PC] A little. There. That is better. Go ahead.~ + a3389 /* ENDGAME_OF_TEASING */ ++ ~[PC] I can't wait any longer. (Drive your heels into his flanks, thrusting him deep within you.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",4)~ + a3389 /* ENDGAME_OF_TEASING */ ++ ~[PC] (Surrender to your passion, holding him close and urging him on.)~ + a3389 /* ENDGAME_OF_TEASING */ ++ ~[PC] Aran... I have never made love before. So be as gentle as you can.~ + a3394 /* FIRST_TIME */ ++ ~[PC] I do not want apprentice games and blushing novices. I want to be taken roughly, forced into submission, and used well.~ + a3379 /* WAIT_WE_WERE_LOVING */ ++ ~[PC] Wait. I do not think I can do this. In fact, I know I can't. You should leave.~ + a3371 /* UNFULFILLED_TEASED_EXIT */ ++ ~[PC] All I want right now are kisses. Your lips, my lips... nothing else.~ + a3710 /* ARAN_MOON_SLEEP_2_EXIT */ + ~RandomNum(2,2)~ + ~[PC] I think... I think I am not ready for this. Can we just cuddle?~ + a3385 /* ARAN_AGREES_ONE_CUDDLE */ + ~RandomNum(2,1)~ + ~[PC] I think... I think I am not ready for this. Can we just cuddle?~ + a3386 /* ARAN_AGREES_TWO_CUDDLE */ END IF ~~ a3394 /* FIRST_TIME */ SAY ~[ARAN] Mayhap we should not do this right now. Do you be right sure this be what you want?~ ++ ~[PC] I can't wait any longer. (Drive your heels into his flanks, thrusting him deep within you.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",4)~ + a3389 /* ENDGAME_OF_TEASING */ ++ ~[PC] Don't tease me, Aran... I am surrendering to you, and you are talking about whether this is the right time?~ + a3395 /* ARAN_BACKS_AWAY */ ++ ~[PC] I am scared, a little. It is strange. I can face the undead, hold my own against my powerful brother, and bear wounds that would kill a normal person outright... and I am scared of taking a small step with you. ~ + a3396 /* ARAN_ADMITS_VULNERABLE */ ++ ~[PC] (Surrender to your passion, holding him close and urging him on.)~ + a3389 /* ENDGAME_OF_TEASING */ + ~RandomNum(2,2)~ + ~[PC] I think... I think I am not ready for this. Can we just cuddle?~ + a3385 /* ARAN_AGREES_ONE_CUDDLE */ + ~RandomNum(2,1)~ + ~[PC] I think... I think I am not ready for this. Can we just cuddle?~ + a3386 /* ARAN_AGREES_TWO_CUDDLE */ ++ ~[PC] Wait. I do not think I can do this. In fact, I know I can't. You should leave.~ + a3371 /* UNFULFILLED_TEASED_EXIT */ END IF ~~ a3396 /* ARAN_ADMITS_VULNERABLE */ SAY ~[ARAN] You be so beautiful, but do you know why I can't rightly get you out o' my head? You say things like that. As Sharess grants, I will make your pleasure my only quest.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a3389 /* ENDGAME_OF_TEASING */ END /* yeah, right - only in a fantasy novel. For dudes, way fun; probably not so fun for females. But hey, this is romantic fiction, supposedly, so things will be all happy happy... and just for fun, write two states into one, 50/50 chance */ IF ~~ a3395 /* ARAN_BACKS_AWAY */ SAY ~[ARAN] I don't rightly want your first time to be somethin' random, or...~ + ~RandomNum(2,2)~ + ~[PC] I know what I want. (Tighten your legs around him, slowly forcing him into you.)~ + a3397 /* PC_ON_BACK_ONE */ + ~RandomNum(2,1)~ + ~[PC] I know what I want. (Tighten your legs around him, slowly forcing him into you.)~ + a3398 /* PC_ON_BACK_TWO */ + ~RandomNum(2,2)~ + ~[PC] I think you.... I think you are right. I am not ready for this. Can we just cuddle?~ + a3385 /* ARAN_AGREES_ONE_CUDDLE */ + ~RandomNum(2,1)~ + ~[PC] I think you.... I think you are right. I am not ready for this. Can we just cuddle?~ + a3386 /* ARAN_AGREES_TWO_CUDDLE */ + ~RandomNum(2,2)~ + ~[PC] (Look down at where you are both poised, bite your lip, and urge him inward with your ankles.)~ + a3389 /* ENDGAME_OF_TEASING */ + ~RandomNum(2,1)~ + ~[PC] (Look down at where you are both poised, bite your lip, and urge him inward with your ankles.)~ + a3389 /* ENDGAME_OF_TEASING */ + ~RandomNum(2,2)~ + ~[PC] Oh, great. Get off of me. You tease and flirt, and beg, and then you don't want me when I give in? Get away from me, Aran. I think I am going to cry.~ + a3399 /* GODS_KNOW_I_JUST_GOT_MISUNDERSTOOD */ + ~RandomNum(2,1)~ + ~[PC] Oh, great. Get off of me. You tease and flirt, and beg, and then you don't want me when I give in? Get away from me, Aran. I think I am going to cry.~ + a3400 /* GODS_KNOW_I_JUST_GOT_CONFUSED */ + ~RandomNum(2,2)~ + ~[PC] Scared of me? Or just scared about what meaning I might attach to this... or to our relationship?~ + a3401 /* SCARED_BUT_TYMORA_LIKES */ + ~RandomNum(2,1)~ + ~[PC] Scared of me? Or just scared about what meaning I might attach to this... or to our relationship?~ + a3402 /* BLIGHTED_SCARED_OF_BOTH */ END IF ~~ a3385 /* ARAN_AGREES_ONE_CUDDLE */ SAY ~[ARAN] Sharess herself would scream in frustration, eh? But you be so beautiful, how can a man rightly refuse such winsomeness. Aye, we can spend some time just holdin' each other.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a3403 /* CUDDLING_END */ END IF ~~ a3386 /* ARAN_AGREES_TWO_CUDDLE */ SAY ~[ARAN] I... well... hells. Aye, we can spend some time just holdin' each other. You do know that sayin' that an' holdin' back cost me a year o' my life an' all th' willpower left in me, right?~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a3403 /* CUDDLING_END */ END IF ~~ a3399 /* GODS_KNOW_I_JUST_GOT_MISUNDERSTOOD */ SAY ~[ARAN] Now, I do be sorry. I had naught in th' way o' meanin' to hurt you. Don't start th' waterworks, for Tymora's Tenderness... we can just lie here together, an' hold each other.~ ++ ~[PC] No. That was hurtful, and unforgivable. Go away.~ EXIT ++ ~[PC] I... well, that would be nice.~ + a3385 /* ARAN_AGREES_ONE_CUDDLE */ ++ ~[PC] I will not be denied. You *will* make love to me, and you will do it properly. You can start your apology by kissing every inch of me.~ + a3404 /* KISSING_EVERY_INCH_OF_ME */ ++ ~[PC] Why won't you just do whatever you want with me, and be done with it?~ + a3364 /* ALL_I_AM_TO_YOU */ END IF ~~ a3400 /* GODS_KNOW_I_JUST_GOT_CONFUSED */ SAY ~[ARAN] I was tryin' to protect you! I mean, I have naught in th' way o' wantin' you, but I don't rightly want you to be mad at me later, neither. For Sune's Blessin's, I be right sorry.~ ++ ~[PC] No. that was hurtful, and unforgivable. Go away.~ EXIT ++ ~[PC] I... well, that would be nice.~ + a3385 /* ARAN_AGREES_ONE_CUDDLE */ ++ ~[PC] I understand, and you are right. Kisses are enough for me right now. Your lips, my lips... nothing else.~ + a3710 /* ARAN_MOON_SLEEP_2_EXIT */ ++ ~[PC] I will not be denied. You *will* make love to me, and you will do it properly. You can start your apology by kissing every inch of me.~ + a3404 /* KISSING_EVERY_INCH_OF_ME */ END IF ~~ a3404 /* KISSING_EVERY_INCH_OF_ME */ SAY ~[ARAN] I can do that, an' a mite bit more.~ = ~[ARAN] (His lips touch yours, then move to your throat. His closeness radiates heat and strength.)~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a3389 /* ENDGAME_OF_TEASING */ END IF ~~ a3401 /* SCARED_BUT_TYMORA_LIKES */ SAY ~[ARAN] Mayhap, a little. But Tymora's Coin done give me more than I dreamed, on account o' you be here with me, right now, this minute. An' I intend not to waste neither her Grace nor my opportunity to please you.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a3389 /* ENDGAME_OF_TEASING */ END IF ~~ a3402 /* BLIGHTED_SCARED_OF_BOTH */ SAY ~[ARAN] Blighted well scared o' both. But not scared enough to back away.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a3389 /* ENDGAME_OF_TEASING */ END IF ~~ a3373 /* GET_MORE_THEN_YOU_EXPECT */ SAY ~[ARAN] Easy there. You might get more than you expect.~ ++ ~[PC] I don't know... I have high expectations. Perhaps we should meet some of them.~ + a3374 /* SAUCE_FOR_GOOSE_GANDER */ ++ ~[PC] (Giggle, and withdraw your hand.)~ + a3374 /* SAUCE_FOR_GOOSE_GANDER */ ++ ~[PC] (Run your palms along his body, working outward but always returning to your original position.)~ + a3374 /* SAUCE_FOR_GOOSE_GANDER */ ++ ~[PC] I do not want apprentice games and blushing novices. I want to be taken roughly, and used well.~ + a3379 /* WAIT_WE_WERE_LOVING */ ++ ~[PC] Now, he seems all confined and trapped in there. Can he come out and play?~ + a3405 /* WHAT_ABOUT_HIS_PLAYMATE */ ++ ~[PC] I do not think I can do this. In fact, I know I can't. You should leave.~ + a3371 /* UNFULFILLED_TEASED_EXIT */ END IF ~~ a3374 /* SAUCE_FOR_GOOSE_GANDER */ SAY ~[ARAN] Now, what be sauce for th' gander be sauce for th' goose, you know... ~ IF ~RandomNum(2,2)~ THEN GOTO a3406 /* FINGERTIPS_BRUSH_THIGHS */ IF ~RandomNum(2,1)~ THEN GOTO a3407 /* FINGERTIPS_BRUSH_HARDNESS */ END IF ~~ a3406 /* FINGERTIPS_BRUSH_THIGHS */ SAY ~[ARAN] (His fingertips gently brush the inside of your thighs, hiking the hem of your shift higher, lightly caressing you.)~ ++ ~[PC] I think I.. hey, that tickles!~ + a3408 /* GRIN_AND_BARE_IT */ ++ ~[PC] Your fingers... they keep touching my thighs, and then my... you are driving me wild. Don't stop!~ + a3699 /* FRONT_TO_ARAN_FINGERS */ ++ ~[PC] (Whisper) I can think of other things besides fingertips I would like to feel there...~ + a3408 /* GRIN_AND_BARE_IT */ + ~GlobalGT("c-aransex","GLOBAL",1)~ + ~[PC] I think that you have already explored that territory, Aran. Though it does feel good.~ + a3408 /* GRIN_AND_BARE_IT */ + ~GlobalLT("c-aransex","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] Exploring new territory is fun, Aran, but you are teasing me. Though the teasing does feel good...~ + a3408 /* GRIN_AND_BARE_IT */ ++ ~[PC] Are you going to speed this along? I have other things to do tonight, you know.~ + a3367 /* DO_YOU_EVEN_KNOW_ME */ ++ ~[PC] Come here, but kisses are enough for me right now. Your lips, my lips... nothing else.~ + a3710 /* ARAN_MOON_SLEEP_2_EXIT */ ++ ~[PC] I do not think I can do this. In fact, I know I can't. You should leave.~ + a3371 /* UNFULFILLED_TEASED_EXIT */ END IF ~~ a3407 /* FINGERTIPS_BRUSH_HARDNESS */ SAY ~[ARAN] (His hand catches yours, and he gently brushes your fingertips along his hardness, using your hand to gently prod your most intimate place with the tip of your new toy.)~ ++ ~[PC] I think I.. hey, that tickles!~ + a3408 /* GRIN_AND_BARE_IT */ ++ ~[PC] (Whisper) So close... If you just push forward, you will be inside.~ + a3408 /* GRIN_AND_BARE_IT */ + ~GlobalGT("c-aransex","GLOBAL",1)~ + ~[PC] I think that you have already explored that territory, Aran. Though it does feel good. Very good.~ + a3408 /* GRIN_AND_BARE_IT */ + ~GlobalLT("c-aransex","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] Exploring new territory is fun, Aran, but you are teasing me. Though the teasing does feel good...~ + a3408 /* GRIN_AND_BARE_IT */ ++ ~[PC] I do not think I can do this. In fact, I know I can't. I should leave.~ + a3371 /* UNFULFILLED_TEASED_EXIT */ END IF ~~ a3405 /* WHAT_ABOUT_HIS_PLAYMATE */ SAY ~[ARAN] I think that be in order. But what about his playmate?~ ++ ~[PC] Oh, she is in a very playful mood. And she seems to be in a hurry, so come on, let's go.~ + a3408 /* GRIN_AND_BARE_IT */ ++ ~[PC] (Tear at his clothing, pulling his leggings down a few inches and admiring his physique.)~ + a3408 /* GRIN_AND_BARE_IT */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",4)~ + ~[PC] I think we should repeat our last experience... (Roll quickly on top of him, your pelvis grinding on him, bringing you both as close together as you can be.)~ + a3408 /* GRIN_AND_BARE_IT */ + ~GlobalLT("c-aransex","GLOBAL",4)~ + ~[PC] Am I everything you ever dreamed? (Roll quickly on top of him, your pelvis grinding on him, bringing you both as close together as you can be.)~ + a3408 /* GRIN_AND_BARE_IT */ ++ ~[PC] (Roll onto your back, casually stretching.)~ + a3408 /* GRIN_AND_BARE_IT */ ++ ~[PC] Come on. Just get it over with, will you?~ + a3367 /* DO_YOU_EVEN_KNOW_ME */ ++ ~[PC] I do not think I can do this. In fact, I know I can't. You should leave.~ + a3371 /* UNFULFILLED_TEASED_EXIT */ END IF ~~ a3368 /* FINE_IF_WANT_THAT_WAY */ SAY ~[ARAN] I can do that, I suspect. As long as it be what you want. So, stay very still...~ = ~[ARAN] (The force of his lips crushing yours cuts off your breath. He drags you up in front of him, gripping the neckline of your shift. His legs hold yours together and captive. Your hands lock around his wrists, feeling his muscles bunch and strain until your nightgown tears, exposing your chest to him, and revealing all of your treasures. You are captured, exposed and vulnerable as he pushes you onto your back in front of him... acutely aware that he is both ready and yet still straining to hold back.)~ ++ ~[PC] You call that rough? Perhaps I was not clear enough. What are you waiting for?~ + a3378 /* YOU_CALL_THAT_ROUGH */ ++ ~[PC] Gods, yes... make me yours!~ + a3378 /* YOU_CALL_THAT_ROUGH */ ++ ~[PC] Come on. Just get it over with, will you?~ + a3367 /* DO_YOU_EVEN_KNOW_ME */ ++ ~[PC] (You burst into tears.)~ + a4527 + ~NumInPartyLT(3)~ + ~[PC] You are seriously trying to hurt me, aren't you? Get off of me! NOW!!~ + a1835 + ~NumInPartyGT(2)~ + ~[PC] You are seriously trying to hurt me, aren't you? Get off of me! NOW!! Or I will start screaming.~ + a1835 ++ ~[PC] (Flip your weight hard against him, rolling away.) You bastard! If you ever touch me again, I will kill you!~ + a1835 ++ ~[PC] (Take a firm hold of his manhood.) Release me now or I will try to rip it out of you, Whitehand.~ + a1835 ++ ~[PC] Slow down! You have my attention. I was just testing you. Go more gently, please...~ + a3377 /* GO_GENTLY_PLEASE */ ++ ~[PC] STOP. I have changed my mind. Get out of here, right now.~ + a3371 /* UNFULFILLED_TEASED_EXIT */ END IF ~~ a4527 SAY ~[ARAN] (He freezes instantly, staring uncompreghendingly at your face.)~ = ~[ARAN] What... ~ ++ ~[PC] Come on. Just get it over with, will you?~ + a3367 /* DO_YOU_EVEN_KNOW_ME */ ++ ~[PC] STOP. I have changed my mind. Get out of here, right now.~ + a3371 /* UNFULFILLED_TEASED_EXIT */ ++ ~[PC] I... I thought this is what I would want. But it is not.~ + a3370 ++ ~[PC] Why are you stopping? You are turning me on. Or does my crying hurt your poor little conscience? Another sign of weakness.~ + a3367 ++ ~[PC] I want to please you. I want you to do what you want to do. I just am scared.~ + a3370 /* PLEASING_YOU_PLEASES_ME */ ++ ~[PC] (Continue crying and roll away from him, gathering cloth to cover yourself.)~ + c-placeholder END IF ~~ a3367 /* DO_YOU_EVEN_KNOW_ME */ SAY ~[ARAN] Sune's Bouncin' Breasts an' Buttocks, do you even know me?~ = ~[ARAN] (His violent roll away from you pulls the last of the covers away, and his muted cursing continues as the sounds of rapid dressing come from out of the darkness.)~ = ~[ARAN] First off, I be no random encounter on th' street. I didn't see no red lantern out front, an' I don't see no line behind me, neither. If I want to sow my wild oats wi' you, it be for more than a quick ride - you be no tavern girl, nor a woman adventurer out for a bit o' th' rough an' tumble. You be one o' th' most powerful an' beautiful creatures on th' face o' Toril. Not to mention that you be th' boss o' this expedition, like it or not. An' you bloody well think I just be doin' a roll in th' hay to get myself off?~ ++ ~[PC] I had no idea your feelings ran that deep for me, Aran. I can't have some lovelorn boy wandering around making things complicated. Get out of here, now.~ + a3409 /* AND_THE_HORSE_YOU_RODE_IN_ON_BIATCH */ ++ ~[PC] Aran... I am sorry. That came out all wrong. I didn't mean it that way.~ + a3410 /* SOUNDED_LIKE_TEEN_SPIRIT */ ++ ~[PC] Oh, the sensitive caring man. That is bullcrap. You want me, and I want some entertainment. Get back here and do the job properly.~ + a3409 /* AND_THE_HORSE_YOU_RODE_IN_ON_BIATCH */ ++ ~[PC] Did you just imply I am a prostitute?~ + a3411 /* AT_LEAST_JOB_IS_HONORABLE */ ++ ~[PC] I was teasing you. I did not mean to drive you away. I was just playing with you...~ + a3410 /* SOUNDED_LIKE_TEEN_SPIRIT */ ++ ~[PC} I... I am scared of this, you idiot.~ + a3780 /* IM_SCARED */ END IF ~~ a3408 /* GRIN_AND_BARE_IT */ SAY ~[ARAN] (His response is a grin, and he rolls back and forth with you, his kisses reaching your lips, your neck. His hands play about your body. Suddenly, he moves above you, kneeling between your ankles. His eyes wander over your body for a long moment, his fingertips tracing lines along your ankles, calves, thighs, higher...)~ ++ ~[PC] Dear gods, I want you. Come here!~ + a3375 /* PC_IS_ON_BACK */ ++ ~[PC] (Sit up suddenly, your forehead resting on his shoulder, your palms memorizing his body, his hardness burning velvet under your touch.)~ + a3412 /* MOVING_ON_BACK */ ++ ~[PC] (Enjoy the caresses, holding back your mounting excitement.)~ + a3375 /* PC_IS_ON_BACK */ ++ ~[PC] (Sit up, your hands moving to his broad shoulders, pulling yourself onto his knees and wrapping your ankles behind his buttocks.)~ + a3412 /* MOVING_ON_BACK */ ++ ~[PC] Your fingers... they keep touching my thighs, and then my... you are driving me wild. Don't stop!~ + a3699 /* FRONT_TO_ARAN_FINGERS */ ++ ~[PC] Slow down, please... kisses are enough for me right now. Your lips, my lips... nothing else.~ + a3710 /* ARAN_MOON_SLEEP_2_EXIT */ ++ ~[PC] Stop, please. I do not think I can do this. In fact, I know I can't. You should leave.~ + a3371 /* UNFULFILLED_TEASED_EXIT */ END IF ~~ a3412 /* MOVING_ON_BACK */ SAY ~[ARAN] (He gently but forcefully lowers you onto your back, leaving you exposed and vulnerable beneath him.)~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a3375 /* PC_IS_ON_BACK */ END IF ~~ a3375 /* PC_IS_ON_BACK */ SAY ~[ARAN] (He looms above you in the darkness, his lips meeting yours, your knees rising on either side of his hips. Slowly, insistently, you feel the heat and pressure as he finds his way into you, your body moving to accommodate his progress.)~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a3389 /* ENDGAME_OF_TEASING */ END /* III. From Within Inn Flirts: Looking */ IF ~~ a3413 /* PC_1_LOOKING */ SAY ~[ARAN] Were you lookin' at somethin' in particular, or were you just tryin' to get my attention?~ ++ ~[PC] It took you long enough to notice. I think I want to kiss you.~ + a3414 /* FEM_LEAD_1 */ ++ ~[PC] (Blush and look down at your hands)~ + a3415 /* MALE_LEAD_1 */ ++ ~[PC] (Stand up and walk out of the common room)~ + a3416 /* FEMALE_EXITS */ ++ ~[PC] I don't know what you are talking about. I wasn't looking at anything in particular.~ + a3417 /* LOOKING_MAKE_MIND */ ++ ~[PC] Actually, I was looking at the armored man behind you. He seems to be very... muscular.~ + a3417 /* LOOKING_MAKE_MIND */ ++ ~[PC] If I had really wanted to get your attention, I would have thrown some garbage on the floor so you could root like a wild pig.~ + a3418 /* FIGHT_EXIT */ END IF ~~ a3417 /* LOOKING_MAKE_MIND */ SAY ~[ARAN] Well, now, that may be, or that might just be a bit o' wordplay wi' me, I think. So, were you castin' your eyes my way, or not?~ ++ ~[PC] I guess there is no harm in admitting I was looking at you. There might be no harm in my hand catching your chin, like this... or my lips meeting your lips, like this...~ + a3414 /* FEM_LEAD_1 */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] I... You don't really want to kiss me, anyways.~ + a3415 /* MALE_LEAD_1 */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",1)~ + ~[PC] I... You don't really want to kiss me, anyways. The last time was probably not that interesting to you.~ + a3415 /* MALE_LEAD_1 */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] I... You don't really want to kiss me, anyways. You seem much more interested in trying to discover how my body feels under your fingertips.~ + a3415 /* MALE_LEAD_1 */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",3)~ + ~[PC] I... You don't really want to kiss me, anyways. It probably seems so tame, after all the exploration we have already done with each other.~ + a3415 /* MALE_LEAD_1 */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",4)~ + ~[PC] I... You don't really want to kiss me, anyways. You probably just want to go upstairs and throw me around.~ + a3415 /* MALE_LEAD_1 */ ++ ~[PC] (Throw your arms around his neck and drag down on his body with all your weight.)~ + a3414 /* FEM_LEAD_1 */ ++ ~[PC] I wasn't looking at you this time. My face just happened to be pointing in your direction.~ + a3366 /* GET_OUT_EXIT */ ++ ~[PC] Actually, I was trying to figure out what is uglier - a pile of manure or your hair. The pile of dung was winning, because it probably smells worse... but not by much.~ + a3418 /* FIGHT_EXIT */ ++ ~[PC] I may have been looking at you, or I may not. But a good friend would not press me on something so silly.~ + a3419 /* LOOKING_JUST_FRIENDS */ ++ ~[PC] I think this conversation is over, at least for now.~ + a3416 /* FEMALE_EXITS */ END IF ~~ a3414 /* FEM_LEAD_1 */ SAY ~[ARAN] (Your lips meet his, the warmth and scent of evergreen heightened by a hint of alcohol lingering on his breath)~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a3420 /* LOOKING_ARAN_RESPONDS */ END IF ~~ a3415 /* MALE_LEAD_1 */ SAY ~[ARAN] (His hand cups the side of your face, drawing your chin up. His lips meet yours, the warmth and scent of evergreen heightened by a hint of alcohol lingering on his breath.)~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a3420 /* LOOKING_ARAN_RESPONDS */ END IF ~~ a3419 /* LOOKING_JUST_FRIENDS */ SAY ~[ARAN] I done heard that sometimes friends can be a mite more physically expressive o' their feelin's, wi' no harm an' no foul.~ ++ ~[PC] Well, there might be no harm in my hand catching your chin, like this... or my lips meeting your lips, like this...~ + a3414 /* FEM_LEAD_1 */ ++ ~[PC] If that is a clumsy attempt at asking for a kiss... I accept.~ + a3415 /* MALE_LEAD_1 */ ++ ~[PC] I thought we were on our way to being a little more than friends. Or was that just my imagination?~ + a3415 /* MALE_LEAD_1 */ ++ ~[PC] Aran... (Look down at your hands, then up into his face, silently pleading for a kiss.)~ + a3415 /* MALE_LEAD_1 */ ++ ~[PC] If it were true, I would have to get past the slight obstacle that the thought of kissing makes me want to throw up.~ + a3418 /* FIGHT_EXIT */ ++ ~[PC] I think you had better hope I forget you ever said that.~ + a3421 /* JUST_FRIENDS_INN_EXIT */ ++ ~[PC] Maybe, but let's leave things just as they are, at least for now.~ + a3421 /* JUST_FRIENDS_INN_EXIT */ END IF ~~ a3420 /* LOOKING_ARAN_RESPONDS */ SAY ~[ARAN] Now, was that so painful? You could have come over an' said you might be interested in a little sparkin', you know.~ ++ ~[PC] (Kiss him deeply, throwing your arms around his neck and drawing him close)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3422 /* LOOKING_ARAN_2_RESPONDS */ ++ ~[PC] I could get used to that. But we could do better. Let's try again.~ + a3422 /* LOOKING_ARAN_2_RESPONDS */ ++ ~[PC] How dare you take such a liberty! There is no excuse for crossing that line, no matter what. You should leave, this minute.~ + a3418 /* FIGHT_EXIT */ ++ ~[PC] I... I am a little confused. All this is new to me.~ + a3423 /* LOOKING_1_UNSURE */ ++ ~[PC] I think I have had enough for one night, thank you.~ + a3423 /* LOOKING_1_UNSURE */ ++ ~[PC] A kiss like that is about as exciting as watching moss grow.~ + a3418 /* FIGHT_EXIT */ END IF ~~ a3423 /* LOOKING_1_UNSURE */ SAY ~[ARAN] I don't want naught in th' way o' pressurin' you right now. I was just thinkin' that we be two souls what might need some physical comfort, an' might find it together.~ ++ ~[PC] I have no soul.~ + a3424 /* SOUL_PASSTHROUGH */ ++ ~[PC] I feel like I have no soul.~ + a3424 /* SOUL_PASSTHROUGH */ ++ ~[PC] That is a nice thought, but... I am not ready for romance of any kind right now. Why don't you just sit here with me, and hold my hand?~ + a3421 /* JUST_FRIENDS_INN_EXIT */ ++ ~[PC] I think I could use some comforting. If I was to sit on your lap, and perhaps you could hold me close, and we could kiss a little, I would like that.~ + a3425 /* MAKEOUT_INN_EXIT */ ++ ~[PC] (Move into his arms, and kiss him under the chin.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3422 /* LOOKING_ARAN_2_RESPONDS */ ++ ~[PC] No, thank you. I had better leave now.~ + a3421 /* JUST_FRIENDS_INN_EXIT */ ++ ~[PC] I like you, Aran. But there are times and places, and this is neither.~ + a3421 /* JUST_FRIENDS_INN_EXIT */ END IF ~~ a3424 /* SOUL_PASSTHROUGH */ SAY ~[ARAN] That may be, an' it might not be. You be here, an' alive, an' right next to me. Mayhap you just need some companion what to make you feel alive an' desirable, eh?~ ++ ~[PC] Don't patronize me, or downplay my loss. You do not know what this feels like.~ + a3426 /* NO_I_DONT */ ++ ~[PC] You would say anything to get me into your bed, right?~ + a3427 /* NO_HARM */ ++ ~[PC] I know you mean well, but... I am not ready for romance of any kind right now. Why don't you just sit here with me, and hold my hand?~ + a3421 /* JUST_FRIENDS_INN_EXIT */ ++ ~[PC] I think I could use some comforting. If I was to sit on your lap, and perhaps you could hold me close, and we could kiss a little, I would like that.~ + a3425 /* MAKEOUT_INN_EXIT */ ++ ~[PC] I like you, Aran. But there are times and places, and this is neither.~ + a3421 /* JUST_FRIENDS_INN_EXIT */ ++ ~[PC] I don't like you, Aran. At least not in that way. But this is not the time or place to discuss this.~ + a3421 /* JUST_FRIENDS_INN_EXIT */ END IF ~~ a3422 /* LOOKING_ARAN_2_RESPONDS */ SAY ~[ARAN] Now if we keep doin' this, things might just get a bit interestin', eh?~ ++ ~[PC] Well, from what I can feel, things seem to have gotten very exciting already.~ + a3428 /* LOOKING_3_RESPOND */ ++ ~[PC] Oh, so I am not exciting enough for you yet?~ + a3428 /* LOOKING_3_RESPOND */ ++ ~[PC] (Kiss his face, his neck, anything that is uncovered, nestling close to him.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3428 /* LOOKING_3_RESPOND */ ++ ~[PC] Aran.. your hands... you should take them out from there, I think.~ + a3429 /* CROSSED_LINE */ ++ ~[PC] I think that is enough. I don't want to do this right now.~ + a3421 /* JUST_FRIENDS_INN_EXIT */ ++ ~[PC] If you do not take me upstairs... and I mean that in so many ways... I will scream.~ + a3430 /* LOOKING_4_RESPOND */ ++ ~[PC] I think you should stop using those lips of yours to make snarky remarks. Mine have all sorts of things they can do with yours, instead.~ + a3425 /* MAKEOUT_INN_EXIT */ END IF ~~ a3426 /* NO_I_DONT */ SAY ~[ARAN] No, I don't rightly know, do I. But I know loss, an' I know pain, an' I have seen th' horrors o' war. Only three ways to fight that desperate hollowness. One, get drunk. Two, find somebody to be with. Three, run screamin' into th' night stark naked wi' only a dagger between you an' harm, darin' th' gods to smite you down...~ = ~[ARAN] err.. somehow I done got sidetracked. Strike that last. Make it two things, an' both together might ease th' pain.~ ++ ~[PC] (Move into his arms, and kiss him under the chin.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3422 /* LOOKING_ARAN_2_RESPONDS */ ++ ~[PC] I like you, Aran. But there are times and places, and this is neither.~ + a3421 /* JUST_FRIENDS_INN_EXIT */ ++ ~[PC] You don't know anything about anything. You are just pushing at me and pawing like an overgrown bear, and I resent it. Go away, sellsword.~ + a3418 /* FIGHT_EXIT */ ++ ~[PC] Aran, stop... I am not ready for any of this. I might never be. I don't know. Just... I should go.~ + a3421 /* JUST_FRIENDS_INN_EXIT */ ++ ~[PC] I think we should try that kiss again.~ + a3422 /* LOOKING_ARAN_2_RESPONDS */ ++ ~[PC] Now that truly spoiled the mood. Let's play cards, or do something else.~ + a3421 /* JUST_FRIENDS_INN_EXIT */ END IF ~~ a3427 /* NO_HARM */ SAY ~[ARAN] I don't mean naught in th' way o' harm. Yes, I want you. No, I'm not blighted likely to do anythin' you don't want to do. What be th' harm in passin' a time wi' you an' me, me an' you?~ ++ ~[PC] (Move into his arms, and kiss him under the chin.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3422 /* LOOKING_ARAN_2_RESPONDS */ ++ ~[PC] If I wanted any of this before, I certainly don't want it now. You just don't understand me or my needs at all. Get away from me.~ + a3418 /* FIGHT_EXIT */ ++ ~[PC] I like you, Aran. But there are times and places, and this is neither.~ + a3421 /* JUST_FRIENDS_INN_EXIT */ ++ ~[PC] I many be unsure of myself, but somehow I think you could be much more aggressive, and I might like it...~ + a3430 /* LOOKING_4_RESPOND */ ++ ~[PC] It is nice to know you want me. I like feeling desirable. Unfortunately, I think we should stop this. I am headed to my room. You should stay here.~ + a3416 /* FEMALE_EXITS */ END IF ~~ a3429 /* CROSSED_LINE */ SAY ~[ARAN] I don't mean naught in th' way o' harm. I'll keep my hands marshaled right proper, an' speak wi' my lips only, if that be what you want.~ ++ ~[PC] What do *you* want?~ + a3431 /* WANT_YOU */ ++ ~[PC] No. You crossed the line. I can't trust you. Go away, Aran.~ + a3418 /* FIGHT_EXIT */ ++ ~[PC] (Move into his arms, and kiss him under the chin.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3428 /* LOOKING_3_RESPOND */ ++ ~[PC] I like you, Aran. But there are times and places, and this is neither.~ + a3421 /* JUST_FRIENDS_INN_EXIT */ ++ ~[PC] What is sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander, I think... let me see. Hands go here...~ + a3432 /* YELP_PASSTHROUGH */ END IF ~~ a3431 /* WANT_YOU */ SAY ~[ARAN] You.~ ++ ~[PC] I guess I asked for that. I like you, Aran. But there are times and places, and this is neither.~ + a3421 /* JUST_FRIENDS_INN_EXIT */ ++ ~[PC] And I want you. Perhaps not forever, perhaps not tomorrow, but for tonight.~ + a3430 /* LOOKING_4_RESPOND */ ++ ~[PC] Aran, stop... I am not ready for any of this. I might never be. I don't know. Just... I should go.~ + a3421 /* JUST_FRIENDS_INN_EXIT */ ++ ~[PC] Predictable. Well, I am way out of your league, boyo. So stop wasting my time, at least until you have more to offer me.~ + a3418 /* FIGHT_EXIT */ ++ ~[PC] I'd want me, too. But until I am all in one piece and have settled on what I want for the long term, I am not going to do much more than talk with you.~ + a3421 /* JUST_FRIENDS_INN_EXIT */ ++ ~[PC] You are so sweet. I think you could kiss me, just for saying that.~ + a3430 /* LOOKING_4_RESPOND */ END IF ~~ a3432 /* YELP_PASSTHROUGH */ SAY ~[ARAN] COLD! Blighted hells, girl, why do you have hands o' ice? Oh... now... easy there, or you will warm up faster than you might want.~ ++ ~[PC] But your chest feels so warm, and kind of rough. So, what do you think of me now?~ + a3428 /* LOOKING_3_RESPOND */ ++ ~[PC] But your cheek feels so warm, and kind of rough. So, what do you think of me now?~ + a3428 /* LOOKING_3_RESPOND */ ++ ~[PC] Oh, I feel much warmer now. Actually, it feels like I am holding fire. Perhaps I have a new pet.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3433 /* LOOKING_ADVANCE_INTIMATE */ ++ ~[PC] I like the way your armor creases at your neck, and the way your hair plays about in my fingers. I feel so shy, looking at the hunger in your eyes. Aren't you going to kiss me?~ + a3428 /* LOOKING_3_RESPOND */ ++ ~[PC] Well, if you can't take it, you are less of a man than I thought. Forget it. I was not really interested anyways.~ + a3418 /* FIGHT_EXIT */ ++ ~[PC] I... I need to slow down. This is getting out of control. We should stop.~ + a3421 /* JUST_FRIENDS_INN_EXIT */ END IF ~~ a3433 /* LOOKING_ADVANCE_INTIMATE */ SAY ~[ARAN] Sune's Sweet Scent, I can't get enough o' th' sight o' you, th' sounds o' you, th' feel o' you...~ ++ ~[PC] Hey, those hands... oh, never mind. No one can see us over here anyw... ways... ok, now that feels good.~ + a3430 /* LOOKING_4_RESPOND */ ++ ~[PC] You should take me upstairs... and I mean that in so many ways... right now.~ + a3430 /* LOOKING_4_RESPOND */ ++ ~[PC] Hey, watch it. If I wanted to be felt up and mauled like a prize cow, I would have stayed in Candlekeep. Haven't you ever entertained a woman before?~ + a3418 /* FIGHT_EXIT */ ++ ~[PC] I have things well in hand, I think... but you seem to need some guidance. Here, under this... like this... right there... yes.~ + a3430 /* LOOKING_4_RESPOND */ ++ ~[PC] Your hands are so warm, and... ooooh. Don't stop any of that, the kissing, the touching...~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3425 /* MAKEOUT_INN_EXIT */ ++ ~[PC] This is too much, too fast. Slow down, Aran. Tell me why you want to be with me.~ + a3428 /* LOOKING_3_RESPOND */ END IF ~~ a3428 /* LOOKING_3_RESPOND */ SAY ~[ARAN] Hmmm. Incredible lips, check. Eyes to drown in, check. Now, let me convince you o' just how excitin' you are...~ ++ ~[PC] Hey, those hands... oh, never mind. No one can see us over here anyw... ways... ok, now that feels good.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3430 /* LOOKING_4_RESPOND */ ++ ~[PC] Keep those hands in plain sight, Aran. But as the gods are my witness, I will kill you if you stop kissing me.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3430 /* LOOKING_4_RESPOND */ ++ ~[PC] (Kiss him, lips softened and warm, tongue just grazing his lips again and again.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3430 /* LOOKING_4_RESPOND */ ++ ~[PC] Hey, watch it. If I wanted to be felt up and mauled like a prize cow, I would have stayed in Candlekeep. Haven't you ever entertained a woman before?~ + a3418 /* FIGHT_EXIT */ ++ ~[PC] You should take me upstairs... and I mean that in so many ways... right now.~ + a3430 /* LOOKING_4_RESPOND */ ++ ~[PC] Oh, dear me. A little chink in your armor, I think... and then my hands can run right up your thighs, right to...~ + a3430 /* LOOKING_4_RESPOND */ ++ ~[PC] Aran, stop... I am not ready for any of this. I might never be. I don't know. Just... I should go.~ + a3421 /* JUST_FRIENDS_INN_EXIT */ END IF ~~ a3430 /* LOOKING_4_RESPOND */ SAY ~[ARAN] (Lips meet lips devouring and battling fiercely for supremacy)~ ++ ~[PC] (Get up and lead him upstairs to your bedchamber, giggling and blushing brightly)~ + a3434 /* SLEEP_NOW_PASSTHROUGH */ ++ ~[PC] (Follow him upstairs to your bedchamber, sneaking carefully to avoid detection)~ + a3434 /* SLEEP_NOW_PASSTHROUGH */ ++ ~[PC] I think I will meet you upstairs in a moment, Aran. I am sure you can find your way.~ + a3435 /* MOVE_TO_AREA */ ++ ~[PC] Upstairs, boyo. And don't keep me waiting.~ + a3435 /* MOVE_TO_AREA */ ++ ~[PC] This... this is just right. Right here, hidden away in this corner, I could kiss you for hours.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3425 /* MAKEOUT_INN_EXIT */ ++ ~[PC] Stop! I can't do this.~ + a3421 /* JUST_FRIENDS_INN_EXIT */ ++ ~[PC] I have had enough of this. You should go on about your business, Aran.~ + a3421 /* JUST_FRIENDS_INN_EXIT */ ++ ~[PC] Well, that was fun. I bet you will have some wild dreams tonight. I, on the other hand, am dropping you cold and seeing what other kinds of trouble I can cause.~ + a3366 /* GET_OUT_EXIT */ END IF ~~ a3435 /* MOVE_TO_AREA */ SAY ~[ARAN] (The trip is quick, and the door to your bedchamber is half open. The covers of the bed are visible just beyond.)~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a3434 /* SLEEP_NOW_PASSTHROUGH */ END IF ~~ a3434 /* SLEEP_NOW_PASSTHROUGH */ SAY ~[ARAN] Hey, this be more than I ever expected. But I want no chances o' makin' things unhappy between us. Just what be my ground rules, eh?~ ++ ~[PC] I have changed my mind. Thank you for a wonderful time, but this doorway is as far as you go.~ + a3436 /* SLEEP_NOW_INN_0_EXIT */ ++ ~[PC] I would... you know... look, just holding hands is very nice.~ + a3421 /* JUST_FRIENDS_INN_EXIT */ ++ ~[PC] Just kissing, of course. If you want to, that is...~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3437 /* SLEEP_NOW_INN_1_EXIT */ ++ ~[PC] I want to feel you close to me, Aran. I think we can enjoy ourselves without taking off all of our clothes. Just a few odds and ends, here and there...~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3438 /* SLEEP_NOW_INN_2_EXIT */ ++ ~[PC] You and I can share almost everything except a full-scale committed invasion, if you catch my metaphor.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",3)~ + a3439 /* SLEEP_NOW_INN_3_EXIT */ ++ ~[PC] I want you to have all of me, in every way. I want all of you, in every way. Can I be much clearer than that?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",4)~ + a3440 /* SLEEP_NOW_INN_4_EXIT */ ++ ~[PC] I... I am not very experienced, Aran. Can we please go slowly? I am not sure how far I want to go.~ + a3438 /* SLEEP_NOW_INN_2_EXIT */ ++ ~[PC] No rules, and no game. Try another time, Aran. I am sure you can find your way back to the common room.~ + a3366 /* GET_OUT_EXIT */ END /* IV: From Within Inn Flirts: Walking At Day Encounter */ IF ~~ a3441 /* PC_OUTDOOR_PLACE */ SAY ~[ARAN] Th' problem wi' all o' this outdoor walkin' be that I can't watch you proper when you keep movin' behind me.~ ++ ~[PC] I think this is a nice quiet spot, right over here. I think I want to kiss you.~ + a3442 /* FEM_LEAD_1_ACTION */ ++ ~[PC] (Pretend to stumble, falling forward.)~ + a3443 /* ARAN_LEAD_TRIP_ACTION */ ++ ~[PC] Well, I think I have had enough fresh air. You go on about your business, and I will see you later.~ + a3444 /* FEMALE_LEAVES */ ++ ~[PC] I don't know if I really want to walk, or just to sit over there for a little while, out of the way.~ + a3445 /* ARAN_UNDECIDED_OUTDOOR */ ++ ~[PC] Sorry. I was distracted by a man I saw today. His arms were so... well, to be honest, his whole body... is it warm here, or is it just me?~ + a3445 /* ARAN_UNDECIDED_OUTDOOR */ ++ ~[PC] I don't like the view of your enormous rear, but it beats having you constantly ogle me when you think I am not paying attention.~ + a3366 /* GET_OUT_EXIT */ END IF ~~ a3445 /* ARAN_UNDECIDED_OUTDOOR */ /* try not to advance action on this one. Not every state needs to move forward - in RL, relationship plateaus exist. (edit: 7 choices) */ SAY ~[ARAN] Here. Sit down. I done cleaned off a nice spot for you, right here.~ ++ ~[PC] I think I prefer your lap. And now that I am here, I might as well kiss your neck a little, and see what comes up.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3442 /* FEM_LEAD_1_ACTION */ /* advance talking */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Don't you think it is about time that you kiss me?~ + a3446 /* ARAN_LEAD_1_ACTION */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",1)~ + ~[PC] I think we need more lip practice. You start.~ + a3446 /* ARAN_LEAD_1_ACTION */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] I want to feel your body under my fingertips again. I know you do, too, judging by the way your hand seems to be creeping up my thigh.~ + a3446 /* ARAN_LEAD_1_ACTION */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",3)~ + ~[PC] I think we are alone. I think we both need to get a little pleasure... or lot of pleasure...~ + a3446 /* ARAN_LEAD_1_ACTION */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",4)~ + ~[PC] I wish we could find a way to be completely together right this very minute.~ + a3446 /* ARAN_LEAD_1_ACTION */ /* advance no talking */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] (Tilt your head, pouting your lips slightly, and tip your face toward his.)~ + a3446 /* ARAN_LEAD_1_ACTION */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",1)~ + ~[PC] (Smile at him, bringing your nose to touch his, eye to eye, lips almost touching.)~ + a3446 /* ARAN_LEAD_1_ACTION */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] (Press your lips toward his as a distraction, while your fingers trace small circles along his body until you find a way to feel his warm bare skin under your fingertips.)~ + a3446 /* ARAN_LEAD_1_ACTION */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",3)~ + ~[PC] (Proffer your lips to him, your hands moving where they can find his bare skin, pulling him into an intimate embrace.)~ + a3446 /* ARAN_LEAD_1_ACTION */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",4)~ + ~[PC] (Bite your lip and look down the entire length of his body, blushing... and then look directly into his eyes, promising all.)~ + a3446 /* ARAN_LEAD_1_ACTION */ ++ ~[PC] Oh, get up and get moving. I didn't want you to go all silly. We have better things to do than this.~ + a3366 /* GET_OUT_EXIT */ ++ ~[PC] Then you dirtied it up by sitting there and spoiling everything. What, you expect me to sit on you like some peasant girl?~ + a3366 /* GET_OUT_EXIT */ ++ ~[PC] I think that might be a little too close to each other for appearances. A good friend sits beside you, not practically on top of you.~ + a3611 /* FRIEND_OUTDOOR_BENEFITS */ ++ ~[PC] I think this conversation is over, at least for now.~ + a3444 /* FEMALE_LEAVES */ END IF ~~ a3443 /* ARAN_LEAD_TRIP_ACTION */ SAY ~[ARAN] (His arms catch roughly around your waist, spinning you into his arms.)~ = ~[ARAN] Well, I be a mite happier right now, on account o' I have a whole armful o' very interestin' female just inches from kissin'.~ ++ ~[PC] Why ask, when I have soft lips proffered to you, begging for your touch?~ + a3446 /* ARAN_LEAD_1_ACTION */ /* advance talking */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] I would not mind that. In fact, I might like that.~ + a3446 /* ARAN_LEAD_1_ACTION */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",1)~ + ~[PC] Was the last one so displeasing that you would hesitate right now?~ + a3446 /* ARAN_LEAD_1_ACTION */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] A kiss might be very nice, and your hands seem to have found my bottom rather quickly.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3446 /* ARAN_LEAD_1_ACTION */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",3)~ + ~[PC] Too bad we are in public right now, or we could repeat that whole 'put your tongue where your fingers have explored' game...~ + a3446 /* ARAN_LEAD_1_ACTION */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",4)~ + ~[PC] Hey, this is not the bedchamber, bath, or bedroll. But a kiss or three would be very welcome.~ + a3446 /* ARAN_LEAD_1_ACTION */ /* advance no talking */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] (Tilt your head, pouting your lips slightly, and tip your face toward his.)~ + a3446 /* ARAN_LEAD_1_ACTION */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",1)~ + ~[PC] (Smile at him, bringing your nose to touch his, eye to eye, lips almost touching.)~ + a3446 /* ARAN_LEAD_1_ACTION */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] (Press your lips toward his as a distraction, while your fingers trace small circles along his body until you find a way to feel his warm bare skin under your fingertips.)~ + a3446 /* ARAN_LEAD_1_ACTION */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",3)~ + ~[PC] (Proffer your lips to him, your hands moving where they can find his bare skin, pulling him into an intimate embrace.)~ + a3447 /* FEM_LEAD_2_ACTION */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",4)~ + ~[PC] (Bite your lip and look down the entire length of his body, blushing... and then look directly into his eyes, promising all.)~ + a3446 /* ARAN_LEAD_1_ACTION */ ++ ~[PC] (Loop your arms around his neck and kiss him gently)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3442 /* FEM_LEAD_1_ACTION */ ++ ~[PC] I want more than kisses from you, Aran. I want to see some of what is under all that armor. Please?~ + a3447 /* FEM_LEAD_2_ACTION */ ++ ~[PC] No kissing, if you please. Actually, no kissing, whether you please or not. But you could hold my hand as we walk, if you like.~ + a3448 /* WALK_HANDHOLDING_EXIT */ ++ ~[PC] Let go of me. I wanted a walk, not a wrestling match.~ + a3366 /* GET_OUT_EXIT */ END IF ~~ a3442 /* FEM_LEAD_1_ACTION */ SAY ~[ARAN] ... ~ = ~[ARAN] When you kiss, you do really kiss, eh? Not that I be complainin', mind you.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-intimate","GLOBAL",1)~ GOTO a3449 /* ARAN_OUTDOOR_1_RESPONSE */ END IF ~~ a3447 /* FEM_LEAD_2_ACTION */ SAY ~[ARAN] (Fumbling fingers and some tugging and pulling reveal his chest, strong and smooth. His hands play with your ear, then your cheek.)~ ++ ~[PC] Oh. I was expecting more. Much more. Put your armor back on, and let's get going.~ + a3366 /* GET_OUT_EXIT */ ++ ~[PC] This muscle jumps a little when I touch it. Soft and smooth, but hard under the skin... you take your training regimen seriously.~ + a3450 /* ARAN_OUTDOOR_2_RESPONSE */ ++ ~[PC] That scar seems like it needs some healing. Perhaps I should kiss it and make it better.~ + a3451 /* ACTION_DELAY */ ++ ~[PC] What a cute little dragon tattoo! Does it really go down below your belt?~ + a3451 /* ACTION_DELAY */ ++ ~[PC] Fair is fair. You showed me yours, so I should show you mine. Just move closer, here, as I really do not want everything on public display...~ + a3451 /* ACTION_DELAY */ ++ ~[PC] I think I am not ready for much more than this, Aran. But you have given me plenty to think about.~ + a3452 /* JUST_FRIENDS_EXIT */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] (Tilt your head, pouting your lips slightly, and tip your face toward his.)~ + a3446 /* ARAN_LEAD_1_ACTION */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",1)~ + ~[PC] (Smile at him, bringing your nose to touch his, eye to eye, lips almost touching.)~ + a3446 /* ARAN_LEAD_1_ACTION */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] (Press your lips toward his as a distraction, while your fingers trace small circles along his body until you find a way to feel his warm bare skin under your fingertips.)~ + a3446 /* ARAN_LEAD_1_ACTION */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",3)~ + ~[PC] (Proffer your lips to him, your hands moving where they can find his bare skin, pulling him into an intimate embrace.)~ + a3447 /* FEM_LEAD_2_ACTION */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",4)~ + ~[PC] (Bite your lip and look down the entire length of his body, blushing... and then look directly into his eyes, promising all.)~ + a3446 /* ARAN_LEAD_1_ACTION */ END IF ~~ a3451 /* ACTION_DELAY */ SAY ~[ARAN] Hey now, this be a mite bit public for such things, eh? Mayhap we be better served wi' a kiss on those ripe lips o' yours...~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a3446 /* ARAN_LEAD_1_ACTION */ END IF ~~ a3611 /* FRIEND_OUTDOOR_BENEFITS */ SAY ~[ARAN] Now, sometimes friends can be a mite more physically expressive o' their feelin's. I'm right sure I have indicated I might just be that sort o' companion, eh?~ ++ ~[PC] Well, there might be no harm in letting my lips do more than talk.~ + a3442 /* FEM_LEAD_1_ACTION */ ++ ~[PC] A very loose definition of 'friend', I see... I think I will just loosen a few things here and there, and... my. My chest suddenly feels very cold. Do you think you could help in some way?~ + a3446 /* ARAN_LEAD_1_ACTION */ /* advance talking */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] I thought we were on our way to being a little more than friends. Or was that just my imagination?~ + a3446 /* ARAN_LEAD_1_ACTION */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",1)~ + ~[PC] I think 'kissing cousins' is a silly phrase. But I kind of like 'kissing companions'.~ + a3446 /* ARAN_LEAD_1_ACTION */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] I think we have stretched the boundaries of 'friendship' into an entirely new shape. I suppose not technically to 'lovers', but very, very close.~ + a3446 /* ARAN_LEAD_1_ACTION */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",3)~ + ~[PC] Well, I hope the general definition of 'friend' does not include the kind of pleasure we have shared. We may not have been with each other completely, but at this point, that might count as a technicality. Can't we call each other 'lover'?~ + a3446 /* ARAN_LEAD_1_ACTION */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",4)~ + ~[PC] Oh, so this is friendship, is it? Hmmm. Remind me to talk to you about normal friendly things the next time you are towering over me, about to consummate our 'friendship'.~ + a3446 /* ARAN_LEAD_1_ACTION */ /* advance no talking */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] (Tilt your head, pouting your lips slightly, and tip your face toward his.)~ + a3446 /* ARAN_LEAD_1_ACTION */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",1)~ + ~[PC] (Smile at him, bringing your nose to touch his, eye to eye, lips almost touching.)~ + a3446 /* ARAN_LEAD_1_ACTION */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] (Press your lips toward his as a distraction, while your fingers trace small circles along his body until you find a way to feel his warm bare skin under your fingertips.)~ + a3446 /* ARAN_LEAD_1_ACTION */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",3)~ + ~[PC] (Proffer your lips to him, your hands moving where they can find his bare skin, pulling him into an intimate embrace.)~ + a3447 /* FEM_LEAD_2_ACTION */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",4)~ + ~[PC] (Bite your lip and look down the entire length of his body, blushing... and then look directly into his eyes, promising all.)~ + a3446 /* ARAN_LEAD_1_ACTION */ ++ ~[PC] You could... you could touch me.~ + a3767 /* MOON_ADVANCE_ACTION */ ++ ~[PC] I think you are pushing boundaries I am not comfortable having pushed. Perhaps we should just stop now, and take this up another time.~ + a3452 /* JUST_FRIENDS_EXIT */ ++ ~[PC] You may have indicated that, but I am not sure I agree. It is fun flirting, but I don't think I want to take any chances of... complications.~ + a3453 /* ARAN_RECHECK_WANTED_RESPONSE */ ++ ~[PC] Maybe, but let's leave things just as they are, at least for now.~ + a3452 /* JUST_FRIENDS_EXIT */ END IF ~~ a3446 /* ARAN_LEAD_1_ACTION */ SAY ~[ARAN] (His lips meet yours, a low growl rumbling deep in his chest.)~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",1)~ GOTO a3449 /* ARAN_OUTDOOR_1_RESPONSE */ END IF ~~ a3449 /* ARAN_OUTDOOR_1_RESPONSE */ /* edit: 8 possible replies */ SAY ~[ARAN] So, all this walkin' was a means to get me alone for a mite bit, an' take advantage o' me, I bet.~ ++ ~[PC] (Kiss him deeply, throwing your arms around his neck and drawing him close)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3450 /* ARAN_OUTDOOR_2_RESPONSE */ ++ ~[PC] Let's try that again. It tickles when you growl that way.~ + a3450 /* ARAN_OUTDOOR_2_RESPONSE */ ++ ~[PC] Gods, you taste horrible. Whatever possessed me to think you were attractive, anyways?~ + a3366 /* GET_OUT_EXIT */ ++ ~[PC] I... think I like this, but I am a little confused.~ + a3453 /* ARAN_RECHECK_WANTED_RESPONSE */ ++ ~[PC] I think I have had enough for one night, thank you.~ + a3453 /* ARAN_RECHECK_WANTED_RESPONSE */ ++ ~[PC] I think we should stop all of this for now.~ + a3452 /* JUST_FRIENDS_EXIT */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] (Bite your lip and look down the entire length of his body, blushing... and then look directly into his eyes, wordlessly promising more than you have promised before.)~ + a3454 /* ACTION_PASSTHROUGH */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",1)~ + ~[PC] (Bite your lip and look down the entire length of his body, blushing... and then look directly into his eyes, wordlessly promising more than you have promised before.)~ + a3454 /* ACTION_PASSTHROUGH */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] (Bite your lip and look down the entire length of his body, blushing... and then look directly into his eyes, wordlessly promising more than you have promised before.)~ + a3454 /* ACTION_PASSTHROUGH */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",3)~ + ~[PC] (Bite your lip and look down the entire length of his body, blushing... and then look directly into his eyes, wordlessly promising more than you have promised before.)~ + a3454 /* ACTION_PASSTHROUGH */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",4)~ + ~[PC] (Bite your lip and look down the entire length of his body, blushing... and then look directly into his eyes, promising all.)~ + a3454 /* ACTION_PASSTHROUGH */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] (Tilt your head, pouting your lips slightly, and tip your face toward his.)~ + a3454 /* ACTION_PASSTHROUGH */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",1)~ + ~[PC] (Smile at him, bringing your nose to touch his, eye to eye, lips almost touching.)~ + a3454 /* ACTION_PASSTHROUGH */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] (Press your lips toward his as a distraction, while your fingers trace small circles along his body until you find a way to feel his warm bare skin under your fingertips.)~ + a3454 /* ACTION_PASSTHROUGH */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",3)~ + ~[PC] (Proffer your lips to him, your hands moving where they can find his bare skin, pulling him into an intimate embrace.)~ + a3454 /* ACTION_PASSTHROUGH */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",4)~ + ~[PC] (Bite your lip and look down the entire length of his body, blushing... and then look directly into his eyes, promising all.)~ + a3454 /* ACTION_PASSTHROUGH */ ++ ~[PC] That is a bet you would win.~ + a3454 /* ACTION_PASSTHROUGH */ END IF ~~ a3453 /* ARAN_RECHECK_WANTED_RESPONSE */ SAY ~[ARAN] Well, there may be someone else what holds your heart, or mayhap not. But I am here right now, an' there be no harm in pursuin' some options, eh?~ ++ ~[PC] I want to feel your hands, feel your lips on me. I want so much, right now...~ + a3454 /* ACTION_PASSTHROUGH */ ++ ~[PC] I want so much, but I have so little to offer. I don't know how to please you, really... I am just making this up as I go along.~ + a3454 /* ACTION_PASSTHROUGH */ ++ ~[PC] That is a nice thought, but... I am not ready for romance of any kind right now. Why don't you just sit here with me for awhile, and hold my hand?~ + a3452 /* JUST_FRIENDS_EXIT */ ++ ~[PC] Just kiss my lips, and don't stop. Unless the sky is filled with undead flying liches, or Irenicus taps you on the shoulder, in which case, stop while we deal with them... and then start kissing me again.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3455 /* MAKEOUT_IN_SHADOWS */ ++ ~[PC] (Move into his arms, and kiss him under the chin.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3450 /* ARAN_OUTDOOR_2_RESPONSE */ ++ ~[PC] You could... you could touch me.~ + a3767 /* MOON_ADVANCE_ACTION */ ++ ~[PC] No, thank you. I had better leave now.~ + a3452 /* JUST_FRIENDS_EXIT */ ++ ~[PC] There are times and places, Aran, and this is neither.~ + a3452 /* JUST_FRIENDS_EXIT */ END IF ~~ a3454 /* ACTION_PASSTHROUGH */ SAY ~[ARAN] I think we can do some searchin' an' playin' and see what it be you really want. Half th' fun be in th' game, eh?~ ++ ~[PC] I know you mean well, but... I am not ready for romance of any kind right now. Why don't you just sit here with me, and hold my hand?~ + a3452 /* JUST_FRIENDS_EXIT */ ++ ~[PC] I think I could use some comforting. Perhaps you could hold me close, and we could kiss a little, I would like that.~ + a3455 /* MAKEOUT_IN_SHADOWS */ ++ ~[PC] I like you, Aran. But there are times and places, and this is neither.~ + a3452 /* JUST_FRIENDS_EXIT */ /* advancement possible talking */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] This may be a game to you, but I take it very seriously. I intend to explore every bit of your lips with mine, and nothing is going to stop me.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3450 /* ARAN_OUTDOOR_2_RESPONSE */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",1)~ + ~[PC] Kissing is nice. But running my hands along your body, and feeling your fingers touch me that way... it is far more enjoyable.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3450 /* ARAN_OUTDOOR_2_RESPONSE */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] What would you say if my hand happened to make its way ... here? ... OH! I was not expecting direct reciprocity!~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",3)~ + a3450 /* ARAN_OUTDOOR_2_RESPONSE */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",3)~ + ~[PC] I want to please you, Aran. I know we have only a little privacy, but if I move like this, and you lift your knee, my lips can have free reign over your pleasure...~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",3)~ + a3450 /* ARAN_OUTDOOR_2_RESPONSE */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",4)~ + ~[PC] Shhh. I think we can hide ourselves away right here, and if we are discreet, and I sit on your lap like... this... there. Inseparable. Pinned together.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",4)~ + a3450 /* ARAN_OUTDOOR_2_RESPONSE */ /* advancement possible no talking */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] (Kiss his lips gently, determinedly.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3450 /* ARAN_OUTDOOR_2_RESPONSE */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",1)~ + ~[PC] (Open your lips to him, running your hands along his body, exploring the feelings that creates.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3450 /* ARAN_OUTDOOR_2_RESPONSE */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] (Play about under his clothing, gently wrestling away from his exploring hands.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3450 /* ARAN_OUTDOOR_2_RESPONSE */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",3)~ + ~[PC] (Kiss your way down his neck, and then transfer your attentions to just below his beltline...)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",3)~ + a3450 /* ARAN_OUTDOOR_2_RESPONSE */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",4)~ + ~[PC] (Sit gently on his lap facing him, kissing him.)~ + a3456 /* ARAN_HEAVY_RESPONSE */ ++ ~[PC] Oh, this is all so stupid. I don't want all this right now. Go and get me a gift, or make me something, or just walk with me.~ + a3448 /* WALK_HANDHOLDING_EXIT */ ++ ~[PC] No, thank you. I had better leave now.~ + a3452 /* JUST_FRIENDS_EXIT */ END IF ~~ a3456 /* ARAN_HEAVY_RESPONSE */ SAY ~[ARAN] Now, what have we here...~ ++ ~[PC] (Kiss him again and again, your desire held at bay.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3457 /* ARAN_OUTDOOR_3_RESPONSE */ ++ ~[PC] Me. Shhh. Just need to unlace this... and... there. Gods... slowly... gently... your fingers...~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3450 /* ARAN_OUTDOOR_2_RESPONSE */ ++ ~[PC] (Move down his body slowly, nestling close to him, until your face is in his lap.)~ + a3458 /* ARAN_QUESTIONING */ ++ ~[PC] I know we have... you know... but sometimes I think... sometimes I wonder how this happened at all.~ + a3460 /* ARAN_RIGHT_THEN */ ++ ~[PC] (Glance quickly around, then undo his lacings and yours, settling yourself down upon his rampant manhood.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",4)~ + a3450 /* ARAN_OUTDOOR_2_RESPONSE */ ++ ~[PC] (Let your hands wander under his clothing, gently moving up and down the length of his manhood, wrestling from time to time with the constraints of his leggings.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3458 /* ARAN_QUESTIONING */ END IF ~~ a3458 /* ARAN_QUESTIONING */ SAY ~[ARAN] Easy there... you be gettin' me a bit excited. What do you be after?~ ++ ~[PC] Oh, nothing. Shhh. Just need to unlace this... and... hmmmmmm.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",3)~ + a3459 /* ARAN_SUNES_BLESSINGS */ ++ ~[PC] (Answer with your lips finding their way south, savoring his reactions.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",3)~ + a3459 /* ARAN_SUNES_BLESSINGS */ ++ ~[PC] (Inspect your findings carefully, frowning gently, moving your hand along him and listening to the sounds around you.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",3)~ + a3450 /* ARAN_OUTDOOR_2_RESPONSE */ ++ ~[PC] I... I don't know what I am after. But I can experiment, and you can tell me if I am pleasing you.~ + a3450 /* ARAN_OUTDOOR_2_RESPONSE */ ++ ~[PC] You could... you could touch me.~ + a3767 /* MOON_ADVANCE_ACTION */ ++ ~[PC] Aran... I seem to have gotten carried away again. Is this all right? I mean, does this make me less of a person?~ + a3460 /* ARAN_RIGHT_THEN */ END IF ~~ a3450 /* ARAN_OUTDOOR_2_RESPONSE */ SAY ~[ARAN] I can't move at all like this. You are drivin' me right crazy, ... I'm findin' it right hard to keep this up for long.~ /* no heavy kissing yet, moving to heavy kissing */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] I like it. Kissing. It tickles, and it is warm. But your face is a little rough... I may have burned my lips a little.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3457 /* ARAN_OUTDOOR_3_RESPONSE */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] If kissing makes me feel this way, I may have to try some more interesting things with you later on.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3457 /* ARAN_OUTDOOR_3_RESPONSE */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] This is pleasant, but it scares me a little. No, it scares me a great deal.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3457 /* ARAN_OUTDOOR_3_RESPONSE */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] I like driving you crazy. Especially when you let me play with this...~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3457 /* ARAN_OUTDOOR_3_RESPONSE */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] (Hesitantly kiss him, hands folded against his chest.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3457 /* ARAN_OUTDOOR_3_RESPONSE */ /* heavy kissing, moving to kissing and touching */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",1)~ + ~[PC] Nonsense. Nothing more than gentle touches, here, there, and.. oh. Now *that* feels very, very interesting.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3457 /* ARAN_OUTDOOR_3_RESPONSE */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",1)~ + ~[PC] It is difficult to concentrate when your hand is finding interesting places to explore. The tie you are trying to unfasten is a little higher, and to the left.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3457 /* ARAN_OUTDOOR_3_RESPONSE */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",1)~ + ~[PC] I think this is wonderful, but I never realized how many places ants could find when you are having this much fun. There is one crawling right up my arm.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3457 /* ARAN_OUTDOOR_3_RESPONSE */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",1)~ + ~[PC] I can't believe how many contrasts there can be. Smooth but rough, hot but cold, and your hands are doing things I have only dreamed of.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3457 /* ARAN_OUTDOOR_3_RESPONSE */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",1)~ + ~[PC] (Hesitantly kiss him, your hands playing with his lacings and then finding the touch of skin on skin, carried away by the feel and smell of him.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3457 /* ARAN_OUTDOOR_3_RESPONSE */ /* kissing and touching, moving to heavy petting */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] Then let me please you. Just don't make any sounds that might attract attention.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",3)~ + a3459 /* ARAN_SUNES_BLESSINGS */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] I think my lips can do all the moving that is required... though if you roll on your side, there is less chance of a stray glance discovering us.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",3)~ + a3459 /* ARAN_SUNES_BLESSINGS */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] I must be doing it wrong... you are able to talk to me instead of babbling incoherently. But I prefer not to talk while my mouth is full, so shhh...~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",3)~ + a3459 /* ARAN_SUNES_BLESSINGS */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] Stop trying to reach for me. This is all about you, for once. Just relax, and feel the excitement. We could be discovered at any moment...~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",3)~ + a3459 /* ARAN_SUNES_BLESSINGS */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] (Nestle down hidden into his lap, letting your lips breathe life into him, playing and gently nipping your way through his reactions.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",3)~ + a3459 /* ARAN_SUNES_BLESSINGS */ /* heavy petting, moving to intercourse */ + ~GlobalGT("c-aransex","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] Just hold on, if you can... I can move with you inside me, ever so slightly. If you have the willpower to withstand my slowly torturing you.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",4)~ + a3459 /* ARAN_SUNES_BLESSINGS */ + ~GlobalGT("c-aransex","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] I am having trouble enough not crying out... I think you have filled me completely. You keep yourself quiet, and just enjoy.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",4)~ + a3459 /* ARAN_SUNES_BLESSINGS */ + ~GlobalGT("c-aransex","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] That is fine, as I am about to... gods... should we stop?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",4)~ + a3461 /* ARAN_TOO_LATE */ + ~GlobalGT("c-aransex","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] Silly choice of words, given what I am feeling right now. Do you want me to stop?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",4)~ + a3461 /* ARAN_TOO_LATE */ + ~GlobalGT("c-aransex","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] (Smile at him, then look down to see where you both meet, rocking gently.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",4)~ + a3459 /* ARAN_SUNES_BLESSINGS */ ++ ~[PC] Well, from what I can feel, things seem to have gotten very exciting already. We should slow down, though. I am having second thoughts.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",3)~ + a3457 /* ARAN_OUTDOOR_3_RESPONSE */ ++ ~[PC] Oh, so I am not exciting enough for you yet? Well, in that case, I think we had better save this for somewhere else, where we have more privacy.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",3)~ + a3457 /* ARAN_OUTDOOR_3_RESPONSE */ ++ ~[PC] I'll stop, then. But I want to curl up in your lap, and have you brush my hair for hours.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3462 /* DEATH_OF_ME */ END IF ~~ a3459 /* ARAN_SUNES_BLESSINGS */ SAY ~[ARAN] Sharess's Sweet Sighs, I thank Her Name you chose to spend your time wi' me this way. Just be careful, on account o' I am about to...~ = ~[ARAN] ... ~ ++ ~[PC] Warm. Very warm, and kind of sticky. But fun. Perhaps we should try again.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",3)~ + a3462 /* DEATH_OF_ME */ ++ ~[PC] I suppose now is the wrong time to ask if friends make friends have multiple orgasms?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",3)~ + a3462 /* DEATH_OF_ME */ ++ ~[PC] Let me have a drink from your waterskin, and perhaps we can try again.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",3)~ + a3462 /* DEATH_OF_ME */ ++ ~[PC] That was... well, it made you very happy.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",3)~ + a3462 /* DEATH_OF_ME */ ++ ~[PC] I think we need a rematch. We can do better.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",3)~ + a3462 /* DEATH_OF_ME */ ++ ~[PC] (Hold him close to you, savoring his reaction.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",3)~ + a3463 /* ARAN_CUDDLE_ON_CHEST */ ++ ~[PC] I can't believe we did this. I did this. I... I must have gotten carried away. I shouldn't have done this.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",3)~ + a3464 /* ARAN_REASSURE_OUTDOOR */ END IF ~~ a3461 /* ARAN_TOO_LATE */ SAY ~[ARAN] Gods alive... Too late...~ ++ ~[PC] Warm. Very warm, and kind of tickley inside. But fun. Perhaps we should try again.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",4)~ + a3462 /* DEATH_OF_ME */ ++ ~[PC] I c... can't stop right now... got to... to...~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",4)~ + a3462 /* DEATH_OF_ME */ ++ ~[PC] HOLD ME TIGHTER.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",4)~ + a3462 /* DEATH_OF_ME */ ++ ~[PC] (Savor his pleasure, letting yours join his... a small explosion of feeling quietly hidden in the shadows.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",4)~ + a3463 /* ARAN_CUDDLE_ON_CHEST */ ++ ~[PC] I suppose now is the wrong time to ask if friends make friends have multiple orgasms?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",4)~ + a3462 /* DEATH_OF_ME */ ++ ~[PC] Damn. I was not expecting that. Oh well, what is done is done. We just got carried away. This changes nothing between us, do you understand?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",4)~ + a3462 /* DEATH_OF_ME */ ++ ~[PC] I can't believe we did this. I did this. I... I must have gotten carried away again. I shouldn't have. This might complicate things.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",4)~ + a3464 /* ARAN_REASSURE_OUTDOOR */ END IF ~~ a3457 /* ARAN_OUTDOOR_3_RESPONSE */ SAY ~[ARAN] Well, that be fine wi' me, as I have just managed to get my hands into a right interestin' set o' places, an' they want to regroup before renewin' th' assault, so to speak.~ ++ ~[PC] Hey, those hands... oh, never mind. No one can see us over here anyw... ways... ok, now that feels good.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3465 /* ARAN_OUTDOOR_4_RESPONSE */ ++ ~[PC] Too fast, too rough... just kiss me, Aran. Hey, I didn't mean that low on my neck. Or there, or... oh. Hmmmm. Gently... they are very sensitive.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3465 /* ARAN_OUTDOOR_4_RESPONSE */ ++ ~[PC] Hey, watch it. If I wanted to be felt up and mauled like a prize cow, I would have stayed in Candlekeep. Haven't you ever entertained a woman before?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3366 /* GET_OUT_EXIT */ ++ ~[PC] Hands off! This is getting me very exci... I mean, very confused, and I need to think!~ + a3452 /* JUST_FRIENDS_EXIT */ ++ ~[PC] Aran, stop... I am not ready for any of this. I might never be. I don't know. Just... I should go.~ + a3452 /* JUST_FRIENDS_EXIT */ ++ ~[PC] (Give way to excitement and lust, gently guiding his hands to evoke new feelings.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3465 /* ARAN_OUTDOOR_4_RESPONSE */ ++ ~[PC] You are taking advantage of me. I don't mind kissing, but get your paws off of me. NOW.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3366 /* GET_OUT_EXIT */ END IF ~~ a3465 /* ARAN_OUTDOOR_4_RESPONSE */ SAY ~[ARAN] (Lips meet lips devouring and battling in fiery ardor.)~ ++ ~[PC] This... this is just right. Right here, hidden away in the shadows, I could kiss you for hours.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3455 /* MAKEOUT_IN_SHADOWS */ ++ ~[PC] Stop! I can't do this.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3452 /* JUST_FRIENDS_EXIT */ ++ ~[PC] I need to walk away, right now, or I am going to do something that we both will regret. Well, that I will regret.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3444 /* FEMALE_LEAVES */ ++ ~[PC] I have had enough of this. You should go on about your business, Aran.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3452 /* JUST_FRIENDS_EXIT */ ++ ~[PC] (Put your finger over his lips, breaking contact. Slowly settle your head on his chest, his arms around you.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3463 /* ARAN_CUDDLE_ON_CHEST */ ++ ~[PC] One day, when you least expect it, I think I am going to let you explore every inch of me, and see how many ways you can give me pleasure. But for now, I am happy with a little more walking. You can even hold my hand.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3448 /* WALK_HANDHOLDING_EXIT */ ++ ~[PC] Well, that was fun. I bet you will have some wild dreams tonight. I, on the other hand, am dropping you cold and seeing what other kinds of trouble I can cause.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3366 /* GET_OUT_EXIT */ END IF ~~ a3464 /* ARAN_REASSURE_OUTDOOR */ SAY ~[ARAN] ... Look at me. No, not like that, just look at a lad, in th' eyes...~ = ~[ARAN] I know you be uncertain about how this all works out, an' such. But there be no regrets here. An' I think I have proven I will back your play, whatever you require o' me.~ ++ ~[PC] You misunderstand me. I am in love with someone else, but I let my lust overcome my good judgment. Just... just leave.~ + a3462 /* DEATH_OF_ME */ ++ ~[PC] I do not need to explain my feelings to you. (Get up and walk away.)~ + a3444 /* FEMALE_LEAVES */ ++ ~[PC] I am not interested in any deep commitments. There is too much at stake.~ + a3452 /* JUST_FRIENDS_EXIT */ ++ ~[PC] I... I think you only want me physically. Or perhaps all I have to offer is physical. I don't know.~ + a3460 /* ARAN_RIGHT_THEN */ ++ ~[PC] (Kiss his lips, drawing his face close to yours.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3463 /* ARAN_CUDDLE_ON_CHEST */ ++ ~[PC] I don't know what I think, but we can deal with it later. Right now, I am very, very hungry. Can we get some food?~ + a3448 /* WALK_HANDHOLDING_EXIT */ END IF ~~ a3460 /* ARAN_RIGHT_THEN */ SAY ~[ARAN] Stop right there. No regrets, eh? Not on my account, anyways. You may be th' child o' a dead god, but you have needs an' wants an' desires same as th' rest o' us. Tell you what. I think what you be needin' is a nice cuddle.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a3463 /* ARAN_CUDDLE_ON_CHEST */ END /* V: From Within Inn Flirts: At Nighttime walk */ IF ~~ a3466 /* PC_NIGHT_WATCH */ SAY ~[ARAN] Th' nice thing about walkin' at night is you look right fine lit by stars an' th' moon. I can guess why there be so many worshipers o' Selune.~ ++ ~[PC] I think I want to kiss you.~ + a3467 /* FEMALE_MOON_LEADS */ ++ ~[PC] (Impulsively clasp both hands around one of his, pulling it toward you.)~ + a3468 /* ARAN_MOON_LEADS */ ++ ~[PC] I... I am tired of all this walking. Have a good night, Aran. I am fine heading back alone.~ + a3469 /* ARAN_MOON_FEMALE_EXIT */ ++ ~[PC] I am not Selune. But you could worship me if you like.~ + a3470 /* ARAN_MOON_MIND */ ++ ~[PC] Hey, easy on the compliments. We are just two friends, having a moonlit walk.~ + a3471 /* MOON_JUST_FRIENDS */ ++ ~[PC] Walking with you here is a nice rest from all of the day's cares. But then again, lots of things can happen at night.~ + a3470 /* ARAN_MOON_MIND */ ++ ~[PC] Do you call this walking? It is more like a prizefight, where I keep having to block your hands and bar your advances.~ + a3418 /* FIGHT_EXIT */ END IF ~~ a3471 /* MOON_JUST_FRIENDS */ SAY ~[ARAN] Well, now, I think friends be a right fine thing.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a3491 /* CAN_I_KISS_YOU */ END IF ~~ a3470 /* ARAN_MOON_MIND */ SAY ~[ARAN] (His rough hands envelop yours, pulling you close to his side.)~ ++ ~[PC] The dark can hide many things, like this kiss...~ + a3467 /* FEMALE_MOON_LEADS */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] We talk and flirt enough. Here, alone, I think I want more action and less discussion.~ + a3468 /* ARAN_MOON_LEADS */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",1)~ + ~[PC] We talk and flirt enough. Here, alone, I think I want more action and less discussion.~ + a3472 /* ARAN_MOON_LEADS1 */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] We talk and flirt enough. Here, alone, I think I want more action and less discussion.~ + a3473 /* ARAN_MOON_LEADS2 */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",3)~ + ~[PC] We talk and flirt enough. Here, alone, I think I want more action and less discussion.~ + a3474 /* ARAN_MOON_LEADS3 */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",4)~ + ~[PC] We talk and flirt enough. Here, alone, I think I want more action and less discussion.~ + a3475 /* ARAN_MOON_LEADS4 */ ++ ~[PC] Oh, come on. We are not apprentices. If that is all you want, just holding hands like this, I think I need to find some better company. Go on, get out of here.~ + a3366 /* GET_OUT_EXIT */ + ~InParty(Player2) Gender(Player2,MALE) !HasItemEquiped("belt05",Player2) !Name("c-aran",Player2)~ + ~[PC] This is nice. But I really wanted to ask you to tell me all about getting into my bedroll.~ + a3476 /* MOON_OTHER_OPTIONS */ + ~InParty(Player3) Gender(Player3,MALE) !HasItemEquiped("belt05",Player3) !Name("c-aran",Player3)~ + ~[PC] This is nice. But I really wanted to ask you to tell me all about getting into my bedroll.~ + a3476 /* MOON_OTHER_OPTIONS */ + ~InParty(Player4) Gender(Player4,MALE) !HasItemEquiped("belt05",Player4) !Name("c-aran",Player4)~ + ~[PC] This is nice. But I really wanted to ask you to tell me all about getting into my bedroll.~ + a3476 /* MOON_OTHER_OPTIONS */ + ~InParty(Player5) Gender(Player5,MALE) !HasItemEquiped("belt05",Player5) !Name("c-aran",Player5)~ + ~[PC] This is nice. But I really wanted to ask you to tell me all about getting into my bedroll.~ + a3476 /* MOON_OTHER_OPTIONS */ + ~InParty(Player6) Gender(Player6,MALE) !HasItemEquiped("belt05",Player6) !Name("c-aran",Player6)~ + ~[PC] This is nice. But I really wanted to ask you to tell me all about getting into my bedroll.~ + a3476 /* MOON_OTHER_OPTIONS */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] I am very lucky to have such a good friend as you are to me.~ + a3477 /* MOON_JUST_CHASTE_FRIENDS */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",1)~ + ~[PC] I am very lucky to have such a good friend as you are to me.~ + a3478 /* MOON_JUST_L1_FRIENDS */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] I am very lucky to have such a good friend as you are to me.~ + a3479 /* MOON_JUST_L2_FRIENDS */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",3)~ + ~[PC] I am very lucky to have such a good friend as you are to me.~ + a3480 /* MOON_JUST_L3_FRIENDS */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",4)~ + ~[PC] I am very lucky to have such a good friend as you are to me.~ + a3481 /* MOON_JUST_L4_FRIENDS */ ++ ~[PC] (Gently lean on his shoulder for a moment, then kiss his neck, your fingers twining in his hair.)~ + a3482 /* FEMALE_MOON_LEADS2 */ ++ ~[PC] Easy there... just two good friends walking here, hand in hand, nothing more... ~ + a4349 /* HANDINHAND OR CONFUSED */ END IF ~~ a3476 /* MOON_OTHER_OPTIONS */ SAY ~[ARAN] Very funny, m'lady witchtongue, very funny. I suppose you would be a mite upset if I said that about some young lass wi' sparklin' eyes an' a come-hither look, eh?~ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] I am very lucky to have such a good friend as you are to me.~ + a3477 /* MOON_JUST_CHASTE_FRIENDS */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",1)~ + ~[PC] I am very lucky to have such a good friend as you are to me.~ + a3478 /* MOON_JUST_L1_FRIENDS */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] I am very lucky to have such a good friend as you are to me.~ + a3479 /* MOON_JUST_L2_FRIENDS */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",3)~ + ~[PC] I am very lucky to have such a good friend as you are to me.~ + a3480 /* MOON_JUST_L3_FRIENDS */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",4)~ + ~[PC] I am very lucky to have such a good friend as you are to me.~ + a3481 /* MOON_JUST_L4_FRIENDS */ ++ ~[PC] (Gently lean on his shoulder for a moment, then kiss his neck, your fingers twining in his hair.)~ + a3482 /* FEMALE_MOON_LEADS2 */ + ~InParty(Player2) Gender(Player2,FEMALE) !HasItemEquiped("belt05",Player2) !Name("c-aran",Player2)~ + ~[PC] Oh, I don't know. I bet you dream of getting both and me into a torrid encounter.~ + a3484 /* WHERE_DID_THAT_IDEA */ + ~InParty(Player3) Gender(Player3,FEMALE) !HasItemEquiped("belt05",Player3) !Name("c-aran",Player3)~ + ~[PC] Oh, I don't know. I bet you dream of getting both and me into a torrid encounter.~ + a3484 /* WHERE_DID_THAT_IDEA */ + ~InParty(Player4) Gender(Player4,FEMALE) !HasItemEquiped("belt05",Player4) !Name("c-aran",Player4)~ + ~[PC] Oh, I don't know. I bet you dream of getting both and me into a torrid encounter.~ + a3484 /* WHERE_DID_THAT_IDEA */ + ~InParty(Player5) Gender(Player5,FEMALE) !HasItemEquiped("belt05",Player5) !Name("c-aran",Player5)~ + ~[PC] Oh, I don't know. I bet you dream of getting both and me into a torrid encounter.~ + a3484 /* WHERE_DID_THAT_IDEA */ + ~InParty(Player6) Gender(Player6,FEMALE) !HasItemEquiped("belt05",Player6) !Name("c-aran",Player6)~ + ~[PC] Oh, I don't know. I bet you dream of getting both and me into a torrid encounter.~ + a3484 /* WHERE_DID_THAT_IDEA */ ++ ~[PC] Easy there... just two good friends walking here, hand in hand, nothing more... ~ + a4349 /* HANDINHAND OR CONFUSED */ ++ ~[PC] Be careful what you say or promise, Aran. I take things very seriously. When I ask for the moon, I expect to get the moon. I am practical that way.~ + a3485 /* ARAN_MOON_NOT_PRACTICAL */ ++ ~[PC] You could say that... or you could you could touch me.~ + a3767 /* MOON_ADVANCE_ACTION */ ++ ~[PC] Like any girl in her right mind would want you. Hey, that is it... I know how I can get away from your clumsy advances! Next kobold encampment we encounter, we will capture a female one for you. Then you will have someone of your own level to romance!~ + a3418 /* FIGHT_EXIT */ END IF ~~ a3485 /* ARAN_MOON_NOT_PRACTICAL */ SAY ~[ARAN] Now that be th' most wild hyperbole known to fall from a woman's lips, short o' "you are the best lover I ever did have".~ ++ ~[PC] What is that supposed to mean?~ + a3486 /* CANT_HAVE_MOON */ ++ ~[PC] Oh, just shut up and kiss me.~ + a3472 /* ARAN_MOON_LEADS1 */ ++ ~[PC] No, it is not. If someone promises something, I expect them to deliver, no matter what they claim.~ + a3486 /* CANT_HAVE_MOON */ ++ ~[PC] I like you, Aran. But there are times and places, and this is neither.~ + a3487 /* ARAN_MOON_FRIENDS_EXIT */ ++ ~[PC] I... I can't promise anything. But if you want me, ask me what I want.~ + a3488 /* ARAN_MOON_PLEASEME */ END IF ~~ a3486 /* CANT_HAVE_MOON */ SAY ~[ARAN] You say you be practical, but that you would expect th' moon. Now that be completely impossible to achieve. I get th' inference, it bein' that if I say somethin' it better be becked up an' truthful. But even I can't rightly do th' impossible, an' I be romantic enough to say somethin' wild in th' eat o' th' moment, so to speak.~ = ~[ARAN] How about I start wi' a simple promise, an' work my way up through improbable, until I get to only slightly impossible?~ ++ ~[PC] How about we drop this ridiculous discussion and walk together, as two friends out for a stroll?~ + a3487 /* ARAN_MOON_FRIENDS_EXIT */ ++ ~[PC] Well, if you wanted a more practical application, then a romantic thing might be to... well, to touch me.~ + a3767 /* MOON_ADVANCE_ACTION */ ++ ~[PC] How about you take that pompous overwordy manner of yours and stick it up your rear?~ + a3418 /* FIGHT_EXIT */ ++ ~[PC] How about we stop all the talking, and just kiss?~ + a3472 /* ARAN_MOON_LEADS1 */ ++ ~[PC] (Take his hands and hold them close to your face.)~ + a3767 /* MOON_ADVANCE_ACTION */ ++ ~[PC] I am disappointed. I thought you were a hopeless romantic.~ + a3489 /* ARAN_HOPELESS_ROMANTIC */ END IF ~~ a3489 /* ARAN_HOPELESS_ROMANTIC */ SAY ~[ARAN] More like a hopeful pragmatist wi' a strong streak o' reckless risktakin'. Speakin' o' reckless, how about I kiss you, right here an' now?~ ++ ~[PC] The way to say that correctly is "Would you let me kiss you". And the answer is no.~ + a3477 /* MOON_JUST_CHASTE_FRIENDS */ ++ ~[PC] The way to say that correctly is "Would you let me kiss you". And the answer is yes.~ + a3472 /* ARAN_MOON_LEADS1 */ ++ ~[PC] I think things should stay just as they are. Let's just walk, and enjoy the moon and stars together.~ + a3477 /* MOON_JUST_CHASTE_FRIENDS */ ++ ~[PC] (Impulsively wrap your arms around his neck and kiss him.)~ + a3472 /* ARAN_MOON_LEADS1 */ ++ ~[PC] Just a kiss? I would think you would be asking to strip me of all of my clothing, push me up against a tree or a fence or a wall or something, and have your way with me.~ + a3490 /* NOW_YOU_ARE_PLAYING_WITH_MY_MIND */ END IF ~~ a3484 /* WHERE_DID_THAT_IDEA */ SAY ~[ARAN] Th' hells I do... I don't rightly see how a lad can keep two o' you happy, let alone th' specifics o' whether or not just askin' might get someone killed outright. Besides, th' interestin' question be where you got such an idea in the first place.~ ++ ~[PC] Candlekeep has an extensive, legendary collection of books and research. And some of it is... very interesting.~ + a3491 /* CAN_I_KISS_YOU */ ++ ~[PC] I have an overactive imagination, and listen to too many bard's tales.~ + a3491 /* CAN_I_KISS_YOU */ ++ ~[PC] (Blush.)~ + a3477 /* MOON_JUST_CHASTE_FRIENDS */ ++ ~[PC] It is easy... I just think "now, what would Aran be thinking", and the most naughty thoughts possible pop into my head.~ + a3491 /* CAN_I_KISS_YOU */ ++ ~[PC] I knew it was a bad idea to try to joke around with you. Now I need to distract you with a kiss, so you will stop thinking about it.~ + a3482 /* FEMALE_MOON_LEADS2 */ END IF ~~ a3491 /* CAN_I_KISS_YOU */ SAY ~[ARAN] I like talkin' wi' you. but I would like somethin' a mite more than that. Would you be lettin' me kiss you?~ ++ ~[PC] The way to say that correctly is "Would you let me kiss you". And the answer is no.~ + a3477 /* MOON_JUST_CHASTE_FRIENDS */ ++ ~[PC] The way to say that correctly is "Would you let me kiss you". And the answer is yes.~ + a3472 /* ARAN_MOON_LEADS1 */ ++ ~[PC] I think things should stay just as they are. let's just walk, and enjoy the moon and stars together.~ + a3477 /* MOON_JUST_CHASTE_FRIENDS */ ++ ~[PC] (Impulsively wrap your arms around his neck and kiss him.)~ + a3472 /* ARAN_MOON_LEADS1 */ ++ ~[PC] A kiss, yes... but be careful what you say or promise, Aran. I take things very seriously. When I ask for the moon, I expect to get the moon. I am practical that way.~ + a3485 /* ARAN_MOON_NOT_PRACTICAL */ END IF ~~ a3467 /* FEMALE_MOON_LEADS */ SAY ~[ARAN] (Your lips move toward his, but a sudden painful bump of noses stops the motion from completion.)~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a3492 /* MOON_ARAN_ACTS */ END IF ~~ a3482 /* FEMALE_MOON_LEADS2 */ SAY ~[ARAN] (His responding kiss is insistent, demanding... it moves from your lips to your neck, seeking to match your actions.)~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a3472 /* ARAN_MOON_LEADS1 */ END IF ~~ a3468 /* ARAN_MOON_LEADS */ SAY ~[ARAN] (His lips move toward yours, but a sudden painful bump of noses stops the motion from completion.)~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a3492 /* MOON_ARAN_ACTS */ END IF ~~ a3472 /* ARAN_MOON_LEADS1 */ SAY ~[ARAN] (His lips gently touch yours, warm and tender.)~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a3483 /* MOON_RECHECK */ END IF ~~ a3473 /* ARAN_MOON_LEADS2 */ SAY ~[ARAN] (His lips gently touch yours, warm and tender, with a gentle tracing of your upper lip with his tongue.)~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a3483 /* MOON_RECHECK */ END IF ~~ a3474 /* ARAN_MOON_LEADS3 */ SAY ~[ARAN] (His kiss is warm and tender, his embrace as solid as rock. Tongues tangle, then play about your lips and hiss in an intimate caress.)~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a3483 /* MOON_RECHECK */ END IF ~~ a3475 /* ARAN_MOON_LEADS4 */ SAY ~[ARAN] (His kiss is hot and passionate, and his hands find some very interesting places to caress.)~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a3483 /* MOON_RECHECK */ END IF ~~ a3477 /* MOON_JUST_CHASTE_FRIENDS */ SAY ~[ARAN] Moonlight an' starlight do wonderful alchemical actions on friends, you know. Darkness gives us a mite bit o' freedom to have some more physical expressions o' friendship, or so I heard told.~ ++ ~[PC] (Tip your face upward in the moonlight, silently offering your lips to him.)~ + a3467 /* FEMALE_MOON_LEADS */ ++ ~[PC] I have never heard a worse line. But you can kiss me, if you want.~ + a3468 /* ARAN_MOON_LEADS */ ++ ~[PC] That must explain why my cheeks are so flushed, and every time your hands touch me I can feel my heart beating in my throat.~ + a3468 /* ARAN_MOON_LEADS */ ++ ~[PC] Aran, you just don't understand yet. I can flirt with you or tease you, or go wandering about with you, but you have no right to respond. You just have to take what you can get.~ + a3418 /* FIGHT_EXIT */ ++ ~[PC] For the sake of both of us, I am going forget you ever said that.~ + a3487 /* ARAN_MOON_FRIENDS_EXIT */ ++ ~[PC] Perhaps, but let's leave things just as they are, at least for now.~ + a3487 /* ARAN_MOON_FRIENDS_EXIT */ END IF ~~ a3478 /* MOON_JUST_L1_FRIENDS */ SAY ~[ARAN] Moonlight an' starlight do wonderful alchemical actions on friends, you know. Darkness gives us a mite bit o' freedom to have some more physical expressions o' friendship. An' since we have defined some o' th' friendly benefits available to us, well...~ ++ ~[PC] (Tip your face upward in the moonlight, silently offering your lips to him.)~ + a3467 /* FEMALE_MOON_LEADS */ ++ ~[PC] I have never heard a worse line. But you can kiss me, if you want.~ + a3468 /* ARAN_MOON_LEADS */ ++ ~[PC] That must explain why my cheeks are so flushed, and every time your hands touch me I can feel my heart beating in my throat.~ + a3468 /* ARAN_MOON_LEADS */ ++ ~[PC] Aran, you just don't understand yet. I can flirt with you or tease you, or go wandering about with you, but you have no right to respond. You just have to take what you can get.~ + a3418 /* FIGHT_EXIT */ ++ ~[PC] For the sake of both of us, I am going forget you ever said that.~ + a3487 /* ARAN_MOON_FRIENDS_EXIT */ ++ ~[PC] Perhaps, but let's leave things just as they are, at least for now.~ + a3487 /* ARAN_MOON_FRIENDS_EXIT */ END IF ~~ a3479 /* MOON_JUST_L2_FRIENDS */ SAY ~[ARAN] Moonlight an' starlight do wonderful alchemical actions on friends, you know. Darkness gives us a mite bit o' freedom, an' since we have defined some o' th' friendly benefits available to us, well... I think there might be time to explore some new territory, eh?~ ++ ~[PC] (Tip your face upward in the moonlight, silently offering your lips to him.)~ + a3467 /* FEMALE_MOON_LEADS */ ++ ~[PC] I have never heard a worse line. But you can kiss me, if you want.~ + a3468 /* ARAN_MOON_LEADS */ ++ ~[PC] That must explain why my cheeks are so flushed, and every time your hands touch me I can feel my heart beating in my throat.~ + a3468 /* ARAN_MOON_LEADS */ ++ ~[PC] Aran, you just don't understand yet. I can flirt with you or tease you, or go wandering about with you, but you have no right to respond. You just have to take what you can get.~ + a3418 /* FIGHT_EXIT */ ++ ~[PC] I know we have kissed and touched each other before. But we should not be doing this now.~ + a3487 /* ARAN_MOON_FRIENDS_EXIT */ END IF ~~ a3480 /* MOON_JUST_L3_FRIENDS */ SAY ~[ARAN] Moonlight an' starlight do wonderful alchemical actions on friends, you know. Darkness gives us a mite bit o' freedom to have some more physical expressions o' friendship, an' I think I should take advantage o' that.~ ++ ~[PC] (Tip your face upward in the moonlight, silently offering your lips to him.)~ + a3467 /* FEMALE_MOON_LEADS */ ++ ~[PC] I have never heard a worse line. But you can kiss me, if you want.~ + a3468 /* ARAN_MOON_LEADS */ ++ ~[PC] That must explain why my cheeks are so flushed, and every time your hands touch me I can feel my heart beating in my throat.~ + a3468 /* ARAN_MOON_LEADS */ ++ ~[PC] You would say anything to get me into your bed, right?~ + a3493 /* MOON_NOHARM */ ++ ~[PC] Aran, you just don't understand yet. I can flirt with you or tease you, or go wandering about with you, but you have no right to respond. You just have to take what you can get.~ + a3418 /* FIGHT_EXIT */ ++ ~[PC] I know we have done everything short of making love before. But we should not be doing this now.~ + a3487 /* ARAN_MOON_FRIENDS_EXIT */ END IF ~~ a3481 /* MOON_JUST_L4_FRIENDS */ SAY ~[ARAN] Moonlight an' starlight do wonderful alchemical actions. I think I done had a stitch in my heart, seein' you highlighted by th' heaven's light. It makes me want to take you into my arms, an'...~ ++ ~[PC] (Tip your face upward in the moonlight, silently offering your lips to him.)~ + a3467 /* FEMALE_MOON_LEADS */ ++ ~[PC] I have never heard a worse line. But you can kiss me, if you want.~ + a3468 /* ARAN_MOON_LEADS */ ++ ~[PC] That must explain why my cheeks are so flushed, and every time your hands touch me I can feel my heart beating in my throat.~ + a3468 /* ARAN_MOON_LEADS */ ++ ~[PC] Aran, you just don't understand yet. I can flirt with you or tease you, or go wandering about with you, but you have no right to respond. You just have to take what you can get.~ + a3418 /* FIGHT_EXIT */ ++ ~[PC] I know we have made love before. But we should not be doing this now.~ + a3487 /* ARAN_MOON_FRIENDS_EXIT */ ++ ~[PC] You would say anything to get me into your bed, right?~ + a3493 /* MOON_NOHARM */ END IF ~~ a3492 /* MOON_ARAN_ACTS */ SAY ~[ARAN] Right... that hurt a mite bit more than expected. How about you tell me what you want, an' I try my best to do that wi' out causin' us both to crack our heads together like a pair o' lovestruck apprentices.~ ++ ~[PC] (Kiss him deeply, throwing your arms around his neck and drawing him close)~ + a3494 /* ARAN_MOON_2_RESPOND */ ++ ~[PC] Let's try that again.~ + a3494 /* ARAN_MOON_2_RESPOND */ ++ ~[PC] Ouch. No. I think I have had quite enough of clumsy, ugly, pain-causing ogres tonight. Go away until you develop some kind of dexterity.~ + a3418 /* FIGHT_EXIT */ ++ ~[PC] I... I am a little confused.~ + a4349 /* HANDINHAND OR CONFUSED */ ++ ~[PC] That was a sign. Let's leave things just as they are, at least for now.~ + a3487 /* ARAN_MOON_FRIENDS_EXIT */ ++ ~[PC] You are just too slow. Don't worry... I know exactly what you need. (Pull close to him, struggling with his clothing, trying to release him from his leggings.)~ + a3495 /* START_NINE_HELLS_PC_ACTION */ ++ ~[PC] Don't patronize me. I didn't need clumsy physical attention, I just thought you needed it. I do not need someone pawing at me to feel loved.~ + a3496 /* MOON_DO_NOT */ END IF ~~ a3483 /* MOON_RECHECK */ SAY ~[ARAN] Now, that be enough to catch me on fire, that was. I'd be better expressin' what I feel wi' my body, an' yours, if I could.~ ++ ~[PC] (Kiss him, pulling at your clothing to allow better access to your body).~ + a3497 /* ROM_ONE_WARM_LIPS */ ++ ~[PC] I feel like this is wrong, but I want so much more....~ + a3498 /* ROM_ONE_KISS_ME_AGAIN */ ++ ~[PC] That is a nice thought, but... I am not ready for romance of that kind right now. Why don't you just sit here with me, and hold my hand?~ + a3487 /* ARAN_MOON_FRIENDS_EXIT */ ++ ~[PC] I think I could use some comforting. If I was to sit on your lap, and perhaps you could hold me close, and we could kiss a little, I would like that.~ + a3712 /* ARAN_MOON_SLEEP_1_EXIT */ ++ ~[PC] (Move into his arms, and kiss him.)~ + a3494 /* ARAN_MOON_2_RESPOND */ ++ ~[PC] No, thank you. I had better leave now.~ + a3487 /* ARAN_MOON_FRIENDS_EXIT */ ++ ~[PC] Why would I even want to entertain such a thought? There are so many men available who could be a better a lover than you.~ + a3418 /* FIGHT_EXIT */ END IF ~~ a4349 /* HANDINHAND OR CONFUSED */ SAY ~[ARAN] I guess I am a mite bit confused on what you want. I'd have a right better time o' knowin' how to make you happy if you'd use some words, or gestures, or somethin' so's a lad can take some liberties but not make you angry.~ ++ ~[PC] (Kiss him, pulling at your clothing to allow better access to your body).~ + a3497 /* ROM_ONE_WARM_LIPS */ ++ ~[PC] I feel like this is wrong, but I want so much more....~ + a3498 /* ROM_ONE_KISS_ME_AGAIN */ ++ ~[PC] That is a nice thought, but... I am not ready for romance of that kind right now. Why don't you just sit here with me, and hold my hand?~ + a3487 /* ARAN_MOON_FRIENDS_EXIT */ ++ ~[PC] I think I could use some comforting. If I was to sit on your lap, and perhaps you could hold me close, and we could kiss a little, I would like that.~ + a3712 /* ARAN_MOON_SLEEP_1_EXIT */ ++ ~[PC] (Move into his arms, and kiss him.)~ + a3494 /* ARAN_MOON_2_RESPOND */ ++ ~[PC] I like it when you are confused. I think I had better leave now, before you start to figure everything out.~ + a3487 /* ARAN_MOON_FRIENDS_EXIT */ ++ ~[PC] I... I don't know what I want. I think I had better leave now.~ + a3487 /* ARAN_MOON_FRIENDS_EXIT */ ++ ~[PC] Why would I even want to entertain such a thought? There are so many men available who could be a better a lover than you.~ + a3418 /* FIGHT_EXIT */ END IF ~~ a3494 /* ARAN_MOON_2_RESPOND */ SAY ~[ARAN] Now if we keep doin' this, things might just get a bit interestin', eh?~ ++ ~[PC] Well, from what I can feel, things seem to have gotten very exciting already.~ + a3500 /* ARAN_MOON_3_RESPOND */ ++ ~[PC] Oh, so I am not exciting enough for you yet?~ + a3500 /* ARAN_MOON_3_RESPOND */ ++ ~[PC] Aran... your hands... you should take them out from there, I think.~ + a3501 /* MOON_CROSSEDLINE */ ++ ~[PC] I think that is enough. I don't want to do this right now.~ + a3487 /* ARAN_MOON_FRIENDS_EXIT */ ++ ~[PC] (Kiss your way down his chest, pausing here and there to flutter your eyelashes against his skin.).~ + a3502 /* ARAN_MOON_4_RESPOND */ ++ ~[PC] Just keep kissing me. Don't stop.~ + a3499 /* ARAN_MOON_MAKEOUT_EXIT */ END IF ~~ a3496 /* MOON_DO_NOT */ SAY ~[ARAN] Sune's Sweet Sighs, I did it wrong again, didn't I. I be so goal focused, I thought... well... Obviously I pushed right hard when I should o' gone slow. But I just see you, an' it makes me want you so much.~ ++ ~[PC] (Move into his arms, and kiss him gently.)~ + a3494 /* ARAN_MOON_2_RESPOND */ ++ ~[PC] I like you, Aran. But there are times and places, and this is neither. There is no prize to be won here.~ + a3487 /* ARAN_MOON_FRIENDS_EXIT */ ++ ~[PC] You don't care for me... you just want to possess me and fill me and control me. I have had enough of that with Bhaal and Irenicus, in far deeper a way than just sex. Go away, sellsword.~ + a3503 /* MOON_IRENICUS */ ++ ~[PC] Aran, stop... I am not ready for any of this. I might never be. I don't know. Just... I should go.~ + a3487 /* ARAN_MOON_FRIENDS_EXIT */ ++ ~[PC] Apology accepted. And... to show there are no hard feelings, I will kiss you. And kiss here... and here...~ + a3494 /* ARAN_MOON_2_RESPOND */ ++ ~[PC] Now that truly spoiled the mood. Let's play cards, or do something else.~ + a3487 /* ARAN_MOON_FRIENDS_EXIT */ END IF ~~ a3503 /* MOON_IRENICUS */ SAY ~[ARAN] Now, that be unfair. But I understand. You have been through enough to confuse th' hells out o' you.~ = ~[ARAN] Just remember, I be no Irenicus, an' I sure as hells am no god. What I want be not possession, an' not control. I just want to be wi' you.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a3493 /* MOON_NOHARM */ SAY ~[ARAN] As these stars be my witness, aye. Th' way your eyes flash when you be angry, th' way your jaw sets just so... we won't even rightly talk about what it does to my heart when you be walkin'. I want to bed you. Do that be a crime?~ ++ ~[PC] (Move into his arms, and kiss him gently.)~ + a3494 /* ARAN_MOON_2_RESPOND */ ++ ~[PC] If I wanted any of this before, I certainly don't want it now. You just don't understand me or my needs at all. Get away from me.~ + a3418 /* FIGHT_EXIT */ ++ ~[PC] I like you, Aran. But there are times and places, and this is neither.~ + a3487 /* ARAN_MOON_FRIENDS_EXIT */ ++ ~[PC] I... I can't promise anything. But if you want me, ask me what I want.~ + a3488 /* ARAN_MOON_PLEASEME */ ++ ~[PC] A crime? No. But be careful what you say or promise, Aran. I take things very seriously. When I ask for the moon, I expect to get the moon. I am practical that way.~ + a3485 /* ARAN_MOON_NOT_PRACTICAL */ ++ ~[PC] It is nice to know you want me. I like feeling desirable. Unfortunately, I think we should stop this. I am headed to my room. You should not follow me.~ + a3469 /* ARAN_MOON_FEMALE_EXIT */ ++ ~[PC] (Turn in the starlight, and gently open your clothing to expose your beauty to him.)~ + a3504 /* ARAN_MOON_STRIP */ END IF ~~ a3504 /* ARAN_MOON_STRIP */ SAY ~[ARAN] (His face is hidden in shadow, but you can tell he is watching each and every movement you make. Starlight gleams across his chest and he begins removing his clothing, matching you movement for movement.)~ ++ ~[PC] Stop. Just look. It... it is enough to see you, and have you see me.~ + a3487 /* ARAN_MOON_FRIENDS_EXIT */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",0) OR(4) Race(Player1,ELF) Race(Player1,HALF_ELF) Race(Player1,DWARF) Race(Player1,HALFLING)~ + ~[PC] You are glowing... your body is so hot that my vision... wait... you expect to fit all of that inside of me?~ + a3488 /* ARAN_MOON_PLEASEME */ + ~GlobalGT("c-aransex","GLOBAL",0) OR(4) Race(Player1,ELF) Race(Player1,HALF_ELF) Race(Player1,DWARF) Race(Player1,HALFLING)~ + ~[PC] You are glowing... your body is so hot that my vision... ~ + a3505 /* ROM_TWO_LADIE_LIE_ME_DOWN_WITH_YOU */ ++ ~[PC] (Remove everything, covering your charms with your palms as best you can.)~ + a3505 /* ROM_TWO_LADIE_LIE_ME_DOWN_WITH_YOU */ ++ ~[PC] I like you, Aran. But I can't do this. I know I started it, but... there are times and places, and this is neither.~ + a3487 /* ARAN_MOON_FRIENDS_EXIT */ ++ ~[PC] (Remove everything, boldly revealing your charms.)~ + a3505 /* ROM_TWO_LADIE_LIE_ME_DOWN_WITH_YOU */ ++ ~[PC] Don't stand so far from me, please... I want to feel the heat of your body against mine.~ + a3505 /* ROM_TWO_LADIE_LIE_ME_DOWN_WITH_YOU */ END IF ~~ a3488 /* ARAN_MOON_PLEASEME */ SAY ~[ARAN] How can I be pleasin' you?~ + ~Global("c-aranpcbedding","LOCALS",0)~ + ~[PC] Stop wasting your time with talking. Demand me. Take me, right here, right now, and don't take no for an answer. Show me your passion.~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3506 /* SEX_SCENE_ONE */ + ~Global("c-aranpcbedding","LOCALS",1)~ + ~[PC] Stop wasting your time with talking. Demand me. Take me, right here, right now, and don't take no for an answer. Show me your passion.~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3507 /* SEX_SCENE_TWO */ + ~Global("c-aranpcbedding","LOCALS",2)~ + ~[PC] Stop wasting your time with talking. Demand me. Take me, right here, right now, and don't take no for an answer. Show me your passion.~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3508 /* SEX_SCENE_THREE */ + ~Global("c-aranpcbedding","LOCALS",3)~ + ~[PC] Stop wasting your time with talking. Demand me. Take me, right here, right now, and don't take no for an answer. Show me your passion.~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3509 /* SEX_SCENE_FOUR */ + ~Global("c-aranpcbedding","LOCALS",4)~ + ~[PC] Stop wasting your time with talking. Demand me. Take me, right here, right now, and don't take no for an answer. Show me your passion.~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3510 /* SEX_SCENE_FIVE */ + ~Global("c-aranpcbedding","LOCALS",5)~ + ~[PC] Stop wasting your time with talking. Demand me. Take me, right here, right now, and don't take no for an answer. Show me your passion.~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3511 /* SEX_SCENE_SIX */ + ~Global("c-aranpcbedding","LOCALS",6)~ + ~[PC] Stop wasting your time with talking. Demand me. Take me, right here, right now, and don't take no for an answer. Show me your passion.~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3512 /* SEX_SCENE_SEVEN */ + ~Global("c-aranpcbedding","LOCALS",7)~ + ~[PC] Stop wasting your time with talking. Demand me. Take me, right here, right now, and don't take no for an answer. Show me your passion.~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3513 /* SEX_SCENE_EIGHT */ ++ ~[PC] I ... I don't know. But you could start by kissing me again.~ + a3498 /* ROM_ONE_KISS_ME_AGAIN */ ++ ~[PC] What would grant you release without actually bedding me? I have heard that a woman can please a man with her lips...~ + a3612 /* MOON_ORAL */ ++ ~[PC] Walking hand in hand with me, looking at the stars, just being together.~ + a3713 /* ARAN_MOON_WALK_EXIT */ ++ ~[PC] If you had the woman of your dreams here right now, what would you do with her to give her pleasure?~ + a3773 /* I_ALREADY_DO */ END IF ~~ a3612 /* MOON_ORAL */ SAY ~[ARAN] I... I don't know I can rightly ask that. I was about pleasin' you, not me.~ ++ ~[PC] And I am saying that this is what I can do. It will please me.~ + a3774 /* ARAN_CRAZY */ ++ ~[PC] Never mind... I should not have brought this up. We should leave things exactly as they are right now, and move on.~ + a3487 /* ARAN_MOON_FRIENDS_EXIT */ ++ ~[PC] And I am saying that I feel sorry for you, all frustrated and pent up. I can't love you, or sleep with you, but as a friend I could help with some physical release...~ + a3774 /* ARAN_CRAZY */ + ~GlobalLT("c-aransex","GLOBAL",4) OR(4) Race(Player1,ELF) Race(Player1,HALF_ELF) Race(Player1,DWARF) Race(Player1,HALFLING)~ + ~[PC] I can literally see the heat of you, and your need. I... I don't think I can do more than try to please you, to grant you some release. Won't you let me do that much for you?~ + a3613 /* ARAN_MOON_ORAL_AGREE */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",4) OR(4) Race(Player1,ELF) Race(Player1,HALF_ELF) Race(Player1,DWARF) Race(Player1,HALFLING)~ + ~[PC] I can literally see the heat of you, and your need. I know we have made love before, but right now I can't handle all of what that entails. Won't you let me give you release?~ + a3613 /* ARAN_MOON_ORAL_AGREE */ END IF ~~ a3613 /* ARAN_MOON_ORAL_AGREE */ SAY ~[ARAN] Well if you be set on it, there be ways we could both have some fun, though, if you be willin'.~ = ~[ARAN] (His hands busy themselves, attempting to bare your charms to his sight.)~ ++ ~[PC] Never mind... I should not have brought this up. We should leave things exactly as they are right now, and move on.~ + a3487 /* ARAN_MOON_FRIENDS_EXIT */ ++ ~[PC] (Tear at his codpiece, seizing its contents with both hands.)~ + a3775 /* DO_OR_DO_NOT_NO_TRY */ ++ ~[PC] (Open yourself to his advances, letting his fingers play about and touch you where it most pleases you.)~ + a3698 /* FRONT_TO_ARAN_EXPLORE */ END IF ~~ a3775 /* DO_OR_DO_NOT_NO_TRY */ SAY ~[ARAN] Do you...~ ++ ~[PC] (Gently run your tongue along his length, glancing up at his face to see his reaction.)~ + a3674 /* ROM_LICK_ARAN */ ++ ~[PC] Never mind... I should not have brought this up. We should leave things exactly as they are right now, and move on.~ + a3487 /* ARAN_MOON_FRIENDS_EXIT */ END IF ~~ a3774 /* ARAN_CRAZY */ SAY ~[ARAN] I must be blighted crazy. No sane man ever turned down such an offer. But...~ = ~[ARAN] Look, I be playin' the long game. I don't want a little pinch an' tickle behind th' shed, or your pity. What I want, well... I want you. An' so, I think I needs be turnin' your offer down. Gods curse my name for sayin' it, as it be a dream, but there it be.~ ++ ~[PC] You are turning down having my lips run along you, my tongue tasting you, the slow motion of...~ + a3617 /* ARAN_CRAZY_EXIT */ ++ ~[PC] Good. I wouldn't have felt right doing it. You just sounded so desperate, and in so much need, that I felt compelled to ask.~ + a3487 /* ARAN_MOON_FRIENDS_EXIT */ ++ ~[PC] I understand. But you should know, there is little hope for your 'long game'.~ + a3619 /* ARAN_HOPE_SPRINGS_ETERNAL */ ++ ~[PC] Why are you wasting your time pursuing me? You know all I am going to do is cause you pain and suffering, the way everyone around me always ends up being drawn in and made to suffer.~ + a3618 /* ARAN_YOU_ARE_WORTH_IT */ END IF ~~ a3773 /* I_ALREADY_DO */ SAY ~[ARAN] I already done said that you be th' woman o' my dreams. Or at least I keep tryin' to say that.~ ++ ~[PC] That is very sweet. Now pretend it was someone else. Someone you really lusted after.~ + a3772 /* IF_WISHES */ ++ ~[PC] Cut it out. Use your imagination. Someone else.~ + a3772 /* IF_WISHES */ ++ ~[PC] Well, I gave you an opportunity to get me all excited, and you try sweet talk instead. Fine. If you don't want to play, then...~ + a3772 /* IF_WISHES */ ++ ~[PC] Look, forget I said anything. Can't you just hold my hand, or take my arm, and have a nice walk?~ + a3713 /* ARAN_MOON_WALK_EXIT */ ++ ~[PC] Be careful what you say or promise, Aran. I take things very seriously. When I ask for the moon, I expect to get the moon. I am practical that way.~ + a3485 /* ARAN_MOON_NOT_PRACTICAL */ END IF ~~ a3772 /* IF_WISHES */ SAY ~[ARAN] Right, right... imagination. Well...~ = ~[ARAN] I would kiss her again an' again, to holdin' her close. I would gently take th' clothes from her body, kissin' each part o' her what was revealed, gentle-like...~ = ~[ARAN] Should I be goin' on?~ ++ ~[PC] Yes, that would be nice. What would you do next?~ + a3771 /* DO_NEXT */ ++ ~[PC] That was rather unimaginative. next time, I want to hear something much more exciting. But for now, just walk with me, please.~ + a3713 /* ARAN_MOON_WALK_EXIT */ ++ ~[PC] I think I have heard enough. I like you, Aran. But there are times and places, and this is neither.~ + a3487 /* ARAN_MOON_FRIENDS_EXIT */ ++ ~[PC] I think we should stop right there. Just walk with me, please, and let me take your arm. I just want to feel comfortable and cared for.~ + a3713 /* ARAN_MOON_WALK_EXIT */ ++ ~[PC] Whoa! You are getting very graphic. I... we should move on.~ + a3487 /* ARAN_MOON_FRIENDS_EXIT */ END IF ~~ a3771 /* DO_NEXT */ SAY ~[ARAN] I would run my lips up th' insides o' her thighs, an' nibble here an' there, until I found just th' place where she'd take an indrawn breath, an' then I'd kiss her there a mite deeply until I heard her call out in pleasure.~ ++ ~[PC] ARAN! Stop. You... that is too far.~ + a3487 /* ARAN_MOON_FRIENDS_EXIT */ ++ ~[PC] Go on...~ + a3770 /* DO_NEXT_FINAL */ ++ ~[PC] Where do you get these ideas? I have never heard...~ + a3769 /* WHERE_IDEAS_COME_FROM */ ++ ~[PC] Very explicit thoughts. Did you take part in military exercises that called for seduction, or do you just have a dirty mind?~ + a3769 /* WHERE_IDEAS_COME_FROM */ ++ ~[PC] Why do men always think that physical depiction is exciting? Whatever happened to romance, to seduction, to genteel discovery?~ + a3769 /* WHERE_IDEAS_COME_FROM */ END IF ~~ a3770 /* DO_NEXT_FINAL */ SAY ~[ARAN] Well, when I felt th' time were right, I'd hold her close in front o' me, an' take her slow an' easy, listenin' for each sound she made, an' each quiver around me she had, until I could stand no more. An' then I'd be a right fine lover, always questin' after what pleased her best. It be hard to say what would be th' detail, on account o' every person likes different.~ ++ ~[PC] ARAN! Stop. You... that is too far.~ + a3487 /* ARAN_MOON_FRIENDS_EXIT */ ++ ~[PC] Where do you get these ideas? I have never heard...~ + a3769 /* WHERE_IDEAS_COME_FROM */ ++ ~[PC] Very explicit thoughts. Did you take part in military exercises that called for seduction, or do you just have a dirty mind?~ + a3769 /* WHERE_IDEAS_COME_FROM */ ++ ~[PC] That was very pedestrian. I would expect more of a rough and ready story than that from a sellsword.~ + a3769 /* WHERE_IDEAS_COME_FROM */ ++ ~[PC] So, are you all talk and no action?~ + a3615 /* ALL_TALK_NO_ACTION */ END IF ~~ a3769 /* WHERE_IDEAS_COME_FROM */ SAY ~[ARAN] Hells, , talkin' like this was naught o' my idea. I... Well, I have had my share o' travellin' about. I be a bit goal centered, to tell th' truth. An' I might not be th' most handsome lad, but I be a quick learner, an' a good listener. Let's just say that there be plenty o' comrades what have th' need to feel alive after combat. An' learnin' to please someone has some benefits. Most o' all, th' honest truth that th' best aphrodisiac be th' sound o' a woman truly enjoyin' herself.~ ++ ~[PC] Well, don't get any ideas about trying any of that with me.~ + a3487 /* ARAN_MOON_FRIENDS_EXIT */ ++ ~[PC] If you keep talking like that, you might just get a chance to show me what you can do. But for now, I think we should just enjoy the peace and quiet here under the stars.~ + a3487 /* ARAN_MOON_FRIENDS_EXIT */ ++ ~[PC] Would you... would you teach me? About what you know. Not now. But... perhaps someday?~ + a3487 /* ARAN_MOON_FRIENDS_EXIT */ ++ ~[PC] I think you need to expand your horizons. There are so many other ways to please a woman.~ + a3764 /* ARAN_MOON_MAYHAP */ ++ ~[PC] That was really going too far with me. No one wants to hear things like that. You should know better than to be so graphic.~ + a3366 /* GET_OUT_EXIT */ END IF ~~ a3501 /* MOON_CROSSEDLINE */ SAY ~[ARAN] I don't mean naught in th' way o' harm. I'll keep my hands marshaled right proper, an' speak wi' my lips only, if that be what you want.~ ++ ~[PC] What do *you* want?~ + a3768 /* MOON_WISHES */ ++ ~[PC] No. You crossed the line. I can't trust you. Go away, Aran.~ + a3418 /* FIGHT_EXIT */ ++ ~[PC] (Move into his arms, and kiss him.)~ + a3500 /* ARAN_MOON_3_RESPOND */ ++ ~[PC] I like you, Aran. But there are times and places, and this is neither.~ + a3487 /* ARAN_MOON_FRIENDS_EXIT */ ++ ~[PC] Just walk with me, please, and let me take your arm. I just want to feel comfortable and cared for.~ + a3713 /* ARAN_MOON_WALK_EXIT */ END IF ~~ a3768 /* MOON_WISHES */ SAY ~[ARAN] I want to kiss you. Mayhap feel th' softness o' your skin, an' chase after each one o' your rosy little nipples, an'...~ ++ ~[PC] How do you know my... never mind. I like you, Aran. But there are times and places, and this is neither.~ + a3487 /* ARAN_MOON_FRIENDS_EXIT */ ++ ~[PC] And I want you. Perhaps not forever, perhaps not tomorrow, but for tonight.~ + a3502 /* ARAN_MOON_4_RESPOND */ ++ ~[PC] Aran, stop... I am not ready for any of this. I might never be. I don't know. Just... I should go.~ + a3487 /* ARAN_MOON_FRIENDS_EXIT */ ++ ~[PC] Predictable. Well, I am way out of your league, boyo. So stop wasting my time, at least until you have more to offer me.~ + a3418 /* FIGHT_EXIT */ ++ ~[PC] I'd want me, too. But until I am all in one piece and have settled on what I want for the long term, I am not going to do much more than talk with you.~ + a3487 /* ARAN_MOON_FRIENDS_EXIT */ ++ ~[PC] Whoa! You are getting very graphic. Back off!~ + a3487 /* ARAN_MOON_FRIENDS_EXIT */ END IF ~~ a3767 /* MOON_ADVANCE_ACTION */ SAY ~[ARAN] (His fingers gently paint their way along your cheekbone, then down your collarbone, then farther and south seeking your bare skin.)~ ++ ~[PC] Hey, those hands... oh, never mind. No one can see us over here anyw... ways... ok, now that feels good.~ + a3502 /* ARAN_MOON_4_RESPOND */ ++ ~[PC] Fingers, eyes, all seem to be centered someplace very specific. Did you want to kiss them? (Open yourself to his advances).~ + a3502 /* ARAN_MOON_4_RESPOND */ ++ ~[PC] Hey, watch it. If I wanted to be felt up and mauled like a prize cow, I would have stayed in Candlekeep. Haven't you ever entertained a woman before?~ + a3418 /* FIGHT_EXIT */ ++ ~[PC] (Kiss his neck and guide both hands to part your thighs, opening your entire body to his advances.)~ + a3502 /* ARAN_MOON_4_RESPOND */ ++ ~[PC] Your hands are so warm, and... ooooh. Don't stop any of that, the kissing, the touching...~ + a3499 /* ARAN_MOON_MAKEOUT_EXIT */ ++ ~[PC] This is too much, too fast. Slow down, Aran. Tell me why you want to be with me.~ + a3500 /* ARAN_MOON_3_RESPOND */ END IF ~~ a3500 /* ARAN_MOON_3_RESPOND */ SAY ~[ARAN] You be th' most powerful, interestin' captivatin' woman I ever saw. An' just bein' close to you makes me want to prove myself right worthy to be wi' you.~ ++ ~[PC] Hey, those fingers... tell me you are about to replace them with something much more interesting...~ + a3502 /* ARAN_MOON_4_RESPOND */ ++ ~[PC] As the gods are my witness, I will kill you if you stop kissing me.~ + a3502 /* ARAN_MOON_4_RESPOND */ ++ ~[PC] Not good enough. Get hold of yourself, sellsword. Go find a nice chambermaid to roll over and spread her knees for you.~ + a3418 /* FIGHT_EXIT */ ++ ~[PC] I am ready for you. Claim me.~ + a3502 /* ARAN_MOON_4_RESPOND */ ++ ~[PC] Aran, stop... I am not ready for any of this. I might never be. I don't know. Just... I should go.~ + a3487 /* ARAN_MOON_FRIENDS_EXIT */ END IF ~~ a3502 /* ARAN_MOON_4_RESPOND */ SAY ~[ARAN] (Lips meet lips devouring and battling fiercely for supremacy.)~ = ~[ARAN] Do we need a bit more privacy, or do you be wantin' to take a risk?~ ++ ~[PC] Stop! I can't do this.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3487 /* ARAN_MOON_FRIENDS_EXIT */ ++ ~[PC] (Shyly take his arm and lead him deeper into the shadows, away from any potential onlookers.)~ + a4528 ++ ~[PC] I don't mind a potential audience. If you are going to make love to me, do it right here.~ + a4528 ++ ~[PC] This... this is just right. Right here, under these stars, I could just kiss you for hours.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3712 /* ARAN_MOON_SLEEP_1_EXIT */ ++ ~[PC] I have had enough of this. You should go on about your business, Aran.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3487 /* ARAN_MOON_FRIENDS_EXIT */ ++ ~[PC] Well, that was fun. I bet you will have some wild dreams tonight. I, on the other hand, am dropping you cold and seeing what other kinds of trouble I can cause.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3366 /* GET_OUT_EXIT */ ++ ~[PC] We could hide over here, and continue this conversation... yes. Right here. Now, where were we?~ + a4528 END IF ~~ a4528 SAY ~[ARAN] (His hands fumble about you, his breath straining in the attempt to control his desire.)~ ++ ~[PC] I need release, but we just can't make love... not here, not now. Just touch me, and I will touch you?~ + a3765 /* ARAN_MOON_SLEEP_PASSTHROUGH */ ++ ~[PC] (Guide his hands about your body, untangling and undoing anything that stands in the way. Take his hardness and place it where it belongs, just barely inside of you.)~ + a3766 /* MOON_MOVE_ACTION */ ++ ~[PC] I am ready for you. Just claim me.~ + a3766 /* MOON_MOVE_ACTION */ ++ ~[PC] (Join his fumbling attempts, racing to make each of your bodies open to every touch, every desire. Gasp at the suddenness as he claims his prize, placing the tip of his manhood at your threshold.)~ + a3766 /* MOON_MOVE_ACTION */ ++ ~[PC] Slow down... This... this is just right. Right here, under these stars, I could kiss you for hours.~ + a3712 /* ARAN_MOON_SLEEP_1_EXIT */ ++ ~[PC] Well, that was fun. I bet you will have some wild dreams tonight. I, on the other hand, am dropping you cold and seeing what other kinds of trouble I can cause.~ + a3366 /* GET_OUT_EXIT */ END IF ~~ a3766 /* MOON_MOVE_ACTION */ SAY ~[ARAN] (The sudden thrust pierces you, driving deep.)~ ++ ~[PC] (Say nothing, letting his intense need and rough desire build passion within you.)~ + a3704 /* ARAN_MOON_SLEEP_4_EXIT */ ++ ~[PC] Ouch... Slow down. Gently...~ + a3704 /* ARAN_MOON_SLEEP_4_EXIT */ ++ ~[PC] (Scratch your fingernails across his back, demanding that he be even more rough, more brutal.)~ + a3704 /* ARAN_MOON_SLEEP_4_EXIT */ ++ ~[PC] (Lie quietly, passively, as he takes you with passion.)~ + a3704 /* ARAN_MOON_SLEEP_4_EXIT */ ++ ~[PC] You have what you want. Now, I am going to take what I need, before you are all spent. (Grip him tightly with your thighs and drive your pelvis upward until your pleasure crests.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",4)~ + a3704 /* ARAN_MOON_SLEEP_4_EXIT */ END IF ~~ a3765 /* ARAN_MOON_SLEEP_PASSTHROUGH */ SAY ~[ARAN] I want to take you, right here an' now. I want to drive into you over an' over, an' hear you scream your pleasure. For th' sake o' th' gods, let me take you, right now.~ ++ ~[PC] We can't. But we can please each other other ways. Keep doing that... and... that...~ + a3711 /* ARAN_MOON_SLEEP_3_EXIT */ ++ ~[PC] (Hold him close to you, urging his motions against you, making sure that you never are entered.)~ + a3711 /* ARAN_MOON_SLEEP_3_EXIT */ ++ ~[PC] (Wordlessly guide him where he wishes to go, gently accepting him. Your knees hold tight to his flanks as you urge him deep within you, pacing your pleasure.)~ + a3704 /* ARAN_MOON_SLEEP_4_EXIT */ ++ ~[PC] (Pleasure yourself against him, holding him trapped and unable to enter you.)~ + a3711 /* ARAN_MOON_SLEEP_3_EXIT */ ++ ~[PC] I can't stand it. Yes. Take me.~ + a3766 /* MOON_MOVE_ACTION */ ++ ~[PC] Stop. This is way too far.~ + a3366 /* GET_OUT_EXIT */ END IF ~~ a3764 /* ARAN_MOON_MAYHAP */ SAY ~[ARAN] Mayhap there be. An' mayhap you be th' right one to show me, eh?~ ++ ~[PC] Not me. I seem destined to drag everyone I know into pain, suffering, and relentless, ceaseless battle against impossible odds.~ + a3618 /* ARAN_YOU_ARE_WORTH_IT */ ++ ~[PC] Perhaps. But not tonight.~ + a3487 /* ARAN_MOON_FRIENDS_EXIT */ ++ ~[PC] I cannot stop your dreaming about it. But I think you are fighting a battle you will never win.~ + a3619 /* ARAN_HOPE_SPRINGS_ETERNAL */ ++ ~[PC] See, you say things like that, and it spoils the mood completely. You are such an ass.~ + a3366 /* GET_OUT_EXIT */ ++ ~[PC] You know, I think we need to get you a girlfriend. Preferably one who can keep you in check. I will keep my eyes open and see if we can come up with someone you will be happy with.~ + a3616 /* SECOND_FIDDLE */ END /* VI: (actually, VI through infinity) Romance Content: Intimacy Options cycling and recycling Adult Talks - consolidating a number of opportunities in-game called from things like: In .bcs, reset to cycle through again. IF GlobalGT("c-arankisses","LOCALS",9) THEN RESPONSE #100 SetGlobal("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",0). This gives a relatively large number of Aran statements, and a huge number of player choices/responses, with randomness built into the model. Hopefully, this will allow in-game "booty calls" to be unique for most of a playthrough, even for folks who want to knock boots on a regular basis. */ /* step one - initiation points - 1 */ /* found in female PID stuff */ /* PID requests, PC = Female PID - follow up responses */ IF ~~ a3763 /* START_RIGHT_HERE_NOW */ SAY ~[ARAN] Aye, then... you go that way, an' I'll be goin' this way, an' we can meet in a few moments.~ IF ~RandomNum(5,5)~ THEN GOTO a3762 /* NOT_RIGHT_NOW_BUT_LATER */ IF ~RandomNum(5,4)~ THEN GOTO a3566 /* START_ARMS_ENCIRCLE */ IF ~RandomNum(5,3)~ THEN GOTO a3572 /* START_SHOULDERS_BLOCK */ IF ~RandomNum(5,2)~ THEN GOTO a3578 /* START_COME_UP_BEHIND */ IF ~RandomNum(5,1)~ THEN GOTO a3600 /* START_HOLD_OUT_HANDS */ END IF ~~ a3761 /* NOT_RIGHT_HERE_NOW_ONE */ SAY ~[ARAN] Bane's bones, m'lady wildfire, this be a right odd place to ask for a bit o' time alone. Mayhap I can come by an' see you next time we rest?~ ++ ~[PC] Oh, never mind.~ + a3757 /* THIS_IS_ME_MINDING */ + ~RandomNum(4,4)~ + ~[PC] Come to me when we rest. And come alone.~ + a3755 /* AGREE_TO_MEET_ONE */ + ~RandomNum(4,3)~ + ~[PC] Come to me when we rest. And come alone.~ + a3754 /* AGREE_TO_MEET_TWO */ + ~RandomNum(4,2)~ + ~[PC] Come to me when we rest. And come alone.~ + a3753 /* AGREE_TO_MEET_THREE */ + ~RandomNum(4,1)~ + ~[PC] Come to me when we rest. And come alone.~ + a3752 /* AGREE_TO_MEET_FOUR */ + ~RandomNum(4,4)~ + ~[PC] I was... I was wondering... that is... Would you like to spend the night with me sometime soon?~ + a3755 /* AGREE_TO_MEET_ONE */ + ~RandomNum(4,3)~ + ~[PC] I was... I was wondering... that is... Would you like to spend the night with me sometime soon?~ + a3754 /* AGREE_TO_MEET_TWO */ + ~RandomNum(4,2)~ + ~[PC] I was... I was wondering... that is... Would you like to spend the night with me sometime soon?~ + a3753 /* AGREE_TO_MEET_THREE */ + ~RandomNum(4,1)~ + ~[PC] I was... I was wondering... that is... Would you like to spend the night with me sometime soon?~ + a3752 /* AGREE_TO_MEET_FOUR */ + ~RandomNum(5,5)~ + ~[PC] I will have to check my schedule. Hmmmm... yes. It would be very nice if you would visit me.~ + a3755 /* AGREE_TO_MEET_ONE */ + ~RandomNum(5,4)~ + ~[PC] I will have to check my schedule. Hmmmm... yes. It would be very nice if you would visit me.~ + a3754 /* AGREE_TO_MEET_TWO */ + ~RandomNum(5,3)~ + ~[PC] I will have to check my schedule. Hmmmm... yes. It would be very nice if you would visit me.~ + a3753 /* AGREE_TO_MEET_THREE */ + ~RandomNum(5,2)~ + ~[PC] I will have to check my schedule. Hmmmm... yes. It would be very nice if you would visit me.~ + a3752 /* AGREE_TO_MEET_FOUR */ + ~RandomNum(5,1)~ + ~[PC] On second thought, it probably isn't a good idea.~ + a3756 /* WHY_DID_YOU_ASK */ + ~RandomNum(3,3)~ + ~[PC] I will have to check your schedule. You don't have some other woman asking for some personal time, do you?~ + a3760 /* HELLS_NO_OTHERS */ + ~RandomNum(3,2)~ + ~[PC] I will have to check your schedule. You don't have some other woman asking for some personal time, do you?~ + a3759 /* LET_ME_CHECK */ + ~RandomNum(3,1)~ + ~[PC] I will have to check your schedule. You don't have some other woman asking for some personal time, do you?~ + a3758 /* VERY_FUNNY_VERY_FUNNY */ END IF ~~ a3762 /* NOT_RIGHT_NOW_BUT_LATER */ SAY ~[ARAN] Wait a bit... on second thought, there be no good place where to be sparkin' around here right now. How about I come an' visit th' next time we rest?~ ++ ~[PC] Oh, never mind.~ + a3757 /* THIS_IS_ME_MINDING */ + ~RandomNum(4,4)~ + ~[PC] Come to me when we rest. And come alone.~ + a3755 /* AGREE_TO_MEET_ONE */ + ~RandomNum(4,3)~ + ~[PC] Come to me when we rest. And come alone.~ + a3754 /* AGREE_TO_MEET_TWO */ + ~RandomNum(4,2)~ + ~[PC] Come to me when we rest. And come alone.~ + a3753 /* AGREE_TO_MEET_THREE */ + ~RandomNum(4,1)~ + ~[PC] Come to me when we rest. And come alone.~ + a3752 /* AGREE_TO_MEET_FOUR */ + ~RandomNum(4,4)~ + ~[PC] I was... I was wondering... that is... Would you like to spend the night with me sometime soon?~ + a3755 /* AGREE_TO_MEET_ONE */ + ~RandomNum(4,3)~ + ~[PC] I was... I was wondering... that is... Would you like to spend the night with me sometime soon?~ + a3754 /* AGREE_TO_MEET_TWO */ + ~RandomNum(4,2)~ + ~[PC] I was... I was wondering... that is... Would you like to spend the night with me sometime soon?~ + a3753 /* AGREE_TO_MEET_THREE */ + ~RandomNum(4,1)~ + ~[PC] I was... I was wondering... that is... Would you like to spend the night with me sometime soon?~ + a3752 /* AGREE_TO_MEET_FOUR */ + ~RandomNum(5,5)~ + ~[PC] I will have to check my schedule. Hmmmm... yes. It would be very nice if you would visit me.~ + a3755 /* AGREE_TO_MEET_ONE */ + ~RandomNum(5,4)~ + ~[PC] I will have to check my schedule. Hmmmm... yes. It would be very nice if you would visit me.~ + a3754 /* AGREE_TO_MEET_TWO */ + ~RandomNum(5,3)~ + ~[PC] I will have to check my schedule. Hmmmm... yes. It would be very nice if you would visit me.~ + a3753 /* AGREE_TO_MEET_THREE */ + ~RandomNum(5,2)~ + ~[PC] I will have to check my schedule. Hmmmm... yes. It would be very nice if you would visit me.~ + a3752 /* AGREE_TO_MEET_FOUR */ + ~RandomNum(5,1)~ + ~[PC] On second thought, it probably isn't a good idea.~ + a3756 /* WHY_DID_YOU_ASK */ + ~RandomNum(3,3)~ + ~[PC] I will have to check your schedule. You don't have some other woman asking for some personal time, do you?~ + a3760 /* HELLS_NO_OTHERS */ + ~RandomNum(3,2)~ + ~[PC] I will have to check your schedule. You don't have some other woman asking for some personal time, do you?~ + a3759 /* LET_ME_CHECK */ + ~RandomNum(3,1)~ + ~[PC] I will have to check your schedule. You don't have some other woman asking for some personal time, do you?~ + a3758 /* VERY_FUNNY_VERY_FUNNY */ END IF ~~ a3776 /* NOT_RIGHT_HERE_NOW */ SAY ~[ARAN] Right now there be a severe lack o' privacy. Not to mention an off-puttin' mood, eh? Why don't I be makin' a visit to you next time we rest?~ ++ ~[PC] Oh, never mind.~ + a3757 /* THIS_IS_ME_MINDING */ + ~RandomNum(4,4)~ + ~[PC] Come to me when we rest. And come alone.~ + a3755 /* AGREE_TO_MEET_ONE */ + ~RandomNum(4,3)~ + ~[PC] Come to me when we rest. And come alone.~ + a3754 /* AGREE_TO_MEET_TWO */ + ~RandomNum(4,2)~ + ~[PC] Come to me when we rest. And come alone.~ + a3753 /* AGREE_TO_MEET_THREE */ + ~RandomNum(4,1)~ + ~[PC] Come to me when we rest. And come alone.~ + a3752 /* AGREE_TO_MEET_FOUR */ + ~RandomNum(4,4)~ + ~[PC] I was... I was wondering... that is... Would you like to spend the night with me sometime soon?~ + a3755 /* AGREE_TO_MEET_ONE */ + ~RandomNum(4,3)~ + ~[PC] I was... I was wondering... that is... Would you like to spend the night with me sometime soon?~ + a3754 /* AGREE_TO_MEET_TWO */ + ~RandomNum(4,2)~ + ~[PC] I was... I was wondering... that is... Would you like to spend the night with me sometime soon?~ + a3753 /* AGREE_TO_MEET_THREE */ + ~RandomNum(4,1)~ + ~[PC] I was... I was wondering... that is... Would you like to spend the night with me sometime soon?~ + a3752 /* AGREE_TO_MEET_FOUR */ + ~RandomNum(5,5)~ + ~[PC] I will have to check my schedule. Hmmmm... yes. It would be very nice if you would visit me.~ + a3755 /* AGREE_TO_MEET_ONE */ + ~RandomNum(5,4)~ + ~[PC] I will have to check my schedule. Hmmmm... yes. It would be very nice if you would visit me.~ + a3754 /* AGREE_TO_MEET_TWO */ + ~RandomNum(5,3)~ + ~[PC] I will have to check my schedule. Hmmmm... yes. It would be very nice if you would visit me.~ + a3753 /* AGREE_TO_MEET_THREE */ + ~RandomNum(5,2)~ + ~[PC] I will have to check my schedule. Hmmmm... yes. It would be very nice if you would visit me.~ + a3752 /* AGREE_TO_MEET_FOUR */ + ~RandomNum(5,1)~ + ~[PC] On second thought, it probably isn't a good idea.~ + a3756 /* WHY_DID_YOU_ASK */ + ~RandomNum(3,3)~ + ~[PC] I will have to check your schedule. You don't have some other woman asking for some personal time, do you?~ + a3760 /* HELLS_NO_OTHERS */ + ~RandomNum(3,2)~ + ~[PC] I will have to check your schedule. You don't have some other woman asking for some personal time, do you?~ + a3759 /* LET_ME_CHECK */ + ~RandomNum(3,1)~ + ~[PC] I will have to check your schedule. You don't have some other woman asking for some personal time, do you?~ + a3758 /* VERY_FUNNY_VERY_FUNNY */ END IF ~~ a3760 /* HELLS_NO_OTHERS */ SAY ~[ARAN] Hells, no. Besides, even if there were to be, I'd rightly drop em an' come your way, eh?~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-arannightvisit","GLOBAL",1)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a3759 /* LET_ME_CHECK */ SAY ~[ARAN] Well, let me see... nope, there be naught on this page... Hmmm. No, she done lives up in th' Dale ands, so naught there... why, I do believe I can scratch you in on my dance card after all!~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-arannightvisit","GLOBAL",1)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a3758 /* VERY_FUNNY_VERY_FUNNY */ SAY ~[ARAN] Aye, now... funny. Very funny. Take a good look around an' you tell me ~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-arannightvisit","GLOBAL",1)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a3757 /* THIS_IS_ME_MINDING */ SAY ~[ARAN] This be me, never mindin'. Well, actually, mindin' your words.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a3756 /* WHY_DID_YOU_ASK */ SAY ~[ARAN] Well, mayhap not. But I don't rightly understand why you asked me, then.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-arannightvisit","GLOBAL",0)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a3755 /* AGREE_TO_MEET_ONE */ SAY ~[ARAN] Aye. That would be right interestin', it would.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-arannightvisit","GLOBAL",1)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a3754 /* AGREE_TO_MEET_TWO */ SAY ~[ARAN] Aye. That would be right fine, be it on orders or on request.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-arannightvisit","GLOBAL",1)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a3753 /* AGREE_TO_MEET_THREE */ SAY ~[ARAN] I love that you like to live dangerous. I'll be there, if I can get shut o' everythin' an' everyone else.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-arannightvisit","GLOBAL",1)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a3752 /* AGREE_TO_MEET_FOUR */ SAY ~[ARAN] Your wish be my command. Actually, your wish might just be mine own, as well.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-arannightvisit","GLOBAL",1)~ EXIT END /* Dreamscript Trigger */ /* In DreamScript - remember to set timer so that a PC who wants lots of activity doesn't trigger the flirting one at the same time... a lot too much. P.S. - figure out how to handle the "does he stay overnight or not". Tricky. */ /* MOVED START_ARAN_PC_BOOTY_CALL FROM HERE <<<<< PUT IT IN DREAMSCRIPT EVAL ORDER */ /* Initiating States */ /* STARTING STATES: from PID, from within some dialogs, and available for later lovetalks. */ /* Randomness and Reply - on 3, 2, or 1 of 6, state goes to aran acting first. On 4,5, or 6, state has PC talking. */ IF ~~ a3566 /* START_ARMS_ENCIRCLE */ SAY ~[ARAN] (Aran's arms encircle your waist, pulling you close to him. You are alone together for what brief time you can find.)~ ++ ~[PC] And how may I serve you, my lord?~ + a3567 /* SERVE_YOU_MY_LORD */ ++ ~[PC] (Launch yourself into his arms, throwing your arms around his neck.)~ + a3495 /* START_NINE_HELLS_PC_ACTION */ ++ ~[PC] I was starting to get bored, all by myself, all alone. Perhaps you could suggest something we could do together?~ + a3568 /* START_LIP_EXERCISES */ IF ~RandomNum(6,3)~ THEN GOTO a3569 /* KISS_TIP_CHIN */ IF ~RandomNum(6,2)~ THEN GOTO a3570 /* KISS_PRESS_SALTY */ IF ~RandomNum(6,1)~ THEN GOTO a3571 /* ARAN_KISSES_NECK */ END IF ~~ a3572 /* START_SHOULDERS_BLOCK */ SAY ~[ARAN] (Aran's broad shoulders are blocking your vision, but since he seems intent on getting closer and closer to you, perhaps that is permissible. You are alone together for what brief time you can find.)~ ++ ~[PC] Ah. Now that you are here, I was just thinking...~ + a3573 /* KISS_SILENCE_STRAIGHTEN */ ++ ~[PC] What do you want of me, Aran?~ + a3574 /* START_ARAN_CUTS_TO_CHACE_VOCAL */ IF ~RandomNum(6,3)~ THEN GOTO a3575 /* KISS_CATCH_HANDS */ IF ~RandomNum(6,2)~ THEN GOTO a3576 /* START_LADY_OF_THE_WARM_LIPS */ IF ~RandomNum(6,1)~ THEN GOTO a3577 /* START_WITH_SHOULDER_PULL */ END IF ~~ a3578 /* START_COME_UP_BEHIND */ SAY ~[ARAN] (You are alone together for what brief time you can find.)~ ++ ~[PC] Ah. Now that you are here, I was just thinking...~ + a3573 /* KISS_SILENCE_STRAIGHTEN */ ++ ~[PC] All alone here, Aran? Did you come to see me?~ + a3579 /* START_MAYHAP_I_GET_A_KISS */ ++ ~[PC] (Walk steadily toward him, smiling as you encircle his neck with your arms.)~ + a3495 /* START_NINE_HELLS_PC_ACTION */ IF ~RandomNum(6,3)~ THEN GOTO a3580 /* START_TRY_TO_BE_PHYSICAL */ IF ~RandomNum(6,2)~ THEN GOTO a3581 /* START_GIVE_A_LAD_A_CHANCE */ IF ~RandomNum(6,1)~ THEN GOTO a3582 /* START_BOTTOM_SWAT */ END IF ~~ a3582 /* START_BOTTOM_SWAT */ SAY ~[ARAN] (A sudden swat lands on your bottom.)~ ++ ~[PC] Hey! stop that. At least kiss it better.~ + a3583 /* ARAN_KISS_BACKSIDE */ ++ ~[PC] If you were into spanking, I would have known that by now. What do you want?~ + a3584 /* ROM_TWO_6 */ + ~GlobalGT("c-aransex","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] (Turn quickly and grab at his waist, pulling him close.) I need you, right now. Quickly. Discreetly. Make love to me.~ + a3585 /* QUICKIE_FRONT_PC */ + ~GlobalGT("c-aransex","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] Quickly. No time. Take me, and be fast. (Lean forward, allowing him limited access, your clothing barely parted for him as you rest your forehead on your arms against the nearby wall.)~ + a3586 /* QUICKIE_BEHIND_PC */ ++ ~[PC] Kiss me.~ + a3712 /* ARAN_MOON_SLEEP_1_EXIT */ END IF ~~ a3585 /* QUICKIE_FRONT_PC */ SAY ~[ARAN] (The clatter of codpiece and armor fill your ears as he responds, fingers fumbling and tangling with yours as you both seek to undo as little as possible yet still grant access. His sudden fierce thrust rocks your hips back and claps your ankles to his flanks, driving him even deeper. His thrusts are wild, driving deep, relentless and merciless in their intensity. His breath whispers close in your ear as he moves faster and faster, until he presses as far forward into you as he can... and a shuddering sigh escapes his lips.)~ ++ ~[PC] (Gather yourself together and smooth your hair, walking away without a glance.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",4)~ EXIT ++ ~[PC] That took the edge off. Now, shoo. There are too many things to worry about without having to explain a woman's needs.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",4)~ EXIT ++ ~[PC] I want more.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",4)~ + a3587 /* I_WANT_MORE */ END IF ~~ a3586 /* QUICKIE_BEHIND_PC */ SAY ~[ARAN] (The clatter of codpiece and armor fill your ears as he responds, his fierce thrust rocking you forward onto your forearms. His movement inside you is wild, driving deep, relentless and merciless in its intensity. His breath whispers close behind you as he moves faster and faster, until he presses as far forward into you as he can... and a shuddering sigh escapes his lips.)~ ++ ~[PC] (Gather yourself together and smooth your hair, walking away without a backward glance.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",4)~ EXIT ++ ~[PC] That took the edge off. Now, shoo. There are too many things to worry about without having to explain a woman's needs.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",4)~ EXIT ++ ~[PC] I want more.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",4)~ + a3587 /* I_WANT_MORE */ END IF ~~ a3587 /* I_WANT_MORE */ SAY ~[ARAN] I can't rightly... wait. I have an idea. I think a little bit o' delay, an' I can do more. Talk to me again in a bit, an' I will endeavor to please, eh?~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a3583 /* ARAN_KISS_BACKSIDE */ SAY ~[ARAN] (With a low growl of laughter, you hear him drop to his knees behind you. Quite suddenly, you are pressed up against the nearby wall, and your rear end is being quite expertly exposed to the air...)~ ++ ~[PC] Aran, don't you dare!~ + a3588 /* ARAN_BACK_SURE */ ++ ~[PC] Stop that right now. I was joking, and I don't like being manhandled.~ + a3588 /* ARAN_BACK_SURE */ ++ ~[PC] Hey, what are you doing?~ + a3588 /* ARAN_BACK_SURE */ END IF ~~ a3588 /* ARAN_BACK_SURE */ SAY ~[ARAN] (The sudden warmth of his lips caressing the curve of your buttock contrasts with the prickle of his cheek lying along your flank.)~ ++ ~[PC] I am serious. Stop right now.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3589 /* ARAN_STOP_RIGHT_NOW */ ++ ~[PC] Aran... oh. That feels very nice.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3590 /* ARAN_PLEASE_ORAL_QUICK */ ++ ~[PC] (Bite your lip and lean forward, allowing him more access to your charms.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3590 /* ARAN_PLEASE_ORAL_QUICK */ END IF ~~ a3590 /* ARAN_PLEASE_ORAL_QUICK */ SAY ~[ARAN] (His lips move on you, exploring and teasing, until they find your intimacy. With gentle tongue he guides your pleasure, stopping only when it has been met.)~ = ~[ARAN] Now, I do think those sound you just made be reward enough, m' lady. I'd do more, but time be short an' we'd best get back right quick.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",3)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a3589 /* ARAN_STOP_RIGHT_NOW */ SAY ~[ARAN] Sorry. I misjudged. I thought you would find it right playful an' sexy, mayhap fun. I'll bugger off now.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a3600 /* START_HOLD_OUT_HANDS */ SAY ~[ARAN] (Aran's quick steps mark his movements as he paces back an forth. His back is to you as you approach him. You are alone together for what brief time you can find.)~ ++ ~[PC] So, what did my shining knight bring me?~ + a3591 /* START_BEARING_GIFTS */ ++ ~[PC] (Hold both hands out to him, his palms taking yours into a gentle embrace.)~ + a3581 /* START_GIVE_A_LAD_A_CHANCE */ ++ ~[PC] Why are you looking at me like that?~ + a3592 /* START_SUNES_LIPS */ ++ ~[PC] Don't speak. Just tear everything off of my body and have your way with me.~ + a3593 /* REMOVE_CLOTHING_DELAY_ONE */ ++ ~[PC] I... I just want to hold your hand for some time.~ + a3594 /* ROM_ONE_3_HANDS */ END IF ~~ a3576 /* START_LADY_OF_THE_WARM_LIPS */ SAY ~[ARAN] What do you be wantin', now, m'lady o' th' warm lips?~ + ~RandomNum(3,3)~ + ~[PC] (Kiss him tenderly on the cheek and run your hand along his cheek.)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3595 /* ROM_ONE_CLEAR_SIGNAL */ + ~RandomNum(3,2)~ + ~[PC] (Grab his hand and draw it close to you.) You know you want to kiss me.~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3596 /* ROM_ONE_OUCH_WHAT_GAVE_IDEA */ + ~RandomNum(3,1)~ + ~[PC] (Blush and look down at your hands.)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3595 /* ROM_ONE_CLEAR_SIGNAL */ + ~RandomNum(4,4)~ + ~[PC] You could kiss me. In fact, I insist that you do.~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3597 /* ROM_ONE_YOUR_WISH_MINE */ + ~RandomNum(4,3)~ + ~[PC] I... I was thinking... perhaps you would kiss me.~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3595 /* ROM_ONE_CLEAR_SIGNAL */ + ~RandomNum(4,2)~ + ~[PC] My lips are actually rather cold right now. Warm them?~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3595 /* ROM_ONE_CLEAR_SIGNAL */ + ~RandomNum(4,1)~ + ~[PC] Oh, nothing... I just like playing with your hair, like this...~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3598 /* ROM_ONE_OUCH_DO_SAME */ ++ ~[PC] You spend way too much time talking. Don't you think you could find something else to do with those gorgeous lips of yours?~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3595 /* ROM_ONE_CLEAR_SIGNAL */ ++ ~[PC] I need some warmth. I think you are just the right man for the job.~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3497 /* ROM_ONE_WARM_LIPS */ + ~RandomNum(5,1)~ + ~[PC] (You place both hands alongside his face, gazing into his eyes.)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3498 /* ROM_ONE_KISS_ME_AGAIN */ + ~RandomNum(5,2)~ + ~[PC] (You lift his hand to your lips, kissing along his palm.)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3497 /* ROM_ONE_WARM_LIPS */ + ~RandomNum(5,3)~ + ~[PC] (You proffer your lips to him, gazing into his eyes.)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3497 /* ROM_ONE_WARM_LIPS */ + ~RandomNum(5,4)~ + ~[PC] (Slam yourself into his chest, wrapping your arms tightly around his body.)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3599 /* ROM_TWO_ACTION_GUIDE_TO_LIPS */ + ~RandomNum(5,5)~ + ~[PC] (You proffer your lips to him, gazing into his eyes.)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3497 /* ROM_ONE_WARM_LIPS */ ++ ~[PC] I think it would be much better if we just held hands. That could be really intimate, if we have some imagination...~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3594 /* ROM_ONE_3_HANDS */ ++ ~[PC] Nothing. You should leave, now, before someone sees you.~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3366 /* GET_OUT_EXIT */ ++ ~[PC] I think the attention is nice, but we should not be doing this right now.~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3452 /* JUST_FRIENDS_EXIT */ END IF ~~ a3577 /* START_WITH_SHOULDER_PULL */ SAY ~[ARAN] (Aran's strong hands grip your shoulders, pulling you around, face to face with him.)~ + ~RandomNum(3,3)~ + ~[PC] Well, someone wants to overpower poor little me. I think you should act on those feelings.~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3597 /* ROM_ONE_YOUR_WISH_MINE */ + ~RandomNum(3,2)~ + ~[PC] Yes? You called, oh plunderer of my body and conquerer of my heart?~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3597 /* ROM_ONE_YOUR_WISH_MINE */ + ~RandomNum(3,1)~ + ~[PC] Are you going to wrestle, or did you perhaps want to... oh, say... kiss me?~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3597 /* ROM_ONE_YOUR_WISH_MINE */ + ~RandomNum(4,4)~ + ~[PC] What are you...~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3597 /* ROM_ONE_YOUR_WISH_MINE */ + ~RandomNum(4,3)~ + ~[PC] (Grab him fiercely, pressing ardent kisses to his lips.)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3597 /* ROM_ONE_YOUR_WISH_MINE */ + ~RandomNum(4,2)~ + ~[PC] Do you want to kiss me? I think... I think I might like that.~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3597 /* ROM_ONE_YOUR_WISH_MINE */ + ~RandomNum(4,1)~ + ~[PC] (Blush and look down his chest.)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3597 /* ROM_ONE_YOUR_WISH_MINE */ ++ ~[PC] I like a man who knows what he wants... and takes it.~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3497 /* ROM_ONE_WARM_LIPS */ ++ ~[PC] (Slam yourself into his chest, wrapping your arms tightly around his body.)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3599 /* ROM_TWO_ACTION_GUIDE_TO_LIPS */ + ~RandomNum(4,1)~ + ~[PC] (You place both hands alongside his face, gazing into his eyes.)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3497 /* ROM_ONE_WARM_LIPS */ + ~RandomNum(4,2)~ + ~[PC] (You proffer your lips to him, blushing with desire.)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3497 /* ROM_ONE_WARM_LIPS */ + ~RandomNum(4,3)~ + ~[PC] (Your hand flies toward his face, palm open for a resounding slap.)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3751 /* ROM_ONE_SLAP */ + ~RandomNum(4,4)~ + ~[PC] (Your hand flies toward his face, palm open for a resounding slap.)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3369 /* ROM_ONE_SLAP_AVOID */ ++ ~[PC] Careful! I am not made of glass, but I am not a doll. I can see you want something... here, let me walk with you, hand in hand.~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3594 /* ROM_ONE_3_HANDS */ ++ ~[PC] Stop. You should stop this, now, before someone sees you.~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3366 /* GET_OUT_EXIT */ ++ ~[PC] I think you should relax. Let me go, and let's just move on, please.~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3444 /* FEMALE_LEAVES */ END IF ~~ a3574 /* START_ARAN_CUTS_TO_CHACE_VOCAL */ SAY ~[ARAN] I be needin' to hold you, to touch you... just bein' close to you drives me a mite bit crazy.~ + ~RandomNum(3,3)~ + ~[PC] I feel the same way. I want my hands to press against your bare chest, to feel your heartbeat under my palms...~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3597 /* ROM_ONE_YOUR_WISH_MINE */ + ~RandomNum(3,3)~ + ~[PC] If it drives you crazy, think of what I am going through. I shouldn't want you to overpower me and make me your love slave, but I get these urges...~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3597 /* ROM_ONE_YOUR_WISH_MINE */ + ~RandomNum(3,3)~ + ~[PC] There is nothing crazy about wanting me. You could even kiss me, if you would like.~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3597 /* ROM_ONE_YOUR_WISH_MINE */ + ~RandomNum(4,4)~ + ~[PC] Aran! Someone might... oh, we are alone... I suppose a kiss might be in order.~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3597 /* ROM_ONE_YOUR_WISH_MINE */ + ~RandomNum(4,3)~ + ~[PC] (Press your body close to him, lifting your face for a kiss.)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3597 /* ROM_ONE_YOUR_WISH_MINE */ + ~RandomNum(4,2)~ + ~[PC] Do you want to kiss me? I think... I think I might like that.~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3597 /* ROM_ONE_YOUR_WISH_MINE */ + ~RandomNum(4,1)~ + ~[PC] (Blush and look down, moving closer to him.)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3597 /* ROM_ONE_YOUR_WISH_MINE */ ++ ~[PC] Perhaps we are both crazy. There is only one cure... kiss me.~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3497 /* ROM_ONE_WARM_LIPS */ ++ ~[PC] (Start tugging at his clothes, hands flying as you seek to completely disrobe him.)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3608 /* ROM_ONE_URGENT */ + ~RandomNum(3,1)~ + ~[PC] (You place both hands alongside his face, gazing into his eyes.)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3497 /* ROM_ONE_WARM_LIPS */ + ~RandomNum(3,2)~ + ~[PC] (Your hand flies toward his face, palm open for a resounding slap.)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3751 /* ROM_ONE_SLAP */ + ~RandomNum(3,3)~ + ~[PC] (Your hand flies toward his face, palm open for a resounding slap.)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3369 /* ROM_ONE_SLAP_AVOID */ ++ ~[PC] Here, take my hand, and I will take your arm. We can just hold onto each other, and the feelings will pass.~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3749 /* ROM_ONE_3_PASS */ ++ ~[PC] Stop. You should stop this, now, before someone sees you.~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3366 /* GET_OUT_EXIT */ ++ ~[PC] I think you should relax. I am going to walk away, now. Don't follow me.~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3444 /* FEMALE_LEAVES */ END IF ~~ a3495 /* START_NINE_HELLS_PC_ACTION */ SAY ~[ARAN] , what in th' nine hells do you be doin'?~ + ~RandomNum(3,3)~ + ~[PC] Taking your clothes off. I want my hands to press against your bare chest, to feel your heartbeat under my palms...~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3608 /* ROM_ONE_URGENT */ + ~RandomNum(3,3)~ + ~[PC] Oh, nothing... one lacing here, one little tug there... I would think my clothes opening for you would give you a slight hint.~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3608 /* ROM_ONE_URGENT */ + ~RandomNum(3,3)~ + ~[PC] I am simply removing anything that could come between my skin and yours. Don't you want to join me?~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3597 /* ROM_ONE_YOUR_WISH_MINE */ + ~RandomNum(4,4)~ + ~[PC] Aran! Shhh. This is.. this is difficult enough for me. (Slowly remove your clothing, blushing face turned away from him.)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3597 /* ROM_ONE_YOUR_WISH_MINE */ + ~RandomNum(4,3)~ + ~[PC] (Place one finger to his lips, and slowly begin disrobing.)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3597 /* ROM_ONE_YOUR_WISH_MINE */ + ~RandomNum(4,2)~ + ~[PC] (Hide your face in his chest, hands gently tugging and pulling as you begin disrobing him.)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3597 /* ROM_ONE_YOUR_WISH_MINE */ + ~RandomNum(4,1)~ + ~[PC] (Blush, but continue removing your clothing.)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3597 /* ROM_ONE_YOUR_WISH_MINE */ ++ ~[PC] Grabbing you. Kiss me.~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3497 /* ROM_ONE_WARM_LIPS */ + ~Global("c-aranpcbedding","LOCALS",0)~ + ~[PC] Take me. We are alone, and hidden enough from view. Make love to me right here, right now. Do whatever you want with me.~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3506 /* SEX_SCENE_ONE */ + ~Global("c-aranpcbedding","LOCALS",1)~ + ~[PC] Take me. We are alone, and hidden enough from view. Make love to me right here, right now. Do whatever you want with me.~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3507 /* SEX_SCENE_TWO */ + ~Global("c-aranpcbedding","LOCALS",2)~ + ~[PC] Take me. We are alone, and hidden enough from view. Make love to me right here, right now. Do whatever you want with me.~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3508 /* SEX_SCENE_THREE */ + ~Global("c-aranpcbedding","LOCALS",3)~ + ~[PC] Take me. We are alone, and hidden enough from view. Make love to me right here, right now. Do whatever you want with me.~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3509 /* SEX_SCENE_FOUR */ + ~Global("c-aranpcbedding","LOCALS",4)~ + ~[PC] Take me. We are alone, and hidden enough from view. Make love to me right here, right now. Do whatever you want with me.~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3510 /* SEX_SCENE_FIVE */ + ~Global("c-aranpcbedding","LOCALS",5)~ + ~[PC] Take me. We are alone, and hidden enough from view. Make love to me right here, right now. Do whatever you want with me.~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3511 /* SEX_SCENE_SIX */ + ~Global("c-aranpcbedding","LOCALS",6)~ + ~[PC] Take me. We are alone, and hidden enough from view. Make love to me right here, right now. Do whatever you want with me.~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3512 /* SEX_SCENE_SEVEN */ + ~Global("c-aranpcbedding","LOCALS",7)~ + ~[PC] Take me. We are alone, and hidden enough from view. Make love to me right here, right now. Do whatever you want with me.~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3513 /* SEX_SCENE_EIGHT */ ++ ~[PC] Here, take my hand, and I will take your arm. My lustful feelings will pass.~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3749 /* ROM_ONE_3_PASS */ ++ ~[PC] Stop. We should stop this, now, before someone sees or hears us.~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3366 /* GET_OUT_EXIT */ ++ ~[PC] Oh, a little butt slap doesn't mean anything. I think you should relax. I am going to walk away, now. Don't follow me.~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3444 /* FEMALE_LEAVES */ END IF ~~ a3579 /* START_MAYHAP_I_GET_A_KISS */ SAY ~[ARAN] Now, we do have a moment alone... mayhap I can get a kiss?~ + ~RandomNum(3,1)~ + ~[PC] You could. In fact, I insist you do.~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3741 /* ROM_TWO_WONT_WAIT_THEN */ + ~RandomNum(3,2)~ + ~[PC] Why have one, when you could take two?~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3741 /* ROM_TWO_WONT_WAIT_THEN */ + ~RandomNum(3,3)~ + ~[PC] I was waiting for you to ask that.~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3741 /* ROM_TWO_WONT_WAIT_THEN */ + ~RandomNum(4,4)~ + ~[PC] I... I think that would be nice.~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3741 /* ROM_TWO_WONT_WAIT_THEN */ + ~RandomNum(4,3)~ + ~[PC] If you... well... I guess you could.~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3741 /* ROM_TWO_WONT_WAIT_THEN */ + ~RandomNum(4,2)~ + ~[PC] Do you really want to kiss me? I think... I think that would be very nice.~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3741 /* ROM_TWO_WONT_WAIT_THEN */ + ~RandomNum(4,1)~ + ~[PC] (Blush and look down at your hands.)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3748 /* ROM_TWO_1a */ ++ ~[PC] (You let him kiss you on the mouth.)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3599 /* ROM_TWO_ACTION_GUIDE_TO_LIPS */ ++ ~[PC] (You let him kiss you on the cheek.)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3599 /* ROM_TWO_ACTION_GUIDE_TO_LIPS */ + ~RandomNum(3,1)~ + ~[PC] (You kiss him gently on the lips.)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3599 /* ROM_TWO_ACTION_GUIDE_TO_LIPS */ + ~RandomNum(3,2)~ + ~[PC] (You brush your lips gently along his cheek, ending at his mouth.)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3599 /* ROM_TWO_ACTION_GUIDE_TO_LIPS */ + ~RandomNum(3,3)~ + ~[PC] (You proffer your lips to him, gazing into his eyes.)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3599 /* ROM_TWO_ACTION_GUIDE_TO_LIPS */ ++ ~[PC] I think it would be much better if we just held hands. That could be really intimate, if we have some imagination...~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3517 /* ROM_TWO_HARD_TO_STOP_GENTLEMAN */ ++ ~[PC] No. You should leave, now, before someone sees you.~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3366 /* GET_OUT_EXIT */ ++ ~[PC] I think I have better things to do with my time. You can stay here for awhile if you want, but I am going to go check on the gear.~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3444 /* FEMALE_LEAVES */ ++ ~[PC] I think the attention is nice, but we should not be doing this right now.~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3452 /* JUST_FRIENDS_EXIT */ END IF ~~ a3581 /* START_GIVE_A_LAD_A_CHANCE */ SAY ~[ARAN] I have been dyin' to kiss you for just about forever. Give a lad a chance to show you how much you be in his heart, eh?~ + ~RandomNum(3,1)~ + ~[PC] You could. In fact, I insist you do.~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3740 /* ROM_TWO_KISS_DRINK_LIPS */ + ~RandomNum(3,2)~ + ~[PC] Why have one, when you could take two?~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3739 /* ROM_TWO_SIGHT_AND_TASTE_LIPS */ + ~RandomNum(3,3)~ + ~[PC] I was waiting for you to ask that.~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3739 /* ROM_TWO_SIGHT_AND_TASTE_LIPS */ + ~RandomNum(4,4)~ + ~[PC] I... I think that would be nice.~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3738 /* ROM_TWO_KISS_WANT_PRIVACY */ + ~RandomNum(4,3)~ + ~[PC] If you... well... I guess you could.~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3739 /* ROM_TWO_SIGHT_AND_TASTE_LIPS */ + ~RandomNum(4,2)~ + ~[PC] Do you really want to kiss me? I think... I think that would be very nice.~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3739 /* ROM_TWO_SIGHT_AND_TASTE_LIPS */ + ~RandomNum(4,1)~ + ~[PC] (Blush and look down at your hands.)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3736 /* ROM_TWO_CHEEK_NUZZLE_LIPS */ ++ ~[PC] (You let him kiss you on the mouth.)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3599 /* ROM_TWO_ACTION_GUIDE_TO_LIPS */ ++ ~[PC] (You let him kiss you on the cheek.)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3599 /* ROM_TWO_ACTION_GUIDE_TO_LIPS */ + ~RandomNum(3,1)~ + ~[PC] (You kiss him gently on the lips.)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3599 /* ROM_TWO_ACTION_GUIDE_TO_LIPS */ + ~RandomNum(3,2)~ + ~[PC] (You brush your lips gently along his cheek, ending at his mouth.)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3599 /* ROM_TWO_ACTION_GUIDE_TO_LIPS */ + ~RandomNum(3,3)~ + ~[PC] (You proffer your lips to him, gazing into his eyes.)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3599 /* ROM_TWO_ACTION_GUIDE_TO_LIPS */ ++ ~[PC] I think it would be much better if we just held hands. That could be really intimate, if we have some imagination...~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3517 /* ROM_TWO_HARD_TO_STOP_GENTLEMAN */ ++ ~[PC] No. You should leave, now, before someone sees you.~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3366 /* GET_OUT_EXIT */ ++ ~[PC] I think I have better things to do with my time. You can stay here for awhile if you want, but I am going to go check on the gear.~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3444 /* FEMALE_LEAVES */ ++ ~[PC] I think the attention is nice, but we should not be doing this right now.~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3452 /* JUST_FRIENDS_EXIT */ END IF ~~ a3591 /* START_BEARING_GIFTS */ SAY ~[ARAN] I come bearin' gifts. Two lips. All yours. An' most o' th' rest o' this here body, if you want it, for that matter.~ + ~RandomNum(3,1)~ + ~[PC] You could. In fact, I insist you do.~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3739 /* ROM_TWO_SIGHT_AND_TASTE_LIPS */ + ~RandomNum(3,2)~ + ~[PC] Why have one, when you could take two?~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3739 /* ROM_TWO_SIGHT_AND_TASTE_LIPS */ + ~RandomNum(3,3)~ + ~[PC] I was waiting for you to ask that.~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3740 /* ROM_TWO_KISS_DRINK_LIPS */ + ~RandomNum(4,4)~ + ~[PC] I... I think that would be nice.~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3739 /* ROM_TWO_SIGHT_AND_TASTE_LIPS */ + ~RandomNum(4,3)~ + ~[PC] If you... well... I guess you could.~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3740 /* ROM_TWO_KISS_DRINK_LIPS */ + ~RandomNum(4,2)~ + ~[PC] Do you really want to kiss me? I think... I think that would be very nice.~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3739 /* ROM_TWO_SIGHT_AND_TASTE_LIPS */ + ~RandomNum(4,1)~ + ~[PC] (Blush and look down at your hands.)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3748 /* ROM_TWO_1a */ ++ ~[PC] (You let him kiss you on the mouth.)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3599 /* ROM_TWO_ACTION_GUIDE_TO_LIPS */ ++ ~[PC] (You let him kiss you on the cheek.)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3736 /* ROM_TWO_CHEEK_NUZZLE_LIPS */ + ~RandomNum(3,1)~ + ~[PC] (You kiss him gently on the lips.)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3599 /* ROM_TWO_ACTION_GUIDE_TO_LIPS */ + ~RandomNum(3,2)~ + ~[PC] (You brush your lips gently along his cheek, ending at his mouth.)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3599 /* ROM_TWO_ACTION_GUIDE_TO_LIPS */ + ~RandomNum(3,3)~ + ~[PC] (You proffer your lips to him, gazing into his eyes.)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3599 /* ROM_TWO_ACTION_GUIDE_TO_LIPS */ ++ ~[PC] I think it would be much better if we just held hands. That could be really intimate, if we have some imagination...~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3517 /* ROM_TWO_HARD_TO_STOP_GENTLEMAN */ ++ ~[PC] No. You should leave, now, before someone sees you.~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3366 /* GET_OUT_EXIT */ ++ ~[PC] I think I have better things to do with my time. You can stay here for awhile if you want, but I am going to go check on the gear.~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3444 /* FEMALE_LEAVES */ ++ ~[PC] I think the attention is nice, but we should not be doing this right now.~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3452 /* JUST_FRIENDS_EXIT */ END IF ~~ a3592 /* START_SUNES_LIPS */ SAY ~[ARAN] That cheek be rosy an' beautiful, but that mouth... gods, Sune herself be shamed. Mayhap I kiss it?~ + ~RandomNum(3,1)~ + ~[PC] You could. In fact, I insist you do.~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3738 /* ROM_TWO_KISS_WANT_PRIVACY */ + ~RandomNum(3,2)~ + ~[PC] Why have one, when you could take two?~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3738 /* ROM_TWO_KISS_WANT_PRIVACY */ + ~RandomNum(3,3)~ + ~[PC] I was waiting for you to ask that.~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3738 /* ROM_TWO_KISS_WANT_PRIVACY */ + ~RandomNum(4,4)~ + ~[PC] I... I think that would be nice.~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3738 /* ROM_TWO_KISS_WANT_PRIVACY */ + ~RandomNum(4,3)~ + ~[PC] If you... well... I guess you could.~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3738 /* ROM_TWO_KISS_WANT_PRIVACY */ + ~RandomNum(4,2)~ + ~[PC] Do you really want to kiss me? I think... I think that would be very nice.~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3738 /* ROM_TWO_KISS_WANT_PRIVACY */ + ~RandomNum(4,1)~ + ~[PC] (Blush and look down at your hands.)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3599 /* ROM_TWO_ACTION_GUIDE_TO_LIPS */ ++ ~[PC] (You let him kiss you on the mouth.)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3599 /* ROM_TWO_ACTION_GUIDE_TO_LIPS */ ++ ~[PC] (You let him kiss you on the cheek.)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3599 /* ROM_TWO_ACTION_GUIDE_TO_LIPS */ + ~RandomNum(3,1)~ + ~[PC] (You kiss him gently on the lips.)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3599 /* ROM_TWO_ACTION_GUIDE_TO_LIPS */ + ~RandomNum(3,2)~ + ~[PC] (You brush your lips gently along his cheek, ending at his mouth.)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3736 /* ROM_TWO_CHEEK_NUZZLE_LIPS */ + ~RandomNum(3,3)~ + ~[PC] (You proffer your lips to him, gazing into his eyes.)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3599 /* ROM_TWO_ACTION_GUIDE_TO_LIPS */ ++ ~[PC] I think it would be much better if we just held hands. That could be really intimate, if we have some imagination...~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3517 /* ROM_TWO_HARD_TO_STOP_GENTLEMAN */ ++ ~[PC] No. You should leave, now, before someone sees you.~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3366 /* GET_OUT_EXIT */ ++ ~[PC] I think I have better things to do with my time. You can stay here for awhile if you want, but I am going to go check on the gear.~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3444 /* FEMALE_LEAVES */ ++ ~[PC] I think the attention is nice, but we should not be doing this right now.~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3452 /* JUST_FRIENDS_EXIT */ END IF ~~ a3580 /* START_TRY_TO_BE_PHYSICAL */ SAY ~[ARAN] (His rough embrace closes quickly around you, his face pressing close to yours, grinning from ear to ear.)~ + ~RandomNum(3,1)~ + ~[PC] Now you have me at a disadvantage. I suppose next you are going to kiss me.~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3738 /* ROM_TWO_KISS_WANT_PRIVACY */ + ~RandomNum(3,2)~ + ~[PC] How am I supposed to kiss you when you are grinning like that?~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3738 /* ROM_TWO_KISS_WANT_PRIVACY */ + ~RandomNum(3,3)~ + ~[PC] Tight... can't breathe... you are holding me too tight!~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3738 /* ROM_TWO_KISS_WANT_PRIVACY */ + ~RandomNum(4,4)~ + ~[PC] What do you want?~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3738 /* ROM_TWO_KISS_WANT_PRIVACY */ + ~RandomNum(4,3)~ + ~[PC] If you... well... I guess you could kiss me. If you want to..~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3738 /* ROM_TWO_KISS_WANT_PRIVACY */ + ~RandomNum(4,2)~ + ~[PC] I think... I think that a kiss would be very nice.~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3738 /* ROM_TWO_KISS_WANT_PRIVACY */ + ~RandomNum(4,1)~ + ~[PC] (Blush and look away from him.)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3599 /* ROM_TWO_ACTION_GUIDE_TO_LIPS */ ++ ~[PC] (You let him kiss you on the mouth.)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3599 /* ROM_TWO_ACTION_GUIDE_TO_LIPS */ ++ ~[PC] (You let him kiss you on the cheek.)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3599 /* ROM_TWO_ACTION_GUIDE_TO_LIPS */ + ~RandomNum(3,1)~ + ~[PC] (You kiss him gently on the lips.)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3599 /* ROM_TWO_ACTION_GUIDE_TO_LIPS */ + ~RandomNum(3,2)~ + ~[PC] (You brush your lips gently along his cheek, ending at his mouth.)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3736 /* ROM_TWO_CHEEK_NUZZLE_LIPS */ + ~RandomNum(3,3)~ + ~[PC] (You proffer your lips to him, gazing into his eyes.)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3599 /* ROM_TWO_ACTION_GUIDE_TO_LIPS */ ++ ~[PC] I think it would be much better if we just held hands. That could be really intimate, if we have some imagination...~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3517 /* ROM_TWO_HARD_TO_STOP_GENTLEMAN */ ++ ~[PC] No. You should leave, now, before someone sees you.~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3366 /* GET_OUT_EXIT */ ++ ~[PC] I think I have better things to do with my time. You can stay here for awhile if you want, but I am going to go check on the gear.~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3444 /* FEMALE_LEAVES */ ++ ~[PC] I think the attention is nice, but we should not be doing this right now.~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3452 /* JUST_FRIENDS_EXIT */ END IF ~~ a3568 /* START_LIP_EXERCISES */ SAY ~[ARAN] I have some nice lip exercises what help wi' many different an excitin' things. Mayhap a brief lip sparrin' session be in order, eh?~ + ~RandomNum(3,3)~ + ~[PC] You could have a brief match with me. In fact, I insist you do.~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3739 /* ROM_TWO_SIGHT_AND_TASTE_LIPS */ + ~RandomNum(3,2)~ + ~[PC] Why have one session, when you could take two, or three, or four trials...~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3739 /* ROM_TWO_SIGHT_AND_TASTE_LIPS */ + ~RandomNum(3,1)~ + ~[PC] I was waiting for you to ask that.~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3739 /* ROM_TWO_SIGHT_AND_TASTE_LIPS */ + ~RandomNum(4,4)~ + ~[PC] I... I think that would be nice.~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3739 /* ROM_TWO_SIGHT_AND_TASTE_LIPS */ + ~RandomNum(4,3)~ + ~[PC] If you... well... I guess you could.~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3739 /* ROM_TWO_SIGHT_AND_TASTE_LIPS */ + ~RandomNum(4,2)~ + ~[PC] Do you really want to kiss me? I think... I think that would be very nice.~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3739 /* ROM_TWO_SIGHT_AND_TASTE_LIPS */ + ~RandomNum(4,1)~ + ~[PC] (Blush and look down at your hands.)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3740 /* ROM_TWO_KISS_DRINK_LIPS */ ++ ~[PC] (You let him kiss you on the mouth.)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3599 /* ROM_TWO_ACTION_GUIDE_TO_LIPS */ ++ ~[PC] (You let him kiss you on the cheek.)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3599 /* ROM_TWO_ACTION_GUIDE_TO_LIPS */ + ~RandomNum(3,1)~ + ~[PC] (You kiss him gently on the lips.)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3599 /* ROM_TWO_ACTION_GUIDE_TO_LIPS */ + ~RandomNum(3,2)~ + ~[PC] (You brush your lips gently along his cheek, ending at his mouth.)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3599 /* ROM_TWO_ACTION_GUIDE_TO_LIPS */ + ~RandomNum(3,3)~ + ~[PC] (You proffer your lips to him, gazing into his eyes.)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3599 /* ROM_TWO_ACTION_GUIDE_TO_LIPS */ ++ ~[PC] I think it would be much better if we just held hands. That could be really intimate, if we have some imagination...~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3517 /* ROM_TWO_HARD_TO_STOP_GENTLEMAN */ ++ ~[PC] No. You should leave, now, before someone sees you.~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3366 /* GET_OUT_EXIT */ ++ ~[PC] I think I have better things to do with my time. You can stay here for awhile if you want, but I am going to go check on the gear.~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3444 /* FEMALE_LEAVES */ ++ ~[PC] I think the attention is nice, but we should not be doing this right now.~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3452 /* JUST_FRIENDS_EXIT */ END /* Intermediaries #1 */ IF ~~ a3567 /* SERVE_YOU_MY_LORD */ SAY ~[ARAN] I think I have just th' task in mind.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a3601 /* SHOW_TATTOO_ARAN_STRIPS */ END IF ~~ a3569 /* KISS_TIP_CHIN */ SAY ~[ARAN] (Aran leans close to you, his hands gently catching your chin, tipping your lips up to his.)~ ++ ~[PC] (You lean forward, your kisses moving now to his neck, now to his chest.)~ + a3602 /* ROM_THREE_PC_TO_ARAN */ ++ ~[PC] We need to stop. I am sure about this.~ + a3603 /* SUNE_SHUTDOWN_EXIT */ ++ ~[PC] Aran. Hold still. I think I have something to show you. (Slowly begin removing your clothing.)~ + a3604 /* PC_STRIPS_FOR_ARAN */ ++ ~[PC] You have way too many clothes on...~ + a3605 /* ARAN_UNLACING_TUNIC */ ++ ~[PC] Gods, what are you waiting for? Get those clothes off, or I will tear them off of your body, and I won't be held responsible for their repair!~ + a3606 /* TAKE_ME_DELAY_THREE */ END IF ~~ a3570 /* KISS_PRESS_SALTY */ SAY ~[ARAN] (His lips press against yours, his salty taste filling your senses.)~ ++ ~[PC] You have way too many clothes on...~ + a3605 /* ARAN_UNLACING_TUNIC */ ++ ~[PC] (You lean forward, your kisses moving now to his neck, now to his chest.)~ + a3602 /* ROM_THREE_PC_TO_ARAN */ ++ ~[PC] Aran. Hold still. I think I have something to show you. (Slowly begin removing your clothing.)~ + a3604 /* PC_STRIPS_FOR_ARAN */ ++ ~[PC] I need you, right now. I need you to make love to me.~ + a3607 /* TAKE_ME_DELAY_FOUR */ END IF ~~ a3571 /* ARAN_KISSES_NECK */ SAY ~[ARAN] (His lips are warm on your neck, brushing along your collarbone.)~ ++ ~[PC] (You lean forward, your kisses moving now to his neck, now to his chest.)~ + a3602 /* ROM_THREE_PC_TO_ARAN */ ++ ~[PC] Aran. Hold still. I think I have something to show you. (Slowly begin removing your clothing.)~ + a3604 /* PC_STRIPS_FOR_ARAN */ ++ ~[PC] Gods, what are you waiting for? I need you, now!~ + a3606 /* TAKE_ME_DELAY_THREE */ END IF ~~ a3573 /* KISS_SILENCE_STRAIGHTEN */ SAY ~[ARAN] (His swift kiss silences you, and he straightens slightly, arms catching you around your waist.)~ ++ ~[PC] (You hurl yourself at him, tearing at anything that stands between your skin and his...)~ + a3602 /* ROM_THREE_PC_TO_ARAN */ ++ ~[PC] (You lean forward, your kisses moving now to his neck, now to his chest.)~ + a3602 /* ROM_THREE_PC_TO_ARAN */ ++ ~[PC] I know what you want, Aran... but you should leave now.~ + a3603 /* SUNE_SHUTDOWN_EXIT */ ++ ~[PC] Aran. Hold still. I think I have something to show you. (Slowly begin removing your clothing.)~ + a3604 /* PC_STRIPS_FOR_ARAN */ ++ ~[PC] Take what you want. I am yours, without reservation.~ + a3593 /* REMOVE_CLOTHING_DELAY_ONE */ END IF ~~ a3575 /* KISS_CATCH_HANDS */ SAY ~[ARAN] (He lightly kisses your mouth, catching both your hands, holding you at bay.)~ ++ ~[PC] (You duck under his hands, burying yourself in his chest and hauling at his clothing fiercely, insistently.)~ + a3608 /* ROM_ONE_URGENT */ ++ ~[PC] (You lean forward, your kisses moving now to his neck, now to his chest.)~ + a3602 /* ROM_THREE_PC_TO_ARAN */ ++ ~[PC] I want to feel you spend yourself inside me.~ + a3609 /* TAKE_ME_DELAY_TWO */ ++ ~[PC] Aran. Hold still. I think I have something to show you. (Slowly begin removing your clothing.)~ + a3604 /* PC_STRIPS_FOR_ARAN */ ++ ~[PC] I know what my body wants from you, Aran... but you should leave now.~ + a3603 /* SUNE_SHUTDOWN_EXIT */ END /* follow-up to first level */ IF ~~ a3609 /* TAKE_ME_DELAY_TWO */ SAY ~[ARAN] Dear gods, you know exactly what you want, an' there be naught in th' way o' beatin' around th' bush.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a3593 /* REMOVE_CLOTHING_DELAY_ONE */ END IF ~~ a3606 /* TAKE_ME_DELAY_THREE */ SAY ~[ARAN] There be a right fine power in goin' it slow, eh? Just slow enough that... oh hells, who do I be kiddin'!~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a3593 /* REMOVE_CLOTHING_DELAY_ONE */ END IF ~~ a3607 /* TAKE_ME_DELAY_FOUR */ SAY ~[ARAN] I don't rightly want to rush into things, when your lips taste so fine. But I do think you be right. If I delay much longer, I am liable to be a mite rough, on account o' I be feelin' practically animal.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a3593 /* REMOVE_CLOTHING_DELAY_ONE */ END IF ~~ a3593 /* REMOVE_CLOTHING_DELAY_ONE */ SAY ~[ARAN] (He works fiercely to remove anything between your bare skin and the air. His hands tangle with yours, until there is nothing at all between you.)~ IF ~RandomNum(8,1)~ THEN GOTO a3644 /* ROM_THREE_ARAN_TO_PC */ IF ~RandomNum(8,2)~ THEN GOTO a3544 /* YOU_TALK_TOO_MUCH */ IF ~RandomNum(8,3)~ THEN GOTO a3560 /* HANDS_TEASING_BARE */ IF ~RandomNum(8,4)~ THEN GOTO a3723 /* HANDS_AND_FINGERS_EVERYWHERE */ IF ~RandomNum(8,5)~ THEN GOTO a3602 /* ROM_THREE_PC_TO_ARAN */ IF ~RandomNum(8,6)~ THEN GOTO a3543 /* YOU_WANT_TO_STOP_ARE_YOU_CRAZY */ IF ~RandomNum(8,7)~ THEN GOTO a3560 /* HANDS_TEASING_BARE */ IF ~RandomNum(8,8)~ THEN GOTO a3544 /* YOU_TALK_TOO_MUCH */ END IF ~~ a3595 /* ROM_ONE_CLEAR_SIGNAL */ SAY ~[ARAN] Now, that be a right clear indication o' what you want. A kiss sets things off right proper, eh?~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a3498 /* ROM_ONE_KISS_ME_AGAIN */ END IF ~~ a3596 /* ROM_ONE_OUCH_WHAT_GAVE_IDEA */ SAY ~[ARAN] Now, what ever gave you that idea? Was it on account o' I can't catch my breath when you be around, or was it my arms grippin' both your shoulders, like this...~ IF ~RandomNum(3,1)~ THEN GOTO a3497 /* ROM_ONE_WARM_LIPS */ IF ~RandomNum(3,2)~ THEN GOTO a3498 /* ROM_ONE_KISS_ME_AGAIN */ IF ~RandomNum(3,3)~ THEN GOTO a3542 /* ROM_ONE_KISS_ME_ALWAYS */ END IF ~~ a3597 /* ROM_ONE_YOUR_WISH_MINE */ SAY ~[ARAN] Your wish, an' mine as well, m'lady temptress.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a3497 /* ROM_ONE_WARM_LIPS */ END IF ~~ a3598 /* ROM_ONE_OUCH_DO_SAME */ SAY ~[ARAN] Ouch! Careful, there... I can do th' same. But a kiss, now...~ IF ~RandomNum(3,1)~ THEN GOTO a3497 /* ROM_ONE_WARM_LIPS */ IF ~RandomNum(3,2)~ THEN GOTO a3498 /* ROM_ONE_KISS_ME_AGAIN */ IF ~RandomNum(3,3)~ THEN GOTO a3542 /* ROM_ONE_KISS_ME_ALWAYS */ END IF ~~ a3497 /* ROM_ONE_WARM_LIPS */ SAY ~[ARAN] (Aran's lips are warm and alive on yours, hardening with desire.)~ IF ~RandomNum(5,5)~ THEN GOTO a3537 /* ROM_ONE_CAN_I_TOUCH */ IF ~RandomNum(5,4)~ THEN GOTO a3538 /* ROM_ONE_HANDS_UNDER_BUST_ONE */ IF ~RandomNum(5,3)~ THEN GOTO a3539 /* ROM_ONE_HANDS_UNDER_BUST_TWO */ IF ~RandomNum(5,2)~ THEN GOTO a3540 /* ROM_ONE_THREATEN_KISS_BUST */ IF ~RandomNum(5,1)~ THEN GOTO a3541 /* ROM_ONE_HANDS_ON_BODY */ END IF ~~ a3751 /* ROM_ONE_SLAP */ SAY ~[ARAN] OUCH! Blighted hells, what do you be playin' at? Xvim's Spit, I should know better. I don't rightly enjoy pain. I am gettin' shut o' this.~ = ~[ARAN] Some things a lad just can't do. I hope you find someone what can help you wi' that.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a3369 /* ROM_ONE_SLAP_AVOID */ SAY ~[ARAN] (His hand grabs your wrist painfully, trapping it inches from his face.)~ ++ ~[PC] Let me go, weakling, or I will kill you where you stand.~ + a3751 /* ROM_ONE_SLAP */ ++ ~[PC] Take what you want. Stop toying with me and confusing me.~ + a3549 /* NOT_MY_WAY */ ++ ~[PC] You make me so angry. One minute you seem capable of being a strong suitor, and the next you prattle on about weak, soft emotions. I need strength, not a crybaby!~ + a3750 /* NOT_MY_WAY_STRENGTH */ ++ ~[PC] Come on, Aran. Admit it. Violence excites you. Don't you want to force me to be your servant, using me as you please?~ + a3750 /* NOT_MY_WAY_STRENGTH */ END IF ~~ a3750 /* NOT_MY_WAY_STRENGTH */ SAY ~[ARAN] I don't understand. You want me to use you, dominate you like we be unthinkin' animals? You want me to become like Irenicus, causin' you pain? You want to be made subservient, beggin' me for to hurt you an' punish you into submission?~ ++ ~[PC] Yes.~ + a3714 /* NOPE_NOT_WANTED */ ++ ~[PC] I... I don't know. But it excites me, losing power. Just do it.~ + a3714 /* NOPE_NOT_WANTED */ ++ ~[PC] No. I thought that would excite you. I thought that was what you wanted.~ + a3714 /* NOPE_NOT_WANTED */ ++ ~[PC] Don't be a fool. There is a big difference between torture and showing dominance. I am willing. I just want to be pushed to my limits.~ + a3714 /* NOPE_NOT_WANTED */ ++ ~[PC] You will never understand me, or what I want, will you.~ + a3714 /* NOPE_NOT_WANTED */ END IF ~~ a3549 /* NOT_MY_WAY */ SAY ~[ARAN] I don't understand you. You want me to do what Bhaal did, an' manipulate you, use you? You want me to become like Irenicus, causin' you pain? You want to be made less than a person, just a vessel for me for to get some minor pleasure?~ ++ ~[PC] Yes.~ + a3714 /* NOPE_NOT_WANTED */ ++ ~[PC] I... I don't know. But it excites me, losing power. Just do it.~ + a3714 /* NOPE_NOT_WANTED */ ++ ~[PC] No. I thought that would excite you. I thought that was what you wanted.~ + a3714 /* NOPE_NOT_WANTED */ ++ ~[PC] Don't be a fool. There is a big difference between torture and strength. I am willing. I just want to be pushed to my limits.~ + a3714 /* NOPE_NOT_WANTED */ ++ ~[PC] You will never understand me, or what I want, will you.~ + a3714 /* NOPE_NOT_WANTED */ END IF ~~ a3749 /* ROM_ONE_3_PASS */ SAY ~[ARAN] Yours might, mayhap, but mine may not any time soon. Sharess' Sultry Silks, I feel right bound to you, I do. I have naught but you on my mind. Did you put some sort o' geas on me?~ ++ ~[PC] If I did, it was the good old fashioned kind. No magic, just me. And you. Together.~ + a3741 /* ROM_TWO_WONT_WAIT_THEN */ ++ ~[PC] Like I would waste that kind of magic when all I have to do is kiss you, and it has the same effect.~ + a3741 /* ROM_TWO_WONT_WAIT_THEN */ ++ ~[PC] Do you always have to talk so much? Wouldn't you just prefer to converse with our bodies?~ + a3741 /* ROM_TWO_WONT_WAIT_THEN */ ++ ~[PC] Hey! Your fingers... they keep touching my thighs, and then my... you are driving me wild. Don't stop!~ + a3699 /* FRONT_TO_ARAN_FINGERS */ + ~RandomNum(2,2)~ + ~[PC] I don't know of any geas. But... I am not ready for this. Can we just cuddle?~ + a3385 /* ARAN_AGREES_ONE_CUDDLE */ + ~RandomNum(2,1)~ + ~[PC] I don't know of any geas. But... I am not ready for this. Can we just cuddle?~ + a3386 /* ARAN_AGREES_TWO_CUDDLE */ END IF ~~ a3608 /* ROM_ONE_URGENT */ SAY ~[ARAN] (With a low rumbling growl, his hands find yours, half helping and half hindering your efforts. His sudden ferocious need has you half unclad and him mostly unclad when he stops suddenly, looking deeply into your eyes.)~ = ~[ARAN] Hanali Celanil Herself be not more desirable, but I don't want to take by force what you might not be offerin'. I want you, right here an' now.~ ++ ~[PC] Then take me. Make me yours.~ + a3557 /* ARAN_THRUST_CLOTHES */ ++ ~[PC] I offer nothing. If you are man enough, you will force me onto my back, and take what you want.~ + a3557 /* ARAN_THRUST_CLOTHES */ + ~RandomNum(4,4)~ + ~[PC] I think you have forgotten who instigated this, Aran. I am not offering. I am demanding. (Throw your weight hard to one side, rolling with him until you are on top of him.)~ + a3547 /* PC_ON_TOP_ONE */ + ~RandomNum(4,3)~ + ~[PC] I think you have forgotten who instigated this, Aran. I am not offering. I am demanding. (Throw your weight hard to one side, rolling with him until you are on top of him.)~ + a3550 /* PC_ON_TOP_TWO */ + ~RandomNum(4,2)~ + ~[PC] I think you have forgotten who instigated this, Aran. I am not offering. I am demanding. (Throw your weight hard to one side, rolling with him until you are on top of him.)~ + a3551 /* PC_ON_TOP_THREE */ + ~RandomNum(4,1)~ + ~[PC] I think you have forgotten who instigated this, Aran. I am not offering. I am demanding. (Throw your weight hard to one side, rolling with him until you are on top of him.)~ + a3717 /* PC_ON_TOP_FOUR */ + ~RandomNum(4,1)~ + ~[PC] I think you have forgotten who instigated this, Aran. I am not offering. I am demanding. (Drag him down until he is on top of you, lying between your thighs.)~ + a3552 /* ARAN_ON_TOP_ONE */ + ~RandomNum(4,2)~ + ~[PC] I think you have forgotten who instigated this, Aran. I am not offering. I am demanding. (Drag him down until he is on top of you, lying between your thighs.)~ + a3553 /* ARAN_ON_TOP_TWO */ + ~RandomNum(4,3)~ + ~[PC] I think you have forgotten who instigated this, Aran. I am not offering. I am demanding. (Drag him down until he is on top of you, lying between your thighs.)~ + a3554 /* ARAN_ON_TOP_THREE */ + ~RandomNum(4,4)~ + ~[PC] I think you have forgotten who instigated this, Aran. I am not offering. I am demanding. (Drag him down until he is on top of you, lying between your thighs.)~ + a3555 /* ARAN_ON_TOP_FOUR */ ++ ~[PC] Your fingers... they keep touching my thighs, and then my... you are driving me wild. Don't stop!~ + a3699 /* FRONT_TO_ARAN_FINGERS */ + ~Global("c-aranpcbedding","LOCALS",0)~ + ~[PC] Make love to me right here, right now. Do whatever you want with me. I surrender completely.~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3506 /* SEX_SCENE_ONE */ + ~Global("c-aranpcbedding","LOCALS",1)~ + ~[PC] Make love to me right here, right now. Do whatever you want with me. I surrender completely.~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3507 /* SEX_SCENE_TWO */ + ~Global("c-aranpcbedding","LOCALS",2)~ + ~[PC] Make love to me right here, right now. Do whatever you want with me. I surrender completely.~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3508 /* SEX_SCENE_THREE */ + ~Global("c-aranpcbedding","LOCALS",3)~ + ~[PC] Make love to me right here, right now. Do whatever you want with me. I surrender completely.~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3509 /* SEX_SCENE_FOUR */ + ~Global("c-aranpcbedding","LOCALS",4)~ + ~[PC] Make love to me right here, right now. Do whatever you want with me. I surrender completely.~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3510 /* SEX_SCENE_FIVE */ + ~Global("c-aranpcbedding","LOCALS",5)~ + ~[PC] Make love to me right here, right now. Do whatever you want with me. I surrender completely.~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3511 /* SEX_SCENE_SIX */ + ~Global("c-aranpcbedding","LOCALS",6)~ + ~[PC] Make love to me right here, right now. Do whatever you want with me. I surrender completely.~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3512 /* SEX_SCENE_SEVEN */ + ~Global("c-aranpcbedding","LOCALS",7)~ + ~[PC] Make love to me right here, right now. Do whatever you want with me. I surrender completely.~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3513 /* SEX_SCENE_EIGHT */ ++ ~[PC] I love the feeling of you just barely in control of yourself. It is exciting. Now, for the real test... can you stop? Are you strong enough to walk away, right now?~ + a3620 /* ROM_FRIENDS_EXIT_FOUR */ END IF ~~ a3748 /* ROM_TWO_1a */ SAY ~[ARAN] Now there be no need o' shyness on my account. Mayhap we are movin' too fast for you right this time an' in this place. Would you like just to walk for a bit, mayhap hold hands, mayhap kiss a little?~ + ~RandomNum(2,2)~ + ~[PC] I think you.... I think you are right. I am not ready for this. Can we just cuddle?~ + a3385 /* ARAN_AGREES_ONE_CUDDLE */ + ~RandomNum(2,1)~ + ~[PC] I think you.... I think you are right. I am not ready for this. Can we just cuddle?~ + a3386 /* ARAN_AGREES_TWO_CUDDLE */ ++ ~[PC] (Look down at your clothes, then begin removing them while watching for his reaction behind lowered eyelashes.)~ + a3604 /* PC_STRIPS_FOR_ARAN */ ++ ~[PC] Do you... do you care for me?~ + a3747 /* ARAN_NOT_BROTHERLY */ + ~RandomNum(4,4)~ + ~[PC] I think you have forgotten who instigated this, Aran. I am not offering. I am demanding. (Throw your weight hard, rolling with him until you are on top of him.)~ + a3547 /* PC_ON_TOP_ONE */ + ~RandomNum(4,3)~ + ~[PC] I think you have forgotten who instigated this, Aran. I am not offering. I am demanding. (Throw your weight hard, rolling with him until you are on top of him.)~ + a3550 /* PC_ON_TOP_TWO */ + ~RandomNum(4,2)~ + ~[PC] I think you have forgotten who instigated this, Aran. I am not offering. I am demanding. (Throw your weight hard, rolling with him until you are on top of him.)~ + a3551 /* PC_ON_TOP_THREE */ + ~RandomNum(4,1)~ + ~[PC] I think you have forgotten who instigated this, Aran. I am not offering. I am demanding. (Throw your weight hard, rolling with him until you are on top of him.)~ + a3717 /* PC_ON_TOP_FOUR */ END IF ~~ a3747 /* ARAN_NOT_BROTHERLY */ SAY ~[ARAN] I have a mite bit o' feelin's for you, m'lady. An' I don't rightly mean th' brotherly kind, eh?~ ++ ~[PC] I had a brother, once. I had to kill him.~ + a3746 /* ARAN_KILL_BROTHER */ ++ ~[PC] (Look down at your clothes, then begin removing them while watching for his reaction behind lowered eyelashes.)~ + a3604 /* PC_STRIPS_FOR_ARAN */ ++ ~[PC] (Lean forward, wrapping your arms around him and nuzzling closer.)~ + a3737 /* ROM_TWO_KISS_GENTLE_CHEEK_LIPS */ END IF ~~ a3746 /* ARAN_KILL_BROTHER */ SAY ~[ARAN] I want naught in th' way o' death, for a change. I want to feel you beneath me, warm, open, an' thoroughly alive.~ ++ ~[PC] Why do you even like me?~ + a3745 /* WANT_YOU_OR_NAUGHT */ ++ ~[PC] (Lean forward, wrapping your arms around him and nuzzling closer.)~ + a3737 /* ROM_TWO_KISS_GENTLE_CHEEK_LIPS */ ++ ~[PC] (Look down at your clothes, then begin removing them while watching for his reaction behind lowered eyelashes.)~ + a3604 /* PC_STRIPS_FOR_ARAN */ END IF ~~ a3745 /* WANT_YOU_OR_NAUGHT */ SAY ~[ARAN] I want you. I don't rightly care about naught else. Don't that mean somethin' to a woman like you?~ + ~RandomNum(3,3)~ + ~[PC] A woman like me... just what do you mean by that?~ + a3744 /* WOMAN_WHO_WANTS */ + ~RandomNum(3,2)~ + ~[PC] A woman like me... just what do you mean by that?~ + a3743 /* WOMAN_WHO_RESPONDS */ + ~RandomNum(3,1)~ + ~[PC] A woman like me... just what do you mean by that?~ + a3742 /* WOMAN_WHO_COMMANDS */ ++ ~[PC] Your fingers... they keep touching my thighs, and then my... you are driving me wild. Don't stop!~ + a3699 /* FRONT_TO_ARAN_FINGERS */ ++ ~[PC] (Lean forward, wrapping your arms around him and nuzzling closer.)~ + a3737 /* ROM_TWO_KISS_GENTLE_CHEEK_LIPS */ + ~RandomNum(2,2)~ + ~[PC] I think you.... I think I am not ready for this. Can we just cuddle?~ + a3385 /* ARAN_AGREES_ONE_CUDDLE */ + ~RandomNum(2,1)~ + ~[PC] I think you.... I think I am not ready for this. Can we just cuddle?~ + a3386 /* ARAN_AGREES_TWO_CUDDLE */ ++ ~[PC] (Look down at your clothes, then begin removing them while watching for his reaction behind lowered eyelashes.)~ + a3604 /* PC_STRIPS_FOR_ARAN */ END IF ~~ a3744 /* WOMAN_WHO_WANTS */ SAY ~[ARAN] A woman what wants an' desires more than she can handle, at times. A woman who knows th' sharpness o' need, but can control herself when it be prudent.~ ++ ~[PC] Does this seem prudent? I am opening myself fully to you as a lover, and seeing as you will soon have me pinned and helpless beneath you, prudent might not be the right word...~ + a3599 /* ROM_TWO_ACTION_GUIDE_TO_LIPS */ ++ ~[PC] (Kiss him gently on the lips.)~ + a3740 /* ROM_TWO_KISS_DRINK_LIPS */ ++ ~[PC] (Look down at your clothes, then begin removing them while watching for his reaction behind lowered eyelashes.)~ + a3604 /* PC_STRIPS_FOR_ARAN */ ++ ~[PC] (Lean forward, wrapping your arms around him and nuzzling closer.)~ + a3737 /* ROM_TWO_KISS_GENTLE_CHEEK_LIPS */ END IF ~~ a3743 /* WOMAN_WHO_RESPONDS */ SAY ~[ARAN] A woman who responds to th' demands o' any situation, whether she wants to or not. A woman wi' th' power to take lives an' change th' world, an' who is not afraid o' takin' me as a lover.~ ++ ~[PC] I am afraid. Very afraid. But I can't help it. I want you.~ + a3599 /* ROM_TWO_ACTION_GUIDE_TO_LIPS */ ++ ~[PC] (Look down at your clothes, then begin removing them while watching for his reaction behind lowered eyelashes.)~ + a3604 /* PC_STRIPS_FOR_ARAN */ ++ ~[PC] (Lean forward, wrapping your arms around him and nuzzling closer.)~ + a3737 /* ROM_TWO_KISS_GENTLE_CHEEK_LIPS */ ++ ~[PC] I'm not feeling comfortable with doing this. We should stop.~ + a3558 /* ROM_ONE_ASK_ABOUT_STOPPING */ ++ ~[PC] I have had enough. Get away from me.~ + a3366 /* GET_OUT_EXIT */ ++ ~[PC] I don't... look, I think this is lots of fun. But we are just friends. We should stop, before I do something I will regret later.~ + a3452 /* JUST_FRIENDS_EXIT */ END IF ~~ a3742 /* WOMAN_WHO_COMMANDS */ SAY ~[ARAN] A woman what commands respect an' admiration, whether she be aware o' it or no. A woman who commands my allegiance so fierce that all I want to do is please her any way she lets me.~ ++ ~[PC] (Look down at your clothes, then begin removing them while watching for his reaction behind lowered eyelashes.)~ + a3604 /* PC_STRIPS_FOR_ARAN */ ++ ~[PC] I think this is more than just a physical attraction. I... I think I am half in love with you.~ + a3741 /* ROM_TWO_WONT_WAIT_THEN */ ++ ~[PC] (Lean forward, wrapping your arms around him and nuzzling closer.)~ + a3737 /* ROM_TWO_KISS_GENTLE_CHEEK_LIPS */ ++ ~[PC] I'm not feeling comfortable with doing this. We should stop.~ + a3558 /* ROM_ONE_ASK_ABOUT_STOPPING */ ++ ~[PC] I have had enough. Get away from me.~ + a3366 /* GET_OUT_EXIT */ ++ ~[PC] I don't... look, I think this is lots of fun. But we are just friends. We should stop, before I do something I will regret later.~ + a3452 /* JUST_FRIENDS_EXIT */ END IF ~~ a3741 /* ROM_TWO_WONT_WAIT_THEN */ SAY ~[ARAN] I won't blighted well wait, then...~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a3599 /* ROM_TWO_ACTION_GUIDE_TO_LIPS */ END IF ~~ a3599 /* ROM_TWO_ACTION_GUIDE_TO_LIPS */ SAY ~[ARAN] (His hands reach to cup your face, guiding your lips to his in a deep kiss.)~ IF ~RandomNum(3,1)~ THEN GOTO a3734 /* ROM_TWO_2_WANT */ IF ~RandomNum(3,2)~ THEN GOTO a3733 /* ROM_TWO_2_NO_PRISONERS */ IF ~RandomNum(3,3)~ THEN GOTO a3732 /* ROM_TWO_2_PC_ACTION */ END IF ~~ a3740 /* ROM_TWO_KISS_DRINK_LIPS */ SAY ~[ARAN] (His kiss is sudden, ferocious, as if he is trying to drink your lips.)~ IF ~RandomNum(3,1)~ THEN GOTO a3734 /* ROM_TWO_2_WANT */ IF ~RandomNum(3,2)~ THEN GOTO a3733 /* ROM_TWO_2_NO_PRISONERS */ IF ~RandomNum(3,3)~ THEN GOTO a3732 /* ROM_TWO_2_PC_ACTION */ END IF ~~ a3739 /* ROM_TWO_SIGHT_AND_TASTE_LIPS */ SAY ~[ARAN] Th' sight o' you be enough to make my heart leap out o' my chest. Th' taste o' you, now that...~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a3599 /* ROM_TWO_ACTION_GUIDE_TO_LIPS */ END IF ~~ a3738 /* ROM_TWO_KISS_WANT_PRIVACY */ SAY ~[ARAN] Well, I thought you might want a bit o' privacy. Me, I'd kiss you anywhere, any time, anyhow I can, eh?~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a3599 /* ROM_TWO_ACTION_GUIDE_TO_LIPS */ END IF ~~ a3737 /* ROM_TWO_KISS_GENTLE_CHEEK_LIPS */ SAY ~[ARAN] (His kiss is gentle, warm and tender on your cheek, then your eyebrow, then your lips.)~ IF ~RandomNum(3,1)~ THEN GOTO a3734 /* ROM_TWO_2_WANT */ IF ~RandomNum(3,2)~ THEN GOTO a3733 /* ROM_TWO_2_NO_PRISONERS */ IF ~RandomNum(3,3)~ THEN GOTO a3732 /* ROM_TWO_2_PC_ACTION */ END IF ~~ a3736 /* ROM_TWO_CHEEK_NUZZLE_LIPS */ SAY ~[ARAN] (His cheek rests against yours briefly, pushing and nuzzling close to your lips.)~ IF ~RandomNum(3,1)~ THEN GOTO a3734 /* ROM_TWO_2_WANT */ IF ~RandomNum(3,2)~ THEN GOTO a3733 /* ROM_TWO_2_NO_PRISONERS */ IF ~RandomNum(3,3)~ THEN GOTO a3732 /* ROM_TWO_2_PC_ACTION */ END IF ~~ a3601 /* SHOW_TATTOO_ARAN_STRIPS */ SAY ~[ARAN] (He removes his tunic with a rough motion, his bare chest rippling with lean, taut muscles. A tattoo stands out, the long black lines of a geometric design tracing its way from his pectoral muscles down his front until they disappear into the top of his leggings. Looking closely, you recognize the outline of a dragon.)~ ++ ~[PC] (You lean forward, your kisses moving now to his neck, now to his chest.)~ + a3602 /* ROM_THREE_PC_TO_ARAN */ ++ ~[PC] That is an interesting design. Does it represent anything?~ + a3735 /* PC_ASKS_TATTOO */ ++ ~[PC] (You lean forward, your fingertips lightly tracing the design, hesitating only when your fingers dip under his clothing at his waist.)~ + a3602 /* ROM_THREE_PC_TO_ARAN */ ++ ~[PC] (You lean forward, your lips gently brushing along the design, your fingers parting his clothing to clear a path to your prize. As you suspected, the design continues down his right leg... but something quite rampant blocks part of your view.)~ + a3602 /* ROM_THREE_PC_TO_ARAN */ ++ ~[PC] Put your clothing back on. I just wanted to discuss your combat performance.~ + a3515 /* SOLID_STOP2 */ END IF ~~ a3735 /* PC_ASKS_TATTOO */ SAY ~[ARAN] Yes. It represents what a grown man will do for the approval o' a woman he wants. But that be a story for another time, on account o' I want to grab you an' have my way with you, right here an' now.~ ++ ~[PC] Good things come to he who waits. Or perhaps I meant come on he who waits, or even come with he who waits... but tell me about the tattoo.~ + a3725 /* ARAN_TATTOO_STORY_ONE */ ++ ~[PC] I suppose it does not matter, when I can claim that territory as my own with a simple kiss. (You lean forward, your kisses moving now to his neck, now to his chest.)~ + a3602 /* ROM_THREE_PC_TO_ARAN */ ++ ~[PC] It was for one of those tavern sluts you have entertained. Tell me, did she make you feel as good as I can?~ + a3725 /* ARAN_TATTOO_STORY_ONE */ ++ ~[PC] I have a tattoo, too. I think they should get to know each other better. See?~ + a3726 /* PC_HAS_TATTOO */ ++ ~[PC] Gods, what are you waiting for? I need you, now!~ + a3606 /* TAKE_ME_DELAY_THREE */ END IF ~~ a3604 /* PC_STRIPS_FOR_ARAN */ SAY ~[ARAN] (His eyes widen as your body is slowly revealed to him. His hands twitch occasionally, as if he wants to reach out to you, but he remains motionless. When at last you are fully undressed, he whispers something under his breath.)~ ++ ~[PC] Do I meet your approval?~ + a3559 /* ARAN_HAS_RESTRAINT */ ++ ~[PC] (Spin lightly in front of him, casting a teasing smile over your shoulder as you pirouette.)~ + a3559 /* ARAN_HAS_RESTRAINT */ ++ ~[PC] Look, but don't touch... well... ok, touch!~ + a3729 /* HANDS_EVERYWHERE */ ++ ~[PC] The way you are looking at me makes me feel as if you are about to devour me.~ + a3730 /* LIPS_EVERYWHERE */ ++ ~[PC] Your turn, I think.~ + a3601 /* SHOW_TATTOO_ARAN_STRIPS */ END IF ~~ a3605 /* ARAN_UNLACING_TUNIC */ SAY ~[ARAN] (Aran moves slowly, gently unlacing the front of his tunic.)~ ++ ~[PC] (You match his actions, inch for inch, watching his chest come into view as your own bares itself to him.)~ + a3602 /* ROM_THREE_PC_TO_ARAN */ ++ ~[PC] Aran... I am a woman. I do not need to be treated like a shy innocent. I need you. Now.~ + a3606 /* TAKE_ME_DELAY_THREE */ ++ ~[PC] (You lean forward, your kisses moving now to his neck, now to his chest.)~ + a3602 /* ROM_THREE_PC_TO_ARAN */ ++ ~[PC] I am getting out of control. You should leave now.~ + a3603 /* SUNE_SHUTDOWN_EXIT */ ++ ~[PC] Aran. Hold still. I think I have something to show you. (Slowly begin removing your clothing.)~ + a3604 /* PC_STRIPS_FOR_ARAN */ ++ ~[PC] (Lean back, holding your hands behind your back, and smile.) Can a girl get a little help, here?~ + a3728 /* GET_A_LITTLE_HELP_HERE */ END /* intermediaries from everything above this */ IF ~~ a3560 /* HANDS_TEASING_BARE */ SAY ~[ARAN] (His hands are playful, gently stroking here and there in random patterns, always careful to avoid actually touching your most sensitive areas.)~ ++ ~[PC] Stop teasing me, please... dear gods, stop teasing me...~ + a3561 /* FINGERS_EXPLORE_CHARMS */ /* make-out options */ + ~RandomNum(4,1)~ + ~[PC] Just kiss me and hold me, please. That is enough for me right now.~ + a3562 /* KISSING_HOLDING_ONE */ + ~RandomNum(4,2)~ + ~[PC] I want your lips on mine, and I want to be held close to you.~ + a3563 /* KISSING_HOLDING_TWO */ + ~RandomNum(4,3)~ + ~[PC] (Gently restrain his hands, drawing them up to your face, lips pressing for a kiss.)~ + a3564 /* KISSING_HOLDING_THREE */ + ~RandomNum(4,4)~ + ~[PC] Aran... please... slow down. I just want to be held, and kissed.~ + a3565 /* KISSING_HOLDING_FOUR */ ++ ~[PC] You are so strong. I want you.~ + a3559 /* ARAN_HAS_RESTRAINT */ END IF ~~ a3559 /* ARAN_HAS_RESTRAINT */ SAY ~[ARAN] Sharess Herself would be envious. Dear Gods, I need you...~ ++ ~[PC] I'm not feeling comfortable with doing this. We should stop.~ + a3558 /* ROM_ONE_ASK_ABOUT_STOPPING */ ++ ~[PC] I have had enough. Get away from me.~ + a3366 /* GET_OUT_EXIT */ ++ ~[PC] I don't... look, I think this is lots of fun. But we are just friends. We should stop, before I do something I will regret later.~ + a3452 /* JUST_FRIENDS_EXIT */ + ~RandomNum(4,1)~ + ~[PC] Just kiss me and hold me, please...~ + a3562 /* KISSING_HOLDING_ONE */ + ~RandomNum(4,2)~ + ~[PC] I want your lips on mine, and I want to be held close to you. Nothing more, right now... just this.~ + a3563 /* KISSING_HOLDING_TWO */ + ~RandomNum(4,3)~ + ~[PC] Kiss me.~ + a3564 /* KISSING_HOLDING_THREE */ + ~RandomNum(4,4)~ + ~[PC] Don't stop kissing me. Just slow down! I like this as it is.~ + a3565 /* KISSING_HOLDING_FOUR */ ++ ~[PC] (Open yourself fully to his advances, guiding him where he can grant you the most pleasure.)~ + a3545 /* QUICK_ROUGH_ENTRY */ ++ ~[PC] I need you too. Every part of you.~ + a3545 /* QUICK_ROUGH_ENTRY */ END IF ~~ a3557 /* ARAN_THRUST_CLOTHES */ SAY ~[ARAN] (His hands are strong, too strong... and his legs force their way between yours, leaving you mostly covered but still vulnerable. He pins your arms, holding you precariously perched, only six inches from being conquered.)~ ++ ~[PC] Enough. You pass the test. I do not want any more proof. Step away, now.~ + a3556 /* NOT_SO_TOUGH */ ++ ~[PC] What are you waiting for, an invitation?~ + a3545 /* QUICK_ROUGH_ENTRY */ ++ ~[PC] (Tilt your pelvis, making small circular motions on him, gently working him inside of you.)~ + a3545 /* QUICK_ROUGH_ENTRY */ ++ ~[PC] (Wrap your legs around him, kicking his flanks sharply, driving him home.)~ + a3545 /* QUICK_ROUGH_ENTRY */ ++ ~[PC] (Twist sideways, denying him entry.)~ + a3556 /* NOT_SO_TOUGH */ END IF ~~ a3556 /* NOT_SO_TOUGH */ SAY ~[ARAN] I thought you wanted to be dominated, an' taken. You backin' of now?~ ++ ~[PC] Yes. I don't want this.~ + a3548 /* MAN_OR_FOOL */ ++ ~[PC] Take me against my will. I dare you.~ + a3549 /* NOT_MY_WAY */ + ~RandomNum(3,1)~ + ~[PC] I think you have forgotten who instigated this, Aran. I am not offering. I am demanding. (Throw your weight hard to one side, rolling with him until you are on top of him.)~ + a3547 /* PC_ON_TOP_ONE */ + ~RandomNum(3,1)~ + ~[PC] I think you have forgotten who instigated this, Aran. I am not offering. I am demanding. (Throw your weight hard to one side, rolling with him until you are on top of him.)~ + a3550 /* PC_ON_TOP_TWO */ + ~RandomNum(3,1)~ + ~[PC] I think you have forgotten who instigated this, Aran. I am not offering. I am demanding. (Throw your weight hard to one side, rolling with him until you are on top of him.)~ + a3551 /* PC_ON_TOP_THREE */ + ~RandomNum(4,1)~ + ~[PC] I think you have forgotten who instigated this, Aran. I am not offering. I am demanding. (Drag him down until he is on top of you, lying between your thighs.)~ + a3552 /* ARAN_ON_TOP_ONE */ + ~RandomNum(4,2)~ + ~[PC] I think you have forgotten who instigated this, Aran. I am not offering. I am demanding. (Drag him down until he is on top of you, lying between your thighs.)~ + a3553 /* ARAN_ON_TOP_TWO */ + ~RandomNum(4,3)~ + ~[PC] I think you have forgotten who instigated this, Aran. I am not offering. I am demanding. (Drag him down until he is on top of you, lying between your thighs.)~ + a3554 /* ARAN_ON_TOP_THREE */ + ~RandomNum(4,4)~ + ~[PC] I think you have forgotten who instigated this, Aran. I am not offering. I am demanding. (Drag him down until he is on top of you, lying between your thighs.)~ + a3555 /* ARAN_ON_TOP_FOUR */ + ~Global("c-aranpcbedding","LOCALS",0)~ + ~[PC] Make love to me right here, right now. Do whatever you want with me. I surrender completely.~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3506 /* SEX_SCENE_ONE */ + ~Global("c-aranpcbedding","LOCALS",1)~ + ~[PC] Make love to me right here, right now. Do whatever you want with me. I surrender completely~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3507 /* SEX_SCENE_TWO */ + ~Global("c-aranpcbedding","LOCALS",2)~ + ~[PC] Make love to me right here, right now. Do whatever you want with me. I surrender completely~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3508 /* SEX_SCENE_THREE */ + ~Global("c-aranpcbedding","LOCALS",3)~ + ~[PC] Make love to me right here, right now. Do whatever you want with me. I surrender completely~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3509 /* SEX_SCENE_FOUR */ + ~Global("c-aranpcbedding","LOCALS",4)~ + ~[PC] Make love to me right here, right now. Do whatever you want with me. I surrender completely~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3510 /* SEX_SCENE_FIVE */ + ~Global("c-aranpcbedding","LOCALS",5)~ + ~[PC] Make love to me right here, right now. Do whatever you want with me. I surrender completely~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3511 /* SEX_SCENE_SIX */ + ~Global("c-aranpcbedding","LOCALS",6)~ + ~[PC] Make love to me right here, right now. Do whatever you want with me. I surrender completely~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3512 /* SEX_SCENE_SEVEN */ + ~Global("c-aranpcbedding","LOCALS",7)~ + ~[PC] Make love to me right here, right now. Do whatever you want with me. I surrender completely~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3513 /* SEX_SCENE_EIGHT */ ++ ~[PC] Are you man enough to walk away, even when everything in you screams that I am here to be claimed?~ + a3548 /* MAN_OR_FOOL */ END IF ~~ a3545 /* QUICK_ROUGH_ENTRY */ SAY ~[ARAN] (His drive into you is sudden, fierce, and deep. He stays motionless, gripping you close, a rod of iron covered in velvet.)~ ++ ~[PC] (Hold yourself motionless, heels trapping him deep within you... and begin to squeeze him with your vaginal muscles, slowly but steadily.)~ + a3546 /* ROM_PULSE_DEEP_FACE */ ++ ~[PC] (Begin to move against him, grinding yourself toward pleasure, taking control.)~ + a3547 /* PC_ON_TOP_ONE */ ++ ~[PC] OFF. Get off me, NOW.~ + a3383 /* IN_NINE_HELLS */ ++ ~[PC] Come on, Aran. You are deep within me. You know you want to thrust over and over into me, opening me, making me scream...~ + a3546 /* ROM_PULSE_DEEP_FACE */ ++ ~[PC] Please... Slowly. Too much... ~ + a3546 /* ROM_PULSE_DEEP_FACE */ END IF ~~ a3544 /* YOU_TALK_TOO_MUCH */ SAY ~[ARAN] I need to memorize every inch o' you. Gods, you are so beautiful...~ ++ ~[PC] I am very glad to hear that.~ + a3539 /* ROM_ONE_HANDS_UNDER_BUST_TWO */ ++ ~[PC] (You giggle lightly, and catch both your hands in his, holding him at bay.)~ + a3745 /* WANT_YOU_OR_NAUGHT */ ++ ~[PC] (You reach for his waist, pulling his close to you, his hands warm on your body.)~ + a3537 /* ROM_ONE_CAN_I_TOUCH */ ++ ~[PC] (You suddenly and fiercely seize his shoulders, and pulling him on top of you.)~ + a3723 /* HANDS_AND_FINGERS_EVERYWHERE */ ++ ~[PC] Aran, we should not be doing this.~ + a3543 /* YOU_WANT_TO_STOP_ARE_YOU_CRAZY */ END IF ~~ a3498 /* ROM_ONE_KISS_ME_AGAIN */ SAY ~[ARAN] (Softened lips meet; the gentle tickle of his rough-shaven face pressing close.)~ IF ~RandomNum(5,5)~ THEN GOTO a3537 /* ROM_ONE_CAN_I_TOUCH */ IF ~RandomNum(5,4)~ THEN GOTO a3538 /* ROM_ONE_HANDS_UNDER_BUST_ONE */ IF ~RandomNum(5,3)~ THEN GOTO a3539 /* ROM_ONE_HANDS_UNDER_BUST_TWO */ IF ~RandomNum(5,2)~ THEN GOTO a3540 /* ROM_ONE_THREATEN_KISS_BUST */ IF ~RandomNum(5,1)~ THEN GOTO a3541 /* ROM_ONE_HANDS_ON_BODY */ END IF ~~ a3542 /* ROM_ONE_KISS_ME_ALWAYS */ SAY ~[ARAN] (Hot kisses press along your cheekbone, your eyelids, finally finding your lips.)~ IF ~RandomNum(5,5)~ THEN GOTO a3537 /* ROM_ONE_CAN_I_TOUCH */ IF ~RandomNum(5,4)~ THEN GOTO a3538 /* ROM_ONE_HANDS_UNDER_BUST_ONE */ IF ~RandomNum(5,3)~ THEN GOTO a3539 /* ROM_ONE_HANDS_UNDER_BUST_TWO */ IF ~RandomNum(5,2)~ THEN GOTO a3540 /* ROM_ONE_THREATEN_KISS_BUST */ IF ~RandomNum(5,1)~ THEN GOTO a3541 /* ROM_ONE_HANDS_ON_BODY */ END IF ~~ a3537 /* ROM_ONE_CAN_I_TOUCH */ SAY ~[ARAN] Kissin' you... it makes me feel alive. Can I... mayhap can I touch you? I mean, if that be somethin' you want right now, I surely want to.~ /* no advance talking */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] No, just kiss me, please... I just want this right now.~ + a3624 /* ROM_ONE_SLOW_KISSES_ACTION */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",1)~ + ~[PC] Slow down, Aran. Kissing is an art all on its own, and I want to practice more.~ + a3624 /* ROM_ONE_SLOW_KISSES_ACTION */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] I know we have already gone further, but kissing feels so good. Let's just do this, please.~ + a3624 /* ROM_ONE_SLOW_KISSES_ACTION */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",3)~ + ~[PC] I know we have done much more than kiss, but kissing makes me feel alive, too. Just kiss me over and over again.~ + a3624 /* ROM_ONE_SLOW_KISSES_ACTION */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",4)~ + ~[PC] Aran, I know we have made love before. But sometimes, a woman just wants to be held and kissed.~ + a3624 /* ROM_ONE_SLOW_KISSES_ACTION */ /* no advance no talking */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] (You shake your head, grabbing both of his hands and pulling them to your cheeks, kissing his lips voraciously.)~ + a3626 /* ROM_ONE_SLOW_KISSES_TALK */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",1)~ + ~[PC] (You blush brightly, shaking your head in negation, pulling his hands to grip your waist and holding them there.)~ + a3626 /* ROM_ONE_SLOW_KISSES_TALK */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] (You grip his forearms, holding his hands at bay, kissing his lips again and again.)~ + a3626 /* ROM_ONE_SLOW_KISSES_TALK */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",3)~ + ~[PC] (You lock your fingers around his wrists, pulling his arms away from you and settling them around your neck, leaning into his kisses.)~ + a3626 /* ROM_ONE_SLOW_KISSES_TALK */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",4)~ + ~[PC] (You hunch your shoulders together, curling up into his chest, fending off his hands, until his palms are in yours and are held tightly behind your back.)~ + a3626 /* ROM_ONE_SLOW_KISSES_TALK */ /* advance talking */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Well, seeing as my hands have found their way to your bottom, I can hardly deny you the same pleasures. Your bottom is so... hard.~ + a3624 /* ROM_ONE_SLOW_KISSES_ACTION */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",1)~ + ~[PC] Hey, that tickles! I guess the question was just a formality, since your hand seems to be outlining my... oh, that feels good.~ + a3624 /* ROM_ONE_SLOW_KISSES_ACTION */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] I... I think I want that. In fact... I think I am ahead of you. I have things in hand already. Oh! It jumped!~ + a3624 /* ROM_ONE_SLOW_KISSES_ACTION */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",3)~ + ~[PC] Yes. Judging by past experience, I may be saying a good deal of that. Especially if your fingers... do... that...~ + a3624 /* ROM_ONE_SLOW_KISSES_ACTION */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",4)~ + ~[PC] HEY! Slow down a little! Beast. You ask a lady a question when you already have invaded her territory? If it didn't feel so good, I would have to... have to...~ + a3624 /* ROM_ONE_SLOW_KISSES_ACTION */ /* advance no talking */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] (You slide your hands along Aran's chest and torso, exploring his body, until you are stroking his bottom.)~ + a3626 /* ROM_ONE_SLOW_KISSES_TALK */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",1)~ + ~[PC] (You slide your hands along Aran's stomach, moving lower and lower, until your caresses are running up and down his hardness.)~ + a3626 /* ROM_ONE_SLOW_KISSES_TALK */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] (You trace one finger along his flank, drawing circles within circles, until you have to move a little apart from him to draw those circles on the hardness you find in front of you.)~ + a3626 /* ROM_ONE_SLOW_KISSES_TALK */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",3)~ + ~[PC] (You throw yourself against him, hands running up along his back, pulling him close to you.)~ + a3626 /* ROM_ONE_SLOW_KISSES_TALK */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",4)~ + ~[PC] (You lean back, pressing your waist tight to his, allowing him free access to your breasts.)~ + a3626 /* ROM_ONE_SLOW_KISSES_TALK */ ++ ~[PC] I'm not feeling comfortable with doing this. We should stop.~ + a3558 /* ROM_ONE_ASK_ABOUT_STOPPING */ ++ ~[PC] I have had enough. Get away from me.~ + a3366 /* GET_OUT_EXIT */ ++ ~[PC] I don't... look, I think this is lots of fun. But we are just friends. We should stop, before I do something I will regret later.~ + a3452 /* JUST_FRIENDS_EXIT */ END IF ~~ a3538 /* ROM_ONE_HANDS_UNDER_BUST_ONE */ SAY ~[ARAN] (His hands are pulling at you, insistent, unyielding. His fingers begin to tease and stroke below your breasts, threatening to wander up the hillside to claim a nipple).~ /* no advance talking */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] No, just kiss me, please... I just want this right now.~ + a3624 /* ROM_ONE_SLOW_KISSES_ACTION */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",1)~ + ~[PC] Slow down, Aran. Kissing is an art all on its own, and I want to practice more.~ + a3624 /* ROM_ONE_SLOW_KISSES_ACTION */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] I know we have already gone further, but kissing feels so good. Let's just do this, please.~ + a3624 /* ROM_ONE_SLOW_KISSES_ACTION */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",3)~ + ~[PC] I know we have done much more than kiss, but kissing makes me feel alive, too. Just kiss me over and over again.~ + a3624 /* ROM_ONE_SLOW_KISSES_ACTION */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",4)~ + ~[PC] Aran, I know we have made love before. But sometimes, a woman just wants to be held and kissed.~ + a3624 /* ROM_ONE_SLOW_KISSES_ACTION */ /* no advance no talking */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] (You shake your head, grabbing both of his hands and pulling them to your cheeks, kissing his lips voraciously.)~ + a3626 /* ROM_ONE_SLOW_KISSES_TALK */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",1)~ + ~[PC] (You blush brightly, shaking your head in negation, pulling his hands to grip your waist and holding them there.)~ + a3626 /* ROM_ONE_SLOW_KISSES_TALK */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] (You grip his forearms, holding his hands at bay, kissing his lips again and again.)~ + a3626 /* ROM_ONE_SLOW_KISSES_TALK */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",3)~ + ~[PC] (You lock your fingers around his wrists, pulling his arms away from you and settling them around your neck, leaning into his kisses.)~ + a3626 /* ROM_ONE_SLOW_KISSES_TALK */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",4)~ + ~[PC] (You hunch your shoulders together, curling up into his chest, fending off his hands, until his palms are in yours and are held tightly behind your back.)~ + a3626 /* ROM_ONE_SLOW_KISSES_TALK */ /* advance talking */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Well, seeing as my hands have found their way to your bottom, I can hardly deny you the same pleasures. Your bottom is so... hard.~ + a3624 /* ROM_ONE_SLOW_KISSES_ACTION */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",1)~ + ~[PC] Hey, that tickles! I guess the question was just a formality, since your hand seems to be outlining my... oh, that feels good.~ + a3624 /* ROM_ONE_SLOW_KISSES_ACTION */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] I... I think I want that. In fact... I think I am ahead of you. I have things in hand already. Oh! It jumped!~ + a3624 /* ROM_ONE_SLOW_KISSES_ACTION */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",3)~ + ~[PC] Yes. Judging by past experience, I may be saying a good deal of that. Especially if your fingers... do... that...~ + a3624 /* ROM_ONE_SLOW_KISSES_ACTION */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",4)~ + ~[PC] HEY! Slow down a little! Beast. You ask a lady a question when you already have invaded her territory? If it didn't feel so good, I would have to... have to...~ + a3624 /* ROM_ONE_SLOW_KISSES_ACTION */ /* advance no talking */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] (You slide your hands along Aran's chest and torso, exploring his body, until you are stroking his bottom.)~ + a3626 /* ROM_ONE_SLOW_KISSES_TALK */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",1)~ + ~[PC] (You slide your hands along Aran's stomach, moving lower and lower, until your caresses are running up and down his hardness.)~ + a3626 /* ROM_ONE_SLOW_KISSES_TALK */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] (You trace one finger along his flank, drawing circles within circles, until you have to move a little apart from him to draw those circles on the hardness you find in front of you.)~ + a3626 /* ROM_ONE_SLOW_KISSES_TALK */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",3)~ + ~[PC] (You throw yourself against him, hands running up along his back, pulling him close to you.)~ + a3626 /* ROM_ONE_SLOW_KISSES_TALK */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",4)~ + ~[PC] (You lean back, pressing your waist tight to his, allowing him free access to your breasts.)~ + a3626 /* ROM_ONE_SLOW_KISSES_TALK */ ++ ~[PC] I'm not feeling comfortable with doing this. We should stop.~ + a3558 /* ROM_ONE_ASK_ABOUT_STOPPING */ ++ ~[PC] I have had enough. Get away from me.~ + a3366 /* GET_OUT_EXIT */ ++ ~[PC] I don't... look, I think this is lots of fun. But we are just friends. We should stop, before I do something I will regret later.~ + a3452 /* JUST_FRIENDS_EXIT */ END IF ~~ a3539 /* ROM_ONE_HANDS_UNDER_BUST_TWO */ SAY ~[ARAN] (His hands are gentle, but unerringly seek their target. His fingers draw soft circles, working ever closer to your breasts, until one hand reaches a peak and gently traps your nipple.).~ /* no advance talking */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] No, just kiss me, please... I just want this right now.~ + a3624 /* ROM_ONE_SLOW_KISSES_ACTION */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",1)~ + ~[PC] Slow down, Aran. Kissing is an art all on its own, and I want to practice more.~ + a3624 /* ROM_ONE_SLOW_KISSES_ACTION */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] I know we have already gone further, but kissing feels so good. Let's just do this, please.~ + a3624 /* ROM_ONE_SLOW_KISSES_ACTION */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",3)~ + ~[PC] I know we have done much more than kiss, but kissing makes me feel alive, too. Just kiss me over and over again.~ + a3624 /* ROM_ONE_SLOW_KISSES_ACTION */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",4)~ + ~[PC] Aran, I know we have made love before. But sometimes, a woman just wants to be held and kissed.~ + a3624 /* ROM_ONE_SLOW_KISSES_ACTION */ /* no advance no talking */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] (You shake your head, grabbing both of his hands and pulling them to your cheeks, kissing his lips voraciously.)~ + a3626 /* ROM_ONE_SLOW_KISSES_TALK */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",1)~ + ~[PC] (You blush brightly, shaking your head in negation, pulling his hands to grip your waist and holding them there.)~ + a3626 /* ROM_ONE_SLOW_KISSES_TALK */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] (You grip his forearms, holding his hands at bay, kissing his lips again and again.)~ + a3626 /* ROM_ONE_SLOW_KISSES_TALK */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",3)~ + ~[PC] (You lock your fingers around his wrists, pulling his arms away from you and settling them around your neck, leaning into his kisses.)~ + a3626 /* ROM_ONE_SLOW_KISSES_TALK */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",4)~ + ~[PC] (You hunch your shoulders together, curling up into his chest, fending off his hands, until his palms are in yours and are held tightly behind your back.)~ + a3626 /* ROM_ONE_SLOW_KISSES_TALK */ ++ ~[PC] I'm not feeling comfortable with doing this. We should stop.~ + a3558 /* ROM_ONE_ASK_ABOUT_STOPPING */ ++ ~[PC] I have had enough. Get away from me.~ + a3366 /* GET_OUT_EXIT */ ++ ~[PC] I don't... look, I think this is lots of fun. But we are just friends. We should stop, before I do something I will regret later.~ + a3452 /* JUST_FRIENDS_EXIT */ /* advance talking */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Well, seeing as my hands have found their way to your bottom, I can hardly deny you the same pleasures. Your bottom is so... hard.~ + a3624 /* ROM_ONE_SLOW_KISSES_ACTION */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",1)~ + ~[PC] Hey, that tickles! I guess the question was just a formality, since your hand seems to be outlining my... oh, that feels good.~ + a3624 /* ROM_ONE_SLOW_KISSES_ACTION */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] I... I think I want that. In fact... I think I am ahead of you. I have things in hand already. Oh! It jumped!~ + a3624 /* ROM_ONE_SLOW_KISSES_ACTION */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",3)~ + ~[PC] Yes. Judging by past experience, I may be saying a good deal of that. Especially if your fingers... do... that...~ + a3624 /* ROM_ONE_SLOW_KISSES_ACTION */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",4)~ + ~[PC] HEY! Slow down a little! Beast. You ask a lady a question when you already have invaded her territory? If it didn't feel so good, I would have to... have to...~ + a3624 /* ROM_ONE_SLOW_KISSES_ACTION */ /* advance no talking */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] (You slide your hands along Aran's chest and torso, exploring his body, until you are stroking his bottom.)~ + a3626 /* ROM_ONE_SLOW_KISSES_TALK */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",1)~ + ~[PC] (You slide your hands along Aran's stomach, moving lower and lower, until your caresses are running up and down his hardness.)~ + a3626 /* ROM_ONE_SLOW_KISSES_TALK */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] (You trace one finger along his flank, drawing circles within circles, until you have to move a little apart from him to draw those circles on the hardness you find in front of you.)~ + a3626 /* ROM_ONE_SLOW_KISSES_TALK */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",3)~ + ~[PC] (You throw yourself against him, hands running up along his back, pulling him close to you.)~ + a3626 /* ROM_ONE_SLOW_KISSES_TALK */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",4)~ + ~[PC] (You lean back, pressing your waist tight to his, allowing him free access to your breasts.)~ + a3626 /* ROM_ONE_SLOW_KISSES_TALK */ END IF ~~ a3541 /* ROM_ONE_HANDS_ON_BODY */ SAY ~[ARAN] (His kisses are warm, feverish, and pressing close. His palm roves along your body, settling down to cup your most intimate of places.)~ /* no advance talking */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] No, just kiss me, please... I just want kisses right now.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3624 /* ROM_ONE_SLOW_KISSES_ACTION */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",1)~ + ~[PC] Slow down, Aran. Kissing is an art all on its own, and I want to practice more.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3624 /* ROM_ONE_SLOW_KISSES_ACTION */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] I know we have already gone further, but kissing feels so good. Let's just do this, please.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3624 /* ROM_ONE_SLOW_KISSES_ACTION */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",3)~ + ~[PC] I know we have done much more than kiss, but kissing makes me feel alive, too. Just kiss me over and over again.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3624 /* ROM_ONE_SLOW_KISSES_ACTION */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",4)~ + ~[PC] Aran, I know we have made love before. But sometimes, a woman just wants to be held and kissed.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3624 /* ROM_ONE_SLOW_KISSES_ACTION */ /* no advance no talking */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] (You shake your head, grabbing both of his hands and pulling them to your cheeks, kissing his lips voraciously.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3626 /* ROM_ONE_SLOW_KISSES_TALK */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",1)~ + ~[PC] (You blush brightly, shaking your head in negation, pulling his hands to grip your waist and holding them there.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3626 /* ROM_ONE_SLOW_KISSES_TALK */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] (You grip his forearms, holding his hands at bay, kissing his lips again and again.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3626 /* ROM_ONE_SLOW_KISSES_TALK */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",3)~ + ~[PC] (You lock your fingers around his wrists, pulling his arms away from you and settling them around your neck, leaning into his kisses.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3626 /* ROM_ONE_SLOW_KISSES_TALK */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",4)~ + ~[PC] (You hunch your shoulders together, curling up into his chest, fending off his hands, until his palms are in yours and are held tightly behind your back.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3626 /* ROM_ONE_SLOW_KISSES_TALK */ /* advance talking */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Well, seeing as my hands have found their way to your bottom, I can hardly deny you the same pleasures. Your bottom is so... hard.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3624 /* ROM_ONE_SLOW_KISSES_ACTION */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",1)~ + ~[PC] Hey, that tickles! I guess the question was just a formality, since your hand seems to be outlining my... oh, that feels good.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3624 /* ROM_ONE_SLOW_KISSES_ACTION */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] I... I think I want that. In fact... I think I am ahead of you. I have things in hand already. Oh! It jumped!~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3624 /* ROM_ONE_SLOW_KISSES_ACTION */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",3)~ + ~[PC] Yes. Judging by past experience, I may be saying a good deal of that. Especially if your fingers... do... that...~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3624 /* ROM_ONE_SLOW_KISSES_ACTION */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",4)~ + ~[PC] HEY! Slow down a little! Beast. You ask a lady a question when you already have invaded her territory? If it didn't feel so good, I would have to... have to...~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3624 /* ROM_ONE_SLOW_KISSES_ACTION */ /* advance no talking */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] (You slide your hands along Aran's chest and torso, exploring his body, until you are stroking his bottom.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3626 /* ROM_ONE_SLOW_KISSES_TALK */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",1)~ + ~[PC] (You slide your hands along Aran's stomach, moving lower and lower, until your caresses are running up and down his hardness.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3626 /* ROM_ONE_SLOW_KISSES_TALK */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] (You trace one finger along his flank, drawing circles within circles, until you have to move a little apart from him to draw those circles on the hardness you find in front of you.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3626 /* ROM_ONE_SLOW_KISSES_TALK */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",3)~ + ~[PC] (You throw yourself against him, hands running up along his back, pulling him close to you.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3626 /* ROM_ONE_SLOW_KISSES_TALK */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",4)~ + ~[PC] (You lean back, pressing your waist tight to his, allowing him free access to your breasts.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3626 /* ROM_ONE_SLOW_KISSES_TALK */ ++ ~[PC] I'm not feeling comfortable with doing this. We should stop.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3558 /* ROM_ONE_ASK_ABOUT_STOPPING */ ++ ~[PC] I have had enough. Get away from me.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3366 /* GET_OUT_EXIT */ ++ ~[PC] I don't... look, I think this is lots of fun. But we are just friends. We should stop, before I do something I will regret later.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3452 /* JUST_FRIENDS_EXIT */ END IF ~~ a3540 /* ROM_ONE_THREATEN_KISS_BUST */ SAY ~[ARAN] Now, were kisses enough for you? On account o' I could trace mine down your neck, an' take each one o' those pert nipples into account...~ /* no advance talking */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] No, just kiss me, please... I just want kisses right now.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3624 /* ROM_ONE_SLOW_KISSES_ACTION */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",1)~ + ~[PC] Slow down, Aran. Kissing is an art all on its own, and I want to practice more.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3627 /* ROM_ONE_FAST_KISSES_ACTION */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] I know we have already gone further, but kissing feels so good. Let's just do this, please.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3624 /* ROM_ONE_SLOW_KISSES_ACTION */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",3)~ + ~[PC] I know we have done much more than kiss, but kissing makes me feel alive, too. Just kiss me over and over again.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3627 /* ROM_ONE_FAST_KISSES_ACTION */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",4)~ + ~[PC] Aran, I know we have made love before. But sometimes, a woman just wants to be held and kissed.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3624 /* ROM_ONE_SLOW_KISSES_ACTION */ /* no advance no talking */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] (You shake your head, grabbing both of his hands and pulling them to your cheeks, kissing his lips voraciously.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3626 /* ROM_ONE_SLOW_KISSES_TALK */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",1)~ + ~[PC] (You blush brightly, shaking your head in negation, pulling his hands to grip your waist and holding them there.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3626 /* ROM_ONE_SLOW_KISSES_TALK */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] (You grip his forearms, holding his hands at bay, kissing his lips again and again.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3626 /* ROM_ONE_SLOW_KISSES_TALK */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",3)~ + ~[PC] (You lock your fingers around his wrists, pulling his arms away from you and settling them around your neck, leaning into his kisses.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3626 /* ROM_ONE_SLOW_KISSES_TALK */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",4)~ + ~[PC] (You hunch your shoulders together, curling up into his chest, fending off his hands, until his palms are in yours and are held tightly behind your back.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3626 /* ROM_ONE_SLOW_KISSES_TALK */ /* advance talking */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Well, seeing as my hands have found their way to your bottom, I can hardly deny you the same pleasures. Your bottom is so... hard.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3624 /* ROM_ONE_SLOW_KISSES_ACTION */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",1)~ + ~[PC] Hey, that tickles! I guess the question was just a formality, since your hand seems to be outlining my... oh, that feels good.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3624 /* ROM_ONE_SLOW_KISSES_ACTION */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] I... I think I want that. In fact... I think I am ahead of you. I have things in hand already. Oh! It jumped!~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3624 /* ROM_ONE_SLOW_KISSES_ACTION */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",3)~ + ~[PC] Yes. Judging by past experience, I may be saying a good deal of that. Especially if your fingers... do... that...~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3624 /* ROM_ONE_SLOW_KISSES_ACTION */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",4)~ + ~[PC] HEY! Slow down a little! Beast. You ask a lady a question when you already have invaded her territory? If it didn't feel so good, I would have to... have to...~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3627 /* ROM_ONE_FAST_KISSES_ACTION */ /* advance no talking */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] (You slide your hands along Aran's chest and torso, exploring his body, until you are stroking his bottom.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3626 /* ROM_ONE_SLOW_KISSES_TALK */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",1)~ + ~[PC] (You slide your hands along Aran's stomach, moving lower and lower, until your caresses are running up and down his hardness.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3626 /* ROM_ONE_SLOW_KISSES_TALK */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] (You trace one finger along his flank, drawing circles within circles, until you have to move a little apart from him to draw those circles on the hardness you find in front of you.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3626 /* ROM_ONE_SLOW_KISSES_TALK */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",3)~ + ~[PC] (You throw yourself against him, hands running up along his back, pulling him close to you.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3626 /* ROM_ONE_SLOW_KISSES_TALK */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",4)~ + ~[PC] (You lean back, pressing your waist tight to his, allowing him free access to your breasts.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3626 /* ROM_ONE_SLOW_KISSES_TALK */ ++ ~[PC] I'm not feeling comfortable with doing this. We should stop.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3558 /* ROM_ONE_ASK_ABOUT_STOPPING */ ++ ~[PC] I have had enough. Get away from me.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3366 /* GET_OUT_EXIT */ ++ ~[PC] I don't... look, I think this is lots of fun. But we are just friends. We should stop, before I do something I will regret later.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3452 /* JUST_FRIENDS_EXIT */ END IF ~~ a3734 /* ROM_TWO_2_WANT */ SAY ~[ARAN] I want to do more than just kiss you, you know. Well, I want to kiss much more than your lips.~ /* advance talking */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] I would like that very much. (Begin to loosen your clothing, hesitantly and carefully.)~ + a3727 /* ROM_TWO_CHEST_BARES_TATTOO */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",1)~ + ~[PC] So you have said before. And I think perhaps the time is now.~ + a3727 /* ROM_TWO_CHEST_BARES_TATTOO */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] So you have said before, though you know you shouldn't talk when your mouth is full, especially of, well... me.~ + a3727 /* ROM_TWO_CHEST_BARES_TATTOO */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",3)~ + ~[PC] I think that would be a very good idea. And I think I have some interesting ideas about how to make you very, very happy, too. Ones we haven't explored yet.~ + a3727 /* ROM_TWO_CHEST_BARES_TATTOO */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",4)~ + ~[PC] I want you to, too.~ + a3727 /* ROM_TWO_CHEST_BARES_TATTOO */ /* advance no talking */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] (You slide your hands under Aran's clothing, exploring his body.)~ + a3724 /* ROM_TWO_TALK_THEN_TUSSLE */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",1)~ + ~[PC] (You bare your chest, looking deeply into his eyes.)~ + a3724 /* ROM_TWO_TALK_THEN_TUSSLE */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] (You look down for a moment, the look up, smiling. Your clothing begins falling to the floor as you back away from him.)~ + a3724 /* ROM_TWO_TALK_THEN_TUSSLE */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",3)~ + ~[PC] (You bare your shoulders, but your hands have been busier, and as your fingers wrap around his hardness you hear his sudden gasp.)~ + a3724 /* ROM_TWO_TALK_THEN_TUSSLE */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",4)~ + ~[PC] (You smooth your hands along his shoulders, and begin kissing your way south, stopping only when your warm lips find something demanding entry...)~ + a3724 /* ROM_TWO_TALK_THEN_TUSSLE */ ++ ~[PC] I don't think that is a good idea. Someone might see, or hear, or... look, this is just not a good idea.~ + a3517 /* ROM_TWO_HARD_TO_STOP_GENTLEMAN */ + ~RandomNum(3,3)~ + ~[PC] Not now, please. I really do have a headache. And a backache. And I think I have strained my ankle, as well.~ + a3517 /* ROM_TWO_HARD_TO_STOP_GENTLEMAN */ + ~RandomNum(3,2)~ + ~[PC] Not... not now. I don't think I am ready for more than a kiss right now.~ + a3517 /* ROM_TWO_HARD_TO_STOP_GENTLEMAN */ + ~RandomNum(3,1)~ + ~[PC] No, thank you. I think I will pass on that particular opportunity.~ + a3517 /* ROM_TWO_HARD_TO_STOP_GENTLEMAN */ ++ ~[PC] (Shake your head, and push him away.)~ + a3517 /* ROM_TWO_HARD_TO_STOP_GENTLEMAN */ ++ ~[PC] ~ + a3366 /* GET_OUT_EXIT */ ++ ~[PC] ~ + a3452 /* JUST_FRIENDS_EXIT */ END IF ~~ a3733 /* ROM_TWO_2_NO_PRISONERS */ SAY ~[ARAN] What do you be after, here... I be tryin' to follow your lead, on account o' if I take over, you will be at my mercy in a small amount o' time. An' I don't rightly take no prisoners.~ /* advance talking */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] If you were to be a little more aggressive, I would like that very much. (Begin to loosen your clothing, hesitantly and carefully.)~ + a3727 /* ROM_TWO_CHEST_BARES_TATTOO */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",1)~ + ~[PC] So you have said before. And I think perhaps the time is now. Well, perhaps not a full surrender, but perhaps a scouting expedition.~ + a3727 /* ROM_TWO_CHEST_BARES_TATTOO */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] I think you talk to much, and you should act on those feelings of yours.~ + a3727 /* ROM_TWO_CHEST_BARES_TATTOO */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",3)~ + ~[PC] I wouldn't want you to. I was thinking of taking a single prisoner, and capturing him. Perhaps even riding him.~ + a3727 /* ROM_TWO_CHEST_BARES_TATTOO */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",4)~ + ~[PC] You could follow my lead, or you could just make love to me.~ + a3727 /* ROM_TWO_CHEST_BARES_TATTOO */ /* advance no talking */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] (You slide your hands under Aran's clothing, exploring his body.)~ + a3724 /* ROM_TWO_TALK_THEN_TUSSLE */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",1)~ + ~[PC] (You bare your chest, looking deeply into his eyes.)~ + a3724 /* ROM_TWO_TALK_THEN_TUSSLE */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] (You look down for a moment, the look up, smiling. Your clothing begins falling away as you back away from him.)~ + a3724 /* ROM_TWO_TALK_THEN_TUSSLE */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",3)~ + ~[PC] (You bare your shoulders, but your hands have been busier, and as your fingers wrap around his hardness you hear his sudden gasp.)~ + a3724 /* ROM_TWO_TALK_THEN_TUSSLE */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",4)~ + ~[PC] (You smooth your hands along his shoulders, and begin kissing your way south, stopping only when your warm lips find something demanding entry...)~ + a3724 /* ROM_TWO_TALK_THEN_TUSSLE */ ++ ~[PC] I don't think that is a good idea. Someone might see, or hear, or... look, this is just not a good idea.~ + a3517 /* ROM_TWO_HARD_TO_STOP_GENTLEMAN */ + ~RandomNum(3,3)~ + ~[PC] Not now, please. I really do have a headache. And a backache. And I think I have strained my ankle, as well.~ + a3517 /* ROM_TWO_HARD_TO_STOP_GENTLEMAN */ + ~RandomNum(3,2)~ + ~[PC] Not... not now. I don't think I am ready for more than a kiss right now.~ + a3517 /* ROM_TWO_HARD_TO_STOP_GENTLEMAN */ + ~RandomNum(3,1)~ + ~[PC] No, thank you. I think I will pass on that particular opportunity.~ + a3517 /* ROM_TWO_HARD_TO_STOP_GENTLEMAN */ ++ ~[PC] (Shake your head, and push him away.)~ + a3517 /* ROM_TWO_HARD_TO_STOP_GENTLEMAN */ ++ ~[PC] Stop. This is not what I want at all.~ + a3366 /* GET_OUT_EXIT */ ++ ~[PC] Shhhh.... I thought I heard something. Quick, you have to leave. We need to stop, right now.~ + a3452 /* JUST_FRIENDS_EXIT */ END IF ~~ a3732 /* ROM_TWO_2_PC_ACTION */ SAY ~[ARAN] Sune's Desires... you are so beautiful.~ ++ ~[PC] I want you. I want you to kiss me, and hold me. I want you to make me forget anything else exists in the world.~ + a3624 /* ROM_ONE_SLOW_KISSES_ACTION */ ++ ~[PC] I think it is time that you learned I was in charge. Lie down, Aran. I intend to have my way with you.~ + a3632 /* PC_TAKES_CHARGE */ ++ ~[PC] (Kiss him as you both settle to the ground, all the while tearing at his codpiece until his bare warmth and hardness is nosing its way along your palm.)~ + a3632 /* PC_TAKES_CHARGE */ /* advance no talking */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] (You slide your hands under Aran's clothing, exploring his body.)~ + a3724 /* ROM_TWO_TALK_THEN_TUSSLE */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",1)~ + ~[PC] (You bare your chest, looking deeply into his eyes.)~ + a3724 /* ROM_TWO_TALK_THEN_TUSSLE */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] (You look down for a moment, the look up, smiling. Your clothing begins falling away as you back away from him.)~ + a3724 /* ROM_TWO_TALK_THEN_TUSSLE */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",3)~ + ~[PC] (You bare your shoulders, but your hands have been busier, and as your fingers wrap around his hardness you hear his sudden gasp.)~ + a3724 /* ROM_TWO_TALK_THEN_TUSSLE */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",4)~ + ~[PC] (You smooth your hands along his shoulders, and begin kissing your way south, stopping only when your warm lips find something demanding entry...)~ + a3724 /* ROM_TWO_TALK_THEN_TUSSLE */ ++ ~[PC] I don't think that is a good idea. Someone might see, or hear, or... look, this is just not a good idea.~ + a3517 /* ROM_TWO_HARD_TO_STOP_GENTLEMAN */ ++ ~[PC] We need to stop this, right now.~ + a3366 /* GET_OUT_EXIT */ ++ ~[PC] (Gently touch his face, drawing small lines along his forehead.)~ + a3731 /* ARAN_UNDOES_PC_FRONT */ ++ ~[PC] Aran... we need to stop. I know I am confusing, but that is only because I really don't understand my own feelings right now.~ + a3452 /* JUST_FRIENDS_EXIT */ END IF ~~ a3731 /* ARAN_UNDOES_PC_FRONT */ SAY ~[ARAN] (You are not sure how he accomplishes it, but you feel a touch of cool air on your torso as his fingers tangle with your clothing.)~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a3722 /* ROM_THREE_HANDS_CUP_UPWARDS */ END IF ~~ a3730 /* LIPS_EVERYWHERE */ SAY ~[ARAN] (He seizes you abruptly, hands locked around your waist as he whirls you. As your lips find each other's and battle for supremacy, his hands finally make their decision, locking together under your bottom and lifting you against his chest in a ferociously tight embrace.)~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a3644 /* ROM_THREE_ARAN_TO_PC */ END IF ~~ a3729 /* HANDS_EVERYWHERE */ SAY ~[ARAN] (His hands refuse to remain still and they play about your body, tussling and stroking, by turns gentle and rough.)~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a3644 /* ROM_THREE_ARAN_TO_PC */ END IF ~~ a3728 /* GET_A_LITTLE_HELP_HERE */ SAY ~[ARAN] (A grin splashes across his face as he drops his clothing, hands reaching for yours, pinning them behind your back. He kneels, and begins nuzzling his way to your bare torso, tickling you incessantly.)~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a3644 /* ROM_THREE_ARAN_TO_PC */ END IF ~~ a3727 /* ROM_TWO_CHEST_BARES_TATTOO */ SAY ~[ARAN] (His chest bares itself as he strips slowly, the black markings of his dragon tattoo drawing your eyes across taut muscle, lower and lower...)~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a3505 /* ROM_TWO_LADIE_LIE_ME_DOWN_WITH_YOU */ END IF ~~ a3726 /* PC_HAS_TATTOO */ SAY ~[ARAN] Well now, if th' two o' them want to get together, we will be in a mite interestin' position, now. But I think that meetin' can be arranged... if you don't mind some other parts havin' a conversation too.~ ++ ~[PC] I want that conversation to go on for hours. And if one of us finishes talking, I want the other to get everyone back into the conversation.~ + a3505 /* ROM_TWO_LADIE_LIE_ME_DOWN_WITH_YOU */ ++ ~[PC] Why, sweet little innocent me? I would never go so far as to take hold of this... or move my leg like this... or put you right THERE. Oh.~ + a3682 /* ROM_PULSE_DEEP_ABOVE */ ++ ~[PC] Well, if I look over my shoulder like this, and then guide you right there, I think... yes... I think they... can meet... each other... again... and again...~ + a3703 /* BACK_TO_ARAN_GUIDE */ ++ ~[PC] Good things come to he who waits. Or perhaps I meant come on, or even come with... but tell me about the tattoo.~ + a3725 /* ARAN_TATTOO_STORY_ONE */ ++ ~[PC] I suppose it does not matter, when I can claim that territory as my own with a simple kiss. (You lean forward, your kisses moving now to his neck, now to his chest.)~ + a3602 /* ROM_THREE_PC_TO_ARAN */ ++ ~[PC] No, I think I would rather hear the story. I like having all of your attention focused so intently on me, but I am not really interested in things moving forward just yet.~ + a3725 /* ARAN_TATTOO_STORY_ONE */ END IF ~~ a3725 /* ARAN_TATTOO_STORY_ONE */ SAY ~[ARAN] Why do you want to be hearin' about th' past? We have somethin' happenin' here, an' I don't mind sayin' that I'm bloody tremblin' wi' lust over you. Does it really matter? All I want now is you.~ ++ ~[PC] Oh, tell me, please... I will make it worth your while...~ + a3636 /* ARAN_TATTOO_STORY_TWO */ ++ ~[PC] All that matters is that I can wrap myself around you like this... and then wiggle a little like this... and gods that is just the right place don't stop don't stop...~ + a3637 /* ARAN_TATTOO_STORY_GETTING_PHYSICAL */ ++ ~[PC] Well, you talk, and I will keep my mouth otherwise occupied. Perhaps like this...~ + a3635 /* ARAN_TATTOO_STORY_DELAY */ ++ ~[PC] Oh, never mind. It wasn't that interesting a design anyways. And I am not in the mood any more.~ + a3603 /* SUNE_SHUTDOWN_EXIT */ ++ ~[PC] I think you have been very attentive to my needs, Aran. Perhaps it is time I attended to some of yours.~ + a3643 /* ARAN_NEEDS_SOMETHING_WHAT_IS_IT */ END IF ~~ a3724 /* ROM_TWO_TALK_THEN_TUSSLE */ SAY ~[ARAN] Now, I do think you have th' right idea, there. I think I will join you...~ = ~[ARAN] (His hands busy themselves, helping and hindering as you both tussle with anything that shields you from each other's sight.)~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a3505 /* ROM_TWO_LADIE_LIE_ME_DOWN_WITH_YOU */ END /* heavy petting */ IF ~~ a3561 /* FINGERS_EXPLORE_CHARMS */ /* fingers inside */ SAY ~[ARAN] (His hand hesitates, then gently moves inside of you, exploring and teasing.)~ + ~RandomNum(2,1)~ + ~[PC] Go on... keep doing that, please...~ + a3723 /* HANDS_AND_FINGERS_EVERYWHERE */ ++ ~[PC] (Grab his hand, stilling its motion... and pull on his shoulders, urging a close embrace.)~ + a3723 /* HANDS_AND_FINGERS_EVERYWHERE */ ++ ~[PC] (Arch your back under his ministrations, riding your pleasure.)~ + a3723 /* HANDS_AND_FINGERS_EVERYWHERE */ ++ ~[PC] Ouch. Be careful.~ + a3723 /* HANDS_AND_FINGERS_EVERYWHERE */ + ~RandomNum(2,2)~ + ~[PC] Go on... keep doing that, please...~ + a3646 /* HOW_DO_YOU_FEEL */ ++ ~[PC] (Boldly take his manhood into your hand, replacing his teasing fingers with the very tip of him.... until your body is kissing him gently.)~ + a3792 /* KISSING_GENTLY_TIP */ END IF ~~ a3792 /* KISSING_GENTLY_TIP */ SAY ~[ARAN] (His face is a mixture of wonder and frustration as he pushes forward trying to gain entry.)~ ++ ~[PC] (Let him go, nipping lightly at his neck.)~ + a3723 /* HANDS_AND_FINGERS_EVERYWHERE */ ++ ~[PC] (Squeeze him gently, shaking your head, and continue to please yourself and tease him.)~ + a3791 /* GODS_WILL_YOU_LET_ME */ ++ ~[PC] We c... can do this together, just this...~ + a3686 /* ROM_PULSE_MUTUAL_PLEASURE */ ++ ~[PC] Take me, then, but be gentle, please...~ + a3389 /* ENDGAME_OF_TEASING */ ++ ~[PC] I will not beg for you. Take me, now!~ + a3389 /* ENDGAME_OF_TEASING */ END IF ~~ a3791 /* GODS_WILL_YOU_LET_ME */ SAY ~[ARAN] Gods, will you be lettin' me just...~ ++ ~[PC] Take me, then, but be gentle, please...~ + a3389 /* ENDGAME_OF_TEASING */ ++ ~[PC] (Open yourself to him completely, savoring the feeling of his entrance to your body.)~ + a3389 /* ENDGAME_OF_TEASING */ + ~RandomNum(2,2)~ + ~[PC] I love the feeling of you just barely in control of yourself. It is exciting. Now, for the real test... can you stop? Are you strong enough to walk away, right now?~ + a3383 /* IN_NINE_HELLS */ + ~RandomNum(2,1)~ + ~[PC] I love the feeling of you just barely in control of yourself. It is exciting. Now, for the real test... can you stop? Are you strong enough to walk away, right now?~ + a3384 /* PC_TAUNT_PERHAPS_NOT */ ++ ~[PC] Stop. I thought I wanted this, but it is not... it is nothing like what I want. You should go.~ + a3371 /* UNFULFILLED_TEASED_EXIT */ + ~RandomNum(2,2)~ + ~[PC] I think... I have changed my mind. I think I am not ready for this. Can we just cuddle?~ + a3385 /* ARAN_AGREES_ONE_CUDDLE */ + ~RandomNum(2,1)~ + ~[PC] I think... I have changed my mind. I think I am not ready for this. Can we just cuddle?~ + a3386 /* ARAN_AGREES_TWO_CUDDLE */ END IF ~~ a3723 /* HANDS_AND_FINGERS_EVERYWHERE */ SAY ~[ARAN] (His hands are everywhere touching, moving along your skin. A brief sharp scratch of fingernail, a close whispering of breath in your ear... then his body is pressed close to yours with a firm strength and weight.)~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a3675 /* CONTINUE_OR_STOP_ACTION_ONE */ END IF ~~ a3722 /* ROM_THREE_HANDS_CUP_UPWARDS */ SAY ~[ARAN] (His hands follow your navel, brushing upward to cup your breasts. Slowly, carefully, his hands surround you, touch you.)~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a3644 /* ROM_THREE_ARAN_TO_PC */ END IF ~~ a3646 /* HOW_DO_YOU_FEEL */ SAY ~[ARAN] Now, I know just how you feel.~ ++ ~[PC] Why does everyone always think they know how I feel? How many people are the children of a dead god?~ + a3721 /* NO_WHAT_I_MEANT_WAS */ ++ ~[PC] What?~ + a3721 /* NO_WHAT_I_MEANT_WAS */ ++ ~[PC] (Grab his hand, stilling its motion... and pull on his shoulders, urging a close embrace.)~ + a3723 /* HANDS_AND_FINGERS_EVERYWHERE */ ++ ~[PC] (Arch your back under his ministrations, riding your pleasure.)~ + a3723 /* HANDS_AND_FINGERS_EVERYWHERE */ ++ ~[PC] Ouch. Be careful.~ + a3723 /* HANDS_AND_FINGERS_EVERYWHERE */ ++ ~[PC] STOP! We have gone too far. You need to leave!~ + a3623 /* ROM_FRIENDS_EXIT_ONE */ END IF ~~ a3721 /* NO_WHAT_I_MEANT_WAS */ SAY ~[ARAN] No, if I meant that I would have said I know how you be feelin'. I meant I can feel th' heat o' you, th' curve o' you, an' it be right distractin' to anythin' you be sayin'.~ ++ ~[PC] Well, I will stop talking then, and start kissing!~ + a3624 /* ROM_ONE_SLOW_KISSES_ACTION */ ++ ~[PC] (Grab his hand, stilling its motion... and pull on his shoulders, urging a close embrace.)~ + a3723 /* HANDS_AND_FINGERS_EVERYWHERE */ ++ ~[PC] (Arch your back under his ministrations, riding your pleasure.)~ + a3723 /* HANDS_AND_FINGERS_EVERYWHERE */ + ~RandomNum(6,6)~ + ~[PC] Aran... tell me what you want. What do you want to do with me?~ + a3783 /* ANYWAYYOULIKEIT_3783 */ + ~RandomNum(6,5)~ + ~[PC] Aran... tell me what you want. What do you want to do with me?~ + a3785 /* ANYWAYYOULIKEIT_3785 */ + ~RandomNum(6,4)~ + ~[PC] Aran... tell me what you want. What do you want to do with me?~ + a3786 /* ANYWAYYOULIKEIT_3786 */ + ~RandomNum(6,3)~ + ~[PC] Aran... tell me what you want. What do you want to do with me?~ + a3787 /* ANYWAYYOULIKEIT_3787 */ + ~RandomNum(6,2)~ + ~[PC] Aran... tell me what you want. What do you want to do with me?~ + a3788 /* ANYWAYYOULIKEIT_3788 */ + ~RandomNum(6,1)~ + ~[PC] Aran... tell me what you want. What do you want to do with me?~ + a3789 /* ANYWAYYOULIKEIT_3789 */ END IF ~~ a3783 /* ANYWAYYOULIKEIT_3783 */ SAY ~[ARAN] Mayhap I would want to see you risin' an' fallin' above me, on me. I'd hear you makin' soft cries o' desire, watch your lips part, feel th' sheen o' perspiration as you came to your delight on me...~ ++ ~[PC] Sleepy. I am going to sleep now. Just hold me.~ EXIT ++ ~[PC] I have frustrated you. I'm sorry. I don't want to hurt you... but I really don't want to do any more of this right now. Can't we just cuddle?~ + a3386 /* ARAN_AGREES_TWO_CUDDLE */ ++ ~[PC] I think I would like to fulfill that fantasy.~ + a3784 /* TOLD_ACTION_COMPLETED */ ++ ~[PC] I think you should stop talking so much, and start kissing!~ + a3624 /* ROM_ONE_SLOW_KISSES_ACTION */ + ~RandomNum(3,3)~ + ~[PC] Nice idea, but not now, please. I really do have a headache. And a backache. And I think I have strained my ankle, as well.~ + a3517 /* ROM_TWO_HARD_TO_STOP_GENTLEMAN */ + ~RandomNum(3,2)~ + ~[PC] Not... not now. I don't think I am ready for more than a kiss right now.~ + a3517 /* ROM_TWO_HARD_TO_STOP_GENTLEMAN */ + ~RandomNum(3,1)~ + ~[PC] No, thank you. I think I will pass on that particular opportunity.~ + a3517 /* ROM_TWO_HARD_TO_STOP_GENTLEMAN */ END IF ~~ a3784 /* TOLD_ACTION_COMPLETED */ SAY ~[ARAN] (His eyes widen as you begin to make his dreams come true.)~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a3785 /* ANYWAYYOULIKEIT_3785 */ SAY ~[ARAN] Mayhap I'd like to see you beneath me, your thighs pressed tight around my cheeks. I'd tease you wi' my tongue until your hands be clutchin' at my head, forcin' me to give you even more pleasure, your groans fillin' my ears...~ ++ ~[PC] Sleepy. I am going to sleep now. Just hold me.~ EXIT ++ ~[PC] I have frustrated you. I'm sorry. I don't want to hurt you... but I really don't want to do any more of this right now. Can't we just cuddle?~ + a3386 /* ARAN_AGREES_TWO_CUDDLE */ ++ ~[PC] I think I would like to fulfill that fantasy.~ + a3784 /* TOLD_ACTION_COMPLETED */ ++ ~[PC] I think you should stop talking so much, and start kissing!~ + a3624 /* ROM_ONE_SLOW_KISSES_ACTION */ + ~RandomNum(3,3)~ + ~[PC] Nice idea, but not now, please. I really do have a headache. And a backache. And I think I have strained my ankle, as well.~ + a3517 /* ROM_TWO_HARD_TO_STOP_GENTLEMAN */ + ~RandomNum(3,2)~ + ~[PC] Not... not now. I don't think I am ready for more than a kiss right now.~ + a3517 /* ROM_TWO_HARD_TO_STOP_GENTLEMAN */ + ~RandomNum(3,1)~ + ~[PC] No, thank you. I think I will pass on that particular opportunity.~ + a3517 /* ROM_TWO_HARD_TO_STOP_GENTLEMAN */ ++ ~[PC] I think I would like to fulfill that fantasy.~ + a3784 /* TOLD_ACTION_COMPLETED */ END IF ~~ a3786 /* ANYWAYYOULIKEIT_3786 */ SAY ~[ARAN] I might like to just lay beside you, touchin' an' feelin' every part o' your skin. I'd hold off on touches until we couldn't stand naught any longer, an' then I'd replace my hands wi' my lips. After that, well... I'd be a fool not to drive deep inside o' you, claimin' you an' fillin' you until we both could do naught but sleep.~ ++ ~[PC] Sleepy. I am going to sleep now. Just hold me.~ EXIT ++ ~[PC] I have frustrated you. I'm sorry. I don't want to hurt you... but I really don't want to do any more of this right now. Can't we just cuddle?~ + a3386 /* ARAN_AGREES_TWO_CUDDLE */ ++ ~[PC] I think I would like to fulfill that fantasy.~ + a3784 /* TOLD_ACTION_COMPLETED */ ++ ~[PC] I think you should stop talking so much, and start kissing!~ + a3624 /* ROM_ONE_SLOW_KISSES_ACTION */ + ~RandomNum(3,3)~ + ~[PC] Nice idea, but not now, please. I really do have a headache. And a backache. And I think I have strained my ankle, as well.~ + a3517 /* ROM_TWO_HARD_TO_STOP_GENTLEMAN */ + ~RandomNum(3,2)~ + ~[PC] Not... not now. I don't think I am ready for more than a kiss right now.~ + a3517 /* ROM_TWO_HARD_TO_STOP_GENTLEMAN */ + ~RandomNum(3,1)~ + ~[PC] No, thank you. I think I will pass on that particular opportunity.~ + a3517 /* ROM_TWO_HARD_TO_STOP_GENTLEMAN */ ++ ~[PC] I think I would like to fulfill that fantasy.~ + a3784 /* TOLD_ACTION_COMPLETED */ END IF ~~ a3787 /* ANYWAYYOULIKEIT_3787 */ SAY ~[ARAN] Well, if I had anythin' I could do, it would be to watch your face as you found your pleasure. I'd watch th' slow smile turn anxious, your bright eyes sharpen to keen desire, your chest risin' an' fallin', until th' slow blush be spread across it... I'd follow that blush wi' kisses, until you either demanded I fill you or demanded I release you, whichever suited your fancy. Then I'd be right happy man, I would.~ ++ ~[PC] Sleepy. I am going to sleep now. Just hold me.~ EXIT ++ ~[PC] I have frustrated you. I'm sorry. I don't want to hurt you... but I really don't want to do any more of this right now. Can't we just cuddle?~ + a3386 /* ARAN_AGREES_TWO_CUDDLE */ ++ ~[PC] I think I would like to fulfill that fantasy.~ + a3784 /* TOLD_ACTION_COMPLETED */ ++ ~[PC] I think you should stop talking so much, and start kissing!~ + a3624 /* ROM_ONE_SLOW_KISSES_ACTION */ + ~RandomNum(3,3)~ + ~[PC] Nice idea, but not now, please. I really do have a headache. And a backache. And I think I have strained my ankle, as well.~ + a3517 /* ROM_TWO_HARD_TO_STOP_GENTLEMAN */ + ~RandomNum(3,2)~ + ~[PC] Not... not now. I don't think I am ready for more than a kiss right now.~ + a3517 /* ROM_TWO_HARD_TO_STOP_GENTLEMAN */ + ~RandomNum(3,1)~ + ~[PC] No, thank you. I think I will pass on that particular opportunity.~ + a3517 /* ROM_TWO_HARD_TO_STOP_GENTLEMAN */ ++ ~[PC] I think I would like to fulfill that fantasy.~ + a3784 /* TOLD_ACTION_COMPLETED */ END IF ~~ a3788 /* ANYWAYYOULIKEIT_3788 */ SAY ~[ARAN] I don't rightly know. Well... I guess I do know, but...~ = ~[ARAN] Hells. If we be sharin', then I'd best just say it. I'd roll you onto your back a' drive every inch o' me deep within you, over an' over again, until you screamed out in delight an' began kickin' wi' your heels to make me go faster. Then I'd just let everythin' I have be part o' you.~ ++ ~[PC] Sleepy. I am going to sleep now. Just hold me.~ EXIT ++ ~[PC] I have frustrated you. I'm sorry. I don't want to hurt you... but I really don't want to do any more of this right now. Can't we just cuddle?~ + a3386 /* ARAN_AGREES_TWO_CUDDLE */ ++ ~[PC] I think I would like to fulfill that fantasy.~ + a3784 /* TOLD_ACTION_COMPLETED */ ++ ~[PC] I think you should stop talking so much, and start kissing!~ + a3624 /* ROM_ONE_SLOW_KISSES_ACTION */ + ~RandomNum(3,3)~ + ~[PC] Nice idea, but not now, please. I really do have a headache. And a backache. And I think I have strained my ankle, as well.~ + a3517 /* ROM_TWO_HARD_TO_STOP_GENTLEMAN */ + ~RandomNum(3,2)~ + ~[PC] Not... not now. I don't think I am ready for more than a kiss right now.~ + a3517 /* ROM_TWO_HARD_TO_STOP_GENTLEMAN */ + ~RandomNum(3,1)~ + ~[PC] No, thank you. I think I will pass on that particular opportunity.~ + a3517 /* ROM_TWO_HARD_TO_STOP_GENTLEMAN */ ++ ~[PC] I think I would like to fulfill that fantasy.~ + a3784 /* TOLD_ACTION_COMPLETED */ END IF ~~ a3789 /* ANYWAYYOULIKEIT_3789 */ SAY ~[ARAN] I am in a right strange mood, I am. I... well, I'd want to see us. Joined. I mean, I'd watch...~ = ~[ARAN] I'd watch th' way you part under me, th' way I nestle deep wi' in you, an' then watch th' slow pull out, over an' over again. I'd see you bite that lower lip o' yours as you watched, too. I'd see an' feel you flutter against me deep inside, your body open to me like never before.~ ++ ~[PC] Sleepy. I am going to sleep now. Just hold me.~ EXIT ++ ~[PC] I have frustrated you. I'm sorry. I don't want to hurt you... but I really don't want to do any more of this right now. Can't we just cuddle?~ + a3386 /* ARAN_AGREES_TWO_CUDDLE */ ++ ~[PC] I think I would like to fulfill that fantasy.~ + a3784 /* TOLD_ACTION_COMPLETED */ ++ ~[PC] I think you should stop talking so much, and start kissing!~ + a3624 /* ROM_ONE_SLOW_KISSES_ACTION */ + ~RandomNum(3,3)~ + ~[PC] Nice idea, but not now, please. I really do have a headache. And a backache. And I think I have strained my ankle, as well.~ + a3517 /* ROM_TWO_HARD_TO_STOP_GENTLEMAN */ + ~RandomNum(3,2)~ + ~[PC] Not... not now. I don't think I am ready for more than a kiss right now.~ + a3517 /* ROM_TWO_HARD_TO_STOP_GENTLEMAN */ + ~RandomNum(3,1)~ + ~[PC] No, thank you. I think I will pass on that particular opportunity.~ + a3517 /* ROM_TWO_HARD_TO_STOP_GENTLEMAN */ ++ ~[PC] I think I would like to fulfill that fantasy.~ + a3784 /* TOLD_ACTION_COMPLETED */ END /* intermediaries from intermediaries, leading to filters */ IF ~~ a3624 /* ROM_ONE_SLOW_KISSES_ACTION */ SAY ~[ARAN] (His lips are soft, gentle... but insistent, coaxing your tongue to come out and play.)~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a3625 /* ROM_ONE_TALK_ABOUT_ACCESS */ END IF ~~ a3626 /* ROM_ONE_SLOW_KISSES_TALK */ SAY ~[ARAN] I heard tell that th' only thing more intoxicatin' than Rashemi Firewine be Gogondy. I think I done found somethin' even more powerful than that.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a3625 /* ROM_ONE_TALK_ABOUT_ACCESS */ END IF ~~ a3627 /* ROM_ONE_FAST_KISSES_ACTION */ SAY ~[ARAN] (His kisses burn fiercely on your lips and cheeks, his breathing unsteady.)~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a3625 /* ROM_ONE_TALK_ABOUT_ACCESS */ END IF ~~ a3558 /* ROM_ONE_ASK_ABOUT_STOPPING */ SAY ~[ARAN] Aye, this be a mite bit intense. But by Sune's Sweet Smile, it feels right. I want you, an' I be thinkin' you want me. Do you be sure about stoppin'?~ + ~RandomNum(4,1)~ + ~[PC] Yes, I am sure. You should go.~ + a3514 /* SOLID_STOP1 */ + ~RandomNum(4,2)~ + ~[PC] No, I am not sure. Which is precisely why you should go.~ + a3515 /* SOLID_STOP2 */ + ~RandomNum(4,3)~ + ~[PC] I... I am so confused. Yes, you need to go.~ + a3516 /* SOLID_STOP3 */ + ~RandomNum(4,4)~ + ~[PC] Stop... I am not really in the mood. This is making me feel very uncomfortable. You should go.~ + a3628 /* SOLID_STOP4 */ + ~RandomNum(4,1)~ + ~[PC] No.... no, I want this. But kisses only. I just want to feel loved for awhile.~ + a3562 /* KISSING_HOLDING_ONE */ + ~RandomNum(4,2)~ + ~[PC] No.... no, I want this. But kisses only. I just want to feel loved for awhile.~ + a3563 /* KISSING_HOLDING_TWO */ + ~RandomNum(4,3)~ + ~[PC] No.... no, I want this. But kisses only. I just want to feel loved for awhile.~ + a3564 /* KISSING_HOLDING_THREE */ + ~RandomNum(4,4)~ + ~[PC] No.... no, I want this. But kisses only. I just want to feel loved for awhile.~ + a3565 /* KISSING_HOLDING_FOUR */ ++ ~[PC] I have frustrated you. I'm sorry. I don't want to hurt you... but I really don't want to do any more of this right now. Can't we just cuddle?~ + a3386 /* ARAN_AGREES_TWO_CUDDLE */ + ~Global("c-aranpcbedding","LOCALS",0)~ + ~[PC] Gods... no. I want this. Take me. Take me, all the way, now.~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3506 /* SEX_SCENE_ONE */ + ~Global("c-aranpcbedding","LOCALS",1)~ + ~[PC] I have disappointed you, haven't I. Well... I surrender. Do what you will with me.~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3507 /* SEX_SCENE_TWO */ + ~Global("c-aranpcbedding","LOCALS",2)~ + ~[PC] Stop listening to me. I don't know what I want, but you know what you want. Take me, any way you please.~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3508 /* SEX_SCENE_THREE */ + ~Global("c-aranpcbedding","LOCALS",3)~ + ~[PC] I don't think this is a good idea, but I just can't stop myself. Do it. Do it now.~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3509 /* SEX_SCENE_FOUR */ + ~Global("c-aranpcbedding","LOCALS",4)~ + ~[PC] Stop being so scared of my feelings, and just take me. Take me now.~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3510 /* SEX_SCENE_FIVE */ + ~Global("c-aranpcbedding","LOCALS",5)~ + ~[PC] Oh, shut up. I am going to drive you deep within me and ride you like you have never been ridden before.~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3511 /* SEX_SCENE_SIX */ + ~Global("c-aranpcbedding","LOCALS",6)~ + ~[PC] Will you respect me... oh, forget it. I need you, and I want you. Have your way with me, right now.~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3512 /* SEX_SCENE_SEVEN */ + ~Global("c-aranpcbedding","LOCALS",7)~ + ~[PC] Will you respect me... oh, forget it. I need you, and I want you. Have your way with me, right now.~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3513 /* SEX_SCENE_EIGHT */ END /* these two can loop - */ IF ~~ a3625 /* ROM_ONE_TALK_ABOUT_ACCESS */ SAY ~[ARAN] Now, there be th' slight matter o' gettin' less to come between us. I have naught in th' way o' access, here.~ ++ ~[PC] Is this a little better? I mean, when a lady starts undressing, shouldn't a gentleman match her garment for garment?~ + a3629 /* ROM_ONE_MATCH_STRIPPING */ ++ ~[PC] (You offer no resistance as he bares your shoulders, his hands caressing everything his eyes can behold.)~ + a3630 /* ROM_ONE_OFFER_NO_RESISTANCE */ ++ ~[PC] Aran, please... slow down. I... ~ + a3558 /* ROM_ONE_ASK_ABOUT_STOPPING */ + ~Global("c-aranpcbedding","LOCALS",0)~ + ~[PC] Aran... shhh. Stop talking. Just make love to me, any way you want.~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3506 /* SEX_SCENE_ONE */ + ~Global("c-aranpcbedding","LOCALS",1)~ + ~[PC] Aran... shhh. Stop talking. Just make love to me, any way you want.~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3507 /* SEX_SCENE_TWO */ + ~Global("c-aranpcbedding","LOCALS",2)~ + ~[PC] Aran... shhh. Stop talking. Just make love to me, any way you want.~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3508 /* SEX_SCENE_THREE */ + ~Global("c-aranpcbedding","LOCALS",3)~ + ~[PC] Aran... shhh. Stop talking. Just make love to me, any way you want.~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3509 /* SEX_SCENE_FOUR */ + ~Global("c-aranpcbedding","LOCALS",4)~ + ~[PC] Aran... shhh. Stop talking. Just make love to me, any way you want.~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3510 /* SEX_SCENE_FIVE */ + ~Global("c-aranpcbedding","LOCALS",5)~ + ~[PC] Aran... shhh. Stop talking. Just make love to me, any way you want.~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3511 /* SEX_SCENE_SIX */ + ~Global("c-aranpcbedding","LOCALS",6)~ + ~[PC] Aran... shhh. Stop talking. Just make love to me, any way you want.~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3512 /* SEX_SCENE_SEVEN */ + ~Global("c-aranpcbedding","LOCALS",7)~ + ~[PC] Aran... shhh. Stop talking. Just make love to me, any way you want.~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3513 /* SEX_SCENE_EIGHT */ ++ ~[PC] Sometimes it is even more fun to leave almost everything on...~ + a3631 /* SUGGEST_SMALL_ACCESS */ END IF ~~ a3631 /* SUGGEST_SMALL_ACCESS */ SAY ~[ARAN] If that be an invitation, you may have to help out. I have an easy time o' it, but gettin' access through all that between us be right dauntin'.~ ++ ~[PC] I was actually thinking of just being held, not doing anything else.~ + a3623 /* ROM_FRIENDS_EXIT_ONE */ /* no advance talking */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] No, just kiss me, please... I just want that right now.~ + a3624 /* ROM_ONE_SLOW_KISSES_ACTION */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",1)~ + ~[PC] Kissing is an art all on its own, and I want to practice more.~ + a3624 /* ROM_ONE_SLOW_KISSES_ACTION */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] I know we have already gone further, but kissing feels so good. Let's just do this, please.~ + a3624 /* ROM_ONE_SLOW_KISSES_ACTION */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",3)~ + ~[PC] I know we have done much more than kiss, but kissing makes me feel alive, too. Just kiss me over and over again.~ + a3624 /* ROM_ONE_SLOW_KISSES_ACTION */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",4)~ + ~[PC] Aran, I know we have made love before. But sometimes, a woman just wants to be held and kissed.~ + a3624 /* ROM_ONE_SLOW_KISSES_ACTION */ + ~Global("c-aranpcbedding","LOCALS",0)~ + ~[PC] Gods... no. I want this. Take me. Take me, all the way, now.~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3506 /* SEX_SCENE_ONE */ + ~Global("c-aranpcbedding","LOCALS",1)~ + ~[PC] On second thought, I surrender. No more talk. Just make love to me..~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3507 /* SEX_SCENE_TWO */ + ~Global("c-aranpcbedding","LOCALS",2)~ + ~[PC] Stop listening to me. I don't know what I want, but you know what you want. Take me, any way you please.~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3508 /* SEX_SCENE_THREE */ + ~Global("c-aranpcbedding","LOCALS",3)~ + ~[PC] I don't think this is a good idea, but I just can't stop myself. Do it. Do it now.~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3509 /* SEX_SCENE_FOUR */ + ~Global("c-aranpcbedding","LOCALS",4)~ + ~[PC] Stop being so scared of my feelings, and just take me. Take me now.~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3510 /* SEX_SCENE_FIVE */ + ~Global("c-aranpcbedding","LOCALS",5)~ + ~[PC] Oh, shut up. I am going to drive you deep within me and ride you like you have never been ridden before.~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3511 /* SEX_SCENE_SIX */ + ~Global("c-aranpcbedding","LOCALS",6)~ + ~[PC] Will you respect me... oh, forget it. I need you, and I want you. Have your way with me, right now.~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3512 /* SEX_SCENE_SEVEN */ + ~Global("c-aranpcbedding","LOCALS",7)~ + ~[PC] Will you respect me... oh, forget it. I need you, and I want you. Have your way with me, right now.~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3513 /* SEX_SCENE_EIGHT */ END IF ~~ a3632 /* PC_TAKES_CHARGE */ SAY ~[ARAN] I would be a right fool not to follow HEY! What do you be doin'?~ ++ ~[PC] What does it look like I am doing? I have had enough. Now that that codpiece is not in the way, I have the perfect scabbard for that short sword you are wielding... there.~ + a3633 /* ARAN_ROMANCE_BE_DEAD */ ++ ~[PC] (Kneel over him, one hand guiding his hardness to your entrance, and sit down... hard.)~ + a3633 /* ARAN_ROMANCE_BE_DEAD */ ++ ~[PC] If I left you to your own devices, you might go wandering off after some village girl. I know what you need... a good, hard romp. And I need to exercise my riding muscles. I will just keep moving like this...~ + a3633 /* ARAN_ROMANCE_BE_DEAD */ ++ ~[PC] Leaving. You were too slow. When a lady says "take me", do it, and don't stop to think or talk.~ + a3634 /* ARAN_SWEAR_ONE */ ++ ~[PC] I may not know everything about men, but I know one thing they really, really want. And the feel of me ... *there*... yes, that look on your face says it all. Now I have you. And if I flex a little, like that, perhaps you will make me happy, too.~ + a3633 /* ARAN_ROMANCE_BE_DEAD */ ++ ~[PC] I... I don't know what I am doing. I think I need to leave, right now. These feelings are too much.~ + a3516 /* SOLID_STOP3 */ END IF ~~ a3635 /* ARAN_TATTOO_STORY_DELAY */ SAY ~[ARAN] Sharess' Sensuous Skin, like I will be able to concentrate wi' you doin' that... gods, I... I'll try...~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a3636 /* ARAN_TATTOO_STORY_TWO */ END IF ~~ a3636 /* ARAN_TATTOO_STORY_TWO */ SAY ~[ARAN] I had been up in Moonshae for nigh on a year when I did fall for a lass. An' th' custom were to have a tattoo to show how much pain one could take, to show if you be strong enough to be a life partner. So it served two purposes, at th' time, one wi' th' Axes, an' two wi' th' womenfolk. Or one woman.~ = ~[ARAN] Now, for Sune's Blissful Release, will you stop doin' that? You are like to have a real mess happenin' soon enough!~ ++ ~[PC] Stop talking? Well, I suppose we could kiss...~ + a3637 /* ARAN_TATTOO_STORY_GETTING_PHYSICAL */ ++ ~[PC] Stop letting my hands wander down your chest? Oh, no, we could not stop that...~ + a3637 /* ARAN_TATTOO_STORY_GETTING_PHYSICAL */ ++ ~[PC] But your whole body feels so nice under my hands. I wonder what it would feel like under my lips?~ + a3637 /* ARAN_TATTOO_STORY_GETTING_PHYSICAL */ /* tease/insult options */ + ~RandomNum(4,1)~ + ~[PC] You know, you talk too much. I think you need to go get some lessons in how to please me.~ + a3648 /* TEASING_ONE */ + ~RandomNum(4,2)~ + ~[PC] You might be getting all excited, but you are doing nothing for me. You had better be more attentive if you want this to go any further.~ + a3649 /* TEASING_TWO */ + ~RandomNum(4,3)~ + ~[PC] You know, nothing kills a romance like bad breath and rough calloused hands.~ + a3650 /* TEASING_THREE */ + ~RandomNum(4,4)~ + ~[PC] I am not sure how you could please any woman. With me, so far, you are barely adequate.~ + a3651 /* TEASING_FOUR */ END IF ~~ a3637 /* ARAN_TATTOO_STORY_GETTING_PHYSICAL */ SAY ~[ARAN] Gods save us all from th' likes o' mad mages, undead warriors, an' th' wiles o' a determined woman.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END /* skip to second range */ IF ~~ a3629 /* ROM_ONE_MATCH_STRIPPING */ SAY ~[ARAN] Now that be a right fine compliment, to call me a gentleman. An' I be seein' your wager, an' raisin' it. In more ways than one, I do believe.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a3638 /* ROM_ONE_5 */ END IF ~~ a3630 /* ROM_ONE_OFFER_NO_RESISTANCE */ SAY ~[ARAN] (His clothing and yours are soon out of harms way, leaving the two of you open to each other's sight.)~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a3638 /* ROM_ONE_5 */ END IF ~~ a3633 /* ARAN_ROMANCE_BE_DEAD */ SAY ~[ARAN] Chauntea's Womb, romance be dead. Slow down a mite, for th' love o' th' gods, or I will be fillin' you wi' more than you have in you right now, an' no mistake... I will be there right quick!~ ++ ~[PC] That is fine, as I am alr... all... g- g- gods...~ + a3639 /* ROM_PULSE_DEEP_GRUNT */ ++ ~[PC] (Redouble your efforts, driving yourself onto him over and over, faster and faster.)~ + a3639 /* ROM_PULSE_DEEP_GRUNT */ ++ ~[PC] (Rock back and forth, riding his hardness, closing your eyes and losing yourself in the feelings it evokes within you.)~ + a3639 /* ROM_PULSE_DEEP_GRUNT */ ++ ~[PC] Still able to talk? I must be doing something wrong. Perhaps this will help... don't you want to fill me, to claim me? Here I am, and I can feel you touching me, deep inside...~ + a3639 /* ROM_PULSE_DEEP_GRUNT */ ++ ~[PC] Gods, you are way too thick. I think I need to slow down.~ + a3640 /* TRY_TO_DELAY */ END IF ~~ a3640 /* TRY_TO_DELAY */ SAY ~[ARAN] I wish you had not said that, on account o' it stokes th' ego, an' it put me right on th' edge...~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a3639 /* ROM_PULSE_DEEP_GRUNT */ END /* Oral Exploration */ IF ~~ a3641 /* STOP_NOW_OR_CONSEQUENCE */ SAY ~[ARAN] Dear gods, you had better stop that right quick, or you are like to drive me over th' edge!~ ++ ~[PC] Not if I use more than my tongue.~ + a3642 /* READY_OR_NOT_HERE_I_COME */ ++ ~[PC] Oh, don't let a little mess stop you. I never have.~ + a3642 /* READY_OR_NOT_HERE_I_COME */ ++ ~[PC] Hmmmmmmm?~ + a3642 /* READY_OR_NOT_HERE_I_COME */ ++ ~[PC] (Redouble your efforts, letting your lips encompass his hardness, teasing and licking as his heat and tension builds.)~ + a3642 /* READY_OR_NOT_HERE_I_COME */ ++ ~[PC] (Lie back, offering yourself to him.)~ + a3602 /* ROM_THREE_PC_TO_ARAN */ END /* filter states first level */ IF ~~ a3643 /* ARAN_NEEDS_SOMETHING_WHAT_IS_IT */ SAY ~[ARAN] I have just one need. You might even be able to guess what it be, if you just look in my eyes.~ ++ ~[PC] I have heard there is one thing that drives men wild. I think it is time for a little experiment of my own. Now, what happens if I get all this out of the way, and then I take the tip of my tongue, and I trace a line right along... oooh! He jumped!~ + a3641 /* STOP_NOW_OR_CONSEQUENCE */ ++ ~[PC] The way you are looking at me, I think I see the two of us, completely naked, exploring all sorts of.... hey! Careful, that cloth might tear!~ + a3644 /* ROM_THREE_ARAN_TO_PC */ ++ ~[PC] (Lie back, offering yourself to him.)~ + a3602 /* ROM_THREE_PC_TO_ARAN */ ++ ~[PC] Don't you think we should stop? This is getting very confusing...~ + a3543 + ~RandomNum(2,1)~ + ~[PC] I think we should slow down. I like being friends with you, and perhaps a little bit more at times, but you should leave now.~ + a3622 /* ROM_FRIENDS_EXIT_TWO */ + ~RandomNum(2,2)~ + ~[PC] I think we should slow down. I like being friends with you, and perhaps a little bit more at times, but you should leave now.~ + a3621 /* ROM_FRIENDS_EXIT_THREE */ END IF ~~ a3543 /* YOU_WANT_TO_STOP_ARE_YOU_CRAZY */ SAY ~[ARAN] Sune's Blissful Release, you want to stop now? I am on fire for you. Let me please you.~ ++ ~[PC] No, I don't want to do everything that the of us could do... but I think I will please you. I wonder what happens when I take the tip of my tongue and do this... and this... perhaps if I just play a little with hmmmmm...~ + a3641 /* STOP_NOW_OR_CONSEQUENCE */ ++ ~[PC] What would please me most is just the two of us, completely naked, exploring all sorts of.... hey! Careful, that might tear!~ + a3644 /* ROM_THREE_ARAN_TO_PC */ END IF ~~ a3644 /* ROM_THREE_ARAN_TO_PC */ SAY ~[ARAN] Aye now, do you be wantin' to stop? Things might get a bit heavy, here...~ /* aran explores further */ + ~RandomNum(3,1)~ + ~[PC] Gods, no. Whatever you do, do not stop now...~ + a3645 /* HAND_CHEEK_BARE_THIGH */ + ~RandomNum(3,2)~ + ~[PC] Gods, no. Whatever you do, do not stop now...~ + a3560 /* HANDS_TEASING_BARE */ + ~RandomNum(3,3)~ + ~[PC] This is so... so...~ + a3646 /* HOW_DO_YOU_FEEL */ /* stop options */ + ~RandomNum(5,1)~ + ~[PC] Can you stop? Or rather, will you stop if I ask you to?~ + a3647 /* WILL_YOU_CAN_YOU */ + ~RandomNum(5,2)~ + ~[PC] I know what I invited, but I have changed my mind. You need to stop.~ + a3603 /* SUNE_SHUTDOWN_EXIT */ + ~RandomNum(5,3)~ + ~[PC] I want you to stop now. Walk away.~ + a3603 /* SUNE_SHUTDOWN_EXIT */ + ~RandomNum(5,4)~ + ~[PC] I know what I invited, Aran... but I have changed my mind. You need to stop.~ + a3603 /* SUNE_SHUTDOWN_EXIT */ + ~RandomNum(5,5)~ + ~[PC] I want you to stop now. Walk away, Aran.~ + a3603 /* SUNE_SHUTDOWN_EXIT */ /* make-out options */ + ~RandomNum(4,1)~ + ~[PC] Just kiss me and hold me, please...~ + a3562 /* KISSING_HOLDING_ONE */ + ~RandomNum(4,2)~ + ~[PC] I want your lips on mine, and I want to be held close to you.~ + a3563 /* KISSING_HOLDING_TWO */ + ~RandomNum(4,3)~ + ~[PC] Kiss me.~ + a3564 /* KISSING_HOLDING_THREE */ + ~RandomNum(4,4)~ + ~[PC] Gods, no... don't stop kissing me. Just slow down!~ + a3565 /* KISSING_HOLDING_FOUR */ + ~RandomNum(3,1)~ + ~[PC] (Kiss him with all of your might, straining against him, fingers stroking through his hair.)~ + a3645 /* HAND_CHEEK_BARE_THIGH */ + ~RandomNum(3,2)~ + ~[PC] (Kiss him with all of your might, straining against him, fingers stroking through his hair.)~ + a3560 /* HANDS_TEASING_BARE */ + ~RandomNum(3,3)~ + ~[PC] This is so... so...~ + a3646 /* HOW_DO_YOU_FEEL */ END IF ~~ a3602 /* ROM_THREE_PC_TO_ARAN */ SAY ~[ARAN] Aye now, things might get a bit heavy, here... that be exactly what I would like, if you are game for it.~ /* pc explores further */ + ~RandomNum(2,1)~ + ~[PC] Gods, yes. In fact, when you keep making that little groaning sound, it excites me...~ + a3645 /* HAND_CHEEK_BARE_THIGH */ + ~RandomNum(2,2)~ + ~[PC] Gods, yes. Whatever you do, do not stop now...~ + a3560 /* HANDS_TEASING_BARE */ /* stop options */ + ~RandomNum(5,1)~ + ~[PC] Can you stop? Or rather, will you stop if I ask you to?~ + a3647 /* WILL_YOU_CAN_YOU */ + ~RandomNum(5,2)~ + ~[PC] I know what I invited, but I have changed my mind. You need to stop.~ + a3603 /* SUNE_SHUTDOWN_EXIT */ + ~RandomNum(5,3)~ + ~[PC] I want you to stop now. Walk away.~ + a3603 /* SUNE_SHUTDOWN_EXIT */ + ~RandomNum(5,4)~ + ~[PC] I know what I invited, Aran... but I have changed my mind. You need to stop.~ + a3603 /* SUNE_SHUTDOWN_EXIT */ + ~RandomNum(5,5)~ + ~[PC] I want you to stop now. Walk away, Aran.~ + a3603 /* SUNE_SHUTDOWN_EXIT */ /* adult sequence */ + ~RandomNum(2,1)~ + ~[PC] (Kiss his neck, his chest, rubbing your hands along his skin.)~ + a3645 /* HAND_CHEEK_BARE_THIGH */ + ~RandomNum(2,2)~ + ~[PC] (Let your hands play about your own body, stoking and teasing, before bringing them up and tracing his lips.)~ + a3560 /* HANDS_TEASING_BARE */ /* make-out options */ + ~RandomNum(4,1)~ + ~[PC] Just kiss me and hold me, please...~ + a3562 /* KISSING_HOLDING_ONE */ + ~RandomNum(4,2)~ + ~[PC] I want your lips on mine, and I want to be held close to you.~ + a3563 /* KISSING_HOLDING_TWO */ + ~RandomNum(4,3)~ + ~[PC] Kiss me.~ + a3564 /* KISSING_HOLDING_THREE */ + ~RandomNum(4,4)~ + ~[PC] Gods, no... don't stop kissing me. Just slow down!~ + a3565 /* KISSING_HOLDING_FOUR */ /* tease/insult options */ + ~RandomNum(4,1)~ + ~[PC] Is that all you can do? Some feeble kissing? I think you need to go get some lessons in how to please me.~ + a3648 /* TEASING_ONE */ + ~RandomNum(4,2)~ + ~[PC] You might be getting all excited, but you are doing nothing for me. You had better be more attentive if you want this to go any further.~ + a3649 /* TEASING_TWO */ + ~RandomNum(4,3)~ + ~[PC] You know, nothing kills a romance like bad breath and rough calloused hands.~ + a3650 /* TEASING_THREE */ + ~RandomNum(4,4)~ + ~[PC] Oh, I could take it or leave it. So far, you are barely adequate.~ + a3651 /* TEASING_FOUR */ END /* tease/insult options replies */ IF ~~ a3648 /* TEASING_ONE */ SAY ~[ARAN] No call to be mean, there. I thought I was doin' right fine, m'self.~ ++ ~[PC] Oh, stop blathering and put that mouth of yours to better use. Or those fingers... (Open yourself to his advances, letting his fingers play about and touch you where it most pleases you.)~ + a3698 /* FRONT_TO_ARAN_EXPLORE */ + ~RandomNum(2,1)~ + ~[PC] I think we should slow down. I like being friends with you, and perhaps a little bit more at times, but you should leave now.~ + a3622 /* ROM_FRIENDS_EXIT_TWO */ + ~RandomNum(2,2)~ + ~[PC] I think we should slow down. I like being friends with you, and perhaps a little bit more at times, but you should leave now.~ + a3621 /* ROM_FRIENDS_EXIT_THREE */ ++ ~[PC] Wait. I do not think I can do this. In fact, I know I can't. You should leave.~ + a3371 /* UNFULFILLED_TEASED_EXIT */ + ~RandomNum(2,2)~ + ~[PC] I think... I think I am not ready for this. Can we just cuddle?~ + a3385 /* ARAN_AGREES_ONE_CUDDLE */ + ~RandomNum(2,1)~ + ~[PC] I think... I think I am not ready for this. Can we just cuddle?~ + a3386 /* ARAN_AGREES_TWO_CUDDLE */ END IF ~~ a3649 /* TEASING_TWO */ SAY ~[ARAN] Well, you be a tough nut to crack, that be for sure. I never know when you be teasin' an' when you be serious.~ ++ ~[PC] Wait. I do not think I can do this. In fact, I know I can't. You should leave.~ + a3371 /* UNFULFILLED_TEASED_EXIT */ + ~RandomNum(2,2)~ + ~[PC] I think... I think I am not ready for this. Can we just cuddle?~ + a3385 /* ARAN_AGREES_ONE_CUDDLE */ + ~RandomNum(2,1)~ + ~[PC] I think... I think I am not ready for this. Can we just cuddle?~ + a3386 /* ARAN_AGREES_TWO_CUDDLE */ + ~RandomNum(2,1)~ + ~[PC] I think we should slow down. I like being friends with you, and perhaps a little bit more at times, but you should leave now.~ + a3622 /* ROM_FRIENDS_EXIT_TWO */ ++ ~[PC] Oh, stop blathering and put that mouth of yours to better use. Or those fingers... (Open yourself to his advances, letting his fingers play about and touch you where it most pleases you.)~ + a3698 /* FRONT_TO_ARAN_EXPLORE */ + ~RandomNum(2,2)~ + ~[PC] I think we should slow down. I like being friends with you, and perhaps a little bit more at times, but you should leave now.~ + a3621 /* ROM_FRIENDS_EXIT_THREE */ END IF ~~ a3650 /* TEASING_THREE */ SAY ~[ARAN] Mayhap I like bein' a pain in your arse. Speakin' o' which, have you ever tried...~ + ~RandomNum(2,1)~ + ~[PC] I think we should slow down. I like being friends with you, and perhaps a little bit more at times, but you should leave now.~ + a3622 /* ROM_FRIENDS_EXIT_TWO */ ++ ~[PC] Wait. I do not think I can do this. In fact, I know I can't. You should leave.~ + a3371 /* UNFULFILLED_TEASED_EXIT */ + ~RandomNum(2,2)~ + ~[PC] I think... I think I am not ready for this. Can we just cuddle?~ + a3385 /* ARAN_AGREES_ONE_CUDDLE */ + ~RandomNum(2,1)~ + ~[PC] I think... I think I am not ready for this. Can we just cuddle?~ + a3386 /* ARAN_AGREES_TWO_CUDDLE */ + ~RandomNum(2,2)~ + ~[PC] I think we should slow down. I like being friends with you, and perhaps a little bit more at times, but you should leave now.~ + a3621 /* ROM_FRIENDS_EXIT_THREE */ ++ ~[PC] Oh, stop blathering and put that mouth of yours to better use. Or those fingers... (Open yourself to his advances, letting his fingers play about and touch you where it most pleases you.)~ + a3698 /* FRONT_TO_ARAN_EXPLORE */ END IF ~~ a3651 /* TEASING_FOUR */ SAY ~[ARAN] Oh, so sorry m'lady. I didn't rightly know I was makin' your life so uninterestin'. Pity your body don't match up wi' those words.~ ++ ~[PC] Oh, stop blathering and put that mouth of yours to better use. Or those fingers... (Open yourself to his advances, letting his fingers play about and touch you where it most pleases you.)~ + a3698 /* FRONT_TO_ARAN_EXPLORE */ + ~RandomNum(2,1)~ + ~[PC] I think we should slow down. I like being friends with you, and perhaps a little bit more at times, but you should leave now.~ + a3622 /* ROM_FRIENDS_EXIT_TWO */ + ~RandomNum(2,2)~ + ~[PC] I think we should slow down. I like being friends with you, and perhaps a little bit more at times, but you should leave now.~ + a3621 /* ROM_FRIENDS_EXIT_THREE */ ++ ~[PC] Wait. I do not think I can do this. In fact, I know I can't. You should leave.~ + a3371 /* UNFULFILLED_TEASED_EXIT */ + ~RandomNum(2,2)~ + ~[PC] I think... I think I am not ready for this. Can we just cuddle?~ + a3385 /* ARAN_AGREES_ONE_CUDDLE */ + ~RandomNum(2,1)~ + ~[PC] I think... I think I am not ready for this. Can we just cuddle?~ + a3386 /* ARAN_AGREES_TWO_CUDDLE */ END IF ~~ a3505 /* ROM_TWO_LADIE_LIE_ME_DOWN_WITH_YOU */ SAY ~[ARAN] Now, m'lady there be naught between us but a few threads, an' there be much more to do. Shall we lie together?~ ++ ~[PC] (Your arms encircle his neck as you drag him down, kissing him wildly, madly).~ + a3652 /* ROM_TWO_ACTION_FACE_TO_FACE */ ++ ~[PC] (You offer no resistance as his arms enfold you, drawing you down face to face.)~ + a3652 /* ROM_TWO_ACTION_FACE_TO_FACE */ ++ ~[PC] (You offer no resistance as he draws your back to his chest, arms looping around your waist. You lean back against him as you gently roll together.)~ + a3653 /* ROM_BACK_TO_HIS_CHEST */ + ~RandomNum(2,1)~ + ~[PC] I seem to have forgotten this one little flimsy thing. You wouldn't mind removing it for me, would you?~ + a3654 /* ROUGH_CHEEK_BARES_PC_BREASTS */ + ~RandomNum(2,2)~ + ~[PC] Aran.... I want this. But slow down, please. I just need to feel your cheek against mine for a moment.~ + a3655 /* SMOOTH_CHEEK_TO_CHEEK_PRESS_CLOSE */ ++ ~[PC] (Open yourself to his advances, letting his fingers play about and touch you where it most pleases you.)~ + a3698 /* FRONT_TO_ARAN_EXPLORE */ END /* Just Fingers and Hand-Holds */ IF ~~ a3594 /* ROM_ONE_3_HANDS */ SAY ~[ARAN] (His rough hands catch yours tightly, fingers intertwining.)~ ++ ~[PC] (Gently rub your thumbs along his fingers, clasping his palms to yours.)~ + a3656 /* PALMS_CLASP_HANDHOLDING */ ++ ~[PC] (Pull apart from him until you are barely touching fingertip to fingertip, examining his hands from a distance.)~ + a3657 /* EXAMINE_FINGERS_HANDHOLDING */ ++ ~[PC] (Proffer your hands to him, curtsying slightly.)~ + a3658 /* KISS_FINGERS_HANDHOLDING */ ++ ~[PC] (Draw one of his hands to cradle against your cheek, pressing kisses along his fingertips.)~ + a3659 /* PC_KISSES_FINGERTIPS */ + ~RandomNum(3,1)~ + ~[PC] This is just right. Let's just sit together, hand in hand.~ + a3660 /* HANDHOLDING_EXIT */ + ~RandomNum(3,2)~ + ~[PC] This is just right. Let's just sit together, hand in hand.~ + a3661 /* SIT_TOGETHER_HANDHOLD */ + ~RandomNum(3,3)~ + ~[PC] This is just right. Let's just sit together, hand in hand.~ + a3662 /* KISS_PALMS_HANDHOLD */ END IF ~~ a3656 /* PALMS_CLASP_HANDHOLDING */ SAY ~[ARAN] Your palms be a might cold. I think this might warm 'em up a little, eh?~ IF ~RandomNum(5,1)~ THEN GOTO a3660 /* HANDHOLDING_EXIT */ IF ~RandomNum(5,2)~ THEN GOTO a3661 /* SIT_TOGETHER_HANDHOLD */ IF ~RandomNum(5,3)~ THEN GOTO a3662 /* KISS_PALMS_HANDHOLD */ IF ~RandomNum(5,4)~ THEN GOTO a3658 /* KISS_FINGERS_HANDHOLDING */ IF ~RandomNum(5,5)~ THEN GOTO a3657 /* EXAMINE_FINGERS_HANDHOLDING */ END IF ~~ a3661 /* SIT_TOGETHER_HANDHOLD */ SAY ~[ARAN] (His face turns toward you, glances studying your face carefully.)~ IF ~RandomNum(5,1)~ THEN GOTO a3660 /* HANDHOLDING_EXIT */ IF ~RandomNum(5,2)~ THEN GOTO a3661 /* SIT_TOGETHER_HANDHOLD */ IF ~RandomNum(5,3)~ THEN GOTO a3662 /* KISS_PALMS_HANDHOLD */ IF ~RandomNum(5,4)~ THEN GOTO a3658 /* KISS_FINGERS_HANDHOLDING */ IF ~RandomNum(5,5)~ THEN GOTO a3657 /* EXAMINE_FINGERS_HANDHOLDING */ END IF ~~ a3658 /* KISS_FINGERS_HANDHOLDING */ SAY ~[ARAN] (His lips are warm on your knuckles as he bends in a slight bow. He squeezes your captive fingers slightly, standing close to you, hand in hand.)~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a3660 /* HANDHOLDING_EXIT */ END IF ~~ a3657 /* EXAMINE_FINGERS_HANDHOLDING */ SAY ~[ARAN] (Roughened skin and strong callouses stand testament to his toils, but his touch is surprisingly light and soft. He looks at you through the basket weave made by your fingers and his, a smile playing about his lips.)~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a3660 /* HANDHOLDING_EXIT */ END IF ~~ a3662 /* KISS_PALMS_HANDHOLD */ SAY ~[ARAN] (You sit for a time, his hands warm and rough on yours. Idly, he toys with your fingers, lifting one hand for inspection... and then gently kisses your open palm.)~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a3660 /* HANDHOLDING_EXIT */ END IF ~~ a3659 /* PC_KISSES_FINGERTIPS */ SAY ~[ARAN] (His return kisses brush your fingertips, your palms, your inner wrist.)~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a3660 /* HANDHOLDING_EXIT */ END /* just Kissing */ IF ~~ a3562 /* KISSING_HOLDING_ONE */ SAY ~[ARAN] His slow, lingering kisses touch your upper lip, then your lower, before finally reaching center with gratifying intensity.)~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a3663 /* KISSING_END_STATE */ END IF ~~ a3563 /* KISSING_HOLDING_TWO */ SAY ~[ARAN] (His lips catch yours with urgent hunger, his hands cupping you close to his smooth chest.)~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a3663 /* KISSING_END_STATE */ END IF ~~ a3564 /* KISSING_HOLDING_THREE */ SAY ~[ARAN] (His kiss is a thunderclap of strength, followed by a long slow rain of beseeching, intoxicating nibbles.)~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a3663 /* KISSING_END_STATE */ END IF ~~ a3565 /* KISSING_HOLDING_FOUR */ SAY ~[ARAN] His arms surround you, shelter you. His kisses are slow but steady, a long feast of desire.)~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a3663 /* KISSING_END_STATE */ END /* second range */ IF ~~ a3638 /* ROM_ONE_5 */ SAY ~[ARAN] Gods, th' curve o' you, it be a work o' art. I'd be right happy to follow my eyes wi' my hands, if you would let me.~ ++ ~[PC] I would like that very much.~ + a3664 /* ROM_ONE_PERMISSION_TOUCH_TALK */ ++ ~[PC] (Take his hand, and trace your outline with his fingertips, shuddering under his touch.)~ + a3665 /* ROM_ONE_PERMISSION_TOUCH_ACTION */ ++ ~[PC] Not yet. I want to look at you. All of you.~ + a3666 /* ROM_ONE_7 */ ++ ~[PC] (Blush and look down, shaking your head, peeking at his body from under lowered eyelashes.)~ + a3666 /* ROM_ONE_7 */ ++ ~[PC] So, do you think I am pretty?~ + a3667 /* ROM_ONE_THINK_PRETTY */ END IF ~~ a3645 /* HAND_CHEEK_BARE_THIGH */ SAY ~[ARAN] (One of his hands strokes your cheek gently, but the other seems to find its way onto your bare thigh... and you realize he has undone you quite rapidly.)~ ++ ~[PC] Stop teasing me, please... dear gods, stop teasing me...~ + a3561 /* FINGERS_EXPLORE_CHARMS */ /* make-out options */ + ~RandomNum(4,1)~ + ~[PC] Just kiss me and hold me, please...~ + a3562 /* KISSING_HOLDING_ONE */ + ~RandomNum(4,2)~ + ~[PC] I want your lips on mine, and I want to be held close to you.~ + a3563 /* KISSING_HOLDING_TWO */ + ~RandomNum(4,3)~ + ~[PC] Kiss me.~ + a3564 /* KISSING_HOLDING_THREE */ + ~RandomNum(4,4)~ + ~[PC] Gods, no... don't stop kissing me. Just slow down!~ + a3565 /* KISSING_HOLDING_FOUR */ END IF ~~ a3647 /* WILL_YOU_CAN_YOU */ SAY ~[ARAN] I will stop, but it may blighted well kill me. You are more powerful than you know, . One glimpse o' bare thigh, a dazzlin' smile, an' I be held more firmly than a strong spell. I would rather not be stoppin', if you will let me be wi' you.~ ++ ~[PC] (You lean forward, your kisses moving now to his neck, now to his chest.)~ + a3665 /* ROM_ONE_PERMISSION_TOUCH_ACTION */ ++ ~[PC] Aran. Hold still. I think I have something to show you. (Slowly begin removing your clothing.)~ + a3604 /* PC_STRIPS_FOR_ARAN */ END IF ~~ a3653 /* ROM_BACK_TO_HIS_CHEST */ SAY ~[ARAN] Your skin be so smooth, so warm. I can't rightly stop touchin' it.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a3668 /* ROM_ROUGH_WHISPER_BEHIND_EAR */ END IF ~~ a3654 /* ROUGH_CHEEK_BARES_PC_BREASTS */ SAY ~[ARAN] (His cheek is rough against your skin, his breath hot on your collarbone as he bares your breasts to his sight.)~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a3665 /* ROM_ONE_PERMISSION_TOUCH_ACTION */ END IF ~~ a3655 /* SMOOTH_CHEEK_TO_CHEEK_PRESS_CLOSE */ SAY ~[ARAN] (His cheek is the smooth and velvet touch of closely-shaved skin, as he runs it along your cheek and presses close to you.)~ ++ ~[PC] I like the feel of your skin beneath my palms.~ + a3664 /* ROM_ONE_PERMISSION_TOUCH_TALK */ + ~RandomNum(2,1)~ + ~[PC] I think we should slow down. I like being friends with you, and perhaps a little bit more at times, but you should leave now.~ + a3622 /* ROM_FRIENDS_EXIT_TWO */ + ~RandomNum(2,2)~ + ~[PC] I think we should slow down. I like being friends with you, and perhaps a little bit more at times, but you should leave now.~ + a3621 /* ROM_FRIENDS_EXIT_THREE */ ++ ~[PC] I think we should stop.~ + a3517 /* ROM_TWO_HARD_TO_STOP_GENTLEMAN */ ++ ~[PC] So, do you think I am pretty?~ + a3667 /* ROM_ONE_THINK_PRETTY */ END IF ~~ a3665 /* ROM_ONE_PERMISSION_TOUCH_ACTION */ SAY ~[ARAN] (His hands move to your shoulders, thumbs caressing your collarbone, as he pulls you closer to his chest.)~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a3720 /* ROM_ONE_6 */ END IF ~~ a3664 /* ROM_ONE_PERMISSION_TOUCH_TALK */ SAY ~[ARAN] (One long finger gently traces your lips, then runs slowly down your neck, and along one breast. His breath is deepening as if he is running a footrace, his touch feather light.)~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a3720 /* ROM_ONE_6 */ END IF ~~ a3667 /* ROM_ONE_THINK_PRETTY */ SAY ~[ARAN] Pretty? No, not just pretty. Not just cute, neither. Beautiful, mayhap that comes closest. Stunnin', desirable, definitely. There be no words.~ ++ ~[PC] I think I look much prettier naked.~ + a3672 /* ROM_ONE_8 */ ++ ~[PC] (Watch him carefully, removing any barriers to his vision, baring yourself to him.)~ + a3672 /* ROM_ONE_8 */ + ~RandomNum(2,1)~ + ~[PC] I think we should slow down. I like being friends with you, and perhaps a little bit more at times, but you should leave now.~ + a3622 /* ROM_FRIENDS_EXIT_TWO */ + ~RandomNum(2,2)~ + ~[PC] I think we should slow down. I like being friends with you, and perhaps a little bit more at times, but you should leave now.~ + a3621 /* ROM_FRIENDS_EXIT_THREE */ ++ ~[PC] (Reach out and run your fingers along his skin, watching the weave a pattern across his torso.)~ + a3719 /* ROM_ONE_STRONGER_TOUCH */ END IF ~~ a3666 /* ROM_ONE_7 */ SAY ~[ARAN] (Hard muscle ripples under bronzed skin as his body turns toward you. Broad shoulders, tight waist... and the black markings of a tattoo running from his navel to his loins draw your eyes lower than a lady would look.)~ ++ ~[PC] So, do you think I am pretty?~ + a3667 /* ROM_ONE_THINK_PRETTY */ ++ ~[PC] Show me where you are looking, Aran.~ + a3664 /* ROM_ONE_PERMISSION_TOUCH_TALK */ ++ ~[PC] (Take his hand, and trace your outline with his fingertips, shuddering under his touch.)~ + a3665 /* ROM_ONE_PERMISSION_TOUCH_ACTION */ ++ ~[PC] I can't do this. I don't want this. Stop.~ + a3516 /* SOLID_STOP3 */ END /* filters for range 2 */ IF ~~ a3720 /* ROM_ONE_6 */ SAY ~[ARAN] I am goin' to ask Hanali Celanil for assistance, an' hope She influences you a mite, eh? On account o' I want to be wi' you, right now, more than life itself.~ ++ ~[PC] So, you think I am pretty?~ + a3667 /* ROM_ONE_THINK_PRETTY */ ++ ~[PC] (Lean forward, carefully not touching any part of him except the warmth of your lips on his.)~ + a3719 /* ROM_ONE_STRONGER_TOUCH */ ++ ~[PC] Stop! I... I can't do this.~ + a3558 /* ROM_ONE_ASK_ABOUT_STOPPING */ ++ ~[PC] (Run your fingers along his shoulders, his chest, his abdomen, lower and lower... until your grip is light but completely encircling his manhood.)~ + a3719 /* ROM_ONE_STRONGER_TOUCH */ ++ ~[PC] You don't need divine intervention to see that I want you. Just look in my eyes, Aran. I think you will find your answer there.~ + a3716 /* NO_TALK_JUST_THRUST */ ++ ~[PC] Lie down with me, Aran.~ + a3652 /* ROM_TWO_ACTION_FACE_TO_FACE */ END IF ~~ a3719 /* ROM_ONE_STRONGER_TOUCH */ SAY ~[ARAN] (His hands stroke down to your hips, your pelvis, his eyes widening as he feels the satin heat of your skin.)~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a3672 /* ROM_ONE_8 */ END IF ~~ a3652 /* ROM_TWO_ACTION_FACE_TO_FACE */ SAY ~[ARAN] (His breath is warm on your face as you face each other, lying close together.)~ + ~RandomNum(5,5)~ + ~[PC] (Turn within his arms, nestling your shoulders back against his pectoral muscles and cupping his palm to your breast.)~ + a3533 /* BACK_TO_ARAN_ACTION_POSSIBLE_PIN */ + ~RandomNum(5,4)~ + ~[PC] (Sigh contentedly and adjust yourself, tucking his hardness between your thighs, and gently caressing the part of him now firmly captured.)~ + a3534 /* BACK_TO_ARAN_ACTION_HAND_STROKES */ + ~RandomNum(5,3)~ + ~[PC] (Turn within his arms, flexing and stretching like a cat, one ankle tucking in between his.)~ + a3535 /* BACK_TO_ARAN_TALK_PUSH */ + ~RandomNum(5,2)~ + ~[PC] (Turn within his arms, snuggling closely, and run one hand along the side of your neck.)~ + a3533 /* BACK_TO_ARAN_ACTION_POSSIBLE_PIN */ + ~RandomNum(5,1)~ + ~[PC] (Turn within his arms, pulling his arms to you, struggling briefly with the arm now under you.)~ + a3534 /* BACK_TO_ARAN_ACTION_HAND_STROKES */ + ~RandomNum(6,6)~ + ~[PC] (Let your hands stroke gently lower and lower, until you hold his hardness in your palm, quivering against your touch.)~ + a3527 /* FRONT_TO_ARAN6 */ + ~RandomNum(6,5)~ + ~[PC] (Let your hands stroke his chest gently, the warmth under your fingers growing in intensity.)~ + a3532 /* FRONT_TO_ARAN1 */ + ~RandomNum(6,4)~ + ~[PC] (Let your hands trace his chest, reveling in the feeling of warmth under your fingertips.)~ + a3531 /* FRONT_TO_ARAN2 */ + ~RandomNum(6,3)~ + ~[PC] (Place both palms flat on his chest, and press both hands and breasts against his warmth.)~ + a3530 /* FRONT_TO_ARAN3 */ + ~RandomNum(6,2)~ + ~[PC] (Stretch back, looping your arms around his neck, and gazing deeply into his eyes.)~ + a3529 /* FRONT_TO_ARAN4 */ + ~RandomNum(6,1)~ + ~[PC] (Reach down and gently stroke the hardness pressing close to you, letting your fingertips graze him gently.)~ + a3527 /* FRONT_TO_ARAN6 */ + ~RandomNum(4,1)~ + ~[PC] (Slipping gently out of his arms, you cover yourself, hiding your charms from his gaze.)~ + a3522 /* GO_ON_OR_NOT_ASK_WHAT_WRONG */ + ~RandomNum(4,2)~ + ~[PC] (You roll away from him, gathering what you can to cover yourself.)~ + a3522 /* GO_ON_OR_NOT_ASK_WHAT_WRONG */ + ~RandomNum(4,3)~ + ~[PC] (You shake your head in negation, and pull away from him.)~ + a3522 /* GO_ON_OR_NOT_ASK_WHAT_WRONG */ + ~RandomNum(4,4)~ + ~[PC] Aran... slow down. Aran...~ + a3679 /* CONTINUE_OR_STOP_ACTION_TWO */ + ~RandomNum(7,1)~ + ~[PC] This is too intense. You should go, right now.~ + a3514 /* SOLID_STOP1 */ + ~RandomNum(7,2)~ + ~[PC] This is too intense. You should go, right now.~ + a3517 /* ROM_TWO_HARD_TO_STOP_GENTLEMAN */ + ~RandomNum(7,3)~ + ~[PC] This is too intense. You should go, right now.~ + a3515 /* SOLID_STOP2 */ + ~RandomNum(7,4)~ + ~[PC] This is too intense. You should go, right now.~ + a3515 /* SOLID_STOP2 */ + ~RandomNum(7,5)~ + ~[PC] This is too intense. You should go, right now.~ + a3516 /* SOLID_STOP3 */ + ~RandomNum(7,6)~ + ~[PC] This is too intense. You should go, right now.~ + a3516 /* SOLID_STOP3 */ + ~RandomNum(7,7)~ + ~[PC] This is too intense. You should go, right now.~ + a3518 /* FIGHT_START */ + ~RandomNum(3,1)~ + ~[PC] (Guide his hand, tracing your thighs, then your hips, making small brushstrokes with his fingers on your breasts.)~ + a3690 /* GUIDE_HAND_UP */ + ~RandomNum(3,2)~ + ~[PC] (Take one of his fingers as it it were a paintbrush, and gently brush your way down your navel, lower and lower... until you are painting your pleasure in even, slow strokes.)~ + a3691 /* GUIDE_HAND_DOWN */ + ~RandomNum(3,3)~ + ~[PC] (Gently take his palm, guiding his fingers to your most intimate of places, and shift so that his fingertips lie just barely within you.)~ + a3692 /* GUIDE_HAND_IN */ END IF ~~ a3668 /* ROM_ROUGH_WHISPER_BEHIND_EAR */ SAY ~[ARAN] (A rough whisper in your ear...) Let me make love wi' you.~ ++ ~[PC] No. Not yet.~ + a3669 /* ROM_TWO_NO_THANK_YOU */ ++ ~[PC] Yes.~ + a3670 /* ROM_TWO_YES_I_THINK_SO */ ++ ~[PC] Why don't you bend me forward and have your way with me.~ + a3671 /* TURN_ME_ROUND_BABY_RIGHT_ROUND */ END IF ~~ a3672 /* ROM_ONE_8 */ SAY ~[ARAN] I told you I be matchin' you eye for eye, but I don't think I can do this much longer. I look at you, an' I burn inside like a battle were about to rage. What do you be wantin', ?~ ++ ~[PC] Aran, please... slow down. I... ~ + a3558 /* ROM_ONE_ASK_ABOUT_STOPPING */ + ~Global("c-aranpcbedding","LOCALS",0)~ + ~[PC] Aran... shhh. Stop talking. Just make love to me, any way you want.~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3506 /* SEX_SCENE_ONE */ + ~Global("c-aranpcbedding","LOCALS",1)~ + ~[PC] Aran... shhh. Stop talking. Just make love to me, any way you want.~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3507 /* SEX_SCENE_TWO */ + ~Global("c-aranpcbedding","LOCALS",2)~ + ~[PC] Aran... shhh. Stop talking. Just make love to me, any way you want.~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3508 /* SEX_SCENE_THREE */ + ~Global("c-aranpcbedding","LOCALS",3)~ + ~[PC] Aran... shhh. Stop talking. Just make love to me, any way you want.~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3509 /* SEX_SCENE_FOUR */ + ~Global("c-aranpcbedding","LOCALS",4)~ + ~[PC] Aran... shhh. Stop talking. Just make love to me, any way you want.~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3510 /* SEX_SCENE_FIVE */ + ~Global("c-aranpcbedding","LOCALS",5)~ + ~[PC] Aran... shhh. Stop talking. Just make love to me, any way you want.~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3511 /* SEX_SCENE_SIX */ + ~Global("c-aranpcbedding","LOCALS",6)~ + ~[PC] Aran... shhh. Stop talking. Just make love to me, any way you want.~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3512 /* SEX_SCENE_SEVEN */ + ~Global("c-aranpcbedding","LOCALS",7)~ + ~[PC] Aran... shhh. Stop talking. Just make love to me, any way you want.~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3513 /* SEX_SCENE_EIGHT */ ++ ~[PC] I can't do this. I don't want this. Stop.~ + a3516 /* SOLID_STOP3 */ ++ ~[PC] Now there are ways of giving pleasure that are lots of fun, but cross no permanent lines. I think my hand moving along you is having quite an effect, don't you?~ + a3673 /* ARAN_FINGERS_ACTION */ ++ ~[PC] (Open yourself to his advances, letting his fingers play about and touch you where it most pleases you.)~ + a3698 /* FRONT_TO_ARAN_EXPLORE */ ++ ~[PC] I think I have an idea. (Gently lean forward and lick along his hardness, glancing up at his face to view his reaction.)~ + a3674 /* ROM_LICK_ARAN */ END IF ~~ a3675 /* CONTINUE_OR_STOP_ACTION_ONE */ SAY ~[ARAN] I want you, but I know better than to press. Shall I be continuin'?~ ++ ~[PC] (Gaze into his eyes, and thrust your pelvis forward, burying him just barely within you.)~ + a3716 /* NO_TALK_JUST_THRUST */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] I... I have never done this. Not with you, not with anyone. We are moving a little too fast for me.~ + a3676 /* WAY_TOO_GRAPHIC */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",1)~ + ~[PC] I am not ready to do more than this, Aran. The touching, the kissing is so nice, and it is enough for me.~ + a3676 /* WAY_TOO_GRAPHIC */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] This is just right. I have felt you under my fingertips before, and you are certainly feeling me under yours. We should just keep doing this.~ + a3676 /* WAY_TOO_GRAPHIC */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",3)~ + ~[PC] I want to slow down, and just touch, Aran. I know we have done more, but just the intimacy of lying together, just touching and kissing... outside, if you please...~ + a3676 /* WAY_TOO_GRAPHIC */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",4)~ + ~[PC] There is no rush. You have taken me before. Right now, I want to pretend we have done absolutely nothing, and every touch is a new one. Just fingertips.~ + a3676 /* WAY_TOO_GRAPHIC */ ++ ~[PC] I want to do this. I just don't want to do this right now. Please? Can we stop?~ + a3622 /* ROM_FRIENDS_EXIT_TWO */ + ~RandomNum(5,1)~ + ~[PC] I am not in the mood. This is making me feel very uncomfortable. You should go.~ + a3514 /* SOLID_STOP1 */ + ~RandomNum(5,2)~ + ~[PC] I am not in the mood. This is making me feel very uncomfortable. You should go.~ + a3515 /* SOLID_STOP2 */ + ~RandomNum(5,3)~ + ~[PC] I am not in the mood. This is making me feel very uncomfortable. You should go.~ + a3516 /* SOLID_STOP3 */ + ~RandomNum(5,4)~ + ~[PC] I am not in the mood. This is making me feel very uncomfortable. You should go.~ + a3516 /* SOLID_STOP3 */ + ~RandomNum(5,5)~ + ~[PC] I am not in the mood. This is making me feel very uncomfortable. You should go.~ + a3518 /* FIGHT_START */ + ~Global("c-aranpcbedding","LOCALS",0)~ + ~[PC] Aran... I want you to have me. Take me any way you want. I give you complete control.~ + a3506 /* SEX_SCENE_ONE */ + ~Global("c-aranpcbedding","LOCALS",1)~ + ~[PC] Aran... I want you to have me. Take me any way you want. I give you complete control.~ + a3507 /* SEX_SCENE_TWO */ + ~Global("c-aranpcbedding","LOCALS",2)~ + ~[PC] Aran... I want you to have me. Take me any way you want. I give you complete control.~ + a3508 /* SEX_SCENE_THREE */ + ~Global("c-aranpcbedding","LOCALS",3)~ + ~[PC] Aran... I want you to have me. Take me any way you want. I give you complete control.~ + a3509 /* SEX_SCENE_FOUR */ + ~Global("c-aranpcbedding","LOCALS",4)~ + ~[PC] Aran... I want you to have me. Take me any way you want. I give you complete control.~ + a3510 /* SEX_SCENE_FIVE */ + ~Global("c-aranpcbedding","LOCALS",5)~ + ~[PC] Aran... I want you to have me. Take me any way you want. I give you complete control.~ + a3511 /* SEX_SCENE_SIX */ + ~Global("c-aranpcbedding","LOCALS",6)~ + ~[PC] Aran... I want you to have me. Take me any way you want. I give you complete control.~ + a3512 /* SEX_SCENE_SEVEN */ + ~Global("c-aranpcbedding","LOCALS",7)~ + ~[PC] Aran... I want you to have me. Take me any way you want. I give you complete control.~ + a3513 /* SEX_SCENE_EIGHT */ + ~RandomNum(3,1)~ + ~[PC] (Hesitantly nod yes, and wait for him to make the next move.)~ + a3652 /* ROM_TWO_ACTION_FACE_TO_FACE */ + ~RandomNum(3,2)~ + ~[PC] (Nod yes, letting your fingers wander over his face, trailing along his cheekbone.)~ + a3677 /* ROM_TWO_ACTION_HEAT_CLOSE_FACE */ + ~RandomNum(3,3)~ + ~[PC] Yes. Aran... yes.~ + a3678 /* ROM_TWO_ACTION_GENTLE_TOUCH_FACE */ END IF ~~ a3679 /* CONTINUE_OR_STOP_ACTION_TWO */ SAY ~[ARAN] Gods, you be a drop o' th' afterlife made real. I be goin' to make love to you, now.~ ++ ~[PC] (Gaze into his eyes, and nod your acceptance.)~ + a3697 /* ROM_CLIMAX_CLIMB_DEEP */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] I... I have never done this. Not with you, not with anyone. We are moving a little too fast for me.~ + a3676 /* WAY_TOO_GRAPHIC */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",1)~ + ~[PC] I am not ready to do more than this, Aran. The touching, the kissing is so nice, and it is enough for me.~ + a3676 /* WAY_TOO_GRAPHIC */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] This is just right. I have felt you under my fingertips before, and you are certainly feeling me under yours. We should just keep doing this.~ + a3676 /* WAY_TOO_GRAPHIC */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",3)~ + ~[PC] I want to slow down, and just touch, Aran. I know we have done more, but just the intimacy of lying together, just touching and kissing... outside, if you please...~ + a3676 /* WAY_TOO_GRAPHIC */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",4)~ + ~[PC] There is no rush. You have taken me before. Right now, I want to pretend we have done absolutely nothing, and every touch is a new one. Just fingertips.~ + a3676 /* WAY_TOO_GRAPHIC */ ++ ~[PC] I want to do this. I just don't want to do this right now. Please? Can we stop?~ + a3621 /* ROM_FRIENDS_EXIT_THREE */ + ~RandomNum(5,1)~ + ~[PC] I am not in the mood. This is making me feel very uncomfortable. You should go.~ + a3514 /* SOLID_STOP1 */ + ~RandomNum(5,2)~ + ~[PC] I am not in the mood. This is making me feel very uncomfortable. You should go.~ + a3515 /* SOLID_STOP2 */ + ~RandomNum(5,3)~ + ~[PC] I am not in the mood. This is making me feel very uncomfortable. You should go.~ + a3516 /* SOLID_STOP3 */ + ~RandomNum(5,4)~ + ~[PC] I am not in the mood. This is making me feel very uncomfortable. You should go.~ + a3516 /* SOLID_STOP3 */ + ~RandomNum(5,5)~ + ~[PC] I am not in the mood. This is making me feel very uncomfortable. You should go.~ + a3518 /* FIGHT_START */ + ~Global("c-aranpcbedding","LOCALS",0)~ + ~[PC] Aran... I want you to have me. Take me any way you want. I give you complete control.~ + a3506 /* SEX_SCENE_ONE */ + ~Global("c-aranpcbedding","LOCALS",1)~ + ~[PC] Aran... I want you to have me. Take me any way you want. I give you complete control.~ + a3507 /* SEX_SCENE_TWO */ + ~Global("c-aranpcbedding","LOCALS",2)~ + ~[PC] Aran... I want you to have me. Take me any way you want. I give you complete control.~ + a3508 /* SEX_SCENE_THREE */ + ~Global("c-aranpcbedding","LOCALS",3)~ + ~[PC] Aran... I want you to have me. Take me any way you want. I give you complete control.~ + a3509 /* SEX_SCENE_FOUR */ + ~Global("c-aranpcbedding","LOCALS",4)~ + ~[PC] Aran... I want you to have me. Take me any way you want. I give you complete control.~ + a3510 /* SEX_SCENE_FIVE */ + ~Global("c-aranpcbedding","LOCALS",5)~ + ~[PC] Aran... I want you to have me. Take me any way you want. I give you complete control.~ + a3511 /* SEX_SCENE_SIX */ + ~Global("c-aranpcbedding","LOCALS",6)~ + ~[PC] Aran... I want you to have me. Take me any way you want. I give you complete control.~ + a3512 /* SEX_SCENE_SEVEN */ + ~Global("c-aranpcbedding","LOCALS",7)~ + ~[PC] Aran... I want you to have me. Take me any way you want. I give you complete control.~ + a3513 /* SEX_SCENE_EIGHT */ + ~RandomNum(8,8)~ + ~[PC] (You lean close to him, your hands moving toward his shoulders, bringing your lips up to his.)~ + a3575 /* KISS_CATCH_HANDS */ + ~RandomNum(8,7)~ + ~[PC] (You reach for his chest, your hands deftly playing along his muscles.)~ + a3559 /* ARAN_HAS_RESTRAINT */ + ~RandomNum(8,6)~ + ~[PC] (You reach for his chest, your hands deftly playing along his muscles.)~ + a3559 /* ARAN_HAS_RESTRAINT */ + ~RandomNum(8,5)~ + ~[PC] (You kiss him gently, moving down his neck to kiss the pulse you feel racing in his throat.)~ + a3559 /* ARAN_HAS_RESTRAINT */ + ~RandomNum(8,4)~ + ~[PC] (You kiss him gently, moving down his neck to kiss the pulse you feel racing in his throat.)~ + a3559 /* ARAN_HAS_RESTRAINT */ + ~RandomNum(8,3)~ + ~[PC] (You lean close to him, your hands gently pulling on his shoulders, bringing your lips up to his.)~ + a3570 /* KISS_PRESS_SALTY */ + ~RandomNum(8,2)~ + ~[PC] (You lean close to him, your hands gently pulling on his shoulders, bringing your lips to his.)~ + a3569 /* KISS_TIP_CHIN */ + ~RandomNum(8,1)~ + ~[PC] I yield to your wishes. How can I serve you, my lord?~ + a3567 /* SERVE_YOU_MY_LORD */ + ~RandomNum(3,1)~ + ~[PC] (Hesitantly nod yes, and wait for him to make the next move.)~ + a3652 /* ROM_TWO_ACTION_FACE_TO_FACE */ + ~RandomNum(3,2)~ + ~[PC] (Nod yes, letting your fingers wander over his face, trailing along his cheekbone.)~ + a3677 /* ROM_TWO_ACTION_HEAT_CLOSE_FACE */ + ~RandomNum(3,3)~ + ~[PC] Yes. Aran... yes.~ + a3678 /* ROM_TWO_ACTION_GENTLE_TOUCH_FACE */ END /* action recheck */ IF ~~ a3522 /* GO_ON_OR_NOT_ASK_WHAT_WRONG */ SAY ~[ARAN] What... what be wrong?~ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] I... I have never done this. Not with you, not with anyone. We are moving a little too fast for me.~ + a3676 /* WAY_TOO_GRAPHIC */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",1)~ + ~[PC] I am not ready to do more than this, Aran. The touching, the kissing is so nice, and it is enough for me.~ + a3676 /* WAY_TOO_GRAPHIC */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] This is just right. I have felt you under my fingertips before, and you are certainly feeling me under yours. We should just keep doing this.~ + a3676 /* WAY_TOO_GRAPHIC */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",3)~ + ~[PC] I want to slow down, and just touch, Aran. I know we have done more, but just the intimacy of lying together, just touching and kissing... outside, if you please...~ + a3676 /* WAY_TOO_GRAPHIC */ + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",4)~ + ~[PC] There is no rush. You have taken me before. Right now, I want to pretend we have done absolutely nothing, and every touch is a new one. Just fingertips.~ + a3676 /* WAY_TOO_GRAPHIC */ ++ ~[PC] I want to do this. I just don't want to do this right now. Please? Can we stop?~ + a3622 /* ROM_FRIENDS_EXIT_TWO */ + ~RandomNum(5,1)~ + ~[PC] I am not in the mood. This is making me feel very uncomfortable. You should go.~ + a3514 /* SOLID_STOP1 */ + ~RandomNum(5,2)~ + ~[PC] I am not in the mood. This is making me feel very uncomfortable. You should go.~ + a3515 /* SOLID_STOP2 */ + ~RandomNum(5,3)~ + ~[PC] I am not in the mood. This is making me feel very uncomfortable. You should go.~ + a3516 /* SOLID_STOP3 */ + ~RandomNum(5,4)~ + ~[PC] I am not in the mood. This is making me feel very uncomfortable. You should go.~ + a3516 /* SOLID_STOP3 */ + ~RandomNum(5,5)~ + ~[PC] I am not in the mood. This is making me feel very uncomfortable. You should go.~ + a3518 /* FIGHT_START */ + ~Global("c-aranpcbedding","LOCALS",0)~ + ~[PC] Aran... I want you to have me. Take me any way you want. I give you complete control.~ + a3506 /* SEX_SCENE_ONE */ + ~Global("c-aranpcbedding","LOCALS",1)~ + ~[PC] Aran... I want you to have me. Take me any way you want. I give you complete control.~ + a3507 /* SEX_SCENE_TWO */ + ~Global("c-aranpcbedding","LOCALS",2)~ + ~[PC] Aran... I want you to have me. Take me any way you want. I give you complete control.~ + a3508 /* SEX_SCENE_THREE */ + ~Global("c-aranpcbedding","LOCALS",3)~ + ~[PC] Aran... I want you to have me. Take me any way you want. I give you complete control.~ + a3509 /* SEX_SCENE_FOUR */ + ~Global("c-aranpcbedding","LOCALS",4)~ + ~[PC] Aran... I want you to have me. Take me any way you want. I give you complete control.~ + a3510 /* SEX_SCENE_FIVE */ + ~Global("c-aranpcbedding","LOCALS",5)~ + ~[PC] Aran... I want you to have me. Take me any way you want. I give you complete control.~ + a3511 /* SEX_SCENE_SIX */ + ~Global("c-aranpcbedding","LOCALS",6)~ + ~[PC] Aran... I want you to have me. Take me any way you want. I give you complete control.~ + a3512 /* SEX_SCENE_SEVEN */ + ~Global("c-aranpcbedding","LOCALS",7)~ + ~[PC] Aran... I want you to have me. Take me any way you want. I give you complete control.~ + a3513 /* SEX_SCENE_EIGHT */ + ~RandomNum(3,1)~ + ~[PC] Never mind. I want this, and I want to be with you right now.~ + a3652 /* ROM_TWO_ACTION_FACE_TO_FACE */ + ~RandomNum(3,2)~ + ~[PC] Never mind. I want this, and I want to be with you right now.~ + a3677 /* ROM_TWO_ACTION_HEAT_CLOSE_FACE */ + ~RandomNum(3,3)~ + ~[PC] Never mind. I want this, and I want to be with you right now.~ + a3678 /* ROM_TWO_ACTION_GENTLE_TOUCH_FACE */ END IF ~~ a3610 /* PC_TOP_GO_ON_OR_NOT */ SAY ~[ARAN] Now, from my vantage, I can see that you have a right fine decision to make, m'lady. You seem poised to take everythin' I have into you, just by settin' back. Or mayhap you want me to do some o' th' work. Either way, if you don't want me to lose control, you might want to make a choice, eh?~ ++ ~[PC] (Gently settle yourself onto him, ever so slowly opening yourself with his length.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",4)~ + a3547 /* PC_ON_TOP_ONE */ ++ ~[PC] Oh, no need to make a choice. I just... hey, you are getting thicker!~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",3)~ + a3547 /* PC_ON_TOP_ONE */ ++ ~[PC] I have another idea. Let's see how long you last when I do this... (adjust yourself slightly, allowing your charms to kiss along his length, slowly teasing both of you.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",3)~ + a3680 /* ROM_PULSE_DEEP_LIFT */ ++ ~[PC] This is farther than I wanted to go. I just... got carried away. I don't want to frustrate you, but can we just hold each other for a while?~ + a3681 /* CELANIL_SAVE_ME */ END IF ~~ a3547 /* PC_ON_TOP_ONE */ SAY ~[ARAN] (His eyes widen as he feels your efforts, and his teeth bare slightly as he nips at you.)~ ++ ~[PC] (Ride him slowly, seeking your own pleasure against his rock hard warmth as you work him in and out of you.)~ + a3682 /* ROM_PULSE_DEEP_ABOVE */ ++ ~[PC] (Thrust yourself down onto his length until you can stand no more, and then hold very still. Each time he tries to move, pin him back, and squeeze him with your innermost walls.)~ + a3683 /* CANT_HOLD_ON */ ++ ~[PC] I can feel you. I can see you, driving into me, over and over. This... this feels right.~ + a3798 /* ROM_PULSE_DEEP_ABOVE_TWO */ ++ ~[PC] (Lean forward and whisper in his ear.) I have you right where you belong. Make me yours, Aran.~ + a3682 /* ROM_PULSE_DEEP_ABOVE */ ++ ~[PC] I can't believe we are doing this.~ + a3798 /* ROM_PULSE_DEEP_ABOVE_TWO */ END IF ~~ a3683 /* CANT_HOLD_ON */ SAY ~[ARAN] (Aran's body bucks beneath you, and his hands fly to your waist to goad you into faster motion.)~ ++ ~[PC] (You grip his wrists, moving with deliberate slowness, rising and falling in a gentle motion that drives you both to the edge of frenzy.)~ + a3684 /* END_GAME_TOP */ ++ ~[PC] Do not wait. Just spend yourself. We have all the time in the world to explore each other.~ + a3684 /* END_GAME_TOP */ ++ ~[PC] Perhaps this... is not... the best time... to say this, but... I think... I love you.~ + a3684 /* END_GAME_TOP */ ++ ~[PC] (Stop suddenly, leaning forward and kissing his face, neck and chest, awash with sensations that delight you.)~ + a3684 /* END_GAME_TOP */ END /* range 2 passthrough/delay */ IF ~~ a3690 /* GUIDE_HAND_UP */ SAY ~[ARAN] (Roughened fingers, suprisingly gentle, explore you.)~ ++ ~[PC] (Open yourself to his advances, letting his fingers play about and touch you where it most pleases you.)~ + a3698 /* FRONT_TO_ARAN_EXPLORE */ ++ ~[PC] W... wait a moment...~ + a3522 /* GO_ON_OR_NOT_ASK_WHAT_WRONG */ ++ ~[PC] This is too much. Too fast. Wait.~ + a3522 /* GO_ON_OR_NOT_ASK_WHAT_WRONG */ ++ ~[PC] (Grab his wrist and still his motions, holding him away from you.)~ + a3522 /* GO_ON_OR_NOT_ASK_WHAT_WRONG */ END IF ~~ a3691 /* GUIDE_HAND_DOWN */ SAY ~[ARAN] (His breath is a sigh, his touch warm on you.)~ ++ ~[PC] (Open yourself to his advances, letting his fingers play about and touch you where it most pleases you.)~ + a3698 /* FRONT_TO_ARAN_EXPLORE */ ++ ~[PC] (Sigh, moving against him and stretching with pleasure.)~ + a3584 /* ROM_TWO_6 */ ++ ~[PC] W... wait a moment...~ + a3522 /* GO_ON_OR_NOT_ASK_WHAT_WRONG */ ++ ~[PC] This is too much. Too fast. Wait.~ + a3522 /* GO_ON_OR_NOT_ASK_WHAT_WRONG */ ++ ~[PC] (Grab his wrist and still his motions, holding him away from you.)~ + a3522 /* GO_ON_OR_NOT_ASK_WHAT_WRONG */ END IF ~~ a3692 /* GUIDE_HAND_IN */ SAY ~[ARAN] (His eyes widen as they follow the course of his fingertips, watching you part beneath his touch.)~ ++ ~[PC] (Open yourself to his advances, letting his fingers play about and touch you where it most pleases you.)~ + a3698 /* FRONT_TO_ARAN_EXPLORE */ ++ ~[PC] (Sigh, moving against him and stretching with pleasure.)~ + a3584 /* ROM_TWO_6 */ ++ ~[PC] W... wait a moment...~ + a3522 /* GO_ON_OR_NOT_ASK_WHAT_WRONG */ ++ ~[PC] This is too much. Too fast. Wait.~ + a3522 /* GO_ON_OR_NOT_ASK_WHAT_WRONG */ ++ ~[PC] (Grab his wrist and still his motions, holding him away from you.)~ + a3522 /* GO_ON_OR_NOT_ASK_WHAT_WRONG */ END IF ~~ a3669 /* ROM_TWO_NO_THANK_YOU */ SAY ~[ARAN] Your words be sayin' no, but your whole body be sayin' yes.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a3584 /* ROM_TWO_6 */ END IF ~~ a3670 /* ROM_TWO_YES_I_THINK_SO */ SAY ~[ARAN] Mayhap I should be th' one sayin' no. Mayhap I should be a bit more careful...~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a3584 /* ROM_TWO_6 */ END IF ~~ a3584 /* ROM_TWO_6 */ SAY ~[ARAN] Liira's Luscious Lashes, I can't rightly live wi' out th' sight, sound, smell, an' taste o' you. I have to have you.~ ++ ~[PC] Well, when you put it that way... We just seem to have one last little thing standing between your lips and my chest.~ + a3685 /* LIPS_PRESS_FINGERS_UNTANGLE_BODICE */ ++ ~[PC] (You kiss him deeply, tongue teasing and coaxing him to greater excitement.)~ + a3677 /* ROM_TWO_ACTION_HEAT_CLOSE_FACE */ + ~RandomNum(5,5)~ + ~[PC] This is too intense. You should go, right now.~ + a3516 /* SOLID_STOP3 */ + ~RandomNum(5,4)~ + ~[PC] This is too intense. You should go, right now.~ + a3518 /* FIGHT_START */ + ~RandomNum(5,3)~ + ~[PC] Aran... slow down. Aran...~ + a3679 /* CONTINUE_OR_STOP_ACTION_TWO */ + ~RandomNum(5,2)~ + ~[PC] Stop! This is too much!~ + a3514 /* SOLID_STOP1 */ + ~RandomNum(5,1)~ + ~[PC] I said no, Aran. We need to stop.~ + a3515 /* SOLID_STOP2 */ ++ ~[PC] No, Aran, but we could pleasure each other, as long as you do not bed me.~ + a3795 /* WHAT_DO_YOU_REALLY_WANT */ END IF ~~ a3795 /* WHAT_DO_YOU_REALLY_WANT */ SAY ~[ARAN] Your wish be my command. What do you be wantin'?~ + ~RandomNum(4,4)~ + ~[PC] I think... Yes. I want you inside of me.~ + a3716 /* NO_TALK_JUST_THRUST */ + ~RandomNum(4,3)~ + ~[PC] I think... Yes. I want you inside of me.~ + a3555 /* ARAN_ON_TOP_FOUR */ + ~RandomNum(4,2)~ + ~[PC] I think... Yes. I want you inside of me.~ + a3554 /* ARAN_ON_TOP_THREE */ + ~RandomNum(4,1)~ + ~[PC] I think... Yes. I want you inside of me.~ + a3553 /* ARAN_ON_TOP_TWO */ + ~RandomNum(2,1)~ + ~[PC] I think we should slow down. I like being friends with you, and perhaps a little bit more at times, but you should leave now.~ + a3622 /* ROM_FRIENDS_EXIT_TWO */ + ~RandomNum(2,2)~ + ~[PC] I think we should slow down. I like being friends with you, and perhaps a little bit more at times, but you should leave now.~ + a3621 /* ROM_FRIENDS_EXIT_THREE */ ++ ~[PC] I try to train you, and this is the result? Aran, I have tried to let you know that I expect you to take, not ask. This is a battlefield, to be won or lost on strength.~ + a3355 /* PC_DEMANDS_STRENGTH */ ++ ~[PC] (Take his hand, guiding his fingers down your body until they are trapped between your thighs, nestled close to your warmth.)~ + a3374 /* SAUCE_FOR_GOOSE_GANDER */ ++ ~[PC] Your fingers... I want your fingers... you are driving me wild. Don't stop!~ + a3699 /* FRONT_TO_ARAN_FINGERS */ ++ ~[PC] I do not think I can do this. In fact, I know I can't. You should leave.~ + a3371 /* UNFULFILLED_TEASED_EXIT */ + ~RandomNum(2,2)~ + ~[PC] I think... I think I am not ready for this. Can we just cuddle?~ + a3385 /* ARAN_AGREES_ONE_CUDDLE */ + ~RandomNum(2,1)~ + ~[PC] I think... I think I am not ready for this. Can we just cuddle?~ + a3386 /* ARAN_AGREES_TWO_CUDDLE */ + ~RandomNum(3,3)~ + ~[PC] Just hold me, and kiss me. I want that, no more, and no less.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3663 /* KISSING_END_STATE */ + ~RandomNum(3,2)~ + ~[PC] Just hold me, and kiss me. I want that, no more, and no less.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3463 /* ARAN_CUDDLE_ON_CHEST */ + ~RandomNum(3,1)~ + ~[PC] Just hold me, and kiss me. I want that, no more, and no less.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3696 /* QUICK_END_FADEOUT */ END IF ~~ a3685 /* LIPS_PRESS_FINGERS_UNTANGLE_BODICE */ SAY ~[ARAN] There be a good answer to that, you know... I could remove th' offendin' material right quick. An' I think I have everythin' important in hand, so to speak.~ + ~RandomNum(5,1)~ + ~[PC] I think... I think I am not ready for this. Can we just cuddle?~ + a3385 /* ARAN_AGREES_ONE_CUDDLE */ + ~RandomNum(5,2)~ + ~[PC] I think... I think I am not ready for this. Can we just cuddle?~ + a3386 /* ARAN_AGREES_TWO_CUDDLE */ + ~RandomNum(5,1)~ + ~[PC] Just hold me, and kiss me. I want that, no more, and no less.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3663 /* KISSING_END_STATE */ + ~RandomNum(5,2)~ + ~[PC] Just hold me, and kiss me. I want that, no more, and no less.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3696 /* QUICK_END_FADEOUT */ IF ~RandomNum(5,3)~ THEN GOTO a3678 /* ROM_TWO_ACTION_GENTLE_TOUCH_FACE */ IF ~RandomNum(5,4)~ THEN GOTO a3677 /* ROM_TWO_ACTION_HEAT_CLOSE_FACE */ IF ~RandomNum(5,5)~ THEN GOTO a3699 /* FRONT_TO_ARAN_FINGERS */ END IF ~~ a3676 /* WAY_TOO_GRAPHIC */ SAY ~[ARAN] Well, now, we can take it slow, if that be what you want. I think mayhap tastin' your lips be a right fine idea.~ + ~RandomNum(2,2)~ + ~[PC] I think... I think I am not ready for this. Can we just cuddle?~ + a3385 /* ARAN_AGREES_ONE_CUDDLE */ + ~RandomNum(2,1)~ + ~[PC] I think... I think I am not ready for this. Can we just cuddle?~ + a3386 /* ARAN_AGREES_TWO_CUDDLE */ + ~RandomNum(3,3)~ + ~[PC] Just hold me, and kiss me. I want that, no more, and no less.~ + a3663 /* KISSING_END_STATE */ + ~RandomNum(3,2)~ + ~[PC] Just hold me, and kiss me. I want that, no more, and no less.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3463 /* ARAN_CUDDLE_ON_CHEST */ + ~RandomNum(3,1)~ + ~[PC] Just hold me, and kiss me. I want that, no more, and no less.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3696 /* QUICK_END_FADEOUT */ ++ ~[PC] This is silly. I... I just don't know.~ + a3795 /* WHAT_DO_YOU_REALLY_WANT */ END IF ~~ a3518 /* FIGHT_START */ SAY ~[ARAN] What in th' nine hells... I thought we had a moment goin' here. What be th' problem?~ + ~RandomNum(2,2)~ + ~[PC] I think... I think I am not ready for this. Can we just cuddle?~ + a3385 /* ARAN_AGREES_ONE_CUDDLE */ + ~RandomNum(2,1)~ + ~[PC] I think... I think I am not ready for this. Can we just cuddle?~ + a3386 /* ARAN_AGREES_TWO_CUDDLE */ ++ ~[PC] Just hold me, and kiss me. I want that, no more, and no less.~ + a3663 /* KISSING_END_STATE */ + ~RandomNum(5,1)~ + ~[PC] You. You are the problem.~ + a3548 /* MAN_OR_FOOL */ + ~RandomNum(5,1)~ + ~[PC] Me. I am the problem. You should go, now.~ + a3548 /* MAN_OR_FOOL */ + ~RandomNum(5,2)~ + ~[PC] You. You are the problem.~ + a3363 /* ARAN_DECIDES_NO */ + ~RandomNum(5,2)~ + ~[PC] Me. I am the problem. You should go, now.~ + a3490 /* NOW_YOU_ARE_PLAYING_WITH_MY_MIND */ + ~RandomNum(5,3)~ + ~[PC] You. You are the problem.~ + a3371 /* UNFULFILLED_TEASED_EXIT */ + ~RandomNum(5,3)~ + ~[PC] Me. I am the problem. You should go, now.~ + a3620 /* ROM_FRIENDS_EXIT_FOUR */ + ~RandomNum(5,4)~ + ~[PC] You. You are the problem.~ + a3418 /* FIGHT_EXIT */ + ~RandomNum(5,4)~ + ~[PC] Me. I am the problem. You should go, now.~ + a3622 /* ROM_FRIENDS_EXIT_TWO */ + ~RandomNum(5,5)~ + ~[PC] Me. I am the problem. You should go, now.~ + a3358 /* NO_WAY_THIS_OR_ANY_NIGHT */ + ~RandomNum(5,5)~ + ~[PC] You. You are the problem.~ + a3366 /* GET_OUT_EXIT */ ++ ~[PC] Oh, just shut up and get out of here. I don't need to explain myself to you.~ + a3621 /* ROM_FRIENDS_EXIT_THREE */ ++ ~[PC] Go away! I don't want to talk about it!~ + a3628 /* SOLID_STOP4 */ END /* oral redirects */ IF ~~ a3673 /* ARAN_FINGERS_ACTION */ SAY ~[ARAN] Gods. Yes. But two can play at that game...~ = ~[ARAN] (His lips are feverish on yours as you stroke him, his return touches finding your petals, parting them, and gently teasing at your pleasure.)~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",3)~ GOTO a3686 /* ROM_PULSE_MUTUAL_PLEASURE */ END IF ~~ a3674 /* ROM_LICK_ARAN */ SAY ~[ARAN] (His face is a study in wonder, surprise, and desire as he looks at you.)~ ++ ~[PC] (Take him into your mouth, teasing and questing after his pleasure.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",3)~ + a3687 /* ARAN_ORAL_RELEASE */ ++ ~[PC] I just wanted to experiment. Judging by that look, I would say it was a success. And judging by the way you are rolling me onto my back, I think I am about to receive a similar prize...~ + a3688 /* ARAN_MUTUAL_LICK */ ++ ~[PC] Perhaps we should try doing this to each other.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",3)~ + a3688 /* ARAN_MUTUAL_LICK */ ++ ~[PC] Make love to me.~ + a3689 /* ARAN_RELEASE */ ++ ~[PC] Take me, but be gentle, please...~ + a3689 /* ARAN_RELEASE */ ++ ~[PC] (Tease him with the tip of your tongue, exploring his length.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",3)~ + a3641 /* STOP_NOW_OR_CONSEQUENCE */ ++ ~[PC] (Lie back, offering yourself to him.)~ + a3602 /* ROM_THREE_PC_TO_ARAN */ + ~RandomNum(2,1)~ + ~[PC] I think we should slow down. I like being friends with you, and perhaps a little bit more at times, but you should leave now.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",3)~ + a3622 /* ROM_FRIENDS_EXIT_TWO */ + ~RandomNum(2,2)~ + ~[PC] I think we should slow down. I like being friends with you, and perhaps a little bit more at times, but you should leave now.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",3)~ + a3621 /* ROM_FRIENDS_EXIT_THREE */ END IF ~~ a3687 /* ARAN_ORAL_RELEASE */ SAY ~[ARAN] (His hands catch at you, his hardness leaping between your lips, alive and getting hotter by the second. Suddenly, he stiffens and arches his back... ~ = ~[ARAN] (...and with a small cry escaping his lips he lunges toward you, shoulders curling forward.)~ = ~[ARAN] (At last he is spent, curled around you, breath coming in short gasps of pleasure.)~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",3)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a3524 /* KNEES_ABOVE_ARAN_ORAL */ SAY ~[ARAN] (His fingers stroke your cheeks, half pleading for more, half restraining you.)~ ++ ~[PC] (Take him into your mouth, teasing and questing after his pleasure.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",3)~ + a3687 /* ARAN_ORAL_RELEASE */ ++ ~[PC] I just wanted to experiment. Judging by that look, I would say it was a success. And judging by the way you are rolling me onto my back, I think I am about to receive a similar prize...~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",3)~ + a3688 /* ARAN_MUTUAL_LICK */ ++ ~[PC] Perhaps we should try doing this to each other.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",3)~ + a3688 /* ARAN_MUTUAL_LICK */ ++ ~[PC] Make love to me.~ + a3689 /* ARAN_RELEASE */ ++ ~[PC] Take me, but be gentle, please...~ + a3689 /* ARAN_RELEASE */ ++ ~[PC] (Tease him with the tip of your tongue, exploring his length.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",3)~ + a3641 /* STOP_NOW_OR_CONSEQUENCE */ ++ ~[PC] (Lie back, offering yourself to him.)~ + a3602 /* ROM_THREE_PC_TO_ARAN */ + ~RandomNum(2,1)~ + ~[PC] I think we should slow down. I like being friends with you, and perhaps a little bit more at times, but you should leave now.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",3)~ + a3622 /* ROM_FRIENDS_EXIT_TWO */ + ~RandomNum(2,2)~ + ~[PC] I think we should slow down. I like being friends with you, and perhaps a little bit more at times, but you should leave now.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",3)~ + a3621 /* ROM_FRIENDS_EXIT_THREE */ END IF ~~ a3642 /* READY_OR_NOT_HERE_I_COME */ SAY ~[ARAN] Sharess, I want you. I want to be in you. I want to hear you cry out an' feel you... let me make you feel as good as you be makin' me feel.~ ++ ~[PC] (Increase your actions, striving to bring him pleasure.)~ + a3689 /* ARAN_RELEASE */ ++ ~[PC] Take me, then.~ + a3689 /* ARAN_RELEASE */ ++ ~[PC] Take me, then, but be gentle, please...~ + a3689 /* ARAN_RELEASE */ ++ ~[PC] Can you wait for me now? Do you have the self-control?~ + a3709 /* LADIES_FIRST_PLEASE */ END IF ~~ a3671 /* TURN_ME_ROUND_BABY_RIGHT_ROUND */ SAY ~[ARAN] (His fingers are busy gaining access, his breath gusting warm in his excitement.)~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a3535 /* BACK_TO_ARAN_TALK_PUSH */ END /* downstream filters */ IF ~~ a3677 /* ROM_TWO_ACTION_HEAT_CLOSE_FACE */ SAY ~[ARAN] (You feel the gentle heat radiating from his body, so close to yours.)~ + ~RandomNum(3,1)~ + ~[PC] (Guide his hand, tracing your thighs, then your hips, making small brushstrokes with his fingers on your breasts.)~ + a3690 /* GUIDE_HAND_UP */ + ~RandomNum(3,2)~ + ~[PC] (Take one of his fingers as it it were a paintbrush, and gently brush your way down your navel, lower and lower... until you are painting your pleasure in even, slow strokes.)~ + a3691 /* GUIDE_HAND_DOWN */ + ~RandomNum(3,3)~ + ~[PC] (Gently take his palm, guiding his fingers to your most intimate of places, and shift so that his fingertips lie just barely within you.)~ + a3692 /* GUIDE_HAND_IN */ + ~Global("c-aranpcbedding","LOCALS",0)~ + ~[PC] Aran... I want you to have me. Take me any way you want. I give you complete control.~ + a3506 /* SEX_SCENE_ONE */ + ~Global("c-aranpcbedding","LOCALS",1)~ + ~[PC] Aran... I want you to have me. Take me any way you want. I give you complete control.~ + a3507 /* SEX_SCENE_TWO */ + ~Global("c-aranpcbedding","LOCALS",2)~ + ~[PC] Aran... I want you to have me. Take me any way you want. I give you complete control.~ + a3508 /* SEX_SCENE_THREE */ + ~Global("c-aranpcbedding","LOCALS",3)~ + ~[PC] Aran... I want you to have me. Take me any way you want. I give you complete control.~ + a3509 /* SEX_SCENE_FOUR */ + ~Global("c-aranpcbedding","LOCALS",4)~ + ~[PC] Aran... I want you to have me. Take me any way you want. I give you complete control.~ + a3510 /* SEX_SCENE_FIVE */ + ~Global("c-aranpcbedding","LOCALS",5)~ + ~[PC] Aran... I want you to have me. Take me any way you want. I give you complete control.~ + a3511 /* SEX_SCENE_SIX */ + ~Global("c-aranpcbedding","LOCALS",6)~ + ~[PC] Aran... I want you to have me. Take me any way you want. I give you complete control.~ + a3512 /* SEX_SCENE_SEVEN */ + ~Global("c-aranpcbedding","LOCALS",7)~ + ~[PC] Aran... I want you to have me. Take me any way you want. I give you complete control.~ + a3513 /* SEX_SCENE_EIGHT */ + ~RandomNum(5,5)~ + ~[PC] (Giggle mischievously at him as you roll to your knees. You bend forward in front of him, bottom toward him, coyly peeking back over your shoulder to gauge his reaction to your body.)~ + a3520 /* PRESENT_TO_ARAN_TALK_FEAST */ + ~RandomNum(5,4)~ + ~[PC] (You roll to your knees, coyly peeking back through your legs to gauge his reaction to your body.)~ + a3519 /* PRESENT_TO_ARAN_ACTION_TEASE */ + ~RandomNum(5,3)~ + ~[PC] (You roll to your knees, placing your hands on your thighs. You face away from him, flexing and arching your back, inviting his response.)~ + a3520 /* PRESENT_TO_ARAN_TALK_FEAST */ + ~RandomNum(5,2)~ + ~[PC] (You roll to your knees, placing your hands on your thighs. You face away from him, running your hands along your body, down to your most intimate parts, casting a bold eye over your shoulder at him.)~ + a3520 /* PRESENT_TO_ARAN_TALK_FEAST */ + ~RandomNum(5,1)~ + ~[PC] (You roll to your knees, then growl, wiggling your bottom at him and daring him to respond.)~ + a3521 /* PRESENT_TO_ARAN_ACTION_HAND_TEASE */ + ~RandomNum(8,8)~ + ~[PC] (Let your hands smooth down his chest, reveling in the feeling.)~ + a3532 /* FRONT_TO_ARAN1 */ + ~RandomNum(8,7)~ + ~[PC] (Let your hands wander down his chest, fingers outlining each muscle, tracing along the small form of a dragon at his waistline.)~ + a3531 /* FRONT_TO_ARAN2 */ + ~RandomNum(8,6)~ + ~[PC] (Let your hands stroke gently lower and lower, until you hold his hardness in your palm, quivering against your touch.)~ + a3527 /* FRONT_TO_ARAN6 */ + ~RandomNum(8,5)~ + ~[PC] (Let your hands stroke his chest gently, the warmth under your fingers growing in intensity.)~ + a3531 /* FRONT_TO_ARAN2 */ + ~RandomNum(8,4)~ + ~[PC] (Let your hands trace his chest, reveling in the feeling of warmth under your fingertips.)~ + a3530 /* FRONT_TO_ARAN3 */ + ~RandomNum(8,3)~ + ~[PC] (Place both palms flat on his chest, and press both hands and breasts against his warmth.)~ + a3529 /* FRONT_TO_ARAN4 */ + ~RandomNum(8,2)~ + ~[PC] (Stretch back, looping your arms around his neck, and gazing deeply into his eyes.)~ + a3528 /* FRONT_TO_ARAN5 */ + ~RandomNum(8,1)~ + ~[PC] (Reach down and gently stroke the hardness pressing close to you, letting your fingertips graze him gently.)~ + a3527 /* FRONT_TO_ARAN6 */ + ~RandomNum(7,7)~ + ~[PC] (You roll to your knees, hands searching for his hardness, feeling the hot pulse of it between you palms.)~ + a3526 /* KNEES_ABOVE_ARAN_HAND */ + ~RandomNum(7,6)~ + ~[PC] (Grab his open palm, kissing it, as you roll to your knees. You hover above him, eyes taking in all that they can of his lean form.)~ + a3718 /* KNEES_ABOVE_ARAN_HANDS_PULL */ + ~RandomNum(7,5)~ + ~[PC] (Roll to your knees, dragging one hand along his body, until your fingertips brush against his manhood. You hover above him, fingertips stroking gently along his length.)~ + a3525 /* KNEES_ABOVE_ARAN */ + ~RandomNum(7,4)~ + ~[PC] (Roll to your knees, dragging one hand along his body, letting the back of your hand smooth along him until it drops away. You hover over him, waiting for him to make the next move. )~ + a3525 /* KNEES_ABOVE_ARAN */ + ~RandomNum(7,3)~ + ~[PC] (As you roll to your knees, you let your hair brush along his chest, gently tickling him, moving lower and lower. You hover above him, lips inches from his manhood, breath hot on him.)~ + a3524 /* KNEES_ABOVE_ARAN_ORAL */ + ~RandomNum(7,2)~ + ~[PC] (As you roll to your knees, you let your lips gently brush here and there about his chest, his torso, and then his thigh... here and there, closer and closer, but never touching his manhood.)~ + a3525 /* KNEES_ABOVE_ARAN */ + ~RandomNum(7,1)~ + ~[PC] (As you roll to your knees, you let your lips gently brush his manhood, a stray little lick from your tongue grazing him.)~ + a3524 /* KNEES_ABOVE_ARAN_ORAL */ + ~RandomNum(5,1)~ + ~[PC] Stop... I am not really in the mood. This is making me feel very uncomfortable. You should go.~ + a3514 /* SOLID_STOP1 */ + ~RandomNum(5,2)~ + ~[PC] Stop... I am not really in the mood. This is making me feel very uncomfortable. You should go.~ + a3515 /* SOLID_STOP2 */ + ~RandomNum(5,3)~ + ~[PC] Stop... I am not really in the mood. This is making me feel very uncomfortable. You should go.~ + a3516 /* SOLID_STOP3 */ + ~RandomNum(5,4)~ + ~[PC] Stop... I am not really in the mood. This is making me feel very uncomfortable. You should go.~ + a3516 /* SOLID_STOP3 */ + ~RandomNum(5,5)~ + ~[PC] Stop... I am not really in the mood. This is making me feel very uncomfortable. You should go.~ + a3518 /* FIGHT_START */ END IF ~~ a3678 /* ROM_TWO_ACTION_GENTLE_TOUCH_FACE */ SAY ~[ARAN] (His touch is gentle, feather light on your cheek. It travels down your body, his eyes following his fingertips.)~ + ~RandomNum(9,1)~ + ~[PC] (Turn within his arms, pulling his arms to you, struggling briefly with the arm now under you.)~ + a3536 /* BACK_TO_ARAN_ACTION_HAND_INTIMATE */ + ~RandomNum(9,2)~ + ~[PC] (Turn within his arms, laying your head back onto his shoulder.)~ + a3535 /* BACK_TO_ARAN_TALK_PUSH */ + ~RandomNum(9,3)~ + ~[PC] (Turn within his arms, nestling your shoulders back against his pectoral muscles and cupping his palm to your breast.)~ + a3533 /* BACK_TO_ARAN_ACTION_POSSIBLE_PIN */ + ~RandomNum(9,4)~ + ~[PC] (Sigh contentedly and adjust yourself, tucking his hardness between your thighs, and gently caressing the part of him now firmly captured.)~ + a3534 /* BACK_TO_ARAN_ACTION_HAND_STROKES */ + ~RandomNum(9,5)~ + ~[PC] (Turn within his arms, flexing and stretching like a cat, one ankle tucking in between his.)~ + a3536 /* BACK_TO_ARAN_ACTION_HAND_INTIMATE */ + ~RandomNum(9,6)~ + ~[PC] (Turn within his arms, snuggling closely, and run one hand along the side of your neck.)~ + a3535 /* BACK_TO_ARAN_TALK_PUSH */ + ~RandomNum(9,7)~ + ~[PC] (Turn within his arms, pulling his arms to you, struggling briefly with the arm now under you.)~ + a3533 /* BACK_TO_ARAN_ACTION_POSSIBLE_PIN */ + ~RandomNum(9,8)~ + ~[PC] (Pull his hands along yourself, stroking gently with his fingers.)~ + a3534 /* BACK_TO_ARAN_ACTION_HAND_STROKES */ + ~RandomNum(9,9)~ + ~[PC] (Pull his hands along yourself, stroking gently with his fingers.)~ + a3533 /* BACK_TO_ARAN_ACTION_POSSIBLE_PIN */ + ~RandomNum(8,8)~ + ~[PC] (Let your hands smooth down his chest, reveling in the feeling.)~ + a3532 /* FRONT_TO_ARAN1 */ + ~RandomNum(8,7)~ + ~[PC] (Let your hands wander down his chest, fingers outlining each muscle, tracing along the small form of a dragon at his waistline.)~ + a3531 /* FRONT_TO_ARAN2 */ + ~RandomNum(8,6)~ + ~[PC] (Let your hands stroke gently lower and lower, until you hold his hardness in your palm, quivering against your touch.)~ + a3527 /* FRONT_TO_ARAN6 */ + ~RandomNum(8,5)~ + ~[PC] (Let your hands stroke his chest gently, the warmth under your fingers growing in intensity.)~ + a3531 /* FRONT_TO_ARAN2 */ + ~RandomNum(8,4)~ + ~[PC] (Let your hands trace his chest, reveling in the feeling of warmth under your fingertips.)~ + a3530 /* FRONT_TO_ARAN3 */ + ~RandomNum(8,3)~ + ~[PC] (Place both palms flat on his chest, and press both hands and breasts against his warmth.)~ + a3529 /* FRONT_TO_ARAN4 */ + ~RandomNum(8,2)~ + ~[PC] (Stretch back, looping your arms around his neck, and gazing deeply into his eyes.)~ + a3528 /* FRONT_TO_ARAN5 */ + ~RandomNum(8,1)~ + ~[PC] (Reach down and gently stroke the hardness pressing close to you, letting your fingertips graze him gently.)~ + a3527 /* FRONT_TO_ARAN6 */ + ~RandomNum(7,7)~ + ~[PC] (You roll to your knees, hands searching for his hardness, feeling the hot pulse of it between you palms.)~ + a3526 /* KNEES_ABOVE_ARAN_HAND */ + ~RandomNum(7,6)~ + ~[PC] (Grab his open palm, kissing it, as you roll to your knees. You hover above him, eyes taking in all that they can of his lean form.)~ + a3525 /* KNEES_ABOVE_ARAN */ + ~RandomNum(7,5)~ + ~[PC] (Roll to your knees, dragging one hand along his body, until your fingertips brush against his manhood. You hover above him, fingertips stroking gently along his length.)~ + a3525 /* KNEES_ABOVE_ARAN */ + ~RandomNum(7,4)~ + ~[PC] (Roll to your knees, dragging one hand along his body, letting the back of your hand smooth along him until it drops away. You hover over him, waiting for him to make the next move. )~ + a3525 /* KNEES_ABOVE_ARAN */ + ~RandomNum(7,3)~ + ~[PC] (As you roll to your knees, you let your hair brush along his chest, gently tickling him, moving lower and lower. You hover above him, lips inches from his manhood, breath hot on him.)~ + a3524 /* KNEES_ABOVE_ARAN_ORAL */ + ~RandomNum(7,2)~ + ~[PC] (As you roll to your knees, you let your lips gently brush here and there about his chest, his torso, and then his thigh... here and there, closer and closer, but never touching his manhood.)~ + a3525 /* KNEES_ABOVE_ARAN */ + ~RandomNum(7,1)~ + ~[PC] (As you roll to your knees, you let your lips gently brush his manhood, a stray little lick from your tongue grazing him.)~ + a3524 /* KNEES_ABOVE_ARAN_ORAL */ + ~RandomNum(6,6)~ + ~[PC] (Slip gently out of his arms, and put a hand to the side of his face.)~ + a3522 /* GO_ON_OR_NOT_ASK_WHAT_WRONG */ + ~RandomNum(6,5)~ + ~[PC] (Slipping gently out of his arms, you cover yourself, hiding your charms from his gaze.)~ + a3522 /* GO_ON_OR_NOT_ASK_WHAT_WRONG */ + ~RandomNum(6,4)~ + ~[PC] (You roll away from him, gathering what you can to cover yourself.)~ + a3522 /* GO_ON_OR_NOT_ASK_WHAT_WRONG */ + ~RandomNum(6,3)~ + ~[PC] (You shake your head in negation, and pull away from him.)~ + a3522 /* GO_ON_OR_NOT_ASK_WHAT_WRONG */ + ~RandomNum(6,2)~ + ~[PC] Aran... slow down. Aran...~ + a3523 /* CONTINUE_OR_STOP_ACTION */ + ~RandomNum(6,1)~ + ~[PC] (You sit up quickly, turning your face away from him.)~ + a3522 /* GO_ON_OR_NOT_ASK_WHAT_WRONG */ + ~RandomNum(5,5)~ + ~[PC] (Giggle mischievously at him as you roll to your knees. You bend forward in front of him, bottom toward him, coyly peeking back over your shoulder to gauge his reaction to your body.)~ + a3520 /* PRESENT_TO_ARAN_TALK_FEAST */ + ~RandomNum(5,4)~ + ~[PC] (You roll to your knees, coyly peeking back through your legs to gauge his reaction to your body.)~ + a3519 /* PRESENT_TO_ARAN_ACTION_TEASE */ + ~RandomNum(5,3)~ + ~[PC] (You roll to your knees, placing your hands on your thighs. You face away from him, flexing and arching your back, inviting his response.)~ + a3521 /* PRESENT_TO_ARAN_ACTION_HAND_TEASE */ + ~RandomNum(5,2)~ + ~[PC] (You roll to your knees, placing your hands on your thighs. You face away from him, running your hands along your body, down to your most intimate parts, casting a bold eye over your shoulder at him.)~ + a3520 /* PRESENT_TO_ARAN_TALK_FEAST */ + ~RandomNum(5,1)~ + ~[PC] (You roll to your knees, then growl, wiggling your bottom at him and daring him to respond.)~ + a3519 /* PRESENT_TO_ARAN_ACTION_TEASE */ + ~Global("c-aranpcbedding","LOCALS",0)~ + ~[PC] Aran... I want you to have me. Take me any way you want. I give you complete control.~ + a3506 /* SEX_SCENE_ONE */ + ~Global("c-aranpcbedding","LOCALS",1)~ + ~[PC] Aran... I want you to have me. Take me any way you want. I give you complete control.~ + a3507 /* SEX_SCENE_TWO */ + ~Global("c-aranpcbedding","LOCALS",2)~ + ~[PC] Aran... I want you to have me. Take me any way you want. I give you complete control.~ + a3508 /* SEX_SCENE_THREE */ + ~Global("c-aranpcbedding","LOCALS",3)~ + ~[PC] Aran... I want you to have me. Take me any way you want. I give you complete control.~ + a3509 /* SEX_SCENE_FOUR */ + ~Global("c-aranpcbedding","LOCALS",4)~ + ~[PC] Aran... I want you to have me. Take me any way you want. I give you complete control.~ + a3510 /* SEX_SCENE_FIVE */ + ~Global("c-aranpcbedding","LOCALS",5)~ + ~[PC] Aran... I want you to have me. Take me any way you want. I give you complete control.~ + a3511 /* SEX_SCENE_SIX */ + ~Global("c-aranpcbedding","LOCALS",6)~ + ~[PC] Aran... I want you to have me. Take me any way you want. I give you complete control.~ + a3512 /* SEX_SCENE_SEVEN */ + ~Global("c-aranpcbedding","LOCALS",7)~ + ~[PC] Aran... I want you to have me. Take me any way you want. I give you complete control.~ + a3513 /* SEX_SCENE_EIGHT */ + ~RandomNum(5,1)~ + ~[PC] Wait... I think we have gone too far. You should go.~ + a3514 /* SOLID_STOP1 */ + ~RandomNum(5,2)~ + ~[PC] Wait... I think we have gone too far. You should go.~ + a3515 /* SOLID_STOP2 */ + ~RandomNum(5,3)~ + ~[PC] Wait... I think we have gone too far. You should go.~ + a3516 /* SOLID_STOP3 */ + ~RandomNum(5,4)~ + ~[PC] Wait... I think we have gone too far. You should go.~ + a3517 /* ROM_TWO_HARD_TO_STOP_GENTLEMAN */ + ~RandomNum(5,5)~ + ~[PC] Wait... I think we have gone too far. You should go.~ + a3518 /* FIGHT_START */ END IF ~~ a3523 /* CONTINUE_OR_STOP_ACTION */ SAY ~[ARAN] (He ceases all motion, breath warm on your skin, frowning slightly.)~ + ~Global("c-aranpcbedding","LOCALS",0)~ + ~[PC] Aran... I want you to have me. Take me any way you want. I give you complete control.~ + a3506 /* SEX_SCENE_ONE */ + ~Global("c-aranpcbedding","LOCALS",1)~ + ~[PC] Aran... I want you to have me. Take me any way you want. I give you complete control.~ + a3507 /* SEX_SCENE_TWO */ + ~Global("c-aranpcbedding","LOCALS",2)~ + ~[PC] Aran... I want you to have me. Take me any way you want. I give you complete control.~ + a3508 /* SEX_SCENE_THREE */ + ~Global("c-aranpcbedding","LOCALS",3)~ + ~[PC] Aran... I want you to have me. Take me any way you want. I give you complete control.~ + a3509 /* SEX_SCENE_FOUR */ + ~Global("c-aranpcbedding","LOCALS",4)~ + ~[PC] Aran... I want you to have me. Take me any way you want. I give you complete control.~ + a3510 /* SEX_SCENE_FIVE */ + ~Global("c-aranpcbedding","LOCALS",5)~ + ~[PC] Aran... I want you to have me. Take me any way you want. I give you complete control.~ + a3511 /* SEX_SCENE_SIX */ + ~Global("c-aranpcbedding","LOCALS",6)~ + ~[PC] Aran... I want you to have me. Take me any way you want. I give you complete control.~ + a3512 /* SEX_SCENE_SEVEN */ + ~Global("c-aranpcbedding","LOCALS",7)~ + ~[PC] Aran... I want you to have me. Take me any way you want. I give you complete control.~ + a3513 /* SEX_SCENE_EIGHT */ + ~RandomNum(5,1)~ + ~[PC] I think we have gone too far. You should go.~ + a3514 /* SOLID_STOP1 */ + ~RandomNum(5,2)~ + ~[PC] I think we have gone too far. You should go.~ + a3515 /* SOLID_STOP2 */ + ~RandomNum(5,3)~ + ~[PC] I think we have gone too far. You should go.~ + a3516 /* SOLID_STOP3 */ + ~RandomNum(5,4)~ + ~[PC] I think we have gone too far. You should go.~ + a3517 /* ROM_TWO_HARD_TO_STOP_GENTLEMAN */ + ~RandomNum(5,5)~ + ~[PC] I think we have gone too far. You should go.~ + a3518 /* FIGHT_START */ END /* actions */ IF ~~ a3519 /* PRESENT_TO_ARAN_ACTION_TEASE */ SAY ~[ARAN] (With a gentle growl, he seizes your hips and guides his hardness to you, gently teasing you with a tap, tap, tap...)~ ++ ~[PC] No teasing. Mount me as if I were a mare in season, Aran. I want to feel all of you.~ + a3382 /* PC_FACE_DOWN_FINISH */ ++ ~[PC] Oh, dear... a rough sellsword is in my poor bed, and me only a simple girl, the spoils of war. Whatever shall he do with me...~ + a3790 ++ ~[PC] (Lean back, trapping him between your legs but denying him entry, running yourself along his hardness again and again.)~ + a3791 /* GODS_WILL_YOU_LET_ME */ ++ ~[PC] (Reach back between your legs and grasp him firmly. Guide him into you, settling him deeply within you.~ + a3382 /* PC_FACE_DOWN_FINISH */ + ~RandomNum(5,1)~ + ~[PC] I think we have gone too far. You should go.~ + a3514 /* SOLID_STOP1 */ + ~RandomNum(5,2)~ + ~[PC] I think we have gone too far. You should go.~ + a3515 /* SOLID_STOP2 */ + ~RandomNum(5,3)~ + ~[PC] I think we have gone too far. You should go.~ + a3516 /* SOLID_STOP3 */ + ~RandomNum(5,4)~ + ~[PC] I think we have gone too far. You should go.~ + a3517 /* ROM_TWO_HARD_TO_STOP_GENTLEMAN */ + ~RandomNum(5,5)~ + ~[PC] I think we have gone too far. You should go.~ + a3518 /* FIGHT_START */ END IF ~~ a3790 SAY ~[ARAN] Poor little you? Well, now, I think I have just th' right idea, here. Alas, poor maiden, you have fallen into th' clutches of an evil, evil man, who insists on bedding you an' givin' you multiple orgasms.~ ++ ~[PC] Well, if I must, I must. Just be gentle, good sir, for I am a maiden yet, and know not the ways of... OUCH! Stop laughing, you beast!~ + a3520 /* PRESENT_TO_ARAN_TALK_FEAST */ ++ ~[PC] Hah! You but thought I was a poor virtuous maiden. Secretly, I am the evil Dominatrix of the Dales, and I shall throw you to your back...~ + a3700 /* KNEES_ABOVE_ARAN_WRESTLE_ONTO_BACK */ + ~RandomNum(5,1)~ + ~[PC] I think we have gone too far. You should go.~ + a3514 /* SOLID_STOP1 */ + ~RandomNum(5,2)~ + ~[PC] I think we have gone too far. You should go.~ + a3515 /* SOLID_STOP2 */ + ~RandomNum(5,3)~ + ~[PC] I think we have gone too far. You should go.~ + a3516 /* SOLID_STOP3 */ + ~RandomNum(5,4)~ + ~[PC] I think we have gone too far. You should go.~ + a3517 /* ROM_TWO_HARD_TO_STOP_GENTLEMAN */ + ~RandomNum(5,5)~ + ~[PC] I think we have gone too far. You should go.~ + a3518 /* FIGHT_START */ ++ ~[PC] (Grab his hands and guide them about your body, running his fingers over your most sensitive places.)~ + a3693 /* LIPS_DEVOUR_NECK */ END IF ~~ a3520 /* PRESENT_TO_ARAN_TALK_FEAST */ SAY ~[ARAN] Gods alive, that be th' most beautiful sight. I would feast wi' more than my eyes, if you let me.~ ++ ~[PC] If... if you want to.~ + a3701 /* TAKE_ME_KISS_DEEP */ ++ ~[PC] I want to devour you, but not with my mouth. Push forward, Aran. I am yours.~ + a3701 /* TAKE_ME_KISS_DEEP */ ++ ~[PC] No, no, no... you have me bowing before you, begging for everything like a cat in heat, presenting my most private charms to you, and you think of food? Gods, make love to me, now! ~ + a3701 /* TAKE_ME_KISS_DEEP */ ++ ~[PC] (Nestle up against him, hands guiding him where he belongs. Straighten up as you sink down on him, his hands smoothing your hips, then your breasts.)~ + a3680 /* ROM_PULSE_DEEP_LIFT */ ++ ~[PC] I have a better idea. Now, if I just roll over like this, and find this, and... gods, you are so hot. Literally. It is like stroking warm iron.~ + a3701 /* TAKE_ME_KISS_DEEP */ END IF ~~ a3700 /* KNEES_ABOVE_ARAN_WRESTLE_ONTO_BACK */ SAY ~[ARAN] (Your movements are blocked by his powerful forearm as he wrestles you quickly onto your back.)~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a3397 /* PC_ON_BACK_ONE */ END IF ~~ a3701 /* TAKE_ME_KISS_DEEP */ SAY ~[ARAN] (Words melt away as he attempts to pleasure you, teasing and roaring his delight as you roll together in an intimate embrace.)~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a3521 /* PRESENT_TO_ARAN_ACTION_HAND_TEASE */ SAY ~[ARAN] (His hand hesitantly caresses you, moving here and there, but never quite reaching its goal.)~ ++ ~[PC] No teasing. Mount me as if I were a mare in season, Aran. I want to feel all of you.~ + a3382 /* PC_FACE_DOWN_FINISH */ ++ ~[PC] Lower... Oh, my. That feels... oh. Just keep doing that, please.~ + a3693 /* LIPS_DEVOUR_NECK */ ++ ~[PC] (You wriggle back against him, grabbing his hands and cupping them under your breasts. As his manhood presses close, trap it between your legs, hands gently playing with the velvet hardness, never allowing entrance but pleasuring both of you.)~ + a3686 /* ROM_PULSE_MUTUAL_PLEASURE */ ++ ~[PC] (You wriggle back against him, grabbing his hands and cupping them under your breasts. As his manhood presses close, you lean forward, allowing him to fully enter you.)~ + a3382 /* PC_FACE_DOWN_FINISH */ END IF ~~ a3693 /* LIPS_DEVOUR_NECK */ SAY ~[ARAN] (His lips seek to devour your neck, bites alternating hard and soft as his desire mounts.)~ ++ ~[PC] (Begin circling your hips, playing with his fingers deep within you, one hand playing along his length, restraining him and pleasing him at the same time.)~ + a3686 /* ROM_PULSE_MUTUAL_PLEASURE */ + ~RandomNum(5,1)~ + ~[PC] I... I have changed my mind. (Get up and cover yourself, pushing him away.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3514 /* SOLID_STOP1 */ + ~RandomNum(5,2)~ + ~[PC] I... I have changed my mind. (Get up and cover yourself, pushing him away.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3515 /* SOLID_STOP2 */ + ~RandomNum(5,3)~ + ~[PC] I... I have changed my mind. (Get up and cover yourself, pushing him away.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3516 /* SOLID_STOP3 */ + ~RandomNum(5,4)~ + ~[PC] I... I have changed my mind. (Get up and cover yourself, pushing him away.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3517 /* ROM_TWO_HARD_TO_STOP_GENTLEMAN */ + ~RandomNum(5,5)~ + ~[PC] I... I have changed my mind. (Get up and cover yourself, pushing him away.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3518 /* FIGHT_START */ ++ ~[PC] Aran... just kisses. I only want kisses. You need to slow down.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3696 /* QUICK_END_FADEOUT */ ++ ~[PC] There are lots of ways to give pleasure, you know. I think we should experiment. (Roll quickly so that your lips are caressing his manhood, his your intimacy.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",3)~ + a3696 /* QUICK_END_FADEOUT */ END /* resolutions */ IF ~~ a3525 /* KNEES_ABOVE_ARAN */ SAY ~[ARAN] (His gaze devours your body as he seeks to see where you are both barely joined.)~ ++ ~[PC] (Gently settle yourself onto him, taking him deeply into your body.)~ + a3551 /* PC_ON_TOP_THREE */ ++ ~[PC] (Launch yourself at him, attempting to wrestle him onto his back.)~ + a3700 /* KNEES_ABOVE_ARAN_WRESTLE_ONTO_BACK */ + ~RandomNum(6,6)~ + ~[PC] Aran... tell me what you want. What do you want to do with me?~ + a3783 /* ANYWAYYOULIKEIT_3783 */ + ~RandomNum(6,5)~ + ~[PC] Aran... tell me what you want. What do you want to do with me?~ + a3785 /* ANYWAYYOULIKEIT_3785 */ + ~RandomNum(6,4)~ + ~[PC] Aran... tell me what you want. What do you want to do with me?~ + a3786 /* ANYWAYYOULIKEIT_3786 */ + ~RandomNum(6,3)~ + ~[PC] Aran... tell me what you want. What do you want to do with me?~ + a3787 /* ANYWAYYOULIKEIT_3787 */ + ~RandomNum(6,2)~ + ~[PC] Aran... tell me what you want. What do you want to do with me?~ + a3788 /* ANYWAYYOULIKEIT_3788 */ + ~RandomNum(6,1)~ + ~[PC] Aran... tell me what you want. What do you want to do with me?~ + a3789 /* ANYWAYYOULIKEIT_3789 */ + ~RandomNum(5,1)~ + ~[PC] Wait... I think we have gone too far. You should go.~ + a3514 /* SOLID_STOP1 */ + ~RandomNum(5,2)~ + ~[PC] Wait... I think we have gone too far. You should go.~ + a3515 /* SOLID_STOP2 */ + ~RandomNum(5,3)~ + ~[PC] Wait... I think we have gone too far. You should go.~ + a3516 /* SOLID_STOP3 */ + ~RandomNum(5,4)~ + ~[PC] Wait... I think we have gone too far. You should go.~ + a3517 /* ROM_TWO_HARD_TO_STOP_GENTLEMAN */ + ~RandomNum(5,5)~ + ~[PC] Wait... I think we have gone too far. You should go.~ + a3518 /* FIGHT_START */ ++ ~[PC] Aran... just kisses. I only want kisses. You need to slow down.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3696 /* QUICK_END_FADEOUT */ ++ ~[PC] There are lots of ways to give pleasure, you know. I think we should experiment. (Roll quickly so that your lips are caressing his manhood, his your intimacy.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",3)~ + a3696 /* QUICK_END_FADEOUT */ ++ ~[PC] You seem to think you have the upper hand, boyo. But I think I am in control right now.~ + a3388 /* KISS_AND_TAKE */ END IF ~~ a3526 /* KNEES_ABOVE_ARAN_HAND */ SAY ~[ARAN] (His hands find your shoulders, then your waist, and he strives to move up into your intimacy.)~ + ~RandomNum(5,1)~ + ~[PC] Wait... I think we have gone too far. You should go.~ + a3514 /* SOLID_STOP1 */ + ~RandomNum(5,2)~ + ~[PC] Wait... I think we have gone too far. You should go.~ + a3515 /* SOLID_STOP2 */ + ~RandomNum(5,3)~ + ~[PC] Wait... I think we have gone too far. You should go.~ + a3516 /* SOLID_STOP3 */ + ~RandomNum(5,4)~ + ~[PC] Wait... I think we have gone too far. You should go.~ + a3517 /* ROM_TWO_HARD_TO_STOP_GENTLEMAN */ + ~RandomNum(5,5)~ + ~[PC] Wait... I think we have gone too far. You should go.~ + a3518 /* FIGHT_START */ + ~RandomNum(6,6)~ + ~[PC] Aran... tell me what you want. What do you want to do with me?~ + a3783 /* ANYWAYYOULIKEIT_3783 */ + ~RandomNum(6,5)~ + ~[PC] Aran... tell me what you want. What do you want to do with me?~ + a3785 /* ANYWAYYOULIKEIT_3785 */ + ~RandomNum(6,4)~ + ~[PC] Aran... tell me what you want. What do you want to do with me?~ + a3786 /* ANYWAYYOULIKEIT_3786 */ + ~RandomNum(6,3)~ + ~[PC] Aran... tell me what you want. What do you want to do with me?~ + a3787 /* ANYWAYYOULIKEIT_3787 */ + ~RandomNum(6,2)~ + ~[PC] Aran... tell me what you want. What do you want to do with me?~ + a3788 /* ANYWAYYOULIKEIT_3788 */ + ~RandomNum(6,1)~ + ~[PC] Aran... tell me what you want. What do you want to do with me?~ + a3789 /* ANYWAYYOULIKEIT_3789 */ ++ ~[PC] (Gently settle yourself onto him, taking him deeply into your body.)~ + a3551 /* PC_ON_TOP_THREE */ ++ ~[PC] (Launch yourself at him, attempting to wrestle him onto his back.)~ + a3700 /* KNEES_ABOVE_ARAN_WRESTLE_ONTO_BACK */ ++ ~[PC] Aran... just kisses. I only want kisses. You need to slow down.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3696 /* QUICK_END_FADEOUT */ ++ ~[PC] There are lots of ways to give pleasure, you know. I think we should experiment. (Roll quickly so that your lips are caressing his manhood, his your intimacy.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",3)~ + a3696 /* QUICK_END_FADEOUT */ ++ ~[PC] You seem to think you have the upper hand, boyo. But I think I am in control right now.~ + a3388 /* KISS_AND_TAKE */ END IF ~~ a3718 /* KNEES_ABOVE_ARAN_HANDS_PULL */ SAY ~[ARAN] (His hands grab for yours, and he pulls you down onto his chest.)~ + ~RandomNum(5,1)~ + ~[PC] Wait... I think we have gone too far. You should go.~ + a3514 /* SOLID_STOP1 */ + ~RandomNum(5,2)~ + ~[PC] Wait... I think we have gone too far. You should go.~ + a3515 /* SOLID_STOP2 */ + ~RandomNum(5,3)~ + ~[PC] Wait... I think we have gone too far. You should go.~ + a3516 /* SOLID_STOP3 */ + ~RandomNum(5,4)~ + ~[PC] Wait... I think we have gone too far. You should go.~ + a3517 /* ROM_TWO_HARD_TO_STOP_GENTLEMAN */ + ~RandomNum(5,5)~ + ~[PC] Wait... I think we have gone too far. You should go.~ + a3518 /* FIGHT_START */ + ~RandomNum(6,6)~ + ~[PC] Aran... tell me what you want. What do you want to do with me?~ + a3783 /* ANYWAYYOULIKEIT_3783 */ + ~RandomNum(6,5)~ + ~[PC] Aran... tell me what you want. What do you want to do with me?~ + a3785 /* ANYWAYYOULIKEIT_3785 */ + ~RandomNum(6,4)~ + ~[PC] Aran... tell me what you want. What do you want to do with me?~ + a3786 /* ANYWAYYOULIKEIT_3786 */ + ~RandomNum(6,3)~ + ~[PC] Aran... tell me what you want. What do you want to do with me?~ + a3787 /* ANYWAYYOULIKEIT_3787 */ + ~RandomNum(6,2)~ + ~[PC] Aran... tell me what you want. What do you want to do with me?~ + a3788 /* ANYWAYYOULIKEIT_3788 */ + ~RandomNum(6,1)~ + ~[PC] Aran... tell me what you want. What do you want to do with me?~ + a3789 /* ANYWAYYOULIKEIT_3789 */ ++ ~[PC] (Gently settle yourself onto him, taking him deeply into your body.)~ + a3551 /* PC_ON_TOP_THREE */ ++ ~[PC] (Launch yourself at him, attempting to wrestle him onto his back.)~ + a3700 /* KNEES_ABOVE_ARAN_WRESTLE_ONTO_BACK */ ++ ~[PC] Aran... just kisses. I only want kisses. You need to slow down.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3696 /* QUICK_END_FADEOUT */ ++ ~[PC] There are lots of ways to give pleasure, you know. I think we should experiment. (Roll quickly so that your lips are caressing his manhood, his your intimacy.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",3)~ + a3696 /* QUICK_END_FADEOUT */ ++ ~[PC] You seem to think you have the upper hand, boyo. But I think I am in control right now.~ + a3388 /* KISS_AND_TAKE */ END IF ~~ a3388 /* KISS_AND_TAKE */ SAY ~[ARAN] (His answering kisses are half laughter, half passion. There can be no denying the heat of him pressed close to your intimacy, a dagger waiting to be sheathed.)~ ++ ~[PC] I do not want apprentice games and blushing novices. I want to be taken roughly, forced into submission, and used well.~ + a3379 /* WAIT_WE_WERE_LOVING */ ++ ~[PC] (Shift slightly, catching his tip in just the right place and gently pushing your body onto him, until he is nestled deep within you.)~ + a3380 /* CANT_RESIST_MUST_RESIST */ ++ ~[PC] Take me.~ + a3694 /* FRONT_TO_ARAN_PULSE */ ++ ~[PC] (Rake your fingernails across his chest.)~ + a3387 /* PC_RAKES_CHEST */ ++ ~[PC] (Pull away from him, battling his hands, then move closer and clinging onto him until he calms and focuses everything on just kissing you.)~ + a3563 /* KISSING_HOLDING_TWO */ + ~RandomNum(5,1)~ + ~[PC] Wait... I think we have gone too far. You should go.~ + a3514 /* SOLID_STOP1 */ + ~RandomNum(5,2)~ + ~[PC] Wait... I think we have gone too far. You should go.~ + a3515 /* SOLID_STOP2 */ + ~RandomNum(5,3)~ + ~[PC] Wait... I think we have gone too far. You should go.~ + a3516 /* SOLID_STOP3 */ + ~RandomNum(5,4)~ + ~[PC] Wait... I think we have gone too far. You should go.~ + a3517 /* ROM_TWO_HARD_TO_STOP_GENTLEMAN */ + ~RandomNum(5,5)~ + ~[PC] Wait... I think we have gone too far. You should go.~ + a3518 /* FIGHT_START */ END IF ~~ a3387 /* PC_RAKES_CHEST */ SAY ~[ARAN] Bane! (His hands grab at your wrists, crushing tight.)~ = ~[ARAN] I don't find pain a blighted aphrodisiac. Now, if I were a different sort o' man, I'll just lever your arms right heavy, an' there be no place for your gods-kissed hips to go but down... an' if you look down, there be only one result o' that possible right now. If you didn't want to be speared right solid, used like a Calimshan pleasure slave, you would have naught to say in th' matter.~ ++ ~[PC] I'm sorry. I... I got carried away. Make love to me?~ + a3550 /* PC_ON_TOP_TWO */ ++ ~[PC] (Catch one of his palms in both your hands, and gently kiss it.)~ + a3550 /* PC_ON_TOP_TWO */ ++ ~[PC] You are too weak. A stronger man would not have talked... he would have forced me.~ + a3614 /* ARAN_REFUSES */ ++ ~[PC] No. I don't want this. I want to dominate you, control you. I want to use you, not have you use me.~ + a3614 /* ARAN_REFUSES */ ++ ~[PC] Do it.~ + a3614 /* ARAN_REFUSES */ ++ ~[PC] (Struggle against his hands, seeking to drive yourself onto him.)~ + a3614 /* ARAN_REFUSES */ ++ ~[PC] (Struggle against his hands, seeking to push yourself away.)~ + a3614 /* ARAN_REFUSES */ ++ ~[PC] (Stand up suddenly, breaking free... and walk away.)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a3397 /* PC_ON_BACK_ONE */ SAY ~[ARAN] Now I have you, I do... well, not quite yet, but in just a second, eh?~ IF ~RandomNum(5,5)~ THEN GOTO a3695 /* ROM_FINAL_TWO */ IF ~RandomNum(5,4)~ THEN GOTO a3552 /* ARAN_ON_TOP_ONE */ IF ~RandomNum(5,3)~ THEN GOTO a3553 /* ARAN_ON_TOP_TWO */ IF ~RandomNum(5,2)~ THEN GOTO a3554 /* ARAN_ON_TOP_THREE */ IF ~RandomNum(5,1)~ THEN GOTO a3555 /* ARAN_ON_TOP_FOUR */ END IF ~~ a3398 /* PC_ON_BACK_TWO */ SAY ~[ARAN] (He draws his breath in sharply, moving sightly.)~ IF ~RandomNum(5,5)~ THEN GOTO a3695 /* ROM_FINAL_TWO */ IF ~RandomNum(5,4)~ THEN GOTO a3552 /* ARAN_ON_TOP_ONE */ IF ~RandomNum(5,3)~ THEN GOTO a3553 /* ARAN_ON_TOP_TWO */ IF ~RandomNum(5,2)~ THEN GOTO a3554 /* ARAN_ON_TOP_THREE */ IF ~RandomNum(5,1)~ THEN GOTO a3555 /* ARAN_ON_TOP_FOUR */ END IF ~~ a3550 /* PC_ON_TOP_TWO */ SAY ~[ARAN] Now, that be tellin' me you want a fair sight more than just a few kisses an' touches, it do.~ + ~RandomNum(5,1)~ + ~[PC] I... I have changed my mind. (Get up and cover yourself, pushing him away.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3514 /* SOLID_STOP1 */ + ~RandomNum(5,2)~ + ~[PC] I... I have changed my mind. (Get up and cover yourself, pushing him away.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3515 /* SOLID_STOP2 */ + ~RandomNum(5,3)~ + ~[PC] I... I have changed my mind. (Get up and cover yourself, pushing him away.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3516 /* SOLID_STOP3 */ + ~RandomNum(5,4)~ + ~[PC] I... I have changed my mind. (Get up and cover yourself, pushing him away.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3517 /* ROM_TWO_HARD_TO_STOP_GENTLEMAN */ + ~RandomNum(5,5)~ + ~[PC] I... I have changed my mind. (Get up and cover yourself, pushing him away.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3518 /* FIGHT_START */ ++ ~[PC] Aran... just kisses. I only want kisses.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3696 /* QUICK_END_FADEOUT */ ++ ~[PC] There are lots of ways to give pleasure, you know. I think we should experiment. (Roll quickly so that your lips are caressing his manhood, his your intimacy.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",3)~ + a3696 /* QUICK_END_FADEOUT */ + ~RandomNum(5,1)~ + ~[PC] Wait... I think we have gone too far. You should go.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3514 /* SOLID_STOP1 */ + ~RandomNum(5,2)~ + ~[PC] Wait... I think we have gone too far. You should go.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3515 /* SOLID_STOP2 */ + ~RandomNum(5,3)~ + ~[PC] Wait... I think we have gone too far. You should go.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3516 /* SOLID_STOP3 */ + ~RandomNum(5,4)~ + ~[PC] Wait... I think we have gone too far. You should go.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3517 /* ROM_TWO_HARD_TO_STOP_GENTLEMAN */ + ~RandomNum(5,5)~ + ~[PC] Wait... I think we have gone too far. You should go.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3518 /* FIGHT_START */ ++ ~[PC] (Pull the barriers away between you, fingers tangling with his in your mutual haste to join. Give way to the madness and open yourself fully to his advances.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",4)~ + a3639 /* ROM_PULSE_DEEP_GRUNT */ ++ ~[PC] (Throw yourself at him, breathless and wanton, crying out as your defenses are breached.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",4)~ + a3697 /* ROM_CLIMAX_CLIMB_DEEP */ ++ ~[PC] I never was much for lots of words. But you keep talking if you must. I'm busy enjoying the sight of you... ah... filling me.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",4)~ + a3639 /* ROM_PULSE_DEEP_GRUNT */ ++ ~[PC] (Silence him with a kiss, moving against him, building your pleasure.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",4)~ + a3639 /* ROM_PULSE_DEEP_GRUNT */ END IF ~~ a3551 /* PC_ON_TOP_THREE */ SAY ~[ARAN] (His answer is a growl, his body seeking to merge with yours.)~ + ~RandomNum(5,1)~ + ~[PC] I... I have changed my mind. (Get up and cover yourself, pushing him away.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3514 /* SOLID_STOP1 */ + ~RandomNum(5,2)~ + ~[PC] I... I have changed my mind. (Get up and cover yourself, pushing him away.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3515 /* SOLID_STOP2 */ + ~RandomNum(5,3)~ + ~[PC] I... I have changed my mind. (Get up and cover yourself, pushing him away.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3516 /* SOLID_STOP3 */ + ~RandomNum(5,4)~ + ~[PC] I... I have changed my mind. (Get up and cover yourself, pushing him away.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3517 /* ROM_TWO_HARD_TO_STOP_GENTLEMAN */ + ~RandomNum(5,5)~ + ~[PC] I... I have changed my mind. (Get up and cover yourself, pushing him away.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3518 /* FIGHT_START */ ++ ~[PC] Aran... just kisses. I only want kisses. We have to slow down.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3696 /* QUICK_END_FADEOUT */ ++ ~[PC] There are lots of ways to give pleasure, you know. (Roll quickly so that your lips are caressing his manhood, his your intimacy.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",3)~ + a3696 /* QUICK_END_FADEOUT */ + ~RandomNum(5,1)~ + ~[PC] Wait... I think we have gone too far. You should go.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3514 /* SOLID_STOP1 */ + ~RandomNum(5,2)~ + ~[PC] Wait... I think we have gone too far. You should go.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3515 /* SOLID_STOP2 */ + ~RandomNum(5,3)~ + ~[PC] Wait... I think we have gone too far. You should go.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3516 /* SOLID_STOP3 */ + ~RandomNum(5,4)~ + ~[PC] Wait... I think we have gone too far. You should go.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3517 /* ROM_TWO_HARD_TO_STOP_GENTLEMAN */ + ~RandomNum(5,5)~ + ~[PC] Wait... I think we have gone too far. You should go.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3518 /* FIGHT_START */ ++ ~[PC] (Accept his advancing thrust, rocking steadily against him, thighs gripping and releasing as you seek your pleasure.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",4)~ + a3639 /* ROM_PULSE_DEEP_GRUNT */ ++ ~[PC] (Spread yourself as wide as you can, opening yourself fully to his advances.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",4)~ + a3697 /* ROM_CLIMAX_CLIMB_DEEP */ ++ ~[PC] Look down, Aran. You are inside. Well, part of you is... oh! Yes. Now all of you.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",4)~ + a3639 /* ROM_PULSE_DEEP_GRUNT */ ++ ~[PC] (Silence him with a kiss, moving against him, building your pleasure.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",4)~ + a3639 /* ROM_PULSE_DEEP_GRUNT */ END IF ~~ a3717 /* PC_ON_TOP_FOUR */ SAY ~[ARAN] I be a might goal oriented, now. I do be thinkin' my goal presently be to let you ride your pleasure out on me, eh?~ + ~RandomNum(5,1)~ + ~[PC] I... I have changed my mind. (Get up and cover yourself, pushing him away.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3514 /* SOLID_STOP1 */ + ~RandomNum(5,2)~ + ~[PC] I... I have changed my mind. (Get up and cover yourself, pushing him away.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3515 /* SOLID_STOP2 */ + ~RandomNum(5,3)~ + ~[PC] I... I have changed my mind. (Get up and cover yourself, pushing him away.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3516 /* SOLID_STOP3 */ + ~RandomNum(5,4)~ + ~[PC] I... I have changed my mind. (Get up and cover yourself, pushing him away.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3517 /* ROM_TWO_HARD_TO_STOP_GENTLEMAN */ + ~RandomNum(5,5)~ + ~[PC] I... I have changed my mind. (Get up and cover yourself, pushing him away.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3518 /* FIGHT_START */ ++ ~[PC] Aran... just kisses. I only want kisses. We have to slow down.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3696 /* QUICK_END_FADEOUT */ ++ ~[PC] There are lots of ways to give pleasure, you know. (Roll quickly so that your lips are caressing his manhood, his your intimacy.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",3)~ + a3696 /* QUICK_END_FADEOUT */ + ~RandomNum(5,1)~ + ~[PC] Wait... I think we have gone too far. You should go.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3514 /* SOLID_STOP1 */ + ~RandomNum(5,2)~ + ~[PC] Wait... I think we have gone too far. You should go.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3515 /* SOLID_STOP2 */ + ~RandomNum(5,3)~ + ~[PC] Wait... I think we have gone too far. You should go.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3516 /* SOLID_STOP3 */ + ~RandomNum(5,4)~ + ~[PC] Wait... I think we have gone too far. You should go.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3517 /* ROM_TWO_HARD_TO_STOP_GENTLEMAN */ + ~RandomNum(5,5)~ + ~[PC] Wait... I think we have gone too far. You should go.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3518 /* FIGHT_START */ ++ ~[PC] (Accept his advancing thrust, rocking steadily against him, thighs gripping and releasing as you seek your pleasure.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",4)~ + a3639 /* ROM_PULSE_DEEP_GRUNT */ ++ ~[PC] (Spread yourself as wide as you can, opening yourself fully to his advances.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",4)~ + a3697 /* ROM_CLIMAX_CLIMB_DEEP */ ++ ~[PC] I think that is an admirable goal. Just be careful not to move too much... I am being stretched a bit...~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",4)~ + a3639 /* ROM_PULSE_DEEP_GRUNT */ ++ ~[PC] (Silence him with a kiss, moving against him, building your pleasure.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",4)~ + a3639 /* ROM_PULSE_DEEP_GRUNT */ IF ~RandomNum(9,9) Global("c-aransecondguess","GLOBAL",0)~ THEN GOTO a3794 /* SECOND_GUESS */ END IF ~~ a3535 /* BACK_TO_ARAN_TALK_PUSH */ SAY ~[ARAN] Now, I be in a position to do some serious lovemakin'. If I just move this here, an' mayhap push a little...~ + ~RandomNum(5,1)~ + ~[PC] I... I have changed my mind. (Get up and cover yourself, pushing him away.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3514 /* SOLID_STOP1 */ + ~RandomNum(5,2)~ + ~[PC] I... I have changed my mind. (Get up and cover yourself, pushing him away.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3515 /* SOLID_STOP2 */ + ~RandomNum(5,3)~ + ~[PC] I... I have changed my mind. (Get up and cover yourself, pushing him away.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3516 /* SOLID_STOP3 */ + ~RandomNum(5,4)~ + ~[PC] I... I have changed my mind. (Get up and cover yourself, pushing him away.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3517 /* ROM_TWO_HARD_TO_STOP_GENTLEMAN */ + ~RandomNum(5,5)~ + ~[PC] I... I have changed my mind. (Get up and cover yourself, pushing him away.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3518 /* FIGHT_START */ ++ ~[PC] Aran... just kisses. I only want kisses. We have to slow down.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3696 /* QUICK_END_FADEOUT */ ++ ~[PC] There are lots of ways to give pleasure, you know. (Roll quickly so that your lips are caressing his manhood, his your intimacy.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",3)~ + a3696 /* QUICK_END_FADEOUT */ + ~RandomNum(5,1)~ + ~[PC] Wait... I think we have gone too far. You should go.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3514 /* SOLID_STOP1 */ + ~RandomNum(5,2)~ + ~[PC] Wait... I think we have gone too far. You should go.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3515 /* SOLID_STOP2 */ + ~RandomNum(5,3)~ + ~[PC] Wait... I think we have gone too far. You should go.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3516 /* SOLID_STOP3 */ + ~RandomNum(5,4)~ + ~[PC] Wait... I think we have gone too far. You should go.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3517 /* ROM_TWO_HARD_TO_STOP_GENTLEMAN */ + ~RandomNum(5,5)~ + ~[PC] Wait... I think we have gone too far. You should go.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3518 /* FIGHT_START */ ++ ~[PC] (Accept his advancing thrust, rocking steadily against him, thighs gripping and releasing as you seek your pleasure.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",4)~ + a3639 /* ROM_PULSE_DEEP_GRUNT */ ++ ~[PC] (Spread yourself as wide as you can, opening yourself fully to his advances.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",4)~ + a3697 /* ROM_CLIMAX_CLIMB_DEEP */ ++ ~[PC] Look down, Aran. You are inside. Well, part of you is... oh! Yes. Now all of you.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",4)~ + a3639 /* ROM_PULSE_DEEP_GRUNT */ ++ ~[PC] (Silence him with a kiss, moving against him, building your pleasure.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",4)~ + a3639 /* ROM_PULSE_DEEP_GRUNT */ END IF ~~ a3533 /* BACK_TO_ARAN_ACTION_POSSIBLE_PIN */ SAY ~[ARAN] (His sigh gusts past your ear as his hand presses firmly against your navel. His hand is not the only thing pressing firmly, and if you move even a little, you might find the hardness teasing your intimacy has pinned you...)~ + ~RandomNum(5,1)~ + ~[PC] I have changed my mind. (Get up and cover yourself, pushing him away.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3514 /* SOLID_STOP1 */ + ~RandomNum(5,2)~ + ~[PC] I have changed my mind. (Get up and cover yourself, pushing him away.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3515 /* SOLID_STOP2 */ + ~RandomNum(5,3)~ + ~[PC] I have changed my mind. (Get up and cover yourself, pushing him away.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3516 /* SOLID_STOP3 */ + ~RandomNum(5,4)~ + ~[PC] I have changed my mind. (Get up and cover yourself, pushing him away.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3517 /* ROM_TWO_HARD_TO_STOP_GENTLEMAN */ + ~RandomNum(5,5)~ + ~[PC] I have changed my mind. (Get up and cover yourself, pushing him away.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3518 /* FIGHT_START */ ++ ~[PC] Aran... just kisses. I only want kisses. We have to slow down.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3696 /* QUICK_END_FADEOUT */ ++ ~[PC] There are lots of ways to give pleasure, you know. (Roll quickly so that your lips are caressing his manhood, his your intimacy.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",3)~ + a3696 /* QUICK_END_FADEOUT */ + ~RandomNum(5,1)~ + ~[PC] Wait... I think we have gone too far. You should go.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3514 /* SOLID_STOP1 */ + ~RandomNum(5,2)~ + ~[PC] Wait... I think we have gone too far. You should go.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3515 /* SOLID_STOP2 */ + ~RandomNum(5,3)~ + ~[PC] Wait... I think we have gone too far. You should go.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3516 /* SOLID_STOP3 */ + ~RandomNum(5,4)~ + ~[PC] Wait... I think we have gone too far. You should go.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3517 /* ROM_TWO_HARD_TO_STOP_GENTLEMAN */ + ~RandomNum(5,5)~ + ~[PC] Wait... I think we have gone too far. You should go.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3518 /* FIGHT_START */ ++ ~[PC] (Accept his advancing thrust, rocking steadily against him, thighs gripping and releasing as you seek your pleasure.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",4)~ + a3639 /* ROM_PULSE_DEEP_GRUNT */ ++ ~[PC] (Spread yourself as wide as you can, opening yourself fully to his advances.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",4)~ + a3697 /* ROM_CLIMAX_CLIMB_DEEP */ ++ ~[PC] Look down, Aran. You are inside. Well, part of you is... oh! Yes. Now all of you.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",4)~ + a3639 /* ROM_PULSE_DEEP_GRUNT */ ++ ~[PC] (Move against him, letting his hardness fill you completely, gentle motions building your pleasure.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",4)~ + a3639 /* ROM_PULSE_DEEP_GRUNT */ END IF ~~ a3534 /* BACK_TO_ARAN_ACTION_HAND_STROKES */ SAY ~[ARAN] (His hand gently strokes along your side, outlining the shape of your breast as it passes up toward your lips.)~ ++ ~[PC] (Launch yourself at him, attempting to wrestle him onto his back.)~ + a3700 /* KNEES_ABOVE_ARAN_WRESTLE_ONTO_BACK */ + ~RandomNum(5,1)~ + ~[PC] I... I have changed my mind. (Get up and cover yourself, pushing him away.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3514 /* SOLID_STOP1 */ + ~RandomNum(5,2)~ + ~[PC] I... I have changed my mind. (Get up and cover yourself, pushing him away.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3515 /* SOLID_STOP2 */ + ~RandomNum(5,3)~ + ~[PC] I... I have changed my mind. (Get up and cover yourself, pushing him away.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3516 /* SOLID_STOP3 */ + ~RandomNum(5,4)~ + ~[PC] I... I have changed my mind. (Get up and cover yourself, pushing him away.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3517 /* ROM_TWO_HARD_TO_STOP_GENTLEMAN */ + ~RandomNum(5,5)~ + ~[PC] I... I have changed my mind. (Get up and cover yourself, pushing him away.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3518 /* FIGHT_START */ ++ ~[PC] Aran... just kisses. I only want kisses. We have to slow down.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3696 /* QUICK_END_FADEOUT */ ++ ~[PC] There are lots of ways to give pleasure, you know. (Roll quickly so that your lips are caressing his manhood, his your intimacy.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",3)~ + a3696 /* QUICK_END_FADEOUT */ + ~RandomNum(5,1)~ + ~[PC] Wait... I think we have gone too far. You should go.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3514 /* SOLID_STOP1 */ + ~RandomNum(5,2)~ + ~[PC] Wait... I think we have gone too far. You should go.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3515 /* SOLID_STOP2 */ + ~RandomNum(5,3)~ + ~[PC] Wait... I think we have gone too far. You should go.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3516 /* SOLID_STOP3 */ + ~RandomNum(5,4)~ + ~[PC] Wait... I think we have gone too far. You should go.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3517 /* ROM_TWO_HARD_TO_STOP_GENTLEMAN */ + ~RandomNum(5,5)~ + ~[PC] Wait... I think we have gone too far. You should go.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3518 /* FIGHT_START */ ++ ~[PC] (Accept his length into your most intimate place, rocking steadily against him, thighs gripping and releasing as you seek your pleasure.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",4)~ + a3639 /* ROM_PULSE_DEEP_GRUNT */ ++ ~[PC] (With gentle touches, guide him to your most intimate place, opening yourself fully to his advances.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",4)~ + a3697 /* ROM_CLIMAX_CLIMB_DEEP */ ++ ~[PC] Look down, Aran. I think I put you in just the right place. Well, part of you is... oh! Yes. Now all of you.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",4)~ + a3639 /* ROM_PULSE_DEEP_GRUNT */ ++ ~[PC] (Gently place a kiss on your fingertips and brush it across his forehead... and move onto him and against him, building your pleasure.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",4)~ + a3639 /* ROM_PULSE_DEEP_GRUNT */ IF ~RandomNum(9,9) Global("c-aransecondguess","GLOBAL",0)~ THEN GOTO a3794 /* SECOND_GUESS */ END IF ~~ a3536 /* BACK_TO_ARAN_ACTION_HAND_INTIMATE */ SAY ~[ARAN] (His hand gently strokes along your side, dropping to cup your most intimate of places. His fingers find their way just within your petals, stroking and teasing.)~ + ~RandomNum(5,1)~ + ~[PC] I... I have changed my mind. (Get up and cover yourself, pushing him away.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3514 /* SOLID_STOP1 */ + ~RandomNum(5,2)~ + ~[PC] I... I have changed my mind. (Get up and cover yourself, pushing him away.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3515 /* SOLID_STOP2 */ + ~RandomNum(5,3)~ + ~[PC] I... I have changed my mind. (Get up and cover yourself, pushing him away.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3516 /* SOLID_STOP3 */ + ~RandomNum(5,4)~ + ~[PC] I... I have changed my mind. (Get up and cover yourself, pushing him away.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3517 /* ROM_TWO_HARD_TO_STOP_GENTLEMAN */ + ~RandomNum(5,5)~ + ~[PC] I... I have changed my mind. (Get up and cover yourself, pushing him away.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3518 /* FIGHT_START */ ++ ~[PC] Aran... just kisses. I only want kisses. We have to slow down.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3696 /* QUICK_END_FADEOUT */ ++ ~[PC] There are lots of ways to give pleasure, you know. (Roll quickly so that your lips are caressing his manhood, his your intimacy.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",3)~ + a3696 /* QUICK_END_FADEOUT */ + ~RandomNum(5,1)~ + ~[PC] Wait... I think we have gone too far. You should go.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3514 /* SOLID_STOP1 */ + ~RandomNum(5,2)~ + ~[PC] Wait... I think we have gone too far. You should go.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3515 /* SOLID_STOP2 */ + ~RandomNum(5,3)~ + ~[PC] Wait... I think we have gone too far. You should go.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3516 /* SOLID_STOP3 */ + ~RandomNum(5,4)~ + ~[PC] Wait... I think we have gone too far. You should go.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3517 /* ROM_TWO_HARD_TO_STOP_GENTLEMAN */ + ~RandomNum(5,5)~ + ~[PC] Wait... I think we have gone too far. You should go.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3518 /* FIGHT_START */ ++ ~[PC] (Launch yourself at him, attempting to wrestle him onto his back.)~ + a3700 /* KNEES_ABOVE_ARAN_WRESTLE_ONTO_BACK */ // PLACEHOLDER : SHOULD BE TOUCHES ++ ~[PC] (Accept his advancing thrust, rocking steadily against him, thighs gripping and releasing as you seek your pleasure.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",4)~ + a3639 /* ROM_PULSE_DEEP_GRUNT */ // PLACEHOLDER : SHOULD BE TOUCHES ++ ~[PC] (Draw your knees apart as wide as you can, opening yourself fully to his advances.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",4)~ + a3697 /* ROM_CLIMAX_CLIMB_DEEP */ // PLACEHOLDER : SHOULD BE TOUCHES ++ ~[PC] Look down, Aran. You are inside. Well, part of you is... oh! Yes. Now all of you.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",4)~ + a3639 /* ROM_PULSE_DEEP_GRUNT */ // PLACEHOLDER : SHOULD BE TOUCHES ++ ~[PC] (Silence him with a kiss, moving against him, building your pleasure.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",4)~ + a3639 /* ROM_PULSE_DEEP_GRUNT */ END IF ~~ a3698 /* FRONT_TO_ARAN_EXPLORE */ SAY ~[ARAN] (His gaze follows the contours of your body, fingertips seeking, exploring. He moves closer to you, his hardness exposed, seeking your warmth...)~ + ~RandomNum(5,1)~ + ~[PC] I... I have changed my mind. (Get up and cover yourself, pushing him away.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3514 /* SOLID_STOP1 */ + ~RandomNum(5,2)~ + ~[PC] I... I have changed my mind. (Get up and cover yourself, pushing him away.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3515 /* SOLID_STOP2 */ + ~RandomNum(5,3)~ + ~[PC] I... I have changed my mind. (Get up and cover yourself, pushing him away.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3516 /* SOLID_STOP3 */ + ~RandomNum(5,4)~ + ~[PC] I... I have changed my mind. (Get up and cover yourself, pushing him away.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3517 /* ROM_TWO_HARD_TO_STOP_GENTLEMAN */ + ~RandomNum(5,5)~ + ~[PC] I... I have changed my mind. (Get up and cover yourself, pushing him away.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3518 /* FIGHT_START */ ++ ~[PC] Aran... just kisses. I only want kisses. We have to slow down.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3696 /* QUICK_END_FADEOUT */ ++ ~[PC] There are lots of ways to give pleasure, you know. (Roll quickly so that your lips are caressing his manhood, his your intimacy.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",3)~ + a3696 /* QUICK_END_FADEOUT */ + ~RandomNum(5,1)~ + ~[PC] Wait... I think we have gone too far. You should go.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3514 /* SOLID_STOP1 */ + ~RandomNum(5,2)~ + ~[PC] Wait... I think we have gone too far. You should go.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3515 /* SOLID_STOP2 */ + ~RandomNum(5,3)~ + ~[PC] Wait... I think we have gone too far. You should go.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3516 /* SOLID_STOP3 */ + ~RandomNum(5,4)~ + ~[PC] Wait... I think we have gone too far. You should go.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3517 /* ROM_TWO_HARD_TO_STOP_GENTLEMAN */ + ~RandomNum(5,5)~ + ~[PC] Wait... I think we have gone too far. You should go.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3518 /* FIGHT_START */ ++ ~[PC] (Accept his advancing thrust, rocking steadily against him, thighs gripping and releasing as you seek your pleasure.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",4)~ + a3639 /* ROM_PULSE_DEEP_GRUNT */ ++ ~[PC] (Spread yourself as wide as you can, opening yourself fully to his advances.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",4)~ + a3697 /* ROM_CLIMAX_CLIMB_DEEP */ ++ ~[PC] Look down, Aran. You are inside. Well, part of you is... oh! Yes. Now all of you.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",4)~ + a3639 /* ROM_PULSE_DEEP_GRUNT */ ++ ~[PC] (Silence him with a kiss, moving against him, building your pleasure.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",4)~ + a3639 /* ROM_PULSE_DEEP_GRUNT */ END IF ~~ a3699 /* FRONT_TO_ARAN_FINGERS */ SAY ~[ARAN] Th' feel o' you, th' scent o' you... gods, I want...~ + ~RandomNum(6,6)~ + ~[PC] Aran... tell me what you want. What do you want to do with me?~ + a3783 /* ANYWAYYOULIKEIT_3783 */ + ~RandomNum(6,5)~ + ~[PC] Aran... tell me what you want. What do you want to do with me?~ + a3785 /* ANYWAYYOULIKEIT_3785 */ + ~RandomNum(6,4)~ + ~[PC] Aran... tell me what you want. What do you want to do with me?~ + a3786 /* ANYWAYYOULIKEIT_3786 */ + ~RandomNum(6,3)~ + ~[PC] Aran... tell me what you want. What do you want to do with me?~ + a3787 /* ANYWAYYOULIKEIT_3787 */ + ~RandomNum(6,2)~ + ~[PC] Aran... tell me what you want. What do you want to do with me?~ + a3788 /* ANYWAYYOULIKEIT_3788 */ + ~RandomNum(6,1)~ + ~[PC] Aran... tell me what you want. What do you want to do with me?~ + a3789 /* ANYWAYYOULIKEIT_3789 */ + ~RandomNum(5,1)~ + ~[PC] I... I have changed my mind. (Get up and cover yourself, pushing him away.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3514 /* SOLID_STOP1 */ + ~RandomNum(5,2)~ + ~[PC] I... I have changed my mind. (Get up and cover yourself, pushing him away.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3515 /* SOLID_STOP2 */ + ~RandomNum(5,3)~ + ~[PC] I... I have changed my mind. (Get up and cover yourself, pushing him away.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3516 /* SOLID_STOP3 */ + ~RandomNum(5,4)~ + ~[PC] I... I have changed my mind. (Get up and cover yourself, pushing him away.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3517 /* ROM_TWO_HARD_TO_STOP_GENTLEMAN */ + ~RandomNum(5,5)~ + ~[PC] I... I have changed my mind. (Get up and cover yourself, pushing him away.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3518 /* FIGHT_START */ ++ ~[PC] Aran... just kisses. I only want kisses. We have to slow down.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3696 /* QUICK_END_FADEOUT */ ++ ~[PC] There are lots of ways to give pleasure, you know. (Roll quickly so that your lips are caressing his manhood, his your intimacy.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",3)~ + a3696 /* QUICK_END_FADEOUT */ + ~RandomNum(5,1)~ + ~[PC] Wait... I think we have gone too far. You should go.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3514 /* SOLID_STOP1 */ + ~RandomNum(5,2)~ + ~[PC] Wait... I think we have gone too far. You should go.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3515 /* SOLID_STOP2 */ + ~RandomNum(5,3)~ + ~[PC] Wait... I think we have gone too far. You should go.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3516 /* SOLID_STOP3 */ + ~RandomNum(5,4)~ + ~[PC] Wait... I think we have gone too far. You should go.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3517 /* ROM_TWO_HARD_TO_STOP_GENTLEMAN */ + ~RandomNum(5,5)~ + ~[PC] Wait... I think we have gone too far. You should go.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3518 /* FIGHT_START */ ++ ~[PC] (Accept his fingers playing about you, in you, rocking steadily against him.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",3)~ + a3796 /* WATCH_ME_BE_HAPPY */ ++ ~[PC] (Spread yourself as wide as you can, opening yourself fully to his advancing fingers.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",3)~ + a3796 /* WATCH_ME_BE_HAPPY */ ++ ~[PC] I think you should replace those fingers with something else.~ + a3694 /* FRONT_TO_ARAN_PULSE */ END IF ~~ a3796 /* WATCH_ME_BE_HAPPY */ SAY ~[ARAN] His eyes light with desire, his breath hot on your body as he responds to your pleasure.)~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a3699 /* FRONT_TO_ARAN_FINGERS */ END IF ~~ a3694 /* FRONT_TO_ARAN_PULSE */ SAY ~[ARAN] (There is a moment of hesitation as you study each other's reactions, eyes widening and eyelashes fluttering, breath in random intake, heads thrown back against the feel of him slowly entering you.)~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a3702 /* TOP_END_RELEASE */ END IF ~~ a3703 /* BACK_TO_ARAN_GUIDE */ SAY ~[ARAN] (His wordless groan fills your senses as his hands smooth upward along your backbone, matching his progress within you. They caress and smooth, even as he finds his rhythm, pushing you gently forward again and again.)~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a3702 /* TOP_END_RELEASE */ END IF ~~ a3532 /* FRONT_TO_ARAN1 */ SAY ~[ARAN] (His gentle motion forward pauses as he looks deeply into your eyes... and then he rolls you in his arms, catching both wrists as he towers above you.)~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a3397 /* PC_ON_BACK_ONE */ END // LAST = a3796, next a3797 IF ~~ a3531 /* FRONT_TO_ARAN2 */ SAY ~[ARAN] (His gentle motion forward stops, then starts, and his eyes widen at the sight of the tip of his manhood pressing close to you. He plays with your lips gently, fingers at your mouth, and something decidedly harder at your other lips.)~ ++ ~[PC] (You lift one leg up, resting it on top of his hip, letting the play continue.)~ + a3530 /* FRONT_TO_ARAN3 */ ++ ~[PC] (You roll onto your back, gazing steadily at him, daring him to make the next move.)~ + a3397 /* PC_ON_BACK_ONE */ ++ ~[PC] (You move quickly onto him, wrapping one leg around him and striving after your pleasure.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",4)~ + a3702 /* TOP_END_RELEASE */ + ~RandomNum(5,1)~ + ~[PC] I... I have changed my mind. (Get up and cover yourself, pushing him away.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3514 /* SOLID_STOP1 */ + ~RandomNum(5,2)~ + ~[PC] I... I have changed my mind. (Get up and cover yourself, pushing him away.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3515 /* SOLID_STOP2 */ + ~RandomNum(5,3)~ + ~[PC] I... I have changed my mind. (Get up and cover yourself, pushing him away.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3516 /* SOLID_STOP3 */ + ~RandomNum(5,4)~ + ~[PC] I... I have changed my mind. (Get up and cover yourself, pushing him away.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3517 /* ROM_TWO_HARD_TO_STOP_GENTLEMAN */ + ~RandomNum(5,5)~ + ~[PC] I... I have changed my mind. (Get up and cover yourself, pushing him away.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3518 /* FIGHT_START */ ++ ~[PC] Aran... just kisses. I only want kisses. We have to slow down.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3696 /* QUICK_END_FADEOUT */ ++ ~[PC] There are lots of ways to give pleasure, you know. (Roll quickly so that your lips are caressing his manhood, his your intimacy.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",3)~ + a3696 /* QUICK_END_FADEOUT */ + ~RandomNum(5,1)~ + ~[PC] Wait... I think we have gone too far. You should go.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3514 /* SOLID_STOP1 */ + ~RandomNum(5,2)~ + ~[PC] Wait... I think we have gone too far. You should go.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3515 /* SOLID_STOP2 */ + ~RandomNum(5,3)~ + ~[PC] Wait... I think we have gone too far. You should go.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3516 /* SOLID_STOP3 */ + ~RandomNum(5,4)~ + ~[PC] Wait... I think we have gone too far. You should go.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3517 /* ROM_TWO_HARD_TO_STOP_GENTLEMAN */ + ~RandomNum(5,5)~ + ~[PC] Wait... I think we have gone too far. You should go.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3518 /* FIGHT_START */ ++ ~[PC] (Accept his advancing thrust, rocking steadily against him, thighs gripping and releasing as you seek your pleasure.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",4)~ + a3639 /* ROM_PULSE_DEEP_GRUNT */ ++ ~[PC] (Spread yourself as wide as you can, opening yourself fully to his advances.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",4)~ + a3697 /* ROM_CLIMAX_CLIMB_DEEP */ ++ ~[PC] Look down, Aran. You are inside. Well, part of you is... oh! Yes. Now all of you.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",4)~ + a3639 /* ROM_PULSE_DEEP_GRUNT */ ++ ~[PC] (Silence him with a kiss, moving against him, building your pleasure.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",4)~ + a3639 /* ROM_PULSE_DEEP_GRUNT */ IF ~RandomNum(9,9) Global("c-aransecondguess","GLOBAL",0)~ THEN GOTO a3794 /* SECOND_GUESS */ END IF ~~ a3530 /* FRONT_TO_ARAN3 */ SAY ~[ARAN] This be teasin' me somethin' fierce. An' judgin' by your reaction, neither one o' us can stand much more o' this.~ + ~RandomNum(5,1)~ + ~[PC] I... I have changed my mind. (Get up and cover yourself, pushing him away.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3514 /* SOLID_STOP1 */ + ~RandomNum(5,2)~ + ~[PC] I... I have changed my mind. (Get up and cover yourself, pushing him away.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3515 /* SOLID_STOP2 */ + ~RandomNum(5,3)~ + ~[PC] I... I have changed my mind. (Get up and cover yourself, pushing him away.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3516 /* SOLID_STOP3 */ + ~RandomNum(5,4)~ + ~[PC] I... I have changed my mind. (Get up and cover yourself, pushing him away.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3517 /* ROM_TWO_HARD_TO_STOP_GENTLEMAN */ + ~RandomNum(5,5)~ + ~[PC] I... I have changed my mind. (Get up and cover yourself, pushing him away.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3518 /* FIGHT_START */ ++ ~[PC] Aran... just kisses. I only want kisses. We have to slow down.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3696 /* QUICK_END_FADEOUT */ ++ ~[PC] There are lots of ways to give pleasure, you know. (Roll quickly so that your lips are caressing his manhood, his your intimacy.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",3)~ + a3696 /* QUICK_END_FADEOUT */ + ~RandomNum(5,1)~ + ~[PC] Wait... I think we have gone too far. You should go.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3514 /* SOLID_STOP1 */ + ~RandomNum(5,2)~ + ~[PC] Wait... I think we have gone too far. You should go.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3515 /* SOLID_STOP2 */ + ~RandomNum(5,3)~ + ~[PC] Wait... I think we have gone too far. You should go.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3516 /* SOLID_STOP3 */ + ~RandomNum(5,4)~ + ~[PC] Wait... I think we have gone too far. You should go.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3517 /* ROM_TWO_HARD_TO_STOP_GENTLEMAN */ + ~RandomNum(5,5)~ + ~[PC] Wait... I think we have gone too far. You should go.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3518 /* FIGHT_START */ ++ ~[PC] (Accept his advancing thrust, rocking steadily against him, thighs gripping and releasing as you seek your pleasure.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",4)~ + a3639 /* ROM_PULSE_DEEP_GRUNT */ ++ ~[PC] (You look to where your bodies are joined, savoring his slow but steady invasion.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",4)~ + a3697 /* ROM_CLIMAX_CLIMB_DEEP */ ++ ~[PC] Oh. Faster. I can feel you tensing...~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",4)~ + a3639 /* ROM_PULSE_DEEP_GRUNT */ ++ ~[PC] (Silence him with a kiss, moving against him, building your pleasure.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",4)~ + a3639 /* ROM_PULSE_DEEP_GRUNT */ + ~RandomNum(6,6)~ + ~[PC] Aran... tell me what you want. What do you want to do with me?~ + a3783 /* ANYWAYYOULIKEIT_3783 */ + ~RandomNum(6,5)~ + ~[PC] Aran... tell me what you want. What do you want to do with me?~ + a3785 /* ANYWAYYOULIKEIT_3785 */ + ~RandomNum(6,4)~ + ~[PC] Aran... tell me what you want. What do you want to do with me?~ + a3786 /* ANYWAYYOULIKEIT_3786 */ + ~RandomNum(6,3)~ + ~[PC] Aran... tell me what you want. What do you want to do with me?~ + a3787 /* ANYWAYYOULIKEIT_3787 */ + ~RandomNum(6,2)~ + ~[PC] Aran... tell me what you want. What do you want to do with me?~ + a3788 /* ANYWAYYOULIKEIT_3788 */ + ~RandomNum(6,1)~ + ~[PC] Aran... tell me what you want. What do you want to do with me?~ + a3789 /* ANYWAYYOULIKEIT_3789 */ IF ~RandomNum(9,9) Global("c-aransecondguess","GLOBAL",0)~ THEN GOTO a3794 /* SECOND_GUESS */ END IF ~~ a3529 /* FRONT_TO_ARAN4 */ SAY ~[ARAN] (His kiss is lingering, fierce.) I think I'd best stop talkin', an' let my body make th' communicatin'.~ + ~RandomNum(5,1)~ + ~[PC] I... I have changed my mind. (Get up and cover yourself, pushing him away.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3514 /* SOLID_STOP1 */ + ~RandomNum(5,2)~ + ~[PC] I... I have changed my mind. (Get up and cover yourself, pushing him away.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3515 /* SOLID_STOP2 */ + ~RandomNum(5,3)~ + ~[PC] I... I have changed my mind. (Get up and cover yourself, pushing him away.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3516 /* SOLID_STOP3 */ + ~RandomNum(5,4)~ + ~[PC] I... I have changed my mind. (Get up and cover yourself, pushing him away.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3517 /* ROM_TWO_HARD_TO_STOP_GENTLEMAN */ + ~RandomNum(5,5)~ + ~[PC] I... I have changed my mind. (Get up and cover yourself, pushing him away.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3518 /* FIGHT_START */ ++ ~[PC] Aran... just kisses. I only want kisses. We have to slow down.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3696 /* QUICK_END_FADEOUT */ ++ ~[PC] There are lots of ways to give pleasure, you know. (Roll quickly so that your lips are caressing his manhood, his your intimacy.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",3)~ + a3696 /* QUICK_END_FADEOUT */ + ~RandomNum(5,1)~ + ~[PC] Wait... I think we have gone too far. You should go.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3514 /* SOLID_STOP1 */ + ~RandomNum(5,2)~ + ~[PC] Wait... I think we have gone too far. You should go.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3515 /* SOLID_STOP2 */ + ~RandomNum(5,3)~ + ~[PC] Wait... I think we have gone too far. You should go.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3516 /* SOLID_STOP3 */ + ~RandomNum(5,4)~ + ~[PC] Wait... I think we have gone too far. You should go.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3517 /* ROM_TWO_HARD_TO_STOP_GENTLEMAN */ + ~RandomNum(5,5)~ + ~[PC] Wait... I think we have gone too far. You should go.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3518 /* FIGHT_START */ ++ ~[PC] (Accept his advancing thrust, rocking steadily against him, thighs gripping and releasing as you seek your pleasure.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",4)~ + a3639 /* ROM_PULSE_DEEP_GRUNT */ ++ ~[PC] (Spread yourself as wide as you can, opening yourself fully to his advances.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",4)~ + a3697 /* ROM_CLIMAX_CLIMB_DEEP */ ++ ~[PC] Look down, Aran. You are inside. Well, part of you is... oh! Yes. Now all of you.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",4)~ + a3639 /* ROM_PULSE_DEEP_GRUNT */ ++ ~[PC] (Silence him with a kiss, moving against him, building your pleasure.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",4)~ + a3639 /* ROM_PULSE_DEEP_GRUNT */ IF ~RandomNum(9,9) Global("c-aransecondguess","GLOBAL",0)~ THEN GOTO a3794 /* SECOND_GUESS */ END IF ~~ a3528 /* FRONT_TO_ARAN5 */ SAY ~[ARAN] (His kiss is lingering, fierce.) I think I'd best stop talkin', an' let my body make th' communicatin'.~ + ~RandomNum(5,1)~ + ~[PC] I... I have changed my mind. (Get up and cover yourself, pushing him away.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3514 /* SOLID_STOP1 */ + ~RandomNum(5,2)~ + ~[PC] I... I have changed my mind. (Get up and cover yourself, pushing him away.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3515 /* SOLID_STOP2 */ + ~RandomNum(5,3)~ + ~[PC] I... I have changed my mind. (Get up and cover yourself, pushing him away.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3516 /* SOLID_STOP3 */ + ~RandomNum(5,4)~ + ~[PC] I... I have changed my mind. (Get up and cover yourself, pushing him away.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3517 /* ROM_TWO_HARD_TO_STOP_GENTLEMAN */ + ~RandomNum(5,5)~ + ~[PC] I... I have changed my mind. (Get up and cover yourself, pushing him away.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3518 /* FIGHT_START */ ++ ~[PC] Aran... just kisses. I only want kisses. We have to slow down.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3696 /* QUICK_END_FADEOUT */ ++ ~[PC] There are lots of ways to give pleasure, you know. (Roll quickly so that your lips are caressing his manhood, his your intimacy.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",3)~ + a3696 /* QUICK_END_FADEOUT */ + ~RandomNum(6,6)~ + ~[PC] Aran... tell me what you want. What do you want to do with me?~ + a3783 /* ANYWAYYOULIKEIT_3783 */ + ~RandomNum(6,5)~ + ~[PC] Aran... tell me what you want. What do you want to do with me?~ + a3785 /* ANYWAYYOULIKEIT_3785 */ + ~RandomNum(6,4)~ + ~[PC] Aran... tell me what you want. What do you want to do with me?~ + a3786 /* ANYWAYYOULIKEIT_3786 */ + ~RandomNum(6,3)~ + ~[PC] Aran... tell me what you want. What do you want to do with me?~ + a3787 /* ANYWAYYOULIKEIT_3787 */ + ~RandomNum(6,2)~ + ~[PC] Aran... tell me what you want. What do you want to do with me?~ + a3788 /* ANYWAYYOULIKEIT_3788 */ + ~RandomNum(6,1)~ + ~[PC] Aran... tell me what you want. What do you want to do with me?~ + a3789 /* ANYWAYYOULIKEIT_3789 */ + ~RandomNum(5,1)~ + ~[PC] Wait... I think we have gone too far. You should go.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3514 /* SOLID_STOP1 */ + ~RandomNum(5,2)~ + ~[PC] Wait... I think we have gone too far. You should go.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3515 /* SOLID_STOP2 */ + ~RandomNum(5,3)~ + ~[PC] Wait... I think we have gone too far. You should go.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3516 /* SOLID_STOP3 */ + ~RandomNum(5,4)~ + ~[PC] Wait... I think we have gone too far. You should go.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3517 /* ROM_TWO_HARD_TO_STOP_GENTLEMAN */ + ~RandomNum(5,5)~ + ~[PC] Wait... I think we have gone too far. You should go.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3518 /* FIGHT_START */ ++ ~[PC] (Accept his advancing thrust, rocking steadily against him, thighs gripping and releasing as you seek your pleasure.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",4)~ + a3639 /* ROM_PULSE_DEEP_GRUNT */ ++ ~[PC] (Spread yourself as wide as you can, opening yourself fully to his advances.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",4)~ + a3697 /* ROM_CLIMAX_CLIMB_DEEP */ ++ ~[PC] Look down, Aran. You are inside. Well, part of you is... oh! Yes. Now all of you.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",4)~ + a3639 /* ROM_PULSE_DEEP_GRUNT */ ++ ~[PC] (Silence him with a kiss, moving against him, building your pleasure.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",4)~ + a3639 /* ROM_PULSE_DEEP_GRUNT */ IF ~RandomNum(9,9) Global("c-aransecondguess","GLOBAL",0)~ THEN GOTO a3794 /* SECOND_GUESS */ END IF ~~ a3527 /* FRONT_TO_ARAN6 */ SAY ~[ARAN] I want you. All o' you. Now.~ + ~RandomNum(5,1)~ + ~[PC] I... I have changed my mind. (Get up and cover yourself, pushing him away.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3514 /* SOLID_STOP1 */ + ~RandomNum(5,2)~ + ~[PC] I... I have changed my mind. (Get up and cover yourself, pushing him away.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3515 /* SOLID_STOP2 */ + ~RandomNum(5,3)~ + ~[PC] I... I have changed my mind. (Get up and cover yourself, pushing him away.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3516 /* SOLID_STOP3 */ + ~RandomNum(5,4)~ + ~[PC] I... I have changed my mind. (Get up and cover yourself, pushing him away.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3517 /* ROM_TWO_HARD_TO_STOP_GENTLEMAN */ + ~RandomNum(5,5)~ + ~[PC] I... I have changed my mind. (Get up and cover yourself, pushing him away.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3518 /* FIGHT_START */ ++ ~[PC] Aran... just kisses. I only want kisses. We have to slow down.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3696 /* QUICK_END_FADEOUT */ ++ ~[PC] There are lots of ways to give pleasure, you know. (Roll quickly so that your lips are caressing his manhood, his your intimacy.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",3)~ + a3696 /* QUICK_END_FADEOUT */ + ~RandomNum(5,1)~ + ~[PC] Wait... I think we have gone too far. You should go.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3514 /* SOLID_STOP1 */ + ~RandomNum(5,2)~ + ~[PC] Wait... I think we have gone too far. You should go.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3515 /* SOLID_STOP2 */ + ~RandomNum(5,3)~ + ~[PC] Wait... I think we have gone too far. You should go.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3516 /* SOLID_STOP3 */ + ~RandomNum(5,4)~ + ~[PC] Wait... I think we have gone too far. You should go.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3517 /* ROM_TWO_HARD_TO_STOP_GENTLEMAN */ + ~RandomNum(5,5)~ + ~[PC] Wait... I think we have gone too far. You should go.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3518 /* FIGHT_START */ ++ ~[PC] (Accept his advancing thrust, rocking steadily against him, thighs gripping and releasing as you seek your pleasure.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",4)~ + a3639 /* ROM_PULSE_DEEP_GRUNT */ ++ ~[PC] (Spread yourself as wide as you can, opening yourself fully to his advances.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",4)~ + a3697 /* ROM_CLIMAX_CLIMB_DEEP */ ++ ~[PC] Look down, Aran. You are inside. Well, part of you is... oh! Yes. Now all of you.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",4)~ + a3639 /* ROM_PULSE_DEEP_GRUNT */ ++ ~[PC] (Silence him with a kiss, moving against him, building your pleasure.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",4)~ + a3639 /* ROM_PULSE_DEEP_GRUNT */ END IF ~~ a3552 /* ARAN_ON_TOP_ONE */ SAY ~[ARAN] I do love it when your ankles be tucked behind my back like that. I think I needs be inside o' you, judgin' by th' way your heels keep pressin' at me.~ ++ ~[PC] Stop... talking... and... MOVE!~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",4)~ + a3716 /* NO_TALK_JUST_THRUST */ ++ ~[PC] Aran... just kisses. I only want kisses. We have to slow down.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3696 /* QUICK_END_FADEOUT */ ++ ~[PC] There are lots of ways to give pleasure, you know. (Roll quickly so that your lips are caressing his manhood, his your intimacy.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",3)~ + a3696 /* QUICK_END_FADEOUT */ + ~RandomNum(5,1)~ + ~[PC] I... I have changed my mind. (Get up and cover yourself, pushing him away.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3514 /* SOLID_STOP1 */ + ~RandomNum(5,2)~ + ~[PC] I... I have changed my mind. (Get up and cover yourself, pushing him away.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3515 /* SOLID_STOP2 */ + ~RandomNum(5,3)~ + ~[PC] I... I have changed my mind. (Get up and cover yourself, pushing him away.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3516 /* SOLID_STOP3 */ + ~RandomNum(5,4)~ + ~[PC] I... I have changed my mind. (Get up and cover yourself, pushing him away.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3517 /* ROM_TWO_HARD_TO_STOP_GENTLEMAN */ + ~RandomNum(5,5)~ + ~[PC] I... I have changed my mind. (Get up and cover yourself, pushing him away.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3518 /* FIGHT_START */ ++ ~[PC] (Rock steadily against him, thighs gripping and releasing as you seek your pleasure.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",4)~ + a3639 /* ROM_PULSE_DEEP_GRUNT */ ++ ~[PC] (Spread yourself as wide as you can, opening yourself fully to his advances.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",4)~ + a3697 /* ROM_CLIMAX_CLIMB_DEEP */ ++ ~[PC] Look down, Aran. You are inside. Well, part of you is... oh! Yes. Now all of you.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",4)~ + a3639 /* ROM_PULSE_DEEP_GRUNT */ ++ ~[PC] (Silence him with a kiss, moving against him, building your pleasure.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",4)~ + a3639 /* ROM_PULSE_DEEP_GRUNT */ END IF ~~ a3716 /* NO_TALK_JUST_THRUST */ SAY ~[ARAN] (His answer is a sharp drive, almost savage in intensity. He steadies himself, watching your face as he absorbs the feeling of your bodies moving together in close rhythm.)~ IF ~RandomNum(4,4)~ THEN GOTO a3389 /* ENDGAME_OF_TEASING */ IF ~RandomNum(4,3)~ THEN GOTO a3702 /* TOP_END_RELEASE */ IF ~RandomNum(4,2)~ THEN GOTO a3695 /* ROM_FINAL_TWO */ IF ~RandomNum(4,1)~ THEN GOTO a3704 /* ARAN_MOON_SLEEP_4_EXIT */ END IF ~~ a3553 /* ARAN_ON_TOP_TWO */ SAY ~[ARAN] (Slowly, gently, he presses into your depths, resting only when your eyes tell him enough. Just as slowly, he withdraws, watching your every reaction.)~ IF ~RandomNum(4,4)~ THEN GOTO a3389 /* ENDGAME_OF_TEASING */ IF ~RandomNum(4,3)~ THEN GOTO a3702 /* TOP_END_RELEASE */ IF ~RandomNum(4,2)~ THEN GOTO a3695 /* ROM_FINAL_TWO */ IF ~RandomNum(4,1)~ THEN GOTO a3704 /* ARAN_MOON_SLEEP_4_EXIT */ END IF ~~ a3554 /* ARAN_ON_TOP_THREE */ SAY ~[ARAN] (His rough breath and scent fills your senses as he enters you.)~ IF ~RandomNum(4,4)~ THEN GOTO a3389 /* ENDGAME_OF_TEASING */ IF ~RandomNum(4,3)~ THEN GOTO a3702 /* TOP_END_RELEASE */ IF ~RandomNum(4,2)~ THEN GOTO a3695 /* ROM_FINAL_TWO */ IF ~RandomNum(4,1)~ THEN GOTO a3704 /* ARAN_MOON_SLEEP_4_EXIT */ END IF ~~ a3555 /* ARAN_ON_TOP_FOUR */ SAY ~[ARAN] (His breath whispers warmth and lust at the base of your throat as he moves between your thighs, by turns gentle and savage.)~ IF ~RandomNum(4,4)~ THEN GOTO a3389 /* ENDGAME_OF_TEASING */ IF ~RandomNum(4,3)~ THEN GOTO a3702 /* TOP_END_RELEASE */ IF ~RandomNum(4,2)~ THEN GOTO a3695 /* ROM_FINAL_TWO */ IF ~RandomNum(4,1)~ THEN GOTO a3704 /* ARAN_MOON_SLEEP_4_EXIT */ END /* static endings */ /* Having trouble with dictating PC actions; valid feedback reminded me that less control of PC is a darned good thing. But at some point, to write a scene, there has to be some "taking over" of PC if we are going to give her a story that makes sense. So, some 'scripted' byplays, only available when a PC specifically turns over control to Aran. */ IF ~~ a3506 /* SEX_SCENE_ONE */ SAY ~[ARAN] (His hands are rough hewn but gentle as they lay you down. What little stands between you is gently removed, your nudity flowering to his sight. His breath is warm as he kisses here, there, everywhere... a gentle play in the garden that is your body.)~ = ~[ARAN] (His body is lean and muscular as he towers above you, the taut muscles of his abdomen flexing as he positions himself. The long black curling tail of his dragon tattoo draws an arrow to where you both meet, his manhood just barely kissing your most intimate charms.)~ = ~[ARAN] (His eyes are pools of desire as he fills you, his lovemaking a sonnet to you.)~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranpcbedding","LOCALS",1) SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",4)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a3507 /* SEX_SCENE_TWO */ SAY ~[ARAN] (Hands here, an elbow there, and an awkward moment as cloth catches and tugs... You lie together, with no barriers to the sight or sound of each other. With fierce ardor, he takes you, his body moving with yours. This is no random act of lust - he actively seeks your pleasure. Like a hunter stalking his quarry, he hunts by feel, teasing and withholding until you demand your release.)~ = ~[ARAN] (Then, with a laughing, exulting grin, he claims the hunt. His eyes widen in surprise as you turn from hunted to hunter, moving quickly on him and catching him off guard. His startled expression tightens to the wonder of release, and he falls forward onto you with crushing weight for a moment before he can recover himself and roll you in his arms. There can be no doubt that neither of you will move far for several hours.)~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranpcbedding","LOCALS",2) SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",4)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a3508 /* SEX_SCENE_THREE */ SAY ~[ARAN] (There is gentle tugging and the hushed whisper of cloth and voice as you seek to reveal yourselves to each other fully. With slow intensity, he enters you, body straining to move gently. There is deep tenderness in his lovemaking as you move together, and a pace so slow that his body trembles as he rises and falls above you.)~ = ~[ARAN] (Eventually his passion claims victims of desire, and he rests, hot and spent, holding you firmly within his sheltering arms.)~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranpcbedding","LOCALS",3) SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",4)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a3509 /* SEX_SCENE_FOUR */ SAY ~[ARAN] (The warmth of his lips, touching you in places hidden from strangers. The rough tickle of his cheek, scraping soft skin. The acrid smell of sweat, somehow sweet; the rumble of his laughter when you move against him. The sudden silence as he enters you.)~ = ~[ARAN] (The delicious pressure where none ordinarily finds itself. The beating of hearts, the relentless pounding rhythm, the sudden catch of breath... his eyes, intense, demanding, beseeching...)~ = ~[ARAN] (Release.)~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranpcbedding","LOCALS",4) SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",4)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a3510 /* SEX_SCENE_FIVE */ SAY ~[ARAN] (His desire is immense, and anything between you falls to his advances like wheat to a scythe. With a guttural roar, he claims you. You feel your defenses breached as he invades your body with sharp, fierce thrusts.)~ = ~[ARAN] (No veneer of civilization can mask his raw lust as he towers above you and lifts you, your arms tight around his neck as your body brushes against him again and again.)~ = ~[ARAN] (His ardor tempers slightly as he waits for you, delaying his release for as long as he can, until at last he surrenders to the sensations. With a satisfied grumble he tumbles to lie beside you, his head falling on your navel; his hair spilling across your chest. It is a heavy weight, but warm.)~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranpcbedding","LOCALS",5) SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",4)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a3511 /* SEX_SCENE_SIX */ SAY ~[ARAN] (He resists your hands at first, allowing you little access as his hands roam wherever they please. His laughter is gentle and playful until your frustration escalates into a solid spank along his flank.)~ = ~[ARAN] (With a startled oath, he rolls you quickly over his knees, his return spank more of a gentle tap. Before long you are both mock fighting, wrestling for position.)~ = ~[ARAN] (When things line up, it is almost by accident that you both claim each other, breathless and startling and playful. Perhaps not the most earth-shattering of passions, but something much more intimate, and gratifying.)~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranpcbedding","LOCALS",6) SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",4)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a3512 /* SEX_SCENE_SEVEN */ SAY ~[ARAN] (His breath is hot on your skin as he rolls you onto your front. His hands knead, massage your lower back, then your shoulders as he works carefully to show his desire through his palms. Another presence soon makes itself felt, lying along your thigh, gently pressing and retreating, teasing...)~ = ~[ARAN] (And then he thrusts into you. No words, just the tickle of his tongue as it runs along your neck, your spine. His hardness retreats, advances, retreats within you. His body rises over your back and he arcs into you, massaging hands forgotten as another form of pleasuring takes its place.)~ = ~[ARAN] (When at last he stiffens and holds himself still within you, his sigh of release is a warm tickle in your ear.)~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranpcbedding","LOCALS",7) SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",4)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a3513 /* SEX_SCENE_EIGHT */ SAY ~[ARAN] (The passions of well versed lovers fill your senses as you explore each other and push the boundaries of your lovemaking.)~ = ~[ARAN] (By turns shy, adventurous, and even playful, the map of your lover's body is worn into your senses the way Candlekeep's innermost secrets live within your memories, and when he rest with you in his arms, his smile is tired but satisfied.)~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranpcbedding","LOCALS",0) SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",4)~ EXIT END /* climax and climax/ending combinations */ IF ~~ a3546 /* ROM_PULSE_DEEP_FACE */ SAY ~[ARAN] (His arms lock behind your neck as he maneuvers you, his thrusts pinning you to him. Their savagery increases as he rides his desire, his face curiously grim as he locks his gaze to yours, eye to eye. You can see them unfocus slightly, and then regain their lock on yours just as you feel his hips press harder against you... and you can feel a warmth leaping within you.)~ ++ ~[PC] Again.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",4)~ + a3462 /* DEATH_OF_ME */ ++ ~[PC] (Gently cuddle up to him, resting comfortably, feeling the heaving of his chest and his gradually slowing breathing.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",4)~ + a3706 /* DIE_HAPPY_NOW */ ++ ~[PC] (Disengage yourself quickly and leave without a word.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",4)~ EXIT ++ ~[PC] (Begin moving, pelvis flexing as you play with him deep inside you, gaining your momentum.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",4)~ + a3705 /* SECOND_TIMES_THE_CHARM */ ++ ~[PC] Now that was... exciting. Perhaps someday we should try this again.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",4)~ + a3706 /* DIE_HAPPY_NOW */ ++ ~[PC] Too little endurance. You should be able to outlast me two or three to one. If there is a "next time", you should try for a better result.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",4)~ + a3462 /* DEATH_OF_ME */ END IF ~~ a3682 /* ROM_PULSE_DEEP_ABOVE_ONE */ SAY ~[ARAN] (He rises to his knees, his abdominal muscles a rock wall as he supports you even as he drives forward into you. His forearms are strong as they lift you, holding you tightly around your waist, his movement within you unceasing. His lips find your breasts, then your neck, and the quite suddenly his face is pulling away from yours with a curious strain spreading across it.)~ ++ ~[PC] Oh. I feel it. I feel you. Gods, you are so strong...~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",4)~ + a3695 /* ROM_FINAL_TWO */ ++ ~[PC] (Give in to your pleasure, letting the waves crash around you and through you as you find your release.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",4)~ + a3695 /* ROM_FINAL_TWO */ ++ ~[PC] (Stretch back over his arms, back arching in pleasure as you feel him spending himself within you.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",4)~ + a3695 /* ROM_FINAL_TWO */ ++ ~[PC] (Shower him with a frenzy of kisses, urging him on, demanding his attention as he fills you completely.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",4)~ + a3695 /* ROM_FINAL_TWO */ ++ ~[PC] Hey, be careful... this is...~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",4)~ + a3695 /* ROM_FINAL_TWO */ END IF ~~ a3798 /* ROM_PULSE_DEEP_ABOVE_TWO */ SAY ~[ARAN] (His hands find purchase on the surface beneath you. His forearms are strong and muscular under each of your armpits and pressing along the sides of your breasts, holding you close as he rises above you. You can look down and see the movement you can feel as his smooth chest barely brushes your nipples, and his manhood thrusts boldly into you.)~ ++ ~[PC] Oh. I feel it. That is... so warm. Faster!~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",4)~ + a3695 /* ROM_FINAL_TWO */ ++ ~[PC] (Give in to your pleasure, letting the waves crash around you and through you as you find your release.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",4)~ + a3695 /* ROM_FINAL_TWO */ ++ ~[PC] (Lock your arms around his neck, wordlessly begging for a kiss as he quests inside you.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",4)~ + a3695 /* ROM_FINAL_TWO */ ++ ~[PC] (Stretch back against him, opening your thighs as far as you are able, pressing your cheek to his chest.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",4)~ + a3695 /* ROM_FINAL_TWO */ END IF ~~ a3686 /* ROM_PULSE_MUTUAL_PLEASURE */ SAY ~[ARAN] (His fingers tease at you, roughening in their play as he shudders at your touch, growing bolder on you and in you. His kisses are frenzied for a moment, but then he pulls away slightly, his body as taught as a bowstring. The hardness that fills your hand jumps once, twice, again, again... his groan of release a deep rumble that seems to shake his entire body.)~ ++ ~[PC] Oh. I feel it. That is... so warm.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",3)~ + a3707 /* ROM_FINAL_ONE */ ++ ~[PC] (Disengage yourself quickly and leave without a word.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",3)~ EXIT ++ ~[PC] (Give in to your own pleasure, letting the waves crash around you and through you as you find your release.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",3)~ + a3707 /* ROM_FINAL_ONE */ ++ ~[PC] (Lean forward and gently kiss his forehead, then rest against him, his flushed chest a comfortable pillow.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",3)~ + a3707 /* ROM_FINAL_ONE */ ++ ~[PC] Well that is a very nice way to pass a little time. I think I have found a very enjoyable way to exercise.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",4)~ + a3707 /* ROM_FINAL_ONE */ END IF ~~ a3680 /* ROM_PULSE_DEEP_LIFT can be from intercourse or from heavy petting so set intimacy level elsewhere */ SAY ~[ARAN] (His hands run wild, caressing your waist, your sides, your breasts... suddenly they grip behind your head and he strains upward underneath you, mouth frozen in a silent grimace of pleasure.)~ ++ ~[PC] Oh. I feel it. That is... so warm.~ + a3707 /* ROM_FINAL_ONE */ ++ ~[PC] (Disengage yourself quickly and leave without a word.)~ EXIT ++ ~[PC] (Give in to your pleasure, letting the waves crash around you and through you as you find your release.)~ + a3707 /* ROM_FINAL_ONE */ ++ ~[PC] (Lean forward and gently kiss his forehead, then rest against him, his flushed chest a comfortable bed.)~ + a3707 /* ROM_FINAL_ONE */ ++ ~[PC] Well, that is a very nice way to pass a little time. I think I have found a very enjoyable way to exercise.~ + a3707 /* ROM_FINAL_ONE */ END IF ~~ a3639 /* ROM_PULSE_DEEP_GRUNT */ SAY ~[ARAN] (His hands grip your waist with tightness almost cruel in its intensity. You are held fast, his desire unleashed, as you feel the warmth of his offering to you begin to spread from where you are both joined.)~ ++ ~[PC] Again.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",4)~ + a3462 /* DEATH_OF_ME */ ++ ~[PC] (Gently cuddle up to him, resting comfortably, feeling the heaving of his chest and his gradually slowing breathing.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",4)~ + a3706 /* DIE_HAPPY_NOW */ ++ ~[PC] (Get up quickly and leave without a word.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",4)~ EXIT ++ ~[PC] (Begin moving again, pelvis flexing as you play with him deep inside you, gaining your momentum.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",4)~ + a3705 /* SECOND_TIMES_THE_CHARM */ ++ ~[PC] Now that was... exciting. Perhaps someday we should try this again.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",4)~ + a3706 /* DIE_HAPPY_NOW */ ++ ~[PC] Too little endurance. You should be able to outlast me two or three to one. If there is a "next time", you should try for a better result.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",4)~ + a3462 /* DEATH_OF_ME */ END IF ~~ a3695 /* ROM_FINAL_TWO */ SAY ~[ARAN] (His climax is sudden, a quivering thrust that gives way becomes a series of small ones as he groans above you. The heaviness of his weight is just as surprising, but he rolls quickly to his side, sheltering you in his arms.)~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",4)~ GOTO a3708 /* ROM_FINAL_EXITING */ END IF ~~ a3697 /* ROM_CLIMAX_CLIMB_DEEP */ SAY ~[ARAN] (His chest rises and falls, moving apart from you as his arms lock around your neck, gradually drawing you into a tighter embrace. His lips catch and play at your breasts, seeking to soften their movement. His thrusts move ever fiercer, until he freezes, motionless, and you feel the pulse of his pleasure deep within you.)~ = ~[ARAN] (At last you both are spent, and you drift together in warm exhaustion.)~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",4)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a3709 /* LADIES_FIRST_PLEASE */ SAY ~[ARAN] Oh no, m'lady, I won't. Not before you do. I can... outlast... ~ = ~[ARAN] (His eyes widen as he watches yo, seeking to delay until he feels your pleasure peak.)~ = ~[ARAN] (His pace quickens, as does his breathing. He drives deep within you, suddenly stilling all motion, all time. The heat of his release fills you, his arms bands of iron holding you close as he shudders his delight.)~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",4)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a3705 /* SECOND_TIMES_THE_CHARM */ SAY ~[ARAN] Dear gods, , I'll give it a go, but it might take a bit o' time. I be no story character, you know, able to perform again instantlike.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a3389 /* ENDGAME_OF_TEASING */ SAY ~[ARAN] (There are no words, no gestures as he thrusts forward into you, then recedes until your bodies are barely touching, then thrusts again in delicious slowness. Tumbling together in the throes of lust and desire, you dominate and are dominated, are spent and filled and spent again. For one night, nothing exists but the game, hunter and hunted moving in the age old dance.)~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",4)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a3382 /* PC_FACE_DOWN_FINISH */ SAY ~[ARAN] (A pause, tension building ...and then your face is buried against the back of your hands, your forearms protecting your breasts from the surface beneath you as his savage push forward forces you down. His hands slam to either side of yours, his chest pressing down hard on your back. You can feel it, the heat and strength barely penetrating at your threshold, but there is little time to contemplate. He thrusts within you, filling you and covering you completely.)~ = ~[ARAN] (There are no words, no gestures as he takes you like a stallion mounting a mare in heat, possessing you. Tumbling together in the throes of lust, you dominate and are dominated, are spent and filled. For a time, nothing exists but your desires and your surrenders, each more intense than the last.)~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",4)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a3684 /* END_GAME_TOP */ SAY ~[ARAN] (There are no words, no gestures as you move over him, on him. Iron and velvet, the sweat and pulse of desire join you as you move together, apart, together again, until your heels are red, your thighs burn and his resolve crumbles. His body arcs rigid as he clasps both of your hands tightly above him, palm to palm, straining wordlessly upward within you. A sudden heat, a tickle growing stronger... a wave. Completion.)~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",4)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a3794 /* SECOND_GUESS */ SAY ~[ARAN] , hold on. I...~ = ~[ARAN] This be about th' most un-manly thing I could be sayin', but I just needs be askin'. Do this be for fun, or for serious? I think you inspire me wi' a bit more than just lust.~ ++ ~[PC] Like what?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aransecondguess","GLOBAL",1)~ + a3793 /* OH_FORGET_IT */ ++ ~[PC] Just fun. Is that a problem?~ + a3793 /* OH_FORGET_IT */ ++ ~[PC] You had to spoil this by talking. We were having so much fun.~ + a3793 /* OH_FORGET_IT */ ++ ~[PC] (Disentangle yourself, get up, and walk away.)~ EXIT ++ ~[PC] (Silence him by covering his mouth with kisses, driving yourself onto his manhood with increasing speed and force.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",4)~ + a3702 /* TOP_END_RELEASE */ END IF ~~ a3793 /* OH_FORGET_IT */ SAY ~[ARAN] Forget I spoke up, eh? I must be gods-blighted insane to start thinkin' when I have all o' you right under my thumb. Well, not so much thumb, as...~ ++ ~[PC] Stop... talking... and... MOVE!~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",4)~ + a3716 /* NO_TALK_JUST_THRUST */ ++ ~[PC] Aran... just kisses. I only want kisses. We have to slow down.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3696 /* QUICK_END_FADEOUT */ ++ ~[PC] There are lots of ways to give pleasure, you know. (Roll quickly so that your lips are caressing his manhood, his your intimacy.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",3)~ + a3696 /* QUICK_END_FADEOUT */ + ~RandomNum(5,1)~ + ~[PC] I... I have changed my mind. (Get up and cover yourself, pushing him away.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3514 /* SOLID_STOP1 */ + ~RandomNum(5,2)~ + ~[PC] I... I have changed my mind. (Get up and cover yourself, pushing him away.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3515 /* SOLID_STOP2 */ + ~RandomNum(5,3)~ + ~[PC] I... I have changed my mind. (Get up and cover yourself, pushing him away.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3516 /* SOLID_STOP3 */ + ~RandomNum(5,4)~ + ~[PC] I... I have changed my mind. (Get up and cover yourself, pushing him away.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3517 /* ROM_TWO_HARD_TO_STOP_GENTLEMAN */ + ~RandomNum(5,5)~ + ~[PC] I... I have changed my mind. (Get up and cover yourself, pushing him away.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ + a3518 /* FIGHT_START */ ++ ~[PC] (Rock steadily against him, thighs gripping and releasing as you seek your pleasure.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",4)~ + a3639 /* ROM_PULSE_DEEP_GRUNT */ ++ ~[PC] (Spread yourself as wide as you can, opening yourself fully to his advances.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",4)~ + a3697 /* ROM_CLIMAX_CLIMB_DEEP */ ++ ~[PC] Look down, Aran. You are inside. Well, part of you is... oh! Yes. Now all of you.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",4)~ + a3639 /* ROM_PULSE_DEEP_GRUNT */ ++ ~[PC] (Silence him with a kiss, moving against him, building your pleasure.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",4)~ + a3639 /* ROM_PULSE_DEEP_GRUNT */ END IF ~~ a3702 /* TOP_END_RELEASE */ SAY ~[ARAN] (Straining, shuddering, passion... a heat, building until it consumes... an inarticulate cry to the gods. He rests, pulling you close to his chest, still joined and still possessed.)~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",4)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a3689 /* ARAN_RELEASE */ SAY ~[ARAN] (Your efforts are rewarded with his climax as he roars out his passion, straining against you. His hands tangle and pull at your shoulders, caress your cheeks, in constant movement as he whispers his gratitude to the gods over and over again. Your name mingles with those of Sune, Sharess, and Hanali Celanil in his whispers, until at last he relaxes, idly caressing your hair.)~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",3)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a3440 /* SLEEP_NOW_INN_4_EXIT */ SAY ~[ARAN] I do believe a lady should get what she asks, eh? I do think pickin' you up in my arms an' carryin' you to th' bed be just th' ticket.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",4) ClearAllActions() StartCutSceneMode() StartCutScene("c-restin")~ EXIT END IF ~~ a3704 /* ARAN_MOON_SLEEP_4_EXIT */ SAY ~[ARAN] (His climax is a wordless scream of intensity, his pulse deep within you a visceral cry of desire. His weight crushes you for a moment as he loses control. As for your pleasure... only you know what his raw passion has wrought for you, and a lady never discusses such things.)~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",4)~ EXIT END /* Multipurpose exits - contextually malleable */ IF ~~ a3696 /* QUICK_END_FADEOUT */ SAY ~[ARAN] Aye, now... I can do that. There be a good bit o' time here, an' I intend to please you as much as you be allowin', eh?~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a3706 /* DIE_HAPPY_NOW */ SAY ~[ARAN] Whatever brought that on, I thank th' gods it just happened. I can die happy right now.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a3462 /* DEATH_OF_ME */ SAY ~[ARAN] , you will be th' death o' me, you will. But I think I will die right happy.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a3707 /* ROM_FINAL_ONE */ SAY ~[ARAN] (You both drift off into reverie for a time, sharing the moment.)~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a3708 /* ROM_FINAL_EXITING */ SAY ~[ARAN] (There is only the sound of your breathing as you lie together, entangled, sated, and relaxed.)~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a3463 /* ARAN_CUDDLE_ON_CHEST */ SAY ~[ARAN] (You lie together, curled up in a small oasis of warmth and satiation, his chest rising and falling under your cheek, the sound of his heart beating steadily under your ear.)~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a3660 /* HANDHOLDING_EXIT */ SAY ~[ARAN] (The cares of adventuring are held at bay for a time as you sit close together, holding each other's hands.)~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a3663 /* KISSING_END_STATE */ SAY ~[ARAN] (The cares of adventuring are held at bay for a time as your lips touch again and again, whispering to each other of warmth and desire.)~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",1)~ EXIT END /* exits: mutual fun but not necessarily intercourse */ IF ~~ a3681 /* CELANIL_SAVE_ME */ SAY ~[ARAN] Celanil save me. I be as hard as a rock, an' I want to drive deep inside o' you an' spend everythin' I have. But if you be sayin' no, well... no means no. It might blighted kill me to stop, but there it be.~ = ~[ARAN] By th' gods, I don't know what be wrong wi' me. I should be stormin' off. But I guess th' warmth o' your cheek on my chest be salve for most pains inflicted, eh?~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",3)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a3455 /* MAKEOUT_IN_SHADOWS */ SAY ~[ARAN] (Words melt away as you both settle into the shadows, kissing, fingers intertwined.)~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",1)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a3425 /* MAKEOUT_INN_EXIT */ SAY ~[ARAN] (Words melt away as you both settle in a corner of the inn, kissing your way through the evening.)~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a3437 /* SLEEP_NOW_INN_1_EXIT */ SAY ~[ARAN] I do believe a lady should get what she asks, eh? Your lips are feast enough for me, that be Torm's Truth.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",1) ClearAllActions() StartCutSceneMode() StartCutScene("c-restin")~ EXIT END IF ~~ a3438 /* SLEEP_NOW_INN_2_EXIT */ SAY ~[ARAN] I do believe a lady should get what she asks, eh? Mayhap a little kissin', mayhap some wanderin' hands, an' we will see exactly what catches your fancy.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2) ClearAllActions() StartCutSceneMode() StartCutScene("c-restin")~ EXIT END IF ~~ a3439 /* SLEEP_NOW_INN_3_EXIT */ SAY ~[ARAN] I do believe a lady should get what she asks, eh? I do believe we can play a bit... HEY! Wait for a lad to get in th' door, eh?~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",3) ClearAllActions() StartCutSceneMode() StartCutScene("c-restin")~ EXIT END IF ~~ a3710 /* ARAN_MOON_SLEEP_2_EXIT */ SAY ~[ARAN] (Hands reach and fingers tangle. Palms touch, then retreat. A stray kiss finds its way to new territory, and the excitement it evokes drives kissing to a frenzy. There are few words, but touches shout desire.)~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a3711 /* ARAN_MOON_SLEEP_3_EXIT */ SAY ~[ARAN] (The sounds of his passion are quiet, strained, and intense as he climaxes, then seeks to evoke yours. For a time, the kisses continue, slowly ebbing in strength until at last you are resting together in the starlight.)~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",3)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a3688 /* ARAN_MUTUAL_LICK */ SAY ~[ARAN] (His answer is swiftly given as he rolls with you. His lips seek your petals, his tongue licking at the edges and then the center of your desire.)~ = ~[ARAN] (His body and yours seek each other with passion as you tighten against each other, and when release comes his groan is muffled by your thighs, and yours by his manhood.)~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",3)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a3712 /* ARAN_MOON_SLEEP_1_EXIT */ SAY ~[ARAN] (Kisses, lips barely touching. Cheeks, blushed. Strong scents, murmured whispers, and the time flies past with excitement and unfulfilled desire.)~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",1)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a3499 /* ARAN_MOON_MAKEOUT_EXIT */ SAY ~[ARAN] (Words melt away as you both settle into the shadows cast by the moon and stars, kissing and holding each other in close embrace.)~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",2)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a3713 /* ARAN_MOON_WALK_EXIT */ SAY ~[ARAN] Now, a walk holdin' your hand be just right, I think. Here, I'll be takin' your arm, there, an' we can see th' sights all shadowed an' beautiful.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",1)~ EXIT END /* exits: friendly, unfriendly, or just stop stop the action */ IF ~~ a3634 /* ARAN_SWEAR_ONE */ SAY ~[ARAN] Sune's... Shar's... Oh bloody hell. I needs be findin' a bucket o' cold water, right quick.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a3714 /* NOPE_NOT_WANTED */ SAY ~[ARAN] This be naught o' what I want. I want a partner, not to possess a toy, nor be one in return. An' I want pleasure, not pain an' submission.~ = ~[ARAN] Look, mayhap I be th' wrong lad for you after all. I can match you want for need, need for want, but when it comes to this, I just blighted well can't do it, even in play. I be right sorry, but that be th' answer I have.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a3715 /* ROM_ARAN_HAD_IT */ SAY ~[ARAN] If she would do naught in th' way o' mind games an' manipulation, tryin' to hurt me an' tease me, yes.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a3603 /* SUNE_SHUTDOWN_EXIT */ SAY ~[ARAN] Sune Herself would be envious o' your beauty. Dear Gods, I want you... but I know better than to press th' issue, eh? Mayhap I'd best be gettin' myself together an' leavin'.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a3623 /* ROM_FRIENDS_EXIT_ONE */ SAY ~[ARAN] I understand. I don't rightly like it, but I understand.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a3452 /* JUST_FRIENDS_EXIT */ SAY ~[ARAN] I do understand what you be sayin'. Right now, right here, there be a few too many chances where privacy might be broken, an' mayhap even a good friendship. I want you, but not at that kind o' cost.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a3403 /* CUDDLING_END */ SAY ~[ARAN] (You curl up together for a time, a small fortress against the cares of the world.)~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a3448 /* WALK_HANDHOLDING_EXIT */ SAY ~[ARAN] Aye, now that sounds right nice, it does. Come on, mayhap we can stir up a little trouble elsewhere, an' blame it on someone else.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a3444 /* FEMALE_LEAVES */ SAY ~[ARAN] Well, naught in th' way o' Sune's Blessin' nor Tymora's Coin fell my way, it looks like. I thought I might o' had a chance, there.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a3514 /* SOLID_STOP1 */ SAY ~[ARAN] , wait... I want... hells. Fine. I'll blighted well go off on my own.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a3515 /* SOLID_STOP2 */ SAY ~[ARAN] Sharess' Salacious Scents, I have naught in th' way o' understandin' all this. I thought you wanted to... ~ = ~[ARAN] I don't rightly understand you. I thought I knew what women might be partial to, but you seem to have a whole different set o' rules.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a3516 /* SOLID_STOP3 */ SAY ~[ARAN] You would stop us right now, just when things be gettin'... look. My eyes an' ears be tellin' me different things about what you want an' need from me. From th' two o' us. Mayhap I be wrong. But by Mielikki's Bow, someone around here better start clearin' up these misunderstandin's, or I am likely to misunderstand in a way that hurts one or both o' us right harsh.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a3628 /* SOLID_STOP4 */ SAY ~[ARAN] Gods alive, I want you. An' you might not say it out straight, but it seems to me you want me. I be man enough to walk away, but it takes two to get here. If we be havin' this conversation, then some seriously powerful signals have gotten crossed right solid.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a3517 /* ROM_TWO_HARD_TO_STOP_GENTLEMAN */ SAY ~[ARAN] Aye, now... it be hard for me to stop, but I'd be naught of a gentleman if I didn't do as you ask. Perhaps this be somethin' for another time, another place.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a3358 /* NO_WAY_THIS_OR_ANY_NIGHT */ SAY ~[ARAN] Right. I don't have no way o' tellin' what you want, save th' words you say. So I be a mite confused. But hells, you say go, I say "yes ma'am".~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a3436 /* SLEEP_NOW_INN_0_EXIT */ SAY ~[ARAN] I do believe a lady should get what she asks, eh? Your lips were feast enough for me, that be Torm's Truth. You have a good rest, an' pleasant dreams. I know what dreams I'll be havin', by Sune's Lips.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",1) ClearAllActions() StartCutSceneMode() StartCutScene("c-restin")~ EXIT END IF ~~ a3622 /* ROM_FRIENDS_EXIT_TWO */ SAY ~[ARAN] Well, you call th' shots. But I needs be sayin' somethin' right serious, here. I be fine wi' bein' friends, just so long as you know that I want more. An' by more, I mean I want you.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a3621 /* ROM_FRIENDS_EXIT_THREE */ SAY ~[ARAN] Sune grant me some patience, or at least some release. Gettin' close to you drives me right crazy, an' gettin' sidelined drives me even crazier. If we are just goin' to be friends, then mayhap you can find me someone who will want me to be more, eh?~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a3620 /* ROM_FRIENDS_EXIT_FOUR */ SAY ~[ARAN] You done got me confused again. But it be my fault. I keep thinkin' Tymora has flipped Her coin my way, an' you are interested in bein' much more than a friend, benefits or none given. Anyone else, I'd be a right gentleman an' move on, lookin' for a cute young redheaded lass who might flip up her skirts at me, an' make me a right happy man. Problem is, I just can't get you out o' my head.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a3619 /* ARAN_HOPE_SPRINGS_ETERNAL */ SAY ~[ARAN] Well, now. Hope do spring eternal. I learned long ago that sometimes th' most impossible battles be worth th' fight, an' every once in awhile, it turns out winnable.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a3618 /* ARAN_YOU_ARE_WORTH_IT */ SAY ~[ARAN] You be worth goin' through anythin' an' everythin'.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a3617 /* ARAN_CRAZY_EXIT */ SAY ~[ARAN] Cyric's Blighted Balls, shut up, will you? It be bad enough I am stupid enough to turn it down, but torturin' me be just plain mean!~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a3490 /* NOW_YOU_ARE_PLAYING_WITH_MY_MIND */ SAY ~[ARAN] You done read my mind. But now you be playin' wi' me, an' teasin' me somethin' fierce. I suppose I asked for it, though. Come on, we'd best be gettin' cleared away. I suspect there might be some company comin' in on us soon. Mayhap I might have better luck next time.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a3363 /* ARAN_DECIDES_NO */ SAY ~[ARAN] That be enough answer for me. I can take a hint, if it be bludgeoned into my forehead wi' a rock. I won't bother you no more doin' this wi' out you tellin' me to.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a3421 /* JUST_FRIENDS_INN_EXIT */ SAY ~[ARAN] Aye, now I do understand what you be sayin'. Mayhap some lines might not be crossed right now, right here.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~ClearAllActions() StartCutSceneMode() StartCutScene("c-restin")~ EXIT END IF ~~ a3416 /* FEMALE_EXITS */ SAY ~[ARAN] Well, that went just peachy. Torm's Hand, I be a right sorry sort o' flirt, watchin' such a woman walk away.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a3469 /* ARAN_MOON_FEMALE_EXIT */ SAY ~[ARAN] Well, that went just wonderful, eh? Lady Goldheart's Laughter, I be sorry. But at least I had a look at how beautiful you be in th' starlight.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a3487 /* ARAN_MOON_FRIENDS_EXIT */ SAY ~[ARAN] Aye, now. Mayhap some lines are meant to be crossed another night, another way. Starlight be a fine romantic notion, but it ends, an' then daylight means takin' stock an' reapin' consequences.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a3616 /* SECOND_FIDDLE */ SAY ~[ARAN] That would be right kind o' you, but I think that might wait a bit. Not so fair to th' girl you be findin', after all. I don't see naught in th' way o' findin' anyone who could successfully compete wi' you.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a3615 /* ALL_TALK_NO_ACTION */ SAY ~[ARAN] No. When I get th' right signals, I act. But somethin' be not quite right here. I think I done pressed too hard, an' told too much. Mayhap I should be on about my business. But if you ever decide to have a bit o' pleasure, I be th' man for th' job. Just ask.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a3614 /* ARAN_REFUSES */ SAY ~[ARAN] Now, there be a bit o' a problem here. You think strength be causin' pain an' forcin' my will on yours. You see that as th' way to win your respect. Problem is, I don't rightly see things that way. I want someone who can give voice to their pleasure, an' be an equal, not some ~ = ~[ARAN] (He pushes apart from you.) If you be lookin' for this sort o' ugliness, then tell me it be over. You won't be gettin' that kind o' thing from me.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a3410 /* SOUNDED_LIKE_TEEN_SPIRIT */ SAY ~[ARAN] Well, it sure as Sune's Breath sounded like you meant it. I'll be on my way. I am sure you can find some other poor bastard to torment. Good luck to you on that.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfight","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranflirtstop","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranismad","GLOBAL",ONE_DAY)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a3371 /* UNFULFILLED_TEASED_EXIT */ SAY ~[ARAN] First you want me, then you don't want me. I do believe I have fallen under th' spell o' th' most chaotic woman I could possibly meet.~ = ~[ARAN] Fine. I am not rightly happy about this, but I know my bloody place.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a3409 /* AND_THE_HORSE_YOU_RODE_IN_ON_BIATCH */ SAY ~[ARAN] Oh, screw you, . Find some other poor bastard to act as a blighted seed dispenser. I will stick to doin' my job, and stay th' nine hells away from you for a time.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfight","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranflirtstop","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranismad","GLOBAL",ONE_DAY)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a3411 /* AT_LEAST_JOB_IS_HONORABLE */ SAY ~[ARAN] No, I didn't. You did. An' it be wrong to do so... a prostitute don't toy with a man unless it be part of her job. You seem to want to toy wi' me out o' pure spite an' malice. I have better things to do wi' my time than play mouse to a feral cat.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfight","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranflirtstop","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranismad","GLOBAL",ONE_DAY)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a3383 /* IN_NINE_HELLS */ SAY ~[ARAN] (His exit is twice as fast as his entry, and he slams his fist against the ground as he fumbles with his gear.)~ = ~[ARAN] What in th' nine hells be your game? You goad me into rough play, an' then throw me off o' you... what do you be playin' at?~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobalTimer("c-aranismad","GLOBAL",TWO_DAYS)~ GOTO a3548 /* MAN_OR_FOOL */ END IF ~~ a3548 /* MAN_OR_FOOL */ SAY ~[ARAN] Man or fool, I don't know which I be. All I know is these mind games o' yours may please you, but they be hell on earth for me. Play nicer, or mayhap I needs be findin' me a nice lass who will be more amenable.~ ++ ~[PC] Would you really be satisfied with a silly village girl, ready to bed you and dote upon you, dependent and sycophantic?~ + a3715 /* ROM_ARAN_HAD_IT */ ++ ~[PC] You cannot resist me, even if you try.~ + a3714 /* NOPE_NOT_WANTED */ END IF ~~ a3418 /* FIGHT_EXIT */ /* attempt to give PC last word - closer to my RL experience, anyways! This one needs help, though... */ SAY ~[ARAN] Why do you treat me like I was naught but a target for weapons practice sometimes? I meant no harm, an' was tryin' to be right friendly.~ ++ ~[PC] (Stand up and walk out.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfight","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranflirtstop","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranismad","GLOBAL",ONE_DAY)~ + a3416 /* FEMALE_EXITS */ ++ ~[PC] For the same reason you act like a spoiled little sex-starved bastard with no self control. It is just who I am.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfight","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranflirtstop","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranismad","GLOBAL",ONE_DAY)~ EXIT ++ ~[PC] You keep mixing up the words 'friendly' and 'inappropriate'. I did not ask for all of this. Just leave me alone.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfight","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranflirtstop","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranismad","GLOBAL",ONE_DAY)~ EXIT ++ ~[PC] Can't you ever just leave a woman in peace?~ + a1907 ++ ~[PC] I... I know you meant well. But your attention scares me. I just wasn't ready for it.~ EXIT ++ ~[PC] I am having a bad day. Try again some other time.~ + a1940 ++ ~[PC] I like you, Aran. But there are times an places, and this is neither.~ EXIT END IF ~~ a3366 /* GET_OUT_EXIT */ SAY ~[ARAN] Now I feel like a mite bit o' a fool... I... ~ IF ~RandomNum(20,1)~ THEN GOTO a1908 /* c-aranshutup2 ~[ARAN] By the Cryin' God's tears, you are in a mood.~ */ IF ~RandomNum(20,2)~ THEN GOTO a1912 /* c-aranshutup6 ~[ARAN] Corellon's Bowhand, you have an attitude today.~ */ IF ~RandomNum(20,3)~ THEN GOTO a1913 /* c-aranshutup7 ~[ARAN] Shar's Arsehole, shut me down, will ya? Fine.~ */ IF ~RandomNum(20,4)~ THEN GOTO a1919 /* c-aranshutup13 ~[ARAN] Lolth's Cruel Fingernails, you can cut a man down. Sure. Shuttin' up.~ */ IF ~RandomNum(20,5)~ THEN GOTO a1920 /* c-aranshutup14 ~[ARAN] Umberlee's Fickle Breath, I'll shut my blighted mouth, then.~ */ IF ~RandomNum(20,6)~ THEN GOTO a1921 /* c-aranshutup15 ~[ARAN] Malar's Sharp Teeth. Shuttin' up an' soldierin'.~ */ IF ~RandomNum(20,7)~ THEN GOTO a1923 /* c-aranshutup17 ~[ARAN] Talona's Pestilence - is my breath that bad?~ */ IF ~RandomNum(20,8)~ THEN GOTO a1926 /* c-aranshutup20 ~[ARAN] Well, that was colder than Auril's Tits in th' Ten Towns. Shuttin' up.~ */ IF ~RandomNum(20,9)~ THEN GOTO a1928 /* c-aranshutup22 ~[ARAN] Bane's Broken Bones, but you are in a mood.~ */ IF ~RandomNum(20,10)~ THEN GOTO a1930 /* c-aranshutup24 ~[ARAN] Lathander's Shining Buttocks, I'll just shut my mouth an' keep to myself, then.~ */ IF ~RandomNum(20,11)~ THEN GOTO a1939 /* c-aranshutup33 ~[ARAN] Larethian's Sharp Sword, you got a bad case o' attitude, eh?~ */ IF ~RandomNum(20,12)~ THEN GOTO a1943 /* c-aranshutup37 ~[ARAN] Avoreen's Bowhand, I'll just be a good little boy an' go play wi' myself, then.~ */ IF ~RandomNum(20,13)~ THEN GOTO a1945 /* c-aranshutup39 ~[ARAN] Clanggedin's Hammer. Fine. Be that way.~ */ IF ~RandomNum(20,14)~ THEN GOTO a1964 /* c-aranshutup58 ~[ARAN] Umberlee's Dark Depths, That were cold. Fine. No more on this talk, I be guessin'.~ */ IF ~RandomNum(20,15)~ THEN GOTO a1967 /* c-aranshutup61 ~[ARAN] Deneir's Sharp Quill, you cut that conversation right short.~ */ IF ~RandomNum(20,16)~ THEN GOTO a1969 /* c-aranshutup63 ~[ARAN] Deneir's Indelible Ink. You would think I'd know not to bother you by now. But I be a slow learner, I guess.~ */ IF ~RandomNum(20,17)~ THEN GOTO a1970 /* c-aranshutup64 ~[ARAN] Eldath's Sweet Song, I was hopin'... well, never mind.~ */ IF ~RandomNum(20,18)~ THEN GOTO a1977 /* c-aranshutup71 ~[ARAN] Hoar's Swift Justice, you shot that down right quick.~ */ IF ~RandomNum(20,19)~ THEN GOTO a1978 /* c-aranshutup72 ~[ARAN] The Red Knight's Rump, I think I be makin' a tactical withdrawal. In layman's terms, that be "run away! run away!"~ */ IF ~RandomNum(20,20)~ THEN GOTO a1980 /* c-aranshutup74 ~[ARAN] Sharess' Sensual Caress, I was not expectin' to be cut off at th' knees like that.~ */ END /* END OF ADULT LAND */ /* SoA Interjections: Salvanas Reactions */ IF ~~ a4362 SAY ~[ARAN] Persistent little bastard, eh? An' now you done gone an' broke his heart. I'd feel for th' lad, if he weren't such a jackass.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aransalvanas","GLOBAL",1)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a4363 SAY ~[ARAN] Persistent little bastard, eh? But no follow through. One bold glance from you, jokin' or naught, an' he flies home to mommy on wings o' fear.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aransalvanas","GLOBAL",1) ActionOverride("salvanas",EscapeArea())~ EXIT END IF ~~ a4364 SAY ~[ARAN] Well, now... I think I can help a lad out, eh?~ IF ~Gender(Player2,FEMALE) !Name("c-aran",Player2)~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aransalvanas","GLOBAL",1)~ GOTO a4367 IF ~Gender(Player3,FEMALE) !Name("c-aran",Player3)~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aransalvanas","GLOBAL",1)~ GOTO a4368 IF ~Gender(Player4,FEMALE) !Name("c-aran",Player4)~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aransalvanas","GLOBAL",1)~ GOTO a4369 IF ~Gender(Player5,FEMALE) !Name("c-aran",Player5)~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aransalvanas","GLOBAL",1)~ GOTO a4370 IF ~Gender(Player6,FEMALE) !Name("c-aran",Player6)~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aransalvanas","GLOBAL",1)~ GOTO a4371 END IF ~~ a4365 SAY ~[ARAN] Which one? Where be th'... Oh. Aye, now there be a right fine lookin' young lass.~ IF ~Gender(Player1,MALE)~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aransalvanas","GLOBAL",1)~ EXIT IF ~Gender(Player1,FEMALE) !Global("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",1) !Global("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",2)~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aransalvanas","GLOBAL",1)~ EXIT IF ~Gender(Player1,FEMALE) OR(2) Global("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",1) Global("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",2)~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aransalvanas","GLOBAL",1)~ GOTO a4372 END IF ~~ a4366 SAY ~[ARAN] Right on th' naught to say, boyo. Any time a lad thinks he be one o' th' god's gift to women, I just have to ask... which god?~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aransalvanas","GLOBAL",1)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a4367 SAY ~[ARAN] By any account, have you met my friend ?~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a4372 END IF ~~ a4368 SAY ~[ARAN] By any account, have you met my friend ?~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a4372 END IF ~~ a4369 SAY ~[ARAN] By any account, have you met my friend ?~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a4372 END IF ~~ a4370 SAY ~[ARAN] By any account, have you met my friend ?~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a4372 END IF ~~ a4371 SAY ~[ARAN] By any account, have you met my friend ?~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a4372 END IF ~~ a4372 SAY ~[ARAN] OUCH! Blighted hells, that hurt! I were only jokin', eh?~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END /* PID for SoA - LAST IN WEIGHT */ /* PID 1: Options for Other NPCs PC <> Aran, also know as "throughly abusing CHAIN until it screams" */ /* Missing Stivan, SBS (Sandra), Therrin, Vanim, Wikaede, Mulgore & Xavia (BGT Indira, some of the Tutu NPC mods that might be CLUA'd into a BGT game) */ /* LEFT OFF ON PURPOSE: Taim, updated by MTS. No dialog, no assignments - silent NPC. */ /* Siefer's Horace is only available through PM/private distribution, and needs minor editing of .d for modern installs. May need permissions to update it and put it back in operation. */ /* For quickness of evaluation, let's try a recast of the "Other People Talking PID". */ IF ~!IsGabber(Player1)~ THEN a870 SAY ~[ARAN] Well, now, you might want to talk, but I do have a bit on my mind.~ [c-aws116] IF ~~ THEN GOTO a1511 IF ~IsGabber("c-aran")~ THEN GOTO a1686 IF ~OR(12) IsGabber("ADANGEL") IsGabber("Anishai") IsGabber("Azure") IsGabber("B!Gavin2") IsGabber("b!haldamir") IsGabber("BIDDE") IsGabber("Britt") IsGabber("BWTOUCHX") IsGabber("CALLISTO") IsGabber("WILLYB") IsGabber("WLBRAN") IsGabber("WxJon")~ GOTO a871 IF ~OR(12) IsGabber("CHLOE") IsGabber("RCHLOE") IsGabber("CMALORA") IsGabber("CMGMIRIAM") IsGabber("CMNIKITA") IsGabber("CMNINAF") IsGabber("CORAN") IsGabber("D#Silver") IsGabber("D0Alassa") IsGabber("DL#BWN") IsGabber("DYNAHEIR") IsGabber("E3Fade")~ GOTO a872 IF ~OR(12) IsGabber("FHLAND") IsGabber("FHLSEB") IsGabber("FINIREN") IsGabber("FWGhareth") IsGabber("G#CASS") IsGabber("GOZALOTH") IsGabber("Horace") IsGabber("Hubelpot") IsGabber("IYLOS") IsGabber("xulaye") IsGabber("YASRAENA") IsGabber("ZAIYA")~ GOTO a873 IF ~OR(12) IsGabber("J#Kelsey") IsGabber("JCBruce") IsGabber("K#Auren") IsGabber("K#Bana") IsGabber("K#Sarah") IsGabber("K#SHEENA") IsGabber("KACHIKO") IsGabber("Kari") IsGabber("Keto") IsGabber("TSUJATH") IsGabber("Valen") IsGabber("Z_MODDY")~ GOTO a874 IF ~OR(12) IsGabber("KIARA") IsGabber("KINDREK") IsGabber("Kiyone") IsGabber("Kova") IsGabber("LRIRENIC") IsGabber("M#AMBER") IsGabber("MTS#Shy") IsGabber("MWAriena") IsGabber("MWKido") IsGabber("SUHESSA") IsGabber("t#dace") IsGabber("TASHIA")~ GOTO a875 IF ~OR(12) IsGabber("NATH") IsGabber("Ninde") IsGabber("O#TIAX") IsGabber("O#XAN") IsGabber("P#DEHER") IsGabber("P#KIVAN") IsGabber("R#ALLIS") IsGabber("R#Kitanya") IsGabber("Rylorn") IsGabber("SAERILETH") IsGabber("SDNPC") IsGabber("SUBRU")~ GOTO a876 IF ~OR(7) IsGabber("SIME") IsGabber("SK#NEHT") IsGabber("Skooter") IsGabber("SOLAUFEIN") IsGabber("xulaye") IsGabber("C#Ajantis") IsGabber("Arath")~ GOTO a878 IF ~OR(17) IsGabber("7XAJAN") IsGabber("7XAlora") IsGabber("7XBRAN") IsGabber("CORAN") IsGabber("7XELDOT") IsGabber("7XGAR") IsGabber("7Xkaga") IsGabber("7XKIVA") IsGabber("7XMONT") IsGabber("7XQUAY") IsGabber("7XSafa") IsGabber("7Xshar") IsGabber("7XSKI") IsGabber("7XTIAX") IsGabber("7XXAN") IsGabber("7XXZAR") IsGabber("7XYES")~ GOTO a4567 IF ~OR(16) IsGabber("Minsc") IsGabber("Korgan") IsGabber("Keldorn") IsGabber("Valygar") IsGabber("Viconia") IsGabber("Nalia") IsGabber("Mazzy") IsGabber("Jaheira") IsGabber("Jan") IsGabber("Imoen2") IsGabber("HaerDalis") IsGabber("Edwin") IsGabber("Aerie") IsGabber("Anomen") IsGabber("Cernd") IsGabber("Yoshimo")~ GOTO a877 END IF ~~ a1686 SAY ~[ARAN] Bane's Blood, am I a jumpy one or what? Here I be, talkin' to myself. An' worse, I seem to be answerin' back. Must o' had too many sips o' liquid courage back there.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1511 SAY ~[ARAN] No offense, , I just don't rightly have much to say to you right now.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END /* block 1 : OR(12) IsGabber("ADANGEL") IsGabber("Anishai") IsGabber("Azure") IsGabber("B!Gavin2") IsGabber("b!haldamir") IsGabber("BIDDE") IsGabber("Britt") IsGabber("BWTOUCHX") IsGabber("CALLISTO") IsGabber("WILLYB") IsGabber("WLBRAN") IsGabber("WxJon")*/ IF ~~ a871 SAY ~[ARAN] Can this wait a bit?~ IF ~IsGabber("ADANGEL")~ GOTO a879 IF ~IsGabber("Anishai")~ GOTO a880 IF ~IsGabber("Azure")~ GOTO a881 IF ~IsGabber("B!Gavin2")~ GOTO a882 IF ~IsGabber("b!haldamir")~ GOTO a883 IF ~IsGabber("BIDDE")~ GOTO a884 IF ~IsGabber("Britt")~ GOTO a885 IF ~IsGabber("BWTOUCHX")~ GOTO a886 IF ~IsGabber("CALLISTO")~ GOTO a887 IF ~IsGabber("WILLYB")~ GOTO a888 IF ~IsGabber("WLBRAN")~ GOTO a889 IF ~IsGabber("WxJon")~ GOTO a890 END /* block 2 : OR(12) IsGabber("CHLOE") IsGabber("RCHLOE") IsGabber("CMALORA") IsGabber("CMGMIRIAM") IsGabber("CMNIKITA") IsGabber("CMNINAF") IsGabber("CORAN") IsGabber("D#Silver") IsGabber("D0Alassa") IsGabber("DL#BWN") IsGabber("DYNAHEIR") IsGabber("E3Fade") */ IF ~~ a872 SAY ~[ARAN] Can this wait a bit?~ IF ~IsGabber("CHLOE")~ GOTO a891 IF ~IsGabber("RCHLOE")~ GOTO a892 IF ~IsGabber("CMALORA")~ GOTO a893 IF ~IsGabber("CMGMIRIAM")~ GOTO a894 IF ~IsGabber("CMNIKITA")~ GOTO a895 IF ~IsGabber("CMNINAF")~ GOTO a896 IF ~IsGabber("CORAN")~ GOTO a897 IF ~IsGabber("D#Silver")~ GOTO a898 IF ~IsGabber("D0Alassa")~ GOTO a899 IF ~IsGabber("DL#BWN")~ GOTO a900 IF ~IsGabber("DYNAHEIR")~ GOTO a901 IF ~IsGabber("E3Fade")~ GOTO a902 END /* block 3 : OR(12) IsGabber("FHLAND") IsGabber("FHLSEB") IsGabber("FINIREN") IsGabber("FWGhareth") IsGabber("G#CASS") IsGabber("GOZALOTH") IsGabber("Horace") IsGabber("Hubelpot") IsGabber("IYLOS") IsGabber("xulaye") IsGabber("YASRAENA") IsGabber("ZAIYA") */ IF ~~ a873 SAY ~[ARAN] Can this wait a bit?~ IF ~IsGabber("FHLAND")~ GOTO a903 IF ~IsGabber("FHLSEB")~ GOTO a904 IF ~IsGabber("FINIREN")~ GOTO a905 IF ~IsGabber("FWGhareth")~ GOTO a906 IF ~IsGabber("G#CASS")~ GOTO a907 IF ~IsGabber("GOZALOTH")~ GOTO a908 IF ~IsGabber("Horace")~ GOTO a909 IF ~IsGabber("Hubelpot")~ GOTO a1652 IF ~IsGabber("IYLOS")~ GOTO a1653 IF ~IsGabber("xulaye")~ GOTO a912 IF ~IsGabber("YASRAENA")~ GOTO a913 IF ~IsGabber("ZAIYA")~ GOTO a914 END /* block 4 : OR(12) IsGabber("J#Kelsey") IsGabber("JCBruce") IsGabber("K#Auren") IsGabber("K#Bana") IsGabber("K#Sarah") IsGabber("K#SHEENA") IsGabber("KACHIKO") IsGabber("Kari") IsGabber("Keto") IsGabber("TSUJATH") IsGabber("Valen") IsGabber("Z_MODDY") */ IF ~~ a874 SAY ~[ARAN] Can this wait a bit?~ IF ~IsGabber("J#Kelsey")~ GOTO a915 IF ~IsGabber("JCBruce")~ GOTO a916 IF ~IsGabber("K#Auren")~ GOTO a917 IF ~IsGabber("K#Bana")~ GOTO a1654 IF ~IsGabber("K#Sarah")~ GOTO a919 IF ~IsGabber("K#SHEENA")~ GOTO a910 IF ~IsGabber("KACHIKO")~ GOTO a911 IF ~IsGabber("Kari")~ GOTO a1657 IF ~IsGabber("Keto")~ GOTO a1658 IF ~IsGabber("Z_MODDY")~ GOTO a1659 IF ~IsGabber("TSUJATH")~ GOTO a1660 IF ~IsGabber("Valen")~ GOTO a1661 END /* block 5 : OR(12) IsGabber("KIARA") IsGabber("KINDREK") IsGabber("Kiyone") IsGabber("Kova") IsGabber("LRIRENIC") IsGabber("M#AMBER") IsGabber("MTS#Shy") IsGabber("MWAriena") IsGabber("MWKido") IsGabber("SUHESSA") IsGabber("t#dace") IsGabber("TASHIA") */ IF ~~ a875 SAY ~[ARAN] Can this wait a bit?~ IF ~IsGabber("KIARA")~ GOTO a1662 IF ~IsGabber("KINDREK")~ GOTO a918 IF ~IsGabber("Kiyone")~ GOTO a1663 IF ~IsGabber("Kova")~ GOTO a920 IF ~IsGabber("LRIRENIC")~ GOTO a921 IF ~IsGabber("M#AMBER")~ GOTO a922 IF ~IsGabber("MTS#Shy")~ GOTO a923 IF ~IsGabber("MWAriena")~ GOTO a924 IF ~IsGabber("MWKido")~ GOTO a925 IF ~IsGabber("SUHESSA")~ GOTO a926 IF ~IsGabber("t#dace")~ GOTO a927 IF ~IsGabber("TASHIA")~ GOTO a928 END /* block 6 : OR(12) IsGabber("NATH") IsGabber("Ninde") IsGabber("O#TIAX") IsGabber("O#XAN") IsGabber("P#DEHER") IsGabber("P#KIVAN") IsGabber("R#ALLIS") IsGabber("R#Kitanya") IsGabber("Rylorn") IsGabber("SAERILETH") IsGabber("SDNPC") IsGabber("SUBRU") */ IF ~~ a876 SAY ~[ARAN] Can this wait a bit?~ IF ~IsGabber("NATH")~ GOTO a929 IF ~IsGabber("Ninde")~ GOTO a930 IF ~IsGabber("O#TIAX")~ GOTO a931 IF ~IsGabber("O#XAN")~ GOTO a932 IF ~IsGabber("P#DEHER")~ GOTO a933 IF ~IsGabber("P#KIVAN")~ GOTO a934 IF ~IsGabber("R#ALLIS")~ GOTO a935 IF ~IsGabber("R#Kitanya")~ GOTO a936 IF ~IsGabber("Rylorn")~ GOTO a937 IF ~IsGabber("SAERILETH")~ GOTO a938 IF ~IsGabber("SDNPC")~ GOTO a939 IF ~IsGabber("SUBRU")~ GOTO a940 END /* block 7, the Expansion Block NPCs : OR(5) IsGabber("SIME") IsGabber("SK#NEHT") IsGabber("Skooter") IsGabber("SOLAUFEIN") IsGabber("xulaye") IsGabber("C#Ajantis") IsGabber("Arath") */ IF ~~ a878 SAY ~[ARAN] Can this wait a bit?~ IF ~IsGabber("SIME")~ GOTO a941 IF ~IsGabber("SK#NEHT")~ GOTO a942 IF ~IsGabber("Skooter")~ GOTO a943 IF ~IsGabber("SOLAUFEIN")~ GOTO a944 IF ~IsGabber("xulaye") !Global("LK#XulayeKnows","GLOBAL",1)~ GOTO a945 IF ~IsGabber("xulaye") Global("LK#XulayeKnows","GLOBAL",1)~ GOTO a946 IF ~IsGabber("C#Ajantis")~ GOTO a4568 // new IF ~IsGabber("Arath")~ GOTO a4579 // new END /* block 7a, the BioWare Pack Added by Smiling Imp's BG1 NPCs In SoA, second evaluated : OR(16) IsGabber("Minsc") IsGabber("Korgan") IsGabber("Keldorn") IsGabber("Valygar") IsGabber("Viconia") IsGabber("Nalia") IsGabber("Mazzy") IsGabber("Jaheira") IsGabber("Jan") IsGabber("Imoen2") IsGabber("HaerDalis") IsGabber("Edwin") IsGabber("Aerie") IsGabber("Anomen") IsGabber("Cernd") IsGabber("Yoshimo") */ IF ~~ a4567 SAY ~[ARAN] Can this wait a bit?~ IF ~IsGabber("7XAJAN")~ GOTO a4568 // new IF ~IsGabber("7XAlora")~ GOTO a893 IF ~IsGabber("7XBRAN")~ GOTO a900 IF ~IsGabber("CORAN")~ GOTO a897 IF ~IsGabber("7XELDOT")~ GOTO a4569 // new IF ~IsGabber("7XGAR")~ GOTO a4570 // new IF ~IsGabber("7Xkaga")~ GOTO a4571 // new IF ~IsGabber("7XKIVA")~ GOTO a934 IF ~IsGabber("7XMONT")~ GOTO a4572 // new IF ~IsGabber("7XQUAY")~ GOTO a4573 // new IF ~IsGabber("7XSafa")~ GOTO a4574 // new IF ~IsGabber("7Xshar")~ GOTO a4575 // new IF ~IsGabber("7XSKI")~ GOTO a4576 // new IF ~IsGabber("7XTIAX")~ GOTO a931 IF ~IsGabber("7XXAN")~ GOTO a932 IF ~IsGabber("7XXZAR")~ GOTO a4577 // new IF ~IsGabber("7XYES")~ GOTO a4578 // new END IF ~~ a4568 SAY ~[ARAN] I'd be right happy to spar wi' you later, though, Ajantis. But on that whole 'squires clean tack an' gear' thing, I think I be givin' it a pass, eh?~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a4569 SAY ~[ARAN] Unless o' course it be about th' coin you owe me. An' in that case, payin' up beats talkin'. Actions speak louder than words, that be my motto.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a4570 SAY ~[ARAN] No, no, I have not finished that transcription you be wantin'. You have a way wi' words, boyo, but your handwritten notes, they need one o' them Scrolls o' Identify to figure out whay your scrawl be sayin'. I should charge you extra for th' headaches.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a4571 SAY ~[ARAN] An' if this be about th' coin I owe you, stick it up Clangedden's Arse. Next time, we use my dice, instead o' your cheatin' ham-isted stealin' ways. I mean than nice-like, you know. But if you were goin' to steal from me, just whack me on th' head an' take my purse, eh? No need for th' cheat.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a4572 SAY ~[ARAN] An' stop pawin' my belongin's lookin' for things to eat. Or not eat. Or whatever. I swear, Montaron, you'd think you were raised in a pack o' insane wolves.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a4573 SAY ~[ARAN] An' yes, I do realise you be far more intelligent than I be, Quayle. But th' whole teachin' me how to clean up my speechifyin' habits, well... don't you have naught else to do?~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a4574 SAY ~[ARAN] An' no, I will not carry that pack for you, Safana. Unless, o' course, you decided to model some o' those lightweight magical armors what leave absolutely nothin' to th' imagi... OUCH! Blighted hells, that hurt!~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a4575 SAY ~[ARAN] I know we be overdue for a rematch on th' sparrin' front, Shar-Teel, but you have to give a lad a few days what to heal both bruised ego an' bruised body, eh?~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a4576 SAY ~[ARAN] Skie, I know most o' my gear don't rightly majke th' best fashion statement. But then again, it gets a mite bit covered in gore an' blood on a semi-regular basis. So th' whole commentin' on how my appearence could be improved be one hells o' a wast o' breath, darlin'.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a4577 SAY ~[ARAN] An' don't you be lookin' at me wi' those cold speculative eyes, there, Xzar. I done had enough o' th' unannounced 'testin' you do to me. Gives me th' shivers, it do. An' mayhap more than just a few shivers up th' spine, if I am not very careful, eh?~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a4578 SAY ~[ARAN] You could say a prayer or two for me, though, Yeslick. Not that I be thinkin' o' convertin'. But it would be right handy to have th' Axe think kindly on us, eh?~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a4579 SAY ~[ARAN] If it be that trade you wanted to do, Arath, I be in for it. I can make th' carvin' out o' deadwood, an' you just have at th' design. I never did like bloodsuckers nohow, an' I think a custom carved stake be just th' ticket for a permanent-like cleanup o' th' undead.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END /* block 8, the BioWare Pack, first evaluated : OR(16) IsGabber("Minsc") IsGabber("Korgan") IsGabber("Keldorn") IsGabber("Valygar") IsGabber("Viconia") IsGabber("Nalia") IsGabber("Mazzy") IsGabber("Jaheira") IsGabber("Jan") IsGabber("Imoen2") IsGabber("HaerDalis") IsGabber("Edwin") IsGabber("Aerie") IsGabber("Anomen") IsGabber("Cernd") IsGabber("Yoshimo") */ IF ~~ a877 SAY ~[ARAN] Can this wait a bit?~ IF ~IsGabber("Aerie")~ GOTO a947 IF ~IsGabber("Anomen")~ GOTO a948 IF ~IsGabber("Cernd")~ GOTO a949 IF ~IsGabber("Edwin")~ GOTO a950 IF ~IsGabber("HaerDalis")~ GOTO a951 IF ~IsGabber("Imoen2")~ GOTO a952 IF ~IsGabber("Jaheira")~ GOTO a953 IF ~IsGabber("Jan")~ GOTO a954 IF ~IsGabber("Keldorn")~ GOTO a955 IF ~IsGabber("Korgan")~ GOTO a956 IF ~IsGabber("Mazzy")~ GOTO a957 IF ~IsGabber("Minsc")~ GOTO a958 IF ~IsGabber("Nalia")~ GOTO a959 IF ~IsGabber("Valygar")~ GOTO a960 IF ~IsGabber("Viconia")~ GOTO a961 IF ~IsGabber("Yoshimo")~ GOTO a962 END IF ~~ a879 SAY ~[ARAN] Besides, we might have a chat over weapons cleanin' later on, Angelo. I never did hear how you got free 'o that' Cyric-buggerin' bastard Sarevok, not from your perspective. I'll bring th' flask, you bring th' stories.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a880 SAY ~[ARAN] Though if you are lookin' for a partner to try a few practice runs, Anishai, You could always try to get a good feel o' what's in my pocket... by Mask's Mighty Mouth, you could charm th' trousers off o' me, you could.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a881 SAY ~[ARAN] Besides, Azure, I know better than to be makin' time wi' you. Sharo's a pretty sensitive wolf, an' might not take kindly to us takin' too long, private -like.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a882 SAY ~[ARAN] BLOODY HELLS, OUCH! By Lathander's Sunny Sh... Gavin, what in th' hells do you think I'm usin' to walk with, my hands? Look, I know I don't rightly use th' tops o' my feet for much, but that's no reason for you to use 'em as steppin' stones.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a883 SAY ~[ARAN] I'm goin' to kick myself for sayin' that, too, Haldamir, on account o' you don't talk much to anyone, an' here you go tryin' to start a conversation. Talk about bad timin'.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a884 SAY ~[ARAN] An' you can stop lookin' at me w' those cold stone grey eyes, y' old shortaxe. I like Lathander well enough, an' you don't need to go convertin' me to your ways.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a885 SAY ~[ARAN] Though how you got into this adventurin' party, Britt, is a mystery to me, you know. I thought you were just pullin' my leg about joinin' on. I suspect there's been some divine intervention what's made you take up adventurin'.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a886 SAY ~[ARAN] An' lay off th' advice, Touchstone, m'boyo. You Wild Elves have been around a mite longer than me an' my kinfolk, I know, but here's more to th' world than trees, bugs, an' grass. Well, at least there's also mud, soot, an' grime, based on what you be wearin' right now.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a887 SAY ~[ARAN] An' stay ahead o' me, Callisto. Mask's Blade, you are a right fine fighter, but you worry me, you do. You get all out o' control, an' there's nothin' what can stop you. I wouldn't want to have no 'accident' or nothin'.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a888 SAY ~[ARAN] besides, if it s that coin I owe you, Bruce m'boy, I'm tapped out until loosens those purse strings. So don't go all 'beat your arse' this an' 'youse gonna get yours' on me, eh? Just get to drop a few coin my way, an' I'll get square wi' you.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a889 SAY ~[ARAN] I don't want to drive you away, none, Branwen you are a fine figure o' a woman. All that 'Tempus' Shield' talk, though, it worries me a mite. I'd offer you some companionship, but I'd rather not be askin' you to heal th' parts o' my body you might cut off.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a890 SAY ~[ARAN] Aye, I did check up on th' idea, Jonathan, an' you'd be a fine addition to any one o' three different Guilds. I can write up th' letters for you, if you want, but the again, what be th' hurry? Th' Guilds take a tithe, an' you are doin' right fine as an independent, watchin' 's back.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a891 SAY ~[ARAN] In fact, Chloe, let's just pretend we done talked already, an' call it quits. You scare th' crap out o' me.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a892 SAY ~[ARAN] In fact, Chloe, let's just pretend we done talked already, an' call it quits. You scare th' crap out o' me.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a893 SAY ~[ARAN] Not that I don't appreciate some bubbly happiness an' sunshine in my day, m'darlin' Alora, but I need to concentrate right now. An' that 'happy happy joy joy' spirit o' yours might break it. Plus, last time you got all huggy wi' me, half my purse mysteriously went missin'... don't you play "Happy Hin" wi' me, lassie! I can't rightly afford it right now!~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a894 SAY ~[ARAN] I don't have much time for no bloodsucker, nohow, Miriam. Especially when I don't rightly know which 'we' is you. I don't know why don't just throw a stake through your heart an' be done wi' you.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a895 SAY ~[ARAN] I'll tell you what, though, Nikitalleria. When we next camp, I will trade you fair an' square. You teach me a little sleight o' hand, an' I will teach you a mite on parryin' versus Waterdeep double-swords. An' I won't make no pass at you, neither. This is just friend to friend, see? ~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a896 SAY ~[ARAN] Besides, m'lady Ninafer, shouldn't you be chattin' up Anomen or somethin'? I think you are a right fine woman, an' all. But the boy's the jealous type, an' an officer an' all. I got enough o' him ridin' my back without you makin' it worse.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a897 SAY ~[ARAN] An' stand where I can see you, Coran. Th' ladies might like your 'charmin' rogue' act, but me, I'm not that impressed.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a898 SAY ~[ARAN] An' stay an arm's length away, SilverStar. Unless you want a nice mutton, lettuce, an' tomato sandwich, or somethin'. Then where would your Mary be, eh? Have fun stormin' that particular castle.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a899 SAY ~[ARAN] You can charm the breath out o' me an th' trousers off o' me, Alassa, with just the bat o' an eyelash. An' worse, you know it. But keep those gorgeous eyes an' pert lips out o' my business. You would skin me an' serve me raw if it got you an extra few coin, laughin' all the way to Calimport.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a900 SAY ~[ARAN] By Tempus' Shield, Branwen, you are a sight for sore eyes. But I don't have no time to talk about following Tempus right now. Come talk to me when we are campin', or some such time.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a901 SAY ~[ARAN] M'lady Wychlaran, I don't mean no disrespect. An' please don't turn me into no toad, nor squirrel, nor naught like that, Dynaheir. I just don't have no words t' speak right now.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a902 SAY ~[ARAN] I'm no prude, Fade, an' I respect th' Guild rightly enough. An accomplished Knife's a right good part o' a party, an' you keep th' Shadow Thieves appeased. But I don't trust no tiefling, no way, no how. So unless it's business, keep to yourself, girl.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a903 SAY ~[ARAN] Come by an' chat later, though, Andrei. We can spar a bit, an' swap stories. Or, I can tell stories an' you can listen. Did I ever tell you about th' time Kirran an' me an' BrightFire got into a mite o' a spat wi' some boys servin' th' wi' Black Company? Now, that were a fight for a bard to describe...~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a904 SAY ~[ARAN] Though you could do me a right good favor, Sebastian, an' lay off Andrei. The lad's a decent enough sort, an' he needs some breathin' room you don't give him. I'll watch his back, don't you worry.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a905 SAY ~[ARAN] I don't have nothin' to say to you nohow, Irenicus. I spoke my piece back when we kicked your sorry arse. I'd tell you to get lost in any o' th' hells, but you've already done that.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a906 SAY ~[ARAN] But come have a drink wi' me when you can, Ghareth. I want to hear more about th' Cowled an' their ways. Forewarned is forearmed, an' all that time enforcin' for 'em has got some good stories, I bet. I'll trade you, an' tell you about th' time I was servin wi' Moonshae an' we had a bit o' warlock trouble. Talk abut uncontrolled magic...~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a907 SAY ~[ARAN] I know that look, Cassius love, an' you are about to charm me wi' those stories o' heroism an' such. Th' trouble wi' all you Skalds an' your tales is that when th' hero slays th' monster an' looks about, there's not much left o' th' rest o' th' party. Write one o' them tale where the kitchen maid an' her four friends beat th' crap out o' a dragon an' all live to tell the tale, an' I'll listen!~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a908 SAY ~[ARAN] Better yet, keep yer distance, you floatin' eyeball. I can't rightly make out your accent anyways. An' people think *my* accent be hard to follow...~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a909 SAY ~[ARAN] Now, hold on to your jawbone, an' stop scratchin' th' inside o' that left eyesocket, Horace. I got enough trouble stayin' un-spooked just lookin' at you, let alone talkin' to an animated skeleton!~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a910 SAY ~[ARAN] I can promise you right proper, Sheena, I am not puttin' you off. I've sense enough not to cause no offense to a comrade what can be beautiful woman one moment, an' firedrake next. It be hard enough to stay on th' right side o' a regular woman, wi' out no draconic heritage.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a911 SAY ~[ARAN] Hey, none o' that sharp eyed glare, Kachiko. I'll gladly talk wi' you another time. By your Eight Million Kara-Turan Gods, I didn't mean to offend you none. Not all o' us have your Dragon Tongue's focus, you know. I needs must concentrate, or I'll be not attendin' to my duties well enough. I'm not a Sword Saint or anythin'.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a912 SAY ~[ARAN] An' by Lolth's Lengthy Legs, keep away from me, you heartless drow bitch. I'm not one o' your filthy spider-spawn males to order about, Xulaye, cover or no cover. You want somethin', you put it through , done correct on th' chain o' command.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a913 SAY ~[ARAN] I don't have naught to say to you nohow, Yasraena. You seem to be backin' , an' I see why. But the only good drow is... well, I'm not so sure I should finish that statement. Just stay where I can watch you, an' don't try to talk me up, an' I won't cause you no trouble.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a914 SAY ~[ARAN] Now, don't you be gettin' mad, there, Zaiya. I'm right interested in what you have to say. An' you are a right fine lookin' lassie, too, though sometimes it be dangerous to be around one o' those 'surges' o' yours...~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a915 SAY ~[ARAN] Not that I'm puttin' you off for no reason, Kelsey. Come an' talk another time. I spent plenty o' time punchin' fists, Coster tradin' up an' down th' Sword Coast as a lad. We should talk shop some time soon, eh? I never did run a store, though I have done my share o' accountin' a' contract drafts. Reminds me o' th' good old days, when you raised an alarm for a stray urchin, a pickpocket, or a kobold or two, instead o' all the beasts th' nine hells can throw at us.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a916 SAY ~[ARAN] Tymora's Tantalizing Tits, you got a huge bundle o' nerve talkin' to me, Bruce m'boyo. You owe *me* two platinum orbs an' the names o' three reliable courtesans, an' you haven't paid up yet. Bugger off until you do, you lazy bastard!~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a917 SAY ~[ARAN] Tell you what, Auren - talk to me later, an' we'll have a go at that attack an' counter routine we had a few days ago. You are winnin' three falls to two, an' I would rightly enjoy balancin' out th' game, so to speak.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a918 SAY ~[ARAN] An' don't you be startin' in on me about th' corruption magic causes, neither, Kindrek. I'll take whatever weapon th' gods hand me, if it gets the job done proper. An' one more word about my head decoratin' a pike bein' pretty, an' we'll just have to see if that fancy weapon o' yours will be stronger than my skills, boyo.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a919 SAY ~[ARAN] Sarah, lass-o-me-heart, I don't mean to be short wi' you. I'll make it up to you later. I can fix some decent flatbread an' honey, just like they serve back near Beregost, an' mayhap I can bribe you for a story or two. You keep too quiet, lass, an' I do appreciate your friendship.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a920 SAY ~[ARAN] On second thought, stay away, Kova. I'm not particular about my company, but in your case, I'm up for makin' exceptions. I'm not sayin' guilty, I'm not sayin' innocent - I'm just sayin' naught.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a921 SAY ~[ARAN] An' keep your Master O' th' Universe crap out o' my face, wonderboy. killed you once, remember? In my opinion, it were done too slowly, an' wi' not enough o' th' pain an' sufferin' on your part.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a922 SAY ~[ARAN] I'm not likely to have nothin' to say anyways, Amber. It seems like you are backin' , but while you ca take the lady out o' th hells, now, can you really take th' hells out o' th' lady? I don't rightly trust no tiefling, no matter how pretty.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a923 SAY ~[ARAN] Chende, I'm, err... well, I'm... not that I have anythin' against half-orcs, or nothin, on account o' I have worked wi' my share o' right proper comrades what's got my back as good as I watch theirs, regardless o' orcish blood. It's just you keep adjustin' your top, an' it bothers me a bit. There's a good healthy woman, an' then there's a need to get some clerical intervention. That's just not right, eh?~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a924 SAY ~[ARAN] Ariena, don't be lookin' like that at me. I'm not shunnin' you, I just don't rightly have th' time right now! We'll try some sparrin' later on. Though this time, you done got to remember that we be sparrin', not fightin' for real. Last time, you bloody well busted a few o' my ribs.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a925 SAY ~[ARAN] An' no, I'm not interested in more discussions about Cyric an' his Dark Light, Kido. You spin a fine tale, but I'm stickin' wi' for sake, not on account o' any love for murder, death destruction, chaos, an' all that crap.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a926 SAY ~[ARAN] An' give me back my coinpurse, there, stickyfingers. Umberlee's Undulating Urges, Hessa, you should be lookin' for other marks, not messin' wi' my flat purse. 's holdin' all my share!~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a927 SAY ~[ARAN] An' don't you be goin' all 'Ducky This' an' 'Ducky That' wi', me, Linton. You're a right fine woman, but I figure you're a mite too streetwise to come roll in th' hay wi' th' like o' me.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a928 SAY ~[ARAN] Now, you want me to carry that kitty cat o' yours about, I'm your man. An' I wouldn't mind a few riddles, nether, Tashia. How about when we camp, I wander on by an' we have a nice conversation, private-like. I'll brew some decent tea...~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a929 SAY ~[ARAN] Come by later, though, 'Fletcher. We never did finish talkin' about that whole Trade Way skirmish wi' the Chill hittin' your squad o' Fist. I heard from Valis your party done got ambushed right proper, but fought all th' way out wi' only two casualties anyways. Now that is a story worth hearin' more'n once, it is. I'll provide th' spirits, you provide th' stories.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a930 SAY ~[ARAN] I mean no disrespect, o'course, m'Lady Ninde. I wouldn't want to be on th' wrong side o' one o' your tongue lashin's. Though if there's a right side, well, I'm your man for to call on. I'll just go get that gear straightened out a bit, eh?~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a931 SAY ~[ARAN] Yeah, yeah, I done heard you th' first twenty times. 'Tiax Rules All'. 'When Tiax Rules, Aran Will Be Th' Boot-Scraper An' Will Have To Talk To Me'. Sune's Rambunctious Rump, someone get this insane shorty th' Nine Hells away from me.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a932 SAY ~[ARAN] No offense, Xan, but I want to keep my spirits up, eh? You are one powerful Tel Quessir, but you sure can bring on th' doom an' gloom.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a933 SAY ~[ARAN] Beggin' your pardon, m'lady Deheriana. I don't mean no offense to you nor your Ranger.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a934 SAY ~[ARAN] I'm downright flattered you want to talk to me, I am, Kivan - I don't mean no disrespect. There's just not rightly no time now for talkin'.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a935 SAY ~[ARAN] An' don't you be pesterin' me about all that cookin' wi' meat again, Allison. I know you be fond o' th' animals, but there's a right good purpose for them there bunny rabbits. Make good stew, they do!~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a936 SAY ~[ARAN] Beggin' your pardon, o' course, vanimaberylellie en amin... no offense meant. I'd Like it fine if we could talk later, Kitanya. I'd like to learn some o' th' Tel Quessirim fightin' tactics, if you've a mind to share.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a937 SAY ~[ARAN] In fact, forget it. Shut your foul mouth, you Cyric-lovin' filth. If didn't keep you on a tight leash like some pet, I'd be servin' your heart up tartar-style, wi' a nice cup o' th' blood o' innocents you like to murder. Watch your back, bastard, on account o' I'm just waitin' for th' opportunity to plant somethin' between your third an' fourth ribs.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a938 SAY ~[ARAN] Hold on... I can do this right proper, I can. I've been readin'. *ahem*. Forsooth, it pains me greatly to cause you distress, my Lady Saerileth. But thy words best not the needs of the moment, and I must away anon. Perchance thy gracious lips would caress mine ears at the first pale glimmer of starlight; for in thine countenance I do see the beauty of life, the vivaciousness of youth, and the satin power of Tyr enobl'd and made feminine in the grace of your form. This poor sinner doth confess the lusts of both body and mind for such sweet discourse; a breath, a moment of your beauty is like the drop of divine wisdom from the countenance of Ao. *ahem*. Sune's Salacious Succulence, talkin' that way'll kill a man dead, it will.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a939 SAY ~[ARAN] Come by an' talk later, though, Yikari. We can get a good stiff drink, an' loosen that still tongue o' yours. I want to hear more about th' far off lands, an' especially those Kara-Turan womenfolk!~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a940 SAY ~[ARAN] Bugger all, Bruce, I told you I was tapped out clean. No coin, no trade bars, nothin'. Hells, man, here - take this flask. An' don't be drinkin' it straight in one shot, or it'll put you right over on your ares. Cut it wi' some water. Now leave me alone 'til payday!~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a941 SAY ~[ARAN] Not meanin' to offend you, Sime, nor your father. I'd be right happy if you'd come talk later on. Perhaps I can buy you a drink or somethin', next opportunity. No pass, honest, just interested in swappin' some stories, playin' some dice, passin' the time.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a942 SAY ~[ARAN] I'm up for a mite o' a chat later, though, Neh'Taniel. You talk a deep set o' subjects, you do. I need most o' my mind on th' discussion if I want to keep up, eh?~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a943 SAY ~[ARAN] Oh, I'm right sorry, I am. Skooter, I did promise a throw or two o' that stick, didn't I. Right then, here you go... one good toss down that way. Just don't get lost, eh, m'boyo? There's critters around here what could eat *me* for a light snack, let alone you.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a944 SAY ~[ARAN] I'm not that interested in talkin' to no drow, nohow, Solaufein. You may talk a good game, but me, I got both my eyes on you. Figuratively speakin' that is. It'd be a mite messy if I done popped 'em out an' stuck em' to you.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a945 SAY ~[ARAN] An' in any case, you'll be wantin' to talk to , not me.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a946 SAY ~[ARAN] An' by Lolth's Lengthy Legs, keep away from me, you heartless drow bitch. I'm not one o' your filthy spider-spawn males to order about, Xulaye, cover or no cover. You want somethin', you put it through , done correct on th' chain o' command.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a947 SAY ~[ARAN] Not meanin' to be short, m'darlin lassie, but I'd rather we have a talk later. Are you up for a walk tonight, Aerie? Mayhap just you an' me, under th' stars?~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a948 SAY ~[ARAN] Anomen, if this is about my gear bein' not quite tidy enough, I done rightly heard you the first three times. An' I'll say it again - I don't answer to you, nohow. So bugger on about your business, m'lord, an' leave me to mine.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a949 SAY ~[ARAN] If it that talk you were wantin' to give me on th' ways o' th' birds an' th' bees, Cernd, well - that ship sailed a couple o' years ago. Though I can tell you o' some things I've learned what's great in th' bedroom, but don't quite fit under th' headin' o 'natural'...~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a950 SAY ~[ARAN] Unless it be more stories o' your conquests, o' course, Edwin. You got more o' those, well, step right on over, an' we'll have a mite o' a chat. I still can't rightly believe a Chondathan girl can be trained to do what you described last time. Didn't know they bent that way.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a951 SAY ~[ARAN] An' lay of th' 'sparrowhawk', 'dovewing', an' birdy-birdy language for a mite, there, HaerDalis, eh? If you do, I'll let you look at a scrap o' parchment I found in a library outside o' Beregost, what's written in th' tongue o' Gold Dwarves...~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a952 SAY ~[ARAN] I'm not pushin' you away, Imoen, really I'm not. I just know you have a mite on your mind, too, an' I'm not happy company right now. I'll walk by you for a bit, though, if you want.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a953 SAY ~[ARAN] Yes, Jaheira, I packed up my bedroll right tightly. No, Jaheira, I did not eat too much o' th' hardtack, an' cramp my bowels. Yes, Jaheira, I read that list o' spices you wanted me to try to get into th' dinner roster. Mielikki's Mysterious Mouth, I'm no bloody half-elf out o' your loins, I'm just a friend, eh? Go easy on th' motherin', for th' love of our friendship!~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a954 SAY ~[ARAN] Tell you what, Jan. If th' story is about turnips, relatives, or craftin' new inventions, I can tell you I done heard it. In fact, if it was turnips, I done heard it twice. But we will have time to take on meal prep, an' then you can tell me about th' time the cute female turnip golem who was really your third cousin on your uncle's side managed to get you an idea for an invention what turned out to be th' best thing since th' gods created womenfolk.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a955 SAY ~[ARAN] I don't mean no disrespect, Keldorn. If you have somethin' you want me to do, just say the word. Otherwise, I need to attend to my duties right proper.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a956 SAY ~[ARAN] If this is about th' sharpenin' bar, Korgan, here it is. I don't need it no more nohow. An' I'm not so happy wi' havin' to rent it for two iron crescents an' a Trademeet trade bar. Xvim's Spit, that's bloody highway robbery.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a957 SAY ~[ARAN] I'll be happy to help on th' weapons cleanin' later, though, Mazzy. I want to see how you sharpen those arrows so fierce.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a958 SAY ~[ARAN] Oh, I'm right sorry, Minsc - didn't mean to be so short. Though when I'm standin' close to you, short is the word what springs to mind right quick, it does. You are blockin' most o' my view, big boy. You mind steppin' over a bit, so's I can see where we are headed?~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a959 SAY ~[ARAN] An' I am not one o' th' Great Unwashed Little People, neither, Nalia. I 'll have you know I took a bath just last week. Well, parts o' me, anyways. Wanna see?~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a960 SAY ~[ARAN] I'm right surprised you want to talk, anyways, Valygar. You haven't put two words together wi' me in nigh on a tenday.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a961 SAY ~[ARAN] On second thought, Viconia, don't even bother. I've got naught to say to a Shar-kissed spawn o' th' Nether Planes. Bugger off an' go screw an ettin, or somethin'.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a962 SAY ~[ARAN] Tell you what, Yoshimo - we'll talk next time we camp. I want to try that card game again. I don't rightly know how you won all five hands, an' I want a chance to make some o' those wages back.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1652 SAY ~[ARAN] We'll be talkin' over dinner prep anyways, Hubelpot. Don't worry none - I'll try not to get ripped limb from limb afore then, and with a bit o' luck, you won't be ground up bits o' parts neither. We can talk about real curry makin'!~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1653 SAY ~[ARAN] You can't rightly expect much in th' way o' small talk from me, nohow, Iylos. You got a mission, an' I respect that. But fish around for information about from someone else. I don't serve more than one contract at a time, an' has that right now, an' probably 'til I'm arguin' wi' Kelemvor myself on where the prettiest girl souls be hidin' out.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1654 SAY ~[ARAN] You should know better than to sneak up on me like that, Banana. I got me a ton o' recipes wi' your name on 'em... hey, you got a cousin named Rosanna Bananadana?~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1657 SAY ~[ARAN] Easy, there, lass - don't you be gatherin' your tail in a twist, an' all. Literally, I mean. You are blushin' redder than I done seen in a tenday! Kari, I'm just busy now, that's all. Come by when we settle in for th' night, an' I'll help you with that weapon sharpenin' you were askin' about.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1658 SAY ~[ARAN] How about you come by tonight, though, Keto, an' we trade some stories? I'd be lyin' if I didn't think I'd make you nice company. I have some nice Rashemi Firewine set aside, not even watered down...~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1659 SAY ~[ARAN] Now then, miss foxy lass, I don't have no problems wi' talkin' to you, but now is not rightly th' time. Come by at dinner, Moddy, an' we'll share a bit o' talk, eh? Or better yet, a nice brace 'o rabbits.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1660 SAY ~[ARAN] Outsider an' necromancer... there's naught about you that sits right wi' me, Tsujatha. I' m tolerant for 's sake, an' that's about it. So don't look for small talk an' comradeship here.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1661 SAY ~[ARAN] An' stop spookin' me like that, Valen. I stay on one side o' , you stay on th' other, an' we will be fine. But I don't rightly think we should be havin' no private conversation. I'm likely to end up bein' an appetizer, or a light pre-dinner snack.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1662 SAY ~[ARAN] There might be time to talk later, though, Kiara. I want to hear more about that monk trainin'. I'll help wi' some breath-holdin' exercise, if you want, too. Though there be not much more between us, I expect. I know you might be a decent enough friend, but somehow it always ends up bein' more about you, an' less about anyone else.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1663 SAY ~[ARAN] Though between you an' me, I'd rather keep talkin' to you an' make some sort o' accommodation, Kiyone. I'd trust you to watch my back right proper.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END /* In Watcher's Keep, SoA - both C-ARANJ and C-ARN25J triggered from Global("c-aranwatchkeep","GLOBAL",1) and closed to 2 in dlg : Reply States */ IF ~~ a964 SAY ~[ARAN] I know that. I just be thinkin' we have enough troubles wi' out messin' with a great big stone cairn filled wi' unspeakable evil. We have already done that a few times, eh?~ ++ ~[PC] I did not have us take this task lightly. This could provide us with advantages we need later on in our travels.~ + a972 ++ ~[PC] Do not worry, Aran. We have prevailed so far. We will be laughing about this later on.~ + a971 ++ ~[PC] As I recall, there was a good bit of you running around screaming 'Kill it! Kill it! Cyric's Blood, kill it now!', while screaming like a little girl..~ + a970 + ~Class(Player1,THIEF_ALL)~ + ~[PC] Look, I am good at getting information. Rather than complaining about the task, I think I will go find out what traps await us.~ + a970 + ~Class(Player1,MAGE_ALL)~ + ~[PC] I have a divination spell or two up my sleeve. Rather than complaining about the task, I think I will get my magical energies flowing.~ + a970 + ~Class(Player1,CLERIC_ALL)~ + ~[PC] A prayer or two, perhaps a Chant or Bless might be a good idea. I will let you do all of the silly worrying by yourself.~ + a970 + ~Class(Player1,FIGHTER_ALL)~ + ~[PC] The troubles will be far deeper than the first level, I am sure. But if we keep a watchful eye, this adventure could be very useful to us. Or have you lost your courage?~ + a970 END IF ~~ a965 SAY ~[ARAN] Oh, no problem, exactly. Except we seem to be traipsin' about, messin' with a great big stone cairn filled wi' unspeakable evil. We have already done that a few times, eh?~ ++ ~[PC] I did not have us take this task lightly. This could provide us with advantages we need later on in our travels.~ + a972 ++ ~[PC] Do not worry, Aran. We have prevailed so far. We will be laughing about this later on.~ + a971 ++ ~[PC] As I recall, there was a good bit of you running around screaming 'Kill it! Kill it! Cyric's Blood, kill it now!', while screaming like a little girl..~ + a970 + ~Class(Player1,THIEF_ALL)~ + ~[PC] Look, I am good at getting information. Rather than complaining about the task, I think I will go find out what traps await us.~ + a970 + ~Class(Player1,MAGE_ALL)~ + ~[PC] I have a divination spell or two up my sleeve. Rather than complaining about the task, I think I will get my magical energies flowing.~ + a970 + ~Class(Player1,CLERIC_ALL)~ + ~[PC] A prayer or two, perhaps a Chant or Bless might be a good idea. I will let you do all of the silly worrying by yourself.~ + a970 + ~Class(Player1,FIGHTER_ALL)~ + ~[PC] The troubles will be far deeper than the first level, I am sure. But if we keep a watchful eye, this adventure could be very useful to us. Or have you lost your courage?~ + a970 END IF ~~ a966 SAY ~[ARAN] I might just do that. But I'm not sure about messin' with a great big stone cairn filled wi' unspeakable evil. We have already done that a few times, eh?~ ++ ~[PC] Do not worry, Aran. We have prevailed so far. We will be laughing about this later on.~ + a971 ++ ~[PC] I did not have us take this task lightly. This could provide us with advantages we need later on in our travels.~ + a972 ++ ~[PC] As I recall, there was a good bit of you running around screaming 'Kill it! Kill it! Cyric's Blood, kill it now!', while screaming like a little girl..~ + a970 + ~Class(Player1,THIEF_ALL)~ + ~[PC] Would you rather I do it, Aran? I mean, if you think you need the help...~ + a970 + ~InParty(Player2) Class(Player2,THIEF_ALL) !Name("c-aran",Player2)~ + ~[PC] Would you rather do it, Aran? I mean, if you think you need the help...~ + a970 + ~InParty(Player3) Class(Player3,THIEF_ALL) !Name("c-aran",Player3)~ + ~[PC] Would you rather do it, Aran? I mean, if you think you need the help...~ + a970 + ~InParty(Player4) Class(Player4,THIEF_ALL) !Name("c-aran",Player4)~ + ~[PC] Would you rather do it, Aran? I mean, if you think you need the help...~ + a970 + ~InParty(Player5) Class(Player5,THIEF_ALL) !Name("c-aran",Player5)~ + ~[PC] Would you rather do it, Aran? I mean, if you think you need the help...~ + a970 + ~InParty(Player6) Class(Player6,THIEF_ALL) !Name("c-aran",Player6)~ + ~[PC] Would you rather do it, Aran? I mean, if you think you need the help...~ + a970 END IF ~~ a967 SAY ~[ARAN] I can get th' energies flowin' right fine. I just am a mite worried about messin' with a great big stone cairn filled wi' unspeakable evil. We have already done that a few times, eh?~ ++ ~[PC] Do not worry, Aran. We have prevailed so far. We will be laughing about this later on.~ + a971 ++ ~[PC] I did not have us take this task lightly. This could provide us with advantages we need later on in our travels.~ + a972 ++ ~[PC] As I recall, there was a good bit of you running around screaming 'Kill it! Kill it! Cyric's Blood, kill it now!', while screaming like a little girl..~ + a970 + ~Class(Player1,MAGE_ALL)~ + ~[PC] Would you rather I cast some preparatory spells, Aran? I mean, if you think you need the help...~ + a970 + ~InParty(Player2) Class(Player2,MAGE_ALL) !Name("c-aran",Player2)~ + ~[PC] Would you rather do it, Aran? I mean, if you think you need the help...~ + a970 + ~InParty(Player3) Class(Player3,MAGE_ALL) !Name("c-aran",Player3)~ + ~[PC] Would you rather do it, Aran? I mean, if you think you need the help...~ + a970 + ~InParty(Player4) Class(Player4,MAGE_ALL) !Name("c-aran",Player4)~ + ~[PC] Would you rather do it, Aran? I mean, if you think you need the help...~ + a970 + ~InParty(Player5) Class(Player5,MAGE_ALL) !Name("c-aran",Player5)~ + ~[PC] Would you rather do it, Aran? I mean, if you think you need the help...~ + a970 + ~InParty(Player6) Class(Player6,MAGE_ALL) !Name("c-aran",Player6)~ + ~[PC] Would you rather do it, Aran? I mean, if you think you need the help...~ + a970 END IF ~~ a968 SAY ~[ARAN] I can call on my spiritual side right fine. I just am a mite worried about messin' with a great big stone cairn filled wi' unspeakable evil. We have already done that a few times, eh?~ ++ ~[PC] Do not worry, Aran. We have prevailed so far. We will be laughing about this later on.~ + a971 ++ ~[PC] I did not have us take this task lightly. This could provide us with advantages we need later on in our travels.~ + a972 ++ ~[PC] As I recall, there was a good bit of you running around screaming 'Kill it! Kill it! Cyric's Blood, kill it now!', while screaming like a little girl..~ + a970 + ~Class(Player1,CLERIC_ALL)~ + ~[PC] Would you rather I do it, Aran? I mean, if you think you need the help...~ + a970 + ~InParty(Player2) Class(Player2,CLERIC_ALL) !Name("c-aran",Player2)~ + ~[PC] Would you rather do it, Aran? I mean, if you think you need the help...~ + a970 + ~InParty(Player3) Class(Player3,CLERIC_ALL) !Name("c-aran",Player3)~ + ~[PC] Would you rather do it, Aran? I mean, if you think you need the help...~ + a970 + ~InParty(Player4) Class(Player4,CLERIC_ALL) !Name("c-aran",Player4)~ + ~[PC] Would you rather do it, Aran? I mean, if you think you need the help...~ + a970 + ~InParty(Player5) Class(Player5,CLERIC_ALL) !Name("c-aran",Player5)~ + ~[PC] Would you rather do it, Aran? I mean, if you think you need the help...~ + a970 + ~InParty(Player6) Class(Player6,CLERIC_ALL) !Name("c-aran",Player6)~ + ~[PC] Would you rather do it, Aran? I mean, if you think you need the help...~ + a970 END IF ~~ a969 SAY ~[ARAN] I'm right proud to say I bet we can lick just about anythin' fair an' square, an' that's before we start fightin' dirty. I just am a mite worried about messin' with a great big stone cairn filled wi' unspeakable evil. We have already done that a few times, eh?~ ++ ~[PC] Do not worry, Aran. We have prevailed so far. We will be laughing about this later on.~ + a971 ++ ~[PC] I did not have us take this task lightly. This could provide us with advantages we need later on in our travels.~ + a972 + ~Class(Player1,FIGHTER_ALL)~ + ~[PC] Would you rather I take point, Aran? I mean, if you think you need to guard the rear...~ + a970 + ~InParty(Player2) Class(Player2,FIGHTER_ALL) !Name("c-aran",Player2)~ + ~[PC] We could always have lead out. I mean, if you think you cannot handle taking point...~ + a970 + ~InParty(Player3) Class(Player3,FIGHTER_ALL) !Name("c-aran",Player3)~ + ~[PC] We could always have lead out. I mean, if you think you cannot handle taking point...~ + a970 + ~InParty(Player4) Class(Player4,FIGHTER_ALL) !Name("c-aran",Player4)~ + ~[PC] We could always have lead out. I mean, if you think you cannot handle taking point...~ + a970 + ~InParty(Player5) Class(Player5,FIGHTER_ALL) !Name("c-aran",Player5)~ + ~[PC] We could always have lead out. I mean, if you think you cannot handle taking point...~ + a970 + ~InParty(Player6) Class(Player6,FIGHTER_ALL) !Name("c-aran",Player6)~ + ~[PC] We could always have lead out. I mean, if you think you cannot handle taking point...~ + a970 END IF ~~ a970 SAY ~[ARAN] Oooh, you know how to hurt a lad, you do. Right, then. I'll get about adventurin'.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a971 SAY ~[ARAN] The question is, are we goin' to be laughin' a good, comradely belly laugh, or a shrill hysterical terror-filled laugh? 'Cause I be much more in favor o' th' first.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a972 SAY ~[ARAN] Right. I should o' guessed that was th' idea. Go mess with th' big evil thing what's been locked up, so's we can have some nice treasure an' get some great magical weapons. Tiamat's Terrible Teeth, I'd think you were jokin', if it didn't sound like what we do every day, all day....~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END /* PID 2: Options for PC <> Aran, Underdark */ /* OR(17) AreaCheck("AR2100") AreaCheck("AR2101") AreaCheck("AR2102") AreaCheck("AR2200") AreaCheck("AR2201") */ /* AreaCheck("AR2202") AreaCheck("AR2203") AreaCheck("AR2204") AreaCheck("AR2205") AreaCheck("AR2206") AreaCheck("AR2207") AreaCheck("AR2208") */ /* AreaCheck("AR2209") AreaCheck("AR2210") AreaCheck("AR2400") AreaCheck("AR2401") AreaCheck("AR2402") */ IF ~IsGabber(Player1) Global("chapter","GLOBAL",5)~ THEN BEGIN a1073 SAY ~[ARAN] (Aran walks beside you, glaring at the dark corners and shadows. His eyes gleam in the feral, unnatural light.)~ /* General Options, both Male PC and female PC */ /* voice/string fixer */ ++ ~[PC] Aran, your voice sounds strange. Have you been drinking again?~ + a989 /* c-aranpidvoice */ /* Some Prefer Silence... Shutdown or re-enable gabby commenting and I_C_Ts */ + ~Global("c-silencearan","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] I hate random comments. Only talk about important things, Aran. Even then, try not to talk.~ + a990 /* c-aransilence */ + ~Global("c-silencearan","GLOBAL",1)~ + ~[PC] Hey, I have changed my mind. Go ahead and say what you want to say, Aran, any time you want to say it. Random comments are fine.~ + a991 /* c-arantalkok */ /* PID for Underdark: equipment addition */ + ~Global("c-arandroweq","LOCALS",0) HasItemEquiped("DWBLUN01","c-aran") Global("c-arandroweq","LOCALS",0)~ + ~[PC] Aran, you keep looking oddly at that Drow flail you are using. Is there something wrong with it?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arandroweq","LOCALS",1)~ + a1441 /* Drow Flail +3 */ + ~Global("c-arandroweq","LOCALS",0) OR(2) HasItemEquiped("DWCHAN01","c-aran") HasItemEquiped("DWCHAN02","c-aran")~ + ~[PC] Aran, you keep looking oddly at that armor you are wearing. Is there something wrong with it?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arandroweq","LOCALS",1)~ + a1441 /* Drow Elven Chain +3, Drow Adamantine Chain +5 */ + ~Global("c-arandroweq","LOCALS",0) HasItemEquiped("DWCLCK01","c-aran")~ + ~[PC] Aran, you keep looking oddly at that cloak you are wearing. Is there something wrong with it?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arandroweq","LOCALS",1)~ + a1441 /* Drow Piwafwi Cloak */ + ~Global("c-arandroweq","LOCALS",0) HasItemEquiped("DWHALB01","c-aran")~ + ~[PC] Aran, you keep looking oddly at that halberd you are wielding. Is there something wrong with it?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arandroweq","LOCALS",1)~ + a1441 /* Drow Halberd +3 */ + ~Global("c-arandroweq","LOCALS",0) HasItemEquiped("DWPLAT01","c-aran")~ + ~[PC] Aran, you keep looking oddly at that plate armor you are wearing. Is there something wrong with it?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arandroweq","LOCALS",1)~ + a1441 /* Drow Full Plate +5 */ + ~Global("c-arandroweq","LOCALS",0) HasItemEquiped("DWSHLD01","c-aran")~ + ~[PC] Aran, you keep looking oddly at that shield you are holding. Is there something wrong with it?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arandroweq","LOCALS",1)~ + a1441 /* Drow Shield +3 */ + ~Global("c-arandroweq","LOCALS",0) HasItemEquiped("DWSPER01","c-aran")~ + ~[PC] Aran, you keep looking oddly at that lance you are wielding. Is there something wrong with it?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arandroweq","LOCALS",1)~ + a1441 /* Drow Lance +3 */ + ~Global("c-arandroweq","LOCALS",0) HasItemEquiped("DWSW1H01","c-aran")~ + ~[PC] Aran, you keep looking oddly at that scimitar you are wielding. Is there something wrong with it?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arandroweq","LOCALS",1)~ + a1441 /* Drow Scimitar +3 */ + ~Global("c-arandroweq","LOCALS",0) HasItemEquiped("DWSW1H02","c-aran")~ + ~[PC] Aran, you keep looking oddly at that longsword you are wielding. Is there something wrong with it?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arandroweq","LOCALS",1)~ + a1441 /* Drow Longsword +3 */ + ~Global("c-arandroweq","LOCALS",0) HasItemEquiped("DWXBOW01","c-aran")~ + ~[PC] Aran, you keep looking oddly at that crossbow you are using. Is there something wrong with it?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arandroweq","LOCALS",1)~ + a1441 /* Drow Crossbow of Speed */ /* race - dependent (1) */ + ~Global("c-drowrace","LOCALS",0) Global("c-drow","GLOBAL",1) Race(Player1,ELF)~ + ~[PC] You keep looking at me. Is there something wrong?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-drowrace","LOCALS",1)~ + a992 /* Underdark c-aranpidelf */ + ~Global("c-drowrace","LOCALS",0) Global("c-drow","GLOBAL",1) Race(Player1,HUMAN)~ + ~[PC] You keep looking at me. Is there something wrong?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-drowrace","LOCALS",1)~ + a993 /* Underdark c-aranpidhum */ + ~Global("c-drowrace","LOCALS",0) Global("c-drow","GLOBAL",1) Race(Player1,DWARF)~ + ~[PC] You keep looking at me. Is there something wrong?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-drowrace","LOCALS",1)~ + a994 /* Underdark c-aranpiddwarf */ + ~Global("c-drowrace","LOCALS",0) Global("c-drow","GLOBAL",1) Race(Player1,HALFORC)~ + ~[PC] You keep looking at me. Is there something wrong?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-drowrace","LOCALS",1)~ + a995 /* Underdark c-aranpidorc */ + ~Global("c-drowrace","LOCALS",0) Global("c-drow","GLOBAL",1) Race(Player1,GNOME)~ + ~[PC] You keep looking at me. Is there something wrong?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-drowrace","LOCALS",1)~ + a996 /* Underdark c-aranpidgnome */ + ~Global("c-drowrace","LOCALS",0) Global("c-drow","GLOBAL",1) Race(Player1,HALFLING)~ + ~[PC] You keep looking at me. Is there something wrong?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-drowrace","LOCALS",1)~ + a997 /* Underdark c-aranpidhan */ + ~Global("c-drowrace","LOCALS",0) Global("c-drow","GLOBAL",1) Race(Player1,HALF_ELF)~ + ~[PC] You keep looking at me. Is there something wrong?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-drowrace","LOCALS",1)~ + a998 /* Underdark c-aranpidhaldelf */ /* reputation - dependent (1) */ + ~Global("c-drow","GLOBAL",1) ReputationGT(Player1,17)~ + ~[PC] We seem to be getting quite a reputation.~ + a999 /* Underdark c-aranpidgood */ + ~Global("c-drow","GLOBAL",1) ReputationLT(Player1,18) ReputationGT(Player1,14)~ + ~[PC] We seem to be getting quite a reputation.~ + a1000 /* Underdark c-aranpidbetter */ + ~Global("c-drow","GLOBAL",1) ReputationLT(Player1,15) ReputationGT(Player1,9)~ + ~[PC] We seem to be getting quite a reputation.~ + a1001 /* Underdark c-aranpidneutral */ + ~Global("c-drow","GLOBAL",1) ReputationLT(Player1,10) ReputationGT(Player1,4)~ + ~[PC] We seem to be getting quite a reputation.~ + a1002 /* Underdark c-aranpidbad */ + ~Global("c-drow","GLOBAL",1) ReputationLT(Player1,5)~ + ~[PC] We seem to be getting quite a reputation.~ + a1003 /* Underdark c-aranpidevil */ /* class - dependent , PC (1 or 2 ) */ + ~Global("c-drow","GLOBAL",1) Global("c-arnscrollwork","GLOBAL",1) Class(Player1,MAGE_ALL) RandomNum(2,1)~ + ~[PC] Do you want some help scribing a scroll?~ + a1004 /* Underdark c-aranpidmage1 */ + ~Global("c-drow","GLOBAL",1) Global("c-arnscrollwork","GLOBAL",1) Class(Player1,MAGE_ALL) RandomNum(2,2)~ + ~[PC] Do you want some help scribing a scroll?~ + a1023 /* Underdark c-aranpidmage1 */ + ~Global("c-drow","GLOBAL",1) Class(Player1,FIGHTER_ALL) RandomNum(2,1)~ + ~[PC] Sparring practice might be useful.~ + a1005 /* Underdark c-aranpidfighter1 */ + ~Global("c-drow","GLOBAL",1) Class(Player1,FIGHTER_ALL) RandomNum(2,2)~ + ~[PC] Sparring practice might be useful.~ + a1024 /* Underdark c-aranpidfighter1 */ + ~Global("c-drow","GLOBAL",1) Class(Player1,THIEF_ALL) RandomNum(2,1)~ + ~[PC] Hey, stand over there. I want to practice sneaking up on you.~ + a1006 /* Underdark c-aranpidthief1 */ + ~Global("c-drow","GLOBAL",1) Class(Player1,THIEF_ALL) RandomNum(2,2)~ + ~[PC] Hey, stand over there. I want to practice sneaking up on you.~ + a1025 /* Underdark c-aranpidthief1 */ + ~Global("c-drow","GLOBAL",1) Class(Player1,CLERIC_ALL) Alignment(Player1,MASK_GOOD) RandomNum(2,1)~ + ~[PC] I will say a prayer for you, Aran.~ + a1007 /* Underdark c-aranpidcleric1g */ + ~Global("c-drow","GLOBAL",1) Class(Player1,CLERIC_ALL) Alignment(Player1,MASK_GOOD) RandomNum(2,2)~ + ~[PC] I will say a prayer for you, Aran.~ + a1026 /* Underdark c-aranpidcleric1g */ + ~Global("c-drow","GLOBAL",1) Class(Player1,CLERIC_ALL) Alignment(Player1,MASK_EVIL) RandomNum(2,1)~ + ~[PC] I will say a prayer for you, Aran.~ + a1008 /* Underdark c-aranpidcleric1e */ + ~Global("c-drow","GLOBAL",1) Class(Player1,CLERIC_ALL) Alignment(Player1,MASK_EVIL) RandomNum(2,2)~ + ~[PC] I will say a prayer for you, Aran.~ + a1027 /* Underdark c-aranpidcleric1e */ + ~Global("c-drow","GLOBAL",1) Class(Player1,CLERIC_ALL) !Alignment(Player1,MASK_GOOD) !Alignment(Player1,MASK_EVIL) RandomNum(2,1)~ + ~[PC] I will say a prayer for you, Aran.~ + a1009 /* Underdark c-aranpidcleric1n */ + ~Global("c-drow","GLOBAL",1) Class(Player1,CLERIC_ALL) !Alignment(Player1,MASK_GOOD) !Alignment(Player1,MASK_EVIL) RandomNum(2,2)~ + ~[PC] I will say a prayer for you, Aran.~ + a1028 /* Underdark c-aranpidcleric1n */ + ~Global("c-drow","GLOBAL",1) Class(Player1,PALADIN_ALL) !Class("c-aran",PALADIN_ALL) RandomNum(2,1)~ + ~[PC] Have you ever thought of following the ways of my order?~ + a1010 /* Underdark c-aranpidpally1 */ + ~Global("c-drow","GLOBAL",1) Class(Player1,PALADIN_ALL) !Class("c-aran",PALADIN_ALL) RandomNum(2,2)~ + ~[PC] Have you ever thought of following the ways of my order?~ + a1029 /* Underdark c-aranpidpally1 */ + ~Global("c-drow","GLOBAL",1) Class(Player1,PALADIN_ALL) Class("c-aran",PALADIN_ALL) RandomNum(2,1)~ + ~[PC] It is good to travel with a fellow paladin. Tell me, have you ever thought of following the ways of my order?~ + a1011 /* Underdark c-aranpidpally1 */ + ~Global("c-drow","GLOBAL",1) Class(Player1,PALADIN_ALL) Class("c-aran",PALADIN_ALL) RandomNum(2,2)~ + ~[PC] It is good to travel with a fellow paladin. Tell me, have you ever thought of following the ways of my order?~ + a1030 /* Underdark c-aranpidpally1 */ + ~Global("c-drow","GLOBAL",1) Class(Player1,SORCERER) RandomNum(2,1)~ + ~[PC] Here, catch. (Conjure a globe of light and toss it toward Aran.)~ + a1012 /* Underdark c-aranpidsorc1 */ + ~Global("c-drow","GLOBAL",1) Class(Player1,SORCERER) RandomNum(2,2)~ + ~[PC] Here, catch. (Conjure a globe of light and toss it toward Aran.)~ + a1031 /* Underdark c-aranpidsorc1 */ + ~Global("c-drow","GLOBAL",1) Class(Player1,MONK) RandomNum(2,1)~ + ~[PC] Perhaps you would like to meditate with me.~ + a1013 /* Underdark c-aranpidmonk1 */ + ~Global("c-drow","GLOBAL",1) Class(Player1,MONK) RandomNum(2,2)~ + ~[PC] Perhaps you would like to meditate with me.~ + a1032 /* Underdark c-aranpidmonk1 */ + ~Global("c-drow","GLOBAL",1) Class(Player1,BARD_ALL) RandomNum(2,1)~ + ~[PC] I have been writing a good deal about our travels. Perhaps you could lend me some vellum, so I can continue?~ + a1014 /* Underdark c-aranpidbard1 */ + ~Global("c-drow","GLOBAL",1) Class(Player1,BARD_ALL) RandomNum(2,2)~ + ~[PC] I have been writing a good deal about our travels. Perhaps you could lend me some vellum, so I can continue?~ + a1033 /* Underdark c-aranpidbard1 */ /* class - dependent , Aran (1 or 2 ) */ + ~Global("c-drow","GLOBAL",1) Class("c-aran",MAGE_ALL)~ + ~[PC] I think your spellcasting is getting better. At least, you seem less likely to catch part of me in your spell by accident.~ + a1015 /* Underdark c-aranpidmage2 */ + ~Global("c-drow","GLOBAL",1) Class("c-aran",FIGHTER_ALL)~ + ~[PC] We should discuss your fighting tactics sometime.~ + a1016 /* Underdark c-aranpidfighter2 */ + ~Global("c-drow","GLOBAL",1) Class("c-aran",THIEF_ALL)~ + ~[PC] Have you worked on those lock-picking and de-trapping skills of yours lately?~ + a1017 /* Underdark c-aranpidthief2 */ + ~Global("c-drow","GLOBAL",1) Class("c-aran",CLERIC_ALL)~ + ~[PC] Perhaps you should ask your god what we should do next, Aran.~ + a1018 /* Underdark c-aranpidcleric2 */ + ~Global("c-drow","GLOBAL",1) Class("c-aran",PALADIN_ALL)~ + ~[PC] How did a rough and tumble character like you ever get to become a paladin, anyways?~ + a1019 /* Underdark c-aranpidpally2 */ + ~Global("c-drow","GLOBAL",1) Class("c-aran",SORCERER)~ + ~[PC] Aran, you are doing it again. Your left hand is sparking. Can you control yourself?~ + a1020 /* Underdark c-aranpidsorc2 */ + ~Global("c-drow","GLOBAL",1) Class("c-aran",MONK)~ + ~[PC] I thought monks were quiet, introspective, and subtle. That does not seem to be your style.~ + a1021 /* Underdark c-aranpidmonk2 */ + ~Global("c-drow","GLOBAL",1) Class("c-aran",BARD_ALL)~ + ~[PC] So, how is the great Chronicler coming along with the story?~ + a1022 /* Underdark c-aranpidbard2 */ /* area - dependent */ + ~Global("c-aranpidud1","LOCALS",0)~ + ~[PC] You are a traveler of wide experience - have you ever been here before?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranpidud1","LOCALS",1)~ + a1034 /* Underdark no way Jose */ /* FLIRT MENU ADDITIONS, female PC's only */ /* romance - dependent (1) to allow breakup or resume romance. */ + ~Gender(Player1,FEMALE) Global("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",1)~ + ~[PC] I need to be clear about this, Aran. I am not interested in a romance with you. Stop talking about it.~ + a1035 /* c-aranpidnointerest */ + ~Gender(Player1,FEMALE) Global("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] I think we are headed down the wrong path, Aran. It was fun while it lasted, but it is over. Let's just be friends.~ + a1036 /* c-aranpidbreakup */ + ~Gender(Player1,FEMALE) Global("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",3) Global("c-aranmakeup","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Look, I know it is over. But I think I have changed my mind. Perhaps a romance with you might be interesting after all.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranmakeup","GLOBAL",1)~ + a1037 /* c-aranpidbreakupover1 */ + ~Gender(Player1,FEMALE) Global("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",3) Global("c-aranmakeup","GLOBAL",1)~ + ~[PC] Look, I know it is over. But I think I have changed my mind. Perhaps a romance with you might be interesting after all.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranmakeup","GLOBAL",2)~ + a1245 /* c-aranpidbreakupover2 */ + ~Gender(Player1,FEMALE) Global("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",3) Global("c-aranmakeup","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] Look, I know it is over. But I think I have changed my mind. Perhaps a romance with you might be interesting after all.~ + a1246 /* c-aranpidbreakupover3 */ /* PID Anomen Romance Conflict Toggle */ + ~InParty("Anomen") OR(10) GlobalGT("c-aanocon120","GLOBAL",0) GlobalGT("c-aanocon121","GLOBAL",0) GlobalGT("c-aanocon158","GLOBAL",0) GlobalGT("c-aanocon194","GLOBAL",0) GlobalGT("c-aanocon212","GLOBAL",0) GlobalGT("c-aanocon224","GLOBAL",0) GlobalGT("c-aanocon232","GLOBAL",0) GlobalGT("c-aanocon287","GLOBAL",0) GlobalGT("c-anomenaran","GLOBAL",0) GlobalGT("c-arananomen","GLOBAL",0) Global("c-aanoconflict","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] I like Anomen well enough, Aran. But you keep fighting with him. I want you to stop doing that.~ + a1038 /* c-aranvsanom1s */ + ~InParty("Anomen") Global("c-aanoconflict","GLOBAL",1)~ + ~[PC] I have changed my mind about fighting with Anomen, Aran. Go ahead and speak your mind.~ + a1039 /* c-aranvsanom1c */ /* Stop or Restart Flirting: None show for males. */ /* PC Doesn't Want NPC Initiated flirts at all. */ + ~Gender(Player1,FEMALE) Global("c-aranflirtstop","GLOBAL",0) OR(2) Global("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",1) Global("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] You have to stop coming up to me and flirting. I do not want that behavior to continue, here or on the surface.~ + a1040 /* c-aranrestopflirts */ /* PC Doesn't Want NPC Initiated flirts during Underdark. */ + ~Gender(Player1,FEMALE) Global("c-aranflirtstop","GLOBAL",0) OR(2) Global("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",1) Global("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] You have to stop coming up to me and flirting, even though I usually like it when you do. Down here, it would be a bad idea. Wait until we are on the surface again.~ + a1041 /* PC Wants NPC Initiated Flirts, Underdark */ + ~Gender(Player1,FEMALE) Global("c-aranflirtstop","GLOBAL",1) OR(2) Global("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",1) Global("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",2) Global("c-aranfight","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] I know Drow are sensuous beings, Aran. You could chase me, just a little, and discreetly...~ + a1042 /* Underdark c-aranrestartflirts */ /* PC Wants NPC Initiated Flirts but Aran is Mad */ + ~Gender(Player1,FEMALE) Global("c-aranflirtstop","GLOBAL",1) OR(2) Global("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",1) Global("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",2) Global("c-aranfight","GLOBAL",1)~ + ~[PC] You do not pay attention to me the way you used to, Aran. I miss your company.~ + a1043 /* Underdark c-aranrestartflirtsmad */ /* PC Wants To Initiate A Flirt: Underdark */ + ~Global("c-drow","GLOBAL",1) Gender(Player1,FEMALE) OR(2) Global("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",1) Global("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",2) Global("c-aranfight","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~(You decide to flirt with Aran)~ + a1044 /* Underdark c-pcflirtsaran1 after Adlon's Cave */ + ~Global("c-drow","GLOBAL",0) Gender(Player1,FEMALE) OR(2) Global("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",1) Global("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",2) Global("c-aranfight","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~(You decide to flirt with Aran)~ + a1044 /* Underdark c-pcflirtsaran1 before Adlon's cave */ /* FIX THIS PLACEHOLDER */ /* 2d - PC Wants To Initiate A Flirt, But Aran Is Angry - handled within submenu */ ++ ~[PC] Before we go any further, Aran... what do you think our "relationship" is?~ + a2699 /* PID Scribing Scrolls Blocks */ + ~Global("c-arnscrollwork","GLOBAL",0) Global("c-aranscribe","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Can you scribe a scroll for me?~ + a1045 + ~Global("c-arnscrollwork","GLOBAL",1) Global("c-aranscribe","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Tell me again how you work with scrolls and spells.~ + a1045 + ~Global("c-arnscrollwork","GLOBAL",1) Global("c-aranscribe","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Can you scribe a scroll for me?~ + a1057 + ~Global("c-aranscribe","GLOBAL",1) RandomNum(5,1)~ + ~[PC] Is that scroll done yet?~ + a1046 + ~Global("c-aranscribe","GLOBAL",1) RandomNum(5,2)~ + ~[PC] Is that scroll done yet?~ + a1047 + ~Global("c-aranscribe","GLOBAL",1) RandomNum(5,3)~ + ~[PC] Is that scroll done yet?~ + a1048 + ~Global("c-aranscribe","GLOBAL",1) RandomNum(5,4)~ + ~[PC] Is that scroll done yet?~ + a1049 + ~Global("c-aranscribe","GLOBAL",1) RandomNum(5,5)~ + ~[PC] Is that scroll done yet?~ + a1050 /* PID requests, PC = Female PID */ /* blocking for 'goaded' talk triggered at rest, and var already set - also, no nookie during waking hours in a dungeon. */ + ~GlobalGT("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",0) GlobalLT("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",3) Gender(Player1,FEMALE) !Global("c-arannightvisit","GLOBAL",1) !Global("c-arangoaded","GLOBAL",1) AreaType(DUNGEON) RandomNum(2,2)~ + ~[PC] Aran... we could slip away, right here, right now... come away with me for a moment.~ + a3761 /* NOT_RIGHT_HERE_NOW_ONE */ + ~GlobalGT("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",0) GlobalLT("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",3) Gender(Player1,FEMALE) !Global("c-arannightvisit","GLOBAL",1) !Global("c-arangoaded","GLOBAL",1) AreaType(DUNGEON) RandomNum(2,1)~ + ~[PC] Didn't you want to get me alone for awhile, just the two of us? Now is the perfect time.~ + a3776 /* NOT_RIGHT_HERE_NOW */ + ~GlobalGT("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",0) GlobalLT("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",3) Gender(Player1,FEMALE) !Global("c-arannightvisit","GLOBAL",1) !Global("c-arangoaded","GLOBAL",1) !AreaType(DUNGEON) RandomNum(2,2)~ + ~[PC] Aran... we could slip away, right here, right now... come away with me for a moment.~ + a3763 /* START_RIGHT_HERE_NOW */ + ~GlobalGT("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",0) GlobalLT("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",3) Gender(Player1,FEMALE) !Global("c-arannightvisit","GLOBAL",1) !Global("c-arangoaded","GLOBAL",1) !AreaType(DUNGEON) RandomNum(2,1)~ + ~[PC] Didn't you want to get me alone for awhile, just the two of us? Now is the perfect time.~ + a3763 /* START_RIGHT_HERE_NOW */ + ~GlobalGT("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",0) GlobalLT("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",3) Gender(Player1,FEMALE) !Global("c-arannightvisit","GLOBAL",1) RandomNum(4,4)~ + ~[PC] Come to me when we rest. And come alone.~ + a3755 /* AGREE_TO_MEET_ONE */ + ~GlobalGT("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",0) GlobalLT("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",3) Gender(Player1,FEMALE) !Global("c-arannightvisit","GLOBAL",1) RandomNum(4,3)~ + ~[PC] Come to me when we rest. And come alone.~ + a3754 /* AGREE_TO_MEET_TWO */ + ~GlobalGT("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",0) GlobalLT("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",3) Gender(Player1,FEMALE) !Global("c-arannightvisit","GLOBAL",1) RandomNum(4,2)~ + ~[PC] Come to me when we rest. And come alone.~ + a3753 /* AGREE_TO_MEET_THREE */ + ~GlobalGT("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",0) GlobalLT("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",3) Gender(Player1,FEMALE) !Global("c-arannightvisit","GLOBAL",1) RandomNum(4,1)~ + ~[PC] Come to me when we rest. And come alone.~ + a3752 /* AGREE_TO_MEET_FOUR */ + ~GlobalGT("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",0) GlobalLT("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",3) Gender(Player1,FEMALE) Global("c-arannightvisit","GLOBAL",1) !Global("c-arangoaded","GLOBAL",1)~ + ~[PC] I have changed my mind about you visiting me the next time we rest. Now is not a good time.~ + a3756 /* WHY_DID_YOU_ASK */ /* logic check, so "goaded" or delay of "goaded' does not get an opportunity to shut it down - the point is Aran actually takes initiative to the 'unspoken' request. */ ++ ~[PC] Actually, never mind. I don't really have anything to talk to you about.~ + a1705 /* LEAT21 Human Flesh +5 evil armor equipped complaints */ IF ~HasItemEquiped("LEAT21",Player1) Global("c-arskinarm","LOCALS",0)~ THEN GOTO a1799 IF ~HasItemEquiped("LEAT21",Player1) Global("c-arskinarm","LOCALS",1) GlobalTimerExpired("c-aranskin","GLOBAL")~ THEN GOTO a1798 IF ~HasItemEquiped("LEAT21",Player1) Global("c-arskinarm","LOCALS",2) GlobalTimerExpired("c-aranskin","GLOBAL")~ THEN GOTO a1797 IF ~Global("c-aranfight","GLOBAL",1) RandomNum(4,1)~ THEN GOTO a1756 /* c-aranmad1 */ IF ~Global("c-aranfight","GLOBAL",1) RandomNum(4,2)~ THEN GOTO a1757 /* c-aranmad2 */ IF ~Global("c-aranfight","GLOBAL",1) RandomNum(4,3)~ THEN GOTO a1758 /* c-aranmad3 */ IF ~Global("c-aranfight","GLOBAL",1) RandomNum(4,4)~ THEN GOTO a1759 /* c-aranmad4 */ END /* PID 3: Options for PC <> Aran, everywhere else */ IF ~IsGabber(Player1) !Global("Chapter","GLOBAL",5)~ THEN BEGIN a1077 SAY ~[ARAN] (Aran is beside you, watching the surroundings carefully.) ~ /* General Options, both Male PC and female PC */ /* voice/string fixer */ ++ ~[PC] Your voice sounds strange. Have you been drinking again?~ + a989 /* c-aranpidvoice */ /* Some Prefer Silence... Shutdown or re-enable gabby commenting and I_C_Ts */ + ~Global("c-silencearan","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] I hate random comments. Only talk about important things, Aran. Even then, try not to talk.~ + a990 /* c-aransilence */ + ~Global("c-silencearan","GLOBAL",1)~ + ~[PC] Hey, I have changed my mind. Go ahead and say what you want to say, Aran, any time you want to say it. Random comments are fine.~ + a991 /* c-arantalkok */ /* chapter - dependent (1) */ + ~Global("Chapter","GLOBAL",2) Global("KnowsCowledBribe","LOCALS",0)~ + ~[PC] Well, do you have any advice for me, Aran?~ + a1078 /* search for your girlfriend, or not. */ + ~Global("Chapter","GLOBAL",3) Global("WorkingForAran","GLOBAL",1) Global("KnowsCowledBribe","LOCALS",0)~ + ~[PC] Well, do you have any advice for me, Aran?~ + a1079 /* with friends like these, who needs enemies. */ + ~Global("Chapter","GLOBAL",3) Global("WorkingForBodhi","GLOBAL",1) Global("KnowsCowledBribe","LOCALS",0)~ + ~[PC] Well, do you have any advice for me, Aran?~ + a1080 /* with friends like these, we are likely to be a midnight snack. */ + ~Global("Chapter","GLOBAL",2) Global("KnowsCowledBribe","LOCALS",1)~ + ~[PC] Well, do you have any advice for me, Aran?~ + a1237 /* search for your girlfriend, or not. */ + ~Global("Chapter","GLOBAL",3) Global("WorkingForAran","GLOBAL",1) Global("KnowsCowledBribe","LOCALS",1)~ + ~[PC] Well, do you have any advice for me, Aran?~ + a1238 /* with friends like these, who needs enemies. */ + ~Global("Chapter","GLOBAL",3) Global("WorkingForBodhi","GLOBAL",1) Global("KnowsCowledBribe","LOCALS",1)~ + ~[PC] Well, do you have any advice for me, Aran?~ + a1239 /* with friends like these, we are likely to be a midnight snack. */ + ~!Dead("C6Bodhi") GlobalGT("Chapter","GLOBAL",3)~ + ~[PC] Well, do you have any advice for me, Aran?~ + a1081 /* it ain't over 'til the dead lady sings. */ + ~Dead("C6Bodhi") GlobalGT("Chapter","GLOBAL",3)~ + ~[PC] Well, do you have any advice for me, Aran?~ + a1082 /* ding, dong, the biatch be dust (which old biatch? The Wicked Biatch!) */ + ~Global("Chapter","GLOBAL",7)~ + ~[PC] Well, do you have any advice for me, Aran?~ + a1083 /* Chapter 7: Suldanessellar, Capitol of Plot Devices, then straight to hell. Literally. */ + ~!Class("c-aran",BARD_ALL)~ + ~[PC] Come on, Aran, liven things up a bit. Tell me a story.~ + a1672 + ~Class("c-aran",BARD_ALL)~ + ~[PC] Come on, Aran, liven things up a bit. Tell me a story.~ + a1671 + ~OR(8) Global("c-arangogstory","LOCALS",1) Global("c-arankravitchstory","LOCALS",1) Global("c-arancarbonara","LOCALS",1) Global("c-arancalimport","LOCALS",1) Global("c-arangerris","LOCALS",1) Global("c-arandadtrade","LOCALS",1) Global("c-aranfistfight","LOCALS",1) GlobalGT("c-aranmoonfight","LOCALS",0)~ + ~[PC] Hey, Aran, I remember you telling a story... can you tell it to me again?~ + a1673 /* race - dependent (1) */ + ~Global("c-aranracecomment","LOCALS",0) Gender(Player1,MALE) Race(Player1,ELF)~ + ~[PC] You keep looking at me. Is there something wrong?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranracecomment","LOCALS",1)~ + a1084 /* c-aranpidelf */ + ~Global("c-aranracecomment","LOCALS",0) Gender(Player1,MALE) Race(Player1,HUMAN)~ + ~[PC] You keep looking at me. Is there something wrong?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranracecomment","LOCALS",1)~ + a1085 /* c-aranpidhum */ + ~Global("c-aranracecomment","LOCALS",0) Gender(Player1,MALE) Race(Player1,DWARF)~ + ~[PC] You keep looking at me. Is there something wrong?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranracecomment","LOCALS",1)~ + a1086 /* c-aranpiddwarf */ + ~Global("c-aranracecomment","LOCALS",0) Gender(Player1,MALE) Race(Player1,HALFORC)~ + ~[PC] You keep looking at me. Is there something wrong?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranracecomment","LOCALS",1)~ + a1087 /* c-aranpidorc */ + ~Global("c-aranracecomment","LOCALS",0) Gender(Player1,MALE) Race(Player1,GNOME)~ + ~[PC] You keep looking at me. Is there something wrong?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranracecomment","LOCALS",1)~ + a1088 /* c-aranpidgnome */ + ~Global("c-aranracecomment","LOCALS",0) Gender(Player1,MALE) Race(Player1,HALFLING)~ + ~[PC] You keep looking at me. Is there something wrong?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranracecomment","LOCALS",1)~ + a1089 /* c-aranpidhan */ + ~Global("c-aranracecomment","LOCALS",0) Gender(Player1,MALE) Race(Player1,HALF_ELF)~ + ~[PC] You keep looking at me. Is there something wrong?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranracecomment","LOCALS",1)~ + a1090 /* c-aranpidhaldelf */ + ~Global("c-aranracecomment","LOCALS",0) Gender(Player1,FEMALE) Race(Player1,ELF)~ + ~[PC] You keep looking at me. Is there something wrong?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranracecomment","LOCALS",1)~ + a1091 /* c-aranpidelffem */ + ~Global("c-aranracecomment","LOCALS",0) Gender(Player1,FEMALE) Race(Player1,HUMAN)~ + ~[PC] You keep looking at me. Is there something wrong?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranracecomment","LOCALS",1)~ + a1092 /* c-aranpidhumfem */ + ~Global("c-aranracecomment","LOCALS",0) Gender(Player1,FEMALE) Race(Player1,DWARF)~ + ~[PC] You keep looking at me. Is there something wrong?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranracecomment","LOCALS",1)~ + a1093 /* c-aranpiddwarffem */ + ~Global("c-aranracecomment","LOCALS",0) Gender(Player1,FEMALE) Race(Player1,HALFORC)~ + ~[PC] You keep looking at me. Is there something wrong?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranracecomment","LOCALS",1)~ + a1094 /* c-aranpidorcfem */ + ~Global("c-aranracecomment","LOCALS",0) Gender(Player1,FEMALE) Race(Player1,GNOME)~ + ~[PC] You keep looking at me. Is there something wrong?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranracecomment","LOCALS",1)~ + a1095 /* c-aranpidgnomefem */ + ~Global("c-aranracecomment","LOCALS",0) Gender(Player1,FEMALE) Race(Player1,HALFLING)~ + ~[PC] You keep looking at me. Is there something wrong?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranracecomment","LOCALS",1)~ + a1096 /* c-aranpidhanfem */ + ~Global("c-aranracecomment","LOCALS",0) Gender(Player1,FEMALE) Race(Player1,HALF_ELF)~ + ~[PC] You keep looking at me. Is there something wrong?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranracecomment","LOCALS",1)~ + a1097 /* c-aranpidhaldelffem */ /* reputation - dependent (1) */ + ~ReputationGT(Player1,17)~ + ~[PC] We seem to be getting quite a reputation.~ + a1098 /* c-aranpidgood */ + ~ReputationLT(Player1,18) ReputationGT(Player1,14)~ + ~[PC] We seem to be getting quite a reputation.~ + a1099 /* c-aranpidbetter */ + ~ReputationLT(Player1,15) ReputationGT(Player1,9)~ + ~[PC] We seem to be getting quite a reputation.~ + a1100 /* c-aranpidneutral */ + ~ReputationLT(Player1,10) ReputationGT(Player1,4)~ + ~[PC] We seem to be getting quite a reputation.~ + a1101 /* c-aranpidbad */ + ~ReputationLT(Player1,5)~ + ~[PC] We seem to be getting quite a reputation.~ + a1102 /* c-aranpidevil */ /* class - dependent , PC (1 or 2 ) */ + ~Class(Player1,MAGE_ALL) Global("c-aranscribe","GLOBAL",1)~ + ~[PC] Do you want some help scribing a scroll?~ + a1103 /* c-aranpidmage1 */ + ~Class(Player1,MAGE_ALL) Global("c-aranscribe","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Do you want some help scribing a scroll?~ + a1057 + ~Class(Player1,FIGHTER_ALL)~ + ~[PC] Sparring practice might be useful.~ + a1104 /* c-aranpidfighter1 */ + ~Gender(Player1,MALE) Class(Player1,THIEF_ALL)~ + ~[PC] Hey, stand over there. I want to practice sneaking up on you.~ + a1105 /* c-aranpidthief1male */ + ~Gender(Player1,FEMALE) Class(Player1,THIEF_ALL)~ + ~[PC] Hey, stand over there. I want to practice sneaking up on you.~ + a1240 /* c-aranpidthief1female */ + ~Gender(Player1,MALE) Class(Player1,CLERIC_ALL) Alignment(Player1,MASK_GOOD)~ + ~[PC] I will say a prayer for you, Aran.~ + a1106 /* c-aranpidcleric1gm */ + ~Gender(Player1,FEMALE) Class(Player1,CLERIC_ALL) Alignment(Player1,MASK_GOOD)~ + ~[PC] I will say a prayer for you, Aran.~ + a1241 /* c-aranpidcleric1gf */ + ~Class(Player1,CLERIC_ALL) Alignment(Player1,MASK_EVIL)~ + ~[PC] I will say a prayer for you, Aran.~ + a1107 /* c-aranpidcleric1e */ + ~Class(Player1,CLERIC_ALL) !Alignment(Player1,MASK_GOOD) !Alignment(Player1,MASK_EVIL)~ + ~[PC] I will say a prayer for you, Aran.~ + a1108 /* c-aranpidcleric1n */ + ~Class(Player1,PALADIN_ALL) !Class("c-aran",PALADIN_ALL)~ + ~[PC] Have you ever thought of following the ways of my order?~ + a1109 /* c-aranpidpally1 */ + ~Class(Player1,PALADIN_ALL) Class("c-aran",PALADIN_ALL)~ + ~[PC] It is good to travel with a fellow paladin. Tell me, have you ever thought of following the ways of my order?~ + a1110 /* c-aranpidpally1 */ + ~Class(Player1,SORCERER)~ + ~[PC] Here, catch. (Conjure a globe of light and toss it toward Aran.)~ + a1111 /* c-aranpidsorc1 */ + ~Class(Player1,MONK)~ + ~[PC] Perhaps you would like to meditate with me.~ + a1112 /* c-aranpidmonk1 */ + ~Class(Player1,BARD_ALL)~ + ~[PC] I have been writing a good deal about our travels. Perhaps you could lend me some vellum, so I can continue?~ + a1113 /* c-aranpidbard1 */ /* class - dependent , Aran (1 or 2 ) */ + ~Class("c-aran",MAGE_ALL)~ + ~[PC] I think your spellcasting is getting better. At least, you seem less likely to catch part of me in your spell by accident.~ + a1114 /* c-aranpidmage2 */ + ~Class("c-aran",FIGHTER_ALL)~ + ~[PC] We should discuss your fighting tactics sometime.~ + a1115 /* c-aranpidfighter2 */ + ~Class("c-aran",THIEF_ALL)~ + ~[PC] Have you worked on those lock-picking and de-trapping skills of yours lately?~ + a1116 /* c-aranpidthief2 */ + ~Class("c-aran",CLERIC_ALL)~ + ~[PC] Perhaps you should ask your god what we should do next, Aran.~ + a1117 /* c-aranpidcleric2 */ + ~Class("c-aran",PALADIN_ALL)~ + ~[PC] How did a rough and tumble character like you ever get to become a paladin, anyways?~ + a1118 /* c-aranpidpally2 */ + ~Class("c-aran",SORCERER)~ + ~[PC] Aran, you are doing it again. Your left hand is sparking. Can you control yourself?~ + a1119 /* c-aranpidsorc2 */ + ~Class("c-aran",MONK)~ + ~[PC] I thought monks were quiet, introspective, and subtle. That does not seem to be your style.~ + a1120 /* c-aranpidmonk2 */ + ~Class("c-aran",BARD_ALL)~ + ~[PC] So, how is the great Chronicler coming along with the story?~ + a1121 /* c-aranpidbard2 */ /* area - dependent (1 or 2 ) */ + ~RandomNum(8,1) AreaType(DUNGEON)~ + ~[PC] These surroundings are a little gloomy, aren't they?~ + a1122 /* c-aranpiddungeon1 */ + ~RandomNum(8,2) AreaType(DUNGEON)~ + ~[PC] These surroundings are a little gloomy, aren't they?~ + a1123 /* c-aranpiddungeon2 */ + ~RandomNum(8,3) AreaType(DUNGEON)~ + ~[PC] These surroundings are a little gloomy, aren't they?~ + a1124 /* c-aranpiddungeon3 */ + ~RandomNum(8,4) AreaType(DUNGEON)~ + ~[PC] These surroundings are a little gloomy, aren't they?~ + a1125 /* c-aranpiddungeon4 */ + ~RandomNum(8,5) AreaType(DUNGEON)~ + ~[PC] Dampness, darkness, random odd sounds... now this is not the best place to be wandering about, I think.~ + a1741 /* a1741 */ + ~RandomNum(8,6) AreaType(DUNGEON)~ + ~[PC] Hmmm... wandering about here certainly makes you wonder what the creatures who live here do for fun.~ + a1742 /* a1742 */ + ~RandomNum(8,7) AreaType(DUNGEON)~ + ~[PC] Hmmm... wandering about here certainly makes you wonder what the creatures who live here do for fun.~ + a1743 /* a1743 */ + ~RandomNum(8,8) AreaType(DUNGEON)~ + ~[PC] Hmmm... wandering about here certainly makes you wonder what the creatures who live here do for fun.~ + a1744 /* a1744 */ + ~!TimeOfDay(DAY) AreaType(CITY) RandomNum(6,1)~ + ~[PC] The sights and sounds of a darkened city, laid out before us...~ + a1126 /* c-aranpidnightcity 1 */ + ~!TimeOfDay(DAY) AreaType(CITY) RandomNum(6,2)~ + ~[PC] The sights and sounds of a darkened city, laid out before us...~ + a1127 /* c-aranpidnightcity 2 */ + ~!TimeOfDay(DAY) AreaType(CITY) RandomNum(6,3)~ + ~[PC] The sights and sounds of a darkened city, laid out before us...~ + a1242 /* c-aranpidnightcity 2 */ + ~!TimeOfDay(DAY) AreaType(CITY) RandomNum(6,4)~ + ~[PC] The sights and sounds of a darkened city, laid out before us...~ + a1745 /* a1745 */ + ~!TimeOfDay(DAY) AreaType(CITY) RandomNum(6,5)~ + ~[PC] The sights and sounds of a darkened city, laid out before us...~ + a1746 /* a1746 */ + ~!TimeOfDay(DAY) AreaType(CITY) RandomNum(6,6)~ + ~[PC] The sights and sounds of a darkened city, laid out before us...~ + a1747 /* a1747 */ + ~TimeOfDay(DAY) AreaType(CITY) RandomNum(6,1)~ + ~[PC] You know, in the sunlight, these streets do not look half bad.~ + a1748 /* a1748 */ + ~TimeOfDay(DAY) AreaType(CITY) RandomNum(6,2)~ + ~[PC] You know, in the sunlight, these streets do not look half bad.~ + a1749 /* a1749 */ + ~TimeOfDay(DAY) AreaType(CITY) RandomNum(6,3)~ + ~[PC] You know, in the sunlight, these streets do not look half bad.~ + a1750 /* a1750 */ + ~TimeOfDay(DAY) AreaType(CITY) RandomNum(6,4)~ + ~[PC] The sights and sounds of a busy bright day in the city, with a thousand adventures ahead...~ + a1243 /* c-aranpiddaycity 1 */ + ~TimeOfDay(DAY) AreaType(CITY) RandomNum(6,5)~ + ~[PC] The sights and sounds of a busy bright day in the city, with a thousand adventures ahead...~ + a1128 /* c-aranpiddaycity 1 */ + ~TimeOfDay(DAY) AreaType(CITY) RandomNum(6,6)~ + ~[PC] The sights and sounds of a busy bright day in the city, with a thousand adventures ahead...~ + a1129 /* c-aranpiddaycity 2 */ + ~!TimeOfDay(DAY) AreaType(FOREST) RandomNum(3,1)~ + ~[PC] Aran, what are you looking at? Is something watching us from the bushes?~ + a1130 /* c-aranpidnightforest */ + ~!TimeOfDay(DAY) AreaType(FOREST) RandomNum(3,2)~ + ~[PC] There should be some wood lying around this place somewhere. Do you want to build up a nice cosy bonfire?~ + a1751 /* a1751 */ + ~!TimeOfDay(DAY) AreaType(FOREST) RandomNum(3,3)~ + ~[PC] I think I like forests. Sure, they hold danger. But they also hold adventure.~ + a1753 /* a1753 */ + ~TimeOfDay(DAY) AreaType(FOREST) RandomNum(3,1)~ + ~[PC] Aran, ware you ok? You keep staring right at that tree...~ + a1131 /* c-aranpiddayforest */ + ~TimeOfDay(DAY) AreaType(FOREST) RandomNum(3,2)~ + ~[PC] This area looks like a prime candidate for gathering firewood.~ + a1752 /* a1752 */ + ~TimeOfDay(DAY) AreaType(FOREST) RandomNum(3,3)~ + ~[PC] Hey, Aran, have you seen any place we can gather some water?~ + a1754 /* a1754 */ + ~AreaCheck("AR0300") Global("c-aranpidac1","LOCALS",0)~ + ~[PC] Do you know anything interesting about the Docks District?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranpidac1","LOCALS",1)~ + a1132 /* pid Docks */ + ~AreaCheck("AR0400") Global("c-aranpidac2","LOCALS",0)~ + ~[PC] Now, a traveler like you should know something about these slums. Do you have any information for me?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranpidac2","LOCALS",1)~ + a1133 /* pid Slums */ + ~AreaCheck("AR0500") Global("c-aranpidac3","LOCALS",0)~ + ~[PC] Have you ever been to the Bridge District before, Aran?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranpidac3","LOCALS",1)~ + a1134 /* pid Bridge District */ + ~AreaCheck("AR0700") Global("c-aranpidac4","LOCALS",0)~ + ~[PC] What can you tell me about this Promenade, here?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranpidac4","LOCALS",1)~ + a1135 /* pid Waukeen's Promenade */ + ~AreaCheck("AR0701") Global("c-aranpidac5","LOCALS",0)~ + ~[PC] Great. Stinking, slimy sewers. Any suggestions on how to proceed?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranpidac5","LOCALS",1)~ + a1136 /* pid Sewers */ + ~AreaCheck("AR0800") Global("c-aranpidac6","LOCALS",0)~ + ~[PC] I suspect we will all end up in a place like this graveyard. But do you have any ideas on how to delay that for as long as possible? ~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranpidac6","LOCALS",1)~ + a1137 /* pid Graveyard */ + ~Class("c-aran",CLERIC_ALL) AreaCheck("AR0900") Global("c-aranpidac7","LOCALS",0)~ + ~[PC] I suspect you have spent very little time in the Temple District. But have you heard anything about it?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranpidac7","LOCALS",1)~ + a1138 /* pid Temple District cleric */ + ~!Class("c-aran",CLERIC_ALL) AreaCheck("AR0900") Global("c-aranpidac7","LOCALS",0)~ + ~[PC] I suspect you have spent very little time in the Temple District. But have you heard anything about it?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranpidac7","LOCALS",1)~ + a1139 /* pidTemple District */ + ~AreaCheck("AR1000") Global("c-aranpidac8","LOCALS",0) Global("KnowsCowledBribe","LOCALS",0)~ + ~[PC] The seat of governance. Just the place a smart sellsword would have done some research on...~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranpidac8","LOCALS",1)~ + a1140 /* pid Government District */ + ~AreaCheck("AR1000") Global("c-aranpidac8","LOCALS",0) Global("KnowsCowledBribe","LOCALS",1)~ + ~[PC] The seat of governance. Just the place a smart sellsword would have done some research on...~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranpidac8","LOCALS",1)~ + a1244 /* pid Government District */ + ~OR(8) AreaCheck("AR0020") AreaCheck("AR0300") AreaCheck("AR0400") AreaCheck("AR0500") AreaCheck("AR0700") AreaCheck("AR0800") AreaCheck("AR0900") AreaCheck("AR1000")~ + ~[PC] Hey, careful where you step. It looks like no one has cleaned up Athkatla's streets lately.~ + a2902 /* Athkatla streets */ + ~AreaCheck("AR1100") Global("c-aranpidac9","LOCALS",0)~ + ~[PC] Have you ever been here before, Aran?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranpidac9","LOCALS",1)~ + a1141 /* pid Umar Hills */ + ~AreaCheck("AR1200") Global("c-aranpidac10","LOCALS",0)~ + ~[PC] Have you ever visited this wilderness before, Aran?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranpidac10","LOCALS",1)~ + a1142 /* pid Windspear Hills */ + ~AreaCheck("AR1404") Global("c-aranpidac11","LOCALS",0)~ + ~[PC] Have you heard anything about these ruins, Aran?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranpidac11","LOCALS",1)~ + a1143 /* pid Temple Ruins */ + ~AreaCheck("AR1600") Global("c-aranpidac12","LOCALS",0)~ + ~[PC] Have you ever been here before, Aran?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranpidac12","LOCALS",1)~ + a1144 /* pid Brynlaw */ + ~AreaCheck("AR2000") Global("c-aranpidac13","LOCALS",0)~ + ~[PC] So, when was the last time you were in Trademeet?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranpidac13","LOCALS",1)~ + a1145 /* pid Trademeet */ + ~AreaCheck("AR2800") Global("c-aranpidac14","LOCALS",0)~ + ~[PC] You are a traveler of wide experience - have you ever been here before?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranpidac14","LOCALS",1)~ + a1146 /* pid Suldanessellar (Chapter 7) */ + ~AreaCheck("AR2900") Global("c-aranpidac15","LOCALS",0)~ + ~[PC] Well, you asked for it, and now you made it here. Did you ever think that all that blasphemy would actually get you pulled all the way to the nine hells?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranpidac15","LOCALS",1)~ + a1147 /* pid Nine Hells (Chapter 7) */ + ~AreaCheck("C-AR01") Global("c-arantoran","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~(Have a bar patron try to pick a fight with Aran.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arantoran","GLOBAL",1)~ EXIT + ~AreaCheck("C-AR01") Global("c-aranar01pid","LOCALS",0)~ + ~So, what is the deal with you and Erika?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranar01pid","LOCALS",1)~ + a2957 + ~AreaCheck("C-AR01") Global("c-aranar01pid","LOCALS",1) Gender(Player1,MALE)~ + ~So, what is the deal with you and Teldra?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranar01pid","LOCALS",2)~ + a2958 + ~AreaCheck("C-AR01") Global("c-aranar01pid","LOCALS",1) Gender(Player1,FEMALE)~ + ~So, what is the deal with you and Teldra?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranar01pid","LOCALS",2)~ + a2959 + ~AreaCheck("C-AR01") Global("c-aranar01pid","LOCALS",2)~ + ~So, what is the deal with you and Orrin?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranar01pid","LOCALS",3)~ + a2960 /* AR2100 et al, Underdark has it's own PID. Easier just to use Chapter = 5 */ /* Watcher's Keep - duplicated in ToB - add later */ /* * AreaCheck("AR3000") Watcher's Keep * AreaCheck("AR3001") Watcher's Keep Altar level * AreaCheck("AR3003") Watcher's Keep Compass level * AreaCheck("AR3004") Watcher's Keep */ + ~Global("c-aranpidWK1","LOCALS",0) OR(4) AreaCheck("AR3000") AreaCheck("AR3001") AreaCheck("AR3003") AreaCheck("AR3004")~ + ~[PC] Well, we are off to do some good old fashioned dungeon exploring, eh, Aran?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranpidWK1","LOCALS",1)~ + a1148 /* c-aranpidWK1 */ /* * AreaCheck("AR3005") Watcher's Keep tieflings * AreaCheck("AR3006") Watcher's Keep Succubus * AreaCheck("AR3007") Watcher's Keep Cambion * AreaCheck("AR3008") Watcher's Keep Balor (Paladin Sword) */ + ~Global("c-aranpidWK2","LOCALS",0) OR(4) AreaCheck("AR3005") AreaCheck("AR3006") AreaCheck("AR3007") AreaCheck("AR3008")~ + ~[PC] Well, what do you think of this place?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranpidWK2","LOCALS",1)~ + a1149 /* c-aranpidWK2 */ /* * AreaCheck("AR3009") Watcher's Keep * AreaCheck("AR3010") Watcher's Keep Tanarri Obelisk * AreaCheck("AR3011") Watcher's Keep Bards Gloves, Manmans Journal * AreaCheck("AR3012") Watcher's Keep Tahazzar */ + ~Global("c-aranpidWK3","LOCALS",0) OR(4) AreaCheck("AR3009") AreaCheck("AR3010") AreaCheck("AR3011") AreaCheck("AR3012")~ + ~[PC] I do not think that this place was designed to let us in easily.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranpidWK3","LOCALS",1)~ + a1150 /* c-aranpidWK3 */ /* * AreaCheck("AR3013") Watcher's Keep Karashur * AreaCheck("AR3014") Watcher's Keep White Dragon Scales * AreaCheck("AR3015") Watcher's Keep Aesgareth * AreaCheck("AR3016") Watcher's Keep Chromatic Demon; Elementalist Level */ + ~Global("c-aranpidWK4","LOCALS",0) OR(4) AreaCheck("AR3013") AreaCheck("AR3014") AreaCheck("AR3015") AreaCheck("AR3016") ~ + ~[PC] Have you had enough wandering around in the dark trying not to get killed?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranpidWK4","LOCALS",1)~ + a1151 /* c-aranpidWK4 */ /* * AreaCheck("AR3017") Watcher's Keep Carston and the machine * AreaCheck("AR3018") Watcher's Keep Saladrex (Dragon) * AreaCheck("AR3019") Watcher's Keep Helmite Level Last Seals * AreaCheck("AR3020") Watcher's Keep Imprisoned One * AreaCheck("AR3021") Watcher's Keep Ilithids * AreaCheck("AR3022") Watcher's Keep Anti-Paladins */ + ~Global("c-aranpidWK5","LOCALS",0) OR(6) AreaCheck("AR3017") AreaCheck("AR3018") AreaCheck("AR3019") AreaCheck("AR3020") AreaCheck("AR3021") AreaCheck("AR3022") ~ + ~[PC] Our challenges seem to be getting harder to overcome.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranpidWK5","LOCALS",1)~ + a1152 /* c-aranpidWK5 */ /* * AreaCheck("AR3023") Watcher's Keep "Adventure Level" (Mini Map) * AreaCheck("AR3024") Watcher's Keep Dragon Fear Challenge * AreaCheck("AR3025") Watcher's Keep Orcs Ixilos Nail * AreaCheck("AR3026") Watcher's Keep Imp Game * AreaCheck("AR3027") Watcher's Keep Crypt Demi-Lich */ + ~Global("c-aranpidWK6","LOCALS",0) OR(5) AreaCheck("AR3023") AreaCheck("AR3024") AreaCheck("AR3025") AreaCheck("AR3026") AreaCheck("AR3027") ~ + ~[PC] You are looking a little pale, Aran. Here, have some iron rations, and a bit of something to drink.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranpidWK6","LOCALS",1)~ + a1153 /* c-aranpidWK6 */ /* FLIRT MENU ADDITIONS, female PC's only */ /* romance - dependent (1) to allow breakup or resume romance. */ + ~Gender(Player1,FEMALE) Global("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",1)~ + ~[PC] I need to be clear about this, Aran. I am not interested in a romance with you. Stop talking about it.~ + a1035 /* c-aranpidnointerest */ + ~Gender(Player1,FEMALE) Global("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] I think we are headed down the wrong path, Aran. It was fun while it lasted, but it is over. Let's just be friends.~ + a1036 /* c-aranpidbreakup */ + ~Gender(Player1,FEMALE) Global("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",3) Global("c-aranmakeup","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Look, I know it is over between us. But I think I have changed my mind. Perhaps a romance with you might be interesting after all.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranmakeup","GLOBAL",1)~ + a1037 /* c-aranpidbreakupover1 */ + ~Gender(Player1,FEMALE) Global("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",3) Global("c-aranmakeup","GLOBAL",1)~ + ~[PC] Look, I know it is over between us. But I think I have changed my mind. Perhaps a romance with you might be interesting after all.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranmakeup","GLOBAL",2)~ + a1245 /* c-aranpidbreakupover2 */ + ~Gender(Player1,FEMALE) Global("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",3) Global("c-aranmakeup","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] Look, I know it is over between us. But I think I have changed my mind. Perhaps a romance with you might be interesting after all.~ + a1246 /* c-aranpidbreakupover3 */ /* PID Anomen Romance Conflict Toggle */ + ~InParty("Anomen") OR(10) GlobalGT("c-aanocon120","GLOBAL",0) GlobalGT("c-aanocon121","GLOBAL",0) GlobalGT("c-aanocon158","GLOBAL",0) GlobalGT("c-aanocon194","GLOBAL",0) GlobalGT("c-aanocon212","GLOBAL",0) GlobalGT("c-aanocon224","GLOBAL",0) GlobalGT("c-aanocon232","GLOBAL",0) GlobalGT("c-aanocon287","GLOBAL",0) GlobalGT("c-anomenaran","GLOBAL",0) GlobalGT("c-arananomen","GLOBAL",0) Global("c-aanoconflict","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] I like Anomen well enough, Aran. But you keep fighting with him. I want you to stop doing that.~ + a1038 /* c-aranvsanom1s */ + ~InParty("Anomen") Global("c-aanoconflict","GLOBAL",1)~ + ~[PC] I have changed my mind about fighting with Anomen, Aran. Go ahead and speak your mind.~ + a1039 /* c-aranvsanom1c */ /* Stop or Restart Flirting; (1) of the three should be active at any one time. None show for males. */ /* PC Doesn't Want NPC Initiated flirts */ + ~Gender(Player1,FEMALE) GlobalGT("c-aranpcflirtstart","GLOBAL",0) Global("c-aranflirtstop","GLOBAL",0) OR(2) Global("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",1) Global("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] You have to stop coming up to me and flirting. I do not want that behavior to continue.~ + a1154 /* c-aranrestopflirts */ /* PC Wants NPC Initiated Flirts */ + ~Gender(Player1,FEMALE) Global("c-aranflirtstop","GLOBAL",1) OR(2) Global("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",1) Global("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",2) Global("c-aranfight","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] You do not pay attention to me the way you used to, Aran. I miss your company.~ + a1155 /* c-aranrestartflirts */ /* PC Wants NPC Initiated Flirts but Aran is Mad */ + ~Gender(Player1,FEMALE) Global("c-aranflirtstop","GLOBAL",1) OR(2) Global("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",1) Global("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",2) Global("c-aranfight","GLOBAL",1)~ + ~[PC] You do not pay attention to me the way you used to, Aran. I miss your company.~ + a1156 /* c-aranrestartflirtsmad */ /* PC Initiated Flirting; only one should be active at any given time. None show for males. */ /* PC wants to initiate a flirt : early (before the 3 friendtalks and 3 lovetalks) */ + ~Gender(Player1,FEMALE) GlobalLT("c-aransex","GLOBAL",4) Global("c-aranpcflirtstart","GLOBAL",0) OR(2) Global("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",1) Global("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",2) Global("c-aranfight","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] (You decide to flirt with Aran)~ + a3296 + ~Gender(Player1,FEMALE) Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",4) Global("c-aranpcflirtstart","GLOBAL",0) OR(2) Global("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",1) Global("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",2) Global("c-aranfight","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] (You decide to flirt with Aran)~ + a4360 /* PC Wants To Initiate A Flirt: Lightweight */ + ~Gender(Player1,FEMALE) GlobalLT("c-aransex","GLOBAL",4) Global("c-aranpcflirtstart","GLOBAL",1) OR(2) Global("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",1) Global("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",2) Global("c-aranfight","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] (You decide to flirt with Aran)~ + a1074 /* c-pcflirtsaran1 */ /* PC Wants To Initiate A Flirt: Heavyweight */ + ~Gender(Player1,FEMALE) GlobalLT("c-aransex","GLOBAL",4) Global("c-aranpcflirtstart","GLOBAL",2) OR(2) Global("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",1) Global("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",2) Global("c-aranfight","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] (You decide to flirt with Aran)~ + a1075 /* c-pcflirtsaran2 */ + ~Gender(Player1,FEMALE) GlobalLT("c-aransex","GLOBAL",3) Global("c-aranpcflirtstart","GLOBAL",1) OR(2) Global("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",1) Global("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",2) Global("c-aranfight","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] (You decide to flirt with Aran)~ + a1075 /* c-pcflirtsaran2 */ /* PC Wants To Initiate A Flirt: Mature */ + ~Gender(Player1,FEMALE) GlobalGT("c-aransex","GLOBAL",2) Global("c-aranpcflirtstart","GLOBAL",2) OR(2) Global("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",1) Global("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",2) Global("c-aranfight","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] (You decide to flirt with Aran)~ + a1076 /* c-pcflirtsaran3 */ /* 2d - PC Wants To Initiate A Flirt, But Aran Is Angry - handled within submenu */ ++ ~[PC] Before we go any further, Aran... what do you think our "relationship" is?~ + a2699 /* PID Scribing Scrolls Blocks */ + ~Global("c-arnscrollwork","GLOBAL",0) Global("c-aranscribe","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Can you scribe a scroll for me?~ + a1045 + ~Global("c-arnscrollwork","GLOBAL",1) Global("c-aranscribe","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Tell me again how you work with scrolls and spells.~ + a1045 + ~Global("c-arnscrollwork","GLOBAL",1) Global("c-aranscribe","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Can you scribe a scroll for me?~ + a1057 + ~Global("c-aranscribe","GLOBAL",1) RandomNum(5,1)~ + ~[PC] Is that scroll done yet?~ + a1046 + ~Global("c-aranscribe","GLOBAL",1) RandomNum(5,2)~ + ~[PC] Is that scroll done yet?~ + a1047 + ~Global("c-aranscribe","GLOBAL",1) RandomNum(5,3)~ + ~[PC] Is that scroll done yet?~ + a1048 + ~Global("c-aranscribe","GLOBAL",1) RandomNum(5,4)~ + ~[PC] Is that scroll done yet?~ + a1049 + ~Global("c-aranscribe","GLOBAL",1) RandomNum(5,5)~ + ~[PC] Is that scroll done yet?~ + a1050 /* PID requests, PC = Female PID */ /* blocking for 'goaded' talk triggered at rest, and var already set - also, no nookie during waking hours in a dungeon. */ + ~Global("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",2) Gender(Player1,FEMALE) !Global("c-arannightvisit","GLOBAL",1) !Global("c-arangoaded","GLOBAL",1) !Global("c-arangoaded","GLOBAL",3) AreaType(DUNGEON) RandomNum(2,2)~ + ~[PC] Aran... we could slip away, right here, right now... come away with me for a moment.~ + a3761 /* NOT_RIGHT_HERE_NOW_ONE */ + ~Global("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",2) Gender(Player1,FEMALE) !Global("c-arannightvisit","GLOBAL",1) !Global("c-arangoaded","GLOBAL",1) !Global("c-arangoaded","GLOBAL",3) AreaType(DUNGEON) RandomNum(2,1)~ + ~[PC] Didn't you want to get me alone for awhile, just the two of us? Now is the perfect time.~ + a3776 /* NOT_RIGHT_HERE_NOW */ + ~Global("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",2) Gender(Player1,FEMALE) !Global("c-arannightvisit","GLOBAL",1) !Global("c-arangoaded","GLOBAL",1) !Global("c-arangoaded","GLOBAL",3) !AreaType(DUNGEON) RandomNum(2,2)~ + ~[PC] Aran... we could slip away, right here, right now... come away with me for a moment.~ + a3763 /* START_RIGHT_HERE_NOW */ + ~Global("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",2) Gender(Player1,FEMALE) !Global("c-arannightvisit","GLOBAL",1) !Global("c-arangoaded","GLOBAL",1) !Global("c-arangoaded","GLOBAL",3) !AreaType(DUNGEON) RandomNum(2,1)~ + ~[PC] Didn't you want to get me alone for awhile, just the two of us? Now is the perfect time.~ + a3763 /* START_RIGHT_HERE_NOW */ + ~Global("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",2) Gender(Player1,FEMALE) !Global("c-arannightvisit","GLOBAL",1) RandomNum(4,4)~ + ~[PC] Come to me when we rest. And come alone.~ + a3755 /* AGREE_TO_MEET_ONE */ + ~Global("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",2) Gender(Player1,FEMALE) !Global("c-arannightvisit","GLOBAL",1) RandomNum(4,3)~ + ~[PC] Come to me when we rest. And come alone.~ + a3754 /* AGREE_TO_MEET_TWO */ + ~Global("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",2) Gender(Player1,FEMALE) !Global("c-arannightvisit","GLOBAL",1) RandomNum(4,2)~ + ~[PC] Come to me when we rest. And come alone.~ + a3753 /* AGREE_TO_MEET_THREE */ + ~Global("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",2) Gender(Player1,FEMALE) !Global("c-arannightvisit","GLOBAL",1) RandomNum(4,1)~ + ~[PC] Come to me when we rest. And come alone.~ + a3752 /* AGREE_TO_MEET_FOUR */ + ~Global("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",2) Gender(Player1,FEMALE) Global("c-arannightvisit","GLOBAL",1) !Global("c-arangoaded","GLOBAL",1) !Global("c-arangoaded","GLOBAL",3)~ + ~[PC] I have changed my mind about you visiting me the next time we rest. Now is not a good time.~ + a3756 /* WHY_DID_YOU_ASK */ /* logic check, so "goaded" or delay of "goaded' does not get an opportunity to shut it down - the point is Aran actually takes initiative to the 'unspoken' request. */ /* Letter blocked PID toggle */ + ~Global("c-aranletterblocked","GLOBAL",1)~ + ~[PC] Aran... I found a letter in your pack. I can't read it. Will you read it to me?~ + a3239 /* nothing PC wants to talk about escape */ ++ ~[PC] Actually, never mind. I don't really have anything to talk to you about.~ + a1705 /* LEAT21 Human Flesh +5 evil armor equipped complaints */ IF ~HasItemEquiped("LEAT21",Player1) Global("c-arskinarm","LOCALS",0)~ THEN GOTO a1799 IF ~HasItemEquiped("LEAT21",Player1) Global("c-arskinarm","LOCALS",1) GlobalTimerExpired("c-aranskin","GLOBAL")~ THEN GOTO a1798 IF ~HasItemEquiped("LEAT21",Player1) Global("c-arskinarm","LOCALS",2) GlobalTimerExpired("c-aranskin","GLOBAL")~ THEN GOTO a1797 /* escapes if fighting */ IF ~Global("c-aranfight","GLOBAL",1) RandomNum(4,1)~ THEN GOTO a1756 /* c-aranmad1 */ IF ~Global("c-aranfight","GLOBAL",1) RandomNum(4,2)~ THEN GOTO a1757 /* c-aranmad2 */ IF ~Global("c-aranfight","GLOBAL",1) RandomNum(4,3)~ THEN GOTO a1758 /* c-aranmad3 */ IF ~Global("c-aranfight","GLOBAL",1) RandomNum(4,4)~ THEN GOTO a1759 /* c-aranmad4 */ END /* begin big pile of PID responses */ IF ~~ a4360 SAY ~[ARAN] PLACEHOLDER - mature intimacy but no emotional intimacy - early one-night stand~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END /* NOTE: MUST USE REPAIRED SOUNDSLOTS!!!! */ /* * from PID toggle; * + ~Global("c-aranletterblocked","GLOBAL",1)~ + ~[PC] Aran... I found a letter in your pack. I can't read it. Will you read it to me?~ + a3239 * */ IF ~~ a3239 SAY ~[ARAN] You did what?~ + ~RandomNum(3,3)~ + ~[PC] I went through your private things. I know it was wrong, but I was very curious. I found a letter I can't read. Will you tell me about it?~ + a3286 + ~RandomNum(3,2)~ + ~[PC] I went through your private things. I know it was wrong, but I was very curious. I found a letter I can't read. Will you tell me about it?~ + a3303 + ~RandomNum(3,1)~ + ~[PC] I went through your private things. I know it was wrong, but I was very curious. I found a letter I can't read. Will you tell me about it?~ + a3287 + ~RandomNum(4,4)~ + ~[PC] Hey. I don't trust anyone right now, not even you. I want to make sure our enemies are not getting inside information. What is in the letter?~ + a3288 + ~RandomNum(4,3)~ + ~[PC] Hey. I don't trust anyone right now, not even you. I want to make sure our enemies are not getting inside information. What is in the letter?~ + a3289 + ~RandomNum(4,2)~ + ~[PC] Hey. I don't trust anyone right now, not even you. I want to make sure our enemies are not getting inside information. What is in the letter?~ + a3290 + ~RandomNum(4,1)~ + ~[PC] Hey. I don't trust anyone right now, not even you. I want to make sure our enemies are not getting inside information. What is in the letter?~ + a3291 + ~RandomNum(5,5)~ + ~[PC] Never mind. I was joking with you. But what do you scribble about so assiduously every chance you get?~ + a3292 + ~RandomNum(5,4)~ + ~[PC] Never mind. I was joking with you. But what do you scribble about so assiduously every chance you get?~ + a3293 + ~RandomNum(5,3)~ + ~[PC] Never mind. I was joking with you. But what do you scribble about so assiduously every chance you get?~ + a3294 + ~RandomNum(5,2)~ + ~[PC] Never mind. I was joking with you. But what do you scribble about so assiduously every chance you get?~ + a3294 + ~RandomNum(5,1)~ + ~[PC] Never mind. I was joking with you. But what do you scribble about so assiduously every chance you get?~ + a3291 + ~Gender(Player1,FEMALE) !Global("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",1) !Global("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] I was worried you were writing to someone else, some other woman.~ + a3240 + ~Gender(Player1,FEMALE) OR(2) Global("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",1) Global("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] Look, I... I am sorry. I just... I can't believe you actually like me. I just assumed it was another woman.~ + a3241 + ~Gender(Player1,MALE)~ + ~[PC] I figured you might be writing some woman love notes, and I want to make sure that you aren't passing on information about what we are doing.~ + a3242 /* backup for mis-set globals, if it happens */ + ~RandomNum(3,3)~ + ~[PC] Forget I said anything.~ + a3243 + ~RandomNum(3,2)~ + ~[PC] Forget I said anything.~ + a3244 + ~RandomNum(3,1)~ + ~[PC] Forget I said anything.~ + a3245 END IF ~~ a3286 SAY ~[ARAN] No.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranletterblocked","GLOBAL",0)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a3303 SAY ~[ARAN] It be a private letter between me an' my sister. Eyes off, hands, off, an' blighted well thoughts off o' it, eh? A lad needs somethin' to call his own.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranletterblocked","GLOBAL",0)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a3287 SAY ~[ARAN] I'd be right unhappy about anyone pokin' in on my private thoughts, even you. Mayhap especially you. I thought you trusted me an' knew I support you. If you want to interrupt a lad writin' his sister, well, go find someone else to treat like dung, eh?~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranletterblocked","GLOBAL",0)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a3288 SAY ~[ARAN] Nothin'. An' leave my gear alone, will you? It be hard enough on th' trail to get a moment to write in peace, an' here you go pokin' in on th' only place I can hold my private thoughts.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranletterblocked","GLOBAL",0)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a3289 SAY ~[ARAN] Mine own business. I'll forget this happened, or try to. That be a fair sight harder to do than you think, eh?~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranletterblocked","GLOBAL",0)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a3290 SAY ~[ARAN] If you have to know, I be.... I be writin' a story. An' mayhap I don't want no pryin' eyes on it. There be naught about you, nohow.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranletterblocked","GLOBAL",0)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a3291 SAY ~[ARAN] I don't take kindly to you pryin' in on letters to my sister. I'll swear on anythin' you want it be private, an' has no information what could be used against you in no context at all.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranletterblocked","GLOBAL",0)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a3292 SAY ~[ARAN] They do say curiosity killed th' cat, but in this case, it just pisses off th' sellsword. Mind your own business, eh?~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranletterblocked","GLOBAL",0)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a3293 SAY ~[ARAN] Oh, odds, an' ends, an' such. Sometimes letters home to my sister, an' sometimes just keepin' my hand in.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranletterblocked","GLOBAL",0)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a3294 SAY ~[ARAN] This an' that. Nothin' important, but it be private. Mayhap you want your private life all exposed, but me, I don't take right kindly to it.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranletterblocked","GLOBAL",0)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a3240 SAY ~[ARAN] Well, I'd not be writin' to you, nohow. I can always talk to you. It be letters to my sister, is all. Nothin' about you, an' none o' your concern.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranletterblocked","GLOBAL",0)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a3241 SAY ~[ARAN] It is. But since she be my sister, I'd think you might not object so much. An' no, I won't read it to you. a lad's got to have some mystery, some secrets, eh, if he's to be attractive to a lady.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranletterblocked","GLOBAL",0)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a3242 SAY ~[ARAN] Letters to my sister. Though that be none o' your blighted business. An' no, I'm not settin' you up wi' her, either romantically, or wi' passin' on sensitive information. Blighted hells, that just be wrong, readin' a lad's private correspondence!~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranletterblocked","GLOBAL",0)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a3243 SAY ~[ARAN] (He says nothing, but studies you through narrowed eyes before grunting and turning away.)~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a3244 SAY ~[ARAN] That will be blighted hard to do.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a3245 SAY ~[ARAN] Not a blighted chance o' that. Mayhap I need more privacy.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a2957 SAY ~[ARAN] There be no deal between us, not for lack o' desire. But after Gerris got all mad at me over that misunderstandin' on his daughter an' I had to move in here, I am not likely to be makin' serious passes at Erika. She has just seen 15 summers, an' she has a great sense o' humor.~ ++ ~[PC] So you flirt with underage barmaids?~ + a2961 ++ ~[PC] She must have a good sense of humor, to put up with you.~ + a2962 ++ ~[PC] I wonder if she might find me attractive.~ + a2962 ++ ~[PC] She seems like she knows you very well.~ + a2963 END IF ~~ a2958 SAY ~[ARAN] She gets word o' work, an' sets up any freelancers around if she can't fill th' billet wi' regular mercenary company contracts. You could think o' her as a combination o' ombudsman an' recruiter, wi' a dose o' information collection on th' side.~ ++ ~[PC] Is she someone you are interested in? Should I put in a good word for you?~ + a2964 ++ ~[PC] I was just wondering why she bothered having you as a client.~ + a2966 ++ ~[PC] I don't suppose you could introduce me socially, and put in a good word. I think she is very interesting.~ + a2968 ++ ~[PC] Useful knowledge to have.~ + a2975 ++ ~[PC] Well, that was a bit of useless trivia I will forget as fast as I can.~ + a2977 END IF ~~ a2959 SAY ~[ARAN] Why, do you be jealous?~ ++ ~[PC] Perhaps.~ + a2964 ++ ~[PC] Sure. I am so jealous. After all, she must be the recipient of such fine wit, such unending devotion, such wild largess and rich gifts, under the spell of your silvery tongue.~ + a2967 ++ ~[PC] Do you always make enemies this easily?~ + a2965 ++ ~[PC] I was just wondering why she bothered having you as a client.~ + a2966 ++ ~[PC] I don't think so. Is she someone you are interested in? Should I put in a good word for you?~ + a2964 ++ ~[PC] Useful knowledge to have.~ + a2975 ++ ~[PC] Well, that was a bit of useless trivia I will forget as fast as I can.~ + a2977 END IF ~~ a2960 SAY ~[ARAN] Orrin has a way wi' jewelry an' gems, he does. He keeps a private stock, if you have coin enough or have earned his favor. He even lends money at times. An' he has a way wi' a blackjack that would put a monk to shame. He don't rightly hold wi' killin' a customer, an' he keeps an open mind when it comes to whom to serve.~ ++ ~[PC] Sounds like the sort of man it is good to know.~ + a2976 ++ ~[PC] Would he lend me money?~ + a2978 ++ ~[PC] Useful knowledge to have.~ + a2975 ++ ~[PC] Well, that was a bit of useless trivia I will forget as fast as I can.~ + a2977 END IF ~~ a2961 SAY ~[ARAN] Flirt, aye. Sleep wi', no. Besides, she can handle herself just fine.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a2962 SAY ~[ARAN] Aye, she might just. Orrin has much less sense o' humor than she does, though. He sees her as both a surrogate daughter an' a definite draw for business. Some say he thinks o' her as a prize jewel, to be shown off but never, ever touched. I never tried, on account o' people who cross Orrin sometimes end up takin' long journeys. You know... th' kind where your head travels to Neverwinter, your arms to Calimport, your eyes to Waterdeep, your heart to Silverymoon...~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a2963 SAY ~[ARAN] That she does. I knew her when her mother was alive. Blighted shame about that. Another reason not to have a family when you be on campaigns. Orrin took her in an' started trainin' her up several years ago. Last time I saw her, th' sharp tongue was th' same, but she were not much larger than a halflin'. Spritely little girl, too.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a2964 SAY ~[ARAN] No need. Teldra has had th' rovin' eye, some say, but you have to be somethin' right special. She is one o' th' youngest recruiters out there, but she don't rightly mix business wi' pleasure. Th' only time I done seen her involved, it were wi' a very successful client.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a2965 SAY ~[ARAN] Hey, now, I didn't mean naught in th' way o' harm. Teldra an' I have had our moments, but they were decidedly non-romantic. She is one o' th' youngest recruiters out there, but she don't rightly mix business wi' pleasure. Th' only time I done seen her involved, it were wi' a very successful client.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a2966 SAY ~[ARAN] I come recommended right highly. Besides, beggars can't be choosers, eh? I be Guild, fair and square.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a2967 SAY ~[ARAN] Now, that be right kind o' you to... HEY! Wait a mite bit. I think you be insultin' me, there!~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a2968 SAY ~[ARAN] Teldra? She don't rightly mix business wi' pleasure. Th' only time I done seen her involved, it were wi' a very successful client. You would have to get some serious work done for her before she would even crack a smile at th' suggestion.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a2975 SAY ~[ARAN] Well I be right glad to share it, then.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a2976 SAY ~[ARAN] True enough, true enough. Decent sort, for an innkeeper.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a2977 SAY ~[ARAN] Well, you asked.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a2978 SAY ~[ARAN] I think he has had some setbacks. I done tried to get a mite bit o' credit, an' he shut me down cold. You could try, but I think he done invested overmuch in th' Maztican Expeditions, an' most o' his coin be tied up in sellswords who are out fightin'. He'll be flush when they come back. Or not.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END /* APOLOGY: PC approaches ARAN while TIMERNOTEXPIRED - PC is seeking him out for an apology, either given or rec'd */ /* Aran Is Mad PID Responses (4 random) */ IF ~~ a1756 /* c-aranmad1 */ SAY ~[ARAN] (Aran glares at you, his face sullen and unresponsive. He moves away.)~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfight","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranflirtstop","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranismad","GLOBAL",ONE_DAY)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a1757 /* c-aranmad2 */ SAY ~[ARAN] Hey, you be a mite pushy there. I'm not rightly happy. So leave me alone, unless it be business.~ [c-aws117] ++ ~[PC] Fine. Be that way. I don't care.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfight","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranflirtstop","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranismad","GLOBAL",ONE_DAY)~ + a1232 /* goes to preexisting without global setting */ ++ ~[PC] I... I wanted to apologize.~ + a1760 ++ ~[PC] You are really pushing it. We need to talk, and you are refusing? You must really want to have a cold bedroll.~ + a1740 ++ ~[PC] I know you are angry. But if you were to talk to me, I think you would find I can make it worth your time.~ + a1769 ++ ~[PC] I'm sorry. I did not mean to make you angry.~ + a1760 ++ ~[PC] (Burst into tears.)~ + a1770 ++ ~[PC] I am sorry that you didn't understand - I am not going to apologize. I like to play mind games with you. Sometimes I even like to hurt you. Don't you understand that is what makes me fun to be with?~ + a1767 ++ ~[PC] Sulking? Oh, that is *so* adult.~ + a1756 END IF ~~ a1758 /* c-aranmad3 */ SAY ~[ARAN] (Aran studiously ignores you, stepping away and avoiding your eyes, his jaw set stubbornly.)~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfight","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranflirtstop","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranismad","GLOBAL",ONE_DAY)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a1759 /* c-aranmad4 */ SAY ~[ARAN] We got nothin' to say to one another right now, . We got things to discuss, but now is not rightly the time.~ [c-aws118] ++ ~[PC] I... I wanted to apologize.~ + a1760 + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",1)~ + ~[PC] You are really pushing it. We need to talk, and you are refusing? You must really want to have a cold bedroll.~ + a1740 ++ ~[PC] I am sorry that you didn't understand - I am not going to apologize. I like to play mind games with you. Sometimes I even like to hurt you. Don't you understand that is what makes me fun to be with?~ + a1767 /* evil-mean-or-teasing-PC */ ++ ~[PC] I know you are angry. But if you were to talk to me, I think you would find I can make it worth your time.~ + a1769 ++ ~[PC] (Burst into tears.)~ + a1770 ++ ~[PC] Sulking? Oh, that is *so* adult.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfight","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranflirtstop","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranismad","GLOBAL",ONE_DAY)~ + a1232 /* goes to preexisting without global setting */ ++ ~[PC] Fine. Be that way. I don't care.~ + a1756 END IF ~~ a1770 /* 7 or 8 possibilities */ SAY ~[ARAN] Hey, easy now. Hey there... now, stop th' waterworks... you done hurt me a good bit there. I just need a mite bit o' space...~ ++ ~[PC] Fine. Be that way. I don't care. I hate you!~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfight","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranflirtstop","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranismad","GLOBAL",ONE_DAY)~ + a1232 /* goes to preexisting without global setting */ ++ ~[PC] I... I just wanted to apologize. I'm sorry if I hurt you. I didn't mean to.~ + a1760 + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",1)~ + ~[PC] You are a moody, ridiculous egotistical brat, and I am beginning to think you will never grace my bed again.~ + a1740 ++ ~[PC] A few tears, and you cave like an apprentice in his first year. Do you have any spine, or should I give you some time to grow one?~ + a1737 ++ ~[PC] Can you really be so angry with me? I mean... with my fingers walking up your chest to your cheek like this? Or my lips coming so close to yours?~ + a1764 ++ ~[PC] I am sorry that you didn't understand - I am not going to apologize. I like to play mind games with you. Sometimes I even like to hurt you. Don't you understand that is what makes me fun to be with?~ + a1767 ++ ~[PC] (Keep sobbing, burying your face in his shoulder)~ + a1764 ++ ~[PC] Sulking? Oh, that is *so* adult.~ + a1756 END IF ~~ a1737 SAY ~[ARAN] You ruddy hurtful little vindictive... get away from me.~ ++ ~[PC] Look, this is coming out all wrong. I... I want to apologize.~ + a1760 ++ ~[PC] With an attitude like that, you will make no headway with me.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfight","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranflirtstop","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranismad","GLOBAL",ONE_DAY)~ + a1232 /* goes to preexisting without global setting */ ++ ~[PC] Still sulking? Oh, that is *so* adult.~ + a1756 ++ ~[PC] So, you have a little spine. Good. When you come and apologize to me, just remember that I do not appreciate weaklings.~ + a1758 /* c-aranmad3 */ ++ ~[PC] This is not working out, Aran. We should stick to business, and absolutely nothing else.~ + a1721 /* stop romance */ ++ ~[PC] None of this is working the way I want. You are a pain and a distraction. You should leave the party for awhile.~ + a1726 /* kick him out */ ++ ~[PC] None of this is working the way I want. You are a pain and a distraction. I think... yes. I will just kill you now and be done with it.~ + a1728 /* kick him out for good and try to kill him */ END IF ~~ a1760 SAY ~[ARAN] Well, now... you be wantin' to say you're sorry?~ ++ ~[PC] (Grab his hand, kissing his palm quickly.) Does this answer the question?~ + a1727 /* PC flatters Aran */ + ~RandomNum(3,1)~ + ~[PC] I am so sorry I hurt you. I didn't mean to, and I am so selfish and stupid... I just need to be near you, and have you be near me.~ + a1713 /* PC grovels for Aran */ + ~RandomNum(3,2)~ + ~[PC] I don't deserve to be with you. You are careful and considerate, and I was horrible to you. You mean more to me than I ever imagined.~ + a1711 + ~RandomNum(3,3)~ + ~[PC] I can't stand you glowering and silent, Aran. My time with you is too important. You make this all bearable. Please... I am sorry. Can't a handsome, wonderful man like you find it in your heart to forgive me?~ + a1761 + ~RandomNum(3,1)~ + ~[PC] It was my fault, Aran, not yours. I didn't realize that I could hurt you like that. Will we be able to go back to the way things were?~ + a1722 /* make up */ + ~RandomNum(3,2)~ + ~[PC] I do not always understand you, and what you want of me, Aran. But you are a part of my life now. I apologize for getting you so angry.~ + a1712 + ~RandomNum(3,3)~ + ~[PC] Can you forgive me? Do you think we are fine being with each other? ~ + a1723 + ~RandomNum(3,1)~ + ~[PC] I don't know what I did to get you angry, but whatever it is can't really be important. So let's make up, alright?~ + a1714 /* do not make up */ + ~RandomNum(3,2)~ + ~[PC] I mean, I am sorry you got all upset over nothing. I expected you to have a tougher skin.~ + a1737 + ~RandomNum(3,3)~ + ~[PC] Don't you have something to say to me? like "I'm sorry, , for not understanding how you want things to be"?~ + a1715 + ~RandomNum(3,1)~ + ~[PC] I know I am not the best at making apologies, but... I... (begin to cry.)~ + a1716 /* cry */ + ~RandomNum(3,2)~ + ~[PC] I... I... you... (Begin crying.)~ + a1716 + ~RandomNum(3,3)~ + ~[PC] These aren't jewels running down my cheeks, Aran. I didn't mean to hurt you. You are very important to me.~ + a1716 ++ ~[PC] I am sorry that you didn't understand - I am not going to apologize. I like to play mind games with you. Sometimes I even like to hurt you. Don't you understand that is what makes me fun to be with?~ + a1767 /* evil-mean-or-teasing-PC */ END IF ~~ a1764 SAY ~[ARAN] ... You don't rightly play fair, now, do you.~ IF ~RandomNum(3,1)~ GOTO a1763 IF ~RandomNum(3,2)~ GOTO a1765 IF ~RandomNum(3,3)~ GOTO a1766 END IF ~~ a1765 /* 3 (if only PC and Aran in-party) to 7 responses */ SAY ~[ARAN] I don't rightly know how to take this, . Look, mayhap give me a bit o' space, an' I will do some thinkin'. Mayhap I got somethin' to apologize for, an' mayhap you do. I don't rightly know right now. You make my brain all confused.~ /* Another male as foil */ + ~Gender(Player2,MALE) !Name("c-aran",Player2)~ + ~[PC] would never turn his back on me, no matter what I did.~ + a1710 + ~Gender(Player3,MALE) !Name("c-aran",Player3)~ + ~[PC] Why don't you go ask how a real man apologizes. Even he could do better.~ + a1710 + ~Gender(Player4,MALE) !Name("c-aran",Player4)~ + ~[PC] I don't know. would never treat me like you do.~ + a1710 + ~Gender(Player5,MALE) !Name("c-aran",Player5)~ + ~[PC] Why don't you go off and do manly things with . You don't need me around, anyways. After all, I am just a silly little girl who doesn't know how to keep you happy.~ + a1710 + ~Gender(Player6,MALE) !Name("c-aran",Player6)~ + ~[PC] says I am too important to be given the silent treatment, but I told him it didn't matter. I am not worth talking to, anyways.~ + a1710 /* Another female as foil: Not Edwina, Aerie, Viconia, or Jaheira */ + ~Gender(Player2,FEMALE) !Name("edwin",Player2) !Name("aerie",Player2) !Name("viconia",Player2) !Name("jaheira",Player2)~ + ~[PC] I tried asking why you would treat me this way, but she didn't know.~ + a1768 + ~Gender(Player3,FEMALE) !Name("edwin",Player3) !Name("aerie",Player3) !Name("viconia",Player3) !Name("jaheira",Player3)~ + ~[PC] thinks I should just ignore you, and you will eventually come begging. But I don't want that kind of relationship with you.~ + a1768 + ~Gender(Player4,FEMALE) !Name("edwin",Player4) !Name("aerie",Player4) !Name("viconia",Player4) !Name("jaheira",Player4)~ + ~[PC] says there is no way she would allow you to treat her that way. Why should I allow you to treat me like this?~ + a1768 + ~Gender(Player5,FEMALE) !Name("edwin",Player5) !Name("aerie",Player5) !Name("viconia",Player5) !Name("jaheira",Player5)~ + ~[PC] I bet thinks I should just let you walk away.~ + a1768 + ~Gender(Player6,FEMALE) !Name("edwin",Player6) !Name("aerie",Player6) !Name("viconia",Player6) !Name("jaheira",Player6)~ + ~[PC] I asked if anyone had ever treated her this way, and she said that no one had.~ + a1768 /* Another female as foil: Edwina */ + ~Gender(Player2,FEMALE) Name("edwin",Player2)~ + ~[PC] Edwina says you are a chauvinistic, egotistical, self-centered moron. And I tend to believe her... after all, she has lived both sides of the equation.~ + a1768 + ~Gender(Player3,FEMALE) Name("edwin",Player3)~ + ~[PC] Edwina says you are a chauvinistic, egotistical, self-centered moron. And I tend to believe her... after all, she has lived both sides of the equation.~ + a1768 + ~Gender(Player4,FEMALE) Name("edwin",Player4)~ + ~[PC] Edwina says you are a chauvinistic, egotistical, self-centered moron. And I tend to believe her... after all, she has lived both sides of the equation.~ + a1768 + ~Gender(Player5,FEMALE) Name("edwin",Player5)~ + ~[PC] Edwina says you are a chauvinistic, egotistical, self-centered moron. And I tend to believe her... after all, she has lived both sides of the equation.~ + a1768 + ~Gender(Player6,FEMALE) Name("edwin",Player6)~ + ~[PC] Edwina says you are a chauvinistic, egotistical, self-centered moron. And I tend to believe her... after all, she has lived both sides of the equation.~ + a1768 /* Another female as foil: Aerie */ + ~Gender(Player2,FEMALE) Name("aerie",Player2)~ + ~[PC] Aerie thinks I should make you sit down and talk to me, and tell me why you are mad, but I already know why. I am just not sure I care.~ + a1768 + ~Gender(Player3,FEMALE) Name("aerie",Player3)~ + ~[PC] Aerie thinks I should make you sit down and talk to me, and tell me why you are mad, but I already know why. I am just not sure I care.~ + a1768 + ~Gender(Player4,FEMALE) Name("aerie",Player4)~ + ~[PC] Aerie thinks I should make you sit down and talk to me, and tell me why you are mad, but I already know why. I am just not sure I care.~ + a1768 + ~Gender(Player5,FEMALE) Name("aerie",Player5)~ + ~[PC] Aerie thinks I should make you sit down and talk to me, and tell me why you are mad, but I already know why. I am just not sure I care.~ + a1768 + ~Gender(Player6,FEMALE) Name("aerie",Player6)~ + ~[PC] Aerie thinks I should make you sit down and talk to me, and tell me why you are mad, but I already know why. I am just not sure I care.~ + a1768 /* Another female as foil: Viconia */ + ~Gender(Player2,FEMALE) Name("viconia",Player2)~ + ~[PC] Viconia says I am an idiot for letting a stupid male ignore me like you are.~ + a1768 + ~Gender(Player3,FEMALE) Name("viconia",Player3)~ + ~[PC] Viconia says I am an idiot for letting a stupid male ignore me like you are.~ + a1768 + ~Gender(Player4,FEMALE) Name("viconia",Player4)~ + ~[PC] Viconia says I am an idiot for letting a stupid male ignore me like you are.~ + a1768 + ~Gender(Player5,FEMALE) Name("viconia",Player5)~ + ~[PC] Viconia says I am an idiot for letting a stupid male ignore me like you are.~ + a1768 + ~Gender(Player6,FEMALE) Name("viconia",Player6)~ + ~[PC] Viconia says I am an idiot for letting a stupid male ignore me like you are.~ + a1768 /* Another female as foil: Jaheira */ + ~Gender(Player2,FEMALE) Name("jaheira",Player2)~ + ~[PC] Jaheira says I need to be more considerate of you, but she wasn't there.~ + a1768 + ~Gender(Player3,FEMALE) Name("jaheira",Player3)~ + ~[PC] Jaheira says I need to be more considerate of you, but she wasn't there.~ + a1768 + ~Gender(Player4,FEMALE) Name("jaheira",Player4)~ + ~[PC] Jaheira says I need to be more considerate of you, but she wasn't there.~ + a1768 + ~Gender(Player5,FEMALE) Name("jaheira",Player5)~ + ~[PC] Jaheira says I need to be more considerate of you, but she wasn't there.~ + a1768 + ~Gender(Player6,FEMALE) Name("jaheira",Player6)~ + ~[PC] Jaheira says I need to be more considerate of you, but she wasn't there.~ + a1768 ++ ~[PC] I am sorry. I did not mean to hurt you. Can you forgive me?~ + a1711 /* evil-mean-or-teasing-PC */ ++ ~[PC] I am sorry that you didn't understand - I am not going to apologize. I like to play mind games with you. Sometimes I even like to hurt you. Don't you understand that is what makes me fun to be with?~ + a1767 /* make up */ + ~RandomNum(3,1)~ + ~[PC] It was my fault, Aran, not yours. I didn't realize that I could hurt you like that. Will we be able to go back to the way things were?~ + a1722 + ~RandomNum(3,2)~ + ~[PC] I do not always understand you, and what you want of me, Aran. But you are a part of my life now. I apologize for getting you so angry.~ + a1712 + ~RandomNum(3,3)~ + ~[PC] Can you forgive me? Do you think we are fine being with each other?~ + a1723 END IF ~~ a1766 SAY ~[ARAN] You be knowin' my weaknesses, eh, an' playin' on them? Is that what be happenin' here, or do you be tryin' to say you be sorry? ~ ++ ~[PC] (Grab his hand, kissing his palm quickly.) Does this answer the question?~ + a1727 + ~RandomNum(3,1)~ + ~[PC] I am so sorry I hurt you. I didn't mean to, and I am so selfish and stupid... I just need to be near you, and have you be near me.~ + a1722 + ~RandomNum(3,2)~ + ~[PC] I don't deserve to be with you. You are careful and considerate, and I was horrible to you. You mean more to me than I ever imagined.~ + a1725 + ~RandomNum(3,3)~ + ~[PC] I can't stand you glowering and silent, Aran. My time with you is too important. You make this all bearable. Please... I am sorry. Can't a handsome, wonderful man like you find it in your heart to forgive me?~ + a1761 + ~RandomNum(3,1)~ + ~[PC] It was my fault, Aran, not yours. I didn't realize that I could hurt you like that. Will we be able to go back to the way things were?~ + a1723 + ~RandomNum(3,2)~ + ~[PC] I do not always understand you, and what you want of me, Aran. But you are a part of my life now. I apologize for getting you so angry.~ + a1712 + ~RandomNum(3,3)~ + ~[PC] Can you forgive me? Do you think we are fine being with each other? ~ + a1723 + ~RandomNum(3,1)~ + ~[PC] I don't know what I did to get you angry, but whatever it is can't really be important. So let's make up, alright?~ + a1714 + ~RandomNum(3,2)~ + ~[PC] I mean, I am sorry you got all upset over nothing. I expected you to have a tougher skin.~ + a1737 + ~RandomNum(3,3)~ + ~[PC] Don't you have something to say to me? like "I'm sorry, , for not understanding how you want things to be"?~ + a1715 ++ ~[PC] (Let the tears flow, and bury your face in his shoulder.~ + a1763 ++ ~[PC] I am sorry that you didn't understand - I am not going to apologize. I like to play mind games with you. Sometimes I even like to hurt you. Don't you understand that is what makes me fun to be with?~ + a1767 END IF ~~ a1767 SAY ~[ARAN] You... you be right. Sometimes I forget that you are a cold, calculatin' vindictive bitch at your very core, no matter what you present to th' rest o' Faerun. An' I still can't say much about it, on account o' I still... I still can't get you out o' my head. But one thing I can do, that be for certain.~ = ~[ARAN] If you push it too far, then you had better expect I come back wi' one o three responses - ignore you, fight back, or walk away. An' right now, I am stickin' wi' ignorin' you, until I get my head back proper.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfight","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranflirtstop","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranismad","GLOBAL",ONE_DAY)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a1768 SAY ~[ARAN] What she be sayin' brings naught to bear on what falls between us. She weren't there. You were, an' I were. An' we be th' two what has th' problem, eh?~ ++ ~[PC] With an attitude like that, you will make no headway with me.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfight","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranflirtstop","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranismad","GLOBAL",ONE_DAY)~ + a1232 /* goes to preexisting without global setting */ ++ ~[PC] I was wrong. I don't believe in words without actions, so I am going to let you kiss me.~ + a1762 ++ ~[PC] I am sorry. I did not mean to hurt you. Can you forgive me?~ + a1713 ++ ~[PC] I may have hurt you, but I think you should apologize. No matter what I do, I expect you to talk with me about it.~ + a1708 ++ ~[PC] Can you really be so angry with me? I mean... with my fingers walking up your chest to your cheek like this? Or my lips coming so close to yours?~ + a1764 END IF ~~ a1769 SAY ~[ARAN] Fine. I be here, like a good little blighted sellsword.~ ++ ~[PC] With an attitude like that, you will make no headway with me.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfight","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranflirtstop","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranismad","GLOBAL",ONE_DAY)~ + a1232 /* goes to preexisting without global setting */ ++ ~[PC] I was wrong. I don't believe in words without actions, so I am going to let you kiss me.~ + a1762 ++ ~[PC] I am sorry. I did not mean to hurt you. Can you forgive me?~ + a1711 ++ ~[PC] I may have hurt you, but I think you should apologize. No matter what I do, I expect you to talk with me about it.~ + a1708 ++ ~[PC] Can you really be so angry with me? I mean... with my fingers walking up your chest to your cheek like this? Or my lips coming so close to yours?~ + a1764 ++ ~[PC] Look... this is just not working out, Aran. We should stick to business, and absolutely nothing else.~ + a1721 ++ ~[PC] None of this is working the way I want. I think it would be best if you left the party for awhile, to go get your head straight.~ + a1726 ++ ~[PC] You are such a pain to deal with. None of this is working the way I want. I think... yes. I will just kill you now and be done with it.~ + a1728 END /* Remember to place note in docs: If you make up with Aran after fighting, just like most dudes, he will try to be overly physical in his demonstrations immediately post fight. At least that is the rationale I am presenting for why his NPC-Initiated Flirts get set to run, even though a player has told him she doesn't want hem... players will have to tell him to stop flirting again via PID after making up. */ /* APOLOGY: ARAN approaches PC after TIMEREXPIRED - Aran is seeking PC to give an apology from a1706 */ IF ~~ a1707 /* 7 to 11 responses */ SAY ~[ARAN] I know I have been mad, but I should know better. You call th' shots, . Do we be fine wi' each other?~ + ~Gender(Player2,MALE) !Name("c-aran",Player2)~ + ~[PC] Not really. I should have beat you senseless. I would do it, but I think it is beneath my notice.~ + a1710 + ~Gender(Player3,MALE) !Name("c-aran",Player3)~ + ~[PC] I can't believe you just walked away angry like that. I should have pound some sense into you.~ + a1710 + ~Gender(Player4,MALE) !Name("c-aran",Player4)~ + ~[PC] No. You should be careful, Aran. might be convinced that you hurt me, and then where would you be?~ + a1710 + ~Gender(Player5,MALE) !Name("c-aran",Player5)~ + ~[PC] No. I do not understand why you were so angry. I asked , and he just shrugged.~ + a1710 + ~Gender(Player6,MALE) !Name("c-aran",Player6)~ + ~[PC] If by fine, you mean I should be spending less time with you and more time with , then sure.~ + a1710 + ~RandomNum(3,1)~ + ~[PC] It was my fault, Aran, not yours. Of course we are fine.~ + a1711 + ~RandomNum(3,2)~ + ~[PC] I do not always understand you, and what you want of me, Aran. But you are a part of my life now. I accept your apology.~ + a1712 + ~RandomNum(3,3)~ + ~[PC] I think so. Do you think we are fine with each other? ~ + a1713 + ~RandomNum(3,1)~ + ~[PC] No. You will have to do better than that as an apology, Aran. Go away until you can apologize properly.~ + a1714 + ~RandomNum(3,2)~ + ~[PC] He speaks. Well, sort of - his mouth is moving, but I do not hear anything worth hearing.~ + a1715 + ~RandomNum(3,3)~ + ~[PC] You are joking, right? What makes you think I have forgiven you?~ + a1715 + ~RandomNum(3,1)~ + ~[PC] (Burst into tears.)~ + a1716 + ~RandomNum(3,2)~ + ~[PC] I... I... you... (Begin crying.)~ + a1716 + ~RandomNum(3,3)~ + ~[PC] These aren't jewels running down my cheeks, Aran. You really hurt me.~ + a1716 + ~RandomNum(8,1)~ + ~[PC] Don't you think I deserve a better apology than that? Perhaps you should be kneeling, or groveling, or something more suitable?~ + a1717 + ~RandomNum(8,2)~ + ~[PC] On your knees. A proper apology starts with you kneeling in front of me.~ + a1718 + ~RandomNum(8,3)~ + ~[PC] Do you really think I will accept such a lackluster performance? No gifts. No flowers. No chocolate. No clue. That isn't an apology - that is an insult.~ + a1719 + ~RandomNum(8,4)~ + ~[PC] You should be crawling to me on your hands and feet. Actually, you should be kissing my feet, and begging me for forgiveness.~ + a1720 + ~RandomNum(8,5)~ + ~[PC] After your words and actions over the past few days, you should be crawling to me on your hands and feet, licking my boots. Do it, and I might consider your apology.~ + a1720 + ~RandomNum(8,6)~ + ~[PC] You should be crawling to me on your hands and feet. Actually, you should be kissing my feet, and begging me for forgiveness.~ + a1719 + ~RandomNum(8,7)~ + ~[PC] Speak a little louder. And where are my flowers? Where is my gift? This is shaping up to be a sorry excuse for an apology. A dog could do better.~ + a1718 + ~RandomNum(8,8)~ + ~[PC] Don't you think I deserve a better apology than that? Perhaps you should be kneeling, or groveling, or something more suitable?~ + a1717 ++ ~[PC] This is not working out, Aran. We should stick to business, and absolutely nothing else.~ + a1721 ++ ~[PC] None of this is working the way I want. You are a pain and a distraction. You should leave the party for awhile.~ + a1726 END IF ~~ a1708 /* 8 to 12 responses */ SAY ~[ARAN] I just got so... so mad, I didn't rightly know how to handle it. You mean a good bit to me, . Do we be fine wi' each other?~ + ~Gender(Player2,MALE) !Name("c-aran",Player2)~ + ~[PC] thinks you are an ass.~ + a1710 + ~Gender(Player3,MALE) !Name("c-aran",Player3)~ + ~[PC] I thought we understood each other. would have understood me better.~ + a1710 + ~Gender(Player4,MALE) !Name("c-aran",Player4)~ + ~[PC] I don't understand why you got so upset. If I were arguing with , he would never walk away from me like that.~ + a1710 + ~Gender(Player5,MALE) !Name("c-aran",Player5)~ + ~[PC] You got so angry, over so little. I asked if all men were like that, and he just shrugged.~ + a1710 + ~Gender(Player6,MALE) !Name("c-aran",Player6)~ + ~[PC] If by fine, you mean I should be spending less time with you and more time with , then sure.~ + a1710 + ~RandomNum(3,1)~ + ~[PC] It was my fault, Aran, not yours. Of course we are fine.~ + a1722 + ~RandomNum(3,2)~ + ~[PC] I do not always understand you, and what you want of me, Aran. But you are a part of my life now.~ + a1712 + ~RandomNum(3,3)~ + ~[PC] I think so. Do you think we are fine with each other? ~ + a1723 + ~RandomNum(3,1)~ + ~[PC] Go away, Aran. I don't want to talk to you right now.~ + a1714 + ~RandomNum(3,2)~ + ~[PC] He speaks. Well, sort of - his mouth is moving, but I do not hear anything worth hearing.~ + a1724 + ~RandomNum(3,3)~ + ~[PC] You are joking, right? What makes you think I have forgiven you?~ + a1724 + ~RandomNum(8,1)~ + ~[PC] Don't you think I deserve a better apology than that? Perhaps you should be kneeling, or groveling, or something more suitable?~ + a1717 + ~RandomNum(8,2)~ + ~[PC] On your knees. A proper apology starts with you kneeling in front of me.~ + a1718 + ~RandomNum(8,3)~ + ~[PC] Do you really think I will accept such a lackluster performance? No gifts. No flowers. No chocolate. No clue. That isn't an apology - that is an insult.~ + a1719 + ~RandomNum(8,4)~ + ~[PC] You should be crawling to me on your hands and feet. Actually, you should be kissing my feet, and begging me for forgiveness.~ + a1720 + ~RandomNum(8,5)~ + ~[PC] After your words and actions over the past few days, you should be crawling to me on your hands and feet, licking my boots. Do it, and I might consider your apology.~ + a1720 + ~RandomNum(8,6)~ + ~[PC] You should be crawling to me on your hands and feet. Actually, you should be kissing my feet, and begging me for forgiveness.~ + a1719 + ~RandomNum(8,7)~ + ~[PC] Speak a little louder. And where are my flowers? Where is my gift? This is shaping up to be a sorry excuse for an apology. A dog could do better.~ + a1718 + ~RandomNum(8,8)~ + ~[PC] Don't you think I deserve a better apology than that? Perhaps you should be kneeling, or groveling, or something more suitable?~ + a1717 + ~RandomNum(4,1)~ + ~[PC] I am so sorry I hurt you. I didn't mean to, and I am so selfish and stupid... I just need to be near you, and have you be near me.~ + a1722 + ~RandomNum(4,2)~ + ~[PC] I don't deserve to be with you. You are careful and considerate, and I was horrible to you. You mean more to me than I ever imagined.~ + a1712 + ~RandomNum(4,3)~ + ~[PC] I don't deserve to be with you. You are careful and considerate, and I was horrible to you. You mean more to me than I ever imagined.~ + a1725 + ~RandomNum(4,4)~ + ~[PC] (Grab his hand, kissing his palm quickly.) Does this answer the question?~ + a1727 ++ ~[PC] This is not working out, Aran. We should stick to business, and absolutely nothing else.~ + a1721 ++ ~[PC] None of this is working the way I want. You are a pain and a distraction. You should leave the party for awhile.~ + a1726 ++ ~[PC] None of this is working the way I want. You are a pain and a distraction. Stop that grinning, servile smile. I think... yes. I will just kill you now and be done with it.~ + a1728 END IF ~~ a1709 /* lots of states, but only 6 to 8 are available in any given party */ SAY ~[ARAN] I get so worked up over you sometimes, it just seems a bit like I be drownin'. I don't have no hold or call over you, but sometimes I start thinkin' like I do. Do we be fine wi' each other?~ + ~Gender(Player2,MALE) !Name("c-aran",Player2)~ + ~[PC] would never turn his back on me, no matter what I did.~ + a1710 + ~Gender(Player3,MALE) !Name("c-aran",Player3)~ + ~[PC] Why don't you go ask how a real man apologizes. Even he could do better.~ + a1710 + ~Gender(Player4,MALE) !Name("c-aran",Player4)~ + ~[PC] I don't know. would never treat me like you do.~ + a1710 + ~Gender(Player5,MALE) !Name("c-aran",Player5)~ + ~[PC] Why don't you go off and do manly things with . You don't need me around, anyways. After all, I am just a silly little girl who doesn't know how to keep you happy.~ + a1710 + ~Gender(Player6,MALE) !Name("c-aran",Player6)~ + ~[PC] says I am too important to be given the silent treatment, but I told him it didn't matter. I am not worth talking to, anyways.~ + a1710 + ~Gender(Player2,FEMALE) !Name("edwin",Player2) !Name("aerie",Player2) !Name("viconia",Player2) !Name("jaheira",Player2)~ + ~[PC] says men can't help themselves, they just are naturally stupid. But I thought you were different. I guess I was wrong.~ + a1710 + ~Gender(Player3,FEMALE) !Name("edwin",Player3) !Name("aerie",Player3) !Name("viconia",Player3) !Name("jaheira",Player3)~ + ~[PC] Why don't you go try to flirt with ? Maybe she can make you happier than I can.~ + a1710 + ~Gender(Player4,FEMALE) !Name("edwin",Player4) !Name("aerie",Player4) !Name("viconia",Player4) !Name("jaheira",Player4)~ + ~[PC] If had her way, I would be out looking for another person to fill your shoes.~ + a1710 + ~Gender(Player5,FEMALE) !Name("edwin",Player5) !Name("aerie",Player5) !Name("viconia",Player5) !Name("jaheira",Player5)~ + ~[PC] says I am too important to be given the silent treatment, but I told her it didn't matter. I am not worth talking to, anyways.~ + a1710 + ~Gender(Player6,FEMALE) !Name("edwin",Player6) !Name("aerie",Player6) !Name("viconia",Player6) !Name("jaheira",Player6)~ + ~[PC] Oh, don't mind me. is probably more fun than I am, anyways.~ + a1710 + ~Gender(Player2,FEMALE) Name("edwin",Player2)~ + ~[PC] Edwina says you are a chauvinistic, egotistical, self-centered moron. And I tend to believe her... after all, she has lived both sides of the equation.~ + a1710 + ~Gender(Player3,FEMALE) Name("edwin",Player3)~ + ~[PC] Edwina says you are a chauvinistic, egotistical, self-centered moron. And I tend to believe her... after all, she has lived both sides of the equation.~ + a1710 + ~Gender(Player4,FEMALE) Name("edwin",Player4)~ + ~[PC] Edwina says you are a chauvinistic, egotistical, self-centered moron. And I tend to believe her... after all, she has lived both sides of the equation.~ + a1710 + ~Gender(Player5,FEMALE) Name("edwin",Player5)~ + ~[PC] Edwina says you are a chauvinistic, egotistical, self-centered moron. And I tend to believe her... after all, she has lived both sides of the equation.~ + a1710 + ~Gender(Player6,FEMALE) Name("edwin",Player6)~ + ~[PC] Edwina says you are a chauvinistic, egotistical, self-centered moron. And I tend to believe her... after all, she has lived both sides of the equation.~ + a1710 /* Another female as foil: Aerie */ + ~Gender(Player2,FEMALE) Name("aerie",Player2)~ + ~[PC] Aerie says I should apologize to you right away, because we make such a good team, but she is no real judge of relationships.~ + a1710 + ~Gender(Player3,FEMALE) Name("aerie",Player3)~ + ~[PC] Aerie says I should apologize to you right away, because we make such a good team, but she is no real judge of relationships.~ + a1710 + ~Gender(Player4,FEMALE) Name("aerie",Player4)~ + ~[PC] Aerie says I should apologize to you right away, because we make such a good team, but she is no real judge of relationships.~ + a1710 + ~Gender(Player5,FEMALE) Name("aerie",Player5)~ + ~[PC] Aerie says I should apologize to you right away, because we make such a good team, but she is no real judge of relationships.~ + a1710 + ~Gender(Player6,FEMALE) Name("aerie",Player6)~ + ~[PC] Aerie says I should apologize to you right away, because we make such a good team, but she is no real judge of relationships.~ + a1710 /* Another female as foil: Viconia */ + ~Gender(Player2,FEMALE) Name("viconia",Player2)~ + ~[PC] Viconia says you are a spineless wimp, and I should beat you, hurt you, or manipulate you until you do my bidding without getting angry.~ + a1710 + ~Gender(Player3,FEMALE) Name("viconia",Player3)~ + ~[PC] Viconia says you are a spineless wimp, and I should beat you, hurt you, or manipulate you until you do my bidding without getting angry.~ + a1710 + ~Gender(Player4,FEMALE) Name("viconia",Player4)~ + ~[PC] Viconia says you are a spineless wimp, and I should beat you, hurt you, or manipulate you until you do my bidding without getting angry.~ + a1710 + ~Gender(Player5,FEMALE) Name("viconia",Player5)~ + ~[PC] Viconia says you are a spineless wimp, and I should beat you, hurt you, or manipulate you until you do my bidding without getting angry.~ + a1710 + ~Gender(Player6,FEMALE) Name("viconia",Player6)~ + ~[PC] Viconia says you are a spineless wimp, and I should beat you, hurt you, or manipulate you until you do my bidding without getting angry.~ + a1710 /* Another female as foil: Jaheira */ + ~Gender(Player2,FEMALE) Name("jaheira",Player2)~ + ~[PC] Jaheira says I should smack you hard on the side of the head, and tell you to stop being a silly male, but I don't know if I care anyways.~ + a1710 + ~Gender(Player3,FEMALE) Name("jaheira",Player3)~ + ~[PC] Jaheira says I should smack you hard on the side of the head, and tell you to stop being a silly male, but I don't know if I care anyways.~ + a1710 + ~Gender(Player4,FEMALE) Name("jaheira",Player4)~ + ~[PC] Jaheira says I should smack you hard on the side of the head, and tell you to stop being a silly male, but I don't know if I care anyways.~ + a1710 + ~Gender(Player5,FEMALE) Name("jaheira",Player5)~ + ~[PC] Jaheira says I should smack you hard on the side of the head, and tell you to stop being a silly male, but I don't know if I care anyways.~ + a1710 + ~Gender(Player6,FEMALE) Name("jaheira",Player6)~ + ~[PC] Jaheira says I should smack you hard on the side of the head, and tell you to stop being a silly male, but I don't know if I care anyways.~ + a1710 /* make up */ + ~RandomNum(3,1)~ + ~[PC] It is my fault, Aran, not yours. Of course we are fine.~ + a1723 + ~RandomNum(3,2)~ + ~[PC] I do not always understand you, or what you want of me, Aran. But you are a part of my life now.~ + a1725 + ~RandomNum(3,3)~ + ~[PC] I think so. Do you think we are fine with each other?~ + a1722 /* do not make up */ + ~RandomNum(3,1)~ + ~[PC] No. You have to do better than that as an apology, Aran. Get on with the job at hand. Perhaps you should just sulk and stew by yourself for a few days.~ + a1715 + ~RandomNum(3,2)~ + ~[PC] Go away, Aran. You shut me out. I don't care what I did, or what you did... I just don't ever expect to be given the cold shoulder, ever.~ + a1729 + ~RandomNum(3,3)~ + ~[PC] I do not hear anything worth hearing. You can go drown, for all I care.~ + a1710 /* stop romance */ ++ ~[PC] This is not working out, Aran. We should stick to business, and absolutely nothing else.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfight","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobal("c-aranflirtstop","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",3)~ + a1721 /* kick him out */ ++ ~[PC] None of this is working the way I want. You are a pain and a distraction. You should leave the party for awhile.~ + a1726 /* kick him out for good and try to kill him */ ++ ~[PC] None of this is working the way I want. You are a pain and a distraction. Stop that grinning, servile smile. I think... yes. I will just kill you now and be done with it.~ + a1728 END IF ~~ a1710 SAY ~[ARAN] Now, don't be that way, eh? I done said I was sorry...~ /* make up */ + ~RandomNum(3,1)~ + ~[PC] No... wait. It is my fault, Aran, not yours. Of course we are fine.~ + a1712 + ~RandomNum(3,2)~ + ~[PC] Yes, you did. And... I guess that I should, too. I do not always understand you, and what you want of me, Aran. But you are a part of my life now.~ + a1723 + ~RandomNum(3,3)~ + ~[PC] I think that is enough torture. Of course we are fine with each other. In fact, we are more than fine. A little argument isn't going to kill us.~ + a1725 /* do not make up */ + ~RandomNum(3,1)~ + ~[PC] No. You have to do better than that as an apology, Aran. Get on with the job at hand, and don't come to me before you have figured out what you did wrong.~ + a1715 + ~RandomNum(3,2)~ + ~[PC] You never specified what you are sorry about. About the stars being in the sky? About you being an ass? About you not listening to my needs and wants?~ + a1729 + ~RandomNum(3,3)~ + ~[PC] That is not enough. Words are never enough. I mean, you just talk, you don't do anything to back them up. You must hate me.~ + a1730 /* cry */ + ~RandomNum(3,1)~ + ~[PC] (Burst into tears.)~ + a1716 + ~RandomNum(3,2)~ + ~[PC] I... I... you... (Begin crying.)~ + a1716 + ~RandomNum(3,3)~ + ~[PC] These aren't jewels running down my cheeks, Aran. You really hurt me by shutting me out.~ + a1716 /* PC expects groveling by Aran */ + ~RandomNum(3,1)~ + ~[PC] On your knees. A proper apology starts with you kneeling in front of me.~ + a1717 + ~RandomNum(3,2)~ + ~[PC] After your words and actions over the past few days, you should be crawling to me on your hands and feet. Do it, and I might consider your apology.~ + a1718 + ~RandomNum(3,3)~ + ~[PC] Speak a little louder. And where are my flowers? Where is my gift? This is shaping up to be a sorry excuse for an apology.~ + a1719 /* stop romance */ ++ ~[PC] This is not working out, Aran. We should stick to business, and absolutely nothing else.~ + a1721 /* kick him out */ ++ ~[PC] None of this is working the way I want. You are a pain and a distraction. You should leave the party for awhile.~ + a1726 /* kick him out for good and try to kill him */ ++ ~[PC] None of this is working the way I want. You are a pain and a distraction. Stop that grinning, servile smile. I think... yes. I will just kill you now and be done with it.~ + a1728 END IF ~~ a1714 SAY ~[ARAN] So it is not important enough to be talkin' about. I see. You can hold bloody diatribes wi' all manner o' creatures, but I'm not important enough to you to talk wi' when I be th' one wronged. You know, I'd tell you to go to th' nine hells, but you've already been there.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfight","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranflirtstop","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranismad","GLOBAL",ONE_DAY)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a1724 SAY ~[ARAN] Hey, that be right ugly, eh? I be ready to talk, an' you...~ + ~RandomNum(4,1)~ + ~[PC] ...would rather eat sand than talk to you.~ + a1731 + ~RandomNum(4,2)~ + ~[PC] Oh, shut up and go sulk. You can go to the nine hells. While you are there, get someone to teach you to speak properly. I hear gibberlings actually have less of an accent then you do.~ + a1732 + ~RandomNum(4,3)~ + ~[PC] ...will end up having to smile like a good little girl and say "yes dear, no dear" while you try to worm your way back into my good graces, while your eyes never actually make it up past my breasts.~ + a1733 + ~RandomNum(4,4)~ + ~[PC] We are not 'fine', Aran. I think I shall give you the 'silent treatment', and see how you like it. Wait... if I use your definition of 'silent', then I must remember to talk about unrelated garbage every ten seconds.~ + a1734 + ~RandomNum(4,1)~ + ~[PC] Wait. I am... I don't know why I said that. Yes, of course we are fine.~ + a1722 + ~RandomNum(4,2)~ + ~[PC] Hey, you were the one shutting me out. How does it feel to be mistreated? But in terms of the fighting, I think we are even. I accept your apology.~ + a1712 + ~RandomNum(4,3)~ + ~[PC] Oh, forget I said anything. Yes, I accept your apology.~ + a1723 + ~RandomNum(4,4)~ + ~[PC] ...I obviously was not. I do accept your apology. I just wanted to remind you how words can hurt.~ + a1725 ++ ~[PC] I have had enough of your crap. Go on... go sulk for awhile. When you decide to grow up, come and talk to me again.~ + a1731 END IF ~~ a1715 SAY ~[ARAN] You blighted well want more than... you know, this were a mistake. Forget it. You are the largest pain in my rear end I ever did have. Luckily, it be less big than your actual rear end.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfight","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranflirtstop","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranismad","GLOBAL",ONE_DAY)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a1729 SAY ~[ARAN] Look, I already said I was sorry. I don't rightly remember all th' details, an'...~ + ~RandomNum(2,1)~ + ~[PC] You didn't think it was important to remember the details of communication between the two of us? I must mean so little to you.~ + a1731 /* reconsider, no */ + ~RandomNum(2,2)~ + ~[PC] Why are you apologizing if you don't remember what started the fight? Do you think you can just patronize me, tell me "yes dear", "no dear", and not really pay attention to my feelings?~ + a1732 /* reconsider, no */ + ~RandomNum(2,1)~ + ~[PC] You said you were sorry. Big deal. I can say I am the Queen of the Dale Lands, and that does not make it true. You just want me to go back to the way things were.~ + a1733 /* reconsider, no */ + ~RandomNum(2,2)~ + ~[PC] Forget it. I am mad at you, and I refuse to let you come around trying to manipulate me and patronize me. Go away.~ + a1734 /* reconsider, no */ + ~RandomNum(2,1)~ + ~[PC] Aran, shut up. I should be apologizing to you. I just feel a little out of control.~ + a1722 /* reconsider, yes */ + ~RandomNum(2,2)~ + ~[PC] Oh, Aran, forget I said any of that... I don't want us fighting any more. We belong together.~ + a1712 /* reconsider, yes */ + ~RandomNum(2,1)~ + ~[PC] The details do not matter. My feelings matter, though. If you are willing to keep that in mind in the future, I think we can consider this matter settled.~ + a1723 /* reconsider, yes */ + ~RandomNum(2,2)~ + ~[PC] Wait. I am sorry. Let's forget any of this happened.~ + a1725 /* reconsider, yes */ ++ ~[PC] You are so... so... Go on. Go sulk, or pout, or whatever you want to do. I don't want to talk to you anyways! I... I hate you! (burst into tears)~ + a1732 END IF ~~ a1716 SAY ~[ARAN] Now, hey, wait... I be right sorry, eh? I just felt you were takin' advantage o' me right an' left, an' I.. oh, for Tymora's Smile, stop wi' th' waterworks, eh?~ ++ ~[PC] That is not enough. Words are never enough. I mean, you just talk,I just talk, and then we fight... You must hate me.~ + a1730 /* make up */ + ~RandomNum(2,1)~ + ~[PC] Gods, I am crying like a little girl. It is my fault, Aran, not yours. Of course we are fine.~ + a1723 + ~RandomNum(2,2)~ + ~[PC] I don't know why it hurts so much that I have to cry. I do not always understand you, or what you want of me, Aran. But you are a part of my life now.~ + a1725 ++ ~[PC] I don't know why you don't hate me. I am a soulless monster, driven in so many different directions I don't even know why I wake up in the morning. You do not need to be weighed down by all of this. You deserve better.~ + a1735 ++ ~[PC] Do you love me?~ + a1736 /* Gratuitous stealing of song lyrics, and if you don't know from which song, you are missing out on some great music... */ ++ ~[PC] It doesn't matter. Nothing really matters. Easy come, easy go, every way the wind blows... nothing really matters to me.~ + a1735 END IF ~~ a1717 SAY ~[ARAN] You want me to... blighted hells. You do.~ = ~[ARAN] For any other person on th' face o' Toril, I'd die rather than have no dignity. But this be me, droppin' on' my knees, an' tellin' you that I were wrong to hold anythin' from you, or be any way you don't want me to be.~ ++ ~[PC] That is sufficient. I accept your apology.~ + a1712 ++ ~[PC] Oh, come here and kiss me, you big idiot. I didn't mean for you to take me so seriously. Forget anything happened, ok?~ + a1712 ++ ~[PC] Gods... I hate myself. I just made you grovel like some servant. You must hate me.~ + a1730 ++ ~[PC] You really are a worm, you know. I guess I can make you do just about anything.~ + a1737 ++ ~[PC] Aran... you don't have to do that ever again. I can answer your question about whether this fight is over... (kneel swiftly with him, taking his hands in yours.)~ + a1727 END IF ~~ a1718 SAY ~[ARAN] You want me to... Cyric's Balls. When th' nine hells freeze over, mayhap.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfight","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranflirtstop","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranismad","GLOBAL",ONE_DAY)~ + a1232 /* goes to preexisting without global setting */ END IF ~~ a1719 SAY ~[ARAN] Well, your highness, miss "my crap don't stink, a' you should bow before me", don't be holdin' your breath for that. On account o' you should be apologizin' to me for even suggestin' it. If you want some ragdoll to order about an' mistreat, go get some other poor bastard to play your games.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfight","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranflirtstop","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranismad","GLOBAL",ONE_DAY)~ + a1232 /* goes to preexisting without global setting */ END IF ~~ a1720 SAY ~[ARAN] Shar's Spit, you want me to drop on my belly like a worm an' strip every inch o' my pride? I done got two words for you, an' they don't be "good mornin'". Use your imagination to fill in exactly what I be sayin'.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfight","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranflirtstop","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranismad","GLOBAL",ONE_DAY)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a1727 SAY ~[ARAN] (He draws your hands to him, holding them close to his chest.)~ = ~[ARAN] Aye, it does answer it right well. An' I be a happy man.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfight","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobal("c-aranflirtstop","GLOBAL",0)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a1762 SAY ~[ARAN] Now, I do believe you be tryin' to get around me, eh? Mayhap toyin' wi' me? Good thing for you, though, on account o' it be workin'.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfight","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobal("c-aranflirtstop","GLOBAL",0)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a1761 SAY ~[ARAN] Now, you be flatterin' me somethin' fierce, there. But I do think it be workin'. I am right glad to just be around you, an' there be no strain between us.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfight","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobal("c-aranflirtstop","GLOBAL",0)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a1730 SAY ~[ARAN] Sune's Rump, I don't hate you. Not one bit. You make me so angry sometimes, it hurts. An' then you smile, an' it be like th' first day o' spring. Gods, , I don't hate you. Let's just forget this whole thing, eh, an' go back to th' way it was?~ ++ ~[PC] No, you hate me. I can see it. You just want my body. This is not working out, Aran. We should stick to business, and absolutely nothing else.~ + a1721 ++ ~[PC] None of this is working the way I want. You are a pain and a distraction. You should leave the party for awhile.~ + a1726 ++ ~[PC] I think... yes. I will just kill you now and be done with it. If you love me, you will hold very still while I cut your throat and burn your head so you can't be revived.~ + a1728 ++ ~[PC] These aren't jewels running down my cheeks, Aran. You really hurt me by shutting me out. It was as if you didn't want me, or didn't need me.~ + a1735 ++ ~[PC] I don't know why you don't hate me. I am a soulless monster, driven in so many different directions I don't even know why I wake up in the morning. You do not need to be weighed down by all of this. You deserve better.~ + a1735 ++ ~[PC] Oh, just go away. I ... I hate you!~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfight","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranflirtstop","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranismad","GLOBAL",ONE_DAY)~ + a1232 /* goes to preexisting without global setting */ END IF ~~ a1735 SAY ~[ARAN] Corellon's Bowhand, you got this all wrong, all wrong completely. I don't rightly know what I would do wi' out you. Look, forget all this arguin' an' apologizin' an' such. You mean more to me than any words ever made.~ ++ ~[PC] Are you saying that you love me?~ + a1738 ++ ~[PC] You can't be saying that you love me.~ + a1738 ++ ~[PC] No. You cannot say you love me. That would ruin everything.~ + a1736 ++ ~[PC] Are you saying that you will serve me without reservation, even if I don't really love you?~ + a1739 ++ ~[PC] Are you saying that you will serve me without reservation, even if I truly love someone else?~ + a1739 END IF ~~ a1738 SAY ~[ARAN] By this point, I don't think it be a matter o' words, but deeds, eh? I don't rightly know how to answer th' question more than I already have. Except to say th' words. An' this be th' wrong place an' time to be havin' that discussion. But as for th' fight, it be over right proper.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfight","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobal("c-aranflirtstop","GLOBAL",0)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a1739 SAY ~[ARAN] Look, I be man enough to want you. An' I be man enough to choose if I be served best by havin' you love me, or just tolerate me. I'll serve, even when I don't rightly agree. An' my heart's my own, Sune curse Herself. Believe me, it be th' laughter o' th gods mockin' me, fallin' for someone what don't necessarily reciprocate. But I can make my own choices, an' I chose servin' you awhile back.~ = ~[ARAN] Just be a mite bit more careful how much you play wi' my attentions, on account o' every man has his limit. An' most don' know exactly where that limit be.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfight","GLOBAL",0)~ EXIT /* no NPC initiated flirt restart */ END IF ~~ a1736 SAY ~[ARAN] No words, then. That saves you th' trouble o' balancin' an' fussin' about anythin'. I know you have your own mind on th' way things go. But you an' I both know, deep down, what th' real answer to that question be.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfight","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobal("c-aranflirtstop","GLOBAL",0)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a1763 SAY ~[ARAN] (He draws you close into his embrace, his lips barely brushing your ear.)~ = ~[ARAN] I don't even rightly remember what it was all about, nohow. Fine. I guess it be a waste o' time to be mad at you anyways, seein' as you done got me, hook, line, an' sinker.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfight","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobal("c-aranflirtstop","GLOBAL",0)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a1711 SAY ~[ARAN] Aye, it was naught but a misunderstandin' anyways. I think it be best to let bygones be bygones, eh? We have more important things to be worryin' about.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfight","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobal("c-aranflirtstop","GLOBAL",0)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a1713 SAY ~[ARAN] I just can't rightly stay mad at you, nohow, . I guess I was a bit o' an idiot to shut you out like that.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfight","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobal("c-aranflirtstop","GLOBAL",0)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a1722 SAY ~[ARAN] Well, on my part, I am blighted glad to be around you, no matter what. When we be gettin' along, I feel like I can accomplish almost anythin'.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfight","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobal("c-aranflirtstop","GLOBAL",0)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a1712 SAY ~[ARAN] I have naught in th' way o' knowledge o' what you truly need an' want, , but I try every day to fill in th' blanks. As for me, you be a right large part o' my life. I am blighted happy just to be at your side.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfight","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobal("c-aranflirtstop","GLOBAL",0)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a1723 SAY ~[ARAN] I know I be in th' right place, as long as it be at your side. I am glad we put that behind us an' we can move on.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfight","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobal("c-aranflirtstop","GLOBAL",0)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a1725 SAY ~[ARAN] You know, there be times when havin' words or coldness between us hurts worse than a good solid swordcut across th' gut. Th' physical, well, there be spells an' bandages an' potions. But havin' things go cold between th' two o' us, well, that don't have no quick resolution. But one kiss from you heals my spirit right proper, it does.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfight","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobal("c-aranflirtstop","GLOBAL",0)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a1740 SAY ~[ARAN] Look, I done got close enough to you to be able to be hurt. Don't you be thinkin' I am some toy what to screw with. A man's got some pride, though blighted little be left him after th' gods an' womenfolk done had their ways. Just leave me be for awhile.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfight","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranflirtstop","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranismad","GLOBAL",ONE_DAY)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a1731 SAY ~[ARAN] Grumbar's Clay Fists, you be a right bloody pain in my arse.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfight","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranflirtstop","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranismad","GLOBAL",ONE_DAY)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a1732 SAY ~[ARAN] You... I... I gotta go kill somethin'. Preferably somethin' what splats.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfight","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranflirtstop","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranismad","GLOBAL",ONE_DAY)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a1733 SAY ~[ARAN] You can go to th' nine hells an' rot.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfight","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranflirtstop","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranismad","GLOBAL",ONE_DAY)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a1734 SAY ~[ARAN] May th' gods preserve us from blighted fools, orcs, an' the nastiness of a vindictive, frightful, spiteful woman.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfight","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranflirtstop","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranismad","GLOBAL",ONE_DAY)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a1721 SAY ~[ARAN] Fine. I get it. I stick to business. It's not like I have any feelin's or naught for you. But I get th' message; shut up an' soldier. Gods, let's just be gettin' to somewhere wi' some alcohol right quick.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfight","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobal("c-aranflirtstop","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",3)~ EXIT END /* deal with journal entry */ IF ~~ a1726 SAY ~[ARAN] Well, don't that be a kick in th' head. Mayhap I should just rip my heart out while it be beatin'. Fine. Saved me several years o' heartache, I guess.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfight","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobal("c-aranflirtstop","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",3) SetGlobal("KickedOut","LOCALS",1) ActionOverride("c-aran",SetLeavePartyDialogFile()) ActionOverride("c-aran",ChangeAIScript("",DEFAULT)) ActionOverride("c-aran",LeaveParty())~ EXIT END /* deal with journal entry */ IF ~~ a1705 SAY ~[ARAN] Suit yourself, as it be pleasin' you. I got little or naught else to do anyways.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1741 SAY ~[ARAN] I don't suppose there be much in th' way o' thinkin' for most o' th' creatures down there. It be remindin' me o' a joke...~ = ~[ARAN] So, three Hobgoblins walk into a bar. Th' fourth, well, he ducks.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1742 SAY ~[ARAN] I'd be guessin' that it usually involves sittin' around a big cauldron pokin' at our simmerin' corpses, wonderin' how much spice to add to us.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1743 SAY ~[ARAN] Fun? Well... let's just be sayin' that if some creature actually enjoys bein' in this place, I be in no hurry to find out how they spend their free time.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1744 SAY ~[ARAN] Oh, they didn't tell you? Most o' these critters around here have second lives as investment bankers in Trademeet. This just be th' place where they relax an' let their hair down, so to speak.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1745 SAY ~[ARAN] ...an' here we be, wanderin' about wi' great great, shinin' magical weapons, an' a fool's errand to run. Mayhap we should go to bed, an' forget th' whole wanderin' about in th' dark, eh?~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1746 SAY ~[ARAN] Hey, what say we spark of a little bit o' a fire, an' run around screamin' "run for your lives! run for your lives"? That would clear out a bar or two, an' then we could settle down in comfort for some serious drinkin'... at least until th' Watch caught us.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1747 SAY ~[ARAN] Now, I do remember a small detail I was on what went into th' districts in Baldur's gate, back wi' th' 'Fist. There was some jackass what kept tryin' to steal things from th' Gond temple there, an' orders was to wander th' place an' keep th' locals from gettin' clobbered or accosted or some such rot.~ = ~[ARAN] O' course, it turned out there were not much in th' way o' night life, except some occasional drunken louts an' a thief or two. So wanderin' around in shiny field plate wi' torches was kind o' pointless, which I did point out to th' Sergeant a mite forcefully.~ = ~[ARAN] I learned right quick her favorite phrase were "Soldier... shut up an' soldier.". Her second favorite was "OK, someone throw a slop bucket over this idiot an' wake him up. I think I broke a knuckle on his hard head".~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1748 SAY ~[ARAN] You know, you be right. If you squint right careful, an' block out th' street, it only looks like half a pile o' steamin' garbage an' human refuse. But it has some redeemin' qualities, too. Wine, women, song, places to stay, people to see, an' food - spices an' such.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1749 SAY ~[ARAN] It actually does look fine enough for th' like o' us, anyways. Well, by "us" I be meanin' "me". You can get in anywheres. Most o' us poor buggers get th' bum's rush on some teeny tiny thing like lettin' loose a few colorful phrases, eh?~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1750 SAY ~[ARAN] If you take some glances around some corners, I do suspect you be right. It don't look half bad. It looks all bad, an' somewhat worse for th' wear. Someone needs some basic lessons in street-buildin' an' sanitation, or a good team o' dwarven engineers.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1751 SAY ~[ARAN] Now, that be a right fine idea. An' then, we could start yellin' an' bangin' on pans, an' singin', an' generally carryin' on. Because, you see, actually we be a four-thousand strong wing o' th' Purple Dragon Knights, out for a lark, and we are just itchin' for a horde o' hostile creatures to come an' give us a mite bit o' sport.~ = ~[ARAN] You know, there be times when I be a mite bit worried about you, m'. You do have th' damnedest notions at times.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1752 SAY ~[ARAN] Oh, right, didn't I tell you? Th' shoulder - it be a mite stiff today. Mayhap too stiff fore gatherin' firewood. Old war injury. Got it... err... yeah, got it fightin' off three Fire Giants singlehanded, back in Moonshae, sure I did. Now, would I be tellin' you a falsehood, just to get out o' a few licks o' work? Me? Never...~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1753 SAY ~[ARAN] Yep, it does have some opportunities for adventure. O' course, it also has bugs. Nasty, bloodsuckin' little vampiric bugs what drive a man crazy. An' gnats. An' snakes.Mayhap even worse. Hey, what did you be sayin' about likin' forests? On account o' I think I done changed my mind. Hate 'em.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1754 SAY ~[ARAN] Why, to be sure, there be a right fine little stream a ways back, if we were to purify th'... hey. Was that some kind o' commentary on th' way I smell? I wash every day, whether I be needin' it or not!~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END /* General Options, both Male PC and female PC */ /* voice/string fixer */ /* c-aranpidvoice */ /* voice/string fixer */ IF ~~ a989 /* c-aranpidvoice */ SAY ~[ARAN] *cough*~ [c-blank] IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetName(%Aran%) /* NAME2 */ SetPlayerSound(Myself,%[c-aws001] Now, there be an idea... joinin' up on an adventure.% [c-aws001],0) /* INITIAL_MEETING */ SetPlayerSound(Myself,%[c-aws002] Helm's bones - RETREAT!% [c-aws002],1) /* MORALE */ SetPlayerSound(Myself,%[c-aws003] Aye, 'tis a fair group. 'Tis better than a clear day on Trade Way.% [c-aws003],2) /* HAPPY */ SetPlayerSound(Myself,%[c-aws004] By Tymora's bright coin, you make some strange decisions. I don't rightly agree.% [c-aws004],3) /* UNHAPPY_ANNOYED */ SetPlayerSound(Myself,%[c-aws005] I gave up some serious opportunities to travel with you. Wasn't expectin' this kind of 'adventure'. Stop this, or I'll dissolve th' contract.% [c-aws005],4) /* UNHAPPY_SERIOUS */ SetPlayerSound(Myself,%[c-aws006] I'll see you in the hands o' Kelemvor, but not one second before.% [c-aws006],5) /* UNHAPPY_BREAKING_POINT */ SetPlayerSound(Myself,%[c-aws007] I'll lead, but 'tisn't my strong point.% [c-aws007],6) /* LEADER */ SetPlayerSound(Myself,%[c-aws008] Time to make camp. This gear be startin' to chafe.% [c-aws008],7) /* TIRED */ SetPlayerSound(Myself,%[c-aws009] By Torm's Blood, are we beggin' to be ambushed? Standin' 'round with our swords up our...% [c-aws009],8) /* BORED */ SetPlayerSound(Myself,%[c-aws010] Archers to th' rear!% [c-aws010],9) /* BATTLE_CRY1 */ SetPlayerSound(Myself,%[c-aws011] Spellcasters die first!% [c-aws011],10) /* BATTLE_CRY2 */ SetPlayerSound(Myself,%[c-aws012] By Tymora's Luck!% [c-aws012],11) /* BATTLE_CRY3 */ SetPlayerSound(Myself,%[c-aws013] By Sune's Bottom!% [c-aws013],12) /* BATTLE_CRY4 */ SetPlayerSound(Myself,%[c-aws014] Send 'em to Kelemvor's Scythe!% [c-aws014],13) /* BATTLE_CRY5 */ SetPlayerSound(Myself,%[c-aws015]% [c-aws015],18) /* DAMAGE */ SetPlayerSound(Myself,%[c-aws016]% [c-aws016],19) /* DYING */ SetPlayerSound(Myself,%[c-aws017] Send the rest o' them to hell for me...% [c-aws017],20) /* HURT */ SetPlayerSound(Myself,%[c-aws018] Need less trees, more road. Too many places for enemies to hide.% [c-aws018],21) /* AREA_FOREST */ SetPlayerSound(Myself,%[c-aws019] Civilization! Some trade, then some drinkin', then some sleep... or more drinkin'.% [c-aws019],22) /* AREA_CITY */ SetPlayerSound(Myself,%[c-aws020] I gave up comfortable inns an' guardin' simple caravans to poke around this dank musty place. I'm a bloody idiot.% [c-aws020],23) /* AREA_DUNGEON */ SetPlayerSound(Myself,%[c-aws021] Lathander's fat arse is up at last. 'Bout time he shed some light around here.% [c-aws021],24) /* AREA_DAY */ SetPlayerSound(Myself,%[c-aws022] Bloody dark. Good for coverin' enemies an' ambushes. Someone light a torch, eh?% [c-aws022],25) /* AREA_NIGHT */ SetPlayerSound(Myself,%[c-aws023] Yep?% [c-aws023],26) /* SELECT_COMMON1 */ SetPlayerSound(Myself,%[c-aws024] What's to be done?% [c-aws024],27) /* SELECT_COMMON2 */ SetPlayerSound(Myself,%[c-aws025] Do I needs lead?% [c-aws025],28) /* SELECT_COMMON3 */ SetPlayerSound(Myself,%[c-aws026] Aye?% [c-aws026],29) /* SELECT_COMMON4 */ SetPlayerSound(Myself,%[c-aws027] Yes?% [c-aws027],30) /* SELECT_COMMON5 */ SetPlayerSound(Myself,%[c-aws028] I'm listenin'.% [c-aws028],31) /* SELECT_COMMON6 */ SetPlayerSound(Myself,%[c-aws029] Got it.% [c-aws029],32) /* SELECT_ACTION1 */ SetPlayerSound(Myself,%[c-aws030] Sune's sweet cheeks, I heard.% [c-aws030],33) /* SELECT_ACTION2 */ SetPlayerSound(Myself,%[c-aws031] On it.% [c-aws031],34) /* SELECT_ACTION3 */ SetPlayerSound(Myself,%[c-aws032] Understood.% [c-aws032],35) /* SELECT_ACTION4 */ SetPlayerSound(Myself,%[c-aws033] Sune's Bosom, I'm movin', already!.% [c-aws033],36) /* SELECT_ACTION5 */ SetPlayerSound(Myself,%[c-aws034] Ilmater's Blood. I said I'd do it.% [c-aws034],37) /* SELECT_ACTION6 */ SetPlayerSound(Myself,%[c-aws035] Less talk, more action.% [c-aws035],38) /* SELECT_ACTION7 */ SetPlayerSound(Myself,%[c-aws036] Watch where you point that thing.% [c-aws036],63) /* SELECT_RARE1 */ SetPlayerSound(Myself,%[c-aws037] Aye, I'm here.% [c-aws037],64) /* SELECT_RARE2 */ SetPlayerSound(Myself,%[c-aws038] Good.% [c-aws038],65) /* CRITICAL_HIT */ SetPlayerSound(Myself,%[c-aws039] Cyric's Black Heart!% [c-aws039],66) /* CRITICAL_MISS */ SetPlayerSound(Myself,%[c-aws040] Bounced off. Damn.% [c-aws040],67) /* TARGET_IMMUNE */ SetPlayerSound(Myself,%[c-aws041] I'm already carryin' more than my share.% [c-aws041],68) /* INVENTORY_FULL */ SetPlayerSound(Myself,%[c-aws042] Hey, look what I found.% [c-aws042],69) /* PICKED_POCKET */ SetPlayerSound(Myself,%[c-aws043] Huntin'...% [c-aws043],70) /* HIDDEN_IN_SHADOWS */ SetPlayerSound(Myself,%[c-aws044] Never did get that one right...% [c-aws044],71) /* SPELL_DISRUPTED */ SetPlayerSound(Myself,%[c-aws045] Try that, you bugger.% [c-aws045],72) /* SET_A_TRAP */ SetPlayerSound(Myself,%[c-aranbio] When you ask him about his past, ARAN WHITEHAND grasps at a nearby twig to chew on. He explains that he grew up in a small independent family-run Coster plying the Trade Way and Coast Way from Waterdeep both north and south. Working as both Pen and Sword (scribe and fighting guard) made him attractive as an independent, since he could balance accounts, keep inventory, and still operate as a sellsword. A few campaigns with mercenary companies, a few battles, and lots of wandering about has brought him to Amn. He hastens to note that he is not the man to send in to negotiate anything, preferring to wield weapons rather than the spoken word - but if you want a trading contract written up, he's the right man for the job.% [C-BLANK],74) /* BIO */ ~ EXIT END IF ~~ a990 SAY ~[ARAN] Right. Got it. Business only, an' cut the chatter. I can do that.~ [c-aws121] IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-silencearan","GLOBAL",1)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a991 SAY ~[ARAN] Right. Got it. Chatter away like a crazed monkey, on account o' the fact that it might spice up the usual borin' routine o' see somethin', listen to it deliver an evil monologue o' doom an' destruction, kill it, loot its belongings, rinse, an' repeat.~ [c-aws122] IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-silencearan","GLOBAL",0)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a992 SAY ~[ARAN] I am not used to you lookin' like that. All those delicate elven features, recast into the stuff o' nightmares. Half the bloody time, I grab for a weapon, an' the other half o' the time I pinch myself to make sure I am not drunk an' hallucinatin'.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a993 SAY ~[ARAN] I am not used to you lookin' like that. Fine human form, recast into the stuff o' nightmares. Half the bloody time, I grab for a weapon, an' the other half o' the time I pinch myself to make sure I am not drunk an' hallucinatin'.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a994 SAY ~[ARAN] I am not used to you lookin' like that. Short an' stocky dwarven body, recast into the stuff o' nightmares. Half the bloody time, I grab for a weapon, an' the other half o' the time I pinch myself to make sure I am not drunk an' hallucinatin'.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a995 SAY ~[ARAN] I am not used to you lookin' like that. You never did look less than a mite scary, but a good, clean, strong kind o' scary. Not you be recast into the stuff o' nightmares. Half the bloody time, I grab for a weapon, an' the other half o' the time I pinch myself to make sure I am not drunk an' hallucinatin'.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a996 SAY ~[ARAN] I am not used to you lookin' like that. Cute little squished up gnomish features, recast into the stuff o' nightmares. Half the bloody time, I grab for a weapon, an' the other half o' the time I pinch myself to make sure I am not drunk an' hallucinatin'.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a997 SAY ~[ARAN] I am not used to you lookin' like that. Miniaturized halfling form, all stretched out an' puffed up an' recast into the stuff o' nightmares. Half the bloody time, I grab for a weapon, an' the other half o' the time I pinch myself to make sure I am not drunk an' hallucinatin'.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a998 SAY ~[ARAN] I am not used to you lookin' like that. You always looked a mite bit unconventional, but in a good way - not recast into the stuff o' nightmares. Half the bloody time, I grab for a weapon, an' the other half o' the time I pinch myself to make sure I am not drunk an' hallucinatin'.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a999 SAY ~[ARAN] You know, sometimes I think all this concentrated goodness comes at th' cost o' some basic common sense. If you don't take that bloody halo off, the golden light spillin' from you will alert the local denizens, an' they will be takin' turns tryin' to see how far they can shove it up your arse.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1000 SAY ~[ARAN] As in 'Wanted - Goodie Two - Shoes Adventuring Party. Dead or Mostly Dead. Zombification Optional. For Payment, See You Local Drow House Matron. Beholders Need Not Apply.'~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1001 SAY ~[ARAN] Too much of a decent reputation to be wanderin' around down here, eh? I suspect membership in this particular section o' Underdark starts wi' slaughterin' babies an' drinkin' blood. Mayhap both at the same time.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1002 SAY ~[ARAN] Yeah. If we keep it up, we might even make it to th' status o' 'honorary Drow'.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1003 SAY ~[ARAN] Cyric's Blood, that be an understatement. We don't rightly need disguises. We could walk up to practically anything around here, an' say ''. Half would fight, but we'd be killin' 'em eventually, so that just saves time. The other half would be practically worshipin' the ground you walk on.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1004 SAY ~[ARAN] No. It be hard enough to concentrate wi' out added pressure in this Shar-kissed place.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1005 SAY ~[ARAN] Not down here. I suspect th' usual deal around here involves practicin' killin' strokes on slaves, not quiet practice wi' a friend.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1006 SAY ~[ARAN] Not now, you don't. I be a mite jumpy. Last thing I want is to accidentally take your head off of your shoulders. Even worse, I might fail to kill you, an' then you'd get my blood all over you, an' I haven't seen a stream worth usin' for drinkin' or bathin' in since we left the surface.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1007 SAY ~[ARAN] If it be silent, sure thing. much appreciated. If it be out loud, don't. Somehow, I think th' wrong set o' gods be listenin' to this particular area, an' we don't want none o' them to get all hot an' bothered, now, do we?~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1008 SAY ~[ARAN] Make sure it be to the right god, an' do it right loud, eh? I think I would rather explain myself at the time o' reckonin' then have someone decide we be a surfacer infiltration force an' call out the armies o' darkness.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1009 SAY ~[ARAN] For Shar's Spite, do it silently. Too many ears, an' you don't pray to th' right gods for the congregation with in earshot, eh?~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1010 SAY ~[ARAN] Ask me again when we get out o' this blighted place. Right now, I think that mushroom over there grew ears. Literally.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1011 SAY ~[ARAN] Until you said that phrase here in th' Underdark, I might o' considered it. Now, I just have to ask if there is a requirement o' low wisdom an' extremely low intelligence for your Order...~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1012 SAY ~[ARAN] Shar's Sphincter! What do you bloody well think you be doin'? That light must have shown our position for a half-mile in any given direction. You might have saved time, stripped us all naked, painted us in luminescent paint, an' danced around singin' 'look here, fresh meat! all you can eat, 2cp!'~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1013 SAY ~[ARAN] You are a better than I, . I will take a pass, on account o' I am sleepin' wi' one eye open, an' dreamin' wi' both open. Until we get out o th' Underdark, I am not relaxin' at all.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1014 SAY ~[ARAN] Well, I tried to make some out o' one o' them mushrooms, but th' bloody mushroom grew fangs an' tried to bite. So I am on tight rationin' until we get to th' surface, I am afraid. Sorry.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1015 SAY ~[ARAN] Fear be a powerful motivator. I be bloody well motivated.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1016 SAY ~[ARAN] Sure. Right after we discuss you shuttin' the nine hells up while we be wanderin' around enemy territory, outnumbered a million to one. Oops, saw a set o' shadows over there - make that one million an' one to one.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1017 SAY ~[ARAN] Too jumpy. I prefer to wait until it be a life an' death situation, on account o' then it be easy - do it an' live, or fail an' die, thus avoidin' wanderin' around Underdark while some other poor slob hauls my sorry arse around until we get th' resources together to raise me. Win win, from my perspective.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1018 SAY ~[ARAN] Sorry... I suspect my deity is still angry I actually followed you into the Underdark. Somethin' about th' way my last set o' spells turned my bodily fluids a strange color...~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1019 SAY ~[ARAN] Ask me again when we get out o' this blighted place. Right now, I think that mushroom over there grew ears. Literally.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1020 SAY ~[ARAN] It be takin' all my control just to avoid runnin' screamin' like a little girl, randomly blasting bits out o' the Underdark wi' fire an' lightnin'. Someday, I am comin' back to this place wi' an army, an' we are goin' to systematically exterminate everythin' down to bare rock. Better yet, I just won't ever, ever come back.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1021 SAY ~[ARAN] Down here? Heh. I be silent, introspective, an' subtle enough. Or, to put it another way, scared silent, wonderin' why the nine hells I followed you to this Shar-kissed place, an' subtly tryin' to stay close to anythin' that looks like a good place behind which to be divin' for cover.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1022 SAY ~[ARAN] Since this one is turnin' out to be a combination o' heroic thriller an' tale o' horror, I decided to write sheer fantasy instead. My first attempt be a story o' a nice lass what picks up singin', an' proceeds to wander th' Dale Lands, winnin' mens hearts an' sparkin' women's jealousies, leavin' both behind in a wondrous state o' confusion an' heartache. I am titlin' it 'Tess o' Nashkel'. Or 'Deborah Does th' Dale Lands'. Depends on how graphic I want to get on the erotic depictions, see?~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranwritesstory","LOCALS",1)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a1023 SAY ~[ARAN] I can barely work on my scribin' all by myself, thanks. Plus, I need better light. But I'll keep on it all by myself, as I don't rightly want to give up the one thing that makes me feel in touch wi' surface life, eh?~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1024 SAY ~[ARAN] Sure. Let's think this through. Two Drow. They fight. Instead o' one spoutin' dark blood n' spittin' foul curses while dyin' at th' other's feet, they get a set o' points, an' say 'good job, old sport - well played!'.~ = ~[ARAN] Still think it be a good idea?~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1025 SAY ~[ARAN] How about I just jump out o' my skin right now an' dump my coin purse, an' save you the bother? This place is makin' me jumpier than a virgin in a Calimshan harem.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1026 SAY ~[ARAN] Put in a good word for me, on account o' I don't see how I am goin' to avoid needin' resurrection. This place be littered wi' poisonous food, deadly creatures, an' that is before you get to th' 'civilized' part.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1027 SAY ~[ARAN] You do, an' I'll spike your next drink wi' enough spice to make your urine burn for days. I don't want that kind o' attention right now, eh?~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1028 SAY ~[ARAN] Thanks, but no thanks. I be gettin' the feelin' that your god has it in for me. You both dragged me down here, eh?~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1029 SAY ~[ARAN] No. By the way, do you usually go into a bar filled wi' drunken half-orcs, an' shout 'All you slimy sorry bastards are evil whelps unworthy to lick my boots, so clear out of my way, low-life scum'? On account o' mentioning the word 'paladin' around here seems about th' same kind o' idea, eh?~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1030 SAY ~[ARAN] Why yes, my fellow blood-curdlingly-evil faithless bastard of an enemy, I did indeed consider joining the ranks of the Anti-Paladins of Evil Sancture. Unfortunately, the A.P.E.S. did not think that simply slaughtering an entire village of harmless surfacer-scum womenfolk and children was sufficiently evil, as I neglected to save enough of them to sell as slaves. (Good gods, you idiot, do you want to get us all killed?!?! Ix-nay with the Aladin-pay!)~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1031 SAY ~[ARAN] Good job. Mayhap you want to set off a few fireballs, an' mayhap start chantin' hymns to the gods o' Light an' Good. I thought the idea was to make our way slowly an' careful-like, not slaughter legions o' the Underdark in a never-ending onslaught o' waves o' creatures bent on our destruction. Then again, I probably slept through that part o' the meetin', eh?~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1032 SAY ~[ARAN] It takes a bloody mind o' mithral to meditate around here, . I just have naught but trouble settlin' down.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1033 SAY ~[ARAN] Sorry. I ran out. The last bit, well... it had some kind o' mold growin' on it. I was just goin' to scrape it of an' keep workin', but it looked at me somethin' fierce, an' I decided to just let it eat th' damned stuff and be on its way.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1034 SAY ~[ARAN] You be th' first, last, an' only person what ever asked me to delve Underdark. An' to tell th' truth...~ = ~[ARAN] Look, I follow you an' my sword be yours. But this place, I won't rightly revisit willingly, no matter who is tellin' me to go. No more Underdark for this boy, ever, if I have any say in th' matter.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END /* FLIRT MENU ADDITIONS, female PC's only */ /* romance - dependent (1) to allow breakup or resume romance. */ /* c-aranpidnointerest */ IF ~~ a1035 SAY ~[ARAN] Well, Mielikki's Quick Temper, why didn't you say somethin' before? Here I go all pesterin' you an' buggin' you, and you let me ramble on like a fool! Sorry, , I didn't mean no harm. I'll quit pesterin' you, an' stick to bein' friends.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranflirtstop","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",3)~ EXIT END /* c-aranpidbreakup */ IF ~~ a1036 SAY ~[ARAN] Well, by Halani Celanil's Leafy Tresses, you do be a fickle one, eh? Leadin' me on like that, It be downright wrong. I done got no choice, I guess.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranflirtstop","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranfight","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",3)~ EXIT END /* c-aranpidbreakupover */ IF ~~ a1037 SAY ~[ARAN] I can't say that I don't want you, . But be careful, eh? I can be a right bastard to anythin' crossin' my path, but you... wi' you, I seem to wear my heart outside th' armor, so to speak.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranmakeup","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranflirtstop","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobal("c-aranfight","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobal("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",2)~ EXIT END /* c-aranvsanom1s */ IF ~~ a1038 SAY ~[ARAN] Right, then. Got it. I'll be keepin' my mouth to myself. Not on account o' Anomen, just on account o' you. I can live wi' that.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aanoconflict","GLOBAL",1)~ EXIT END /* c-aranvsanom1c */ IF ~~ a1039 SAY ~[ARAN] Right, then. Got it. I can live wi' that. I'll be easy on th' blighted stuffy bastard, I will, just for your sake.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aanoconflict","GLOBAL",0)~ EXIT END /* underdark c-aranrestopflirts */ IF ~~ a1040 SAY ~[ARAN] Right. I understand - the Underdark be quite a mood-killer. But I be takin' that order literally, eh? If you change your mind, make sure you tell me, or I will keep my hands to myself permanent-like.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranflirtstop","GLOBAL",1)~ EXIT END /* underdark c-aranrestopflirts */ IF ~~ a1041 SAY ~[ARAN] Right. I can do that, I think, on account o' I don't want to be the one to get us all killed. I'll be right pent-up in energy, though, when we be gettin' on th' surface, eh?~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranflirtstop","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-arnudover","GLOBAL",1)~ EXIT END /* underdark c-aranrestartflirts */ IF ~~ a1042 SAY ~[ARAN] I'll give it a shot, but truth be told, both th' area an' the way we look down here be quick mood killers for me. I can't wait to be up closer to th' night sky wi' you.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranflirtstop","GLOBAL",0)~ EXIT END /* underdark c-aranrestartflirtsmad */ IF ~~ a1043 SAY ~[ARAN] I don't rightly know which is the bigger pain in my arse - Underdark, or you. Leave me alone.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END /* underdark c-pcflirtsaran1 submenu */ IF ~~ a1044 SAY ~(Aran is near you, watching the surrounding area carefully.)~ ++ ~[PC] (You decide to leave Aran alone.)~ EXIT /* hugs 1 */ + ~RandomNum(4,1)~ + ~[PC] (Gently place your hand on his shoulder.)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1)~ + a1247 /* UD Hugs 1 */ + ~RandomNum(4,2)~ + ~[PC] (Loosen your front, press close to him, and smile a sultry smile.)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1)~ + a1248 /* UD Hugs 2 */ + ~RandomNum(4,3)~ + ~[PC] (Wrap your arms around Aran's neck, and pull him close.)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1)~ + a1249 /* UD Hugs 3 */ + ~RandomNum(4,4)~ + ~[PC] (Drape his arm across your shoulders, and lean into him.)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1)~ + a1250 /* UD Hugs 4 */ /* kisses 1 */ + ~RandomNum(4,1)~ + ~[PC] (Grab his arm and pull him roughly around to face you.) Kiss me, male.~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1)~ + a1251 /* UD kisses 1 */ + ~RandomNum(4,2)~ + ~[PC] (Kiss him on the cheek.)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1)~ + a1252 /* UD kisses 2 */ + ~RandomNum(4,3)~ + ~[PC] (Push him up against a rocky outcropping, wriggling your entire body against him.)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1)~ + a1253 /* UD kisses 3 */ + ~RandomNum(4,4)~ + ~[PC] (Brush your lips across his cheek.)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1)~ + a1254 /* UD kisses 4 */ /* touching 1 */ + ~RandomNum(4,1)~ + ~[PC] (Run your fingers through his hair.)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1)~ + a1255 /* UD touching 1 */ + ~RandomNum(4,2)~ + ~[PC] (Loop your arm around his waist and draw yourself tight to him.)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1)~ + a1256 /* UD touching 2 */ + ~RandomNum(4,3)~ + ~[PC] (Tug at his waist, pulling at him playfully.)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1)~ + a1257 /* UD touching 3 */ + ~RandomNum(4,4)~ + ~[PC] Come here, Aran. I want to have my way with you.~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1)~ + a1258 /* UD touching 4 */ /* praises 1 */ + ~RandomNum(4,1)~ + ~[PC] Do you know you are keeping me sane?~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1)~ + a1259 /* UD praises 1 */ + ~RandomNum(4,2)~ + ~[PC] I think you are a good friend, Aran. A really good friend.~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1)~ + a1260 /* UD praises 2 */ + ~RandomNum(4,3)~ + ~[PC] I like the way you move, Aran.~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1)~ + a1261 /* UD praises 3 */ + ~RandomNum(4,4)~ + ~[PC] (Smile boldly, and lower your eyelashes glancing down his body when he looks at you.)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1)~ + a1262 /* UD praises 4 */ /* teasing 1 */ + ~RandomNum(4,1)~ + ~[PC] ("accidentally" expose a length of leg, making a shocked expression when Aran's gaze travels up your body.)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1)~ + a1263 /* UD teasing 1 */ + ~RandomNum(4,2)~ + ~[PC] (Gently caress his face and move yours close to his, pulling away quickly every time he tries to kiss your lips.)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1)~ + a1264 /* UD teasing 2 */ + ~RandomNum(4,3)~ + ~[PC] (Look at him with wide-eyed innocence, while tripping him.)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1)~ + a1265 /* UD teasing 3 */ + ~RandomNum(4,4)~ + ~[PC] Oh dear - I seem to have accidentally opened up my entire front, leaving myself available to lustful gazes. Whatever shall I do?~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1)~ + a1266 /* UD teasing 4 */ /* Spoken */ + ~RandomNum(4,1)~ + ~[PC] So, how do you like my outfit?~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1)~ + a1267 /* UD spoken 1 */ + ~RandomNum(4,2) ReputationGT(Player1,9)~ + ~[PC] I think I just need to have you hold me.~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1)~ + a1268 /* UD spoken 2 */ + ~RandomNum(4,2) ReputationLT(Player1,10)~ + ~[PC] I think I just need to have you hold me.~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1)~ + a1428 /* UD spoken 3 */ + ~RandomNum(4,3)~ + ~[PC] Would you kiss me, Aran? Even if I were disfigured, or changed into some other form?~ + a1269 /* UD spoken 4 */ + ~RandomNum(4,4)~ + ~[PC] If you could have anything in the world right now, what would it be?~ + a1270 /* UD spoken 5 */ /* Manipulative/Autocratic/Demanding */ + ~RandomNum(4,1)~ + ~[PC] Aran, I am bored. Do something to entertain me.~ + a1271 /* UD Manipulative/Autocratic/Demanding 1 */ + ~RandomNum(4,2)~ + ~[PC] Sing me a song.~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1)~ + a1272 /* UD Manipulative/Autocratic/Demanding 2 */ + ~RandomNum(4,3)~ + ~[PC] Tell me a story.~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1)~ + a1273 /* UD Manipulative/Autocratic/Demanding 3 */ + ~RandomNum(4,4)~ + ~[PC] Tell me a poem, Aran.~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1)~ + a1274 /* UD Manipulative/Autocratic/Demanding 4 */ /* Not Nice Action */ + ~Global("c-araneviltouchud","LOCALS",0)~ + ~[PC] (You bite and scratch Aran, lightly gouging his neck.)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-araneviltouchud","LOCALS",1)~ + a1275 /* Not Nice Action UD */ + ~Global("c-araneviltouchud","LOCALS",1)~ + ~[PC] (You bite and scratch Aran, lightly gouging his neck a second time.)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-araneviltouchud","LOCALS",2)~ + a1276 /* Not Nice Action UD */ + ~Global("c-araneviltouchud","LOCALS",2)~ + ~[PC] (You bite and scratch Aran, lightly gouging his neck a third time.)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-araneviltouchud","LOCALS",3)~ + a1277 /* Not Nice Action UD */ + ~Global("c-araneviltouchud","LOCALS",3)~ + ~[PC] (You bite and scratch Aran, lightly gouging his neck a fourth time, laughing cruelly.)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-araneviltouchud","LOCALS",4)~ + a1278 /* Not Nice Action UD */ + ~Global("c-araneviltouchud","LOCALS",4)~ + ~[PC] (You bite and scratch Aran, lightly gouging his neck, snarling at him with bared teeth.)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-araneviltouchud","LOCALS",5)~ + a1279 /* Not Nice Action UD */ /* add situationals in Underdark? The range of flirts, both PC initiated and NPC-initiated, is getting a little overbearing. The problem with setting up randomness and giving a pool of potential results is that they rapidly bog the mod down in terms of production time. Though I need to come back to this whole series and look for more ways to allow evil/mean characters to have more appropriate responses. */ END /* UD spoken 2 */ IF ~~ a1268 SAY ~[ARAN] (His arms enfold you, and you stand for a time looking out at the surrounding area, alien and strange.)~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END /* UD Hugs 1 */ IF ~~ a1247 SAY ~[ARAN] (His shoulder flinches away, and you find a rough hand striking toward your neck, which you block just in time - jarring you to the bone.)~ = ~[ARAN] Shar's Spidery Spit, you scared me. Let me make it up to you, eh?~ = ~[ARAN] (He gently kisses your wrists and hands, easing the pain.)~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END /* UD Hugs 2 */ IF ~~ a1248 SAY ~[ARAN] Now, down here, I can't rightly say naught but yes, eh? But I'd be watchin' out, on account o' my hands want to go places they shouldn't.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END /* UD Hugs 3 */ IF ~~ a1249 SAY ~[ARAN] (His kiss is less of a gentle reminder and more of a ferocious attack.)~ = ~(He whispers in your ear...) I don't rightly want to attract attention down here, but since I can't just bounce half o' the Underdark with a shouted 'I want you', that'll have to do for now.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END /* UD Hugs 4 */ IF ~~ a1250 SAY ~[ARAN] (He pulls you close, almost placing you in a wrestling hold, and whispers in your ear.)~ = ~[ARAN] I needs be careful. With all th' world alien an' strange around me, all I be wantin' is to get up above ground, find a nice spot, an' explore every inch o' your body wi' kisses.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END /* UD kisses 1 */ IF ~~ a1251 SAY ~[ARAN] Yes, Mistress. (He smashes your lips to his, more a battle for supremacy than anything else, but at the end his lips soften to a gentle sensuous languor.)~ = ~(He whispers...) Right sorry on th' force, , but I just figured it were for an audience, an' it looks like creatures down here take 'gentle' to mean 'weak'. I'll be makin' it up to you later, I promise.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END /* UD kisses 2 */ IF ~~ a1252 SAY ~[ARAN] (He looks around quickly, and seeing no one in view, he returns the kiss gently against your cheek.)~ = ~[ARAN] I am goin' to be one happy, happy sellsword if we get out o' this gods-blighted place alive an' intact.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END /* UD kisses 3 */ IF ~~ a1253 SAY ~[ARAN] You know, this would be a right finer thing to feel, if it were not for three things. One, there be a mite bit o' armor in the way. Two, this rock outcroppin' be moist an' sharp, so it be ticklin' what has naught in th' way o' armor. Third, I get the feelin' the moisture on this here rock be somethin' other than water...~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END /* UD kisses 4 */ IF ~~ a1254 SAY ~[ARAN] (He smiles at you, but his eyes study you warily.) You know, I am seein' ghosts an' shadows everywhere. It be right nice to be appreciated, even though I look at you under this light an' it be somethin' unnatural to see. Let's get this crap done an' be on our way topside, eh?~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END /* UD touching 1 */ IF ~~ a1255 SAY ~[ARAN] What?! What be there! If it be one o' them slug-things, kill it right quick, eh? Shar-blighted Underdark... ought to burn th' place to a fine grey ash.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END /* UD touching 2 */ IF ~~ a1256 SAY ~[ARAN] (His hand slides down your side and gently cups your bottom, but his eyes watch the shadows as if they were about to attack.)~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END /* UD touching 3 */ IF ~~ a1257 SAY ~[ARAN] Now, there be a time an' place, there, . I can't rightly believe I am sayin' this, but do you think you could wait to have your way wi' me until there be somethin' besides mud, moss, an' ooze to be layin' back on?~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END /* UD touching 4 */ IF ~~ a1258 SAY ~[ARAN] I'll take it into consideration.~ = ~[ARAN] Bloody hells, this place be gettin' to me! Sorry... your wish be my command. You want me on that there rock shelf, on th' pathway, or mayhap you just want to sit on my lap an' see what keeps us pinned together?~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END /* UD praises 1 */ IF ~~ a1259 SAY ~[ARAN] I be right glad you are. Unfortunately, I think I done lost it back a ways, when that glowin' mushroom turned out to be th' eye o' some kind o' blood-suckin' lizard. That's just not natural, eh?~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END /* UD praises 2 */ IF ~~ a1260 SAY ~[ARAN] I'd be right happy to be friend, good friend, lover, husband, camp follower, cook, dishwasher, sex toy, or whippin' boy... just as long as we bloody well get th' nine hells out o' here as fast as possible.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END /* UD praises 3 */ IF ~~ a1261 SAY ~[ARAN] The feelin' be mutual, believe me. Though I do wish I were a mite more self-controlled, on account o' when you walk, it does somethin' to a lad. Things get a mite bit hot an' more tight than comfort allows, eh?~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END /* UD praises 4 */ IF ~~ a1262 SAY ~[ARAN] I'll be bloody well damned if I know why you think I be worth the look, , but I'd be right stupid if I did not find it flatterin'.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END /* UD teasing 1 */ IF ~~ a1263 SAY ~[ARAN] If you be shocked when my eyes be makin' that trip, you would rightly die o' embarrassment if I told you what part o' me my mind was envisionin' makin' that same trip!~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END /* UD teasing 2 */ IF ~~ a1264 SAY ~[ARAN] Now, come on, my lass... you be teasin' me somethin' fierce. I want to drink those pert lips o' yours like they be Rashemi Firewine!~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END /* UD teasing 3 */ IF ~~ a1265 SAY ~[ARAN] (He trips and rolls in front of you, and looks up at you with eyes promising laughter.)~ = ~[ARAN] You know, from down here, I can see much more o' you than you think!~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END /* UD teasing 4 */ IF ~~ a1266 SAY ~[ARAN] Well, if you don't move, I think I can help wi' that. I suspect your breasts just be a little scared, an' need some gentle kissin'. Mayhap even some tender lovin' care will make them feel a mite bit less lonely, eh?~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END /* UD spoken 1 */ IF ~~ a1267 SAY ~[ARAN] Besides that disguise makin' you look like a Shar-kissed, Cyric-blighted Drowess worthy o' bein' split in two, you look right fine even here in the Underdark.~ = ~[ARAN] It confuses me, you know - on one hand, while you are all disguised, I want to ravage you an' make wild love to you over an' over again. On th' other, I want to lop off your head an' burn your body. Luckily, when the disguise be gone, I will be stuck wi' just the first, eh? It be kind o' excitin', in an odd sort o' way.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END /* UD spoken 4 */ IF ~~ a1269 SAY ~[ARAN] , I won't be lyin' to you. Your regular outside, it makes my heart flame an' my loins ache somethin' fierce.~ = ~[ARAN] Funny thing is, I done looked at you in that Drow getup, an' said to myself, 'that be Drow. Filthy, ugly, blighted enemy... kill it'. Yet, I still couldn't stay away, still couldn't stop bein' close to you, even if I tried.~ = ~[ARAN] I don't rightly know what that means, an' it scares me a bit. But I think that kind o' settles the question, you asked, eh?~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END /* UD spoken 5 */ IF ~~ a1270 SAY ~[ARAN] A runestone to teleport us all to th' Dale Lands, mayhap near a nice inn wi' a warm bath, new clothes, an' one o' them famous massages.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END /* UD Manipulative/Autocratic/Demanding 1 */ IF ~~ a1271 SAY ~[ARAN] (He looks around, picks up a rock, and skips it hard on the ground ahead.)~ = ~[ARAN] Hells, , if I could think o' somethin' entertainin', I'd be doin' it already. I have spent the last hour thinkin' o' two things... one, you in various states o' undress, doin' unspeakable things to me, an' two, how in th' nine hells am I goin' to get out o' here in one piece.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END /* UD Manipulative/Autocratic/Demanding 2 */ /* Edited from a traditional bawdy song, www.traditionalmusic.co.uk/bawdy-songs/005625.HTM */ IF ~~ a1272 SAY ~[ARAN] I went on leave and I took a room, I was settled down to recline, When I saw a delectable maid go by, To the room next door to mine. As a 'Fist and as a man, I set out to explore, And I took up my position by The keyhole in her door. She first took off her slippers, Her dainty feet to show, And then she took her panties off And revealed her so-and-so, And when she stretched out on her bed, I couldn't stand no more, It was one, two, three, I turned the key In the keyhole in her door.~ ++ ~[PC] Stop! I did not mean that sort of song. I should have known you would only know dirty songs. You are disgusting.~ EXIT ++ ~[PC] Stop! (Hide your face, blushing beet red.)~ EXIT ++ ~[PC] Boys. Always singing about sex when they are too scared of real women to be acting on the impulse. Go on, finish your song.~ + a1431 ++ ~[PC] The version I know has the Lieutenant finding out how the young bartender's key fits her door...~ + a1431 ++ ~[PC] I know this one... I can sing the chorus... The keyhole in her door, hurrah, The keyhole in her door, What's better than Rashemi wine, The keyhole in her door.'~ + a1431 END /* UD Manipulative/Autocratic/Demanding 3 */ IF ~~ a1273 SAY ~[ARAN] Well, I got a few o' those. You want a short story, or a long one?~ + ~Global("c-arancarbonara","LOCALS",0)~ + ~[PC] A short one, please.~ + a1432 /* RETURN TO THIS FOR THE OTHER STORY SEQUENCE ADDITIONS */ + ~Global("c-arancalimport","LOCALS",0)~ + ~[PC] A long one, please.~ + a1433 ++ ~[PC] On second thought, I think you we need to move on. Tell me a story later.~ EXIT + ~RandomNum(3,1)~ + ~[PC] I was teasing you. Since when do I ever want to hear your long, boring stories?~ + a1979 /* c-aranshutup73 */ + ~RandomNum(3,2)~ + ~[PC] I was teasing you. Since when do I ever want to hear your long, boring stories?~ + a1980 /* c-aranshutup74 */ + ~RandomNum(3,3)~ + ~[PC] I was teasing you. Since when do I ever want to hear your long, boring stories?~ + a1981 /* c-aranshutup75 */ END /* UD Manipulative/Autocratic/Demanding 4 */ IF ~~ a1274 SAY ~[ARAN] There once was a lass dressed as Drow, a pretty young creature I know. She used her fine chest, to cause men to arrest... an' there's more than one shot in that bow.~ ++ ~[PC] And you think doggerel lowbrow rhymes about me will endear you to me?~ + a1429 /* UD doggerel */ ++ ~[PC] That was... unsettling. You are planning on getting some lessons from another Bard, aren't you?~ + a1429 /* UD doggerel */ ++ ~[PC] (Walk away, shooting him a scathing glance.)~ EXIT ++ ~That was funny. Now tell me a story!~ + a1430 /* UD doggerel followup */ END /* Not Nice Action UD */ IF ~~ a1275 SAY ~[ARAN] More foreplay, eh? You done got lousy timin'. I see nowhere close to help you out wi' that.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END /* Not Nice Action UD */ IF ~~ a1276 SAY ~[ARAN] (Cruelly tight fingers grip your jaw suddenly, and you find his face close to yours. As he pins back your hand, he takes the advantage to let his gaze wander freely down your cleavage as far as the eye can see.)~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END /* Not Nice Action UD */ IF ~~ a1277 SAY ~[ARAN] (With a quick turn, his gloved hand cracks across your backside hard enough to throw you off balance.) You want more o' that, take off your clothes an' bend yourself over my knee, you naughty little tramp.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END /* Not Nice Action UD */ IF ~~ a1278 SAY ~[ARAN] (He ducks and tackles you, attempting to crush you with his weight, wrestling you close to him.) Now, you done got my speech lashin' you, my fingers tightenin' on you, my gaze rippin' the clothes off o' your body, a solid spank... what be next, whips? Chains? Mayhap a body piercin', one way or another?~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END /* Not Nice Action UD */ IF ~~ a1279 SAY ~[ARAN] (With a roar, he slams his shoulder into you full force.) I done told you. Find me a place close by, an' I will give you what you want, any way you want it, as hard, rough, an' brutal as you want it. Until then, stop hurtin' me. Just because we be in Underdark does not mean we have to roleplay Drow that close to reality.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END /* H Hugs 5 */ IF ~~ a1280 SAY ~[ARAN] (His hands cover yours, holding you close, and you stand together for a moment.)~ = ~[ARAN] Now that feels right fine, it does.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END /* H Hugs 6 */ IF ~~ a1281 SAY ~[ARAN] (Aran pretends to be preoccupied, but his eyes keep returning to follow your motions. Any pretense of aloofness is completely spoiled when he trips and stumbles forward with a mild oath.)~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END /* PID Scribing Scrolls Responses */ IF ~~ a1045 SAY ~[ARAN] Aye, I can scribe some scrolls, sometimes. If someone knows some mage spell, an' we work together for a bit, I can usually come up wi' a decent usable scroll. No summonin' spells, and naught o' copywork from existin' scroll, though.~ = ~[ARAN] It be a mite slower than gettin' th' experienced folks to do it, but it works - an' I do it for free, on account o' I just really do enjoy th' work. I'll even buy my own supplies, or make 'em. What do you want me to work on, eh?~ ++ ~[PC] On second thought, never mind. You need to get sleep, and so does the rest of the party.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arnscrollwork","GLOBAL",1)~ + a1053 + ~OR(6) Class(Player1,MAGE_ALL) Class(Player2,MAGE_ALL) Class(Player3,MAGE_ALL) Class(Player4,MAGE_ALL) Class(Player5,MAGE_ALL) Class(Player6,MAGE_ALL)~ + ~[PC] We have some mage spells available in the party, so scribe one of those.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arnscrollwork","GLOBAL",1)~ + a1055 + ~!Class(Player1,MAGE_ALL) !Class(Player2,MAGE_ALL) !Class(Player3,MAGE_ALL) !Class(Player4,MAGE_ALL) !Class(Player5,MAGE_ALL) !Class(Player6,MAGE_ALL)~ + ~[PC] We have no mages available in the party, but can you scribe one anyways?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arnscrollwork","GLOBAL",1)~ + a1056 + ~Class("c-aran",MAGE_ALL)~ + ~Hey, you are a mage yourself - why does this take so long? I hear high level mages can run one of these out in a day!~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arnscrollwork","GLOBAL",1)~ + a1054 + ~!Class("c-aran",MAGE_ALL)~ + ~[PC] Hey, you are no mage - you can not scribe a scroll of something you do not have the magic to cast!~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arnscrollwork","GLOBAL",1)~ + a1055 + ~!Class("c-aran",CLERIC_ALL)~ + ~[PC] Can you scribe cleric scrolls?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arnscrollwork","GLOBAL",1)~ + a1051 + ~Class("c-aran",CLERIC_ALL)~ + ~[PC] Can you scribe cleric scrolls?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arnscrollwork","GLOBAL",1)~ + a1052 ++ ~[PC] Why no summoning scrolls or copying existing scrolls?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arnscrollwork","GLOBAL",1)~ + a1061 IF ~Global("c-arnscrollwork","GLOBAL",1)~ THEN GOTO a1057 END IF ~~ a1046 SAY ~[ARAN] Keep your shirt on, eh? I'm still workin' on it. I said how long it might be, an' I hold to my contracts, written or spoken.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1047 SAY ~[ARAN] Aye. It is finished. See, I just magically added a whole extra bunch o' time to today, an' somehow a whole week passed in an instant, an' while I was at it, I grew bunny ears an' married a Drowess.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1048 SAY ~[ARAN] No. Not done yet, eh?~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1049 SAY ~[ARAN] Ilmater's Sufferin', do you ask questions like 'are we there yet?' 'how long until th' next town?' 'why is th' grass green?' 'why is Aran about to make a blighted rude gesture in your general direction?' What are you, , a four year old?~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1050 SAY ~[ARAN] Now, I'm rightly a patient man. Well, sort o' patient. So I'm goin' to say this, slow - like, just in case you didn't quite understand me. N O T Y E T.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1051 SAY ~[ARAN] No, it don't rightly work that way. See, this be more copywork than inspiration, an' trickin' th' magic into thinkin' it be th' right place to be don't rightly work so well when there be a god actively grantin' th' power. Trickin' gods, well, that's a bit more dangerous than most people want to be tryin'.~ ++ ~[PC] On second thought, never mind. You need to get sleep, and so does the rest of the party.~ + a1053 + ~OR(6) Class(Player1,MAGE_ALL) Class(Player2,MAGE_ALL) Class(Player3,MAGE_ALL) Class(Player4,MAGE_ALL) Class(Player5,MAGE_ALL) Class(Player6,MAGE_ALL)~ + ~[PC] We have some mage spells available in the party, so scribe one of those.~ + a1062 + ~!Class(Player1,MAGE_ALL) !Class(Player2,MAGE_ALL) !Class(Player3,MAGE_ALL) !Class(Player4,MAGE_ALL) !Class(Player5,MAGE_ALL) !Class(Player6,MAGE_ALL)~ + ~[PC] We have no mages available in the party, but can you scribe one anyways?~ + a1056 + ~Class("c-aran",MAGE_ALL)~ + ~[PC] Hey, you are a mage yourself - why does this take so long? I hear high level mages can run one of these out in a day!~ + a1054 + ~!Class("c-aran",MAGE_ALL)~ + ~[PC] Hey, you are no mage - you can not scribe a scroll of something you do not have the magic to cast!~ + a1055 END IF ~~ a1052 SAY ~[ARAN] Mayhap someday, when my god decides to get that whole side o' my faith active. But not through this process, ever. See, this be more copywork than inspiration, an' trickin' th' magic into thinkin' it be th' right place to be don't rightly work so well when there be a god actively grantin' th' power. Trickin' gods, well, that's a bit more dangerous than most people want to be tryin'.~ ++ ~[PC] On second thought, never mind. You need to get sleep, and so does the rest of the party.~ + a1053 + ~OR(6) Class(Player1,MAGE_ALL) Class(Player2,MAGE_ALL) Class(Player3,MAGE_ALL) Class(Player4,MAGE_ALL) Class(Player5,MAGE_ALL) Class(Player6,MAGE_ALL)~ + ~[PC] We have some mage spells available in the party, so scribe one of those.~ + a1057 + ~!Class(Player1,MAGE_ALL) !Class(Player2,MAGE_ALL) !Class(Player3,MAGE_ALL) !Class(Player4,MAGE_ALL) !Class(Player5,MAGE_ALL) !Class(Player6,MAGE_ALL)~ + ~[PC] We have no mages available in the party, but can you scribe one anyways?~ + a1056 + ~Class("c-aran",MAGE_ALL)~ + ~Hey, you are a mage yourself - why does this take so long? I hear high level mages can run one of these out in a day!~ + a1054 + ~!Class("c-aran",MAGE_ALL)~ + ~[PC] Hey, you are no mage - you can not scribe a scroll of something you do not have the magic to cast!~ + a1055 END IF ~~ a1054 SAY ~[ARAN] Look, I get th' same skills as anyone else what studies magic. I get strong enough an' experienced enough, th' bloody things write themselves right out o' my head an' onto the blank parchment, pretty as you please. I can do what any mage does, an' write spells out o' my own head, if I have 'em memorized myself.~ = ~[ARAN] This work, it be right different. This be more copywork, an' then trickin' th' magic into thinkin' it be th' right place to be, sort of. There's advantages to this, though. It be cheaper, works wi' any mage in th' party what has spells ready to cast, an' most o' all, no one has to rest for th' spell. The magic, it just builds up, see?~ + ~OR(6) Class(Player1,MAGE_ALL) Class(Player2,MAGE_ALL) Class(Player3,MAGE_ALL) Class(Player4,MAGE_ALL) Class(Player5,MAGE_ALL) Class(Player6,MAGE_ALL)~ + ~[PC] We have some mage spells available in the party, so scribe one of those.~ + a1057 + ~!Class(Player1,MAGE_ALL) !Class(Player2,MAGE_ALL) !Class(Player3,MAGE_ALL) !Class(Player4,MAGE_ALL) !Class(Player5,MAGE_ALL) !Class(Player6,MAGE_ALL)~ + ~[PC] We have no mages available in the party, but can you scribe one anyways?~ + a1056 ++ ~[PC] On second thought, never mind. You need to get sleep, and so does the rest of the party.~ + a1053 END IF ~~ a1055 SAY ~[ARAN] Look, I got a touch, I do. I know a mage what's strong enough an' experienced enough, they just prepare an' then th' bloody things write themselves right out o' their head an' onto the blank parchment, pretty as you please.~ = ~[ARAN] This work, it be right different. This be more copywork, an' then trickin' th' magic into thinkin' it be th' right place to be, sort of. There's advantages to this, though. It be cheaper, it needs no high level magickin' an' most o' all, no one has to rest for th' spell. Th' magic, it just builds up, see?~ + ~OR(6) Class(Player1,MAGE_ALL) Class(Player2,MAGE_ALL) Class(Player3,MAGE_ALL) Class(Player4,MAGE_ALL) Class(Player5,MAGE_ALL) Class(Player6,MAGE_ALL)~ + ~[PC] We have some mage spells available in the party, so scribe one of those.~ + a1057 + ~!Class(Player1,MAGE_ALL) !Class(Player2,MAGE_ALL) !Class(Player3,MAGE_ALL) !Class(Player4,MAGE_ALL) !Class(Player5,MAGE_ALL) !Class(Player6,MAGE_ALL)~ + ~[PC] We have no mages available in the party, but can you scribe one anyways?~ + a1056 ++ ~[PC] On second thought, never mind. You need to get sleep, and so does the rest of the party.~ + a1053 END IF ~~ a1053 SAY ~[ARAN] Sure, I will take a break. I have a mite o' letter writin' to catch up on, anyways.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1056 SAY ~[ARAN] Right. Sure. If you can pull a live rabbit out of your arse, an' mayhap ask Mystra to grant me special powers. Until then, I needs be workin' with a mage what can guide me, an' give magic to th' words on th' page.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1057 SAY ~[ARAN] Let me take a look... how long you want me to be workin'?~ + ~OR(21) HaveSpellParty(2101) HaveSpellParty(2102) HaveSpellParty(2103) HaveSpellParty(2104) HaveSpellParty(2105) HaveSpellParty(2106) HaveSpellParty(2107) HaveSpellParty(2108) HaveSpellParty(2110) HaveSpellParty(2111) HaveSpellParty(2112) HaveSpellParty(2113) HaveSpellParty(2114) HaveSpellParty(2115) HaveSpellParty(2116) HaveSpellParty(2117) HaveSpellParty(2118) HaveSpellParty(2119) HaveSpellParty(2120) HaveSpellParty(2123) HaveSpellParty(2125)~ + ~[PC] Show me what you have that takes a day or two.~ + a1060 + ~OR(21) HaveSpellParty(2201) HaveSpellParty(2202) HaveSpellParty(2203) HaveSpellParty(2205) HaveSpellParty(2206) HaveSpellParty(2207) HaveSpellParty(2208) HaveSpellParty(2209) HaveSpellParty(2210) HaveSpellParty(2211) HaveSpellParty(2212) HaveSpellParty(2213) HaveSpellParty(2214) HaveSpellParty(2215) HaveSpellParty(2217) HaveSpellParty(2218) HaveSpellParty(2219) HaveSpellParty(2220) HaveSpellParty(2221) HaveSpellParty(2223) HaveSpellParty(2224)~ + ~[PC] Show me what you have that takes two or three days.~ + a1068 + ~OR(22) HaveSpellParty(2301) HaveSpellParty(2302) HaveSpellParty(2303) HaveSpellParty(2304) HaveSpellParty(2305) HaveSpellParty(2306) HaveSpellParty(2307) HaveSpellParty(2308) HaveSpellParty(2310) HaveSpellParty(2311) HaveSpellParty(2312) HaveSpellParty(2313) HaveSpellParty(2314) HaveSpellParty(2316) HaveSpellParty(2317) HaveSpellParty(2318) HaveSpellParty(2319) HaveSpellParty(2320) HaveSpellParty(2321) HaveSpellParty(2322) HaveSpellParty(2324) HaveSpellParty(2325)~ + ~[PC] Show me what you have that takes three or four days.~ + a1069 + ~OR(18) HaveSpellParty(2401) HaveSpellParty(2403) HaveSpellParty(2404) HaveSpellParty(2405) HaveSpellParty(2406) HaveSpellParty(2408) HaveSpellParty(2409) HaveSpellParty(2410) HaveSpellParty(2411) HaveSpellParty(2412) HaveSpellParty(2413) HaveSpellParty(2414) HaveSpellParty(2417) HaveSpellParty(2418) HaveSpellParty(2419) HaveSpellParty(2420) HaveSpellParty(2424) HaveSpellParty(2425)~ + ~[PC] Show me what you have that takes four or five days.~ + a1070 + ~OR(17) HaveSpellParty(2502) HaveSpellParty(2503) HaveSpellParty(2505) HaveSpellParty(2506) HaveSpellParty(2508) HaveSpellParty(2509) HaveSpellParty(2510) HaveSpellParty(2511) HaveSpellParty(2512) HaveSpellParty(2513) HaveSpellParty(2514) HaveSpellParty(2515) HaveSpellParty(2517) HaveSpellParty(2518) HaveSpellParty(2519) HaveSpellParty(2522) HaveSpellParty(2523)~ + ~[PC] Show me what you have that takes about five or six days.~ + a1071 + ~OR(17) HaveSpellParty(2602) HaveSpellParty(2603) HaveSpellParty(2604) HaveSpellParty(2605) HaveSpellParty(2606) HaveSpellParty(2607) HaveSpellParty(2608) HaveSpellParty(2609) HaveSpellParty(2611) HaveSpellParty(2612) HaveSpellParty(2613) HaveSpellParty(2614) HaveSpellParty(2615) HaveSpellParty(2616) HaveSpellParty(2617) HaveSpellParty(2618) HaveSpellParty(2625)~ + ~[PC] Show me what you have that takes about six or seven days.~ + a1072 ++ ~[PC] I suppose if this list is blank, you don't have anything available, right... you could just say so, you know.~ + a1058 ++ ~[PC] Never mind. Forget the whole thing.~ + a1053 IF ~!Class(Player1,MAGE_ALL) !Class(Player2,MAGE_ALL) !Class(Player3,MAGE_ALL) !Class(Player4,MAGE_ALL) !Class(Player5,MAGE_ALL) !Class(Player6,MAGE_ALL)~ THEN GOTO a1067 END IF ~~ a1058 SAY ~[ARAN] Aye... well, on second thought... Mystra's Mysterious Mouth, I be findin' naught that matches between my skills an' what th' party has memorized. I guess I am not goin' to be able to help you. Try me again when we are all rested an' up to speed, eh? Or mayhap when someone memorizes a new spell.~ ++ ~[PC] Check again.~ + a1059 ++ ~[PC] Fine. Go on about your business, then.~ + a1053 ++ ~[PC] Perhaps later. I think I will move on, now.~ + a2039 END IF ~~ a2039 SAY ~[ARAN] Suit yourself. I think I be runnin' low on supplies anyways.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1059 SAY ~[ARAN] Sure thing. Let me check again...~ ++ ~[PC] Never mind. Forget the whole thing.~ + a1053 + ~OR(21) HaveSpellParty(2101) HaveSpellParty(2102) HaveSpellParty(2103) HaveSpellParty(2104) HaveSpellParty(2105) HaveSpellParty(2106) HaveSpellParty(2107) HaveSpellParty(2108) HaveSpellParty(2110) HaveSpellParty(2111) HaveSpellParty(2112) HaveSpellParty(2113) HaveSpellParty(2114) HaveSpellParty(2115) HaveSpellParty(2116) HaveSpellParty(2117) HaveSpellParty(2118) HaveSpellParty(2119) HaveSpellParty(2120) HaveSpellParty(2123) HaveSpellParty(2125)~ + ~[PC] Show me what you have that takes a day or two.~ + a1060 + ~OR(21) HaveSpellParty(2201) HaveSpellParty(2202) HaveSpellParty(2203) HaveSpellParty(2205) HaveSpellParty(2206) HaveSpellParty(2207) HaveSpellParty(2208) HaveSpellParty(2209) HaveSpellParty(2210) HaveSpellParty(2211) HaveSpellParty(2212) HaveSpellParty(2213) HaveSpellParty(2214) HaveSpellParty(2215) HaveSpellParty(2217) HaveSpellParty(2218) HaveSpellParty(2219) HaveSpellParty(2220) HaveSpellParty(2221) HaveSpellParty(2223) HaveSpellParty(2224)~ + ~[PC] Show me what you have that takes two or three days.~ + a1068 + ~OR(22) HaveSpellParty(2301) HaveSpellParty(2302) HaveSpellParty(2303) HaveSpellParty(2304) HaveSpellParty(2305) HaveSpellParty(2306) HaveSpellParty(2307) HaveSpellParty(2308) HaveSpellParty(2310) HaveSpellParty(2311) HaveSpellParty(2312) HaveSpellParty(2313) HaveSpellParty(2314) HaveSpellParty(2316) HaveSpellParty(2317) HaveSpellParty(2318) HaveSpellParty(2319) HaveSpellParty(2320) HaveSpellParty(2321) HaveSpellParty(2322) HaveSpellParty(2324) HaveSpellParty(2325)~ + ~[PC] Show me what you have that takes three or four days.~ + a1069 + ~OR(18) HaveSpellParty(2401) HaveSpellParty(2403) HaveSpellParty(2404) HaveSpellParty(2405) HaveSpellParty(2406) HaveSpellParty(2408) HaveSpellParty(2409) HaveSpellParty(2410) HaveSpellParty(2411) HaveSpellParty(2412) HaveSpellParty(2413) HaveSpellParty(2414) HaveSpellParty(2417) HaveSpellParty(2418) HaveSpellParty(2419) HaveSpellParty(2420) HaveSpellParty(2424) HaveSpellParty(2425)~ + ~[PC] Show me what you have that takes four or five days.~ + a1070 + ~OR(17) HaveSpellParty(2502) HaveSpellParty(2503) HaveSpellParty(2505) HaveSpellParty(2506) HaveSpellParty(2508) HaveSpellParty(2509) HaveSpellParty(2510) HaveSpellParty(2511) HaveSpellParty(2512) HaveSpellParty(2513) HaveSpellParty(2514) HaveSpellParty(2515) HaveSpellParty(2517) HaveSpellParty(2518) HaveSpellParty(2519) HaveSpellParty(2522) HaveSpellParty(2523)~ + ~[PC] Show me what you have that takes about five or six days.~ + a1071 + ~OR(17) HaveSpellParty(2602) HaveSpellParty(2603) HaveSpellParty(2604) HaveSpellParty(2605) HaveSpellParty(2606) HaveSpellParty(2607) HaveSpellParty(2608) HaveSpellParty(2609) HaveSpellParty(2611) HaveSpellParty(2612) HaveSpellParty(2613) HaveSpellParty(2614) HaveSpellParty(2615) HaveSpellParty(2616) HaveSpellParty(2617) HaveSpellParty(2618) HaveSpellParty(2625)~ + ~[PC] Show me what you have that takes about six or seven days.~ + a1072 END IF ~~ a1060 SAY ~[ARAN] Based on what we have memorized in th' party, an' what materials I have right here, I can start on one o' these. You chose, an' I'll get it.~ /* Wizard spells below 7th level, no summoning spells, 1 day per level. Positive: free. Aran does not have to know it. Negative: party must have spell memorized. takes time. */ + ~HaveSpellParty(2101)~ + ~[PC] Grease, 2 days.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arSCRL66","LOCALS",1) SetGlobal("c-aranscribe","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranscribing","GLOBAL",TWO_DAYS)~ + a1063 /* WIZARD_GREASE */ + ~HaveSpellParty(2102)~ + ~[PC] Armor, 2 days.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arSCRL67","LOCALS",1) SetGlobal("c-aranscribe","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranscribing","GLOBAL",TWO_DAYS)~ + a1064 /* WIZARD_ARMOR */ + ~HaveSpellParty(2103)~ + ~[PC] Burning Hands, 2 days.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arSCRL68","LOCALS",1) SetGlobal("c-aranscribe","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranscribing","GLOBAL",TWO_DAYS)~ + a1065 /* WIZARD_BURNING_HANDS */ + ~HaveSpellParty(2104)~ + ~[PC] Charm Person, 2 days.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arSCRL69","LOCALS",1) SetGlobal("c-aranscribe","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranscribing","GLOBAL",TWO_DAYS)~ + a1066 /* WIZARD_CHARM_PERSON */ + ~HaveSpellParty(2105)~ + ~[PC] Color Spray, 2 days.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arSCRL70","LOCALS",1) SetGlobal("c-aranscribe","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranscribing","GLOBAL",TWO_DAYS)~ + a1067 /* WIZARD_COLOR_SPRAY */ + ~HaveSpellParty(2106)~ + ~[PC] Blindness, 2 days.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arSCRL71","LOCALS",1) SetGlobal("c-aranscribe","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranscribing","GLOBAL",TWO_DAYS)~ + a1063 /* WIZARD_BLINDNESS */ + ~HaveSpellParty(2107)~ + ~[PC] Friends, 2 days.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arSCRL72","LOCALS",1) SetGlobal("c-aranscribe","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranscribing","GLOBAL",TWO_DAYS)~ + a1064 /* WIZARD_FRIENDS */ + ~HaveSpellParty(2108)~ + ~[PC] Protection from Petrification, 2 days.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arSCRL15","LOCALS",1) SetGlobal("c-aranscribe","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranscribing","GLOBAL",TWO_DAYS)~ + a1065 /* WIZARD_PROTECTION_FROM_PETRIFICATION */ + ~HaveSpellParty(2110)~ + ~[PC] Identify, 2 days.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arSCRL75","LOCALS",1) SetGlobal("c-aranscribe","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranscribing","GLOBAL",TWO_DAYS)~ + a1066 /* WIZARD_IDENTIFY */ + ~HaveSpellParty(2111)~ + ~[PC] Infravision, 2 days.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arSCRL76","LOCALS",1) SetGlobal("c-aranscribe","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranscribing","GLOBAL",TWO_DAYS)~ + a1062 /* WIZARD_INFRAVISION */ + ~HaveSpellParty(2112)~ + ~[PC] Magic Missile, 2 days.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arSCRL77","LOCALS",1) SetGlobal("c-aranscribe","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranscribing","GLOBAL",TWO_DAYS)~ + a1063 /* WIZARD_MAGIC_MISSILE */ + ~HaveSpellParty(2113)~ + ~[PC] Protection from Evil, 2 days.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arSCRL78","LOCALS",1) SetGlobal("c-aranscribe","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranscribing","GLOBAL",TWO_DAYS)~ + a1064 /* WIZARD_PROTECTION_FROM_EVIL */ + ~HaveSpellParty(2114)~ + ~[PC] Shield, 2 days.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arSCRL79","LOCALS",1) SetGlobal("c-aranscribe","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranscribing","GLOBAL",TWO_DAYS)~ + a1065 /* WIZARD_SHIELD */ + ~HaveSpellParty(2115)~ + ~[PC] Shocking Grasp, 2 days.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arSCRL80","LOCALS",1) SetGlobal("c-aranscribe","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranscribing","GLOBAL",TWO_DAYS)~ + a1066 /* WIZARD_SHOCKING_GRASP */ + ~HaveSpellParty(2116)~ + ~[PC] Sleep, 2 days.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arSCRL81","LOCALS",1) SetGlobal("c-aranscribe","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranscribing","GLOBAL",TWO_DAYS)~ + a1062 /* WIZARD_SLEEP */ + ~HaveSpellParty(2117)~ + ~[PC] Chill Touch, 2 days.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arSCRL82","LOCALS",1) SetGlobal("c-aranscribe","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranscribing","GLOBAL",TWO_DAYS)~ + a1063 /* WIZARD_CHILL_TOUCH */ + ~HaveSpellParty(2118)~ + ~[PC] Chromatic Orb, 2 days.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arSCRL83","LOCALS",1) SetGlobal("c-aranscribe","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranscribing","GLOBAL",TWO_DAYS)~ + a1064 /* WIZARD_CHROMATIC_ORB */ + ~HaveSpellParty(2119)~ + ~[PC] Larloch's Minor Drain, 2 days.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arSCRL84","LOCALS",1) SetGlobal("c-aranscribe","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranscribing","GLOBAL",TWO_DAYS)~ + a1065 /* WIZARD_LARLOCH_MINOR_DRAIN */ + ~HaveSpellParty(2120)~ + ~[PC] Reflected Image, 2 days.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arSCRL5U","LOCALS",1) SetGlobal("c-aranscribe","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranscribing","GLOBAL",TWO_DAYS)~ + a1066 /* WIZARD_REFLECTED_IMAGE */ + ~HaveSpellParty(2123)~ + ~[PC] Find Familiar, 2 days.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arSCRL6D","LOCALS",1) SetGlobal("c-aranscribe","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranscribing","GLOBAL",TWO_DAYS)~ + a1062 /* WIZARD_FIND_FAMILAR */ + ~HaveSpellParty(2125)~ + ~[PC] Spook, 2 days.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arSCRLA6","LOCALS",1) SetGlobal("c-aranscribe","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranscribing","GLOBAL",TWO_DAYS)~ + a1063 /* WIZARD_SPOOK */ ++ ~[PC] I do not want any of these. Forget the whole thing.~ + a1053 ++ ~[PC] I do not want any of these. Can I see what else you can scribe?~ + a1059 END IF ~~ a1061 SAY ~[ARAN] Summonin' anythin' requires perfection, an' more skill than I would trust. Copyin', well, that be awkward... I can't rightly say why it won't work, but trust me. Th' last time I tried it, I had to scramble for cover when the fool thing blew up in my face.~ ++ ~[PC] On second thought, never mind. You need to get sleep, and so does the rest of the party.~ + a1053 + ~OR(6) Class(Player1,MAGE_ALL) Class(Player2,MAGE_ALL) Class(Player3,MAGE_ALL) Class(Player4,MAGE_ALL) Class(Player5,MAGE_ALL) Class(Player6,MAGE_ALL)~ + ~[PC] We have some mage spells available in the party, so scribe one of those.~ + a1055 + ~!Class(Player1,MAGE_ALL) !Class(Player2,MAGE_ALL) !Class(Player3,MAGE_ALL) !Class(Player4,MAGE_ALL) !Class(Player5,MAGE_ALL) !Class(Player6,MAGE_ALL)~ + ~[PC] We have no mages available in the party, but can you scribe one anyways?~ + a1056 + ~Class("c-aran",MAGE_ALL)~ + ~Hey, you are a mage yourself - why does this take so long? I hear high level mages can run one of these out in a day!~ + a1054 + ~!Class("c-aran",MAGE_ALL)~ + ~[PC] Hey, you are no mage - you can not scribe a scroll of something you do not have the magic to cast!~ + a1055 + ~!Class("c-aran",CLERIC_ALL)~ + ~[PC] Can you scribe cleric scrolls?~ + a1051 + ~Class("c-aran",CLERIC_ALL)~ + ~[PC] Can you scribe cleric scrolls?~ + a1052 END IF ~~ a1062 SAY ~[ARAN] Aye, then. Mystra's Magnificent Mouth, it looks like I have my work cut out for me. Then again, I do rightly enjoy th' challenge.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1063 SAY ~[ARAN] Aye, then. Mystra's Grey Eyes, it looks like I have my work cut out for me. Then again, I do rightly enjoy th' challenge.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1064 SAY ~[ARAN] Aye, then. Torm's Trusty Two-hander, it looks like I have my work cut out for me. Then again, I do rightly enjoy th' challenge.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1065 SAY ~[ARAN] Aye, then. Mystra's Magical Mantle, it looks like I have my work cut out for me. Then again, I do rightly enjoy th' challenge.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1066 SAY ~[ARAN] Aye, then. Mystra's Mighty Magics, it looks like I have my work cut out for me. Then again, I do rightly enjoy th' challenge.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1067 SAY ~[ARAN] O' course, we need a mage in th' party, eh? So when we get one, let me know.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1068 SAY ~[ARAN] Based on what we have memorized in th' party, an' what materials I have right here, I can start on one o' these. You chose, an' I'll get it.~ /* Wizard spells below 7th level, no summoning spells, 1 day per level. Positive: free. Aran does not have to know it. Negative: party must have spell memorized. takes time. */ + ~HaveSpellParty(2201)~ + ~[PC] Blur, 3 days.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arSCRL85","LOCALS",1) SetGlobal("c-aranscribe","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranscribing","GLOBAL",THREE_DAYS)~ + a1064 /* WIZARD_BLUR */ + ~HaveSpellParty(2202)~ + ~[PC] Detect Evil, 3 days.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arSCRL86","LOCALS",1) SetGlobal("c-aranscribe","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranscribing","GLOBAL",THREE_DAYS)~ + a1065 /* WIZARD_DETECT_EVIL */ + ~HaveSpellParty(2203)~ + ~[PC] Detect Invisibility, 3 days.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arSCRL87","LOCALS",1) SetGlobal("c-aranscribe","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranscribing","GLOBAL",THREE_DAYS)~ + a1066 /* WIZARD_DETECT_INVISIBILITY */ + ~HaveSpellParty(2205)~ + ~[PC] Horror, 3 days.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arSCRL89","LOCALS",1) SetGlobal("c-aranscribe","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranscribing","GLOBAL",THREE_DAYS)~ + a1062 /* WIZARD_HORROR */ + ~HaveSpellParty(2206)~ + ~[PC] Invisibility, 3 days.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arSCRL90","LOCALS",1) SetGlobal("c-aranscribe","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranscribing","GLOBAL",THREE_DAYS)~ + a1063 /* WIZARD_INVISIBILITY */ + ~HaveSpellParty(2207)~ + ~[PC] Knock, 3 days.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arSCRL91","LOCALS",1) SetGlobal("c-aranscribe","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranscribing","GLOBAL",THREE_DAYS)~ + a1064 /* WIZARD_KNOCK */ + ~HaveSpellParty(2208)~ + ~[PC] Know Alignment, 3 days.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arSCRL92","LOCALS",1) SetGlobal("c-aranscribe","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranscribing","GLOBAL",THREE_DAYS)~ + a1065 /* WIZARD_KNOW_ALIGNMENT */ + ~HaveSpellParty(2209)~ + ~[PC] Luck, 3 days.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arSCRL93","LOCALS",1) SetGlobal("c-aranscribe","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranscribing","GLOBAL",THREE_DAYS)~ + a1066 /* WIZARD_LUCK */ + ~HaveSpellParty(2210)~ + ~[PC] Resist Fear, 3 days.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arSCRL94","LOCALS",1) SetGlobal("c-aranscribe","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranscribing","GLOBAL",THREE_DAYS)~ + a1064 /* WIZARD_RESIST_FEAR */ + ~HaveSpellParty(2211)~ + ~[PC] Melf's Acid Arrow, 3 days.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arSCRL95","LOCALS",1) SetGlobal("c-aranscribe","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranscribing","GLOBAL",THREE_DAYS)~ + a1065 /* WIZARD_MELF_ACID_ARROW */ + ~HaveSpellParty(2212)~ + ~[PC] Mirror Image, 3 days.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arSCRL96","LOCALS",1) SetGlobal("c-aranscribe","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranscribing","GLOBAL",THREE_DAYS)~ + a1066 /* WIZARD_MIRROR_IMAGE */ + ~HaveSpellParty(2213)~ + ~[PC] Stinking Cloud, 3 days.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arSCRL97","LOCALS",1) SetGlobal("c-aranscribe","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranscribing","GLOBAL",THREE_DAYS)~ + a1062 /* WIZARD_STINKING_CLOUD */ + ~HaveSpellParty(2214)~ + ~[PC] Strength, 3 days.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arSCRL98","LOCALS",1) SetGlobal("c-aranscribe","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranscribing","GLOBAL",THREE_DAYS)~ + a1063 /* WIZARD_STRENGTH */ + ~HaveSpellParty(2215)~ + ~[PC] Web, 3 days.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arSCRL99","LOCALS",1) SetGlobal("c-aranscribe","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranscribing","GLOBAL",THREE_DAYS)~ + a1064 /* WIZARD_WEB */ + ~HaveSpellParty(2217)~ + ~[PC] Agannazar's Scorcher, 3 days.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arSCRL1B","LOCALS",1) SetGlobal("c-aranscribe","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranscribing","GLOBAL",THREE_DAYS)~ + a1065 /* WIZARD_AGANNAZAR_SCORCHER */ + ~HaveSpellParty(2218)~ + ~[PC] Ghoul Touch, 3 days.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arSCRL1C","LOCALS",1) SetGlobal("c-aranscribe","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranscribing","GLOBAL",THREE_DAYS)~ + a1066 /* WIZARD_GHOUL_TOUCH */ + ~HaveSpellParty(2219)~ + ~[PC] Vocalize, 3 days.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arSCRL3G","LOCALS",1) SetGlobal("c-aranscribe","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranscribing","GLOBAL",THREE_DAYS)~ + a1062 /* WIZARD_VOCALIZE */ + ~HaveSpellParty(2220)~ + ~[PC] Power Word, Sleep, 3 days.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arSCRL6E","LOCALS",1) SetGlobal("c-aranscribe","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranscribing","GLOBAL",THREE_DAYS)~ + a1063 /* WIZARD_POWER_WORD_SLEEP */ + ~HaveSpellParty(2221)~ + ~[PC] Ray of Enfeeblement, 3 days.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arSCRL6F","LOCALS",1) SetGlobal("c-aranscribe","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranscribing","GLOBAL",THREE_DAYS)~ + a1064 /* WIZARD_RAY_OF_ENFEEBLEMENT */ + ~HaveSpellParty(2223)~ + ~[PC] Deafness, 3 days.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arSCRLA2","LOCALS",1) SetGlobal("c-aranscribe","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranscribing","GLOBAL",THREE_DAYS)~ + a1065 /* WIZARD_DEAFNESS */ + ~HaveSpellParty(2224)~ + ~[PC] Glitterdust, 3 days.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arSCRLA3","LOCALS",1) SetGlobal("c-aranscribe","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranscribing","GLOBAL",THREE_DAYS)~ + a1066 /* WIZARD_GLITTERDUST */ ++ ~[PC] I do not want any of these. Forget the whole thing.~ + a1053 ++ ~[PC] I do not want any of these. Can I see what else you can do?~ + a1059 END IF ~~ a1069 SAY ~[ARAN] Based on what we have memorized in th' party, an' what materials I have right here, I can start on one o' these. You chose, an' I'll get it.~ /* Wizard spells below 7th level, no summoning spells, 1 day per level. Positive: free. Aran does not have to know it. Negative: party must have spell memorized. takes time. */ + ~HaveSpellParty(2301)~ + ~[PC] Clairvoyance, 4 days.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arSCRL1D","LOCALS",1) SetGlobal("c-aranscribe","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranscribing","GLOBAL",FOUR_DAYS)~ + a1062 /* WIZARD_CLAIRVOYANCE */ + ~HaveSpellParty(2302)~ + ~[PC] Dispel Magic, 4 days.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arSCRL1E","LOCALS",1) SetGlobal("c-aranscribe","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranscribing","GLOBAL",FOUR_DAYS)~ + a1066 /* WIZARD_DISPEL_MAGIC */ + ~HaveSpellParty(2303)~ + ~[PC] Flame Arrow, 4 days.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arSCRL1F","LOCALS",1) SetGlobal("c-aranscribe","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranscribing","GLOBAL",FOUR_DAYS)~ + a1065 /* WIZARD_FLAME_ARROW */ + ~HaveSpellParty(2304)~ + ~[PC] Fireball, 4 days.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arSCRL1G","LOCALS",1) SetGlobal("c-aranscribe","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranscribing","GLOBAL",FOUR_DAYS)~ + a1064 /* WIZARD_FIREBALL */ + ~HaveSpellParty(2305)~ + ~[PC] Haste, 4 days.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arSCRL1H","LOCALS",1) SetGlobal("c-aranscribe","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranscribing","GLOBAL",FOUR_DAYS)~ + a1063 /* WIZARD_HASTE */ + ~HaveSpellParty(2306)~ + ~[PC] Hold Person, 4 days.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arSCRL1I","LOCALS",1) SetGlobal("c-aranscribe","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranscribing","GLOBAL",FOUR_DAYS)~ + a1063 /* WIZARD_HOLD_PERSON */ + ~HaveSpellParty(2307)~ + ~[PC] Invisibility 10' radius, 4 days.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arSCRL1J","LOCALS",1) SetGlobal("c-aranscribe","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranscribing","GLOBAL",FOUR_DAYS)~ + a1064 /* WIZARD_INVISIBILITY_10_FOOT */ + ~HaveSpellParty(2308)~ + ~[PC] Lightning Bolt, 4 days.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arSCRL1K","LOCALS",1) SetGlobal("c-aranscribe","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranscribing","GLOBAL",FOUR_DAYS)~ + a1065 /* WIZARD_LIGHTNING_BOLT */ + ~HaveSpellParty(2310)~ + ~[PC] NonDetection, 4 days.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arSCRL1M","LOCALS",1) SetGlobal("c-aranscribe","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranscribing","GLOBAL",FOUR_DAYS)~ + a1066 /* WIZARD_NON_DETECTION */ + ~HaveSpellParty(2311)~ + ~[PC] Protection from Normal Missiles, 4 days.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arSCRL1N","LOCALS",1) SetGlobal("c-aranscribe","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranscribing","GLOBAL",FOUR_DAYS)~ + a1062 /* WIZARD_PROTECTION_FROM_NORMAL_MISSILES */ + ~HaveSpellParty(2312)~ + ~[PC] Slow, 4 days.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arSCRL1O","LOCALS",1) SetGlobal("c-aranscribe","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranscribing","GLOBAL",FOUR_DAYS)~ + a1062 /* WIZARD_SLOW */ + ~HaveSpellParty(2313)~ + ~[PC] Skull Trap, 4 days.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arSCRL1P","LOCALS",1) SetGlobal("c-aranscribe","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranscribing","GLOBAL",FOUR_DAYS)~ + a1066 /* WIZARD_SKULL_TRAP */ + ~HaveSpellParty(2314)~ + ~[PC] Vampiric Touch, 4 days.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arSCRL1Q","LOCALS",1) SetGlobal("c-aranscribe","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranscribing","GLOBAL",FOUR_DAYS)~ + a1065 /* WIZARD_VAMPIRIC_TOUCH */ + ~HaveSpellParty(2316)~ + ~[PC] Dire Charm, 4 days.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arSCRL1S","LOCALS",1) SetGlobal("c-aranscribe","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranscribing","GLOBAL",FOUR_DAYS)~ + a1064 /* WIZARD_DIRE_CHARM */ + ~HaveSpellParty(2317)~ + ~[PC] Ghost Armor, 4 days.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arSCRL1T","LOCALS",1) SetGlobal("c-aranscribe","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranscribing","GLOBAL",FOUR_DAYS)~ + a1063 /* WIZARD_GHOST_ARMOR */ + ~HaveSpellParty(2318)~ + ~[PC] Minor Spell Deflection, 4 days.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arSCRL6G","LOCALS",1) SetGlobal("c-aranscribe","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranscribing","GLOBAL",FOUR_DAYS)~ + a1063 /* WIZARD_MINOR_SPELL_DEFLECTION */ + ~HaveSpellParty(2319)~ + ~[PC] Protection from Fire, 4 days.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arSCRL6H","LOCALS",1) SetGlobal("c-aranscribe","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranscribing","GLOBAL",FOUR_DAYS)~ + a1064 /* WIZARD_PROTECTION_FROM_FIRE */ + ~HaveSpellParty(2320)~ + ~[PC] Protection from Cold, 4 days.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arSCRL6I","LOCALS",1) SetGlobal("c-aranscribe","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranscribing","GLOBAL",FOUR_DAYS)~ + a1065 /* WIZARD_PROTECTION_FROM_COLD */ + ~HaveSpellParty(2321)~ + ~[PC] Spell Thrust, 4 days.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arSCRL6J","LOCALS",1) SetGlobal("c-aranscribe","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranscribing","GLOBAL",FOUR_DAYS)~ + a1066 /* WIZARD_SPELL_THRUST */ + ~HaveSpellParty(2322)~ + ~[PC] Detect Illusion, 4 days.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arSCRL6K","LOCALS",1) SetGlobal("c-aranscribe","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranscribing","GLOBAL",FOUR_DAYS)~ + a1062 /* WIZARD_DETECT_ILLUSION */ + ~HaveSpellParty(2324)~ + ~[PC] Hold Undead, 4 days.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arSCRL6L","LOCALS",1) SetGlobal("c-aranscribe","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranscribing","GLOBAL",FOUR_DAYS)~ + a1066 /* WIZARD_HOLD_UNDEAD */ + ~HaveSpellParty(2325)~ + ~[PC] Melf's Minute Meteors, 4 days.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arSCRLA5","LOCALS",1) SetGlobal("c-aranscribe","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranscribing","GLOBAL",FOUR_DAYS)~ + a1065 /* WIZARD_MELF_METEOR */ ++ ~[PC] I do not want any of these. Forget the whole thing.~ + a1053 ++ ~[PC] I do not want any of these. Can I see what else you can do?~ + a1059 END IF ~~ a1070 SAY ~[ARAN] Based on what we have memorized in th' party, an' what materials I have right here, I can start on one o' these. You chose, an' I'll get it.~ /* Wizard spells below 7th level, no summoning spells, 1 day per level. Positive: free. Aran does not have to know it. Negative: party must have spell memorized. takes time. */ + ~HaveSpellParty(2401)~ + ~[PC] Confusion, 5 days.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arSCRL1U","LOCALS",1) SetGlobal("c-aranscribe","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranscribing","GLOBAL",FIVE_DAYS)~ + a1064 /* WIZARD_CONFUSION */ + ~HaveSpellParty(2403)~ + ~[PC] Fireshield (Blue), 5 days.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arSCRL1W","LOCALS",1) SetGlobal("c-aranscribe","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranscribing","GLOBAL",FIVE_DAYS)~ + a1063 /* WIZARD_FIRE_SHIELD_BLUE */ + ~HaveSpellParty(2404)~ + ~[PC] Ice Storm, 5 days.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arSCRL1X","LOCALS",1) SetGlobal("c-aranscribe","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranscribing","GLOBAL",FIVE_DAYS)~ + a1063 /* WIZARD_ICE_STORM */ + ~HaveSpellParty(2405)~ + ~[PC] Improved Invisibility, 5 days.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arSCRL1Y","LOCALS",1) SetGlobal("c-aranscribe","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranscribing","GLOBAL",FIVE_DAYS)~ + a1064 /* WIZARD_IMPROVED_INVISIBILITY */ + ~HaveSpellParty(2406)~ + ~[PC] Minor Globe of Invulnerability, 5 days.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arSCRL1Z","LOCALS",1) SetGlobal("c-aranscribe","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranscribing","GLOBAL",FIVE_DAYS)~ + a1065 /* WIZARD_MINOR_GLOBE_OF_INVULNERABILITY */ + ~HaveSpellParty(2408)~ + ~[PC] Stoneskin, 5 days.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arSCRL1V","LOCALS",1) SetGlobal("c-aranscribe","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranscribing","GLOBAL",FIVE_DAYS)~ + a1066 /* WIZARD_STONE_SKIN */ + ~HaveSpellParty(2409)~ + ~[PC] Contagion, 5 days.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arSCRLA8","LOCALS",1) SetGlobal("c-aranscribe","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranscribing","GLOBAL",FIVE_DAYS)~ + a1062 /* WIZARD_CONTAGION */ + ~HaveSpellParty(2410)~ + ~[PC] Remove Curse, 5 days.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arSCRL5G","LOCALS",1) SetGlobal("c-aranscribe","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranscribing","GLOBAL",FIVE_DAYS)~ + a1066 /* WIZARD_REMOVE_CURSE */ + ~HaveSpellParty(2411)~ + ~[PC] Emotion, 5 days.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arSCRL5H","LOCALS",1) SetGlobal("c-aranscribe","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranscribing","GLOBAL",FIVE_DAYS)~ + a1065 /* WIZARD_EMOTION_HOPELESSNESS */ + ~HaveSpellParty(2412)~ + ~[PC] Greater Malison, 5 days.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arSCRL5I","LOCALS",1) SetGlobal("c-aranscribe","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranscribing","GLOBAL",FIVE_DAYS)~ + a1064 /* WIZARD_GREATER_MALISON */ + ~HaveSpellParty(2413)~ + ~[PC] Otiluke's Resilient Sphere, 5 days.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arSCRL5J","LOCALS",1) SetGlobal("c-aranscribe","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranscribing","GLOBAL",FIVE_DAYS)~ + a1063 /* WIZARD_OTILUKES_RESILIENT_SPHERE */ + ~HaveSpellParty(2414)~ + ~[PC] Spirit Armor, 5 days.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arSCRL5K","LOCALS",1) SetGlobal("c-aranscribe","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranscribing","GLOBAL",FIVE_DAYS)~ + a1063 /* WIZARD_SPIRIT_ARMOR */ + ~HaveSpellParty(2417)~ + ~[PC] Enchanted Weapon, 5 days.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arSCRL6M","LOCALS",1) SetGlobal("c-aranscribe","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranscribing","GLOBAL",FIVE_DAYS)~ + a1064 /* WIZARD_ENCHANTED_WEAPON */ + ~HaveSpellParty(2418)~ + ~[PC] Fireshield (Red), 5 days.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arSCRL6N","LOCALS",1) SetGlobal("c-aranscribe","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranscribing","GLOBAL",FIVE_DAYS)~ + a1065 /* WIZARD_FIRE_SHIELD_RED */ + ~HaveSpellParty(2419)~ + ~[PC] Secret Word, 5 days.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arSCRL6O","LOCALS",1) SetGlobal("c-aranscribe","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranscribing","GLOBAL",FIVE_DAYS)~ + a1066 /* WIZARD_SECRET_WORD */ + ~HaveSpellParty(2420)~ + ~[PC] Minor Sequencer, 5 days.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arSCRL6P","LOCALS",1) SetGlobal("c-aranscribe","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranscribing","GLOBAL",FIVE_DAYS)~ + a1062 /* WIZARD_MINOR_SEQUENCER */ + ~HaveSpellParty(2424)~ + ~[PC] Farsight, 5 days.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arSCRLAJ","LOCALS",1) SetGlobal("c-aranscribe","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranscribing","GLOBAL",FIVE_DAYS)~ + a1062 /* WIZARD_FAR_SIGHT */ + ~HaveSpellParty(2425)~ + ~[PC] Wizard Eye, 5 days.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arSCRLA1","LOCALS",1) SetGlobal("c-aranscribe","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranscribing","GLOBAL",FIVE_DAYS)~ + a1066 /* WIZARD_EYE */ ++ ~[PC] I do not want any of these. Forget the whole thing.~ + a1053 ++ ~[PC] I do not want any of these. Can I see what else you can do?~ + a1059 END IF ~~ a1071 SAY ~[ARAN] Based on what we have memorized in th' party, an' what materials I have right here, I can start on one o' these. You chose, an' I'll get it.~ /* Wizard spells below 7th level, no summoning spells, 1 day per level. Positive: free. Aran does not have to know it. Negative: party must have spell memorized. takes time. */ + ~HaveSpellParty(2502)~ + ~[PC] Cloudkill, 6 days.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arSCRL2E","LOCALS",1) SetGlobal("c-aranscribe","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranscribing","GLOBAL",SIX_DAYS)~ + a1065 /* WIZARD_CLOUDKILL */ + ~HaveSpellParty(2503)~ + ~[PC] Cone of Cold, 6 days.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arSCRL2F","LOCALS",1) SetGlobal("c-aranscribe","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranscribing","GLOBAL",SIX_DAYS)~ + a1064 /* WIZARD_CONE_OF_COLD */ + ~HaveSpellParty(2505)~ + ~[PC] Shadow Door, 6 days.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arSCRL2H","LOCALS",1) SetGlobal("c-aranscribe","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranscribing","GLOBAL",SIX_DAYS)~ + a1063 /* WIZARD_SHADOW_DOOR */ + ~HaveSpellParty(2506)~ + ~[PC] Domination, 6 days.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arSCRL5N","LOCALS",1) SetGlobal("c-aranscribe","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranscribing","GLOBAL",SIX_DAYS)~ + a1063 /* WIZARD_DOMINATION */ + ~HaveSpellParty(2508)~ + ~[PC] Chaos, 6 days.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arSCRL5P","LOCALS",1) SetGlobal("c-aranscribe","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranscribing","GLOBAL",SIX_DAYS)~ + a1064 /* WIZARD_CHAOS */ + ~HaveSpellParty(2509)~ + ~[PC] Feeblemind, 6 days.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arSCRL5Q","LOCALS",1) SetGlobal("c-aranscribe","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranscribing","GLOBAL",SIX_DAYS)~ + a1065 /* WIZARD_FEEBLEMIND */ + ~HaveSpellParty(2510)~ + ~[PC] Spell Immunity, 6 days.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arSCRL6S","LOCALS",1) SetGlobal("c-aranscribe","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranscribing","GLOBAL",SIX_DAYS)~ + a1066 /* WIZARD_SPELL_IMMUNITY */ + ~HaveSpellParty(2511)~ + ~[PC] Protection from Normal Weapons, 6 days.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arSCRL6T","LOCALS",1) SetGlobal("c-aranscribe","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranscribing","GLOBAL",SIX_DAYS)~ + a1062 /* WIZARD_PROTECTION_FROM_NORMAL_WEAPONS */ + ~HaveSpellParty(2512)~ + ~[PC] Protection from Electricity, 6 days.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arSCRL5T","LOCALS",1) SetGlobal("c-aranscribe","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranscribing","GLOBAL",SIX_DAYS)~ + a1062 /* WIZARD_PROTECTION_FROM_ELECTRICITY */ + ~HaveSpellParty(2513)~ + ~[PC] Breach, 6 days.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arSCRL6U","LOCALS",1) SetGlobal("c-aranscribe","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranscribing","GLOBAL",SIX_DAYS)~ + a1066 /* WIZARD_BREACH */ + ~HaveSpellParty(2514)~ + ~[PC] Lower Resistance, 6 days.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arSCRL6V","LOCALS",1) SetGlobal("c-aranscribe","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranscribing","GLOBAL",SIX_DAYS)~ + a1065 /* WIZARD_LOWER_RESISTANCE */ + ~HaveSpellParty(2515)~ + ~[PC] Oracle, 6 days.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arSCRL6W","LOCALS",1) SetGlobal("c-aranscribe","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranscribing","GLOBAL",SIX_DAYS)~ + a1064 /* WIZARD_ORACLE */ + ~HaveSpellParty(2517)~ + ~[PC] Protection from Acid, 6 days.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arSCRL6Y","LOCALS",1) SetGlobal("c-aranscribe","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranscribing","GLOBAL",SIX_DAYS)~ + a1063 /* WIZARD_PROTECTION_FROM_ACID */ + ~HaveSpellParty(2518)~ + ~[PC] Phantom Blade, 6 days.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arSCRL6Z","LOCALS",1) SetGlobal("c-aranscribe","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranscribing","GLOBAL",SIX_DAYS)~ + a1063 /* WIZARD_PHANTOM_BLADE */ + ~HaveSpellParty(2519)~ + ~[PC] Spell Shield, 6 days.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arSCRL8X","LOCALS",1) SetGlobal("c-aranscribe","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranscribing","GLOBAL",SIX_DAYS)~ + a1064 /* WIZARD_SPELL_SHIELD */ + ~HaveSpellParty(2522)~ + ~[PC] Minor Spell Turning, 6 days.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arSCRL7D","LOCALS",1) SetGlobal("c-aranscribe","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranscribing","GLOBAL",SIX_DAYS)~ + a1065 /* WIZARD_MINOR_SPELL_TURNING */ + ~HaveSpellParty(2523)~ + ~[PC] Sunfire, 6 days.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arSCRLAL","LOCALS",1) SetGlobal("c-aranscribe","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranscribing","GLOBAL",SIX_DAYS)~ + a1066 /* WIZARD_SUN_FIRE */ ++ ~[PC] I do not want any of these. Forget the whole thing.~ + a1053 ++ ~[PC] I do not want any of these. Can I see what else you can do?~ + a1059 END IF ~~ a1072 SAY ~[ARAN] Based on what we have memorized in th' party, an' what materials I have right here, I can start on one o' these. You chose, an' I'll get it.~ /* Wizard spells below 7th level, no summoning spells, 1 day per level. Positive: free. Aran does not have to know it. Negative: party must have spell memorized. takes time. */ + ~HaveSpellParty(2602)~ + ~[PC] Globe of Invulnerability, 7 days.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arSCRL7F","LOCALS",1) SetGlobal("c-aranscribe","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranscribing","GLOBAL",SEVEN_DAYS)~ + a1062 /* WIZARD_GLOBE_OF_INVULNERABILITY */ + ~HaveSpellParty(2603)~ + ~[PC] Tenser's Transformation, 7 days.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arSCRL7G","LOCALS",1) SetGlobal("c-aranscribe","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranscribing","GLOBAL",SEVEN_DAYS)~ + a1066 /* WIZARD_TENSERS_TRANSFORMATION */ + ~HaveSpellParty(2604)~ + ~[PC] Flesh to Stone, 7 days.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arSCRL7H","LOCALS",1) SetGlobal("c-aranscribe","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranscribing","GLOBAL",SEVEN_DAYS)~ + a1065 /* WIZARD_FLESH_TO_STONE */ + ~HaveSpellParty(2605)~ + ~[PC] Death Spell, 7 days.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arSCRL7I","LOCALS",1) SetGlobal("c-aranscribe","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranscribing","GLOBAL",SEVEN_DAYS)~ + a1064 /* WIZARD_DEATH_SPELL */ + ~HaveSpellParty(2606)~ + ~[PC] Protection from Magic, 7 days.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arSCRL7J","LOCALS",1) SetGlobal("c-aranscribe","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranscribing","GLOBAL",SEVEN_DAYS)~ + a1063 /* WIZARD_PROTECTION_FROM_MAGIC_ENERGY */ + ~HaveSpellParty(2607)~ + ~[PC] Mislead, 7 days.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arSCRL7K","LOCALS",1) SetGlobal("c-aranscribe","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranscribing","GLOBAL",SEVEN_DAYS)~ + a1063 /* WIZARD_MISLEAD */ + ~HaveSpellParty(2608)~ + ~[PC] Pierce Magic, 7 days.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arSCRL7L","LOCALS",1) SetGlobal("c-aranscribe","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranscribing","GLOBAL",SEVEN_DAYS)~ + a1064 /* WIZARD_PIERCE_MAGIC */ + ~HaveSpellParty(2609)~ + ~[PC] True Sight, 7 days.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arSCRL7M","LOCALS",1) SetGlobal("c-aranscribe","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranscribing","GLOBAL",SEVEN_DAYS)~ + a1065 /* WIZARD_TRUE_SIGHT */ + ~HaveSpellParty(2611)~ + ~[PC] Protection from Magical Weapons, 7 days.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arSCRL7O","LOCALS",1) SetGlobal("c-aranscribe","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranscribing","GLOBAL",SEVEN_DAYS)~ + a1066 /* WIZARD_PROTECTION_FROM_MAGIC_WEAPONS */ + ~HaveSpellParty(2612)~ + ~[PC] Power Word, Silence, 7 days.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arSCRL7P","LOCALS",1) SetGlobal("c-aranscribe","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranscribing","GLOBAL",SEVEN_DAYS)~ + a1062 /* WIZARD_POWER_WORD_SILENCE */ + ~HaveSpellParty(2613)~ + ~[PC] Improved Haste, 7 days.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arSCRL7Q","LOCALS",1) SetGlobal("c-aranscribe","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranscribing","GLOBAL",SEVEN_DAYS)~ + a1062 /* WIZARD_IMPROVED_HASTE */ + ~HaveSpellParty(2614)~ + ~[PC] Death Fog, 7 days.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arSCRL7R","LOCALS",1) SetGlobal("c-aranscribe","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranscribing","GLOBAL",SEVEN_DAYS)~ + a1066 /* WIZARD_DEATH_FOG */ + ~HaveSpellParty(2615)~ + ~[PC] Chain Lightning, 7 days.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arSCRL7S","LOCALS",1) SetGlobal("c-aranscribe","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranscribing","GLOBAL",SEVEN_DAYS)~ + a1065 /* WIZARD_CHAIN_LIGHTNING */ + ~HaveSpellParty(2616)~ + ~[PC] Disintegrate, 7 days.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arSCRL7T","LOCALS",1) SetGlobal("c-aranscribe","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranscribing","GLOBAL",SEVEN_DAYS)~ + a1064 /* WIZARD_DISINTEGRATE */ + ~HaveSpellParty(2617)~ + ~[PC] Contingency, 7 days.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arSCRL7U","LOCALS",1) SetGlobal("c-aranscribe","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranscribing","GLOBAL",SEVEN_DAYS)~ + a1063 /* WIZARD_CONTINGENCY */ + ~HaveSpellParty(2618)~ + ~[PC] Spell Deflection, 7 days.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arSCRL7V","LOCALS",1) SetGlobal("c-aranscribe","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranscribing","GLOBAL",SEVEN_DAYS)~ + a1064 /* WIZARD_SPELL_DEFLECTION */ + ~HaveSpellParty(2625)~ + ~[PC] Stone to Flesh, 7 days.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arSCRL8C","LOCALS",1) SetGlobal("c-aranscribe","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranscribing","GLOBAL",SEVEN_DAYS)~ + a1065 /* WIZARD_STONE_TO_FLESH */ ++ ~[PC] I do not want any of these. Forget the whole thing.~ + a1053 ++ ~[PC] I do not want any of these. Can I see what else you can do?~ + a1059 END /* Flirt SubMenu: Lightweight, Early Flirts for Impatient Players */ IF ~~ a3296 SAY ~(Aran is near you, watching the surrounding area carefully.)~ ++ ~[PC] (You decide to leave Aran alone.)~ EXIT /* hugs 1 */ + ~RandomNum(5,1)~ + ~[PC] (Gently place your hand on his shoulder.)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranearlyflirt","LOCALS",1)~ + a3297 + ~RandomNum(5,2)~ + ~[PC] (Rest your face gently on his back, pressing close to him.)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranearlyflirt","LOCALS",1)~ + a3298 + ~RandomNum(5,3)~ + ~[PC] (Wrap your arms around Aran's neck, and pull him close.)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranearlyflirt","LOCALS",1)~ + a3297 + ~RandomNum(5,4)~ + ~[PC] (Drape his arm across your shoulders, and lean into him.)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranearlyflirt","LOCALS",1)~ + a3297 + ~RandomNum(5,5)~ + ~[PC] (Lean against him.)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranearlyflirt","LOCALS",1)~ + a3297 /* kisses 1 */ + ~RandomNum(4,1)~ + ~[PC] (Quietly press a kiss on his shoulder.)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranearlyflirt","LOCALS",1)~ + a3298 + ~RandomNum(4,2)~ + ~[PC] (Brush a quick kiss on his cheek.)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranearlyflirt","LOCALS",1)~ + a3298 + ~RandomNum(4,3)~ + ~[PC] (Pick up his hand and kiss the back of his hand.)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranearlyflirt","LOCALS",1)~ + a3297 + ~RandomNum(4,4)~ + ~[PC] (Brush your lips across his cheek.)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranearlyflirt","LOCALS",1)~ + a3298 /* touching 1 */ + ~RandomNum(4,1)~ + ~[PC] (Run your fingers through his hair.)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranearlyflirt","LOCALS",1)~ + a3297 + ~RandomNum(4,2)~ + ~[PC] (Brush his hair back from his brow.)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranearlyflirt","LOCALS",1)~ + a3298 + ~RandomNum(4,3)~ + ~[PC] (Gently put one hand on his upper arm.)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranearlyflirt","LOCALS",1)~ + a3297 + ~RandomNum(4,4)~ + ~[PC] Come here, Aran. You have some tangles in your hair.~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranearlyflirt","LOCALS",1)~ + a3299 /* praises 1 */ + ~RandomNum(4,1)~ + ~[PC] So, do all the men in your family have such big shoulders?~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranearlyflirt","LOCALS",1)~ + a3300 + ~RandomNum(4,2)~ + ~[PC] I think you are a good friend, Aran. A really good friend.~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranearlyflirt","LOCALS",1)~ + a3297 + ~RandomNum(4,3)~ + ~[PC] I like that color on you, Aran.~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranearlyflirt","LOCALS",1)~ + a3300 + ~RandomNum(4,4)~ + ~[PC] (Smile boldly and lower your eyelashes, glancing down his body when he looks at you.)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranearlyflirt","LOCALS",1)~ + a3297 /* Manipulative/Autocratic/Demanding */ + ~RandomNum(5,1)~ + ~[PC] Aran, I am bored. Let's see if you can liven things up. Entertain me.~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranearlyflirt","LOCALS",1)~ + a3301 + ~RandomNum(5,2)~ + ~[PC] Oh, I have dropped my pouch. Pick it up for me, Aran.~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranearlyflirt","LOCALS",1)~ + a3302 + ~RandomNum(5,3)~ + ~[PC] I want something pretty, Aran.~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranearlyflirt","LOCALS",1)~ + a3300 + ~RandomNum(5,4)~ + ~[PC] Am I the prettiest thing you have ever seen?~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranearlyflirt","LOCALS",1)~ + a3300 + ~RandomNum(5,5)~ + ~[PC] Oh, dear. I just dropped a handkerchief on the ground.~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranearlyflirt","LOCALS",1)~ + a3302 /* Escape If PC And Aran Are Fighting */ IF ~Global("c-aranfight","GLOBAL",1) RandomNum(4,1)~ THEN GOTO a1756 /* c-aranmad1 */ IF ~Global("c-aranfight","GLOBAL",1) RandomNum(4,2)~ THEN GOTO a1757 /* c-aranmad2 */ IF ~Global("c-aranfight","GLOBAL",1) RandomNum(4,3)~ THEN GOTO a1758 /* c-aranmad3 */ IF ~Global("c-aranfight","GLOBAL",1) RandomNum(4,4)~ THEN GOTO a1759 /* c-aranmad4 */ END IF ~~ a3297 SAY ~[ARAN] (His easy smile is bright on his face, but he moves away from you and adjusts his belt.)~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a3298 SAY ~[ARAN] (He smiles at you, but moves away and rubs one hand behind his neck briskly.)~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a3299 SAY ~[ARAN] Do I, now? Right. I can comb that out myself. I'll be gettin' right on it.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a3300 SAY ~[ARAN] Well, now, I may or may not have an answer to that. But mayhap I'd better wait until we know each other a mite bit better before I commit to a response what might get me dropped out o' th' party right quick, eh?~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a3301 SAY ~[ARAN] I... Well, I rightly don't know how to answer that just yet. I have some ideas, but... Sometimes a lad can hang himself right quick if he don't fully know where th' lady be comin' from, eh?~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a3302 SAY ~[ARAN] (He quickly retrieves your belongings, brusquely tucking them into your gear.)~ = ~[ARAN] Aye, then. That should fix it.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END /* Flirt SubMenu: Lightweight */ IF ~~ a1074 SAY ~(Aran is near you, watching the surrounding area carefully.)~ ++ ~[PC] (You decide to leave Aran alone.)~ EXIT /* hugs 1 */ + ~RandomNum(5,1)~ + ~[PC] (Gently place your hand on his shoulder.)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1)~ + a1157 + ~RandomNum(5,2)~ + ~[PC] (Rest your face gently on his back, pressing close to him.)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1)~ + a1158 + ~RandomNum(5,3)~ + ~[PC] (Wrap your arms around Aran's neck, and pull him close.)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1)~ + a1159 + ~RandomNum(5,4)~ + ~[PC] (Drape his arm across your shoulders, and lean into him.)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1)~ + a1160 + ~RandomNum(5,5)~ + ~[PC] (Lean against him.)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1)~ + a2983 /* kisses 1 */ + ~RandomNum(4,1)~ + ~[PC] (Quietly press a kiss on his shoulder.)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1)~ + a1161 + ~RandomNum(4,2)~ + ~[PC] (Kiss him on the cheek.)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1)~ + a1162 + ~RandomNum(4,3)~ + ~[PC] (Pick up his hand and kiss the back of his hand.)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1)~ + a1163 + ~RandomNum(4,4)~ + ~[PC] (Brush your lips across his cheek.)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1)~ + a1164 /* touching 1 */ + ~RandomNum(5,1)~ + ~[PC] (Run your fingers through his hair.)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1)~ + a1165 + ~RandomNum(5,2)~ + ~[PC] (Brush his hair back from his brow.)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1)~ + a1166 + ~RandomNum(5,3)~ + ~[PC] (Gently put one hand on his upper arm.)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1)~ + a1167 + ~RandomNum(5,4)~ + ~[PC] Come here, Aran. You have some tangles in your hair.~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1)~ + a1168 + ~RandomNum(5,5)~ + ~[PC] My, you do seem to have some tension. Perhaps this will help...~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1)~ + a1169 /* praises 1 */ + ~RandomNum(4,1)~ + ~[PC] So, do all the men in your family have such big shoulders?~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1)~ + a1170 + ~RandomNum(4,2)~ + ~[PC] I think you are a good friend, Aran. A really good friend.~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1)~ + a1171 + ~RandomNum(4,3)~ + ~[PC] I like that color on you, Aran.~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1)~ + a1172 + ~RandomNum(4,4)~ + ~[PC] (Smile boldly, and lower your eyelashes glancing down his body when he looks at you.)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1)~ + a1173 /* teasing 1 */ + ~RandomNum(4,1)~ + ~[PC] (Tug Aran's hair firmly.)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1)~ + a1174 + ~RandomNum(4,2)~ + ~[PC] (Lightly punch him in the shoulder.)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1)~ + a1175 + ~RandomNum(4,3)~ + ~[PC] (Look at him with wide-eyed innocence, while tipping some of your waterskin on him.)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1)~ + a1176 + ~RandomNum(4,4)~ + ~[PC] Oh dear - I am just a poor helpless little female. Whatever *shall* I do. I can't reach that pack strap. I need a big strong he-man to help me out!~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1)~ + a1177 /* quiet/hidden 1 */ + ~RandomNum(4,1)~ + ~[PC] (Quietly watch him out of the corner of your eye, tracing his form with your eyes.)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1)~ + a1178 + ~RandomNum(4,2)~ + ~[PC] (Gently smooth your hair and twist one strand of it around a finger, casting glances at him.)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1)~ + a1179 + ~RandomNum(4,3)~ + ~[PC] (Slip a small wildflower into Aran's beltpouch.)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1)~ + a1180 + ~RandomNum(4,4)~ + ~[PC] Could you teach me how to speed up my parry when we camp, Aran?~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1)~ + a1181 /* Spoken */ + ~RandomNum(4,1)~ + ~[PC] So, how do you like my outfit?~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1)~ + a1182 + ~RandomNum(4,2)~ + ~[PC] Does this getup make me look fat?~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1)~ + a1183 + ~RandomNum(4,3)~ + ~[PC] Have you ever kissed a woman, Aran? I mean *really* kissed her?~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1)~ + a1184 + ~RandomNum(4,4)~ + ~[PC] If you could have anything in the world right now, Aran, what would it be?~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1)~ + a1185 /* Not Nice Action */ + ~Global("c-araneviltouch","LOCALS",0)~ + ~[PC] (You run your sharpened fingernails down Aran's cheek, leaving a light scratch mark.)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-araneviltouch","LOCALS",1)~ + a1190 + ~Global("c-araneviltouch","LOCALS",1)~ + ~[PC] (You run your sharpened fingernails down Aran's cheek, leaving a dark scratch mark.)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-araneviltouch","LOCALS",2)~ + a1191 + ~Global("c-araneviltouch","LOCALS",2)~ + ~[PC] (You run your sharpened fingernails down Aran's cheek, leaving a red crease.)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-araneviltouch","LOCALS",3)~ + a1192 + ~Global("c-araneviltouch","LOCALS",3)~ + ~[PC] (You run your sharpened fingernails down Aran's cheek, leaving what looks like a set of claw marks.)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-araneviltouch","LOCALS",4)~ + a1193 + ~Global("c-araneviltouch","LOCALS",4)~ + ~[PC] (You run your sharpened fingernails down Aran's cheek, gouging his cheek.)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-araneviltouch","LOCALS",5)~ + a1194 + ~Global("c-araneviltouch","LOCALS",5)~ + ~[PC] (Twist his arm behind his back.)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-araneviltouch","LOCALS",6)~ + a1309 /* H Not Nice 1 */ + ~Global("c-araneviltouch","LOCALS",6)~ + ~[PC] (Lightly caress his arm until you find his bare wrist, and drive your fingernails hard into his skin.)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-araneviltouch","LOCALS",7)~ + a1310 /* H Not Nice 2 */ + ~Global("c-araneviltouch","LOCALS",7)~ + ~[PC] (Kiss his fingers, randomly turning a kiss into a full-fledged bite drawing blood.)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-araneviltouch2","LOCALS",8)~ + a1311 /* H Not Nice 3 */ + ~Global("c-araneviltouch","LOCALS",8)~ + ~[PC] (Drape your arms around his neck, smile up at him.... and drive your knee into his crotch.)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-araneviltouch2","LOCALS",9)~ + a1312 /* H Not Nice 4 */ + ~Global("c-araneviltouch","LOCALS",9)~ + ~[PC] Hurt me, Aran. Make me scream in erotic agony. Make me suffer, slowly...~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-araneviltouch2","LOCALS",10)~ + a1313 /* H Not Nice 5 */ + ~Global("c-araneviltouch","LOCALS",10)~ + ~[PC] Hurt me, Aran. Please? You know I like it...~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1)~ + a1313 /* H Not Nice 5 */ /* Manipulative/Autocratic/Demanding */ + ~RandomNum(6,1)~ + ~[PC] Aran, I am bored. Let's see if you can liven things up. Entertain me.~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1)~ + a1186 + ~RandomNum(6,2)~ + ~[PC] Oh, I have dropped my pouch. Pick it up for me, Aran.~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1)~ + a1187 + ~RandomNum(6,3)~ + ~[PC] (Grab Aran by the collar and press your lips fiercely to his.)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1)~ + a1188 + ~RandomNum(6,4)~ + ~[PC] I want something pretty, Aran.~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1)~ + a1189 + ~RandomNum(6,5)~ + ~[PC] Am I the prettiest thing you have ever seen?~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1)~ + a2984 + ~RandomNum(6,6)~ + ~[PC] Oh, dear. I just dropped a handkerchief on the ground.~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1)~ + a2985 /* Situational/Conditional Flirts */ /* Temple Flirts, 4, identical for level 1, 2, and 3 flirts - fun with a "loop!" */ /* Temple Flirt 1 */ + ~RealGlobalTimerExpired("c-aranflirttimer","GLOBAL") Global("c-templeflirts","GLOBAL",0) OR(12) AreaCheck("AR0319") AreaCheck("AR0408") AreaCheck("AR0512") AreaCheck("AR0703") AreaCheck("AR0901") AreaCheck("AR0902") AreaCheck("AR0903") AreaCheck("AR0904") AreaCheck("AR1010") AreaCheck("AR1400") AreaCheck("AR1604") AreaCheck("AR2008")~ + ~[PC] You know, Temples serve to formalize relationships, set up contracts, help out lovers who might want to be married...~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-templeflirts","GLOBAL",1) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranflirttimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FLIRT)~ + a1195 /* Temple Flirt 2 */ + ~RealGlobalTimerExpired("c-aranflirttimer","GLOBAL") Global("c-templeflirts","GLOBAL",1) OR(12) AreaCheck("AR0319") AreaCheck("AR0408") AreaCheck("AR0512") AreaCheck("AR0703") AreaCheck("AR0901") AreaCheck("AR0902") AreaCheck("AR0903") AreaCheck("AR0904") AreaCheck("AR1010") AreaCheck("AR1400") AreaCheck("AR1604") AreaCheck("AR2008")~ + ~[PC] You know, Temples serve to formalize relationships. I don't suppose you have any experience with that.~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-templeflirts","GLOBAL",2) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranflirttimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FLIRT)~ + a1196 /* Temple Flirt 3 */ + ~RealGlobalTimerExpired("c-aranflirttimer","GLOBAL") Global("c-templeflirts","GLOBAL",2) OR(12) AreaCheck("AR0319") AreaCheck("AR0408") AreaCheck("AR0512") AreaCheck("AR0703") AreaCheck("AR0901") AreaCheck("AR0902") AreaCheck("AR0903") AreaCheck("AR0904") AreaCheck("AR1010") AreaCheck("AR1400") AreaCheck("AR1604") AreaCheck("AR2008")~ + ~[PC] You know, Temples serve to formalize relationships, set up contracts, and keep records. Have you ever worked on any of that kind of thing?~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-templeflirts","GLOBAL",3) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranflirttimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FLIRT)~ + a1197 /* Temple Flirt 4 */ + ~RealGlobalTimerExpired("c-aranflirttimer","GLOBAL") Global("c-templeflirts","GLOBAL",3) OR(12) AreaCheck("AR0319") AreaCheck("AR0408") AreaCheck("AR0512") AreaCheck("AR0703") AreaCheck("AR0901") AreaCheck("AR0902") AreaCheck("AR0903") AreaCheck("AR0904") AreaCheck("AR1010") AreaCheck("AR1400") AreaCheck("AR1604") AreaCheck("AR2008")~ + ~[PC] You know, Temples might not be so happy with you swearing inside their doors. Do you feel any wrath from the gods descending upon you?~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-templeflirts","GLOBAL",0) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranflirttimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FLIRT)~ + a1198 /* Escape If PC And Aran Are Fighting */ IF ~Global("c-aranfight","GLOBAL",1) RandomNum(4,1)~ THEN GOTO a1756 /* c-aranmad1 */ IF ~Global("c-aranfight","GLOBAL",1) RandomNum(4,2)~ THEN GOTO a1757 /* c-aranmad2 */ IF ~Global("c-aranfight","GLOBAL",1) RandomNum(4,3)~ THEN GOTO a1758 /* c-aranmad3 */ IF ~Global("c-aranfight","GLOBAL",1) RandomNum(4,4)~ THEN GOTO a1759 /* c-aranmad4 */ END /* Flirt SubMenu: Heavyweight */ IF ~~ a1075 SAY ~(Aran is near you, watching the surrounding area carefully.)~ ++ ~[PC] (You decide to leave Aran alone.)~ EXIT + ~RandomNum(4,1)~ + ~[PC] (Wrap your arms around Aran's neck, and pull him close.)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1)~ + a1159 + ~RandomNum(4,2)~ + ~[PC] (Lightly punch him in the shoulder.)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1)~ + a1217 + ~RandomNum(4,3)~ + ~[PC] (Quietly watch him out of the corner of your eye, tracing his form with your eyes.)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1)~ + a1220 + ~RandomNum(4,4)~ + ~[PC] (Gently smooth your hair and twist one strand of it around a finger, casting glances at him.)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1)~ + a1221 /* hugs H */ + ~RandomNum(5,1)~ + ~[PC] (Drape his arm across your shoulders, and lean into him.)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1)~ + a1160 + ~RandomNum(5,2)~ + ~[PC] (Gently place your hand on his shoulder.)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1)~ + a1199 + ~RandomNum(5,3)~ + ~[PC] (Rest your face gently on his back, pressing close to him.)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1)~ + a1200 + ~RandomNum(5,4)~ + ~[PC] (Step behind him, and press your cheek to his back, wrapping your arms around his waist.)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1)~ + a1280 + ~RandomNum(5,5)~ + ~[PC] (Begin undoing your top, making a show of readjusting everything, twisting your torso to show off all of your contours to great advantage.)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1)~ + a1281 /* kisses H */ + ~RandomNum(6,1)~ + ~[PC] (Kiss him on the cheek.)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1)~ + a1204 + ~RandomNum(6,2)~ + ~[PC] (Pick up his hand and kiss the back of his hand.)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1)~ + a1205 + ~RandomNum(6,3)~ + ~[PC] (Quietly press a kiss on his shoulder.)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1)~ + a1161 + ~RandomNum(6,4)~ + ~[PC] (Brush your lips across his cheek.)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1)~ + a1164 + ~RandomNum(6,5)~ + ~[PC] (Begin undoing his armor, running your hands along lean muscled shoulders and warm skin.)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1)~ + a1282 /* H Kisses 1 */ + ~RandomNum(6,6)~ + ~[PC] (Hold him close, lifting your face and offering your lips to him.)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1)~ + a1283 /* H Kisses 2 */ /* touching H */ + ~RandomNum(10,1)~ + ~[PC] (Brush his hair back from his brow.)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1)~ + a1208 + ~RandomNum(10,2)~ + ~[PC] Come here, Aran. I want you to hold me. This blouse is just beautiful, is it not?~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1)~ + a1210 + ~RandomNum(10,3)~ + ~[PC] (Run your fingers through his hair.)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1)~ + a1165 + ~RandomNum(10,4)~ + ~[PC] (Gently put one hand on his upper arm.)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1)~ + a1167 + ~RandomNum(10,5)~ + ~[PC] Come here, Aran. You have some tangles in your hair.~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1)~ + a1168 + ~RandomNum(10,7)~ + ~[PC] (Loosen your top and lean close to him, hands exploring his waist and working gently down his body.)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1)~ + a1285 /* H touching 2 */ + ~RandomNum(10,8)~ + ~[PC] I have had it. Take me, right here and now. (Begin dropping your gear, undoing yourself, and moving toward him.)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1)~ + a1286 /* H touching 3 */ + ~RandomNum(10,9)~ + ~[PC] (Run your fingers up his arm with little walking motions, complete with sound effects.)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1)~ + a2987 + ~RandomNum(10,10)~ + ~[PC] (Sling your arms around his neck, dragging him down with all of your weight.)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1)~ + a2988 /* praises H */ + ~RandomNum(9,1)~ + ~[PC] So, do all the men in your family have such big... shoulders?~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1)~ + a1212 + ~RandomNum(9,2)~ + ~[PC] (Smile boldly, and lower your eyelashes glancing down his body when he looks at you.)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1)~ + a1215 + ~RandomNum(9,3)~ + ~[PC] I like that color on you, Aran.~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1)~ + a1172 + ~RandomNum(9,4)~ + ~[PC] (Smile boldly, and lower your eyelashes glancing down his body when he looks at you.)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1)~ + a1173 + ~RandomNum(9,5)~ + ~[PC] Keep devouring me with your eyes, Aran, and I will begin to think you have become a cannibal.~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1)~ + a1287 /* H praises 1 */ + ~RandomNum(9,6)~ + ~[PC] Don't you have anything better to do than try to look down my front?~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1)~ + a1288 /* H praises 2 */ + ~RandomNum(9,7)~ + ~[PC] I think you are doing a good job of protecting me by day. I think you should move our bedrolls closer to each other, so that I will be better protected at night as well.~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1)~ + a1289 /* H praises 3 */ + ~RandomNum(9,8)~ + ~[PC] Aran, do I have something on my neck? (Turn your back to him, holding your hair up and fully exposing the back of your neck to him.)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1)~ + a1290 /* H praises 4 */ + ~RandomNum(9,9)~ + ~[PC] The curve of your jaw is just... well, it is just nice.~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1)~ + a2986 /* teasing H */ + ~RandomNum(8,1)~ + ~[PC] Slow, slow, slow... come on, pick up the pace, sellsword! (You dance around him, laughing back at him over your shoulder.) ~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1)~ + a1291 /* H teasing 1 */ + ~RandomNum(8,2)~ + ~[PC] Aran, will you make me something sweet and delicious?~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1)~ + a1292 /* H teasing 2 */ + ~RandomNum(8,3)~ + ~[PC] Have you ever had anyone sew up your clothes for you, Aran? You are looking a little threadbare right here...~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1)~ + a1293 /* H teasing 3 */ + ~RandomNum(8,4)~ + ~[PC] Aran has a girl-friend, Aran has a girl-friend...~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1)~ + a1294 /* H teasing 4 */ /* quiet/hidden H */ + ~RandomNum(8,5)~ + ~[PC] (Stopping to rest, you throw yourself down, rolling onto your side and propping your head up on one elbow, pretending to study the surrounding area.)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1)~ + a1295 /* H quiet/hidden 1 */ + ~RandomNum(8,6)~ + ~[PC] (You wet a cloth with your waterskin, and gently pat your cheeks and neck, working your way to your chest.)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1)~ + a1296 /* H quiet/hidden 2 */ + ~RandomNum(8,7)~ + ~[PC] (You start to sit down next to Aran, only to jump up quickly with a startled squeak.)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1)~ + a1297 /* H quiet/hidden 3 */ + ~RandomNum(8,8)~ + ~[PC] (You take one of Aran's hands in both of yours, fingers lightly tracing the inside of his fingers, palm, and wrist.)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1)~ + a1298 /* H quiet/hidden 4 */ /* Spoken H */ + ~RandomNum(7,1)~ + ~[PC] Why do you like me, Aran?~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1)~ + a1299 /* H spoken 1 */ + ~RandomNum(7,2)~ + ~[PC] Tell me something completely true about you. Don't think, just answer.~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1)~ + a1300 /* H spoken 2 */ + ~RandomNum(7,3)~ + ~[PC] Tell me something completely true about you. Don't think, just answer.~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1)~ + a1301 /* H spoken 3 */ + ~RandomNum(7,4)~ + ~[PC] Tell me something completely true about you. Don't think, just answer.~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1)~ + a1302 /* H spoken 4 */ + ~RandomNum(7,5)~ + ~[PC] You could do me. Right here. Right now. But you refuse to claim me the way our ancestors did - through raw force.~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1)~ + a1303 /* H spoken 5 */ + ~RandomNum(7,6)~ + ~[PC] Are all the women you have met less pretty than me?~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1)~ + a1304 /* H spoken 6 */ + ~RandomNum(7,7)~ + ~[PC] Would you like to take a walk with me?~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1)~ + a1284 /* H touching 1 */ /* Manipulative/Autocratic/Demanding H */ + ~RandomNum(8,1)~ + ~[PC] Aran, I am bored. Let's see if you can liven things up. Entertain me.~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1)~ + a1186 + ~RandomNum(8,2)~ + ~[PC] (Grab Aran by the collar and press your lips fiercely to his.)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1)~ + a1188 + ~RandomNum(8,3)~ + ~[PC] Peel me a grape, Aran.~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1)~ + a1439 /* H Manipulative/Autocratic/Demanding 1 */ + ~RandomNum(8,4)~ + ~[PC] Aran, I am bored. Let's see if you can liven things up. Entertain me.~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1)~ + a1440 /* H Manipulative/Autocratic/Demanding 2 */ + ~RandomNum(8,5)~ + ~[PC] Wipe that stupid grin off of your face, Aran.~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1)~ + a1305 /* H Manipulative/Autocratic/Demanding 3 */ /* These three Completely, Utterly, and Shamelessly Stolen from Moonlighting, Bruce Willis and Cybil Shephard... just too funny not to pay homage to! */ + ~RandomNum(8,6)~ + ~[PC] Unhand me, Aran. Step away.~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1)~ + a1306 /* H Manipulative/Autocratic/Demanding 4 */ + ~RandomNum(8,7)~ + ~[PC] Look, Aran, I do not think you should be looking at me like that. I do not want you to lose sleep over me.~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1)~ + a1307 /* H Manipulative/Autocratic/Demanding 5 */ + ~RandomNum(8,8)~ + ~[PC] Aran, you are incorrigible. You think hot sex cures everything.~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1)~ + a1308 /* H Manipulative/Autocratic/Demanding 6 */ /* Insults H */ + ~Global("c-aranevilword","LOCALS",0)~ + ~[PC] At night, you suddenly become dark and handsome, Aran. I guess when it's dark enough to avoid seeing your face, you become handsome.~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranevilword","LOCALS",1)~ + a1434 /* Insults 1 H */ + ~Global("c-aranevilword","LOCALS",1)~ + ~[PC] Let's play horse. I'll be the front end and you be yourself.~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranevilword","LOCALS",2)~ + a1435 /* Insults 2 H */ + ~Global("c-aranevilword","LOCALS",2)~ + ~[PC] You are the answer to my prayers, Aran. I prayed that the world would be made to suffer, and you came along to make it happen.~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranevilword","LOCALS",3)~ + a1436 /* Insults 3 H */ + ~Global("c-aranevilword","LOCALS",3)~ + ~[PC] You have a striking face, Aran. It strikes me that only a few men could look like that and not have been accidentally adopted by Hobgoblins.~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranevilword","LOCALS",4)~ + a1437 /* Insults 4 H */ + ~Global("c-aranevilword","LOCALS",4)~ + ~[PC] I will never forget the first time we met, you all cute with your lack of intelligence, inability to keep your wand out of underage whores, and that silly idea that you might actually be useful. But see, I have found a use for you after all. You make an excellent pack mule.~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranevilword","LOCALS",5)~ + a1438 /* Insults 5 H */ /* Not Nice Action H : I need to find someone to write these for me. I do not think I am getting it - I understand violence and sex individually, I just don't understand the combination. */ + ~Global("c-araneviltouch","LOCALS",0)~ + ~[PC] (You run your sharpened fingernails down Aran's cheek, leaving a light scratch mark.)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-araneviltouch","LOCALS",1)~ + a1190 + ~Global("c-araneviltouch","LOCALS",1)~ + ~[PC] (You run your sharpened fingernails down Aran's cheek, leaving a dark scratch mark.)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-araneviltouch","LOCALS",2)~ + a1191 + ~Global("c-araneviltouch","LOCALS",2)~ + ~[PC] (You run your sharpened fingernails down Aran's cheek, leaving a red crease.)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-araneviltouch","LOCALS",3)~ + a1192 + ~Global("c-araneviltouch","LOCALS",3)~ + ~[PC] (You run your sharpened fingernails down Aran's cheek, leaving what looks like a set of claw marks.)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-araneviltouch","LOCALS",4)~ + a1193 + ~Global("c-araneviltouch","LOCALS",4)~ + ~[PC] (You run your sharpened fingernails down Aran's cheek, gouging his cheek.)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-araneviltouch","LOCALS",5)~ + a1194 + ~Global("c-araneviltouch","LOCALS",5)~ + ~[PC] (Twist his arm behind his back.)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-araneviltouch","LOCALS",6)~ + a1309 /* H Not Nice 1 */ + ~Global("c-araneviltouch","LOCALS",6)~ + ~[PC] (Lightly caress his arm until you find his bare wrist, and drive your fingernails hard into his skin.)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-araneviltouch","LOCALS",7)~ + a1310 /* H Not Nice 2 */ + ~Global("c-araneviltouch","LOCALS",7)~ + ~[PC] (Kiss his fingers, randomly turning a kiss into a full-fledged bite drawing blood.)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-araneviltouch2","LOCALS",8)~ + a1311 /* H Not Nice 3 */ + ~Global("c-araneviltouch","LOCALS",8)~ + ~[PC] (Drape your arms around his neck, smile up at him.... and drive your knee into his crotch.)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-araneviltouch2","LOCALS",9)~ + a1312 /* H Not Nice 4 */ + ~Global("c-araneviltouch","LOCALS",9)~ + ~[PC] Hurt me, Aran. Make me scream in erotic agony. Make me suffer, slowly...~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-araneviltouch2","LOCALS",10)~ + a1313 /* H Not Nice 5 */ + ~Global("c-araneviltouch","LOCALS",10)~ + ~[PC] Hurt me, Aran. Please? You know I like it...~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1)~ + a1313 /* H Not Nice 5 */ /* Situational/Conditional Flirts */ /* Temple Flirts, 4, identical for level 1, 2, and 3 flirts - fun with a "loop!" */ /* Temple Flirt 1 */ + ~RealGlobalTimerExpired("c-aranflirttimer","GLOBAL") Global("c-templeflirts","GLOBAL",0) OR(12) AreaCheck("AR0319") AreaCheck("AR0408") AreaCheck("AR0512") AreaCheck("AR0703") AreaCheck("AR0901") AreaCheck("AR0902") AreaCheck("AR0903") AreaCheck("AR0904") AreaCheck("AR1010") AreaCheck("AR1400") AreaCheck("AR1604") AreaCheck("AR2008")~ + ~[PC] You know, Temples serve to formalize relationships, set up contracts, help out lovers who might want to be married...~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-templeflirts","GLOBAL",1) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranflirttimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FLIRT)~ + a1195 /* Temple Flirt 2 */ + ~RealGlobalTimerExpired("c-aranflirttimer","GLOBAL") Global("c-templeflirts","GLOBAL",1) OR(12) AreaCheck("AR0319") AreaCheck("AR0408") AreaCheck("AR0512") AreaCheck("AR0703") AreaCheck("AR0901") AreaCheck("AR0902") AreaCheck("AR0903") AreaCheck("AR0904") AreaCheck("AR1010") AreaCheck("AR1400") AreaCheck("AR1604") AreaCheck("AR2008")~ + ~[PC] You know, Temples serve to formalize relationships. I don't suppose you have any experience with that.~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-templeflirts","GLOBAL",2) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranflirttimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FLIRT)~ + a1196 /* Temple Flirt 3 */ + ~RealGlobalTimerExpired("c-aranflirttimer","GLOBAL") Global("c-templeflirts","GLOBAL",2) OR(12) AreaCheck("AR0319") AreaCheck("AR0408") AreaCheck("AR0512") AreaCheck("AR0703") AreaCheck("AR0901") AreaCheck("AR0902") AreaCheck("AR0903") AreaCheck("AR0904") AreaCheck("AR1010") AreaCheck("AR1400") AreaCheck("AR1604") AreaCheck("AR2008")~ + ~[PC] You know, Temples serve to formalize relationships, set up contracts, and keep records. Have you ever worked on ay of that?~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-templeflirts","GLOBAL",3) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranflirttimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FLIRT)~ + a1197 /* Temple Flirt 4 */ + ~RealGlobalTimerExpired("c-aranflirttimer","GLOBAL") Global("c-templeflirts","GLOBAL",3) OR(12) AreaCheck("AR0319") AreaCheck("AR0408") AreaCheck("AR0512") AreaCheck("AR0703") AreaCheck("AR0901") AreaCheck("AR0902") AreaCheck("AR0903") AreaCheck("AR0904") AreaCheck("AR1010") AreaCheck("AR1400") AreaCheck("AR1604") AreaCheck("AR2008")~ + ~[PC] You know, Temples might not be so happy with you swearing inside their doors. Do you feel any wrath from the gods descending upon you?~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-templeflirts","GLOBAL",0) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranflirttimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FLIRT)~ + a1198 /* Escape If PC And Aran Are Fighting */ IF ~Global("c-aranfight","GLOBAL",1) RandomNum(4,1)~ THEN GOTO a1756 /* c-aranmad1 */ IF ~Global("c-aranfight","GLOBAL",1) RandomNum(4,2)~ THEN GOTO a1757 /* c-aranmad2 */ IF ~Global("c-aranfight","GLOBAL",1) RandomNum(4,3)~ THEN GOTO a1758 /* c-aranmad3 */ IF ~Global("c-aranfight","GLOBAL",1) RandomNum(4,4)~ THEN GOTO a1759 /* c-aranmad4 */ END IF ~~ a1284 SAY ~[ARAN] (His nod and grin send you both wandering away together for a brief time, contemplating your surroundings.)~ = ~[ARAN] (As you walk, your hand seems to find its way into his strong calloused palm, your fingers intertwining with his.)~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1285 SAY ~[ARAN] (His hands caress your torso gently, teasing, touching, and exploring everything, matching you movement for movement.)~ = ~[ARAN] (Eventually, he breaks away, breathing as if he had just run a mile.) Easy, there... much more, an' we might just need to get a room, eh?~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1286 SAY ~[ARAN] (His arms encircle you, holding you close and stopping you from motion of any kind.)~ = ~[ARAN] Easy, easy now... I look at you, I feel th' same way about every hour or so. It will pass, an' we can always have some fun later, eh? Just not here, not all exposed - like.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1287 SAY ~[ARAN] If that be an invitation to explore you wi' my mouth, just say th' word, . I promise I won't nip. Well, at least not much, eh?~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1288 SAY ~[ARAN] Nope.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1289 SAY ~[ARAN] Better protected from outside problems, yes. But I might find it a mite bit harder to protect you from me.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1290 SAY ~[ARAN] (Warm lips brush gently along the top of your spine, then up behind your ear. His voice whispers roughly...) No, naught but little ol' me, eh?~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1291 SAY ~[ARAN] (With a muffled oath, he scoops you up in his arms, carrying you forward.) Slow, eh? Slow but steady wins th' race. But wiggle some more, eh? On account o' I already got my hands right where I want 'em...~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1292 SAY ~[ARAN] Mayhap next time we get to an inn, or somewhere we can get some o' the right supplies, I can make you a decent chocolate mousse. But wi' these supplies, the closest I can come be either hardtack bars or whipped parfait o' grasshoppers.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1293 SAY ~[ARAN] I do my own, thank you very much. Except for th' buttons. Somehow, I be so much better at undoin' buttons than sewin' them into place.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1294 SAY ~[ARAN] Like hells I do. I got me a teasin' armful o' hellcat what makes me right crazy, that be what I got!~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1295 SAY ~[ARAN] (Aran drops his pack and stretches, but his attention is consumed with a thorough analysis of every inch of your body artistically arranged on the ground. When he catches you looking at him, he grins.)~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1296 SAY ~[ARAN] (He follows your motions, captivated and intent.) Would that I be a cloth, eh?~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1297 SAY ~[ARAN] Oh, sorry, ... I didn't rightly mean to have my hand right there. Mayhap you would find less in your way if you sat on my lap? Or mayhap more...~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1298 SAY ~[ARAN] (His hands twine gently with yours, palm to palm, and he brings you chest to chest with him looking deeply into your eyes.)~ = ~[ARAN] (For a moment, time seems to stop, breathlessly suspended between you.)~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1299 SAY ~[ARAN] Well, part o' why I like you is you can ask that question. I be skippin' over all the physical charms, like the way your lips curve, or the bewichin' rise an' fall o' your throat where it meets your chest, or th' way your breasts nestle in... err... what was I sayin'?~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1300 SAY ~[ARAN] I can't take my eyes off o' you.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1301 SAY ~[ARAN] Your left eye be just as beautiful as a shinin' star. But your right eye, it can pierce th' depths o' a man's soul, it can.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1302 SAY ~[ARAN] I could quit all this, an' just be happy makin' love to you every time you wanted. Probably more.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1303 SAY ~[ARAN] Now, m'lady, no call for that kind o' talk. A man's got some principles, eh? I sign on for partnerships, not raw matin' like gibberlin's in heat. Though I do be a mite tempted...~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1304 SAY ~[ARAN] Well, to tell th' truth, there was this one half-elven lass, a Sensate... no, she were right forward, an' could drive a man to distraction, but it were all glitter an' sex. Wi' you, there be so much more.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1305 SAY ~[ARAN] This be th' smartest grin I know. You want to school my lips a mite? On account o' a mild lipwrestlin' session might be just the ticket.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1306 SAY ~[ARAN] Now, I don't think that means what you want to say, eh? Sounds like you want me to cut off your hands, but I suspect what you be meanin' to say is that you want me to take my hands off these beautiful hips o' yours.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1307 SAY ~[ARAN] Believe me, , I find myself over you, the last thing I'll be thinkin' about will be sleepin'.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1308 SAY ~[ARAN] Well, it be right effective at treatin' localized high blood pressure in males...~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1309 SAY ~[ARAN] Oh, no you don't... what, you look so surprised I shoved you, eh? I can give as good as I get, an' don't you be forgettin' it.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1310 SAY ~[ARAN] Bane's Blighted Bones, that be drawin' blood. Keep it up, an' I'll be givin' you a right sound wallop, I will.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1311 SAY ~[ARAN] By Malar's sharp Teeth, you do enjoy causin' a mite bit o' pain, don't you. (His arms wrap you securely. Small angry nips rain along your neck, sharp and painful, ending with a love bite that raises a welt.)~ = ~[ARAN] If we be markin' territory, I had other ideas on where to be leavin' those hickeys. Mayhap next time you get playful, I'll be more adventurous.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1312 SAY ~[ARAN] Shars' Dark Caress, that be drawin' blood. Let me try that... oho, runnin' away, eh? Weaklin'.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1313 SAY ~[ARAN] Let me see... what be th' best, most vicious torture I could give you... I know! I'll bloody well ignore you. That'll fix your wagon, eh?~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1434 SAY ~[ARAN] Oho, sharp wit, m'girl. Be careful, though - all that sharpened steel mind be right pretty, but if you look at it another way, you got a cold, dead piece o' metal for a brain.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1435 SAY ~[ARAN] Why, ... I'm right touched, I am. You are not feelin' as sharp as usual. I noticed th' improvement right away! Now, th' kind' o 'playin' horse' I have in mind involves a bit less talkin' an' a lot less clothes... but you can neigh an' buck all you like.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1436 SAY ~[ARAN] An' you my love, you be th' happy target o' many, many well-wishers. There be few who meet you who don't wish to immediately throw you down th' nearest well.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1437 SAY ~[ARAN] Now, dearest love, I'd have been adopted by your mother, on account o' my face bein' much prettier than your tongue. But then it would be all awkward, tryin' to bed my step-sister. Kind o' excitin', though...~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1438 SAY ~[ARAN] An' I shall never forget th' first time I met you, m'girl... the wasp tongue, th' complete disdain for moral judgment, th' icy frigid way you cloistered yourself yet lusted after anythin' that would put somethin' warm inside you to quell th' cold... an' here, you have made it all th' way up to caring enough about someone else to think up ugly insults. Next thing you know, you might even grow a heart!~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1439 SAY ~[ARAN] Sure thing. I done peeled a few some months back, then run 'em through a cloth to filter, an' set up a mite bit o' a recipe for fermentation. Try this wineskin. I think it might do th' trick, meanin' I didn't go blind.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1440 SAY ~[ARAN] Well, let's see... how is this for entertainment? (His hands dart around your body, seeking intimate touches, and you are forced to parry and counter his every move or they will surely molest your virtue...)~ = ~[ARAN] It be a mite more fun when there be less clothes, an ' we can play hide an' seek under some covers.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1441 SAY ~[ARAN] Shar's Spiky Spit, I don't rightly want naught to do wi' a weapon what turns to dust in sunlight. I know it be powerful an' magical, but give me a solid surface weapon an' I'd be a mite happier.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-arandroweq","LOCALS",1)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a2983 SAY ~[ARAN] (He leans back, steadily increasing pressure on you, until you are off balance. His snort of laughter is muted by his sudden fit of coughing.)~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a2984 SAY ~[ARAN] Yep.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a2985 SAY ~[ARAN] Blighted hells... I just had my turn at th' launderin', too! Well, lucky me... at least this time I don't have to clean it.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a2986 SAY ~[ARAN] Well, now. I could say that th' curve o' your jaw be nice, too, but I think you know that I admire more o' your curves than just that one, eh?~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a2987 SAY ~[ARAN] Do you feel reasonably fine? That be cute an' all, but it be a mite strange thing to do to a lad.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a2988 SAY ~[ARAN] Whoa, there... if we be in a tumbled pile, then I might just take some liberties, an' then you might, an' before we know it we be deep into it, pun intended.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1442 /* Laeral's Tear Necklace (3000 gp) */ SAY ~[ARAN] (He leans forward slightly, studying the Laeral's Tear necklace you are wearing.)~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a1455 /*I GOT HERE BECAUSE SOMETHING IS BROKEN */ IF ~Global("c-aranlightflirt","GLOBAL",1)~ THEN GOTO a1456 /* expensive */ IF ~Global("c-aranheavyflirt","GLOBAL",1)~ THEN GOTO a1463 /* expensive */ END IF ~~ a1443 /* Necklace of Missiles */ SAY ~[ARAN] (He leans forward slightly, studying the Necklace of Missiles necklace you are wearing.)~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a1455 /*I GOT HERE BECAUSE SOMETHING IS BROKEN */ IF ~Global("c-aranlightflirt","GLOBAL",1)~ THEN GOTO a1457 /* missiles */ IF ~Global("c-aranheavyflirt","GLOBAL",1)~ THEN GOTO a1464 /* missiles */ END IF ~~ a1444 /* Studded Necklace with Zios Gems */ SAY ~[ARAN] (He leans forward slightly, studying the zios gems embedded in the necklace you are wearing.)~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a1455 /*I GOT HERE BECAUSE SOMETHING IS BROKEN */ IF ~Global("c-aranlightflirt","GLOBAL",1)~ THEN GOTO a1462 /* clunky */ IF ~Global("c-aranheavyflirt","GLOBAL",1)~ THEN GOTO a1469 /* clunky */ END IF ~~ a1445 /* Bluestone Necklace */ SAY ~[ARAN] (He leans forward slightly, studying the bluestone necklace you are wearing.)~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a1455 /* I GOT HERE BECAUSE SOMETHING IS BROKEN */ IF ~Global("c-aranlightflirt","GLOBAL",1)~ THEN GOTO a1462 /* clunky */ IF ~Global("c-aranheavyflirt","GLOBAL",1)~ THEN GOTO a1469 /* clunky */ END IF ~~ a1446 /* Agni Mani Necklace */ SAY ~[ARAN] (He leans forward slightly, studying the angi mani necklace you are wearing.)~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a1455 /* I GOT HERE BECAUSE SOMETHING IS BROKEN */ IF ~Global("c-aranlightflirt","GLOBAL",1)~ THEN GOTO a1462 /* clunky */ IF ~Global("c-aranheavyflirt","GLOBAL",1)~ THEN GOTO a1469 /* clunky */ END IF ~~ a1447 /* Rainbow Obsidian Necklace */ SAY ~[ARAN] (He leans forward slightly, studying the obsidian necklace you are wearing.)~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a1455 /* I GOT HERE BECAUSE SOMETHING IS BROKEN */ IF ~Global("c-aranlightflirt","GLOBAL",1)~ THEN GOTO a1462 /* clunky */ IF ~Global("c-aranheavyflirt","GLOBAL",1)~ THEN GOTO a1469 /* clunky */ END IF ~~ a1448 /* Tiger Cowrie Shell Necklace */ SAY ~[ARAN] (He leans forward slightly, studying the cowrie shell necklace you are wearing.)~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a1455 /* I GOT HERE BECAUSE SOMETHING IS BROKEN */ IF ~Global("c-aranlightflirt","GLOBAL",1)~ THEN GOTO a1462 /* clunky */ IF ~Global("c-aranheavyflirt","GLOBAL",1)~ THEN GOTO a1469 /* clunky */ END IF ~~ a1449 /* Silver Necklace */ SAY ~[ARAN] (He leans forward slightly, studying the silver necklace you are wearing.)~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a1455 /*I GOT HERE BECAUSE SOMETHING IS BROKEN */ IF ~Global("c-aranlightflirt","GLOBAL",1)~ THEN GOTO a1458 /* simple */ IF ~Global("c-aranheavyflirt","GLOBAL",1)~ THEN GOTO a1465 /* simple */ END IF ~~ a1450 /* Gold Necklace */ SAY ~[ARAN] (He leans forward slightly, studying the gold necklace you are wearing.)~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a1455 /*I GOT HERE BECAUSE SOMETHING IS BROKEN */ IF ~Global("c-aranlightflirt","GLOBAL",1)~ THEN GOTO a1458 /* simple */ IF ~Global("c-aranheavyflirt","GLOBAL",1)~ THEN GOTO a1465 /* simple */ END IF ~~ a1451 /* Pearl Necklace */ SAY ~[ARAN] (He leans forward slightly, studying the pearl necklace you are wearing.)~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a1455 /*I GOT HERE BECAUSE SOMETHING IS BROKEN */ IF ~Global("c-aranlightflirt","GLOBAL",1)~ THEN GOTO a1458 /* simple */ IF ~Global("c-aranheavyflirt","GLOBAL",1)~ THEN GOTO a1465 /* simple */ END IF ~~ a1452 /* Amulet of Metaspell Influence (+1 2nd level spell) */ SAY ~[ARAN] (He leans forward slightly, studying the amulet you are wearing.)~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a1455 /*I GOT HERE BECAUSE SOMETHING IS BROKEN */ IF ~Global("c-aranlightflirt","GLOBAL",1)~ THEN GOTO a1461 /* magical */ IF ~Global("c-aranheavyflirt","GLOBAL",1)~ THEN GOTO a1468 /* magical */ END IF ~~ a1453 /* Wolfsbane Charm +2 vs Lycanthropes */ SAY ~[ARAN] (He leans forward slightly, studying the wolfsbane charm you are wearing.)~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a1455 /*I GOT HERE BECAUSE SOMETHING IS BROKEN */ IF ~Global("c-aranlightflirt","GLOBAL",1)~ THEN GOTO a1460 /* anti-wolf */ IF ~Global("c-aranheavyflirt","GLOBAL",1)~ THEN GOTO a1467 /* anti-wolf */ END IF ~~ a1454 /* Periapt of Proof Against Poison */ SAY ~[ARAN] (He leans forward slightly, studying the periapt you are wearing.)~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a1455 /*I GOT HERE BECAUSE SOMETHING IS BROKEN */ IF ~Global("c-aranlightflirt","GLOBAL",1)~ THEN GOTO a1459 /* anti-poison */ IF ~Global("c-aranheavyflirt","GLOBAL",1)~ THEN GOTO a1466 /* anti-poison */ END /* light replies for necklace flirts */ IF ~~ a1456 SAY ~[ARAN] Now, I do think that piece o' jewelry matches you. But on full account, there be few pieces, no matter how expensive, what can do justice to th' beauty o' your eyes.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aljewel1","LOCALS",1) IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranlightflirt","GLOBAL",0) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranflirttimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FLIRT)~ EXIT END /* expensive */ IF ~~ a1457 SAY ~[ARAN] (Hesitantly, he reaches one hand out to touch it...) OUCH! That there necklace done bit me! Hells, , you could have warned me th' bloody thing was leakin' some o' that missile-energy.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aljewel1","LOCALS",1) IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranlightflirt","GLOBAL",0) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranflirttimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FLIRT)~ EXIT END /* missiles */ IF ~~ a1458 SAY ~[ARAN] Perfect. Simple, attractive, understated, an' nearly as beautiful as you.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aljewel3","LOCALS",1) IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranlightflirt","GLOBAL",0) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranflirttimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FLIRT)~ EXIT END /* simple */ IF ~~ a1459 SAY ~[ARAN] Good protection. You might want to keep in on tonight, eh? On account o' I am cookin' wi' some new spices, an' I am not sure I have the amount just right.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aljewel1","LOCALS",1) IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranlightflirt","GLOBAL",0) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranflirttimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FLIRT)~ EXIT END /* anti-poison */ IF ~~ a1460 SAY ~[ARAN] Now, you may think that charm will keep th' likes o' me away. Problem is, I'm no wolf. I just act like one!~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aljewel1","LOCALS",1) IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranlightflirt","GLOBAL",0) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranflirttimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FLIRT)~ EXIT END /* anti-wolf */ IF ~~ a1461 SAY ~[ARAN] (He gently caresses it with the tip of one finger, then shivers and shakes his hand.) Now, that done give me a set o' goosebumps. Either it did, or th' curve o' your neck did. Either way, I think I might want to repeat th' experience.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aljewel1","LOCALS",1) IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranlightflirt","GLOBAL",0) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranflirttimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FLIRT)~ EXIT END /* magical */ IF ~~ a1462 SAY ~[ARAN] Now, that be alright for some women, but I am not so sure when it comes to you. I think it sets off your eyes right nice, but I think it be a mite clunky. Here. This pearl necklace might be better.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~GiveItemCreate("AMUL11",Player1,0,0,0) SetGlobal("c-aljewel2","LOCALS",1) IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranlightflirt","GLOBAL",0) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranflirttimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FLIRT)~ EXIT END /* clunky */ /* heavy replies for necklace flirts */ IF ~~ a1463 SAY ~[ARAN] Now, I do think that piece o' jewelry matches you. But on full account, there be few pieces, no matter how expensive, what can do justice to th' beauty o' th' curve o' your inner thigh, or the way your body moves... hells, now I need a cold bath, eh?.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-ahjewel1","LOCALS",1) IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranheavyflirt","GLOBAL",0) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranflirttimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FLIRT)~ EXIT END /* expensive */ IF ~~ a1464 SAY ~[ARAN] (He reaches one hand out to touch it gently...) Tingles. An' I mean it tingles, as well as th' effect touching your collarbone makes me feel, eh?~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-ahjewel1","LOCALS",1) IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranheavyflirt","GLOBAL",0) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranflirttimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FLIRT)~ EXIT END /* missiles */ IF ~~ a1465 SAY ~[ARAN] Perfect. Simple, attractive, understated, an' nearly as beautiful as you. In fact, I can't rightly help myself... too bloody kissable.~ = ~[ARAN] (His lips lightly brush your neck.)~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-ahjewel3","LOCALS",1) IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranheavyflirt","GLOBAL",0) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranflirttimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FLIRT)~ EXIT END /* simple */ IF ~~ a1466 SAY ~[ARAN] Good protection. If you were to die, I'd rather it would be on account o' you or I wore each other out in th' bedchamber, not on account o' some stupid poison.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-ahjewel1","LOCALS",1) IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranheavyflirt","GLOBAL",0) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranflirttimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FLIRT)~ EXIT END /* anti-poison */ IF ~~ a1467 SAY ~[ARAN] Glad to see th' protections in place. Though if you want a partner for play-actin' wolf an' wolfess, I be your man...~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-ahjewel1","LOCALS",1) IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranheavyflirt","GLOBAL",0) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranflirttimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FLIRT)~ EXIT END /* anti-wolf */ IF ~~ a1468 SAY ~[ARAN] (He gently caresses it with the tip of one finger, then shivers and shakes his hand.) Now, that done give me a set o' goosebumps. Either it did, or th' curve o' your neck did. Either way, I think I might want to repeat th' experience.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-ahjewel1","LOCALS",1) IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranheavyflirt","GLOBAL",0) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranflirttimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FLIRT)~ EXIT END /* magical */ IF ~~ a1469 SAY ~[ARAN] I think you should wear that more often. O' course, I'd prefer it even more if you would wear *only* that, but it might make it a bit cold walkin' around in your birthday suit. Plus, I want that vision all to myself, eh?~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-ahjewel2","LOCALS",1) IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranheavyflirt","GLOBAL",0) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranflirttimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FLIRT)~ EXIT END /* clunky */ /* Romantic Encounters: Valygar item */ IF ~~ a1499 SAY ~[ARAN] That be a right fine piece o' jewelry you be wearin', . Now, where did you get it, eh?~ IF ~InParty("valygar")~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aljewelv","LOCALS",1) SetGlobal("c-aranheavyflirt","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobal("c-aranlightflirt","GLOBAL",0)~ GOTO a1500 IF ~!InParty("valygar")~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aljewelv","LOCALS",1) SetGlobal("c-aranheavyflirt","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobal("c-aranlightflirt","GLOBAL",0)~ GOTO a1501 END IF ~~ a1500 SAY ~[ARAN] Valygar seems to like it right fine, too. At least, he has an eye out for it when it be on you.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1501 SAY ~[ARAN] I just never did see when you got it, or where, or why. But it suits you right well, it does. Hey, why th' red face?~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1503 SAY ~[ARAN] Bane's Broken Bones, you be a right strong . Got it. I'll set to checkin' how we can raise coin out o' this here operation right quick.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1504 SAY ~[ARAN] Well, you be powerful enough to use it as a tool for whatever you want to accomplish, eh? Have someone send over th' contracts an' paperwork, an' I'll get right on seein' what be what.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1505 SAY ~[ARAN] Jealous? Sons o' th' Seldarine, what gave you that bloody idea? I don't want no target on my back, an' all those decisions. Hells, if I wanted that, I would have struck out on my own and built my own little mercenary company! There be enough hassles just bein' on staff, let alone runnin' th' show!~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1506 SAY ~[ARAN] Ubtao's Great Beginnin', I understand right fine. I don't question the decision, I just wanted to know what you be wantin' to do. When you take charge o' somethin' there always be paperwork. That's where havin' me along comes in right handy, eh?~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1507 SAY ~[ARAN] Velsharoon's Vicious Vampires, I'll be sayin' more than a prayer or two. Those "minor accidents" usually come in th' form o' stabbin' yourself while ingestin' poison, havin' tied yourself to a chair, an' fallin' out a third story window two or mayhap three times.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1508 SAY ~[ARAN] Well, I have your sword arm to back me up. Sometimes, a little subtle action is useful. Other times, the situation calls for the trademark "Whitehand Technique"... kill anything that moves, and then resurrect anyone who we did not mean to kill.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1509 SAY ~[ARAN] Look, you don't owe me no reasons. I just thought I should kick in wi' handlin' the paperwork, is all.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1510 SAY ~[ARAN] Good. Talona's Mericless Poisons, I thought handlin' a trade coster or a mercenary regiment was tough. This... well, let's just say I'd rather you strip me down an' send me arse first into a nest o' kobolds.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END /* Flirt SubMenu: Mature */ IF ~~ a1076 SAY ~(Aran is near you, watching the surrounding area carefully.)~ ++ ~[PC] (You decide to leave Aran alone.)~ EXIT /* hugs M */ + ~RandomNum(8,1)~ + ~[PC] (Wrap your arms around Aran's neck, and pull him close.)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1)~ + a1159 + ~RandomNum(8,2)~ + ~[PC] (Lightly punch him in the shoulder.)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1)~ + a1217 + ~RandomNum(8,3)~ + ~[PC] (Quietly watch him out of the corner of your eye, tracing his form with your eyes.)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1)~ + a1220 + ~RandomNum(8,4)~ + ~[PC] (Gently smooth your hair and twist one strand of it around a finger, casting glances at him.)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1)~ + a1221 + ~RandomNum(8,5)~ + ~[PC] (Gently place your hand on his shoulder.)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1)~ + a1199 + ~RandomNum(8,6)~ + ~[PC] (Rest your face gently on his back, pressing close to him.)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1)~ + a1200 + ~RandomNum(8,7)~ + ~[PC] (Wrap your arms around Aran's neck, and pull him close.)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1)~ + a1201 + ~RandomNum(8,8)~ + ~[PC] (Drape his arm across your shoulders, and lean into him.)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1)~ + a1202 /* kisses M */ + ~RandomNum(4,1)~ + ~[PC] (Quietly press a kiss on his shoulder.)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1)~ + a1203 + ~RandomNum(4,2)~ + ~[PC] (Kiss him on the cheek.)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1)~ + a1204 + ~RandomNum(4,3)~ + ~[PC] (Pick up his hand and kiss the back of his hand.)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1)~ + a1205 + ~RandomNum(4,4)~ + ~[PC] (Brush your lips across his cheek.)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1)~ + a1206 /* touching M */ + ~RandomNum(5,1)~ + ~[PC] (Run your fingers through his hair.)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1)~ + a1207 + ~RandomNum(5,2)~ + ~[PC] (Brush his hair back from his brow.)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1)~ + a1208 + ~RandomNum(5,3)~ + ~[PC] (Gently put one hand on his upper arm.)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1)~ + a1209 + ~RandomNum(5,4)~ + ~[PC] Come here, Aran. I want you to hold me. This blouse is just beautiful, is it not?~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1)~ + a1210 + ~RandomNum(5,5)~ + ~[PC] I am all tense, Aran. And I seem to have such cold hands. Whatever shall I do?~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1)~ + a1211 /* praises M */ + ~RandomNum(4,1)~ + ~[PC] So, do all the men in your family have such big... shoulders?~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1)~ + a1212 + ~RandomNum(4,2)~ + ~[PC] I think you are a good friend, Aran. A really good friend.~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1)~ + a1213 + ~RandomNum(4,3)~ + ~[PC] I like that color on you, Aran.~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1)~ + a1214 + ~RandomNum(4,4)~ + ~[PC] (Smile boldly, and lower your eyelashes glancing down his body when he looks at you.)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1)~ + a1215 /* teasing M */ + ~RandomNum(4,1)~ + ~[PC] (Tug Aran's hair firmly.)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1)~ + a1216 + ~RandomNum(4,2)~ + ~[PC] (Lightly punch him in the shoulder.)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1)~ + a1217 + ~RandomNum(4,3)~ + ~[PC] (Look at him with wide-eyed innocence, while tipping some of your waterskin on him.)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1)~ + a1218 + ~RandomNum(4,4)~ + ~[PC] Oh dear - I am just a poor helpless little female. Whatever *shall* I do. I can't reach that pack strap. I need a big strong man to help me out!~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1)~ + a1219 /* quiet/hidden M */ + ~RandomNum(4,1)~ + ~[PC] (Quietly watch him out of the corner of your eye, tracing his form with your eyes.)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1)~ + a1220 + ~RandomNum(4,2)~ + ~[PC] (Gently smooth your hair and twist one strand of it around a finger, casting glances at him.)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1)~ + a1221 + ~RandomNum(4,3)~ + ~[PC] (Slip a small wildflower into Aran's beltpouch.)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1)~ + a1222 + ~RandomNum(4,4)~ + ~[PC] Could you teach me how to speed up my parry when we camp, Aran?~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1)~ + a1223 /* Spoken M */ + ~RandomNum(5,1)~ + ~[PC] So, how do you like my outfit?~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1)~ + a1224 + ~RandomNum(5,2)~ + ~[PC] Does this getup make me look fat?~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1)~ + a1225 + ~RandomNum(5,3)~ + ~[PC] Have you ever kissed a woman, Aran? I mean *really* kissed her? Not the timid way you kiss me...~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1)~ + a1226 + ~RandomNum(5,4)~ + ~[PC] If you could have anything in the world right now, Aran, what would it be?~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1)~ + a1227 + ~RandomNum(5,5)~ + ~[PC] Why do you like me, Aran?~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1)~ + a1800 /* Spoken H added back */ + ~RandomNum(5,1)~ + ~[PC] Tell me something completely true about you. Don't think, just answer.~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1)~ + a1300 /* H spoken 2 */ + ~RandomNum(5,2)~ + ~[PC] Tell me something completely true about you. Don't think, just answer.~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1)~ + a1301 /* H spoken 3 */ + ~RandomNum(5,3)~ + ~[PC] Tell me something completely true about you. Don't think, just answer.~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1)~ + a1302 /* H spoken 4 */ + ~RandomNum(5,4)~ + ~[PC] You could do me. Right here. Right now. But you refuse to claim me the way our ancestors did - through raw force.~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1)~ + a1303 /* H spoken 5 */ + ~RandomNum(5,5)~ + ~[PC] Are all the women you have met less pretty than me?~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1)~ + a1304 /* H spoken 6 */ /* Manipulative/Autocratic/Demanding M */ + ~RandomNum(4,1)~ + ~[PC] Aran, I am bored. Let's see if you can liven things up. Entertain me.~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1)~ + a1228 + ~RandomNum(4,1)~ + ~[PC] Oh, I have dropped my pouch. Pick it up for me, Aran.~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1)~ + a1229 + ~RandomNum(4,3)~ + ~[PC] (Grab Aran by the collar and press your lips fiercely to his.)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1)~ + a1230 + ~RandomNum(4,4)~ + ~[PC] I want something pretty, Aran.~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1)~ + a1231 /* Not Nice Action M */ + ~Global("c-araneviltouch3","LOCALS",0)~ + ~[PC] (You slap Aran's cheek, hard enough to snap his head to the side and leave an angry red mark.)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-araneviltouch3","LOCALS",1)~ + a1232 + ~Global("c-araneviltouch3","LOCALS",1)~ + ~[PC] (You slap Aran's cheek violently, cupping your hand to increase the sound.)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-araneviltouch3","LOCALS",2)~ + a1233 + ~Global("c-araneviltouch3","LOCALS",2)~ + ~[PC] (You slap Aran's cheek with all of your strength behind it, leaving your fingers stinging.)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-araneviltouch3","LOCALS",3)~ + a1234 + ~Global("c-araneviltouch3","LOCALS",3)~ + ~[PC] (You slap Aran's cheek and .)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-araneviltouch3","LOCALS",4)~ + a1235 + ~Global("c-araneviltouch3","LOCALS",4)~ + ~[PC] (You slap Aran's cheek, hard enough to snap his head to the side and leave an angry red mark.)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-araneviltouch3","LOCALS",5)~ + a1236 /* Situational/Conditional Flirts */ /* Temple Flirts, 4, identical for level 1, 2, and 3 flirts - fun with a "loop!" */ /* Temple Flirt 1 */ + ~RealGlobalTimerExpired("c-aranflirttimer","GLOBAL") Global("c-templeflirts","GLOBAL",0) OR(12) AreaCheck("AR0319") AreaCheck("AR0408") AreaCheck("AR0512") AreaCheck("AR0703") AreaCheck("AR0901") AreaCheck("AR0902") AreaCheck("AR0903") AreaCheck("AR0904") AreaCheck("AR1010") AreaCheck("AR1400") AreaCheck("AR1604") AreaCheck("AR2008")~ + ~[PC] You know, Temples serve to formalize relationships, set up contracts, help out lovers who might want to be married...~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-templeflirts","GLOBAL",1) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranflirttimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FLIRT)~ + a1195 /* Temple Flirt 2 */ + ~RealGlobalTimerExpired("c-aranflirttimer","GLOBAL") Global("c-templeflirts","GLOBAL",1) OR(12) AreaCheck("AR0319") AreaCheck("AR0408") AreaCheck("AR0512") AreaCheck("AR0703") AreaCheck("AR0901") AreaCheck("AR0902") AreaCheck("AR0903") AreaCheck("AR0904") AreaCheck("AR1010") AreaCheck("AR1400") AreaCheck("AR1604") AreaCheck("AR2008")~ + ~[PC] You know, Temples serve to formalize relationships. I don't suppose you have any experience with that.~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-templeflirts","GLOBAL",2) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranflirttimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FLIRT)~ + a1196 /* Temple Flirt 3 */ + ~RealGlobalTimerExpired("c-aranflirttimer","GLOBAL") Global("c-templeflirts","GLOBAL",2) OR(12) AreaCheck("AR0319") AreaCheck("AR0408") AreaCheck("AR0512") AreaCheck("AR0703") AreaCheck("AR0901") AreaCheck("AR0902") AreaCheck("AR0903") AreaCheck("AR0904") AreaCheck("AR1010") AreaCheck("AR1400") AreaCheck("AR1604") AreaCheck("AR2008")~ + ~[PC] You know, Temples serve to formalize relationships, set up contracts, and keep records. Have you ever worked on ay of that?~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-templeflirts","GLOBAL",3) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranflirttimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FLIRT)~ + a1197 /* Temple Flirt 4 */ + ~RealGlobalTimerExpired("c-aranflirttimer","GLOBAL") Global("c-templeflirts","GLOBAL",3) OR(12) AreaCheck("AR0319") AreaCheck("AR0408") AreaCheck("AR0512") AreaCheck("AR0703") AreaCheck("AR0901") AreaCheck("AR0902") AreaCheck("AR0903") AreaCheck("AR0904") AreaCheck("AR1010") AreaCheck("AR1400") AreaCheck("AR1604") AreaCheck("AR2008")~ + ~[PC] You know, Temples might not be so happy with you swearing inside their doors. Do you feel any wrath from the gods descending upon you?~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-templeflirts","GLOBAL",0) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranflirttimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FLIRT)~ + a1198 /* Escape If PC And Aran Are Fighting */ IF ~Global("c-aranfight","GLOBAL",1) RandomNum(4,1)~ THEN GOTO a1756 /* c-aranmad1 */ IF ~Global("c-aranfight","GLOBAL",1) RandomNum(4,2)~ THEN GOTO a1757 /* c-aranmad2 */ IF ~Global("c-aranfight","GLOBAL",1) RandomNum(4,3)~ THEN GOTO a1758 /* c-aranmad3 */ IF ~Global("c-aranfight","GLOBAL",1) RandomNum(4,4)~ THEN GOTO a1759 /* c-aranmad4 */ END IF ~~ a1161 SAY ~[ARAN] (Aran has obviously not felt your kiss, but turns to see why you are so close, bumping your nose in the process. As your eyes water, he grabs both of your shoulders and peers intently into your eyes, fishing a cloth from his belt pouch.)~ = ~[ARAN] Now then you don't have no call for th' cryin', there. That's not like you one bit, eh? Hold still - you got somethin' goin' wrong wi' your nose. Must be somethin' bloomin'.~ ++ ~[PC] (You smile at him as he rubs the rough cloth across your face.)~ + a1167 ++ ~[PC] (You snarl at him, pushing his hands away from your face and walking away.)~ EXIT ++ ~[PC] I'm not crying, idiot. You just bumped my nose. Go do something useful, and leave me alone!~ EXIT ++ ~[PC] I can take care of myself, thank you. (You take the cloth from his hands, and motion for him to go about his business.)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a1800 SAY ~[ARAN] Well, I like you on account o' when my hand goes right... there, you make a little sound in th' back ' th' throat. An' when I kiss you right... here, you make a little groan what makes parts o' me stand at attention right quick. An' when I move against you like... this... I think th' rest o' this conversation might be better off carried out in a bedroll, on account o' it be hard to show you. No pun intended, o' course.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1078 SAY ~[ARAN] Well, first things first... th' Cowled wizards are not supposed to be the ones in charge o' this land, but think about it - anyone who can do magic here legally has a huge tactical advantage. So first thing I'd bloody well do is go pay th' bastards in th' Government District for a license, or we will be pickin' up shattered, paralyzed, stony fragments of our arses off the cobblestones soon enough.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1079 SAY ~[ARAN] Well, workin' wi' the likes o' Aran Linvail is kind o' like dancin' wi' a porcupine. You are goin' to get stuck, no matter how gentle you proceed. So I say we need to find us some alternatives, or else dance right carefully.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1080 SAY ~[ARAN] Not that you want to hear, on account o' I am goin' to say that it is a bad idea to work for a boss what sees you as food rather than a tool. See, a tool can get broken an' mended - it will still be useful. Get busted up a little wi' a bloodsucker, an' you go from useful comrade to midnight snack before you can say 'urk'.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1081 SAY ~[ARAN] Nothin's over until th' bloodsucker is sent screamin' to th' nine hells. Friend, foe, helper, or obstacle, naught matters but that she be cleared out o' your way. So my advice is to get busy findin' her so we can get busy killin' her.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1082 SAY ~[ARAN] Hmmm... hmm.. ha... sorry, did you say somethin'? I was busy singin' a little 'hey , ho, the bitch be dead, which old bitch, the blood-suckin' bitch...' do you be askin' for my advice? Find us a tavern, an' let's get drinkin'!~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1083 SAY ~[ARAN] Get us th' nine hells out o' here. Now.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1084 SAY ~[ARAN] Well, I have seen precious little o' th' Tel' Quessirim, truth be told. Those ears be a right interestin' sight on a lad. No harm meant, eh?~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1085 SAY ~[ARAN] No, naught but tryin' to figure out if you be a native Chondathan, Luskan, or mayhap Rashemi speaker. Must be all that book learnin'. I just can't bloody well place your accent, is all.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1086 SAY ~[ARAN] Nothin' wrong. Just tryin' not to trip over your short little sorry arse, eh?~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1087 SAY ~[ARAN] Just tryin' to figure out how to avoid tellin' you that you be the ugliest son o' a bitch I ever did lay eyes on. No harm meant, o' course.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1088 SAY ~[ARAN] Nope. Though I always thought you gnomish were more fantasy than real. First time I done seen you. Kinda like gibberlin', only not so blue, an' a damned sight smarter, eh?~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1089 SAY ~[ARAN] Just makin' sure I can see your hands, is all. Most o' the Han I done met, well... they had an' interestin' approach to property rights. As in, takin' other people's property, that be right.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1090 SAY ~[ARAN] Just a mite pissed off, is all. I got enough trouble attractin' womenfolk, an' here you come along wi' just enough o' that elven heritage to make you the object o' every girl's eyes, for good or ill. Some men have all the bloody luck, eh?~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1091 SAY ~[ARAN] Vanimaberylellie en amin, I... oh, hells. I can write it, but I can't rightly speak it. Done called you 'my lady emerald eyes' instead o' 'my gracious lady', an' I am goin' to have to go look up how to say 'you are more beautiful than a nice pint o' ale after a battle'.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1092 SAY ~[ARAN] Nothin' wrong. Just enjoyin' th' scenery, is all.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1093 SAY ~[ARAN] Well, I be curious... Just thinkin' about beards, no beards, braided beards, beards wi' flowers, what parts o' a body be open to beardin'... you know, the usual odd speculation about dwarven womenfolk.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1094 SAY ~[ARAN] I got nothin' against half orc womenfolk, only... it be th' green in your skin. Makes me worry about how you be feelin', eh?~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1095 SAY ~[ARAN] Done met only one other gnomish woman in my life. An' she were the chattiest little sparrowhawk o' a librarian I ever did meet, always tryin' to set up a lendin' library around Beregost way. Looked a bit like you, too, only I am not quite sure I can tell th' difference between you gnomes right well, anyhow.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1096 SAY ~[ARAN] Just tryin' to figure out how the gods crammed so much curvy womanhood into only three feet.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1097 SAY ~[ARAN] Sorry. It be th' eyes. No, the ears. No, the chin... hells, I don't know what it be. But you just fascinate th' hells out o' me.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1098 SAY ~[ARAN] Yep. We have done so much good, our Cyric-blighted poop don't stink. Not that I mind, eh?~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1099 SAY ~[ARAN] Well, some good, some non-committal, but in general, we are on th' side o' Solars an' Planetars, eh? Good place to be, unless we are headed to Calimport next.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1100 SAY ~[ARAN] If by reputation, you mean "who the hells are those idiots standin' over in the corner wi' all the fancy gear', then aye. Most folks just don't rightly know what to make o' us.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1101 SAY ~[ARAN] Yep. Red Wizards, Xanathar's Guild, Zhents, an' us. Gets th' job done right quick when we say '', an' folks start tremblin' an' hidin' their children.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1102 SAY ~[ARAN] Sure. Hells, that last bar, I mentioned your name to a Red Wizard an' he pissed himself. That be power o' I kind, I guess.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1103 SAY ~[ARAN] Well, thank you right kindly, but I still got some work to do on th' scroll you had me start on. I'll be lettin' you know if I get stuck, though.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1104 SAY ~[ARAN] Aye. You sure could use some. Or was that some sort o' crack about my lack o' skills?~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1105 SAY ~[ARAN] If I wanted to be taken advantage of like that, you would have to be a damn sight prettier, younger, an' one hell of a lot more female, eh?~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1106 SAY ~[ARAN] Why, thank you kindly. Hey... make sure you mention I deserve a right fair pile o' coin, an' a redheaded young wife to keep my house an' bed warm, eh?~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1107 SAY ~[ARAN] Don't be doin' me no favors, . The gods what favor you, they want somethin' in return for those prayers. I'll just back your play an' stay out o' sight if I can, eh?~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1108 SAY ~[ARAN] Well, if you think it will balance me all out, sure. Only most o' th' neutral gods, they take in equal measure to what they give, so go light on the requests, eh?~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1109 SAY ~[ARAN] Corellon's Cheerful Chortle, an' here they say paladins don't have no sense o' humor! That would be right funny, ... me, a knight in shinin' armor.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1110 SAY ~[ARAN] I'm right fine wi' my own, thanks, though I appreciate th' sentiment. Truth be told, I'm not much o' a standard-bearer in any order. Mostly, I get used as the 'how-not-to' demonstration.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1111 SAY ~[ARAN] HEY! (Ducks frantically and flails his arms).~ = ~[ARAN] Scared th' crap right out o' me, there, . Usually, I see a glowin' ball o' energy headed my direction from any sort o' spellcaster, I say a prayer an' expect to be facin' Kelemvor to explain why none o' th' gods want my sorry arse pollutin' their domain.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1112 SAY ~[ARAN] Well, sure, I can try that. Only, you call it meditatin'. I usually just call it a nap.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1113 SAY ~[ARAN] No bloody way, m'... I am runnin' short. Besides, I done seen what you do wi' your quill, an' I suspect it might be better for sheep, cows, reeds, an' trees everywhere if you dictate, an' leave the writin' to me.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1114 SAY ~[ARAN] Well, I been practicin'. Last night, I only set my hair on fire twice, an' I am pretty sure I managed no polymorph that cup back into... hells. Nope. It's still in spider form, an' crawlin' around in my gear.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1115 SAY ~[ARAN] Last person to say that was my old trainer. If you be anythin' like him, I suspect that really means 'Aran, you stupid bastard, next chance I get I am goin' to show you how to kill things by beatin' th' crap out o' you.' ~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1116 SAY ~[ARAN] Why, absolutely, workin' on one right now. Here, let me...~ = ~[ARAN] (*click*)~ = ~[ARAN] Cyric's Black Blood. Damned thing just caught my finger.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1117 SAY ~[ARAN] I was thinkin' th' same thing. Only, my god usually helps those who help themselves. So I be savin' up my askin' for guidance for when things get real bad. Like when we run out o' ale.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1118 SAY ~[ARAN] It be a funny story. I was fightin' alongside some right fine paladins up near Cloakwood, an' one o' the young ones got stuck fightin' off some Chill. We got separated, an' things looked right desperate.~ = ~[ARAN] Well, the poor lad got a mite bit scared, but he was an officer, so no matter. I helped him out a bit, an' he got all puffed up an' promised if he lived through the day, he would see me inducted for bravery.~ = ~[ARAN] Long story short, we lived. An' th' damned fool came along an' brought me into the order, claimin' he could not go back on his word, made in front o' his god an' all.~ = ~[ARAN] I tried to let him know officers promise all sorts o' crap all the time to get men an' women to lay down their lives - it be part o' the job. But I didn't have th' heart to say no to the lad, he seemed so serious. So, here I be, the swearin'est, dirtiest, roughest son o' a bitch to be put in the Order. Somewhere, somebody be havin' a right fine cosmic joke, eh?~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1119 SAY ~[ARAN] If I could control myself, do you think I'd be anywhere near here?~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1120 SAY ~[ARAN] You know, you have a bloody gift for understatement.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1121 SAY ~[ARAN] Well, so far, the little princess has escaped the evil sorcerer, scammed her way into the prince's bedchamber, an' is busy teachin' th' lad how to wield his... oh. You mean th' journal o' our travels. They be comin' along fine.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1122 SAY ~[ARAN] Gloomier than a blind giant at Spring Mating Festival.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1123 SAY ~[ARAN] Dark as th' inside o' a Pit o' Despair.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1124 SAY ~[ARAN] If this be a little gloomy, then a Dragon be a little dangerous.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1125 SAY ~[ARAN] Nothin' a little light an' fresh air wouldn't clean up. O' course by light I mean a dozen fireballs, an' by fresh air I mean crack th' bloody ceiling clear through until it be open to the sky.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1126 SAY ~[ARAN] ...give us your poor, your tired wenches, yearnin' to be wenched...~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1127 SAY ~[ARAN] ...laid out, taken advantage of, molested, an' generally screwed. Don't get me wrong, a city be a beautiful, exitin' thing. At night, though, it be naught but trouble.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1128 SAY ~[ARAN] If by 'adventures' you mean wanderin' the darker parts o' town in search o' some decent spices, lead on. I am runnin' low, an' food without spice is like sleep wi' out dreams.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1129 SAY ~[ARAN] Bloody cheerful, aren't you? Sounds like somebody done found a lover...~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1130 SAY ~[ARAN] Thought I saw somethin' movin'. Turned out it was a berrygobbler, so no problems.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1131 SAY ~[ARAN] That tree... I swear it looked right back at me.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1132 SAY ~[ARAN] I know you can find almost anythin' for sale, you can find work o' both nice an' not so nice kinds, an' you can find yourself knocked out n' chained to a rowin' bench headed for Calimport.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1133 SAY ~[ARAN] Don't give coin to strangers? Don't drink th' water? Xvim's Spit, ... I don't usually frequent slums. I take contracts to go in an' roust the poor bastards, knock some heads together, mayhap burn down a building or two. We might ask a native or two, though. These folks would sell their child into slavery wi' you for a few coins.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1134 SAY ~[ARAN] Well, I marched through here once, on a day contract. Local merchant house wanted to make a big splash, an' hired a bunch o' sellswords to wear pink an' purple livery an' guard a carriage through town.~ = ~[ARAN] It did not work out well, though. When the crowd weren't laughin', they were lookin' at all the finery, an' seein' little in th' way o' armor. Rival house took advantage, an' beat the lot o' us, dumped the carriage, an' dumped the poor passenger in the mud.~ = ~[ARAN] Learned a good lesson that day, too... don't be tryin' to punch a man in the mouth what wears full plate. It busts your knuckles up somethin' fierce.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1135 SAY ~[ARAN] This place, I know. There be a circus to visit, an' until some idiot blew a great hole in th' shops over there, you could pick up good work as scribe or mercenary guard at daily, tenday, or monthly contracts. An up over there, th' Inn o' the Seven Veils has some right fine entertainment if you can afford it. Hells, I hope Sheri is playin' again tonight. Got my eye on her. I'd have more, but she might object.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1136 SAY ~[ARAN] Up?~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1137 SAY ~[ARAN] Well, eat right, avoid drinkin' to excess, stop smokin', an' avoid dragons an' liches. Oh, an' vampires. Avoid them, too. other than that, I got naught to advise.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1138 SAY ~[ARAN] I have heard there be only three big temples here, an' all three are not to be trifled with. Sometimes they hire out work, too. I also heard there be a new religion in town, somethin' about an 'Unseein' one' ore somethin' like that. Figured any god called 'Unseein' was also 'Unfeelin', so I gave it a wide berth.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1139 SAY ~[ARAN] With my language? No way. All I heard was someone was causin' some troubles for the three big temples here, an' there was a rumor they might be in th' market for some hirin'. I gave it a wide berth, as religious wars, well... they don't ever end.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1140 SAY ~[ARAN] Damn straight. If you want to get freedom to use magic, even in self defense, go visit th' government an' buy a 'license'. The 'Fist had us covered on a jaunt here a few years back, an' it saved our lives. Funny thing - everywhere I go, there be rules about what be illegal. An' there be some government official what will sell you a little piece o' parchment that will let you do it anyways.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1141 SAY ~[ARAN] No, I can't rightly say I have. Nice, fresh smellin' place, though. I think I just stepped in somethin'.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1142 SAY ~[ARAN] Never had th' pleasure. Mighty big nest o' tangled woodlands, eh? good for huntin'. Not sure if I mean good for us huntin', or good for what be huntin' us.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1143 SAY ~[ARAN] No, but I have a general rule about ruins. Usually they have great stuff to take up an' get back in use, fillin' our purses. Unfortunately, as a general rule, you get the pleasure of bein' killed tryin' to haul it out.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1144 SAY ~[ARAN] Oh, sure, sure thing.... lived here all my life, in fact. I have a nice little cottage here, wi' a nice little rose garden an' three bouncin' kids, lookin' over a bloody secret prison an' pirate base.~ = ~[ARAN] Talos' Tremendous Temper, , if Moonshae knew these bastards were camped out here, I'd have known the place intimately, on account o' we would have been sent to burn the bloody island to the rock, an' set spells to make it uninhabitable for a thousand years.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1145 SAY ~[ARAN] Well, last time I was here, I was on a tradin' coster wagon. Me an Jeris... good times. I think I got banned from one o' the inns here, on account o'... well, it be a long story. Right fine place to trade, though, an' the Guild looks out for its own. Sure looks different now.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1146 SAY ~[ARAN] No, I can't say I have. I stuck mostly to th' coast, workin' short haul an' stayin' close to Calimport. I met a Fist or two who served short term down here, but none o' them talked about it much. I got the impression that life around here is dry, dusty, hot, miserable,an bloody short.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1147 SAY ~[ARAN] looks like Calimport. Only cleaner.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1148 SAY ~[ARAN] Laugh away, . In all those bard's stories, the protagonist goes in wi' a valiant band o' followers, an' by the end is valiantly strugglin' out while aforesaid band o' followers valiantly bleeds to death protectin' aforesaid protagonist's arse.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1149 SAY ~[ARAN] Well, the wildlife has right perky breasts, long fangs, an' an unaccountable taste for a poor lad's blood. So far, I'd give it a nine out o' ten on th' 'stay the hells away' vacation list.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1150 SAY ~[ARAN] I don't rightly think it wants us out, either. At least, not alive an' kickin'.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1151 SAY ~[ARAN] Do that be a trick question?~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1152 SAY ~[ARAN] Now, relax, m'... so far, we just get to battle improbably rare creatures from darkest deepest legend. Hells, as long as we are not battlin' a god or an arch-demon, we have nothin' to fear. All part o' th' job.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1153 SAY ~[ARAN] Unless that drink is mostly hard liquor, forget it. I would say this place is gettin' on my nerves, but that would be an understatement.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1154 SAY ~[ARAN] Tymora's against me today, I see. She's a fickle one, that one. Right. Business only. Got it.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranflirtstop","GLOBAL",1)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a1155 SAY ~[ARAN] Sune's... well, I'd be a liar if I said I wasn't thinkin' about it. Can't figure if you want me to express appreciation, or not. Women. Naught but trouble, they are.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranflirtstop","GLOBAL",0)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a1156 SAY ~[ARAN] I'm still bloody well mad at you, . I'd be a liar if I said I wasn't thinkin' about you, though. Can't figure if you want me to express appreciation, or not. Women. Naught but trouble, they are.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranflirtstop","GLOBAL",0)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a1157 SAY ~[ARAN] (Aran looks at you questioningly, standing with you for a time. He absently pats your hand.) Don't you worry none, . Nothin's goin' to stand in our way, while we done got breath in our bodies.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1158 SAY ~[ARAN] (Aran stands still for a time, and you can hear his breath rumbling in and out of his body. It seems to increase in speed slightly, and he rubs his hand across the back of his neck before coughing gently and moving away.)~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1159 SAY ~[ARAN] (He leans into your embrace, eyebrows raised in surprise. His hands pat gingerly at your sides, low and close to your waist.) Now, what's that all about, ? On second thought, don't be tellin' me. But I got no problems any time you want to do that.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1160 SAY ~[ARAN] (His arm tightens as he pulls you into a comradely embrace, his teeth gleaming in a wide grin.) Aye, we'd best be about our business, then. What critter are we lookin' to whack to pieces today?~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1162 SAY ~[ARAN] (Aran's quick turn of head and cautious glance is followed by a smile.) I don't rightly know what I did for to deserve that, but I'll take that kind o' coin any day. Thanks.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1163 SAY ~[ARAN] (Aran snatches his hand away quickly, pulling a cloth out of his beltpouch and scrubbing at his hands with it.) Chauntea's Chalice, . I appreciate th' sentiment, I do, but I didn't have no chance to wash my hands after that last dinner prep. You'll end up with some mighty swollen lips if that curry spice was on 'em.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1164 SAY ~[ARAN] (Aran's arms reach out for you, but they are still holding weapons and gear, and with a muffled oath gear, weapons, and Aran end up in a tangled mess. He shakes his head, laughing as he gathers and readjusts everything.)~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1165 SAY ~[ARAN] (Soft hair flows through your fingers, curling and twisting under your touch.) Hey, now, you won't find no wounds there, . I learned in Calimport that th' best remedy for aught that ails a man is to bathe every day, even if it be in a splash o' water from a bucket. Better to go for a strong swim, but I'll take what I can get. An' tangled hair don't rightly help when there's a head wound. Learned that one on Moonshae, when I done had to shave my head clean on account o' a lucky arrow creasin' my scalp.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1166 SAY ~[ARAN] (His eyes wander across your face, down to your neck, and then lower... and a dark blush begins creeping up from his neck to cover his cheeks. He turns away coughing lightly into his fist, and clearing his throat.)~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1167 SAY ~[ARAN] (His hand covers yours and squeezes briefly. As you turn away, you can feel his eyes following your every motion.)~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1168 SAY ~[ARAN] (Aran moves toward you, anxiously scrabbling at his hair.) Where? I don't want no problems wi' that, now, I don't. I should braid it up or somethin' so as to get more cushion under a helm. Clean, brushed, an' proper, that's th' only way to keep from havin' a head wound turn right bad, it is.~ = ~[ARAN] (He thrusts his head close to you, letting you comb through his locks, wincing and muttering oaths when you encounter a tangle.)~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1169 SAY ~[ARAN] Istishia's Icicles! Your hands are blighted cold! You can harm a lad that way!~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1170 SAY ~[ARAN] Why, now, I do believe they do. We Whitehands grow big, at least on th' men's side o' things. Makes fittin' armor a mite tough at times.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1171 SAY ~[ARAN] (Aran grins at you, and makes a gesture with one hand as if saluting.) Why, sure enough, . It be a right fine adventure, but th' companionship, that's great!~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1172 SAY ~[ARAN] Why, thank you, . An' you are a sight for sore eyes, you are. That be a right fine outfit, . Almost does you justice.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1173 SAY ~[ARAN] Hey, eyes up here, girl. Some men don't like bein' looked at like they were about to be served as dinner.~ = ~[ARAN] (His eyes dance behind his grin as he leans toward you.) O' course, I'm not one o' those idiots!~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1174 SAY ~[ARAN] OUCH! Blighted hells, girl, you want to tear th' hair out o' my head? I'll show you, I will...~ = ~[ARAN] (He makes several ineffective grabs toward your head as you twist away.)~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1175 SAY ~[ARAN] (Aran mimes staggering, grabs his arm dramatically, and twists his face in mock agony - though his grin spoils the whole effect.) Oh no, I've been right mortally wounded, I have. Quick, someone get a healer an' a stretcher, or I might lose th' whole arm for good!~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1176 SAY ~[ARAN] (Aran jumps back quickly, grinning as the water splashes harmlessly on the ground.) Sune's Sweet Smile, you are an evil creature, you are! All sweetness an' light, butter wouldn't melt in your mouth, an' then you go dumpin' water over a poor boy. Now, let's just see, mistress funny one, what I can do to return th' favor. Just remember, when you least expect it, well, expect it!~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1177 SAY ~[ARAN] Liira's Laugh, lassie - no call for th' sarcasm! Now, you want th' strap tighter, or looser? (His arms brush close and strong around you as he searches for the strap, and a sharp tug threatens to throw you to the ground.)~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1178 SAY ~[ARAN] (Aran casts a glance your way, then clears his throat, attempting to concentrate. He loosens his arms a bit, flexing slightly, then glances your in your direction again. Finally, he shakes his head sharply, squares his shoulders, and moves away from you.)~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1179 SAY ~[ARAN] (Aran's distracted glances center on your finger, watching it curling and uncurling, bending and unbending. His gaze drops to your eyes, and he blushes when he realizes he has been caught staring. A brusque cough, and he is back attending to his duties.)~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1180 SAY ~[ARAN] (Aran completely fails to notice the flower, until he begins digging in his pouch for odds and ends. He brings the mangled husk of wildflower remnants out cupped in the palm of his hand, staring at them in deep puzzlement.) Chauntea's Rosy Cheeks, I must o' been drunk or asleep. I should know better than to gamble with a mage - that bastard must o' put a spell on a flower an' made it look like good coin. Oh well - easy come, easy go, eh?~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1181 SAY ~[ARAN] I'd be right happy to, . Now you were talkin' swords, or daggers? Or perhaps a mite o' hand-to-hand? I don't suppose you mean lipwrestlin', but a man has to hold out hope, he does...~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1182 SAY ~[ARAN] (Aran's gaze sweeps your body, leaving nothing uninspected. His low whistle turns quickly to a cough.) You'll do right fine, you will. Nothin' out o' place, not nowhere. Gear's all set in right proper.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1183 SAY ~[ARAN] Waukeen's Silver Tongue, , I wasn't born yesterday, eh? I'm not goin' to answer that, no way, no how! That be a right fine trap, that is.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1184 SAY ~[ARAN] (Laughter lines crinkle around his eyes.) You offerin' ?~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1185 SAY ~[ARAN] You.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1186 SAY ~[ARAN] (Aran bows clumsily, mimicking a noble at court.) Why, yes, Princess o' All You Do Survey, She Who Must Be Obeyed. I done got just th' ticket. (He makes a loud smacking sound, blowing a mocking kiss in your direction. You do notice that his eyes linger on your face even while he laughs, though.)~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1187 SAY ~[ARAN] (Aran bends quickly, dropping to one knee to gather the pouch. You get a great view, but unfortunately Aran picks the pouch up the wrong way, and the contents are scattered about. It takes him a few minutes on both knees to pick everything up and return it to you.)~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1188 SAY ~[ARAN] (Aran's eyes go wide with surprise, and his lips remain tight and unresponsive for a moment. As you release him, he wipes his lips quickly.) Loviatar's Insidious Tortures, I'm up for that any time, , but you done took me by surprise. I have had no chance to clean out my mouth, an' it wouldn't be right tasty... that experiment wi' cookin' grubs is lingerin' so to speak. Give me a chance another time, eh? I can do better'n that.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1189 SAY ~[ARAN] (Aran scratches his head, resting one hand on his waist.) Selune's Bright Eyes, ... I don't have naught like that right now. I have some right fine ideas, but no time to create nothin' on th' trail. I'll have to think some more.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1190 SAY ~[ARAN] (He shoots a startled glance in your direction, and steps away rubbing his neck. One corner of his mouth quirks suddenly into a half-smile.)~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1191 SAY ~[ARAN] (He grabs your hand firmly, and his eyes lock with yours.) Kelemvor's Sacred Scythe, . That hurts. I didn't know you liked it rough, but I done should have guessed.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1192 SAY ~[ARAN] (He grabs your fingers and twists lightly, biting at your fingertips with his teeth.) Loviatar's Insidious Tortures - You keep this up, girl, an' I'll have to try some wrestlin' wi' you. Clothin' optional, eh?~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1193 SAY ~[ARAN] (Your fingers are captured, and with a sudden motion you find yourself chest to chest with Aran, his arms locking you close to him and your arm twisted cruelly behind your back.) Stay away from me wi' those talons, or by Malar's Sharp Teeth I'll give ye just exactly what you are askin' for. Only question is, are you goin' to call th' shots, or am I?~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1194 SAY ~[ARAN] (He sidesteps your hand, ducking behind you quickly, and slams your body back hard against his chest. His breath is a fierce whisper in your ear, and his teeth catch little nips on your neck as he speaks.)~ = ~[ARAN] You want to play rough, come away from all this, an' I'll tear th' clothes right off your body, I will. I'll be happy to scratch an' bite. But this here armor is gettin' a bit too tight in th' breeches, so wait until we are alone, eh?~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1195 SAY ~[ARAN] That be true. An' on a related note, they can bury you, give you dread diseases, an' even talk you to bloody death, eh?~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1196 SAY ~[ARAN] Marriage? None for this boy so far, eh? But I can formalize a relationship right quick, I can. Any draft, any set o' laws, any basic union, I can draw up th' documents right proper. I even do wills. Hey, speakin' o' that, you got any ideas where all th' coin you might acquire be headin', when you shuffle on to th' next life?~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1197 SAY ~[ARAN] Sure thing. I have taken on a mite bit o' temple scribin' in my time. I stopped doin' any work for th' darker temples, though. I like nice squid an' dye-based inks. Ones where there be blood involved, not so much.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1198 SAY ~[ARAN] Now that you mention it, there be a funny tinglin' sensation on my left side... wait, no, that were a false alarm. No blightin' o' my soul, apparently.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END /* Flirt SubMenu: Mature (had sex) responses */ IF ~~ a1199 SAY ~[ARAN] That be right nice, to feel you close to me. I'd give a good bit o' coin to dump all this crap, go grab a piece o' a nice riverbank wi' you, an' just stare up at th' clouds for a day.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1200 SAY ~[ARAN] Come around front, lassie, an' I can warm my hands up right proper, eh?~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1201 SAY ~[ARAN] (Warm lips seek yours, the rough-shaven cheek scratching your face.)~ = ~[ARAN] Mayhap you want a moment away from troubles an' cares? If we can find a quiet spot, my lips an' fingers, an' anythin' else be at your command.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1202 SAY ~[ARAN] (Aran's face is a study of mock horror and surprise, until his grin threatens to split his face in two.)~ = ~[ARAN] You be gettin' right friendly, there, girl. Whatever shall we call th' children, darlin'?~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1203 SAY ~[ARAN] (He spins to face you, arm catching at your waist and body pressing close in a solid, intimate kiss.)~ = ~[ARAN] Just when you feel that you will pass out from lack of air, he breaks away and steadies you by your shoulders.)~ = ~[ARAN] There, now. When I do a thing, I do it right proper.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1204 SAY ~[ARAN] Now, that be right sweet. But I was thinkin' I'd return the kiss... a little further south, if you know what I be sayin'. We should go find us some privacy, eh?~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1205 SAY ~[ARAN] Now, m'lady, I be no courtier. I rightly appreciate th' sentiment, but this...~ = ~[ARAN] (Strong arms close around your waist, and you feel yourself lifted into the air to look down on him.)~ = ~[ARAN] I want naught o' a pedestal, on account o' you deserve a much higher one. Grants me more freedom to explore, too, eh?~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1206 SAY ~[ARAN] (His return kiss starts at your cheekbone, feasts on your lips, and is well down your bosom before you realize he has managed to get his hands inside to caress your bare skin.)~ = ~[ARAN] He breaks away quickly, flushed and panting).~ = ~[ARAN] Well that were fun. But I can do better if there was to be some privacy, an' mayhap someplace soft where to lay you down.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1207 SAY ~[ARAN] I can do that too, if you like. Here, let me try...~ = ~[ARAN] (His rough hands tangle and pull for a moment, but suddenly he stops. Frowning, he digs through his belt pouch and produces a small comb. He starts carefully at the ends of your tresses, working gently through the tangles.)~ = ~[ARAN] There. Never did realize workin' wi' horse manes an' tails would be so useful in th' romance department. Darned glad I had to learn!~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1208 SAY ~[ARAN] Do I have somethin' on my forehead? (He leans forward and touches heads with you, nose to nose, staring into your eyes.)~ = ~[ARAN] On account o' I have th' most beautiful woman in th' world on my mind. Or at least, starin' me in th' face.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1209 SAY ~[ARAN] (His arms surround you quickly, and you find yourself pressed against his chest.)~ = ~[ARAN] (He presses closer, kisses raining on your face, your shoulders, and one of his hands makes unsuccessful attempts to disengage anything standing between your skin and his.)~ = ~[ARAN] (He breaks away suddenly, hands gripping your arms.) Sune's Lips! Bloody hells, I forgot myself. I need a cold bath. Mayhap more than one.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1210 SAY ~[ARAN] Aye, it is right beautiful. But I needs be checkin' the quality o' the cloth, eh?~ = ~[ARAN] (He turns you slowly around, his gaze following your every contour. As your shoulderblades nestles against his chest, his hands slip beneath the smooth silk of your bodice and caress your skin.)~ = ~[ARAN] (As his hands gently and intimately caress you, his lips plant small warm seeds along your neck, each flowering into warmth and a slight shudder of excitement.)~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1211 SAY ~[ARAN] (He takes your hands in his, and rubs them gently. A broad mischievous grin plays about his lips.)~ = ~[ARAN] Now, I do have some places a mite warmer, but right here an' right now, this will have to do, eh?~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1212 SAY ~[ARAN] Shoulders? Oh.. OH. No, all average, m' lady. Size don't rightly count - it be what you do wi' it that gets things right happy, eh? ~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1213 SAY ~[ARAN] Since we done explored every inch o' your body, inside an' out, I think that be a mite bit o' an understatement. Unless you want me to discover uncharted territory all over again?~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1214 SAY ~[ARAN] (He sketches a mocking bow, coming up quickly and grabbing you around the waist, lifting you under his arm.)~ = ~[ARAN] (A swift kiss misses its mark, landing quite low on your neck.) Now, I do be likin' that color on me, too. But more than that, I be likin' you on me, eh?~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1215 SAY ~[ARAN] (His gaze is ferocious, greedily drinking in your form.)~ = ~[ARAN] Gods, ... just lookin' at you be enough to make my pulse roar in my ears an' get me ready for battle, be it o' th' fightin' variety, or th' romantic variety.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1216 SAY ~[ARAN] (His laughter breaks out as he returns the tug, and following up with a rough kiss.)~ = ~[ARAN] Now, enough o' th' foreplay. I'd rather be tuggin' at those clothes o' yours, than payin' child games wi' our hair, eh? Ill be given you a minute to run an' hide, an' then I am goin' to 'seek' you right into next tenday!~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1217 SAY ~[ARAN] Hey, naught o' that. You want to fight me, I have an alternative suggestion...~ = ~[ARAN] (His kiss is fierce on your lips, and your tongues fence in a dizzying counterpoint of passion and laughter.)~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1218 SAY ~[ARAN] Well, now. I do think what be sauce for th' goose be sauce for th' gander. But I am delayin' my revenge, an' waitin' until you be in a nice white blouse. I do rightly suspect the resultin' view will be quite... magnificent!~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1219 SAY ~[ARAN] (His hands grasp the pack and lift quite suddenly, bending your body at the waist and holding your posterior against him until you can feel every line of his body pressed like steel against you. His voice whispers rough and unsteady in your ear as he works the strap... ) ~ = ~[ARAN] I can meet any needs you may have, m'lady . An' just lookin' at you be makin' me harder than my armor.)~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1220 SAY ~[ARAN] (He grins boldly at you, and raises his eyebrows.)~ = ~[ARAN] See anythin' you like? I surely do...~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1221 SAY ~[ARAN] Now, if I had a way o' capturin' just that sight on canvas, it would be lauded as a fair depiction o' a Solar. Luckily for me, I prefer to work in clay. So you could come over here, an' let me check all your measurements, eh?~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1222 SAY ~[ARAN] (Aran's hands catch gently at yours, twining fingers and pulling you into an embrace. His kiss is light and quick, but his smile promises much, much more later.) ~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1223 SAY ~[ARAN] M'dearest, sweetest creature, I done just about died several times durin' that last teachin' session. How about we try usin' weapons this time? A poor lad can only take so much.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1224 SAY ~[ARAN] (His gaze is steady, measuring, and possessive.) I like it. More than that, I like what be under it.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1225 SAY ~[ARAN] Well, if by 'fat' you mean 'inspirin' men to wanton acts o' lust an' amorous devotion', then it be makin' you look right huge, eh?~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1226 SAY ~[ARAN] Now you be teasin' me right fierce, , which means only one thing...~ = ~[ARAN] He presses you close to his body, mouth devouring yours.) ~ = ~[ARAN] An' if you forget what it feels like again, well, there be more kisses to try, an' more ways o' kissin'. I intend to explore every possible variation.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1227 SAY ~[ARAN] (His face turns upward, and he pauses for a moment.)~ = ~[ARAN] I know not long ago, I'd have said all I wanted be you. But now...~ = ~[ARAN] ...now, I be thinkin' I would change that to 'you safe from harm'.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1228 SAY ~[ARAN] (Aran drops his pack and reaches for his armor. Slamming his armor to the ground, he strips quickly to the waist, and turns your direction.)~ = ~[ARAN] Now, let's be seein' just what sort o' entertainment you want.~ = ~[ARAN] ) He cradles you close against his bare chest, tipping your chin up with one hand. His kiss is fire and steel, rough with passion.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1229 SAY ~[ARAN] (Aran kneels quickly and retrieves the pouch, and as one hand returns it the other hand hidden by his motions traces up the inside of your leg, up, up, up... ) ~ = ~[ARAN] Now, I do believe this be yours, . I'd be happy to help explore th' contents, an' make sure everythin' be in order...~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1230 SAY ~[ARAN] (He returns your kiss with fervor, and his hands caress your body as best they can with the restrictions of clothing and armor.) ~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1231 SAY ~[ARAN] Look in a mirror. No jewel be as pretty as you be.~ = ~[ARAN] Now, don't get all pouty an' worried, I caught your meanin', I did. I'll be lookin' around for somethin' right special for you.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1232 SAY ~[ARAN] (He looks steadily at you, then turns and ignores you.)~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1233 SAY ~[ARAN] (He returns the slap, lightly tapping you on the cheek.) You be playin' , or just in th' mood for some rough an' tumble?~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1234 SAY ~[ARAN] (His slap matches yours in intensity, the stinging palmprint rising red on your cheek.) ~ = ~[ARAN] If you want me, you can bloody well have me wi' out all this kind o' rough play, girl. Or do you want me to tear your clothes off an' have my way wi' you?~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1235 SAY ~[ARAN] (He takes the slap, then grabs you by both shoulders and draws you into a crushing embrace. His kiss is rough and hard, a battle against your lips and tongue.)~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1236 SAY ~[ARAN] (With a beast-like roar, he slams his body into yours, tackling you and crushing you beneath him. His lips seek yours, and his restraint appears to have vanished in a berserker rage.)~ = ~[ARAN] (Just as quickly, he stops, gets up, and dusts himself off as if nothing had happened.)~ = ~[ARAN] Right. Gave you what you wanted, then. But not th' whole thing, I suspect... you want that, you come on my terms. I don't play beast in th' sack for no one. An' I expect some mutual pleasure, not Cyric-blighted pain.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1237 SAY ~[ARAN] Well, we could pick up a Cowlie, an' extract some information from him. O' course, he might not know anythin' useful, an' then we might have to kill him. But my mum always used to say 'you can't get useful information from a wizard without breaking a few of his bones'.~ = ~[ARAN] She meant it was impossible to get the information, but I discovered a right interestin' thing while servin' in the 'Fist... a wizard in pain is no trouble, an' very forthcoming. it is when you let him loose that things go all to hell.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1238 SAY ~[ARAN] No, not really. I mean, wi' friends like Aran Linvail who needs enemies? He has enough for everyone, an' shares 'em right fine.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1239 SAY ~[ARAN] No, not really. I mean, wi' friends like our bloodsucker compatriots, there be few to oppose us. I just worry about what happens when her guild is grabbin' a snack on every street corner all unmolested, like. This place will begin lookin' a lot more like Calimport, that be sure.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1240 SAY ~[ARAN] If I wanted to be taken advantage of like that... what do I be sayin'. Sure thing, . I think I found a right good place to hide a few coins, too, somewhere south o' my belt...~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1241 SAY ~[ARAN] Why, thank you kindly. Hey... make sure you mention gold, comfort, an' the love o' a good woman, eh? That would be a right fine answer to my prayers.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1242 SAY ~[ARAN] It be a beautiful sight. now, if we can avoid gettin' caught between a rock an' a hard place, we could slip around to a nice tavern an' get to th' business o' drinkin'...~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1243 SAY ~[ARAN] ...most o' them involvin' you, me, an' a fight to the death against impossible odds. I love th' smell o' fightin' in the mornin'!~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1244 SAY ~[ARAN] Damn straight. You done already got th' only important thing, though, that magic license. What be left... you got your Council Building, wi' scribe work locked up by guild insiders. You got your prison, wi' guard work locked up by th' Amnian military insiders. You got your rich merchant nobility, what hires retainers anywhere but on their doorstep. You got your Order o' the Radiant Heart, so lots o' grim faced no-nonsense upper crust walkin' about.~ = ~[ARAN] Hells, if it weren't for the current fashions on noble's dresses, wi' the bodice pulled all skin-tight an' all, this whole District would be a washout.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1245 SAY ~[ARAN] Now you be playin' wi' me, right? On account o' you done broke my heart once before. But there be somethin' about you I just can't rightly walk away from. So I am ready to give it another shot.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1246 SAY ~[ARAN] Gond's Mischievous Machinations, you be treatin' me like a toy. I am drawn to you, like a moth to a flame, but by th' gods, this be torture. You could be kind, an' just kill me.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1282 SAY ~[ARAN] (His body warms to your touch, and his lips capture yours for a brief but fervent kiss.)~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1283 SAY ~[ARAN] (He bends you backward slightly, mouth warm and alive on yours, until his tongue darts out to briefly tease your lips.)~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1315 SAY ~[ARAN] (You notice Aran's gaze lingering on you. He grins...) Aye, there are some sights always worth seein', you know.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranlightflirt","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobal("c-aranheavyflirt","GLOBAL",0) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranflirttimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FLIRT)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a1316 SAY ~[ARAN] , you are a fine figure o' a woman. Let me know if I can help out some way, eh?~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranlightflirt","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobal("c-aranheavyflirt","GLOBAL",0) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranflirttimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FLIRT)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a1317 SAY ~[ARAN] I'm just checkin'. Your eyes are a damn sight finer than I ever did see.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranlightflirt","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobal("c-aranheavyflirt","GLOBAL",0) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranflirttimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FLIRT)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a1318 SAY ~[ARAN] (His gaze lingers on your form, until he realizes that you are watching him...)~ = ~[ARAN] (...and his eyes snap up to meet yours as his face flushes a dusky red.)~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranlightflirt","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobal("c-aranheavyflirt","GLOBAL",0) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranflirttimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FLIRT)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a1319 SAY ~[ARAN] There, now, you got a strap caught... hold on...~ = ~[ARAN] Errr... well, perhaps you'd better move it yourself. I don't want to get slapped for my trouble, touchin' you there.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranlightflirt","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobal("c-aranheavyflirt","GLOBAL",0) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranflirttimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FLIRT)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a1320 SAY ~[ARAN] Sune's Bounty, you have legs what... hey... was I speakin' out loud? Sorry. Shuttin' up an' gettin' back to business.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranlightflirt","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobal("c-aranheavyflirt","GLOBAL",0) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranflirttimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FLIRT)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a1321 SAY ~[ARAN] (He hesitates, then lightly rests his hand on your shoulder for a moment.)~ = ~[ARAN] Aye, I do believe we are doin' passably well.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranlightflirt","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobal("c-aranheavyflirt","GLOBAL",0) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranflirttimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FLIRT)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a1322 SAY ~[ARAN] So, what do ye call a male Drow without a girlfriend?~ = ~[ARAN] Homeless!~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranlightflirt","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobal("c-aranheavyflirt","GLOBAL",0) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranflirttimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FLIRT)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a1323 SAY ~[ARAN] I'd be drinkin' to your beauty, . Problem is, there's not enough Rashemi Firewine in th' whole of Amn to do you justice.~ = ~[ARAN] I'd sure like to try, though.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranlightflirt","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobal("c-aranheavyflirt","GLOBAL",0) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranflirttimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FLIRT)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a1324 SAY ~[ARAN] (His eyes trace your neck, and drop lower...)~ = ~[ARAN] I had somethin' to say, I really did. Just can't remember exactly what right now.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranlightflirt","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobal("c-aranheavyflirt","GLOBAL",0) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranflirttimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FLIRT)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a1325 SAY ~[ARAN] A drop o' ink may make a thousand men think. But one look at you, an' I can't think o' writin' anythin' at all.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranlightflirt","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobal("c-aranheavyflirt","GLOBAL",0) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranflirttimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FLIRT)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a1326 SAY ~[ARAN] I'm no bard, to be writin' poems. I work mostly balance sheets an' contracts. All I can say is, you are as pretty as an iron tight trade bond, wi' a 30 percent profit.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranlightflirt","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobal("c-aranheavyflirt","GLOBAL",0) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranflirttimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FLIRT)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a1327 SAY ~[ARAN] Just seein' what a big bad Bhaalspawn looks like when she's got a smudge o' food on her left cheek.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranlightflirt","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobal("c-aranheavyflirt","GLOBAL",0) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranflirttimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FLIRT)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a1328 SAY ~[ARAN] This is some adventure, eh? Most folks don't get past th' grand adventure o' "hey darlin', what's for dinner?", an yet here we all are wonderin' what's goin' to have *us* for dinner.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranlightflirt","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobal("c-aranheavyflirt","GLOBAL",0) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranflirttimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FLIRT)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a1329 SAY ~[ARAN] Right now, I bet you are askin' yourself what to do. My advice is get some darned good food, a bottle o' wine, an' perhaps a quick washup... don't mean no offense, but that last critter we took down left a trail o' blood or slime or somethin' right across your left sleeve there.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranlightflirt","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobal("c-aranheavyflirt","GLOBAL",0) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranflirttimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FLIRT)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a1330 SAY ~[ARAN] I'd pull your hair an' tease you, but I figure you'd take offense. So just pretend to be apprentice-age, an' I just pulled your hair. Wait a sec... Candlekeep, right? Never mind. You probably had your head in some book. Probably never kissed no boy nohow.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranlightflirt","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobal("c-aranheavyflirt","GLOBAL",0) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranflirttimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FLIRT)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a1331 SAY ~[ARAN] What a blighted great place to be fightin' for our lives at every turn. So do you come here often? How's the food? Know any available converts o' Sune? You thinkin' o' convertin'?~ IF ~!Global("c-heartwarder","GLOBAL",1)~ THEN DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranlightflirt","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobal("c-aranheavyflirt","GLOBAL",0) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranflirttimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FLIRT)~ EXIT IF ~Global("c-heartwarder","GLOBAL",1)~ THEN GOTO a1332 END IF ~~ a1332 SAY ~[ARAN] Just askin', you know...~ ++ ~[PC] Stop joking about Sune, Aran. Sensuality is Her great gift.~ + a1333 + ~RandomNum(3,1)~ + ~[PC] Why yes, I happen to know a few young ladies who would be very interested, Aran. Of course, I would need to make sure that you were well trained...~ + a1334 + ~RandomNum(3,2)~ + ~[PC] Why yes, I happen to know a few young ladies who would be very interested, Aran. Of course, I would need to make sure that you were well trained...~ + a1335 + ~RandomNum(3,3)~ + ~[PC] Why yes, I happen to know a few young ladies who would be very interested, Aran. Of course, I would need to make sure that you were well trained...~ + a1336 + ~RandomNum(3,1)~ + ~[PC] My darling boy, you know very well I am a Heartwarder. If you show enough maturity, I would gladly show you the path to enlightenment. And a few other paths, as well.~ + a1337 + ~RandomNum(3,2)~ + ~[PC] My darling boy, you know very well I am a Heartwarder. If you show enough maturity, I would gladly show you the path to enlightenment. And a few other paths, as well.~ + a1338 + ~RandomNum(3,3)~ + ~[PC] My darling boy, you know very well I am a Heartwarder. If you show enough maturity, I would gladly show you the path to enlightenment. And a few other paths, as well.~ + a1339 ++ ~[PC] (sigh) Big talk, but little action.~ + a1333 END IF ~~ a1333 SAY ~[ARAN] Shar's Silent Shadow, I didn't mean no... I mean, I don't... I mean, I... Oh, hells. There I go takin' one huge foot out o' my mouth, just so's I can put th' other in its place.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranlightflirt","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobal("c-aranheavyflirt","GLOBAL",0) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranflirttimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FLIRT)~ EXIT END /* Inside joke for Domi */ IF ~~ a1334 SAY ~[ARAN] Well now, that sounds right fine. I'm ready for my initiation. Unless o' course you think I would die of erotic onslaught...~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranlightflirt","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobal("c-aranheavyflirt","GLOBAL",0) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranflirttimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FLIRT)~ EXIT END /* Inside joke for berelinde */ IF ~~ a1335 SAY ~[ARAN] Well now, that is unexpectedly fun. I know this Lathanderite who could use a bit o' loosenin' up, too. You think there's someplace we could go what's padded, an' less likely for bruises? He's kind o' clumsy, an' all.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranlightflirt","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobal("c-aranheavyflirt","GLOBAL",0) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranflirttimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FLIRT)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a1336 SAY ~[ARAN] Now, don't get all bent out o'... wait a sec. You said yes. Bloody hells, I wasn't prepared for that.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranlightflirt","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobal("c-aranheavyflirt","GLOBAL",0) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranflirttimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FLIRT)~ EXIT END /* Inside joke for RavenBlack */ IF ~~ a1337 SAY ~[ARAN] Now, I can be a right smart pupil. I take decent notes, an' surely have an affinity for th' subject!~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranlightflirt","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobal("c-aranheavyflirt","GLOBAL",0) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranflirttimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FLIRT)~ EXIT END /* Inside joke for Jastey */ IF ~~ a1338 SAY ~[ARAN] I... I... Hold on a sec. Sorry. I just had this vision o' you an' me, standin' around wi' our children, tryin' to get them to keep their cloaks on. Killed the mood right quick, it did.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranlightflirt","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobal("c-aranheavyflirt","GLOBAL",0) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranflirttimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FLIRT)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a1339 SAY ~[ARAN] Right then. I'm strippin' for action. You go grab a bush, an' I'll go rinse my teeth. Hey, this time, can we check to make sure the bush's not poison? I was itchin' for a week last time...~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranlightflirt","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobal("c-aranheavyflirt","GLOBAL",0) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranflirttimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FLIRT)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a1340 SAY ~[ARAN] You know, I think I hate you. Reasonably good lookin', pretty confident, commandin' all these powers, on your way to th' top... yep. Reminds me I ought to get off my sorry arse an' do some work for a change. Definitely hate you.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranlightflirt","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobal("c-aranheavyflirt","GLOBAL",0) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranflirttimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FLIRT)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a1341 SAY ~[ARAN] Say, have you seen a woman around here, about *so* high, about *so* for a figure, an' generally more dangerous an' beautiful than your average dragon? Oh, there you are, !~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranlightflirt","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobal("c-aranheavyflirt","GLOBAL",0) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranflirttimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FLIRT)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a1342 SAY ~[ARAN] I need to stand here more often. I look right good bein' your sword an' shield, so to speak.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranlightflirt","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobal("c-aranheavyflirt","GLOBAL",0) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranflirttimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FLIRT)~ EXIT END /* Low HP hijack of flirts early flirts */ IF ~~ a1343 SAY ~[ARAN] , you are hurt. Let me take a look at that, will you?~ IF ~RandomNum(5,1)~ THEN GOTO a1344 IF ~RandomNum(5,2)~ THEN GOTO a1345 IF ~RandomNum(5,3)~ THEN GOTO a1346 IF ~RandomNum(5,4)~ THEN GOTO a1347 IF ~RandomNum(5,5)~ THEN GOTO a1348 END IF ~~ a1344 SAY ~[ARAN] (Aran's rough hands are warm and gentle as he brushes them across your calves, searching for damage)~ = ~[ARAN] Bloody hells, . I'm supposed to be protectin' you from this.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranheavyflirt","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobal("c-aranlightflirt","GLOBAL",0) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranflirttimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FLIRT)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a1345 SAY ~[ARAN] (Aran hesitates, careful not to touch you as he looks for damage)~ = ~[ARAN] Clangedden's Hammer, you are hurt right proper, you are. I'd massage you a mite, to reduce the stiffness, but not wi' those bruises.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranheavyflirt","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobal("c-aranlightflirt","GLOBAL",0) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranflirttimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FLIRT)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a1346 SAY ~[ARAN] (Aran's hands move across your shoulders, but his eyes catch yours and he stops suddenly.)~ = ~[ARAN] Selune herself is not so beautiful. Even wi' all this damage, I'm too distracted to think straight. We need to get you healed right quick...~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranheavyflirt","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobal("c-aranlightflirt","GLOBAL",0) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranflirttimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FLIRT)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a1347 SAY ~[ARAN] (His face draws close to your knees as he kneels and checks for cuts and bruises. His breath is warm and close.)~ = ~[ARAN] I'd be a sight happier inspectin' for damage without all this clothin' in the way...~ = ~[ARAN] (Aran's face turns scarlet.) *Ahem*. Right, then... hand me that strip o' bandage until we get you some real healin'.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranheavyflirt","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobal("c-aranlightflirt","GLOBAL",0) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranflirttimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FLIRT)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a1348 SAY ~[ARAN] (Aran's hands move close along your ribcage, his fingers gently but insistently probing.)~ = ~[ARAN] (Suddenly slipping through a torn section of clothing, his hand is close, warm, and intimate on your skin, rough but tender.)~ = ~[ARAN] I'm sorry. Didn't mean to be so forward. Just checkin' what's hurt, an all. I could kiss some o' that better, I think...~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranheavyflirt","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobal("c-aranlightflirt","GLOBAL",0) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranflirttimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FLIRT)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a1349 SAY ~[ARAN] There be times when I don't rightly know why I decided to sign up for all this. Then again, when you move just that way, I guess it's not so hard to figure out.~ ++ ~[PC] So, it is all about my body?~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranheavyflirt","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobal("c-aranlightflirt","GLOBAL",0) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranflirttimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FLIRT)~ + a1634 ++ ~[PC] And here I thought it was all about the coin.~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranheavyflirt","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobal("c-aranlightflirt","GLOBAL",0) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranflirttimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FLIRT)~ + a1634 ++ ~[PC] I know better. It is really the thrill of adventure that excites you, isn't it~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranheavyflirt","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobal("c-aranlightflirt","GLOBAL",0) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranflirttimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FLIRT)~ + a1634 END IF ~~ a1634 SAY ~[ARAN] No. But it does help a mite!~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1351 SAY ~[ARAN] There's some Sunite sayin' about 'a fair face may fade, but a beautiful soul lasts forever'. I don't know about all that when I look at you, though. There's a power there I think is raw, an' excitin'. It makes me want to be man enough to catch your attention.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranheavyflirt","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobal("c-aranlightflirt","GLOBAL",0) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranflirttimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FLIRT)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a1352 SAY ~[ARAN] (He stands beside you for a time, silent, staring away into the distance.)~ = ~[ARAN] (Looking directly into your eyes, he nods once, and moves on.)~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranheavyflirt","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobal("c-aranlightflirt","GLOBAL",0) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranflirttimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FLIRT)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a1353 SAY ~[ARAN] I think I just lost somethin'. Yep. Looked too deep into your eyes, an' now I have to go swimmin' in there after my soul.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranheavyflirt","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobal("c-aranlightflirt","GLOBAL",0) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranflirttimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FLIRT)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a1354 SAY ~[ARAN] (He leans close to you, face to face, concentrating fiercely)~ = ~[ARAN] Were we alone, , I might just challenge you to a wrestlin' match. We could fight fair, lips versus lips, no cheatin'.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranheavyflirt","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobal("c-aranlightflirt","GLOBAL",0) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranflirttimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FLIRT)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a1355 SAY ~[ARAN] (He gently places his hands aside your pack, lifting the weight from you back for a moment, and then stands away)~ = ~[ARAN] I'd lift more burdens for you, if I could. But I don't trust myself that close to you. My eyes keep followin' some dangerous curves, an' my hands itch to follow where my eyes have been.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranheavyflirt","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobal("c-aranlightflirt","GLOBAL",0) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranflirttimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FLIRT)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a1356 SAY ~[ARAN] Hold on a second, ... lift that foot, will you?~ = ~[ARAN] Hold it steady... here, let me help.~ = ~[ARAN] No, it must have been th' light. Thought you had some repair needed on your footwear, but everythin' about your legs looks good. Looks great, in fact.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranheavyflirt","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobal("c-aranlightflirt","GLOBAL",0) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranflirttimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FLIRT)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a1357 SAY ~[ARAN] (He reaches across to brush your hair gently back from your eyes, and catches a strand, staring as if charmed)~ = ~[ARAN] The gods were messin' with menfolk to create such beauty. 'T ain't natural.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranheavyflirt","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobal("c-aranlightflirt","GLOBAL",0) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranflirttimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FLIRT)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a1358 SAY ~[ARAN] I did have a friend once what was the prize o' the Waterdeep lasses. He taught me a thing or two, he did. Not personally, o' course, but by talkin'. I'd be happy to pass some ideas along sometime, perhaps, if you've a mind for some experimentin'.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranheavyflirt","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobal("c-aranlightflirt","GLOBAL",0) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranflirttimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FLIRT)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a1359 SAY ~[ARAN] , Don't say naught. Just look my way a minute, will you?~ = ~[ARAN] Aye, thanks. That's reward enough for any man.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranheavyflirt","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobal("c-aranlightflirt","GLOBAL",0) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranflirttimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FLIRT)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a1360 SAY ~[ARAN] Don't look at me, . I had this great idea that we'd be housed up in a nice inn, just you and me, all cosy and comfy. But you said somethin' about savin' the world, or takin' it over, or somethin' like that, and I had to go say "sure, sounds like a fun tenday".~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranheavyflirt","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobal("c-aranlightflirt","GLOBAL",0) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranflirttimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FLIRT)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a1361 SAY ~[ARAN] Here, , I can't quite make this writin' out. Read this over, eh? ~ = ~[ARAN] (He peers over your shoulder, cheek to cheek, and you are not quite sure where he is looking... but it is not at the parchment.)~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranheavyflirt","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobal("c-aranlightflirt","GLOBAL",0) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranflirttimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FLIRT)~ EXIT END /* Flirt Gifts Sequence */ IF ~~ a1362 SAY ~[ARAN] Right, then, . I'd be a fool not to know that the ladies like to see... err... I know th' fairer sex wants to know a man appreciates them. An' it usually goes by givin' gifts. So, I got you somethin'. Here - take it.~ IF ~Global("c-arangift","GLOBAL",0)~ THEN REPLY ~[PC] Why... thank you, I think... a dagger. Just what I always wanted. A curious choice. Why a blade?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arangift","GLOBAL",1) IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranheavyflirt","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobal("c-aranlightflirt","GLOBAL",0) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranflirttimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FLIRT)~ + a1389 IF ~Global("c-arangift","GLOBAL",1)~ THEN REPLY ~[PC] Is this some sort of gem?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arangift","GLOBAL",2) IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranheavyflirt","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobal("c-aranlightflirt","GLOBAL",0) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranflirttimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FLIRT)~ + a1391 IF ~Global("c-arangift","GLOBAL",2)~ THEN REPLY ~[PC] A wild flower.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arangift","GLOBAL",3) IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranheavyflirt","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobal("c-aranlightflirt","GLOBAL",0) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranflirttimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FLIRT)~ + a1392 IF ~Global("c-arangift","GLOBAL",3)~ THEN REPLY ~[PC] The carving on this leather bracer is... interesting.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arangift","GLOBAL",4) IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranheavyflirt","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobal("c-aranlightflirt","GLOBAL",0) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranflirttimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FLIRT)~ + a1393 IF ~Global("c-arangift","GLOBAL",4)~ THEN REPLY ~[PC] Thank you... a four-leaf clover. For luck?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arangift","GLOBAL",5) IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranheavyflirt","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobal("c-aranlightflirt","GLOBAL",0) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranflirttimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FLIRT)~ + a1394 IF ~Global("c-arangift","GLOBAL",5)~ THEN REPLY ~[PC] Aran, you are not holding anything.~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranheavyflirt","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobal("c-aranlightflirt","GLOBAL",0) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranflirttimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FLIRT)~ + a1395 END IF ~~ a1363 SAY ~[ARAN] I keep tryin' to write what I want to say to you, but the words don't flow so well.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a1371 IF ~Alignment(Player1,MASK_EVIL)~ THEN GOTO a1370 IF ~Alignment(Player1,MASK_GOOD)~ THEN GOTO a1371 IF ~!Alignment(Player1,MASK_GOOD) !Alignment(Player1,MASK_EVIL)~ THEN GOTO a1372 END IF ~~ a1364 SAY ~[ARAN] I need to see your face full on, once in awhile. It reminds me who... it reminds me what I'm doin' all this for.~ = ~[ARAN] O' course, it also reminds me I'm a complete sentimental idiot, but then I knew that goin' in, now, didn't I.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranheavyflirt","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobal("c-aranlightflirt","GLOBAL",0) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranflirttimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FLIRT)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a1365 SAY ~[ARAN] (You smell the sharp spicy tang of cooking spices, with a hint of mint.)~ = ~[ARAN] (Aran glances at you quickly, then looks away.)~ = ~[ARAN] Aye, I know. You did mention I might clean up a little, you know. It's a criminal waste o' food preparation materials, but I thought you might like a break from the whole "slowly rottin' creature guts" theme, eh? I probably overdid it a bit. Didn't mean to smell like some Calimshan Pleasure House.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranheavyflirt","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobal("c-aranlightflirt","GLOBAL",0) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranflirttimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FLIRT)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a1366 SAY ~[ARAN] (He hesitates, then fusses over your pack and gear, tugging lightly here and there)~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranheavyflirt","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobal("c-aranlightflirt","GLOBAL",0) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranflirttimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FLIRT)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a1367 SAY ~[ARAN] Right then, love o' me life, guardian o' my destiny, leader among leaders... if you got a plan, now's the time to share it. Somethin' better than that whole "run screamin' into disaster" plan I thought of yesterday, I bet.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranheavyflirt","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobal("c-aranlightflirt","GLOBAL",0) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranflirttimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FLIRT)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a1368 SAY ~[ARAN] Is it warm around here? Or is it just on account of you bein' so desirable?~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranheavyflirt","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobal("c-aranlightflirt","GLOBAL",0) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranflirttimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FLIRT)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a1369 SAY ~[ARAN] So help me out, here. There's this right fine woman, strong, pretty, knows her own mind. Any ideas on how to attract her attention a bit?~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranheavyflirt","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobal("c-aranlightflirt","GLOBAL",0) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranflirttimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FLIRT)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a1370 SAY ~[ARAN] I don't think I'll be tryin' to write in my own heart's blood, though. I don't know about what contract that might bind me to. Although I suspect I can be had, for th' right price.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranheavyflirt","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobal("c-aranlightflirt","GLOBAL",0) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranflirttimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FLIRT)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a1371 SAY ~[ARAN] I keep tryin' to say such, but it comes out either all flowery an' fake or downright rude. I'll have to keep on tryin'.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranheavyflirt","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobal("c-aranlightflirt","GLOBAL",0) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranflirttimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FLIRT)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a1372 SAY ~[ARAN] I don't think I'll be tryin' to write in my own heart's blood, an' all, like they do on some o' th' distant isles we always here talk about. Don't think you would appreciate it. I'll stick to regular ink.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranheavyflirt","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobal("c-aranlightflirt","GLOBAL",0) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranflirttimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FLIRT)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a1373 SAY ~[ARAN] I like you right fine, . I like you well enough I even tried to write you somethin', though I'm not so fair as a Hanali- blessed bard.~ ++ ~[PC] A song. Or is it a poem? Written on rather expensive vellum.~ + a1374 ++ ~[PC] You know I can't read your writing, Aran. Read it to me.~ + a1376 ++ ~[PC] A letter. In what looks like ancient dwarven.~ + a1375 END IF ~~ a1374 SAY ~[ARAN] Aye, though the writin's not worthy o' the velum it's on. Look, I did my best, but to be right truthful, I do balance sheets, not beddin' sheets. I did a bunch o' drafts, an' the best I could come up with was that.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1375 SAY ~[ARAN] Oh, Selune's Monthly Tides... here. Gave you th' wrong letter. Here, this is the right one.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a1376 END IF ~~ a1376 SAY ~[ARAN] 'Roses be red, cornflowers be blue Mithral shines with the strength of you.'~ + ~Global("c-aranpoetry","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Aran, that is...~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranpoetry","GLOBAL",1)~ + a1377 + ~GlobalGT("c-aranpoetry","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Aran, you did this already...~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranpoetry","GLOBAL",1)~ + a1402 END IF ~~ a1377 SAY ~[ARAN] Absolutely stupid, I know. Hey, I had a really good one, first...~ = ~[ARAN] 'Thine eyes, like the golden gleam of torchlight On the armor of my heart Lights my love. Thy breath, like the dusk breezes On the shield of my soul Warms my love. Thy lips, like the gentle red rose On the helm of my destiny Inflames my love. I light, I warm, I burn for you, For you are my soul's own desire.'~ = ~[ARAN] I would have told you that one, but I figured you would think I was puttin' on airs, instead o' talkin' from the heart. Besides, I near ran out o' ink.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranheavyflirt","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobal("c-aranlightflirt","GLOBAL",0) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranflirttimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FLIRT)~ EXIT END /* Race Flirt */ IF ~~ a1378 SAY ~[ARAN] Well, now. You have me at a might o' a disadvantage, . How do I let you know that I think you're just the right woman for me?~ IF ~Race(Player1,1)~ THEN GOTO a1379 IF ~Race(Player1,2)~ THEN GOTO a1380 IF ~Race(Player1,3)~ THEN GOTO a1381 IF ~Race(Player1,4)~ THEN GOTO a1382 IF ~Race(Player1,5)~ THEN GOTO a1383 IF ~Race(Player1,6)~ THEN GOTO a1384 IF ~Race(Player1,7)~ THEN GOTO a1388 END IF ~~ a1379 SAY ~[ARAN] If you were some lovely lass at Feldepost's Inn, I'd be fine wi' "Hey there. You want to get some exercise? I can teach you a little swordplay, you can teach me a little back, we have a long, slow duel, an' we can name the kids whatever you want..." ~ = ~[ARAN] But that just won't do the job justice, wi' you.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranheavyflirt","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobal("c-aranlightflirt","GLOBAL",0) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranflirttimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FLIRT)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a1380 SAY ~[ARAN] I could compliment you on your age, I guess, an' say you don't look a day over 100. Or I could say how interestin' those ears are. I wish I'd paid more attention back when I was servin' wi' Moonshae, as there were some elven archers there. But those ladies were a might standoffish, an' we knew better than to flirt wi' someone who could put an arrow where the sun don't shine at 400 paces, day or night...~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranheavyflirt","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobal("c-aranlightflirt","GLOBAL",0) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranflirttimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FLIRT)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a1381 SAY ~[ARAN] You are so different, it makes me ache funny. There's times when you look just like th' girls I grew up with, an' then you turn your face an' those eyes pierce my soul quick as an elven arrow splits an orc's forehead.~ = ~[ARAN] Mielikki's Quick Tongue, I did it again. I was tryin' to compliment you, an' it ends up all blood an' war. Never mind.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranheavyflirt","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobal("c-aranlightflirt","GLOBAL",0) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranflirttimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FLIRT)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a1382 SAY ~[ARAN I've served wi' a fair share o' dwarves, but how they decide when they like each other is a mite o' a mystery. There's some back an' knee slappin', it looked like, an' some insults flyin' quick and true - an' then suddenly, the happy couple is missin' from around the campfire.~ = ~[ARAN] Don't quite see a way o' slappin' your back or knee right now, though.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranheavyflirt","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobal("c-aranlightflirt","GLOBAL",0) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranflirttimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FLIRT)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a1383 SAY ~[ARAN] If I was Han, this would be easy. But I never did find out how to tell a halfling lass she was "just th' bees knees", which in human-folk parlance is "damn fine", but in shortfolk parlance might be just a little to close to the truth for comfort, I bet.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranheavyflirt","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobal("c-aranlightflirt","GLOBAL",0) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranflirttimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FLIRT)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a1384 SAY ~[ARAN] I did once talk to some follower o' Deneir, a young lassie named Finch. She seemed to think that I was supposed to woo a gnomish lass wi' books an' knowledge.~ = ~[ARAN] I'm not so sure, though. I did some readin' up on Deneir, an' it seems like there's a fair bit o' forward behavior involved. Somethin' about big families, an' practicin' to make 'em. I suspect I shouldn't get that forward wi' you, though..~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranheavyflirt","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobal("c-aranlightflirt","GLOBAL",0) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranflirttimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FLIRT)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a1388 SAY ~[ARAN] I'd make some joke about mixed heritage an' all, but I really don't know how you'd take it. How about we just say I like strong women who know what it is to be pushed aside most o' the time, an' who don't pay so much attention to what the mob thinks.~ = ~[ARAN] Then again, puttin' "mob" an' "think" in the same sentence, well, it don't fit so well. An' it more brings pitchforks an' torches to mind, rather than lust.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranheavyflirt","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobal("c-aranlightflirt","GLOBAL",0) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranflirttimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FLIRT)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a1389 SAY ~[ARAN] Well, you've a sharp mind, keen beauty, mithral will, an' a I think there's a might bit o' truth there on th' other side, too... a sharp tongue to keep me in line, your temper's a might short at times, an' sometimes I just don't see you comin' until you are right (thumps his chest) here.~ ++ ~[PC] I thought the gift of a knife was unlucky, or said that we are enemies.~ + a1390 ++ ~[PC] Why, Aran... thoughtful introspection and attention to detail? From you? I am starting to think you have some possibilities after all.~ + a737 ++ ~[PC] Thank you.~ EXIT ++ ~[PC] Has anyone ever told you you think too much? (Kiss him.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",1)~ EXIT ++ ~[PC] Then I should get you an orc's hammer - rough wooden appearance and manner, blunted mind, and difficult to keep lined up with the objective. At the same time, forceful and direct, and first into whatever needs to be done. You are useful, after a fashion.~ + a737 END IF ~~ a1390 SAY ~[ARAN] Banes Barren Bones, what books have you been readin'? Why would someone send a dagger to someone what would bury it in the giver's back? Besides, it's a dagger, not a knife. Womenfolk do have some strange ideas sometimes.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1391 SAY ~[ARAN] Not exactly. It's a mite o' a pebble, shined up a bit. But it's tough, an' useful, an' don't attract no attention - it can wedge a door, stagger an enemy in his tracks, or cause a horse to lame. It won't break, an' it won't get stolen. I thought it might remind you o' me, somehow.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1392 SAY ~[ARAN] I don't know much about courtin'. Mercenary life calls more for more direct action, more beddin' wiles than courtly ways. But they were there, an' I was there, an' I thought "hey, she'd like that", an' there we are.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1393 SAY ~[ARAN] Well, in a way. I never did no real leatherwork, an' it took a while for me to figure out how to carve th' design. What's bloody magical is that I like you enough I kept on 'til it were finished. Never did that before.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1394 SAY ~[ARAN] Aye. In spite o' all the wild an' dangerous things that come along wi' followin' you around, I do think I was lucky just to have met you.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1395 SAY ~[ARAN] Aye, you got me there, . I guess I just will have to offer up a kiss, instead.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END /* Low HP hijack of flirts */ IF ~~ a1396 SAY ~[ARAN] , you are hurt. Let me take a look at that, will you?~ IF ~RandomNum(5,1)~ THEN GOTO a1397 IF ~RandomNum(5,2)~ THEN GOTO a1398 IF ~RandomNum(5,3)~ THEN GOTO a1399 IF ~RandomNum(5,4)~ THEN GOTO a1400 IF ~RandomNum(5,5)~ THEN GOTO a1401 END IF ~~ a1397 SAY ~[ARAN] (Aran's rough hands are warm and gentle as he brushes them across your calves, searching for damage.)~ = ~[ARAN] (His hands follow up your thighs, and suddenly are closer and higher than propriety demands.)~ = ~[ARAN] (Blushes) No damage there, I think.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranheavyflirt","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobal("c-aranlightflirt","GLOBAL",0) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranflirttimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FLIRT)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a1398 SAY ~[ARAN] (Aran's face is drawn tight as his hands catch under your chin, lifting your face toward the light.)~ = ~[ARAN] Bane's Bloody Bones, this be more than a kiss from me would fix, eh? You need a healin' potion or spell.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranheavyflirt","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobal("c-aranlightflirt","GLOBAL",0) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranflirttimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FLIRT)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a1399 SAY ~[ARAN] (Aran's hands begin to roam across you, but his eyes catch yours and he stops suddenly.)~ = ~[ARAN] Selune herself be not so beautiful. Even wi' all this damage, I'm too distracted to think straight. We need to get you healed right quick...~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranheavyflirt","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobal("c-aranlightflirt","GLOBAL",0) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranflirttimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FLIRT)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a1400 SAY ~[ARAN] (His face draws close to your knees as he kneels and checks for cuts and bruises. His breath is warm and close.)~ = ~[ARAN] I'd be a sight happier inspectin' for damage without all this clothin' in the way...~ = ~[ARAN] (Aran's face turns scarlet.) *Ahem*. Right, then... hand me that strip o' bandage until we get you some real healin'.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranheavyflirt","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobal("c-aranlightflirt","GLOBAL",0) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranflirttimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FLIRT)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a1401 SAY ~[ARAN] (Aran's hands move close along your ribcage, his fingers gently but insistently probing.)~ = ~[ARAN] (Suddenly slipping through a torn section of clothing, his hand is close, warm, and intimate on your skin, rough but tender.)~ = ~[ARAN] I'm sorry. Didn't mean to be so forward. Just checkin' what's hurt, an all. I could kiss some o' that better, I think...~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranheavyflirt","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobal("c-aranlightflirt","GLOBAL",0) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranflirttimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FLIRT)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a1402 SAY ~[ARAN] I did? By Clangeddin's Beard, so I did. Same damned poem, too, full o' words you dread. All this combat must have addled my head.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranheavyflirt","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobal("c-aranlightflirt","GLOBAL",0) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranflirttimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FLIRT)~ EXIT END /* Aran-Initiated Physical Flirts */ IF ~~ a1403 SAY ~[ARAN] (He loses his balance, his arm flying around your waist as he stumbles on a loose stone.)~ ++ ~[PC] (You stabilize him briefly, then push him away with a warning glance.)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranheavyflirt","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobal("c-aranlightflirt","GLOBAL",0) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranflirttimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FLIRT)~ EXIT ++ ~[PC] (You catch his hand against your side, holding him close for a moment.)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranheavyflirt","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobal("c-aranlightflirt","GLOBAL",0) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranflirttimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FLIRT)~ EXIT ++ ~[PC] (You turn quickly, suddenly face to face, and hold him against you for a moment.)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranheavyflirt","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobal("c-aranlightflirt","GLOBAL",0) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranflirttimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FLIRT)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a1404 SAY ~[ARAN] (A rough palm gently covers the back of your hand as Aran pulls you back against his chest)~ ++ ~[PC] (You lean back into his arms, resting the back of your head on his shoulder)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranheavyflirt","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobal("c-aranlightflirt","GLOBAL",0) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranflirttimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FLIRT)~ EXIT ++ ~[PC] (You move away quickly, glancing about for onlookers.) Aran, don't do that in public.~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranheavyflirt","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobal("c-aranlightflirt","GLOBAL",0) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranflirttimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FLIRT)~ EXIT ++ ~[PC] Is that all you have in mind, sellsword? A little feel?~ GOTO a1417 ++ ~[PC] (You turn in his arms, holding him to you fiercely. A crush of lips, warm and full of promise, and his fingers tighten on the small of your back.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",1) IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranheavyflirt","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobal("c-aranlightflirt","GLOBAL",0) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranflirttimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FLIRT)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a1405 SAY ~[ARAN] (He pulls gently at your collar, edging it back into position. His hand slips behind your neck and squeezes briefly.)~ ++ ~[PC] (You lean forward, catching him off guard, and kiss him lightly on the lips.)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranheavyflirt","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobal("c-aranlightflirt","GLOBAL",0) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranflirttimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FLIRT)~ EXIT ++ ~[PC] (You smile briefly, then disengage his hand and move away.)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranheavyflirt","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobal("c-aranlightflirt","GLOBAL",0) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranflirttimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FLIRT)~ EXIT ++ ~[PC] (You frown at Aran, and push his wrist away from your neck.)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranheavyflirt","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobal("c-aranlightflirt","GLOBAL",0) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranflirttimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FLIRT)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a1406 SAY ~[ARAN] (You catch his eyes measuring you, eyebrows raised, covering every aspect of your body.)~ ++ ~[PC] (You pirouette quickly, giving him a full appreciation of your charms... and watch the blush rise on his neck with a mischievous smile.)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranheavyflirt","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobal("c-aranlightflirt","GLOBAL",0) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranflirttimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FLIRT)~ EXIT ++ ~[PC] (You ignore him, pointedly looking in the other direction, but smile.)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranheavyflirt","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobal("c-aranlightflirt","GLOBAL",0) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranflirttimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FLIRT)~ EXIT ++ ~[PC] (You ignore him completely.)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranheavyflirt","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobal("c-aranlightflirt","GLOBAL",0) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranflirttimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FLIRT)~ EXIT ++ ~[PC] (Your eyes glitter frostily at him, and you step close whispering fiercely...) Keep your eyes on your work. I'm no barmaid, to be ogled.~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranheavyflirt","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobal("c-aranlightflirt","GLOBAL",0) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranflirttimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FLIRT)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a1407 SAY ~[ARAN] (Standing behind you, he gently and absentmindedly encircles your waist with his arms.)~ ++ ~[PC] (You step gently on his instep, increasing the pressure until he realizes what he is doing and moves away with a muttered oath.)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranheavyflirt","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobal("c-aranlightflirt","GLOBAL",0) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranflirttimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FLIRT)~EXIT ++ ~[PC] (You cross your arms over his encircling hands, leaning backward into his embrace.)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranheavyflirt","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobal("c-aranlightflirt","GLOBAL",0) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranflirttimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FLIRT)~ EXIT ++ ~[PC] (You turn in his embrace, tipping your head back to look at him before leaning your cheek against his.)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranheavyflirt","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobal("c-aranlightflirt","GLOBAL",0) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranflirttimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FLIRT)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a1408 SAY ~[ARAN] (He gently and awkwardly pats your hand a moment, opening his palm as he moves along with you.)~ ++ ~[PC] (You take his hand, nestling palm in palm, fingers intertwining.)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranheavyflirt","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobal("c-aranlightflirt","GLOBAL",0) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranflirttimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FLIRT)~ EXIT ++ ~[PC] (You ignore him and move away.)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranheavyflirt","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobal("c-aranlightflirt","GLOBAL",0) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranflirttimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FLIRT)~ EXIT ++ ~[PC] (You shake his hand firmly, smiling at him before moving away.)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranheavyflirt","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobal("c-aranlightflirt","GLOBAL",0) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranflirttimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FLIRT)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a1409 SAY ~[ARAN] (He leans close, and whispers in your ear) I can hear your heart racin' from way over there.~ ++ ~[PC] If we were alone, you could feel it racing.~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranheavyflirt","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobal("c-aranlightflirt","GLOBAL",0) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranflirttimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FLIRT)~ EXIT ++ ~[PC] It certainly is not related to your presence, Aran.~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranheavyflirt","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobal("c-aranlightflirt","GLOBAL",0) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranflirttimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FLIRT)~ EXIT ++ ~[PC] (You glance around to make sure of privacy, and quickly cradle his hand to your chest.) You seem to have that effect on me.~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranheavyflirt","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobal("c-aranlightflirt","GLOBAL",0) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranflirttimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FLIRT)~ EXIT ++ ~[PC] Leave me alone, Aran.~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranheavyflirt","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobal("c-aranlightflirt","GLOBAL",0) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranflirttimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FLIRT)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a1410 SAY ~[ARAN] (He takes you firmly by the hips, pulling you close.) I do think you are in need o' a kiss, .~ ++ ~[PC] If we were sure we were completely alone, you could be right. But not now, when anyone could be watching.~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranheavyflirt","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobal("c-aranlightflirt","GLOBAL",0) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranflirttimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FLIRT)~ EXIT ++ ~[PC] Interesting. I, on the other hand, think you should kiss my ass. I have a donkey around here somewhere...~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranheavyflirt","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobal("c-aranlightflirt","GLOBAL",0) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranflirttimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FLIRT)~ EXIT ++ ~[PC] (Your eyes do the talking, your fingers do the walking, and the rest of the moment is a haze of warm lips matching warm lips, racing pulses, and disheveled hair.)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranheavyflirt","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobal("c-aranlightflirt","GLOBAL",0) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranflirttimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FLIRT)~ EXIT ++ ~[PC] I need more than that, Aran.~ + a1416 END IF ~~ a1411 SAY ~[ARAN] (Grinning, he grabs your shoulder and pulls you close as if to whisper a private joke.)~ = ~[ARAN] (Warm lips press suddenly, fiercely behind your ear, and he steps away quickly.)~ ++ ~[PC] (You smile sweetly... and dump your waterskin over his head.)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranheavyflirt","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobal("c-aranlightflirt","GLOBAL",0) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranflirttimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FLIRT)~ EXIT ++ ~[PC] (You scowl at him, and move away.)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranheavyflirt","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobal("c-aranlightflirt","GLOBAL",0) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranflirttimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FLIRT)~ EXIT ++ ~[PC] (You shake your index finger at him, and then beckon him to move closer. When he does, you return his action with equal fervor.)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranheavyflirt","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobal("c-aranlightflirt","GLOBAL",0) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranflirttimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FLIRT)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a1412 SAY ~[ARAN] (Arm draped across your shoulders, he hugs you tightly, whispering as if to himself.) I'm not sure anyone's got th' right to be this happy just to be near you, girl.~ ++ ~[PC] (You gently disengage his arm and move away.)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranheavyflirt","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobal("c-aranlightflirt","GLOBAL",0) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranflirttimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FLIRT)~ EXIT ++ ~[PC] (You squeeze his hand, and whisper back.) I feel the same way.~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranheavyflirt","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobal("c-aranlightflirt","GLOBAL",0) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranflirttimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FLIRT)~ EXIT ++ ~[PC] (You squeeze his hand, and whisper back.) If you touch me in public again, you may not be near me for very long. And you most assuredly will not be happy.~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranheavyflirt","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobal("c-aranlightflirt","GLOBAL",0) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranflirttimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FLIRT)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a1413 SAY ~[ARAN] (He holds your shoulders gently, looking into your face.) I may not be no noble, or even much more than a hired sword. But by Tyr's Eye, I am right glad to be *your* sword, so to speak.~ ++ ~[PC] I appreciate the sentiment, Aran. Because I am going to use you however I see fit.~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranheavyflirt","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobal("c-aranlightflirt","GLOBAL",0) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranflirttimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FLIRT)~ EXIT ++ ~[PC] (You cup his cheek, and reward his speech with a gentle kiss.)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranheavyflirt","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobal("c-aranlightflirt","GLOBAL",0) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranflirttimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FLIRT)~ EXIT ++ ~[PC] (You smile.) I am glad you are, too, Aran.~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranheavyflirt","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobal("c-aranlightflirt","GLOBAL",0) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranflirttimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FLIRT)~ EXIT ++ ~[PC] (You smile tightly.) Unfortunately, you seem to think that being my "sword" entitles you to touch me without my permission...~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranheavyflirt","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobal("c-aranlightflirt","GLOBAL",0) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranflirttimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FLIRT)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a1414 SAY ~[ARAN] (He reaches out and grabs your waist, pulling you into a sudden dance move, ending with a deep dip.)~ ++ ~[PC] (You laugh, and kiss him quickly and intensely, eyes sparkling.)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranheavyflirt","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobal("c-aranlightflirt","GLOBAL",0) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranflirttimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FLIRT)~ EXIT ++ ~[PC] (You follow through the dip with an unexpected twist, sending him hurtling to the ground, pinning him beneath you.) A little rough-housing? Or combat training? Hmmm... perhaps more combat training is in order.~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranheavyflirt","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobal("c-aranlightflirt","GLOBAL",0) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranflirttimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FLIRT)~ EXIT ++ ~[PC] (You twist suddenly, sending him hurtling to the ground and pinning him beneath you. Your grip on his neck tightens warningly until he winces.) Cute. Perhaps you would like to try that move on our next enemy. It seems inefficient and wasteful, but if you really think it works, then I can't stop you from killing yourself.~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranheavyflirt","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobal("c-aranlightflirt","GLOBAL",0) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranflirttimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FLIRT)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a1415 SAY ~[ARAN] (There is no time to react - his kiss is rough, deep, and full of passion.)~ ++ ~[PC] (Your arms fly about his neck, and your body melts into his embrace as you return the kiss.)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranheavyflirt","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobal("c-aranlightflirt","GLOBAL",0) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranflirttimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FLIRT)~ EXIT ++ ~[PC] (You stand stunned, watching him move away.)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranheavyflirt","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobal("c-aranlightflirt","GLOBAL",0) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranflirttimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FLIRT)~ EXIT ++ ~[PC] (You return his kiss fiercely, and catch his lower lip in your teeth, biting him until he stops and moves back.) Not bad, for a sellsword. With the right training, you could be a passable pleasure slave.~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranheavyflirt","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobal("c-aranlightflirt","GLOBAL",0) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranflirttimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FLIRT)~ EXIT ++ ~[PC] (Your hand flies hard to his cheek, but in your anger you are not sure if it is your open palm or your fist. Either way, your message is very clear.)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranheavyflirt","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobal("c-aranlightflirt","GLOBAL",0) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranflirttimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FLIRT)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a1416 SAY ~[ARAN] (Bright teeth nip and play at your neck, and your fingers curl up through his hair as you pull him to you. His fevered kisses rain onto your neck and collarbone, then lower - and lower - ~ = ~[ARAN] ( ...and you spring apart before lust overcomes prudence.)~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranheavyflirt","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobal("c-aranlightflirt","GLOBAL",0) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranflirttimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FLIRT)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a1417 SAY ~[ARAN] (Aran's grin threatens to split his face, but he moves away.)~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranheavyflirt","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobal("c-aranlightflirt","GLOBAL",0) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranflirttimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FLIRT)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a1664 SAY ~[ARAN] I know we have been talkin' about what we mean to each other, an' all, but I am bein' driven as mad as stallion in spring.~ ++ ~[PC] You already know you are special to me, Aran. Come this evening. Or come as soon as you can find a discreet way to be with me.~ + a1421 ++ ~[PC] No, I do not think that would be a good idea. You should stop flirting with me, Aran.~ + a1420 ++ ~[PC] Aran, this is too sudden, too soon. We need to know more about each other.~ + a1420 ++ ~[PC] Aran... I am... I am not ready for that. I like flirting with you, but no more than that for now, please.~ + a2880 ++ ~[PC] I want your arms around me, lifting me, holding me. I would not turn you away. I would welcome you.~ + a1421 ++ ~[PC] I would play mare to your stallion, Aran.~ + a1421 ++ ~[PC] Do you really think this is the right time? We have no privacy, and we are in a good deal of trouble in general. This is not the time to deal with anything like this.~ + a1419 END IF ~~ a1419 SAY ~[ARAN] What if I find a way o' visitin' you quiet-like, some evenin'? Would you have room for me as a partner, if only for a night?~ ++ ~[PC] No, I do not think that would be a good idea. You should stop flirting with me, Aran.~ + a1420 ++ ~[PC] I want your arms around me, lifting me, holding me. I would not turn you away. I would welcome you.~ + a1421 ++ ~[PC] I have been following you about, making faces and generally hinting that I want you as a lover for ages now. I want you to find a way to my bedroll. And you can leave the clothes behind.~ + a1421 ++ ~[PC] Aran... I am... I am not ready for that. I like flirting with you, but no more than that for now, please.~ + a2880 ++ ~[PC] I'm sorry, Aran. I have committed myself to another, and I will not betray his trust. I think we should just be friends.~ + a1422 ++ ~[PC] You have the wrong idea about our relationship. When and if I want you, I will command you to obey. Until then, stop thinking with the wrong head.~ + a1420 END IF ~~ a1420 SAY ~[ARAN] By Sune's... aye, that tears it. I must have misunderstood all o' that flirtin'. Fine, then. You know how I feel. I'll leave you alone for a bit.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfight","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranflirtstop","GLOBAL",1) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranflirttimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FLIRT)~ EXIT END /* set the night visit here: Global("c-arangoaded","GLOBAL",1) */ IF ~~ a1421 SAY ~[ARAN] (Aran's grip is tight, catching your hand with sudden intensity, his eyes searching yours keenly.)~ = ~Aye, I will find a way. You are like a fire in my heart, . An' I can't find aught to cool the flames.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",2) SetGlobal("c-arangoaded","GLOBAL",1)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a1422 SAY ~[ARAN] By all the gods anywhere on th' Great Wheel, you wait to tell me this now plain an' straight. It would have hurt less, an' been more like a friend, to let me down early. Or to cut me cold awhile back.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",3) SetGlobal("c-aranflirtstop","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranfight","GLOBAL",1)~ EXIT END /* End of action wanting #1 */ IF ~~ a1423 /* c-aranstarflirt */ SAY ~[ARAN] (Aran stands beside you for a moment, looking up into the night sky. His hand gently brushes yours, fingertips lightly stroking your palm.)~ = ~[ARAN] (After a quiet moment, he clears his throat and moves away, settling his gear.)~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranstarflirt","GLOBAL",1) IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranheavyflirt","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobal("c-aranlightflirt","GLOBAL",0) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranflirttimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FLIRT)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a1424 /* c-arancityflirt */ SAY ~[ARAN] There's plenty o' privacy to be had around here, . I think it might be a right good idea for us to go get a drink, or somethin'. Just you an' me, see, to talk strategy an' such.~ ++ ~[PC] Why, Aran. Are you asking me on a date? I do not see any flower behind your ear. I thought that was the custom to announce you are interested.~ + a1425 ++ ~[PC] I think whatever you have to discuss can be said right here, Aran. But you can go get a drink or a willing female on your own time.~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranheavyflirt","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobal("c-aranlightflirt","GLOBAL",0) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranflirttimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FLIRT)~ EXIT ++ ~[PC] How about we skip the bar, and you come and find me over in that private garden. I think we can find something quite... physical, to entertain just the two of us, don't you think?~ + a1426 ++ ~[PC] I might be persuaded to have a drink with you. Perhaps I will see you later on. But there is a good deal to be done, so don't count on it - I might catch up with you sometime soon.~ + a1425 ++ ~[PC] Aran... forget it.~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranheavyflirt","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobal("c-aranlightflirt","GLOBAL",0) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranflirttimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FLIRT)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a1425 SAY ~[ARAN] I don't have no flower handy. But I understand this be business first, an' we see what pops up, eh?~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1)SetGlobal("c-aranheavyflirt","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobal("c-aranlightflirt","GLOBAL",0) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranflirttimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FLIRT)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a1426 SAY ~[ARAN] I think I can rightly oblige. It might be right rude to keep a lady waitin' around, eh?~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-arangardenmakeout","GLOBAL",1) IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranheavyflirt","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobal("c-aranlightflirt","GLOBAL",0) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranflirttimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FLIRT)~ EXIT /* PLACEHOLDER */ END /* NOTE TO BCS - CUTSCENE OVERRIDE */ IF ~~ a1427 /* c-arandungeonflirt */ SAY ~[ARAN] Hey, it's a mite cold in here. You want to share some body heat?~ ++ ~[PC] Come over here, and I will warm your hands up. (You gently take his hands, chafing them, playing with his fingers.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arandungeon","GLOBAL",1) IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranheavyflirt","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobal("c-aranlightflirt","GLOBAL",0)RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranflirttimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FLIRT)~ EXIT ++ ~[PC] No.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arandungeon","GLOBAL",1) IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranheavyflirt","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobal("c-aranlightflirt","GLOBAL",0) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranflirttimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FLIRT)~ EXIT ++ ~[PC] I am sure we can get a Burning Hands spell somewhere around here... no? Suit yourself.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arandungeon","GLOBAL",1) IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranheavyflirt","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobal("c-aranlightflirt","GLOBAL",0) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranflirttimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FLIRT)~ EXIT ++ ~[PC] (You run your hands across Aran's shoulders, down his sides, and then to the center of his chest.) You have enough body heat all on your own, Aran. But if I need some, I will let you know.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arandungeon","GLOBAL",1) IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranheavyflirt","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobal("c-aranlightflirt","GLOBAL",0) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranflirttimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FLIRT)~ EXIT ++ ~[PC] Absolutely. (You thrust your hands down Aran's front.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arandungeon","GLOBAL",1) IncrementGlobal("c-aranflirt","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranheavyflirt","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobal("c-aranlightflirt","GLOBAL",0) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranflirttimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FLIRT)~ + a1169 END /* UD spoken 2 */ IF ~~ a1428 SAY ~[ARAN] In a pigs's eye. You can rip a man's head off in front o' his family, spit down his neck, an' walk away laughin'. You don't need no cuddlin'.~ = ~[ARAN] What you be needin' is a right good solid lay, hard, fast, an' proper. You find the right place, an' I'll be ready to help out.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END /* UD doggerel */ IF ~~ a1429 SAY ~[ARAN] Corellon's Golden Tongue, I hope so, on account o' I stink at rhymes that don't start wi' 'there was a young lass from Jerlukit'...~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END /* UD doggerel followup */ IF ~~ a1430 SAY ~[ARAN] Corellon's Golden Tongue, I don't rightly have one to hand. What say you an' I, we go find us a nice quiet nook, an' create a story or two o' our own?~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1431 SAY ~[ARAN] She didn't say a single word. But she took me in her arms, And pretty soon I was much engaged, In charting all her charms But just in case some other 'Fist Might see the sights I saw, I hung my armor right above The keyhole in her door. That night I rode in glorious style, And other things besides, And on her lily white stomach, Boys, I had such lovely rides But when I woke next morning, Boys, My instrument was sore As if I had been using it On the keyhole in her door.~ ++ ~[PC] Nice voice. Pity to waste it on such a silly bawdy song. I much prefer 'The Lusty Bowman'.~ + a4324 + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Keep singing about having sex with other women, Aran, and my keyhole will be locked, barred, and bound with magical protection. You will never find out exactly how unlocked I can become.~ + a4324 ++ ~[PC] Nice voice. It reminds me of an orc being tortured to death.~ + a4324 ++ ~[PC] I can't believe you just sang that. I am so embarrassed!~ + a4324 ++ ~[PC] You should know me better than that. I do not enjoy crude songs, and I do not like men who ignore what I prefer just to annoy me.~ + a4324 + ~GlobalLT("c-aransex","GLOBAL",3)~ + ~[PC] That had better not be about me...~ + a4324 + ~GlobalGT("c-aransex","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] Keep singing about having sex with other women, Aran, and my keyhole will be locked, barred, and bound with magical protection, never available again to the likes of you.~ + a4324 + ~GlobalGT("c-aransex","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] I think we might find a nice spot for a reenactment of that song, don't you think? The reality is much more enjoyable than simply singing about it...~ + a4324 END IF ~~ a4324 SAY ~[ARAN] Right, then. Note to m'self... sing louder next time!~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1432 /* Burned Rat and Flatbread */ SAY ~[ARAN] I did have a right fine time wi' cookin' on th' road, both with the Flamin' Fist an' workin' freelance guardin' trade costers. This one time, though, goin' along the Trade way just north o' Beregost, things got a mite dicey. The 'Fist Lieutenant sent a few o' us to help out guardin' some pilgrims headed down toward Nashkel, an' since their cook were a blind old drunken bastard wi' only two teeth left in his head, it came to me to cook. There was a fair amount o' supplies, an' the 'Fist has a good reputation for makin' sure to travel on a full stomach, eh?~ = ~[ARAN] Well to make a long story short, we ran into a mite bit o' trouble wi' some bandits. Unfortunately, not only were they crap fighters, they couldn't aim a flamin' arrow better than a one-armed kobold on th' run. Bastards ended up bein' run off right quick, but not before we had a nice little fire goin' - all our supplies.~ = ~[ARAN] The Sergeant, she were a right tough old biddy, but she had no patience for civilians. If it had been up to her, she would have just told 'em all to go screw themselves, an' fed 'em hardtack an' water. But there were one or two pilgrims wi' noble patrons or merchant connections, so we got her to play nice. It fell to me to get the civilians all happy about th' situation, so I wrote up a nice little speech, which went somethin' like this...~ = ~[ARAN] 'Fair Ladies and Gentlemen, I bid you good morning. Please pay no attention to the minor inconveniences of last evening's disturbance. Our uninvited guests of yester-eve have passed on to other occupations, many of them involving plant fertilization. Our chef has prepared a special meal for your enjoyment; due to the small matter of our cookwagon being set ablaze last night while defending the camp, we have prevailed upon him to create a special morning repast of Frisson Rodentia and Flatbread Carbona. This way, if you please, for your morning repast.'~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-arancarbonara","LOCALS",1)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a1433 /* First Time in Calimport */ SAY ~[ARAN] So, my first time visitin' Calimport. I had signed on wi' a ship haulin' furs, headed to that jewel o' th' hells they call a city. Short trip, good row, only one day under sail, no stops. We pull around the western tip and head for the city, and the captain's so happy he calls me up to watch (or so I thought. The three big war galleys from the Pasha or Caliph, or whatever they call the boss around there might have made him nervous when they pulled along a parallel course. He kept grinnin' and whisperin' for me to keep an eye on the passengers). We pull in, he pays me off an' tries to short me, but one of the passengers saw and headed off trouble by tossin' me a purse.~ = ~[ARAN] Not wantin' to cause no hassle, I just left. It really didn't matter, anyways... Calimport was so huge, I spent the first hour just gettin' off of the *docks*. I gawked too much, I guess, because by the time I had gotten to th' warehouses to see if there was work, someone had slit that purse the passenger gave me and emptied it. Saved me a night of drinkin', anyways. But for a big city, the place didn't have much work. I found out they have a tight bound Guild, th' hard way, by askin' a scribe an' gettin' bounced on my arse for it by his 'protection'. So most copywork be done through hagglin' with a guild representative at a bazaar (their word for a disorganized mess o' a marketplace, where it looks like no honest trader would consider setting foot). Needless to say, I was not th' first on any worklist, bein' outsider, an' not bein' able to pay a huge Guild fee.~ = ~[ARAN] I got lucky, though. I saw a sign in a window looking for a stablehand, and when I went in, there was an argument in progress. The innkeeper, or whatever they called him (later on, I called him boss to his face an' 'stupid blighted bastard' behind his back), was just finishin' off th' argument with his bookkeeper by shovin' some sort of curved dagger-like thing through th' bookkeeper's back. He screamed something about Entreri being angry, or somethin', and the place stopped like one o' Graf's clocks. I froze, too, on account o' everyone else did, but I guess I kind of stood out, or somethin' - mayhap I didn't look scared enough or somethin'. Anyways, he looked right at me, his eyes lit up, and he asked me if I wanted a job.~ = ~[ARAN] I said yes. He rolled the body off of the table, an' told me to go down the street to some office and tell them I was from the Ten Veils, and that the paperwork was on its way, and then if I survived that to go to the guild and get a new bookkeeper. Well, I saw an opportunity, and told him I was ok with numbers. Long an' short o' it, he hired me for room an' board and a little coin, an' paid my Guild fee, too. Said it was cheaper this way, and told me to look for the other set of books an' get a fair accountin'. Apparently those folks just don't understand numbers, on account o' it looked like huge sets o' coin were just completely missin'. Either that, or someone was takin' a Dragon's share o' coin under th' table an' makin' it disappear. Luckily, the boss had someone else to blame besides me, an' a body to prove his good intentions to whomever were lookin' to see where all th' coin went, so I was set for a few weeks. Then I met this redheaded lass named Kiera, an'... well, that be a different story.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-arancalimport","LOCALS",1)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a1779 SAY ~[ARAN] I don't rightly think a little bit o' moisture is goin' to hurt anythin' around here. An' dust be dust, city or country. But I take your point, it were blighted rude o' me.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1782 SAY ~[ARAN] Ah, that be th' call o' th' Wild Recruiter. "Join th' Army! Coin, Wine, Women, Song, Travel!" I'd be changin' that around, a mite. "Join th' Army! Lice! Weeks Of Tedious Boredom Punctuated By Moments O' Sheer Terror An' Mortal Danger! All th' Ditches you can Dig! Travel to New Places, Meet New People, Then Kill 'Em! Wine, Women, an' Song subject to your own coin, an' we don't pay for none o' th' problems what result." Then again, it probably wouldn't bring in young idiots what think duty in a far-flung colony be a walk in th' park.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END /* Gog Story */ IF ~~ a2587 SAY ~[ARAN] I had a lad in th' 'Fist who told some tall tales, an' weren't ashamed to stretch truth farther than most. Once he claimed to have has a contract wi' some gnomish king under th' Crystalmist Mountains, an' someone called him on it.~ ++ ~[PC] I have never heard of the Crystalmist Mountains.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arangogstory","LOCALS",1)~ + a2589 ++ ~[PC] Are you sure this 'lad' wasn't you?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arangogstory","LOCALS",1)~ + a2588 ++ ~[PC] What did he say?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arangogstory","LOCALS",1)~ + a2594 ++ ~[PC] Hey. Rock Gnomes don't live under the Crystalmist range... Svirfneblin do.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arangogstory","LOCALS",1)~ + a2593 ++ ~[PC] I think this 'lad' has already pushed it too far. Most humanoid tribes don't hire outsiders, do they?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arangogstory","LOCALS",1)~ + a2593 END IF ~~ a2589 SAY ~[ARAN] Right fine pile o' rocks, home to a few odd humanoid races, includin' a large kingdom o' Svirfneblin.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a2594 END IF ~~ a2588 SAY ~[ARAN] Now, that was a right cheap shot, eh? No, I know enough not to talk too far off o' th' truth. Most times. When I be sober.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a2594 END IF ~~ a2593 SAY ~[ARAN] Good on you. That be th' reason we called him on it. Not many have seen 'em, let alone worked for 'em.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a2594 END IF ~~ a2594 SAY ~[ARAN] Well, th' lad claimed that one o' th' tests o' initiation for service wi' th' Svirfneblin was drinkin' some blood-red concoction called gogondy.~ ++ ~[PC] Don't Svirfneblin work with the Drow?~ + a2595 ++ ~[PC] Ah, I knew this would come down to a drinking story.~ + a2598 + ~OR(2) Race(Player1,GNOME) Race(Player1,DWARF)~ + ~[PC] I have had gogondy. Good stuff.~ + a2596 + ~!Race(Player1,GNOME) !Race(Player1,DWARF)~ + ~[PC] I have had gogondy. Good stuff.~ + a2597 END IF ~~ a2595 SAY ~[ARAN] Hells, what kind o' crap filled those books o' yours in Candlekeep? Those two be bitter enemies, an' competitors! Drow go for Shar, an' Svirfies worship Callarduran Smoothhands, mostly. You might as well say I kiss a Drow a day!~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a2598 END IF ~~ a2596 SAY ~[ARAN] I be takin' you at your word. One good swig o' that rusty drink has put a man out for decades, or killed 'em outright. I like a good stiff drink, but I don't have no deathwish.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a2598 END IF ~~ a2597 SAY ~[ARAN] Th' hells you have. One good swig o' that rusty drink has put a man out for decades, or killed 'em outright. Shortaxes can handle it, an' Svirfies, but not many other folks.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a2598 END IF ~~ a2598 SAY ~[ARAN] To make a long story short, th' lad did some research an' found out th' drink would probably kill him or put him out for a couple o' years, him bein' human wi' no shortaxe bloodline in his family. He sweated a mite bit, but finally came up wi' a cunnin' plan.~ ++ ~[PC] Is there any other sort of plan?~ + a2599 ++ ~[PC] Let me guess... he left quickly, with everything he could steal?~ + a2602 ++ ~[PC] If this story is about him stealing magic beans and growing a big beanstalk...~ + a2600 ++ ~[PC] What did he decide to do?~ + a2602 ++ ~[PC] Pity this isn't a story about a scribe or sage. Then you could work in something about 'cunning linguist'.~ + a2601 END IF ~~ a2599 SAY ~[ARAN] Always th' wisearse, eh?~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a2602 END IF ~~ a2600 SAY ~[ARAN] Dear gods alive, those books in Candlekeep really were created by scholars what never stuck their nose out o' th' door, eh? Everyone knows that story be "Jackie an' her Fire Giants". Will you let me tell th' blighted story, or what?~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a2602 END IF ~~ a2601 SAY ~[ARAN] You have a dirty mind. An' a slow one... that wordplay be over 200 years old, an' it weren't funny then, neither.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a2602 END IF ~~ a2602 SAY ~[ARAN] Bein' an enterprisin' sort, he traded wi ' one o' th' Svirfneblin recruits. Svirfies love gogondy more than life itself. So he bonded a favor for th' illusion, an' the Svirfy recruit cast a bit o' illusion an' then drank it hisself.~ ++ ~[PC] That worked? I would think the gnomes would have detected the ruse.~ + a2603 ++ ~[PC] So he got into the contract under false pretenses. Not bad. I would have just drank the stuff.~ + a2603 ++ ~[PC] Tricky. I like it. What was the penalty?~ + a2603 ++ ~[PC] That is really stupid. For all he knew, the daily ration would include this drink... what would he do if that turned out to be true?~ + a2603 + ~Class(Player2,THIEF_ALL) !Name("c-aran",Player2)~ + ~[PC] This has to be you. No one else would do something so risky. Except perhaps , after a lot of drink.... on second thought, nope. Just you.~ + a2603 + ~Class(Player3,THIEF_ALL) !Name("c-aran",Player3)~ + ~[PC] This has to be you. No one else would do something so risky. Except perhaps , after a lot of drink.... on second thought, nope. Just you.~ + a2603 + ~Class(Player4,THIEF_ALL) !Name("c-aran",Player4)~ + ~[PC] This has to be you. No one else would do something so risky. Except perhaps , after a lot of drink.... on second thought, nope. Just you.~ + a2603 + ~Class(Player5,THIEF_ALL) !Name("c-aran",Player5)~ + ~[PC] This has to be you. No one else would do something so risky. Except perhaps , after a lot of drink.... on second thought, nope. Just you.~ + a2603 + ~Class(Player6,THIEF_ALL) !Name("c-aran",Player6)~ + ~[PC] This has to be you. No one else would do something so risky. Except perhaps , after a lot of drink.... on second thought, nope. Just you.~ + a2603 END IF ~~ a2603 SAY ~[ARAN] Th' ruse worked well enough, though they caught on right away. He got in immediate, on account o' th' deep folk enjoyin' a good bit o' illusion an' trickery, an' most o' all because th' trick were on my lad. See, th' 'favor' turned out to be this Svirfie's sister needed a husband. Apparently she were so tall an' gawky for a Svirfie that no one had come callin'.~ = ~[ARAN] Hearin' that finish to th' story, we had a good laugh at my lad, on account o' there be no way that could be true. We was laughin' up a storm, when in walks a shortaxe lass, no beard, a little short, gnarled, ugly as sin... grabs my lad by th' belt, an' pulls him toward th' door.~ = ~[ARAN] 'Sorry boys', he calls out as he gets pulled through th' door; 'Apparently, I have matrimonial duties. Anybody got some gogondy?'~ IF ~!Race(Player1,GNOME) !Race(Player1,DWARF) !Race(Player1,HALFLING)~ THEN EXIT IF ~OR(3) Race(Player1,GNOME) Race(Player1,DWARF) Race(Player1,HALFLING)~ THEN GOTO a2604 END IF ~~ a2604 SAY ~[ARAN] Hey, do you be lookin' a mite red on account o' th' story bein' funny, or on account o' somethin' else...~ ++ ~[PC] ..laughing... ..let me get my breath... ~ EXIT + ~Gender(Player1,FEMALE)~ + ~[PC] Mildly amusing. Though I don't see how any of us 'shortaxes' as you call us could ever find a human worthy of marriage. You humans are all too tall, to stupid, and you smell funny.~ EXIT + ~Gender(Player1,MALE)~ + ~[PC] Not bad, for a stupid joke. It is a bit less funny for us s, though. No self-respecting 'shortaxe' would let his sister marry a human. You are all too tall, to stupid, and you smell funny.~ EXIT ++ ~[PC] I get it. I just would tell it with an Elf as the butt of the joke.~ EXIT ++ ~[PC] The joke is on him. Or on you. Rumor is, Svirfneblin women can craft a man hard as stone, and keep him there for days. Why do you think the delvers drink so much?~ EXIT ++ ~[PC] Oh, I enjoy misogynistic racist jokes, really I do. Have you heard the one about the human male who told jokes? He laughed so hard that he lost his head...~ + a2605 + ~Gender(Player1,FEMALE)~ + ~[PC] So... being intimate with a 'short' race is a joke? It is so horrible that a human would rather face death or unconsciousness than sharing a marriage bed?~ + a2605 END IF ~~ a2605 SAY ~[ARAN] Whoa there, hey! My apologies! I was just tellin' a fun story, an' didn't mean nothin' offensive. I'll be watchin' my manners better.~ + ~Gender(Player1,FEMALE) Race(Player1,DWARF)~ + ~[PC] Oh, it can't just be a story. Why is it so hard to believe that a human and a member of the delving races would be romantically involved? We dwarves can bring strength, ferocity, and cunning into the bedroom. Why do you think male dwarves grow their beards so long? It serves to hide our constant effect on them.~ + a2606 + ~Gender(Player1,FEMALE) Race(Player1,HALFLING)~ + ~[PC] Oh, it can't just be a story. Why is it so hard to believe that a human and a member of the 'short' races would be romantically involved? Halflings are very family oriented, and we have ways of making sure our men are so happy the very hair on their toes curls.~ + a2606 + ~Gender(Player1,FEMALE) Race(Player1,GNOME)~ + ~[PC] Oh, it can't just be a story. Why is it so hard to believe that a human and a member of the delving races would be romantically involved? A good follower of Deneir builds a large and industrious family. That would imply we know how to make men very, very happy.~ + a2606 + ~Gender(Player1,FEMALE) GlobalGT("c-aransex","GLOBAL",0) GlobalLT("c-aransex","GLOBAL",4)~ + ~[PC] Oh, it can't just be a story. You have already pretended to put up with me, with your physical attention. So this must be about me, and how I am not attractive to you.~ + a2606 + ~Gender(Player1,FEMALE) GlobalGT("c-aransex","GLOBAL",4)~ + ~[PC] Oh, it can't just be a story. You dare to share my bed, and then tell me a story like that?~ + a2606 + ~Gender(Player1,FEMALE)~ + ~[PC] Apology accepted. Next time, think before you tell me a story.~ EXIT + ~Gender(Player1,FEMALE)~ + ~[PC] I... I really don't like stories like that. Please don't tell me anything like it again.~ EXIT + ~Gender(Player1,FEMALE)~ + ~[PC] Apology accepted... for now. You can atone for your silliness by coming up with a really good joke about human males some other time.~ EXIT IF ~Gender(Player1,MALE)~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a2606 SAY ~[ARAN] I.. Sune's Randy Rump, I didn't mean nothin'. I certainly didn't mean to say anythin' to offend you at all. I just open my mouth on account o' I have to change th' foot I put in it. I'm right sorry.~ + ~Race(Player1,DWARF)~ + ~[PC] You had better be. With an attitude like that, you may never get to find exactly how well a dwarven woman can craft your pleasure.~ EXIT + ~Race(Player1,HALFLING)~ + ~[PC] You had better be... shutting off an entire race is not in your romantic interests. The right halfling woman, properly motivated, can not only curl your toes - she can grow hair on them.~ EXIT + ~Race(Player1,GNOME)~ + ~[PC] Oh, you just will never know what you are missing. The things we gnomes can do, when we want to be entertaining... you probably would not live through the experience. It would take a real man, and you human males sped all that energy growing taller, instead of focusing that vitality where it really matters.~ EXIT ++ ~[PC] Apology accepted. Next time, think before you tell me a story.~ EXIT ++ ~[PC] I... I really don't like stories like that. Please don't tell me anything like it again.~ EXIT ++ ~[PC] You should see your face... Don't worry, Aran. I thought the story was funny. I just wanted to see how scared I could get you!~ EXIT ++ ~[PC] Why don't you take a little walk, and stay away from me for awhile, while I cool down a little.~ EXIT END /* If Aurora warns of the drink, or if anything set a var anywhere that I can slide in, I will try to find it. The crossmod stuff would be better. I didn't see a variable though it would be easy to add one, somewhere around here in agtomtha.d @117 ~Let's celebrate this with a toast of gogondy. This is something few non-svirfneblin have ever clapped their lips on, but you've earned the right to taste it. Don't worry, this is the watered-down version. You couldn't handle the real stuff, heh heh.~ IF ~~ DO ~GiveItemCreate("agpotn04",LastTalkedToBy(),1,0,0)~ + ag_tom_store5 END The party can also pick his pocket for the "real stuff" which might actually kill them, or have some pretty nasty consequences anyway. So since that's not referred to in dialog or anything, I'd have to slip a variable into the actual item or its triggered script. */ IF ~~ a2923 SAY ~[ARAN] But while I be havin' th' opportunity to mention somethin' to you, you do know be dead, right? I am right willin' to take my turn carryin' th' body, but I'd rather find a way to fix this up a mite faster. It gives me th' shakes to carry 'em around wi' us like nothin' be wrong.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a2924 SAY ~[ARAN] But while I be havin' th' opportunity to mention somethin' to you, you do know be dead, right? I am right willin' to take my turn carryin' th' body, but I'd rather find a way to fix this up a mite faster. It gives me th' shakes to carry 'em around wi' us like nothin' be wrong.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a2925 SAY ~[ARAN] But while I be havin' th' opportunity to mention somethin' to you, you do know be dead, right? I am right willin' to take my turn carryin' th' body, but I'd rather find a way to fix this up a mite faster. It gives me th' shakes to carry 'em around wi' us like nothin' be wrong.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a2926 SAY ~[ARAN] But while I be havin' th' opportunity to mention somethin' to you, you do know be dead, right? I am right willin' to take my turn carryin' th' body, but I'd rather find a way to fix this up a mite faster. It gives me th' shakes to carry 'em around wi' us like nothin' be wrong.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a2927 SAY ~[ARAN] But while I be havin' th' opportunity to mention somethin' to you, you do know be dead, right? I am right willin' to take my turn carryin' th' body, but I'd rather find a way to fix this up a mite faster. It gives me th' shakes to carry 'em around wi' us like nothin' be wrong.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END /* Fight or Flight, otherwise known as The Big Valley */ IF ~~ a2931 SAY ~[ARAN] Well, I thought it might be a bit more subtle-like if...~ ++ ~[PC] ... you acted like a big coward?~ EXTERN C-MALCER a2932 ++ ~[PC] They are treating me badly! Why won't you stand up for me?~ EXTERN C-MALCER a2932 + ~Global("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] I thought you loved me.~ EXTERN C-MALCER a2932 ++ ~[PC] Aran... they are scaring me a little...~ EXTERN C-ARANJ a2936 ++ ~[PC] You. Yes, you... the one with the troll face and the breath that smells like a sewer. Five gold says Aran can take all three of you without breaking a sweat.~ + a2933 END /* PC Orders Aran to Handle Things EXIT */ IF ~~ a2933 SAY ~[ARAN] Who, me,? Aye, then, I guess I could do that. You go on about th' business, an' let me handle 'em.~ = ~[ARAN] (Pssst - here, then, lads - a round on me. You wouldn't want to cross her right now, eh? She's in a right foul mood, an' a mite more powerful than she looks.)~ ++ ~[PC] Why didn't you fight for my honor? You acted like a big coward.~ + a2937 ++ ~[PC] They are treating me badly! Why won't you stand up for me?~ + a2937 + ~Global("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] I thought you loved me, and would protect me. But you just paid them coin and let them get away with it.~ + a2937 ++ ~[PC] That was unpleasant. I am glad you found a way to make them go away without spilling their blood.~ + a2937 ++ ~[PC] This is ridiculous. If you won't kill them, I will.~ + a2934 END /* Aggressive PC Exit */ IF ~~ a2934 SAY ~[ARAN] Now, , be easy... they be just little gnats. You might mess up a nail or somethin', an then where's you be? I'll tell you what. You go get a nice cup o' tea, an' sit right there, an' I'll give you a good show. You want one o' their eyes, or mayhap a nose, or do you just want an ear or two to hang next to your collection o' Drow ears an' Dragon's teeth?~ ++ ~[PC] (Glare at Aran.)~ EXTERN C-MALCER a2941 ++ ~[PC] (Glare at the men.)~ + a2935 ++ ~[PC] You are so right. But don't bother with taking trophies. Just dispose of these vermin.~ EXTERN C-MALCER a2941 ++ ~[PC] No, no, no. You kill everything too slowly. I want this to be a long, drawn out process.~ + a2935 END IF ~~ a2935 SAY ~[ARAN] Auril's Icy Aura! Fine, you want 'em, you got 'em.~ IF ~~ THEN EXTERN C-MALCER a2941 END /* No Bloodshed Exits */ IF ~~ a2937 SAY ~[ARAN] I was watchin' you close, I was. I figured you didn't want a couple o' drunk buggers to get blood all over your nice clean clothes, so it seemed like a good idea to let 'em down easy. Besides, we have real enemies what to fight. If we go killin' every set o' drunken bastards what act like idiots, we will depopulate Amn.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~ActionOverride("c-malcer",EscapeAreaDestroy(3)) ActionOverride("c-oskut",EscapeAreaDestroy(3)) ActionOverride("c-taman",EscapeAreaDestroy(3))~ EXIT END IF ~~ a2938 SAY ~[ARAN] Now then, lads, th' lady don't rightly take kindly to...~ IF ~~ THEN EXTERN C-MALCER a2939 END /* No Bloodshed Exits, continued */ IF ~~ a2942 SAY ~[ARAN] Somehow, I don't rightly think that will work.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~ActionOverride("c-malcer",EscapeAreaDestroy(3)) ActionOverride("c-oskut",EscapeAreaDestroy(3)) ActionOverride("c-taman",EscapeAreaDestroy(3))~ EXIT END IF ~~ a2943 SAY ~[ARAN] Did you want me to get that tea, or mayhap a nice dagger what to give them cute little cuticles o' yours a trim? Hey! Nice girls don't rightly use that finger th' way you are!~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~ActionOverride("c-malcer",EscapeAreaDestroy(3)) ActionOverride("c-oskut",EscapeAreaDestroy(3)) ActionOverride("c-taman",EscapeAreaDestroy(3))~ EXIT END IF ~~ a2944 SAY ~[ARAN] I blame it on bad upbringin'. An' in the case o' those three, several pints o' D'Tranion too many.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~ActionOverride("c-malcer",EscapeAreaDestroy(3)) ActionOverride("c-oskut",EscapeAreaDestroy(3)) ActionOverride("c-taman",EscapeAreaDestroy(3))~ EXIT END IF ~~ a2945 SAY ~[ARAN] You know, sometimes you scare me a mite, you do.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~ActionOverride("c-malcer",EscapeAreaDestroy(3)) ActionOverride("c-oskut",EscapeAreaDestroy(3)) ActionOverride("c-taman",EscapeAreaDestroy(3))~ EXIT END /* Charmed Dialog Replies */ IF ~~ a1567 SAY ~[ARAN] "We must all think for ourselves". Hey, that be a joke, right? I saw a snake charmer named Monty do that bit once.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1568 SAY ~[ARAN] (Gulp.) Hey, that tastes like chicken. Or anythin' you decide to cook, for that matter.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1569 SAY ~[ARAN] (Swat) OUCH! Banes Bouncing Buttocks, that bloody well hurt!~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1570 SAY ~[ARAN] Absolutely. You can have th' whole purse. O' course, there be naught in it, but I will pay you back th' very second I have the coin.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1571 SAY ~[ARAN] I be tryin', but there be too much in th' way. Luckily, your arse be big enough that I don't even have to kneel down...~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1572 SAY ~[ARAN] Right, then. I don't rightly think that word means what you think it meanZzzzzzzz... (Thud.)~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1573 SAY ~[ARAN] Which head? I'm not rightly equipped for standin' on either... oh! You mean do a hand-stand like one o' them acrobat types! Right, can do. Hold on...~ = ~[ARAN] (Thud) ...medic...~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1574 SAY ~[ARAN] Now, I feel a hard pull to do what you just said, an' that be strange, on account o' that be a right nasty way to die. I'm not keen on stickin' blunt objects up there, neither.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1575 SAY ~[ARAN] No, I feel right fine. I feel a strong compulsion to do anythin' you say, an' your face is surrounded by some right wild colors, but then again, that don't seem no different from an average day.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1576 SAY ~[ARAN] Drama queen tendencies, father issues, cutest little arse you ever did see, an' I wouldn't kick her out o' bed. At least, not right away.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1577 SAY ~[ARAN] I think she needs a good roll in th' hay, or mayhap some strong drink, or perhaps even a solid knock aside th' head to set her straight. I think I will not be volunteerin' for that job. But you could always order me to...~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1578 SAY ~[ARAN] ? I don't rightly know yet. Get her drunk, let her sing some, an' I'll have me some observations to share. What gig do you be auditionin' her for?~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1579 SAY ~[ARAN] Nice tits.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1580 SAY ~[ARAN] That be strange. I feel a right strong compulsion to say what I think, but somethin' tells me that if I do will slice my head off. Or you will. Or you both will. I'm gettin' a mite confused...~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1581 SAY ~[ARAN] Not bad lookin' for an ugly fellow. His kids are goin' to be one hell o' a mess, though.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1582 SAY ~[ARAN] Not bad in a fight. Not so hot in th' ladies department, though. An' his farts smell like old feet.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1583 SAY ~[ARAN] Makes me a mite jealous, he does. Not many men can snore, belch, an' fart like that, an' to do all three at th' same time, now that takes bloody fine skills, eh?~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1584 SAY ~[ARAN] I don't. Should I? I mean, he be right fine lookin', but I tend to think o' womenfolk. Why, did he ask about me? What did he say?~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1585 SAY ~[ARAN] Not th' sharpest o' tacks, though he claims a good bit o' intelligence. What sort o' idiot wanders Toril in th' company o' a mixed group o' adventurers, followin' some young adventurin' Bhaalspawn to certain death an' destruction, probably by a slow an' painful means? I mean, really, come on. Any smart adventurer would say "Screw this. I'm hittin' th' nearest tavern, an' not leavin' until someone comes up wi' an adventure what don't pit me against opponents what be gods".~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1586 SAY ~[ARAN] I think if I hadn't met you, naught but boredom an' ennui would o' happened for me. Well, sometimes I think that. Other times, I'm just starin' at you an' imaginin' you naked.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1587 SAY ~[ARAN] I think if I hadn't met you, naught but boredom an' ennui would o' happened for me. Don't rightly know whether to thank you for that, or tell you to stick Helm's Fist up your arse an' give it a good twist.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END /* Drunk1 Dialog Replies */ IF ~~ a1513 SAY ~[ARAN] Too kind o' you, lookin' out for me an' all. But I think you'd be a mite bit disappointed in my performance, eh? On account o' I might not be able to see where to fit th' key in the hole wi' everythin' spinnin' around so much, so to speak.~ ++ ~[PC] Is everything you say and do about sex?~ + a1519 ++ ~[PC] Oh, come on. You haven't had that much to drink. I bet I can drink you under the table.~ + a1515 ++ ~[PC] Did you just proposition me?~ + a1520 ++ ~[PC] I wasn't expecting much from you anyways. Forget it.~ + a1521 ++ ~[PC] You would never say that to me if you were not very, very drunk.~ + a1522 END IF ~~ a1514 SAY ~[ARAN] No, naught o' thoughts like that! We got th' whole rest o' th'... ok, we got mayhap a few hours, but still, we should get out there an' find us somethin' to do! There be a lot o' women attracted to power, boyo. Some o' it might rub off on me.~ ++ ~[PC] I am spoken for. But you go along and make some poor girl wish she'd stayed home tonight. Just don't get arrested.~ + a1527 ++ ~[PC] I'm spoken for... but a fling might just be in order. She's been getting a bit too possessive and controlling, lately. We aren't married.~ + a1528 ++ ~[PC] Come on, let's find some women with loose morals and low standards. That should take care of you, and then I will go find someone with class and refined tastes for myself.~ + a1529 ++ ~[PC] Is everything you say and do about sex?~ + a1530 ++ ~[PC] Oh, forget all that. You haven't had that much to drink. I bet I can drink you under the table.~ + a1516 END IF ~~ a1515 SAY ~[ARAN] Now you may be one o' th' most powerful an' beautiful creatures I know, an' you look right fine, too. Plus you be powerful. An' b... beautiful. Did I say that already? But don't you be challengin' me on th' dri.. drinkin' front, lassie. You don't rightly know what you be doin'.~ ++ ~[PC] I know exactly what I am doing. Bartender, a round here. Let's see if you can keep up with me.~ + a1555 ++ ~[PC] Oh, I suppose you are right. I guess that I will just have to go find me a real man. One who can drink me under the table.~ + a1537 ++ ~[PC] OK, we have established that I am one of the most powerful, beautiful, beautiful, powerful, beautiful women you have ever met. That, and that you are not only drunk - you are very drunk.~ + a1541 ++ ~[PC] Aran, how many fingers am I holding up?~ + a1566 ++ ~[PC] Oh, dear me. I just feel like stretching, and preening my hair a bit... and if I were winning a drinking contest, I just can't imagine how I am going to keep all these hot, heavy clothes on...~ + a1539 END IF ~~ a1516 SAY ~[ARAN] Why, that be a right fine challenge, . You be on! Bartender, two o' your finest, right here, an' keep 'em comin' until one or both o' us are under th' t... table!~ ++ ~[PC] Let's see if you can keep up with me.~ + a1555 ++ ~[PC] Loser gets the bar tab.~ + a1555 ++ ~[PC] Hey, never mind that. The blond on the end, over there. She is looking at you.~ + a1536 ++ ~[PC] Actually, I changed my mind. Early start tomorrow, I think. I'm headed out.~ + a1523 END IF ~~ a1517 SAY ~[ARAN] Now wh... why should I be carin' about that? We done killed impossible creatures, an bl... blasted through more challenges than most folks do in a lifetime. What in th' nine hells is some poor little sod goin' to do to us if we raise our voices a mite, eh?~ ++ ~[PC] That's it. You are done. Put the glass down, Whitehand. We need to get you out of here before you pick a fight.~ + a1547 ++ ~[PC] Stop it, please. I don't enjoy the extra attention. Here, have the strongest drink in the house, and be quiet.~ + a1541 ++ ~[PC] I wanted to get you all relaxed, so I could have my way with you. But you seem bound and determined to make a fool of yourself instead.~ + a1524 ++ ~[PC] I wanted to get all relaxed, so I could feel more comfortable about us... well, us fooling around a little. Maybe even kissing. But you seem bound and determined to make a fool of yourself instead.~ + a1524 ++ ~[PC] Well, we have an early start tomorrow, I think. And I really do not enjoy the scene you are making. I'm headed out.~ + a1523 END IF ~~ a1518 SAY ~[ARAN] Now wh... why should I be carin' about that? We done killed impossible creatures, an bl... blasted through more challenges than most folks do in a lifetime. What in th' nine hells is some poor little sod goin' to do to us if we raise our voices a mite, eh?~ ++ ~[PC] That's it. You are done. Put the glass down, Whitehand. We need to get you out of here before you pick a fight.~ + a1546 ++ ~[PC] Well, we have an early start tomorrow, I think. I'm headed out. Try not to get arrested. Better yet, try not to get killed.~ + a1523 ++ ~[PC] You are on your own. If you get arrested, I will kill you. If you get into a fight, I will kill you. If you get into any woman trouble...~ + a1549 ++ ~[PC] You can dress him up, but you can't take him anywhere...~ + a1548 ++ ~[PC] Well, they could be like that group of half-orcs over there, just looking for an excuse to bash some heads. We wouldn't want to provoke them, now, would we?~ + a1546 END IF ~~ a1519 SAY ~[ARAN] Hells, yes. Well, no. I mean, there be fightin', an' writin', an' sometimes a nice bit o' commentary on th' state o' Waterdeep politics. But mostly, it be about sex. Either havin' it, not havin' it, or whom th' havin' or not havin'... what was I sayin'?~ ++ ~[PC] You were saying how you really wanted to go to sleep right now.~ + a1523 ++ ~[PC] You are stupid and rude, and I think you can just stay here and fend for yourself.~ + a1523 ++ ~[PC] You are drunk. I think I might be, too, a little. I will see you tomorrow.~ + a1523 ++ ~[PC] Politics, sex, having your way with me, you know... the usual. Aran? Are you awake? Aran?~ + a1523 ++ ~[PC] You were challenging me to a drinking contest, and I was betting that I can drink you under the table.~ + a1515 END IF ~~ a1520 SAY ~[ARAN] Did I? I do believe I did. Well, if I could remember what I said. Why, you interested?~ ++ ~[PC] You are stupid and rude, and I think you can just stay here and fend for yourself.~ + a1523 ++ ~[PC] You are drunk. I think I might be, too, a little. I will see you tomorrow.~ + a1523 ++ ~[PC] Yes.~ + a1524 ++ ~[PC] Never in a million years.~ + a1521 ++ ~[PC] This is why I do not get drunk. It saves all sorts of embarrassment the next morning.~ + a1521 END IF ~~ a1521 SAY ~[ARAN] Well, good thing I got a tough hide, eh? Used to rejection. Now, that there cute little thing over there, she might just say yes. Her... th' one standin' next to her twin...~ ++ ~[PC] Well, if you can't beat 'em, join 'em. Bartender, four of those. Yes, the strong ones. I have some catching up to do.~ + a1525 ++ ~[PC] Aran, you are pointing vaguely in the direction of a table. I think you... too late. Bartender, can you get someone to haul him up to his room?~ + a1523 ++ ~[PC] Hey, Aran.. say this... 'she sells sea shells by the seashore'. Come on, I dare you!~ + a1526 END IF ~~ a1522 SAY ~[ARAN] You be right on that. But probably I won't remember in th' mornin'. I don't know, ... there be so much about you that sets me on fire. But then you scare me, too. Don't know if I am comin' or goin', goin', or... what was I sayin'?~ ++ ~[PC] You are stupid and rude, and I think you can just stay here and fend for yourself.~ + a1523 ++ ~[PC] You are drunk. I think I might be, too, a little. I will see you tomorrow.~ + a1523 ++ ~[PC] I would not sleep with you, Aran, even if you were a Masked Lord of Neverwinter. Never in a million years.~ + a1521 ++ ~[PC] This is why I do not get drunk. It saves all sorts of embarrassment the next morning.~ + a1521 ++ ~[PC] Well, you are drunk, and I might be, too... but I want to be special to someone right now. I say yes. Let's go upstairs.~ + a1524 END IF ~~ a1524 SAY ~[ARAN] Shun's... Zune's.. hells, whatever-her-name-is' Schlippery Schlopes. I want you, an' you say yes, an' then it all falls apart on account o' I am just about to...~ ++ ~[PC] Aran? Aran? Wake up, Aran...~ DO ~RestParty()~ EXIT ++ ~[PC] Gods. The man has passed out. Quick, go through his pockets and see if he has anything valuable.~ DO ~RestParty()~ EXIT ++ ~[PC] Of all the nerve. How dare you pass out when things were about to get interesting.~ DO ~RestParty()~ EXIT END IF ~~ a1523 SAY ~[ARAN] Shun's... Zune's.. hells, whatever-her-name-is' Schlippery Schlopes. You go on wi' out me. I'm goin' to fall ashleep on this nish, comfy table.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~RestParty()~ EXIT END IF ~~ a1525 SAY ~[ARAN] Th... that were a mite quick, wi' all... all those drinks. You be one hell o' a strong . I'd be on my arse. Gotta drink. ? Nope, 's out cold. Hey, I have a conshtit... conshititz.. blargzlubm... (thud.)~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~RestParty()~ EXIT END IF ~~ a1526 SAY ~[ARAN] She shellsh... See sell... she sh... Red Knight's Rump, I be shpittin... Hells. You say it. I be lookin' for someplace where to lie down. Nice table...~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a1535 END IF ~~ a1527 SAY ~[ARAN] Spoilsport. You should come wi' me, an' help me land one o' these women in my bedroll, eh? So many women, so many beautiful women... Waukeen's Wandering Worshipers, what in th' nine hells was I sayin'?~ ++ ~[PC] You were saying that you were going to buy another round.~ + a1534 + ~ReputationGT(Player1,16)~ + ~[PC] You were saying that you were going to try to bed that waitress over there.~ + a1531 + ~ReputationLT(Player1,17) ReputationGT(Player1,9)~ + ~[PC] You were saying that you were going to try to bed that waitress over there.~ + a1532 + ~ReputationLT(Player1,10)~ + ~[PC] You were saying that you were going to try to bed that waitress over there.~ + a1533 + ~ReputationGT(Player1,16)~ + ~[PC] You were saying that you were going to bed to sleep off the drink.~ + a1531 + ~ReputationLT(Player1,17) ReputationGT(Player1,9)~ + ~[PC] You were saying that you were going to bed to sleep off the drink.~ + a1532 + ~ReputationLT(Player1,10)~ + ~[PC] You were saying that you were going to bed to sleep off the drink.~ + a1533 + ~ReputationGT(Player1,16)~ + ~[PC] You were saying that the night is young, and you wanted to have some fun.~ + a1531 + ~ReputationLT(Player1,17) ReputationGT(Player1,9)~ + ~[PC] You were saying that the night is young, and you wanted to have some fun.~ + a1532 + ~ReputationLT(Player1,10)~ + ~[PC] You were saying that the night is young, and you wanted to have some fun.~ + a1533 ++ ~[PC] Oh, come on. you remember. You haven't had that much to drink. I bet I can drink you under the table.~ + a1516 END IF ~~ a1528 SAY ~[ARAN] Exactly my point. Women, they need to know they be not th' only choice out there. Keep em' on their toes, I always say. But I say a bit more'n I should, an' naught comes o' it, either. I think. Do I think? So many women, so many beautiful women... Waukeen's Wanderin' Worshipers, what in th' nine hells was I sayin'?~ ++ ~[PC] You were saying that you were going to buy another round.~ + a1534 + ~ReputationGT(Player1,16)~ + ~[PC] You were saying that you were going to try to bed that waitress over there.~ + a1531 + ~ReputationLT(Player1,17) ReputationGT(Player1,9)~ + ~[PC] You were saying that you were going to try to bed that waitress over there.~ + a1532 + ~ReputationLT(Player1,10)~ + ~[PC] You were saying that you were going to try to bed that waitress over there.~ + a1533 + ~ReputationGT(Player1,16)~ + ~[PC] You were saying that you were going to bed to sleep off the drink.~ + a1531 + ~ReputationLT(Player1,17) ReputationGT(Player1,9)~ + ~[PC] You were saying that you were going to bed to sleep off the drink.~ + a1532 + ~ReputationLT(Player1,10)~ + ~[PC] You were saying that you were going to bed to sleep off the drink.~ + a1533 + ~ReputationGT(Player1,16)~ + ~[PC] You were saying that the night is young, and you wanted to have some fun.~ + a1531 + ~ReputationLT(Player1,17) ReputationGT(Player1,9)~ + ~[PC] You were saying that the night is young, and you wanted to have some fun.~ + a1532 + ~ReputationLT(Player1,10)~ + ~[PC] You were saying that the night is young, and you wanted to have some fun.~ + a1533 ++ ~[PC] Oh, come on. you remember. You haven't had that much to drink. I bet I can drink you under the table.~ + a1516 END IF ~~ a1529 SAY ~[ARAN] Oh, big talk, big talk. I can see 'em linin' up for you, right now, eh? Price o' fame, I guess. So many women, so many beautiful women... Waukeen's Wanderin' Worshipers, what in th' nine hells was I sayin'?~ ++ ~[PC] You were saying that you were going to buy another round.~ + a1534 + ~ReputationGT(Player1,16)~ + ~[PC] You were saying that you were going to try to bed that waitress over there.~ + a1531 + ~ReputationLT(Player1,17) ReputationGT(Player1,9)~ + ~[PC] You were saying that you were going to try to bed that waitress over there.~ + a1532 + ~ReputationLT(Player1,10)~ + ~[PC] You were saying that you were going to try to bed that waitress over there.~ + a1533 + ~ReputationGT(Player1,16)~ + ~[PC] You were saying that you were going to bed to sleep off the drink.~ + a1531 + ~ReputationLT(Player1,17) ReputationGT(Player1,9)~ + ~[PC] You were saying that you were going to bed to sleep off the drink.~ + a1532 + ~ReputationLT(Player1,10)~ + ~[PC] You were saying that you were going to bed to sleep off the drink.~ + a1533 + ~ReputationGT(Player1,16)~ + ~[PC] You were saying that the night is young, and you wanted to have some fun.~ + a1531 + ~ReputationLT(Player1,17) ReputationGT(Player1,9)~ + ~[PC] You were saying that the night is young, and you wanted to have some fun.~ + a1532 + ~ReputationLT(Player1,10)~ + ~[PC] You were saying that the night is young, and you wanted to have some fun.~ + a1533 ++ ~[PC] Oh, come on. You remember. You haven't had that much to drink. I bet I can drink you under the table.~ + a1516 END IF ~~ a1530 SAY ~[ARAN] Hells, yes. Well, no. I mean, there be fightin', an' writin', an' sometimes a nice bit o' commentary on th' state o' Waterdeep politics. But mostly, it be about sex. Either havin' it, not havin' it, or whom th' havin' or not havin'... what was I sayin'?~ + ~ReputationGT(Player1,16)~ + ~[PC] You were babbling randomly again. I lost track somewhere about the time you opened your mouth.~ + a1531 + ~ReputationLT(Player1,17) ReputationGT(Player1,9)~ + ~[PC] You were babbling randomly again. I lost track somewhere about the time you opened your mouth.~ + a1532 + ~ReputationLT(Player1,10)~ + ~[PC] You were babbling randomly again. I lost track somewhere about the time you opened your mouth.~ + a1533 + ~ReputationGT(Player1,16)~ + ~[PC] Do not worry, Aran. we will get you upstairs and keep you out of trouble. In this condition, I do not think you even know what you are saying.~ + a1531 + ~ReputationLT(Player1,17) ReputationGT(Player1,9)~ + ~[PC] Well, this is amusing. You are drunk, boyo.~ + a1532 + ~ReputationLT(Player1,10)~ + ~[PC] Hey, I think you should get a few more drinks in you, while I bet on how many it takes to make you pass out.~ + a1533 ++ ~[PC] Come on, let's find some women who have loose morals and low standards. That should take care of you, and then I will go find someone with class and refined tastes for myself.~ + a1529 ++ ~[PC] You were betting that you can drink me under the table.~ + a1515 ++ ~[PC] Hey, Aran.. say this... 'she sells sea shells by the seashore'. Come on, I dare you!~ + a1526 END IF ~~ a1531 SAY ~[ARAN] You be a damned good fr... friend, . Deneir's Sharp Quill, it were a g... good day when I signed on wi' you. Prince among swine, or men, or someth'n like that, an' all... a Mystra-Kissed Hero o' th' Realms.~ ++ ~[PC] Easy, easy... you are starting to wobble. Stay seated...~ + a1535 ++ ~[PC] Careful. I have had a few too many drinks myself, but your breath smells like you have been drinking D'Tranion.~ + a1535 ++ ~[PC] Another reason not to drink. Whether I am available or not, I am about to be the only one of the two of us who could do anything but slobber and pass out.~ + a1535 ++ ~[PC] Hey, never mind all that. The blond on the end, over there. She is looking at you.~ + a1536 ++ ~[PC] Well, if you can't beat 'em, join 'em. Bartender, four of those. Yes, the strong ones. I have some catching up to do.~ + a1525 END IF ~~ a1532 SAY ~[ARAN] You be a damned good fr... friend, . Well, no, that be wrong. You be a tough man what to understand. Hoar's Swift Justice, you go one way an' then th' next, seemin' to stay neutral, you kn... know. Hey. Stop spinnin' about like that.~ ++ ~[PC] I am not spinning, Aran. But here, you might want to keep a bucket handy...~ + a1535 ++ ~[PC] Careful. I have had a few too many drinks myself, but your breath smells like you have been drinking D'Tranion.~ + a1535 ++ ~[PC] Another reason not to drink. Whether I am available or not, I am about to be the only one of the two of us who could do anything but slobber and pass out.~ + a1535 ++ ~[PC] Well, if you can't beat 'em, join 'em. Bartender, four of those. Yes, the strong ones. I have some catching up to do.~ + a1525 ++ ~[PC] Hey, never mind that. The blond on the end, over there. She is looking at you.~ + a1536 END IF ~~ a1533 SAY ~[ARAN] You be a damned good fr... friend, . Umberlee's Undulations, that be wrong. You be th' meanest, nastiest Son' o' Bhaal ever let loose on' th' face o' Toril. But I got your back, an' I c... can't rightly complain. I like to be on th' winnin' side, eh? Bastard.~ ++ ~[PC] Interesting revelation. You love me, but you hate me. Useful.~ + a1535 ++ ~[PC] Well, if you can't beat 'em, join 'em. Bartender, four of those. Yes, the strong ones. I have some catching up to do.~ + a1525 ++ ~[PC] Hey, you should go run your head through that door over there. You could do it. 5 gold says you can do it...~ + a1535 ++ ~[PC] Never mind that. The blond on the end, over there. She is looking at you.~ + a1536 ++ ~[PC] Bartender, my friend here says that I am on his tab for the night. Get me your best drink!~ + a1535 ++ ~[PC] You. Yeah, the ugly one. My friend Aran here says your girlfriend looks like a cow. And something about your mother being an orc.~ + a1535 END IF ~~ a1534 SAY ~[ARAN] Right, by Oghma's Oracular Aura! Ano... 'nother round! Only I can't bloody well find my coinpurse, eh? I th... think it fell somewhere down here. Nice table... it be a bit smelly down here under it, but th' floor feels right s... soft it do.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a1535 END IF ~~ a1535 SAY ~[ARAN] Shun's... Zune's.. hells, whatever-her-name-is' Schlippery Schlopes.~ ++ ~[PC] Aran? Aran? Wake up, Aran...~ DO ~RestParty()~ EXIT ++ ~[PC] Gods. The man has passed out. Quick, go through his pockets and see if he has anything valuable.~ DO ~RestParty()~ EXIT ++ ~[PC] Of all the nerve. How dare you pass out when things were about to get interesting.~ DO ~RestParty()~ EXIT ++ ~[PC] I think I am going to be sick.~ DO ~RestParty()~ EXIT END IF ~~ a1536 SAY ~[ARAN] What blond?~ ++ ~[PC] The one smiling at you. Don't you see her? She is right over there. Here, let me write a note for you. Something witty that will get her attention. Bartender!~ + a1543 ++ ~[PC] Never mind. She is looking at me. You have had way too much to drink, anyways, so the contest would be no fun. Come on, you need to get upstairs.~ + a1561 ++ ~[PC] Look, there is only one woman over there. Don't tell me you can't see her.~ + a1542 ++ ~[PC] The one I am leaving with, tonight. Pity I can't stay. People to see, women to seduce... you know how it goes. Oh, wait... you don't.~ + a1523 END IF ~~ a1537 SAY ~[ARAN] Gond's Bladder, that b... be no way to measure a man, nor naught no w... woman, neither, nohow. St.. stick 'em in battle, an' you know, but dr... drinkin'? That be an art, not no measure o' manhood.~ + ~RandomNum(2,1)~ + ~[PC] So you are too chicken to challenge me?~ + a1539 + ~RandomNum(2,2)~ + ~[PC] So you are too chicken to challenge me?~ + a1540 ++ ~[PC] No matter. I was bored with this anyways. Here, have a drink on me.~ + a1538 ++ ~[PC] Let's see if you can hold any more liquor. Drink up, Aran.~ + a1541 ++ ~[PC] Well, if you can't beat 'em, join 'em. Bartender, four of those. Yes, the strong ones. I have some catching up to do.~ + a1525 ++ ~[PC] Hey, on second thought, you have had way too much. Come on, you need to get upstairs.~ + a1561 END IF ~~ a1538 SAY ~[ARAN] Right friendly o' you.~ ++ ~[PC] Let's see if you can hold any more liquor. Drink up, Aran.~ + a1541 ++ ~[PC] Hey, on second thought, you have had way too much. Come on, you need to get upstairs.~ + a1561 ++ ~[PC] Well, if you can't beat 'em, join 'em. Bartender, four of those. Yes, the strong ones. I have some catching up to do.~ + a1525 ++ ~[PC] Well, we have an early start tomorrow, I think. I'm headed out.~ + a1523 END IF ~~ a1539 SAY ~[ARAN] Now, I didn't say I wasn't, did I, I be a mite c... confused. No matter. Drinkin' contest it be. Bartender!~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a1555 END IF ~~ a1540 SAY ~[ARAN] No,I am not goin' to do that wi' you. I'd be right happy to drink together, but no contest. It just don't seem right.~ ++ ~[PC] That wasn't a request, it was an order. Here, we will start with this.~ + a1555 ++ ~[PC] Well, we have an early start tomorrow, I think. I'm headed out.~ + a1523 ++ ~[PC] Good decision. You have had way too much to drink anyways, so the contest would be no fun. Come on, you need to get upstairs.~ + a1561 ++ ~[PC] You are no fun. Well, if you can't beat 'em, join 'em. Bartender, four of those. Yes, the strong ones. I have some catching up to do.~ + a1525 ++ ~[PC] Aran, how many fingers am I holding up?~ + a1566 END IF ~~ a1541 SAY ~[ARAN] Good shtuff. D... Don't you worry, . I have a conshtit... conshititz.. blargzlubm... (thud.)~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~RestParty()~ EXIT END IF ~~ a1542 SAY ~[ARAN] Well, mayhap I meant 'which blond'. On account o' th' two twins over th... there. But hey, it don't matter. I done signed her an' her twin some Thieves Cant I learned me awhile back. It got at least one o' their attention. She be comin' over here, carryin' her wine right nice an' smilin'. Hey, is my breath bad?~ ++ ~[PC] Absolutely. You smell like a spring flower. Good call on the Cant, too, with her wearing all that black leather and that big tattoo across her cheek. Go get her, Aran!~ + a1544 ++ ~[PC] Absolutely, if you like charnel houses pickled in liquor. Good call on the Cant, too, with her wearing all that black leather and that big tattoo across her cheek. But she looks drunk too. Go get her, Aran!~ + a1544 ++ ~[PC] Hey, perhaps we should get out of here. She is not all that pretty. Come on, let's leave.~ + a1544 END IF ~~ a1543 SAY ~[ARAN] Well, whatever you d... done wrote, it got her attention. She be comin' over here, carryin' her wine right nice an' smilin'. Hey, is my breath bad?~ ++ ~[PC] Absolutely. You smell like a spring flower. Go get her, Aran!~ + a1545 ++ ~[PC] Absolutely, if you like charnel houses pickled in liquor. But she looks drunk too. Go get her, Aran!~ + a1545 ++ ~[PC] Hey, perhaps we should get out of here. She is not all that pretty. Come on, let's leave.~ + a1545 END IF ~~ a1544 SAY ~[ARAN] Too late, she be right here. Hey there, lass...~ = ~[ARAN] Did you see that? Th' wench poured her wine over my head, an' waltzed out wi' out a howdy-do!~ ++ ~[PC] What did you sign to her?~ + a1563 ++ ~[PC] You have an interesting way with women.~ + a1563 ++ ~[PC] Never mind. You needed a bath anyways. Come on, let's drink until we throw up!~ + a1564 END IF ~~ a1545 SAY ~[ARAN] Too late, she be right here. Hey there, lass...~ = ~[ARAN] Did you see that? Th' wench poured her wine over my head, an' waltzed out wi' out a howdy-do! What in th' nine hells did you write?~ ++ ~[PC] Oh, nothing much. I just mentioned you were available, and you thought she was cute. At least I think that is what I wrote. My Chondthan is a little rusty.~ + a1564 ++ ~[PC] Oh, nothing much. I asked how much for the night.~ + a1564 ++ ~[PC] Never mind. You needed a bath anyways. Come on, let's drink until we throw up!~ + a1564 END IF ~~ a1546 SAY ~[ARAN] Grumbar's Fists an' Fl.. Flatulence, that be a great idea. Hey. YOU. Yeah, you, th' t... tall one. You look like a piece o' crap your mother threw out. Wh... what do you say to that, you flamin' arse?~ ++ ~[PC] Aran, who are you... oh. You are picking a fight with a chair. Time for bed, boyo.~ + a1552 ++ ~[PC] Go on, hit him, Aran! Hit him hard! No, he is over in that direction. Aran, to your left. In front of you.~ + a1551 ++ ~[PC] You are on your own. I don't ordinarily brawl, you know. I will bail you out in the morning, though, if you are still alive.~ + a1552 ++ ~[PC] I have his friend in sight, Aran. Don't worry, we can take them both!~ + a1553 END IF ~~ a1547 SAY ~[ARAN] Grumbar's Fists an' Fl.. Flatulence, I needs defend your honor. Hey. YOU. Yeah, you, th' t... tall one. Are you embarrassin' this lady? You look like a piece o' crap your mother threw out. Wh... what do you say to that, you flamin' arse?~ ++ ~[PC] Aran, who are you... oh. You are picking a fight with a chair. Time for bed, boyo.~ + a1552 ++ ~[PC] Please, stop that... you are making a scene. I don't want the attention.~ + a1552 ++ ~[PC] Now you have done it. That dwarf over there thought you were talking to him, and he seems to have friends. I don't want a fight. Let's get out of here.~ + a1552 ++ ~[PC] Remind me to go about banging pots and pans at daybreak right over your head as punishment for this humiliation.~ + a1550 END IF ~~ a1548 SAY ~[ARAN] What? You said s... somethin' about dressin' up. D... don't rightly know about any o' that, . Sounds kind o' strange.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a1523 END IF ~~ a1549 SAY ~[ARAN] I know, I kn... now, you will be killin' me. Only that be implausible, on acc... 'count o' th' women trouble would kill me first, eh?~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a1523 END IF ~~ a1550 SAY ~[ARAN] Bane's Blood. There be three o' him, an' two o' his friend. Bad odds. You scoot out right quick, , an' I'll knock 'em down. Just point me at... (thud.) no, that be a door frame.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~RestParty()~ EXIT END IF ~~ a1551 SAY ~[ARAN] Bane's Blood. I think I just punched a wall.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~RestParty()~ EXIT END IF ~~ a1552 SAY ~[ARAN] Bane's Bones. Wish I'd h... have known th.. that earlier, on acc... 'count o' I just punched him.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~RestParty()~ EXIT END IF ~~ a1553 SAY ~[ARAN] Um... ? Where did they go? On account o' I think we be leanin' ag... against each other, an... I don't ri... rightly see no opp... ponents. You look like hell. An' I think I shall now throw up.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~RestParty()~ EXIT END IF ~~ a1554 SAY ~[ARAN] Who do we be kiddin'. We both have conshtit... conshititz.. blargzlubm...~ /* aran started first, so we can cut it off early */ /* They're both toast */ + ~CheckStatLT("c-aran",18,CON) CheckStatLT(Player1,18,CON)~ + ~[PC] Ooohh... I don't... feel... sho...~ + a1561 /* Both holding their own */ + ~!CheckStatLT("c-aran",18,CON) !CheckStatLT(Player1,18,CON)~ + ~[PC] Less talk, more drink! C... come on, Aran.~ + a1562 + ~!CheckStatLT("c-aran",18,CON) !CheckStatLT(Player1,18,CON)~ + ~[PC] This is no longer fun. You are on your own.~ + a1558 + ~!CheckStatLT("c-aran",18,CON) !CheckStatLT(Player1,18,CON)~ + ~[PC] I 've had en... enough. G'night.~ + a1558 /* Aran's done */ + ~CheckStatLT("c-aran",18,CON) !CheckStatLT(Player1,18,CON)~ + ~[PC] Aran? Are you al... alright? You look like you are about to...~ + a1559 /* PC's done */ + ~!CheckStatLT("c-aran",18,CON) CheckStatLT(Player1,18,CON)~ + ~[PC] Pr... retty gooodlfgh snzzlegrmph...~ + a1560 END IF ~~ a1555 SAY ~[ARAN] Now, this be a drink what can knock down an ogre at twelve paces, j... just wi' th' smell. Aye, death t... to our enemies!~ /* They're both toast */ + ~CheckStatLT("c-aran",15,CON) CheckStatLT(Player1,15,CON)~ + ~[PC] Ooohh... that burns as it goes down. I don't.. feel... sho...~ + a1556 /* both constitutions under 14, both pass out. */ /* Both holding their own */ + ~!CheckStatLT("c-aran",15,CON) !CheckStatLT(Player1,15,CON)~ + ~[PC] Drink up!~ + a1557 + ~!CheckStatLT("c-aran",15,CON) !CheckStatLT(Player1,15,CON)~ + ~[PC] This is no longer fun. You are on your own.~ + a1558 + ~!CheckStatLT("c-aran",15,CON) !CheckStatLT(Player1,15,CON)~ + ~[PC] I 've had en... enough. G'night.~ + a1558 /* Aran's done */ + ~CheckStatLT("c-aran",15,CON) !CheckStatLT(Player1,15,CON)~ + ~[PC] Aran? Are you al... alright? You look like you are about to...~ + a1559 /* PC's done */ + ~!CheckStatLT("c-aran",15,CON) CheckStatLT(Player1,15,CON)~ + ~[PC] Ooohh... I don't.. feel... sho...~ + a1560 END IF ~~ a1556 SAY ~[ARAN] Th... that were a mite quick, wi' only o... one drink. ? Nope, out cold. Hey, I have a conshtit... conshititz.. blargzlubm... (thud.)~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~RestParty()~ EXIT END IF ~~ a1557 SAY ~[ARAN] Flamin' Fist Forev'r.~ /* They're both toast */ + ~CheckStatLT("c-aran",16,CON) CheckStatLT(Player1,16,CON)~ + ~[PC] Ooohh... I don't.. feel... sho...~ + a1561 /* Both holding their own */ + ~!CheckStatLT("c-aran",16,CON) !CheckStatLT(Player1,16,CON)~ + ~[PC] Confusion to our friends!~ + a1565 + ~!CheckStatLT("c-aran",16,CON) !CheckStatLT(Player1,16,CON)~ + ~[PC] This is no longer fun. You are on your own.~ + a1558 + ~!CheckStatLT("c-aran",16,CON) !CheckStatLT(Player1,16,CON)~ + ~[PC] I 've had en.. enough. G'night.~ + a1558 /* Aran's done */ + ~CheckStatLT("c-aran",16,CON) !CheckStatLT(Player1,16,CON)~ + ~[PC] Aran? Are you al... alright? You look like you are about to...~ + a1559 /* PC's done */ + ~!CheckStatLT("c-aran",16,CON) CheckStatLT(Player1,16,CON)~ + ~[PC] Ooohh... I don't.. feel... sho...~ + a1560 END IF ~~ a1558 SAY ~[ARAN] I think I done won, eh... just gave up, eh? I'll follow out. Hey, th' ceilin' be shpinnin' too fasht, an' blgblshiri, nozzing brlip... (thud.) ~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~RestParty()~ EXIT END IF ~~ a1559 SAY ~[ARAN] Blgblshiri, nozzing brlip... (thud.)~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~RestParty()~ EXIT END IF ~~ a1560 SAY ~[ARAN] I think I done won, eh... just hit th' floor. Or it hit . Hey, th' ceilin' be shpinnin' too fasht, an' blgblshiri, nozzing brlip... (thud.) ~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~RestParty()~ EXIT END IF ~~ a1561 SAY ~[ARAN] Th... that were a good run, it w... were. ... you all be all fuzzy lookin'. All both o' you. Shtop that. We might both be about to... (thud.)~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~RestParty()~ EXIT END IF ~~ a1562 SAY ~[ARAN] Who do we be kiddin'. We both have conshtit... conshititz.. blargzlubm... (thud.)~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~RestParty()~ EXIT END IF ~~ a1563 SAY ~[ARAN] Tymora's Bright Coin, I thought I said 'You are cute'. But thinkin' about it, that sign be close to 'how much for th' night'. Or mayhap somethin' about her bust size. Hells, I am d... drunk, how am I supposed to know?~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~RestParty()~ EXIT END IF ~~ a1564 SAY ~[ARAN] Tymora's Bright Coin. Wi' friends like you, who bloody well needs enemies.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~RestParty()~ EXIT END IF ~~ a1565 SAY ~[ARAN] Shune there be some goodly drlinliki... dr.... hellsh. Drink up.~ /* They're both toast */ + ~CheckStatLT("c-aran",17,CON) CheckStatLT(Player1,17,CON)~ + ~[PC] Ooohh... I don't.. feel... sho...~ + a1561 /* Both holding their own */ + ~!CheckStatLT("c-aran",17,CON) !CheckStatLT(Player1,17,CON)~ + ~[PC] Bottoms Up, and Tops, Too!~ + a1554 + ~!CheckStatLT("c-aran",17,CON) !CheckStatLT(Player1,17,CON)~ + ~[PC] This is no longer fun. You are on your own.~ + a1558 + ~!CheckStatLT("c-aran",17,CON) !CheckStatLT(Player1,17,CON)~ + ~[PC] I 've had en.. enough. G'night.~ + a1558 /* Aran's done */ + ~CheckStatLT("c-aran",17,CON) !CheckStatLT(Player1,17,CON)~ + ~[PC] Aran? Are you al... alright? You look like you are about to...~ + a1559 /* PC's done */ + ~!CheckStatLT("c-aran",17,CON) CheckStatLT(Player1,17,CON)~ + ~[PC] Ooohh... I don't... feel... sho...~ + a1560 END IF ~~ a1566 SAY ~[ARAN] By Oghma's Oracular Aura, you be holdin' only one fing... hey! Now, there be no call to be crude. That be downright unladylike, eh? Unless that be some kind o' proposition.~ + ~RandomNum(2,1)~ + ~[PC] So you are too chicken to challenge me at drinking?~ + a1539 + ~RandomNum(2,2)~ + ~[PC] So you are too chicken to challenge me at drinking?~ + a1540 ++ ~[PC] No matter. I was bored with this anyways. Here, have a drink on me.~ + a1538 ++ ~[PC] Let's see if you can hold any more liquor. Drink up, Aran.~ + a1541 ++ ~[PC] Well, if you can't beat 'em, join 'em. Bartender, four of those. Yes, the strong ones. I have some catching up to do.~ + a1525 ++ ~[PC] Sit and spin, sweetling. But enough of this. You have had way too much to drink. Come on, you need to get upstairs.~ + a1561 END /* Drunk2 Dialog Replies */ IF ~~ a1589 SAY ~[ARAN] N... now how am I supposed to r... remember? I be not as think as you drunk I am... hold on... yep, I be drunk.~ + ~Gender(Player1,FEMALE)~ + ~[PC] You seem to have had too much to drink again. Perhaps we should get you to bed.~ + a1513 + ~Gender(Player1,MALE)~ + ~[PC] You seem to have had too much to drink again. Perhaps we should get you to bed.~ + a1514 + ~Gender(Player1,FEMALE)~ + ~[PC] This should be fun... I bet I can drink you under the table.~ + a1515 + ~Gender(Player1,MALE)~ + ~[PC] This should be fun... I bet I can drink you under the table.~ + a1516 + ~Gender(Player1,FEMALE)~ + ~[PC] Hey, keep your voice down. You are starting to attract attention again.~ + a1517 + ~Gender(Player1,MALE)~ + ~[PC] Hey, keep your voice down. You are starting to attract attention again.~ + a1518 + ~Gender(Player1,FEMALE)~ + ~[PC] I think the young redhead at the end of the bar is looking at you, Aran.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arandrunk","GLOBAL",4) SetGlobalTimer("c-aransmalltalk","GLOBAL",300) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranisdrunk","GLOBAL",TWO_DAYS)~ + a1590 + ~Gender(Player1,MALE) RandomNum(2,1)~ + ~[PC] I think the young redhead at the end of the bar is looking at you, Aran.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arandrunk","GLOBAL",4) SetGlobalTimer("c-aransmalltalk","GLOBAL",300) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranisdrunk","GLOBAL",TWO_DAYS)~ + a1647 + ~Gender(Player1,MALE) RandomNum(2,2)~ + ~[PC] I think the young redhead at the end of the bar is looking at you, Aran.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arandrunk","GLOBAL",4) SetGlobalTimer("c-aransmalltalk","GLOBAL",300) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranisdrunk","GLOBAL",TWO_DAYS)~ + a1591 END IF ~~ a1590 SAY ~[ARAN] Oh no... I'm not playin' that game. You be th' only sight for me, , whether we be involved an' r... romantic or not. Th' last time some p... pretty little redhead set her cap for m... me, I lost my purse an' didn't even have a k... kiss for th' coin. An' th' time before that, well, it were how you met me, eh? K.. kicked out o' a nice job.~ = ~[ARAN] I done learned my l... lesson. Womenfolk, they be trouble. P... present company included, mayhap.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~RestParty()~ EXIT END IF ~~ a1647 SAY ~[ARAN] Oh no... I'm not playin' that game. Th' last time some p... pretty little redhead set her cap for m... me, I lost my purse an' didn't even have a k... kiss for th' coin. An' th' time before that, well, it were how you met me, eh? K.. kicked out o' a nice job.~ = ~[ARAN] I done learned my l... lesson. Womenfolk, they be trouble. Mark my words, . They be a right bit o' t... trouble.~ ++ ~[PC] I don't think you are looking closely enough. Have you seen her leaning in toward the bartender, with those locks of hair just covering her eyes?~ + a1591 ++ ~[PC] No matter. I was looking for someone to warm my sheets tonight. You are on your own, Aran. Wish me luck.~ + a1592 ++ ~[PC] You? Not interested in flirting? Exactly how much have you had to drink?~ + a1594 END IF ~~ a1591 SAY ~[ARAN] Sharess' Sensual Caress, I do love th' Waterdeep fashions. Low bodice, high skirt, just flirty enough to drive a man crazy. A toast to Waterdeep, an' a hope that next year be th' year o' th' topless dress!~ ++ ~[PC] Now, you are still going to tell me you are not even going to try? Those lips, those long slim fingers...~ + a1593 ++ ~[PC] Right, then. She is all mine.~ + a1595 ++ ~[PC] No, I think I'd better stay here and have a drink, too. Is there ever enough to drink?~ + a1594 ++ ~[PC] Flirting is your specialty, not mine. I am off to bed.~ + a1595 END IF ~~ a1592 SAY ~[ARAN] Sharess' Sensual Caress, I do love th' Waterdeep fashions. Low bodice, high skirt, just flirty enough to drive a man crazy. A toast to Waterdeep, an' a hope that next year be th' year o' th' topless dress! Go get her, laddie.~ ++ ~[PC] Now, you are still going to tell me you are not even going to try? Those lips, those long slim fingers...~ + a1593 ++ ~[PC] You? Not interested in flirting? Exactly how much have you had to drink?~ + a1594 ++ ~[PC] Right, then. She is all mine.~ + a1595 ++ ~[PC] No, I think I'd better stay here and have a drink, too. Is there ever enough to drink?~ + a1594 ++ ~[PC] Flirting is your specialty, not mine. I am off to bed.~ + a1595 END IF ~~ a1593 SAY ~[ARAN] Boyo, if you be lookin' at her fingers, I am here to tell you that there be somethin' wrong in that there head o' yours.~ = ~[ARAN] Besides... I can't feel naught for toes. If I was to stand up, I'd be heels over arse. You go on an' give it a try, eh? An' don't waste your time on complimentin' no fingers.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~RestParty()~ EXIT END IF ~~ a1594 SAY ~[ARAN] Not enough by far to wash away th' taste o' that last battle.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~RestParty()~ EXIT END IF ~~ a1595 SAY ~[ARAN] Good on you. Remember, keep y... your shield up, an' wait for th' right opportunity t... to strike. Then when it be least exshp... echxsp... you know what to do.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~RestParty()~ EXIT END /* Aran Dragon-Slayer Replies */ IF ~~ a710 SAY ~[ARAN] By Kelemvor's Scythe, a friggin' Great Wyrm.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a714 END IF ~~ a711 SAY ~[ARAN] By Tyr's Eye, a friggin' Great Wyrm.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a714 END IF ~~ a712 SAY ~[ARAN] By Ilmater's Blood, a friggin' Great Wyrm.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a714 END IF ~~ a713 SAY ~[ARAN] By Helm's Shield, a friggin' Great Wyrm.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a714 END IF ~~ a714 SAY ~[ARAN] I can't believe we just killed a dragon.~ ++ ~[PC] Come on. We have faced harder foes.~ + a715 ++ ~[PC] I can't believe it either. But we did it.~ + a715 ++ ~[PC] Look, get hold of yourself. It was just an overgrown earthworm. We killed it. End of story.~ + a715 ++ ~[PC] If you didn't believe we could do it, why did you join in the battle?~ + a715 ++ ~[PC] Yep. One dead dragon. Are you cooking tonight? Dragon steaks might just be on the menu.~ + a715 END /* Phaere Commentary Replies */ IF ~~ a727 SAY ~[ARAN] So, give up th' goods, ... what happened? It looked like she was more than a mite interested in beddin' you, boyo.~ + ~ReputationGT(Player1,15)~ + ~[PC] A gentleman never tells.~ + a728 + ~ReputationGT(Player1,8) ReputationLT(Player1,16)~ + ~[PC] A gentleman never tells.~ + a729 + ~ReputationLT(Player1,9)~ + ~[PC] A gentleman never tells.~ + a730 ++ ~[PC] Let's just say the lady was satisfied with our... discussion.~ + a731 ++ ~[PC] Hey, Drowess, remember? Do you really think I would allow my guard to drop that far?~ + a732 ++ ~[PC] Well, we started out with feathers, and progressed to the black leather and whips... do you want me to continue?~ + a733 END IF ~~ a726 SAY ~[ARAN] I know a woman's got to do what a woman's got to do. But I'd be careful o' 'gifts' from Drow, no matter how... err... physically impressive.~ + ~ReputationGT(Player1,15)~ + ~[PC] A lady never tells.~ + a734 + ~ReputationGT(Player1,8) ReputationLT(Player1,16)~ + ~[PC] A lady never tells.~ + a735 + ~ReputationLT(Player1,9)~ + ~[PC] A lady never tells.~ + a736 ++ ~[PC] Do not worry, Aran. I did not do anything I might be ashamed of later.~ + a737 ++ ~[PC] I take research seriously, Aran. And I think I have some new ideas for you to try out. Do not worry - I will teach you!~ + a738 ++ ~[PC] Do you actually think I would sleep with anyone against my own wishes?~ + a739 ++ ~[PC] This is none of your business.~ + a1918 /* c-aranshutup12 */ END IF ~~ a728 SAY ~[ARAN] Come on, - you tend to be one mean son o' a bitch. It never stopped you before.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a729 SAY ~[ARAN] Come on, - since when were we goin' to start bein' gentlemen?~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a730 SAY ~[ARAN] True enough, . You do be a gentleman. Good on you, then, takin' a walk on th' wild side. Not sure I'd choose a Drowess, but since you be loosenin' up a little, I got a girl in Nashkel I can introduce you to I think you will like right fine!~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a731 SAY ~[ARAN] I won't say a Drowess be th' right choice o' bedpartner, but next inn, I'll buy an' you talk. I done heard they can kill you by erotic onslaught.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a732 SAY ~[ARAN] True enough, . Should o' thought o' that myself. Pity, though - think o' th' stories you could have told th' boys, eh?~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a733 SAY ~[ARAN] Hells yes, man... spill it! Hold on.. I need to sharpen my quill, an' write this down. Start over. You said there was feathers?~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a734 SAY ~[ARAN] Come on, - you tend to be one mean bitch. That's what makes you so desirable, eh? Well, if you need to practice any o' th' moves you learned, you know where to find me. I'm a right good student, I am.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a735 SAY ~[ARAN] Well, m'Lady - a walk on th' wild side might have been right fun, if you did. But I can be right wild too, if you was to want that kind o' attention. And wi' me, you know I'm not goin' to stab you in th' back. (There be a crude joke there, somewhere, but I'm not goin' to go there, eh?).~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a736 SAY ~[ARAN] True enough, . You do be a lady. Mayhap I'm just jealous, a bit. Wild flings, an' such, well, if you get into th' mood for such, you could look closer to home for that. I'm not rightly chopped liver, you know.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a737 SAY ~[ARAN] Well, that be a relief. I think.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a738 SAY ~[ARAN] Well, I guess when life hands you lemons, make some lemonade, eh? You teach me, an' I'll show you no Drow bastard can keep up wi' a real man, no matter how many tricks they be taught.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a739 SAY ~[ARAN] True enough, . Should o' thought o' that myself. I don't rightly think someone as powerful an' beautiful as you be would lose control o' th' situation. So if somethin' happened, I shut up an' soldier, an' if somethin' didn't, I shut up an' soldier. Guess I'm just a nosy bugger at heart!~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END /* Lathander Temple Comments */ IF ~~ a747 SAY ~[ARAN] Sorry, sorry, just jokin'. Shuttin' up now. See, this is me, shuttin' up!~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a748 SAY ~[ARAN] You don't rightly want me to play matchmaker, . I have Chauntea's own touch. Th' last two I paired up be raisin' four children an' a dog on a small farm north o' Beregost!~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a749 SAY ~[ARAN] What else is there to life, eh?~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END /* Madam Nin Dialog : Playing Aran replies */ IF ~~ a4310 SAY ~[ARAN] Now there be a golden opportunity wasted, you know. You ever decide to expand, an' mayhap need a hand wi' th' contracts an' such, look me up, eh? Aran Whitehand, Sword n' Pen. Trade Contracts and Copywork Drawn. Here, have one o' my broadsides. Wait, take two.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END /* Fun with songs! replies */ IF ~~ a4313 SAY ~[ARAN] Gond's Great Gear, an' here all I wanted was to know if I should be sendin' nice little notes back to Erika, on account o' her bein' just about th' right stage to break up wi' that beau o' hers. Or mayhap th' young lass in Trademeet, th' one wi' th' coppery hair hangin' over her shoulder all tied up in a black velvet band. Or mayhap th' young lass outside o' Nashkel, th' bold bright black eyes what sparkled... no, no... mayhap some other lass be th' right one to be courtin' from afar.~ // Black Velvet Band, The Raven Eyed Lass ++ ~[PC] Or the young woman in the stables outside the Government district? The one they call 'Mustang Sally'?~ + a4314 ++ ~[PC] Just don't bother with Alice. I have heard all the girls love Alice.~ + a4315 ++ ~[PC] You always go on and on about some girl named Eileen, and how at this moment she means everything...~ + a4316 ++ ~[PC] There was that Elenor somebody you used to mutter about.~ + a4319 ++ ~[PC] What about that bardess Chiquitita? I heard she has a new song...~ + a4317 ++ ~[PC] I thought you liked that barmaid in the Trade district... Sue, wasn't that her name?~ + a4318 END /* c_mustangsally, pickett */ IF ~~ a4314 SAY ~[ARAN] I tried to get that lass to spark, but all she wanted to do was ride. Now, don't you be lookin' at me that way... I mean ride th' horses around an' look at th' sights! If that were innuendo, my friend, you would not have me along. I'd be right by her side to this day!~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END /* c_allthegirlslovealice, Elton John */ IF ~~ a4315 SAY ~[ARAN] Now, how were I to know she preferered th' ladies? She wore th' flower in both ears, an' seemed interested in me as much as any. No, I think I wouldn't be askin' about her.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END /* c_comeoneileen, Dexy and the Midnight Runners */ IF ~~ a4316 SAY ~[ARAN] No, I want naught o' Eileen. She ran off in th' dead o' night wi' some young lad named Dexy. That girl were a keeper, though. She could keep a lad wantin' more.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END /* c_elenorrigby, Beatles */ IF ~~ a4319 SAY ~[ARAN] Now that were a lass to remember. last I heard, though, she up an' died. She be buried somewhere right lonely, too. Not many made th' funeral. Pity.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END /* c_chiquitita, ABBA */ IF ~~ a4317 SAY ~[ARAN] Now that be a right fine young lass. Th' way her neck moves just so, an' th' gentle curves... hells, what were I talkin' about? Oh, no. Not her. She loved th' sadness an' despondency o' broken romance. Hells, we broke up three times in one night, just on account o' she wanted to make up. Not that makin' up were hard to do...~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END /* c_runaroundsue, Dion */ IF ~~ a4318 SAY ~[ARAN] Now don't be bringin' that evil wench into th' conversation. Chestnut hair, snub little nose, eyes set just too wide to be pretty... but a sparkin' spirit an' a body like to kill a man what looks at it. That wench done run around wi' half o' Amn, an' she kept promisin' I were her one an' only. No Sue on th' questionin' for me!~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END /* In-A-Romance ending */ IF ~~ a4312 SAY ~[ARAN] Gond's Great Gear, an' here all I wanted was to know if I should be bettin wi' this set o' dice, or get new ones, on account o' th' last few times they seem a mite bit cursed.~ IF ~~ EXIT END /* troubleshooting */ IF ~~ a2747 SAY ~[CMORGAN] ERROR. Something is screwed up - the LOCALS did not set.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a2725 SAY ~[CMORGAN] ERROR. Something is screwed up - the LOCALS are past the point they should be for evaluation.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a1455 SAY ~[ARAN] Hey, I am not readin' my code correctly. Contact cmorgan at www.gibberlings3.net, on account o' somethin' is not right. Line a1455 is playin' out in dialog, which means No Valid Links Or Replies.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ c-placeholder SAY ~[ARAN] Well, I'll be a monkey's uncle. I got naught to say. Must be a writer's strike.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END /* Going to Hell in a Handbasket */ IF ~~ a4374 SAY ~[ARAN] An' this smell be none o' my doin', neither. Mayhap some trap done triggered, or somethin'. But at first glance, it looks like someone damned us straight to one o' th' planes o' hell.~ COPY_TRANS PLAYER1 25 END END /* of append to c-aranj */ /* SoA Story Pool : Story Pool chain */ CHAIN C-ARANJ a1673 ~[ARAN] Sure thing. I can tell you what I be rememberin', anyways. Let's see...~ == C-ARANJ IF ~Global("c-arancarbonara","LOCALS",1)~ THEN ~[ARAN]I could tell you about th' rats an' th' Coster wagon again...~ == C-ARANJ IF ~Global("c-arancalimport","LOCALS",1)~ THEN ~[ARAN] I could tell you about th' first time I got myself to Calimport again, if you want.~ == C-ARANJ IF ~Global("c-arangerris","LOCALS",1)~ THEN ~[ARAN] I do remember tellin' you about Gerris an' me workin' short haul from Neverwinter to th' Moonshae Isles. That be a tale.~ == C-ARANJ IF ~Global("c-arandadtrade","LOCALS",1)~ THEN ~[ARAN] I done told you about my father gettin' trapped in th' trade contract... you want to be hearin' it again?~ == C-ARANJ IF ~Global("c-aranfistfight","LOCALS",1)~ THEN ~[ARAN] I told you about gettin' in wi' th' Fist, but do you want to be hearin' it again?~ == C-ARANJ IF ~Global("c-arankravitchstory","LOCALS",1)~ THEN ~[ARAN] I could tell you again about th' time Kravitch an' I got into some trouble wi' a few monks travellin' north o' Beregost, if you want.~ == C-ARANJ IF ~Global("c-arangogstory","LOCALS",1)~ THEN ~[ARAN] I remember that story on th' effects o' gogondy...~ == C-ARANJ IF ~Global("c-aranmoonfight","LOCALS",2)~ THEN ~[ARAN] I think I done old you o' th' time we run off those Northmen up in th' Isles a couple o' times, unless you want to be hearin' it again.~ == C-ARANJ IF ~Global("c-aranmoonfight","LOCALS",1)~ THEN ~[ARAN] I think I told you o' th' time we run off those Northmen up in th' Isles, unless you want to be hearin' it again.~ == C-ARANJ IF ~Global("c-arangogstory","LOCALS",1)~ THEN ~[ARAN] I think I remember tellin' you about th' dangers o' gogondy...~ == C-ARANJ ~[ARAN] That be all I can remember tellin' you about, anyhow.~ END + ~Global("c-arancarbonara","LOCALS",1)~ + ~[PC] Tell the story about the rats.~ + a1433 + ~Global("c-arancalimport","LOCALS",1)~ + ~[PC] Tell me about Calimport.~ + a1432 + ~Global("c-arangerris","LOCALS",1)~ + ~[PC] That Gerris fellow - the one you talked about when we first met. Tell me that story again.~ + a1674 + ~Global("c-arandadtrade","LOCALS",1)~ + ~[PC] Tell me about the trading gone bad.~ + a1675 + ~Global("c-aranfistfight","LOCALS",1)~ + ~[PC] Tell me how you ended up in the Flaming Fist again.~ + a1676 + ~Global("c-aranmoonfight","LOCALS",1)~ + ~[PC] Tell me about that battle up in Moonshae again.~ + a1679 + ~GlobalGT("c-aranmoonfight","LOCALS",1)~ + ~[PC] Tell me about that battle up in Moonshae again.~ + a1680 + ~Global("c-aranCaerCall","LOCALS",1) !Global("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] Aran... tell me about losing Gwyneth again?~ + a1681 + ~Global("c-aranCaerCall","LOCALS",1) Global("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] Aran... tell me about losing Gwyneth again?~ + a1682 + ~Global("c-arankravitchstory","LOCALS",1)~ + ~[PC] That story about the monks. I don't think I remember it.~ + a1677 + ~Global("c-arangogstory","LOCALS",1)~ + ~[PC] Tell me that gogondy story.~ + a2587 + ~Global("c-aranwritesstory","LOCALS",1)~ + ~[PC] You have not told me how your romantic fiction is turning out... "Tess of Nashkel"? Or did you decide on "Deborah Does the Dale Lands"?~ + a1683 ++ ~I think we have had enough talk. Let's move on.~ + a2928 /* Commentary/Reactions: CHAIN */ CHAIN C-ARANJ a715 ~[ARAN] Hold on a second, will you, while I sit down again.~ == AERIEJ IF ~InParty("Aerie") InMyArea("Aerie") !StateCheck("Aerie",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[AERIE] Aran, are you hurt?~ == C-ARANJ IF ~InParty("Aerie") InMyArea("Aerie") !StateCheck("Aerie",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] I don't know. I mean, sure. But more than a little rattled a bit. Check the others first, eh?~ == AERIEJ IF ~InParty("Aerie") InMyArea("Aerie") !StateCheck("Aerie",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[AERIE] All right.~ == ANOMENJ IF ~InParty("Anomen") InMyArea("Anomen") !StateCheck("Anomen",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ANOMEN] A mighty opponent, and a just victory. Might has made Right.~ == HAERDAJ IF ~InParty("HaerDalis") InMyArea("HaerDalis") !StateCheck("HaerDalis",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[HAERDALIS] Oh, my sweetlings, my sparrows. This is a victory that shall reach ears even on planes of existence where ears themselves are but stories told to frighten children!~ == YOSHJ IF ~InParty("Yoshimo") InMyArea("Yoshimo") !StateCheck("Yoshimo",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[YOSHIMO] A worthy adversary. I would prefer that we find less worthy challenges in the future.~ == CERNDJ IF ~InParty("Cernd") InMyArea("Cernd") !StateCheck("Cernd",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[CERND] It is a shame to have to destroy such a fine dragon. But all of us are tested, even as the tree scorched by forest fire is tested. And we have prevailed.~ == EDWINJ IF ~InParty("Edwin") InMyArea("Edwin") !StateCheck("Edwin",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[EDWIN] A paltry task. I would have taken care of him myself, had I not tripped on my hem while casting.~ == C-ARANJ IF ~InParty("Edwin") InMyArea("Edwin") !StateCheck("Edwin",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Got it. That's why you went all green and white, started shivering, and started spouting those curse words. I thought you was scared. But I guess I was mistaken.~ == C-ARANJ ~[ARAN] We fought hard, and won, to be sure. But I just don't know, . Is there really anything more frightening, more rightly terrifying, than an adult dragon? I suspect not. Bloody glad any o' us survived.~ == JAHEIRAJ IF ~InParty("Jaheira") InMyArea("Jaheira") !StateCheck("Jaheira",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[JAHEIRA] Actually, there are much worse things to encounter than dragons. There are pit fiends, and swarms of tanarri, and...~ == C-ARANJ IF ~InParty("Jaheira") InMyArea("Jaheira") !StateCheck("Jaheira",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Jaheira...~ == JAHEIRAJ IF ~InParty("Jaheira") InMyArea("Jaheira") !StateCheck("Jaheira",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[JAHEIRA] Yes, Aran?~ == C-ARANJ IF ~InParty("Jaheira") InMyArea("Jaheira") !StateCheck("Jaheira",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] You aren't helping.~ == JAHEIRAJ IF ~InParty("Jaheira") InMyArea("Jaheira") !StateCheck("Jaheira",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[JAHEIRA] Oh.~ END IF ~~ THEN EXIT /* C-ARAN pre-joining SoA */ APPEND C-ARAN /* Pre-Joining Talks: Heya. Got a gig for me yet? */ IF ~!NumTimesTalkedTo(0)~ THEN BEGIN a16 SAY ~[ARAN] Changed your mind? I can fight, write, an' cook a mean curry.~ [c-aws080] + ~RandomNum(4,4)~ + ~[PC] Why are you looking for work?~ + a6 + ~RandomNum(4,3)~ + ~[PC] Sounds good enough. Join up, then.~ + a13 + ~RandomNum(4,2)~ + ~[PC] Why are you looking for work?~ + a14 + ~RandomNum(4,1)~ + ~[PC] Stand aside, citizen. You are between me and the bar. Not a safe place to be.~ + a7 + ~RandomNum(5,1)~ + ~[PC] Go away, little man.~ + a7 + ~RandomNum(5,2)~ + ~[PC] Nope. Still not interested.~ + a8 + ~RandomNum(5,3)~ + ~[PC] I was just checking to see if you were still here.~ + a9 + ~RandomNum(5,4)~ + ~[PC] Ask me again and I will have you thrown out of here.~ + a10 + ~RandomNum(5,5)~ + ~[PC] No. But I sure could use a drink. Buy me one?~ + a11 ++ ~[PC] What is it you can do for me again?~ + a12 ++ ~[PC] Yes. I could use your services. But shares only, no hiring fees, and you join us as a partner.~ + a13 ++ ~[PC] Not right now. I will let you know if we change our mind.~ + a11 ++ ~[PC] Hire on with us, then. Follow my instructions, and you will be welcome. Cross me, and things could get unpleasant for you.~ + a13 END /* Pre-Joining Talks: Heya. Got a gig for me? */ IF ~NumTimesTalkedTo(0)~ THEN BEGIN a1 SAY ~[ARAN] Aye then, you showed up at a right good time. Aran Whitehand, Sword an' Pen. Accounts audited, contracts written, foes slain. I heard you might be interested in a sellsword for adventurin'.~ [c-aws081] ++ ~[PC] Perhaps later. Right now, I just want a drink.~ + a2 ++ ~[PC] I'm afraid we can't afford a mercenary right now. I need to save a good bit of coin to rescue a friend.~ + a4 ++ ~[PC] Fighter and scribe? Do you do magic as well?~ + a3 ++ ~[PC] We might be able to use a good sword, but I am interested in your scribing. Can you make scrolls?~ + a5 + ~GlobalLT("Chapter","GLOBAL",3)~ + ~[PC] I am not sure that I can use you right now. But perhaps you might be able to help me. I am looking for a mage named Irenicus. Have you heard of him?~ + a18 + ~GlobalGT("Chapter","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] I sure could have used you awhile ago. Now I am not so sure. What can you do for me?~ + a19 + ~RandomNum(5,1)~ + ~[PC] Go away, little man.~ + a7 + ~RandomNum(5,2)~ + ~[PC] Nope. Just not interested.~ + a8 + ~RandomNum(5,3)~ + ~[PC] I was just checking to see if you were working here.~ + a9 + ~RandomNum(5,4)~ + ~[PC] Ask me again and I will have you thrown out of here.~ + a10 + ~RandomNum(5,5)~ + ~[PC] No. But I sure could use a drink. Buy me one?~ + a11 END IF ~~ a2 SAY ~[ARAN] Do you be sure? It looks like you could use me. An' I be a mite tired o' just sittin' around.~ [C-ARAN01] ++ ~[PC] Sounds good enough. Join up, then.~ + a13 ++ ~[PC] What is it you can do for me again?~ + a12 + ~RandomNum(5,1)~ + ~[PC] This conversation is over.~ + a7 + ~RandomNum(5,2)~ + ~[PC] Nope. Still not interested.~ + a8 + ~RandomNum(5,3)~ + ~[PC] What part of 'go away' do you not understand?~ + a9 + ~RandomNum(5,4)~ + ~[PC] I prefer to hire people who can actually... well... speak common.~ + a10 + ~RandomNum(5,5)~ + ~[PC] If you can't take 'no' for an answer, perhaps I should have you thrown into the gutter.~ + a11 ++ ~[PC] Yes. I could use your services. But shares only, no hiring fees, and you join us as a partner.~ + a13 + ~RandomNum(4,4)~ + ~[PC] Not right now. I will let you know if we change our mind.~ + a7 + ~RandomNum(4,3)~ + ~[PC] Not right now. I will let you know if we change our mind.~ + a8 + ~RandomNum(4,2)~ + ~[PC] Not right now. I will let you know if we change our mind.~ + a9 + ~RandomNum(4,1)~ + ~[PC] Not right now. I will let you know if we change our mind.~ + a10 + ~RandomNum(4,1)~ + ~[PC] Not right now. I will let you know if we change our mind.~ + a11 ++ ~[PC] Hire on with me, then. Follow my instructions, and you will be welcome. Cross me, and things could get unpleasant for you.~ + a13 + ~!Global("c-aranhirestory","GLOBAL",1)~ + ~[PC] Why are you looking for work?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranhirestory","GLOBAL",1)~ + a14 + ~Global("c-aranhirestory","GLOBAL",1)~ + ~[PC] Tell me why are you looking for work again?~ + a14 END IF ~~ a3 SAY ~[ARAN] No, can't say as I can do magic. Though I wouldn't mind studyin' it, if that's what you are after. My usual scribin' be trade work, not scrolls, but I can help craft some scrolls if I work closely with a mage.~ ++ ~[PC] Sounds good enough. Join up, then.~ + a13 + ~RandomNum(5,1)~ + ~[PC] Go away, little man.~ + a7 + ~RandomNum(5,2)~ + ~[PC] Nope. Still not interested.~ + a8 + ~RandomNum(5,3)~ + ~[PC] What part of 'go away' do you not understand?~ + a9 + ~RandomNum(5,4)~ + ~[PC] Look, you are cute and all, but really - ask me again and I will simply have to have you thrown out of this establishment.~ + a10 + ~RandomNum(5,5)~ + ~[PC] I need a fighter who can write contracts like the Sword Coast needs gibberlings. Get lost.~ + a11 + ~RandomNum(5,5)~ + ~[PC] Not right now. I will let you know if we change our mind.~ + a7 + ~RandomNum(5,4)~ + ~[PC] Not right now. I will let you know if we change our mind.~ + a8 + ~RandomNum(5,3)~ + ~[PC] Not right now. I will let you know if we change our mind.~ + a9 + ~RandomNum(5,2)~ + ~[PC] Not right now. I will let you know if we change our mind.~ + a10 + ~RandomNum(5,1)~ + ~[PC] Not right now. I will let you know if we change our mind.~ + a11 ++ ~[PC] What else can you do?~ + a12 ++ ~[PC] Yes. I could use your services. But shares only, no hiring fees, and you join us as a partner.~ + a13 ++ ~[PC] The rest of the group shares what I choose to share, and they are glad to get that much. Do you have a problem with that?~ + a13 + ~!Global("c-aranhirestory","GLOBAL",1)~ + ~[PC] Why are you looking for work?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranhirestory","GLOBAL",1)~ + a14 + ~Global("c-aranhirestory","GLOBAL",1)~ + ~[PC] Tell me why are you looking for work again?~ + a14 END IF ~~ a4 SAY ~[ARAN] Then I am your man. I can keep account o' what you have built up. Tell you what - I'll even go in for shares, instead of coin. That way I get whatever the rest of the group gets.~ ++ ~[PC] Sounds good enough. Join up, then.~ + a13 + ~RandomNum(4,4)~ + ~[PC] This conversation is over.~ + a7 + ~RandomNum(4,3)~ + ~[PC] This conversation is over.~ + a8 + ~RandomNum(4,2)~ + ~[PC] This conversation is over.~ + a9 + ~RandomNum(4,1)~ + ~[PC] This conversation is over.~ + a10 + ~!Global("c-aranhirestory","GLOBAL",1)~ + ~[PC] Why are you looking for work?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranhirestory","GLOBAL",1)~ + a14 + ~Global("c-aranhirestory","GLOBAL",1)~ + ~[PC] Tell me why are you looking for work again?~ + a14 + ~RandomNum(5,1)~ + ~[PC] Go away, little man.~ + a7 + ~RandomNum(5,2)~ + ~[PC] Nope. Still not interested.~ + a8 + ~RandomNum(5,3)~ + ~[PC] What part of 'go away' do you not understand?~ + a9 + ~RandomNum(5,4)~ + ~[PC] Look, you are cute and all, but really - ask me again and I will simply have to have you thrown out of this establishment.~ + a10 + ~RandomNum(5,5)~ + ~[PC] Nope. Still not interested.~ + a11 ++ ~[PC] So you can fight, and you can do accounts. What else can you do for me?~ + a12 ++ ~[PC] The rest of the group shares what I choose to share, and they are glad to get that much. Do you have a problem with that?~ + a13 ++ ~[PC] Yes. I could use your services. But shares only, no hiring fees, and you join us as a partner.~ + a13 END IF ~~ a5 SAY ~Aye, can't say as I can do the work alone, but with a mage I can do some minor scroll work. My usual scribin' is trade work, not scrolls.~ ++ ~[PC] Sounds good enough. Join up, then.~ + a13 ++ ~[PC] Why are you looking for work?~ + a14 + ~RandomNum(4,4)~ + ~[PC] This conversation is over.~ + a7 + ~RandomNum(4,3)~ + ~[PC] This conversation is over.~ + a8 + ~RandomNum(4,2)~ + ~[PC] This conversation is over.~ + a9 + ~RandomNum(4,1)~ + ~[PC] This conversation is over.~ + a10 + ~RandomNum(5,1)~ + ~[PC] Go away, little man.~ + a7 + ~RandomNum(5,2)~ + ~[PC] Nope. Still not interested.~ + a8 + ~RandomNum(5,3)~ + ~[PC] What part of 'go away' do you not understand?~ + a9 + ~RandomNum(5,4)~ + ~[PC] Look, you are cute and all, but really - ask me again and I will simply have to have you thrown out of this establishment.~ + a10 + ~RandomNum(5,5)~ + ~[PC] Nope. Still not interested.~ + a11 ++ ~[PC] What else can you do?~ + a12 ++ ~[PC] Yes. I could use your services. But shares only, no hiring fees, and you join us as a partner.~ + a13 ++ ~[PC] The rest of the group shares what I choose to share, and they are glad to get that much. Do you have a problem with that?~ + a13 END IF ~~ a6 SAY ~[ARAN] That be a story in itself, eh?~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a14 END IF ~~ a7 SAY ~[ARAN] Bugger all, you be a tough one to convince. If you change your mind, I'll be here.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a8 SAY ~[ARAN] Ilmater's Blood, I had my hopes up. Look, when you need me, I'll be at the bar.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a9 SAY ~[ARAN] I'd rather be workin' with you than sittin' around here on my arse. Come back when you need a good fighter.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a10 SAY ~[ARAN] Sune's Bosom. I might have to take that trade ship job to Calimport after all. I'll be here a few more days, if you change your mind.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a11 SAY ~[ARAN] Elminster's Left Buttock. More sittin' around.~ + ~Global("c-aranknowselm","LOCALS",0)~ + ~[PC] You know Elminster?~ + a15 + ~Global("c-aranknowselm","LOCALS",1)~ + ~[PC] You know Elminster?~ + a2916 + ~Global("c-aranknowselm","LOCALS",2)~ + ~[PC] You know Elminster?~ + a2917 + ~Global("c-aranknowselm","LOCALS",3)~ + ~[PC] You know Elminster?~ + a2918 END IF ~~ a12 SAY ~[ARAN] Like I said, I can fight. Got three campaigns under my belt, an' a ton of more informal fightin'. I have Guild membership in both Trader's Guild an' Scribe's Guild, so I can help with some scroll preparation, do basic contracts, an' keep accounts. I'm always on the lookout for new opportunities, so I can add a trade if you want. An' I love cookin'. Curry, 'specially.~ ++ ~[PC] Sounds good enough. Join up, then.~ + a13 ++ ~[PC] No thanks.~ + a2946 + ~RandomNum(5,1)~ + ~[PC] Go away, little man.~ + a7 + ~RandomNum(5,2)~ + ~[PC] Nope. Still not interested.~ + a8 + ~RandomNum(5,3)~ + ~[PC] What part of 'go away' do you not understand?~ + a9 + ~RandomNum(5,4)~ + ~[PC] We really don't need your services right now.~ + a10 + ~RandomNum(5,5)~ + ~[PC] Perhaps later.~ + a11 ++ ~[PC] Why are you looking for work?~ + a14 + ~NumInPartyGT(1)~ + ~[PC] The rest of the group shares what I choose to share, and they are glad to get that much. Do you have a problem with that?~ + a13 ++ ~[PC] Yes. I could use your services. But shares only, no hiring fees, and you join us as a partner.~ + a13 END IF ~~ a13 SAY ~[ARAN] Fine by me. I'll take up a contract with you. I'll grab my gear.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranjoined","LOCALS",1) JoinParty()~ EXIT END /* a14 is a chain */ IF ~~ a15 SAY ~[ARAN] Do you be kiddin' me? If I did, I would not be sittin' around here lookin' for my next contract, now would I.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranknowselm","LOCALS",1)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a2916 SAY ~[ARAN] Err... haven't we had this same blighted conversation once before?~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranknowselm","LOCALS",2)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a2917 SAY ~[ARAN] Elminster can go stick his staff up his rear, for all I care... unless he be hirin'. I need work.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranknowselm","LOCALS",3)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a2918 SAY ~[ARAN] We seem to be caught in some variant o' one o' those "time stop" spells, only time keeps loopin' back instead o' just stoppin. Some fool mage must be experimentin' again, off th' books. Not smart, I'd say, seein' as th' blighted Cowlies don't take kindly to messin' wi' reality.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranknowselm","LOCALS",0)~ EXIT END /* a17 is a chain */ IF ~~ a18 SAY ~[ARAN] No, can't say as I have. I came in last month from the Sword Coast, an' I have been actin' as cook and accountant here ever since. I don't get much chance to catch up on stuff around here.~ ++ ~[PC] Why are you looking for work, then? It sounds like you have a good job here.~ + a6 + ~RandomNum(5,1)~ + ~[PC] Go away, little man.~ + a7 + ~RandomNum(5,2)~ + ~[PC] Nope. Still not interested.~ + a8 + ~RandomNum(5,3)~ + ~[PC] We don't have any need for you right now.~ + a9 + ~RandomNum(5,4)~ + ~[PC] Sorry, we don't need you.~ + a10 + ~RandomNum(5,5)~ + ~[PC] No. But I sure could use a drink. Buy me one?~ + a11 ++ ~[PC] What is it you can do for me?~ + a12 ++ ~[PC] Yes. I could use your services. But shares only, no hiring fees, and you join us as a partner.~ + a13 ++ ~[PC] Not right now. I will let you know if we change our mind.~ + a11 ++ ~[PC] Hire on with me, then. Follow my instructions, and you will be welcome. Cross me, and things could get unpleasant for you.~ + a13 END IF ~~ a19 SAY ~[ARAN] Well, I'm here now. I can fight, write, an' cook a mean curry.~ [C-ARAN01] ++ ~[PC] Why are you looking for work?~ + a6 ++ ~[PC] Sounds good enough. Join up, then.~ + a13 ++ ~[PC] Stand aside, citizen. You are between me and the bar. Not a safe place to be.~ + a2956 + ~RandomNum(5,1)~ + ~[PC] Go away, little man.~ + a7 + ~RandomNum(5,2)~ + ~[PC] Nope. Still not interested.~ + a8 + ~RandomNum(5,3)~ + ~[PC] I don't need you. I was just checking to see if you were still here.~ + a9 + ~RandomNum(5,4)~ + ~[PC] I don't have much need for your services right now.~ + a10 + ~RandomNum(5,5)~ + ~[PC] No. But I sure could use a drink. Buy me one?~ + a11 ++ ~[PC] What is it you can do for me again?~ + a12 ++ ~[PC] Yes. I could use your services. But shares only, no hiring fees, and you join us as a partner.~ + a13 ++ ~[PC] Not right now. I will let you know if we change our mind.~ + a11 ++ ~[PC] Hire on with us, then. Follow my instructions, and you will be welcome. Cross me, and things could get unpleasant for you.~ + a13 END IF ~~ a2956 SAY ~[ARAN] I know better than to get between a an' drink. Th' bar be out front, just to th' south. If you needs be hirin' me on, I expect I will be right here.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a2946 SAY ~[ARAN] Well, I suppose I could look around an' see what else there be to do. But if you change your mind, I expect I will be right here.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END END /* of APPEND to c-aran */ /* SoA Pre - Joined CHAINs */ CHAIN C-ARAN a14 ~[ARAN] Well, let's just say there's a certain difference of opinion on what is proper behavior with th' cook's daughter. No harm, I can tell you that, an' no foul, but she sweared on Ilmater's Blood that she'd seen sixteen years, an' she wore the flower in the correct ear signallin' interest. But Gerris didn't see it that way, seein' as she's not of age to make her own mind.~ == CERNDJ IF ~InParty("Cernd") InMyArea("Cernd") !StateCheck("Cernd",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[CERND] Wearing the flower is but one part of the ritual. You must have seen her age, yet your base nature continued to possess you.~ == EDWINJ IF ~InParty("Edwin") InMyArea("Edwin") !StateCheck("Edwin",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[EDWIN] More ridiculous foreign customs. The trollop should be punished, or sold into slavery. , dismiss this overgrown ape and let us continue.~ == HAERDAJ IF ~InParty("HaerDalis") InMyArea("HaerDalis") !StateCheck("HaerDalis",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[HAERDALIS] Ah, my eagle, the stories we could swap...~ == JAHEIRAJ IF ~InParty("Jaheira") InMyArea("Jaheira") !StateCheck("Jaheira",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[JAHEIRA] A grown man should know a child from a woman. He should also know that children like to play adult long before they are ready for true partnership.~ == JANJ IF ~InParty("Jan") InMyArea("Jan") !StateCheck("Jan",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[JAN] Well, now, that is an entirely different matter. My Uncle Matthias always said that females were trouble. They were, too; every time he said it, Aunt Petunia hit him with a frying pan.~ == KELDORJ IF ~InParty("Keldorn") InMyArea("Keldorn") !StateCheck("Keldorn",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[KELDORN] There are reasons for the ritual, but it takes common sense and a willingness to look carefully at the situation before accepting.~ == KORGANJ IF ~InParty("Korgan") InMyArea("Korgan") !StateCheck("Korgan",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[KORGAN] Aye, good on ye. If she wants ter play wi' th' big boys, then it's her own business. Next time, though, you'd be better served takin' the trade, so a few coins saves ye th' trouble.~ == YOSHJ IF ~InParty("Yoshimo") InMyArea("Yoshimo") !StateCheck("Yoshimo",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[YOSHIMO] A custom of flowers behind the ears denoting availability? Interesting.~ == AERIEJ IF ~InParty("Aerie") InMyArea("Aerie") !StateCheck("Aerie",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[AERIE] Oh, that poor girl. Oh, you poor man. I have seen the flowers used and misused in the crowds surrounding the circus. You should have asked her father, first, though.~ == ANOMENJ IF ~InParty("Anomen") InMyArea("Anomen") !StateCheck("Anomen",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ANOMEN] , come away from this baseborn scum. He seems unable to handle his sword after all.~ END ++ ~[PC] I can see that would be a problem. Can you keep your hands to yourself while adventuring?~ EXTERN C-ARAN a17 ++ ~[PC] What is it you can do for me?~ EXTERN C-ARAN a12 ++ ~[PC] Yes. I could use your services. But shares only, no hiring fees, and you join us as a partner.~ EXTERN C-ARAN a13 ++ ~[PC] Not right now. I will let you know if we change our mind.~ EXTERN C-ARAN a11 ++ ~[PC] Hire on with me, then. Follow my instructions, and you will be welcome. Cross me, and things could get unpleasant for you.~ EXTERN C-ARAN a13 CHAIN C-ARAN a17 ~[ARAN] Experience be a hard teacher. So's Gerris. He trained with the Old Order. Wish he was a monk who followed the Sun Soul path, as Sune would have had him winkin' one eye at her brazenness, but no, he had to be one o' the orders what frown on that sort o' thing. I can keep to myself an' concentrate on the work.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arangerris","LOCALS",1)~ == CERNDJ IF ~InParty("Cernd") InMyArea("Cernd") !StateCheck("Cernd",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[CERND] Experience teaches us many things. Bruises teach us many more.~ == EDWINJ IF ~InParty("Edwin") InMyArea("Edwin") !StateCheck("Edwin",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[EDWIN] So you think to accept a fool who cannot control his animal lusts. Perhaps he will be useful as a decoy. Or an arrow holder.~ == HAERDAJ IF ~InParty("HaerDalis") InMyArea("HaerDalis") !StateCheck("HaerDalis",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[HAERDALIS] No, no, my fine friend, you should embrace the moment! , take pity on this poor man, and allow him his nature.~ == JAHEIRAJ IF ~InParty("Jaheira") InMyArea("Jaheira") !StateCheck("Jaheira",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[JAHEIRA] The sword might be useful, as well as the pen. If you join, learn how to handle all of your equipment with equal discretion.~ == KORGANJ IF ~InParty("Korgan") InMyArea("Korgan") !StateCheck("Korgan",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[KORGAN] Another blighted mouth to feed. Ain't my show, . You wanna deal wi' him, deal wi' him. I'm goin' off ter get drunk.~ == YOSHJ IF ~InParty("Yoshimo") InMyArea("Yoshimo") !StateCheck("Yoshimo",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[YOSHIMO] We might be able to use a fighter. And I am intrigued to learn more of this scribing. I have seen penmanship as art for most of my life.~ == AERIEJ IF ~InParty("Aerie") InMyArea("Aerie") !StateCheck("Aerie",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[AERIE] I would love to work on some scrolls with him. He is.. he is very interesting, .~ == ANOMENJ IF ~InParty("Anomen") InMyArea("Anomen") !StateCheck("Anomen",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ANOMEN] We do not need this sellsword. Come away, .~ END ++ ~[PC] Sounds good enough. Join up, then.~ EXTERN C-ARAN a13 ++ ~[PC] No thanks.~ EXTERN C-ARAN a2946 ++ ~[PC] Not right now. I will let you know if we change our mind.~ EXTERN C-ARAN a11 ++ ~[PC] The rest of the group shares what I choose to share, and they are glad to get that much. Do you have a problem with that?~ EXTERN C-ARAN a13 ++ ~[PC] Yes. I could use your services. But shares only, no hiring fees, and you join us as a partner.~ EXTERN C-ARAN a13 /* C-ARANP SoA post-joined */ APPEND C-ARANP /* Plot Talks: Post-Joined File : Hey, an Un-Vampification! Almost as good as finding out you have a little sister-Slayer! */ IF ~Global("c-aranvamped","GLOBAL",5)~ THEN BEGIN a479 SAY ~[ARAN] Sune's Sweet Cheeks... I....~ [c-aws082] = ~[ARAN] ? Bloody hells, it is good to see you. Filthy bloodsuckers had me right out o' my head. I can feel th' queen bitch be gone. Showed her how we do things downtown, eh? An' me, too.~ /* Plot Talks: Post-Joined File : 1 - Happy to have you back, old boy. Cheerio, stiff upper lip, don't kiss in front of the children. */ ++ ~[PC] It is good to see you back to your old self, Aran.~ DO ~EraseJournalEntry(32084) EraseJournalEntry(32085) EraseJournalEntry(16351) EraseJournalEntry(15710) EraseJournalEntry(6589) EraseJournalEntry(%The Final Battle with Bodhi. Bodhi appeared in an ambush shortly before I reached her haven, warning me that she was aware of my pursuit and stealing Aran from my side. Before she vanished and unleashed more of her undead creations upon me, Bodhi warned that if I continue I will lose even more than I thought possible. I cannot give up on the Rhynn Lanthorn... but now the life and immortal soul of Aran is at stake, as well!%) EraseJournalEntry(%The Final Battle with Bodhi. Bodhi has turned Aran into a vampire! Or... or very nearly. The process may not have been completed in the short time Bodhi has had him. Hopefully something can be done or I will have lost him. Perhaps the elven war sage might know some way of restoration... or Elhan...%) SetGlobal("c-aranvamped","GLOBAL",6)~ SOLVED_JOURNAL ~The Final Battle with Bodhi. While I had feared for some time that Bodhi's final revenge on me would be to take away Aran forever, it seems that the information in the lorebook was right... Amaunator's idol has restored Aran not only to life, but has removed the vampiric curse from him, as well. And more to the point, it appears his language is quite unaffected.~ + a480 /* Plot Talks: Post-Joined File : 2 - OHMYGODILOVEYOUSOMUCHJUSTHOLDME! */ ++ ~[PC] (Grab Aran by both shoulders and wrap your arms around him, kissing him deeply.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",1) EraseJournalEntry(32084) EraseJournalEntry(32085) EraseJournalEntry(16351) EraseJournalEntry(15710) EraseJournalEntry(6589) EraseJournalEntry(%The Final Battle with Bodhi. Bodhi appeared in an ambush shortly before I reached her haven, warning me that she was aware of my pursuit and stealing Aran from my side. Before she vanished and unleashed more of her undead creations upon me, Bodhi warned that if I continue I will lose even more than I thought possible. I cannot give up on the Rhynn Lanthorn... but now the life and immortal soul of Aran is at stake, as well!%) EraseJournalEntry(%The Final Battle with Bodhi. Bodhi has turned Aran into a vampire! Or... or very nearly. The process may not have been completed in the short time Bodhi has had him. Hopefully something can be done or I will have lost him. Perhaps the elven war sage might know some way of restoration... or Elhan...%) SetGlobal("c-aranvamped","GLOBAL",6)~ SOLVED_JOURNAL ~The Final Battle with Bodhi. While I had feared for some time that Bodhi's final revenge on me would be to take away Aran forever, it seems that the information in the lorebook was right... Amaunator's idol has restored Aran not only to life, but has removed the vampiric curse from him, as well. And more to the point, it appears his language is quite unaffected.~ + a481 /* Plot Talks: Post-Joined File : 3 - Yeah, whatever. You could have warned me you like Goth chicks with fangs. What did she do with you, anyways. */ ++ ~[PC] You didn't look like you were resisting her all that much.~ DO ~EraseJournalEntry(32084) EraseJournalEntry(32085) EraseJournalEntry(16351) EraseJournalEntry(15710) EraseJournalEntry(6589) EraseJournalEntry(%The Final Battle with Bodhi. Bodhi appeared in an ambush shortly before I reached her haven, warning me that she was aware of my pursuit and stealing Aran from my side. Before she vanished and unleashed more of her undead creations upon me, Bodhi warned that if I continue I will lose even more than I thought possible. I cannot give up on the Rhynn Lanthorn... but now the life and immortal soul of Aran is at stake, as well!%) EraseJournalEntry(%The Final Battle with Bodhi. Bodhi has turned Aran into a vampire! Or... or very nearly. The process may not have been completed in the short time Bodhi has had him. Hopefully something can be done or I will have lost him. Perhaps the elven war sage might know some way of restoration... or Elhan...%) SetGlobal("c-aranvamped","GLOBAL",6)~ SOLVED_JOURNAL ~The Final Battle with Bodhi. While I had feared for some time that Bodhi's final revenge on me would be to take away Aran forever, it seems that the information in the lorebook was right... Amaunator's idol has restored Aran not only to life, but has removed the vampiric curse from him, as well. And more to the point, it appears his language is quite unaffected.~ + a482 /* Plot Talks: Post-Joined File : 4 - Cool. Hey, while you were gone, me and decided to shack up and have lots of sex. Sorry about that. You can find the door, right? */ ++ ~[PC] I am glad we were able to rescue you. But I think that this is where we say goodbye, at least for now.~ DO ~EraseJournalEntry(32084) EraseJournalEntry(32085) EraseJournalEntry(16351) EraseJournalEntry(15710) EraseJournalEntry(6589) EraseJournalEntry(%The Final Battle with Bodhi. Bodhi appeared in an ambush shortly before I reached her haven, warning me that she was aware of my pursuit and stealing Aran from my side. Before she vanished and unleashed more of her undead creations upon me, Bodhi warned that if I continue I will lose even more than I thought possible. I cannot give up on the Rhynn Lanthorn... but now the life and immortal soul of Aran is at stake, as well!%) EraseJournalEntry(%The Final Battle with Bodhi. Bodhi has turned Aran into a vampire! Or... or very nearly. The process may not have been completed in the short time Bodhi has had him. Hopefully something can be done or I will have lost him. Perhaps the elven war sage might know some way of restoration... or Elhan...%) SetGlobal("c-aranvamped","GLOBAL",6)~ SOLVED_JOURNAL ~The Final Battle with Bodhi. While I had feared for some time that Bodhi's final revenge on me would be to take away Aran forever, it seems that the information in the lorebook was right... Amaunator's idol has restored Aran not only to life, but has removed the vampiric curse from him, as well. And more to the point, it appears his language is quite unaffected.~ + a483 /* Plot Talks: Post-Joined File : 5 - I was serious about the whole toy thing. You crossed the line, and attacked me. But this whole saving thing is so I could look in your eyes before I kill you, and watch you die slowly. */ ++ ~[PC] Rescued you. Yes, I did that. But you abandoned me, and no one switches allegiance from me and lives. Your life is mine to do as I please.~ DO ~EraseJournalEntry(32084) EraseJournalEntry(32085) EraseJournalEntry(16351) EraseJournalEntry(15710) EraseJournalEntry(6589) EraseJournalEntry(%The Final Battle with Bodhi. Bodhi appeared in an ambush shortly before I reached her haven, warning me that she was aware of my pursuit and stealing Aran from my side. Before she vanished and unleashed more of her undead creations upon me, Bodhi warned that if I continue I will lose even more than I thought possible. I cannot give up on the Rhynn Lanthorn... but now the life and immortal soul of Aran is at stake, as well!%) EraseJournalEntry(%The Final Battle with Bodhi. Bodhi has turned Aran into a vampire! Or... or very nearly. The process may not have been completed in the short time Bodhi has had him. Hopefully something can be done or I will have lost him. Perhaps the elven war sage might know some way of restoration... or Elhan...%) SetGlobal("c-aranvamped","GLOBAL",6)~ SOLVED_JOURNAL ~The Final Battle with Bodhi. While I had feared for some time that Bodhi's final revenge on me would be to take away Aran forever, it seems that the information in the lorebook was right... Amaunator's idol has restored Aran not only to life, but has removed the vampiric curse from him, as well. And more to the point, it appears his language is quite unaffected.~ + a484 END /* Plot Talks: Post-Joined File : Standard "you tick me off too much to stick around" state */ IF ~HappinessLT(Myself,-290)~ THEN BEGIN a20 SAY ~[ARAN] No contracts wi' you. I have had my fill o' killin' babies an' destroyin' worlds.~ [c-aws083] IF ~~ THEN JOURNAL ~Whitehand Withdraws Aran Whitehand deserted the party today. I always suspected that he did not have the strength to follow me. If our paths cross again, it is likely that he will become very sorry that he ever showed his face.~ + a1648 END IF ~~ a1648 SAY ~[ARAN] Sune's Sweet Buttocks, but you are a pain in my arse.~ [C-ARAN01] IF ~~ THEN DO ~ActionOverride("c-aran",SetLeavePartyDialogFile()) ActionOverride("c-aran",ChangeAIScript("",DEFAULT)) ActionOverride("c-aran",LeaveParty()) EscapeAreaDestroy(4)~ EXIT END /* NPC Management: Post-Joined File : Move It Or lose It. */ IF ~HappinessGT(Myself,-289) Global("KickedOut","LOCALS",0)~ THEN BEGIN a21 // add erasejournalentry SAY ~[ARAN] Hey, I'm right out, if that's what you want. You want me in, out, or somewhere else?~ [c-aws084] ++ ~[PC] I want you to stay in the party, Aran.~ + a1694 ++ ~[PC] I am terminating your contract permanently, Aran. The paper one. I don't mean to sound ominous or anything. Go find work with someone else.~ DO ~EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Sent to the Gods I destroyed Aran Whitehand. It is good to know that I have the power of life and death at my fingertips, and the will to use that power for my own ends.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands. Hopefully, he will find a good place to wait, and be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, bothering the patrons of The Broken Sword. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, singing sea chanties and holding drinking contests in The Sea's Bounty. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, wandering around and getting into trouble at The Copper Coronet. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, staring at actresses in The Five Flagons. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, grimacing at the bills and sharpening his quill in my stronghold at the Five Flagons. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, eyeing the cook's larder at The Mithrest Inn. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, perusing the wares at the Imnesvale Inn in the Umar Hills. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, drinking swill at The Vulgar Monkey. Hopefully, he will be there when I return. Even more hopefully, he will have avoided behaving like the inn's namesake.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, listening to the bards at Vyatri's Pub in Trademeet. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, making smalltalk with the staff of The Den of the Seven Vales. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, gambling with anyone who will play at Calbor's Inn in the Bridge District. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, drinking the second-rate stock at The Crooked Crane. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, singing bawdy songs with the patrons of the only inn in Brynnlaw. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%)~ SOLVED_JOURNAL ~Whitehand Left for Waterdeep I sent Aran Whitehand away permanently. He decided to head north to Waterdeep to pursue his own goals. I think that is for the best.~ + a23 + ~Gender(Player1,FEMALE)~ + ~[PC] I am terminating you, Aran. Permanently. Die well.~ DO ~EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Left for Waterdeep I sent Aran Whitehand away permanently. He decided to head north to Waterdeep to pursue his own goals. I think that is for the best.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands. Hopefully, he will find a good place to wait, and be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, bothering the patrons of The Broken Sword. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, singing sea chanties and holding drinking contests in The Sea's Bounty. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, wandering around and getting into trouble at The Copper Coronet. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, staring at actresses in The Five Flagons. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, grimacing at the bills and sharpening his quill in my stronghold at the Five Flagons. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, eyeing the cook's larder at The Mithrest Inn. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, perusing the wares at the Imnesvale Inn in the Umar Hills. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, drinking swill at The Vulgar Monkey. Hopefully, he will be there when I return. Even more hopefully, he will have avoided behaving like the inn's namesake.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, listening to the bards at Vyatri's Pub in Trademeet. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, making smalltalk with the staff of The Den of the Seven Vales. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, gambling with anyone who will play at Calbor's Inn in the Bridge District. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, drinking the second-rate stock at The Crooked Crane. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, singing bawdy songs with the patrons of the only inn in Brynnlaw. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%)~ SOLVED_JOURNAL ~Whitehand Sent to the Gods I destroyed Aran Whitehand. It is good to know that I have the power of life and death at my fingertips, and the will to use that power for my own ends.~ + a2320 + ~Gender(Player1,MALE)~ + ~[PC] I am terminating you, Aran. Permanently. Die well.~ DO ~/* Journal Entry Block */ EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Left for Waterdeep I sent Aran Whitehand away permanently. He decided to head north to Waterdeep to pursue his own goals. I think that is for the best.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands. Hopefully, he will find a good place to wait, and be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, bothering the patrons of The Broken Sword. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, singing sea chanties and holding drinking contests in The Sea's Bounty. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, wandering around and getting into trouble at The Copper Coronet. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, staring at actresses in The Five Flagons. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, grimacing at the bills and sharpening his quill in my stronghold at the Five Flagons. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, eyeing the cook's larder at The Mithrest Inn. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, perusing the wares at the Imnesvale Inn in the Umar Hills. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, drinking swill at The Vulgar Monkey. Hopefully, he will be there when I return. Even more hopefully, he will have avoided behaving like the inn's namesake.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, listening to the bards at Vyatri's Pub in Trademeet. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, making smalltalk with the staff of The Den of the Seven Vales. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, gambling with anyone who will play at Calbor's Inn in the Bridge District. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, drinking the second-rate stock at The Crooked Crane. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, singing bawdy songs with the patrons of the only inn in Brynnlaw. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%)~ SOLVED_JOURNAL ~Whitehand Sent to the Gods I destroyed Aran Whitehand. It is good to know that I have the power of life and death at my fingertips, and the will to use that power for my own ends.~ + a24 + ~Global("c-aranwaiting","GLOBAL",0) !AreaCheck("AR0301") !AreaCheck("AR0302") !AreaCheck("AR0303") !AreaCheck("AR0304") !AreaCheck("AR0305") !AreaCheck("AR0306") !AreaCheck("AR0307") !AreaCheck("AR0509") !AreaCheck("AR0510") !AreaCheck("AR0511") !AreaCheck("AR1102") !AreaCheck("AR1107") !AreaCheck("AR0801") !AreaCheck("AR0803") !AreaCheck("C-AR01") !AreaCheck("AR0313") !AreaCheck("AR0406") !AreaCheck("AR0509") !AreaCheck("AR0522") !AreaCheck("AR0704") !AreaCheck("AR1105") !AreaCheck("AR1602") !AreaCheck("AR2010") !AreaCheck("AR0709") !AreaCheck("AR0513") !AreaCheck("AR0021") !AreaCheck("AR1602")~ + ~[PC] Aran, wait here for me, will you? I will be back.~ DO ~EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Left for Waterdeep I sent Aran Whitehand away permanently. He decided to head north to Waterdeep to pursue his own goals. I think that is for the best.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Sent to the Gods I destroyed Aran Whitehand. It is good to know that I have the power of life and death at my fingertips, and the will to use that power for my own ends.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, bothering the patrons of The Broken Sword. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, singing sea chanties and holding drinking contests in The Sea's Bounty. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, wandering around and getting into trouble at The Copper Coronet. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, staring at actresses in The Five Flagons. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, grimacing at the bills and sharpening his quill in my stronghold at the Five Flagons. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, eyeing the cook's larder at The Mithrest Inn. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, perusing the wares at the Imnesvale Inn in the Umar Hills. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, drinking swill at The Vulgar Monkey. Hopefully, he will be there when I return. Even more hopefully, he will have avoided behaving like the inn's namesake.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, listening to the bards at Vyatri's Pub in Trademeet. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, making smalltalk with the staff of The Den of the Seven Vales. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, gambling with anyone who will play at Calbor's Inn in the Bridge District. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, drinking the second-rate stock at The Crooked Crane. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, singing bawdy songs with the patrons of the only inn in Brynnlaw. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%)~ UNSOLVED_JOURNAL ~Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands. Hopefully, he will find a good place to wait, and be there when I return.~ + a25 + ~Global("c-aranwaiting","GLOBAL",1) !AreaCheck("AR0301") !AreaCheck("AR0302") !AreaCheck("AR0303") !AreaCheck("AR0304") !AreaCheck("AR0305") !AreaCheck("AR0306") !AreaCheck("AR0307") !AreaCheck("AR0509") !AreaCheck("AR0510") !AreaCheck("AR0511") !AreaCheck("AR1102") !AreaCheck("AR1107") !AreaCheck("AR0801") !AreaCheck("AR0803") !AreaCheck("C-AR01") !AreaCheck("AR0313") !AreaCheck("AR0406") !AreaCheck("AR0509") !AreaCheck("AR0522") !AreaCheck("AR0704") !AreaCheck("AR1105") !AreaCheck("AR1602") !AreaCheck("AR2010") !AreaCheck("AR0709") !AreaCheck("AR0513") !AreaCheck("AR0021") !AreaCheck("AR1602")~ + ~[PC] Aran, wait here for me, will you? I will be back.~ DO ~EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Left for Waterdeep I sent Aran Whitehand away permanently. He decided to head north to Waterdeep to pursue his own goals. I think that is for the best.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Sent to the Gods I destroyed Aran Whitehand. It is good to know that I have the power of life and death at my fingertips, and the will to use that power for my own ends.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, bothering the patrons of The Broken Sword. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, singing sea chanties and holding drinking contests in The Sea's Bounty. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, wandering around and getting into trouble at The Copper Coronet. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, staring at actresses in The Five Flagons. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, grimacing at the bills and sharpening his quill in my stronghold at the Five Flagons. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, eyeing the cook's larder at The Mithrest Inn. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, perusing the wares at the Imnesvale Inn in the Umar Hills. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, drinking swill at The Vulgar Monkey. Hopefully, he will be there when I return. Even more hopefully, he will have avoided behaving like the inn's namesake.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, listening to the bards at Vyatri's Pub in Trademeet. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, making smalltalk with the staff of The Den of the Seven Vales. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, gambling with anyone who will play at Calbor's Inn in the Bridge District. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, drinking the second-rate stock at The Crooked Crane. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, singing bawdy songs with the patrons of the only inn in Brynnlaw. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%)~ UNSOLVED_JOURNAL ~Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands. Hopefully, he will find a good place to wait, and be there when I return.~ + a26 + ~Global("c-aranwaiting","GLOBAL",2) !AreaCheck("AR0301") !AreaCheck("AR0302") !AreaCheck("AR0303") !AreaCheck("AR0304") !AreaCheck("AR0305") !AreaCheck("AR0306") !AreaCheck("AR0307") !AreaCheck("AR0509") !AreaCheck("AR0510") !AreaCheck("AR0511") !AreaCheck("AR1102") !AreaCheck("AR1107") !AreaCheck("AR0801") !AreaCheck("AR0803") !AreaCheck("C-AR01") !AreaCheck("AR0313") !AreaCheck("AR0406") !AreaCheck("AR0509") !AreaCheck("AR0522") !AreaCheck("AR0704") !AreaCheck("AR1105") !AreaCheck("AR1602") !AreaCheck("AR2010") !AreaCheck("AR0709") !AreaCheck("AR0513") !AreaCheck("AR0021") !AreaCheck("AR1602")~ + ~[PC] Aran, wait here for me, will you? I will be back.~ DO ~EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Left for Waterdeep I sent Aran Whitehand away permanently. He decided to head north to Waterdeep to pursue his own goals. I think that is for the best.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Sent to the Gods I destroyed Aran Whitehand. It is good to know that I have the power of life and death at my fingertips, and the will to use that power for my own ends.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, bothering the patrons of The Broken Sword. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, singing sea chanties and holding drinking contests in The Sea's Bounty. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, wandering around and getting into trouble at The Copper Coronet. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, staring at actresses in The Five Flagons. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, grimacing at the bills and sharpening his quill in my stronghold at the Five Flagons. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, eyeing the cook's larder at The Mithrest Inn. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, perusing the wares at the Imnesvale Inn in the Umar Hills. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, drinking swill at The Vulgar Monkey. Hopefully, he will be there when I return. Even more hopefully, he will have avoided behaving like the inn's namesake.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, listening to the bards at Vyatri's Pub in Trademeet. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, making smalltalk with the staff of The Den of the Seven Vales. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, gambling with anyone who will play at Calbor's Inn in the Bridge District. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, drinking the second-rate stock at The Crooked Crane. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, singing bawdy songs with the patrons of the only inn in Brynnlaw. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%)~ UNSOLVED_JOURNAL ~Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands. Hopefully, he will find a good place to wait, and be there when I return.~ + a27 + ~Global("c-aranwaiting","GLOBAL",3) !AreaCheck("AR0301") !AreaCheck("AR0302") !AreaCheck("AR0303") !AreaCheck("AR0304") !AreaCheck("AR0305") !AreaCheck("AR0306") !AreaCheck("AR0307") !AreaCheck("AR0509") !AreaCheck("AR0510") !AreaCheck("AR0511") !AreaCheck("AR1102") !AreaCheck("AR1107") !AreaCheck("AR0801") !AreaCheck("AR0803") !AreaCheck("C-AR01") !AreaCheck("AR0313") !AreaCheck("AR0406") !AreaCheck("AR0509") !AreaCheck("AR0522") !AreaCheck("AR0704") !AreaCheck("AR1105") !AreaCheck("AR1602") !AreaCheck("AR2010") !AreaCheck("AR0709") !AreaCheck("AR0513") !AreaCheck("AR0021") !AreaCheck("AR1602")~ + ~[PC] Aran, wait here for me, will you? I will be back.~ DO ~EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Left for Waterdeep I sent Aran Whitehand away permanently. He decided to head north to Waterdeep to pursue his own goals. I think that is for the best.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Sent to the Gods I destroyed Aran Whitehand. It is good to know that I have the power of life and death at my fingertips, and the will to use that power for my own ends.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, bothering the patrons of The Broken Sword. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, singing sea chanties and holding drinking contests in The Sea's Bounty. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, wandering around and getting into trouble at The Copper Coronet. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, staring at actresses in The Five Flagons. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, grimacing at the bills and sharpening his quill in my stronghold at the Five Flagons. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, eyeing the cook's larder at The Mithrest Inn. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, perusing the wares at the Imnesvale Inn in the Umar Hills. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, drinking swill at The Vulgar Monkey. Hopefully, he will be there when I return. Even more hopefully, he will have avoided behaving like the inn's namesake.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, listening to the bards at Vyatri's Pub in Trademeet. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, making smalltalk with the staff of The Den of the Seven Vales. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, gambling with anyone who will play at Calbor's Inn in the Bridge District. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, drinking the second-rate stock at The Crooked Crane. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, singing bawdy songs with the patrons of the only inn in Brynnlaw. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%)~ UNSOLVED_JOURNAL ~Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands. Hopefully, he will find a good place to wait, and be there when I return.~ + a28 + ~Global("c-aranwaiting","GLOBAL",4) !AreaCheck("AR0301") !AreaCheck("AR0302") !AreaCheck("AR0303") !AreaCheck("AR0304") !AreaCheck("AR0305") !AreaCheck("AR0306") !AreaCheck("AR0307") !AreaCheck("AR0509") !AreaCheck("AR0510") !AreaCheck("AR0511") !AreaCheck("AR1102") !AreaCheck("AR1107") !AreaCheck("AR0801") !AreaCheck("AR0803") !AreaCheck("C-AR01") !AreaCheck("AR0313") !AreaCheck("AR0406") !AreaCheck("AR0509") !AreaCheck("AR0522") !AreaCheck("AR0704") !AreaCheck("AR1105") !AreaCheck("AR1602") !AreaCheck("AR2010") !AreaCheck("AR0709") !AreaCheck("AR0513") !AreaCheck("AR0021") !AreaCheck("AR1602")~ + ~[PC] Aran, wait here for me, will you? I will be back.~ DO ~EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Left for Waterdeep I sent Aran Whitehand away permanently. He decided to head north to Waterdeep to pursue his own goals. I think that is for the best.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Sent to the Gods I destroyed Aran Whitehand. It is good to know that I have the power of life and death at my fingertips, and the will to use that power for my own ends.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, bothering the patrons of The Broken Sword. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, singing sea chanties and holding drinking contests in The Sea's Bounty. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, wandering around and getting into trouble at The Copper Coronet. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, staring at actresses in The Five Flagons. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, grimacing at the bills and sharpening his quill in my stronghold at the Five Flagons. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, eyeing the cook's larder at The Mithrest Inn. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, perusing the wares at the Imnesvale Inn in the Umar Hills. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, drinking swill at The Vulgar Monkey. Hopefully, he will be there when I return. Even more hopefully, he will have avoided behaving like the inn's namesake.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, listening to the bards at Vyatri's Pub in Trademeet. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, making smalltalk with the staff of The Den of the Seven Vales. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, gambling with anyone who will play at Calbor's Inn in the Bridge District. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, drinking the second-rate stock at The Crooked Crane. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, singing bawdy songs with the patrons of the only inn in Brynnlaw. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%)~ UNSOLVED_JOURNAL ~Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands. Hopefully, he will find a good place to wait, and be there when I return.~ + a29 + ~Global("c-aranwaiting","GLOBAL",5) !AreaCheck("AR0301") !AreaCheck("AR0302") !AreaCheck("AR0303") !AreaCheck("AR0304") !AreaCheck("AR0305") !AreaCheck("AR0306") !AreaCheck("AR0307") !AreaCheck("AR0509") !AreaCheck("AR0510") !AreaCheck("AR0511") !AreaCheck("AR1102") !AreaCheck("AR1107") !AreaCheck("AR0801") !AreaCheck("AR0803") !AreaCheck("C-AR01") !AreaCheck("AR0313") !AreaCheck("AR0406") !AreaCheck("AR0509") !AreaCheck("AR0522") !AreaCheck("AR0704") !AreaCheck("AR1105") !AreaCheck("AR1602") !AreaCheck("AR2010") !AreaCheck("AR0709") !AreaCheck("AR0513") !AreaCheck("AR0021") !AreaCheck("AR1602")~ + ~[PC] Aran, wait here for me, will you? I will be back.~ DO ~EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Left for Waterdeep I sent Aran Whitehand away permanently. He decided to head north to Waterdeep to pursue his own goals. I think that is for the best.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Sent to the Gods I destroyed Aran Whitehand. It is good to know that I have the power of life and death at my fingertips, and the will to use that power for my own ends.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, bothering the patrons of The Broken Sword. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, singing sea chanties and holding drinking contests in The Sea's Bounty. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, wandering around and getting into trouble at The Copper Coronet. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, staring at actresses in The Five Flagons. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, grimacing at the bills and sharpening his quill in my stronghold at the Five Flagons. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, eyeing the cook's larder at The Mithrest Inn. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, perusing the wares at the Imnesvale Inn in the Umar Hills. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, drinking swill at The Vulgar Monkey. Hopefully, he will be there when I return. Even more hopefully, he will have avoided behaving like the inn's namesake.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, listening to the bards at Vyatri's Pub in Trademeet. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, making smalltalk with the staff of The Den of the Seven Vales. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, gambling with anyone who will play at Calbor's Inn in the Bridge District. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, drinking the second-rate stock at The Crooked Crane. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, singing bawdy songs with the patrons of the only inn in Brynnlaw. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%)~ UNSOLVED_JOURNAL ~Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands. Hopefully, he will find a good place to wait, and be there when I return.~ + a30 + ~Global("c-aranwaiting","GLOBAL",6) !AreaCheck("AR0301") !AreaCheck("AR0302") !AreaCheck("AR0303") !AreaCheck("AR0304") !AreaCheck("AR0305") !AreaCheck("AR0306") !AreaCheck("AR0307") !AreaCheck("AR0509") !AreaCheck("AR0510") !AreaCheck("AR0511") !AreaCheck("AR1102") !AreaCheck("AR1107") !AreaCheck("AR0801") !AreaCheck("AR0803") !AreaCheck("C-AR01") !AreaCheck("AR0313") !AreaCheck("AR0406") !AreaCheck("AR0509") !AreaCheck("AR0522") !AreaCheck("AR0704") !AreaCheck("AR1105") !AreaCheck("AR1602") !AreaCheck("AR2010") !AreaCheck("AR0709") !AreaCheck("AR0513") !AreaCheck("AR0021") !AreaCheck("AR1602")~ + ~[PC] Aran, wait here for me, will you? I will be back.~ DO ~EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Left for Waterdeep I sent Aran Whitehand away permanently. He decided to head north to Waterdeep to pursue his own goals. I think that is for the best.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Sent to the Gods I destroyed Aran Whitehand. It is good to know that I have the power of life and death at my fingertips, and the will to use that power for my own ends.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, bothering the patrons of The Broken Sword. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, singing sea chanties and holding drinking contests in The Sea's Bounty. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, wandering around and getting into trouble at The Copper Coronet. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, staring at actresses in The Five Flagons. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, grimacing at the bills and sharpening his quill in my stronghold at the Five Flagons. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, eyeing the cook's larder at The Mithrest Inn. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, perusing the wares at the Imnesvale Inn in the Umar Hills. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, drinking swill at The Vulgar Monkey. Hopefully, he will be there when I return. Even more hopefully, he will have avoided behaving like the inn's namesake.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, listening to the bards at Vyatri's Pub in Trademeet. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, making smalltalk with the staff of The Den of the Seven Vales. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, gambling with anyone who will play at Calbor's Inn in the Bridge District. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, drinking the second-rate stock at The Crooked Crane. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, singing bawdy songs with the patrons of the only inn in Brynnlaw. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%)~ UNSOLVED_JOURNAL ~Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands. Hopefully, he will find a good place to wait, and be there when I return.~ + a31 + ~Global("c-aranwaiting","GLOBAL",7) !AreaCheck("AR0301") !AreaCheck("AR0302") !AreaCheck("AR0303") !AreaCheck("AR0304") !AreaCheck("AR0305") !AreaCheck("AR0306") !AreaCheck("AR0307") !AreaCheck("AR0509") !AreaCheck("AR0510") !AreaCheck("AR0511") !AreaCheck("AR1102") !AreaCheck("AR1107") !AreaCheck("AR0801") !AreaCheck("AR0803") !AreaCheck("C-AR01") !AreaCheck("AR0313") !AreaCheck("AR0406") !AreaCheck("AR0509") !AreaCheck("AR0522") !AreaCheck("AR0704") !AreaCheck("AR1105") !AreaCheck("AR1602") !AreaCheck("AR2010") !AreaCheck("AR0709") !AreaCheck("AR0513") !AreaCheck("AR0021") !AreaCheck("AR1602")~ + ~[PC] Aran, wait here for me, will you? I will be back.~ DO ~EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Left for Waterdeep I sent Aran Whitehand away permanently. He decided to head north to Waterdeep to pursue his own goals. I think that is for the best.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Sent to the Gods I destroyed Aran Whitehand. It is good to know that I have the power of life and death at my fingertips, and the will to use that power for my own ends.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, bothering the patrons of The Broken Sword. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, singing sea chanties and holding drinking contests in The Sea's Bounty. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, wandering around and getting into trouble at The Copper Coronet. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, staring at actresses in The Five Flagons. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, grimacing at the bills and sharpening his quill in my stronghold at the Five Flagons. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, eyeing the cook's larder at The Mithrest Inn. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, perusing the wares at the Imnesvale Inn in the Umar Hills. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, drinking swill at The Vulgar Monkey. Hopefully, he will be there when I return. Even more hopefully, he will have avoided behaving like the inn's namesake.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, listening to the bards at Vyatri's Pub in Trademeet. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, making smalltalk with the staff of The Den of the Seven Vales. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, gambling with anyone who will play at Calbor's Inn in the Bridge District. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, drinking the second-rate stock at The Crooked Crane. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, singing bawdy songs with the patrons of the only inn in Brynnlaw. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%)~ UNSOLVED_JOURNAL ~Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands. Hopefully, he will find a good place to wait, and be there when I return.~ + a32 + ~AreaCheck("C-AR01")~ + ~[PC] Aran, wait here for me, will you? I will be back.~ DO ~EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Left for Waterdeep I sent Aran Whitehand away permanently. He decided to head north to Waterdeep to pursue his own goals. I think that is for the best.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Sent to the Gods I destroyed Aran Whitehand. It is good to know that I have the power of life and death at my fingertips, and the will to use that power for my own ends.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands. Hopefully, he will find a good place to wait, and be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, singing sea chanties and holding drinking contests in The Sea's Bounty. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, wandering around and getting into trouble at The Copper Coronet. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, staring at actresses in The Five Flagons. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, grimacing at the bills and sharpening his quill in my stronghold at the Five Flagons. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, eyeing the cook's larder at The Mithrest Inn. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, perusing the wares at the Imnesvale Inn in the Umar Hills. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, drinking swill at The Vulgar Monkey. Hopefully, he will be there when I return. Even more hopefully, he will have avoided behaving like the inn's namesake.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, listening to the bards at Vyatri's Pub in Trademeet. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, making smalltalk with the staff of The Den of the Seven Vales. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, gambling with anyone who will play at Calbor's Inn in the Bridge District. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, drinking the second-rate stock at The Crooked Crane. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, singing bawdy songs with the patrons of the only inn in Brynnlaw. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%)~ UNSOLVED_JOURNAL ~Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, bothering the patrons of The Broken Sword. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.~ + a4275 + ~AreaCheck("AR0313")~ + ~[PC] Aran, wait here for me, will you? I will be back.~ DO ~EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Left for Waterdeep I sent Aran Whitehand away permanently. He decided to head north to Waterdeep to pursue his own goals. I think that is for the best.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Sent to the Gods I destroyed Aran Whitehand. It is good to know that I have the power of life and death at my fingertips, and the will to use that power for my own ends.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands. Hopefully, he will find a good place to wait, and be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, bothering the patrons of The Broken Sword. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, wandering around and getting into trouble at The Copper Coronet. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, staring at actresses in The Five Flagons. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, grimacing at the bills and sharpening his quill in my stronghold at the Five Flagons. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, eyeing the cook's larder at The Mithrest Inn. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, perusing the wares at the Imnesvale Inn in the Umar Hills. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, drinking swill at The Vulgar Monkey. Hopefully, he will be there when I return. Even more hopefully, he will have avoided behaving like the inn's namesake.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, listening to the bards at Vyatri's Pub in Trademeet. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, making smalltalk with the staff of The Den of the Seven Vales. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, gambling with anyone who will play at Calbor's Inn in the Bridge District. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, drinking the second-rate stock at The Crooked Crane. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, singing bawdy songs with the patrons of the only inn in Brynnlaw. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%)~ UNSOLVED_JOURNAL ~Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, singing sea chanties and holding drinking contests in The Sea's Bounty. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.~ + a4276 + ~AreaCheck("AR0406")~ + ~[PC] Aran, wait here for me, will you? I will be back.~ DO ~EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Left for Waterdeep I sent Aran Whitehand away permanently. He decided to head north to Waterdeep to pursue his own goals. I think that is for the best.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Sent to the Gods I destroyed Aran Whitehand. It is good to know that I have the power of life and death at my fingertips, and the will to use that power for my own ends.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands. Hopefully, he will find a good place to wait, and be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, bothering the patrons of The Broken Sword. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, singing sea chanties and holding drinking contests in The Sea's Bounty. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, staring at actresses in The Five Flagons. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, grimacing at the bills and sharpening his quill in my stronghold at the Five Flagons. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, eyeing the cook's larder at The Mithrest Inn. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, perusing the wares at the Imnesvale Inn in the Umar Hills. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, drinking swill at The Vulgar Monkey. Hopefully, he will be there when I return. Even more hopefully, he will have avoided behaving like the inn's namesake.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, listening to the bards at Vyatri's Pub in Trademeet. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, making smalltalk with the staff of The Den of the Seven Vales. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, gambling with anyone who will play at Calbor's Inn in the Bridge District. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, drinking the second-rate stock at The Crooked Crane. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, singing bawdy songs with the patrons of the only inn in Brynnlaw. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%)~ UNSOLVED_JOURNAL ~Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, wandering around and getting into trouble at The Copper Coronet. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.~ + a4277 + ~AreaCheck("AR0509")~ + ~[PC] Aran, wait here for me, will you? I will be back.~ DO ~EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Left for Waterdeep I sent Aran Whitehand away permanently. He decided to head north to Waterdeep to pursue his own goals. I think that is for the best.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Sent to the Gods I destroyed Aran Whitehand. It is good to know that I have the power of life and death at my fingertips, and the will to use that power for my own ends.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands. Hopefully, he will find a good place to wait, and be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, bothering the patrons of The Broken Sword. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, singing sea chanties and holding drinking contests in The Sea's Bounty. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, wandering around and getting into trouble at The Copper Coronet. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, grimacing at the bills and sharpening his quill in my stronghold at the Five Flagons. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, eyeing the cook's larder at The Mithrest Inn. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, perusing the wares at the Imnesvale Inn in the Umar Hills. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, drinking swill at The Vulgar Monkey. Hopefully, he will be there when I return. Even more hopefully, he will have avoided behaving like the inn's namesake.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, listening to the bards at Vyatri's Pub in Trademeet. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, making smalltalk with the staff of The Den of the Seven Vales. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, gambling with anyone who will play at Calbor's Inn in the Bridge District. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, drinking the second-rate stock at The Crooked Crane. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, singing bawdy songs with the patrons of the only inn in Brynnlaw. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%)~ UNSOLVED_JOURNAL ~Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, staring at actresses in The Five Flagons. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.~ + a4278 + ~AreaCheck("AR0522")~ + ~[PC] Aran, wait here for me, will you? I will be back.~ DO ~EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Left for Waterdeep I sent Aran Whitehand away permanently. He decided to head north to Waterdeep to pursue his own goals. I think that is for the best.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Sent to the Gods I destroyed Aran Whitehand. It is good to know that I have the power of life and death at my fingertips, and the will to use that power for my own ends.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands. Hopefully, he will find a good place to wait, and be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, bothering the patrons of The Broken Sword. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, singing sea chanties and holding drinking contests in The Sea's Bounty. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, wandering around and getting into trouble at The Copper Coronet. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, staring at actresses in The Five Flagons. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, eyeing the cook's larder at The Mithrest Inn. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, perusing the wares at the Imnesvale Inn in the Umar Hills. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, drinking swill at The Vulgar Monkey. Hopefully, he will be there when I return. Even more hopefully, he will have avoided behaving like the inn's namesake.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, listening to the bards at Vyatri's Pub in Trademeet. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, making smalltalk with the staff of The Den of the Seven Vales. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, gambling with anyone who will play at Calbor's Inn in the Bridge District. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, drinking the second-rate stock at The Crooked Crane. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, singing bawdy songs with the patrons of the only inn in Brynnlaw. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%)~ UNSOLVED_JOURNAL ~Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, grimacing at the bills and sharpening his quill in my stronghold at the Five Flagons. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.~ + a4279 + ~AreaCheck("AR0704")~ + ~[PC] Aran, wait here for me, will you? I will be back.~ DO ~EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Left for Waterdeep I sent Aran Whitehand away permanently. He decided to head north to Waterdeep to pursue his own goals. I think that is for the best.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Sent to the Gods I destroyed Aran Whitehand. It is good to know that I have the power of life and death at my fingertips, and the will to use that power for my own ends.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands. Hopefully, he will find a good place to wait, and be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, bothering the patrons of The Broken Sword. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, singing sea chanties and holding drinking contests in The Sea's Bounty. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, wandering around and getting into trouble at The Copper Coronet. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, staring at actresses in The Five Flagons. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, grimacing at the bills and sharpening his quill in my stronghold at the Five Flagons. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, perusing the wares at the Imnesvale Inn in the Umar Hills. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, drinking swill at The Vulgar Monkey. Hopefully, he will be there when I return. Even more hopefully, he will have avoided behaving like the inn's namesake.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, listening to the bards at Vyatri's Pub in Trademeet. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, making smalltalk with the staff of The Den of the Seven Vales. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, gambling with anyone who will play at Calbor's Inn in the Bridge District. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, drinking the second-rate stock at The Crooked Crane. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, singing bawdy songs with the patrons of the only inn in Brynnlaw. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%)~ UNSOLVED_JOURNAL ~Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, eyeing the cook's larder at The Mithrest Inn. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.~ + a4280 + ~AreaCheck("AR1105")~ + ~[PC] Aran, wait here for me, will you? I will be back.~ DO ~EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Left for Waterdeep I sent Aran Whitehand away permanently. He decided to head north to Waterdeep to pursue his own goals. I think that is for the best.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Sent to the Gods I destroyed Aran Whitehand. It is good to know that I have the power of life and death at my fingertips, and the will to use that power for my own ends.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands. Hopefully, he will find a good place to wait, and be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, bothering the patrons of The Broken Sword. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, singing sea chanties and holding drinking contests in The Sea's Bounty. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, wandering around and getting into trouble at The Copper Coronet. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, staring at actresses in The Five Flagons. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, grimacing at the bills and sharpening his quill in my stronghold at the Five Flagons. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, eyeing the cook's larder at The Mithrest Inn. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, drinking swill at The Vulgar Monkey. Hopefully, he will be there when I return. Even more hopefully, he will have avoided behaving like the inn's namesake.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, listening to the bards at Vyatri's Pub in Trademeet. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, making smalltalk with the staff of The Den of the Seven Vales. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, gambling with anyone who will play at Calbor's Inn in the Bridge District. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, drinking the second-rate stock at The Crooked Crane. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, singing bawdy songs with the patrons of the only inn in Brynnlaw. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%)~ UNSOLVED_JOURNAL ~Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, perusing the wares at the Imnesvale Inn in the Umar Hills. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.~ + a4281 + ~AreaCheck("AR1602")~ + ~[PC] Aran, wait here for me, will you? I will be back.~ DO ~EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Left for Waterdeep I sent Aran Whitehand away permanently. He decided to head north to Waterdeep to pursue his own goals. I think that is for the best.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Sent to the Gods I destroyed Aran Whitehand. It is good to know that I have the power of life and death at my fingertips, and the will to use that power for my own ends.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands. Hopefully, he will find a good place to wait, and be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, bothering the patrons of The Broken Sword. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, singing sea chanties and holding drinking contests in The Sea's Bounty. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, wandering around and getting into trouble at The Copper Coronet. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, staring at actresses in The Five Flagons. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, grimacing at the bills and sharpening his quill in my stronghold at the Five Flagons. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, eyeing the cook's larder at The Mithrest Inn. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, perusing the wares at the Imnesvale Inn in the Umar Hills. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, listening to the bards at Vyatri's Pub in Trademeet. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, making smalltalk with the staff of The Den of the Seven Vales. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, gambling with anyone who will play at Calbor's Inn in the Bridge District. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, drinking the second-rate stock at The Crooked Crane. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, singing bawdy songs with the patrons of the only inn in Brynnlaw. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%)~ UNSOLVED_JOURNAL ~Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, drinking swill at The Vulgar Monkey. Hopefully, he will be there when I return. Even more hopefully, he will have avoided behaving like the inn's namesake.~ + a4282 + ~AreaCheck("AR2010")~ + ~[PC] Aran, wait here for me, will you? I will be back.~ DO ~EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Left for Waterdeep I sent Aran Whitehand away permanently. He decided to head north to Waterdeep to pursue his own goals. I think that is for the best.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Sent to the Gods I destroyed Aran Whitehand. It is good to know that I have the power of life and death at my fingertips, and the will to use that power for my own ends.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands. Hopefully, he will find a good place to wait, and be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, bothering the patrons of The Broken Sword. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, singing sea chanties and holding drinking contests in The Sea's Bounty. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, wandering around and getting into trouble at The Copper Coronet. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, staring at actresses in The Five Flagons. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, grimacing at the bills and sharpening his quill in my stronghold at the Five Flagons. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, eyeing the cook's larder at The Mithrest Inn. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, perusing the wares at the Imnesvale Inn in the Umar Hills. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, drinking swill at The Vulgar Monkey. Hopefully, he will be there when I return. Even more hopefully, he will have avoided behaving like the inn's namesake.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, making smalltalk with the staff of The Den of the Seven Vales. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, gambling with anyone who will play at Calbor's Inn in the Bridge District. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, drinking the second-rate stock at The Crooked Crane. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, singing bawdy songs with the patrons of the only inn in Brynnlaw. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%)~ UNSOLVED_JOURNAL ~Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, listening to the bards at Vyatri's Pub in Trademeet. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.~ + a4283 + ~AreaCheck("AR0709")~ + ~[PC] Aran, wait here for me, will you? I will be back.~ DO ~EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Left for Waterdeep I sent Aran Whitehand away permanently. He decided to head north to Waterdeep to pursue his own goals. I think that is for the best.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Sent to the Gods I destroyed Aran Whitehand. It is good to know that I have the power of life and death at my fingertips, and the will to use that power for my own ends.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands. Hopefully, he will find a good place to wait, and be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, bothering the patrons of The Broken Sword. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, singing sea chanties and holding drinking contests in The Sea's Bounty. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, wandering around and getting into trouble at The Copper Coronet. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, staring at actresses in The Five Flagons. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, grimacing at the bills and sharpening his quill in my stronghold at the Five Flagons. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, eyeing the cook's larder at The Mithrest Inn. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, perusing the wares at the Imnesvale Inn in the Umar Hills. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, drinking swill at The Vulgar Monkey. Hopefully, he will be there when I return. Even more hopefully, he will have avoided behaving like the inn's namesake.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, listening to the bards at Vyatri's Pub in Trademeet. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, gambling with anyone who will play at Calbor's Inn in the Bridge District. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, drinking the second-rate stock at The Crooked Crane. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, singing bawdy songs with the patrons of the only inn in Brynnlaw. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%)~ UNSOLVED_JOURNAL ~Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, making smalltalk with the staff of The Den of the Seven Vales. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.~ + a4284 + ~AreaCheck("AR0513")~ + ~[PC] Aran, wait here for me, will you? I will be back.~ DO ~EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Left for Waterdeep I sent Aran Whitehand away permanently. He decided to head north to Waterdeep to pursue his own goals. I think that is for the best.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Sent to the Gods I destroyed Aran Whitehand. It is good to know that I have the power of life and death at my fingertips, and the will to use that power for my own ends.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands. Hopefully, he will find a good place to wait, and be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, bothering the patrons of The Broken Sword. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, singing sea chanties and holding drinking contests in The Sea's Bounty. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, wandering around and getting into trouble at The Copper Coronet. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, staring at actresses in The Five Flagons. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, grimacing at the bills and sharpening his quill in my stronghold at the Five Flagons. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, eyeing the cook's larder at The Mithrest Inn. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, perusing the wares at the Imnesvale Inn in the Umar Hills. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, drinking swill at The Vulgar Monkey. Hopefully, he will be there when I return. Even more hopefully, he will have avoided behaving like the inn's namesake.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, listening to the bards at Vyatri's Pub in Trademeet. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, making smalltalk with the staff of The Den of the Seven Vales. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, drinking the second-rate stock at The Crooked Crane. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, singing bawdy songs with the patrons of the only inn in Brynnlaw. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%)~ UNSOLVED_JOURNAL ~Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, gambling with anyone who will play at Calbor's Inn in the Bridge District. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.~ + a4285 + ~AreaCheck("AR0021")~ + ~[PC] Aran, wait here for me, will you? I will be back.~ DO ~EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Left for Waterdeep I sent Aran Whitehand away permanently. He decided to head north to Waterdeep to pursue his own goals. I think that is for the best.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Sent to the Gods I destroyed Aran Whitehand. It is good to know that I have the power of life and death at my fingertips, and the will to use that power for my own ends.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands. Hopefully, he will find a good place to wait, and be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, bothering the patrons of The Broken Sword. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, singing sea chanties and holding drinking contests in The Sea's Bounty. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, wandering around and getting into trouble at The Copper Coronet. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, staring at actresses in The Five Flagons. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, grimacing at the bills and sharpening his quill in my stronghold at the Five Flagons. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, eyeing the cook's larder at The Mithrest Inn. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, perusing the wares at the Imnesvale Inn in the Umar Hills. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, drinking swill at The Vulgar Monkey. Hopefully, he will be there when I return. Even more hopefully, he will have avoided behaving like the inn's namesake.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, listening to the bards at Vyatri's Pub in Trademeet. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, making smalltalk with the staff of The Den of the Seven Vales. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, gambling with anyone who will play at Calbor's Inn in the Bridge District. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, singing bawdy songs with the patrons of the only inn in Brynnlaw. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%)~ UNSOLVED_JOURNAL ~Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, drinking the second-rate stock at The Crooked Crane. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.~ + a4286 + ~AreaCheck("AR1602")~ + ~[PC] Aran, wait here for me, will you? I will be back.~ DO ~EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Left for Waterdeep I sent Aran Whitehand away permanently. He decided to head north to Waterdeep to pursue his own goals. I think that is for the best.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Sent to the Gods I destroyed Aran Whitehand. It is good to know that I have the power of life and death at my fingertips, and the will to use that power for my own ends.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands. Hopefully, he will find a good place to wait, and be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, bothering the patrons of The Broken Sword. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, singing sea chanties and holding drinking contests in The Sea's Bounty. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, wandering around and getting into trouble at The Copper Coronet. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, staring at actresses in The Five Flagons. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, grimacing at the bills and sharpening his quill in my stronghold at the Five Flagons. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, eyeing the cook's larder at The Mithrest Inn. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, perusing the wares at the Imnesvale Inn in the Umar Hills. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, drinking swill at The Vulgar Monkey. Hopefully, he will be there when I return. Even more hopefully, he will have avoided behaving like the inn's namesake.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, listening to the bards at Vyatri's Pub in Trademeet. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, making smalltalk with the staff of The Den of the Seven Vales. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, gambling with anyone who will play at Calbor's Inn in the Bridge District. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, drinking the second-rate stock at The Crooked Crane. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%)~ UNSOLVED_JOURNAL ~Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, singing bawdy songs with the patrons of the only inn in Brynnlaw. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.~ + a4287 ++ ~[PC] Aran, go on and make your way alone. I will join you when I am able.~ + a33 END IF ~~ a1694 SAY ~[ARAN] Well, you had me a mite bit confused, for a minute there. Sure thing, I be stayin'.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("KickedOut","LOCALS",0) JoinParty()~ EXIT END IF ~~ a4275 SAY ~[ARAN] Aye. Teldra might even have some good stories to swap, an' I can always bother Erika. Mayhap I will go find th' dice table, an' win me some interestin' trinkets, eh?~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("KickedOut","LOCALS",1)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a4276 SAY ~[ARAN] Blighted hells, I haven't had a good lusty sing in a bit. I'll go over there an' see what new songs I can learn. Mayhap trade a few o' th' bawdy... errr well, hells. I'll just go wet my whistle, an' learn what I can learn.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("KickedOut","LOCALS",1)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a4277 SAY ~[ARAN] Mayhap I will find a nice place in a corner, an' see what tere be to see. Not one for th' pits m'self. Too many ways things like that can leave a man less than he used to be, body or soul, eh?~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("KickedOut","LOCALS",1)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a4278 SAY ~[ARAN] Hmmm... what did you say? Got a mite bit distracted there. Wait here? Fine by me. You run along, an' come pick me up later, eh? I'll just enjoy th' scenery.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("KickedOut","LOCALS",1)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a4279 SAY ~[ARAN] Right. Leave th' poor sellsword to do th' books an' clean up th' accounts, while you go galivantin' around Faerun solvin' th' world's problems. Sune's Sweet Sighs, don't actors realize all those special effects cost coin? Usin' a blighted spell wi' a pearl in th' components, when a minor cantrip would work. We need to hire on an illusionist, before th' blighted players sped us out o' house an' home!~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("KickedOut","LOCALS",1)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a4280 SAY ~[ARAN] Sure thing. I might be able to sweet-talk th' cook into tradin' for some nice spices. That larder... hells, someone knows how to blighted well cook.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("KickedOut","LOCALS",1)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a4281 SAY ~[ARAN] Right. Wait here, don't gawk, avoid gettin' into trouble, keep my nose clean, don't spit on th' floor, an' keep an eye out for trouble. Hey, do you think they have D'Tranion on tap?~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("KickedOut","LOCALS",1)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a4282 SAY ~[ARAN] Sure thing. Mayhap they even have one. A monkey, I mean. Don't rightly see how a monkey can be vulgar, but... hey, what do you be lookin' at me like that for?~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("KickedOut","LOCALS",1)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a4283 SAY ~[ARAN] Good singin', better playin' an' a fair number o' relatively rich folk. If I get thrown out o' here, look around for me, eh? This place holds a good bit o' promise.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("KickedOut","LOCALS",1)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a4284 SAY ~[ARAN] Hells, I'd rather not sit around doin' nothin', but I think I can talk my way into some fun around here. Don't you worry naught... I'll be all talk an' no action, an' keep a lookout for interestin' news.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("KickedOut","LOCALS",1)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a4285 SAY ~[ARAN] I can do that. I saw me some interestin' games over there. Mayhap I can get a good flush o' luck, an Tymora will rewardd me wi' a bit o' extra coin, eh?~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("KickedOut","LOCALS",1)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a4286 SAY ~[ARAN] Sure thing. Mayhap I can find a good vintage among these cut-rate drinks, eh? Not that I am hopeful, on account o' I think some o' that wine really be grapes pressed through old socks an' a dash o' spirits added. I'm not blighted well tryin' any o' th' ale. On Gond's Gonads, I'm not that stupid.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("KickedOut","LOCALS",1)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a4287 SAY ~[ARAN] I'll be right here. Well, I'll likely be right here, or over wi' th' lads, singin', or drinkin'. So, sort o' here, eh?~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("KickedOut","LOCALS",1)~ EXIT END /* NPC Management: Post-Joined File : Kicked Out, Now I Want Back In : 0 */ IF ~HappinessGT(Myself,-289) Global("KickedOut","LOCALS",1) Global("c-aranvarykick","GLOBAL",0)~ THEN BEGIN a22 SAY ~[ARAN] I was wonderin' when you would show up. I have been checkin' out the area, but I was startin' to worry.~ [c-aws085] IF ~RandomNum(5,1)~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranvarykick","GLOBAL",1)~ GOTO a34 IF ~RandomNum(5,2)~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranvarykick","GLOBAL",1)~ GOTO a35 IF ~RandomNum(5,3)~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranvarykick","GLOBAL",1)~ GOTO a36 IF ~RandomNum(5,4)~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranvarykick","GLOBAL",1)~ GOTO a37 IF ~RandomNum(5,5)~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranvarykick","GLOBAL",1)~ GOTO a2947 END /* NPC Management: Post-Joined File : Kicked Out, Now I Want Back In : 1 */ IF ~HappinessGT(Myself,-289) Global("KickedOut","LOCALS",1) Global("c-aranvarykick","GLOBAL",1)~ THEN BEGIN a22_one SAY ~[ARAN] Well, I was just thikin' to myself, 'Self, where do be?'. An' then you pop up. I hope I didn't just squander one o' them wish spells by accident.~ IF ~RandomNum(5,1)~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranvarykick","GLOBAL",2)~ GOTO a34 IF ~RandomNum(5,2)~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranvarykick","GLOBAL",2)~ GOTO a35 IF ~RandomNum(5,3)~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranvarykick","GLOBAL",2)~ GOTO a36 IF ~RandomNum(5,4)~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranvarykick","GLOBAL",2)~ GOTO a37 IF ~RandomNum(5,5)~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranvarykick","GLOBAL",2)~ GOTO a2947 END /* NPC Management: Post-Joined File : Kicked Out, Now I Want Back In : 2 */ IF ~HappinessGT(Myself,-289) Global("KickedOut","LOCALS",1) Global("c-aranvarykick","GLOBAL",2)~ THEN BEGIN a22_two SAY ~[ARAN] There you are.~ IF ~RandomNum(5,1)~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranvarykick","GLOBAL",3)~ GOTO a34 IF ~RandomNum(5,2)~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranvarykick","GLOBAL",3)~ GOTO a35 IF ~RandomNum(5,3)~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranvarykick","GLOBAL",3)~ GOTO a36 IF ~RandomNum(5,4)~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranvarykick","GLOBAL",3)~ GOTO a37 IF ~RandomNum(5,5)~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranvarykick","GLOBAL",3)~ GOTO a2947 END /* NPC Management: Post-Joined File : Kicked Out, Now I Want Back In : 3 */ IF ~HappinessGT(Myself,-289) Global("KickedOut","LOCALS",1) Global("c-aranvarykick","GLOBAL",3)~ THEN BEGIN a22_three SAY ~[ARAN] There you are.~ IF ~RandomNum(5,1)~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranvarykick","GLOBAL",4)~ GOTO a34 IF ~RandomNum(5,2)~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranvarykick","GLOBAL",4)~ GOTO a35 IF ~RandomNum(5,3)~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranvarykick","GLOBAL",4)~ GOTO a36 IF ~RandomNum(5,4)~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranvarykick","GLOBAL",4)~ GOTO a37 IF ~RandomNum(5,5)~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranvarykick","GLOBAL",4)~ GOTO a2947 END /* NPC Management: Post-Joined File : Kicked Out, Now I Want Back In : 2 */ IF ~HappinessGT(Myself,-289) Global("KickedOut","LOCALS",1) Global("c-aranvarykick","GLOBAL",4)~ THEN BEGIN a22_four SAY ~[ARAN] Good to see you. In fact, great to see you. Mayhap th' best news I have had this day.~ IF ~RandomNum(5,1)~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranvarykick","GLOBAL",0)~ GOTO a34 IF ~RandomNum(5,2)~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranvarykick","GLOBAL",0)~ GOTO a35 IF ~RandomNum(5,3)~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranvarykick","GLOBAL",0)~ GOTO a36 IF ~RandomNum(5,4)~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranvarykick","GLOBAL",0)~ GOTO a37 IF ~RandomNum(5,5)~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranvarykick","GLOBAL",0)~ GOTO a2947 END IF ~~ a23 SAY ~[ARAN] Right then, contract's up, eh? Well, I'll be off. There be some work I wanted to do up north a ways in Waterdeep, anyways. Mayhap I will see you sometime a few years hence, when I have made my mark on th' world.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("KickedOut","LOCALS",1) ActionOverride("c-aran",SetLeavePartyDialogFile()) ActionOverride("c-aran",ChangeAIScript("",DEFAULT)) ActionOverride("c-aran",LeaveParty())~ EXIT END IF ~~ a24 SAY ~[ARAN] Hey! Cyric's Buttocks, you traitorous dungheap... I'll not go wi' out a fight...~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("KickedOut","LOCALS",1) ActionOverride("c-aran",SetLeavePartyDialogFile()) ActionOverride("c-aran",ChangeAIScript("",DEFAULT)) ActionOverride("c-aran",LeaveParty()) ActionOverride("c-aran",Enemy())~ EXIT END IF ~~ a2320 SAY ~[ARAN] Hey! Cyric's Buttocks, you traitorous wench... I'll not go wi' out a fight...~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfight","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobal("c-aranflirtstop","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",3) SetGlobal("KickedOut","LOCALS",1) ActionOverride("c-aran",SetLeavePartyDialogFile()) ActionOverride("c-aran",ChangeAIScript("",DEFAULT)) ActionOverride("c-aran",LeaveParty()) ActionOverride("c-aran",Enemy())~ EXIT END IF ~~ a25 SAY ~[ARAN] Bring me back somethin' nice, will you?~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("KickedOut","LOCALS",1) SetGlobal("c-aranwaiting","GLOBAL",1) ActionOverride("c-aran",SetLeavePartyDialogFile()) ActionOverride("c-aran",ChangeAIScript("",DEFAULT)) ActionOverride("c-aran",LeaveParty())~ EXIT END IF ~~ a26 SAY ~[ARAN] Selune's Misty Eyes. I hope there isn't much dangerous around here. It could harm a lad, you know.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("KickedOut","LOCALS",1) SetGlobal("c-aranwaiting","GLOBAL",2) ActionOverride("c-aran",SetLeavePartyDialogFile()) ActionOverride("c-aran",ChangeAIScript("",DEFAULT)) ActionOverride("c-aran",LeaveParty())~ EXIT END IF ~~ a27 SAY ~[ARAN] I'll just be thinkin' about that last inn. Or any inn.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("KickedOut","LOCALS",1) SetGlobal("c-aranwaiting","GLOBAL",3) ActionOverride("c-aran",SetLeavePartyDialogFile()) ActionOverride("c-aran",ChangeAIScript("",DEFAULT)) ActionOverride("c-aran",LeaveParty())~ EXIT END IF ~~ a28 SAY ~[ARAN] Just don't be gone too long, eh?~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("KickedOut","LOCALS",1) SetGlobal("c-aranwaiting","GLOBAL",4) ActionOverride("c-aran",SetLeavePartyDialogFile()) ActionOverride("c-aran",ChangeAIScript("",DEFAULT)) ActionOverride("c-aran",LeaveParty())~ EXIT END IF ~~ a29 SAY ~[ARAN] I'll scout around a bit, and settle somewhere around here 'til you get back.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("KickedOut","LOCALS",1) SetGlobal("c-aranwaiting","GLOBAL",5) ActionOverride("c-aran",SetLeavePartyDialogFile()) ActionOverride("c-aran",ChangeAIScript("",DEFAULT)) ActionOverride("c-aran",LeaveParty())~ EXIT END IF ~~ a30 SAY ~[ARAN] Chauntea's Basket, I could grow moss waitin'. So don't be long, eh?~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("KickedOut","LOCALS",1) SetGlobal("c-aranwaiting","GLOBAL",6) ActionOverride("c-aran",SetLeavePartyDialogFile()) ActionOverride("c-aran",ChangeAIScript("",DEFAULT)) ActionOverride("c-aran",LeaveParty())~ EXIT END IF ~~ a31 SAY ~[ARAN] There's got to be somethin' I can ferment around here. I'm runnin' short o' ale.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("KickedOut","LOCALS",1) SetGlobal("c-aranwaiting","GLOBAL",7) ActionOverride("c-aran",SetLeavePartyDialogFile()) ActionOverride("c-aran",ChangeAIScript("",DEFAULT)) ActionOverride("c-aran",LeaveParty())~ EXIT END IF ~~ a32 SAY ~[ARAN] Tymora's Luck - I'd be a mite happier if I was along wi' you. But you call th' shots, so here I stay.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("KickedOut","LOCALS",1) SetGlobal("c-aranwaiting","GLOBAL",0) ActionOverride("c-aran",SetLeavePartyDialogFile()) ActionOverride("c-aran",ChangeAIScript("",DEFAULT)) ActionOverride("c-aran",LeaveParty())~ EXIT END IF ~~ a33 /* add more here for later chapters? */ SAY ~[ARAN] Well, I can try. Where do you be wantin' me to go?~ + ~!AreaCheck("AR1600")~ + ~[PC] Head for the Brynlaw docks.~ UNSOLVED_JOURNAL ~Whitehand Sailing I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me at the Brynlaw docks. He did mention that getting there would be a problem, but he would find his way.~ + a4274 + ~!AreaCheck("AR0300")~ + ~[PC] Head for the Athalka docks.~ UNSOLVED_JOURNAL ~Whitehand Docked I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me at the Athalka docks. He mentioned that he enjoyed watching the ships, and that he would probably take up fishing if I took too long.~ + a38 + ~!AreaCheck("C-AR01") !AreaCheck("AR0700")~ + ~[PC] Meet me in the Market District in Athalka.~ UNSOLVED_JOURNAL ~Whitehand Sold on Staying I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me at the Market District in Athalka. He mentioned that he might go shopping, but he would would probably end up at The Broken Sword, inhabiting his old room.~ + a39 ++ ~[PC] Meet me outside of the de'Arnise Keep.~ UNSOLVED_JOURNAL ~Whitehand Keeping Still I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me in the lands surrounding the de'Arnise Keep. He mentioned trying to look up some old friends and seeing if he could put down his bedroll in an outpost.~ + a40 ++ ~[PC] Meet me in Trademeet.~ UNSOLVED_JOURNAL ~Whitehand Trading I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me in Trademeet. He mentioned something about a good pub, and not waiting around without having some form of entertainment.~ + a41 ++ ~[PC] Meet me outside of the Umar Hills.~ UNSOLVED_JOURNAL ~Whitehand Heads for the Hills I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me at the outside of the Umar Hills. He will probably find a local pub and try to get into some sort of trouble.~ + a42 END /* a34, a35, a36, a37 are chains */ IF ~~ a4274 SAY ~[ARAN] Aye, then. I'll take up a charter, mayhap work th' oars. I may have one blighted hells o' a time findin' th' Cyric-kissed place, but I'll be there when you get there. I just hope you have some coin for me when you do.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("KickedOut","LOCALS",1) ActionOverride("c-aran",SetLeavePartyDialogFile()) ActionOverride("c-aran",ChangeAIScript("",DEFAULT)) ActionOverride("c-aran",LeaveParty()) ActionOverride("c-aran",EscapeAreaMove("AR1600",1572,1469,10))~ EXIT /* Go to AR1600, Bynlaw */ END IF ~~ a38 SAY ~[ARAN] Aye, then. I'll take up fishin'. I do like to look at th' ships an' such, so mayhap I will go lean on th' worn old stone an' watch th' big fishnest get dragged in.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("KickedOut","LOCALS",1) ActionOverride("c-aran",SetLeavePartyDialogFile()) ActionOverride("c-aran",ChangeAIScript("",DEFAULT)) ActionOverride("c-aran",LeaveParty()) ActionOverride("c-aran",EscapeAreaMove("AR0300",3574,3008,10))~ EXIT /* Go to AR0300, The Docks */ END IF ~~ a39 SAY ~[ARAN] Aye, then. There's bugger all to do around here anyways. I'll go check on th' shops an' resupply. Or even better... I will go see how things are at th' Broken Sword, eh?~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("KickedOut","LOCALS",1) ActionOverride("c-aran",SetLeavePartyDialogFile()) ActionOverride("c-aran",ChangeAIScript("",DEFAULT)) ActionOverride("c-aran",LeaveParty()) ActionOverride("c-aran",EscapeAreaMove("C-AR01",976,306,6))~ EXIT /* Go to C-AR01, The Broken Sword */ END IF ~~ a40 SAY ~[ARAN] Aye, then. I'll wait around outside th' Keep. If I scout out a bit, mayhap I can find some old friends what signed on as guards for th' de'Arnise family awhile back. I'm right sure there will be an outpost what will let me lay down a bedroll, if I be lucky.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("KickedOut","LOCALS",1) ActionOverride("c-aran",SetLeavePartyDialogFile()) ActionOverride("c-aran",ChangeAIScript("",DEFAULT)) ActionOverride("c-aran",LeaveParty()) ActionOverride("c-aran",EscapeAreaMove("AR1300",1091,3364,9))~ EXIT /* Go to AR1300, de'Arnise Palisade */ END IF ~~ a41 SAY ~[ARAN] Aye, then. Trademeet it is. I done heard o' a fine pub there. Mayhap I will be inside, mayhap outside, when you come callin'. Either way, I'll be close to Vyatri's place there. Good ale, an' they have a bard or two woth listenin' to.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("KickedOut","LOCALS",1) ActionOverride("c-aran",SetLeavePartyDialogFile()) ActionOverride("c-aran",ChangeAIScript("",DEFAULT)) ActionOverride("c-aran",LeaveParty()) ActionOverride("c-aran",EscapeAreaMove("AR2000",2046,2342,10))~ EXIT /* Go to AR2000, outside Vyatri's Pub in Trademeet */ END IF ~~ a42 SAY ~[ARAN] Aye, then. Might be somethin' interestin' to do around that little village, there, I guess. More'n likely there be a pub what can stave off a lad's thirst, as well.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("KickedOut","LOCALS",1) ActionOverride("c-aran",SetLeavePartyDialogFile()) ActionOverride("c-aran",ChangeAIScript("",DEFAULT)) ActionOverride("c-aran",LeaveParty()) ActionOverride("c-aran",EscapeAreaMove("AR1105",1041,276,0))~ EXIT /* Go to AR1105, Imnesvale Inn in the Umar Hills */ END IF ~~ a480 SAY ~[ARAN] Is that all you be havin' to say to me?~ ++ ~[PC] Yes. Please, join with me again.~ + a487 ++ ~[PC] I'm sorry, but I don't have room for you in the party right now. Make your way out of here alone, and we will meet later.~ + a33 ++ ~[PC] It hurt so much seeing you following her orders, turning on me... but I know you could not resist. I missed you by my side.~ + a486 ++ ~[PC] I am glad it is over.~ + a486 END IF ~~ a481 SAY ~(His kisses rain fire on your lips, your neck, your hair.) Aye, I wished I was dead, I did. To feel th' deadness inside, it was a small taste o' what you must feel wi' out your soul. Let's get goin', eh?.~ ++ ~[PC] Yes. Please, join with me again.~ + a487 ++ ~[PC] I'm sorry, but I don't have room for you in the party right now. Make your way out of here alone, and we will meet later.~ + a33 ++ ~[PC] It hurt so much seeing you following her orders, turning on me... but I know you could not resist. I missed you by my side.~ + a486 ++ ~[PC] Do not ever leave my side, Aran.~ + a486 END IF ~~ a482 SAY ~[ARAN] What? I was dominated right proper. I swear, , I'm your man an' no one else's!~ ++ ~[PC] I am not sure. I saw the way you looked at her, the hunger, the yearning. I did not know you had so strong a passion for short black leather skirts and sharpened teeth.~ + a488 ++ ~[PC] I understand. Please, join with me again.~ + a487 ++ ~[PC] I'm sorry, but I don't have room for you in the party right now. Make your way out of here alone, and we will meet later.~ + a33 ++ ~[PC] It hurt so much seeing you following her orders, turning on me... but I know you could not resist. I missed you by my side.~ + a486 END IF ~~ a483 SAY ~[ARAN] What? I was dominated right proper. I swear, , I'm your man an' no one else's! An' you want me to go away? I don't rightly understand.~ ++ ~[PC] On second thought, join with me again. But things may be different. I do not know if I can trust you with my heart any more.~ + a487 ++ ~[PC] I'm sorry, but I don't have room for you in the party right now. Make your way out of here alone, and we will meet later.~ + a33 ++ ~[PC] It hurt so much seeing you following her orders, turning on me... but I know you could not resist. For my sake, leave now, and do not come back.~ + a485 ++ ~[PC] I thought you were lost to me forever.~ + a486 END IF ~~ a484 SAY ~[ARAN] What? I was dominated right proper. I swear, , I'm your man an' no one else's!~ ++ ~[PC] It hurt so much seeing you following her orders, turning on me... but I know you could not resist. I missed you by my side.~ + a486 ++ ~[PC] Good. Join with me again. But if your allegiance wavers again for any reason, then my soft kisses can turn as sharp as Bodhi's bite. I will not tolerate another calling you her 'toy'.~ + a487 ++ ~[PC] I accept that. I'm sorry, but I don't have room for you in the party right now. Make your way out of here alone, and we will meet later.~ + a33 ++ ~[PC] There is no excuse. Because you have been... useful, I will give you a head start. Drop your gear and start running.~ + a485 ++ ~[PC] I am terminating you, Aran. Permanently. Die well.~ + a2320 END IF ~~ a485 SAY ~[ARAN] Banes Blazin' Bones! Out o' th' fryin' pan an' into th' fire! I thought you was jokin'!~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfight","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobal("c-aranflirtstop","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",3) LeaveParty() DropInventory() EscapeArea()~ EXIT END IF ~~ a486 SAY ~[ARAN] (His hands close hard around yours, drawing you face to face.) I swear by any an' all gods, that I am your Sword. If I turn again, kill me. For if you don't, I will take my own life.~ = ~[ARAN] I'll be gatherin' my gear an' gettin' back to th' routine. An' ... Thank you.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~EraseJournalEntry(%Aran Leaves Aran Whitehand deserted the party today. I always suspected that he did not have the strength to follow me. If our paths cross again, it is likely that he will become very sorry that he ever showed his face to me.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Sent to the Gods I destroyed Aran Whitehand. It is good to know that I have the power of life and death at my fingertips, and the will to use that power for my own ends.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands. Hopefully, he will find a good place to wait, and be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Sailing I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me at the Brynlaw docks. He did mention that getting there would be a problem, but he would find his way.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Docked I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me at the Athalka docks. He mentioned that he enjoyed watching the ships, and that he would probably take up fishing if I took too long.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Sold on Staying I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me at the Market District in Athalka. He mentioned that he might go shopping, but he would would probably end up at The Broken Sword, inhabiting his old room.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Keeping Still I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me in the lands surrounding the de'Arnise Keep. He mentioned trying to look up some old friends and seeing if he could put down his bedroll in an outpost.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Trading I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me in Trademeet. He mentioned something about a good pub, and not waiting around without having some form of entertainment.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Heads for the Hills I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me at the outside of the Umar Hills. He will probably find a local pub and try to get into some sort of trouble.%) JoinParty()~ EXIT END IF ~~ a487 SAY ~[ARAN] Aye, then, I'll be gatherin' my gear an' gettin' back to th' routine.~ = ~[ARAN] An' ... Thank you.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~EraseJournalEntry(%Aran Leaves Aran Whitehand deserted the party today. I always suspected that he did not have the strength to follow me. If our paths cross again, it is likely that he will become very sorry that he ever showed his face to me.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Sent to the Gods I destroyed Aran Whitehand. It is good to know that I have the power of life and death at my fingertips, and the will to use that power for my own ends.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands. Hopefully, he will find a good place to wait, and be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Sailing I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me at the Brynlaw docks. He did mention that getting there would be a problem, but he would find his way.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Docked I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me at the Athalka docks. He mentioned that he enjoyed watching the ships, and that he would probably take up fishing if I took too long.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Sold on Staying I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me at the Market District in Athalka. He mentioned that he might go shopping, but he would would probably end up at The Broken Sword, inhabiting his old room.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Keeping Still I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me in the lands surrounding the de'Arnise Keep. He mentioned trying to look up some old friends and seeing if he could put down his bedroll in an outpost.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Trading I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me in Trademeet. He mentioned something about a good pub, and not waiting around without having some form of entertainment.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Heads for the Hills I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me at the outside of the Umar Hills. He will probably find a local pub and try to get into some sort of trouble.%) JoinParty()~ EXIT END IF ~~ a488 SAY ~[ARAN] Look, , by Sune's Sweet Scent, there was naught I could do... Ilmater's Pity, you are jokin', aren't you.~ ++ ~[PC] Yes, you silly man. I missed you so much! Please, join with me again.~ + a487 ++ ~[PC] We will see. I'm sorry, but I don't have room for you in the party right now. Make your way out of here alone, and we will meet later.~ + a31 ++ ~[PC] It hurt so much seeing you following her orders, turning on me... but I know you could not resist. I missed you by my side.~ + a486 ++ ~[PC] I thought you were lost to me forever.~ + a486 END IF ~~ a2713 SAY ~[ARAN] Right, pull on both o' my legs. I know when I be th' butt o' th' joke. I think.~ IF ~RandomNum(4,1)~ THEN GOTO a2717 IF ~RandomNum(4,2)~ THEN GOTO a2947 IF ~RandomNum(4,3)~ THEN GOTO a2952 IF ~RandomNum(4,4)~ THEN GOTO a4307 END IF ~~ a2714 SAY ~[ARAN] Blighted hells, that be between me an' him, anyways.~ IF ~RandomNum(4,1)~ THEN GOTO a2717 IF ~RandomNum(4,2)~ THEN GOTO a2947 IF ~RandomNum(4,3)~ THEN GOTO a2952 IF ~RandomNum(4,4)~ THEN GOTO a4307 END IF ~~ a2715 SAY ~[ARAN] That be a harsh set o' words for me to hear you be sayin'. I may not talk quite th' way you would like, an' mayhap not always behave, but I be right loyal, I am.~ IF ~RandomNum(4,1)~ THEN GOTO a2717 IF ~RandomNum(4,2)~ THEN GOTO a2947 IF ~RandomNum(4,3)~ THEN GOTO a2952 IF ~RandomNum(4,4)~ THEN GOTO a4307 END IF ~~ a2716 SAY ~[ARAN] Sune's Sweet Song, I didn't want to hear that, now, eh? I be right loyal, but I 'd rather hear th' criticism on my fightin' an' such, on account o' that be more impersonal.~ IF ~RandomNum(4,1)~ THEN GOTO a2717 IF ~RandomNum(4,2)~ THEN GOTO a2947 IF ~RandomNum(4,3)~ THEN GOTO a2952 IF ~RandomNum(4,4)~ THEN GOTO a4307 END IF ~~ a2717 SAY ~[ARAN] I'd be right happy to leave here wi' you, you know. Action o' any kind beats sittin' around.~ + ~Global("c-aranjoinupagain","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Sure. Join me.~ DO ~EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Left for Waterdeep I sent Aran Whitehand away permanently. He decided to head north to Waterdeep to pursue his own goals. I think that is for the best.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Sent to the Gods I destroyed Aran Whitehand. It is good to know that I have the power of life and death at my fingertips, and the will to use that power for my own ends.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands. Hopefully, he will find a good place to wait, and be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, bothering the patrons of The Broken Sword. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, singing sea chanties and holding drinking contests in The Sea's Bounty. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, wandering around and getting into trouble at The Copper Coronet. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, staring at actresses in The Five Flagons. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, grimacing at the bills and sharpening his quill in my stronghold at the Five Flagons. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, eyeing the cook's larder at The Mithrest Inn. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, perusing the wares at the Imnesvale Inn in the Umar Hills. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, drinking swill at The Vulgar Monkey. Hopefully, he will be there when I return. Even more hopefully, he will have avoided behaving like the inn's namesake.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, listening to the bards at Vyatri's Pub in Trademeet. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, making smalltalk with the staff of The Den of the Seven Vales. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, gambling with anyone who will play at Calbor's Inn in the Bridge District. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, drinking the second-rate stock at The Crooked Crane. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, singing bawdy songs with the patrons of the only inn in Brynnlaw. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%)~ + a4306 + ~Global("c-aranjoinupagain","GLOBAL",1)~ + ~[PC] Sure. Join me.~ DO ~EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Left for Waterdeep I sent Aran Whitehand away permanently. He decided to head north to Waterdeep to pursue his own goals. I think that is for the best.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Sent to the Gods I destroyed Aran Whitehand. It is good to know that I have the power of life and death at my fingertips, and the will to use that power for my own ends.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands. Hopefully, he will find a good place to wait, and be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, bothering the patrons of The Broken Sword. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, singing sea chanties and holding drinking contests in The Sea's Bounty. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, wandering around and getting into trouble at The Copper Coronet. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, staring at actresses in The Five Flagons. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, grimacing at the bills and sharpening his quill in my stronghold at the Five Flagons. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, eyeing the cook's larder at The Mithrest Inn. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, perusing the wares at the Imnesvale Inn in the Umar Hills. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, drinking swill at The Vulgar Monkey. Hopefully, he will be there when I return. Even more hopefully, he will have avoided behaving like the inn's namesake.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, listening to the bards at Vyatri's Pub in Trademeet. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, making smalltalk with the staff of The Den of the Seven Vales. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, gambling with anyone who will play at Calbor's Inn in the Bridge District. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, drinking the second-rate stock at The Crooked Crane. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, singing bawdy songs with the patrons of the only inn in Brynnlaw. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%)~ + a4288 + ~Global("c-aranjoinupagain","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] Sure. Join me.~ DO ~EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Left for Waterdeep I sent Aran Whitehand away permanently. He decided to head north to Waterdeep to pursue his own goals. I think that is for the best.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Sent to the Gods I destroyed Aran Whitehand. It is good to know that I have the power of life and death at my fingertips, and the will to use that power for my own ends.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands. Hopefully, he will find a good place to wait, and be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, bothering the patrons of The Broken Sword. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, singing sea chanties and holding drinking contests in The Sea's Bounty. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, wandering around and getting into trouble at The Copper Coronet. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, staring at actresses in The Five Flagons. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, grimacing at the bills and sharpening his quill in my stronghold at the Five Flagons. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, eyeing the cook's larder at The Mithrest Inn. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, perusing the wares at the Imnesvale Inn in the Umar Hills. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, drinking swill at The Vulgar Monkey. Hopefully, he will be there when I return. Even more hopefully, he will have avoided behaving like the inn's namesake.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, listening to the bards at Vyatri's Pub in Trademeet. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, making smalltalk with the staff of The Den of the Seven Vales. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, gambling with anyone who will play at Calbor's Inn in the Bridge District. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, drinking the second-rate stock at The Crooked Crane. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, singing bawdy songs with the patrons of the only inn in Brynnlaw. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%)~ + a4289 + ~Global("c-aranjoinupagain","GLOBAL",3)~ + ~[PC] Sure. Join me.~ DO ~EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Left for Waterdeep I sent Aran Whitehand away permanently. He decided to head north to Waterdeep to pursue his own goals. I think that is for the best.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Sent to the Gods I destroyed Aran Whitehand. It is good to know that I have the power of life and death at my fingertips, and the will to use that power for my own ends.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands. Hopefully, he will find a good place to wait, and be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, bothering the patrons of The Broken Sword. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, singing sea chanties and holding drinking contests in The Sea's Bounty. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, wandering around and getting into trouble at The Copper Coronet. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, staring at actresses in The Five Flagons. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, grimacing at the bills and sharpening his quill in my stronghold at the Five Flagons. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, eyeing the cook's larder at The Mithrest Inn. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, perusing the wares at the Imnesvale Inn in the Umar Hills. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, drinking swill at The Vulgar Monkey. Hopefully, he will be there when I return. Even more hopefully, he will have avoided behaving like the inn's namesake.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, listening to the bards at Vyatri's Pub in Trademeet. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, making smalltalk with the staff of The Den of the Seven Vales. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, gambling with anyone who will play at Calbor's Inn in the Bridge District. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, drinking the second-rate stock at The Crooked Crane. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, singing bawdy songs with the patrons of the only inn in Brynnlaw. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%)~ + a4290 + ~Global("c-aranjoinupagain","GLOBAL",4)~ + ~[PC] Sure. Join me.~ DO ~EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Left for Waterdeep I sent Aran Whitehand away permanently. He decided to head north to Waterdeep to pursue his own goals. I think that is for the best.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Sent to the Gods I destroyed Aran Whitehand. It is good to know that I have the power of life and death at my fingertips, and the will to use that power for my own ends.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands. Hopefully, he will find a good place to wait, and be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, bothering the patrons of The Broken Sword. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, singing sea chanties and holding drinking contests in The Sea's Bounty. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, wandering around and getting into trouble at The Copper Coronet. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, staring at actresses in The Five Flagons. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, grimacing at the bills and sharpening his quill in my stronghold at the Five Flagons. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, eyeing the cook's larder at The Mithrest Inn. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, perusing the wares at the Imnesvale Inn in the Umar Hills. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, drinking swill at The Vulgar Monkey. Hopefully, he will be there when I return. Even more hopefully, he will have avoided behaving like the inn's namesake.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, listening to the bards at Vyatri's Pub in Trademeet. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, making smalltalk with the staff of The Den of the Seven Vales. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, gambling with anyone who will play at Calbor's Inn in the Bridge District. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, drinking the second-rate stock at The Crooked Crane. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, singing bawdy songs with the patrons of the only inn in Brynnlaw. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%)~ + a4291 + ~Global("c-aranjoinupagain","GLOBAL",5)~ + ~[PC] Sure. Join me.~ DO ~EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Left for Waterdeep I sent Aran Whitehand away permanently. He decided to head north to Waterdeep to pursue his own goals. I think that is for the best.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Sent to the Gods I destroyed Aran Whitehand. It is good to know that I have the power of life and death at my fingertips, and the will to use that power for my own ends.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands. Hopefully, he will find a good place to wait, and be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, bothering the patrons of The Broken Sword. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, singing sea chanties and holding drinking contests in The Sea's Bounty. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, wandering around and getting into trouble at The Copper Coronet. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, staring at actresses in The Five Flagons. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, grimacing at the bills and sharpening his quill in my stronghold at the Five Flagons. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, eyeing the cook's larder at The Mithrest Inn. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, perusing the wares at the Imnesvale Inn in the Umar Hills. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, drinking swill at The Vulgar Monkey. Hopefully, he will be there when I return. Even more hopefully, he will have avoided behaving like the inn's namesake.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, listening to the bards at Vyatri's Pub in Trademeet. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, making smalltalk with the staff of The Den of the Seven Vales. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, gambling with anyone who will play at Calbor's Inn in the Bridge District. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, drinking the second-rate stock at The Crooked Crane. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, singing bawdy songs with the patrons of the only inn in Brynnlaw. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%)~ + a4292 + ~Global("c-aranjoinupagain","GLOBAL",6)~ + ~[PC] Sure. Join me.~ DO ~EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Left for Waterdeep I sent Aran Whitehand away permanently. He decided to head north to Waterdeep to pursue his own goals. I think that is for the best.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Sent to the Gods I destroyed Aran Whitehand. It is good to know that I have the power of life and death at my fingertips, and the will to use that power for my own ends.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands. Hopefully, he will find a good place to wait, and be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, bothering the patrons of The Broken Sword. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, singing sea chanties and holding drinking contests in The Sea's Bounty. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, wandering around and getting into trouble at The Copper Coronet. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, staring at actresses in The Five Flagons. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, grimacing at the bills and sharpening his quill in my stronghold at the Five Flagons. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, eyeing the cook's larder at The Mithrest Inn. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, perusing the wares at the Imnesvale Inn in the Umar Hills. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, drinking swill at The Vulgar Monkey. Hopefully, he will be there when I return. Even more hopefully, he will have avoided behaving like the inn's namesake.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, listening to the bards at Vyatri's Pub in Trademeet. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, making smalltalk with the staff of The Den of the Seven Vales. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, gambling with anyone who will play at Calbor's Inn in the Bridge District. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, drinking the second-rate stock at The Crooked Crane. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, singing bawdy songs with the patrons of the only inn in Brynnlaw. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%)~ + a4293 + ~Global("c-aranjoinupagain","GLOBAL",7)~ + ~[PC] Sure. Join me.~ DO ~EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Left for Waterdeep I sent Aran Whitehand away permanently. He decided to head north to Waterdeep to pursue his own goals. I think that is for the best.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Sent to the Gods I destroyed Aran Whitehand. It is good to know that I have the power of life and death at my fingertips, and the will to use that power for my own ends.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands. Hopefully, he will find a good place to wait, and be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, bothering the patrons of The Broken Sword. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, singing sea chanties and holding drinking contests in The Sea's Bounty. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, wandering around and getting into trouble at The Copper Coronet. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, staring at actresses in The Five Flagons. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, grimacing at the bills and sharpening his quill in my stronghold at the Five Flagons. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, eyeing the cook's larder at The Mithrest Inn. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, perusing the wares at the Imnesvale Inn in the Umar Hills. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, drinking swill at The Vulgar Monkey. Hopefully, he will be there when I return. Even more hopefully, he will have avoided behaving like the inn's namesake.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, listening to the bards at Vyatri's Pub in Trademeet. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, making smalltalk with the staff of The Den of the Seven Vales. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, gambling with anyone who will play at Calbor's Inn in the Bridge District. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, drinking the second-rate stock at The Crooked Crane. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, singing bawdy songs with the patrons of the only inn in Brynnlaw. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%)~ + a4294 + ~Global("c-aranjoinupagain","GLOBAL",8)~ + ~[PC] Sure. Join me.~ DO ~EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Left for Waterdeep I sent Aran Whitehand away permanently. He decided to head north to Waterdeep to pursue his own goals. I think that is for the best.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Sent to the Gods I destroyed Aran Whitehand. It is good to know that I have the power of life and death at my fingertips, and the will to use that power for my own ends.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands. Hopefully, he will find a good place to wait, and be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, bothering the patrons of The Broken Sword. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, singing sea chanties and holding drinking contests in The Sea's Bounty. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, wandering around and getting into trouble at The Copper Coronet. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, staring at actresses in The Five Flagons. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, grimacing at the bills and sharpening his quill in my stronghold at the Five Flagons. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, eyeing the cook's larder at The Mithrest Inn. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, perusing the wares at the Imnesvale Inn in the Umar Hills. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, drinking swill at The Vulgar Monkey. Hopefully, he will be there when I return. Even more hopefully, he will have avoided behaving like the inn's namesake.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, listening to the bards at Vyatri's Pub in Trademeet. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, making smalltalk with the staff of The Den of the Seven Vales. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, gambling with anyone who will play at Calbor's Inn in the Bridge District. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, drinking the second-rate stock at The Crooked Crane. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, singing bawdy songs with the patrons of the only inn in Brynnlaw. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%)~ + a4295 + ~Global("c-aranjoinupagain","GLOBAL",9)~ + ~[PC] Sure. Join me.~ DO ~EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Left for Waterdeep I sent Aran Whitehand away permanently. He decided to head north to Waterdeep to pursue his own goals. I think that is for the best.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Sent to the Gods I destroyed Aran Whitehand. It is good to know that I have the power of life and death at my fingertips, and the will to use that power for my own ends.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands. Hopefully, he will find a good place to wait, and be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, bothering the patrons of The Broken Sword. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, singing sea chanties and holding drinking contests in The Sea's Bounty. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, wandering around and getting into trouble at The Copper Coronet. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, staring at actresses in The Five Flagons. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, grimacing at the bills and sharpening his quill in my stronghold at the Five Flagons. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, eyeing the cook's larder at The Mithrest Inn. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, perusing the wares at the Imnesvale Inn in the Umar Hills. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, drinking swill at The Vulgar Monkey. Hopefully, he will be there when I return. Even more hopefully, he will have avoided behaving like the inn's namesake.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, listening to the bards at Vyatri's Pub in Trademeet. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, making smalltalk with the staff of The Den of the Seven Vales. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, gambling with anyone who will play at Calbor's Inn in the Bridge District. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, drinking the second-rate stock at The Crooked Crane. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, singing bawdy songs with the patrons of the only inn in Brynnlaw. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%)~ + a4296 + ~Global("c-aranjoinupagain","GLOBAL",10)~ + ~[PC] Sure. Join me.~ DO ~EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Left for Waterdeep I sent Aran Whitehand away permanently. He decided to head north to Waterdeep to pursue his own goals. I think that is for the best.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Sent to the Gods I destroyed Aran Whitehand. It is good to know that I have the power of life and death at my fingertips, and the will to use that power for my own ends.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands. Hopefully, he will find a good place to wait, and be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, bothering the patrons of The Broken Sword. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, singing sea chanties and holding drinking contests in The Sea's Bounty. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, wandering around and getting into trouble at The Copper Coronet. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, staring at actresses in The Five Flagons. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, grimacing at the bills and sharpening his quill in my stronghold at the Five Flagons. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, eyeing the cook's larder at The Mithrest Inn. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, perusing the wares at the Imnesvale Inn in the Umar Hills. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, drinking swill at The Vulgar Monkey. Hopefully, he will be there when I return. Even more hopefully, he will have avoided behaving like the inn's namesake.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, listening to the bards at Vyatri's Pub in Trademeet. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, making smalltalk with the staff of The Den of the Seven Vales. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, gambling with anyone who will play at Calbor's Inn in the Bridge District. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, drinking the second-rate stock at The Crooked Crane. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, singing bawdy songs with the patrons of the only inn in Brynnlaw. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%)~ + a4297 + ~Global("c-aranjoinupagain","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Just checking on how you are doing. Wait here.~ + a2948 + ~Global("c-aranjoinupagain","GLOBAL",1)~ + ~[PC] Just checking on how you are doing. Wait here.~ + a4298 + ~Global("c-aranjoinupagain","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] Just checking on how you are doing. Wait here.~ + a4299 + ~Global("c-aranjoinupagain","GLOBAL",3)~ + ~[PC] Just checking on how you are doing. Wait here.~ + a2949 + ~Global("c-aranjoinupagain","GLOBAL",4)~ + ~[PC] Just checking on how you are doing. Wait here.~ + a4300 + ~Global("c-aranjoinupagain","GLOBAL",5)~ + ~[PC] Just checking on how you are doing. Wait here.~ + a4301 + ~Global("c-aranjoinupagain","GLOBAL",6)~ + ~[PC] Just checking on how you are doing. Wait here.~ + a2950 + ~Global("c-aranjoinupagain","GLOBAL",7)~ + ~[PC] Just checking on how you are doing. Wait here.~ + a4302 + ~Global("c-aranjoinupagain","GLOBAL",8)~ + ~[PC] Just checking on how you are doing. Wait here.~ + a4303 + ~Global("c-aranjoinupagain","GLOBAL",9)~ + ~[PC] Just checking on how you are doing. Wait here.~ + a4304 + ~Global("c-aranjoinupagain","GLOBAL",10)~ + ~[PC] Just checking on how you are doing. Wait here.~ + a4305 ++ ~[PC] I am terminating your contract permanently, Aran. The paper one. I don't mean to sound ominous or anything. Go find work with someone else.~ SOLVED_JOURNAL ~Whitehand Left for Waterdeep I sent Aran Whitehand away permanently. He decided to head north to Waterdeep to pursue his own goals. I think that is for the best.~ + a23 + ~Gender(Player1,FEMALE)~ + ~[PC] I am terminating you, Aran. Permanently. Die well.~ SOLVED_JOURNAL ~Whitehand Sent to the Gods I destroyed Aran Whitehand. It is good to know that I have the power of life and death at my fingertips, and the will to use that power for my own ends.~ + a2320 + ~Gender(Player1,MALE)~ + ~[PC] I am terminating you, Aran. Permanently. Die well.~ SOLVED_JOURNAL ~Whitehand Sent to the Gods I destroyed Aran Whitehand. It is good to know that I have the power of life and death at my fingertips, and the will to use that power for my own ends.~ + a24 + ~Global("c-aranwaiting","GLOBAL",0) !AreaCheck("AR0301") !AreaCheck("AR0302") !AreaCheck("AR0303") !AreaCheck("AR0304") !AreaCheck("AR0305") !AreaCheck("AR0306") !AreaCheck("AR0307") !AreaCheck("AR0509") !AreaCheck("AR0510") !AreaCheck("AR0511") !AreaCheck("AR1102") !AreaCheck("AR1107") !AreaCheck("AR0801") !AreaCheck("AR0803") !AreaCheck("C-AR01") !AreaCheck("AR0313") !AreaCheck("AR0406") !AreaCheck("AR0509") !AreaCheck("AR0522") !AreaCheck("AR0704") !AreaCheck("AR1105") !AreaCheck("AR1602") !AreaCheck("AR2010") !AreaCheck("AR0709") !AreaCheck("AR0513") !AreaCheck("AR0021") !AreaCheck("AR1602")~ + ~[PC] Aran, wait here for me, will you? I will be back.~ UNSOLVED_JOURNAL ~Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands. Hopefully, he will find a good place to wait, and be there when I return.~ + a25 + ~Global("c-aranwaiting","GLOBAL",1) !AreaCheck("AR0301") !AreaCheck("AR0302") !AreaCheck("AR0303") !AreaCheck("AR0304") !AreaCheck("AR0305") !AreaCheck("AR0306") !AreaCheck("AR0307") !AreaCheck("AR0509") !AreaCheck("AR0510") !AreaCheck("AR0511") !AreaCheck("AR1102") !AreaCheck("AR1107") !AreaCheck("AR0801") !AreaCheck("AR0803") !AreaCheck("C-AR01") !AreaCheck("AR0313") !AreaCheck("AR0406") !AreaCheck("AR0509") !AreaCheck("AR0522") !AreaCheck("AR0704") !AreaCheck("AR1105") !AreaCheck("AR1602") !AreaCheck("AR2010") !AreaCheck("AR0709") !AreaCheck("AR0513") !AreaCheck("AR0021") !AreaCheck("AR1602")~ + ~[PC] Aran, wait here for me, will you? I will be back.~ UNSOLVED_JOURNAL ~Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands. Hopefully, he will find a good place to wait, and be there when I return.~ + a26 + ~Global("c-aranwaiting","GLOBAL",2) !AreaCheck("AR0301") !AreaCheck("AR0302") !AreaCheck("AR0303") !AreaCheck("AR0304") !AreaCheck("AR0305") !AreaCheck("AR0306") !AreaCheck("AR0307") !AreaCheck("AR0509") !AreaCheck("AR0510") !AreaCheck("AR0511") !AreaCheck("AR1102") !AreaCheck("AR1107") !AreaCheck("AR0801") !AreaCheck("AR0803") !AreaCheck("C-AR01") !AreaCheck("AR0313") !AreaCheck("AR0406") !AreaCheck("AR0509") !AreaCheck("AR0522") !AreaCheck("AR0704") !AreaCheck("AR1105") !AreaCheck("AR1602") !AreaCheck("AR2010") !AreaCheck("AR0709") !AreaCheck("AR0513") !AreaCheck("AR0021") !AreaCheck("AR1602")~ + ~[PC] Aran, wait here for me, will you? I will be back.~ UNSOLVED_JOURNAL ~Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands. Hopefully, he will find a good place to wait, and be there when I return.~ + a27 + ~Global("c-aranwaiting","GLOBAL",3) !AreaCheck("AR0301") !AreaCheck("AR0302") !AreaCheck("AR0303") !AreaCheck("AR0304") !AreaCheck("AR0305") !AreaCheck("AR0306") !AreaCheck("AR0307") !AreaCheck("AR0509") !AreaCheck("AR0510") !AreaCheck("AR0511") !AreaCheck("AR1102") !AreaCheck("AR1107") !AreaCheck("AR0801") !AreaCheck("AR0803") !AreaCheck("C-AR01") !AreaCheck("AR0313") !AreaCheck("AR0406") !AreaCheck("AR0509") !AreaCheck("AR0522") !AreaCheck("AR0704") !AreaCheck("AR1105") !AreaCheck("AR1602") !AreaCheck("AR2010") !AreaCheck("AR0709") !AreaCheck("AR0513") !AreaCheck("AR0021") !AreaCheck("AR1602")~ + ~[PC] Aran, wait here for me, will you? I will be back.~ UNSOLVED_JOURNAL ~Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands. Hopefully, he will find a good place to wait, and be there when I return.~ + a28 + ~Global("c-aranwaiting","GLOBAL",4) !AreaCheck("AR0301") !AreaCheck("AR0302") !AreaCheck("AR0303") !AreaCheck("AR0304") !AreaCheck("AR0305") !AreaCheck("AR0306") !AreaCheck("AR0307") !AreaCheck("AR0509") !AreaCheck("AR0510") !AreaCheck("AR0511") !AreaCheck("AR1102") !AreaCheck("AR1107") !AreaCheck("AR0801") !AreaCheck("AR0803") !AreaCheck("C-AR01") !AreaCheck("AR0313") !AreaCheck("AR0406") !AreaCheck("AR0509") !AreaCheck("AR0522") !AreaCheck("AR0704") !AreaCheck("AR1105") !AreaCheck("AR1602") !AreaCheck("AR2010") !AreaCheck("AR0709") !AreaCheck("AR0513") !AreaCheck("AR0021") !AreaCheck("AR1602")~ + ~[PC] Aran, wait here for me, will you? I will be back.~ UNSOLVED_JOURNAL ~Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands. Hopefully, he will find a good place to wait, and be there when I return.~ + a29 + ~Global("c-aranwaiting","GLOBAL",5) !AreaCheck("AR0301") !AreaCheck("AR0302") !AreaCheck("AR0303") !AreaCheck("AR0304") !AreaCheck("AR0305") !AreaCheck("AR0306") !AreaCheck("AR0307") !AreaCheck("AR0509") !AreaCheck("AR0510") !AreaCheck("AR0511") !AreaCheck("AR1102") !AreaCheck("AR1107") !AreaCheck("AR0801") !AreaCheck("AR0803") !AreaCheck("C-AR01") !AreaCheck("AR0313") !AreaCheck("AR0406") !AreaCheck("AR0509") !AreaCheck("AR0522") !AreaCheck("AR0704") !AreaCheck("AR1105") !AreaCheck("AR1602") !AreaCheck("AR2010") !AreaCheck("AR0709") !AreaCheck("AR0513") !AreaCheck("AR0021") !AreaCheck("AR1602")~ + ~[PC] Aran, wait here for me, will you? I will be back.~ UNSOLVED_JOURNAL ~Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands. Hopefully, he will find a good place to wait, and be there when I return.~ + a30 + ~Global("c-aranwaiting","GLOBAL",6) !AreaCheck("AR0301") !AreaCheck("AR0302") !AreaCheck("AR0303") !AreaCheck("AR0304") !AreaCheck("AR0305") !AreaCheck("AR0306") !AreaCheck("AR0307") !AreaCheck("AR0509") !AreaCheck("AR0510") !AreaCheck("AR0511") !AreaCheck("AR1102") !AreaCheck("AR1107") !AreaCheck("AR0801") !AreaCheck("AR0803") !AreaCheck("C-AR01") !AreaCheck("AR0313") !AreaCheck("AR0406") !AreaCheck("AR0509") !AreaCheck("AR0522") !AreaCheck("AR0704") !AreaCheck("AR1105") !AreaCheck("AR1602") !AreaCheck("AR2010") !AreaCheck("AR0709") !AreaCheck("AR0513") !AreaCheck("AR0021") !AreaCheck("AR1602")~ + ~[PC] Aran, wait here for me, will you? I will be back.~ UNSOLVED_JOURNAL ~Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands. Hopefully, he will find a good place to wait, and be there when I return.~ + a31 + ~Global("c-aranwaiting","GLOBAL",7) !AreaCheck("AR0301") !AreaCheck("AR0302") !AreaCheck("AR0303") !AreaCheck("AR0304") !AreaCheck("AR0305") !AreaCheck("AR0306") !AreaCheck("AR0307") !AreaCheck("AR0509") !AreaCheck("AR0510") !AreaCheck("AR0511") !AreaCheck("AR1102") !AreaCheck("AR1107") !AreaCheck("AR0801") !AreaCheck("AR0803") !AreaCheck("C-AR01") !AreaCheck("AR0313") !AreaCheck("AR0406") !AreaCheck("AR0509") !AreaCheck("AR0522") !AreaCheck("AR0704") !AreaCheck("AR1105") !AreaCheck("AR1602") !AreaCheck("AR2010") !AreaCheck("AR0709") !AreaCheck("AR0513") !AreaCheck("AR0021") !AreaCheck("AR1602")~ + ~[PC] Aran, wait here for me, will you? I will be back.~ UNSOLVED_JOURNAL ~Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands. Hopefully, he will find a good place to wait, and be there when I return.~ + a32 + ~Global("c-aranwaiting","GLOBAL",8) !AreaCheck("AR0301") !AreaCheck("AR0302") !AreaCheck("AR0303") !AreaCheck("AR0304") !AreaCheck("AR0305") !AreaCheck("AR0306") !AreaCheck("AR0307") !AreaCheck("AR0509") !AreaCheck("AR0510") !AreaCheck("AR0511") !AreaCheck("AR1102") !AreaCheck("AR1107") !AreaCheck("AR0801") !AreaCheck("AR0803") !AreaCheck("C-AR01") !AreaCheck("AR0313") !AreaCheck("AR0406") !AreaCheck("AR0509") !AreaCheck("AR0522") !AreaCheck("AR0704") !AreaCheck("AR1105") !AreaCheck("AR1602") !AreaCheck("AR2010") !AreaCheck("AR0709") !AreaCheck("AR0513") !AreaCheck("AR0021") !AreaCheck("AR1602")~ + ~[PC] Wait here. And try not to get into any trouble. I have eyes and ears everywhere.~ UNSOLVED_JOURNAL ~Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands. Hopefully, he will find a good place to wait, and be there when I return.~ + a2718 + ~AreaCheck("C-AR01")~ + ~[PC] Aran, wait here for me, will you? I will be back.~ UNSOLVED_JOURNAL ~Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, bothering the patrons of The Broken Sword. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.~ + a4275 + ~AreaCheck("AR0313")~ + ~[PC] Aran, wait here for me, will you? I will be back.~ UNSOLVED_JOURNAL ~Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, singing sea chanties and holding drinking contests in The Sea's Bounty. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.~ + a4276 + ~AreaCheck("AR0406")~ + ~[PC] Aran, wait here for me, will you? I will be back.~ UNSOLVED_JOURNAL ~Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, wandering around and getting into trouble at The Copper Coronet. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.~ + a4277 + ~AreaCheck("AR0509")~ + ~[PC] Aran, wait here for me, will you? I will be back.~ UNSOLVED_JOURNAL ~Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, staring at actresses in The Five Flagons. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.~ + a4278 + ~AreaCheck("AR0522")~ + ~[PC] Aran, wait here for me, will you? I will be back.~ UNSOLVED_JOURNAL ~Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, grimacing at the bills and sharpening his quill in my stronghold at the Five Flagons. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.~ + a4279 + ~AreaCheck("AR0704")~ + ~[PC] Aran, wait here for me, will you? I will be back.~ UNSOLVED_JOURNAL ~Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, eyeing the cook's larder at The Mithrest Inn. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.~ + a4280 + ~AreaCheck("AR1105")~ + ~[PC] Aran, wait here for me, will you? I will be back.~ UNSOLVED_JOURNAL ~Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, perusing the wares at the Imnesvale Inn in the Umar Hills. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.~ + a4281 + ~AreaCheck("AR1602")~ + ~[PC] Aran, wait here for me, will you? I will be back.~ UNSOLVED_JOURNAL ~Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, drinking swill at The Vulgar Monkey. Hopefully, he will be there when I return. Even more hopefully, he will have avoided behaving like the inn's namesake.~ + a4282 + ~AreaCheck("AR2010")~ + ~[PC] Aran, wait here for me, will you? I will be back.~ UNSOLVED_JOURNAL ~Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, listening to the bards at Vyatri's Pub in Trademeet. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.~ + a4283 + ~AreaCheck("AR0709")~ + ~[PC] Aran, wait here for me, will you? I will be back.~ UNSOLVED_JOURNAL ~Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, making smalltalk with the staff of The Den of the Seven Vales. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.~ + a4284 + ~AreaCheck("AR0513")~ + ~[PC] Aran, wait here for me, will you? I will be back.~ UNSOLVED_JOURNAL ~Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, gambling with anyone who will play at Calbor's Inn in the Bridge District. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.~ + a4285 + ~AreaCheck("AR0021")~ + ~[PC] Aran, wait here for me, will you? I will be back.~ UNSOLVED_JOURNAL ~Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, drinking the second-rate stock at The Crooked Crane. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.~ + a4286 + ~AreaCheck("AR1602")~ + ~[PC] Aran, wait here for me, will you? I will be back.~ UNSOLVED_JOURNAL ~Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, singing bawdy songs with the patrons of the only inn in Brynnlaw. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.~ + a4287 + ~InParty(Player4) Gender(Player4,FEMALE) !Name("c-aran",Player4)~ + ~[PC] As long as you promise to stop staring at 's hair when she is not looking, you can join us.~ + a2713 + ~InParty(Player5) Gender(Player5,FEMALE) !Name("c-aran",Player5)~ + ~[PC] If you stop gawking at 's legs, you can join us.~ + a2713 + ~InParty(Player6) Gender(Player6,FEMALE) !Name("c-aran",Player6)~ + ~[PC] As long as you promise to stop staring at 's decolletage, you can join us.~ + a2713 ++ ~[PC] Aran, go on and make your way alone someplace else. I will join you when I am able.~ + a33 END IF ~~ a2718 SAY ~[ARAN] That sounds like it might be a mite uncomfortable. I'll just be stickin' wi' my two an' two configuration.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranwaiting","GLOBAL",0)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a2706 SAY ~[ARAN] You... fine. You want to be that way, it be your loss. I have more interestin' women to hunt anyways. Ones what appreciate what I can give.~ = ~[ARAN] You know, I deserve a bit more than to be dumped in th' refuse pit like I was some cast-off toy. You yank me out o' my life an' drag me here... just lookin' to screw wi' my life an' torture me before discardin' me on th' trash heap? Mayhap I be rough an' not th' finest, but I be bloody loyal.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranflirtstop","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranfight","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",3)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a2709 SAY ~[ARAN] Aye, now... that be a plan I can live with. I might even seal it wi' a kiss, when there be none to see. You will just have to be expectin' th' unexpected.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranflirtstop","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobal("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",2)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a2708 SAY ~[ARAN] Mayhap I have been knocked on th' head, but I am sure I would remember anythin' to do with you, . I... why, what do you know that I don't?~ ++ ~[PC] You remember it correctly, Aran. I was just teasing you.~ + a2710 ++ ~[PC] You remember it correctly, Aran. All except.. well, I thought we had a few stray glances, and the way your eyes look at me, I think you want more than just a little friendship. Nothing has really happened.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aransex","GLOBAL",0)~ + a2710 ++ ~[PC] Shall I jog your memory, and describe some of the things we have done together?~ + a2711 ++ ~[PC] No. I think you have it just the way I want it. Thank the gods for memory lapses.~ + a2710 END IF ~~ a2711 SAY ~[ARAN] I would love that.~ ++ ~[PC] You remember it correctly, Aran. I was just teasing you.~ + a2710 ++ ~[PC] You remember it correctly, Aran. All except the stray glances, whispers, and the way you look at me. It is like you are hungry, but not for food.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aransex","GLOBAL",0)~ + a2710 ++ ~[PC] You remember it correctly, Aran. All except the bold glances, whispered conversations, and some very deep kisses.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aransex","GLOBAL",1)~ + a2707 ++ ~[PC] You remember it correctly, Aran. All except the stolen whispered conversations, the feel of your fingers tracing runes my body, the feel of the bare skin of your chest under my palms... and kisses that set us both on fire.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aransex","GLOBAL",2)~ + a2707 ++ ~[PC] Aran... we have spent so much time together, the only thing we haven't done is... ~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aransex","GLOBAL",3)~ + a2707 ++ ~[PC] Aran... I know the touch of you, the feel of all you, and that little strained look you get just before you... ~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aransex","GLOBAL",4)~ + a2707 ++ ~[PC] No. I think you have it just the way I want it. Thank the gods for memory lapses.~ + a2710 END IF ~~ a2710 SAY ~[ARAN] Well, you had me off balance, there. I be right happy we both agree. I was worried, mayhap because any time a woman asks about 'relationship status', there be a powerful lot o' pitfalls an' traps a lad can fall into, eh?~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a2707 SAY ~[ARAN] I can stop you right there, with a kiss. I can't rightly forget anythin' about us, but it sure does feel good to hear you speakin' o' us like this. I was just a mite off balance, is all. Mayhap because any time a woman asks about 'relationship status', there be a powerful lot o' pitfalls an' traps a lad can fall into, eh?~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a2947 SAY ~[ARAN] Wait a mite bit, here... No gifts o' welcome, an' no party? It has been a mite bit dull around here.~ + ~Global("c-aranjoinupagain","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] I could use your help right now. Join up.~ DO ~EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Left for Waterdeep I sent Aran Whitehand away permanently. He decided to head north to Waterdeep to pursue his own goals. I think that is for the best.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Sent to the Gods I destroyed Aran Whitehand. It is good to know that I have the power of life and death at my fingertips, and the will to use that power for my own ends.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands. Hopefully, he will find a good place to wait, and be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, bothering the patrons of The Broken Sword. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, singing sea chanties and holding drinking contests in The Sea's Bounty. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, wandering around and getting into trouble at The Copper Coronet. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, staring at actresses in The Five Flagons. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, grimacing at the bills and sharpening his quill in my stronghold at the Five Flagons. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, eyeing the cook's larder at The Mithrest Inn. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, perusing the wares at the Imnesvale Inn in the Umar Hills. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, drinking swill at The Vulgar Monkey. Hopefully, he will be there when I return. Even more hopefully, he will have avoided behaving like the inn's namesake.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, listening to the bards at Vyatri's Pub in Trademeet. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, making smalltalk with the staff of The Den of the Seven Vales. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, gambling with anyone who will play at Calbor's Inn in the Bridge District. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, drinking the second-rate stock at The Crooked Crane. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, singing bawdy songs with the patrons of the only inn in Brynnlaw. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%)~ + a4306 + ~Global("c-aranjoinupagain","GLOBAL",1)~ + ~[PC] I could use your help right now. Join up.~ DO ~EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Left for Waterdeep I sent Aran Whitehand away permanently. He decided to head north to Waterdeep to pursue his own goals. I think that is for the best.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Sent to the Gods I destroyed Aran Whitehand. It is good to know that I have the power of life and death at my fingertips, and the will to use that power for my own ends.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands. Hopefully, he will find a good place to wait, and be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, bothering the patrons of The Broken Sword. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, singing sea chanties and holding drinking contests in The Sea's Bounty. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, wandering around and getting into trouble at The Copper Coronet. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, staring at actresses in The Five Flagons. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, grimacing at the bills and sharpening his quill in my stronghold at the Five Flagons. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, eyeing the cook's larder at The Mithrest Inn. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, perusing the wares at the Imnesvale Inn in the Umar Hills. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, drinking swill at The Vulgar Monkey. Hopefully, he will be there when I return. Even more hopefully, he will have avoided behaving like the inn's namesake.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, listening to the bards at Vyatri's Pub in Trademeet. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, making smalltalk with the staff of The Den of the Seven Vales. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, gambling with anyone who will play at Calbor's Inn in the Bridge District. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, drinking the second-rate stock at The Crooked Crane. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, singing bawdy songs with the patrons of the only inn in Brynnlaw. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%)~ + a4288 + ~Global("c-aranjoinupagain","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] I could use your help right now. Join up.~ DO ~EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Left for Waterdeep I sent Aran Whitehand away permanently. He decided to head north to Waterdeep to pursue his own goals. I think that is for the best.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Sent to the Gods I destroyed Aran Whitehand. It is good to know that I have the power of life and death at my fingertips, and the will to use that power for my own ends.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands. Hopefully, he will find a good place to wait, and be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, bothering the patrons of The Broken Sword. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, singing sea chanties and holding drinking contests in The Sea's Bounty. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, wandering around and getting into trouble at The Copper Coronet. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, staring at actresses in The Five Flagons. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, grimacing at the bills and sharpening his quill in my stronghold at the Five Flagons. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, eyeing the cook's larder at The Mithrest Inn. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, perusing the wares at the Imnesvale Inn in the Umar Hills. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, drinking swill at The Vulgar Monkey. Hopefully, he will be there when I return. Even more hopefully, he will have avoided behaving like the inn's namesake.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, listening to the bards at Vyatri's Pub in Trademeet. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, making smalltalk with the staff of The Den of the Seven Vales. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, gambling with anyone who will play at Calbor's Inn in the Bridge District. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, drinking the second-rate stock at The Crooked Crane. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, singing bawdy songs with the patrons of the only inn in Brynnlaw. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%)~ + a4289 + ~Global("c-aranjoinupagain","GLOBAL",3)~ + ~[PC] I could use your help right now. Join up.~ DO ~EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Left for Waterdeep I sent Aran Whitehand away permanently. He decided to head north to Waterdeep to pursue his own goals. I think that is for the best.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Sent to the Gods I destroyed Aran Whitehand. It is good to know that I have the power of life and death at my fingertips, and the will to use that power for my own ends.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands. Hopefully, he will find a good place to wait, and be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, bothering the patrons of The Broken Sword. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, singing sea chanties and holding drinking contests in The Sea's Bounty. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, wandering around and getting into trouble at The Copper Coronet. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, staring at actresses in The Five Flagons. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, grimacing at the bills and sharpening his quill in my stronghold at the Five Flagons. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, eyeing the cook's larder at The Mithrest Inn. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, perusing the wares at the Imnesvale Inn in the Umar Hills. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, drinking swill at The Vulgar Monkey. Hopefully, he will be there when I return. Even more hopefully, he will have avoided behaving like the inn's namesake.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, listening to the bards at Vyatri's Pub in Trademeet. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, making smalltalk with the staff of The Den of the Seven Vales. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, gambling with anyone who will play at Calbor's Inn in the Bridge District. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, drinking the second-rate stock at The Crooked Crane. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, singing bawdy songs with the patrons of the only inn in Brynnlaw. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%)~ + a4290 + ~Global("c-aranjoinupagain","GLOBAL",4)~ + ~[PC] I could use your help right now. Join up.~ DO ~EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Left for Waterdeep I sent Aran Whitehand away permanently. He decided to head north to Waterdeep to pursue his own goals. I think that is for the best.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Sent to the Gods I destroyed Aran Whitehand. It is good to know that I have the power of life and death at my fingertips, and the will to use that power for my own ends.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands. Hopefully, he will find a good place to wait, and be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, bothering the patrons of The Broken Sword. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, singing sea chanties and holding drinking contests in The Sea's Bounty. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, wandering around and getting into trouble at The Copper Coronet. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, staring at actresses in The Five Flagons. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, grimacing at the bills and sharpening his quill in my stronghold at the Five Flagons. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, eyeing the cook's larder at The Mithrest Inn. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, perusing the wares at the Imnesvale Inn in the Umar Hills. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, drinking swill at The Vulgar Monkey. Hopefully, he will be there when I return. Even more hopefully, he will have avoided behaving like the inn's namesake.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, listening to the bards at Vyatri's Pub in Trademeet. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, making smalltalk with the staff of The Den of the Seven Vales. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, gambling with anyone who will play at Calbor's Inn in the Bridge District. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, drinking the second-rate stock at The Crooked Crane. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, singing bawdy songs with the patrons of the only inn in Brynnlaw. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%)~ + a4291 + ~Global("c-aranjoinupagain","GLOBAL",5)~ + ~[PC] I could use your help right now. Join up.~ DO ~EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Left for Waterdeep I sent Aran Whitehand away permanently. He decided to head north to Waterdeep to pursue his own goals. I think that is for the best.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Sent to the Gods I destroyed Aran Whitehand. It is good to know that I have the power of life and death at my fingertips, and the will to use that power for my own ends.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands. Hopefully, he will find a good place to wait, and be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, bothering the patrons of The Broken Sword. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, singing sea chanties and holding drinking contests in The Sea's Bounty. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, wandering around and getting into trouble at The Copper Coronet. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, staring at actresses in The Five Flagons. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, grimacing at the bills and sharpening his quill in my stronghold at the Five Flagons. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, eyeing the cook's larder at The Mithrest Inn. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, perusing the wares at the Imnesvale Inn in the Umar Hills. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, drinking swill at The Vulgar Monkey. Hopefully, he will be there when I return. Even more hopefully, he will have avoided behaving like the inn's namesake.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, listening to the bards at Vyatri's Pub in Trademeet. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, making smalltalk with the staff of The Den of the Seven Vales. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, gambling with anyone who will play at Calbor's Inn in the Bridge District. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, drinking the second-rate stock at The Crooked Crane. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, singing bawdy songs with the patrons of the only inn in Brynnlaw. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%)~ + a4292 + ~Global("c-aranjoinupagain","GLOBAL",6)~ + ~[PC] I could use your help right now. Join up.~ DO ~EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Left for Waterdeep I sent Aran Whitehand away permanently. He decided to head north to Waterdeep to pursue his own goals. I think that is for the best.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Sent to the Gods I destroyed Aran Whitehand. It is good to know that I have the power of life and death at my fingertips, and the will to use that power for my own ends.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands. Hopefully, he will find a good place to wait, and be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, bothering the patrons of The Broken Sword. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, singing sea chanties and holding drinking contests in The Sea's Bounty. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, wandering around and getting into trouble at The Copper Coronet. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, staring at actresses in The Five Flagons. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, grimacing at the bills and sharpening his quill in my stronghold at the Five Flagons. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, eyeing the cook's larder at The Mithrest Inn. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, perusing the wares at the Imnesvale Inn in the Umar Hills. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, drinking swill at The Vulgar Monkey. Hopefully, he will be there when I return. Even more hopefully, he will have avoided behaving like the inn's namesake.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, listening to the bards at Vyatri's Pub in Trademeet. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, making smalltalk with the staff of The Den of the Seven Vales. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, gambling with anyone who will play at Calbor's Inn in the Bridge District. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, drinking the second-rate stock at The Crooked Crane. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, singing bawdy songs with the patrons of the only inn in Brynnlaw. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%)~ + a4293 + ~Global("c-aranjoinupagain","GLOBAL",7)~ + ~[PC] I could use your help right now. Join up.~ DO ~EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Left for Waterdeep I sent Aran Whitehand away permanently. He decided to head north to Waterdeep to pursue his own goals. I think that is for the best.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Sent to the Gods I destroyed Aran Whitehand. It is good to know that I have the power of life and death at my fingertips, and the will to use that power for my own ends.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands. Hopefully, he will find a good place to wait, and be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, bothering the patrons of The Broken Sword. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, singing sea chanties and holding drinking contests in The Sea's Bounty. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, wandering around and getting into trouble at The Copper Coronet. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, staring at actresses in The Five Flagons. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, grimacing at the bills and sharpening his quill in my stronghold at the Five Flagons. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, eyeing the cook's larder at The Mithrest Inn. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, perusing the wares at the Imnesvale Inn in the Umar Hills. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, drinking swill at The Vulgar Monkey. Hopefully, he will be there when I return. Even more hopefully, he will have avoided behaving like the inn's namesake.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, listening to the bards at Vyatri's Pub in Trademeet. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, making smalltalk with the staff of The Den of the Seven Vales. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, gambling with anyone who will play at Calbor's Inn in the Bridge District. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, drinking the second-rate stock at The Crooked Crane. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, singing bawdy songs with the patrons of the only inn in Brynnlaw. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%)~ + a4294 + ~Global("c-aranjoinupagain","GLOBAL",8)~ + ~[PC] I could use your help right now. Join up.~ DO ~EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Left for Waterdeep I sent Aran Whitehand away permanently. He decided to head north to Waterdeep to pursue his own goals. I think that is for the best.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Sent to the Gods I destroyed Aran Whitehand. It is good to know that I have the power of life and death at my fingertips, and the will to use that power for my own ends.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands. Hopefully, he will find a good place to wait, and be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, bothering the patrons of The Broken Sword. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, singing sea chanties and holding drinking contests in The Sea's Bounty. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, wandering around and getting into trouble at The Copper Coronet. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, staring at actresses in The Five Flagons. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, grimacing at the bills and sharpening his quill in my stronghold at the Five Flagons. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, eyeing the cook's larder at The Mithrest Inn. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, perusing the wares at the Imnesvale Inn in the Umar Hills. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, drinking swill at The Vulgar Monkey. Hopefully, he will be there when I return. Even more hopefully, he will have avoided behaving like the inn's namesake.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, listening to the bards at Vyatri's Pub in Trademeet. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, making smalltalk with the staff of The Den of the Seven Vales. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, gambling with anyone who will play at Calbor's Inn in the Bridge District. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, drinking the second-rate stock at The Crooked Crane. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, singing bawdy songs with the patrons of the only inn in Brynnlaw. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%)~ + a4295 + ~Global("c-aranjoinupagain","GLOBAL",9)~ + ~[PC] I could use your help right now. Join up.~ DO ~EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Left for Waterdeep I sent Aran Whitehand away permanently. He decided to head north to Waterdeep to pursue his own goals. I think that is for the best.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Sent to the Gods I destroyed Aran Whitehand. It is good to know that I have the power of life and death at my fingertips, and the will to use that power for my own ends.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands. Hopefully, he will find a good place to wait, and be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, bothering the patrons of The Broken Sword. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, singing sea chanties and holding drinking contests in The Sea's Bounty. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, wandering around and getting into trouble at The Copper Coronet. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, staring at actresses in The Five Flagons. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, grimacing at the bills and sharpening his quill in my stronghold at the Five Flagons. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, eyeing the cook's larder at The Mithrest Inn. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, perusing the wares at the Imnesvale Inn in the Umar Hills. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, drinking swill at The Vulgar Monkey. Hopefully, he will be there when I return. Even more hopefully, he will have avoided behaving like the inn's namesake.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, listening to the bards at Vyatri's Pub in Trademeet. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, making smalltalk with the staff of The Den of the Seven Vales. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, gambling with anyone who will play at Calbor's Inn in the Bridge District. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, drinking the second-rate stock at The Crooked Crane. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, singing bawdy songs with the patrons of the only inn in Brynnlaw. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%)~ + a4296 + ~Global("c-aranjoinupagain","GLOBAL",10)~ + ~[PC] I could use your help right now. Join up.~ DO ~EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Left for Waterdeep I sent Aran Whitehand away permanently. He decided to head north to Waterdeep to pursue his own goals. I think that is for the best.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Sent to the Gods I destroyed Aran Whitehand. It is good to know that I have the power of life and death at my fingertips, and the will to use that power for my own ends.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands. Hopefully, he will find a good place to wait, and be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, bothering the patrons of The Broken Sword. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, singing sea chanties and holding drinking contests in The Sea's Bounty. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, wandering around and getting into trouble at The Copper Coronet. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, staring at actresses in The Five Flagons. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, grimacing at the bills and sharpening his quill in my stronghold at the Five Flagons. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, eyeing the cook's larder at The Mithrest Inn. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, perusing the wares at the Imnesvale Inn in the Umar Hills. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, drinking swill at The Vulgar Monkey. Hopefully, he will be there when I return. Even more hopefully, he will have avoided behaving like the inn's namesake.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, listening to the bards at Vyatri's Pub in Trademeet. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, making smalltalk with the staff of The Den of the Seven Vales. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, gambling with anyone who will play at Calbor's Inn in the Bridge District. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, drinking the second-rate stock at The Crooked Crane. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, singing bawdy songs with the patrons of the only inn in Brynnlaw. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%)~ + a4297 + ~Global("c-aranjoinupagain","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Just checking on how you are doing. Wait here.~ + a2948 + ~Global("c-aranjoinupagain","GLOBAL",1)~ + ~[PC] Just checking on how you are doing. Wait here.~ + a4298 + ~Global("c-aranjoinupagain","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] Just checking on how you are doing. Wait here.~ + a4299 + ~Global("c-aranjoinupagain","GLOBAL",3)~ + ~[PC] Just checking on how you are doing. Wait here.~ + a2949 + ~Global("c-aranjoinupagain","GLOBAL",4)~ + ~[PC] Just checking on how you are doing. Wait here.~ + a4300 + ~Global("c-aranjoinupagain","GLOBAL",5)~ + ~[PC] Just checking on how you are doing. Wait here.~ + a4301 + ~Global("c-aranjoinupagain","GLOBAL",6)~ + ~[PC] Just checking on how you are doing. Wait here.~ + a2950 + ~Global("c-aranjoinupagain","GLOBAL",7)~ + ~[PC] Just checking on how you are doing. Wait here.~ + a4302 + ~Global("c-aranjoinupagain","GLOBAL",8)~ + ~[PC] Just checking on how you are doing. Wait here.~ + a4303 + ~Global("c-aranjoinupagain","GLOBAL",9)~ + ~[PC] Just checking on how you are doing. Wait here.~ + a4304 + ~Global("c-aranjoinupagain","GLOBAL",10)~ + ~[PC] Just checking on how you are doing. Wait here.~ + a4305 ++ ~[PC] Actually, I wanted to talk to you about how things are between us.~ + a2712 ++ ~[PC] Aran, go on and make your way alone someplace else. I will join you when I am able.~ + a33 + ~Gender(Player1,FEMALE) RandomNum(2,1)~ + ~[PC] I might let you rejoin the party, if you promise to behave yourself.~ + a2715 + ~Gender(Player1,MALE) RandomNum(2,1)~ + ~[PC] I might let you rejoin the party, if you promise to stop that tuneless whistling you are so fond of inflicting on us.~ + a2716 + ~Gender(Player1,FEMALE) RandomNum(2,2)~ + ~[PC] I might let you rejoin the party, if you promise to let me teach you how to speak.~ + a2715 + ~Gender(Player1,MALE) RandomNum(2,2)~ + ~[PC] I might let you rejoin the party, if you promise to learn how to cook.~ + a2716 END IF ~~ a4307 SAY ~[ARAN] I blighted well be lookin' forward to joinin' up wi' you again.~ + ~Global("c-aranjoinupagain","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Sure. Join me.~ DO ~EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Left for Waterdeep I sent Aran Whitehand away permanently. He decided to head north to Waterdeep to pursue his own goals. I think that is for the best.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Sent to the Gods I destroyed Aran Whitehand. It is good to know that I have the power of life and death at my fingertips, and the will to use that power for my own ends.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands. Hopefully, he will find a good place to wait, and be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, bothering the patrons of The Broken Sword. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, singing sea chanties and holding drinking contests in The Sea's Bounty. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, wandering around and getting into trouble at The Copper Coronet. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, staring at actresses in The Five Flagons. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, grimacing at the bills and sharpening his quill in my stronghold at the Five Flagons. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, eyeing the cook's larder at The Mithrest Inn. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, perusing the wares at the Imnesvale Inn in the Umar Hills. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, drinking swill at The Vulgar Monkey. Hopefully, he will be there when I return. Even more hopefully, he will have avoided behaving like the inn's namesake.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, listening to the bards at Vyatri's Pub in Trademeet. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, making smalltalk with the staff of The Den of the Seven Vales. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, gambling with anyone who will play at Calbor's Inn in the Bridge District. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, drinking the second-rate stock at The Crooked Crane. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, singing bawdy songs with the patrons of the only inn in Brynnlaw. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%)~ + a4306 + ~Global("c-aranjoinupagain","GLOBAL",1)~ + ~[PC] Sure. Join me.~ DO ~EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Left for Waterdeep I sent Aran Whitehand away permanently. He decided to head north to Waterdeep to pursue his own goals. I think that is for the best.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Sent to the Gods I destroyed Aran Whitehand. It is good to know that I have the power of life and death at my fingertips, and the will to use that power for my own ends.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands. Hopefully, he will find a good place to wait, and be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, bothering the patrons of The Broken Sword. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, singing sea chanties and holding drinking contests in The Sea's Bounty. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, wandering around and getting into trouble at The Copper Coronet. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, staring at actresses in The Five Flagons. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, grimacing at the bills and sharpening his quill in my stronghold at the Five Flagons. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, eyeing the cook's larder at The Mithrest Inn. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, perusing the wares at the Imnesvale Inn in the Umar Hills. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, drinking swill at The Vulgar Monkey. Hopefully, he will be there when I return. Even more hopefully, he will have avoided behaving like the inn's namesake.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, listening to the bards at Vyatri's Pub in Trademeet. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, making smalltalk with the staff of The Den of the Seven Vales. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, gambling with anyone who will play at Calbor's Inn in the Bridge District. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, drinking the second-rate stock at The Crooked Crane. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, singing bawdy songs with the patrons of the only inn in Brynnlaw. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%)~ + a4288 + ~Global("c-aranjoinupagain","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] Sure. Join me.~ DO ~EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Left for Waterdeep I sent Aran Whitehand away permanently. He decided to head north to Waterdeep to pursue his own goals. I think that is for the best.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Sent to the Gods I destroyed Aran Whitehand. It is good to know that I have the power of life and death at my fingertips, and the will to use that power for my own ends.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands. Hopefully, he will find a good place to wait, and be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, bothering the patrons of The Broken Sword. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, singing sea chanties and holding drinking contests in The Sea's Bounty. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, wandering around and getting into trouble at The Copper Coronet. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, staring at actresses in The Five Flagons. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, grimacing at the bills and sharpening his quill in my stronghold at the Five Flagons. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, eyeing the cook's larder at The Mithrest Inn. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, perusing the wares at the Imnesvale Inn in the Umar Hills. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, drinking swill at The Vulgar Monkey. Hopefully, he will be there when I return. Even more hopefully, he will have avoided behaving like the inn's namesake.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, listening to the bards at Vyatri's Pub in Trademeet. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, making smalltalk with the staff of The Den of the Seven Vales. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, gambling with anyone who will play at Calbor's Inn in the Bridge District. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, drinking the second-rate stock at The Crooked Crane. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, singing bawdy songs with the patrons of the only inn in Brynnlaw. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%)~ + a4289 + ~Global("c-aranjoinupagain","GLOBAL",3)~ + ~[PC] Sure. Join me.~ DO ~EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Left for Waterdeep I sent Aran Whitehand away permanently. He decided to head north to Waterdeep to pursue his own goals. I think that is for the best.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Sent to the Gods I destroyed Aran Whitehand. It is good to know that I have the power of life and death at my fingertips, and the will to use that power for my own ends.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands. Hopefully, he will find a good place to wait, and be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, bothering the patrons of The Broken Sword. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, singing sea chanties and holding drinking contests in The Sea's Bounty. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, wandering around and getting into trouble at The Copper Coronet. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, staring at actresses in The Five Flagons. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, grimacing at the bills and sharpening his quill in my stronghold at the Five Flagons. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, eyeing the cook's larder at The Mithrest Inn. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, perusing the wares at the Imnesvale Inn in the Umar Hills. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, drinking swill at The Vulgar Monkey. Hopefully, he will be there when I return. Even more hopefully, he will have avoided behaving like the inn's namesake.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, listening to the bards at Vyatri's Pub in Trademeet. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, making smalltalk with the staff of The Den of the Seven Vales. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, gambling with anyone who will play at Calbor's Inn in the Bridge District. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, drinking the second-rate stock at The Crooked Crane. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, singing bawdy songs with the patrons of the only inn in Brynnlaw. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%)~ + a4290 + ~Global("c-aranjoinupagain","GLOBAL",4)~ + ~[PC] Sure. Join me.~ DO ~EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Left for Waterdeep I sent Aran Whitehand away permanently. He decided to head north to Waterdeep to pursue his own goals. I think that is for the best.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Sent to the Gods I destroyed Aran Whitehand. It is good to know that I have the power of life and death at my fingertips, and the will to use that power for my own ends.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands. Hopefully, he will find a good place to wait, and be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, bothering the patrons of The Broken Sword. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, singing sea chanties and holding drinking contests in The Sea's Bounty. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, wandering around and getting into trouble at The Copper Coronet. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, staring at actresses in The Five Flagons. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, grimacing at the bills and sharpening his quill in my stronghold at the Five Flagons. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, eyeing the cook's larder at The Mithrest Inn. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, perusing the wares at the Imnesvale Inn in the Umar Hills. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, drinking swill at The Vulgar Monkey. Hopefully, he will be there when I return. Even more hopefully, he will have avoided behaving like the inn's namesake.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, listening to the bards at Vyatri's Pub in Trademeet. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, making smalltalk with the staff of The Den of the Seven Vales. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, gambling with anyone who will play at Calbor's Inn in the Bridge District. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, drinking the second-rate stock at The Crooked Crane. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, singing bawdy songs with the patrons of the only inn in Brynnlaw. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%)~ + a4291 + ~Global("c-aranjoinupagain","GLOBAL",5)~ + ~[PC] Sure. Join me.~ DO ~EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Left for Waterdeep I sent Aran Whitehand away permanently. He decided to head north to Waterdeep to pursue his own goals. I think that is for the best.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Sent to the Gods I destroyed Aran Whitehand. It is good to know that I have the power of life and death at my fingertips, and the will to use that power for my own ends.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands. Hopefully, he will find a good place to wait, and be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, bothering the patrons of The Broken Sword. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, singing sea chanties and holding drinking contests in The Sea's Bounty. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, wandering around and getting into trouble at The Copper Coronet. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, staring at actresses in The Five Flagons. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, grimacing at the bills and sharpening his quill in my stronghold at the Five Flagons. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, eyeing the cook's larder at The Mithrest Inn. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, perusing the wares at the Imnesvale Inn in the Umar Hills. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, drinking swill at The Vulgar Monkey. Hopefully, he will be there when I return. Even more hopefully, he will have avoided behaving like the inn's namesake.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, listening to the bards at Vyatri's Pub in Trademeet. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, making smalltalk with the staff of The Den of the Seven Vales. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, gambling with anyone who will play at Calbor's Inn in the Bridge District. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, drinking the second-rate stock at The Crooked Crane. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, singing bawdy songs with the patrons of the only inn in Brynnlaw. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%)~ + a4292 + ~Global("c-aranjoinupagain","GLOBAL",6)~ + ~[PC] Sure. Join me.~ DO ~EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Left for Waterdeep I sent Aran Whitehand away permanently. He decided to head north to Waterdeep to pursue his own goals. I think that is for the best.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Sent to the Gods I destroyed Aran Whitehand. It is good to know that I have the power of life and death at my fingertips, and the will to use that power for my own ends.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands. Hopefully, he will find a good place to wait, and be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, bothering the patrons of The Broken Sword. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, singing sea chanties and holding drinking contests in The Sea's Bounty. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, wandering around and getting into trouble at The Copper Coronet. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, staring at actresses in The Five Flagons. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, grimacing at the bills and sharpening his quill in my stronghold at the Five Flagons. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, eyeing the cook's larder at The Mithrest Inn. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, perusing the wares at the Imnesvale Inn in the Umar Hills. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, drinking swill at The Vulgar Monkey. Hopefully, he will be there when I return. Even more hopefully, he will have avoided behaving like the inn's namesake.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, listening to the bards at Vyatri's Pub in Trademeet. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, making smalltalk with the staff of The Den of the Seven Vales. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, gambling with anyone who will play at Calbor's Inn in the Bridge District. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, drinking the second-rate stock at The Crooked Crane. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, singing bawdy songs with the patrons of the only inn in Brynnlaw. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%)~ + a4293 + ~Global("c-aranjoinupagain","GLOBAL",7)~ + ~[PC] Sure. Join me.~ DO ~EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Left for Waterdeep I sent Aran Whitehand away permanently. He decided to head north to Waterdeep to pursue his own goals. I think that is for the best.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Sent to the Gods I destroyed Aran Whitehand. It is good to know that I have the power of life and death at my fingertips, and the will to use that power for my own ends.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands. Hopefully, he will find a good place to wait, and be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, bothering the patrons of The Broken Sword. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, singing sea chanties and holding drinking contests in The Sea's Bounty. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, wandering around and getting into trouble at The Copper Coronet. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, staring at actresses in The Five Flagons. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, grimacing at the bills and sharpening his quill in my stronghold at the Five Flagons. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, eyeing the cook's larder at The Mithrest Inn. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, perusing the wares at the Imnesvale Inn in the Umar Hills. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, drinking swill at The Vulgar Monkey. Hopefully, he will be there when I return. Even more hopefully, he will have avoided behaving like the inn's namesake.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, listening to the bards at Vyatri's Pub in Trademeet. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, making smalltalk with the staff of The Den of the Seven Vales. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, gambling with anyone who will play at Calbor's Inn in the Bridge District. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, drinking the second-rate stock at The Crooked Crane. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, singing bawdy songs with the patrons of the only inn in Brynnlaw. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%)~ + a4294 + ~Global("c-aranjoinupagain","GLOBAL",8)~ + ~[PC] Sure. Join me.~ DO ~EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Left for Waterdeep I sent Aran Whitehand away permanently. He decided to head north to Waterdeep to pursue his own goals. I think that is for the best.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Sent to the Gods I destroyed Aran Whitehand. It is good to know that I have the power of life and death at my fingertips, and the will to use that power for my own ends.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands. Hopefully, he will find a good place to wait, and be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, bothering the patrons of The Broken Sword. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, singing sea chanties and holding drinking contests in The Sea's Bounty. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, wandering around and getting into trouble at The Copper Coronet. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, staring at actresses in The Five Flagons. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, grimacing at the bills and sharpening his quill in my stronghold at the Five Flagons. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, eyeing the cook's larder at The Mithrest Inn. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, perusing the wares at the Imnesvale Inn in the Umar Hills. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, drinking swill at The Vulgar Monkey. Hopefully, he will be there when I return. Even more hopefully, he will have avoided behaving like the inn's namesake.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, listening to the bards at Vyatri's Pub in Trademeet. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, making smalltalk with the staff of The Den of the Seven Vales. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, gambling with anyone who will play at Calbor's Inn in the Bridge District. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, drinking the second-rate stock at The Crooked Crane. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, singing bawdy songs with the patrons of the only inn in Brynnlaw. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%)~ + a4295 + ~Global("c-aranjoinupagain","GLOBAL",9)~ + ~[PC] Sure. Join me.~ DO ~EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Left for Waterdeep I sent Aran Whitehand away permanently. He decided to head north to Waterdeep to pursue his own goals. I think that is for the best.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Sent to the Gods I destroyed Aran Whitehand. It is good to know that I have the power of life and death at my fingertips, and the will to use that power for my own ends.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands. Hopefully, he will find a good place to wait, and be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, bothering the patrons of The Broken Sword. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, singing sea chanties and holding drinking contests in The Sea's Bounty. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, wandering around and getting into trouble at The Copper Coronet. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, staring at actresses in The Five Flagons. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, grimacing at the bills and sharpening his quill in my stronghold at the Five Flagons. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, eyeing the cook's larder at The Mithrest Inn. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, perusing the wares at the Imnesvale Inn in the Umar Hills. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, drinking swill at The Vulgar Monkey. Hopefully, he will be there when I return. Even more hopefully, he will have avoided behaving like the inn's namesake.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, listening to the bards at Vyatri's Pub in Trademeet. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, making smalltalk with the staff of The Den of the Seven Vales. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, gambling with anyone who will play at Calbor's Inn in the Bridge District. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, drinking the second-rate stock at The Crooked Crane. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, singing bawdy songs with the patrons of the only inn in Brynnlaw. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%)~ + a4296 + ~Global("c-aranjoinupagain","GLOBAL",10)~ + ~[PC] Sure. Join me.~ DO ~EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Left for Waterdeep I sent Aran Whitehand away permanently. He decided to head north to Waterdeep to pursue his own goals. I think that is for the best.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Sent to the Gods I destroyed Aran Whitehand. It is good to know that I have the power of life and death at my fingertips, and the will to use that power for my own ends.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands. Hopefully, he will find a good place to wait, and be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, bothering the patrons of The Broken Sword. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, singing sea chanties and holding drinking contests in The Sea's Bounty. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, wandering around and getting into trouble at The Copper Coronet. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, staring at actresses in The Five Flagons. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, grimacing at the bills and sharpening his quill in my stronghold at the Five Flagons. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, eyeing the cook's larder at The Mithrest Inn. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, perusing the wares at the Imnesvale Inn in the Umar Hills. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, drinking swill at The Vulgar Monkey. Hopefully, he will be there when I return. Even more hopefully, he will have avoided behaving like the inn's namesake.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, listening to the bards at Vyatri's Pub in Trademeet. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, making smalltalk with the staff of The Den of the Seven Vales. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, gambling with anyone who will play at Calbor's Inn in the Bridge District. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, drinking the second-rate stock at The Crooked Crane. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, singing bawdy songs with the patrons of the only inn in Brynnlaw. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%)~ + a4297 + ~Global("c-aranjoinupagain","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Just checking on how you are doing. Wait here.~ + a2948 + ~Global("c-aranjoinupagain","GLOBAL",1)~ + ~[PC] Just checking on how you are doing. Wait here.~ + a4298 + ~Global("c-aranjoinupagain","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] Just checking on how you are doing. Wait here.~ + a4299 + ~Global("c-aranjoinupagain","GLOBAL",3)~ + ~[PC] Just checking on how you are doing. Wait here.~ + a2949 + ~Global("c-aranjoinupagain","GLOBAL",4)~ + ~[PC] Just checking on how you are doing. Wait here.~ + a4300 + ~Global("c-aranjoinupagain","GLOBAL",5)~ + ~[PC] Just checking on how you are doing. Wait here.~ + a4301 + ~Global("c-aranjoinupagain","GLOBAL",6)~ + ~[PC] Just checking on how you are doing. Wait here.~ + a2950 + ~Global("c-aranjoinupagain","GLOBAL",7)~ + ~[PC] Just checking on how you are doing. Wait here.~ + a4302 + ~Global("c-aranjoinupagain","GLOBAL",8)~ + ~[PC] Just checking on how you are doing. Wait here.~ + a4303 + ~Global("c-aranjoinupagain","GLOBAL",9)~ + ~[PC] Just checking on how you are doing. Wait here.~ + a4304 + ~Global("c-aranjoinupagain","GLOBAL",10)~ + ~[PC] Just checking on how you are doing. Wait here.~ + a4305 ++ ~[PC] Actually, I wanted to talk to you about how things are between us.~ + a2712 ++ ~[PC] Aran, go on and make your way alone someplace else. I will join you when I am able.~ + a33 + ~InParty(Player2) Gender(Player2,FEMALE) !Name("c-aran",Player2)~ + ~[PC] As long as you promise to stop staring at 's rear end, you can join us.~ + a2713 + ~InParty(Player3) Gender(Player3,FEMALE) !Name("c-aran",Player3)~ + ~[PC] As long as you promise to stop staring at 's bustline, you can join us.~ + a2713 END /* stay here exit panel */ IF ~~ a2948 SAY ~[ARAN] Right. Stay here. Watch my life waste away doin' naught but guard duty on a big patch o' nothin'. Got it.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranjoinupagain","GLOBAL",1)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a4298 SAY ~[ARAN] I'll take me a look around, an' see what' to be seen..~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranjoinupagain","GLOBAL",2)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a4299 SAY ~[ARAN] Sure thing. Mayhap I can catch up on some writin'. Though from th' looks o' this place, mayhap not.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranjoinupagain","GLOBAL",3)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a2949 SAY ~[ARAN] Hurry on back, eh? If I keep sharpenin' my dagger, it will grind away to naught.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranjoinupagain","GLOBAL",4)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a4300 SAY ~[ARAN] An' here I thought th' military were th' only place where "hurry up an' wait" were words to live by.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranjoinupagain","GLOBAL",5)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a4301 SAY ~[ARAN] I don't mind scoutin', an' I don't mind hangin' about waitin'... well... hells. Scoutin's all right, but this hangin' around doin' naught just plain stinks.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranjoinupagain","GLOBAL",6)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a2950 SAY ~[ARAN] Sure thing. If you happen on any birds, get me some new feathers, eh? I have done run out o' quills to scribe wi'.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranjoinupagain","GLOBAL",7)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a4302 SAY ~[ARAN] I'd rather not. But you be th' one callin' th' shots.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranjoinupagain","GLOBAL",8)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a4303 SAY ~[ARAN] Th' number o' times you had me waitin' about, then pickin' me back up, it makes me think you have a mite bit o chaos at th' soul level, eh? No matter. I'll wait.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranjoinupagain","GLOBAL",9)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a4304 SAY ~[ARAN] Look, I've had enough times bein' kicked out an' told to wait that I had time to crochet this nice scarf for you. I guess I'll just start on a sweater while I be sittin' around, waitin' for you, again.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranjoinupagain","GLOBAL",10)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a4305 SAY ~[ARAN] Blighted hells, fine. I have gotten into th' habit o' sittin' around doin' nothin'. Either that, or you have one hells o' a bad script stutter on your hands. Either way, I am not goin' anywhere soon.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranjoinupagain","GLOBAL",0)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a2951 SAY ~[ARAN] I done whittled you this little keepsake for you, , but by Chauntea's Grain Basket, I done just lopped off too much. I'll be havin' to keep workin' on it a bit more.~ ++ ~[PC] Time to join up again, Aran.~ DO ~EraseJournalEntry(%Aran Leaves Aran Whitehand deserted the party today. I always suspected that he did not have the strength to follow me. If our paths cross again, it is likely that he will become very sorry that he ever showed his face to me.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Sent to the Gods I destroyed Aran Whitehand. It is good to know that I have the power of life and death at my fingertips, and the will to use that power for my own ends.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands. Hopefully, he will find a good place to wait, and be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Sailing I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me at the Brynlaw docks. He did mention that getting there would be a problem, but he would find his way.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Docked I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me at the Athalka docks. He mentioned that he enjoyed watching the ships, and that he would probably take up fishing if I took too long.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Sold on Staying I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me at the Market District in Athalka. He mentioned that he might go shopping, but he would would probably end up at The Broken Sword, inhabiting his old room.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Keeping Still I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me in the lands surrounding the de'Arnise Keep. He mentioned trying to look up some old friends and seeing if he could put down his bedroll in an outpost.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Trading I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me in Trademeet. He mentioned something about a good pub, and not waiting around without having some form of entertainment.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Heads for the Hills I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me at the outside of the Umar Hills. He will probably find a local pub and try to get into some sort of trouble.%) SetGlobal("KickedOut","LOCALS",0) SetGlobal("c-aranjoined","GLOBAL",1) JoinParty()~ EXIT + ~RandomNum(3,3)~ + ~[PC] Just checking on how you are doing. Wait here.~ + a2948 + ~RandomNum(3,2)~ + ~[PC] Just checking on how you are doing. Wait here.~ + a2949 + ~RandomNum(3,1)~ + ~[PC] Just checking on how you are doing. Wait here.~ + a2950 ++ ~[PC] Actually, I wanted to talk to you about how things are between us.~ + a2712 + ~InParty(Player2) Gender(Player2,FEMALE) !Name("c-aran",Player2)~ + ~[PC] I think likes you, Aran. Either that, or she has been planning your funeral.~ + a2713 + ~InParty(Player3) Gender(Player3,FEMALE) !Name("c-aran",Player3)~ + ~[PC] has been muttering under her breath about how nice it is not waking up to you greeting the morning with a swearword and a laugh.~ + a2713 + ~InParty(Player4) Gender(Player4,FEMALE) !Name("c-aran",Player4)~ + ~[PC] What do you look at, now that you don't have a constant eye on 's attributes?~ + a2713 + ~InParty(Player5) Gender(Player5,FEMALE) !Name("c-aran",Player5)~ + ~[PC] Did you get a gift? It might ease some of the 'foot in mouth' problem.~ + a2713 + ~InParty(Player6) Gender(Player6,FEMALE) !Name("c-aran",Player6)~ + ~[PC] has been just pining away for you, Aran. ~ + a2713 + ~InParty(Player2) Gender(Player2,MALE) !Name("c-aran",Player2)~ + ~[PC] So, what do you really think of ? You have had a little time to yourself to judge objectively.~ + a2714 + ~InParty(Player3) Gender(Player3,MALE) !Name("c-aran",Player3)~ + ~[PC] says you are useful. I am not so sure what he means, but I am hoping that is a positive and not a negative.~ + a2714 + ~InParty(Player4) Gender(Player4,MALE) !Name("c-aran",Player4)~ + ~[PC] Have you paid his winnings? I thought you lost that last game, to the tune of eight tradebars and your trousers...~ + a2714 + ~InParty(Player5) Gender(Player5,MALE) !Name("c-aran",Player5)~ + ~[PC] Do you happen to have 's length of rope? He has been poking about trying to remember if you returned it.~ + a2714 + ~InParty(Player6) Gender(Player6,MALE) !Name("c-aran",Player6)~ + ~[PC] is wondering if you cooked up something nice, or if you have just been sitting around drinking.~ + a2714 END IF ~~ a2952 SAY ~[ARAN] So, do you be thinkin' about usin' my skills again?~ + ~Global("c-aranjoinupagain","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Sure. Join me.~ DO ~EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Left for Waterdeep I sent Aran Whitehand away permanently. He decided to head north to Waterdeep to pursue his own goals. I think that is for the best.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Sent to the Gods I destroyed Aran Whitehand. It is good to know that I have the power of life and death at my fingertips, and the will to use that power for my own ends.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands. Hopefully, he will find a good place to wait, and be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, bothering the patrons of The Broken Sword. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, singing sea chanties and holding drinking contests in The Sea's Bounty. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, wandering around and getting into trouble at The Copper Coronet. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, staring at actresses in The Five Flagons. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, grimacing at the bills and sharpening his quill in my stronghold at the Five Flagons. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, eyeing the cook's larder at The Mithrest Inn. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, perusing the wares at the Imnesvale Inn in the Umar Hills. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, drinking swill at The Vulgar Monkey. Hopefully, he will be there when I return. Even more hopefully, he will have avoided behaving like the inn's namesake.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, listening to the bards at Vyatri's Pub in Trademeet. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, making smalltalk with the staff of The Den of the Seven Vales. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, gambling with anyone who will play at Calbor's Inn in the Bridge District. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, drinking the second-rate stock at The Crooked Crane. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, singing bawdy songs with the patrons of the only inn in Brynnlaw. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%)~ + a4306 + ~Global("c-aranjoinupagain","GLOBAL",1)~ + ~[PC] Sure. Join me.~ DO ~EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Left for Waterdeep I sent Aran Whitehand away permanently. He decided to head north to Waterdeep to pursue his own goals. I think that is for the best.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Sent to the Gods I destroyed Aran Whitehand. It is good to know that I have the power of life and death at my fingertips, and the will to use that power for my own ends.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands. Hopefully, he will find a good place to wait, and be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, bothering the patrons of The Broken Sword. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, singing sea chanties and holding drinking contests in The Sea's Bounty. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, wandering around and getting into trouble at The Copper Coronet. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, staring at actresses in The Five Flagons. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, grimacing at the bills and sharpening his quill in my stronghold at the Five Flagons. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, eyeing the cook's larder at The Mithrest Inn. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, perusing the wares at the Imnesvale Inn in the Umar Hills. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, drinking swill at The Vulgar Monkey. Hopefully, he will be there when I return. Even more hopefully, he will have avoided behaving like the inn's namesake.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, listening to the bards at Vyatri's Pub in Trademeet. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, making smalltalk with the staff of The Den of the Seven Vales. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, gambling with anyone who will play at Calbor's Inn in the Bridge District. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, drinking the second-rate stock at The Crooked Crane. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, singing bawdy songs with the patrons of the only inn in Brynnlaw. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%)~ + a4288 + ~Global("c-aranjoinupagain","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] Sure. Join me.~ DO ~EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Left for Waterdeep I sent Aran Whitehand away permanently. He decided to head north to Waterdeep to pursue his own goals. I think that is for the best.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Sent to the Gods I destroyed Aran Whitehand. It is good to know that I have the power of life and death at my fingertips, and the will to use that power for my own ends.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands. Hopefully, he will find a good place to wait, and be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, bothering the patrons of The Broken Sword. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, singing sea chanties and holding drinking contests in The Sea's Bounty. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, wandering around and getting into trouble at The Copper Coronet. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, staring at actresses in The Five Flagons. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, grimacing at the bills and sharpening his quill in my stronghold at the Five Flagons. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, eyeing the cook's larder at The Mithrest Inn. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, perusing the wares at the Imnesvale Inn in the Umar Hills. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, drinking swill at The Vulgar Monkey. Hopefully, he will be there when I return. Even more hopefully, he will have avoided behaving like the inn's namesake.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, listening to the bards at Vyatri's Pub in Trademeet. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, making smalltalk with the staff of The Den of the Seven Vales. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, gambling with anyone who will play at Calbor's Inn in the Bridge District. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, drinking the second-rate stock at The Crooked Crane. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, singing bawdy songs with the patrons of the only inn in Brynnlaw. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%)~ + a4289 + ~Global("c-aranjoinupagain","GLOBAL",3)~ + ~[PC] Sure. Join me.~ DO ~EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Left for Waterdeep I sent Aran Whitehand away permanently. He decided to head north to Waterdeep to pursue his own goals. I think that is for the best.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Sent to the Gods I destroyed Aran Whitehand. It is good to know that I have the power of life and death at my fingertips, and the will to use that power for my own ends.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands. Hopefully, he will find a good place to wait, and be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, bothering the patrons of The Broken Sword. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, singing sea chanties and holding drinking contests in The Sea's Bounty. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, wandering around and getting into trouble at The Copper Coronet. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, staring at actresses in The Five Flagons. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, grimacing at the bills and sharpening his quill in my stronghold at the Five Flagons. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, eyeing the cook's larder at The Mithrest Inn. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, perusing the wares at the Imnesvale Inn in the Umar Hills. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, drinking swill at The Vulgar Monkey. Hopefully, he will be there when I return. Even more hopefully, he will have avoided behaving like the inn's namesake.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, listening to the bards at Vyatri's Pub in Trademeet. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, making smalltalk with the staff of The Den of the Seven Vales. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, gambling with anyone who will play at Calbor's Inn in the Bridge District. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, drinking the second-rate stock at The Crooked Crane. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, singing bawdy songs with the patrons of the only inn in Brynnlaw. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%)~ + a4290 + ~Global("c-aranjoinupagain","GLOBAL",4)~ + ~[PC] Sure. Join me.~ DO ~EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Left for Waterdeep I sent Aran Whitehand away permanently. He decided to head north to Waterdeep to pursue his own goals. I think that is for the best.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Sent to the Gods I destroyed Aran Whitehand. It is good to know that I have the power of life and death at my fingertips, and the will to use that power for my own ends.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands. Hopefully, he will find a good place to wait, and be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, bothering the patrons of The Broken Sword. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, singing sea chanties and holding drinking contests in The Sea's Bounty. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, wandering around and getting into trouble at The Copper Coronet. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, staring at actresses in The Five Flagons. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, grimacing at the bills and sharpening his quill in my stronghold at the Five Flagons. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, eyeing the cook's larder at The Mithrest Inn. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, perusing the wares at the Imnesvale Inn in the Umar Hills. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, drinking swill at The Vulgar Monkey. Hopefully, he will be there when I return. Even more hopefully, he will have avoided behaving like the inn's namesake.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, listening to the bards at Vyatri's Pub in Trademeet. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, making smalltalk with the staff of The Den of the Seven Vales. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, gambling with anyone who will play at Calbor's Inn in the Bridge District. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, drinking the second-rate stock at The Crooked Crane. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, singing bawdy songs with the patrons of the only inn in Brynnlaw. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%)~ + a4291 + ~Global("c-aranjoinupagain","GLOBAL",5)~ + ~[PC] Sure. Join me.~ DO ~EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Left for Waterdeep I sent Aran Whitehand away permanently. He decided to head north to Waterdeep to pursue his own goals. I think that is for the best.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Sent to the Gods I destroyed Aran Whitehand. It is good to know that I have the power of life and death at my fingertips, and the will to use that power for my own ends.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands. Hopefully, he will find a good place to wait, and be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, bothering the patrons of The Broken Sword. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, singing sea chanties and holding drinking contests in The Sea's Bounty. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, wandering around and getting into trouble at The Copper Coronet. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, staring at actresses in The Five Flagons. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, grimacing at the bills and sharpening his quill in my stronghold at the Five Flagons. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, eyeing the cook's larder at The Mithrest Inn. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, perusing the wares at the Imnesvale Inn in the Umar Hills. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, drinking swill at The Vulgar Monkey. Hopefully, he will be there when I return. Even more hopefully, he will have avoided behaving like the inn's namesake.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, listening to the bards at Vyatri's Pub in Trademeet. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, making smalltalk with the staff of The Den of the Seven Vales. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, gambling with anyone who will play at Calbor's Inn in the Bridge District. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, drinking the second-rate stock at The Crooked Crane. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, singing bawdy songs with the patrons of the only inn in Brynnlaw. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%)~ + a4292 + ~Global("c-aranjoinupagain","GLOBAL",6)~ + ~[PC] Sure. Join me.~ DO ~EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Left for Waterdeep I sent Aran Whitehand away permanently. He decided to head north to Waterdeep to pursue his own goals. I think that is for the best.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Sent to the Gods I destroyed Aran Whitehand. It is good to know that I have the power of life and death at my fingertips, and the will to use that power for my own ends.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands. Hopefully, he will find a good place to wait, and be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, bothering the patrons of The Broken Sword. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, singing sea chanties and holding drinking contests in The Sea's Bounty. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, wandering around and getting into trouble at The Copper Coronet. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, staring at actresses in The Five Flagons. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, grimacing at the bills and sharpening his quill in my stronghold at the Five Flagons. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, eyeing the cook's larder at The Mithrest Inn. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, perusing the wares at the Imnesvale Inn in the Umar Hills. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, drinking swill at The Vulgar Monkey. Hopefully, he will be there when I return. Even more hopefully, he will have avoided behaving like the inn's namesake.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, listening to the bards at Vyatri's Pub in Trademeet. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, making smalltalk with the staff of The Den of the Seven Vales. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, gambling with anyone who will play at Calbor's Inn in the Bridge District. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, drinking the second-rate stock at The Crooked Crane. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, singing bawdy songs with the patrons of the only inn in Brynnlaw. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%)~ + a4293 + ~Global("c-aranjoinupagain","GLOBAL",7)~ + ~[PC] Sure. Join me.~ DO ~EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Left for Waterdeep I sent Aran Whitehand away permanently. He decided to head north to Waterdeep to pursue his own goals. I think that is for the best.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Sent to the Gods I destroyed Aran Whitehand. It is good to know that I have the power of life and death at my fingertips, and the will to use that power for my own ends.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands. Hopefully, he will find a good place to wait, and be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, bothering the patrons of The Broken Sword. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, singing sea chanties and holding drinking contests in The Sea's Bounty. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, wandering around and getting into trouble at The Copper Coronet. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, staring at actresses in The Five Flagons. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, grimacing at the bills and sharpening his quill in my stronghold at the Five Flagons. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, eyeing the cook's larder at The Mithrest Inn. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, perusing the wares at the Imnesvale Inn in the Umar Hills. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, drinking swill at The Vulgar Monkey. Hopefully, he will be there when I return. Even more hopefully, he will have avoided behaving like the inn's namesake.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, listening to the bards at Vyatri's Pub in Trademeet. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, making smalltalk with the staff of The Den of the Seven Vales. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, gambling with anyone who will play at Calbor's Inn in the Bridge District. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, drinking the second-rate stock at The Crooked Crane. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, singing bawdy songs with the patrons of the only inn in Brynnlaw. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%)~ + a4294 + ~Global("c-aranjoinupagain","GLOBAL",8)~ + ~[PC] Sure. Join me.~ DO ~EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Left for Waterdeep I sent Aran Whitehand away permanently. He decided to head north to Waterdeep to pursue his own goals. I think that is for the best.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Sent to the Gods I destroyed Aran Whitehand. It is good to know that I have the power of life and death at my fingertips, and the will to use that power for my own ends.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands. Hopefully, he will find a good place to wait, and be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, bothering the patrons of The Broken Sword. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, singing sea chanties and holding drinking contests in The Sea's Bounty. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, wandering around and getting into trouble at The Copper Coronet. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, staring at actresses in The Five Flagons. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, grimacing at the bills and sharpening his quill in my stronghold at the Five Flagons. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, eyeing the cook's larder at The Mithrest Inn. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, perusing the wares at the Imnesvale Inn in the Umar Hills. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, drinking swill at The Vulgar Monkey. Hopefully, he will be there when I return. Even more hopefully, he will have avoided behaving like the inn's namesake.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, listening to the bards at Vyatri's Pub in Trademeet. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, making smalltalk with the staff of The Den of the Seven Vales. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, gambling with anyone who will play at Calbor's Inn in the Bridge District. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, drinking the second-rate stock at The Crooked Crane. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, singing bawdy songs with the patrons of the only inn in Brynnlaw. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%)~ + a4295 + ~Global("c-aranjoinupagain","GLOBAL",9)~ + ~[PC] Sure. Join me.~ DO ~EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Left for Waterdeep I sent Aran Whitehand away permanently. He decided to head north to Waterdeep to pursue his own goals. I think that is for the best.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Sent to the Gods I destroyed Aran Whitehand. It is good to know that I have the power of life and death at my fingertips, and the will to use that power for my own ends.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands. Hopefully, he will find a good place to wait, and be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, bothering the patrons of The Broken Sword. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, singing sea chanties and holding drinking contests in The Sea's Bounty. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, wandering around and getting into trouble at The Copper Coronet. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, staring at actresses in The Five Flagons. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, grimacing at the bills and sharpening his quill in my stronghold at the Five Flagons. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, eyeing the cook's larder at The Mithrest Inn. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, perusing the wares at the Imnesvale Inn in the Umar Hills. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, drinking swill at The Vulgar Monkey. Hopefully, he will be there when I return. Even more hopefully, he will have avoided behaving like the inn's namesake.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, listening to the bards at Vyatri's Pub in Trademeet. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, making smalltalk with the staff of The Den of the Seven Vales. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, gambling with anyone who will play at Calbor's Inn in the Bridge District. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, drinking the second-rate stock at The Crooked Crane. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, singing bawdy songs with the patrons of the only inn in Brynnlaw. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%)~ + a4296 + ~Global("c-aranjoinupagain","GLOBAL",10)~ + ~[PC] Sure. Join me.~ DO ~EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Left for Waterdeep I sent Aran Whitehand away permanently. He decided to head north to Waterdeep to pursue his own goals. I think that is for the best.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Sent to the Gods I destroyed Aran Whitehand. It is good to know that I have the power of life and death at my fingertips, and the will to use that power for my own ends.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands. Hopefully, he will find a good place to wait, and be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, bothering the patrons of The Broken Sword. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, singing sea chanties and holding drinking contests in The Sea's Bounty. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, wandering around and getting into trouble at The Copper Coronet. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, staring at actresses in The Five Flagons. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, grimacing at the bills and sharpening his quill in my stronghold at the Five Flagons. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, eyeing the cook's larder at The Mithrest Inn. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, perusing the wares at the Imnesvale Inn in the Umar Hills. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, drinking swill at The Vulgar Monkey. Hopefully, he will be there when I return. Even more hopefully, he will have avoided behaving like the inn's namesake.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, listening to the bards at Vyatri's Pub in Trademeet. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, making smalltalk with the staff of The Den of the Seven Vales. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, gambling with anyone who will play at Calbor's Inn in the Bridge District. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, drinking the second-rate stock at The Crooked Crane. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%) EraseJournalEntry(%Whitehand Waits I told Aran Whitehand to wait for me right where he currently stands, singing bawdy songs with the patrons of the only inn in Brynnlaw. Hopefully, he will be there when I return.%)~ + a4297 + ~Global("c-aranjoinupagain","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] Just checking on how you are doing. Wait here.~ + a2948 + ~Global("c-aranjoinupagain","GLOBAL",1)~ + ~[PC] Just checking on how you are doing. Wait here.~ + a4298 + ~Global("c-aranjoinupagain","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] Just checking on how you are doing. Wait here.~ + a4299 + ~Global("c-aranjoinupagain","GLOBAL",3)~ + ~[PC] Just checking on how you are doing. Wait here.~ + a2949 + ~Global("c-aranjoinupagain","GLOBAL",4)~ + ~[PC] Just checking on how you are doing. Wait here.~ + a4300 + ~Global("c-aranjoinupagain","GLOBAL",5)~ + ~[PC] Just checking on how you are doing. Wait here.~ + a4301 + ~Global("c-aranjoinupagain","GLOBAL",6)~ + ~[PC] Just checking on how you are doing. Wait here.~ + a2950 + ~Global("c-aranjoinupagain","GLOBAL",7)~ + ~[PC] Just checking on how you are doing. Wait here.~ + a4302 + ~Global("c-aranjoinupagain","GLOBAL",8)~ + ~[PC] Just checking on how you are doing. Wait here.~ + a4303 + ~Global("c-aranjoinupagain","GLOBAL",9)~ + ~[PC] Just checking on how you are doing. Wait here.~ + a4304 + ~Global("c-aranjoinupagain","GLOBAL",10)~ + ~[PC] Just checking on how you are doing. Wait here.~ + a4305 ++ ~[PC] Actually, I wanted to talk to you about how things are between us.~ + a2712 ++ ~[PC] Aran, go on and make your way alone someplace else. I will join you when I am able.~ + a33 + ~InParty(Player2) Gender(Player2,FEMALE) !Name("c-aran",Player2)~ + ~[PC] As long as you promise to stop staring at 's rear end, you can join us.~ + a2713 + ~InParty(Player3) Gender(Player3,FEMALE) !Name("c-aran",Player3)~ + ~[PC] As long as you promise to stop staring at 's bustline, you can join us.~ + a2713 END IF ~~ a2953 SAY ~[ARAN] Now, you look like a bright mornin' sunrise, you do, . What did you do wi' your hair? I did certainly miss you.~ IF ~RandomNum(4,1)~ THEN GOTO a2717 IF ~RandomNum(4,2)~ THEN GOTO a2947 IF ~RandomNum(4,3)~ THEN GOTO a2952 IF ~RandomNum(4,4)~ THEN GOTO a4307 END IF ~~ a2954 SAY ~[ARAN] I was in th' middle o' th' most suprisin' dreams when you walked up. Or mayhap you walkin' up inspired some right warm dreams.~ IF ~RandomNum(4,1)~ THEN GOTO a2717 IF ~RandomNum(4,2)~ THEN GOTO a2947 IF ~RandomNum(4,3)~ THEN GOTO a2952 IF ~RandomNum(4,4)~ THEN GOTO a4307 END IF ~~ a2955 SAY ~[ARAN] I swear, you look a sight finer each time I see you.~ IF ~RandomNum(4,1)~ THEN GOTO a2717 IF ~RandomNum(4,2)~ THEN GOTO a2947 IF ~RandomNum(4,3)~ THEN GOTO a2952 IF ~RandomNum(4,4)~ THEN GOTO a4307 END /* join up exit panel */ IF ~~ a4306 SAY ~[ARAN] Aye, then, I'll be gatherin' my gear an' gettin' back to th' routine.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("KickedOut","LOCALS",0) SetGlobal("c-aranjoinupagain","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranjoined","GLOBAL",1) JoinParty()~ EXIT END IF ~~ a4288 SAY ~[ARAN] Now I wish I'd taken th' time to do a bit o' laundry. You wouldn't happen to be able to spare a lad a clean handkerchief, eh?~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("KickedOut","LOCALS",0) SetGlobal("c-aranjoinupagain","GLOBAL",2) SetGlobal("c-aranjoined","GLOBAL",1) JoinParty()~ EXIT END IF ~~ a4289 SAY ~[ARAN] Back to work. At least wi' you, there be no such thing as a borin' day. Nor quiet night, for that matter.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("KickedOut","LOCALS",0) SetGlobal("c-aranjoinupagain","GLOBAL",3) SetGlobal("c-aranjoined","GLOBAL",1) JoinParty()~ EXIT END IF ~~ a4290 SAY ~[ARAN] Gear, check. Weapons, check. Coinpurse... coinp... oh, blighted hells. Give a lad a hand, an' help me find th' bloody thing before we move on, eh?~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("KickedOut","LOCALS",0) SetGlobal("c-aranjoinupagain","GLOBAL",4) SetGlobal("c-aranjoined","GLOBAL",1) JoinParty()~ EXIT END IF ~~ a4291 SAY ~[ARAN] Right. I done re-packed most o' th' important stuff. O' course, there were some odds an' ends what were left out. Don't rightly know what I wanted wi' a left-handed ivory moustache comb, nohow.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("KickedOut","LOCALS",0) SetGlobal("c-aranjoinupagain","GLOBAL",5) SetGlobal("c-aranjoined","GLOBAL",1) JoinParty()~ EXIT END IF ~~ a4292 SAY ~[ARAN] Aye.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("KickedOut","LOCALS",0) SetGlobal("c-aranjoinupagain","GLOBAL",6) SetGlobal("c-aranjoined","GLOBAL",1) JoinParty()~ EXIT END IF ~~ a4293 SAY ~[ARAN] Right. I'm on it.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("KickedOut","LOCALS",0) SetGlobal("c-aranjoinupagain","GLOBAL",7) SetGlobal("c-aranjoined","GLOBAL",1) JoinParty()~ EXIT END IF ~~ a4294 SAY ~[ARAN] Joinin' up on an adventure. Just what my mother always told me was about as smart as pickin' a fight wi' an ogre.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("KickedOut","LOCALS",0) SetGlobal("c-aranjoinupagain","GLOBAL",8) SetGlobal("c-aranjoined","GLOBAL",1) JoinParty()~ EXIT END IF ~~ a4295 SAY ~[ARAN] Just call me 'Al'. Hells, call me anythin' you want. Never did get what that song were all about nohow.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("KickedOut","LOCALS",0) SetGlobal("c-aranjoinupagain","GLOBAL",9) SetGlobal("c-aranjoined","GLOBAL",1) JoinParty()~ EXIT END IF ~~ a4296 SAY ~[ARAN] OK. I got me a pound o' flour for to throw about findin' invisibles, some butter for greasin' things up, two eggs for grenades, some o' this yeast.... wait a moment. Strike that. This be cookin' supplies.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("KickedOut","LOCALS",0) SetGlobal("c-aranjoinupagain","GLOBAL",10) SetGlobal("c-aranjoined","GLOBAL",1) JoinParty()~ EXIT END IF ~~ a4297 SAY ~[ARAN] Now, there be a right fine idea. I'll just get my arse back where it belongs, watchin' your... err... followin' your lead!~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("KickedOut","LOCALS",0) SetGlobal("c-aranjoinupagain","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobal("c-aranjoined","GLOBAL",1) JoinParty()~ EXIT END END /* of APPEND to C-ARANP */ /* SoA C-ARANP CHAINs */ CHAIN C-ARANP a34 ~[ARAN] Bloody great to see some o' you survived wi' out me. Got a spot open?~ == MINSCJ IF ~Global("c-kickedminsc","GLOBAL",0) InParty("Minsc") InMyArea("Minsc") !StateCheck("Minsc",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[MINSC] Ah, welcome! We shall fight evil together!~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-kickedminsc","GLOBAL",1)~ == MINSCJ IF ~Global("c-kickedminsc","GLOBAL",1) InParty("Minsc") InMyArea("Minsc") !StateCheck("Minsc",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[MINSC] Boo has missed you, Aran! Why do you go off alone so much?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-kickedminsc","GLOBAL",2)~ == MINSCJ IF ~Global("c-kickedminsc","GLOBAL",2) InParty("Minsc") InMyArea("Minsc") !StateCheck("Minsc",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[MINSC] , must we keep leaving Aran behind and then picking him up again? Boo's whiskers are turning grey with the confusion.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-kickedminsc","GLOBAL",3)~ == EDWINJ IF ~Global("c-kickeded","GLOBAL",0) InParty("Edwin") InMyArea("Edwin") !StateCheck("Edwin",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[EDWIN] Wonder of wonders. The simian survived separation from its protectors.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-kickeded","GLOBAL",1)~ == EDWINJ IF ~Global("c-kickeded","GLOBAL",0) InParty("Edwin") InMyArea("Edwin") !StateCheck("Edwin",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[EDWIN] You survived. Another triumph of stupidity over natural selection.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-kickeded","GLOBAL",2)~ == EDWINJ IF ~Global("c-kickeded","GLOBAL",0) InParty("Edwin") InMyArea("Edwin") !StateCheck("Edwin",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[EDWIN] I would not waste more time on him, . But if we must suffer, we must.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-kickeded","GLOBAL",3)~ == ANOMENJ IF ~InParty("Anomen") InMyArea("Anomen") !StateCheck("Anomen",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ANOMEN] You are quite overconfident in your assessment of your usefulness, are you not?~ == HAERDAJ IF ~InParty("HaerDalis") InMyArea("HaerDalis") !StateCheck("HaerDalis",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[HAERDALIS] An eagle returned to the fold!~ == IMOEN2J IF ~InParty("Imoen2") InMyArea("Imoen2") !StateCheck("Imoen2",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[IMOEN] Heya. I'll let fill you in on what's happened so far.~ END IF ~GlobalGT("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",1)~ THEN EXTERN C-ARANP a2955 IF ~GlobalLT("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",2)~ THEN EXTERN C-ARANP a2717 CHAIN C-ARANP a35 ~[ARAN] I was gettin' tired o' cookin' for one, all by myself.~ == JAHEIRAJ IF ~InParty("Jaheira") InMyArea("Jaheira") !StateCheck("Jaheira",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[JAHEIRA] Then you will be glad to cook tonight. I have several ingredients that will be most interesting to add.~ == ~JANJ~ IF ~InParty("Jan") InMyArea("Jan") !StateCheck("Jan",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[JAN] Have you any new turnip recipes? I am always trying new things with turnips. Why, just the other day I tried ground ankheg chitin as a spice, and it was perfect - it did not overpower the turnip taste at all. It even cleaned my teeth while I ate.~ == YOSHJ IF ~InParty("Yoshimo") InMyArea("Yoshimo") !StateCheck("Yoshimo",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[YOSHIMO] Indeed. Cooking alone is as lonely as eating alone.~ == EDWINJ IF ~Global("c-kickeded","GLOBAL",0) InParty("Edwin") InMyArea("Edwin") !StateCheck("Edwin",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[EDWIN] Wonder of wonders. The simian survived separation from its protectors.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-kickeded","GLOBAL",1)~ == EDWINJ IF ~Global("c-kickeded","GLOBAL",0) InParty("Edwin") InMyArea("Edwin") !StateCheck("Edwin",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[EDWIN] You survived. Another triumph of stupidity over natural selection.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-kickeded","GLOBAL",2)~ == EDWINJ IF ~Global("c-kickeded","GLOBAL",0) InParty("Edwin") InMyArea("Edwin") !StateCheck("Edwin",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[EDWIN] I would not waste more time on him, . But if we must suffer, we must.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-kickeded","GLOBAL",3)~ == C-ARANP IF ~GlobalGT("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",1)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Missed me, did you, ? I did certainly miss you.~ == MINSCJ IF ~Global("c-kickedminsc","GLOBAL",0) InParty("Minsc") InMyArea("Minsc") !StateCheck("Minsc",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[MINSC] Ah, welcome! We shall fight evil together!~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-kickedminsc","GLOBAL",1)~ == MINSCJ IF ~Global("c-kickedminsc","GLOBAL",1) InParty("Minsc") InMyArea("Minsc") !StateCheck("Minsc",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[MINSC] Boo has missed you, Aran! Why do you go off alone so much?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-kickedminsc","GLOBAL",2)~ == MINSCJ IF ~Global("c-kickedminsc","GLOBAL",2) InParty("Minsc") InMyArea("Minsc") !StateCheck("Minsc",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[MINSC] , must we keep leaving Aran behind and then picking him up again? Boo's whiskers are turning grey with the confusion.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-kickedminsc","GLOBAL",3)~ END IF ~GlobalGT("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",1)~ THEN EXTERN C-ARANP a2951 IF ~GlobalLT("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",2)~ THEN EXTERN C-ARANP a2947 CHAIN C-ARANP a36 ~[ARAN] No real fightin' around here so far. Perhaps they are waitin' for you to show up, .~ == MINSCJ IF ~Global("c-kickedminsc","GLOBAL",0) InParty("Minsc") InMyArea("Minsc") !StateCheck("Minsc",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[MINSC] Ah, welcome! We shall fight evil together!~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-kickedminsc","GLOBAL",1)~ == MINSCJ IF ~Global("c-kickedminsc","GLOBAL",1) InParty("Minsc") InMyArea("Minsc") !StateCheck("Minsc",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[MINSC] Boo has missed you, Aran! Why do you go off alone so much?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-kickedminsc","GLOBAL",2)~ == MINSCJ IF ~Global("c-kickedminsc","GLOBAL",2) InParty("Minsc") InMyArea("Minsc") !StateCheck("Minsc",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[MINSC] , must we keep leaving Aran behind and then picking him up again? Boo's whiskers are turning grey with the confusion.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-kickedminsc","GLOBAL",3)~ == KELDORJ IF ~InParty("Keldorn") InMyArea("Keldorn") !StateCheck("Keldorn",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[KELDORN] That would seem to be the case so far this adventure.~ == KORGANJ IF ~InParty("Korgan") InMyArea("Korgan") !StateCheck("Korgan",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[KORGAN] They just wanna try me on fer size.~ == VALYGARJ IF ~InParty("Valygar") InMyArea("Valygar") !StateCheck("Valygar",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[VALYGAR] It would seem that fighting follows us everywhere.~ == EDWINJ IF ~Global("c-kickeded","GLOBAL",0) InParty("Edwin") InMyArea("Edwin") !StateCheck("Edwin",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[EDWIN] Wonder of wonders. The simian survived separation from its protectors.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-kickeded","GLOBAL",1)~ == EDWINJ IF ~Global("c-kickeded","GLOBAL",0) InParty("Edwin") InMyArea("Edwin") !StateCheck("Edwin",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[EDWIN] You survived. Another triumph of stupidity over natural selection.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-kickeded","GLOBAL",2)~ == EDWINJ IF ~Global("c-kickeded","GLOBAL",0) InParty("Edwin") InMyArea("Edwin") !StateCheck("Edwin",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[EDWIN] I would not waste more time on him, . But if we must suffer, we must.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-kickeded","GLOBAL",3)~ END IF ~GlobalGT("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",1)~ THEN EXTERN C-ARANP a2953 IF ~GlobalLT("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",2)~ THEN EXTERN C-ARANP a2952 CHAIN C-ARANP a37 ~[ARAN] Ilmater's Bloody Wrists, but there were naught to do around here. I thought I might find th' rest comfortable, but to tell Ilmater's Truth, it be just bloody borin'.~ == MINSCJ IF ~Global("c-kickedminsc","GLOBAL",0) InParty("Minsc") InMyArea("Minsc") !StateCheck("Minsc",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[MINSC] Ah, welcome! We shall fight evil together!~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-kickedminsc","GLOBAL",1)~ == MINSCJ IF ~Global("c-kickedminsc","GLOBAL",1) InParty("Minsc") InMyArea("Minsc") !StateCheck("Minsc",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[MINSC] Boo has missed you, Aran! Why do you go off alone so much?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-kickedminsc","GLOBAL",2)~ == MINSCJ IF ~Global("c-kickedminsc","GLOBAL",2) InParty("Minsc") InMyArea("Minsc") !StateCheck("Minsc",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[MINSC] , must we keep leaving Aran behind and then picking him up again? Boo's whiskers are turning grey with the confusion.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-kickedminsc","GLOBAL",3)~ == MAZZYJ IF ~InParty("Mazzy") InMyArea("Mazzy") !StateCheck("Mazzy",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[MAZZY] Unfortunately, where we have been has not been precisely 'boring'.~ == NALIAJ IF ~InParty("Nalia") InMyArea("Nalia") !StateCheck("Nalia",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[NALIA] I do need someone to take care of some of the cleaning and cooking.~ == VICONIJ IF ~InParty("Viconia") InMyArea("Viconia") !StateCheck("Viconia",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[VICONIA] Let me kill this surfacer slug, . His odor offends me.~ == AERIEJ IF ~InParty("Aerie") InMyArea("Aerie") !StateCheck("Aerie",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[AERIE] Hello, Aran... err.. could you please put me down?~ == C-ARANP IF ~InParty("Aerie") InMyArea("Aerie") !StateCheck("Aerie",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Why, sure enough. Sorry, got a bit carried away, there.~ == C-ARANP IF ~GlobalGT("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",1)~ THEN ~[ARAN] That were a friendly gesture, nothin' more, , I swear it.~ END IF ~GlobalGT("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",1)~ THEN EXTERN C-ARANP a2954 IF ~GlobalLT("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",2)~ THEN EXTERN C-ARANP a4307 /* Situational/Conditional "Flirts". These interfere with the PID, but a player should be able to dismiss it - and setting the real-time timer means there is one crack at this in each inn area in each visit. A player can force the issue by expiring the timer manually if they are on a speed run and want to see lots of content. */ /* Fight or Flight, otherwise known as The Big Valley */ CHAIN IF ~Global("c-aranmalcer","GLOBAL",2)~ THEN C-MALCER a2930 ~[C-MALCER] Well now, here's a pretty sight. One girl, not too bad looking, and here we have all three of us just looking for a good time. Come in and have a drink with Taman, here, and if you are friendly enough, we might leave peaceably.~ == C-OSKUT ~[C-OSKUT] Hey, that sellsword looks like he's with her.~ == C-TAMAN ~[C-TAMAN] Nah, he won't be a problem. A few coins, and he'll look the other way. Or we just kill him.~ END ++ ~[PC] How dare you! Aran, are you going to let these people talk to me like this?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranmalcer","GLOBAL",3)~ EXTERN C-ARANJ a2931 ++ ~[PC] I do not bother with trivialities and insignificant worms. Aran, go take care of these idiots.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranmalcer","GLOBAL",3)~ EXTERN C-MALCER a2932 ++ ~[PC] (Hide behind Aran and grip his arm tightly, pushing him toward the group.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranmalcer","GLOBAL",3)~ EXTERN C-MALCER a2932 ++ ~[PC] Aran, I think that you should take care of this situation...~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranmalcer","GLOBAL",3)~ EXTERN C-ARANJ a2933 ++ ~[PC] Fine...Drop your trousers and if I like what I see, I won't cut it off. Otherwise, you loose your manhood and your tongue. Still want to play, *boys*?~ EXTERN C-ARANJ a2936 ++ ~[PC] Out of my way, Aran. I would take their heads off, but it probably would do no harm. I will start with their feet, instead.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranmalcer","GLOBAL",3)~ EXTERN C-ARANJ a2934 CHAIN ~C-MALCER~ a2932 ~[C-MALCER] Oh, come on, girl. You haven't had a good time until you have had a drink with the three of us. We can have a little fun, too. You might even enjoy it. And this piss-ant sellsword couldn't handle me, let alone me and my friends.~ == C-ARANJ ~[ARAN] Now, that be large talk from a Raven. Don't you boys have a sergeant what to teach you manners?~ == C-TAMAN ~[C-TAMAN] I smell 'Fist on you. We fly overhead while you grub in the mud, newlie.~ END ++ ~[PC] He can hold his own in a fight. But you should be more worried about me. I tend to get over-excited, and might end up removing that tongue. Or perhaps other parts of your body.~ EXTERN C-MALCER a2940 ++ ~[PC] Insignificant, insolent worm. You are beneath my notice. Aran, kill him slowly. I want to hear him scream for mercy.~ EXTERN C-ARANJ a2938 ++ ~[PC] (Hide behind Aran and grip his arm tightly, pushing him toward the group.)~ EXTERN C-ARANJ a2938 ++ ~[PC] Aran, I think that you should take care of this situation, quickly.~ EXTERN C-ARANJ a2936 ++ ~[PC] Out of my way, Aran. I would take their heads off, but it probably would do no harm. I will start with their feet, instead.~ EXTERN C-MALCER a2940 /* Shy/Wants Aran To Be Protector PC EXIT */ CHAIN C-ARANJ a2936 ~[ARAN] Right, then. You heard the lady, lads. Do you be wantin' to settle this on arm wrestlin', brawlin', or should we just skip right to it an' see what th' insides o' your guts look like when they be spread over th' wall over there?~ == C-MALCER ~[C-MALCER] Look who's a big man, now. Are you looking for a fight?~ == C-ARANJ IF ~NumInParty(2)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Well, now, laddie... I don't rightly look for fights. But by Bane's Bloody Buttocks, so far there's naught that I have left unfinished. Do you feel lucky?~ == C-ARANJ IF ~NumInParty(3)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Well, now, laddie... I don't rightly look for fights. But by Bane's Bloody Buttocks, so far there's naught that I have left unfinished. Besides, there be three o' us an' three o' you. Do you feel lucky?~ == C-ARANJ IF ~NumInPartyGT(3)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Well, now, laddie... I don't rightly look for fights. But by Bane's Bloody Buttocks, so far there's naught that I have left unfinished. Besides, there be more o' us... look careful, on account o' we all be together. Do you feel lucky?~ == C-TAMAN ~[C-TAMAN] See, I told you he would be a problem.~ == C-OSKUT ~[C-OSKUT] Yeah, yeah... I know you are all edjumucated and such. I think he will go down in the first few swings.~ END IF ~NumInPartyLT(4)~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-arbarfight","LOCALS",1) ActionOverride("c-malcer",Enemy()) ActionOverride("c-oskut",Enemy()) ActionOverride("c-taman",Enemy())~ EXIT IF ~NumInPartyGT(3)~ THEN EXTERN C-OSKUT notgood_time CHAIN C-OSKUT notgood_time ~[C-OSKUT] Hey... Malcer. They look familiar. Hold up, this might be a bad idea.~ == C-MALCER ~[C-MALCER] I hear lots of hot air, but they don't look that tough, even with the backup.~ == C-ARANJ ~[ARAN] Now, , you go on back in an' have a nice cup o' tea, mayhap do your nails. I think these boys have had just a mite bit too much to drink.~ == C-OSKUT ~[C-OSKUT] I am serious. I recognize her, now. They say she has a collection of drow ears and dragon's teeth, and that she personally smashed the Iron Throne.~ END IF ~~ THEN EXTERN C-MALCER a2941 /* Mediation Fails, And They Insult PC */ CHAIN C-MALCER a2939 ~[C-MALCER] So, big protector, eh? I didn't know prostitutes around here had the money for a mercenary escort. What's she worth, 2 coppers a night? You get out of the way, or you will be sorry.~ == C-ARANJ ~[ARAN] I'm goin' to rip your head off an' piss down your neck.~ END IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-arbarfight","LOCALS",1) ActionOverride("c-malcer",Enemy()) ActionOverride("c-oskut",Enemy()) ActionOverride("c-taman",Enemy())~ EXIT /* PC Protective of Aran or just Feisty Exit */ CHAIN C-MALCER a2940 ~[C-MALCER] Oh, big man, having her fight your battles for you.~ == C-ARANJ ~[ARAN] Believe me, son, you don't be knowin' her like I do. Last one who ticked her off only lost a few pints o' blood an half his scalp. O' course, that was me, an' she needs me around for to carry stuff an' such. You, not so much.~ == C-MALCER ~[C-MALCER] I hear lots of hot air, but you don't look that tough, either of you. Come on, boys... they don't need all that coin. Get 'em.~ END IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-arbarfight","LOCALS",1) ActionOverride("c-malcer",Enemy()) ActionOverride("c-oskut",Enemy()) ActionOverride("c-taman",Enemy())~ EXIT /* Scared Them Off, Tea and Nails */ CHAIN C-MALCER a2941 ~[C-MALCER] Drow ears?~ == C-TAMAN ~[C-TAMAN] Dragon's teeth?~ == C-OSKUT ~[C-OSKUT] Err... we were just leaving. Just a few high-spirited remarks, no harm meant.~ == C-MALCER ~[C-MALCER] R... right. We'll just head on, and... you just do whatever it is you were doing.~ == C-ARANJ ~[ARAN] No problem, lads. Only don't be comin' round here much, eh? Me, you might be able to fight to a standstill. Her, she looks like a shrinkin' violet, right up until th' time you realize her hand's holdin' what's left o' your intestines. An' then she starts gettin' mean.~ END ++ ~[PC] Oh, my hero. I should fall at your feet and kiss them for saving me from the big bad evil thugs. You do realize you will pay for spoiling my fun, don't you?~ EXTERN C-ARANJ a2937 ++ ~[PC] Well, we scared them off well enough. I wish more of these idiots would choose to walk away. Do you think we could scare Irenicus into surrendering with that routine?~ EXTERN C-ARANJ a2942 ++ ~[PC] Tea. Nails. You are in so much trouble.~ EXTERN C-ARANJ a2943 ++ ~[PC] What is it with men, that they think that being great hulking aggressive brutes is attractive?~ EXTERN C-ARANJ a2944 ++ ~[PC] And here I thought I was ending the evening entertaining three men in my bedchamber. I guess I have some free time, and absolutely nothing to do...~ EXTERN C-ARANJ a2945 ++ ~[PC] Hey, that was fun. Did you see the way the little one turned all white in the face? Come on, let's follow them!~ EXTERN C-ARANJ a2945 /* patron 1 */ APPEND ~C-AW01P1~ IF ~NumTimesTalkedTo(0)~ THEN BEGIN a2381 SAY ~[C-AW01P1] Mercenary life is great. Lots of pointless fighting for fools who see you as expendable, lots of bad food and worse ale, and no real pension plan to speak of. So if you are here to recruit me, sod off. Or, buy me a drink, and then sod off.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~RandomNum(5,1)~ THEN BEGIN a2382 SAY #15312 /* Ahhh, go away, will you? */ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~RandomNum(5,2)~ THEN BEGIN a2383 SAY #15314 /* (hic) Oooh, I hate that. (hic) (hic) */ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~RandomNum(5,3)~ THEN BEGIN a2384 SAY #15315 /* (bleh!) Oh, well, there go your shoes. Seeker's pardon. */ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~RandomNum(5,4)~ THEN BEGIN a2385 SAY ~[C-AW01P1] Seeker's Soul, do you go around botherin' regular folk all the time? You need a hobby.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~RandomNum(5,5)~ THEN BEGIN a2919 SAY ~[C-AW01P1] I worked for the Blue Boars for two campaigns. They have way too many officers, most of whom can't fight. But the pay is good.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END END /* patron 2 */ APPEND ~C-AW01P2~ IF ~NumTimesTalkedTo(0)~ THEN BEGIN a2386 SAY ~[C-AW01P2] They say the prophecies of Aulando are coming true. I've heard that before, though. Usually right before they raise taxes.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~RandomNum(5,1)~ THEN BEGIN a2387 SAY ~[C-AW01P2] You know, I need to stop drinking. I am beginning to smell like a drunken Luscan. Wait... I am a drunken Luscan. Never mind.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~RandomNum(5,2)~ THEN BEGIN a2388 SAY ~[C-AW01P2] So, are you buying the next round? I make a good friend. Good listener, you know. As long as the drinks keep coming, I keep listening.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~RandomNum(5,3)~ THEN BEGIN a2389 SAY ~[C-AW01P2] Some folks say Firewine is the best. Me, I don't care what is pouring, as long as there is plenty of it and it is cheap.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~RandomNum(5,4)~ THEN BEGIN a2390 SAY ~[C-AW01P2] I served in the colony for awhile. After a few months of battling insects the size of small houses and the occasional odd animal, I decided to go for someplace nice and comfortable, far from fighting. So I am off to join up in Trademeet.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~RandomNum(5,5)~ THEN BEGIN a2920 SAY ~[C-AW01P2] I wanted to be with the 'Fist, up toward Nashkel. There was a woman up there who knew how to look past my green skin, and she offered me work, I think her name was Vai.But I got lured into colonial work. Worst job ever.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END END /* patron 3 */ APPEND ~C-AW01P3~ IF ~NumTimesTalkedTo(0)~ THEN BEGIN a2391 SAY ~[C-AW01P3] I'm contracted out for the next three tendays, so if you are looking for another sword, I'm not available.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~RandomNum(5,1)~ THEN BEGIN a2392 SAY ~[C-AW01P3] Don't sign anything from the Flaming Fist without checking the contract carefully. I ended up fighting some Chill up Nashkel way for half a year, and had to pay for my own food. Lousy recruiters... always looking to take advantage.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~RandomNum(5,2)~ THEN BEGIN a2393 SAY ~[C-AW01P3] They say the mercenary life is exciting and special. I suppose that might be true for some. I'd characterize it more like hard and painful.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~RandomNum(5,3)~ THEN BEGIN a2394 SAY ~[C-AW01P3] I work hard, play hard, and drink hard. Then again, my play and my work involve drinking, so I could just say "bottom's up".~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~RandomNum(5,4)~ THEN BEGIN a2395 SAY ~[C-AW01P3] Your equipment is way too fancy for a regular, and all mismatched besides. Were you expecting this place to be invaded by an army? Gods, go get a decent equipment locker.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~RandomNum(5,5)~ THEN BEGIN a2921 SAY ~[C-AW01P3] Look, I am almost drunk enough to find you attractive. So move along, now. I am probably going to do something stupid, and then the boys will have to bail me out of the local jail. Again.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END END /* barker */ APPEND C-AW01EP IF ~NumTimesTalkedTo(0)~ THEN BEGIN a2420 SAY ~[C-AW01EP] You look like the right sort. If you want, The Broken Sword is that door north of you. No civilians allowed, unless they are hiring. This place is only for people who live and die on the sharp edge.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~RandomNum(9,1)~ THEN BEGIN a2419 SAY ~[C-AW01EP] If you are looking for sellswords, step on in. Daggerford isn't the only hiring place, you know.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~RandomNum(9,2)~ THEN BEGIN a2418 SAY ~[C-AW01EP] Look, this ain't Asbravn. If you want hospitality, step inside. If you don't, blighted well move along.~ IF ~OR(3) !InParty("c-aran") !InMyArea("c-aran") StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN EXIT IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-mundanetalk","AR0700",0)~ THEN EXTERN C-ARANJ a2408 IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-mundanetalk","AR0700",1)~ THEN EXTERN C-ARANJ a2409 IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-mundanetalk","AR0700",2)~ THEN EXTERN C-ARANJ a2410 IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-mundanetalk","AR0700",3)~ THEN EXTERN C-ARANJ a2411 IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-mundanetalk","AR0700",4)~ THEN EXTERN C-ARANJ a2412 END IF ~RandomNum(9,3)~ THEN BEGIN a2417 SAY ~[C-AW01EP] Yeah, yeah... tell it to the 'Fist. My whole contract is to stand outside and make sure idiots who can't hold their own in a fight stay out here. You folks can go on in anytime.~ IF ~OR(3) !InParty("c-aran") !InMyArea("c-aran") StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN EXIT IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-mundanetalk","AR0700",0)~ THEN EXTERN C-ARANJ a2408 IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-mundanetalk","AR0700",1)~ THEN EXTERN C-ARANJ a2409 IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-mundanetalk","AR0700",2)~ THEN EXTERN C-ARANJ a2410 IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-mundanetalk","AR0700",3)~ THEN EXTERN C-ARANJ a2411 IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-mundanetalk","AR0700",4)~ THEN EXTERN C-ARANJ a2412 END IF ~RandomNum(9,4)~ THEN BEGIN a2416 SAY ~[C-AW01EP] This duty is boring enough, I am almost tempted to sign up for another tour in Maztica. Almost.~ IF ~OR(3) !InParty("c-aran") !InMyArea("c-aran") StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN EXIT IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-mundanetalk","AR0700",0)~ THEN EXTERN C-ARANJ a2408 IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-mundanetalk","AR0700",1)~ THEN EXTERN C-ARANJ a2409 IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-mundanetalk","AR0700",2)~ THEN EXTERN C-ARANJ a2410 IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-mundanetalk","AR0700",3)~ THEN EXTERN C-ARANJ a2411 IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-mundanetalk","AR0700",4)~ THEN EXTERN C-ARANJ a2412 END IF ~RandomNum(9,5)~ THEN BEGIN a2415 SAY ~[C-AW01EP] Door. There. North. You know, the opposite of South.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~RandomNum(9,6)~ THEN BEGIN a2421 SAY ~[C-AW01EP] If you are looking for sellswords or mercenaries, The Broken Sword is the right place. If you are looking to fight anyone in particular, bugger off and do it someplace else. I cause enough trouble all on my own.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~RandomNum(9,7)~ THEN BEGIN a2422 SAY ~[C-AW01EP] Drinks, yes. Rooms, yes. Goods and services, a few. Look, if you really have to ask this, you really shouldn't wander in. Nothing starts a fight faster than some blighted greenhorn fool making a crack about the Red Cloaks or the 'Fist. Last time, we had to scrub the blood out of the woodwork with wet sand for a week.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~RandomNum(9,8)~ THEN BEGIN a2414 SAY ~[C-AW01EP] Would I recommend drinking here? Sure. It's your funeral.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~RandomNum(9,9)~ THEN BEGIN a2413 SAY ~[C-AW01EP] Do I look like a signpost? Tyr's Eye, just blighted well go in and hire someone. Or, get a decent contract and get the hells out of this place. Gods know things are strange enough around here to make anyone need hirelings. Talk to Teldra. She'll set you up, either way.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END END /* of append */ CHAIN C-ARANJ a2408 ~[ARAN] Hells, Manson, what did you do to Teldra to draw this blighted contract again?~ == C-AW01EP IF ~Global("c-mundanetalk","AR0700",0)~ THEN ~[C-AW01EP] Does it matter? I'm in the doghouse until she says otherwise.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-mundanetalk","AR0700",1)~ == C-AW01EP IF ~Global("c-mundanetalk","AR0700",1)~ THEN ~[C-AW01EP] Someone said the Han make lousy fighters.~ == C-ARANJ IF ~Global("c-mundanetalk","AR0700",1)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Oh. Terria. Right. I'll drink to that one's memory for you. Good sword.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-mundanetalk","AR0700",2)~ == C-AW01EP IF ~Global("c-mundanetalk","AR0700",2)~ THEN ~[C-AW01EP] Another fight. I have no blighted idea why I can't just relax.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-mundanetalk","AR0700",3)~ == C-AW01EP IF ~Global("c-mundanetalk","AR0700",3)~ THEN ~[C-AW01EP] It was their fault. But there were three of them. Probably not the best idea to take them all on at once with no backup.~ == C-ARANJ IF ~Global("c-mundanetalk","AR0700",3)~ THEN ~[ARAN] You know, we could help out a bit wi' that fightin' problem. Mayhap get an intelligence potion, or mayhap two...~ == C-AW01EP IF ~Global("c-mundanetalk","AR0700",3)~ THEN ~[C-AW01EP] Oh, shove it up your arse, Aran.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-mundanetalk","AR0700",4)~ == C-AW01EP IF ~Global("c-mundanetalk","AR0700",4)~ THEN ~[C-AW01EP] The usual. Don't worry none, though. I'll be back working soon enough.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-mundanetalk","AR0700",0)~ END IF ~~ THEN EXIT CHAIN C-ARANJ a2409 ~[ARAN] You have th' worst luck, boyo. Fighting again, eh?~ == C-AW01EP IF ~Global("c-mundanetalk","AR0700",0)~ THEN ~[C-AW01EP] Does it matter? I'm in the doghouse until she says otherwise.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-mundanetalk","AR0700",1)~ == C-AW01EP IF ~Global("c-mundanetalk","AR0700",1)~ THEN ~[C-AW01EP] Someone said the Han make lousy fighters.~ == C-ARANJ IF ~Global("c-mundanetalk","AR0700",1)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Oh. Terria. Right. I'll drink to that one's memory for you. Good sword.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-mundanetalk","AR0700",2)~ == C-AW01EP IF ~Global("c-mundanetalk","AR0700",2)~ THEN ~[C-AW01EP] Another fight. I have no blighted idea why I can't just relax.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-mundanetalk","AR0700",3)~ == C-AW01EP IF ~Global("c-mundanetalk","AR0700",3)~ THEN ~[C-AW01EP] It was their fault. But there were three of them. Probably not the best idea to take them all on at once with no backup.~ == C-ARANJ IF ~Global("c-mundanetalk","AR0700",3)~ THEN ~[ARAN] You know, we could help out a bit wi' that fightin' problem. Mayhap get an intelligence potion, or mayhap two...~ == C-AW01EP IF ~Global("c-mundanetalk","AR0700",3)~ THEN ~[C-AW01EP] Oh, shove it up your arse, Aran.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-mundanetalk","AR0700",4)~ == C-AW01EP IF ~Global("c-mundanetalk","AR0700",4)~ THEN ~[C-AW01EP] The usual. Don't worry none, though. I'll be back working soon enough.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-mundanetalk","AR0700",0)~ END IF ~~ THEN EXIT CHAIN C-ARANJ a2410 ~[ARAN] I thought you had headed out for Rasheman on that caravan contract. Problems wi' your fists again, or just your mouth?~ == C-AW01EP IF ~Global("c-mundanetalk","AR0700",0)~ THEN ~[C-AW01EP] Does it matter? I'm in the doghouse until she says otherwise.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-mundanetalk","AR0700",1)~ == C-AW01EP IF ~Global("c-mundanetalk","AR0700",1)~ THEN ~[C-AW01EP] Someone said the Han make lousy fighters.~ == C-ARANJ IF ~Global("c-mundanetalk","AR0700",1)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Oh. Terria. Right. I'll drink to that one's memory for you. Good sword.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-mundanetalk","AR0700",2)~ == C-AW01EP IF ~Global("c-mundanetalk","AR0700",2)~ THEN ~[C-AW01EP] Another fight. I have no blighted idea why I can't just relax.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-mundanetalk","AR0700",3)~ == C-AW01EP IF ~Global("c-mundanetalk","AR0700",3)~ THEN ~[C-AW01EP] It was their fault. But there were three of them. Probably not the best idea to take them all on at once with no backup.~ == C-ARANJ IF ~Global("c-mundanetalk","AR0700",3)~ THEN ~[ARAN] You know, we could help out a bit wi' that fightin' problem. Mayhap get an intelligence potion, or mayhap two...~ == C-AW01EP IF ~Global("c-mundanetalk","AR0700",3)~ THEN ~[C-AW01EP] Oh, shove it up your arse, Aran.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-mundanetalk","AR0700",4)~ == C-AW01EP IF ~GlobalGT("c-mundanetalk","AR0700",4)~ THEN ~[C-AW01EP] The usual. Don't worry none, though. I'll be back working soon enough.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-mundanetalk","AR0700",0)~ END IF ~~ THEN EXIT CHAIN C-ARANJ a2411 ~[ARAN] Better you than me, eh? How did you piss Teldra off this time?~ == C-AW01EP IF ~Global("c-mundanetalk","AR0700",0)~ THEN ~[C-AW01EP] Does it matter? I'm in the doghouse until she says otherwise.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-mundanetalk","AR0700",1)~ == C-AW01EP IF ~Global("c-mundanetalk","AR0700",1)~ THEN ~[C-AW01EP] Someone said the Han make lousy fighters.~ == C-ARANJ IF ~Global("c-mundanetalk","AR0700",1)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Oh. Terria. Right. I'll drink to that one's memory for you. Good sword.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-mundanetalk","AR0700",2)~ == C-AW01EP IF ~Global("c-mundanetalk","AR0700",2)~ THEN ~[C-AW01EP] Another fight. I have no blighted idea why I can't just relax.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-mundanetalk","AR0700",3)~ == C-AW01EP IF ~Global("c-mundanetalk","AR0700",3)~ THEN ~[C-AW01EP] It was their fault. But there were three of them. Probably not the best idea to take them all on at once with no backup.~ == C-ARANJ IF ~Global("c-mundanetalk","AR0700",3)~ THEN ~[ARAN] You know, we could help out a bit wi' that fightin' problem. Mayhap get an intelligence potion, or mayhap two...~ == C-AW01EP IF ~Global("c-mundanetalk","AR0700",3)~ THEN ~[C-AW01EP] Oh, shove it up your arse, Aran.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-mundanetalk","AR0700",4)~ == C-AW01EP IF ~GlobalGT("c-mundanetalk","AR0700",4)~ THEN ~[C-AW01EP] The usual. Don't worry none, though. I'll be back working soon enough.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-mundanetalk","AR0700",0)~ END IF ~~ THEN EXIT CHAIN C-ARANJ a2412 ~[ARAN] Manson, my friend... when are you goin' to learn to lead wi' your brain, an' not wi' your brawn?~ == C-AW01EP IF ~Global("c-mundanetalk","AR0700",0)~ THEN ~[C-AW01EP] Does it matter? I'm in the doghouse until she says otherwise.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-mundanetalk","AR0700",1)~ == C-AW01EP IF ~Global("c-mundanetalk","AR0700",1)~ THEN ~[C-AW01EP] Someone said the Han make lousy fighters.~ == C-ARANJ IF ~Global("c-mundanetalk","AR0700",1)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Oh. Terria. Right. I'll drink to that one's memory for you. Good sword.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-mundanetalk","AR0700",2)~ == C-AW01EP IF ~Global("c-mundanetalk","AR0700",2)~ THEN ~[C-AW01EP] Another fight. I have no blighted idea why I can't just relax.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-mundanetalk","AR0700",3)~ == C-AW01EP IF ~Global("c-mundanetalk","AR0700",3)~ THEN ~[C-AW01EP] It was their fault. But there were three of them. Probably not the best idea to take them all on at once with no backup.~ == C-ARANJ IF ~Global("c-mundanetalk","AR0700",3)~ THEN ~[ARAN] You know, we could help out a bit wi' that fightin' problem. Mayhap get an intelligence potion, or mayhap two...~ == C-AW01EP IF ~Global("c-mundanetalk","AR0700",3)~ THEN ~[C-AW01EP] Oh, shove it up your arse, Aran.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-mundanetalk","AR0700",4)~ == C-AW01EP IF ~GlobalGT("c-mundanetalk","AR0700",4)~ THEN ~[C-AW01EP] The usual. Don't worry none, though. I'll be back working soon enough.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-mundanetalk","AR0700",0)~ END IF ~~ THEN EXIT /* server 1 - Erika*/ APPEND C-AW01W1 IF ~NumTimesTalkedTo(0)~ THEN BEGIN a2396 SAY ~[C-AW01W1] Now, I do have a good selection of drinks, but I am only one person. If you order your drinks at the bar, I will be happy to bring them to you.~ IF ~OR(3) !InParty("c-aran") !InMyArea("c-aran") StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN GOTO a2402 IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN GOTO a2404 END IF ~RandomNum(5,1)~ THEN BEGIN a2397 SAY ~[C-AW01W1] Orders for food or drink are at the bar, . If you are looking for anything else, it is not on the menu.~ /* panel of "aran flirts" - random #s 7 or 8 mean no flirt (skip without advancing global) */ IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) GlobalLT("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",9) RandomNum(8,8)~ THEN GOTO a2402 IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) GlobalLT("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",9) RandomNum(8,7)~ THEN GOTO a2403 IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) GlobalLT("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",9) RandomNum(8,6)~ THEN GOTO a2404 IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) GlobalLT("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",9) RandomNum(8,5)~ THEN GOTO a2405 IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) GlobalLT("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",9) RandomNum(8,4)~ THEN GOTO a2406 IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) GlobalLT("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",9) RandomNum(8,3)~ THEN GOTO a2407 IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) GlobalLT("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",9) RandomNum(8,2)~ THEN GOTO a2423 IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) GlobalLT("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",9) RandomNum(8,1)~ THEN GOTO a2424 /* panel of " no aran flirts" - kicks in if Aran is not valid, or if all 8 banters are used up */ IF ~OR(4) !InParty("c-aran") !InMyArea("c-aran") StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) GlobalGT("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",8) RandomNum(5,1)~ THEN GOTO a2402 IF ~OR(4) !InParty("c-aran") !InMyArea("c-aran") StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) GlobalGT("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",8) RandomNum(5,2)~ THEN GOTO a2425 IF ~OR(4) !InParty("c-aran") !InMyArea("c-aran") StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) GlobalGT("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",8) RandomNum(5,3)~ THEN GOTO a2403 IF ~OR(4) !InParty("c-aran") !InMyArea("c-aran") StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) GlobalGT("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",8) RandomNum(5,4)~ THEN GOTO a2426 IF ~OR(4) !InParty("c-aran") !InMyArea("c-aran") StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) GlobalGT("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",8) RandomNum(5,5)~ THEN GOTO a2427 END IF ~RandomNum(5,2)~ THEN BEGIN a2398 SAY ~[C-AW01W1] I will get you as much water as you like, as quickly as I can.~ /* panel of "aran flirts" - random #s 7 or 8 mean no flirt (skip without advancing global) */ IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) GlobalLT("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",9) RandomNum(8,8)~ THEN GOTO a2402 IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) GlobalLT("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",9) RandomNum(8,7)~ THEN GOTO a2403 IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) GlobalLT("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",9) RandomNum(8,6)~ THEN GOTO a2404 IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) GlobalLT("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",9) RandomNum(8,5)~ THEN GOTO a2405 IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) GlobalLT("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",9) RandomNum(8,4)~ THEN GOTO a2406 IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) GlobalLT("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",9) RandomNum(8,3)~ THEN GOTO a2407 IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) GlobalLT("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",9) RandomNum(8,2)~ THEN GOTO a2423 IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) GlobalLT("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",9) RandomNum(8,1)~ THEN GOTO a2424 /* panel of " no aran flirts" - kicks in if Aran is not valid, or if all 8 banters are used up */ IF ~OR(4) !InParty("c-aran") !InMyArea("c-aran") StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) GlobalGT("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",8) RandomNum(5,1)~ THEN GOTO a2402 IF ~OR(4) !InParty("c-aran") !InMyArea("c-aran") StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) GlobalGT("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",8) RandomNum(5,2)~ THEN GOTO a2425 IF ~OR(4) !InParty("c-aran") !InMyArea("c-aran") StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) GlobalGT("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",8) RandomNum(5,3)~ THEN GOTO a2403 IF ~OR(4) !InParty("c-aran") !InMyArea("c-aran") StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) GlobalGT("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",8) RandomNum(5,4)~ THEN GOTO a2426 IF ~OR(4) !InParty("c-aran") !InMyArea("c-aran") StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) GlobalGT("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",8) RandomNum(5,5)~ THEN GOTO a2427 END IF ~RandomNum(5,3)~ THEN BEGIN a2399 SAY ~[C-AW01W1] Did you order the D'Tranion and Meat Pie? I have two orders, both getting cold, and not a patron to claim it. But if you want to pay for it...~ /* panel of "aran flirts" - random #s 7 or 8 mean no flirt (skip without advancing global) */ IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) GlobalLT("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",9) RandomNum(8,8)~ THEN GOTO a2402 IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) GlobalLT("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",9) RandomNum(8,7)~ THEN GOTO a2403 IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) GlobalLT("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",9) RandomNum(8,6)~ THEN GOTO a2404 IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) GlobalLT("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",9) RandomNum(8,5)~ THEN GOTO a2405 IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) GlobalLT("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",9) RandomNum(8,4)~ THEN GOTO a2406 IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) GlobalLT("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",9) RandomNum(8,3)~ THEN GOTO a2407 IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) GlobalLT("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",9) RandomNum(8,2)~ THEN GOTO a2423 IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) GlobalLT("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",9) RandomNum(8,1)~ THEN GOTO a2424 /* panel of " no aran flirts" - kicks in if Aran is not valid, or if all 8 banters are used up */ IF ~OR(4) !InParty("c-aran") !InMyArea("c-aran") StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) GlobalGT("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",8) RandomNum(5,1)~ THEN GOTO a2402 IF ~OR(4) !InParty("c-aran") !InMyArea("c-aran") StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) GlobalGT("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",8) RandomNum(5,2)~ THEN GOTO a2425 IF ~OR(4) !InParty("c-aran") !InMyArea("c-aran") StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) GlobalGT("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",8) RandomNum(5,3)~ THEN GOTO a2403 IF ~OR(4) !InParty("c-aran") !InMyArea("c-aran") StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) GlobalGT("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",8) RandomNum(5,4)~ THEN GOTO a2426 IF ~OR(4) !InParty("c-aran") !InMyArea("c-aran") StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) GlobalGT("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",8) RandomNum(5,5)~ THEN GOTO a2427 END IF ~RandomNum(5,4)~ THEN BEGIN a2400 SAY ~[C-AW01W1] We have a good selection of food and spirits. We can even help you with some money changing, if you want...~ /* panel of "aran flirts" - random #s 7 or 8 mean no flirt (skip without advancing global) */ IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) GlobalLT("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",9) RandomNum(8,8)~ THEN GOTO a2402 IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) GlobalLT("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",9) RandomNum(8,7)~ THEN GOTO a2403 IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) GlobalLT("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",9) RandomNum(8,6)~ THEN GOTO a2404 IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) GlobalLT("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",9) RandomNum(8,5)~ THEN GOTO a2405 IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) GlobalLT("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",9) RandomNum(8,4)~ THEN GOTO a2406 IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) GlobalLT("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",9) RandomNum(8,3)~ THEN GOTO a2407 IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) GlobalLT("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",9) RandomNum(8,2)~ THEN GOTO a2423 IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) GlobalLT("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",9) RandomNum(8,1)~ THEN GOTO a2424 /* panel of " no aran flirts" - kicks in if Aran is not valid, or if all 8 banters are used up */ IF ~OR(4) !InParty("c-aran") !InMyArea("c-aran") StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) GlobalGT("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",8) RandomNum(5,1)~ THEN GOTO a2402 IF ~OR(4) !InParty("c-aran") !InMyArea("c-aran") StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) GlobalGT("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",8) RandomNum(5,2)~ THEN GOTO a2425 IF ~OR(4) !InParty("c-aran") !InMyArea("c-aran") StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) GlobalGT("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",8) RandomNum(5,3)~ THEN GOTO a2403 IF ~OR(4) !InParty("c-aran") !InMyArea("c-aran") StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) GlobalGT("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",8) RandomNum(5,4)~ THEN GOTO a2426 IF ~OR(4) !InParty("c-aran") !InMyArea("c-aran") StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) GlobalGT("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",8) RandomNum(5,5)~ THEN GOTO a2427 END IF ~RandomNum(5,5)~ THEN BEGIN a2401 SAY ~[C-AW01W1] You do realize I am just a barmaid, not a Lorekeeper of Oghma, right?~ /* panel of "aran flirts" - random #s 7 or 8 mean no flirt (skip without advancing global) */ IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) GlobalLT("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",9) RandomNum(8,8)~ THEN GOTO a2402 IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) GlobalLT("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",9) RandomNum(8,7)~ THEN GOTO a2403 IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) GlobalLT("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",9) RandomNum(8,6)~ THEN GOTO a2404 IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) GlobalLT("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",9) RandomNum(8,5)~ THEN GOTO a2405 IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) GlobalLT("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",9) RandomNum(8,4)~ THEN GOTO a2406 IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) GlobalLT("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",9) RandomNum(8,3)~ THEN GOTO a2407 IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) GlobalLT("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",9) RandomNum(8,2)~ THEN GOTO a2423 IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) GlobalLT("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",9) RandomNum(8,1)~ THEN GOTO a2424 /* panel of " no aran flirts" - kicks in if Aran is not valid, or if all 8 banters are used up */ IF ~OR(4) !InParty("c-aran") !InMyArea("c-aran") StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) GlobalGT("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",8) RandomNum(5,1)~ THEN GOTO a2402 IF ~OR(4) !InParty("c-aran") !InMyArea("c-aran") StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) GlobalGT("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",8) RandomNum(5,2)~ THEN GOTO a2425 IF ~OR(4) !InParty("c-aran") !InMyArea("c-aran") StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) GlobalGT("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",8) RandomNum(5,3)~ THEN GOTO a2403 IF ~OR(4) !InParty("c-aran") !InMyArea("c-aran") StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) GlobalGT("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",8) RandomNum(5,4)~ THEN GOTO a2426 IF ~OR(4) !InParty("c-aran") !InMyArea("c-aran") StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) GlobalGT("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",8) RandomNum(5,5)~ THEN GOTO a2427 END IF ~~ a2402 SAY ~[C-AW01W1] Orrin will be happy to help you, I am sure.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a2403 SAY ~[C-AW01W1] Orrin handles everything but the cleanup.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a2425 SAY ~[C-AW01W1] Orrin is over at the bar.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a2426 SAY ~[C-AW01W1] I do not handle any coin. You will have to deal with Orrin.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a2427 SAY ~[C-AW01W1] I need to get this order out right away, so go talk to Orrin.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a2404 SAY ~[C-AW01W1] Keep your feet off of the table, please, Master Whitehand. This is a respectable establishment.~ IF ~Global("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",0)~ THEN EXTERN C-ARANJ a2428 IF ~Global("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",1)~ THEN EXTERN C-ARANJ a2429 IF ~Global("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",2)~ THEN EXTERN C-ARANJ a2430 IF ~Global("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",3)~ THEN EXTERN C-ARANJ a2431 IF ~Global("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",4)~ THEN EXTERN C-ARANJ a2432 IF ~Global("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",5)~ THEN EXTERN C-ARANJ a2433 IF ~Global("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",6)~ THEN EXTERN C-ARANJ a2434 IF ~Global("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",7)~ THEN EXTERN C-ARANJ a2435 IF ~Global("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",8)~ THEN EXTERN C-ARANJ a2436 END IF ~~ a2405 SAY ~[C-AW01W1] Perhaps you should take Aran to a place more worthy of his status... like a stable. Or a pigsty.~ IF ~Global("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",0)~ THEN EXTERN C-ARANJ a2428 IF ~Global("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",1)~ THEN EXTERN C-ARANJ a2429 IF ~Global("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",2)~ THEN EXTERN C-ARANJ a2430 IF ~Global("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",3)~ THEN EXTERN C-ARANJ a2431 IF ~Global("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",4)~ THEN EXTERN C-ARANJ a2432 IF ~Global("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",5)~ THEN EXTERN C-ARANJ a2433 IF ~Global("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",6)~ THEN EXTERN C-ARANJ a2434 IF ~Global("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",7)~ THEN EXTERN C-ARANJ a2435 IF ~Global("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",8)~ THEN EXTERN C-ARANJ a2436 END IF ~~ a2406 SAY ~[C-AW01W1] Let me guess... Aran wants a nice curry, and he expects it on his tab. Gods forbid that he actually pay for anything.~ IF ~Global("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",0)~ THEN EXTERN C-ARANJ a2428 IF ~Global("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",1)~ THEN EXTERN C-ARANJ a2429 IF ~Global("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",2)~ THEN EXTERN C-ARANJ a2430 IF ~Global("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",3)~ THEN EXTERN C-ARANJ a2431 IF ~Global("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",4)~ THEN EXTERN C-ARANJ a2432 IF ~Global("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",5)~ THEN EXTERN C-ARANJ a2433 IF ~Global("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",6)~ THEN EXTERN C-ARANJ a2434 IF ~Global("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",7)~ THEN EXTERN C-ARANJ a2435 IF ~Global("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",8)~ THEN EXTERN C-ARANJ a2436 END IF ~~ a2407 SAY ~[C-AW01W1] I see you are still saddled with this sorry excuse for a sellsword. I'd renegotiate that contract, if I were you.~ IF ~Global("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",0)~ THEN EXTERN C-ARANJ a2428 IF ~Global("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",1)~ THEN EXTERN C-ARANJ a2429 IF ~Global("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",2)~ THEN EXTERN C-ARANJ a2430 IF ~Global("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",3)~ THEN EXTERN C-ARANJ a2431 IF ~Global("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",4)~ THEN EXTERN C-ARANJ a2432 IF ~Global("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",5)~ THEN EXTERN C-ARANJ a2433 IF ~Global("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",6)~ THEN EXTERN C-ARANJ a2434 IF ~Global("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",7)~ THEN EXTERN C-ARANJ a2435 IF ~Global("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",8)~ THEN EXTERN C-ARANJ a2436 END IF ~~ a2423 SAY ~[C-AW01W1] Dirty feet, wayward gleam in the eyes, sniffing around every available kitchen... wait, was I talking about the cat, or Aran?~ IF ~Global("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",0)~ THEN EXTERN C-ARANJ a2428 IF ~Global("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",1)~ THEN EXTERN C-ARANJ a2429 IF ~Global("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",2)~ THEN EXTERN C-ARANJ a2430 IF ~Global("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",3)~ THEN EXTERN C-ARANJ a2431 IF ~Global("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",4)~ THEN EXTERN C-ARANJ a2432 IF ~Global("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",5)~ THEN EXTERN C-ARANJ a2433 IF ~Global("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",6)~ THEN EXTERN C-ARANJ a2434 IF ~Global("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",7)~ THEN EXTERN C-ARANJ a2435 IF ~Global("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",8)~ THEN EXTERN C-ARANJ a2436 END IF ~~ a2424 SAY ~[C-AW01W1] You will make some poor girl marry you someday, Aran, but not until you learn to GET YOUR FEET OFF THE TABLE.~ IF ~Global("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",0)~ THEN EXTERN C-ARANJ a2428 IF ~Global("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",1)~ THEN EXTERN C-ARANJ a2429 IF ~Global("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",2)~ THEN EXTERN C-ARANJ a2430 IF ~Global("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",3)~ THEN EXTERN C-ARANJ a2431 IF ~Global("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",4)~ THEN EXTERN C-ARANJ a2432 IF ~Global("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",5)~ THEN EXTERN C-ARANJ a2433 IF ~Global("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",6)~ THEN EXTERN C-ARANJ a2434 IF ~Global("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",7)~ THEN EXTERN C-ARANJ a2435 IF ~Global("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",8)~ THEN EXTERN C-ARANJ a2436 END END /* of append */ CHAIN C-ARANJ a2428 ~[ARAN] Ah, Erika, m'ladylove... I would go to th' ends o' Faerun for you.~ == C-AW01W1 ~[C-AW01W1] I am sure you would. But would you remain there?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",1)~ EXIT CHAIN C-ARANJ a2429 ~[ARAN] How come you are not married off yet, Erika?~ == C-AW01W1 ~[C-AW01W1] Well, I am still of apprentice age, for one thing. For another, marriage always seems to saddle a girl with a baby.~ == C-ARANJ ~[ARAN] Not always. You don't have to have children, you know.~ == C-AW01W1 ~[C-AW01W1] I was talking about the husband.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",2)~ EXIT CHAIN C-ARANJ a2430 ~[ARAN] Any news worth repeatin' around here, Erika?~ == C-AW01W1 ~[C-AW01W1] Not to you.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",3)~ EXIT CHAIN C-ARANJ a2431 ~[ARAN] Do you realize you must have told me to get my feet off o' th' table a million times by now?~ == C-AW01W1 ~[C-AW01W1] Yes. Next time I shall ask Teldra to call in a favor, and have your ankles broken. She owes me a favor or two, you know.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",4)~ EXIT CHAIN C-ARANJ a2432 ~[ARAN] Get me an ale, eh, lass?~ == C-AW01W1 ~[C-AW01W1] Now, Master Whitehand, you look like someone just killed your best friend.~ == C-ARANJ ~[C-ARAN] I be pinin' away, on account o' your hard heart, Erika.~ == C-AW01W1 ~[C-AW01W1] Do it quickly, then, and make sure you remember me in your will.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",5)~ EXIT CHAIN C-ARANJ a2433 ~[ARAN] Now, when are you goin' to give a lad th' chance to compliment you, eh? I keep tryin'.~ == C-AW01W1 ~[C-AW01W1] I prefer actions to words... HEY! Not that kind of action...~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",6)~ EXIT CHAIN C-ARANJ a2434 ~[ARAN] Now, Erika, I can pay good coin. I have come up in th' world, you know.~ == C-AW01W1 ~[C-AW01W1] Well, that is good, because you couldn't go much further down!~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",7)~ EXIT CHAIN C-ARANJ a2435 ~[ARAN] Any news worth repeatin' around here, Erika?~ == C-AW01W1 ~[C-AW01W1] Why, yes, there is. I heard Alisson was by the other day, looking for you.~ == C-ARANJ ~[ARAN] errr... Did she say why?~ == C-AW01W1 ~[C-AW01W1] I think it was something about a broken heart, or broken promises, or some other sob story. But don't worry. She was very discreet, if you call screaming 'I am going to make him pay!' at the top of her lungs 'discreet'.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",8)~ EXIT CHAIN C-ARANJ a2436 ~[ARAN] Ah, blighted flask... I have to get me one o' those infinite flasks one day. Fill me up, eh, Erika?~ == C-AW01W1 ~[C-AW01W1] You look like someone just tossed you in an unmarked grave.~ == C-ARANJ ~[C-ARAN] I be pinin' away, on account o' your hard heart, Erika.~ == C-AW01W1 ~[C-AW01W1] Oooh, the words I have been waiting for, all of my life! I'll go tell Orrin where he can shove this job...~ == C-AW01W1 ~[C-AW01W1] ...You should see your face, Aran. I don't think I have ever seen a man turn that particular combination of white, red, and panicked.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",9)~ EXIT /* references; Gold & Glory, Tim Beech, TSR FR Supplements */ /* Tavern Keeper Orrin */ APPEND ~C-AW01TK~ IF ~OR(2) PartyHasItem("c-awpkg1") PartyHasItem("c-awpkg2") OR(3) !InParty("c-aran") !InMyArea("c-aran") StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN BEGIN a2437 SAY ~[C-AW01TK] Any word on that work you were doing for me? I do hope you can come with Aran in tow. He is Guild, and I cannot pay off a contract without him present and in good health. Teldra holds most of my business hostage. One bad word from her, and my entire clientele will go elsewhere.~ ++ ~[PC] Not yet. I wish to peruse your selection of services, if I may.~ + a2472 + ~PartyGoldGT(3000)~ + ~[PC] I am working on it. But I was thinking... I have heard that a wealthy, well connected person might peruse some of the more... interesting wares?~ + a2473 + ~PartyGoldLT(3001)~ + ~[PC] I am working on it. But I was thinking... I have heard that a wealthy, well connected person might peruse some of the more... interesting wares?~ + a2443 + ~RandomNum(5,1)~ + ~[PC] I wish nothing at this time.~ + a2474 + ~RandomNum(5,2)~ + ~[PC] I wish nothing at this time.~ + a2475 + ~RandomNum(5,3)~ + ~[PC] I wish nothing at this time.~ + a2476 + ~RandomNum(5,4)~ + ~[PC] I wish nothing at this time.~ + a2477 + ~RandomNum(5,5)~ + ~[PC] I wish nothing at this time.~ + a2478 ++ ~[PC] Is there anything of interest that you might tell me? Interesting goings on, or work available?~ + a2453 + ~PartyHasItem("c-awpkg1")~ + ~[PC] I have the package. I just have not delivered it yet.~ + a2471 + ~PartyHasItem("c-awpkg2")~ + ~[PC] I have delivered the package, but I think I want to renegotiate my fee before giving you the receipt...~ + a2470 ++ ~[PC] What do you think - does this outfit match my hair?~ + a2468 END IF ~PartyHasItem("c-awpkg1") InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN BEGIN a2522 SAY ~[C-AW01TK] Any word on that work you were doing for me? I do hope you have delivered it, and returned with a receipt.~ ++ ~[PC] Not yet. I wish to peruse your selection of services, if I may.~ + a2472 + ~PartyGoldGT(3000)~ + ~[PC] I am working on it. But I was thinking... I have heard that a wealthy, well connected person might peruse some of the more... interesting wares?~ + a2473 + ~PartyGoldLT(3001)~ + ~[PC] I am working on it. But I was thinking... I have heard that a wealthy, well connected person might peruse some of the more... interesting wares?~ + a2443 + ~RandomNum(5,1)~ + ~[PC] I wish nothing at this time.~ + a2474 + ~RandomNum(5,2)~ + ~[PC] I wish nothing at this time.~ + a2475 + ~RandomNum(5,3)~ + ~[PC] I wish nothing at this time.~ + a2476 + ~RandomNum(5,4)~ + ~[PC] I wish nothing at this time.~ + a2477 + ~RandomNum(5,5)~ + ~[PC] I wish nothing at this time.~ + a2478 ++ ~[PC] Is there anything of interest that you might tell me? Interesting goings on, or work available?~ + a2453 ++ ~[PC] I have the package. I just have not delivered it yet.~ + a2471 ++ ~[PC] What do you think - does this outfit match my hair?~ + a2468 END IF ~PartyHasItem("c-awpkg2") Global("c-awtavkquest","C-AR01",1) InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN BEGIN a2438 SAY ~[C-AW01TK] Ah, the package. My thanks to you for your assistance in this small matter. I feel sure that it was nothing for a person of your stature.~ ++ ~[PC] Actually, it was quite difficult. So difficult, in fact, that I am going to have to request a greater reward.~ + a2492 ++ ~[PC] It was nothing. I was glad to be of help.~ + a2493 ++ ~[PC] Judging by the number of stupid 'take this packet and go from here to a random person, then return' errands I seem to attract, it seemed like a usual day of adventuring.~ EXTERN C-ARANJ a2495 ++ ~[PC] Look, next time, handle your own parcel delivery. That was a large chunk of my life I just wasted playing fetch-and-carry.~ EXTERN C-ARANJ a2495 ++ ~[PC] Hey, even Aran can't mess up a simple delivery.~ + a2493 ++ ~[PC] What package?~ + a2494 END IF ~OR(2) Global("c-arancontract","GLOBAL",9) Global("c-arancontract","GLOBAL",17)~ THEN BEGIN a2439 SAY ~[C-AW01TK] Good tidings to you, . A word of concern... Teldra does not take kindly to those who break her contracts. She provides most of my business, as well as a good deal of protection. Stay away from her, please. Actually, the same applies to my humble personage.~ + ~GlobalLT("c-awtavkquest","C-AR01",2)~ + ~[PC] I wish to peruse your selection of services, if I may.~ + a2508 + ~GlobalLT("c-awtavkquest","C-AR01",2)~ + ~[PC] I am doing business with you, not Teldra. Just show me what you have.~ + a2508 + ~Global("c-awtavkquest","C-AR01",2)~ + ~[PC] I am doing business with you, not Teldra. Just show me what you have.~ + a2507 + ~Global("c-awtavkquest","C-AR01",2)~ + ~[PC] I am here to take a look at your more select offerings. We had a deal, remember?~ + a2507 ++ ~[PC] I wish nothing at this time.~ + a2509 ++ ~[PC] Is there anything of interest that you might tell me? Interesting goings on, or work available?~ + a2508 END IF ~True()~ THEN BEGIN a2440 SAY ~[C-AW01TK] Good tidings to you. How might I be of assistance?~ ++ ~[PC] I wish to peruse your selection of services, if I may.~ + a2472 + ~Global("c-pctavern","C-AR01",0)~ + ~[PC] Do you say that to every customer?~ + a2456 + ~Global("c-pctavern","C-AR01",2)~ + ~[PC] Perhaps you can lighten up a little, and give out a few complimentary drinks.~ + a2458 + ~Global("c-pctavern","C-AR01",4)~ + ~[PC] I have heard a rumor that you used to be an adventurer yourself.~ + a2460 + ~GlobalGT("c-pctavern","C-AR01",6)~ + ~[PC] How is life?~ + a2463 + ~OR(2) PartyGoldGT(3000) Global("c-awtavkquest","C-AR01",2)~ + ~[PC] I have heard that a wealthy, well connected person might peruse some of the more... interesting wares?~ + a2473 + ~GlobalLT("c-awtavkquest","C-AR01",2) PartyGoldLT(3001)~ + ~[PC] I have heard that a wealthy, well connected person might peruse some of the more... interesting wares?~ + a2443 + ~RandomNum(5,1)~ + ~[PC] I wish nothing at this time.~ + a2474 + ~RandomNum(5,2)~ + ~[PC] I wish nothing at this time.~ + a2475 + ~RandomNum(5,3)~ + ~[PC] I wish nothing at this time.~ + a2476 + ~RandomNum(5,4)~ + ~[PC] I wish nothing at this time.~ + a2477 + ~RandomNum(5,5)~ + ~[PC] I wish nothing at this time.~ + a2478 + ~Global("c-pctavern","C-AR01",1)~ + ~[PC] You seem to have a wide variety of people here. Is that man over there really a Mindulgulph?~ + a2457 + ~Global("c-pctavern","C-AR01",3)~ + ~[PC] So, what is the deal with you and Teldra? Are you two... you know?~ + a2459 + ~Global("c-pctavern","C-AR01",5)~ + ~[PC] Is Erika attached? She seems to be unreceptive to flirting.~ + a2461 ++ ~[PC] Is there anything of interest that you might tell me? Interesting goings on, or work available?~ + a2453 + ~Global("c-pctavern","C-AR01",6)~ + ~[PC] How are things going around here?~ + a2462 IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-arantavern","C-AR01",0)~ THEN GOTO a2499 IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-arantavern","C-AR01",1)~ THEN GOTO a2500 IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-arantavern","C-AR01",2)~ THEN GOTO a2501 IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-arantavern","C-AR01",3)~ THEN GOTO a2502 IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-arantavern","C-AR01",4)~ THEN GOTO a2503 IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-arantavern","C-AR01",5)~ THEN GOTO a2504 IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-arantavern","C-AR01",6)~ THEN GOTO a2505 IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) GlobalGT("c-arantavern","C-AR01",6)~ THEN GOTO a2506 IF ~!InParty("c-aran") Global("c-aranemployment","C-AR01",1) Global("c-orrinbroadside","C-AR01",0)~ THEN GOTO a2481 IF ~!InParty("c-aran") Global("c-aranemployment","C-AR01",0) Global("c-orrinbroadside","C-AR01",0)~ THEN GOTO a2480 END IF ~~ a2441 SAY ~[C-AW01TK] No, nothing at all. Not much of interest.~ ++ ~[PC] Are you just saying that, or is there really nothing to find here?~ + a2442 ++ ~[PC] Yes. You seem like a very interesting man. Perhaps we could share a drink, and get to know each other.~ + a2452 + ~RandomNum(5,1)~ + ~[PC] I wish nothing at this time.~ + a2474 + ~RandomNum(5,2)~ + ~[PC] I wish nothing at this time.~ + a2475 + ~RandomNum(5,3)~ + ~[PC] I wish nothing at this time.~ + a2476 + ~RandomNum(5,4)~ + ~[PC] I wish nothing at this time.~ + a2477 + ~RandomNum(5,5)~ + ~[PC] I wish nothing at this time.~ + a2478 ++ ~[PC] I suppose that everyone around here is just minding their own business and would not be paying any attention to rumors anyways, right?~ + a2469 END IF ~~ a2442 SAY ~[C-AW01TK] Nothing, of course. Do you wish anything else?~ + ~RandomNum(5,1)~ + ~[PC] Not right now.~ + a2474 + ~RandomNum(5,2)~ + ~[PC] Not right now.~ + a2475 + ~RandomNum(5,3)~ + ~[PC] Not right now.~ + a2476 + ~RandomNum(5,4)~ + ~[PC] Not right now.~ + a2477 + ~RandomNum(5,5)~ + ~[PC] Not right now.~ + a2478 ++ ~[PC] Oh, come on. You have not seen anything of interest around here at all?~ + a2469 ++ ~[PC] Yes. You seem like a very interesting man. Perhaps we could share a drink, and get to know each other.~ + a2452 ++ ~[PC] I would not mind a few free drinks, and perhaps some entertainment.~ + a2464 END IF ~~ a2443 SAY ~[C-AW01TK] Certainly, . But somehow, no matter how grandly or decrepitly one dresses, the weight of your coinpurse is all that matters to me. Perhaps my would prefer the more usual offerings?~ ++ ~[PC] Yes, that will be fine.~ + a2472 ++ ~[PC] What might you consider a weighty enough purse?~ + a2447 + ~Global("c-pctavern","C-AR01",4)~ + ~[PC] I have heard a rumor that you used to be an adventurer yourself.~ + a2460 + ~Global("c-pctavern","C-AR01",2)~ + ~[PC] Perhaps you can lighten up a little, and give out a few complimentary drinks.~ + a2458 + ~Global("c-pctavern","C-AR01",5)~ + ~[PC] Is Erika attached? She seems to be unreceptive to flirting.~ + a2461 + ~Global("c-pctavern","C-AR01",1)~ + ~[PC] You seem to have a wide variety of people here. Is that man over there really a Mindulgulph?~ + a2457 + ~RandomNum(5,1)~ + ~[PC] Actually, I think I will be moving along.~ + a2474 + ~RandomNum(5,3)~ + ~[PC] Actually, I think I will be moving along.~ + a2476 + ~RandomNum(5,2)~ + ~[PC] Actually, I think I will be moving along.~ + a2475 + ~RandomNum(5,4)~ + ~[PC] Actually, I think I will be moving along.~ + a2477 + ~Global("c-pctavern","C-AR01",0)~ + ~[PC] Do you say that to every customer?~ + a2456 + ~Global("c-pctavern","C-AR01",3)~ + ~[PC] So, what is the deal with you and Teldra? Are you two... you know?~ + a2459 + ~GlobalGT("c-pctavern","C-AR01",6)~ + ~[PC] How is life?~ + a2463 + ~RandomNum(5,5)~ + ~[PC] Actually, I think I will be moving along.~ + a2478 + ~Global("c-pctavern","C-AR01",6)~ + ~[PC] How are things going around here?~ + a2462 ++ ~[PC] Hmmm. You seem like a very interesting man. Perhaps we could share a drink, and get to know each other. Perhaps work out an alternate arrangement...~ + a2452 END IF ~~ a2444 SAY ~[C-AW01TK] If I can assist you, please let me know what I may do to make you comfortable in this establishment.~ + ~Global("c-pctavern","C-AR01",2)~ + ~[PC] Perhaps you can lighten up a little, and give out a few complimentary drinks.~ + a2458 + ~GlobalGT("c-pctavern","C-AR01",6)~ + ~[PC] How is life?~ + a2463 + ~Global("c-pctavern","C-AR01",3)~ + ~[PC] So, what is the deal with you and Teldra? Are you two... you know?~ + a2459 + ~Global("c-pctavern","C-AR01",6)~ + ~[PC] How are things going around here?~ + a2462 + ~RandomNum(5,2)~ + ~[PC] I wish nothing at this time.~ + a2475 + ~Global("c-pctavern","C-AR01",5)~ + ~[PC] Is Erika attached? She seems to be unreceptive to flirting.~ + a2461 + ~RandomNum(5,5)~ + ~[PC] I wish nothing at this time.~ + a2478 ++ ~[PC] Just show me your services, then.~ + a2472 + ~Global("c-pctavern","C-AR01",4)~ + ~[PC] I have heard a rumor that you used to be an adventurer yourself.~ + a2460 + ~Global("c-pctavern","C-AR01",1)~ + ~[PC] You seem to have a wide variety of people here. Is that man over there really a Mindulgulph?~ + a2457 + ~RandomNum(5,4)~ + ~[PC] I wish nothing at this time.~ + a2477 + ~RandomNum(5,1)~ + ~[PC] I wish nothing at this time.~ + a2474 + ~Global("c-pctavern","C-AR01",0)~ + ~[PC] Do you say that to every customer?~ + a2456 + ~RandomNum(5,3)~ + ~[PC] I wish nothing at this time.~ + a2476 + ~OR(2) PartyGoldGT(3000) Global("c-awtavkquest","C-AR01",2)~ + ~[PC] I have heard that a wealthy, well connected person might peruse some of the more... interesting wares?~ + a2473 + ~GlobalLT("c-awtavkquest","C-AR01",2) PartyGoldLT(3001)~ + ~[PC] I have heard that a wealthy, well connected person might peruse some of the more... interesting wares?~ + a2443 ++ ~[PC] Can you tell me about how I might get freelance work in the area, or tell me about anything interesting happening?~ + a2453 END IF ~~ a2445 SAY ~[C-AW01TK] Now, is there anything I can get you?~ + ~OR(2) PartyGoldGT(3000) Global("c-awtavkquest","C-AR01",2)~ + ~[PC] I have heard that a wealthy, well connected person might peruse some of the more... interesting wares?~ + a2473 + ~GlobalLT("c-awtavkquest","C-AR01",2) PartyGoldLT(3001)~ + ~[PC] I have heard that a wealthy, well connected person might peruse some of the more... interesting wares?~ + a2443 ++ ~[PC] Can you tell me about how I might get freelance work in the area, or tell me about anything interesting happening?~ + a2453 + ~RandomNum(5,1)~ + ~[PC] No. I do not need anything right now.~ + a2474 + ~Global("c-pctavern","C-AR01",0)~ + ~[PC] Do you say that to every customer?~ + a2456 + ~Global("c-pctavern","C-AR01",6)~ + ~[PC] How are things going around here?~ + a2462 + ~Global("c-pctavern","C-AR01",3)~ + ~[PC] So, what is the deal with you and Teldra? Are you two... you know?~ + a2459 + ~Global("c-pctavern","C-AR01",1)~ + ~[PC] You seem to have a wide variety of people here. Is that man over there really a Mindulgulph?~ + a2457 + ~RandomNum(5,5)~ + ~[PC] No. I do not need anything right now.~ + a2478 ++ ~[PC] Just show me your usual wares, then.~ + a2472 + ~RandomNum(5,4)~ + ~[PC] No. I do not need anything right now.~ + a2477 + ~RandomNum(5,3)~ + ~[PC] No. I do not need anything right now.~ + a2476 + ~GlobalGT("c-pctavern","C-AR01",6)~ + ~[PC] How is life?~ + a2463 + ~Global("c-pctavern","C-AR01",4)~ + ~[PC] I have heard a rumor that you used to be an adventurer yourself.~ + a2460 + ~Global("c-pctavern","C-AR01",2)~ + ~[PC] Perhaps you can lighten up a little, and give out a few complimentary drinks.~ + a2458 + ~Global("c-pctavern","C-AR01",5)~ + ~[PC] Is Erika attached? She seems to be unreceptive to flirting.~ + a2461 + ~RandomNum(5,2)~ + ~[PC] No. I do not need anything right now.~ + a2475 END IF ~~ a2446 SAY ~[C-AW01TK] Did you want anything else?~ ++ ~[PC] Just show me your usual wares, then.~ + a2472 + ~RandomNum(5,1)~ + ~[PC] No. I do not need anything right now.~ + a2474 + ~RandomNum(5,2)~ + ~[PC] No. I do not need anything right now.~ + a2475 + ~RandomNum(5,3)~ + ~[PC] No. I do not need anything right now.~ + a2476 + ~RandomNum(5,4)~ + ~[PC] No. I do not need anything right now.~ + a2477 + ~RandomNum(5,5)~ + ~[PC] No. I do not need anything right now.~ + a2478 + ~OR(2) PartyGoldGT(3000) Global("c-awtavkquest","C-AR01",2)~ + ~[PC] I have heard that a wealthy, well connected person might peruse some of the more... interesting wares?~ + a2473 + ~GlobalLT("c-awtavkquest","C-AR01",2) PartyGoldLT(3001)~ + ~[PC] I have heard that a wealthy, well connected person might peruse some of the more... interesting wares?~ + a2443 ++ ~[PC] Can you tell me about how I might get freelance work in the area, or tell me about anything interesting happening?~ + a2453 + ~Global("c-pctavern","C-AR01",0)~ + ~[PC] Do you say that to every customer?~ + a2456 + ~Global("c-pctavern","C-AR01",1)~ + ~[PC] You seem to have a wide variety of people here. Is that man over there really a Mindulgulph?~ + a2457 + ~Global("c-pctavern","C-AR01",2)~ + ~[PC] Perhaps you can lighten up a little, and give out a few complimentary drinks.~ + a2458 + ~Global("c-pctavern","C-AR01",3)~ + ~[PC] So, what is the deal with you and Teldra? Are you two... you know?~ + a2459 + ~Global("c-pctavern","C-AR01",4)~ + ~[PC] I have heard a rumor that you used to be an adventurer yourself.~ + a2460 + ~Global("c-pctavern","C-AR01",5)~ + ~[PC] Is Erika attached? She seems to be unreceptive to flirting.~ + a2461 + ~Global("c-pctavern","C-AR01",6)~ + ~[PC] How are things going around here?~ + a2462 + ~GlobalGT("c-pctavern","C-AR01",6)~ + ~[PC] How is life?~ + a2463 END IF ~~ a2447 SAY ~[C-AW01TK] I am afraid that falls into the old saying, 'if you have to ask, then you do not have enough'.~ ++ ~[PC] Just show me your usual wares, then.~ + a2472 ++ ~[PC] Has anyone ever told you that you have a supercilious attitude?~ + a2455 ++ ~[PC] Hmmm. You seem like a very interesting man. Perhaps we could share a drink, and get to know each other. Perhaps work out an alternate arrangement...~ + a2452 + ~RandomNum(5,1)~ + ~[PC] Actually, I think I will be moving along.~ + a2474 + ~RandomNum(5,2)~ + ~[PC] Actually, I think I will be moving along.~ + a2475 + ~RandomNum(5,3)~ + ~[PC] Actually, I think I will be moving along.~ + a2476 + ~RandomNum(5,4)~ + ~[PC] Actually, I think I will be moving along.~ + a2477 + ~RandomNum(5,5)~ + ~[PC] Actually, I think I will be moving along.~ + a2478 ++ ~[PC] You mean my winning personality and minor notoriety are not enough?~ + a2465 END IF ~~ a2448 SAY ~[C-AW01TK] This was mildly entertaining. A pair of dwarves visited a few days ago, attempting some expedition for some reason or other. Something about temples, and dead gods, and finding mithral. Unfortunately, they had a falling out, and left unhappy. Alive, but unhappy. I do not know where they went after that minor incident.~ ++ ~[PC] I wish to peruse your selection of services, if I may.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-araninfo","C-AR01",2)~ + a2472 + ~OR(2) PartyGoldGT(3000) Global("c-awtavkquest","C-AR01",2)~ + ~[PC] I have heard that a wealthy, well connected person might peruse some of the more... interesting wares?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-araninfo","C-AR01",2)~ + a2473 + ~GlobalLT("c-awtavkquest","C-AR01",2) PartyGoldLT(3001)~ + ~[PC] I have heard that a wealthy, well connected person might peruse some of the more... interesting wares?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-araninfo","C-AR01",2)~ + a2443 ++ ~[PC] Are you sure there is nothing else of interest that you might tell me?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-araninfo","C-AR01",2)~ + a2451 + ~RandomNum(5,1)~ + ~[PC] No, I think I am done here.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-araninfo","C-AR01",2)~ + a2474 + ~RandomNum(5,2)~ + ~[PC] No, I think I am done here.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-araninfo","C-AR01",2)~ + a2475 + ~RandomNum(5,3)~ + ~[PC] No, I think I am done here.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-araninfo","C-AR01",2)~ + a2476 + ~RandomNum(5,4)~ + ~[PC] No, I think I am done here.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-araninfo","C-AR01",2)~ + a2477 + ~RandomNum(5,5)~ + ~[PC] No, I think I am done here.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-araninfo","C-AR01",2)~ + a2478 + ~GlobalLT("c-awtavkquest","C-AR01",2) PartyGoldLT(3001)~ + ~[PC] You don't happen to know where I could purchase some pure mithral, do you... I heard that you might have a private stock you are willing to sell.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-araninfo","C-AR01",2)~ + a2479 + ~OR(2) PartyGoldGT(3000) Global("c-awtavkquest","C-AR01",2)~ + ~[PC] You don't happen to know where I could purchase some pure mithral, do you... I heard that you might have a private stock you are willing to sell.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-araninfo","C-AR01",2)~ + a2473 END IF ~~ a2449 SAY ~[C-AW01TK] There were some travelers seeking protection on their journeys to Trademeet here yesterday, but Teldra already set them up with assistance from one of the minor mercenary groups she represents. There could be others who are interested in such protections, I imagine.~ ++ ~[PC] I wish to peruse your selection of services, if I may.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-araninfo","C-AR01",3)~ + a2472 + ~RandomNum(5,1)~ + ~[PC] Actually, I think I will be moving along.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-araninfo","C-AR01",3)~ + a2474 + ~RandomNum(5,2)~ + ~[PC] Actually, I think I will be moving along.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-araninfo","C-AR01",3)~ + a2475 + ~RandomNum(5,3)~ + ~[PC] Actually, I think I will be moving along.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-araninfo","C-AR01",3)~ + a2476 + ~RandomNum(5,4)~ + ~[PC] Actually, I think I will be moving along.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-araninfo","C-AR01",3)~ + a2477 + ~RandomNum(5,5)~ + ~[PC] Actually, I think I will be moving along.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-araninfo","C-AR01",3)~ + a2478 + ~Global("c-pctavern","C-AR01",0)~ + ~[PC] Do you say that to every customer?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-araninfo","C-AR01",3)~ + a2456 + ~Global("c-pctavern","C-AR01",1)~ + ~[PC] You seem to have a wide variety of people here. Is that man over there really a Mindulgulph?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-araninfo","C-AR01",3)~ + a2457 + ~Global("c-pctavern","C-AR01",2)~ + ~[PC] Perhaps you can lighten up a little, and give out a few complimentary drinks.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-araninfo","C-AR01",3)~ + a2458 + ~Global("c-pctavern","C-AR01",3)~ + ~[PC] So, what is the deal with you and Teldra? Are you two... you know?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-araninfo","C-AR01",3)~ + a2459 + ~Global("c-pctavern","C-AR01",4)~ + ~[PC] I have heard a rumor that you used to be an adventurer yourself.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-araninfo","C-AR01",3)~ + a2460 + ~Global("c-pctavern","C-AR01",5)~ + ~[PC] Is Erika attached? She seems to be unreceptive to flirting.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-araninfo","C-AR01",3)~ + a2461 + ~Global("c-pctavern","C-AR01",6)~ + ~[PC] How are things going around here?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-araninfo","C-AR01",3)~ + a2462 + ~GlobalGT("c-pctavern","C-AR01",6)~ + ~[PC] How is life?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-araninfo","C-AR01",3)~ + a2463 + ~OR(2) PartyGoldGT(3000) Global("c-awtavkquest","C-AR01",2)~ + ~[PC] I have heard that a wealthy, well connected person might peruse some of the more... interesting wares?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-araninfo","C-AR01",3)~ + a2473 + ~GlobalLT("c-awtavkquest","C-AR01",2) PartyGoldLT(3001)~ + ~[PC] I have heard that a wealthy, well connected person might peruse some of the more... interesting wares?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-araninfo","C-AR01",3)~ + a2443 ++ ~[PC] Are you sure there is nothing else of interest that you might tell me?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-araninfo","C-AR01",3)~ + a2451 END IF ~~ a2450 SAY ~[C-AW01TK] I have heard that the Copper Coronet has many opportunities for freelance work. I wish that I had the connections that establishment seems to have, for I could greatly increase my profit. Most of what Teldra offers is long term... which means she empties my bar as well as my ale supplies.~ ++ ~[PC] I wish to peruse your selection of services, if I may.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-araninfo","C-AR01",4)~ + a2472 + ~OR(2) PartyGoldGT(3000) Global("c-awtavkquest","C-AR01",2)~ + ~[PC] I have heard that a wealthy, well connected person might peruse some of the more... interesting wares?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-araninfo","C-AR01",4)~ + a2473 + ~GlobalLT("c-awtavkquest","C-AR01",2) PartyGoldLT(3001)~ + ~[PC] I have heard that a wealthy, well connected person might peruse some of the more... interesting wares?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-araninfo","C-AR01",4)~ + a2443 + ~RandomNum(5,1)~ + ~[PC] I wish nothing at this time.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-araninfo","C-AR01",4)~ + a2474 + ~RandomNum(5,2)~ + ~[PC] I wish nothing at this time.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-araninfo","C-AR01",4)~ + a2475 + ~RandomNum(5,3)~ + ~[PC] I wish nothing at this time.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-araninfo","C-AR01",4)~ + a2476 + ~RandomNum(5,4)~ + ~[PC] I wish nothing at this time.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-araninfo","C-AR01",4)~ + a2477 + ~RandomNum(5,5)~ + ~[PC] I wish nothing at this time.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-araninfo","C-AR01",4)~ + a2478 ++ ~[PC] Are you sure there is nothing else of interest that you might tell me?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-araninfo","C-AR01",4)~ + a2451 + ~Global("c-pctavern","C-AR01",0)~ + ~[PC] You seem to have the same greeting for me each time I meet you. Do you say that to every customer?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-araninfo","C-AR01",4)~ + a2456 + ~Global("c-pctavern","C-AR01",1)~ + ~[PC] You seem to have a wide variety of people here. Is that man over there really a Mindulgulph?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-araninfo","C-AR01",4)~ + a2457 + ~Global("c-pctavern","C-AR01",2)~ + ~[PC] Perhaps you can lighten up a little, and give out a few complimentary drinks.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-araninfo","C-AR01",4)~ + a2458 + ~Global("c-pctavern","C-AR01",3)~ + ~[PC] So, what is the deal with you and Teldra? Are you two... you know?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-araninfo","C-AR01",4)~ + a2459 + ~Global("c-pctavern","C-AR01",4)~ + ~[PC] I have heard a rumor that you used to be an adventurer yourself.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-araninfo","C-AR01",4)~ + a2460 + ~Global("c-pctavern","C-AR01",5)~ + ~[PC] Is Erika attached? She seems to be unreceptive to flirting.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-araninfo","C-AR01",4)~ + a2461 + ~Global("c-pctavern","C-AR01",6)~ + ~[PC] How are things going around here?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-araninfo","C-AR01",4)~ + a2462 + ~GlobalGT("c-pctavern","C-AR01",6)~ + ~[PC] How is life?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-araninfo","C-AR01",4)~ + a2463 END IF ~~ a2510 SAY ~[C-AW01TK] I heard that the Blue Boars have begun recruiting for a campaign against some young woman claiming to be a Bhaalspawn up Tethyr way. They say the Prophecies are coming to pass, but I am not so sure. I suspect it is all the usual subjects... trade rights, taxes, and who gets to control what.~ ++ ~[PC] I wish to peruse your selection of services, if I may.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-araninfo","C-AR01",5)~ + a2472 + ~OR(2) PartyGoldGT(3000) Global("c-awtavkquest","C-AR01",2)~ + ~[PC] I have heard that a wealthy, well connected person might peruse some of the more... interesting wares?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-araninfo","C-AR01",5)~ + a2473 + ~GlobalLT("c-awtavkquest","C-AR01",2) PartyGoldLT(3001)~ + ~[PC] I have heard that a wealthy, well connected person might peruse some of the more... interesting wares?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-araninfo","C-AR01",5)~ + a2443 + ~RandomNum(5,1)~ + ~[PC] I wish nothing at this time.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-araninfo","C-AR01",5)~ + a2474 + ~RandomNum(5,2)~ + ~[PC] I wish nothing at this time.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-araninfo","C-AR01",5)~ + a2475 + ~RandomNum(5,3)~ + ~[PC] I wish nothing at this time.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-araninfo","C-AR01",5)~ + a2476 + ~RandomNum(5,4)~ + ~[PC] I wish nothing at this time.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-araninfo","C-AR01",5)~ + a2477 + ~RandomNum(5,5)~ + ~[PC] I wish nothing at this time.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-araninfo","C-AR01",5)~ + a2478 ++ ~[PC] Are you sure there is nothing else of interest that you might tell me?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-araninfo","C-AR01",5)~ + a2451 + ~Global("c-pctavern","C-AR01",0)~ + ~[PC] You seem to have the same greeting for me each time I meet you. Do you say that to every customer?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-araninfo","C-AR01",5)~ + a2456 + ~Global("c-pctavern","C-AR01",1)~ + ~[PC] You seem to have a wide variety of people here. Is that man over there really a Mindulgulph?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-araninfo","C-AR01",5)~ + a2457 + ~Global("c-pctavern","C-AR01",2)~ + ~[PC] Perhaps you can lighten up a little, and give out a few complimentary drinks.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-araninfo","C-AR01",5)~ + a2458 + ~Global("c-pctavern","C-AR01",3)~ + ~[PC] So, what is the deal with you and Teldra? Are you two... you know?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-araninfo","C-AR01",5)~ + a2459 + ~Global("c-pctavern","C-AR01",4)~ + ~[PC] I have heard a rumor that you used to be an adventurer yourself.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-araninfo","C-AR01",5)~ + a2460 + ~Global("c-pctavern","C-AR01",5)~ + ~[PC] Is Erika attached? She seems to be unreceptive to flirting.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-araninfo","C-AR01",5)~ + a2461 + ~Global("c-pctavern","C-AR01",6)~ + ~[PC] How are things going around here?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-araninfo","C-AR01",5)~ + a2462 + ~GlobalGT("c-pctavern","C-AR01",6)~ + ~[PC] How is life?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-araninfo","C-AR01",5)~ + a2463 END IF ~~ a2451 SAY ~[C-AW01TK] ...Hmmm. To tell you the truth, I have heard little that could be of true interest to you.~ ++ ~[PC] I wish to peruse your selection of services, if I may.~ + a2472 + ~Global("c-pctavern","C-AR01",0)~ + ~[PC] You seem to have the same greeting for me each time I meet you. Do you say that to every customer?~ + a2456 + ~Global("c-pctavern","C-AR01",1)~ + ~[PC] You seem to have a wide variety of people here. Is that man over there really a Mindulgulph?~ + a2457 + ~Global("c-pctavern","C-AR01",2)~ + ~[PC] Perhaps you can lighten up a little, and give out a few complimentary drinks.~ + a2458 + ~Global("c-pctavern","C-AR01",3)~ + ~[PC] So, what is the deal with you and Teldra? Are you two... you know?~ + a2459 + ~Global("c-pctavern","C-AR01",4)~ + ~[PC] I have heard a rumor that you used to be an adventurer yourself.~ + a2460 + ~Global("c-pctavern","C-AR01",5)~ + ~[PC] Is Erika attached? She seems to be unreceptive to flirting.~ + a2461 + ~Global("c-pctavern","C-AR01",6)~ + ~[PC] How are things going around here?~ + a2462 + ~GlobalGT("c-pctavern","C-AR01",6)~ + ~[PC] How is life?~ + a2463 + ~OR(2) PartyGoldGT(3000) Global("c-awtavkquest","C-AR01",2)~ + ~[PC] I have heard that a wealthy, well connected person might peruse some of the more... interesting wares?~ + a2473 + ~GlobalLT("c-awtavkquest","C-AR01",2) PartyGoldLT(3001)~ + ~[PC] I have heard that a wealthy, well connected person might peruse some of the more... interesting wares?~ + a2443 + ~RandomNum(5,1)~ + ~[PC] I wish nothing at this time.~ + a2474 + ~RandomNum(5,2)~ + ~[PC] I wish nothing at this time.~ + a2475 + ~RandomNum(5,3)~ + ~[PC] I wish nothing at this time.~ + a2476 + ~RandomNum(5,4)~ + ~[PC] I wish nothing at this time.~ + a2477 + ~RandomNum(5,5)~ + ~[PC] I wish nothing at this time.~ + a2478 END IF ~~ a2452 SAY ~[C-AW01TK] I am flattered. I must decline.~ ++ ~[PC] Fair enough. Just business then.~ + a2445 ++ ~[PC] What, do you not find me attractive?~ + a2469 ++ ~[PC] Do you have some policy against fraternization with potential customers?~ + a2469 + ~Global("c-heartwarder","GLOBAL",1)~ + ~[PC] Have you not felt the grace of Sune? Would you deny the warmth and comfort of friendly companionship, even if chaste?~ + a2469 END IF ~~ a2453 SAY ~[C-AW01TK] Nothing of interest, . Unless...~ IF ~Global("c-araninfo","C-AR01",0)~ THEN GOTO a2454 IF ~Global("c-araninfo","C-AR01",1)~ THEN GOTO a2448 IF ~Global("c-araninfo","C-AR01",2)~ THEN GOTO a2449 IF ~Global("c-araninfo","C-AR01",3)~ THEN GOTO a2450 IF ~Global("c-araninfo","C-AR01",4)~ THEN GOTO a2510 IF ~GlobalGT("c-araninfo","C-AR01",4)~ THEN GOTO a2451 END IF ~~ a2454 SAY ~[C-AW01TK] If you are looking for work as a hired soldier, there is a mercenary recruiter wandering around collecting fools and madmen. Ask around for Teldra.~ + ~RandomNum(5,1)~ + ~[PC] Perhaps I will do that. I might be back later.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-araninfo","C-AR01",1)~ + a2474 + ~RandomNum(5,2)~ + ~[PC] Perhaps I will do that. I might be back later.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-araninfo","C-AR01",1)~ + a2475 + ~RandomNum(5,3)~ + ~[PC] Perhaps I will do that. I might be back later.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-araninfo","C-AR01",1)~ + a2476 + ~RandomNum(5,4)~ + ~[PC] Perhaps I will do that. I might be back later.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-araninfo","C-AR01",1)~ + a2477 + ~RandomNum(5,5)~ + ~[PC] Perhaps I will do that. I might be back later.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-araninfo","C-AR01",1)~ + a2478 + ~Global("c-aranemployment","C-AR01",1)~ + ~[PC] I have already met her, thanks. Just show me what you have available.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-araninfo","C-AR01",1)~ + a2472 ++ ~[PC] I wish to peruse your selection of services, if I may.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-araninfo","C-AR01",1)~ + a2472 + ~OR(2) PartyGoldGT(3000) Global("c-awtavkquest","C-AR01",2)~ + ~[PC] I have heard that a wealthy, well connected person might peruse some of the more... interesting wares?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-araninfo","C-AR01",1)~ + a2473 + ~GlobalLT("c-awtavkquest","C-AR01",2) PartyGoldLT(3001)~ + ~[PC] I have heard that a wealthy, well connected person might peruse some of the more... interesting wares?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-araninfo","C-AR01",1)~ + a2443 ++ ~[PC] Are you sure there is nothing else of interest that you might tell me?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-araninfo","C-AR01",1)~ + a2451 ++ ~[PC] I heard you were the right man to sell some goods to, no questions asked.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-araninfo","C-AR01",1)~ + a2479 END IF ~~ a2455 SAY ~[C-AW01TK] My dear , you surprise me! Why, a certain mercenary named Whitehand has expressed just such sentiments. Though you pronounced the words with much clearer diction, and less colorful additions.~ IF ~OR(3) !InParty("c-aran") !InMyArea("c-aran") StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN GOTO a2444 IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN EXTERN C-ARANJ a2497 END IF ~~ a2456 SAY ~[C-AW01TK] I do have a standard response, of course. I find it helps keep customers happy if I am civil, impartial, and dispassionate. It reduces the chances of someone taking offense.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-pctavern","C-AR01",1)~ GOTO a2444 END IF ~~ a2457 SAY ~[C-AW01TK] Blacktalons are welcome here as equally as Solara's Elite. Every mercenary needs a place to go where the battles remain outside, and good stories can be told. If a rust monster from Mindulgulph Mercenaries wants to drink, I will give him a stoneware mug and ask he not drip on the other customers.~ = ~I do draw a clear line, though. A contract is a contract, and I do not serve those who break their word. I have had a Blue Boar thrown out of The Broken Sword, and my word drummed him out of his corps and his noble title. Guild is Guild. You do not break your word to another, though tomorrow you may have to kill them if a contract requires it.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-pctavern","C-AR01",2)~ + a2445 END IF ~~ a2458 SAY ~[C-AW01TK] My drinks often receive compliments, but I rarely hear them giving commentary to my customers, complimentary or not. If you mean give you free access to my wares, I must decline.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-pctavern","C-AR01",3)~ GOTO a2446 END IF ~~ a2459 SAY ~[C-AW01TK] Well, if it were your business, I might be persuaded to answer. Since it is not, I will politely decline to respond.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-pctavern","C-AR01",4)~ GOTO a2445 END IF ~~ a2460 SAY ~[C-AW01TK] Alas, my adventuring consisted of delving deep into a small set of ruins, and being poisoned by the very first trap I encountered. When my party revived me, I decided that support roles were much more my style.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-pctavern","C-AR01",5)~ GOTO a2445 END IF ~~ a2461 SAY ~[C-AW01TK] Erika may be young, but she has spent much of that time fending off unwanted advances from inebriated mercenaries. I think that it would take a very special person to convince her to even attempt a minor flirtation.~ + ~!Global("c-heartwarder","GLOBAL",1)~ + ~[PC] That explains it.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-pctavern","C-AR01",6)~ + a2446 + ~Global("c-heartwarder","GLOBAL",1)~ + ~[PC] Perhaps the grace of Sune will warm her heart, and quell any fears about my interest.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-pctavern","C-AR01",6)~ + a2446 ++ ~[PC] Perhaps I will just let her do her job, and not bother her.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-pctavern","C-AR01",6)~ + a2445 ++ ~[PC] Ah. A conquest. I do like a challenge.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-pctavern","C-AR01",6)~ + a2445 ++ ~[PC] Pity. She could find so much happiness with me.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-pctavern","C-AR01",6)~ + a2467 + ~InPartyAllowDead("c-aran")~ + ~[PC] Perhaps she has a thing for Aran.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-pctavern","C-AR01",6)~ + a2466 END IF ~~ a2462 SAY ~[C-AW01TK] I might be able to find something to complain about, but then I would have to seek out someone who actually cared to listen. So, a polite "everything is going well" will have to suffice.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-pctavern","C-AR01",7)~ GOTO a2446 END /* repeatedly plays at GT(7) to signal that there is no more small-talk */ IF ~~ a2463 SAY ~[C-AW01TK] I have it on good authority that it beats the alternative.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a2445 END IF ~~ a2464 SAY ~[C-AW01TK] I am sure the Copper Coronet could serve you better than I, then. Do come back when you wish fair services rendered for fair prices.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END /* Living Forgotten Realms stuff - not canon, but fun! */ IF ~~ a2465 SAY ~[ARAN] I am afraid that if I granted such requests to every famous or notorious personage ever to grace my establishment, I would no longer be in business. Rustybeard Orcwall himself could not sway me, even if he brought half of the Vilhon Company with him.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a2445 END IF ~~ a2466 SAY ~[ARAN] No, I think that is much more friendly teasing than romance. She has seen enough of Aran's... peculiarities.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a2445 END IF ~~ a2467 SAY ~[ARAN] Undoubtedly.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a2445 END IF ~~ a2468 SAY ~[ARAN] I usually refrain from commenting on a customer's choice in fashion attire. Surprisingly, many mercenaries get a little touchy about the strangest things.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a2445 END IF ~~ a2469 SAY ~[C-AW01TK] I believe that is what I indicated.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a2445 END IF ~~ a2470 SAY ~[C-AW01TK] I do not think negotiation is appropriate at this time. Aran is Guild. That means payoff or any discussion of that comes when he is healthy, present, and part of your team. That is all part of the contract.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a2471 SAY ~[C-AW01TK] Well I do hope you can finish that soon. I need that matter resolved.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a2445 END IF ~~ a2472 SAY ~[C-AW01TK] Certainly, .~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~StartStore("c-awtav1",LastTalkedToBy())~ EXIT END IF ~~ a2473 SAY ~[C-AW01TK] Certainly, . But if the Watch comes calling on me, rest assured the Guild will not take kindly to your interference.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~StartStore("c-awtav2",LastTalkedToBy())~ EXIT END IF ~~ a2474 SAY ~[C-AW01TK] Consider my establishment your home away from home, with the exception of the small matter of remaining fully clothed in all public areas at all times.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a2475 SAY ~[C-AW01TK] Enjoy your time here, then. Just remember, I have decent drinks, reasonable prices, and a low tolerance for shenanigans.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a2476 SAY ~[C-AW01TK] I wish you well, then. Be sure to think of The Broken Sword after your next successful campaign. We handle parties as large as a standard platoon.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a2477 SAY ~[C-AW01TK] Good to you, then. If you happen on jewels and gems in your travels, please remember our services.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a2478 SAY ~[C-AW01TK] A Pearl to you, and to your return visit.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a2479 SAY ~[ARAN] You heard incorrectly. Rather, to be more precise, you received incorrect information. Whether or not your hearing is impaired is something that I cannot judge.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a2445 END /* JOINING INTRODUCTION AND LETTER GIVEN */ IF ~~ a2480 SAY ~[C-AW01TK] I do have a lad who needs some work, if you are hiring. He is a bit rough around the edges, but he means well. Here, take one of his advertisements.~ ++ ~[PC] Thank you.~ DO ~GiveItemCreate("c-alttr1",Player1,0,0,0) SetGlobal("c-orrinbroadside","C-AR01",1)~ + a2482 ++ ~[PC] I'll take a look at it later. Why are you helping him out?~ DO ~GiveItemCreate("c-alttr1",Player1,0,0,0) SetGlobal("c-orrinbroadside","C-AR01",1)~ + a2482 ++ ~[PC] Actually, I am not interested right now. I wish to see your selection of services.~ DO ~GiveItemCreate("c-alttr1",Player1,0,0,0) SetGlobal("c-orrinbroadside","C-AR01",1)~ + a2472 + ~OR(2) PartyGoldGT(3000) Global("c-awtavkquest","C-AR01",2)~ + ~[PC] Sure, sure... but I am more interested in what you can do for me. Rumor has it that a wealthy, well connected person might peruse some of the more... interesting wares?~ DO ~GiveItemCreate("c-alttr1",Player1,0,0,0) SetGlobal("c-orrinbroadside","C-AR01",1)~ + a2473 + ~GlobalLT("c-awtavkquest","C-AR01",2) PartyGoldLT(3001)~ + ~[PC] Sure, sure... but I am more interested in what you can do for me. Rumor has it that a wealthy, well connected person might peruse some of the more... interesting wares?~ DO ~GiveItemCreate("c-alttr1",Player1,0,0,0) SetGlobal("c-orrinbroadside","C-AR01",1)~ + a2443 + ~Global("c-pctavern","C-AR01",0)~ + ~[PC] You seem a little stiff. Do you say the same thing to every customer?~ DO ~GiveItemCreate("c-alttr1",Player1,0,0,0) SetGlobal("c-orrinbroadside","C-AR01",1)~ + a2456 + ~Global("c-pctavern","C-AR01",1)~ + ~[PC] You seem to have a wide variety of people here. Is that man over there really a Mindulgulph?~ DO ~GiveItemCreate("c-alttr1",Player1,0,0,0) SetGlobal("c-orrinbroadside","C-AR01",1)~ + a2457 + ~Global("c-pctavern","C-AR01",2)~ + ~[PC] Perhaps you can lighten up a little, and give out a few complimentary drinks.~ DO ~GiveItemCreate("c-alttr1",Player1,0,0,0) SetGlobal("c-orrinbroadside","C-AR01",1)~ + a2458 + ~Global("c-pctavern","C-AR01",3)~ + ~[PC] So, what is the deal with you and Teldra? Are you two... you know?~ DO ~GiveItemCreate("c-alttr1",Player1,0,0,0) SetGlobal("c-orrinbroadside","C-AR01",1)~ + a2459 + ~Global("c-pctavern","C-AR01",4)~ + ~[PC] I have heard a rumor that you used to be an adventurer yourself.~ DO ~GiveItemCreate("c-alttr1",Player1,0,0,0) SetGlobal("c-orrinbroadside","C-AR01",1)~ + a2460 + ~Global("c-pctavern","C-AR01",5)~ + ~[PC] Is Erika attached? She seems to be unreceptive to flirting.~ DO ~GiveItemCreate("c-alttr1",Player1,0,0,0) SetGlobal("c-orrinbroadside","C-AR01",1)~ + a2461 + ~Global("c-pctavern","C-AR01",6)~ + ~[PC] How are things going around here?~ DO ~GiveItemCreate("c-alttr1",Player1,0,0,0) SetGlobal("c-orrinbroadside","C-AR01",1)~ + a2462 + ~GlobalGT("c-pctavern","C-AR01",6)~ + ~[PC] How is life?~ DO ~GiveItemCreate("c-alttr1",Player1,0,0,0) SetGlobal("c-orrinbroadside","C-AR01",1)~ + a2463 + ~RandomNum(5,1)~ + ~[PC] I think I am done here.~ DO ~GiveItemCreate("c-alttr1",Player1,0,0,0) SetGlobal("c-orrinbroadside","C-AR01",1)~ + a2474 + ~RandomNum(5,2)~ + ~[PC] I think I am done here.~ DO ~GiveItemCreate("c-alttr1",Player1,0,0,0) SetGlobal("c-orrinbroadside","C-AR01",1)~ + a2475 + ~RandomNum(5,3)~ + ~[PC] I think I am done here.~ DO ~GiveItemCreate("c-alttr1",Player1,0,0,0) SetGlobal("c-orrinbroadside","C-AR01",1)~ + a2476 + ~RandomNum(5,4)~ + ~[PC] I think I am done here.~ DO ~GiveItemCreate("c-alttr1",Player1,0,0,0) SetGlobal("c-orrinbroadside","C-AR01",1)~ + a2477 + ~RandomNum(5,5)~ + ~[PC] I think I am done here.~ DO ~GiveItemCreate("c-alttr1",Player1,0,0,0) SetGlobal("c-orrinbroadside","C-AR01",1)~ + a2478 ++ ~[PC] No need for the broadside. I do not want the thing weighing down my pack. But you could tell me where to find him.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-orrinbroadside","C-AR01",1)~ + a2483 END IF ~~ a2481 SAY ~[C-AW01TK] I saw you talking to Teldra, but a copper piece is a copper piece. I get one for every broadsheet I give. I do have a lad who needs some work, if you are hiring. He is a bit rough around the edges, but he means well. Here, take one of these. I insist.~ ++ ~[PC] Thank you.~ DO ~GiveItemCreate("c-alttr1",Player1,0,0,0) SetGlobal("c-orrinbroadside","C-AR01",1)~ + a2482 ++ ~[PC] I wish to peruse your selection of services, if I may.~ DO ~GiveItemCreate("c-alttr1",Player1,0,0,0) SetGlobal("c-orrinbroadside","C-AR01",1)~ + a2472 + ~OR(2) PartyGoldGT(3000) Global("c-awtavkquest","C-AR01",2)~ + ~[PC] Sure, sure... but I am more interested in what you can do for me. I have heard that a wealthy, well connected person might peruse some of the more... interesting wares?~ DO ~GiveItemCreate("c-alttr1",Player1,0,0,0) SetGlobal("c-orrinbroadside","C-AR01",1)~ + a2473 + ~GlobalLT("c-awtavkquest","C-AR01",2) PartyGoldLT(3001)~ + ~[PC] Sure, sure... but I am more interested in what you can do for me. I have heard that a wealthy, well connected person might peruse some of the more... interesting wares?~ DO ~GiveItemCreate("c-alttr1",Player1,0,0,0) SetGlobal("c-orrinbroadside","C-AR01",1)~ + a2443 + ~RandomNum(5,1)~ + ~[PC] I wish nothing at this time.~ DO ~GiveItemCreate("c-alttr1",Player1,0,0,0) SetGlobal("c-orrinbroadside","C-AR01",1)~ + a2474 + ~RandomNum(5,2)~ + ~[PC] I wish nothing at this time.~ DO ~GiveItemCreate("c-alttr1",Player1,0,0,0) SetGlobal("c-orrinbroadside","C-AR01",1)~ + a2475 + ~RandomNum(5,3)~ + ~[PC] I wish nothing at this time.~ DO ~GiveItemCreate("c-alttr1",Player1,0,0,0) SetGlobal("c-orrinbroadside","C-AR01",1)~ + a2476 + ~RandomNum(5,4)~ + ~[PC] I wish nothing at this time.~ DO ~GiveItemCreate("c-alttr1",Player1,0,0,0) SetGlobal("c-orrinbroadside","C-AR01",1)~ + a2477 + ~RandomNum(5,5)~ + ~[PC] I wish nothing at this time.~ DO ~GiveItemCreate("c-alttr1",Player1,0,0,0) SetGlobal("c-orrinbroadside","C-AR01",1)~ + a2478 ++ ~[PC] You have to be joking. He gives you a copper piece for each of these pieces of flimsy woodpulp you hand out? Is it really worth your time?~ DO ~GiveItemCreate("c-alttr1",Player1,0,0,0) SetGlobal("c-orrinbroadside","C-AR01",1)~ + a2482 ++ ~[PC] So, where is this mercenary?~ DO ~GiveItemCreate("c-alttr1",Player1,0,0,0) SetGlobal("c-orrinbroadside","C-AR01",1)~ + a2483 ++ ~[PC] No need for the broadside. I do not want the thing weighing down my pack. But you could tell me where to find him.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-orrinbroadside","C-AR01",1)~ + a2483 END IF ~~ a2482 SAY ~[C-AW01TK] At a copper per broadside given to new customers, I will not gain much. Still, anything that provides a profit, no matter how small, is worth pursuing. In addition, he is running up quite a bar tab, and getting him employed might mean I get some return on my loans to him.~ ++ ~[PC] So... you loan out money? Any chance I could get one of these loans?~ + a2484 ++ ~[PC] I wish to peruse your selection of services, if I may.~ + a2472 + ~OR(2) PartyGoldGT(3000) Global("c-awtavkquest","C-AR01",2)~ + ~[PC] I have heard that a wealthy, well connected person might peruse some of the more... interesting wares?~ + a2473 + ~GlobalLT("c-awtavkquest","C-AR01",2) PartyGoldLT(3001)~ + ~[PC] I have heard that a wealthy, well connected person might peruse some of the more... interesting wares?~ + a2443 + ~RandomNum(5,1)~ + ~[PC] I wish nothing at this time.~ + a2474 + ~RandomNum(5,2)~ + ~[PC] I wish nothing at this time.~ + a2475 + ~RandomNum(5,3)~ + ~[PC] I wish nothing at this time.~ + a2476 + ~RandomNum(5,4)~ + ~[PC] I wish nothing at this time.~ + a2477 + ~RandomNum(5,5)~ + ~[PC] I wish nothing at this time.~ + a2478 ++ ~[PC] So, where is this mercenary?~ + a2483 END IF ~~ a2483 SAY ~[C-AW01TK] Where he always seems to be. Standing at the bar, with my ale running down his throat and my barmaid trading insults with him. Wait... no, he seems to have stepped to the back. Try the center room. There are usually some dice or card games progressing there.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a2484 SAY ~[C-AW01TK] No, I am afraid I am not in a position to help you. I am sure there are others who can do so, but my own ventures have me stretched rather thin right now. Besides, twenty percent is more interest than most are willing to pay.~ ++ ~[PC] I am still interested. Is there nothing I can do to persuade you?~ + a2485 ++ ~[PC] I wish to peruse your selection of services, if I may.~ + a2472 + ~OR(2) PartyGoldGT(3000) Global("c-awtavkquest","C-AR01",2)~ + ~[PC] I have heard that a wealthy, well connected person might peruse some of the more... interesting wares?~ + a2473 + ~GlobalLT("c-awtavkquest","C-AR01",2) PartyGoldLT(3001)~ + ~[PC] I have heard that a wealthy, well connected person might peruse some of the more... interesting wares?~ + a2443 + ~RandomNum(5,1)~ + ~[PC] I wish nothing at this time.~ + a2474 + ~RandomNum(5,2)~ + ~[PC] I wish nothing at this time.~ + a2475 + ~RandomNum(5,3)~ + ~[PC] I wish nothing at this time.~ + a2476 + ~RandomNum(5,4)~ + ~[PC] I wish nothing at this time.~ + a2477 + ~RandomNum(5,5)~ + ~[PC] I wish nothing at this time.~ + a2478 ++ ~[PC] So, where is this mercenary?~ + a2483 END IF ~~ a2485 SAY ~[C-AW01TK] Nothing can sway me, I assure you. I have already tied up any capital I might have. But I do hope you find Whitehand useful. Perhaps he will be able to repay me after some successful adventuring in your company.~ ++ ~[PC] I wish to peruse your selection of services, if I may.~ + a2472 + ~OR(2) PartyGoldGT(3000) Global("c-awtavkquest","C-AR01",2)~ + ~[PC] I have heard that a wealthy, well connected person might peruse some of the more... interesting wares?~ + a2473 + ~GlobalLT("c-awtavkquest","C-AR01",2) PartyGoldLT(3001)~ + ~[PC] I have heard that a wealthy, well connected person might peruse some of the more... interesting wares?~ + a2443 + ~RandomNum(5,1)~ + ~[PC] I wish nothing at this time.~ + a2474 + ~RandomNum(5,2)~ + ~[PC] I wish nothing at this time.~ + a2475 + ~RandomNum(5,3)~ + ~[PC] I wish nothing at this time.~ + a2476 + ~RandomNum(5,4)~ + ~[PC] I wish nothing at this time.~ + a2477 + ~RandomNum(5,5)~ + ~[PC] I wish nothing at this time.~ + a2478 ++ ~[PC] So, where is this mercenary?~ + a2483 END IF ~~ a2486 SAY ~[C-AW01TK] My esteem, and of course permanent access to some of my grander wares, hidden from view of those with little coin. Perhaps even a single jewel, from among my minor wares. It is a small enough task, but as I must get this done immediately I am willing to be magnanimous.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a2489 END IF ~~ a2487 SAY ~[C-AW01TK] Paperwork. The costs of doing business in this fair city do not rest solely with Linvale's tithes and the common bribes to Cowled Enforcers and the Flaming Fist goons. Unfortunately, legitimate businesses have the registry. And since my usual messenger has suddenly become available in a way not favorable to good business, of course the first punishment I receive is an audit.~ ++ ~[PC] I think we can help you accomplish this.~ + a2490 ++ ~[PC] No. I am not interested~ + a2491 ++ ~[PC] Do you really expect me to believe you would send an entire adventuring party to deliver paperwork?~ + a2488 END IF ~~ a2488 SAY ~[C-AW01TK] With the problems and challenges facing this city, I am certain that I wish to ensure safe delivery. I have enough troubles with Linvail right now that I do not wish to antagonize anyone else. It is obvious that the audit I face is a punishment arranged for me, and I wish it to be over without delay or any hint of noncompliance. This is truly a simple delivery, for legitimate business. If you do not wish to help, I will pay the same to the Flaming Fist to have the delivery made.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a2489 END IF ~~ a2489 SAY ~[C-AW01TK] So, will you accept this small task, and gain my esteem and admiration?~ ++ ~[PC] Yes.~ + a2490 ++ ~[PC] No.~ + a2491 ++ ~[PC] Perhaps later.~ + a2491 END IF ~~ a2490 SAY ~[C-AW01TK] I thank you, and my business thanks you.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-awtavkquest","C-AR01",1) GiveItemCreate("c-awpkg1",Player1,0,0,0)~ GOTO a2446 END IF ~~ a2491 SAY ~[C-AW01TK] Ah, I apologize for thinking you would entertain such a menial task. I am afraid the work is time sensitive, so I will find another who can accomplish it. No matter.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a2445 END IF ~~ a2492 SAY ~[C-AW01TK] I can but guess at the troubles that you faced in such an insurmountable task. I shall remain forever in your debt. But my rewards are not negotiable.~ IF ~RandomNum(3,3)~ THEN DO ~TakePartyItem("c-awpkg2") SetGlobal("c-awtavkquest","C-AR01",2) GiveItemCreate("MISC36",Player1,0,0,0)~ EXTERN C-ARANJ a2496 /* pearl */ IF ~RandomNum(3,2)~ THEN DO ~TakePartyItem("c-awpkg2") SetGlobal("c-awtavkquest","C-AR01",2) GiveItemCreate("AMUL05",Player1,0,0,0)~ EXTERN C-ARANJ a2496 /* Studded Necklace with Zios Gems */ IF ~RandomNum(3,1)~ THEN DO ~TakePartyItem("c-awpkg2") SetGlobal("c-awtavkquest","C-AR01",2) GiveItemCreate("RING19",Player1,0,0,0)~ EXTERN C-ARANJ a2496 /* Ruby Ring */ END IF ~~ a2493 SAY ~[C-AW01TK] My thanks for this. I shall remember your kindness, and of course reward your efforts.~ IF ~RandomNum(3,3)~ THEN DO ~TakePartyItem("c-awpkg2") SetGlobal("c-awtavkquest","C-AR01",2) GiveItemCreate("MISC36",Player1,0,0,0)~ EXTERN C-ARANJ a2496 /* pearl */ IF ~RandomNum(3,2)~ THEN DO ~TakePartyItem("c-awpkg2") SetGlobal("c-awtavkquest","C-AR01",2) GiveItemCreate("AMUL05",Player1,0,0,0)~ EXTERN C-ARANJ a2496 /* Studded Necklace with Zios Gems */ IF ~RandomNum(3,1)~ THEN DO ~TakePartyItem("c-awpkg2") SetGlobal("c-awtavkquest","C-AR01",2) GiveItemCreate("RING19",Player1,0,0,0)~ EXTERN C-ARANJ a2496 /* Ruby Ring */ END IF ~~ a2494 SAY ~[C-AW01TK] Of course. Oh my... I seem to have just found a few gems lying about, lonely and unclaimed... I shall go over there and help some customers.~ IF ~RandomNum(3,3)~ THEN DO ~TakePartyItem("c-awpkg2") SetGlobal("c-awtavkquest","C-AR01",2) GiveItemCreate("MISC36",Player1,0,0,0)~ EXTERN C-ARANJ a2496 /* pearl */ IF ~RandomNum(3,2)~ THEN DO ~TakePartyItem("c-awpkg2") SetGlobal("c-awtavkquest","C-AR01",2) GiveItemCreate("AMUL05",Player1,0,0,0)~ EXTERN C-ARANJ a2496 /* Studded Necklace with Zios Gems */ IF ~RandomNum(3,1)~ THEN DO ~TakePartyItem("c-awpkg2") SetGlobal("c-awtavkquest","C-AR01",2) GiveItemCreate("RING19",Player1,0,0,0)~ EXTERN C-ARANJ a2496 /* Ruby Ring */ END IF ~~ a2507 SAY ~[C-AW01TK] This is awkward. I do not ordinarily serve those who break contracts. Teldra is my biggest source of income, and she has indicated she feels you have broken your word. Ordinarily, I would simply refuse to serve you.~ = ~[C-AW01TK] Unfortunately, I did make a contract with you, if only a paltry one. And I do not break my word. So, grudgingly, I will honor my contract.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~StartStore("c-awtav2",LastTalkedToBy())~ EXIT END IF ~~ a2508 SAY ~[C-AW01TK] Ah, I must not have made myself clear. Teldra contracts mercenaries. Therefore, mercenaries come here, and they spend coin. They trade for gems and jewelry. They talk to each other, and they drink. If Teldra goes away, most of my business follows her.~ = ~[C-AW01TK] In addition, I have a reputation to maintain. I serve Blue Boar and Blacktalon equally, under the bond that says 'a contract is a contract - nothing personal'. That only works when everyone knows there is a single golden rule... don't break a contract.~ = ~[C-AW01TK] So, I am afraid that you have become persona non grata here. I am sure you can find another establishment to frequent. Do have a nice day.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a2509 SAY ~[C-AW01TK] I am sure you can find some place more suited to your kind. Your abrupt departure would be appreciated.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END END /* of APPEND to C-AW01TK */ CHAIN C-ARANJ a2495 ~[C-ARAN] Now, to be fair, there have been a few o' these what turned out to be true adventures, eh? Just not this one.~ == JAHEIRAJ IF ~InParty("Jaheira") InMyArea("Jaheira") !StateCheck("Jaheira",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[JAHEIRA] We waste time with such diversions.~ == KELDORJ IF ~InParty("Keldorn") InMyArea("Keldorn") !StateCheck("Keldorn",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[KELDORN] It is hardly an intrusion. A small task, helping a citizen deal with the governance of this city. The Council rules as they will, and everyone knows this. We can show honor in even minor matters, if we treat the task with respect.~ /* keldorj.d 172 */ == KORGANJ IF ~InParty("Korgan") InMyArea("Korgan") !StateCheck("Korgan",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[KORGAN] Well, the pay best be bloody well worth it, if I'm to be wandering through the wilderness, hacking away at bears and squirrels and other such beasties.~ /* koganj.d 51 */ == AERIEJ IF ~InParty("Aerie") InMyArea("Aerie") !StateCheck("Aerie",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[AERIE] I... I am not sure any of them have turned out to be so simple.~ == MAZZYJ IF ~InParty("Mazzy") InMyArea("Mazzy") !StateCheck("Mazzy",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[MAZZY] Arvoreen will reward us for our patience. I do think there are more important matters to attend to, though.~ == EDWINJ IF ~InParty("Edwin") InMyArea("Edwin") !StateCheck("Edwin",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[EDWIN] You must be a mad! Is this all that we are to be used for, now? Some minor errand?~ == ANOMENJ IF ~InParty("Anomen") InMyArea("Anomen") !StateCheck("Anomen",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ANOMEN] There must be more noble tasks than acting as couriers for minor townspeople. It would be well for the opportunity to present itself immediately.~ == YOSHJ IF ~InParty("Yoshimo") InMyArea("Yoshimo") !StateCheck("Yoshimo",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[YOSHIMO] One takes what opportunities are presented.~ == JANJ IF ~InParty("Jan") InMyArea("Jan") !StateCheck("Jan",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[JAN] Speaking of opportunities, have I told you about my Uncle Roderick? He was a messenger for years. He finally retired when the cost of Raise Dead spells outweighed his yearly profits.~ == VICONIJ IF ~InParty("Viconia") InMyArea("Viconia") !StateCheck("Viconia",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[VICONIA] Didn't it seem simpler, easier in flavor? There were less entanglements, far less chaos. We aren't always exploring some dank, ruined place.~ /* bviconi.d 75 with one word change */ == HAERDAJ IF ~InParty("HaerDalis") InMyArea("HaerDalis") !StateCheck("HaerDalis",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[HAERDALIS] Ah, but true adventures require the flight of fancy, the excitement of risk.~ == NALIAJ IF ~InParty("Nalia") InMyArea("Nalia") !StateCheck("Nalia",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[NALIA] Look at it this way: perhaps it is just the gods' way of telling you that there are far more people who need assistance in minor ways than in major ways, yes?~ /* naliaj 133 rewrite */ == C-AW01TK ~[C-AW01TK] You do seem to be a talkative lot. No matter. I appreciate your attention to this small matter.~ END IF ~~ THEN EXTERN C-AW01TK a2493 CHAIN C-ARANJ a2496 ~[C-ARAN] I should have guessed Orrin would be payin' off usin' stock. His business has not been that solid lately, on account o' all th' hirin' out. Everyone comes in tradin' for coin, then spendin' it on gear an' such elsewhere.~ == EDWINJ IF ~InParty("Edwin") InMyArea("Edwin") !StateCheck("Edwin",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[EDWIN] (mutter) Should have left the lot of you log ago.~ /* edwinj.d 147 */ == HAERDAJ IF ~InParty("HaerDalis") InMyArea("HaerDalis") !StateCheck("HaerDalis",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[HAERDALIS] The reward is not as interesting as the task, my sparrows... or, perhaps it is.~ == JAHEIRAJ IF ~InParty("Jaheira") InMyArea("Jaheira") !StateCheck("Jaheira",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[JAHEIRA] I told you we were wasting our time with minor distractions.~ == JANJ IF ~InParty("Jan") InMyArea("Jan") !StateCheck("Jan",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[JAN] Ah, jewels and gems. My Cousin Gardenia had a soft spot for all things sparkley and shiny. When her husband Oneshoe passed away, she showed up at his funeral destitute. The family asked where all of their money had gone, and she gave an accounting... 50 gold for the funeral, 200 gold for the mourners, 500 gold to the Temple, and 20,000 gold for the memorial stone. We all asked, of course, how large a 20,000 gold piece memorial stone was.~ == JANJ IF ~InParty("Jan") InMyArea("Jan") !StateCheck("Jan",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[JAN] Her reply was to show her left hand, and say 'Five carats'.~ == KELDORJ IF ~InParty("Keldorn") InMyArea("Keldorn") !StateCheck("Keldorn",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[KELDORN] We need no reward, and I would not accept. , however, leads this party. ~ /* keldorj.d 193 */ == KORGANJ IF ~InParty("Korgan") InMyArea("Korgan") !StateCheck("Korgan",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[KORGAN] Aye, now, there it is. There be no profit it in these scrawny innkeepers. At least they serve ale.~ /* korganj.d 47 */ == NALIAJ IF ~InParty("Nalia") InMyArea("Nalia") !StateCheck("Nalia",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[NALIA] It's not a matter of what he has to offer, but what we should offer his kind. I am sure he simply does not have the resources to give more. Helping the less fortunate is worth a little walk.~ /* naliaj 32 rewrite */ == VICONIJ IF ~InParty("Viconia") InMyArea("Viconia") !StateCheck("Viconia",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[VICONIA] It would not be adequate regardless. I suspect magical torture would make him much more forthcoming.~ /* bviconi.d 20 */ == ANOMENJ IF ~InParty("Anomen") InMyArea("Anomen") !StateCheck("Anomen",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ANOMEN] Then enough talk. Go! Let us travel onward, for my patience is at an end.~ END ++ ~[PC] Well, a simple quest gets a simple reward.~ EXIT ++ ~[PC] Orrin owes me access to his best items now. A quick favor, with a good return on the investment.~ EXIT ++ ~[PC] The standard letdown. I drag myself around Faerun doing odd little favors here and there, for little or no reward. I need a drink.~ EXIT ++ ~[PC] Perhaps I shall teach Orrin a lesson. No one turns me into a messenger and then drops a paltry gem an vague promises. I expected hard, cold coin, and a good deal of it.~ EXIT ++ ~[PC] Coin and a few gems, for walking back and forth with a package? I was lucky to get a coin or two for fetching Hull's sword for him back in Candlekeep. I think I have come up in the world.~ EXIT CHAIN C-ARANJ a2497 ~[ARAN] I did no such thing, you stuck-up ol' bugger!~ == C-AW01TK ~[C-AW01TK] Really? Ah, you are correct, of course. You could not spell 'supercilious', let alone say it. My error, I do so apologize.~ == C-ARANJ ~[ARAN] No worries. It is tough for you, after all, stuck in this place all day, wi' no hope o' adventure. Makes a sorry life, eh?~ == C-AW01TK ~[C-AW01TK] I shall endeavor to live vicariously through your heroic efforts, of course. By the way, you still have not made your latest payment...~ == C-ARANJ ~[ARAN] Oh, blighted... right. I will get that to you by th' end o' th' tenday.~ END IF ~~ THEN EXTERN C-AW01TK a2445 CHAIN ~C-AW01TK~ a2498 ~[C-AW01TK] You have Whitehand along, which makes it unlikely you would successfully make it past two orcs and a kobold. Do I need to say more?~ == C-ARANJ ~[ARAN] Grumbar's Clay Fists, that be right mean! I say bugger off, you blighted ol' jackass!~ == C-AW01TK ~[C-AW01TK] Now, now... it was a jest. Seriously, I hesitated to suggest the menial messenger task, but I need to get this done immediately. And despite our verbal acrimony, Whitehand can be trusted. therefore, you probably can be trusted.~ END IF ~~ THEN EXTERN C-AW01TK a2489 CHAIN ~C-AW01TK~ a2499 ~[C-AW01TK] Perhaps you are looking to settle Whitehand's accounts? ~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arantavern","C-AR01",1)~ == C-ARANJ ~[ARAN] Now, I done settled wi' you clean an' fair, Orrin. Don't be playin' any games wi' my employers, eh?~ == C-AW01TK ~[C-AW01TK] Why, so you did. Well, you can't blame me for trying, of course. It is all part of the job.~ END IF ~~ THEN EXTERN C-AW01TK a2445 CHAIN ~C-AW01TK~ a2500 ~[C-AW01TK] I see that you have been unable to remove Aran's presence from your company. Perhaps I can interest you in a wide assortment of mercenary-be-gone amulets?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arantavern","C-AR01",2)~ == C-ARANJ ~[ARAN] Oh, funny, you jewel of a man. Just remember who knows what an' how, eh?~ == C-AW01TK ~[C-AW01TK] Of course. I do so enjoy our little sparring, Whitehand.~ END IF ~~ THEN EXTERN C-AW01TK a2446 CHAIN ~C-AW01TK~ a2501 ~[C-AW01TK] By now, I am sure the esteemed mercenary Whitehand has appraised you of my interest in any jewels or jewelry that you might come across in your travels...~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arantavern","C-AR01",3)~ == C-ARANJ ~[ARAN] Actually, you told me to keep my fat mouth shut, an' I did. So who be th' blabbermouth now, eh?~ == C-AW01TK ~[C-AW01TK] My, I am astounded. Well, no matter. I am a collector, of course. So if anything does happen to cross your path, I would be very interested.~ END IF ~~ THEN GOTO a2445 CHAIN ~C-AW01TK~ a2502 ~[C-AW01TK] I see that you have not yet succumbed to the inevitable death and destruction inherent in your profession, Aran.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arantavern","C-AR01",4)~ == C-ARANJ ~[ARAN] Well, I wouldn't exactly say that, now. But it be true I haven't taken up no permanent job pushin' up flowers from underneath, so to speak.~ == C-AW01TK ~[C-AW01TK] It is a blessing and a pearl that you have not yet been torn from our presence and sent along the Great Wheel.~ END IF ~~ THEN EXTERN C-AW01TK a2446 CHAIN ~C-AW01TK~ a2503 ~[C-AW01TK] And Aran, I do have a letter for you. One straight from Waterdeep, I might add. It is yours for only four iron crescents.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arantavern","C-AR01",5)~ == C-ARANJ ~[ARAN] Right, then. It came paid, on account o' she never sends anythin' unpaid. But here be a crescent for your troubles.~ == C-AW01TK ~[C-AW01TK] Why, so it did. It must have slipped my mind. Your letter, sir. Do you require my literary services to decrypt the contents? I am not sure that you can actually read.~ == C-ARANJ ~[ARAN] Funny, there. On account o' you had me run up two sets o' books for you, an' get that contract work all squared away. But you'd forget your arse, if it weren't stuck right on your face permanent-like.~ END IF ~~ THEN EXTERN C-AW01TK a2445 CHAIN ~C-AW01TK~ a2504 ~[C-AW01TK] Ah, ... well met. Aran, given our longstanding friendship and good relations...~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arantavern","C-AR01",6)~ == C-ARANJ ~[ARAN] Cut the bullshit an' stop lyin' through your nose, you soddy ol' bastard. What do you be wantin'?~ == C-AW01TK ~[C-AW01TK] As gracefully eloquent as ever, I see. Actually, I would say this is so meager a request that only you need to be present, but perhaps your adventuring party might enjoy a small walk in the fresh air.~ == C-ARANJ ~[ARAN] Your regular messenger get sick?~ == C-AW01TK ~[C-AW01TK] In a manner of speaking. Apparently he developed sticky palms, and Linvail had them cured.~ == C-ARANJ ~[ARAN] That were nice o' him. Do we now call th' lad Righty, or Lefty?~ == C-AW01TK ~[C-AW01TK] I am afraid we call him Dusty.~ == C-ARANJ ~[ARAN] Oh, now, that changes things a mite. Nothin' like goin' straight to the heart o' the matter.~ == C-AW01TK ~[C-AW01TK] In this case, I am afraid Linvail felt this was a matter of head rather than heart.~ == C-ARANJ ~[ARAN] Nothin' messes up your day more than losin' your head, that be for sure. So, you need somethin' delivered?~ == C-AW01TK ~[C-AW01TK] Yes, and I am ashamed to say it is even a legitimate delivery, one to the Government District. A small package, delivered to Corneil at the Council Building.~ END ++ ~[PC] What is the reward?~ EXTERN C-AW01TK a2486 ++ ~[PC] I suppose there will be trouble, and we will get into a fight, and nothing will be as it appears...~ EXTERN C-AW01TK a2498 ++ ~[PC] This is a small enough task. I think we can help you.~ EXTERN C-AW01TK a2490 ++ ~[PC] No thank you. I have had my fill of wandering Faerun as an itinerant errand.~ EXTERN C-AW01TK a2491 ++ ~[PC] What is in the package?~ + a2487 CHAIN ~C-AW01TK~ a2505 ~[C-AW01TK] And Aran, you look as... distinctive, I would say, as the day I met you.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arantavern","C-AR01",7)~ == C-ARANJ ~[ARAN] An' you are th' same ol' slick bastard what emptied my purse an' delivered me up to Teldra wi' a smile an' bow, eh?~ == C-AW01TK ~[C-AW01TK] Just business, of course. And you have prospered, from what I can see.~ END IF ~~ THEN EXTERN C-AW01TK a2446 CHAIN ~C-AW01TK~ a2506 ~[C-AW01TK] You seem as aware as you usually are, Aran. I do hope the cooking experiments are more successful now?~ == C-ARANJ ~[ARAN] I don't rightly hear no complaints.~ == C-AW01TK ~[C-AW01TK] You must be traveling with such polite companions, then. I feel sure that they will appreciate a well cooked meal from this fair establishment.~ END IF ~~ THEN EXTERN C-AW01TK a2445 /* Fight or Flight, otherwise known as The Big Valley, PC initiated in C-AR01 */ APPEND C-TORAN IF ~RandomNum(3,3) Global("c-arantoran","GLOBAL",3)~ THEN BEGIN a2511 SAY ~[C-TORAN] Hey, don't poke me... I don't want any trouble.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~RandomNum(3,2) Global("c-arantoran","GLOBAL",3)~ THEN BEGIN a2512 SAY ~[C-TORAN] Worst deal I even made. I'll move over here, out of the way.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~RandomNum(3,1) Global("c-arantoran","GLOBAL",3)~ THEN BEGIN a2513 SAY ~[C-TORAN] No problem here. I will keep my mouth shut.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~RandomNum(3,3) Global("c-arantoran","GLOBAL",0)~ THEN BEGIN a2514 SAY ~[C-TORAN] Just drinking my wages, same as always.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~RandomNum(3,2) Global("c-arantoran","GLOBAL",0)~ THEN BEGIN a2515 SAY ~[C-TORAN] Every time I get a contract finished, I say I am going to quit and invest the money. Then I come here, and all I invest in is more drink.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~RandomNum(3,1) Global("c-arantoran","GLOBAL",0)~ THEN BEGIN a2516 SAY ~[C-TORAN] Too many contracts for guard duty. It starts to eat at you, standing there for hours, watching a wall. Makes a man want to drink.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END END /* of append */ /* Romance or Fun Encounters : The Big Valley, Fight or Flight */ CHAIN IF WEIGHT #-1 ~Global("c-arantoran","GLOBAL",2)~ THEN C-TORAN a2517 ~[TORAN] The here tells me you used to serve with the pukes that call themselves the Flaming Fist.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arantoran","GLOBAL",3)~ == C-ARANJ ~[ARAN] Now then, you are a big strappin' boy, you are. I might have. What be your problem wi' th 'Fist?~ == C-TORAN ~[C-TORAN] The cowardly crabs got into my business.~ == C-ARANJ ~[ARAN] What business was that?~ == C-TORAN ~[C-TORAN] None of yours. You talk like a 'Fist, asking lots of questions.~ == C-ARANJ ~[ARAN] Always pokin' my nose in, that be me.~ == C-TORAN ~[C-TORAN] I don't like you.~ == C-ARANJ ~[ARAN] That be your prerogative, now, don't it.~ == C-TORAN ~[C-TORAN] I think you look like a drow-loving orc that has been used too many times in a pleasure pit.~ == C-ARANJ ~[ARAN] An' I be thinkin' that you are a mite bit slow, an' perhaps a bit drunk. So run along, laddie, an' you an' me, we'll ignore each other, eh?~ == C-TORAN ~[C-TORAN] The Fist is a bunch of cowardly orc-loving bastards, and it is a pity every last one of them wasn't killed when the Iron Throne took over. They should have screamed their last breaths on the torturers wheel, instead of throwing their lives away protecting vermin.~ == C-ARANJ ~[ARAN] Bugger off.~ == C-TORAN ~[C-TORAN] I said you are a coward, an orc-loving drow-screwing piece of filth who needs to be cleaned up by his mommy. Now what are you gonna do about it?~ == C-AW01TK ~[C-AW01TK] Bets pay off here. That was five provocations before Aran punched him. Erika, you owe me two tradebars.~ == C-ARANJ ~[ARAN] I'm right sorry, I am. I done spilled some o' my drink on that poor boy's head. Well, I suppose it might wash some o' th' blood away, anyways. Orrin, a refill, eh? An' one for my fine friend here, too. What did that little 'entertainment' set you back, ?~ END + ~Gender(Player1,FEMALE)~ + ~[PC] What are you talking about? That drunk accosted me, and pawed at me. I told him you were with the 'Fist to get him off of my back! I expected you to protect my honor.~ EXTERN C-ARANJ a2520 ++ ~[PC] 2 gold for the attack, 5 gold for learning what words to say to you.~ EXTERN C-ARANJ a2519 ++ ~[PC] You disappoint me. I thought you would fight like a man, and take your time killing him piece by piece.~ EXTERN C-ARANJ a2518 + ~Gender(Player1,FEMALE)~ + ~[PC] Not enough, apparently. A girl can only do so much. It might be more fun if you were the one provoking, and sending them to me to be sliced and diced. You just keep refusing to do that.~ EXTERN C-ARANJ a2518 + ~Gender(Player1,FEMALE)~ + ~[PC] I brought you a present. A strong young buck, all ready to be clobbered. I like watching your muscles ripple as you manhandle someone. It is... exciting.~ EXTERN C-ARANJ a2520 + ~Gender(Player1,MALE)~ + ~[PC] You looked like you needed a good fight to clear your head. You moved too quickly, though. I thought it would last longer.~ EXTERN C-ARANJ a2520 + ~Gender(Player1,MALE)~ + ~[PC] Impressive. I wanted to see exactly how much control you have outside of the battlefield.~ EXTERN C-ARANJ a2521 + ~Gender(Player1,MALE)~ + ~[PC] Why did you wait so long? I would have punched him much earlier.~ EXTERN C-ARANJ a2521 APPEND C-ARANJ IF ~~ a2518 SAY ~[ARAN] That might be your idea o' 'fun', , but not mine. I don't see no sport in goadin' drunks to their death, when they be no more threat than a fly 'til they get their wings torn off. To each their own, I suppose.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~ActionOverride("c-toran",PlayDead(240))~ EXIT END IF ~~ a2519 SAY ~[ARAN] Aye, thought as much. Next time, don't be given too much coachin', eh? Th' giveaway was that a man what can't take a dump wi' out lookin' up how to say 'grunt' said somethin' like 'screamed out their last breaths'. Boys like him, they got two words... 'drink', an' 'screw'. Wi' him, I'm not sure he'd know what th' second was nohow.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~ActionOverride("c-toran",PlayDead(240))~ EXIT END IF ~~ a2520 SAY ~[ARAN] Well, no real harm done. Th' lad was probably lookin' for a good solid barfight to let off some steam. He got what he had comin' to him. Thing is, I don't rightly think we want that level o' attention right now. Mayhap next time, things will be a little easier, an' we can have a good rough 'n tumble. But tonight, I figured it be a bad idea.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~ActionOverride("c-toran",PlayDead(240))~ EXIT END IF ~~ a2521 SAY ~[ARAN] I can control myself right fine when push comes to shove. I get that way on account o' I don't want to start somethin' unless it be necessary. Once it be started, I have to finish it. I learned that th' hard way up in Targos, talkin' bigger than I could fight. Took three weeks, an' more than a few healin' potions.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~ActionOverride("c-toran",PlayDead(240))~ EXIT END IF ~~ a2700 SAY ~[ARAN] You... fine. You want to be that way, it be your loss. I have more interestin' women to hunt anyways. Ones what appreciate what I can give.~ = ~[ARAN] You know, I deserve a bit more than to be dumped in th' refuse pit like I was some cast-off toy. You yank me out o' my life an' drag me here... just lookin' to screw wi' my life an' torture me before discardin' me on th' trash heap? Mayhap I be rough an' not th' finest, but I be bloody loyal.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranflirtstop","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranfight","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",3)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a2702 SAY ~[ARAN] Aye, now... that be a plan I can live with. I might even seal it wi' a kiss, when there be none to see. You will just have to be expectin' th' unexpected.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranflirtstop","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobal("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",2)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a2701 SAY ~[ARAN] Mayhap I have been knocked on th' head, but I am sure I would remember anythin' to do with you, . I... why, what do you know that I don't?~ ++ ~[PC] You remember it correctly, Aran. I was just teasing you.~ + a2703 ++ ~[PC] You remember it correctly, Aran. All except.. well, I thought we had a few stray glances, and the way your eyes look at me, I think you want more than just a little friendship. Nothing has really happened.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aransex","GLOBAL",0)~ + a2703 ++ ~[PC] Shall I jog your memory, and describe some of the things we have done together?~ + a2705 ++ ~[PC] No. I think you have it just the way I want it. Thank the gods for memory lapses.~ + a2703 END IF ~~ a2705 SAY ~[ARAN] I would love that.~ ++ ~[PC] You remember it correctly, Aran. I was just teasing you.~ + a2703 ++ ~[PC] You remember it correctly, Aran. All except the stray glances, whispers, and the way you look at me. It is like you are hungry, but not for food.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aransex","GLOBAL",0)~ + a2703 ++ ~[PC] You remember it correctly, Aran. All except the bold glances, whispered conversations, and some very deep kisses.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aransex","GLOBAL",1)~ + a2704 ++ ~[PC] You remember it correctly, Aran. All except the stolen whispered conversations, the feel of your fingers tracing runes my body, the feel of the bare skin of your chest under my palms... and kisses that set us both on fire.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aransex","GLOBAL",2)~ + a2704 ++ ~[PC] Aran... we have spent so much time together, the only thing we haven't done is... ~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aransex","GLOBAL",3)~ + a2704 ++ ~[PC] Aran... I know the touch of you, the feel of all you, and that little strained look you get just before you... ~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aransex","GLOBAL",4)~ + a2704 ++ ~[PC] No. I think you have it just the way I want it. Thank the gods for memory lapses.~ + a2703 END IF ~~ a2703 SAY ~[ARAN] Well, you had me off balance, there. I be right happy we both agree. I was worried, mayhap because any time a woman asks about 'relationship status', there be a powerful lot o' pitfalls an' traps a lad can fall into, eh?~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a2704 SAY ~[ARAN] I can stop you right there, with a kiss. I can't rightly forget anythin' about us, but it sure does feel good to hear you speakin' o' us like this. I was just a mite off balance, is all. Mayhap because any time a woman asks about 'relationship status', there be a powerful lot o' pitfalls an' traps a lad can fall into, eh?~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",1)~ EXIT END END /* hey, go figure - we have put philosophy, religion, music, death, life, fighting, making up, rebirth, destruction, sex, romance, dysfunction, and redemption in this mod... heck, why not throw in the whole kit and kaboodle, and add taxes? */ EXTEND_TOP ~HABREGA~ 0 IF ~PartyHasItem("c-awpkg1")~ THEN REPLY ~[PC] I have to deliver this from Orrin at The Broken Sword. Where do I go?~ + a2523 END APPEND HABREGA IF ~~ a2523 SAY ~[BREGA] That looks like a standard tax form. Any of the clerks here can help you.~ + ~GlobalGT("M#AmberRescue","GLOBAL",4)~ + ~[PC] The last time I tried this, there was a big hassle with forms and stamping and getting the documentation right... and all I wanted to do was get authorization to talk to a prisoner here.~ + a2525 ++ ~[PC] Thank you. Have a good .~ EXIT ++ ~[PC] Clerks. I would rather entrust you with this.~ + a2525 ++ ~[PC] Do I look like the type of person who bothers with intermediaries and minor functionaries?~ + a2525 ++ ~[PC] Does everything in this city always end up in the Government District?~ + a2524 END IF ~~ a2524 SAY ~[BREGA] Most of the commerce and management comes through here, of course. This is not a small backwater town. It takes a large civil service to handle and balance the needs of the citizens.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a2525 END IF ~~ a2525 SAY ~[BREGA] There is no need for concern. You hand that to a clerk, and they give you a standard receipt.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END END /* of append */ ADD_STATE_TRIGGER ~CIVIL01~ 0 ~!PartyHasItem("c-awpkg1")~ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ADD_STATE_TRIGGER ~CIVIL02~ 0 ~!PartyHasItem("c-awpkg1")~ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ADD_STATE_TRIGGER ~CIVIL03~ 0 ~!PartyHasItem("c-awpkg1")~ 1 2 3 4 ADD_STATE_TRIGGER ~CLERK01~ 0 ~!PartyHasItem("c-awpkg1")~ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 CHAIN IF WEIGHT #-1 ~PartyHasItem("c-awpkg1")~ THEN CLERK01 a2554 ~[CLERK01] Move along, please. I am on break.~ == C-ARANJ IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Are you th' person to see about delivering some paperwork?~ == CLERK01 IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[CLERK01] Yes.~ == C-ARANJ IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Well, can you just take this here package an' hand us a receipt, eh?~ == CLERK01 IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[CLERK01] No.~ == C-ARANJ IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] It looks like they be right there. There, on th' left.~ == CLERK01 IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[CLERK01] Yes.~ == C-ARANJ IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] So, do a good deed, eh, an' just hand over th' receipt.~ == CLERK01 IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[CLERK01] I am on break.~ END + ~GlobalGT("M#AmberRescue","GLOBAL",3)~ + ~[PC] I don't believe this. I am going to get the runaround again, aren't I?~ + a2526 ++ ~[PC] I have to deliver this from Orrin at The Broken Sword. He needs a receipt.~ + a2526 ++ ~[PC] Never mind... I may come back later.~ + a2526 ++ ~[PC] Do you actually do anything around here except shuffle paper and waste people's time?~ + a2526 ++ ~[PC] What if I told you I have a tax form with completely inaccurate figures, manufactured to make sure it appears that little or no income was taken in?~ + a2526 ++ ~[PC] What does a winsome minor government functionary do to relax, anyways? I find a man with inkstains on his fingers so... appealing.~ + a2526 APPEND CLERK01 IF ~~ a2526 SAY ~[CLERK01] Look, I get a few minutes peace per shift. It isn't much. Then it is back to long lines of people who want detailed explanations about things way above my pay grade. Meaningless forms that disappear into an abyss never to see the light of day.~ = ~[CLERK01] Please, just go find one of the other three scribes. They can help you. I am on break.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END END /* of append */ CHAIN IF WEIGHT #-1 ~PartyHasItem("c-awpkg1")~ THEN CIVIL01 a2527 ~[CIVIL01] Next, please... what can I do for you today?~ == C-ARANJ IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Hey, can you...~ == CIVIL01 IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[CIVIL01] No, for the thousandth time, no. I don't handle civil service recruitment. I do not have an employment form. I can't help you get a job scribing here.~ == C-ARANJ IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Blighted hells, I done got me a job already! We aren't here on account o' that.~ END + ~GlobalGT("M#AmberRescue","GLOBAL",3)~ + ~[PC] I am not going to get the runaround again, am I?~ + a2528 ++ ~[PC] I have to deliver this from Orrin at The Broken Sword. He needs a receipt.~ DO ~TakePartyItem("c-awpkg1")~ + a2529 ++ ~[PC] Never mind... I may come back later.~ + a2531 ++ ~[PC] Do you actually do anything around here except shuffle paper and waste people's time?~ + a2532 ++ ~[PC] What if I told you I had a tax form with completely inaccurate figures, manufactured to make sure it appears that little or no income was taken in?~ + a2535 ++ ~[PC] What does a winsome minor government functionary do to relax, anyways? I find a man with inkstains on his fingers so... appealing.~ + a2534 APPEND CIVIL01 IF ~~ a2528 SAY ~[CIVIL01] I just do my job. Is that a Writ of Quarterly Taxable Income, Commercial, Standard Form you have there?~ ++ ~[PC] Yes. Can I get a receipt?~ DO ~TakePartyItem("c-awpkg1")~ + a2530 ++ ~[PC] No. It is a Writ of Quarterly Bribes to BloodSucking Bloated Government Toadies Who Mess With People Because They Can With Impunity, Long Form. Here, take it. I will not tell you where you can put it... I leave that to your imagination.~ DO ~TakePartyItem("c-awpkg1")~ + a2533 ++ ~[PC] Actually, I am not sure what this is. I was told to deliver it, and get a receipt.~ DO ~TakePartyItem("c-awpkg1")~ + a2530 ++ ~[PC] You look like an interesting person. What are you doing after work?~ + a2534 ++ ~[PC] I was supposed to deliver this, but I think I will wait for a bit.~ + a2531 ++ ~[PC] What if I told you these were completely inaccurate figures, manufactured to make sure it appears that little or no income was taken in?~ + a2535 END IF ~~ a2529 SAY ~[CIVIL01] Ah, yes. A Writ of Quarterly Taxable Income, Commercial, Standard Form. My signature... here. I have received this on behalf of the City and its Citizens. Here is a receipt for The Broken Sword's accounts and its owner of record, one Orrin Thedale, resident of aforementioned premises. Next in line, step up...~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~GiveItemCreate("c-awpkg2",Player1,0,0,0)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a2530 SAY ~[CIVIL01] Right. My signature... here. I have received this on behalf of the City and its Citizens. Here is a receipt for The Broken Sword's accounts and its owner of record, one Orrin Thedale, resident of aforementioned premises. Next in line, step up...~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~GiveItemCreate("c-awpkg2",Player1,0,0,0)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a2531 SAY ~[CIVIL01] I will be here. Unfortunately. Counting the days until retirement.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a2532 SAY ~[CIVIL01] Nope.~ = ~[CIVIL01] Move along, then. There are other people in line.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a2533 SAY ~[CIVIL01] There is no call for that attitude. Here is your receipt. The Citizens of this Fair City thank you. NEXT.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~GiveItemCreate("c-awpkg2",Player1,0,0,0)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a2534 SAY ~[CIVIL01] Bribing a government official is not allowed. Charming them is frowned on, and raising their hopes of a wild time on the town with you only to be left miserable and heartbroken is just plain mean. Besides, you are not my type. Do you have business, or shall I call the guard?~ ++ ~[PC] Whoa, I didn't mean... look, here is something from Orrin over at The Broken Sword. Can I get a receipt?~ DO ~TakePartyItem("c-awpkg1")~ + a2530 ++ ~[PC] Forget I said anything. I have a Writ of Quarterly Bribes to BloodSucking Bloated Government Toadies. Here, take it. I will not tell you where you can put it... I leave that to your imagination.~ DO ~TakePartyItem("c-awpkg1")~ + a2533 ++ ~[PC] Jump to conclusions much? Here. I am not sure what this is. I was told to deliver it, and get a receipt.~ DO ~TakePartyItem("c-awpkg1")~ + a2530 ++ ~[PC] I was supposed to deliver this, but I think I will wait for a bit. Perhaps someone else can help me.~ + a2532 ++ ~[PC] What if I told you I had a tax form from The Broken Sword that has completely inaccurate figures, manufactured to make sure it appears that little or no income was taken in?~ + a2535 ++ ~[PC] Your loss. Pity, too... I can be very fun. Very. Anyways, here is something from The Broken Sword.~ + a2530 END IF ~~ a2535 SAY ~[CIVIL01] I could not care less. That is not my department. You could talk to the Auditor General, but the last three AG's have died under mysterious circumstances and the post has been vacant for at least two years. So, do you have something to give me, or not?~ ++ ~[PC] Yes. Can I get a receipt?~ DO ~TakePartyItem("c-awpkg1")~ + a2530 ++ ~[PC] No. It is a Writ of Quarterly Bribes to BloodSucking Bloated Government Toadies Who Mess With People Because They Can, Long Form. Here, take it. I will not tell you where you can put it... I leave that to your imagination.~ DO ~TakePartyItem("c-awpkg1")~ + a2533 ++ ~[PC] Actually, I am not sure what this is. I was told to deliver it, and get a receipt.~ DO ~TakePartyItem("c-awpkg1")~ + a2530 ++ ~[PC] I was supposed to deliver this, but I think I will wait for a bit.~ + a2531 END END /* of append */ CHAIN IF WEIGHT #-1 ~PartyHasItem("c-awpkg1")~ THEN CIVIL02 a2536 ~[CIVIL02] Step closer, please. May I help you?~ == C-ARANJ IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] No worries, I am not here for a job. I done found one.~ == CIVIL02 IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[CIVIL02] Now that is a pity. They just reopened a search for a new Auditor General, and I thought immediately of you.~ == C-ARANJ IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Well, that is right kind o' you. Auditor General, eh? That sounds important.~ == CIVIL02 IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[CIVIL02] It is important enough that the last three people to hold that office met mysterious ends.~ == C-ARANJ IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Sounds about like my current contract. Only not so much on th' mysterious.... usually, I can see what be about to kill me in plenty o' time to wonder why I ever signed up as a mercenary.~ END + ~GlobalGT("M#AmberRescue","GLOBAL",3)~ + ~[PC] I hope so. I am not going to get the runaround again, am I? The last time I was here...~ + a2537 ++ ~[PC] I have to deliver this from Orrin at The Broken Sword. He needs a receipt.~ DO ~TakePartyItem("c-awpkg1")~ + a2538 ++ ~[PC] Never mind... I may come back later.~ + a2540 ++ ~[PC] Do you actually do anything around here except shuffle paper and waste people's time?~ + a2541 ++ ~[PC] What if I told you these were completely inaccurate figures, manufactured to make sure it appears that little or no income was taken in?~ + a2544 ++ ~[PC] What does a winsome minor government functionary do to relax, anyways? I find a man with inkstains on his fingers so... appealing.~ + a2543 APPEND CIVIL02 IF ~~ a2537 SAY ~[CIVIL02] I just do my job. Is that a Writ of Quarterly Taxable Income, Commercial, Standard Form you have there?~ ++ ~[PC] Yes. Can I get a receipt?~ DO ~TakePartyItem("c-awpkg1")~ + a2539 ++ ~[PC] No. It is a Writ of Quarterly Bribes to BloodSucking Bloated Government Toadies Who Mess With People Because They Can With Impunity, Long Form. Here, take it. I will not tell you where you can put it... I leave that to your imagination.~ DO ~TakePartyItem("c-awpkg1")~ + a2542 ++ ~[PC] Actually, I am not sure what this is. I was told to deliver it, and get a receipt.~ DO ~TakePartyItem("c-awpkg1")~ + a2539 ++ ~[PC] I was supposed to deliver this, but I think I will wait for a bit.~ + a2541 ++ ~[PC] What if I told you these were completely inaccurate figures, manufactured to make sure it appears that little or no income was taken in?~ + a2544 END IF ~~ a2538 SAY ~[CIVIL02] Ah, yes. A Writ of Quarterly Taxable Income, Commercial, Standard Form. My signature... here. I have received this on behalf of the City and its Citizens. Here is a receipt for The Broken Sword's accounts and its owner of record, one Orrin Thedale, resident of aforementioned premises. Next in line, step up...~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~GiveItemCreate("c-awpkg2",Player1,0,0,0)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a2539 SAY ~[CIVIL02] Right. My signature... here. I have received this on behalf of the City and its Citizens. Here is a receipt for The Broken Sword's accounts and its owner of record, one Orrin Thedale, resident of aforementioned premises. Next in line, step up...~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~GiveItemCreate("c-awpkg2",Player1,0,0,0)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a2540 SAY ~[CIVIL02] I will be here. Unfortunately. Counting the days until retirement.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a2541 SAY ~[CIVIL02] Nope.~ = ~[CIVIL02] Move along, then. There are other people in line.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a2542 SAY ~[CIVIL02] There is no call for that attitude. Here is your receipt. The Citizens of this Fair City thank you. NEXT.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~GiveItemCreate("c-awpkg2",Player1,0,0,0)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a2543 SAY ~[CIVIL02] Bribing a government official is not allowed. Charming them is frowned on, and raising their hopes of a wild time on the town with you only to be left miserable and heartbroken is just plain mean. Besides, you are not my type. Do you have business, or shall I call the guard?~ ++ ~[PC] Whoa, I didn't mean... look, here is something from Orrin over at The Broken Sword. Can I get a receipt?~ DO ~TakePartyItem("c-awpkg1")~ + a2539 ++ ~[PC] Forget I said anything. I have a Writ of Quarterly Bribes to BloodSucking Bloated Government Toadies. Here, take it. I will not tell you where you can put it... I leave that to your imagination.~ DO ~TakePartyItem("c-awpkg1")~ + a2542 ++ ~[PC] Jump to conclusions much? Here. I am not sure what this is. I was told to deliver it, and get a receipt.~ DO ~TakePartyItem("c-awpkg1")~ + a2539 ++ ~[PC] I was supposed to deliver this, but I think I will wait for a bit. Perhaps someone else can help me.~ + a2541 ++ ~[PC] What if I told you I had a tax form from The Broken Sword that has completely inaccurate figures, manufactured to make sure it appears that little or no income was taken in?~ + a2544 ++ ~[PC] Your loss. Pity, too... I can be very fun. Very. Anyways, here is something from The Broken Sword.~ + a2539 END IF ~~ a2544 SAY ~[CIVIL02] I could not care less. That is not my department. You could talk to the Auditor General, but the last three AG's have died under mysterious circumstances and the post has been vacant for at least two years. So, do you have something to give me, or not?~ ++ ~[PC] Yes. Can I get a receipt?~ DO ~TakePartyItem("c-awpkg1")~ + a2539 ++ ~[PC] Yes, one Writ of Quarterly Bribes to BloodSucking Bloated Government Toadies Who Mess With People Because They Can, Long Form. Here, take it. I will not tell you where you can put it... I leave that to your imagination.~ DO ~TakePartyItem("c-awpkg1")~ + a2542 ++ ~[PC] Actually, I am not sure what this is. I was told to deliver it, and get a receipt.~ DO ~TakePartyItem("c-awpkg1")~ + a2539 ++ ~[PC] I was supposed to deliver this, but I think I will wait for a bit.~ + a2540 END END CHAIN IF WEIGHT #-1 ~PartyHasItem("c-awpkg1")~ THEN CIVIL03 a2545 ~[CIVIL03] Tax forms to the front of the line, please... ah. I think I see one right there, in your hand, .~ == C-ARANJ IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] You can see that right from th' outside?~ == CIVIL03 IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[CIVIL03] When you have seen as many 1720-3a Writ of Quarterly Taxable Income, Commercial, Standard as I have, you can see them, smell them, and even have dreams about them.~ == C-ARANJ IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] That sounds blighted unnatural, that does.~ == CIVIL03 IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[CIVIL03] Tell me about it. You should see the dreams. Waking nightmares, every one.~ END + ~GlobalGT("M#AmberRescue","GLOBAL",3)~ + ~[PC] I hope you can help me. I am not going to get the runaround again, am I? The last time I was here...~ + a2546 ++ ~[PC] I have to deliver this from Orrin at The Broken Sword. He needs a receipt.~ DO ~TakePartyItem("c-awpkg1")~ + a2547 ++ ~[PC] Never mind... I may come back later.~ + a2549 ++ ~[PC] Do you actually do anything around here except shuffle paper and waste people's time?~ + a2550 ++ ~[PC] What if I told you these were completely inaccurate figures, manufactured to make sure it appears that little or no income was taken in?~ + a2553 ++ ~[PC] What does a winsome minor government functionary do to relax, anyways? I find a man with inkstains on his fingers so... appealing.~ + a2552 APPEND CIVIL03 IF ~~ a2546 SAY ~[CIVIL03] I just do my job. Is that Writ of Quarterly Taxable Income, Commercial, Standard Form you have there completed?~ ++ ~[PC] Yes. Can I get a receipt?~ DO ~TakePartyItem("c-awpkg1")~ + a2548 ++ ~[PC] yes, but you miss-titled it. It is a Writ of Quarterly Bribes to BloodSucking Bloated Government Toadies Who Mess With People Because They Can With Impunity, Long Form. Here, take it. I will not tell you where you can put it... I leave that to your imagination.~ DO ~TakePartyItem("c-awpkg1")~ + a2551 ++ ~[PC] Actually, I am not sure what this is. I was told to deliver it, and get a receipt.~ DO ~TakePartyItem("c-awpkg1")~ + a2548 ++ ~[PC] I was supposed to deliver this, but I think I will wait for a bit.~ + a2550 ++ ~[PC] What if I told you these were completely inaccurate figures, manufactured to make sure it appears that little or no income was taken in?~ + a2553 END IF ~~ a2547 SAY ~[CIVIL03] Ah, yes. One W-QTI, Commercial, Standard Form. We call them "Cuties".~ = ~[CIVIL03] Of course, that gets confusing, when there are forms for Quarterly Treasury Information, Quantum Universal Time Irregularities (Ex-communicated Spellcasting), and the real C.U.T.I.E... Customs Utilization: Thayvian Inventory Evaluation.~ = ~[CIVIL03] My signature... here. I have received this on behalf of the City and its Citizens. Here is a receipt for The Broken Sword's accounts and its owner of record, one Orrin Thedale, resident of aforementioned premises. Next in line, step up...~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~GiveItemCreate("c-awpkg2",Player1,0,0,0)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a2548 SAY ~[CIVIL03] Right. My signature... here. I have received this on behalf of the City and its Citizens. Here is a receipt for The Broken Sword's accounts and its owner of record, one Orrin Thedale, resident of aforementioned premises. Next in line, step up...~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~GiveItemCreate("c-awpkg2",Player1,0,0,0)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a2549 SAY ~[CIVIL03] I will be here. Unfortunately. Counting the days until retirement.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a2550 SAY ~[CIVIL03] Nope.~ = ~[CIVIL03] Move along, then. There are other people in line.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a2551 SAY ~[CIVIL03] There is no call for that attitude. Here is your receipt. The Citizens of this Fair City thank you. NEXT.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~GiveItemCreate("c-awpkg2",Player1,0,0,0)~ EXIT END IF ~~ a2552 SAY ~[CIVIL03] Bribing a government official is not allowed. Charming them is frowned on, and raising their hopes of a wild time on the town with you only to be left miserable and heartbroken is just plain mean. Besides, you are not my type. Do you have business, or shall I call the guard?~ ++ ~[PC] Whoa, I didn't mean... look, here is something from Orrin over at The Broken Sword. Can I get a receipt?~ DO ~TakePartyItem("c-awpkg1")~ + a2548 ++ ~[PC] Forget I said anything. I have a Writ of Quarterly Bribes to BloodSucking Bloated Government Toadies. Here, take it. I will not tell you where you can put it... I leave that to your imagination.~ DO ~TakePartyItem("c-awpkg1")~ + a2551 ++ ~[PC] Jump to conclusions much? Here. I am not sure what this is. I was told to deliver it, and get a receipt.~ DO ~TakePartyItem("c-awpkg1")~ + a2548 ++ ~[PC] I was supposed to deliver this, but I think I will wait for a bit. Perhaps someone else can help me.~ + a2550 ++ ~[PC] What if I told you I had a tax form from The Broken Sword that has completely inaccurate figures, manufactured to make sure it appears that little or no income was taken in?~ + a2553 ++ ~[PC] Your loss. Pity, too... I can be very fun. Very. Anyways, here is something from The Broken Sword.~ + a2548 END IF ~~ a2553 SAY ~[CIVIL03] I could not care less. That is not my department. You could talk to the Auditor General, but the last three AG's have died under mysterious circumstances and the post has been vacant for at least two years. So, do you have something to give me, or not?~ ++ ~[PC] Yes. Can I get a receipt?~ DO ~TakePartyItem("c-awpkg1")~ + a2548 ++ ~[PC] Yes, one Writ of Quarterly Bribes to BloodSucking Bloated Government Toadies Who Mess With People Because They Can, Long Form. Here, take it. I will not tell you where you can put it... I leave that to your imagination.~ DO ~TakePartyItem("c-awpkg1")~ + a2551 ++ ~[PC] Actually, I am not sure what this is. I was told to deliver it, and get a receipt.~ DO ~TakePartyItem("c-awpkg1")~ + a2548 ++ ~[PC] I was supposed to deliver this, but I think I will wait for a bit.~ + a2549 END END /* NPC Management: relationship check chain (check for integration points) : Joined */ CHAIN C-ARANJ a2699 ~[ARAN] Well now, let me think a bit... our relationship. Put a lad on th' spot, eh?~ == C-ARANJ IF ~Gender(Player1,FEMALE) !HasItemEquiped("belt05",Player1) !Global("c-aranfight","GLOBAL",0)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Currently, we be fightin' mad at each other, or so it seems.~ == C-ARANJ IF ~Gender(Player1,FEMALE) !HasItemEquiped("belt05",Player1) !Global("c-silencearan","GLOBAL",0)~ THEN ~[ARAN] You done told me to quit makin' all sorts o' random comments.~ == C-ARANJ IF ~Gender(Player1,FEMALE) !HasItemEquiped("belt05",Player1) !Global("c-aanoconflict","GLOBAL",0)~ THEN ~[ARAN] You done told me I should be leavin' Anomen alone an' not fightin' wi' him.~ == C-ARANJ IF ~Gender(Player1,FEMALE) !HasItemEquiped("belt05",Player1) Global("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",0) Global("c-apcdeclaresellsword","GLOBAL",0)~ THEN ~[ARAN] I seem to not have ticked you off to th' point where you drop me for good, eh? I think even be friends. Why do you be askin'?~ == C-ARANJ IF ~Gender(Player1,FEMALE) !HasItemEquiped("belt05",Player1) Global("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",0) Global("c-apcdeclaresellsword","GLOBAL",1)~ THEN ~[ARAN] I seem to not have ticked you off to th' point where you drop me for good, eh? You done told me no sellsword has th' right to be called "friend". Why do you be askin'?~ == C-ARANJ IF ~Gender(Player1,FEMALE) !HasItemEquiped("belt05",Player1) Global("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",1)~ THEN ~[ARAN] You haven't told me to not try a bit o' sparkin' from time to time. Then again, You done got a huge amount to think about lately. I think we be friends, more's th' pity. Why do you be askin'?~ == C-ARANJ IF ~Gender(Player1,FEMALE) !HasItemEquiped("belt05",Player1) Global("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",2) Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",0)~ THEN ~[ARAN] We might rightly be called 'involved', I think. I am not sure what you get out o' th' deal, but I'm not rightly complainin'. Mayhap I can coax you into a kiss or two someday. Why do you be askin'?~ == C-ARANJ IF ~Gender(Player1,FEMALE) !HasItemEquiped("belt05",Player1) Global("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",2) Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",1)~ THEN ~[ARAN] We might rightly be called 'involved', I think. I am not sure what you get out o' th' deal, but I'm not rightly complainin'. Mayhap I can coax you into more than a kiss or two someday. Why do you be askin'?~ == C-ARANJ IF ~Gender(Player1,FEMALE) !HasItemEquiped("belt05",Player1) Global("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",2) Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",2)~ THEN ~[ARAN] We might rightly be called 'involved', I think. I am not sure what you get out o' th' deal, but I'm not rightly complainin'. Mayhap I can coax you into somethin' more than kissin' an' touchin' someday. Why do you be askin'?~ == C-ARANJ IF ~Gender(Player1,FEMALE) !HasItemEquiped("belt05",Player1) Global("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",2) Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",3)~ THEN ~[ARAN] We might rightly be called 'involved', I think. I am not sure what you get out o' th' deal, but I'm not rightly complainin'. I can rightly say I live for th' times when we get physical wi' each other. Mayhap someday we will take that final step. Why do you be askin'?~ == C-ARANJ IF ~Gender(Player1,FEMALE) !HasItemEquiped("belt05",Player1) Global("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",2) Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",4)~ THEN ~[ARAN] We might rightly be called 'involved', I think. I am not sure what you get out o' th' deal, but I'm not rightly complainin'. An' I won't never forget spendin' time wi' you all tangled up, explorin' everythin'... why do you be askin'?~ == C-ARANJ IF ~Gender(Player1,FEMALE) !HasItemEquiped("belt05",Player1) Global("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",3)~ THEN ~[ARAN] I seem to not have ticked you off to th' point where you drop me for good, eh? I think we even be friends. We could have a bit more, but I guess things didn't work out th' way you wanted. Why do you be askin'?~ == C-ARANJ IF ~Gender(Player1,MALE) !HasItemEquiped("belt05",Player1) Global("c-apcdeclaresellsword","GLOBAL",0) Global("c-silencearan","GLOBAL",0)~ THEN ~[ARAN] You haven't told me to bugger off permanent, though you do seem a trifle short wi' me from time to time. Then again, You done got a huge amount to think about lately. You also let me prattle on an' on about whatever I like, which is blighted nice o' you. I think we be friends. Why do you be askin'?~ == C-ARANJ IF ~Gender(Player1,MALE) !HasItemEquiped("belt05",Player1) !Global("c-apcdeclaresellsword","GLOBAL",0) Global("c-silencearan","GLOBAL",0)~ THEN ~[ARAN] You told me to not try to confuse things by bein' friends, so we be supposed to keep to th' professional side. You command, I follow. Then you pay me. You do let me prattle on an' on about whatever I like, which is blighted nice o' you. Why do you be askin'?~ == C-ARANJ IF ~Gender(Player1,MALE) !HasItemEquiped("belt05",Player1) Global("c-apcdeclaresellsword","GLOBAL",0) !Global("c-silencearan","GLOBAL",0)~ THEN ~[ARAN] You haven't told me to bugger off permanent, though you do seem a trifle short wi' me from time to time. Then again, You done got a huge amount to think about lately. You also told me not to talk so much. I think we be friends. Why do you be askin'?~ == C-ARANJ IF ~Gender(Player1,MALE) !HasItemEquiped("belt05",Player1) !Global("c-apcdeclaresellsword","GLOBAL",0) !Global("c-silencearan","GLOBAL",0)~ THEN ~[ARAN] You told me to not try to confuse things by bein' friends, so we be supposed to keep to th' professional side. I also am supposed to keep my blighted mouth shut most o' th' time. You command, I follow. Then you pay me. Why do you be askin'?~ == C-ARANJ IF ~HasItemEquiped("belt05",Player1)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Hey... you know, I be havin' one hells o' a blighted time figurin' out just what I think o' our relationship. I mean, that belt... it confuses me right proper, it do.~ END ++ ~[PC] I was just wondering.~ EXIT + ~Global("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",0) Global("c-apcdeclaresellsword","GLOBAL",0) !HasItemEquiped("belt05",Player1)~ + ~[PC] Oh, I just thought you might realize that I depend on you as one of my closest friends. I may not treat you exactly the way you would like, but I count on you.~ EXIT + ~Global("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",0) Global("c-apcdeclaresellsword","GLOBAL",0) !HasItemEquiped("belt05",Player1)~ + ~[PC] No sellsword ever has the right to call me "friend".~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-apcdeclaresellsword","GLOBAL",1)~ + a2928 + ~Global("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",0) Global("c-apcdeclaresellsword","GLOBAL",1) !HasItemEquiped("belt05",Player1)~ + ~[PC] It is good to know that you know your place.~ + a2928 + ~Global("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",0) Global("c-apcdeclaresellsword","GLOBAL",1) !HasItemEquiped("belt05",Player1)~ + ~[PC] In your case, I will make an exception. I think we are friends.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-apcdeclaresellsword","GLOBAL",0)~ + a2928 + ~Gender(Player1,FEMALE) !HasItemEquiped("belt05",Player1)~ + ~[PC] I think we have headed down the wrong path, Aran. Let's just be friends.~ + a2700 + ~Gender(Player1,FEMALE) !HasItemEquiped("belt05",Player1)~ + ~[PC] I think I am... very interested in you. Romantically speaking.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",2)~ + a2704 + ~Gender(Player1,FEMALE) !HasItemEquiped("belt05",Player1)~ + ~[PC] I think we could be together, if you were discreet. I have other lovers who are much less forgiving than you. Play by my rules, and we might just see what happens...~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",2)~ + a2702 + ~Gender(Player1,FEMALE) !HasItemEquiped("belt05",Player1)~ + ~[PC] I think I am... interested in you. But I don't like things to move so fast. Perhaps we should be friends, and explore becoming more?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",1)~ + a2703 + ~Gender(Player1,FEMALE) !HasItemEquiped("belt05",Player1)~ + ~[PC] I can't believe you have forgotten all of the passion. You are so physical, but you can't remember with whom?~ EXTERN C-ARANJ a2701 + ~HasItemEquiped("belt05",Player1)~ + ~[PC] Just checking. I guess this belt has as odd an effect on you as it has on me.~ + a2928 /* NPC Management: relationship check chain (check for integration points) : Post-Joined */ CHAIN C-ARANP a2712 ~[ARAN] Well now, let me think a bit... our relationship. Put a lad on th' spot, eh?~ == C-ARANP IF ~Gender(Player1,FEMALE) !HasItemEquiped("belt05",Player1) !Global("c-aranfight","GLOBAL",0)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Currently, we be fightin' mad at each other, or so it seems.~ == C-ARANP IF ~Gender(Player1,FEMALE) !HasItemEquiped("belt05",Player1) !Global("c-silencearan","GLOBAL",0)~ THEN ~[ARAN] You done told me to quit makin' all sorts o' random comments.~ == C-ARANP IF ~Gender(Player1,FEMALE) !HasItemEquiped("belt05",Player1) !Global("c-aanoconflict","GLOBAL",0)~ THEN ~[ARAN] You done told me I should be leavin' Anomen alone an' not fightin' wi' him.~ == C-ARANP IF ~Gender(Player1,FEMALE) !HasItemEquiped("belt05",Player1) Global("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",0) Global("c-apcdeclaresellsword","GLOBAL",0)~ THEN ~[ARAN] I seem to not have ticked you off to th' point where you drop me for good, eh? I think even be friends. Why do you be askin'?~ == C-ARANP IF ~Gender(Player1,FEMALE) !HasItemEquiped("belt05",Player1) Global("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",0) Global("c-apcdeclaresellsword","GLOBAL",1)~ THEN ~[ARAN] I seem to not have ticked you off to th' point where you drop me for good, eh? You done told me no sellsword has th' right to be called "friend". Why do you be askin'?~ == C-ARANP IF ~Gender(Player1,FEMALE) !HasItemEquiped("belt05",Player1) Global("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",1)~ THEN ~[ARAN] You haven't told me to not try a bit o' sparkin' from time to time. Then again, You done got a huge amount to think about lately. I think we be friends, more's th' pity. Why do you be askin'?~ == C-ARANP IF ~Gender(Player1,FEMALE) !HasItemEquiped("belt05",Player1) Global("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",2) Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",0)~ THEN ~[ARAN] We might rightly be called 'involved', I think. I am not sure what you get out o' th' deal, but I'm not rightly complainin'. Mayhap I can coax you into a kiss or two someday. Why do you be askin'?~ == C-ARANP IF ~Gender(Player1,FEMALE) !HasItemEquiped("belt05",Player1) Global("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",2) Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",1)~ THEN ~[ARAN] We might rightly be called 'involved', I think. I am not sure what you get out o' th' deal, but I'm not rightly complainin'. Mayhap I can coax you into more than a kiss or two someday. Why do you be askin'?~ == C-ARANP IF ~Gender(Player1,FEMALE) !HasItemEquiped("belt05",Player1) Global("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",2) Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",2)~ THEN ~[ARAN] We might rightly be called 'involved', I think. I am not sure what you get out o' th' deal, but I'm not rightly complainin'. Mayhap I can coax you into somethin' more than kissin' an' touchin' someday. Why do you be askin'?~ == C-ARANP IF ~Gender(Player1,FEMALE) !HasItemEquiped("belt05",Player1) Global("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",2) Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",3)~ THEN ~[ARAN] We might rightly be called 'involved', I think. I am not sure what you get out o' th' deal, but I'm not rightly complainin'. I can rightly say I live for th' times when we get physical wi' each other. Mayhap someday we will take that final step. Why do you be askin'?~ == C-ARANP IF ~Gender(Player1,FEMALE) !HasItemEquiped("belt05",Player1) Global("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",2) Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",4)~ THEN ~[ARAN] We might rightly be called 'involved', I think. I am not sure what you get out o' th' deal, but I'm not rightly complainin'. An' I won't never forget spendin' time wi' you all tangled up, explorin' everythin'... why do you be askin'?~ == C-ARANP IF ~Gender(Player1,FEMALE) !HasItemEquiped("belt05",Player1) Global("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",3)~ THEN ~[ARAN] I seem to not have ticked you off to th' point where you drop me for good, eh? I think we even be friends. We could have a bit more, but I guess things didn't work out th' way you wanted. Why do you be askin'?~ == C-ARANP IF ~Gender(Player1,MALE) !HasItemEquiped("belt05",Player1) Global("c-apcdeclaresellsword","GLOBAL",0) Global("c-silencearan","GLOBAL",0)~ THEN ~[ARAN] You haven't told me to bugger off permanent, though you do seem a trifle short wi' me from time to time. Then again, You done got a huge amount to think about lately. You also let me prattle on an' on about whatever I like, which is blighted nice o' you. I think we be friends. Why do you be askin'?~ == C-ARANP IF ~Gender(Player1,MALE) !HasItemEquiped("belt05",Player1) !Global("c-apcdeclaresellsword","GLOBAL",0) Global("c-silencearan","GLOBAL",0)~ THEN ~[ARAN] You told me to not try to confuse things by bein' friends, so we be supposed to keep to th' professional side. You command, I follow. Then you pay me. You do let me prattle on an' on about whatever I like, which is blighted nice o' you. Why do you be askin'?~ == C-ARANP IF ~Gender(Player1,MALE) !HasItemEquiped("belt05",Player1) Global("c-apcdeclaresellsword","GLOBAL",0) !Global("c-silencearan","GLOBAL",0)~ THEN ~[ARAN] You haven't told me to bugger off permanent, though you do seem a trifle short wi' me from time to time. Then again, You done got a huge amount to think about lately. You also told me not to talk so much. I think we be friends. Why do you be askin'?~ == C-ARANP IF ~Gender(Player1,MALE) !HasItemEquiped("belt05",Player1) !Global("c-apcdeclaresellsword","GLOBAL",0) !Global("c-silencearan","GLOBAL",0)~ THEN ~[ARAN] You told me to not try to confuse things by bein' friends, so we be supposed to keep to th' professional side. I also am supposed to keep my blighted mouth shut most o' th' time. You command, I follow. Then you pay me. Why do you be askin'?~ == C-ARANP IF ~HasItemEquiped("belt05",Player1)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Hey... you know, I be havin' one hells o' a blighted time figurin' out just what I think o' our relationship. I mean, that belt... it confuses me right proper, it do.~ END ++ ~[PC] I was just wondering.~ EXIT + ~Global("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",0) Global("c-apcdeclaresellsword","GLOBAL",0) !HasItemEquiped("belt05",Player1)~ + ~[PC] Oh, I just thought you might realize that I depend on you as one of my closest friends. I may not treat you exactly the way you would like, but I count on you.~ EXIT + ~Global("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",0) Global("c-apcdeclaresellsword","GLOBAL",0) !HasItemEquiped("belt05",Player1)~ + ~[PC] No sellsword ever has the right to call me "friend".~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-apcdeclaresellsword","GLOBAL",1)~ EXIT + ~Global("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",0) Global("c-apcdeclaresellsword","GLOBAL",1) !HasItemEquiped("belt05",Player1)~ + ~[PC] It is good to know that you know your place.~ EXIT + ~Global("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",0) Global("c-apcdeclaresellsword","GLOBAL",1) !HasItemEquiped("belt05",Player1)~ + ~[PC] In your case, I will make an exception. I think we are friends.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-apcdeclaresellsword","GLOBAL",0)~ EXIT + ~Gender(Player1,FEMALE) !HasItemEquiped("belt05",Player1)~ + ~[PC] I think we have headed down the wrong path, Aran. Let's just be friends.~ + a2706 + ~Gender(Player1,FEMALE) !HasItemEquiped("belt05",Player1)~ + ~[PC] I think I am... very interested in you. Romantically speaking.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",2)~ + a2707 + ~Gender(Player1,FEMALE) !HasItemEquiped("belt05",Player1)~ + ~[PC] I think we could be together, if you were discreet. I have other lovers who are much less forgiving than you. Play by my rules, and we might just see what happens...~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",2)~ + a2709 + ~Gender(Player1,FEMALE) !HasItemEquiped("belt05",Player1)~ + ~[PC] I think I am... interested in you. But I don't like things to move so fast. Perhaps we should be friends, and explore becoming more?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",1)~ + a2710 + ~Gender(Player1,FEMALE) !HasItemEquiped("belt05",Player1)~ + ~[PC] I can't believe you have forgotten all of the passion. You are so physical, but you can't remember with whom?~ EXTERN C-ARANP a2708 + ~HasItemEquiped("belt05",Player1)~ + ~[PC] Just checking. I guess this belt has as odd an effect on you as it has on me.~ EXIT APPEND PLAYER1 /* Plot Talks: SoA: Tree of Life Extension, Part B : Add the initiating state */ IF ~~ a469 SAY ~[ARAN] Aran Whitehand, sword and scribe. His jaw is as hard as granite, and he keeps flexing his hands. He looks up, his eyes meeting yours.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-arantreelife","GLOBAL",1)~ EXTERN C-ARANJ a470 END /* I. Player Teases with lots and lots of flirts - from .bcs */ IF ~Global("c-arangoaded","GLOBAL",2) GlobalLT("Chapter","GLOBAL",8)~ THEN BEGIN a3353 /* TOO_MUCH_TEASING */ SAY ~[PC] (A slight sound startles you awake. Aran's voice whispers from beside you.)~ IF ~~ THEN EXTERN C-ARANJ a4356 END /* I. Player Teases with lots and lots of flirts - delayed by PC - from .bcs */ IF ~Global("c-arangoaded","GLOBAL",5) GlobalLT("Chapter","GLOBAL",8)~ THEN BEGIN a4357 /* TOO_MUCH_TEASING_RETRY */ SAY ~[PC] (A slight sound startles you awake. Aran's voice whispers from beside you.)~ IF ~~ THEN EXTERN C-ARANJ a3361 END /* Night Visit from requests or flirts */ IF ~Global("c-arannightvisit","GLOBAL",2) GlobalLT("Chapter","GLOBAL",8)~ THEN BEGIN a3799 /* START_ARAN_PC_BOOTY_CALL */ SAY ~[PC] (As you prepare for your rest, you recall the words you spoke to Aran earlier.)~ ++ ~[PC] (You decide that now is not a good time for a romantic encounter, and warn him off.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arannightvisit","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobalTimer("c-aransmalltalk","GLOBAL",300) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-arandreamtalk","GLOBAL",120)~ EXIT + ~Global("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",0)~ + ~[PC] (Perhaps he will remember, as well.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arannightvisit","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobalTimer("c-aransmalltalk","GLOBAL",300) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-arandreamtalk","GLOBAL",120)~ EXTERN C-ARANJ a3576 /* START_LADY_OF_THE_WARM_LIPS */ + ~Global("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",1)~ + ~[PC] (Perhaps he will remember, as well.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arannightvisit","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobalTimer("c-aransmalltalk","GLOBAL",300) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-arandreamtalk","GLOBAL",120)~ EXTERN C-ARANJ a3579 /* START_MAYHAP_I_GET_A_KISS */ + ~Global("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] (Perhaps he will remember, as well.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arannightvisit","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobalTimer("c-aransmalltalk","GLOBAL",300) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-arandreamtalk","GLOBAL",120)~ EXTERN C-ARANJ a3577 /* START_WITH_SHOULDER_PULL */ + ~Global("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",3)~ + ~[PC] (Perhaps he will remember, as well.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arannightvisit","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobalTimer("c-aransmalltalk","GLOBAL",300) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-arandreamtalk","GLOBAL",120)~ EXTERN C-ARANJ a3581 /* START_GIVE_A_LAD_A_CHANCE */ + ~Global("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",4)~ + ~[PC] (Perhaps he will remember, as well.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arannightvisit","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobalTimer("c-aransmalltalk","GLOBAL",300) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-arandreamtalk","GLOBAL",120)~ EXTERN C-ARANJ a3574 /* START_ARAN_CUTS_TO_CHACE_VOCAL */ + ~Global("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",5)~ + ~[PC] (Perhaps he will remember, as well.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arannightvisit","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobalTimer("c-aransmalltalk","GLOBAL",300) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-arandreamtalk","GLOBAL",120)~ EXTERN C-ARANJ a3591 /* START_BEARING_GIFTS */ + ~Global("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",6)~ + ~[PC] (Perhaps he will remember, as well.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arannightvisit","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobalTimer("c-aransmalltalk","GLOBAL",300) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-arandreamtalk","GLOBAL",120)~ EXTERN C-ARANJ a3495 /* START_NINE_HELLS_PC_ACTION */ + ~Global("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",7)~ + ~[PC] (Perhaps he will remember, as well.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arannightvisit","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobalTimer("c-aransmalltalk","GLOBAL",300) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-arandreamtalk","GLOBAL",120)~ EXTERN C-ARANJ a3592 /* START_SUNES_LIPS */ + ~Global("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",8)~ + ~[PC] (Perhaps he will remember, as well.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arannightvisit","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobalTimer("c-aransmalltalk","GLOBAL",300) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-arandreamtalk","GLOBAL",120)~ EXTERN C-ARANJ a3580 /* START_TRY_TO_BE_PHYSICAL */ + ~GlobalGT("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",8)~ + ~[PC] (Perhaps he will remember, as well.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arannightvisit","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobal("c-arankisses","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobalTimer("c-aransmalltalk","GLOBAL",300) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-arandreamtalk","GLOBAL",120)~ EXTERN C-ARANJ a3568 /* START_LIP_EXERCISES */ END END /* code clips archive */ /* LEAT21 Human Flesh +5 evil armor sample code for clipping */ /* IF ~HasItemEquiped("LEAT21",Player1) Global("c-arskinarm","LOCALS",0)~ THEN GOTO a1799 */ /* IF ~HasItemEquiped("LEAT21",Player1) Global("c-arskinarm","LOCALS",1) GlobalTimerExpired("c-aranskin","GLOBAL")~ GOTO a1798 */ /* IF ~HasItemEquiped("LEAT21",Player1) Global("c-arskinarm","LOCALS",2) GlobalTimerExpired("c-aranskin","GLOBAL")~ GOTO a1797 */ /* SoA Story Pool : Multiple References */ /* to use, add the following - friendship only */ /* ++ ~[PC] So, Aran, tell me about this lost love of yours. Was she pretty?~ + a1665 */ /* ++ ~[PC] You sound awfully bitter. Do you have some dark lost love who is making you moody and depressed?~ + a1665 */ /* <> has three replies added- */ /* + ~!Class("c-aran",BARD_ALL)~ + ~[PC] This is depressing and dark. Come on, Aran, liven things up a bit. Tell me a story.~ + a1672 */ /* + ~Class("c-aran",BARD_ALL)~ + ~[PC] This is depressing and dark. Come on, Aran, liven things up a bit. Tell me a story.~ + a1671 */ /* + ~OR(7) Global("c-arankravitchstory","LOCALS",1) Global("c-arancarbonara","LOCALS",1) Global("c-arancalimport","LOCALS",1) Global("c-arangerris","LOCALS",1) Global("c-arandadtrade","LOCALS",1) Global("c-aranfistfight","LOCALS",1) GlobalGT("c-aranmoonfight","LOCALS",0)~ + ~[PC] Hey, Aran, I remember you telling a story... can you tell it to me again?~ + a1673 */ /* + ~Global("c-aranfistfight","LOCALS",1)~ + ~[PC] Oh no you don't... you stay back here and get those fire arrows ready. You don't want a repeat of that whole Ice troll incident, now do you?~ + a1385 */