079.99CLINICAL_HISTORYFever. 079.99IMPRESSION1. Viral or reactive airways disease. No focal pneumonia. 079.99IMPRESSIONViral or reactive airways disease. No focal pneumonia. 079.99IMPRESSIONViral vs reactive airway disease. 277.00CLINICAL_HISTORY1 year old with Cystic Fibrosis for routine surveillance. 277.00CLINICAL_HISTORY12-year - old male followup chest x-ray for lingular opacity. 277.00CLINICAL_HISTORY16 month old with Cystic Fibrosis. 277.00CLINICAL_HISTORY16-year 6-month - old male with known Cystic Fibrosis, yearly evaluation is requested. 277.00CLINICAL_HISTORY17-year - old with cystic fibrosis. 277.00CLINICAL_HISTORY18-year - old with cystic fibrosis for yearly evaluation. 277.00CLINICAL_HISTORY4-year - old with cystic fibrosis, yearly evaluation. 277.00CLINICAL_HISTORYApproximately 19-year - old male with cystic fibrosis. 277.00CLINICAL_HISTORYCF. Yearly evaluation. 277.00CLINICAL_HISTORYCystic Fibrosis. 277.00CLINICAL_HISTORYCystic fibrosis for yearly followup. 277.00CLINICAL_HISTORYCystic fibrosis with a cough. 277.00CLINICAL_HISTORYCystic fibrosis with increased cough and sinus symptoms. 277.00CLINICAL_HISTORYCystic fibrosis yearly exam. 277.00CLINICAL_HISTORYCystic fibrosis, anniversary visit. 277.00CLINICAL_HISTORYCystic fibrosis, annual chest radiograph. 277.00CLINICAL_HISTORYCystic fibrosis, for routine followup. 277.00CLINICAL_HISTORYCystic fibrosis, yearly evaluation. 277.00CLINICAL_HISTORYCystic fibrosis. 277.00CLINICAL_HISTORYCystic fibrosis. Yearly evaluation. 277.00CLINICAL_HISTORYCystic fibrosis. Yearly followup. 277.00CLINICAL_HISTORYNine - year-old female with cystic fibrosis, yearly followup. Rule out new infiltrates. 277.00CLINICAL_HISTORYPatient is a 14-year - old with cystic fibrosis for yearly evaluation. 277.00CLINICAL_HISTORYThis is a 6-year-11-month - old female with cystic fibrosis. This is a yearly evaluation. 277.00CLINICAL_HISTORYThree - year-old male with cystic fibrosis, yearly evaluation. 277.00CLINICAL_HISTORYYearly checkup for cystic fibrosis. 277.00IMPRESSION1. Improved aeration within right middle lobe. 2. Otherwise stable chest radiograph. 277.00IMPRESSION1. Mild increase in the interstitial thickening within the left upper lobe and lung bases bilaterally with otherwise stable chest radiograph. 277.00IMPRESSIONChest within normal limits. 277.00IMPRESSIONCompared to one week ago, the chest remains clear and the heart normal except for perhaps minimal peribronchial thickening. 277.00IMPRESSIONContinued normal radiographic appearance of the chest when compared to prior study of 1/2/01. Again, no definite bronchiectasis, peribronchial thickening, air trapping, or focal parenchymal abnormality. Overall bone density is normal. 277.00IMPRESSIONEssentially normal chest radiograph. 277.00IMPRESSIONIn the interval, there has been minimal change in the appearance of the chest. There is mild perihilar, peribronchial thickening. However, no focal infiltrates have developed. Cardiac and mediastinal silhouette remains normal. No bony abnormalities are seen. 277.00IMPRESSIONLow lung volumes; otherwise, clear chest. 277.00IMPRESSIONLung changes compatible with history of cystic fibrosis. No significant interval change. 277.00IMPRESSIONMild perihilar stranding with no focal infiltrate. 277.00IMPRESSIONMild prominence of the perihilar markings is noted, though bronchiectatic changes are better appreciated on CT scan than these plain radiographs. Rounded lucencies in the lingula are suspicious for early cystic change. There is no focal consolidation. The costophrenic angles remain sharp. The cardiac and mediastinal silhouette is normal. No bony abnormalities are seen. 277.00IMPRESSIONMinimal new changes in the right lower lobes. Findings consistent with cystic fibrosis. 277.00IMPRESSIONMinimal retrocardiac opacity, likely atelectasis. Otherwise normal chest examination. 277.00IMPRESSIONNo acute cardiopulmonary disease. 277.00IMPRESSIONNo radiographic abnormality seen of the chest. 277.00IMPRESSIONRelatively stable examination of the chest with mild changes of cystic fibrosis. 277.00IMPRESSIONSpleen appears small. The patient's diffuse peribronchial thickening seen 1/2/01 is similar in extent. Heart remains normal. 277.00IMPRESSIONStable appearance of the chest with minimal disease. 277.00IMPRESSIONStable appearance of the chest without evidence of active disease in this patient with a history of cystic fibrosis. 277.00IMPRESSIONStable appearance of the heart and lungs with no acute cardiopulmonary abnormality. 277.00IMPRESSIONStable chest radiograph with only minimal abnormalities in this patient with cystic fibrosis. 277.00IMPRESSIONStable to slightly less apparent changes with mild known cystic fibrosis. 277.00IMPRESSIONStomach is greatly dilated with gas and fluid. However, the heart and lungs appear normal. 277.00IMPRESSIONSubtle increase in perihilar markings as well as peribronchial cuffing in this patient with a history of cystic fibrosis. 277.00IMPRESSIONThe moderate streaky plus peribronchial changes from cystic fibrosis in the lung are unchanged compared to January and no new confluent infiltrate is seen. 277.00IMPRESSIONThis patient has known cystic fibrosis. Radiographically, there is very mild pulmonary parenchymal disease. 277.00IMPRESSIONThis patient with cystic fibrosis has stable right upper lung disease. However, there may be slight increase in lung markings in the right lower lobe as well. The overall bone density appears normal. 277.00IMPRESSIONVery mild changes compatible with cystic fibrosis. There has been very slow interval progression over a number of years. 277.00IMPRESSIONVery mild peribronchial cuffing consistent with patient's known history of cystic fibrosis. This is not significantly changed allowing for better aeration on today's exam when compared with the exam from 1/2/01. 279.12CLINICAL_HISTORY3-year 10-month - old male with a history of Wiskott - Aldrich syndrome. Status - post bone marrow transplant 1/2. Patient is complaining of cough. No fever x2 weeks. 279.12CLINICAL_HISTORYThis is a one - year-old male with a history of Wiskott - Aldrich syndrome. The patient is status post bone marrow transplant, has had a cough x 24 hours. 279.12IMPRESSIONNo focal pneumonia. 462CLINICAL_HISTORYCough, acute pharyngitis. 462CLINICAL_HISTORYCough, sore throat for one week, spike fever to 105. 462CLINICAL_HISTORYFever and sore throat. 462CLINICAL_HISTORYMalaise with fever and sore throat. 462CLINICAL_HISTORYSore throat and fever. 462IMPRESSIONChest within normal limits. 462IMPRESSIONIncreased markings. Patchy right infrahilar infiltrate favored to represent pneumonia. 462IMPRESSIONNo focal pneumonia. 462IMPRESSIONNormal chest. 462IMPRESSIONNormal examination. 486CLINICAL_HISTORY10-1/2-year - old female with left lower lobe pneumonia still coughing. 486CLINICAL_HISTORY10-year - old female with cough. 486CLINICAL_HISTORY10-year - old with cough and fever for four days. 486CLINICAL_HISTORY10-year - old with fever, cough, and chest pain. 486CLINICAL_HISTORY10-year 1-month old male with fever. Rule out pneumonia. 486CLINICAL_HISTORY10-year-3-month - old female with followup on pneumonia. 486CLINICAL_HISTORY11-1/2-year - old male with fever and cough for two days. 486CLINICAL_HISTORY12 year 5 month old with cough. 486CLINICAL_HISTORY12-month - old male with pneumonia. 486CLINICAL_HISTORY13-year - old female with fever and cough. Question pneumonia. 486CLINICAL_HISTORY18-year -old female with 5 day history of cough. 486CLINICAL_HISTORY2-year 2-month old female with pneumonia. 486CLINICAL_HISTORY21-year - old with history of pneumonia. 486CLINICAL_HISTORY3-year - old male with cough and fever. 486CLINICAL_HISTORY3-year - old male with fever and cough. Evaluate for pneumonia. 486CLINICAL_HISTORY3-year - old with cough and fever. 486CLINICAL_HISTORY3-year - old with cough and illness status post Zithromax for clinical pneumonia still with cough and right sided crackles. 486CLINICAL_HISTORY3-year - old with crackles right lung. Rule out pneumonia. 486CLINICAL_HISTORY3-year - old with history of asthma. 486CLINICAL_HISTORY3-year 10-month - old female with clinical suspicion for pneumonia. 486CLINICAL_HISTORY4 year old male with cough and fever since Monday. 486CLINICAL_HISTORY5 year old male with followup of pneumonia. 486CLINICAL_HISTORY5-year - old male with history of pneumonia who is still feeling unwell. 486CLINICAL_HISTORY6-year - old male with fever and cough. 486CLINICAL_HISTORY7-1/2-year - old female followup left pneumonia. 486CLINICAL_HISTORY7-month 15-day - old female with fever. 486CLINICAL_HISTORY7-year - old female presents with cough for the past six days and intermittent fever for the past four days. Rule out bronchitis. 486CLINICAL_HISTORY7-year - old with 18 P minus syndrome. History of recurrent pneumonia, for routine evaluation while asymptomatic. 486CLINICAL_HISTORY7-year 7-month - old female with history of cough and fever. Evaluate for pneumonia. 486CLINICAL_HISTORY8-year - old male with history of cough for a few weeks. Evaluate for pneumonia. 486CLINICAL_HISTORY8-year - old with cough. 486CLINICAL_HISTORY8-year 4-month - old male with history of cough. Evaluate for pneumonia. 486CLINICAL_HISTORY8-year-10-month - old with cough, evaluate for pneumonia. 486CLINICAL_HISTORY9-year - old with cough and fever x3 weeks. 486CLINICAL_HISTORY9-year-1-month - old female with pneumonia. 486CLINICAL_HISTORYChest pain. 486CLINICAL_HISTORYClinical evidence of pneumonia. 486CLINICAL_HISTORYClinical pneumonia. 486CLINICAL_HISTORYCongestion and wheezing. 486CLINICAL_HISTORYCongestion. 486CLINICAL_HISTORYCough and fever for one week. 486CLINICAL_HISTORYCough and fever. 486CLINICAL_HISTORYCough and wheezing. 486CLINICAL_HISTORYCough for two months with fever. 486CLINICAL_HISTORYCough, fever in 9-year - old male. 486CLINICAL_HISTORYCough, fever. 486CLINICAL_HISTORYCough. 486CLINICAL_HISTORYCoughing since yesterday with fever since Monday. 486CLINICAL_HISTORYDecreased breath sounds on right. Rule out pneumonia. Fever. 486CLINICAL_HISTORYEight - year-old male with cough, evaluate for pneumonia. 486CLINICAL_HISTORYEight - year-old male with cough, fever, right - sided pleural pain. Evaluate for pneumonia. 486CLINICAL_HISTORYEleven year old male with reported history of recurrent pneumonia. 486CLINICAL_HISTORYFever and cough for one week with rales in the right lower lobe. 486CLINICAL_HISTORYFever and cough since Monday. 486CLINICAL_HISTORYFever and cough. 486CLINICAL_HISTORYFever, cough. 486CLINICAL_HISTORYFever. 486CLINICAL_HISTORYFever. Tachypnea. 486CLINICAL_HISTORYFive - year-old male with fever and cough. 486CLINICAL_HISTORYFollow up of pneumonia. 486CLINICAL_HISTORYFollow up pneumonia. 486CLINICAL_HISTORYFollow up pneumonia. The patient now has a cough. 486CLINICAL_HISTORYFollow-up pneumonia. 486CLINICAL_HISTORYFollowup pneumonia. 486CLINICAL_HISTORYFollowup pneumonia. This patient was admitted with pneumonia in the right lung base. The patient also has a significant thoracic curvature. 486CLINICAL_HISTORYHistory of pneumonia. 486CLINICAL_HISTORYHistory of recurrent pneumonia. 486CLINICAL_HISTORYLeft lower lobe pneumonia. 486CLINICAL_HISTORYNine - year-old male with pneumonia. 486CLINICAL_HISTORYNone given. 486CLINICAL_HISTORYPersistent cough. 486CLINICAL_HISTORYPersistent fever and cough, recently diagnosed with pneumonia. 486CLINICAL_HISTORYPneumonia clinically. 486CLINICAL_HISTORYPneumonia follow-up. 486CLINICAL_HISTORYPneumonia organism. 486CLINICAL_HISTORYPneumonia seen on chest x-ray from 1/2/01, rule out pneumonia. 486CLINICAL_HISTORYPneumonia, difficulty breathing not clinically improving. 486CLINICAL_HISTORYPneumonia. 486CLINICAL_HISTORYPneumonia. Followup. 486CLINICAL_HISTORYPossible pneumonia. 486CLINICAL_HISTORYPrior history of pneumonia on comparative films from January 2nd. 486CLINICAL_HISTORYPrior history of pneumonia, not feeling well, followup study. 486CLINICAL_HISTORYRecent history of pneumonia. 486CLINICAL_HISTORYRecurrent pneumonia on right. 486CLINICAL_HISTORYRecurrent pneumonia. 486CLINICAL_HISTORYRight lower lobe pneumonia with broncho spasm. 486CLINICAL_HISTORYRight lower lobe pneumonia, cough, followup. 486CLINICAL_HISTORYRule out infiltrate. 486CLINICAL_HISTORYRule out pneumonia. 486CLINICAL_HISTORYShortness of breath, chest pain, difficulty breathing. 486CLINICAL_HISTORYTen - year-old female with cough. 486CLINICAL_HISTORYThis is a 12-month - old male with followup on a pneumonia diagnosed on 1/2/01. 486CLINICAL_HISTORYThis is a 13-year - old female with history of fever and cough. 486CLINICAL_HISTORYThis is a 2-year-3-month - old female with a cough and fever. 486CLINICAL_HISTORYThis is a 21-month - old male with cough infiltrate and fever x1 week. 486CLINICAL_HISTORYThis is a 6 year 11 month old male with history of right middle lobe pneumonia. 486CLINICAL_HISTORYThis is a 6 year 5 month old male with a history of pneumonia. 486CLINICAL_HISTORYThis is a 6-year - old female with cough and fever for 7 days. 486CLINICAL_HISTORYThis is a 7-month - old male with wheezing. 486CLINICAL_HISTORYThis is a 7-year 1-month - old female with a cough. 486CLINICAL_HISTORYThis is a 7-year-4-month - old male who had a right upper lobe pneumonia seen on a prior outside study from Bethesda Hospital performed on 1/2/01. 486CLINICAL_HISTORYThis is a five - year-old female with fever and cough. 486CLINICAL_HISTORYThis is an 18-year - old female with history of cough and right upper lobe pneumonia. 486CLINICAL_HISTORYThree year old female with cough. 486CLINICAL_HISTORYTwenty - two month old with history of recurrent right middle lobe infiltrate. Increased cough, tachypnea, and work of breathing. Saturations in the low 90s. 486CLINICAL_HISTORYUsually gets pneumonia every year. Cough since Monday. 486CLINICAL_HISTORYVomiting, cough and fever. 486CLINICAL_HISTORYWorsening cough. 486IMPRESSION1. Bilateral peribronchial thickening suggestive of reactive airways disease and/or viral pneumonia. 2. Right middle lobe atelectasis versus pneumonia. 486IMPRESSION1. Interval development of subtle patchy opacity in what is likely the middle lobe. Pneumonia versus atelectasis. Remainder of the lungs are clear. 486IMPRESSION1. Left lingular pneumonia. 2. Right new lobe pneumonia which has either not resolved or is recurrent since the prior study. 486IMPRESSION1. Minimal residual air space opacification of the right lower lobe. 2. Resolved peribronchial cuffing. 486IMPRESSION1. Right middle lobe pneumonia. 2. Minimal pleural thickening on the right may represent small pleural effusion. 486IMPRESSION1. Right upper lobe pneumonia. 486IMPRESSION1. Right upper lobe pneumonia. 2. Diffuse peribronchial cuffing, which may represent peribronchial thickening due to inflammation or infection. 486IMPRESSIONA patchy opacity involves the right upper lobe, compatible with pneumonia. The chest is otherwise normal. 486IMPRESSIONAirspace disease in the left lower lobe - atelectasis vs pneumonia. 486IMPRESSIONAs in January the patient has a right middle lobe infiltrate, this time somewhat more prominent. Are there adults smoking in the patient's house. 486IMPRESSIONAxillary right upper lobe pneumonia, likely bacterial, likely pneumococcal. 486IMPRESSIONBilateral lower lobe pneumonia right more than left. 486IMPRESSIONBilateral lower lobe pneumonia. 486IMPRESSIONBilateral peribronchial thickening with left upper lobe pneumonia. 486IMPRESSIONBorderline hyperinflation with left lower lobe atelectasis versus pneumonia. Clinical correlation would be helpful. Unless there is clinical information supporting pneumonia such as fever and cough, I favor atelectasis. 486IMPRESSIONChest within normal limits. 486IMPRESSIONClear lungs. 486IMPRESSIONClear lungs. Borderline enlarged heart size. Clinical correlation needed. 486IMPRESSIONClearing left lower lobe pneumonia. 486IMPRESSIONComplete healing of the previously described infiltrate in the right upper lobe. 486IMPRESSIONFindings are consistent with a right lower lobe pneumonia. These results were called immediately to the physician at Outpatient Mason. 486IMPRESSIONFindings are consistent with lingula pneumonia. 486IMPRESSIONFindings are positive for a right lower lobe pneumonia. 486IMPRESSIONFindings consistent with right lower lobe pneumonia. 486IMPRESSIONFocal left lower lobe pneumonia. 486IMPRESSIONHazy opacity in left mid chest compatible with pneumonia. 486IMPRESSIONHeart normal and lungs clear. 486IMPRESSIONHyperinflated lungs with no evidence of focal pneumonia. 486IMPRESSIONImproved aeration in the right lower lobe. The previously described pneumonia has shown some interval improvement. 486IMPRESSIONImproved aeration of left lung with persistent retrocardiac cystic area. 486IMPRESSIONImprovement in left lower lobe opacity with new left upper lobe opacity and evidence of interstitial process. This may be secondary to some viral or atypical infection such as mycoplasma pneumonia, assuming the patient has been treated adequately for the previous left lower lobe pneumonia. 486IMPRESSIONImproving right middle lobe pneumonia. 486IMPRESSIONIncreased patchy opacity of the lungs as described. 486IMPRESSIONIncreasing right - sided airspace disease, atelectasis vs pneumonia. 486IMPRESSIONInterval clearing of patchy parenchymal opacities in the right middle and left lower lobes with no apparent etiology for recurrent pneumonia on screening radiographs. 486IMPRESSIONInterval mild (if any) decrease in the bilateral lower lobe air space disease when compared to similar technique chest xray of 1/2/01. 486IMPRESSIONInterval resolution of right lower lobe infiltrate with persistent peribronchial thickening which is more significant in the right upper lobe where subsegmental atelectasis is seen in the anterior segment. 486IMPRESSIONInterval resolution of right lower lobe pneumonia. 486IMPRESSIONInterval resolution of the right middle lobe and lingular pneumonia with persistent hyperinflation and residual atelectatic disease in the perihilar regions. 486IMPRESSIONLarge confluent left lower lobe pneumonia. 486IMPRESSIONLarge left lower lobe pneumonia. 486IMPRESSIONLarge right lower lobe pneumonia. 486IMPRESSIONLarge superior segment left lower lobe pneumonia. Diameter of extent is about 7.5 cm. 486IMPRESSIONLeft lower lobe air space disease, atelectasis vs pneumonia. There may also be a tiny left pleural effusion. 486IMPRESSIONLeft lower lobe pneumonia. 486IMPRESSIONLeft upper lobe and left lower lobe pneumonia. 486IMPRESSIONLeft upper lobe pneumonia. 486IMPRESSIONLingular pneumonia. 486IMPRESSIONLittle change in the left - sided findings of left hemidiaphragm elevation, pleural thickening, and some postpneumonic density in the left costophrenic angle. There is still volume loss on the left which was seen previously. 486IMPRESSIONLungs clear and heart normal. 486IMPRESSIONMild hyperinflation. Otherwise normal examination. 486IMPRESSIONMild improvement in lingula and left lower lobe air space disease with moderate residual disease in the left lower lobe. 486IMPRESSIONMinimal patchiness in the left lower lobe but no current pneumonia. 486IMPRESSIONMinor peribronchial cuffing at the left hilum. Could possibly be due to viral illness. 486IMPRESSIONNear complete resolution of left basilar pneumonia. 486IMPRESSIONNegative study. 486IMPRESSIONNew left basilar infiltrate, as described above. These findings are consistent with atelectasis versus pneumonia. 486IMPRESSIONNo acute infiltrate. 486IMPRESSIONNo definite pneumonia. 486IMPRESSIONNo evidence of pneumonia. 486IMPRESSIONNo focal pneumonia. 486IMPRESSIONNo focal pneumonia. Interval resolution of atelectasis. 486IMPRESSIONNo radiographic evidence of pneumonia. 486IMPRESSIONNormal chest radiograph with interval resolution of pneumonia. 486IMPRESSIONNormal chest x-ray. 486IMPRESSIONNormal chest, no pneumonia. 486IMPRESSIONNormal chest. 486IMPRESSIONNormal chest. No radiographic features of pneumonia. 486IMPRESSIONNormal study of the chest. 486IMPRESSIONNormal study. 486IMPRESSIONNormal two views of the chest. 486IMPRESSIONPatchy infiltrate at the left base consistent with bacterial or mycoplasma pneumonia. 486IMPRESSIONPatchy infiltrates in lingula and right upper lobe. Consider mycoplasma as cause for the pneumonias. 486IMPRESSIONPersistent right lower lobe opacity with pleural effusion present, slightly improved since prior radiograph of two days previous. 486IMPRESSIONPneumonia either involving the superior segment of the left lower lobe or the lingula superimposed over viral changes / reactive airway disease. 486IMPRESSIONPneumonia noted posteriorly. Follow-up chest x-ray recommended following treatment to ensure resolution in posterior location. 486IMPRESSIONPneumonia superior segment of the right lower lobe. 486IMPRESSIONPneumonia with volume loss in the right upper lobe and right middle lobe. 486IMPRESSIONPneumonia. 486IMPRESSIONPossible lingular infiltrate which may represent a small area of atelectasis or pneumonia. 486IMPRESSIONResidual right perihilar prominence. However, significant interval improvement in the appearance of the chest is seen when compared to the extent of prior infiltrate on the right lung. 486IMPRESSIONResolution of right upper lobe pneumonia. 486IMPRESSIONResolved pneumonia, clear lungs. 486IMPRESSIONResolving pneumonias. 486IMPRESSIONRight lower lobe pneumonia with possible pleural effusion. 486IMPRESSIONRight lower lobe pneumonia. 486IMPRESSIONRight lower lobe superior segment pneumonia with possible small effusion. 486IMPRESSIONRight middle and lower lobe pneumonia. 486IMPRESSIONRight middle and probable right lower lobe pneumonia. 486IMPRESSIONRight middle and right upper lobe pneumonia. 486IMPRESSIONRight middle and upper lobe opacities. Although right middle lobe volume loss is present, the appearance is concerning for pneumonia. 486IMPRESSIONRight middle lobe air space disease, atelectasis vs pneumonia. 486IMPRESSIONRight middle lobe airspace disease, atelectasis or pneumonia. 486IMPRESSIONRight middle lobe infiltrate consistent with pneumonia. Small left effusion. 486IMPRESSIONRight middle lobe pneumonia, subtle. 486IMPRESSIONRight middle lobe pneumonia. 486IMPRESSIONRight middle lobe pneumonia. This was discussed with the University family physician on call on 1/2/01 at 09:30 PM. 486IMPRESSIONRight middle pneumonia with probable component of atelectasis. 486IMPRESSIONRight upper lobe air space disease, atelectasis and/or pneumonia. 486IMPRESSIONRight upper lobe consolidation consistent with pneumonia. Also possible air space opacification in the right middle lobe. 486IMPRESSIONRight upper lobe pneumonia and volume loss maybe with a small amount of right paratracheal adenopathy. There is no pleural effusion or other findings seen. Pneumonia is likely community acquired and probably bacterial. If this does not respond to antibiotics then consider atypical pneumonia. 486IMPRESSIONRight upper lobe pneumonia, as above. 486IMPRESSIONRight upper lobe pneumonia. 486IMPRESSIONRight upper lobe round pneumonia. 486IMPRESSIONRound infiltrate superior segment persists but there is increasing air space disease in the basilar segment of the lower lobe and medial right upper lobe. 486IMPRESSIONRound pneumonia in the right lower lobe. Given the round nature and the close proximity to the chest wall, would recommend a followup study in 3-4 weeks to assure resolution. 486IMPRESSIONRound pneumonia involving the left lower lobe. A follow-up radiograph when the patient is clinically well to document resolution may be useful. 486IMPRESSIONSignificant interval improvement of the pneumonia involving the anterior segment of the right upper lobe. 486IMPRESSIONSince January 2nd, the lungs have become clear. 486IMPRESSIONSlightly improved aeration of the left lower lobe. 486IMPRESSIONStill left lower lobe pneumonia with maybe an additional lingular component. Cannot exclude a pleural effusion. The patient is splinting towards the left and I suspect it hurts. 486IMPRESSIONSubtle ill defined opacity in the left lower lobe could represent pneumonia in the appropriate clinical setting. 486IMPRESSIONThe lungs are currently well - expanded and clear. There is minimal perihilar streaky density, particularly in the right middle lobe. However, both hemidiaphragms and both heart borders are currently well- visualized. There is no focal infiltrate. The cardiac and mediastinal silhouette is normal. No bony abnormalities are seen. 486IMPRESSIONThe pneumonia is at both bases and is fluffy in the pattern of mycoplasma. 486IMPRESSIONThere is persistent right middle lobe infiltrate, consistent with pneumonia. This has not greatly changed when compared to the prior study. There is no associated pleural effusion. The left lung remains essentially clear. The cardiac silhouette is normal. No bony abnormalities are seen. 486IMPRESSIONThis patient has pneumonia in the right middle lobe and also at the left base. 486IMPRESSIONWorsening airspace disease as described. 493.90CLINICAL_HISTORY10-year - old male with asthma and cough over several weeks. 493.90CLINICAL_HISTORY12-year - old girl with asthma. 493.90CLINICAL_HISTORY15-year - old with asthma and increased work of breathing. 493.90CLINICAL_HISTORY17-year-8-month - old female with asthma. 493.90CLINICAL_HISTORY2-year 8-month - old male with reactive airways disease. 493.90CLINICAL_HISTORY3 year old female with fever and asthma. 493.90CLINICAL_HISTORY6 1/2 year old male with asthma. Evaluate for foreign body aspiration and please evaluate for infiltrate. 493.90CLINICAL_HISTORY8-month - old with asthma. 493.90CLINICAL_HISTORY9 year old with asthma. 493.90CLINICAL_HISTORYAcute asthma, cough. 493.90CLINICAL_HISTORYAsthma and hoarse voice. 493.90CLINICAL_HISTORYAsthma, bronchiectasis and increased wheezing and chest tightness for the last four days. 493.90CLINICAL_HISTORYAsthma, cough, recurrent infections. 493.90CLINICAL_HISTORYAsthma, cough. 493.90CLINICAL_HISTORYAsthma. 493.90CLINICAL_HISTORYAsthma. Evaluate for pneumothorax. 493.90CLINICAL_HISTORYAsthma. Wheezing and cough. 493.90CLINICAL_HISTORYChest pain asthma. 493.90CLINICAL_HISTORYCough for two weeks, possible pneumonia. 493.90CLINICAL_HISTORYCough, asthma. 493.90CLINICAL_HISTORYCough, high fever x several days, history of asthma. 493.90CLINICAL_HISTORYCough. 493.90CLINICAL_HISTORYEight - month-old female with reactive airway disease. 493.90CLINICAL_HISTORYFever to 104 degrees today, increased respiratory rate, intercostal retractions, diffuse rhonchi on exam. 493.90CLINICAL_HISTORYFever, cough and asthma. 493.90CLINICAL_HISTORYFever. 493.90CLINICAL_HISTORYFive - year-old female with cough and fever. 493.90CLINICAL_HISTORYFour - year-old female with fever x 2 days and cough x 1 week. Question pneumonia. 493.90CLINICAL_HISTORYFour year old with asthma and cough. 493.90CLINICAL_HISTORYHistory of asthma with cough and fever. 493.90CLINICAL_HISTORYLeft bilateral prominent asthma. 493.90CLINICAL_HISTORYPneumonia several months ago. Patient still sounds congested bilaterally. 493.90CLINICAL_HISTORYReactive airway disease. Wheezing. 493.90CLINICAL_HISTORYReactive airways disease. 493.90CLINICAL_HISTORYThree - year-old male with reactive airways disease and increased breath sounds on the right. 493.90CLINICAL_HISTORYWheezing. 493.90IMPRESSION1. Clear lungs without pneumothorax. 2. Suspected scoliosis in the thoracolumbar spine. Clinical correlation is needed. 493.90IMPRESSION1. Hyperinflated lungs consistent with the patient's history of asthma. 2. No focal consolidation is evident. 493.90IMPRESSION1. No features of bacterial pneumonia. 2. Reactive airways disease, likely viral in etiology. Presumed subtle area of right middle lobe atelectasis. 493.90IMPRESSION1. No focal pneumonia. 2. Reactive airway disease versus viral changes. 493.90IMPRESSION1. No pneumonia. 2. No radiopaque foreign bodies. The inspiratory and expiratory radiographs demonstrate no definite air trapping, although the phases of respiration during imaging are questionable. 3. Hyperinflated lungs. 493.90IMPRESSION1. Slight prominence of central markings is consistent with patient's known history of reactive airways disease. 2. Minimal left basilar atelectasis. 493.90IMPRESSION1. Viral or reactive airways disease. No focal pneumonia. 493.90IMPRESSIONChest radiograph within normal limits as above. No significant radiographic features of reactive airways disease or evidence of pneumonia. 493.90IMPRESSIONChest within normal limits. 493.90IMPRESSIONClear chest. Questionable 3mm lucent lesion right posterior fifth rib. Please see above discussion. 493.90IMPRESSIONFindings of reactive airway disease. No focal pneumonia. 493.90IMPRESSIONIncreased perihilar markings but no evidence of pneumonia. 493.90IMPRESSIONLow volume, clear lungs. 493.90IMPRESSIONMild reactive airway disease with hyperinflation. 493.90IMPRESSIONMild viral lower reactive airways disease. No focal pneumonia. 493.90IMPRESSIONMildly hyperinflated lungs without focal opacity. 493.90IMPRESSIONMinimal peribronchial thickening in the lingular area such as can be seen with reactive airways disease. No focal infiltrate to suggest pneumonia. 493.90IMPRESSIONNegative chest. 493.90IMPRESSIONNo acute cardiopulmonary disease. 493.90IMPRESSIONNo acute cardiopulmonary findings. 493.90IMPRESSIONNo bacterial pneumonia. 493.90IMPRESSIONNo focal infiltrates. 493.90IMPRESSIONNo focal pneumonia. 493.90IMPRESSIONNo pneumonia. Lungs are not hyperinflated. 493.90IMPRESSIONNo pneumonia. Peribronchial cuffing which could be due to reactive airways disease or viral infection. The findings were discussed with the referring physician on January 2, 2001 while reviewing the study. 493.90IMPRESSIONNormal chest radiograph. 493.90IMPRESSIONNormal chest x-ray. 493.90IMPRESSIONNormal chest. 493.90IMPRESSIONNormal. Because the trachea is straight we cannot fully rule out double aortic arch. 493.90IMPRESSIONRadiographically normal chest. 493.90IMPRESSIONReactive airway disease, no pneumonia. 493.90IMPRESSIONReactive airways disease without focal pneumonia. 493.90IMPRESSIONReactive airways disease, likely of viral etiology. No radiographic features of bacterial pneumonia. 493.90IMPRESSIONReactive airways disease, possibly a viral etiology. No features of bacterial pneumonia. 493.90IMPRESSIONScattered areas of atelectasis compatible with asthma. No focal pneumonia. 493.90IMPRESSIONStable chest. 493.90IMPRESSIONThe lungs are clear without findings to indicate hyperinflation, pneumonia, or acute reactive airways disease changes. 493.90IMPRESSIONThe trachea above the aortic arch may be slightly impressed from the right. Is the thyroid prominent? Lungs are clear and heart size normal. 493.90IMPRESSIONTwo views of the chest are normal without evidence of pneumonia. 493.90IMPRESSIONViral or reactive airways disease. No focal pneumonia. 493.90IMPRESSIONViral vs reactive airway disease. 511.9CLINICAL_HISTORY9-year - old with cough and fever x3 weeks. 511.9CLINICAL_HISTORYRight lower lobe pneumonia, cough, followup. 511.9IMPRESSIONPersistent right lower lobe opacity with pleural effusion present, slightly improved since prior radiograph of two days previous. 511.9IMPRESSIONRight middle lobe infiltrate consistent with pneumonia. Small left effusion. 518.0CLINICAL_HISTORY10-year - old male with fever. 518.0CLINICAL_HISTORY12 1/2 year old female with prior to starting TNF agent. 518.0CLINICAL_HISTORY12 year old with cough, fever for three days. 518.0CLINICAL_HISTORY12-year - old with osteosarcoma status post thoracotomy now with wheezing and chest pain. 518.0CLINICAL_HISTORY14-year 10-month - old female with slight decreased breath sounds on left and cough with fever. Evaluate for pneumonia. 518.0CLINICAL_HISTORY16-year - old male with wheezing. 518.0CLINICAL_HISTORY17-year-8-month - old female with asthma. 518.0CLINICAL_HISTORY3-year - old female with cough and concern for pneumonia. 518.0CLINICAL_HISTORY3-year - old male with history of cough. 518.0CLINICAL_HISTORY8-year - old with sickle cell and cough. 518.0CLINICAL_HISTORY8-year-10-month - old with cough, evaluate for pneumonia. 518.0CLINICAL_HISTORYAsthma. 518.0CLINICAL_HISTORYCongestion and wheezing. 518.0CLINICAL_HISTORYCough and wheeze. 518.0CLINICAL_HISTORYCough. 518.0CLINICAL_HISTORYFever and cough. 518.0CLINICAL_HISTORYFever. Tachypnea. 518.0CLINICAL_HISTORYFollow up right upper lobe atelectasis. 518.0CLINICAL_HISTORYIncreased work of breathing, especially after feeding. Had respiratory syncytial virus in January of 2001. 518.0CLINICAL_HISTORYNine - month-old female, status post cardiac arrest. 518.0CLINICAL_HISTORYOn January 2nd, the patient had a plate - like area of atelectasis in the left lower lobe. This is a follow up image. 518.0CLINICAL_HISTORYPneumonia. 518.0CLINICAL_HISTORYRight middle lobe collapse. 518.0CLINICAL_HISTORYRule out infiltrate. 518.0CLINICAL_HISTORYSpinal muscular atrophy with long standing but variable right upper lobe atelectasis. 518.0CLINICAL_HISTORYThis is a 6 year 5 month old male with a history of pneumonia. 518.0CLINICAL_HISTORYThis is a 7-month - old male with wheezing. 518.0CLINICAL_HISTORYThis is a two - year-old male with history of fever and tachypnea, rule out pneumonia. 518.0CLINICAL_HISTORYThis is an 11-1/2-year - old male with history of chronic fatigue, chest discomfort and cough. Rule out pneumonia, mediastinal mass. 518.0CLINICAL_HISTORYThree - year-old female with chronic cough. 518.0CLINICAL_HISTORYThree year old with history of repair of coarctation and hypoplasia of the thoracic aorta as well as a VSD. The patient also has a history of asthma and most recently had a recent foreign body in the esophagus. 518.0IMPRESSION1. Bilateral peribronchial thickening suggestive of reactive airways disease and/or viral pneumonia. 2. Right middle lobe atelectasis versus pneumonia. 518.0IMPRESSION1. Improved aeration with resolving atelectasis in both bases. 2. No focal pneumonia. 518.0IMPRESSION1. Low - volume lungs. 2. No focal pneumonia seen. 3. Minimal lingular atelectasis. 518.0IMPRESSION1. Minimal atelectasis of the right upper lobe. No evidence of pneumonia. 2. Mild pectus deformity and a slight rightward curve of the upper thoracic spine. 518.0IMPRESSION1. Right lower lobe atelectasis or infiltrate. 2. Small plate - like area of atelectasis in the left lower lobe. 518.0IMPRESSION1. Right upper lobe mild volume loss with increased opacification, consistent with right upper lobe atelectasis with or without superimposed right upper lobe pneumonia. 2. Band of atelectasis, left lung base. 518.0IMPRESSION1. Slight prominence of central markings is consistent with patient's known history of reactive airways disease. 2. Minimal left basilar atelectasis. 518.0IMPRESSION1. Small areas of linear atelectasis but no pneumonia. 2. Incidental azygos lobe. 518.0IMPRESSION1. Small band of atelectasis in the left lower lobe. 2. Otherwise clear lungs. 518.0IMPRESSIONArea of plate - like atelectasis in the right middle lobe. No focal pneumonia is seen. 518.0IMPRESSIONAtelectasis at the right lung base with associated hyperinflation, most likely representing viral or reactive airway disease. 518.0IMPRESSIONBand - like area of atelectasis in the right lower lobe. No focal consolidation to suggest pneumonia. 518.0IMPRESSIONBorderline hyperinflation with left lower lobe atelectasis versus pneumonia. Clinical correlation would be helpful. Unless there is clinical information supporting pneumonia such as fever and cough, I favor atelectasis. 518.0IMPRESSIONDiscoid atelectasis left posterior lung base. 518.0IMPRESSIONFindings consistent with viral vs reactive airways disease with subsegmental atelectasis in the right lower lobe. No focal pneumonia noted. 518.0IMPRESSIONFindings most likely represent reactive airways disease or viral infection with left lower lobe subsegmental atelectasis. 518.0IMPRESSIONIncreased right upper lobe atelectasis in a patient who has had waxing and waning right upper lobe atelectasis on multiple prior examinations. Less well defined opacity in the superior segment of the right lower lobe which was not seen on prior studies. This could represent a new area of atelectasis or an area of pneumonia. 518.0IMPRESSIONIncreasing right - sided airspace disease, atelectasis vs pneumonia. 518.0IMPRESSIONInterval removal of esophageal coin with resolution of left lower lobe atelectasis. 518.0IMPRESSIONInterval resolution of right lower lobe infiltrate with persistent peribronchial thickening which is more significant in the right upper lobe where subsegmental atelectasis is seen in the anterior segment. 518.0IMPRESSIONLeft lower lobe air space disease, atelectasis vs pneumonia. There may also be a tiny left pleural effusion. 518.0IMPRESSIONMild hyperinflation, left lower lobe subsegmental atelectasis. 518.0IMPRESSIONMinimal bibasilar subsegmental atelectasis. No evidence of pneumonia. 518.0IMPRESSIONNormal chest. 518.0IMPRESSIONPatient shows a prominent thymus. Lungs clear with minimal atelectasis at the mid - left base. 518.0IMPRESSIONPersistent partial right middle lobe collapse, although improved. 518.0IMPRESSIONPersistent pulmonary opacities with increasing atelectasis of the left upper lobe. Tubes and lines as discussed above. 518.0IMPRESSIONResolved right upper lobe atelectasis. 518.0IMPRESSIONRight lower lobe linear atelectasis without evidence of pneumonia. 518.0IMPRESSIONRight middle lobe air space disease, atelectasis vs pneumonia. 518.0IMPRESSIONRight middle lobe airspace disease, atelectasis or pneumonia. 518.0IMPRESSIONRight middle lobe subsegmental atelectasis. Otherwise clear lungs. 518.0IMPRESSIONScattered areas of atelectasis compatible with asthma. No focal pneumonia. 518.0IMPRESSIONSubsegmental atelectasis in the left lower lobe, otherwise normal exam. 591CLINICAL_HISTORY1 year old with history of bilateral vesicoureteral reflux, left sided hydronephrosis on prenatal ultrasound. 591CLINICAL_HISTORY1-1/2-year - old male follow up left hydronephrosis after ureteral reimplants. 591CLINICAL_HISTORY1-month - old male with history of hydronephrosis. Followup study. 591CLINICAL_HISTORY1-year, 1-month - old female with cloacal anomaly and solitary left kidney status post ureterostomy for high - grade reflux. 591CLINICAL_HISTORY10-year - old girl with history of Deflux procedures. The patient then presented with gross hematuria to the emergency department. 591CLINICAL_HISTORY10-year - old with history of left ureterocele and left mild hydronephrosis. 591CLINICAL_HISTORY11-month - old with history of hydronephrosis and vesicoureteral reflux status post vesicostomy. Previous ultrasound demonstrated small kidneys with abnormal echogenicity. 591CLINICAL_HISTORY11-year - old female with a left pelvic kidney, neurogenic bladder and severe reflux to the left kidney. 591CLINICAL_HISTORY12-day - old male with clinical prenatal history of bilateral hydronephrosis. Reported by the patient's mother, on prenatal imaging the right hydronephrosis was worse than on the left. 591CLINICAL_HISTORY12-year - old female who is referred for followup of left - sided hydronephrosis status post pyeloplasty and stent removal. To also evaluate for renal calculi. 591CLINICAL_HISTORY13-day - old female with prenatal history of right - sided hydronephrosis. 591CLINICAL_HISTORY14-year - old female one month status post drainage of a ruptured appendicitis with secondary right hydronephrosis. The study is requested as followup. 591CLINICAL_HISTORY14-year - old male status post ureteral implants and deflux procedure bilaterally. 591CLINICAL_HISTORY14-year - old male with neurogenic bladder and recurrent urinary tract infections. History of hematuria. 591CLINICAL_HISTORY14-year, 9-month - old male with a history of ureteral implantation and bilateral deflux procedure. 591CLINICAL_HISTORY18-day - old with history of antenatal hydronephrosis. 591CLINICAL_HISTORY2 year old with prior hydronephrosis of the left duplex kidney. This is a followup examination. 591CLINICAL_HISTORY2-month - old for followup of left - sided hydronephrosis. 591CLINICAL_HISTORY2-year, 1-month - old male with history of left hydronephrosis. 591CLINICAL_HISTORY3-month - old male infant with hydronephrosis diagnosed on prenatal ultrasound. 591CLINICAL_HISTORY3-month - old male with possible hydronephrosis. Possible patient or family history of renal cyst. 591CLINICAL_HISTORY3-month - old male with prenatal diagnosis of hydronephrosis on the left. This is a follow up study. 591CLINICAL_HISTORY3-year - old old male with history of left ureteropelvic and ureterovesical obstruction. Status post left pyeloplasty and left ureteral reimplantation. 591CLINICAL_HISTORY3-year - old with bilateral hydroureteronephrosis most likely related to megaureters. 591CLINICAL_HISTORY3-year, 11-month - old male with history of right megaureter repair with increasing symptoms. 591CLINICAL_HISTORY3-year, 5-month - old female with history of left hydronephrosis. Followup. 591CLINICAL_HISTORY4-month - old male with right - sided hydronephrosis. 591CLINICAL_HISTORY4-month 17-day old male with known history of grade V right vesicoureteral reflux and at least grade II left vesicoureteral reflux. The patient has an ectopic right kidney located in the right lower quadrant. 591CLINICAL_HISTORY4-month 21-day - old male with duplex left kidney with hydronephrosis and hydroureter of the upper pole moiety. 591CLINICAL_HISTORY4-year, 10-month - old female with urinary frequency and UTIs. 591CLINICAL_HISTORY5 month old with hydronephrosis, followup examination. 591CLINICAL_HISTORY5 year - old female status post right deflux procedure and presented with right hydronephrosis and infection. 591CLINICAL_HISTORY591 hydronephrosis. 591CLINICAL_HISTORY6-month - old for followup of hydronephrosis, and known vesicoureteral reflux, with vesicostomy. 591CLINICAL_HISTORY6-month - old with hydronephrosis status post right pyeloplasty. 591CLINICAL_HISTORY6-year - old who has had history of left megaureter. This is a followup study. 591CLINICAL_HISTORY6-year - old who is has a history of duplex right kidney with right ureteropyeloplasty by report. She has a known distal right ureteral stump. 591CLINICAL_HISTORY6-year, 3-month - old male with history of bilateral grade 5 reflux. Patient received deflux surgery on the right in January 2001 and left ureterostomy with recent reimplantation on January 2001. Patient with history of multiple stent placements in the past. Patient currently with left postoperative ureteric stent. 591CLINICAL_HISTORY8 months 16-day - old male presenting for a followup renal ultrasound. Patient had documented prenatal hydronephrosis. Direct comparison made to prior study dated January 2, 2001. 591CLINICAL_HISTORY8-month 14-day - old male with hydronephrosis. Rule out URETEROPELVIC JUNCTION obstruction. 591CLINICAL_HISTORY9 months 17-day - old female with history of left URETEROPELVIC JUNCTION obstruction. Patient has history of ureterostomy. This is follow up examination for left - sided hydronephrosis. 591CLINICAL_HISTORY9-day - old being evaluated for prenatal unilateral hydronephrosis. 591CLINICAL_HISTORY9-month - old female with right ureteral stent removal. History of right mid ureteral stenosis status post resection and reanastomosis of the right ureter. Dysplastic right kidney status post ureteroureterostomy and stent placement in January 2001. 591CLINICAL_HISTORY9-month-30-day - old male with history of left hydronephrosis. Evaluate kidneys for interval change. 591CLINICAL_HISTORY9-year, 11-month - old male with history of right URETEROPELVIC JUNCTION obstruction status post pyeloplasty on 1/2/01. 591CLINICAL_HISTORYA history of left hydronephrosis. Follow. 591CLINICAL_HISTORYAbnormal findings in the kidneys on MRI. 591CLINICAL_HISTORYAbnormal prenatal ultrasound with hydronephrosis. 591CLINICAL_HISTORYAlmost 7-month - old female with prenatal diagnosis of left hydronephrosis. Follow up exam. 591CLINICAL_HISTORYBilateral URETEROPELVIC JUNCTION obstruction repaired at different times. Left ureteral stent with persistent left hydronephrosis. 591CLINICAL_HISTORYBilateral pyeloplasty for URETEROPELVIC JUNCTION obstructions. 591CLINICAL_HISTORYBilateral pyeloplasty's. 591CLINICAL_HISTORYFebrile UTI evaluate for possible reflux. 591CLINICAL_HISTORYFollow up left - sided hydronephrosis. 591CLINICAL_HISTORYFollow up left URETEROPELVIC JUNCTION obstruction. 591CLINICAL_HISTORYFollow up right renal duplication and hydronephrosis. 591CLINICAL_HISTORYFollowup 2 year 10 month old male with history of bilateral ureterocele which were punctured in infancy and left hydronephrosis. 591CLINICAL_HISTORYFollowup Deflux procedure. 591CLINICAL_HISTORYFollowup bilateral hydronephrosis. 591CLINICAL_HISTORYFollowup hydronephrosis and hydroureter. 591CLINICAL_HISTORYFollowup hydronephrosis and lower pole stone. 591CLINICAL_HISTORYFollowup hydronephrosis, possible left URETEROPELVIC JUNCTION obstruction. 591CLINICAL_HISTORYFollowup hydronephrosis. 591CLINICAL_HISTORYFollowup hydronephrosis. End - stage renal disease. Status post left nephrectomy. 591CLINICAL_HISTORYFollowup hydronephrosis. Renal scan previously showing no function on the left. URETEROPELVIC JUNCTION obstruction. 591CLINICAL_HISTORYFollowup in a patient with neurogenic bladder. 591CLINICAL_HISTORYFollowup left - sided hydronephrosis and grade 4-5 left - sided reflux. 591CLINICAL_HISTORYFollowup left hydronephrosis. 591CLINICAL_HISTORYFollowup of massive right hydronephrosis of previously diagnosed right ureteropelvic junction obstruction in utero for which right pyeloplasty was performed on January 2001. 591CLINICAL_HISTORYFollowup on a 1-1/2-year - old with caudal regression and neurogenic bladder. 591CLINICAL_HISTORYFollowup on a 9 month old with hydronephrosis. 591CLINICAL_HISTORYFollowup prenatal hydronephrosis. 591CLINICAL_HISTORYFollowup right hydronephrosis status post stent removal 1/2/01. 591CLINICAL_HISTORYFollowup right hydronephrosis. 591CLINICAL_HISTORYFollowup right megaureter. Hydronephrosis. 591CLINICAL_HISTORYFollowup right upper pole hydronephrosis. 591CLINICAL_HISTORYFollowup solitary kidney. 591CLINICAL_HISTORYGrade 3 to 4 vesicoureteral reflux. 591CLINICAL_HISTORYHematuria. 591CLINICAL_HISTORYHistory of bilateral hydronephrosis. Previous examination January 2, 2001. Comparison prior to clinic visit. 591CLINICAL_HISTORYHistory of bilateral ureteral reimplantation. Follow hydronephrosis. Comparison is made to studies dated 1/2/01 and 1/2/01. 591CLINICAL_HISTORYHistory of dysplastic right kidney status post placement of stent on January 12, 2001. Evaluate hydronephrosis. 591CLINICAL_HISTORYHistory of hydronephrosis and renal calculi. 591CLINICAL_HISTORYHistory of hydronephrosis of the left kidney with bilateral vesicoureteral reflux. 591CLINICAL_HISTORYHistory of left - sided URETEROPELVIC JUNCTION obstruction with moderate hydronephrosis. 591CLINICAL_HISTORYHistory of left URETEROPELVIC JUNCTION obstruction. 591CLINICAL_HISTORYHistory of ureteral implants and Deflux procedure. 591CLINICAL_HISTORYHistory of urogenital sinus, cloacal variant, multiple UTIs, followup. 591CLINICAL_HISTORYHydronephrosis follow up. 591CLINICAL_HISTORYHydronephrosis of the right kidney, status post right pyeloplasty. 591CLINICAL_HISTORYHydronephrosis on prenatal ultrasound. 591CLINICAL_HISTORYHydronephrosis reflux. 591CLINICAL_HISTORYHydronephrosis seen on recent ultrasound of spine. 591CLINICAL_HISTORYHydronephrosis status post pyeloplasty. 591CLINICAL_HISTORYHydronephrosis, left ureterocele. 591CLINICAL_HISTORYHydronephrosis, megaureter. Left ureteral reimplantation. Comparison is made to study dated 1/2/01. 591CLINICAL_HISTORYHydronephrosis. 591CLINICAL_HISTORYHydronephrosis. Followup. 591CLINICAL_HISTORYHydronephrosis. This patient had an intraabdominal cystic mass that was discovered in utero. Subsequent studies and intraoperative examinations revealed this cystic mass on the right to connect with the renal collecting system and appear to be a dilated pelvis. 591CLINICAL_HISTORYLeft - sided mild to moderate hydronephrosis. Followup in six months time. 591CLINICAL_HISTORYLeft URETEROPELVIC JUNCTION obstruction. Followup. 591CLINICAL_HISTORYLeft ectopic ureterocele. Hydronephrosis. 591CLINICAL_HISTORYLeft hydronephrosis. 591CLINICAL_HISTORYMegaureter hydronephrosis. 591CLINICAL_HISTORYMyelomeningocele. Neurogenic bladder. 591CLINICAL_HISTORYNearly 4-month - old male with clinical diagnosis of intrauterine hydronephrosis. 591CLINICAL_HISTORYNeurogenic bladder. 591CLINICAL_HISTORYNewborn with prenatal diagnosis of hydronephrosis. Side not specified. 591CLINICAL_HISTORYNo renal stones with right - sided pain. 591CLINICAL_HISTORYPatient is status post left pyeloplasty. Followup examination for left - sided hydronephrosis. 591CLINICAL_HISTORYPatient status post ureteral reimplantation. Re-evaluate hydronephrosis. 591CLINICAL_HISTORYPatient with history of right - sided nephrectomy for multicystic dysplastic kidney. Known hydronephrosis on the left. 591CLINICAL_HISTORYPrenatal hydronephrosis followup. 591CLINICAL_HISTORYPrenatal hydronephrosis on the right. 591CLINICAL_HISTORYPrenatal hydronephrosis. 591CLINICAL_HISTORYPrior history of ureteropelvic junction obstruction with hydronephrosis. 591CLINICAL_HISTORYRenal size. The patient has a history of possible hydronephrosis in utero. 591CLINICAL_HISTORYRenal stones, renal calcifications. 591CLINICAL_HISTORYRight - sided hydronephrosis status post pyeloplasty in Nov. 591CLINICAL_HISTORYRight - sided reflux. Left renal duplication. 591CLINICAL_HISTORYRight hydronephrosis followup. 591CLINICAL_HISTORYRight hydronephrosis. 591CLINICAL_HISTORYStatus post left pyeloplasty and placement of ureteric stent is referred for follow up of hydronephrosis. Congenital URETEROPELVIC JUNCTION obstruction. 591CLINICAL_HISTORYStatus post left ureterocele puncture. Previous left hydronephrosis. 591CLINICAL_HISTORYStatus post megaureter repair. 591CLINICAL_HISTORYThe patient had a distal right ureteric calculus with moderate right hydroureteronephrosis. On cystoscopy examination, there was no stone visualized. 591CLINICAL_HISTORYThis is a 14-day - old female with a history of bilateral hydronephrosis seen on a prenatal ultrasound. 591CLINICAL_HISTORYThis is a 2-month 20-day - old female with a history of prenatal hydronephrosis and left grade V vesicoureteral reflux. 591CLINICAL_HISTORYThis is a 3 year, 7-month - old patient who had a history of hydronephrosis. This is a followup study. 591CLINICAL_HISTORYThis is a 7 year old boy who had a cloacal malformation repair and bladder reconstruction. 591CLINICAL_HISTORYThis is an 8-year, 4-month - old male with history of cloacal exstrophy and previous mild right - sided hydronephrosis. This is a followup. 591CLINICAL_HISTORYThis is an almost 10-year - old girl with a neurogenic bladder. 591CLINICAL_HISTORYThis is seven - month 18-day - old male with prenatal diagnosis of hydronephrosis and evidence of mild prominence of bilateral renal pelves with urothelial thickening on prior ultrasound. 591CLINICAL_HISTORYThis patient had a history of left ureteral stone. Comparison is made to prior imaging of 1/2/01. 591CLINICAL_HISTORYThis patient has a urogenital sinus and complex anomalies. This patient also is filed under the last name of Palmer with the same medical record number. 591CLINICAL_HISTORYThis patient has been diagnosed as having mild ureteropelvic junction obstruction. The infant is now 7 months 6 days old. 591CLINICAL_HISTORYUTI with fever. 591CLINICAL_HISTORYUrinary tract infection. 591CLINICAL_HISTORYUrinary tract infection. Followup hydronephrosis. History of posterior urethral valves. 591IMPRESSION. 1. Interval growth of both kidneys. The minimal left pyelocaliectasis is unchanged. 2. Residual minimal soft tissue in region of previous left ureterocele. 591IMPRESSION1 Duplex left kidney with moderate hydronephrosis and hydroureter of the upper pole moiety and mild hydronephrosis of the lower pole moiety. 2. The right kidney is normal. 591IMPRESSION1. Bilateral minimal interval renal growth. 2. Right upper pole parenchymal thinning, unchanged. 3. New left mild hydronephrosis. 4. Small distal right ureteral stump. 591IMPRESSION1. Decreased prominence of left central collecting system, likely representing an extrarenal pelvis. 2. Decreased measured length of left kidney, which may be technical, given otherwise similar appearance of kidney from previous study. 3. Unchanged size and appearance of sonographically normal right kidney. 591IMPRESSION1. Diffusely scarred small right kidney. 2. Mild left hydronephrosis. 3. Left hydroureter. 4. Status post deflux on the right. 5. Interval growth of left kidney. 591IMPRESSION1. Duplex kidney on the left side with at least moderate hydronephrosis and hydroureter of the upper pole moiety with upper pole parenchymal thinning, unchanged from previous study. There has been interval growth of the left kidney. 2. Normal - appearing right kidney with interval growth. 591IMPRESSION1. Essentially normal renal ultrasound study. No evidence of any renal calculi or hydronephrosis. 2. There is some debris seen within the urinary bladder. 591IMPRESSION1. Hydronephrosis of the left kidney with stent in place which is subtle greater hydronephrosis than prior exam. There is improvement when patient voids, but the hydronephrosis is still worse than prior exam. 591IMPRESSION1. Improved hydronephrosis bilaterally. 2. Decreased size of the left kidney. 591IMPRESSION1. Improvement in left - sided hydronephrosis which is now considered mild to moderate. Apparent lack of interval growth in left kidney is felt to be secondary to improved hydronephrosis. 2. Appropriate interval growth of the right kidney. 591IMPRESSION1. Improvement in the right distal ureteral dilatation since prior examination. 2. No worsening in moderate right hydronephrosis and uroepithelial thickening. 3. Normal left kidney. 591IMPRESSION1. Improvement with residual mild prominence of the right renal pelvis. 2. No change in mild left hydronephrosis. 591IMPRESSION1. Improving right - sided hydronephrosis which can now be characterized as mild to moderate. 2. Normal left kidney. 591IMPRESSION1. Interval decompression of markedly enlarged right extrarenal pelvis, with new urothelial thickening. Patient is status post pyeloplasty. 2. Renal size discrepancy, left greater than right. This is presumably due to compensatory hypertrophy of the left kidney which is at two standard deviations above the expected value for the patient's age. The right kidney length is within normal limits. 3. Poor corticomedullary differentiation of the right kidney. This suggests medical renal disease. 591IMPRESSION1. Interval decrease in bilateral hydronephrosis since 1/2/01. 2. Interval growth of kidneys. 591IMPRESSION1. Interval decrease in moderately severe right hydronephrosis. Abnormal increased cortical echotexture and thinned renal parenchyma stable. 2. Lobulated contour of bladder consistent with neurogenic bladder. Small post catheterization residual. 591IMPRESSION1. Interval decrease in the size of the left kidney since the previous study with stable mild to moderate residual dilatation of the left renal collecting system. 2. Post surgical complex septated left retroperitoneal fluid collection seen adjacent to the left kidney lower pole which could represent a urinoma, stable to minimally decreased in size. 591IMPRESSION1. Interval growth of both kidneys, however global scarring of the left kidney persists. 2. Mild pyelectasis bilaterally which appears to have progressed since previous study. There is no evidence of hydroureter. 591IMPRESSION1. Interval growth of both kidneys, with persistent size discrepancy of greater than 1 cm. 2. Mild left pyelectasis with associated urothelial thickening. The degree of distention of the left pelvis has decreased since the prior study however. 591IMPRESSION1. Interval growth of both kidneys. 2. Decompression of both renal collecting systems, with only minimal calyceal distention on today's exam. 591IMPRESSION1. Interval growth of both kidneys. 2. Increased pyelectasis / hydronephrosis of the left kidney, now moderate (previously mild). 3. Normal right kidney. 591IMPRESSION1. Interval growth of both kidneys. 2. Minimal bilateral distention of central renal collecting system the, slightly improved on the right and stable on the left. 3. Interval resolution of previously detected urothelial thickening. 591IMPRESSION1. Interval growth of both kidneys. 2. Similar appearance of left hydronephrosis with cortical thinning due to ureteropelvic junction obstruction. 591IMPRESSION1. Interval growth of kidneys which remain at the upper limits of normal for patient's age. 2. Improvement in left hydronephrosis which is now mild to moderate. 3. Persistent left hydroureter, not significantly changed. 591IMPRESSION1. Interval growth of right kidney. Mild to moderate right hydronephrosis. 2. Decreased size of left kidney. Mild to moderate left hydronephrosis. 591IMPRESSION1. Interval growth of the abnormal right kidney (likely medical renal disease), without other change since prior exam. 591IMPRESSION1. Interval improvement in right - sided hydronephrosis, now mild. Moderate right hydroureter remains stable. Interval renal growth. Otherwise stable study. 591IMPRESSION1. Interval increase in both kidneys. 2. Slight decrease in the right hydronephrosis, although still mild to moderate. 3. Unchanged mild hydronephrosis on the left. 591IMPRESSION1. Interval renal growth bilaterally. 2. Mild to moderate pelvic dilatation of the lower pole moiety of the left kidney, unchanged. 591IMPRESSION1. Interval resolution of the previously seen right hydronephrosis. 2. Interval growth of both kidneys. 3. Small focal probable area of scarring in the right mid pole. 591IMPRESSION1. Left Moderate hydronephrosis with nondilated ureter. This is in keeping with left URETEROPELVIC JUNCTION. 2. Right kidney is normal. 591IMPRESSION1. Left renal pelvis moderate dilatation improved. 2. Right kidney collecting system now appears normal. 591IMPRESSION1. Left renal pyelectasis with a urothelial thickening. Otherwise normal renal ultrasound. 591IMPRESSION1. Mild / moderate right hydronephrosis. 2. Minimal left hydronephrosis. 3. Bilateral ureteroceles with dilation of both distal ureters. 591IMPRESSION1. Mild Intermittent pyelectasis of the right kidney and mild pyelectasis of the left kidney. Fluid filled dilated distal left ureter is also seen. These findings are concerning for vesicoureteral reflux. A voiding cystourethrogram is recommended for further evaluation. 2. Kidneys are otherwise normal in size. 591IMPRESSION1. Mild interval improvement in moderate left pyelectasis. 2. Normal right kidney. 3. Interval growth of bilateral kidneys. 591IMPRESSION1. Mild prominence of the bilateral renal pelvis with urothelial thickening. This is somewhat nonspecific but can be seen with pyelitis, reflux, or previous higher grade hydronephrosis. 591IMPRESSION1. Mild residual intrarenal dilatation of the left kidney with residual mild dilatation of the left renal pelvis. 591IMPRESSION1. Mild right hydronephrosis and hydroureter. 2. Enlarged right kidney for patient's age and weight and enlarged left kidney for age, weight, and height. This is of uncertain clinical significance. Clinical correlation recommended. 591IMPRESSION1. Mild right hydronephrosis, slightly improved. 2. Interval growth of both kidneys. 591IMPRESSION1. Mild to moderate left - sided hydronephrosis which appears improved when compared to preoperative moderate to severe hydronephrosis seen on January 2, 2001. 2. Stable appearance the right kidney without hydronephrosis. 591IMPRESSION1. Minimal interval growth of normal appearing right kidney 2. No significant change of severe left hydronephrosis consistent with left URETEROPELVIC JUNCTION obstruction. 591IMPRESSION1. Minimal prominence of the left renal pelvis, without caliectasis. 2. Bilateral urothelial thickening, a nonspecific finding sometimes associated with infection, reflux, or previous higher grades of dilatation. 591IMPRESSION1. Moderate left - sided pyelectasis, unchanged from the prior study. 2. There has been minimal interval renal growth of the normal appearing right kidney. 591IMPRESSION1. Moderate post void residual urine in the bladder. 2. Distal right ureteric calculus near the ureterovesical junction is not seen. The stone could have possibly been passed. Persistent moderate right hydroureteronephrosis unchanged. 591IMPRESSION1. Moderate right hydronephrosis and proximal hydroureter with the appearance of U P J obstruction. 2. Renal size discrepancy due to hydronephrotic right kidney. 3. Urothelial thickening on the left. 591IMPRESSION1. Moderate right hydronephrosis, decreased. Stable cortical scarring of the right lower pole with relative preservation of the right upper pole, suggestive of duplication. 2. Minimal dilatation of the left collecting system, decreased. Persistent hyperechoic debris within the left lower pole, possibly due to prior infection or near the site of prior catheter placement. Mild scarring of the left lower pole with relative preservation of the left upper pole, suggestive of duplication. 591IMPRESSION1. Moderate right pyelectasis with mild improvement. 591IMPRESSION1. No change in left - sided pyelocaliectasis from study dated January 2, 2001. No clear etiology identified. 591IMPRESSION1. No change in mild left hydronephrosis or moderate right hydronephrosis. 2. Interval increase in length of left kidney, and slight decrease in length of right kidney. The differences are likely technical given the otherwise similar appearance of both kidneys and short time interval. 591IMPRESSION1. No change in moderate right hydronephrosis associated with mild cortical thinning and urothelial thickening. 2. Distal right hydroureter appears more prominent in comparison to the previous study. The difference may be technical or transient. Given the lack of increase in right hydronephrosis, the hydroureter may not be significant. 3. Normal left renal ultrasound. 591IMPRESSION1. No significant change in moderate left hydronephrosis. 2. Normal right kidney. 591IMPRESSION1. No significant interval change in the degree of left hydronephrosis which remains mild. There continues to be urothelial thickening on the left which is a nonspecific finding. The previously seen echogenic focus, likely a left lower pole stone, was not visualized on today's study. This may have been due to a difference in technique or that the patient has passed the stone. 2. Right kidney remains normal in appearance with appropriate interval growth. 591IMPRESSION1. No significant interval change since the previous study. The right kidney is ectopic in location in the right lower quadrant. Right - sided hydroureteronephrosis is unchanged. 2. Mild caliectasis in the left kidney lower pole, also unchanged. 591IMPRESSION1. No significant interval growth of either kidney in this one year period. 2. The right kidney remains stable in appearance with mild hydronephrosis and focal scarring involving the mid and lower pole. 3. Normal appearing left kidney. 591IMPRESSION1. No significant interval growth of the kidneys. 2. Slightly decreased right - sided hydronephrosis, with stable hydroureter, status post deflux procedure. 3. Right - sided global scarring with cortical cysts. 4. Moderate postvoid residual. 591IMPRESSION1. No significant interval renal growth of either kidney. 2. Moderate hydronephrosis or the right kidney with urothelial thickening. This hydronephrosis has increased since 1/2, but is unchanged since 1/2. 3. Normal left kidney. 591IMPRESSION1. Normal growth of normal appearing right kidney. 2. Marked hydronephrosis on the left, slightly increased from prior in a patient with left URETEROPELVIC JUNCTION obstruction. 591IMPRESSION1. Normal interval growth with decreased left upper moiety hydronephrosis. 591IMPRESSION1. Normal interval growth. 2. Stable appearance to left ureterostomy. 3. No hydronephrosis or scarring seen. 591IMPRESSION1. Normal kidneys bilaterally except for minimal renal pelvic dilatation. 2. Normal bladder. 591IMPRESSION1. Normal right kidney 2. Moderate to severe left hydronephrosis. 3. Cholelithiasis. 591IMPRESSION1. Normal right kidney with slight interval growth. 2. Stable mild left pyelectasis, appropriate interval growth. 591IMPRESSION1. Normal right kidney. 2. Mild left hydronephrosis due to known high grade reflux. Both kidneys show interval growth. 591IMPRESSION1. Overall stable appearance to the bladder and renal ultrasounds. Persistent mild to moderate left hydronephrosis. 2. Echogenic transverse fold or septation within the mildly trabeculated bladder as seen on the prior study. 591IMPRESSION1. Persistent bilateral mild pyelectasis. 2. Interval increase in size of right upper pole renal calculus with new mid to lower pole right renal calculus. Growth of left mid pole calculus. 591IMPRESSION1. Persistent but mild improvement in right hydronephrosis and hydroureter. 2. Stable appearance of the left kidney which is of small with focal scarring. 591IMPRESSION1. Persistent left - sided hydronephrosis and urothelial thickening. 2. Interval growth of both kidneys with persistent size discrepancy. 3. Normal right kidney. 591IMPRESSION1. Probable dilated calix in the lower pole of the right kidney with a caliceal diverticulum. 2. Moderate hydronephrosis of the left kidney with visualization of the proximal ureter. 3. Moderate to large postvoid residual. 591IMPRESSION1. Resolved left pyelectasis 2. Slight interval growth since prior exam. 591IMPRESSION1. Resolved right hydronephrosis and left hydroureteronephrosis, with normal appearing kidneys on today's exam. 2. Incomplete emptying of bladder after catheterization. Moderate residual. 591IMPRESSION1. Right hydronephrosis, slightly decreased. Hydroureter, stable. 2. Small scarred left kidney with slightly increased left hydroureter and no caliectasis but slight enlargement of the left renal pelvis. 3. Trabeculated bladder. 4. No interval growth since 1/2/01 of either kidney. 591IMPRESSION1. Right kidney duplication with mild hydronephrosis of the lower pole. 2. Prominent column of Bertin on the left kidney. 591IMPRESSION1. Scarring along with stable hydronephrotic changes in the right kidney mainly in the right upper pole. 2. Has been no gross change of the left normal kidney which is larger than the right kidney by approximately 2.5 cm likely related to underlying compensatory hypertrophy. 3. Dilated but stable right ureter with tortuosity best seen in the distal one - third before the vesicoureteric junction. 591IMPRESSION1. Severe hydronephrosis of the right kidney extending to the ureteropelvic junction. This is not significantly changed as compared to the study performed on 1/2/01. 2. The left kidney is normal in size and echogenicity with interval growth. 591IMPRESSION1. Severe left and mild right hydronephrosis. No dilatation of ureters were demonstrated. Differential considerations would include obstruction at the level of the UP junction, on the left, and improving mild obstruction at the right UP junction on the right versus right vesicoureteral reflux. 591IMPRESSION1. Slightly decreased left hydronephrosis with persistent mild to moderate dilation of the renal pelvis. As before, this would be concerning for a ureteropelvic junction obstruction. 2. Normal right kidney with growth. 591IMPRESSION1. Small 7 x 4 mm renal calculus in the renal pelvis causing mild left hydronephrosis. 2. Possible intrarenal left stone is also noted. 591IMPRESSION1. Small echogenic right kidney with interval resolution of hydronephrosis and hydroureter. 2. Left kidney remains upper limits of normal in size. 591IMPRESSION1. Stable appearance of normal right kidney. 2. No current evidence of left - sided hydronephrosis, though the left kidney remains globally scarred and small for age. Stable distal left hydroureter. 3. Normal appearance of the bladder, without spontaneous void. 591IMPRESSION1. Stable appearance of the solitary right kidney with moderate hydronephrosis. Parenchymal cyst unchanged. 2. Stable appearance of the augmented bladder. 591IMPRESSION1. Stable moderate left - sided hydronephrosis without cortical thinning. No hydroureter. 2. Interval growth of normal right kidney. 3. Normal bladder. 591IMPRESSION1. Stable moderate left caliectasis compared with January 2001. 2. Minimal interval renal growth bilaterally. 591IMPRESSION1. Stable moderate right hydronephrosis and hydroureter. 2. Stable appearance of a small left kidney with focal scarring. 591IMPRESSION1. Stable right hydronephrosis. 2. Normal interval growth of both kidneys. 591IMPRESSION1. Stable scar involving the upper pole of left kidney. 2. Slight thickening at the left ureterovesical junction that could be normal thickening versus a collapsed ectopic ureterocele. 3. Normal right kidney. The physician taking care of the patient was identified of the above findings. 591IMPRESSION1. Stable significant right hydronephrosis; however, there has been some decrease in the caliceal distention status post right pyeloplasty. 2. Normal left kidney. 591IMPRESSION1. Stable sonographic appearance of the normal right kidney with minimal central pyelectasis. 2. Interval growth of left kidney with stable moderate left hydronephrosis and dilated ureter. 591IMPRESSION1. Stable stable appearance and degree of hydronephrosis involving the left kidney. Stable urothelial thickening. 2. Interval growth of kidneys, left greater than right. 3. Normal appearance of the right kidney with interval resolution of right urothelial thickening. 591IMPRESSION1. Status post right ureteral stent removal. No significant change in dysplastic right kidney. 2. Interval decrease in right - sided hydronephrosis with no significant change in right hydroureter. 3. Interval growth of normal left kidney. 4. Stable hyperechoic lesion at inferior aspect of left liver margin consistent with hemangioma. 591IMPRESSION1. There has been normal interval growth in both the kidneys. 2. There has not been a significant change in the moderate hydronephrosis or the hydroureter on the left side. 3. The right kidney remains normal. 591IMPRESSION1. There is mild to moderate left - sided pyelectasis which is slightly decreased from the prior exam. 2. There has been slight interval renal growth. 591IMPRESSION1. Unchanged mild to moderate left hydronephrosis without cortical thinning. Interval growth in comparison to previous study. 2. Interval growth of normal - appearing right kidney. 591IMPRESSION1. Very slight interval decrease in extent of right - sided hydroureteronephrosis when compared to prior study of 1/2/01. Hydroureter is more prominent than hydronephrosis. 2. Normal left kidney. 3. Stable hyperechoic mass in the left lobe liver likely represents a hemangioma. 591IMPRESSION1.Interval growth of normal appearing right kidney. Could not exclude partial duplication. 2. Minimal growth of diffusely scarred left kidney. No significant hydronephrosis. 591IMPRESSIONAppropriate interval growth of both kidneys. Left kidney shows stable, mild prominence of the renal pelvis, without caliceal dilatation. 591IMPRESSIONBilateral hydronephrosis, unchanged in degree since the prior exam of January 2, 2001. 591IMPRESSIONBilateral hydroureteronephrosis. Diffuse scarring lower pole right kidney. 591IMPRESSIONBilateral interval renal growth. Persistent minimal hydronephrosis on the left, which is slightly diminished since the prior study. 591IMPRESSIONBilateral moderate hydronephrosis without hydroureter. This can be seen in bilateral ureteropelvic junction obstructions. 591IMPRESSIONBilateral pyelectasis, minimal on the right and mild to moderate on the left. The left kidney size is at the upper limits of normal. 591IMPRESSIONBilateral renal growth and mild bilateral hydronephrosis which has decreased on the left. 591IMPRESSIONBorderline right mild hydronephrosis. 591IMPRESSIONBorderline size discrepancy of kidneys, left measures larger than right. Transient mild distal hydroureter, left greater than right, especially noted in the bladder is filled. This is not identified on initial partially filled bladder images. 591IMPRESSIONCongenital anomaly with a dysplastic right kidney measuring less than 2 cm, a normal appearing left kidney without hydronephrosis measuring 5.6 cm and a urogenital sinus which was debris and urine filled. This urogenital sinus drained completely via the vesicostomy. 591IMPRESSIONDecreased hydronephrosis. Stable kidney size. 591IMPRESSIONDecreased in right hydronephrosis. 591IMPRESSIONDevelopment of right - sided hydronephrosis and increasing size of the large right renal calculus. A smaller upper pole calculus is seen on the left. 591IMPRESSIONGrade 4 vesicoureteric reflux on left. The possibility is not ruled out that the ureterocele opens into the vagina or a urogenital sinus or the fourchette. 591IMPRESSIONImproved appearance of the right kidney with resolution of hydronephrosis and decreased size of the hydroureter. 591IMPRESSIONImprovement in the hydronephrosis on the left side. Normal interval growth of the kidneys. 591IMPRESSIONInterval growth in both kidneys. Otherwise no significant change since the prior study. 591IMPRESSIONInterval growth of kidneys. Improvement in the hydronephrosis bilaterally with moderate hydronephrosis of the right side and mild fullness of the pelvis on the left side. 591IMPRESSIONInterval growth of normal appearing kidneys. Mild bilateral urothelial thickening and pyelectasis. 591IMPRESSIONInterval growth of the kidneys with stable mild left hydroureteronephrosis. 591IMPRESSIONInterval growth of the kidneys. Moderately distended ureters bilaterally are unchanged though there is slight improvement in the moderate right and mild to moderate left intrarenal collecting system distention. 591IMPRESSIONInterval growth of the kidneys. Right duplicated collecting system. Essentially stable left pelvicalyceal dilatation. 591IMPRESSIONLeft pelvic kidney stable in the degree of hydronephrosis caused by vesicoureteral reflux with bladder filling. The bladder is trabeculated and thickened compatible with neurogenic bladder. 591IMPRESSIONMarked decrease in massive right hydronephrosis status post pyeloplasty. 591IMPRESSIONMild decrease in right hydronephrosis. Bilateral nonspecific urothelial thickening. 591IMPRESSIONMild hydronephrosis on the left with suggestion of minimal decrease following partial voiding. 591IMPRESSIONMild improvement in moderate left hydronephrosis. There is associated urothelial thickening. 591IMPRESSIONMild left hydronephrosis without hydroureter. 591IMPRESSIONMinimal residual lower pole pyelectasis in the duplex right kidney. 591IMPRESSIONMinor bilateral pyelocaliectasis, right more apparent than left with otherwise normal appearing kidneys. 591IMPRESSIONModerate pelvic dilatation and mild calyceal dilatation of the right kidney with urothelial thickening, improved compared with the prior study. 591IMPRESSIONModerate right - sided and mild left - sided pyelectasis without hydroureter. Otherwise normal appearance of newborn kidneys. 591IMPRESSIONNew bilateral left greater than right hydronephrosis with a persistent fluid filled ureter seen on the right. The bladder is markedly distended and does not slightly changed on the postvoid images. Unchanged echogenic small focus within the lower pole the right kidney which may represent a small stone or small focus of fat. 591IMPRESSIONNo change in mild left pyelocaliectasis. 591IMPRESSIONNo change in the hydronephrosis and cortical thinning of the left kidney. 591IMPRESSIONNo change moderate right hydronephrosis. 591IMPRESSIONNo interval change left hydronephrosis. 591IMPRESSIONNo interval change mild to moderate right hydronephrosis. 591IMPRESSIONNo significant change in the solitary left kidney with moderate hydronephrosis and hydroureter. 591IMPRESSIONNonspecific left - sided pelvic caliectasis or hydronephrosis. Findings could reflect a recently passed calculus. 591IMPRESSIONNormal Renal Ultrasound. 591IMPRESSIONNormal interval growth of both kidneys with stable hydronephrosis. The hydronephrosis is slightly greater on the left than the right. 591IMPRESSIONNormal renal ultrasound examination with extrarenal right pelvis. 591IMPRESSIONNormal renal ultrasound including the bladder. 591IMPRESSIONNormal renal ultrasound. 591IMPRESSIONNow normal appearance and size of both kidneys with interval resolution of right hydroureteronephrosis. 591IMPRESSIONOnly minimal left pyelectasis which is dramatically improved compared to the prior study. Kidneys otherwise stable. Partially filled bladder. 591IMPRESSIONPersistent right - sided pyelectasis or hydronephrosis. 591IMPRESSIONPersistent unchanged hydronephrosis involving both kidneys, left more than right. This is the preliminary report by the radiology fellow. The final, official report will follow when signed by the attending radiologist. 591IMPRESSIONResolution of a mild left hydronephrosis. 591IMPRESSIONRight hydronephrosis. Normal interval growth of the kidneys. However, the left kidney grew significantly more than the right. 591IMPRESSIONSignificant improvement in patient's right - sided hydronephrosis. Anechoic structures within each kidney as described above, could reflect calyceal diverticulum, distorted calyx, residual dilated calyx on the right, on the left may reflect some hydrated calcification within the calyceal diverticulum, renal cortical cyst, or persistently dilated calyx. No renal calculus identified within either kidney. 591IMPRESSIONSlight asymmetry of renal size with the left being larger. The patient may have left duplication. There is very mild left dilatation of the collecting system with urothelial thickening. This could be secondary to vesicoureteral reflux. The right kidney appears normal. 591IMPRESSIONSlight interval growth of both kidneys, which remain below the second standard deviation in length for the child's age. Echogenic cortex with significant cortical loss in the lower pole of the left kidney is also stable. Overall, there has been minimal interval change in bilateral global scarring / dysplasia. 591IMPRESSIONSome interval growth of the right kidney with perhaps slight 2 no growth of the left kidney. Both showing evidence of dysplasia, left more so than right. 591IMPRESSIONStable appearance of the kidneys since prior exam. Patient has hydronephrosis on the left which is stable since last exam. The bladder was not studied today. 591IMPRESSIONStable appearance of the kidneys. Scarred right kidney mild / moderate hydronephrosis. 591IMPRESSIONStable moderately severe left - sided hydronephrosis and hydroureter. 591IMPRESSIONThis patient had mild to moderate right hydronephrosis. There is no evidence of progression. On the left, the kidney appears normal. 591IMPRESSIONUrothelial thickening and echogenic material in the collecting system and bladder, suggesting an acute infection. Moderate to marked left hydronephrosis, which has increased since the prior study. The Urology Clinic was notified of these findings and the patient sent for urinalysis. 591IMPRESSIONWorsening of the hydronephrosis of the left upper pole moiety and new hydronephrosis in the left lower pole moiety. This could represent effects of obstructing postoperative edema. 592.0CLINICAL_HISTORY13 year old male with multiple previous stones, history of nephrostomy on the left side with multiple lower pole renal stones. Most recent comparison is 1/2/01. 592.0CLINICAL_HISTORY13-year - old female to evaluate for renal parenchymal calcification or calculi. The previously performed CT of the thoracic spine was suspicious for hyperdense areas in the kidneys which could represent calcifications. 592.0CLINICAL_HISTORY17-year - old with history of renal calculi, lithotripsy performed approximately 3 years ago, for routine followup area. 592.0CLINICAL_HISTORY22-year - old male with history of renal stones for six - month followup. 592.0CLINICAL_HISTORYFollow up of right renal calculus. 592.0CLINICAL_HISTORYFollowup history of right renal stone, in January. 592.0CLINICAL_HISTORYFollowup right renal calculi. 592.0CLINICAL_HISTORYNo renal stones with right - sided pain. 592.0CLINICAL_HISTORYReevaluate for renal stones. 592.0CLINICAL_HISTORYRenal calculi and lithotripsy bladder stones. 592.0CLINICAL_HISTORYRenal calculi. 592.0CLINICAL_HISTORYRenal stones. 592.0CLINICAL_HISTORYThis is a 16 year 7 month old female with a history of renal calculus in the right kidney. Examination is compared with the study from 1/2/01. 592.0CLINICAL_HISTORYThis is a 3-year - old female with history of the suspected right renal calculi discovered on a routine renal ultrasound at 1 year of age. 592.0CLINICAL_HISTORYThis patient had a history of left ureteral stone. Comparison is made to prior imaging of 1/2/01. 592.0CLINICAL_HISTORYThis patient has a history of stones and also has multiple other problems. 592.0IMPRESSION1. 5 mm renal calculus in the mid portion of the right kidney with no significant hydronephrosis. 2. Normal appearing left kidney. 592.0IMPRESSION1. Interval growth of both kidneys. 2. Solitary, 6 mm stone in the upper pole of the right kidney, without hydronephrosis or hydroureter. No stones are currently identified in the left kidney. 592.0IMPRESSION1. Small 7 x 4 mm renal calculus in the renal pelvis causing mild left hydronephrosis. 2. Possible intrarenal left stone is also noted. 592.0IMPRESSION1. Stable renal calculi in the lower pole of the left kidney with chronic changes of renal cortical scarring and increasing sinus fat. 2. Normal appearing right kidney. 592.0IMPRESSION1. Two small stones within the left kidney without hydronephrosis. 2. Bilateral ureteral jets were seen and there is no evidence of obstruction. 592.0IMPRESSIONBilateral nonobstructing renal stones. 592.0IMPRESSIONDevelopment of right - sided hydronephrosis and increasing size of the large right renal calculus. A smaller upper pole calculus is seen on the left. 592.0IMPRESSIONLithotripsy with disappearance of bladder calculi. Stable renal calculi. 592.0IMPRESSIONNo significant interval change since the previous study. Hyperechoic focus in the mid pole of the right kidney with some shadowing, is likely the stone seen previously. 592.0IMPRESSIONNormal ultrasound study of kidneys and urinary bladder. 592.0IMPRESSIONOnly 2 small renal stones seen on today's study, one in each kidney as detailed above. 592.0IMPRESSIONSolitary 5 mm calculus in the upper pole of the right kidney. Otherwise unremarkable renal ultrasound. 592.0IMPRESSIONStable appearance of 2 renal stones in the lower pole of the right kidney. 592.0IMPRESSIONStable calculi in the lower pole of the left kidney. 592.0IMPRESSIONTwo new renal calculi are now identified in the upper pole of the right and left kidney. 592.0IMPRESSIONUnchanged right renal nonobstructing calculi. 593.1CLINICAL_HISTORY18-year - old male with history of posterior urethral valves and grade 4 to 5 left vesicoureteral reflux. 593.1CLINICAL_HISTORY2-year - old female with grade 1/2 bilateral vesicoureteral reflux determined on prior cystogram dated January 2, 2001. Recent UTI at end of January, 2001, with a fever of 104?F. 593.1CLINICAL_HISTORY6 year old with complex urogenital anomalies, 6 weeks post Deflux injection for left - sided vesicoureteral reflux. 593.1CLINICAL_HISTORY6-year - old female with previously demonstrated right grade 2 reflux and known smaller right kidney. 593.1IMPRESSION1. Small, scarred right kidney, below more than 2 standard deviations in size for patient's age. . 2. Mild compensatory hypertrophy of left kidney, with otherwise normal size and interval growth. 593.1IMPRESSION1. Surgically absent right kidney. 2. Interval growth of remaining left kidney, length indicates compensatory hypertrophy. 3. Deflux mound in the bladder, without evidence of hydroureter or hydronephrosis. 593.1IMPRESSIONBilateral renal growth, left greater than right with increasing size discrepancy. Findings would suggest global scarring on the right and compensatory hypertrophy of the left kidney. 593.1IMPRESSIONNo significant interval change. Small, probably dysplastic left kidney and a right kidney with compensatory hypertrophy. 593.5CLINICAL_HISTORY1-year, 1-month - old female with cloacal anomaly and solitary left kidney status post ureterostomy for high - grade reflux. 593.5CLINICAL_HISTORY13-day - old female with prenatal history of right - sided hydronephrosis. 593.5CLINICAL_HISTORY14-year - old male status post ureteral implants and deflux procedure bilaterally. 593.5CLINICAL_HISTORY14-year, 9-month - old male with a history of ureteral implantation and bilateral deflux procedure. 593.5CLINICAL_HISTORY3-month - old male with prenatal diagnosis of hydronephrosis on the left. This is a follow up study. 593.5CLINICAL_HISTORY3-year, 11-month - old male with history of right megaureter repair with increasing symptoms. 593.5CLINICAL_HISTORY4-month - old male with mild pyelectasis seen in prior ultrasound dated 1/2/01. 593.5CLINICAL_HISTORY4-month 21-day - old male with duplex left kidney with hydronephrosis and hydroureter of the upper pole moiety. 593.5CLINICAL_HISTORY5 year - old female status post right deflux procedure and presented with right hydronephrosis and infection. 593.5CLINICAL_HISTORYEnuresis as well as daytime urgency. 593.5CLINICAL_HISTORYFollowup left - sided hydronephrosis and grade 4-5 left - sided reflux. 593.5CLINICAL_HISTORYFollowup right megaureter. Hydronephrosis. 593.5CLINICAL_HISTORYGrade 2 reflux. 593.5CLINICAL_HISTORYHistory of bilateral grade 5 reflux, status post bilateral deflux injection and subsequent bilateral ureteral reimplantation surgery. The patient recently had a suprapubic catheter removed. 593.5CLINICAL_HISTORYHistory of dysplastic right kidney status post placement of stent on January 12, 2001. Evaluate hydronephrosis. 593.5CLINICAL_HISTORYHistory of hydronephrosis of the left kidney with bilateral vesicoureteral reflux. 593.5CLINICAL_HISTORYHistory of the urinary reflux with Deflux injection. 593.5CLINICAL_HISTORYMegaureter hydronephrosis. 593.5CLINICAL_HISTORYPatient with history of bilateral ureter reimplantation 2 weeks ago now with urinary retention. 593.5CLINICAL_HISTORYUrinary tract infection. Followup hydronephrosis. History of posterior urethral valves. 593.5IMPRESSION1. Decreased pelvicaliceal dilatation bilaterally. 2. Decreased bilateral hydroureter. 3. Interval growth of kidneys. 593.5IMPRESSION1. Duplex kidney on the left side with at least moderate hydronephrosis and hydroureter of the upper pole moiety with upper pole parenchymal thinning, unchanged from previous study. There has been interval growth of the left kidney. 2. Normal - appearing right kidney with interval growth. 593.5IMPRESSION1. Interval growth of kidneys which remain at the upper limits of normal for patient's age. 2. Improvement in left hydronephrosis which is now mild to moderate. 3. Persistent left hydroureter, not significantly changed. 593.5IMPRESSION1. Interval improvement in right - sided hydronephrosis, now mild. Moderate right hydroureter remains stable. Interval renal growth. Otherwise stable study. 593.5IMPRESSION1. Mild right pyelectasis with mild right hydroureter. 2. Mild pyelectasis of the left kidney; the left kidney is greater than 2 standard deviations above normal for the patient's age. Please correlate with patient's weight in height. 593.5IMPRESSION1. Moderate right hydronephrosis and proximal hydroureter with the appearance of U P J obstruction. 2. Renal size discrepancy due to hydronephrotic right kidney. 3. Urothelial thickening on the left. 593.5IMPRESSION1. Moderate to severe left pyelectasis with hydroureter. 2. Mild upper pole right caliectasis. 593.5IMPRESSION1. No change in moderate right hydronephrosis associated with mild cortical thinning and urothelial thickening. 2. Distal right hydroureter appears more prominent in comparison to the previous study. The difference may be technical or transient. Given the lack of increase in right hydronephrosis, the hydroureter may not be significant. 3. Normal left renal ultrasound. 593.5IMPRESSION1. No change in small scarred right kidney. No change in areas scarring of left kidney. 2. Right hydroureter. 3. Large post void bladder residual. 593.5IMPRESSION1. Partially duplex left kidney, otherwise normal. 2. Minimal proximal right hydroureter. 593.5IMPRESSION1. Persistent but mild improvement in right hydronephrosis and hydroureter. 2. Stable appearance of the left kidney which is of small with focal scarring. 593.5IMPRESSION1. Right hydronephrosis, slightly decreased. Hydroureter, stable. 2. Small scarred left kidney with slightly increased left hydroureter and no caliectasis but slight enlargement of the left renal pelvis. 3. Trabeculated bladder. 4. No interval growth since 1/2/01 of either kidney. 593.5IMPRESSION1. Stable appearance of normal right kidney. 2. No current evidence of left - sided hydronephrosis, though the left kidney remains globally scarred and small for age. Stable distal left hydroureter. 3. Normal appearance of the bladder, without spontaneous void. 593.5IMPRESSION1. Stable moderate right hydronephrosis and hydroureter. 2. Stable appearance of a small left kidney with focal scarring. 593.5IMPRESSION1. Status post deflux injection at the ureteral vesicular junction. 2. Decreased hydroureter bilaterally. 3. Mild pyelectasis with urothelial thickening bilaterally, unchanged. 593.5IMPRESSION1. Very slight interval decrease in extent of right - sided hydroureteronephrosis when compared to prior study of 1/2/01. Hydroureter is more prominent than hydronephrosis. 2. Normal left kidney. 3. Stable hyperechoic mass in the left lobe liver likely represents a hemangioma. 593.5IMPRESSIONBorderline size discrepancy of kidneys, left measures larger than right. Transient mild distal hydroureter, left greater than right, especially noted in the bladder is filled. This is not identified on initial partially filled bladder images. 593.5IMPRESSIONImproved appearance of the right kidney with resolution of hydronephrosis and decreased size of the hydroureter. 593.5IMPRESSIONNo significant change in the solitary left kidney with moderate hydronephrosis and hydroureter. 593.5IMPRESSIONStable moderately severe left - sided hydronephrosis and hydroureter. 593.70CLINICAL_HISTORY1 year old with history of bilateral vesicoureteral reflux, left sided hydronephrosis on prenatal ultrasound. 593.70CLINICAL_HISTORY1-year - old female with history of bilateral grade 3 vesicoureteral reflux. 593.70CLINICAL_HISTORY1-year, 11-month - old female with follow up of right grade 2 vesicoureteral reflux determined on prior nuclear cystogram of 1/2/01. 593.70CLINICAL_HISTORY1-year, 9-month - old male with history of bilateral grade 3 vesicoureteral reflux. 593.70CLINICAL_HISTORY1-year-5-month - old with history of bilateral vesicoureteral reflux and small size of right kidney. Followup. 593.70CLINICAL_HISTORY10-month - old for followup of grade 4 vesicoureteral reflux bilaterally. 593.70CLINICAL_HISTORY10-year 5-month - old female with history of urinary tract infection. Patient had nuclear cystogram and was found to have left grade II vesicoureteral reflux. Last ultrasound of Jan. 27, 2001 demonstrated little growth of the right kidney compared to the left, otherwise stable renal ultrasound. 593.70CLINICAL_HISTORY10-year 9-month - old female with prior history of bilateral grade II vesicoureteral reflux. Patient has had prior normal ultrasound. 593.70CLINICAL_HISTORY11-month - old with history of hydronephrosis and vesicoureteral reflux status post vesicostomy. Previous ultrasound demonstrated small kidneys with abnormal echogenicity. 593.70CLINICAL_HISTORY11-year - old female with history of right grade 2 reflux on nuclear cystography 2 years ago. 593.70CLINICAL_HISTORY11-year, 4-month - old female with history of vesicoureteral reflux and urinary tract infections. Patient had reimplantation of her ureter at age of 7 years. 593.70CLINICAL_HISTORY12 year old female status post bilateral Deflux procedure for vesicoureteral reflux presents for routine followup. 593.70CLINICAL_HISTORY13-year - old female with history of bilateral vesicoureteral reflux dating back at least tear 2001. There have been several follow up showing a less reflux, the last one showing grade 1 reflux on the right. The patient also has history of urgency and some wetting. 593.70CLINICAL_HISTORY14-year - old girl with history of reflux. Followup. 593.70CLINICAL_HISTORY17-year - old female with a history of bilateral grade 3 vesicoureteral reflux vacuum in 2001. Patient is scheduled to start of the renal toxic medication and has presented for a screening exam. 593.70CLINICAL_HISTORY18-year - old male with history of posterior urethral valves and grade 4 to 5 left vesicoureteral reflux. 593.70CLINICAL_HISTORY2-1/2-year - old with history of reflux. By nuclear scintigraphy, this was bilateral grade 2. 593.70CLINICAL_HISTORY2-year - old female with grade 1/2 bilateral vesicoureteral reflux determined on prior cystogram dated January 2, 2001. Recent UTI at end of January, 2001, with a fever of 104?F. 593.70CLINICAL_HISTORY2-year - old female with history of vesicoureteral reflux. 593.70CLINICAL_HISTORY2-year 4-month - old female with history of left grade II-III reflux demonstrated on a nuclear cystogram from Jan. 2, 2001. 593.70CLINICAL_HISTORY2-year 9-month - old female with history of vesicoureteral reflux. The patient has known left renal duplication and possible right duplication. Please evaluate kidneys. 593.70CLINICAL_HISTORY2-year, 6-month - old female with bilateral grade 2 reflux for routine followup. 593.70CLINICAL_HISTORY3 year old for followup of bilateral vesicoureteral reflux, right grade 2, left grade 3. 593.70CLINICAL_HISTORY3-year - old female status post right - sided Deflux procedure for vesicoureteral reflux. Patient now presents for followup. 593.70CLINICAL_HISTORY3-year - old for routine followup, history of right - sided grade 2 vesicoureteral reflux. 593.70CLINICAL_HISTORY3-year - old triplet, followup right grade 2 reflux. 593.70CLINICAL_HISTORY3-year, 5-month - old, followup renal ultrasound, bilateral reflux. 593.70CLINICAL_HISTORY3-year, 9-month - old female, followup renal ultrasound, history of vesicoureteral reflux on the left. 593.70CLINICAL_HISTORY3-year-6-month - old female with reported left grade II vesicoureteral reflux on nuclear cystogram dated 1/2/01. 593.70CLINICAL_HISTORY4 year - old with history of bilateral grade 2 reflux; annual follow up. 593.70CLINICAL_HISTORY4 year 3 month old female with history of vesicoureteral reflux. 593.70CLINICAL_HISTORY4 year old female for a followup of bilateral grade II vesicoureteral reflux. 593.70CLINICAL_HISTORY4 year old female with left sided grade II vesicoureteral reflux for routine followup ultrasound examination. 593.70CLINICAL_HISTORY4-month 17-day old male with known history of grade V right vesicoureteral reflux and at least grade II left vesicoureteral reflux. The patient has an ectopic right kidney located in the right lower quadrant. 593.70CLINICAL_HISTORY4-year - old female with history of vesicoureteral reflux. 593.70CLINICAL_HISTORY4-year 2-month - old female with history of vesicoureteral reflux. No prior studies from this institution. 593.70CLINICAL_HISTORY4-year, 9-month - old female with history of left grade 2 to 3 vesicoureteral reflux seen on a recent nuclear cystogram. Ultrasound was performed January 2001. This is a followup ultrasound. 593.70CLINICAL_HISTORY45-year - old with previous left grade 2 reflux. 593.70CLINICAL_HISTORY5-year - old female with a history of grade 2 bilateral vesicoureteral reflux. 593.70CLINICAL_HISTORY5-year - old female with history of bilateral vesicoureteral reflux. Patient is status post Deflux procedure. Comparisons are made with a renal ultrasound dated 1/2/01. 593.70CLINICAL_HISTORY5-year - old female with history of recurrent urinary tract infections and right - sided grade 2 vesicoureteral reflux. 593.70CLINICAL_HISTORY5-year - old female with history of urinary tract infections and bilateral grade II reflux. 593.70CLINICAL_HISTORY591 hydronephrosis. 593.70CLINICAL_HISTORY6 month 29-day - old male with right grade 5 vesicoureteral reflux into an ectopic right kidney located in the right lower quadrant. History of left grade 2 vesicoureteral reflux. 593.70CLINICAL_HISTORY6 year old with complex urogenital anomalies, 6 weeks post Deflux injection for left - sided vesicoureteral reflux. 593.70CLINICAL_HISTORY6-month - old for followup of hydronephrosis, and known vesicoureteral reflux, with vesicostomy. 593.70CLINICAL_HISTORY6-year - old boy with reflux. 593.70CLINICAL_HISTORY6-year - old female with history of vesicoureteral reflux. Followup study. 593.70CLINICAL_HISTORY6-year - old female with previously demonstrated right grade 2 reflux and known smaller right kidney. 593.70CLINICAL_HISTORY6-year - old with a history of bilateral grade 2 reflux. 593.70CLINICAL_HISTORY6-year, 3-month - old male with history of bilateral grade 5 reflux. Patient received deflux surgery on the right in January 2001 and left ureterostomy with recent reimplantation on January 2001. Patient with history of multiple stent placements in the past. Patient currently with left postoperative ureteric stent. 593.70CLINICAL_HISTORY7 year old female with enuresis. Followup of bilateral grade II vesicoureteral reflux. This was last documented on the Nuclear Cystogram dated 1/2/01. The previously performed ultrasound of the same date showed normal appearing kidneys with interval growth. 593.70CLINICAL_HISTORY7-year - old female patient with history of left grade 2 vesicoureteral reflux. The patient is status post deflux injection January 2, 2001. 593.70CLINICAL_HISTORY7-year - old female with history of right great to reflux and possible nephrocalcinosis. 593.70CLINICAL_HISTORY7-year - old with followup of a left grade 2 vesicoureteral reflux, determined on nuclear cystogram on 1/2/01. 593.70CLINICAL_HISTORY8 year - old with a history of reflux, status post deflux. 593.70CLINICAL_HISTORY8 year old status post Deflux injection for vesicoureteral reflux bilaterally. 593.70CLINICAL_HISTORY8-month - old with history of prenatal hydronephrosis found on postnatal sonography as well associated with bilateral grade 2 reflux. 593.70CLINICAL_HISTORY8-year - old female with follow up of right grade 2 vesicoureteral reflux seen on prior nuclear cystogram on 1/2/01. 593.70CLINICAL_HISTORY8-year - old male with history of right grade 2 vesicoureteral reflux. 593.70CLINICAL_HISTORY9 month 12 day old female with reflux. Followup study. 593.70CLINICAL_HISTORY9-year, 9-month - old female with history of left deflux procedure 1/2/01. 593.70CLINICAL_HISTORYA followup reflux. 593.70CLINICAL_HISTORYAlmost 4-year - old with history of right - sided grade 2 vesicoureteral reflux and recurrent urinary tract infection. 593.70CLINICAL_HISTORYBilateral grade 2 reflux. 593.70CLINICAL_HISTORYBilateral grade 2 vesicoureteral reflux status post bilateral reimplant surgery. 593.70CLINICAL_HISTORYBilateral grade 3 vesicoureteral reflux. 593.70CLINICAL_HISTORYBilateral grade 3. 593.70CLINICAL_HISTORYBilateral grade II vesicoureteral reflux. 593.70CLINICAL_HISTORYBilateral vesicular ureteral reflux. 593.70CLINICAL_HISTORYDeflux injection prior reflux. 593.70CLINICAL_HISTORYDeflux, reflux. 593.70CLINICAL_HISTORYDiagnosed with reflux. Recurrent Urinary tract infection. 593.70CLINICAL_HISTORYFire 6-month - old female with a history of bilateral grade 2 vesicoureteral reflux. 593.70CLINICAL_HISTORYFollow up grade II vesicoureteral reflux. 593.70CLINICAL_HISTORYFollow up on patient with bilateral reflux. 593.70CLINICAL_HISTORYFollow up reflux with bilateral deflux procedure. 593.70CLINICAL_HISTORYFollow up vesicoureteral reflux. 593.70CLINICAL_HISTORYFollow vesicoureteral reflux. 593.70CLINICAL_HISTORYFollow-up bilateral grade V vesicoureteral reflux status post bilateral ureteral re-implantation. 593.70CLINICAL_HISTORYFollowup bilateral grade 4 vesicoureteral reflux. 593.70CLINICAL_HISTORYFollowup bilateral reflux. 593.70CLINICAL_HISTORYFollowup grade II-III reflux. 593.70CLINICAL_HISTORYFollowup in 7-year - old female with history of bilateral grade 2 reflux. 593.70CLINICAL_HISTORYFollowup in an 8 year old with left sided grade II-III reflux. 593.70CLINICAL_HISTORYFollowup in one - year-old with bilateral grade II reflux. 593.70CLINICAL_HISTORYFollowup in the patient with bilateral grade 2 vesicoureteral reflux. Prior ultrasound and cystogram suggests a duplicated collecting system on the left. 593.70CLINICAL_HISTORYFollowup left - sided hydronephrosis and grade 4-5 left - sided reflux. 593.70CLINICAL_HISTORYFollowup left grade 2 vesicoureteral reflux. 593.70CLINICAL_HISTORYFollowup on a patient with reflux. 593.70CLINICAL_HISTORYFollowup on patient with reflux and repair. 593.70CLINICAL_HISTORYFollowup on the patient with reflux. 593.70CLINICAL_HISTORYFollowup or reflux. 593.70CLINICAL_HISTORYFollowup patient with reflux. 593.70CLINICAL_HISTORYFollowup posterior urethral valves and bilateral reflux. 593.70CLINICAL_HISTORYFollowup reflux. 593.70CLINICAL_HISTORYFollowup renal ultrasound in patient with known reflux. 593.70CLINICAL_HISTORYFollowup right great to vesicular ureteral reflux. 593.70CLINICAL_HISTORYFollowup study; patient with reflux. 593.70CLINICAL_HISTORYFollowup ultrasound for left grade 3 vesicoureteral reflux. 593.70CLINICAL_HISTORYFollowup vesicoureteral reflux. 593.70CLINICAL_HISTORYFollowup voiding dysfunction in a patient with enuresis and prior history of grade 1 vesicoureteral reflux. 593.70CLINICAL_HISTORYFour and 1/2 year - old with a history of reflux, status post ureteral reimplantation. 593.70CLINICAL_HISTORYGrade 1 bilateral reflux. 593.70CLINICAL_HISTORYGrade 2 reflux. 593.70CLINICAL_HISTORYGrade 3 reflux. Evaluate. 593.70CLINICAL_HISTORYGrade 3 to 4 vesicoureteral reflux. 593.70CLINICAL_HISTORYGrade 4 right vesicoureteral reflux. 593.70CLINICAL_HISTORYGrade II reflux. 593.70CLINICAL_HISTORYHistory of bilateral deflux injections. 593.70CLINICAL_HISTORYHistory of bilateral grade 1/2 vesicoureteral reflux. 593.70CLINICAL_HISTORYHistory of bilateral grade 5 reflux, status post bilateral deflux injection and subsequent bilateral ureteral reimplantation surgery. The patient recently had a suprapubic catheter removed. 593.70CLINICAL_HISTORYHistory of bilateral grade III vesicoureteral reflux at UK Medical Center. 593.70CLINICAL_HISTORYHistory of bilateral reflux. No prior studies. 593.70CLINICAL_HISTORYHistory of bilateral vesicoureteral reflux with urinary tract infection. 593.70CLINICAL_HISTORYHistory of bilateral vesicoureteral reflux. 593.70CLINICAL_HISTORYHistory of grade II vesicoureteral reflux on the left. 593.70CLINICAL_HISTORYHistory of hydronephrosis of the left kidney with bilateral vesicoureteral reflux. 593.70CLINICAL_HISTORYHistory of left - sided grade 2 vesicoureteral reflux status post deflux procedure. The patient has a known smaller left kidney. 593.70CLINICAL_HISTORYHistory of left - sided grade 2 vesicoureteral reflux. 593.70CLINICAL_HISTORYHistory of reflux and UTIs. 593.70CLINICAL_HISTORYHistory of reflux and bladder diverticulum. The patient is status post right ureteral reimplantation on 1/2/01. 593.70CLINICAL_HISTORYHistory of reflux and neurogenic bladder. 593.70CLINICAL_HISTORYHistory of reflux disease. Patient is now 6 months old and has had prior recurrent urinary tract infections as well as right - sided pyeloplasty. 593.70CLINICAL_HISTORYHistory of reflux. Followup and evaluate for growth. 593.70CLINICAL_HISTORYHistory of reflux. Followup exam. 593.70CLINICAL_HISTORYHistory of right - sided hydronephrosis, with tortuous right hydroureter and left - sided vesicoureteral reflux. 593.70CLINICAL_HISTORYHistory of right grade 2 vesicoureteral reflux. Patient has recently had recurrent urinary tract infections. 593.70CLINICAL_HISTORYHistory of vesicoureteral reflux. Follow up. 593.70CLINICAL_HISTORYHistory of vesicoureteral reflux. Questionable history of left renal scarring according to the patient's mother. This workup has been performed elsewhere. 593.70CLINICAL_HISTORYHistory of vesicular ureteral reflux. 593.70CLINICAL_HISTORYHydronephrosis reflux. 593.70CLINICAL_HISTORYLeft - sided vesicoureteral reflux. 593.70CLINICAL_HISTORYLeft grade 3 vesicoureteral reflux. The patient now presents for routine follow up. 593.70CLINICAL_HISTORYLeft pyelectasis and vesicoureteral reflux. 593.70CLINICAL_HISTORYMerely a year - old with recurrent UTIs. Prior cystograms normal x2, trace grade 1 reflux x1. Had been on suppressive antibiotic. Recently discontinued, now with recent E coli UTI. 593.70CLINICAL_HISTORYNearly 7-month - old male with small right kidney and left - sided reflux. 593.70CLINICAL_HISTORYNeurogenic bladder. Deflux procedure. Reflux on the left. 593.70CLINICAL_HISTORYPartial left nephrectomy with history of reflux and ureteral reimplantation. The patient is status post removal of bilateral ureteral stents. 593.70CLINICAL_HISTORYPatient status post deflux for reflux. 593.70CLINICAL_HISTORYPatient with grade II vesicoureteral reflux on the right diagnosed on nuclear cystogram from 1/2/01. Patient has a sibling with vesicoureteral reflux. No history of urinary tract infection. 593.70CLINICAL_HISTORYPrior history of bilateral reflux treated by reimplantation. No cystogram since reimplantation. Routine ultrasound followup. 593.70CLINICAL_HISTORYPrior left nephrectomy. Prior reimplantation of right ureter secondary to reflux. 593.70CLINICAL_HISTORYPrior urinary tract infections and reflux. 593.70CLINICAL_HISTORYRecent Deflux injection January 2nd 2001, on the right side for grade 2 vesicoureteral reflux. 593.70CLINICAL_HISTORYReflux post right deflux procedure. 593.70CLINICAL_HISTORYReflux, post bilateral Deflux. 593.70CLINICAL_HISTORYReflux, renal cysts. 593.70CLINICAL_HISTORYReflux. 593.70CLINICAL_HISTORYReflux. Followup. 593.70CLINICAL_HISTORYReflux. Reimplantation in January 2001. 593.70CLINICAL_HISTORYReflux. Reimplantation. Frequency. 593.70CLINICAL_HISTORYRight - sided reflux. Left renal duplication. 593.70CLINICAL_HISTORYRight grade II and left grade I vesicoureteral reflux in the past. 593.70CLINICAL_HISTORYStatus post bilateral deflux procedure in January. The patient has a history of bilateral grade 2 vesicoureteral reflux. The right deflux did not work. The patient is now status post re-injection on the right. 593.70CLINICAL_HISTORYStatus post left re-implant. Patient had prior grade 3 right vesicoureteral reflux and left grade 4 to 5 vesicoureteral reflux. 593.70CLINICAL_HISTORYThe patient is an 11 year, 2-month - old female with history of posterior urethral valves and reflux in the past. 593.70CLINICAL_HISTORYThis is a 1-year - old female patient whose history is significant for grade 3 left - sided vesicoureteral reflux. 593.70CLINICAL_HISTORYThis is a 1-year 4-month - old female with history of left - sided grade II-III vesicoureteral reflux and right - sided grade II vesicoureteral reflux demonstrated on a nuclear cystogram from January 2, 2001. 593.70CLINICAL_HISTORYThis is a 13-year 4-month - old male who is status post Deflux on the right, as the patient had history of right - sided vesicoureteral reflux. 593.70CLINICAL_HISTORYThis is a 16-year - old female with prior history of urinary tract infections and reflux. Patient had a history of grade II reflux bilaterally. The previous ultrasound done on 1/2/01 was not available for comparison. 593.70CLINICAL_HISTORYThis is a 2 year 10 month old female with a prior history of bilateral grade II vesicoureteral reflux. The patient is complaining of back pain. 593.70CLINICAL_HISTORYThis is a 2-month 20-day - old female with a history of prenatal hydronephrosis and left grade V vesicoureteral reflux. 593.70CLINICAL_HISTORYThis is a 4-year - old female with a history of vesicoureteral reflux and no interval growth of the left kidney. On prior ultrasound there was no interval growth of the left kidney. This exam was performed to evaluate renal growth. 593.70CLINICAL_HISTORYThis is a 6 month 21 day old female with a history of bilateral grade II vesicoureteral reflux. Patient has had a history of urinary tract infections. 593.70CLINICAL_HISTORYThis is a 6 year 10 month old female with a history of left grade I vesicoureteral reflux and right grade II vesicoureteral reflux demonstrated on a nuclear cystogram from 1/2/01. This study is compared with the ultrasound from 1/2/01. 593.70CLINICAL_HISTORYThis is a 6-1/2-year - old female with a prior cystourethrogram which demonstrated left - sided vesicoureteral reflux. 593.70CLINICAL_HISTORYThis is a 7-year 1-month - old female with a history of grade II vesicoureteral reflux on the left. 593.70CLINICAL_HISTORYThis is a 8-year 5-month - old female with history of right vesicoureteral reflux. 593.70CLINICAL_HISTORYThis is a 9 year old patient with one episode of urinary tract infection and hematuria with no fever. The purpose of the study was to evaluate for renal growth as the patient previously was diagnosed as having a scar on the lower pole of the left kidney. By voiding cystourethrogram, the patient had grade II left vesicoureteral reflux. 593.70CLINICAL_HISTORYThis is a 9-year, 1-month - old female with past history of bilateral vesicoureteral reflux status post bilateral deflux procedure on 1/2/01. 593.70CLINICAL_HISTORYThis patient had a history of urinary tract infection. This is a followup study. The patient had prior grade II left vesicoureteral reflux. 593.70CLINICAL_HISTORYThis patient had a history of vesicoureteral reflux. The patient has had a deflux injection on the right. This is a followup study. Comparison is made to the prior imaging of January 2, 2001. 593.70CLINICAL_HISTORYThis patient had significant bilateral vesicoureteral reflux. Recently, the patient has had bilateral deflux procedure performed. Comparison of today's image is made to multiple previous exams and also to voiding cystourethrograms. The patient was catheterized at 3:00 this afternoon. Therefore, it took time for the bladder to refill. 593.70CLINICAL_HISTORYThis patient has history of urinary tract infection and bilateral grade II vesicoureteral reflux. The patient had the infection in the spring of 04. On daily basis, the patient is on Bactrim therapy. 593.70CLINICAL_HISTORYThree - year-one - month-old female with history of urinary tract infection and bilateral grade II vesicoureteral reflux. Evaluate kidneys. 593.70CLINICAL_HISTORYTransurethral fulguration. History of reflux disease and prior right - sided pyeloplasty. 593.70CLINICAL_HISTORYUTI and left reflux. 593.70CLINICAL_HISTORYUreteral reimplantation. Follow up vesicoureteral reflux and right lower pole scarring. 593.70CLINICAL_HISTORYVesicoureteral reflux followup. 593.70CLINICAL_HISTORYVesicoureteral reflux. 593.70CLINICAL_HISTORYVesicular ureteral reflux grade 4 to 5, deflux procedure. 593.70IMPRESSION1. Atrophic right kidney below two standard deviations for patient's age. 2. Mild interval growth of normal - appearing left kidney. 593.70IMPRESSION1. Decrease in size of both kidneys since the prior examination may be spurious and related to technical differences. Other considerations include infection on the previous examination, or renal scarring. 2. Stable appearance of the left kidney with slight upper pole scarring. 3. Stable, small left kidney. 593.70IMPRESSION1. Diffusely scarred small right kidney. 2. Mild left hydronephrosis. 3. Left hydroureter. 4. Status post deflux on the right. 5. Interval growth of left kidney. 593.70IMPRESSION1. Intermittent visualization of distal left ureter may reflect reflux. 2. Interval growth of normal - appearing kidneys. 593.70IMPRESSION1. Interval growth of both kidneys which remain slightly enlarged to upper normal in size for patient's age. There is no evidence of hydronephrosis. 593.70IMPRESSION1. Interval growth of both kidneys, with the left kidney growing more than the right. No hydronephrosis or obvious scarring seen. 2. Prominent column of Bertin or partial duplication of left kidney. 3. Normal bladder ultrasound. 593.70IMPRESSION1. Interval growth of both kidneys. 2. Decompression of both renal collecting systems, with only minimal calyceal distention on today's exam. 593.70IMPRESSION1. Interval growth of both kidneys. 2. Left duplication. Otherwise normal. 593.70IMPRESSION1. Interval growth of both kidneys. 2. Stable right pyelectasis. 593.70IMPRESSION1. Interval growth of large left kidney consistent with compensatory hypertrophy. 2. No significant change in size of smaller scarred right kidney. No hydronephrosis. 593.70IMPRESSION1. Interval growth of normal - appearing kidneys. 2. Incidental note of 9 mm right ovarian follicle. 593.70IMPRESSION1. Interval growth of normal appearing kidneys. 593.70IMPRESSION1. Interval growth of normal appearing kidneys. 2. Bilateral deflux mounds with no evidence of the hydronephrosis or hydroureter. 593.70IMPRESSION1. Interval growth of normal kidneys. 2. Urgency to void at a low bladder volume. 593.70IMPRESSION1. Interval growth of the abnormal right kidney (likely medical renal disease), without other change since prior exam. 593.70IMPRESSION1. Interval kidney growth. 2. Interval near complete resolution of mild left - sided dilatation as detailed above. 593.70IMPRESSION1. Interval marked improvement in appearance of the right kidney with resolution of marked hydronephrosis and hydroureter. There is residual mild lower pole caliectasis of the right kidney. 2. Normal left kidney. 593.70IMPRESSION1. Interval renal growth. Previously the difference in the kidneys was 12 mm, and it is now 13 mm. This difference is likely explained by the left upper pole pyelectasis, which is stable. 2. No new findings. 593.70IMPRESSION1. Medical renal disease of the right kidney 2. Dysplastic left kidney. 593.70IMPRESSION1. Mild bilateral dilatation of the upper pole kidney. 2. Both kidneys are normal. No significant change since the previous study. 593.70IMPRESSION1. Mild prominence of the central collecting system and proximal ureter on the left. 2. Otherwise normal renal ultrasound. 593.70IMPRESSION1. Mild to moderate left - sided hydronephrosis which appears improved when compared to preoperative moderate to severe hydronephrosis seen on January 2, 2001. 2. Stable appearance the right kidney without hydronephrosis. 593.70IMPRESSION1. No change in right upper pole scarring versus junctional line. 2. Bilateral rounded soft tissue masses in the region of the ureteral insertions which are consistent with the patient's history of deflux procedure. 593.70IMPRESSION1. No change in small scarred right kidney. No change in areas scarring of left kidney. 2. Right hydroureter. 3. Large post void bladder residual. 593.70IMPRESSION1. No hydronephrosis following deflux procedure. 2. Minimal growth of both kidneys, with right kidney more than 1 cm shorter than the left, due to cortical scarring. The right kidney length remains within the lower range of normal for the patient's age. 593.70IMPRESSION1. No interval growth of the kidneys. This is concerning and recommend clinical correlation. 2. Scarring in the upper pole of the left kidney unchanged. 593.70IMPRESSION1. No interval growth on the right with a subtle area of scarring. Normal interval growth on the left. 593.70IMPRESSION1. No significant growth of globally scarred, echogenic right kidney. 2. Slight interval growth of normal left kidney. 3. Borderline bladder wall thickening, with no significant postvoid residual. 593.70IMPRESSION1. No significant interval change since the previous study. The right kidney is ectopic in location in the right lower quadrant. Right - sided hydroureteronephrosis is unchanged. 2. Mild caliectasis in the left kidney lower pole, also unchanged. 593.70IMPRESSION1. Noncomplicated duplication of the right kidney. 2. Simple cyst within the upper mid portion of the right kidney unchanged. 3. Normal interval growth of both kidneys. 593.70IMPRESSION1. Normal growth of the left kidney, which was the side of previous reflux. 2. Little interval growth of the right kidney. 593.70IMPRESSION1. Normal interval growth of bilateral kidneys. 593.70IMPRESSION1. Normal interval growth with decreased left upper moiety hydronephrosis. 593.70IMPRESSION1. Normal renal ultrasound examination. 593.70IMPRESSION1. Normal renal ultrasound with interval growth of the both kidneys. 593.70IMPRESSION1. Normal renal ultrasound. 2. The previously nondistended left ureter was not visualized on today's examination. 3. Bilateral ureteral jets with bilateral single Deflux mound. 593.70IMPRESSION1. Normal right kidney however no interval growth. 2. Minimal pyelectasis of the left kidney and urothelial thickening unchanged. 593.70IMPRESSION1. Normal right kidney. 2. Duplicated left kidney which is measuring greater than 95th percentile for length. 593.70IMPRESSION1. Normal right kidney. 2. Mild left hydronephrosis due to known high grade reflux. Both kidneys show interval growth. 593.70IMPRESSION1. Normal right kidney. 2. Prior resection of left kidney. 593.70IMPRESSION1. Normal sonographic appearance of the kidneys without evidence of hydronephrosis. 2. Dependent debris within the urinary bladder. 593.70IMPRESSION1. Partially duplex left kidney, otherwise normal. 2. Minimal proximal right hydroureter. 593.70IMPRESSION1. Persistent left mild pyelectasis with urothelial thickening. No significant interval growth the left kidney was noted. 2. Urothelial thickening of the right collecting system without evidence of hydronephrosis. Normal interval growth. 593.70IMPRESSION1. Post operative deflux procedure on the right. There is no complication or evidence of hydronephrosis or hydroureter. 2. Interval growth of both kidneys. Scarring is identified in the upper pole of the right kidney. 593.70IMPRESSION1. Questionable mild diffuse left upper pole parenchymal thinning. Otherwise normal renal ultrasound. 593.70IMPRESSION1. Right - sided urothelial thickening and transient visualization of the distal right ureter, suggesting persistent right - sided reflux. 2. Interval growth of normal kidneys, without evidence of scarring. 593.70IMPRESSION1. Small right kidney with diffuse parenchymal thinning. No interval growth with the size similar to the 1/2/01 study. 2. Normally growing left kidney. 593.70IMPRESSION1. Small right kidney with urothelial thickening and pyelectasis. 2. Normal sized left kidney with mild pyelectasis and urothelial thickening. 3. Mild bladder wall mucosal irregularity. 593.70IMPRESSION1. Small, scarred right kidney, below more than 2 standard deviations in size for patient's age. . 2. Mild compensatory hypertrophy of left kidney, with otherwise normal size and interval growth. 593.70IMPRESSION1. Stable appearance of bilateral Deflux procedure changes ast the URETEROVESICAL JUNCTION. 2. Normal appearing kidneys with interval growth. 593.70IMPRESSION1. Stable appearance of normal right kidney. 2. No current evidence of left - sided hydronephrosis, though the left kidney remains globally scarred and small for age. Stable distal left hydroureter. 3. Normal appearance of the bladder, without spontaneous void. 593.70IMPRESSION1. Stable sonographic appearance of ectopically positioned right kidney in the right lower quadrant with unchanged moderate pyelectasis. 2. Stable sonographic appearance of the left kidney with mild left pyelectasis. 593.70IMPRESSION1. Surgically absent right kidney. 2. Interval growth of remaining left kidney, length indicates compensatory hypertrophy. 3. Deflux mound in the bladder, without evidence of hydroureter or hydronephrosis. 593.70IMPRESSION1. The kidneys are normal in their imaging characteristics with interval renal growth. 593.70IMPRESSION1. The right - sided Deflux injection site is not identified. 2. The kidneys have grown bilaterally, but asymmetry in renal size persists, right greater than left. 3. No hydronephrosis or parenchymal loss is seen. 593.70IMPRESSION1. There has been interval growth of the kidneys which demonstrate normal imaging characteristics. 593.70IMPRESSION1. There has been mild interval growth. The kidneys are otherwise normal in appearance. 593.70IMPRESSION1. There has been no interval renal growth as compared to the exam from 1/2/01. There has been mild renal growth as compared to the study from 1/2/01. The kidneys remain within the normal range in size for age. 2. The kidneys are normal in their echogenicity with no focal scarring present. 593.70IMPRESSION1. There has been no interval renal growth, however, the kidneys are within the normal range in size for age. 2. There are no findings of pyelectasis in either the right or left kidney. 593.70IMPRESSION1. There has been no significant interval renal growth. The kidneys remain within the normal range in size for age. 2. There is no hydronephrosis or cortical scarring identified on the current exam. 593.70IMPRESSION1. There is no hydronephrosis. 2. The kidneys are within 2 standard deviations of normal for age. 593.70IMPRESSIONBilateral growth of normal size kidneys. No change in mild bilateral pyelocaliectasis. 593.70IMPRESSIONBilateral renal growth, left greater than right with increasing size discrepancy. Findings would suggest global scarring on the right and compensatory hypertrophy of the left kidney. 593.70IMPRESSIONEssentially stable study. Persistent left pyelectasis with minimal urothelial thickening. 593.70IMPRESSIONExtremely limited study due to body habitus. Cortical irregularities suggests scarring of both kidneys with a focal area of cortical thinning in the upper pole of the left kidney. Given the patient's body habitus evaluation with nuclear medicine study may be more helpful in evaluating for scar. 593.70IMPRESSIONGrade 4 vesicoureteric reflux on left. The possibility is not ruled out that the ureterocele opens into the vagina or a urogenital sinus or the fourchette. 593.70IMPRESSIONIn the interval, there has been no significant growth of the kidneys. The right kidney again measures 5.7 cm in length, while the left measures 7.2 cm. The right kidney is at the lower second standard deviation in length for the child's age, while the left kidney is on the mean. Smaller size of the right kidney again suggests global scarring. No focal areas of scarring are appreciated in either kidney. There is no hydronephrosis, nephrolithiasis, or hydroureter on either side. The bladder was not specifically examined on this limited follow up exam. Impression: No significant interval renal growth. Right kidney remains small for age, and is likely globally scarred. 593.70IMPRESSIONInterval growth both kidneys with no change in the mildly echogenic renal pyramids. 593.70IMPRESSIONInterval growth in stable appearing kidneys. 593.70IMPRESSIONInterval growth of a normal appearing kidneys. 593.70IMPRESSIONInterval growth of both kidneys without focal scarring. Mild right urothelial thickening is evident. 593.70IMPRESSIONInterval growth of both kidneys, which are at least partially duplicated. 593.70IMPRESSIONInterval growth of both kidneys. Renal size discrepancy but no definitive focal scarring. 593.70IMPRESSIONInterval growth of both kidneys. Right kidney remains small for age. 593.70IMPRESSIONInterval growth of kidneys with no significant hydronephrosis. Left kidney remains more than 2 standard deviations above the mean for patient's age, likely secondary to a left duplicated collecting system. 593.70IMPRESSIONInterval growth of normal - appearing kidneys with minor urothelial thickening on the right. 593.70IMPRESSIONInterval growth of normal appearing kidneys with near complete resolution of mild intrarenal collecting system distention. 593.70IMPRESSIONInterval growth of normal appearing kidneys. 593.70IMPRESSIONInterval growth of normal appearing kidneys. Deflux mounds are again noted with small postvoid residual. 593.70IMPRESSIONInterval growth of normal appearing kidneys. Mild bladder wall thickening raises the question of cystitis or bladder dysfunction. 593.70IMPRESSIONInterval growth of normal appearing kidneys. Right deflux mound identified. 593.70IMPRESSIONInterval growth of normal appearing kidneys. Satisfactory imaging findings post left Deflux procedure. 593.70IMPRESSIONInterval growth of sonographically normal kidneys. 593.70IMPRESSIONInterval growth of the right kidney. The left kidney appears stable in size and has not grown significantly since last exam. 593.70IMPRESSIONInterval growth of two normal appearing kidneys. The presence of urothelial thickening and mild dilatation of the left ureter suggest that the patient may have continued vesicoureteral reflux. 593.70IMPRESSIONInterval growth the kidneys. 593.70IMPRESSIONInterval growth with no change in the appearance of the kidneys. 593.70IMPRESSIONKidneys normal, R=10.0; L=10.2. Left Deflux mound flattening. 593.70IMPRESSIONLeft upper pole scarring which is supported by less growth of the left kidney compared with the right as well as asymmetric upper pole dilation consistent with atrophy or scarring. Urothelial thickening of the left renal collecting system and slight dilation of the left distal ureter consistent with vesicoureteral reflux in this patient. Mild pyelectasis of the right kidney. 593.70IMPRESSIONMild bilateral pyelectasis. Otherwise normal interval growth. 593.70IMPRESSIONMild urothelial thickening on the left. No true hydronephrosis. The right kidney measures 7.4 cm and the left 6.9 cm. 593.70IMPRESSIONMinimal interval growth of normal appearing and normal sized kidneys. 593.70IMPRESSIONModerate postvoid bladder residual with mild bladder wall thickening, nonspecific but may be related to recent urinary tract infection / cystitis. Otherwise interval growth of normal appearing kidneys. 593.70IMPRESSIONNo change in normal appearing kidneys. 593.70IMPRESSIONNo interval change in the size or appearance of the kidneys in comparison with the prior study. 593.70IMPRESSIONNo interval change since the prior study with no interval growth of either kidneys. The left kidney remains 1 cm smaller than the right kidney, which may reflect mild diffuse parenchymal loss. 593.70IMPRESSIONNo interval growth of kidneys, otherwise normal appearance. 593.70IMPRESSIONNo interval growth of normal appearing kidneys. No evidence of hydronephrosis or hydroureter following right Deflux procedure. 593.70IMPRESSIONNo significant change since the prior study. 593.70IMPRESSIONNo significant interval change. Small, probably dysplastic left kidney and a right kidney with compensatory hypertrophy. 593.70IMPRESSIONNo significant interval growth of normal appearing kidneys. The kidneys remain normal in size for patient's age. 593.70IMPRESSIONNo significant interval growth of the kidneys in comparison to 1/2/01. Again noted is a left renal duplication and possible right renal duplication. 593.70IMPRESSIONNo significant interval growth of the left kidney. Otherwise negative renal ultrasound. 593.70IMPRESSIONNo significant interval growth over the last two years. There is questionable parenchymal thinning anterior / inferior lower pole bilaterally. Otherwise the kidneys appear normal and are within normal limits in size for age. 593.70IMPRESSIONNo significant interval growth, otherwise normal sonogram of the kidneys. 593.70IMPRESSIONNormal - appearing kidneys with no significant change in size. 593.70IMPRESSIONNormal appearing bilateral kidneys that have shown interval growth. 593.70IMPRESSIONNormal appearing kidneys bilaterally, with slight interval growth on the left, but no measurable growth on the right. 593.70IMPRESSIONNormal bilateral renal ultrasound status post bilateral deflux procedure without evidence of hydronephrosi or hydroureter . 593.70IMPRESSIONNormal interval growth of both kidneys, with stable size discrepancy and suggestion of cortical thinning in the lower pole of the left kidney on this limited examination. 593.70IMPRESSIONNormal interval growth of both kidneys. 593.70IMPRESSIONNormal interval growth of the kidneys bilaterally. Very minimal pyelectasis on the left which has improved since previous examination. 593.70IMPRESSIONNormal interval growth of the kidneys since the previous study. 593.70IMPRESSIONNormal interval growth. No renal abnormalities seen. 593.70IMPRESSIONNormal renal and bladder ultrasound. 593.70IMPRESSIONNormal renal followup ultrasound study. Interval growth of normal appearing kidneys. 593.70IMPRESSIONNormal renal ultrasound including the bladder with growth of both kidneys. 593.70IMPRESSIONNormal renal ultrasound including the bladder. 593.70IMPRESSIONNormal renal ultrasound including the bladder. Normal interval growth. 593.70IMPRESSIONNormal renal ultrasound showing interval growth. 593.70IMPRESSIONNormal renal ultrasound status post deflux procedure. 593.70IMPRESSIONNormal renal ultrasound with a suggestion of a possible partial duplication on the right. Normal interval growth. 593.70IMPRESSIONNormal renal ultrasound with bilateral growth of the kidneys. 593.70IMPRESSIONNormal renal ultrasound with interval growth identified. 593.70IMPRESSIONNormal renal ultrasound with interval growth. 593.70IMPRESSIONNormal renal ultrasound with normal interval growth. 593.70IMPRESSIONNormal renal ultrasound, with interval renal growth. 593.70IMPRESSIONNormal renal ultrasound. 593.70IMPRESSIONNormal renal ultrasound. Mild intermittent left hydroureter proximally at the renal pelvis. 593.70IMPRESSIONNormal renal ultrasound. The lack of interval growth in one month is not uncommon given differences in technique. However, there is no evidence of hydronephrosis. 593.70IMPRESSIONNormal sonographic appearance of the kidneys with interval growth. 593.70IMPRESSIONNormal study with interval growth. 593.70IMPRESSIONNormal study with slight growth. 593.70IMPRESSIONPersistent renal size discrepancy. No evidence of hydronephrosis or scarring seen. 593.70IMPRESSIONPossible partial or complete duplication of the left renal collecting system. Otherwise normal interval growth of the kidneys bilaterally. 593.70IMPRESSIONPreviously seen intrarenal dilation has resolved. Both kidneys show interval growth. 593.70IMPRESSIONRenal scarring of the lower pole of the left kidney. A very small amount of interval growth has occurred since last exam. 593.70IMPRESSIONRight 5 mm mid kidney stone. R 7.3; L 7.6 cm. 593.70IMPRESSIONSatisfactory postoperative appearances with minimal central caliectasis status post removal of bilateral ureteral stents. 593.70IMPRESSIONSize discrepancy of the kidneys with left measuring greater than the right. Otherwise normal sonographic appearance of the kidneys. 593.70IMPRESSIONSlight interval growth of both kidneys, which remain below the second standard deviation in length for the child's age. Echogenic cortex with significant cortical loss in the lower pole of the left kidney is also stable. Overall, there has been minimal interval change in bilateral global scarring / dysplasia. 593.70IMPRESSIONSlight interval growth of normal appearing kidneys. 593.70IMPRESSIONSome interval growth of the right kidney with perhaps slight 2 no growth of the left kidney. Both showing evidence of dysplasia, left more so than right. 593.70IMPRESSIONSomewhat small, scarred right kidney which, however, is growing parallel to the 5th percentile for age. Normal left kidney. No hydronephrosis on either side. 593.70IMPRESSIONStable appearance of the kidneys. 593.70IMPRESSIONStable mild left lower pole pyelectasis. Otherwise normal sonographic appearance of the kidneys. 593.70IMPRESSIONStable moderately severe left - sided hydronephrosis and hydroureter. 593.70IMPRESSIONStable renal examination. The discrepancy in lengths between today's scan and the comparison study is likely due to interobserver variability, since no other changes are identified. 593.70IMPRESSIONStable sonographic appearance of the kidneys compared to 1/2/01. 593.70IMPRESSIONSymmetric interval growth of both kidneys with stable - appearing scarring involving the lower pole of the right kidney. No new findings otherwise noted. 593.70IMPRESSIONThe patient is postoperative deflux procedure. No significant hydronephrosis has occurred following the deflux. Both ureters are visualized but were also noted on prior exam. There is a right ureteral jet but a jet on the left was not seen. 593.70IMPRESSIONThe right kidney does not appear to have grown. There is no hydronephrosis or hydroureter. Intrinsically, the kidneys appear normal. However, failure of growth of the kidney may reflect the patient has recurrent infections, scarring or reflux. 593.89CLINICAL_HISTORY1-1/2-year - old male follow up left hydronephrosis after ureteral reimplants. 593.89CLINICAL_HISTORY1-year - old female with history of bilateral grade 3 vesicoureteral reflux. 593.89CLINICAL_HISTORY10-year - old female with history of bedwetting per mom. 593.89CLINICAL_HISTORY10-year - old with history of left ureterocele and left mild hydronephrosis. 593.89CLINICAL_HISTORY14-day - old male with mild pyelectasis. 593.89CLINICAL_HISTORY14-year - old male with history of a single afebrile urinary tract infection in January with gross hematuria for a week. The patient was treated with antibiotics. 593.89CLINICAL_HISTORY18-day - old with history of antenatal hydronephrosis. 593.89CLINICAL_HISTORY2-year, 1-month - old male with history of left hydronephrosis. 593.89CLINICAL_HISTORY21-day - old with hypospadias and abnormal prenatal appearance of kidneys. 593.89CLINICAL_HISTORY22-day - old with dilated left kidney diagnosed in utero, for initial evaluation. 593.89CLINICAL_HISTORY3-month - old female patient with a one febrile urinary tract infection. 593.89CLINICAL_HISTORY4 urinary tract infections. 593.89CLINICAL_HISTORY4-month - old male with mild pyelectasis seen in prior ultrasound dated 1/2/01. 593.89CLINICAL_HISTORY4-year, 9-month - old female with history of left grade 2 to 3 vesicoureteral reflux seen on a recent nuclear cystogram. Ultrasound was performed January 2001. This is a followup ultrasound. 593.89CLINICAL_HISTORY5 month old with hydronephrosis, followup examination. 593.89CLINICAL_HISTORY5-year - old female with history of urinary tract infections and bilateral grade II reflux. 593.89CLINICAL_HISTORY6 1/2 year old female with a recent urinary tract infection with possible pyelonephritis. Evaluate for scarring. 593.89CLINICAL_HISTORY6 month 29-day - old male with right grade 5 vesicoureteral reflux into an ectopic right kidney located in the right lower quadrant. History of left grade 2 vesicoureteral reflux. 593.89CLINICAL_HISTORY6-year - old female with incontinence and dysuria. Urinary tract infection 7 months ago. Reported hematuria. 593.89CLINICAL_HISTORY6-year, 5-month - old male with history of right ureteral reimplantation and resection of right bladder base diverticulum. Patient has urinary and stool incontinence. 593.89CLINICAL_HISTORY9-day - old being evaluated for prenatal unilateral hydronephrosis. 593.89CLINICAL_HISTORY9-year - old with history of bilateral ureteral reimplantation. 593.89CLINICAL_HISTORYAbnormal prenatal ultrasound with hydronephrosis. 593.89CLINICAL_HISTORYAlmost 7-month - old female with prenatal diagnosis of left hydronephrosis. Follow up exam. 593.89CLINICAL_HISTORYAlmost one - year-old with urinary tract infection, febrile. 593.89CLINICAL_HISTORYDeflux injection prior reflux. 593.89CLINICAL_HISTORYEnuresis as well as daytime urgency. 593.89CLINICAL_HISTORYEnuresis. 593.89CLINICAL_HISTORYEnuresis. History of pyelectasis by ultrasound. 593.89CLINICAL_HISTORYFollow up left - sided hydronephrosis. 593.89CLINICAL_HISTORYFollow up right renal duplication and hydronephrosis. 593.89CLINICAL_HISTORYFollowup bilateral reflux. 593.89CLINICAL_HISTORYFollowup horseshoe kidney. 593.89CLINICAL_HISTORYFollowup hydronephrosis. 593.89CLINICAL_HISTORYFollowup in the patient with bilateral grade 2 vesicoureteral reflux. Prior ultrasound and cystogram suggests a duplicated collecting system on the left. 593.89CLINICAL_HISTORYFollowup left grade 2 vesicoureteral reflux. 593.89CLINICAL_HISTORYFollowup left hydronephrosis. 593.89CLINICAL_HISTORYFollowup left pyeloplasty. 593.89CLINICAL_HISTORYFollowup on a 9 month old with hydronephrosis. 593.89CLINICAL_HISTORYFollowup on a patient with neurogenic bladder. 593.89CLINICAL_HISTORYHematuria, proteinuria. 593.89CLINICAL_HISTORYHematuria. 593.89CLINICAL_HISTORYHistory of hydronephrosis and renal calculi. 593.89CLINICAL_HISTORYHistory of left - sided URETEROPELVIC JUNCTION obstruction with moderate hydronephrosis. 593.89CLINICAL_HISTORYHistory of right - sided hydronephrosis, with tortuous right hydroureter and left - sided vesicoureteral reflux. 593.89CLINICAL_HISTORYHistory of the urinary reflux with Deflux injection. 593.89CLINICAL_HISTORYHorseshoe kidney, reflux. 593.89CLINICAL_HISTORYHydronephrosis status post pyeloplasty. 593.89CLINICAL_HISTORYHydronephrosis, left ureterocele. 593.89CLINICAL_HISTORYHydronephrosis. 593.89CLINICAL_HISTORYLeft ectopic ureterocele. Hydronephrosis. 593.89CLINICAL_HISTORYLeft hydronephrosis. 593.89CLINICAL_HISTORYLeft pyelectasis and vesicoureteral reflux. 593.89CLINICAL_HISTORYNearly 4-month - old male with clinical diagnosis of intrauterine hydronephrosis. 593.89CLINICAL_HISTORYNeurogenic bladder and scarred kidneys. Patient has had prior left pyeloplasty and bilateral ureteral reimplantation. 593.89CLINICAL_HISTORYNeurogenic bladder. Pyelectasis. 593.89CLINICAL_HISTORYNewborn with prenatal diagnosis of hydronephrosis. Side not specified. 593.89CLINICAL_HISTORYOne - year-old female with neurogenic bladder and spina bifida. 593.89CLINICAL_HISTORYOperation on ureterocele in January 2001. 593.89CLINICAL_HISTORYPartial left nephrectomy with history of reflux and ureteral reimplantation. The patient is status post removal of bilateral ureteral stents. 593.89CLINICAL_HISTORYPatient has myelomeningocele with mild pyelectasis on last renal ultrasound. Patient had a urinary tract infection one month ago and was febrile. 593.89CLINICAL_HISTORYPatient status post ureteral reimplantation. Re-evaluate hydronephrosis. 593.89CLINICAL_HISTORYPatient with history of bilateral ureter reimplantation 2 weeks ago now with urinary retention. 593.89CLINICAL_HISTORYPatient with history of right - sided nephrectomy for multicystic dysplastic kidney. Known hydronephrosis on the left. 593.89CLINICAL_HISTORYPrenatal hydronephrosis followup. 593.89CLINICAL_HISTORYPrenatal hydronephrosis on the right. 593.89CLINICAL_HISTORYPrenatal hydronephrosis. 593.89CLINICAL_HISTORYPrior history of ureteropelvic junction obstruction with hydronephrosis. 593.89CLINICAL_HISTORYRecurrent urinary tract infections and enuresis. Has known left duplex kidney with nonobstructive ureterocele. 593.89CLINICAL_HISTORYReflux. 593.89CLINICAL_HISTORYRight hydronephrosis followup. 593.89CLINICAL_HISTORYRight hydronephrosis. 593.89CLINICAL_HISTORYStatus post left ureteral reimplantation. 593.89CLINICAL_HISTORYStatus post pyeloplasty of the right kidney. This is a follow up study. 593.89CLINICAL_HISTORYStatus post vesicostomy. Previous obstruction. 593.89CLINICAL_HISTORYThis is a 2-month - old male patient with history of left - sided URETEROPELVIC JUNCTION obstruction detected in utero. 593.89CLINICAL_HISTORYThis is a 4-year-3-month - old female status post Deflux procedure. This is her second followup ultrasound after the procedure. 593.89CLINICAL_HISTORYThis is a 9-year-9-month - old female with a history of a urinary tract infection. 593.89CLINICAL_HISTORYThis patient has had surgery in the left kidney for URETEROPELVIC JUNCTION obstruction. The patient had prior placement of this stent which was subsequently removed. Intermittently, the patient has severe episodes of left abdominal pain and despite pain therapy, and pain management, his behavior is abnormal and he cries of pain. 593.89CLINICAL_HISTORYThis patient is familiar as I did her previous ultrasound from January 2, 2001. 593.89CLINICAL_HISTORYUTI, question reflux. 593.89CLINICAL_HISTORYUreterocele. 593.89CLINICAL_HISTORYUrinary tract infection. 593.89IMPRESSION. 1. Interval growth of both kidneys. The minimal left pyelocaliectasis is unchanged. 2. Residual minimal soft tissue in region of previous left ureterocele. 593.89IMPRESSION1. Decreased pelvicaliceal dilatation bilaterally. 2. Decreased bilateral hydroureter. 3. Interval growth of kidneys. 593.89IMPRESSION1. Essentially normal renal ultrasound demonstrating mild pyelectasis of the right kidney. 2. Small amount of free fluid within the pelvis likely physiologic. 593.89IMPRESSION1. Interval growth of both kidneys, however global scarring of the left kidney persists. 2. Mild pyelectasis bilaterally which appears to have progressed since previous study. There is no evidence of hydroureter. 593.89IMPRESSION1. Interval growth of both kidneys, with persistent size discrepancy of greater than 1 cm. 2. Mild left pyelectasis with associated urothelial thickening. The degree of distention of the left pelvis has decreased since the prior study however. 593.89IMPRESSION1. Interval growth of both kidneys. 2. Increased pyelectasis / hydronephrosis of the left kidney, now moderate (previously mild). 3. Normal right kidney. 593.89IMPRESSION1. Interval growth of both kidneys. 2. Stable mild left lower pole pyelectasis in patient with left duplex kidney. 3. Normal - appearing right kidney. 593.89IMPRESSION1. Interval growth of both kidneys. 2. Stable right pyelectasis. 593.89IMPRESSION1. Interval growth of both kidneys. Stable mild right pyelectasis and minimal left pyelectasis. 2. Kidneys continue to be small for age. 593.89IMPRESSION1. Interval marked improvement in appearance of the right kidney with resolution of marked hydronephrosis and hydroureter. There is residual mild lower pole caliectasis of the right kidney. 2. Normal left kidney. 593.89IMPRESSION1. Left renal pelvis moderate dilatation improved. 2. Right kidney collecting system now appears normal. 593.89IMPRESSION1. Left renal pyelectasis with a urothelial thickening. Otherwise normal renal ultrasound. 593.89IMPRESSION1. Marked pyelectasis of the left kidney, unchanged from the prior study. 2. Minimal dilatation of the right renal pelvis, unchanged from the prior exam. 593.89IMPRESSION1. Mild / moderate right hydronephrosis. 2. Minimal left hydronephrosis. 3. Bilateral ureteroceles with dilation of both distal ureters. 593.89IMPRESSION1. Mild Intermittent pyelectasis of the right kidney and mild pyelectasis of the left kidney. Fluid filled dilated distal left ureter is also seen. These findings are concerning for vesicoureteral reflux. A voiding cystourethrogram is recommended for further evaluation. 2. Kidneys are otherwise normal in size. 593.89IMPRESSION1. Mild bilateral pyelectasis. 2. Mild post void bladder residual. 593.89IMPRESSION1. Mild interval improvement in moderate left pyelectasis. 2. Normal right kidney. 3. Interval growth of bilateral kidneys. 593.89IMPRESSION1. Mild pyelectasis on the right. 2. Normal appearance of the left kidney. 593.89IMPRESSION1. Mild residual intrarenal dilatation of the left kidney with residual mild dilatation of the left renal pelvis. 593.89IMPRESSION1. Mild right pyelectasis with likely dilated distal ureter. 2. Normal left kidney. 593.89IMPRESSION1. Mild right pyelectasis with mild right hydroureter. 2. Mild pyelectasis of the left kidney; the left kidney is greater than 2 standard deviations above normal for the patient's age. Please correlate with patient's weight in height. 593.89IMPRESSION1. Mild right pyelectasis. 2. Normal sonographic appearance of the left kidney. 593.89IMPRESSION1. Minimal growth of the kidneys compared to last study. The left kidney is greater than the right kidney size likely related to moderate pyelectasis. The pelvicaliceal dilatation has slightly increased bilaterally. 2. New dilatation of the distal ureters. Recommend clinical correlation and possible further urologic evaluation. 593.89IMPRESSION1. Minimal left - sided pyelectasis seen only on the supine images. 2. The right and left kidney are normal in size for age. 593.89IMPRESSION1. Moderate left - sided pyelectasis, unchanged from the prior study. 2. There has been minimal interval renal growth of the normal appearing right kidney. 593.89IMPRESSION1. Moderate left pyelectasis. 2. Minimal intermittent right pyelectasis. 593.89IMPRESSION1. Moderate right pyelectasis with mild improvement. 593.89IMPRESSION1. Moderate to severe left pyelectasis with hydroureter. 2. Mild upper pole right caliectasis. 593.89IMPRESSION1. No change in left - sided pyelocaliectasis from study dated January 2, 2001. No clear etiology identified. 593.89IMPRESSION1. No interval growth of kidneys. The bilateral mild pyelectasis has decreased from the previous study. 2. Mild to moderate postvoid residual in urinary bladder. 593.89IMPRESSION1. Normal right kidney however no interval growth. 2. Minimal pyelectasis of the left kidney and urothelial thickening unchanged. 593.89IMPRESSION1. Normal right kidney with slight interval growth. 2. Stable mild left pyelectasis, appropriate interval growth. 593.89IMPRESSION1. Normal right kidney. 2. Interval growth seen of duplex left kidney with nonobstructive ureterocele. 593.89IMPRESSION1. Normal right kidney. 2. Mild pyelectasis, which appears slightly improved over the past several examinations. These results were conveyed to the parent. 593.89IMPRESSION1. Normal right kidney. 2. Mild to moderate left pyelectasis, decreased compared to 1/2/01. 3. Bladder contour irregularity compatible with postsurgical change. 593.89IMPRESSION1. Persistent bilateral mild pyelectasis. 2. Interval increase in size of right upper pole renal calculus with new mid to lower pole right renal calculus. Growth of left mid pole calculus. 593.89IMPRESSION1. Prominent renal pelves bilaterally with mild calyceal dilatation. 2. Distal ureteral dilatation bilaterally. 3. Dilation varies over time suggesting that reflux is more likely than obstruction. 593.89IMPRESSION1. Right - sided mild pyelectasis. Otherwise sonographically normal right kidney. 2. Left mild pyelectasis. Otherwise sonographically normal left kidney. 3. Large amount of bladder debris, which empties with voiding. 3. Debris in bladder likely secondary to the patient not having voided this morning. 4. Minimal residual urine following voiding. 593.89IMPRESSION1. Right kidney unchanged. 2. New mild to moderate pyelectasis on the left. 3. Interval growth of kidneys. 593.89IMPRESSION1. Slightly decreased left hydronephrosis with persistent mild to moderate dilation of the renal pelvis. As before, this would be concerning for a ureteropelvic junction obstruction. 2. Normal right kidney with growth. 593.89IMPRESSION1. Small right kidney with urothelial thickening and pyelectasis. 2. Normal sized left kidney with mild pyelectasis and urothelial thickening. 3. Mild bladder wall mucosal irregularity. 593.89IMPRESSION1. Stable moderate left caliectasis compared with January 2001. 2. Minimal interval renal growth bilaterally. 593.89IMPRESSION1. Stable scar involving the upper pole of left kidney. 2. Slight thickening at the left ureterovesical junction that could be normal thickening versus a collapsed ectopic ureterocele. 3. Normal right kidney. The physician taking care of the patient was identified of the above findings. 593.89IMPRESSION1. Stable sonographic appearance of ectopically positioned right kidney in the right lower quadrant with unchanged moderate pyelectasis. 2. Stable sonographic appearance of the left kidney with mild left pyelectasis. 593.89IMPRESSION1. Stable sonographic appearance of the normal right kidney with minimal central pyelectasis. 2. Interval growth of left kidney with stable moderate left hydronephrosis and dilated ureter. 593.89IMPRESSION1. Status post deflux injection at the ureteral vesicular junction. 2. Decreased hydroureter bilaterally. 3. Mild pyelectasis with urothelial thickening bilaterally, unchanged. 593.89IMPRESSION1. There has been interval renal growth. The renal lengths are upper limits of normal in size for age. 2. There is a right - sided moderate and mild left - sided pyelectasis. This is unchanged from the prior study. 593.89IMPRESSION1. There is mild to moderate left - sided pyelectasis which is slightly decreased from the prior exam. 2. There has been slight interval renal growth. 593.89IMPRESSIONBilateral growth of normal size kidneys. No change in mild bilateral pyelocaliectasis. 593.89IMPRESSIONBilateral pyelectasis, minimal on the right and mild to moderate on the left. The left kidney size is at the upper limits of normal. 593.89IMPRESSIONEssentially stable study. Persistent left pyelectasis with minimal urothelial thickening. 593.89IMPRESSIONHorseshoe kidney with persistent unchanged pyelectasis of the upper pole of the left kidney. The lack of growth of the right side may be differences in measurement as horseshoe kidneys are difficult to measure. 593.89IMPRESSIONImprovement in left pyelocaliectasis and otherwise no significant change. Abnormal corticomedullary differentiation suggests possible nephrocalcinosis. 593.89IMPRESSIONInterval growth of both kidneys which are malpositioned. 593.89IMPRESSIONInterval growth of kidneys. Pyelectasis right kidney stable. 593.89IMPRESSIONInterval growth of normal appearing kidneys. Mild bilateral urothelial thickening and pyelectasis. 593.89IMPRESSIONInterval increase in moderate dilatation of the left renal collecting system. 593.89IMPRESSIONLeft upper pole scarring which is supported by less growth of the left kidney compared with the right as well as asymmetric upper pole dilation consistent with atrophy or scarring. Urothelial thickening of the left renal collecting system and slight dilation of the left distal ureter consistent with vesicoureteral reflux in this patient. Mild pyelectasis of the right kidney. 593.89IMPRESSIONMild bilateral pyelectasis. 593.89IMPRESSIONMild bilateral pyelectasis. Otherwise normal interval growth. 593.89IMPRESSIONMild left - sided pyelectasis, without cortical thinning or hydroureter. Normal right kidney. Bladder only minimally distended, limiting evaluation. 593.89IMPRESSIONMild left pyelectasis and ureterectasis. Otherwise normal renal ultrasound. The bladder appears normal although there is a small to moderate post void residual. 593.89IMPRESSIONMild left pyelectasis. Mild asymmetry in size of the kidneys with the left kidney large for patient's age. 593.89IMPRESSIONMild left pyelectasis. Otherwise, normal renal ultrasound including the bladder. 593.89IMPRESSIONMild right pyelectasis. Otherwise normal. 593.89IMPRESSIONMinimal bilateral pyelectasis. Otherwise normal renal ultrasound. 593.89IMPRESSIONMinimal residual lower pole pyelectasis in the duplex right kidney. 593.89IMPRESSIONMinor bilateral pyelocaliectasis, right more apparent than left with otherwise normal appearing kidneys. 593.89IMPRESSIONModerate pelvic dilatation and mild calyceal dilatation of the right kidney with urothelial thickening, improved compared with the prior study. 593.89IMPRESSIONModerate right - sided and mild left - sided pyelectasis without hydroureter. Otherwise normal appearance of newborn kidneys. 593.89IMPRESSIONNo change in mild left pyelocaliectasis. 593.89IMPRESSIONNonspecific left - sided pelvic caliectasis or hydronephrosis. Findings could reflect a recently passed calculus. 593.89IMPRESSIONNormal interval growth of the kidneys bilaterally. Very minimal pyelectasis on the left which has improved since previous examination. 593.89IMPRESSIONNormal renal ultrasound with interval growth of both kidneys. 593.89IMPRESSIONOnly minimal left pyelectasis which is dramatically improved compared to the prior study. Kidneys otherwise stable. Partially filled bladder. 593.89IMPRESSIONPersistent right - sided pyelectasis or hydronephrosis. 593.89IMPRESSIONSatisfactory postoperative appearances with minimal central caliectasis status post removal of bilateral ureteral stents. 593.89IMPRESSIONScarred left kidney. Pyelectasis of the left kidney identify, but mildly improved. Mild pyelectasis the right kidney. 593.89IMPRESSIONSlight asymmetry of renal size with the left being larger. The patient may have left duplication. There is very mild left dilatation of the collecting system with urothelial thickening. This could be secondary to vesicoureteral reflux. The right kidney appears normal. 593.89IMPRESSIONSlight interval growth of bilateral scarred kidneys with residual moderate pyelectasis on the left side. 593.89IMPRESSIONStable appearance of horseshoe kidney with persistent mild left pyelectasis. 593.89IMPRESSIONStable mild left lower pole pyelectasis. Otherwise normal sonographic appearance of the kidneys. 593.89IMPRESSIONStable mild right pelvicaliceal dilatation and mild left pyelectasis. Symmetric interval growth of both kidneys. 593.89IMPRESSIONStable sonographic appearance of the kidneys with mild to moderate right and moderate left pyelectasis compatible with residual ectasia. 593.89IMPRESSIONThe patient is postoperative bilateral stent placement from January 2, 2001. The right kidney has stable intrarenal dilatation of the collecting system following stent placement. On the left, the patient has moderate intrarenal dilatation of the collecting system which has increased since the exam of January 2. However, the clot appears less obvious and is smaller. Recommendation on next imaging: The prone imaging is the most valuable for assessing this patient. Recommend prone imaging be obtained. At the next exam, assessing the bladder which also be informative to us to determine the size of the clot, stent position, and also ureteral dilatation. The results of the study were discussed with the mother. 593.89IMPRESSIONWorsening of the hydronephrosis of the left upper pole moiety and new hydronephrosis in the left lower pole moiety. This could represent effects of obstructing postoperative edema. 596.54CLINICAL_HISTORY11 year old with history of tethered cord, status post release. The patient has neurogenic bladder. 596.54CLINICAL_HISTORY11-year - old female with a left pelvic kidney, neurogenic bladder and severe reflux to the left kidney. 596.54CLINICAL_HISTORY11-year, 10-month - old male with neurogenic bladder. 596.54CLINICAL_HISTORY13 year 5 month old female with history of neurogenic bladder. This is a followup examination. 596.54CLINICAL_HISTORY13-year - old now with history of neurogenic bladder and tethered cord. 596.54CLINICAL_HISTORY14-year - old female with myelomeningocele and neurogenic bladder. Patient is new to our institution and no prior studies are available for comparisons. 596.54CLINICAL_HISTORY14-year - old female with neurogenic bladder and myelomeningocele. Followup study. 596.54CLINICAL_HISTORY14-year - old for routine followup of renal growth. Patient has myelomeningocele, neurogenic bladder, status post bladder augmentation, on clean intermittent catheterization. 596.54CLINICAL_HISTORY14-year - old male with neurogenic bladder and recurrent urinary tract infections. History of hematuria. 596.54CLINICAL_HISTORY15-year, 10-month - old female with history of neurogenic bladder, bladder augmentation and Mitrofanoff. 596.54CLINICAL_HISTORY16 year old with history of spina bifida, neurogenic bladder dysfunction. 596.54CLINICAL_HISTORY16-year - old female with history of neurogenic bladder and myelomeningocele for routine followup. The patient reportedly has a vesicostomy. 596.54CLINICAL_HISTORY17-year - old girl with neurogenic bladder. 596.54CLINICAL_HISTORY18-month - old with neurogenic bladder and vesicostomy. 596.54CLINICAL_HISTORY2-year - old female with history of the spina bifida and neurogenic bladder. 596.54CLINICAL_HISTORY3-year - old male with neurogenic bladder. 596.54CLINICAL_HISTORY6-year - old female with spina bifida and neurogenic bladder. 596.54CLINICAL_HISTORY6-year, 1-month - old male with spina bifida and neurogenic bladder. 596.54CLINICAL_HISTORY9 year 10-month - old with a history of epispadias repair and neurogenic bladder. 596.54CLINICAL_HISTORY9-year - old male with history of neurogenic bladder and spina bifida. Followup. 596.54CLINICAL_HISTORYA followup neurogenic bladder. 596.54CLINICAL_HISTORYA patient with a neurogenic bladder. This study is compared with prior study dated 1/2/01. 596.54CLINICAL_HISTORYAlmost 2-year - old with spina bifida, neurogenic bladder, for routine followup. 596.54CLINICAL_HISTORYFollow in a patient with spina bifida and neurogenic bladder. Known right great 3 reflux. 596.54CLINICAL_HISTORYFollow up exam for 15-year - old male with neurogenic bladder. 596.54CLINICAL_HISTORYFollow up on patient with neurogenic bladder and UTIs. 596.54CLINICAL_HISTORYFollow up urinary tract infection. Neurogenic bladder. 596.54CLINICAL_HISTORYFollowup in a patient with neurogenic bladder. 596.54CLINICAL_HISTORYFollowup in a patient with spina bifida and neurogenic bladder. 596.54CLINICAL_HISTORYFollowup neurogenic bladder and renal stones. 596.54CLINICAL_HISTORYFollowup neurogenic bladder. 596.54CLINICAL_HISTORYFollowup on a 1-1/2-year - old with caudal regression and neurogenic bladder. 596.54CLINICAL_HISTORYFollowup on a 10-year - old with neurogenic bladder. 596.54CLINICAL_HISTORYFollowup on a 15-year - old with neurogenic bladder status post augmentation. 596.54CLINICAL_HISTORYFollowup on a Spina bifida patient with neurogenic bladder. 596.54CLINICAL_HISTORYFollowup on a patient with a neurogenic bladder. 596.54CLINICAL_HISTORYFollowup on a patient with neurogenic bladder. 596.54CLINICAL_HISTORYHistory of a neurogenic bladder with renal scarring. This is a followup study. 596.54CLINICAL_HISTORYHistory of bladder stones, bladder augmentation, neurogenic bladder dysfunction. 596.54CLINICAL_HISTORYHistory of myelomeningocele and neurogenic bladder. Patient has a vesicostomy. 596.54CLINICAL_HISTORYHistory of reflux and neurogenic bladder. 596.54CLINICAL_HISTORYHistory of spina bifida. Renal ultrasound. 596.54CLINICAL_HISTORYMyelomeningocele neurogenic bladder. 596.54CLINICAL_HISTORYMyelomeningocele with neurogenic bladder. 596.54CLINICAL_HISTORYMyelomeningocele, neurogenic bladder, spine bifid. 596.54CLINICAL_HISTORYMyelomeningocele. Neurogenic bladder. 596.54CLINICAL_HISTORYNearly four year old with history of spinal dysraphism and neurogenic bladder. 596.54CLINICAL_HISTORYNeurogenic bladder and recent UTIs. 596.54CLINICAL_HISTORYNeurogenic bladder and scarred kidneys. Patient has had prior left pyeloplasty and bilateral ureteral reimplantation. 596.54CLINICAL_HISTORYNeurogenic bladder for routine followup. 596.54CLINICAL_HISTORYNeurogenic bladder status post final cord injury. 596.54CLINICAL_HISTORYNeurogenic bladder with history of myelomeningocele. 596.54CLINICAL_HISTORYNeurogenic bladder with myelomeningocele repair. Patient is 10 months old. 596.54CLINICAL_HISTORYNeurogenic bladder yearly follow up. 596.54CLINICAL_HISTORYNeurogenic bladder, episodes of urine retention. 596.54CLINICAL_HISTORYNeurogenic bladder, follow up. 596.54CLINICAL_HISTORYNeurogenic bladder, followup, debris seen in the bladder on prior exam. 596.54CLINICAL_HISTORYNeurogenic bladder, spina bifida, followup. 596.54CLINICAL_HISTORYNeurogenic bladder. 596.54CLINICAL_HISTORYNeurogenic bladder. Comparison is made to prior imaging of January 10, 2001. 596.54CLINICAL_HISTORYNeurogenic bladder. Deflux procedure. Reflux on the left. 596.54CLINICAL_HISTORYNeurogenic bladder. Evaluate. 596.54CLINICAL_HISTORYNeurogenic bladder. Followup. 596.54CLINICAL_HISTORYNeurogenic bladder. History of stone on the left. 596.54CLINICAL_HISTORYNeurogenic bladder. Known previous hydronephrosis and hydroureter on the right. 596.54CLINICAL_HISTORYNeurogenic bladder. Patient is 8 years and 11 months old. 596.54CLINICAL_HISTORYNeurogenic bladder. Pyelectasis. 596.54CLINICAL_HISTORYNeurogenic bladder; history of bladder augmentation. 596.54CLINICAL_HISTORYNo definite, neurogenic bladder. Comparison is made to the study dated 1/2/01. 596.54CLINICAL_HISTORYOne - year-old female with neurogenic bladder and spina bifida. 596.54CLINICAL_HISTORYPatient with neurogenic bladder for routine followup. Patient reports being 7 weeks pregnant. 596.54CLINICAL_HISTORYSpina bifida and neurogenic bladder dysfunction. 596.54CLINICAL_HISTORYSpina bifida, neurogenic bladder, for routine followup. 596.54CLINICAL_HISTORYSpina bifida. Neurogenic bladder. Routine followup. 596.54CLINICAL_HISTORYThis is a 15-year-6-month - old male with a history of a neurogenic bladder. The patient has a Mitrofanoff. 596.54CLINICAL_HISTORYThis is a 4-year - old female with history of myelomeningocele and neurogenic bladder. This is a followup. 596.54CLINICAL_HISTORYThis is a 8-year - old patient who had a history of neurogenic bladder. The patient apparently had a brain injury. 596.54CLINICAL_HISTORYThis is a patient with meningomyelocele and neurogenic bladder. 596.54CLINICAL_HISTORYThis is an 11-year-5-month - old male with a history of spina bifida and neurogenic bladder. Patient has had bladder augmentation surgery and has a Mitrofanoff. 596.54CLINICAL_HISTORYThis is an 8-year - old patient for routine followup and has a history of neurogenic bladder. 596.54CLINICAL_HISTORYThis is an almost 10-year - old girl with a neurogenic bladder. 596.54CLINICAL_HISTORYThis is an almost 15-year - old female with history of spina bifida and neurogenic bladder. 596.54CLINICAL_HISTORYThis patient has known myelomeningocele and spina bifida with neurogenic bladder. 596.54CLINICAL_HISTORYThis patient has known neurogenic bladder. 596.54CLINICAL_HISTORYThree - year old male with history of myelomeningocele and neurogenic bladder. 596.54IMPRESSION1. 1.1 x 0.8 x 1.0 cm ill - defined echogenic focus within the right kidney upper pole, which appears stable in comparison to the examination dated 1/2/01. This area is of unknown etiology and significance. Nephrology consultation should be considered. Further imaging should be based on this evaluation. 2. Normal sonographic appearance of the left kidney and bladder. 596.54IMPRESSION1. Bilateral interval growth of normal size kidneys 2. Possible small scar left lower pole. 596.54IMPRESSION1. Echogenic mass in right ovary without vascular flow. This most likely represents a hemorrhagic cyst. Followup pelvic ultrasound in 6 weeks should be obtained to document resolution. 2. No significant growth of normal appearing kidneys. 3. Minimal bladder wall thickening in patient with neurogenic bladder. 596.54IMPRESSION1. Essentially normal left kidney, which is upper normal for size. 2. Small echogenic right kidney with thinned parenchyma, stable. 596.54IMPRESSION1. Findings consistent with neurogenic bladder. Kidneys are relatively stable in size and appearance. 2. Incidental note of intrauterine pregnancy with fetal heart activity with rate of 180. 596.54IMPRESSION1. Interval growth of both kidneys, without current evidence of hydronephrosis or nephrolithiasis. 2. New left upper pole cortical cyst, as described above. No additional cystic disease is identified. 3. Echogenic foci within the bladder lumen. Interval resolution / removal of the dependent, shadowing bladder stones. 4. Enlarged left ovary containing both a simple anechoic cyst and echogenic area suggesting hemorrhagic cyst. Neither area in the left ovary exceeds 3 cm in diameter, the threshold for a followup ultrasound scan. 596.54IMPRESSION1. Interval growth of both kidneys. Stable mild right pyelectasis and minimal left pyelectasis. 2. Kidneys continue to be small for age. 596.54IMPRESSION1. Interval growth of kidneys with mildly prominent left renal pelvis. The previously seen infundibular prominence in the left kidney has decreased. No right - sided hydronephrosis. 2. Mild bladder wall thickening and irregularity, consistent with neurogenic bladder. 596.54IMPRESSION1. Interval growth of otherwise stable appearing kidneys. 2. Bladder findings consistent with neurogenic bladder, the internal debris seen on the prior study now not identified. 3. New 4 x 3.4 cm cystic structure in the right ovary. Followup in approximately 6 weeks is recommended to ensure resolution. 596.54IMPRESSION1. Kidney sizes are lower limits of normal on the standard tables. However, they normalize more towards average when height weight are taken into consideration. Interval growth is normal. 2. No significant pyelectasis is appreciated on today's exam. 596.54IMPRESSION1. Limited evaluation of the right kidney is grossly normal. 2. Normal left kidney. 596.54IMPRESSION1. Myelomeningocele with neurogenic bladder. 2. Normal appearing kidneys with interval growth. 596.54IMPRESSION1. No significant growth of kidneys, which may may be normal at this age. 2. Probable stable left upper pole cortical scarring. 3. No hydronephrosis. 596.54IMPRESSION1. Normal appearance to the kidneys. 596.54IMPRESSION1. Normal appearing kidneys with no interval change in renal size since previous exam. 2. Findings consistent with neurogenic bladder. 596.54IMPRESSION1. Normal examination of the kidneys. 2. Normal bladder and bladder function. 596.54IMPRESSION1. Normal kidneys 2. Moderate bladder residual. 596.54IMPRESSION1. Normal renal ultrasound with interval growth of both kidneys. 596.54IMPRESSION1. Normal renal ultrasound. 2. Irregular, trabeculated bladder. 596.54IMPRESSION1. Normal sonographic appearance of the kidneys bilaterally with no notable growth from the prior study. 596.54IMPRESSION1. Overall stable appearance to the bladder and renal ultrasounds. Persistent mild to moderate left hydronephrosis. 2. Echogenic transverse fold or septation within the mildly trabeculated bladder as seen on the prior study. 596.54IMPRESSION1. Resolved right hydronephrosis and left hydroureteronephrosis, with normal appearing kidneys on today's exam. 2. Incomplete emptying of bladder after catheterization. Moderate residual. 596.54IMPRESSION1. Satisfactory appearance of the kidneys with growth since 1/2/01. 2. Bladder appearance compatible with history of bladder augmentation. No bladder stones. 596.54IMPRESSION1. There has been minimal if any interval growth of the kidney. Both kidneys are within 2 standard deviations of normal for age. 2. There is no hydronephrosis. 596.54IMPRESSION1. Unchanged small area of increased echogenicity in the upper pole of the right kidney. 2. No definite evidence of stone within the lower pole of the left kidney. There may have been interval passage of the previously suggested stone, or it may actually represent fat. Please see the body of the report for further details. 596.54IMPRESSION1.No interval growth of the kidneys is documented. Slight prominence of left renal pelvis unchanged. No significant pelvicalyceal dilatation. 2. Irregular and prominent wall of bladder is consistent with patient's history for neurogenic bladder. 596.54IMPRESSIONBilateral renal growth and mild bilateral hydronephrosis which has decreased on the left. 596.54IMPRESSIONBoth kidneys are small for age and there is no documented interval growth. Focal thinning along the upper pole the right kidney is noted. 2. The bladder was poorly distended at time of imaging. 596.54IMPRESSIONContinued sonographically normal - appearing kidneys with slight interval growth on the right and no growth on the left, at least since January 2001. 596.54IMPRESSIONDecreased hydronephrosis. Stable kidney size. 596.54IMPRESSIONGrossly normal kidneys on limited study. 596.54IMPRESSIONGrossly normal kidneys, without evidence of hydronephrosis, though small stones would easily be missed given the patient's limited sonographic window. 596.54IMPRESSIONImprovement in left pyelocaliectasis and otherwise no significant change. Abnormal corticomedullary differentiation suggests possible nephrocalcinosis. 596.54IMPRESSIONImprovement of the left lower pole collecting system dilatation. Normal interval growth of the kidneys. No other change. 596.54IMPRESSIONInterval growth of both kidneys. 596.54IMPRESSIONInterval growth of both kidneys. Solitary 5 mm cyst in the right upper pole. 596.54IMPRESSIONInterval growth of kidneys. Pyelectasis right kidney stable. 596.54IMPRESSIONInterval growth of normal - appearing kidneys. 596.54IMPRESSIONInterval growth of normal appearing kidneys. 596.54IMPRESSIONInterval growth of the kidneys with very mild pyelocalyceal distention on the right, not significantly changed. 596.54IMPRESSIONInterval growth of the kidneys. However, when the bladder was distended there is new bilateral pelvicaliceal dilatation and ureteral dilatation. This could suggest the presence of reflux. The patient is to have a cystogram following the current renal ultrasound. 596.54IMPRESSIONInterval growth with no change in the appearance of the kidneys. 596.54IMPRESSIONLarge bladder debris, which can be seen with hemorrhage or cystitis. Mild right urothelial thickening, which also can be consequence of infection, but can be seen with reflux or prior hydronephrosis. 596.54IMPRESSIONLeft pelvic kidney stable in the degree of hydronephrosis caused by vesicoureteral reflux with bladder filling. The bladder is trabeculated and thickened compatible with neurogenic bladder. 596.54IMPRESSIONLimited study with grossly normal appearing kidneys. 596.54IMPRESSIONLimited study, however normal Renal Ultrasound. The patient was catheterized and a small residual was present. 596.54IMPRESSIONMinimal pyelectasis, stable to improved when compared to the previous study. Similar sized kidneys with interval growth of right kidney, left kidney measures similarly. 596.54IMPRESSIONNo change in appearance of the kidneys. 596.54IMPRESSIONNo change in bilateral renal calculi. 596.54IMPRESSIONNo change in mild fullness of the collecting system of the right kidney. No other change in the appearance of the kidneys. Following catheterization there is no post void residual. 596.54IMPRESSIONNo change in normal appearing kidneys. 596.54IMPRESSIONNo change in renal size. Otherwise normal renal ultrasound. 596.54IMPRESSIONNo interval change. Normal appearing kidneys. 596.54IMPRESSIONNo significant change; normal kidneys. 596.54IMPRESSIONNo significant interval change. 596.54IMPRESSIONNormal - appearing kidneys with no significant change in size. 596.54IMPRESSIONNormal kidney and bladder ultrasound. 596.54IMPRESSIONNormal renal sonography with increase in size of the kidneys. A mucosal abnormality with irregularity of the right bladder is present. This may represent adherent debris, polyp, or other inflammatory issue reaction. 596.54IMPRESSIONNormal renal ultrasound examination. This is the preliminary report by the radiology fellow. The final, official report will follow when signed by the attending radiologist. 596.54IMPRESSIONNormal renal ultrasound in a patient with neurogenic bladder. 596.54IMPRESSIONNormal renal ultrasound with interval growth of both kidneys. 596.54IMPRESSIONNormal renal ultrasound. 596.54IMPRESSIONNormal renal ultrasound. Neurogenic bladder. 596.54IMPRESSIONNormal study with interval growth. 596.54IMPRESSIONOverall stable ultrasound of the kidneys. Little growth documented over short time interval. Bladder poorly distended at time of imaging. 596.54IMPRESSIONPersistent renal size discrepancy. No evidence of hydronephrosis or scarring seen. 596.54IMPRESSIONResolution of right hydronephrosis. 596.54IMPRESSIONSatisfactory renal growth. Bladder trabeculations compatible with neurogenic bladder dysfunction. 596.54IMPRESSIONScarring of both kidneys more marked on the left than the right. Urothelial thickening in the right kidney. 596.54IMPRESSIONSlight interval growth of bilateral scarred kidneys with residual moderate pyelectasis on the left side. 596.54IMPRESSIONSmall renal size for the patient's age. However, there has been slight interval growth in the size of the kidneys bilaterally and the patient is known to have small kidneys. Otherwise, unremarkable renal ultrasound. No evidence of bladder calculi. 596.54IMPRESSIONStable and satisfactory sonographic appearance of the kidneys compared to 1/2/01. 596.54IMPRESSIONStable appearance normal appearing kidneys. 596.54IMPRESSIONStable appearance of the kidneys and bladder in this patient with known neurogenic bladder. Little growth has occurred however the last exam was done only 3 months previously. Mild dilatation of the intrarenal pelvis is seen on the left. 596.54IMPRESSIONStable appearance of the kidneys. Scarred right kidney mild / moderate hydronephrosis. 596.54IMPRESSIONStable appearing renal ultrasound. The previously described punctate echogenic foci within the left lower pole are stable. It is uncertain whether these are fat, vessels, or tiny calculi. In any case, they are unchanged. No hydronephrosis. Interval growth of both kidneys. 596.54IMPRESSIONStable normal appearing, growing kidneys bilaterally. 596.54IMPRESSIONStable sonographic evaluation of the kidneys in a patient with neurogenic bladder. 596.54IMPRESSIONThe examination remains normal, although the imaging of the kidneys is somewhat limited secondary to the patient's body habitus. Today the right kidney measures 9.7 cm, previously 10.3 cm. The left kidney measures 10.1 cm, previously measuring 9.8 cm. These are both within normal variation. No hydronephrosis nor hydroureter seen. No perinephric collections identified. The patient had catheterized herself immediately prior to the study, and therefore the bladder is empty. Impression: Normal appearing kidneys. The slight change in renal size may be due to technical variation in obtaining measurements. 596.54IMPRESSIONThe kidneys now appear normal. The patient is postoperative bladder augmentation and the expected findings of debris and irregularity of the wall are apparent. 596.54IMPRESSIONThere has been resolution of debris seen within the bladder since the prior examination. 596.54IMPRESSIONTo normal kidneys demonstrating normal interval growth. No hydronephrosis. 596.54IMPRESSIONUrothelial thickening and echogenic material in the collecting system and bladder, suggesting an acute infection. Moderate to marked left hydronephrosis, which has increased since the prior study. The Urology Clinic was notified of these findings and the patient sent for urinalysis. 596.8CLINICAL_HISTORY14-year - old with urethral anomaly and drainage. 596.8CLINICAL_HISTORY3 year old female with febrile urinary tract infection. 596.8CLINICAL_HISTORY5-year - old male with intermittent crampy abdominal pain. 596.8CLINICAL_HISTORYRecurrent urinary tract infection. Comparison is made with prior renal ultrasound of 1/2/01. 596.8IMPRESSION1. Interval growth of normal appearing kidneys. 2. Moderate bladder residual. 596.8IMPRESSION1. Normal kidneys. 2. Nonspecific echogenic debris within the bladder with small residual. 596.8IMPRESSIONNormal renal ultrasound with a hugely distended bladder on initial imaging and moderate postvoid residual. 596.8IMPRESSIONNormal renal ultrasound. Mild bladder residual. 599.0CLINICAL_HISTORY1 year old female with reported urinary tract infection. 599.0CLINICAL_HISTORY1-year - old female with first time urinary tract infection. 599.0CLINICAL_HISTORY1-year - old male with single episode of urinary tract infection. Reported maximal temperature was 105 F. 599.0CLINICAL_HISTORY1-year - old with first urinary tract infection. 599.0CLINICAL_HISTORY1-year - old with urinary tract infection 2 months ago. 599.0CLINICAL_HISTORY1-year 6-month - old female with a urinary tract infection. Evaluate for anatomic abnormalities. 599.0CLINICAL_HISTORY1-year 9-month - old female with urinary tract infection. 599.0CLINICAL_HISTORY1-year, 10-month - old female with fever and UTI. 599.0CLINICAL_HISTORY1-year, 5-month - old female with first UTI. 599.0CLINICAL_HISTORY10-month - old female with the first episode of febrile urinary tract infection. 599.0CLINICAL_HISTORY10-month - old with urinary tract infection. 599.0CLINICAL_HISTORY10-month 20-day - old female with first - time episode of febrile UTI one month ago with temperature to 103 degrees Fahrenheit. The patient had 10 days of antibiotics. 599.0CLINICAL_HISTORY10-year 5-month - old female with history of urinary tract infection. Patient had nuclear cystogram and was found to have left grade II vesicoureteral reflux. Last ultrasound of Jan. 27, 2001 demonstrated little growth of the right kidney compared to the left, otherwise stable renal ultrasound. 599.0CLINICAL_HISTORY10-year, 11-month - old male with UTI and hematuria. 599.0CLINICAL_HISTORY11 month 9 day old female with two febrile urinary tract infections. 599.0CLINICAL_HISTORY11-month - old female with first time afebrile UTI. 599.0CLINICAL_HISTORY11-year - old female with afebrile urinary tract infection. 599.0CLINICAL_HISTORY11-year-5-month - old female with history of urinary tract infection in January, 2001. Evaluate for structural abnormalities. 599.0CLINICAL_HISTORY13-year - old female with afebrile urinary tract infection. 599.0CLINICAL_HISTORY13-year - old with history of urinary tract infection. 599.0CLINICAL_HISTORY13-year, 8-month - old female with urinary tract infection. 599.0CLINICAL_HISTORY13-year-11-month - old male with history of gross hematuria. Patient was seen in the Emergency Room in Tennessee. Patient had a urinary tract infection. Evaluate for abnormalities. The patient was seen by Urology in the past for meatal stenosis. 599.0CLINICAL_HISTORY16-year - old female with multiple urinary tract infections. Patient had febrile urinary track infection last year and required hospitalization. 599.0CLINICAL_HISTORY16-year - old female with urinary tract infection. 599.0CLINICAL_HISTORY17-year - old with four urinary tract infections in the past year. 599.0CLINICAL_HISTORY18-year - old female with recurrent UTI. 599.0CLINICAL_HISTORY19-month - old with febrile UTI several months ago. 599.0CLINICAL_HISTORY1st urinary tract infection. 599.0CLINICAL_HISTORY2 afebrile urinary tract infections over the past year. 599.0CLINICAL_HISTORY2 febrile urinary tract infections in the past year. 599.0CLINICAL_HISTORY2 febrile urinary tract infections. 599.0CLINICAL_HISTORY2 year - old with urinary tract infection. 599.0CLINICAL_HISTORY2 year 9 month old female with first time urinary tract infection. 599.0CLINICAL_HISTORY2-1/2-year - old boy being evaluated for first urinary tract infection which was diagnosed on 1/2/01. 599.0CLINICAL_HISTORY2-1/2-year - old girl with urinary tract infection. 599.0CLINICAL_HISTORY2-year - old female with afebrile UTI. 599.0CLINICAL_HISTORY2-year - old with multiple urinary tract infections and high fever. 599.0CLINICAL_HISTORY2-year, 3-month - old male with first afebrile urinary tract infection. Rule out kidney stones. 599.0CLINICAL_HISTORY2-year, 7-month - old female with history of UTI. 599.0CLINICAL_HISTORY2-year, 9-month - old female with a urinary tract infection. History of vesicoureteral reflux. 599.0CLINICAL_HISTORY2-year, 9-month - old female with urinary tract infection. 599.0CLINICAL_HISTORY2-year-9-month - old male with meatal stenosis. Urinary tract infection. 599.0CLINICAL_HISTORY2nd UTI. 599.0CLINICAL_HISTORY3 1/2 year old female with urinary tract infection. Evaluate for reflux. 599.0CLINICAL_HISTORY3 year old female with febrile urinary tract infection. 599.0CLINICAL_HISTORY3 year old with urinary tract infections. 599.0CLINICAL_HISTORY3-month - old female patient with a one febrile urinary tract infection. 599.0CLINICAL_HISTORY3-year - old being evaluated for first urinary tract infection. 599.0CLINICAL_HISTORY3-year - old female with urinary tract infection. 599.0CLINICAL_HISTORY3-year - old girl with urinary tract infection and hematuria. 599.0CLINICAL_HISTORY3-year - old girl with urinary tract infection. 599.0CLINICAL_HISTORY3-year - old with first urinary tract infection. No prior studies for comparison. 599.0CLINICAL_HISTORY3-year - old with history of febrile urinary tract infection. There are no prior studies for comparison. 599.0CLINICAL_HISTORY3-year - old with recent urinary tract infection. 599.0CLINICAL_HISTORY3-year - old with urinary tract infection. 599.0CLINICAL_HISTORY3-year 7-month - old female with urinary tract infection. 599.0CLINICAL_HISTORY3-year, 2-month - old female with UTI. Concern for reflux. 599.0CLINICAL_HISTORY4 urinary tract infections in the past 6 months. Nonfebrile. Mother has a solitary kidney. 599.0CLINICAL_HISTORY4 year 10-month - old with afebrile UTI. 599.0CLINICAL_HISTORY4 year 8 month old female with urinary tract infection. 599.0CLINICAL_HISTORY4 years old with UTI. 599.0CLINICAL_HISTORY4-1/2-year - old female with urinary tract infection. 599.0CLINICAL_HISTORY4-1/2-year - old girl with urinary tract infection. 599.0CLINICAL_HISTORY4-month - old female with urinary tract infection. 599.0CLINICAL_HISTORY4-year - old female with urinary tract infection. 599.0CLINICAL_HISTORY4-year - old with frequent UTI and history of febrile UTI. 599.0CLINICAL_HISTORY4-year, 8-month - old female with first urinary tract infection. 599.0CLINICAL_HISTORY4-year-8-month - old female who is referred for evaluation of urinary tract infection. 599.0CLINICAL_HISTORY5 year old with urinary tract infection. 599.0CLINICAL_HISTORY5-year - old female with UTI per requesting history and bedwetting per the patient's mother. 599.0CLINICAL_HISTORY5-year - old female with UTI. No comparison. 599.0CLINICAL_HISTORY5-year - old female with first time febrile urinary tract infection. Evaluate for reflux. 599.0CLINICAL_HISTORY5-year - old female with history of recurrent urinary tract infections and right - sided grade 2 vesicoureteral reflux. 599.0CLINICAL_HISTORY5-year - old with urinary tract infections. 599.0CLINICAL_HISTORY5-year, 1-month - old female with first afebrile UTI. 599.0CLINICAL_HISTORY5-year, 10-month - old female with urinary tract infection. 599.0CLINICAL_HISTORY6-month - old female with single episode of febrile urinary tract infection. 599.0CLINICAL_HISTORY6-month - old female with urinary tract infection. 599.0CLINICAL_HISTORY6-year - old female with first time febrile urinary tract infection. 599.0CLINICAL_HISTORY6-year - old female with history of UTI. 599.0CLINICAL_HISTORY7-1/2-year - old with single episode of urinary tract infection. There are no prior studies for comparison. 599.0CLINICAL_HISTORY7-month 20-day - old female with a UTI. 599.0CLINICAL_HISTORY7-year - old female with daytime accidents since potty trained. No nighttime accidents. History of 4 to 6 urinary tract infections within the last 18 months. Last UTI 3 weeks ago with fever of 102.6 degrees Fahrenheit. 599.0CLINICAL_HISTORY7-year, 10-month - old male with urinary tract infection. No reported fever. 599.0CLINICAL_HISTORY7-year, 5-month - old female with urinary tract infection. 599.0CLINICAL_HISTORY8 year - old female with urinary tract infection. 599.0CLINICAL_HISTORY8-year - old female with urinary tract infection. Prior ultrasound and cystogram on January 15, 2001 were normal. 599.0CLINICAL_HISTORY9 year old with recurrent urinary tract infections, intact right ureteral stent following right ureteral reimplantation. 599.0CLINICAL_HISTORY9-year - old with high fever, history of urinary tract infection. 4 to 5 years ago, she had a cystogram which reportedly showed grade 1 reflux possibly on the left. No prior studies are available for comparison. 599.0CLINICAL_HISTORY9-year, 10-month - old female with 3 prior urinary tract infections. 599.0CLINICAL_HISTORY9-year, 7-month - old female with history of UTI. 599.0CLINICAL_HISTORY9-year-7-month - old with prior history of urinary tract infection and reflux. Followup study. 599.0CLINICAL_HISTORYAfebrile urinary tract infection. 599.0CLINICAL_HISTORYAfebrile urine tract infection. First time evaluation. 599.0CLINICAL_HISTORYAlmost 13-year - old with recurrent urinary tract infection, despite negative previous workup. 599.0CLINICAL_HISTORYAlmost 3 year old for evaluation of first urinary tract infection. 599.0CLINICAL_HISTORYAlmost one - year-old with urinary tract infection, febrile. 599.0CLINICAL_HISTORYApproximately 5 UTIs in the past year. 599.0CLINICAL_HISTORYCyst on kidney. UTIs. 599.0CLINICAL_HISTORYDay and night wetting. Has foster parents. Urinary tract infections. 599.0CLINICAL_HISTORYDiagnosed with reflux. Recurrent Urinary tract infection. 599.0CLINICAL_HISTORYE coli urinary tract infection with fever of 100 degrees Fahrenheit. 599.0CLINICAL_HISTORYEnuresis and urinary tract infections. 599.0CLINICAL_HISTORYFebrile UTI evaluate for possible reflux. 599.0CLINICAL_HISTORYFebrile UTI. 599.0CLINICAL_HISTORYFebrile urinary tract infection in a four month old infant. 599.0CLINICAL_HISTORYFebrile urinary tract infection x1. 599.0CLINICAL_HISTORYFebrile urinary tract infection; this is the second urinary tract infection in 4 months. The patient had microscopic hematuria. 599.0CLINICAL_HISTORYFirst UTI with fever. 599.0CLINICAL_HISTORYFirst afebrile urinary tract infection 3 weeks ago. 599.0CLINICAL_HISTORYFirst time UTI. 599.0CLINICAL_HISTORYFirst time febrile urinary tract infection. 599.0CLINICAL_HISTORYFirst time urinary tract infection. 599.0CLINICAL_HISTORYFirst urinary tract infection in an 10-month - old infant. 599.0CLINICAL_HISTORYFirst urinary tract infection, fever to 102 degrees. 599.0CLINICAL_HISTORYFirst urinary tract infection. 599.0CLINICAL_HISTORYFirst urinary tract infection. Gross hematuria. 599.0CLINICAL_HISTORYFollowup U T I. 599.0CLINICAL_HISTORYHematuria, urinary tract infection. 599.0CLINICAL_HISTORYHistory of 3 urinary tract infections in the past 3 years. Last urinary tract infection was in January 2001. 599.0CLINICAL_HISTORYHistory of afebrile urine tract infection x1. 599.0CLINICAL_HISTORYHistory of bilateral vesicoureteral reflux with urinary tract infection. 599.0CLINICAL_HISTORYHistory of one UTI in January with fever. 599.0CLINICAL_HISTORYHistory of reflux. Urinary tract one month ago with fever. 599.0CLINICAL_HISTORYHistory of single urinary tract infection last year, now complains of intermittent daytime and nighttime enuresis. 599.0CLINICAL_HISTORYIncontinence UTI. 599.0CLINICAL_HISTORYInfant with febrile UTI. 599.0CLINICAL_HISTORYMultiple UTI's. 599.0CLINICAL_HISTORYMultiple urinary tract infections with associated dysuria. 599.0CLINICAL_HISTORYMultiple urinary tract infections. 599.0CLINICAL_HISTORYNearly 6-month - old with recent UTI. 599.0CLINICAL_HISTORYOne - year-old being evaluated for first urinary tract infection. 599.0CLINICAL_HISTORYOne - year-old with urinary tract infection. 599.0CLINICAL_HISTORYOne UTI. Siblings with reflux. 599.0CLINICAL_HISTORYPatient has myelomeningocele with mild pyelectasis on last renal ultrasound. Patient had a urinary tract infection one month ago and was febrile. 599.0CLINICAL_HISTORYPatient is a 7-month - old female with history of first afebrile urinary tract infection. 599.0CLINICAL_HISTORYRecurrent UTI. 599.0CLINICAL_HISTORYRecurrent afebrile urinary tract infections. 599.0CLINICAL_HISTORYRecurrent urinary tract infection. Comparison is made with prior renal ultrasound of 1/2/01. 599.0CLINICAL_HISTORYRecurrent urinary tract infections. 599.0CLINICAL_HISTORYThis is a 1-year 11-month - old female with urinary tract infection. 599.0CLINICAL_HISTORYThis is a 12-year 3-month - old female with prior history of urinary tract infection. 599.0CLINICAL_HISTORYThis is a 9 year old patient with one episode of urinary tract infection and hematuria with no fever. The purpose of the study was to evaluate for renal growth as the patient previously was diagnosed as having a scar on the lower pole of the left kidney. By voiding cystourethrogram, the patient had grade II left vesicoureteral reflux. 599.0CLINICAL_HISTORYThis is a 9-year, 4-month - old female with history of first UTI in January. Low grade fever. 599.0CLINICAL_HISTORYThis is a 9-year, 8-month - old female with 3 episodes of UTI in the past few months with low - grade fever. The most recent episode was one month ago. 599.0CLINICAL_HISTORYThis is an almost 2-year - old female with history of urinary tract infection with some fever but not sure of amount. 599.0CLINICAL_HISTORYThis patient had a history of urinary tract infection. 599.0CLINICAL_HISTORYThis patient has history of urinary tract infection and bilateral grade II vesicoureteral reflux. The patient had the infection in the spring of 04. On daily basis, the patient is on Bactrim therapy. 599.0CLINICAL_HISTORYThis patient was admitted initially for febrile seizure and subsequently had a documented urinary tract infection. 599.0CLINICAL_HISTORYUTI and dysuria. 599.0CLINICAL_HISTORYUTI and family history of nephropathy. 599.0CLINICAL_HISTORYUTI and left reflux. 599.0CLINICAL_HISTORYUTI status post reimplantation. 599.0CLINICAL_HISTORYUTI with fever. 599.0CLINICAL_HISTORYUTI, fever 104.9; 1 to 2 weeks ago. 599.0CLINICAL_HISTORYUTI, question reflux. 599.0CLINICAL_HISTORYUTI. 599.0CLINICAL_HISTORYUrinary tract infection and enuresis. 599.0CLINICAL_HISTORYUrinary tract infection in 5-year 8-month - old girl. 599.0CLINICAL_HISTORYUrinary tract infection in a 2-year, 8-month - old female. 599.0CLINICAL_HISTORYUrinary tract infection in a 4-year-4-month female. 599.0CLINICAL_HISTORYUrinary tract infection in a 5-year - old. 599.0CLINICAL_HISTORYUrinary tract infection in a one - year-old female. Evaluate for reflux. 599.0CLINICAL_HISTORYUrinary tract infection one month ago. 599.0CLINICAL_HISTORYUrinary tract infection with a fever of 102 degrees 10 days ago. 599.0CLINICAL_HISTORYUrinary tract infection with urgency. 599.0CLINICAL_HISTORYUrinary tract infection, tethered cord. 599.0CLINICAL_HISTORYUrinary tract infection. 599.0CLINICAL_HISTORYUrinary tract infection. Evaluate for reflux. 599.0CLINICAL_HISTORYUrinary tract infection. Family history of vesicoureteral reflux. 599.0CLINICAL_HISTORYUrinary tract infection. In the past, the patient had grade 2 vesicoureteral reflux on the left. This is a followup study and is compared to the past exam of January 2, 2001. 599.0CLINICAL_HISTORYUrinary tract infections and urolithiasis. 599.0CLINICAL_HISTORYUrinary tract infections fever. 599.0CLINICAL_HISTORYUrinary tract infections, routine follow up. 599.0CLINICAL_HISTORYUrinary tract infections. 599.0IMPRESSION1. Asymmetric renal size with right 1.5 cm smaller than left. This may signify global parenchymal loss or scarring on the right since there is no evidence of left duplication. 599.0IMPRESSION1. Asymmetrically increased size of left kidney when compared to contralateral side, but within 2 standard deviations for patient age. Otherwise, normal renal ultrasound. 2. Minimal free fluid in cul-de-sac. 599.0IMPRESSION1. Bilateral mild pyelocaliectasis with left extrarenal pelvis. This partially resolves following voiding. 2. Fluid noted and distal ureters bilaterally, which are normal in caliber. This finding is nonspecific, but may be seen in vesicoureteral reflux. 3. Otherwise sonographically normal appearing kidneys and bladder. 599.0IMPRESSION1. Borderline to very slight dilatation of the left renal collecting system. Otherwise normal renal ultrasound for age. 599.0IMPRESSION1. Concentric bladder wall thickening, suggesting cystitis. 2. Normal sonographic appearance of the kidneys. 599.0IMPRESSION1. Debris in the urinary bladder. 2. Otherwise normal renal ultrasound. 599.0IMPRESSION1. Dependent low level echoes within the bladder, recommend clinical correlation with urine analysis. 2. Otherwise normal study. 599.0IMPRESSION1. Interval growth both kidneys without hydronephrosis or hydroureter 2. Deflux mound identified with a large component within the bladder. No ureteral obstruction. 599.0IMPRESSION1. Interval growth of normal appearing kidneys. 2. Moderate bladder residual. 599.0IMPRESSION1. Interval growth of normal appearing left kidney. 2. Little growth of right kidney. 599.0IMPRESSION1. Interval growth of normal kidneys. 2. Urgency to void at a low bladder volume. 599.0IMPRESSION1. Mild distention of the left central renal collecting system without definitive hydronephrosis or hydroureter noted. 2. Bilateral extrarenal pelvis, as an anatomic variant. 3. Normal appearance of the bladder. 599.0IMPRESSION1. Mild left urothelial thickening and extrarenal pelvis. 599.0IMPRESSION1. Mild prominence of renal collecting systems, which is nonspecific, and may be normal. The kidneys are otherwise within normal limits in size and have a normal sonographic appearance. 2. Normal bladder. 599.0IMPRESSION1. Mild prominence right upper pole collecting system, which is nonspecific. This may be present in vesicoureteral reflux. 2. Otherwise normal renal ultrasound. 599.0IMPRESSION1. Mild pyelectasis on the right. 2. Normal appearance of the left kidney. 599.0IMPRESSION1. Mild right hydronephrosis and hydroureter. 2. Enlarged right kidney for patient's age and weight and enlarged left kidney for age, weight, and height. This is of uncertain clinical significance. Clinical correlation recommended. 599.0IMPRESSION1. Mild right pyelectasis with likely dilated distal ureter. 2. Normal left kidney. 599.0IMPRESSION1. Minimal free pelvic fluid, likely physiologic 2. Otherwise negative retroperitoneal ultrasound. 599.0IMPRESSION1. Minimal left - sided pyelectasis seen only on the supine images. 2. The right and left kidney are normal in size for age. 599.0IMPRESSION1. Normal interval growth of both kidneys without evidence of scarring or hydronephrosis. 2. The distal right ureter is initially seen, however is not present post - void. This is a nonspecific finding and likely represents peristalsis within the ureter. Reflux may have a similar appearance. 599.0IMPRESSION1. Normal kidneys without evidence of hydronephrosis. 2. Echogenic focus adherent to the bladder wall. This may represent adherent debris, polyp or stone associated with the patient's urinary tract infection. Short - term followup ultrasound is recommended in 2 to 3 months. 599.0IMPRESSION1. Normal kidneys. 2. Large post - void residual. 599.0IMPRESSION1. Normal kidneys. 2. Mild bladder wall thickening with post void residual. 599.0IMPRESSION1. Normal renal ultrasound including the bladder. 599.0IMPRESSION1. Normal renal ultrasound with interval growth of the both kidneys. 599.0IMPRESSION1. Normal renal ultrasound with interval growth. 599.0IMPRESSION1. Normal renal ultrasound. 599.0IMPRESSION1. Normal renal ultrasound. 2. Patient is scheduled for a nuclear cystogram today. 599.0IMPRESSION1. Normal sonographic appearance of the kidney bilaterally. 2. Trace amount of nonspecific free fluid in the pelvis. 599.0IMPRESSION1. Normal sonographic appearance of the kidneys without evidence of hydronephrosis. 2. Dependent debris within the urinary bladder. 599.0IMPRESSION1. Progressive severe right renal scarring compared to 1/2/01. 2. Intact right ureteral stent. 3. Normal left kidney. 599.0IMPRESSION1. Prominent dilated bilateral collecting systems left greater than right more prominent following voiding suggesting bilateral reflux. 2. Small postvoid residual. 599.0IMPRESSION1. Slight asymmetry of renal size, left larger than right, without focal hypovascularity or other etiology identified. 2. Mild bladder debris. 599.0IMPRESSION1. Small capacity bladder. The study proceeded with only partial filling of the bladder because the patient felt a strong urge to void. 2. Otherwise, normal renal ultrasound. 599.0IMPRESSION1. Very slight urothelial thickening of the right renal pelvis which could be seen in urinary tract infection versus vesicoureteral reflux versus resolved hydronephrosis. 2. Normal left kidney. 599.0IMPRESSION1.Normal renal ultrasound 2. Mild bladder wall thickening which may be related to cystitis. 599.0IMPRESSIONAside from possible right upper pole focal scar, normal renal ultrasound including the bladder. 599.0IMPRESSIONAsymmetric kidney size, left greater than right. Normally the kidneys have sizes within 1 cm of each other. This asymmetry would suggest congenital variation, scarring, or duplication. Intrinsically the kidneys are sonographically normal. 599.0IMPRESSIONAsymmetry in renal size with possible duplication of the left kidney. Visualization of the distal right ureter is nonspecific and could be related to hydrational status or reflux. 599.0IMPRESSIONBilateral hydroureteronephrosis. Diffuse scarring lower pole right kidney. 599.0IMPRESSIONBorderline prominence of the right renal collecting system. Correlation with a cystogram is recommended to evaluate for vesicoureteral reflux. 599.0IMPRESSIONBoth kidneys demonstrated partial or complete Duplication. There are otherwise normal. A small residua is seen in the bladder postvoid. 599.0IMPRESSIONContinued moderate to marked dilation of the left collecting system again consistent with ureterovesical junction obstruction. The right kidney remains normal although the distal ureter is now seen behind the bladder. 599.0IMPRESSIONEnlarged kidneys. This is likely related to the patient's increased height and weight for age. Renal size upper limits of normal in correlation to the patient's weight. 599.0IMPRESSIONInterval growth of both kidneys which do not demonstrate evidence of focal scarring, despite history of recurrent urinary tract infections. Both kidneys are currently large for the child's age, which may reflect persistent swelling following recent pyelonephritis, or be appropriate for the patient's overall body habitus, if she is above the 90th percentile on height and weight charts. 599.0IMPRESSIONInterval growth of both kidneys, left greater than right. 599.0IMPRESSIONInterval growth of both kidneys. Otherwise, no significant change since the prior study. This is the preliminary report by the radiology fellow. The final, official report will follow when signed by the attending radiologist. 599.0IMPRESSIONInterval growth of both right and left kidney. Prominent right renal pelvis and uroepithelial thickening is noted. Suspect scarring upper pole right kidney unchanged. 599.0IMPRESSIONInterval growth of normal appearing kidneys, including the bladder. 599.0IMPRESSIONInterval growth of normal appearing kidneys. 599.0IMPRESSIONInterval growth sonographically normal kidneys. 599.0IMPRESSIONLeft kidney larger than right which may be explained by the likely bifid or at least partially duplicated left collecting system. 599.0IMPRESSIONMild caliectasis in the upper pole of the kidneys bilaterally. No evidence of any scarring or calculi. No significant residual urine in the bladder after voiding. 599.0IMPRESSIONMild hydronephrosis on the left with suggestion of minimal decrease following partial voiding. 599.0IMPRESSIONMild interval growth of the kidneys. There is no hydronephrosis or loss of corticomedullary junction. 599.0IMPRESSIONMild left renal pelvis urothelial thickening which may be seen in the urinary tract infection. Otherwise, normal renal ultrasound including bladder. 599.0IMPRESSIONMild left urothelial thickening on an otherwise unremarkable renal ultrasound. 599.0IMPRESSIONMild right urothelial thickening. Otherwise, normal renal ultrasound. 599.0IMPRESSIONMild urothelial thickening in the lower pole pelvis of the left kidney. No evidence of any hydronephrosis, scarring, or calculi seen. 599.0IMPRESSIONMinimal bilateral pyelectasis. Otherwise normal renal ultrasound. 599.0IMPRESSIONModerate bladder residual. Otherwise normal examination. 599.0IMPRESSIONNegative examination. 599.0IMPRESSIONNo evidence of hydronephrosis. Question duplicated right renal collecting system that may be partial or complete. 599.0IMPRESSIONNo significant change since the prior study. 599.0IMPRESSIONNo sonographic abnormality seen of the kidneys or bladder. 599.0IMPRESSIONNormal R 6.6; L 6.9 cm. 599.0IMPRESSIONNormal R9.2; L10.0cm. 599.0IMPRESSIONNormal Renal Ultrasound. 599.0IMPRESSIONNormal bladder and kidney sonography. 599.0IMPRESSIONNormal interval growth of both kidneys. 599.0IMPRESSIONNormal kidney and bladder ultrasound. 599.0IMPRESSIONNormal kidneys. 599.0IMPRESSIONNormal kidneys. R=5.9; L=6.4 cm. 599.0IMPRESSIONNormal kidneys; there is mild to moderate distention of the distal left ureter without visible peristalsis at real time scanning. It is unclear whether this is a functional issue with bladder distention or whether there may be an underlying megaureter. 599.0IMPRESSIONNormal renal and bladder sonography. 599.0IMPRESSIONNormal renal and bladder ultrasound. 599.0IMPRESSIONNormal renal sonogram. 599.0IMPRESSIONNormal renal ultrasound . Echogenic debris in urine which could be due to stasis or infection. 599.0IMPRESSIONNormal renal ultrasound for age. 599.0IMPRESSIONNormal renal ultrasound including bladder. 599.0IMPRESSIONNormal renal ultrasound including the bladder. 599.0IMPRESSIONNormal renal ultrasound including the bladder. Incidentally noted is a large amount of stool in the sigmoid and distal colon. 599.0IMPRESSIONNormal renal ultrasound including the bladder. Vesicoureteral reflux cannot be excluded. 599.0IMPRESSIONNormal renal ultrasound with a hugely distended bladder on initial imaging and moderate postvoid residual. 599.0IMPRESSIONNormal renal ultrasound with interval growth of both kidneys. 599.0IMPRESSIONNormal renal ultrasound with possible right duplication which may be partial or complete. 599.0IMPRESSIONNormal renal ultrasound. 599.0IMPRESSIONNormal renal ultrasound. Incidental note of tiny amount of free fluid in the pelvis cul-de-sac. 599.0IMPRESSIONNormal renal ultrasound. Mild free fluid in the dependent portion of the pelvis, nonspecific. 599.0IMPRESSIONNormal renal ultrasound. Mild thickening of the urinary bladder walls with irregularity which could be due to cystitis. 599.0IMPRESSIONNormal renal ultrasound. Small postvoid residual. 599.0IMPRESSIONNormal renal ultrasound. Some of the images were obtained in the upright position as the patient objected to the prone positioning. 599.0IMPRESSIONNormal size kidneys with relatively small right inferior renal pole may represent a normal variant versus mild parenchymal loss. 599.0IMPRESSIONNormal sonographic appearance of the kidneys. 599.0IMPRESSIONNormal sonographic evaluation of the kidneys. 599.0IMPRESSIONNormal sonographic examination of the kidneys and bladder. 599.0IMPRESSIONNormal study. 599.0IMPRESSIONNormal ultrasound study of the kidneys and urinary bladder. 599.0IMPRESSIONNormal ultrasound. 599.0IMPRESSIONNormal. R5.5; L5.6 cm. 599.0IMPRESSIONNormal. R=9.2; L=9.3 cm. 599.0IMPRESSIONPartial duplication of the right kidney. Remainder of the study is normal. 599.0IMPRESSIONPartial versus complete duplication of the left kidney. 599.0IMPRESSIONPartially distended bladder. Otherwise normal renal ultrasound. 599.0IMPRESSIONPossible bifid or partially duplicated collecting systems bilaterally with urothelial thickening of what appears to be the lower pole on the left. In addition, the focal hypoechoic mucosal prominence near the left ureterovesical junction raises question of a collapsed ureterocele. These findings will be further evaluated with voiding cystography. 599.0IMPRESSIONRenal scarring of the lower pole of the left kidney. A very small amount of interval growth has occurred since last exam. 599.0IMPRESSIONSmall left kidney with scattered areas of scarring that involving all poles of the kidney. Likely scarring of the right kidney as well, with calyceal extension to the renal periphery. 599.0IMPRESSIONThe kidneys are at or just within 2 standard age and from the mean in size for the patient's chronological age, borderline enlarged. Correlation with the patient's height and weight may be some value. They are sonographically normal. No hydronephrosis. 599.0IMPRESSIONThe right kidney does not appear to have grown. There is no hydronephrosis or hydroureter. Intrinsically, the kidneys appear normal. However, failure of growth of the kidney may reflect the patient has recurrent infections, scarring or reflux. 599.0IMPRESSIONThe study is normal. 599.0IMPRESSIONThere is asymmetry in renal size as left significantly longer than right without an etiology to explain the finding. No hydronephrosis is detected. Followup imaging may be considered. Prominent fetal lobulation of the kidneys is an incidental finding. 599.7CLINICAL_HISTORY10-year, 11-month - old male with UTI and hematuria. 599.7CLINICAL_HISTORY13-year - old female with hematuria. 599.7CLINICAL_HISTORY14-day - old male with hematuria. 599.7CLINICAL_HISTORY14-year 11-month - old male with history of left - sided flank pain x1 week, microscopic hematuria. 599.7CLINICAL_HISTORY14-year, 3-month - old female with history of hematuria and abdominal pain. 599.7CLINICAL_HISTORY15-year - old noted to have microscopic hematuria on routine sports physical. 599.7CLINICAL_HISTORY16-year - old male with hematuria and proteinuria. 599.7CLINICAL_HISTORY17 year old with frequency and intermittent microscopic hematuria. 599.7CLINICAL_HISTORY17-year - old male with hematuria. 599.7CLINICAL_HISTORY2-year, 10-month - old female with hematuria. 599.7CLINICAL_HISTORY3-year - old female with history of microscopic hematuria x3. No history of urinary tract infection. 599.7CLINICAL_HISTORY3-year - old girl with urinary tract infection and hematuria. 599.7CLINICAL_HISTORY3-year, 4-month - old male with hematuria. 599.7CLINICAL_HISTORY4 years 6-month - old female with hematuria. 599.7CLINICAL_HISTORY4-year - old with hematuria and proteinuria. 599.7CLINICAL_HISTORY5 year old female with hematuria. 599.7CLINICAL_HISTORY5-year, 4-month - old female with history of hematuria. 599.7CLINICAL_HISTORY6-year - old female with incontinence and dysuria. Urinary tract infection 7 months ago. Reported hematuria. 599.7CLINICAL_HISTORY6-year - old male with recent onset of gross hematuria. History of bedwetting. 599.7CLINICAL_HISTORY8 year - old with hematuria, and proteinuria. 599.7CLINICAL_HISTORY8 year 5-month - old with dysuria and hematuria. No prior studies for comparison. 599.7CLINICAL_HISTORY8-year - old female with gross hematuria and increased frequency. 599.7CLINICAL_HISTORY8-year-9-month - old female with hematuria. 599.7CLINICAL_HISTORYAlmost 15-year - old male with intermittent, gross hematuria since 1/2/01. 599.7CLINICAL_HISTORYAlmost 4-year - old boy with hematuria. 599.7CLINICAL_HISTORYEnuresis and hematuria. 599.7CLINICAL_HISTORYEnuresis, hematuria. 599.7CLINICAL_HISTORYFamily history of polycystic kidney disease, microscopic hematuria. 599.7CLINICAL_HISTORYGross hematuria. 599.7CLINICAL_HISTORYHematuria and proteinuria. Back pain. Right pelvic pain. 599.7CLINICAL_HISTORYHematuria and vomiting. Question renal calculus. 599.7CLINICAL_HISTORYHematuria in a 10-year - old female. 599.7CLINICAL_HISTORYHematuria, flank pain. 599.7CLINICAL_HISTORYHematuria, left flank pain. 599.7CLINICAL_HISTORYHematuria, proteinuria. 599.7CLINICAL_HISTORYHematuria, rule out kidney stones. 599.7CLINICAL_HISTORYHematuria, urinary tract infection. 599.7CLINICAL_HISTORYHematuria. 599.7CLINICAL_HISTORYHematuria. Evaluate for stones. 599.7CLINICAL_HISTORYHematuria. Urinary tract infections. 599.7CLINICAL_HISTORYHistory of left flank pain and hematuria at the beginning of this month, when a CT scan demonstrated a nonobstructive calculus at the left ureterovesical junction. This is a followup study. The patient is currently asymptomatic. 599.7CLINICAL_HISTORYIntermittent gross hematuria with no pain. 599.7CLINICAL_HISTORYIntermittent hematuria and calcium, rule out nephrocalcinosis. 599.7CLINICAL_HISTORYLeft flank pain and hematuria. 599.7CLINICAL_HISTORYMicroscopic hematuria in a 9-year - old girl. 599.7CLINICAL_HISTORYMicroscopic hematuria, which has persisted on 3 separate exams. 599.7CLINICAL_HISTORYMicroscopic hematuria. 599.7CLINICAL_HISTORYPain and hematuria. 599.7CLINICAL_HISTORYPituitary and hematuria. Evaluate. 599.7CLINICAL_HISTORYProteinuria and hematuria. 599.7CLINICAL_HISTORYThis is a 5-year 6-month - old male with gross hematuria detected at the end of micturition on Monday. The patient is asymptomatic. 599.7CLINICAL_HISTORYThis is an 8 year old male with history of microscopic hematuria. 599.7CLINICAL_HISTORYThis is an 8 years 10-month - old male with history of painless gross hematuria 2 weeks ago. Rule out stones. 599.7CLINICAL_HISTORYThis patient had hematuria. Patient recently had trauma to the right side of the abdomen. 599.7CLINICAL_HISTORYThis patient had hematuria. The patient was quite frightened during the study. 599.7CLINICAL_HISTORYThis patient has a history of hematuria. 599.7CLINICAL_HISTORYThis patient presented with hematuria. 599.7IMPRESSION1. Asymmetry of renal size. Normally, the kidneys are not different greater than 1 cm. Both kidneys are within two standards deviations of normal except for the asymmetry. 2. There is no evidence or obvious cause for the patient's hematuria. No stones or masses were identified. 599.7IMPRESSION1. Bilateral enlarged kidneys the cause of which in view of the patient's clinical history could be related to glomerulonephritis. No hydronephrosis and no evidence of calculi. 599.7IMPRESSION1. Bladder wall appears mildly prominent, with moderate amount of intraluminal debris. 2. Otherwise, Normal renal ultrasound. 599.7IMPRESSION1. Mild bilateral pyelectasis. 2. Mild post void bladder residual. 599.7IMPRESSION1. Normal kidneys 2. The bladder could not be evaluated. 599.7IMPRESSION1. Normal renal ultrasound. 599.7IMPRESSION1. Normal renal ultrasound. 2. Minimal bladder debris. 599.7IMPRESSION1. Normal renal ultrasound. 2. Minimal free fluid in pelvis, likely physiologic. 599.7IMPRESSION1. Right kidney is normal. 2. Small stone in the left kidney but with no abnormality. This is the preliminary report by the radiology fellow. The final, official report will follow when signed by the attending radiologist. 599.7IMPRESSION1. Sonographically normal kidneys. 2. Sonographically normal mildly distended bladder. Ureteral jets were not identified, which is most likely due to dehydration and minimal excretion of urine into the ureters. 599.7IMPRESSION1. Under - distention of the urinary bladder; the patient may be mildly dehydrated, given the history provided by the mother. 2. No sonographic abnormalities of the kidneys are identified. 599.7IMPRESSIONGreater than 1 cm difference in the size of the kidneys. The smaller right kidney is normal for the patient's age, while the left kidney is large for the patient's age. Appearance of the left kidney suggest a duplication although I do not see a band of tissue to suggest a complete duplication. I feel that this kidney is a normal kidney which may be partially duplicated. 599.7IMPRESSIONInterval growth of normal appearing kidneys, duplicated right kidney; normal bladder. 599.7IMPRESSIONLeft greater than right kidney size discrepancy without morphologic explanation. Otherwise, normal study. 599.7IMPRESSIONLeft kidney larger than right which may be explained by the likely bifid or at least partially duplicated left collecting system. 599.7IMPRESSIONMild bilateral pyelectasis. 599.7IMPRESSIONMild postvoid bladder residual. Otherwise normal renal ultrasound including the bladder. 599.7IMPRESSIONMild right pyelectasis, otherwise normal renal ultrasound including the bladder. 599.7IMPRESSIONMild right pyelectasis. Otherwise normal. 599.7IMPRESSIONMildly increased renal echogenicity in a nonspecific appearance for medical renal disease. 599.7IMPRESSIONNo sonographic abnormality seen of the kidneys or bladder. 599.7IMPRESSIONNormal exam. Renal lengths are normal for the patient's height. 599.7IMPRESSIONNormal kidneys, each measuring 7.7 cm in length. 599.7IMPRESSIONNormal renal and bladder sonography. 599.7IMPRESSIONNormal renal and bladder sonography. No intrarenal masses or stones were seen. 599.7IMPRESSIONNormal renal and bladder ultrasound. 599.7IMPRESSIONNormal renal ultrasound including the bladder. 599.7IMPRESSIONNormal renal ultrasound including the bladder. Kidneys are large for patient's chronological age, but within the upper limits of normal for the patient's weight. 599.7IMPRESSIONNormal renal ultrasound, including the bladder. 599.7IMPRESSIONNormal renal ultrasound. 599.7IMPRESSIONNormal renal ultrasound; There has been no significant change in the size of the kidneys. 599.7IMPRESSIONThe kidneys are normal in size for age and demonstrate normal imaging characteristics. 741.90CLINICAL_HISTORY11-year, 10-month - old male with neurogenic bladder. 741.90CLINICAL_HISTORY13-year - old male with history of myelomeningocele and neurogenic bladder with prior bladder augmentation. This is a routine followup. 741.90CLINICAL_HISTORY13-year - old now with history of neurogenic bladder and tethered cord. 741.90CLINICAL_HISTORY14-year - old female with myelomeningocele and neurogenic bladder. Patient is new to our institution and no prior studies are available for comparisons. 741.90CLINICAL_HISTORY14-year - old female with neurogenic bladder and myelomeningocele. Followup study. 741.90CLINICAL_HISTORY14-year - old for routine followup of renal growth. Patient has myelomeningocele, neurogenic bladder, status post bladder augmentation, on clean intermittent catheterization. 741.90CLINICAL_HISTORY16 year old with history of spina bifida, neurogenic bladder dysfunction. 741.90CLINICAL_HISTORY2-year - old female with history of the spina bifida and neurogenic bladder. 741.90CLINICAL_HISTORY3 month 25-day - old female is with history of myelomeningocele. Patient status post repair. Rule out hydronephrosis. 741.90CLINICAL_HISTORY38 month old male with history of spina bifida. No prior studies are available at this institution for comparisons. 741.90CLINICAL_HISTORY5-year - old female with myelomeningocele for routine followup renal imaging. 741.90CLINICAL_HISTORY6-year - old female with spina bifida and neurogenic bladder. 741.90CLINICAL_HISTORY9-year - old male with history of neurogenic bladder and spina bifida. Followup. 741.90CLINICAL_HISTORYFollowup in a patient with spina bifida and neurogenic bladder. 741.90CLINICAL_HISTORYFollowup on a Spina bifida patient with neurogenic bladder. 741.90CLINICAL_HISTORYHistory of myelomeningocele and neurogenic bladder. Patient has a vesicostomy. 741.90CLINICAL_HISTORYHistory of spina bifida. Renal ultrasound. 741.90CLINICAL_HISTORYMeningomyelocele. 741.90CLINICAL_HISTORYMyelomeningocele neurogenic bladder. 741.90CLINICAL_HISTORYMyelomeningocele patient for followup. 741.90CLINICAL_HISTORYNearly four year old with history of spinal dysraphism and neurogenic bladder. 741.90CLINICAL_HISTORYNeurogenic bladder with history of myelomeningocele. 741.90CLINICAL_HISTORYNeurogenic bladder with myelomeningocele repair. Patient is 10 months old. 741.90CLINICAL_HISTORYNeurogenic bladder, spina bifida, followup. 741.90CLINICAL_HISTORYPatient has a history of meningomyelocele. 741.90CLINICAL_HISTORYPatient has history of myelomeningocele. This is a followup study. 741.90CLINICAL_HISTORYSpina bifida. 741.90CLINICAL_HISTORYThis is a 4-year - old female with history of myelomeningocele and neurogenic bladder. This is a followup. 741.90CLINICAL_HISTORYThis is a patient with meningomyelocele and neurogenic bladder. 741.90CLINICAL_HISTORYThis patient has known myelomeningocele and spina bifida with neurogenic bladder. 741.90CLINICAL_HISTORYThree - year old male with history of myelomeningocele and neurogenic bladder. 741.90IMPRESSION1. Echogenic mass in right ovary without vascular flow. This most likely represents a hemorrhagic cyst. Followup pelvic ultrasound in 6 weeks should be obtained to document resolution. 2. No significant growth of normal appearing kidneys. 3. Minimal bladder wall thickening in patient with neurogenic bladder. 741.90IMPRESSION1. Interval growth of both kidneys, without current evidence of hydronephrosis or nephrolithiasis. 2. New left upper pole cortical cyst, as described above. No additional cystic disease is identified. 3. Echogenic foci within the bladder lumen. Interval resolution / removal of the dependent, shadowing bladder stones. 4. Enlarged left ovary containing both a simple anechoic cyst and echogenic area suggesting hemorrhagic cyst. Neither area in the left ovary exceeds 3 cm in diameter, the threshold for a followup ultrasound scan. 741.90IMPRESSION1. Interval growth of kidneys with mildly prominent left renal pelvis. The previously seen infundibular prominence in the left kidney has decreased. No right - sided hydronephrosis. 2. Mild bladder wall thickening and irregularity, consistent with neurogenic bladder. 741.90IMPRESSION1. Kidney sizes are lower limits of normal on the standard tables. However, they normalize more towards average when height weight are taken into consideration. Interval growth is normal. 2. No significant pyelectasis is appreciated on today's exam. 741.90IMPRESSION1. Myelomeningocele with neurogenic bladder. 2. Normal appearing kidneys with interval growth. 741.90IMPRESSION1. Normal sonographic appearance of both kidneys. 2. Mild bladder wall thickening with suggestion of trabeculation. Multiple bladder diverticulum may give a similar appearance. 741.90IMPRESSION1. There has been minimal if any interval growth of the kidney. Both kidneys are within 2 standard deviations of normal for age. 2. There is no hydronephrosis. 741.90IMPRESSION1.No interval growth of the kidneys is documented. Slight prominence of left renal pelvis unchanged. No significant pelvicalyceal dilatation. 2. Irregular and prominent wall of bladder is consistent with patient's history for neurogenic bladder. 741.90IMPRESSIONContinued normal sonographic appearance of the kidneys but without interval growth in an approximate 1 year interval. This should be correlated with other physical parameters and watched on subsequent studies. 741.90IMPRESSIONGrossly normal kidneys with no significant change. 741.90IMPRESSIONInterval growth of normal - appearing kidneys. 741.90IMPRESSIONInterval growth of normal appearing kidneys. 741.90IMPRESSIONInterval growth of the kidneys with some stable upper pole scarring. 741.90IMPRESSIONLimited study, however normal Renal Ultrasound. The patient was catheterized and a small residual was present. 741.90IMPRESSIONMinimal pyelectasis, stable to improved when compared to the previous study. Similar sized kidneys with interval growth of right kidney, left kidney measures similarly. 741.90IMPRESSIONNo significant interval change. 741.90IMPRESSIONNormal renal ultrasound in a patient with neurogenic bladder. 741.90IMPRESSIONNormal renal ultrasound including the bladder. 741.90IMPRESSIONNormal renal ultrasound with interval growth of both kidneys. 741.90IMPRESSIONNormal renal ultrasound with no significant growth since previous study from January 05. Borderline bladder wall thickening. 741.90IMPRESSIONNormal renal ultrasound. 741.90IMPRESSIONNormal renal ultrasound. Neurogenic bladder. 741.90IMPRESSIONNormal study with interval growth. 741.90IMPRESSIONSome interval growth in two normal appearing kidneys. 741.90IMPRESSIONSome interval growth of two normal kidneys in a patient with known myelomeningocele. 741.90IMPRESSIONStable and satisfactory sonographic appearance of the kidneys compared to 1/2/01. 741.90IMPRESSIONStable appearance of the kidneys and bladder in this patient with known neurogenic bladder. Little growth has occurred however the last exam was done only 3 months previously. Mild dilatation of the intrarenal pelvis is seen on the left. 741.90IMPRESSIONThe kidneys have grown somewhat and show no hydronephrosis. R 9.5; L 11.0 cm. 753.0CLINICAL_HISTORYSolitary left kidney. 753.0CLINICAL_HISTORYUnilateral kidney. Evaluate for hydronephrosis. 753.0IMPRESSION1. Interval growth of the solitary left kidney. 2. No significant change in the mild dilatation of the renal pelvis and calices since the previous study. 753.0IMPRESSIONSolitary left kidney with normal appearance. 753.21CLINICAL_HISTORY9-year, 11-month - old male with history of right URETEROPELVIC JUNCTION obstruction status post pyeloplasty on 1/2/01. 753.21CLINICAL_HISTORYBilateral URETEROPELVIC JUNCTION obstruction repaired at different times. Left ureteral stent with persistent left hydronephrosis. 753.21CLINICAL_HISTORYBilateral pyeloplasty for URETEROPELVIC JUNCTION obstructions. 753.21CLINICAL_HISTORYFollowup hydronephrosis. Renal scan previously showing no function on the left. URETEROPELVIC JUNCTION obstruction. 753.21CLINICAL_HISTORYHistory of left URETEROPELVIC JUNCTION obstruction. 753.21CLINICAL_HISTORYLeft URETEROPELVIC JUNCTION obstruction. Followup. 753.21CLINICAL_HISTORYPrenatal hydronephrosis. 753.21CLINICAL_HISTORYStatus post left pyeloplasty and placement of ureteric stent is referred for follow up of hydronephrosis. Congenital URETEROPELVIC JUNCTION obstruction. 753.21CLINICAL_HISTORYThis patient has been diagnosed as having mild ureteropelvic junction obstruction. The infant is now 7 months 6 days old. 753.21IMPRESSION1. Hydronephrosis of the left kidney with stent in place which is subtle greater hydronephrosis than prior exam. There is improvement when patient voids, but the hydronephrosis is still worse than prior exam. 753.21IMPRESSION1. Interval decrease in the size of the left kidney since the previous study with stable mild to moderate residual dilatation of the left renal collecting system. 2. Post surgical complex septated left retroperitoneal fluid collection seen adjacent to the left kidney lower pole which could represent a urinoma, stable to minimally decreased in size. 753.21IMPRESSION1. Interval growth of both kidneys. 2. Similar appearance of left hydronephrosis with cortical thinning due to ureteropelvic junction obstruction. 753.21IMPRESSION1. Interval growth of right kidney. Mild to moderate right hydronephrosis. 2. Decreased size of left kidney. Mild to moderate left hydronephrosis. 753.21IMPRESSION1. Left Moderate hydronephrosis with nondilated ureter. This is in keeping with left URETEROPELVIC JUNCTION. 2. Right kidney is normal. 753.21IMPRESSION1. Minimal interval growth of normal appearing right kidney 2. No significant change of severe left hydronephrosis consistent with left URETEROPELVIC JUNCTION obstruction. 753.21IMPRESSION1. Normal growth of normal appearing right kidney. 2. Marked hydronephrosis on the left, slightly increased from prior in a patient with left URETEROPELVIC JUNCTION obstruction. 753.21IMPRESSION1. Stable significant right hydronephrosis; however, there has been some decrease in the caliceal distention status post right pyeloplasty. 2. Normal left kidney. 753.21IMPRESSIONThis patient had mild to moderate right hydronephrosis. There is no evidence of progression. On the left, the kidney appears normal. 753.3CLINICAL_HISTORY10-year - old female with history of vesicoureteral reflux and horseshoe kidney. 753.3CLINICAL_HISTORY13-1/2-year - old with recent urinary tract and traction and fever. 753.3CLINICAL_HISTORY2-1/2-year - old girl with urinary tract infection. 753.3CLINICAL_HISTORY2-month - old with history of Turner's syndrome. Evaluate for renal anomalies. 753.3CLINICAL_HISTORY2-year 9-month - old female with history of vesicoureteral reflux. The patient has known left renal duplication and possible right duplication. Please evaluate kidneys. 753.3CLINICAL_HISTORY4 urinary tract infections. 753.3CLINICAL_HISTORY4 year 10-month - old with afebrile UTI. 753.3CLINICAL_HISTORY4 year 3 month old female with history of vesicoureteral reflux. 753.3CLINICAL_HISTORY4-year - old status post deflux procedure. 753.3CLINICAL_HISTORY5-year - old female with a history of grade 2 bilateral vesicoureteral reflux. 753.3CLINICAL_HISTORY8 year - old with left renal collecting system duplication initially seen on MRI of the lumbar spine and confirmed on previous sonography now for routine followup. 753.3CLINICAL_HISTORY8-year - old for followup of right - sided renal duplication status post reimplant surgery in January 2001. 753.3CLINICAL_HISTORYBilateral ureteral reimplants in January 2001. 753.3CLINICAL_HISTORYBilateral ureteral reimplants, history of duplication. 753.3CLINICAL_HISTORYFebrile UTI. 753.3CLINICAL_HISTORYFollow up vesicoureteral reflux. 753.3CLINICAL_HISTORYFollowup horseshoe kidney. 753.3CLINICAL_HISTORYHorseshoe kidney, known history of reflux. 753.3CLINICAL_HISTORYHorseshoe kidney, reflux. 753.3CLINICAL_HISTORYHorseshoe kidney. 753.3CLINICAL_HISTORYHorseshoe or pelvic kidneys, ureteral abnormalities. Status post bladder augmentation. 753.3CLINICAL_HISTORYPatient with horseshoe kidney. Followup study. 753.3CLINICAL_HISTORYPrenatal ultrasound showed one kidney. Possible pelvic kidney. 753.3CLINICAL_HISTORYReevaluate pelvic right kidney. 753.3CLINICAL_HISTORYReflux, renal cysts. 753.3CLINICAL_HISTORYReimplants procedure and followup, check bladder. 753.3CLINICAL_HISTORYRenal anomaly duplex left kidney. History of reflux. 753.3CLINICAL_HISTORYRoutine followup in a patient with history of left - sided duplicated kidney and reimplantation surgery. 753.3CLINICAL_HISTORYSibling with reflux. 753.3CLINICAL_HISTORYThis is a 10-year - old patient who had several urinary tract infections. The study from 2001 suggested simple duplication of the upper collecting system of the right kidney with thickening of the urothelial lining. The patient was subsequently demonstrated to have grade 1 right reflux. This is a followup study. 753.3CLINICAL_HISTORYTurner syndrome. 753.3CLINICAL_HISTORYUTI. 753.3IMPRESSION1. Horseshoe kidney without complicating features such as hydronephrosis or renal calculi. 2. Fluid - filled mildly dilated proximal right ureter persists after voiding. This may be due to underlying reflux, peristalsis, or obstruction. 753.3IMPRESSION1. Interval growth of both kidneys, with the left kidney growing more than the right. No hydronephrosis or obvious scarring seen. 2. Prominent column of Bertin or partial duplication of left kidney. 3. Normal bladder ultrasound. 753.3IMPRESSION1. Interval growth of both pelvic kidneys. On today's examination however there is mild dilatation of the right pelvic calyceal system and minimal increase in the dilatation of the left pelvic calyceal system. 2. Status post bladder augmentation with irregular bladder wall. 753.3IMPRESSION1. Interval growth of normal right kidney. 2. Interval growth of duplicated left kidney with decreasing lower pole pyelectasis and interval resolution of lower pole hydroureter. 753.3IMPRESSION1. Noncomplicated duplication of the right kidney. 2. Simple cyst within the upper mid portion of the right kidney unchanged. 3. Normal interval growth of both kidneys. 753.3IMPRESSION1. Normal right kidney. 2. Duplicated left kidney which is measuring greater than 95th percentile for length. 753.3IMPRESSION1. Normal right renal ultrasound including the bladder. 2. Partially duplicated left kidney. No hydronephrosis. 753.3IMPRESSION1. Patient's status post deflux procedure. 2. Left duplicated kidney. 3. No evidence of hydronephrosis or renal scarring. 4. Large amount of stool within the colon, possibly representing constipation. 753.3IMPRESSION1. There is duplication on the right with mild dilatation of the lower pole collecting system suggesting that the patient may have residual reflux. Likely, a cystourethrogram is warranted. 2. Interval growth of 2 normal size kidneys without evidence of renal scarring. 753.3IMPRESSIONAsymmetric kidney size, left greater than right. Normally the kidneys have sizes within 1 cm of each other. This asymmetry would suggest congenital variation, scarring, or duplication. Intrinsically the kidneys are sonographically normal. 753.3IMPRESSIONBilateral duplicated kidneys. Otherwise normal exam. 753.3IMPRESSIONBoth kidneys demonstrated partial or complete Duplication. There are otherwise normal. A small residua is seen in the bladder postvoid. 753.3IMPRESSIONHorseshoe kidney with interval growth of both moieties without complicating features. Each renal moiety measures low end of normal but measurement may be inaccurate due to nonconventional lie of kidneys. 753.3IMPRESSIONHorseshoe kidney with persistent unchanged pyelectasis of the upper pole of the left kidney. The lack of growth of the right side may be differences in measurement as horseshoe kidneys are difficult to measure. 753.3IMPRESSIONHorseshoe kidney without sonographic evidence of complications. 753.3IMPRESSIONHorseshoe kidney. No complications from pyelonephritis are seen. 753.3IMPRESSIONInterval growth of both kidneys with bilateral duplication and mild central prominence of the duplicated collecting systems. No change in mild diffuse cortical thinning of the right upper moiety. 753.3IMPRESSIONInterval growth of both kidneys with the right being pelvic in positioning. Question bilateral renal duplication anomaly. 753.3IMPRESSIONInterval growth of both kidneys without change in the uncomplicated duplication on the left. 753.3IMPRESSIONInterval growth of both kidneys, which are at least partially duplicated. 753.3IMPRESSIONInterval growth of horseshoe kidney. 753.3IMPRESSIONInterval growth of normal appearing kidneys with duplication on the left side. 753.3IMPRESSIONInterval growth of normal appearing kidneys. Left kidney is duplicated. 753.3IMPRESSIONLeft pelvic kidney as detailed above, slightly smaller than the normal located right kidney. Please see the body of the report. 753.3IMPRESSIONMild left pyelectasis. Mild asymmetry in size of the kidneys with the left kidney large for patient's age. 753.3IMPRESSIONNo significant interval growth of the kidneys in comparison to 1/2/01. Again noted is a left renal duplication and possible right renal duplication. 753.3IMPRESSIONPartial duplication of the right kidney. Remainder of the study is normal. 753.3IMPRESSIONPartial versus complete duplication of the left kidney. 753.3IMPRESSIONSlight interval growth of normal appearing kidneys, with right - sided duplication, status post ureteral reimplant. 753.3IMPRESSIONStable appearance of horseshoe kidney with persistent mild left pyelectasis. 753.3IMPRESSIONStable ultrasound examination of sonographically normal appearing kidneys. 758.6CLINICAL_HISTORY2-month - old with history of Turner's syndrome. Evaluate for renal anomalies. 758.6CLINICAL_HISTORYTurner syndrome. 758.6IMPRESSION1. Normal right renal ultrasound including the bladder. 2. Partially duplicated left kidney. No hydronephrosis. 758.6IMPRESSIONHorseshoe kidney without sonographic evidence of complications. 759.89CLINICAL_HISTORY1-year, 3-month - old with hemihypertrophy. Follow up examination. 759.89CLINICAL_HISTORY10 year 11 month old female with hemihypertrophy. 759.89CLINICAL_HISTORY10-month - old male with hemihypertrophy. 759.89CLINICAL_HISTORY11-year - old male with history of hemihypertrophy. 759.89CLINICAL_HISTORY4-month - old female with Williams syndrome. 759.89CLINICAL_HISTORY8-year - old female with Beckwith Wiedemann syndrome is referred for follow up. 759.89CLINICAL_HISTORYBeckwith - Wiedemann syndrome. 759.89CLINICAL_HISTORYBeckwith Wiedemann syndrome, evaluate for possible tumors. 759.89CLINICAL_HISTORYBeckwith Wiedemann syndrome. 759.89CLINICAL_HISTORYBeckwith Wiedemann syndrome. Evaluate for mass. 759.89CLINICAL_HISTORYBeckwith Wiedemann syndrome. History given followup. 759.89CLINICAL_HISTORYBeckwith Wiedemann syndrome. Routine. 759.89CLINICAL_HISTORYBeckwith Wiedemann. 759.89CLINICAL_HISTORYHemihypertrophy, evaluate for Wilms tumor. 759.89CLINICAL_HISTORYHemihypertrophy. 759.89CLINICAL_HISTORYHistory hemihypertrophy. Evaluate for renal tumor. 759.89CLINICAL_HISTORYHistory of Noonan's syndrome. The study is being performed to evaluate for evidence of renal cysts. 759.89CLINICAL_HISTORYWilliams syndrome. 759.89IMPRESSION1. Large bilateral kidneys for this age which are otherwise normal in appearance without evidence of a mass. 759.89IMPRESSIONAbdomen: Normal abdominal ultrasound. Kidneys: Normal renal ultrasound. No evidence of mass. 759.89IMPRESSIONAbdominal Ultrasound Normal abdominal ultrasound. Please see renal ultrasound of same day for discussion of kidneys. Renal Ultrasound Normal sonographic appearance of both kidneys, however there has been asymmetric growth with the left larger than right. There are no findings to suggest underlying mass or scarring or edematous changes from pyelonephritis. 759.89IMPRESSIONInterval growth of normal appearing kidneys. No masses or other abnormalities identified. 759.89IMPRESSIONNo focal renal mass. 759.89IMPRESSIONNo mass seen on renal ultrasound. 759.89IMPRESSIONNo renal mass. 759.89IMPRESSIONNo significant interval change since the previous study. Both kidneys are normal in appearance, without masses to suggest development of renal tumors. 759.89IMPRESSIONNormal abdominal ultrasound and renal ultrasound, specifically without evidence of mass or other abnormality. 759.89IMPRESSIONNormal interval growth in normal appearing kidneys. 759.89IMPRESSIONNormal kidneys. 759.89IMPRESSIONNormal renal sonogram. 759.89IMPRESSIONNormal renal ultrasound including the bladder. 759.89IMPRESSIONNormal renal ultrasound without evidence of mass. 759.89IMPRESSIONNormal renal ultrasound, including the bladder. 759.89IMPRESSIONNormal renal ultrasound. 759.89IMPRESSIONStable, normal renal ultrasound. 780.6CLINICAL_HISTORY1-month - old female with fever. 780.6CLINICAL_HISTORY1-year - old male with fever and cough. 780.6CLINICAL_HISTORY1-year 8-month - old female with fever, cough, history of pneumonia in early 2001. 780.6CLINICAL_HISTORY1-year, 10-month - old female with fever and UTI. 780.6CLINICAL_HISTORY10-month - old with fever. 780.6CLINICAL_HISTORY10-year - old female with fever. 780.6CLINICAL_HISTORY10-year - old male with decreased breath sounds in the left lung base. The patient also has cough and fever. To evaluate for consolidation. 780.6CLINICAL_HISTORY10-year 2-month - old male with cough for one week and fever for one day. Evaluate for pneumonia. 780.6CLINICAL_HISTORY10-year 4-month - old female with cough and fever off and on for two weeks. 780.6CLINICAL_HISTORY11-year - old male with cough and fever since Monday. 780.6CLINICAL_HISTORY11-year - old with fever. 780.6CLINICAL_HISTORY12-year - old female with history of large left lower pole caliceal diverticulum that was not amenable to interventional therapy attempted one month ago. The patient has had fevers and recurrent urinary tract infections and this study is requested as followup prior to possible surgical resection. 780.6CLINICAL_HISTORY12-year - old male with cough and fever. 780.6CLINICAL_HISTORY12-year - old male with cough and low - grade fever for approximately four days. 780.6CLINICAL_HISTORY12-year - old with fever and cough. 780.6CLINICAL_HISTORY13-month - old with fever, cough, and congestion for two days. 780.6CLINICAL_HISTORY13-year - old male with fever and cough. 780.6CLINICAL_HISTORY13-year - old male with recent diagnosis of opacity on chest x-ray who presents with persistent fevers and coughing. 780.6CLINICAL_HISTORY13-year 7-month - old male with history of fever and cough. Evaluate for pneumonia. 780.6CLINICAL_HISTORY14-month - old male with fever of 7-days duration and cough. Rule out pneumonia. 780.6CLINICAL_HISTORY15-month - old female with a reported history of fever and cough for the past 2 days. 780.6CLINICAL_HISTORY15-year - old male complains of cough for the past two days with a fever of 103 F. 780.6CLINICAL_HISTORY17-year - old female with fever and cough. Please rule out infiltrate. 780.6CLINICAL_HISTORY17-year - old with acute lymphocytic leukemia status post matched sibling donor transplant complains of dyspnea with ambulation, low grade fever, myalgia. 780.6CLINICAL_HISTORY18 month old with cough and fever. 780.6CLINICAL_HISTORY18-month - old female with fever of unknown origin. 780.6CLINICAL_HISTORY18-month - old with fever for 1-1/2 weeks and cough. 780.6CLINICAL_HISTORY18-month - old with fever. 780.6CLINICAL_HISTORY19-month - old with cough x 2 days and fever of 102. 780.6CLINICAL_HISTORY2 year 3 month old female with fever and cough for three days with wheezing. 780.6CLINICAL_HISTORY2-1/2 year old with cough and fever. 780.6CLINICAL_HISTORY2-month - old with fever. 780.6CLINICAL_HISTORY2-month 22-day - old female with cough and fever, rule out pneumonia. 780.6CLINICAL_HISTORY2-year - old female with cough and high fevers. 780.6CLINICAL_HISTORY2-year - old with cough for one week. Also fever to 105 for the past week. Vomiting. 780.6CLINICAL_HISTORY2-year - old with history of fever and cough for 24 hours. 780.6CLINICAL_HISTORY2-year 10-month - old male with cough and fever. 780.6CLINICAL_HISTORY2-year 8-month - old male with cough and fever rule out pneumonia. 780.6CLINICAL_HISTORY21 month old male with cough and fever of one week duration. 780.6CLINICAL_HISTORY21 month old with fever and cough. 780.6CLINICAL_HISTORY23-month - old male with fever. 780.6CLINICAL_HISTORY3 year 3 month old female with history of fever today and cough since the weekend. Comparisons are made with January 2, 2001. 780.6CLINICAL_HISTORY3 year old female with fever and asthma. 780.6CLINICAL_HISTORY3 year old with history of asthma, complaining of cough and fever x 5 days. 780.6CLINICAL_HISTORY3-year - old male with a history of pyloroplasty presents with cough and fever and emesis. 780.6CLINICAL_HISTORY3-year - old male with fever and cough for one day. Question pneumonia. 780.6CLINICAL_HISTORY3-year - old with fever. 780.6CLINICAL_HISTORY3-year 11-month - old female with cough and fever. Evaluate for pneumonia. 780.6CLINICAL_HISTORY4-year - old male with a cough x 1 day fever x 3 days. 780.6CLINICAL_HISTORY4-year - old male with cough and fever for three days. 780.6CLINICAL_HISTORY4-year - old male with cough and fever. 780.6CLINICAL_HISTORY4-year 3-month - old male with history of cough, fever, and shortness of breath. Patient vomited. 780.6CLINICAL_HISTORY5 year 11 month old female with cough and fever x 2 days. 780.6CLINICAL_HISTORY5-month - old male with fever. 780.6CLINICAL_HISTORY5-month-19-day - old male with fever, rule out pneumonia. 780.6CLINICAL_HISTORY5-year 11-month - old female with cough and fever. 780.6CLINICAL_HISTORY5-year 7-month old female with fever. Evaluate for pneumonia. 780.6CLINICAL_HISTORY5-year 8-month - old with history of fever and left anterior rales. Evaluate for pneumonia. 780.6CLINICAL_HISTORY6 year old with cough for two months, and fever off and on. 780.6CLINICAL_HISTORY6-year - old with cough for 6 weeks, fever. 780.6CLINICAL_HISTORY6-year - old with fever and cough. 780.6CLINICAL_HISTORY7 year old with cough and fever x 7 days. 780.6CLINICAL_HISTORY7 year old with fever. 780.6CLINICAL_HISTORY8-year - old female with cough and fever. 780.6CLINICAL_HISTORY9 month old with fever. 780.6CLINICAL_HISTORY9-month - old with history of increased respiratory rate, low grade temperature. 780.6CLINICAL_HISTORY9-year - old female with fever and chest pain. 780.6CLINICAL_HISTORY9-year - old with fever, cough. 780.6CLINICAL_HISTORYAlmost 6 year old with cough and fever. 780.6CLINICAL_HISTORYChest pain and fever. 780.6CLINICAL_HISTORYChronic fever for four weeks. 780.6CLINICAL_HISTORYCongestion and fever, rule out cough. 780.6CLINICAL_HISTORYCough and fever for 3-4 days. 780.6CLINICAL_HISTORYCough and fever for five days. 780.6CLINICAL_HISTORYCough and fever for one week. 780.6CLINICAL_HISTORYCough and fever for three days. 780.6CLINICAL_HISTORYCough and fever for three weeks. Rule out pneumonia. 780.6CLINICAL_HISTORYCough and fever for two days. 780.6CLINICAL_HISTORYCough and fever in a 2-year - old. 780.6CLINICAL_HISTORYCough and fever rule - out pneumonia. 780.6CLINICAL_HISTORYCough and fever with pain in the left upper quadrant when coughing. 780.6CLINICAL_HISTORYCough and fever x 2 weeks. 780.6CLINICAL_HISTORYCough and fever x two days. 780.6CLINICAL_HISTORYCough and fever x3 days. 780.6CLINICAL_HISTORYCough and fever, evaluate for pneumonia. 780.6CLINICAL_HISTORYCough and fever. 780.6CLINICAL_HISTORYCough and fever. Evaluate for pneumonia. 780.6CLINICAL_HISTORYCough and fever. Rule out pneumonia. 780.6CLINICAL_HISTORYCough and fever. Temperature to 103 degrees Fahrenheit today. 780.6CLINICAL_HISTORYCough and low grade fever. 780.6CLINICAL_HISTORYCough for four days. Patient started with fever a few days ago. 780.6CLINICAL_HISTORYCough for three weeks with fever. Antibiotics not curing cough. 780.6CLINICAL_HISTORYCough for two weeks and congestion and fever. 780.6CLINICAL_HISTORYCough for two weeks with fever for one week and left - sided chest pain. 780.6CLINICAL_HISTORYCough on and off with fever for five days. 780.6CLINICAL_HISTORYCough with fever x1 week. 780.6CLINICAL_HISTORYCough x 1 1/2 weeks fever on and off with wheezing. 780.6CLINICAL_HISTORYCough x 2 days fever x 4 days. 780.6CLINICAL_HISTORYCough x 2-3 weeks. Intermittent fevers per mother. 780.6CLINICAL_HISTORYCough x three days. Fever. 780.6CLINICAL_HISTORYCough x two weeks, fever. 780.6CLINICAL_HISTORYCough x1 week. Now low grade fever. 780.6CLINICAL_HISTORYCough, fever and vomiting. Rule out infiltrate. 780.6CLINICAL_HISTORYCough, fever and wheezing. 780.6CLINICAL_HISTORYCough, fever x 12 days. 780.6CLINICAL_HISTORYCough, fever, and vomiting since early morning. 780.6CLINICAL_HISTORYCough, fever, bruise over left nipple. 780.6CLINICAL_HISTORYCough, fever, possible pneumonia. 780.6CLINICAL_HISTORYCough, fever, wheeze. 780.6CLINICAL_HISTORYCough, fever, wheezing. 780.6CLINICAL_HISTORYCough, fever. 780.6CLINICAL_HISTORYCough, high fever x several days, history of asthma. 780.6CLINICAL_HISTORYCough. Fever. 780.6CLINICAL_HISTORYEight - month-old male with fever and cough for four days. 780.6CLINICAL_HISTORYEighteen - month-old female with fever. Rule out pneumonia. 780.6CLINICAL_HISTORYFever 5-month - old. 780.6CLINICAL_HISTORYFever and congestion. 780.6CLINICAL_HISTORYFever and cough for several days abdominal pain for 1 day. 780.6CLINICAL_HISTORYFever and cough of two days' duration. 780.6CLINICAL_HISTORYFever and cough, evaluate for pneumonia. 780.6CLINICAL_HISTORYFever and cough. 780.6CLINICAL_HISTORYFever and slight cough. 780.6CLINICAL_HISTORYFever and sore throat. 780.6CLINICAL_HISTORYFever and wheezing in a three - month-old male. 780.6CLINICAL_HISTORYFever cough. 780.6CLINICAL_HISTORYFever for 11 days. 780.6CLINICAL_HISTORYFever for a week. 780.6CLINICAL_HISTORYFever for five days. 780.6CLINICAL_HISTORYFever for one day in a 22-month - old female. 780.6CLINICAL_HISTORYFever for one day. 780.6CLINICAL_HISTORYFever for one week and cough. 780.6CLINICAL_HISTORYFever for one week with cough x 3 days. 780.6CLINICAL_HISTORYFever for the past four days. 780.6CLINICAL_HISTORYFever for three days, rule out pneumonia. 780.6CLINICAL_HISTORYFever for two days. 780.6CLINICAL_HISTORYFever of unknown origin. 780.6CLINICAL_HISTORYFever then cough. 780.6CLINICAL_HISTORYFever this morning. 780.6CLINICAL_HISTORYFever to 104 degrees today, increased respiratory rate, intercostal retractions, diffuse rhonchi on exam. 780.6CLINICAL_HISTORYFever with cold symptoms. 780.6CLINICAL_HISTORYFever with no other symptoms. 780.6CLINICAL_HISTORYFever without cough. 780.6CLINICAL_HISTORYFever x5 days. 780.6CLINICAL_HISTORYFever, cough and asthma. 780.6CLINICAL_HISTORYFever, cough. 780.6CLINICAL_HISTORYFever, no cough. 780.6CLINICAL_HISTORYFever, rule out pneumonia. 780.6CLINICAL_HISTORYFever, wheezing, increase in respiratory effort. 780.6CLINICAL_HISTORYFever. 780.6CLINICAL_HISTORYFever. Rule out bacterial infection. 780.6CLINICAL_HISTORYFirst time febrile urinary tract infection. 780.6CLINICAL_HISTORYFive year old female with cough and fever. 780.6CLINICAL_HISTORYFour - year ten - month-old male with cough and fever rule out pneumonia. 780.6CLINICAL_HISTORYFour - year-old female with fever x 2 days and cough x 1 week. Question pneumonia. 780.6CLINICAL_HISTORYFour days of cough and fever. 780.6CLINICAL_HISTORYFour year old female with fevers and cough, evaluate for pneumonia. 780.6CLINICAL_HISTORYFour year old male with cough, fever, and vomiting. Question pneumonia. 780.6CLINICAL_HISTORYHistory of asthma with cough and fever. 780.6CLINICAL_HISTORYHistory of pneumonia and fever. 780.6CLINICAL_HISTORYInfiltrate vs wheezing and fever. 780.6CLINICAL_HISTORYIntermittent cough for two weeks, fever for three days, rule out pneumonia. 780.6CLINICAL_HISTORYLeft flank pain, intermittent fever. 780.6CLINICAL_HISTORYMalaise with fever and sore throat. 780.6CLINICAL_HISTORYPatient has had fever and cough for the past seven days. The patient had prior x-ray on 1/2 which demonstrated no pneumonia. 780.6CLINICAL_HISTORYProlonged cough with fever today. 780.6CLINICAL_HISTORYProlonged fever. 780.6CLINICAL_HISTORYRecurrent fever. 780.6CLINICAL_HISTORYSeven - month-old male with fever. 780.6CLINICAL_HISTORYSeventeen month old with cough and fever. 780.6CLINICAL_HISTORYSick on and off since January with fever. 780.6CLINICAL_HISTORYSix - year-old female with fever and left lower lobe rales with cough. 780.6CLINICAL_HISTORYSix year old with fever. 780.6CLINICAL_HISTORYSore throat and fever. 780.6CLINICAL_HISTORYThirteen month old male with cough and fever. 780.6CLINICAL_HISTORYThirteen year old female with cough and fever for one week. Evaluate for pneumonia. 780.6CLINICAL_HISTORYThis is 21-month - old male with fever and no cough. 780.6CLINICAL_HISTORYThis is a 1 year 3 month old male with history of fever and cough. 780.6CLINICAL_HISTORYThis is a 1-year-1-month - old female with fever. 780.6CLINICAL_HISTORYThis is a 1-year-5-month - old male with a history of cough, wheezing and low grade fever. 780.6CLINICAL_HISTORYThis is a 10-year - old female with fever chest pain. Evaluate for pneumonia. 780.6CLINICAL_HISTORYThis is a 13-1/2-year - old female with cough for a couple of days and fever today. 780.6CLINICAL_HISTORYThis is a 15-month - old male with fever and cough. 780.6CLINICAL_HISTORYThis is a 15-year - old male with fever. 780.6CLINICAL_HISTORYThis is a 19-month - old female with history of fever and cough. Rule out pneumonia. 780.6CLINICAL_HISTORYThis is a 2-year - old male with fever and positive pneumococcal antibody titer. 780.6CLINICAL_HISTORYThis is a 3 month old patient who had possible pyelonephritis with elevated fever. 780.6CLINICAL_HISTORYThis is a 3-year - old male with history of shortness of breath, cough, wheezing, and fever. 780.6CLINICAL_HISTORYThis is a 4-1/2-year - old female with fever and cough. 780.6CLINICAL_HISTORYThis is a 5-year 1-month - old female with fever. Evaluate for pneumonia. 780.6CLINICAL_HISTORYThis is an 8-1/2-month - old male with cough and fever. 780.6CLINICAL_HISTORYThis is an 8-year - old female with fever. 780.6CLINICAL_HISTORYThis is an almost 3-year - old male who is sick for two days. Evaluate for pneumonia. Patient has cough and fever. 780.6CLINICAL_HISTORYThis is an almost 7-month - old female with cough and apparent fever for 3-4 weeks. 780.6CLINICAL_HISTORYThis is an almost three - year-old male with fever for a week but no cough. 780.6CLINICAL_HISTORYThis is an eight - month-old female with a history of fever and ear infection. Decreased breath sounds on the left base. Rule out pneumonia. 780.6CLINICAL_HISTORYThree - year-old female with cough and fever. 780.6CLINICAL_HISTORYThree - year-old female with cough and wheeze as well as fever. The patient has been ill for two days. 780.6CLINICAL_HISTORYThree day history of cough, fever, and shortness of breath. 780.6CLINICAL_HISTORYTwenty month old with fever and cough. 780.6CLINICAL_HISTORYTwo - month-old with fever since last night. 780.6CLINICAL_HISTORYTwo - year-old male with fever and increased white count. 780.6CLINICAL_HISTORYTwo year old with cough and fever. 780.6CLINICAL_HISTORYTwo year old with history of cough, congestion and fever. 780.6CLINICAL_HISTORYTwo year, ten month old male with cough, fever, and stomach pain. 780.6CLINICAL_HISTORYUnequal breath sounds and fever. 780.6CLINICAL_HISTORYWheezing and fever. 780.6IMPRESSION1. Clear lungs. 2. Again, the cardiac size is borderline enlarged on the lateral view only. Clinical correlation recommended. 780.6IMPRESSION1. Clear lungs. 2. Mild thoracic curvature, possibly positional. Clinical correlation is needed. 780.6IMPRESSION1. Increased perihilar lung markings are present which may represent changes of reactive airway disease. 2. Subtle increased density in the retrocardiac region is identified, silhouetting out the inferior aspect of the descending thoracic aorta. This may represent atelectasis vs early developing infiltrate. 780.6IMPRESSION1. Left lower lobe infiltrate, likely representing pneumonia. 780.6IMPRESSION1. Left upper lobe air space opacity. With history of cough and fever this would be most consistent with pneumonia. 780.6IMPRESSION1. Mildly coarse central lung markings with minimally increased lung markings at the left posterior lung base, consistent with atelectasis or early pneumonia. 2. Mild convex right curvature of the mid thoracic spine. 780.6IMPRESSION1. No acute cardiopulmonary disease. 2. Left subclavian venous catheter replaced. 780.6IMPRESSION1. No evidence of pneumonia. Normal chest x-ray. 780.6IMPRESSION1. No focal consolidation. 2. Minimal peribronchial thickening. 780.6IMPRESSION1. No focal pneumonia noted. 2. In the left retrocardiac area, noted only on the frontal view, there is a very small area of increased lung density of questionable significance. 780.6IMPRESSION1. No focal pneumonia. 2. Increased perihilar lung markings are likely due to low lung volumes, although a mild viral or reactive airways process cannot be completely excluded. 780.6IMPRESSION1. No focal pneumonia. 2. Reactive airway disease versus viral changes. 780.6IMPRESSION1. No focal pulmonary consolidation. 2. Gas - filled distended loops of bowel as described above. 780.6IMPRESSION1. No pneumonia. Resolution of previously seen peribronchial cuffing. 2. Mild convex right curve of the thoracic spine, which may be positional. Recommend clinical correlation. 780.6IMPRESSION1. Normal appearing chest in this patient with fever. 780.6IMPRESSION1. Normal chest radiograph. 780.6IMPRESSION1. Peribronchial cuffing suggest viral illness vs reactive airways disease. 2. No focal pneumonia. 780.6IMPRESSION1. Viral or reactive airways disease. No focal pneumonia. 780.6IMPRESSIONA new opacity has developed in the left lung base, most consistent with pneumonia. The perihilar markings are also minimally increased, suggesting inflammation or viral illness. The cardiac silhouette is normal. No bony abnormalities are appreciated. 780.6IMPRESSIONA triangular density is identified just posterior to the heart on the lateral film. This creates more of a vague opacity on the frontal exam in the region of the lingula. Findings suggest volume loss in the lingula, with or without superimposed infection. There is no associated pleural effusion. The perihilar markings are within normal limits. The cardiac and mediastinal silhouette is normal. No bony abnormalities are seen. 780.6IMPRESSIONAirspace opacity previously noted in the right lung base has resolved. The lungs are currently well expanded and clear. There is no focal infiltrate or pleural effusion. The cardiac and mediastinal silhouette is normal. The airway is also normal on both frontal and lateral films. 780.6IMPRESSIONAirway process such as viral infection or reactive airways disease with superimposed more focal opacity in the left lower lobe which may be an early pneumonia or atelectasis. 780.6IMPRESSIONChest The lungs are fully expanded and clear. No fever source is identified. Sinuses The paranasal sinuses are well aerated and normal. 780.6IMPRESSIONChest within normal limits. 780.6IMPRESSIONChest x-ray is normal, no evidence of pneumonia. 780.6IMPRESSIONClear and heart normal. 780.6IMPRESSIONClear chest x-ray. No evidence of pneumonia or other abnormality. 780.6IMPRESSIONClear chest x-ray. No findings to explain patient's fever. 780.6IMPRESSIONClear chest x-ray. No pneumonia seen. 780.6IMPRESSIONClear chest. 780.6IMPRESSIONClear chest. No focal pneumonia seen. 780.6IMPRESSIONClear lungs. 780.6IMPRESSIONClear lungs. No focal pneumonia seen. 780.6IMPRESSIONClear. 780.6IMPRESSIONCoarse central lung markings, suggestive of reactive airways disease or viral small airways disease. No consolidation. 780.6IMPRESSIONFindings are consistent with a viral process versus reactive airway disease without focal air space disease identified. 780.6IMPRESSIONFindings compatible with viral lower respiratory infection or reactive airway disease. No pneumonia. 780.6IMPRESSIONFindings consistent with reactive vs viral airways disease. No focal pneumonia. 780.6IMPRESSIONFindings consistent with right upper lobe collapse and probable superimposed pneumonia. 780.6IMPRESSIONFindings consistent with viral or reactive airway disease. 780.6IMPRESSIONFindings consistent with viral or reactive airways disease. 780.6IMPRESSIONFindings consistent with viral respiratory disease or reactive airways disease. 780.6IMPRESSIONFindings most consistent with right lower lobe round pneumonia. Followup x-ray to assess resolution is recommended. 780.6IMPRESSIONFindings most likely representing viral or reactive airway disease without focal consolidations. 780.6IMPRESSIONFindings raise the question of viral lower respiratory tract infection or reactive airway disease without acute focal pneumonia. 780.6IMPRESSIONFindings raising the question of viral lower respiratory tract infection or reactive airway disease. 780.6IMPRESSIONFindings raising the question of viral lower respiratory tract infection without acute focal pneumonia. 780.6IMPRESSIONFindings suggesting viral or reactive airway disease with right lower lobe atelectasis or pneumonia. 780.6IMPRESSIONFindings suggestive of reactive or viral airways disease. No focal infiltrates to support pneumonia. 780.6IMPRESSIONFindings worrisome for right lower lobe infection. 780.6IMPRESSIONFindings worrisome for right lower lobe infiltrate. 780.6IMPRESSIONFindings worrisome for right lower lobe pneumonia. 780.6IMPRESSIONFlattened diaphragms and peribronchial thickening consistent with asthmatic bronchitis. 780.6IMPRESSIONFocal opacity in the right middle lobe may represent either atelectasis or pneumonia. 780.6IMPRESSIONHyperinflation with associated opacities in the right lower and upper lobes may reflect reactive airways and atelectasis, possibly of viral etiology. However, degree of right lower lobe and right upper lobe opacity could also represent a superimposed bacterial pneumonia or sequela from aspiration. 780.6IMPRESSIONHyperinflation with bibasilar opacities and peribronchial thickening. The findings are probably related to viral or reactive small airways disease. No definite focal consolidation is seen to suggest bacterial pneumonia. However, given the patient's recent presentations of apparent possible lung disease, recommendation would be to evaluate for some chronic process such as cystic fibrosis, chronic pneumonia, or even immunodeficiency. The findings were discussed with the referring clinician at the time of the study. 780.6IMPRESSIONHyperinflation with focal disease in the right middle lobe. This may represent an area of atelectasis or pneumonia. 780.6IMPRESSIONHyperinflation without focal pneumonia. 780.6IMPRESSIONIncrease in markings centrally with streaky disease in lingula that has the appearance most suggestive of atelectasis, less likely early infiltrate. 780.6IMPRESSIONIncrease in markings. Streaky left upper lobe disease likely representing atelectasis. 780.6IMPRESSIONInterval growth of both kidneys, left greater than right. 780.6IMPRESSIONLeft lower lobe atelectasis or pneumonia. 780.6IMPRESSIONLeft lower lobe retained secretions vs early infiltrate. 780.6IMPRESSIONLeft posterior lung base opacity which appears somewhat homogeneous which is somewhat atypical for consolidation. Recommend close followup if the patient does not respond to treatment and the symptoms persist. 780.6IMPRESSIONLocalized area of infiltrate which may represent atelectasis or pneumonia in the lower lobe. 780.6IMPRESSIONLow level of lung inflation. No focal consolidation is seen to suggest bacterial pneumonia. 780.6IMPRESSIONLow lung volumes with associated hilar and basilar crowding but without focal consolidation. Stable appearance of tubes and catheters compared to 1/2/01. 780.6IMPRESSIONLow lung volumes with no focal abnormalities. 780.6IMPRESSIONLow lung volumes with no focal abnormality seen. 780.6IMPRESSIONLow volume inspiration. No definite consolidations. 780.6IMPRESSIONLow volume lungs. No focal opacities to indicate consolidation or atelectasis. 780.6IMPRESSIONLung changes suggestive of reactive airway disease or acute viral illness with no pneumonia identified. 780.6IMPRESSIONLungs clear and heart normal. 780.6IMPRESSIONLungs clear and heart normal. Some peribronchial thickening consistent with viral disease. 780.6IMPRESSIONMild hyperinflation. No focal pneumonia. 780.6IMPRESSIONMild peribronchial thickening as seen before. No focal areas of consolidation seen. 780.6IMPRESSIONMild peribronchial thickening that was not identified on the examination of 1/2 and may represent either infection or sequela of small airway disease. 780.6IMPRESSIONMild peribronchial thickening which may be secondary to an airways process such as viral infection or reactive airways disease. No focal consolidation to suggest pneumonia. 780.6IMPRESSIONMild peribronchial thickening which may be seen in acute viral illness or reactive airways disease with no focal pneumonia. 780.6IMPRESSIONMild perihilar peribronchial thickening such as can be seen with viral or reactive airways disease. No focal infiltrates to support pneumonia. 780.6IMPRESSIONMild perihilar prominence. This may be secondary to viral reactive airway disease. 780.6IMPRESSIONMild viral or reactive airways disease. 780.6IMPRESSIONMild viral or reactive airways disease. No focal pneumonia. 780.6IMPRESSIONMinimal increased density right upper lobe probably is favored to represent atelectasis. Otherwise unremarkable chest. 780.6IMPRESSIONMinimal peribronchial thickening which may be due to reactive airway disease or acute viral illness with no focal pneumonia. 780.6IMPRESSIONMinimal residual opacity. Otherwise normal. 780.6IMPRESSIONMinor patch of infiltrate in the left lower lobe less severe than in the study of 1/2. 780.6IMPRESSIONMinor patchy shadowing, possible atelectasis or pneumonia in the right mid zone. Clinical correlation is recommended. 780.6IMPRESSIONModerate perihilar findings which are nonspecific but may reflect viral disease. 780.6IMPRESSIONMost consistent with viral or reactive airways disease. No focal pneumonia. 780.6IMPRESSIONNegative chest. 780.6IMPRESSIONNo acute cardiopulmonary abnormality. 780.6IMPRESSIONNo acute cardiopulmonary disease. 780.6IMPRESSIONNo acute disease. 780.6IMPRESSIONNo acute pulmonary disease. 780.6IMPRESSIONNo bacterial pneumonia. 780.6IMPRESSIONNo comparative films. There is a band of opacity extending into the posterior aspect of the right upper lobe, consistent with pneumonia. No associated effusion. 780.6IMPRESSIONNo definite pneumonia to explain the patient's cough and fever. 780.6IMPRESSIONNo evidence of lobar pneumonia. Appearance suggests peribronchial thickening and small areas of atelectasis. 780.6IMPRESSIONNo flattened diaphragms. Lungs clear and heart normal. 780.6IMPRESSIONNo focal air space disease identified. 780.6IMPRESSIONNo focal air space disease. 780.6IMPRESSIONNo focal areas of consolidation to support pneumonia. Minimal subsegmental atelectasis vs retained secretions in the right middle lobe. 780.6IMPRESSIONNo focal pneumonia identified on this low lung volume study. 780.6IMPRESSIONNo focal pneumonia noted. 780.6IMPRESSIONNo focal pneumonia or air trapping. 780.6IMPRESSIONNo focal pneumonia, normal chest radiograph. 780.6IMPRESSIONNo focal pneumonia. 780.6IMPRESSIONNo focal pneumonia. Minimal peribronchial thickening may seen in viral or atypical infection versus reactive airway disease. 780.6IMPRESSIONNo focal pneumonia. No acute abnormality seen. 780.6IMPRESSIONNo infiltrate. 780.6IMPRESSIONNo infiltrate. Heart normal. Minimal peribronchial thickening consistent with asthmatic bronchitis. 780.6IMPRESSIONNo infiltrate. Prominent shadow in middle mediastinum likely represents confluence of pulmonary veins, but is higher in the mediastinum than expected. Followup chest xray would be helpful in 6 to 8 weeks. Findings discussed with physician on 1/2/01. 780.6IMPRESSIONNo pneumonia is seen. However, there is peribronchial cuffing and increased perihilar markings compatible with viral or reactive airway disease. 780.6IMPRESSIONNo pneumonia to explain fever. 780.6IMPRESSIONNo pneumonia to explain the patient's febrile illness. 780.6IMPRESSIONNo pneumonia to explain the patient's fever. 780.6IMPRESSIONNo pneumonia to explain the patient's symptoms. 780.6IMPRESSIONNo pneumonia. 780.6IMPRESSIONNo pneumonia. Peribronchial cuffing which could be due to reactive airways disease or viral infection. The findings were discussed with the referring physician on January 2, 2001 while reviewing the study. 780.6IMPRESSIONNo radiographic abnormalities of the chest. 780.6IMPRESSIONNo radiographic abnormalities seen of the chest. 780.6IMPRESSIONNo radiographic abnormality seen of the chest. 780.6IMPRESSIONNo radiographic evidence of pneumonia. 780.6IMPRESSIONNo significant change or apparent complication associated with the large left lower pole caliceal diverticulum. 780.6IMPRESSIONNo significant interval change in the appearance of the chest. No new pneumonia is seen to account for the increase in respiratory effort. 780.6IMPRESSIONNonobstructive bowel gas pattern. 780.6IMPRESSIONNonspecific nonobstructed bowel gas pattern. Mild amount of stool within the colon. Borderline distended small bowel with air. 780.6IMPRESSIONNormal chest examination. 780.6IMPRESSIONNormal chest radiograph, no pneumonia. 780.6IMPRESSIONNormal chest radiograph. 780.6IMPRESSIONNormal chest radiographs. 780.6IMPRESSIONNormal chest radiographs. No pneumonia. 780.6IMPRESSIONNormal chest x-ray. 780.6IMPRESSIONNormal chest x-ray. No focal pneumonia seen. 780.6IMPRESSIONNormal chest, no pneumonia. 780.6IMPRESSIONNormal chest. 780.6IMPRESSIONNormal chest. Bifid third and fourth anterior ribs. 780.6IMPRESSIONNormal chest. No radiographic features of bacterial pneumonia. 780.6IMPRESSIONNormal heart and lungs clear. Stomach rather full. 780.6IMPRESSIONNormal kidneys and bladder. Mild urothelial thickening of the left kidney is seen and this can be associated with infection or reflux. 780.6IMPRESSIONNormal radiograph of airways and soft tissue neck. 780.6IMPRESSIONNormal radiographic appearance of the chest, no pneumonia. 780.6IMPRESSIONNormal radiographic appearance of the chest. 780.6IMPRESSIONNormal radiographic appearance of the chest. The slight hyperinflation suggested on the frontal view is not borne out on lateral view. No fever source is demonstrated. 780.6IMPRESSIONNormal radiographs of the chest without evidence of focal pneumonia. 780.6IMPRESSIONNormal renal ultrasound including the bladder. 780.6IMPRESSIONNormal study. 780.6IMPRESSIONNormal two views of the chest. 780.6IMPRESSIONNormal. 780.6IMPRESSIONPatchy ill - defined opacity overlying the right lower lung, may represent early infiltrate. 780.6IMPRESSIONPeribronchial thickening bilaterally. 780.6IMPRESSIONPeribronchial thickening without pneumonia. 780.6IMPRESSIONPeribronchial wall thickening which may represent either viral or reactive airways disease. No focal consolidations. 780.6IMPRESSIONPossible early left upper lobe pneumonia. 780.6IMPRESSIONPossible early right middle lobe pneumonia. 780.6IMPRESSIONQuestion of bibasilar atelectasis. No focal pneumonia. 780.6IMPRESSIONReactive airways disease, likely of viral etiology. No radiographic features of bacterial pneumonia. 780.6IMPRESSIONRight hilar fullness extending superiorly. This could represent a combination of adenopathy and atelectasis or early pneumonia. This could be community - acquired, but cannot exclude early granulomatous infection as well. 780.6IMPRESSIONRight middle lobe and left basilar densities with hyperinflation. These findings suggest reactive versus viral small airways disease. Less likely to be representative of bacterial pneumonia. 780.6IMPRESSIONRight upper lobe atelectasis or pneumonia, slight. 780.6IMPRESSIONRight upper lobe volume loss and probably pneumonia. A small amount of adenopathy cannot be completely excluded although there are no other findings of adenopathy or pleural effusion. 780.6IMPRESSIONScattered perihilar air space opacity with questionable left lower lobe opacity. Considerations include community acquired or atypical pneumonia such as mycoplasma. Clinical correlation is suggested. 780.6IMPRESSIONSlight increase in right perihilar and right upper lobe lung markings may represent early pneumonia vs atelectasis. 780.6IMPRESSIONSlightly limited exam with no focal consolidation identified. 780.6IMPRESSIONSmall localized area of parenchymal disease in the left lower lobe. 780.6IMPRESSIONStable chest radiograph since January 8, 2001 with no acute cardiopulmonary disease. 780.6IMPRESSIONStreaky opacity right middle lobe, questionable for atelectasis. 780.6IMPRESSIONSubtle increase in right upper lobe opacity. Differential includes early infiltrate vs atelectasis. 780.6IMPRESSIONSuspected mild viral or reactive airways disease. No focal pneumonia. 780.6IMPRESSIONSymmetric increase in perihilar markings with peribronchial cuffing is seen without focal pneumonia. The picture most likely reflects viral or reactive airways disease. 780.6IMPRESSIONThe lung volumes are normal. There is bilateral perihilar, peribronchial thickening. Additional, patchy opacity is present in the right middle lobe. Findings may represent atelectasis related to viral illness or reactive airways disease, or alternatively mycoplasma pneumonia. The cardiac and mediastinal silhouette is normal. There are no pleural effusions. The bony thorax is unremarkable. Moderate gaseous distention of the stomach and colon is incidentally noted in the upper abdomen. 780.6IMPRESSIONThe lung volumes are normal. There is mild perihilar peribronchial thickening, suggesting viral illness or reactive airway disease. Minimal streaky density is noted in the left lung base, though there is no lobar consolidation to suggest bacterial pneumonia. Findings are more in keeping with minimal atelectasis. The costophrenic angles remain sharp, without evidence of pleural effusion. The cardiac and mediastinal silhouette is normal. 780.6IMPRESSIONThe lungs are well - expanded and clear. There is no focal infiltrate or pleural effusion. The cardiac and mediastinal silhouette is normal. No bony abnormalities are seen. 780.6IMPRESSIONThe lungs are well expanded and clear. There is no focal infiltrate or pleural effusion. THe cardiac and mediastinal silhouette is normal. No bony abnormalities are seen. 780.6IMPRESSIONThe lungs are well expanded and clear. There is no focal infiltrate or pleural effusion. The cardiac and mediastinal silhouette is normal. No bony abnormalities are seen. 780.6IMPRESSIONThe lungs are well expanded and clear. There is no focal infiltrate or pleural effusion. The cardiac and mediastinal silhouette is within normal limits. No bony abnormalities are seen. 780.6IMPRESSIONThe lungs are well expanded, but not hyperinflated. There is bilateral perihilar peribronchial thickening, suggesting viral illness or reactive airways disease. There is no focal, lobar consolidation to suggest bacterial pneumonia. The cardiac and mediastinal silhouette is normal. No bony abnormalities are seen. A few air fluid levels are noted in small bowel loops in the upper abdomen, possibly related to ileus, medication effect, or GI component of viral illness. 780.6IMPRESSIONThe lungs are well expanded, mildly hyperinflated. There is a vague, rounded opacity in the right lower lobe, suspicious for pneumonia. This creates increased density over the vertebral bodies on the lateral view. There is no associated pleural effusion. The left lung is clear. The cardiac and mediastinal silhouette is normal. No bony abnormalities are seen. 780.6IMPRESSIONThe lungs remain mildly hyperinflated. There is bilateral perihilar peribronchial thickening, suggesting viral illness or reactive airway disease. This has not greatly changed when compared to previous exam. However, on today's exam, there is no focal infiltrate to suggest lobar pneumonia. The cardiac and mediastinal silhouette remains normal. No bony abnormalities are seen. 780.6IMPRESSIONThere is a relatively wedge - shaped area of opacification in the lateral aspect of the left inferior hemithorax, most likely reflecting segmental pneumonia. No definite pleural effusion or adenopathy. 780.6IMPRESSIONThere is borderline hyperinflation with some increase in perihilar markings and some peribronchial cuffing. No focal pneumonia is seen. The picture is most compatible with viral or reactive airways disease. There is again noted mild pectus excavatum deformity. 780.6IMPRESSIONThere is mild perihilar peribronchial thickening, suggesting viral illness or reactive airway disease. Minimal linear atelectasis is noted in the perihilar regions and the lung bases, however, there is no focal, lobar consolidation to suggest bacterial pneumonia. The cardiac and mediastinal silhouette is normal. The costophrenic angles are sharp. No bony abnormalities are seen. 780.6IMPRESSIONTwo views of the chest are normal without evidence of pneumonia. 780.6IMPRESSIONTwo views of the chest show no evidence of pneumonia. The pulmonary parenchyma is clear and the pleural margins are sharp. 780.6IMPRESSIONTwo views of the chest show normal lung volumes, without hyperinflation. There is bilateral perihilar peribronchial thickening, suggesting viral illness or reactive airway disease. There is no focal infiltrate to suggest bacterial pneumonia. The cardiac and mediastinal silhouette is normal. No bony abnormalities are seen. 780.6IMPRESSIONVery mild changes of viral or reactive airway disease. 780.6IMPRESSIONViral or reactive airways disease. No focal pneumonia. 780.6IMPRESSIONViral vs reactive airway disease. 783.0CLINICAL_HISTORYCough for one week and loss of appetite. 783.0CLINICAL_HISTORYSix - year-old male with cough, wheezing, and loss of appetite. 783.0IMPRESSIONNormal chest radiograph. 783.0IMPRESSIONReactive airways disease with probable right middle lobe atelectasis, vs retained secretions, vs early right middle lobe pneumonia. 785.6CLINICAL_HISTORY8 year old female with cough. The patient has generalized lymphadenopathy. 785.6CLINICAL_HISTORYSeventeen month old male with cough and lymphadenopathy. 785.6IMPRESSIONClear lungs. 785.6IMPRESSIONMild peribronchial thickening without evidence of pneumonia on this low lung volume study. 786.05CLINICAL_HISTORY11-year 10-month - old male with cough and shortness of breath for one week. Evaluate for pneumonia. 786.05CLINICAL_HISTORY13-year 3-month - old female with cough and shortness of breath but no fever. Evaluate for pneumonia. 786.05CLINICAL_HISTORY4-year 3-month - old male with history of cough, fever, and shortness of breath. Patient vomited. 786.05CLINICAL_HISTORYCough x three weeks. Shortness of breath. 786.05CLINICAL_HISTORYThis is a 3-year - old male with history of shortness of breath, cough, wheezing, and fever. 786.05CLINICAL_HISTORYThree day history of cough, fever, and shortness of breath. 786.05IMPRESSIONNo comparative films. There is a band of opacity extending into the posterior aspect of the right upper lobe, consistent with pneumonia. No associated effusion. 786.05IMPRESSIONNo pneumonia or other findings to explain cough. 786.05IMPRESSIONNo pneumonia. 786.05IMPRESSIONNormal. 786.05IMPRESSIONRight upper lobe volume loss and probably pneumonia. A small amount of adenopathy cannot be completely excluded although there are no other findings of adenopathy or pleural effusion. 786.07CLINICAL_HISTORY10 year old with wheezing and bronchospastic cough. 786.07CLINICAL_HISTORY12-year - old female with wheezing. 786.07CLINICAL_HISTORY13-month - old with cough and wheezing. 786.07CLINICAL_HISTORY14-year 6-month - old male with history of wheezing. Evaluate for abnormality of the chest. 786.07CLINICAL_HISTORY18 month old with intermittent wheezing. 786.07CLINICAL_HISTORY2 year 3 month old female with fever and cough for three days with wheezing. 786.07CLINICAL_HISTORY3-year - old male with wheezing. 786.07CLINICAL_HISTORY5-month - old female with history of wheezing since birth who has had ??three??previous admissions for bronchiolitis and pneumonia. 786.07CLINICAL_HISTORY5-month - old female with wheezing. 786.07CLINICAL_HISTORY5-month - old male with wheezing. 786.07CLINICAL_HISTORY5-month - old wheezing, rule out pneumonia. 786.07CLINICAL_HISTORY6-month - old male with wheezing. 786.07CLINICAL_HISTORY6-month-6-day - old male with wheezing. 786.07CLINICAL_HISTORY6-year 10-month - old male with wheezing. 786.07CLINICAL_HISTORY7-year - old female with cough and wheezing. 786.07CLINICAL_HISTORY8-month - old female with upper respiratory symptoms for three months, wheezing. 786.07CLINICAL_HISTORY8-month - old with chronic cough and wheezing. 786.07CLINICAL_HISTORY8-year-2-month - old female with cough and wheezing for several weeks. Evaluate for abnormalities. 786.07CLINICAL_HISTORY9 year old male with wheezing rule - out pneumonia. 786.07CLINICAL_HISTORY9-month - old female with wheezing. 786.07CLINICAL_HISTORY9-month - old girl with cough and wheezing. 786.07CLINICAL_HISTORY9-year - old male with cough and wheezing that has gotten worse since the weekend. 786.07CLINICAL_HISTORYCongestion and wheezing. 786.07CLINICAL_HISTORYCough and first episode of wheezing. No fever. 786.07CLINICAL_HISTORYCough and wheezing for several days rule - out pneumonia. 786.07CLINICAL_HISTORYCough and wheezing. 786.07CLINICAL_HISTORYCough for four weeks and wheezing, possible allergies. 786.07CLINICAL_HISTORYCough x 1 1/2 weeks fever on and off with wheezing. 786.07CLINICAL_HISTORYCough, fever and wheezing. 786.07CLINICAL_HISTORYCough, fever, wheeze. 786.07CLINICAL_HISTORYCough, fever, wheezing. 786.07CLINICAL_HISTORYCoughing and wheezing. 786.07CLINICAL_HISTORYCoughing, wheezing and stuffy head. 786.07CLINICAL_HISTORYFever and wheezing in a three - month-old male. 786.07CLINICAL_HISTORYFever, wheezing, increase in respiratory effort. 786.07CLINICAL_HISTORYFive year old with ALL, presenting with cough, congestion and wheezing. 786.07CLINICAL_HISTORYFocal right lower lobe wheeze. 786.07CLINICAL_HISTORYFour month old with wheezing. Pneumonia versus bronchiolitis. 786.07CLINICAL_HISTORYInfiltrate vs wheezing and fever. 786.07CLINICAL_HISTORYNine year old with wheezing and secretions. 786.07CLINICAL_HISTORYNoisy breathing and wheezing/. 786.07CLINICAL_HISTORYPatient with wheezing. 786.07CLINICAL_HISTORYRecurrent wheezing. 786.07CLINICAL_HISTORYSeven month old with wheezing, congestion. 786.07CLINICAL_HISTORYSix - month-old male with wheezing. 786.07CLINICAL_HISTORYThis is a 1-year 9-month - old male with coughing and wheezing. 786.07CLINICAL_HISTORYThis is a 1-year-5-month - old male with a history of cough, wheezing and low grade fever. 786.07CLINICAL_HISTORYThis is a 2 year 2 month old female with history of wheezing and cough for two weeks. 786.07CLINICAL_HISTORYThis is a 7-month - old male with wheezing. 786.07CLINICAL_HISTORYThis is a three - year-old male with a history of recurrent wheezing, status post pneumonia three weeks ago (clinical). Rule out pneumonia. 786.07CLINICAL_HISTORYThree - year-old female with cough and wheeze as well as fever. The patient has been ill for two days. 786.07CLINICAL_HISTORYTwelve - month-old female with wheezing. 786.07CLINICAL_HISTORYTwo - year seven - month-old female with wheezing. 786.07CLINICAL_HISTORYWheezing and cough. 786.07CLINICAL_HISTORYWheezing and fever. 786.07CLINICAL_HISTORYWheezing by history. 786.07CLINICAL_HISTORYWheezing for four days and fever. 786.07CLINICAL_HISTORYWheezing for two weeks. No fever. 786.07CLINICAL_HISTORYWheezing since birth. 786.07CLINICAL_HISTORYWheezing x 3 days, no fever or cough. 786.07CLINICAL_HISTORYWheezing, cough. 786.07CLINICAL_HISTORYWheezing. 786.07IMPRESSION1. Clear lungs. 2. Change in caliber of the trachea is likely transient from coughing since on the study of 1/2 the trachea is normal in appearance. 786.07IMPRESSION1. Increase in perihilar interstitial markings with associated peribronchial cuffing, consistent with viral vs reactive airway disease. 2. No focal consolidation. 786.07IMPRESSION1. Mild hyperinflation. 2. No focal pneumonia. 786.07IMPRESSION1. Mild peribronchial thickening suggestive of reactive airway disease versus viral infection. 2. No focal infiltrates to indicate pneumonia. 786.07IMPRESSION1. No focal consolidation or atelectasis in the lungs. 2. Trachea is not clearly visualized. Since the aortic arch and the descending thoracic aorta are also not clearly identified, further evaluation with a barium swallow examination can be performed to exclude a vascular ring such as a double aortic arch, etc., compressing on the trachea. 786.07IMPRESSION1. No new focal pneumonia. 2. Interval resolution of previously described left lower lobe opacity. 786.07IMPRESSION1. Normal appearing chest in this patient with fever. 786.07IMPRESSION1. Normal chest radiograph. 786.07IMPRESSIONBibasilar opacities and right upper lobe opacity. These could represent either atelectasis or pneumonia but given the bilaterality and the age mycoplasma as well as other atypical pneumonia should be included in the differential diagnosis. 786.07IMPRESSIONBilateral increased perihilar markings and mild hyperinflation without evidence of pneumonia. This finding was discussed with the ordering practice at the time of the exam. 786.07IMPRESSIONBorderline hyperinflation with left lower lobe atelectasis versus pneumonia. Clinical correlation would be helpful. Unless there is clinical information supporting pneumonia such as fever and cough, I favor atelectasis. 786.07IMPRESSIONChest within normal limits. 786.07IMPRESSIONClear chest but low lung volume. No focal pneumonia is seen. 786.07IMPRESSIONClear lungs. 786.07IMPRESSIONClear lungs. Hyperinflation may be related to hyperreactive airways disease. 786.07IMPRESSIONFindings consistent with viral disease or reactive airways disease. 786.07IMPRESSIONFindings consistent with viral or reactive airway disease. 786.07IMPRESSIONFindings consistent with viral or reactive airways disease. No focal pneumonia. 786.07IMPRESSIONFindings most consistent with tracheomalacia. 786.07IMPRESSIONFindings most consistent with viral or reactive airways disease. No focal pneumonia. 786.07IMPRESSIONFindings worrisome for right lower lobe pneumonia. 786.07IMPRESSIONFlattened diaphragms and peribronchial thickening consistent with asthmatic bronchitis. 786.07IMPRESSIONFrontal and lateral chest show a normal heart size and configuration and clear lungs. However, the patient does have lack of kyphosis of the lower thoracic spine. This straight back configuration is associated at least 50% of the time with mitral valve prolapse. 786.07IMPRESSIONHyperinflation without focal pneumonia. 786.07IMPRESSIONInterval clearing of bilateral air space disease since 1/2/01 and 1/2/01. Essentially normal chest. 786.07IMPRESSIONLung changes compatible with acute viral illness or reactive airways disease. No focal pneumonia identified. 786.07IMPRESSIONMild changes of reactive airways disease or viral infection. No pneumonia. 786.07IMPRESSIONMild hyperinflation of both lungs with a very small pneumomediastinum which is consistent with the patient's history of wheezing. This was called to the Pulmonologist Fellow- on call at the time of the dictation. 786.07IMPRESSIONMild hyperinflation of the lungs visualized only on one view. Otherwise normal radiographs of the chest. 786.07IMPRESSIONMild hyperinflation with no focal pneumonia. 786.07IMPRESSIONMild hyperinflation without focal consolidation. 786.07IMPRESSIONMild hyperinflation without focal pneumonia. 786.07IMPRESSIONMild viral or reactive airways disease. 786.07IMPRESSIONMinimal changes in the lungs which may be secondary to mild reactive airways disease. 786.07IMPRESSIONMinimal viral or reactive airway disease. No focal pneumonia. 786.07IMPRESSIONNo airway abnormality seen. 786.07IMPRESSIONNo evidence of pneumonia. 786.07IMPRESSIONNo focal pneumonia. 786.07IMPRESSIONNo infiltrate. Heart normal. 786.07IMPRESSIONNo infiltrate. Heart normal. Minimal peribronchial thickening consistent with asthmatic bronchitis. 786.07IMPRESSIONNo pneumonia is seen. However, there is peribronchial cuffing and increased perihilar markings compatible with viral or reactive airway disease. 786.07IMPRESSIONNo pneumonia. 786.07IMPRESSIONNo significant interval change in the appearance of the chest. No new pneumonia is seen to account for the increase in respiratory effort. 786.07IMPRESSIONNormal airway films. 786.07IMPRESSIONNormal chest radiograph. 786.07IMPRESSIONNormal chest x-ray without radiographic evidence of residual bronchopulmonary dysplasia. 786.07IMPRESSIONNormal chest x-ray. 786.07IMPRESSIONNormal chest. 786.07IMPRESSIONNormal heart and lungs with minimal peribronchial thickening consistent with asthmatic bronchitis. 786.07IMPRESSIONNormal radiographic examination of the chest. 786.07IMPRESSIONNormal two views of the chest without focal consolidation. 786.07IMPRESSIONNormal two views of the chest. 786.07IMPRESSIONNormal. 786.07IMPRESSIONPatchy infiltrate at the right base could be pneumonia. 786.07IMPRESSIONPatchy opacity in the right upper lung zone, consistent with air space disease in the right upper lobe. Infiltrate versus atelectasis. 786.07IMPRESSIONPeribronchial thickening and mild hyperinflation suggest a viral etiology. No definite consolidations are identified. 786.07IMPRESSIONPeribronchial thickening consistent with viral disease or asthmatic bronchitis. Minimal retraction or pectus excavatum. No air trapping. 786.07IMPRESSIONPeribronchial thickening or patchy infiltrate consistent with asthmatic bronchitis may well be present. 786.07IMPRESSIONPerihilar bronchial wall thickening may represent either reactive airways disease or viral infection. 786.07IMPRESSIONPossible early pneumonia involving the lingula and possibly the right middle lobe. 786.07IMPRESSIONProbable band of atelectasis seen on lateral view only. No pneumonia. 786.07IMPRESSIONReactive airway picture of the chest with more focal air space disease / atelectasis medial right lung base and lingula. 786.07IMPRESSIONRight lower lobe opacity may represent either atelectasis or pneumonia. 786.07IMPRESSIONRight middle lobe air space disease, atelectasis vs pneumonia. 786.07IMPRESSIONRight middle lobe atelectasis vs infiltrate. 786.07IMPRESSIONSubtle increase in right upper lobe opacity. Differential includes early infiltrate vs atelectasis. 786.07IMPRESSIONThe examination is negative. 786.07IMPRESSIONThe lung volumes are normal, not hyperinflated. There is mild perihilar, peribronchial thickening, suggesting viral illness or reactive airways disease. There is no focal infiltrate to suggest bacterial pneumonia. The cardiac and mediastinal silhouette is normal. The tracheal airway is well visualized and is normal in caliber. No bony abnormalities are appreciated. 786.07IMPRESSIONThe lung volumes are normal. There is mild perihilar peribronchial thickening, suggesting viral illness or reactive airway disease. There is no focal infiltrate to suggest bacterial pneumonia. The cardiac and mediastinal silhouette is normal. No bony abnormalities are appreciated. 786.07IMPRESSIONThe lungs are clear. 786.07IMPRESSIONThe lungs are well expanded and clear. There is no hyperinflation. The perihilar markings are within normal limits. There is no focal infiltrate or pleural effusion. The cardiac and mediastinal silhouette is normal. No bony abnormalities are seen. 786.07IMPRESSIONTwo views of the chest show opacity in both upper lobes, right - sided greater than left. Findings may represent atelectasis or pneumonia. The perihilar markings are mildly increased. There is no pleural effusion. The cardiac and mediastinal silhouette is normal. No bony abnormalities are seen. 786.09CLINICAL_HISTORY17 year old with weakness, cough and dyspnea. 786.09CLINICAL_HISTORY2-year - old male with cough and sudden onset of breathlessness since yesterday. 786.09CLINICAL_HISTORY8-month - old female with cough. 786.09CLINICAL_HISTORYCough and difficulty breathing. 786.09CLINICAL_HISTORYIntermittent increased work of breathing since birth without fever or cough. There are several episodes where the patient gasps for air and has difficulty breathing while in a car seat. The patient calms down and catches his breath when the mom talks to him. She report funny sounds, gasps while sleeping. 786.09CLINICAL_HISTORYNoisy breathing. 786.09CLINICAL_HISTORYPersistent cough. 786.09IMPRESSIONHypoventilation of the lungs with no evidence of frank consolidation. 786.09IMPRESSIONLow inspiratory volume, otherwise negative examination. 786.09IMPRESSIONMild increase in the perihilar markings bilaterally, likely related to viral vs reactive airway disease. No focal pulmonary consolidation. If symptoms persist, followup films may be beneficial. 786.09IMPRESSIONMild peribronchial thickening which may be seen in acute viral illness or reactive airway disease with no pneumonia. 786.09IMPRESSIONNormal chest radiograph. 786.09IMPRESSIONNormal chest with mild hypoventilation. 786.09IMPRESSIONThe increased perihilar lung markings may represent mild viral or reactive airways disease vs artifact from mildly low lung volumes. I suspect the former. Could this patient be aspirating. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORY1-year - old male with fever and cough. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORY1-year 5-month - old with history of chronic cough. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORY1-year 8-month - old female with fever, cough, history of pneumonia in early 2001. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORY1-year-4-month - old male who was diagnosed with whooping cough Thanksgiving weekend and still has cough. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORY10 year old with wheezing and bronchospastic cough. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORY10-month - old female with cough. Evaluate for pneumonia. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORY10-month 11-day - old male with persistent cough for 5-6 weeks, not entirely controlled with albuterol. Would like baseline radiograph. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORY10-year - old male with decreased breath sounds in the left lung base. The patient also has cough and fever. To evaluate for consolidation. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORY10-year - old with chronic cough. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORY10-year - old with cough, brothers with mycoplasma pneumonia. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORY10-year 2-month - old male with cough for one week and fever for one day. Evaluate for pneumonia. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORY10-year 4-month - old female with cough and fever off and on for two weeks. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORY11 year old female with history of cough for two months. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORY11 year old with cough. Evaluate for pneumonia. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORY11-1/2-year - old female with cough. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORY11-month-16-day - old male with cough, rule out pneumonia. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORY11-year - old male with cough and fever since Monday. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORY11-year - old male with cough for two days and no fever. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORY11-year - old male with cough. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORY11-year - old male with cough. Evaluate for croup vs tracheitis. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORY11-year 10-month - old male with cough and shortness of breath for one week. Evaluate for pneumonia. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORY12 year old male with cough of one month duration. No history of fever. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORY12-year - old male with cough and fever. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORY12-year - old male with cough and low - grade fever for approximately four days. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORY12-year - old with cough. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORY12-year - old with fever and cough. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORY13 1/2 year old male with history of cough for one week. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORY13 1/2-year - old male with cough. Evaluate for pneumonia. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORY13 year old with 5 week history of cough. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORY13-month - old with cough and wheezing. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORY13-month - old with fever, cough, and congestion for two days. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORY13-year - old female with cough. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORY13-year - old male with cough. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORY13-year - old male with fever and cough. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORY13-year - old male with recent diagnosis of opacity on chest x-ray who presents with persistent fevers and coughing. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORY13-year - old with cough for three days. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORY13-year - old with cough. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORY13-year 2-month - old female evaluate for cough. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORY13-year 3-month - old female with cough and shortness of breath but no fever. Evaluate for pneumonia. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORY13-year 3-month - old male with cough. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORY13-year 7-month - old male with history of fever and cough. Evaluate for pneumonia. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORY13-year 9-month - old female with cough. Rule out infiltrate. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORY14-month - old male with fever of 7-days duration and cough. Rule out pneumonia. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORY14-year - old female with cough. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORY14-year - old female with history of cough. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORY14-year - old male with cough. Evaluate for pneumonia. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORY14-year - old with chronic cough. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORY14-year - old with history of cough. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORY15-month - old female with a reported history of fever and cough for the past 2 days. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORY15-year - old female with cough. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORY15-year - old male complains of cough for the past two days with a fever of 103 F. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORY15-year - old male with cough. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORY16 1/2 year old with cough. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORY16-year - old with cough for 4 weeks, pain with deep breath. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORY17 year old with weakness, cough and dyspnea. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORY17 year old, status post four renal transplants, with cough and history of pneumonia. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORY17-month - old male with cough. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORY17-year - old female with cough since January. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORY17-year - old female with cough. Evaluate for pneumonia. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORY17-year - old female with fever and cough. Please rule out infiltrate. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORY17-year - old with cough. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORY18 month old with cough and fever. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORY18 year old female with cough. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORY18-1/2-year - old male who had bronchitis a couple of weeks ago. She got better on antibiotics, but as soon as she finished antibiotics, the cough came back. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORY18-month - old with fever for 1-1/2 weeks and cough. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORY19 year old with cough. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORY19-month - old girl with one day history of barky cough. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORY19-month - old with cough x 2 days and fever of 102. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORY19-month - old with cough. Rule out foreign body. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORY2 year 3 month old female with fever and cough for three days with wheezing. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORY2-1/2 year old with cough and fever. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORY2-1/2-year - old female with cough. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORY2-month - old with cough. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORY2-month 22-day - old female with cough and fever, rule out pneumonia. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORY2-month-9-day - old female who has had a cough for a couple of days and was in the hospital this past week with RSV. Evaluate for pneumonia. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORY2-year - old female with cough and high fevers. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORY2-year - old male with cough and sudden onset of breathlessness since yesterday. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORY2-year - old with cough for one week. Also fever to 105 for the past week. Vomiting. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORY2-year - old with cough. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORY2-year - old with history of fever and cough for 24 hours. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORY2-year - old with persistent cough. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORY2-year 10-month - old male with cough and fever. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORY2-year 8-month - old male with cough and fever rule out pneumonia. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORY2-year-4-month - old male with a cough. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORY20-month - old male with cough. Evaluate for pneumonia. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORY20-year 9-month - old female with cough. Evaluate infiltrate. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORY21 month old male with cough and fever of one week duration. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORY21 month old with fever and cough. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORY22 month old with cough. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORY3 year 3 month old female with history of fever today and cough since the weekend. Comparisons are made with January 2, 2001. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORY3 year old with history of asthma, complaining of cough and fever x 5 days. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORY3-year - old female with cough. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORY3-year - old male with a history of pyloroplasty presents with cough and fever and emesis. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORY3-year - old male with fever and cough for one day. Question pneumonia. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORY3-year - old with cough. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORY3-year 10-month - old male with a history of Wiskott - Aldrich syndrome. Status - post bone marrow transplant 1/2. Patient is complaining of cough. No fever x2 weeks. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORY3-year 11-month - old female with cough and fever. Evaluate for pneumonia. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORY3-year 3-month - old female with cough x1 week. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORY3-year, 6-month - old female with cough. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORY3-year-5-month - old female with history of cough and no fever. Evaluate for pneumonia. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORY4-1/2-year - old with cough. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORY4-month - old falling off growth curve, not feeling well, 1 week history of cough, history of mild pulmonary stenosis. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORY4-month - old patient presenting with chronic cough. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORY4-month - old with cough. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORY4-year - old male with a cough x 1 day fever x 3 days. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORY4-year - old male with cough and fever for three days. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORY4-year - old male with cough and fever. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORY4-year - old male with cough. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORY4-year - old male with history of ALL status post pneumonia with persistent cough. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORY4-year - old with cough. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORY4-year 3-month - old male with history of cough, fever, and shortness of breath. Patient vomited. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORY4-year 5-month - old male with cough of 10 days duration and fever. Rule out pneumonia. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORY5 year 11 month old female with cough and fever x 2 days. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORY5 year old female with 3 weeks of coughing. The patient is status post a 10 day course of antibiotics. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORY5 year old with cough. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORY5-1/2-year - old male with cough for a month. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORY5-month - old with several weeks of cough. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORY5-month-29-day - old female with cough. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORY5-year - old female with cough. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORY5-year - old female with history of deep cough for approximately 3 months. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORY5-year - old male with cough. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORY5-year 1-month - old male with cough. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORY5-year 10-month - old male with cough and chest pain. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORY5-year 11-month - old female with cough and fever. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORY5-year 2-month - old male with cough since yesterday. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORY5-year 7-month - old male with cough for three weeks. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORY5-year-8-month - old male with history of cough. Evaluate for pneumonia. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORY5-year-9-month - old female with two month history of cough. Evaluate for pneumonia. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORY6 year old female with cough of 4 days duration. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORY6 year old with cough for two months, and fever off and on. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORY6-month - old with cough. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORY6-year - old male with cough. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORY6-year - old with cough for 6 weeks, fever. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORY6-year - old with cough, and ?croup. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORY6-year - old with fever and cough. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORY6-year - old with history of persistent cough. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORY6-year 1-month - old female with cough. Rule out pneumonia. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORY6-year 2-month - old male with cough. Evaluate for pneumonia. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORY6-year 9-month - old male with cough, questionable fever, lethargy. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORY6-year-2-month - old female with cough. Evaluate for pneumonia. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORY7 year 1 month old female with cough x 2 weeks. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORY7 year old with cough and fever x 7 days. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORY7-1/2-year - old male with cough which is persistent. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORY7-year - old female with cough and wheezing. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORY7-year - old female with cough for 4-months duration. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORY7-year - old female with cough. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORY7-year - old male with cough. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORY7-year - old male with persistent right lower lobe rales and cough. History of previous pneumonia. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORY7-year 7-month - old female with cough, rule out pneumonia. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORY7-year-10-month - old female with cough. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORY8 year old female with cough. The patient has generalized lymphadenopathy. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORY8 year old female with cough. To evaluate for pneumonia. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORY8-month - old female with cough. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORY8-month - old with chronic cough and wheezing. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORY8-month - old with cough, night sweats, and crackles. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORY8-month-13-day - old male with cough. Evaluate for pneumonia. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORY8-year - old female with cough and fever. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORY8-year - old male with cough. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORY8-year - old with cough and lower thoracic pain on the left. Rule out pneumonia. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORY8-year-2-month - old female with cough and wheezing for several weeks. Evaluate for abnormalities. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORY9 month 26 day old male with cough and fever rule - out pneumonia. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORY9-month - old female who has a cough for two days. This may have started when the patient has episode of gagging, choking, and vomiting. The study is being performed to evaluate for aspiration. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORY9-month - old girl with cough and wheezing. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORY9-month - old with cough at night for several months. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORY9-month-24-day - old male with cough, rule out pneumonia. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORY9-year - old male with cough and wheezing that has gotten worse since the weekend. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORY9-year - old with fever, cough. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORY9-year 1-month - old female with history of frequent coughing. Question whooping cough. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYA 7-month - old with cough. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYALL with cough. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYAbnormal clinical findings, cough. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYAlmost 6 year old with cough and fever. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYApproximately 3 year old male status post tracheoesophageal fistula repair. Has cough. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYChronic cough, worse at night. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYChronic cough. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYClinical pneumonia. Cough. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYCough and chest pain. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYCough and congestion for a week. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYCough and congestion for six days. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYCough and difficulty breathing. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYCough and fever for 3-4 days. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYCough and fever for five days. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYCough and fever for one week. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYCough and fever for three days. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYCough and fever for three weeks. Rule out pneumonia. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYCough and fever for two days. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYCough and fever in a 2-year - old. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYCough and fever of a few days duration. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYCough and fever rule - out pneumonia. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYCough and fever with pain in the left upper quadrant when coughing. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYCough and fever x 2 weeks. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYCough and fever x two days. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYCough and fever x3 days. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYCough and fever, evaluate for pneumonia. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYCough and fever. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYCough and fever. Evaluate for pneumonia. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYCough and fever. Rule out pneumonia. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYCough and fever. Temperature to 103 degrees Fahrenheit today. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYCough and first episode of wheezing. No fever. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYCough and low grade fever. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYCough and noisy breathing. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYCough and pneumonia. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYCough and vomiting. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYCough and wheezing and short of breath. Not improving after two days. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYCough and wheezing for several days rule - out pneumonia. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYCough and wheezing. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYCough couple of weeks. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYCough for 2-3 weeks. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYCough for 3 weeks, no fever. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYCough for 3 weeks. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYCough for 5-6 weeks. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYCough for approximately 3 weeks. No fever. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYCough for four days. Patient started with fever a few days ago. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYCough for four weeks and wheezing, possible allergies. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYCough for four weeks. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYCough for one day. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYCough for one month. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYCough for one week and loss of appetite. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYCough for one week. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYCough for several weeks. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYCough for the past 6 months. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYCough for three weeks with fever. Antibiotics not curing cough. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYCough for three weeks. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYCough for three weeks. No fever. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYCough for two days with chest pain. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYCough for two months without fever. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYCough for two weeks and congestion and fever. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYCough for two weeks with fever for one week and left - sided chest pain. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYCough for two weeks. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYCough for weeks. No history of fever/. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYCough on and off with fever for five days. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYCough rule out pneumonia. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYCough with fever x1 week. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYCough with prior history of pneumonia. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYCough x 1 1/2 weeks fever on and off with wheezing. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYCough x 2 days fever x 4 days. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYCough x 2-3 weeks. Intermittent fevers per mother. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYCough x 3 weeks, no fever. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYCough x one week, recent travel to Senegal. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYCough x one week. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYCough x several weeks. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYCough x three days. Fever. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYCough x three weeks. Shortness of breath. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYCough x two weeks, fever. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYCough x1 week. Now low grade fever. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYCough, acute pharyngitis. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYCough, fever and vomiting. Rule out infiltrate. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYCough, fever and wheezing. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYCough, fever one week. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYCough, fever x 12 days. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYCough, fever, and vomiting since early morning. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYCough, fever, bruise over left nipple. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYCough, fever, possible pneumonia. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYCough, fever, wheeze. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYCough, fever, wheezing. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYCough, fever. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYCough, high fever x several days, history of asthma. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYCough, labored breathing. Difficulty breathing since birth. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYCough, possible pertussis. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYCough, rule out pneumonia. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYCough, sore throat for one week, spike fever to 105. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYCough, tachypnea. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYCough, wheezing for a couple of days. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYCough. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYCough. Evaluate for foreign body or pneumonia. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYCough. Evaluate for pneumonia. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYCough. Fever. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYCough. History of pneumonia on 1/2/01. Increased work of breathing. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYCough. Patient is adopted from Uganda and has a positive PPD skin test. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYCough. Positive PPD. Evaluate for active tuberculosis disease. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYCough. Previous high exposure of chlorine. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYCough. Prior history of walking pneumonia. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYCough. Rule out pneumonia. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYCough. Sick for nine days. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYCough. The patient also has a history of diarrhea and vomiting and had had repair of a duodenal web within the last month. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYCoughing and wheezing. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYCoughing, wheezing and stuffy head. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYCroupy cough. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYEight - month-old male with fever and cough for four days. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYEight - year-old male with cough. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYEleven month old with cough x 3 days. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYEleven year old with ALL, bone marrow transplant on Jan. 2, now with three day history of cough. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYEvaluate for pneumonia. ICD-9 code 786.2. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYFever and cough for several days abdominal pain for 1 day. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYFever and cough of two days' duration. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYFever and cough, evaluate for pneumonia. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYFever and cough. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYFever and slight cough. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYFever for one week and cough. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYFever for one week with cough x 3 days. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYFever then cough. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYFever, cough and asthma. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYFever, cough. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYFive - year-old male with cough. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYFive year old female with cough and fever. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYFive year old with ALL, presenting with cough, congestion and wheezing. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYFive year old with cough. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYFour - year ten - month-old male with cough and fever rule out pneumonia. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYFour - year-old boy with cough. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYFour - year-old female with cough. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYFour - year-old female with fever x 2 days and cough x 1 week. Question pneumonia. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYFour days of cough and fever. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYFour month old with history of cough. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYFour weeks of cough and one week of fever. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYFour year old female with fevers and cough, evaluate for pneumonia. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYFour year old male with cough, fever, and vomiting. Question pneumonia. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYIntermittent cough for two weeks, fever for three days, rule out pneumonia. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYNine - year-old female with difficulty breathing and cough. The patient is mentally delayed and the patient needed to be held in place to obtain the images. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYNine year old with cough. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYNone given. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYOne month of cough. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYOne year old female with cough. Evaluate for pneumonia. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYPatient has a 3-week history of cough and feels lousy. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYPatient has had fever and cough for the past seven days. The patient had prior x-ray on 1/2 which demonstrated no pneumonia. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYPersistent cough for last few weeks and runny nose. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYPersistent cough, no fever. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYPersistent cough. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYProlonged cough with fever today. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYProlonged cough. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYSeven - year-old male with cough. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYSeventeen month old male with cough and lymphadenopathy. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYSeventeen month old with cough and fever. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYSeventeen month old with cough. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYSeventeen year old with cough. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYSix - year-old female with fever and left lower lobe rales with cough. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYSix - year-old male with cough and concern for pneumonia. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYSix - year-old male with cough for eight weeks. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYSix - year-old male with cough, wheezing, and loss of appetite. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYSix - year-old with cough. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYSix year old with cough. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYSix year old with history of cough for one week. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYSixteen and a half year old male with history of wrestling injury to the left neck and shoulder. Some pleural fluid was demonstrated on the prior day's MRI. The patient has had cough. Please evaluate. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYTen month old male with cough. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYTen year old with history of cough. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYThirteen month old male with cough and fever. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYThirteen year old female with cough and fever for one week. Evaluate for pneumonia. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYThis is a 1 year 3 month old male with history of fever and cough. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYThis is a 1-year 9-month - old male with coughing and wheezing. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYThis is a 1-year-2-month - old male with a cough. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYThis is a 1-year-5-month - old male with a history of cough, wheezing and low grade fever. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYThis is a 12 year old male with history of cough. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYThis is a 12-year-4-month - old male with a cough x one week. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYThis is a 13-1/2-year - old female with cough for a couple of days and fever today. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYThis is a 13-year 7-month - old male with a cough. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYThis is a 15-month - old male with fever and cough. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYThis is a 16-month - old female with a history of cough. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYThis is a 17-1/2-year - old female with cough. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYThis is a 17-1/2-year - old male, question pneumonia. The patient still has a cough. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYThis is a 17-year - old male with a history of cough and previous renal transplant. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYThis is a 19-month - old female with history of fever and cough. Rule out pneumonia. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYThis is a 2 year 2 month old female with history of wheezing and cough for two weeks. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYThis is a 2 year old with cough. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYThis is a 2-year - old male with chronic cough. No fever. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYThis is a 21 year old with cough. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYThis is a 3 1/2 year old female with reported history of chronic cough. Question asthma. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYThis is a 3-year - old male with history of shortness of breath, cough, wheezing, and fever. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYThis is a 3-year - old with cough. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYThis is a 4 year 6 month old female with history of cough. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYThis is a 4-1/2-year - old female with cough for five months. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYThis is a 4-1/2-year - old female with fever and cough. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYThis is a 5-year 11-month - old male with a cough x one week. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYThis is a 6-1/2-year - old male with cough for 3 weeks initially with fever. Evaluate for pneumonia. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYThis is a 6-year 7-month - old male with a cough x six weeks congestion. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYThis is a 6-year 9-month - old male with cough. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYThis is a 6-year-4-month - old male with a cough, evaluate for pneumonia. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYThis is a 7-month - old female who had a chest x-ray on 1/2 which was read as normal, but the patient is still coughing and congested. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYThis is a 7-year 7-month - old female with cough. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYThis is a 8 year old with Trisomy 18 with cough and fever. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYThis is a 9-year - old male with vomiting and cough. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYThis is a 9-year 9-month - old male with a cough x4 months. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYThis is a one - year-old male with a history of Wiskott - Aldrich syndrome. The patient is status post bone marrow transplant, has had a cough x 24 hours. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYThis is an 18-year-6-month - old female with cough x 5 weeks. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYThis is an 8-1/2-month - old male with cough and fever. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYThis is an 8-1/2-year old female with cough. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYThis is an almost 14-year - old female with cough. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYThis is an almost 19-year - old female with cough for six weeks. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYThis is an almost 3-1/2-month - old male with cough. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYThis is an almost 3-year - old male who is sick for two days. Evaluate for pneumonia. Patient has cough and fever. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYThis is an almost 7-month - old female with cough and apparent fever for 3-4 weeks. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYThree - month-old male with cough. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYThree - year-old female with cough and fever. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYThree - year-old female with cough and wheeze as well as fever. The patient has been ill for two days. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYThree day history of cough, fever, and shortness of breath. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYThree month old with cough x 3 days. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYTwelve year old male with cough. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYTwenty month old with fever and cough. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYTwo - month-old female with history of cough. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYTwo - year-old female with cough off and on for a month (report states RSV nasal wash). 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYTwo - year-old with cough. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYTwo year old with history of cough, congestion and fever. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYTwo year, ten month old male with cough, fever, and stomach pain. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYWheezing and cough. 786.2CLINICAL_HISTORYWheezing, cough. 786.2IMPRESSION1. Borderline hyperinflation. 2. No focal pneumonia. 786.2IMPRESSION1. Chest radiograph within normal limits. 2. No acute abnormalities. 786.2IMPRESSION1. Clear chest. 2. Air - fluid level in the right maxillary antrum with some opacification of the ethmoid air cells and frontal sinuses. Findings consistent with acute sinusitis. 786.2IMPRESSION1. Clear lungs. 2. Mild thoracic curvature, possibly positional. Clinical correlation is needed. 786.2IMPRESSION1. Coarse central lung markings which may represent reactive airways or viral small airways disease. 2. Small focal opacity in right lower lobe, which may represent a small focus of pneumonia or atelectasis. 786.2IMPRESSION1. Hyperinflation. 2. Right basilar plate - like atelectasis. 786.2IMPRESSION1. Increased markings with hyperinflation suggests viral illness or reactive airway disease. 2. Moderate bowel gas distention left upper quadrant. Unusual visualization of the inner and outer wall of a bowel loop in the left upper quadrant. The patient was upright on the chest x-ray and there is no evidence for free air on the upright film. This finding may then be best explained by the administration of contrast or coating of the bowel wall by an ingested substance. Findings should be correlated clinically. If there are abdominal symptoms a followup abdomen film could be considered. Findings conveyed to the referring clinician's office at time of interpretation. 786.2IMPRESSION1. Indistinctness of the right cardiac border raising the possibility of minimal atelectasis of the right middle lobe. 786.2IMPRESSION1. Left basilar atelectasis or pneumonia. 2. Very dense nodule right lateral inferior thorax. This could represent a calcified granuloma, but is nonspecific; or it is outside the thorax and in the region of the skin or subcutaneous tissues. 786.2IMPRESSION1. Left lower lobe infiltrate, likely representing pneumonia. 786.2IMPRESSION1. Left upper lobe air space opacity. With history of cough and fever this would be most consistent with pneumonia. 786.2IMPRESSION1. Mild hyperinflation. 2. No focal pneumonia. 786.2IMPRESSION1. Mild patchy lingular air space disease. Atelectasis versus pneumonia. 2. Prominent appearing left pulmonary artery should be correlated with the presence or absence of heart murmur. 786.2IMPRESSION1. Mild peribronchial thickening suggestive of reactive airway disease versus viral infection. 2. No focal infiltrates to indicate pneumonia. 786.2IMPRESSION1. Mildly coarse central lung markings with minimally increased lung markings at the left posterior lung base, consistent with atelectasis or early pneumonia. 2. Mild convex right curvature of the mid thoracic spine. 786.2IMPRESSION1. No acute cardiopulmonary abnormality. 786.2IMPRESSION1. No acute disease. 2. Possible pectus excavatum. 786.2IMPRESSION1. No evidence of pneumonia. Normal chest x-ray. 786.2IMPRESSION1. No focal consolidation. 2. Minimal peribronchial thickening. 786.2IMPRESSION1. No focal pneumonia. 2. Viral changes. 786.2IMPRESSION1. No focal pneumonia. Likely chronic changes at the left lung base. 2. Mild anterior wedging of the thoracic vertebral bodies. 786.2IMPRESSION1. No focal pulmonary consolidation. 2. Gas - filled distended loops of bowel as described above. 786.2IMPRESSION1. No focal pulmonary opacity is identified. 2. Focal angulation of the trachea at the thoracic inlet with questionable soft tissue attenuation overlying the sternum. Recommend repeat study and clinical correlation. The findings were discussed by phone with the referring clinician the day of the exam. 786.2IMPRESSION1. No new focal pneumonia. 2. Interval resolution of previously described left lower lobe opacity. 786.2IMPRESSION1. No pneumonia. 2. Incidental note made of mild compression deformity of a mid to lower thoracic spine vertebral body. 786.2IMPRESSION1. No pneumonia. Resolution of previously seen peribronchial cuffing. 2. Mild convex right curve of the thoracic spine, which may be positional. Recommend clinical correlation. 786.2IMPRESSION1. Normal chest x-ray. 786.2IMPRESSION1. Persistent peribronchial thickening, consistent with viral illness. 2. No focal airspace disease. 786.2IMPRESSION1. Prominence of palatine and lingual tonsils as described above. 2. No findings to suggest croup. 786.2IMPRESSION1. Right lower lobe opacity may represent atelectasis or pneumonia. 786.2IMPRESSION1. Right middle lobe atelectasis vs pneumonia. 2. Interval resolution of right lower lobe opacity. 786.2IMPRESSION1. Suggestion of a small pleural effusion on the frontal projection which is not well seen on the lateral view. No consolidative infiltrates are seen. 786.2IMPRESSIONA triangular density is identified just posterior to the heart on the lateral film. This creates more of a vague opacity on the frontal exam in the region of the lingula. Findings suggest volume loss in the lingula, with or without superimposed infection. There is no associated pleural effusion. The perihilar markings are within normal limits. The cardiac and mediastinal silhouette is normal. No bony abnormalities are seen. 786.2IMPRESSIONAcute viral illness vs reactive airway disease with no pneumonia. 786.2IMPRESSIONAir space disease at the right base which likely represents pneumonia. 786.2IMPRESSIONAirspace opacity previously noted in the right lung base has resolved. The lungs are currently well expanded and clear. There is no focal infiltrate or pleural effusion. The cardiac and mediastinal silhouette is normal. The airway is also normal on both frontal and lateral films. 786.2IMPRESSIONAirway process such as viral infection or reactive airways disease with superimposed more focal opacity in the left lower lobe which may be an early pneumonia or atelectasis. 786.2IMPRESSIONBibasilar opacities and right upper lobe opacity. These could represent either atelectasis or pneumonia but given the bilaterality and the age mycoplasma as well as other atypical pneumonia should be included in the differential diagnosis. 786.2IMPRESSIONBilateral hilar opacities which may represent a viral or small airways disease. No focal pneumonia is identified. 786.2IMPRESSIONCervical spine within normal limits. The leftward convex curvature is likely positional, but clinical correlation is needed. 786.2IMPRESSIONChest clear and heart normal. 786.2IMPRESSIONChest now clear and heart normal. 786.2IMPRESSIONChest shows clear lungs and normal heart. 786.2IMPRESSIONChest within normal limits for low lung volume exam. 786.2IMPRESSIONChest within normal limits. 786.2IMPRESSIONChest x-ray is normal, no evidence of pneumonia or viral disease. 786.2IMPRESSIONChest x-ray is normal, no evidence of pneumonia. 786.2IMPRESSIONChest x-ray is normal, no evidence of pneumonia. 786.2IMPRESSIONChest x-ray is normal, no pneumonia. 786.2IMPRESSIONClear chest without explanation for the patient's chronic cough. 786.2IMPRESSIONClear chest x-ray. No evidence of pneumonia or other abnormality. 786.2IMPRESSIONClear chest x-ray. No focal pneumonia seen. 786.2IMPRESSIONClear chest x-ray. No pneumonia seen. 786.2IMPRESSIONClear chest. 786.2IMPRESSIONClear lungs. 786.2IMPRESSIONClear lungs. No evidence of focal pneumonia. 786.2IMPRESSIONClear lungs. No findings to explain patient's cough. 786.2IMPRESSIONClear. 786.2IMPRESSIONCoarse central lung markings and small right upper lobe opacity. These findings may represent viral pneumonia vs reactive airways disease. A small focus of bacterial pneumonia in the right upper lobe cannot be excluded. 786.2IMPRESSIONCoarse central lung markings, which may be seen in reactive airways or viral small airways disease. No focal pneumonia is seen. 786.2IMPRESSIONCoarse markings with segmental disease in the right middle and left lower lobe. This may represent areas of atelectasis and/or pneumonia. The information was provided to the physician's office. 786.2IMPRESSIONEssentially normal appearance of the chest with no definite focal consolidation seen. If cough persists or there are other symptoms such as fever a repeat study could be performed if clinically indicated. 786.2IMPRESSIONFindings are consistent with a viral process without focal infiltrate identified. 786.2IMPRESSIONFindings are suggestive of a viral process vs reactive airway disease without focal infiltrate. 786.2IMPRESSIONFindings compatible with reactive airway disease or viral lower respiratory tract infection. No pneumonia. 786.2IMPRESSIONFindings compatible with viral lower respiratory infection or reactive airway disease. No pneumonia. 786.2IMPRESSIONFindings compatible with viral or reactive airways disease. 786.2IMPRESSIONFindings consistent with viral disease or reactive airways disease. 786.2IMPRESSIONFindings consistent with viral or reactive airways disease. 786.2IMPRESSIONFindings consistent with viral or reactive airways disease. No focal pneumonia is seen. 786.2IMPRESSIONFindings consistent with viral or reactive airways disease. No focal pneumonia. 786.2IMPRESSIONFindings consistent with viral respiratory disease or reactive airways disease. 786.2IMPRESSIONFindings most compatible with an atypical infection or reactive airways disease. There is focal opacity in the right lower lobe which is most likely atelectasis. 786.2IMPRESSIONFindings most consistent with right lower lobe round pneumonia. Followup x-ray to assess resolution is recommended. 786.2IMPRESSIONFindings most consistent with tracheomalacia. 786.2IMPRESSIONFindings most consistent with viral or reactive airways disease. No focal pneumonia. 786.2IMPRESSIONFindings most consistent with viral vs reactive airway disease with no focal pneumonia. 786.2IMPRESSIONFindings most likely represent reactive airways disease or viral infection without pneumonia. No evidence of an aspirated foreign body. 786.2IMPRESSIONFindings most likely representing viral or reactive airway disease without focal consolidations. 786.2IMPRESSIONFindings raise the question of mild viral lower respiratory tract infection. No acute focal pneumonia. 786.2IMPRESSIONFindings raise the question of viral lower respiratory tract infection or reactive airway disease without acute focal pneumonia. 786.2IMPRESSIONFindings raising the question of viral lower respiratory tract infection without acute focal pneumonia. 786.2IMPRESSIONFindings suggesting airways disease without lobar pneumonia. 786.2IMPRESSIONFindings suggesting viral or reactive airway disease with right lower lobe atelectasis or pneumonia. 786.2IMPRESSIONFindings suggestive of reactive or viral airways disease. No focal infiltrates to support pneumonia. 786.2IMPRESSIONFindings worrisome for right lower lobe infection. 786.2IMPRESSIONFindings worrisome for right lower lobe infiltrate. 786.2IMPRESSIONFindings worrisome for right lower lobe pneumonia. 786.2IMPRESSIONFlattened diaphragms and peribronchial thickening consistent with asthmatic bronchitis. 786.2IMPRESSIONFocal opacity in the right middle lobe may represent either atelectasis or pneumonia. 786.2IMPRESSIONHazy bibasilar airspace disease consistent with atypical pneumonia or a viral URI. 786.2IMPRESSIONHeart normal and lungs clear. 786.2IMPRESSIONHyperinflated lungs with peribronchial cuffing, compatible with viral small airways vs reactive airways disease. 786.2IMPRESSIONHyperinflated without focal pneumonia. 786.2IMPRESSIONHyperinflation with associated opacities in the right lower and upper lobes may reflect reactive airways and atelectasis, possibly of viral etiology. However, degree of right lower lobe and right upper lobe opacity could also represent a superimposed bacterial pneumonia or sequela from aspiration. 786.2IMPRESSIONHyperinflation with bibasilar opacities and peribronchial thickening. The findings are probably related to viral or reactive small airways disease. No definite focal consolidation is seen to suggest bacterial pneumonia. However, given the patient's recent presentations of apparent possible lung disease, recommendation would be to evaluate for some chronic process such as cystic fibrosis, chronic pneumonia, or even immunodeficiency. The findings were discussed with the referring clinician at the time of the study. 786.2IMPRESSIONHyperinflation with mild linear interstitial pattern bilaterally. This may represent a viral illness. 786.2IMPRESSIONHyperinflation with mild peribronchial cuffing. 786.2IMPRESSIONHyperinflation without focal infiltrate. 786.2IMPRESSIONHyperinflation without focal pneumonia. 786.2IMPRESSIONHypoventilation of the lungs with no evidence of frank consolidation. 786.2IMPRESSIONIncrease in markings are seen without infiltrate. 786.2IMPRESSIONIncrease in markings centrally with streaky disease in lingula that has the appearance most suggestive of atelectasis, less likely early infiltrate. 786.2IMPRESSIONIncreased interstitial markings in the perihilar regions with peribronchial thickening. The findings may reflect reactive airways disease or viral infection. No pneumonia seen, however. 786.2IMPRESSIONIncreased markings, hyperinflation, and streaky disease right middle lobe, likely atelectasis. However, there is a patch of rounded density above the right diaphragm. It is unsure whether this represents superimposed pneumonia or atelectasis. 786.2IMPRESSIONIncreased markings. No infiltrate. 786.2IMPRESSIONIncreased markings. Patchy right infrahilar infiltrate favored to represent pneumonia. 786.2IMPRESSIONIncreased perihilar markings which may represent viral disease with no focal areas of consolidation. 786.2IMPRESSIONIncreased pulmonary markings probably representing viral disease. No evidence of consolidations. 786.2IMPRESSIONInterval decrease in the scattered lung changes with no superimposed focal pneumonia identified. 786.2IMPRESSIONInterval development of bilateral air space opacity, atelectasis versus superimposed pneumonia. 786.2IMPRESSIONLeft lingular atelectasis versus pneumonia. 786.2IMPRESSIONLeft lower lobe atelectasis vs pneumonia. 786.2IMPRESSIONLeft lower lobe opacities most likely subsegmental atelectasis. Otherwise no abnormality. 786.2IMPRESSIONLeft posterior lung base opacity which appears somewhat homogeneous which is somewhat atypical for consolidation. Recommend close followup if the patient does not respond to treatment and the symptoms persist. 786.2IMPRESSIONLeft upper lobe and lingular opacity suggestive of pneumonia in the right clinical context. No obvious pleural effusion or definite adenopathy is seen. This is new since 1/2/01. 786.2IMPRESSIONLinear opacities in several lobes of the lung radiating from the hila, most compatible with atelectasis. Multi - focal atypical pneumonia is considered less likely. 786.2IMPRESSIONLocalized area of infiltrate which may represent atelectasis or pneumonia in the lower lobe. 786.2IMPRESSIONLow inspiratory volume, otherwise negative examination. 786.2IMPRESSIONLow level of lung inflation which probably accounts for the peribronchial thickening appearance bilaterally. There is no focal pneumonia seen. Exam is otherwise unremarkable. 786.2IMPRESSIONLow normal lung volume. Borderline normal heart size. No other abnormalities seen. 786.2IMPRESSIONLow volume inspiration. No definite consolidations. 786.2IMPRESSIONLung changes suggestive of reactive airway disease or acute viral illness with no pneumonia identified. 786.2IMPRESSIONLungs clear and heart normal. 786.2IMPRESSIONLungs clear and heart normal. Normal trachea. 786.2IMPRESSIONLungs clear and heart normal. Some peribronchial thickening consistent with viral disease. 786.2IMPRESSIONMedial parenchymal opacity of the left upper lobe with hilar and suprahilar fullness on the left. These findings may be from an acute pneumonia which includes questionable minimal bronchiectasis. However, followup. 786.2IMPRESSIONMild decrease in normal lung volumes may be an expiratory film. No evidence of acute cardiopulmonary disease. 786.2IMPRESSIONMild hyperinflation can be seen in viral illness or reactive airway disease. Streaky opacity at the right base is favored to represent atelectasis. 786.2IMPRESSIONMild hyperinflation of the lungs visualized only on one view. Otherwise normal radiographs of the chest. 786.2IMPRESSIONMild hyperinflation without focal consolidation. 786.2IMPRESSIONMild hyperinflation without focal pneumonia. 786.2IMPRESSIONMild hyperinflation. No focal pneumonia. 786.2IMPRESSIONMild opacification right lower lobe, either atelectasis or pneumonia. 786.2IMPRESSIONMild peribronchial thickening as seen before. No focal areas of consolidation seen. 786.2IMPRESSIONMild peribronchial thickening but no focal pneumonia. These findings are likely chronic and may represent reactive airways disease or viral airways disease. 786.2IMPRESSIONMild peribronchial thickening that was not identified on the examination of 1/2 and may represent either infection or sequela of small airway disease. 786.2IMPRESSIONMild peribronchial thickening which may be related to reactive airway disease or acute viral illness with no pneumonia or hyperinflation. 786.2IMPRESSIONMild peribronchial thickening which may be secondary to an airways process such as viral infection or reactive airways disease. No focal consolidation to suggest pneumonia. 786.2IMPRESSIONMild peribronchial thickening which may be seen in acute viral illness or reactive airway disease with no pneumonia. 786.2IMPRESSIONMild peribronchial thickening which may be seen in acute viral illness or reactive airways disease with no focal pneumonia. 786.2IMPRESSIONMild peribronchial thickening with no focal pneumonia. 786.2IMPRESSIONMild peribronchial thickening without evidence of pneumonia on this low lung volume study. 786.2IMPRESSIONMild perihilar bronchial wall thickening may represent either viral infection or reactive airways disease. 786.2IMPRESSIONMild perihilar peribronchial thickening such as can be seen with viral or reactive airways disease. No focal infiltrates to support pneumonia. 786.2IMPRESSIONMild perihilar prominence. 786.2IMPRESSIONMild perihilar prominence. This can be seen in viral reactive airway disease. 786.2IMPRESSIONMild perihilar prominence. This may be secondary to viral reactive airway disease. 786.2IMPRESSIONMild prominence of lung markings without evidence of pneumonia. 786.2IMPRESSIONMild reactive airway disease with hyperinflation. 786.2IMPRESSIONMild viral lower reactive airways disease. No focal pneumonia. 786.2IMPRESSIONMild viral or reactive airways disease. 786.2IMPRESSIONMild viral or reactive airways disease. No focal pneumonia. 786.2IMPRESSIONMildly prominent central vessels and bronchial areas which could be a normal variant or it could be seen with cardiac disease or bronchial wall thickening. 786.2IMPRESSIONMinimal increased perihilar markings, which can be seen in reactive airway disease. No focal pneumonia. 786.2IMPRESSIONMinimal residual opacity. Otherwise normal. 786.2IMPRESSIONMinimal streaky opacity in the left upper lobe which likely represents atelectasis although early infiltrate is not excluded. 786.2IMPRESSIONMinimally increased perihilar lung markings may be due to early viral or reactive airways disease. No focal pneumonia. 786.2IMPRESSIONMinor patchy shadowing, possible atelectasis or pneumonia in the right mid zone. Clinical correlation is recommended. 786.2IMPRESSIONModerate perihilar findings which are nonspecific but may reflect viral disease. 786.2IMPRESSIONMost consistent with viral or reactive airways disease. No focal pneumonia. 786.2IMPRESSIONMultifocal opacities with hyperinflation, consistent with either a viral syndrome or reactive airways disease. 786.2IMPRESSIONNegative chest but somewhat limited by technique. No pneumonia. 786.2IMPRESSIONNegative chest radiograph. 786.2IMPRESSIONNegative chest which is somewhat limited by technique. 786.2IMPRESSIONNegative chest. 786.2IMPRESSIONNegative study. 786.2IMPRESSIONNegative. 786.2IMPRESSIONNew right lower lobe opacity which may represent an area of consolidation or atelectasis. 786.2IMPRESSIONNo acute cardiopulmonary abnormality. 786.2IMPRESSIONNo acute cardiopulmonary disease. 786.2IMPRESSIONNo acute cardiopulmonary findings. 786.2IMPRESSIONNo acute disease is seen. 786.2IMPRESSIONNo acute disease. 786.2IMPRESSIONNo acute disease. However, the vascularity appears slightly asymmetric in the upper lobes. This could possibly be related to chest wall asymmetry and pectus deformity. However, it could also be due to lung disease. If symptoms persist further evaluation would be indicated. 786.2IMPRESSIONNo acute findings. 786.2IMPRESSIONNo acute pulmonary abnormality. 786.2IMPRESSIONNo acute pulmonary disease. 786.2IMPRESSIONNo comparative films. There is a band of opacity extending into the posterior aspect of the right upper lobe, consistent with pneumonia. No associated effusion. 786.2IMPRESSIONNo definite pneumonia to explain the patient's cough and fever. 786.2IMPRESSIONNo evidence of focal consolidation or pleural effusion. Telephone report was called to Amy Wilson. 786.2IMPRESSIONNo evidence of focal pneumonia. 786.2IMPRESSIONNo evidence of pulmonary consolidations. 786.2IMPRESSIONNo flattened diaphragms. Lungs clear and heart normal. 786.2IMPRESSIONNo focal air space disease identified. 786.2IMPRESSIONNo focal area of consolidation. There is perhaps some minor peribronchial cuffing in the perihilar areas that could reflect mild reactive airways disease without air trapping. 786.2IMPRESSIONNo focal consolidation. 786.2IMPRESSIONNo focal consolidations are identified. 786.2IMPRESSIONNo focal infiltrate or pneumothorax is identified. 786.2IMPRESSIONNo focal infiltrate or pneumothorax is seen. 786.2IMPRESSIONNo focal infiltrate or pneumothorax. 786.2IMPRESSIONNo focal infiltrate. 786.2IMPRESSIONNo focal infiltrates. 786.2IMPRESSIONNo focal opacities to indicate consolidation or atelectasis. 786.2IMPRESSIONNo focal pneumonia identified on this low lung volume study. 786.2IMPRESSIONNo focal pneumonia noted. 786.2IMPRESSIONNo focal pneumonia or air trapping. 786.2IMPRESSIONNo focal pneumonia seen. 786.2IMPRESSIONNo focal pneumonia seen. No significant change since the prior study. 786.2IMPRESSIONNo focal pneumonia, normal chest radiograph. 786.2IMPRESSIONNo focal pneumonia. 786.2IMPRESSIONNo focal pneumonia. Findings are most consistent with minimal atelectasis. 786.2IMPRESSIONNo focal pneumonia. Findings consistent with viral or reactive airways disease. 786.2IMPRESSIONNo focal pneumonia. Mild endplate spurring of the lower thoracic spine signifying underlying degenerative change. 786.2IMPRESSIONNo focal pneumonia. Mild hyperinflation of the lungs may represent early viral or reactive airways disease. Borderline enlargement of the heart. Clinical correlation is needed. 786.2IMPRESSIONNo focal pneumonia. Minimal peribronchial thickening may seen in viral or atypical infection versus reactive airway disease. 786.2IMPRESSIONNo focal pneumonia. Minimal streaky density in the right medial lower lobe, likely atelectasis. 786.2IMPRESSIONNo focal pneumonia. No acute abnormality seen. 786.2IMPRESSIONNo focal pulmonary disease. 786.2IMPRESSIONNo infiltrate is detected. 786.2IMPRESSIONNo infiltrate or effusion. 786.2IMPRESSIONNo infiltrate. Heart normal. 786.2IMPRESSIONNo infiltrate. Heart normal. Minimal peribronchial thickening consistent with asthmatic bronchitis. 786.2IMPRESSIONNo infiltrate. Mild hyperinflation. 786.2IMPRESSIONNo infiltrate. Prominent shadow in middle mediastinum likely represents confluence of pulmonary veins, but is higher in the mediastinum than expected. Followup chest xray would be helpful in 6 to 8 weeks. Findings discussed with physician on 1/2/01. 786.2IMPRESSIONNo pneumonia is seen. However, there is peribronchial cuffing and increased perihilar markings compatible with viral or reactive airway disease. 786.2IMPRESSIONNo pneumonia or explanation for cough. 786.2IMPRESSIONNo pneumonia or other findings to explain cough. 786.2IMPRESSIONNo pneumonia to explain the patient's symptoms. 786.2IMPRESSIONNo pneumonia. 786.2IMPRESSIONNo pneumonia. Peribronchial cuffing which could be due to reactive airways disease or viral infection. The findings were discussed with the referring physician on January 2, 2001 while reviewing the study. 786.2IMPRESSIONNo radiographic abnormalities of the chest. 786.2IMPRESSIONNo radiographic abnormalities seen of the chest. 786.2IMPRESSIONNo radiographic abnormality seen of the chest. 786.2IMPRESSIONNo radiographic evidence of acute cardiopulmonary disease. 786.2IMPRESSIONNo radiographic evidence of pneumonia. 786.2IMPRESSIONNo radiographic features of pneumonia. 786.2IMPRESSIONNo significant change since the previous examination. 786.2IMPRESSIONNo significant change since the prior study. No focal pneumonia. 786.2IMPRESSIONNo significant change to overall appearance of perihilar lung opacities and peribronchial thickening most consistent with viral illness vs reactive airways disease. Increased densities superimposed over the right middle lobe and lingular region on the lateral view may represent superimposition of shadows. However atelectasis or a small amount of parenchymal consolidation cannot be fully excluded. This patient's lung markings have appeared prominent on the four existing chest x-rays in our file. It is recommended that the child receive a well - child chest x-ray in order to evaluate lung markings when the child is not sick. 786.2IMPRESSIONNonobstructive bowel gas pattern. 786.2IMPRESSIONNonspecific nonobstructed bowel gas pattern. Mild amount of stool within the colon. Borderline distended small bowel with air. 786.2IMPRESSIONNormal chest examination. 786.2IMPRESSIONNormal chest in a patient who apparently has multiple allergies and recurrent cough. 786.2IMPRESSIONNormal chest radiograph with no pneumonia identified. 786.2IMPRESSIONNormal chest radiograph. 786.2IMPRESSIONNormal chest radiograph. No pneumonia. 786.2IMPRESSIONNormal chest radiographs. 786.2IMPRESSIONNormal chest radiographs. No pneumonia. 786.2IMPRESSIONNormal chest with mild hypoventilation. 786.2IMPRESSIONNormal chest x-ray, no pneumonia. 786.2IMPRESSIONNormal chest x-ray. 786.2IMPRESSIONNormal chest x-ray. No evidence of pneumonia. 786.2IMPRESSIONNormal chest x-ray. No focal pneumonia seen. 786.2IMPRESSIONNormal chest x-ray. No significant change since 2001. 786.2IMPRESSIONNormal chest x-ray. Please see above findings. 786.2IMPRESSIONNormal chest x-ray. The previously noted opacity seen in the upper lobe on 1/2 is no longer present. 786.2IMPRESSIONNormal chest xray, no pneumonia. 786.2IMPRESSIONNormal chest, no pneumonia. 786.2IMPRESSIONNormal chest. 786.2IMPRESSIONNormal chest. Bifid third and fourth anterior ribs. 786.2IMPRESSIONNormal chest. No radiographic features of bacterial pneumonia. 786.2IMPRESSIONNormal chest. The intrathoracic trachea is normal. 786.2IMPRESSIONNormal chest. This does not exclude the diagnosis of pertussis. 786.2IMPRESSIONNormal examination of the airways. 786.2IMPRESSIONNormal examination. 786.2IMPRESSIONNormal heart and lungs clear. 786.2IMPRESSIONNormal radiograph of airways and soft tissue neck. 786.2IMPRESSIONNormal radiographic appearance of the chest, no pneumonia. 786.2IMPRESSIONNormal radiographic appearance of the chest. 786.2IMPRESSIONNormal radiographs of the chest without evidence of focal pneumonia. 786.2IMPRESSIONNormal slightly hypoventilatory chest x-ray, no pneumonia. 786.2IMPRESSIONNormal soft tissues of the neck. 786.2IMPRESSIONNormal study. 786.2IMPRESSIONNormal two views of the chest without focal pneumonia. 786.2IMPRESSIONNormal two views of the chest. 786.2IMPRESSIONNormal. 786.2IMPRESSIONPatchy disease is seen in the lingula which could represent atelectasis or early infiltrate. 786.2IMPRESSIONPatchy ill - defined opacity overlying the right lower lung, may represent early infiltrate. 786.2IMPRESSIONPatchy left lower lobe infiltrate suggestive of pneumonia. 786.2IMPRESSIONPeribronchial thickening bilaterally. 786.2IMPRESSIONPeribronchial thickening consistent with viral infection or reactive airway disease. 786.2IMPRESSIONPeribronchial thickening which can be seen with viral disease. No focal pneumonia. 786.2IMPRESSIONPeribronchial thickening without pneumonia. 786.2IMPRESSIONPeribronchial wall thickening which may represent either viral or reactive airways disease. No focal consolidations. 786.2IMPRESSIONPerihilar interstitial markings probably representing viral illness. No focal pneumonia. 786.2IMPRESSIONPossible early pneumonia involving the lingula and possibly the right middle lobe. 786.2IMPRESSIONPossible early right middle lobe pneumonia. 786.2IMPRESSIONPossible old granulomatous disease. No current findings of pneumonia or other radiographically definable cause for cough. 786.2IMPRESSIONPossible right lower lobe pneumonia at posteromedial right lung base. 786.2IMPRESSIONProbable band of atelectasis seen on lateral view only. No pneumonia. 786.2IMPRESSIONProbable pneumonia in superior segment of right lower lobe. 786.2IMPRESSIONProbably clear chest. No focal pneumonia. 786.2IMPRESSIONProminence behind the left hilum may be an infiltrate in the superior segment of the left lower lobe. It does not have the pattern of adenopathy. 786.2IMPRESSIONProminent left inferior lung markings probably represent atelectasis, less likely early infiltrate. Followup films could be considered depending on patient's symptomatology. 786.2IMPRESSIONProminent palatine tonsils, otherwise unremarkable airway films. 786.2IMPRESSIONQuery mild pectus excavatum deformity. Recommend clinical correlation. Otherwise normal chest. 786.2IMPRESSIONQuestion of bibasilar atelectasis. No focal pneumonia. 786.2IMPRESSIONReactive airways disease with probable right middle lobe atelectasis, vs retained secretions, vs early right middle lobe pneumonia. 786.2IMPRESSIONReactive airways disease, likely of viral etiology. No radiographic features of bacterial pneumonia. 786.2IMPRESSIONRetained secretions vs atelectasis in the right lower lobe. No infiltrates to support pneumonia. 786.2IMPRESSIONRight hilar fullness extending superiorly. This could represent a combination of adenopathy and atelectasis or early pneumonia. This could be community - acquired, but cannot exclude early granulomatous infection as well. 786.2IMPRESSIONRight lower lobe atelectasis versus early pneumonia. 786.2IMPRESSIONRight lung base band - like opacity which most likely represents atelectasis in the context of viral airway disease. 786.2IMPRESSIONRight middle lobe abnormalities suggest airways disease rather than bacterial pneumonia. 786.2IMPRESSIONRight middle lobe and left basilar densities with hyperinflation. These findings suggest reactive versus viral small airways disease. Less likely to be representative of bacterial pneumonia. 786.2IMPRESSIONRight middle lobe atelectasis vs infiltrate. 786.2IMPRESSIONRight middle lobe infiltrate and/or atelectasis. 786.2IMPRESSIONRight middle lobe infiltrate. 786.2IMPRESSIONRight upper lobe volume loss and consolidation. With greater consolidation than volume loss, pneumonia is favored over atelectasis. 786.2IMPRESSIONRight upper lobe volume loss and probably pneumonia. A small amount of adenopathy cannot be completely excluded although there are no other findings of adenopathy or pleural effusion. 786.2IMPRESSIONRight upper zone consolidation. 786.2IMPRESSIONScattered lung densities likely to represent either scattered atelectasis or acute viral illness with no definite lobar pneumonia identified. 786.2IMPRESSIONScattered perihilar air space opacity with questionable left lower lobe opacity. Considerations include community acquired or atypical pneumonia such as mycoplasma. Clinical correlation is suggested. 786.2IMPRESSIONSlight increase in right perihilar and right upper lobe lung markings may represent early pneumonia vs atelectasis. 786.2IMPRESSIONSlightly increased perihilar lung markings may indicate early reactive airways disease or slight edema. No focal pneumonia is identified. 786.2IMPRESSIONSlightly limited exam with no focal consolidation identified. 786.2IMPRESSIONSmall focal area of increased density likely representing a round pneumonia in the left upper lobe. Follow-up x-ray is recommended when the patient is clinically asymptomatic. 786.2IMPRESSIONStable chest radiograph since January 8, 2001 with no acute cardiopulmonary disease. 786.2IMPRESSIONStomach rather massively distended for a child age 11. Heart normal and lungs clear. 786.2IMPRESSIONStreaky patchy right lower lobe disease. Atelectasis vs pneumonia. 786.2IMPRESSIONSubtle increase in right upper lobe opacity. Differential includes early infiltrate vs atelectasis. 786.2IMPRESSIONSuspect small patch of infiltrate left lower lobe. Atelectasis versus early pneumonia. 786.2IMPRESSIONSuspected mild viral or reactive airways disease. No focal pneumonia. 786.2IMPRESSIONSuspected right middle lobe airspace disease, either atelectasis or pneumonia. 786.2IMPRESSIONSymmetric increase in perihilar markings with peribronchial cuffing is seen without focal pneumonia. The picture most likely reflects viral or reactive airways disease. 786.2IMPRESSIONThe adenoids and tonsils are quite prominent. However, the nasopharyngeal airway remains patent. The epiglottis and subglottic trachea are normal. There is no evidence of retropharyngeal abscess or subglottic narrowing. 786.2IMPRESSIONThe cardiac silhouettes size is upper limits of normal. Otherwise negative. 786.2IMPRESSIONThe examination is negative. 786.2IMPRESSIONThe findings most likely reflect mild viral or reactive airways disease without focal pneumonia. 786.2IMPRESSIONThe lack of full inspiration likely accounts for some crowding of bronchovascular markings. No focal pneumonia or other apparent cause for patient's cough. Gastrostomy tube is noted. 786.2IMPRESSIONThe lung volumes are normal. There is bilateral perihilar, peribronchial thickening. Additional, patchy opacity is present in the right middle lobe. Findings may represent atelectasis related to viral illness or reactive airways disease, or alternatively mycoplasma pneumonia. The cardiac and mediastinal silhouette is normal. There are no pleural effusions. The bony thorax is unremarkable. Moderate gaseous distention of the stomach and colon is incidentally noted in the upper abdomen. 786.2IMPRESSIONThe lung volumes are normal. There is mild perihilar peribronchial thickening, suggesting viral illness or reactive airway disease. Minimal streaky density is noted in the left lung base, though there is no lobar consolidation to suggest bacterial pneumonia. Findings are more in keeping with minimal atelectasis. The costophrenic angles remain sharp, without evidence of pleural effusion. The cardiac and mediastinal silhouette is normal. 786.2IMPRESSIONThe lungs are clear. 786.2IMPRESSIONThe lungs are clear. Question prominent hilar lymph nodes, left greater than right, which could be reactive in nature. 786.2IMPRESSIONThe lungs are mildly hyperinflated. There is also mild perihilar peribronchial thickening. These findings suggest viral illness or reactive airway disease. There is no focal infiltrate to suggest bacterial pneumonia. The airway is normal. The cardiac and mediastinal silhouette is also normal. No bony abnormalities are seen. 786.2IMPRESSIONThe lungs are mildly hyperinflated. There is bilateral perihilar, peribronchial thickening, suggesting viral illness or reactive airways disease. There is no focal, lobar consolidation to suggest bacterial pneumonia. The cardiac and mediastinal silhouette is normal. No bony abnormalities are seen. 786.2IMPRESSIONThe lungs are well - expanded and clear. There is no focal infiltrate or pleural effusion. The cardiac and mediastinal silhouette is normal. No bony abnormalities are seen. 786.2IMPRESSIONThe lungs are well - expanded and clear. There is no focal infiltrate or pleural effusion. The cardiac and mediastinal silhouette is within normal limits. No bony abnormalities are seen. 786.2IMPRESSIONThe lungs are well expanded and clear. There is no evidence of air trapping or hyperinflation. No radiopaque foreign body is identified. The airway is normal. The cardiac and mediastinal silhouette is normal. No bony abnormalities are seen. If symptoms persist, consider bilateral decubitus views of the chest to evaluate for more subtle air trapping. 786.2IMPRESSIONThe lungs are well expanded and clear. There is no focal infiltrate or pleural effusion. THe cardiac and mediastinal silhouette is normal. No bony abnormalities are seen. 786.2IMPRESSIONThe lungs are well expanded and clear. There is no focal infiltrate or pleural effusion. The cardiac and mediastinal silhouette is normal. No bony abnormalities are seen. 786.2IMPRESSIONThe lungs are well expanded and clear. There is no focal infiltrate or pleural effusion. The cardiac and mediastinal silhouette is within normal limits. No bony abnormalities are seen. 786.2IMPRESSIONThe lungs are well expanded and clear. There is no hyperinflation. The perihilar markings are within normal limits. There is no focal infiltrate or pleural effusion. The cardiac and mediastinal silhouette is normal. No bony abnormalities are seen. 786.2IMPRESSIONThe lungs are well expanded, but not hyperinflated. Lung parenchyma is clear, without peribronchial thickening or focal infiltrate. The cardiac and mediastinal silhouette is normal. No bony abnormalities are seen. 786.2IMPRESSIONThe lungs are well expanded, but not hyperinflated. There is bilateral perihilar peribronchial thickening, suggesting viral illness or reactive airways disease. There is no focal, lobar consolidation to suggest bacterial pneumonia. The cardiac and mediastinal silhouette is normal. No bony abnormalities are seen. A few air fluid levels are noted in small bowel loops in the upper abdomen, possibly related to ileus, medication effect, or GI component of viral illness. 786.2IMPRESSIONThe lungs are well expanded, but not hyperinflated. There is mild perihilar, peribronchial thickening, suggesting viral illness or reactive airway disease. There is no focal infiltrate to suggest bacterial pneumonia. The cardiac and mediastinal silhouette is normal. No bony abnormalities are seen. 786.2IMPRESSIONThe lungs have cleared considerably compared to January 3rd and are now considered within normal limits as is the cardiac shadow. 786.2IMPRESSIONThe lungs remain mildly hyperinflated. There is bilateral perihilar peribronchial thickening, suggesting viral illness or reactive airway disease. This has not greatly changed when compared to previous exam. However, on today's exam, there is no focal infiltrate to suggest lobar pneumonia. The cardiac and mediastinal silhouette remains normal. No bony abnormalities are seen. 786.2IMPRESSIONThere is a relatively wedge - shaped area of opacification in the lateral aspect of the left inferior hemithorax, most likely reflecting segmental pneumonia. No definite pleural effusion or adenopathy. 786.2IMPRESSIONThere is mild peribronchial cuffing with minor increase in perihilar markings. No focal parenchymal abnormality. There is borderline hyperinflation. The picture most likely reflects mild viral or reactive airways disease without focal pneumonia. 786.2IMPRESSIONThere is mild peribronchial cuffing without air trapping or focal pneumonia. The findings at most reflects mild viral or reactive airways disease. 786.2IMPRESSIONThere is mild perihilar peribronchial thickening, suggesting viral illness or reactive airway disease. Minimal linear atelectasis is noted in the perihilar regions and the lung bases, however, there is no focal, lobar consolidation to suggest bacterial pneumonia. The cardiac and mediastinal silhouette is normal. The costophrenic angles are sharp. No bony abnormalities are seen. 786.2IMPRESSIONThree views of the chest show normal cardiac and mediastinal silhouette. The lungs are clear. No evidence of pneumonia. 786.2IMPRESSIONTwo views of the airway show mild subglottic narrowing, suggesting viral illness / croup. The epiglottis and aryepiglottic folds are normal. The tonsils and adenoids are appropriate for age. 786.2IMPRESSIONTwo views of the chest are normal without evidence of pneumonia. 786.2IMPRESSIONTwo views of the chest show no evidence of pneumonia. The pulmonary parenchyma is clear and the pleural margins are sharp. 786.2IMPRESSIONTwo views of the chest show normal lung volumes, without hyperinflation. There is bilateral perihilar peribronchial thickening, suggesting viral illness or reactive airway disease. There is no focal infiltrate to suggest bacterial pneumonia. The cardiac and mediastinal silhouette is normal. No bony abnormalities are seen. 786.2IMPRESSIONTwo views of the chest show opacity in both upper lobes, right - sided greater than left. Findings may represent atelectasis or pneumonia. The perihilar markings are mildly increased. There is no pleural effusion. The cardiac and mediastinal silhouette is normal. No bony abnormalities are seen. 786.2IMPRESSIONTwo views of the chest were performed on 1/2/01. Small patchy opacities within the left medial lower lobe, obscuring the posterior portion of the hemidiaphragm. This is consistent with an area of pneumonia. Atelectasis can have a similar appearance. The heart size is normal. 786.2IMPRESSIONUnremarkable two views of the chest without focal pneumonia. 786.2IMPRESSIONVery mild changes of viral or reactive airway disease. 786.2IMPRESSIONViral vs reactive airway disease. 786.50CLINICAL_HISTORY10-year - old female with chest pain. 786.50CLINICAL_HISTORY10-year - old with recurrent left - sided chest pain. 786.50CLINICAL_HISTORY11-year - old female with chest pain for one week. 786.50CLINICAL_HISTORY11-year - old male with chest and sternum pain after injury a week ago. 786.50CLINICAL_HISTORY13 year old with chest pain over the sternum. 786.50CLINICAL_HISTORY13 year old with chest pain. 786.50CLINICAL_HISTORY13-year - old boy with chest pain. 786.50CLINICAL_HISTORY13-year - old female with right upper chest pain. 786.50CLINICAL_HISTORY13-year - old with chest pain. 786.50CLINICAL_HISTORY14 year old female with chest pain in the left lower ribs. 786.50CLINICAL_HISTORY14 year old with history of asthma. Complains of chest pain. 786.50CLINICAL_HISTORY14-year - old female with chest pain and swelling in the anterior third and fourth ribs has been hit by a basketball. 786.50CLINICAL_HISTORY14-year 2-month - old male with chest pain. 786.50CLINICAL_HISTORY14-year 5-month - old female with inspiratory chest pain rule out pleural or pulmonary disease. 786.50CLINICAL_HISTORY14-year 7-month - old female with chest pain. 786.50CLINICAL_HISTORY15-year - old female with chest pain. 786.50CLINICAL_HISTORY15-year - old male with right lateral and anterior chest pain after falling on a chair in school. 786.50CLINICAL_HISTORY15-year - old with chest pain. 786.50CLINICAL_HISTORY16-year - old with chest pain. 786.50CLINICAL_HISTORY18-year - old with chest pain. 786.50CLINICAL_HISTORY19-year - old with left upper chest pain x one month. 786.50CLINICAL_HISTORY5-year 10-month - old male with cough and chest pain. 786.50CLINICAL_HISTORY7-year - old with chest pain. 786.50CLINICAL_HISTORY8-year 10-month - old male with central chest pain for about four weeks. 786.50CLINICAL_HISTORY8-year-6-month - old male with chest pain. 786.50CLINICAL_HISTORY9-year - old female with fever and chest pain. 786.50CLINICAL_HISTORY9-year - old with chest pain. 786.50CLINICAL_HISTORYChest pain and tightening with heart racing. 786.50CLINICAL_HISTORYChest pain for a day. 786.50CLINICAL_HISTORYChest pain right side for a week, radiating down right arm. 786.50CLINICAL_HISTORYChest pain while breathing. 786.50CLINICAL_HISTORYChest pain while running. 786.50CLINICAL_HISTORYChest pain with abnormal chest x-ray in January 2001. 786.50CLINICAL_HISTORYChest pain with deep breaths. 786.50CLINICAL_HISTORYChest pain with exercise. 786.50CLINICAL_HISTORYChest pain, left side hit on coffee table. 786.50CLINICAL_HISTORYChest pain, tenderness posterior lower ribs. 786.50CLINICAL_HISTORYChest pain, upper area. 786.50CLINICAL_HISTORYChest pain. 786.50CLINICAL_HISTORYChest pain. Elbowed in ribs at basketball practice with pain in the anterior axillary line on the left side. 786.50CLINICAL_HISTORYChronic chest pain. 786.50CLINICAL_HISTORYCough and chest pain. 786.50CLINICAL_HISTORYFell at school. Chest pain. 786.50CLINICAL_HISTORYLeft chest pain. 786.50CLINICAL_HISTORYLeft lower chest pain. Rule - out pneumonia. 786.50CLINICAL_HISTORYNine - year-old male with left - sided chest pain. Pain is reportedly localized above and inferior to the nipple and lateral to the nipple at times. By report, this increases with activity. 786.50CLINICAL_HISTORYPain in rib area, right anterior mid chest near sternum. 786.50CLINICAL_HISTORYPain on the left side for approximately 1 year. 786.50CLINICAL_HISTORYPain. 786.50CLINICAL_HISTORYRib pain, injury 2 weeks ago. Right lower anterior ribs. 786.50CLINICAL_HISTORYRight - sided chest pain for 1 1/2 weeks. 786.50CLINICAL_HISTORYSickle cell with acute chest pain. 786.50CLINICAL_HISTORYSix year old with chest pain, rule out cardiac abnormality. 786.50CLINICAL_HISTORYTen year old with chest pain x two weeks. 786.50CLINICAL_HISTORYThe patient has chest pain following trauma and rib injury over the left lower rib cage. 786.50CLINICAL_HISTORYThis is a 10-year - old female with fever chest pain. Evaluate for pneumonia. 786.50CLINICAL_HISTORYThis is a 14 year old with chest pain. 786.50CLINICAL_HISTORYThis is a 14-year 2-month - old male with chest pain. The patient has pain at anterior right chest around ribs 4 through 9. 786.50CLINICAL_HISTORYThis is an 18 year old female with history of left chest pain. 786.50CLINICAL_HISTORYThis is an 18-year - old female with history of pain on inspiration, right chest. Rule out pneumothorax. 786.50CLINICAL_HISTORYTwo weeks of left anterior chest pain below breast. 786.50CLINICAL_HISTORYUpper chest pain towards the right after wrestling. 786.50IMPRESSION1. No acute abnormality seen. 2. Evidence of prior histoplasma infection. 786.50IMPRESSION1. No acute cardiopulmonary abnormality seen. 2. No chest wall abnormality demonstrated. 786.50IMPRESSION1. No acute disease identified. 2. Stable calcific densities. 786.50IMPRESSION1. Old granulomatous disease. 2. No acute cardiopulmonary disease. 786.50IMPRESSION1.No evidence of displaced rib fractures or complicating features thereof. Essentially unremarkable two views of the chest. Please note that chest radiograph technique has decreased sensitivity for detection of fractures of the ribs due to the high kilovoltage technique utilized. 786.50IMPRESSIONChest within normal limits. 786.50IMPRESSIONClear chest. No focal pneumonia seen. 786.50IMPRESSIONFrontal and lateral of the chest and a single view of the right lower ribs was performed 1/2/01. Right lower rib radiograph there is a marked overlying area of pain as well as on the frontal image but it is very lower anterior rib. There is no fracture seen. There is no fluid. Heart size is normal limits. No airspace disease is identified in the area of the patient's pain. No definite fracture is seen. This is at the costochondral junction, could this patient have a cartilaginous injury? Lungs are otherwise clear. 786.50IMPRESSIONMid thoracic curvature, possibly positional. Otherwise normal chest. 786.50IMPRESSIONMinimal pleural thickening in the right lateral costophrenic sulcus likely sequela from prior pneumonia and/or empyema and/or chest tube placement. No radiographic features to account for patient's symptoms currently. 786.50IMPRESSIONNegative chest. 786.50IMPRESSIONNegative. 786.50IMPRESSIONNo abnormality seen to explain chest pain. 786.50IMPRESSIONNo acute cardiopulmonary disease. 786.50IMPRESSIONNo acute findings. 786.50IMPRESSIONNo evidence of pneumothorax or pneumonia to explain the patient's chest pain. 786.50IMPRESSIONNo evidence of rib or sternal fracture. 786.50IMPRESSIONNo focal abnormality detected. 786.50IMPRESSIONNo fracture of the ribs. Lungs clear. 786.50IMPRESSIONNo infiltrate or effusion. 786.50IMPRESSIONNo radiographic evidence of acute cardiopulmonary disease. 786.50IMPRESSIONNormal chest examination. 786.50IMPRESSIONNormal chest films. 786.50IMPRESSIONNormal chest radiograph without evidence of pneumothorax. 786.50IMPRESSIONNormal chest radiograph. 786.50IMPRESSIONNormal chest radiograph. No findings to account for symptoms. 786.50IMPRESSIONNormal chest study. 786.50IMPRESSIONNormal chest x-ray. 786.50IMPRESSIONNormal chest. 786.50IMPRESSIONNormal chest. The reason for the patient's chest pain is not apparent on the radiographs. 786.50IMPRESSIONNormal chest. There is no evidence of pneumothorax or pleural effusion. 786.50IMPRESSIONNormal exam. 786.50IMPRESSIONNormal radiographic appearance of the chest. No chest wall abnormality or pneumothorax is seen. 786.50IMPRESSIONNormal radiographic appearance of the chest. No visible cause for chest pain. 786.50IMPRESSIONNormal study, the lungs are clear. No chest wall abnormalities are present. The heart size and pulmonary vascularity are normal. The soft tissue prominence over the scapular area on the rotated lateral view is felt to be due to projection. 786.50IMPRESSIONNormal study. 786.50IMPRESSIONNormal two views of the chest. 786.50IMPRESSIONNormal. 786.50IMPRESSIONPersistent low lung volumes with improving bibasilar air space disease. Bony changes are consistent with history of sickle cell disease. 786.50IMPRESSIONProbable prior granulomatous disease, as discussed above. No acute infiltrate or pneumothorax. 786.50IMPRESSIONSegmentation abnormality of the mid thoracic spine. Resultant scoliosis. 786.50IMPRESSIONStable exam without radiographic evidence of acute cardiopulmonary disease. 786.50IMPRESSIONThe lungs are clear and the heart normal. Patient has a minimal exaggeration of mid upper thoracic kyphosis and minimal lateral curvature of the spine convex to the right. No cervical rib. 786.50IMPRESSIONThe lungs are well - expanded and clear. There is no focal infiltrate or pleural effusion. There is also no evidence of pneumothorax. The cardiac and mediastinal silhouette is normal. The ossified bones are normal. Note that cartilage is not visible on plain radiographs. If there is clinical concern about the anterior rib ends, a different modality of imaging would need to be employed. 786.50IMPRESSIONThe lungs are well - expanded and clear. There is no pneumothorax or pleural effusion. The cardiac and mediastinal silhouette is normal. No bony abnormalities are appreciated. Note that chest radiographic technique is insufficient for detailed evaluation of the sternal bone. If pain persists in this region, consider dedicated sternal films for additional evaluation. 786.50IMPRESSIONThe lungs are well expanded and clear. There is no focal infiltrate or pleural effusion. The cardiac and mediastinal silhouette is normal. No bony abnormalities are appreciated. There is no evidence of pneumothorax or pleural disease to explain chest pain. 786.50IMPRESSIONThe lungs are well expanded and clear. There is no focal infiltrate or pleural effusion. The cardiac and mediastinal silhouette is normal. No bony abnormalities are seen. 786.50IMPRESSIONThe patient stands with some thoracolumbar scoliosis, convex to the right. The lungs are clear and the heart normal. 786.50IMPRESSIONThe ribs and region of the sternum normal on plain images. As in January 2001, tenting of the mid - right diaphragm and the right heart contour. Spleen normal in this patient said to have a history of Hodgkin disease. 786.50IMPRESSIONThere is mild peribronchial cuffing without air trapping or focal pneumonia. The findings at most reflects mild viral or reactive airways disease. 786.59CLINICAL_HISTORY10-year-9-month - old male with chest tightness. 786.59CLINICAL_HISTORYChest pain and tightness. 786.59IMPRESSIONNo acute disease. 786.59IMPRESSIONNormal chest. 787.03CLINICAL_HISTORY2-year - old with cough for one week. Also fever to 105 for the past week. Vomiting. 787.03CLINICAL_HISTORY3-year - old male with a history of pyloroplasty presents with cough and fever and emesis. 787.03CLINICAL_HISTORYCough and vomiting. 787.03CLINICAL_HISTORYCough, fever and vomiting. Rule out infiltrate. 787.03CLINICAL_HISTORYCough, fever, and vomiting since early morning. 787.03CLINICAL_HISTORYFour year old male with cough, fever, and vomiting. Question pneumonia. 787.03CLINICAL_HISTORYThis is a 9-year - old male with vomiting and cough. 787.03IMPRESSIONClear chest x-ray. No focal pneumonia seen. 787.03IMPRESSIONClear. 787.03IMPRESSIONNo infiltrate. Prominent shadow in middle mediastinum likely represents confluence of pulmonary veins, but is higher in the mediastinum than expected. Followup chest xray would be helpful in 6 to 8 weeks. Findings discussed with physician on 1/2/01. 787.03IMPRESSIONNo pneumonia. 787.03IMPRESSIONNonobstructive bowel gas pattern. 787.03IMPRESSIONNormal chest. 787.03IMPRESSIONNormal chest. No radiographic features of bacterial pneumonia. 788.30CLINICAL_HISTORY10 year 7-month - old male with enuresis. 788.30CLINICAL_HISTORY10 year old with enuresis at nighttime only. No studies are available for comparison. 788.30CLINICAL_HISTORY10-year - old with enuresis. 788.30CLINICAL_HISTORY11-year - old with enuresis. 788.30CLINICAL_HISTORY12-year - old girl with enuresis. 788.30CLINICAL_HISTORY12-year-7-month - old male with enuresis. 788.30CLINICAL_HISTORY13-1/2-year - old nighttime anuresis and intermittent daytime enuresis. Mother reports that the patient is sometimes dry for several nights in a row. 788.30CLINICAL_HISTORY14-1/2-year - old with enuresis. 788.30CLINICAL_HISTORY4-year - old male with day and night enuresis. 788.30CLINICAL_HISTORY4-year-11-month - old male with history of enuresis. 788.30CLINICAL_HISTORY4-year-8-month - old female with enuresis. 788.30CLINICAL_HISTORY5-year - old female with anuresis. 788.30CLINICAL_HISTORY5-year - old female with enuresis. 788.30CLINICAL_HISTORY5-year - old with enuresis. 788.30CLINICAL_HISTORY5-year 10-month - old male with urinary incontinence. 788.30CLINICAL_HISTORY5-year 7-month - old male with enuresis. 788.30CLINICAL_HISTORY6-year, 5-month - old male with history of right ureteral reimplantation and resection of right bladder base diverticulum. Patient has urinary and stool incontinence. 788.30CLINICAL_HISTORY6-year-6-month - old female with frequent episodes of urinary incontinence. 788.30CLINICAL_HISTORY7-1/2-year - old with history of bladder exstrophy, omphalocele, and incontinence. Follow up. Comparison is made with 1/2/01. 788.30CLINICAL_HISTORY7-year - old male with day and night time enuresis. 788.30CLINICAL_HISTORY8-year - old female with nighttime and daytime enuresis. Rule out anomalies. 788.30CLINICAL_HISTORY8-year-10-month - old female with history of urinary incontinence. Question whether patient can empty her bladder. 788.30CLINICAL_HISTORY85-month - old female with history of incontinence. Comparison made to ultrasound examination from 1/2/01. 788.30CLINICAL_HISTORY9 year old female with history of urinary incontinence. The patient has had prior urinary tract infections. 788.30CLINICAL_HISTORYDay and night enuresis. 788.30CLINICAL_HISTORYDay and night time enuresis. 788.30CLINICAL_HISTORYDay and night wetting. Has foster parents. Urinary tract infections. 788.30CLINICAL_HISTORYDay/ night enuresis. Autism. 788.30CLINICAL_HISTORYDaytime wetting. 788.30CLINICAL_HISTORYDaytime wetting. Followup. 788.30CLINICAL_HISTORYEnuresis and hematuria. 788.30CLINICAL_HISTORYEnuresis and urinary tract infections. 788.30CLINICAL_HISTORYEnuresis, hematuria. 788.30CLINICAL_HISTORYEnuresis, history of urinary tract infection one year prior. 788.30CLINICAL_HISTORYEnuresis, urinary incontinence. 788.30CLINICAL_HISTORYEnuresis. 788.30CLINICAL_HISTORYEnuresis. History of pyelectasis by ultrasound. 788.30CLINICAL_HISTORYFour year old with enuresis. 788.30CLINICAL_HISTORYHistory of prior re-implantation of the left ureter and bladder diverticulum removal. Urinary incontinence. Nighttime wetting. 788.30CLINICAL_HISTORYHistory of single urinary tract infection last year, now complains of intermittent daytime and nighttime enuresis. 788.30CLINICAL_HISTORYIncomplete bladder emptying enuresis. 788.30CLINICAL_HISTORYIncontinence UTI. 788.30CLINICAL_HISTORYIncontinence. 788.30CLINICAL_HISTORYNearly 6-year - old male with failure to toilet train. 788.30CLINICAL_HISTORYNighttime anuresis. 788.30CLINICAL_HISTORYNocturnal enuresis. 788.30CLINICAL_HISTORYRecurrent urinary tract infections and enuresis. Has known left duplex kidney with nonobstructive ureterocele. 788.30CLINICAL_HISTORYSecondary enuresis. 788.30CLINICAL_HISTORYThis is a 5-year - old female patient with nighttime enuresis since January of this year. The patient complains of burning and redness in the perineum. 788.30CLINICAL_HISTORYThis is an 11 year, 10-month - old female with history of enuresis. 788.30CLINICAL_HISTORYUrinary incontinence, daytime enuresis. 788.30CLINICAL_HISTORYUrinary incontinence, enuresis. 788.30CLINICAL_HISTORYUrinary incontinence. 788.30CLINICAL_HISTORYVoiding dysfunction. Previous history of patent urachus which was surgically repaired. 788.30IMPRESSION1. Both the right and left kidney are greater than 2 standard deviations above the mean for the patient's age. However, the kidneys are within the normal range for height and weight. 2. There is no evidence of any hydronephrosis. 788.30IMPRESSION1. Interval growth of both the kidneys. 2. The bladder wall is mildly irregular. 788.30IMPRESSION1. Interval growth of otherwise unremarkable kidneys. 2. Small echogenic focus along the posterior / superior bladder wall of uncertain etiology. This does not appear to represent a stone and is not mobile. It may represent postsurgical scarring in this patient with history of prior bladder surgery. 788.30IMPRESSION1. Large postvoid residual with questionable thickening of the bladder suggest bladder dysfunction. 788.30IMPRESSION1. Mild bladder wall thickening. 2. Otherwise, normal renal ultrasound. 788.30IMPRESSION1. Moderate left pyelectasis. 2. Minimal intermittent right pyelectasis. 788.30IMPRESSION1. No interval growth of kidneys. The bilateral mild pyelectasis has decreased from the previous study. 2. Mild to moderate postvoid residual in urinary bladder. 788.30IMPRESSION1. Normal kidneys. 2. Bladder wall thickening, clinical correlation recommended to exclude infection or neurogenic bladder. 788.30IMPRESSION1. Normal kidneys. 2. Bladder wall thickening. 788.30IMPRESSION1. Normal renal ultrasound. 2. The urinary bladder is displaced anteriorly by a fluid filled structure in the pelvis thought to be a distended vagina. After voiding, the vagina is empty, the bladder is unchanged in volume but no longer displaced. The retained fluid in the vagina may account for the patient's symptoms of incontinence. 788.30IMPRESSION1. Normal right kidney. 2. Interval growth seen of duplex left kidney with nonobstructive ureterocele. 788.30IMPRESSION1. Normal sonographic appearance of the kidneys 2. Echogenic debris in the bladder with thickened wall. The question of cystitis is raised. 788.30IMPRESSION1. Normal sonographic appearance of the kidneys. 2. Possible small left ureterocele. 788.30IMPRESSION1. Normal sonographic appearance the kidneys bilaterally. 2. Nonspecific free fluid in pelvis. 788.30IMPRESSION1. Small echogenic focus within the lower pole right kidney, which could represent a calculus. The previously demonstrated focus within the mid pole of the right kidney is not seen on the current study. 2. Otherwise, normal kidneys bilaterally with interval growth. 788.30IMPRESSION1. Small kidneys for age. However, the patient's height is a 134 cm in the patient's weight is 28.6 kilograms which results in a kidney size is normal for the patient's size. 788.30IMPRESSION1. Symmetric enlargement of both kidneys, otherwise normal sonographic appearance. 2. Small post void residual. 788.30IMPRESSION1. There has been interval renal growth. The renal lengths are upper limits of normal in size for age. 2. There is a right - sided moderate and mild left - sided pyelectasis. This is unchanged from the prior study. 788.30IMPRESSION1. This is a normal renal ultrasound. 788.30IMPRESSIONApart from the slight rotation of both kidneys the study is normal. 788.30IMPRESSIONEssentially normal renal ultrasound for age. Small to moderate postvoid residual. 788.30IMPRESSIONInterval growth of normal appearing kidneys. 788.30IMPRESSIONInterval growth of otherwise unremarkable kidneys. 788.30IMPRESSIONLikely artificial echogenic focus within the central portion of the left kidney, otherwise normal renal ultrasound. 788.30IMPRESSIONMild bladder wall thickening. Otherwise, normal renal ultrasound. 788.30IMPRESSIONNormal R9.2; L10.0cm. 788.30IMPRESSIONNormal interval growth. 788.30IMPRESSIONNormal kidneys and bladder. 788.30IMPRESSIONNormal renal and bladder ultrasound. 788.30IMPRESSIONNormal renal ultrasound including the bladder, was small postvoid residual. 788.30IMPRESSIONNormal renal ultrasound including the bladder. 788.30IMPRESSIONNormal renal ultrasound, unchanged. 788.30IMPRESSIONNormal renal ultrasound. 788.30IMPRESSIONNormal renal ultrasound. Moderate bladder residue post void. 788.30IMPRESSIONNormal the examination the kidneys. 788.30IMPRESSIONNormal. R=9.2; L=9.3 cm. 788.30IMPRESSIONSonographically normal appearing kidneys though they are both above the range of normal in length; no apparent etiology is identified by this scan. 788.30IMPRESSIONThe kidneys appear normal. Limited examination of the bladder, which was normal. 788.30IMPRESSIONThe kidneys have demonstrated interval renal growth, are normal in size for age, and demonstrate normal imaging characteristics. 788.30IMPRESSIONThe left kidney is slightly large for patient's age however there is no other abnormality identified. Otherwise normal ultrasound. 788.30IMPRESSIONUpper normal asymmetry in renal size. The right does not appear hypoplastic or scarred and the left collecting system does not appear duplicated, therefore this is most likely normal for this patient. Otherwise normal renal ultrasound including the bladder. 788.30IMPRESSIONUpper normal renal size for age. Bladder appears normal. 788.30IMPRESSIONUpper normal renal sizes. Otherwise, normal ultrasound. 788.41CLINICAL_HISTORY17 year old with frequency and intermittent microscopic hematuria. 788.41CLINICAL_HISTORY8-year - old female with gross hematuria and increased frequency. 788.41IMPRESSION1. Bladder wall appears mildly prominent, with moderate amount of intraluminal debris. 2. Otherwise, Normal renal ultrasound. 788.41IMPRESSIONNormal renal ultrasound. 789.00CLINICAL_HISTORY11-year - old male with history of urethral cyst. Abdominal pain. 789.00CLINICAL_HISTORY15-year, 7-month - old male with abdominal pain. Evaluate for renal stones. 789.00CLINICAL_HISTORY17-year - old with history of prior stones and lithotripsy. Recent onset of left flank pain with no visible hematuria. IVP in Athens on 1/2/01 described normal bilateral renal function and excretion with mild distention of the left renal pelvis and calices compared to the right. The left ureter was visualized and appeared normal. 789.00CLINICAL_HISTORYAbdominal pain and dribbling. 789.00CLINICAL_HISTORYAbdominal pain, nonspecific. 789.00CLINICAL_HISTORYAbdominal pain, rule out pneumonia. 789.00CLINICAL_HISTORYAbdominal pain. 789.00CLINICAL_HISTORYFlank pain. 789.00CLINICAL_HISTORYFour days of abdominal pain. 789.00CLINICAL_HISTORYLeft - sided pain and tenderness. Evaluate for renal calcifications. 789.00CLINICAL_HISTORYPossible abdominal pain. 789.00CLINICAL_HISTORYPossible right lower lobe opacity on abdominal radiograph. Abdominal pain without cough or fever. 789.00CLINICAL_HISTORYRight sided flank pain, evaluate for renal stone. 789.00CLINICAL_HISTORYThis is a 13-year-2-month - old female with history of abdominal pain for two months. Bilateral flank pain. 789.00CLINICAL_HISTORYThis is a 16-year - old male with history of episodes of severe flank pain for several years. Rule out stones. 789.00CLINICAL_HISTORYThis patient has intermittent acute abdominal pain. Most recently, the patient had an ultrasound done yesterday to exclude intussusception. There was no evidence of intussusception. In addition, the patient had a renal ultrasound done 5 days previously which was normal. 789.00CLINICAL_HISTORYThis patient has intermittent severe abdominal pain associated with constipation. The purpose of the study was to evaluate for any abnormalities. 789.00IMPRESSION1. Essentially unremarkable renal sonogram. 789.00IMPRESSION1. No change in right upper pole cyst. 2. No stone identified. 3. No definite dilatation to suggest a stone, however, there is increased peristalsis in the left renal pelvis and upper ureter which is suspicious for mild obstruction possibly from a stone in the mid ureter. 789.00IMPRESSION1. Normal renal ultrasound. 2. Normal - appearing bladder with minimal bladder debris. 789.00IMPRESSIONChest clear, heart normal. 789.00IMPRESSIONFocal dilatation may be secondary to an acute inflammatory process. 789.00IMPRESSIONNo lobar pneumonia is seen. The ill - defined right sided opacity seen could represent atelectasis or an early infiltrate. 789.00IMPRESSIONNormal abdominal ultrasound . Normal renal ultrasound. An underlying cause for the patient's clinical symptoms is not apparent. 789.00IMPRESSIONNormal chest. 789.00IMPRESSIONNormal kidneys. Incomplete bladder emptying. 789.00IMPRESSIONNormal renal and bladder sonography. Normal pelvic ultrasound Normal abdominal ultrasound. 789.00IMPRESSIONNormal renal ultrasound including the bladder. 789.00IMPRESSIONNormal renal ultrasound including the bladder. If clinically warranted, evaluation of the GI tract, could be performed. 789.00IMPRESSIONNormal renal ultrasound without evidence of calculi or hydronephrosis. 789.00IMPRESSIONNormal renal ultrasound. 789.00IMPRESSIONThe stomach is quite full of food and fluid. It is just after lunch time. The colon has moderate stool. Otherwise normal. 789.09CLINICAL_HISTORY12-year - old female with left flank and abdominal pain. 789.09CLINICAL_HISTORY14-year 11-month - old male with history of left - sided flank pain x1 week, microscopic hematuria. 789.09CLINICAL_HISTORY3 days of mid - quadrant pain without evidence of cough. 789.09CLINICAL_HISTORYHematuria, flank pain. 789.09CLINICAL_HISTORYHematuria, left flank pain. 789.09CLINICAL_HISTORYRight flank pain which is relieved with urination. 789.09IMPRESSION1. Normal renal ultrasound. 2. Normal abdominal ultrasound. 789.09IMPRESSIONNo sonographic abnormality seen of the kidneys or bladder. 789.09IMPRESSIONNormal renal ultrasound. 789.09IMPRESSIONNormal renal ultrasound; There has been no significant change in the size of the kidneys. 789.09IMPRESSIONSingle AP of the abdomen does not reveal the etiology of the patient's pain. It appears near normal except for minimal prominence of bowel loops in the right lower quadrant. 791.0CLINICAL_HISTORY16-year - old male with hematuria and proteinuria. 791.0CLINICAL_HISTORY4-year - old with hematuria and proteinuria. 791.0CLINICAL_HISTORY8 year - old with hematuria, and proteinuria. 791.0CLINICAL_HISTORYHematuria and proteinuria. Back pain. Right pelvic pain. 791.0CLINICAL_HISTORYProteinuria and hematuria. 791.0IMPRESSION1. Under - distention of the urinary bladder; the patient may be mildly dehydrated, given the history provided by the mother. 2. No sonographic abnormalities of the kidneys are identified. 791.0IMPRESSIONMildly increased renal echogenicity in a nonspecific appearance for medical renal disease. 791.0IMPRESSIONNormal renal ultrasound including the bladder. 791.0IMPRESSIONNormal renal ultrasound. 795.5CLINICAL_HISTORY12-month - old female with positive PPD. 795.5CLINICAL_HISTORY15-year - old with positive PPD. 795.5CLINICAL_HISTORY16-year - old female with positive PPD. 795.5CLINICAL_HISTORY18-year-4-month - old female with a positive PPD. 795.5CLINICAL_HISTORY19-year - old with positive PPD. 795.5CLINICAL_HISTORY9 year old with a positive PPD. 795.5CLINICAL_HISTORYAdopted positive PPD. 795.5CLINICAL_HISTORYCough. Patient is adopted from Uganda and has a positive PPD skin test. 795.5CLINICAL_HISTORYCough. Positive PPD. Evaluate for active tuberculosis disease. 795.5CLINICAL_HISTORYEvaluate for tuberculosis in a 15-year - old female with positive PPD. 795.5CLINICAL_HISTORYHistory of positive PPD. 795.5CLINICAL_HISTORYHistory of positive PPD. Evaluate for active TB. 795.5CLINICAL_HISTORYKnown positive reactor in 2001. 795.5CLINICAL_HISTORYPositive PPD after BCG. Asymptomatic, negative history. 795.5CLINICAL_HISTORYPositive PPD skin test. Rule out tuberculosis. 795.5CLINICAL_HISTORYPositive PPD test. 795.5CLINICAL_HISTORYPositive PPD. 795.5CLINICAL_HISTORYPositive TB test, rule out TB. 795.5CLINICAL_HISTORYPositive purified protein derivative. Not stated if the patient had received BCG. 795.5CLINICAL_HISTORYPrevious positive PPD. 795.5CLINICAL_HISTORYPreviously positive purified protein derivative. 795.5CLINICAL_HISTORYReactive PPD. 795.5CLINICAL_HISTORYSixteen month old female with positive PPD. 795.5CLINICAL_HISTORYTB converter. 795.5CLINICAL_HISTORYTB or positive PPD, evaluate for TB. 795.5CLINICAL_HISTORYThis is a 13-year 5-month - old male who has been a known positive reaction to PPD since 2001. 795.5CLINICAL_HISTORYThis is a 18 year old with past positive PPD. Rule out tuberculosis. 795.5CLINICAL_HISTORYThis is a 5-year-6-month - old female with positive PPD. Rule out TB. 795.5CLINICAL_HISTORYThree year old with history of positive PPD. 795.5IMPRESSION1. Clear lungs. 795.5IMPRESSION1. No radiographic evidence of active TB. 795.5IMPRESSION1. Questionable nodule on lateral view. 2. Otherwise clear lungs. 795.5IMPRESSIONBilateral pleural thickening and questionable nodular density within the left base as described. Comparison with old outside chest x-rays would be very helpful in documenting stability of the appearance of these areas. If stability cannot be documented, a CT would be helpful in further evaluate if clinically indicated. 795.5IMPRESSIONChest clear. 795.5IMPRESSIONHeart normal and lungs clear. The patient does have a minimal scoliosis convex to the right of the lower thoracic column measuring about 9 degrees. 795.5IMPRESSIONNo acute abnormality of chest. 795.5IMPRESSIONNo acute cardiopulmonary disease; has patient had BCG. 795.5IMPRESSIONNo acute disease. 795.5IMPRESSIONNo evidence of active TB. 795.5IMPRESSIONNo evidence of acute cardiopulmonary disease or evidence of TB. 795.5IMPRESSIONNo evidence of pulmonary tuberculosis on x-ray. 795.5IMPRESSIONNo evidence of pulmonary tuberculosis. 795.5IMPRESSIONNo focal pneumonia. 795.5IMPRESSIONNo radiographic abnormality seen of the chest. 795.5IMPRESSIONNo signs of tuberculosis. 795.5IMPRESSIONNormal chest radiograph. 795.5IMPRESSIONNormal chest radiograph. No evidence of tuberculosis. 795.5IMPRESSIONNormal chest x-ray. 795.5IMPRESSIONNormal chest. 795.5IMPRESSIONNormal exam. 795.5IMPRESSIONNormal heart size with clear lungs. No radiographic evidence of active TB. 795.5IMPRESSIONNormal outside films. 795.5IMPRESSIONNormal study. 795.5IMPRESSIONNormal two views of the chest without acute cardiopulmonary findings. 795.5IMPRESSIONNormal two views of the chest. 795.5IMPRESSIONRight upper lobe linear density is favored to represent subsegmental atelectasis over early infiltrate. Followup film may be considered. 795.5IMPRESSIONSuspect possible hilar adenopathy with left lower lobe air space disease. This is nonspecific for Tuberculosis but must be considered. Correlation with sputum may be worthwhile. Findings were discussed with Denise Rankin's office 1/2/01. 795.5IMPRESSIONThe examination is negative. V13.02CLINICAL_HISTORY13-1/2-year - old with recent urinary tract and traction and fever. V13.02CLINICAL_HISTORY14-year - old male with history of a single afebrile urinary tract infection in January with gross hematuria for a week. The patient was treated with antibiotics. V13.02CLINICAL_HISTORY18-year - old woman with history of reflux and urinary tract infections. V13.02CLINICAL_HISTORY2 urinary tract infections in the past 6 months. V13.02CLINICAL_HISTORY2 year 2 month old female with recurrent urinary tract infection. V13.02CLINICAL_HISTORY2 years 7-month - old female with 3 episodes of UTIs in the past year. Fever up to 103 degrees. The most recent UTI and was one month ago. V13.02CLINICAL_HISTORY2-year, 1-month - old with history of urinary tract infections. V13.02CLINICAL_HISTORY3 or 2-month - old female with history of UTI. V13.02CLINICAL_HISTORY3 years 7-month - old female with history of urinary tract infection. V13.02CLINICAL_HISTORY3-year - old and 9 month female with a history of urinary tract infection. V13.02CLINICAL_HISTORY3-year - old female with first febrile urinary tract infection approximately 2 weeks ago. Patient treated with antibiotics and fever resolved. V13.02CLINICAL_HISTORY3-year-10-month - old female with one episode of febrile urinary tract infection in the past. V13.02CLINICAL_HISTORY4-year - old female with 3 UTIs within the last 6 months. The patient's sibling has a history of reflux. V13.02CLINICAL_HISTORY4-year - old female with history of multiple febrile UTIs. Most recently the patient had a UTI 3 weeks prior to the examination. V13.02CLINICAL_HISTORY4-year - old female with multiple episodes of urinary tract infection, one of which was febrile. V13.02CLINICAL_HISTORY4-year - old with history of left reflux procedure over 2 years ago. The patient presented earlier this month with a febrile UTI and was found to have right - sided pyelonephritis on renal scintigraphy. V13.02CLINICAL_HISTORY4-year 9-month - old female, follow up UTI. V13.02CLINICAL_HISTORY4-year-2-month - old female with a history of at least one urinary tract infection; possibly three. Per mom patient states that even after she has urinated, she still feels wet. V13.02CLINICAL_HISTORY6 1/2 year old female with a recent urinary tract infection with possible pyelonephritis. Evaluate for scarring. V13.02CLINICAL_HISTORY6 year 3-month - old female with a history of urinary tract infection and vesicoureteral reflux status post right deflux procedure in January 2001. V13.02CLINICAL_HISTORY6-year - old female with 3 urinary tract infections in the last 6 months. V13.02CLINICAL_HISTORY7-year - old female with a history of UTI. V13.02CLINICAL_HISTORY7-year - old with history of reflux and multiple urinary tract infections. V13.02CLINICAL_HISTORYFirst UTI, without fever. UTI was 2-3 weeks ago. V13.02CLINICAL_HISTORYFollow up patient with UTI's and reflux. V13.02CLINICAL_HISTORYFollowup urinary tract infection. 4-year, 9-month - old girl. V13.02CLINICAL_HISTORYHistory of urinary tract infection. V13.02CLINICAL_HISTORYMerely a year - old with recurrent UTIs. Prior cystograms normal x2, trace grade 1 reflux x1. Had been on suppressive antibiotic. Recently discontinued, now with recent E coli UTI. V13.02CLINICAL_HISTORYMultiple urinary tract infections. V13.02CLINICAL_HISTORYNearly 6-year - old female with recurrent urinary tract infections. Comparison is made to renal ultrasound from 1/2/01 and 1/2/01. V13.02CLINICAL_HISTORYPatient with recent urinary tract infection approximately two weeks ago. Patient has had one previous urinary tract infection at approximately two years of age. V13.02CLINICAL_HISTORYRecurrent urinary tract infections, and vaginal abrasions. V13.02CLINICAL_HISTORYSingle febrile urinary tract infection in January. V13.02CLINICAL_HISTORYThis is a 1 year 10 month old female with history of urinary tract infection. Evaluate for cause of UTI. V13.02CLINICAL_HISTORYThis is a 1-year-5-month - old female with a prior history of urinary tract infections. V13.02CLINICAL_HISTORYThis is a 1-year-9-month - old female with a history of febrile UTI. This is her first renal evaluation. V13.02CLINICAL_HISTORYThis is a 10-year - old patient who had several urinary tract infections. The study from 2001 suggested simple duplication of the upper collecting system of the right kidney with thickening of the urothelial lining. The patient was subsequently demonstrated to have grade 1 right reflux. This is a followup study. V13.02CLINICAL_HISTORYThis is a 3-year-2-month - old female with a history of urinary tract infections. V13.02CLINICAL_HISTORYThis patient had a history of urinary tract infection. V13.02CLINICAL_HISTORYThree - year-one - month-old female with history of urinary tract infection and bilateral grade II vesicoureteral reflux. Evaluate kidneys. V13.02CLINICAL_HISTORYUrinary tract infection approximately 6 weeks ago. The patient was febrile. V13.02CLINICAL_HISTORYUrinary tract infection four times which were afebrile. V13.02CLINICAL_HISTORYUrinary tract infection, 3 weeks ago. Fever 101. V13.02IMPRESSION1. Essentially normal renal ultrasound demonstrating mild pyelectasis of the right kidney. 2. Small amount of free fluid within the pelvis likely physiologic. V13.02IMPRESSION1. Interval growth of normal - appearing kidneys. 2. Incidental note of 9 mm right ovarian follicle. V13.02IMPRESSION1. Mildly thickened bladder wall, which can be seen with cystitis. Correlate with clinical exam and/or laboratory findings. 2. Otherwise, normal renal ultrasound. V13.02IMPRESSION1. Minimal urothelial thickening of the right renal pelvis; this is a nonspecific finding which may be a normal variant or seen in vesicoureteral reflux, prior infection, or prior hydronephrosis. 2. Normal left kidney. V13.02IMPRESSION1. Significant renal size discrepancy with findings suggesting right kidney scarring, as above. 2. Normal appearing left kidney. 3. Normal bladder ultrasound. V13.02IMPRESSION1. There is duplication on the right with mild dilatation of the lower pole collecting system suggesting that the patient may have residual reflux. Likely, a cystourethrogram is warranted. 2. Interval growth of 2 normal size kidneys without evidence of renal scarring. V13.02IMPRESSIONBilateral intrarenal duplications. No hydronephrosis. V13.02IMPRESSIONHorseshoe kidney. No complications from pyelonephritis are seen. V13.02IMPRESSIONInterval growth of normal - appearing kidneys. V13.02IMPRESSIONInterval growth of normal appearing kidneys. V13.02IMPRESSIONInterval growth of normal appearing kidneys. Mild bladder wall thickening. V13.02IMPRESSIONIs stable renal ultrasound. Specifically, no visible residual of episode of right pyelonephritis several weeks ago. V13.02IMPRESSIONMild left pyelectasis and ureterectasis. Otherwise normal renal ultrasound. The bladder appears normal although there is a small to moderate post void residual. V13.02IMPRESSIONModerate postvoid bladder residual with mild bladder wall thickening, nonspecific but may be related to recent urinary tract infection / cystitis. Otherwise interval growth of normal appearing kidneys. V13.02IMPRESSIONNo change in normal appearing kidneys. V13.02IMPRESSIONNo hydronephrosis identified status post deflux procedure on the right. V13.02IMPRESSIONNormal bladder and renal sonography. V13.02IMPRESSIONNormal exam. V13.02IMPRESSIONNormal followup ultrasound of the kidneys with interval growth. V13.02IMPRESSIONNormal kidneys with mild upper pole caliectasis seen only in supine position and intermittent visualization of the distal right ureter. Voiding cystogram will be performed to exclude reflux. V13.02IMPRESSIONNormal renal and bladder sonography. V13.02IMPRESSIONNormal renal and bladder ultrasound. V13.02IMPRESSIONNormal renal ultrasound examination. V13.02IMPRESSIONNormal renal ultrasound including the bladder. V13.02IMPRESSIONNormal renal ultrasound study including the bladder. V13.02IMPRESSIONNormal renal ultrasound. V13.02IMPRESSIONNormal renal ultrasound.. V13.09CLINICAL_HISTORY10-year - old female with history of vesicoureteral reflux and horseshoe kidney. V13.09CLINICAL_HISTORY18-year - old woman with history of reflux and urinary tract infections. V13.09CLINICAL_HISTORY2-year, 9-month - old female with a urinary tract infection. History of vesicoureteral reflux. V13.09CLINICAL_HISTORY4-year - old status post deflux procedure. V13.09CLINICAL_HISTORY6 year 3-month - old female with a history of urinary tract infection and vesicoureteral reflux status post right deflux procedure in January 2001. V13.09CLINICAL_HISTORY6 years 6-month - old female with history of bilateral grade 2 vesicoureteral reflux. V13.09CLINICAL_HISTORY7-year - old with previous vesicoureteral reflux status post Deflux procedure. V13.09CLINICAL_HISTORYFollowup after Deflux procedure 1/2/01. V13.09CLINICAL_HISTORYHorseshoe kidney, known history of reflux. V13.09CLINICAL_HISTORYRenal anomaly duplex left kidney. History of reflux. V13.09CLINICAL_HISTORYThe patient is an 8year, 7-month - old female who is status post left Deflux injection. V13.09CLINICAL_HISTORYUrinary tract infection. In the past, the patient had grade 2 vesicoureteral reflux on the left. This is a followup study and is compared to the past exam of January 2, 2001. V13.09IMPRESSION1. Horseshoe kidney without complicating features such as hydronephrosis or renal calculi. 2. Fluid - filled mildly dilated proximal right ureter persists after voiding. This may be due to underlying reflux, peristalsis, or obstruction. V13.09IMPRESSION1. Interval growth both kidneys without hydronephrosis or hydroureter 2. Deflux mound identified with a large component within the bladder. No ureteral obstruction. V13.09IMPRESSION1. Left - sided Deflux. 2. Both the right and left ureteral jets were visualized. 3. No hydronephrosis. V13.09IMPRESSION1. Patient's status post deflux procedure. 2. Left duplicated kidney. 3. No evidence of hydronephrosis or renal scarring. 4. Large amount of stool within the colon, possibly representing constipation. V13.09IMPRESSION1. Slight interval growth of the normal appearing kidneys in comparison to 1/2/01. 2. No hydronephrosis or complication related to deflux procedure. V13.09IMPRESSIONInterval growth of horseshoe kidney. V13.09IMPRESSIONInterval growth of normal appearing kidneys status post bilateral deflux procedures. V13.09IMPRESSIONMild right urothelial thickening. Otherwise, normal renal ultrasound. V13.09IMPRESSIONNo hydronephrosis identified status post deflux procedure on the right. V13.09IMPRESSIONNormal renal ultrasound including the bladder. V13.09IMPRESSIONNormal renal ultrasound. V13.09IMPRESSIONStable ultrasound examination of sonographically normal appearing kidneys. V42.0CLINICAL_HISTORY17 year old, status post four renal transplants, with cough and history of pneumonia. V42.0CLINICAL_HISTORYThis is a 17-year - old male with a history of cough and previous renal transplant. V42.0IMPRESSIONNo evidence of focal consolidation or pleural effusion. Telephone report was called to Amy Wilson. V42.0IMPRESSIONNo focal pneumonia. V67.09CLINICAL_HISTORY10-year - old female status post Amplatzer device placement in the heart presents for followup. V67.09CLINICAL_HISTORY18-year - old with history of bladder exstrophy, status post gastrocystoplasty and Mitrofanoff. Followup examination. Comparison is made with 1/2/01. V67.09CLINICAL_HISTORY5-year - old girl status post diaphragmatic hernia repair. V67.09CLINICAL_HISTORY6-year - old with history of AV canal, status post bidirectional Glenn, evaluate pre - cath. V67.09CLINICAL_HISTORYBilateral ureteral reimplants, history of duplication. V67.09CLINICAL_HISTORYFollowup for ureteral reimplantation. V67.09CLINICAL_HISTORYReimplants procedure and followup, check bladder. V67.09CLINICAL_HISTORYStatus post bladder reconstruction. Followup ultrasound. V67.09CLINICAL_HISTORYStatus post left ureteral reimplantation. V67.09CLINICAL_HISTORYUreteral reimplantation on the left side in January 2001. Patient had stents inserted at that time which were removed in January 2001. At surgery, two left ureters were identified. V67.09CLINICAL_HISTORYUreteral reimplantation. V67.09IMPRESSIONInterval growth of both kidneys with bilateral duplication and mild central prominence of the duplicated collecting systems. No change in mild diffuse cortical thinning of the right upper moiety. V67.09IMPRESSIONInterval growth of normal - appearing kidneys. V67.09IMPRESSIONInterval growth of normal appearing kidneys with duplication on the left side. V67.09IMPRESSIONInterval growth of normal appearing kidneys. V67.09IMPRESSIONLungs are clear. Stable postoperative changes with sternotomy wires and Amplatzer device as described above. V67.09IMPRESSIONNo acute disease. V67.09IMPRESSIONNo significant change in size is of either kidney. Left kidney remains scarred. V67.09IMPRESSIONNormal renal ultrasound. V67.09IMPRESSIONNumerous surgical clips, endovascular coils, and sternal wires remain in place, unchanged in position. One of the sternal wires is again incidentally noted to be fractured. The lungs are well - expanded and clear. There is no focal infiltrate or pleural effusion. The pulmonary vascularity is within normal limits. The cardiac silhouette is stable in size. Overall, there has been minimal change in the chest when compared to exam two years earlier. V67.09IMPRESSIONSatisfactory postoperative appearances. V67.09IMPRESSIONStable normal appearing kidneys. V72.5CLINICAL_HISTORYNone given. V72.5CLINICAL_HISTORYRenal sonography. The patient is 19 pounds at 2 years of age. The purpose was to exclude any renal disease. V72.5IMPRESSIONNormal chest. V72.5IMPRESSIONNormal renal and bladder sonography.