$-/text/ search for the last occurrence of text in file +/here/ search for text forwards ,> wc push file into wc, count appears in +Errors window ,>grep /myProject print lines matching pattern ,d delete all lines in file ,x/ +/ v/^/ c/ / compress runs of spaces, leaving indentation ,x/\/myProject/+-p grep for text, print line for each occurrence ,x/this/ < echo -n `{date} replace this with the output of date ,x/this/|tr a-z A-Z replace all instances of this with upper case ,|sort |uniq sort current file and remove duplicate lines -/text/ search for text backwards -/{/,-/}/ highlight current brace block -0+,+0- round dot down to whole lines only .x/here/ c/there/ search selection here and replace there /here/ search for text forwards 0 < date insert date at start of file 0,$ select all lines in file 1 < date replace first line with today’s date < echo -n `{unicode 0041} insert utf8 code at current pos B < echo *.c load all C files in current dir into buffers B < grep -l her * load all files containing her to buffers X D remove out all up-to-date files X/'/w write all modified files X/.*/,x/ /d strip from all lines Y/Edit/D remove all non Edit files from file list d delete selection e file replace current file by content of external file f set current file-name to null r file replace selection by external file s,//[^\n]*\n,,g strip C // comments from selection s,/\*.*\*/\n,,g strip C /* */ 1-line comments from selection s/"([^"]*)"/‘‘\1’’/ replace "hello" with ‘‘hello’’ in selection t "scratch" 0 copy selection to scratch file w file write selected Lineno range to file (default 0,$) x/[a-zA-Z0-9]+/ -#0;+#1 | tr a-z A-Z capitalise every word (slow) x/^ /d remove 1 tab of indent from selection x/^/ a/ / indent selection 1 tab | fmt format selection as a paragraph