# Development This document contains information on how to develop `llbuild2`. # RE2 Server `llbuild2` can perform execution on build servers that implement [Bazel's RE2 APIs](https://github.com/bazelbuild/remote-apis). There are [many](https://github.com/bazelbuild/remote-apis#servers) OSS build servers that you can stand up for development. [Buildbarn](https://github.com/buildbarn) is one such build server which can be run locally with Docker. Follow the instructions on [this](https://github.com/buildbarn/bb-deployments#recommended-setup) page to setup your server for development and then test the connection using [`retool`](./retool.md): ```sh $ swift run llcastool capabilities --url bazel://localhost:8980/remote-execution BazelRemoteAPI.Build_Bazel_Remote_Execution_V2_ServerCapabilities: cache_capabilities { digest_function: [MD5, SHA1, SHA256, SHA384, SHA512] action_cache_update_capabilities { } symlink_absolute_path_strategy: ALLOWED } execution_capabilities { digest_function: SHA256 exec_enabled: true execution_priority_capabilities { priorities { min_priority: -2147483648 max_priority: 2147483647 } } } low_api_version { major: 2 } high_api_version { major: 2 } ```