package Demeter::PCA; =for Copyright . Copyright (c) 2006-2019 Bruce Ravel (L). All rights reserved. . This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. See The Perl Artistic License. . This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. =cut use Carp; #use Demeter::Carp; use autodie qw(open close); use Moose; extends 'Demeter'; with 'Demeter::Data::Arrays'; use Moose::Util qw(apply_all_roles); use Moose::Util::TypeConstraints; use Demeter::StrTypes qw( Empty ); use PDL::Lite; use PDL::Stats::GLM; use PDL::MatrixOps; use List::Util; use List::MoreUtils qw(pairwise); with 'Demeter::PCA::Xanes'; if ($Demeter::mode->ui eq 'screen') { with 'Demeter::UI::Screen::Pause'; with 'Demeter::UI::Screen::Progress'; }; has '+plottable' => (default => 1); has '+data' => (isa => Empty.'|Demeter::Data'); has '+name' => (default => 'PCA' ); has 'xmin' => (is => 'rw', isa => 'LaxNum', default => 0); has 'xmax' => (is => 'rw', isa => 'LaxNum', default => 0); has 'ntitles' => (is => 'rw', isa => 'Int', default => 0); enum 'PCASpaces' => [qw(e x d c k)]; coerce 'PCASpaces', from 'Str', via { lc($_) }; has space => (is => 'rw', isa => 'PCASpaces', coerce => 1, trigger => sub{my ($self, $new) = @_; if ($new =~ m{[xe]}) { eval {apply_all_roles($self, 'Demeter::PCA::Xanes')}; $@ and die("PCA backend Demeter::PCA::Xanes could not be loaded"); } elsif ($new eq 'd') { eval {apply_all_roles($self, 'Demeter::PCA::Deriv')}; print $@; $@ and die("PCA backend Demeter::PCA::Deriv could not be loaded"); } elsif ($new =~ m{[ck]}) { eval {apply_all_roles($self, 'Demeter::PCA::Chi')}; print $@; $@ and die("PCA backend Demeter::PCA::Chi could not be loaded"); }; $self->update_stack(1); } ); has 'e0' => (is => 'rw', isa => 'LaxNum', default => 0); has 'data_matrix' => (is => 'rw', isa => 'PDL', default => sub {PDL::null}); has 'ndata' => (is => 'rw', isa => 'Int', default => 0); has 'stack' => ( traits => ['Array'], is => 'rw', isa => 'ArrayRef[Demeter::Data]', default => sub { [] }, handles => { 'push_stack' => 'push', 'pop_stack' => 'pop', 'shift_stack' => 'shift', 'unshift_stack' => 'unshift', 'clear_stack' => 'clear', }, trigger => sub{ my($self, $new) = @_; $self->ndata($#{ $self->stack } + 1);} ); has 'stackgroups' => ( traits => ['Array'], is => 'rw', isa => 'ArrayRef[Str]', default => sub { [] }, handles => { 'push_stackgroups' => 'push', 'pop_stackgroups' => 'pop', 'shift_stackgroups' => 'shift', 'unshift_stackgroups' => 'unshift', 'clear_stackgroups' => 'clear', }, ); has 'eigenvalues' => (is => 'rw', isa => 'PDL', default => sub {PDL::null}); has 'eigenvectors' => (is => 'rw', isa => 'PDL', default => sub {PDL::null}); has 'loadings' => (is => 'rw', isa => 'PDL', default => sub {PDL::null}); has 'pct_var' => (is => 'rw', isa => 'PDL', default => sub {PDL::null}); has 'reconstructed' => (is => 'rw', isa => 'PDL', default => sub {PDL::null}); has 'ncompused' => (is => 'rw', isa => 'Int', default => 0); has 'update_stack' => (is => 'rw', isa => 'Bool', default => 1, trigger => sub{ my($self, $new) = @_; $self->update_pdl(1) if $new }); has 'update_pdl' => (is => 'rw', isa => 'Bool', default => 1, trigger => sub{ my($self, $new) = @_; $self->update_pca(1) if $new }); has 'update_pca' => (is => 'rw', isa => 'Bool', default => 1); has 'observations' => (is => 'rw', isa => 'Int', default => 0); has 'undersampled' => (is => 'rw', isa => 'Bool', default => 0); has 'ttcoefficients' => (is => 'rw', isa => 'ArrayRef', default => sub{[]}); sub BUILD { my ($self, @params) = @_; $self->mo->push_PCA($self); }; override all => sub { my ($self) = @_; my %all = $self->SUPER::all; foreach my $att (qw{eigenvalues eigenvectors loadings pct_var data_matrix reconstructed stack}) { delete $all{$att}; }; return %all; }; ## ====================================================================== ## construction methods sub add { my ($self, @groups) = @_; foreach my $g (@groups) { next if (ref($g) !~ m{Data\z}); $self->push_stack($g); $self->push_stackgroups($g->group); }; $self->update_stack(1); return $self; }; sub make_pdl { my ($self) = @_; $self->interpolate_stack if $self->update_stack; my @list = (); foreach my $g (@{ $self->stack }) { push @list, $self->ref_array($g->group); }; my $pdl = PDL->new(\@list); $self->data_matrix($pdl); $self->ndata($#{ $self->stack } + 1); $self->update_pdl(0); return $self; }; sub refeig { my ($self) = @_; my @list = $self->pct_var->list; return \@list; }; ## ====================================================================== ## linear algebra sub do_pca { my ($self) = @_; $self->make_pdl if $self->update_pdl; my %result = $self->data_matrix->pca({PLOT=>0, CORR=>1}); $self->eigenvalues($result{eigenvalue}); $self->eigenvectors($result{eigenvector}); $self->loadings($result{loadings}); $self->pct_var($result{pct_var}); ## create the decomposition vectors (these are piddles) my $decomposed = $self->eigenvectors x $self->data_matrix; ## write each decomposition vector to an array in the PCA object's group foreach my $row (0 .. $self->ndata-1) { my $this = $decomposed->slice(":,($row)"); my @array = $this->list; $self->put_array("ev$row", \@array); }; $self->update_pca(0); return $self; }; sub reconstruct { my ($self, $ncomp) = @_; $ncomp ||= $self->ncompused; $ncomp ||= 2; $self->do_pca if $self->update_pca; $self->ncompused($ncomp); $ncomp = $ncomp-1; my $slice = $self->eigenvectors->slice(":,0:$ncomp"); my $reproduced = $slice->transpose x $slice x $self->data_matrix; $self->reconstructed($reproduced); return $self; }; sub tt { my ($self, $target, $ncomp) = @_; #$ncomp ||= $self->ndata; $ncomp ||= $self->ncompused; #$ncomp ||= 2; $self->ncompused($ncomp); my $nc = $ncomp-1; $self->interpolate_data($target); my $tarpdl = PDL->new($self->ref_array($target->group)); # #$self->toggle_echo(1); # #$self->dispense('process', 'show', {items=> "\@group ".$self->group}); $self->data($target); $self->dispense('analysis', 'pca_tt', {ncomp=>$ncomp}); my @coef = (); foreach my $i (0 .. $self->ndata-1) { push @coef, $self->fetch_scalar("_p$i"); }; $self->ttcoefficients(\@coef); ## numbers in comments refer to equations in Malinowski, Chapter 3 # my $row_matrix = $self->eigenvectors->transpose x $self->data_matrix; # 3.66 # my $data_dagger = $self->eigenvectors->slice("0:$nc,:") x $row_matrix->slice(":,0:$nc"); # 3.71 # my $row_dagger = $self->eigenvectors->transpose->slice(":,0:$nc") x $data_dagger; # my $lambda = stretcher($self->eigenvalues->slice("0:$nc")); # matrix of eigenvalues on the diagonal # # my $tt = $tarpdl x $row_matrix->slice(":,0:$nc")->transpose x $lambda->inv x $row_matrix->slice(":,0:$nc"); # my $tt = $tarpdl x $row_dagger->transpose x $lambda->inv x $row_dagger; # 3.84 and 3.97 # my @array = $tt->list; # $self->put_array("tt", \@array); # $self->data($target); # $self->dispense('analysis', 'pca_tt'); return $self; }; ## ====================================================================== ## plotting methods sub plot_scree { my ($self, $do_log) = @_; $do_log ||= 0; my @array = $self->pct_var->list; # these is a piddle $self->put_array('index', [0 .. $#{ $self->stack }]); $self->put_array('scree', \@array); $self->po->start_plot; $self->chart('plot', 'pca_plot_scree', {log=>$do_log}); return $self; }; sub plot_variance { my ($self) = @_; my @array = $self->pct_var->list; # these is a piddle @array = map { List::Util::sum @array[0..$_] } (0 ..$#array); $self->put_array('index', [0 .. $#{ $self->stack }]); $self->put_array('cumvar', \@array); $self->po->start_plot; $self->chart('plot', 'pca_plot_variance'); return $self; }; sub plot_components { my ($self, @list) = @_; $self->po->start_plot; $self->e0($self->stack->[0]->bkg_e0); my $which = 'pca_new_component'; @list = (0 .. $#{ $self->stack }) if not @list; foreach my $i (@list) { $self->chart('plot', $which, {component=>$i}); $self->po->increment; $which = 'pca_over_component'; }; return $self; }; sub plot_stack { my ($self, @list) = @_; $self->po->start_plot; $self->e0($self->stack->[0]->bkg_e0); my $which = 'pca_new_stack'; @list = (0 .. $#{ $self->stack }) if not @list; foreach my $i (@list) { $self->data($self->stack->[$i]); $self->chart('plot', $which); $self->po->increment; $which = 'pca_over_stack'; $self->data(q{}); }; return $self; }; sub plot_reconstruction { my ($self, $index, $noplot) = @_; $self->po->start_plot; $self->e0($self->stack->[0]->bkg_e0); $self->data($self->stack->[$index]); my @data = $self->data_matrix->slice(":,($index)")->list; # these are piddles my @recon = $self->reconstructed->slice(":,($index)")->list; my @diff = pairwise {$a - $b} @recon, @data; $self->put_array("rec$index", \@recon); $self->put_array("diff$index", \@diff); $self->chart('plot', 'pca_plot_reconstruction', {index=>$index}) if not $noplot; $self->data(q{}); return $self; }; sub plot_tt { my ($self, $target) = @_; $self->po->start_plot; $self->e0($self->stack->[0]->bkg_e0); my @data = $self->get_array($target->group); my @tt = $self->get_array('tt'); my @diff = pairwise {$a - $b} @tt, @data; $self->put_array("diff", \@diff); $self->data($target); $self->chart('plot', 'pca_plot_tt'); $self->data(q{}); return $self; }; ## ====================================================================== ## reporting methods sub report { my ($self) = @_; my $text = "Performed PCA using " . $self->space_description . "\n"; $text .= sprintf("Number of components: %d spectra\n", $#{$self->stack}+1); $text .= sprintf("Number of observations: %d data points\n", $self->observations); return if $self->undersampled; $text .= "\n Eignevalues Variance Cumulative variance\n"; my @ev = $self->eigenvalues->list; # these are piddles my @vars = $self->pct_var->list; my @cumvar = map { List::Util::sum @vars[0..$_] } (0 ..$#vars); foreach my $i (0 .. $#{$self->stack}) { $text .= sprintf("%3d: %.6f %.6f %.6f\n", $i+1, $ev[$i], $vars[$i], $cumvar[$i]); }; return $text; }; sub tt_report { my ($self, $target) = @_; my $i = 0; my $text = $target->name . ":\n"; foreach my $c (@{$self->ttcoefficients}) { ++$i; last if $i > $self->ncompused; $text .= sprintf("%4d: %9.5f\n", $i, $c) }; return $text; }; sub header { my ($self) = @_; my $header = "Principle components for:\n"; my $i = 1; foreach my $g (@{$self->stack}) { $header .= sprintf(". %3d: %s\n", $i++, $g->name); }; $header .= $self->report; my @n = split(/\n/, $header); $self->ntitles($#n+1); return $header; }; sub save { my ($self, $which, $filename, $index_or_target) = @_; print "save type must be one of components, stack, reconstruction, or tt\n" && die if ($which !~ m{\A(?:components|stack|reconstruction|tt)\z}); #print "$filename cannot be written", die if (not -w $filename); my $save_columns; my $hash = {1=>'energy eV'}; $hash->{1} = 'wavelength inverse Angstrom' if $self->space =~ m{[ck]}; $save_columns = $self->stack->[0]->xdi->metadata->{Column} if ($self->stack->[0]->xdi); if ($which eq 'components') { $hash->{$_+1} = "component $_" foreach (1 .. $#{$self->stack}+1); } elsif ($which eq 'stack') { $hash->{$_+2} = $self->stack->[$_]->name foreach (0 .. $#{$self->stack}); } elsif ($which eq 'reconstruction') { $hash->{2} = $self->stack->[$index_or_target]->name; $hash->{3} = 'reconstruction'; $hash->{4} = 'residual'; } elsif ($which eq 'tt') { $hash->{2} = $index_or_target->name; $hash->{3} = 'target transform'; $hash->{4} = 'residual'; }; $self->stack->[0]->xdi_set_columns($hash) if ($self->stack->[0]->xdi); my $method = "save_$which"; $self->$method($filename, $hash, $index_or_target); $self->stack->[0]->xdi_set_columns($save_columns) if ($self->stack->[0]->xdi); return $self; }; sub save_components { my ($self, $filename, $hash, $toss) = @_; $self->stack->[0]->xdi_output_header('xdi', $self->header, $hash); #$self->dispense('analysis', 'pca_header', {which=>'components'}); $self->dispense('analysis', 'pca_save', {filename=>$filename}); return $self; }; sub save_stack { my ($self, $filename, $hash, $toss) = @_; $self->stack->[0]->xdi_output_header('xdi', $self->header, $hash); #$self->dispense('analysis', 'pca_header', {which=>'data stack'}); $self->dispense('analysis', 'pca_save_stack', {filename=>$filename}); return $self; }; sub save_reconstruction { my ($self, $filename, $hash, $index) = @_; $self->reconstruct; $self->plot_reconstruction($index, 1); $self->data($self->stack->[$index]); $self->data->xdi_output_header('data', $self->header, $hash); #$self->dispense('analysis', 'pca_header', {which=>'reconstruction'}); $self->dispense('analysis', 'pca_save_reconstruction', {index=>$index, filename=>$filename}); $self->data(q{}); return $self; }; sub save_tt { my ($self, $filename, $hash, $target) = @_; $self->data($target); $self->data->xdi_output_header('data', $self->header, $hash); #$self->dispense('analysis', 'pca_header', {which=>'target transform'}); $self->dispense('analysis', 'pca_save_tt', {filename=>$filename}); $self->data(q{}); return $self; }; __PACKAGE__->meta->make_immutable; # ## see # package PDL; # =for ref # Standardization (possibly weighted) of matrix over specified axis: # a - mean # STANDARDIZED = ------------ # stdev(n-1) # Uses arithmetic mean and standard deviation estimation if asked. # Can use arbitrary values (PDL vector) and compute inplace. # =for usage # PDL = stdize(PDL, SCALAR(axis), SCALAR|PDL(center), SCALAR|PDL(scale), SCALAR(weight)) # axis : threading's axis, generally observation, default = 1 unless a vector is given # center : center data by variable NOCENTER = 0 | CENTER = 1 | PDL, DEFAULT = 1 # scale : scale data by variable NOSCALE = 0 | SCALE = 1 | PDL, DEFAULT = 0 # weight : PDL of weights (size(entry matrix)), DEFAULT = ones(entry matrix) # =for example # my $a = random(10,10); # my $standardized = stdize($a,1,1,1); # =cut # *stdize = \&PDL::stdize; # sub PDL::stdize { # my($m, $obs, $center, $scale, $weight) = @_; # $obs = 1 unless defined($obs) || $m->getndims < 2; # $center = 1 unless defined $center; # my ($mean, $rms, $mm); # $m = $m->copy unless $m->is_inplace(0); # $mm = $m->mv($obs,0); # if ( !UNIVERSAL::isa($center,'PDL') || !UNIVERSAL::isa($scale,'PDL')) { # ($mean, $rms) = $mm->statsover($weight); # $center = $mean if (!UNIVERSAL::isa($center,'PDL') && $center); # $scale = $rms if (!UNIVERSAL::isa($scale,'PDL') && $scale); # } # $mm = $mm->mv(0,$m->getndims-1); # if (UNIVERSAL::isa($center,'PDL')){ # $mm -= $center; # } # if (UNIVERSAL::isa($scale,'PDL')){ # $mm /= $scale; # } # $m; # } 1; =head1 NAME Demeter::PCA - Principle components analysis =head1 VERSION This documentation refers to Demeter version 0.9.16. =head1 SYNOPSIS =head1 SERIALIZATION AND DESERIALIZATION Good question ... =head1 CONFIGURATION AND ENVIRONMENT See L for a description of the configuration system. See the C configuration group for the relevant parameters. =head1 DEPENDENCIES Demeter's dependencies are in the F file. =head1 BUGS AND LIMITATIONS =over 4 =item * Document me! =back Please report problems to the Ifeffit Mailing List (L) Patches are welcome. =head1 AUTHOR Bruce Ravel ( L =head1 LICENCE AND COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 2006-2019 Bruce Ravel (L). All rights reserved. This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. See L. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. =cut