// Usage:: with (D()) { your code } // JSDeferred 0.4.0 Copyright (c) 2007 cho45 ( www.lowreal.net ) // See http://github.com/cho45/jsdeferred function D () { function Deferred () { return (this instanceof Deferred) ? this.init() : new Deferred() } Deferred.ok = function (x) { return x }; Deferred.ng = function (x) { throw x }; Deferred.prototype = { _id : 0xe38286e381ae, init : function () { this._next = null; this.callback = { ok: Deferred.ok, ng: Deferred.ng }; return this; }, next : function (fun) { return this._post("ok", fun) }, error : function (fun) { return this._post("ng", fun) }, call : function (val) { return this._fire("ok", val) }, fail : function (err) { return this._fire("ng", err) }, cancel : function () { (this.canceller || function () {})(); return this.init(); }, _post : function (okng, fun) { this._next = new Deferred(); this._next.callback[okng] = fun; return this._next; }, _fire : function (okng, value) { var next = "ok"; try { value = this.callback[okng].call(this, value); } catch (e) { next = "ng"; value = e; if (Deferred.onerror) Deferred.onerror(e); } if (Deferred.isDeferred(value)) { value._next = this._next; } else { if (this._next) this._next._fire(next, value); } return this; } }; Deferred.isDeferred = function (obj) { return !!(obj && obj._id === Deferred.prototype._id); }; Deferred.next_default = function (fun) { var d = new Deferred(); var id = setTimeout(function () { d.call() }, 0); d.canceller = function () { clearTimeout(id) }; if (fun) d.callback.ok = fun; return d; }; Deferred.next_faster_way_readystatechange = ((typeof window === 'object') && (location.protocol == "http:") && !window.opera && /\bMSIE\b/.test(navigator.userAgent)) && function (fun) { var d = new Deferred(); var t = new Date().getTime(); if (t - arguments.callee._prev_timeout_called < 150) { var cancel = false; var script = document.createElement("script"); script.type = "text/javascript"; script.src = "data:text/javascript,"; script.onreadystatechange = function () { if (!cancel) { d.canceller(); d.call(); } }; d.canceller = function () { if (!cancel) { cancel = true; script.onreadystatechange = null; document.body.removeChild(script); } }; document.body.appendChild(script); } else { arguments.callee._prev_timeout_called = t; var id = setTimeout(function () { d.call() }, 0); d.canceller = function () { clearTimeout(id) }; } if (fun) d.callback.ok = fun; return d; }; Deferred.next_faster_way_Image = ((typeof window === 'object') && (typeof(Image) != "undefined") && !window.opera && document.addEventListener) && function (fun) { var d = new Deferred(); var img = new Image(); var handler = function () { d.canceller(); d.call(); }; img.addEventListener("load", handler, false); img.addEventListener("error", handler, false); d.canceller = function () { img.removeEventListener("load", handler, false); img.removeEventListener("error", handler, false); }; img.src = "data:image/png," + Math.random(); if (fun) d.callback.ok = fun; return d; }; Deferred.next_tick = (typeof process === 'object' && typeof process.nextTick === 'function') && function (fun) { var d = new Deferred(); process.nextTick(function() { d.call() }); if (fun) d.callback.ok = fun; return d; }; Deferred.next = Deferred.next_faster_way_readystatechange || Deferred.next_faster_way_Image || Deferred.next_tick || Deferred.next_default; Deferred.chain = function () { var chain = Deferred.next(); for (var i = 0, len = arguments.length; i < len; i++) (function (obj) { switch (typeof obj) { case "function": var name = null; try { name = obj.toString().match(/^\s*function\s+([^\s()]+)/)[1]; } catch (e) { } if (name != "error") { chain = chain.next(obj); } else { chain = chain.error(obj); } break; case "object": chain = chain.next(function() { return Deferred.parallel(obj) }); break; default: throw "unknown type in process chains"; } })(arguments[i]); return chain; }; Deferred.wait = function (n) { var d = new Deferred(), t = new Date(); var id = setTimeout(function () { d.call((new Date()).getTime() - t.getTime()); }, n * 1000); d.canceller = function () { clearTimeout(id) }; return d; }; Deferred.call = function (fun) { var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1); return Deferred.next(function () { return fun.apply(this, args); }); }; Deferred.parallel = function (dl) { var isArray = false; if (arguments.length > 1) { dl = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments); isArray = true; } else if (Array.isArray && Array.isArray(dl) || typeof dl.length == "number") { isArray = true; } var ret = new Deferred(), values = {}, num = 0; for (var i in dl) if (dl.hasOwnProperty(i)) (function (d, i) { if (typeof d == "function") dl[i] = d = Deferred.next(d); d.next(function (v) { values[i] = v; if (--num <= 0) { if (isArray) { values.length = dl.length; values = Array.prototype.slice.call(values, 0); } ret.call(values); } }).error(function (e) { ret.fail(e); }); num++; })(dl[i], i); if (!num) Deferred.next(function () { ret.call() }); ret.canceller = function () { for (var i in dl) if (dl.hasOwnProperty(i)) { dl[i].cancel(); } }; return ret; }; Deferred.earlier = function (dl) { var isArray = false; if (arguments.length > 1) { dl = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments); isArray = true; } else if (Array.isArray && Array.isArray(dl) || typeof dl.length == "number") { isArray = true; } var ret = new Deferred(), values = {}, num = 0; for (var i in dl) if (dl.hasOwnProperty(i)) (function (d, i) { d.next(function (v) { values[i] = v; if (isArray) { values.length = dl.length; values = Array.prototype.slice.call(values, 0); } ret.call(values); ret.canceller(); }).error(function (e) { ret.fail(e); }); num++; })(dl[i], i); if (!num) Deferred.next(function () { ret.call() }); ret.canceller = function () { for (var i in dl) if (dl.hasOwnProperty(i)) { dl[i].cancel(); } }; return ret; }; Deferred.loop = function (n, fun) { var o = { begin : n.begin || 0, end : (typeof n.end == "number") ? n.end : n - 1, step : n.step || 1, last : false, prev : null }; var ret, step = o.step; return Deferred.next(function () { function _loop (i) { if (i <= o.end) { if ((i + step) > o.end) { o.last = true; o.step = o.end - i + 1; } o.prev = ret; ret = fun.call(this, i, o); if (Deferred.isDeferred(ret)) { return ret.next(function (r) { ret = r; return Deferred.call(_loop, i + step); }); } else { return Deferred.call(_loop, i + step); } } else { return ret; } } return (o.begin <= o.end) ? Deferred.call(_loop, o.begin) : null; }); }; Deferred.repeat = function (n, fun) { var i = 0, end = {}, ret = null; return Deferred.next(function () { var t = (new Date()).getTime(); do { if (i >= n) return null; ret = fun(i++); } while ((new Date()).getTime() - t < 20); return Deferred.call(arguments.callee); }); }; Deferred.register = function (name, fun) { this.prototype[name] = function () { var a = arguments; return this.next(function () { return fun.apply(this, a); }); }; }; Deferred.register("loop", Deferred.loop); Deferred.register("wait", Deferred.wait); Deferred.connect = function (funo, options) { var target, func, obj; if (typeof arguments[1] == "string") { target = arguments[0]; func = target[arguments[1]]; obj = arguments[2] || {}; } else { func = arguments[0]; obj = arguments[1] || {}; target = obj.target; } var partialArgs = obj.args ? Array.prototype.slice.call(obj.args, 0) : []; var callbackArgIndex = isFinite(obj.ok) ? obj.ok : obj.args ? obj.args.length : undefined; var errorbackArgIndex = obj.ng; return function () { var d = new Deferred().next(function (args) { var next = this._next.callback.ok; this._next.callback.ok = function () { return next.apply(this, args.args); }; }); var args = partialArgs.concat(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0)); if (!(isFinite(callbackArgIndex) && callbackArgIndex !== null)) { callbackArgIndex = args.length; } var callback = function () { d.call(new Deferred.Arguments(arguments)) }; args.splice(callbackArgIndex, 0, callback); if (isFinite(errorbackArgIndex) && errorbackArgIndex !== null) { var errorback = function () { d.fail(arguments) }; args.splice(errorbackArgIndex, 0, errorback); } Deferred.next(function () { func.apply(target, args) }); return d; }; }; Deferred.Arguments = function (args) { this.args = Array.prototype.slice.call(args, 0) }; Deferred.retry = function (retryCount, funcDeferred, options) { if (!options) options = {}; var wait = options.wait || 0; var d = new Deferred(); var retry = function () { var m = funcDeferred(retryCount); m. next(function (mes) { d.call(mes); }). error(function (e) { if (--retryCount <= 0) { d.fail(['retry failed', e]); } else { setTimeout(retry, wait * 1000); } }); }; setTimeout(retry, 0); return d; }; Deferred.methods = ["parallel", "wait", "next", "call", "loop", "repeat", "chain"]; Deferred.define = function (obj, list) { if (!list) list = Deferred.methods; if (!obj) obj = (function getGlobal () { return this })(); for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) { var n = list[i]; obj[n] = Deferred[n]; } return Deferred; }; this.Deferred = Deferred; function http (opts) { var d = Deferred(); var req = new XMLHttpRequest(); req.open(opts.method, opts.url, true); if (opts.headers) { for (var k in opts.headers) if (opts.headers.hasOwnProperty(k)) { req.setRequestHeader(k, opts.headers[k]); } } req.onreadystatechange = function () { if (req.readyState == 4) d.call(req); }; req.send(opts.data || null); d.xhr = req; return d; } http.get = function (url) { return http({method:"get", url:url}) }; http.post = function (url, data) { return http({method:"post", url:url, data:data, headers:{"Content-Type":"application/x-www-form-urlencoded"}}) }; http.jsonp = function (url, params) { if (!params) params = {}; var Global = (function () { return this })(); var d = Deferred(); var cbname = params["callback"]; if (!cbname) do { cbname = "callback" + String(Math.random()).slice(2); } while (typeof(Global[cbname]) != "undefined"); params["callback"] = cbname; url += (url.indexOf("?") == -1) ? "?" : "&"; for (var name in params) if (params.hasOwnProperty(name)) { url = url + encodeURIComponent(name) + "=" + encodeURIComponent(params[name]) + "&"; } var script = document.createElement('script'); script.type = "text/javascript"; script.charset = "utf-8"; script.src = url; document.body.appendChild(script); Global[cbname] = function callback (data) { delete Global[cbname]; document.body.removeChild(script); d.call(data); }; return d; }; function xhttp (opts) { var d = Deferred(); if (opts.onload) d = d.next(opts.onload); if (opts.onerror) d = d.error(opts.onerror); opts.onload = function (res) { d.call(res); }; opts.onerror = function (res) { d.fail(res); }; setTimeout(function () { GM_xmlhttpRequest(opts); }, 0); return d; } xhttp.get = function (url) { return xhttp({method:"get", url:url}) }; xhttp.post = function (url, data) { return xhttp({method:"post", url:url, data:data, headers:{"Content-Type":"application/x-www-form-urlencoded"}}) }; Deferred.Deferred = Deferred; Deferred.http = http; Deferred.xhttp = (typeof(GM_xmlhttpRequest) == 'undefined') ? http : xhttp; return Deferred; }// End of JSDeferred