# Example configuration for running a whole genome variant calling # pipeline on public NA12878 data from Illumina's Platinum Genome project # http://www.illumina.com/platinumgenomes/ # # For a quick-start guide to running this analysis, see the example # pipeline section of the documentation: # https://bcbio-nextgen.readthedocs.org/en/latest/contents/testing.html#example-pipelines --- upload: dir: ../final fc_date: '130327' fc_name: iplat details: - algorithm: aligner: bwa variantcaller: gatk-haplotype validate: giab-NA12878/truth_small_variants.vcf.gz validate_regions: giab-NA12878/truth_regions.bed analysis: variant2 description: NA12878 genome_build: GRCh37 metadata: sex: female files: [../input/ERR091571_1.fastq.gz, ../input/ERR091571_2.fastq.gz]