# Day1 --- Log opened Sat Aug 20 00:00:42 2016 00:09 -!- isken [6a696108@gateway/web/cgi-irc/kiwiirc.com/ip.] has quit [Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client] 00:11 -!- wens [wens@mirror2.csie.ntu.edu.tw] has joined #coscup 00:12 -!- mingyen [~mingyen@linux6.cs.nctu.edu.tw] has joined #coscup 00:18 -!- Lee1092 [uid13277@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-vtxplskkbpimotqr] has joined #coscup 00:19 -!- u10313335 [~sol@36-231-111-73.dynamic-ip.hinet.net] has quit [] 00:26 -!- u10313335_phone [~hermes@36-231-111-73.dynamic-ip.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 00:26 -!- u10313335_phone [~hermes@36-231-111-73.dynamic-ip.hinet.net] has quit [Client Quit] 00:52 -!- pichu [~pichu@114-136-182-54.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 00:52 -!- pichu [~pichu@114-136-182-54.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 00:53 -!- btrfsnice [~cinch@219-84-253-100-adsl-tai.dynamic.so-net.net.tw] has quit [Ping timeout: 258 seconds] 00:55 -!- Guest18682 [~pichu@2001:b011:30e0:171a:e4d3:8140:f9a1:f495] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 00:55 -!- btrfsnice [~cinch@219-84-253-100-adsl-tai.dynamic.so-net.net.tw] has joined #coscup 00:57 -!- Denir [7a924618@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 00:59 -!- ikepanhc [~Ike_Panhc@223-139-222-99.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 01:03 -!- pichu [~pichu@114-136-182-54.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 01:04 -!- pichu is now known as Guest89036 01:06 < barneybook_mac> 應該都睡了吧 01:08 -!- Guest89036 [~pichu@114-136-182-54.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 01:22 -!- pwliao [~c0210906@linux6.cs.nctu.edu.tw] has joined #coscup 01:49 -!- j4ck50n [uid110064@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-jzcxnbrftfkpjroc] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 01:50 -!- chusiang [~chusiang@60-250-159-181.HINET-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 01:55 -!- loli [uid175401@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-nhlqswmuetjeopnv] has joined #coscup 01:59 -!- shaolin [uid13544@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-bzzqoewqxioqpkjb] has joined #coscup 02:06 -!- chwong [~chwong@chbsd.cs.nctu.edu.tw] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 02:12 -!- flandre [~flandre@host-58-114-185-124.dynamic.kbtelecom.net] has joined #coscup 02:56 < chusiang> test ~ test ~~ 02:57 < chusiang> 給所有還在趕進度的工作人員拍拍手 … (繼續忙了) 03:02 -!- barneybo_ [~barneyboo@36-224-208-68.dynamic-ip.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 03:02 -!- barneybook_mac [~barneyboo@36-224-226-164.dynamic-ip.hinet.net] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 03:16 -!- Denir_ [~Denir__@] has joined #coscup 03:24 -!- chld2 [~chld@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 03:47 -!- chusiang [~chusiang@60-250-159-181.HINET-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 258 seconds] 04:03 -!- loli [uid175401@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-nhlqswmuetjeopnv] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 04:09 -!- chwong_cloud [uid12814@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-zuelxzlndazrlfzn] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 04:13 -!- Lee1092 [uid13277@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-vtxplskkbpimotqr] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 05:09 -!- shaolin [uid13544@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-bzzqoewqxioqpkjb] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 05:40 < Vdragon> 大家早安0w0/ 05:40 -!- jiazheng [~jiazheng@220-134-220-219.HINET-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 06:23 -!- jiazheng [~jiazheng@220-134-220-219.HINET-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 06:34 -!- pichu [~pichu@2001:b011:30e0:1748:7ddf:eeae:4e12:6eb8] has joined #coscup 06:34 -!- pichu is now known as Guest44223 06:50 < Heero_Yuy> 早安 07:11 -!- hashman [~hashman@] has joined #coscup 07:12 < hashman> morning 07:12 -!- Sciuridae_C [sid102450@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-jtjygwtbuhmfbrer] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 07:12 -!- hashman [~hashman@] has left #coscup [] 07:12 -!- Sciuridae_C [uid102450@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-tdpdenxjygyogbic] has joined #coscup 07:12 -!- jksonc [sid13988@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-ikkirabbxlonpzie] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 07:12 -!- NewCliCker [uid28463@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-gxspspwtwryvgwtb] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds] 07:13 -!- hashman [~hashman@] has joined #coscup 07:16 -!- fntsrCloud [uid16354@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-xodoxdduulhochfs] has joined #coscup 07:16 -!- jksonc [sid13988@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-mvjnvsnrqaitrctk] has joined #coscup 07:17 -!- NewCliCker [uid28463@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-kdfqgeopkjienjwz] has joined #coscup 07:22 -!- fntsrlike [~fntsr@] has joined #coscup 07:22 < fntsrlike> Ping 07:27 -!- flandre [~flandre@host-58-114-185-124.dynamic.kbtelecom.net] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 07:29 -!- flandre [~flandre@host-58-114-185-124.dynamic.kbtelecom.net] has joined #coscup 07:35 -!- u10313335_phone [~hermes@36-231-111-73.dynamic-ip.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 07:36 < Vdragon> 太早到惹,被請去 MOS 吹冷氣QQ 07:38 < Heero_Yuy> … 07:38 < Heero_Yuy> 你可以先報到(X 07:39 < Heero_Yuy> 我才正要出發前往,只好先去吃早餐orz 07:47 -!- flandre [~flandre@host-58-114-185-124.dynamic.kbtelecom.net] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 07:47 < David_c> 大家早安 07:48 -!- u10313335_phone [~hermes@36-231-111-73.dynamic-ip.hinet.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 07:48 -!- Guest44223 [~pichu@2001:b011:30e0:1748:7ddf:eeae:4e12:6eb8] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 07:49 -!- pichu [~pichu@2001:b011:30e0:1748:7ddf:eeae:4e12:6eb8] has joined #coscup 07:49 -!- u10313335_phone [~hermes@223-140-36-250.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 07:49 -!- pichu is now known as Guest43005 07:54 -!- Guest43005 [~pichu@2001:b011:30e0:1748:7ddf:eeae:4e12:6eb8] has quit [Ping timeout: 258 seconds] 07:54 -!- shareway [uid106948@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-zcdemlrasfwnbeku] has joined #coscup 08:12 < Vdragon> 早安0w0/ 08:12 < Vdragon> 這次會有多少寶可夢哽呢www 08:18 < Heero_Yuy> 騎youbike到中研公園 好熱… 08:20 < asahsieh> 最近早上最熱... 08:20 < Heero_Yuy> 後悔 早上騎腳踏車 08:21 -!- caasih [sid13241@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-ispstwgsxjgyveto] has joined #coscup 08:22 -!- j5a6s7o8n [~AndChat23@42-67-234-27.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 08:23 -!- j5a6s7o8n [~AndChat23@42-67-234-27.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Client Quit] 08:24 < asahsieh> 辛苦了 m(__)m;原本也想騎去,但有大上坡就放棄XD 08:24 < Heero_Yuy> XD 08:25 < Heero_Yuy> 這次住南港高工附近的青年旅舍 很近~ 08:26 -!- mz [6f53e72a@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 08:28 < Heero_Yuy> 排隊… 08:30 -!- mz_ [6f53e72a@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 08:32 -!- mz_ [6f53e72a@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Client Quit] 08:32 -!- mz [6f53e72a@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 08:33 < David_c> LINE的官方帳號沒回應了GG 08:34 < Heero_Yuy> 炸掉了? 08:34 < hashman> test test 08:37 < Heero_Yuy> 倒數小貓袋xD 08:40 -!- chusiang [~chusiang@] has joined #coscup 08:41 < chusiang> 大家早安! 08:41 < Vdragon> @chusiang 早安0w0/ 08:42 -!- Ruinland [~root@apc-31.iim.nctu.edu.tw] has joined #coscup 08:42 < Ruinland> 所以現在是沒智慧型手機該死的狀態? 08:43 < Heero_Yuy> 人工報到 08:43 -!- u10313335_phone [~hermes@223-140-36-250.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 08:43 < Vdragon> @ruinland LINE 好像有出 feature phone 的版本(略 08:43 -!- chusiang_ [~chusiang@] has joined #coscup 08:44 -!- sinica_op [8c6d7f0d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 08:45 < Heero_Yuy> 迎賓袋 感覺容易破= = 08:46 < Vdragon> 一般會眾可以報到了嗎? 08:47 -!- madarame_ [uid28051@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-ndjbrbycffhzxajk] has joined #coscup 08:48 -!- DanLu [~AndChat11@42-72-107-37.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 08:50 -!- loli [uid175401@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-wbqxiixyuzoylgnm] has joined #coscup 08:51 < dannyAAM> \到啦/ 08:51 -!- rail02000 [~androirc@114-136-181-228.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 08:51 < Heero_Yuy> 可以 08:51 < dannyAAM> 有史以來最早到的一次(X 08:51 < Heero_Yuy> R0 待命 08:51 -!- waeting [~waeting@] has joined #coscup 08:51 < waeting> 安安 08:52 -!- pichu [~pichu@] has joined #coscup 08:52 -!- PJxPJ [~AndChat33@42-70-50-58.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 08:52 -!- loli [uid175401@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-wbqxiixyuzoylgnm] has quit [Client Quit] 08:52 < dannyAAM> @Ruinland 有人工報到啊 08:52 -!- mENLloli [uid175401@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-psohcueirnptndxh] has joined #coscup 08:52 -!- pichu is now known as Guest85011 08:52 -!- madarame [~madarame@] has joined #coscup 08:53 -!- deweili [~deweili@] has joined #coscup 08:53 -!- chusiang1 [~chusiang@] has joined #coscup 08:53 -!- mENLloli is now known as ENLloli 08:54 -!- chusiang2 [~chusiang@] has joined #coscup 08:54 -!- chusiang [~chusiang@] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 08:55 -!- chusiang_ [~chusiang@] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 08:55 -!- jianiau [~jimmy@] has joined #coscup 08:56 -!- rail02000 [~androirc@114-136-181-228.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Quit: AndroIRC - Android IRC Client ( http://www.androirc.com )] 08:56 < ENLloli> 安安 08:56 -!- ramax [8c6d7f0b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 08:57 < waeting> yo 08:57 -!- waeting [~waeting@] has quit [Quit: leaving] 08:57 < Heero_Yuy> 安 08:58 < deweili> 安安 08:58 -!- waeting [~waeting@] has joined #coscup 08:59 -!- rail02000 [~qicruser@114-136-181-228.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 08:59 < PJxPJ> 安安 09:00 < David_c> 大家早安 09:00 -!- fubuki [8c6d7f0b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 09:00 -!- fubuki is now known as Guest48034 09:00 -!- deweili [~deweili@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 09:01 < nightfeather> 早安 ' w') 09:01 -!- u10313335 [~sol@] has joined #coscup 09:01 < hashman> R2 目前的投影機有點問題,建議會眾可以去 R1 或是 R0 觀看轉播 09:02 -!- u10313335_phone [~hermes@] has joined #coscup 09:02 -!- jiazheng [~jiazheng@] has joined #coscup 09:02 -!- pakls [ant@2400:8900::f03c:91ff:fe69:bd13] has joined #coscup 09:02 -!- logan` [8c6d7f08@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 09:03 -!- deweili [~deweili@] has joined #coscup 09:03 -!- DanLu [~AndChat11@42-72-107-37.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 09:04 -!- BirkhoffLee [~birkhoff@223-140-34-143.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 09:04 < BirkhoffLee> 嗨,請問今年有轉播嗎 09:04 -!- buck_ [~buck5060@] has joined #coscup 09:04 -!- Guest48034 [8c6d7f0b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 09:05 < buck_> 早安~ 09:06 -!- stanely [~smuxi@] has joined #coscup 09:06 -!- logan`` [~logan`@] has joined #coscup 09:06 < stanely> app報到失敗,人工報到有發一張很小的貼紙,那是指午餐得用貼紙領取,不能用app嗎? 09:06 -!- jiazheng [~jiazheng@] has quit [Read error: No route to host] 09:07 -!- jiazheng [~jiazheng@] has joined #coscup 09:07 -!- logan` [8c6d7f08@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Client Quit] 09:07 -!- rocfatcat [8c6d7f08@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 09:07 -!- deweili is now known as DeweiLi 09:07 -!- yrc [uid123303@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-ifdceebalgjwzgze] has joined #coscup 09:07 < buck_> 是貼名牌後面的小原點貼紙嗎? 09:07 -!- u1031333_ [~sol@] has joined #coscup 09:07 -!- buck_ is now known as buck5060 09:07 -!- u10313335 [~sol@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 09:08 < stanely> 不是名牌後面的那個 09:08 -!- j5a6s7o8n [~AndChat23@111-70-128-182.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 09:08 < stanely> 有張貼紙上面有刀叉,寫Day1 09:08 < dannyAAM> app不能報到就不能app領餐了啊w 09:08 < dannyAAM> 是說今年沒座位表啊 09:09 -!- z956 [8c6d7f08@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 09:09 -!- z956 [8c6d7f08@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Client Quit] 09:09 -!- threelines [~threeline@] has joined #coscup 09:09 -!- jiazheng [~jiazheng@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 09:10 < Guest85011> R1沒辦法順便打道館 09:10 < BirkhoffLee> 請問今年有轉播嗎 09:10 -!- Guest85011 is now known as PichuChen 09:10 < Heero_Yuy> 好像有 09:11 -!- logan`` [~logan`@] has quit [Client Quit] 09:11 -!- Davy_CC [~david5040@] has joined #coscup 09:11 < ramax> 我比較喜歡用貼紙領餐 09:11 < waeting> 跪球門口灑櫻花 09:12 -!- jiazheng [~jiazheng@] has joined #coscup 09:12 < nightfeather> 嘖嘖 wwwwww 09:12 -!- narahuang [~narahuang@] has joined #coscup 09:12 -!- ioan [~ioan@] has joined #coscup 09:12 -!- logan` [~logan`@] has joined #coscup 09:12 -!- taipeiwu [~AndChat14@] has joined #coscup 09:13 < BirkhoffLee> Heero_Yuy: 請問有連結嗎 QQ 09:13 -!- hry [8c6d7f02@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 09:13 -!- Jian-Hua [8c6d7f08@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 09:13 < David_c> https://livehouse.in/channel/coscup2016r0 09:14 -!- inndy [~inndy@] has joined #coscup 09:14 -!- ggininder_ [uid123879@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-udhkpzidkjwmflxc] has joined #coscup 09:14 < ggininder_> 大家好 09:14 < Heero_Yuy> 要不要把轉播連結 放到共筆? 09:15 < DeweiLi> Heero_Yuy:謝謝! 09:15 -!- infate [~infate@] has joined #coscup 09:15 -!- david11014 [8c6d7f02@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 09:15 -!- rail02000 [~qicruser@114-136-181-228.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Quit: qicr for android: faster and better] 09:15 < Heero_Yuy> 要謝 @David_c 09:15 -!- Michael_ [8c6d7f08@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 09:15 -!- mp607 [~mp607@] has joined #coscup 09:16 -!- rail02000 [~qicruser@114-136-181-228.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 09:16 < stanely> R0直播電腦主機上擺了一包乖乖 09:17 < nightfeather> XD 09:17 < BirkhoffLee> 真的誒XDDDDDD 09:17 < Heero_Yuy> 我在主機前排w 09:17 < david11014> XDDD 09:17 -!- wwcc [8c6d7f08@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 09:17 < Heero_Yuy> 拍照記錄w 09:17 < Heero_Yuy> 有人上前拍了w 09:17 -!- ecilA [~androirc@] has joined #coscup 09:17 -!- wwcc [8c6d7f08@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Client Quit] 09:18 < BirkhoffLee> 我覺得用 APP 領怪怪的耶,畫面什麼偽造超簡單的啊 QQ 09:18 -!- DanLu [~AndChat11@] has joined #coscup 09:18 -!- darkgerm [~darkgerm@alumni.cs.nctu.edu.tw] has joined #coscup 09:18 < DeweiLi> 不知道今年桌機哥會不會帶桌機 09:18 < waeting> 而且30秒什麼的完全不夠用wwww 09:18 -!- Jian-Hua [8c6d7f08@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 09:18 < waeting> 拿給他已經變成0了 09:18 -!- shad0w1yc [8c6d7f08@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 09:19 -!- ecilA_N5 [~androirc@223-142-138-109.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 09:20 -!- u10313335 [~sol@] has joined #coscup 09:20 < PichuChen> 定時炸彈的概念 09:20 -!- u1031333_ [~sol@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 09:20 < buck5060> R0的2.4G是不是不能用了@@ 09:20 < Heero_Yuy> 可以用截圖 混過嗎(X 09:20 -!- ecilA [~androirc@] has quit [Read error: No route to host] 09:20 < Heero_Yuy> 2.4G 塞爆了吧 09:20 < David_c> 5G順 09:21 < Heero_Yuy> http://i.imgur.com/OJ75iCm.jpg 乖乖圖 09:21 < waeting> 今年有拍肩小組嗎 09:21 < Heero_Yuy> 你開熱點 看看會不會有拍肩小組來找你 09:21 -!- kylin [~kylin@] has joined #coscup 09:21 < waeting> 好似已經有人開了:P 09:22 < Heero_Yuy> XDD 09:22 -!- Michael_ [8c6d7f08@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 09:22 -!- sirius [8c6d7f0b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 09:22 -!- float-tw [8c6d7f02@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 09:23 < Heero_Yuy> 有線網路安定中 09:23 -!- alicekey [~alicekey@223-141-235-30.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 09:24 -!- Haraguroicha [df889409@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 09:24 < waeting> 沒帶到線_(:з」∠)_ 09:24 -!- AndChat|114816 [~AndChat11@42-72-107-37.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 09:24 < Heero_Yuy> 拍拍 09:24 -!- Neosartorya [8c6df5b6@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 09:24 < Heero_Yuy> 去外面攤位看看 有沒有 09:24 -!- myles [8c6d7f08@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 09:25 -!- mp607 [~mp607@] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 09:25 < David_c> SITCON今年還會有嗎? 09:25 < Heero_Yuy> 我用去年在SITCON攤位 拿到的XD 09:25 -!- j5a6s7o8n [~AndChat23@111-70-128-182.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Quit: Bye] 09:25 -!- j5a6s7o8n [~AndChat23@111-70-128-182.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 09:25 -!- ramax [8c6d7f0b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 09:25 -!- sntc06 [~sntc06@arctic.snowtec.org] has joined #coscup 09:26 -!- kin [~kin@] has joined #coscup 09:26 -!- yc_ [8c6d7f08@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 09:26 -!- ioan [~ioan@] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 09:26 -!- ecilA_N5 [~androirc@223-142-138-109.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 09:26 -!- mobomoga [8c6d7f02@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 09:27 -!- Jeane [8c6d7f08@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 09:27 -!- chihhsin [~chihhsin@winpc13.cs.nctu.edu.tw] has joined #coscup 09:27 -!- buck5060 is now known as [R0]buck5060 09:27 < chihhsin> hihi 09:27 < HsiangKai> 有 COSCUP 共筆嗎? 09:27 < Jeane> hi 09:27 -!- ecilA_N5 [~androirc@223-142-148-153.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 09:27 < Haraguroicha> 2016 共筆 http://beta.hackfoldr.org/coscup2016 09:27 < Heero_Yuy> 2016 共筆 http://beta.hackfoldr.org/coscup2016 09:27 < Heero_Yuy> 我輸了orz 09:28 < shad0w1yc> 今年 SITCON 沒有攤位哦 09:28 < waeting> 你們在一起好了 09:28 < shad0w1yc> 人手不足 QwQ 09:28 -!- DanLu [~AndChat11@] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds] 09:28 -!- sirius [8c6d7f0b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed] 09:28 < David_c> 置頂標題有 09:28 -!- YuanFu [~yuanfu@] has joined #coscup 09:28 -!- Moon_Slight [8c6d7f02@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 09:28 -!- Yuan [8c6d7f0b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 09:28 -!- BirkhoffLee [~birkhoff@223-140-34-143.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 09:28 -!- Goston [~Mutter@42-73-60-228.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 09:28 < waeting> 好像有人灑花了wwwww 09:28 -!- chwong_cloud [uid12814@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-boavdsumpajpvgaf] has joined #coscup 09:29 < HsiangKai> 感謝 XD 09:29 < Heero_Yuy> 抓到Denny 可以領線嗎(X 09:29 -!- mp607 [~mp607@] has joined #coscup 09:29 -!- chusiang1 [~chusiang@] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 09:29 -!- chusiang [~chusiang@] has joined #coscup 09:29 < yc_> wifi很不穩,app也登不進... 09:29 -!- PichuChen [~pichu@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 09:29 < Heero_Yuy> 為了大地遊戲 只好安裝/註冊LINE 09:29 -!- sinica_op [8c6d7f0d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 09:30 -!- Clement_ [8c6d7f0b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 09:30 -!- Raikkonen [2a48dba2@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 09:30 -!- float [uid15344@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-jzgveswmjxoadwhc] has joined #coscup 09:30 -!- PichuChen [~pichu@223-136-0-22.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 09:30 -!- duckll [~duckll@] has joined #coscup 09:30 -!- jysun_ [~jysun@140-113-125-243.Dorm-GD2.NCTU.edu.tw] has joined #coscup 09:30 < waeting> 開始啦 09:30 -!- float-tw [8c6d7f02@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed] 09:30 -!- chusiang2 [~chusiang@] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 09:31 -!- lolisoul [uid12415@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-onwdngyigmcgwlpz] has joined #coscup 09:31 -!- floatj [~floatj@] has joined #coscup 09:31 < Jeane> 感謝共筆連結 09:31 -!- kohsiangyu [uid45193@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-kdomrszlrmgnjtti] has joined #coscup 09:32 -!- jysun_ [~jysun@140-113-125-243.Dorm-GD2.NCTU.edu.tw] has quit [Client Quit] 09:32 -!- chusiang_ [~chusiang@] has joined #coscup 09:32 -!- z956_ [~z956@] has joined #coscup 09:32 -!- edhong [df88b00a@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 09:33 < Moon_Slight> wi-fi不太穩,手機一直發出通知 09:33 -!- obo_ [~obo@] has joined #coscup 09:33 -!- mz [6f53e72a@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 09:33 -!- billy3321 [uid12904@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-qpvyrenadzytjnqg] has joined #coscup 09:33 -!- Goston [~Mutter@42-73-60-228.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 09:33 -!- ij1iao [ijliao@FreeBSD.cs.nctu.edu.tw] has joined #coscup 09:33 < inndy> 聽說那叫做火盃 09:33 < inndy> 火呢? 09:33 -!- GhostYang [650a21e6@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 09:34 < waeting> 所以他會把中獎的吐出來嗎 09:34 -!- jysun_ [~jysun@140-113-125-243.Dorm-GD2.NCTU.edu.tw] has joined #coscup 09:34 < Haraguroicha> @Moon_Slight 什麼通知?無法連上嗎?? 09:34 -!- pakls [ant@2400:8900::f03c:91ff:fe69:bd13] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 09:34 -!- barneybook [uid33576@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-tgeiexbozueoazmz] has joined #coscup 09:34 -!- lolisoul is now known as darkgerm2 09:34 -!- AndChat|330644 [~AndChat33@223-142-79-33.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 09:34 < mz> 請問有人沒辦法去的嗎?急徵門票一張>< 09:35 < Heero_Yuy> 領!便!當! 09:35 < Moon_Slight> @Haraguroicha 一直建議我換網路 09:35 < barneybook> 官方有打算開gitter嗎?? 09:35 -!- tiwb [~tiwb@] has joined #coscup 09:35 -!- Haox [~Haox@] has joined #coscup 09:35 < ij1iao> 早上通關 app 一直出現 user req fail... 大概第五次才成功吧 :o 09:35 < barneybook> 沒有的話我也要來開了!!!ㄎㄎ 09:35 < Heero_Yuy> 2.4G很塞了 09:35 < yc_> 如果沒有人工報到,應該就完蛋了 = = 09:35 < Haraguroicha> Moon_Slight: 好喔... 09:35 -!- arthow4n [8c6d7f02@gateway/web/cgi-irc/kiwiirc.com/ip.] has joined #coscup 09:36 -!- pakls [ant@2400:8900::f03c:91ff:fe69:bd13] has joined #coscup 09:36 < darkgerm2> 我手機已經連不上wifi了QQ 09:36 < stanely> 最後一刻就是敗在這裡,不能太早按下去,不然就G掉了 09:36 -!- pakls [ant@2400:8900::f03c:91ff:fe69:bd13] has quit [Client Quit] 09:36 < waeting> 可以教小啄一些有的沒的嗎wwwwwww 09:36 -!- fripig [8c6d7f02@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 09:36 < Haraguroicha> yc_: 有人工報到的 09:36 < Heero_Yuy> 小啄:要壞掉了 09:36 < barneybook> 賴的ID???? 09:36 -!- AndChat-330644 [~AndChat33@] has joined #coscup 09:36 -!- YuanFu [~yuanfu@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 09:36 -!- Goston [~Mutter@42-73-60-228.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 09:37 < waeting> LINE 連結:https://line.me/R/ti/p/%40coscup2016 09:37 < DeweiLi> 2.4G那麼塞等下領便當不就哭哭了 09:37 -!- mabinogi80503 [~mabinogi8@] has joined #coscup 09:37 -!- PJxPJ [~AndChat33@42-70-50-58.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 09:37 -!- knowlet [8c6d7f04@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 09:37 -!- mabinogi80503 [~mabinogi8@] has quit [Client Quit] 09:37 -!- mabinogi80503 [~mabinogi8@] has joined #coscup 09:37 < nightfeather> XD 09:37 -!- pakls [ant@2400:8900::f03c:91ff:fe69:bd13] has joined #coscup 09:37 -!- jiazheng [~jiazheng@] has quit [Read error: No route to host] 09:38 -!- coldsleep [uid175522@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-xkmhjkqnmnlzgbah] has joined #coscup 09:38 < Haraguroicha> 用5G就好啦ww (X 09:38 -!- pakls [ant@2400:8900::f03c:91ff:fe69:bd13] has quit [Client Quit] 09:38 < Heero_Yuy> 手機不吃5G QQ 09:38 -!- PJxPJ [~AndChat33@] has joined #coscup 09:38 < shad0w1yc> 小啄有學習功能嗎 QwQ 09:38 -!- YuanFu [~yuanfu@] has joined #coscup 09:38 < Heero_Yuy> (摔手機 09:38 < Haraguroicha> 那就只好換手機惹 (? 09:38 -!- pakls [ant@2400:8900::f03c:91ff:fe69:bd13] has joined #coscup 09:38 < fripig> 國際會議廳就是要用有線網路啊XDD 09:38 < mabinogi80503> 測試一下(? 09:38 -!- pakls [ant@2400:8900::f03c:91ff:fe69:bd13] has quit [Client Quit] 09:39 < waeting> 上下100的快感不是wifi族能了解的 09:39 -!- HoloIRCUser3 [~holoirc@] has joined #coscup 09:39 < Heero_Yuy> 這是80 09:39 < Haraguroicha> 中研院可以上下1000啊xDDDD 09:39 < Heero_Yuy> 結果網卡只吃100(X 09:39 -!- ant__ [~ant@pakls.us.to] has joined #coscup 09:39 -!- ant__ [~ant@pakls.us.to] has quit [Client Quit] 09:39 -!- AndChat|330644 [~AndChat33@223-142-79-33.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 09:39 < waeting> QQ 09:40 -!- yc_ [8c6d7f08@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 09:40 -!- AndChat|330644 [~AndChat33@223-142-164-157.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 09:40 -!- HoloIRCUser3 is now known as YMHuang 09:40 -!- pakls [~ant@pakls.us.to] has joined #coscup 09:40 -!- AndChat-330644 [~AndChat33@] has quit [Read error: No route to host] 09:40 < Haraguroicha> 好喔...只能吃100的話我wifi走5G贏了...xDD 09:40 < [R0]buck5060> 5G直上866Mb/s XD 09:40 -!- DanSnow [~snow@] has joined #coscup 09:40 -!- shigurefox [~shigurefo@] has joined #coscup 09:40 -!- Jiero [8c6d7f08@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 09:40 < nightfeather> wifi 爆炸中 09:40 < nightfeather> 然後他媽的我忘了帶網路線惹 09:40 -!- Clement_ [8c6d7f0b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 09:40 < Heero_Yuy> 忘記要買ID 09:40 < Heero_Yuy> *改 09:41 < barneybook> 我也忘記帶網路線 09:41 < barneybook> 唉~ 09:41 < stanely> R0的主持人是 09:41 < dannyAAM> 我也忘了帶QAQ 09:41 < mabinogi80503> 我也忘記要帶網路線QQ 09:41 < barneybook> 只能吃無線網路 09:41 -!- lother_m [uid107002@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-chwrpjkfyvqpvqgp] has joined #coscup 09:41 < darkgerm2> 我帶了網路線,可是我忘了帶轉接頭.... 09:41 < fripig> http://imgur.com/a/ntYik 09:41 < fntsrCloud> 我剛有插網路線沒訊號XD 09:41 -!- ws23 [8c6d7f0d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 09:41 < iblis17> 有網路線 沒孔.. 09:41 < Heero_Yuy> =A= 09:41 < Haraguroicha> darkgerm2: 你也太慘xDDD 09:41 -!- kkpan11 [~kkpan11@] has joined #coscup 09:41 -!- chunyou0830 [uid180791@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-wzifjsppvosotltc] has joined #coscup 09:41 -!- AndChat-330644 [~AndChat33@] has joined #coscup 09:41 < dannyAAM> 這邊沒上下1000啦w 09:41 -!- chusiang [~chusiang@] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 09:41 < Haraguroicha> iblis17: 運氣太好! 09:41 < Davy_CC> COSCUP 的直播……R0 的 Keynote 被直播到 H0 了…… 09:41 < kin> 有轉接頭沒網路線QQ 09:41 -!- derekhsu [~derekhsu@] has joined #coscup 09:42 < Heero_Yuy> 怎改名 我忘了 09:42 < YMHuang> LLVM 開始了嗎? 09:42 < fripig> 我拆了家裡NAS的網路線來用XDD 09:42 -!- Test [df8843f3@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 09:42 < shad0w1yc> LLVM start 09:42 < fripig> 開始了 09:42 < DanSnow> 改名用 /nick 09:42 < alex_lu> 帶了網路線,可是覺得5G足已 09:42 < dannyAAM> 是說AC也不會贏啊 866很多人分耶w 09:42 < Haraguroicha> dannyAAM: 有啦,只是大家一起塞住了,所以吃不到 09:42 -!- ramax [8c6d7f0b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 09:42 -!- chusiang_ [~chusiang@] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds] 09:42 < lother_m> H0還沒看到畫面~ 09:42 -!- AndChat-330644 [~AndChat33@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 09:42 < Heero_Yuy> 若在這邊擺賣網路線的攤位 會不會很賺(? 09:42 -!- kester___ [uid34598@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-vlytnysqkcrqmevy] has joined #coscup 09:42 -!- Test is now known as Guest20985 09:42 < DeweiLi> 有些網路孔是壞的! 09:42 -!- jserv-- [~jserv@] has joined #coscup 09:42 -!- Heero_Yuy is now known as [R0]Heero_Yuy 09:42 * jserv-- 冒個泡 09:42 < madarame> 故意整你的 09:42 -!- Quexint [~textual@] has joined #coscup 09:42 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 假的 09:42 < DeweiLi> Heero_Yuy: 還要賣轉接頭XD 09:42 -!- orinx [~orinx@null.ind.ntou.edu.tw] has joined #coscup 09:42 < Haraguroicha> DeweiLi: 假的! 09:42 -!- AndChat-330644 [~AndChat33@42-70-170-166.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 09:43 -!- Aminzai [uid12986@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-xzfzuxjfalftqklb] has joined #coscup 09:43 -!- user____ [~user@] has joined #coscup 09:43 < [R0]buck5060> 魔法爆裂 09:43 -!- PJxPJ [~AndChat33@] has quit [Ping timeout: 258 seconds] 09:43 < jserv--> 台上講者是我學生,他幫老師接著講 keynote,太勵志 09:43 < darkgerm2> 網路不穩,暫時的 09:43 < YMHuang> 直播還沒開始耶 09:43 < fripig> 是的 搶到位子第一件事情就是測網路孔 不然會悲劇 09:43 < David_c> 爆裂魔法才對 09:43 < waeting> 宅色夫大神現身 09:43 -!- Jeremy850407 [~androirc@] has joined #coscup 09:43 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> \惠惠/ 09:43 < fntsrCloud> @jserv-- (y) 09:43 < fripig> 宅瑟夫大大 09:43 < Haraguroicha> 太勵志xDDDD 09:43 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 大大 09:43 < mabinogi80503> 大大出沒(o 09:43 -!- lego [~lego@] has joined #coscup 09:44 < kin> 宅色夫大大 09:44 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 有神快拜(跪 09:44 < Davy_CC> YMHuang: 直播被播到 H0 的頻道了,不知道他們什麼時候才會發現 09:44 * jserv-- 封麥就是為了把 keynote 的位置讓給學生啊~ 09:44 < darkx> jserv--: 大大早安 09:44 < Ruinland> jserv--: 老師等下會不會用口試方式讓學生掛黑板啊XD 09:44 -!- yc_ [~textual@220-130-162-20.HINET-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 09:44 -!- hpr_ [650da10e@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 09:44 -!- user____ is now known as YWJamesLin[H5] 09:44 -!- CPC [2a484ec3@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 09:44 -!- HP_Eiling_ [uid27621@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-gafzielxpketmxwv] has joined #coscup 09:44 -!- lother_m is now known as [H0]Lother 09:44 < dannyAAM> 我這邊連網路線也只交涉出100M啊 沒強制1G試過就是 09:44 < darkx> darkgerm2: ethernet to thunderbolt ? 我有可以借你 09:44 < derekhsu> HELLO 09:44 -!- AndChat|330644 [~AndChat33@223-142-164-157.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 09:45 < jserv--> Ruinland, 這不錯,你幫我發問吧 # 我不能用麥克風 >< 09:45 < YMHuang> 謝謝~ 09:45 < derekhsu> 今年沒有Gitter了啊 09:45 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 100M +1 09:45 < David_c> 好像也沒有Telegram 09:45 -!- rsghost [~rsghost@li475-129.members.linode.com] has joined #coscup 09:45 < derekhsu> 剛剛抓了Limechat來用XD 09:45 -!- janelin [~chatzilla@] has joined #coscup 09:45 < iblis17> 年代的問題吧 09:45 -!- Goston [~Mutter@42-73-60-228.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Quit: Mutter: http://www.mutterirc.com] 09:45 -!- billy3321_ [uid12904@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-epjqdxmbiaurhlwf] has joined #coscup 09:46 * darkx 老人只會用 irc QQ 09:46 < rsghost> 幫QQ 09:46 -!- Sirius [2a480b92@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 09:46 < YMHuang> Davy_CC: 謝謝,活動中心看到直播了 09:46 -!- StarNight [~AndChat54@114-136-45-216.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 09:46 -!- chusiang [~chusiang@] has joined #coscup 09:46 -!- jiazheng [~jiazheng@] has joined #coscup 09:46 -!- Jeremy [~androirc@] has joined #coscup 09:46 -!- Lee1092 [uid13277@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-yhewxazaqwfeljms] has joined #coscup 09:47 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 感覺irc人變少了? 09:47 < barneybook> https://telegram.me/joinchat/BLoqUQoZk8YC6YKFmZSn-Q 09:47 -!- Goston [~Mutter@42-73-60-228.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 09:47 < barneybook> telegram立刻建 09:47 < fripig> 我用freenode就是了XD 09:47 -!- janelin [~chatzilla@] has left #coscup [] 09:47 -!- Jeremy is now known as Guest26660 09:47 -!- ramax [8c6d7f0b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 09:47 < darkx> -O3! 09:47 < StarNight> 這次連5G wifi都炸掉了! 09:47 -!- AndChat|114816 [~AndChat11@42-72-107-37.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Quit: Bye] 09:47 < Davy_CC> 直播台他們好像認爲人文館國際會議廳是 H0... 誰可以跟他們糾正一下 09:47 < Davy_CC> StarNight: ++ 09:47 -!- DanLu [~AndChat11@42-72-107-37.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 09:47 -!- JYNY [uid13953@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-ibbfianbqtcdwepp] has joined #coscup 09:47 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 線路組=A= 09:47 < derekhsu> 沒有學compiler...鴨子聽雷 09:48 < billy3321_> 請問有直播連結嗎? 09:48 -!- DerekLin [72882315@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 09:48 < Davy_CC> 中研院的 AS_guest 可以用 iTaiwan 帳號登入唷,沒有網路的試試看 09:48 < chusiang> 這年頭會用 IRC 的都是強者啊! 09:48 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> R0轉播連結:https://livehouse.in/channel/coscup2016r0 09:48 < PichuChen> 有線的部分確定是GBE 09:48 < Davy_CC> billy3321_: H0: https://livehouse.in/channel/coscup2016h0 09:48 < Moon_Slight> <-- 學過compiler,一樣鴨子聽雷 09:48 -!- poga [~poga@] has joined #coscup 09:48 < billy3321_> 感恩 09:48 < David_c> 5G爆了 09:48 < shad0w1yc> 雖然 compiler 的學期成績有點爛,但是突然懷念了起來(? 09:48 * jserv-- 聽到「中介碼」,只想到要拿出解碼棒 09:48 < nightfeather> 連 5G 是抽獎 看你能不能抽到比較空的 09:48 < nightfeather> 6 09:49 -!- Guest12237 [~john@cms03.phys.ntu.edu.tw] has joined #coscup 09:49 -!- Guest20985 [df8843f3@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 09:49 -!- janelin [~chatzilla@] has joined #coscup 09:49 < darkx> jserv--: IR parser! 09:49 < derekhsu> 我現在是連5G... 09:49 < billy3321_> 今天只會有r0直播嗎?還是r1 r2也有? 09:49 * darkgerm2 5G幸存者 09:49 -!- StarNight [~AndChat54@114-136-45-216.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 09:49 < PichuChen> 我突然覺得該不會是敢直接連上Hitcon Wi-Fi的人比較少,所以Hitcon反而比較穩 09:49 < Davy_CC> 好像只有看到 R0 H0 的 channel 09:49 < mabinogi80503> R1的螢幕肯定沒有最佳化:( 09:49 < derekhsu> 今年的議程也好多 09:49 < darkx> darkgerm2: 要線ㄇ? 09:49 < Ruinland> R1螢幕GG 09:49 < fripig> 目前只有R0啊 09:50 -!- tiwb_ [~tiwb@] has joined #coscup 09:50 < kin> r1螢幕最佳化了啦 09:50 < dannvix> 原來今年H沒有轉播 keynote… 09:50 < janelin> R2螢幕一樣悲劇XD 09:50 -!- ps [8c6daf4c@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 09:50 -!- tiwb [~tiwb@] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 09:50 -!- changlp [~c5p@alumni.cs.nctu.edu.tw] has joined #coscup 09:50 -!- rocfatcat [8c6d7f08@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 09:50 < darkx> dannvix: H 是不行的 (誤) 09:50 -!- Felix___ [8c6d7f08@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 09:50 -!- ps is now known as Guest45420 09:50 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 貴圈真亂(X 09:50 -!- Jeremy850407 [~androirc@] has quit [Ping timeout: 258 seconds] 09:50 < nightfeather> XDDD 09:50 < darkgerm2> darkx: 沒關系我 5G 還連的很好,另外你在哪啊 09:50 < waeting> wwwwwww 09:50 -!- taichunmin [uid19896@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-jnfghwjlfkegwavn] has joined #coscup 09:50 -!- isken [8c6daf4d@gateway/web/cgi-irc/kiwiirc.com/ip.] has joined #coscup 09:50 * dannvix 去人文館報到完就立刻H了 09:50 < mabinogi80503> int foo() { inr a = 3; int b = a*2; return ... (R1崩潰 09:50 < chihhsin> 他在左邊啊 09:50 -!- StarNight [~AndChat54@114-136-45-216.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 09:50 < Moon_Slight> R2螢幕GG,所以跑來R0 09:51 < jserv--> constant propagation -> constant folding 09:51 < mabinogi80503> 恢復了 09:51 < David_c> H是不行der 09:51 -!- kewang [~kewang@] has joined #coscup 09:51 * darkx 可以參考參考 http://aosabook.org/en/llvm.html 09:51 < darkx> darkgerm2: R0 左後方 09:51 -!- jimms [df88a969@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 09:51 -!- Jeremy850407 [~androirc@] has joined #coscup 09:51 -!- mokuseikai [~mokuseika@flymok.net] has joined #coscup 09:51 < mabinogi80503> 再度崩潰wwwwww 09:51 < derekhsu> 人文館大多是IoT議題 09:51 < tiwb_> list 09:51 -!- chusiang_ [~chusiang@] has joined #coscup 09:52 -!- yu [8c6d7f0b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 09:52 -!- yomao [uid38282@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-pmoizyqnrwepytnk] has joined #coscup 09:52 -!- YuanFu [~yuanfu@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 09:52 -!- mokuseikai is now known as Flymok 09:52 < yomao> test 09:52 < iblis17> tiwb_: 09:52 < Ruinland> エ、エチ>< 09:52 < derekhsu> 軟體跟基礎架構大多到活動中心了 09:52 -!- xa_ [~xavier@] has joined #coscup 09:52 -!- hexpinr [~user@] has joined #coscup 09:53 -!- actw__ [uid127815@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-bmtxvsmnvfxuwyos] has joined #coscup 09:53 < float> 活動中心怎麼走阿@@ 查不太到 09:53 -!- Yuan [8c6d7f0b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed] 09:53 < Haraguroicha> float: 人文館對面的就是活動中心 09:53 < waeting> 出門口直直走右轉 09:53 -!- hinet60613 [uid27221@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-hnbucmrfydedteoi] has joined #coscup 09:53 -!- Guest26660 [~androirc@] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 09:53 -!- bobo___ [8c6d7f0b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 09:53 < derekhsu> 工作上用不太到IoT可是好想看那些作品 09:53 -!- Vincent_ [72882306@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 09:53 < Moon_Slight> 大門右前方那棟 09:53 < float> 感謝各位 09:53 -!- alcho [~alcho@] has joined #coscup 09:53 < fripig> MOS那棟 09:53 -!- CPC [2a484ec3@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 09:53 < lego> 請問共筆在哪裡@@ 09:53 < Haraguroicha> float: 最簡單的就是找中研院的摩斯漢堡在哪裡就哪裡是活動中心了 09:53 -!- hinet60613 is now known as [R0]hinet60613 09:54 < Haraguroicha> lego: 2016 共筆 http://beta.hackfoldr.org/coscup2016 09:54 < fripig> http://beta.hackfoldr.org/coscup2016 09:54 -!- jason8399 [8c6d7f0b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 09:54 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 2016 共筆 http://beta.hackfoldr.org/coscup2016 09:54 < [H0]Lother> 要繞道正面才有入口 直走就對了! 09:54 < darkx> gcc people: Q_Q 09:54 < lego> Haraguroicha thanks! 09:54 -!- Yuan [8c6d7f0b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 09:54 -!- ssuyi [~ssuyi@IP-209-40.cs.nctu.edu.tw] has joined #coscup 09:54 < derekhsu> 感謝分享 09:54 * jserv-- 一直把海帶看成 darkx 09:54 -!- AndChat327600 [~AndChat32@42-66-132-202.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 09:54 * darkx coscup 哏全集 https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-H_SOcUuvl6E9ixaaAkRMS1HBwtW3cPxHXCJB_hoTBc/edit 09:54 -!- Goston [~Mutter@42-73-60-228.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 09:54 < darkx> jserv--: (羞) 09:55 < David_c> http://goo.gl/ppUaOV 09:55 < Haraguroicha> xDDDD 09:55 -!- abev66 [~quassel@] has joined #coscup 09:55 < fntsrCloud> @darkx Hackfolder 上面也有一個梗全集,要以哪個為主呀 09:55 -!- Wahahah [caa9ad86@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 09:56 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 之後再彙整吧? 09:56 < mabinogi80503> gcc:(微笑) 09:56 < darkx> 咦XD 09:56 < barneybook> 哪邊順暢就打哪邊吧 09:56 < David_c> https://hackpad.com/COSCUP2016-5wENY4uxqSX 09:56 < darkx> fntsrCloud: 這個是 rsg 開的 XD 09:56 -!- hpr_ [650da10e@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 09:56 < nightfeather> 有地方可以拿/買網路線的嗎 QAQ 09:56 < rsghost> 剛剛還以為沒有 09:56 < rsghost> 那移過去吧 09:56 < stanely> join #fuchsia 09:56 -!- ggininder__ [caa9ad86@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 09:56 < fntsrCloud> okok 09:56 < waeting> 戰! 09:56 -!- Noni [~noni@] has joined #coscup 09:56 < jserv--> R0 的投影看起來... 讓眼睛有點累 09:56 < darkx> hackpad 中文輸入要小心 QQ 09:56 -!- BobLu [uid42911@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-daefwgshrpcrvfmz] has joined #coscup 09:56 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 誰下午來擺 賣網路線的攤(X 09:56 < Davy_CC> jserv--: 顏色wwwww 09:56 -!- JasonPan [~JasonPan@] has joined #coscup 09:56 < Noni> Hi Hi 09:56 < fripig> XDD 09:57 < darkx> jserv--: 黑色就是潮! 09:57 -!- RzChen [uid52415@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-zisxokfhbjyxonwc] has joined #coscup 09:57 -!- xa_ [~xavier@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 09:57 < JasonPan> hi 09:57 < fripig> 可以直接看投影片啊http://www.slideshare.net/zongfanyang/coscup-2016-llvm 09:57 < RzChen> Hi Hi 09:57 -!- YuanFu [~yuanfu@] has joined #coscup 09:57 * darkx LLVM 2002 一開始的 paper http://llvm.org/pubs/2002-12-LattnerMSThesis.html 09:57 < jserv--> 這張簡報讓我只看到一堆青色海帶 >< 09:58 < darkx> 抓到了!LLVM 是綠色! 09:58 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 有點餓 09:58 < alcho> Dratini ! 09:58 < waeting> 老ㄙ準備要開電惹 09:58 < rsghost> 趕快去 pchome 24h 買一箱線(X 09:58 -!- dakou [8c6d7f0b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 09:58 < abev66> R2 投影機真暗... 09:58 <@FourDollars> 等一下會有東西吃嗎? 09:58 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 現場弄RJ45接頭嗎? 09:58 < ij1iao> jserv--: 老師不用負責嗎 ! 09:58 * abev66 沒吃早餐 09:59 -!- hry [8c6d7f02@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed] 09:59 < jserv--> ij1iao, 對不起,等一下請不用留情,用力發問 09:59 < Noni> 宅色夫 肚子有好一點嗎? 09:59 < darkx> white space hello, world! 09:59 <@FourDollars> 無線網路都連不上 :-( 09:59 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 好白.. 09:59 < rsghost> 業障重 09:59 < PichuChen> 有線有接頭有壓線鉗的話我可以幫忙壓 09:59 < David_c> Hello,World 血界戰線OP 09:59 < darkx> white space syntax highlight! 09:59 < Moon_Slight> 我眼睛業障重阿... 09:59 < alex_lu> syntax highlight www 09:59 -!- mz [6f53e72a@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 09:59 < waeting> 業障重阿 10:00 < nightfeather> white space + brainfuck 的混合 10:00 -!- kkk [8c6d7f04@gateway/web/cgi-irc/kiwiirc.com/ip.] has joined #coscup 10:00 < Noni> R1 的投影好不穩 10:00 < abev66> 讓我想到好幾年前的 COSCUP 的笑臉程式語言.... 10:00 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 明年要準備一箱網路線 ,一堆RJ45 ,壓線鉗 擺攤了(X 10:00 < inndy> gg=G 10:00 < David_c> 海濤法師www 10:00 < superbil> whitespace-cleanup 10:00 < nightfeather> 一種 code 兩種解讀 (X 10:00 -!- kkk is now known as Guest72403 10:00 < HsiangKai> 海帶法師 XD 10:00 < HP_Eiling_> 無線網路連不上 10:00 < HP_Eiling_> 暫時的 10:00 < inndy> 「我的編輯器會把行尾空白通通砍掉」 10:00 < fntsrCloud> http://ecshweb.pchome.com.tw/search/v3.3/?q=網路線&scope=24h&sortParm=rnk&sortOrder=dc&min=35&max=300 10:00 < fntsrCloud> 現在買搞不好下午就到了(?) 10:01 < jserv--> 海帶語++ 10:01 -!- YMHuang [~holoirc@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 10:01 -!- jason8399 [8c6d7f0b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 10:01 -!- HoloIRCUser [~holoirc@] has joined #coscup 10:01 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 附近有黃色鬼屋 10:01 < david11014> 海帶啊海帶~~~ 10:01 < darkx> 不知道怎麼講海帶語,只好 FFI 一下惹 10:01 < waeting> 北北基桃六小時到貨哦 10:01 -!- Guest72403 is now known as [R1] 10:01 < jserv--> 海帶語交給浪打編譯器 # 沒有違和感 10:01 <@FourDollars> 海帶拳 10:01 < inndy> CrBoy: 是否該來賣個 COSCUP 聯名網路線? 10:01 < janelin> 現在買下午就有了 10:01 -!- YuanFu [~yuanfu@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 10:01 -!- yukai_ [~yukai@] has joined #coscup 10:01 -!- sinica_op [2a48a922@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 10:01 -!- sinica_op [2a48a922@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Client Quit] 10:01 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 開團購(X 10:01 < darkx> jserv--: 原來是 海帶 X 浪打 嗎 # 笛卡爾乘積 10:01 < dannyAAM> 網路線www 10:02 -!- HRY [uid148826@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-ahgfxpqbmeszivrw] has joined #coscup 10:02 -!- [R1] [8c6d7f04@gateway/web/cgi-irc/kiwiirc.com/ip.] has left #coscup [] 10:02 -!- alicekey [~alicekey@223-141-235-30.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 10:02 < dannyAAM> witespace+brainfuck XDDD 10:02 < dannyAAM> 根本brainfuck+ 10:02 < David_c> X86wwww 10:02 < fripig> 記得JSDC以前有直接給網路線XDD 10:02 < inndy> 我覺得 x86 很可愛啊,可以寫到我媽都認不得 10:02 < darkx> 世界上還是有很多人把讀 x86 當吃飯喝水一樣的 >< 10:02 < shad0w1yc> JSDC 要錢啊(? 10:02 < StarNight> 人類可以讀的 10:02 < david11014> RISC X 86 10:02 -!- pupuliao [8c6d7f02@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 10:02 -!- Wahahah [caa9ad86@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 10:02 < mabinogi80503> 我好像可以(x 10:02 -!- sinica_op [2a48a922@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 10:03 < pupuliao> 終於進來了 10:03 < Guest12237> 現在處理器沒有純cisc或純risc的了... 10:03 -!- YuanFu [~yuanfu@] has joined #coscup 10:03 * darkx SSA form # https://www.wikiwand.com/en/Static_single_assignment_form 10:03 < pupuliao> wifi 還是連不上阿TT 10:03 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 拍拍 10:03 -!- yutin [~yutin@] has joined #coscup 10:03 < Davy_CC> pupuliao: Try AS_guest with iTaiwan account 10:03 < derekhsu> JSDC是不是變成Modern Web? 10:04 < Moon_Slight> 話說以後有人拿whitespace叫我debug,我該怎麼辦? 全部刪掉嗎? 10:04 -!- Wahahaha [caa9ad86@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 10:04 < inndy> AT&T assembly 啊啊啊啊我的眼睛業障重 10:04 -!- alan7_ [~alan7@] has joined #coscup 10:04 < bobo___> R1投影機業障重阿 10:04 -!- fubuki [caa9ad86@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 10:04 * jserv-- 也是寫 x86 組語像是吃飯一樣,可是常會消化不良 @_@ 10:04 < arthow4n> wifi爆掉了...... 10:04 < fripig> JSDC還是JSDC啊 10:04 -!- fubuki is now known as Guest3124 10:04 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> Wifi 每年都會爆 10:04 < RzChen> R1投影機讓我眼睛 業障重QQ 10:04 -!- [R1]knowlet [8c6d7f04@gateway/web/cgi-irc/kiwiirc.com/ip.] has joined #coscup 10:04 -!- NO_NAME [7bcd7d52@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 10:04 < arthow4n> Modern Web今年聽說報名有點慘?我們家有人接到電話催報名的 10:04 < madarame> 現在跟pchome訂一箱網路線,下午就可以開始賣囉 10:04 -!- leoo [8c6d7f0b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 10:04 < barneybook> https://telegram.me/joinchat/BLoqUT9gKKX0XWM5Z0hUqw 10:05 < darkx> alloca: stack 上要一塊空間放變數 10:05 < PichuChen> ARM學到LDMFD STMFD以前的確都覺得他和藹可親 10:05 -!- StarNight [~AndChat54@114-136-45-216.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 10:05 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 提問:一箱網路線 夠用嗎 10:05 < derekhsu> 噢,我以為 10:05 < fripig> 是http://www.webconf.tw/ 沒了 10:05 < david11014> GG 讀不了 10:05 < pupuliao> 電腦也準備網路線了 10:05 < david11014> 我不當人類啦 10:05 < pupuliao> 只是平板阿 10:05 -!- YWJamesLin[H5] [~user@] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 10:05 < derekhsu> Modern Web我們公司有派一個小朋友去了 10:05 < pupuliao> 現在下單 或許下午就送到? 10:05 < fripig> 然後ITHOME辦媽的WEB 10:05 < derekhsu> 是啊 10:05 < darkx> pass: IR to IR compiler 10:06 < Davy_CC> pchome 臺北 6hr 哦XD 10:06 -!- StarNight [~AndChat54@] has joined #coscup 10:06 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 現在10點 10:06 -!- SCWhite [8c6d7f08@gateway/web/cgi-irc/kiwiirc.com/ip.] has joined #coscup 10:06 < barneybook> 今年有商品預購大家知道嗎?? 10:06 -!- yu [8c6d7f0b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 10:06 < PichuChen> 一箱網路線要看幾米 10:06 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 最晚 四點送到(? 10:06 -!- AndChat401249 [~AndChat40@223-136-67-243.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 10:06 -!- YuanFu [~yuanfu@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 10:06 < SCWhite> R1 轉播很悲劇阿 10:06 -!- YWJamesLin[H5] [~user@] has joined #coscup 10:06 -!- YuanFu [~yuanfu@] has joined #coscup 10:06 < nightfeather> 一箱網路線 裏面只有一條 (X 10:07 -!- alcho [~alcho@] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 10:07 < Moon_Slight> 自己剪線嘍 ~ (X 10:07 -!- Goston [~Mutter@42-73-60-228.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 10:07 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 你要拉多長www 10:07 < Ruinland> 早年LLVM還在dragonegg年代:GIMPLE ==transpile==> LLVM IR 10:07 < darkx> DAG: 有向無環圖 10:07 < barneybook> http://beta.hackfoldr.org/coscup2016/ 10:07 -!- bryce_ [uid180793@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-mqzsmbsegjzqoiwa] has joined #coscup 10:07 < fripig> https://ocf.neticrm.tw/civicrm/event/info?reset=1&id=4 ? 10:07 -!- mabinogi80503 [~mabinogi8@] has quit [] 10:07 < fntsrCloud> 我上次手機在 SITCON 前一天壞掉,馬上到 PCHOME 訂手機,隔天直接來中研院拿新手機了呢 (? 10:07 -!- lucian [uid180794@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-qgljjmzqzeazxxpg] has joined #coscup 10:07 -!- mabinogi80503 [~mabinogi8@] has joined #coscup 10:07 < derekhsu> 有unconference的報名名單嗎ㄥ 10:08 * jserv-- 開始擔心之後在台灣就聽不到「組合語言」這術語 # 現在很多學生和工程師改稱「彙編」 10:08 < fntsrCloud> @barneybook 商品預購? 10:08 < Davy_CC> 用 hackfoldr 的沒辦法登入 hackpad, 要另外開 hackpad 網頁才可以登入 10:08 < derekhsu> 彙編是什麼? 10:08 < Davy_CC> jserv--: 彙編QQ 10:08 < Noni> 中國用話? 10:08 < fntsrCloud> @jserv 竟然都改稱彙編了?! .. QQ 10:08 < Davy_CC> Noni: y 10:08 < pupuliao> wifi 不通阿 OTZ 10:08 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 我都講 組語orz 10:08 < jserv--> derekhsu, assembly 的簡體中文翻譯 10:08 -!- shing [sid377@gateway/web/mozilla/x-igodochwnzfvkqpy] has joined #coscup 10:08 < fripig> 組語+1 10:08 < SCWhite> 上次想買電腦,訂單還沒送出PCHome就送到我家門口了~ 10:08 -!- PichuChe_ [~pichu@] has joined #coscup 10:08 < Moon_Slight> 我都說組語阿 QQ 10:09 < darkx> 我都講 阿仙貝力 10:09 < shad0w1yc> 幾乎沒聽過彙編啊... 都是講組語 10:09 < Ruinland> 調用、套接字、調適、令牌環 10:09 < [R0]hinet60613> 彙編? w 10:09 < superbil> 組合語言阿! 10:09 < Davy_CC> jserv--: 汇编 10:09 < nightfeather> 都說組語啊 QQ 10:09 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 那是大陸用語吧 10:09 < [R0]hinet60613> 都是假的! 10:09 < mabinogi80503> 我也都是說「組語」 10:09 < darkx> 大陸 (X) 中國 (O) 10:09 < kin> 彙編筆畫太多,差評 10:09 < David_c> 假的非常假 10:09 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 暴露年紀... 10:09 -!- ywang1007 [~wangth@alumni.cs.nctu.edu.tw] has joined #coscup 10:09 < derekhsu> 我還真的沒聽過大陸 10:09 -!- brli [~brli@unaffiliated/brli] has joined #coscup 10:09 < AndChat-330644> 假的 10:09 -!- test [8c6d7f04@gateway/web/cgi-irc/kiwiirc.com/ip.] has joined #coscup 10:09 -!- test [8c6d7f04@gateway/web/cgi-irc/kiwiirc.com/ip.] has quit [Client Quit] 10:09 < Noni> 之後 Jserv 會長駐中國當客座教師? 10:09 < janelin> 假的 10:09 < superbil> 大陸是假的 10:09 < Davy_CC> darkx: 內地用法XD 10:09 < darkx> 做 toolchain 的人:toolman QQ 10:09 < derekhsu> 簡體字筆畫比較少吧 10:09 < jserv--> Noni, 偶爾去大陸講課順便渡假 10:09 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 只有pchome是真的(X 10:09 < ecilA_N5> 甲的! 10:09 < Noni> A_A 10:10 < darkx> Davy_CC: 中華民國內地! 10:10 -!- JasonPan [~JasonPan@] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 10:10 < chwong_cloud> 組語++ 10:10 -!- mobomoga [8c6d7f02@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed] 10:10 < derekhsu> 汇编语言 10:10 < pakls> darkx Nantou 10:10 < David_c> 內地在南投 10:10 < fntsrCloud> 內地在南投 ++ 10:10 < PichuChe_> 都講ASM,講到都差點忘了怎麼拼了 10:10 < derekhsu> 我剛剛打拼音輸入,真的有這個單詞 10:10 -!- chusiang_ [~chusiang@] has quit [Quit: leaving] 10:10 -!- chusiang [~chusiang@] has quit [Quit: leaving] 10:10 < Davy_CC> derekhsu: 當然那XD 10:10 -!- edhong2016 [~edhongcy@223-136-176-10.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 10:10 < derekhsu> 自動跳出來的 10:10 < SCWhite> VIKI 10:10 -!- Goston [~Mutter@42-73-60-228.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 10:10 -!- chusiang [~chusiang@] has joined #coscup 10:11 -!- obo_ [~obo@] has quit [Quit: leaving] 10:11 < derekhsu> 打hui bian自動就跳語言了 10:11 -!- louielu [uid180796@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-peshozsdosqxyrge] has joined #coscup 10:11 < Noni> 哈哈 請支持 拷秋勤推的 內地搖滾 10:11 < jserv--> Noni, 台灣的教育還是比較牛,台灣一年一聘的助理教授,到大陸就變成講座教授 # 寶島的品質控管相當精實啊 (笑) 10:11 -!- dylandy_ [~dylandy@] has joined #coscup 10:11 < dannyAAM> 彙編看得懂但還真不會用 字看著就好難寫(? 10:11 < rsghost> 太牛啦 10:11 < derekhsu> 中國那邊一定要用中文吧 10:11 < derekhsu> 不可以用英文說 10:11 < darkx> 合法化 (O 10:11 -!- jiazheng [~jiazheng@] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 10:11 < Davy_CC> jserv--: 也是也是XD 10:11 -!- leoo [8c6d7f0b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 10:11 -!- sdfasf [8c6daf4d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 10:11 -!- JasonPan [~JasonPan@] has joined #coscup 10:11 < derekhsu> 會被廣電總局抓走不能出版吧XD 10:12 < Noni> 是不是 學校沒有缺? 10:12 < David_c> 寶寶不哭,但寶寶不說 10:12 < derekhsu> jserv在大陸教書了喔? 10:12 -!- sdfasf [8c6daf4d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Client Quit] 10:12 -!- AndChat-330644 [~AndChat33@42-70-170-166.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Quit: Bye] 10:12 < Ruinland> 台灣這邊好像不能再用「講師」來聘的樣子...... 10:12 -!- ramax [8c6d7f0b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 10:12 < ij1iao> 被 wifi 踢掉後就連不回去了 orz 10:12 -!- PJxPJ [~AndChat33@42-70-170-166.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 10:12 -!- shing_ [sid377@gateway/web/mozilla/x-pezyabslpbgeciyy] has joined #coscup 10:12 < Noni> 只能用這種約聘的 10:12 -!- shing__ [sid377@gateway/web/mozilla/x-jylajkwfkffyqpjf] has joined #coscup 10:12 -!- shinglyu [sid377@gateway/web/mozilla/x-fnlpzkwmpdkgsvlq] has joined #coscup 10:12 -!- shinglyu_ [sid377@gateway/web/mozilla/x-frmrrvutmbxoizcq] has joined #coscup 10:13 -!- shing___ [sid377@gateway/web/mozilla/x-opfqzdcpgmvbjiro] has joined #coscup 10:13 < rsghost> #有線就好了 10:13 < derekhsu> 我很怕我離開R0回來就不能連了 10:13 < Ruinland> 敝校系自黃問萍教授後,就沒了(嘆) 10:13 -!- PichuChen [~pichu@223-136-0-22.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 10:13 < darkx> Ruinland: 緬懷呆丸 MIT 大講師時代 10:13 < janelin> 團購網路線囉 10:13 < brli> QQ 10:13 < derekhsu> x86 CPU這麼不友善 10:13 < louielu> 問一下,R0剛剛說有 opt 可以把 main.ll 給出最佳化的 code 10:13 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 有線網路的 在霸凌 無線網路的 10:13 -!- edhong [df88b00a@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 10:13 < Moon_Slight> 我的wi-fi斷了,改用自己的好了 QQ 10:14 < [R0]hinet60613> x86只有4個暫存器,幫QQ 10:14 -!- PJxPJ [~AndChat33@42-70-170-166.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Client Quit] 10:14 -!- AndChat|290225 [~AndChat29@] has joined #coscup 10:14 -!- AndChat|290225 [~AndChat29@] has quit [Client Quit] 10:14 < louielu> 這個指令要怎麼下啊... opt main.ll -f 會給出 bincode.. 10:14 < PichuChe_> x86的4個是假相啊 10:14 < waeting> 用自己的會被線路組深情對望哦 10:14 < Ruinland> 請勿私開AP 10:14 < darkx> louielu: 過 llvm-dis 10:14 < brli> 好像有一個iPhone的= = 10:14 -!- PJxPJ [~AndChat29@] has joined #coscup 10:14 < darkx> llvm-dis main.bc 10:14 -!- PichuChe_ is now known as PichuChen 10:14 < Moon_Slight> 好... 10:14 < HsiangKai> opt -S main.ll 10:14 < barneybook> http://blog.coscup.org/2016/08/coscup.html, 開源點綴生活,生活充滿開源 - COSCUP 義賣品公開! 10:15 < Ruinland> 看到iphone都會很想戳看看alpine登不登得進去XD 10:15 -!- tiwb_ [~tiwb@] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 10:15 < [R0]hinet60613> 自己開AP的話,等等線路組就會拿著天線+品客罐進來了w 10:15 < DeweiLi> 我開了2個都還沒被拍拍 10:15 < Davy_CC> 好ㄘ! 10:15 < Moon_Slight> 抓到了 ! XD 10:15 -!- tn00364477 [uid180797@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-gnthoxhdogtfmcdj] has joined #coscup 10:15 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 路線組! 就是那個人(指 10:15 < DeweiLi> 快來找我拍拍 10:15 < Haraguroicha> [R0]hinet60613: 這不是2011年的盛況嗎xDDDD 10:15 < fripig> 為啥是品客罐? 10:15 < Ruinland> 天線 10:15 < Noni> demo demo demo 10:15 < brli> Davy_CC: 只好拍肩一下了! 10:15 < PichuChen> 我不知道為什麼iPhone的分享沒關,然後出現了一個連線者,有點毛。 10:15 < pupuliao> 剛剛有偷偷開XD 10:15 < darkx> fripig: 品客好吃 10:15 < jserv--> Demo! 10:15 < rsghost> 可以吃的天線 10:15 < Davy_CC> fripig: 集中訊號吧XD 10:16 < jserv--> Z80 !!! 10:16 -!- tiwb [~tiwb@] has joined #coscup 10:16 < darkx> z80! 10:16 < darkx> 穿越時空的 hello world 10:16 < Ruinland> \Z80/ 10:16 < waeting> 比我還老好多 10:16 < derekhsu> z80啊 10:16 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 40年時空 10:16 < barneybook> 上DEMO了 10:16 < [R0]hinet60613> Haraguroicha: 不小心透露自己的年紀惹 QQ 10:16 < jserv--> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zilog_Z80 # 穿越時空到 1976 年 10:16 -!- bhujmn [uid107022@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-jcunpoopolbgqtwe] has joined #coscup 10:16 < fripig> 我家好像有一台z80的練習機ORZ 10:16 < Haraguroicha> 2011年的時候線路組有用過品客罐當指向性天線xDDD 10:16 < derekhsu> 好猛 10:16 < pakls> Will it blend? 10:16 < dannyAAM> blend啥啦www 10:16 -!- Goston [~Mutter@42-73-60-228.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 10:16 < Haraguroicha> 同年還有用可口可樂鋁罐做一樣的東西 10:17 < Davy_CC> MacOSX 10.10!!! 10:17 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 原來 R0 第三場是PcMan.. 10:17 < jserv--> 現在還是有很多醫療儀器用 Z80 10:17 < darkx> dannyAAM: 把你掰彎 (O) 10:17 < Noni> 穿越時空的少女 10:17 < nightfeather> Will it fail like a live demo (X 10:17 < david11014> 一切都是命運時之門的選擇 10:17 < Ruinland> Gameboy的proessor (其實是是額外客製化) 10:17 < kin> 看不清楚 10:17 < louielu> @darkx @HsiangKai 感恩 10:17 < yrc> OS X 10.9 10:17 < DeweiLi> Davy_CC:10.9吧 10:17 < tn00364477> 看到app可以看irc log,還以為他也可以發訊息@@ 10:17 < mabinogi80503> 附近也太多鯉魚王⋯⋯ 10:17 < Davy_CC> 啊……我認錯了 10:17 -!- vik_ [~vik@] has joined #coscup 10:17 -!- alcho [~alcho@] has joined #coscup 10:17 -!- jeane_ [uid180792@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-iugyucxlkthnsnji] has joined #coscup 10:17 < PJxPJ> 同感XD 10:17 < mabinogi80503> r1的確看不太到這個code⋯ 10:17 < HoloIRCUser> 中研院就是一堆鯉魚 XDD 10:17 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 用鯉魚王 佔領道館嗎 10:17 < vik_> R1 爆炸 QQ 10:17 < Noni> R1... 投影又業障了 10:17 < barneybook> 今年應該要放神奇寶貝穿插在投影片中 10:17 < Davy_CC> 只好來釣魚惹 10:17 < ij1iao> 有灑花了嗎 XD 10:17 < [R1]knowlet> 不是眼睛業障重.. 是投影機業障重啊 orz 10:17 -!- jeane_ [uid180792@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-iugyucxlkthnsnji] has quit [Client Quit] 10:17 < Lee1092> R1 業障很重... 10:18 < ecilA_N5> R1 的螢幕蒸蚌 10:18 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 對喔 今年的必要物呢? 10:18 -!- jeane_ [uid180792@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-mczduzffivkexzwj] has joined #coscup 10:18 < derekhsu> 我剛剛沿路走過來抓了一堆鯉魚 10:18 < nightfeather> 有誰要統計一下 COSCUP 期間總共可以進化幾隻暴鯉龍 (X 10:18 < rsghost> 業障重 http://imgur.com/a/2I48p 10:18 -!- Guest3124 [caa9ad86@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 10:18 < darkx> getelementptr = array access 10:18 < ij1iao> 我剛從門口進來什麼鬼都沒看到 =_= 10:18 < brli> R1投影機QQ 10:18 < derekhsu> 中研院好多補給站,平常晚上有人會灑花嗎? 10:18 < mabinogi80503> 可達鴨也⋯⋯ 10:18 < darkx> brli: UCCU 10:19 -!- david11014 [8c6d7f02@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed] 10:19 < louielu> 崩潰...講者的 opt.sh 裏面給自己的 path 10:19 < PJxPJ> 也好多 10:19 < fripig> 好多柯文哲 10:19 < RzChen> R1 projector 持續對眼睛造成致命攻擊 10:19 -!- tiwb_ [~tiwb@] has joined #coscup 10:19 < louielu> / Users/hydai/Program/github/LLVM-keynote/sample/llvm-z80/build/bin/opt 10:19 < jserv--> 舉手發問:「神奇寶貝透過 llvm opt 最佳化處理之後會變什麼?」 10:19 -!- [R1]knowlet [8c6d7f04@gateway/web/cgi-irc/kiwiirc.com/ip.] has quit [Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client] 10:19 -!- david11014 [uid38392@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-shasjbwgbcxycvfd] has joined #coscup 10:19 -!- martian_ho [670ac50a@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 10:19 < rsghost> 變糖果 10:19 < nightfeather> 百變怪 (X 10:19 < lucian> 5G很和平阿,看看那精美的2.4G .... 10:19 < superbil> 糖果! 10:19 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 數碼寶貝(X 10:19 < [R0]hinet60613> 會被壓縮成糖果w 10:19 < derekhsu> 2.4G大概不可能連得到東西吧 10:19 -!- hortune [caa9ad86@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 10:19 < darkx> jserv--: invalid IR! 10:20 -!- tiwb [~tiwb@] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 10:20 -!- [R1]knowlet [c6cb1d37@gateway/web/cgi-irc/kiwiirc.com/ip.] has joined #coscup 10:20 < pupuliao> 平板 沒有5G @.@ 10:20 < fripig> 以前都是ingress大戰啊 今年才變pokemon 10:20 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> R0綠綠的 10:20 < derekhsu> 我也沒有 10:20 < fripig> 以前打個八炮手機響一片 10:20 < waeting> 變咖喱了 10:20 < [R0]hinet60613> 駭客任務mode! 10:20 < jserv--> CP/M !! 10:20 < derekhsu> 剛剛還從捷運站走過來的路上打了一個道館 10:20 -!- alcho [~alcho@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 10:20 < Noni> 要走多久? 10:21 < dannyAAM> 2.4G超級慘w 10:21 < janelin> 從捷運站走過來也太遠了XD 10:21 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 30min? 10:21 < Noni> 好像很遠a 10:21 < Davy_CC> live demo 卡柱了!!! 10:21 < derekhsu> 還好啦 10:21 < dannyAAM> 30min差不多 10:21 < darkx> live demo 注定會失敗 (?) 10:21 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 我騎youbike都 好熱了=A= 10:21 < dannyAAM> 太陽很大耶w 10:21 -!- yucheng [~yucheng@] has joined #coscup 10:21 < nightfeather> 要不然怎麼叫 live demo (? 10:21 < derekhsu> 我快40分鐘因為路上停下來打道館 10:21 < waeting> 是一種詛咒 10:21 < derekhsu> 還好,我平常有時候會走路上班 10:21 < Moon_Slight> 對於神奇寶貝大師來說,30分鐘不算什麼 10:21 < derekhsu> 走9公里 10:21 < dannyAAM> 騎youbike我覺得還好啊 除了太陽大外其實蠻涼快的 10:21 < duckll> 是實體老電腦? 10:21 < darkx> 傳送回 40 年前! 10:21 < barneybook> 傳送需要一點時間 10:21 < kkpan11> 捷運站出來等公車比較方便,搭到中研新村或中研院蠻快的呀XD 10:21 < Noni> 傳送? 10:21 < waeting> wwwwwww 10:21 < [R0]hinet60613> 今天心情比較好www 10:21 < shad0w1yc> 老電腦心情好 10:21 < [R0]buck5060> wwww 10:21 < fripig> IBN5100 10:21 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 今天他心情非常好ww 10:21 < janelin> XD 10:21 < nightfeather> wwwwwwwww 10:21 < ggininder__> XDDD 10:22 < Moon_Slight> 我到底看了什麼 XD 10:22 < rsghost> 心情不錯(ry 10:22 < Davy_CC> 今天怎麼這麼快 10:22 < superbil> 今天心情好 好開心 10:22 < nightfeather> 老大今天心情好 wwwwwwwww 10:22 < kylin> 80bps ? 10:22 < dannyAAM> XDDD 10:22 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 眼睛業杖重 10:22 < fntsrCloud> wwwww 10:22 < darkx> XDD 10:22 < derekhsu> 一邊走走一邊抓啊 10:22 < david11014> Live Demo 大成功? 10:22 -!- yu [8c6daf4c@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 10:22 < Aminzai> 環境比較髒。跑的比較快? 10:22 < asahsieh> 今天的線比較厲害 10:22 < StarNight> 今天人品爆發X D 10:22 < HoloIRCUser> Xdd 今天心情很好 10:22 -!- lagane100 [~lagane100@] has joined #coscup 10:22 -!- threelines [~threeline@] has quit [Quit: leaving] 10:22 < yucheng> wwwwww 10:22 < chihhsin> 業力引爆 10:22 < kester___> 假的。都是海帶。 10:22 -!- mp607 [~mp607@] has quit [Quit: mp607] 10:22 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 只有網路線才是真的 10:22 < derekhsu> 神奇 10:23 < fripig> ingress的塔已經被掃光了XDD 10:23 < Noni> 加入LVM 沒有業障的人生 10:23 -!- Wahahaha [caa9ad86@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 10:23 -!- amo [uid38455@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-pitxbvsrhjuccicr] has joined #coscup 10:23 < nightfeather> man man 10:23 < yutin> 加入LVM 沒有業障的人生 10:23 -!- Quexint [~textual@] has quit [Quit: My Mac has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…] 10:23 -!- u10313335 [~sol@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 10:23 < derekhsu> 根本來不及去H0 10:23 -!- shigurefox [~shigurefo@] has quit [Quit: shigurefox] 10:23 -!- brli [~brli@unaffiliated/brli] has quit [Quit: Time for a sleep!] 10:24 -!- yutin [~yutin@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 10:24 < fripig> 趕場的其實要先跑XD 10:24 < Noni> 有人有看過 超夢 mew2 過嗎? 10:24 -!- [H0]Lother is now known as [H1]Lother 10:24 -!- YuanFu [~yuanfu@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 10:24 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> R0 繼續.. 10:24 < duckll> R0繼續+1 10:24 < derekhsu> 下一場再去R0,這一場留在這邊先充一下電 10:24 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> (其實是懶得動 10:25 < derekhsu> 去年就想要買Resperberry Pi了 10:25 -!- jimms [df88a969@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 10:25 < derekhsu> 買到今年都還沒買XD 10:25 < David_c> [R0] 我也是+1 10:25 < fripig> 早買了 系統弄好就放著生灰塵了(被打 10:25 < amo> 請問想發起BoF,寄信後直接在文件下方編輯就可以了嗎? 10:25 < Ruinland> (小抱怨)7688下一次可以出個ram大一點的嗎QQ 10:25 -!- mosu_ [8c6daf4f@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 10:25 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 丟著生灰塵+1 10:26 < derekhsu> 我有Arduino也丟著生灰塵...嗚嗚 10:26 < derekhsu> 這一年來都在用DevOps相關 10:26 -!- jserv--- [~jserv@] has joined #coscup 10:26 -!- shad0w1yc [8c6d7f08@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 10:26 < nightfeather> 這幾天在猶豫要不要買 Rpi3 XD 10:26 -!- dt__ [8c6d7f08@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 10:26 < Noni> R1 人潮多了 10:26 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 買買買(推坑? 10:26 < Ruinland> RPi拿來當Power over IP XDDDDDD 10:26 -!- [R1]knowlet [c6cb1d37@gateway/web/cgi-irc/kiwiirc.com/ip.] has quit [Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client] 10:26 < fripig> 買就對了 10:26 < RzChen> 買了 webduino 就生灰塵惹 10:26 < duckll> 我買RPi2隔天出了RPi3 QAQ 10:26 -!- PJxPJ [~AndChat29@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 10:26 -!- tiwb_ [~tiwb@] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 10:26 -!- [R1]knowlet [9b5ee2e1@gateway/web/cgi-irc/kiwiirc.com/ip.] has joined #coscup 10:26 -!- ggininder__ [caa9ad86@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 10:26 -!- Neosartorya [8c6df5b6@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 10:26 < nightfeather> 看向擺在鞋櫃上積灰塵的 Rpi2 10:26 -!- kkpan11 [~kkpan11@] has quit [Quit: Leaving.] 10:26 -!- [R0]buck5060 [~buck5060@] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 10:27 -!- DanSnow [~snow@] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 10:27 -!- DeweiLi [~deweili@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 10:27 <@FourDollars> 請問一下 R1 有助手在嗎? 10:27 < nightfeather> 是說 Rpi3 相容 Rpi2 的金屬殼嗎 10:27 < Noni> 今年的女性會眾有破新高嗎? R1人數比 讓我有驚 10:27 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 好像相容? 10:27 -!- dakou [8c6d7f0b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 10:27 < Ruinland> 是說96boards有沒有比較便宜的選擇啊...... 10:27 < derekhsu> 哇,我旁邊來坐了一個可愛的小妹妹 10:27 < nightfeather> scl3i 10:27 < nightfeather> 好喔 10:27 < fripig> webduino也有買 一開始的不是說要送回去刷韌體會比較快? 10:27 -!- Quexint [~textual@] has joined #coscup 10:27 < fripig> 沒圖沒真相是不行的(被打 10:27 -!- stanely [~smuxi@] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds] 10:28 < PichuChen> 這麼可愛,說不定是男孩子(? 10:28 < Noni> 沒有櫻花了解 10:28 < Noni> @"@ 10:28 < nightfeather> 個人比較喜歡金屬殼 ' -') 10:28 -!- bobo___ [8c6d7f0b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 10:28 -!- Guest45420 [8c6daf4c@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 10:28 < RzChen> 忘記送回去 刷韌體啦 10:28 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 男的也好 不會(? 10:28 < mabinogi80503> 花沒了嗚嗚 10:28 -!- jserv-- [~jserv@] has quit [Ping timeout: 258 seconds] 10:28 < RzChen> 悲劇 10:28 < janelin> 冷靜冷靜 (? 10:28 -!- jserv--- is now known as jserv-- 10:28 -!- waeting [~waeting@] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds] 10:28 -!- duckll [~duckll@] has quit [Read error: No route to host] 10:28 -!- DerekLin [72882315@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 10:28 < nightfeather> 櫻花戒斷症候群 (? 10:28 < derekhsu> 我要是把照片傳上來不就知道是誰在偷拍她了 10:28 < nightfeather> wwwwww 10:28 -!- Goston [~Mutter@42-73-60-228.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 10:29 < nightfeather> 去借大砲 (X 10:29 -!- kewang [~kewang@] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 10:29 < Noni> hey hey 10:29 -!- duckll [~duckll@] has joined #coscup 10:29 < fripig> 這樣也知道要抓誰啊(無誤 10:29 -!- taipeiwu [~AndChat14@] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 10:29 < Noni> 忘了帶大炮 10:29 -!- HoloIRCUser [~holoirc@] has quit [Ping timeout: 258 seconds] 10:29 < rail02000> 明明在山上快變魚市場了 10:29 -!- [R1]knowlet [9b5ee2e1@gateway/web/cgi-irc/kiwiirc.com/ip.] has quit [Client Quit] 10:29 < David_c> =人文館漁港(笑 10:29 -!- [R1]knowlet [8c6d7f04@gateway/web/cgi-irc/kiwiirc.com/ip.] has joined #coscup 10:29 < fripig> 中研院有生態池歐 10:29 < Ruinland> 看過すえみつぢっか的作品後真的男的也好xk7 10:29 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 漁港www 10:29 < derekhsu> 所以有Unconference的清單了嗎? 10:30 -!- u10313335_phone [~hermes@] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 10:30 -!- shawnlin [8c6d7f0b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 10:30 -!- aaaalll [df8c9391@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 10:30 < hashman> /wc 10:30 -!- jiazheng [~jiazheng@] has joined #coscup 10:30 < Noni> R1 因為設備問題要delay 10:31 < barneybook> h1登入 10:31 -!- stanely [~smuxi@] has joined #coscup 10:31 < shawnlin> R0 登入 10:31 -!- PJxPJ [~AndChat33@223-142-230-192.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 10:31 < SCWhite> 中研院聽說有電擊獸喔 10:31 < pakls> R2 can't project. 10:31 -!- waeting [~waeting@] has joined #coscup 10:31 < barneybook> H1進人中 10:31 < Ruinland> H1 ++ 10:31 -!- shigurefox [~shigurefo@] has joined #coscup 10:31 -!- u10313335_phone [~hermes@] has joined #coscup 10:31 < waeting> 剛剛r0是打算用高頻音趕人嗎 10:31 -!- DEVA [6f521a6c@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 10:32 -!- kewang [~kewang@] has joined #coscup 10:32 -!- starship2518 [8c6d7f0b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 10:32 -!- ioan [~ioan@] has joined #coscup 10:32 -!- DEVA is now known as Guest30368 10:32 < Felix___> [R1] 還在聯播啊 XD 10:32 < derekhsu> 之後會有人收集投影片嗎 10:32 -!- YuanFu [~yuanfu@] has joined #coscup 10:32 < Noni> 好誠實的賣Ri P 10:32 < tn00364477> 有人知道哪一些攤位是那些社群的嗎? 10:32 < jserv--> 全端工程師的「端」,是說 PNP 電晶體端點嗎? 10:32 < starship2518> 忘記切啦 10:32 -!- a0000778 [~a0000778@220-134-193-68.HINET-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 10:32 -!- Snorlax [~sibark@] has joined #coscup 10:32 -!- zhxie [~quassel@111-83-81-60.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 10:32 -!- Snorlax [~sibark@] has quit [Client Quit] 10:32 < fripig> 前端後端的端XD 10:32 < Noni> R1 不是設備有問題? 10:32 < derekhsu> 端子的端 10:33 -!- Snorlax [~sibark@] has joined #coscup 10:33 -!- hexpinr [~user@] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds] 10:33 < derekhsu> 全部的端子都會接的話就是全端工程師 10:33 < Guest30368> 還有全端 全部端去的端 10:33 -!- Snorlax is now known as bookgin 10:33 < barneybook> H1爆滿 10:33 < chunyou0830> COSCUP 義賣已經在 10 點開始販售! 10:33 < chunyou0830> 販賣位置在人文館 R2 第二會議室後面, 10:33 < chunyou0830> 數量有限,錯過可惜,今年僅此一發,要買要快! 10:33 < chunyou0830> 旁邊還有愛迪生拍貼機, 10:33 < chunyou0830> 也來和小啄一起留下回憶吧! 10:33 < fripig> pi zero買不到~~ 10:33 < shawnlin> 全端工程師的端啦! 10:33 < PichuChen> 真。全端工程師 => 連MIS的業務也包了 10:33 < barneybook> H1快要沒有位置了唷 10:33 -!- [R0]buck5060 [~buck5060@] has joined #coscup 10:33 -!- u10313335_phone [~hermes@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 10:33 < dannyAAM> r1炸了啊OAO 10:33 -!- a0000778 [~a0000778@220-134-193-68.HINET-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 10:33 < dannyAAM> pi zero真的買不到QQ 10:33 <@FourDollars> R1 設備出問題啦! 10:33 < Ruinland> H1滿得好快XD 10:33 -!- zhxie is now known as zonghan 10:33 < fripig> BLUE大熱門 10:33 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> zero 好想買 10:33 < fntsrCloud> R2 處理螢幕接線中 10:33 < janelin> R2 也出問題 10:33 -!- kkpan11 [~kkpan11@] has joined #coscup 10:33 < fripig> 7688超夯XD 10:34 < zonghan> Hello 10:34 < zonghan> 打卡 10:34 < waeting> 水果拍 10:34 < David_c> [R0] 太多派了wwww 10:34 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 各種拍 10:34 -!- DeweiLi [~deweili@] has joined #coscup 10:34 < jserv--> [R0] 一堆 Pi 的清單,太潮 10:34 -!- u10313335 [~sol@] has joined #coscup 10:34 < nightfeather> 有人做拼盤嗎 (X 10:34 -!- tn [caa9ad86@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 10:34 -!- Yuan [8c6d7f0b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 10:34 -!- ddio [uid13869@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-qmrgoxjbqupgaajj] has joined #coscup 10:34 < David_c> [R0]為什麼沒有鹹派 10:34 < starship2518> 今年都日本廠商來招人 工作環境如何阿 10:34 < shawnlin> 來開一個拍拍go BOF 10:34 < Ruinland> 吳宗憲!? 10:35 < derekhsu> Top Career在Linkedin上也有收到 10:35 -!- mp607 [~mp607@] has joined #coscup 10:35 -!- yucheng [~yucheng@] has quit [Read error: No route to host] 10:35 -!- hexpinr [~user@] has joined #coscup 10:35 -!- ddio_ [uid13869@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-ulrlcgrxwmjpvkxs] has joined #coscup 10:35 < Noni> R1不開始 只好一直抓達可鴨 10:35 < David_c> [R0]少年Pi的奇幻旅程 10:35 < derekhsu> 今年憲哥也有來,真是多才多藝啊 10:35 < nightfeather> ' A')!? 10:35 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> ? 10:35 < waeting> 咦咦哪裡哪裡 10:35 -!- Denir_ [~Denir__@] has quit [Ping timeout: 258 seconds] 10:35 < NO_NAME> WT... 10:35 < shawnlin> 話說明年可以來用pi作人臉辨識報到嗎? 10:35 -!- Sirius [2a480b92@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 10:36 < Ruinland> 空耳......此忠非宗...抱歉 10:36 < nightfeather> wwwwwwwwwww 10:36 < waeting> 拿照片報到可以嗎 10:36 -!- Denir_ [~Denir__@223-142-83-12.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 10:36 -!- focaaby [uid180802@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-svtszgrhzcwgmxjx] has joined #coscup 10:36 -!- yucheng [~yucheng@] has joined #coscup 10:36 < darkx> R2 投影機悲劇 10:36 < fripig> 那你要上傳照片嗎XDD 10:36 -!- VoidChen [~Void@] has joined #coscup 10:36 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 可以用假照片嗎 10:36 < Davy_CC> VLC 的攤位有有趣的法國糖果,攤主也很健談XDDDD 10:36 < janelin> R2 投影機已放棄XD 10:36 < fripig> 那你報到也要貼假照片在臉上歐 10:36 < NO_NAME> R2 GG 10:36 -!- YuanFu [~yuanfu@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 10:37 -!- YuanFu [~yuanfu@] has joined #coscup 10:37 < duckll> VLC是播放器嗎 10:37 < yukai_> 原來這裡是 R2 XDD 10:37 < fntsrCloud> R2 投影機 GG 10:37 -!- tiwb [~tiwb@] has joined #coscup 10:37 -!- Sean6016 [8c6d7f02@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 10:37 -!- DanSnow [~snow@] has joined #coscup 10:37 * jserv-- 期待 小啄 Pi 10:37 -!- parry [6ff02f23@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 10:37 -!- jiazheng [~jiazheng@] has quit [Read error: No route to host] 10:37 -!- jiazheng [~jiazheng@] has joined #coscup 10:37 < derekhsu> VLC也有來啊? 10:38 < fripig> 非本科系沒修到ORZ 10:38 < Noni> R1 看來要開始了 10:38 -!- ggininder__ [8c6daf4c@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 10:38 < waeting> 有人有買小啄cardboard嗎 10:38 < shawnlin> 小啄pi... 好想要啊! 10:38 -!- boyofsky [uid180803@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-dorbmsthcofbpxfm] has joined #coscup 10:38 -!- Otter_ [df8bf5c0@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 10:38 < jserv--> [R0] 我的全端和你的全端不同 10:38 < abev66> bit.ly/2bszuOP 10:38 < mabinogi80503> r1 開始~ 10:38 < Guest12237> VLC今年有talk嗎? 10:38 -!- RyanHo [~AndChat53@] has joined #coscup 10:38 < mp607> R2投影片: http://bit.ly/2bszuOP 10:38 < tiwb> bit.ly/2bszuOP 10:38 < zeroplex> VLC => http://img2.sucai.redocn.com/attachments/images/201304/20130422/Redocn_2013042215123086.jpg 10:38 < abev66> R2 簡報: bit.ly/2bszuOP 10:38 < yukai_> http://bit.ly/2bszuOP 10:38 * jserv-- 躺著也中槍 10:38 < darkx> http://bit.ly/2bszuOP 10:38 -!- Guest12237 is now known as YChao___ 10:38 < rsghost> OP 10:38 -!- u10313335_phone [~hermes@] has joined #coscup 10:38 < nightfeather> wwwwww 10:38 -!- clkao [sid12095@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-dkdghjjrwgrtxvnu] has joined #coscup 10:39 < Ruinland> Vlc那位好像連續來三年有了? 10:39 < derekhsu> jserv被highlight了 10:39 < lagane100> OP 10:39 < janelin> http://bit.ly/2bszuOP 10:39 < martian_ho> https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1LZPRNMTKyNRtn0MjfdAWT0qC9hjOgZr7HhwcktyXpxs/edit#slide=id.p 10:39 < pakls> R2 URL: 10:39 < tn> XDD 10:39 < fntsrCloud> R2: http://bit.ly/2bszuOP 10:39 < Noni> [R1] 講者有口音 10:39 < shawnlin> FW RD的浪漫啊~ 10:39 < pakls> https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1LZPRNMTKyNRtn0MjfdAWT0qC9hjOgZr7HhwcktyXpxs/edit#slide=id.p 10:39 < darkx> 強哥:參加 coscup 第一次遇到 projector 壞掉,我覺得很興奮 10:39 < arthow4n> 小啄line bot是不是會壞掉.... 10:39 -!- StarNight [~AndChat54@] has quit [Quit: Bye] 10:39 < derekhsu> 真的是全部的端子嘛 10:39 -!- threelines [~threeline@] has joined #coscup 10:39 < Noni> 是香港的朋友嗎? 10:39 < arthow4n> 問攤位資訊然後File Not Found了 10:39 <@Irvin> R0這個解析度錄得下來嗎 10:39 -!- veloci85 [~Thunderbi@] has joined #coscup 10:39 < YChao___> VLC去年有給talk 10:39 < billy3321_> goo.gl/slides/2z2t3v 10:39 < barneybook> H1開場密碼學 10:39 < billy3321_> 提問網址 10:40 -!- Aweimeow [~Aweimeow@] has joined #coscup 10:40 < darkx> 強哥講古 酷學員 10:40 -!- pellaeon [~pellaeon@cnmc24.hs.ntnu.edu.tw] has joined #coscup 10:40 < jserv--> darkx, 所以要接著說「我早就預知投影機會罷工,所以我根本沒有準備投影片」 10:40 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 程式碼看到飽 10:40 < rsghost> 正名 10:40 -!- yan12125 [~yen@g1pc3n216.g1.ntu.edu.tw] has joined #coscup 10:40 -!- danlu_ [~danlu@] has joined #coscup 10:40 -!- linghung [8c6d7f06@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 10:40 -!- danlu_ is now known as Dan 10:40 < rsghost> 酷學園QQ 10:40 < barneybook> 使用者體驗違反資訊安全實踐 10:40 < darkx> jserv--: 這只有你有那個臉 XDDDDD 10:40 -!- jysun_ [~jysun@140-113-125-243.Dorm-GD2.NCTU.edu.tw] has quit [Quit: Lost terminal] 10:40 < fntsrCloud> wwwwwwww 10:40 -!- [R0]hinet60613 is now known as [R2]hinet60613 10:40 < fripig> 不是號稱一張圖講兩小時嗎XDD 10:40 < nightfeather> wwwwwwww 10:40 * jserv-- 還幹過「以下開放 30 分鐘的 Q&A」這種技倆 10:41 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> ww 10:41 -!- nightfeather is now known as [R0]Nightfeather 10:41 < rsghost> Q1: 請問投影片...? 10:41 < darkx> 強哥:雨蒼回國後換我去中國惹 QQ 10:41 -!- Goston [~Mutter@42-73-60-228.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 10:42 < jserv--> GP 跑車一進一出,GPIO (大誤) 10:42 -!- kevingo [uid180805@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-vbmrchzxsgsdrkbr] has joined #coscup 10:42 < ij1iao> R1 的部份也太多... :p 10:42 -!- Alongxxx [2a488c07@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 10:42 < rsghost> 政府不會動你有沒試著HACKING它(X 10:42 -!- mrorz [~mrorz@] has joined #coscup 10:42 < ggininder__> 求R1投影片 10:42 -!- Goston [~Mutter@42-73-60-228.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 10:42 -!- Goston [~goston@] has joined #coscup 10:42 < fntsrCloud> 強哥:唉唷,我的業障快沒了 10:43 < jserv--> [R0] 慣 C ! 10:43 < iblis17> r2 紫 10:43 < duckll> 慣C 10:43 -!- yan12125 [~yen@g1pc3n216.g1.ntu.edu.tw] has quit [Client Quit] 10:43 < rsghost> R2紫紫DER 10:43 < abev66> 千辛萬苦 R2 投影片終於出來了 10:43 < darkx> R2 變成紫衣惹 10:43 < veloci85> 一說要出去打坐業障就消了 10:43 -!- taipeiwu [~AndChat14@] has joined #coscup 10:43 < abev66> ubuntu 紫(? 10:43 < fntsrCloud> 強哥:顏色不太多,怎麼變成紫衣教人呀 10:44 < David_c> 感恩Seafood 讚嘆Seafood 10:44 < fntsrCloud> R2 投影機復活,開始演講 10:44 < derekhsu> 麵包板! 10:44 < Noni> 256KB RAM要跑 JavaScripts !? 有驚 10:44 -!- derekhsu [~derekhsu@] has left #coscup [] 10:44 -!- ioan [~ioan@] has quit [Quit: Lost terminal] 10:44 -!- derekhsu [~derekhsu@] has joined #coscup 10:44 < fripig> 單位不對吧XDD 10:44 < tn> [R0] 都連不太上coscup的網路 有人有同樣問題嗎? 10:44 -!- threelines [~threeline@] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 10:44 < Alongxxx> Test 10:44 < fntsrCloud> 連最不會用網路工具的同事都可以在 Hackpad 聊天了 10:45 < derekhsu> 連不上是正常的吧 10:45 < waeting> 天空太混亂? 10:45 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> R0 用有線網路吧 10:45 -!- michael_ [uid180806@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-mubldnwwoeiluevo] has joined #coscup 10:45 * jserv-- 一直聽到 register,不自覺就 pull high 了 10:45 < darkx> 導入 slack ,終於把 Line 幹掉惹 (他是贊助商啊! 10:45 < [R0]buck5060> 5G穩定 10:45 < mabinogi80503> 記憶體:不要這樣塞我,會痛⋯QQ 10:45 < tiwb> Line表示 10:45 < fntsrCloud> R2: 最成功的就是成功導入 Slack,把 LINE 幹掉了(旁邊:他是贊助商 10:45 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 前提 你要先有網路線 10:45 -!- jimms [df88a969@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 10:45 < abev66> R2 贊助商中槍 XD 10:45 < rsghost> 幫贊助商QQ 10:45 < lagane100> line: 10:45 < stanely> @jserv-- 還有pinmux 10:45 -!- Otter_ [df8bf5c0@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [] 10:45 < derekhsu> Slack在訂下午茶比Line方便多了 10:45 < tiwb> R2麥克風感覺有點小聲@@ 10:45 < darkx> 一個星期開一個記者會www 10:45 -!- lafin [uid44779@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-ccqnggucjswkusmi] has joined #coscup 10:45 < fripig> 贊助商受到會心一擊 10:45 < derekhsu> 光這一點Line就GG 10:46 < fripig> 效果十分顯著 10:46 < [R2]hinet60613> LINE: 明年不贊助了! (設計對白 10:46 -!- keitheis [~keitheis@] has joined #coscup 10:46 < PichuChen> 誒?LINE有贊助?! 10:46 < darkx> 法律人投書你可以看不懂,放心那不是寫給你看的是寫給其他法律人看的 10:46 < janelin> 推slack訂下午茶 10:46 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> LINE今年有贊助阿 10:46 < PichuChen> 真的有耶 10:46 < derekhsu> slack有一個 10:47 -!- threelines [~threeline@] has joined #coscup 10:47 < derekhsu> simplepoll的integration,統計起來很簡單 10:47 -!- chusiang [~chusiang@] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 10:47 -!- StarNight [~zack@] has joined #coscup 10:47 < jserv--> https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10205255184818470 # 類比的世界還是比數位美妙 10:47 < Aweimeow> R0 5G 上不去 10:47 < yukai_> 不過 simplepoll integration 的那個人會多算一票 XD 10:48 -!- helios [uid180809@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-bnjiumadvlrmcfzk] has joined #coscup 10:48 < Davy_CC> Aweimeow: 如果有 iTaiwan 帳號或校園漫遊帳號可以用 AS_guest 登入 10:48 < darkx> 解決方法:去按電源重開! 10:48 -!- yuan [uid180808@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-ogjehxpremhqmgfs] has joined #coscup 10:48 < jserv--> [R0] bitwise operation! 10:48 < lagane100> 解決方法:重開wwww 10:48 < stanely> R0在做datasheet導讀 10:49 < kevingo> R0 好夯 10:49 < abev66> R2: 原來 CC 4.0 了 (LAG 10:49 < jserv--> COSCUP 好久沒有硬硬的議程,我都快哭了 10:49 < Noni> R1 : MTK的客戶都是預設 windows 的人 10:49 < Davy_CC> 話說直播的畫質……好差 10:49 -!- tn [caa9ad86@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 10:49 -!- lother [~lother@lother.iecs.tw] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 10:49 -!- shaolin [uid13544@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-fhprzlqlnequksuv] has joined #coscup 10:49 < derekhsu> 我還是回去寫webduino好了@@ 10:50 < kester___> nearby 出妙蛙種子 10:50 < jserv--> pcman 移動中 [R0] 10:50 * jserv-- 期待 pcman 的演奏~ 10:50 < dannyAAM> datasheet OAO 10:50 -!- lother [~lother@lother.iecs.tw] has joined #coscup 10:50 < darkx> 手華抓到技術人 10:50 -!- Chris__ [caa9ad86@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 10:50 < rsghost> 野生的技術人 10:50 < dannyAAM> 預設windows常態啦... 10:50 < fntsrCloud> 手滑抓到技術人:RS 10:50 < mabinogi80503> 只有無限的鯉魚王、呆河馬⋯ 10:50 < [R0]Nightfeather> 妙蛙種子在綜合體育館那邊 10:50 < janelin> 一個手滑 10:50 < rsghost> 改革效果十分顯著 10:50 < jserv--> [R0] datatsheet 導讀超棒的 10:50 < darkx> 網站的摩天輪會轉! 10:51 -!- zeroplusone [uid180811@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-blbiyydfypgjfmdr] has joined #coscup 10:51 < PichuChen> 話說中研院同時這麼多人上線,會不會到時候一起被soft ban? 10:51 -!- DeemoHarlos [uid180810@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-tiokzjtovvcbajlr] has joined #coscup 10:51 < derekhsu> 真的是在控制端子啊 10:51 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> wwww 10:51 < jserv--> [R0] DHT 溫濕度感測器 10:51 < fripig> 好多端XDD 10:51 < stanely> [R0] 重點在於晶片商要給datasheet,台廠在角落一起劃圈圈 10:51 < derekhsu> 到處都是各種端子的全端工程師 10:51 < DeemoHarlos> 有PPT嗎Q 10:51 -!- ggininder__ [8c6daf4c@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed] 10:51 < [R0]Nightfeather> 全端(40pin) 10:52 < dannyAAM> R0的東西我好像幾乎都玩過XDDD 10:52 -!- asilcheng [uid12665@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-kxgixtbvwsfcgnio] has joined #coscup 10:52 < darkx> 小市民權益保護 99 招! 10:52 -!- ggininder__ [8c6daf4c@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 10:52 < abev66> https://www.gitbook.com/book/jrf-tw/citizen_defend_rights_99_steps/details 10:52 < derekhsu> 我只會操縱七段顯示器或是顯示LED燈ㄉ 10:52 < dannyAAM> DHT11用rpi各種麻煩(除非用kernel driver會好用一點點 10:52 < Noni> [R1] 團隊自~幹~~~ (講者講的好high 10:52 < abev66> 小市民權益保護99招 : https://www.gitbook.com/book/jrf-tw/citizen_defend_rights_99_steps/details 10:52 < jserv--> 設計對話: 「你說自己是全端工程師,對吧?」「是的」「那幾根 pin?」 10:53 -!- ensky [8c6d7f0b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 10:53 < fripig> 那是I還是1 10:53 < waeting> one 10:53 -!- maximum [~maximum@d1.maximum.cc] has joined #coscup 10:53 < jserv--> [R0] 1-wire 出現! 10:53 < Aweimeow> 有人有共筆網址嗎 ~ 跪求 10:53 < dannyAAM> 40+16*8 (X 10:53 < kylin> 1數字 10:53 < pupuliao> 老鷹老鷹 呼叫小鳥 10:53 < louielu> http://beta.hackfoldr.org/coscup2016 10:53 < DeemoHarlos> 共筆 http://beta.hackfoldr.org/coscup2016/2016-day1-r0 10:53 -!- haroldwu [~haroldwu@] has joined #coscup 10:53 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 2016 共筆 http://beta.hackfoldr.org/coscup2016 10:53 < Aweimeow> Thanks ~ 10:53 < derekhsu> http://beta.hackfoldr.org/coscup2016/ 10:53 < waeting> 2016 共筆 http://beta.hackfoldr.org/coscup2016 10:53 < fripig> 上面的自行看不出來 下面的有XD 10:53 < David_c> [R0] 2016 共筆 http://beta.hackfoldr.org/coscup2016 10:53 -!- sudoliyang [uid180813@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-worpplumjfhiwuwf] has joined #coscup 10:53 < dannyAAM> 說的是標準1wire還是DHT11自家的啊w 10:53 -!- alcho [~alcho@] has joined #coscup 10:53 -!- yen [~yen@] has joined #coscup 10:53 -!- zonghan [~quassel@111-83-81-60.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Quit: http://quassel-irc.org - Chat comfortably. Anywhere.] 10:53 < wens> [R2] 做後面收不到 5G ... 10:54 < David_c> 共筆縮址:http://goo.gl/ppUaOV 10:54 < DeemoHarlos> 我電腦不能收5G更慘ˊˋ 10:54 -!- forgery [caa9ad86@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 10:54 < dannyAAM> ESP8266我好幾張w 不過我都自己拿SDK寫C比較多XDD 10:54 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 下去pchome訂 5G網卡 10:54 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> *快去 10:55 -!- zhxie [~quassel@111-83-81-60.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 10:55 < alcho> 琅茶好喝! 10:55 < fripig> 出門帶網路線跟5G網卡不是必要的嗎(被打 10:55 < derekhsu> 現在是ResperberryPi信號處理課程 10:55 < forgery> QQ 終於連上了QQ 10:55 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 我只有網路線 沒有5G網卡QQ 10:55 < janelin> pchome是今年的贊助商嗎 (誤) 10:55 < DeemoHarlos> 有PPT網址嗎 10:55 < fripig> DSP(茶 10:55 -!- yolandalin [~yolandali@] has joined #coscup 10:55 < boyofsky> 請問一下 DHT那個 是ResperberryPi主動去拉信號跟DHT說 要讀資料了嗎? 10:55 < [R0]Nightfeather> R0 好硬 CF 10:55 < derekhsu> 好像是這樣 10:55 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 恩 10:56 < StarNight> device driver YA!!! 10:56 < [R0]Nightfeather> s/CF/XD/ 10:56 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 先輸出 再輸入 10:56 < jserv--> [R0] 搞 hardware 就是「哈味」啦 10:56 < derekhsu> 其實還好,只是基本控制的說明 10:56 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 沒很硬 10:56 < alcho> 5G 網路開始順了!網路組Good job! 10:56 < boyofsky> 所以會變成有點類似polling機制去讀濕度嚕? 10:56 < barneybook> http://blog.coscup.org/2016/08/coscup.html 10:56 < derekhsu> 沒有喔 10:56 < jserv--> boyofsky, 1-wire 兩端的時序 (timing) 要相互配合 10:56 < barneybook> http://blog.coscup.org/2016/08/coscup.html, 開源點綴生活,生活充滿開源 - COSCUP 義賣品公開! 10:56 < derekhsu> 有點半雙工的模式 10:56 < fripig> 講原理 通常還是抓library回來用XDD 10:57 < dannyAAM> HDT11收到一段low就會回你資料 只是它是自己的回資料timing 10:57 < bookgin> 請問是大家都會把 GUI 念 姑以 嗎XD? 10:57 < darkx> 重複問題 10:57 -!- mrorz [~mrorz@] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 10:57 -!- windslash [~yaaic@] has joined #coscup 10:57 < shawnlin> FW RD表示 : 會發生碰撞的BUS協定 比較討厭.. 10:57 -!- Hunter [df8828a6@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 10:57 < [R2]hinet60613> GUI -> 姑以 +1 10:57 < jserv--> boyofsky, http://www.embedded.com/design/connectivity/4023295/One-Cheap-Network-Topology # 詳細可見這篇說明 10:57 < fripig> 我都念GUI 10:57 < derekhsu> GUI -> 鬼 10:57 < alcho> GU-I 10:57 < abev66> 我都唸 G-U-I 10:58 -!- shigurefox [~shigurefo@] has quit [Quit: shigurefox] 10:58 < dannyAAM> DHT11是你要對他的時序啊 Linux下usermode因為自己的排成很容易超時... 10:58 < derekhsu> 你做什麼的?我做鬼的 10:58 < jserv--> GUI => 葛屋以 10:58 < darkx> guu-yee 10:58 -!- AndChat|538544 [~AndChat53@223-137-245-214.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 10:58 < forgery> ? 10:58 < David_c> POI(誤 10:58 < waeting> 網路瞬間爆炸 10:58 < abev66> guu-yeeeeeee 10:58 < SCWhite> DHT11 query速度不是很慢嗎? 10:58 < mabinogi80503> 丟到軟糖裡處理~ p.s 我也念「孤乙」 10:58 < rsghost> ikea 10:58 -!- chusiang [~chusiang@] has joined #coscup 10:58 < darkx> asus! 10:58 < dannyAAM> 是蠻慢的XD 10:58 < SCWhite> 大概一秒一筆? 10:58 < derekhsu> us可以這麼準? 10:59 -!- waeting [~waeting@] has quit [Quit: leaving] 10:59 < louielu> 是 OOP 的 C 10:59 < DeweiLi> http://imgur.com/a/0imBb 10:59 -!- mrorz [~mrorz@] has joined #coscup 10:59 < boyofsky> 感謝jserv大神 orz 10:59 < dannyAAM> Mhz就能處理us了啊 10:59 -!- ccc_ [8c6d7f0d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 10:59 < dannyAAM> Ghz都到ps去了w 10:59 < jserv--> [R0] 進入 Linux kernel module! 10:59 < darkx> 進去惹~ 10:59 < StarNight> OOP是一種態度 by 宅色夫 11:00 < darkx> 熊庹! 11:00 -!- waeting [~waeting@] has joined #coscup 11:00 < kester___> 要來孤椅了 11:00 < ccc_> whoami 11:00 < jserv--> 今年的 COSCUP 真是太爽了,一開頭就是編譯器,之後講硬體還有驅動程式,等一下 pcman 還有軟硬整合 11:00 < dannyAAM> 我寫過userspace了 從來沒對上DHT11的timing過啊wwwwww 11:00 -!- test [8c6d7f02@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 11:00 < derekhsu> 今年COSCUP好硬 11:00 < dannyAAM> kernel space至少還對得上w 11:00 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> GUI~ 11:00 < waeting> 好硬好硬wwww 11:00 -!- test is now known as Guest422 11:00 < fripig> 有軟有硬才好啊XDD 11:00 -!- derjohng [caa9ad86@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 11:01 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 軟硬兼施 11:01 < rsghost> 還有土砲電烏克麗麗 11:01 -!- RyanHo [~AndChat53@] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 11:01 < derekhsu> R都硬的 H都軟的 11:01 -!- doremi [uid180814@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-xpxecxioeqtlyaqs] has joined #coscup 11:01 -!- tn [caa9ad86@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 11:01 -!- PJxPJ [~AndChat33@223-142-230-192.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 11:01 < jserv--> [R0] MVC Pattern 11:01 < derekhsu> H都是軟的跟做的 11:01 < [R0]buck5060> 什都有阿 11:01 < [R0]buck5060> 麼 11:01 < jserv--> dannvix, UIO 要搭配 PREEMPT_RT,才有機會作到 us 等級的精準度 11:02 < shawnlin> 果然是全端阿 11:02 < duckll> R0硬硬的 11:02 -!- Hunter [df8828a6@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 11:02 -!- changyuheng [~changyuhe@111-71-216-14.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 11:02 < changyuheng> 請問還可以報名 lightning talk 嗎? 11:02 -!- forgery [caa9ad86@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed] 11:02 < lagane100> 提問送劃撥單wwww 11:02 < [R2]hinet60613> R2: 現在提問,送劃撥單一張! 11:02 -!- Sakamoto_ [uid106911@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-zrcxjqonuleptawl] has joined #coscup 11:02 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> R2啥鬼w 11:02 < GlueCrow> 可惜還是沒有fpga相關的QQ 11:02 < doremi> irq handler 放 delay 是否會影響 performance? 是否要放在 bottom half? 還是不用? 11:02 < fntsrCloud> wwww 11:02 -!- changyuheng [~changyuhe@111-71-216-14.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Client Quit] 11:03 < jserv--> [R0] IoT 網路服務 11:03 < kester___> 烏克麗麗那個用3D列印。現在當工程師都要自己來就對了 11:03 < derekhsu> IoT跟箝入式這兩個議程是要怎麼分啊? 11:03 < dannyAAM> 看delay 長度 11:03 -!- ENLloli [uid175401@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-psohcueirnptndxh] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 11:03 < dannyAAM> us還算能接受 ms還是別了 11:03 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 3D印表機也自幹(? 11:03 < boyofsky> R0真的是全端了 從頭做到尾 XDDD 11:03 < jserv--> doremi, 最簡單的方式用 mmap + read / write 就可以控制硬體,如果 timing 要求不高的話 11:03 < dannyAAM> 不過能最好還是別delay XD 會白白佔掉cpu的cycle 11:03 < fripig> 想到逝去的parse(遠望 11:03 < ccc_> 3DP自幹不是很多年了 11:04 -!- forgery [uid180816@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-trpdyblmkrsvltbv] has joined #coscup 11:04 < PichuChen> @derekhsu 想要朝朝一點的感覺就叫他IoT (? 11:04 < PichuChen> 潮潮* 11:04 < forgery> ? 11:04 < kester___> 去年有香港講者來講給小雪生自幹3d列印機 11:04 < Moon_Slight> R0聽到都覺得超累超想睡 XD 11:04 < dannyAAM> 3DP自幹好久了啊 現在的廉價3DP都是自幹演變過來的w 11:04 < derekhsu> XD 11:04 -!- starship2518_ [8c6d7f0b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 11:04 < [R0]Nightfeather> 只好從硬體零件到前端設計軟體都自己來了 (X 11:04 < david11014> 從硬體來到網路啦 11:04 < GlueCrow> 小學生hshs 11:04 -!- Emma_ [df8d1a49@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 11:04 < rsghost> 從零開始的全端生活 11:04 < waeting> 明年會不會有從冶鐵開始阿wwww 11:04 < shawnlin> R0技能點滿滿 11:04 -!- Goston [~goston@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 11:04 < dannyAAM> 我還用C寫HTTP XDDDDrz 11:04 < derekhsu> 我記得前兩年主題很多自幹3D列印跟四軸飛行氣 11:04 < Vincent_> 不可能的事情! 11:04 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> Demo 11:04 -!- yolandalin [~yolandali@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 11:05 < David_c> 真是的,小學生真是太棒了! 11:05 < alcho> 大家有空可以去看看活動中心的3DP 大拜拜 11:05 < lucian> 從硬體訊號到driver到雲端 XDDDD 11:05 * jserv-- 以為站上講台就稱呼 "IoT",然後回到電腦前找資料就稱呼 "embedded" # 兩個術語唯一的差別 11:05 -!- Goston [~goston@] has joined #coscup 11:05 < TigerHuang> 好奇 R1 R2 5G WiFi 有問題嗎? 還是 R0 最嚴重??? 11:05 -!- yolandalin [~yolandali@] has joined #coscup 11:05 < derekhsu> 明年該是機構了 11:05 -!- PJxPJ [~AndChat33@223-142-230-192.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 11:05 -!- edhong2016 [~edhongcy@223-136-176-10.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 11:05 < arthow4n> R0 wifi根本連不上吧(?) 11:05 < [R0]Nightfeather> 煉鐵我推薦 PrmitiveTechnology (X 11:05 < derekhsu> 哈哈 jserv 說出答案 11:05 < louielu> lxde! 11:05 < fripig> 前兩年有香港講者來推廣迷你3d printer XD 11:05 < [R0]buck5060> R0 5G正常 11:05 < jserv--> 明年再請我學生分享自幹 CPU,那 COSCUP 就完美了 11:05 -!- edhong [~edhongcy@223-136-176-10.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 11:05 < dannyAAM> R1我連蠻慘的 但我MBA wifi本來就有問題 所以聽聽就好w 11:05 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 四軸 讓我想起 去年拍賣會的 5000 四軸拍照服務 11:06 < pupuliao> XD 11:06 < helios> R0只連上AS_Guest 11:06 -!- hrs [~hrs@amuland.tw] has joined #coscup 11:06 < fripig> 從頭自幹到尾XD 11:06 < waeting> 大神的學生是什麼?還是大神 11:06 < waeting> 有神快拜 11:06 < jserv--> R0 的投影真的很吃力 >< 11:06 < shawnlin> 自幹CPU嗎? 11:06 < dannyAAM> 不過一開始有拿不到IP過 11:06 < derekhsu> 後年要從採礦開始,找必和必拓跟淡水河谷來分享 11:06 < kylin> 自幹 CPU可以歐 11:06 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 黑畫面 什麼都看不到 11:06 < [R0]Nightfeather> CPU Reaper: "Die Die Die" (X 11:06 < ccc_> 核配科技的答案是什麼啊?? 11:06 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 國防部(X 11:06 < derekhsu> 大神的徒弟叫神之子 11:06 < shawnlin> 那明年來開一個FPGA BOF 8 11:06 < fripig> R0可能都要提供投影片連結好一點ORZ 11:06 -!- yishui [2a4b20a8@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 11:06 < pupuliao> 哀 下次買平板 要注意 要買有5G的 11:06 < fripig> 在第三排都看得模糊模糊的 11:06 < jserv--> shawnlin, 對呀,其實去年就開始自幹 GPU,今年想繼續模仿 AMD 的架構,將 CPU 和 GPU 融合起來,作新的設計 11:06 < forgery> HSA? 11:07 -!- mark86092 [650e0232@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 11:07 < [R0]Nightfeather> R0 真的是聽完之後拿投影片回去慢慢啃比較實際 XD 11:07 <@bobchao> 廣告一下共筆 http://beta.hackfoldr.org/coscup2016 11:07 -!- jiazheng [~jiazheng@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 11:07 -!- mark86092 [650e0232@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Client Quit] 11:07 -!- jiazheng [~jiazheng@] has joined #coscup 11:07 < lucian> R0 右前方 5G正常 11:07 < waeting> 舉手舉手~投影片會公開嗎 11:07 < SCWhite> 求R0投影片 11:07 -!- madarame [~madarame@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 11:07 < rsghost> 可以烤山豬嗎XDDD 11:07 < jserv--> 對於 R0 投影效果不佳,本人只能表示: "sosorry" 11:07 -!- ecilA_N5 [~androirc@223-142-148-153.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Quit: AndroIRC - Android IRC Client ( http://www.androirc.com )] 11:07 < GlueCrow> 現在還可以自幹TPU 11:07 < kevingo> 跪求 R0 投影片 11:07 < darkx> 聽說你們有大樓,可以烤山豬嗎! 11:07 < [R2]hinet60613> R2: (觀眾提問)聽說司改會在台中租了一棟大樓,請問可以在那邊烤山豬嗎? 11:08 < boyofsky> R0正前方 5G正常 11:08 < alcho> 烤山豬! 11:08 -!- coscup-informati [8c6d7f0d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 11:08 < fripig> 那個是跟coscup反映啦XD 11:08 -!- madarame [~madarame@] has joined #coscup 11:08 < fripig> 我說投影幕 11:08 < dylandy_> 山豬! 11:08 -!- yoyohung [uid180819@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-todgwzexqzjbxqzf] has joined #coscup 11:08 < DeemoHarlos> R0後方2.4G正常 11:08 -!- starship2518 [8c6d7f0b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 11:08 -!- abev66 [~quassel@] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 11:08 < coscup-informati> [服務台] 人文館服務台可以報名Lightning Talk喔! 11:08 < shawnlin> Jserv 太佩服你們了 有機會加入你們一起來貢獻貢獻 by 小小FPGA RD 11:08 < tn> R0坐第二排,看不清楚console 11:08 < darkx> 提出心問題 烤山豬? XD 11:08 < shawnlin> rpi 掛上nodejs 跑 http simple server 也不錯啊 11:08 -!- yishui_ [2a421eaf@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 11:08 < dannyAAM> 還好我R0的都啃過了w 11:08 -!- pastleo [~pastleo@] has joined #coscup 11:08 -!- Goston [~goston@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 11:08 -!- Alongxxx [2a488c07@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 11:08 -!- setuna0625 [8c6d7f0b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 11:09 < jserv--> shaolin, 好耶,如果有進展的話,會發布在 https://www.facebook.com/JservFans/ 11:09 < boyofsky> console好像就是設定ifconfig 跟insmod 11:09 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 52度? 11:09 < derekhsu> Lightning Talk今年只有3分鐘喔 11:09 < arthow4n> R0靠近門這邊5G用手機連沒反應(沒接上AP) 11:09 < fripig> 上次聽mysql 講者都在rbi裡面直接跑server 直接帶著跑了XD 11:09 < fripig> 不怕網路問題XDDD 11:09 -!- Kuro_ [9d07c8cf@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 11:09 < jserv--> [R0] DHT GO 11:09 < waeting> 我的目珠好痛RRRR 11:09 -!- Emma_ [df8d1a49@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 11:09 -!- jimms [df88a969@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 11:09 < derekhsu> ERROR 11:09 < waeting> R0真是人森灰暗 11:09 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 沒有連上網路w 11:09 < dannyAAM> rpi跑mysql實在XDrz 11:09 -!- chris1004tw [~chris1004@36-233-59-65.dynamic-ip.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 11:09 -!- freetsubasa [~freetsuba@sona.catcafe.tw] has joined #coscup 11:09 < fripig> demo功能沒差啊XD 11:09 < coscup-informati> [服務台] 人文館服務台可以報名Lightning Talk喔!寫下投稿卡片投入火盃,今天中午馬上抽出!投稿時間至12:45為止~~~ 11:10 -!- ensky [8c6d7f0b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 11:10 -!- mabinogi80503 [~mabinogi8@] has quit [Read error: No route to host] 11:10 < coscup-informati> [服務台] 人文館服務台可以報名Lightning Talk喔!寫下投稿卡片投入火盃,今天中午馬上抽出!投稿時間至12:45為止~~~ 11:10 -!- windslash [~yaaic@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 11:10 -!- mabinogi_ [~mabinogi8@] has joined #coscup 11:10 < coscup-informati> [服務台] 人文館服務台可以報名Lightning Talk喔!寫下投稿卡片投入火盃,今天中午馬上抽出!投稿時間至12:45為止~~~ 11:10 < ccc_> coscup今年用thin AP 11:10 < coscup-informati> [服務台] 人文館服務台可以報名Lightning Talk喔!寫下投稿卡片投入火盃,今天中午馬上抽出!投稿時間至12:45為止~~~ 11:10 < coscup-informati> [服務台] 人文館服務台可以報名Lightning Talk喔!寫下投稿卡片投入火盃,今天中午馬上抽出!投稿時間至12:45為止~~~ 11:10 < coscup-informati> [服務台] 人文館服務台可以報名Lightning Talk喔!寫下投稿卡片投入火盃,今天中午馬上抽出!投稿時間至12:45為止~~~ 11:10 < coscup-informati> [服務台] 人文館服務台可以報名Lightning Talk喔!寫下投稿卡片投入火盃,今天中午馬上抽出!投稿時間至12:45為止~~~ 11:10 < coscup-informati> [服務台] 人文館服務台可以報名Lightning Talk喔!寫下投稿卡片投入火盃,今天中午馬上抽出!投稿時間至12:45為止~~~ 11:10 < coscup-informati> [服務台] 人文館服務台可以報名Lightning Talk喔!寫下投稿卡片投入火盃,今天中午馬上抽出!投稿時間至12:45為止~~~ 11:10 < coscup-informati> [服務台] 人文館服務台可以報名Lightning Talk喔!寫下投稿卡片投入火盃,今天中午馬上抽出!投稿時間至12:45為止~~~ 11:10 < coscup-informati> [服務台] 人文館服務台可以報名Lightning Talk喔!寫下投稿卡片投入火盃,今天中午馬上抽出!投稿時間至12:45為止~~~ 11:10 < coscup-informati> [服務台] 人文館服務台可以報名Lightning Talk喔!寫下投稿卡片投入火盃,今天中午馬上抽出!投稿時間至12:45為止~~~ 11:10 -!- salagadoola [df891b54@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 11:10 < coscup-informati> [服務台] 人文館服務台可以報名Lightning Talk喔!寫下投稿卡片投入火盃,今天中午馬上抽出!投稿時間至12:45為止~~~ 11:10 < coscup-informati> [服務台] 人文館服務台可以報名Lightning Talk喔!寫下投稿卡片投入火盃,今天中午馬上抽出!投稿時間至12:45為止~~~ 11:10 < louielu> .... 11:10 < coscup-informati> [服務台] 人文館服務台可以報名Lightning Talk喔!寫下投稿卡片投入火盃,今天中午馬上抽出!投稿時間至12:45為止~~~ 11:10 < ccc_> ctrl+c 11:10 < coscup-informati> [服務台] 人文館服務台可以報名Lightning Talk喔!寫下投稿卡片投入火盃,今天中午馬上抽出!投稿時間至12:45為止~~~ 11:10 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 我被洗版? 11:10 < dannyAAM> 這是... 11:10 < waeting> 斷 11:10 < darkx> 洗版 QQ 11:10 < ccc_> ctrl+c 11:10 < kylin> QQ 11:10 < [R2]hinet60613> 被洗版啦RRRRRR 11:10 < HP_Eiling_> 冷靜一點!服務台! 11:10 < DeemoHarlos> 服務台爆走了!! 11:10 < [R0]buck5060> 洗版惹 11:10 < derekhsu> 壞掉了嗎? 11:10 < rsghost> 當雞惹 11:10 < ccc_> ctrl+c 11:10 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 電腦當了阿 11:10 < janelin> 服務台息怒 11:10 -!- madarame [~madarame@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 11:10 -!- alicekey [~alicekey@223-141-235-30.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 11:10 < boyofsky> 服務台 wwwwww 11:10 -!- Denir_ [~Denir__@223-142-83-12.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds] 11:10 < David_c> 服務台應該要打個針 11:10 < derekhsu> 會有人投的! 11:10 < coscup-informati> [服務台] 拜託來投稿>< 11:10 < helios> 服務台壞掉惹 11:10 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 笑翻www 11:10 < Dan> www 11:10 < derekhsu> 不要緊張啊 11:10 < waeting> 服務台爆走 11:10 < [R0]Nightfeather> 服務台抽筋惹 wwwwwwwww 11:10 < [R2]hinet60613> 服務台被玩壞掉了w 11:11 < fntsrCloud> 服務台QQ 11:11 < hortune> 壞了 11:11 < coscup-informati> [服務台] 火盃很餓 11:11 < ccc_> 服務台 ctrl+c 11:11 < dannyAAM> 話說R1這邊還真累 低資源還要跑JS w 11:11 < rail02000> 服務台壞掉惹wwww 11:11 -!- pingooo [32a7bd35@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 11:11 < rsghost> 服務台冒險蓋 11:11 -!- villerhsiao [uid38272@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-rgnvwywretmbqyem] has joined #coscup 11:11 < fripig> 服務台(眼神死 11:11 < David_c> 自重啊! 11:11 < kester___> 邊緣人幫QQ 11:11 < jserv--> pingooo, hi ! 11:11 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 服務台的逆襲 11:11 -!- madarame [~madarame@] has joined #coscup 11:11 -!- yishui [2a4b20a8@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 11:11 < pingooo> jserv--: hi! 11:11 < dylandy_> http://talk.justice.care/c/ask 11:11 -!- Aweimeow_ [~Aweimeow_@] has joined #coscup 11:11 -!- Denir_ [~Denir__@223-142-83-12.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 11:11 < [R0]Nightfeather> 問題太多了 不知道怎麼問 (? 11:11 < Moon_Slight> R0真的有點硬,聽到有點累 11:12 < StarNight> data sheet要好好看!!! XDDDD 11:12 < coscup-informati> [服務台] 有捐香油錢的大大可以來找我領捐款收據噢! 11:12 < [R0]Nightfeather> 所以有投影片連結嗎 還是只有共筆 ' A') 11:12 <@bobchao> 服務台卡鍵了~~~ 11:12 -!- madarame [~madarame@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 11:12 -!- Lee-W_ [uid13167@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-bbuxbsofnajfanum] has joined #coscup 11:12 -!- windslash [~yaaic@] has joined #coscup 11:12 * jserv-- 把 R0 主持人的話聽成「前人有船,然後我們要沉」 11:12 -!- chusiang [~chusiang@] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 11:12 < waeting> maker conf有點貴QQ 11:12 < derekhsu> 前人有船,後人來沉 11:13 < waeting> 好想來RRR 11:13 < derekhsu> 我也是聽到這個.... 11:13 < YChao___> XDD 11:13 < tn> XDDD 11:13 < coldsleep> 沉船+1 XDDD 11:13 < David_c> 主持人一定是提督XD 11:13 < pingooo> 前人有船,然後我們要沉 +1 11:13 < [R2]hinet60613> 別沉啊www 11:13 -!- YChao___ is now known as YChao 11:13 < janelin> XD 11:13 < kevingo> XD 11:13 < forgery> XD 11:13 -!- JasonPan_ [~JasonPan@] has joined #coscup 11:13 < ccc_> XD 11:13 < Vdragon> [R2] 所以剛開始畫面出不來有八卦嗎? 11:13 -!- chunyou0830 [uid180791@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-wzifjsppvosotltc] has left #coscup [] 11:13 < fripig> 依布出現 11:13 -!- madarame [~madarame@] has joined #coscup 11:13 -!- JasonPan [~JasonPan@] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 11:13 -!- shawnlin [8c6d7f0b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 11:13 < ccc_> eevee 衝啊 11:13 -!- shawnlin_ [8c6d7f0b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 11:13 < forgery> 很硬很硬 11:13 < janelin> ! 11:13 -!- JasonPan_ is now known as JasonPan 11:13 < dannyAAM> 我覺得還好啊(? 11:13 < fripig> 我的柯文哲進化了(茶 11:14 -!- threelines [~threeline@] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 11:14 -!- Noni [~noni@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 11:14 < pingooo> 看 IRC 估計 livehouse.in 直播的延遲 11:14 < rsghost> 律師都不講人話QQ 11:14 < [R0]Nightfeather> http://i.imgur.com/slxLw0X.png 三條鯉魚王躺在一起 11:14 < coscup-informati> [服務台] 好棒噢,真的有人來投閃電秀了(感動) 11:14 -!- YuanFu [~yuanfu@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 11:14 -!- kylin [~kylin@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 11:14 -!- madarame [~madarame@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 11:14 < tiwb> 用人話講出來w 11:14 -!- aaaalll [df8c9391@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed] 11:14 < JasonPan> exit 11:14 -!- Goston [~goston@] has joined #coscup 11:14 < david11014> PCMan要Live 打鼓了嗎 11:14 -!- kkpan11 [~kkpan11@] has quit [Quit: Leaving.] 11:14 -!- JasonPan [~JasonPan@] has quit [Client Quit] 11:14 < coscup-informati> [服務台] Unconf投稿/投票也可以來服務台喔喔喔喔~ 11:14 -!- yolandalin [~yolandali@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 11:14 < shawnlin_> PCMAN登入中 11:14 -!- Guest422 [8c6d7f02@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 11:14 -!- ps [8c6daf4d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 11:15 -!- duckll [~duckll@] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 11:15 -!- madarame [~madarame@] has joined #coscup 11:15 < derekhsu> 我想去聽R1又想待在R0....哭哭 11:15 < [R0]buck5060> test 11:15 < rsghost> live 被鼓打(X 11:15 -!- ps is now known as Guest83928 11:15 < salagadoola> 說律師不講人話,可是寫程式的人也不講人話xd (真心話) 11:15 < ccc_> lightning talk有投稿api嗎 11:15 -!- alcho [~alcho@] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 11:15 -!- alicekey [~alicekey@223-141-235-30.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 11:15 < derekhsu> PCMAN除了當醫生,寫程式之外現在又多了打鼓的技能了嗎? 11:16 -!- mabinogi_ [~mabinogi8@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 11:16 -!- yen [~yen@] has quit [Quit: leaving] 11:16 -!- u10313335 [~sol@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 11:16 -!- isken [8c6daf4d@gateway/web/cgi-irc/kiwiirc.com/ip.] has quit [Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client] 11:16 < starship2518_> 有哪邊可以載演講投影片嗎 11:16 -!- AndChat338289 [~AndChat33@] has joined #coscup 11:16 -!- mabinogi_ [~mabinogi8@] has joined #coscup 11:16 -!- mabinogi_ [~mabinogi8@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 11:17 < derekhsu> https://github.com/freebirdjs/freebird-base 11:17 -!- AndChat338289 [~AndChat33@] has quit [Read error: Connection refused] 11:17 -!- Goston [~goston@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 11:17 < derekhsu> 看共筆 11:17 -!- yu [8c6daf4c@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 11:17 -!- NO_NAME [7bcd7d52@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 11:17 -!- GhostYang [650a21e6@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 11:17 < derekhsu> freebird看起來不錯 11:17 -!- zhxie [~quassel@111-83-81-60.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 11:17 -!- tn [caa9ad86@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 11:17 -!- Sean6016 [8c6d7f02@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 11:18 < pingooo> ccc_: 閃電秀就是要現場搶報名、現場講啊 11:18 -!- SCWhite [8c6d7f08@gateway/web/cgi-irc/kiwiirc.com/ip.] has quit [Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client] 11:18 < fripig> pcman帶著電吉他出現!! 11:18 -!- pupuliao [8c6d7f02@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 11:18 -!- Aweimeow_ [~Aweimeow_@] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds] 11:18 -!- williamg [uid123880@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-ftrcvqmexnhwcgdz] has joined #coscup 11:18 -!- yolandalin [~yolandali@] has joined #coscup 11:18 -!- abev66_ [~quassel@] has joined #coscup 11:18 < fntsrCloud> R1 提前開始了? 11:18 -!- Aweimeow [~Aweimeow@] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 11:19 < ccc_> @pingooo QAQ 11:19 -!- pastleo [~pastleo@] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 11:19 -!- Tsundere_cloud [uid102719@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-tdsducgiyyhdnnes] has joined #coscup 11:19 -!- [R0]buck5060 [~buck5060@] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 11:19 -!- Guest83928 [8c6daf4d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 11:20 < derekhsu> R1只能看共筆了,傷心 11:20 < derekhsu> R0的投影機顏色... 11:20 < tiwb> 長官接受! 11:20 < forgery> RO的投影機的色調XD 11:20 < waeting> R0要解紫光任務了 11:20 < madarame> 鯉魚王真TM的多啊 11:21 -!- boris [sid221@gateway/web/mozilla/x-jxxenlkmyuiaambv] has joined #coscup 11:21 < fntsrCloud> 在 LINE 群組說要改用 Slack,長官就馬上退出了(?) 11:21 < fntsrCloud> *退出 LINE 群組 11:21 < waeting> 鯉魚快來快來我還差大概50隻 11:21 < Felix___> R1 設備今天GG了嗎? 11:21 < boris> slack好用呀 11:21 < janelin> 本來今天要去北投公園捕魚的 11:21 < salagadoola> 放幾個好玩的 slack bot 讓大家玩得很高興,讓大家留在上面 11:21 < waeting> 昨天晚上的北投公園超恐怖der 11:21 -!- u10313335_phone [~hermes@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 11:21 < waeting> 直接見識到人潮的力量 11:21 < ccc_> 求鯉魚王API 11:21 < coscup-informati> [服務台] 鯉魚王在活動中心(H場地區)比較多喔,離溪很近! 11:22 -!- RichardWU [~AndChat14@] has joined #coscup 11:22 < waeting> 真貼心wwwwwwww 11:22 < rail02000> 該買乖乖放投影機了? 11:22 < rsghost> 服務台在廣播什麼啦XDDDd 11:22 < fntsrCloud> 這廣播wwww 11:22 -!- RichardWU [~AndChat14@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 11:22 < derekhsu> 長官說「Slack是雲端的所以不安全所以不能用」我「....」照用不誤啦,全部門只有長官沒加入而已 11:22 -!- dneif [8c6d7f0b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 11:22 < rail02000> R0這邊其實也一堆鯉魚王www 11:22 -!- RichardWU [~AndChat14@] has joined #coscup 11:22 < fntsrCloud> R1 滿了嗎 11:22 -!- zonghan [~quassel@] has joined #coscup 11:22 < ccc_> 滿了 11:22 -!- yucheng [~yucheng@] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 11:23 -!- XDDDD [~steve@] has joined #coscup 11:23 -!- pupuliao [8c6d7f04@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 11:23 < pupuliao> 我回來啦 11:23 < derekhsu> 高雄我家在金絲湖附近,走一圈抓幾十隻可達鴨跟鯉魚王 11:23 <@FourDollars> 啊幹! R1 的投影壞掉啦! 11:23 < derekhsu> 現在R0是要開演唱會嗎? 11:23 -!- alicekey [~alicekey@223-139-74-215.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 11:23 -!- yutin [~yutin@] has joined #coscup 11:23 -!- u10313335 [~sol@] has joined #coscup 11:24 -!- hamnat [uid180821@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-njxlbdhnvdbzdjux] has joined #coscup 11:24 -!- YuanFu [~yuanfu@] has joined #coscup 11:24 < pupuliao> 阿 那我從R0 來R1是做啥 11:24 < waeting> R0紫到不行 11:24 -!- sinica_op [2a48a922@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 11:24 -!- tn [caa9ad86@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 11:24 -!- AndChat|482736 [~AndChat48@] has joined #coscup 11:24 -!- zonghan [~quassel@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 11:25 -!- yishui_ [2a421eaf@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 11:25 < forgery> R0 感覺要開演唱會的感覺 11:25 -!- Aweimeow [~Aweimeow@] has joined #coscup 11:25 -!- [R0]buck5060 [~buck5060@] has joined #coscup 11:25 < shawnlin_> R0的VGA pin腳是不是彎掉了啦? 11:25 -!- vik_ [~vik@] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 11:25 -!- duckll [~duckll@] has joined #coscup 11:25 < coscup-informati> [服務台] 資料科學所的外面,偶爾有迷你龍,適合中午吃完便當去散步一下 11:25 < david11014> R0紫爆囉 11:25 < DeemoHarlos> 同感owo 11:25 < kester___> r0會live demo嗎 11:25 -!- taipeiwu [~AndChat14@] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 11:25 -!- Yellow [~YiLing@27-246-67-36.adsl.fetnet.net] has joined #coscup 11:25 < derekhsu> 連音箱都帶來了 11:25 -!- linghung [8c6d7f06@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 11:26 < derekhsu> 還找了可愛妹妹是? 11:26 < waeting> 感覺會 11:26 -!- VoidChen [~Void@] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 11:26 -!- tiwb [~tiwb@] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 11:26 < ij1iao> R1 已廢... 11:26 -!- parry [6ff02f23@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 11:26 -!- Raikkonen [2a48dba2@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 11:26 -!- mrorz [~mrorz@] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 11:26 < waeting> 今年有沒有攤位有網路線der QQ 11:26 -!- Jeremy [~androirc@] has joined #coscup 11:26 -!- Jeremy is now known as Guest61121 11:26 -!- taipeiwu [~AndChat14@] has joined #coscup 11:26 -!- JalenLin [~jalen@] has joined #coscup 11:26 -!- jimms [8c6daf4d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 11:27 < fripig> 烏克莉莉demo中嗎XDD 11:27 < derekhsu> 我早上玩玩Pokemon現在平板的電剩20....XD 11:27 < kester___> r0感覺會很high 11:27 < coldsleep> 組band啦~ 11:27 -!- u10313335_phone [~hermes@] has joined #coscup 11:27 < derekhsu> 烏克麗麗不是下午的嗎 11:27 -!- denkeni [6f47da02@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 11:27 < boyofsky> 要開演唱會了 wwwwwwwwwwww 11:27 -!- haroldwu [~haroldwu@] has quit [Quit: WeeChat 1.4] 11:27 -!- Goston [~goston@] has joined #coscup 11:27 < PJxPJ> R0演唱會XD 11:27 < coldsleep> 好像有預謀要組band XD 11:27 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> R0www 11:27 -!- hlb [uid12715@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-iukftdvvamcgzhir] has joined #coscup 11:27 < waeting> R0各種嗨耶 11:27 < shawnlin_> coscup 演唱會 11:27 < Guest61121> Nickname 11:27 < boyofsky> pcman的臉書圖案就是樂團啊 XDDDD 11:27 < DeemoHarlos> 一整個要開演唱會了啊啊啊啊啊 11:27 < [R0]buck5060> 烏課莉莉的聲音好尖銳QQ 11:27 < fripig> 只好準備開FB直播了 11:27 < boyofsky> 第一次參加coscup好精彩啊 11:27 -!- Jeremy850407 [~androirc@] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 11:28 -!- ggininder__ [8c6daf4c@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 11:28 -!- shiyating [uid38399@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-arrtfgfiohfnzkuk] has joined #coscup 11:28 -!- jaidTw [~jaidTw@] has joined #coscup 11:28 < waeting> wwwwwwww 11:28 -!- Guest30368 [6f521a6c@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed] 11:28 < DeemoHarlos> 還沒開始就DEMO了 11:28 < Moon_Slight> 糟糕,R0的屋頂要被掀翻了 11:28 < jserv--> R0 好 high 11:28 < forgery> 太猛了 11:28 < derekhsu> 我想到我以前的同事Brian Ping-Yao Wang 11:28 < kester___> r0 projecter有問題。但是轉撥小螢幕是好的 11:28 -!- Guest61121 [~androirc@] has quit [Client Quit] 11:28 < salagadoola> 搬了哪些樂器過來啊? (不在R0的人詢問) 11:28 < bookgin> 求 r0 文字直播 11:28 < DeweiLi> 來R0每個人收10元贊助明年舉辦coscup XD 11:29 -!- Guest61121 [~androirc@] has joined #coscup 11:29 -!- Raikkonen [2a48dba2@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 11:29 < Moon_Slight> 目前聽到烏克麗麗+爵士鼓 11:29 < jserv--> bookgin, R0 的文字直播會是「碰」「碰」「碰」「噹」 11:29 < derekhsu> R0不能文字直播啊 11:29 < Aweimeow> 好希望可以有攝影機把台上的畫面轉撥到大螢幕 XD 11:29 < tn> uR0 太嗨了 音量全開 11:29 < janelin> XDDD 11:29 <@FourDollars> 電烏克麗麗跟電子鼓 11:29 -!- RichardWU [~AndChat14@] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 11:29 < derekhsu> 有看過演唱會在文字直播的嗎? 11:29 -!- mmis1000_cloud [uid62180@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-xjcfdxpkqgkqxfdk] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 11:29 < lucian> 有吉他? 11:29 < waeting> 有電子烏克麗麗電子鼓電吉他全部自幹 11:29 < Aweimeow> 演唱會貼文字轉播大概是 11:29 < kester___> 烏克麗麗聲音好像有點尖 11:29 < Aweimeow> 更多更詳盡歌詞 在 ※ mojim.com 魔鏡歌詞網 11:29 < bookgin> jserv--, thanks 蠻好聽的 11:29 < abev66_> R0: 感覺要開演唱會了... 11:29 < tn> 感受療癒的節奏 11:29 < forgery> 記得成大有自動彈吉他的 ? 11:30 -!- unciax [uid180822@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-xmvtubblpabmugqs] has joined #coscup 11:30 < coscup-informati> 好想聽啊啊啊啊啊啊 11:30 -!- u10313335 [~sol@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 11:30 -!- mabinogi80503 [~mabinogi8@] has joined #coscup 11:30 < bookgin> 服務台爆走XD 11:30 -!- u10313335 [~sol@] has joined #coscup 11:30 < derekhsu> 自動彈吉他就jserv啊啊啊 11:30 < chris1004tw> 服務台怎麼惹 wwww 11:30 < jserv--> 一邊打鼓一邊 coding,一邊幫嗨翻的聽眾作急救,偉哉 pcman ! 11:30 -!- mrorz [~mrorz@] has joined #coscup 11:30 < Aweimeow> 幫嗨翻的聽眾急救 XD 11:30 < waeting> 不愧是醫生 11:30 < salagadoola> R0電子鼓、下午R1電烏克麗麗,今年真的要開樂團嗎xd 11:30 -!- mabinogi80503 [~mabinogi8@] has quit [Read error: No route to host] 11:31 < StarNight> 需要compiler轉譯「碰」「碰」「碰」「噹」 11:31 -!- mabinogi80503 [~mabinogi8@] has joined #coscup 11:31 < waeting> 那個投影真的無解嗎 11:31 < lucian> 紫暴!!! 11:31 < forgery> 左手打鼓 右手寫 code 11:31 -!- kevin1kevin1k [uid180823@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-aqchmutfchimqrlp] has joined #coscup 11:31 < fntsrCloud> R2 開始了 11:31 < pingooo> R0 直播還在中場休息 @_@ 11:31 < derekhsu> 耳朵在聽診 11:31 -!- myles [8c6d7f08@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 11:31 * jserv-- 都想上台 live coding 了 # 只要不用麥克風,還算是「封麥」吧? XD 11:31 < [R0]Nightfeather> wwwwww 11:31 < waeting> wwwwwwww 11:32 < YChao> :D 11:32 -!- hanbz [8c6d7f02@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 11:32 -!- kkpan111 [~kkpan11@] has joined #coscup 11:32 < coldsleep> wwwwwww 11:32 < waeting> 算算算,都算 11:32 < coscup-informati> 可以用大聲公 11:32 < PichuChen> R1開始QA了XD 11:32 < DeemoHarlos> 綠色被黑掉了 11:32 < derekhsu> R1這麼快? 11:32 -!- AndChat|482736 [~AndChat48@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 11:32 -!- isken [8c6daf4d@gateway/web/cgi-irc/kiwiirc.com/ip.] has joined #coscup 11:32 -!- cartertsai [~cartertsa@] has joined #coscup 11:32 < barneybook> R0應該會有Live 11:33 < jserv--> R0 因為投影的關係,變成 berry Pi + Pyt 11:33 < Aweimeow> 演唱會!!!! 11:33 < jserv--> >< 11:33 < darkx> pcman! 11:33 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> https://livehouse.in/channel/coscup2016r0 11:33 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> R0 實況 11:33 < waeting> 從小用你用到大wwwww 11:33 < kester___> 出比雕 11:33 < Aweimeow> 從小用 PCman 用到大 11:33 < lucian> 用 11:33 < salagadoola> [R2] https://github.com/plateaukao/2016coscup 投影片是 calliplus v3.pptx 這個檔案 11:33 < rsghost> 真好用!(X 11:33 * [R0]Nightfeather PCMan 從小用到大 11:33 -!- mikey [~mikey@] has joined #coscup 11:33 < abev66_> R0: PCman 我從小就用你用到大 11:33 < shawnlin_> PCMAN 我從小用你用到大啊~ 11:33 < [R0]buck5060> 5j/ u06 11:33 < fripig> 用到現在還在用啊XDD 11:33 < Moon_Slight> PCman 我從小就用你用到大 XDD 11:33 < jserv--> [R0] 「歡迎來到中研院小巨蛋」 11:33 < DeemoHarlos> 有PPT網址嗎,顏色真的好紫(?) 11:33 < david11014> 中研院小巨蛋 XDD 11:33 < ccc_> livehose要flash 11:33 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 聽起來怪怪的(X 11:33 < ccc_> QQ 11:33 -!- mabinogi80503 [~mabinogi8@] has quit [Read error: No route to host] 11:33 -!- yen [~yen@] has joined #coscup 11:33 < [R0]Nightfeather> 「基本」 11:33 < mikey> XD 11:33 < tn> ㄎ一ㄤ 11:34 < rsghost> 下次是要做音箱嗎(X 11:34 < YChao> R0 投影是接頭沒接好嗎?少了一色 11:34 < waeting> 超ㄎㄧㄤ 11:34 < Aweimeow> 這個簡介 跪了 膝蓋華麗的碎了滿地 11:34 < derekhsu> 轉職了 11:34 < shawnlin_> 去年的梅林.... 11:34 < mrorz> live 的 live demo 11:34 < dannyAAM> R0投影機也爛啦... 11:34 < jserv--> [R0] 音浪太強,投影機被震壞 11:34 < mikey> .part 11:34 -!- mikey [~mikey@] has left #coscup [] 11:35 -!- SCWhite [caa9ad86@gateway/web/cgi-irc/kiwiirc.com/ip.] has joined #coscup 11:35 < jserv--> [R0] 學音樂的孩子不會變壞,只是會變窮 11:35 < coldsleep> 「學音樂的孩子不會變壞,但是會變窮」 11:35 < YChao> 綠色不見了... 11:35 -!- haroldwu [~haroldwu@] has joined #coscup 11:35 < [R0]Nightfeather> 誰打個綠光上去 (X 11:35 < rsghost> 洋芋片的蓋子XDDDD 11:35 -!- kylin [~kylin@] has joined #coscup 11:35 < waeting> 品客出場啦wwwwwww 11:35 < jserv--> [R0] 寫成是的孩子不會變壞,Maker 魂會燃燒 11:35 < fripig> MAKER魂 11:35 < Lee1092> 鼓面是洋芋片的蓋子 XDDD 11:36 < dannyAAM> 熱量wwww 11:36 < Aweimeow> 缺點就是熱量有點高 XDDD 11:36 < YChao> 熱量有點高... 11:36 < lego> 學程式不會變壞, 但maker會 我有聽錯嗎lol 11:36 < [R0]Nightfeather> wwwwwww 11:36 < [R0]buck5060> 先吃六罐品客 11:36 < waeting> 缺點是熱量有點高 11:36 < lucian> "熱量有點高" 11:36 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 熱量高w 11:36 < rsghost> 做完熱量也消耗掉了 11:36 < darkx> 缺點是熱量有點高 11:36 < jserv--> [R0] 投影片在紫色主題下,意外地有點藝術 11:36 -!- vik_ [~vik@] has joined #coscup 11:36 < [R0]Nightfeather> wwwwwwwww 11:36 < barneybook> PMman的投影片有釋出嗎??? 11:36 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 連線不安全ww 11:36 -!- mikechouto [~mikey@] has joined #coscup 11:36 < waeting> wwww 11:36 < lucian> 我早就料到 11:36 < [R0]Nightfeather> 好黑好黑 (X 11:37 < derekhsu> 那就直接撥啊XD 11:37 -!- Haox [~Haox@] has quit [Ping timeout: 258 seconds] 11:37 < jserv--> [R0] 電腦顯示「你的連線不安全」,沒關係,我早就料到會有這種事 11:37 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 看來連線不安全是VGA線 11:37 < YChao> 是假的... 11:37 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 聲音呢w 11:37 -!- parry [6ff02f23@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 11:37 < YChao> 我耳朵業障重了... 11:37 < [R0]Nightfeather> 嘖嘖 w 11:37 < dannyAAM> 你耳朵業障重(X 11:38 -!- Michael__ [8c6daf4c@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 11:38 < jserv--> [R0] 桌面系統自己開發的好處就是,遇到操作問題的時候,自己就能解決 11:38 < ramax> pcman 不當醫生了? 11:38 -!- PJxPJ [~AndChat33@223-142-230-192.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Quit: Bye] 11:38 < SCWhite> #反正有LIVE DEMO 11:38 -!- Michael__ is now known as Guest62972 11:38 < waeting> 投影片會釋出 11:38 < dannyAAM> 是霍爾耶w 11:39 < coldsleep> 剛才是寫轉職當Backend Engineer了 11:39 -!- pastleo [~pastleo@] has joined #coscup 11:39 < [R0]Nightfeather> [R0] 一開始的野心是這樣 但是後來沒實現 11:39 < dannyAAM> 應該會有類比踏板吧w 11:39 < Aweimeow> 最貴的 component 是洋芋片 XDD 11:39 < shawnlin_> 熱量好高的作品 11:39 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> www 11:39 < jserv--> [R0] 解釋電子零件組成,包含霍爾感測器,後來發現最貴的零件是品客洋芋片 11:39 -!- windslash [~yaaic@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 11:39 -!- circ-user-MBv8A [~circuser-@] has joined #coscup 11:39 < Lee1092> 這年頭 sensor 都比餅乾便宜 XDD 11:39 < dannyAAM> XDDD 11:39 < circ-user-MBv8A> test 11:40 -!- circ-user-MBv8A is now known as apple 11:40 < dannyAAM> 根本餅乾太貴w 11:40 -!- Goston [~goston@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 11:40 -!- tank [~tan@gaisant15.cs.ccu.edu.tw] has joined #coscup 11:40 -!- apple is now known as nipapa 11:40 < pingooo> 品客主持,說品客最貴。 11:40 < coldsleep> Penk洋芋片 (咦) 11:40 -!- Goston [~goston@] has joined #coscup 11:40 < helios> 品客變好貴 11:40 < jserv--> pingooo++ 11:40 -!- tank is now known as Guest81630 11:40 < PichuChen> R1似乎開始了 11:40 < david11014> 所以品客明年要來贊助了嗎 11:40 < jserv--> [R0] 解釋訊號處理! 11:40 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 不事變小罐? 11:40 -!- JethroYu [uid27569@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-xeelyyscfaoxtbny] has joined #coscup 11:40 < dannyAAM> 喔喔 蜂鳴器反向用耶w 11:40 < RzChen> R1復活了 11:40 -!- BanqiaoMrLiu [8c6d7f08@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 11:40 < j5a6s7o8n> 原來是接觸不良 11:40 < jserv--> [R0] 輸入聲音 / 振動 -> 產生電壓 -> sensor 11:40 -!- jiazheng [~jiazheng@] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 11:40 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 麥克風? 11:40 -!- HoloIRCUser [~holoirc@] has joined #coscup 11:40 -!- PJxPJ [~AndChat33@223-142-230-192.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 11:40 < waeting> 哦哦哦哦哦哦還可以這樣用 11:41 < YChao> pcman 從跨界變成本家了 11:41 < HoloIRCUser> R1 終於好啦~ 11:41 < dannyAAM> 是變小罐 價格也變低 不過也變難吃了Q 11:41 < nipapa> 永字八法 11:41 -!- yongjhih [~yongjhih@] has joined #coscup 11:41 -!- zonghan [~quassel@111-83-81-60.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 11:41 < dannyAAM> 學知識了w 11:41 < BanqiaoMrLiu> test : explotion! 11:41 < jserv--> [R0] 解釋 ADC 的作用 11:42 -!- Neosartorya [8c6df5b6@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 11:42 < HP_Eiling_> 我也覺得品課變小罐之後變難吃了 11:42 < derekhsu> 當PCMAN不用分心救人 11:42 < HP_Eiling_> 好難過 11:42 < sntc06> COCO也變小瓶惹 11:42 -!- kidwm [uid25246@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-hrhqpdexftsahjpz] has joined #coscup 11:42 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 新版品客 還沒吃過 11:42 < dannyAAM> ㄓㄜˋˋㄔㄤˇ 11:42 < salagadoola> [r2] 回想一下我們練習書法的情境 要有九宮格啊 (全字庫直接出字帖 沒內建九宮格 就自己做個九宮格套上去) 11:42 < dannyAAM> 這場感覺還不錯w 11:43 < jserv--> pcman 講解訊號處理,實在太強,從頭到尾只花了 3 分鐘 ! 11:43 < ggininder_> R1開始了 11:43 < dannyAAM> 新版品克難吃 鹽巴根本不用錢的... 11:43 < waeting> r0綠色不見字跟著不見了 11:43 * jserv-- <- 大學教師太廢,回家反省 11:43 < dannyAAM> 別啦wwwww 11:43 < salagadoola> [R2] 寫app對我來說簡單多了 所以開發下去就多了一堆功能 11:43 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 沒有贊助 所以不廣告w 11:43 < lagane100> r2 因為你沒有女朋友(X 11:43 < [R0]Nightfeather> wwwwwwwww 11:43 < PichuChen> 其實這次大會主題的融通,一開始以為是哪間公司叫做融通搞冠名贊助 11:43 < dannyAAM> microchip常見啊w 11:43 < jserv--> PichuChen, 我本來以為是「通融」 11:44 < shawnlin_> R0好硬阿 11:44 < lucian> Microchip明年贊助預定 XDD 11:44 -!- eric [~eric@] has joined #coscup 11:44 < derekhsu> 這次應該叫軟硬 11:44 < derekhsu> 硬軟 11:44 -!- Goston [~goston@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 11:44 < billy3321_> 突然想到,好像可以用全字庫生成勒索信XDD 11:44 < david11014> 要硬硬又軟軟 11:44 < StarNight> 0~1023 11:44 < shawnlin_> 用arduino的話就會有內建ADC喔 11:44 < jserv--> derekhsu, 還可以追加一個副主題「轉行」 11:44 < PichuChen> jserv-- XD 11:44 < dannyAAM> 不過我只有可幾顆23016 XD 11:44 < derekhsu> Good~ 11:44 < billy3321_> jserv--: \n嗎?XD 11:44 < [R0]Nightfeather> wwwwwww 11:44 < wens> shawnlin_: arduino 沒有音源 11:44 < dannyAAM> 確實可以用arduino當adc用啦w 11:45 < Moon_Slight> 糟糕,我發覺我肚子餓了 11:45 < [R0]Nightfeather> 沒關係 便當來惹 11:45 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 快去買高熱量的品客 11:45 < darkx> 換行! 11:45 -!- shareway [uid106948@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-zcdemlrasfwnbeku] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 11:45 -!- billy3321 [uid12904@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-qpvyrenadzytjnqg] has quit [] 11:45 -!- HoloIRCUser [~holoirc@] has quit [Ping timeout: 258 seconds] 11:45 < salagadoola> 用這個生勒索信,遇到書法造詣不好的人看不懂寫什麼就糟了XD 11:45 < dannyAAM> spi的串接好麻煩w 11:45 -!- billy3321_ is now known as billy3321 11:45 * jserv-- 真的覺得 pcman 講話快到聽不懂,雖然這些背景知識我都已經懂了 >< 11:45 < hlb> 換 11:45 < kevin1kevin1k> 軟硬・轉行・換行 11:46 -!- jimms [8c6daf4d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 11:46 < louielu> \n 11:46 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 奴隸!? 11:46 < wens> 是說國產低階電子鼓一套一萬 11:46 < [R0]Nightfeather> Slave 11:46 < rsghost> 從轉行到換行 11:46 -!- mosu_ [8c6daf4f@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 11:46 < jserv--> [R0] 解釋 SPI 界面接法 11:46 -!- isken [8c6daf4d@gateway/web/cgi-irc/kiwiirc.com/ip.] has quit [Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client] 11:46 < jianiau> SPI 腳位很容易搞混 有兩種命名方式 11:46 -!- eric [~eric@] has quit [Client Quit] 11:46 < [R0]Nightfeather> 味噌跟摩西 (X 11:47 -!- eric [~eric@] has joined #coscup 11:47 < coscup-informati> [服務台] 四樓左右兩側領便當~~~~四樓左右兩側領便當~~~~ 11:47 < tn> 味噌XD 11:47 < jserv--> [R0] 關於 SPI,可以看我學生整理的中文材料: http://wiki.csie.ncku.edu.tw/embedded/SPI 11:47 < wens> 自製電子鼓還要土砲一個可調鼓架出來 頗麻煩 11:47 < dannyAAM> 我還是比較喜歡i2c 不過有點慢就是 11:47 < david11014> 素食便當哪裡領 11:47 -!- eric is now known as ericccc 11:47 < PichuChen> 今年是不是沒有人報Golang啊? 11:47 < coscup-informati> [服務台] 素食便當請來服務台領~ 11:47 < dannyAAM> jserv 我說沒背景知識會來不及理解吧XD 11:48 < kevingo> R0 開始訊號分析 11:48 < lucian> 要不然人家以為我不會 11:48 < Moon_Slight> R0的重點不是演唱會嗎? (X 11:48 < derekhsu> 我看到討厭的關鍵字了 11:48 < wens> 應該會... 光是 bus 怎麼接就聽不懂了 11:48 < dannyAAM> 開始更硬了w 11:48 < jianiau> 成大資工 wiki 超詳細的 11:48 < derekhsu> 傅立葉.... 11:48 < lucian> FFT!!!! 11:49 < mrorz> sampling theorem 11:49 < kevingo> lol 11:49 < jserv--> [R0] 訊號處理 / 頻譜分析 / 取樣 / 傅立葉變換 11:49 < dannyAAM> 別提啊啊啊啊啊 11:49 < boyofsky> pcman講話好像又加快了 11:49 < pingooo> 鼓沒有頻率問題吧? 11:49 < [R0]Nightfeather> ' A').............. 11:49 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> www 11:49 -!- zhxie_ [~zhxie@111-83-81-60.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 11:49 < lucian> 工數要出現了嗎 wwwwwww 11:49 < dannyAAM> 我業障太重什麼都沒聽到(X 11:49 < [R0]Nightfeather> 工數的噩夢 11:49 < jserv--> [R0] 取樣的背景知識可見成大資訊 Wiki: http://wiki.csie.ncku.edu.tw/embedded/ADC 11:49 < derekhsu> 我考完就把傅立葉就忘光了 11:49 < derekhsu> 事實上大概也沒學會過 11:49 -!- t510599 [uid180825@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-oehkntpvgjauzhnq] has joined #coscup 11:49 < StarNight> datasheet有建議的最高取樣頻率 11:50 -!- yc_ [~textual@220-130-162-20.HINET-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Quit: Textual IRC Client: www.textualapp.com] 11:50 -!- denkeni [6f47da02@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 11:50 -!- XDDDD [~steve@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 11:50 < YChao> Fourier 11:50 -!- angelboy [~angelboy@] has joined #coscup 11:50 < jserv--> derekhsu, 你要聽醫生的話,把工程數學拿出來複習 11:50 < dannyAAM> 其實實際上要做簡單的話當開關就夠了XDDD ˇ正實際聲音也不是從品客e鼓面來的w 11:50 < wens> pingooo: 他用 piezoelectric 產生訊號, 不是 microswitch, 比較複雜一點? 11:50 < ws23> [大會攤位] 貓言貓語的獲獎者要記得到大會攤位這邊領取你的獎勵喔!! 11:51 < derekhsu> 我工數有一次考16分,包括老師送的10分 11:51 < lucian> "不同象位的波" ... 11:51 < wens> dannyAAM: on/off 沒辦法當鼓打啊 根本沒強度訊號... 11:51 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> lol 11:51 < barneybook> 我覺得真的要做的話買一台真鼓比較快XDD 11:51 < jserv--> [R0] 取樣理論: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nyquist%E2%80%93Shannon_sampling_theorem 11:51 < dannyAAM> 哀 好像也是XDD 11:51 -!- jiazheng [~jiazheng@] has joined #coscup 11:51 < wens> dannyAAM: 複雜點還要不同強度配不同音色... 11:51 -!- chyuaner [uid28032@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-iuovpdsxmsrnaffw] has joined #coscup 11:51 < coscup-informati> [便當] 人文館請到四樓左右兩側走廊領取,活動中心請到平面會議室領取,素食便當請到各館服務台領取! 11:52 < barneybook> 做電子鼓複習工數加電子學 11:52 < DeemoHarlos> 用midi sequencer會比較好嗎 11:52 < dannyAAM> 要音色你還是去買吧 品客鼓面實在w 11:52 < lucian> Spectrum 出來惹 11:52 < [R0]Nightfeather> 呃幹 軟 ban 是看不到點嗎 11:52 < wens> dannyAAM: 坦白講這看起來就是做好玩的阿 11:52 < jserv--> [R0] 展示原理訊號波形經由傅立葉轉換,得到頻譜 11:52 < pingooo> RC 常數調低一點,只需抓到手打和腳踩的強度(振幅),不需採到整個 exponential 形。 11:52 < derekhsu> 不是還要偵測敲擊的程度嗎 11:52 < jserv--> wens, 天底下很多東西都是做好玩的呀 :) 11:52 < wens> dannyAAM: 真的要學鼓還是買一套好的吧 11:53 -!- AliceWei [uid12990@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-dwhvugfonnlcqyia] has joined #coscup 11:53 < dannyAAM> 要認真做根本不該用這種材料www 11:53 < DeemoHarlos> 不用買 去學校練(X) 11:53 -!- asahsieh_ [~asahsieh@] has joined #coscup 11:53 < wens> dannyAAM: 認真做可能要去買一張幾千塊的鼓皮? 11:53 < [R0]Nightfeather> 這種材料本來就是玩票性質吧 XD 11:53 < wens> jserv--: 是啦 11:53 -!- AndChat|538544 [~AndChat53@223-137-245-214.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 11:53 < lucian> Threshold怎麼訂的? 11:54 -!- mabinogi80503 [~mabinogi8@] has joined #coscup 11:54 -!- RyanHo [~AndChat53@223-137-245-214.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 11:54 < dannyAAM> 正在說w 11:54 < pingooo> 做好玩 +1 但我覺得有點 over-engineering。 11:54 < jserv--> COSCUP 2016 主題:「通融」,副標題「轉行,換行,硬硬的」 11:54 < YChao> 3 個 sigma 11:54 < salagadoola> 好像每個提到聲音處理的投影片都會有傅立葉轉換....... 11:54 < DeemoHarlos> wens:都買了鼓皮乾脆直接買真的了吧._. 11:54 < wens> pingooo: 直接用 pressure sensor 會不會好點? 11:54 -!- RyanHo [~AndChat53@223-137-245-214.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 11:54 -!- brli [~brli@unaffiliated/brli] has joined #coscup 11:54 -!- Dan [~danlu@] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 11:54 -!- RyanHo [~AndChat53@] has joined #coscup 11:54 < dannyAAM> 有鼓皮了直接給我用聲音採樣設備啦XDD 11:54 < louielu> http://www.pcstore.com.tw/asian/M12608614.htm 11:55 < louielu> 鼓皮 560 11:55 < mrorz> [R0] 其實應該不用 FFT 吧,一開始 PCMan 提到 time domain 做 moving average 應該就夠了 XD? 11:55 < wens> DeemoHarlos: 就買套高級電子鼓就好了 :| 11:55 < clkao> pingooo: 壓力大 over-engineer 舒壓啊~ 11:55 < louielu> http://www.pcstore.com.tw/asian/M09887276.htm 11:55 < louielu> 1500 Q_Q 11:55 < pingooo> mrorz: moving average 就是一種低通濾波器 XDD 11:55 < YChao> 其實用 threshold trigger 就夠了 11:55 -!- j4ck50n [uid110064@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-xpadakqlwpdsreuj] has joined #coscup 11:55 < DeemoHarlos> wens: 六位數$$ wwwww 11:55 < dannyAAM> rpi的採樣真的QQ 11:55 < pingooo> clkao: +10 哈哈 11:55 < dannyAAM> usermode更慘w 11:56 < jserv--> [R0] Raspberry Pi 預設的 Linux 組態無法達到精準的 real-time 要求,所以不能在固定時間取樣 11:56 -!- JasonPan [~JasonPan@] has joined #coscup 11:56 < wens> DeemoHarlos: 初階 20k , 中階 40k ~ 80k 11:56 < david11014> 有可能改嗎 11:56 < wens> 他一開始貼的那套應該是舞台用的... 11:56 < pingooo> YChao: 我也這麼覺得 11:56 -!- RyanHo [~AndChat53@] has quit [Read error: No route to host] 11:56 -!- RyanHo [~AndChat53@223-137-245-214.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 11:56 * YChao 沒辦法,這是高能的本業... XD 11:57 < pingooo> wens: 沒用過,不確定。會不會比較貴? 11:57 < mrorz> pingooo: 是呀,所以如果不是真的要取特定 frequency component 的 amplitude,只是要做高低通濾波的話,在 time domain 做 average / differential 應該就夠了 11:57 -!- RyanHo [~AndChat53@223-137-245-214.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 11:57 -!- ca_ [~ca@220-135-163-184.HINET-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 11:57 < jserv--> [R0] 如果在 Raspberry Pi 要達更好的即時處理能力,可用 Xenomai,之前成大資訊系的學生做了一些實驗和文件整理: http://wiki.csie.ncku.edu.tw/embedded/xenomai 11:57 -!- RyanHo [~AndChat53@] has joined #coscup 11:57 < StarNight> 也可以考慮換一下RC的時間常數值,或許就可以再降取樣頻率 11:57 < shawnlin_> OS有差 11:57 -!- jaid [~jaidTw@223-136-117-28.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 11:57 -!- Sean6016 [8c6d7f02@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 11:57 < wens> pingooo: 我不清楚價錢 @@ 11:57 < YChao> 只要RC的shaping夠好就可以了 11:57 < jserv--> clkao, over my dead... engineering? 11:57 -!- jiazheng [~jiazheng@] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 11:58 < Lee1092> 投影機悲劇... 11:58 < shawnlin_> 用上real timeOS 效果好很多 11:58 < Sean6016> test test 11:58 < jserv--> pcman 講話終於比較慢了 11:58 < Sean6016> 這時候就要用realtime kernel了 11:58 -!- mabinogi80503 [~mabinogi8@] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 11:58 < pingooo> YChao: 對啊,搞不好選個小一點的 RC 就一切搞定,不用請出傅立業。 11:58 < wens> jserv--: 嘴巴酸了? 11:58 < dannyAAM> 喔喔 Xenomai (筆記 11:58 -!- hydai_ [uid38396@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-rgdzddwnslhpjgjx] has joined #coscup 11:58 -!- jiazheng [~jiazheng@] has joined #coscup 11:59 -!- AndChat|538544 [~AndChat53@223-137-245-214.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 11:59 -!- zhxie_ [~zhxie@111-83-81-60.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Quit: leaving] 11:59 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 進化了! 11:59 < wens> jserv--: [OT] 上禮拜好像有個 xenomai contributor 過世? 11:59 < YChao> 敲擊的信號,其實可以對比到渺子偵測器的信號 11:59 -!- hortune [caa9ad86@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed] 11:59 < salagadoola> [R2] https://github.com/plateaukao/CalliImageView for android 11:59 -!- jaidTw [~jaidTw@] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 11:59 < DeemoHarlos> 如果是我就乾脆把訊號轉成midi訊號丟給sequencer輸出音訊了 11:59 < DeemoHarlos> (好像被我講得很簡單 11:59 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 隔壁舉手要發問 沒被發現w 12:00 < dannyAAM> real time os 啊 12:00 < jserv--> wens, 是的,Gilles Chanteperdrix 日前過世,41 歲 12:00 < wens> DeemoHarlos: 還是要把 trigger 訊號弄成 midi 啊 :p 12:00 -!- zhxie_ [~zhxie@111-83-81-60.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 12:00 < wens> DeemoHarlos: midi 後面都好搞 12:00 < lucian> 餘弦杯樂團 12:00 < pingooo> DeemoHarlos: 你就不能說最貴的是品客了。 :) 12:00 < DeemoHarlos> wens:這就是複雜的地方owo 12:00 < alan7_> 是說 可以拍嗎? 12:00 < derekhsu> 正妹 12:00 < Aweimeow> 能不能把台上的畫面轉播的大螢幕 XD 12:00 < Aweimeow> 轉播到大螢幕 12:00 -!- kent1026 [8c6d7f02@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 12:00 -!- [R1]bobofang [8c6d7f0b@gateway/web/cgi-irc/kiwiirc.com/ip.] has joined #coscup 12:01 -!- coscup-informati [8c6d7f0d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 12:01 < lucian> 最低成本最大製作的demo 12:01 < zhxie_> 餘弦杯 -> cos(ine)cup 12:01 < derekhsu> 厲害 12:01 < boyofsky> 最低成本最大demo wwwww 12:01 < vik_> SITCON 有啊 XD 12:01 < Aweimeow> 喵電感應!!! 12:01 < YChao> 虛擬歌手 12:01 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 傳統要有貓 12:01 < wens> 人力成本應該很高? 12:01 -!- ramax-- [~ramax@] has joined #coscup 12:01 < jserv--> [R0] 要有貓! 12:01 < Moon_Slight> 上次live demo不是真人歌手 XD 12:01 < tn> 喵電? 12:01 -!- asahsieh_ [~asahsieh@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 12:02 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 除了鼓手 沒有專業的 12:02 -!- RyanHo [~AndChat53@] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 12:02 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 背景ww 12:02 < jserv--> [R0] 假的! 12:02 < ramax--> help 12:02 < lucian> wwwwwwwwwwww 12:02 < DeemoHarlos> 眼睛業障重 12:02 < waeting> 吉他是真的wwwww 12:02 < [R0]Nightfeather> wwww 12:02 < kevingo> XDD 12:02 < boyofsky> 我到底看了什麼啊 wwwwwwwwwwwww 12:02 < vik_> 快來喵喵喵喵喵喵電感應 12:02 < hanbz> 好酷!! 12:02 < [R1]knowlet> 大部分的人手機同時震動,原來是快要可以吃午餐了 XD 12:02 < tn> 好帥! 12:02 < waeting> 欸!?櫻花停了耶wwwwwww 12:03 < DeweiLi> R0有燒焦味 12:03 < Aweimeow> 靠 真的是 XDDD 12:03 < boyofsky> 真的是喵電 wwwwww 12:03 < abev66_> wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww 12:03 < louielu> 喵電感應... 12:03 < lucian> wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww 12:03 < DeemoHarlos> wwwwwwwwwwwww 12:03 < waeting> 還真的是喵電感應wwwwwwwww 12:03 < Moon_Slight> XDDDDDDDD 12:03 < abev66_> 我就知道 wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww 12:03 < [R0]Nightfeather> wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww 12:03 < david11014> 還真的 XDDD 12:03 < Quexint> wwwwwwwwwwwwwwww 12:03 < yrc> XDDdDddD 12:03 < wens> 烙跑 12:03 < arthow4n> 居然真的wwwwwwwwwwwwwwww 12:03 < stanely> 開party 12:03 < kevingo> wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww 12:03 < fripig> XDD 12:03 < rsghost> XDDXDDD 12:03 < waeting> 超屌 12:03 < hanbz> 現在講者都要準備大道具了嗎XD 上次hitcon好像有人搬gogoro? 12:03 < boyofsky> 股是不是沒出來? 12:03 < coldsleep> wwwwwwwwwwwwww 12:03 < BanqiaoMrLiu> 好魔幻喔! 12:03 < ericccc> 我到底看了什麼 12:03 * jserv-- 本來要舉手發問:一個醫師可以這麼強,那我們在大學要怎麼教學生「勤能補拙」? # 凡事還是要看天份 @_@ 12:03 < salagadoola> party wwwww 12:03 < BobLu> wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww 12:03 < ggininder_> R1感受震動中 12:03 -!- Goston [~goston@] has joined #coscup 12:03 < kin> wwwwwww 12:03 < DeemoHarlos> \(owo)/\(owo)/\(owo)/\(owo)/\(owo)/\(owo)/\(owo)/\(owo)/ 12:03 < rsghost> 我看了三小XDD 12:03 < derjohng> wwwww 12:03 < t510599> wwww 12:04 -!- jaid [~jaidTw@223-136-117-28.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 12:04 < lego> 我感受到了強烈的低成本 XD 12:04 -!- yomao_ [uid38282@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-qnezhlfndydbesir] has joined #coscup 12:04 -!- jaidTw [~jaidTw@] has joined #coscup 12:04 -!- Guest62972 [8c6daf4c@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 12:04 < hanbz> wtf 12:04 < Moon_Slight> 電音鼓沒出來啊 XD 12:04 < salagadoola> 有咚咚咚的聲音一直傳到 R2 來www 12:04 < derekhsu> 人生啊 12:04 < SCWhite> 那個....鼓有用嗎? 12:04 < abev66_> wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww 12:04 < DeemoHarlos> 我覺得明年就換我了owo 12:04 < lucian> 有喔 12:04 < Aweimeow> 有啦有鼓聲 XD 12:04 < waeting> 有啦比較小聲 12:04 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> wwww 12:04 < Felix___> [R1] R0開趴了嗎? 12:04 < pingooo> livehouse.in 直播斷斷的... 12:04 < [R0]Nightfeather> 電子鼓聲音好像出不太來 wwwww 12:04 < Moon_Slight> 好小聲,有聽到了 12:04 < SCWhite> 有喔 廳到了 12:04 < boyofsky> 電子鼓貌似還是不夠robust啊 XDDDDDDDDDD 12:04 < yomao_> 鼓聲太小啦! 12:04 -!- madarame_ [uid28051@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-ndjbrbycffhzxajk] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 12:04 < waeting> 可以調大一點嗎wwwww 12:04 < wens> boyofsky: 品客蓋子 不要太強求? 12:05 < lucian> 可能有一組斷線 12:05 < Sciuridae_C> 在旁邊要開始發便當的我感受到惹 12:05 < stanely> 鼓手好專業的手法 12:05 < iblis17> 尛 書法有尛演算法 12:05 < waeting> R0瀰漫奇怪的電波wwwww 12:05 -!- StarNight [~zack@] has quit [Ping timeout: 258 seconds] 12:05 -!- coscup-info [2a486e6e@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 12:05 < salagadoola> [R2] 我有看了幾篇 但是我數學不太好 所以效果也不太好 (把字帖轉成手寫效果的功能) 12:05 < jserv--> 強烈要求 pcman 當場改電子鼓程式碼 12:05 -!- jiazheng [~jiazheng@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 12:05 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 還以為 回聲? 12:05 < [R1]knowlet> R0 太吵了啦 XDDD 12:05 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> *回音 12:05 < yomao_> 不過看他鼓手的動作超專業 12:05 < arthow4n> 我到底在中研院聽了啥XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD 12:05 -!- ramax [8c6d7f0b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 12:05 < DeemoHarlos> 電子鼓真的robust整棟樓會跟著震度吧 12:05 < DeemoHarlos> 震動 12:05 -!- jiazheng [~jiazheng@] has joined #coscup 12:05 < lagane100> r0超吵wwwww 12:05 < janelin> XD 12:05 < rsghost> 有電波 12:05 -!- StarNight [~zack@] has joined #coscup 12:05 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 喵喵喵~~ 12:05 < nipapa> 咚滋咚滋 12:05 < ggininder_> 跟著土炮鼓動次動 12:05 < janelin> R0的電波溢散出來了 12:05 < shawnlin_> 中研院開演唱會 這是第一次嗎? 12:05 < nipapa> R2有感 12:05 < lucian> PCMan笑的好燦爛 12:06 -!- Antonio7905 [8c6d7f08@gateway/web/cgi-irc/kiwiirc.com/ip.] has joined #coscup 12:06 -!- yishui [8c6d7f0b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 12:06 < pingooo> 直播的鼓聲有點破掉 12:06 -!- actw__ [uid127815@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-bmtxvsmnvfxuwyos] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 12:06 -!- brli [~brli@unaffiliated/brli] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds] 12:06 -!- Goston [~goston@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 12:06 < pingooo> 又好了 12:06 < boyofsky> 喵喵喵 12:06 < billy3321> 好high,聽到隔壁的聲音 12:06 < Aweimeow> 超猛的阿 XDDDD 12:06 < jserv--> shawnlin_, 其實中研院每個月都有音樂會,不過不在人文館 12:06 < louielu> 太神啦~~~~ 12:06 < YChao> pingooo: 應該是 clipping 了吧 12:06 < hanbz> R0真的酷斃了! 12:06 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 假的~假的~ 12:06 < yongjhih> 假的 12:06 < Lee1092> 太神啦!!!!! 12:06 < tn> 乾超屌 12:06 < dannyAAM> 假的w 12:06 -!- Vongola [uid175340@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-hyvjlwobaxtzngrq] has joined #coscup 12:06 < derekhsu> 真的有去授權 12:07 < lucian> 勸世宗親會!!! 12:07 < [R0]Nightfeather> 有授權 wwwwwwwww 12:07 < Aweimeow> 勸世宗親會 XDDDDD 12:07 < abev66_> 凎 XD 12:07 < Moon_Slight> 超狂 XD 12:07 < kylin> 真的有 12:07 < abev66_> 居然有授權 12:07 < arthow4n> 有授權XDDDDDDDDDDD 12:07 -!- asahsieh_ [~asahsieh@] has joined #coscup 12:07 < Vongola> Amazing~XD 12:07 < boyofsky> 笑炸wwwww 12:07 < derekhsu> 鼓手好正推一下 12:07 < fntsrCloud> XDDDDD 12:07 < dannyAAM> 有授權wwwww 12:07 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 沒人在中研院開過演唱會 12:07 < DeemoHarlos> OPOP 12:07 < jserv--> [R0] GH 出現 12:07 < rsghost> 支持在地樂團(O 12:08 -!- zhxie_ [~zhxie@111-83-81-60.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Quit: leaving] 12:08 -!- DanSnow [~snow@] has quit [Ping timeout: 258 seconds] 12:08 < dannyAAM> 有github耶w 12:08 < darkx> https://github.com/pcman/pydrum 12:08 < derekhsu> 可以期待以後會有開源樂團 12:08 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> GH網址後面 看不清楚 12:08 < alex_lu> 前幾年的哪個conf不是在r0唱過來著? 12:08 < dannyAAM> 上面有了w 12:08 < PichuChen> LoRA現在支援IP了嗎? 12:08 -!- Goston [~goston@] has joined #coscup 12:08 < jserv--> darkx, https://github.com/PCMan/pydrum # 12:08 -!- Pp_ [7288b01d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 12:08 < waeting> wwwwwww 12:09 -!- janelin [~chatzilla@] has quit [Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.92 [Firefox 48.0/20160726073904]] 12:09 < fripig> 測不準原理XDD 12:09 < rail02000> 某次COSCUP的中午休息時間? 12:09 < jserv--> [R0] latency! 12:09 < fripig> (被打 12:09 -!- JasonPan [~JasonPan@] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds] 12:09 -!- zonghan [~quassel@111-83-81-60.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 12:09 < pingooo> YChao: 要不要問 threshold trigger? :) 12:09 -!- Haox [~Haox@] has joined #coscup 12:09 < unciax> 我記得去年中午吃飯時間R0有開演唱會啊? 12:09 < hanbz> pcman要再次轉職玩樂團了嗎XD 12:09 -!- shigurefox [~shigurefo@] has joined #coscup 12:09 < darkx> XD 12:10 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 轉行,換行,硬硬的,玩樂團 12:10 < wens> 請講者要重複問題阿~~~ 12:10 < StarNight> 電源好,訊號才會好~ 12:10 < lucian> "每次都是接地的問題,屢試不爽" 12:10 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 自費 蓋電線杆(X 12:10 < darkx> 都要自己焊接www 12:10 -!- parry [6ff02f23@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 12:10 < [R0]Nightfeather> 軟體鑽到底變硬體 硬體敲敲打打變樂團 12:10 -!- [R0]buck5060 [~buck5060@] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 12:10 -!- JasonPan [~JasonPan@] has joined #coscup 12:10 < derekhsu> 不是聽說日本有個阿伯為了180萬的音響在家裡接了一根電線竿 12:11 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 日本應該有更多這樣的 12:11 -!- Goston [~goston@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 12:11 < wens> derekhsu: 不是打銅錐? 12:11 < ggininder_> 好電源是王道 12:11 < boyofsky> 剛才pcman有提到數位接地跟類比接地要分開 12:11 < derekhsu> 好像跟日本電力公司申請 12:11 < boyofsky> 可以請問原因嗎? 12:11 < [R0]Nightfeather> 水力發電 (ry 12:11 < derekhsu> 在家裡接了一根電線竿 12:11 < pingooo> cross talk 12:11 -!- [R1]knowlet [8c6d7f04@gateway/web/cgi-irc/kiwiirc.com/ip.] has quit [Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client] 12:11 < ericccc> doctor=>maker=>musician 12:11 < alex_lu> 聽說那跟電線桿花了4W USD 12:11 < wens> derekhsu: 獨立電源? 12:12 < dannyAAM> 那的電桿www 12:12 < derekhsu> 說經過變電箱聲音會不好 12:12 -!- YuanFu [~yuanfu@] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 12:12 < SCWhite> 有些人認為 核能 火力 等等電會影響音響 12:12 < wens> derekhsu: 從附近變電箱獨立拉一組出來嘛? 12:12 < rsghost> SSD 玄學 12:12 -!- [R1]bobofang [8c6d7f0b@gateway/web/cgi-irc/kiwiirc.com/ip.] has quit [Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client] 12:12 < hlb> 用風力發的電,音質會更悠揚喔 12:12 < DeemoHarlos> 突然想到既然都能把訊號轉出來了 弄成MIDI訊號也不是難事? 12:12 < DeemoHarlos> 不過似乎用sequencer delay可能會很嚴重 12:12 < wens> SCWhite: 這種人請他用鉛蓄電池就好 12:12 < waeting> 已經從科學變成玄學了 12:12 < StarNight> 倒也不是 12:12 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> www 12:12 < derekhsu> 核電聲音聽起來比校厚重 12:12 < ggininder_> 火力發電電源比較熱情 12:12 < coscup-info> 風力發電有種清爽的感覺,火力發電聲音聽起來比較暖 12:12 -!- PichuChen [~pichu@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 12:12 < rsghost> 人力發電比較血汗 12:12 -!- AndChat|330644 [~AndChat33@223-142-234-106.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 12:12 < ggininder_> 人力wwwww 12:13 < StarNight> 噗 ... 12:13 -!- PichuChen [~pichu@] has joined #coscup 12:13 < waeting> 水力發電聽起來比較綿密流暢 12:13 -!- j5a6s7o8n [~AndChat23@111-70-128-182.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Quit: Bye] 12:13 -!- derjohng [caa9ad86@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 12:13 -!- knowlet [8c6d7f04@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 12:13 < derekhsu> 自己騎腳踏車發電比較親切 12:13 -!- abev66_ [~quassel@] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 12:13 -!- yongjhih [~yongjhih@] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 12:13 < dannyAAM> 怎麼可能不過變電箱啦wwwww 12:13 -!- shigurefox [~shigurefo@] has left #coscup [] 12:13 < StarNight> 可以從訊雜比的觀念進入 12:13 -!- PichuChen [~pichu@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 12:13 < dannyAAM> 你音響是要用300kv的電壓啊wwww 12:13 -!- cartertsai [~cartertsa@] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 12:13 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 不變壓 會蓋高吧XD 12:13 < coscup-info> 太陽能發電有種電波系的感覺 12:13 < fripig> SSD聽起來太尖 還是要用HD 12:13 < wens> DeemoHarlos: 應該還好? 不然就是 adc 獨立到 arduino 讓他變成 usb midi 樂器? 12:13 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> *太高 12:13 -!- infate [~infate@] has quit [Quit: Bye] 12:13 < lucian> "破預算" 12:13 < [R0]Nightfeather> 水力悠揚 火力狂野 風力空靈 核能沉厚 (X 12:13 < chwong_cloud> 人力發電最便宜 12:13 < pingooo> 用愛發電聽起來比較溫暖 12:13 -!- asahsieh_ [~asahsieh@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 12:13 -!- Aweimeow [~Aweimeow@] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 12:13 -!- kylin [~kylin@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 12:13 < rsghost> 業障發電 12:13 < waeting> 都討論到什麼奇怪的領域了 12:13 < chris1004tw> 直播影音完全不同步 ._. 12:13 < derekhsu> http://hk.on.cc/int/bkn/cnt/news/20160817/bknint-20160817192517813-0817_17011_001.html 12:14 < alex_lu> SSD vs HDD 盲測 12:14 < alex_lu> http://akiba-pc.watch.impress.co.jp/docs/wakiba/find/705750.html 12:14 -!- Vincent_ [72882306@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 12:14 < StarNight> 真高手 12:14 -!- Jeane [8c6d7f08@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed] 12:14 -!- jeane_ is now known as jeane 12:14 < coscup-info> [服務台] 閃電秀Lightning Talk報名只剩30分鐘,快來服務台報名~~~12:45開始抽出閃電秀講者喔! 12:14 < DeemoHarlos> wens:我自己就是用arduinoXDDDDDDDDD 12:14 -!- Antonio7905 [8c6d7f08@gateway/web/cgi-irc/kiwiirc.com/ip.] has quit [Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client] 12:14 < chwong_cloud> 皮卡丘發電會看到打排球的幻象 12:14 -!- ramax-- [~ramax@] has quit [Quit: leaving] 12:15 < derekhsu> 私人電線杆及變壓器,又增設斷路器及電纜 12:15 -!- PJxPJ [~AndChat33@223-142-230-192.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 258 seconds] 12:15 < jserv--> chwong_cloud++ # 打排球 12:15 -!- windslash [~yaaic@] has joined #coscup 12:15 -!- aoihitomi [8c6d10a4@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 12:15 < aoihitomi> test 12:15 < pingooo> R 太大才會兩個波形相疊 12:15 < YChao> 對啊 12:15 -!- RichardWU [~AndChat14@] has joined #coscup 12:15 -!- codepecker [uid180791@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-wzifjsppvosotltc] has joined #coscup 12:15 -!- arthow4n [8c6d7f02@gateway/web/cgi-irc/kiwiirc.com/ip.] has quit [Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client] 12:15 < dannyAAM> 很多都玄學啊www 12:16 -!- Haox [~Haox@] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 12:16 < darkx> 我偷懶沒有接地www 12:16 < StarNight> 可以再加個高通的電容,抓peak也會比較好抓 12:16 -!- mikechouto [~mikey@] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 12:16 < [R0]Nightfeather> wwwwww 12:16 < YChao> 其實沒有接輸入的話,ADC會有cross talk很正常 12:16 < dannyAAM> SSD跟HDD的差異根本不是人類範圍了w 12:16 -!- Dai [b4cd8a92@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 12:16 -!- Goston [~goston@] has joined #coscup 12:16 -!- kewang [~kewang@] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 12:16 -!- pupuliao [8c6d7f04@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 12:16 -!- dt__ [8c6d7f08@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 12:16 -!- yen [~yen@] has quit [Quit: leaving] 12:17 -!- StarNight [~zack@] has quit [Quit: leaving] 12:17 -!- lagane100 [~lagane100@] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds] 12:17 -!- Lrren [8c6d7f08@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 12:17 -!- nipapa [~circuser-@] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 12:17 < DeemoHarlos> 輪鼓? 12:17 -!- Raikkonen [2a48dba2@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 12:17 -!- salagadoola [df891b54@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 12:17 -!- setuna0625 [8c6d7f0b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 12:17 -!- ccc_ [8c6d7f0d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 12:17 -!- martian_ho [670ac50a@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 12:17 -!- AndChat-145641 [~AndChat14@] has joined #coscup 12:17 -!- arthow4n [8c6d7f02@gateway/web/cgi-irc/kiwiirc.com/ip.] has joined #coscup 12:17 < codepecker> 小啄提醒大家, 12:17 < codepecker> 別忘了利用中午時間到各處逛攤位, 12:17 < codepecker> 挑戰大地遊戲拿獎品喲! 12:17 < wens> 蓋子會不會破掉? 12:17 -!- veloci85 [~Thunderbi@] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 12:17 -!- AndChat-145641 [~AndChat14@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 12:17 -!- z956_ [~z956@] has quit [Quit: leaving] 12:17 -!- Yellow [~YiLing@27-246-67-36.adsl.fetnet.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 12:17 -!- mp607 [~mp607@] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 12:17 < dannyAAM> 沒那麼容易破吧www 12:17 -!- RichardWU [~AndChat14@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 12:17 -!- yishui [8c6d7f0b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 12:17 -!- Neosartorya [8c6df5b6@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 12:18 -!- AndChat-145641 [~AndChat14@] has joined #coscup 12:18 -!- AndChat327600 [~AndChat32@42-66-132-202.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Quit: Bye] 12:18 < pingooo> 輪鼓了不起 30 Hz? 12:18 < kevin1kevin1k> 請品客未來的洋芋片蓋子要堅固些 12:18 -!- Dai [b4cd8a92@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Client Quit] 12:18 -!- yolandalin [~yolandali@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 12:18 -!- duckll [~duckll@] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 12:18 -!- Goston [~goston@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 12:18 < wens> 之前用 armv7 跑過 midi synth 接 ewi usb, cpu 好像沒吃很多 12:18 -!- derekhsu [~derekhsu@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 12:18 < dannyAAM> 不對吧www 12:18 -!- ericccc [~eric@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 12:18 -!- AndChat-145641 [~AndChat14@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 12:18 -!- taipeiwu [~AndChat14@] has quit [Ping timeout: 258 seconds] 12:18 -!- pastleo [~pastleo@] has quit [Quit: leaving] 12:18 -!- asahsieh_ [~asahsieh@] has joined #coscup 12:19 -!- DeweiLi [~deweili@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 12:19 -!- JasonPan [~JasonPan@] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 12:19 -!- Quexint [~textual@] has quit [Quit: My Mac has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…] 12:20 -!- arthow4n [8c6d7f02@gateway/web/cgi-irc/kiwiirc.com/ip.] has quit [Client Quit] 12:20 -!- u10313335 [~sol@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 12:20 -!- AndChat327600 [~AndChat32@42-67-178-176.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 12:20 -!- bookgin [~sibark@] has quit [Ping timeout: 258 seconds] 12:20 -!- SCWhite [caa9ad86@gateway/web/cgi-irc/kiwiirc.com/ip.] has quit [Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client] 12:20 -!- Pp_ [7288b01d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 12:20 -!- fripig [8c6d7f02@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 12:20 -!- shawnlin_ [8c6d7f0b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 12:21 -!- JasonPan [~JasonPan@] has joined #coscup 12:21 -!- hexpinr [~user@] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 12:21 -!- jserv-- [~jserv@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 12:21 -!- dneif [8c6d7f0b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 12:21 -!- kkpan111 [~kkpan11@] has quit [Quit: Leaving.] 12:22 -!- starship2518_ [8c6d7f0b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 12:22 -!- mrorz [~mrorz@] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 12:22 -!- windslash [~yaaic@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 12:22 -!- jianiau [~jimmy@] has quit [Ping timeout: 258 seconds] 12:22 -!- Sean6016 [8c6d7f02@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 12:22 -!- BanqiaoMrLiu [8c6d7f08@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 12:22 -!- alan7_ [~alan7@] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 12:23 -!- rail02000 [~qicruser@114-136-181-228.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Quit: qicr for android: faster and better] 12:23 -!- DanLu [~AndChat11@42-72-107-37.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 12:23 -!- yutin [~yutin@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 12:23 -!- AndChat|330644 [~AndChat33@223-142-234-106.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Quit: Bye] 12:23 -!- tn [caa9ad86@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 12:23 -!- Kuro_ [9d07c8cf@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 12:23 -!- asahsieh_ [~asahsieh@] has quit [Ping timeout: 258 seconds] 12:23 -!- DanLu [~AndChat11@] has joined #coscup 12:23 -!- Chris__ [caa9ad86@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 12:23 -!- Jiero [8c6d7f08@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 12:23 -!- Moon_Slight [8c6d7f02@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 12:23 -!- vik_ [~vik@] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 12:24 -!- AndChat|401249 [~AndChat40@] has joined #coscup 12:24 -!- DanLu [~AndChat11@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 12:25 -!- AndChat401249 [~AndChat40@223-136-67-243.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 12:25 -!- lego [~lego@] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 12:25 -!- AndChat|401249 [~AndChat40@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 12:25 -!- rail02000 [~qicruser@] has joined #coscup 12:26 -!- Lrren [8c6d7f08@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 12:26 -!- u10313335_phone [~hermes@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 12:26 -!- rail02000_ [~qicruser@114-136-181-228.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 12:26 -!- rail02000_ [~qicruser@114-136-181-228.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Client Quit] 12:26 -!- jaid [~jaidTw@223-136-117-28.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 12:27 -!- waeting [~waeting@] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 12:27 -!- PJxPJ [~AndChat33@223-142-249-57.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 12:28 -!- hanbz [8c6d7f02@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 12:28 -!- stanely [~smuxi@] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 12:29 -!- mikechouto [~mikey@] has joined #coscup 12:29 -!- rail02000_ [~qicruser@114-136-181-228.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 12:29 -!- rail02000 [~qicruser@] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 12:30 -!- AndChat338289 [~AndChat33@223-137-145-165.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 12:30 -!- lego [~lego@] has joined #coscup 12:31 -!- coscup-info [2a486e6e@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 12:31 -!- jaidTw [~jaidTw@] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds] 12:31 -!- coscup-info [8c6d7f0d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 12:31 -!- AndChat338289 [~AndChat33@223-137-145-165.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Read error: Connection refused] 12:32 -!- jiazheng [~jiazheng@] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 12:33 -!- AndChat338289 [~AndChat33@223-137-145-165.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 12:34 -!- AndChat338289 [~AndChat33@223-137-145-165.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Read error: Connection refused] 12:35 -!- mikechouto [~mikey@] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 12:36 -!- xiantank [~cht99u@csie0.cs.ccu.edu.tw] has joined #coscup 12:36 -!- AndChat338289 [~AndChat33@223-137-145-165.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 12:37 -!- lagane100 [~lagane100@] has joined #coscup 12:38 -!- AndChat338289 [~AndChat33@223-137-145-165.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 12:38 -!- kohsiangyu [uid45193@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-kdomrszlrmgnjtti] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 12:38 -!- taichunmin [uid19896@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-jnfghwjlfkegwavn] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 12:39 -!- jiazheng [~jiazheng@] has joined #coscup 12:41 -!- JYNY [uid13953@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-ibbfianbqtcdwepp] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 12:42 -!- darkgerm2 [uid12415@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-onwdngyigmcgwlpz] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 12:42 -!- jaidTw [~jaidTw@] has joined #coscup 12:42 -!- jaid [~jaidTw@223-136-117-28.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 12:43 -!- infate [~infate@] has joined #coscup 12:43 -!- jaidTw [~jaidTw@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 12:43 -!- jaidTw [~jaidTw@] has joined #coscup 12:44 -!- [R2]hinet60613 is now known as [R0]hinet60613 12:44 -!- jaidTw [~jaidTw@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 12:44 -!- rail02000_ [~qicruser@114-136-181-228.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Quit: qicr for android: faster and better] 12:44 -!- jaid [~jaidTw@] has joined #coscup 12:44 -!- viki [8c6d7f0b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 12:45 -!- AndChat327600 [~AndChat32@42-67-178-176.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Quit: Bye] 12:45 -!- jaid [~jaidTw@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 12:45 -!- AndChat327600 [~AndChat32@] has joined #coscup 12:45 -!- rail02000 [~qicruser@114-136-181-228.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 12:46 < coscup-info> [服務台] 閃電秀火盃收攤~ 12:46 -!- jserv- [8c6d7f0d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 12:46 -!- AndChat327600 [~AndChat32@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 12:46 -!- AndChat327600 [~AndChat32@] has joined #coscup 12:46 < jserv-> ls 12:47 < jserv-> ls -al 12:47 -!- jserv- [8c6d7f0d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Client Quit] 12:48 -!- null_ [8c6d7f0d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 12:48 -!- jiazheng [~jiazheng@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 12:49 -!- AndChat327600 [~AndChat32@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 12:50 -!- AndChat|327600 [~AndChat32@42-66-66-117.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 12:50 -!- mabinogi80503 [~mabinogi8@] has joined #coscup 12:50 -!- jsliang [uid29695@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-wsbkryiuzorlfmyj] has joined #coscup 12:50 -!- DeweiLi [~deweili@] has joined #coscup 12:51 -!- TYLin [sid187@gateway/web/mozilla/x-nblzyqvqquzmpjel] has joined #coscup 12:51 -!- mabinogi80503 [~mabinogi8@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 12:51 -!- mabinogi80503 [~mabinogi8@] has joined #coscup 12:51 <@bobchao> ps 一下明天還是有閃電秀火盃喔!今天沒想到要投啥的歡迎明天再試試看! 12:52 -!- RickZhang [01228c1e@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 12:52 -!- jiazheng [~jiazheng@] has joined #coscup 12:52 -!- jiero [caa9ad86@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 12:52 -!- cartertsai [~cartertsa@] has joined #coscup 12:53 -!- [R0]buck5060 [~buck5060@] has joined #coscup 12:54 -!- mabinogi_ [~mabinogi8@] has joined #coscup 12:54 -!- inphate [~infate@] has joined #coscup 12:54 -!- HoloIRCUser3 [~holoirc@] has joined #coscup 12:55 -!- AndChat|327600 [~AndChat32@42-66-66-117.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 12:55 -!- mabinogi_ [~mabinogi8@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 12:55 -!- mabinogi_ [~mabinogi8@] has joined #coscup 12:55 -!- HoloIRCUser3 [~holoirc@] has quit [Client Quit] 12:56 -!- mabinogi80503 [~mabinogi8@] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 12:56 -!- waeting [~waeting@] has joined #coscup 12:56 -!- kylin [~kylin@] has joined #coscup 12:56 -!- YMHuang [~holoirc@] has joined #coscup 12:58 -!- JasonPan [~JasonPan@] has quit [Ping timeout: 258 seconds] 12:58 -!- infate [~infate@] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 12:58 -!- inphate [~infate@] has quit [Read error: No route to host] 12:58 -!- infate [~infate@] has joined #coscup 12:59 -!- taichunmin [uid19896@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-oddpylgnitspzfuf] has joined #coscup 12:59 -!- goldie [8c6d7f08@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 12:59 -!- inphate [~infate@] has joined #coscup 12:59 -!- mabinogi_ [~mabinogi8@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 13:00 -!- mabinogi80503 [~mabinogi8@] has joined #coscup 13:00 -!- AndChat338289 [~AndChat33@223-137-145-165.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 13:00 -!- u10313335 [~sol@] has joined #coscup 13:00 -!- jiazheng [~jiazheng@] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 13:01 -!- Goston [~goston@] has joined #coscup 13:02 -!- HoloIRCUser4 [~holoirc@] has joined #coscup 13:02 -!- [R1]bobofang [8c6d7f0b@gateway/web/cgi-irc/kiwiirc.com/ip.] has joined #coscup 13:02 -!- mosu_ [8c6daf4f@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 13:02 -!- inphate [~infate@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 13:02 -!- danlu [~danlu@] has joined #coscup 13:02 -!- danlu is now known as dan 13:02 -!- inphate [~infate@] has joined #coscup 13:02 -!- inphate [~infate@] has quit [Client Quit] 13:03 -!- infate [~infate@] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 13:03 -!- z956 [~z956@] has joined #coscup 13:03 -!- pingooo [32a7bd35@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 13:03 -!- ddio_ [uid13869@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-ulrlcgrxwmjpvkxs] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 13:03 -!- ddio [uid13869@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-qmrgoxjbqupgaajj] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 13:03 < waeting> 才剛吃飽就在想下午茶了((菸 13:04 -!- DanLu [~AndChat11@42-72-107-37.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 13:04 -!- AndChat338289 [~AndChat33@223-137-145-165.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 13:04 -!- Aweimeow [~Aweimeow@] has joined #coscup 13:04 -!- sinica_op [8c6d7f0d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 13:05 -!- YMHuang [~holoirc@] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 13:05 -!- ericccc [~eric@] has joined #coscup 13:06 -!- vincentsue [~vincentsu@] has joined #coscup 13:06 -!- mikechouto [~mikey@] has joined #coscup 13:06 -!- mabinogi80503 is now known as [R1]mabinogi8050 13:06 -!- jimms [8c6daf4d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 13:06 -!- Quexint [~textual@] has joined #coscup 13:07 -!- HoloIRCUser4 [~holoirc@] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds] 13:07 -!- vincentsue [~vincentsu@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 13:07 -!- vincentsue [~vincentsu@] has joined #coscup 13:07 -!- SCWhite [caa9ad86@gateway/web/cgi-irc/kiwiirc.com/ip.] has joined #coscup 13:08 -!- vincents_ [~vincentsu@] has joined #coscup 13:08 -!- vincentsue [~vincentsu@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 13:08 -!- lmz8241 [650a703c@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 13:08 -!- HoloIRCUser [~holoirc@] has joined #coscup 13:08 -!- JasonPan [~JasonPan@] has joined #coscup 13:08 -!- HoloIRCUser [~holoirc@] has quit [Client Quit] 13:09 -!- Goston [~goston@] has quit [] 13:09 -!- rail02000 [~qicruser@114-136-181-228.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Quit: qicr for android: faster and better] 13:10 -!- AndChat338289 [~AndChat33@] has joined #coscup 13:10 -!- kewang [~kewang@] has joined #coscup 13:10 -!- YMHuang [~holoirc@] has joined #coscup 13:10 -!- vincentsue [~vincentsu@] has joined #coscup 13:10 -!- [R1]bobofang [8c6d7f0b@gateway/web/cgi-irc/kiwiirc.com/ip.] has quit [Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client] 13:10 -!- rail02000 [~qicruser@114-136-181-223.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 13:10 -!- AndChat338289 [~AndChat33@] has quit [Client Quit] 13:10 -!- jianiau [~jimmy@] has joined #coscup 13:10 < David_c> [R0] 物聯網無人機 全裸待機中 13:11 -!- jianiau [~jimmy@] has quit [Client Quit] 13:11 < kewang> [R1] 強哥在 cue 助理主持 其實可以自己來 XD 13:11 -!- AndChat401249 [~AndChat40@223-136-67-243.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 13:11 < SCWhite> 哦哦 東琳大出現拉~ 13:11 -!- jianiau [~jimmy@] has joined #coscup 13:11 -!- null_ [8c6d7f0d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 13:12 < kewang> 打錯 是 [R2] 13:12 -!- AndChat338289 [~AndChat33@] has joined #coscup 13:12 -!- dneif [8c6d7f0b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 13:12 -!- [R1]bobofang [8c6d7f0b@gateway/web/cgi-irc/kiwiirc.com/ip.] has joined #coscup 13:12 -!- howei [8c6daf4c@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 13:12 -!- StarNight [~AndChat54@223-137-208-154.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 13:12 -!- StarNight [~AndChat54@223-137-208-154.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Client Quit] 13:12 -!- AndChat338289 [~AndChat33@] has quit [Client Quit] 13:13 -!- vincents_ [~vincentsu@] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds] 13:13 -!- parry [6ff02f23@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 13:13 -!- AndChat401249 [~AndChat40@223-136-67-243.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 13:13 -!- AndChat|401249 [~AndChat40@] has joined #coscup 13:13 -!- JasonPan [~JasonPan@] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds] 13:14 -!- jiazheng [~jiazheng@] has joined #coscup 13:14 -!- nipapa [~nipapa@] has joined #coscup 13:14 -!- lego [~lego@] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 13:14 -!- [R0]buck5060 [~buck5060@] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 13:14 -!- kohsiangyu [uid45193@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-tpmvpxmjqizgtcqo] has joined #coscup 13:15 -!- [R1]bobofang [8c6d7f0b@gateway/web/cgi-irc/kiwiirc.com/ip.] has quit [Client Quit] 13:15 -!- janelin [~chatzilla@] has joined #coscup 13:15 -!- j5a6s7o8n [~AndChat23@42-75-207-210.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 13:15 -!- viki [8c6d7f0b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 13:15 -!- fubuki [caa9ad86@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 13:15 -!- StarNight [~AndChat54@] has joined #coscup 13:16 -!- shawnlin [8c6d7f0b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 13:16 -!- fubuki is now known as Guest72607 13:16 -!- derekhsu [~derekhsu@] has joined #coscup 13:16 -!- darkgerm2 [uid12415@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-mgvdfhmvpnckquya] has joined #coscup 13:16 -!- kkpan11 [~kkpan11@] has joined #coscup 13:16 < derekhsu> [H0] 13:16 -!- vincentsue [~vincentsu@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 13:16 -!- AndChat401249 [~AndChat40@223-136-67-243.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 13:16 -!- [R0]buck5060 [~buck5060@] has joined #coscup 13:17 < derekhsu> 不好意思再問一下有Unconference的議程清單嗎? 13:17 -!- vincentsue [~vincentsu@] has joined #coscup 13:17 -!- duckll [~duckll@] has joined #coscup 13:18 -!- shad0w1yc [8c6d7f0b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 13:18 < David_c> [R0] 好吵wwwww 13:18 -!- SCWhite [caa9ad86@gateway/web/cgi-irc/kiwiirc.com/ip.] has quit [Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client] 13:18 < David_c> [R0] 搞機wwwwwwwwwwww 13:18 < waeting> 一起搞機的日子 13:18 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 一起搞機的故事 13:18 < [R0]hinet60613> 一起搞基(X) 搞機(O)的日子 13:18 < boyofsky> 有一種在說雙口相聲的感覺 13:18 -!- chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun 13:19 -!- SCWhite [caa9ad86@gateway/web/cgi-irc/kiwiirc.com/ip.] has joined #coscup 13:19 < David_c> [R0] 真的很搞基(誤 13:19 -!- starship2518 [8c6d7f0b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 13:19 -!- lego [~lego@] has joined #coscup 13:19 < poga> https://medium.com/@poga/caf3029359f8 H1 逐字稿 13:19 -!- nipapa [~nipapa@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 13:19 <@chihchun> [r2] 的左邊投影機沒開唷 13:19 -!- aaacccc [df8c9391@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 13:19 -!- Aminzai [uid12986@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-xzfzuxjfalftqklb] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 13:19 -!- alan7_ [~alan7@] has joined #coscup 13:20 -!- AndChat|401249 [~AndChat40@] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 13:20 -!- derjohng [caa9ad86@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 13:20 -!- shigurefox [~shigurefo@] has joined #coscup 13:20 -!- vincent [8c6daf4d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 13:20 -!- salagadoola [df891b54@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 13:20 -!- stanely [~smuxi@] has joined #coscup 13:20 -!- YMHuang [~holoirc@] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 13:20 -!- vincent is now known as Guest37147 13:20 -!- yen [~yen@] has joined #coscup 13:20 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 機情 13:20 <@chihchun> [r2] 的左邊投影機沒開唷 ... 13:20 -!- nipapa [~nipapa@] has joined #coscup 13:20 < David_c> [R0]基情四射 13:20 < alex_lu> [h1] 「有人沒聽過資料庫嗎?」「太好了大家都聽過,我們直接跳到第80頁」 13:20 < superbil> [H1] 看完逐字稿只要5分鐘,就可以開始抓了 13:21 < [R0]hinet60613> [R0] 原來是COSCUP啊? 我還以為是在聽相聲呢 13:21 < barneybook> [H0] 黑傑克出現了 13:21 < lego> dsfa 13:21 -!- AndChat327600 [~AndChat32@42-75-218-151.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 13:21 -!- AndChat327600 [~AndChat32@42-75-218-151.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 13:21 < [R0]Nightfeather> 這套招套 der 好甲 13:21 -!- AndChat327600 [~AndChat32@42-75-218-151.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 13:21 -!- yen [~yen@] has quit [Client Quit] 13:21 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 上午有演唱會 下午有相聲 真多元 13:21 < David_c> [R0]甲味濃的相聲 13:21 -!- yongjhih [~yongjhih@] has joined #coscup 13:22 < David_c> [R0]喂!偷拍自重啊 13:22 -!- jiazheng [~jiazheng@] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 13:22 -!- tiwb [~tiwb@] has joined #coscup 13:22 -!- jiazheng [~jiazheng@] has joined #coscup 13:22 -!- kevinwang [caa9ad8e@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 13:22 < david11014> 超機啊 13:22 -!- Pascal_ [8c6d7f08@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 13:22 -!- asahsieh_ [~asahsieh@] has joined #coscup 13:22 -!- hortune [caa9ad86@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 13:23 -!- [R1]bobofang [8c6d7f0b@gateway/web/cgi-irc/kiwiirc.com/ip.] has joined #coscup 13:23 -!- [R1]bobofang [8c6d7f0b@gateway/web/cgi-irc/kiwiirc.com/ip.] has quit [Client Quit] 13:23 < David_c> [R0]海濤又來了 13:23 -!- elvismetaphor [3de2dfd3@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 13:23 < DeweiLi> 假的! 13:23 -!- infate [~infate@] has joined #coscup 13:23 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 業帳重 13:23 < superbil> [h1]先寫的log就跟留遺言一樣 13:23 < david11014> 甲的 13:23 -!- beat_ [df8854ec@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 13:23 < kester___> H0也來甲 13:23 -!- setuna0625 [8c6d7f08@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 13:24 < DeweiLi> 你的無人機業障重 13:24 -!- poyu [caa9ad86@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 13:24 -!- ecilA [~androirc@223-142-145-207.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 13:24 < derekhsu> 假的 13:24 < barneybook> [H0] 也有海濤 13:24 -!- jaidTw [~jaidTw@223-136-117-28.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 13:24 < derekhsu> 奇怪今年還沒有Pokemon 13:24 -!- [R2] [8c6d7f0b@gateway/web/cgi-irc/kiwiirc.com/ip.] has joined #coscup 13:24 -!- shigurefox [~shigurefo@] has quit [Client Quit] 13:24 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 也沒貓 13:24 < derekhsu> 貓是去年的梗了 13:24 < boyofsky> 有貓電感應... 13:24 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 對喔 忘了 13:24 < kester___> 對耶 皮卡卡卡~~糗 13:24 < David_c> [R0]今年沒貓,但有海濤(笑 13:24 < derekhsu> 貓電感應贏了 13:25 -!- [R2] [8c6d7f0b@gateway/web/cgi-irc/kiwiirc.com/ip.] has quit [Client Quit] 13:25 -!- shigurefox [~shigurefo@] has joined #coscup 13:25 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 今年有 假的 13:25 -!- JasonPan [~JasonPan@] has joined #coscup 13:25 -!- PichuChen [~pichu@] has joined #coscup 13:25 < waeting> 今年有喵電感應 13:25 < salagadoola> [r2] 在台灣大部分社群都在台北。在那邊50%社群在北京其他四散各地 13:25 -!- nipapa_ [~nipapa@] has joined #coscup 13:25 -!- yen [~yen@] has joined #coscup 13:25 -!- Rogerable [~AndChat55@] has joined #coscup 13:25 < david11014> 阿罵也看得懂計畫 XDD 13:25 -!- bobofang [8c6d7f0b@gateway/web/cgi-irc/kiwiirc.com/ip.] has joined #coscup 13:25 -!- yucheng [~yucheng@] has joined #coscup 13:26 < billy3321> R2禁止錄音錄影囉 13:26 -!- jsliang_ [8c6d7f08@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 13:26 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> ? 13:26 -!- rail02000 [~qicruser@114-136-181-223.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Quit: qicr for android: faster and better] 13:26 -!- Stephen [dc82b144@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 13:26 < waeting> 牽扯到機密了吧 13:26 -!- sonyu [uid28794@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-yctmmpfxifyutxyd] has joined #coscup 13:26 -!- Stephen is now known as Guest74074 13:27 < Davy_CC> 禁止錄音錄影 是內部營運OS生態的機密訊息 13:27 -!- Guest74074 [dc82b144@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Client Quit] 13:27 < derekhsu> 哇 13:27 -!- nipapa [~nipapa@] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 13:27 < derekhsu> 這樣應該要聽聽 13:27 < david11014> 不要玩食物 13:27 < David_c> [R0]不要玩食物! 13:27 -!- mcu_monky [dc82b144@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 13:27 -!- bz [~bz@114-136-228-14.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 13:27 -!- poyu [caa9ad86@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Client Quit] 13:28 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 五茫星lol 13:29 < float> 練成陣 13:29 -!- JasonPan [~JasonPan@] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 13:29 < david11014> [R0]這國土練成陣的練習嗎 13:30 -!- JasonPan [~JasonPan@] has joined #coscup 13:30 < SCWhite> R0 有投影片嗎? 13:30 -!- annieTing [uid180831@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-qtzzvhtshexoymqu] has joined #coscup 13:31 < wens> [r1] mcu 上跑 http 1.1 server 13:32 -!- HsiangKai [uid14422@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-ljhtqikadqzhctas] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 13:32 -!- yutin [~yutin@] has joined #coscup 13:32 < David_c> [R0]3310wwwwww 13:32 -!- yutin [~yutin@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 13:33 -!- pupuliao [8c6daf4d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 13:33 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 抓姦w 13:33 -!- Deleav [8c6daf4d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 13:33 < david11014> 四基的預付卡 13:33 < David_c> [R0]有四基沒有五基嗎? 13:33 -!- Moon_Slight [8c6d7f02@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 13:34 < boyofsky> 是因為沒有4G module嗎? 不然為什麼他們不用4G? 13:34 < PichuChen> R1在講HTTP/1.1嗎? 13:34 -!- chusiang [~chusiang@] has joined #coscup 13:34 -!- andytwmvp [~andytwmvp@] has joined #coscup 13:34 < PichuChen> 這樣待會可以提問說實做HTTP/2會不會比較快嗎 13:34 < lucian> 應該是module 不支援4G 13:34 < janelin> [H1] 這是一個很熱門的領域 幾乎每三個月就要全部重寫一次 13:35 < SCWhite> 貴阿 而且其實沒有必要用4G 13:35 -!- kkpan111 [~kkpan11@110-26-194-218.adsl.fetnet.net] has joined #coscup 13:35 -!- asahsieh_ [~asahsieh@] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 13:35 -!- bhujmn [uid107022@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-jcunpoopolbgqtwe] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 13:35 -!- yutin [~yutin@] has joined #coscup 13:36 -!- [R1]mabi_ [~mabinogi8@] has joined #coscup 13:37 -!- u10313335_phone [~hermes@] has joined #coscup 13:37 -!- [R1]mabi_ [~mabinogi8@] has left #coscup [] 13:37 -!- [R1]mabi_ [~mabinogi8@] has joined #coscup 13:37 -!- u10313335_phone [~hermes@] has quit [Client Quit] 13:37 < alex_lu> [H1] 「State就是萬惡的源頭」 13:37 -!- jsliang_ [8c6d7f08@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 13:37 -!- jimms [8c6daf4d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 13:37 < dannyAAM> HTTP/2不好寫啊... 13:37 -!- kkpan111 [~kkpan11@110-26-194-218.adsl.fetnet.net] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 13:38 -!- tiwb is now known as [R0]tiwb 13:38 < dannyAAM> HTTP/1.1還是純文字 HTTP/2複雜了些 13:38 -!- Timo [8c6d7f08@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 13:38 -!- Timo is now known as Guest36175 13:38 < chusiang> [h1] 用了 Docker 以後,重點就再不是語言或 OS 了,而是 Application server。 13:38 -!- [R1]mabi_ is now known as [R1]mabinogi805_ 13:39 -!- bobofang [8c6d7f0b@gateway/web/cgi-irc/kiwiirc.com/ip.] has quit [Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client] 13:39 < kidwm> [h2]在公司大家都是錢的愛好者 13:39 -!- kkpan11 [~kkpan11@] has quit [Ping timeout: 258 seconds] 13:39 -!- chusiang is now known as [h1]chusiang 13:39 -!- Pascal_ [8c6d7f08@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 13:39 < salagadoola> 在公司沒有人是 open source 的愛好者,只有錢的愛好者 13:39 -!- [R1]mabinogi8050 [~mabinogi8@] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds] 13:39 -!- [R1]mabinogi805_ is now known as mabinogi80503 13:39 < PichuChen> HTTP/1.1要去處理空白字元和換行,HTTP/2的話都是當Frame在處理 13:40 < janelin> [h1] 便當之王 13:40 -!- cartertsai [~cartertsa@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 13:40 -!- bobofang [8c6d7f0b@gateway/web/cgi-irc/kiwiirc.com/ip.] has joined #coscup 13:40 -!- Pofat [caa9ad86@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 13:40 -!- Haraguroicha [df889409@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 13:40 -!- kkpan11 [~kkpan11@] has joined #coscup 13:40 < David_c> [R0]=別再提偷拍了 13:41 < dannyAAM> 務實上的HTTP/2光TLS/壓縮就搞死了w 13:41 < DeweiLi> 偷拍哥 13:41 < PichuChen> HTTP/2的TLS和壓縮不是強制的 13:41 -!- u10313335_phone [~hermes@] has joined #coscup 13:41 < dannyAAM> 所以說務實上啊 務實上沒TLS你根本沒server給你HTTP/2 13:42 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 無人機-除了偷拍? 還是偷拍(X 13:42 < dannyAAM> 雖然要還是有啦XD 13:42 < [R0]hinet60613> [R0] 畫面停住了? 13:42 -!- duckll [~duckll@] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 13:42 < PichuChen> 是在說R1的題目,因為是實做HTTP Server 13:42 < aoihitomi> 話說今年便當感覺剩好多 13:42 -!- asahsieh_ [~asahsieh@] has joined #coscup 13:42 < kester___> 無人機。抓海上的寶可夢。 13:43 -!- z956 [~z956@] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 13:43 -!- Guest36175 [8c6d7f08@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 13:43 < David_c> [R0] 跑馬燈無人機 13:43 < derekhsu> 便當不是依照早上報到的人數買的嗎? 13:43 < salagadoola> "因為開發者最愛打人家臉" www 13:43 < DeweiLi> 哇有人在偷拍 13:43 < pupuliao> 買便當 13:43 < dannyAAM> 但Client也沒人給你用HTTP/2 w/o TLS XD 13:43 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 可能不吃便當or 自己買 13:43 < David_c> [R0] 廣告無人機咩 13:43 -!- bobofang [8c6d7f0b@gateway/web/cgi-irc/kiwiirc.com/ip.] has left #coscup [] 13:43 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 然後就會多一堆便當 13:43 < helios> 便當應該是要提早訂吧,量蠻大的 13:43 -!- z956 [~z956@] has joined #coscup 13:44 < dannyAAM> 不過如果兩邊都自己控制也沒差了 但那養我會選tcp socket XD 13:44 -!- Rogerable [~AndChat55@] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds] 13:44 -!- chriswu [uid180832@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-rzhzadcmmopzekvr] has joined #coscup 13:44 < [h1]chusiang> 用 Docker Compose 就可以很簡單的做到 End-to-End testing 了! 13:44 < derekhsu> 推一下Dokcer compose 13:44 -!- asahsieh_ is now known as [R1]asahsieh 13:45 -!- j5a6s7o8n [~AndChat23@42-75-207-210.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Quit: Bye] 13:45 -!- yutin_ [~yutin@] has joined #coscup 13:45 -!- waeting [~waeting@] has quit [Read error: No route to host] 13:45 < fntsrCloud> Docker Compose ++ 13:45 < Moon_Slight> 便當一定是提早訂的,不然量這麼大根本趕不出來 13:45 < [h1]chusiang> 太晚來 H1 了,搶不到位子 … (哭哭 13:45 < derekhsu> 用到忘記docker指令 13:45 -!- chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk 13:45 < dannyAAM> 不過這些務實面都不理HTTP/2確實會比較好處理w 13:45 -!- howeih [uid180830@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-ftwyhxujvnockyhd] has joined #coscup 13:45 < janelin> [h1] 講者附近很多位置 只要你進得來XD 13:45 -!- yutin__ [~yutin@] has joined #coscup 13:45 -!- yutin_ [~yutin@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 13:45 -!- Denir- [~Denir__@223-142-10-71.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 13:46 -!- kewang [~kewang@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 13:46 < lother> [H1]最右前方 有一個空位~ 13:46 -!- yongjhih [~yongjhih@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 13:46 -!- kewang [~kewang@] has joined #coscup 13:46 < derekhsu> 還是沒有Unconference的list嗎? 13:46 < [h1]chusiang> janelin: 我就坐在第二排的走道上啊 … 13:46 -!- yongjhih [~yongjhih@] has joined #coscup 13:46 < dannyAAM> 我總覺得好多人沒搞清楚H1/H0啊... 13:46 -!- Felix___ [8c6d7f08@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 13:46 -!- [R0]buck5060 [~buck5060@] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 13:46 < [h1]chusiang> 抬頭就看的到 slides,前面都沒人的感覺好妙 … 13:46 -!- waeting [~waeting@] has joined #coscup 13:46 < alex_lu> [h1] 食安區塊鍊、食安大數據 13:47 < ETBlue> [H1] 有人說他的 excel 檔案是大數據,覺得,嗯,蠻厲害的 XD 13:47 -!- [R1]asahsieh [~asahsieh@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 13:47 -!- lagane101 [~lagane100@] has joined #coscup 13:47 < barneybook> 怎麼說?? 13:47 -!- goldie [8c6d7f08@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 13:47 -!- yutin [~yutin@] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 13:47 -!- mabinogi_ [~mabinogi8@] has joined #coscup 13:47 -!- mabinogi80503 [~mabinogi8@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 13:47 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 速度跟機情的故事 13:47 < PichuChen> dannyAAM, 是吧~ 13:47 -!- mikechouto [~mikey@] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 13:47 -!- Denir_ [~Denir__@223-142-83-12.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 13:47 -!- setuna0625 [8c6d7f08@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 13:48 -!- VoidChen [~Void@] has joined #coscup 13:48 < [h1]chusiang> 有 Docker Hub 的學員舉手 ~~~ 13:48 < [h1]chusiang> 有 Docker Hub 的學員舉手 ~~~ (+1) 13:48 -!- ensky [8c6daf4d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 13:48 < [R0]hinet60613> [R0] 六軸飛行器要起飛啦,大家坐穩啦RRRRRR 13:48 -!- [R0]buck5060 [~buck5060@] has joined #coscup 13:48 -!- lagane100 [~lagane100@] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 13:48 < david11014> 起飛啦 13:48 < dannyAAM> 但是現實實在(ry HTTP/2 w/o TLS根本沒人在管XDrz 13:48 < PichuChen> 我覺得現在會卡關應該是大小要求至少要有16KB + Len的大小 13:48 -!- jal_tw [~jal@jail.jal.tw] has joined #coscup 13:48 -!- ensky is now known as [H1] 13:48 < waeting> 要飛啦飛啦 13:49 -!- stanely [~smuxi@] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 13:49 < [R0]hinet60613> Buzzzzzzzzzzzz 13:49 -!- [H1] is now known as [H1]ensky 13:49 < DeweiLi> 覺得有風 13:49 < dannyAAM> docker hub... 我有但是是空的w 13:50 < waeting> 無人機如果不考慮吵死人的聲音的話是真的還蠻夢幻的 13:50 < [R0]hinet60613> [R0] 六軸降落之後突然變好安靜 XD 13:50 -!- z956 [~z956@] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds] 13:50 < [R0]Nightfeather> 聲音超大 13:51 -!- [h1]chusiang is now known as [h2]chusiang 13:51 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 如何打下無人機 13:51 < alex_lu> [H1] 「等一下我灑個花」 13:51 -!- yongjhih [~yongjhih@] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 13:51 < hrs> XDDDD 13:51 -!- Mouther [~za7788az@59-127-231-73.HINET-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 13:51 <@bobchao> https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/CX798qeb/8%2F20%20%E9%96%83%E9%9B%BB%E7%A7%80%E8%AD%B0%E7%A8%8B 13:51 < DeweiLi> 丟石頭 13:51 < David_c> [R0] 無人機打下來www 13:51 -!- stanely [~smuxi@] has joined #coscup 13:51 < beat_> 打下無人機www 13:51 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 被鳥擊 13:51 < Vdragon> [R2] 簡報 LICENSE 不明,目前 Hackpad 上的翻攝畫面等下結束議程後自毀 13:51 < [R0]Nightfeather> [R0] 如何用除了電磁砲之外的方法 有效的打下無人機 (? 13:51 < Moon_Slight> R0 QA 如何打下無人機 XD 13:51 < [R0]tiwb> 日本機場派出老鷹攻擊無人機XDD 13:52 < amo> (BoF宣傳) 歡迎有來COSCUP的元智人 晚上來「元智資工同學會」吃吃聊天喔~ 13:52 <@bobchao> 今日閃電秀已抽出 13:52 < beat_> Eagle 1 attack 13:52 -!- z956 [~z956@] has joined #coscup 13:52 < [R0]tiwb> 派無人機帶網子抓無人機w 13:52 < David_c> 可以用手榴彈打無人機也不錯 13:52 < waeting> wwwwwwwww 13:52 < lagane101> 激烈的問題 >///< 13:52 <@bobchao> @Vdragon 你的題目有抽到喔,請在 16:30 就在國際會議廳 stand by,並於 17:10 左右於講台前集合 13:52 < [R0]Nightfeather> 記得是有看過用 GPS 干擾強制他進入 failsafe 自動降落的 13:52 < [h2]chusiang> h2 的共筆好慘。:( ===> https://coscup.hackpad.com/2016-day1-workshop2#2016-day1-workshop2 13:52 < david11014> 請出砲姊打下來 13:52 -!- mabinogi_ is now known as mabinogi80503 13:53 <@bobchao> @Vdragon 看到請回應一下 13:53 < superbil> 在講什麼不重要,是伊布 (丟球 13:53 < SCWhite> 不是那種電磁砲阿XDD 13:53 < Vdragon> @bobchao 收到 13:53 <@bobchao> @tonghuix 你的題目有抽到喔,請在 16:30 就在國際會議廳 stand by,並於 17:10 左右於講台前集合 13:53 -!- [R1]asahsieh [~asahsieh@] has joined #coscup 13:53 < waeting> R0 Q:如何最有效的搞掉無人機 13:53 -!- waeting [~waeting@] has quit [Quit: leaving] 13:53 <@bobchao> tonghuix: 收到請回答~ 13:53 -!- lagane101 is now known as lagane100 13:54 -!- waeting [~waeting@] has joined #coscup 13:54 -!- setuna0625 [8c6d7f0b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 13:54 < [R0]Nightfeather> 不過是說不知道雷射燒的效果如何喔 13:54 < [H1]ensky> 附近有呆河馬... 13:54 < superbil> 抓到呆河馬 13:55 < [R0]Nightfeather> 這附近大宗不就柯P 鯉魚王 呆河馬 ? 13:55 < SCWhite> 大會在嗎? 13:55 < [R0]tiwb> 雷射的成本應該高很多 13:55 < shigurefox> [H1] 你們先問問題 我抓一下呆河馬 13:55 < [R0]Nightfeather> 也是 而且突然想到鏡面塗裝的話就可以防禦了 13:55 < SCWhite> 大會服務人員在嗎~~~ 13:55 < shad0w1yc> 大概 20 分鐘前有火精靈 13:55 -!- jiazheng [~jiazheng@] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 13:55 -!- asahsieh [uid28213@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-xltwscscoawgilbu] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 13:56 -!- veloci85 [~Thunderbi@] has joined #coscup 13:56 -!- andytwmvp_ [~andytwmvp@] has joined #coscup 13:56 < derekhsu> 抓到呆河馬了 13:56 < derekhsu> 我在高雄都沒有抓到 13:56 -!- andytwmvp [~andytwmvp@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 13:56 < [h2]chusiang> derekhsu: 好好聽演講吧 … 13:57 -!- sakana [~sakana@114-136-60-50.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 13:57 < derekhsu> 本來專心聽看到有人分享就抓了....CP才107 13:57 -!- aaacccc [df8c9391@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 13:57 -!- waeting_ [~waeting@] has joined #coscup 13:57 -!- shigurefox [~shigurefo@] has quit [Quit: shigurefox] 13:58 -!- flter [~Albert@linux2.cs.nctu.edu.tw] has joined #coscup 13:58 -!- derekhsu [~derekhsu@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 13:58 -!- [R1]asahsieh [~asahsieh@] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 13:58 -!- waeting [~waeting@] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 13:58 -!- kylin [~kylin@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 13:59 < mabinogi80503> 啊連上咧!真假! 13:59 < mabinogi80503> 逾時www 13:59 -!- andytwmvp [~andytwmvp@] has joined #coscup 13:59 -!- [H1]ensky [8c6daf4d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 13:59 -!- Deleav [8c6daf4d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 13:59 -!- elvismetaphor [3de2dfd3@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 13:59 -!- veloci85 [~Thunderbi@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 13:59 < yen> 請問個 unconf去哪兒投票? 13:59 < waeting_> R0超準時 13:59 -!- yen is now known as yan12125 13:59 -!- janelin [~chatzilla@] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 13:59 <@bobchao> @yen 活動中心或人文館服務台附近唷 14:00 -!- ericC [8c6d7f02@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 14:00 < yan12125> 喔喔好感謝 14:00 -!- waeting_ is now known as waeting 14:00 -!- AndChat401249 [~AndChat40@223-136-67-243.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 14:00 -!- kevinwang [caa9ad8e@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 14:00 -!- yan12125 [~yen@] has quit [Quit: leaving] 14:01 -!- andytwmvp [~andytwmvp@] has quit [Client Quit] 14:01 -!- mcu_monky [dc82b144@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 14:01 -!- Guest72607 [caa9ad86@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 14:01 -!- bz [~bz@114-136-228-14.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 14:01 -!- [R0]tiwb [~tiwb@] has quit [Quit: leaving] 14:01 -!- AndChat401249 [~AndChat40@] has joined #coscup 14:01 -!- bhujmn [uid107022@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-adlxzatunqtrauky] has joined #coscup 14:01 -!- derekhsu [~derekhsu@] has joined #coscup 14:01 -!- mikechouto [~mikey@] has joined #coscup 14:01 -!- andytwmvp_ [~andytwmvp@] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds] 14:01 -!- jiazheng [~jiazheng@] has joined #coscup 14:01 < fntsrCloud> 狼性wwww 14:01 -!- user1__ [72883c32@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 14:02 -!- jianiau [~jimmy@] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 14:02 -!- AndChat401249 [~AndChat40@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 14:02 -!- u10313335 [~sol@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 14:02 < user1__> 大會網路恢復了嗎? 14:02 -!- kkpan11 [~kkpan11@] has quit [Quit: Leaving.] 14:02 -!- [R0]buck5060 [~buck5060@] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 14:02 -!- AndChat401249 [~AndChat40@] has joined #coscup 14:02 -!- shigurefox [~shigurefo@] has joined #coscup 14:02 -!- bz [~bz@114-136-228-14.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 14:02 -!- pupuliao [8c6daf4d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 14:02 -!- howei [8c6daf4c@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 14:02 -!- JasonPan [~JasonPan@] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 14:03 -!- jiazheng [~jiazheng@] has quit [Read error: No route to host] 14:03 -!- shawnlin [8c6d7f0b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 14:03 -!- Denir_ [~Denir__@42-70-185-98.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 14:03 -!- JasonPan [~JasonPan@] has joined #coscup 14:03 -!- jiazheng [~jiazheng@] has joined #coscup 14:03 < waeting> R0後門外捕獲野生宅色夫 14:04 -!- bz [~bz@114-136-228-14.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 14:04 -!- AndChat|401249 [~AndChat40@223-136-67-243.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 14:04 < lego> heelo 14:04 -!- yucheng [~yucheng@] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds] 14:04 -!- bz [~bz@114-136-228-14.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 14:04 -!- bz [~bz@114-136-228-14.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 14:04 -!- Pofat [caa9ad86@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 14:04 -!- dneif [8c6d7f0b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 14:05 -!- ericccc_ [~eric@] has joined #coscup 14:05 -!- ericccc [~eric@] has quit [Read error: No route to host] 14:05 < TigerHuang> 各會議廳歡迎使用 COSCUP 2016 R0 ~ R2 的 SSID 應該會順很多 m(_ _)m 14:05 < waeting> 那個...R0背對舞台中間偏左階梯快到最上面的地方有一階的鐵片不知為何ㄏㄧㄠˇ起來了 14:05 -!- AndChat|512 [~AndChat51@114-136-38-108.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 14:05 < David_c> H0網路好穩,空間像禮堂(X)電影院(O)般 14:05 < poga> 講者自己沒有抓到呆河馬 T_T 14:05 -!- Guest37147 [8c6daf4d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 14:05 -!- parry [6ff02f23@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 14:05 -!- vincentsue [~vincentsu@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 14:06 < AndChat|512> Coscup 14:06 -!- VoidChen [~Void@] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 14:06 -!- dan [~danlu@] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 14:06 -!- vincentsue [~vincentsu@] has joined #coscup 14:06 -!- salagadoola_ [df891b54@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 14:06 -!- derekhsu [~derekhsu@] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 14:07 -!- zhxie [~zhxie@111-83-81-60.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 14:07 -!- Denir- [~Denir__@223-142-10-71.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 14:07 -!- AndChat401249 [~AndChat40@] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 14:07 -!- aaronhuang [~aaronhuan@114-136-160-129.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 14:07 -!- salagadoola [df891b54@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 14:07 -!- lagane100 [~lagane100@] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 14:07 -!- cartertsai [~cartertsa@] has joined #coscup 14:07 < waeting> 可以請人貼一下嗎剛剛差點有人飛出去了 14:07 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> ? 14:07 -!- shad0w1yc [8c6d7f0b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 14:07 -!- Quexint [~textual@] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 14:07 -!- doran [caa9ad8e@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 14:08 -!- jiazheng [~jiazheng@] has quit [Read error: No route to host] 14:08 -!- lagane100 [~lagane100@] has joined #coscup 14:08 -!- jiazheng [~jiazheng@] has joined #coscup 14:08 < waeting> R0某個階梯鐵片翹起來了剛剛差點把人拌飛 14:08 -!- lmz8241 [650a703c@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 14:08 -!- janelin [~chatzilla@] has joined #coscup 14:08 -!- windasd [01c82d1c@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 14:08 -!- duckll [~duckll@] has joined #coscup 14:09 -!- hexpinr [~user@] has joined #coscup 14:09 -!- kylin [~kylin@] has joined #coscup 14:09 -!- JasonPan [~JasonPan@] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 14:09 -!- Haox [~Haox@] has joined #coscup 14:09 -!- threelines [~threeline@] has joined #coscup 14:09 -!- u10313335_phone [~hermes@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 14:09 -!- z956 [~z956@] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 14:09 -!- derekhsu [~derekhsu@] has joined #coscup 14:10 -!- JasonPan [~JasonPan@] has joined #coscup 14:10 -!- pellaeon [~pellaeon@cnmc24.hs.ntnu.edu.tw] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 14:10 < barneybook> R2 登入 14:10 -!- z956 [~z956@] has joined #coscup 14:10 -!- dneif [8c6d7f0b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 14:11 -!- alan7_ [~alan7@] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 14:11 -!- ggininder__ [8c6d7f0b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 14:11 -!- winwinwin [8c6d7f02@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 14:11 -!- yukai_ is now known as yukai_h 14:11 < derekhsu> H2 14:12 -!- YMHuang [~holoirc@] has joined #coscup 14:12 -!- parry [6ff02f23@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 14:13 -!- [R1]asahsieh [~asahsieh@] has joined #coscup 14:13 < salagadoola_> [R1] (電子樂器試音中) 14:13 -!- lego [~lego@] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 14:14 -!- lego [~lego@] has joined #coscup 14:14 -!- abev66 [~quassel@223-140-56-173.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 14:14 < user1__> [H2] 位子已經爆了 14:14 -!- winwinwin [8c6d7f02@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Client Quit] 14:14 -!- shareway [uid106948@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-carinvwtmgmlzved] has joined #coscup 14:14 -!- abev66 [~quassel@223-140-56-173.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 14:14 -!- mp607 [~mp607@] has joined #coscup 14:14 < superbil> poga 你都用什麼方式來處理log ? 14:14 -!- salagadoola_ is now known as salagadoola_R1 14:14 < AliceWei> [R0] 還有位子嗎 14:15 -!- [R0]buck5060 [~buck5060@] has joined #coscup 14:15 < float> R0 還有 14:15 -!- u10313335 [~sol@] has joined #coscup 14:15 -!- JasonPan [~JasonPan@] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 14:15 < waeting> 好像還有一些 14:15 -!- bz [~bz@114-136-228-14.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 14:15 -!- setuna0625 [8c6d7f0b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 14:15 < superbil> [h1] 工具和關鍵字都有了繼續抓神奇寶貝 14:16 -!- [R1]knowlet [caa9ad86@gateway/web/cgi-irc/kiwiirc.com/ip.] has joined #coscup 14:16 -!- JasonPan [~JasonPan@] has joined #coscup 14:16 < alex_lu> H1 全世界最大的工程師交友網站 14:16 -!- abev66 [~quassel@223-140-56-173.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 14:16 < poga> superbil: 最近是 apache kafka 的愛好者 XD 14:16 < David_c> [H0] 活動中心二樓在看這個美術社大有問題 14:16 < AliceWei> 感謝你們 14:17 < barneybook> [R2] 準備開場 14:17 -!- AndChat|401249 [~AndChat40@223-136-67-243.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 14:17 -!- JasonPan [~JasonPan@] has quit [Client Quit] 14:17 < barneybook> 期待H1的共筆 14:17 -!- yolandalin [~yolandali@] has joined #coscup 14:17 -!- AndChat401249 [~AndChat40@223-136-67-243.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 14:17 -!- sakana [~sakana@114-136-60-50.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 14:17 < lagane100> 起飛 -> 墜機 14:17 -!- ramax [8c6d7f0b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 14:17 < waeting> 起飛即墜機 14:17 -!- goodjack [8c733b04@gateway/web/cgi-irc/kiwiirc.com/ip.] has joined #coscup 14:17 -!- Antonio7905 [8c6d7f02@gateway/web/cgi-irc/kiwiirc.com/ip.] has joined #coscup 14:17 < janelin> [R1] 於是我的搖滾夢最後萎縮成spotify的播放清單 14:17 -!- [R1]asahsieh [~asahsieh@] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 14:19 < [R0]Nightfeather> 是說那個大地活動 是用 line 掃條碼嗎? 14:19 -!- [R1]asahsieh [~asahsieh@] has joined #coscup 14:19 -!- yongjhih [~yongjhih@] has joined #coscup 14:19 < David_c> [H0] 對 14:19 < david11014> 只會玩 KSP 14:19 -!- brli_ [~brli@unaffiliated/brli] has joined #coscup 14:19 -!- mosu_ [8c6daf4f@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed] 14:20 < [R0]Nightfeather> 就那個加好友的行動條碼嘛? 14:20 -!- ramax_ [~ramax@] has joined #coscup 14:20 -!- j5a6s7o8n [~AndChat23@42-66-234-243.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 14:20 -!- mmis1000_cloud [uid62180@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-vwrkizgnkycywube] has joined #coscup 14:20 -!- ramax [8c6d7f0b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Client Quit] 14:20 -!- ming__ [caa9ad8e@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 14:20 -!- chris1004tw [~chris1004@36-233-59-65.dynamic-ip.hinet.net] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 14:21 < David_c> [H0] 可以吃,很難吃XD 14:21 < [R0]Nightfeather> 好喔 14:21 -!- user1__ [72883c32@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 14:21 -!- jiero [caa9ad86@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 14:21 < salagadoola_R1> 宜蘭人的自豪就是他們有mall 花蓮人沒有 14:21 -!- jiero [8c6d7f02@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 14:21 -!- ysitd_bot [~replybot@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 14:21 -!- aasd [df8c9391@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 14:22 -!- segno [8c6d7f02@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 14:22 -!- chris1004tw [~chris1004@36-233-53-214.dynamic-ip.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 14:22 -!- shawnlin [8c6d7f0b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 14:22 -!- goodjack is now known as [H2] 14:22 < coldsleep> 花蓮人QQ 14:22 < David_c> [H0] 目前沒有!真的 (業障重啊) 14:22 -!- tnlin [caa9ad86@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 14:22 -!- [H2] is now known as [H2]goodjack 14:22 < annieTing> 正在[r1]的宜蘭人表示:根本沒這樣想過XD 14:22 < Sciuridae_C> 台東人QQ 14:22 -!- ysitd_bot [~replybot@] has joined #coscup 14:22 -!- mikechouto [~mikey@] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 14:22 -!- [R1]asahsieh [~asahsieh@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 14:22 -!- arthow4n [caa9ad86@gateway/web/cgi-irc/kiwiirc.com/ip.] has joined #coscup 14:22 -!- segno [8c6d7f02@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Client Quit] 14:23 -!- yan12125 [~yen@] has joined #coscup 14:23 < [R0]Nightfeather> sudo pacman -S flightgear 居然裝的到啊 XDDD 14:23 < [R0]Nightfeather> 還以為是放在 AUR 的說 14:23 -!- kent1026 [8c6d7f02@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed] 14:23 -!- actw__ [uid127815@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-gukcnuebmpnjqier] has joined #coscup 14:23 < david11014> [R0]一個人專心進行駕駛另一個人專心進行導航 或是搗亂 14:23 < billy3321> 話說今天BoF有沒有Pokémon團?(誤) 14:23 -!- Zack__ [uid18825@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-viyhvwdguaqpzejf] has joined #coscup 14:23 < float> [R0] 另一個人導航都是錯的 14:24 < shawnlin> flight gear 好久以前再ubuntu 的預設套件庫就已經存在了 14:24 -!- asahsieh [~asahsieh@] has joined #coscup 14:24 -!- sammyfung [~sammyfung@] has joined #coscup 14:24 < waeting> 有點大 14:25 -!- [h2]chusiang [~chusiang@] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 14:25 -!- yolandal_ [~yolandali@] has joined #coscup 14:25 -!- u10313335_phone [~hermes@] has joined #coscup 14:25 -!- yolandalin [~yolandali@] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds] 14:25 < [R0]Nightfeather> 頗肥 data 包要 1G 14:25 < [R0]Nightfeather> 安裝卡在 load package 14:25 -!- aaronhuang [~aaronhuan@114-136-160-129.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 14:26 -!- Denir- [~Denir__@42-70-83-42.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 14:26 -!- asahsieh_ [~asahsieh@] has joined #coscup 14:26 < salagadoola_R1> (3D列印) 可能就不要印烏克麗麗 印個鼓棒之類的 14:26 -!- sammyfung [~sammyfung@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 14:26 -!- aaronhuang [~aaronhuan@114-136-160-129.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 14:26 < salagadoola_R1> 原本是閃電型設計 因為各種條件限制愈修愈歪最後像球鞋 14:27 -!- sammyfung [~sammyfung@] has joined #coscup 14:28 -!- chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun 14:28 < [R0]buck5060> exit 14:28 -!- [R0]buck5060 [~buck5060@] has quit [Quit: leaving] 14:28 < superbil> h1, 想不出專案名稱->失敗 14:28 < duckll> 最重要的是專案名稱 14:28 < fntsrCloud> R2:貨品化這招挺有趣的 14:29 -!- yolandal_ [~yolandali@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 14:29 -!- [H2]goodjack is now known as [H1]goodjack 14:29 < salagadoola_R1> 擺在文青咖啡店也不顯突兀的樂器 14:29 -!- asahsieh [~asahsieh@] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 14:29 -!- yolandalin [~yolandali@] has joined #coscup 14:29 -!- setuna0625 [8c6d7f0b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 14:29 < DeemoHarlos> [R1]這造型真的太狂了owo 14:29 -!- Rogerable [~AndChat55@] has joined #coscup 14:29 -!- kenobilyh [uid106989@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-yoerwzbigompjzcd] has joined #coscup 14:30 -!- Denir_ [~Denir__@42-70-185-98.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 258 seconds] 14:30 -!- [h2]chusiang [~chusiang@] has joined #coscup 14:30 -!- nipapa_ [~nipapa@] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 14:30 -!- Deleav [8c6d7f04@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 14:31 -!- buck_ [~buck5060@] has joined #coscup 14:31 -!- tiwb [~tiwb@] has joined #coscup 14:32 -!- ming__ [caa9ad8e@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 14:32 -!- buck_ is now known as [R2]buck5060 14:33 -!- segno [8c6d7f02@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 14:33 < janelin> [R1] 1.0 2.0這種版號不可以用 1.1就修一點bug 1.2應該就穩定了 14:33 -!- Michael_LI [8c6d7f02@gateway/web/cgi-irc/kiwiirc.com/ip.] has joined #coscup 14:33 -!- rail02000 [~qicruser@114-136-181-223.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 14:33 -!- rail02000 [~qicruser@114-136-181-223.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Client Quit] 14:34 -!- rail02000 [~qicruser@114-136-181-223.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 14:34 < YChao> [R1] "硬體的設計檔要怎麼樣子做版本控制呢?" 14:34 -!- [R1]knowlet is now known as [R0]knowlet 14:34 < YChao> [R1] cp -r 14:35 <@bobchao> 煩請協尋 tnlin 跟 Pellaeon,請他們在下個休息時間等一下我的電話唷 14:35 <@bobchao> (大會議程庶務) 14:35 < salagadoola_R1> "CERN Open Hardware License 1.2" <--- (原來CERN有出 open source hardware license,光是把名字拿出來就覺得很威) 14:35 -!- nipapa [~nipapa@] has joined #coscup 14:36 -!- KazeMewno [~androirc@223-136-40-156.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 14:36 < tnlin> 0.0 14:36 -!- jserv-- [~jserv@] has joined #coscup 14:36 -!- duckll [~duckll@] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 14:36 -!- jserv-- [~jserv@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 14:36 -!- [H1]Lother [uid107002@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-chwrpjkfyvqpvqgp] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 14:37 -!- alan7_ [~alan7@] has joined #coscup 14:37 < float> [R0] 復興航空模擬 14:37 < janelin> [R1] 電台司令? 14:37 -!- sammyfung [~sammyfung@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 14:37 -!- jiazheng [~jiazheng@] has quit [Read error: No route to host] 14:37 < lagane100> 成功墜機wwwwww 14:37 -!- jiazheng [~jiazheng@] has joined #coscup 14:37 < lagane100> 說錯啦 14:38 < annieTing> creep 14:38 < [R0]hinet60613> [R0] 成功墜機 :\ 14:38 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 結果:成功墬機 14:38 < David_c> 威航被併到復興感覺會有事 14:38 -!- yongjhih [~yongjhih@] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds] 14:38 < Michael_LI> 成功墜機 14:38 < David_c> 有喊MAYDAYMAYDAY嗎? 14:38 -!- jiazheng [~jiazheng@] has quit [Read error: No route to host] 14:38 -!- coscup-info [8c6d7f0d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 14:39 -!- jserv-- [~jserv@] has joined #coscup 14:39 -!- carlcarl [~carlcarl@h218-251-112-197.vps.ablenet.jp] has joined #coscup 14:39 -!- jiazheng [~jiazheng@] has joined #coscup 14:39 < pakls> 五月天五月天 14:39 < YChao> David_c: 威航本來就是復興的子公司啊 14:39 < darkx> janelin: 對啊 14:39 < lagane100> YAMAYDAY 14:39 < darkx> creeeeeeeeeep!!! 14:40 < jserv--> [R0] OpenGL, OpenAL, Nasal script language, OpenScene, ... 14:41 -!- [H1]goodjack [8c733b04@gateway/web/cgi-irc/kiwiirc.com/ip.] has quit [Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client] 14:41 -!- yolandalin [~yolandali@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 14:41 -!- Haox [~Haox@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 14:42 -!- sammyfung [~sammyfung@] has joined #coscup 14:42 < Rogerable> [R0] 建築變成湖 14:42 -!- [H1]goodjack [8c733b04@gateway/web/cgi-irc/kiwiirc.com/ip.] has joined #coscup 14:42 -!- yolandalin [~yolandali@] has joined #coscup 14:43 < DeemoHarlos> [R1]剛又開演唱會w 14:43 -!- macpaul [~macpaul@] has joined #coscup 14:48 -!- chusiang1lai [~chusiang@60-250-32-46.HINET-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 14:48 -!- Topic for #coscup: [UTF8] COSCUP 開源人年會 http://coscup.org/ | 2016 共筆 http://beta.hackfoldr.org/coscup2016 14:48 -!- Topic set by bobchao [sid13148@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-veuufrdvhzaqyfrb] [Thu Aug 18 15:28:53 2016] 14:48 [Users #coscup] 14:48 [@BlueT ] [ boris ] [ ecilA ] [ joehorn ] [ othree_______] [ threelines ] 14:48 [@bobchao ] [ boyofsky ] [ ecilA_N5 ] [ jserv-- ] [ pakls ] [ TigerHuang ] 14:48 [@chihchun ] [ brli ] [ edhong ] [ jsliang ] [ parry ] [ timcheng ] 14:48 [@chusiang_lai ] [ brli_ ] [ Eric_S_Yu ] [ KazeMewno ] [ pcchou ] [ timdream ] 14:48 [@FourDollars ] [ bryce_ ] [ ericC ] [ kcwu_mobile ] [ PichuChen ] [ tiwb ] 14:48 [@Irvin ] [ btrfsnice ] [ ericccc_ ] [ keitheis ] [ PJxPJ ] [ tn00364477 ] 14:48 [@MouseMs ] [ bz ] [ ETBlue ] [ kenobilyh ] [ poga ] [ tnlin ] 14:48 [@mrmoneyc ] [ ca_ ] [ eternnoir ] [ kester___ ] [ pwliao ] [ tonghuix ] 14:48 [ [H1]goodjack ] [ caasih ] [ float ] [ kevin1kevin1k ] [ rail02000 ] [ tonyhusky ] 14:48 [ [h2]chusiang ] [ carlcarl ] [ floatj ] [ kevingo ] [ ramax_ ] [ tonyq_____ ] 14:48 [ [R0]Heero_Yuy ] [ cartertsai ] [ flter ] [ kewang ] [ RickZhang ] [ Tsundere_cloud ] 14:48 [ [R0]hinet60613 ] [ ccn_ ] [ Flymok ] [ kidwm ] [ RJHsiao ] [ TYLin ] 14:48 [ [R0]knowlet ] [ ch0upi_bsd ] [ fntsrCloud ] [ kin ] [ Rogerable ] [ u10313335 ] 14:48 [ [R0]Nightfeather] [ changlp ] [ fntsrlike ] [ kito-cheng ] [ rsghost ] [ u10313335_phone] 14:48 [ [R2]buck5060 ] [ chihao ] [ focaaby ] [ kohsiangyu ] [ Ruinland ] [ unciax ] 14:48 [ a0000778 ] [ chihhsin ] [ forgery ] [ kunigumi ] [ RzChen ] [ Vdragon ] 14:48 [ aaronhuang ] [ chris1004tw ] [ freetsubasa] [ kuoe0 ] [ S3p_lin_ ] [ villerhsiao ] 14:48 [ aasd ] [ chriswu ] [ fykuan ] [ kylin ] [ Sakamoto_ ] [ vincentsue ] 14:48 [ abev66 ] [ chusiang1lai] [ ggininder_ ] [ KylinWu ] [ salagadoola ] [ Vongola ] 14:48 [ abev66_ ] [ chwong_cloud] [ ggininder__] [ l0g_pcchou_b0t] [ sammyfung ] [ waeting ] 14:48 [ AceLan ] [ chyuaner ] [ GlueCrow ] [ lafin ] [ SarsTW ] [ wcpan ] 14:48 [ actw__ ] [ cibs ] [ Guest61121 ] [ lagane100 ] [ Sciuridae_C ] [ wens ] 14:48 [ adaam ] [ clkao ] [ Guest81630 ] [ lancetw ] [ SCWhite ] [ williamg ] 14:48 [ Al_Cho ] [ clode______ ] [ hamnat ] [ lantw44 ] [ segno ] [ windasd ] 14:48 [ alan7_ ] [ codepecker ] [ haroldwu ] [ Lee-W_ ] [ Segno_ ] [ ws23 ] 14:48 [ alex_lu ] [ coldsleep ] [ hashman ] [ Lee1092 ] [ setuna0625 ] [ xiantank ] 14:48 [ alicekey ] [ Conrad ] [ helios ] [ lego ] [ shaolin ] [ yan12125 ] 14:48 [ AliceWei ] [ CrBoy ] [ hexpinr ] [ licson ] [ shareway ] [ YChao ] 14:48 [ allenbot ] [ cswang ] [ hlb ] [ logan` ] [ shawnlin ] [ YChao_ ] 14:48 [ amo ] [ czchen ] [ hortune ] [ logbot_ ] [ shigurefox ] [ YMHuang ] 14:48 [ AndChat327600 ] [ DanLu ] [ howeih ] [ lother ] [ shing ] [ yomao ] 14:48 [ AndChat401249 ] [ dannvix ] [ HP_Eiling_ ] [ louielu ] [ shing_ ] [ yomao_ ] 14:48 [ AndChat|512 ] [ dannyAAM ] [ hrs ] [ lucian ] [ shing__ ] [ yongjhih ] 14:48 [ AndChat|538544 ] [ darkgerm ] [ HRY ] [ mabinogi80503 ] [ shing___ ] [ yoyohung ] 14:48 [ Andox ] [ darkgerm2 ] [ hydai_ ] [ macpaul ] [ shinglyu ] [ yrc ] 14:48 [ angelboy ] [ darkx ] [ iblis17 ] [ madarame ] [ shinglyu_ ] [ ysitd_bot ] 14:48 [ annieTing ] [ david11014 ] [ ij1iao ] [ maximum ] [ shiyating ] [ yuan ] 14:48 [ Antonio7905 ] [ David_c ] [ infate ] [ michael_ ] [ sinica_op ] [ yukai_h ] 14:48 [ aoihitomi ] [ Davy_CC ] [ inndy ] [ Michael_LI ] [ snakewu ] [ yutin__ ] 14:48 [ arthow4n ] [ DeemoHarlos ] [ j4ck50n ] [ mindos ] [ sntc06 ] [ ywang1007 ] 14:48 [ asahsieh_ ] [ Deleav ] [ j5a6s7o8n ] [ mingyen ] [ sonyu ] [ ywang_cloud ] 14:48 [ asilcheng ] [ Denir ] [ jaidTw ] [ MLChen ] [ ssuyi ] [ YWJamesLin[H5] ] 14:48 [ awan ] [ Denir- ] [ jal_tw ] [ mmis1000_cloud] [ stanely ] [ z956 ] 14:48 [ Aweimeow ] [ DennyHuang ] [ JalenLin ] [ MonkyH ] [ StarNight ] [ Zack__ ] 14:48 [ barneybo_ ] [ derekhsu ] [ james58899 ] [ Moon_Slight ] [ starship2518 ] [ zeroplex ] 14:48 [ barneybook ] [ derjohng ] [ jeane ] [ Mouther ] [ sudoliyang ] [ zeroplusone ] 14:48 [ beat_ ] [ DeweiLi ] [ JethroYu ] [ mp607 ] [ superbil ] [ zhxie ] 14:48 [ BenjaminDeuter ] [ dneif ] [ jiazheng ] [ narahuang ] [ susu_cs ] 14:48 [ bhujmn ] [ doremi ] [ jiero ] [ NewCliCker ] [ swem ] 14:48 [ billy3321 ] [ duckll ] [ jksonc ] [ nipapa ] [ t510599 ] 14:48 [ BobLu ] [ dylandy_ ] [ jlhg ] [ orinx ] [ taichunmin ] 14:48 -!- Irssi: #coscup: Total of 302 nicks [8 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 294 normal] 14:48 -!- pcchou_ [~pcchou@srv.pcchou.me] has joined #coscup 14:48 -!- Channel #coscup created Sat Mar 22 22:31:50 2008 14:48 -!- hashman_ [~hashman@] has joined #coscup 14:48 <@bobchao> HDMI 轉 VGA 的有人有嗎? XDDDDD 14:48 -!- mabinogi80503 [~mabinogi8@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 14:49 -!- Irssi: Join to #coscup was synced in 17 secs 14:49 < [h2]chusiang> abev66_: 戳戳 ~~ 14:49 -!- dneif [8c6d7f0b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 14:49 -!- captain [72882306@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 14:49 < shawnlin> 自己的遊戲自己寫~ 14:49 < Michael_LI> 聽朋友說很悶 所以要來我這邊換場地 14:49 -!- yukai_h_ [~yukai@] has joined #coscup 14:49 < abev66_> @chusiang: 0.0 14:49 -!- captain is now known as Guest76768 14:49 < fntsrCloud> R2 開始 Q & A 14:49 -!- YChao__ [~john@cms03.phys.ntu.edu.tw] has joined #coscup 14:49 < shawnlin> 馬上來翻譯成繁體中文... 14:49 < darkgerm2> abev66_: 戳 14:49 -!- Segno_ [~Segno@] has left #coscup [] 14:49 -!- shing____ [sid377@gateway/web/mozilla/x-ofbasgngksfwrypu] has joined #coscup 14:50 < abev66_> darkgerm2: OAO 14:50 -!- tiwb [~tiwb@] has quit [Quit: leaving] 14:50 -!- DeemoHarlos_ [uid180810@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-xrqjsplmrqmumxxp] has joined #coscup 14:50 -!- chwong_cloud_ [uid12814@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-plehcqutiipufnkf] has joined #coscup 14:50 < waeting> 咦欸掉坑了 14:50 -!- jeremychen [sid196@gateway/web/mozilla/x-rbqglgppjzjfkgwo] has joined #coscup 14:50 < DeweiLi> https://github.com/tonghuix/getstart-zh 14:50 -!- AndChat|545664 [~AndChat54@] has joined #coscup 14:50 < abev66_> darkgerm2: lloyd 有來喔我剛有看到他 lol 14:50 -!- kenobilyh_ [uid106989@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-aagbgwkwtooonnrh] has joined #coscup 14:50 -!- yoyohung_ [uid180819@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-qutvlmnskoyjrtrm] has joined #coscup 14:50 -!- chriswu_ [uid180832@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-yglteenisjkikixm] has joined #coscup 14:50 -!- StarNight [~AndChat54@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 14:50 -!- JethroYu_ [uid27569@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-uleoyqoukdrzdfpa] has joined #coscup 14:50 -!- lafin_ [uid44779@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-neidylrifkdorlyz] has joined #coscup 14:50 -!- bhujmn_ [uid107022@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-vvryasciwunjzlbd] has joined #coscup 14:50 -!- RzChen_ [uid52415@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-uouftzumydbnujot] has joined #coscup 14:50 -!- chihao_ [sid26570@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-rkrcpdmazaxmayxy] has joined #coscup 14:50 -!- zeroplusone_ [uid180811@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-cwrdnlrpyixeidhe] has joined #coscup 14:50 -!- Rogerable [~AndChat55@] has quit [Read error: No route to host] 14:50 -!- abev66_ [~quassel@223-140-56-173.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 14:50 < darkgerm2> abev66_: 恩恩,他現在坐我旁邊XDDD 14:51 < david11014> COSCUP2016梗全集 沒人再更新了 https://hackpad.com/COSCUP2016-5wENY4uxqSX 14:51 -!- Rogerable [~AndChat55@] has joined #coscup 14:51 < [h2]chusiang> 對於 Docker compose,應該可以把它理解成類似 Ansible Playbook,或 Shell Script 的存在,可以用一個 yaml 來做很多連續技。 14:51 -!- abev66_ [~quassel@223-140-56-173.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 14:51 -!- czchen_ [sid12445@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-iqpkpafloklsilqx] has joined #coscup 14:51 < [h2]chusiang> (個人淺見) 14:51 -!- BobLu_ [uid42911@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-pneeabkuhozcrwmy] has joined #coscup 14:51 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 蘇花公路在水裡w 14:51 < lagane100> 蘇花淹水啦~~ 14:51 < waeting> 蘇花公路沉海啦 14:51 < [R0]knowlet> 隧道淹水啦ww 14:51 -!- sammyfung [~sammyfung@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 14:51 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 幾萬年前的情況? 14:51 < [R0]hinet60613> [R0] 蘇花公路在水裡! 14:51 -!- shaolin_ [uid13544@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-oejohpkfqsftcpkl] has joined #coscup 14:51 < Rogerable> [R0] 蘇花公路在水裡 14:52 -!- Deleav [8c6d7f04@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 14:52 < Rogerable> 花蓮人怒吼(欸 14:52 -!- bryce__ [uid180793@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-zkkmgtjmfpuhnqmj] has joined #coscup 14:52 -!- Segno__ [~segno@] has joined #coscup 14:52 < [R0]knowlet> 原來模擬器裡的機場會長雜草需要人去拔.. 14:52 -!- yolandalin [~yolandali@] has joined #coscup 14:52 < floatj> quit 14:52 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 需要有人寫拔草NPC(X 14:52 < floatj> quit 14:52 -!- asilcheng_ [uid12665@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-jxgubemuskistuhh] has joined #coscup 14:52 -!- jianiau [~jimmy@] has joined #coscup 14:52 -!- floatj [~floatj@] has quit [Quit: leaving] 14:52 -!- salagadoola [df891b54@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 14:52 < Rogerable> 拔草不是国軍的工作嗎(咦 14:52 < [R0]hinet60613> 松指部在做什麼? 還不快去拔草? (X) 14:52 -!- sammyfung [~sammyfung@] has joined #coscup 14:53 < waeting> quit要加斜線哦wwwww 14:53 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> ww 14:53 < Rogerable> 是說不知道有沒有北韓地形資料(欸 14:53 -!- williamg [uid123880@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-ftrcvqmexnhwcgdz] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 14:53 < [h2]chusiang> Docker Machine: 用 Docker 開 VM。 14:53 < [R0]Nightfeather> wwww 14:54 < YMHuang> H1 好多 tools 14:54 -!- Netsplit *.net <-> *.split quits: shing___, MLChen, abev66, bhujmn, keitheis, yoyohung, brli_, Conrad, ecilA, chihao, (+19 more, use /NETSPLIT to show all of them) 14:54 -!- allenbot [~allenbot@] has quit [Excess Flood] 14:54 < waeting> [R0] https://flightgear-tw.blogspot.com 14:54 -!- chriswu_ is now known as chriswu 14:54 -!- JethroYu_ is now known as JethroYu 14:54 -!- zeroplusone_ is now known as zeroplusone 14:54 -!- kenobilyh_ is now known as kenobilyh 14:54 -!- DeemoHarlos_ is now known as DeemoHarlos 14:54 -!- shing____ is now known as shing___ 14:54 -!- lafin_ is now known as lafin 14:54 -!- shaolin_ is now known as shaolin 14:54 -!- bryce__ is now known as bryce_ 14:54 -!- allenbot [~allenbot@] has joined #coscup 14:54 -!- yoyohung_ is now known as yoyohung 14:54 -!- asilcheng_ is now known as asilcheng 14:54 -!- BobLu_ is now known as BobLu 14:54 -!- RzChen_ is now known as RzChen 14:54 -!- bhujmn_ is now known as bhujmn 14:54 -!- chihao_ is now known as chihao 14:54 -!- jserv-- [~jserv@] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 14:54 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 一堆人quit... 14:54 -!- chwong_cloud_ is now known as chwong_cloud 14:54 < [R0]Nightfeather> 怎麼突然噴超大量更名 14:54 -!- mikechouto [~mikey@] has joined #coscup 14:54 -!- floatj_cc [~floatj@] has joined #coscup 14:54 < zhxie> [R0]剛剛發現總召也在抓Pokemon GO (FB) 14:54 -!- vincentsue [~vincentsu@] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 14:55 -!- tnlin [caa9ad86@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 14:55 -!- segno [8c6d7f02@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed] 14:55 < YMHuang> 一起斷線 XDD 14:55 -!- cartertsai [~cartertsa@] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 14:55 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 可以打飛機 14:55 < waeting> 居然還有戰鬥系統wwwwwwwwww 14:55 < David_c> 網路應該是悲劇了 14:55 < [R0]hinet60613> [R0] 講者: 你可以在FG裡面對飛機射飛彈! 但是沒辦法擊落 14:56 < Rogerable> http://wiki.flightgear.org/Bombable#Features 14:56 -!- czchen_ is now known as czchen 14:56 < yomao_> 还不快点回归祖国 14:56 < Rogerable> 疑似打飛機模組 14:56 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 有人踢到網路線嗎XD 14:56 -!- setuna0625 [8c6d7f0b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 14:56 -!- ggininder__ [8c6d7f0b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 14:56 < shawnlin> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SnX4zm8zWsg 14:56 -!- FelixLin [8c6d7f02@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 14:56 -!- wdv [~wdv@IP-210-172.cs.nctu.edu.tw] has joined #coscup 14:56 -!- jserv-- [~jserv@] has joined #coscup 14:57 -!- asahsieh_ [~asahsieh@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 14:57 -!- bz [~bz@114-136-228-14.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 14:57 < shawnlin> Anyone want to porting to FG ? 14:57 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 隔壁有大神 14:57 < PichuChen> 藍隊的道館居然疊滿了?! 14:58 < [h2]chusiang> 學會 Docker Machine,基本上就可以開 Virtualbox, VMWare vSphere, AWS, Azure ... 的 instance。 14:58 < [h2]chusiang> Docker Machine 的 Machine 是用 Docker 開有內建 Docker 的 Machine。 14:58 -!- Quexint [~textual@] has joined #coscup 14:58 -!- [R0]knowlet [caa9ad86@gateway/web/cgi-irc/kiwiirc.com/ip.] has quit [Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client] 14:59 -!- salagadoola [df891b54@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 14:59 -!- zhxie [~zhxie@111-83-81-60.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Quit: leaving] 14:59 -!- asilcheng [uid12665@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-jxgubemuskistuhh] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 14:59 -!- kkpan11 [~kkpan11@] has joined #coscup 14:59 < duckll> [H1]祝bug生日快樂 14:59 -!- jiero [8c6d7f02@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 14:59 -!- ericC [8c6d7f02@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 15:00 -!- kewang [~kewang@] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 15:00 < waeting> 哪裡可以看到閃電秀議程? 15:00 -!- threelines [~threeline@] has quit [Quit: leaving] 15:00 < waeting> 線上看到 15:00 -!- z956_ [~z956@] has joined #coscup 15:00 -!- ericccc_ [~eric@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 15:00 -!- MonkyH [dc82b144@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 15:00 -!- u10313335 [~sol@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 15:00 < waeting> 剛剛line小啄感覺他不知道 15:00 -!- yolandalin [~yolandali@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 15:00 -!- jserv-- [~jserv@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 15:00 < shigurefox> 活動中心有迷你龍 15:01 -!- derekhsu [~derekhsu@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 15:01 -!- kkpan11 [~kkpan11@] has quit [Client Quit] 15:01 -!- Denir_ [~Denir__@223-142-180-176.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 15:01 < lucian> http://blog.coscup.org/ 這邊有,不知道是否為最新 15:01 -!- stanely [~smuxi@] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 15:01 -!- vincentsue [~vincentsu@] has joined #coscup 15:01 -!- cartertsai [~cartertsa@] has joined #coscup 15:01 < waeting> 謝啦 15:02 -!- StarNight [~AndChat54@] has joined #coscup 15:02 -!- jiazheng [~jiazheng@] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 15:02 -!- [R0]knowlet [caa9ad86@gateway/web/cgi-irc/kiwiirc.com/ip.] has joined #coscup 15:02 -!- Quexint [~textual@] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 15:03 -!- [H1]goodjack [8c733b04@gateway/web/cgi-irc/kiwiirc.com/ip.] has quit [Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client] 15:03 -!- u10313335 [~sol@] has joined #coscup 15:03 -!- z956_ [~z956@] has quit [Client Quit] 15:03 -!- vincentsue [~vincentsu@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 15:03 -!- z956 [~z956@] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 15:03 -!- yan12125 [~yen@] has quit [Quit: leaving] 15:04 -!- StarNight [~AndChat54@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 15:04 -!- sammyfung [~sammyfung@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 15:04 -!- AndChat|545664 [~AndChat54@] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 15:04 -!- [R2]buck5060 [~buck5060@] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 15:04 -!- Denir- [~Denir__@42-70-83-42.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 15:05 -!- duckll [~duckll@] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 15:05 -!- parry [6ff02f23@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 15:05 -!- derjohng [caa9ad86@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 15:05 -!- Denir_ [~Denir__@223-142-180-176.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 15:05 -!- hexpinr [~user@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 15:05 -!- chyuaner [uid28032@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-iuovpdsxmsrnaffw] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 15:06 -!- stanely [~smuxi@] has joined #coscup 15:06 -!- cartertsai [~cartertsa@] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 15:06 -!- Denir_ [~Denir__@223-142-181-109.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 15:07 -!- jysun_ [~jysun@140-113-125-243.Dorm-GD2.NCTU.edu.tw] has joined #coscup 15:07 -!- cartertsai [~cartertsa@] has joined #coscup 15:07 -!- DeweiLi [~deweili@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 15:07 -!- YWJamesLin[H5] [~user@] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 15:07 -!- yongjhih [~yongjhih@] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 15:07 -!- StarNight [~AndChat54@] has joined #coscup 15:07 -!- YMHuang [~holoirc@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 15:08 -!- abev66_ [~quassel@223-140-56-173.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 15:08 -!- lego [~lego@] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 15:08 -!- sammyfung [~sammyfung@] has joined #coscup 15:08 -!- YWJamesLin[H5] [~user@] has joined #coscup 15:08 -!- cindyfish21 [uid148827@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-sjncsynsbvqxkmkw] has joined #coscup 15:09 -!- Netsplit over, joins: AndChat327600 15:09 -!- DeweiLi [~deweili@] has joined #coscup 15:09 -!- DeweiLi [~deweili@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 15:09 -!- z956 [~z956@] has joined #coscup 15:09 -!- derekhsu [~derekhsu@] has joined #coscup 15:09 -!- YMHuang [~holoirc@] has joined #coscup 15:09 -!- YMHuang1 [~holoirc@] has joined #coscup 15:10 -!- stanely [~smuxi@] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 15:11 -!- lagane100 [~lagane100@] has quit [Quit: Lost terminal] 15:11 -!- ttt [8c6daf4d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 15:11 -!- vincentsue [~vincentsu@] has joined #coscup 15:11 -!- setuna0625 [8c6d7f02@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 15:11 -!- shigurefox [~shigurefo@] has quit [Quit: shigurefox] 15:11 -!- fripig [8c6d7f02@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 15:12 -!- janelin [~chatzilla@] has joined #coscup 15:12 -!- StarNight [~AndChat54@] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 15:12 -!- elvismetaphor [8c6daf4d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 15:12 < derekhsu> Unconference在幾樓啊? 15:12 -!- ericccc [~eric@] has joined #coscup 15:12 -!- StarNight [~AndChat54@] has joined #coscup 15:12 -!- ttt [8c6daf4d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Client Quit] 15:13 -!- cindyfish21 [uid148827@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-sjncsynsbvqxkmkw] has quit [Client Quit] 15:13 -!- nipapa_ [~nipapa@] has joined #coscup 15:13 -!- cindyfish21 [uid148827@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-ftfsekhhslqxgzsj] has joined #coscup 15:13 -!- cindyfish21 [uid148827@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-ftfsekhhslqxgzsj] has quit [Client Quit] 15:13 -!- stanely [~smuxi@] has joined #coscup 15:13 -!- cindyfish21 [uid148827@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-fqyokwabcldyyipg] has joined #coscup 15:13 -!- beat_ [df8854ec@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 15:14 -!- ggininder__ [8c6d7f0b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 15:14 -!- dneif [8c6d7f0b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 15:14 -!- alan7_ [~alan7@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 15:14 -!- DeweiLi [~deweili@] has joined #coscup 15:14 -!- alan7 [~alan7@] has joined #coscup 15:14 -!- kkpan11 [~kkpan11@] has joined #coscup 15:15 -!- jiazheng [~jiazheng@] has joined #coscup 15:15 -!- carterts_ [~cartertsa@] has joined #coscup 15:15 -!- brli [~brli@unaffiliated/brli] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds] 15:15 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 看著宅色夫 在教學生 15:15 -!- RzChen [uid52415@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-uouftzumydbnujot] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 15:15 < lucian> 滿八了,可以炸嗎 XDDD 15:15 -!- salagadoola [df891b54@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed] 15:15 -!- salagadoola [df891b54@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 15:15 -!- hanbz [df8991a5@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 15:15 -!- shigurefox [~shigurefo@] has joined #coscup 15:15 -!- nipapa [~nipapa@] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 15:16 -!- salagadoola is now known as salagadoola_H0 15:16 < David_c> [H1]半滿狀態 15:16 -!- kkpan111 [~kkpan11@] has joined #coscup 15:17 -!- cartertsai [~cartertsa@] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds] 15:17 -!- cartertsai [~cartertsa@] has joined #coscup 15:17 < David_c> [H1]ねこ魂wwww 15:18 -!- buck_ [~buck5060@] has joined #coscup 15:18 -!- jsliang [uid29695@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-wsbkryiuzorlfmyj] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 15:18 -!- floatj_cc [~floatj@] has quit [Quit: leaving] 15:18 -!- oversee [dc82b144@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 15:18 -!- 17SAAYUJJ [~quassel@] has joined #coscup 15:18 -!- buck_ is now known as [R0]buck5060 15:19 -!- StarNight [~AndChat54@] has quit [Quit: Bye] 15:19 -!- carterts_ [~cartertsa@] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 15:19 -!- kkpan11 [~kkpan11@] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 15:19 -!- StarNight [~zack@] has joined #coscup 15:19 < barneybook> H0 登入 15:19 -!- jserv-- [~jserv@] has joined #coscup 15:19 < jserv--> [R0] ROS ! 15:20 < waeting> 咦咦會有機器人走出來嗎 15:20 -!- threelines [~threeline@] has joined #coscup 15:20 < boyofsky> 閃光燈真的蠻閃的(?) 15:20 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 然後他不理我 15:20 < DeweiLi> 然後他不理我 15:20 < waeting> 然後他不理我qq 15:20 -!- Dalin [8c6d7f0b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 15:20 < shawnlin> 不理我... QQ 15:20 < PichuChen> R1在Cue Jserv 15:20 < stanely> Livedemo不出包才奇怪 15:21 -!- duckll [~duckll@] has joined #coscup 15:21 * jserv-- 躺著又中槍 [R1] 15:21 < Davy_CC> XDDDDD 15:21 -!- Rogerable [~AndChat55@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 15:21 -!- mabinogi80503 [~mabinogi8@] has joined #coscup 15:21 -!- vincentsue [~vincentsu@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 15:21 < David_c> [H1] LLVMwwww 15:21 < DeweiLi> Livedemo不要做太多會心臟病 15:21 -!- Rogerable [~AndChat55@] has joined #coscup 15:21 < Michael_LI> jserv ? 15:22 -!- vincentsue [~vincentsu@] has joined #coscup 15:22 -!- jouston [8c6d7f02@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 15:22 -!- [H1]Lother [uid107002@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-jczxbqzypwcjpklc] has joined #coscup 15:22 -!- yongjhih [~yongjhih@] has joined #coscup 15:22 -!- vincentsue [~vincentsu@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 15:22 -!- u10313335 [~sol@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 15:22 -!- u10313335 [~sol@] has joined #coscup 15:22 -!- vincentsue [~vincentsu@] has joined #coscup 15:22 -!- jouston_ [~jouston@] has joined #coscup 15:22 < [h2]chusiang> 用 https://www.katacoda.com/ 來遠端 demo 各個 docker 真的好方便啊!用 Docker 來開 Microsoft Azure 真的好潮啊! 15:22 -!- arthow4n [caa9ad86@gateway/web/cgi-irc/kiwiirc.com/ip.] has quit [Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client] 15:23 -!- chihmin [uid180841@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-mxdyexpohptemsnm] has joined #coscup 15:23 < [h2]chusiang> (更正) 用 https://www.katacoda.com/ 來遠端 demo 各個 docker 真的好方便啊!用 Docker Machine 來開 Microsoft Azure 真的好潮啊! 15:23 -!- vincents_ [~vincentsu@] has joined #coscup 15:23 -!- vincentsue [~vincentsu@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 15:23 -!- vincents_ [~vincentsu@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 15:23 -!- [H1]goodjack [caa9ad86@gateway/web/cgi-irc/kiwiirc.com/ip.] has joined #coscup 15:23 < David_c> [H1] 講著沒連網路QQ 15:23 < David_c> (笑) 15:23 -!- vincentsue [~vincentsu@] has joined #coscup 15:23 < alex_lu> [H1] 「我忘記裝網路了,我沒有例子了」 15:23 -!- jouston_ [~jouston@] has left #coscup [] 15:24 < boyofsky> H1感覺很歡樂 15:24 * jserv-- 移動去 R1 看洪老師 15:24 -!- kewang [~kewang@] has joined #coscup 15:24 -!- Kizax [2a43fbed@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 15:25 -!- [H1]goodjack [caa9ad86@gateway/web/cgi-irc/kiwiirc.com/ip.] has quit [Client Quit] 15:25 -!- jiazheng [~jiazheng@] has quit [Read error: No route to host] 15:25 < Kizax> R1書報討論feel 15:25 -!- mabinogi_ [~mabinogi8@] has joined #coscup 15:25 -!- asilcheng [uid12665@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-fbnqetvnsnabahob] has joined #coscup 15:25 -!- [H1]goodjack [8c733b04@gateway/web/cgi-irc/kiwiirc.com/ip.] has joined #coscup 15:25 -!- jiazheng [~jiazheng@] has joined #coscup 15:26 -!- mabinogi_ is now known as mabinogi80503_ 15:26 < darkx> R1 slides reuse 是很重要的 (?) 15:26 < David_c> [H1] Helll world 15:27 < duckll> [H1]hell world 15:27 < David_c> [H1] 嗯,這個我們等等再說 15:27 < wens> O.o 15:27 -!- vincentsue [~vincentsu@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 15:27 < [R0]Nightfeather> 喔喔喔 體育館靠溪邊又出電擊獸啦 15:27 -!- [H1]goodjack [8c733b04@gateway/web/cgi-irc/kiwiirc.com/ip.] has quit [Client Quit] 15:28 < shigurefox> H1圖太小看不清楚QQ 15:28 < janelin> 我只看到波波... 15:29 -!- mabinogi80503 [~mabinogi8@] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 15:30 -!- jiazheng [~jiazheng@] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 15:30 -!- vincentsue [~vincentsu@] has joined #coscup 15:30 -!- yucheng [~yucheng@] has joined #coscup 15:31 -!- MLChen [~MLChen@2604:a880:1:20::251:1] has joined #coscup 15:31 -!- yu [8c6daf4d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 15:31 -!- keitheis [~keitheis@] has joined #coscup 15:31 < David_c> [H1] 果然我只在理論上(全場爆笑) 15:32 -!- jiazheng [~jiazheng@] has joined #coscup 15:32 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 我媽說 你在作夢 15:32 < waeting> 哩洗咧酣敏 15:32 < alex_lu> [H1] 試著把 rust 用 enscripten 編 15:32 < wens> 研究所太早唸了 15:33 < jouston> [R0] 有個Project正在做,自己的說法是"創業中",但是我媽的說法比較實在:哩洗咧酣眠 15:33 -!- [R0]buck5060 [~buck5060@] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds] 15:33 -!- ENLloli [uid175401@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-itaflewubsxyjevl] has joined #coscup 15:33 < Rogerable> [R0] 打開折凳 15:33 < ENLloli> 😃 15:34 < darkx> ENL! 15:34 < lucian> ENL ! 15:35 -!- derjohng [caa9ad86@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 15:35 < David_c> 不是EMK嗎? 15:35 < stanely> 台中公車一年補助20億,台北公車一年補助28億,這是你我納稅人的錢 15:35 < ENLloli> OAO 15:35 < darkx> EMT 15:35 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 機構會甩來甩去 就像鞭子一樣 15:36 < Rogerable> 是爪巴的塗裝 15:36 < waeting> 沒有交集QQ 15:36 -!- [H1]Lother is now known as [R0]Lother 15:36 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 對 這就是我要的 你車子做出來了沒 15:36 < shawnlin> 這就是我要的 阿你做出來了沒? 15:37 < ENLloli> 像*一樣 15:37 < jouston> [R0] ITRI說:這很簡單啊。誰要買? 15:37 -!- veloci85 [~Thunderbi@] has joined #coscup 15:37 < lucian> 台大機械有做自動循跡的小型車輛 15:37 < aoihitomi> wwwwwwwwwwwwwwww 15:37 < waeting> 爆走啦 15:37 -!- [R0]buck5060 [~buck5060@] has joined #coscup 15:37 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> www 15:37 * Segno__ 暴走 15:37 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 自爆車 15:37 < aoihitomi> before after 15:38 < aoihitomi> 覺得狂 15:38 < ENLloli> 這配樂 15:38 < waeting> 有種熱血感阿 15:38 < aoihitomi> ((不是BGM的關係 大概 15:38 * David_c 注意這台車已經爆走狀態 15:38 -!- floatj_cc [~floatj@] has joined #coscup 15:38 < shawnlin> [R0]好熱血阿~~ 15:38 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 高爾夫球車? 15:38 < yutin__> [R0] 超熱血 15:38 < yutin__> 超猛 15:38 < lucian> http://www.eng.ntu.edu.tw/news/news.php?Sn=80 "臺大機械自動駕駛研究團隊成功於2015 SAE自動駕駛示範賽進行自動駕駛EV車隊之動態展示" 15:38 -!- mikechouto [~mikey@] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 15:38 < yutin__> 好感動 15:39 < Segno__> 血淚 15:39 < derekhsu> 一個人? 15:39 -!- j4ck50n [uid110064@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-xpadakqlwpdsreuj] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 15:39 < waeting> 拍拍 15:39 < derekhsu> 好猛 15:39 < oversee> [R2] 自製氣象站~ 15:39 < actw__> R0熱血、淚哭 @@... 15:40 -!- salagadoola_H0 [df891b54@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 15:41 < Michael_LI> R0 台灣人才啊 15:41 < derekhsu> 好強的Maker 15:41 < derekhsu> 而且不是技術底 15:41 < waeting> 今年的主軸果然是跨界.轉行 15:41 < shawnlin> [R0] Remember professionals build the Titanic but an amateur build the ark 15:41 < stanely> [R0] Remember professionals built the Titanic but an amateur built the ark. 15:41 < derekhsu> 但是他本來就清大材料的啊 15:41 < shawnlin> 好熱血啊! 15:42 < Michael_LI> 專家是訓練有素的狗 15:42 < derekhsu> 這個還比較接近一點他原來的工作,是轉回來 15:42 < stanely> [R0] 講者思緒好清楚,雖然是在圓一個夢 15:42 < stanely> 「 15:42 < boyofsky> 會有R0的錄影嗎? 15:43 -!- beat_ [df8854ec@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 15:43 -!- windslash [~yaaic@] has joined #coscup 15:43 < Michael_LI> 有直播 15:43 < waeting> 有鑽石級贊助商大大要投資他的嗎wwwwww 15:43 < starship2518> R0是不是先推在倉儲上比較好 15:43 < derekhsu> 等到做出來之後政府又跳出來說台灣之光 15:43 < shawnlin> 贊助贊助... 15:43 < David_c> [H1] Say My Nane 15:43 < David_c> [H1] Say My Name 15:43 < Michael_LI> https://livehouse.in/channel/coscup2016r0#/_=_ 15:43 -!- mikechouto [~mikey@] has joined #coscup 15:44 < derekhsu> 「反正你做不喜歡的事情也有可能會失敗,何不嘗試看看做自己喜歡的事情」 15:44 < Michael_LI> 這是目前的R0直播 https://livehouse.in/channel/coscup2016r0#/_=_ 15:44 < [R0]buck5060> R0 QQ 15:44 < waeting> [R0] https://www.facebook.com/ros.taipei/ 15:44 -!- vincentsue [~vincentsu@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 15:45 -!- vincentsue [~vincentsu@] has joined #coscup 15:45 < villerhsiao> R0 真感人 15:45 < [R0]knowlet> https://www.facebook.com/groups/122728288090359/ 15:45 -!- aoihitomi [8c6d10a4@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 15:45 < [h2]chusiang> Docker 實戰進階班 | 木刻思 - http://datasci.kktix.cc/events/docker-201609 15:46 < shawnlin> [R0] 有上TED X Taipei 15:46 < shawnlin> http://2016.tedxtaipei.com/speaker/lin-hsin-nan/ 15:46 -!- aoihitomi [8c6d10a4@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 15:46 -!- denkeni [8c6d7f06@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 15:48 < [R0]Nightfeather> http://i.imgur.com/xuvXUPl.jpg 15:48 -!- hydai [~hydai@] has joined #coscup 15:48 -!- Quexint [~textual@] has joined #coscup 15:48 -!- hortune [caa9ad86@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed] 15:48 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> ... 15:48 < ENLloli> 0.0 15:49 -!- kylin [~kylin@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 15:49 < [R0]Nightfeather> ' -') 15:50 -!- aaronhuang [~aaronhuan@114-136-160-129.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 15:51 < [h2]chusiang> workshop 講到一半重開機器,加油! 15:51 -!- oversee [dc82b144@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 15:52 -!- hexpinr [~user@] has joined #coscup 15:52 -!- Rogerable [~AndChat55@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 15:52 -!- rogerable5566 [~AndChat55@] has joined #coscup 15:52 -!- elvismetaphor [8c6daf4d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 15:52 < waeting> 我以為是TED x Taipei的照片結果是電擊獸.... 15:52 -!- windslash [~yaaic@] has quit [Quit: Yaaic - Yet another Android IRC client - http://www.yaaic.org] 15:53 -!- mabinogi80503_ [~mabinogi8@] has quit [] 15:53 < janelin> XD 15:53 -!- windslash [~yaaic@] has joined #coscup 15:53 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> +1 15:53 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 打開是電擊獸 突然傻住 15:54 -!- 17SAAYUJJ [~quassel@] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 15:54 -!- elvismetaphor [8c6daf4d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 15:54 -!- rail02000 [~qicruser@114-136-181-223.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Quit: qicr for android: faster and better] 15:55 -!- tiwb [~tiwb@] has joined #coscup 15:55 -!- StarNigh1 [~zack@] has joined #coscup 15:55 < codepecker> 待會就是 Conf 絕對少不了的點心時間了! 15:55 < codepecker> 今年的餐點由 Sky mirror 天鏡科技冠名贊助。 15:55 < codepecker> 這~麼多的下午茶,讓小啄也食指大動啊 >W< 15:55 < codepecker> 人文館 3、4 樓與活動中心 2 樓等你一起來享用! 15:55 -!- j5a6s7o8n [~AndChat23@42-66-234-243.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Quit: Bye] 15:55 < [R0]Nightfeather> 抱歉 XDDDD 15:55 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 所以你有捕獲成功? 15:56 < [R0]Nightfeather> 有啊 15:56 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 恭喜 恭喜 15:56 -!- crypt_ [722d34e8@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 15:56 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 原來下一場是全場的 (繼續R0待命) 15:56 -!- AndChat338289 [~AndChat33@223-137-145-165.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 15:56 -!- SCWhite [caa9ad86@gateway/web/cgi-irc/kiwiirc.com/ip.] has quit [Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client] 15:57 -!- ericccc [~eric@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 15:57 -!- StarNight [~zack@] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 15:57 -!- tiwb [~tiwb@] has quit [Client Quit] 15:57 < waeting> 聽完精彩R0肚子都餓惹 15:57 -!- YMHuang1 [~holoirc@] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 15:57 -!- YMHuang [~holoirc@] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 15:57 -!- Aweimeow [~Aweimeow@] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 15:57 -!- [R0]knowlet [caa9ad86@gateway/web/cgi-irc/kiwiirc.com/ip.] has quit [Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client] 15:57 < waeting> 教授來挖角啦wwwwwwww 15:57 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 可惡 我沒藍色原子筆orz 15:58 -!- mikechouto [~mikey@] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 15:58 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 想請宅色夫大大簽名 15:58 < derekhsu> 台車應該來找他的啊 15:58 -!- u10313335 [~sol@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 15:58 -!- hanbz [df8991a5@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 15:58 < [R0]buck5060> \成功媒合/ 15:58 -!- vincentsue [~vincentsu@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 15:58 -!- AndChat338289 [~AndChat33@223-137-145-165.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 15:59 -!- veloci85 [~Thunderbi@] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 15:59 -!- vincentsue [~vincentsu@] has joined #coscup 15:59 < waeting> 挖寶啦啦啦啦啦啦 15:59 -!- hexpinr [~user@] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds] 15:59 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> XDD 15:59 < [R0]Nightfeather> wwwwww 15:59 < taichunmin> 媒合成功 15:59 < waeting> Hsin nan 123 15:59 -!- beat_ [df8854ec@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 15:59 < rogerable5566> 第一版可以release嗎(欸 15:59 -!- nipapa_ [~nipapa@] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 15:59 < barneybook> 已排隊,外面 15:59 < [R0]Nightfeather> hsinnan123@github 16:00 -!- cartertsai [~cartertsa@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 16:00 -!- yongjhih [~yongjhih@] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds] 16:00 -!- [h2]chusiang [~chusiang@] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 16:00 < jouston> [R0]就衝著你這句話好像不release都不行。 16:00 -!- cartertsai [~cartertsa@] has joined #coscup 16:00 -!- veloci85 [~Thunderbi@] has joined #coscup 16:00 -!- janelin [~chatzilla@] has quit [Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.92 [Firefox 48.0/20160726073904]] 16:00 -!- threelines [~threeline@] has quit [Quit: leaving] 16:00 < yutin__> 問到重點了 16:00 < Segno__> https://github.com/HsinNan123/Golf-Car_Control-by-Wire 16:00 -!- derekhsu [~derekhsu@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 16:00 -!- hydai [~hydai@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 16:00 -!- hydai_ is now known as hydai 16:01 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 點心時間 16:01 -!- denkeni [8c6d7f06@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 16:01 -!- Segno__ [~segno@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 16:01 -!- vincentsue [~vincentsu@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 16:01 -!- cartertsai [~cartertsa@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 16:01 -!- DeweiLi [~deweili@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 16:01 -!- yutin__ [~yutin@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 16:02 < Moon_Slight> 吃點心嘍 ~ 16:02 -!- yu [8c6daf4d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 16:03 -!- ggininder_ [uid123879@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-udhkpzidkjwmflxc] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 16:03 < Ruinland> 吉他! 16:03 < Ruinland> 吉!都吉! 16:03 -!- Dalin [8c6d7f0b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 16:04 -!- elvismetaphor [8c6daf4d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 16:04 -!- alan7 [~alan7@] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 16:04 -!- j5a6s7o8n [~AndChat23@42-66-234-243.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 16:04 -!- [R0]buck5060 [~buck5060@] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 16:04 -!- jouston [8c6d7f02@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 16:05 -!- shigurefox [~shigurefo@] has quit [Quit: shigurefox] 16:05 -!- jiazheng [~jiazheng@] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 16:05 -!- j5a6s7o8n [~AndChat23@42-66-234-243.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Client Quit] 16:05 -!- kkpan111 [~kkpan11@] has quit [Quit: Leaving.] 16:05 -!- z956 [~z956@] has quit [Quit: leaving] 16:06 -!- PichuChen [~pichu@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 16:06 -!- Guest76768 [72882306@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 16:06 -!- duckll [~duckll@] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 16:07 -!- sonyu [uid28794@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-yctmmpfxifyutxyd] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 16:08 -!- ggininder__ [8c6d7f0b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 16:09 -!- ypwang [~ypwang@] has joined #coscup 16:09 -!- dneif [8c6d7f0b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 16:09 -!- ecilA_N5 [~androirc@223-142-145-207.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 16:10 -!- windslash [~yaaic@] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 16:10 -!- stanely [~smuxi@] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 16:10 -!- kewang [~kewang@] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 16:10 -!- jaid [~jaidTw@] has joined #coscup 16:10 -!- jaidTw [~jaidTw@223-136-117-28.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 16:10 -!- crypt_ [722d34e8@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed] 16:10 -!- mikechouto [~mikey@] has joined #coscup 16:11 -!- ecilA_N5 [~androirc@223-142-136-124.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 16:11 -!- jaidTw [~jaidTw@223-136-117-28.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 16:12 -!- [H1]goodjack [caa9ad86@gateway/web/cgi-irc/kiwiirc.com/ip.] has joined #coscup 16:12 -!- ecilA_N5 [~androirc@223-142-136-124.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Client Quit] 16:12 -!- waeting [~waeting@] has left #coscup [] 16:12 -!- waeting [~waeting@] has joined #coscup 16:13 -!- yucheng [~yucheng@] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 16:13 -!- hexpinr [~user@] has joined #coscup 16:13 -!- Lee1092 [uid13277@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-yhewxazaqwfeljms] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 16:13 -!- setuna0625 [8c6d7f02@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 16:13 -!- DeweiLi [~deweili@] has joined #coscup 16:14 -!- [H1]goodjack [caa9ad86@gateway/web/cgi-irc/kiwiirc.com/ip.] has quit [Client Quit] 16:14 < float> 迷你龍?! 16:14 -!- jaid [~jaidTw@] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 16:15 -!- AndChat|330644 [~AndChat33@] has joined #coscup 16:16 -!- jserv-- [~jserv@] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 16:16 -!- stanely_ [~smuxi@] has joined #coscup 16:16 -!- jianiau [~jimmy@] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds] 16:17 < waeting> 我的不見惹 16:18 -!- jimms [8c6d7f06@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 16:19 -!- PJxPJ [~AndChat33@223-142-249-57.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 16:19 -!- PJxPJ [~AndChat33@223-142-146-202.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 16:19 -!- jiazheng [~jiazheng@] has joined #coscup 16:19 -!- veloci85 [~Thunderbi@] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 16:19 -!- u10313335_phone [~hermes@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 16:20 -!- fubuki [caa9ad86@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 16:20 -!- fubuki is now known as Guest22178 16:21 -!- Aweimeow [~Aweimeow@] has joined #coscup 16:21 < alex_lu> R0好多沒人有包的位… 16:22 < float> 都在吃點心吧@@ 16:22 -!- jiazheng [~jiazheng@] has quit [Read error: No route to host] 16:22 -!- AndChat|330644 [~AndChat33@] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 16:22 -!- beat_ [8c6d7f0b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 16:22 -!- jiazheng [~jiazheng@] has joined #coscup 16:22 -!- Rogerable [~AndChat55@] has joined #coscup 16:22 -!- rogerable5566 [~AndChat55@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 16:23 -!- YMHuang [~holoirc@] has joined #coscup 16:24 < alex_lu> 額 吃點心可以背著包包吃吧 16:24 -!- alan7 [~alan7@] has joined #coscup 16:25 -!- [R0]buck5060 [~buck5060@] has joined #coscup 16:25 -!- hexpinr [~user@] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 16:25 -!- u10313335_phone [~hermes@] has joined #coscup 16:25 -!- cartertsai [~cartertsa@] has joined #coscup 16:25 -!- asahsieh [~asahsieh@] has joined #coscup 16:26 < waeting> 每年每場都有的狀況 16:26 < barneybook> 習慣就好 16:26 -!- hortune [caa9ad86@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 16:26 < barneybook> 會讓位的人跟不會讓位的人都有 16:26 -!- jiazheng [~jiazheng@] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 16:27 -!- ensky [8c6d7f02@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 16:27 -!- derekhsu [~derekhsu@] has joined #coscup 16:28 -!- alicekey [~alicekey@223-139-74-215.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 16:28 -!- DeweiLi_ [~deweili@] has joined #coscup 16:28 -!- PJxPJ [~AndChat33@223-142-146-202.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 16:28 -!- Antonio7905 [8c6d7f02@gateway/web/cgi-irc/kiwiirc.com/ip.] has quit [Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client] 16:29 -!- DeweiLi_ [~deweili@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 16:29 -!- ericccc [~eric@] has joined #coscup 16:29 -!- [H1]goodjack [caa9ad86@gateway/web/cgi-irc/kiwiirc.com/ip.] has joined #coscup 16:29 -!- u10313335_phone [~hermes@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 16:29 -!- DeweiLi [~deweili@] has quit [Read error: No route to host] 16:29 -!- DeweiLi [~deweili@] has joined #coscup 16:29 -!- mmis1000_cloud [uid62180@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-vwrkizgnkycywube] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 16:29 -!- YMHuang [~holoirc@] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 16:29 -!- Antonio7905 [8c6d7f02@gateway/web/cgi-irc/kiwiirc.com/ip.] has joined #coscup 16:29 -!- PJxPJ [~AndChat33@223-142-146-202.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 16:30 -!- [R0]buck5060 [~buck5060@] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 16:30 < waeting> 開始啦 16:30 -!- [R0]knowlet [8c6d7f02@gateway/web/cgi-irc/kiwiirc.com/ip.] has joined #coscup 16:30 -!- derekhsu_ [~derekhsu@] has joined #coscup 16:30 -!- asahsieh [~asahsieh@] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 16:30 -!- [H1]goodjack [caa9ad86@gateway/web/cgi-irc/kiwiirc.com/ip.] has quit [Client Quit] 16:30 -!- kewang [~kewang@] has joined #coscup 16:30 -!- PichuChen [~pichu@] has joined #coscup 16:31 -!- aasd [df8c9391@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 16:31 -!- janelin [~chatzilla@] has joined #coscup 16:31 -!- [R0]buck5060 [~buck5060@] has joined #coscup 16:31 -!- tiwb [~tiwb@] has joined #coscup 16:31 < [R0]buck5060> test 16:31 -!- hydai_ [~hydai@] has joined #coscup 16:31 < barneybook> 救北極熊正夯 16:31 -!- DaiLin [b4d99cce@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 16:32 < Kizax> 會變大傑嗎? 16:32 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> ww 16:32 < waeting> 頭髮會突破天際嗎 16:32 -!- hydai_ [~hydai@] has quit [Client Quit] 16:32 -!- pupuliao [8c6d7f06@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 16:32 -!- SCWhite [caa9ad86@gateway/web/cgi-irc/kiwiirc.com/ip.] has joined #coscup 16:32 < pupuliao> 0.0 16:33 -!- sammyfung [~sammyfung@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 16:33 < darkx> 小傑 16:33 -!- derekhsu [~derekhsu@] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 16:33 < David_c> [R0] Synology沒贊助... 16:33 -!- icman [~icman@] has joined #coscup 16:33 < darkx> 家用級的 nas 硬體非常的... 好我不能說 16:33 < waeting> 超廢wwwww 16:33 < pupuliao> 就是前陣子被抱出來使用sata1 16:33 < barneybook> 超廢 16:34 -!- abev66_ [~quassel@] has joined #coscup 16:34 -!- u10313335_phone [~hermes@] has joined #coscup 16:34 < [R0]buck5060> 速度 假的 16:35 -!- timo [uid180853@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-nfelhbraystwwwon] has joined #coscup 16:35 -!- j5a6s7o8n [~AndChat23@42-66-234-243.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 16:35 -!- mabinogi80503 [~mabinogi8@] has joined #coscup 16:35 -!- timo is now known as Guest49861 16:35 < barneybook> 編輯器關掉..... 假的 16:35 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 助教這...這應該是bug 16:35 -!- abev66_ [~quassel@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 16:35 < darkx> -O3 打開,假的! 16:35 < alan7> 網路上不是有寫說 一開始deliver有sleep的 然後下一版拔掉就有明顯提升嗎(? 16:36 -!- threelines [~threeline@] has joined #coscup 16:36 < barneybook> litcode? 16:36 < alex_lu> leetcode 16:36 < darkx> leetcode 16:36 -!- u10313335 [~sol@] has joined #coscup 16:36 < darkgerm2> 程式很慢,結果發現忘了開 -O3 16:36 -!- asahsieh [~asahsieh@] has joined #coscup 16:36 -!- gasolin_ [sid220@gateway/web/mozilla/x-wyvfzmgygbwezmsp] has joined #coscup 16:36 -!- nipapa [~nipapa@] has joined #coscup 16:36 < fripig> 迷你龍出現? 16:36 -!- yongjhih [~yongjhih@111-71-216-14.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 16:37 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 非洲一分鐘就過去60秒 16:37 < alex_lu> 在非洲,一分鐘就會過去60秒 16:37 -!- arthow4n [~arthow4n_@] has joined #coscup 16:37 -!- abev66 [~quassel@223-140-56-173.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 16:37 < barneybook> 在非洲,一份鐘就會過去六十秒 16:37 < barneybook> 在非洲,一分鐘就會過去六十秒 16:37 < shawnlin> 在非洲 每一分鐘會過去六十秒 16:37 < David_c> [R0] 北極熊圖好可愛>///< 16:37 < [R0]buck5060> 寫程式救地球 16:38 < abev66> 什麼東西是一個性能 16:38 -!- sammyfung [~sammyfung@] has joined #coscup 16:38 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 我打字跟不上orz 16:38 -!- AndChat338289 [~AndChat33@223-137-145-165.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 16:38 -!- AndChat338289 [~AndChat33@223-137-145-165.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 16:39 < darkx> define: task 16:39 < darkgerm2> 售票系統: 推不倒 16:39 < waeting> 他講話沒有逗號 16:39 -!- AndChat338289 [~AndChat33@223-137-145-163.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 16:39 < David_c> [R0] KKTIX被推倒好幾次了,都是人類創造機器惹的禍 16:39 < Ruinland> 講到效能分析,先推書:《System Performance》 by Brendan Gregg 16:39 < aoihitomi> 他只是講話比較快 我們的耳朵業障重 16:39 -!- jiazheng [~jiazheng@] has joined #coscup 16:40 < barneybook> 10毫秒 16:40 -!- [H1]goodjack [8c733b04@gateway/web/cgi-irc/kiwiirc.com/ip.] has joined #coscup 16:40 < boyofsky> 小傑速度跟PCMAN有得比 16:40 < pakls> Need recycling @ R0 16:40 < darkgerm2> 講話的性能比較高 (? 16:40 < darkx> darkgerm2: www 16:40 -!- windslash [~yaaic@] has joined #coscup 16:40 < janelin> 講話快一點也可以救北極熊(?) 16:41 -!- z956 [~z956@] has joined #coscup 16:41 < darkx> 硬碟讀取速度 (變慢) 16:41 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 放棄共筆(X 16:41 < lucian> Need Seat recycling @ R0 16:41 -!- AndChat338289 [~AndChat33@223-137-145-163.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Read error: Connection refused] 16:41 -!- kevinwang [8c6d7f02@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 16:42 < barneybook> 性能這場有slide link??? 16:42 < pupuliao> 一次開多個戰場? 16:42 < darkx> 在我的機器上都是高效能的! 16:43 -!- [H1]goodjack is now known as Goodjack 16:43 < darkx> 可是請 C++ 工程師很貴 QQ 16:43 < barneybook> 都用c寫web吧 16:43 < barneybook> 保證性能 16:43 < janelin> 可是開發成本暴增XD 16:44 < barneybook> 大學生都會寫C++ 16:44 < barneybook> 大學生都會寫C++(資工系) 16:44 -!- yongjhih [~yongjhih@111-71-216-14.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 16:44 < darkx> C++ 好難 16:44 < StarNigh1> C寫Web ++ 16:44 < aoihitomi> cout >> 我不會寫C++ QAQ >>endl; 16:44 < Aweimeow> 只會寫 hello world 16:44 -!- StarNigh1 is now known as StarNight 16:44 < darkx> std::cout << ... 16:45 < David_c> [R0] 好亂wwww 16:45 < darkx> 連 stream 都放錯邊 QQ 16:45 -!- YMHuang [~ymhuang@] has joined #coscup 16:45 < darkx> C++ 果然很難 QQ 16:45 -!- Megaman [df886ea0@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 16:45 < David_c> [R0] 怎麼賺錢多開機器 16:45 < barneybook> 都會就是神?! 16:45 < iblis17> barneybook: 你可以問問 Linus 當初為何不用 c++ (沒人會寫 c++ 16:45 -!- rail02000 [~qicruser@114-136-181-228.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 16:45 -!- salagadoola [df891b54@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 16:45 < boyofsky> c++博大精深啊 16:45 < barneybook> 那就用C寫web吧 16:45 < aoihitomi> 因為是故意的 (X 16:45 -!- [R0]Nightfeather is now known as Nightfeather 16:45 < darkx> iblis17: 教我寫 QQ 16:45 < abev66> 純C 才是王道! 16:46 < waeting> 是男人的浪漫 16:46 < iblis17> darkx: 就不會啊 16:46 -!- yutin [~yutin@] has joined #coscup 16:46 < iblis17> orz 16:46 < Ruinland> 聖杯戰爭開打 16:46 < barneybook> 真性能應該要用 組語寫web?! (創舉) 16:46 -!- yongjhih [~yongjhih@] has joined #coscup 16:46 < darkx> iblis17: XD 16:46 < alan7> 哈味 16:46 -!- yutin [~yutin@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 16:46 -!- jiazheng [~jiazheng@] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 16:46 < darkx> 這圖不是 deepweb? XD 16:46 -!- kevinwang [8c6d7f02@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed] 16:47 -!- yutin [~yutin@] has joined #coscup 16:47 < Nightfeather> 接下來只好在電路板上洗 web 了 (X 16:47 < David_c> [R0] Hardware=哈味 16:47 -!- setuna0625 [8c6d7f02@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 16:47 < [R0]buck5060> hardware -> dark web 16:47 < darkx> 怒用 FPGA 開發 web 16:48 < David_c> [R0] 可以不要GC嗎?wwww 16:48 < salagadoola> 結果是個假議題 聖杯本身(x)效能測試的code本身(o)早就被污染了 16:48 -!- louisje [~louisje@] has joined #coscup 16:48 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> == 16:48 < darkx> GC 都會漏水 QQ GC 是壞孩子 16:48 < alex_lu> 可以不要GC嗎? 座位可能需要(逃 16:48 -!- abev66 [~quassel@223-140-56-173.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 16:48 < David_c> [R0] GC已經停產很久了(喂 16:48 < barneybook> 大家討厭的MVC 16:49 < SCWhite> 什麼!? 用邏輯閘拼出WEB 16:49 < dannyAAM> GC確實停很久了(? 16:49 < Ruinland> \RAII/ 16:49 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 用三價、五價、四價元素拼出WEB? 16:49 < david11014> 從電晶體開始焊接 16:49 < dannyAAM> 電路板寫效能不夠啦 要塞進晶圓才行啦(? 16:49 < darkx> Ruinland: \RAII/ 16:49 < waeting> irc聊天室慢慢進入奇怪的領域了.... 16:49 < Aweimeow> 都看不懂 16:49 -!- Haox [~Haox@] has joined #coscup 16:49 < Aweimeow> XD 16:49 -!- yan12125 [~yen@] has joined #coscup 16:49 -!- Megaman [df886ea0@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Client Quit] 16:49 < barneybook> 所以下次coscup就會有用 XXXX寫web的一百種方法 16:49 < salagadoola> if (應用程式 == "sim city") { 座位可能還需要,gc以後保留那些座位 } 16:49 < [R0]buck5060> 自己畫layout 16:50 -!- shigurefox [~shigurefo@] has joined #coscup 16:50 < david11014> 從粒子對撞機開始製造元素 16:50 < dannyAAM> (然後東西都弄完了才發現網路是100M/40M光世代(X 16:50 -!- abev66_ [~quassel@223-140-56-173.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 16:51 < boyofsky> Super-Full stack developer 16:51 < barneybook> 神秘的招式! 16:51 < salagadoola> 只要用 O(1) 就能知道一個數字的二進位表示有多少個1 !! 16:52 < Nightfeather> 只好從創造一個新宇宙開始了 記得把 web 作為世界要素構築進去 (X 16:52 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 共筆 一直跟別人衝突orz 16:52 < darkx> https://stackoverflow.com/questions/14009765/fastest-way-to-count-bits 16:52 < ensky> 我先放棄共筆 你應該是和我衝 XDD 16:52 < SCWhite> 請愛用sleep sort << 時間複雜度n 16:53 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 縮寫AL 是你? 16:53 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> XDD 16:53 < Vdragon> Collision 16:53 < [R0]buck5060> 計組@@ 16:53 -!- beat_ [8c6d7f0b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 16:53 -!- mikechouto [~mikey@] has quit [Ping timeout: 258 seconds] 16:53 < ensky> 我好像是G 16:53 -!- windslash [~yaaic@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 16:53 -!- Rogerable [~AndChat55@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 16:53 -!- Rogerable [~AndChat55@] has joined #coscup 16:53 -!- yucheng [~yucheng@] has joined #coscup 16:53 -!- madarame_ [uid28051@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-mjlgoogvuiszmafd] has joined #coscup 16:53 < darkx> bus 表示 QQ 16:53 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 在拼 誰打字快XD 16:54 -!- taipeiwu [~AndChat14@] has joined #coscup 16:54 -!- shigurefox [~shigurefo@] has quit [Client Quit] 16:54 < salagadoola> 單一組語指令... 這太神祕了 16:54 -!- Segno [~segno@] has joined #coscup 16:54 < StarNight> 水喔! 軟體+硬體最佳化 16:54 -!- rail02000 [~qicruser@114-136-181-228.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Quit: qicr for android: faster and better] 16:54 < pakls> AL is me.... 16:54 * darkx 可以薪水最佳化ㄇ QQ 16:54 < fripig> https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E5%B9%B3%E6%96%B9%E6%A0%B9%E5%80%92%E6%95%B0%E9%80%9F%E7%AE%97%E6%B3%95 這個還是我覺得很奇妙的做法XD 16:55 < waeting> 幫QQ 16:55 < Nightfeather> 優化成一條 instruction 也太神奇..... 16:55 < dannyAAM> 你要資方還勞方最佳化(X 16:55 < StarNight> 薪水不希望最佳化,希望一直加 XDDD 16:55 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 老闆:沒門 16:55 < dannyAAM> x86很多instruction的wwwww 16:55 -!- Conrad [~cpyang@nerv.siraya.net] has joined #coscup 16:55 -!- rail02000 [~qicruser@114-136-181-228.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 16:55 -!- megaman [df886ea0@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 16:55 -!- jaidTw [~jaidTw@223-136-117-28.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds] 16:56 < Aweimeow> 掉一個包相當於 100 年 ... 16:56 < pakls> Heero_Yuy yes 16:56 -!- jaidTw [~jaidTw@223-136-117-28.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 16:56 < Nightfeather> 那個 magic number 好妙 wwwwww 16:56 < darkx> Nightfeather: 兩次牛頓的近似 16:57 < Nightfeather> ' A') 16:57 -!- megaman [df886ea0@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Client Quit] 16:57 -!- veloci85 [~Thunderbi@] has joined #coscup 16:57 -!- nipapa [~nipapa@] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 16:57 -!- louisje [~louisje@] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds] 16:58 -!- Haox [~Haox@] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 16:58 < pakls> darkx finish your job in less hours. 16:58 < barneybook> 讓資料待在快的地方,但是RAM是有限的 16:58 -!- elvismetaphor [8c6d7f0b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 16:58 < janelin> 還要加速啊XD 16:58 < dannyAAM> 64bit版不知道wwww 16:58 < ensky> 稍微加速 XD 16:58 < boyofsky> 小傑還可以再加速 wwwwww 16:58 < pakls> He is talking about multi-tasking. 16:58 < Ruinland> 只好把東西塞進kernel (X 16:58 < barneybook> 加速世界! 現實1秒放大1000倍 16:59 -!- DanSnow [~snow@] has joined #coscup 16:59 < Rogerable> 欸原來那是表情符號 16:59 < dannyAAM> 那你還是自己寫OS吧w 16:59 < lucian> 二檔!! 16:59 < darkx> pakls: that won't make you more money XD 16:59 -!- megaman [~anonymous@223-136-110-160.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 16:59 < Vdragon> 吃我的 1GiB L1 cache 啦(X) 16:59 -!- Segno [~segno@] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 16:59 < David_c> [R0] 講者是日富美男版嗎? 16:59 < pakls> darkx take another job 16:59 < darkx> lol 16:59 < dannyAAM> 1GiB要怎塞啦www 16:59 < barneybook> 這張是??? 有來源嗎??? 16:59 < barneybook> linux的?? 16:59 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 1Gib 成本要多少 17:00 < salagadoola> 反向思考 讓使用者現實時間1000秒只能思考1秒的東西 什麼東西都會很快 17:00 < yukai_h_> https://www.reddit.com/r/linux/comments/4x4smu/linux_performance_tools_full_version_draft/ 17:00 < dannyAAM> 這反向wwwww 17:00 -!- yutin [~yutin@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 17:00 -!- vincentsue [~anonymous@] has joined #coscup 17:00 < Vdragon> 不知道錢夠多得話做不做得到 17:00 -!- mikechouto [~mikey@] has joined #coscup 17:00 < yukai_h_> http://i.imgur.com/2NAvHn1.png 17:00 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 日富美ww 你在偷看new game? 17:00 < hydai> http://www.brendangregg.com/linuxperf.html 17:00 < Nightfeather> burst link (X 17:00 -!- louisje [~louisje@] has joined #coscup 17:00 < Ruinland> barneybook: http://www.brendangregg.com/linuxperf.html 17:00 < darkx> 小傑:嘿嘿 才不講~ 17:00 -!- Haox [~Haox@] has joined #coscup 17:01 -!- coldsleep [uid175522@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-xkmhjkqnmnlzgbah] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 17:01 < Nightfeather> new game 巴哈沒上有點懶的去看 (滾動 17:01 < chihmin> 推高效能運用勞力的動畫 New Game 17:01 -!- nipapa [~nipapa@] has joined #coscup 17:01 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 快去點投票阿 17:01 < Ruinland> Brendan Gregg以前在Sun工作,後來在Oracle做效能分析 17:01 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 雖然我沒在看巴哈(? 17:01 < dannyAAM> 某自動化的PA超方便(逃 17:01 -!- coldsleep [uid175522@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-krkxgebdlmsatxfj] has joined #coscup 17:01 -!- freedomtw [8c6d7f08@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 17:02 < Ruinland> DTrace根他也淵源很深 17:02 < pakls> Did he learn operating system and multitasking concept? 17:02 < darkx> press Enter to continue. 17:02 < pakls> [R0] Did he learn operating system and multitasking concept? 17:02 < barneybook> 有效切割IO現在都是OS的事情吧???!!! 17:02 -!- yutin [~yutin@223-136-28-201.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 17:02 < StarNight> 不一定 17:02 -!- vincentsue [~anonymous@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 17:03 < pakls> tl;dr 17:03 < pupuliao> 跟開發習慣有關 17:03 < dannyAAM> apache也是有event mpm啊w 17:03 < freedomtw> 為什麼明明不太懂系統還一直講系統 17:03 < dannyAAM> 再說thread也是一個解法w 17:04 < pupuliao> compiler 會有多執行續優化 17:04 < freedomtw> 這是贊助廠商的 session 是吧? 17:04 < pupuliao> 我碰過 17:04 < darkx> pupuliao: how? 17:04 < stanely_> @freedom 我猜是 17:04 < chihhsin> syno 是贊助商嗎 17:04 < David_c> 不是,因為Synology沒有贊助。 17:04 < darkgerm2> 不是 17:04 < chihhsin> 嗯嗯 17:04 < taipeiwu> 沒看到他在贊助名單內 17:05 < hydai> 這是自己投的吧? 17:05 -!- YWJamesLin[H5] [~user@] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 17:05 < stanely_> 但是會議室聯播? 17:05 < pupuliao> 研究所 寫影像偵測的時候 光是修改寫法,讓整個城市效率提高三四倍 17:05 < pakls> I/O multiplexing = I/O 多工 ? 17:05 < pupuliao> 演算法沒變喔 17:05 < StarNight> 可以I/O Multiplexing + Non-Blocking I/O 一起用 17:06 < darkgerm2> 有人被que了www 17:06 < barneybook> 影像偵測本來就有很多優化的路徑 17:06 -!- kenobilyh [uid106989@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-aagbgwkwtooonnrh] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 17:06 < chihhsin> miller 噢? 17:06 < pupuliao> 我只是讓CPU 同時運算 17:06 -!- DaiLin [b4d99cce@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed] 17:06 < darkgerm2> chihhsin: y 17:06 -!- edhong [~edhongcy@223-136-176-10.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Quit: Bye] 17:07 < chihhsin> darkgerm2: 你坐哪裏啊? 17:07 < stanely_> 不是 17:07 < darkx> pupuliao: Amdahl's law 17:07 -!- j4ck50n [uid110064@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-uslrwtgnqfkqbgmj] has joined #coscup 17:07 -!- madarame [~madarame@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 17:07 < Aweimeow> OS:你煩不煩阿 17:07 < barneybook> 全部一起動!!! 會很熱!!! 17:07 < darkgerm2> chihhsin: 右邊走道 17:07 -!- madarame [~madarame@] has joined #coscup 17:07 < StarNight> 因為不動,會被撞到地上~ 17:08 < barneybook> IO講完接 processing 17:08 < pupuliao> @darkx 17:08 < chihhsin> darkgerm2: 我 scan 一下 17:08 < pupuliao> 痾 怎麼密人? 17:08 -!- kkpan111 [~kkpan11@] has joined #coscup 17:08 < darkgerm2> chihhsin: where r u 17:08 < Ruinland> pupuliao: /msg 17:08 -!- cartertsai [~cartertsa@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 17:09 < chihhsin> darkgerm2: 樓上看臺第一排 17:09 < wens> cpu affinity 可以搞一下? 17:09 < freedomtw> 這是當大家沒學過 OS 的 talk 17:09 -!- kkpan111 [~kkpan11@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 17:09 -!- veloci85 [~Thunderbi@] has quit [Ping timeout: 258 seconds] 17:09 < barneybook> 怎麼有上OS的感覺 17:09 -!- kkpan112 [~kkpan11@] has joined #coscup 17:09 -!- jiazheng [~jiazheng@] has joined #coscup 17:09 < derekhsu_> 快龍本拿出來 17:10 < kester___> 有點滑嘴... 17:10 < barneybook> 這樣我反而比較想聽 應用層的優化XD 17:10 < salagadoola> 要出新封面了嗎www 17:10 < alex_lu> 早上一來上compiler,下午結束前上OS 17:10 < darkgerm2> OS 複習 17:10 -!- ggininder [8c6d7f0b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 17:10 < ensky> http://b.rimg.com.tw/s1/9/fe/9f/21516042549919_461_m.jpg 17:10 < derekhsu_> 快籠出現了 17:10 < taipeiwu> 我也想聽應用層的優化+1 17:10 < megaman> 溫故而知新? 17:11 < barneybook> 原來coscup是 教召!! 每年回來複習大學課程 17:11 -!- kkpan111 [~kkpan11@] has joined #coscup 17:11 -!- yutin [~yutin@223-136-28-201.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 17:11 -!- descend [uid116330@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-wwuiapzzncicyzno] has joined #coscup 17:11 < wens> apache 也是有 thread pool 啊 17:11 < salagadoola> 真的出現的話 R0的爆滿狀態會突然解除嗎wwww 17:11 < lucian> 3分鐘舉牌 17:11 < abev66_> 在上 os 的感覺wwwwww 17:11 < pakls> 應用層的最佳化?回家作業 17:11 -!- kkpan11 [~kkpan11@] has joined #coscup 17:12 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 打字跟不上orz 17:12 < j4ck50n> 有種回到學生時代的感覺 17:12 < Nightfeather> DRAGONITE!!!!!! (X 17:12 < derjohng> OS 無誤...XDD 17:12 < salagadoola> callback hell~~ 17:12 -!- ajmachine [uid180839@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-penazkdjijtmdghz] has joined #coscup 17:12 < ensky> Promise~ 17:12 < darkgerm2> 前面太長了,雖然不知道後面還有沒有 17:12 < freedomtw> 閃電秀開始了 17:12 -!- madarame [~madarame@] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds] 17:12 -!- kkpan113 [~kkpan11@] has joined #coscup 17:12 < Ruinland> http://www.slashroot.in/how-is-nginx-different-from-apache 17:12 -!- kkpan11 [~kkpan11@] has quit [Read error: No route to host] 17:12 < PichuChen> golang~ 17:13 < dannyAAM> callback hell啊w 17:13 < Ruinland> 兩邊都有MPM ... 17:13 < barneybook> 無縫 閃電秀 17:13 < darkx> 課外閱讀: https://pragprog.com/book/jsunix/working-with-unix-processes 17:13 < salagadoola> 有時候會想在 objective-c 裡面寫 promise 17:13 -!- yongjhih [~yongjhih@] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 17:13 < wens> 把 language 跟 framework 混在一起講 17:13 < freedomtw> 直接接真閃電秀剛好 17:13 < lucian> 1分鐘舉牌 17:13 < dannyAAM> apache其實沒那麼不堪w 不過我喜歡nginx的config w 17:13 < janelin> java被戰惹 17:13 < waeting> 理性 勿戰 17:14 < alex_lu> 理性、勿戰 17:14 < [R0]knowlet> 引戰了 XD 17:14 < ensky> 理性勿戰 17:14 < yan12125> 理性勿戰 17:14 < salagadoola> 理性,勿戰。我們不要用有 VM 的語言。 wwwwwww 17:14 < j4ck50n> 不要起烝液 17:14 < yukai_h_> 引戰起手式來啦 wwww 17:14 < chihhsin> 我旁邊的都要站起來了 XXXD 17:14 < lucian> 大家要理性 17:14 < wens> dannyAAM: 會不會 tune 差很多吧 17:14 -!- kkpan112 [~kkpan11@] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 17:14 < David_c> [R0] 理"性"勿站 17:14 < shawnlin> 理性物 戰 17:14 < StarNight> 好用的東西都是犧牲CPU cycle做出來的!!! 17:14 < chihhsin> 理性務戰 17:14 < abev66_> wwwwwwwwwwwwwwww 17:14 < Nightfeather> wwwwwww 17:14 -!- nipapa [~nipapa@] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 17:14 -!- PJxPJ [~AndChat33@223-142-146-202.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 17:14 < barneybook> 不要http 17:14 < waeting> wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww 17:14 < PichuChen> h2c 17:14 < abev66_> 哎喲用組語寫 web 了啦wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww 17:14 < wens> 改用 protocol buffers 跟 http2, 都是 binary zzz 17:15 < Ruinland> 有點想貼yoco的簽名檔XDDD 17:15 < Nightfeather> 我宣佈所有東西回歸機器語言 (X 17:15 < dannyAAM> 其實nginx只是省了很多apache慢的地方 其中一個就是nginx的全static config www 17:15 -!- louisje [~louisje@] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 17:15 < megaman> ⋯⋯ 17:15 < pupuliao> 開戰了阿 17:15 < wens> abev66_: string processing 17:15 -!- PJxPJ [~AndChat33@42-70-94-92.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 17:15 < aoihitomi> 好理性勿戰喔wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww 17:15 < David_c> [R0] 要被拔了 17:15 < [R0]buck5060> 人看得懂的都不是有效率的XDD 17:15 < freedomtw> HTTP header 為什麼會看不懂? 17:15 -!- madarame [~madarame@] has joined #coscup 17:15 < lucian> Time's Out舉牌!! 17:15 < wens> abev66_: string processing 會崩潰 17:15 < taipeiwu> 什麼都不要,要用什麼……… 17:15 -!- kkpan111 [~kkpan11@] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 17:15 < chihhsin> 這是克己派嗎 17:15 < janelin> 我是說在座的各位 都在浪費性能(?) 17:15 < david11014> 機械系表示:沒修啊 17:15 < barneybook> https://telegram.me/pokemonalert_taipei 神奇寶貝通知頻道 Telegram專用 17:15 < pupuliao> 挑起戰爭 就要閃了? 17:15 < pupuliao> XD 17:15 < salagadoola> 覺得 JSON 最大的用途是,當整個架構是各種語言大雜簣的時候,大家都認得的資料結構真的沒幾個 17:15 < YMHuang> XDDD 17:15 < ensky> 他應該是講 不真正需要用到的話不要用吧 XD 17:15 -!- madarame [~madarame@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 17:15 < aoihitomi> opcode最快啦 17:15 < abev66_> wens: 用字串效率差! 17:15 < [R0]buck5060> wwww 17:15 < barneybook> 還是抓神奇寶貝去 17:15 < darkx> 解省掉不不要的抽象 17:15 < wens> pupuliao: 會不會走步出去? 17:15 < abev66_> wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww 17:16 < waeting> wwwwwwwww 17:16 < boyofsky> 理性理性 17:16 < lucian> 組語最快! 17:16 -!- arthow4n [~arthow4n_@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 17:16 < wens> abev66_: web 就是字串阿! 17:16 < david11014> 打101010101啦 17:16 < David_c> 組語wwwwwwwww 17:16 < abev66_> wens: 自己慢慢排! 17:16 < yan12125> 組語最快 17:16 < taipeiwu> 可能用人腦最快………wwwww 17:16 -!- arthow4n [~arthow4n_@] has joined #coscup 17:16 -!- madarame [~madarame@] has joined #coscup 17:16 < Rogerable> 無限期支持自刻fpga 17:16 < j4ck50n> paper work最省 17:16 < Nightfeather> 回歸人工時代 反正每個 worker 可以自動調整 (X 17:16 -!- jiazheng [~jiazheng@] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 17:16 < salagadoola> 不行啦 人腦context-switch效率超級差 17:16 < YMHuang> HTTP Header 看得懂呀-.- 17:16 < PichuChen> TELNET再戰二十年 17:16 < freedomtw> 不能問 問了會暴動 17:16 -!- arthow4n [~arthow4n_@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 17:16 < float> 自己腦補最快 17:17 < hrs> 理性勿戰 17:17 -!- ramax_ [~ramax@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 17:17 -!- arthow4n [~arthow4n_@] has joined #coscup 17:17 < David_c> Telnet因為有PTT可以戰更久 17:17 < wens> David_c: 呵呵 17:17 -!- DeweiLi [~deweili@] has quit [] 17:17 -!- ericccc [~eric@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 17:17 < PichuChen> 不知道web的流量到多少比例了 17:17 < float> setup 超過 5 分鐘也要下來嘛XD 17:18 < megaman> 這場印象深刻的就是不要用⋯⋯ 17:18 < wens> PichuChen: 流量? bbs 1/3 之類的 換到cloudflare之後沒看 17:19 < PichuChen> 這樣算起來說不定真的有再戰二十年的潛力 17:19 -!- z956 [~z956@] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 17:19 -!- megaman [~anonymous@223-136-110-160.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Quit: Mango IRC for iOS and OS X, http://mediaware.sk/mango] 17:19 -!- yongjhih [~yongjhih@] has joined #coscup 17:19 -!- [R0]hinet60613 [uid27221@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-hnbucmrfydedteoi] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 17:19 -!- elvismetaphor [8c6d7f0b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 17:20 -!- threelines [~threeline@] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 17:20 -!- [R0]buck5060 [~buck5060@] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 17:20 -!- madarame [~madarame@] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 17:20 < barneybook> 閃電秀的梗是最多的 17:20 -!- elvismetaphor [8c6d7f0b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 17:20 < Rogerable> 投........稿 17:20 < alex_lu> 訓練的太好了www 17:21 < elvismetaphor> Light talk~~~ 17:21 < Aweimeow> 不可以接受 XDD 17:21 < waeting> 今年目標:插頭拔到爽wwwww 17:21 -!- z956 [~z956@] has joined #coscup 17:21 < janelin> XD 17:21 < Nightfeather> wwwwwwwwwwwwwww 17:21 < Moon_Slight> 3分鐘 XDD 17:21 -!- shigurefox [~shigurefo@] has joined #coscup 17:21 < boyofsky> XDDDDDDDDDDDDD 17:21 < david11014> 3m 17:21 < salagadoola> 難怪可以塞這麼多組 17:21 < Nightfeather> 就是要拔插頭 wwwwwwwwwww 17:21 < mabinogi80503> 三分鐘好快啊wwww 17:21 < lucian> 這個是臨時縮短嗎???? 17:21 -!- [R0]hinet60613 [uid27221@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-nitlurhrbiptzigg] has joined #coscup 17:21 -!- freedomtw [8c6d7f08@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 17:21 -!- deweili [~deweili@] has joined #coscup 17:21 -!- jiazheng [~jiazheng@] has joined #coscup 17:21 < Aweimeow> 為甚麼全部都是金胖 XD 17:21 < derekhsu_> 之前就有說了 17:21 < derekhsu_> 不是臨時的 17:21 < Rogerable> 有一個是胖老爸 17:21 -!- pastleo [~pastleo@] has joined #coscup 17:21 < David_c> 金正恩wwww 17:22 < lucian> 了解 17:22 < pastleo> wwww 17:22 < arthow4n> 不是臨時,之前就有說 17:22 < derekhsu_> 這要是給朝鮮知道了飛彈就打過來 17:22 -!- ericccc [~eric@] has joined #coscup 17:22 < Davy_CC> 只是再次說明 17:22 < derekhsu_> 剩兩分鐘 17:22 -!- hpr` [~user@] has joined #coscup 17:22 < dannyAAM> 3min www 17:22 < waeting> 怎麼不用左上角那個倒數 17:22 < [R0]hinet60613> 自己開始了www 17:22 -!- SCWhite [caa9ad86@gateway/web/cgi-irc/kiwiirc.com/ip.] has quit [Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client] 17:22 < Nightfeather> wwwwwww 17:22 < salagadoola> 還沒開始倒數就開始了 17:22 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 我懷疑你的時間不准 17:22 -!- deweili [~deweili@] has quit [Client Quit] 17:22 < [R0]hinet60613> 其實...欸? 17:22 -!- mikechouto [~mikey@] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 17:22 < hydai> 不要搞自己呀XDDDDDDD 17:22 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 一張? 17:22 < lucian> ㄟㄟㄟㄟㄟ 17:22 < waeting> wwwwwwwwww 17:22 < David_c> 出包wwwwwwwww 17:22 < ggininder> XDDDD 17:22 < Rogerable> 偷跑 17:22 < mabinogi80503> gggggggg 17:22 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 沒了 17:22 < david11014> 要拔啦 17:22 < Moon_Slight> GGGGG 17:22 < waeting> 自婊 17:22 < darkx> www 17:22 < coldsleep> wwwwwwww 17:23 < Nightfeather> 各種自爆 wwwwww 17:23 < Davy_CC> 直接GG 17:23 < Rogerable> 這啥歌 17:23 < Aweimeow> 超好笑 XD 17:23 < janelin> 第一次偷跑就放槍 17:23 -!- s3131212 [uid155933@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-qagffolonembsufs] has joined #coscup 17:23 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 本體消失了 17:23 < sntc06> 哭哭 17:23 < hydai> 本體要爆了wwww 17:23 < alex_lu> GG 17:23 < darkx> 本體www 17:23 < yukai_h_> 本體不見啦 QQQQ 17:23 < mabinogi80503> 本體遺失XDD 17:23 < darkgerm2> 偷跑失敗 17:23 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 昨天才買的w 17:23 < sntc06> 再買一台! 17:23 < shawnlin> debug !! 17:23 < sammyfung> wwwwwww 17:23 < JalenLin> 300收 17:23 < shigurefox> 壞了 50收 17:23 -!- threelines [~threeline@] has joined #coscup 17:23 < JalenLin> 現場拍賣吧 17:23 < Davy_CC> 「有人可以幫我解決這個問題嗎?這個昨天才買的啊」 17:23 < alex_lu> live debug 17:23 < David_c> wwwwwwwwwww 17:23 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> pchome快下單 17:23 < barneybook> 這三分鐘獎的玩?? 17:23 < kester___> 500起價。開始 17:23 < Davy_CC> 「因爲這種標題黨有 38% 的點擊率」 17:23 < shawnlin> 糟糕糟糕 沒時間啦~ 17:23 < Moon_Slight> 壞了 50收 17:23 < lucian> 51收 17:23 < barneybook> 集資買台電 17:24 < Davy_CC> 財團會賺大錢 17:24 < darkx> ETC QQ 17:24 < [R0]hinet60613> wwwwwwwww 17:24 < [R0]hinet60613> 標題黨www 17:24 -!- jiazheng [~jiazheng@] has quit [Read error: No route to host] 17:24 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 打廣告w 17:24 -!- yongjhih [~yongjhih@] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 17:24 < mabinogi80503> 財團綁架!我先入個股⋯ 17:24 -!- Rogerable [~AndChat55@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 17:24 < [R0]hinet60613> 打廣告w 17:24 < YMHuang> 講者說話流暢啊 17:24 -!- jiazheng [~jiazheng@] has joined #coscup 17:24 -!- rogerable5566 [~AndChat55@] has joined #coscup 17:24 < barneybook> 集資買台電 17:24 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 說好的罰單 你繳了嗎 17:24 -!- z956 [~z956@] has quit [Client Quit] 17:24 -!- yongjhih [~yongjhih@] has joined #coscup 17:24 < [R0]hinet60613> 黑洞RRR 17:24 < darkx> 點點ww 17:24 < Davy_CC> 旁邊那個點點啊這麼大一顆 17:24 < darkx> 都是 they 的錯! 17:24 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 假的 17:24 < wens> PichuChen: web 大概 bbs 的 1/3 ~ 1/2 流量 17:24 < ggininder> 假~~的 17:24 -!- yutin [~yutin@223-136-28-201.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 17:24 < derekhsu_> 三分鐘到了 17:24 < derekhsu_> 快快快 17:24 < billy3321> 賈的 17:24 < lucian> 1min舉牌 17:24 < shawnlin> 時間快了... 17:25 < mabinogi80503> 加油!!! 17:25 < shawnlin> 拆螺絲啦~ 17:25 < barneybook> 好快 17:25 < barneybook> 要結束了 17:25 < waeting> 好緊張好緊張 17:25 < derekhsu_> 這裡最好是會有台電的人 17:25 < shawnlin> 糟糕糟糕... 17:25 < David_c> 30s 17:25 < wens> PichuChen: 再戰 20 年難講 17:25 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 自己的電表自己裝 17:25 < [R0]hinet60613> 三十分鐘寫扣w 17:25 -!- shareway [uid106948@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-carinvwtmgmlzved] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 17:25 -!- asahsieh [~asahsieh@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 17:25 < waeting> 3 17:25 < boyofsky> wwwwwwwwwwwwww 17:25 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 拔~ 17:25 < YMHuang> XDDD 17:25 < Davy_CC> 謝謝大家 17:25 < hrs> wwwww 17:25 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 沒拔到orz 17:26 < janelin> 第一個就被拔 17:26 < [R0]hinet60613> 怎麼沒有強制拔線w 17:26 < mabinogi80503> 沒有拔到w 17:26 < ensky> 好快 QQ 17:26 < Aweimeow> 怎麼沒有拔插頭 XDD 17:26 < waeting> 好強好強 17:26 < Nightfeather> 前面自爆太多次啦 wwwwwwww 17:26 < barneybook> 掌聲下台 17:26 < pastleo> www 17:26 < PichuChen> wens: Formosa BBS到現在還有固定上線使用者,雖然兩隻手應該都算得出來了 17:26 < boyofsky> 3分鐘太靠邀了 XDDDDD 17:26 < yan12125> 好嗨> < 17:26 < barneybook> 超快 17:26 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 丹丹 17:26 < lucian> 他需要換氣嗎? 17:26 < boyofsky> 我聽不懂他在說什麼啊 XDDDDD 17:26 < Nightfeather> wwwwwwww 17:26 < barneybook> 記得專心聽他講話 17:26 < darkgerm2> 挑戰三分鐘不換氣(? 17:26 < wens> PichuChen: 我講的不是使用者阿... 17:26 < darkx> strip XD 17:26 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 減肥的對象是人 17:26 < David_c> wwwwwwwww 17:27 < [R0]hinet60613> wwwww 17:27 < waeting> 被雷打到了嗎 17:27 < Kizax> 谷阿莫化 17:27 < shawnlin> 減肥啊! 17:27 < rogerable5566> ㄏㄏ 17:27 < [R0]hinet60613> 上LT講減肥心得www 17:27 < David_c> 丹阿莫 17:27 < PichuChen> wens: 掛在Telnet上的人數,Web的話仰賴Google可以找到的舊資料,所以應該是比Telnet多了。 17:27 < waeting> wwwwwwww 17:27 < [R0]hinet60613> 體重計wwwwww 17:27 < lucian> 體重計!! 17:27 < Nightfeather> wwwwwwwwwwwww 17:27 < mabinogi80503> 好賤lol 17:27 < ggininder> 雷亞~~~~ 17:27 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 體重計w 17:27 < Moon_Slight> 雷亞佛心 XD 17:27 < ensky> 體重計 XDDDDDDDDDDDD 17:27 < lucian> 1分半 17:27 < David_c> 1m30s 17:27 < arthow4n> 體重計wwwww 17:28 < waeting> overflow 17:28 < [R0]hinet60613> 健康手環overflow? wwww 17:28 < billy3321> 走路走到stack overflow 17:28 < Nightfeather> overflow wwwwwwww 17:28 -!- sammyfung [~sammyfung@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 17:28 < dannyAAM> 這我都知道 所以david你怎麼這麼瘦(X 17:28 -!- alicekey [~alicekey@223-139-74-215.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 17:28 -!- yutin [~yutin@223-136-28-201.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 17:28 < boyofsky> 一天兩個小時噎 17:28 < waeting> 時間快到啦 17:28 -!- sammyfung [~sammyfung@] has joined #coscup 17:28 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 這已經壞掉了 17:28 < Davy_CC> 走到壞掉了 17:28 < shawnlin> 健康手環overflow 17:28 < barneybook> 走調壞掉 17:28 < mabinogi80503> 走路手環:⋯⋯你認真? 17:28 < float> 走壞各種東西 17:28 < barneybook> 一個月一百公里 17:28 < [R0]hinet60613> 所以訣竅是把所有的健身產品都操到壞掉www 17:28 < Moon_Slight> 靠.... 236km 17:28 < shawnlin> 嚇死人啦 ~ 17:28 -!- kohsiangyu [uid45193@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-tpmvpxmjqizgtcqo] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 17:29 < PichuChen> 走路手環懷疑你使用fake GPS 17:29 -!- jiazheng [~jiazheng@] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds] 17:29 < arthow4n> 走到壞掉真的超強XDD 17:29 < ggininder> 一天要三~四公里XDDD 17:29 < [R0]hinet60613> 剛剛好wwww 17:29 < david11014> safe 17:29 < dannyAAM> 啊 打錯wwwwwww 17:29 < waeting> 超強 17:29 < Moon_Slight> 精算師 17:29 < timdream> 為何我想到 TBBT 某一集⋯⋯ 17:29 < Aweimeow> 太猛 XDDDDDD 17:29 < Davy_CC> 我真的是 Denny 17:29 < rail02000> 走到壞掉www 17:29 < Nightfeather> ID 不是啊 (? 17:29 < dannyAAM> 到底怎樣能overflow啊 應該是32bit吧w 17:29 -!- elvismetaphor_ [8c6d7f0b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 17:30 < david11014> 這速度 要被拔了 17:30 -!- yutin [~yutin@223-136-28-201.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 17:30 < yan12125> 慢~慢~來~ 17:30 < Davy_CC> 這~速~度~ 17:30 < [R0]hinet60613> 一次用盡洪荒之力w 17:30 < lucian> 糟糕,這個tempo 17:30 < waeting> 這個速度有點危險阿((菸 17:30 < David_c> 慢~動~作 17:30 < boyofsky> 慘了慘了 17:30 < yutin> 細水長流 ++ 17:30 < JalenLin> GG 17:30 < wens> PichuChen: 系統多活20年就要有人照顧阿 @_@ 17:30 < shawnlin> 糟糕糟糕... 17:30 < Nightfeather> <- 每個月固定出現一次紅點然後刪 project 的人 17:31 < darkgerm2> JalenLin: 戳 17:31 < Tsundere_cloud> 這個速度會悲劇吧… 17:31 < mabinogi80503> 我已經用了洪荒之力了~ 17:31 < darkx> JalenLin: 戳 17:31 < abev66_> 細水長流的速度... 17:31 < chihhsin> JalenLin: 戳 17:31 < rogerable5566> facepalm 17:31 < Davy_CC> JalenLin: 戳 17:31 < Davy_CC> 結束了!!!!!第一個!!!!! 17:31 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 免費食物 那有體重記嗎 17:31 < rogerable5566> 逆轉! 17:31 < david11014> 居然!!!! 17:31 < pupuliao> XD 17:31 < david11014> XDDD 17:31 < lucian> 拍QR code! 17:31 < [R0]hinet60613> 剩下時間拍QRcode wwwwwwww 17:31 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> *體重計 17:31 < hydai> 大逆轉耶www 17:31 < ensky> 逆轉!!!!!!!! 17:31 < yan12125> 竟然結束了! 17:31 < alex_lu> 剩下的時間就讓大家拍QRCode wwww 17:31 < waeting> 逆轉勝wwwwwww 17:31 < amo> https://docs.google.com/document/d/16Zm3tc5tiA4llhF8cznWlAESLuZbYfeCcP25n0zUOkk/edit 17:31 < mabinogi80503> 嘖嘖,這個計算 17:31 < david11014> 好嗆 17:31 < [R0]hinet60613> 挑釁wwwwww 17:32 < lucian> 還剩多久阿 17:32 < Moon_Slight> 超跩 XDD 17:32 < ensky> 太屌了 17:32 < billy3321> 好嗆 17:32 < PichuChen> 嘛,感覺不要在上面發生什麼事件的話,目前Formosa是當作古蹟在顧啦,還好網站變成古蹟不會失火XD 17:32 < hrs> 有點強www 17:32 < derekhsu_> 好嗆 17:32 < Aweimeow> 好嗆 XDD 17:32 < yan12125> 「現在還有多久啊?」 17:32 < derekhsu_> 還OK 17:32 < lucian> QA時間 17:32 < alex_lu> QA www 17:32 < derekhsu_> 還QA 17:32 < rogerable5566> 晉級! 17:32 < darkgerm2> QA XDDDDD 17:32 < waeting> 居然QA 17:32 < rail02000> QA wwwww 17:32 -!- floatj_cc [~floatj@] has quit [Quit: leaving] 17:32 < aoihitomi> 太嗆了 17:32 < Nightfeather> wwww 17:32 < yan12125> 話說師大分部是啥ww 17:32 < wens> PichuChen: 硬碟會掛 機房可能會失火? 17:32 < Davy_CC> yan12125: 師大公館校區 17:32 < aoihitomi> 師大在公館有另一個校去 17:32 < aoihitomi> *校區 17:32 < [R0]hinet60613> 師大分部 == 師大公館校區 17:32 < dannyAAM> 公館吧 17:32 < Ruinland> yan12125: 羅斯福路四段 師大分部 17:32 -!- elvismetaphor [8c6d7f0b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 17:32 < Ruinland> 捷運萬隆站 17:33 < david11014> RS~~~ 17:33 < JalenLin> darkx darkgerm2 chihhsin Davy_CC (扭) 17:33 < dannyAAM> 就本部/分部 這樣w 17:33 < wens> Ruinland: 萬隆站太遠了 17:33 < [R0]hinet60613> 「感覺不難,來寫寫看」w 17:33 < salagadoola> 「感覺不難 來寫寫看」www 17:33 < aoihitomi> 有人今天要參加PokeRS活動嗎 (X 17:33 < darkx> JalenLin: (扭扭) 17:33 < wens> Ruinland: 他就在基隆路圓環旁邊而已 17:33 < Davy_CC> 是比較慢的都比較容易講完嗎XD 17:33 < David_c> 小石GO 17:33 -!- shareway [uid106948@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-nkiejyfsezlrbrdi] has joined #coscup 17:33 < PichuChen> wens: 那邊是掛在比較專業的Server,本身有做RAID,ˋ 17:34 < Michael_LI> 可愛的神奇寶貝 17:34 -!- floatj_cc [~floatj@] has joined #coscup 17:34 < waeting> wwwwwww 17:34 < janelin> xbox ? 17:34 < PichuChen> wens: 然後在計中機房,所以健康狀況比想像中的好。 17:34 < barneybook> X ball沒有侵權? 17:34 < yutin> 怎麼有點像 xbox 17:34 < Nightfeather> wwwwwwwww 17:34 < David_c> 爆肝了 17:34 < PJxPJ> Wwwww 17:34 < hrs> xbox www 17:34 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> xbox www 17:34 < waeting> 我剛剛也想到x盒子 17:34 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 抓到了 17:34 < wens> PichuChen: 當機或硬碟壞了怎麼辦? 17:34 -!- mikechouto [~mikey@] has joined #coscup 17:34 < David_c> 請微軟告他 17:34 < [R0]hinet60613> Live Demo! 17:34 < lucian> Live demo !! 17:34 < dannyAAM> XDDD 17:34 < waeting> 居然有demo 17:34 < hydai> Live Demo!!!!! 17:34 < derekhsu_> 還有live demo 17:34 < Nightfeather> Live demo w 17:34 < Michael_LI> 可惜他不會C語言 17:34 < mabinogi80503> 拉伕爹摸!!! 17:34 < lucian> 喔喔喔喔 17:34 < yan12125> Davy_CC Ruinland 感謝兩位大大 17:34 < ensky> 來得及嗎XDDDD 17:34 < [R0]hinet60613> 喔喔喔喔喔不~~~~~~ 17:35 < PichuChen> wens: 不過的確是有偵測到硬碟有問題請在機房的人員協助換硬碟的狀況就是了。 17:35 < salagadoola> 歐~~ 不~~~ 17:35 -!- asahsieh [~asahsieh@] has joined #coscup 17:35 -!- yongjhih [~yongjhih@] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 17:35 < David_c> VRGO 17:35 < barneybook> 影片現身 17:35 < [R0]hinet60613> wwwwwwwwww 17:35 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 丟球www 17:35 < janelin> 變成FPS了 17:35 < Davy_CC> 拿球砸他嗎XDD 17:35 < rogerable5566> 練球程式 17:35 < David_c> 爆笑wwwwww 17:35 < ggininder> 砸球XDDD 17:35 < mabinogi80503> 小石:噴我啊ㄏㄏ 17:35 < Nightfeather> FPS wwwwwwww 17:35 < hydai> 這是砸球遊戲吧XDDDD 17:35 < Ruinland> FPS XXDDDDDDDDDD 17:35 < boyofsky> 超狂wwwwwwwwww 17:35 < derekhsu_> 變成FPS遊戲了 17:35 < ensky> 砸他XDDDDDDDDDD 17:35 < Moon_Slight> 80小石 17:35 < darkx> 舒壓遊戲 17:35 < [R0]hinet60613> 優秀的建模師w 17:35 < fntsrCloud> 建模師 17:35 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 優秀的建模師 17:35 < Davy_CC> 要先找到一個優秀的建模師 17:35 < dannyAAM> 根本FPS www 17:35 < salagadoola> 非常的簡單 在這之前你要找到一個優秀的建模師wwww 17:36 < [R0]hinet60613> 看來2分鐘還是too easy 17:36 < Nightfeather> wwwwwwwwww 17:36 < shigurefox> 2月底寒假已經結束了吧 17:36 < darkx> 第一人稱丟球遊戲 17:36 < David_c> 2分能嗎? 17:36 < david11014> 砸小石遊戲 17:36 < Davy_CC> David_c: 這速度很慢了,應該可以再快XD 17:36 < Nightfeather> FPBT 17:36 < taipeiwu> R2現在畫面好糊 17:36 < Aweimeow> 2月底應該是指大學的寒假(?) 17:36 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 等登 17:36 < Nightfeather> First Person Ball Throwing (X 17:36 < PichuChen> wens: 硬碟是可以做熱拔插的,開不起來的服務像是news在交接給我之後好像就沒被開起來過了 17:36 < waeting> 理性 勿戰 17:36 < shawnlin> 打臉來了打臉來了 17:36 < David_c> 理性,勿戰 17:36 -!- every85713 [uid25603@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-mcfhtghwqoypmwjk] has joined #coscup 17:36 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 理性 勿戰 17:36 < [R0]hinet60613> 理性勿戰w 17:37 < mabinogi80503> 尊重包容友善! 17:37 < every85713> 剛剛那個根本是 FPS 遊戲啊wwww 17:37 < darkx> 7688! 17:37 < Nightfeather> 7688 w 17:37 < David_c> XPS15 17:37 < Davy_CC> 『本來 topic 要是「兩分鐘打臉 MTK」可是我們公司要用 MTK 的 solution,要是他們不給就糟糕了』 17:37 < wens> PichuChen: 突然想到... formosa 是官方站吧 17:37 < PichuChen> wens: 因為上面跑的是Gentoo,所以沒有很明顯的LTS的問題 17:37 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 沒有網路 ,有網路 17:37 < darkx> 所以就 ... 沒有網路 17:37 < lucian> 沒有網路.... 17:37 < PichuChen> wens: 是,所以說是古蹟.... XD 17:38 < David_c> MTK太惡劣RRRRRRRRRRR 17:38 < Nightfeather> wwwwwwwwwwwww 17:38 < waeting> wwwwwwwww 17:38 < [R0]hinet60613> Launch Script不支援www 17:38 < wens> ._. 17:38 < hrs> XDDDDDD 17:38 < waeting> 超帥 17:38 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 不用2分 只要2行w 17:38 < mabinogi80503> Launch: :)))))) 17:38 < aoihitomi> 理性勿戰w 17:38 < boyofsky> wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww 17:38 < coldsleep> wwwwww 17:38 < shigurefox> 不用2分鐘 只要2行 17:38 < rogerable5566> 還是打臉了RRRRRR 17:38 < hydai> 沒看到他個 17:38 < every85713> wwwwwwwww 17:38 < Michael_LI> 哈哈 17:38 < waeting> 好歡樂 17:39 < ggininder> 直接省下額外ˇ的錢>< 17:39 < hydai> github 帳號 17:39 < lucian> bobchan呆掉 17:39 < tiwb> 兩分鐘XDDD 17:39 < Moon_Slight> 臉都腫了 XD 17:39 < fntsrCloud> 好猛wwww 17:39 < shawnlin> 不用兩分鐘 只要兩行 17:39 -!- DanLu [~AndChat11@42-72-107-37.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 17:39 < david11014> 明年要一分鐘了嗎 17:39 < derekhsu_> MTK:.... 17:39 < wens> 這 SDK 的品質? O.o 17:39 < barneybook> 這炫耀文 17:39 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 15秒w 17:39 -!- DanLu [~AndChat11@42-72-107-37.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 17:39 < dannyAAM> MTK啊www 17:39 < pastleo> MTK... 17:39 < derekhsu_> 用buildscript關功能真是佛心來的 17:39 < PichuChen> 剛剛那個github 連結有人有留到嗎? 17:39 < darkx> 呆丸 MIT @@ 17:40 < boyofsky> 交大不是想去就去得了的吧 wwwwwwww 17:40 < Aweimeow> 丁戊聯招吧 17:40 < shawnlin> 去年那個吧! 17:40 < aoihitomi> ˊ60分 17:40 < Nightfeather> https://github.com/changyuheng/linkit-smart-7688-wifi-multi-role 17:40 < shawnlin> 可以抱著server 睡覺的人就能去 17:40 < darkx> archlinux 略懂略懂 17:40 -!- mikechouto [~mikey@] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 17:40 < waeting> 略懂略懂 17:40 < [R0]hinet60613> 越來越多啦RRR 17:40 < wens> shawnlin: 這種人也不多阿... 17:40 < David_c> 略懂wwwwwwww 17:40 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 略懂略懂略懂 17:40 < abev66_> 靠北 17:40 < waeting> 就可以了wwwwwww 17:41 < lucian> 就可以了 :D 17:41 < salagadoola> 這個略懂好像有點多啊www 17:41 < janelin> 略懂 17:41 < mabinogi80503> 略懂而已,起風了! 17:41 < Moon_Slight> 我GG了 17:41 < Nightfeather> 略懂略懂 都可以略懂 17:41 < waeting> 這個去年好像也有宣導過 17:41 < abev66_> 這個有點略懂啊 17:41 < rogerable5566> 略懂哥 17:41 < David_c> 不用資通,略懂略懂 17:41 < fntsrCloud> 略懂略懂 17:41 < salagadoola> github有星星最好 教授都很愛 17:41 < darkgerm2> 略懂略懂 17:41 < ensky> 略懂略懂 17:41 < [R0]hinet60613> Q&A w 17:42 < darkx> darkgerm2: 略懂略懂 17:42 -!- asahsieh [~asahsieh@] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 17:42 < waeting> 略懂略懂 17:42 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 略懂哥 17:42 < shigurefox> 略懂略懂 17:42 < David_c> 果然很懂 17:42 < pupuliao> 明年剩下兩分鐘了 17:42 < Davy_CC> 第一次 lighten talk 就略懂略懂 17:42 < Nightfeather> wwwwwwwww 17:42 < waeting> 今年真的好強阿 17:42 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 後年1分鐘? 17:42 < lucian> bobchan哀怨中... 17:42 < Davy_CC> 主持人:第一次做 lighting talk 就失手 17:42 < [R0]hinet60613> 喔喔是Pokemon Go TSP 17:42 < waeting> 有怨念飄出來了wwwwww 17:42 * wens 沒有星星 17:42 < YMHuang> 這是交大 TSP 嗎~ 17:43 <@chihchun> 閃電秀 沒 hackpad? 17:43 * Nightfeather 沒有活動 project 17:43 < darkx> 強者學弟! 17:43 < Michael_LI> Bob 好悲哀 17:43 < David_c> wwwwwwwwww 17:43 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 送錯地方w 17:43 < [R0]hinet60613> 第一次送Issue就失手w 17:43 < wdv> wwwwwwww 17:43 < lucian> 送錯... 17:43 < waeting> 糗糗的 17:43 -!- AndChat|290225 [~AndChat29@] has joined #coscup 17:43 < Nightfeather> 錯棚啦 wwwwwww 17:44 -!- mikechouto [~mikey@] has joined #coscup 17:44 -!- AndChat|290225 [~AndChat29@] has quit [Read error: No route to host] 17:44 -!- arthow4n_ [~arthow4n_@114-136-41-140.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 17:44 -!- PJxPJ [~AndChat33@42-70-94-92.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 17:44 < [R0]hinet60613> 果然是這個w 17:44 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 退火w 17:44 -!- AndChat|290225 [~AndChat29@] has joined #coscup 17:44 -!- AndChat|290225 [~AndChat29@] has quit [Read error: No route to host] 17:45 -!- PJxPJ [~AndChat29@] has joined #coscup 17:45 < superbil> 筆電終於回來惹 17:45 < mabinogi80503> 怎麼不考慮ACO呢? 17:45 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> pchome送來了? 17:45 < waeting> wwwwwwwww 17:45 < Nightfeather> 加速惹 17:45 < clkao> R1 看得好痛苦 17:45 < waeting> 時間要到啦 17:45 < janelin> 太猛啦 17:45 < Ruinland> clkao: 真... 17:45 < Davy_CC> yaaaaaa 17:45 < [R0]hinet60613> 沒有拔啊? QQ 17:45 < waeting> 今天第一個 17:45 < yucheng> yeeee 17:45 < Nightfeather> wwwwwww 17:45 < Michael_LI> Bob 興奮了 17:45 < JalenLin> Out! 17:45 < superbil> 人生意義! 17:45 -!- AndChat|290225 [~AndChat29@] has joined #coscup 17:46 < Davy_CC> [R0]hinet60613: 用掌聲讓他不能繼續講wwww 17:46 < Davy_CC> 直接跳過 license wwwww 17:46 -!- PJxPJ [~AndChat29@] has quit [Read error: No route to host] 17:46 < Goodjack> 武奔土 17:46 < darkx> 珍愛生命,遠離... 17:46 < Nightfeather> 我都念 ubuntu 17:46 < waeting> 有盆土 17:46 < Davy_CC> 油綁兔 17:46 < dannyAAM> ubuntu還好啦w 17:46 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 於幫兔 17:46 < darkx> 友邦拓! 17:46 < boyofsky> 五幫兔 17:46 < David_c> 五笨TO 17:46 < licson> 請問一下 17:46 < aoihitomi> 屋幫土 17:46 < abev66_> 他唸的其實是對的 17:46 < janelin> 五幫土 17:46 -!- asahsieh [~asahsieh@] has joined #coscup 17:47 -!- coscup-info [8c6d7f0d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 17:47 < [R0]hinet60613> 換氣感覺好累w 17:47 < waeting> linux is free only when your time is free 17:47 < licson> BoF會在哪邊搞喔? 17:47 < Davy_CC> waeting: true story 17:47 < darkx> 竟然用 FBterm 17:47 < aoihitomi> 後面餐廳吧 17:47 -!- dAiNESE [uid12429@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-hczsjtnohwzvvrcp] has joined #coscup 17:47 < dannyAAM> u-b-u-n-t-u (X 17:47 < Aweimeow> 交誼廳吧 17:47 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 看你參加哪個團的 17:47 < Davy_CC> BoF 資訊請見:https://docs.google.com/document/d/1CzR3kr4fQ-bohG6P9qAmOC9fZ9JQpaeQsaF9zlBS_sQ/edit# 17:47 < yucheng> 大家都念ubuntu但我念ubuntu 17:47 < shawnlin> https://github.com/Ubuntu-Taiwan-Community/Ubuntu-TW-Ubuntu 17:47 < Goodjack> 這裡的投影機實在不適合黑底啊www 17:47 < shigurefox> 我都唸ikea 17:47 < ensky> 我都念ubuntu 17:48 < darkx> waeting: 我的時間是自由的!(握拳 17:48 < Davy_CC> yucheng: 我跟你差不多只是我唸的是 ubuntu 17:48 -!- arthow4n [~arthow4n_@] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 17:48 < lucian> 14.04 .... 17:48 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 我都念costco 17:48 < coscup-info> [注意注意] 林育德先生,您的兆豐金融卡正面有小叮噹掉了,在服務台,請來領取(已確認不是Pelleaon Lin) 17:48 < Davy_CC> Goodjack: 環境亮的地方要用白底 17:48 < Michael_LI> 高村長在R1 真可惜 R0氣氛才high 17:48 -!- mikechouto [~mikey@] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 17:48 < coscup-info> 林先生您的金融卡掉了~~~~~請來服務台出示證件領取! 17:49 -!- tiwb_ [~tiwb@] has joined #coscup 17:49 < coscup-info> 林先生啊啊啊啊啊~~~~ 17:49 < lucian> bobchan: 信心值持續下降 17:49 -!- tiwb_ [~tiwb@] has quit [Client Quit] 17:49 < Davy_CC> 主持人:雙響炮哦,啊這是社群大大不好意思不好意思 17:49 < Davy_CC> coscup-info: 要奔潰惹 17:49 < JalenLin> 一視同仁阿(?) 17:49 < darkx> 貢獻你的主角威能! 17:49 < boyofsky> 左邊是手語老師嗎 wwwwwwwwww 17:50 < David_c> 拍森=大法好 17:50 < ensky> 可以帶node.js Project 過去嗎 QQ 17:50 < chihhsin> JalenLin: BKSHDD 17:50 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 左邊在幹嘛ww 17:50 < darkx> JalenLin: BKSHDD 17:50 -!- rogerable5566 [~AndChat55@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 17:50 < JalenLin> chihhsin: 你TAG錯人了 17:50 < JalenLin> darkx: ......... 17:50 < waeting> 吉祥物吧 17:50 -!- Rogerable [~AndChat55@] has joined #coscup 17:50 < Rogerable> 左邊是...? 17:50 -!- AndChat|290225 [~AndChat29@] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 17:50 < shawnlin> 講者左邊左邊 17:50 < mabinogi80503> 腳真細(遠望 17:50 < Rogerable> 左邊上了 17:50 < darkx> 不但... 而且 ... 17:50 < waeting> 吉祥物講話啦 17:50 < Davy_CC> 我是說,有機會的話啦 17:50 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 有機會的話 17:51 < darkx> new game (誤) 17:51 < Nightfeather> wwwww 17:51 < Michael_LI> 有機會的話 17:51 < lucian> 這網址... 17:51 < [R0]hinet60613> Live Demo啥? 17:51 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> live demo 17:51 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> debug? 17:51 < Rogerable> 動來動去? 17:51 < Aweimeow> Live Demo 報名 XDDD 17:51 < Davy_CC> never live demo (? 17:51 < [R0]hinet60613> Live Demo報名? w 17:51 < ggininder> 報名wwww 17:51 < ensky> ......... 17:51 < waeting> wwwwwwwwwww 17:51 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 這啥ww 17:51 < Nightfeather> wwwwwwwwwww 17:51 < David_c> wwwwwwwwwwww 17:51 < Goodjack> XDDDDD 17:51 < mabinogi80503> wwwwwwwww 17:51 < hrs> live demo 報名wwww 17:52 < mabinogi80503> 按提交~ 17:52 -!- changyuheng [~changyuhe@111-71-216-14.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 17:52 < derekhsu_> 哈哈 17:52 < lucian> 一天就寫完,不知道再搞什麼 17:52 < Davy_CC> 動畫www 17:52 < [R0]hinet60613> 一天就寫完,不知道在搞什麼w 17:52 -!- asahsieh [~asahsieh@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 17:52 < JalenLin> 第11行有error? 17:52 < YMHuang> Ubuntu TW 的分支名稱也是中文的 XDD 17:52 < ensky> 喔喔 北京 17:52 -!- changyuheng [~changyuhe@111-71-216-14.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Max SendQ exceeded] 17:52 < dannyAAM> www 17:52 < Goodjack> 兒 17:53 -!- dy93 [uid180861@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-egbcrkkyspduwyry] has joined #coscup 17:53 < [R0]hinet60613> 投影片只有一頁wwwww 17:53 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 投影片只有5頁 17:53 < Rogerable> ㄦ ㄦ ㄦ 17:53 < JalenLin> 投影片只有一頁XDD 17:53 < David_c> 一頁投影片www 17:53 < darkx> 投影片只有一頁! 17:53 < lucian> 只有一頁 17:53 < Davy_CC> 啊 說明一下 投影片只有五頁 17:53 < Moon_Slight> 投影片只有1頁 XD 17:53 < waeting> 投影片只有一頁wwwwwwwwww 17:53 < yucheng> 而 17:53 < mabinogi80503> 說一下,投影片只有一頁>.0 17:53 < Davy_CC> 打錯惹 17:53 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 5頁 還是1? 17:53 < boyofsky> wwwwwwwww 17:53 < dannyAAM> 1 17:53 < Goodjack> 原來是一頁 還以為是五頁 17:53 < Davy_CC> 1 17:53 < dannyAAM> 就是現在這頁w 17:53 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 聽錯了orz 17:53 < Davy_CC> Goodjack: XDDDDDDD 17:53 < superbil> 拍下來慢慢看 17:53 < [R0]hinet60613> 理查德斯托曼 OAO 17:53 < JalenLin> 拍下來慢慢聽我說 17:53 < Rogerable> 講者有點像卡比獸 17:53 < David_c> CCTV模式 17:53 < shawnlin> 只有一頁阿 17:54 < shawnlin> 發現卡比獸! 17:54 < Michael_LI> 大媽有看過 沒有頁面 17:54 < shawnlin> 我沒有幻燈 所以你拔不到我的線 17:54 < lucian> bobchan已經放棄看計時器了... 17:54 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 大媽:我沒有幻燈片 你拔不到我 17:54 < Michael_LI> 真的沒有投影片 17:54 < salagadoola> https://github.com/beijinglug/fsfs-zh http://fsfs-zh.readthedocs.io/zh_CN/latest/ 17:54 < darkx> 大媽 XD 17:54 < Davy_CC> 與此同時,就在此時 17:54 -!- asahsieh [~asahsieh@] has joined #coscup 17:55 < boyofsky> 你給我翻譯翻譯 17:55 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 大媽:這規矩我還不熟 , 我給我自己定了3分鐘 17:55 -!- mikechouto [~mikey@] has joined #coscup 17:55 < keitheis> 歡迎來玩 pyclub Taipei.py sprint https://goo.gl/forms/985Nw60FaEyYhBO83 17:55 < Rogerable> 逃了!!! 17:55 < lucian> bobchan笑的非常尷尬 17:55 -!- asahsieh [~asahsieh@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 17:56 -!- alan7 [~alan7@] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 17:56 < Moon_Slight> Bob信心持續下降中 17:56 < shawnlin> bob好可憐喔 17:56 -!- [R0]knowlet [8c6d7f02@gateway/web/cgi-irc/kiwiirc.com/ip.] has quit [Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client] 17:57 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 鬼門開 所以從陰間回來了 17:57 < boyofsky> 不好意思請問一下 unconference 場地是在哪邊? 17:57 < Rogerable> 還陽 17:57 < shawnlin> 那天是鬼門開 所以我就從陰間出來了 17:57 < Davy_CC> 我在半個月前退伍,剛好是櫃門開,所以我就從陰間出來了 17:57 < darkx> LT 就是要 demo 啊,不然要幹嘛 17:57 < Davy_CC> LT 就是要 demo 啊不然要幹嘛 17:57 < David_c> 好萌 17:57 -!- UnnamedUser [~UnnamedUs@] has joined #coscup 17:57 -!- UnnamedUser is now known as UnnamedUser491 17:58 -!- knowlet [caa9ad86@gateway/web/cgi-irc/kiwiirc.com/ip.] has joined #coscup 17:58 < barneybook> live config 17:58 -!- Aweimeow [~Aweimeow@] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 17:58 < darkx> live 改 code! 17:58 < David_c> 1m30s 17:58 < waeting> wwwwwwwww 17:58 < Nightfeather> wwwwwwwwwwww 17:58 < Moon_Slight> 嗆 XD 17:58 < pupuliao> 拔插頭 17:58 < every85713> 超嗆wwww 17:58 < lucian> 好像有點多時間 17:58 -!- UnnamedUser491 [~UnnamedUs@] has quit [Client Quit] 17:58 < Davy_CC> 「咱們還有一分30秒」 『好像還有點多時間』 17:59 < darkx> DSL 17:59 -!- FelixLin [8c6d7f02@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 17:59 < alex_lu> 30秒看source code 17:59 < Davy_CC> v is vect vect_value 17:59 < waeting> 15 17:59 < Nightfeather> 這 DSL 到有點過份啊 XDDDD 18:00 < salagadoola> 然後簡報不見了 18:00 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 簡報不見了 18:00 < Davy_CC> 用 DSL 產生 expression node 18:00 < ggininder> R1投影畫面很差QQ 18:00 < David_c> wwwwwwwww 18:00 < Nightfeather> wwwwwwwwww 18:00 < superbil> 222 18:00 < waeting> wwwwwwwwww 18:00 < lucian> bobchan別哭 18:00 < darkx> 2 沒壞 QQ 18:00 -!- hashman_ [~hashman@] has left #coscup [] 18:00 < alex_lu> 3 .. 2 .. errrr 18:00 < shawnlin> bob 沒信心了 18:00 -!- janelin [~chatzilla@] has quit [Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.92 [Firefox 48.0/20160726073904]] 18:00 < Nightfeather> 硬壓秒耶 wwwwwww 18:00 < waeting> 3...2...沒了 18:00 < aoihitomi> wwww 18:00 < Michael_LI> Bob失魂落魄 18:00 -!- sammyfung [~sammyfung@] has quit [] 18:00 < waeting> 台上有黑氣wwwwwwwwwwwwww 18:00 < David_c> Bob嚇呆了 18:00 -!- ericccc [~eric@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 18:00 < derekhsu_> Unconference不小心上了 18:00 -!- shawnlin [8c6d7f0b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed] 18:00 < aoihitomi> bob覺得不舒服 18:01 < gasolin_> coscup2016 web chat bot https://gasolin.github.io/cosbot/ 18:01 -!- asahsieh [~asahsieh@] has joined #coscup 18:01 -!- coscup-info [8c6d7f0d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 18:01 < waeting> 明天見 18:01 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 亂入 18:01 -!- waeting [~waeting@] has quit [Quit: leaving] 18:01 -!- mp607 [~mp607@] has quit [Quit: mp607] 18:01 -!- starship2518 [8c6d7f0b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed] 18:01 -!- tnlin [caa9ad86@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 18:01 -!- hortune [caa9ad86@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed] 18:01 -!- chwong [~chwong@chbsd.cs.nctu.edu.tw] has joined #coscup 18:01 -!- infate [~infate@] has quit [Quit: Bye] 18:01 -!- kewang [~kewang@] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds] 18:01 < David_c> 明天見,準備去BOF了 18:01 < tnlin> 開源新手心路史 - Pokemon Go TSP https://goo.gl/7BhHqH 18:01 -!- Haox [~Haox@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 18:01 < Davy_CC> 今天沒有用的 明天可以再試試看 18:02 < derekhsu_> 第一場請大家稍微支持一下... > < 18:02 -!- Antonio7905 [8c6d7f02@gateway/web/cgi-irc/kiwiirc.com/ip.] has quit [Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client] 18:02 -!- mabinogi80503 [~mabinogi8@] has quit [] 18:02 < Vdragon> 我都念 IKEA 0.0 18:02 -!- DanSnow [~snow@] has quit [Quit: leaving] 18:02 -!- YMHuang [~ymhuang@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 18:02 -!- chyuaner [uid28032@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-jqyntbafrqaebaae] has joined #coscup 18:02 -!- ggininder [8c6d7f0b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed] 18:02 -!- asahsieh [~asahsieh@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 18:02 < salagadoola> 10:30之前簽到的才會有便當吃 18:02 -!- threelines [~threeline@] has quit [Quit: leaving] 18:02 < Nightfeather> http://i.imgur.com/IAb2Ws4.png 18:02 -!- kkpan113 [~kkpan11@] has quit [Quit: Leaving.] 18:02 < Michael_LI> 其實今天便當有多不少 18:02 -!- tiwb [~tiwb@] has quit [Quit: leaving] 18:02 -!- knowlet [caa9ad86@gateway/web/cgi-irc/kiwiirc.com/ip.] has quit [Client Quit] 18:02 -!- StarNight [~zack@] has quit [Quit: leaving] 18:02 -!- yan12125 [~yen@] has quit [Quit: leaving] 18:02 -!- PichuChen [~pichu@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 18:03 -!- ENLloli [uid175401@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-itaflewubsxyjevl] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 18:03 -!- u10313335 [~sol@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 18:03 -!- shigurefox [~shigurefo@] has left #coscup [] 18:03 -!- elvismetaphor_ [8c6d7f0b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed] 18:03 -!- Goodjack [8c733b04@gateway/web/cgi-irc/kiwiirc.com/ip.] has quit [Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client] 18:03 -!- pastleo [~pastleo@] has quit [Quit: leaving] 18:03 -!- yutin [~yutin@223-136-28-201.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 18:04 -!- jimms [8c6d7f06@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 18:04 -!- JethroYu [uid27569@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-uleoyqoukdrzdfpa] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 18:04 -!- ensky [8c6d7f02@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 18:04 -!- derjohng [caa9ad86@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 18:05 -!- aoihitomi [8c6d10a4@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 18:05 -!- Kizax [2a43fbed@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 18:05 -!- Quexint [~textual@] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 18:05 -!- Rogerable [~AndChat55@] has quit [Read error: No route to host] 18:05 -!- Rogerable [~AndChat55@] has joined #coscup 18:05 -!- pupuliao [8c6d7f06@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 18:06 -!- abev66_ [~quassel@223-140-56-173.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 18:06 -!- derekhsu_ [~derekhsu@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 18:06 -!- stanely_ [~smuxi@] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 18:06 -!- tnlin [caa9ad86@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 18:06 -!- setuna0625 [8c6d7f02@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 18:06 -!- mikechouto [~mikey@] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 18:06 -!- JethroYu [uid27569@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-enlworlmszxcyaje] has joined #coscup 18:06 -!- AndChat327600 [~AndChat32@42-75-218-151.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Quit: Bye] 18:07 -!- salagadoola [df891b54@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 18:07 -!- fripig [8c6d7f02@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 18:07 -!- Goodjack [caa9ad86@gateway/web/cgi-irc/kiwiirc.com/ip.] has joined #coscup 18:08 -!- Guest22178 [caa9ad86@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 18:08 -!- Moon_Slight [8c6d7f02@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 18:08 -!- hpr` [~user@] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 18:08 -!- yucheng [~yucheng@] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 18:08 -!- asahsieh [~asahsieh@] has joined #coscup 18:08 -!- taichunmin [uid19896@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-oddpylgnitspzfuf] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 18:09 -!- Goodjack [caa9ad86@gateway/web/cgi-irc/kiwiirc.com/ip.] has quit [Client Quit] 18:09 -!- sinica_op [8c6d7f0d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 18:09 -!- u10313335_phone [~hermes@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 18:10 -!- Rogerable [~AndChat55@] has quit [Ping timeout: 258 seconds] 18:10 -!- Goodjack [caa9ad86@gateway/web/cgi-irc/kiwiirc.com/ip.] has joined #coscup 18:11 -!- Michael_LI [8c6d7f02@gateway/web/cgi-irc/kiwiirc.com/ip.] has quit [Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client] 18:11 -!- Goodjack [caa9ad86@gateway/web/cgi-irc/kiwiirc.com/ip.] has quit [Client Quit] 18:12 < clkao> bobchao: 椅子要自己搬嗎? 18:12 -!- chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk 18:12 -!- asahsieh [~asahsieh@] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 18:13 -!- ws23 [8c6d7f0d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 18:14 -!- Rogerable [~AndChat55@] has joined #coscup 18:14 -!- louisje [~louisje@] has joined #coscup 18:15 -!- louisje [~louisje@] has quit [Client Quit] 18:18 -!- u10313335_phone [~hermes@114-136-179-156.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 18:18 -!- arthow4n_ [~arthow4n_@114-136-41-140.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Quit: Bye] 18:19 -!- Rogerable [~AndChat55@] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds] 18:19 -!- asahsieh [~asahsieh@] has joined #coscup 18:19 -!- shiyating [uid38399@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-arrtfgfiohfnzkuk] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 18:23 -!- PichuChen [~pichu@] has joined #coscup 18:23 -!- alicekey [~alicekey@223-139-74-215.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 18:23 -!- asahsieh [~asahsieh@] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 18:24 -!- j5a6s7o8n [~AndChat23@42-66-234-243.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 18:25 -!- PichuChe_ [~pichu@] has joined #coscup 18:26 -!- ecilA [~androirc@223-142-136-124.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 18:27 -!- PichuChen [~pichu@] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 18:28 -!- ecilA [~androirc@223-142-136-124.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Client Quit] 18:28 -!- veloci85 [~Thunderbi@] has joined #coscup 18:29 -!- ajmachine [uid180839@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-penazkdjijtmdghz] has left #coscup [] 18:30 -!- rail02000 [~qicruser@114-136-181-228.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Quit: qicr for android: faster and better] 18:32 -!- PichuChe_ [~pichu@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 18:35 -!- AndChat|538544 [~AndChat53@223-137-245-214.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 18:36 -!- actw__ [uid127815@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-gukcnuebmpnjqier] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 18:36 -!- megaman [~anonymous@223-136-110-167.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 18:39 -!- megaman [~anonymous@223-136-110-167.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 18:41 -!- yutin [~yutin@] has joined #coscup 18:43 -!- RyanHo [~AndChat53@223-137-245-214.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 18:45 -!- chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun 18:46 -!- Denir- [~Denir__@223-142-1-64.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 18:47 < Vdragon> 今天玩得很盡興,感謝大家。 18:48 -!- ysitd_bot [~replybot@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 18:49 -!- ysitd_bot [~replybot@] has joined #coscup 18:49 -!- asahsieh [~asahsieh@] has joined #coscup 18:49 -!- asilcheng [uid12665@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-fbnqetvnsnabahob] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 18:49 -!- Denir_ [~Denir__@223-142-181-109.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 18:50 -!- AndChat401249 [~AndChat40@223-136-67-243.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Quit: Bye] 18:51 -!- [h2]chusiang [~chusiang@] has joined #coscup 18:57 -!- [h2]chusiang [~chusiang@] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 18:58 -!- [h2]chusiang [~chusiang@] has joined #coscup 19:00 -!- chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk 19:02 -!- Mouther [~za7788az@59-127-231-73.HINET-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Quit: leaving] 19:05 -!- jaidTw [~jaidTw@223-136-117-28.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds] 19:05 -!- Denir- [~Denir__@223-142-1-64.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 19:05 -!- KazeMewno [~androirc@223-136-40-156.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 258 seconds] 19:05 -!- a0000778 [~a0000778@220-134-193-68.HINET-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 19:05 -!- jaidTw [~jaidTw@223-136-117-28.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 19:06 -!- Denir_ [~Denir__@223-142-1-64.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 19:06 -!- a0000778 [~a0000778@220-134-193-68.HINET-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 19:08 -!- Denir- [~Denir__@42-70-103-74.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 19:09 -!- asahsieh [~asahsieh@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 19:10 -!- Denir_ [~Denir__@223-142-1-64.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 19:12 -!- jaidTw [~jaidTw@223-136-117-28.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Quit: Bye] 19:13 -!- lafin [uid44779@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-neidylrifkdorlyz] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 19:14 < barneybook> 應該多發點便當 19:15 < barneybook> 早知便當有多~ 應該再去領個來吃 19:19 -!- derekhsu [~derekhsu@] has joined #coscup 19:19 -!- Vongola [uid175340@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-hyvjlwobaxtzngrq] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 19:19 -!- HP_Eiling_ [uid27621@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-gafzielxpketmxwv] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 19:24 -!- [h2]chusiang [~chusiang@] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 19:25 -!- bhujmn [uid107022@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-vvryasciwunjzlbd] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 19:27 -!- RyanHo [~AndChat53@223-137-245-214.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 19:29 -!- j4ck50n [uid110064@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-uslrwtgnqfkqbgmj] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 19:32 -!- yrc [uid123303@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-ifdceebalgjwzgze] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 19:33 -!- Zack__ [uid18825@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-viyhvwdguaqpzejf] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 19:34 -!- madarame_ [uid28051@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-mjlgoogvuiszmafd] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 19:41 -!- s3131212 [uid155933@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-qagffolonembsufs] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 19:48 -!- yutin [~yutin@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 19:49 < fykuan> å 19:50 -!- derekhsu [~derekhsu@] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 19:51 -!- isken [6a696108@gateway/web/cgi-irc/kiwiirc.com/ip.] has joined #coscup 19:51 -!- nipapa [~nipapa@] has joined #coscup 19:54 -!- yutin [~yutin@] has joined #coscup 19:55 -!- veloci85 [~Thunderbi@] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 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-!- u10313335_phone [~hermes@114-136-179-156.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 20:09 -!- u10313335_phone2 [~hermes@] has joined #coscup 20:11 -!- bz [~bz@114-136-228-14.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 20:13 -!- kidwm [uid25246@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-hrhqpdexftsahjpz] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 20:13 -!- u10313335_phone2 [~hermes@] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 20:14 -!- HRY [uid148826@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-ahgfxpqbmeszivrw] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 20:17 -!- derekhsu [~derekhsu@] has joined #coscup 20:18 -!- jiazheng [~jiazheng@] has joined #coscup 20:19 -!- Lee-W_ [uid13167@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-bbuxbsofnajfanum] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 20:19 -!- villerhsiao [uid38272@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-rgnvwywretmbqyem] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 20:19 -!- [R0]hinet60613 [uid27221@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-nitlurhrbiptzigg] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 20:19 -!- david11014 [uid38392@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-shasjbwgbcxycvfd] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 20:19 -!- Denir_ [~Denir__@42-70-106-245.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 20:21 -!- u10313335_phone [~hermes@114-136-179-156.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 20:21 -!- jiazheng [~jiazheng@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 20:21 -!- jiazheng [~jiazheng@] has joined #coscup 20:21 -!- dneif [6a01659a@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 20:22 -!- darkgerm2 [uid12415@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-mgvdfhmvpnckquya] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 20:22 -!- dAiNESE [uid12429@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-hczsjtnohwzvvrcp] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 20:22 -!- float [uid15344@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-jzgveswmjxoadwhc] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 20:23 -!- Denir- [~Denir__@42-70-103-74.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds] 20:23 -!- dneif [6a01659a@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Client Quit] 20:25 -!- chyuaner [uid28032@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-jqyntbafrqaebaae] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 20:26 -!- [h2]chusiang [~chusiang@] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 20:27 -!- kunigumi [uid148732@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-sivcpshpbzuvcsqx] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 20:28 -!- jiazheng [~jiazheng@] has quit [Read error: No route to host] 20:28 -!- jiazheng [~jiazheng@] has joined #coscup 20:28 -!- every85713 [uid25603@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-mcfhtghwqoypmwjk] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 20:30 -!- chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk 20:30 -!- AliceWei [uid12990@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-dwhvugfonnlcqyia] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 20:31 -!- isken [6a696108@gateway/web/cgi-irc/kiwiirc.com/ip.] has quit [Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client] 20:31 -!- hydai [uid38396@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-rgdzddwnslhpjgjx] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 20:33 -!- jiazheng [~jiazheng@] has quit [Read error: No route to host] 20:33 -!- jiazheng [~jiazheng@] has joined #coscup 20:36 -!- [R0]Lother [uid107002@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-jczxbqzypwcjpklc] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 20:38 -!- jiazheng [~jiazheng@] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 20:44 -!- JethroYu [uid27569@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-enlworlmszxcyaje] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 20:45 -!- amo [uid38455@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-pitxbvsrhjuccicr] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 20:49 -!- isken [6a696108@gateway/web/cgi-irc/kiwiirc.com/ip.] has joined #coscup 20:49 -!- shaolin [uid13544@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-oejohpkfqsftcpkl] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 20:50 -!- ij1iao [ijliao@FreeBSD.cs.nctu.edu.tw] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 20:51 -!- Guest61121 [~androirc@] has quit [Quit: AndroIRC - Android IRC Client ( http://www.androirc.com )] 20:52 -!- AndChat|512 [~AndChat51@114-136-38-108.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds] 20:52 -!- lafin [uid44779@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-sqhlfsdxlvcpjjbl] has joined #coscup 20:53 -!- Sakamoto_ [uid106911@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-zrcxjqonuleptawl] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 20:54 -!- ij1iao [ijliao@FreeBSD.cs.nctu.edu.tw] has joined #coscup 20:55 -!- Tsundere_cloud [uid102719@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-tdsducgiyyhdnnes] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 20:56 -!- parry [6ff02f23@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 20:56 -!- chwong [~chwong@chbsd.cs.nctu.edu.tw] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 20:57 -!- parry [6ff02f23@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Client Quit] 21:03 -!- boris [sid221@gateway/web/mozilla/x-jxxenlkmyuiaambv] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 21:03 -!- shinglyu_ [sid377@gateway/web/mozilla/x-frmrrvutmbxoizcq] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 21:03 -!- shing__ [sid377@gateway/web/mozilla/x-jylajkwfkffyqpjf] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 21:04 -!- shinglyu [sid377@gateway/web/mozilla/x-fnlpzkwmpdkgsvlq] has quit [Ping timeout: 258 seconds] 21:04 -!- shing_ [sid377@gateway/web/mozilla/x-pezyabslpbgeciyy] has quit [Ping timeout: 258 seconds] 21:04 -!- shing [sid377@gateway/web/mozilla/x-igodochwnzfvkqpy] has quit [Ping timeout: 258 seconds] 21:04 -!- TYLin [sid187@gateway/web/mozilla/x-nblzyqvqquzmpjel] has quit [Ping timeout: 258 seconds] 21:04 -!- shing___ [sid377@gateway/web/mozilla/x-ofbasgngksfwrypu] has quit [Ping timeout: 258 seconds] 21:04 -!- oldnick [uid180882@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-grcnvdgbfnkqnngl] has joined #coscup 21:05 -!- gasolin_ [sid220@gateway/web/mozilla/x-wyvfzmgygbwezmsp] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 21:05 -!- timdream [sid186@gateway/web/mozilla/x-mpxmdpvxludgxfxb] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 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[~derekhsu@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 21:28 -!- [h2]chusiang [~chusiang@218-161-9-240.HINET-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 21:30 < David_c> 順利平安到家,明天繼續。 21:31 -!- s8321414 [~s8321414@218-161-9-240.HINET-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 21:31 -!- yolandalin [~yolandali@180-176-98-232.dynamic.kbronet.com.tw] has joined #coscup 21:38 -!- s8321414 [~s8321414@218-161-9-240.HINET-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Quit: Konversation terminated!] 21:39 -!- ghwoow [6ff0da2b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 21:39 -!- ghwoow [6ff0da2b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Client Quit] 21:39 -!- [h2]chus1ang [~chusiang@60-250-32-44.HINET-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 21:40 -!- u10313335 [~sol@36-231-111-73.dynamic-ip.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 21:41 -!- [h2]chusiang [~chusiang@218-161-9-240.HINET-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 21:43 -!- RickZhang [01228c1e@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 21:44 -!- shing__ [sid377@gateway/web/mozilla/x-twgiznobgvtqdelx] has joined #coscup 21:44 -!- shinglyu_ [sid377@gateway/web/mozilla/x-fowrdzywfhghvaai] has joined #coscup 21:45 -!- shing_ [sid377@gateway/web/mozilla/x-uuyhemgpldwrahto] has joined #coscup 21:45 -!- shinglyu [sid377@gateway/web/mozilla/x-ofdkzcmdhyfpkqwd] has joined #coscup 21:45 -!- shing [sid377@gateway/web/mozilla/x-oyanaptknazzqxem] has joined #coscup 21:45 -!- TYLin [sid187@gateway/web/mozilla/x-yxtvijmycotbrioq] has joined #coscup 21:46 -!- kuoe0 [sid308@gateway/web/mozilla/x-xfsbfcedmzpeansk] has joined #coscup 21:46 -!- mp607 [~mp607@] has joined #coscup 21:46 -!- gasolin_ [sid220@gateway/web/mozilla/x-qgpickczlsmdwrvk] has joined #coscup 21:47 -!- timdream [sid186@gateway/web/mozilla/x-uhlggomsogteipob] has joined #coscup 21:49 -!- AndChat401249 [~AndChat40@host-248.15-185-111.static.totalbb.net.tw] has joined #coscup 21:49 -!- mmis1000_cloud [uid62180@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-uxzzrotoisdeydme] has joined #coscup 21:49 -!- derekhsu [~derekhsu@] has joined #coscup 21:50 -!- shing___ [sid377@gateway/web/mozilla/x-dpmhaodkjmguemla] has joined #coscup 21:51 -!- jeremychen [sid196@gateway/web/mozilla/x-irbncgeyjtgvytou] has joined #coscup 21:51 -!- boris [sid221@gateway/web/mozilla/x-ingjyphdfsqcgbjo] has joined #coscup 21:52 -!- mp607 [~mp607@] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 21:53 -!- mp607 [~mp607@36-239-217-30.dynamic-ip.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 21:55 -!- ysitd_bot [~replybot@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 21:55 -!- ysitd_bot [~replybot@] has joined #coscup 21:56 -!- isken [6a696108@gateway/web/cgi-irc/kiwiirc.com/ip.] has quit [Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client] 21:59 -!- vik_ [~vik@ip238-194.wifi.cc.ntu.edu.tw] has joined #coscup 21:59 < vik_> 有 Micro HTTP Server implemented in C 的 slide 嗎 @@ 21:59 -!- [h2]chusiang [~chusiang@218-161-9-240.HINET-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 21:59 -!- isken [6a696108@gateway/web/cgi-irc/kiwiirc.com/ip.] has joined #coscup 22:01 -!- yucheng [~yucheng@211-21-14-223.HINET-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 22:01 -!- [h2]chus1ang [~chusiang@60-250-32-44.HINET-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 22:03 -!- derekhsu [~derekhsu@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 22:05 -!- jiazheng [~jiazheng@220-134-220-219.HINET-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 22:05 -!- shareway [uid106948@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-nkiejyfsezlrbrdi] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 22:06 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 逛夜市… 22:08 < DeemoHarlos> 有人跟我一樣搭火車回新竹的嗎.... 22:09 -!- yolandalin [~yolandali@180-176-98-232.dynamic.kbronet.com.tw] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 22:09 -!- [h2]chusiang [~chusiang@218-161-9-240.HINET-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 22:11 -!- vik_ [~vik@ip238-194.wifi.cc.ntu.edu.tw] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 22:11 -!- DanLu [~AndChat11@42-72-107-37.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 22:11 -!- jiazheng [~jiazheng@220-134-220-219.HINET-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Quit: bye] 22:12 -!- madarame [~madarame@60-250-159-181.HINET-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 22:12 -!- stanely [~smuxi@] has joined #coscup 22:13 -!- fntsrCloud [uid16354@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-xodoxdduulhochfs] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 22:17 -!- Snorlax [~sibark@312-3.m7.ntu.edu.tw] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 22:19 -!- derekhsu [~derekhsu@] has joined #coscup 22:22 -!- icman [~icman@] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 22:24 -!- madarame_ [uid28051@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-auuszlkbxdchiuax] has joined #coscup 22:24 -!- u10313335 [~sol@36-231-111-73.dynamic-ip.hinet.net] has quit [] 22:27 -!- chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun 22:29 -!- madarame [~madarame@60-250-159-181.HINET-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 22:29 -!- derekhsu [~derekhsu@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 22:29 -!- windasd [01c82d1c@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 22:30 < Nightfeather> 是說有沒有人知道有啥方法可以用 iptables 把連線導進本機的 ssh tunnel 啊 (? 22:31 -!- kunigumi [uid148732@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-mrnntcynogsaoqnf] has joined #coscup 22:33 -!- madaram__ [~madarame@] has joined #coscup 22:35 -!- derekhsu [~derekhsu@] has joined #coscup 22:38 -!- yolandalin [~yolandali@180-176-98-232.dynamic.kbronet.com.tw] has joined #coscup 22:41 -!- madaram__ [~madarame@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 22:41 -!- madarame [~madarame@] has joined #coscup 22:42 -!- yolandalin [~yolandali@180-176-98-232.dynamic.kbronet.com.tw] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 22:42 -!- alicekey [~alicekey@223-139-74-215.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 22:42 -!- madarame [~madarame@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 22:43 -!- [R0]buck5060 [~buck5060@158-206.dorm.ncu.edu.tw] has joined #coscup 22:44 -!- chusiang [~chusiang@60-250-32-44.HINET-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 22:44 -!- cakeisalie [3d4095fe@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 22:44 -!- madarame [~madarame@] has joined #coscup 22:44 -!- cakeisalie [3d4095fe@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has left #coscup [] 22:44 -!- madarame [~madarame@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 22:45 -!- [h2]chusiang [~chusiang@60-250-32-44.HINET-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 22:45 -!- madarame [~madarame@60-250-159-181.HINET-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 22:46 < chusiang> 先來傳一份 day1 的 irc log 到 https://github.com/chusiang/irc_log 了! 22:51 -!- derekhsu [~derekhsu@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 22:53 < Ruinland> Nightfeather: 感覺你需要的是tun2sock之類的,然後其實如果你有那台server的root權限、那台也有tun/tap,可以直接用ssh -w雙邊建立tun<==>tun的連線 22:56 -!- chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk 22:57 -!- yolandalin [~yolandali@180-176-98-232.dynamic.kbronet.com.tw] has joined #coscup 22:57 -!- [h2]chus1ang [~chusiang@218-161-9-240.HINET-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 22:58 -!- chusiang_ [~chusiang@60-250-159-181.HINET-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 22:59 -!- [R0]buck5060 [~buck5060@158-206.dorm.ncu.edu.tw] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 22:59 -!- [R0]buck5060 [~buck5060@158-206.dorm.ncu.edu.tw] has joined #coscup 23:00 -!- chusiang [~chusiang@60-250-32-44.HINET-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 23:00 -!- [h2]chusiang [~chusiang@60-250-32-44.HINET-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds] 23:03 -!- lafin [uid44779@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-sqhlfsdxlvcpjjbl] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 23:04 < ETBlue> 這裡會自動存 irc log https://logbot.g0v.tw/channel/coscup/today 23:04 -!- M_____ [7224f49b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 23:06 -!- M_____ [7224f49b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Client Quit] 23:06 < chusiang_> ETBlue: 我個人比較想要保留純文字檔的版本,謝啦! 23:06 -!- [R0]buck5060 [~buck5060@158-206.dorm.ncu.edu.tw] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 23:06 -!- [R0]buck5060 [~buck5060@158-206.dorm.ncu.edu.tw] has joined #coscup 23:08 < ETBlue> chusiang_: 純文字++ 自己備份是一定要的 XD 23:09 -!- chusiang_ is now known as chusiang 23:09 -!- derekhsu [~derekhsu@] has joined #coscup 23:10 < chusiang> ETBlue: 來順便把前幾年的 logbot 連結補上,不過如果您能幫我找到 2008, 2009 的 IRC Log 我會更開心的!XD 23:13 -!- yrc [uid123303@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-dmrpbqgldsnrqqgq] has joined #coscup 23:16 -!- madarame [~madarame@60-250-159-181.HINET-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 23:16 -!- david11014 [uid38392@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-hhemhcqeuvlpoktg] has joined #coscup 23:17 -!- chris1004tw [~chris1004@36-233-53-214.dynamic-ip.hinet.net] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 23:18 -!- chris1004tw [~chris1004@36-233-53-214.dynamic-ip.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 23:19 -!- [R0]buck5060 [~buck5060@158-206.dorm.ncu.edu.tw] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 23:19 -!- [R0]buck5060 [~buck5060@158-206.dorm.ncu.edu.tw] has joined #coscup 23:20 -!- zhxie [~zhxie@111-83-81-60.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 23:21 < Nightfeather> Ruinland: 好喔 我研究看看這個功能 感恩 23:24 -!- [R0]hinet60613 [uid27221@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-hqjguenopdvghsvi] has joined #coscup 23:24 < Nightfeather> 雖然說我只是不想透過外面的 wifi 連 telnet 而已 (非 ptt 的站台 23:26 -!- hortune [6ff0622e@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 23:26 -!- hortune [6ff0622e@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Client Quit] 23:29 -!- yomao_ [uid38282@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-qnezhlfndydbesir] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 23:29 -!- yomao [uid38282@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-pmoizyqnrwepytnk] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 23:32 -!- zhxie [~zhxie@111-83-81-60.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Quit: leaving] 23:33 -!- u10313335 [~sol@cisco-vpn-nat.iis.sinica.edu.tw] has joined #coscup 23:34 -!- stanely [~smuxi@] has quit [Ping timeout: 258 seconds] 23:34 -!- derekhsu [~derekhsu@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 23:35 -!- u1031333_ [~sol@36-231-111-73.dynamic-ip.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 23:35 -!- [R0]buck5060 [~buck5060@158-206.dorm.ncu.edu.tw] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 23:35 -!- [R0]buck5060 [~buck5060@158-206.dorm.ncu.edu.tw] has joined #coscup 23:36 -!- u1031333_ [~sol@36-231-111-73.dynamic-ip.hinet.net] has quit [Client Quit] 23:37 < GlueCrow> 聽說這兩天也是台大黑客松? 23:37 < GlueCrow> 有沒有人兩邊趕場呀XDD 23:39 -!- u10313335 [~sol@cisco-vpn-nat.iis.sinica.edu.tw] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 23:41 -!- vincentsue [~vincentsu@] has joined #coscup 23:42 -!- u10313335_phone2 [~hermes@36-231-111-73.dynamic-ip.hinet.net] has quit [Quit: Hermes - Material IRC Client - https://numixproject.org/] 23:44 -!- madarame [~madarame@60-250-159-181.HINET-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 23:44 -!- [R0]buck5060 [~buck5060@158-206.dorm.ncu.edu.tw] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 23:45 -!- [R0]buck5060 [~buck5060@158-206.dorm.ncu.edu.tw] has joined #coscup 23:45 -!- alicekey [~alicekey@223-139-74-215.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 23:48 -!- abev66 [~AndChat46@] has joined #coscup 23:48 -!- barneybook [uid33576@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-tgeiexbozueoazmz] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 23:48 -!- chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun 23:50 -!- SCWhite [650c6065@gateway/web/cgi-irc/kiwiirc.com/ip.] has joined #coscup 23:50 -!- SCWhite [650c6065@gateway/web/cgi-irc/kiwiirc.com/ip.] has quit [Client Quit] 23:57 -!- coscup [~nodebot@] has joined #coscup 23:57 <@chihchun> gitter test 23:58 -!- icman [~icman@] has joined #coscup 23:58 < chusiang> chihchun: 看來有人要串 Gitter 了?!XD 23:58 <@chihchun> chusiang: yeap 23:58 < chusiang> 伸傳送門! 23:59 -!- abev66 [~AndChat46@] has quit [Quit: Bye] 23:59 -!- [R0]buck5060 [~buck5060@158-206.dorm.ncu.edu.tw] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds] --- Log closed Sun Aug 21 00:00:32 2016 # Day2 --- Log opened Sun Aug 21 00:00:32 2016 --- Day changed Sun Aug 21 2016 00:00 -!- coscup [~nodebot@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 00:00 -!- coscupbot [~nodebot@] has joined #coscup 00:03 -!- coscupbot [~nodebot@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 00:04 -!- coscupbot [~nodebot@] has joined #coscup 00:05 <@chihchun> coscupbot: are you online? 00:05 < coscupbot> (chihchun) yes, I think you are. 00:05 <@chihchun> chusiang: https://gitter.im/COSCUP/coscup2016 00:09 -!- changyuheng [~changyuhe@36-224-191-31.dynamic-ip.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 00:17 -!- hashman [~hashman@] has joined #coscup 00:18 < hashman> test 00:18 -!- Denir- [~Denir__@42-70-220-64.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 00:19 < hashman> test 00:19 -!- hashman [~hashman@] has left #coscup [] 00:21 -!- Denir_ [~Denir__@42-70-106-245.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 00:21 -!- hashman [~hashman@] has joined #coscup 00:21 < hashman> test 00:21 -!- hashman [~hashman@] has quit [Client Quit] 00:21 -!- kewang [~kewang@220-132-107-152.HINET-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 00:23 -!- chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk 00:25 -!- changyuheng [~changyuhe@36-224-191-31.dynamic-ip.hinet.net] has quit [Quit: Textual IRC Client: www.textualapp.com] 00:27 -!- isken [6a696108@gateway/web/cgi-irc/kiwiirc.com/ip.] has quit [Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client] 00:28 -!- [R0]buck5060 [~buck5060@158-206.dorm.ncu.edu.tw] has joined #coscup 00:32 < wens> 哇... unconf竟然有 runtime PM... 會不會太硬啊 00:33 -!- yolandalin [~yolandali@180-176-98-232.dynamic.kbronet.com.tw] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 00:37 -!- kunigumi [uid148732@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-mrnntcynogsaoqnf] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 00:39 -!- vincents_ [~vincentsu@] has joined #coscup 00:41 < chusiang> coscupbot: 戳戳 ~~ 00:42 -!- chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun 00:43 -!- vincentsue [~vincentsu@] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 00:43 -!- chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk 00:43 < coscupbot> (chusiang) chusiang pong. 00:46 -!- yutin [~yutin@39-10-227-118.adsl.fetnet.net] has joined #coscup 00:51 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 還以為半夜會沒人 00:53 < coscupbot> (chusiang) 哈,剛剛追了一下昨日發生了哪些好玩的事。現在要來開工哩! 00:55 -!- [R0]buck5060 [~buck5060@158-206.dorm.ncu.edu.tw] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 00:55 -!- AndChat401249 [~AndChat40@host-248.15-185-111.static.totalbb.net.tw] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 01:03 -!- pixza_Yaoita [6ff30030@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 01:06 -!- kewang [~kewang@220-132-107-152.HINET-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 01:13 -!- [R0]Heero_Yuy is now known as Heero_Yuy 01:15 -!- chusiang [~chusiang@60-250-159-181.HINET-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 01:15 -!- [h2]chus1ang [~chusiang@218-161-9-240.HINET-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 01:15 -!- Lee1092 [uid13277@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-hntowmqmgnbfypll] has joined #coscup 01:17 -!- [h2]chusiang [~chusiang@60-250-159-181.HINET-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 01:17 -!- chusiang [~chusiang@218-161-9-240.HINET-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 01:22 -!- yrc [uid123303@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-dmrpbqgldsnrqqgq] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 01:23 -!- madarame [~madarame@60-250-159-181.HINET-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 01:25 -!- chusiang [~chusiang@218-161-9-240.HINET-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 01:25 -!- [h2]chusiang [~chusiang@60-250-159-181.HINET-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 01:27 -!- icman [~icman@] has quit [Quit: 明天天氣晴] 01:28 -!- isken [6a696108@gateway/web/cgi-irc/kiwiirc.com/ip.] has joined #coscup 01:29 -!- [R0]hinet60613 [uid27221@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-hqjguenopdvghsvi] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 01:29 -!- david11014 [uid38392@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-hhemhcqeuvlpoktg] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 01:30 -!- vincentsue [~vincentsu@] has joined #coscup 01:31 -!- isken [6a696108@gateway/web/cgi-irc/kiwiirc.com/ip.] has quit [Client Quit] 01:32 -!- vincents_ [~vincentsu@] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 01:33 -!- pixza_Yaoita [6ff30030@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed] 01:40 < ETBlue> 演講錄影 [FanCam] 萬事萬物皆是 LOG / Poga https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8sjHD2VFdG0 01:42 -!- [R0]buck5060 [~buck5060@158-206.dorm.ncu.edu.tw] has joined #coscup 01:49 -!- mmis1000_cloud [uid62180@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-uxzzrotoisdeydme] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 01:50 < macpaul> https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJYQbDzKBkcJWu2qd9Xm8vs-vjUZJAZh7 01:52 -!- yutin [~yutin@39-10-227-118.adsl.fetnet.net] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 01:52 -!- [R0]buck5060 [~buck5060@158-206.dorm.ncu.edu.tw] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 01:52 -!- [R0]buck5060 [~buck5060@158-206.dorm.ncu.edu.tw] has joined #coscup 01:53 < macpaul> Day1閃電秀錄影上限 01:53 < macpaul> 上線 02:05 -!- Zack__ [uid18825@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-sdnkpmrcrrfxefkh] has joined #coscup 02:16 < Vdragon> (woot) 02:21 -!- [R0]buck5060 [~buck5060@158-206.dorm.ncu.edu.tw] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 02:22 -!- [R0]buck5060 [~buck5060@158-206.dorm.ncu.edu.tw] has joined #coscup 02:23 -!- vincentsue [~vincentsu@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 02:52 -!- yutin [~yutin@39-10-227-118.adsl.fetnet.net] has joined #coscup 02:58 -!- yutin [~yutin@39-10-227-118.adsl.fetnet.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 03:14 -!- mp607 [~mp607@36-239-217-30.dynamic-ip.hinet.net] has quit [Quit: mp607] 03:23 -!- vincentsue [~vincentsu@] has joined #coscup 03:26 -!- descend [uid116330@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-wwuiapzzncicyzno] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 03:29 -!- vincentsue [~vincentsu@] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 03:40 -!- billy3321 [uid12904@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-epjqdxmbiaurhlwf] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 03:43 -!- Lee1092 [uid13277@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-hntowmqmgnbfypll] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 03:44 -!- madarame_ [uid28051@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-auuszlkbxdchiuax] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 03:56 -!- [R0]buck5060 [~buck5060@158-206.dorm.ncu.edu.tw] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 04:07 -!- Tsundere_cloud [uid102719@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-joorbwyigkdymauj] has joined #coscup 04:56 -!- yutin [~yutin@39-10-227-118.adsl.fetnet.net] has joined #coscup 05:00 -!- narahuang [~narahuang@] has quit [Quit: ZNC - 1.6.0 - http://znc.in] 05:02 -!- yutin [~yutin@39-10-227-118.adsl.fetnet.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 05:18 -!- ccn_ [~ccn@staff.kkbox.com.tw] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 05:18 -!- ccn [~ccn@staff.kkbox.com.tw] has joined #coscup 05:26 -!- vincentsue [~vincentsu@] has joined #coscup 05:30 -!- vincentsue [~vincentsu@] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 05:30 -!- yucheng [~yucheng@211-21-14-223.HINET-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 05:32 -!- isken [6a696108@gateway/web/cgi-irc/kiwiirc.com/ip.] has joined #coscup 05:33 -!- isken [6a696108@gateway/web/cgi-irc/kiwiirc.com/ip.] has quit [Client Quit] 06:00 -!- ij|iao [ijliao@FreeBSD.cs.nctu.edu.tw] has joined #coscup 06:02 -!- bobchao_ [sid13148@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-wcuipfwgsamdinto] has joined #coscup 06:02 -!- mode/#coscup [+o bobchao_] by ChanServ 06:02 -!- xiantank_ [~cht99u@csie0.cs.ccu.edu.tw] has joined #coscup 06:02 -!- l0g_pcchou_b0t [~cinch@srv.pcchou.me] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 06:02 -!- ij1iao [ijliao@FreeBSD.cs.nctu.edu.tw] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 06:02 -!- xiantank [~cht99u@csie0.cs.ccu.edu.tw] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 06:03 -!- dylandy_ [~dylandy@] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 06:03 -!- kcwu_mobile [~quassel@kcwu.csie.org] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 06:03 -!- bobchao [sid13148@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-veuufrdvhzaqyfrb] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 06:03 -!- bobchao_ is now known as bobchao 06:03 -!- dylandy_ [~dylandy@] has joined #coscup 06:03 -!- kcwu_mobile [~quassel@kcwu.csie.org] has joined #coscup 06:06 -!- zhxie [~zhxie@111-83-81-60.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 06:07 -!- zhxie [~zhxie@111-83-81-60.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Client Quit] 06:09 -!- s8321414 [~s8321414@60-250-159-181.HINET-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 06:09 -!- ysitd_bot [~replybot@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 06:09 -!- ysitd_bot [~replybot@] has joined #coscup 06:15 -!- Tsundere_cloud [uid102719@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-joorbwyigkdymauj] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 06:40 -!- narahuang [~narahuang@] has joined #coscup 06:58 -!- chusiang [3cfa9fb5@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 06:58 -!- s8321414 [~s8321414@60-250-159-181.HINET-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Quit: Konversation terminated!] 06:59 < chusiang> Good morning, COSCUP! 07:00 -!- yutin [~yutin@39-10-227-118.adsl.fetnet.net] has joined #coscup 07:00 < David_c> 早安 07:05 -!- yutin [~yutin@39-10-227-118.adsl.fetnet.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 07:15 -!- descend [uid116330@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-irlbkpthkedstwvj] has joined #coscup 07:15 < Heero_Yuy> 早安 07:19 -!- chusiang [3cfa9fb5@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 07:27 -!- u10313335_phone [~hermes@36-231-99-120.dynamic-ip.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 07:33 -!- Zack__ [uid18825@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-sdnkpmrcrrfxefkh] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 07:37 -!- AndroUser [~androirc@] has joined #coscup 07:37 < AndroUser> 早安~ 07:37 -!- AndroUser is now known as JoeHung 07:45 -!- KazeMewno [~androirc@42-72-83-175.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 07:46 -!- u10313335_phone [~hermes@36-231-99-120.dynamic-ip.hinet.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 07:47 -!- edhong [~edhongcy@223-137-172-52.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 08:00 -!- BenjaminDeuter [sid29871@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-gzcybymlubwlzlci] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 08:01 -!- BenjaminDeuter [sid29871@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-qnypfwixceupwjva] has joined #coscup 08:02 < Heero_Yuy> 等公車… 08:04 -!- PichuChe_ [~PichuChen@220-129-147-241.dynamic.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 08:04 < PichuChe_> 中華的浮動IP居然是freenode的黑名單... 08:05 -!- PichuChe_ is now known as PichuChen_ 08:05 -!- PichuChen_ is now known as PichuChen 08:05 -!- jiazheng [~jiazheng@110-28-158-197.adsl.fetnet.net] has joined #coscup 08:06 -!- vincentsue [~vincentsu@] has joined #coscup 08:07 -!- u10313335_phone [~hermes@223-140-48-55.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 08:12 < Heero_Yuy> lol 08:15 -!- ws23 [8c6d7f0d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 08:15 -!- madarame [~madarame@] has joined #coscup 08:16 -!- JoeHung [~androirc@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 08:16 -!- vincentsue [~vincentsu@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 08:16 -!- vincentsue [~vincentsu@] has joined #coscup 08:16 -!- JoeHung [~androirc@] has joined #coscup 08:18 -!- sinica_op [8c6d7f02@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 08:18 -!- madarame_ [uid28051@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-fcpvazhvbhfwaxod] has joined #coscup 08:18 -!- yutin [~yutin@39-10-227-118.adsl.fetnet.net] has joined #coscup 08:18 < madarame_> https://telegram.me/joinchat/BLoqUT9gKKX0XWM5Z0hUqw 08:18 -!- madaram__ [~madarame@] has joined #coscup 08:19 < madarame_> 非官方telegram群組 08:19 -!- jiazheng [~jiazheng@110-28-158-197.adsl.fetnet.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 08:22 -!- Jeremy850407 [~androirc@] has joined #coscup 08:22 -!- madarame [~madarame@] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds] 08:25 -!- sinica_op [8c6d7f02@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 08:25 -!- JoeHung [~androirc@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 08:25 -!- PichuChen [~PichuChen@220-129-147-241.dynamic.hinet.net] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 08:27 -!- madarame [~madarame@] has joined #coscup 08:27 -!- vincentsue [~vincentsu@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 08:28 -!- KazeMewno [~androirc@42-72-83-175.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 08:30 -!- madaram__ [~madarame@] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 08:32 -!- derekhsu [~AndChat48@] has joined #coscup 08:32 < Heero_Yuy> 抵達 08:32 < derekhsu> 早 08:32 -!- Segno [~segno@] has joined #coscup 08:33 < derekhsu> 還在從捷運站走來中研院的路上 08:35 < Heero_Yuy> 等306公車 等了十分多鐘orz 08:35 -!- yutin [~yutin@39-10-227-118.adsl.fetnet.net] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 08:35 < Segno> 加油~ 08:35 < Heero_Yuy> 今天繼續r0… 08:36 < derekhsu> 買早餐 08:36 < codepecker> Rise and shine!小啄已經填飽肚子,準備好囉! 08:36 < codepecker> 今天別忘了也要報到喔! 08:36 < codepecker> 今年的 App 真的很潮,不妨打開它, 08:36 < codepecker> 點擊「Day 2 報到」試試看吧! 08:36 < codepecker> 手動報到、及昨天沒有報到的會眾, 08:36 < codepecker> 則請到服務台進行報到。 08:36 < codepecker> 報到手續一定要在 10 點半前完成, 08:36 < codepecker> 否則就拿不到天鏡科技提供給大家的好吃午餐囉! 08:36 -!- madaram__ [~madarame@] has joined #coscup 08:37 < Heero_Yuy> 差點看成洗版 08:37 -!- u10313335_phone [~hermes@223-140-48-55.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Quit: Hermes - Material IRC Client - https://numixproject.org/] 08:37 < David_c> 準備報到 08:38 < derekhsu> 還要走好遠 08:38 -!- madarame [~madarame@] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 08:39 < Heero_Yuy> \8:40/ 08:39 -!- KazeMewno [~androirc@223-136-35-133.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 08:39 < Heero_Yuy> 進場/ 08:41 < Heero_Yuy> R0 轉播主機換台了 08:42 < Heero_Yuy> 黑機殼- - 08:43 -!- Segno [~segno@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 08:44 -!- jianiau [~jimmy@] has joined #coscup 08:45 -!- cartertsai [~cartertsa@] has joined #coscup 08:45 -!- ernestchiang [uid180992@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-lyihqvysylfaooro] has joined #coscup 08:47 -!- deweili [~deweili@] has joined #coscup 08:47 -!- deweili_ [~deweili@] has joined #coscup 08:47 -!- deweili [~deweili@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 08:48 < derekhsu> 終於到了 08:49 -!- AndChat|482736 [~AndChat48@] has joined #coscup 08:49 < Heero_Yuy> 辛苦了 08:53 -!- derekhsu [~AndChat48@] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 08:53 -!- david11014 [uid38392@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-dmqleygdlsnkcjte] has joined #coscup 08:54 -!- Lucian51478 [~Lucian@223-140-108-203.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 08:55 -!- kylin [~kylin@] has joined #coscup 08:56 -!- stanely_ [~smuxi@] has joined #coscup 08:58 -!- dneif [8c6d7f0b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 08:58 -!- kylin [~kylin@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 08:58 -!- KyanosM [~androirc@] has joined #coscup 08:58 -!- KazeMewno [~androirc@223-136-35-133.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 08:59 -!- coscupbot [~nodebot@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 08:59 -!- coscupbot [~nodebot@] has joined #coscup 09:00 -!- KyanosM [~androirc@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 09:00 -!- KyanosM [~androirc@] has joined #coscup 09:00 -!- Aweimeow [~Aweimeow@] has joined #coscup 09:01 -!- kunigumi [uid148732@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-xqrqbpzbpylzcqim] has joined #coscup 09:01 -!- u10313335 [~sol@] has joined #coscup 09:01 -!- dneif_ [8c6d7f0b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 09:01 -!- kylin [~kylin@] has joined #coscup 09:02 -!- u1031333_ [~sol@] has joined #coscup 09:02 -!- waeting [~waeting@] has joined #coscup 09:02 < waeting> 大家早~ 09:02 < Heero_Yuy> 早 09:02 -!- dneif [8c6d7f0b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 09:02 -!- fripig [8c6d7f04@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 09:03 -!- lucienlo [75135079@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 09:03 < david11014> 早安 09:03 -!- kylin [~kylin@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 09:03 -!- windasd [3b7fa3a7@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 09:03 < lucienlo> go morning everbody~ 09:03 < lucienlo> good morning 09:04 -!- u1031333_ [~sol@] has quit [Client Quit] 09:04 < deweili_> 早安! 09:04 < zeroplex> 早安 09:04 -!- u1031333_ [~sol@] has joined #coscup 09:04 < zeroplex> R2 都沒人 09:04 -!- u1031333_ is now known as u10313335_ 09:04 -!- deweili_ is now known as DeweiLi 09:04 -!- bhujmn [uid107022@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-uuohubllxokxlnxy] has joined #coscup 09:05 -!- mosu_ [8c6daf4f@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 09:05 -!- float [uid15344@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-lhokmtifiejkwpby] has joined #coscup 09:05 -!- jiazheng [~jiazheng@] has joined #coscup 09:05 -!- derekhsu [~derekhsu@] has joined #coscup 09:05 -!- u10313335 [~sol@] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 09:07 -!- ggininder_ [uid123879@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-esiwlaqfesppjmsq] has joined #coscup 09:07 -!- Segno [~segno@] has joined #coscup 09:08 -!- Segno [~segno@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 09:08 -!- Segno [~segno@] has joined #coscup 09:09 -!- j4ck50n [uid110064@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-zjehedbqwolbfpcd] has joined #coscup 09:11 -!- shigurefox [~shigurefo@] has joined #coscup 09:11 -!- KyanosM [~androirc@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 09:11 -!- KyanosM [~androirc@] has joined #coscup 09:12 -!- Segno [~segno@] has quit [Read error: No route to host] 09:12 -!- Lucian51478 [~Lucian@223-140-108-203.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 09:12 -!- shareway [uid106948@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-orzztihhesmteeqr] has joined #coscup 09:12 -!- Segno [~segno@] has joined #coscup 09:13 -!- AndChat401249 [~AndChat40@223-140-111-190.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 09:13 < waeting> 可以拉兩張椅子倒下來 09:13 -!- pupuliao [8c6d7f02@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 09:13 < waeting> R0也還不少空位 09:14 < pupuliao> 我來拉 09:14 < pupuliao> XD 09:14 -!- sinica_op [8c6d7f02@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 09:15 -!- louisje [~louisje@] has joined #coscup 09:15 < coscupbot> (chusiang) 不方便掛 IRC 的伙伴可以改掛 Gitter 喔!現在這兩者有串起來了喔! - https://gitter.im/COSCUP/coscup2016 09:15 < shigurefox> 呆河馬出沒注意 09:17 -!- DeweiLi_ [~deweili@] has joined #coscup 09:17 -!- DeweiLi [~deweili@] has quit [Read error: No route to host] 09:17 -!- DeweiLi_ [~deweili@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 09:17 -!- DeweiLi [~deweili@] has joined #coscup 09:17 -!- kkpan11 [~kkpan11@] has joined #coscup 09:17 -!- linc01n [~linc01n@n220246201192.netvigator.com] has joined #coscup 09:17 -!- dneif_ [8c6d7f0b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 09:18 -!- kiner_ [uid180836@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-zzsyhotzeeodhdsh] has joined #coscup 09:18 -!- kiner [uid180836@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-azmxhljzgbnzltol] has joined #coscup 09:18 -!- kiner__ [uid180836@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-pmtydpahvqmctely] has joined #coscup 09:18 -!- kiner___ [uid180836@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-lskekvefxdottirk] has joined #coscup 09:18 -!- kiner____ [uid180836@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-xmicdkjybyawcmup] has joined #coscup 09:18 -!- kiner_____ [uid180836@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-geusbyxbemwxwnhv] has joined #coscup 09:19 -!- KyanosM [~androirc@] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 09:19 -!- kiner______ [uid180836@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-cxqgvqhzedyarhyt] has joined #coscup 09:19 -!- kiner_______ [uid180836@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-zqougxwkauntelod] has joined #coscup 09:19 -!- kester___ [uid34598@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-gngnpmawvbwbdwjc] has joined #coscup 09:19 -!- Segno [~segno@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 09:20 -!- Segno [~segno@] has joined #coscup 09:20 -!- [R0]Lother [uid107002@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-lttaancdduwmxzhq] has joined #coscup 09:21 -!- [R0]Lother is now known as lother_m 09:21 < waeting> 櫻花沒了 09:21 < lucian> 有誰知道 Unconference "會自動飛行的"神奇寶貝"and飛行技巧" 這是要講邪惡的東西嗎? 09:21 -!- j5a6s7o8n [~AndChat23@42-66-107-241.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 09:21 -!- infate [~infate@] has joined #coscup 09:21 -!- lucienlo [75135079@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed] 09:21 -!- Segno [~segno@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 09:21 -!- AndChat|482736 [~AndChat48@] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 09:22 -!- HP_Eiling_ [uid27621@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-nebosjnegjwsrmpf] has joined #coscup 09:22 < DeemoHarlos> unconf有值播嗎 09:22 < waeting> 只能問unconf.的主人囉 09:22 -!- Segno [~segno@] has joined #coscup 09:22 -!- PichuChen [~PichuChen@] has joined #coscup 09:23 -!- Segno [~segno@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 09:23 -!- KazeMewno [~androirc@223-136-35-133.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 09:23 -!- Segno [~segno@] has joined #coscup 09:24 < lucian> R1空位多嗎? 09:24 < AndChat401249> 請問有D1 micro http server 的 slides嗎? 09:24 < coscupbot> (lucienlo) 還很多 09:24 < coscupbot> (lucienlo) 第一排全空 09:24 -!- Aweimeow [~Aweimeow@] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 09:24 -!- Segno [~segno@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 09:25 -!- Segno [~segno@] has joined #coscup 09:26 -!- lucienlo [75135079@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 09:26 -!- Segno [~segno@] has quit [Read error: No route to host] 09:26 -!- Segno [~segno@] has joined #coscup 09:26 -!- iamtoto [~androirc@] has joined #coscup 09:27 -!- lucienlo [75135079@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Client Quit] 09:27 -!- test_ [~hashman@] has joined #coscup 09:27 -!- DeweiLi [~deweili@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 09:28 -!- Segno_ [~segno@] has joined #coscup 09:28 -!- DeweiLi [~deweili@] has joined #coscup 09:28 -!- Haox [~Haox@] has joined #coscup 09:28 -!- DeweiLi [~deweili@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 09:28 -!- BeataLin [~BeataLin@] has joined #coscup 09:28 -!- DeweiLi [~deweili@] has joined #coscup 09:28 -!- u10313335 [~sol@] has joined #coscup 09:29 -!- Segno [~segno@] has quit [Read error: No route to host] 09:29 -!- Segno [~segno@] has joined #coscup 09:29 -!- u10313335_ [~sol@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 09:30 -!- dneif [caa9ad86@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 09:30 -!- Segno__ [~segno@] has joined #coscup 09:30 -!- derekhsu [~derekhsu@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 09:31 -!- threelines [~threeline@] has joined #coscup 09:31 < dannyAAM> 聽起來就是www 09:31 -!- iamtoto [~androirc@] has quit [Read error: No route to host] 09:31 -!- Segno [~segno@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 09:31 -!- Segno__ [~segno@] has quit [Read error: No route to host] 09:31 -!- linc01n [~linc01n@n220246201192.netvigator.com] has quit [Killed (niven.freenode.net (Nickname regained by services))] 09:31 -!- Segno [~segno@] has joined #coscup 09:32 -!- setuna0625 [8c6d7f0b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 09:32 -!- DeweiLi [~deweili@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 09:32 -!- Segno_ [~segno@] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 09:32 < Heero_Yuy> 還沒聽到wifi使用者的哀嚎(X 09:32 -!- Lee-W_ [uid13167@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-zmduqjobloclnbcl] has joined #coscup 09:32 < DeemoHarlos> 別說了 ._. 09:32 -!- stanely_ [~smuxi@] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 09:33 -!- Segno [~segno@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 09:33 < waeting> 連不上所以沒辦法哀了 09:33 -!- Segno [~segno@] has joined #coscup 09:33 -!- Guest68917 [~androirc@] has joined #coscup 09:33 -!- AndChat327600 [~AndChat32@42-67-239-10.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 09:33 -!- jiazheng [~jiazheng@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 09:34 -!- kkpan11_ [~Mutter@] has joined #coscup 09:34 -!- Aweimeow [~Aweimeow@] has joined #coscup 09:34 -!- jiazheng [~jiazheng@] has joined #coscup 09:34 < DeemoHarlos> 沒5G 2.4G又超慢 09:35 < Nightfeather> 會不會是講那個模擬步行速度跟路徑的東東啊 (? 09:35 -!- Segno_ [~segno@] has joined #coscup 09:35 -!- huhu [75135079@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 09:35 -!- stanely [~smuxi@] has joined #coscup 09:35 -!- linc01n [~linc01n@n220246201192.netvigator.com] has joined #coscup 09:35 -!- StarNight [~zack@] has joined #coscup 09:35 -!- starship2518 [8c6d7f0b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 09:35 < coscupbot> (lucienlo) 連不上沒辦法哀有梗 哈哈哈 09:35 -!- derekhsu [~AndChat48@] has joined #coscup 09:36 -!- huhu [75135079@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Client Quit] 09:36 -!- Segno [~segno@] has quit [Read error: No route to host] 09:36 -!- Segno__ [~segno@] has joined #coscup 09:36 -!- JYNY [uid13953@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-rhxrfxmryvfmhcyf] has joined #coscup 09:36 -!- AndChat327600 [~AndChat32@42-67-239-10.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Client Quit] 09:37 -!- Segno__ [~segno@] has quit [Read error: No route to host] 09:37 < coscupbot> (chusiang) 小啄紀念品全套組合包只剩 5 組囉,大家要搶要快啊! 09:37 -!- Segno [~segno@] has joined #coscup 09:37 -!- AndChat327600 [~AndChat32@42-67-239-10.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 09:38 < coscupbot> (chusiang) (COUCUP 2016 限定) 09:38 < codepecker> 大家都登入中研院了嗎? 09:38 < codepecker> 今天開場 Live 秀來自我們鑽石贊助商 Gandi, 09:38 < codepecker> 將聊聊 Gandi.net 與 Open Source 的點點滴滴~ 09:38 < codepecker> 小啄也提醒大家... 09:38 < codepecker> 一樣不可少的共筆懶人包:http://goo.gl/jzWMez 09:38 < codepecker> 好多好多攤位記得去集點:http://goo.gl/bsazsV 09:38 < codepecker> 也別忘記熱騰騰的 Unconf:http://goo.gl/fCEvdv 09:38 < codepecker> 超多豐富活動,讓我們一起燃燒熱血開源魂吧! 09:38 -!- Segno [~segno@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 09:38 -!- kylin [~kylin@] has joined #coscup 09:38 -!- Guest68917 [~androirc@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 09:38 -!- Segno [~segno@] has joined #coscup 09:38 < David_c> 服務台很安定 09:39 -!- Segno_ [~segno@] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 09:39 -!- AndChat|327600 [~AndChat32@42-67-176-58.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 09:40 -!- louisje [~louisje@] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 09:40 < dannyAAM> 連 2016 RX/HX 應該還不至於連不上吧(不過我是坐在AP旁XDD 09:40 < boyofsky> 大家早安 請問一下 coscup app需要登入coscup wifi才能報到 請問他是抓SSID name 還是wifi本身有東西可以設定呢? 09:41 -!- zhxie [~zhxie@] has joined #coscup 09:41 < zhxie> 掌聲~~~~ 09:41 < alex_lu> keynote speaker 還在作簡報www 09:41 < david11014> 還在做簡報 www 09:41 -!- DeweiLi [~deweili@] has joined #coscup 09:41 -!- Guest-Pirc [~Guest-Pir@] has joined #coscup 09:42 -!- AndChat327600 [~AndChat32@42-67-239-10.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 09:42 < david11014> 沒有減少時間嗎 ww 09:42 -!- derekhsu [~AndChat48@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 09:42 -!- isken [8c6daf4d@gateway/web/cgi-irc/kiwiirc.com/ip.] has joined #coscup 09:42 -!- waeting [~waeting@] has quit [Read error: No route to host] 09:42 -!- linc01n [~linc01n@n220246201192.netvigator.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 09:43 -!- waeting [~waeting@] has joined #coscup 09:43 < PichuChen> 因為Wi-Fi連不上的我,注定是沒便當領了(? 09:43 -!- [R0]hinet60613 [uid27221@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-ftvovzygwzfxqqgk] has joined #coscup 09:43 -!- janelin [~chatzilla@] has joined #coscup 09:43 -!- YuanFu [~yuanfu@] has joined #coscup 09:43 < PichuChen> 改用2.4G上了 09:43 -!- janelin [~chatzilla@] has quit [Client Quit] 09:44 -!- Segno_ [~segno@] has joined #coscup 09:44 -!- kkpan11_ [~Mutter@] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 09:44 -!- dneif [caa9ad86@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 09:44 < Heero_Yuy> 恭喜? 09:44 -!- inphate [~infate@] has joined #coscup 09:44 -!- yongjhih [~yongjhih@] has joined #coscup 09:44 < waeting> 小啄cardboard wwwwww 09:44 -!- janelin [~chatzilla@] has joined #coscup 09:44 < [R0]hinet60613> cosplay小啄w 09:45 < David_c> 這個我有,只是按鍵很難按 09:45 -!- janelin is now known as pigridder 09:45 -!- linc01n_ [~linc01n@n220246201192.netvigator.com] has joined #coscup 09:45 < Heero_Yuy> =A= 09:45 < waeting> 卡波的按鍵真的很難按 09:45 < Heero_Yuy> 看成波卡 09:45 -!- AndChat|233025 [~AndChat23@42-66-223-165.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 09:45 -!- knowlet [caa9ad86@gateway/web/cgi-irc/kiwiirc.com/ip.] has joined #coscup 09:46 -!- knowlet is now known as [R0]knowlet 09:46 -!- j5a6s7o8n [~AndChat23@42-66-107-241.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 09:46 < Heero_Yuy> 林先生的卡? 09:46 < David_c> 波卡.....你的眼鏡業障重 09:46 < waeting> 林先生!! 09:46 < Heero_Yuy> 我眼睛破了 09:46 -!- o3joy [d5b65858@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 09:46 < coscupbot> (chusiang) 小啄潮鏡剩下不到 10 組囉! (飄走 ~~ 09:46 < Heero_Yuy> *眼鏡 09:46 -!- brli [~brli@unaffiliated/brli] has joined #coscup 09:47 < DeweiLi> PichuChen:昨天中午有調整成自己的網路也可以領取 09:47 -!- Segno [~segno@] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 09:47 -!- freedomtw [~freedom@] has joined #coscup 09:47 < david11014> 變投影問題嘞 09:47 < Heero_Yuy> 沒自己的網路的人表示: 09:47 < DeemoHarlos> 連線不安全 09:47 < iblis17> 尛 09:48 < [R0]hinet60613> Heero_Yuy 快上pchome下訂單買眼鏡,北北基桃六小時內送達(?) 09:48 -!- inphate [~infate@] has quit [Client Quit] 09:48 < Heero_Yuy> ...等等 度數 怎麼辦 09:48 < waeting> 這就是今年的贊助業配場囉? 09:48 -!- [R0]knowlet [caa9ad86@gateway/web/cgi-irc/kiwiirc.com/ip.] has quit [Client Quit] 09:48 -!- darkgerm2 [uid12415@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-bgmyypohriefwyfx] has joined #coscup 09:48 -!- infate [~infate@] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds] 09:48 < coscupbot> (chusiang) haway / haway / 09:48 < waeting> 哈味 09:48 < coscupbot> (sony1733_twitter) 剛抓走兩副小啄潮鏡 09:49 -!- viewnode [8c6d7f0b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 09:49 < David_c> 哈味wwwwww 09:49 < coscupbot> (chusiang) 讓 Ubuntu 飛一下! 09:49 -!- windslash [~yaaic@] has joined #coscup 09:49 < [R0]hinet60613> 哈味~ 09:49 < coscupbot> (sony1733_twitter) 因為昨天組壞了 09:49 < coscupbot> (sony1733_twitter) XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD 09:49 -!- derekhsu [~derekhsu@] has joined #coscup 09:49 -!- dneif [~dneif@] has joined #coscup 09:50 < coscupbot> (sony1733_twitter) 小啄玩壞了~~~~~~~~~~~ 09:50 -!- Guest-Pirc [~Guest-Pir@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 09:50 < [R0]hinet60613> terminal的字太小,又黑底,看不到啊 09:50 < stanely> R0講台燈可以關掉嗎 09:50 -!- infate [~infate@] has joined #coscup 09:50 < freedomtw> 老花眼看不到 terminal 裡面的東西 09:50 < Segno_> R0 +1 09:50 < darkgerm2> 眼睛業障重啊 09:50 < Heero_Yuy> 第一排 也看不清楚terminal的吧 09:50 -!- o3joy [d5b65858@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 09:50 -!- z956 [~z956@] has joined #coscup 09:50 -!- lafin [uid44779@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-uyrkykihosxhrhut] has joined #coscup 09:51 < freedomtw> 2006 開始的就可以倚老賣老嘍 09:51 -!- veloci85 [~Thunderbi@] has joined #coscup 09:51 < zeroplex> 實在不太習慣聽到中文名字 09:51 -!- bobofang [8c6d7f0b@gateway/web/cgi-irc/kiwiirc.com/ip.] has joined #coscup 09:52 -!- zhxie [~zhxie@] has quit [Quit: leaving] 09:52 < waeting> 哈味 09:52 < Aweimeow> 管地聽起來不太舒服 XD 09:52 < [R0]hinet60613> 所以是哈維還是哈味? 09:52 -!- aoihitomi [8c6d10a4@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 09:52 < coscupbot> (chusiang) 「管地:地上都是我們管的,所以叫管地」 - HaWay 09:52 < waeting> 我本來一直以為是甘地 09:52 < kkpan11> 先作廣再做精 09:52 < coscupbot> (sony1733_twitter) 看成我朋友哈妹 09:52 -!- shore [dc82b144@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 09:52 -!- yutin [~yutin@] has joined #coscup 09:52 -!- vincentsue [~vincentsu@] has joined #coscup 09:52 < DeemoHarlos> 我以為是甘地(?) 09:53 < Aweimeow> slide 字好小 09:53 < freedomtw> 甘地是 Gandhi 09:53 < darkgerm2> 我都唸gandi 09:53 -!- StarNight [~zack@] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 09:53 < waeting> 我都念ikea 09:53 < brli> 我都念coscup 09:53 < [R0]hinet60613> costco 09:53 -!- [R0]knowlet [8c6d7f02@gateway/web/cgi-irc/kiwiirc.com/ip.] has joined #coscup 09:54 < DeemoHarlos> 餘弦盃 09:54 -!- threelines [~threeline@] has quit [Quit: leaving] 09:54 -!- YuanFu [~yuanfu@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 09:54 < darkgerm2> 1/seccup 09:54 -!- YuanFu [~yuanfu@] has joined #coscup 09:54 < zeroplex> --cosplay cup-- 09:54 -!- zhxie [~zhxie@] has joined #coscup 09:55 -!- yongjhih [~yongjhih@] has quit [Ping timeout: 258 seconds] 09:55 -!- pixza_yaoita [uid180998@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-xypkevkmcalrvaeb] has joined #coscup 09:55 -!- setuna0625 [8c6d7f0b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 09:55 -!- Lee1092 [uid13277@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-eiczcibyvvmmjrcf] has joined #coscup 09:55 < pupuliao> 請你全包了 所有域名 09:55 -!- DanSnow [~snow@] has joined #coscup 09:55 -!- ramax [~ramax@114-42-41-88.dynamic.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 09:56 < brli> coscup.moe 09:56 -!- yolandalin [~yolandali@] has joined #coscup 09:56 < DeemoHarlos> 管地有個哈味 09:56 < waeting> coscup.meow 09:56 -!- yongjhih [~yongjhih@] has joined #coscup 09:56 -!- YOGA_www [~IceChat9@] has joined #coscup 09:56 < waeting> 反正要有貓,那就 cat.coscup.meow 吧 09:56 < Heero_Yuy> www 09:56 < David_c> 澳門首家大賭場.com 09:57 -!- vincentsue [~vincentsu@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 09:57 -!- u10313335 [~sol@] has left #coscup [] 09:58 -!- pixza_yaoita is now known as yummypixza 09:58 < pigridder> XD 09:58 < darkgerm2> 字有點小QQ 09:58 < AndChat401249> R0 台上燈可以關掉? 09:58 -!- setuna0625 [8c6d7f0b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 09:58 < David_c> software.xyz 大X帖專用 09:58 -!- [h2]chusiang [~chusiang@] has joined #coscup 09:58 < DeemoHarlos> 有slide嗎 09:59 < AndChat401249> 有點亮 不是很好看 09:59 -!- chusiang [~chusiang@] has joined #coscup 09:59 < coscupbot> (chusiang) @ darkgerm2 聽課時要坐前面一點才看得到字啊,這可是常識啊! 09:59 -!- Evan_ [8c6daf4c@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 09:59 -!- StarNight [~zack@] has joined #coscup 10:00 -!- bobofang [8c6d7f0b@gateway/web/cgi-irc/kiwiirc.com/ip.] has quit [Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client] 10:00 < darkgerm2> XD 10:00 -!- hlb [uid12715@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-itxznbsdklmemdqs] has joined #coscup 10:00 < Heero_Yuy> HTC w 10:01 < pupuliao> .KMT 10:01 < David_c> .DPP 10:01 < [R0]hinet60613> kmt.moe 10:01 < brli> cat.kmt.io 10:01 < stanely> 關了,讚! 10:01 < AndChat401249> 甘溫 10:01 < Segno_> 讚 10:01 < David_c> 哈味:我以為血壓低 10:02 < brli> 1000萬可以對頂級域名做任何事情~hshs 10:02 < pupuliao> 年費多少? 10:02 -!- asahsieh [~asahsieh@] has joined #coscup 10:02 < pupuliao> 一千萬是申請費而已不是? 10:02 < [R0]hinet60613> 自婊(X) 字表(O) 10:03 -!- mp607 [~mp607@] has joined #coscup 10:03 -!- veloci85 [~Thunderbi@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 10:03 -!- zh_tw [2a48a2ec@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 10:03 -!- linc01n_ is now known as linc01n 10:03 -!- eric [~eric@] has joined #coscup 10:03 -!- KylinWu [~kylin@61-218-180-211.HINET-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds] 10:03 -!- windslash [~yaaic@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 10:03 -!- ps [caa9ad86@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 10:03 < brli> 剛剛聽成颱風…原來是台風阿~ 10:03 -!- threelines [~threeline@] has joined #coscup 10:03 -!- TigerHuang [~tiger@61-218-180-207.HINET-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 10:03 -!- kewang [~kewang@] has joined #coscup 10:04 -!- KylinWu [~kylin@60-248-239-163.HINET-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 10:04 -!- TigerHua1g [~tiger@60-248-239-174.HINET-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 10:04 < yummypixza> 風台 10:04 -!- ps is now known as Guest42677 10:04 < pupuliao> 真的覺得 ICANN 很好賺ㄟ 10:04 < pupuliao> 穩賺的 10:04 -!- goldie-lin [~goldie@] has joined #coscup 10:05 -!- veloci85 [~Thunderbi@] has joined #coscup 10:05 -!- yummypixza is now known as pixza_yaoita 10:05 < Aweimeow> 講中國有甚麼問題嗎 XD 10:06 -!- bobofang [8c6d7f0b@gateway/web/cgi-irc/kiwiirc.com/ip.] has joined #coscup 10:06 -!- Rogerable [~AndChat55@] has joined #coscup 10:06 < boyofsky> https://domain.hinet.net/ 10:06 < boyofsky> 為什麼hinet申請這麼便宜? 10:06 -!- shore [dc82b144@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 10:06 < aoihitomi> 還是講中國啦w 10:06 < pupuliao> 忙著繳年費嗎? 10:06 < DeemoHarlos> 中國註冊量跟通過量....?? 10:06 < aoihitomi> gandi也不貴啊 (?) 10:06 -!- tom83615 [8c6d7f02@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 10:06 -!- jiazheng [~jiazheng@] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 10:06 < pupuliao> 中華電信 的 DNS 設定很渣 10:06 < kester___> 域名蟑螂? 10:06 < pigridder> 各種域名蟑螂 10:07 < aoihitomi> 超多蟑螂 10:07 -!- vincentsue [~vincentsu@] has joined #coscup 10:07 < boyofsky> 那為什麼他剛才說要1000萬? 10:07 < Aweimeow> hinet 的那個介面又醜又難用 10:07 < aoihitomi> 那個是申請一個TLD 10:07 < Aweimeow> 要找東西都找不到 還要問客服 10:07 < David_c> 還真的是大"強" 10:07 < aoihitomi> 我記得GOOGLE當初買.app 好像花了150萬美 (?) 10:07 -!- Anderosn [8c6d7f02@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 10:07 -!- doran [8c6d7f0b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 10:07 -!- Rogerable [~AndChat55@] has quit [Read error: No route to host] 10:08 -!- ddio_ [uid13869@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-umcxtcddsyrfnntm] has joined #coscup 10:08 -!- Rogerable [~AndChat55@] has joined #coscup 10:08 -!- doran [8c6d7f0b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Client Quit] 10:08 < Segno_> https://abc.xyz 10:08 < david11014> abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvw.xyz 還真的有 10:08 -!- jiazheng [~jiazheng@] has joined #coscup 10:09 -!- FelixLin [8c6d7f02@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 10:09 < pigridder> 哭哭 10:09 < Heero_Yuy> 工程師w 10:09 < Aweimeow> 哈哈工程師哈哈 10:09 < Rogerable> RRRR是工程師 10:09 < david11014> gg.in.in ? 10:09 < Heero_Yuy> 工具人(X 10:09 < brli> http://kmt.gg 10:09 < [R0]hinet60613> .gg.in.in.der 10:09 < Anderosn> ㄎㄎ 10:09 < inndy> 攻城獅 QQ 10:09 < iblis17> kaobe.engineer 10:09 < tom83615> 工程師(指 10:09 -!- bobofang [8c6d7f0b@gateway/web/cgi-irc/kiwiirc.com/ip.] has quit [Client Quit] 10:09 -!- tiwb [~tiwb@] has joined #coscup 10:09 < Rogerable> 沒有.rd 10:09 < brli> gginin.de # 10:09 -!- ddio_ is now known as ddio 10:09 < Anderosn> Http:..kmt.gg 10:10 < Ruinland> lolicon.moe 10:10 < Heero_Yuy> .pm 10:10 < Anderosn> f不能連 10:10 < Rogerable> .pm表示 10:10 < Anderosn> GG 10:10 < DeemoHarlos> onepeople.coffee 10:10 -!- tiwb is now known as [R0]tiwb 10:10 < Heero_Yuy> 萌? 10:10 < [R0]hinet60613> 萌! 10:10 < inndy> 莔 10:10 < Heero_Yuy> ggin 10:10 < David_c> gg.in.in 10:10 < Ruinland> 是說之前原本想申請 「蘿莉.moe」,但是puny code不給過 10:10 < Aweimeow> no.gg 10:10 < tom83615> gg 10:10 < Rogerable> gg.in 10:10 < unciax> http://simon.moe/ 10:10 < inndy> 講者是不是在看 IRC XDDDDDD 10:10 < [R0]hinet60613> micro.gg 10:10 < kewang> XDDDDD 10:10 < Heero_Yuy> XDD 10:10 < Heero_Yuy> 抓到了(X 10:11 < brli> Ruinland: (110撥號中 10:11 < chusiang> ceo.taipei 這沒有人註冊喔!XDD 10:11 < pixza_yaoita> 30cm.gg 10:11 < inndy> 披薩山.健康 10:11 < David_c> 食在好.健康 10:11 < Heero_Yuy> ptt30cm.gg 10:11 < [R0]hinet60613> 洋芋片.健康 10:11 < inndy> 麥當勞在抗議 10:11 < DeemoHarlos> liver.explode.engineer 10:11 < kester___> 化工.健康 10:11 < Heero_Yuy> 品客.熱量高 10:11 < pixza_yaoita> 有點披薩耶 10:11 < brli> explosion.lol 10:11 < Aweimeow> 超級工程師 10:11 < David_c> fuckkmt.gg 10:12 -!- windslash [~yaaic@] has joined #coscup 10:12 -!- yolandalin [~yolandali@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 10:12 < zhxie> super.engineer 10:12 < David_c> tenlong.taipei 10:12 < brli> http://mylittlepony.horse 10:12 -!- zh_tw [2a48a2ec@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 10:12 -!- bobofang [8c6d7f0b@gateway/web/cgi-irc/kiwiirc.com/ip.] has joined #coscup 10:12 < coscupbot> (lucienlo) you.donot.have.girlfriend 10:12 < Heero_Yuy> 學生.豬.台北 10:12 < David_c> 591.taipei 10:12 < brli> 金城武.taipei 10:12 < Rogerable> 租屋.taipei=>感覺像詐騙(?) 10:13 < zhxie> 宅色夫.jserv 10:13 < derekhsu> engineer.pig.taipei 10:13 < [R0]hinet60613> 宅色夫.jserv wwwww 10:13 < chusiang> [工商服務] 觀迎大家來 http://www.vim.tw 還有 http://ansible.tw 逛逛。 10:13 < Rogerable> 切割.jserv 10:13 -!- jiazheng [~jiazheng@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 10:13 -!- jiazheng [~jiazheng@] has joined #coscup 10:13 < YOGA_www> 提醒一下,還沒報到的要趕快報到,過十點半就沒午餐囉!小啄關心您的胃 10:14 < Rogerable> chinese.taipei 10:14 -!- hortune [caa9ad86@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 10:14 < brli> htc還不錯.lol 10:14 < coscupbot> (lucienlo) 吃什麼.午餐 10:14 < aoihitomi> chinese.taipei會不給註冊喔XD 10:14 -!- jiazheng [~jiazheng@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 10:14 < derekhsu> 歧視我們高雄人嗎 10:14 < chusiang> \ HTC / \ HTC / 10:14 < pigridder> 應該...做得還不錯... 10:14 < DeemoHarlos> 海濤.假的 10:14 < aoihitomi> 之前有人試過會被擋XD 10:14 < DeemoHarlos> haitao.fake 10:14 < inndy> Rogerable: 還沒註冊過欸 10:14 -!- jiazheng [~jiazheng@] has joined #coscup 10:14 < aoihitomi> china.taipei 好像也不行 10:14 < coscupbot> (lucienlo) taiwanese.beijin 10:14 < derekhsu> 我要註冊 taiwan.kaohsiung 10:14 < kester___> hold.the.cat.taipei 10:14 < aoihitomi> 500e.university 10:15 -!- yomao_ [uid38282@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-hnkvaytixhyebjua] has joined #coscup 10:15 < Aweimeow> taiwanese.beijing XD 10:15 < freedomtw> 沒有 .taiwan? 10:15 -!- bobofang [8c6d7f0b@gateway/web/cgi-irc/kiwiirc.com/ip.] has quit [Client Quit] 10:15 < [R0]hinet60613> .taiwan就.tw啊 10:15 < Aweimeow> 申請 .cat 要養一隻貓 10:15 < brli> freedomtw: 那應該在cc裡的tw了吧…? 10:16 < derekhsu> 那開特種行業.... 10:16 < yutin> .xxx 10:16 < derekhsu> 喔喔 10:16 < derekhsu> 真的有? 10:16 < Heero_Yuy> =A= 10:16 < david11014> oo.xx 10:16 < coscupbot> (lucienlo) .johnsena 10:16 < pixza_yaoita> (舉手) 有 .qq 嗎 10:16 < brli> teahouse.cat.moe 10:16 < freedomtw> .tw 已經很擠了, .taiwan 比 .taipei 好吧, .taipei 好像上面講的 chinese.taipei 10:16 < DeemoHarlos> .wtf 10:16 < [R0]hinet60613> kmt.wtf 10:16 < [R0]tiwb> .cat好像是地理域名? 10:17 < pixza_yaoita> nogirlfriend.qq 10:17 < Heero_Yuy> .. 10:17 < iblis17> setup.py 10:17 < Heero_Yuy> 嗚嗚 我的網路 10:17 < derekhsu> install.sh 10:17 < pigridder> cat好像真的有使用條件 10:17 < pigridder> https://www.gandi.net/domain/cat/info?lang=zh-hant 10:17 < brli> 好小… 10:17 < [R0]hinet60613> 講者正在連的網址 mose.tw 10:17 < coscupbot> (lucienlo) autorun.ini 10:17 -!- chusiang is now known as [R0]chusiang 10:17 < DeemoHarlos> no5g.QQ 10:18 < [R0]tiwb> 記得Cat好像要求要用某國語言至少架一個網站XD 10:18 < darkgerm2> makefile.in 10:18 < freedomtw> .cat 是 Catalan 啊 10:18 < pixza_yaoita> 肉搜XDDDDD 10:18 < derekhsu> 真的有 http://makefile.in/ 10:18 -!- Go [2a48a2ec@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 10:18 < kester___> 喵言喵語嗎 10:18 -!- jiazheng [~jiazheng@] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 10:18 < [R0]hinet60613> .cat 註冊前後都會對註冊者進行篩選,以確保網站內容與加泰羅尼亞語和加泰羅尼亞文化有關 (ref: wiki) 10:18 -!- yolandalin [~yolandali@] has joined #coscup 10:18 < Ruinland> IDN的部份有 .台灣,.tw是ccTLD< 10:18 -!- mabinogi80503 [~mabinogi8@] has joined #coscup 10:19 -!- Go is now known as Guest1467 10:19 < Ruinland> 其他的好像是geoTLD 10:19 < pixza_yaoita> .tv 其實也是啊 10:19 < David_c> no_bullshit 10:19 < Aweimeow> 加泰羅尼亞 XD 10:19 < pixza_yaoita> 吐瓦魯的 10:19 < derekhsu> http://derekhsu.com/ 被人家註冊走了... 10:19 < Guest1467> Pokemongo.com.tw 還有!? 10:19 < DeemoHarlos> 成衣批發商XD 10:19 < freedomtw> 哪一天 Catalonia 獨立成功, 就變正式了? 10:19 -!- tom83615 [8c6d7f02@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed] 10:19 < derekhsu> tv 經常被拿去賣 10:19 < Ruinland> cc跟tv好像都被承包走了? 10:20 < [R0]chusiang> derekhsu: 台灣人當然是要買 derekhsu.tw 啊! 10:20 < pixza_yaoita> 因為它們政府要靠這個賺外匯 10:20 -!- HRY [uid148826@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-fxgiaouphkfddciz] has joined #coscup 10:20 -!- hungys [uid181001@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-msutqjpcdcgcgyen] has joined #coscup 10:20 < dannyAAM> .com很多都沒了啦wwww 10:20 < pixza_yaoita> 還蠻妙的 10:20 < lucian> "警告:此域名的域名註冊合約要求需在六個月內以加泰隆尼亞語發佈至少一個頁面。" 10:20 < derekhsu> 為什麼連derekhsu.com 10:20 < StarNight> [H4] CMSIS-DAP解說中 10:20 < derekhsu> 都被註冊走 10:20 < derekhsu> 哭哭 10:20 < [R0]chusiang> 不然我先買下 derekhsu.tw 再轉賣好了。(逃 10:20 -!- orinx [~orinx@null.ind.ntou.edu.tw] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 10:20 < derekhsu> T_T 10:20 < darkgerm2> 取國家名真重要(? 10:20 -!- tom83615 [8c6d7f02@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 10:20 < iblis17> install.sh 要企業 orz 10:21 < [R0]hinet60613> installer.exe 10:21 < pixza_yaoita> 盡力操壞 (X) 10:21 -!- pigridder [~chatzilla@] has quit [Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.92 [Firefox 48.0/20160726073904]] 10:21 -!- yrc [uid123303@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-sbeimwkqysueqyso] has joined #coscup 10:21 < mabinogi80503> iam.hentai(X 10:21 < derekhsu> 這個就純廣告了XD 10:21 < dannyAAM> XDDD 10:22 < Ruinland> 「聖赫勒拿、亞森欣與垂斯坦昆哈」這樣也一個tld.... 10:22 < inndy> 這樣廣告很聰明 XD 10:22 < inndy> 這邊都是 gandi 的 TA 無誤 10:22 -!- pigridder [~chatzilla@] has joined #coscup 10:22 < kester___> 還有20頁 10:22 -!- icman [~icman@] has joined #coscup 10:22 < derekhsu> 今天這樣廣靠可以賣很多域名 10:22 < inndy> 剩下八分鐘,haway 加油! 10:22 < [R0]tiwb> leg.bone 10:23 < derekhsu> 工商時間結束,回歸主題 10:23 -!- taipeiwu [~AndChat14@] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 10:23 < [R0]chusiang> 一直沒空移轉 domain name 到 gandi ... 10:23 -!- goldie-lin [~goldie@] has left #coscup [] 10:23 < Heero_Yuy> 7分鐘 10:23 < derekhsu> 我要怎麼把domain從dyndns轉走啊 10:23 < david11014> SITCON拿到的dandi domain還沒用 .... 10:23 < Ruinland> 也有點想把我的域名從hover轉去gandi ...... 10:23 -!- Guest1467 [2a48a2ec@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 10:24 -!- pigridder [~chatzilla@] has left #coscup [] 10:24 < derekhsu> 原Domain要維持一陣子吧? 10:24 -!- tars_ [~chatzilla@] has joined #coscup 10:24 -!- Shore [8c6d7f04@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 10:24 < dannyAAM> 要轉出啊 10:24 -!- RickZhang [01228c1e@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 10:25 < inndy> domain transfer 是你可以把你的 domain 轉到另一家服務商,不影響使用 10:25 -!- Nightfeather [~nightfeat@220-133-162-2.HINET-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Quit: leaving] 10:25 < derekhsu> dyndns上面的也可以嗎? 10:25 < inndy> 想轉出可以去看一下你現在用的服務商的說明文件 10:25 < derekhsu> OK 10:25 < derekhsu> 我去查一下 10:25 < dannyAAM> dyndns有賣domain嗎? 10:25 -!- Evan_ [8c6daf4c@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 10:25 -!- YMHuang [~holoirc@] has joined #coscup 10:25 < dannyAAM> 如果你是用他們的subdomain那是不可能轉的 10:26 < derekhsu> 喔....那就只能同步一陣子了 10:26 -!- goldie-lin [~goldie@] has joined #coscup 10:26 -!- pascal_ [8c6d7f08@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 10:27 -!- tars_ [~chatzilla@] has quit [Client Quit] 10:27 < Ruinland> beta狀態*3 XDDD 10:27 < [R0]chusiang> unconf 議程傳送門 - http://blog.coscup.org/2016/08/2016-unconference.html 10:27 < dannyAAM> 就dyndns強制轉到新domain上 久了就會知道了 不過也可能會壓跟沒注意到www 10:27 < David_c> BETA不就是怪物嗎? 10:27 -!- Guest42677 [caa9ad86@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 10:27 < inndy> DDNS? 10:27 < aoihitomi> 最狂的還是.kp啦 從來沒看過有人可以註冊成功。 (X 10:27 < Ruinland> David_c: \少女蹦嗄脆/ 10:28 < derekhsu> gandi可以支援dynamic IP喔 10:28 -!- shawnlin [~raspi@] has joined #coscup 10:28 < [R0]hinet60613> 「他是Beta! Beta!」 10:28 < dannyAAM> 喔 對 gandi的dns終於有API了XDD 10:28 -!- tars_ [~chatzilla@] has joined #coscup 10:28 < derekhsu> 不用安裝軟體要怎麼同步? 10:28 -!- DanLu [~AndChat11@] has joined #coscup 10:28 < dannyAAM> 不過我從來沒把DNS放在任何域名商下過www 10:28 < dannyAAM> 自己寫程式啊(無誤 10:28 < derekhsu> XD 10:29 -!- danlu_ [~danlu@] has joined #coscup 10:29 -!- DanSnow [~snow@] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 10:29 < inndy> 我覺得 Gandi 唯一的缺點就是後台不太好用 10:29 < inndy> 所以我都掛在 Cloudflare 下面 10:29 < aoihitomi> 所以他們要把你趕去用CLI (?! 10:29 < dannyAAM> 我是都沒差 所以我連name.com都用得很無感www 10:30 < Heero_Yuy> 我的眼睛業障重 看不出請 10:30 < zeroplex> gandi 登入的 ID 沒辦法自訂,也很麻煩 10:30 -!- BobLu [uid42911@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-jpmkfwgzrlxqtlnp] has joined #coscup 10:30 < Heero_Yuy> *清楚 10:30 < zhxie> R1 的聯播畫面怪怪的 10:30 < dannyAAM> cloudflare目前可惜沒辦法給DS/TLSA 10:30 -!- GhostYang [650c8693@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 10:30 < [R0]chusiang> *男子漢命令列* 10:30 < inndy> Cloudflare 和 AWS Route 53 都不錯 10:30 < David_c> 投影機可以稍微亮一點嗎? 10:30 < dannyAAM> 不過我還是繼續在用cloudflare www 10:30 < derekhsu> unconference會轉播嗎? 10:30 < dannyAAM> R1的投影空間扭曲了(X 10:31 < dannyAAM> 沒有轉播喔 10:31 < Heero_Yuy> 求扭曲圖 10:31 < dannyAAM> 除非講者自己開了直播www 10:31 < Aweimeow> R1 現在還有位置嗎 10:31 < freedomtw> 在雲端時代 DNS update 的 latency 沒甚麼進步? 10:31 < Ruinland> R1一直業障重 10:31 -!- tars_ [~chatzilla@] has left #coscup [] 10:31 -!- dneif [~dneif@] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 10:31 < lucian> com.tw ... 10:31 < inndy> freedomtw: 其實很快,我覺得比較大的問題會是有 cache 的 DNS 10:31 -!- z956 [~z956@] has quit [Quit: leaving] 10:31 < dannyAAM> 有喔 前面還有幾個空位 10:31 < Aweimeow> 感謝 10:31 < Ruinland> 我之前改的時候還滿快的++ 10:32 < waeting> coscup.cat還沒被註冊耶 10:32 -!- yolandalin [~yolandali@] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 10:32 < [R0]hinet60613> 好大聲RRR 10:32 < Heero_Yuy> new台北 10:32 < alex_lu> new taipei 10:32 < dannyAAM> 看你的TTL啊 TTL設定低一點cache就短啊 10:32 < [R0]chusiang> .taipei 要付錢申請吧? 10:32 -!- asahsieh [~asahsieh@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 10:32 < Rogerable> 去問砂石輪 10:32 -!- tars_w [~chatzilla@] has joined #coscup 10:32 -!- dneif [~dneif@] has joined #coscup 10:32 < Heero_Yuy> 朱先生 10:32 -!- rail02000 [~qicruser@114-136-236-109.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 10:32 < [R0]hinet60613> 我們堅持一個台北政策! 新北市是我大台北市神聖不可分割的一部份! 10:32 -!- Haox [~Haox@] has quit [Ping timeout: 258 seconds] 10:32 < tars_w> XD 10:32 -!- windslash [~yaaic@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 10:32 < inndy> 我的經驗是,我開新的 subdomain 設定好之後馬上就好了啊 10:33 < derekhsu> 我要 .kaohsiung啦 10:33 < dannyAAM> 不過其實不是熱門domain大多都一下就被刷出cache了wwwww 10:33 < Rogerable> 你是在大聲什麼( 咦 10:33 < derekhsu> 不然叫 .takao也可以 10:33 < GhostYang> .new Taipei 剪綵大會 10:33 -!- Haox [~Haox@] has joined #coscup 10:33 < Flymok> new.taipei 10:33 -!- windslash [~yaaic@] has joined #coscup 10:33 < pupuliao> 快準備一千萬 誰都可以去申請 10:33 -!- linc01n [~linc01n@n220246201192.netvigator.com] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 10:33 < dannyAAM> .new.taipei嗎w 10:33 < tars_w> 任何人只要有300萬美金都可以申請 10:33 < derekhsu> 跟日本高雄合作好了 10:33 < inndy> TTL 最長都設定 5 分鐘左右,不然只會找自己麻煩 10:33 < sntc06> .neotaipei 10:33 -!- YuanFu [~yuanfu@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 10:33 -!- kylin [~kylin@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 10:33 < [R0]chusiang> new.taipei 可以買喔! 10:34 -!- derekhsu [~derekhsu@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 10:34 -!- brli [~brli@unaffiliated/brli] has quit [Quit: Time for a sleep!] 10:34 -!- [R0]chusiang is now known as chusiang 10:34 -!- freedomtw [~freedom@] has quit [Quit: freedomtw] 10:34 -!- Segno_ [~segno@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 10:34 -!- [R0]tiwb [~tiwb@] has quit [Quit: leaving] 10:34 -!- eric [~eric@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 10:34 -!- kkpan11 [~kkpan11@] has quit [Quit: Leaving.] 10:34 < dannyAAM> 有錢申請也還要有足夠的錢架出ICANN同意的NS設備哩wwww 10:34 < waeting> 申請new gTLD感覺好麻煩噢 10:35 -!- rail02000 [~qicruser@114-136-236-109.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Client Quit] 10:35 < waeting> 不然.meow還沒有人申請的樣子的說 10:35 -!- SCWhite [caa9ad86@gateway/web/cgi-irc/kiwiirc.com/ip.] has joined #coscup 10:35 -!- yolandalin [~yolandali@] has joined #coscup 10:36 -!- AndChat|114816 [~AndChat11@223-140-251-187.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 10:36 -!- Aweimeow [~Aweimeow@] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 10:36 -!- [R0]hinet60613 is now known as [R1]hinet60613 10:36 -!- threelines [~threeline@] has quit [Quit: leaving] 10:36 -!- derekhsu [~derekhsu@] has joined #coscup 10:36 < chwong_cloud> .meow 是 .廟 嗎 10:36 -!- vincentsue [~vincentsu@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 10:36 < derekhsu> 是喵 10:36 -!- DeweiLi is now known as [R0]DeweiLi 10:36 < waeting> 是 喵~ 10:36 -!- asahsieh [~asahsieh@] has joined #coscup 10:36 -!- vincentsue [~vincentsu@] has joined #coscup 10:37 -!- billy3321 [uid12904@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-zfyebefspdlkqazv] has joined #coscup 10:37 -!- StarNight [~zack@] has quit [Quit: leaving] 10:37 < chwong_cloud> 大甲媽祖.meow 10:37 -!- yolandalin [~yolandali@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 10:37 < ggininder_> 大甲~推一個 10:37 -!- viewnode [8c6d7f0b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 10:37 -!- AndChat|233025 [~AndChat23@42-66-223-165.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 10:37 -!- Haox [~Haox@] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 10:37 -!- [h2]chusiang [~chusiang@] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 10:38 -!- stanely [~smuxi@] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 10:38 -!- Haox [~Haox@] has joined #coscup 10:38 -!- me1on [8c6daf4d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 10:38 -!- chusiang [~chusiang@] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 10:38 -!- DanLu [~AndChat11@] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 10:38 -!- salagadoola [df898cdf@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 10:38 < Lee-W_> 大家~我集點抽獎抽到二獎電腦包和本本耶!可是我才剛買了用不到,有人需要嗎~~~~ 10:38 < Lee-W_> for freeeee 10:39 < derekhsu> 打個廣告...Unconference的講者是來自於中鋼資訊處,各位小股東想知道我們在幹什麼歡迎來看看 10:39 < waeting> 是QNAP的嗎 10:39 -!- eric [~eric@] has joined #coscup 10:39 -!- bobofang [8c6d7f0b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 10:39 -!- yongjhih [~yongjhih@] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 10:40 -!- Rogerable [~AndChat55@] has quit [Read error: No route to host] 10:41 -!- lego [~lego@] has joined #coscup 10:41 -!- goldie-lin [~goldie@] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 10:41 -!- veloci85 [~Thunderbi@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 10:41 -!- taipeiwu [~AndChat14@] has joined #coscup 10:42 -!- z956 [~z956@] has joined #coscup 10:42 -!- vincentsue [~vincentsu@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 10:42 -!- vincents_ [~vincentsu@] has joined #coscup 10:42 -!- MacWu [~MacWu@] has joined #coscup 10:42 < MacWu> test123 10:42 -!- Segno [~segno@] has joined #coscup 10:43 -!- DanSnow [~snow@] has joined #coscup 10:43 -!- stanely [~smuxi@] has joined #coscup 10:43 < waeting> 有人有每個單位的QR code嗎 :3 10:44 -!- YuanFu [~yuanfu@] has joined #coscup 10:44 -!- vincents_ [~vincentsu@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 10:44 -!- vincentsue [~vincentsu@] has joined #coscup 10:45 -!- chyuaner [uid28032@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-byudoszzbpgoqihf] has joined #coscup 10:45 -!- kkpan11 [~kkpan11@] has joined #coscup 10:45 -!- salagadoola [df898cdf@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 10:46 < Ruinland> 每個人有三百萬美金都能參加慈善域名撲克王大會(X 10:46 -!- vincentsue [~vincentsu@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 10:46 -!- Shore [8c6d7f04@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 10:46 < Heero_Yuy> 沒拍下來=3= 10:46 -!- vincentsue [~vincentsu@] has joined #coscup 10:46 < [R1]hinet60613> R1: 標題黨! 10:46 -!- linc01n [~linc01n@n220246201192.netvigator.com] has joined #coscup 10:46 < zeroplex> [R2] 英文講這麼清楚,真佛心 XD 10:46 -!- StarNight [~zack@] has joined #coscup 10:46 -!- vincentsue [~vincentsu@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 10:46 < YOGA_www> 開始有 Unconf 囉!在活動中心平面會議室! 10:47 -!- vincentsue [~vincentsu@] has joined #coscup 10:47 -!- bobofang [8c6d7f0b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 10:47 -!- Segno [~segno@] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 10:47 < waeting> R0還有空位哦 10:47 -!- MacWu is now known as tititi 10:47 -!- Heero_Yuy is now known as [R0]Heero_Yuy 10:47 < tititi> yo 10:47 < helios> 剛剛本來要去R1,完全沒位置退回R0 10:48 < david11014> [R0] 把妹教學 10:48 < waeting> R0 宅宅怎麼交女朋友 10:48 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 首先 你要確認是喜歡女生 10:48 -!- yu [8c6d7f0b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 10:48 -!- Takeshi_tw [~yi@IP-208-69.cs.nctu.edu.tw] has joined #coscup 10:48 -!- floatj_cc [~floatj@] has quit [Quit: leaving] 10:48 -!- dz1984 [caa9ad86@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 10:49 -!- Segno [~segno@] has joined #coscup 10:50 -!- yucheng [~yucheng@] has joined #coscup 10:50 -!- salagadoola [df898cdf@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 10:50 -!- sinica_op [8c6d7f02@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 10:50 -!- abev66 [~AndChat46@223-140-32-41.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 10:50 < lego> 不好意思 請問共筆在哪裡 10:50 < salagadoola> COBAL 程式寫 web ! 10:50 < Segno> http://beta.hackfoldr.org/coscup2016 10:50 < salagadoola> 前端是 Angular 後端是 COBAL 10:50 -!- j5a6s7o8n [~AndChat23@42-75-63-152.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 10:50 < lego> Segno: thanks! 10:51 -!- aaassss [df8946ee@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 10:51 < dannyAAM> COBAL OAO 10:51 < salagadoola> 遺產可以利用 遺毒只能消滅 10:51 -!- danlu [~danlu@] has joined #coscup 10:51 < billy3321> [H0] Perl很有趣...ㄟ? 10:51 < DeemoHarlos> [HP] 遺毒也是遺產(?) 10:51 -!- goldie-lin [~goldie@] has joined #coscup 10:51 -!- Quexint [~textual@] has joined #coscup 10:52 -!- Rogerable [~AndChat55@] has joined #coscup 10:52 -!- BirkhoffLee [~birkhoff@223-140-34-143.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 10:52 < BirkhoffLee> motonana phone 10:52 -!- DeemoHarlos is now known as [HP]DeemoHarlos 10:52 -!- salagadoola is now known as salagadoola_HP 10:52 -!- floatj_cc [~floatj@] has joined #coscup 10:52 -!- salagadoola_HP is now known as [HP]salagadoola 10:52 -!- shaolin [uid13544@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-srmthrphfmqprvqd] has joined #coscup 10:53 < [HP]DeemoHarlos> 野生的IE出現了! 10:53 -!- derjohng [caa9ad86@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 10:53 < [HP]salagadoola> 從production拿下來解開來再改 完全不信任source code XD 10:53 -!- danlu_ [~danlu@] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 10:53 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> IE? 10:53 -!- kizax [2a4bd661@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 10:53 -!- kidwm [uid25246@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-ndkwwcdcqurhpjmy] has joined #coscup 10:53 -!- BeataLin [~BeataLin@] has quit [Read error: No route to host] 10:53 < [HP]DeemoHarlos> 如果你不能改變文化 那麼文化就會改變你 在被文化改變之前,至少你要先試著改變環境 10:54 < [HP]DeemoHarlos> (quote) 10:54 -!- DanSnow [~snow@] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 10:54 -!- freedomtw [~freedom@] has joined #coscup 10:54 -!- abctest_cc [8c6d7f06@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 10:54 -!- asahsieh [~asahsieh@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 10:54 < waeting> 雖然有點糊不過就假裝看得到 10:54 -!- dz1984 is now known as [R0]dz1984 10:54 -!- viewnode [8c6d7f02@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 10:55 -!- me1on [8c6daf4d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 10:55 < goldie-lin> <5年的離職率零!! 10:55 -!- either [~AndChat27@] has joined #coscup 10:55 -!- yan12125 [~yen@] has joined #coscup 10:55 -!- asahsieh [~asahsieh@] has joined #coscup 10:56 -!- cibs [~cibs@118-163-170-73.HINET-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 10:56 -!- barneybook [uid33576@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-hzsocezwabczxurm] has joined #coscup 10:56 < YChao__> Modem 10:56 -!- pellaeon [~pellaeon@gateway.openstack.nctu.edu.tw] has joined #coscup 10:57 < YChao__> dial 10:57 < YChao__> ATDT 10:57 < Rogerable> [R2] 叮~ 10:57 < [HP]DeemoHarlos> 假的 10:57 < alex_lu> [h1] 「我不能demo其他broswer,因為這有點尷尬」 10:58 < David_c> 抵達Uncorf 10:58 < [HP]salagadoola> 所有的commit history都是空的 -> 太好了 -> 沒有東西需要migration 10:58 -!- cibs [~cibs@118-163-170-73.HINET-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 10:59 < [HP]DeemoHarlos> 用指令就會死wwww 10:59 < kkpan11> 奇怪,嘗試編輯R2共筆,怎麼跳到別頁紀錄又不見QQ 10:59 < [HP]DeemoHarlos> 「JAVA是一種信仰」 10:59 -!- taipeiwu [~AndChat14@] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds] 10:59 -!- AliceWei [uid12990@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-ljsvosuhwtgyjpkg] has joined #coscup 11:00 -!- yutin [~yutin@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 11:00 < billy3321> 為了寫52個project,你需要的是52個stackoverflow(誤) 11:00 -!- asahsieh [~asahsieh@] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 11:00 < coscupbot> (lucienlo) 想請問一下各位大大, 從人文館 要怎麼走到活動中心 11:01 < eric> 在2個shop中間 11:01 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 直走後 右轉 11:01 < alex_lu> 直走右轉 11:01 -!- kylin [~kylin@] has joined #coscup 11:01 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> MOS那棟 11:01 < billy3321> 直走看到橋,不要過橋,右轉 11:01 -!- fntsrCloud [uid16354@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-suigmcpkyxjhmtnf] has joined #coscup 11:01 < Flymok> 出門直走右轉找mos漢堡 11:01 -!- KazeMewno [~androirc@223-136-35-133.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 11:01 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 順便吃MOS (X 11:02 < coscupbot> (lucienlo) 了解 謝謝各位大大支援 下午要來去openstack工作坊 haha 11:02 < Ruinland> coscupbot: http://imgur.com/a/jVWUo 11:02 -!- s3131212 [uid155933@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-gyfdvsoeilkikgcb] has joined #coscup 11:02 < [HP]salagadoola> 隱藏所有細節 所以使用者用spring不知道在用spring 用gradle不知道在用gradle 用git...還是要看到git 11:02 < David_c> 如果便當吃膩,今天花錢吃摩斯 11:02 < David_c> [H0] 假的! 11:03 < [HP]DeemoHarlos> 便當還是一樣嗎? 11:03 < [HP]DeemoHarlos> 海濤無所不在 11:03 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 假的 11:03 < [HP]salagadoola> 法西斯式的管制主義 (只有部署中心的gradle才算數 自己改的都不會生效) 11:03 -!- takeshi [~takeshi@] has joined #coscup 11:03 < Davy_CC> [HP]salagadoola: 用 hub 就看不到 git 了(誤 11:03 < [R0]dz1984> 今年兩個大梗 海濤和神奇寶貝 XD 11:03 -!- takeshi is now known as Takeshi_tw_R0 11:03 -!- asahsieh [~asahsieh@] has joined #coscup 11:04 < [HP]DeemoHarlos> 87分去哪了 11:04 < coscupbot> (jiachengx) 請問unconf的議程可以在哪看? 11:04 < [HP]DeemoHarlos> http://blog.coscup.org/ 11:04 < [HP]DeemoHarlos> 往下拉拉拉 11:04 < lucian> http://blog.coscup.org/2016/08/2016-unconference.html 11:04 -!- BirkhoffLee [~birkhoff@223-140-34-143.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 11:05 < jysun_> R1???????? 11:05 < billy3321> H0講者是爬蟲系!寫一堆爬蟲(誤) 11:05 -!- tititi [~MacWu@] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 11:06 < [HP]DeemoHarlos> 「適度隱藏細節」 11:06 < [HP]DeemoHarlos> 「...有必要時...全部隱藏」 11:06 -!- asilcheng [uid12665@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-xqeqrftfufdqsczo] has joined #coscup 11:06 -!- either [~AndChat27@] has left #coscup ["Leaving"] 11:06 -!- vincentsue [~vincentsu@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 11:07 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> R0 真安靜 11:07 -!- StarNight [~zack@] has quit [Quit: leaving] 11:08 -!- kkpan11 [~kkpan11@] has quit [Read error: No route to host] 11:08 -!- Rogerable [~AndChat55@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 11:08 -!- Takeshi_tw_R0 [~takeshi@] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 11:08 -!- asahsieh [~asahsieh@] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 11:08 -!- rail02000 [~qicruser@114-136-236-109.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 11:08 -!- zhxie [~zhxie@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 11:08 < yan12125> reviewer很機X 譬如某kernel mailing list 11:08 < Ruinland> H1: 某kernel的reviewer一直罵人(ry 11:08 < [R0]dz1984> R0 正在等梗! 11:08 -!- mabinogi_ [~mabinogi8@] has joined #coscup 11:08 -!- pastleo_ [~pastleo@] has joined #coscup 11:08 -!- macpaul [~macpaul@] has quit [Quit: leaving] 11:08 -!- mabinogi80503 [~mabinogi8@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 11:08 < alex_lu> [H1] 「某個kernel mailing list都會移植罵人,然後人就跑掉了」 11:09 -!- windslash2 [~yaaic@] has joined #coscup 11:09 -!- isken [8c6daf4d@gateway/web/cgi-irc/kiwiirc.com/ip.] has quit [Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client] 11:09 -!- kkpan11 [~kkpan11@] has joined #coscup 11:09 -!- Takeshi_tw_R0 [~takeshi@] has joined #coscup 11:09 -!- GhostYang [650c8693@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 11:09 < helios> R0有人睡到打呼了 11:10 -!- GhostYang [31d8a298@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 11:10 < coscupbot> (lucienlo) 卡比獸還不捉 11:10 -!- yutin [~yutin@] has joined #coscup 11:10 < yucheng> 終於抓滿400隻鯉魚王了 11:10 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> ... 11:10 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 要鍊成了? 11:10 -!- rail02000 [~qicruser@114-136-236-109.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Client Quit] 11:11 -!- jimms [8c6d7f04@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 11:11 -!- abctest_cc [8c6d7f06@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 11:11 < [R0]DeweiLi> 切身之快樂 XD 11:11 < tars_w> 不是100多隻就夠了嗎XD 11:11 -!- derekhsu [~derekhsu@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 11:11 -!- windslash [~yaaic@] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds] 11:12 < yucheng> 可是最強才cp100 11:12 < boyofsky> 100隻 11:12 < alex_lu> [H1] 大學生都不用睡覺 11:12 < yan12125> [H1] 大家可以把Github的位置設成南極洲,然後去servo contribute 11:12 -!- isken [8c6daf4d@gateway/web/cgi-irc/kiwiirc.com/ip.] has joined #coscup 11:12 -!- Takeshi_tw [~yi@IP-208-69.cs.nctu.edu.tw] has quit [Quit: leaving] 11:12 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 種花的地方 11:13 -!- dAiNESE [uid12429@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-rwxpeazcrgefbmze] has joined #coscup 11:13 < ernestchiang> 種花的地方 11:13 < float> 客訴轉基地台方向 11:13 -!- ernestchiang [uid180992@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-lyihqvysylfaooro] has quit [] 11:13 -!- Rogerable [~AndChat55@] has joined #coscup 11:13 -!- ernestchiang [uid180992@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-vuzsajuxfujwousf] has joined #coscup 11:14 < [R0]dz1984> 訊號不好都是鄰居的錯 11:14 -!- derekhsu [~derekhsu@] has joined #coscup 11:14 -!- ernestchiang [uid180992@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-vuzsajuxfujwousf] has quit [Client Quit] 11:14 < waeting> 棄守R0 11:14 -!- ernestchiang [uid180992@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-rpxvpwziedngrpmm] has joined #coscup 11:14 -!- nightfeather [~nightfeat@] has joined #coscup 11:14 -!- waeting [~waeting@] has left #coscup [] 11:14 -!- waeting [~waeting@] has joined #coscup 11:15 < barneybook> R1依舊爆滿 11:15 < Takeshi_tw_R0> R0 有點乾..... 11:15 -!- AndChat|163449 [~AndChat16@] has joined #coscup 11:15 -!- freedomtw [~freedom@] has quit [Quit: freedomtw] 11:15 < nightfeather> 喵的 剛剛我重開自己某台 arch 機器就爆炸惹 連不上 QQ 11:15 -!- ernestchiang [uid180992@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-rpxvpwziedngrpmm] has quit [Client Quit] 11:15 -!- bhujmn [uid107022@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-uuohubllxokxlnxy] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 11:15 < coscupbot> (lucienlo) R1兩場感覺都不錯 11:15 -!- ernestchiang [uid180992@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-llhlubjcxsylmqtf] has joined #coscup 11:15 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 有一天被雷打到 ,然後機器壞了(X 11:15 -!- ensky [8c6d7f0b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 11:16 -!- StarNight [~zack@] has joined #coscup 11:16 < barneybook> hubot介紹中 11:16 < dannyAAM> arch重開要小心啊(X 11:16 < boyofsky> MTU很重要啊~ 11:16 < YChao__> [R0] 一般比較少遇到 cellular 11:16 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> \總結? 11:16 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> */ 11:17 < david11014> 夜觀星象 屈指一算 ww 11:17 < [HP]salagadoola> 空拍機玩神奇寶貝的重點 空拍機要選傳統式或數位遙控的 wifi的會互相干擾而且距離也不夠 11:17 -!- yutin [~yutin@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 11:18 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 被搶走ww 11:18 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 然後不做事w 11:18 < david11014> 被搶走惹 XDDD 11:18 < YChao__> debian.org.tw 被大愛徵信社搶走了... 11:18 < j5a6s7o8n> 大愛徵信社… 11:18 < boyofsky> 大愛徵信社 wwwwwwwwwwwwww 11:18 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 大愛真信社www 11:18 < Takeshi_tw_R0> 大愛徵信社...... 11:18 -!- hexpinr [~user@] has joined #coscup 11:18 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> *徵 11:18 < derekhsu> 感謝大家參加unconference,好緊張...XD 11:18 < pupuliao> XD 11:18 < wens> O.o 11:18 < abev66> R2 共筆好空啊 11:18 < wens> ftp.tw.debian.org 也掛了 11:18 < float> domain 被撿走... 11:19 -!- s8321414 [8c6d7fdd@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 11:19 < [R0]dz1984> never live demo 的梗!XD 11:19 < s8321414> wwwww 11:20 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 講三次 11:20 < dannyAAM> ftp.tw.debian.org又掛了啊 11:20 < billy3321> 咦,我被cue了@@ 11:20 < s8321414> R2 共筆都沒人寫QAQ 11:20 < dannyAAM> 哀 我看正常啊OAO 11:21 -!- isken [8c6daf4d@gateway/web/cgi-irc/kiwiirc.com/ip.] has quit [Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client] 11:21 -!- vincentsue [~vincentsu@] has joined #coscup 11:21 -!- [R1]hinet60613 is now known as [R0]hinet60613 11:22 -!- gginin [~androirc@] has joined #coscup 11:22 < iblis17> dannyAAM: ftp.tw.debian.org 用 TANET dig 正常, 會 fail 11:22 < [R0]hinet60613> [R0] 講者: (Live Demo) 嗯? 今天怎麼這麼順利? 11:22 < [R0]DeweiLi> R0 共筆都沒人寫QAQ 11:22 < s8321414> 我這邊看也正常啊 11:22 < tom83615> 種花電信竟然正常 11:22 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> R0 這共筆要怎寫w 11:23 < billy3321> 稍微補充一下,我自己的經驗是看電視新聞比較...呃,比較沒效率一點。真的要追議題,我個人目前比較常看端傳媒、報導者、焦點事件。 11:23 < YChao__> [R0] talk結束 11:24 < david11014> ww 11:24 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 搞一個爛掉了 demo (X 11:24 < pupuliao> 今年題目都好應 11:24 < j5a6s7o8n> R0 用sim卡連線前要先解pin 11:24 < billy3321> 不過公視的有話好說不錯,推薦 11:24 -!- tom83615 [8c6d7f02@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has left #coscup [] 11:24 < billy3321> <(_ _)> 11:24 < dannyAAM> 那我猜DNSSEC又壞了XDDDrz 11:24 < gginin> 上啊線路組 11:24 -!- asahsieh [~asahsieh@] has joined #coscup 11:24 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 今年R0都ininder 11:24 < david11014> 講者要拔天線啦 11:24 < [R0]hinet60613> Live Demo最後被發現是預錄的w 11:24 < YChao__> carrier grade NAT 11:25 < superbil> 飛行很簡單,不上新聞很難 11:25 < [HP]salagadoola> 飛行很簡單 不上新聞很難 xd 11:25 -!- vincentsue [~vincentsu@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 11:25 -!- PichuChe_ [~PichuChen@] has joined #coscup 11:25 < David_c> [H0]以後無人機都要考執照 11:25 -!- [R0] [8c6d7f02@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 11:25 < [HP]salagadoola> 請勿酒駕 11:25 -!- vincentsue [~vincentsu@] has joined #coscup 11:25 < David_c> 酒後請勿駕機 11:26 < [HP]DeemoHarlos> 一不小心就上新聞惹 11:26 < dannyAAM> tw.debian.org的DNSSEC壞xk7 11:26 < dannyAAM> 壞了XDrz 11:26 -!- isken [8c6daf4d@gateway/web/cgi-irc/kiwiirc.com/ip.] has joined #coscup 11:26 -!- lother_m [uid107002@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-lttaancdduwmxzhq] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 11:27 -!- asahsieh [~asahsieh@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 11:27 < dannyAAM> 不對 tw.debian.org整個domain從debian.org上消失了OAO!? 11:27 < [HP]DeemoHarlos> 要玩趕快玩(正在修法)wwwww 11:27 < David_c> [H0]60K罰鍰 11:28 -!- PichuChen [~PichuChen@] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 11:29 -!- [R0] [8c6d7f02@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 11:29 -!- taipeiwu [~AndChat14@] has joined #coscup 11:30 -!- tars_w [~chatzilla@] has quit [Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.92 [Firefox 48.0/20160726073904]] 11:30 -!- Haox [~Haox@] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 11:30 < David_c> [H0]忘記解鎖wwwwww 11:30 < [HP]DeemoHarlos> 手機飛上去前要記得解鎖喔啾咪 11:30 -!- [R0]tom83615 [8c6d7f02@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 11:30 < YChao__> 要連線前要關掉飛行模式喔... XD 11:30 -!- BirkhoffLee [~birkhoff@223-140-34-143.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 11:30 -!- BirkhoffLee is now known as Guest80553 11:31 < [HP]DeemoHarlos> 飛行時關閉飛航模式(?) 11:31 -!- DanSnow [~snow@] has joined #coscup 11:31 -!- kylin [~kylin@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 11:32 -!- zeroplex [~zeroplex@zbla.us] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 11:32 -!- Segno [~segno@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 11:32 -!- gginin [~androirc@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 11:32 -!- ensky [8c6d7f0b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 11:32 -!- Haox [~Haox@] has joined #coscup 11:33 -!- vincentsue [~vincentsu@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 11:33 -!- [R0]knowlet [8c6d7f02@gateway/web/cgi-irc/kiwiirc.com/ip.] has quit [Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client] 11:33 -!- DanSnow [~snow@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 11:33 -!- Darkmore [df89359b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 11:33 -!- yucheng [~yucheng@] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 11:33 < [HP]DeemoHarlos> 我還以為真的要飛起來了Q 11:33 -!- kewang [~kewang@] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 11:34 -!- yutin [~yutin@] has joined #coscup 11:34 < Takeshi_tw_R0> 今年有人架座位表嗎 OuO 11:34 -!- YOGA_www [~IceChat9@] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 11:34 -!- dneif [~dneif@] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds] 11:34 -!- vincentsue [~vincentsu@] has joined #coscup 11:34 < dannyAAM> 好像沒有QQ 11:35 -!- zeroplex [~zeroplex@zbla.us] has joined #coscup 11:35 -!- viewnode [8c6d7f02@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 11:35 < [HP]DeemoHarlos> 孵蛋商業化 11:35 -!- kkpan11 [~kkpan11@] has quit [Quit: Leaving.] 11:35 < [HP]DeemoHarlos> 狂 11:35 -!- Quexint [~textual@] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 11:35 < derekhsu> 租直升機一次 11:36 < derekhsu> 載100隻手機好了 11:36 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> SITCON的攤 都沒人… 11:36 -!- mabinogi_ [~mabinogi8@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 11:36 -!- YuanFu [~yuanfu@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 11:36 -!- jerrywang [~jerrywang@] has joined #coscup 11:36 -!- jerrywang [~jerrywang@] has quit [Client Quit] 11:36 -!- derekhsu [~derekhsu@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 11:36 -!- eric [~eric@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 11:36 < [HP]salagadoola> 發問時間: 如何有效率的把空拍機打下來 11:37 -!- [h2]chusiang [~chusiang@] has joined #coscup 11:37 -!- yolandalin [~yolandali@] has joined #coscup 11:37 < lucian> GPS Jammer ? 11:37 < s8321414> 把遙控器搶走 :P 11:37 < [HP]DeemoHarlos> 干擾遙控器(?) 11:38 -!- chusiang [~chusiang@] has joined #coscup 11:38 -!- vincentsue [~vincentsu@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 11:38 -!- distresslife [8c6d7f02@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 11:38 < [R0]hinet60613> 為什麼今年關於無人機的議程,都會有人問要怎麼把無人機打下來w 11:38 -!- hexpinr [~user@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 11:38 < StarNight> H1 ARM trust zone 11:38 < [HP]salagadoola> 更大的市場 如何去定位無人機 11:38 -!- yutin [~yutin@] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 11:38 < PichuChe_> 飛行系的,看起來要用電器系 11:38 -!- vincentsue [~vincentsu@] has joined #coscup 11:38 -!- [R0]hinet60613 is now known as [R1]hinet60613 11:38 -!- Rogerable [~AndChat55@] has quit [Read error: No route to host] 11:38 -!- vincentsue [~vincentsu@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 11:38 -!- PichuChe_ is now known as PichuChen 11:38 < distresslife> 人文館有大蔥鴨!!!! 11:38 -!- Rogerable [~AndChat55@] has joined #coscup 11:38 < float> 已抓 11:38 -!- vincentsue [~vincentsu@] has joined #coscup 11:39 < abev66> 立刻開 PMGO 11:39 -!- AndChat|401249 [~AndChat40@] has joined #coscup 11:39 -!- AndChat401249 [~AndChat40@223-140-111-190.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 11:39 -!- mabinogi80503 [~mabinogi8@] has joined #coscup 11:40 -!- Darkmore [df89359b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 11:40 -!- derjohng [caa9ad86@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 11:40 -!- windslash2 [~yaaic@] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 11:40 -!- jianiau [~jimmy@] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 11:40 -!- threelines [~threeline@] has joined #coscup 11:40 < abev66> 為什麼我只看到派拉斯 QQ 11:40 -!- rogerable5566 [~AndChat55@] has joined #coscup 11:40 -!- danlu [~danlu@] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 11:41 -!- AndChat|401249 [~AndChat40@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 11:41 -!- aaassss [df8946ee@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 11:41 -!- yu [8c6d7f0b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 11:41 -!- viewnode [8c6daf4c@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 11:41 -!- Quexint [~textual@] has joined #coscup 11:41 -!- shigurefox [~shigurefo@] has quit [Quit: shigurefox] 11:42 < david11014> 派拉斯 +1 11:42 < boyofsky> 派拉斯+2 QQ 11:43 -!- AndChat401249 [~AndChat40@] has joined #coscup 11:43 -!- Rogerable [~AndChat55@] has quit [Ping timeout: 258 seconds] 11:43 -!- QQ [~androirc@223-136-182-136.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 11:43 -!- kkpan11 [~kkpan11@] has joined #coscup 11:43 -!- mabinogi80503 [~mabinogi8@] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 11:43 -!- derekhsu [~derekhsu@] has joined #coscup 11:44 < david11014> 出現可達鴨 11:44 -!- goldie-lin [~goldie@] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 11:44 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 講者自拍 11:44 -!- rogerable5566 [~AndChat55@] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 11:45 -!- tars_w [~chatzilla@] has joined #coscup 11:45 < Ruinland> 剛剛Uncof的ProbeDroid的slide網址有人有存到嗎QQ 11:45 -!- asahsieh_ [~asahsieh@] has joined #coscup 11:45 < [R0]dz1984> R0 改挑軟的吃了! 11:45 -!- tiwb [~tiwb@] has joined #coscup 11:45 -!- hexpinr [~user@] has joined #coscup 11:45 -!- Sakamoto_ [uid106911@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-ebodndxrosxcqevg] has joined #coscup 11:45 < tars_w> R2 開始囉 11:45 < tonyhusky> R2 主持人好嗨 11:46 -!- dneif [~dneif@] has joined #coscup 11:46 -!- Segno [~segno@] has joined #coscup 11:46 -!- shawnlin [~raspi@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 11:46 < waeting> R0從硬硬der變軟軟der了 11:46 -!- eric [~eric@] has joined #coscup 11:46 < [HP]DeemoHarlos> slideshare沒東西?QQ 11:46 < waeting> 欸!迷你龍欸 11:46 -!- JethroYu [uid27569@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-kbrbleujoswdkfxo] has joined #coscup 11:47 < zeroplex> R2:要馬好,又馬兒不吃草 11:47 < tonyhusky> R2 共筆是不是沒有標題? 11:47 < abev66> 寶貝球丟完了QQ 11:47 -!- chiehyou [~chiehyou@alumni.cs.nctu.edu.tw] has joined #coscup 11:47 -!- yu [8c6d7f0b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 11:47 < TigerHua1g> clear 11:47 -!- Jeremy850407 [~androirc@] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 11:48 -!- Jeremy850407 [~androirc@] has joined #coscup 11:48 -!- asahsieh_ [~asahsieh@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 11:48 -!- davihuan_david [~AndChat62@114-136-138-222.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 11:48 -!- windslash [~yaaic@] has joined #coscup 11:48 -!- coldsleep [uid175522@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-ibfvfaetuazehwtq] has joined #coscup 11:48 < waeting> 5G願景感覺好嗨 11:48 < s8321414> wwww 11:48 -!- derekhsu [~derekhsu@] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 11:48 -!- shigurefox [~shigurefo@] has joined #coscup 11:48 -!- TigerHua1g is now known as TigerHuang 11:48 < David_c> [R0]5G趕快來,這樣高鐵網路會好一點。 11:49 < Ruinland> http://www.slideshare.net/ZongShenShen/probedroid-crafting-your-own-dynamic-instrument-tool-on-android-for-app-behavior-exploration 11:49 < boyofsky> 5G規格都還沒統一啊... 11:49 -!- kylin [~kylin@] has joined #coscup 11:49 -!- derekhsu [~AndChat48@] has joined #coscup 11:49 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 封包loss 然後肚子就多一個洞(X 11:49 -!- derjohng [caa9ad86@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 11:49 < davihuan_david> 呀? 11:49 < ernestchiang> R0 開腸破肚 11:50 < waeting> R0 切到不該切的地方 11:50 -!- FrankWu [~FrankWu@] has joined #coscup 11:50 < davihuan_david> 什麼? 11:50 -!- chusiang [~chusiang@] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds] 11:50 < [HP]DeemoHarlos> 那個網址點進去空白 11:50 -!- [h2]chusiang [~chusiang@] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 11:50 -!- bz [~bz@223-137-143-108.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 11:50 -!- elvismetaphor [8c6daf4d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 11:50 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 網址點進去 有東西啊? 11:50 < StarNight> H1 library自己寫 cout要幾個就可以有幾個 XDDD 11:51 < tars_w> R2 雅虎紫不太適合用來投影... 11:51 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 皮卡丘w 11:51 < David_c> [R0]老皮亂入 11:51 < david11014> 有人聲音沒關 PMGO 11:51 -!- chusiang [~chusiang@] has joined #coscup 11:51 < ernestchiang> 皮卡丘出沒 R0 11:51 < derekhsu> 這位 11:51 -!- [h2]chusiang [~chusiang@] has joined #coscup 11:51 < darkgerm2> r0 有皮卡丘 11:51 < tiwb> nick [R1]tiwb 11:51 -!- [R0]knowlet [8c6d7f02@gateway/web/cgi-irc/kiwiirc.com/ip.] has joined #coscup 11:51 < Takeshi_tw_R0> R0 有皮卡丘 wwww 11:52 -!- tiwb is now known as [R1]tiwb 11:52 < derekhsu> 這次的投影機黑底都有夠慘 11:52 < elvismetaphor> 想去 RO 聽講了 11:52 < Takeshi_tw_R0> BTW, R0 投影片 http://www.slideshare.net/ChiahanWu/opensource5g 11:52 < chiehyou> R0 好生動 11:52 -!- yolandalin [~yolandali@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 11:52 -!- rail02000 [~qicruser@114-136-236-109.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 11:52 -!- yolandalin [~yolandali@] has joined #coscup 11:52 < [R0]DeweiLi> http://www.slideshare.net/ZongShenShen/probedroid-crafting-your-own-dynamic-instrument-tool-on-android-for-app-behavior-exploration?ref=http://www.slideshare.net/ZongShenShen/slideshelf 11:52 -!- Jeremy850407 [~androirc@] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 11:52 < ernestchiang> R0 大家連 11:52 -!- Jeremy850407 [~androirc@] has joined #coscup 11:53 -!- Guest80553 [~birkhoff@223-140-34-143.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Quit: leaving] 11:53 -!- yucheng [~yucheng@] has joined #coscup 11:53 -!- Rogerable [~AndChat55@] has joined #coscup 11:53 < darkgerm2> R0 投影片好有趣 11:53 -!- viewnode [8c6daf4c@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 11:53 -!- linc01n [~linc01n@n220246201192.netvigator.com] has quit [Quit: Leaving...] 11:54 -!- Haox [~Haox@] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 11:55 -!- elvismetaphor [8c6daf4d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Client Quit] 11:55 -!- rail02000 [~qicruser@114-136-236-109.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Client Quit] 11:55 -!- elvismetaphor [8c6daf4d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 11:55 -!- asahsieh [~asahsieh@] has joined #coscup 11:55 -!- rail02000 [~qicruser@114-136-236-109.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 11:56 < StarNight> H1 在魯蛇模式,就找些事來做 11:56 -!- yongjhih [~yongjhih@] has joined #coscup 11:56 -!- AndChat|163449 [~AndChat16@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 11:57 -!- Jeremy850407 [~androirc@] has quit [Ping timeout: 258 seconds] 11:57 < kkpan11> Yahoo作open source要去Y化...www 11:57 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> www 11:57 < barneybook> [R1] 嘴砲治天下 11:58 < barneybook> [R1] 三千次訴訟凌遲 11:58 -!- Jeremy850407 [~androirc@] has joined #coscup 11:58 -!- [R0]buck5060 [~buck5060@158-206.dorm.ncu.edu.tw] has joined #coscup 11:58 < coscupbot> (lucienlo) [R1] 什麼十萬伏特,吃我三千訴訟拉 11:58 -!- asahsieh [~asahsieh@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 11:59 -!- yutin [~yutin@] has joined #coscup 11:59 -!- yutin [~yutin@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 11:59 -!- yutin [~yutin@] has joined #coscup 11:59 -!- mosu_ [8c6daf4f@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 12:00 -!- AndChat|163449 [~AndChat16@] has joined #coscup 12:01 -!- veloci85 [~Thunderbi@] has joined #coscup 12:01 < Davy_CC> [H0] 跟上一場的圖完全不一樣啊XDDDDDD 12:01 -!- shawnlin [~raspi@] has joined #coscup 12:02 -!- QQ [~androirc@223-136-182-136.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Quit: AndroIRC - Android IRC Client ( http://www.androirc.com )] 12:02 -!- mTwTm [76a37ffa@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 12:02 -!- Jeremy850407 [~androirc@] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 12:02 -!- l0g_pcchou_b0t [~cinch@srv.pcchou.me] has joined #coscup 12:02 -!- QQ [~androirc@223-136-182-136.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 12:02 -!- QQ [~androirc@223-136-182-136.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Client Quit] 12:02 -!- [R0]buck5060 [~buck5060@158-206.dorm.ncu.edu.tw] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 12:02 -!- Jeremy850407 [~androirc@] has joined #coscup 12:03 -!- mosu_ [8c6daf4f@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 12:03 < tonyhusky> [R2] 在 readme.me 裡面有列出苦主,可以上去跟苦主許願 12:03 -!- kewang [~kewang@] has joined #coscup 12:03 -!- [R0]buck5060 [~buck5060@158-206.dorm.ncu.edu.tw] has joined #coscup 12:04 -!- yongjhih [~yongjhih@] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 12:04 -!- QQ [~androirc@223-136-182-136.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 12:04 -!- QQ [~androirc@223-136-182-136.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Client Quit] 12:04 < [R0]dz1984> 加開 VM 提高處理? 12:04 -!- QQ [~androirc@223-136-182-136.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 12:04 -!- QQ [~androirc@223-136-182-136.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Client Quit] 12:04 -!- QQ [~androirc@223-136-182-136.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 12:04 -!- QQ [~androirc@223-136-182-136.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Client Quit] 12:05 -!- QQ [~androirc@223-136-182-136.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 12:05 -!- QQ [~androirc@223-136-182-136.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Client Quit] 12:05 < waeting> 不吵架沒有利益阿 12:05 -!- yongjhih [~yongjhih@] has joined #coscup 12:06 < StarNight> H1 Raspberry Pi的開機流程解說中 12:06 -!- QQ [~androirc@223-136-182-136.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 12:06 -!- QQ [~androirc@223-136-182-136.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Client Quit] 12:06 -!- QQ [~androirc@223-136-182-136.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 12:06 -!- QQ [~androirc@223-136-182-136.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Client Quit] 12:06 < Takeshi_tw_R0> [R0]dz1984: 應該說,增加處理資源 12:06 -!- chusiang [~chusiang@] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 12:06 -!- asahsieh [~asahsieh@] has joined #coscup 12:06 -!- QQ [~androirc@223-136-182-136.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 12:06 -!- QQ [~androirc@223-136-182-136.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Client Quit] 12:06 -!- [h2]chusiang [~chusiang@] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 12:06 -!- QQ [~androirc@223-136-182-136.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 12:06 -!- QQ [~androirc@223-136-182-136.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Client Quit] 12:07 -!- QQ [~androirc@223-136-182-136.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 12:07 -!- QQ [~androirc@223-136-182-136.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Client Quit] 12:07 < ernestchiang> R0 不在國際組織吵架之後,好奇那未來的 constraints 轉移到誰身上去 12:07 < Takeshi_tw_R0> 怎麼有人一直斷線的感覺 XD 12:07 < StarNight> H4 Raspberry Pi的開機流程解說中 12:07 -!- s8321414 [8c6d7fdd@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has left #coscup [] 12:07 -!- QQ [~androirc@223-136-182-136.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 12:07 -!- QQ [~androirc@223-136-182-136.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Client Quit] 12:08 < yucheng> QQ真的QQ了 12:08 -!- AndChat401249 [~AndChat40@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 12:08 -!- AndChat|401249 [~AndChat40@] has joined #coscup 12:09 -!- [R0]knowlet [8c6d7f02@gateway/web/cgi-irc/kiwiirc.com/ip.] has quit [Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client] 12:09 -!- elvismetaphor [8c6daf4d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed] 12:09 < veloci85> 幫QQ QQ (?) 12:09 -!- [R0]knowlet [8c6d7f02@gateway/web/cgi-irc/kiwiirc.com/ip.] has joined #coscup 12:09 < pupuliao> QQ 12:09 < ernestchiang> R0 主持人本來想問這一題的,但講者已經公佈答案了 XD 12:09 < shawnlin> H4 bare metal .... 12:10 -!- QQ [~androirc@223-136-182-136.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 12:10 -!- QQ [~androirc@223-136-182-136.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Client Quit] 12:10 < chihhsin> R0 是我眼花嗎,那是 VIM Management System? 12:10 < chihhsin> XD 12:10 -!- QQ [~androirc@223-136-182-136.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 12:10 < dannyAAM> 竟然是rPi的開機流程嗎w 12:10 < Davy_CC> [H0] 講者怎麼拿 Golang 跟 Laravel Babel Rails 來比較專案目錄結構啊…… 12:10 < shawnlin> rpi boot step 資料超少的阿 12:11 -!- Jeremy850407 [~androirc@] has quit [Ping timeout: 258 seconds] 12:11 < Davy_CC> pip 跟 gem 也都沒有限制目錄結構啊 12:11 -!- QQ [~androirc@223-136-182-136.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Client Quit] 12:11 -!- Jeremy850407 [~androirc@] has joined #coscup 12:11 -!- [h2]chusiang [~chusiang@] has joined #coscup 12:11 -!- chusiang [~chusiang@] has joined #coscup 12:11 < Rogerable> [H0] =/=怎打o_O 12:12 -!- Jeremy850407 [~androirc@] has quit [Read error: No route to host] 12:12 -!- Jeremy850407 [~androirc@] has joined #coscup 12:12 -!- Tsundere_cloud [uid102719@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-pzqlxynhqsefcfwu] has joined #coscup 12:12 -!- [R0]buck5060 [~buck5060@158-206.dorm.ncu.edu.tw] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 12:12 -!- kizax [2a4bd661@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 12:12 -!- [R0]buck5060 [~buck5060@158-206.dorm.ncu.edu.tw] has joined #coscup 12:13 < [HP]salagadoola> 這只是假想實驗 是假的 12:13 < dannyAAM> XD 12:13 -!- goldie-lin [~goldie@] has joined #coscup 12:14 -!- FrankWu [~FrankWu@] has quit [Quit: Textual IRC Client: www.textualapp.com] 12:14 -!- QQ [~androirc@223-136-182-136.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 12:14 -!- derekhsu [~AndChat48@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 12:14 -!- derekhsu [~AndChat48@] has joined #coscup 12:15 -!- kkpan11_ [~Mutter@] has joined #coscup 12:15 < dannyAAM> 資料確實不多 12:15 -!- shiyating [uid38399@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-zwsaklwppnhymsyx] has joined #coscup 12:15 < david11014> 看於逆流而上 12:16 < yucheng> 大家都是鮭魚分母 12:16 < dannyAAM> 不過baremental是哪招啊OOAOO 12:17 < tonyhusky> [R2] 原力覺醒啦! 12:17 < Segno> 光劍出現啦! 12:17 -!- windslash [~yaaic@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 12:17 < Takeshi_tw_R0> Rogerable: ≠≠≠≠≠≠ 這個 ? 12:17 < [R0]dz1984> 成功 Open Source 專案要素是要大家都遇到共同問題,而且解法又沒什麼利益 12:17 < tars_w> R2 出現光劍XD 12:17 < [HP]DeemoHarlos> 標準法文www 12:18 -!- threelines [~threeline@] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 12:18 -!- windslash [~yaaic@] has joined #coscup 12:18 < [HP]salagadoola> 眾人拍手www 12:18 < Davy_CC> [H0] 終於回來 microservice 了XD 12:18 -!- FelixLin [8c6d7f02@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 12:18 < [HP]DeemoHarlos> 香蕉(X) 相交(O) 12:18 < ernestchiang> 預告 5G 碎片化? 12:18 < david11014> 外面好熱鬧 是在發便當了嗎 12:18 < [HP]salagadoola> 看有沒有香蕉的情況... 香蕉不是那個banana.... 相切的情況 12:19 < lego> bandon!! 12:19 < [HP]DeemoHarlos> 挑戰義大利文失敗 12:19 < Takeshi_tw_R0> 香蕉(J)相交(X)平行(=) 12:19 < [HP]DeemoHarlos> 樓上ww 12:19 -!- [R0]knowlet [8c6d7f02@gateway/web/cgi-irc/kiwiirc.com/ip.] has quit [Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client] 12:19 < Takeshi_tw_R0> XD 12:19 < Takeshi_tw_R0> 是說,便當開始發了? 12:20 < shawnlin> bare metal 好熱血阿! 12:20 < PichuChen> Bitcoin和支付寶的差別 12:20 < QQ> 好餓QQ 12:20 < shawnlin> 很容易一不小心就破解某些東西了 12:20 < yucheng> QQ好餓 幫QQ 12:20 < mTwTm> QQ 12:20 < shawnlin> qq 12:21 < kylin> QQ餓了 12:21 < [R0]dz1984> 5G 是大融通 時代 (誤) 12:21 -!- AndChat401249 [~AndChat40@223-140-111-190.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 12:21 < tonyhusky> 幫QQ 12:21 < Takeshi_tw_R0> QQ 12:21 < ernestchiang> Network Softwarization 12:21 -!- isken [8c6daf4d@gateway/web/cgi-irc/kiwiirc.com/ip.] has quit [Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client] 12:22 -!- Haox [~Haox@] has joined #coscup 12:22 < Takeshi_tw_R0> 如果大家手機都沒靜音,然後 COSCUP 官方發 notification 會發生什麼事情? XD 12:22 -!- [R0]knowlet [8c6d7f02@gateway/web/cgi-irc/kiwiirc.com/ip.] has joined #coscup 12:22 -!- AndChat401249 [~AndChat40@223-140-111-190.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 12:22 < waeting> 講者會被interrupt 12:22 -!- Rogerable [~AndChat55@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 12:22 -!- AndChat-401249 [~AndChat40@] has joined #coscup 12:22 -!- AndChat-401249 [~AndChat40@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 12:22 -!- AndChat401249 [~AndChat40@] has joined #coscup 12:22 < [HP]DeemoHarlos> HX 和 RX的便當一樣嗎 12:22 -!- Rogerable [~AndChat55@] has joined #coscup 12:23 < [HP]DeemoHarlos> (<=大吃貨 12:23 < Takeshi_tw_R0> Network 發展了幾十年,才相當於當初電腦開始發展這樣.. 12:23 < chiehyou> 6G 呢 (誤 12:23 -!- AndChat401249 [~AndChat40@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 12:23 < david11014> RX 和TX 12:23 < boyofsky> 昨天RX的便當好像就有兩種噎 12:23 -!- jimms [8c6d7f04@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 12:23 < shawnlin> gg+gg = 4g 12:23 -!- AndChat401249 [~AndChat40@] has joined #coscup 12:23 -!- kkpan11_ [~Mutter@] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 12:23 < shawnlin> 6g = gg +4g 12:23 < shawnlin> 4g gg = 6g 12:24 -!- hexpinr [~user@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 12:24 < dannyAAM> w 12:24 < [R0]tom83615> R0 早上兩場都好學術 12:24 < [R0]dz1984> agree 12:24 < Takeshi_tw_R0> 想了解 SDN,歡迎大家加入台灣 SDN 開發者社群 !! (http://sdnds.tw) 12:24 < Ruinland> SETI : senpai, notice me !!!!! 12:24 -!- hortune [caa9ad86@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed] 12:24 < [R0]dz1984> 值得聽! 12:24 < superbil> HP 有人有一起找過外星人嗎 o_o/ 12:24 -!- yan12125 [~yen@] has quit [Quit: leaving] 12:24 < waeting> 覺得頭痛痛 12:24 -!- AndChat|401249 [~AndChat40@] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 12:24 -!- abev66 [~AndChat46@223-140-32-41.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 258 seconds] 12:25 -!- taipeiwu [~AndChat14@] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 12:25 -!- yutin [~yutin@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 12:25 -!- vincents_ [~vincentsu@] has joined #coscup 12:25 -!- kylin [~kylin@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 12:25 -!- AndChat401249 [~AndChat40@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 12:25 -!- [R0]knowlet [8c6d7f02@gateway/web/cgi-irc/kiwiirc.com/ip.] has quit [Client Quit] 12:25 -!- Takeshi_tw_R0 [~takeshi@] has quit [Quit: Lost terminal] 12:25 -!- bz [~bz@223-137-143-108.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 12:25 < mTwTm> 軟軟的 XD 12:26 -!- mp607 [~mp607@] has quit [Quit: mp607] 12:26 -!- [R0]DeweiLi [~deweili@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 12:26 < chiehyou> 領便當 12:26 -!- Haox [~Haox@] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 12:26 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 領便當 12:26 -!- vincents_ [~vincentsu@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 12:26 -!- shigurefox [~shigurefo@] has quit [Quit: shigurefox] 12:26 -!- AndChat-163449 [~AndChat16@42-66-54-35.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 12:27 -!- infate [~infate@] has quit [Quit: Bye] 12:27 -!- [R0]DeweiLi [~deweili@] has joined #coscup 12:27 -!- [R0]DeweiLi [~deweili@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 12:27 -!- asahsieh [~asahsieh@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 12:27 < Ruinland> [HP] http://atlasathome.cern.ch/ 12:27 -!- shawnlin [~raspi@] has quit [Quit: leaving] 12:27 -!- goldielin [~goldie-li@] has joined #coscup 12:28 -!- vincentsue [~vincentsu@] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 12:28 -!- AndChat|114816 [~AndChat11@223-140-251-187.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 12:28 -!- mTwTm [76a37ffa@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed] 12:28 -!- DanLu [~AndChat11@] has joined #coscup 12:28 -!- eric [~eric@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 12:28 -!- PichuChen [~PichuChen@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 12:28 -!- [R1]tiwb [~tiwb@] has quit [Quit: leaving] 12:28 -!- goldielin [~goldie-li@] has left #coscup [] 12:28 -!- kewang [~kewang@] has quit [Ping timeout: 258 seconds] 12:28 -!- pupuliao [8c6d7f02@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 12:29 -!- goldielin [~goldie-li@] has joined #coscup 12:29 -!- pascal_ [8c6d7f08@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 12:29 -!- yutin [~yutin@] has joined #coscup 12:29 -!- SCWhite [caa9ad86@gateway/web/cgi-irc/kiwiirc.com/ip.] has quit [Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client] 12:29 -!- AndChat|163449 [~AndChat16@] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 12:29 -!- dneif [~dneif@] has quit [Ping timeout: 258 seconds] 12:29 -!- QQ [~androirc@223-136-182-136.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 12:29 -!- threelines [~threeline@] has joined #coscup 12:29 -!- threelines [~threeline@] has quit [Client Quit] 12:30 -!- z956 [~z956@] has quit [Quit: leaving] 12:30 -!- cartertsai [~cartertsa@] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 12:30 -!- Quexint [~textual@] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 12:30 -!- QQ [~androirc@223-136-182-136.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 12:30 -!- QQ [~androirc@223-136-182-136.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Client Quit] 12:30 -!- goldielin [~goldie-li@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 12:30 -!- AndChat-163449 [~AndChat16@42-66-54-35.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 12:30 -!- AndChat|482736 [~AndChat48@] has joined #coscup 12:30 -!- goldielin [~goldie-li@114-136-100-178.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 12:31 -!- yu [8c6d7f0b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 12:31 -!- [R0]tom83615 [8c6d7f02@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 12:31 -!- AndChat|482736 [~AndChat48@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 12:31 -!- QQ [~androirc@223-136-182-136.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 12:31 -!- QQ [~androirc@223-136-182-136.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Client Quit] 12:31 -!- mosu_ [8c6daf4f@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 12:31 -!- GhostYang [31d8a298@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 12:31 -!- [R0]dz1984 [caa9ad86@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 12:31 -!- AndChat|482736 [~AndChat48@] has joined #coscup 12:31 -!- QQ [~androirc@223-136-182-136.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 12:31 -!- QQ [~androirc@223-136-182-136.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Client Quit] 12:32 -!- QQ [~androirc@] has joined #coscup 12:32 -!- QQ [~androirc@] has quit [Client Quit] 12:32 -!- QQ [~androirc@] has joined #coscup 12:32 -!- QQ [~androirc@] has quit [Client Quit] 12:32 -!- lego [~lego@] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 12:32 -!- setuna0625 [8c6d7f0b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 12:32 -!- veloci85 [~Thunderbi@] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds] 12:32 -!- QQ [~androirc@] has joined #coscup 12:32 -!- QQ [~androirc@] has quit [Client Quit] 12:32 -!- StarNight [~zack@] has quit [Quit: leaving] 12:32 -!- goldielin [~goldie-li@114-136-100-178.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 12:33 -!- derekhsu [~AndChat48@] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds] 12:33 -!- tars_w [~chatzilla@] has quit [Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.92 [Firefox 48.0/20160726073904]] 12:33 -!- goldielin [~goldie-li@] has joined #coscup 12:33 -!- yolandalin [~yolandali@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 12:33 -!- waeting [~waeting@] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 12:33 -!- goldie-lin [~goldie@] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 12:33 -!- yutin [~yutin@] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 12:33 -!- kkpan11 [~kkpan11@] has quit [Quit: Leaving.] 12:33 -!- Segno [~segno@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 12:34 -!- stanely [~smuxi@] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 12:34 -!- goldie-lin [~goldie@] has joined #coscup 12:34 -!- AndChat|114816 [~AndChat11@223-140-251-187.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 12:35 -!- [HP]salagadoola [df898cdf@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 12:36 -!- AndChat|482736 [~AndChat48@] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 12:37 <@bobchao> 話說,今天有沒有人看到昨天 workshop 的講者 takeshi 啊 12:37 -!- DanLu [~AndChat11@] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 12:38 -!- goldie [~goldie-li@114-136-100-178.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 12:38 -!- [R0]buck5060 [~buck5060@158-206.dorm.ncu.edu.tw] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 12:38 -!- [R0]buck5060 [~buck5060@158-206.dorm.ncu.edu.tw] has joined #coscup 12:39 -!- YMHuang1 [~holoirc@] has joined #coscup 12:39 -!- goldie-lin [~goldie@] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 12:39 -!- windslash [~yaaic@] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 12:39 -!- j4ck50n [uid110064@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-zjehedbqwolbfpcd] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 12:39 -!- chusiang [~chusiang@] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 12:39 -!- YMHuang1 [~holoirc@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 12:40 -!- [h2]chusiang [~chusiang@] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 12:40 -!- yongjhih [~yongjhih@] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds] 12:40 -!- yutin [~yutin@] has joined #coscup 12:41 -!- YMHuang [~holoirc@] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 12:41 -!- Rogerable [~AndChat55@] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 12:41 -!- goldielin [~goldie-li@] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 12:42 -!- starship2518 [8c6d7f0b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 12:42 -!- chusiang [~chusiang@] has joined #coscup 12:42 -!- [h2]chusiang [~chusiang@] has joined #coscup 12:43 -!- ggininder_ [uid123879@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-esiwlaqfesppjmsq] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 12:43 -!- lafin [uid44779@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-uyrkykihosxhrhut] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 12:45 -!- yutin [~yutin@] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 12:45 -!- waeting [~waeting@] has joined #coscup 12:46 < hlb> 今年 lightning talk 有神奇寶貝嗎~ 12:46 -!- [R0]buck5060 [~buck5060@158-206.dorm.ncu.edu.tw] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 12:46 -!- descend [uid116330@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-irlbkpthkedstwvj] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 12:47 -!- [R0]buck5060 [~buck5060@158-206.dorm.ncu.edu.tw] has joined #coscup 12:47 -!- freedomtw [~freedom@] has joined #coscup 12:48 -!- [R0]DeweiLi [~deweili@] has joined #coscup 12:48 -!- [R0]DeweiLi [~deweili@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 12:48 -!- [R0]DeweiLi [~deweili@] has joined #coscup 12:48 -!- davihuan_david [~AndChat62@114-136-138-222.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 12:49 -!- AndChat401249 [~AndChat40@223-140-111-190.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 12:49 -!- hexpinr [~user@] has joined #coscup 12:49 -!- AndChat|626096 [~AndChat62@114-136-138-222.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 12:50 -!- [R0]DeweiLi [~deweili@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 12:50 -!- waeting [~waeting@] has left #coscup [] 12:50 -!- waeting [~waeting@] has joined #coscup 12:50 -!- [R0]DeweiLi [~deweili@] has joined #coscup 12:51 < waeting> 等你投 12:52 -!- chusiang [~chusiang@] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 12:52 -!- AndChat401249 [~AndChat40@223-140-111-190.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 12:52 -!- [h2]chusiang [~chusiang@] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds] 12:52 -!- SCWhite [caa9ad86@gateway/web/cgi-irc/kiwiirc.com/ip.] has joined #coscup 12:52 -!- [R0]buck5060 [~buck5060@158-206.dorm.ncu.edu.tw] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 12:53 -!- [R0]buck5060 [~buck5060@158-206.dorm.ncu.edu.tw] has joined #coscup 12:55 -!- [R0]DeweiLi [~deweili@] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 12:55 -!- YMHuang [~holoirc@] has joined #coscup 12:56 < freedomtw> [HP] (unconf) slide deck for 13:30, http://www.slideshare.net/kstan2/so-c-idle-for-unconf-coscup-2016 12:56 -!- freedomtw [~freedom@] has quit [Quit: freedomtw] 12:56 -!- Segno [~segno@] has joined #coscup 12:56 -!- Segno [~segno@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 12:57 -!- davihuan_david [~AndChat62@] has joined #coscup 12:57 -!- AndChat|626096 [~AndChat62@114-136-138-222.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 12:57 -!- QQ [~androirc@223-136-182-136.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 12:57 -!- QQ [~androirc@223-136-182-136.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Client Quit] 12:58 -!- goldie-lin [~goldie-li@] has joined #coscup 12:58 -!- goldie [~goldie-li@114-136-100-178.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 12:58 -!- [R0]buck5060 [~buck5060@158-206.dorm.ncu.edu.tw] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 12:58 -!- QQ [~androirc@223-136-182-136.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 12:58 -!- QQ [~androirc@223-136-182-136.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Client Quit] 12:58 -!- [R0]buck5060 [~buck5060@158-206.dorm.ncu.edu.tw] has joined #coscup 12:58 -!- [R0]DeweiLi [~deweili@] has joined #coscup 12:59 -!- yutin [~yutin@] has joined #coscup 12:59 -!- Segno [~segno@] has joined #coscup 13:00 -!- pastleo_ [~pastleo@] has quit [Quit: leaving] 13:00 -!- DanSnow [~snow@] has joined #coscup 13:01 < SCWhite> YO~ 13:02 -!- QQ [~androirc@] has joined #coscup 13:02 -!- Segno_ [~segno@] has joined #coscup 13:02 < ETBlue> R1 下午第二場議程「Debater 辯論家:網路筆戰大亂鬥」全程照稿演出,想聽的的人不用到場,直接點進去投影片,搭配 notes 欄位閱讀即可 https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1RxJxZ_HAWZkDNIy9y2UZPZ3M7oNIxcdLJd6UzIO9egc/edit?usp=sharing 13:02 -!- c8763 [~androirc@] has joined #coscup 13:02 -!- kylin [~kylin@] has joined #coscup 13:03 -!- [R0]tom83615 [8c6d7f02@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 13:03 -!- YMHuang1 [~holoirc@] has joined #coscup 13:03 -!- stanely [~smuxi@] has joined #coscup 13:04 -!- YMHuang [~holoirc@] has quit [Ping timeout: 258 seconds] 13:04 -!- davihuan_david [~AndChat62@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 13:04 -!- [R0]buck5060 [~buck5060@158-206.dorm.ncu.edu.tw] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 13:04 -!- AndChat|626096 [~AndChat62@] has joined #coscup 13:05 -!- [R0]buck5060 [~buck5060@158-206.dorm.ncu.edu.tw] has joined #coscup 13:05 -!- Segno [~segno@] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 13:05 -!- lego [~lego@] has joined #coscup 13:05 -!- Segno_ [~segno@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 13:06 -!- dneif [~dneif@] has joined #coscup 13:07 -!- YMHuang [~holoirc@] has joined #coscup 13:07 -!- YMHuang1 [~holoirc@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 13:07 -!- [R0]tom83615 [8c6d7f02@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 13:08 -!- YMHuang1 [~holoirc@] has joined #coscup 13:08 -!- wens [wens@mirror2.csie.ntu.edu.tw] has left #coscup [] 13:09 -!- yucheng [~yucheng@] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds] 13:09 -!- c8763 [~androirc@] has quit [Read error: No route to host] 13:10 -!- QQ [~androirc@] has quit [Read error: No route to host] 13:10 -!- mosu_ [8c6d7f0b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 13:10 -!- mabinogi80503 [~mabinogi8@] has joined #coscup 13:11 -!- [R0]buck5060 [~buck5060@158-206.dorm.ncu.edu.tw] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 13:11 -!- cwhwillie [~androirc@223-137-52-223.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 13:11 -!- [R0]buck5060 [~buck5060@158-206.dorm.ncu.edu.tw] has joined #coscup 13:11 -!- veloci85 [~Thunderbi@] has joined #coscup 13:11 -!- YMHuang [~holoirc@] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 13:11 -!- s3131212 [uid155933@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-gyfdvsoeilkikgcb] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 13:11 -!- eric [~eric@] has joined #coscup 13:13 -!- davhuan_david_x2 [8c6daf4c@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 13:13 -!- Zack__ [uid18825@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-pwcdjeucuoojvios] has joined #coscup 13:13 -!- waeting [~waeting@] has left #coscup [] 13:13 -!- waeting [~waeting@] has joined #coscup 13:13 -!- waeting [~waeting@] has left #coscup [] 13:14 -!- waeting [~waeting@] has joined #coscup 13:14 -!- mosu_ [8c6d7f0b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 13:15 -!- AndChat401249 [~AndChat40@] has joined #coscup 13:15 -!- mabinogi80503 [~mabinogi8@] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds] 13:15 -!- bathroom [8c6d7f02@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 13:15 -!- DanSnow [~snow@] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 13:16 -!- derjohng [caa9ad86@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 13:16 -!- pupuliao [8c6d7f0d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 13:16 < davhuan_david_x2> test 13:17 < waeting> 卡蒂狗耶 13:17 -!- bz [~bz@223-137-143-108.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 13:17 -!- tars_w [~chatzilla@] has joined #coscup 13:17 -!- shigurefox [~shigurefo@] has joined #coscup 13:18 -!- salagadoola [df898cdf@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 13:18 -!- waeting is now known as LCL 13:18 -!- shigurefox [~shigurefo@] has quit [Client Quit] 13:18 -!- u10313335_phone [~hermes@] has joined #coscup 13:18 -!- u10313335_phone [~hermes@] has quit [Client Quit] 13:18 -!- LCL is now known as iostream 13:19 < AndChat|626096> test 13:19 -!- iostream [~waeting@] has left #coscup [] 13:19 -!- salagadoola is now known as [HP]salagadoola 13:19 -!- kewang [~kewang@] has joined #coscup 13:19 -!- waeting [~waeting@] has joined #coscup 13:20 -!- shigurefox [~shigurefo@] has joined #coscup 13:20 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> - - 13:20 -!- yu [8c6d7f0b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 13:20 -!- DanSnow [~snow@] has joined #coscup 13:21 < David_c> [R1]去年錯過去台南變去泰國的笑點,今年的不知道會是怎樣呢? 13:21 -!- AndChat|626096 is now known as davihuan_david 13:21 -!- yan12125 [~yen@] has joined #coscup 13:21 -!- goldielin [~goldie-li@114-136-100-178.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 13:22 -!- kkpan11 [~kkpan11@] has joined #coscup 13:22 -!- bathroom [8c6d7f02@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed] 13:22 -!- nightfeather [~nightfeat@] has quit [Quit: leaving] 13:23 -!- fntsrCloud [uid16354@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-suigmcpkyxjhmtnf] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 13:23 -!- eric [~eric@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 13:23 -!- z956 [~z956@] has joined #coscup 13:23 -!- derekhsu [~derekhsu@] has joined #coscup 13:24 -!- goldie-lin [~goldie-li@] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 13:24 -!- derekhsu_ [~derekhsu@] has joined #coscup 13:24 -!- YMHuang1 [~holoirc@] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 13:24 -!- asahsieh [~asahsieh@] has joined #coscup 13:25 -!- Segno [~segno@] has joined #coscup 13:25 -!- [R0]buck5060 [~buck5060@158-206.dorm.ncu.edu.tw] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 13:25 -!- Segno [~segno@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 13:25 -!- yutin [~yutin@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 13:25 -!- Segno [~segno@] has joined #coscup 13:25 -!- [R0]buck5060 [~buck5060@158-206.dorm.ncu.edu.tw] has joined #coscup 13:26 -!- asahsieh_ [~asahsieh@] has joined #coscup 13:26 -!- asahsieh [~asahsieh@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 13:27 -!- mabinogi80503 [~mabinogi8@] has joined #coscup 13:27 -!- yutin [~yutin@] has joined #coscup 13:27 -!- [R0]knowlet [caa9ad86@gateway/web/cgi-irc/kiwiirc.com/ip.] has joined #coscup 13:28 -!- derekhsu [~derekhsu@] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 13:28 -!- Rogerable [~AndChat55@] has joined #coscup 13:28 < [R1]hinet60613> [R0] 預告、預告,R0會有Live Demo 13:28 -!- [R1]hinet60613 is now known as [R0]hinet60613 13:28 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 在兩分鐘 13:29 < David_c> 已經剩一分了 13:29 -!- cartertsai [~cartertsa@] has joined #coscup 13:29 -!- Takeshi_tw [~Takeshi_t@] has joined #coscup 13:29 < waeting> ㄉㄨㄞ呦呦 13:30 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 軟軟der... 13:30 < waeting> R0冷氣是不是變冷惹 13:30 -!- lego [~lego@] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 13:30 -!- Quexint [~textual@] has joined #coscup 13:30 -!- yutin [~yutin@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 13:30 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 冷到想睡覺 13:30 -!- sadasdas [df8946ee@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 13:31 -!- jiazheng [~jiazheng@] has joined #coscup 13:31 -!- eric [~eric@] has joined #coscup 13:31 < Davy_CC> waeting: 人變少了? 13:31 < [R0]DeweiLi> R0 http://evanxd.io/coscup-2016/#1 13:31 < chihmin> [HP] 用台語講Linux Kernel 啦XD 13:31 < David_c> [R1]少一個R 13:32 < [HP]salagadoola> 講者開放聽眾選擇聲道,台語模式啟動XD 13:32 -!- vincentsue [~vincentsu@] has joined #coscup 13:32 < waeting> @Davy_CC 好像也還好 13:32 -!- PichuChen [~PichuChen@] has joined #coscup 13:32 -!- helios is now known as Helios 13:32 -!- tiwb [~tiwb@] has joined #coscup 13:32 -!- yutin [~yutin@] has joined #coscup 13:32 -!- vincentsue [~vincentsu@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 13:32 -!- jianiau [~jimmy@] has joined #coscup 13:33 < barneybook> [R0] 網絡 13:33 -!- [R0]dz1984 [caa9ad86@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 13:33 < David_c> [R1]cockwwwwwwww 13:33 -!- StarNight [~zack@] has joined #coscup 13:33 < boyofsky> wwwwwwwwwww 13:33 < tars_w> XD 13:33 < iblis17> wwwwwwwwwwwwwwww 13:33 -!- [R0]tom83615 [8c6d7f02@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 13:33 < pupuliao> never live demo 13:33 -!- nipapa [~nipapa@] has joined #coscup 13:33 -!- starship2518 [8c6d7f02@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 13:33 < boyofsky> [R1] wwwwwwwwwww 13:33 < veloci85> Show me your cock 13:33 < Lee1092> R1 wwwwwwwwwwwww 13:33 < derekhsu_> [R1] 哈哈哈哈哈哈 13:33 -!- davihuan_david [~AndChat62@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 13:33 < derekhsu_> 今天最好的梗 13:34 -!- Haox [~Haox@] has joined #coscup 13:34 -!- dneif [~dneif@] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 13:34 < fripig> R1大暴走 13:34 < David_c> [R1]去年大爆笑,今年再次創梗 13:34 -!- AndChat|626096 [~AndChat62@] has joined #coscup 13:34 -!- vincentsue [~vincentsu@] has joined #coscup 13:34 -!- setuna0625 [8c6d7f0b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 13:34 < Lee1092> Show me the park -> Show me your cock 13:34 -!- YMHuang [~ymhuang@] has joined #coscup 13:34 -!- YMHuang [~ymhuang@] has quit [Client Quit] 13:34 < David_c> [R1]第一個DEMO GG 13:34 -!- vincentsue [~vincentsu@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 13:34 -!- YMHuang [~ymhuang@] has joined #coscup 13:34 < PichuChen> 關於這種語音辨識應用,一直都很想在公共場合放「Hey Siri」的語音 13:34 < tars_w> R1 發音不夠標準XD 13:34 -!- lego [~lego@] has joined #coscup 13:35 < derekhsu_> 最可怕的是 show me your cock之後真的出現cock... 13:35 -!- tiwb is now known as [R1]tiwb 13:35 < coscupbot> (jiachengx) 「unconf」全程台語 13:35 < boyofsky> 果斷放棄 XDDDDD 13:35 -!- lafin [uid44779@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-yhcxmtnqnztryrum] has joined #coscup 13:35 < susu_cs> [HP] slide: http://www.slideshare.net/kstan2/so-c-idle-for-unconf-coscup-2016 13:35 < Rogerable> [H0] 超嘴砲 13:35 -!- susu_cs is now known as susu__ 13:35 < waeting> R1好像很嗨? 13:36 -!- mosu_ [8c6d7f0b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 13:36 -!- AndChat|163449 [~AndChat16@] has joined #coscup 13:36 < tars_w> R1 中文效果還比英文好XD 13:36 -!- FelixLin [8c6daf4f@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 13:36 -!- stanely [~smuxi@] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 13:36 -!- vincentsue [~vincentsu@] has joined #coscup 13:36 < Lee1092> Google 語音辨識猛猛的 13:36 -!- [R0]knowlet is now known as [R1]knowlet 13:37 -!- AndChat|163449 [~AndChat16@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 13:37 -!- windslash [~yaaic@] has joined #coscup 13:37 -!- goldie-lin [~goldie@] has joined #coscup 13:38 -!- threelines [~threeline@] has joined #coscup 13:38 -!- dneif [~dneif@] has joined #coscup 13:38 < barneybook> Google語音可以設定鬧鐘 ㄎㄎ 13:38 -!- Deleav [8c6d7f02@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 13:38 -!- abev66 [~AndChat46@223-140-32-41.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 13:39 -!- AndChat|163449 [~AndChat16@] has joined #coscup 13:39 < pupuliao> google 神準ㄟ 13:39 < nipapa> https://www.facebook.com/littledro/videos/vb.1851228073/10205369922928150/?type=2&theater¬if_t=live_video_explicit¬if_id=1471684903861185 13:39 < tars_w> 幾乎全對 超強的 13:39 < nipapa> unconf 13:39 < nipapa> 台語直播 13:39 -!- threelines [~threeline@] has quit [Client Quit] 13:40 < abev66> Google Now 、 Android Wear 、 Android Auto 、 Android TV 都靠這個啊 13:40 -!- infate [~infate@] has joined #coscup 13:40 -!- AndChat-163449 [~AndChat16@111-70-230-242.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 13:40 -!- andytwmvp [~andytwmvp@] has joined #coscup 13:40 -!- AndChat|163449 [~AndChat16@] has quit [Read error: No route to host] 13:40 -!- AndChat-163449 [~AndChat16@111-70-230-242.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 13:40 -!- stanely [~smuxi@] has joined #coscup 13:40 -!- zzzaaa12 [8c6daf4d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 13:41 -!- AndChat|163449 [~AndChat16@] has joined #coscup 13:41 -!- megaman [2a486b8c@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 13:41 -!- descend [uid116330@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-qhptzukhboalzmbg] has joined #coscup 13:41 -!- AndChat-163449 [~AndChat16@223-140-32-41.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 13:41 -!- hexpinr [~user@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 13:41 -!- ggininder [8c6d7f08@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 13:42 -!- mp607 [~mp607@] has joined #coscup 13:42 -!- elvismetaphor [df8cfb5f@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 13:43 -!- pascal_ [8c6daf4d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 13:43 < abev66> R1 真新鎮! 13:43 -!- yongjhih [~yongjhih@] has joined #coscup 13:43 < barneybook> irc cloud可以直接看到直播 真酷 13:43 -!- megaman_ [2a486b8c@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 13:43 < David_c> [R1]有種想玩寶石系列回鍋的意味 13:44 -!- AndChat|401249 [~AndChat40@] has joined #coscup 13:44 < derekhsu_> Gitter的channel可以再給一下嗎? 13:44 -!- AndChat401249 [~AndChat40@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 13:45 < barneybook> https://gitter.im/COSCUP/coscup2016 13:45 < coscupbot> (e-Cheng) https://gitter.im/COSCUP/coscup2016 13:45 -!- Guest99635 [~AndChat15@111-82-144-212.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 13:45 -!- JoeHung [8c6d7f0d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 13:45 < chiehyou> [H1] 什麼都是 file~~~~ 13:45 -!- zzzaaa12 [8c6daf4d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 13:45 -!- AndChat|163449 [~AndChat16@] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 13:45 -!- [R0]tom83615 [8c6d7f02@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed] 13:46 < JoeHung> test 13:46 -!- megaman [2a486b8c@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 13:46 -!- [R0]tom83615 [8c6d7f02@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 13:46 -!- yusheng [8c6d7f0b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 13:46 -!- linc01n [~linc01n@n220246201192.netvigator.com] has joined #coscup 13:46 -!- Takeshi_tw [~Takeshi_t@] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 13:47 < Ruinland> [HP] https://github.com/freedomtan/arm-trusted-firmware 13:47 -!- [R0]buck5060 [~buck5060@158-206.dorm.ncu.edu.tw] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 13:47 -!- [R0]buck5060 [~buck5060@158-206.dorm.ncu.edu.tw] has joined #coscup 13:47 -!- elvismetaphor [df8cfb5f@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Client Quit] 13:47 -!- either [uid66282@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-mfdqmfevwilufyyu] has joined #coscup 13:48 -!- ggininder_ [caa9ad86@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 13:48 -!- megaman_ [2a486b8c@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 13:48 -!- Takeshi_tw [~Takeshi_t@] has joined #coscup 13:48 -!- kk [~TheKK@] has joined #coscup 13:49 -!- ggininder [8c6d7f08@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 13:49 -!- [HP]DeemoHarlos is now known as [R1]DeemoHarlos 13:49 -!- jianiau [~jimmy@] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 13:50 -!- JoeHung [8c6d7f0d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Client Quit] 13:50 < ggininder_> @@ 13:50 -!- mosu_ [8c6d7f0b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 13:50 -!- jiazheng [~jiazheng@] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 13:50 -!- asahsieh_ [~asahsieh@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 13:50 < kk> 今天是不是很多人帶 Dell XPS 啊 13:50 -!- taipeiwu [~AndChat14@] has joined #coscup 13:51 < David_c> 都MAC居多 13:51 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 往左看 就看到兩台dell的 13:51 < Takeshi_tw> mac ++ 13:51 < tars_w> 看得我都想買一台了 13:51 < David_c> XPS很貴,慢慢存才能下手..... 13:52 -!- rogerable5566 [~AndChat55@] has joined #coscup 13:52 -!- Rogerable [~AndChat55@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 13:53 < StarNight> H1 poll callback function in file driver 13:53 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> \Demo/ 13:54 -!- z956 [~z956@] has quit [Quit: leaving] 13:54 < boyofsky> xps跟mbp差不多價錢了噎.. 13:54 -!- derjohng [caa9ad86@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 13:54 -!- KazeMewno [~androirc@223-140-4-184.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 13:55 < sntc06> xps去美國買比較划算 13:55 < YChao__> [H1] 有點硬,旁邊已經有三四人進入"waiting thread"了... 13:55 < [R0]hinet60613> 網路有問題沒辦法Demo,幫QQ 13:55 < coscupbot> (AManTw) QQ 13:55 < dannvix> 請問有 H1 的 slides link 嗎?謝謝 13:55 -!- goldie [~goldie-li@] has joined #coscup 13:55 -!- goldielin [~goldie-li@114-136-100-178.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 13:55 < [R0]dz1984> 沒 live demo 了! 13:56 -!- Red__ [2a48a2ec@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 13:56 < [R1]DeemoHarlos> 筆戰需求owo 13:56 -!- Guest99635 [~AndChat15@111-82-144-212.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Quit: Bye] 13:56 -!- goldie [~goldie-li@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 13:56 -!- goldielin [~goldie-li@] has joined #coscup 13:56 < [R1]DeemoHarlos> 說好的理性勿戰呢(X 13:56 < [HP]salagadoola> Assertion failures我不太確定要怎麼翻譯成中文耶.... (把投影片切到中文語系)還是assertion failures耶 13:56 -!- AndChat338289 [~AndChat33@223-136-131-233.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 13:56 < kk> XPS 臺灣代理都綁兩年到府保固,價錢就高出很多 13:57 < chiehyou> YChao__: poke 他們 13:57 < David_c> [R1]我就是要戰,不然要幹嘛呢? 13:57 -!- Quexint [~textual@] has quit [Quit: My Mac has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…] 13:58 -!- windasd [3b7fa3a7@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 13:59 < [R0]DeweiLi> live 寫code 13:59 -!- man [caa9ad8e@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 13:59 < [R0]hinet60613> Live Demo改Live Coding, but no Demo. 13:59 < Davy_CC> [R0] 人家說 Live demo, 我在這裏 live 寫 code 給你們看 13:59 -!- yucheng [~yucheng@] has joined #coscup 13:59 < Davy_CC> [R0] 但是他不會動 13:59 -!- man is now known as Guest3180 13:59 -!- alieon [8c6daf4f@gateway/web/cgi-irc/kiwiirc.com/ip.] has joined #coscup 13:59 -!- Segno_ [~segno@] has joined #coscup 13:59 < David_c> 896行JavaScriptwwwwww 14:00 < [R1]DeemoHarlos> 狂ㄟ 14:00 < David_c> [R1]GW粉(無誤) 14:00 -!- macpaul [~macpaul@] has joined #coscup 14:00 < abev66> R1 獨家 Coding style 14:00 < tars_w> [R1] 很焦慮 所以就一直打電動 14:01 < [R1]DeemoHarlos> tar_w: 跟我一樣 Zzzz 14:01 < louielu> xps us: 1099usd, tw: 2000usd, 價差也太多了吧 14:01 -!- Darkmore [8c6daf4d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 14:01 < float> [R1] 有 21 隻角色,東西都不知道放在哪 14:01 < dannyAAM> linux本來就一切file w 14:01 < pupuliao> 保固費? 14:01 < coscupbot> (mkidyt) hackpad 502? 14:01 -!- Segno [~segno@] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 14:02 < David_c> [R1]贊助沒付過半毛錢 14:02 < tars_w> [R1] 專業凹流量XD 14:02 < David_c> [R1]RWD接力wwww 14:02 -!- angelboy [~angelboy@] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 14:02 < pupuliao> 重點是可以動 14:02 < [R1]tiwb> R1 我不知道他寫了什麼,反正就是可以動 14:02 -!- FelixLin [8c6daf4f@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed] 14:02 < tonyhusky> [R0] 聽成「人生的 extension」 14:02 -!- rogerable5566 [~AndChat55@] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds] 14:02 < coscupbot> (derekhsu) TonyQ出現了 14:03 -!- mabinogi80503 [~mabinogi8@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 14:03 -!- jiazheng [~jiazheng@] has joined #coscup 14:03 -!- AndChat|626096 [~AndChat62@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 14:03 -!- Davy_CC [~david5040@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 14:03 -!- [R0]buck5060 [~buck5060@158-206.dorm.ncu.edu.tw] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds] 14:03 -!- AndChat|626096 [~AndChat62@] has joined #coscup 14:03 < pupuliao> R1 重點在挖坑 給人跳? 14:03 < David_c> [R1]DB企鵝wwww 14:03 < [R1]DeemoHarlos> 一切隊友凱瑞 14:03 -!- ssuyi [~ssuyi@IP-209-40.cs.nctu.edu.tw] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 14:03 -!- alieon [8c6daf4f@gateway/web/cgi-irc/kiwiirc.com/ip.] has quit [Client Quit] 14:03 < pupuliao> R1 專業挖坑阿 14:04 < derekhsu_> 插畫家是本職工作吧XD 14:04 < tars_w> [R1]反正有人受不了 就會來幫我重畫 14:04 < veloci85> 反正有人受不了就會幫我重畫(小聲 14:04 < derekhsu_> 為什麼會有主題曲啊 14:04 < David_c> [R1]有專案也有歌 14:04 -!- mingyen [~mingyen@linux6.cs.nctu.edu.tw] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 14:05 -!- alieon [8c6daf4f@gateway/web/cgi-irc/kiwiirc.com/ip.] has joined #coscup 14:05 -!- kuro_hsu [8c6d7f04@gateway/web/cgi-irc/kiwiirc.com/ip.] has joined #coscup 14:05 -!- wdv [~wdv@IP-210-172.cs.nctu.edu.tw] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds] 14:05 -!- tonyhusky [~tonyhusky@winpc13.cs.nctu.edu.tw] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 14:05 < tars_w> [R1] 通常會認真看整理結果的人 就是整理的那個苦主 14:05 -!- changlp [~c5p@alumni.cs.nctu.edu.tw] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 14:06 -!- tonyhusky [~tonyhusky@winpc13.cs.nctu.edu.tw] has joined #coscup 14:06 -!- Takeshi_tw [~Takeshi_t@] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 14:06 -!- Denir_ [~Denir__@42-70-249-28.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 14:06 -!- changlp [~c5p@alumni.cs.nctu.edu.tw] has joined #coscup 14:07 -!- flter [~Albert@linux2.cs.nctu.edu.tw] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 14:07 -!- ij|iao [ijliao@FreeBSD.cs.nctu.edu.tw] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 14:07 < pupuliao> R1 挖坑中 14:07 -!- susu__ [~susu_cs@IP-167-181.cs.nctu.edu.tw] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 14:07 < David_c> [R1]這坑不跳也不行 14:07 -!- flter [~Albert@linux2.cs.nctu.edu.tw] has joined #coscup 14:08 -!- Davy_CC [~david5040@] has joined #coscup 14:08 -!- chihhsin [~chihhsin@winpc13.cs.nctu.edu.tw] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 14:08 -!- Darkmore [8c6daf4d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 14:08 -!- Takeshi_tw [~Takeshi_t@] has joined #coscup 14:08 < [R1]DeemoHarlos> 神結論 14:08 < chiehyou> [H1] 1983 年的人就會 select 了 14:08 -!- angelboy [~angelboy@] has joined #coscup 14:08 < David_c> 電動來自科技(笑) 14:08 < pupuliao> 會變壞的小孩 就是會變壞 14:08 < [R1]DeemoHarlos> 「其實變化的人他做甚麼都會變壞啦XD」 14:08 < [R1]DeemoHarlos> 變壞* 14:08 < veloci85> 跑去摸 14:08 < abev66> R1 其實會變壞的人做甚麼都會變壞啦 14:09 -!- ghostyang [650f6349@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 14:09 -!- andytwmvp [~andytwmvp@] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 14:09 < pupuliao> 感謝大家 有怨有悔的幫忙 14:09 < [R1]DeemoHarlos> 主題曲OwO 14:09 -!- chihhsin [~chihhsin@winpc13.cs.nctu.edu.tw] has joined #coscup 14:09 < [R1]tiwb> 跳坑請舉手OwO 14:09 < Takeshi_tw> H3 有點熱.... 14:09 < David_c> [R1]這曲wwwwwww 14:09 < abev66> R1 XD 14:09 < derekhsu_> [R1] ..... 14:09 -!- Cc [2a4801fd@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 14:10 < [R1]DeemoHarlos> wwwwwwwww 14:10 -!- Denir- [~Denir__@42-70-220-64.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 14:10 < [R1]tiwb> R1 XDDD 14:10 < abev66> 今年 COSCUP 充滿音樂性啊 14:10 < boyofsky> 悲悲悲悲悲悲悲悲悲悲悲悲 14:10 < [R1]DeemoHarlos> 主題曲播放中 講者:那個...有問題嗎www 14:10 -!- Cc is now known as Guest41035 14:10 < pupuliao> 主題曲也是在挖坑嗎? 14:10 < tars_w> 杯杯杯 14:10 < [R1]DeemoHarlos> 2:26 14:10 < coscupbot> (andretw) [R1] 滴滴滴滴滴 14:10 < derekhsu_> 靠.........悲悲悲悲悲悲悲悲悲悲悲悲悲悲悲悲 14:10 < chiehyou> H1 工商時間 14:10 < veloci85> [R1]洗腦歌啊 14:10 < [R1]knowlet> 悲悲悲ww 14:10 < SCWhite> 杯杯杯杯杯~~~ 14:10 < pupuliao> 快阿 有誰去跳坑 14:10 < boyofsky> bay bay bay bay 14:11 < [R1]DeemoHarlos> 主持人:剩下的時間把這首歌聽完 14:11 -!- tars_w [~chatzilla@] has quit [Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.92 [Firefox 48.0/20160726073904]] 14:11 < boyofsky> R1現場氣氛好.... 14:11 < abev66> R1 你們慢慢聽啊我先下去了 14:11 -!- Ruinland [~root@apc-31.iim.nctu.edu.tw] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds] 14:11 < [R1]tiwb> 你們慢慢聽,我先下去 14:11 -!- wdv [~wdv@IP-210-172.cs.nctu.edu.tw] has joined #coscup 14:11 < derekhsu_> 感覺超過3分鐘了啊 14:11 -!- changlp [~c5p@alumni.cs.nctu.edu.tw] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 14:11 < derekhsu_> 這什麼洗腦神歌 14:11 < lego> 請問主唱是誰xdd 14:11 < lego> r1~~ 14:11 -!- eric [~eric@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 14:11 -!- kk [~TheKK@] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 14:11 < [R0]dz1984> R0 加碼安可了! 14:11 -!- changlp [~c5p@alumni.cs.nctu.edu.tw] has joined #coscup 14:12 < Lee1092> 主唱是講者自己吧 XD 14:12 < [R1]tiwb> 主唱是ETBlue嘛XD 14:12 -!- cartertsai [~cartertsa@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 14:12 -!- Davy_CC [~david5040@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 14:12 -!- derekhsu_ [~derekhsu@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 14:12 -!- beat_ [df8c844e@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 14:13 -!- Haox [~Haox@] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 14:13 -!- yu [8c6d7f0b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 14:13 -!- SCWhite [caa9ad86@gateway/web/cgi-irc/kiwiirc.com/ip.] has quit [Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client] 14:13 < [R1]tiwb> 請問R1講師有音樂頻道之類的嗎XDD 14:14 -!- [R1]knowlet [caa9ad86@gateway/web/cgi-irc/kiwiirc.com/ip.] has quit [Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client] 14:14 -!- AndChat|401249 [~AndChat40@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 14:14 -!- susu__ [~susu_cs@IP-167-181.cs.nctu.edu.tw] has joined #coscup 14:14 -!- AndChat401249 [~AndChat40@] has joined #coscup 14:14 < Lee1092> 直接招喚講者 cc @ETBlue 14:14 -!- fripig [8c6d7f04@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 14:15 < ddio> @tiwb https://blend.io/etblue/debater 14:15 -!- kk [~TheKK@] has joined #coscup 14:15 -!- Tsundere_cloud [uid102719@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-pzqlxynhqsefcfwu] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 14:15 -!- Segno_ [~segno@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 14:15 -!- Davy_CC [~david5040@] has joined #coscup 14:15 -!- yusheng [8c6d7f0b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 14:15 -!- pupuliao [8c6d7f0d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 14:15 < [R1]tiwb> @ddio 感謝! 14:15 -!- mingyen [~mingyen@linux6.cs.nctu.edu.tw] has joined #coscup 14:15 -!- windslash [~yaaic@] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 14:16 -!- Quexint [~textual@] has joined #coscup 14:16 -!- Segno [~segno@] has joined #coscup 14:16 -!- kewang [~kewang@] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 14:16 -!- kuro_hsu [8c6d7f04@gateway/web/cgi-irc/kiwiirc.com/ip.] has quit [Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client] 14:16 -!- bre [~cmou@] has joined #coscup 14:17 -!- jiazheng [~jiazheng@] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 14:17 -!- eric [~eric@] has joined #coscup 14:17 -!- linc01n [~linc01n@n220246201192.netvigator.com] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 14:17 -!- Tsundere_cloud [uid102719@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-xfwuetvqdkfsedhc] has joined #coscup 14:17 -!- andytwmvp [~andytwmvp@] has joined #coscup 14:17 -!- kkpan11 [~kkpan11@] has quit [Quit: Leaving.] 14:17 -!- lego [~lego@] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 14:17 -!- kylin [~kylin@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 14:17 -!- [R0]tom83615 [8c6d7f02@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 14:18 -!- Segno_ [~segno@] has joined #coscup 14:18 -!- shigurefox [~shigurefo@] has quit [Quit: shigurefox] 14:18 -!- derjohng [caa9ad86@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 14:18 -!- RyanHo [~AndChat53@223-137-112-242.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 14:18 -!- asahsieh [~asahsieh@] has joined #coscup 14:18 -!- [R0]buck5060 [~buck5060@158-206.dorm.ncu.edu.tw] has joined #coscup 14:18 -!- BeataLin [~BeataLin@] has joined #coscup 14:19 -!- shawnlin [~raspi@] has joined #coscup 14:19 -!- Red__ [2a48a2ec@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 14:20 -!- billy3321 [uid12904@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-zfyebefspdlkqazv] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 14:20 -!- Segno [~segno@] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 14:20 -!- [R1]tiwb [~tiwb@] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 14:20 -!- yongjhih [~yongjhih@] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 14:21 -!- jiazheng [~jiazheng@39-12-107-128.adsl.fetnet.net] has joined #coscup 14:21 -!- DanSnow [~snow@] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 14:21 -!- goldielin [~goldie-li@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 14:21 -!- goldielin [~goldie-li@] has joined #coscup 14:21 -!- yan12125 [~yen@] has quit [Quit: leaving] 14:21 -!- davhuan_david_x2 [8c6daf4c@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [] 14:21 -!- linc01n [~linc01n@] has joined #coscup 14:22 -!- goldie [~goldie-li@114-136-100-178.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 14:22 -!- cwhwillie [~androirc@223-137-52-223.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 14:22 -!- jianiau [~jimmy@] has joined #coscup 14:22 -!- linc01n_ [~linc01n@n220246201192.netvigator.com] has joined #coscup 14:22 -!- shawnlin [~raspi@] has quit [Client Quit] 14:23 -!- Segno_ [~segno@] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 14:23 -!- goldielin [~goldie-li@] has quit [Read error: No route to host] 14:23 < [R1]DeemoHarlos> Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiir 14:23 -!- linc01n [~linc01n@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 14:23 -!- goldie-lin [~goldie@] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 14:23 -!- Sakamoto_ [uid106911@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-ebodndxrosxcqevg] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 14:24 -!- mabinogi80503 [~mabinogi8@] has joined #coscup 14:24 -!- AndChat|401249 [~AndChat40@223-140-120-88.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 14:24 -!- bz [~bz@223-137-143-108.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 14:25 -!- [R1]DeemoHarlos is now known as [R0]DeemoHarlos 14:25 -!- AndChat|163449 [~AndChat16@42-67-18-201.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 14:25 -!- cartertsai [~cartertsa@] has joined #coscup 14:25 -!- Quexint [~textual@] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 14:25 -!- sadasdas [df8946ee@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 14:26 -!- alieon [8c6daf4f@gateway/web/cgi-irc/kiwiirc.com/ip.] has quit [Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client] 14:26 -!- PichuChen [~PichuChen@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 14:26 -!- AndChat-401249 [~AndChat40@] has joined #coscup 14:26 -!- AndChat401249 [~AndChat40@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 14:26 -!- AndroUser [~androirc@223-137-52-223.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 14:26 -!- dneif [~dneif@] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 14:27 -!- AndChat-163449 [~AndChat16@223-140-32-41.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 14:27 -!- TT [2a48a2ec@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 14:28 -!- kk [~TheKK@] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 14:28 -!- alieon [8c6daf4f@gateway/web/cgi-irc/kiwiirc.com/ip.] has joined #coscup 14:28 -!- TT is now known as Guest44042 14:28 -!- bz [~bz@223-137-143-108.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 14:28 -!- mabinogi80503 [~mabinogi8@] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 14:29 -!- AndChat|401249 [~AndChat40@223-140-120-88.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 14:29 -!- PichuChen [~PichuChen@] has joined #coscup 14:29 < Guest44042> 忘不掉... 主題曲跟Nyan cat一樣洗腦orz 14:29 < veloci85> [R1]徵求外國人 14:29 < macpaul> https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJYQbDzKBkcIV5rXjnHhuypLjm3XtBynT Unconf 錄影 (沒有放上來的都國防布了) 14:30 -!- asahsieh [~asahsieh@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 14:30 -!- yusheng [8c6d7f02@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 14:30 -!- mosu__ [8c6daf4f@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 14:30 -!- amo [uid38455@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-bycvrhldwiytznnw] has joined #coscup 14:31 -!- freedomtw [~freedom@] has joined #coscup 14:31 -!- kkpan11 [~kkpan11@] has joined #coscup 14:31 -!- shigurefox [~shigurefo@] has joined #coscup 14:31 < freedomtw> [H1] 還沒開始就爆場了 14:31 -!- alieon [8c6daf4f@gateway/web/cgi-irc/kiwiirc.com/ip.] has quit [Client Quit] 14:31 < veloci85> [R1]切換中文模式~ 14:31 < Lee1092> R1 切換為中文模式 www 14:31 -!- davihuan_david [~AndChat62@] has joined #coscup 14:31 -!- derekhsu [~derekhsu@] has joined #coscup 14:31 < StarNight> H1 旅行也要做optimize XDDD 14:31 -!- kewang [~kewang@] has joined #coscup 14:31 -!- kent1026 [~AndChat51@] has joined #coscup 14:32 -!- tiwb [~tiwb@] has joined #coscup 14:32 < JYNY> 共好 14:32 -!- dannyAAM [~dannyAAM@saru.saru.moe] has quit [Quit: znc.saru.moe : ZNC 1.6.2 - http://znc.in] 14:32 -!- pupuliao [8c6d7f06@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 14:32 < veloci85> [R1]Bob: 可以用中文真是非常開心 14:32 -!- dannyAAM [dannyAAM@saru.saru.moe] has joined #coscup 14:32 < Helios> [R0] 時間軸之前不是很黑? 14:33 -!- mabinogi80503 [~mabinogi8@] has joined #coscup 14:33 -!- Takeshi_tw [~Takeshi_t@] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 14:33 < waeting> 有八卦? 14:33 -!- AndChat-626096 [~AndChat62@] has joined #coscup 14:33 -!- jimms [df8c085a@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 14:33 < tiwb> R0兩旁螢幕沒有投影片 14:34 -!- derekhsu [~derekhsu@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 14:34 < tiwb> 出現了XD 14:34 -!- derekhsu [~derekhsu@] has joined #coscup 14:34 -!- ccc_ [8c6d7f0d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 14:34 < Helios> https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Tech_Job/M.1457084637.A.DC8.html 14:34 < David_c> [R0]導播組有看到了 14:34 < YMHuang> Go live or Go died 14:34 -!- jiazheng [~jiazheng@39-12-107-128.adsl.fetnet.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds] 14:34 < derekhsu> 每家公司要黑都有黑的地方 14:34 -!- Takeshi_tw [~Takeshi_t@] has joined #coscup 14:34 < [R0]DeemoHarlos> 「出任CEO迎娶白富美走上人生巔峰想想都還有點小確幸呢」 14:34 < derekhsu> 這是萬萬沒想到的梗 14:34 -!- zhxie [~zhxie@] has joined #coscup 14:35 < [R0]DeemoHarlos> 「搶錢搶權搶地盤!」 14:35 -!- jiazheng [~jiazheng@110-27-3-37.adsl.fetnet.net] has joined #coscup 14:35 < David_c> [R0]搶錢搶糧搶地盤 14:35 -!- AndChat|626096 [~AndChat62@] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 14:35 -!- ernestchiang [uid180992@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-llhlubjcxsylmqtf] has quit [Quit: Updating details, brb] 14:35 -!- DanSnow [~snow@] has joined #coscup 14:35 < David_c> [R0]圖對比w 14:35 -!- ernestchiang [uid180992@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-gegjingtynlscxnp] has joined #coscup 14:35 < stanely> A-team 14:35 -!- tars_w [~chatzilla@] has joined #coscup 14:36 < [R0]DeemoHarlos> 共筆表示:不知道怎麼寫了w 14:36 < [HP]salagadoola> 我們有個案子要投標希望能拿到你們的 register table 14:36 -!- davihuan_david [~AndChat62@] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds] 14:36 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> XD 14:37 < YChao__> [H1] printk 影響 profiling,其實不就是量子力學嗎? XD 14:37 -!- Yellow [~YiLing@] has joined #coscup 14:37 -!- Ruinland [~root@apc-31.iim.nctu.edu.tw] has joined #coscup 14:37 -!- mosu__ [8c6daf4f@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 14:37 -!- threelines [~threeline@] has joined #coscup 14:37 < dannyAAM> XDDD 14:38 < YChao__> 觀測的動作影響被觀測者的狀態 14:38 < derekhsu> 測不準原理嗎 14:38 < darkgerm2> 測不準原理 14:38 -!- Guest44042 [2a48a2ec@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 14:38 -!- RickZhang [01228c1e@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 14:39 < ccc_> 所以說好的r0 open source tool呢? 14:39 -!- davihuan_david [~AndChat62@114-136-138-222.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 14:39 < freedomtw> 不是, printk 的 overhead 超級大 14:39 -!- chwong [~chwong@chbsd.cs.nctu.edu.tw] has joined #coscup 14:39 < ccc_> 不想聽你們公司的故事啊啊啊啊啊 14:39 < YChao__> 是量子態簡併 14:39 < freedomtw> ftrace, kprobe 那些的 overhead 小很多 14:39 < YChao__> XDD 14:39 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> XDDD 14:39 < darkgerm2> R0還在講自己orz 14:39 < waeting> Hiiir是贊助商嗎? 14:39 -!- AndChat338289 [~AndChat33@223-136-131-233.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Quit: Bye] 14:40 -!- jiazheng [~jiazheng@110-27-3-37.adsl.fetnet.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 14:40 -!- ghostyang [650f6349@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 14:40 -!- [R1]tom83615 [8c6d7f0b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 14:40 < ccc_> 不要再講你的人生故事了 14:40 < YChao__> 不好意思, @freedomtw 才是講正經的 14:40 < ccc_> 到底跟open source有何關係 14:40 -!- jiazheng [~jiazheng@] has joined #coscup 14:40 -!- jimms [df8c085a@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 14:40 -!- Guest41035 [2a4801fd@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 14:40 -!- Denir [7a924618@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 14:40 < barneybook> 這是技術創業的必經之路 14:40 -!- Goston [~goston@] has joined #coscup 14:40 < YMHuang> XDD 14:40 < YChao__> @freedomtw 不過即使 overhead 比較小,high loading 時還是會有影響吧? 14:41 -!- jiazheng [~jiazheng@] has quit [Client Quit] 14:41 -!- beat_ [df8c844e@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 14:41 -!- [HP]salagadoola [df898cdf@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 14:41 < [R0]DeemoHarlos> 等等說好的文化方法工具跨界?? 14:41 < Takeshi_tw> [H3] 二氧化碳濃度從開始到現在上升了 100 個 ppm 14:42 -!- ij|iao [ijliao@FreeBSD.cs.nctu.edu.tw] has joined #coscup 14:42 -!- AndChat-626096 [~AndChat62@] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 14:42 -!- Yellow [~YiLing@] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 14:42 < freedomtw> YChao__: 當然有影響 14:43 -!- zhxie [~zhxie@] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds] 14:43 -!- asahsieh [~asahsieh@] has joined #coscup 14:43 -!- dneif [~dneif@] has joined #coscup 14:44 < freedomtw> YChao__: 要不做 instrumentation, 就要有額外的硬體, 如 http://www.arm.com/products/system-ip/debug-trace/ 14:44 -!- yutin [~yutin@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 14:44 < veloci85> [R1]討論這個問題之前,這是給各位的貓 14:44 < [R0]DeemoHarlos> 生命週期 跟課本講得不太一樣w(X 14:44 -!- Denir [~Denir__@42-70-250-222.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 14:44 < kewang> [R0] zzz 14:44 < lucian> #R0 冷氣好冷..... 14:44 -!- Segno [~segno@] has joined #coscup 14:44 < ccc_> R0的原介紹 14:44 < ccc_> 配合(工具)透過 slack 整合 gitlab , jenkins , nagios , redmine 做到 Continus Intergreation 和即時通知,於部署及監控上怎麼做到自動化 Foreman + Puppet , Gunnery , Ganglia 。Hiiir 如何堅持持續透過 OpenSource 搭建出對產品開發良好的環境,首次完整公開分享。 14:44 -!- [HP]Alieon [8c6daf4f@gateway/web/cgi-irc/kiwiirc.com/ip.] has joined #coscup 14:44 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 等等是下午茶? 14:44 -!- Yellow [~YiLing@] has joined #coscup 14:45 -!- Yellow [~YiLing@] has quit [Client Quit] 14:45 < waeting> Yes~令人期待 14:45 < derekhsu> Slack整合Gitlab跟Jenkins只要設定就好啊... 14:45 < [R0]dz1984> R0 的梗鋪很長! 14:45 < YChao__> @freedomtw 謝謝 14:45 < ccc_> 被噓了 14:45 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 嚇死 14:45 < ggininder_> 被抗議了XD 14:45 < boyofsky> XDDDDDD 14:45 < waeting> R0叮咚~ 14:45 < [R0]DeemoHarlos> WAT? 14:45 < [R0]hinet60613> wut? 14:45 < dannyAAM> XDDDD 14:45 < tars_w> XD 14:45 < david11014> 叮咚 14:45 < ccc_> R0講者被噓了 14:45 < alex_lu> 下午茶提示音嗎 14:45 < barneybook> 叮咚 14:45 < fntsrlike> XD 14:46 < dylandy_> R0 wutXDD 14:46 < David_c> [R0]!!' 14:46 -!- Denir_ [~Denir__@42-70-249-28.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 14:46 < ccc_> 桌上有反對按鈕可以按 14:46 < ccc_> 再買克風旁邊 14:46 < derekhsu> 異議あり 14:46 < tars_w> 麥當勞歡樂送 14:46 < dannyAAM> 好喔www 14:46 < [R0]hinet60613> 那個是按反對按鈕的聲音? w 14:46 < waeting> 查水表哦 14:46 -!- Denir_ [~Denir__@223-142-250-5.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 14:46 < [R0]DeemoHarlos> 重新開始 = 打掉重練 14:46 < david11014> 講者是不是拿錯簡報 所以硬著頭皮講 14:46 -!- asahsieh [~asahsieh@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 14:46 < dannyAAM> 按一下就知道啦(X 14:46 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> XDD 14:46 < lucian> 客房服務!! 14:46 < derekhsu> R2現在還沒有看到NAS在哪裡XD 14:46 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 誰誤按 14:46 -!- Yellow [~YiLing@] has joined #coscup 14:47 -!- ssuyi [~ssuyi@IP-209-40.cs.nctu.edu.tw] has joined #coscup 14:47 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/ARiztl61/AdQzpZK.jpg 14:47 < boyofsky> 快速帶過! 14:47 < waeting> 很快速的帶過!? 14:47 < ccc_> R0揪團按 “反對”嗎XD 14:47 < float> 投票紐有聲音正式投票會崩潰吧XDD 14:47 < yucheng> QQ 誤按 幫QQ 14:47 < pupuliao> 要求大會在下標題的時候可以確保不要文不對題 14:47 < YMHuang> R0 IRC上 各種梗 XDD 14:47 < waeting> http://imgur.com/P9U1tCi 14:47 -!- dneif [~dneif@] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 14:48 < boyofsky> R0 共筆寫得好認真 XDDDD 14:48 < david11014> 歡迎來編輯 https://hackpad.com/COSCUP2016-5wENY4uxqSX 14:48 < lucian> sponsor 議題很難吧.... 14:48 < ccc_> 噓噓東電信的廣告 14:48 < ggininder_> R0比較像是BA的東西~ 14:48 < [R0]DeemoHarlos> 寫不下去了啦根本文不對題== 14:48 < waeting> 他們今年不是贊助商吧 14:48 -!- Denir [~Denir__@42-70-250-222.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 14:48 -!- zhxie [~zhxie@] has joined #coscup 14:48 < derekhsu> 是喔 14:48 < derekhsu> 是贊助商喔 14:49 < YMHuang> 超級不符 14:49 < boyofsky> 會不會沒有軟體介紹啊 14:49 < waeting> 咦咦咦咦咦耶爺爺爺爺!?部落格怎好像沒看到 14:49 < ccc_> 官網上面沒有寫贊助商啊 14:49 < pupuliao> 為什麼 可以從NAS扯到影像分析? 14:49 < waeting> 因為要分土豆((誤 14:49 < derekhsu> 誒?不是嗎? 14:49 -!- yutin [~yutin@] has joined #coscup 14:49 < ccc_> 不懂到底跟開源有啥關係,根本噓噓東來打廣告 14:49 < lucian> 原來是『新創公司之CEO血淚分享』 14:50 < ggininder_> 看這個現場我差點以為是直銷洗腦哩 14:50 < coscupbot> (deleav) 有點想喝花生牛奶 14:50 < [R0]DeemoHarlos> 我覺得軟體開發環境不是只電腦上的環境,是指社會環境。。。 14:50 < coscupbot> (jhihguan) 講了29分鐘怎麼好像還沒開源 14:50 < David_c> [R0]假的! 14:50 < stanely> R0己經講了20分鐘簡介,還剩下25分鐘,會不會轉回開源工具就讓我們繼續聽下去 14:50 -!- DanSnow [~snow@] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 14:50 < Helios> R0還是來期待點心 14:50 < darkgerm2> XDDD 14:50 < [R0]DeemoHarlos> 點心!!!!!!!!!!! 14:50 < darkgerm2> 還能期待回到主題嗎 還是去等點心比較實在 14:50 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 才發現 巴哈姆特有贊助 14:50 < David_c> [R0]這議程很想睡 14:50 < coscupbot> (andretw) 最後一句:我們以後會開源 (謝謝大家 14:50 < derekhsu> 不會比當年那次三星慘吧 14:50 < ccc_> R0的夥伴們,揪團吃點心囉 14:50 < David_c> [R0]埼玉 14:50 -!- DanSnow [~snow@] has joined #coscup 14:50 < barneybook> 興趣使然的coder 14:50 < ggininder_> "Hiiir 如何堅持持續透過 OpenSource 搭建出對產品開發良好的環境,首次完整公開分享。" ???????????? 14:50 < lucian> #R0這一場的歪樓從演講台開始 14:51 < float> 還在文化啦 14:51 < ccc_> WTF 14:51 -!- dneif [~dneif@] has joined #coscup 14:51 -!- hydai [uid38396@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-edwxspikjwrswvle] has joined #coscup 14:51 < fntsrlike> wwwwwwwww 14:51 < boyofsky> 新手問三星怎麼了 14:51 < [R0]DeemoHarlos> 題目!=簡介!=實際內容 14:51 < derekhsu> 三星那次還是第一天的Keynote,所以被酸了兩天 14:51 < tars_w> : \ 14:51 < waeting> ”hiiir不在贊助名單阿 14:51 < coscupbot> (jiachengx) 真的是廢話呀 「R0」 14:51 < yucheng> Hiiir 如何堅持持續完整公開分享。 14:51 < derekhsu> 三星那次跑來介紹他們S pen的API 14:51 < ccc_> 供三小 14:51 < hrs> Q&A時間應該會很精彩 14:51 < [R0]hinet60613> [R0] 終於要Open了嗎 14:51 < david11014> 終於 14:51 < derekhsu> 然後拿API Doucment出來念 14:51 < lucian> Open ! 14:51 < waeting> 終於要open了嗎 14:51 < [R0]dz1984> 臍帶在出生時就剪掉了! 14:51 < ccc_> finally 14:52 -!- [HP]Alieon [8c6daf4f@gateway/web/cgi-irc/kiwiirc.com/ip.] has quit [Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client] 14:52 < Helios> Hiiir:我們運氣好有噓噓東挺~ 14:52 < david11014> gitlab OAO? 14:52 < YMHuang> R0 有人在看神奇寶貝了 14:52 < ggininder_> 開了>< 14:52 < derekhsu> 最後QA第一個問題就....「請問你們這個什麼時候會Open?」 14:52 < coscupbot> (jhihguan) Open! 14:52 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> COSCUP Pass 的獨家紀念品 是最後才領? 14:52 < ccc_> open的部分講完了 14:52 -!- bz [~bz@223-137-143-108.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 14:52 < David_c> [R0]個人贊助才有 14:52 < waeting> http://imgur.com/07X6pWT 14:52 < YMHuang> 他寫 Supporter 誒 14:52 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 來看new game好了(X 14:52 < kewang> R0 open 講完了 現在講工廠 vs 創意 14:52 < dannyAAM> XDDD 14:52 < pupuliao> 越來越多標題黨 14:52 -!- zhxie [~zhxie@] has quit [Client Quit] 14:52 < david11014> 等等 講完了? 14:52 < derekhsu> 我記得R2講者一開始不是說他不會講太多類神經網路嗎? 14:52 < dannyAAM> 我在看藍海惹(X 14:52 < [R0]hinet60613> 等等,Open講完了?! 14:53 < hrs> ... 14:53 -!- Yellow [~YiLing@] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 14:53 < [R0]dz1984> open的部分講完了! --> 快到我來不及反應 14:53 < ccc_> 講完了 懂? 14:53 < boyofsky> 敏捷開發 14:53 < lucian> Agile ! 14:53 < ccc_> 已經很OPEN了 14:53 < boyofsky> 出現了 14:53 < fntsrlike> 什麼?! 14:53 < barneybook> 敏捷亂入成功 14:53 < [R0]DeemoHarlos> 等等他剛剛Open講了啥 14:53 < freedomtw> derekshu: 不是的, 三星那是我問的, 我是問說請問有沒有 open source 14:53 < lucian> 等等會有 Scrum ? 14:53 -!- bhujmn [uid107022@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-qucsmadcqjrdajiw] has joined #coscup 14:53 < ccc_> 投影片有出現open這個字啊 14:53 < ccc_> 這樣就夠了 14:53 -!- asahsieh [~asahsieh@] has joined #coscup 14:54 -!- yutin [~yutin@] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 14:54 < pakls> ccc XD 14:54 < derekhsu> @freedomtw 哈哈對對對,我有點記錯了 14:54 < dannyAAM> XDD 14:54 < hydai> 所以我說那個 Open 呢?阿,原來是在投影片上呀 14:54 < lucian> 創意!! 14:54 < boyofsky> 敏捷講完了! 14:54 < [R0]hinet60613> ccc_ 原來是這樣,長知識www 14:54 < david11014> 是OPEN啊 我還以為是ONE PUNCH啊 14:54 < derekhsu> 結果三星就被酸了兩天 14:54 < Helios> 有Open就可以了,那統一應該在熱身了 14:54 < tonyhusky> 釋放啦 14:54 < [R0]dz1984> 1+1=-1 14:54 < derekhsu> 那次好像是OSDC吧? 14:54 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 噴了(X 14:54 < tars_w> 假的 14:54 < pupuliao> R2 感覺回到 研究所時代 雖然都還給教授 14:54 < kewang> OSDC!!!! (大哭) 14:55 < barneybook> 進入管理學 14:55 < David_c> 讓我們心連心,堅持到底統一統一就要勝利 14:55 -!- bz [~bz@223-137-143-108.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 14:55 < stanely> 喔,不!又開始講管理了 14:55 < fntsrlike> 怎麼又回到管理wwwwwww 14:55 < lucian> 其實slide左下方有個進度條,分別是文化>>方法>>工具 14:55 < mabinogi80503> OSDC已經是歷史了QQ 14:55 < pakls> R0: example of slide reuse 14:55 < lucian> 目前還在文化... 14:55 < boyofsky> http://b0.rimg.tw/mezamashicoffee/2eb36005.jpg 14:55 -!- dneif [~dneif@] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 14:55 < [R0]DeemoHarlos> 揪三點十分大家去排隊吃點心(?) 14:55 < derekhsu> R2明明都在講類神經網路....Tenserflow跟NAS咧? 14:55 < tonyhusky> 還有二十分鐘 14:55 < boyofsky> 話說是不是只有我覺得他們的logo很像illy咖啡 14:56 < waeting> 會不會仿效LT拉尾盤呢 14:56 -!- AndChat401249 [~AndChat40@] has joined #coscup 14:56 -!- AndChat-401249 [~AndChat40@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 14:56 < david11014> 等等 那進度條 14:56 < alex_lu> illy www 14:56 < [R0]hinet60613> illy咖啡wwww 14:56 < waeting> 讓我們繼續看下去~~ 14:56 -!- bz [~bz@223-137-143-108.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 14:56 < ccc_> 進度條沒有open的部分 14:56 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 哪裡怪怪的w 14:56 < stanely> @boyofsky: 沒錯,好像 14:56 -!- ricky_ [8c6d7f0d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 14:56 < tiwb> 來了 14:56 < David_c> [R0]illy咖啡:我要吉 14:56 < kewang> R0 進入方法了! 14:56 < tonyhusky> Scrum 14:56 < lucian> Scrum 中了! 14:56 -!- ricky_ is now known as Guest97474 14:56 -!- Yellow [~YiLing@] has joined #coscup 14:56 < ccc_> 所以我說 開源工具呢? 14:56 < [R0]dz1984> 等等要進入工具了! 14:56 < waeting> http://imgur.com/y6Xzpso 14:57 < lucian> Best pratice 14:57 < [R0]hinet60613> 開源「工具」看起來就是在工具部分啊 XD 14:57 -!- user [~user@] has joined #coscup 14:57 < fntsrlike> 到底wwwww 14:57 -!- pakls is now known as [R0]pakls 14:57 < coscupbot> (deleav) 土豆呢 14:57 -!- nightfeather [~nightfeat@] has joined #coscup 14:57 < ccc_> @hinet60613 懂了 14:57 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 餓了 14:57 < derekhsu> [R2] 出現NAS了 14:57 < pupuliao> 進入主題了阿 14:57 < nightfeather> ' A') 14:57 < freedomtw> 其實我覺得那次三星的講者很可憐, 應該沒想到是 open source 的場合 14:58 -!- knowlet [8c6d7f06@gateway/web/cgi-irc/kiwiirc.com/ip.] has joined #coscup 14:58 < lucian> KPI.... 14:58 < stanely> R&R出現 14:58 < derekhsu> 三星那次的講者還是從中國來的...他大概也不知道發生什麼事了 14:58 < coscupbot> (andretw) 我記得還有一年的 vpon 也是...... 14:58 < Davy_CC> freedomtw: 名字就是 open source 吧XDDD 14:58 < nightfeather> 在會場玩 tshark 和 tcpdump 還是不知道怎麼在無線環境玩這些工具 ' -') 14:58 -!- asahsieh [~asahsieh@] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 14:58 < barneybook> PO現身 14:58 -!- abev66 [~AndChat46@223-140-32-41.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds] 14:58 < derekhsu> vpon 對....結果他說都是商業機密都不能說XD 14:58 < barneybook> Project Owner 14:59 < tonyhusky> KPI ಠ_ಠ 14:59 < coscupbot> (jiachengx) kPI 很多企業都丟了 14:59 < coscupbot> (deleav) 圖片不錯 14:59 < lucian> 溝通我知道community是吧 14:59 < stanely> KPI === Kill People Index 14:59 < [R0]DeemoHarlos> 其實是communicate 14:59 < boyofsky> 3點了! 15:00 < [R0]hinet60613> 15分鐘文化,15分鐘方法,最後15分鐘總該開始講工具了吧 15:00 < coscupbot> (deleav) 點心呢 15:00 < waeting> 要拉尾盤了嗎 15:00 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 3點 15:00 < [R0]DeemoHarlos> 15:10去吃點心 15:00 < Helios> [R0] 想排點心了 15:00 < [R0]dz1984> 還有15分鐘! 15:00 < boyofsky> 我覺得他會說工具三天三夜也說不完 15:00 -!- knowlet [8c6d7f06@gateway/web/cgi-irc/kiwiirc.com/ip.] has quit [Client Quit] 15:00 -!- nightfeather is now known as [R0] 15:00 < [R0]DeemoHarlos> 三天三夜 三更半夜 15:00 < boyofsky> 1分鐘帶過 15:00 < ccc_> 幹 好像直銷 15:00 -!- vincent [caa9ad86@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 15:00 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 講者:請掃QRcode 15:00 -!- [HP]Alieon [8c6daf4f@gateway/web/cgi-irc/kiwiirc.com/ip.] has joined #coscup 15:00 -!- [R0] is now known as [R0]NightFeather 15:01 < coscupbot> (deleav) [0] 所以是想讓我們去參加嗎 15:01 < waeting> 還有一分鐘給你們掃一下這個QRcode~ 之類的嗎 15:01 < derekhsu> 是加入了噓噓東集團才會變這樣? 15:01 -!- vincent is now known as Guest13421 15:01 < coscupbot> (jiachengx) 創造內外部聯誼就熟了,人與人之間的連結 15:01 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 點心團 請開團(X 15:01 < ggininder_> 藍鑽經理 你敢嘴? 15:01 < pupuliao> 好 最後因為時間關係請自己掃QRcode 15:01 < Takeshi_tw> H3 等等要 Live demo 20 分鐘安裝 OpenStack (誤 15:01 < tonyhusky> 開源出現! 15:01 < YChao__> 三天三夜++ 15:01 < kewang> R0 開源軟體又出現了 15:01 < coscupbot> (deleav) 宣揚開源好處中 15:01 -!- chwong [~chwong@chbsd.cs.nctu.edu.tw] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 15:01 < [R0]DeemoHarlos> 15:10準時到 15:01 -!- Yellow [~YiLing@] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 15:01 < tonyhusky> 所以我說 是什麼開源軟體呢 15:01 < ccc_> “開源軟體”出現了 15:01 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 所以說 那個工具呢? 15:01 < asilcheng> @YChao__ 人在哪呀? 15:01 < derekhsu> 寫共筆的佛心來的 15:01 < Guest97474> 又過了 15:01 < ccc_> type: String 15:02 < taipeiwu> 用開源軟體是為了省$$吧 15:02 < david11014> 2013有出現!? 15:02 < [R0]DeemoHarlos> 共筆大大 <(_ _)> 我已經放棄了.. 15:02 < kewang> R0 又變溝通了 15:02 < [R0]NightFeather> 想說繼續來試試 airodump 但是要試就要斷網表示煩躁 030 15:02 < lucian>  那個開源呢? 15:02 < freedomtw> 新竹有個開源社, 賣雞排的 15:02 < [R0]DeemoHarlos> 工具.. 15:02 < boyofsky> 工具! 15:02 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 工具 15:02 < kewang> R0 工具!!!!!! 15:02 < waeting> 工具! 15:02 < [R0]dz1984> 最後了!重點來了! 15:02 < darkgerm2> R0 終於進入工具了 15:02 < YMHuang> 苗栗也有 XDD 15:02 < tonyhusky> 開源社好吃 15:02 < ccc_> 台中也有開源社 15:02 < ccc_> 好吃 15:02 < stanely> @freedomtw 開源社很賺 15:02 < Guest97474> 東海也有開源社 15:02 < [R0]NightFeather> 人 15:02 < hrs> 工具人 15:02 -!- tars_w_ [~chatzilla@] has joined #coscup 15:02 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 靠人 15:02 < [R0]hinet60613> 2013年的講題: 「新創到中型技術團隊的經營發展 - 導入OpenSource發展經驗」 15:02 < waeting> 工具人 15:02 -!- eric is now known as e_rrr_iii_ccc 15:02 < David_c> [R0]燈燈燈 15:02 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 滿滿的人(工具人) 15:03 < [R0]NightFeather> 白板w 15:03 < derekhsu> 2013年那次是誰? 15:03 -!- tars_w_ is now known as _tars 15:03 -!- Yellow [~YiLing@] has joined #coscup 15:03 < chwong_cloud> 白板 最 open 了 15:03 < freedomtw> 所以嘍, 開源不一定要 source code :-) 15:03 < Helios> 人=便宜的員工? 15:03 < david11014> 所以產品沒開源,倒是用了很多開源軟體 15:03 < ccc_> 工具人的集合->工具箱 15:03 < [R0]DeemoHarlos> MSN不是古董了? 15:03 < darkgerm2> 各種白板 15:03 < coscupbot> (Luxame) 台中有開源社雞排!? 15:03 -!- boywhy [uid181040@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-lotmfspmqcmrcyxa] has joined #coscup 15:03 < [R0]hinet60613> 一樣是他,Neil Lee 15:03 < David_c> [R0]還以為是毒品 15:03 < ccc_> 東海有open source雞排‘ 15:03 < ggininder_> 他只是省錢才用開源吧== 15:03 < [R0]NightFeather> 紅中 15:03 < boyofsky> 結束了....... 15:03 < [R0]DeweiLi> [R0]DeemoHarlos:沒關係辛苦你了 15:03 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 開源雞排 那什麼w 15:04 < waeting> 好吃的雞排店哦 15:04 < Guest97474> 2013還只是中型團隊 現在變大型團隊了 當然要再回顧一下 15:04 < ccc_> using open source tool for COST DOWN 15:04 -!- user [~user@] has quit [Quit: leaving] 15:04 < boywhy> 這張圖是Cacoo畫的 15:04 < _tars> 可以fork的雞排 15:04 -!- asahsieh [~asahsieh@] has joined #coscup 15:04 -!- chwong [~chwong@chbsd.cs.nctu.edu.tw] has joined #coscup 15:04 < ccc_> R0的標題 「using open source tool for COST DOWN」 15:04 < derekhsu> Using open source for cost down其實很現實XD 15:05 < darkgerm2> XD 15:05 < [R0]DeemoHarlos> 最實際那種.. 15:05 < derekhsu> 就是因為這樣才不用M$的東西.... 15:05 < waeting> yup 15:05 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 還是來看梗的共筆 15:05 < [R0]NightFeather> XD 15:05 < [R0]DeemoHarlos> 最實際就是$$$$$$$$$$$啊 15:05 < boyofsky> 誒誒誒 我發現其實他把他的東西都寫在標題了: 配合(工具)透過 slack 整合 gitlab , jenkins , nagios , redmine 做到 Continus Intergreation 和即時通知,於部署及監控上怎麼做到自動化 Foreman + Puppet , Gunnery , Ganglia 。 15:05 < boywhy> 只有遠傳,R0沒有訊號 15:05 < lucian> 我有個問題,現在比較新的軟體公司,有誰不是用類似架構流程的? 15:05 < derekhsu> 結果買一堆超貴的IBM Server ... <囧> 15:05 < boyofsky> 大家想看的 標題都寫完了 15:05 -!- tars_w [~chatzilla@] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 15:05 < waeting> OTL 15:05 < [R0]NightFeather> 只是說這時候還是一樣要考慮是跟社群的進度 還是 fork 一份自己維護 15:05 < PichuChen> 不同的是使用gitlab還是花錢放github? 15:06 < [R0]DeemoHarlos> 期待翟大演講 15:06 < [R0]DeemoHarlos> 但更期待點心 15:06 < [R0]dz1984> 是用 slack api 去 trigger吧! 15:06 < boywhy> RD在推CODE 15:06 < ccc_> 只有遠傳,R0沒有訊號 推!!!!! 15:06 < waeting> 光速吃完點心回來坐等大大 15:06 < ccc_> 太中肯了 15:06 < [R0]NightFeather> 期待點心 ++ 15:06 < derekhsu> 是trigger slack API 15:06 < tonyhusky> 點心++ 15:06 < [R0]NightFeather> 雖然說今天整天莫名疲倦 15:06 < lucian> 我都不知道Slack都有這麼多功能,以為只是MSN alternative XD 15:06 < [R0]DeemoHarlos> SLACK超級強大 15:06 < derekhsu> Slack Webhook設定一下可以做很多事 15:07 -!- chwong [~chwong@chbsd.cs.nctu.edu.tw] has quit [Client Quit] 15:07 < ggininder_> 奇怪今天的鯉魚王好少喔! 15:07 < derekhsu> 可以的話自己在寫個BOT 15:07 < [R0]dz1984> 快 3:10 了! 15:07 < [R0]NightFeather> 可能早上去 workshop 當助教噴太多體力惹 15:07 < darkgerm2> slack有api可以自己寫bot 15:07 < [R0]DeemoHarlos> ...突然冒出來... 15:07 < derekhsu> 這樣收送都可以 15:07 < [R0]DeemoHarlos> 飽可夢.. 15:07 < PichuChen> slack整hubot ,日文的話有本書在介紹 15:07 < _tars> 所以hook數量才可以拿來收費啊 太好用了 15:07 < boywhy> Slack蠻威的,只是你的東西要推到他的公有雲上面,用Mattermost比較安全吧 ~ 15:07 < lucian> 想問,那Slack他們有買企業方案嗎 15:07 < boywhy> slack好像要錢丫~ 15:07 < derekhsu> 純Webhook好像不用收錢啊 15:07 < [R0]DeemoHarlos> 去排點心6666我下了881 15:08 < Davy_CC> boywhy: 有 free plan 15:08 < PichuChen> 應用=>早安機器人=>讓新創公司的slack看起來不會太冷清 15:08 < [R0]NightFeather> wwwwww 15:08 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> = = 15:08 -!- threelines [~threeline@] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 15:08 -!- pastleo_ [~pastleo@] has joined #coscup 15:08 < derekhsu> 我們CSC的slack上面充滿了定下午茶跟靠背的訊息XD 15:08 < stanely> code review有沒有"主管"把關 =》問題是主管若很久沒寫code,也不一定能把關啊 15:08 < Davy_CC> 結果是在講他們怎麼用open source tools 15:08 < derekhsu> 因為所有老闆都沒在用 15:08 -!- yolandalin [~yolandali@] has joined #coscup 15:08 < [R0]NightFeather> 早中晚問候 + 三餐轉盤 bot (? 15:09 < [R0]hinet60613> 「部分的」團隊有做Unit Test 15:09 < Davy_CC> 哦不 連怎麼用(how)都沒講只講了用來幹嘛(for what)... 15:09 < [R0]dz1984> slack bot 可以隨機選擇中午要吃什麼 15:09 < derekhsu> 想要做訂下午茶BOT 15:09 < waeting> 好棒的功能!!我說選午餐 15:09 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> \3:09/ 15:09 < darkgerm2> 沒講怎麼用啊 15:09 < boywhy> 聽到頭有點暈,血糖下降了嗎? 15:09 < david11014> 3:10 15:09 < _tars> 前公司把error log吐到slack上 只要出錯就被洗版惹 15:09 -!- [R0]buck5060 [~buck5060@158-206.dorm.ncu.edu.tw] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 15:09 < derekhsu> 上次參加devops summit 15:09 -!- Tx [2a48a2ec@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 15:09 < Takeshi_tw> H3 CO2 從 700 變成 1000 啦~~ 15:09 < coscupbot> (e-Cheng) r0 伊布出沒 15:09 -!- [R0]buck5060 [~buck5060@158-206.dorm.ncu.edu.tw] has joined #coscup 15:10 -!- nipapa [~nipapa@] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 15:10 < [R0]dz1984> 剩5分鐘要QA了! 15:10 < derekhsu> 我只有把HTTP alert跟deploy alert送到slack上面 15:10 < david11014> 要QA了嗎 15:10 < tonyhusky> 開源的原來是經驗啊 15:10 < [R0]NightFeather> 把 log 倒在聊天室是啥餿主意啊...... 15:10 -!- Tx is now known as Guest57430 15:10 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> =A=? 15:10 < boywhy> 最後again 15:10 < derekhsu> log不太好,送alert KO 15:10 < derekhsu> log不太好,送alert OK 15:10 < ccc_> QA囉 15:10 < [R0]NightFeather> 好歹也是放連結吧 (? 15:10 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> KO www 15:10 < derekhsu> Graylog直接提供對Slack的plugin,好用 15:10 < _tars> 開一個channel 關注的人自己去看XD 15:10 < waeting> 是一個把嘔吐誤倒到玩具箱的概難 15:10 < PichuChen> 我們把一些Event log丟在另外一個Channel,系統重開的時候把自己的Server ID丟過來。 15:10 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 皮卡丘 15:10 < tonyhusky> 皮卡丘欸 15:11 < pupuliao> 恩 我承認 有NAS 了 15:11 < david11014> 沒有貓 15:11 < [R0]dz1984> star war 15:11 < taipeiwu> 最後…最後…最後………XD 15:11 < [R0]hinet60613> 今年的講者是不是不流行放貓貓萌照? QQ 15:11 -!- Lychee [6f5290d4@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 15:11 < kewang> https://github.com/kewang/logback-redmine-appender 可以把 error log 倒到 redmine 15:11 < dannyAAM> log放slack到底OAO 15:11 < yucheng> 今年不是海濤嘛 15:11 < derekhsu> error log放在elasticsearch就好啦.... 15:11 -!- Lychee is now known as Guest28160 15:11 < boywhy> 在現金的社會之中 15:11 < ccc_> 最後結論根本跟開源沒關係 15:11 < PichuChen> 基本上就是把本來丟到Email或是發簡訊的做法丟到slack上 15:12 < kester___> 好像很少看到貓貓。海濤倒是一堆。要跟海濤拿贊助啦 15:12 -!- Segno [~segno@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 15:12 < ccc_> 四個結論跟開源都沒關係... 15:12 < boywhy> 業障重 15:12 < derekhsu> 去年有美江嗎 15:12 < david11014> 創業開源 15:12 < Guest57430> 江南Style 15:12 < darkgerm2> 不是全部log啦 15:12 < ccc_> 還是只有我沒看到 15:12 < YMHuang> (拍.... 15:12 < _tars> 點心! 15:12 < PichuChen> R0主題:新創CEO眼中的開源 15:12 < waeting> 有人要QA嗎 15:12 < coscupbot> (Luxame) 投影片是有跑版(? 15:12 < tonyhusky> LOL 15:12 < [R0]hinet60613> 反對www 15:12 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 誰按了ww 15:12 < waeting> 誰阿wwwwwwwww 15:12 < david11014> 點心時間 15:12 < boyofsky> 誰啦 wwwwwwwww 15:12 -!- Goston [~goston@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 15:12 < boywhy> 下課鐘響了 15:12 < hrs> XDDDDD 15:12 < YMHuang> XDD 15:12 < darkgerm2> XDDD 15:12 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 按太短 15:12 < Guest97474> 誰按了反對XD 15:13 < [R0]NightFeather> 誰去投影幕上放個金胖拍手 (X 15:13 < darkgerm2> ding dong 15:13 < waeting> 贊成和反對聲音一樣嗎? 15:13 < ccc_> 再按一次反對XD 15:13 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 我好奇 贊成 一樣嗎 15:13 < boywhy> == 15:13 -!- bz [~bz@223-137-143-108.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 15:13 < ccc_> QA故意提到反對嗎 15:13 < ccc_> XD 15:13 < David_c> 按!按! 15:13 < [R0]dz1984> 只要有人離職就亂入用新工具 15:13 < waeting> 這個答案有講跟沒講一樣.... 15:13 < boywhy> 惡勢力 15:13 < Takeshi_tw> 等等就大會報告禁止了 XD 15:13 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 外面熱鬧了 15:13 < Guest97474> 快再按一次 15:13 -!- dneif [~dneif@] has joined #coscup 15:13 -!- StarNight [~zack@] has quit [Quit: leaving] 15:14 < Guest57430> 死海效應 15:14 < [R0]NightFeather> = 「總之就是喬一喬」 15:14 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 反對 一秒可以完成 15:14 < waeting> 上面有三顆按鈕耶:3 15:14 < stanely> 核心團隊 =》惡勢力 =》通常若這惡勢力裡有loser那就爛掉了 15:14 < lucian> wwwwwwwww 這麼磨合的代價也太高了吧 15:14 -!- pascal_ [8c6daf4d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 15:14 < ccc_> 反對!!!! 15:14 -!- freedomtw [~freedom@] has quit [Quit: freedomtw] 15:14 < Guest97474> 反正就是如果我跟你不合 你就掰掰了 15:14 < Davy_CC> KPI wwwwwww 15:14 < boywhy> 實艱軸 15:14 < stanely> 因為他就最上面的人 15:15 -!- Yellow [~YiLing@] has quit [Ping timeout: 258 seconds] 15:15 -!- mabinogi80503 [~mabinogi8@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 15:15 -!- linc01n_ [~linc01n@n220246201192.netvigator.com] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 15:15 < coscupbot> (deleav) 實艱軸 這詞也太神了吧<(_ _)> 15:15 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 我反對 15:15 -!- asahsieh [~asahsieh@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 15:15 -!- bz [~bz@223-137-143-108.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 15:15 < ccc_> 反對!!! 15:15 < waeting> 有些人喜歡~有些人部喜歡~因為哈密瓜有種 哈味~ 15:15 < Guest97474> 他應該是想說有些人喜歡有些人不喜歡吧! 15:15 < hrs> 叮咚 15:15 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 15:16 15:15 -!- kewang [~kewang@] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 15:15 < Guest97474> 發問 那芒果還是#1嗎 15:15 -!- derekhsu [~derekhsu@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 15:16 < [R0]hinet60613> 有些人喜歡,有些人不喜歡,因為KPI有一種K味 15:16 < [R0]NightFeather> = 「做好內部教育,總之還是喬一喬」 15:16 -!- Shawwwwww [7288abc8@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 15:16 -!- Guest28160 [6f5290d4@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 15:16 < ccc_> has quit [ R0 ] 15:16 < Shawwwwww> 吃點心啦 15:16 < waeting> 好了吃點心去~ 15:16 -!- _tars [~chatzilla@] has quit [Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.92 [Firefox 48.0/20160726073904]] 15:16 -!- PichuChen [~PichuChen@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 15:16 < boyofsky> 咦 3:30就是下一場了吧? 15:16 -!- DanSnow [~snow@] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 15:16 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 15:50 啦 15:16 < [R0]dz1984> 點心都冷掉了啦! 15:16 < Deleav> 點心!! 15:16 < boyofsky> 喔喔喔 嚇死我了 還以為沒時間吃點心 15:16 -!- e_rrr_iii_ccc [~eric@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 15:16 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 叮咚 15:16 < hydai> 15:50 才是下一場接下來是點心時間~~~ 15:16 -!- vincentsue [~vincentsu@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 15:16 < waeting> 可以按了嗎 15:17 -!- cartertsai [~cartertsa@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 15:17 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 你按 15:17 < David_c> 粗點心去 15:17 < waeting> 不要我害羞>/////< 15:17 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 粗點心lol 15:17 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 你假裝東西掉下去壓到(X 15:17 -!- Yellow [~YiLing@] has joined #coscup 15:17 -!- [R0]DeweiLi [~deweili@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 15:18 -!- [HP]Alieon [8c6daf4f@gateway/web/cgi-irc/kiwiirc.com/ip.] has quit [Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client] 15:18 -!- goldie [~goldie-li@114-136-100-178.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has left #coscup ["Leaving"] 15:19 -!- derekhsu [~AndChat48@] has joined #coscup 15:19 < angelboy> [ 大會服務台 ] 失物招領:斑駁棕色保溫杯、OTG 線、林o德先生的兆豐銀行金融卡、拉拉熊 icash 悠遊卡,有遺失上述物品的會眾,請於四點前至大會人文館服務台認領 15:19 -!- veloci85 [~Thunderbi@] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 15:20 -!- shigurefox [~shigurefo@] has quit [Quit: shigurefox] 15:20 -!- pupuliao [8c6d7f06@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 15:20 -!- dneif [~dneif@] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 15:20 -!- tiwb [~tiwb@] has quit [Ping timeout: 258 seconds] 15:20 -!- [HP]Alieon [caa9ad86@gateway/web/cgi-irc/kiwiirc.com/ip.] has joined #coscup 15:20 -!- AndChat401249 [~AndChat40@] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 15:20 -!- asahsieh [~asahsieh@] has joined #coscup 15:20 -!- [R1]tom83615 [8c6d7f0b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 15:20 -!- yusheng [8c6d7f02@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 15:20 -!- setuna0625 [8c6d7f0b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 15:21 -!- YMHuang [~ymhuang@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 15:21 -!- nipapa [~nipapa@] has joined #coscup 15:21 -!- [R0]dz1984 [caa9ad86@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 15:21 -!- asahsieh [~asahsieh@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 15:21 -!- asahsieh [~asahsieh@] has joined #coscup 15:22 -!- Guest13421 [caa9ad86@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 15:22 -!- [R0]buck5060 [~buck5060@158-206.dorm.ncu.edu.tw] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 15:22 -!- Yellow [~YiLing@] has quit [Read error: No route to host] 15:22 -!- [R0]buck5060 [~buck5060@158-206.dorm.ncu.edu.tw] has joined #coscup 15:23 -!- madaram__ [~madarame@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 15:23 -!- madarame [~madarame@] has joined #coscup 15:24 < lucian> gandi.net 攤位桌上有很多折扣碼,可以免費使用com.tw一年,感覺可以拿來做壞事 wwwww 15:24 -!- isken [8c6d7f08@gateway/web/cgi-irc/kiwiirc.com/ip.] has joined #coscup 15:24 -!- AndChat|538544 [~AndChat53@] has joined #coscup 15:24 -!- RyanHo [~AndChat53@223-137-112-242.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 15:24 -!- DanSnow [~snow@] has joined #coscup 15:25 -!- nipapa [~nipapa@] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 15:26 < Takeshi_tw> 看到一堆人退出 irc.....感覺搶不到點心 XD 15:26 -!- madarame [~madarame@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 15:26 -!- yucheng [~yucheng@] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 15:26 -!- madarame [~madarame@] has joined #coscup 15:27 -!- kkpan11 [~kkpan11@] has quit [Quit: Leaving.] 15:27 < waeting> 林先生的卡片怎麼還在那邊 15:27 -!- [R0]buck5060 [~buck5060@158-206.dorm.ncu.edu.tw] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 15:27 -!- yolandalin [~yolandali@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 15:27 -!- [R0]buck5060 [~buck5060@158-206.dorm.ncu.edu.tw] has joined #coscup 15:27 -!- yolandalin [~yolandali@] has joined #coscup 15:27 -!- [HP]Alieon [caa9ad86@gateway/web/cgi-irc/kiwiirc.com/ip.] has quit [Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client] 15:28 < waeting> 大家的破壞力有點驚人阿!昨天才爆了一個樓梯鋁條,今天又爆一條了 15:28 -!- asahsieh_ [~asahsieh@] has joined #coscup 15:28 -!- PichuChen [~PichuChen@] has joined #coscup 15:28 -!- madarame [~madarame@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 15:29 -!- abev66 [~AndChat46@223-140-32-41.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 15:29 -!- isken_ [6f52ad85@gateway/web/cgi-irc/kiwiirc.com/ip.] has joined #coscup 15:29 -!- isken [8c6d7f08@gateway/web/cgi-irc/kiwiirc.com/ip.] has quit [Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client] 15:29 < Takeshi_tw> angelboy: 找不到東西也可以找大會嗎? XD 15:29 -!- [R0]dz1984 [caa9ad86@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 15:30 -!- asahsieh [~asahsieh@] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 15:31 -!- edhong [~edhongcy@223-137-172-52.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Quit: Bye] 15:32 -!- yolandalin [~yolandali@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 15:32 -!- asahsieh_ [~asahsieh@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 15:32 < waeting> 應該可以吧我相信大會是萬能的m(_ _)m m(_ _)m m(_ _)m 15:32 -!- yolandalin [~yolandali@] has joined #coscup 15:32 -!- [R0]DeweiLi [~deweili@] has joined #coscup 15:32 -!- [R0]buck5060 [~buck5060@158-206.dorm.ncu.edu.tw] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 15:32 < Takeshi_tw> waeting: 那找20幾年找不到的女友呢 QwQ (來亂 15:32 -!- [R0]buck5060 [~buck5060@158-206.dorm.ncu.edu.tw] has joined #coscup 15:33 -!- bz [~bz@223-137-143-108.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 15:34 < waeting> 欸我也想到一樣的問題餒QAQ 15:34 -!- dneif [~dneif@] has joined #coscup 15:35 < Takeshi_tw> (;´д`) 15:36 -!- cataska [~cataska@] has joined #coscup 15:36 -!- kewang [~kewang@] has joined #coscup 15:36 -!- AndroUser [~androirc@223-137-52-223.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 15:36 < [R0]NightFeather> wwwwww 15:36 < Shawwwwww> 翟神奇寶貝登場 15:36 -!- yolandalin [~yolandali@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 15:36 -!- cwhwillie [~androirc@223-137-52-223.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 15:36 < waeting> 翟神的頭髮好飄逸阿不知道怎麼保養的 15:36 < derekhsu> 不是有代言洗髮精 15:36 -!- louisje [~louisje@] has joined #coscup 15:36 < [R0]NightFeather> 空氣感(?)髮型 15:37 -!- AndChat401249 [~AndChat40@223-140-43-234.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 15:37 < lucian> 50分才開始,他已經在台上standby好久.... 15:37 -!- tiwb [~tiwb@] has joined #coscup 15:38 -!- tiwb [~tiwb@] has quit [Client Quit] 15:38 -!- ggininder_ [caa9ad86@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 15:38 < [R0]NightFeather> 記得剛剛出去吃點心路過外面螢幕就看他人在台上惹 (汗 15:38 < waeting> 神就是不一樣 15:38 -!- tiwb [~tiwb@] has joined #coscup 15:39 -!- asahsieh [~asahsieh@] has joined #coscup 15:40 -!- Trista [8c6d7f0d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 15:40 < angelboy> @Takeshi_tw 可以先來人文館服務台登記,如果有找到會聯絡您 15:40 -!- bz [~bz@223-137-143-108.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 15:40 -!- madarame [~madarame@] has joined #coscup 15:41 < waeting> 翟神是要來講怎麼把手機記憶體變成TB的故事嗎 15:41 -!- cartertsai [~cartertsa@] has joined #coscup 15:41 -!- e_rrr_iii_ccc [~eric@] has joined #coscup 15:42 -!- YMHuang [~ymhuang@] has joined #coscup 15:42 < derekhsu> 爆滿了 15:42 < Denir_> 一位難求 15:42 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> lol 15:42 -!- [R0]NightFeather [~nightfeat@] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 15:42 < abev66> R0.座位.GC() 15:42 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 宅色夫在找座位 15:43 < coscupbot> (fripig) 第一排有位子XDDD 15:43 < waeting> R0後方靠近門的地方有某個階梯的鋁條是鬆的~要坐階梯的大家記得檢查一下小心不要受傷哦ker ker 15:43 -!- lychee_tw [~AndChat17@111-82-144-212.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 15:43 < coscupbot> (fripig) 我錯了 有包包在椅子上 15:43 -!- madarame [~madarame@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 15:44 -!- threelines [~threeline@] has joined #coscup 15:44 < abev66> coscupbot 15:44 < derekhsu> 網路好像快爆炸了 15:44 < abev66> 我就想說我在這邊都沒位子 15:44 -!- Quexint [~textual@] has joined #coscup 15:44 < aoihitomi> ob'_'ov 15:44 -!- [R0]NightFeather [~nightfeat@] has joined #coscup 15:44 -!- Segno [~segno@] has joined #coscup 15:44 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 好險 我都用有線網路 15:44 < aoihitomi> 先在R0生根是正解 (?) 15:44 < boris> R0有點熱 15:45 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 等等就冷了 15:45 -!- R0-shaw [~shaw@114-136-171-200.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 15:45 -!- kkpan11 [~kkpan11@] has joined #coscup 15:45 -!- PJxPJ [~AndChat33@42-70-20-95.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 15:45 -!- Takeshi_tw [~Takeshi_t@] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 15:45 < R0-shaw> 翟翟 15:45 < david11014> R0 WIFI 要不行了 15:45 < [R0]NightFeather> + 15:45 < aoihitomi> 本本 15:45 -!- asahsieh [~asahsieh@] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 15:45 < [R0]NightFeather> 啊按到 15:45 < waeting> wifi: RRRRRRRRR~要壞掉啦 15:45 -!- AndChat240000 [~AndChat24@42-66-159-252.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 15:45 < R0-shaw> 大家湧進來了 15:45 < derekhsu> 我只有IRC還連得到 15:45 < chihhsin> 怎麼可以讓 moski 坐樓梯!快讓位啊~ 15:45 -!- yolandal_ [~yolandali@] has joined #coscup 15:46 < abev66> 漫出來了 15:46 -!- bre [~cmou@] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 15:46 < PJxPJ> 喬喬 15:46 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 快按贊成鈕 15:46 -!- BeataLin [~BeataLin@] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds] 15:46 -!- knowlet [caa9ad86@gateway/web/cgi-irc/kiwiirc.com/ip.] has joined #coscup 15:46 < chihhsin> s/moski/Mosky/ 15:46 < David_c> 搖滾區要滿出來了 15:46 -!- Takeshi_tw [~Takeshi_t@223-140-158-212.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 15:46 < aoihitomi> 你們還有舞台第一排 (X 15:46 -!- vincentsue [~vincentsu@] has joined #coscup 15:46 -!- yutin [~yutin@] has joined #coscup 15:46 < R0-shaw> 直接座講台阿 15:46 < waeting> 舞台第一排要自備撒龍趴司 15:47 < Takeshi_tw> angelboy: 等等,剛剛說的可以登記喔 OAO!!? 15:47 -!- tiwb is now known as [R0]tiwb 15:47 < Guest57430> 大大霸氣待命中 15:47 -!- pupuliao [8c6d7f06@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 15:47 -!- Segno is now known as [R0]Segno 15:47 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 登記幫你找女友? 15:47 < R0-shaw> 他的眼鏡好性感 15:47 < boyofsky> 剛才在用餐區看到阿姨倒了一整箱沒吃的便當.... 覺得難過 QQ 15:47 < R0-shaw> 拿下來了 15:47 < waeting> 不知道頭髮打成辮子戰鬥力會上升多少 15:47 -!- yolandal_ [~yolandali@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 15:47 < aoihitomi> 老三嗎 15:47 < derekhsu> 我們在搖滾區 15:48 < Takeshi_tw> [R0]Heero_Yuy: XDD 15:48 < David_c> 老三很雷,不如吃養生那個好。 15:48 < aoihitomi> 綁成馬尾 坐到宅瑟夫旁邊 就可以測定戰鬥力了 15:48 < derekhsu> 便當剩這麼多? 15:48 < david11014> 便當QQ 15:48 < waeting> 不是按照報到人數訂的嗎? 15:48 < Guest57430> 樓上也沒座位了ww 15:48 -!- knowlet [caa9ad86@gateway/web/cgi-irc/kiwiirc.com/ip.] has quit [Client Quit] 15:48 < derekhsu> 是因為有問題還是訂太多 15:48 -!- freedomtw [~freedom@] has joined #coscup 15:48 < aoihitomi> 會有人不吃啊 15:48 -!- yucheng [~yucheng@] has joined #coscup 15:48 -!- bz [~bz@223-137-143-108.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 15:48 < angelboy> Takeshi_tw :找不到的女友沒有XDD 15:48 -!- bz [~bz@223-137-143-108.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 15:48 < lucian> 大會可以公告有多的便當自由領取.... 15:49 < R0-shaw> 最後一排出現一個白色洋裝的妹子 15:49 < aoihitomi> 而且如此大量的便當還是得先預訂 15:49 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 幫你放進 梗共筆了 15:49 < derekhsu> 對啊 15:49 < Takeshi_tw> angelboy: 只好 QQ 了 15:49 -!- bz [~bz@223-137-143-108.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 15:49 < coscupbot> (fubuki) R1 R2 有實況嗎 15:49 < derekhsu> 我要吃10個 15:49 < waeting> 明年的報到選項要新增:是否搭伙 15:49 < Guest57430> 跑去吃摩斯? 15:49 -!- jserv-- [~jserv@] has joined #coscup 15:49 < Takeshi_tw> [R0]Heero_Yuy: (Y) 15:49 * jserv-- 趕快衝去聽老闆的議程 15:50 -!- madarame [~madarame@] has joined #coscup 15:50 < pupuliao> R2 有點小聲阿 15:50 < [R0]NightFeather> wifi R0 抽了一下 orz 15:50 < R0-shaw> 越來越多人啦 15:50 < Takeshi_tw> 😆 15:50 < jserv--> 直白的題目 15:50 -!- freedomtw [~freedom@] has quit [Client Quit] 15:50 -!- DanSnow [~snow@] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 15:50 < waeting> \翟神/\翟神/\翟神/\翟神/\翟神/ 15:50 < ccc_> 翟神出場,屌電open source CEo 15:50 < R0-shaw> God 15:50 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> R0的wifi:啊 要被抽壞了~ 15:50 < Guest57430> 片頭 15:50 -!- fntsrCloud [uid16354@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-hktwuocngufilovg] has joined #coscup 15:50 < aoihitomi> 要講TB了 15:50 < [R0]NightFeather> 翻轉思想:你其實可以不用開源 (X 15:50 < R0-shaw> 拔出來,不要再操了 15:51 -!- coldsleep [uid175522@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-ibfvfaetuazehwtq] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 15:51 < abev66> 真的是來公佈答案的喔 15:51 < waeting> 聲音可以大一點點嗎 15:51 < Lee1092> R1 悲劇.. 15:51 < aoihitomi> 應該要用開源撥放器(?) 15:51 < [R0]tiwb> foobar 2000 15:51 < waeting> VLC wwwwwww 15:51 < yucheng> R1 幫QQ 15:51 < david11014> VLC 15:51 < Guest57430> T800 15:51 < [R0]NightFeather> mpv 15:51 < R0-shaw> Vlccc 15:51 < David_c> MPC 15:51 -!- jimms [df8c085a@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 15:51 < aoihitomi> MPCHC(?) 15:51 < YMHuang> VLC 好像有攤位? 15:51 < PJxPJ> 賣葫蘆XD 15:51 < jserv--> 因為不是用 Linux 當桌面 15:51 < waeting> 今年VLC的攤位好像沒什麼人去 15:52 -!- madarame [~madarame@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 15:52 -!- dneif [~dneif@] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 15:52 < dannyAAM> wifi啊... 15:52 < jserv--> [R0]NightFeather++ # 翻轉好棒 15:52 -!- coldsleep [uid175522@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-gueuafftqmgorqrr] has joined #coscup 15:52 < abev66> 應該要用 VLC 啊! 15:52 < waeting> wwwwwwwwww 15:52 < Takeshi_tw> Test 🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈 15:52 < boyofsky> Lighting talk 15:52 < chiehyou> R1 好小聲 15:52 < David_c> wwwwwwwwwww 15:52 < waeting> wwwwwwwwww 15:53 < david11014> XDD 15:53 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 未授權w 15:53 < aoihitomi> 請使用libreoffice (?) 15:53 < derekhsu> 我的投影片也是昨天晚上才寫的XD 15:53 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 等等 未授權 也能用吧? 15:53 < coscupbot> (fripig) 莫非定律XD 15:53 < R0-shaw> Open 15:53 < boyofsky> 為什麼不是用open office XDDDD 15:53 < abev66> 請愛用 LibreOffice (? 15:53 < Guest57430> Libreoffice 15:53 < R0-shaw> 他用開放版Ms 15:53 < R0-shaw> Xd 15:53 < waeting> 這裡是開源大會,要愛用libreoffice 15:53 -!- ggininder [caa9ad86@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 15:53 < aoihitomi> 就會紅紅的 (?) 15:53 < swem> VLC的攤位在哪裡啊? 15:53 -!- _tars [~chatzilla@] has joined #coscup 15:53 < David_c> Google文件 15:53 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 然後你的作業系統未授權(X 15:53 < aoihitomi> 二樓 15:54 < barneybook> 未授權跟修復的關係是?? 15:54 < david11014> XDDDDD 15:54 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> www 15:54 < dylandy_> 完全不見了XDDD 15:54 < David_c> 不見了wwwwwwww 15:54 < david11014> 削掉啦 15:54 < [R0]DeweiLi> 整個office不見了 15:54 < derekhsu> 這怎麼做到的 15:54 < R0-shaw> 很棒 15:54 < [R0]DeweiLi> office業障重 15:54 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 這是還原嗎w 15:54 < barneybook> 用OOO吧 15:54 < Guest57430> 躲起來了 15:54 < waeting> VLC在四樓男廁那半邊有兩個外國人顧攤 15:54 < waeting> 有很酷的糖果 15:54 < coscupbot> (fripig) 知道要open就躲起來了 15:54 < boyofsky> 外國人看起來酷酷的 15:54 -!- yolandalin [~yolandali@] has joined #coscup 15:54 < R0-shaw> 馬上改linux 15:54 < Takeshi_tw> H3 把 OpenStack Fuel deploy 起來了 XD 15:54 < inndy> Ben 也成為正版受害者了 15:55 < derekhsu> 順便問一下,有一位非裔朋友各位有看到嗎 15:55 < aoihitomi> 正版受害者 15:55 < _tars> XD 15:55 -!- goldie-lin [~goldie-li@114-136-100-178.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 15:55 < waeting> wwwwww 15:55 -!- yolandalin [~yolandali@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 15:55 < david11014> 工商啊 15:55 < David_c> wwwwwwwwww 15:55 < Ruinland> 這是反工商吧XD 15:55 < derekhsu> MS被highlight了 15:55 < Guest57430> 誰接的慘了 15:55 < R0-shaw> 幹好猛 15:55 < aoihitomi> 果然是正版受害者 15:55 < float> GC? 15:55 < David_c> 被刪掉了wwwwwwww 15:55 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> WT....F? 15:55 < Vdragon> wwww 15:55 < derekhsu> XD 15:55 < david11014> XDDDD 15:55 < waeting> wwwwwwwwwwww 15:55 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 問候他母親ww 15:55 < waeting> dafq 15:55 < David_c> 令堂安否 15:55 < _tars> XDD 15:56 -!- StarNight [~AndChat54@] has joined #coscup 15:56 < inndy> 聽說沒有沒有贊助的廠商就會..... 15:56 < david11014> G 15:56 < R0-shaw> G 15:56 < R0-shaw> G , 15:56 -!- [R0]Nigh1Feather [~nightfeat@] has joined #coscup 15:56 < _tars> 慘 15:56 < pupuliao> 令堂安否 15:56 < boyofsky> M$真的很鬧 15:56 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 有犬ww 15:56 < ggininder> PAD!!! 15:56 < [R0]Nigh1Feather> wwwwwwwww 15:56 < david11014> 犬夜叉 15:56 < narahuang> PAD! 15:56 -!- [R0]NightFeather [~nightfeat@] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds] 15:56 < derekhsu> 5到7天 15:56 < hrs> パズドラwww 15:56 < David_c> 微軟一直中槍 15:56 < aoihitomi> 出現啦 15:56 < barneybook> 犬夜叉 15:56 < aoihitomi> 是libreoffice 15:56 < dylandy_> 終於鋪梗完了XD 15:56 < kewang> libreoffice!!!!!! 15:56 < derekhsu> 哈哈 15:56 < Davy_CC> 我會用開源軟體是在標上一場嗎wwwwww 15:56 < waeting> 要拍手嗎 15:56 < jserv--> 投影片當然要當天才製作,這樣資訊最新鮮 15:56 < boyofsky> 鋪梗 噗好久 XD 15:56 -!- DanSnow [~snow@] has joined #coscup 15:56 < dannyAAM> www 15:57 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 微軟:這我一定吉 15:57 < Davy_CC> 「怎麼沒有人鼓掌」 15:57 -!- lychee_tw [~AndChat17@111-82-144-212.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 15:57 -!- shigurefox [~shigurefo@] has joined #coscup 15:57 < barneybook> Google雲端不是打開來就可以做了 15:57 < YChao__> 一開始用LO不就好了? 15:57 -!- [R0]Nigh1Feather is now known as [R0]Nightfeather 15:57 -!- lychee_tw [~AndChat17@223-136-64-82.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 15:57 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 沒人寫共筆w 15:57 < david11014> 怎麼都在偷婊上一場 15:57 < Guest57430> 這兩年 15:57 < aoihitomi> open source software is free only if your time is free. (X 15:57 < Ruinland> 7000花了還是要追回來就是了? 15:57 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 只有微軟客服電話ww 15:57 < Davy_CC> 在表上一場啦wwww 15:57 -!- knowlet [caa9ad86@gateway/web/cgi-irc/kiwiirc.com/ip.] has joined #coscup 15:57 < R0-shaw> 小企業 15:57 < coscupbot> (fripig) 一開始就用就沒梗了 15:57 < derekhsu> 大部分都是用開源軟體省錢 15:57 < YChao__> 「政府如何利用開源軟體賺錢」... 崩壞的開始 15:58 < boyofsky> 翟神應該沒聽上一場吧 XDDDD 15:58 < R0-shaw> 政府都用迷版 15:58 < hlb> 這次題目是如何靠M$ Office多寫10頁簡報 wwwwww 15:58 < derekhsu> 接在上一場之後XD 15:58 < inndy> 寇斯檔而以,沒法賺錢 15:58 < Ruinland> susu__: 你看一下私訊...... 15:58 < Lee1092> R1 聲音有點小 囧 15:58 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 硬體被軟體吃掉 15:58 < inndy> *而已 15:58 < aoihitomi> 如何靠著修復OFFICE多出10張剪報 15:58 < YChao__> @hlb: ++ 15:58 -!- asahsieh [~asahsieh@] has joined #coscup 15:58 < chiehyou> R1 真的好小聲阿~救命 15:58 < derekhsu> Cloud Appliances 15:58 -!- AndChat462336 [~AndChat46@223-136-168-203.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 15:59 < kewang> 現在講的這一段書裡面好像有寫到 15:59 < R0-shaw> 後面站慢慢 15:59 < R0-shaw> 滿滿 15:59 -!- hankkk [uid27502@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-edxnswixoixmuyer] has joined #coscup 15:59 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 慢慢w 15:59 < Ruinland> --OpenStack也沒有到誰都會裝-- 15:59 -!- AndChat462336 [~AndChat46@223-136-168-203.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Client Quit] 15:59 -!- ernestchiang [uid180992@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-gegjingtynlscxnp] has quit [Quit: Updating details, brb] 15:59 < abev66> 欸 OpenStack 難裝欸 15:59 < R0-shaw> 那超難裝 15:59 < Vdragon> 這屆也有桌機哥?! 15:59 -!- hwakeye [~AndChat46@223-136-168-203.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 15:59 -!- ernestchiang [uid180992@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-fpdwaoxyhqpdiybx] has joined #coscup 15:59 < [R0]Nightfeather> Openstuck 15:59 < aoihitomi> 我們有攤位可以洽詢喔。 (Z 15:59 < coscupbot> (ccc-larc) R2 聲音也很小 15:59 < _tars> 真的難裝... 15:59 < hankkk> 救救1聲音 15:59 < chihhsin> 還好吧不難裝呀 15:59 < hankkk> R1 16:00 < aoihitomi> 越早期版本越靠北 體感覺得 16:00 < pixza_yaoita> 那不是轉播機嗎 16:00 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> R0 中間桌機是 轉播台 16:00 < R0-shaw> 哪幾攤有賣Tshirt 16:00 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 還塞兩包乖乖 16:00 < derekhsu> 資策會 16:00 < waeting> 要說實話還是說好話QQ 16:00 < pupuliao> R2太小聲了 16:00 < pixza_yaoita> 我說在場的廠商都是(ry 16:01 < yucheng> R1的聲音需要救援 16:01 -!- mosu_ [dc86029d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 16:01 < Lee1092> R1的聲音需要救援+1 16:01 < david11014> 御三家 16:01 < Vdragon> 電子五哥 16:01 < derekhsu> 面板五虎 16:01 < stanely> 老三哲學,老大賺很多,老二賺一點,老三沒賺 16:01 -!- lychee_tw [~AndChat17@223-136-64-82.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 16:02 < JalenLin> chihhsin: BKSHDD 16:02 < stanely> TSMC=》台灣之光 16:02 < waeting> 十萬青年十萬肝 16:02 < pixza_yaoita> 輪班救台灣 16:02 -!- [R0]buck5060 [~buck5060@158-206.dorm.ncu.edu.tw] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 16:02 < aoihitomi> GG輪班救台灣 16:02 < R0-shaw> 好像有押韻 16:02 -!- [R0]buck5060 [~buck5060@158-206.dorm.ncu.edu.tw] has joined #coscup 16:02 -!- BanqiaoMrLiu [2a4801fd@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 16:02 < derekhsu> 不過TSMC跟開源軟體沒關係啊的啊 16:02 < aoihitomi> 橫批: SIEG G翁! 16:02 < _tars> 讚讚讚 16:02 < YChao__> 夜鷹計畫... XDD 16:02 -!- bre [~cmou@114-136-229-225.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 16:02 < aoihitomi> TSMC內部也是有用一堆OSS軟體 16:02 < pixza_yaoita> ob_ov 16:02 < jserv--> 老三原則 16:02 < jserv--> 台積電擁有晶圓代工的 50% 訂單,但賺走了市場的 100% 16:02 -!- cartertsai [~cartertsa@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 16:03 < waeting> 晨星計畫 16:03 < David_c> wwwwwwwwww 16:03 < rail02000> 老闆要的不多 16:03 < YChao__> 作文比賽? 16:03 < R0-shaw> Www 16:03 -!- knowlet [caa9ad86@gateway/web/cgi-irc/kiwiirc.com/ip.] has quit [Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client] 16:03 < dannyAAM> 比賽wwwwww 16:03 < david11014> 政府:我們來辦比賽 16:03 < waeting> wwwwwwwwwwwwwww 16:03 < david11014> XDD 16:03 < ggininder> 比賽!!!! 16:03 < _tars> 徵文比賽 16:03 < R0-shaw> 比賽萬能 16:03 < aoihitomi> 而且是辦徵文比賽 16:03 < derekhsu> 很多網路都不太能上不是嗎 16:03 < [R0]Nightfeather> wwwwwwww 16:03 < yucheng> 徵文比賽 16:03 < barneybook> 政府:我們來辦比賽!!! 16:03 < David_c> 一定是開源奧運wwwwwww 16:03 < pastleo_> www 16:03 < derekhsu> 明明就有 16:03 < Ruinland> 開源奧運(ry 16:03 < tonyhusky> 中華民國奧林匹克開源比賽 16:03 < pixza_yaoita> 簡稱 軟邪 16:03 < barneybook> 開源應該不會成為奧運項目 16:03 < Vdragon> 中華民國開源軟體協會ww 16:03 < derekhsu> 有軟協啊 16:03 < R0-shaw> 開源節流 16:04 < Lee1092> 黑客松只提供泡麵 (x 16:04 < [R0]Nightfeather> 找到使用者,解決他。 聽起來好像有點怪怪的 (X 16:04 < Ruinland> SLAT 16:04 < _tars> 感覺就真的有這個協會 16:04 -!- lychee_tw [~AndChat17@223-136-64-82.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 16:04 < [R0]hinet60613> 台北市開放原始碼能力競賽 16:04 -!- vincentsue [~vincentsu@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 16:04 < derekhsu> http://www.cisanet.org.tw/ 16:04 -!- knowlet [caa9ad86@gateway/web/cgi-irc/kiwiirc.com/ip.] has joined #coscup 16:05 < dannyAAM> ceph... 16:05 < jserv--> barneybook, 軟體工程師馬拉松式加班的競賽 XD 16:05 < dannyAAM> 不只用過還被雷過XDrz 16:05 < Vdragon> SLATwwwwwwwww 16:05 < timdream> 5F 看不到投影片標題 QQ 16:05 < yucheng> 勞委會開源丙級技術士 16:05 -!- tom83615 [df88e195@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 16:05 -!- cartertsai [~cartertsa@] has joined #coscup 16:05 -!- asahsieh [~asahsieh@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 16:05 -!- nipapa [~nipapa@] has joined #coscup 16:05 < waeting> 例:CEPH <---目前標題 16:05 -!- Meowmeow [2a48a2ec@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 16:06 < boywhy> 可以用,但完全沒有競力 16:06 < Ruinland> SLAT有做過不少事啦,剛剛舉他不是想跟其他邪會類比 16:06 -!- Guest3180 [caa9ad8e@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed] 16:07 < stanely> 直播畫面感覺有好長的latency在 16:07 -!- cch [2a483957@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 16:07 < waeting> 對了,翟神獎是現場抽嗎 16:07 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 你QA問w 16:07 < YChao__> 凡事都是有代價的... 省下的成本會花在其他地方 16:07 < _tars> XD 16:07 < aoihitomi> 用空間換取時間 16:07 -!- AndChat|626096 [~AndChat62@175-96-191-94.dynamic.tfn.net.tw] has joined #coscup 16:08 < waeting> 等價交換原則 16:08 < R0-shaw> 用賢者之石阿 16:08 < pupuliao> 有用過 不好用 16:08 -!- AndChat|626096 [~AndChat62@175-96-191-94.dynamic.tfn.net.tw] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 16:08 -!- knowlet [caa9ad86@gateway/web/cgi-irc/kiwiirc.com/ip.] has quit [Client Quit] 16:08 < waeting> 咦!? 16:08 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 國土練成 16:08 -!- andytwmvp [~andytwmvp@] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 16:08 < waeting> 有用過賢者之石是什麼神奇的概念 16:08 -!- davihuan_david [~AndChat62@114-136-138-222.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 16:08 < pixza_yaoita> 有用過wwwwww 16:08 < R0-shaw> 大台北煉成 16:08 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> www 16:09 -!- davihuan_david [~AndChat62@] has joined #coscup 16:09 < Meowmeow> 國民黨鍊成 16:09 < kester___> owncloud 好像有新的fork next cloud 16:09 -!- BanqiaoMrLiu [2a4801fd@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 16:09 -!- Guest57430 [2a48a2ec@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 16:09 -!- dneif [~dneif@] has joined #coscup 16:09 < chiehyou> 後面有邪惡的故事 # nextcloud 16:10 < R0-shaw> 我都用xpenology 16:10 -!- cataska [~cataska@] has quit [Quit: Textual IRC Client: www.textualapp.com] 16:10 -!- Anderosn [8c6d7f02@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 16:10 -!- Rogerable [~AndChat55@] has joined #coscup 16:10 < chihhsin> 我一直想到 piedpiper XD 16:10 < iblis17> nextcloud 是政治問題吧 16:10 -!- knowlet [caa9ad86@gateway/web/cgi-irc/kiwiirc.com/ip.] has joined #coscup 16:10 < Davy_CC> 糟糕了怎麼好像有點接近上一場了…… 16:10 < inndy> Dropbox 其實有欸 16:10 < inndy> 去年就有了 16:10 < PJxPJ> 有啊 16:10 < inndy> Incoming Folder 16:10 -!- nipapa [~nipapa@] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds] 16:10 -!- dneif [~dneif@] has left #coscup [] 16:10 -!- dneif [~dneif@] has joined #coscup 16:10 < YChao__> @Davy_CC ++ 16:10 -!- nipapa_ [~nipapa@] has joined #coscup 16:10 < derekhsu> 所以ArkEase Pro 是基於ownCloud? 16:11 < R0-shaw> 噓翟神啊 16:11 < aoihitomi> Ben ownCloud 16:11 < dannyAAM> AD耶... AD真的能HA嗎(X 16:11 < [R0]dz1984> 如何用開源軟體賺錢? -> 有符合標題呀! 16:11 -!- Sakamoto_ [uid106911@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-iihuhoqhcgnqmjkx] has joined #coscup 16:11 < boyofsky> 要按反對了嗎 XDDDDD 16:11 < David_c> 防勒索軟體 Hao123:表示: 16:11 < waeting> 但起碼翟神開宗明義就跟你說了阿 16:11 < YChao__> 不曉得AS花了多少錢? 16:11 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 叮咚 16:11 -!- vincentsue [~vincentsu@] has joined #coscup 16:11 -!- DanSnow [~snow@] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 16:11 < waeting> 上一場根本標題詐欺QAQ 16:11 < david11014> 恭喜您中了iPhone 16:11 -!- bre [~cmou@114-136-229-225.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 16:11 < darkgerm2> 沒離題吧 16:11 < aoihitomi> 最好最全的網絡導航 16:11 < ggininder> 上一場是在上企業概論啦XD 16:11 < [R0]Nightfeather> /叮咚 16:11 -!- cch [2a483957@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 16:11 < pixza_yaoita> 翟神: 你看我們就是賺錢啊 16:12 < [R0]hinet60613> 175個人w 16:12 < jserv--> S3QL 16:12 < davihuan_david> AD 可以 HA 呀! 16:12 < aoihitomi> s=3=QL 16:12 < R0-shaw> 上一場: 16:12 < R0-shaw> , 我喔而 16:12 < R0-shaw> 16:12 < R0-shaw> ,. ., 16:12 < R0-shaw> 16:12 < [R0]Nightfeather> ' A')... 16:12 < aoihitomi> 0w0) 16:12 < waeting> 臉被壓在鍵盤上了嗎 16:12 < dannyAAM> 稀有的東西(? 16:12 < Sakamoto_> 0 v 0 16:12 < hrs> 貓咪走過去 16:12 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> .... 16:12 < dannyAAM> 我當然知道能HA XDD 16:12 < dylandy_> 0.0 16:13 < [R0]Nightfeather> HeadAche 嗎 (X 16:13 < jserv--> 這個講題沒有貓 16:13 -!- bre [~cmou@] has joined #coscup 16:13 < Ruinland> 我說Chuck Norris不過ㄕ(*&*%&R^D^R*E^% 16:13 < inndy> 把檔案通通切碎 >///////////< (?) 16:13 -!- andytwmvp [~andytwmvp@] has joined #coscup 16:13 < YChao__> 這不就跟前面講的performance自己打臉了? 16:13 < dannyAAM> 當你決定使用Windows當下就是頭痛的開始了啊(X 16:13 < derekhsu> 企業AD沒有帶 16:13 -!- rogerable5566 [~AndChat55@] has joined #coscup 16:13 < derekhsu> 沒有太多選擇 16:13 < pixza_yaoita> 珍惜生命 遠離窗窗 16:13 < chihhsin> ArkFlex => Ceph, ArkEase Pro => ownCloud 16:13 < David_c> 賣不夠好w 16:13 < chihhsin> ? 16:13 < jserv--> YChao_, 只好使用蒙地卡羅法 (?) 16:13 < [R0]hinet60613> 因為沒有賣很多w 16:14 -!- Rogerable [~AndChat55@] has quit [Read error: No route to host] 16:14 < Ruinland> Windows Research Kernel很久沒開放了(ry 16:14 < YChao__> @jserv--: XDD 16:14 < aoihitomi> Win10表示: 16:14 -!- AndChat|626096 [~AndChat62@175-96-191-94.dynamic.tfn.net.tw] has joined #coscup 16:14 < YChao__> 果然死在效能吧... 16:14 < Vdragon> 用 NAS 載 BT(X) 16:14 < david11014> 用pi做嗎 ww 16:14 -!- j4ck50n [uid110064@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-pivbenjfddnrodge] has joined #coscup 16:14 < [R0]Nightfeather> C wwww 16:15 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 256... 16:15 < boyofsky> 重寫.... 16:15 < [R0]hinet60613> 256MB OAO" 16:15 < waeting> 好強大阿 16:15 < Davy_CC> 何不 golang (誤 16:15 < Lee1092> 256 MB @@ 16:15 < Quexint> ARM... 16:15 < kester___> 重寫算用開源軟體? 16:15 < _tars> 看到256M就跪了 16:15 < david11014> pi還真的跑的東 =口= 16:15 < chiehyou> 是ㄅ是不要用有vm的語言(被揍 16:15 < pupuliao> 全部重寫!! 16:15 < dannyAAM> ARM+256M.... 16:15 -!- R0-shaww [8c6d7f02@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 16:15 < YChao__> 我也想做過同樣的事,可是網路效能... 16:15 < derekhsu> 昨天最後一個session有說 16:15 < hydai> 真的跑在 pi 上耶XD 16:15 < dannyAAM> pi比他還多了w 16:15 < Vdragon> Rpi!!! 16:15 < [R0]Nightfeather> wwwwwwww 16:15 -!- dneif [~dneif@] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 16:15 < fntsrCloud> wwwwwwwwwww 16:15 < [R0]hinet60613> 手機可以跑! 猛!!! 16:15 < david11014> 太強啦 16:15 < jserv--> 手機也可以跑! 16:15 -!- QQQ [d23dc42a@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 16:15 < waeting> 強大到下巴掉下來了 16:15 < [R0]Nightfeather> 只好往 arduino 前進惹 (X 16:15 -!- chyuaner [uid28032@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-byudoszzbpgoqihf] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 16:15 < R0-shaww> 痛 16:16 < boyofsky> 所以四樓攤位 是不是就是這個tera? 16:16 < kester___> raspberry 不是網路跟usb一起悲劇 16:16 -!- Trista [8c6d7f0d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 16:16 < PJxPJ> 痛 16:16 < dannyAAM> arduino太不實際了wwww 16:16 < inndy> 256MB 用 C,又只跑一個 service,感覺好像沒那麼難 16:16 < kewang> 找到使用者,解決他 16:16 < Davy_CC> boyofsky: 有小房子啊 16:16 -!- e_rrr_iii_ccc [~eric@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 16:16 < YChao__> 原來要用手機做disk array啊? (大誤) 16:16 < [R0]hinet60613> 是,四樓的Tera攤位就是和沛移動 16:16 < dannyAAM> rpi確實IO慘慘啦XDrz 16:16 < David_c> wwwwwww 16:16 < Ruinland> 但願意投時間+花錢僱人推 16:16 < inndy> 真的!!!內建的空間真的好少 16:16 -!- R0-shaw [~shaw@114-136-171-200.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 16:16 < waeting> 要講到怎麼變TB惹 16:16 < [R0]Nightfeather> wwwwwwww 16:16 < chihhsin> piedpiper! 16:16 < rail02000> 手機插記憶卡用不完(x 16:16 < [R0]DeemoHarlos> 16G QQ 16:16 < dannyAAM> QQQ 16:16 < [R0]Nightfeather> TerraBattle (X 16:16 < waeting> wwwwwwwww 16:16 < pixza_yaoita> 開心水族箱XDDDD 16:16 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 你家有錢 16:16 < dannyAAM> 有$$$$ 16:17 < YChao__> 機插記憶卡用不完+1 16:17 < waeting> 根本隨身攜帶ssd 16:17 < _tars> 你家有錢 16:17 < hydai> 「你家有錢」www 16:17 < inndy> 都沒空間可以玩 Implosion QQ 16:17 < Davy_CC> 128G 的舉手 唉你家有錢 16:17 < tonyhusky> 被婊 XDDDDDD 16:17 < pixza_yaoita> 公然嗆聽眾wwwww 16:17 < [R0]hinet60613> 你家有錢www 16:17 < Meowmeow> 87G,不能再多了 16:17 -!- vincentsue [~vincentsu@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 16:17 < YChao__> 都丟到google drive了 16:17 < dannyAAM> MB www 16:17 -!- vincentsue [~vincentsu@] has joined #coscup 16:17 -!- knowlet [caa9ad86@gateway/web/cgi-irc/kiwiirc.com/ip.] has quit [Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client] 16:17 < alex_lu> wow 16:17 < boywhy> 我給你50M 16:17 < Vdragon> 好棒棒 16:17 < dannyAAM> WoW 16:17 < inndy> 突然明白了什麼 16:17 -!- e_rrr_iii_ccc [~eric@] has joined #coscup 16:17 < dannyAAM> Google XD 16:17 < inndy> 為什麼那麼多人在用 hinet msa 信箱 16:17 -!- davihuan_david [~AndChat62@] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 16:17 < [R0]hinet60613> GmailFS wwww 16:17 -!- mosu_ [dc86029d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 16:17 < Ruinland> Gmail FS XDDDDD 16:17 < Vdragon> gmailfs 16:17 < YChao__> 直到中了google 16:18 < R0-shaww> mail2000 16:18 < YChao__> 一箭 16:18 < [R0]Nightfeather> gmailfs 好像有用過的印象 wwwwwww 16:18 < pixza_yaoita> 真的超久遠wwwwwwww 16:18 < dannyAAM> 我都用自己的mail (? 16:18 < Ruinland> 我現在還用mail2000 ++ 16:18 < dannvix> https://www.nextbit.com/ 16:18 -!- v___ [caa9ad86@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 16:18 < timdream> 3G 網路⋯⋯ 16:18 < nipapa_> XDD 16:18 < coscupbot> (fripig) mail2000好用啊XD 16:18 -!- windslash [~yaaic@] has joined #coscup 16:18 -!- Rogerable [~AndChat55@] has joined #coscup 16:18 < dannyAAM> 我的linode沒給到15G的HDD QQQ (? 16:18 -!- rogerable5566 [~AndChat55@] has quit [Read error: No route to host] 16:18 < pixza_yaoita> Google 教育版表示 16:18 < jserv--> 一生的回憶不只 16 GB 16:18 < jserv--> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GmailFS # 16:18 -!- v___ [caa9ad86@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Client Quit] 16:19 < dannyAAM> 教育版w 16:19 < boyofsky> 1T !? 16:19 < dannvix> 聽說 Nextbit Robin 沒有賣得很好(? 16:19 -!- asahsieh [~asahsieh@] has joined #coscup 16:19 < [R0]hinet60613> 手機看到1TB?! 16:19 < Ruinland> 我需要mail alias QQ 16:19 < waeting> 哦哦哦哦哦哦哦哦 16:19 < boyofsky> 現在是不是應該要拍手(?) 16:19 -!- [R0]Segn_ [~segno@] has joined #coscup 16:19 < [R0]Nightfeather> <-- 9T 16:19 < derekhsu> 我被Google砍過帳號 16:19 < derekhsu> 哭哭 16:19 < coscupbot> (fripig) D槽就幾T了(被打 16:19 < Vdragon> 9T+1 16:19 < [R0]Nightfeather> ' A')..... 16:19 < jserv--> 1+ TB ! 16:19 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 幫QQ 16:19 -!- knowlet [caa9ad86@gateway/web/cgi-irc/kiwiirc.com/ip.] has joined #coscup 16:19 < fntsrCloud> <-- 56T (因為氣球有 56 顆) 16:19 < _tars> 猜錯惹 16:19 < R0-shaww> 教育版gmail 16:19 < Lee1092> 9T +1 16:19 < Davy_CC> dannvix: 用了比較好的 SoC 可是功能沒有支援啊QQ 16:19 < dannyAAM> 可是台灣的網路... 16:19 < David_c> 有猜對 16:19 < derekhsu> 一生回憶就沒有了 16:19 < kester___> nextbit phone快上pchome 24h 16:20 < inndy> 您使用了 19 GB 配額中的 10.05 GB (52%) QQ 16:20 < inndy> 都沒注意過 16:20 < [R0]DeweiLi> 教育版gmail無限量 16:20 < [R0]hinet60613> 換個角度想,只要能克服台灣網路環境,這東西出了台灣就沒有人擋得住了w 16:20 < pixza_yaoita> 防止google查水錶 請用分割壓縮然後密碼上 fukgoogle (X 16:20 < [R0]Nightfeather> 台灣網路真的雷 大家都在等著租種花的線路....... 16:20 < david11014> 3G 1.5G流量表示 QAQ 16:20 < [R0]dz1984> 1TB 是假的 32G 才是真的 16:20 -!- asahsieh [~asahsieh@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 16:20 < Davy_CC> [R0]hinet60613: 參考看看 Nextbit Robin 16:20 < derekhsu> 這個功能會被Apple擋下來吧 16:20 < R0-shaww> 我用了900多G 教育版 16:20 -!- ghostyang [650f6349@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 16:20 < [R0]DeemoHarlos> 所以說那沒有自己的網路 要用裡面的資料 怎麼辦 16:20 < coscupbot> (fripig) 吃到飽才是真的XD 16:20 -!- derjohng [caa9ad86@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 16:20 -!- villerhsiao [uid38272@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-aucdywdkugmissow] has joined #coscup 16:20 < jserv--> [R0]hinet60613, 台灣網路給軟體工程師豐富的測試條件 16:21 < [R0]Nightfeather> wwwwwwwwwww 16:21 < R0-shaww> 現在有699吃到飽 16:21 < _tars> Android Open Source Project ? 16:21 -!- AndChat|626096 [~AndChat62@175-96-191-94.dynamic.tfn.net.tw] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 16:21 < R0-shaww> 各電信都有 16:21 < derekhsu> 可是…… App也可以這樣裝嗎 16:21 < [R0]Nightfeather> yup 16:21 -!- davihuan_david [~AndChat62@] has joined #coscup 16:21 < hydai> AOSP = Android Open Source Project 16:21 -!- chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun 16:21 < [R0]hinet60613> Davy_CC Nextbit Robin的本質還是剛剛講的,刪本機存上雲端,要用的時候再下載啊 16:21 < pixza_yaoita> Robin 的確也是這樣跑 16:21 < timdream> 做在 FS 層? 16:21 < dylandy_> app 這樣不會慢翻了嗎 16:21 < Ruinland> 好奇是Fuse還是直接改fs 16:21 < [R0]Nightfeather> 是說最近在想說要不要刷 XOSP 16:21 < pupuliao> 所以 哪裡可以買得到呢? 16:21 < darkgerm2> 網路慢就走GG了 16:21 -!- Pokemon [2a48a2ec@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 16:21 < pupuliao> XD 16:21 < dannyAAM> 刷自訂的iOS版本啊(X 16:21 < _tars> 是說原來這場是產品發表會啊XD 16:21 < Ruinland> FUSE的話可能performance會是個問題 16:21 < Lee1092> R1 播影片悲劇 16:22 < derekhsu> 這樣開啟會變超久嗎? 16:22 -!- [R0]Segno [~segno@] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 16:22 < coscupbot> (chihchun) 疑,所以試制入行銷....? 16:22 -!- Meowmeow [2a48a2ec@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 16:22 < waeting> 聲音好小 16:22 -!- Pokemon is now known as Guest37657 16:22 < jserv--> derekhsu, App 也可以裝,注意看影片後半段 16:22 < [R0]Nightfeather> 一樣的啊? 16:22 < pixza_yaoita> 其實一直都是 (X 16:22 < R0-shaww> 昨天有聽攤位工作人員說他要發表東西 16:22 < coscupbot> (fripig) 有open就有切題XD 16:22 < derekhsu> 喔喔 16:22 < Lee1092> 救救 R1 聲音 16:22 < derekhsu> 謝謝jserv 16:22 -!- cartertsai [~cartertsa@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 16:22 < [R0]Nightfeather> R0 聲音就夠小惹 ' -') 16:23 < R0-shaww> R0人超多 16:23 < [R0]Segn_> 好多小啄!! 16:23 < R0-shaww> 坐最後有壓力 16:23 < [R0]Nightfeather> 不過說真的 這東西要在台灣發展真的完全看網路臉色..... 16:23 < Davy_CC> [R0]hinet60613: 你如果 online 執行的話……會很慢吧 Robin 其實就是 local cache 啊 16:23 < chihhsin> one more thing 16:23 < tonyhusky> 台灣的教育叫你觀察課本 16:23 < pixza_yaoita> 孩子的教育不能等 (O) 16:23 < jserv--> 台灣的教育叫大家觀察課本 16:24 < derekhsu> AWS 在台灣快把機房弄好 16:24 < [R0]Nightfeather> 很少公司願意去投資佈更好的線路 16:24 -!- billy3321 [uid12904@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-bfaaxahdjijnuenm] has joined #coscup 16:24 < kester___> 手機ssh連回家都會斷線了 16:24 -!- pupuliao_ [8c6d7f06@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 16:24 < coscupbot> (fripig) 台鐵光纖弄好才想來搶租(茶 16:24 < billy3321> 我們是教小孩觀察老師要什麼,討好老師,這樣才會考高分。所以長大以後,就是觀察長官要什麼~XD 16:24 < dannyAAM> 不是很少 根本沒有(嘆 16:24 -!- AndChat|626096 [~AndChat62@175-96-191-94.dynamic.tfn.net.tw] has joined #coscup 16:24 -!- AndChat|626096 [~AndChat62@175-96-191-94.dynamic.tfn.net.tw] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 16:24 < jserv--> 問:在以色列,沒能力觀察別人,只能對著電腦科科笑的人,那怎麼辦? 16:24 -!- [R0]buck5060 [~buck5060@158-206.dorm.ncu.edu.tw] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 16:24 < derekhsu> 後面可以串AWS的無限個人空間嗎 16:24 -!- davihuan_david [~AndChat62@] has quit [Read error: No route to host] 16:24 < billy3321> jserv--: 在台灣,會debug的人會變成宅色夫(咦) 16:24 -!- [R0]buck5060 [~buck5060@158-206.dorm.ncu.edu.tw] has joined #coscup 16:25 < R0-shaww> 有人用azure嗎? 16:25 < inndy> 開源Bug QQ 16:25 < pixza_yaoita> jserv--: 會去 intel (?) 16:25 < [R0]Nightfeather> openbug 16:25 < inndy> R0-shaww: 珍惜生命遠離_____ 16:25 < nipapa_> BoB 16:25 < boyofsky> Windows 16:25 < R0-shaww> XD 16:25 < [R0]Nightfeather> Hello, I'm Bob. 16:25 -!- zekt [~AndChat41@] has joined #coscup 16:25 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 創__ 16:25 -!- davihuan_david [~AndChat62@114-136-138-222.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 16:25 < inndy> 繼 big data 後又一力作:big system 16:25 < david11014> Hello, I'm Bug. 16:26 -!- yu [8c6d7f0b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 16:26 < zekt> 如何用開源軟體賺錢?當然是到 COSCUP Keynote 宣傳自己家產品阿 16:26 < [R0]Nightfeather> wwwwww 16:26 -!- asahsieh [~asahsieh@] has joined #coscup 16:26 < pixza_yaoita> Hello, i am full space 16:26 -!- pupuliao [8c6d7f06@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 16:26 < kester___> 我們養蟲 蟲也養我們 16:26 < R0-shaww> 直接表IPHONE 16:26 < derekhsu> 目前這是for Android? 16:26 < [R0]hinet60613> 用開源軟體(這個標題,混進COSCUP去)賺錢 16:27 -!- StarNight [~AndChat54@] has quit [Ping timeout: 258 seconds] 16:27 < David_c> 在拉人嗎? 16:27 < chiehyou> 徵才中阿w 16:27 < kester___> 現在是公開徵才? 16:27 < R0-shaww> 說不定等等就開源了 16:27 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 徵才 16:27 < [R0]tiwb> 算是蠻實際的吧 16:27 < chihhsin> 怎麼覺得是在表 android XD 16:27 < ggininder> 快點大家衝了吧~ 16:27 < coscupbot> (ccc-larc) 沒有回饋 open source... 16:28 -!- Takeshi_tw [~Takeshi_t@223-140-158-212.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Quit: leaving] 16:28 < [R0]Nightfeather> lag 好高 orz 16:28 < david11014> 要變天網了嗎 16:28 < kester___> Q&A 要問有沒有open source了嗎 16:28 < [R0]hinet60613> 要收集個資了(抖抖 16:28 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 不是抽獎? 16:28 -!- pixza_yaoita [uid180998@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-xypkevkmcalrvaeb] has quit [Quit: Updating details, brb] 16:28 < R0-shaww> open your ID 16:28 < boywhy> 4G吃到飽復活 16:28 -!- knowlet [caa9ad86@gateway/web/cgi-irc/kiwiirc.com/ip.] has quit [Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client] 16:28 -!- DanSnow [~snow@] has joined #coscup 16:29 -!- pixza_yaoita [uid180998@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-aiettihdarnrrlrn] has joined #coscup 16:29 < Rogerable> Netflix那招? 16:29 < R0-shaww> 到10/2 16:29 -!- vincentsue [~vincentsu@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 16:29 < derekhsu> 所以要留多少當cache? 16:29 -!- StarNight [~AndChat54@223-137-127-34.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 16:29 < [R0]Nightfeather> ' A') 16:29 < Ruinland> 看過一些專案都是先做開源版,養起社群、大改版後商業化(感覺也不是壞事) 16:29 < [R0]pakls> derekhsu: depends on prediction algorithm 16:29 < Ruinland> e.g. ngrok 16:29 -!- vincentsue [~vincentsu@] has joined #coscup 16:29 < david11014> 無縫置換app =口= 16:29 < chihhsin> open connect? 16:29 < R0-shaww> redhat 16:29 < inndy> 突然覺得和沛強的很可怕... 16:29 < boywhy> 馬上就會好~ 16:29 < boywhy> @@ 16:29 < boyofsky> 燈光怎麼了 16:29 < ggininder> 感覺就是吃網路QQ 16:29 < [R0]Nightfeather> 於是大家開始當不按牌理出牌的雞歪人來看看他們怎麼做 (X 16:30 < R0-shaww> 要拍照需要光線 16:30 < R0-shaww> XD 16:30 < inndy> 果然徵才 XDDDDD 16:30 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 有興趣加入嗎 16:30 < ggininder> 徵才啦~~~ 16:30 < [R0]hinet60613> [R0]Nightfeather 混亂邪惡ww 16:30 < _tars> 發光啦 16:30 < dylandy_> 中華電信能夠配合嗎 16:30 < waeting> 公開獵人頭 16:30 < abev66> 一定要吃到飽的一個系統 16:30 < david11014> 甚麼時候會有網路免費化 16:30 -!- knowlet [caa9ad86@gateway/web/cgi-irc/kiwiirc.com/ip.] has joined #coscup 16:30 < tonyhusky> 你是不是想加入和沛? 16:30 < waeting> 台灣的網路齁的住嗎 16:30 < inndy> dylandy_: 總要進步的嘛~ 16:30 -!- AliceWei [uid12990@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-ljsvosuhwtgyjpkg] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 16:30 < Quexint> 少年啊,想要力量嗎? 16:30 < inndy> -- 大不了和沛自己做 ISP -- 16:30 < zekt> 如何用開源人賺錢 16:30 < [R0]hinet60613> 先別提這個了,你有聽過和沛嗎? 16:30 < Rogerable> 快轉prediction? 16:30 < R0-shaww> 貓啊,吞噬我的敵人吧 16:30 < inndy> zekt: 先問問開源人如何賺錢 QQ 16:30 < boyofsky> 網路免費化 = 金牌特務 16:30 < waeting> 如何用開源(人)賺錢 16:31 < inndy> sample code(欸 16:31 < waeting> 抽獎抽獎抽獎抽獎抽獎 16:31 < pixza_yaoita> 所以到現在都沒有貓耶 16:31 < R0-shaww> ?? 16:31 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> QA! 16:31 < kester___> 重寫算用open source嗎 16:31 < david11014> 今年都沒貓 16:31 < either> Data scientists(X) 預知未來(O) 16:31 < _tars> 抽獎抽獎 16:31 < R0-shaww> 問了 16:31 < Rogerable> 問了 16:31 < david11014> 當ISP啦 16:31 < R0-shaww> 好猛 16:31 < R0-shaww> 和沛電信 16:32 < _tars> 5G應該還有得等... 16:32 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> ww 16:32 < Ruinland> ax.25自建網路?(省掉線路) 16:32 < boywhy> 電池 16:32 < waeting> 宣佈成立和沛電信~ 16:32 < [R0]hinet60613> 台灣電信商不夠力 => 自幹電信系統 => 和沛電信! 16:32 < R0-shaww> 聽說韓國都有8G了 16:32 < Ruinland> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AMPRNet 16:32 < R0-shaww> XDDD 16:32 < pixza_yaoita> 外掛爛線修不好 (?) 16:32 < _tars> XD 16:32 < David_c> 和沛電訊,配門號找和沛 16:32 < boyofsky> 旁邊的攝影組好驚人 16:32 < abev66> \和沛電信!/ 16:33 -!- cartertsai [~cartertsa@] has joined #coscup 16:33 -!- pastleo_ [~pastleo@] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 16:33 < [R0]Nightfeather> 預測快取喔 ' A') 16:33 < Rogerable> 順便和沛鯨(咦 16:33 < ggininder> 感覺和沛走在很前面阿>< 16:33 < davihuan_david> 哈哈,跟我下一步想要做的事情可以搭上 www 16:33 < [R0]Nightfeather> 所以說來當雞歪人 (還來啊 16:33 -!- jserv-- [~jserv@] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 16:33 -!- DanSnow [~snow@] has quit [Ping timeout: 258 seconds] 16:33 < waeting> 和沛電信 為了你,一直走在最前面((咦 16:33 < R0-shaww> 感覺和沛這名字好像直銷 16:33 -!- isken_ [6f52ad85@gateway/web/cgi-irc/kiwiirc.com/ip.] has quit [Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client] 16:33 < pixza_yaoita> 和沛租車 (?) 16:33 < zekt> 大意:你們也會開源嗎 16:33 < R0-shaww> 翟神電信 16:34 < David_c> 和沛當鋪 16:34 < ggininder> 台北租 高雄還 www 16:34 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 你好 你聽過和沛嗎 16:34 < stanely> 用專利卡 16:34 -!- [R0]Segn_ [~segno@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 16:34 < inndy> code 給你了,可是你沒有 data 16:34 -!- shawnlin [~raspi@] has joined #coscup 16:34 < waeting> 技術開放是沒有問題der 16:34 < pixza_yaoita> 不怕被你偷的意思 16:35 < [R0]pakls> HopeBay is invested by Foxconn. Foxconn manufactures cellphones and owns a Telecommunication service provider. 16:35 < inndy> NSA表示: 16:35 < [R0]dz1984> BM 不好模仿呀! 16:35 < david11014> 看誰收到的資料比較多了嗎 16:35 < pixza_yaoita> 原來是 one piece 啊 16:35 < [R0]Nightfeather> 看誰蒐集的比較多 (X) 看誰插的眼比較多 (O) 16:35 -!- bz [~bz@223-137-143-108.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 16:35 -!- distresslife [8c6d7f02@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 16:35 < R0-shaww> TERA Onlin 16:36 < pixza_yaoita> 我把所有的數據都放在那裡了 16:36 -!- [R0]Segno [~segno@] has joined #coscup 16:36 < zekt> 和沛線上交友 16:36 < kester___> 小米:猜你喜歡 16:36 -!- jiazheng [~jiazheng@39-10-228-54.adsl.fetnet.net] has joined #coscup 16:36 -!- bz [~bz@223-137-143-108.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 16:36 -!- tom83615 [df88e195@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 16:36 < pixza_yaoita> 台灣線上最大裸聊 (ry 16:36 < David_c> 和沛娛樂城 16:36 < tonyhusky> 喔喔喔 16:36 < stanely> Open source出來 16:36 < inndy> 天阿發問的壓力好大 16:36 < david11014> open 啦 16:36 < pupuliao_> XD 16:36 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 賣不好的產品w 16:36 < R0-shaww> WWWWW 16:36 < waeting> wwwwwwwwwwwwww 16:36 < chiehyou> XD 16:36 < [R0]Nightfeather> wwwwwww 16:36 < Rogerable> 真人ㄌ....(欸 16:36 < chwong_cloud> wwwwwwww 16:36 < kester___> 感謝 16:37 < [R0]pakls> social networking filesystem prediction algorithm 16:37 < dannyAAM> XDDDDD 16:37 -!- jserv-- [~jserv@] has joined #coscup 16:37 < clkao> macpaul++ 16:37 < R0-shaww> 犀利噎 16:37 < tonyhusky> 提問大大++ 16:37 < [R0]Nightfeather> 過去回顧: 「因為賣的不夠好」 16:37 < shawnlin> 我把所有的東西都放在那裡了 XDDD 16:37 < stanely> macpual ++ 16:37 < jserv--> macpaul ++ 16:37 < dannyAAM> 標準說法w 16:37 < Rogerable> 時機若對。 16:37 < ernestchiang> macpaul ++ 16:37 < [R0]pakls> macpaul asked THE question? 16:37 < R0-shaww> WWWWW 16:37 < [R0]hinet60613> 「會在適當的時機放出來」 16:37 < chihhsin> eventually 16:37 < PichuChen> macpaul 16:37 < waeting> 怎麼沒有抽獎QQ 16:37 < Ruinland> macpaul: (claps) 16:38 < kester___> 每個來不想給都這說法 16:38 < tonyhusky> 兄弟象精神長存人心!!! 16:38 < [R0]Nightfeather> wwwwwww 16:38 < [R0]hinet60613> 小丑wwwwwww 16:38 < David_c> 晴天霹靂的閃電秀開始拉 16:38 < derekhsu> 時機若對,會第一時間跳出來開源 16:38 < pixza_yaoita> 圖wwwwwwwwww 16:38 < R0-shaww> 拍拍拍 16:38 -!- ccc_ [8c6d7f0d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 16:38 < hlb> 其實滿多 open source project 的啊 https://github.com/Hopebaytech 16:38 -!- Quexint [~textual@] has quit [Quit: My Mac has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…] 16:38 < Rogerable> 彭政閔: 16:38 < derekhsu> 爪爪!! 16:38 < R0-shaww> 他在說啥? 16:38 < derekhsu> 只是想用恰恰梗 16:38 < David_c> 強攻強攻 16:39 < [R0]Nightfeather> 開始退潮 w 16:39 < [R0]hinet60613> 閃電秀列表 http://blog.coscup.org/2016/08/2016.html 16:39 < derekhsu> 其實很多開源project只是比較少看到分享,watcher還蠻多的 16:39 < hrs> 閃電秀(閃光燈的意味) 16:40 -!- asahsieh [~asahsieh@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 16:40 < David_c> 三秒wwww 16:40 < Lee1092> wwwwwww 16:40 < [R0]hinet60613> 三秒鐘? w 16:40 < [R0]Nightfeather> 3s wwwwwwwwww 16:40 < [R0]tiwb> 3s 16:40 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 3秒ww 16:40 < david11014> 3s 16:40 < ggininder> 超壞 16:40 < david11014> 3ms 16:40 < David_c> 三秒簡報秀 16:40 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 3S 要放QRcode嗎 16:40 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 影片已經錄好自己看(X 16:41 < clkao> R2 外的琅茶還有喔 可以來幫忙喝掉 16:41 < david11014> 請準備三秒鐘的簡報 與三分鐘的錄製畫面 16:41 < [R0]Nightfeather> 上台("QRCode !"); 下台(); 16:41 < R0-shaww> 小啄到處跑 16:41 < [R0]Nightfeather> wwwwww 16:42 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 小啄要幹嗎www 16:42 -!- _tars [~chatzilla@] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds] 16:42 < pixza_yaoita> 三角形wwwwww 16:42 < R0-shaww> 三角形 16:42 < pixza_yaoita> 浪費才能啊 16:42 < mindos> 瑯茶還有得喝哦 16:43 -!- jserv-- [~jserv@] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 16:43 -!- louisje [~louisje@] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 16:43 < [R0]Nightfeather> 不要亂玩 git graph wwwwww 16:43 < dannyAAM> www 16:43 -!- asahsieh [~asahsieh@] has joined #coscup 16:43 < R0-shaww> 爾康 16:43 -!- _tars [~chatzilla@] has joined #coscup 16:43 < derekhsu> 時間太多啦啦啦啦啦啦 16:43 < David_c> git logwwwwwww 16:43 < waeting> 把才能花費在奇怪的地方了阿wwwwwwwwwww 16:43 -!- asahsieh [~asahsieh@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 16:43 < mindos> 這字體好棒哦 16:43 < [R0]hinet60613> 查詢路線wwwww 16:44 < david11014> 要 live demo嗎? 16:44 < dannyAAM> www 16:44 -!- anderson_ [8c6d7f02@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 16:44 < [R0]Nightfeather> 真的是浪費才能 wwwwww 16:44 -!- ws23 [8c6d7f0d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 16:44 < jianiau> https://github.com/othree/taipei-mrt/network 16:44 -!- anderson_ is now known as Guest10895 16:44 < david11014> 拔啦 16:44 -!- imacat [7288e143@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 16:44 -!- shawnlin [~raspi@] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 16:44 < dannvix> othree_______++ 16:45 < fntsrCloud> 浪費才能++ 16:45 < pixza_yaoita> 主持人的信心上升啦 16:45 < derekhsu> 高雄捷運也可以來試試 16:45 < inndy> jacky 還是 max? 16:45 < [R0]hinet60613> 高雄捷運只有兩條,共一個交叉點而已啊w 16:45 < [R0]Nightfeather> 台中公車網 (問題發言 16:45 < imacat> 雷丘 16:45 -!- pastleo_ [~pastleo@] has joined #coscup 16:45 < PJxPJ> 皮丘 16:45 -!- louisje [~louisje@] has joined #coscup 16:45 < hydai> 皮卡丘 16:45 < HRY> 有考慮東京的嗎? 16:45 < derekhsu> 他手勢好豐富喔 16:46 < clkao> https://hackmd.io/KYFg7ARgbMwAwFoRwIwSQMxAEwQQzDwA4EI4BmFEItDAY2wCYg== 16:46 < boywhy> 輕軌算進去就比較多了 16:46 < imacat> markdown 16:46 < R0-shaww> 他一直抖 16:46 < inndy> HackMD 用的 markdown 已經可以出新的標準了 16:46 < inndy> 就叫做 hackmarkdown 吧 16:46 < R0-shaww> 抖抖抖抖 16:46 < Guest10895> 那這是要封什麼哥 16:46 < [R0]Nightfeather> markdown-hacked 16:46 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 2400? 16:46 < Guest10895> 去年 有對對哥 16:46 < _tars> 對 16:46 < Guest10895> 前年有 桌機哥 16:46 < Guest10895> 對 16:46 < Guest10895> 對 16:46 < Guest10895> 對 16:46 < waeting> 這個是R2筆戰那個的那個嗎 16:46 < inndy> 這個真的很強 16:46 < Guest10895> 今年沒有奇芭 16:46 -!- rogerable5566 [~AndChat55@] has joined #coscup 16:46 < David_c> R1 16:46 < derekhsu> 用過,很好用啊 16:47 < inndy> LT 還沒結束,不看到最後不會知道 16:47 < pixza_yaoita> 筆戰? 16:47 < Davy_CC> 這個是不是在賣藥 16:47 < Davy_CC> XDDDDDD 16:47 < StarNight> 畫圖很需要 16:47 < imacat> markdown taiwan 16:47 < [R0]Nightfeather> wwwwwwwww 16:47 < waeting> wwwwwwwwwwwww 16:47 < [R0]hinet60613> 捐贈咖啡w 16:47 < waeting> 強 16:47 < tonyhusky> 這個好會 16:47 < Ruinland> beer license XD 16:47 < imacat> TkWyJf 16:47 < Davy_CC> 簡報及 live demo 16:47 -!- chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk 16:47 < chiehyou> 滿分~ 16:47 < PichuChen> https://www.facebook.com/groups/830853873715381/?fref=ts 16:47 < alex_lu> https://hackmd.io/p/HyTkWyJF#/ 16:47 < PichuChen> 這個嗎? 16:47 < derekhsu> 推推台灣之光 16:47 < waeting> 簡報即是DEMO 16:48 < [R0]tiwb> 超強 16:48 < [R0]Nightfeather> 邊簡報邊 live demo wwwwww 16:48 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 我是台灣人 16:48 < imacat> hk 16:48 < derekhsu> 香港來的台灣人XD 16:48 < waeting> wwww 16:48 -!- Rogerable [~AndChat55@] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 16:48 < Davy_CC> 「SITCON HK 所以是從香港來的?」『我是臺灣人』 16:48 < StarNight> 我是台灣人 16:48 < inndy> 沒有等一下 16:48 < waeting> 沒有等一下 16:48 < _tars> 沒有等一下XD 16:48 < inndy> 其實藍色畫面就是你的 slide 16:48 < barneybook> https://www.facebook.com/groups/830853873715381/ 16:48 < boyofsky> lighting talk好緊繃啊 16:49 < inndy> 被投稿 16:49 < hydai> 原來是被投稿XDDD 16:49 < billy3321> https://hackmd.io/features 16:49 < [R0]Nightfeather> wwwwwwww 16:49 < david11014> 被投稿 XDDD 16:49 < inndy> 幫 QQ 16:49 < imacat> 被投稿 16:49 < R0-shaww> 賣隊友 16:49 -!- jserv-- [~jserv@] has joined #coscup 16:49 < pixza_yaoita> 幫QQ 16:49 < imacat> 城市大學 16:49 < R0-shaww> 買機票囉 16:49 < david11014> 805KM 16:49 < inndy> Denny 走的距離加起來差不多可以走到喔 16:49 < dannyAAM> 805KM w 16:49 < waeting> 專業賣隊友wwww 16:49 < imacat> 3920 16:49 -!- shawnlin [~raspi@] has joined #coscup 16:49 < _tars> 差不多XD 16:49 < derekhsu> 環島一週 16:49 < imacat> 可以去香港抓寶 16:50 -!- rogerable5566 [~AndChat55@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 16:50 -!- Rogerable [~AndChat55@] has joined #coscup 16:50 < Davy_CC> 對對二哥 16:50 < kester___> 台灣海峽沒有加蓋 16:50 < david11014> 由過去 16:50 < imacat> 好那 16:50 < davihuan_david> @@ 海流很強 16:50 < waeting> 現在是推廣的意思嗎 16:50 < imacat> 「好那」 16:50 < davihuan_david> 從台北飄到香港 16:50 < derekhsu> 今天新聞有報有人用保麗龍當浮板從廈門游到金門烈嶼 16:50 < boyofsky> 咦 剛那個香港裡面是小石嗎? 16:51 < davihuan_david> 你要算一下距離呀! 16:51 < inndy> bobchao: 「又沒拔到線」 16:51 -!- Rogerable [~AndChat55@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 16:51 < imacat> ㄓ ˇ 16:51 -!- Rogerable [~AndChat55@] has joined #coscup 16:51 < [R0]hinet60613> 徵(音同「只」)音梅林 16:51 < imacat> ㄓ ˇ 16:51 < R0-shaww> 開源初音 16:51 -!- vincentsue [~vincentsu@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 16:51 < waeting> 三天三夜 16:51 < tonyhusky> 搖欸 16:51 -!- vincentsue [~vincentsu@] has joined #coscup 16:51 < David_c> 三天三夜 16:51 < ggininder> WWWWWWW 16:51 < jserv--> 徵音梅林 ! 16:51 -!- abev66 [~AndChat46@223-140-32-41.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 258 seconds] 16:51 < [R0]hinet60613> 所以三分鐘都是新歌發表嗎w 16:51 < hydai> 有授權的!!! 16:51 < Davy_CC> 來打歌的XD 16:51 < ggininder> 金柯拉喔xddd 16:51 < dannyAAM> 看來就是新歌發表w 16:51 < waeting> wwwwwwwww 16:51 < David_c> wwwwwwwwww 16:51 < [R0]Nightfeather> 這調的不錯 wwww 16:51 < waeting> 好神秘阿!! 16:52 < david11014> 新歌是三分鐘整嗎 16:52 < pixza_yaoita> wwwwwwwww 16:52 < derekhsu> 怎麼有一種浙江鄉音 16:52 < billy3321> 覺得喉嚨卡卡der @@ 16:52 < jserv--> 白天寫到黑夜! 16:52 < kester___> 發表會+1 16:52 < R0-shaww> 今年中研院演唱會拉 16:52 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> www 16:52 < dannyAAM> 不是整吧 不然一定被卡w 16:52 -!- pastleo_ [~pastleo@] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 16:52 < Rogerable> wwww 16:52 < waeting> 他有時間說明嗎wwwwwww 16:52 < inndy> 黑客松嗎? 16:52 < [R0]hinet60613> coding不要停歇www 16:52 < jserv--> coding 不要停歇 16:52 < _tars> 原來XDD 16:52 < billy3321> 最後會吐血嗎?Q_Q 16:52 < imacat> coding不要停歇 :p 16:52 < waeting> 好可怕的歌阿!! 16:52 < tonyhusky> 除錯只靠咖啡 16:52 < Ruinland> 這調得很棒了 16:52 < [R0]Nightfeather> debug 只靠咖啡 wwwww 16:52 < knowlet> 除錯只靠咖啡ww 16:52 -!- abev66 [~AndChat46@223-140-32-41.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 16:52 < inndy> 剩多久? 16:52 < yutin> 副歌副歌哩 16:52 < barneybook> 這是影片??? 16:53 < derekhsu> 有沒有跟阿妹徵求版權啊XDXD 16:53 < waeting> 有授權耶 16:53 < barneybook> 還是投影片?? 16:53 < Ruinland> 有授權 16:53 < ggininder> 有授權有推WWWW 16:53 < jserv--> 阿怪授權! 16:53 < billy3321> 中場休息時間~~後面搖滾區的朋友~~ 16:53 < hydai> 他說有授權呀XDDDD 16:53 < alex_lu> 有授權www 16:53 < rail02000> 有授權ww 16:53 < [R0]hinet60613> 有授權,讚 16:53 < derekhsu> 超猛 16:53 < R0-shaww> 好猛 16:53 < [R0]Nightfeather> 又是個有授權的神奇東西 wwwwwwwww 16:53 < David_c> MUST表示: 16:53 < barneybook> 應該是曲有授權!! 自己改詞 16:53 < Ruinland> 想到Deco*27 16:53 < hlb> 調得真不錯 16:53 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> www 16:53 < derekhsu> 還會忘詞 16:53 -!- lafin [uid44779@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-yhcxmtnqnztryrum] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 16:53 < [R0]Nightfeather> 啞掉惹 wwwwww 16:53 < dannyAAM> 今年都是官方授權啊ww 16:53 < hydai> 居然會忘詞wwww 16:53 < [R0]hinet60613> 挖洞www 16:53 < _tars> 忘詞 16:53 < waeting> 所以要開源她嗎wwwwww 16:53 < imacat> 徵音梅林講者? :p 16:53 < knowlet> 這是演唱會版對吧 XD 16:54 < derekhsu> 還是這是麥克風給現場觀眾唱嗎 16:54 < R0-shaww> 叫他唱喵電 16:54 < [R0]hinet60613> 我記得徵音梅林是開源專案啊 16:54 < [R0]Nightfeather> 現場: (ˊ _>ˋ) 16:54 < jserv--> 太強了啊~ 16:54 < derekhsu> 超人性化的 16:54 < inndy> COSCUP 音樂會 XDDDD 16:54 < David_c> 安可安可 16:54 < [R0]hinet60613> 去年有議程,還有徵求配音員 16:54 < ddio> http://projectmeilin.github.io/ 16:54 -!- bre [~cmou@] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 16:54 < inndy> 去年好像有陶笛? 16:54 -!- Guest97474 [8c6d7f0d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 16:54 -!- Goston [~goston@] has joined #coscup 16:54 < jserv--> live coding ! 16:54 < [R0]hinet60613> inndy 有陶笛,高捷主題曲w 16:54 < davihuan_david> never Live demo 16:54 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 全黃w 16:54 < waeting> 咖喱風 16:54 < David_c> 螢幕黃 16:54 < jserv--> LibreOffice +++ 16:54 < dannyAAM> www 16:54 < [R0]hinet60613> 和沛! 16:55 < imacat> 三分鐘Live Coding? :p 16:55 < waeting> 哦哦哦哦哦哦 16:55 < barneybook> projectmeilin.github.io 16:55 < ggininder> 小智QQQQ 16:55 < Guest37657> 又沒打贏QQ 16:55 < david11014> 小智 QQ 16:55 < [R0]Nightfeather> 超級真新人(10) 專注旅行 18 年 16:55 < waeting> 口速+150 16:55 -!- Cc [df89fa12@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 16:55 < AndChat240000> ok 16:56 < imacat> 小智好像沒打贏過? :p 16:56 < [R0]pakls> the photo is rts5209, slide is 5208 16:56 < AndChat240000> ok哥 16:56 < Guest10895> yesyes 16:56 < R0-shaww> 橘子聯盟有 16:56 < Guest10895> 哈哈 16:56 -!- Cc is now known as Guest69344 16:56 < imacat> ok 16:56 < inndy> OK 16:56 < Davy_CC> okok 16:56 < R0-shaww> 打贏快龍 16:56 < [R0]hinet60613> unsigned -> unsigned int. OK! 16:56 < imacat> ok 16:56 < _tars> ok 16:56 < R0-shaww> OK 16:56 < pixza_yaoita> Ok 16:56 < waeting> OK 16:56 < R0-shaww> OK 16:56 < Davy_CC> 原來是 pokemon ok! 16:56 < imacat> ok 16:56 < shawnlin> ok 16:56 < hydai> OK 16:56 < _tars> ok 16:56 < R0-shaww> OK 16:56 < jserv--> 大家快去送 patch,在校學生都這麼上進了 16:56 < tonyhusky> ok 16:56 < waeting> ok 16:56 < PJxPJ> OK 16:57 < fntsrCloud> ok 16:57 < R0-shaww> OK 16:57 < hrs> ok 16:57 < imacat> 小智慧書 :p 16:57 < chiehyou> ok 16:57 < waeting> wwwwwwwwww 16:57 -!- asahsieh [~asahsieh@] has joined #coscup 16:57 < PJxPJ> Ok 16:57 < R0-shaww> 需要大師球 16:57 < [R0]hinet60613> 滿滿的小拉達w 16:57 < _tars> cp10 16:57 < Davy_CC> imacat: 不~~~~~~~ 16:57 -!- jserv-- [~jserv@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 16:57 < kewang> ok 好 16:57 < David_c> 30s 16:57 < imacat> 鯉魚王~ 16:57 < R0-shaww> 拉達會破壞死光 16:57 -!- poga [~poga@] has left #coscup ["WeeChat 1.5"] 16:57 < waeting> 要拔啦 16:57 < PichuChen> goo.gl/jJpVeD 16:57 < [R0]Nightfeather> OK 16:57 < David_c> 10s 16:57 -!- jserv-- [~jserv@] has joined #coscup 16:57 < [R0]hinet60613> http://goo.gl/jJpVeD 16:57 < Guest37657> 必殺門牙 16:57 < pixza_yaoita> <-- (鯉魚跳 16:58 < david11014> 自拔 16:58 < imacat> c用到ooop? :p 16:58 < [R0]Nightfeather> wwww 16:58 < waeting> 好婊wwwwwww 16:58 < PJxPJ> wwww 16:58 < imacat> 小智慧書! wwwww 16:58 < jserv--> imacat, Linux kernel 有大量 OOP in C 的用法 16:58 < R0-shaww> 我學長XDDD 16:58 < imacat> 線路組 16:58 -!- [R0]tiwb [~tiwb@] has quit [Quit: leaving] 16:58 < coscupbot> (Luxame) 丹丹<(_ _)> 16:58 < boyofsky> 要呼吸啊! 16:58 < imacat> jserv: 我去看看, tkx~ 16:58 < [R0]Nightfeather> 結果都炸在 wifi 上 16:59 < Davy_CC> 少吃一點空氣就會瘦 16:59 -!- caasih [sid13241@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-ispstwgsxjgyveto] has left #coscup [] 16:59 < jserv--> imacat, https://embedded2015.hackpad.com/C-yeZarD8wNb0 # 交叉對照 16:59 < imacat> 很醜可是功能是完整的~ :p 16:59 < shigurefox> 網路穩定的加值服務 16:59 < shigurefox> 然後wifi就悲劇了 17:00 < Davy_CC> live demo 17:00 -!- Goston [~goston@] has quit [] 17:00 < boyofsky> 便當 QQ 17:00 < _tars> 後台還不錯 17:00 < ggininder> 有用心有推 <3 17:00 < Davy_CC> 1TB 流量 17:00 < david11014> 1TB ww 17:00 < David_c> 1Twwwww 17:00 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 1 TB.. 17:00 -!- [R0]buck5060 [~buck5060@158-206.dorm.ncu.edu.tw] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 17:00 < hydai> 居然有 1TB 17:00 < Guest37657> 寶可夢佔幾% 17:00 < [R0]Nightfeather> 1T wwwww 17:00 -!- [R0]buck5060 [~buck5060@158-206.dorm.ncu.edu.tw] has joined #coscup 17:00 < PichuChen> 第二天忘記報到也沒問題啊 17:00 < imacat> jserv: read. cool! tkx~~~ 17:00 < [R0]Nightfeather> 雖然我覺得 docker workshop 應該佔了不少 w 17:01 < david11014> 17% OAO/ 17:01 < derekhsu> 55%好低 17:01 < rail02000> PMGO其實吃不多吧w 17:01 < derekhsu> 感恩jserv 17:01 < clkao> DennyHuang++ 17:01 < [R0]DeemoHarlos> DENNY <(_ _)> 17:01 < Davy_CC> [R0]Nightfeather: 單指app server流量從 17:01 < waeting> 線路組超強la 17:01 < jserv--> 沒關係,我用臉就可以報到 # 17:01 < R0-shaww> 丹尼黃 17:01 < Davy_CC> [R0]Nightfeather: 單指app server流量 1TB 17:01 < [R0]Nightfeather> 好喔' A') 17:01 < chihhsin> docker workshop 應該還好吧 @@ 17:01 < tonyhusky> jserv++ 17:01 < Ruinland> docker image看種類? 17:01 < imacat> jserv: ⋯⋯ ^^; 17:01 < [R0]Nightfeather> 單說 App 那有點多啊 XDDDD 17:01 < derekhsu> 第一天我的QR code刷不出來,有沒有人跟我一樣? 17:01 < Ruinland> alpine可能還好 17:02 < jserv--> 韓國講者! 17:02 < pixza_yaoita> 包囉 17:02 < PichuChen> 有個小小的問題問一下大家,COSCUP 2016這次用React,難道不擔心SEO相關的問題嗎? 17:02 < shawnlin> Jserv 靠臉闖遍各種研討會 17:02 < derekhsu> 全部流量應該遠超1T吧 17:02 < [R0]Nightfeather> 今天是有拉 ubuntu 的 image 啦 XD 17:02 < derekhsu> 給韓國講者多點時間吧 17:02 < David_c> 韓國人斯迷打 17:02 < derekhsu> 台韓友好 17:02 < inndy> just just just 17:02 < waeting> just 17:02 < yucheng> GG私密達 17:02 < _tars> 嘶 17:02 < jserv--> http://hackfoldr.org/dykc/ # 8 月 23 日晚間八點有「你所不知道的 C 語言」直播 17:02 < inndy> aa..aa.a..aa.aaaa 17:02 < hlb> COSCUP 有在 care SEO 嗎 ._. 17:02 < [R0]Nightfeather> rjust 17:02 < inndy> 後啊 17:02 < shawnlin> GG 17:02 < alex_lu> 剛剛arch掛了有重抓arch isoXDD 17:02 < waeting> oops 17:03 < derekhsu> 哈尼阿塞優 17:03 < barneybook> 不計算每個人手上的4G網路,應該約1T 17:03 < coscupbot> (chihchun) Bob 心太軟 17:03 < PJxPJ> XDDDD 17:03 < tonyhusky> GG思密達 17:03 < narahuang> 韓文UI 17:03 < pixza_yaoita> 救救韓國講者啊 17:03 -!- Alicia_ [8c6d7f02@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 17:03 < dannyAAM> arch iso很小還好啦 17:03 -!- nipapa_ [~nipapa@] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds] 17:03 < [R0]DeemoHarlos> VGA連線不安全 17:03 < waeting> sos team 17:03 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 要轉html (X 17:03 < PichuChen> hlb: 我不知道有沒有想過這件事就是了啦... 舉例來說未來要找某一場演講的資料的時候,今年的aganda就搜尋不到了 17:03 < dannyAAM> 我今天就花了1G的流量了吧(X 17:03 < waeting> lol 17:03 < Ruinland> 印象中arch iso約7~800M 17:03 < DennyHuang> 我指的 1TB 是整個會場的網路上下載流量XD 17:04 < coscupbot> (chihchun) Ubuntu docker image 也不太大吧 17:04 < DennyHuang> 截至剛剛 15:00 17:04 -!- abev66 [~AndChat46@223-140-32-41.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 17:04 -!- Rogerable [~AndChat55@] has quit [Read error: No route to host] 17:04 < Davy_CC> PichuChen: 應該有對 crawer 做 server side render 吧? 17:04 < pixza_yaoita> Dick link (X 17:04 < waeting> 其實可以用英文啦 17:04 < PichuChen> DennyHuang: 好不容易有個GBE,當然就是該更新的更新一下啊XD 17:04 < David_c> 中文有點卡 17:04 < yutin> xDDD 17:04 < jserv--> 中文演說! 17:04 < [R0]hinet60613> 原來是用韓文拼中文的音wwww 17:04 < Guest37657> 加油啊! 17:04 < yutin> 好認真 說中文 17:04 < jserv--> 太強了啊~~~ 17:04 < Davy_CC> 他看着發音唸!!!!!!厲害!!! 17:04 < imacat> @cjkvbot 17:04 < Davy_CC> english mode XD 17:04 < derekhsu> 1T應該不只吧 17:04 < derekhsu> 用docker那堆就爆了 17:04 < jserv--> CJKVBot 17:05 < davihuan_david> @jserv-- 你還好嗎? 17:05 < hlb> @PichuChen: 其實 Google crawler 知道怎麼爬...... 17:05 < _tars> 翻譯機? 17:05 -!- abev66 [~AndChat46@223-140-32-41.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 17:05 < shawnlin> 真勇者 17:05 < coscupbot> (fripig) google會等js了 17:05 -!- poga [~poga@] has joined #coscup 17:05 < Davy_CC> Googlebot support jsavscript (rock) 17:05 -!- Rogerable [~AndChat55@] has joined #coscup 17:05 < jserv--> COSCUP 今年唯一和中文相關的議程,竟然是韓國講者帶來的 17:05 < Davy_CC> s/jsavscript/javascript 17:05 < barneybook> 翻譯BOT? 17:05 < jserv--> 我們該說什麼? 17:05 < shawnlin> 我們要繼續熱血中文化工程 17:05 < kewang> 2006年剛開始時 中文相關議程超多 17:05 < iblis17> jserv--: day 1 有書法的 17:05 -!- nipapa [~nipapa@] has joined #coscup 17:05 < imacat> ^^; 17:05 < rail02000> 單一漢字在不同語言的念法 17:06 < Guest37657> 孔子是_ _ 17:06 < PichuChen> 喔喔?! 原來是我資訊還沒更新,還停留在Google bot不會JS的記憶 (faceplam 17:06 < R0-shaww> 你好 17:06 < boyofsky> 糟糕 我到底聽了什麼? 17:06 < chihhsin> docker workshop 主要使用用 katacoda 進行教學,位於德國的 VM XD 17:06 < jserv--> iblis17, 我知道,但缺乏中文資訊處理,至少在編碼層面 17:06 -!- t510599 [uid180825@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-oehkntpvgjauzhnq] has quit [] 17:06 < [R0]hinet60613> 倒數20秒了 17:06 < derekhsu> 喔喔,原來是這樣 17:06 < hlb> @PichuChen: 但是也只有 google 會唷(茶),其它家都不會 17:06 < dannyAAM> docker 的image其實不會太大啦w 17:06 < [R0]Nightfeather> 今天早上是有些人是用 local 的機器裝 docker 跟 build 的 17:07 < tonyhusky> 是萌典 17:07 < david11014> 萌典出現惹 17:07 < derekhsu> 韓國要研究漢字不容易啊 17:07 < coscupbot> (fripig) 有的會用server render解決seo問題 17:07 < chihhsin> 噢噢原來是今天的 XD 17:07 < rail02000> 這節奏很危險 17:07 < hlb> 出現萌典 17:07 < PichuChen> hlb: Google會就夠了,現在看到在抓snapshot的新創好像都會了 17:07 < [R0]hinet60613> 萌典! 17:07 < shawnlin> 熱血漢化組 17:07 < R0-shaww> 勇者 17:07 < David_c> 謝謝XD 17:07 < waeting> 仁至義盡啦 17:07 < david11014> 北魏孝文帝漢化組 17:07 < imacat> cool~ 17:07 -!- bz [~bz@223-137-143-108.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 17:07 < R0-shaww> 我喜歡 17:07 -!- t510599 [uid180825@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-mgnbzclkkycdaxzn] has joined #coscup 17:07 < [R0]DeemoHarlos> 20秒好久ww 17:07 < imacat> (掌聲 17:08 -!- andytwmvp [~andytwmvp@] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds] 17:08 -!- starship2518 [8c6d7f02@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed] 17:08 -!- louisje [~louisje@] has quit [Quit: Bye] 17:08 -!- e_rrr_iii_ccc [~eric@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 17:08 -!- [R0]Segno [~segno@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 17:08 -!- StarNight [~AndChat54@223-137-127-34.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Quit: Bye] 17:08 -!- vincentsue [~vincentsu@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 17:08 -!- knowlet [caa9ad86@gateway/web/cgi-irc/kiwiirc.com/ip.] has quit [Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client] 17:08 < [R0]Nightfeather> (applause) 17:08 -!- cartertsai [~cartertsa@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 17:08 -!- [R0]Segno [~segno@] has joined #coscup 17:08 < pixza_yaoita> (掌聲 17:08 -!- logan` [~logan`@] has quit [Quit: leaving] 17:08 -!- rogerable5566 [~AndChat55@] has joined #coscup 17:09 -!- cwhwillie [~androirc@223-137-52-223.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Quit: AndroIRC - Android IRC Client ( http://www.androirc.com )] 17:09 -!- pupuliao_ [8c6d7f06@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed] 17:09 -!- _tars [~chatzilla@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 17:09 < ggininder> 感謝coscup的大家~~~ 17:09 < [R0]DeemoHarlos> 大家辛苦惹 17:09 < David_c> (啪聲鼓勵)[台語] 17:09 -!- infate [~infate@] has quit [Quit: Bye] 17:09 -!- [R0]Nightfeather is now known as Nightfeather 17:09 < pixza_yaoita> 蟹蟹大家~~ 17:10 -!- [R0]Segno [~segno@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 17:10 < R0-shaww> 我第一次來coscup,謝謝大家 17:10 < waeting> HTML 17:10 < [R0]DeweiLi> 感謝贊助商 讚嘆贊助商! 17:10 < PichuChen> HTML 17:10 < waeting> wwwwwwwww 17:10 < Nightfeather> wwww 17:10 < david11014> 討線啊 17:10 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> HTML 17:10 < pixza_yaoita> 公開處刑wwww 17:10 < imacat> 給他之後他並沒有還我 :p 17:10 -!- [R0]Segno [~segno@] has joined #coscup 17:10 < waeting> 總數是對的就好wwww 17:11 -!- jimms [df8c085a@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 17:11 -!- [R0]dz1984 [caa9ad86@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 17:11 -!- stanely [~smuxi@] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 17:11 < waeting> 這是一種開源貢獻 17:11 < hydai> 總數沒有是對的呀XDDDDD 17:11 < [R0]hinet60613> VGA線會增值? www 17:11 < dannyAAM> 這總數不對了啊w 17:11 -!- t510599 [uid180825@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-mgnbzclkkycdaxzn] has quit [Client Quit] 17:11 < Nightfeather> wwwwwwww 17:11 < hydai> 都跑去失物招領區了XDDDDD 17:11 < david11014> XDDD 17:11 < chriswu> 講出序號好了 17:11 -!- shawnlin [~raspi@] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 17:11 < david11014> 需要MD5 17:11 < R0-shaww> 有人用賢者之石 17:11 -!- Deleav [8c6d7f02@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 17:11 < PichuChen> 你掉的VGA轉接線,是轉換成HDMI的,還是HTML的? 17:12 < dannyAAM> 誰記啦wwwww 17:12 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> HTML的 17:12 < waeting> wwwwwwww 17:12 < dannyAAM> HTML wwwwwww 17:12 < [R0]DeweiLi> 這是一種實體的開源貢獻 17:12 < tonyhusky> LOL 17:12 < waeting> 能夠轉HTML的 17:12 < Nightfeather> 轉 HTML 的 wwwwwww 17:12 -!- kent1026 [~AndChat51@] has quit [Quit: Bye] 17:12 -!- kewang [~kewang@] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 17:12 < pixza_yaoita> lolol 17:12 -!- YMHuang [~ymhuang@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 17:12 -!- yu [8c6d7f0b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 17:12 < David_c> wwwwwwww 17:12 < pixza_yaoita> 總招閃電秀 (X 17:12 -!- Rogerable [~AndChat55@] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 17:12 -!- derekhsu [~AndChat48@] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 17:12 < david11014> 結束也要三分鐘 17:12 < Nightfeather> 計時計上癮了喔 wwwww 17:12 < [R0]hinet60613> 3ns w 17:13 < Nightfeather> 3 ns wwwwwwww 17:13 < dannyAAM> 3ns wwwww 17:13 -!- isken_ [6a696108@gateway/web/cgi-irc/kiwiirc.com/ip.] has joined #coscup 17:13 < waeting> 快結束了QQ 17:13 -!- derjohng [caa9ad86@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 17:13 < waeting> EE不捨 17:13 -!- goldie-lin [~goldie-li@114-136-100-178.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 17:13 < imacat> 獎品 17:13 < david11014> 要再一年了 17:13 -!- asahsieh [~asahsieh@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 17:13 < imacat> 17x 17:13 < inndy> 鯉魚王有點多 17:14 -!- goldie-lin [~goldie-li@114-136-100-178.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 17:14 < Nightfeather> COSCUP 魚市場 17:14 < imacat> vr眼鏡 17:14 < David_c> 完售 17:14 < inndy> 「現在電話一直打進來」 17:14 < inndy> 「還有幾組?」 17:14 < inndy> 「賣完啦!!!」 17:14 < waeting> wwwwwwwww 17:14 < [R0]hinet60613> www 17:14 < Nightfeather> 「馬上追加三組」 17:14 < Nightfeather> 「要買要快」 17:14 < imacat> <3 17:14 < David_c> FBI! 17:15 < waeting> 這次其實也是各種強者阿 17:15 -!- [R0]Segno [~segno@] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 17:15 < waeting> i.e.用過賢者之石的人 17:15 < waeting> 能夠usb轉HTML的線 17:15 < David_c> 一分鐘 17:15 < waeting> 超屌自幹live band 17:15 < imacat> 貼圖 17:15 -!- RyanHo [~AndChat53@114-136-34-137.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 17:15 < coscupbot> (chusiang) 終於收完東西了 : 17:16 -!- yongjhih [~yongjhih@] has joined #coscup 17:16 < coscupbot> (chusiang) 趕上閉幕式了。yaya ~~ 17:16 -!- abev66 [~AndChat46@223-140-32-41.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 17:17 < Nightfeather> (愣 17:17 -!- AndChat|538544 [~AndChat53@] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 17:17 < waeting> 三個pix. XDDDD 17:17 < [R0]DeemoHarlos> 應該沒有hiir ww 17:18 < Davy_CC> 調高3個pixel 17:18 < david11014> 3px 17:18 < imacat> 3px 17:18 Nightfeather [~nightfeat@] requested CTCP PING from #coscup: 1471771134 966342 17:18 < inndy> 大概這麼高 → - 17:18 -!- [R0]DeweiLi [~deweili@] has quit [] 17:18 < waeting> 超過啦 17:18 < pixza_yaoita> 感謝 intel 讓在場的大家有電腦用 (O) 17:18 < Nightfeather> VIP方案被退票者JK wwwwwwwwww 17:19 < inndy> 幫JK QQ 17:19 < PJxPJ> JKwwww 17:19 < imacat> 個人贊助 17:19 -!- asilcheng [uid12665@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-xqeqrftfufdqsczo] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 17:19 < yutin> JK QQQ 17:19 < R0-shaww> JKJKJK 17:19 Nightfeather [~nightfeat@] requested CTCP PING from #coscup: 1471771190 337221 17:19 -!- isken_ [6a696108@gateway/web/cgi-irc/kiwiirc.com/ip.] has quit [Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client] 17:20 -!- rock [caa9ad86@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 17:20 Nightfeather [~nightfeat@] requested CTCP PING from #coscup: 1471771235 558961 17:20 < davihuan_david> 寫在 IRQ 上就好啦! 17:20 < waeting> QQ真的要結束了 17:20 < imacat> XD 17:20 < inndy> 有表單連結嗎? 17:20 < tonyhusky> DDOS(物理 17:20 < Nightfeather> IRQ wwwww 17:20 < davihuan_david> IRC 17:20 < imacat> 表單表單~ 17:20 < barneybook> 問卷聯結呢??? 17:20 -!- abev66 [~AndChat46@223-140-32-41.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 17:20 < barneybook> 我要問卷QR 17:20 < rock> 請問hk con的telegram在哪? 17:20 < davihuan_david> 居然打錯字了 Or 17:20 < Nightfeather> 物理中斷 DDoS wwwwww 17:20 < barneybook> 我要問卷QR 17:20 < davihuan_david> Orz 17:20 < hydai> 想問剛才那個問卷連結? 17:20 -!- PichuChen [~PichuChen@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 17:20 < hwakeye> 五樓看台沒辦法掃條碼 17:20 < barneybook> 我要問卷QR 17:20 < davihuan_david> 會後會寄信吧? 17:20 < Nightfeather> /coscup問卷url 17:21 < waeting> 大家掰掰明年見 17:21 -!- yongjhih [~yongjhih@] has quit [Ping timeout: 258 seconds] 17:21 -!- waeting [~waeting@] has quit [Quit: leaving] 17:21 -!- threelines [~threeline@] has quit [Quit: leaving] 17:21 -!- windslash [~yaaic@] has quit [Quit: Yaaic - Yet another Android IRC client - http://www.yaaic.org] 17:21 < Nightfeather> 明年見 ノシ 17:21 < davihuan_david> 我覺得最累的事情就是拍照了 17:21 -!- goldie-lin [~goldie-li@114-136-100-178.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 17:21 < R0-shaww> 大家明年見 17:21 < coscupbot> (u10313335) https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdQTqpL22ae41IbcIkQDCIY43ujdOINga2m1NdKA__CzlTX0A/viewform?c=0&w=1 17:21 < rock> 請問lighting talk的hk con的telegram是? 17:21 -!- goldie-lin [~goldie-li@] has joined #coscup 17:21 -!- yutin [~yutin@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 17:21 < Nightfeather> sitcon_hk 17:21 < shigurefox> 大家明年見~ 17:21 < ggininder> 感謝大家 17:21 < R0-shaww> 帶小啄回家 17:22 < coscupbot> (u10313335) (會後問卷) 17:22 -!- ggininder [caa9ad86@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed] 17:22 -!- Rogerable [~AndChat55@] has joined #coscup 17:22 < kester___> 感謝大家 明年再來irc聊 17:22 -!- Guest37657 [2a48a2ec@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed] 17:22 -!- shigurefox [~shigurefo@] has left #coscup [] 17:22 < imacat> COSCUP結束,櫻花雨就停惹 :p 17:22 < Nightfeather> wwwww 17:22 -!- PichuChen [~PichuChen@] has joined #coscup 17:22 -!- goldielin [~goldie-li@] has joined #coscup 17:23 -!- yoyoIU [8c6d7f02@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 17:23 < davihuan_david> 鯉魚王 conf 17:23 < Nightfeather> Magicarp Conf 17:23 -!- Nightfeather [~nightfeat@] has quit [Quit: leaving] 17:23 < davihuan_david> magic-arp Orz 17:23 -!- goldie-lin [~goldie-li@] has quit [Read error: No route to host] 17:24 -!- mp607 [~mp607@] has quit [Quit: mp607] 17:24 -!- AndChat|327600 [~AndChat32@42-67-176-58.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Quit: Bye] 17:24 -!- PichuChen [~PichuChen@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 17:24 -!- [R0]buck5060 [~buck5060@158-206.dorm.ncu.edu.tw] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 17:24 < David_c> 大家明年見 17:24 -!- goldielin [~goldie-li@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 17:24 -!- lychee_tw [~AndChat17@223-136-64-82.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 17:24 -!- [R0]buck5060 [~buck5060@158-206.dorm.ncu.edu.tw] has joined #coscup 17:24 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 明年見 17:24 -!- zhxie [~zhxie@] has joined #coscup 17:24 -!- QQQ [d23dc42a@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 17:24 < coscupbot> (u10313335) 大家掰掰~ 17:24 -!- yutin [~yutin@] has joined #coscup 17:24 < davihuan_david> 一年又過去了 @@ 17:24 -!- goldie-lin [~goldie-li@114-136-100-178.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 17:25 -!- kkpan11 [~kkpan11@] has quit [Quit: Leaving.] 17:25 -!- rogerable5566 [~AndChat55@] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 17:25 -!- jserv-- [~jserv@] has quit [Quit: 暫離] 17:25 < PJxPJ> 明年見~ 17:25 -!- PJxPJ [~AndChat33@42-70-20-95.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Quit: Bye] 17:26 -!- PJxPJ [~AndChat33@42-70-20-95.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 17:26 -!- Alicia_ [8c6d7f02@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 17:26 -!- Guest10895 [8c6d7f02@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 17:26 -!- yutin_ [~yutin@] has joined #coscup 17:27 -!- nipapa [~nipapa@] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 17:27 -!- imacat [7288e143@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 17:28 -!- Rogerable [~AndChat55@] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 17:28 -!- jianiau [~jimmy@] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds] 17:28 < coscupbot> (chusiang) 大家 COSCUP 2017 見啦! 17:29 -!- R0-shaww [8c6d7f02@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 17:29 -!- aoihitomi [8c6d10a4@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 17:29 -!- yutin [~yutin@] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds] 17:29 -!- goldie-lin [~goldie-li@114-136-100-178.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has left #coscup ["Leaving"] 17:29 -!- yoyoIU [8c6d7f02@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 17:30 -!- jiazheng [~jiazheng@39-10-228-54.adsl.fetnet.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 17:30 -!- zhxie [~zhxie@] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 17:31 -!- yutin_ [~yutin@] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 17:31 -!- yucheng [~yucheng@] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 17:31 -!- PJxPJ [~AndChat33@42-70-20-95.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Quit: Bye] 17:33 -!- R0-shaw [~shaw@114-136-171-200.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 17:33 -!- Denir [~Denir__@223-142-111-251.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 17:36 -!- Denir_ [~Denir__@223-142-250-5.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 17:37 -!- R0-shaw [~shaw@114-136-171-200.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 17:37 -!- yolandalin [~yolandali@180-176-98-232.dynamic.kbronet.com.tw] has joined #coscup 17:38 -!- rail02000 [~qicruser@114-136-236-109.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Quit: qicr for android: faster and better] 17:40 -!- hwakeye [~AndChat46@223-136-168-203.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Quit: Bye] 17:40 -!- [R0]buck5060 [~buck5060@158-206.dorm.ncu.edu.tw] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 17:40 -!- muhaha03__ [uid43045@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-trhggcdynlhhlral] has joined #coscup 17:40 -!- [R0]buck5060 [~buck5060@158-206.dorm.ncu.edu.tw] has joined #coscup 17:42 -!- rock [caa9ad86@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 17:43 -!- kidwm [uid25246@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-ndkwwcdcqurhpjmy] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 17:44 -!- derekhsu [~AndChat23@] has joined #coscup 17:45 -!- AndChat240000 [~AndChat24@42-66-159-252.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Quit: Bye] 17:46 < coscupbot> (derekhsu) 要回高雄面對現實了,MOPCON見 17:46 -!- RyanHo [~AndChat53@114-136-34-137.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 17:51 -!- AndChat|114816 [~AndChat11@223-140-251-187.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Quit: Bye] 17:54 -!- madarame_ [uid28051@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-fcpvazhvbhfwaxod] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 17:55 < swem> Hi, 不好意思請問有人撿到錢包嗎 17:55 -!- davihuan_david [~AndChat62@114-136-138-222.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Quit: Bye] 17:58 -!- j5a6s7o8n [~AndChat23@42-75-63-152.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 17:59 -!- jiazheng [~jiazheng@110-26-137-48.adsl.fetnet.net] has joined #coscup 18:01 -!- PJxPJ [~AndChat33@42-70-20-95.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 18:02 -!- PJxPJ [~AndChat33@42-70-20-95.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Client Quit] 18:02 -!- [R0]buck5060 [~buck5060@158-206.dorm.ncu.edu.tw] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 18:02 -!- [R0]buck5060 [~buck5060@158-206.dorm.ncu.edu.tw] has joined #coscup 18:04 -!- AndChat|462336 [~AndChat46@] has joined #coscup 18:06 -!- AndChat|163449 [~AndChat16@42-67-18-201.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 18:06 -!- AndChat|163449 [~AndChat16@] has joined #coscup 18:06 -!- AndChat|462336 [~AndChat46@] has quit [Client Quit] 18:06 -!- AndChat|163449 [~AndChat16@] has quit [Client Quit] 18:07 -!- hankkk [uid27502@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-edxnswixoixmuyer] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 18:07 -!- linc01n [~linc01n@n220246201192.netvigator.com] has joined #coscup 18:09 -!- abev66 [~AndChat46@223-140-32-41.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds] 18:09 -!- HP_Eiling_ [uid27621@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-nebosjnegjwsrmpf] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 18:12 -!- Guest69344 [df89fa12@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 18:17 -!- Denir_ [~Denir__@42-70-32-66.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 18:17 -!- [R0]buck5060 [~buck5060@158-206.dorm.ncu.edu.tw] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 18:17 -!- AndChat401249 [~AndChat40@223-140-43-234.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 18:18 -!- [R0]buck5060 [~buck5060@] has joined #coscup 18:18 -!- Denir_ [~Denir__@42-70-32-66.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Client Quit] 18:20 -!- Jeremy850407 [~androirc@] has quit [Quit: AndroIRC - Android IRC Client ( http://www.androirc.com )] 18:20 -!- Denir [~Denir__@223-142-111-251.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 18:20 -!- linc01n [~linc01n@n220246201192.netvigator.com] has quit [Quit: Leaving...] 18:20 -!- ramax [~ramax@114-42-41-88.dynamic.hinet.net] has quit [Quit: Konversation terminated!] 18:25 -!- bhujmn [uid107022@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-qucsmadcqjrdajiw] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 18:26 -!- veloci85 [~Thunderbi@] has joined #coscup 18:26 -!- veloci85 [~Thunderbi@] has left #coscup [] 18:26 -!- [R0]buck5060 [~buck5060@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 18:26 -!- zekt [~AndChat41@] has quit [Quit: hacked by inndy] 18:26 -!- [R0]buck5060 [~buck5060@158-206.dorm.ncu.edu.tw] has joined #coscup 18:27 -!- [h2]chusiang [~chusiang@223-137-44-188.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 18:27 -!- chusiang [~chusiang@223-137-44-188.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 18:29 -!- j4ck50n [uid110064@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-pivbenjfddnrodge] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 18:30 -!- chusiang [~chusiang@223-137-44-188.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 18:30 -!- [h2]chusiang [~chusiang@223-137-44-188.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 18:32 -!- AndChat|482736 [~AndChat48@] has joined #coscup 18:32 -!- jiazheng [~jiazheng@110-26-137-48.adsl.fetnet.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 18:33 -!- takiradiny [6ff0d211@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 18:34 < takiradiny> x 18:36 -!- takiradiny [6ff0d211@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Client Quit] 18:37 -!- takadiny [6ff0d211@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 18:40 < swem> 我可能是在r1或r0掉的 18:52 -!- YMHuang [~ymhuang@] has joined #coscup 18:57 -!- yolandalin [~yolandali@180-176-98-232.dynamic.kbronet.com.tw] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 18:57 -!- yolandalin [~yolandali@180-176-98-232.dynamic.kbronet.com.tw] has joined #coscup 18:57 < SarsTW> swem: 有在 R0 撿到一個,請聯絡 bobchao (方式已 IRC private message) 18:58 < SarsTW> swem: 或聯絡 bobchao @ coscup.org 18:58 -!- yolandalin [~yolandali@180-176-98-232.dynamic.kbronet.com.tw] has quit [Client Quit] 18:59 -!- villerhsiao [uid38272@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-aucdywdkugmissow] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 19:06 -!- descend [uid116330@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-qhptzukhboalzmbg] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 19:07 -!- mabinogi80503 [~mabinogi8@122-116-116-167.HINET-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 19:08 < swem> 謝謝,已領回! 19:11 -!- coldsleep [uid175522@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-gueuafftqmgorqrr] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 19:11 -!- [R0]buck5060 [~buck5060@158-206.dorm.ncu.edu.tw] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 19:11 -!- [R0]buck5060 [~buck5060@158-206.dorm.ncu.edu.tw] has joined #coscup 19:11 -!- mabinogi80503 [~mabinogi8@122-116-116-167.HINET-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 19:12 -!- dAiNESE [uid12429@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-rwxpeazcrgefbmze] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 19:12 -!- yrc [uid123303@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-sbeimwkqysueqyso] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 19:13 -!- ddio [uid13869@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-umcxtcddsyrfnntm] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 19:14 -!- HRY [uid148826@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-fxgiaouphkfddciz] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 19:15 -!- Tsundere_cloud [uid102719@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-xfwuetvqdkfsedhc] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 19:17 -!- AndChat|482736 [~AndChat48@] has quit [Read error: No route to host] 19:17 -!- derekhsu [~AndChat23@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 19:19 -!- hlb [uid12715@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-itxznbsdklmemdqs] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 19:19 -!- shiyating [uid38399@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-zwsaklwppnhymsyx] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 19:24 -!- YMHuang [~ymhuang@] has quit [] 19:26 -!- either [uid66282@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-mfdqmfevwilufyyu] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 19:29 -!- Lee-W_ [uid13167@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-zmduqjobloclnbcl] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 19:30 -!- billy3321 [uid12904@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-bfaaxahdjijnuenm] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 19:31 -!- JYNY [uid13953@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-rhxrfxmryvfmhcyf] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 19:33 -!- Sakamoto_ [uid106911@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-iihuhoqhcgnqmjkx] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 19:34 -!- ghostyang [650f6349@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 19:34 -!- [R0]buck5060 [~buck5060@158-206.dorm.ncu.edu.tw] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 19:34 -!- [R0]buck5060 [~buck5060@158-206.dorm.ncu.edu.tw] has joined #coscup 19:39 -!- yomao_ [uid38282@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-hnkvaytixhyebjua] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 19:39 -!- [R0]hinet60613 [uid27221@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-ftvovzygwzfxqqgk] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 19:39 -!- david11014 [uid38392@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-dmqleygdlsnkcjte] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 19:41 -!- juiz [~juiz@unaffiliated/yungyuc] has joined #coscup 19:41 -!- juiz [~juiz@unaffiliated/yungyuc] has quit [Client Quit] 19:41 -!- [R0]buck5060 [~buck5060@158-206.dorm.ncu.edu.tw] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 19:42 -!- [R0]buck5060 [~buck5060@158-206.dorm.ncu.edu.tw] has joined #coscup 19:42 -!- vincentsue [~vincentsu@] has joined #coscup 19:42 -!- float [uid15344@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-lhokmtifiejkwpby] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 19:43 -!- fntsrCloud [uid16354@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-hktwuocngufilovg] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 19:43 -!- BobLu [uid42911@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-jpmkfwgzrlxqtlnp] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 19:43 -!- Lee1092 [uid13277@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-eiczcibyvvmmjrcf] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 19:44 -!- JethroYu [uid27569@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-kbrbleujoswdkfxo] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 19:45 -!- amo [uid38455@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-bycvrhldwiytznnw] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 19:47 -!- kunigumi [uid148732@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-xqrqbpzbpylzcqim] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 19:50 -!- derjohng [7a74da1f@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 19:50 -!- QwQ [~androirc@223-136-182-136.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 19:50 -!- derjohng [7a74da1f@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Client Quit] 19:51 -!- [R0]buck5060 [~buck5060@158-206.dorm.ncu.edu.tw] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 19:51 -!- [R0]buck5060 [~buck5060@158-206.dorm.ncu.edu.tw] has joined #coscup 19:51 -!- hydai [uid38396@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-edwxspikjwrswvle] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 19:52 < QwQ> 所以說 神秘禮物那個按鈕 是指集點活動嗎 ?! 19:52 -!- darkgerm2 [uid12415@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-bgmyypohriefwyfx] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 19:52 -!- kunigumi [uid148732@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-nwahxmadwjbfnyge] has joined #coscup 20:00 -!- TYLin [sid187@gateway/web/mozilla/x-yxtvijmycotbrioq] has left #coscup [] 20:05 -!- [R0]buck5060 [~buck5060@158-206.dorm.ncu.edu.tw] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 20:05 -!- [R0]buck5060 [~buck5060@] has joined #coscup 20:06 -!- vincents_ [~vincentsu@] has joined #coscup 20:08 -!- kewang [~kewang@220-132-107-152.HINET-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 20:08 -!- AndChat401249 [~AndChat40@223-140-43-234.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 20:08 < [R0]Heero_Yuy> 神秘禮物按鈕忘了按orz 20:09 -!- [R0]Heero_Yuy is now known as Heero_Yuy 20:10 -!- vincentsue [~vincentsu@] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 20:12 -!- cartertsai [~cartertsa@114-32-104-111.HINET-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 20:13 < coscupbot> (FinalCoffee) 不好意思請問有撿到錢包,我大概是下午兩點左右有跟服務台報告過 20:15 -!- shareway [uid106948@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-orzztihhesmteeqr] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 20:16 -!- vincents_ [~vincentsu@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 20:20 -!- vincentsue [~vincentsu@] has joined #coscup 20:20 -!- kester___ [uid34598@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-gngnpmawvbwbdwjc] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 20:23 -!- muhaha03__ [uid43045@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-trhggcdynlhhlral] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 20:25 -!- clkao [sid12095@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-dkdghjjrwgrtxvnu] has left #coscup [] 20:25 -!- kewang [~kewang@220-132-107-152.HINET-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 20:25 -!- [R0]buck5060 [~buck5060@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 20:26 -!- [R0]buck5060 [~buck5060@158-206.dorm.ncu.edu.tw] has joined #coscup 20:27 -!- cartertsai [~cartertsa@114-32-104-111.HINET-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 20:28 < chiehyou> \exit 20:28 < chiehyou> \quit 20:28 < chiehyou> \q 20:28 < chiehyou> \h 20:28 < chiehyou> \help 20:36 -!- poga [~poga@] has left #coscup ["WeeChat 1.5"] 20:39 -!- t510599 [uid180825@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-qcamddfsakrdjgos] has joined #coscup 20:42 -!- mabinogi80503 [~mabinogi8@122-116-116-167.HINET-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 20:42 -!- mabinogi80503 [~mabinogi8@122-116-116-167.HINET-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Client Quit] 20:43 -!- [R0]buck5060 [~buck5060@158-206.dorm.ncu.edu.tw] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 20:43 -!- AndChat401249 [~AndChat40@223-140-43-234.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 20:43 -!- [R0]buck5060 [~buck5060@158-206.dorm.ncu.edu.tw] has joined #coscup 20:45 -!- t510599 [uid180825@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-qcamddfsakrdjgos] has quit [] 20:58 -!- barneybook [uid33576@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-hzsocezwabczxurm] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 20:58 -!- mp607 [~mp607@36-239-217-30.dynamic-ip.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 21:01 -!- mp607 [~mp607@36-239-217-30.dynamic-ip.hinet.net] has quit [Client Quit] 21:02 < Davy_CC> QwQ: 不是 神祕禮物是有個人贊助的才有 21:02 -!- [R0]buck5060 [~buck5060@158-206.dorm.ncu.edu.tw] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 21:02 < Davy_CC> 集點活動是另外的 21:02 -!- [R0]buck5060 [~buck5060@158-206.dorm.ncu.edu.tw] has joined #coscup 21:02 -!- descend [uid116330@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-lgqdpvhxxsfpbjoa] has joined #coscup 21:07 -!- takadiny [6ff0d211@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed] 21:07 -!- QwQ [~androirc@223-136-182-136.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Quit: AndroIRC - Android IRC Client ( http://www.androirc.com )] 21:11 -!- [R0]buck5060 [~buck5060@158-206.dorm.ncu.edu.tw] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 21:11 -!- [R0]buck5060 [~buck5060@158-206.dorm.ncu.edu.tw] has joined #coscup 21:13 -!- jlhg [~user@] has left #coscup ["ERC (IRC client for Emacs 24.5.1)"] 21:19 -!- [Home] [0122af51@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 21:23 -!- [R0]Segno [~segno@] has joined #coscup 21:24 -!- R0-shaw [~shaw@114-136-171-200.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 21:24 < R0-shaw> 6666 21:24 -!- legist [6f52a11a@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 21:24 -!- [R0]Segno [~segno@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 21:25 -!- R0-shaw [~shaw@114-136-171-200.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 21:25 -!- [R0]Segno [~segno@] has joined #coscup 21:25 < legist> 請問有沒有哪裡放了今年的irc log? 21:29 -!- Shawwwwww [7288abc8@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 21:29 -!- [R0]buck5060 [~buck5060@158-206.dorm.ncu.edu.tw] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 21:29 -!- [R0]buck5060 [~buck5060@158-206.dorm.ncu.edu.tw] has joined #coscup 21:29 -!- stanely [~smuxi@] has joined #coscup 21:32 -!- vincentsu [~Mutter@] has joined #coscup 21:34 < David_c> 平安順利歸宅,辛苦了各位。期待明年在中研院再相會! 21:36 -!- vincentsu [~Mutter@] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 21:36 -!- stanely [~smuxi@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 21:39 -!- shaolin [uid13544@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-srmthrphfmqprvqd] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 21:41 -!- vincentsue [~vincentsu@] has quit [] 21:42 -!- legist [6f52a11a@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 21:43 -!- [R0]Segno [~segno@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 21:44 -!- zhxie [~zhxie@111-83-81-60.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 21:45 < zhxie> Finally back to home 21:50 -!- test_ [~hashman@] has left #coscup [] 21:51 -!- RichardWU [~AndChat14@] has joined #coscup 21:51 -!- hashman [~hashman@] has joined #coscup 21:52 -!- hashman [~hashman@] has quit [Client Quit] 21:53 -!- taipeiwu [~AndChat14@] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 21:53 -!- vincentsu [uid181072@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-szivwznxexohaghg] has joined #coscup 21:54 < zhxie> quit 21:54 -!- [R0]buck5060 [~buck5060@158-206.dorm.ncu.edu.tw] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 21:54 -!- zhxie [~zhxie@111-83-81-60.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Quit: leaving] 21:54 -!- [R0]buck5060 [~buck5060@158-206.dorm.ncu.edu.tw] has joined #coscup 21:57 -!- vincentsu [uid181072@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-szivwznxexohaghg] has quit [Client Quit] 21:57 -!- kunigumi [uid148732@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-nwahxmadwjbfnyge] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 21:58 -!- vincentsu [uid181072@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-fiowemuiluyjvkiw] has joined #coscup 22:14 -!- ccn [~ccn@staff.kkbox.com.tw] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 22:14 -!- [Home] [0122af51@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed] 22:14 -!- ccn [~ccn@staff.kkbox.com.tw] has joined #coscup 22:26 -!- KazeMewno [~androirc@223-140-4-184.EMOME-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 22:36 -!- dneif [~dneif@] has joined #coscup 22:40 -!- dneif [~dneif@] has quit [] 22:42 -!- dneif [~dneif@] has joined #coscup 22:44 -!- isken_ [6a696108@gateway/web/cgi-irc/kiwiirc.com/ip.] has joined #coscup 22:46 < dannyAAM> legist: 共筆裡面有 22:58 -!- [R0]hinet60613 [uid27221@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-bnknqjucfievhnwi] has joined #coscup 22:58 -!- [R0]hinet60613 is now known as hinet60613 22:59 -!- jackymaxj [daa12114@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup 23:00 -!- jackymaxj [daa12114@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Client Quit] 23:02 -!- circ-user-U6HCg [~circuser-@218-161-33-20.HINET-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 23:02 -!- circ-user-U6HCg [~circuser-@218-161-33-20.HINET-IP.hinet.net] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 23:10 -!- isken_ [6a696108@gateway/web/cgi-irc/kiwiirc.com/ip.] has quit [Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client] 23:19 -!- PichuChen [~PichuChen@220-129-147-241.dynamic.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 23:37 -!- [R0]pakls [~ant@pakls.us.to] has quit [Quit: leaving] 23:45 -!- nightfeather [~nightfeat@220-133-162-2.HINET-IP.hinet.net] has joined #coscup 23:46 -!- descend [uid116330@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-lgqdpvhxxsfpbjoa] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 23:47 < nightfeather> 喵的 今天被一個奇怪的問題雷到 23:48 < nightfeather> NetworkManager 在呼叫 dhclient 幫主要介面 dhcp 的時候 23:49 < nightfeather> 不知道哪裡來的 signal SIGABRT 把 dhclient 砍了 23:49 < nightfeather> 還發生了兩次 結果就讓那個介面沒 ip .... 23:49 < nightfeather> 害我連不上 23:58 -!- yrc [uid123303@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-oybxgxdaggvvoadg] has joined #coscup --- Log closed Mon Aug 22 00:00:43 2016