1.29 - 10-Mar-2015 - fixed display of enchanted items 1.28 - 06-Mar-2015 - 1.8 update 1.28 - 11-Nov-2014 - fixed tooltip messages - removed dropbox URLs 1.27 - 30-Jun-2014 - initial 1.7.10 update 1.26 - 23-May-2014 - added support for ConfigChangedEvent - added proper dependency versioning - mod will no longer crash on the server, but will display a log warning 1.25 - 25-Apr-2014 - added Pattern matcher for damageColorList property for GUI input validation 1.24 - 22-Apr-2014 - fixed flickering when playerlist is shown 1.23 - 18-Apr-2014 - added localized tooltips 1.22 - 15-Apr-2014 - split showDamage option into showItemDamage and showArmorDamage 1.21 - 15-Apr-2014 - changed showItemOverlay option to showDamageOverlay - added showItemCount option 1.20 - 13-Apr-2014 - added in-game config gui stuff - command /armorstatus config - added new config option to display the HUD horizontally as well as vertically 1.18 - 24-Jan-2014 - added isEnabled control 1.17 - 20-Jan-2014 - fixed derpy text/textures - thanks Lunatrius! 1.16 - 19-Jan-2014 - 1.7.2 update 1.15 - 21-Oct-2013 - fixed min values for offsets - added damageThresholdType option to let you use the damage value as a threshold instead of just damage percent 1.14 - 17-Oct-2013 - ported existing code to Forge 1.13 - 23-Sep-2013 - use getItemDamageForDisplay- 1.12 - 17-Jul-2013 - fixed item display name - 1.6.4 update - 20-Sep-2013 1.11 - 10-Jul-2013 - hopefully fixed ModLoader issues 1.10 - 10-Jul-2013 - hopefully fixed ModLoader issues - nope 1.9 - 09-Jul-2013 - update update - 1.6.2 update - 10-Jul-2013 1.8 - 05-Jul-2013 - 1.6.1 update 1.7 - 24-Apr-2013 - addressed potential issue from mods that don't clean up their texture bindings - new condig handler - updated to 1.5.2 - 03-May-2013 1.6 - 20-Feb-2013 - updated to support bspkrsCore - updated to 1.5 - 15-Mar-2013 - updated to 1.5.1 - 23-Mar-2013 1.5 - 24-Jan-2013 - added reset code to end of all drawn text 1.4 - 01-Nov-2012 - fixed Forge/FML compatibility - updated for 1.4.5 - 21-Nov-2012 - updated for 1.4.6 - 23-Dec-2012 1.3 - 26-Oct-2012 - initial update to 1.4.2 1.2(1.2.5) - 06-Oct-2012 - retrofitted v1.2 to 1.2.5 1.2 - 04-Oct-2012 - damageWarningPercent option replaced with damageColorList - blocks and non-damageable items are now shown - block overlay will show total count of that block - bow overlay shows count of arrows - fixed damage values being off by 1 1.1 - 13-Sep-2012 - added x and y offset options - more options to control how damage is displayed - fixed item rendering code - should work for mods now - new option to show the standard inventory item overlay - damage bar - made icons appear on the right when right-aligned - switched to shared version checking 1.0 - 27-Aug-2012 - Initial release