" Vim Tmux Runner - Connect Vim and tmux to allow running lines & commands " Plug 'christoomey/vim-tmux-runner' Plug '~/code/vim/tmux-runner' nnoremap v- :VtrOpenRunner { "orientation": "v", "percentage": 30 } nnoremap v\ :VtrOpenRunner { "orientation": "h", "percentage": 30 } nnoremap vk :VtrKillRunner " nnoremap va :VtrAttachToPane nnoremap v0 :VtrAttachToPane 0:call system("tmux clock-mode -t 0 && sleep 0.1 && tmux send-keys -t 0 q") nnoremap v1 :VtrAttachToPane 1:call system("tmux clock-mode -t 1 && sleep 0.1 && tmux send-keys -t 1 q") nnoremap v2 :VtrAttachToPane 2:call system("tmux clock-mode -t 2 && sleep 0.1 && tmux send-keys -t 2 q") nnoremap v3 :VtrAttachToPane 3:call system("tmux clock-mode -t 3 && sleep 0.1 && tmux send-keys -t 3 q") nnoremap v4 :VtrAttachToPane 4:call system("tmux clock-mode -t 4 && sleep 0.1 && tmux send-keys -t 4 q") nnoremap v5 :VtrAttachToPane 5:call system("tmux clock-mode -t 5 && sleep 0.1 && tmux send-keys -t 5 q") nnoremap fr :VtrFocusRunner " noremap :VtrSendLinesToRunner nnoremap sq :VtrSendKeysRaw q nnoremap sd :VtrSendKeysRaw ^D nnoremap sl :VtrSendKeysRaw ^L nnoremap sc :VtrSendKeysRaw ^C nnoremap vs :VtrSendCommandToRunner nnoremap s1 :VtrSendKeysRaw C-p C-m " vim:ft=vim