26 Nov 2012 - version 2.1 - Add support for multiple apps. It's possible to have 3 Ext.Application instances running with their own routes. Check tests/multi-app.html for an example. - Make Router compatible with namespaced controllers like 'users.Settings'. Before we were auto-capitalizing every controller (user#index -> User controller) and it would break with namespaced controllers (wrong: users.Settings#index -> User.Settings). - Auto-parse arguments appended to the URL when they are not managed by the route. For example: extract params from 'users/1?name=Bruno&company=Sencha' with route 'users/:id', but not with 'users/:id?*args' Thanks to @zam6ak and @revolunet for bug reports and pull requests. ================================= 1 Nov 2012 - version 2 - Replace routing engine using javascript-route-matcher (https://github.com/cowboy/javascript-route-matcher). Much more flexible and reliable. It also adds route validation. - Bugs reported by users were fixed with new routing engine. - Updating class definition to use singleton and better structure. - Adjust compatibility with new Sencha Command. - Create tests. - New example 'Single Page'. - Updated README, LICENSE and code documentation. ================================= 22 Aug 2011 - version 1 - Initial commits.