Day1 ======== --- Log opened Sat Oct 26 00:00:03 2013 00:11 < Andox> 請問高雄這幾天會冷嗎? Orz 00:13 < chusiang> Andox: 早晚溫差大,但中午可以穿短袖 :P 00:15 < chusiang> 倒數 8 小時 ====> MOPCON 2013 (rock) 00:16 -!- fntsrlike [] has joined #mopcon 00:16 < chusiang-> 接下來這兩天說過的話將廣為後世流傳 (LOL) 00:18 -!- fntsrlike [] has quit [Client Quit] 00:20 -!- chusiang1 [] has joined #mopcon 00:22 < DennyHuang> 本來不想帶外套 可是從台北出門還是得穿Orz 00:23 < chusiang1> 晚上還是會冷的。 00:23 -!- chusiang [] has quit [Quit: leaving] 00:23 -!- chusiang1 is now known as chusiang 00:24 < DennyHuang> 剛剛從麥當當走回飯店 感覺還好 00:27 -!- miller [daa17257@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 00:27 -!- miller [daa17257@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Client Quit] 00:30 -!- ElEHsiang [3d4693da@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 00:31 -!- ElEHsiang [3d4693da@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Client Quit] 00:33 -!- chusiang [] has quit [Quit: Leaving.] 00:40 -!- chusiang [] has joined #mopcon 01:46 -!- fntsrlike [] has joined #mopcon 01:49 -!- fntsrlike [] has quit [Client Quit] 02:05 -!- fntsrlike [] has joined #mopcon 02:14 -!- ccc_larc [3b7dc6b2@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 02:21 -!- locy [~star@] has joined #mopcon 02:27 -!- ccc_larc [3b7dc6b2@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed] 02:28 -!- ccc_larc_ [uid15336@gateway/web/] has joined #mopcon 02:40 -!- chusiang [] has quit [Quit: Leaving.] 02:51 -!- fntsrlike [] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 02:51 -!- fntsrlike_ [] has joined #mopcon 02:56 -!- rsghost [] has joined #mopcon 03:34 -!- KC_ [b4b01d25@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 03:35 < KC_> hello everyone 03:35 < KC_> 明天有影像轉播或重播嗎? 03:38 -!- KC_ [b4b01d25@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Client Quit] 03:47 -!- peter [01acf66f@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 03:47 -!- peter is now known as Guest11113 03:48 -!- Guest11113 [01acf66f@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Client Quit] 04:59 <@mikimoto> 很抱歉明天沒有轉播喔 05:07 -!- mode/#mopcon [+o chusiang-] by mikimoto 05:11 * mikimoto 拿起麥克風,麥克風測試、麥克風測試 05:18 * mikimoto 拿起麥克風,麥克風測試、麥克風測試 05:53 -!- fntsrlike_ [] has quit [Quit: fntsrlike_] 05:57 -!- PTC_ [72221295@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 05:57 -!- PTC-tw [] has joined #mopcon 05:57 -!- PTC_ [72221295@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Client Quit] 05:57 -!- luxun [b4cf2f7e@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 05:58 -!- luxun [b4cf2f7e@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Client Quit] 06:16 < Andox> chusiang-: 感恩...看來找件薄外套穿好了 07:27 -!- ymow_ [722f178b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 07:28 -!- wenchen [76aa4eba@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 07:29 -!- fntsrlike [] has joined #mopcon 07:30 -!- S3p_lin_ [] has joined #mopcon 07:39 -!- fntsrlike [] has quit [Quit: fntsrlike] 07:43 -!- fntsrlike [] has joined #mopcon 07:56 -!- othrees [~othrees@] has joined #mopcon 07:56 < othrees> Test 08:01 < S3p_lin_> test 08:03 -!- othrees [~othrees@] has quit [Quit: Colloquy for iPad -] 08:11 < DennyHuang> o.o// 大家早安 08:16 < fntsrlike> 早~ 08:19 -!- ymow_ [722f178b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 08:33 -!- Trista [7a92e7cb@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 08:35 -!- jserv-- [~jserv@] has joined #mopcon 08:35 -!- fntsrlike [] has quit [Quit: fntsrlike] 08:35 < jserv--> # MOPCON 議程表 08:36 -!- darkx [~x4r@] has joined #mopcon 08:36 * darkx 大家早安 08:43 -!- jserv--- [~jserv@] has joined #mopcon 08:46 -!- jserv-- [~jserv@] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 08:47 -!- andytwmvp [7a92e7cb@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 08:48 -!- MouseMs [df8e4aef@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 08:48 -!- walkingice [] has joined #mopcon 08:51 -!- Trista [7a92e7cb@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 08:54 -!- andytwmvp_ [7a92e7cb@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 08:54 -!- andytwmvp_ [7a92e7cb@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has left #mopcon [] 08:55 -!- andytwmvp_ [7a92e7cb@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 08:56 -!- andytwmvp [7a92e7cb@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 08:57 -!- Honda [732b5696@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 08:57 < jserv---> 三聽聯播測試 09:00 < darkx> jserv---: cool! 09:00 -!- brucehsu [uid14791@gateway/web/] has joined #mopcon 09:01 < brucehsu> Good morning :p 09:02 < darkx> brucehsu: 大大 09:04 < JalenLin> 是 darkx 09:05 -!- chusiang [~jonny@] has joined #mopcon 09:06 * walkingice 準備出發搭高鐵 09:06 < chusiang> 開始了 XD 09:06 -!- sen_mobi [~sen_mobi@] has joined #mopcon 09:07 < chusiang> 感謝趙副處長 :D 09:07 < superbil> ping darkx 09:07 -!- KuoE0 [uid13416@gateway/web/] has joined #mopcon 09:08 -!- lightshadow [7a92e7cb@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 09:09 -!- FrankWu [~textual@] has joined #mopcon 09:09 < darkx> superbil: 你有來? XD 09:09 < chusiang> 請大家分享 MOPCON 2013 的活動時加上 #mopcon2013 的喔! 09:10 < superbil> darkx: 有喔,我在二廳 :P 09:11 -!- CQD [~cqd@] has joined #mopcon 09:11 -!- fntsrlike [~fntsrlike@] has joined #mopcon 09:11 < chusiang> 聯播的畫面看不到 jserv 啊 XD 09:11 -!- kuroridoplayer [7a92e7cb@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 09:11 < kuroridoplayer> test 09:11 < chusiang> 二廳 ++ 09:11 < CQD> 其實 Mopcon 娘是三廳 XD 09:11 -!- df1 [~df@] has joined #mopcon 09:12 -!- sen_mobi [~sen_mobi@] has quit [Quit: sen_mobi] 09:12 -!- grapefruit623 [7a92e7cb@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 09:12 < CQD> 半路最近也滿活躍的耶 09:12 -!- grapefruit623 [7a92e7cb@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Client Quit] 09:14 < chusiang> CQD: 看著投影的畫面就會這個覺得了是吧 XDD 09:15 -!- grapefruit623 [~grapefrui@] has joined #mopcon 09:15 -!- infate [] has joined #mopcon 09:15 < grapefruit623> who 09:16 < darkx> superbil: /我在龜一聽 lol 09:16 -!- allen_ [7a92e7cb@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 09:16 < CQD> 二廳 XDDD 09:17 < JalenLin> Mopcon娘 > Jserv.... 09:17 -!- FrankWu [~textual@] has quit [Quit: My MacBook Pro has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…] 09:17 -!- FrankWu [~textual@] has joined #mopcon 09:17 < chusiang> 看來中午得找地方充電才行,不然下午會沒電記錄 XD 09:19 < chusiang> 各議題簡介 09:19 -!- timchen119 [~timchen11@2001:288:8401:10:20c:29ff:fe87:2d2f] has joined #mopcon 09:19 < kuroridoplayer> 請問哪邊有插頭可以讓電腦充電? 09:19 < kuroridoplayer> *插座 09:19 < chusiang> 有兩處充電站 09:20 < kuroridoplayer> OK 手冊上第四頁有寫 我看到了 謝謝 09:20 < JalenLin> 等等會爆滿吧 09:20 < chusiang> 休息區跟員工休息區旁 09:20 < chusiang> 不夠的請自備延長線 :P 09:21 < darkx> JalenLin: where r u 09:21 < JalenLin> darkx: In your heart. 09:21 -!- MouseMs [df8e4aef@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [] 09:21 < darkx> >///< 09:22 < JalenLin> darkx: 二廳>////< 09:23 < chusiang> MOPCON 娘:歡迎來 3 廳 坐坐唷 ~ 09:23 -!- tsaiid [~tsaiid@] has joined #mopcon 09:23 < Andox> Win8.1的注音在putty不能動orz 09:23 < CQD> Jserv 完全被 M 娘幹掉了... 09:24 -!- Conjuror [dc8a6dc1@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 09:24 < tsaiid> 應該把 Jserv 擺中間才對的 09:24 < chusiang> 預計一個月後分享活動影片 (rock) 09:24 -!- kuroridoplayer [7a92e7cb@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 09:25 < JalenLin> Andox: 試試看開相容性模式?... 09:25 -!- stanely [~stanely@] has joined #mopcon 09:25 -!- kuroridoplayer [7a92e7cb@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 09:25 -!- vcan [7a92e7cb@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 09:25 -!- yu0410aries [df8e766e@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 09:25 -!- louielu_ [uid13501@gateway/web/] has joined #mopcon 09:25 < Andox> JalenLin: 新酷音 (Y) 09:25 < JalenLin> (Y) 09:25 -!- Guest___ [] has joined #mopcon 09:25 < Andox> jserv---: <(_ _)> 09:25 < kuroridoplayer> 到了充電站 發現只有一個延長線...看來中午肯定是會爆滿 09:26 -!- df1 [~df@] has quit [Quit: df1] 09:26 < chusiang> Keynote: Rethinking the Mobile Universe with Amazon Web Services 09:26 -!- Guest___ is now known as MouseMs 09:26 < jserv---> r1: Mr. Markku 09:27 < jserv---> r1: Knowledge starts great questions 09:27 < DennyHuang> WOW 中文開場!! 09:27 -!- shengwen [~shengwen@] has joined #mopcon 09:27 < lightshadow> 二聽的聲音有點悲劇阿 09:27 < jserv---> r1: Q: Desktop 和 Mobile 的差異 09:27 < darkx> 3 party APIS 09:27 < tsaiid> 二廳的喇叭稍微小聲了點 09:27 < jserv---> r1: User <-> FrontEnd <-> BackEnd 09:27 -!- shengwen [~shengwen@] has quit [Client Quit] 09:27 < Andox> 三廳略小聲 09:27 -!- alicekey [~alicekey@] has joined #mopcon 09:28 -!- changig [~changing@] has joined #mopcon 09:28 < jserv---> Mobile has location awareness. 09:29 < stanely> 投影片的size有點小 09:29 < jserv---> stanely, 感謝你的建議,這是設備的限制 09:29 -!- JA_ [76a3de31@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 09:29 -!- HarryShen [7a92e7cb@gateway/web/cgi-irc/] has joined #mopcon 09:29 < jserv---> Mobile payment is still strong 09:29 < stanely> jserv, 看來我得把投影的字放大才好啊. 09:29 -!- yu0410aries [df8e766e@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 09:30 < darkx> 4sq XD 09:30 < jserv---> stanely, 三廳的投影應該還可以 09:30 < stanely> 不過我是在3廳講.....要先去觀察一下那廳的狀況 09:30 -!- shengwen [~shengwen@] has joined #mopcon 09:30 < jserv---> stanely, 歡迎等一下去看看 09:30 < stanely> jserv, 感謝確認啊. 09:30 < tsaiid> 2 廳的聲音變大了,感謝。 09:30 < jserv---> Desktop -> Bandwidth/Power/Screen/Keyboard 09:30 < Andox> 三廳投影片看起來還好 不會太小 09:30 < CQD> 三廳的聲音也轉大了 09:31 < jserv---> Mobile -> Camera/GPS, NFC/Bluetooth/Voice 09:31 < jserv---> tsaiid, 感謝回報 09:31 -!- Zurg_ [] has joined #mopcon 09:31 < jserv---> Q: Mobile Web vs. Rich/Native App? 09:31 < shengwen> test 09:32 < chusiang> 還有人覺得二廳的聲音太小的嗎? XDD 09:32 < darkx> more sensors, but no keyboard on mobile devices 09:32 < jserv---> # 09:32 < chusiang> I have HHKB :P 09:32 < jserv---> Q: 為什麼 Facebook 從 HTML5 技術移轉回去 native? 09:32 -!- kuroridoplayer [7a92e7cb@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 09:33 < Zurg_> 好貼心的翻譯 09:33 < jserv---> 對於 Facebook 一類的應用,哪怕是一秒的延遲,對 UX 都是很大的衝擊 09:33 < tsaiid> jserv++ 09:33 < jserv---> Don' shrink. Rethink! 09:33 < JA_> 感謝翻譯xd 09:33 < chusiang> jeserv ++ 09:33 < stanely> HTML5的case後來不是被幾個熱血工程師證明是他們code寫不好嗎? 其實HTML5仍然可以做得很好的. 09:34 < darkx> iOS 7 is more clean 09:34 -!- Routine [7a92e7cb@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 09:34 < jserv---> Markku 以 GMail App 在不同平台的行為,解釋 UX 09:35 < jserv---> Native desktop, Web, Native mobile apps 09:35 -!- sen_mobi [~sen_mobi@] has joined #mopcon 09:35 < Andox> 我的藍牙自己打開....Orz 09:36 < darkx> web -> desktop/mobile 兩方考量 09:36 < jserv---> Q: 是否使用 backend service 09:36 -!- HenryYan_ [~textual@] has joined #mopcon 09:37 < darkx> you need a strong infrasturcture ... 台灣網路環境www 09:37 < brucehsu> 2廳XDDD 09:37 < CQD> @stanely: 是煎茶(Sencha),他們順便推廣自家的 framework 09:37 < jserv---> Discvr: 09:38 < jserv---> 雲端運算的好處 09:38 < stanely> @CQD 原來是這Sencha,但記得出來的效果很不錯,只是他們要fine tune而己. 09:38 < darkx> scalling! 09:38 < jserv---> Scaling a Rails webservice on AWS/EC2 for #1 iPhone iPad App 09:38 -!- abev66_ [] has joined #mopcon 09:38 -!- ccc_larc_ is now known as ccc_larc 09:38 < darkx> 雲端架構 -> 可拓展性 09:38 < jserv---> 09:39 < jserv---> 重點: **Update: we did 250k downloads in 4 days** 09:39 < jserv---> 再次舉出基礎建設的限制 09:39 < jserv---> scalability, hacker attack, ... 09:39 -!- chusiang [~jonny@] has quit [Quit: Leaving.] 09:39 -!- Conjuror [dc8a6dc1@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 09:40 -!- chusiang [~jonny@] has joined #mopcon 09:40 -!- Zurg__ [~zurg@] has joined #mopcon 09:40 < jserv---> instagram: 三位工程師,撐起大量流量的服務 09:41 < chusiang> angry bird ! 09:41 < darkx> supercell 我只會想到某團體... (掩面 09:41 < louielu_> Supercell 09:41 < jserv---> Part II: AWS Mobile SDK 09:41 < jserv---> 09:41 -!- carrl [] has joined #mopcon 09:42 < jserv---> AWS Developer tool -> SDK, IDE toolkits 09:42 < chusiang> 剛攤位上的前輩有分享,用了 AWS 的服務,我們都可以用 dropbox 的 api XDD 09:42 -!- Zurg_ [] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 09:42 < CQD> 新的 CLI, One CLI to rule them all... 09:42 < jserv---> # AWS command line interface 09:43 < darkx> 方便的介面讓公司整合服務 09:43 -!- HenryYan_ [~textual@] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 09:44 < darkx> demo! 09:44 < jserv---> 剛剛提到的 IDC 報告: 09:44 < jserv---> Android and iOS Combine for 92.3% of All Smartphone Operating System Shipment 09:44 < chusiang> 發現 hychen ! 09:45 < jserv---> 對不起 >< 09:45 < Andox> LIVE DEMO rocks 09:45 < jserv---> 投影一直被電 09:46 < darkx> eclipse plugins for AWS Mobile SDK (Android) 09:46 < abev66_> hychen detected. XD 09:46 < jserv---> 09:46 < darkx> 09:46 < darkx> # AWS Toolkit for Eclipse 09:46 < DennyHuang> 這時代 sdk 和 Eclipse 一起包好是幸福的… 09:46 -!- othrees [~othrees@] has joined #mopcon 09:47 < jserv---> 使用 AWS Mobile SDK 的理由 09:47 < darkx> 如何整合到 cloud? 09:47 < chusiang> why do I need the AWS Mobile SDKs? 09:47 < jserv---> AWS -> programmer centric data center 09:48 -!- plumber [8c741099@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 09:48 -!- yugawa [~fromCloud@] has joined #mopcon 09:48 < jserv---> 再次強調 AWS 是 programmable data center,對所有的服務都是 09:48 < darkx> AWS gives you a programmable infrasturcture 09:48 < CQD> AWS SDK 把所有 AWS 1l fu3x96 09:48 -!- luxun [~androirc@] has joined #mopcon 09:50 < jserv---> Thin/Thick client architecture 09:50 < darkx> mobile <-> service <-> AWS 09:51 < darkx> or directly mobiel <-> cloud 09:51 < darkx> # 直接上雲端 (? 09:51 < jserv---> AWS Mobile SDK 提供哪些服務? 09:51 < jserv---> Comute / Networking -> EC2, load balancing, auto scaling 09:52 < jserv---> App service -> Amazon SQS, SNS, SES 09:52 <@mikimoto> jserv---: 文字轉播++ 09:52 < darkx> one big global scope! 09:52 < chusiang> simple mail server , cool! 09:53 < jserv---> 傳統 server 遇到的問題,就是太多服務集中在一處,很難有彈性地配置 09:53 < jserv---> 探討案例: Netflix 09:53 < darkx> service oriented arch 09:53 -!- HarryShen [7a92e7cb@gateway/web/cgi-irc/] has quit [Quit: - A hand crafted IRC client] 09:53 < chusiang> EXTRA: Security token Service 09:54 < jserv---> Database -> Amazon DynamoDB / SimpleDB 09:54 < jserv---> Deployment/Management 09:55 < darkx> App integration with thses SDKs 09:55 -!- alicekey [~alicekey@] has quit [Quit: Colloquy for iPhone -] 09:55 < jserv---> Why Proguard is important? 09:55 < darkx> ? 09:55 < jserv---> -> 增加逆向工程的難度 09:55 < jserv---> darkx, 是的,Android 內建 09:56 < darkx> 09:56 < jserv---> 我找不到 09:56 < jserv---> darkx, 你可以開啟嗎? 09:56 < darkx> 可以啊 09:57 -!- HarryShen [7a92e7cb@gateway/web/cgi-irc/] has joined #mopcon 09:57 < brucehsu> 可以++ 09:57 < JalenLin> 可以++ 09:57 < Andox> 可以+1 09:57 < stanely> 可以+++++ 09:57 < darkx> 09:57 < jserv---> AmazonS3Client s3 = new AmazonS3Client(new BasicAWSCredentials(ACCESS_KEY_ID.SECURITY_KEY)); 09:57 < chusiang> 用 MOPCON2013 的 AP 可以開。 09:58 < jserv---> 簡單一行就可建立 S3 client 09:58 < chusiang> 在三廳發現 Toomore ! 09:58 -!- float [uid15344@gateway/web/] has joined #mopcon 09:59 < jserv---> s3.createBucket(PICTURE_BUCKET); # 建立 S3 bucket 09:59 < chusiang> 換相機了,聲音聽起來不同 XD 09:59 < othrees> Toomore 是紀錄吧 09:59 < jserv---> 應用案例:讓使用者存放圖片 09:59 < othrees> Bucket 聽成 fxxkit 09:59 < chusiang> othrees: yes. 09:59 < jserv---> PutObjectRequest por = newPutObjectReququest( ... ); 09:59 < othrees> Orz 09:59 < jserv---> s3.putObject(por); 10:00 < chusiang> 更正,是二廳 :P 10:00 < othrees> 他的相機換一陣子了 10:00 < jserv---> S3Object data = s3.getObject(PICTURE_BUCKET.PICTURE_NAME); 10:00 < othrees> 還有大光圈定焦 10:00 < jserv---> 最後一行是從 S3 bucket 取得物件 10:00 < chusiang> Low level APIs 10:01 < DennyHuang> 如何確保SECRET KEY的安全 不知道有沒有文件… 10:01 < jserv---> High Level API: DynamoDB 10:01 < jserv---> Key primaryKey = new Key().withHashKeyElement(targetValue); 10:01 < abev66_> 我忘記開 log QQ 10:01 < darkx> low level -> you need to do more yourself 10:01 < darkx> # write more codes! 10:02 < jserv---> DeleteItemRequest ... 10:02 < jserv---> 但是換成高階只要 -> mapper.delete(deleteUser..) 10:02 < chusiang> abev66_: 晚些在下會發出來,安啦 :P 10:02 < tsaiid> Talking about security. 10:02 < chusiang> s/發/放/ 10:02 -!- ericsivs [~androirc@] has joined #mopcon 10:02 < jserv---> 10:02 < DennyHuang> 我也有log XD 10:03 < chusiang> Never store credentials in the App 10:03 < jserv---> 絕對不要在 App 中保存 credentials 10:03 < jserv---> 原因: 10:03 < jserv---> 1) credential 可被 Apps 中解出 10:03 < jserv---> 2) 沒有個別的 revocation 10:03 < chusiang> 1) credentials can be extracted from an App 10:03 < jserv---> 3) No rotation 10:04 -!- luxun [~androirc@] has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds] 10:04 < chusiang> 2) No individual revocation (all or none) 10:04 < darkx> don't store your root account in the app! XD 10:05 < jserv---> Token Vending Machine 10:05 < chusiang> 1) Anonymous TVM (identity of the phone user is not stored) 10:06 < chusiang> 14. I need so help ! 10:06 < chusiang> gow to get help 10:06 < CQD> 為了安全,應該每個 user 給一個 token,不要用 app 共用的 credentials,於是 AWS 有 token vending machine.... 10:06 < chusiang> how to get help 10:06 < superbil> 10:07 < superbil> 10:07 < chusiang> Join the AWS 在台灣 10:07 < darkx> we have a user group in Taiwan! 10:07 -!- yuaner [~AndChat93@] has joined #mopcon 10:07 -!- AndChat88724 [] has joined #mopcon 10:07 -!- ericsivs [~androirc@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 10:07 -!- ericsivs [~androirc@] has joined #mopcon 10:08 < chusiang> 10:08 < chusiang> Survey | Qualtrics Survey Software - 10:08 < chusiang> Thank you ! 10:08 < chusiang> Q%A 10:09 -!- clkaoud [uid12095@gateway/web/] has joined #mopcon 10:09 < clkaoud> 苗栗黃先生! 10:09 < othrees> 苗栗黃先生 10:09 < darkx> think bit! 10:09 < darkx> *b9g 10:09 < darkx> big ... 一直打錯字 orz 10:09 < CQD> dont write your own database.....XD 10:10 -!- pichuang [] has joined #mopcon 10:10 < CQD> s/write/buy/ 10:10 -!- shengwen [~shengwen@] has quit [Quit: Lost terminal] 10:11 < pichuang> ltroot 賢賢耶 10:11 < abev66_> ji 10:11 < abev66_> 簡報的 twitter 那個圖案是字元嗎? 10:11 < clkaoud> icon font 10:11 < darkx> 翻譯:請問有懶人包嗎XD 10:12 < ltroot> pichuang: 你是誰QQ 10:12 < darkx> 黑黑小飛機 10:12 -!- shengwen [~shengwen@] has joined #mopcon 10:12 < ltroot> 那我要趕快關網路了>"< 10:12 < shengwen> test 10:12 -!- yuaner [~AndChat93@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 10:12 < pichuang> 已走清新風 我沒去mopcon T_T 10:12 -!- chyuaner [~AndChat93@] has joined #mopcon 10:12 < ltroot> pichuang: 你不是在新竹= = 10:13 < ltroot> pichuang: 哦哦soga 10:13 -!- FrankWu [~textual@] has quit [Quit: My MacBook Pro has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…] 10:13 < JalenLin> pichuang: 小黑機阿 10:13 -!- CQD [~cqd@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 10:13 -!- fntsrlike [~fntsrlike@] has quit [Quit: fntsrlike] 10:13 < chusiang> 那個 …充電站有顆豆腐佔了兩個插座的位子啊 XDD 10:13 -!- CQD [~cqd@] has joined #mopcon 10:14 -!- MouseMs [] has quit [Quit: My MacBook has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…] 10:15 < chusiang> 休息時間 :D 10:15 -!- alicekey [~alicekey@] has joined #mopcon 10:17 -!- plumber [8c741099@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 10:17 -!- allen_ [7a92e7cb@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 10:17 -!- lightshadow [7a92e7cb@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 10:17 -!- Routine [7a92e7cb@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 10:17 -!- vcan [7a92e7cb@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 10:18 -!- df1 [~df@] has joined #mopcon 10:18 -!- lightshadow [7a92e7cb@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 10:18 -!- andytwmvp_ [7a92e7cb@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 10:18 -!- fntsrlike [~fntsrlike@] has joined #mopcon 10:18 -!- CQD [~cqd@] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 10:18 -!- stanely [~stanely@] has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds] 10:18 -!- JA_ [76a3de31@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 10:19 -!- Zurg__ [~zurg@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 10:19 -!- Zurg_ [] has joined #mopcon 10:21 -!- kuroridoplayer [7a92e7cb@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 10:21 -!- Zurg_ [] has quit [Read error: No route to host] 10:22 -!- Zurg_ [~zurg@] has joined #mopcon 10:22 < kuroridoplayer> 請問誰有剛才Amazon演講問卷的網址呢? 10:22 -!- MillyHung [] has joined #mopcon 10:23 < chusiang> kuroridoplayer: Survey | Qualtrics Survey Software - 10:23 < kuroridoplayer> 謝謝 10:24 < chusiang> mikimoto: 目前看來這電還夠用,感謝關心 :D 10:24 -!- stanely [~stanely@] has joined #mopcon 10:25 -!- Zurg_ [~zurg@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 10:25 < chusiang> 工商服務:報到處有販售 MOPCON 相關週邊,歡迎大家前往參觀。 10:25 -!- Zurg_ [] has joined #mopcon 10:25 -!- ericsivs [~androirc@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 10:26 -!- ericsivs [~androirc@] has joined #mopcon 10:27 -!- Mark___ [6fff4a86@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 10:27 -!- Zurg_ [] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 10:28 -!- ernestchiang [~qicruser@] has joined #mopcon 10:28 < yugawa> 10:29 -!- JA_ [76a3de31@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 10:29 -!- visioncan [7a92e7cb@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 10:30 < chusiang> 二廳開始! 10:30 -!- kewang [dc8a6dd6@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 10:30 < JalenLin> 三廳開始 10:30 < Andox> [R3] Start 10:30 < chusiang> 遊戲 App 開發營運實務:那些成功者沒說的事 10:30 < chusiang> 二廳:遊戲 App 開發營運實務:那些成功者沒說的事 10:31 -!- CQD [~cqd@] has joined #mopcon 10:31 -!- john_______ [uid15343@gateway/web/] has joined #mopcon 10:31 < abev66_> 一廳開始! 10:31 -!- routine [7a92e7cb@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 10:31 < superbil> 在會場看到 HHKB 好 high 10:31 < CQD> 三廳開始 10:31 < rsghost> 有沒有充電站XD? 10:32 -!- Zurg_ [~zurg@] has joined #mopcon 10:32 < jserv---> r1: Daniel from KKBOX 10:32 < darkx> rsghost: 原本紅茶那邊 10:32 < Andox> [R3] WP開發入門 10:32 < rsghost> darkx: 感謝! 10:32 -!- ericsivs [~androirc@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 10:32 < JalenLin> R3會聽到R2聲音...可能R3需要大聲點(?) 10:33 < jserv---> r1: Chris: 音樂應該像自來水一樣,打開就有。我們要蓋音樂的自來水廠 10:33 < JalenLin> 不過這樣R2會... 10:33 < othrees> 有辦法直接接 USB 嗎 10:33 < JalenLin> R1...說錯 10:33 -!- ericsivs [~androirc@] has joined #mopcon 10:33 < stanely> 不知有沒有音樂的山泉水? 因為是免費的. :) 10:33 < othrees> R1 可以小聲一點 10:33 < chusiang> rsghost: 手冊 P4 上有。 10:33 < jserv---> JalenLin, 是聽到 R1 ? 10:33 < JA_> R3需要大聲+1 隔壁R1聲音很大@@ 10:33 < ltroot> rsghost: 原來你也有來! 10:34 < JalenLin> jserv---: 會聽到r1.. 10:34 < jserv---> JalenLin, 知道了 10:34 -!- yuaner [~AndChat93@] has joined #mopcon 10:34 -!- chyuaner [~AndChat93@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 10:34 < Andox> R3感覺不到MIC的聲音XD 10:34 -!- cahry [7a92e7cb@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 10:34 < JalenLin> R3 OK了 10:34 < JA_> R3有聲音了 10:34 -!- Guest___ [~textual@] has joined #mopcon 10:34 < rsghost> ltroot: 你在R幾XD? 10:34 -!- changig [~changing@] has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds] 10:34 -!- FrankWu [~textual@] has joined #mopcon 10:35 < ltroot> rsghost: 三廳~ 10:35 < JA_> WP手機感覺不錯耶 10:35 < jserv---> R1: 回顧 Android 的多媒體架構 10:35 < jserv---> R1: opencore -> stagefright 10:35 < Andox> windows mobile...惡夢般的OS 10:35 < JalenLin> JA_: 其實....只能說普通,畢竟大作軟體還是太少 10:35 < tsaiid> R2: 成功者通常不會告訴你真正的故事 10:35 < JalenLin> 雖然我已經用了就是XD 10:36 < jserv---> JalenLin, 現在好一點了嗎? 10:36 < JalenLin> jserv---: 聲音嗎? OK了 10:36 < jserv---> R1: 實作 Player 遇到的挑戰 10:36 < fntsrlike> R2: 台灣發包>日本廠商>台灣工作室 (?) 10:36 < Andox> jserv---: 剛剛應該是MIC沒開 XD 10:36 < jserv---> R1: MediaPlayer 本身存在著各種狀態,但是... 10:36 < tsaiid> R2: 3DS 的遊戲開發,從台灣授權日本,在轉包回台灣來做。 XD 10:36 < jserv---> JalenLin, 再次感謝回報 10:37 < darkx> the state diagram of media plater in Android 10:37 < jserv---> R1: Android state machine 要注意 IllegalStateException 10:37 -!- alicekey [~alicekey@] has quit [Quit: Colloquy for iPhone -] 10:37 < CQD> Windows Phone 7 之前都還是 WinCE kernel...WP8 走到 Win NT Kernel 10:37 < brucehsu> #10 台灣玩家是傲嬌XD 10:37 < tsaiid> R2: 半路上的迷思 10:37 < jserv---> R1: KKBOX 在 Android 實作串流音樂的挑戰 10:37 < tsaiid> R2: 一定要免費才能用?結果沒人要用 10:38 -!- iris [7352cd79@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 10:38 < rsghost> R2: #6 定價起手式 $0.99 10:38 < jserv---> R1: KKBOX 自己紀錄 player state 10:38 -!- grapefruit623 [~grapefrui@] has quit [Quit: leaving] 10:38 -!- alicekey [~alicekey@] has joined #mopcon 10:38 < jserv---> R1: Player state: LoadingStatus (Idle, Loading, Buffering, Loaded) 10:38 < tsaiid> R2: #1 台灣市場太小 10:38 < jserv---> R1: PlayerStatus (Stoppred, Playing, Paused) 10:39 -!- grapefruit623 [~grapefrui@] has joined #mopcon 10:39 < othrees> 我的位置好棒,三間的聲音都聽的到XD 10:39 < CQD> R3: 核心共享,桌面環境跟行動環境有許多程式原件是相同的,連 driver model 都一樣 10:39 < brucehsu> @othrees: XDDDD 10:39 -!- ericsivs [~androirc@] has quit [Quit: AndroIRC - Android IRC Client ( )] 10:40 < tsaiid> R2: Taiwan 在 iPhone 的 App 上銷售第十名 10:41 < Andox> WP8 開發APIs => .NET API for WP, WP Runtime, Win32 & COM 10:41 < ccc_larc> R2: 兩個遊戲洗版 10:42 -!- changi-dark [] has joined #mopcon 10:42 < tsaiid> R2: 芬蘭真是遊戲大國啊! 10:42 < CQD> R3: WP8 的 API 分三組: 7.1 的 .NET API(managed),Windows Phone Runtime(C++ 寫的 lib expose 給 .Net 用,Managed&Native ),Win32 API& COM(Native) 10:43 -!- JosephKu [~chatzilla@] has joined #mopcon 10:43 < fntsrlike> R2: 芬蘭App內需很小,但卻有很強大創意推銷到國際上 10:43 < stanely> KKBox在把Android multimedia不足的地方一個一個補起來 10:43 < ccc_larc> R2: 芬蘭完全沒有上營收榜 10:43 < CQD> WP8 時代可用 DirectX/D3D 10:43 < Andox> R3: WP8開發除了 C# VB.NET外也可以用C++開發 10:44 < brucehsu> R2: 好 棒 Great 牛! 10:44 < tsaiid> R2: == 刷榜 10:44 < chusiang> R2: 大陸有刷寶 (行銷公司)! XD 10:44 < superbil> R2: 1373 多個評論, 1000多筆是 5 星。就有可能是刷榜 10:45 < tsaiid> R2: 策馬入山林 10:45 -!- HarryShen [7a92e7cb@gateway/web/cgi-irc/] has quit [Quit: - A hand crafted IRC client] 10:45 < CQD> R3: 介紹三種 API 10:46 < grapefruit623> R2:復古風 10:46 < Andox> R3: WP8開發 XAML定義UI, C# or VB.NET撰寫邏輯 10:46 < brucehsu> R2: 國外一致好評,國內玩家「這遊戲竟然要NTD$30!」 10:47 < superbil> R2: 搞懂三角關係,目標、籌碼、用戶 10:47 -!- ericsivs [~androirc@] has joined #mopcon 10:47 < kuroridoplayer> 看起來Android的MeidaPlayer的start很吃時間 移掉start()就沒問題 10:47 < tsaiid> R2: 沒錢做行銷,也很難被玩家發現 10:48 -!- othrees [~othrees@] has quit [Quit: Colloquy for iPad -] 10:48 < Andox> R3: mobile app -> WP Apps 10:48 -!- Leg_Bone [df8f4885@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 10:48 < tsaiid> R2: App 影響力,第一天最高,首發日比結婚紀念日重要 10:48 < brucehsu> R2: 讓我想到Game Dev Story的銷售曲線XD 10:49 -!- ericsivs is now known as luxun 10:49 -!- Guest___ [~textual@] has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds] 10:49 -!- othrees [~othrees@] has joined #mopcon 10:49 < CQD> R3: 混合應用可以把原本 mobile web 包裝成成 Windows Phone 應用程式,部分更新可以不用送審 10:49 < tsaiid> R2: Soft Launch 可以考慮在加拿大,澳洲,紐西蘭⋯⋯ 10:50 < superbil> r2: soft launch 速度是關鍵 10:50 < ccc_larc> R2: 先在小市場 soft launch 獲取回饋 10:50 * jserv--- 剛剛去接受採訪,結果 R1 還在 state machine,吳鳳! 10:50 -!- Chu1 [~Thunderbi@] has joined #mopcon 10:51 < jserv---> R1: MediaPlayer 內部事件處理機制不夠即時 10:51 -!- andytwmvp [1bf1da2a@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 10:51 -!- superbil__ [~user@] has joined #mopcon 10:51 < jserv---> R1: MediaPlayer 無法播放 AAC-ADTS 高音質格式的串流 10:52 -!- Chu1 [~Thunderbi@] has quit [Client Quit] 10:52 < stanely> R1: AAC: Audio Advanced Coding. 10:52 < jserv---> R1: 改用 AAC M4A 格式 10:52 < tsaiid> R2: 服務導向 > 產品導向 10:52 < jserv---> R1: DRM 有梗! 10:52 < superbil__> R2, 服務導向 > 產生導向 10:52 < darkx> DRM lol 10:52 -!- plumbe [8c741099@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 10:52 -!- lucasWei [31db3fe2@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 10:52 < jserv---> R1: DRM is what you want 10:52 < lightshadow> 好香腸 10:53 < brucehsu> R2: 能裝到上萬個app也很厲害…… 10:53 -!- Zurg_ [~zurg@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 10:53 < jserv---> R1: DRM = Do you Remember Me 10:53 < darkx> direct reboot machine! 10:54 < tsaiid> R2: 走出台灣 10:54 -!- Zurg_ [~zurg@] has joined #mopcon 10:54 -!- Chu1 [~Thunderbi@] has joined #mopcon 10:54 < lucasWei> dont reject me 10:54 < jserv---> R1: Android MediaPlayer 無法播放自行定義 DRM 的音檔 10:54 -!- andytwmvp_ [1bf1fe24@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 10:54 < darkx> 自幹 player XD 10:54 < Andox> R3: 把IE10嵌入WP APP # 想到MS的官方板youtube app 10:55 < brucehsu> R2: 定價免費時,競爭者更多 10:55 < jserv---> R1: 贈送禮物! 10:55 < CQD> R3: XAML 裡面包一個 WebBrowser 控制項,嵌入 IE10。IE10 效能跟功能支援還不錯,CSS3 特效等等東西也有硬體加速,CSS3 layout good good. 10:56 < jserv---> R1: 第一代 streaming 架構 (使用 MediaPlayer): Download -> NDK decoder -> cache -> Local Proxy -> MediaPlayer 10:56 < darkx> prepare a local porxyt 10:56 -!- andytwmvp [1bf1da2a@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 10:57 < darkx> 所以這個架構下 client 可以準備其他軟體偷偷跟 localproxy 要資料就有機會可以把音樂偷出來? XD 10:57 < jserv---> R1: server 的 DRM 和 local 的 DRM 的加密方式不同 10:57 -!- john________ [uid15343@gateway/web/] has joined #mopcon 10:57 -!- john________ [uid15343@gateway/web/] has quit [Client Quit] 10:57 < CQD> R3: WP8 用系統 IE10 或是 WebBrowser 控制項都一樣很快。 iPhone5 用 WebView 就比內建 Browser 差很多 10:57 -!- john_______ [uid15343@gateway/web/] has quit [] 10:58 < jserv---> R1: 原因:不能讓使用者的手機將檔案複製到其他裝置上 10:58 < Andox> R3: 大家不要緊張 現在不是開Android的模擬器XD 10:58 < CQD> R3: 「大家不要緊張,我現在不是在開 Android 的模擬器」 XDDDD 10:58 < jserv---> R1: DRM 用 native 重寫,比 Java 版本快 5 倍 10:58 -!- thunder [uid15343@gateway/web/] has joined #mopcon 10:59 < jserv---> R1: 第二代 streaming 架構: Download -> NDK decoder -> NDK Encoder -> local DRM 10:59 < stanely> @darkx 跟我想到一樣. 10:59 < darkx> XD 10:59 < stanely> @darkx 因為KKbox app畢竟是user application. 10:59 < jserv---> R1: 第二代 streaming 架構: Download -> NDK decoder -> Pure music -> Media Extractor -> MediaCodec -> Audio Track 10:59 < CQD> R3: 用魚缸 Demo 測試用 IE 開跟用內嵌方式,速度差不多。 11:00 < stanely> R1: 解出來的東西不是擺在storage就是ram裡. 11:00 < brucehsu> R2: 遊戲App第四大市場:其它 11:00 < darkx> stanely: 是啊,解出來的東西無論如何都還是要呈現給 user 看,所以總有方法可以偷出來,只是麻煩與否而已 11:00 < jserv---> R1: KKMediaPlayer ! 11:01 < CQD> R3: 11:01 < Andox> R3: # 開發資訊 11:01 < jserv---> R1: 包裝 Android player 的 API,對 4.1 以下的行為 11:01 < ernestchiang> VeryAwesomePlayer!! 11:01 < ccc_larc> R2: 四大市場: 美、日、中⋯⋯其他 11:01 < jserv---> R1: VeryAwesomePlayer,KKBOX 自幹! 11:01 < othrees> Very Awesome !! 11:01 < Zurg_> XD 11:01 < tsaiid> R2: 去中國發行,就像豺狼的獵物 11:01 -!- Guest___ [] has joined #mopcon 11:01 < DennyHuang> 這命名超棒XD 11:02 < grapefruit623> R2: 85:15.... 11:02 < ccc_larc> R2: 開發者拿...15% 11:02 < stanely> R1: 這名字硬是要把 Android的AwesomePlayer壓下去啊~~~ 11:02 < jserv---> R1: MediaPlayer 就像是四肢健全的 baby 11:02 < Zurg_> 沒有手的壯漢XDDD 11:03 -!- Leg_Bone [df8f4885@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 11:03 < jserv---> R1: AudioTrack 就像是沒有手的壯漢 11:03 < jserv---> R1 的講者太精闢! 11:03 < ernestchiang> R1: 沒有手的綠巨人 XD 11:03 < jserv---> R1: 真心建議:打造自己的 AwesomePlayer 11:03 < abev66_> 打造自己的 Awesome Player XD 11:03 < Andox> R3: WP 開發需求 OS: Win8 bits, 8G HDD 4G Ram x64主機板 11:04 < jserv---> R1: Samsung S4 也是自行打造 media player 11:04 < Andox> 3: WP模擬器 win8 prro && support SLAT 11:04 < CQD> R3: Win8 SDK需要 Windows 8 pro 以上版本。因模擬器需要 Hyper-V 及 SLAT 功能。另外 64 bit 也是必須。 11:04 < stanely> R1: But Samsung is not only application developer, they are SOC platform provider either. 11:05 < jserv---> R1: KKBOX 曾拜訪 Google,洽詢 Android 官方 audio 相關開發者 11:05 < darkx> R1: RA time 11:05 -!- cahry [7a92e7cb@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed] 11:05 < Guest___> 聚乳酸 <(_ _)> 11:05 -!- Guest___ is now known as MouseMs 11:05 < stanely> R1: 問到機密了. 11:05 < darkx> QAQ 11:06 < tsaiid> R2: Feature 只有 14 天的蜜月期 11:06 < Zurg_> XDDDDDDDD 11:06 < darkx> 剛剛問問題的時候講者似乎楞了一下 XD 11:06 < stanely> R1: 沒錯. 11:06 < stanely> R1: 太機密可能不能說. 11:06 < Andox> R3: 可安裝Win8 Pro的電腦不支援SLAT 仍可開發, 但測試需直接porting到WP手機 11:06 < rsghost> R2: 台灣下載數佔 15% 營收卻佔 54% 11:07 < abev66_> 好多秘密 XD 11:07 < darkx> 佛曰不可說 11:07 -!- andytwmvp [7a92e7cb@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 11:07 < MouseMs> Pure music是真的pure嗎 XDDD 11:07 -!- yuaner [~AndChat93@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 11:07 -!- ernestchiang [~qicruser@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 11:08 -!- ernestchiang [~qicruser@] has joined #mopcon 11:08 -!- yuaner [~AndChat93@] has joined #mopcon 11:09 -!- chyuaner [~AndChat93@] has joined #mopcon 11:09 -!- yuaner [~AndChat93@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 11:09 < darkx> R1: callback 和狀態要自己紀錄 #寫 wrapper 時 11:09 -!- fntsrlike [~fntsrlike@] has quit [Quit: fntsrlike] 11:10 -!- ericsivs [~androirc@] has joined #mopcon 11:10 < darkx> R1 自幹魂! 11:10 -!- routine [7a92e7cb@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 11:10 < abev66_> 反正就是想自己打造 Player 嘛! - R1 11:10 -!- tsaiid [~tsaiid@] has quit [Quit: tsaiid] 11:10 < stanely> R1: 問到不機密的問題,可以好好發揮回答了..... 11:10 -!- Chu1 [~Thunderbi@] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 11:10 -!- kuroridoplayer [7a92e7cb@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 11:11 -!- alicekey [~alicekey@] has quit [Quit: Colloquy for iPhone -] 11:11 -!- shengwen [~shengwen@] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 11:11 -!- chusiang [~jonny@] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 11:11 -!- grapefruit623 [~grapefrui@] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 11:12 -!- jserv--- [~jserv@] has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds] 11:12 -!- FrankWu [~textual@] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 11:13 -!- luxun [~androirc@] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 11:13 -!- visioncan [7a92e7cb@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 11:13 -!- JA_ [76a3de31@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed] 11:13 -!- df1 [~df@] has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds] 11:13 -!- chyuaner [~AndChat93@] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 11:13 -!- MouseMs [] has quit [Quit: My MacBook has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…] 11:13 -!- andytwmvp [7a92e7cb@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 11:14 -!- CQD [~cqd@] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 11:14 -!- plumbe [8c741099@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 11:14 -!- superbil__ [~user@] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 11:14 -!- sen_mobi [~sen_mobi@] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 11:14 -!- ernestchiang [~qicruser@] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 11:14 -!- stanely [~stanely@] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 11:14 < Andox> wireless掛了? 11:14 -!- lightshadow [7a92e7cb@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 11:14 -!- Zurg_ [~zurg@] has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds] 11:15 -!- ericsivs [~androirc@] has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds] 11:17 < superbil> 掛了 11:19 < Andox> 3: Live Coding 11:19 -!- lightshadow [df8dc304@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 11:21 < JalenLin> 只能自開3G了 11:21 < JalenLin> MOPCON2013 MOPCON2013-2 CHT-WIFI都有問題的樣子QQ 11:21 < Andox> 不知道能不能撐到下午QQ 11:23 < lightshadow> 自開3G OTZ 11:24 -!- jserv-- [~jserv@] has joined #mopcon 11:24 < jserv--> R1: Android App Dev Tools 11:24 < jserv--> R1: Genymotion 11:25 -!- JA_ [76a3de31@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 11:25 < jserv--> R1: Android Studio 還在 beta 狀態,今日議程不探討 11:25 -!- kewang [dc8a6dd6@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 11:26 < jserv--> R1: Android 開發的迷思: Android 開發較為便宜? 11:26 -!- ericsivs [~androirc@] has joined #mopcon 11:26 -!- Zurg_ [~zurg@] has joined #mopcon 11:26 -!- ernestchiang [~qicruser@] has joined #mopcon 11:27 < jserv--> R1: Android 裝置太多,debug 困難 11:27 -!- ernestchiang [~qicruser@] has quit [Client Quit] 11:27 -!- CQD [~cqd@] has joined #mopcon 11:27 -!- stanely [~stanely@] has joined #mopcon 11:27 -!- ernestchiang [~qicruser@] has joined #mopcon 11:27 -!- tsaiid [~tsaiid@] has joined #mopcon 11:27 < KuoE0> port 應該要 5566 比較 make sense... 11:28 -!- weijie [7a92e7cb@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 11:28 -!- yu0410aries [df8e0a7a@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 11:28 -!- fntsrlike [~fntsrlike@] has joined #mopcon 11:28 < jserv--> R1: Android emulator 的問題:沒有 Play service, No camera, 慢 11:28 < tsaiid> R1: emulator 真的是他 x 的慢! 11:28 -!- shengwen [~shengwen@] has joined #mopcon 11:29 < stanely> R1: emulator = shit 11:29 < jserv--> R1: 加速 emulator 方法: snapshot 或者 host GPU,只能二選一 11:29 -!- chusiang [~jonny@] has joined #mopcon 11:29 < chusiang> R2 start ! 11:30 -!- yu0410aries [df8e0a7a@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Client Quit] 11:30 -!- visioncan [7a92e7cb@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 11:30 < Andox> R3: WP8 可自定語音命令 11:30 < jserv--> R1: 開發者的痛! 11:30 -!- yu [df8e0a7a@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 11:30 < jserv--> R1: 本日議程目標:讓大家不會這麼痛 11:31 < tsaiid> R1: x86 emulator 就是有掛保證 11:31 < jserv--> R1:‎ 11:31 < DennyHuang> 先烈們XD 11:31 -!- lucasWei [31db3fe2@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 11:31 < zeroplex> 11:32 < chusiang> R2: 老闆叫我不要開始寫程式! XDD 11:32 < jserv--> R1: AndroVM 從 Android x86 改過來,整合硬體模擬器,速度快 11:32 -!- MouseMs [] has joined #mopcon 11:32 < Andox> R3: 語音合成可用日本女聲講英文 11:32 < ericsivs> Genymotion真的好用 11:32 < Zurg_> 神魔?! 11:33 < jserv--> R1: Googel:// 神魔之塔 11:33 -!- FrankWu [~textual@] has joined #mopcon 11:33 < jserv--> R1: 支援的硬體特徵: camera, gps, ... 11:33 < tsaiid> R1: 神魔之塔感覺像是 mobile app 的經典? 11:33 < CQD> WP8 內建的語音指令看起來好嗨...而且似乎很容易給第三方開發者用 11:34 < jserv--> R1: 軟體特徵: API 16, 17, 18; Play store, Root access, OpenGL, virtual keys, Full screen 11:34 -!- df1 [~df@] has joined #mopcon 11:34 < JalenLin> R3 Demo掉漆 11:35 -!- ericsivs is now known as luxun 11:35 < Andox> 沒有BSoD QQ 11:35 < tsaiid> R1: Live demo++ 11:35 < jserv--> R1: Genymotion Live demo! 11:35 < chusiang> R2: 現在的出版業很慘!因為少子化沒什麼人買教科書 XD 11:35 < abev66_> R2 :: :: 11:35 < ltroot> XD 11:35 < JalenLin> R3: 持續跟"腳踏車 巨蛋"奮鬥中... 11:35 < abev66_> R2: 有空回來做座 11:36 < tsaiid> R1: 明顯感受到 android SDK 來得快很多! 11:36 < jserv--> R1: 因為底層是 x86,所以無法正確執行 ARM code 11:36 < Zurg_> 好快 11:36 < chusiang> R2: 分享 2D Game 製作跟宣傳。 11:36 < tsaiid> R1: 比 android SDK 快很多 11:36 < Andox> R3: Never Live Demo!! 11:36 < chusiang> Cocos 2D for iPhone. 11:37 -!- yuaner [~AndChat93@] has joined #mopcon 11:37 -!- cahry [7a92e7cb@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 11:37 -!- Jueen [~Jueen@] has joined #mopcon 11:37 < chusiang> R2: 博客來-Cocos2D遊戲程式開發攻略:動手撰寫你的第一支iOS遊戲 - 11:37 < stanely> R1: 人體麥克風架. 11:38 -!- Jueen [~Jueen@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 11:38 -!- Jueen [~Jueen@] has joined #mopcon 11:38 -!- Jueen [~Jueen@] has quit [Client Quit] 11:38 < chusiang> R2: cocos 2d 效能快,但不能跨平台 (缺點 11:38 < yuaner> MOPCON有懶人包嗎?? 11:38 -!- kewang [df8e08e8@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 11:38 -!- routine [7a92e7cb@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 11:38 -!- Jueen [~Jueen@] has joined #mopcon 11:39 < chusiang> yuaner: 自己開一個? :P 11:39 < jserv--> yuaner, MOPCON 議程組會整理文字紀錄,梢後會公佈於 Facebook 粉絲頁面,請多利用 11:39 < jserv--> yuaner, # 11:39 < Andox> R3: 找到機會罵IE XD 11:39 < chusiang> R2: Game Salad 用托拉的方式寫 Apps,不用寫 code / free / 跨平台。 11:40 < CQD> R3: 「adapting your webkit optimized site for IE10」....webkit prefix 確實是有點煩人啊 XD 11:40 < jserv--> R1: genyshell 11:40 < chusiang> R2: Game Salad -- 適合寫 Game。 11:40 < darkx> 11:41 < chusiang> R2: Corona SDK 簡單、好用、快! 11:41 < fntsrlike> R2: Corora SDK (drinking (誤 11:41 < jserv--> R1: 改變解析度: 啟動前可設定, 也可透過 adb 11:41 < jserv--> R1: adb shell am display-size 800x480 11:41 < jserv--> R1: adb shell am shell display-density 240 11:41 -!- cahry [7a92e7cb@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 11:41 -!- andytwmvp_ is now known as andytwmvp 11:41 -!- chry [7a92e7cb@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 11:41 -!- BJ_ [7a92e7cb@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 11:42 -!- Jueen [~Jueen@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 11:42 < jserv--> R1: # 11:42 < jserv--> R1: R1: # Migrate data from old VM to new one 11:42 < chusiang> R2: 寫 Game 就像剪貼一樣 (勞作。 11:43 -!- Jueen [~Jueen@] has joined #mopcon 11:43 < jserv--> R1: Gradle enabled Android project 11:43 < CQD> R3: hybrid app 需要另外另外照顧 back 按鍵的行為 11:43 -!- Jabir [42f95038@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 11:44 < othrees> r1右邊畫面上面切掉了 11:44 -!- TigerHuang [] has joined #mopcon 11:44 < chusiang> R2: 寫 Game 不用很高深的程式、技巧,相成把圖片放在螢幕上。 11:45 < jserv--> othrees, 感謝回報,這問題得要中午才能修正 11:45 < othrees> 反正快中午了XD 11:46 < jserv--> R1: gradle 的運作方式 -> Lifecycle: 初始化, 配置, 執行 11:47 -!- Honda [732b5696@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 11:47 < chusiang> R2: 一個人就做一個人可以做的事情! 11:48 < jserv--> R1: gradle {tasks,clean,assemble} 11:48 -!- chyuaner [~AndChat93@] has joined #mopcon 11:48 -!- luxun [~androirc@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 11:48 -!- yuaner [~AndChat93@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 11:48 < chusiang> R2: 宣傳也很重要! (經營 Facebook Fans, YouTube 短片介紹) 11:49 -!- FrankWu [~textual@] has quit [Quit: My MacBook Pro has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…] 11:49 < chusiang> R2: PO 到手都酸了還要 PO 文 (iOS,但 Android 會沒人理 11:49 < jserv--> R1: gradle android plugin 11:49 -!- chry [7a92e7cb@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed] 11:50 < chusiang> R2: Q&A 11:50 -!- Leg_Bone [df8f4885@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 11:50 -!- BJ_ [7a92e7cb@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 11:50 -!- ericsivs [~androirc@] has joined #mopcon 11:51 < jserv--> R1: 11:52 -!- routine [7a92e7cb@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 11:52 -!- Jueen [~Jueen@] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 11:52 -!- ericsivs [~androirc@] has quit [Client Quit] 11:52 -!- sen_mobi [~sen_mobi@] has joined #mopcon 11:52 -!- Jabir [42f95038@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 11:53 < chusiang> R2: 配樂可以使用 iPad, Apps 來製作,大部份都只是簡單的 loop 而已。 11:53 -!- luxun [~androirc@] has joined #mopcon 11:53 < thunder> R2: acid sony for music 11:54 -!- MouseMs [] has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds] 11:55 < chusiang> R2: 不會在 Facebook 上討論 Game,反而都在當好朋友。 11:56 < chusiang> R2: 靈感來源?就玩一堆的遊戲 … 就會有靈感了! 11:56 -!- shengwen [~shengwen@] has quit [Quit: leaving] 11:56 -!- stanely [~stanely@] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 11:56 -!- KoNiKun [af882e3a@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 11:56 < jserv--> R1: 可改用 Android studio 的建構方式,直覺 11:57 -!- Jueen [~Jueen@] has joined #mopcon 11:57 -!- yyken [~yyken@] has joined #mopcon 11:57 < chusiang> R2: 這個年代寫程式不難! 11:57 < chusiang> R2: End 11:57 -!- fntsrlike [~fntsrlike@] has quit [Quit: fntsrlike] 11:58 < chusiang> 午餐時間!大家要注意部份場地不能用進食 :D 11:59 -!- KoNiKun [af882e3a@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Client Quit] 11:59 < jserv--> R1: gradle wrapper 12:00 -!- jabir [42f95038@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 12:00 -!- visioncan [7a92e7cb@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 12:01 < Zurg_> 12:02 -!- Zurg_ [~zurg@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 12:02 -!- luxun [~androirc@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 12:02 -!- yyken [~yyken@] has quit [Quit: yyken] 12:02 -!- lightshadow [df8dc304@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed] 12:02 -!- chyuaner [~AndChat93@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 12:02 -!- sen_mobi [~sen_mobi@] has quit [Quit: sen_mobi] 12:02 -!- JA_ [76a3de31@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed] 12:02 -!- ernestchiang [~qicruser@] has quit [Quit: qicr for android: faster and better] 12:02 -!- tsaiid [~tsaiid@] has quit [Quit: tsaiid] 12:03 -!- luxun [~androirc@] has joined #mopcon 12:03 -!- Zurg_ [] has joined #mopcon 12:03 -!- ReXH [769688e1@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 12:03 -!- luxun [~androirc@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 12:04 -!- luxun [~androirc@] has joined #mopcon 12:04 -!- othrees [~othrees@] has quit [Quit: Colloquy for iPad -] 12:04 -!- df1 [~df@] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 12:05 -!- weijie [7a92e7cb@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 12:05 -!- chyuaner [~AndChat93@] has joined #mopcon 12:05 -!- luxun [~androirc@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 12:05 -!- Leg_Bone [df8f4885@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 12:05 -!- yu [df8e0a7a@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 12:06 -!- kewang [df8e08e8@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 12:07 -!- ReXH [769688e1@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has left #mopcon [] 12:07 -!- Zurg_ [] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 12:08 -!- CQD [~cqd@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 12:09 -!- iris [7352cd79@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 12:15 -!- yuaner [~AndChat93@] has joined #mopcon 12:17 -!- df1 [~df@] has joined #mopcon 12:18 -!- chyuaner [~AndChat93@] has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds] 12:21 -!- jabir [42f95038@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 12:27 -!- Mark___ [6fff4a86@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 12:27 -!- chusiang [~jonny@] has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds] 12:27 -!- ccn_ [] has joined #mopcon 12:37 -!- AndChat88724 [] has quit [Quit: Bye] 12:39 -!- cc [7bc1ccea@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 12:40 -!- cc [7bc1ccea@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Client Quit] 12:40 -!- Jueen [~Jueen@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 12:43 -!- AndChat|88724 [] has joined #mopcon 12:46 -!- chyuaner [~AndChat93@] has joined #mopcon 12:46 -!- yuaner [~AndChat93@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 12:50 -!- yyken [~yyken@] has joined #mopcon 12:53 -!- MillyHun1 [] has joined #mopcon 12:53 -!- chyuaner [~AndChat93@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 12:54 -!- yuaner [~AndChat93@] has joined #mopcon 12:59 -!- fntsrlike [~fntsrlike@] has joined #mopcon 12:59 -!- jean0988 [] has joined #mopcon 13:03 -!- alicekey [~alicekey@] has joined #mopcon 13:04 -!- Peni [7a92e7cb@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 13:06 -!- alicekey [~alicekey@] has quit [Client Quit] 13:06 < walkingice> clkaoud: @o@ 13:06 -!- othrees [~othrees@] has joined #mopcon 13:06 -!- yyken [~yyken@] has quit [Quit: yyken] 13:07 -!- Honda [732b5696@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 13:07 -!- ernestchiang [~qicruser@] has joined #mopcon 13:07 < jean0988> . 13:08 -!- RodrickLin [cb494973@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 13:08 -!- jserv-- [~jserv@] has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds] 13:09 -!- jserv-- [~jserv@] has joined #mopcon 13:09 -!- Peni [7a92e7cb@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Client Quit] 13:09 -!- jean0988 is now known as lol 13:09 -!- lol [] has quit [Quit: AndroIRC - Android IRC Client ( )] 13:09 < ernestchiang> 一分鐘後開始。:-) 13:10 < jserv--> R1: Open is the New Norm. by Sega 13:10 -!- jean0988 [] has joined #mopcon 13:10 -!- tsaiid [~tsaiid@] has joined #mopcon 13:10 -!- sen_mobi [~sen_mobi@] has joined #mopcon 13:11 -!- Zurg_ [~zurg@] has joined #mopcon 13:11 < othrees> 聯播的聲音原來是直接換線XD 13:11 -!- visioncan [7a92e7cb@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 13:12 -!- JA-- [76a3de31@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 13:12 < ernestchiang> R1: 開始囉 13:12 -!- grapefruit [~grapefrui@] has joined #mopcon 13:13 -!- grapefruit is now known as Guest47214 13:13 -!- lightshadow [7a92e7cb@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 13:13 < walkingice> T-shirt++ 13:13 < walkingice> 宅 T 萬歲 13:13 -!- chusiang [~jonny@] has joined #mopcon 13:14 -!- JA-- [76a3de31@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Client Quit] 13:14 < chusiang> 下午場開始了! 13:14 -!- JA_ [76a3de31@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 13:14 < jserv--> R1: 開放已是常態 13:15 < jserv--> R1: 1960 年代,MULTICS 13:15 < othrees> 發生什麼慘劇啊 13:16 < jserv--> othrees, 桌子塌了,飲料噴了 13:16 < othrees> 真慘.. 13:16 -!- sen_mobi [~sen_mobi@] has quit [Quit: sen_mobi] 13:16 < jserv--> R1: 1960 年代,OS/360 相當成功,但 MULTICS 缺相當失敗 13:17 < chusiang> OS/360 13:17 -!- Leg_Bone [df8f4885@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 13:17 < jserv--> R1: 雖然 MULTICS 相當失敗,但是 1970 年代,Bell Labs 將 MULTICS 的概念重新實作,造就了 UNIX 13:18 -!- yuaner [~AndChat93@] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 13:18 < jserv--> IBM OS/360 和 MULTICS 的開發經驗,集結成《人月神話》(The Mythical Man-Month: Essays on Software Engineering) 13:19 < jserv--> R1: written by Frederick Phillips Brooks, Jr 13:19 < chusiang> Unix 把 source code 公開給學校。 13:19 -!- silice [] has joined #mopcon 13:19 -!- luxun [7a92e7cb@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 13:19 < jserv--> R1: UNIX 的精神又繼續由 BSD 延續 13:19 < jserv--> R1: 1991 年,Linux 核心發布 13:20 -!- Guest47214 [~grapefrui@] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 13:20 -!- rsghost [] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 13:20 < jserv--> R1: 2003 年,Andy Rubin 創立 Android Inc. 13:21 -!- grapefru1t [~grapefrui@] has joined #mopcon 13:21 -!- ernestchiang [~qicruser@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 13:21 -!- ernestchiang [~qicruser@] has joined #mopcon 13:22 -!- df1 [~df@] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 13:22 -!- ernestchiang [~qicruser@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 13:22 < Zurg_> MariaDB !!! 13:22 -!- ernestchiang [~qicruser@] has joined #mopcon 13:22 -!- sen_mobi [~sen_mobi@] has joined #mopcon 13:23 -!- luxun [7a92e7cb@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 13:24 -!- visioncan [7a92e7cb@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 13:24 -!- chusiang [~jonny@] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 13:25 -!- iris [7352c81c@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 13:25 -!- jserv-- [~jserv@] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 13:25 < walkingice> [C[D 13:25 -!- grapefru1t [~grapefrui@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 13:26 < walkingice> [D[C 13:27 -!- yuaner [~AndChat93@] has joined #mopcon 13:27 -!- routine [7a92e7cb@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 13:27 -!- visioncan [7a92e7cb@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 13:27 -!- jabir [42f95038@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 13:28 -!- grapefru1t [~grapefrui@] has joined #mopcon 13:28 -!- Zurg_ [~zurg@] has quit [] 13:28 < darkx> openAPIs 13:28 -!- Zurg_ [~zurg@] has joined #mopcon 13:30 -!- luxun [~androirc@] has joined #mopcon 13:30 -!- chusiang [] has joined #mopcon 13:30 -!- jserv-- [~jserv@] has joined #mopcon 13:30 -!- df1 [~df@] has joined #mopcon 13:30 < jserv--> R1: SIRQUL: 13:30 -!- Leg_Bone [df8f4885@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 13:31 < jserv--> R1: SIRQUL 將 Apps 中與遊戲相關的模組匯集起來,開放出來 13:31 -!- fntsrlike [~fntsrlike@] has quit [Quit: fntsrlike] 13:31 < jserv--> R1: 商業模式也因此改變 13:32 < jserv--> R1: 對大企業來說,還得考慮 B2D (Business to Developer) 13:32 < jserv--> R1, B2B / B2C / B2D 13:32 -!- CQD [~cqd@] has joined #mopcon 13:32 < jserv--> R1: Apple Inc. 算是 B2D 的始祖 13:33 < jserv--> R1: 整個模式也因為 open 而改變 13:33 < jserv--> R1: 關鍵字: Lean, MVP, customer development, analysis, fast integration 13:34 < jserv--> R1: 現在的 Business Plan 變成持續創作,失敗就重來的循環 13:35 < jserv--> R1: 獲得以下的啟示: 13:35 < jserv--> R1: 1> 開發者變得更重要 13:35 < jserv--> R1: 2> 速度更是關鍵 13:35 < jserv--> R1: GitHub 彙集開發資源 13:35 < clkaoud> walkingice: ! 13:36 -!- luxun [~androirc@] has quit [Quit: AndroIRC - Android IRC Client ( )] 13:36 < jserv--> R1: 進入 social coding 的時代,一個人的力量絕對不及眾人的智慧 13:37 <@mikimoto> 一個人的力量絕對不及眾人的智慧++ 13:37 -!- Honda [732b5696@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 13:37 -!- chusiang [] has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds] 13:37 < jserv--> R1: 自己身上的數據也開始量化,自 Nike+ 開始 13:38 < darkx> 公開的資訊有時往往比封閉的更有效益 13:38 < jserv--> R1: 心理學家,與其說人在意自己的想法,更不如說在意他人的看法 13:38 -!- chusiang [~jonny@] has joined #mopcon 13:39 < jserv--> R1: 隱私權的議題 13:40 < jserv--> R1: Facebook 取消個人資訊隱藏的功能,而隨後 Google 也出現類似的政策改變 13:40 < jserv--> R1: 網路公司若要持續成長,無可避免得踏入更多隱私議題 13:40 -!- RexH [769688e1@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 13:41 < jserv--> R1: 如果這不叫做暴增,什麼才叫做暴增? 13:41 < JA_> XD 13:41 < jserv--> R1: 對於個人的影響來說... 13:42 < othrees> 揪竟,什麼才叫暴增 13:42 < darkx> R1: 到底要公開多少資料在網路上? 13:42 < jserv--> R1: 得同時得懂得公開資料,以獲得更多的機會,但又同時得考慮到隱私 13:42 < jserv--> R1: g0v 出現! 13:43 < walkingice> (y) 13:43 < jserv--> R1: Open Data 在台灣有一定的熱度 13:43 -!- grapefru1t [~grapefrui@] has quit [Quit: Lost terminal] 13:43 < walkingice> sega++ 13:43 < thunder> Bert的公務員考查網 13:44 < jserv--> R1: 以前我們沒有管道知道公家機關的運作,但透過 g0v 與 Open Data,就有機會理解其中的運作細節 13:45 < clkaoud> Bert++ 13:45 < darkx> 之前跟朋友討論過一個想法,open data 的推行是否同時讓某些國家 (US?) 更容易掌握各國情報XD 13:45 < jserv--> R1: 案例:美國 CDC 防疫和隔離,在 H1N1 13:45 -!- luxun [~androirc@] has joined #mopcon 13:46 < walkingice> clkaoud: 村長人在哪一廳? 13:46 -!- chusiang_ [~jonny@] has joined #mopcon 13:46 < jserv--> R1: CDC 無法有效處理 H1N1 通報議題,而 Google 工程師留意到這件事,於是藉由關鍵字搜尋感冒相關的變化,及早由趨勢變化 13:47 < chusiang_> jserv--: 早上的紀錄寄過去了。 13:47 < jserv--> R1: 但是,這樣的方式會面臨另一個難題:如何有效地找出和感冒發展正相關的資訊? 13:48 < darkx> 所以明年年初又要大流行了XD? 13:48 < darkx> 13:48 < Zurg_> 好強大.. 13:49 < Zurg_> 裡面沒有Taiwan QQ 13:49 < jserv--> R1: Open Leadership 13:49 -!- jabir [42f95038@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 13:50 < chusiang_> Flu Ville - 教育預防感冒的遊戲。 13:50 < jserv--> R1: 以往組織是架構分明,由上到下傳達命令 13:50 < darkx> 從 C/S 架構到 p2p (逃 13:50 < chusiang_> Flu-Ville! | Fuel the Brain Educational Games - 13:51 < jserv--> R1: 過度到協作的模式 13:51 < jserv--> R1: even more Open World! 13:52 < jserv--> R1: 資訊被三家公司所壟斷: Google, Apple, Facebook 13:52 -!- Hokila [~anonymous@] has joined #mopcon 13:52 -!- elvismetaphor [dc8a6cf1@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 13:52 < chusiang_> R1: 三家公司聾斷資訊:Apple, Google, Facebook. 13:52 -!- othrees [~othrees@] has quit [Quit: Colloquy for iPad -] 13:52 < jserv--> R1: 類似於 StarTrek 的 borg 13:53 < jserv--> R1: Google: 將人和資訊建立連結 13:53 < jserv--> R1: Apple: 將人和裝置建立連結 13:53 < jserv--> R1: Facebook: 將人和人建立連結 13:53 -!- MillyHung [] has quit [Quit: Lost terminal] 13:53 < jserv--> R1: 這三家廠商都專注於上述連結 13:53 < darkx> 我怎麼覺得那個圖有點像這個XDDD 13:54 < chusiang_> R1: 開發的本質:人與人之間的連結。 13:54 < darkx> R1: internet of things! 13:54 -!- jean0988 [] has quit [Quit: AndroIRC - Android IRC Client ( )] 13:54 < Zurg_> 強大能力的種族 13:54 < jserv--> R1: 物聯網: 將世界建立更廣泛的連結 13:55 < jserv--> R1: Borg: 個人就是整體,整體就是個人 13:55 -!- fntsrlike [~fntsrlike@] has joined #mopcon 13:56 -!- RodrickLin [cb494973@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 13:56 < chusiang_> 個體的存在沒有意義 13:57 < chusiang_> Q&A 13:58 < chusiang_> Q1: 如何確定未來方向有沒有價值? 13:59 < tsaiid> 網路的本質並沒有改變 13:59 -!- Joe___ [42f95038@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 14:00 -!- MillyHun1 is now known as MillyHung 14:00 < chusiang_> A: 建議先把基本功打好。 14:01 < chusiang_> A: 建議先把基本功打好,接下來進業界磨鍊。 14:02 -!- othrees [~othrees@] has joined #mopcon 14:02 -!- Hokila [~anonymous@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 14:03 -!- fntsrlike [~fntsrlike@] has quit [Quit: fntsrlike] 14:03 < chusiang_> android 最大的問題就是多裝置,多解析度 … 14:04 -!- yyken [~yyken@] has joined #mopcon 14:04 -!- Hokila [~anonymous@] has joined #mopcon 14:06 -!- visioncan [7a92e7cb@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 14:07 -!- Hokila [~anonymous@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 14:07 < chusiang_> date open 出來以後,中間的廠商要賺什麼? 14:08 -!- Hokila [~anonymous@] has joined #mopcon 14:09 -!- Kx [1b341c06@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 14:10 -!- Joe___ [42f95038@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 14:10 -!- Zurg_ [~zurg@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 14:10 -!- Marty_ [7a92e7cb@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 14:10 -!- JA_ [76a3de31@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed] 14:10 -!- Zurg_ [~zurg@] has joined #mopcon 14:11 -!- yyken [~yyken@] has quit [Quit: yyken] 14:11 -!- Marty_ is now known as Guest91300 14:11 -!- tsaiid [~tsaiid@] has quit [Quit: tsaiid] 14:11 -!- df1 [~df@] has quit [Quit: df1] 14:12 -!- ernestchiang_ [~qicruser@] has joined #mopcon 14:12 -!- ernestchiang [~qicruser@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 14:12 -!- Hokila [~anonymous@] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 14:13 -!- othrees [~othrees@] has quit [Quit: Colloquy for iPad -] 14:15 -!- JosephKu [~chatzilla@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 14:15 -!- Guest91300 [7a92e7cb@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 14:15 -!- Zurg_ [~zurg@] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 14:15 -!- luxun [~androirc@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 14:15 -!- luxun [~androirc@] has joined #mopcon 14:16 -!- tsaiid [~tsaiid@] has joined #mopcon 14:18 -!- elvismetaphor [dc8a6cf1@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 14:19 -!- tsaiid [~tsaiid@] has quit [Client Quit] 14:20 -!- CQD [~cqd@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 14:20 < chusiang_> 14:20 ~ 15:00 / KNY (陳坤助) / 二廳 / App 與改變世界的力量 即將開始! 14:20 -!- CQD [~cqd@] has joined #mopcon 14:21 -!- yuaner [~AndChat93@] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 14:22 -!- yuaner [~AndChat93@] has joined #mopcon 14:23 -!- dylandy_ [~dylandy@] has joined #mopcon 14:23 -!- tsaiid_ [~androirc@] has joined #mopcon 14:24 -!- chyuaner [~AndChat93@] has joined #mopcon 14:24 -!- yuaner [~AndChat93@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 14:24 < jserv--> R1: 利用 CloudBox 開發跨平台手機遊戲 14:24 -!- visioncan [7a92e7cb@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 14:24 <@mikimoto> yllan++ 14:25 <@mikimoto> 今天的講題主要是描述文字描繪基礎 14:25 -!- helloj [] has joined #mopcon 14:25 < jserv--> R1: Cloud Hsu: 14:25 -!- elvismetaphor [7a92e7cb@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 14:25 -!- othrees [~othrees@] has joined #mopcon 14:25 < othrees> R3 滿了 14:25 -!- CQD [~cqd@] has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds] 14:25 <@mikimoto> 但是既然今天是 MOPCON , 加上我不會寫 Android , 所以我們來談談 iOS 吧 14:26 -!- Kx [1b341c06@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 14:26 < andytwmvp> R2: 只要你看得懂這些東西,其實你已經就是工程師了 14:27 < chusiang_> R2: 只要開得懂各種程式的 hello world 就可以稱得上工程師了。 14:27 <@mikimoto> MEGAFLICK XD 14:28 -!- fntsrlike [~fntsrlike@] has joined #mopcon 14:28 -!- chyuaner [~AndChat93@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 14:29 <@mikimoto> String Processing 14:29 <@mikimoto> Typography 14:29 < tsaiid_> R1: 找到自己的定位 14:29 < KuoE0> 除非你能得諾貝爾獎,才不用怕人家酸 14:29 <@mikimoto> Text Rendering 14:29 < chusiang_> R2: 您的 Mac 有升級了嗎? (為什麼又當掉! 14:29 -!- excusemejoe [42f95038@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 14:30 -!- luxunhuang [~androirc@] has joined #mopcon 14:30 -!- luxun [~androirc@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 14:31 -!- Zurg_ [~zurg@] has joined #mopcon 14:31 <@mikimoto> 哇,知道的人這麼多,我以為這邊年齡層會低一點 14:31 < darkx> 目標人口 -> 有手機 -> 智慧型手機 -> 會下載 -> 被安裝 -> 不移除 -> 使用 -> 終於有賺到錢了 14:31 < chusiang_> R2: 目標人口 > 有手機 > 智慧型手機 > 會下載 > 被安裝 > 不移除 > 使用 > $$$ 14:31 -!- yuaner [~AndChat93@] has joined #mopcon 14:31 -!- luxunhuang is now known as luxun 14:32 -!- luxun [~androirc@] has quit [Client Quit] 14:32 -!- yuaner [~AndChat93@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 14:32 < Zurg_> R3好歡樂的感覺 14:32 <@mikimoto> 我稱之為軟體解禁,其實有點牽強,我只是想放這張圖而已 14:32 -!- yuaner [~AndChat93@] has joined #mopcon 14:33 < yugawa> R3: 軟體解禁 14:33 < darkx> 鍵盤革命 14:33 < ccc_larc> R2: KNY: ........ (OS: 有錄影阿,看就好,不要講) 14:33 < jserv--> R1: CloudBox 的階層關係圖 14:34 -!- tsaikd [~anonymous@] has joined #mopcon 14:34 < darkx> R2: 政府 : 解決問題? 滿足需求? 14:35 < tsaiid_> R1: c/c++ based. 好感動。 14:35 < darkx> 食品安全問題是要來救援監聽案啊 XD 14:35 <@mikimoto> [轉貼] clkaoud : 果然是軟體重鎮,連樓層都是從 0 開始算 (電梯梗, BJ4) 14:35 < jserv--> R1: 透過 GameApp 來銜接 iOS 與 Android 14:36 < chusiang_> R2: 東亞最進步的國家是哪個? 14:36 -!- Luxun [uid13676@gateway/web/] has joined #mopcon 14:36 < darkx> 只好拿出這張圖了 /flee 14:37 < darkx> R2: 沒有核心價值,很快就回去上班了 新名片 (遞 14:37 -!- chyuaner [~AndChat93@] has joined #mopcon 14:38 -!- afu [] has joined #mopcon 14:39 -!- yuaner [~AndChat93@] has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds] 14:39 <@mikimoto> R3: BBS 的中文字好邪惡,尤其是一字雙色 14:39 -!- tsaikd [~anonymous@] has left #mopcon [] 14:39 -!- Notered [7a92e7cb@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 14:40 < darkx> 資料提供者其實是競爭的 14:40 -!- yyken [~anonymous@] has joined #mopcon 14:40 -!- JA_ [76a3de31@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 14:41 < chusiang_> R2: 商業公司在跟政府競爭使用者。 14:41 < jserv--> R1: Eclipse 與 CloudBox 的整合及第三方軟體的議題 14:41 -!- chyuaner [~AndChat93@] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 14:43 -!- JA_ [76a3de31@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Client Quit] 14:43 < chusiang_> R2: 有拆過 iPhone 的舉手! 14:44 < darkx> R2: 14:44 -!- chyuaner [~AndChat93@] has joined #mopcon 14:44 < jserv--> R1: 當場 code study! 14:44 * darkx 用 twitter QAQ 14:45 -!- rsghost [~rsghost@] has joined #mopcon 14:45 < darkx> rsghost: dirty dirty 14:45 < abev66_> 噗樂卡 XDD 14:45 < ltroot> rsghost: ㄉㄉㄢ 14:45 < rsghost> ltroot: 大黑黑骯骯 <(_ _)> 14:46 < othrees> 這不是避頭點,什麼是避頭點 14:46 < JalenLin> Plurka~! 14:46 < darkx> R2: 網路/mobile 就像是大腦裡面的神經突觸網路 14:46 < darkx> R2: App 的生態讓個人也可以改變世界! 14:46 < darkx> PS. 只要被抽個 30% 就好 14:46 < fntsrlike> R2 你只要讓他抽30%就好 14:47 < chusiang_> R2: 一個人就可以給全世界使用,只要給 Google, iPhone 抽 % 就可以了。 14:48 < darkx> 西班牙文 @@ 14:48 < darkx> R2: 14:49 < jserv--> R1: build fail >< 14:49 <@mikimoto> R3: anti-aliasing !! 14:49 < chusiang_> R2: 盲人用的 Apps:導航,聲控、觸控提示。 14:49 <@mikimoto> R3: subpixel rendering !! 14:49 < jserv--> R1: live coding 14:50 < darkx> R2: 14:50 -!- JA_ [76a3de31@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 14:51 < Zurg_> live coding !! 14:51 -!- Jueen [~Jueen@] has joined #mopcon 14:52 < andytwmvp> R2: buycutt 14:52 < darkx> R2: 統X / X 統表示 14:52 < chusiang_> R2: Nutrutuib Facts - 掃描條碼來查詢商品的詳細來源。 14:53 < darkx> R2: 民眾認養的消防栓 14:53 -!- KC_ [b4b01d25@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 14:53 < ccc_larc> R2: 14:53 < darkx> open map for dydrants 14:53 <@mikimoto> R3: TEXTKIT !! 14:53 < darkx> 595 英鎊... 14:54 -!- Notered [7a92e7cb@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 14:55 < ccc_larc> R2: We Are Data - 14:55 < darkx> R2: 瘖啞人士的報案系統 14:55 -!- tsaikd [~tsaikd@] has joined #mopcon 14:56 -!- tsaiid_ [~androirc@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 14:56 -!- tsaiid_ [~androirc@] has joined #mopcon 14:57 -!- dylandy_ [~dylandy@] has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds] 14:57 < chusiang_> R2: 做 Apps 沒辦法養家活口,除非是那個領域的前 10 名。 14:57 <@mikimoto> R3: 新細明體 果然出現了 14:58 < darkx> R2: 這是個贏者全拿的時代 14:59 -!- dylandy_ [] has joined #mopcon 14:59 < darkx> dylandy_: hi 14:59 < chusiang_> ~R2: 事情不能只有做,還得做到好才行。 14:59 -!- fntsrlike [~fntsrlike@] has quit [Quit: fntsrlike] 15:00 < chusiang_> R2: (政府只有做) 15:00 < chusiang_> ==== END === 15:02 -!- othrees [~othrees@] has quit [Quit: Colloquy for iPad -] 15:02 -!- FrankWu [~textual@] has joined #mopcon 15:03 -!- routine [7a92e7cb@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 15:03 -!- yyken [~anonymous@] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 15:03 -!- lightshadow [7a92e7cb@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 15:03 -!- yuaner [~AndChat93@] has joined #mopcon 15:04 < KC_> MOPCON不能辦Live的原因是? 15:04 -!- excusemejoe [42f95038@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 15:05 -!- chyuaner [~AndChat93@] has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds] 15:05 -!- yuaner [~AndChat93@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 15:05 -!- tsaiid_ [~androirc@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 15:05 -!- yyken [~anonymous@] has joined #mopcon 15:06 -!- tsaiid_ [~androirc@] has joined #mopcon 15:06 -!- CarterTsai [~CarterTsa@] has joined #mopcon 15:07 -!- visioncan [7a92e7cb@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 15:07 -!- tsaiid_ [~androirc@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 15:08 -!- fntsrlike [~fntsrlike@] has joined #mopcon 15:08 -!- lightshadow [7a92e7cb@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 15:10 -!- JA_ [76a3de31@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 15:13 -!- visioncan [7a92e7cb@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 15:13 -!- yyken [~anonymous@] has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds] 15:14 -!- kx [7a92e7cb@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 15:15 -!- JA_ [76a3de31@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 15:15 -!- Zurg_ [~zurg@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 15:15 < kx> test 15:16 -!- Zurg_ [] has joined #mopcon 15:16 -!- dylandy_ [] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 15:18 -!- alicekey [~alicekey@] has joined #mopcon 15:18 < jserv--> R1: KKBOX Android Toolkit 15:19 -!- Marty_ [7a92e7cb@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 15:19 < Marty_> [ RubyMotion ] 開場啦...爆滿! 15:20 -!- Marty_ is now known as Guest12014 15:20 < Andox> [R1] Start! 15:20 < chusiang_> R2: 15:20 ~ 16:00 / Scott (ChihHeng Cheng) / 二廳 / 軟硬整合設計的慣性陷阱 開始! 15:20 -!- Zurg__ [~zurg@] has joined #mopcon 15:20 < kx> 調查一下想利用軟硬體整合創業!?? 15:20 -!- chusiang [~jonny@] has quit [Quit: leaving] 15:21 -!- chusiang_ is now known as chusiang 15:21 -!- Zurg_ [] has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds] 15:21 -!- PingNote [704e478e@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 15:21 < kx> 今天都不會講到技術,只談營運面的探討 15:21 < Guest12014> @josephku RubyMotion 講者twitter... 15:21 < jserv--> R1: KKBOX 有很多新產品用 Android 開發 15:21 -!- PingNote is now known as _PN 15:22 -!- excusemejoe [42f95038@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 15:22 < jserv--> R1: KKToolkit 15:22 < clkaoud> Stamina! 15:22 < jserv--> R1: KKBOX 有上達兩百萬個使用者 15:23 -!- _PN is now known as PN_Wu 15:23 -!- yyken [~yyken@] has joined #mopcon 15:23 < fntsrlike> R3: 你看到我所做的都是嵌入式的 15:23 < fntsrlike> R3: 其中毛利最好的是大腸包小腸 15:23 -!- iris [7352c81c@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 15:23 < yyken> R2: ipad 打不開bomdic的網頁... QQ 15:23 < darkx> R2: 人人都可以跑完馬拉松! 15:23 < jserv--> R1: KKToolkit 包含 UI pattern classes + non-UI tools 15:24 -!- Jabir [42f95038@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 15:24 < chusiang> R2: 把體力設計成電玩裡的 HP,讓人知道自己的狀態。 15:24 < Guest12014> 嵌入式已經做到大腸包小腸 ! 15:25 < Guest12014> RubyMotion是真的用Ruby技術寫 NativeApp , Based on MacRuby 15:25 < kx> 量化體力,採取運動中的訓練對策 15:26 < kx> 開始聊創業 15:26 -!- yuaner [~AndChat93@] has joined #mopcon 15:26 < jserv--> R1: # 程式碼 15:26 < clkaoud> 因為好笑的原因,旅館給我們四張早餐券,有人明天要來跟我和 hychen 吃早餐嗎? 在對面翰品 15:27 < darkx> R2: 精實創業 15:27 < jserv--> R1: KKDragAndDropListView 15:27 < kx> 工程師+醫師+100萬創始資金 需要換個業務腦袋+精實創業 15:28 < jserv--> R1: KKTabFragment: 在 Tab 裡面再放了 Tab 15:28 < kx> 一開始,找客戶 確認客戶是不是真的是自己的客戶 一定要從客戶的口中聽見「這就是我要的」 收益多大?夠不夠大家活下來? 15:28 < chusiang> R2: 搜尋客戶 > 確認客戶 > 創造客戶 > 建立產 15:28 -!- routine [defb0199@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 15:29 < Guest12014> 因為LLVM,所以RubyMotion是非常接近Native 15:30 < chusiang> R2: 確認客戶的過程中,$ 可能會收不回來. 15:30 < jserv--> R1: InfiniteViewPager: 圖片會左右滑動的元件 15:30 < Guest12014> RubyMotion架構所扮演的地位,基本上和Objective C是同等地位 15:31 < darkx> 說到這樣的架構,想到之前日本人實作出 Perl 版本的類似東西 15:31 < jserv--> R1: ActionBar 在 Android 3.0 以前是沒有的,於是 KKBOX 自己寫 15:31 < darkx> R2: 我們是 EE 背景,所以硬體也想自幹 15:32 < chusiang> R2: 軟硬整合開發時得多考慮庫存。 15:32 < darkx> 隔壁出現 HHKB (抖 15:32 < kx> 客戶的回授 再投資(而且還要改對了) 才會獲利 如果客戶是假的 就算你再投資,也沒用。 15:33 < darkx> R2: 慎選 feedback 15:33 < jserv--> R1: KKImageManager 15:33 < darkx> R2: 如果再加個發射火箭就更好了 15:34 < jserv--> R1: KKImageManager - 非同步圖片載入機制, image caching, encrypted image source 15:34 < kx> 如果分辨feedback 客戶是否有在你確定修改時,對你做出承諾?? 15:34 < kx> R2!!! 15:34 < jserv--> R1: KKBOX 要顯示的圖片是加密的,考慮到唱片業者的權益 15:35 -!- FrankWu [~textual@] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 15:35 < jserv--> R1: KKImageManager 還要考慮到 Android 2.x 中,會對 image 作自動的 GC,但在 Android 3.0 以上就無此問題 15:36 -!- stanely [~stanely@] has joined #mopcon 15:36 < darkx> R2: 擺脫工程師/開發者個慣性思考 15:37 < jserv--> R1: method autoRecycleViewBackgroundBitmap() 15:37 < darkx> R2: 尤其是口袋淺的 (新創公司) 特別要注意成本 15:37 < kx> R2: 一定要先讓它承諾!才能修改。 15:38 < darkx> R2: QB? 15:38 < jserv--> R1: 藉由 hashmap 對 image 的 weak reference 作處理,從而避免 Out-Of-Memory 問題 15:38 < kx> R2: 我幫你完成願望,你願不願意支持我一下? 15:38 < darkx> 我幫你實現願望,來成為魔法少女吧! 15:38 < jserv--> R1: KKAPIBase: async API loading + error retry 15:39 < darkx> R2: 客戶承諾的方式:對客戶來說的成本、風險 (付出定金) 15:39 < kx> R2:訂金(表示客戶真的有在思考) - 製造客戶的風險,彼此互相承擔 15:39 -!- excusemejoe [42f95038@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 15:40 < darkx> R2: 群眾募資 Ex. 15:40 < jserv--> R1: KKDialogManager 15:41 -!- MouseMs [] has joined #mopcon 15:41 < kx> R2: B2B 訂金(表示客戶真的有在思考) - 製造客戶的風險,彼此互相承擔 NRE模式,一定會給.....付錢,而且不會退回去。 15:41 < kx> R2: B2C Crowd funding...先要到承諾的平台 點閱率/使用率(可以換錢的對象要訂金) 粉絲數(可以換錢的對象要訂金) 15:42 < jserv--> R1: KKDialogManager 需要處理和 service 的互動 15:43 < tsaikd> R1:用系統通知? 15:44 -!- Joee [42f95038@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 15:44 < jserv--> R1: KKEventQueue 15:44 < darkx> 噗浪開始維修了 *哭* 15:45 < kx> R2: PK2 微型心電圖vs運動員心律 結果:雛形產品可滿足運動員基本需求 但他們為什麼要花錢買?-產品不對 15:46 < PN_Wu> R2: 用醫療來加值健身產品, 於是馬上轉方向. 15:46 < kx> R2: 客戶總是問:「可以幹嘛?」 15:46 -!- chyuaner [~AndChat93@] has joined #mopcon 15:46 -!- yuaner [~AndChat93@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 15:46 < jserv--> R1: Fragment Improvement 15:46 < jserv--> tsaikd, 稍候應該舉手討論一下 15:47 -!- kevin [3ddff464@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 15:47 < jserv--> tsaikd, 關於 notification & Event Queue 15:47 -!- kevin is now known as Guest48449 15:47 < chusiang> darkx: 去 google+ 發吧 XD 15:47 < JA_> R1:hello XD 15:48 < kx> R2: PK3 stamina vs 運動員體能 結果:可滿足運動員基本需求 並增加新的體力量測體驗!!-買單 15:48 <@mikimoto> [大會公告] 報到處 MOPCON 娘開放競標中,先搶先贏喔 XD 15:48 -!- rsghost [~rsghost@] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 15:48 < darkx> R2: 鐵馬少女 lol 15:48 -!- Jabir [42f95038@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 15:48 < PN_Wu> R2: 為了了解客戶需求, 我們決定去看漫畫 XDDDDD 15:48 <@mikimoto> MOPCON 娘大型立牌 (補充說明) 15:48 < chusiang> R2: 看漫畫了解客戶的需求! 15:49 < kx> R2: 直接去漫畫-鐵馬少年over drive 15:49 < darkx> R2: 少年喜歡他的妹妹 *這樣沒問題嗎* 15:49 < chusiang> R2: 看漫畫 (鐵馬少年) 了解客戶的需求! 15:49 < ccc_larc> R2: 單車版的灌籃高手... 15:49 < PN_Wu> R2: 我們那時候全公司的人都在看漫畫! 15:49 < kx> R2: 灌籃高手的鐵馬版 15:49 < chusiang> keyword: 乳酸! 15:49 < chusiang> R2: keyword: 乳酸! 聚乳酸出來面對 XDD 15:50 < darkx> chusiang: >///< 15:50 < darkx> R2: 呈現方式要讓客戶一眼即能明白 15:50 < jserv--> [大會公告] 10/27 AWS Hands-On (第三廳) 原本的時間為 10:50-12:20,現在改為兩段: 10:50-11:30 和 11:30-12:20,這兩段內容是一樣的,請各位朋友自行安排聽演講的順序 15:50 -!- Joee [42f95038@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 15:50 < kx> R2: 用客戶的語言交談 15:51 -!- jabir [42f95038@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 15:51 < tsaikd> Jserv++, 我android 開發不太熟...XD 15:52 -!- tsaiid_ [~androirc@] has joined #mopcon 15:52 < clkaoud> 苗栗黃先生 15:53 < jserv--> R1: KKService: 加入一個新的 thread,以確認 service 已經完成 15:53 < PN_Wu> R2: 群眾募資大部分時候只能打平你的支出, 但你能得到使用者的承諾. 在你做出來之前就已經有人願意掏錢出來支持你把東西做出來. 15:53 < chusiang> R2: 不知把體力量化以後,能不能也把智力量化出來? (蕃茄工作法 :P 15:53 -!- CYJ [6f50f6f5@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 15:54 < JA_> 這樣KKService 和 synctask 做的事情不是一樣嗎? 15:54 < tsaikd> R1: KKService 聽起來像是 thread group 15:54 < CYJ> 15:55 < CYJ> 大會報告...開放競標 15:55 < clkaoud> 腦汁剩餘量 15:55 < PN_Wu> R2: 把人比喻為汽車, 體力表即油表. 為什麼以前沒有這個概念? XD 15:55 < CYJ> 15:55 < CYJ> 目前已經有人出價,請洽櫃台... 15:56 < CYJ> 明天截止 15:56 < stanely> R1: 如果把player公開, kkbox就沒value了. 15:56 < CYJ> 買還送作者簽名XD 15:56 < PN_Wu> R2: NRE 15:58 < kx> R2: 「客戶的要求,就要給相對應的承諾」 15:58 -!- JA_ [76a3de31@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed] 15:58 < Zurg__> #r1 15:59 -!- JA_ [76a3de31@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 16:00 -!- JA_ [76a3de31@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Client Quit] 16:00 < kx> R2: 小公司申請專利的時候:避免大公司來煩自己 16:01 -!- df1 [~df@] has joined #mopcon 16:01 -!- PN_Wu [704e478e@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 16:01 -!- jabir [42f95038@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 16:01 -!- df1 [~df@] has quit [Client Quit] 16:03 -!- kx [7a92e7cb@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed] 16:03 < CYJ> 競標時間到明天下午兩點 16:04 -!- Zurg__ [~zurg@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 16:04 -!- stanely [~stanely@] has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds] 16:04 -!- Zurg_ [] has joined #mopcon 16:04 -!- lightshadow [7a92e7cb@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 16:04 -!- df1 [~df@] has joined #mopcon 16:04 -!- fntsrlike [~fntsrlike@] has quit [Quit: fntsrlike] 16:05 < chusiang> R2: 當您鐵鎚看世界,您所看到的都是釘子;但客戶不一定是釘子,要先理解客戶,讓客戶承諾才可以走到下一關! 16:05 < chusiang> R2: === End === 16:05 -!- routine [defb0199@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 16:05 -!- elvismetaphor [7a92e7cb@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 16:06 -!- sen_mobi [~sen_mobi@] has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds] 16:07 -!- visioncan [7a92e7cb@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 16:07 -!- alicekey [~alicekey@] has quit [Quit: Colloquy for iPhone -] 16:07 -!- MouseMs [] has quit [Quit: My MacBook has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…] 16:08 -!- lightshadow [7a92e7cb@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 16:08 -!- CYJ [6f50f6f5@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 16:08 -!- othrees [~othrees@] has joined #mopcon 16:08 < tsaiid_> R3 好像又要爆了 16:09 < othrees> 已爆 16:09 -!- Guest12014 [7a92e7cb@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 16:09 -!- KC_ [b4b01d25@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed] 16:09 -!- Zurg_ [] has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds] 16:11 -!- chusiang [~jonny@] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 16:11 -!- alicekey [~alicekey@] has joined #mopcon 16:12 -!- Zurg_ [~zurg@] has joined #mopcon 16:12 -!- PN_Wu [704e478e@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 16:13 -!- ga_ [42f95038@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 16:13 < jserv--> R1: 讓你 App 優雅 crash 三部曲 16:13 -!- tsaiid [~tsaiid@] has joined #mopcon 16:13 -!- ga_ [42f95038@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Client Quit] 16:14 -!- CarterTsai [~CarterTsa@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 16:14 -!- ernestchiang_ [~qicruser@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 16:14 -!- ernestchiang [~qicruser@] has joined #mopcon 16:14 < jserv--> R1: 如果 App 不會 crash 的,可以出去了 16:14 -!- CarterTsai [~CarterTsa@] has joined #mopcon 16:15 < jserv--> R1: 等一下沒有 crash,那就是失敗了 16:15 < tsaiid> R3: web too fast. 16:15 -!- chusiang [~jonny@] has joined #mopcon 16:16 < jserv--> R1: 「我當 App 開發者這麼久,我發現一件事,通常使用者不會 report crash,而是直接給一顆星」 16:16 -!- yuaner [~AndChat93@] has joined #mopcon 16:16 -!- sen_mobi [~sen_mobi@] has joined #mopcon 16:16 -!- othrees [~othrees@] has quit [Quit: Colloquy for iPad -] 16:16 < andytwmvp> g0v就是一堆坑CD 16:17 < andytwmvp> CD 16:17 < andytwmvp> XD 16:17 -!- elvismetaphor [dc8a6cf2@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 16:17 < abev66_> g洞v 16:17 < tsaiid> g洞v 還不錯 16:18 < jserv--> R1: Splashtop 的使用者回饋 16:18 -!- yyken [~yyken@] has quit [Quit: yyken] 16:19 -!- routine [7a92e7cb@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 16:19 -!- CarterTsai [~CarterTsa@] has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds] 16:19 < jserv--> R1: crash rate! 16:20 < abev66_> R3: 2003 年的網頁設計師比 2013 年的好當多了 16:20 -!- chyuaner [~AndChat93@] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 16:21 < jserv--> R1: crash rate 約 0.1% ~ 0.3% 16:21 -!- yuaner [~AndChat93@] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 16:21 < jserv--> R1: 怒氣發洩機制 16:21 -!- alicekey [~alicekey@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 16:22 < abev66_> Angularjs 16:22 -!- alicekey [~alicekey@] has joined #mopcon 16:22 < jserv--> R1: 托球給他殺 16:23 -!- chusiang [~jonny@] has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds] 16:23 < darkx> R2: 出任 CEO 迎娶白富美 走上人生的巔峰 16:23 -!- chusiang [~jonny@] has joined #mopcon 16:24 < chusiang> 轉移陣地, R3 爆了 XDD 16:24 < jserv--> R1: KKBOX 表示... 16:24 -!- chusiang [~jonny@] has quit [Client Quit] 16:25 -!- othrees [~othrees@] has joined #mopcon 16:25 -!- Peni [~Peni@] has joined #mopcon 16:26 < jserv--> R1: 網路罷工啦。蜀道之難,難於上青天 16:26 < jserv--> R1: 將 error code 替換為文字訊息 16:26 -!- Peni [~Peni@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 16:26 < jserv--> R1: 16:27 < darkx> R2: App 開發週期 16:27 < jserv--> R1: uservoice 可在 App 內嵌討論區 16:27 < darkx> 16:27 < darkx> 圖片來自這邊第三頁 16:28 -!- Peni [7a92e7cb@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 16:28 < jserv--> R1: 使用 uservoice 的好處:許多負面的評價留在 Apps 中 16:28 < jserv--> R1: 使用 uservoice 的好處:更了解使用者的觀點 16:29 -!- alicekey [~alicekey@] has quit [Quit: Colloquy for iPhone -] 16:29 -!- chusiang [] has joined #mopcon 16:29 < darkx> R2: customer lifecycle 16:29 -!- routine [7a92e7cb@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 16:30 < darkx> Acquistion,Activation, Retention, Revenue, Refer 16:30 < jserv--> R1: iOS 提供官方的 crash report 16:30 < othrees> Walkingice 的想法和我很像,web 現在的發展應該就是以前其他平台程式開發的人走過的 16:30 < darkx> R2: App 上架時,截圖是需要留意的重點 16:31 < chusiang> R3: 我們會在 HTML 裡挖空些區塊。 16:31 < darkx> R2: 如何在有限的資源 (簡短的說明文字和五張截圖) 讓使用者考慮使用你的 app? 16:32 < darkx> R2: 忠誠度: 利用對未來的期待留住使用者 16:32 < darkx> Ex. 換不到什麼東西的點數XD 16:32 < jserv--> R1: 16:33 -!- Zurg_ [~zurg@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 16:33 < darkx> R2: 台灣 VC 考慮的方向和矽谷不同 16:33 -!- alicekey [~alicekey@] has joined #mopcon 16:33 -!- Zurg_ [~zurg@] has joined #mopcon 16:34 -!- yuaner [~AndChat93@] has joined #mopcon 16:34 < darkx> R2 : 16:35 < chusiang> R3: 把 HTML 的值挖空,使用 ctrl 來控制就行了。 16:35 < darkx> R2: 議程內容來自這份簡報 16:36 < jserv--> R1: Flurry SDK 16:36 -!- MouseMs [~MouseMs@] has joined #mopcon 16:36 < darkx> MouseMs: 黑黑安安 16:36 < MouseMs> 0.0 16:37 < jserv--> R1: Splashtop 沒有使用 Flurry SDK 16:37 -!- alicekey [~alicekey@] has quit [Client Quit] 16:38 -!- yugawa [~fromCloud@] has quit [Quit: AndroIRC - Android IRC Client ( )] 16:38 < darkx> R2: Parse, Moodstocks 16:38 < jserv--> R1: Splashtop 自己開發 catch exception 16:38 < darkx> jserv--: R2 這邊也剛好講到 Flurry XD 16:39 * darkx 口碑操作 -> 爽爽爽寫手?! XD 16:40 < jserv--> R1: 16:40 < othrees> dependency injection 16:40 -!- alicekey [~alicekey@] has joined #mopcon 16:40 < othrees> walkingice 投影片暗藏計時器!! 16:40 -!- yuaner [~AndChat93@] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 16:41 < darkx> R2: 獲利明確的 App 多半來自遊戲,資訊和工具 App 多數是獲利孤兒 16:42 < darkx> R2: 影片播放 16:42 < chusiang> R3: vs 16:42 -!- JosephKu [~josephku@] has joined #mopcon 16:42 < darkx> R2: 以用戶為核心的多邊模式 16:43 -!- Zurg_ [~zurg@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 16:43 -!- Guest48449 [3ddff464@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 16:43 < brucehsu> R3: live demo 16:43 < chusiang> R3: Live Demo!! 16:43 -!- Zurg_ [~zurg@] has joined #mopcon 16:44 < chusiang> R3: 用 Vim Live Demo (大心 16:44 < jserv--> R1: Live demo (其實是 live crash...) 16:44 < darkx> R2" 由虛轉實:遊戲得到的 點數可以拿來換到實體商品 16:45 -!- alicekey [~alicekey@] has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds] 16:45 -!- alicekey_ [] has joined #mopcon 16:45 < darkx> R2: how to gether coupons near you? 16:45 < chusiang> R3: 短短的一小段 {{input}} 16:46 < darkx> R2: Qbon: 使用者串聯介面 16:46 < chusiang> R3: 一般的 JS 寫起來不像這個樣子,會是一塊一塊的! 16:46 < jserv--> R1: crash 前:想想 crash, 寫防禦程式, 除了依靠 QA,也要寫 test code 16:47 -!- JosephKu [~josephku@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 16:48 -!- tsaiid [~tsaiid@] has quit [Quit: tsaiid] 16:48 < chusiang> R3: QA 16:48 < ccc_larc> darkx: crash 換點數 16:49 < darkx> R2: 實體任務加上 LBS 服務 16:49 < darkx> Ex. 16:49 < darkx> R2: 開發者、商家、使用者 圍繞在世界的每個角落 16:50 <@mikimoto> [大會公告] 等等會後有個 Dinner Party 在漁人碼頭,請要參加的會眾跟附近的工作人員聯絡喔 16:51 < darkx> R2: Qbon 平台即將在 2014 Q1 登場! 16:51 -!- Zurg_ [~zurg@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 16:51 -!- Peni [7a92e7cb@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 16:52 -!- lightshadow [7a92e7cb@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed] 16:52 -!- Zurg_ [~zurg@] has joined #mopcon 16:52 < brucehsu> 太晚知道了(中午就把車票買好orz 16:52 -!- MouseMs [~MouseMs@] has quit [Quit: My MacBook has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…] 16:52 < darkx> brucehsu: hahaha UCCU 16:53 -!- othrees [~othrees@] has quit [Quit: Colloquy for iPad -] 16:54 -!- elvismetaphor [dc8a6cf2@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 16:54 < brucehsu> 只好回台南喝牛肉湯惹 16:54 -!- ernestchiang [~qicruser@] has quit [Quit: qicr for android: faster and better] 16:55 -!- PN_Wu [704e478e@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 16:55 -!- Zurg_ [~zurg@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 16:56 -!- sen_mobi [~sen_mobi@] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 16:56 -!- df1 [~df@] has quit [Quit: df1] 16:59 -!- alicekey_ [] has quit [Quit: Colloquy for iPhone -] 16:59 -!- Jueen [~Jueen@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 16:59 -!- Jueen [~Jueen@] has joined #mopcon 16:59 -!- jserv-- [~jserv@] has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds] 17:01 -!- tsaikd [~tsaikd@] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 17:02 -!- tsaiid_ [~androirc@] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 17:05 -!- JosephKu [~chatzilla@] has joined #mopcon 17:07 < JosephKu> R2 (15:20 - 16:00 ):LLVM 有獎徵答的得主是哪位啊?記得要來跟我領獎品啊!聯絡方式: @josephku 17:09 -!- alicekey [~alicekey@] has joined #mopcon 17:09 -!- stanely [~stanely@] has joined #mopcon 17:10 < stanely> join #mopcon 17:11 -!- alicekey [~alicekey@] has quit [Client Quit] 17:13 < chusiang> 失物招領! 失物招領!有遺失東西的伙伴請來服務台認領! 17:20 -!- andytwmvp [1bf1fe24@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 17:23 -!- AndChat-88724 [] has joined #mopcon 17:23 -!- JosephKu [~chatzilla@] has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds] 17:26 -!- AndChat|88724 [] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 17:28 -!- AndChat-88724 [] has quit [Quit: Bye] 17:29 -!- Jueen [~Jueen@] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 17:33 -!- alicekey [~alicekey@] has joined #mopcon 17:35 < chusiang> 工作人員大合照! 17:35 -!- stanely [~stanely@] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 17:36 -!- alicekey [~alicekey@] has quit [Client Quit] 17:44 -!- JosephKu [~chatzilla@] has joined #mopcon 17:51 < chusiang> 大家明天見啦 XD 18:01 -!- JosephKu [~chatzilla@] has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds] 18:22 -!- RexH [769688e1@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed] 18:44 -!- fntsrlike [] has joined #mopcon 18:55 -!- pobox [76ab2ba5@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 18:55 -!- pobox [76ab2ba5@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Client Quit] 18:58 -!- fntsrlike [] has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds] 18:59 -!- chusiang [] has quit [Quit: Bye] 19:06 -!- fntsrlike [] has joined #mopcon 19:45 -!- fntsrlike [] has quit [Quit: fntsrlike] 19:46 -!- chusiang [] has joined #mopcon 19:47 -!- fntsrlike [] has joined #mopcon 19:59 -!- abev66_ [] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 19:59 -!- abev66_ [] has joined #mopcon 20:02 -!- fntsrlike [] has quit [Quit: fntsrlike] 20:05 -!- fntsrlike [] has joined #mopcon 20:14 -!- JosephKu [~chatzilla@] has joined #mopcon 20:18 -!- CQD [] has joined #mopcon 20:23 -!- chusiang [] has quit [Quit: Leaving.] 20:23 -!- CQD [] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 20:23 -!- fntsrlike [] has quit [Quit: fntsrlike] 20:30 -!- fntsrlike [] has joined #mopcon 20:52 -!- JosephKu [~chatzilla@] has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds] 20:54 -!- fntsrlike [] has quit [Quit: fntsrlike] 20:59 -!- fntsrlike [] has joined #mopcon 21:00 -!- JosephKu [~chatzilla@] has joined #mopcon 21:02 -!- fntsrlike [] has quit [Client Quit] 21:11 -!- CQD [] has joined #mopcon 21:14 -!- CQD_ [] has joined #mopcon 21:14 -!- CQD_ [] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 21:15 -!- CQD [] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 21:19 -!- fntsrlike [~fntsrlike@] has joined #mopcon 21:32 -!- fed [8c7f764e@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 21:37 -!- fed [8c7f764e@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed] 21:38 -!- CarterTsai [] has joined #mopcon 21:43 -!- CarterTsai [] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 21:45 -!- chusiang [] has joined #mopcon 21:46 -!- chusiang [] has quit [Client Quit] 22:02 -!- stanely [] has joined #mopcon 22:06 -!- fntsrlike [~fntsrlike@] has quit [Quit: fntsrlike] 22:12 -!- stanely [] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 22:14 -!- will__ [dc86cb22@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 22:18 -!- will__ [dc86cb22@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Client Quit] 22:21 -!- walkingcloudice [uid13955@gateway/web/] has joined #mopcon 22:21 < walkingcloudice> 筆電的電源線好像忘在會場了 orz 22:24 < clkaoud> walkingcloudice: orz! 22:24 < clkaoud> 戰力剩下.... 22:24 < walkingcloudice> 83% XD 22:40 -!- CarterTsai [] has joined #mopcon 22:40 -!- jackyan [uid15355@gateway/web/] has joined #mopcon 22:40 < jackyan> testing 22:44 -!- CarterTsai [] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 22:52 -!- Zurg_ [~zurg@] has joined #mopcon 22:56 -!- MouseMs [] has joined #mopcon 22:56 -!- JosephKu [~chatzilla@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 23:07 -!- MouseMs [] has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds] 23:14 -!- Andox_ [73a5f71b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 23:15 -!- Andox_ [73a5f71b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Client Quit] 23:15 -!- fntsrlike [] has joined #mopcon 23:23 -!- jserv-- [~jserv@2001:288:7001:2701:f0cd:680a:b8a3:e937] has joined #mopcon 23:25 -!- CarterTsai [] has joined #mopcon 23:25 -!- CarterTsai [] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 23:25 -!- CarterTsai [] has joined #mopcon 23:29 -!- pichuang [] has left #mopcon [] 23:30 -!- CarterTsai [] has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds] --- Log closed Sun Oct 27 00:00:03 2013 Day2 ======== --- Log opened Sun Oct 27 00:00:03 2013 00:07 -!- changi-dark [] has quit [Quit: 暫離] 00:16 -!- chusiang [] has joined #mopcon 00:25 -!- Jabir [6a0115dd@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 00:25 -!- Zurg_ [~zurg@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 00:26 -!- Zurg_ [~zurg@] has joined #mopcon 00:26 -!- Jabir [6a0115dd@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Client Quit] 00:26 -!- Zurg_ [~zurg@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 00:32 -!- Zurg_ [~zurg@] has joined #mopcon 00:36 -!- CarterTsai [] has joined #mopcon 00:39 -!- othrees [] has joined #mopcon 00:40 -!- CarterTsai [] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 00:42 -!- othrees [] has quit [Client Quit] 00:45 -!- fntsrlike [] has quit [Quit: fntsrlike] 00:48 -!- Zurg__ [~zurg@] has joined #mopcon 00:48 -!- Zurg_ [~zurg@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 01:03 -!- wenchen [76aa4eba@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 01:06 -!- Zurg__ [~zurg@] has quit [] 01:54 -!- DennyHuang [~denny@2001:288:100a:25:21e:8cff:fe09:f596] has left #mopcon [] 01:54 -!- DennyHuang [~denny@2001:288:100a:25:21e:8cff:fe09:f596] has joined #mopcon 02:20 -!- chusiang [] has quit [Quit: Leaving.] 05:17 -!- helloj [] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 05:21 <@mikimoto> mopconer 大家早安 06:53 < clkaoud> ! 07:01 < darkx> 早安 ~ 07:04 -!- jserv-- [~jserv@2001:288:7001:2701:f0cd:680a:b8a3:e937] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 07:12 -!- wenchen [76aa4eba@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 07:13 < louielu_> 早安~ 07:18 -!- fntsrlike [] has joined #mopcon 07:18 < fntsrlike> good morning~ 07:20 < DennyHuang> 早安~ 07:23 < Luxun> 早安 07:29 < wenchen> 早安:D~ 08:17 -!- AndChat|88724 [] has joined #mopcon 08:25 -!- AndChat|88724 [] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 08:25 -!- AndChat|88724 [] has joined #mopcon 08:29 -!- fntsrlike [] has quit [Quit: fntsrlike] 08:31 -!- andytwmvp [1bf1f6ad@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 08:34 -!- AndChat-88724 [] has joined #mopcon 08:34 -!- chusiang [~jonny@] has joined #mopcon 08:38 -!- AndChat|88724 [] has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds] 08:46 -!- fntsrlike [~fntsrlike@] has joined #mopcon 08:48 < abev66_> hello world 08:49 -!- Jueen [~Jueen@] has joined #mopcon 08:51 -!- stanely [~stanely@] has joined #mopcon 08:53 -!- lichain [] has joined #mopcon 08:54 < darkx> morning! all 08:56 < stanely> 早起來聽PTT大神的speaking...... 08:56 < darkx> ptt! 09:04 -!- chusiang1 [~jonny@] has joined #mopcon 09:04 -!- Topic for #mopcon: MOPCON 2013 10/26 ~ 10/27 於高雄國際會議中心 (ICCK) 舉行,請大家蒞臨指教 09:04 -!- Topic set by mikimoto [] [Tue Oct 22 18:32:15 2013] 09:04 [Users #mopcon] 09:04 [@chusiang- ] [ ccn_ ] [ JalenLin ] [ sen_mobi ] 09:04 [@ericpi ] [ chusiang ] [ Jueen ] [ silice ] 09:04 [@mikimoto ] [ chusiang1 ] [ KuoE0 ] [ stanely ] 09:04 [ abev66_ ] [ clkaoud ] [ locy ] [ superbil ] 09:04 [ afu ] [ darkx ] [ louielu_ ] [ thunder ] 09:04 [ alicekey ] [ DennyHuang] [ ltroot ] [ TigerHuang ] 09:04 [ AndChat-88724] [ float ] [ Luxun ] [ timchen119 ] 09:04 [ Andox ] [ float_ ] [ MillyHung] [ tsaiid ] 09:04 [ andytwmvp ] [ fntsrlike ] [ PTC-tw ] [ walkingcloudice] 09:04 [ brucehsu ] [ henry_ ] [ S3p_lin_ ] [ walkingice ] 09:04 [ carrl ] [ infate ] [ sean_mac ] [ wenchen ] 09:04 [ ccc_larc ] [ jackyan ] [ sean_mac_] [ zeroplex ] 09:04 -!- Irssi: #mopcon: Total of 48 nicks [3 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 45 normal] 09:04 -!- Channel #mopcon created Fri Oct 18 10:18:37 2013 09:04 < chusiang> MOPCON 2013 問卷 - 09:05 -!- Irssi: Join to #mopcon was synced in 85 secs 09:05 < zeroplex> 高雄人! 09:05 < alicekey> 高雄人+1 09:05 <@ericpi> 填 MOPCON 問卷有 UX 書籍可以抽~~ 09:06 < DennyHuang> 天龍人被排擠了QQ 09:06 -!- CQD [~cqd@] has joined #mopcon 09:06 < abev66_> 所謂南部人:台北以南 09:06 < fntsrlike> chusiang: 為什麼不直接貼連結XDDD 09:06 -!- rsghost [~rsghost@] has joined #mopcon 09:07 -!- jackyan [uid15355@gateway/web/] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 09:07 < darkx> 反正無照駕駛被抓到只要在路邊唱國歌就好 09:07 < rsghost> 路邊唱國歌XDDDD 09:07 < zeroplex> 罰唱國歌 XD 09:07 -!- jackyan [uid15355@gateway/web/] has joined #mopcon 09:08 < chusiang> 因為在忙 XD 09:08 < tsaiid> 唸書不重要,好玩才重要 09:08 < zeroplex> 唸書其實不太重要 09:08 < darkx> 唸書不太重要 09:08 < stanely> 酷 09:08 -!- tsaikd [~tsaikd@] has joined #mopcon 09:08 < darkx> 學校老師教的也不太重要 09:08 < stanely> 重點是做自己想做的事. 09:08 < darkx> 有請黃老師出來面對 (? 09:09 -!- Netsplit *.net <-> *.split quits: walkingice, float, @chusiang-, sean_mac 09:09 -!- float_ is now known as float 09:09 < DennyHuang> 現場接聽苗栗黃先生的來電(? 09:09 < zeroplex> 不曉得 486 編譯 ptt 要多久 09:09 -!- JA_ [76a3de31@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 09:10 -!- visioncan [7a92e7cb@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 09:10 -!- MouseMs [] has joined #mopcon 09:10 -!- Jueen [~Jueen@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 09:10 -!- Netsplit over, joins: walkingice 09:11 < tsaiid> 30 秒到 1 分鐘吧~以以前的經驗來說 09:11 < darkx> 台大活動中心:我們只能辦文藝相關活動 09:11 < fntsrlike> PTT音樂欣賞之夜XD 09:11 < darkx> 於是我們辦了 PTT 音樂欣賞之夜 09:12 < andytwmvp> R1: PTT音樂欣賞之夜 @ 第二活動中心 09:13 < darkx> 台灣該玩的都玩過了,只好去美國惹 ˊ_>ˋ 09:13 <@mikimoto> 台灣該玩的都玩過了,只好去美國惹 ˊ_>ˋ ++ 09:14 < stanely> 沒在美國唸書,申請到工作真是強者啊. 09:14 -!- Hokila [7a92e7cb@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 09:14 < darkx> 沒有美國學歷要弄到美國工作不容易++ 09:15 < darkx> H1B 那時候應該也不會太好拿吧XD 09:15 < JA_> 好爽的感覺 09:15 < tsaikd> 下午三點下班 09:16 -!- jserv-- [~jserv@] has joined #mopcon 09:16 < darkx> Search Engine 我作過,知道賺不了什麼錢XD 09:16 < jserv--> R1: 美國生活相當愜意,覺得自己太早進入退休生活,於是去 Google, Microsoft 面試 09:17 < jserv--> R1: 在 Microsoft 作 attribute-based file system,後來整合到 SQL server 09:17 < jserv--> R1: 後來轉到 Microsoft Research 09:17 < darkx> 微軟研究院!!! 09:17 < darkx> 裡面超多真強者的 m(_ _)m 09:18 < jserv--> R1: Microsoft 常會思考嶄新的技術,但是商品的價格卻匪夷所思 09:18 < darkx> 亂做一通 -> 商品化 09:18 < jserv--> R1: 比方說最早 Microsoft Surface 的定價高達一萬美元 09:19 < jserv--> R1: 在 2007 年,全世界僅有 Windows Mobile 和 Symbian 這兩個 smartphone platform 09:19 < chusiang> MOPCON 2013 問卷 - , AWS 問卷 - 09:19 < jserv--> R1: 進去 Microsoft Research, Internet center 09:19 -!- ReXH [dc8a6d09@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 09:19 < jserv--> R1: 也就是做 Bing 09:19 < darkx> 網際網路相關的研究 --> Bing 09:20 < darkx> 2008 年微軟研究院開始專注在這方面的研究 09:21 -!- ReXH [dc8a6d09@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Client Quit] 09:21 < jserv--> Discounted cumulative gain (DCG): 衡量 search engine 的指標 09:21 < chusiang> [公告] 10:00 開放報名 lightning talk,請至報到處報名。 09:22 < darkx> SEO? 09:23 < jserv--> R1: 在 Bing 裡面竟然找不到自己的名字 09:24 < chusiang> MOPCON 2013 Day2 即時筆記 - 09:24 < jserv--> R1: 都不太敢回台灣演講探討 Bing 09:24 < abev66_> 「我不敢回台灣演講 Bing ,因為我連打自己的名字都找不到」 09:25 < chusiang> MOPCON 2013 Day1 即時筆記 - 09:25 -!- mp607 [] has joined #mopcon 09:25 -!- ReXH [42f95038@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 09:25 < jserv--> R1: 加入 Bing 團隊後,每日資料處理數量約有 20 倍成長 09:26 -!- ReXH [42f95038@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Client Quit] 09:26 < jserv--> R1: Bing 的搜尋 link 接近 Google 的水準 09:26 -!- JA_ [76a3de31@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 09:27 < abev66_> 「反正 Microsoft 一直在賺錢,所以我們拼命燒錢也沒有關係」 09:27 -!- mp607_ [~mp607@] has joined #mopcon 09:27 < jserv--> R1: 以後最多人用的不是 PC,也不是 search engine,而是你的手機 09:28 -!- JA_ [76a3de31@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 09:28 -!- Jueen [~Jueen@] has joined #mopcon 09:28 < jserv--> R1: Apple 很早就看準了搜尋模式的限制,於是開發了 Siri,從輸入層面作改變 09:29 < DennyHuang> (舉手) LT是幾分鐘限制?? 09:29 -!- Kx [7a92e7cb@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 09:29 < abev66_> 5? 09:29 -!- clonn [uid13076@gateway/web/] has joined #mopcon 09:29 < jserv--> R1: 所謂雲端,根本不是新東西 09:29 < jserv--> DennyHuang, 5 min 09:29 < jserv--> R1: 每個人都有兩三台裝置 09:29 < chusiang> DennyHuang: 別跟在下搶 lightning talk XDD 09:30 < DennyHuang> jserv--: 了解! 09:30 < jserv--> R1: 間接促進 dropbox 一類服務的成長 09:30 -!- NeilLee [7a92e7cb@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 09:30 < DennyHuang> chusiang: (猶豫要不要衝當中XD 09:31 < chusiang> DennyHuang: me too XD 09:31 < abev66_> DennyHuang chusiang 快衝! XD 09:32 < jserv--> R1: Microsoft Bing 在意使用者體驗 09:32 < chusiang> abev66_: 去去,您的 Python team 勒!!? 09:32 < abev66_> abev66_: ._.? 09:32 < chusiang> 這裡應該有不少高手,不趁機招一下? XDD 09:33 < abev66_> abev66_: ._.? 09:33 < abev66_> 我一直飆到自己 orz 09:33 < abev66_> 什麼 python team XD 09:33 < jserv--> R1: entity result 09:34 < chusiang> 現場有人要換 GPG code 的嗎? 凍仁在二廳等候大家 :P 09:34 < abev66_> 啊啊啊我沒帶 key 囧 09:35 < chusiang> Bing - 09:35 < tsaikd> Bing跟facebook的關係很好 09:35 < jserv--> R1: Bing 背後的技術非常複雜,跨越 CS 眾多知識 09:36 < jserv--> R1: 和 Game 一樣,需要彙整 CS techniques 09:36 < Andox> 睡過頭QQ 現在才到會場 09:36 < jserv--> R1: query understanding 09:37 < brucehsu> 掛病號,今天只能鍵盤與會... 09:37 < darkx> brucehsu: 保重 QQ 09:37 < chusiang> brucehsu: 保重!在下今日已經穿保暖衣來了 XD 09:38 < jserv--> R1: L1, L2 ranker 09:38 -!- dylandy [~androirc@] has joined #mopcon 09:38 -!- psdmac-Mark [dc8a6d0e@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 09:38 -!- aacczury [7a92e7cb@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 09:39 < JalenLin> brucehsu: 保重 09:39 < zeroplex> relevance ranking 09:40 < louielu_> 主要結果是什麼result...? 09:41 < jserv--> R1: search engine 的 index 是主要的工作項目 09:41 < abev66_> 「等一下我問一下,是剩下十分鐘還是講了十分鐘了?」 09:41 < JA_> 好幽默XD 09:42 -!- Zurg_ [~zurg@] has joined #mopcon 09:42 -!- tsaikd [~tsaikd@] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 09:43 < jserv--> R1: indexgen: 如何很快服務? 09:43 < Andox> XDD 09:44 < jserv--> R1: Azure 很簡單,就五個區塊: Identity, Business Integration, Data, Iaas + Paas, Microsoft Cloud Infrastructure 09:44 < Andox> 很謙虛XD? 09:45 < jserv--> R1: Bing as a platform 09:45 -!- tsaikd [~tsaikd@] has joined #mopcon 09:45 < jserv--> R1: 進入市場早,就取得市場先機 09:46 < abev66_> 「未來的 Bing 就不是一個 Search Engine, 而是一個 platform」 09:46 < jserv--> R1: 盡量使用 search engine 的資料,而不是自己做搜尋 09:47 -!- Jueen_ [~Jueen@] has joined #mopcon 09:47 -!- Jueen [~Jueen@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 09:47 < Andox> win8的search還滿好用的 可是很多人不會用 Orz 09:47 < chusiang> AndQ&A 09:48 < chusiang> Q&A 09:48 < darkx> 我只歡迎 developer, 濁水溪以南的 09:48 < Andox> 我只歡迎DEVELOPER 濁水溪以南的 (Y) 09:48 < abev66_> 「我只歡迎 Developers, 濁水溪以南的」 09:48 < chusiang> [公告] 10:00 開放報名 lightning talk,請至報到處報名。 #2 09:48 < JA_> 09:49 < JA_> 沒辦法追蹤只能加好友 09:50 < chusiang> [公告] MOPCON 2013 問卷 - , AWS 問卷 - #2 09:52 < darkx> Google 有很多厲害的技術,他們 hire 了我們很多人 09:52 < Hokila> google 也有hire我們很多人 XD 09:53 < Andox> 我們很多人也從 google 過來的 # 資源共享? 09:53 -!- Jueen [~Jueen@] has joined #mopcon 09:53 -!- Jueen_ [~Jueen@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 09:54 -!- ernestchiang [~qicruser@] has joined #mopcon 09:54 -!- Jueen [~Jueen@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 09:55 -!- Jueen_ [~Jueen@] has joined #mopcon 09:55 -!- Kx [7a92e7cb@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed] 09:55 < darkx> 向全世界展現鄉民的力量!(握拳 09:55 -!- mp607_ [~mp607@] has quit [Quit: mp607_] 09:56 -!- fntsrlike [~fntsrlike@] has quit [Quit: fntsrlike] 09:56 -!- Zurg_ [~zurg@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 09:56 -!- CQD [~cqd@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 09:57 -!- rsghost [~rsghost@] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 09:57 -!- CQD [~cqd@] has joined #mopcon 09:57 -!- Zurg_ [~zurg@] has joined #mopcon 09:57 -!- MouseMs [] has quit [Quit: My MacBook has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…] 09:57 -!- Zurg_ [~zurg@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 09:58 -!- Zurg_ [~zurg@] has joined #mopcon 09:58 -!- Zurg_ [~zurg@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 09:59 -!- alicekey [~alicekey@] has quit [Quit: Colloquy for iPhone -] 10:01 -!- fntsrlike [~fntsrlike@] has joined #mopcon 10:01 -!- CQD [~cqd@] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 10:02 -!- psdmac-Mark [dc8a6d0e@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 10:02 -!- Jueen_ [~Jueen@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 10:02 < JalenLin> wow R1用iPAD投影QQ 10:02 -!- ernestchiang [~qicruser@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 10:02 -!- Jueen [~Jueen@] has joined #mopcon 10:02 -!- ernestchiang [~qicruser@] has joined #mopcon 10:02 -!- alicekey [~alicekey@] has joined #mopcon 10:02 -!- NeilLee [7a92e7cb@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 10:03 -!- lightshadow [7a92e7cb@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 10:03 -!- visiocnan [7a92e7cb@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 10:05 < DennyHuang> 不~~~~ 當我從人滿為患的三廳擠出去 到了報到臺 竟然說LT滿了!! 10:05 < DennyHuang> QQ 10:06 -!- fntsrlike [~fntsrlike@] has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds] 10:06 < darkx> DennyHuang: 拍拍 10:06 -!- visioncan [7a92e7cb@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 10:06 -!- dylandy [~androirc@] has quit [Quit: AndroIRC - Android IRC Client ( )] 10:06 -!- Zurg_ [] has joined #mopcon 10:06 -!- chusiang [~jonny@] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 10:06 -!- stanely [~stanely@] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 10:06 -!- dylandy [~dylandy@] has joined #mopcon 10:07 -!- jserv-- [~jserv@] has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds] 10:07 -!- Kx [7a92e7cb@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 10:07 < abev66_> R2: 「我是帶著 Open Source 的血液混進傳統產業」 10:08 -!- iris [650cfb31@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 10:08 < Zurg_> 不能LT只好在IRC上宣傳了 10:08 < darkx> R1: 剛剛一瞬間把 nomads 看成 monad Orz 10:08 -!- carllee413 [~androirc@] has joined #mopcon 10:08 -!- jserv-- [~jserv@] has joined #mopcon 10:09 < jserv--> R1: 和學妹利用下班時間開發遊戲 10:09 -!- rsghost [~rsghost@] has joined #mopcon 10:09 -!- fntsrlike [] has joined #mopcon 10:09 < darkx> R1: 遊戲公司最大的問題就是很常加班,業餘時間所剩無幾 10:10 < jserv--> R1: 遊戲公司的職業傷害 10:10 < Andox> R2: 把鞋子挖一個洞 鞋子還賣你更貴 # Nike Plus 10:10 < aacczury> R3: 遺失寵物的機率有30% 10:11 < tsaiid> R3: 黃金三小時~十小時比較容易把遺失的寵物找回來 10:11 < jserv--> R1: 全心投入遊戲開發,找一些較低成本的開發方案 10:13 < jserv--> R1: demo video -> 10:13 -!- Kx [7a92e7cb@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 10:14 -!- chusiang [~jonny@] has joined #mopcon 10:14 < jserv--> R1: 只有自己一位有業界經驗,其他都是學生 10:14 -!- m__ [7a92e7cb@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 10:15 -!- m__ [7a92e7cb@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Client Quit] 10:15 < Andox> R2: 室內健身器材的界門綱目科屬種 10:15 -!- PN_Wu [704e47cf@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 10:16 < jserv--> R1: 共有 5 個成員,用 5 個月 10:16 -!- shimeche [~anonymous@] has joined #mopcon 10:16 < jserv--> R1: 2012.06 -> 2012.10 (暑假) 每天衝進度 10:16 < jserv--> R1: 以 Unity3D 為主 10:17 < rsghost> exit 10:17 < rsghost> WTF XDDDD 10:17 < darkx> rsghost: /kick 10:17 < tsaiid> R3: 把訊息傳給爸爸,然後爸爸就外遇了 10:17 < PN_Wu> R2: 儘管某些產品在使用情境上有些不對, 總是要有些實驗性的產品先跑處來, 測試看看市場反應. 10:17 < jserv--> R1: Fingers Party 在企劃上做了很大的更動,針對營收方式 10:17 < jserv--> R1: Game Box (投幣 / 解鎖) 10:17 < Andox> R2: 家用 與 商用健身器材分析 10:18 -!- Peni [7a92e7cb@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 10:18 < jserv--> R1: 玩家可以免費玩,但要透過 IAP 才能玩到全部的關卡 10:19 < jserv--> R1: 在遊戲已經開發一段落,才在企劃上面更動,界面上幾乎是砍掉重練 10:19 < jserv--> R1: IAP: USD $1.99, Ads (AdMob) 10:19 < jserv--> R1: 免費下載: 40000+, 轉換率: 0.4%, 主要市場: HK, TW 10:20 < Andox> R2: 喔喔喔 所以你們跟XXX有合作? 10:20 < jserv--> R1: 香港的排名和下載比台灣好的原因:當地媒體的宣傳 10:20 < darkx> R1: 香港上的媒體多,曝光率高 10:21 < Andox> R2: 各健身器材品牌地域分析, A地品牌在B地不一定知名 10:21 -!- df1 [~df@] has joined #mopcon 10:21 < aacczury> R3: 它要辨識...是狗,可是它crash掉了,很優雅的crash掉了 10:22 < darkx> R1: powered by Unity 10:22 < chusiang> R2 s/XXX/JXXXSXXX/ !? 10:22 < jserv--> R1: Fingers Party Mini 10:22 < darkx> R1: 8bit 的浪漫! 10:22 < Andox> chusiang: yes, you got it 10:22 < chusiang> R2: 一般的使用者不會了解全球的健身器材廠牌 10:22 -!- lichain [] has joined #mopcon 10:23 -!- shimeche [~anonymous@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 10:23 < darkx> R1: 手速快的人永遠會贏,所以加入了帶有障礙物的玩法 10:23 < Andox> R2: 健身器材產業過於破碎 不像3C產業 10:24 < Andox> R2: 也沒有共通的標準 10:24 < darkx> R1: 帶入一點運氣成分,讓這種輕鬆的遊戲可以擁有更多非專業玩家的市場 10:25 < jserv--> R1: 手感靈敏度會使玩家覺得缺乏成就感,就不再繼續玩下去,所以得加入一些運氣成份進去 10:25 < Andox> 白金級跑步機 300~10000台 XD 10:25 < chusiang> R2: 白金級跑步機的數量大約為 500 ~ 1,000 台。 10:25 < darkx> 版規九!學妹的圖呢! 10:25 < tsaiid> R3: 1. 減少個人資料曝光困擾 10:25 < tsaiid> R3: 2. 減少協尋相片記憶負擔 10:25 < tsaiid> R3: 3. 減少人力搜尋有限問題 10:25 < PN_Wu> R2: 白金級唱片 vs 白金級跑步機; 跑步機賣多少台我們說這台賣得好? 300~1000 XD 10:25 < rsghost> 沒圖沒真相 10:26 < darkx> R1: 從一代的使用者行為分析找出遊戲模式驗證 10:26 < darkx> 正好找到新的學生 s/學生/肝臟/g 10:26 < aacczury> R3: UGC概念 互動及社群散播 智慧演算便是機制的尋狗服務 10:26 -!- shimeche [~anonymous@] has joined #mopcon 10:26 < tsaiid> R3: 大量快速的產生資料,加強在區公所撲殺前的時效性 10:27 < jserv--> R1: 第一代的經驗:簡單的說明 (還是需要,不然無法上手), 深度 (玩家多玩幾次的成份,如運氣) 10:27 < tsaiid> R3: 狗有一定的活動範圍,不會亂跑 10:27 < Andox> R2: 供應鏈分析 零件→錶廠→組裝廠→通路 10:27 -!- Zurg_ [] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 10:27 -!- alicekey [~alicekey@] has quit [Quit: Colloquy for iPhone -] 10:28 < Andox> R2: 做APP只要有通路就能碰到小朋友 10:28 < darkx> R1: 深度、細緻、強化! 10:28 < PN_Wu> R2: 碰得到使用者, 但使用者不一定會理我們 10:28 < jserv--> R1: 第一代的經驗:細緻度 (捨棄 GameBox, 捨棄多人模式) 10:28 < jserv--> R1: 第一代的經驗:強化競賽機制 (對戰制度,排行榜) 10:28 < aacczury> R3: 附近的狗 藍色是有人拍到 紅色是走失的狗 10:28 * darkx 需要學妹細緻度高的圖 /flee 10:29 < Andox> R2: 這不是做直銷 但是很像XDDD 10:29 < tsaiid> 毛茸茸的狗娃娃好萌啊啊啊~~~ 10:29 < rsghost> 需要學妹細緻度高的圖 X 需要學妹馬尾細緻度高的圖 O 10:29 -!- alicekey [] has joined #mopcon 10:29 * jserv-- 也想看學妹~ 10:29 < darkx> 是說,這遊戲的音樂好棒啊... 古早年代那種背景電子因 T_T 10:30 < aacczury> R3: 我記得我建了一隻比馬X九智商還高的狗 10:30 < darkx> s/因/音 10:30 < darkx> 大宇好多遊戲都是這種QAQ 10:30 < Andox> R2: 跨領域整合~ 三代同堂和樂融融 10:30 < JalenLin> darkx: 老人(指) 10:30 < darkx> JalenLin: 你比我老耶 QQ 10:30 < Andox> darkx: swd2? pal? 10:31 < darkx> ? 10:31 < aacczury> R3: 如果找到可以通知對方 不需要曝光自己的資料 10:31 < dylandy> pal 就是仙劍奇俠傳 10:31 < jserv--> R1: 遊戲元素加入了破壞對手 10:31 < JalenLin> pal仙劍吧 swd2是軒轅2? 10:31 < PN_Wu> R2: 跑步機和汽車一樣, 每年Release一次小改款. 10:31 < Andox> darkx: 果然夠老XD 10:31 < darkx> 時代的眼淚 10:31 < rsghost> 幹...歷史的痕跡 10:32 < rsghost> 想到都要哭 10:32 < Andox> s/夠/不夠/ 10:32 -!- yuaner [~AndChat93@] has joined #mopcon 10:32 < JalenLin> 比較愛軒轅3QQ... 10:32 * darkx XD 10:32 < jserv--> R1: 大概兩週就把企劃和美術風格定案 10:32 < Andox> 楓之舞好像是swdct? 10:32 -!- df1 [~df@] has quit [Quit: df1] 10:33 < Andox> darkx: 時代的眼淚 # GUNDAM Z? 10:33 -!- shimeche [~anonymous@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 10:33 -!- JA_ [76a3de31@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 10:33 < jserv--> R1: 由於成員多以學生為主,遇到問題一來是缺乏經驗,再來時間很零碎 10:33 < darkx> Andox: 對不起我是從 seed 世代後才開始大量看QQ 10:34 -!- ymow [8c831e4a@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 10:34 < darkx> 不過地一部作品是 G 就是 10:34 < Andox> darkx: 可是時代的眼淚出自Z XD 10:34 < darkx> JalenLin: 大大發言了! 10:34 < darkx> lol 10:34 < tsaiid> R3: 狗狗其實會動的,汪汪汪~~~ 10:34 < Hokila> R3 那隻狗好可愛 10:35 < darkx> R1: 我們有三台不同的萬元以下爛手機,找到了三個問題XD 10:35 < darkx> 所以後來就 focus 在高價位手機 10:36 < Andox> R2: 10:36 < chusiang> R2 : Q&A 10:36 < JalenLin> darkx: 我是小小QQ 10:36 < darkx> 版本控制? tar + cp 不是 (X 10:36 < rsghost> RAR版本管理法 (X 10:36 < JalenLin> cp好物阿,每天一build(誤) 10:36 < Andox> darkx: 敝公司是cp && rename 10:36 < aacczury> R3: 團隊裡面要有人有經驗 10:36 < Andox> orz 10:36 < rsghost> 必殺起手式 git add * 10:37 < darkx> git add . && git commit -m `date` /flee 10:37 -!- Zurg_ [~zurg@] has joined #mopcon 10:38 < aacczury> R3: 用偵測拍照 快速地拍照 10:38 < zeroplex> R2: 工作 25 分鐘、休息 5 分鐘 ... 可以裝 workrave 10:38 < Andox> R2: 只要是新的東西 就不知道那有沒有市場 10:38 < tsaiid> R3: 台灣有賞金的問題,所以公司設在國外 10:38 < Andox> R2: 傳產會透過詢問來了解是否有市場 10:38 -!- Zurg_ [~zurg@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 10:39 < darkx> R1: 真。extreme programming ! 10:39 -!- Zurg_ [~zurg@] has joined #mopcon 10:40 -!- fntsrlike [] has quit [Quit: fntsrlike] 10:41 < Andox> R2: Q&A很熱烈 10:41 < JalenLin> R1 end 10:42 -!- sen_mobi [~sen_mobi@] has quit [Quit: sen_mobi] 10:42 -!- df1 [~df@] has joined #mopcon 10:42 -!- df1 [~df@] has quit [Client Quit] 10:42 < aacczury> R3: 地理資訊、時間的合理性,不可能一小時從台北跑到高雄 10:43 < Andox> R2: 中小企業出國不知如何找合適的通路商 很難將台灣的產業行銷至他處 10:43 -!- Qwety [42f95038@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 10:44 -!- Zurg_ [~zurg@] has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds] 10:44 < chusiang> R2: END 10:44 -!- lightshadow [7a92e7cb@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 10:45 < tsaiid> R3: 不管賺不賺錢,有價值的服務就應該去做 10:45 -!- LittleMO [7a92e7cb@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 10:45 -!- tsaiid [~tsaiid@] has quit [Quit: tsaiid] 10:46 -!- Peni [7a92e7cb@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 10:47 -!- aacczury [7a92e7cb@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 10:47 -!- sen_mobi [~sen_mobi@] has joined #mopcon 10:47 -!- Qwety [42f95038@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 10:48 -!- df1 [~df@] has joined #mopcon 10:48 -!- yuaner [~AndChat93@] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 10:49 -!- mp607_ [~mp607@] has joined #mopcon 10:49 -!- visiocnan [7a92e7cb@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 10:49 -!- alicekey [] has quit [Quit: Colloquy for iPhone -] 10:49 -!- fntsrlike [~fntsrlike@] has joined #mopcon 10:50 -!- tsaiid [~tsaiid@] has joined #mopcon 10:51 -!- Peni [7a92e7cb@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 10:51 -!- yuaner [~AndChat93@] has joined #mopcon 10:51 -!- alicekey [] has joined #mopcon 10:52 -!- visioncan [7a92e7cb@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 10:52 < darkx> 知名上市公司XD 10:52 -!- Zurg_ [] has joined #mopcon 10:53 < jserv--> R1: Mobile Web Application 甘苦談 10:53 < rsghost> R1: 甘苦談,其實不太有甘的部份 10:53 -!- fntsrlike [~fntsrlike@] has quit [Client Quit] 10:54 < chusiang> R2: 10:50 ~ 11:30 / Olli Wang (王崇仁) / 為了環遊世界而誕生的世界迷霧 10:54 < jserv--> R1: Mobile device 的成長 2009-2016 10:55 < jserv--> R1: mobile device 與 PC 成長變化:已超越黃金交叉點 10:55 -!- lloydhuang [~user@] has joined #mopcon 10:55 -!- NeilLee [7a92e7cb@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 10:56 < darkx> Ambiguous standards *淚* 10:56 < jserv--> R1: 現實:瀏覽器很多 bug 10:56 < rsghost> R1: browser have bugs q_q 10:56 < darkx> 一個標準,各自表述 10:56 < rsghost> 標準都不標準 (眼神死 10:56 < jserv--> R1: web 標準的實作不一 10:56 -!- fntsrlike [~fntsrlike@] has joined #mopcon 10:56 < darkx> hard to debug on some browsers T_T 10:57 -!- linwenhao [~linwenhao@] has joined #mopcon 10:57 -!- mp607__ [] has joined #mopcon 10:57 -!- elvismetaphor [dc8a6cf1@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 10:57 -!- mp607_ [~mp607@] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 10:57 < ccc_larc> R2: 世紀帝國戰爭迷霧 10:58 < jserv--> R1: Android 內建瀏覽器,不再更新 10:58 < chusiang> R2: 這東西有人會下載嗎? XDD 10:58 -!- MouseMs [~MouseMs@] has joined #mopcon 10:58 < darkx> R1: 灰色那個很高叫做 Safari 先不要管他 10:59 < jserv--> R1: S4 Chrome -> user agent: chrome/18.0 10:59 < jserv--> R1: S4 Chrome -> user agent: chrome/18.0 (舊版) 10:59 -!- qrtt1 [~qrtt1@] has joined #mopcon 11:00 < jserv--> R1: Issues -> 11:00 < Andox> R2: How many ppl develop lumia 1020 XD 11:00 < jserv--> R1: Repaint: 為了省電,減少 repaint 11:01 -!- fntsrlike [~fntsrlike@] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 11:01 < jserv--> R1: force Repaint; ghost click 11:02 < Hokila> R2 老師:你是不是該畢業了 11:02 < jserv--> R1: mobile devices don't have real click event, simulating click using touch events 11:02 -!- mp607__ [] has quit [Client Quit] 11:02 < darkx> R1: click event is based on touch events 11:02 < darkx> R1: click events are based on touch events 11:03 < yuaner> touchend tap.js fastbutton 11:03 < jserv--> R1: 避免 lag 的方案: 使用 touchend 11:03 -!- df1 [~df@] has quit [Quit: df1] 11:04 -!- minipc [] has joined #mopcon 11:04 < darkx> 11:04 < darkx> 11:04 < darkx> R1: touchends 11:05 -!- JA79 [76a3de31@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 11:07 < jserv--> R1: window size changing 11:07 < jserv--> R1: 如果用 time interval 去檢查 window size 變更,在 200ms 間隔時,匯導致 video 無法播放 11:08 < darkx> Doesn't work on HTC browsers lol 11:08 < jserv--> R1: preventDefault: 可用來避免使用者捲動瀏覽器 (spec) 11:08 < darkx> Nit a bug, it's (defined in) the spec! 11:08 < darkx> s/Nit/Not 11:08 < jserv--> R1: HTML video 的問題 11:09 < jserv--> R1: HTML video 的問題: Loop 11:09 < jserv--> R1: HTML video 的問題: play & playable are not reliable 11:09 < jserv--> s/playable/playing/ 11:09 < jserv--> R1: 瀏覽器並沒有作得正確 11:10 < Andox> 3: Live Demo! 11:10 < Hokila> R2 用dropbox 要設計自己備份的機制 11:10 < Andox> R3: aws sns push demo 11:12 < darkx> 11:12 < darkx> R1: so I wrote a video wrapper myself 11:12 < Andox> R3: 講者的網路有問題 11:13 < Hokila> R2 現在翻了兩套語言花了200多美金 11:13 < darkx> R1: iPhone 會去開原生 player (Quicktime) 但是有其限制 11:14 < darkx> R1: 其實是先用一張圖疊在 video 上 11:14 < jserv--> R1: Mobile Debugging: How To 11:15 < jserv--> R1: Safari -> Enable Debug 11:15 < jserv--> R1: iOS 7 升級後,Safari 要跟著升級 11:15 -!- df1 [~df@] has joined #mopcon 11:16 < jserv--> R1: # Firefox Debugging 11:16 < darkx> # 11:17 -!- fntsrlike [~fntsrlike@] has joined #mopcon 11:17 < darkx> R1: WEb INspector REmote. 11:17 < jserv--> R1: # WEb INspector REmote. 11:18 -!- Jueen_ [~Jueen@] has joined #mopcon 11:18 -!- carllee413 [~androirc@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 11:18 -!- Jueen [~Jueen@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 11:18 < superbil> R2: Apple 地圖的上的雲和自己的迷霧就合為一體惹 11:18 < darkx> R1: 這個 inspector 可能會沒有即時更新的情況,可能要等久一點XD 11:19 -!- NeilLee [7a92e7cb@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 11:19 -!- carllee413 [~androirc@] has joined #mopcon 11:20 < darkx> 透過 feature detection 去看有沒有欠功能,沒有的話就去 include 11:20 < Andox> 3: Helloo Kaohsiung!! 11:21 -!- Peni [7a92e7cb@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 11:22 < Andox> R3: apple android kindlefire, no windows X 11:22 -!- alicekey [] has quit [Quit: Colloquy for iPhone -] 11:22 -!- jserv-- [~jserv@] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 11:22 < chusiang> Q&A 11:24 < ccc_larc> R2: 我的 icon 呢? 11:24 -!- alicekey [~alicekey@] has joined #mopcon 11:25 < Andox> R3: 打開APPLE DEVELOPER PAGE "We'll be back soon" XDDD 11:25 -!- ernestchiang [~qicruser@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 11:25 -!- lightshadow [7a92e7cb@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 11:27 -!- lightshadow [7a92e7cb@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Client Quit] 11:27 -!- elvismetaphor [dc8a6cf1@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 11:29 < JA79> 等等11:30的異動是一二廳互換嗎?早上聽得沒很清楚 11:30 < JalenLin> 就議題改了吧,看網站有變 11:30 < JalenLin> R2的議題 11:31 < JA79> OK!瞭解 11:31 < JA79> 感謝 11:31 < darkx> R1: jserv: 甘苦談聽起來只有苦 XD 11:32 -!- fntsrlike [~fntsrlike@] has quit [Quit: fntsrlike] 11:35 < dylandy> R1:手繪風 11:35 < andytwmvp> R1手繪簡報CD 11:35 < andytwmvp> XD 11:35 -!- df1 [~df@] has quit [Quit: df1] 11:35 -!- JA79 [76a3de31@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 11:36 -!- jserv-- [~jserv@] has joined #mopcon 11:36 -!- JA_ [76a3de31@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 11:36 -!- Jueen [~Jueen@] has joined #mopcon 11:36 < jserv--> R1: 為視障朋友打造行動應用 11:36 -!- Jueen_ [~Jueen@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 11:36 -!- rsghost [~rsghost@] has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds] 11:36 < jserv--> R1: Accessibility: 無障礙支援 11:36 -!- fntsrlike [~fntsrlike@] has joined #mopcon 11:37 < Zurg_> Denny LT還沒滿耶 11:38 -!- aacczury [7a92e7cb@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 11:39 -!- sen_mobi [~sen_mobi@] has quit [Quit: sen_mobi] 11:39 < jserv--> R1: 觸碰螢幕界面搭配 TTS= 目前最方便盲人朋友的界面 11:39 -!- Hokila [7a92e7cb@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 11:39 < jserv--> R1: 「你選到的是按鈕按鈕」 11:41 < andytwmvp> R1:K-K-B-O-X 11:42 < ccc_larc> R1: 點三下... 會進入國防部模式 11:42 < chusiang> 為了環遊世界而誕生的世界迷霧 - 11:42 -!- weijie [7a92e7cb@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 11:43 -!- elvismetaphor [dc8a6cf1@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 11:44 -!- lightshadow [7a92e7cb@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 11:44 < Zurg_> 那是誰的心智圖 好厲害啊 11:44 < jserv--> R1: iOS 的 accessibility info 和 UI Automation 相關,做了才能做 UI 自動化測試 11:44 < chusiang> 有空再來改錯字了 :D 11:44 < chusiang> 手快痛死了 Orz 11:45 < jserv--> R1: iOS 會盡可能讀出 accessibility info,不注意就會讓內部資訊暴露 11:45 < chusiang> 喜歡作筆記嗎? 歡迎加入文字記錄組 :D 11:45 < Zurg_> 原來是記錄組啊XDDDD 11:46 < jserv--> R1: 將心比心 11:46 -!- yu0410aries [3ddd43aa@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 11:48 < jserv--> R1: 對於用了圖片的 UI control,補上 Accessibility info 11:48 < jserv--> R1: Interface Builder 有個 panel 可設定每個 view 的 accessibility info 11:49 < jserv--> R1: 如何測試 Accessibility info? 用實機打開 voice over 11:49 < jserv--> R1: accessibility inspector 11:50 < Andox> 你回去寫CODE一定會autocomplete XD 11:50 < jserv--> R1: 人肉 auto code complete 11:51 -!- yuuu [3ddd43aa@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 11:52 < jserv--> Ernest 的簡報已上線: 11:52 < jserv--> R1: UISegmentedControl 11:52 -!- rsghost_ [~rsghost@] has joined #mopcon 11:53 < chusiang> Zurg_: 是「文字記錄組」 :P 11:54 < jserv--> R1: 手繪版本的 KKBOX Apps 11:54 -!- linwenhao [~linwenhao@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 11:55 -!- alicekey [~alicekey@] has quit [Quit: Colloquy for iPhone -] 11:56 < Andox> 奈奈!! 11:57 -!- alicekey [~alicekey@] has joined #mopcon 11:59 < jserv--> R1: UIAccessibilityIsVoiceOverRunning() 可檢查 voice over 是否開啟 12:01 < jserv--> R1: iPhone 會告知盲人朋友,照片的橫放、直放,光線的程度等等 12:01 < jserv--> R1: 「不為其他人著想的人,才是這個世界上多餘的人」 12:02 -!- Zurg_ [] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 12:02 -!- Zurg_ [] has joined #mopcon 12:02 < clkaoud> Zonble++ 12:03 -!- df1 [~df@] has joined #mopcon 12:03 -!- iris [650cfb31@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 12:03 < jserv--> R1: 手寫 Objective-C 程式碼++++ 12:07 -!- df1 [~df@] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 12:07 -!- fntsrlike [~fntsrlike@] has quit [Quit: fntsrlike] 12:09 -!- fntsrlike [~fntsrlike@] has joined #mopcon 12:09 < chusiang> 為了環遊世界而誕生的世界迷霧 #2nd - 12:10 -!- MouseMs [~MouseMs@] has quit [Quit: My MacBook has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…] 12:11 -!- othrees [~othrees@] has joined #mopcon 12:11 -!- rsghost_ [~rsghost@] has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds] 12:13 < othrees> 今天都忘了上 IRC 12:14 -!- Zurg_ [] has quit [] 12:15 < jserv--> othrees, 有 IRC log :) 12:16 -!- rsghost [~rsghost@] has joined #mopcon 12:16 < KuoE0> R1 好讚 <3 12:16 < othrees> 好久沒有 accessibility 的討論了 12:17 < aacczury> R1: 兩件事情 它是觸控 它是手機 12:17 -!- chyuaner [~AndChat93@] has joined #mopcon 12:17 -!- yuaner [~AndChat93@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 12:20 -!- lichain [] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 12:21 -!- JA_ [76a3de31@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 12:23 -!- elvismetaphor [dc8a6cf1@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed] 12:23 -!- tsaiid [~tsaiid@] has quit [Quit: tsaiid] 12:23 -!- weijie [7a92e7cb@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 12:23 -!- rsghost [~rsghost@] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 12:23 -!- dylandy [~dylandy@] has quit [Quit: leaving] 12:23 -!- fntsrlike [~fntsrlike@] has quit [Quit: fntsrlike] 12:24 -!- linwenhao [~linwenhao@] has joined #mopcon 12:26 -!- linwenha_ [~linwenhao@] has joined #mopcon 12:26 -!- linwenhao [~linwenhao@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 12:26 -!- chyuaner [~AndChat93@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 12:26 -!- yuaner [~AndChat93@] has joined #mopcon 12:26 -!- othrees [~othrees@] has quit [Quit: Colloquy for iPad -] 12:27 -!- visioncan [7a92e7cb@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 12:27 -!- lightshadow [7a92e7cb@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 12:27 -!- linwenha_ [~linwenhao@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 12:28 -!- aacczury [7a92e7cb@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 12:28 -!- linwenhao [~linwenhao@] has joined #mopcon 12:29 -!- alicekey [~alicekey@] has quit [Quit: Colloquy for iPhone -] 12:29 -!- yuaner [~AndChat93@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 12:30 -!- tsaikd [~tsaikd@] has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds] 12:32 -!- cybersaint [dc8a6cc9@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 12:33 < chusiang> MOPCON 2013 Day2 即時筆記 - 12:33 -!- linwenhao [~linwenhao@] has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds] 12:35 -!- andytwmvp [1bf1f6ad@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 12:40 -!- PN_Wu [704e47cf@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 12:47 -!- Jueen [~Jueen@] has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds] 12:48 -!- jserv-- [~jserv@] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 12:48 -!- jserv-- [~jserv@] has joined #mopcon 12:49 -!- chusiang [~jonny@] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 12:49 -!- lloydhuang [~user@] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 12:49 -!- carllee413 [~androirc@] has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds] 12:49 -!- lloydhuang [~user@] has joined #mopcon 12:52 -!- df1 [~df@] has joined #mopcon 12:53 -!- aacczury [7a92e7cb@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 12:54 -!- chusiang [~jonny@] has joined #mopcon 12:55 -!- kewang [dc8a6dd6@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 12:57 -!- CarterTsai [~CarterTsa@] has joined #mopcon 12:57 -!- Nicholas [3cf541b7@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 13:01 -!- cybersaint [dc8a6cc9@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 13:02 -!- yu0410aries [3ddd43aa@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed] 13:03 -!- yuuu [3ddd43aa@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed] 13:04 -!- yu [3ddd43aa@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 13:09 -!- MouseMs [~MouseMs@] has joined #mopcon 13:11 -!- abev66_ [] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 13:11 -!- abev66_ [] has joined #mopcon 13:13 -!- df1 [~df@] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 13:14 -!- tsaikd [~tsaikd@] has joined #mopcon 13:17 -!- LittleMO [7a92e7cb@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 13:18 -!- MouseMs [~MouseMs@] has quit [Quit: My MacBook has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…] 13:21 -!- tsaikd [~tsaikd@] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 13:22 -!- stanely [~androirc@] has joined #mopcon 13:23 -!- stanely [~androirc@] has quit [Client Quit] 13:24 -!- sen_mobi [~sen_mobi@] has joined #mopcon 13:25 -!- carllee413 [~androirc@] has joined #mopcon 13:25 -!- carllee413 [~androirc@] has quit [Client Quit] 13:25 -!- rsghost [~rsghost@] has joined #mopcon 13:26 -!- tsaikd [~tsaikd@] has joined #mopcon 13:26 -!- carllee413 [~androirc@] has joined #mopcon 13:26 * rsghost 13:27 -!- andytwmvp [7a92e7cb@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 13:29 -!- JA_ [76a3de31@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 13:29 -!- yuaner [~AndChat93@] has joined #mopcon 13:32 -!- CarterTsai [~CarterTsa@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 13:32 -!- dylandy [~dylandy@] has joined #mopcon 13:32 < jserv--> R1: Mobile APP 開發-創意: 理想與現實之間 13:32 -!- fntsrlike [~fntsrlike@] has joined #mopcon 13:33 < jserv--> R1: 今年開始,整個 mobile Apps 的市場變化 13:33 -!- shimeche [~anonymous@] has joined #mopcon 13:34 < jserv--> R1: 設計師的提案常被工程師背景的老闆所拒絕 13:34 -!- tsaiid_ [~androirc@] has joined #mopcon 13:34 -!- lightshadow [df8f8fa9@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 13:35 < jserv--> R1: 一個 mobile 產品的成本約一百五十萬 13:35 -!- shimeche [~anonymous@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 13:35 -!- Jueen [~Jueen@] has joined #mopcon 13:35 < ccc_larc> R1:「博士生這個 title 現在比較紅」 13:35 < jserv--> R1: 創業需要的不是勇氣,是錢和青春 13:36 < jserv--> R1: Kdan Mobile 約有六十人,一半是工程師,三分之一是設計師,其餘作 marketing 13:37 < jserv--> R1: 流量導向到 cloud service 13:37 -!- othrees [] has joined #mopcon 13:38 < jserv--> R1: 產品主軸: Documentation Services & Creative Tools 13:38 -!- tonyq [7a92e7cb@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 13:38 -!- MouseMs [~MouseMs@] has joined #mopcon 13:39 -!- NeilLee [7a92e7cb@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 13:39 < jserv--> R1: Designer 魂! 13:39 < tonyq> 先把等下的講題投影片丟過來 大家可以參考 :) 13:39 < tonyq> 13:39 < jserv--> R1: Designer 魂! = Innovation, Unique, Creativity 13:40 -!- visioncan [7a92e7cb@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 13:41 < jserv--> R1: 別人不做,不表示你比較厲害,但很可能風險比較高 13:41 -!- othrees [] has quit [Client Quit] 13:42 < jserv--> Shaka 的投影片: 13:44 < darkx> 沒有人作 -> 因為不知道要幹嘛XD 13:44 < jserv--> R1: 這 (2.5D) 沒人作,因為不知道要做什麼 13:44 < superbil> 2.5d 做出來,不知道幹麻 ? 13:45 -!- mtchang [~mtchang@] has joined #mopcon 13:45 < chusiang> [文字組錄] MOPCON 2013 slides 集散地 - 13:45 < darkx> mit scratch? 13:45 -!- shimeche [~anonymous@] has joined #mopcon 13:45 < jserv--> R1: video: 13:46 < jserv--> R1: # 很適合作孩童的程式設計教育 13:46 < darkx> ? 13:46 < jserv--> R1: # 繪本導向 13:47 < darkx> R1: 動畫接力 13:48 < darkx> R1: 皮影戲? 13:48 < jserv--> R1: shadow monster 13:48 < darkx> 他有一些演算法... 講的好像我知道XD 13:49 < darkx> 利用向外擴張的圓形找出 featrure 13:49 < darkx> s/featrure/feature 13:50 < jserv--> R1: 偵測睡眠 Apps 13:50 < jserv--> R1: 深度睡眠與記憶力有關 13:51 < jserv--> R1: 需要訊號處理的人才,但公司欠缺 13:52 < jserv--> R1: 公司的技術、資源,以及市場關注程度 13:52 < chusiang> 您公司的技術支援到哪一個地步。 13:52 < chusiang> 從使用者需求開始 … (聽到爛掉了。 13:53 < jserv--> R1: 使用者需求 -> 分析 -> Prototyping -> 測試/評估 <--> 重新設計 -> 產出 13:53 -!- othrees [] has joined #mopcon 13:54 < chusiang> 您的創意應該是在他們做不好的地方。 13:54 -!- carllee413 [~androirc@] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 13:55 [Users #mopcon] 13:55 [@ericpi ] [ DennyHuang ] [ ltroot ] [ silice ] 13:55 [@mikimoto ] [ dylandy ] [ Luxun ] [ superbil ] 13:55 [ aacczury ] [ float ] [ MillyHung] [ thunder ] 13:55 [ abev66_ ] [ fntsrlike ] [ minipc ] [ TigerHuang ] 13:55 [ afu ] [ henry_ ] [ MouseMs ] [ timchen119 ] 13:55 [ AndChat-88724] [ infate ] [ mp607 ] [ tonyq ] 13:55 [ Andox ] [ JA_ ] [ mtchang ] [ tsaiid_ ] 13:55 [ andytwmvp ] [ jackyan ] [ NeilLee ] [ tsaikd ] 13:55 [ brucehsu ] [ JalenLin ] [ Nicholas ] [ visioncan ] 13:55 [ carrl ] [ jserv-- ] [ othrees ] [ walkingcloudice] 13:55 [ ccc_larc ] [ Jueen ] [ PTC-tw ] [ walkingice ] 13:55 [ ccn_ ] [ kewang ] [ qrtt1 ] [ wenchen ] 13:55 [ chusiang ] [ KuoE0 ] [ rsghost ] [ ymow ] 13:55 [ chusiang1 ] [ lightshadow] [ S3p_lin_ ] [ yu ] 13:55 [ clkaoud ] [ lloydhuang ] [ sean_mac_] [ yuaner ] 13:55 [ clonn ] [ locy ] [ sen_mobi ] [ zeroplex ] 13:55 [ darkx ] [ louielu_ ] [ shimeche ] 13:55 -!- Irssi: #mopcon: Total of 67 nicks [2 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 65 normal] 13:55 < darkx> R1: 怎樣的設計可以把產品特色凸顯出來 13:55 < jserv--> R1: 好用,是本來就該如此的 13:55 -!- alicekey [] has joined #mopcon 13:55 -!- superbil_ [~user@] has joined #mopcon 13:55 -!- ni493155 [~u651329@] has joined #mopcon 13:56 < abev66_> user requirements -> analysis -> prototyping -> testing / evaluation -> redesign -> produce 13:56 -!- You're now known as chusiang- 13:56 [Users #mopcon] 13:56 [@ericpi ] [ ccn_ ] [ JA_ ] [ Luxun ] [ rsghost ] [ tsaiid_ ] 13:56 [@mikimoto ] [ chusiang ] [ jackyan ] [ MillyHung] [ S3p_lin_ ] [ tsaikd ] 13:56 [ aacczury ] [ chusiang- ] [ JalenLin ] [ minipc ] [ sean_mac_ ] [ visioncan ] 13:56 [ abev66_ ] [ clkaoud ] [ jserv-- ] [ MouseMs ] [ sen_mobi ] [ walkingcloudice] 13:56 [ afu ] [ clonn ] [ Jueen ] [ mp607 ] [ shimeche ] [ walkingice ] 13:56 [ alicekey ] [ darkx ] [ kewang ] [ mtchang ] [ silice ] [ wenchen ] 13:56 [ AndChat-88724] [ DennyHuang] [ KuoE0 ] [ NeilLee ] [ superbil ] [ ymow ] 13:56 [ Andox ] [ dylandy ] [ lightshadow] [ ni493155 ] [ superbil_ ] [ yu ] 13:56 [ andytwmvp ] [ float ] [ lloydhuang ] [ Nicholas ] [ thunder ] [ yuaner ] 13:56 [ brucehsu ] [ fntsrlike ] [ locy ] [ othrees ] [ TigerHuang] [ zeroplex ] 13:56 [ carrl ] [ henry_ ] [ louielu_ ] [ PTC-tw ] [ timchen119] 13:56 [ ccc_larc ] [ infate ] [ ltroot ] [ qrtt1 ] [ tonyq ] 13:56 -!- Irssi: #mopcon: Total of 70 nicks [2 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 68 normal] 13:57 -!- shimeche [~anonymous@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 13:57 < darkx> R1: 你的假想敵 13:58 < chusiang> 講師的 Mac 有新訊息:已有應用程式更新項目可供 … 13:59 < darkx> 四人小組 3~6 個月的設計方式 13:59 < jserv--> R1: 人力佈署 -> PM x1, Designer x1, Engineer x1, Marketing Planner x1 14:00 < jserv--> R1: # 筆記軟體 14:01 < jserv--> R1: NoteLedge 下載約 650K+ 14:04 < jserv--> R1: Taiwan AppStore 上有很大比例的 Apps 就跟筆記有關 14:04 < darkx> R1: noteApp 是非常競爭的市場 14:05 < darkx> R1: 使用者個爽度定義了市場趨勢 14:05 < darkx> s/個/的 14:05 < jserv--> R1: "Customer" requirements, Market trend, Product Superiority 14:06 < darkx> R1: follow 傳統產業的 strategy 14:08 < chusiang> 看來還有不少人不知道 IRC 呢 :P 14:08 < darkx> R1: Apps 也要 rolling update! 14:08 < jserv--> R1: 準則:更新頻率, 亮點, 更強大好用 14:08 -!- fntsrlike [~fntsrlike@] has quit [Quit: fntsrlike] 14:10 < chusiang> 有局部放大功能的筆記 Apps。 14:11 < chusiang> 在美國最受歡迎的族群是「老人家」。 14:11 < chusiang> 在美國最受歡迎的族群是「老人家」,因為有放大鏡。 14:12 -!- fntsrlike [~fntsrlike@] has joined #mopcon 14:13 < jserv--> R1: Free 時牛逼,IAP 時坑爹 14:14 < darkx> lol 14:14 < chusiang> EleEditor - 綠色的,有大象。 14:15 < chusiang> EleEditor - 綠色的,有大象。抱 Evernote 的大腿? 沒錯!因為我們參加他們的比賽! 14:16 < jserv--> R1: 14:16 < chusiang> EleEditor 有灌票,但是比較正當的那種. 14:16 -!- zonble [] has joined #mopcon 14:17 -!- alicekey [] has quit [Quit: Colloquy for iPhone -] 14:17 < jserv--> R1: Demo China 14:18 < jserv--> R1: Demo China -> 1st 塑膠回收轉化燃油; 2nd 基因定序演算; 3rd 手機惡意程式分析 14:18 < chusiang> R1: America 的趨勢比較廣。 14:19 < jserv--> R1: # 來自俄羅斯的線上雜誌 14:21 < chusiang> R1: --- Q&A --- 14:21 -!- Jueen [~Jueen@] has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds] 14:21 < chusiang> R1: 我不管錢,我只負責替人花錢。 14:21 -!- alicekey [~alicekey@] has joined #mopcon 14:22 < chusiang> R1: R1: 去年 … 沒有賠錢。 14:22 -!- mtchang [~mtchang@] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 14:23 -!- andytwmvp [7a92e7cb@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 14:23 -!- alicekey [~alicekey@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 14:23 -!- tsaiid [~tsaiid@] has joined #mopcon 14:24 -!- alicekey [~alicekey@] has joined #mopcon 14:24 -!- Jueen [~Jueen@] has joined #mopcon 14:26 -!- othrees [] has quit [Quit: Colloquy for iPad -] 14:26 -!- fntsrlike [~fntsrlike@] has quit [Quit: fntsrlike] 14:28 -!- othrees [~othrees@] has joined #mopcon 14:28 -!- NeilLee [7a92e7cb@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 14:29 -!- superbil_ [~user@] has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds] 14:30 -!- visioncan [7a92e7cb@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 14:30 -!- JA_ [76a3de31@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 14:31 -!- alicekey [~alicekey@] has quit [Quit: Colloquy for iPhone -] 14:31 -!- stanely [~stanely@] has joined #mopcon 14:32 -!- will___ [7a92e7cb@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 14:33 -!- kewang [dc8a6dd6@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 14:33 -!- JA_ [76a3de31@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 14:34 < jserv--> R1: The web backend of Android Mobile 14:34 -!- stanely [~stanely@] has quit [Client Quit] 14:34 -!- othrees [~othrees@] has quit [Quit: Colloquy for iPad -] 14:35 < jserv--> R1: TonyQ: 社群創始人. 現在 QNAP web developer 14:36 -!- superbil_ [~user@] has joined #mopcon 14:36 < jserv--> R1: # 從半年 Android 開發經驗看 Web 14:36 -!- kewang [dc8a6dd6@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 14:37 < jserv--> 「強到不用特別強調自己會什麼」 14:37 -!- othrees [] has joined #mopcon 14:37 < will___> 14:38 -!- will___ [7a92e7cb@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed] 14:38 -!- afu_ [] has joined #mopcon 14:38 < jserv--> R1: 從 5945 呼叫師傅的開發經驗,發現描述問題的困難 14:39 < darkx> 有六成以上的水電工都拿 Android 14:39 < jserv--> R1: 儘量用 SSL:安全考量、降低 sniffer 風險 14:39 -!- visinocan [7a92e7cb@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 14:40 < jserv--> R1: 第一個問題:身份驗證 14:40 < darkx> R1: Authentication 14:41 < jserv--> R1: 第一個問題:身份驗證 -> 因為已有師傅資料庫,所以採用客服提供給師傅認證碼的模式 14:41 < darkx> 零分! 14:42 < darkx> 雨八 14:42 < rsghost> 云木 14:42 -!- andytwmvp [7a92e7cb@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 14:42 -!- CarterTsai [~CarterTsa@] has joined #mopcon 14:43 < jserv--> R1: 小心網路監聽風險 14:43 < darkx> 駭客年會超可怕的 >_< 14:44 < rsghost> 五樓是駭客 14:44 < afu_> 只有 TonyQ 主動放出投影片,好想看其他的啊~ 14:44 < darkx> 立委都會被監聽了,網路當然也會被 sniff 14:44 < jserv--> R1: Access Token: 應有 expire-date 設計,定期自我更新 14:44 -!- weitsai_ [7a92e7cb@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 14:44 < abev66_> R2: 善用多執行序 14:45 < darkx> R1: Access token 不應帶有太多資料 14:45 -!- tsaiid [~tsaiid@] has quit [Quit: tsaiid] 14:45 < abev66_> R2: 多執行序不是萬能的,開一堆執行序你的程式並不會變快 14:46 < darkx> R1: API 設計 14:46 -!- Jueen [~Jueen@] has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds] 14:46 < darkx> R1: Head first API design! 14:46 < abev66_> R2: 3. CPU vs GPU -> 同個圖片做運算, GPU 快上 50 14:47 -!- CarterTsai [~CarterTsa@] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 14:47 -!- fntsrlike [~fntsrlike@] has joined #mopcon 14:48 < abev66_> R2: 4.元件顯示階層 14:48 < jserv--> R1: RESTFUL style: List, Read, Create, Update, Delete 14:48 < darkx> R1: the world is not beautiful (enough) 14:49 < darkx> R1: behavior defined API design 14:49 < jserv--> R1: RESTFUL: 跨 model 的操作不方便 14:49 < abev66_> R2: 4.元件顯示階層 -> 階層愈少處理愈快 14:49 -!- pohchen [8c71fd99@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 14:49 < abev66_> R2: 5. 減少畫面演算次數 14:50 < othrees> afu 大會應該會收集 14:51 < jserv--> afu, 投影片收集中,請參考: 14:51 -!- tsaiid_ [~androirc@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 14:52 -!- ni493155 [~u651329@] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 14:52 < abev66_> R2: 效能殺手-> opacity, blend, shadow, mask, ...etc. 14:52 -!- tsaiid_ [~androirc@] has joined #mopcon 14:52 < chusiang> [MOPCON 2013] Slides 集散地 14:52 < abev66_> R2: 6. 重複使用元件 -> 初始化一個元件需要花費很大的力氣 14:52 < jserv--> R1: RESTFUL: pagination. 14:53 < afu_> othrees: jserv-- thanks! 14:54 < jserv--> R1: 儘量合併 reuqest 14:55 -!- alicekey [] has joined #mopcon 14:56 < clkaoud> R1: api 要記得保留改版空間 14:56 < darkx> R1: api version issues 14:57 < abev66_> 沒有用的東西不要急著把他 remove 掉 14:57 < abev66_> R2: Reusable identifier. 14:57 < abev66_> R2: 圖片讀取效能 -> jpg 消耗較多 CPU 運算,但較小, PNG 消耗較少 CPU 效能 14:58 < jserv--> R1: API version issue: Header 夾帶版本訊息 14:58 < darkx> R1: 14:58 < clkaoud> R1: 不是太重要的小差別,網路上通常都會吵很兇 XD # bikeshed 14:58 < abev66_> R2: 圖片格式、尺寸、色域 14:59 < abev66_> R2: 8. 網路連線限制 14:59 < abev66_> R2: 過多連線數量會造成連線阻塞 15:00 < clkaoud> R1 api 一定會遇到的狀況: auth fail, api server dead, api server outdated, permission denied, argument error, .... and everything application level 15:00 < jserv--> R1: API 一定會遇到的狀況 -> 身份認證失敗, API server 掛了, API 版本已不支援, 沒有權限的操作, 參數錯誤, 各式應用層執行失敗 15:01 < clkaoud> R1: 「error 的類型是無限的」 15:01 -!- fntsrlike [~fntsrlike@] has quit [Quit: fntsrlike] 15:01 < abev66_> R2: 9. 儘量使用最少資源佔用 15:02 < darkx> 很多 api 出 error 時只會吐空 JSON 回來... Orz 15:03 -!- Jueen [~Jueen@] has joined #mopcon 15:03 < abev66_> R2: 拿回適當的資源就好 15:05 < jserv--> R1: 放風箏 15:05 < darkx> R1: 回傳資料就像是放風箏一樣 15:05 < jserv--> R1: 放風箏 (不知道 API 操作是否會成功) 15:06 < abev66_> R2: 10. 效能測試工具 15:06 < jserv--> James Yeh 的投影片: 15:06 < abev66_> Core Animation / OpenGL ES Analysis 15:08 < darkx> R1: push notification 15:08 -!- carllee413 [~anonymous@] has joined #mopcon 15:08 < darkx> 噗~浪 XD 15:10 -!- carllee413 [~anonymous@] has quit [Client Quit] 15:10 < Andox> R2: AR很耗電 有沒有什麼方法降低? 沒有 絕對沒有 15:10 -!- carllee413 [~anonymous@] has joined #mopcon 15:11 -!- andytwmvp [7a92e7cb@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed] 15:12 < darkx> R1: 15:13 -!- carllee413 [~anonymous@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 15:13 < ccc_larc> R3: AllJoyn 在 iOS 上無法動藍牙的設定,在 Andriod 上要 root 才能用... 15:14 -!- Jueen [~Jueen@] has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds] 15:14 -!- visinocan [7a92e7cb@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 15:15 -!- MouseMs [~MouseMs@] has quit [Quit: My MacBook has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…] 15:15 -!- alicekey [] has quit [Quit: Colloquy for iPhone -] 15:17 -!- rsghost [~rsghost@] has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds] 15:21 -!- superbil_ [~user@] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 15:21 -!- yuaner [~AndChat93@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 15:21 -!- JA_ [76a3de31@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 15:21 -!- othrees [] has quit [Quit: Colloquy for iPad -] 15:21 -!- Nicholas [3cf541b7@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed] 15:22 -!- sen_mobi [~sen_mobi@] has quit [Quit: sen_mobi] 15:22 < chusiang> [mind note] App 急速視覺 UX 回饋應用 - 以 AR 應用為例 1st - 15:22 -!- MouseMs [~MouseMs@] has joined #mopcon 15:23 -!- alicekey [~alicekey@] has joined #mopcon 15:23 -!- pohchen [8c71fd99@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed] 15:23 -!- tsaiid_ [~androirc@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 15:23 -!- yuaner [~AndChat93@] has joined #mopcon 15:23 -!- tsaiid_ [~androirc@] has joined #mopcon 15:26 -!- alicekey [~alicekey@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 15:26 -!- JA_ [76a3de31@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 15:26 -!- tonyq [7a92e7cb@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed] 15:26 -!- PN_Wu [704e47cf@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 15:27 -!- fntsrlike [~fntsrlike@] has joined #mopcon 15:28 -!- fntsrlike [~fntsrlike@] has quit [Client Quit] 15:28 -!- fntsrlike [~fntsrlike@] has joined #mopcon 15:29 < abev66_> R3: 「有沒有那條線很重要嗎?」 開始 15:30 -!- sen_mobi [~sen_mobi@] has joined #mopcon 15:30 -!- andytwmvp [7a92e7cb@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 15:30 -!- Zurg_ [~zurg@] has joined #mopcon 15:30 < Zurg_> R3講師 15:30 -!- othrees [~othrees@] has joined #mopcon 15:31 < chusiang> 15:30 ~ 16:10 / 諾基米 / App 製作心得分享 15:31 < chusiang> R2: 15:30 ~ 16:10 / 諾基米 / App 製作心得分享 15:32 -!- chyuaner [~AndChat93@] has joined #mopcon 15:32 -!- yuaner [~AndChat93@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 15:33 < abev66_> R3: DLNA -> DMC, DMP. DMR, DMS 15:35 < abev66_> R3: Controller, Player, Renderer, Server 15:36 < chyuaner> R2: 對阿宅來說只要有電腦、網路就OK... 15:37 < Andox> chyuaner: 還要有有電的插頭 15:37 -!- ni643099 [~u597801@] has joined #mopcon 15:37 -!- othrees [~othrees@] has quit [Quit: Colloquy for iPad -] 15:38 -!- othrees [~othrees@] has joined #mopcon 15:38 -!- aacczury [7a92e7cb@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 15:39 < jserv--> R1: 挖掘低耗電藍牙的寶藏 15:39 -!- Peni [~nobody@] has joined #mopcon 15:40 < jserv--> R1: Bluetooth Low-Energy 15:40 < abev66_> R3: DLNA 只能傳影音內容 15:41 < fntsrlike> R2: 工程師都很害羞 15:41 -!- alicekey [~alicekey@] has joined #mopcon 15:41 < fntsrlike> R2: 我去開發者交流會前面都聽不懂。我只要後面的二十分鐘交流時間 15:41 < jserv--> R1: CR2032 電池可提供 BLE 裝置一年的電 15:41 < abev66_> R3: WiDi 15:41 < fntsrlike> R2: 當他生了第二個孩子時,我知道機會來了。(? 15:41 < chyuaner> R2: 你生了第二個小孩,經濟壓力應該變大吧...... 15:42 < abev66_> R3: Miracast from WiFi Alliance 15:42 < jserv--> R1: Class 3 radio - 1m to 3 ft 15:42 < abev66_> R3: Google Chromecast 15:42 < jserv--> R1: Class 2 radio - 10 m or 33 ft 15:44 < othrees> Class 1-100 m 15:44 < dylandy> R2:數位時代有學長當編輯 15:44 < JalenLin> R2: 要怎麼被數位時代推薦哩? 首先,你要有一個在數位時代當編輯的學長 15:44 -!- Peni [~nobody@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 15:45 < abev66_> R3: WIDI 市場反應不如 MIRACAST —> 綁硬體、 source 只能是 NB、 不 Open 15:45 -!- superbil_ [~user@] has joined #mopcon 15:45 < jserv--> R1: Bluetooth <--> Bluetooth Smart Ready <--> Bluetooth Smart 15:45 -!- alicekey [~alicekey@] has quit [Client Quit] 15:45 -!- Peni [~nobody@] has joined #mopcon 15:46 -!- PN_Wu [704e47cf@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 15:46 < abev66_> R3: 市場最大的需求還是 Tablet 和 PHONE 15:46 -!- Peni [~nobody@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 15:46 -!- Peni [~nobody@] has joined #mopcon 15:47 < fntsrlike> R2: 每天晚上七點(app store下載數結算時間)可以決定我當天晚餐吃什麼。 15:47 < abev66_> R3: 只要你是 WFA member 就可以下載 spec. 15:47 -!- weitsai_ [7a92e7cb@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 15:48 -!- kewang [dc8a6dd6@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 15:48 < JA_> 很好奇為什麼會是泰國耶 15:48 < jserv--> R1: 應用情境: Health Care, Sports/Fitness,, Security 15:49 < chusiang> R2: 泰國人比較愛美? 15:49 < chusiang> JA_: R2: 泰國人比較愛美? 15:49 < abev66_> R3: Microsoft Windows 8.1 原生支援 Miracast 15:50 < jserv--> R1: 應用情境: Pay system, Automation, Time services, Proximity (範例: 尋找鑰匙) 15:51 < JA_> :R2 覺得泰國還蠻妙的XD 15:51 -!- weitsai_ [7a92e7cb@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 15:51 -!- alicekey [] has joined #mopcon 15:51 < abev66_> R3: 技術: 1. Wi-Fi Direct / TDLS 2. WPS/WPA 3. RTSP 4.RTP 15:52 < abev66_> R3: Optional: 5. UIBC 6. more optional features 15:53 < jserv--> R1: 推薦方案: connectBlue OBS421, TICC2541 SensorTag Developement Kit, Nordic nRF8001 Development Kit 15:54 -!- minipc [] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 15:54 < abev66_> R3: H264 + AAC/LPCM 15:55 < jserv--> R1: TI 方案:透過 CC Debug 更新韌體 15:55 < fntsrlike> R2: 其實我老闆自己也說,我自己也想走。 15:55 < abev66_> R3: 特力屋竟然有賣 Miracast 傳輸器! 15:55 < chusiang> R2: 老闆說:其實我自己也想走! 15:55 < chyuaner> R2: Bye Bye... 15:56 < abev66_> R3: OPEN 小將平板影音超值組 15:56 < chusiang> R2: 只要我可以不用離開高雄,我也可以不用離職啊! 15:56 -!- Peni [~nobody@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 15:57 < jserv--> R1: Technical Note TN2295 / Testing Core Bluetooth Applications in the iOS Simulator 15:57 < jserv--> R1: Mac OS X 10.9 支援 15:57 -!- Peni [~nobody@] has joined #mopcon 15:58 < jserv--> R1: Client [Wants Data] <--> Server [Provides Data] 16:01 -!- Peni [~nobody@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 16:02 < jserv--> R1: Scan -> Discovery Peripheral -> Connected / Disconnected 16:03 -!- Peni [~nobody@] has joined #mopcon 16:03 < jserv--> R1: Discovery Services 16:03 < jserv--> R1: Peripheral Manager 16:04 < abev66_> R3: Back Channel -> 回頭控制 SOURCE 16:04 -!- Peni [~nobody@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 16:05 < abev66_> R3: 挑戰: interference / lantency 16:05 < jserv--> R1: Data Transmission (Read, Write) 16:06 < jserv--> R1: # 16:06 -!- Zurg_ [~zurg@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 16:06 < othrees> Live Demo !! 16:06 -!- Zurg_ [~zurg@] has joined #mopcon 16:09 -!- Zurg__ [~zurg@] has joined #mopcon 16:09 -!- Zurg_ [~zurg@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 16:09 -!- lightshadow [df8f8fa9@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed] 16:09 -!- Peni [~nobody@] has joined #mopcon 16:11 -!- Peni [~nobody@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 16:11 -!- Peni [~nobody@] has joined #mopcon 16:11 -!- AndChat-88724 [] has quit [Quit: Bye] 16:12 -!- Peni [~nobody@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 16:12 -!- fntsrlike [~fntsrlike@] has quit [Quit: fntsrlike] 16:13 -!- Zurg_ [~zurg@] has joined #mopcon 16:14 -!- MouseMs [~MouseMs@] has quit [Quit: My MacBook has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…] 16:15 -!- tsaiid_ [~androirc@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 16:16 -!- MouseMs [] has joined #mopcon 16:16 -!- chyuaner [~AndChat93@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 16:16 -!- Zurg__ [~zurg@] has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds] 16:16 -!- yuaner [~AndChat93@] has joined #mopcon 16:16 < othrees> 場地卡關了 16:17 -!- JA_ [76a3de31@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 16:17 -!- jserv-- [~jserv@] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 16:17 -!- chusiang [~jonny@] has quit [Quit: Lost terminal] 16:18 -!- ymow [8c831e4a@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 16:18 -!- yuaner [~AndChat93@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 16:18 -!- yuaner [~AndChat93@] has joined #mopcon 16:19 -!- Peni [~nobody@] has joined #mopcon 16:19 -!- Zurg_ [~zurg@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 16:19 -!- Zurg_ [~zurg@] has joined #mopcon 16:20 -!- chyuaner [~AndChat93@] has joined #mopcon 16:20 -!- yuaner [~AndChat93@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 16:20 < othrees> 過關了 16:21 -!- fntsrlike [~fntsrlike@] has joined #mopcon 16:22 -!- JA_ [76a3de31@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 16:22 -!- chusiang [~jonny@] has joined #mopcon 16:22 -!- Peni [~nobody@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 16:24 -!- alicekey [] has quit [Quit: Colloquy for iPhone -] 16:24 -!- chusiang [~jonny@] has quit [Client Quit] 16:25 -!- chusiang [~jonny@] has joined #mopcon 16:25 < chusiang> Microsoft 抽獎 + Lightening Talk 16:25 < chusiang> 議程 16:25 < chusiang> 介紹 16:25 < chusiang> == Microsoft 抽獎 + Lightening Talk == 16:27 -!- andytwmvp_ [7a92e7cb@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 16:27 -!- chyuaner [~AndChat93@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 16:27 -!- yuaner [~AndChat93@] has joined #mopcon 16:30 < chusiang> 今天只放出兩張心智圖啊,看來打字的速度還有進步的空間呢!! 16:31 < chusiang> walkingice: 前輩您好,請問您有再跟人換 gpg key 嗎? 16:31 -!- abev66_ [] has quit [Read error: Operation timed out] 16:32 -!- ni643099 [~u597801@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 16:32 -!- abev66_ [] has joined #mopcon 16:32 < chusiang> == Microsoft 抽獎 == 16:32 -!- alicekey [] has joined #mopcon 16:33 -!- tsaikd [~tsaikd@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 16:33 < chusiang> windows phone store 累計 20 億次下載。 16:33 < chusiang> "QONOQR" 16:34 < chusiang> Apps count: 175,000+ 16:34 -!- PN_Wu [704e47cf@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 16:34 -!- weitsai_ [7a92e7cb@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 16:34 < chusiang> 抽獎! 16:35 -!- yyken [~anonymous@] has joined #mopcon 16:35 < chusiang> 觀迎香港來的來賓 ... 16:36 -!- alicekey [] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 16:36 < chusiang> 先抽手機還是行動電源? 行動電源 ~~~ 16:37 < chusiang> 1st: 黃小姐。 16:37 < chusiang> 2nd: 賴先生。 16:37 -!- tsaikd [~tsaikd@] has joined #mopcon 16:38 < JalenLin> 要保護當事人是不是要○○表示?... 16:38 < superbil_> 你拿得到兩顆行動電源 16:38 < chusiang> OK 16:38 -!- alicekey [] has joined #mopcon 16:38 < fntsrlike> 意味性別也是個資的一種XDDD 16:39 < chusiang> 3rd: 陳 ○ ○ 16:39 < chusiang> fntsrlike: thank you. 16:40 -!- visioncan [7a92e7cb@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 16:40 < chusiang> 感謝賴 ○ ○ 捐出兩顆行動電源給 MOPCON 2013 <{_ _}> 16:40 < JalenLin> <(_ _)> 16:40 < andytwmvp_> <(_ _)> 16:41 < chusiang> MOPCON 2013 問卷 - , AWS 問卷 - #3 16:41 < fntsrlike> <(_ _)> 16:41 < chusiang> 42 16:41 < chusiang> 30 16:41 < chusiang> 50 16:41 < chusiang> 43 16:41 < chusiang> 11 16:42 < chusiang> 27 16:42 < chusiang> 34 16:42 < fntsrlike> 是指問卷報名編號還是MOPCON編號? 16:42 < chusiang> (原來工作人員沒有數字...) 16:42 < chusiang> 23 16:42 < chusiang> 16 16:42 < chusiang> 19 16:42 < chusiang> 02 16:42 < MouseMs> 我也想問 16:42 < chusiang> 31 16:42 < MouseMs> 問券編號? 16:43 < chusiang> 42 16:43 < chusiang> 30 16:43 < JA_> 請問是MOPCON報到時的編號嗎? 16:43 < dylandy> 現在第一個嗎?= w = 16:44 < chusiang> 註:這是問卷報名的號碼。 16:44 < chusiang> 註:這是問卷的號碼。 16:44 < JA_> 3Q 16:44 < chusiang> == linghtning talk == 16:45 < chusiang> 一串英文字看不懂的東西 16:45 < chusiang> [1] 一串英文字看不懂的東西 16:45 < PN_Wu> 單兵注意, 抽中行動電源但是自己並沒有在用智慧型手機, 請問單兵該如何處置? 16:46 < fntsrlike> XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD 16:46 -!- yyken [~anonymous@] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 16:46 < dylandy> XDDD 16:46 < dylandy> 捐出吧 16:46 < chusiang> [1] SITOCN HackGen WiFiAutoLogin 16:46 < chusiang> [2] Skin API 16:46 < chusiang> [3] g0v - 自己國家自己救 16:46 < chusiang> [3] Linux CNC 16:46 -!- Zurg_ [~zurg@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 16:46 < chusiang> [4] g0v - 自己國家自己救 16:47 < othrees> 買台智慧型手機和他做伴 16:47 -!- Zurg_ [~zurg@] has joined #mopcon 16:47 < chusiang> [5] 在行動裝置的即時影像辨識狗狗協尋應用 16:47 < chusiang> [6] API 文件大亂鬥 16:49 < chusiang> 2013 SITCON @ 3/15 ? 情人節的隔一天 16:49 < chusiang> 2013 SITCON @ 2014/03/15 ? 情人節的隔一天 16:50 -!- Zurg__ [~zurg@] has joined #mopcon 16:50 < chusiang> [2] --- 16:50 -!- alicekey [] has quit [Quit: Colloquy for iPhone -] 16:50 < chusiang> 那個 … 我還找不到我的滑鼠 … 16:51 -!- alicekey [] has joined #mopcon 16:51 < alicekey> 2014... 16:51 -!- Zurg_ [~zurg@] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 16:52 -!- othrees [~othrees@] has quit [Quit: Colloquy for iPad -] 16:52 < chusiang> 咦?我為什麼上面看不到呢? 16:52 -!- othrees [~othrees@] has joined #mopcon 16:53 -!- visioncan [7a92e7cb@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 16:53 -!- fntsrlike [~fntsrlike@] has quit [Quit: fntsrlike] 16:54 < othrees> 其實現在才發現投影畫面有些模糊,本來以為只是燈光問題 16:54 -!- yyken [~anonymous@] has joined #mopcon 16:54 < Andox> 聽說剩1分 會不會拔插頭 16:54 < chusiang> othrees: 真的,在下坐最前面都這麼覺得了。 16:54 < chusiang> 這位講者是 Mac 16:55 < chusiang> 過關! 16:55 < othrees> 可是都要結束了才注意到... 16:55 < chusiang> [3] --- Linux CNC 16:56 < chusiang> 因為參與社群的關係,得到了一個實習的機會! 16:57 < chusiang> linux cnc base on ubuntu 10.04 16:57 < chusiang> 現在用 windows 7 打投影還是有些糊 XDD 16:58 < chusiang> 明天拆政府!! 16:58 < Andox> zoom跑掉? 16:58 < JA_> 好幽默 16:58 < JA_> XD 16:58 < chusiang> 一個不小心,手一撥要 Demo 的設備就被物理破壞了! 16:59 -!- yyken [~anonymous@] has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds] 16:59 < chusiang> 沒關係,我們有影片。 16:59 < chusiang> 自己動手,豐衣足食。 16:59 < PN_Wu> 向SITCON HackGen 2013致敬。 17:00 < chusiang> [4] ---- g0v 17:00 < andytwmvp_> LT: 自己動手,豐衣足食。 17:03 < JalenLin> 革命不是請客吃飯,但是不請客吃飯也不行 17:03 < chusiang> 進擊的程式 17:04 < chusiang> 文字工作者 ~~~ (舉手 17:05 < chusiang> [5] --- 17:06 < JA_> 聽到g0v的PTT有一種好感動的感覺 17:06 < andytwmvp_> 「沒有人」是萬能的 17:06 < JA_> PPT 17:06 < chusiang> TPP? 來亂的 XD 17:07 < dylandy> g0v : 寵物幫幫我(?) 17:07 -!- MouseMs [] has quit [Quit: My MacBook has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…] 17:07 < othrees> 線好像有鬆 17:07 < Andox> 投影機偏藍? 17:07 < chusiang> 17:07 < othrees> 少了顏色 17:07 < clkaoud> dylandy: 寵物關心你 XD 17:07 < chusiang> Andox: 聽說是螢幕線掉了 17:07 -!- MouseMs [] has joined #mopcon 17:08 < DennyHuang> 從前我愛過 TPP 最近愛上 cleaver XD 17:08 -!- FrankWu [~textual@] has joined #mopcon 17:08 < chusiang> clkaoud: open source 出來就真的是了 XDD 17:08 < Andox> orz 17:08 < clkaoud> 開放 api 和 結合一下... ? 17:09 < chusiang> 結合 UGC 的概念。 17:09 < chusiang> Live Demo !!! 17:09 < dylandy> 快來參加 g0v 黑客松,一起做專案吧 17:09 < Andox> 有狗!! 17:10 -!- andytwmvp [7a92e7cb@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 17:10 < chusiang> 感謝某兒子提供的狗 ~~~ 17:10 < DennyHuang> 好從容阿XD 我輸了QQ 17:10 < chusiang> 有人知道還剩多少時間嗎? 17:10 < clkaoud> 1:05 17:10 < clkaoud> live demo fail 17:11 < clkaoud> rescued! 17:11 -!- NeilLee [7a92e7cb@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 17:11 < Andox> failed 17:12 < chusiang> time out!! 17:12 < chusiang> [6] ---- API 文件大亂鬥 17:13 < chusiang> 註:上一位講者的伙伴的專長是聲音辨識。 17:14 < chusiang> 用工具寫文件:Swagger 17:15 < chusiang> miredot 17:15 < JalenLin> API footprint? 17:16 < chusiang> Django REST framework 17:16 < clkaoud> api blueprint 17:16 < JalenLin> 喔喔 17:16 < JalenLin> 感謝~我還在想說怎麼怪怪的 17:16 < clkaoud> 類似這樣: 17:16 -!- MouseMs [] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 17:18 < chusiang> 挑戰失敗 XDD 17:18 -!- dylandy [~dylandy@] has quit [Quit: leaving] 17:18 -!- sen_mobi [~sen_mobi@] has left #mopcon [] 17:18 < JA_> 麥克風沒聲音是模仿金X獎收MIC嗎XD 17:18 < chusiang> 總召 END !! 17:18 < chusiang> 拔螢幕比較好玩 XDD 17:19 < chusiang> 拔螢幕 "線" 比較好玩 XDD 17:19 < DennyHuang> 剛剛講的網頁 歡迎各校強者 fork 改為自己學校版本喔~! 17:20 < chusiang> 正妹連播 XDD 17:20 < chusiang> CQD !!! 17:21 < chusiang> 總覺的時間過的好快啊 XD 17:22 < DennyHuang> 剛剛那是什麼!!! 17:22 < JA_> 活動辦得很棒!工作人員辛苦囉!! 17:22 < JA_> 鐵達尼號甲甲板 17:22 -!- Zurg__ [~zurg@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 17:22 -!- JA_ [76a3de31@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed] 17:22 < FrankWu> MOPCON 結束了~快上來留點足跡XD 17:22 < chusiang> 總召:謝謝大家,希望我們明年可以再見面! 17:23 < alicekey> bye~ 17:23 < chusiang> 先關機了 :P 17:23 -!- FrankWu [~textual@] has quit [Quit: Textual IRC Client:] 17:23 < chusiang> 換 手機 上 XD 17:23 -!- chusiang [~jonny@] has quit [Quit: Lost terminal] 17:23 -!- Zurg_ [~zurg@] has joined #mopcon 17:25 -!- othrees [~othrees@] has quit [Quit: Colloquy for iPad -] 17:26 -!- PN_Wu [704e47cf@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 17:26 -!- alicekey [] has quit [Quit: Colloquy for iPhone -] 17:26 -!- NeilLee [7a92e7cb@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 17:26 -!- andytwmvp_ [7a92e7cb@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 17:26 -!- yu [3ddd43aa@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 17:27 -!- Zurg_ [~zurg@] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 17:28 -!- superbil_ [~user@] has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds] 17:28 -!- chyuaner [~AndChat93@] has joined #mopcon 17:28 -!- yuaner [~AndChat93@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 17:29 -!- alicekey [] has joined #mopcon 17:30 -!- yuaner [~AndChat93@] has joined #mopcon 17:30 -!- tsaikd [~tsaikd@] has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds] 17:31 -!- yuaner [~AndChat93@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 17:31 -!- chyuaner [~AndChat93@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 17:31 -!- yuaner [~AndChat93@] has joined #mopcon 17:32 -!- alicekey [] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 17:32 -!- ni963697 [] has joined #mopcon 17:32 -!- ni963697 [] has left #mopcon [] 17:33 -!- chyuaner [~AndChat93@] has joined #mopcon 17:33 -!- yuaner [~AndChat93@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 17:39 -!- chyuaner [~AndChat93@] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 17:42 -!- abev66_ [] has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds] 17:42 -!- abev66_ [] has joined #mopcon 18:04 -!- wenchen [76aa4eba@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has left #mopcon [] 19:31 -!- fntsrlike [] has joined #mopcon 19:40 -!- jo__ [01aecd42@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 19:41 -!- jo__ [01aecd42@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Client Quit] 19:42 -!- fntsrlike [] has quit [Quit: fntsrlike] 19:43 -!- abev66_ [] has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds] 19:43 -!- abev66_ [] has joined #mopcon 19:46 -!- YCJ [dc86b92e@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 19:52 -!- CarterTsai [] has joined #mopcon 19:52 -!- CarterTsai [] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 19:52 -!- CarterTsai [] has joined #mopcon 20:12 -!- fntsrlike [] has joined #mopcon 20:17 -!- Jueen [01ac7956@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 20:18 -!- fntsrlike [] has left #mopcon [] 20:21 -!- YCJ [dc86b92e@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed] 20:26 -!- fntsrlike [] has joined #mopcon 20:36 -!- fntsrlike [] has quit [Quit: fntsrlike] 20:53 -!- Zurg_ [~zurg@] has joined #mopcon 20:59 -!- Zurg__ [] has joined #mopcon 20:59 -!- Zurg_ [~zurg@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 21:03 -!- Zurg_ [~zurg@] has joined #mopcon 21:03 -!- Zurg__ [] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 21:19 -!- qrtt1 [~qrtt1@] has quit [Quit: leaving] 21:22 -!- Zurg__ [~zurg@] has joined #mopcon 21:22 -!- Zurg_ [~zurg@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 21:29 -!- CarterTsai [] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 21:29 -!- CarterTsai [] has joined #mopcon 21:33 -!- Jueen [01ac7956@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 21:33 -!- CarterTsai [] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 21:39 -!- Zurg_ [~zurg@] has joined #mopcon 21:39 -!- Zurg__ [~zurg@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 21:47 -!- Zurg_ [~zurg@] has quit [] 22:05 -!- carrl [] has left #mopcon [] 22:18 -!- fntsrlike [] has joined #mopcon 22:19 -!- nylon7 [8c7bd82d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 22:20 -!- rsghost [] has joined #mopcon 22:33 -!- jserv-- [~jserv@2001:288:7001:2701:b1:4897:3242:983] has joined #mopcon 22:40 -!- CarterTsai [] has joined #mopcon 22:44 -!- CarterTsai [] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 22:55 -!- ni38787 [] has joined #mopcon 22:57 -!- Luxun [uid13676@gateway/web/] has left #mopcon [] 23:02 -!- linwenhao [~linwenhao@] has joined #mopcon 23:05 -!- ni38787 [] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 23:11 -!- ccc_larc [uid15336@gateway/web/] has left #mopcon [] 23:21 -!- linwenhao [~linwenhao@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 23:33 < nylon7> 各位今天的閃電秀因為一些自己的問題有些部份不是很完整,如果對LinuxCNC有興趣的人可以參閱我的這份完整投影片 23:33 < nylon7> 23:33 < nylon7> 然後當初在分享時有錄影 23:35 < nylon7> 這樣子大型的分享我掌握度不是很高,所以內容可能有些遺漏,可以參閱我的筆記網頁 23:35 < nylon7> 23:35 < nylon7> 最後今年如果都沒空必定會在寒假找出時間於kalug做小型的分享 23:35 < nylon7> 因為大型的talking成效不是很好(其實是我容易緊張XDDD) 23:36 < nylon7> 所以小規模的討論式可能比較適合我 23:36 < nylon7> 以上,感謝大家:D 23:36 -!- joy__ [72247413@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 23:36 -!- joy__ [72247413@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Client Quit] 23:40 < clkaoud> nylon7++ 23:42 -!- fntsrlike [] has quit [Quit: fntsrlike] 23:42 -!- clkaoud [uid12095@gateway/web/] has left #mopcon [] 23:46 -!- nylon7 [8c7bd82d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed] 23:47 -!- test___ [2a43507d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mopcon 23:49 -!- test___ [2a43507d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Client Quit] --- Log closed Mon Oct 28 00:00:03 2013