import SentryCocoaLumberjack import CocoaLumberjackSwift // Works in combination with other loggers: DDLog.add(DDASLLogger.sharedInstance) if #available(iOS 10.0, macOS 10.12, *) { DDLog.add(DDOSLogger.sharedInstance) } if let ddtty = DDTTYLogger.sharedInstance { DDLog.add(ddtty) } // You can initialize Sentry separately (call 'SentrySDK.start') and to create the logger, simply: //let sentryLogger = SentryLogger() // Or have the logger initalize Sentry for you, by providing the DSN: let sentryLogger = SentryLogger( // ***** NOTE: Replace it with your DSN to see the example events in your Sentry project. ***** dsn: "", // Optionally opt-out of including the stack trace. Be aware: it's used to group events together. attachStacktrace: true, // Optionally override the minimum level a log message must have to be kept as a crumb. minBreadcrumbLevel: DDLogFlag.verbose, // Default is info // Optionally override the minimum level a log message must have to be sent to Sentry as event. minEventLevel: // Default is error // Add Sentry to CocoaLumberjack // NOTE: The min level here has to be equal or lower the levels used for Breadcrumb or Event: DDLog.add(sentryLogger, with: DDLogLevel.debug) // Kept as breadcrumbs DDLogVerbose("🔊 Noise message again: Something trivial.") DDLogDebug("🌍 Check this out, something's weird.") // Becomes an event in Sentry, including the previous messages as breadcrumbs. DDLogInfo("🪓🌴 Something relevant happened. Be aware.") // Also becomes an event, breadcrumbs also include past log entries, like the info above. DDLogWarn("🍁 Warning! This isn't good.") DDLogError("🔥 Broken stuff! Please fix this!")