Day 1 ======== --- Log opened Sat Oct 31 00:00:14 2015 00:09 < mopcon-bot> (mkidyt) 大家晚安! 00:47 -!- qlife [sid42436@gateway/web/] has joined #mopcon 01:04 -!- enge [] has joined #mopcon 01:04 < enge> ni hao 01:04 < mopcon-bot> (engerim42) hi 01:05 < enge> :D :D 01:07 -!- GGininder [24ed1ae9@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 01:07 -!- GGininder [24ed1ae9@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Client Quit] 01:24 -!- Luxun [uid13676@gateway/web/] has joined #mopcon 01:26 -!- allan914 [] has joined #mopcon 02:32 -!- chusiang [] has joined #mopcon 02:33 < chusiang> 開始比誰比較晚睡?大家晚安。 02:36 < chusiang> ping chusiang- 02:36 -!- chusiang [] has quit [Client Quit] 03:35 -!- Luxun [uid13676@gateway/web/] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 04:40 -!- mikimoto changed the topic of #mopcon to: MOPCON 2015 - 濁水溪以南最強大行動應用科技開發者年會 Connect everything 06:23 < mopcon-bot> (johnroyer) 早安 07:51 -!- BeataLin [] has joined #mopcon 07:51 -!- BeataLin [] has left #mopcon [] 07:54 -!- BeataLin_ [uid123870@gateway/web/] has joined #mopcon 08:08 -!- y5n [~AndChat12@] has joined #mopcon 08:13 -!- DanLu [] has joined #mopcon 08:16 -!- DanLu [] has quit [Client Quit] 08:22 -!- Luxun [uid13676@gateway/web/] has joined #mopcon 08:26 -!- DanLu [] has joined #mopcon 08:26 < DanLu> 測試~~ 08:26 -!- Martian [7a93ccd8@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 08:26 < Luxun> 早安 08:26 < y5n> 早 08:26 < DanLu> 大家早安 08:26 < Martian> Morning! 08:29 -!- xavier88 [] has joined #mopcon 08:30 -!- DanLu [] has quit [Client Quit] 08:30 -!- DanLu [] has joined #mopcon 08:43 -!- thomastsaitw [] has joined #mopcon 08:46 -!- andytwmvp [7a93ccd8@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 08:50 -!- andytwmvp [7a93ccd8@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Client Quit] 08:53 < mopcon-bot> (kaihuei0519) 早安 08:54 -!- andytwmvp [~andytwmvp@] has joined #mopcon 08:54 < mopcon-bot> (wupojung) 早安~ 08:54 -!- andytwmvp [~andytwmvp@] has quit [Client Quit] 08:55 -!- andytwmvp [~andytwmvp@] has joined #mopcon 08:55 < mopcon-bot> (kaihuei0519) 屏東騎機車到高雄好遠啊~~QQ 08:56 < mopcon-bot> (k7741118) 早阿 08:56 < y5n> 早 08:56 < mopcon-bot> (k7741118) 從大樹到這裡好遠>< 08:56 < thomastsaitw> 下一站 鹽埕埔 08:57 -!- cataska [sid12717@gateway/web/] has joined #mopcon 08:57 < mopcon-bot> (passerbyid) 巨大招財貓@鹽埕埔站 八塔了。 08:59 < mopcon-bot> (kaihuei0519) 大樹在哪? 09:00 < mopcon-bot> (keith222) 在高雄阿xd 09:00 < mopcon-bot> (keith222) 大家早安~ 09:00 -!- wei__ [uid110036@gateway/web/] has joined #mopcon 09:00 < wei__> 早安 09:00 < mopcon-bot> (tonyciou) 早安~~ 09:00 -!- Martian [7a93ccd8@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed] 09:00 < mopcon-bot> (k7741118) 高雄縣 09:01 < mopcon-bot> (yllan) 早~ 09:01 < mopcon-bot> (k7741118) 有住大樹的嗎?XD 09:03 -!- Hermes [uid123778@gateway/web/] has joined #mopcon 09:03 < Hermes> test 09:03 < yrc> 安安 09:05 < KylinWu> hi~ 09:05 -!- HCLD [uid121562@gateway/web/] has joined #mopcon 09:06 < mopcon-bot> (opjlmi) helloooooooo 09:08 < y5n> World 09:10 < andytwmvp> 總召jserv++ 09:10 -!- D-eye [~androirc@] has joined #mopcon 09:10 -!- WaitingChen [uid107248@gateway/web/] has joined #mopcon 09:10 < mopcon-bot> (t78973677) 總召好讚 09:11 < mopcon-bot> (wupojung) 為什麼 總召的時間沒有筆記可以做 XDD 09:11 -!- XiaoJunHong_m [uid84478@gateway/web/] has joined #mopcon 09:12 < mopcon-bot> (t78973677) 噓 不要問 很恐怖 09:12 -!- Aweimeow [~Aweimeow@] has joined #mopcon 09:12 < Aweimeow> ping 09:13 -!- y5n [~AndChat12@] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 09:13 < mopcon-bot> (mkidyt) COSCUP Jserv封麥是翟博士當主持,等等翟博士演講是Jserv主持 09:14 -!- ggininder [uid123879@gateway/web/] has joined #mopcon 09:15 < mopcon-bot> (wupojung) 這。。。 T⋯⋯T 今年COSCUP 沒有跟到 T⋯⋯T 09:15 -!- ifTNT [uid52634@gateway/web/] has joined #mopcon 09:16 -!- lego_ [~lego@] has joined #mopcon 09:17 < lego_> Hello~ 09:17 < mopcon-bot> (divazone) 早安 09:17 < mopcon-bot> (t78973677) 早安 09:17 < mopcon-bot> (passerbyid) 工作人員表示他也不知道 R2 R3 在哪裡 XD 09:17 -!- ifTNT_ [~iftnt@] has joined #mopcon 09:18 -!- lego_ is now known as LegoChiang 09:18 < mopcon-bot> (t78973677) 我也不知道!! 09:18 -!- Sciuridae_cloud [sid102450@gateway/web/] has joined #mopcon 09:18 < mopcon-bot> (kaihuei0519) 4F 09:18 < mopcon-bot> (kaihuei0519) 吧? 09:19 < mopcon-bot> (k7741118) R2 三樓 09:19 < mopcon-bot> (k7741118) R3 四樓 09:19 -!- y5n [~AndChat12@] has joined #mopcon 09:19 < mopcon-bot> (t78973677) 應該有平面圖 09:19 < mopcon-bot> (kaihuei0519) 手冊有寫~ 09:19 < D-eye> 手冊裡有樓層平面圖 09:19 < mopcon-bot> (mkidyt) R1在三樓,R2 R3在四樓 09:19 -!- NO_NAME_ [df8ac058@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 09:20 < mopcon-bot> (YongYuH) 左邊兩個投影片歪掉了QQ 09:20 < y5n> r1 的有 09:20 < mopcon-bot> (kaihuei0519) R1 講者旁邊的投影片歪了 XDD 09:20 < NO_NAME_> 已歪 09:20 < mopcon-bot> (t78973677) 對捏 左邊歪了 09:20 < y5n> 應該有人踢到架子...... 09:20 < mopcon-bot> (kaihuei0519) QQ 09:21 < thomastsaitw> 看右邊的 09:21 < mopcon-bot> (divazone) 總覺得 左邊投影機歪歪的 09:21 < mopcon-bot> (williesmithchen) 有工作人員可以協助調整嗎 09:21 < NO_NAME_> 我覺得兩邊歪的間距一模一樣www 09:21 < mopcon-bot> (wupojung) 中間的銀幕 很 09:21 < mopcon-bot> (wupojung) GG 09:22 < mopcon-bot> (wupojung) R 1 左邊兩台 被吃了 09:22 < mopcon-bot> (divazone) 網路被吃掉啦 09:22 < mopcon-bot> (kaihuei0519) 被小精靈吃掉拉~~ 09:22 -!- Aweimeow [~Aweimeow@] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 09:23 < mopcon-bot> (t78973677) 只好認真聽聲音了 09:23 < andytwmvp> 你看看你的D槽,有多少汙染在裡面 09:23 < mopcon-bot> (williesmithchen) D槽www 09:23 < NO_NAME_> D:\useful\10times 09:23 < andytwmvp> 看17 wwwwww 09:24 < LegoChiang> 17? 09:24 < andytwmvp> 黃立成的APP 09:24 < mopcon-bot> (t78973677) 17是什麼?我不懂 09:24 < mopcon-bot> (keith222) 很有爭議性的app 09:24 < LegoChiang> LOL~ 09:24 < mopcon-bot> (fsyoungOcean) 作文比賽~好酸~ 09:24 < mopcon-bot> (divazone) 很多不乾淨的直播 09:25 < mopcon-bot> (keith222) 最近又重上架了xd 09:25 -!- lws [3de76f28@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 09:26 < DennyHuang_> 找一些專家學者來背書 才能推卸責任XDD 09:26 -!- DennyHuang_ is now known as DennyHuang 09:26 < mopcon-bot> (kaihuei0519) 都是專家學者的錯~~ 09:26 < mopcon-bot> (keith222) 政府高層的腦袋.. 09:26 < mopcon-bot> (t78973677) 開放地址 09:27 < mopcon-bot> (keith222) 可是有些機關連地址開放都.... 09:27 -!- ScottChen [6e1e1d43@gateway/web/cgi-irc/] has joined #mopcon 09:28 < mopcon-bot> (divazone) 擔心資料安全之類的 09:28 -!- circ-user-VWo3l [] has joined #mopcon 09:29 -!- NewCliCker [uid28463@gateway/web/] has joined #mopcon 09:29 < mopcon-bot> (keith222) 想到最近open data在討論 資料隱私的問題 09:29 < mopcon-bot> (t78973677) 外國研究文 重點! 09:29 < mopcon-bot> (LuxunHuang) 英國研究 XDD 09:30 < mopcon-bot> (kaihuei0519) 英國! 09:30 < yrc> (UK) 09:30 -!- ScottChen [6e1e1d43@gateway/web/cgi-irc/] has quit [Client Quit] 09:30 < mopcon-bot> (kaihuei0519) open data 應該不能涉及所謂的私人資料 09:30 -!- williamg [uid123880@gateway/web/] has joined #mopcon 09:30 < mopcon-bot> (kaihuei0519) 不過,如何去界定就變成問題... 09:30 < mopcon-bot> (keith222) 沒錯 09:31 < mopcon-bot> (dwatow) 投影機沒得調嗎? 09:32 < mopcon-bot> (shih0810) 前方冷氣 09:33 < Sciuridae_cloud> 後方暖氣 09:34 -!- NO_NAME_ [df8ac058@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 09:34 < mopcon-bot> (t78973677) 09:34 < mopcon-bot> (t78973677) 很多類 09:35 < mopcon-bot> (divazone) 找不到網頁 09:35 < mopcon-bot> (passerbyid) 終於找到樓梯了XD 09:35 < mopcon-bot> (keith222) 結尾應該是topic 09:36 < mopcon-bot> (divazone) thx 09:36 < mopcon-bot> (t78973677) 09:36 < mopcon-bot> (t78973677) 這應該就可以了 09:37 < DennyHuang> wifi 的 IP 拿不到了QQ 09:37 < mopcon-bot> (kaihuei0519) 09:37 < mopcon-bot> (divazone) 政府所謂危險的定義好像像是根本不應該放在網路上?XD 09:37 < mopcon-bot> (keith222) 知道的太多了(? XD 09:37 < mopcon-bot> (kaihuei0519) 有網路都很危險~(笑 09:37 < mopcon-bot> (wupojung) AP快掛了?? 09:38 < mopcon-bot> (dwatow) 給別人知道=出錯的機會大增 09:38 < mopcon-bot> (divazone) 所謂資料正確性基本上本來就是提供者負責啊 跟公不公開好像沒關係啊 09:38 -!- y5n [~AndChat12@] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 09:42 < D-eye> 提醒大家!在R3的下一場議程和手冊不同,已網頁為主唷! 09:42 < mopcon-bot> (kaihuei0519) 求 讓氣象局掛掉的手機廠~(笑 09:42 < XiaoJunHong_m> Wi-Fi 可以連惹 09:43 -!- Shen [7a93ccd8@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 09:43 -!- y5n [] has joined #mopcon 09:45 -!- jeremy5189 [] has joined #mopcon 09:46 < jeremy5189> Hello 09:46 < XiaoJunHong_m> 意圖誘拐,不是!! 是說服 XD 09:46 -!- LegoChiang [~lego@] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 09:47 -!- y3n [~AndChat12@] has joined #mopcon 09:47 -!- lego_ [~lego@] has joined #mopcon 09:48 -!- lego_ [~lego@] has quit [Client Quit] 09:49 -!- lego_ [~lego@] has joined #mopcon 09:49 -!- y5n [] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 09:49 < mopcon-bot> (passerbyid) R2 的 kkbox 掛反變成 kkpox 09:49 -!- lego_ is now known as LegoChiang 09:50 < mopcon-bot> (t78973677) 連點 我被蚊子咬了 09:50 < mopcon-bot> (wildjcrt) 紫爆!! 09:50 -!- alicekey [] has joined #mopcon 09:51 -!- alicekey [] has quit [Client Quit] 09:51 -!- yrc [uid123303@gateway/web/] has left #mopcon [] 09:51 -!- alicekey [] has joined #mopcon 09:51 -!- FelixLin [7a93ccd8@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 09:51 -!- alicekey [] has quit [Client Quit] 09:51 < mopcon-bot> (t78973677) 靠北路霸!! 09:51 < mopcon-bot> (divazone) 各種靠北! 09:52 -!- alicekey [] has joined #mopcon 09:52 -!- jeremy5189 [] has quit [Quit: Lost terminal] 09:52 -!- alicekey [] has quit [Client Quit] 09:52 -!- YRCtw [~AndChat49@] has joined #mopcon 09:52 < Shen> Hi 09:53 < LegoChiang> Hello~ 09:53 < mopcon-bot> (kaihuei0519) hi 09:53 -!- Aweimeow [~Aweimeow@] has joined #mopcon 09:53 < mopcon-bot> (t78973677) 一起黑客松 09:54 -!- YRCtw [~AndChat49@] has quit [Client Quit] 09:54 -!- yrc [uid123303@gateway/web/] has joined #mopcon 09:55 < mopcon-bot> (kaihuei0519) 一起黑政府~ (誤 09:55 -!- onlyfly34 [7a93ccd8@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 09:57 -!- alicekey [] has joined #mopcon 09:57 -!- jeremy5189 [] has joined #mopcon 09:57 -!- alicekey [] has quit [Client Quit] 09:58 -!- circ-user-VWo3l [] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 09:58 < mopcon-bot> (t78973677) 哪一家食品公司捏? 09:58 -!- circ-user-VWo3l [] has joined #mopcon 09:58 < mopcon-bot> (wildjcrt) 該不會是義美 XD 09:59 < mopcon-bot> (divazone) 很食安不資安的公司?XD 09:59 -!- stkd_ [uid56888@gateway/web/] has joined #mopcon 09:59 -!- FelixLin [7a93ccd8@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 10:00 < Aweimeow> 這裡有電源可以充電嗎? 10:00 < stkd_> 有啊 10:00 < mopcon-bot> (wupojung) AWS快哭了~~ 10:01 -!- y5n [~AndChat12@] has joined #mopcon 10:01 -!- madarame_ [uid28051@gateway/web/] has joined #mopcon 10:01 -!- y3n [~AndChat12@] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 10:01 < mopcon-bot> (mkidyt) 手冊平面圖有充電區喔,電梯附近 10:02 -!- madarame__ [uid28051@gateway/web/] has joined #mopcon 10:02 < mopcon-bot> (mkidyt) 更正 R1附近 10:02 -!- MouseMs [] has joined #mopcon 10:02 < MouseMs> test 中文 10:02 < WaitingChen> 好像這次議程有講AWS的講者XD 10:02 < WaitingChen> 開場就被黑了 10:03 -!- circ-user-VWo3l [] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 10:03 < Aweimeow> 我是想要充筆電的 Q__Q 希望能在會場內,不然寫共筆很快就沒電了 10:03 < mopcon-bot> (wupojung) AWS 表示: M$ 跟我搶就算了, Ben神 也跟我搶XDD 10:04 -!- alicekey [] has joined #mopcon 10:04 -!- alicekey [] has quit [Client Quit] 10:05 -!- whitglint [] has joined #mopcon 10:05 < whitglint> 鍵盤參加 10:06 < mopcon-bot> (wupojung) 可以調整一下 投影機嗎。。。想哭 10:07 -!- ifTNT_ [~iftnt@] has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds] 10:07 < mopcon-bot> (yllan) 聽者帶 laptop 的比例高嗎? 10:07 < WaitingChen> Mopcon的場地不像Coscup ,有天生限制,果斷不帶充電器了XD 10:07 -!- lws [3de76f28@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 10:08 -!- ScottChen [6e1e1d43@gateway/web/cgi-irc/] has joined #mopcon 10:08 < LegoChiang> 請問R3的議程有做更改是....? 10:08 < LegoChiang> 我看官網似乎是一樣 10:09 -!- Shen [7a93ccd8@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 10:09 < ScottChen> 改蠻多的 10:09 < LegoChiang> 那請問哪裡看的到=口=~~ 10:10 -!- andytwmvp [~andytwmvp@] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 10:10 < ScottChen> 手冊把明天的放到今天了 10:10 -!- Aweimeow [~Aweimeow@] has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds] 10:10 -!- y3n [~AndChat12@] has joined #mopcon 10:11 < LegoChiang> 歐~~~原來我看到的是已經改過的... 10:11 < mopcon-bot> (FrankLin3501) 網頁的沒有錯 10:11 < ScottChen> 官網上有正確的 10:12 -!- blishs [] has joined #mopcon 10:13 -!- NO_NAME_ [df8ac058@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 10:14 -!- NO_NAME_ [df8ac058@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has left #mopcon [] 10:14 < mopcon-bot> (williesmithchen) 沒有插座噴電超快 10:14 -!- y5n [~AndChat12@] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 10:14 < y3n> 插座qq 10:15 -!- ScottChen [6e1e1d43@gateway/web/cgi-irc/] has quit [Quit: - A hand crafted IRC client] 10:15 -!- onlyfly34 [7a93ccd8@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 10:15 < mopcon-bot> (wupojung) 我直接忽略 手冊XDD 10:15 < mopcon-bot> (wupojung) 問個蠢問題。。。。大會衣服 有賣嗎?XD 10:16 -!- [R1]NO_NAME [df8ac058@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 10:16 -!- ScottChen [270dcb8c@gateway/web/cgi-irc/] has joined #mopcon 10:16 < [R1]NO_NAME> 換右邊歪了 10:17 -!- andytwmvp [~andytwmvp@] has joined #mopcon 10:18 -!- andytwmvp [~andytwmvp@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 10:21 -!- XiaoJunHong [] has joined #mopcon 10:21 -!- Aweimeow [~Aweimeow@] has joined #mopcon 10:21 -!- [R1]NO_NAME [df8ac058@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 10:21 < Aweimeow> R1 的右側投影機 GG 10:21 < Aweimeow> 是不是投影機被ㄎㄟˊ到了 10:22 < XiaoJunHong> 女生包包有五個以上的舉手 XD 10:23 < mopcon-bot> (divazone) 剛剛會場WIFI 我的Mac突然連不上 10:23 < DennyHuang> R2 右側投影機顫抖中XD 10:24 < mopcon-bot> (t78973677) 包包不是多一樣嗎 10:24 -!- mikechouto [sid106119@gateway/web/] has joined #mopcon 10:24 < mopcon-bot> (t78973677) 鞋子一雙就夠了啊 10:25 < ScottChen> Win10~~~~~~ 10:26 -!- andytwmvp [~andytwmvp@] has joined #mopcon 10:26 -!- Dino [~dino@] has joined #mopcon 10:26 < mopcon-bot> (chyuaner) 請問今天有共筆嗎?像是Hackpad之類的? 10:26 < Aweimeow> Q___Q 真的沒人能救投影機嗎 10:26 < Aweimeow> 10:26 -!- Dino is now known as Guest64221 10:27 < mopcon-bot> (chyuaner) 感謝! 10:28 -!- trista [uid106978@gateway/web/] has joined #mopcon 10:30 < WaitingChen> 這次大會有官方直播嗎? 10:30 -!- thomastsaitw [] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 10:31 -!- alicekey [uid16113@gateway/web/] has joined #mopcon 10:32 -!- taichunmin [uid19896@gateway/web/] has joined #mopcon 10:33 < mopcon-bot> (mkidyt) 瑞士刀www 10:33 < XiaoJunHong> 功能都有了,超帥氣的RRR... 10:33 < ScottChen> 想要那把瑞士刀wwwwww 10:34 < ggininder> 尊爵不凡阿!! 10:34 < XiaoJunHong> 想偷偷問 mopcon-bot 的來源是哪裡啊 OwO 10:34 < mopcon-bot> (divazone) IRC 10:34 < mopcon-bot> (divazone) 說錯 gitter 10:34 < xavier88> 報稅程式是用delphi開發的 qq 10:35 < D-eye> mopcon-bot 是網頁版的IRC, gitter 10:36 -!- lego_ [~lego@] has joined #mopcon 10:36 < XiaoJunHong> 原來如此(筆記翻頁 10:37 < lego_> 話說... 為什麼日期那條有一條css rule width:105vw 導致跑版 為什麼要有這條阿.. 10:37 -!- LegoChiang [~lego@] has quit [Quit: Lost terminal] 10:37 < ScottChen> 寫程式好累,來賣雞排好了 10:37 -!- yourname2 [~yourname@] has joined #mopcon 10:37 < ggininder> 要切 不要辣,謝謝 10:37 < DennyHuang> 聽說賣滷味比較省事 10:38 < y3n> 好吃的雞排也是一種技術啊 10:38 -!- yourname2 is now known as divazone 10:38 -!- Hermes_ [8c7b698f@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 10:38 < divazone> test 10:40 < divazone> 大部分廠商不敢真正demo車牌影像辨識 10:41 < mopcon-bot> (zaoldyeck) @chyuaner Hackpad從官網進入 10:42 < whitglint> 因為 sql injection 嗎? (X 10:43 < y3n> Whitglint 你也有來? 10:43 < whitglint> 鍵盤參加 10:44 < mopcon-bot> (wupojung) 影片好像在哪裡看過 QQ 10:44 < mopcon-bot> (divazone) 哪部影片? 10:44 < y3n> Lpr 影像辨識 10:46 < mopcon-bot> (wupojung) r1 使用者歷程地圖 10:46 < divazone> 想請問一下會場附近有沒有推薦吃的店 10:47 < mikechouto> 同問 XD 10:47 < y3n> 餓了 10:47 < ggininder> 沒吃早餐qq 10:47 -!- cash [~cash@] has joined #mopcon 10:48 < ScottChen> 記得要去菜市場那找 10:48 < ScottChen> 或麥當勞 10:48 < divazone> 是說目前R3講者還沒講到不要在雲端上作影像辨識的原因啊 10:50 < ScottChen> 重點:只要多付一點錢 10:51 < mopcon-bot> (mkidyt) 沒有wifi www 10:51 < ScottChen> 為了延續夢想竟然沒有WIFI 10:52 -!- YRCtw [~AndChat49@] has joined #mopcon 10:52 < lego_> 然後有提供ether這樣 10:52 -!- YRCtw [~AndChat49@] has quit [Client Quit] 10:52 < ScottChen> 使用者不會用,使用者好笨啊哈哈哈 10:53 < mopcon-bot> (taxeswang) 可是有些使用者連想要什麼都說不出來~或是需求改來改去~ 10:56 < mopcon-bot> (xhtwj) R1的投影機解析度錯誤就是UX! 10:58 -!- andytwmvp [~andytwmvp@] has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds] 10:58 -!- cash [~cash@] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 10:58 < Guest64221> 附近有義美門市~ 10:59 < XiaoJunHong> 經理級 XD 10:59 < mopcon-bot> (chyuaner) R2 講Gradle的,投影片有釋出嗎?有不少腳本和Code,想之後慢慢看 10:59 -!- lego_ [~lego@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 10:59 < ScottChen> 主管:因為我喜歡啊 11:00 < mopcon-bot> (wahaha0231) R2有無投影片? 11:00 < XiaoJunHong> R1 「糟糕,這個有錄影耶」 XDDDDD 11:00 -!- cash [] has joined #mopcon 11:00 < y3n> Xd 11:01 -!- HHHHa [7a93ccd8@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 11:02 -!- lego_ [~lego@] has joined #mopcon 11:02 < mopcon-bot> (Jackson45252) 或許使用者不需要穿衣服(大誤 11:02 < y3n> 從後端做辨識成本太高,從前端做 11:03 < mopcon-bot> (Jackson45252) 他是要拿來洗貓咪(獵奇 11:03 -!- lego_ [~lego@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 11:05 -!- Luxun [uid13676@gateway/web/] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 11:05 < ScottChen> 大學生比較有錢 11:05 < XiaoJunHong> 大學生比較有錢 11:06 -!- lego_ [~lego@] has joined #mopcon 11:07 -!- lego_ [~lego@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 11:08 < ScottChen> 通靈XD 11:10 < mopcon-bot> (taxeswang) 所以工程師另外一個別稱叫乩童 11:11 -!- Guest64221 [~dino@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 11:12 < y3n> R3 結束 11:13 -!- HHHHa [7a93ccd8@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 11:14 < XiaoJunHong> 地板微晃動 ww 11:15 -!- divazone [~yourname@] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 11:16 < y3n> 難得有個頻道出現的帳號幾乎都不認識 11:16 -!- kerker [7a93ccd8@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 11:17 -!- andytwmvp [~andytwmvp@] has joined #mopcon 11:18 -!- divazone [~yourname@] has joined #mopcon 11:18 < divazone> XDD 11:18 -!- prpr [~prpr@] has joined #mopcon 11:19 -!- Shen [7a93ccd8@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 11:19 -!- unciax [7a93ccd4@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 11:19 -!- Dino [~dino@] has joined #mopcon 11:20 -!- Dino is now known as Guest68082 11:20 -!- lego_ [~lego@] has joined #mopcon 11:20 < divazone> 我的產品很好 .> 只是沒人要用 11:20 < lego_> hi 11:21 < mopcon-bot> (Enyasu) 有人覺得R2很冷嗎? 11:21 < mopcon-bot> (Jackson45252) 很冷+1 11:21 < mopcon-bot> (hobbyling) R3也頗冷 11:21 < XiaoJunHong> 就像某台機車一樣 XDDD 11:21 < mopcon-bot> (Enyasu) 分一點給R1吧 11:21 < DanLu> R2好冷++ 11:22 < mopcon-bot> (taxeswang) 顧顧路那台機車嗎? 11:22 < lego_> 我錯了 應該帶外套的 11:22 < mopcon-bot> (Jackson45252) R1看地方 有些地方也很冷 11:22 < mopcon-bot> (yulin0629) 前面不會冷 11:22 < mopcon-bot> (yulin0629) 第一排 11:23 -!- Shen [7a93ccd8@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 11:23 < mopcon-bot> (divazone) 故陸陸大暴衝 11:23 < mopcon-bot> (divazone) 故陸陸 11:23 < lego_> R2右邊投影機一直抖 11:24 -!- pastleo [~pastleo@] has joined #mopcon 11:24 < mopcon-bot> (Enyasu) 哈哈 11:24 < mopcon-bot> (Enyasu) 我發現了!!!! 11:24 < pastleo> hello 11:24 < mopcon-bot> (Enyasu) 他很冷 11:24 < pastleo> 頗抖 11:24 < mopcon-bot> (yulin0629) 現在帝寶一戶要三億了 11:24 < mopcon-bot> (Enyasu) @zeroplex-bot 嗨~~~ 11:25 < XiaoJunHong> 牛排住帝寶 11:26 < mopcon-bot> (yulin0629) 什麼是pmf 11:27 < ggininder> 想吃牛排了好餓 11:27 -!- Aweimeow [~Aweimeow@] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 11:27 < mopcon-bot> (divazone) 創業很容易失敗QQ 11:29 < mopcon-bot> (taxeswang) 冷爆了~~明天要帶羽絨衣來了 11:29 -!- prpr [~prpr@] has quit [Quit: 暫離] 11:30 -!- Wemy [uid13637@gateway/web/] has joined #mopcon 11:30 < yrc> 羽絨衣也太誇張 11:31 < HCLD> 決定明天不開冷氣 11:31 < XiaoJunHong> 從暖暖包開始吧(? 11:31 < mopcon-bot> (divazone) 外面挺熱的(? 11:32 < XiaoJunHong> 請外面打開冷氣好嗎(? 11:33 < allan914> 我覺得 11:33 < allan914> R1第一排很冷啊 XD 11:33 -!- GGininder_ [7a93ccd4@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 11:34 -!- ScottChen [270dcb8c@gateway/web/cgi-irc/] has quit [Quit: - A hand crafted IRC client] 11:34 < XiaoJunHong> 發現擋住冷氣的人(? 11:34 < mopcon-bot> (yulin0629) 講者手上有一個發出綠光的remote control 11:34 < divazone> R1最後一排覺得還好XD 11:36 < mopcon-bot> (Jackson45252) 地方的阿姨需要客人 11:36 < XiaoJunHong> 可是看起來像詐騙集團(? 11:36 < mopcon-bot> (chyuaner) R2坐在中間,剛好遇到通風口,★愉☆悅★ 11:37 < divazone> 不知道該不該吃的店,然後跑去賣噹噹(X 11:38 < divazone> 舉例看起來麥噹噹行銷超好 11:38 -!- AndChat|261225 [~AndChat26@] has joined #mopcon 11:39 -!- DanLu [] has quit [Quit: Bye] 11:40 -!- thomastsaitw [] has joined #mopcon 11:40 -!- AndChat|261225 [~AndChat26@] has quit [Client Quit] 11:40 -!- Guest68082 [~dino@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 11:41 -!- IDN_ [7a93ccd8@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 11:41 < Wemy> 你有看到麥噹噹的landing page嗎 11:41 < XiaoJunHong> 大大的M算嗎(? 11:41 < divazone> 各種主題特餐 11:41 -!- DanLu [~AndChat26@] has joined #mopcon 11:42 < Wemy> 原本想吃小吃 走一走看到M就進去了(X 11:42 < GGininder_> 午餐時間 餓了 11:42 < mopcon-bot> (Jackson45252) 接近中午看這燒肉簡報....好餓~~ 11:42 < mopcon-bot> (yulin0629) @zeroplex-bot 之前有個招募酒店小姐的Landing 也做的很好 11:42 < xavier88> 投影機餓到發抖了… 11:42 < mopcon-bot> (Jackson45252) 喔喔 那個我記得!! 根本感覺不像一般酒店招募 11:42 < XiaoJunHong> 好煩喔,一直出現食物的畫面... QQ 11:42 < lego_> R2 live demo demo 11:43 < mopcon-bot> (yulin0629) 出現了 11:43 < thomastsaitw> Live dwmo 的剋星 11:43 < divazone> 別讓貧窮改變你的笑容 11:43 < mopcon-bot> (Jackson45252) 剛說就PO了 大大神預測 11:43 < GGininder_> 來了 11:43 < WaitingChen> R2表示demo都會有問題,所以我放影片就好了 11:43 < divazone> 月入六位數(?! 11:44 < GGininder_> 工程師哭哭喔 11:44 < divazone> 飯局女太猛惹 11:44 < mopcon-bot> (yulin0629) @zeroplex-bot 看得我都心動了 11:44 < mopcon-bot> (prprprpony) Never live demo 11:45 < XiaoJunHong> 降低疑慮,增加信心 11:45 < mopcon-bot> (Jackson45252) 招募工程師-搞個"摳丁男孩" 11:45 < XiaoJunHong> 摳丁男孩 XDDDDDDDDDDD 11:45 < divazone> 不要看起來很屌但不能幹嘛 11:45 < Wemy> 說說你首圖想擺什麼... 11:45 < Wemy> XDDDD 11:45 < mopcon-bot> (divazone) jserv(X 11:45 < y3n> r3好冷.... 11:46 < mopcon-bot> (Jackson45252) 哈 landing page就卡住了www 11:46 < XiaoJunHong> 看著首圖,會莫名的跪下吧... QQ 11:46 -!- DanLu [~AndChat26@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 11:46 -!- DanLu [~AndChat26@] has joined #mopcon 11:46 < mopcon-bot> (Jackson45252) 放個賈伯斯之類的意象(? 11:46 < divazone> 承襲jserv教你寫程式啊(? 11:47 < mopcon-bot> (wupojung) 其實。。。大家都是通靈者~~ 11:47 < Wemy> 那啥...說好的男孩呢(敲碗)(不是) 11:47 < divazone> 改成摳頂大叔 11:47 < XiaoJunHong> jserv不好嗎 QQ 11:47 < mopcon-bot> (Jackson45252) 我就是不懂才坐在這邊麻otz 11:48 < XiaoJunHong> 科學性的方法 11:49 < IDN_> 放一張少年jserv的照片(? 11:49 < divazone> wwwww 11:49 -!- jordanSu [7a93ccd8@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 11:49 < mopcon-bot> (yulin0629) 好像需要開三個room 11:51 -!- lancetw [sid27885@gateway/web/] has joined #mopcon 11:52 < mopcon-bot> (yulin0629) 吃了小菜之後真的很難閃 11:52 < mopcon-bot> (taxeswang) 中午肚子餓還一直講食物~~R1很煎熬 11:52 < XiaoJunHong> R1 根本點菜,也太餓... Orzzzz 11:52 < mopcon-bot> (divazone) 可惡想吃飯啊QAQQQQ 11:53 < XiaoJunHong> 滴了三滴,立刻覺得賺到了(? 11:53 < GGininder_> 跪求推薦附近美食 求大神寫APP了XDD 11:53 -!- hey [7a93ccd4@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 11:53 < mopcon-bot> (wupojung) 超壞的R 11:53 < mopcon-bot> (wupojung) R1 11:53 < mopcon-bot> (Jackson45252) 求那間鐵板燒地址wwwwwwww 11:53 < hey> ? 11:53 -!- hey is now known as Guest78993 11:53 < mopcon-bot> (divazone) 等等要出去覓食阿 11:53 -!- caasih [sid13241@gateway/web/] has joined #mopcon 11:54 < mopcon-bot> (Jackson45252) 我記得有提供便當? 11:54 -!- Guest78993 is now known as heyhey 11:55 < mopcon-bot> (divazone) 學生票沒便當 11:55 < heyhey> 外出覓食 11:55 < mopcon-bot> (prprprpony) R2:真的超便宜 11:55 < mopcon-bot> (prprprpony) wwww 11:55 < XiaoJunHong> 原來如此,所以等等大大的M會充滿學生這樣 ww 11:57 < mopcon-bot> (divazone) 來南部應該要吃丹丹吧XDDD 11:58 < XiaoJunHong> 嘿Siri,告訴我附近的丹丹 11:58 < unciax> 丹丹西子灣那邊有 11:58 < IDN_> 高雄市鼓山區臨海二路24號 11:58 < heyhey> siri : 今天 5:00 二廳有 11:58 < y3n> 旦旦讚 11:59 < mopcon-bot> (divazone) 我早餐吃了丹丹 等等午餐可能也要丹丹了 11:59 < XiaoJunHong> 丹丹吃丹丹(被打 12:00 < GGininder_> 想吃丹丹 12:00 < heyhey> 丹丹漢堡請講者丹丹吃丹丹漢堡丹丹可樂,丹丹說好 12:00 < mopcon-bot> (yulin0629) 好餓 12:01 < divazone> Denny出來面對(X 12:01 < mopcon-bot> (yulin0629) xdite的演講都是吃的 12:01 < XiaoJunHong> 某種程度來說,丹丹首圖有效M? 12:01 < heyhey> 出來擔擔 12:01 -!- AndChat|261225 [~AndChat26@] has joined #mopcon 12:01 -!- DanLu [~AndChat26@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 12:01 < GGininder_> 請問譁達奶茶 推薦嗎 12:01 < XiaoJunHong> 光明路五號 12:01 < mopcon-bot> (yulin0629) 光明路5號 12:02 < heyhey> 野生的會眾放出來啦! 12:02 < mopcon-bot> (yulin0629) 講話好快 12:03 < heyhey> 場務組警戒啦! 12:03 < mopcon-bot> (divazone) 12:03 < mopcon-bot> (divazone) 不知道能不能參考 12:05 -!- XiaoJunHong [] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 12:06 -!- XiaoJunHong [~XiaoJunHo@] has joined #mopcon 12:06 -!- lego_ [~lego@] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 12:07 -!- heyhey [7a93ccd4@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 12:07 -!- IDN_ [7a93ccd8@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 12:08 -!- madarame__ [uid28051@gateway/web/] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 12:08 -!- madarame_ [uid28051@gateway/web/] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 12:08 -!- jordanSu [7a93ccd8@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 12:08 -!- GGininder_ [7a93ccd4@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 12:09 -!- kerker [7a93ccd8@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 12:09 -!- divazone [~yourname@] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 12:11 -!- thomastsaitw [] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 12:12 -!- XiaoJunHong [~XiaoJunHo@] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 12:14 -!- thomastsaitw [] has joined #mopcon 12:20 -!- AndChat|261225 [~AndChat26@] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 12:23 -!- cash [] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 12:24 -!- nefarian [7a93ccd4@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 12:25 < unciax> [公告] 目前開放學生票領取便當 想要吃便當的會眾請到便當領取區領取 12:25 -!- D-eye [~androirc@] has quit [Quit: AndroIRC - Android IRC Client ( )] 12:26 -!- lego_ [~lego@] has joined #mopcon 12:27 -!- XiaoJunHong [~XiaoJunHo@] has joined #mopcon 12:27 -!- andytwmvp [~andytwmvp@] has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds] 12:28 -!- y3n [~AndChat12@] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 12:28 -!- nefarian [7a93ccd4@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 12:30 -!- XiaoJunHong [~XiaoJunHo@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 12:30 -!- XiaoJunHong [~XiaoJunHo@] has joined #mopcon 12:32 -!- y5n [] has joined #mopcon 12:39 -!- xavier88 [] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 12:40 -!- thomastsaitw [] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 12:40 -!- thomastsaitw [] has joined #mopcon 12:48 -!- ifTNT_ [~iftnt@] has joined #mopcon 12:54 -!- ifTNT_ [~iftnt@] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 12:54 -!- XiaoJunHong [~XiaoJunHo@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 12:56 -!- XiaoJunHong [~XiaoJunHo@] has joined #mopcon 12:58 -!- jordanSu [7a93ccd8@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 13:00 -!- ScottChen [270dcb8c@gateway/web/cgi-irc/] has joined #mopcon 13:01 -!- XiaoJunHong [~XiaoJunHo@] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 13:03 -!- Mouther is now known as [R2]Mouther 13:04 -!- IDN_ [7a93ccd8@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 13:05 < mopcon-bot> (mkidyt) 伊藤潤二wwww 13:05 < mopcon-bot> (kewang) 為什麼R1講者旁邊的投影機一直沒辦法正確顯示啊= = 13:05 -!- ggininder_ [7a93ccd4@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 13:05 < mopcon-bot> (wupojung) R1 左2 又又鬼了 = = 13:05 < IDN_> R1本來切左邊,現在切上面 13:08 -!- jordanSu [7a93ccd8@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed] 13:08 < mopcon-bot> (xhtwj) 「一定有👻動了投影機的設定」 13:08 -!- XiaoJunHong [~XiaoJunHo@] has joined #mopcon 13:09 < mopcon-bot> (wupojung) 因為投影機還沒有通靈 ~ 13:09 -!- ScottChen [270dcb8c@gateway/web/cgi-irc/] has quit [Quit: - A hand crafted IRC client] 13:10 < [R2]Mouther> 通靈你也懂 13:13 < mopcon-bot> (wupojung) 略懂略懂。。。 13:13 -!- Shen [7a93ccd8@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 13:13 -!- thomastsaitw [] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 13:13 -!- thomastsaitw [] has joined #mopcon 13:14 < ggininder_> R2畫面不見了 13:14 < wei__> R2 畫面進入螢幕保護程式 13:15 -!- XiaoJunHong [~XiaoJunHo@] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 13:16 < mopcon-bot> (aacczury) R3 雜音好大啊XD 13:17 -!- kenobilyh [uid106989@gateway/web/] has joined #mopcon 13:17 < y5n> R3 g2g 13:18 < mopcon-bot> (wupojung) 這件事件告訴我們不要亂跟 鬼 開玩笑:P 13:20 -!- qq3b0 [~qq3b0@] has joined #mopcon 13:21 -!- Shen [7a93ccd8@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 13:25 -!- qq3b0 [~qq3b0@] has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds] 13:29 -!- ScottChen [270dcb8c@gateway/web/cgi-irc/] has joined #mopcon 13:34 -!- ScottChen [270dcb8c@gateway/web/cgi-irc/] has quit [Quit: - A hand crafted IRC client] 13:35 -!- ScottChen [270dcb8c@gateway/web/cgi-irc/] has joined #mopcon 13:35 -!- qq3b0 [~qq3b0@] has joined #mopcon 13:37 < mopcon-bot> (taxeswang) 下午吃飽了特別好睡~~R3趴一堆了~~ 13:38 < ggininder_> R2螢幕又在保護城市了XD 13:38 -!- taichunmin [uid19896@gateway/web/] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 13:38 < mopcon-bot> (hsinnan) R2筆電也趴了 13:39 < y5n> R3 有點冷 13:39 < mopcon-bot> (wupojung) 尷尬。。。等等想去R2 的說 13:39 -!- XiaoJunHong [~XiaoJunHo@] has joined #mopcon 13:40 < BeataLin_> R2 BGM 有點搶戲 13:41 < y5n> Bgm 名稱是什麼? 13:41 < BeataLin_> 背景音樂,目前狀況已排除 13:41 -!- derekhsu_ [7a93ccd8@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 13:42 < y5n> 不,我想知道這背景音樂的名稱 13:42 < derekhsu_> 用這麼熱血的音樂是? 13:44 < BeataLin_> 身為木耳,聽不出來 13:45 -!- XiaoJunHong [~XiaoJunHo@] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 13:45 -!- IDN_ [7a93ccd8@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 13:46 -!- MouseMs [] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 13:46 < [R2]Mouther> 聽說R1第一排有人一直在睡@@ 13:47 -!- ggininder_ [7a93ccd4@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed] 13:47 -!- y3n [~AndChat12@] has joined #mopcon 13:48 -!- ScottChen [270dcb8c@gateway/web/cgi-irc/] has quit [Quit: - A hand crafted IRC client] 13:49 -!- ScottChen [270dcb8c@gateway/web/cgi-irc/] has joined #mopcon 13:50 -!- IDN_ [7a93ccd8@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 13:51 -!- XiaoJunHong [~XiaoJunHo@] has joined #mopcon 13:51 -!- qq3b0 [~qq3b0@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 13:51 -!- y5n [] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 13:52 -!- blishs [] has quit [Quit: Bye] 13:55 < mopcon-bot> (Ennone) BGM是大神的配樂 13:57 -!- derekhsu_ [7a93ccd8@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 13:57 < mopcon-bot> (wupojung) R2 右邊再發抖 。。。 13:57 < mopcon-bot> (wupojung) T⋯⋯T 13:57 -!- qq3b0 [~qq3b0@] has joined #mopcon 14:00 -!- Aweimeow [~Aweimeow@] has joined #mopcon 14:00 < Aweimeow> R2 右側的投影機持續抖動中 14:00 < Aweimeow> 超自然震動 14:00 -!- derekhsu [7a93ccd8@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 14:00 < XiaoJunHong> R1 「看到主持人比我緊張,我就比較不緊張」 14:00 -!- ggininder_ [7a93ccd8@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 14:01 < mopcon-bot> (focaaby) 兩點了,hackpad掛惹 XDDDDDDD 14:01 < Aweimeow> hackpad 又掛了嗎 14:01 < Aweimeow> XDDD 14:01 < mopcon-bot> (focaaby) 因為1400了 XDDDDD 14:01 < mopcon-bot> (gitjolin) 請問冷氣可以調整嗎?快變冰棒啦 14:02 < [R2]Mouther> 請問樓上是哪一廳? 14:02 < unciax> 冷氣處理中 請稍候 14:02 < mopcon-bot> (hobbyling) R3也需要 14:02 < mopcon-bot> (kitah) 行者看起來好棒 14:03 -!- andytwmvp [~andytwmvp@] has joined #mopcon 14:03 -!- WaitingChen [uid107248@gateway/web/] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 14:03 -!- [R3]NO_NAME [7a93ccd4@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 14:04 -!- DanLu [~AndChat26@] has joined #mopcon 14:04 -!- divazone [~yourname@] has joined #mopcon 14:04 < mopcon-bot> (viator75) R2右側投影機在發抖! 14:05 < [R3]NO_NAME> 早上就這樣了 14:05 < mopcon-bot> (gitjolin) 是太冷發抖了嗎? 14:05 < mopcon-bot> (wupojung) 所以我跑來左邊 跟大家一起擠 14:05 < mopcon-bot> (viator75) 應該是,剛好在風口下 14:06 < mopcon-bot> (taxeswang) BB Call用過(舉手) 14:09 -!- y5n [] has joined #mopcon 14:09 -!- y3n [~AndChat12@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 14:09 -!- thomastsaitw [] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 14:09 < mopcon-bot> (yulin0629) Line買Pizza感覺很方便 14:09 < divazone> LINE買PIZZA 不是直接去網站訂嗎? 14:10 < Aweimeow> 求工作人員大大處理 R2 右邊投影機的震動 Q__Q 14:10 < XiaoJunHong> 嘿Siri,用LINE買Pizza 14:10 < alicekey> R3 太冷+1 14:11 -!- thomastsaitw [] has joined #mopcon 14:11 < mopcon-bot> (yulin0629) 所以以後可以用Line搭小黃 14:11 < mopcon-bot> (yulin0629) 和報警 14:12 < [R3]NO_NAME> 反應一下冷氣吧...好冷 14:12 -!- xavier88 [] has joined #mopcon 14:12 < XiaoJunHong> 嘿Siri,用LINE報警 14:12 -!- y3n [~AndChat12@] has joined #mopcon 14:12 < mopcon-bot> (taxeswang) 現在已經可以用APP報警了 14:12 < mopcon-bot> (wupojung) 嘿 siri ...用line 幫我coding (誤 14:13 < [R2]Mouther> R2 估計等這個 session 結束之後,才能處理投影機問題 14:13 < XiaoJunHong> App 在 monkey test 的時候就狂報警(? 14:13 < derekhsu> 牆角真的很冷 14:13 -!- ScottChen [270dcb8c@gateway/web/cgi-irc/] has quit [Quit: - A hand crafted IRC client] 14:13 -!- y5n [] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 14:13 < mopcon-bot> (yulin0629) 用Line幫你神路人 14:14 < mopcon-bot> (Jackson45252) Line神? 14:15 -!- jeremy5189 [] has quit [Quit: leaving] 14:16 < mopcon-bot> (wupojung) 不過授權金 正式收費以後 很可怕(小聲說) 14:16 < divazone> 只要LINE有17一半的功能就考慮( 14:16 < mopcon-bot> (yulin0629) 問冰箱感覺其實很怪 14:16 < mopcon-bot> (wupojung) JSDC 問到的價格 10萬/月 14:16 < mopcon-bot> (wupojung) 左右。。。 14:16 < [R2]Mouther> [公告] 4樓廁所撿到白色sony手機,請遺失的會眾到櫃檯領取 14:16 -!- ScottChen [270dcb8c@gateway/web/cgi-irc/] has joined #mopcon 14:17 -!- [R3]NO_NAME_ [7a93ccd4@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 14:17 < divazone> LINE的服務越來越好是不錯 不過帳號上的安全問題 我覺得還是有點不太好 14:17 < XiaoJunHong> 「嘿LINE,冰箱還有幾瓶啤酒?」「有三瓶過期的啤酒」 14:17 < divazone> 之前都有人被盜帳號 14:18 < mopcon-bot> (wupojung) R2 大家都好快喔 14:18 < [R3]NO_NAME_> SARS硬碟? 14:18 -!- [R3]NO_NAME [7a93ccd4@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 14:18 < mopcon-bot> (yulin0629) 用Line開門好了 14:18 < XiaoJunHong> 「嘿LINE,有幾個好友被盜?」「計算中...」 14:19 -!- AndChat|261225 [~AndChat26@] has joined #mopcon 14:19 -!- DanLu [~AndChat26@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 14:19 -!- AndChat|261225 [~AndChat26@] has quit [Client Quit] 14:19 -!- DanLu [~AndChat26@] has joined #mopcon 14:20 -!- [R3]NO_NAME_ [7a93ccd4@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Client Quit] 14:21 < mopcon-bot> (taxeswang) R3的冷氣不用錢~~~~~(抖) 14:24 -!- Hermes_ [8c7b698f@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed] 14:24 -!- y3n [~AndChat12@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 14:24 -!- y5n [~AndChat12@] has joined #mopcon 14:24 < derekhsu> 「嘿LINE,冰箱還有幾瓶啤酒?」「本來有三罐,一罐被隔壁的老王喝掉了」 14:24 < IDN_> Line的VoIP有時候也不是很順暢(X 14:25 -!- y3n [~AndChat12@] has joined #mopcon 14:25 < XiaoJunHong> 「嘿LINE,凍結隔壁老王」 14:25 < mopcon-bot> (yulin0629) 那台冰箱我要買 14:25 -!- unciax [7a93ccd4@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 14:25 < mopcon-bot> (gitjolin) LINE可以幫我寫程式嗎? 14:25 < ggininder_> yjo4urp4 14:26 -!- wildfoot_cloud_ [uid92129@gateway/web/] has joined #mopcon 14:26 < XiaoJunHong> 一年要幾百萬... 14:26 < ggininder_> 最近yahoo的十秒完成拍賣 應該也是這個吧 14:26 < mopcon-bot> (wupojung) 還不含後面的 分析服務XD 14:26 < mopcon-bot> (yulin0629) Line直播 14:26 < XiaoJunHong> 直播老王(? 14:28 -!- andytwmvp [~andytwmvp@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 14:28 < mopcon-bot> (AugustusW) LINE的服務有點貴 可能不想氾濫吧 14:28 -!- y5n [~AndChat12@] has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds] 14:29 < mopcon-bot> (yulin0629) 個人沒有的話,就不好玩了 14:29 -!- hungwei [~hungwei@] has joined #mopcon 14:29 < mopcon-bot> (gitjolin) 所以是要有幾百萬才可以玩的意思嗎?好吧...老王 你可以繼續喝啤酒了 14:29 < mopcon-bot> (AugustusW) 今天看到攤位介紹以為終於有開放個人使用 14:29 < XiaoJunHong> 有種微軟 .NET 的感覺 14:30 -!- ScottChen [270dcb8c@gateway/web/cgi-irc/] has quit [Quit: - A hand crafted IRC client] 14:32 < XiaoJunHong> MOPCON應該要全大寫嗎 O__O 14:33 < divazone> 應該 14:34 -!- AndChat|261225 [~AndChat26@] has joined #mopcon 14:34 -!- DanLu [~AndChat26@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 14:37 < divazone> 達美樂:不要來亂 14:37 < mopcon-bot> (shih0810) Line的ipad都不能傳貼圖⋯說好的使用者只要的是功能呢 14:38 < mopcon-bot> (mouse170) telegram歡迎你 14:38 -!- stkd_ [uid56888@gateway/web/] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 14:38 -!- thomastsaitw [] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 14:38 < y3n> Telegram 讚 14:38 < divazone> 女子高中生>////< 14:39 -!- thomastsaitw [] has joined #mopcon 14:39 -!- y5n [~AndChat12@] has joined #mopcon 14:40 -!- XiaoJunHong [~XiaoJunHo@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 14:41 -!- XiaoJunHong [~XiaoJunHo@] has joined #mopcon 14:42 -!- ScottChen [270dcb8c@gateway/web/cgi-irc/] has joined #mopcon 14:43 -!- unciax_ [7a93ccd4@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 14:43 -!- y3n [~AndChat12@] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 14:45 -!- IDN_ [7a93ccd8@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 14:45 -!- qq3b0 [~qq3b0@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 14:46 -!- XiaoJunHong [~XiaoJunHo@] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 14:49 -!- hungwei [~hungwei@] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 14:49 -!- Aweimeow [~Aweimeow@] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 14:49 -!- AndChat|261225 [~AndChat26@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 14:49 -!- DanLu [~AndChat26@] has joined #mopcon 14:50 -!- ScottChen [270dcb8c@gateway/web/cgi-irc/] has quit [Quit: - A hand crafted IRC client] 14:50 < mopcon-bot> (passerbyid) 請問剛剛 line 那場,女子高中生的語意分析叫啥名? 14:51 -!- ggininder_ [7a93ccd8@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 14:51 -!- unciax_ [7a93ccd4@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed] 14:51 -!- divazone [~yourname@] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 14:52 -!- unciax [7a93ccd4@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 14:54 -!- thomastsaitw [] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 14:55 < mopcon-bot> (mouse170) @passerbyid 14:58 -!- ScottChen [270dcb8c@gateway/web/cgi-irc/] has joined #mopcon 14:59 -!- Calos [7a93ccd8@gateway/web/cgi-irc/] has joined #mopcon 14:59 -!- DanLu [~AndChat26@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 15:00 -!- AndChat|261225 [~AndChat26@] has joined #mopcon 15:02 -!- swem_ [uid27646@gateway/web/] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 15:02 -!- swem_ [uid27646@gateway/web/] has joined #mopcon 15:05 -!- qq3b0 [~qq3b0@] has joined #mopcon 15:08 -!- y5n [~AndChat12@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 15:15 -!- Calos [7a93ccd8@gateway/web/cgi-irc/] has quit [Quit: - A hand crafted IRC client] 15:16 -!- ifTNT [uid52634@gateway/web/] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 15:18 < mopcon-bot> (passerbyid) @mouse170 感恩 15:18 -!- AndChat|261225 [~AndChat26@] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 15:20 < mopcon-bot> (chyuaner) 請問目前 Gradle 不只自動化而且更敏捷 投影片已經放出來了嗎? 15:20 < mopcon-bot> (chyuaner) 我可以從那邊找到? 15:21 -!- ScottChen [270dcb8c@gateway/web/cgi-irc/] has quit [Quit: - A hand crafted IRC client] 15:22 -!- ScottChen [270dcb8c@gateway/web/cgi-irc/] has joined #mopcon 15:22 -!- qq3b0 [~qq3b0@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 15:22 -!- qq3b0 [~qq3b0@] has joined #mopcon 15:23 -!- Shen [7a93ccd8@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 15:23 -!- DanLu [~AndChat26@] has joined #mopcon 15:24 -!- stkd_ [uid56888@gateway/web/] has joined #mopcon 15:25 -!- ScottChen [270dcb8c@gateway/web/cgi-irc/] has quit [Client Quit] 15:27 -!- cber [~AndChat51@] has joined #mopcon 15:28 -!- Shen [7a93ccd8@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 15:29 -!- derekhsu [7a93ccd8@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed] 15:29 -!- derekhsu [7a93ccd8@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 15:30 -!- ScottChen [270dcb8c@gateway/web/cgi-irc/] has joined #mopcon 15:32 < cber> 安安 15:33 < Hermes> 嗨嗨 15:33 -!- iamblue [24ed4bb1@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 15:34 < mopcon-bot> (luhaoming) Gandi是賣玉米嗎?喔,聽錯了 是域名 15:34 -!- hungwei [] has joined #mopcon 15:36 -!- AndChat|511 [~AndChat51@] has joined #mopcon 15:36 -!- cber [~AndChat51@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 15:38 -!- AndChat|261225 [~AndChat26@] has joined #mopcon 15:38 -!- DanLu [~AndChat26@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 15:39 < alicekey> 我還以為是雲林到高雄XD 15:42 -!- xavier88 [] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 15:42 -!- xavier88 [] has joined #mopcon 15:43 -!- ScottChen [270dcb8c@gateway/web/cgi-irc/] has quit [Quit: - A hand crafted IRC client] 15:43 -!- ScottChen [270dcb8c@gateway/web/cgi-irc/] has joined #mopcon 15:50 -!- ScottChen [270dcb8c@gateway/web/cgi-irc/] has quit [Quit: - A hand crafted IRC client] 15:52 -!- cber [~AndChat51@] has joined #mopcon 15:52 -!- AndChat|511 [~AndChat51@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 15:53 < mopcon-bot> (ghostwolf90) 我真的以為是買玉米.... 15:58 -!- AndChat|261225 [~AndChat26@] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 16:00 < mopcon-bot> (chyuaner) 請問今天MOPCON有賣紀念T-shirt嗎? 16:01 < mopcon-bot> (keith222) 記得有 在三樓報到處的樣子 16:02 -!- iamblue [24ed4bb1@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 16:03 -!- derekhsu [7a93ccd8@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 16:05 -!- ggininder_ [7a93ccd8@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 16:05 -!- hungwei [] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 16:05 -!- ScottChen [270dcb8c@gateway/web/cgi-irc/] has joined #mopcon 16:07 -!- AndChat|511 [~AndChat51@] has joined #mopcon 16:07 -!- cber [~AndChat51@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 16:08 < mopcon-bot> (unciax) 有喔 歡迎來三樓報到處選購 16:08 -!- DanLu [~AndChat26@] has joined #mopcon 16:09 -!- Aweimeow [~Aweimeow@] has joined #mopcon 16:10 < pcchou> 3F BobChao Unconference! 16:10 -!- thomastsaitw [] has joined #mopcon 16:11 -!- madarame_ [uid28051@gateway/web/] has joined #mopcon 16:12 < Aweimeow> 喔喔喔喔喔喔喔喔喔喔喔喔 投影機不晃了 16:14 -!- ScottChen [270dcb8c@gateway/web/cgi-irc/] has quit [Quit: - A hand crafted IRC client] 16:15 < [R2]Mouther> 翻譯好有趣 XD 16:16 -!- jeremy5189 [] has joined #mopcon 16:16 < mopcon-bot> (keith222) XD 16:17 -!- derekhsu [7a93ccd8@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 16:17 -!- thomastsaitw [] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 16:18 -!- thomastsaitw [] has joined #mopcon 16:19 < mopcon-bot> (supernisor123) 剛剛他說有放在slide share 16:19 < mopcon-bot> (supernisor123) 有人有LINK嗎 16:19 < mopcon-bot> (kewang) 16:19 < mopcon-bot> (kewang) hackpad上面有 16:19 -!- hungwei [~hungwei@] has joined #mopcon 16:20 < mopcon-bot> (supernisor123) 好的感謝 16:21 -!- DanLu [~AndChat26@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 16:21 -!- AndChat|261225 [~AndChat26@] has joined #mopcon 16:22 -!- cber [~AndChat51@] has joined #mopcon 16:22 -!- AndChat|511 [~AndChat51@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 16:23 -!- AndChat|261225 [~AndChat26@] has quit [Client Quit] 16:23 -!- DanLu [~AndChat26@] has joined #mopcon 16:23 -!- kenobilyh [uid106989@gateway/web/] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 16:25 -!- AndChat|271284 [] has joined #mopcon 16:25 < Aweimeow> R2的翻譯口速好快 Q_Q 16:27 < ggininder_> 口譯好厲害! 16:27 -!- XiaoJunHong [] has joined #mopcon 16:29 -!- andytwmvp [~andytwmvp@] has joined #mopcon 16:30 -!- ggininder_ [7a93ccd8@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed] 16:30 -!- thomastsaitw [] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 16:31 -!- thomastsaitw [] has joined #mopcon 16:31 -!- ggininder_ [7a93ccd8@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 16:34 < mopcon-bot> (jordanSu) 口譯應該本身也有資訊背景吧?! 16:34 -!- XiaoJunHong [] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 16:34 < mopcon-bot> (jordanSu) 感覺也是有專有名詞的 16:36 -!- AndChat|261225 [~AndChat26@] has joined #mopcon 16:36 -!- DanLu [~AndChat26@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 16:36 -!- derekhsu [7a93ccd8@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 16:37 < mopcon-bot> (chusiang) 口譯本身也是資深 RD 喔! 16:38 -!- andytwmvp- [~andytwmvp@] has joined #mopcon 16:39 < mopcon-bot> (rickchcc) 拜倒 16:40 < [R2]Mouther> 精通日語的RD,大家快來搶唷 16:41 -!- ScottChen [270dcb8c@gateway/web/cgi-irc/] has joined #mopcon 16:41 -!- andytwmvp [~andytwmvp@] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 16:42 < mopcon-bot> (chihying) R2口譯語速好快(掩面 16:42 -!- andytwmvp- [~andytwmvp@] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 16:44 < mopcon-bot> (Jackson45252) 他的舌頭是高科技 16:45 < ggininder_> 翻譯年糕的rd 16:46 -!- ScottChen [270dcb8c@gateway/web/cgi-irc/] has quit [Quit: - A hand crafted IRC client] 16:46 -!- thomastsaitw [] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 16:47 -!- thomastsaitw [] has joined #mopcon 16:48 < mopcon-bot> (wupojung) QQ R1 說了一個笑話 我就跟不上了 16:48 < [R2]Mouther> 好冷清啊這裡 16:49 -!- AndChat|217856 [] has joined #mopcon 16:50 -!- onlyfly34 [7a93ccd8@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 16:51 -!- andytwmvp [~andytwmvp@] has joined #mopcon 16:51 -!- DanLu [~AndChat26@] has joined #mopcon 16:51 -!- AndChat|261225 [~AndChat26@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 16:52 < mopcon-bot> (Jackson45252) R1是日本人 16:52 < mopcon-bot> (Jackson45252) R3是高雄人 地主優勢? 16:52 -!- xavier88 [] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 16:53 -!- wei__ [uid110036@gateway/web/] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 16:53 -!- thomastsaitw [] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 16:54 < ggininder_> 神人出現了 16:54 < [R2]Mouther> 就給你們聊就好了啊 16:54 < Wemy> 50w一行字ˊˇˋ 16:54 -!- thomastsaitw [] has joined #mopcon 16:55 -!- qq3b0 [~qq3b0@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 16:55 -!- cber [~AndChat51@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 16:55 -!- cber [~AndChat51@] has joined #mopcon 16:55 -!- WaitingChen [uid107248@gateway/web/] has joined #mopcon 16:57 -!- andytwmvp [~andytwmvp@] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 16:58 -!- unciax [7a93ccd4@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 16:59 < mopcon-bot> (kewang) 他只想到他自己!!! 17:01 -!- ggininder_ [7a93ccd8@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed] 17:02 < mopcon-bot> (kitah) Open source 只想到他自己 17:03 -!- ScottChen [270dcb8c@gateway/web/cgi-irc/] has joined #mopcon 17:04 -!- hungwei [~hungwei@] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 17:05 -!- Aweimeow [~Aweimeow@] has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds] 17:06 -!- divazone [~yourname@] has joined #mopcon 17:06 -!- AndChat|261225 [~AndChat26@] has joined #mopcon 17:06 -!- DanLu [~AndChat26@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 17:06 -!- yulin [] has joined #mopcon 17:07 < divazone> 三樓那邊還有衣服可以買嗎? 17:07 -!- thomastsaitw [] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 17:07 < mopcon-bot> (helen-yeh) 還有~! 17:07 -!- thomastsaitw [] has joined #mopcon 17:09 < DennyHuang> R2 投影片網址 17:09 < mopcon-bot> (wupojung) 去年的還有嘛? 17:09 -!- cber [~AndChat51@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 17:10 -!- cber [~AndChat51@] has joined #mopcon 17:10 -!- thomastsaitw [] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 17:10 -!- thomastsaitw [] has joined #mopcon 17:10 < mopcon-bot> (williesmithchen) [r1]出張嘴的也算工程師www 17:11 -!- AndChat|261225 [~AndChat26@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 17:11 -!- DanLu [~AndChat26@] has joined #mopcon 17:12 < mopcon-bot> (andytwmvp) 退學宣言wwww 17:12 < Wemy> vim開發android wwww 17:13 -!- XiaoJunHong [] has joined #mopcon 17:13 -!- DanLu [~AndChat26@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 17:13 -!- cber [~AndChat51@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 17:13 -!- DanLu [~AndChat26@] has joined #mopcon 17:13 -!- cber [~AndChat51@] has joined #mopcon 17:13 -!- thomastsaitw [] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 17:13 -!- thomastsaitw [] has joined #mopcon 17:14 -!- AndChat|261225 [~AndChat26@] has joined #mopcon 17:14 -!- DanLu [~AndChat26@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 17:14 -!- cber [~AndChat51@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 17:14 -!- AndChat|511 [~AndChat51@] has joined #mopcon 17:14 -!- thomastsaitw [] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 17:14 < mopcon-bot> (LuxunHuang) 推 17:14 < mopcon-bot> (LuxunHuang) 17:15 < mopcon-bot> (mkidyt) 可是PM本人在場喔XD 17:15 -!- ScottChen [270dcb8c@gateway/web/cgi-irc/] has quit [Quit: - A hand crafted IRC client] 17:16 -!- andytwmvp [~andytwmvp@] has joined #mopcon 17:16 < [R2]Mouther> 圖書館 17:18 < mopcon-bot> (wupojung) 可以收錄成語錄了啦。。GJ 17:18 -!- XiaoJunHong [] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 17:27 -!- XiaoJunHong [] has joined #mopcon 17:28 < mopcon-bot> (Lorex) denny 為什麼只問 vim 啦QQ 17:28 < mopcon-bot> (Lorex) emacs 使用者表示覺得被歧視 QQ 17:29 < mopcon-bot> (divazone) 好猛啊XDDD 17:29 -!- AndChat|261225 [~AndChat26@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 17:29 -!- AndChat|511 [~AndChat51@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 17:29 -!- DanLu [~AndChat26@] has joined #mopcon 17:29 -!- cber [~AndChat51@] has joined #mopcon 17:30 < [R2]Mouther> 我都用 url-loader ((被揍 17:35 < mopcon-bot> (wupojung) 這屆的梗就是 通靈嗎~~ XD 17:37 < mopcon-bot> (divazone) doggy 17:37 < mopcon-bot> (Lorex) doge :) 17:38 < mopcon-bot> (Lorex) NB 沒電了,我好想念人文館QQ 17:38 -!- XiaoJunHong [] has quit [] 17:38 < mopcon-bot> (divazone) 都只能綁充電區 17:38 < mopcon-bot> (Lorex) 有充電區嗎? ((眼神亮 17:39 < mopcon-bot> (divazone) 有啊 你可以看會場地圖 17:40 < mopcon-bot> (NightFeather) 充電區一開始還以為是啥神奇的討論區 17:41 < mopcon-bot> (divazone) 只是很多人順便在那聊天吧www 17:42 < mopcon-bot> (NightFeather) 直到看到桌上的線 ' -') 17:44 -!- AndChat|261225 [~AndChat26@] has joined #mopcon 17:44 -!- DanLu [~AndChat26@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 17:44 -!- cber [~AndChat51@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 17:44 -!- cber [~AndChat51@] has joined #mopcon 17:51 -!- andytwmvp [~andytwmvp@] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 17:51 -!- cber [~AndChat51@] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 17:55 -!- divazone [~yourname@] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 17:58 -!- onlyfly34 [7a93ccd8@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 17:59 -!- DanLu [~AndChat26@] has joined #mopcon 17:59 -!- AndChat|261225 [~AndChat26@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 18:03 -!- lego_ [~lego@] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 18:04 -!- DanLu [~AndChat26@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 18:06 -!- AndChat|271284 [] has quit [Quit: Bye] 18:18 -!- madarame_ [uid28051@gateway/web/] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 18:39 -!- AndChat|217856 [] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 18:40 -!- xavier88 [] has joined #mopcon 19:03 -!- WaitingChen [uid107248@gateway/web/] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 19:05 -!- HCLD [uid121562@gateway/web/] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 19:07 -!- yulin [] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 19:20 -!- wildfoot_cloud_ [uid92129@gateway/web/] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 19:24 -!- wildfoot_cloud_ [uid92129@gateway/web/] has joined #mopcon 19:27 -!- alicekey [uid16113@gateway/web/] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 19:34 -!- yulin [~aaa@] has joined #mopcon 19:35 -!- AndChat|217856 [] has joined #mopcon 19:35 -!- xavier88 [] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 19:38 -!- stkd_ [uid56888@gateway/web/] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 19:42 -!- Wemy [uid13637@gateway/web/] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 19:45 -!- trista [uid106978@gateway/web/] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 19:54 -!- yulin [~aaa@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 21:26 -!- ifTNT [uid52634@gateway/web/] has joined #mopcon 21:30 -!- wildfoot_cloud_ [uid92129@gateway/web/] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 21:38 -!- lego_ [] has joined #mopcon 22:02 -!- lego_ [] has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds] 22:04 -!- divazone [] has joined #mopcon 22:06 -!- lego_ [] has joined #mopcon 22:57 -!- lego_ [] has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds] --- Log closed Sun Nov 01 00:00:22 2015 Day 2 ======== --- Log opened Sun Nov 01 00:00:22 2015 00:15 -!- AndChat|217856 [] has quit [Quit: Bye] 00:16 -!- divazone [] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 00:40 -!- XiaoJunHong_m [uid84478@gateway/web/] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 00:40 -!- yrc [uid123303@gateway/web/] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 00:40 -!- cataska [sid12717@gateway/web/] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 00:41 -!- yrc [uid123303@gateway/web/] has joined #mopcon 00:43 -!- XiaoJunHong_m [uid84478@gateway/web/] has joined #mopcon 00:46 -!- cataska [sid12717@gateway/web/] has joined #mopcon 00:49 -!- alicekey [] has joined #mopcon 00:51 -!- alicekey_ [uid16113@gateway/web/] has joined #mopcon 00:53 -!- alicekey [] has quit [Client Quit] 00:53 -!- alicekey_ is now known as alicekey 02:57 -!- alicekey [uid16113@gateway/web/] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 03:56 -!- ifTNT [uid52634@gateway/web/] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 07:56 -!- xavier88 [] has joined #mopcon 08:58 -!- lego_ [~lego@] has joined #mopcon 09:07 -!- HCLD [uid121562@gateway/web/] has joined #mopcon 09:15 -!- XiaoJunHong [~XiaoJunHo@] has joined #mopcon 09:16 < XiaoJunHong> 會提供肉乾獎品(X 09:19 -!- XiaoJunHong [~XiaoJunHo@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 09:19 -!- XiaoJunHong [] has joined #mopcon 09:20 < XiaoJunHong> R1的雜音有點明顯 09:20 -!- Aweimeow [~Aweimeow@] has joined #mopcon 09:20 < XiaoJunHong> 現在有小聲一點點 09:20 < Aweimeow> 這個直播好頓 Q__Q 09:21 < XiaoJunHong> bot好像沒在這邊轉訊息 09:21 -!- divazone [~yourname@] has joined #mopcon 09:21 < Aweimeow> bot 掛掉了嗎 XD 09:21 < divazone> 看來是壞了 沒在轉 09:22 < divazone> 但是轉過去的還有 09:22 < XiaoJunHong> 居然看到有人在升級Mac ww 09:23 < Aweimeow> 這個是小俊欸!!! 09:23 < Aweimeow> 發現小俊! 09:23 < XiaoJunHong> 欸... QAQ 你是哪位(遮臉 09:23 -!- ifTNT [uid52634@gateway/web/] has joined #mopcon 09:23 < Aweimeow> 沒辦法小俊不讓我認親 QQ 到了現在還不知道你長怎樣 09:24 -!- ifTNT_ [~iftnt@] has joined #mopcon 09:30 -!- Jacky [7a93ccd4@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 09:31 -!- Jacky is now known as Guest87776 09:34 -!- DolphinWing [~androirc@] has joined #mopcon 09:35 -!- Guest87776 [7a93ccd4@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 09:35 < DolphinWing> test 09:39 -!- dolphinwing74 [~androirc@] has joined #mopcon 09:39 -!- andytwmvp [~andytwmvp@] has joined #mopcon 09:40 -!- y5n [~AndChat48@] has joined #mopcon 09:41 -!- DolphinWing [~androirc@] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 09:41 -!- dolphinwing74 [~androirc@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 09:41 -!- DolphinWing [~androirc@] has joined #mopcon 09:42 < DolphinWing> 今天網路比較慢? 09:44 < XiaoJunHong> 感覺還好? 09:44 < XiaoJunHong> Aweimeow: 嘖嘖 XD 09:48 < XiaoJunHong> 「這麼快就跑出來了,真是輕鬆愉快啊」 09:53 < XiaoJunHong> 可能還有人還在賴床,比較少人自開 AP(? 09:53 < divazone> 感覺今天人好像比較少耶 09:54 -!- ifTNT_ [~iftnt@] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 09:56 -!- alicekey [uid16113@gateway/web/] has joined #mopcon 09:58 -!- Aweimeow [~Aweimeow@] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 09:58 -!- DolphinWing [~androirc@] has quit [Quit: AndroIRC - Android IRC Client ( )] 09:59 -!- DolphinWing [~androirc@] has joined #mopcon 10:02 < DolphinWing> 所以是在排什麼 10:03 -!- Sciuridae_ [~Sciuridae@] has joined #mopcon 10:04 < XiaoJunHong> 可惡,有點好奇排什麼 10:06 < DolphinWing> 有人說是在抽T-shirt 10:06 -!- Sciuridae [~Sciuridae@] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 10:12 -!- DolphinWing [~androirc@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 10:13 -!- dolphinwing74 [~androirc@] has joined #mopcon 10:14 -!- DanLu [] has joined #mopcon 10:16 -!- ifTNT_ [~iftnt@] has joined #mopcon 10:18 -!- ggininder_ [7a93ccd4@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 10:18 -!- dolphinwing74 [~androirc@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 10:19 -!- DolphinWing [~androirc@] has joined #mopcon 10:19 < DolphinWing> 已學乖 +1 10:19 -!- qq3b0 [~qq3b0@] has joined #mopcon 10:20 -!- cber [] has joined #mopcon 10:21 -!- ac998 [] has joined #mopcon 10:21 < yrc> 黑貓維茲?1 10:21 -!- WaitingChen [uid107248@gateway/web/] has joined #mopcon 10:21 < cber> 原來是黑貓阿 10:21 -!- Aweimeow [~Aweimeow@] has joined #mopcon 10:21 -!- ggininder_ [7a93ccd4@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Client Quit] 10:21 < divazone> 也太像 10:21 < WaitingChen> 黑貓 頭鷹 10:22 < yrc> 黑貓頭鷹 10:22 -!- ggininder_ [7a93ccd4@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 10:22 < divazone> 不過現在很多手遊長得很像也不奇怪(? 10:22 < ggininder_> 可能日本黑貓已經先把雷都踩過了 10:23 < yrc> 嗯嗯不Yee外 10:23 < DolphinWing> 就跟跑步游泳一樣,不就是你做什麼,我也做什麼嗎 10:23 < WaitingChen> [問卦]有沒有最近手機遊戲都很像的八卦? 10:23 < divazone> 可是這樣說真的能夠賺到市場嗎?只有起頭的廠商會比較好賺吧? 10:23 < yrc> 沒有綽啦 10:24 < ggininder_> 主要是太像了! 連介面都很像.... 10:25 < divazone> 是根本都一樣吧 10:25 < divazone> 頂多ICON跟抽獎畫面重作還有卡面不一樣 10:25 < ggininder_> 求大大等一下拿黑貓去問他們XD 10:26 < divazone> 我覺得等等可能有人會問吧XD 10:26 < WaitingChen> 跪求勇者XD 10:27 < Aweimeow> 求勇者發問 好想看看會怎麼回答 XDDD 10:27 < DolphinWing> 發問的會送你卡片(疑) 10:28 < ggininder_> 今天R2主題: 論著作權與工程師之關聯 10:28 < WaitingChen> 是5星傳說卡喔<3 10:29 < divazone> 刻場景是很OK 但是創意...XD 10:29 < yrc> Live Demo猛猛der 10:29 < Aweimeow> 風車會轉欸!!! 10:30 < DolphinWing> 我不在這邊示範喔,手默默地把風車拉了個位置 10:30 -!- AndChat|511 [~AndChat51@] has joined #mopcon 10:32 < Aweimeow> 話說 mopconbot 是不是還是沒有轉送 Q__Q 10:32 -!- DolphinWing [~androirc@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 10:32 < Aweimeow> 這邊好冷清好荒涼 10:32 -!- DolphinWing [~androirc@] has joined #mopcon 10:32 < divazone> gitter的還是轉不過來 10:34 -!- cber [] has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds] 10:35 -!- ac998 [] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 10:35 -!- iRick_ [7a93ccd8@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 10:35 -!- mouther [uid25670@gateway/web/] has joined #mopcon 10:36 < mouther> Unconference 講者來頭超大 10:36 < mouther> 不聽會後悔 10:36 < divazone> AWS? 10:36 < mouther> IoT 10:37 < divazone> WHO? 10:38 -!- xavier88 [] has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds] 10:38 -!- ifTNT__ [~iftnt@] has joined #mopcon 10:39 -!- xavier88 [] has joined #mopcon 10:39 < Aweimeow> 聽說昨天是 bob 大大 10:39 < Aweimeow> 今天是誰啊 ? 10:41 -!- ifTNT_ [~iftnt@] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 10:42 -!- stkd_ [uid56888@gateway/web/] has joined #mopcon 10:42 -!- ifTNT__ is now known as ifTNT_ 10:42 -!- ggininder_ [7a93ccd4@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed] 10:43 -!- gginder [7a93ccd4@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 10:43 -!- iRick_ [7a93ccd8@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed] 10:45 -!- cber [~AndChat51@] has joined #mopcon 10:45 -!- AndChat|511 [~AndChat51@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 10:47 -!- ac_77 [] has joined #mopcon 10:47 -!- ac_77 [] has quit [Client Quit] 10:47 -!- ifTNT_ [~iftnt@] has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds] 10:48 -!- ac77 [] has joined #mopcon 10:53 -!- kciri [7a93ccd8@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 10:54 -!- bd_7 [] has joined #mopcon 10:54 -!- cber [~AndChat51@] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 10:55 -!- ac77 [] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 10:57 -!- ifTNT_ [~iftnt@] has joined #mopcon 11:00 -!- Viktor_ [7a93ccd8@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 11:01 < Aweimeow> GG R2 共筆坦不起來 11:02 -!- AndroUser2 [~androirc@] has joined #mopcon 11:02 -!- DolphinWing [~androirc@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 11:03 < gginder> A大 是 r2 mvp 11:03 -!- kciri [7a93ccd8@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 11:05 -!- Viktor2 [~hermes@] has joined #mopcon 11:05 -!- Viktor_ [7a93ccd8@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 11:05 -!- Viktor2 [~hermes@] has left #mopcon [] 11:06 -!- Viktor2 [~hermes@] has joined #mopcon 11:06 < Aweimeow> 鬆一口氣 QQ 11:06 < Aweimeow> 有夠累的 11:06 -!- bd_7 [] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 11:07 -!- XiaoJunH_ [~XiaoJunHo@] has joined #mopcon 11:08 -!- AndroUser2 [~androirc@] has quit [Quit: AndroIRC - Android IRC Client ( )] 11:08 -!- DanLu [] has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds] 11:09 -!- ifTNT_ [~iftnt@] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 11:09 -!- XiaoJunHong [] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 11:10 -!- XiaoJunH_ [~XiaoJunHo@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 11:10 -!- ifTNT_ [~iftnt@] has joined #mopcon 11:11 -!- XiaoJunHong [~XiaoJunHo@] has joined #mopcon 11:11 -!- Aweimeow [~Aweimeow@] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 11:11 -!- divazone [~yourname@] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 11:11 -!- DanLu [] has joined #mopcon 11:12 -!- DolphinWing [~androirc@] has joined #mopcon 11:14 < pastleo> R2 右邊有點冷QQ 11:14 < XiaoJunHong_m> 超冷的... 11:16 -!- Aweimeow [~Aweimeow@] has joined #mopcon 11:17 -!- XiaoJunHong [~XiaoJunHo@] has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds] 11:18 -!- dolphinwing74 [~androirc@] has joined #mopcon 11:18 -!- DolphinWing [~androirc@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 11:19 < Aweimeow> R2 瞬間多出好多人啊(遠望 11:22 < y5n> Lxde 被排擠了qq 11:23 -!- mopcon-bot [] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 11:23 -!- mopcon-bot [] has joined #mopcon 11:25 < Viktor2> LXQt(? 11:25 < dolphinwing74> R2的投影機也怕冷 11:27 < mopcon-bot> (prprprpony) lxqt 表示: 11:28 < mopcon-bot> (Serrok) [QNAP] 說個秘訣,看今天早上的報紙,今天下午 14:00 抽獎。還沒填(ㄇㄞˋ)問(ㄍㄜˋ)卷(ㄗ)換小禮物跟拿抽獎機會的趕快來喔喔喔~ 11:29 < mopcon-bot> (mimiguo) 能救救 R2 的投影機嗎 please~ (覺得暈眩) 11:30 < mopcon-bot> (Azraels) R2居然不能進去了 11:31 -!- divazone [~yourname@] has joined #mopcon 11:33 -!- DolphinWing [~androirc@] has joined #mopcon 11:33 -!- dolphinwing74 [~androirc@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 11:33 < mopcon-bot> (johnroyer) @divazone gitter-bot 同步問題已修正,感謝回報 <(_ _)> 11:34 < zeroplex> Aweimeow: 可能是連線有中斷,已重新啟動 gitter-bot,謝謝 11:34 < mopcon-bot> (divazone) @johnroyer <(_ _)> 11:35 < yrc> 坐好,坐滿!才不會痠中痛 11:37 -!- thomastsaitw [] has joined #mopcon 11:39 -!- ac998 [] has joined #mopcon 11:39 -!- dolphinwing74 [~androirc@] has joined #mopcon 11:39 -!- DolphinWing [~androirc@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 11:40 -!- kcir [7a93ccd8@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 11:41 -!- XiaoJunHong [~XiaoJunHo@] has joined #mopcon 11:43 -!- XiaoJunHong [~XiaoJunHo@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 11:43 -!- XiaoJunHong [~XiaoJunHo@] has joined #mopcon 11:47 -!- achat [] has joined #mopcon 11:48 -!- XiaoJunHong [~XiaoJunHo@] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 11:48 -!- ac998 [] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 11:49 -!- Viktor2 [~hermes@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 11:53 -!- thomastsaitw [] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 11:53 < mopcon-bot> (kewang) 台語問日文講者 XDDDDD 11:54 -!- gginder [7a93ccd4@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed] 11:57 < mopcon-bot> (kewang) [R1] 講者好辛苦,一下要聽台語,一下要聽中文,一下要聽英文,一下要聽日文 XDDD 11:57 -!- andytwmvp [~andytwmvp@] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 11:57 -!- dolphinwing74 [~androirc@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 11:58 -!- dolphinwing74 [~androirc@] has joined #mopcon 11:58 -!- Viktor2 [~hermes@] has joined #mopcon 11:58 -!- dolphinwing74 [~androirc@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 11:58 < mopcon-bot> (divazone) XDDDDD 11:59 -!- dolphinwing74 [~androirc@] has joined #mopcon 11:59 < mopcon-bot> (chusiang) [![mopcon2015_lightning_talk .jpg](]( 12:00 < mopcon-bot> (divazone) 賀 12:01 < mopcon-bot> (divazone) 等等可能會有多的便當嗎? 12:02 -!- qq3b0 [~qq3b0@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 12:02 -!- Aweimeow [~Aweimeow@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 12:03 < mopcon-bot> (chusiang) 有需要可以事後來服務台問喔,應該會多。 12:04 -!- XiaoJunHong [~XiaoJunHo@] has joined #mopcon 12:05 -!- andytwmvp [~andytwmvp@] has joined #mopcon 12:05 -!- ifTNT_ [~iftnt@] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 12:06 -!- kcir [7a93ccd8@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 12:06 < mopcon-bot> (wupojung) miki XD 12:09 -!- divazone [~yourname@] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 12:09 -!- dolphinwing74 [~androirc@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 12:09 -!- dolphinwing74 [~androirc@] has joined #mopcon 12:10 -!- XiaoJunHong [~XiaoJunHo@] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 12:10 -!- andytwmvp [~andytwmvp@] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 12:12 -!- AndChat|217856 [] has joined #mopcon 12:15 -!- xavier88 [] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 12:17 -!- XiaoJunHong [~XiaoJunHo@] has joined #mopcon 12:24 -!- XiaoJunHong [~XiaoJunHo@] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 12:24 -!- DanLu [] has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds] 12:26 -!- achat [] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 12:26 -!- dolphinwing74 [~androirc@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 12:27 -!- Viktor2 [~hermes@] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 12:27 < mopcon-bot> (almightybobo) 學生也可以來領便當囉~ 12:28 -!- XiaoJunHong [~XiaoJunHo@] has joined #mopcon 12:29 < y5n> xd 12:33 < mopcon-bot> (robinli) 冷氣太冷了~~ 能否調整一下 12:37 -!- XiaoJunHong [~XiaoJunHo@] has quit [] 12:39 -!- andytwmvp [~andytwmvp@] has joined #mopcon 12:45 -!- mouther [uid25670@gateway/web/] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 12:55 < mopcon-bot> (wupojung) 好冷啊~~ 12:57 -!- Aweimeow [~Aweimeow@] has joined #mopcon 12:59 < mopcon-bot> (AManTw) 剛剛是MGS主題曲!! 12:59 -!- lego_ [~lego@] has quit [Quit: Lost terminal] 12:59 -!- dolphinwing74 [~androirc@] has joined #mopcon 13:00 < Aweimeow> mopcon-bot 復活了耶! 13:02 -!- divazone [~yourname@] has joined #mopcon 13:02 -!- andytwmvp [~andytwmvp@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 13:04 -!- XiaoJunHong [~XiaoJunHo@] has joined #mopcon 13:08 < mopcon-bot> (divazone) BOSS!! 13:12 < BeataLin_> 想不到會在高雄重溫921 13:15 < mopcon-bot> (AManTw) 勤益科大嗎?@@ 13:16 -!- Aweimeow [~Aweimeow@] has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds] 13:16 < mopcon-bot> (berget) R3轉播很悲劇……… 13:17 -!- ggininder_ [7a93ccd4@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 13:21 -!- ifTNT_ [~iftnt@] has joined #mopcon 13:23 -!- WaitingChen [uid107248@gateway/web/] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 13:25 -!- HCLD [uid121562@gateway/web/] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 13:28 < mopcon-bot> (Serrok) [QNAP] 聽說等等 13:50 會抽5台小AP,還沒填(ㄇㄞˋ)問(ㄍㄜˋ)卷(ㄗ)換小禮物跟拿抽獎機會來喔~ 13:29 -!- qq3b0 [~qq3b0@] has joined #mopcon 13:30 < mopcon-bot> (wupojung) 宿舍倒塌的是 勤益~ 沒有錯。。。 13:31 -!- HCLD [uid121562@gateway/web/] has joined #mopcon 13:32 -!- dolphinwing74 [~androirc@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 13:32 -!- dolphinwing74 [~androirc@] has joined #mopcon 13:32 < XiaoJunHong> 「四級地震」好焦慮喔... 13:33 < mopcon-bot> (wupojung) 我的應變措施: 怎麼關音樂。。怎麼關。。 怎麼關。。。 13:35 < mopcon-bot> (wupojung) 勤益工專電機科 ~ 13:36 < mopcon-bot> (wupojung) 找到 講者的 學歷了~~ 13:36 < mopcon-bot> (AManTw) 原來乳此 13:36 < mopcon-bot> (AManTw) 原來如此... 13:37 < XiaoJunHong> 13:38 < dolphinwing74> 求中文版 13:39 < XiaoJunHong> 中文 13:39 -!- qq3b0 [~qq3b0@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 13:39 < mopcon-bot> (wupojung) 原來是學長。。。(敬禮~ 13:40 < dolphinwing74> 謝謝大大分享 13:44 -!- divazone [~yourname@] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 13:49 < mopcon-bot> (kewang) 總算問對了 XDDDD 13:49 < mopcon-bot> (AManTw) 恭喜那位先生了wwww 13:50 < mopcon-bot> (kitah) XD 13:50 -!- WaitingChen [uid107248@gateway/web/] has joined #mopcon 13:50 < mopcon-bot> (wupojung) 太準了。。。飛彈就會打到這裡了。。。 XDD 13:51 < mopcon-bot> (AManTw) 我剛剛已經把這個APP分享推薦給我爸媽了QQQQ 13:52 -!- ifTNT_ [~iftnt@] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 13:52 < mopcon-bot> (wupojung) 記得要吧 演習代碼關了。。XD 13:53 < mopcon-bot> (AManTw) 預設是空的吧XDD 13:54 -!- ifTNT_ [~iftnt@] has joined #mopcon 13:57 < mopcon-bot> (YongYuH) 想要問一下 13:57 < mopcon-bot> (YongYuH) 從官網議程 13:57 < mopcon-bot> (YongYuH) ( 13:57 < mopcon-bot> (YongYuH) [full message:] 13:57 < mopcon-bot> (wupojung) 真的好冷。。。 13:57 -!- ggininder_ [7a93ccd4@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 13:58 < mopcon-bot> (kewang) @YongYuH 兩個是不同人啦,不過可以複製到一樣也不簡單 XD 13:59 -!- DanLu [] has joined #mopcon 14:01 -!- Aweimeow [~Aweimeow@] has joined #mopcon 14:01 < mopcon-bot> (LIYINGZHEN) ....也差太多== 14:01 < mopcon-bot> (wupojung) hackpad 又GG? 14:02 -!- divazone [~yourname@] has joined #mopcon 14:02 -!- dolphinwing74 [~androirc@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 14:02 < mopcon-bot> (wupojung) 好了。。。 14:02 -!- dolphinwing74 [~androirc@] has joined #mopcon 14:04 -!- andytwmvp [~andytwmvp@] has joined #mopcon 14:04 -!- qq3b0 [~qq3b0@] has joined #mopcon 14:04 < divazone> test 14:04 -!- D-eye [~androirc@] has joined #mopcon 14:05 -!- cber [~AndChat51@] has joined #mopcon 14:06 < yrc> 台中標在苗栗,高雄標在台南 14:06 < divazone> 哪招WWW 14:07 < Aweimeow> IRC> 14:11 < XiaoJunHong> 「這兩天真的有夠冷的」 14:12 < williamg> 冷冷的..... 14:12 < divazone> 很冷啊(場內 14:12 < mopcon-bot> (jordanSu) 冰棒養成計劃?! 14:14 -!- Aweimeow [~Aweimeow@] has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds] 14:14 -!- AWEIMEOW [~AWEIMEOW@] has joined #mopcon 14:14 < XiaoJunHong> R1 中文拉拼圖寫程式 14:14 < [R2]Mouther> 超冷 14:15 < XiaoJunHong> R1 「Live Demo成功了」(鼓掌 14:15 < divazone> 23度XD 14:16 < mopcon-bot> (wupojung) 總算停了。。冷氣。。。 14:19 < divazone> 這車好聽話 14:21 -!- AndChat|511 [~AndChat51@] has joined #mopcon 14:21 -!- cber [~AndChat51@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 14:22 < mopcon-bot> (Serrok) [QNAP] 本回抽獎第一批10位幸運的得獎者已經抽出來囉! 14:22 < mopcon-bot> (Serrok) # 今日現場開放領獎,請持我們寄發的通知信 或 以手機開啟你的郵箱將可以證明這是你的email的畫面給我們工作人員看後,就可以領獎囉! 14:22 < mopcon-bot> (Serrok) # 15:00 我們還會再抽出5位,如果還沒賣個......填問卷和拿精美小禮物的朋友,請趁吃點心時間趕快來唷~ 14:22 < mopcon-bot> (Serrok) [full message:] 14:24 < XiaoJunHong> R1 「Live Demo總是要有plan B麻~ 讓我們打開影片」 14:24 < divazone> 看起來好好玩啊 14:25 < mopcon-bot> (AManTw) 好有趣喔!回去要來買器材了> < 14:26 -!- DanLu [] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 14:27 < mopcon-bot> (gitjolin) R3隱約 有老歌是怎樣 14:28 -!- andytwmvp [~andytwmvp@] has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds] 14:29 < mopcon-bot> (gitjolin) 樓上有人卡拉ok. 14:30 -!- DanLu [] has joined #mopcon 14:31 < mopcon-bot> (kitah) 4f感覺超歡樂 14:33 -!- dolphinwing74 [~androirc@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 14:33 < mopcon-bot> (divazone) 卡啦OK? 14:34 -!- dolphinwing74 [~androirc@] has joined #mopcon 14:34 -!- dolphinwing74 is now known as DolphinWing 14:34 < XiaoJunHong> 14:34 < mopcon-bot> (RJpolar) 從早上就一直出現的老歌歌聲… 14:36 -!- cber [~AndChat51@] has joined #mopcon 14:36 -!- AndChat|511 [~AndChat51@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 14:37 < mopcon-bot> (wupojung) 樓上好歡樂~~ 14:37 < WaitingChen> R1建議多來幾個選項然後排列組合一下XD 14:40 < mopcon-bot> (AugustusW) 板子哪裡買呀... 14:40 -!- andytwmvp [~andytwmvp@] has joined #mopcon 14:40 < mopcon-bot> (kewang) 14:41 < XiaoJunHong> 14:41 < [R2]Mouther> 開放點心囉 14:43 < mopcon-bot> (AugustusW) 找到囉 感謝 14:45 -!- andytwmvp [~andytwmvp@] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 14:47 -!- XiaoJunHong [~XiaoJunHo@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 14:48 -!- AWEIMEOW [~AWEIMEOW@] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 14:48 -!- XiaoJunHong [~XiaoJunHo@] has joined #mopcon 14:49 -!- ifTNT_ [~iftnt@] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 14:51 -!- divazone [~yourname@] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 14:53 -!- XiaoJunHong [~XiaoJunHo@] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 14:55 -!- divazone [~yourname@] has joined #mopcon 14:57 -!- XiaoJunHong [~XiaoJunHo@] has joined #mopcon 14:59 -!- divazone [~yourname@] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 14:59 -!- XiaoJunHong [~XiaoJunHo@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 14:59 -!- y5n [~AndChat48@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 14:59 -!- XiaoJunHong [~XiaoJunHo@] has joined #mopcon 15:02 -!- divazone [~yourname@] has joined #mopcon 15:03 -!- dolphinwing74 [~androirc@] has joined #mopcon 15:03 -!- DolphinWing [~androirc@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 15:04 -!- yulin [~AndChat10@] has joined #mopcon 15:04 -!- DanLu [] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 15:05 -!- Jacky [7a93ccd4@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 15:05 < WaitingChen> Webduino 的網站上面我沒有看到剛剛demo的uno版本耶 15:05 -!- Viktor2 [~hermes@] has joined #mopcon 15:05 -!- Jacky is now known as Guest96154 15:05 -!- XiaoJunHong [~XiaoJunHo@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 15:05 -!- XiaoJunH_ [~XiaoJunHo@] has joined #mopcon 15:05 < WaitingChen> 是我眼殘嗎@@? 15:08 < mopcon-bot> (kitah) Uno 長明街買? 15:08 < mopcon-bot> (Serrok) [QNAP] 本回抽獎第二批5名幸運的得獎者已經抽出來囉! 15:08 < mopcon-bot> (Serrok) 今日16:00前現場開放領獎,請持我們寄發的通知信 或 以手機開啟你的郵箱將可以證明這是你的email的畫面給我們工作人員看後,就可以領獎囉! 15:08 < mopcon-bot> (Serrok) 如果人不在現場或現場沒有領獎的話,請在收到通知信後依通知信內容聯絡我們。謝謝大家! 15:08 < mopcon-bot> (Serrok) [full message:] 15:09 -!- Guest96154 [7a93ccd4@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 15:09 -!- yulin [~AndChat10@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 15:09 -!- yulin [~AndChat10@] has joined #mopcon 15:10 < WaitingChen> 我不是要買UNO 是要買他剛剛demo插在UNO上的擴充模組 15:11 < [R2]Mouther> R2 好多人@@ 15:11 < mopcon-bot> (t78973677) 真的 15:11 < mopcon-bot> (t78973677) 只剩站票 15:11 < [R2]Mouther> 都來朝聖 Muki 嗎 XDD 15:11 < mopcon-bot> (jacky810124) Lighting talk有議程連結嗎? 15:12 -!- XiaoJunH_ [~XiaoJunHo@] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 15:14 < mopcon-bot> (kitah) 朝聖+1 15:15 < mopcon-bot> (wupojung) 上面有圖片連結~~ 15:16 -!- AWEIMEOW [~AWEIMEOW@] has joined #mopcon 15:16 < [R2]Mouther> 粉專分享 15:17 < mopcon-bot> (jordanSu) R2爆滿啦 15:17 < AWEIMEOW> R2 超多人的!! 15:18 -!- cber [~AndChat51@] has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds] 15:19 -!- DanLu [] has joined #mopcon 15:19 < mopcon-bot> (wupojung) 其實我覺得R2 右邊的螢幕如果不發抖 反而比較清楚耶 15:21 < mopcon-bot> (wupojung) 大會是不是要考慮 以後投影機 投影 往上一點。。。 15:21 < mopcon-bot> (wupojung) 因為座位是平面的。。。 15:21 < mopcon-bot> (wupojung) 簡報內容的下面都會被前排的 “英姿” 擋到 15:23 < mopcon-bot> (williesmithchen) R1開心的猴子 開心的使用者 15:24 -!- nuliy [~AndChat10@] has joined #mopcon 15:24 -!- yulin [~AndChat10@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 15:28 < dolphinwing74> R1有點冷清 15:28 < [R2]Mouther> irc 也很冷清 15:30 < nuliy> 人都跑去r2了嗎,ㄍ 15:30 < mopcon-bot> (divazone) R3沒什麼人 15:32 < mopcon-bot> (chusiang) R2 F 15:33 < mopcon-bot> (wupojung) 其實R2 還有一些空位耶。。。。 15:34 < ggininder> 不過大家都直接站後面 15:34 -!- dolphinwing74 [~androirc@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 15:38 < AWEIMEOW> 請大家坐好坐滿 ( X ) 15:40 -!- yulin [~AndChat10@] has joined #mopcon 15:40 -!- nuliy [~AndChat10@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 15:43 < mopcon-bot> (bill85101) R2的右邊頭影機還是在抖動.... 15:43 < [R2]Mouther> 用 rem ? 15:44 < [R2]Mouther> view height & view width 15:44 < AWEIMEOW> R2 的右側 projector 昨天就開始抖了 15:47 -!- Viktor2 [~hermes@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 15:48 -!- dolphinwing74 [~androirc@] has joined #mopcon 15:49 -!- YuCheng [uid28221@gateway/web/] has joined #mopcon 15:50 < mopcon-bot> (wupojung) 投影機表示: 我冷了兩天 15:52 < [R2]Mouther> 今天貌似比較不抖 15:54 < mopcon-bot> (wupojung) 主持人累了~~ 15:55 -!- nuliy [~AndChat10@] has joined #mopcon 15:55 -!- yulin [~AndChat10@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 15:56 < [R2]Mouther> RESS? 15:56 -!- Viktor2 [~hermes@] has joined #mopcon 15:57 < mopcon-bot> (wupojung) Responsive Design + Server Side Components 15:57 < Viktor2> React 傳教大會 15:57 < [R2]Mouther> wupojung: thx 15:58 < [R2]Mouther> react 邪教無誤 16:03 -!- nuliy [~AndChat10@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 16:04 -!- Viktor2 [~hermes@] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 16:04 -!- dolphinwing74 [~androirc@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 16:04 -!- dolphinwing74 [~androirc@] has joined #mopcon 16:05 -!- AWEIMEOW [~AWEIMEOW@] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 16:06 -!- yulin [~AndChat10@] has joined #mopcon 16:07 -!- divazone [~yourname@] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 16:07 -!- AWEIMEOW [~AWEIMEOW@] has joined #mopcon 16:09 < AWEIMEOW> 原來講者大大先把共筆打完了! 16:09 < AWEIMEOW> 一瞬間沒有事情能做,突然有種空虛的感覺 16:10 < yulin> 你可以 debug 16:10 -!- dolphinwing74 [~androirc@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 16:10 -!- dolphinwing74 [~androirc@] has joined #mopcon 16:11 -!- AWEIMEOW [~AWEIMEOW@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 16:18 < mopcon-bot> (wupojung) 完全。。。 恍神 16:18 < mopcon-bot> (wupojung) 跟不上筆記內容 16:19 -!- plkuhgt [] has joined #mopcon 16:21 < [R2]Mouther> 講者有點緊張 XD 16:21 -!- yulin [~AndChat10@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 16:21 -!- yulin [~AndChat10@] has joined #mopcon 16:22 -!- qq3b0_ [~qq3b0@] has joined #mopcon 16:22 -!- qq3b0 [~qq3b0@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 16:22 -!- dolphinwing74 [~androirc@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 16:22 -!- dolphinwing74 [~androirc@] has joined #mopcon 16:23 < mopcon-bot> (NFUYFSun) R1 左右側投影片上方部分被截掉了 0.0~ 16:24 -!- Viktor2 [~hermes@] has joined #mopcon 16:26 -!- dolphinwing74 [~androirc@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 16:27 -!- dolphinwing74 [~androirc@] has joined #mopcon 16:28 -!- Viktor2 [~hermes@] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 16:28 -!- dolphinwing74 [~androirc@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 16:28 -!- dolphinwing74 [~androirc@] has joined #mopcon 16:32 -!- dolphinwing74 [~androirc@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 16:34 < [R2]Mouther> 腦補一下 16:35 -!- dolphinwing74 [~androirc@] has joined #mopcon 16:36 -!- nuliy [~AndChat10@] has joined #mopcon 16:36 -!- yulin [~AndChat10@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 16:38 -!- dolphinwing74 [~androirc@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 16:39 -!- dolphinwing74 [~androirc@] has joined #mopcon 16:41 -!- plkuhgt [] has quit [Quit: AndroIRC - Android IRC Client ( )] 16:42 -!- AndChat|217856 [] has quit [Quit: Bye] 16:42 -!- dolphinwing74 [~androirc@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 16:43 -!- dolphinwing74 [~androirc@] has joined #mopcon 16:48 -!- andytwmvp [~andytwmvp@] has joined #mopcon 16:48 < dolphinwing74> 做好做滿XDDD 16:49 < mopcon-bot> (hippoandy) 任期跑完XDD 16:49 < [R2]Mouther> wwwwwwwwwwww 16:53 -!- nuliy [~AndChat10@] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 16:59 -!- qq3b0_ [~qq3b0@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 17:00 < mopcon-bot> (wupojung) 作者幫補 QQ 17:02 < mopcon-bot> (wupojung) 為甚麼是我的名字啦。。。 T⋯⋯T 17:02 -!- AC [] has joined #mopcon 17:05 -!- AWEIMEOW [~AWEIMEOW@] has joined #mopcon 17:06 -!- ifTNT [uid52634@gateway/web/] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 17:06 -!- dolphinwing74 [~androirc@] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 17:15 -!- ifTNT [uid52634@gateway/web/] has joined #mopcon 17:19 -!- andytwmvp [~andytwmvp@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 17:20 -!- chusiang [~jonny@] has joined #mopcon 17:22 < mopcon-bot> (yllan) 可惡,太晚來,沒報到 lightning talk QQ 17:28 < chusiang> 來賣衣服的 XDD 17:30 < mopcon-bot> (wupojung) 我覺得 JSDC的比較刺激。。。 5分鐘 含設備 XD 17:30 < mopcon-bot> (wupojung) GG直接拔線 17:31 < chusiang> wupojung: 歡迎明年來當拔線的人。 17:32 < mopcon-bot> (Mikimoto) @yllan 太可惜了 17:33 -!- mouther [uid25670@gateway/web/] has joined #mopcon 17:33 < mouther> 沒吸引力啊 17:34 < AWEIMEOW> mopcon 的 LT 時間 irc 好少人喔 17:34 < mouther> @AMEIMEOW 一直都很少 Orz 17:35 < pastleo> gradle? 17:35 < AWEIMEOW> Q__Q 17:35 < AWEIMEOW> 感覺冷冷的 17:35 < AWEIMEOW> 明明會場這麼多人 17:35 < mopcon-bot> (yllan) live demo! LT 大忌 XD 17:36 < mopcon-bot> (Mikimoto) XDDD 17:36 < mouther> 會場也好冷靜 xDDD 17:36 < chusiang> 很多人開 gitter 沒 github account 啊。 17:36 -!- Viktor2 [~hermes@] has joined #mopcon 17:36 < mopcon-bot> (Mikimoto) 今年的 LT 好喜歡 live demo :p 17:37 < Viktor2> 想看 QML 大戰 React 17:37 < mopcon-bot> (yllan) 居然還有一些時間!厲害! 17:37 < chusiang> 2 min 17:37 < mopcon-bot> (yllan) 我還以為 gradle 跑下去就要很久 XD 17:37 < mopcon-bot> (Mikimoto) XD 17:38 < mopcon-bot> (wupojung) 17:38 < AWEIMEOW> J霧霾的命名原因是甚麼 XDDD 17:38 < mouther> J個嘛.... 17:38 < chusiang> 怕不小心按到,要一直按著 … (好酸 17:38 < mopcon-bot> (yllan) 這語速比較有 LT 的感覺啊 17:38 < mopcon-bot> (wupojung) @chusiang OKOK 17:38 < chusiang> 怕不小心按到,要一直按著 … (好酸 <=== 服務鈴 17:39 < mopcon-bot> (wupojung) 先應徵明年志工這樣嗎 17:39 < AWEIMEOW> 這個語速才正常啊!!!! 17:39 < mouther> 歐 no math 17:39 < mopcon-bot> (Mikimoto) agree ^^ 17:40 < chusiang> wupojung: 不這個時候找要什麼時候找? XDD 17:40 < AWEIMEOW> 不常待 TECH_JOB 版 17:40 < AWEIMEOW> 求耿的來源 QQ 17:40 < mouther> 包子 xD 17:40 < ggininder> 請問是哪家公司? 17:40 < mopcon-bot> (e19940604) 有人能解釋嗎XD 17:41 < AWEIMEOW> 原來是奇美啊! 17:42 < chusiang> PyCooooooooooooooooooon ~~~~~~ 17:42 < mopcon-bot> (wupojung) @chusiang 沒有注意到甚麼時候應徵 17:43 < mouther> Mosky 表示 17:43 < mopcon-bot> (Mikimoto) 原來還沒到重點 :p 17:43 < mopcon-bot> (yllan) 咳,一直強調正妹 COC 會不會有問題 17:43 < AWEIMEOW> 偷賣 jserv 嗎 XD 17:44 < mouther> 出現了 某封麥大神 17:44 < mopcon-bot> (wupojung) 是光明正大的賣~~XD 17:44 -!- Viktor2 [~hermes@] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 17:45 < chusiang> mouther 封麥神? 17:46 < chusiang> MOPCON 就是有正妹滿不用跑到台北去 --jserv 17:46 < mopcon-bot> (yllan) 想問一下剛剛 PyCon 的 LT 講者有在線上嗎?有些問題想請教 17:46 < chusiang> MOPCON 就是有正妹,不用跑到台北去。 --jserv 17:47 < mopcon-bot> (wupojung) jserv 語錄。。。 收錄!(蓋 17:48 < chusiang> 今年沒吃到下午茶啊 ~~~~ 17:49 < AWEIMEOW> 求背景音樂 17:49 < mopcon-bot> (wupojung) 就是今天哪個 大有來頭嗎? 17:50 < chusiang> wupojung: Yes 17:50 < mopcon-bot> (wupojung) 錯過了。。。 XD 17:51 < chusiang> zeroplex: 您紅了! XDXD 17:51 < DanLu> 大家掰掰 17:52 < mouther> 8888888888888888080 17:53 -!- AWEIMEOW [~AWEIMEOW@] has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds] 17:55 -!- chusiang [~jonny@] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 18:00 -!- AC [] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 18:07 -!- YuCheng [uid28221@gateway/web/] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 18:08 -!- D-eye [~androirc@] has quit [Quit: AndroIRC - Android IRC Client ( )] 18:39 -!- qq3b0 [] has joined #mopcon 18:53 -!- AWEIMEOW [] has joined #mopcon 19:11 -!- DanLu [] has quit [Quit: Bye] 19:17 -!- alicekey [uid16113@gateway/web/] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 19:18 -!- AWEIMEOW [] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 19:21 -!- whitglint [] has left #mopcon [] 19:26 -!- yulin [] has joined #mopcon 19:27 -!- yulin [] has left #mopcon [] 19:43 -!- WaitingChen [uid107248@gateway/web/] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 19:48 -!- stkd_ [uid56888@gateway/web/] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 19:58 -!- ifTNT_ [] has joined #mopcon 20:05 -!- achat [] has joined #mopcon 20:15 -!- HCLD [uid121562@gateway/web/] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 20:34 -!- achat [] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 21:50 -!- NO_NAME_ [7bcd7d5b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 21:51 -!- NO_NAME_ [7bcd7d5b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has left #mopcon [] 21:53 -!- NO_NAME_ [7bcd7d5b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 21:53 -!- NO_NAME_ [7bcd7d5b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has left #mopcon [] 22:02 -!- UCCU [7bcd7d5b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 22:05 * UCCU slaps UCCU around a bit with a large fishbot 22:06 -!- UCCU [7bcd7d5b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has left #mopcon [] 22:15 -!- XiaoJunHong [] has joined #mopcon 22:17 < mopcon-bot> (johnroyer) 我好像被紀錄組出賣了 XD 22:19 -!- XiaoJunHong [] has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds] 22:22 -!- qq3b0 [] has quit [] 23:09 -!- XiaoJunHong [] has joined #mopcon 23:15 -!- XiaoJunHong [] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 23:26 -!- ifTNT_ [] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] --- Log closed Mon Nov 02 00:00:31 2015