package Demeter::Fit::Horae; =for Copyright . Copyright (c) 2006-2019 Bruce Ravel ( All rights reserved. . This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. See The Perl Artistic License. . This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. =cut use autodie qw(open close); use Moose::Role; use Archive::Zip qw( :ERROR_CODES :CONSTANTS ); local $Archive::Zip::UNICODE = 1; use File::Basename; use File::Copy; use File::Path; use File::Spec; use List::MoreUtils qw(firstidx); use Safe; use Scalar::Util qw(looks_like_number); use Demeter::Constants qw($NUMBER); use Demeter::Feff::External; sub apj2dpj { my ($self, $apj, $dpj, $rjournal) = @_; ## -------- make a folder in which to unzip the old-style project, then unzip it my $unzip = File::Spec->catfile($self->stash_folder, '_old_'.basename($apj, '.apj')); rmtree $unzip if (-d $unzip); my $zip = Archive::Zip->new(); if ($zip->read($apj) != AZ_OK) { confess("File $apj does not appear to be a zip file\n"); return 0; }; if (not $zip->memberNamed('HORAE')) { confess("File $apj does not appear to be an old-style Artemis project file\n"); return 0; }; mkpath $unzip; $zip->extractTree("", $unzip.'/'); undef $zip; opendir(my $F, File::Spec->catdir($unzip, 'fits')); my @all = sort {$b cmp $a} readdir $F; closedir $F; my $latest = $all[0]; ## -------- open descriptions/artemis file my (@gds, @data, @paths, @feff); my %map; my ($current_data, $current_feff); my $trouble = qw{}; my $cpt = new Safe; open(my $DESC, '<', File::Spec->catfile($unzip, 'descriptions', 'artemis')); DESC: while (my $line = <$DESC>) { next if $line =~ m{\A\#}; next if $line =~ m{\A\s*\z}; next if $line =~ m{\[record\]}; SWITCH: { ## GDS parameters ($line =~ m{\@parameter}) and do { @ {$cpt->varglob('parameter')} = $cpt->reval( $line ); my @parameter = @ {$cpt->varglob('parameter')}; my $me = $parameter[2]; ## old artemis might store a best fit as "1.23 (0.45)". This purges the uncertainty if ($me =~ m{\A\s*($NUMBER)\s+\($NUMBER*\)\s*\z}) { $me = $1; }; push @gds, Demeter::GDS->new(name => $parameter[0], gds => $parameter[1], mathexp => $me, bestfit => (looks_like_number($parameter[2])) ? $parameter[2] : 0, note => $parameter[3], ) if ($parameter[1] ne 'sep'); last SWITCH; }; ## Data, Feff, Path ## order of objects in description file is (note all data objects come first) ## data0 ## data1 ## ... dataN ## data0.feff0 ## each path under that feff calc ## ... dataN.feffM ## each path under that feff calc ($line =~ m{\$old_path}) and do { $ {$cpt->varglob('old_path')} = $cpt->reval( $line ); my $old_path = $ {$cpt->varglob('old_path')}; if ($old_path eq 'gsd') { $trouble .= "$apj is in a very old format. Demeter does not import old-style project files as ancient as this one."; last DESC; }; my @list = split(/\./, $old_path); if ($#list == 0) { my $args = <$DESC>; my $strings = <$DESC>; $current_data = horae_data($self, $unzip, \%map, $args, $strings); last SWITCH if not $current_data; $current_data->readfromfit(File::Spec->catfile($unzip, 'fits', $latest, $old_path.'.fit')); push @data, $current_data; $map{$old_path} = $current_data; } elsif ($#list == 1) { my $args = <$DESC>; $current_feff = horae_feff($self, $unzip, \%map, $old_path, $args); push @feff, $current_feff; if ($current_feff->feff_version == 8) { $trouble .= "The old-style project file $apj appears to use Feff8, which Demeter cannot yet handle."; last DESC; }; } elsif ($#list == 2) { my $args = <$DESC>; my $strings = <$DESC>; my $this = horae_path($self, $unzip, \%map, $old_path, $current_feff, $args, $strings); push @paths, $this if $this; }; last SWITCH; }; }; }; close $DESC; $$rjournal = $self->slurp(File::Spec->catfile($unzip, 'descriptions', 'journal.artemis')) if $rjournal; if (not $trouble) { # prior problems take precedence... $trouble .= "There were no data sets in that project file." if not @data; $trouble .= " There were no paths in that project file." if not @paths; }; foreach my $p (@paths) { $p->update_path(1); $p->folder(q{}); }; if (not $trouble) { $self->set(gds=>\@gds, data=>\@data, paths=>\@paths, fitted=>0); $self->freeze(file=>$dpj); }; ## clean up undef $cpt; rmtree $unzip; foreach my $obj (@gds, @data, @paths, @feff) { $obj->DEMOLISH; }; return $trouble if $trouble; return $self; }; ## name and other properties of Fit sub horae_data { my ($self, $unzip, $map, $args_line, $string_line) = @_; my $data = Demeter::Data->new; my $cpt = new Safe; @ {$cpt->varglob('args')} = $cpt->reval( $args_line ); my @args = @ {$cpt->varglob('args')}; my %args = @args; my $file = $args{file}; return 0 if not $file; $file =~ s{/}{\\}g if $self->is_windows; $file =~ s{\\}{/}g if not $self->is_windows; $file = basename($file); return 0 if not -e File::Spec->catfile($unzip, 'chi_data', $file); $data->set(datatype=>'chi', name=>$args{lab}, file=>File::Spec->catfile($unzip, 'chi_data', $file)); $data->set(fft_kmin => $args{kmin}, fft_kmax => $args{kmax}, fft_dk => $args{dk}, fft_kwindow => $args{kwindow}, bft_rmin => $args{rmin}, bft_rmax => $args{rmax}, bft_dr => $args{dr}, bft_rwindow => $args{kwindow}, fit_k1 => $args{k1}, fit_k2 => $args{k2}, fit_k3 => $args{k3}, fit_karb => $args{karb_use}, fit_karb_value => $args{karb}, fit_cormin => $args{cormin}, fit_do_bkg => ($args{do_bkg} eq 'yes'), fit_space => $args{fit_space}, fit_include => $args{include}, fit_plot_after_fit => $args{plot}, fitsum => 'fit', from_yaml => 1, ); $data->_update('fft'); $data->set(file=>q{}, provenance=>'old-style Artemis project'); $data->source('old-style Artemis project'); ##pcedge pcelem pcpath pcplot $map->{$args{group}} = $data->group; undef $cpt; return $data; }; sub horae_feff { my ($self, $unzip, $map, $old_path, $args_line) = @_; my $feff = Demeter::Feff::External->new; my $cpt = new Safe; @ {$cpt->varglob('args')} = $cpt->reval( $args_line ); my @args = @ {$cpt->varglob('args')}; my %args = @args; ## the pathfinder's postcrit filter MUST be set to 0 for importing an old-style Artemis project $feff -> name($args{lab}); $feff -> postcrit(0); $feff -> set(workspace=>File::Spec->catfile($unzip, $old_path), screen=>0); if (-e File::Spec->catfile($unzip, $old_path, 'feff.inp')) { $feff -> file(File::Spec->catfile($unzip, $old_path, 'feff.inp')); } elsif (-e File::Spec->catfile($unzip, $old_path, 'FEFF.INP')) { $feff -> file(File::Spec->catfile($unzip, $old_path, 'FEFF.INP')); }; # should downcase anything =~ m{feff\.inp}i #$feff->potph; #$feff->set_mode(theory=>$feff); #print $feff->template("feff", 'full'); #$feff->set_mode(theory=>q{}); #$map->{$args{group}} = $feff->group; undef $cpt; return $feff; }; sub horae_path { my ($self, $unzip, $map, $old_path, $current_feff, $args_line, $string_line) = @_; my @list = split(/\./, $old_path); my $path = Demeter::Path->new(parent=>$current_feff, data=>$map->{$list[0]}); my $cpt = new Safe; @ {$cpt->varglob('args')} = $cpt->reval( $args_line ); my @args = @ {$cpt->varglob('args')}; my %args = @args; my $nnnn = substr($args{file}, 4, -4); my $this = firstidx {$_->orig_nnnn == $nnnn} @{$current_feff->pathlist}; return 0 if $this == -1; $path->sp($current_feff->pathlist->[$this]); $path->set(name => $args{lab}, s02 => $args{s02}, e0 => $args{e0}, delr => $args{delr}, sigma2 => $args{'sigma^2'}, ei => $args{ei}, third => $args{'3rd'}, fourth => $args{'4th'}, dphase => $args{dphase}, include => $args{include}, n => $args{deg}, #degen => $current_feff->pathlist->[$nnnn]->n, ); # do I need this? #@ {$cpt->varglob('strings')} = $cpt->reval( $string_line ); #my @strings = @ {$cpt->varglob('strings')}; return $path; }; 1; =head1 NAME Demeter::Fit::Horae - Convert an old-style Artemis project file into a Demeter fit serialization =head1 VERSION This documentation refers to Demeter version 0.9.26. =head1 DESCRIPTION Convert an old-style Artemis project file file into the equivalent Demeter fit serialization. This is a role of the Fit object. my $fit = Demeter::Fit->new(); $fit -> apj2dpj($apjfile, $dpjfile, $rjournal); This is currently in use by Artemis to import projects from the older version. =head1 METHODS There is only one outwardly visible method, C. It takes three arguments: =over 4 =item 1. The filename of the old-style C<.apj> file. =item 2. The filename of the fit serialization, i.e. C<.dpj> file. This is the output of this method. In Artemis, this is a temporary file in the stash folder which is unlinked after being imported into Artemis. =item 3. A reference to a scalar which will be filled with the contents of the journal from the C<.apj> file. In Artemis, this is inserted as text into the Journal buffer. =back =head1 CONFIGURATION There are no configuration options for this role. See L for a description of Demeter's configuration system. =head1 DEPENDENCIES Demeter's dependencies are in the F file. =head1 BUGS AND LIMITATIONS =over 4 =item * blah blah =back Please report problems to the Ifeffit Mailing List (L) Patches are welcome. =head1 AUTHOR Bruce Ravel, L L =head1 LICENCE AND COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 2006-2019 Bruce Ravel (L). All rights reserved. This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. See L. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. =cut