" Prose - Configurations related to those times I write things that aren't code function! s:PreviewInMarked() silent! call system("open -a 'Marked 2' " . expand("%:p")) endfunction command! PreviewInMarked call PreviewInMarked() nnoremap md :PreviewInMarked function! s:FixLastSpellingError() let position = getpos('.')[1:3] let current_line_length = len(getline('.')) normal! [s1z= let new_line_length = len(getline('.')) let position[1] += (new_line_length - current_line_length) call cursor(position) silent! call repeat#set("\FixLastSpellingError", 0) endfunction command! FixLastSpellingError call FixLastSpellingError() nnoremap FixLastSpellingError :FixLastSpellingError imap :write:FixLastSpellingError " map sp FixLastSpellingError " imap :wsp " vim:ft=vim