# bash completion for rake # # some code from on Jonathan Palardy's http://technotales.wordpress.com/2009/09/18/rake-completion-cache/ # and http://pastie.org/217324 found http://ragonrails.com/post/38905212/rake-bash-completion-ftw # # For details and discussion # http://turadg.aleahmad.net/2011/02/bash-completion-for-rake-tasks/ # # INSTALL # # Place in your bash completions.d and/or source in your .bash_profile # If on a Mac with Homebrew, try "brew install bash-completion" # # USAGE # # Type 'rake' and hit tab twice to get completions. # To clear the cache, run rake_cache_clear() in your shell. # function _rake_cache_path() { # If in a Rails app, put the cache in the cache dir # so version control ignores it if [ -e 'tmp/cache' ]; then prefix='tmp/cache/' fi echo "${prefix}.rake_t_cache" } function rake_cache_store() { rake -s -T > "$(_rake_cache_path)" } function rake_cache_clear() { rm -f .rake_t_cache rm -f tmp/cache/.rake_t_cache } export COMP_WORDBREAKS=${COMP_WORDBREAKS/\:/} function _rakecomplete() { # error if no Rakefile if [ ! -e Rakefile ]; then echo "missing Rakefile" return 1 fi # build cache if missing if [ ! -e "$(_rake_cache_path)" ]; then rake_cache_store fi local tasks=`awk '{print $2}' "$(_rake_cache_path)"` COMPREPLY=($(compgen -W "${tasks}" -- ${COMP_WORDS[COMP_CWORD]})) return 0 } complete -o default -o nospace -F _rakecomplete rake