" ============================================================================== " --------------------------- " < .vimrc by Kent, by Cowsay > " --------------------------- " \ ^__^ " \ (oo)\_______ " (__)\ )\/\ " ||----w | " oo oo " " Author: Kent Chen " " Blog: http://chenkaie.blogspot.com " " GitHub: http://github.com/chenkaie/DotFiles/blob/master/.vimrc " http://github.com/chenkaie/DotFiles/tree/master/.vim/ " " Last Modified: Tue Feb 26, 2013 05:59PM " ============================================================================== """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" " [ General Setting ] {{{ """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" " Use Vim settings, rather then Vi settings (much better!). This must be first, because it changes other options as a side effect. set nocompatible "has("mac") & has("macunix") just work for MacVim if match(system('uname'),'Darwin') == 0 let OS = "Darwin" elseif has("unix") let OS = "Unix" elseif has("win32") let OS = "Win32" endif if version >= 703 set conceallevel=1 set concealcursor=nc set colorcolumn=+1 set cinoptions+=L0 "set undofile set undodir=~/.vim/undofiles if !isdirectory(&undodir) call mkdir(&undodir, "p") endif map map imap imap endif set backspace=2 " Backups and swapfile set backup set backupdir=$HOME/.vim/backup/ silent execute '!mkdir -p $HOME/.vim/backup' syntax on set vb set noswapfile if &term == "xterm-color" || &term == "xterm-16color" set t_Co=16 elseif ! has("gui_running") set t_Co=256 endif " for GVim if has("gui_running") set guioptions-=T colorscheme wombat set gfn=Consolas:h14 else "For Colorscheme set bg=dark colorscheme peaksea_new "colorscheme ir_black_cterm endif " Status Line set laststatus=2 "set statusline=%<%f\ %m%=\ %h%r\ %-19([%p%%]\ %3l,%02c%03V%)%y set statusline=File:\ %t\%r%h%w\ [%{&ff},%{&fileencoding},%Y]\ %m%=\ [AscII=\%03.3b]\ [Hex=\%02.2B]\ [Pos=%l,%v,%p%%]\ [LINE=%L] set hlsearch set showmatch set number set autoindent " Auto Indent set smartindent " Smart Indent set cindent " C-style Indent set smarttab " Smart handling of the tab key set shiftround " Round indent to multiple of shiftwidth set shiftwidth=4 " Number of spaces for each indent set tabstop=4 " Number of spaces for tab key set softtabstop=4 " Number of spaces for tab key while performing editing operations "set expandtab " Use spaces for tabs. set history=1000 " keep 1000 lines of command line history set ruler " show the cursor position all the time set showcmd " display incomplete commands set incsearch " do incremental searching set lazyredraw " Do not redraw while running macros (much faster) (LazyRedraw) nmap V> nmap V< xmap >gv xmap za " {{{ file encoding setting set fileencodings=utf-8,big5,euc-jp,gbk,euc-kr,utf-bom,iso8859-1 set termencoding=utf-8 set enc=utf-8 set tenc=utf8 set fenc=utf-8 " }}} " For ambiguous characters, ex: ”, and BBS XD set ambiwidth=single " Favorite file types set ffs=unix,dos,mac " Edit your .vimrc in new tab nmap ,s :source $MYVIMRC nmap ,v :tabedit $MYVIMRC " Edit your .bashrc in new tab nmap ,b :tabedit ~/.bashrc " Edit(e) & Generate(g) help tags nmap ,he :tabedit $HOME/.vim/doc/MyNote.txt nmap ,hg :helptags $HOME/.vim/doc " Toggle on/off paste mode map :set paste!set paste? " For Insert Mode to function set pastetoggle= "Toggle on/off show line number map :set nu!set nu? map :cn map , :cp "nnoremap :w \| !make test && ./a.out "compile a c file and execute it. nnoremap :w \| !gcc -Wall -ansi -pedantic -Wextra -std=c99 % && ./a.out "replace 'SHIFT+:' with ';' COOL! noremap ; : "Yahoo Dictionary map viwy:!clear; ydict " vmap y:!clear; ydict """ "tab function hotkey nmap tl :tabnext nmap th :tabprev nmap tn :tabnew nmap tc :tabclose filetype plugin indent on set completeopt=longest,menu,menuone set wildmenu "in ESC: (command mode), disbled auto completion next part, Cool! set wildmode=list:longest set wildignore+=*.o,*.a,*.so,*.obj,*.exe,*.lib,*.ncb,*.opt,*.plg,.svn,.git " for :TOhtml "let html_use_css=1 "let use_xhtml = 1 let html_number_lines = 1 let html_no_pre = 1 let html_ignore_folding = 1 set scrolloff=10 set sidescrolloff=10 set ignorecase set smartcase "show CursorLine set cursorline set backspace=indent,eol,start " Allow backspacing over these " Determining the highlight group that the word under the cursor belongs to nmap ,h :echo "hi<" . synIDattr(synID(line("."),col("."),1),"name") . '> trans<' . synIDattr(synID(line("."),col("."),0),"name") . "> lo<" . synIDattr(synIDtrans(synID(line("."),col("."),1)),"name") . ">" " Spell Check hi SpellBad term=underline cterm=underline ctermfg=red map :set spell!:echo "Spell check: " . strpart("OffOn", 3 * &spell, 3) if OS == "Darwin" " Use custom fillchars/listchars/showbreak icons set fillchars=vert:│,fold:┄,diff:╱ set listchars=tab:⋮\ ,trail:⌴,eol:·,precedes:◂,extends:▸ set showbreak=↪ else "Visualize some special chars set fillchars=vert:│,fold:-,diff:╱ set listchars=tab:⋮\ ,trail:⌴,eol:·,precedes:◂,extends:▸ " Use below line if you don't have font patched. "set listchars=tab:»\ ,trail:·,eol:$,nbsp:%,extends:>,precedes:< endif "map :set list!set list? " A powerful one than above line map :call ToggleSpecialChar() " Add new keyword in search under cursor (*) map a* :exec "/\\(".getreg('/')."\\)\\\\|".expand("") map * g* map # g# " Use Ctrl+hjkl to switch between Window nmap j nmap k nmap h nmap l nmap - - nmap + + " Define different behavior in left/right window if has("autocmd") autocmd BufEnter,BufLeave * \ if winnr() == 1 | \ nmap < <| \ nmap > >| \ else | \ nmap < >| \ nmap > <| \ endif | endif " this allows all window commands in insert mode and i'm not accidentally deleting words anymore :-) imap " useful ab cabbrev vds vertical diffsplit " Force to split right! set splitright cabbrev h vertical help "cabbrev help vertical help "cabbrev split vsplit "cabbrev new vnew " Remove 'recording' key mapping nmap q hi Folded ctermbg=237 " Bash like keys for the command line cnoremap cnoremap " Command-line completion cnoremap cnoremap " Specify the behavior when switching between buffers try set switchbuf=usetab catch endtry " use , key to insert a blank line nnoremap , :put ='' " a LAZY key mapping XD imap jj " Maximum number of tab pages set tabpagemax=30 " used for saving root-privilege file convenient rather than reopen with root cmap w!! %!sudo tee > /dev/null % " keypad fix, http://vim.wikia.com/wiki/PuTTY_numeric_keypad_mappings inoremap Oq 1 inoremap Or 2 inoremap Os 3 inoremap Ot 4 inoremap Ou 5 inoremap Ov 6 inoremap Ow 7 inoremap Ox 8 inoremap Oy 9 inoremap Op 0 inoremap On . inoremap OQ / inoremap OR * inoremap Ol + inoremap OS - " tab goes between delimiters nmap % " < and > are considering as a matching pair set matchpairs+=<:> " ',' is more convenient than '\' let mapleader = "," " ':substitute' flag 'g' is default on set gdefault " When moving up/down in wrapped lines, move 'screen' lines instead of physical lines nnoremap j gj nnoremap k gk " save on losing focus (GVim Only) au FocusLost * :wa " Working with split windows nnoremap w vl " Syntax coloring lines that are too long just slows down the world " set synmaxcol=256 " make search results appear in the middle of the screen nmap n nzz nmap N Nzz " STOP using the arrow keys, Dude! " map " map " map " map " Use `R` to Remove/delete linewise text without overwriting last yank nmap R "_dd vmap R "_d " }}} """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" " [ Mouse + gVim-Killer Related Setting ] {{{ """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" " This is AWESOME, INCREDIBLE! Could be used do Tab-Click, window resizing, scrolling... "set mouse=a " Enable use of the mouse for all modes. set ttymouse=xterm2 " To function correctly in Screen " Enable block-mode selection noremap noremap """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" " copy'n'paste data between separate vim sessions """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" " Copy to vimbuff & System-Clipboard if OS == "Darwin" vmap :w! ~/tmp/vimbuffer:!pbcopy < ~/tmp/vimbuffer nmap :.w! ~/tmp/vimbuffer:!pbcopy < ~/tmp/vimbuffer else vmap :w! ~/tmp/vimbuffer:!nc 4573 < ~/tmp/vimbuffer nmap :.w! ~/tmp/vimbuffer:!nc 4573 < ~/tmp/vimbuffer endif " Paste from buffer nmap :r ~/tmp/vimbuffer map c " Select all map a ggVG " }}} """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" " [ Tab Operation Mac-Mapping by Klaymen ] {{{ """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" " default 1000 set timeoutlen=500 nmap q :qall nmap Q :qall! nmap w :close nmap W :close! nmap s :write nmap t :tabnew nmap , :tabprev "ALT+ <- nmap OD :tabprev nmap  :tabprev nmap . :tabnext "ALT+ -> nmap OC :tabnext nmap  :tabnext nmap 1 :tabn 1 nmap 2 :tabn 2 nmap 3 :tabn 3 nmap 4 :tabn 4 nmap 5 :tabn 5 nmap 6 :tabn 6 nmap 7 :tabn 7 nmap 8 :tabn 8 "reload this file nmap r :edit "Tab Highlight color hi TabLine ctermfg=fg ctermbg=28 cterm=underline hi TabLineFill ctermfg=fg ctermbg=28 cterm=underline hi TabLineSel ctermfg=fg ctermbg=NONE cterm=NONE hi Title ctermfg=219 ctermbg=NONE cterm=NONE autocmd TabLeave * let g:LastUsedTabPage = tabpagenr() function! SwitchLastUsedTab() if exists("g:LastUsedTabPage") execute "tabnext " g:LastUsedTabPage endif endfunction nmap tt :call SwitchLastUsedTab() " }}} """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" " [ Diff related ] {{{ """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" "force vim diff to ignore whitespace set diffopt+=iwhite " highlight diff color hi diffchange ctermbg=236 hi diffadd ctermbg=4 hi DiffDelete ctermfg=69 ctermbg=234 hi difftext ctermbg=3 ctermfg=0 function! s:DiffWithSaved() let filetype=&ft diffthis vnew | r # | normal! 1Gdd diffthis exe "setlocal bt=nofile bh=wipe nobl noswf ro ft=" . filetype endfunction com! DiffSaved call s:DiffWithSaved() nmap ,d :DiffSaved "DirDiff let g:DirDiffExcludes = "*.git,*.svn,.*.swp,tags,cscope.*" let g:DirDiffWindowSize = 6 let g:DirDiffAddArgs = "-w" " WinMerge-style (Alt + hjkl) mapping for vimdiff nmap j ]c nmap k [c " non-Diff mode: Use move to home, move to the end " Diff mode: Used to do diffput and diffget " Switch key mapping in Left/Right window under DiffMode if has("autocmd") autocmd BufEnter,BufLeave * \ if &diff | \ if winnr() == 1 | \ nmap h do | \ nmap l dp | \ else | \ nmap h dp | \ nmap l do | \ endif | \ else | \ if (g:vimgdb_debug_file == "") | \ nmap :call ToggleHomeActionN()| \ map $| \ endif| \ endif endif " }}} """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" " [ Programming Language ] {{{ """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" """""""""""""""""""""""""""""" " ctags """""""""""""""""""""""""""""" " Set tags path set tags=tags,../tags,../../tags """""""""""""""""""""""""""""" " cscope """""""""""""""""""""""""""""" " init cscope hotkey function! UseAwesomeCscope() let l:srcdir=(isdirectory("../src") ? '../' : './') try set tags+=/home/kent/horus/apps/tags exe "cs add " . l:srcdir . "cscope.out " . l:srcdir exe "cs add /home/kent/cscope_ctag/Horus/cscope.out /home/kent/Project/Horus/apps" catch /duplicate/ silent exe "!tag_rebuild " . l:srcdir silent exe "cs reset" exe "redraw!" echohl Wildmenu | echo "cscope database inuse, update and re-init all connections" | echohl None catch /stat/ silent exe "!tag_rebuild " . l:srcdir try exe "cs add " . l:srcdir . "cscope.out " . l:srcdir exe "cs add /home/kent/cscope_ctag/Horus/cscope.out /home/kent/Project/Horus/apps" exe "redraw!" echohl Wildmenu | echo "cscope file not found, exec tag_rebuild" | echohl None catch exe "redraw!" echohl ErrorMsg | echo "You don't have enough privilege XD, just add Horus db." | echohl None exe "cs add /home/kent/cscope_ctag/Horus/cscope.out /home/kent/Project/Horus/apps" endtry endtry endfun nnoremap :call UseAwesomeCscope() " [Web Dev] Gernerate tags file for *.js only! nnoremap w :!tag_rebuild ..:redraw! " To avoid using wrong cscope(/opt/montavista/pro5.0/bin/cscope) once sourcing devel_IP8161_VVTK if match(system('ls ~/usr/bin/cscope'), 'cscope') != -1 set cscopeprg=~/usr/bin/cscope endif """""""""""""""""""""""""""""" " For Linux Kernel """""""""""""""""""""""""""""" " Generate 'cscope index' and 'tag file' for Linux Kernel : 'make ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=arm-linux- cscope tags' nnoremap k :cscope add /home/kent/Project/DM36x/linux-2.6.18/cscope.out /home/kent/Project/DM36x/linux-2.6.18 :set tags+=/home/kent/Project/DM36x/linux-2.6.18/tags """""""""""""""""""""""""""""" " Vi Man """""""""""""""""""""""""""""" " color/paged man runtime! ftplugin/man.vim nmap K :Man """""""""""""""""""""""""""""" " Javascript """""""""""""""""""""""""""""" autocmd FileType javascript set dictionary=~/.vim/dict/javascript.dict """""""""""""""""""""""""""""" " C/C++ """""""""""""""""""""""""""""" "if filename is test.c => make test "set makeprg=make "set errorformat=%f:%l:\ %m " Enables detection of some GCC extensions to C let c_gnu=1 """""""""""""""""""""""""""""" " NeoComplCache """""""""""""""""""""""""""""" let g:neocomplcache_enable_at_startup = 0 let g:neocomplcache_enable_smart_case = 1 let g:neocomplcache_enable_camel_case_completion = 1 " snippets expand key imap (neocomplcache_snippets_expand) smap (neocomplcache_snippets_expand) map :NeoComplCacheEnable map , :NeoComplCacheToggle """""""""""""""""""""""""""""" " Clang-Completion """""""""""""""""""""""""""""" let g:clang_complete_auto=1 let g:clang_auto_select = 1 let g:clang_use_library=1 let g:clang_library_path=$HOME."/usr/lib" let g:clang_snippets=1 let g:clang_conceal_snippets=1 let g:clang_periodic_quickfix=1 let g:clang_hl_errors=1 let g:clang_snippets_engine='snipmate' "let g:clang_complete_copen=1 " }}} """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" " [ Hex/Binary Edit ] {{{ """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" " autocmds to automatically enter hex mode and handle file writes properly if has("autocmd") " vim -b : edit binary using xxd-format! augroup Binary au! au BufReadPre *.bin,*.hex,*.pkg,*.img,*.out setlocal binary au BufReadPost * \ if &binary | Hexmode | endif au BufWritePre * \ if exists("b:editHex") && b:editHex && &binary | \ let oldro=&ro | let &ro=0 | \ let oldma=&ma | let &ma=1 | \ exe "%!xxd -r" | \ let &ma=oldma | let &ro=oldro | \ unlet oldma | unlet oldro | \ endif au BufWritePost * \ if exists("b:editHex") && b:editHex && &binary | \ let oldro=&ro | let &ro=0 | \ let oldma=&ma | let &ma=1 | \ exe "%!xxd" | \ exe "set nomod" | \ let &ma=oldma | let &ro=oldro | \ unlet oldma | unlet oldro | \ endif augroup END endif " ex command for toggling hex mode - define mapping if desired command -bar Hexmode call ToggleHex() " helper function to toggle hex mode function ToggleHex() " hex mode should be considered a read-only operation " save values for modified and read-only for restoration later, " and clear the read-only flag for now let l:modified=&mod let l:oldreadonly=&readonly let &readonly=0 let l:oldmodifiable=&modifiable let &modifiable=1 if !exists("b:editHex") || !b:editHex " save old options let b:oldft=&ft let b:oldbin=&bin " set new options "setlocal binary " make sure it overrides any textwidth, etc. " Kent : mark above line to distinguish between dos(CRLF) and unix(LF) format. let &ft="xxd" " set status let b:editHex=1 " switch to hex editor %!xxd else " restore old options let &ft=b:oldft if !b:oldbin setlocal nobinary endif " set status let b:editHex=0 " return to normal editing %!xxd -r endif " restore values for modified and read only state let &mod=l:modified let &readonly=l:oldreadonly let &modifiable=l:oldmodifiable endfunction nnoremap x :Hexmode " }}} """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" " [ Plugin configuration ] {{{ """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" """""""""""""""""""""""" " AWESOME Vundle """""""""""""""""""""""" set runtimepath+=~/.vim/vundle/ call vundle#rc() Bundle 'gregsexton/gitv' Bundle 'majutsushi/tagbar' Bundle 'OmniCppComplete' Bundle 'Shougo/neocomplcache' "Bundle 'clang-complete' Bundle 'matrix.vim--Yang' Bundle 'chenkaie/DirDiff.vim' Bundle 'chenkaie/smarthomekey.vim' Bundle 'Lokaltog/vim-powerline' Bundle 'EasyMotion' Bundle 'EasyGrep' Bundle 'Tabular' Bundle 'CSApprox' Bundle 'ctrlp.vim' Bundle 'Decho' Bundle 'tpope/vim-fugitive' Bundle 'Indent-Guides' Bundle 'vim-indent-object' Bundle 'LargeFile' Bundle 'matchit.zip' Bundle 'scrooloose/nerdtree' Bundle 'scrooloose/nerdcommenter' Bundle 'msanders/snipmate.vim' Bundle 'tpope/vim-surround' Bundle 'ervandew/supertab' Bundle 'vcscommand.vim' Bundle 'wokmarks.vim' Bundle 'ShowMarks7' Bundle 'smoothPageScroll.vim' Bundle 'sessionman.vim' Bundle 'nelstrom/vim-visual-star-search' Bundle 'nelstrom/vim-markdown-folding' Bundle 'Valloric/MatchTagAlways' """""""""""""""""""""""" " EasyGrep """""""""""""""""""""""" "Grep 'pattern' in the indicate range (need EasyGrep.vim plugin) map ,vv:redraw! let g:EasyGrepRecursive = 1 let g:EasyGrepIgnoreCase= 0 let g:EasyGrepJumpToMatch= 0 let g:EasyGrepWindow=1 " user 'location list' rather than 'Quickfix' let g:EasyGrepCommand=1 " use grep rather vimgrep """""""""""""""""""""""""""""" " VCSCommand """""""""""""""""""""""""""""" nmap d :VCSVimDiff " shortcut for git diff nmap g :let g:VCSCOMMAND_IDENTIFY_EXACT=-1:VCSVimDiff """""""""""""""""""""""""""""" " Smooth Scroll """""""""""""""""""""""""""""" "Smooth Scroll map  :call SmoothPageScrollDown() map  :call SmoothPageScrollUp() """""""""""""""""""""""""""""" " Tag List """""""""""""""""""""""""""""" " nmap :TlistToggle " Split to the right side of the screen let g:Tlist_Use_Right_Window = 1 " Sort by the order let g:Tlist_Sort_Type = "order" " If you are the last, kill yourself let g:Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow = 1 " Do not show folding tree let g:Tlist_Enable_Fold_Column = 0 " Always display one file tags let g:Tlist_Show_One_File = 1 """""""""""""""""""""""""""""" " TagBar """""""""""""""""""""""""""""" nmap :TagbarToggle """""""""""""""""""""""""""""" " Minibuffer """""""""""""""""""""""""""""" let g:miniBufExplModSelTarget = 1 hi MBENormal ctermfg=7 hi MBEVisibleNormal ctermfg=2 hi MBEChanged ctermfg=14 hi MBEVisibleChanged ctermfg=2 """""""""""""""""""""""""""""" " SrcExplorer """""""""""""""""""""""""""""" "let s:SrcExpl_tagsPath = '/home/kent/cscope_ctag/lsp/' "let s:SrcExpl_workPath = '/home/kent/cscope_ctag/lsp/' " Let the Source Explorer update the tags file when opening let g:SrcExpl_updateTags = 0 """""""""""""""""""""""""""""" " vimgdb """""""""""""""""""""""""""""" let g:vimgdb_debug_file = "" run macros/gdb_mappings.vim """""""""""""""""""""""""""""" " ShowMarks """""""""""""""""""""""""""""" let g:showmarks_include='abcdefghijklmnopqrtuvwxyz' . 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ' let g:showmarks_ignore_type="h" let g:showmarks_textlower="\t" let g:showmarks_textupper="\t" let g:showmarks_textother="\t" let g:showmarks_auto_toggle = 0 nnoremap mt :ShowMarksToggle hi ShowMarksHLl ctermfg=red ctermbg=black hi ShowMarksHLu ctermfg=green ctermbg=black hi ShowMarksHLo ctermfg=red ctermbg=black hi ShowMarksHLm ctermfg=red ctermbg=black """""""""""""""""""""""""""""" " wokmarks """""""""""""""""""""""""""""" let g:wokmarks_do_maps = 0 let g:wokmarks_pool = "abcdefghijklmnopqrtuvwxyz" map mm ToggleMarkWok map mj NextMarkWok map mk PrevMarkWok autocmd User WokmarksChange :ShowMarksOn """""""""""""""""""""""""""""" " EasyMotion """""""""""""""""""""""""""""" noremap [emotion] noremap [emotion] e map e [emotion] let g:EasyMotion_leader_key = '[emotion]' """""""""""""""""""""""""""""" " Indent Guides """""""""""""""""""""""""""""" let g:indent_guides_start_level=2 hi IndentGuidesOdd ctermbg=237 hi IndentGuidesEven ctermbg=darkgrey let g:indent_guides_guide_size=1 nnoremap i :IndentGuidesToggle """""""""""""""""""""""""""""" " Powerline """""""""""""""""""""""""""""" let g:Powerline_dividers_override = [ [0x2b80], [0x003e], [0x2b82], [0x003c] ] if OS == "Darwin" let g:Powerline_symbols='fancy' else let g:Powerline_symbols='fancy' endif "call Pl#Theme#InsertSegment('ws_marker', 'after', 'lineinfo') """""""""""""""""""""""""""""" " CtrlP """""""""""""""""""""""""""""" let g:ctrlp_map = 'p' "Alt+P " }}} """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" " [ Functions & autocmd ] {{{ """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" " set vim to chdir for each file if exists('+autochdir') set autochdir else autocmd BufEnter * silent! lcd %:p:h:gs/ /\\ / endif " Automatically update 'Last Modified' field " If buffer modified, update any 'Last modified: ' in the first 20 lines. function! LastModified() if &modified normal ms let n = min([20, line("$")]) exe '1,' . n . 's#^\(.\{,10}Last Modified: \).*#\1' . \ strftime('%a %b %d, %Y %I:%M%p') . '#e' normal `s endif endfun autocmd BufWritePre * call LastModified() " Remember the line number been edited last time "if has("autocmd") "autocmd BufRead *.txt set tw=78 "autocmd BufReadPost * "\ if line("'\"") > 0 && line ("'\"") <= line("$") | "\ exe "normal g'\"" | "\ endif "endif "autocmd BufWinLeave * if expand("%") != "" | mkview | endif "autocmd BufWinEnter * if expand("%") != "" | loadview | endif "Restore cursor to file position in previous editing session autocmd BufReadPost * if line ("'\"") > 0 && line ("'\"") <= line("$") | exe "normal g'\"" | endif " QUICKFIX WINDOW for :make command -bang -nargs=? QFix call QFixToggle(0) function! QFixToggle(forced) if exists("g:qfix_win") && a:forced == 0 cclose unlet g:qfix_win else botright copen 10 let g:qfix_win = bufnr("$") endif endfunction nnoremap q :QFix " Remove unnecessary spaces in the end of line "autocmd FileType c,cpp,perl,python,sh,html,js autocmd FileWritePre,BufWritePre :call setline(1,map(getline(1,"$"),'substitute(v:val,"\\s\\+$","","")')) " [Highlight column matching { } pattern], A very cool stuff(Kent) "let s:hlflag=0 "function! ColumnHighlight() " let c=getline(line('.'))[col('.') - 1] " if c=='{' || c=='}' " set cuc " let s:hlflag=1 " else " if s:hlflag==1 " set nocuc " let s:hlflag=0 " endif " endif "endfunction " "autocmd CursorMoved * call ColumnHighlight() " Vim Eval snippet by c9s fun! EvalVimScriptRegion(s,e) let lines = getline(a:s,a:e) let file = tempname() cal writefile(lines,file) silent exec ':source '.file redraw cal delete(file) echo "Region evaluated." sleep 500m "normal gv endf augroup VimEval au! au filetype vim :command! -range Eval :cal EvalVimScriptRegion(,) au filetype vim :vnoremap e :Eval augroup END set foldtext=MyFoldText() function! MyFoldText() let lines = 1 + v:foldend - v:foldstart let ind = indent(v:foldstart) let spaces = '' let i = 0 while i < ind let spaces .= ' ' let i += 1 endwhile let linestxt = 'lines' if lines == 1 linestxt = 'line' endif let firstline = getline(v:foldstart) let line = firstline[ind : ind+80] return spaces . '+' . v:folddashes . ' ' . lines . ' ' . linestxt . ': ' . line . ' ' endfunction " Highlight long lines nnoremap l \ :if exists('w:long_line_match') \ silent! call matchdelete(w:long_line_match) \ unlet w:long_line_match \ elseif &textwidth > 0 \ let w:long_line_match = matchadd('ErrorMsg', '\%>'.&tw.'v.\+', -1) \ else \ let w:long_line_match = matchadd('ErrorMsg', '\%<81v.\%>77v', -1) \ endif " trigger by :call HtmlEscape() function HtmlEscape() silent s/&/\&/eg silent s//\>/eg silent s/"/\"/eg endfunction " trigger by :call HtmlUnEscape() function HtmlUnEscape() silent s/<//eg silent s/&/\&/eg silent s/"/"/eg endfunction " http://vim.wikia.com/wiki/Highlight_unwanted_spaces function! ToggleSpecialChar() highlight ExtraWhitespace ctermbg=red guibg=red if !&list set list " Show leading whitespace, trailing whitespace and spaces before a TAB match ExtraWhitespace /^\s* \s*\|[ \t\r]\+$\| \+\ze\t/ else set nolist match match Ignore /\r$/ | hi Ignore ctermfg=bg endif endfunction " Set tabstop, softtabstop and shiftwidth to the same value " From http://vimcasts.org/episodes/tabs-and-spaces/ command! -nargs=* Stab call Stab() function! Stab() let l:tabstop = 1 * input('set tabstop = softtabstop = shiftwidth = ') if l:tabstop > 0 let &l:sts = l:tabstop let &l:ts = l:tabstop let &l:sw = l:tabstop endif call SummarizeTabs() endfunction function! SummarizeTabs() try echohl ModeMsg echon 'tabstop='.&l:ts echon ' shiftwidth='.&l:sw echon ' softtabstop='.&l:sts if &l:et echon ' expandtab' else echon ' noexpandtab' end finally echohl None endtry endfunction " }}} """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" " [ FileType ] {{{ """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" " Ref: ~/.vim/filetype.vim " }}} """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" " [ MISC ] {{{ """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" " VIM debug function! ToggleVerbose() if !&verbose set verbosefile=~/tmp/vim_verbose.log set verbose=15 else set verbose=0 set verbosefile= endif endfunction " Delete all trailing whitespace " :%s/\s\+$// " Delete all trailing whitespace including pesky ^M " :%s/[ \t\r]\+$//e " Delete whitespace at the beginning of each line " 1. :%s/^\s\+// 2. :%le " To change all the existing tab characters to match the current tab settings, use: " :retab (related with "set expandtab / set noexpandtab) " }}} """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" " [ After Loading All Plugin ] {{{ """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" function AfterStart () " Used to remove my own specific defined behavior for others who use my .vimrc "autocmd! BufWritePost,FileWritePost [^jquery]*.js endfunction autocmd VimEnter * :call AfterStart() " }}} " vim:fdm=marker:fdl=0: