bundle agent __main__ { methods: # Call the bundle named main within the example_space namespace. "example_space:main"; } body file control { namespace => "example_space"; } bundle agent main { methods: # Call the bundle 'my_bundle' within the current namespace "When not specified, we assume you are refering to a bundle or body within the same namespace" usebundle => my_bundle( "Called 'my_bundle' from $(this.namespace):$(this.bundle) (the same namespace)."); # Call the bundle 'my_bundle' from the 'example_space' namespace "When explicitly specified, the policy reader has less congnitive burden" usebundle => example_space:my_bundle( "Called 'example_space:my_bundle' $(this.namespace):$(this.bundle) (the same namespace)."); } bundle agent my_bundle(string) { reports: "In $(this.namespace):$(this.bundle)" handle => "$(string)"; "$(string)"; } ############################################################################### #+begin_src example_output #@ ``` #@ R: In example_space:my_bundle #@ R: Called 'my_bundle' from example_space:main (the same namespace). #@ R: In example_space:my_bundle #@ R: Called 'example_space:my_bundle' example_space:main (the same namespace). #@ ``` #+end_src