// // File.swift // // // Created by Carson Katri on 6/30/19. // import Foundation import Json import SwiftUI import Combine /// The building block for making an HTTP request /// /// Built using a `@resultBuilder`, available in Swift 5.4 /// /// *Example*: /// /// Request { /// Url("https://api.example.com/todos") /// } /// /// To make the `Request`, use the method `call` /// /// To accept data from the `Request`, use `onData`, `onString`, and `onJson`. /// /// **See Also:** /// `Url`, `Method`, `Header`, `Query`, `Body` /// /// - Precondition: The `Request` body must contain **exactly one** `Url` public typealias Request = AnyRequest /// Tha base class of `Request` to be used with a `Codable` `ResponseType` when using the `onObject` callback /// /// *Example*: /// /// AnyRequest<[MyCodableStruct]> { /// Url("https://api.example.com/myData") /// } /// .onObject { myCodableStructs in /// ... /// } public struct AnyRequest where ResponseType: Decodable { public let combineIdentifier = CombineIdentifier() private var rootParam: RequestParam internal var onData: ((Data) -> Void)? internal var onString: ((String) -> Void)? internal var onJson: ((Json) -> Void)? internal var onObject: ((ResponseType) -> Void)? internal var onError: ((Error) -> Void)? internal var onStatusCode: ((Int) -> Void)? internal var updatePublisher: AnyPublisher? public init(@RequestBuilder builder: () -> RequestParam) { rootParam = builder() } internal init(rootParam: RequestParam) { self.rootParam = rootParam } internal func modify(_ modify: (inout Self) -> Void) -> Self { var mutableSelf = self modify(&mutableSelf) return mutableSelf } /// Sets the `onData` callback to be run whenever `Data` is retrieved public func onData(_ callback: @escaping (Data) -> Void) -> Self { modify { $0.onData = callback } } /// Sets the `onString` callback to be run whenever a `String` is retrieved public func onString(_ callback: @escaping (String) -> Void) -> Self { modify { $0.onString = callback } } /// Sets the `onData` callback to be run whenever `Json` is retrieved public func onJson(_ callback: @escaping (Json) -> Void) -> Self { modify { $0.onJson = callback } } /// Sets the `onObject` callback to be run whenever `Data` is retrieved public func onObject(_ callback: @escaping (ResponseType) -> Void) -> Self { modify { $0.onObject = callback } } /// Handle any `Error`s thrown by the `Request` public func onError(_ callback: @escaping (Error) -> Void) -> Self { modify { $0.onError = callback } } /// Sets the `onStatusCode` callback to be run whenever a `HTTPStatus` is retrieved public func onStatusCode(_ callback: @escaping (Int) -> Void) -> Self { modify { $0.onStatusCode = callback } } /// Performs the `Request`, and calls the `onData`, `onString`, `onJson`, and `onError` callbacks when appropriate. public func call() { buildPublisher() .subscribe(self) if let updatePublisher = self.updatePublisher { updatePublisher .subscribe(UpdateSubscriber(request: self)) } } internal func buildSession() -> (configuration: URLSessionConfiguration, request: URLRequest) { var request = URLRequest(url: URL(string: "https://")!) let configuration = URLSessionConfiguration.default rootParam.buildParam(&request) (rootParam as? SessionParam)?.buildConfiguration(configuration) return (configuration, request) } internal func buildPublisher() -> AnyPublisher<(data: Data, response: URLResponse), Error> { // PERFORM REQUEST let session = buildSession() return URLSession(configuration: session.configuration).dataTaskPublisher(for: session.request) .mapError { $0 } .eraseToAnyPublisher() } /// Sets the `Request` to be performed additional times after the initial `call` public func update(publisher: T) -> Self { modify { $0.updatePublisher = publisher .map {_ in } .assertNoFailure() .merge(with: self.updatePublisher ?? Empty().eraseToAnyPublisher()) .eraseToAnyPublisher() } } /// Sets the `Request` to be repeated periodically after the initial `call` public func update(every seconds: TimeInterval) -> Self { self.update(publisher: Timer.publish(every: seconds, on: .main, in: .common).autoconnect()) } } extension AnyRequest: Equatable { public static func == (lhs: AnyRequest, rhs: AnyRequest) -> Bool { let lhsSession = lhs.buildSession() let rhsSession = rhs.buildSession() return lhsSession.configuration == rhsSession.configuration && lhsSession.request == rhsSession.request } }