#!/var/cfengine/bin/cf-agent -KIf- # Example showing how bundle __main__ works # This file can be used as the main entry (`cf-agent -KIf ./main_library.cf`) # This file can also be included from another policy file containing __main__ bundle agent libprint(message) # @brief report `message` { reports: "Library: $(message)."; } bundle agent __main__ # @brief Run this bundle (a testsuite) if this file is the entry # This bundle is special. It is ignored unless it is the policy entry file { methods: "test" usebundle => libprint( "ok 1 - libprint works" ); } #@ The policy promises to call libprint to report that it works when the policy file is the main entry. #+begin_src example_output #@ ``` #@ R: Library: ok 1 - libprint works #@ ``` #+end_src