maxsize] 'apikey' => 204, // User API Key. 'providerkey' => 40, // Provider key. 'priority' => 2, // Range from -2 to 2. 'application' => 254, // Name of the app. 'event' => 1024, // Name of the event. 'description' => 10000, // Description of the event. 'url' => 512, ); public function __construct($apikey=null, $verify=false, $provkey=null, $proxy=null, $userpwd=null) { $curl_info = curl_version(); // Checks for cURL function and SSL version. Thanks Adrian Rollett! if(!function_exists('curl_exec') || empty($curl_info['ssl_version'])) { die($this->getError(10000)); } if(isset($proxy)) $this->_setProxy($proxy, $userpwd); if(isset($apikey) && $verify) $this->verify($apikey, $provkey); $this->_api_key = $apikey; } public function verify($apikey, $provkey) { $return = $this->_execute(sprintf($this->_url_verify, $apikey, $provkey)); return $this->_response($return); } public function push($params, $is_post=false) { if($is_post) $post_params = ''; $url = $is_post ? $this->_url_push : $this->_url_push . '?'; $params = func_get_args(); if(isset($this->_api_key) && !isset($params[0]['apikey'])) $params[0]['apikey'] = $this->_api_key; if(isset($this->_prov_key) && !isset($params[0]['providerkey'])) $params[0]['providerkey'] = $this->_prov_key; foreach($params[0] as $k => $v) { $v = str_replace("\\n","\n",$v); // Fixes line break issue! Cheers Fr3d! if(!isset($this->_params[$k])) { $this->_return_code = 400; return false; } if(strlen($v) > $this->_params[$k]) { $this->_return_code = 10001; return false; } if($is_post) $post_params .= $k . '=' . urlencode($v) . '&'; else $url .= $k . '=' . urlencode($v) . '&'; } if($is_post) $params = substr($post_params, 0, strlen($post_params)-1); else $url = substr($url, 0, strlen($url)-1); $return = $this->_execute($url, $is_post ? true : false, $params); return $this->_response($return); } public function getError($code=null) { $code = (empty($code)) ? $this->_return_code : $code; switch($code) { case 200: return 'Request Successful.'; break; case 400: return 'Bad request, the parameters you provided did not validate.'; break; case 401: return 'The API key given is not valid, and does not correspond to a user.'; break; case 405: return 'Method not allowed, you attempted to use a non-SSL connection to Prowl.'; break; case 406: return 'Your IP address has exceeded the API limit.'; break; case 500: return 'Internal server error, something failed to execute properly on the Prowl side.'; break; case 10000: return 'cURL library missing vital functions or does not support SSL. cURL w/SSL is required to execute ProwlPHP.'; break; case 10001: return 'Parameter value exceeds the maximum byte size.'; break; default: return false; break; } } public function getRemaining() { if(!isset($this->_remaining)) return false; return $this->_remaining; } public function getResetDate() { if(!isset($this->_resetdate)) return false; return $this->_resetdate; } private function _execute($url, $is_post=false, $params=null) { $this->_obj_curl = curl_init($this->_api_domain . $url); curl_setopt($this->_obj_curl, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0); curl_setopt($this->_obj_curl, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, "ProwlPHP/" . $this->_version); curl_setopt($this->_obj_curl, CURLOPT_HTTPAUTH, CURLAUTH_ANY); curl_setopt($this->_obj_curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false); curl_setopt($this->_obj_curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); if($is_post) { curl_setopt($this->_obj_curl, CURLOPT_POST, 1); curl_setopt($this->_obj_curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $params); } if($this->_use_proxy) { curl_setopt($this->_obj_curl, CURLOPT_HTTPPROXYTUNNEL, 1); curl_setopt($this->_obj_curl, CURLOPT_PROXY, $this->_proxy); curl_setopt($this->_obj_curl, CURLOPT_PROXYUSERPWD, $this->_proxy_userpwd); } $return = curl_exec($this->_obj_curl); curl_close($this->_obj_curl); return $return; } private function _response($return) { if($return===false) { $this->_return_code = 500; return false; } $response = new SimpleXMLElement($return); if(isset($response->success)) { $this->_return_code = (int)$response->success['code']; $this->_remaining = (int)$response->success['remaining']; $this->_resetdate = (int)$response->success['resetdate']; } else { $this->_return_code = $response->error['code']; } switch($this->_return_code) { case 200: return true; break; default: return false; break; } unset($response); } private function _setProxy($proxy, $userpwd=null) { if(strlen($proxy) > 0) { $this->_use_proxy = true; $this->_proxy = $proxy; $this->_proxy_userpwd = $userpwd; } } } ?>