#!/bin/sh # # Instructions: # # First, create the directory where you want to install WordPress. # # Then, `cd` into this newly created directory # # `curl -L get.wbp.io | sh` and watch magic unfold before you. # Exit if we're not on OS X if [ "$(uname -s)" != "Darwin" ]; then echo "Sorry, you need Mac OS X to run this." >&2 exit 1 fi echo " *** Fetching latest WordPress... (hang on)" # Get latest, stable WordPress package curl -#Lo wordpress.zip https://wordpress.org/latest.zip echo " *** Unpacking WP..." # Unzip the package and clean up files we don't need, including OSX-related cruft unzip -q wordpress.zip mv wordpress/* . echo " *** Cleaning up..." rm -rf __MACOSX rm -rf wordpress/ rm wordpress.zip rm wp-config-sample.php echo " *** Configuring WP for local development..." # Now, setup WP with a sane development environment # First, get the latest package, and clean up when done curl -#Lo master.zip https://github.com/cabgfx/wpbp-config/zipball/master unzip -q master.zip rm master.zip mv cabgfx-wpbp-config*/* cabgfx-wpbp-config*/.[^.]* . rm -rf cabgfx-wpbp-config*/ mv config/environments/development-sample.php config/environments/development.php echo " *** Installing secret keys for WP backend..." # Get salted keys for WordPress backend, fresh from the source curl -#o salt https://api.wordpress.org/secret-key/1.1/salt/ sed -i '' -e "/define('DB_COLLATE/r salt" wp-config.php rm salt echo " *** Setting up .gitignore template..." # Setup .gitignore mv gitignore-template .gitignore echo " *** All done! Add your details to config/environments/development.php and you're all set. Thanks, Casper. " # Done. Now install your theme, etc. and enjoy local WordPress development without pains.