{ "scrviz": { "owner": { "login": "brucemcpherson", "tags": [ { "description": "gde", "link": "https://developers.google.com/community/experts/directory/profile/profile-bruce_mcpherson", "tip": "GDE since 2013 : G Suite and Identity", "icon": "mdi-code-tags", "visible": true }, { "description": "author", "link": "https://www.oreilly.com/pub/au/6781", "tip": "Author of Going Gas - VBA to Apps Script", "icon": "mdi-book-education", "visible": true }, { "description": "d3", "link": "https://ramblings.mcpher.com/d3-js/", "tip": "Vizualization with D3", "icon": "mdi-chart-bubble", "visible": true }, { "description": "vuejs", "link": "https://ramblings.mcpher.com/vuejs-apps-script-add-ons/", "tip": "Vuejs and apps script", "icon": "mdi-vuejs", "visible": true }, { "description": "gcp", "link": "https://ramblings.mcpher.com/gcp/", "tip": "google cloud platform", "icon": "mdi-cloud", "visible": true }, { "description": "ml", "link": "https://ramblings.mcpher.com/gcp/", "tip": "machine learning", "icon": "mdi-school", "visible": true }, { "description": "tu", "link": "https://sites.google.com/view/totallyunscripted/home", "tip": "occasional contributor to Totally Unscripted Show", "icon": "mdi-monitor-eye", "visible": true }, { "description": "kube", "link": "https://ramblings.mcpher.com/gcp/getting-an-api-running-in-kubernetes/", "tip": "Kubernetes", "icon": "mdi-kubernetes", "visible": true }, { "description": "graphql", "link": "https://ramblings.mcpher.com/snipgraphql/", "tip": "Apollo and GraphQL", "icon": "mdi-graphql", "visible": true } ], "rows": [ { "description": "Creator of this app", "link": "https://ramblings.mcpher.com/vizzy-scrviz/", "tip": "All about scrviz", "icon": "scrviz", "visible": true }, { "description": "Google developer expert", "link": "https://developers.google.com/community/experts/directory/profile/profile-bruce_mcpherson", "tip": "GDE since 2013 : G Suite and Identity", "icon": "mdi-code-tags", "visible": true }, { "description": "O'reilly author", "link": "https://www.oreilly.com/pub/au/6781", "tip": "Author of Going Gas - VBA to Apps Script", "icon": "mdi-book-education", "visible": true }, { "description": "Video channel", "link": "https://www.youtube.com/c/BruceMcpherson", "tip": "Bruce Mcpherson's Youtube channel", "icon": "youtube", "visible": true }, { "description": "Linkedin Profile", "link": "https://www.linkedin.com/in/brucemcpherson", "tip": "Bruce Mcpherson's linkedin profile", "icon": "linkedin", "visible": true } ] }, "repos": [ { "repo": "bmPreFiddler", "rows": [ { "description": "Handly helper for fiddler", "link": "https://ramblings.mcpher.com/vuejs-apps-script-add-ons/helper-for-fiddler/", "tip": "Wrapper library for fiddler:Abstracts sheet data - functional sheet processing", "icon": "appsscript", "visible": true } ] }, { "repo": "GasWatcher", "rows": [ { "description": "Watching for server side Sheet changes from the client html service", "link": "https://ramblings.mcpher.com/gassnippets2/watching-for-server-side-changes-from-the-client-html-service/", "tip": "client-side to react to changes in data (or indeed any property) as well as changes in selection and Activesheet.", "icon": "appsscript", "visible": true } ] }, { "repo": "cUseful", "rows": [ { "description": "Library compilation with many things too numnerous to list", "link": "https://ramblings.mcpher.com/gassnippets2/", "tip": "Check out the repo to see more", "icon": "appsscript", "visible": true } ] }, { "repo": "bmVizzyCacheLibrarySheet", "rows": [ { "description": "Vizzy cache example", "link": "https://ramblings.mcpher.com/vizzy-scrviz/vizzy-build-apps-script/", "tip": "Example building something in Apps Script with scrviz", "icon": "appsscript", "visible": true } ], "tags": [ { "description": "Sheets", "tip": "Google sheets example", "icon": "sheets", "visible": true } ] }, { "repo": "bmFiddler", "rows": [ { "description": "Fiddler: Abstracts sheet data library", "link": "https://ramblings.mcpher.com/gassnippets2/afunctionalapproachtofiddlingwithsheetdata/", "tip": "Functional approach to fiddling with sheet data", "icon": "appsscript", "visible": true }, { "description": "Fiddler Video: Abstracts sheet data library", "link": "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BGOvmV5PXJ0", "tip": "A video to get started with a functional approach to fiddling with sheet data", "icon": "youtube", "visible": true }, { "description": "Fiddler: fingerprinting", "link": "https://ramblings.mcpher.com/vuejs-apps-script-add-ons/fiddler-fingerprint/", "tip": "Optimize sheet fiddling with a fingerprint to detect changes", "icon": "mdi-fingerprint", "visible": true }, { "description": "Fiddler: rangelists", "link": "https://ramblings.mcpher.com/gassnippets2/fiddler-and-rangelists/", "tip": "formatting with fiddler", "icon": "mdi-format-paint", "visible": true } ] }, { "repo": "cGoa", "rows": [ { "description": "OAuth2 for Apps Script in a few lines of code", "link": "https://ramblings.mcpher.com/oauth2-for-apps-script-in-a-few-lines-of-code/", "tip": "Low setup oauth2 library for Apps Script", "icon": "appsscript", "visible": true }, { "description": "How fast can you get OAuth2 set up in Apps Script?", "link": "https://ramblings.mcpher.com/oauth2-for-apps-script-in-a-few-lines-of-code/how-fast-can-you-get-oauth2-set-up-in-apps-script/", "tip": "Set up oauth2 from Apps Script to any service in under 15 minutes", "icon": "appsscript", "visible": true } ] } ] } }