--- layout: post title: "Big photos" date: 2013-11-18 19:04:47 excerpt: "Ink just loves big images. Use them as big as possible, preferably with 1280px in width, don't worry about the rest, InK will stretch and resize them accordingly to the available screen size." thumbnail: /assets/images/fozcoa.jpg frontimage: /assets/images/fozcoa.jpg categories: photos --- ![Foz Coa Boat](/assets/images/fozcoa.jpg "Foz Coa Boat") [Ink][1] just loves big images. Use them as big as possible, preferably with 1280px in width, don't worry about the rest, InK will stretch and resize them accordingly to the available screen size. ![Douro Sky](/assets/images/douro.jpg "Douro Sky") Use the JPG format for live photos, the file size is much smaller without compromising quality. [source for this page here][2]. [1]: http://ink.sapo.pt/ [2]: https://raw.github.com/celso/ghink/gh-pages/_posts/2013-11-18-big-photos.markdown