" Vimrc " " This file contains the minimal settings to set the foundation, with the " majority of the configuration and settings living in files spread between " vim/rcfiles and vim/rcplugins set nocompatible " Need to set the leader before defining any leader mappings let mapleader = "\" function! s:SourceConfigFilesIn(directory) let directory_splat = '~/.vim/' . a:directory . '/*' for config_file in split(glob(directory_splat), '\n') if filereadable(config_file) execute 'source' config_file endif endfor endfunction " Force shell to /bin/bash to avoid E484 can't find tmp files in /var/folders/* set shell=/bin/bash call plug#begin('~/.vim/bundle') call s:SourceConfigFilesIn('rcplugins') call plug#end() call s:SourceConfigFilesIn('rcfiles')