# README `LectureCreator.sh` ## Christopher Gandrud ## Updated: 17 September This file explains how to use the `LectureCreator.sh` bash shell script. --- ## About The simple script `LectureCreator.sh` automatically creates a [knitr](http://yihui.name/knitr/) [beamer slideshow](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beamer_(LaTeX). You define whether the slideshow should be called a *Lecture* or a *Seminar*. You also decide what number the file should have. The script then creates a basic `.Rnw` *knitr* beamer slide show, complete with header, footer, and necessary style files. I use this script to create lecture and seminar slide shows for an [introductory applied stats class](http://christophergandrud.github.com/Introduction_to_Statistics_and_Data_Analysis_Yonsei/) that I teach. For me, the numbers correspond to the week that the slideshow is for. ## Components The Lecture Creator consists of a shell script file `LectureCreator.sh` and a folder called `CommonFiles`. There are three files in the `CommonFiles` folder. These are the style files and the basic beamer slide show file. This folder also has a file called `README.Rmd`, used to create the explanation you are currently reading. ## Set Up & Run Before running the shell script `LectureCreator.sh` on your Linux or Mac machine you must give it the correct permissions. Set your working directory (using the `cd` command) to the folder where `LectureCreator.sh` is located. On my computer it is in `/git_repositories/MakeProjects/Rnw_Lecture/` ```{r Directory, engine='bash'} cd /git_repositories/MakeProjects/Rnw_Lecture/ ``` Now change the permissions so that you can run the shell script: ```{r Permisions, engine='bash'} chmod 755 LectureCreator.sh ``` Make sure the file has the correct permissions like this: ```{r CheckPermissions, engine='bash'} ls -l LectureCreator.sh ``` Everything looks fine. To run the shell script type: ```{r RunShellScript, engine='bash', eval=FALSE} ./LectureCreator.sh ``` When you run the script you will be given two prompts: ```{r Prompts, engine='bash', eval=FALSE} Do you want to make a Lecture or Seminar? Please enter the lecture number you want to compile. ``` Simply type in "Lecture" or "Seminar" depending on what you would like to create after the first prompt. Obviously type the number you want to give the slideshow after the second.