"en": date: formats: default: "%Y-%m-%d" short: "%e %b" long: "%B %e, %Y" only_day: "%e" day_names: [Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday] abbr_day_names: [Sun, Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat] month_names: [~, January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December] abbr_month_names: [~, Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec] order: [ :year, :month, :day ] time: formats: default: "%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Z %Y" time: "%H:%M" short: "%d %b %H:%M" long: "%B %d, %Y %H:%M" only_second: "%S" datetime: formats: default: "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%Z" am: 'am' pm: 'pm' datetime: distance_in_words: half_a_minute: 'half a minute' less_than_x_seconds: zero: 'less than 1 second' one: '1 second' other: '{{count}} seconds' x_seconds: one: '1 second' other: '{{count}} seconds' less_than_x_minutes: zero: 'less than a minute' one: '1 minute' other: '{{count}} minutes' x_minutes: one: '1 minute' other: '{{count}} minutes' about_x_hours: one: 'about 1 hour' other: '{{count}} hours' x_days: one: '1 day' other: '{{count}} days' about_x_months: one: 'about 1 month' other: '{{count}} months' x_months: one: '1 month' other: '{{count}} months' about_x_years: one: 'about 1 year' other: '{{count}} years' over_x_years: one: 'over 1 year' other: '{{count}} years' number: format: precision: 3 separator: '.' delimiter: ',' currency: format: unit: '$' precision: 2 format: '%u %n' active_record: error: header_message: ["Couldn't save this {{object_name}}: 1 error", "Couldn't save this {{object_name}}: {{count}} errors."] message: "Please check the following fields:" error_messages: inclusion: "is not included in the list" exclusion: "is not available" invalid: "is not valid" confirmation: "does not match its confirmation" accepted: "must be accepted" empty: "must be given" blank: "must be given" too_long: "is too long (no more than {{count}} characters)" too_short: "is too short (no less than {{count}} characters)" wrong_length: "is not the right length (must be {{count}} characters)" taken: "is not available" not_a_number: "is not a number" greater_than: "must be greater than {{count}}" greater_than_or_equal_to: "must be greater than or equal to {{count}}" equal_to: "must be equal to {{count}}" less_than: "must be less than {{count}}" less_than_or_equal_to: "must be less than or equal to {{count}}" odd: "must be odd" even: "must be even" txt: main_title: "Localizing Rails" app_name: "Demo Application" sub_title: "how to localize your app with Rails' new i18n features" contents: "Contents" menu: introduction: "Introduction" about: "About" setup: "Setup" date_formats: "Date formats" time_formats: "Time formats" about: title: "About this demo app" author: "This demo app was written by {{mail_1}}." feedback: "If you have any feedback, please feel free to drop me a line. Also visit {{blog_href}} where I regularly blog about Rails and other stuff." licence: "This demo app and all its contents are licensed under the {{licence_href}}. If you want to use it in ways prohibited by this license, please contact me and ask my permission." active_record: too_lazy: "No examples here since I'm too lazy to think of attributes to show all custom error messages. ;-)" easy_to_understand: "It's quite easy to understand, though." date_formats: rails_standards_work: "Rails standard formats (Date::DATE_FORMATS) still work:" date_helper: date_time_title: "Date/Time distance" forms_title: "Forms" index: others: "others" introduction: "Lately, a lot of work has been done by {{sven_blog}} and {{sven_github}} to facilitate future internationalization and localization of Rails." story_so_far: "This demo app tries to show you how you can use the features that have been implemented so far to localize big parts of your Rails application." number_helper: note_one: "Note: number_to_phone hasn't been localized yet and probably never will be - at least not in core. Look out for new internationalization/localization plugins like a new version of {{globalize}} as they will probably support stuff like that." note_two: "Another note: number_to_currency, number_to_percentage and number_to_human_size all use number_with_precision internally and number_with_precision uses number_with_delimiter internally." setup: freezing_edge_and_adding: "Freezing Edge and installing the localized_dates plugin" you_need_to_be_on_edge: "You need to be on Edge Rails in order to use the Rails i18n features:" date_time_formats: "For date and time formats, you also need to install the {{localized_dates_link}}:" config_locale: "Configuring the locale" best_place: "The best place to put your locale configuration, in my opinion, is config/locales. The localized_dates plugin will copy two locales, en-US and de-AT, in this directory. You can extend or modify them and also create new locales." locale: "Here's the demo locale that was used for this demo application:" defaults: "You also need to set up the default locale and/or locale in your environment.rb or an initializer." locale_structure_title: "A word on the structure of locales" locale_structure_number: "You may have noticed that inside the :number part of the locale, we defined :format and :currency. In general, locales are structured hierarchically - i.e. a currencies are numbers, percentages are numbers, etc. :currency can either override the basic :format settings (in our case, we set :precision to 2 instead of 3) or extend them (we add two new options, :unit and :format)." locale_structure_date_time: "The same holds true for dates and times: If needed, :datetime and :time_with_zone can be used to specifically address formatting of their respective types instead of just relying on the settings for :time. Note, however, that usually you want to use the same formats as :time." time_formats: rails_standards_work: "Rails standard formats (Time::DATE_FORMATS) still work:"