body common control { bundlesequence => { "autorun_ssh_key_distribution" }; inputs => { "$(sys.libdir)/" }; } bundle common ssh_key_info { meta: "description" string => "This bundle defines common ssh key information, like which directory and server keys should be sourced from."; vars: "key_server" string => "$(sys.policy_hub)"; # We set the path to the repo in a common bundle so that we can reference # the same path when defining access rules and when copying files. # This directory is expected to contain one file for each users authorized # keys, named for the username. For example: /srv/ssh_authorized_keys/kelly "repo_path" string => "/srv/ssh_authorized_keys"; } bundle agent autorun_ssh_key_distribution { meta: # Here we simply tag the bundle for use with the `services_autorun` # feature. "tags" slist => { "autorun" }; vars: "users" slist => { "bob", "frank", "kelly" }; methods: "Distribute SSH Keys" usebundle => ssh_key_distribution( $(users) ), if => userexists( $(users) ), comment => "It's important that we make sure each of these users ssh_authorized_keys file has the correct content and permissions so that they can successfully log in, if the user exists on the executing agents host."; } bundle agent ssh_key_distribution(users) { meta: "description" string => "Ensure that specified users are able to log in using their ssh keys"; vars: # We get the users UID so that we can set permission appropriately "uid[$(users)]" int => getuid( $(users) ); files: "/home/$(users)/.ssh/." create => "true", perms => mo( 700, "$(uid[$(users)])"), comment => "It is important to set the proper restrictive permissions and ownership so that the ssh authorized_keys feature works correctly."; "/home/$(users)/.ssh/authorized_keys" perms => mo( 600, "$(uid[$(users)])" ), copy_from => remote_dcp( "$(ssh_key_info.repo_path)/$(users)", $(ssh_key_info.key_server) ), comment => "We centrally manage and users authorized keys. We source each users complete authorized_keys file from the central server."; } bundle server ssh_key_access_rules { meta: "description" string => "This bundle handles sharing the directory where ssh keys are distributed from."; access: # Only hosts with class `policy_server` should share the path to ssh # authorized_keys policy_server:: "$(ssh_key_info.repo_path)" admit => { @(def.acl) }, comment => "We share the ssh authorized keys with all authorized hosts."; }